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Leonard Antonio M.

GEOG 104
Learning Reflection 4

In the progression of Geography throughout history, it is interesting to see how there has
been a shifting between co-opting and vilification of, not only Geography, but other fields of
studies as well by those in power.
A case for the vilification of the sciences would be how the Catholic Church, for example,
would persecute scientists, would release theories or studies subverting from their theological
teachings. This would go against their interest to spread Christianity. However they have the
capacity to co-opt different concepts to fit their narrative. For example, catastrophism as a
concept fits the biblical narrative of the formation of different landscapes, thus showing how
science can be co-opted to push for the interests of those in power. A clearer example of this is
the proponents of Lebensraum and social darwinism. These concepts were then used by those
in power–the Nazis–during the 1930s and 1940s. Environmental determinism is also a concept
initially to detract from social darwinism but again was used to rationalize colonialism of the
global south and exploitation of people in poverty.
The vilification of those in power can be seen more today. The Philippine government,
for example, maligns everyone who goes against them even when backed up by science and
credible sources. This has been seen time and time again. From the start of Duterte’s
presidency, he has been telling the Filipino non-stop lies that are intended to detract and spread
disinformation intended to plant disbelief in actual science. This has been emphasized during
this pandemic. It started from the president trying to say it has been under control and it’s not
that serious and until now that we are seven months deep in quarantine, there seems to be no
end in sight but lies and continuous lies and disinformation. For this administration it has been
always to preserve their stronghold, for the people in power to stay in power.

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