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In my own perspective, the article in Lesson 5- readings that I found closely relate to our topic which is Business Ideas that Almost
Never Got Off the Ground is the article of REDDIT. Just like any online platforms out there, REDDIT nearly failed because no one
visited nor interact in their website. Nevertheless, the “zero visitor” status didn’t stop them, instead, this motivates the whole team of
REDDIT to come up with an idea that paved the way to their success, that is, they created fake accounts and fake discussions that
eventually attracts visitors. They never take the “zero visitor” status seriously because they know that it’s not permanent and that they
can do something about it. The founders or the whole team of REDDIT never gave up on what they started. They are persistent that
what they are doing will make a change in the future and it is, now.

According to Confucius, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall”. This quote can relate to what
REDDIT experienced. The way they started may not be good but what matter the most is that they never gave up. Along the way,
there are ups and downs most especially during the first operation of business or an online platform. These failures that every
entrepreneur encountered must not take them down instead they must know how to use it as their advantage just like what REDDIT
did. The “zero visitor” status enables the founders to come up with an idea that brought a great impact to REDDIT, to their online
platform. They really push through what they started and they did everything they can even it takes them to create a fake accounts and
fake discussions. Look where REDDIT now stand, it currently one of the world’s most popular online platforms with more than 169
million unique visitors per month. As long as the whole team is persistent and determined, patient and courageous, success will

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