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JET ATRWAYS CO LTD. B NAVIGATION, MA TLO PILOT COU sNETISM, INSTRUME. RADIO AIDS TEST 1) The actual deift is measured from 2 c)Track made good to heading QAOB Bic Cw stance 135mm. ance 150 stm + = distance 180 kms <>.» a)The distance from C to Dis more than others 1b) The distance from B to C is more than others ice from A to B is more than others v 3) M B737 and B747 are flying alony, Track 090'at Mach 70. Both are ex same wind *vay Drift experienced by both will be same b) 737 being a lighter aircraft will experience more drift than ©) 747 being a Leavier aireraft will experience more drift than 737% Periencing the 4) If Sunset occurs on a given day wt 1800 LMT at 23°00°N $0°00'E Sunset will occur ‘on the same day at 23°00°N 75°00"E 2 ) 1900 hrs LMT a 671700 brs EMT" eee 5) An aircraft leaves TANGO 40°00'N 75°00°W alon rack 000° and flies for 1000 NM, then 1000 NM along TR 270°, then 1000 NM along TR. 180° and finally 1000 NM along Ti 090°. ‘The position reached will be 2 a) Tango b) East of Tango ; x 10) West of Tango 2 d) none correct SN \O meter is basically a) an electrical instrument : oe = ©) a gyroscopic instrument ~C) & pressure instrument d) none correct » 2) An aircraft leaves Papa 00°00'S 165°15°W at 9700 LMT along a track of 270" and flies is for 1500nm ata ground speed of $00kts and reaches Quebeek.. What is the pos Quebeck ? What is the LMT of arrival at Quebeck 9 6 ek ie = 8) Variation of a place is # a) constant b) increases with time ©) decreases with time 4) increases or decreases with time 9) A projection is orthomoxphic and conformal when 2 ®) meridians and parallels interseet at right ancfes b) seale for small areas is correct ©) both 10) In Lambert's Conformal Conic projection 2 a) meridians and parallels intersect at right ancles parallels are ares of concentri¢ eireles boi 2 11) Mercator's projection is used for 2 8) Radio navigation charts sb) D. R. navigation charts ©) Polar navigation charts 12) VOR ean work on frequency of a) 121.5 Miz b) 14.5 ke ©) 333 MHz” si) none correct 13) RADAR stands for Pedic. Pedeahen Rd Forges w 14) The range of a VOR will be a) maximum when flying over the sea ) When standard atmosnhiere is prevailing indicated ‘tsstu will be the same. . {true Altitude 40) Ona flight from MUMBAI to PUNE track 140° you wi a) FL 100 : b) FL 105 c) FL 110 Ors os » |e « TRALNING CENTRE JET AIRWAYS FLIGHT DESPATCHER’S COURSE DATED TEST ‘Time : Lhour 30 Mins = Marks: 100 Q.1. Tick the correct/most appropriate answer, a)Magnetic Variation is: he difference between true and compass heading The difference between Magnetic and compass heading \_-Aii) The difference between true and magnetic heading b)The difference between TMG and Track required is called )Crab angle ii)Ffack Error iii)Drift’ iy) Wind Effect * A flight from 12'S to 8 N represents a chat ( dat) of DAS G4 N GipON iy)208-—5- inns d)Vector triangle that is solved by the computer has the following sides :- i) Heading , Track &Wind direction Hoop tenis ‘TRK TAS, Heading & Ground Speed, Wind speed and Wind direction. \_ diijileading & TAS, Track & Ground Speed, Wind Direction and Speed. iv) None of the above is correct. e)The best frequency for long range communication is: ike a) VHF b) LF c) HF d) UHF. 2). |@Drift is the angle between: a) Track rerquired and Track made good by True Heading and Track made good ¢) All the above are correct. 2) J0The track from A (85S 175\W) to B (85S 175E) is: \ A270. b) 090 c) 180 d) 360 ; y AAC an airfield of elevation 300ft. the QFE is 1002hp, the QNH wil : a)992 KP, b) 1013.2 HP. c)1002 ore hp. Qu. ose the Most appropriate Answer a) Shortest distance between the two points on a sphere is: ‘)the smaller are of the rhumb line passing through them. Jijthe smaller are of the great circle passing throug’ them, ili)the straight line joining them, 'b) A Small Cirele is one i)whose plane is parallel to any great circle. whose centre is away from the sphere, y_Damliose centre and radius are not those of the sphere, ¢)The relief in a map is normally indicated as: M pe a)Contour, Spotheight, Hachures \_ Pi€ontour, Spotheight, Layer tinting ©)Contour, Hachures , Layer tinting " et 47A straight line is a G/C in a)Mercators b)Lamberts ¢)Ga6monic d)Stereographic Projections i e)ln a mercators,scale is correct along \ a)the latitude at which the scale is chosen _ OAS tithe equator <> : ’ the central ap ee ne ei When the local date and LMT are23hrs 15mts along 40 