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Moldova State University

Faculty of Economic Sciences

Glossary of Economic Terms

Student: Ciobanu Zinaida

Groupe: FB2001

Advertising-a business that makes things knowngenerally or in public, esp. in

order to sell them.
Arbitrage- the method on the stockexchange of buying something in one place
and selling it in another place at the same time, in order to make a profit from
the difference in price in the two places
Auctions-a publicsale in which goods or property are sold to the person who
offers the most money
Average-the result you get by adding two or more amounts together and
dividing the total by the number of amounts.
Amortisation- the process of reducing a cost or total in regularsmallamounts
Appreciation-the act of recognizing or understanding that something is
valuable, important, or as described
Apply- to make a formal, usually written ,request for something ,especially a
job, a place to university or permission to do something.

Backwardation- a situation in which the price of a commodity (= a product,

such as oil or a metal, that is traded in largequantities) is lower if the buyer is to
receive the commodity at a futuredate than it is if the buyerreceives it
Bankruptcy - the inability to payyourdebts, or a particularexample of this,
involving the sale of yourproperty or some other arrangement to pay as much as
possible of the money you owe
Bear -An investor who thinks that the price of a particular security or class of
securities (shares, say) is going to fall; the opposite of a bull.
Banks- A company that accepts deposits and issues new loans. It makes profit
by charging more interest for the loans than it pays on the deposits, as well as
through various service charges. By issuing new loans (or credit), banks create
new money which is essential to promoting economic growth and job creation
Barter- A form of trade in which one good or service is exchanged directly for
another, without the use of money as an intermediary
Banks- A company that accepts deposits and issues new loans. It makes profit
by charging more interest for the loans than it pays on the deposits, as well as
through various service charges.
Bond- A financial security which represents the promise of its issuer (usually a
company or a government) to repay a loan over a specified time period, at a
specified rate of interest.
Balance of payments- this is the record of a country’s international financial
Banner- an advertisment that appears across the top of a page on the internet.
Boost- to increase something such as production ,sales or prices
Branch- an individual bank ,shop,office ,that is part of a large organisation
Brand- a name given to a product by a company so that the product can easily
be recognised by their name or design.

Capital-money and possessions, especially a largeamount of money used for
producing more wealth or for starting a new business
Central bank- the main bank in a country which issues notes and coins and
implements monetary policy.
Competition-the process by which firms selling similar products in the same
market achieve a larger share of the market
Current private transfers- transfers of money by individuals and firms to
other countries. It is part of the balance of payments on current account.
Consumer - A member of a household that spends on goods and services.
Carrier- a persoon or a company whose job is to transport goods from one
place to another.
Compensation- money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that
has been lost or damaged or for some problem.
Concept-a rule or idea saying how something should be done
Consigment- a quantity of goods delivered at the same time
Corruption-illegal, bad, or dishonestbehaviour, especially by people in
positions of power
Credit- a method of paying for goods or services at a later time, usually paying
interest as well as the original money
Coverage- the reporting of a particular important event or subject
Currency-the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time

Debt-something, especiallymoney, that is owed to someone else, or the state of
owing something
Deflation- the action of making something smaller by removing the air from
inside it; the fact of becomingsmaller in this way
Demand- to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not
expect to be refused
Depression- a period in which there is very little businessactivity and not many
Duopoly- a situation in which only two companiescontrol all the business in a
Decline-when something becomes less in amount, importance, quality,
or strength
Delivery- he act of taking goods, letters, parcels, etc. to
people's houses or places of work
Deposit- an amount of money that you pay as the first part of
the total payment for something
Despatch-to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for
a particular purpose
Dividend-(a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who
own shares in it
Downmarket- low in quality and cheap in price; relating to
or intended for people who are poor or not educated
Downturn- a reduction in the amount or success of something, such as a
country's economic activity
Entrepreneurship- skill in starting new businesses, especially when this
involves seeing new opportunities
Equity-the value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the
shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is
Emerging -Emerging nations/ countries/economies are countries, especially
those in Asia, Africa and South America, that are just starting to have influence
or power in trade, finance.
Endorse - to make a public statement of your approval or support for something
or someone
Etiquette -the formal rules for polite behaviour
Exchange- when you accept one thing in return for another
Expense -an amount of money that a business or organisation has to spend on

Fake-informal to make an exact copy of something, or invent figures or results,
in order to deceive people
Fall -a reduction in the amount, level, price, etc. of something
Flexible -A person, plan, etc. that is flexible can change or be changed easily to
suit any new situation.
Flyer -a small sheet of paper that is used to advertise something
Forecast - description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the
information that you have now
Fraud -a method of illegally getting money from a person or organisation, often
using clever and complicated methods

Grow -to increase in amount, size or degree
Headquarters -the head office or main building of an organisation
Hire - to employ a person or an organisation for a short time to do a particular
job for you

Incentive -something which is used to encourage people to do something,
especially to make them work harder, produce more or spend more money
Interest rate -the percentage rate used for calculating interest over a particular
period of time, usually one year
Interim -intended to be used or accepted for a short time only, until something
final can be made
Investment -when money is put into a business in order to make it more
successful and profitable, or the money that is put into a business
Invoice -a document sent by a seller to a customer with details of goods or
services that have been provided, their price and the payment date

