1.what Are Various Approaches of Knowing ? Explain With Example

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Assignment 1

Research Methodology

Submitted by:Yubaraj singh Bit 6th semester

1.What are various approaches of knowing ? Explain with example.

Basically there are four way of knowing and they are:

 Tenacity
 Authority
 Intuition
 Scientific Method


Method of
knowing intuition

Scientific method

Fig: method of knowing

I. Tenacity refers to their perception regarding to their truth. Many people be on bandwagon as
everyone are consent with the truth idea. Just like many people says about Ramayana as true
even though there is not enough evidence.
II. Authority: Based on people power or possession or position , things may be taken as legit and
trustworthy . When people knows and believe based on high ranking officer.
III. Intuition: This is based on the human perception and personal physic. Based on natural
inclination things are perceived and known. They might be the major cause of malpractices and
superstition belief.
IV. Scientific method: this method are based on the scientific study which consist of all the trail and
error and comes the conclusion. Major facts like sun rises from east, earth is round are some
example of scientific method.
2.What is research? Why is it necessary in IT field?

The literal meaning is search again .

Accroding to F.N.Kerlinger : “Research is a systematic , controlled, empirical and critical investigation

of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena”

Meanwhile according to According to D.Slesinger and M.Stephenson in the encyclopedia of social

science, “ Research is the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of
generalizing , to extent, correct or verify knowledge whether that knowledge aids in construction of
theory or in practice of art.”

Importance in IT field :

 They play a vital role in all aspects of the society. The computing power and the
information revolution is transforming the society. For example, computers are
being taught how to learn, so that they can be interacting with human beings. To
take it further extent, we need large scale of research so that all the data being
generated can be put in to use.
 For knowing the consumer about new technology
 To improvise new technology
 To innovate new technology
 To see the impact on IT field in society it is very important
 It saves a lot of resources and time for proceeding new work

3.What are various features of research? Expalin.

Various features of research are as follows:

Features of research

Control Biased reproducible

Objective Generalizability free systematic

Fig: features of research

I. Objective: Research is object oriented and it gives and answer the research questions. In
addition it requires the formulation of hypothesis.
II. Control: A good research must be controllable. Its must be controlling its variable otherwise it
will be more error prone /biased or faulty.
III. Generalizability: Research findings can be applied to larger population. As researcher
can conduct a research on a sample of respondents that represent the universe.
IV. Main feature is that it must be bias free and they shouldn’t be influence or inclined towards any
agendas or other external factor
V. They are reproducible, other researcher can reproduce seeing the references of other work
and start from there.
VI. Likewise they must be replicable and logical in nature.

4.Discuss various approaches of definition of research .

Different approaches on defining research are as follows

 According to Waltz and Bansell (1981). Research is a systematic, formal, rigorous and precise
process employed to gain solutions to problems or to discover and interpret new facts and
 According to The Merriam- (Webster online Dictionary). A studious inquiry or examination,
especially; investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts,
revision of accepted theories or law in the light of new facts or practical application of such new
or revised theories or law.
 Longman Dictionary of contemporary English .(1997) Research as a serious study of a subject
that is intended to discover new facts or test ideas.
 According to Kothari (2006). Research is a pursuit of trust with the help of study, observation,
comparison and experiment, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method
of finding solutions to a problem.

 According to Payton (1979). Research is the process of looking for a specific question in
an organized, objective, reliable way.

 Kerlinger (1873). Research is a systematic controlled, empirical and critical investigation

of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena.

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