W, wha. oo = Ag local date and time at 80 E. 29Falil, ons e line from easterly longitude to Westerly ) While crossing international dat longitudes a)Date need not be changed b)One day has to be added \_ Sone day has to be subtracted - §)Given RAS 240k, PA 15,000 the TAS would be (by mental DR) ) F805 b)275. ¢)340 4) 325 ; i)The D.R. Position and Ground position would be same when \_-aiforeeast wind and actual wind are the same. b)Air position and ground position@@the same. me ‘i ©)Actual winds increase. ‘ d) Forecast winds increase. * Bs me As peck pee j)Au observer at dhe Equator will have the sun overhead a)once a year ayear <)four times a year d)Never K)A Great Circle on a Lamberts iin a direction other that North South isa a)Straight Line b)Curve Convex to the nearer pole 1 2)Curve Concave to parallel of origin, 1)Factors affecting the visible rising and settings of SUN are \-)Latitude, Declimations,height b)Longitude,latitude, b ¢)Longitude,Declimation,height _m)A polar stereographic projection is preferred to a polar Gnomonic because a)distortion is less Adit is orthomorphic c)scale is constant n)A Rhumb Line is a a)Straight line on the surface of the earth. _ ja curve whose plane passes through the equator. Both 15. Dip is avoided in a magnetic compass by a) Using anumber of magnets b) Damping wires <2} Pendulous suspension of the magnet system 6. Inan orthomorphie and conformal projection a) Meridians and parallels intersect at right angles b) Scale for small areas is constant ns Both 17. ARhumb line isa straight line in 8) Lamberts projection by Mercators projection c) Gnomonic projection 1A. On topographical maps high ground is shown by a) Contour lines “bY Spot heights ¢) Hill shading mete Seat Z| a ee ye Ue ey Hot Acar ye es : . — Spee, Aialaect 2 20. dio navigation charts are based on e 2 Cole = a) Mercators projection ‘Lambérts projection c) IMPP 21. Ifyou have @ Headwind, the CPt will be a) Midway act} Nearer to destination c) ‘Nearer to base A pinpoint is obtained by a) + Radio \4Y Visual observation ©) Both 23. V2is 2) ‘The max speed at which you can reject T.O, MAY The take off safery speed to be reached by 35 ftin a ctitical take off 24. Clearways are those areas clear of obstacles eee Beyond the RYW b) Beyond the stopway ©) Beyond the threshold 25. TODA equals a) RAV x) R/W + clearway ©) RW + stopway on few 1 Tenet f | 2655 Vicg on any aircraft depends upon ce j a) Configuration by Thrust | c) Both ~ on) When the elevation at end of R/W is more than beginning you have a a) Mid slope b) Negative slope <9) Positive slope 28. Vs depends upon a) Weight of aircraft b) Configuration V2) Both ©) The rotation speed when you raise lax srereee Coes pr hehe % 29. Total moments + Total weight gives a) Length of the aircraft z 2 b) Centre of pressure 5) — Centre of gravity 6 Flying at 5000 ft OAT + 15°C, atmospheric conditions are a) ISA Vb) ISA+10 : ce) ISA+15 "eis 31. Inthe NH winds will be a) Clockwise around a low \by — Anticlockwise around a low c) Sometimes clockwise and sometimes anticlockwise around a low 32. Atmospheric pressure a) Increases with height sb} Decreases with height c) Someiimes increases and sometimes decreases with height Total stability prevails when a)...« Unsaturated airswhen lifted up comes'backo its original position +: \) — Saturated air when lifted up comes back to its original position c) Both G4) Geostrophie wind is the result of \-4j Balance between pressure gradient and geostrophic forees: b) Balance between pressure gradient and cyclostrophic forces ©) -Balance between geostrophic and eyclostrophic forces 35. Radiation fog occurs oP) olin tuscan teeienine b) In the early evening ec) Atany time of the day Dangers of thunderstorms are a) ~ Severe turbulence: b) Damage due ice pallets c) Icing All the above 37. Generally surface winds in summer in Mumbai in the afternoons will be a) Easterly 15000 to 4s000n e from Qa1. The eyclone near Japan & Philipines x. Hurricane Willy Willy Typhoon d. TER < Q42. Anatatic wind blows a. Down the mountain slopes Up the mountain slopes © Over desert d Neur aretic plains Q43. MOCA is to be indicated as a, 10000 so00 tuoA e 4000 a MmeRh Qaa, Ona Mercator chart the scale 045, The chumb line track and distance to (60 deg n 170 deg, B} froin B (60. deg N 175 W) is na 090 deg (7) and 450 RM GD 270 deg (7) and 450 NM c. _090-deg {T} and 900 NM d. 270 deg (T) and 780 NM 046. Effcet of compressibility error on ASI Increases with a/c speed at any F.L. b. Increascs with u/c