Jobseeker- someone who is looking for a job (= job hunter)
Labor union -an organisation representing people working in a particular
industry or profession that protects their rights
Launch- an occasion at which a new product is shown or made available for
sale or use for the first time
Launder money/profits - to put money which has been obtained illegally into
legal businesses and bank accounts in order to hide where it was obtained
Level playing field -informal a situation in which different companies,
countries, etc. can all compete fairly with each other because no one has special
Liberalise -to make rules or controls on something less strict
Loan -money borrowed from a bank, financial institution, person, etc. on which
interest is usually paid to the lender until the loan is repaid
Logo - a design or way of writing its name that a company or organisation uses
as its official sign on its products, advertising, etc
Market- the activity of buying and selling goods or services, or the value of the
goods or services sold
Marketing - activities to design and sell a product or service by considering
buyers' wants or needs, for example where and how they will buy it, how much
they will be willing to pay, etc.
Merge -If two or more companies, organisations, etc. merge, or if they are
merged, they join together.
Merger -an occasion when two or more companies, organisations, etc. join
together to form a larger company, etc.
Outlet -a shop, company or organisation through which products are sold
Outsource -If a company, organisation, etc. outsources its work, it employs
another company to do it
Overtime - time that you spend working in your job in addition to your normal
working hours

Packaging - material, boxes, etc. used for wrapping goods to protect them, for
example because they are being taken somewhere
Profit margin -the difference between the price of a product or service and the
cost of producing it, or between the cost of producing all of a company's
products or services and the total sum they are sold for
Parent company - If one company is the parent of another, it owns at least half
the shares in the other company, and has control over it.
Partnership- a relationship between two people, organisations or countries that
work together
Patent -a legal document giving a person or company the right to make or sell a
new invention, product or method of doing something and stating that no other
person or company is allowed to do this
Peak - the time when prices, shares, etc. have reached their highest point or
Pitch - sales pitch informal what a sales person says about a product to persuade
people to buy it
Pricing -the prices of a company's products or services in relation to each other
and in relation to those of their competitors, and the activity of setting them
Production- the process of making or growing things to be sold as products,
usually in large quantities
Property - all the things that someone owns 2 land and buildings, and the
activity of buying, selling and renting them (= real estate)
Prototype -the first form that a newly designed car, machine, etc. has
Purchase -the act of buying something

Qualification - an examination that you have passed at school, university or in
your profession
Quarterly - happening or produced once every three months
Quote-to tell a customer the price you will charge them for a service or product

Rate - a charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale
Real estate -1 land or buildings
2 the business of selling land or buildings
Recession -a period of time when an economy or industry is doing badly, and
business activity and employment decrease. Many economists consider that
there is a recession when industrial production falls for six months in a row.
Recover - to increase or improve after falling in value or getting worse
Recovery- when prices increase, or when the economy grows again after a
period of difficulty
Recruitment - the process or the business of recruiting new people
Redundancy -especially when someone loses their job in a company because
the job is no longer needed
Reliable - Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or depended on.
Requirement- something that an official organisation says a company or person
must have or do
Reschedule - to arrange a new time or date for a meeting or event
Resignation -when someone officially states that they want to leave their job,
position, etc.
Retail - the sale of goods to customers for their own use, rather than to shops,
Revenue -(also revenues) money that a business or organisation receives over a
period of time. especially from selling goods or services
Reward - to give someone something such as money because they have done
something good or helpful

Sample - a small amount of a product that people can use or look at in order to
find out what it is like
Saving -the act of keeping money to use later rather than spending it
Segment - a part of the economy of a country or a company's work
Share - one of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided
Shareholder -someone who owns shares in a company
Shortlist -a list of the most suitable people for a job or a prize, chosen from all
the people who were first considered
Sponsors- to give money to pay for a television programme, a sports or arts
event, training, etc. in exchange for advertising or to get p ublic attention
Stake -money risked or invested in a business
Supply -an amount of something that is available to be sold, bought, used, etc.
Target-a result such as a total, an amount or a time which you aim to achieve
Teaser - an advertisement intended to get people's attention for advertisements
that will come later or products that will be available later
Transaction -1 a payment, or the process of making one
2 a business deal
Trial - a legal process in which a court of law examines a case to decide
whether someone is guilty of a crime
Turnaround -the time between receiving an order for goods, dealing with it
and sending the goods to the customer
Tycoon -someone who is successful in business and industry and has a lot of
money and power
Tip - a piece of advice about what is likely to happen, for example about which
shares are likely to go up or down in value

Unfair -not giving a fair opportunity to everyone
Upgrade -to make a computer, machine, program, etc. better and able to do
more things
Upmarket -involving goods and services that are expensive and perhaps of
good quality compared to other goods, etc. of the same type, or the people that
buy them
Upturn - an increase or improvement in the level of something

Vacancy -a job that is available for someone to start doing
Voice mail -an electronic system on your telephone that lets you leave
messages for people who phone you when you are not available, and lets them
leave messages for you
Volatile -A volatile market, situation, etc. changes quickly and suddenly, for
example rising and falling without much warning.
Value -the amount of money something is worth

Wage -money that someone earns according to the number of hours, days or
weeks that they work, especially money that is paid each week
Warehouse - a large building used for storing goods in large quantities
Workforce -all the people who work in a particular country, industry or factory

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