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1 Diploma in Nature Conservation (3201134)

7.1.1 Admission requirements
Selection criteria for admission to the Diploma in Nature Conservation are
based on both academic prowess and field experience.

i) National Senior Certificate with minimum rating codes:

Life Sciences (4)
English Home Language (4)
or English First Additional Language (4)

In addition an achievement rating of 3 or better will be required in

additional two NSC 20 credit subjects.
ii) Senior Certificate (or equivalent), with a minimum
English D (HG)
Biology D (HG)

iii) A pass mark in Mathematics, Physical Science, or History/Geography

will be a recommendation.

iv) In addition, a student’s completed application form must be

accompanied by a curriculum vitae detailing interests, hobbies, field
experience and references indicating the candidate’s enthusiasm and
suitability for the course.

7.1.2 Duration of study

The duration of the course is a minimum of three years, beginning with at
least four semesters (two years) of attendance at the University, followed
by a further two semesters (one year) of appropriate work integrated
learning with a recognised conservation body.

7.1.4 Examination regulations

Refer to the General Handbook Rule: 22.
COND Curriculum compilation
Conservation C S3 Integrat 6
PLSU1 in
Plant Conservation
Studies IIII C S4 ed
Integrat 6 PLSU121
Code Subjects
RESM1 Resource C * Semest
S4 Assessme
Integrat NQF6 Pre-
RESM121 Co-
SOSC1 Soil Science I C er S4 nt edIntegrat Level
31 requisites requisites
COCO Management
Conservation III C S4 ed
Integrat 6 COCO111
11 /Year ed
ANIS1 Nature
APPC1 Animal Studies
Conservation II I C
C S1
S5 Integrat
Integrat 5
APPC1 Computer Usage
Nature Conservation C
C S1
S6 Integrat
Integrat 5
6 APPC111
11 English
Application I O
C S1 ed
ed 5
C= Compulsory;
011 O= Optional ed
21 Application II Ecology
Conservation C S1 Integrat
ed 5
PLSU1 Communication
Plant Studies I C S1 ed
Integrat 5
111 I ed
11 Skills I ed
CONA Conservation C S2 Integrat 5
ANIS1 Animal Studies II C S2 Integrat 5 ANIS111
111 Administration
CONE Conservation I
Ecology C S2 ed
Integrat 5 CONE121
RESM Resource C S2 ed
Integrat 5
Plant Studies II C S2 ed
Integrat 5 PLSU111
111 Management I ed
COCO Conservation C S3 ed
Integrat 5 ECSS011
RESM Resource C S3 Integrat 5 RESM111
ANIS1 Communication
Animal Studies IIII C S3 ed
Integrat 6 ANIS121
121 Management
CONE Conservation Ecology II C S3 ed
Integrat 6 CONE121
31 ed
131 III ed
7.1.5 Pass requirements
A student is given a course mark for tests written, practicals completed
and/or assignments submitted throughout the semester. All students must
attain a minimum course mark of 40% in order to gain examination entry in
that subject.
A student who has gained examination entry requires a subminimum of 40%
in the examination in order to be eligible to pass that subject.
The final mark for a subject is made up 40% by the course mark, and 60%
by the examination mark. A final mark of at least 50% is required to pass
that subject.
In order to be promoted to the next level of the course a student may fail no
more than two subjects, or have no more than one lower level subject
outstanding. In addition a student may not register for a higher level subject
if the prerequisites as laid down in the curriculum have not been fully
complied with.

No student may register more than twice for a subject, and a student is
allowed a maximum of five continuous years of study to complete the
requirements for the Diploma.
7.1.6 Practical
The attendance of all practical classes and all organised field trips is
compulsory. Students failing to attend practical classes and/or field trips will
not gain examination entry for that subject, irrespective of marks attained.

7.1.7 Work integrated learning

All students are required to complete two semesters of work integrated
learning with a recognised conservation organisation.

No student requiring more than one subject to complete the theoretical

portion of his/her Diploma may register for work integrated learning. On
registration a student will be issued with a work integrated learning manual
outlining the tasks and assignments that must be completed in the two
semesters of training.

Students who have not completed the requirements for the first semester of
work integrated learning are required to reregister for that semester, and
may not register for the second semester of work integrated learning.
Students may register a maximum of twice for each of the semesters of work
integrated learning.

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