speed with forease of FL, = & Increases with a/¢ speed with decrease of F. L If the static line to the instrument is completely blocked and the aircraft es off under this condition what will be the effect on ASI? a) Under read b. Over reael Cc. Read correctly None ofthe abrve G58. Rigitiity of the spinning axis of a ‘Gyroscope can be increased by- a. Increasing the spccd of the aireraft -) Increasing the specd of spin and mass of the rotor & Frequently resetting the Gyro d. Flying according to the Oyro 59 DGI necds resetting inf Rigidity of G: Wander of Gyr Covelficient A, Be ¢ d. Turbulent weather ght due to ope Q50. Maximum variation occurs Between the magnetic and geographic poles b. At magnetic cquator & Between the magnetic meridian and compas needie d. ALAS deg C North or South = te ee eee ek — .- = QS}, Press) altimeter when set to 41.2 Mls + ‘a. Truc altitude of the aircraft above M1 1 Truc altitude of the-aircrafl above ground level Density attitude of aircraft Pressure altitude - Q52. Parallels of latitude arc a. Great circles Rhumb line c. Rhumb and great circle d. Both {b) and (¢} are = 4. The smalicr an® of equator between prime meridian and the meri ¢ place is Latitude of the place cm aangitude of the p ic Altitude of the place : vopreserlE 54. The ratio between map iength and the actual distanc it called a. ‘Specific ratio @D Scale of the map Representative faclinn— Q55, Rhumb linc is a straighi line” “ Mercator Db. Lamberts = c. Polar Gnomonic d. Gnomonic ee i Q 56. The chart is exactly orthomorphic by projection. a. Meroaier Mere=tor b. Lamberts €>Polar sterographic d. Transverse Mercator Q57. From A (60 S 120E} to B (60S GOW) the initial track by shortest distance will be a. 270 deg b 090 deg 25) 180 der B00deg y a. QS8. The Tx operating on 11" band the radio wavcs will tavel as a Ground wave GP Sky wave €. Direct wave or spave wave ¢ 10H =1 Ne b, 112-118 Mhz €, 328-335 whe taining same TAS descends, Mach no,will Decrease ¢. Remaias same Q60. A/C mai a. Increase Crops Q36. On actual Earth the Equatorial diameter » compared to polar diameter is more by 27 statute miles less by 27 nautical miles c. _ less by 27 statute miles d, more by 27 nautical miles Q37. The instrument, which uses the property u is a. Slip indicator bC antificial Horizon c. Turn and bank indicator gidity of a gyro Q38. If QFE is set in Altimeter, the instrument after landing will “show a. Airfield clevation b. Pressure altitude Zero Q39. Radio Altimeter will indicate accurately below pe S000f b, — 19000f = 30000ft Q40. Most of the ILS installed in Indian airfield arc of a. Category 3 b. Category 2 $7 Category 1 ay ee b Del ant U bee > Treek z AG. "reg pir ad 350(r), “DHth 5 oe HA compass dedi ni es 384 w) as¢ @) 4, 46 OnE 1S lomebe 2, 3280 (F Q) el Equater only ied? Pole cdg Bes aldol, : fe oy tlave ‘om Th Ses. cy fort The 4 [ue om: Th ee Suvae ac seep dis unnl= a, eka () Preezies Poine ey Riese wee C5 once Snes [= @) Glead Tee Waist anak Lewd po Abs tem Teas aes ©) G50 onl so (h) fir euk Bo t a ae ty lege eA GD eae eRe Sarre Te A Gc wobec ft fal with cpio fre rel ot ® wl wetgd €) 5 000 toy. at. The leach veld er ey 1.6.6 ORS Pee stan Us. 4) >" : €) C2 5e ls ane cows wel Ane on) satelite Seunee poss Aven UN AG See (k) fia speed eae ale ©) Rie cad Sard fea uke Ccs of th tae SI Che um [rock | ; Tea Si ce a ass » &) 234 we ©) 204 WS Meas Fre eh Pie i th ole’ ce obond Tt A Go'N 1 galls of Gbrtide Ta te cl eS &) 216 NM Tews eget se * |) Ao eco Ket | ake mone ae "Gt gels bul —usikeone ng Ry chee Sas @) VLE ; by) VF » ©) Ub @) swe 8) Gy Fe daft se + ©) Mavi mar nie Pole By May tom af cgarabiy ©) tenet FE geod a Aad €) these te dirk malcom t) thir & Rase @inis cuba Po ND Besa! y 4 efrrebe +t Aa) F TF WRU (i 3 © 3oMW ee €) nev He © gor @) vio We. te \y7se M2 a en 2k 67) 2) Jun te SUN: » doaethy Chr ea \ onan oheerviv . Thy Aabvtis *, tty observer j WP eriiow Ln ack Galt winth. Pom % dent vathy ole ctk by CY che mes ti SO) Saud Ut” Menlo an Beene Mote e Mon fon gy Ny Ea (Nbnohen 5 Sachs oe Jatin Sep PESers Lave Ae con, urea io ©) three e © Fauy ) five Be Gin ae iecces a ANG. le pnnrber + Pape «pe lake dake ©) Ewe alg ents Aas» + ee @ colette Fre eNotes) (eee © Meoe of 1 ohove Tle Loco Mean tie ol Gal calle BB"20 E ) a €) 1000 lag cH i: a ) te 1b obeve. & 000 , air featl ches eo0t ANY ail ED) eae? th eal? Hi Mab fassiliatteee, Lemans * e Wealy om tie [rm es le = ; ; i fs Hee RY, lee ile a teh Bs ot2y MPN? Goutal Pepe leee sya = 4 tia. stig PUB ster: Sfires goploe py ie Es @) Ottwelin ly usta sis &) oth res pr € by fs evan ©) ore oo The meee plan” ae CIN Ci ons om sde “7 €) wel te lenin geceny Cece We Comvir See oy © ae Ve es Set wake hee cules, ont leaned lea & a) Le, (ey eA €) Pete Se aire ip Tieton tice oped em frre Ee gf Tw — rie elas Imdunses invert Ak dy Quetes ; @) Ne chinge de eee sre ccs Peon, TAS 200 5) / [v.°70/30, TB 92 eal Speedos ©) 18st ©) \8¢ ee Aer thy @) we yk 2A 6 Pkt a 370, out rl oy ee ; THEE te Ton Aol es : é) Nelo: a ®) plas O° OY plas 29° OY Pimus ee XC. The Peeled drelyess frequent cng — mS hack Cede. Bade MYA of Teale ee Soret cs : @) brs Y- &) Vert Aan . @) AL 20} O° AN Gok dvds. "= 90) & tt Wade, igo > om IE IEA spiel OWE I sire rAS Es 5| SRS =e ieee) nae ‘ NEY) 26 os tp lee teen CPi cy le Gave = Wee, Poeun mallee: &) Shy Wave Prprgelienn. O shee arrved © Deel- P20 P95 Sao nee. pene ( ECA orepag cl... 2 gn Fame 1. HE communication provides Cores —— a. line of sight communication only , long range communication and is bighly reliable compared to VHF ©. short range communication and is oot higlily reliable because it depends upon ionospheric condition od. long range communication ° 2. An aircraf fies at a speed of 340 miles per hour, The distance covered in 18 mimute is: & 110 miles *b. 102 miles c. 170 miles d. none of the above 3. Automatic Direction finder is #2. Medium fequeacy navigational sid i tiequency navigational aid ©. Wery high Gequency navigational aid 4, International date line is a. 180" longitude b. The Grecnwich Meridian ©. O Latinde 5. For Mapping and Navigation, Earth is divided into a total off a. 180° of Longitudes and 90"of Latitudes « 4b. 360%of Longitudes and 180'of Latitudes 3. 24°F Lbngitudes and 18°F Latitudes, 6 Indinn Standard Time bas taken the refercace longimde as 2, Greenwich Meridian b. 77°30! East Loogitude. +e. 82°30' East Longitude 7 Revolution of Earth around Sun and inclination ofits axis causes a. Day and Night “0, Seasons * ©, none of the above 8. 400 Meteris equali=” a. 16840 inches b. 14400 inches <6. 15744 inches 2 Ef drift is starboard to the course to obtain tract: b. Wisadded to the track to obtain course ©. Track is greater than course +d, both a and’ e are comroct VL. The width of airways and advisory routes in India will be @. 10 am aver land and 20 nm over sea eb. 20 nm over land and 40 nm over cea © 30 nm over land and 600m oversea 12. The projection widely used in India for map reading is 4 a. Mercator b. IMPP »c. Lamberts’ 13. ‘Standard atmospberie pressure et sea level is 8, 1013.2 bp b. 29.92 inches off ©. 760 mm of mer ed. Allthe above are correct 14. ight level 150, calibrated airspecd 160 kts, the True airspeed is approximately, a. 182 kas, +b. 202 kas, © 192 kts, 15. Marker beacons form the part of. a. GCA b. VOR ac ILS d DME 1S. Oa actual Earth the Equatorial diameter as compared :o polar diameter is *& more by 27 stamute miles J be less by 27 nautical miles & lessby 27 statutcmiles: ie . 1d. Bioce By 27 naitigal mates” Viv Magnetic track 272° vasiation 2 west, Deciation East, the rue track is a, 268° ®b. 270° © 274° d. none of the above 18. Local mean time is +3. UTC + Lougitude East correction b, UTC- Loogitude East correction © UTC + Longinude West correction d. both b and ¢ are correct 19. 20, 21. 23. 24, 25 Ef QFE is set in altimeter, the instrument after landing will show 8. Airfield elevation b. Pressure altitud art, Zero In Turn and Slip indicator, the-axis of rotation of gyro is, *q. Vertical +b. Horizontal c. bothe and c Polar Stereographic projection is used in preference to polar gnomonic projection because: a. Seale is constant Chart is orthomo ¢, Great ciscle is straight line in polar stereographic sagth is 30 me the frequency of ths rio ¥ a, 10 KHz rob, 10M 1 Mhz Mark the correct answer, 22. QDM is the Magnetic bearing to the station and QDR is the mhignetic bearing from the statiod’ b. QTEis the Magnetic bearing to the station ¢, QTEis the True bearing to the station 2 d. QTEis the Magnetic bearing from the station Regarding Gyro's a. at pole drift is minimum b. al cquator drift is maximum. c. at pole topple is maximum od. at cquator topple is maamum Distance from Txto a point, where Girst sky wave is received is known as a, Dead space +b. Skip distance c. Multi bop propogation 26. The speed of sound is 4. 340 metres/sec, b. 662 nmhour © 3x10 metrestsee ad. both sand b arc correct 27. Insttumncat which indicates the altitude of an aizeraft ‘sed pneumatic signal(s) from: #8. Static pressure b, Dynamic pressure (associated with speed of airerait) ¢. Static aid namic pressure d. Static or dynamic pressure 28. Runway 10 means: mis 100 True 10 Truc 8. 126.4 MATZ b. 121.5 MATZ ©.243 MHTZ od. both band c arc correct ’ 30. 100 Nautical Miles arc equal to a. 160 Km, eb, 185 Km, ©. 53 Km COMMERCIAL PILOTS LICENCE AIR REGULATIONS EXAMINATION 1. Aerial work aircraft is a public transport aircraft a. True ® False 2. An Indian registered aircraft operating asa charter to Singapore shall have registration markings of INDIA b. SINGAPORE c, SINGAPO.RE WHILE. IN SINGAPORE d. EXEMPTED FROM REGISTRATION AS ITIS NOTA SCHEDULED FLIGHT . Period of validity of a FRTO licence is . one year b. two y ©) five years d, three years. p 4. Cabin crew is a member of flight crew a. True False 5. A licence holder who has on sick leave for 16 days can exercise the privilege of the licence when 7 He is declared fit by a competent medical authority b. When declared fit by the company Doctor ¢. When declared fit by his personal doctor d. . when declared fit by civil surgeon 6. Journey log book are to be maintained in respect of a. Public Transport aircraft b, Private aircraft c. Scheduled flights @ All aircraft 7.A flight instructor will log flight time as @ Pilot in command b. 80 %of flight time of the PIC c¢. 50% of the flight time of the PIC d. No flight time 8. Instrument Approach Charts form part of &. Operations manual route guide ¢. Manufacturers manual d, Operators circular 9. For carrying a prisoners on board permission from @)DGCA b. DGP of the state c. Judicial Magistrate d. District Collector must be obtained 10. An aircraft on landing had a tyreburst, it is a @ notifiable incident b. notifiable accident c. need not be notified if the tyres can be replaced immediately d. notified after replacing the tyres 11. A flight cruising at F170 at perfect VMC can cancel IFR plan a. True @) False 12, If the Sunrise at VOTP where night operations are not allowed, is 0540 IST, the latest time by which an aircraft movement can take place is @) 0525 b. 0510 ©. 0540 = d. 0610 13.A Helicopter belonging to an American Resident can undertake aerial crop dusting operations a, true ®vfalse 14Series of White flashes to an aircraft on ground indicate a.aircraft is cleared to taxi b aircraft is cleared to takeoff @ aircrafi to return to the starting point daircrafi to clear taxi tack 1S5.1FR and VER fights are provided with standard separations in Cat D airspace a. True (6) False 16.ATC clearance an acknowledgement of the Fi; @ijis an authority to proceed under stipulated conditions upto the limits specified ¢ .is Air Defence identification d is an authority for the operator to operate a flight 17.ATC can be asked to give a priority to a delayed scheduled flight a. True ©)False 18. The ETA of 9w351 at VIDP is 1120 and the EA Tis 1130 ittakes 8 minutes for the instrument approach to be completed. 9W351 will commence instrument approach at < A120 B.128 ©1130 D.11L38 19.Operating the additional flight by a scheduled operator does not require any authorisation from the DGCA a.True false 20,Controlled airspaces in India are a. Cal F @®catD 2 Cat le d, Cat D and E 4], Differences in respectof ICAO standards.are notified in @alr b.AIC c.NOTAM d.CAR 39. InCAT IIIA ILS approach theRVIE minima is a, 350M @® 200M ¢ 550M d O meteres 23. Met minima fora circling, approach will be @bigher than that ofa precision approach b.same as the precision approach c.less than the precision approach 12. ifthe Sunrise at a, 0540 IST, the latest time: bi place is @) 0525 b. 0510 c, 0540 d. 0610 13.A Helicopter belonging to an American Resident can undertake acrial crop dusting operations a. true ®vfalse 14Series of White flashes to an aircrafi on ground indicate a.aircraft is cleared to taxi b aircraft is cleared to takeoff raft to return to the starting point ircraft to clear taxi track @ da ISAPR and VFR fights are provided with standard separations in Cat D airspace a. True ® False 1G.ATC clearance @ Specified cis Air Defence identification d is an authority for the operator to operate a flight 4 17.ATC can be asked to give a priority to a delayed scheduled flight a, True (©) False 4 3 .is an acknowledgement of the Flightplan an authority to proceed under stipulated conditions upto the limits Phil Asc here night operations are not Bt allowed is which an aircraft movement can take is 1120 and the EAT is 11301 takes cach to be completed. 18. The ETA of 9w351 at VIDP § minutes for the instrument appr 9351 will commence instrument approach at AAN20 B.1128 @1130 D138 additional flight by a scheduled operator does not 19.Operating the {rom the DGCA require any author isation a.True False 20.Controlled airspaces in India are a. Cat F @)Ca D ¢, Cat E d. Cat D and E 21. Differences in respectof ICAO standards.are notified in @arr b.ALC c.NOTAM d. CAR \ 59 InCAT IIIA ILS approach the WE minima is d 0 meteres 23. Met minima for a circling appr oach will be @higher than that ofa precision approach ‘b.same as the precision approach c.less than the precision approach fool? d.5 kilometeres 24. A local training flight being conducted at 1500ft need not have ADC = a.true false 25. An aircraft incident over VANP encountered by @ flight from VOMM to VIDP will be reported to the Regional Air safety Officer of theDGCA In Mumbai Region b. In Chennai Region c. In Delhi Region d. Need not be reported 26, MDA should always be @higher blower than OCA 27.An ILS approach can be continued upto DA even when RVR fails below the minima a. true B) .false i © siesta 28.Met minima applicable to Je Auayays are contained in @ annexure | b. bAnnexure Il of Operational Circulars 6/99 of DGCA 29. to a.amount of fuel required to fly 30mnts at the alternate aerodrome after crossing destination aerodrome i @amount of fuel required to fly 45 mnts a the alternate aerodrome after crossing the destination make one approach at the destination and proceed to the alternate, hold at alternate for 30 mnts at 1S00ft and make a instrument approach d.amount of fuel required for making at alternate aerodrome. he minimum fuel and oil to be carried by an ATR72 should cater instrument approach on arrival 30. A pilot on final approach to land observes 3 white and one red lights of PAPI will touch down at 1 correct touch down point 3 @a point afier crossing the normal touch down point c.a point well before the beginning of the runway d.a point beyond the landing end of the runway 31.A Displaced threshold lights are @Green b. Blue ce. While ri d.Red 4 in colour 32.Standard Instrument procedures are notified in @ ale q i b. CAR. 6 c. AIC mh d. D.Air Safety circulars at 33. Maximum number of hours a pilot can fly in a week is a.24 hours (©30 hours ¢.42 hours 4.48 hours 34. India is Signatory a. International Air Transport Agreement © International Air Transit Agreement ce. Both aandb d. D.neither anor b 35.1Log books shall be preserved for yee ©. one year @ 5 years from the date of last entry 36.ATS route W20 can be flown by only by @ domestic aircraft b. International aircraft c. both id. military flights 37. A restricted area in Kolkatta Region is indicated by the prefixed alphabets @VER bVED eVOR d KOR 38. ICAO code for the tirupathi aerodrome is a. CHTP b. IXTP © vote d. TROP 39. Arriving aircraft will change altimeters setting to a.QNH after crossing Trans Altitude b. 1013.2 after crossing Transition level © QNH afier crossing Transition level QFE after crossing transition altitude 40. For acquiring rating of an aircraft type a pilot can fly on scheduled flight to Colombo under the supervision of an instructor a true @false 41. Operational control is exercised by a. Aerodrome Controller ¢ Operator his designated representative c. The DGCA d. AAI 42.An aircraft maintaining a wack of 040degrees ona VOR at 5 NM from VOR maintaining FL330 is deemed to be separated from another aircraft on Radial 055 degrees at |10nm from VOR maintaining FL330 . True a © False at cet a nt erm 43.Visual Approach is deemed to be @part of instrument appreach b.a VFR approach to be conducted that the visibility is 5 KMs or more ¢, an approach by Special VFR Flight d. an approach to be conducted for separating arriving and departing, flights 44.In the followingNotam A. 0024/03 NOTAM N (A)VOKP (B)0307240300(C)0308240300 EST (E)TVOR IDENT KKP 115.4Mhz and COLOCATED DME CH101X withdrawn due installation of DVOR itis indicated that DVOR a. will be available 03001ST of 24" August 2003 b. will be available from 0830ISTof the 24" JULY 2003 ¢. is likely to be available from O300IST of 24" August 2003 @ is likely to be available from 0830 IST of 24 August 2003 45. The same Notam is a. of International significance pertaini KOLKATTA bof domestic significance only as it pertains t o the domestic station near chennai ¢. of International sign Chennai TMA d. of International si to a location near ficance pertaining to a navigational aid in nificance pert ing to KOLAPUR VOR 46.The Met Minima required at an aerodrome is visibility 2400m. The indicates visibility observation as 2000m.As the PIC delegated with operational control, you will a take offexercising 10% to the filed n b. will advise the ATC to change the visibility observation as 2500m the departure will be delayed for improvement of visibility d the flight can take off as the TAFOR indicates vis. as 6km during the period. 47.An Indian Airl a civil flight b. military flight Q@scheduled flight d. nat categorised nes on a wet charter to IAF is a 48.11 is necessary that all airerafi including for the Certificate of Airworthiness on board a. True © False airlines carry 49.A. Singapore airlines flight commander ona Night from Mumbai to Delhi will carry FRTO (restricted) issued by the DGCA, India. @ True b. False. 50..A flight Instructor of an aeroplane must have minimum @ acpi b, a PPL c. an SPL d, a FRTOL. Qs. Qs2. Q53 Qs4 Q55 Qs6 PCN is related to ACN TRUE b, FALSE’ “The requirement of Flight Engineer a. Depends on the availability &) As permitted in C of A ¢ As decided by the Operator d. Ifthe operation of the flight is over the seas ‘The périod of validity of ALTP licence is a lyear @) 2 years cS years d Byears ‘The following signs on the Runway indicates a Threshold permanently displaced @® Threshold is temporarily displaced ¢ —_- PAPLis shifted d. Position if the runway is unserviceable ‘An are VOR/DME approach is ‘sion approach Non precision approach Amendment to aircraft act @__ Has to be passed by the parliament b Can be mined by the Government ¢ —_Canbe mined by the DGCA d —_Canbe mined by any one of the above 57.The period of validity of a medical licence of an ALTP holder of 30years is a. 12 months 6 months c. 2 years d. 3.months 38 The fight time ofa pilot flying under the supervision of an instructor shall be logged as @ Pilot-in -command b. 30% of the time as PIC €. 80% of the time as PIC hone of the above. 99. . Minimum safe altitudes shall be published in a. operations circular route guides ¢. operational manual d. administrative circulars * of the operator. 60... flight with ETD as 1430UTC » when the prevailing weather at departure station and the forecast weather en route and destination indicate VMC, can file a. a VFR flight plan b. a VER flight plan ifthe cruising level is below F150 only IFR flight plan Tae gee ee ee ee d. a VFR flight plan if operating within !00nm. From the shore line 61. The cruising level fora flight proposed on a track 015 deg. Can _ be @ F330 b. F300 c. F320 d. F335. 62 .A non scheduled charter flight operated by a private operator can operate to a. any airport b. to only airports with suitable facilities ¢. to only government airports @ to government or licensed private airports, suitable for the operations 63. The minimum vertical distance from clouds required to conduct VFR flight is a. 300m in CatA airspace b. 1500m in Cat D,E, F airspace © Cat DEF airspaces d. 1000m. in Cat.D,E,F airspaces 64. The minima fora station : Vis. 2500m. RVR 1100m ceiling 2000ft. The actual weather observed when a flight is overhead the station: WIND 090/25 VIS. 900M RVR 1000M, BKN3000 TEMP24 DP 22 QNH 1000 TREND VIS INCR 1500M. The PIC a. can exercise operational control and make a landing b. can exercise operational contro! and descend upto DA/MDA and land if in sight of runway © cannot initiate instrument approach d. can ask the ATC for instructions 65. The filed EYD of 9W 351 is 0300, The engineers attending a - Shag, report that the flight may be despatched by 0345. The ADC number a. will remain same will have to revised ¢. can be revised afier the flight is airborne d. will have to be revised only if FIRs are crossed 66.. The maximum time by which a flight duty time can be extended in any particular case is @ 4hrs. b. 8hrs. c. 12hrs d. Ghrs $7. Cal LILS approach provides for descent upto a height of @) 200fi.above touch down b. 109f. above touch down ¢. 500f above touch down d. 550ft, above touch down 68. Approach control service is provided to @ arriving and departing flights b arriving and departing IFR flights ©. arriving IFR flights d. all arriving flights. - 69 Transition level is a. published decided by the approach controller ¢. calculated by the pilot — Rg ek ee d. computed in the operations flight plan 70 For knowing the watch hours ofa station you must refer the @ the NOTAM of the station b) the AIP ¢) the CAR. d) the AIC of the station 71. The requirement of a flight navigator is as per the certificate of AirWorthiness of the aircraft. a) TRUE ® FALSE 72 The ernising level on a track 220 can be @Fiao b)FI30 c)FI4S dy) FIZs 73.. A worker in the airfield sustainii aircraft turning is njuries due to a jet blast from an @ A notifiable incident 5) A notifiable ¢) An information 4) Not significant 74.A PPL holder can fly a private aircraft for aerial work without remuneration, @ TRUE b) FALSE >) —fAesE 75.The control Zone of Ahemadabad is a}class A b) class B e)elassC @class D airspace 76. Flight time is the interval between @ Chokes off to chokes on 'b) Airborne time and touch down time £) The crew starts from the residence till reaching the residenee/hotel d) The crew reports for duty till chokes on plus 15 mts. 77 The minimum ground visibility requirement for a VFR fight is a)6km 6) Skm ¢)as per minima filed d) 3000m 78_-An aircraft belonging to a company in UK and on long lease toa company in India operating on a scheduled flight from Singapore to Colombo will carry the C of A of @UK by INDIA) SINGAPORE 4) SRILANKA 79. A CPL. holder whose licence lapsed 33 months back has to pass a) Air Regulations and Tests of skill (©) Aix Regulations and Met. ¢) Tests of Skill 4) All examinations prescribed for the issue of licence 80.For commencing a new schedule a minimun? of a)Sdays b) 7days @©3 days d) 2 days notice is to be given to the DGCA 81 Can an aircraft ona ferry flight cary stranded passengers? a) YES ° @®nNo 82 In India the semicircular cruising levels are from a) F150 to F 400 b) F 100 to F 460 F 150 to F 460 d) F250 to F 460 E 83 Anaircraft with all up weight S000kgis categorised under Wake turbulence category a) Light b) Heavy @)Medium 4) either a) orc) $4 Decision altitude is associated with a) anon precision approach ©) precision approach ¢) circling approach d) circuit altitude 85 The ycarly limits of Flight duty time is a) 600 hrs. @) 1000 hrs ¢) 750 Ins d) 800 hrs 86. .An aircraft making a forced landing is to be realed as @an incident b)an accident —_c) operational information d) not signwficant 87. A civil aircraft cannot carry arms and ammunitions when chartered by Indian army. a) true @ false -86.Expected approach time is the time a) the aircraft is expected over the station b) the aircraft is expected to touch down © the aircraft is expected to leave the NAV facility for making an instrument approach for landing d) the aircraft is expected to be chokes on 84.An aircraft, which fails to land within 5 minutes afier expected time of landing, is in @ alen b) distress ¢) un certainty d) none of the above phases of an emergency §0An aircralt from outside India departed from a ‘healihy” station, had to make a technical landing in an “infected” area. The flight on arrival @ needs to be quarantines b) need not be quazantined 91 Part | of SERIES E, SECTION 4 of CAR on RULES OF AIR is @) applicable 8) not applicable to a British airways flight from VIOP to VOMM x 92 The CAR is @ applicable b) not applicable to an IA flight from LFPG to EGLL 983. Ona flight in IMC you observe a white light and later green light. It indicates that you are overtaking an aircraft on your en oS ee G)on your left 'b) on your right 94 The fuel in the filed FPL was changed prior to departure. This is considered as a) a significant .but not notifyable ss © a significant and notityable ©) not significant change io the FPL 95. A series of red and green projectiles at intervals of 10 seconds from ground indicates that G@) the aircraft is near/over a restricted prohibited! danger area b) the aircraft is to fly exercising caution ©) the ground aids are not reliable @) search and rescue operations are ON ‘86 The following signal in the signal square indicates @) glider flying in progress: 5) balloon being released ¢) aerodrome closed ¢) all manoeuvres $7 Taxy way quide line is in a) red ©) yellow c) white 98 Onan approach to land if the PAPI lights are seen as a) three white and one red (b) twowhite andtwored —c) three red and one White d)_ all white it indicates that you are on correct approach. 99 Runway fixed distance markers are at a) SOON. b) 800 ft © 10008 3) = -2000ft from the threshold. hn 100 Aircraft on international fight after departure {rom a customs aerodrome, if lands at an aerodrome before leaving the Indian territory, due. to technical problems @ cannot depart without further customs clearance b) can depart on further fligh\ 101 The Pilot-in-command when not in the controls @is b) isnot fesponsible for adhering to the Rules Of Air

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