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Nowadays e-learning is considered the greatest way to get an education.

However, some people say that the traditional form of learning is still the
best. Students in remote learning save tons of time. The time savings are
related to cut down in travel time, physical school attendance etc. 
Firstly, distance learning is more effective than traditional learning because
it gives students time freedom. Students can open study video, audio, and
written material at their own time. No need of going to school for attending
lessons. They get time freedom for other activities. Secondly, it gives proper
education by experts in particular subjects. It takes less time to learn much
because the experts teach particular topics in less time. Finally, remote
learning requires less of a time investment. E-Learning options generally
allow students to split the time they are investing in the course in whichever
way works for them.
Nevertheless, some people still view distant learning with suspicious. They
say that this kind of education lacks communication. Students do not see
their teachers and classmates.
I disagree with that point of view because distance learning involves even
more interaction than full-time education. Distant students not only do
reading and tests but projects and discussions as well, and they do not need
to run anywhere, you can just send your project by mail, and make it at any
time convenient for you. An online class gives the teacher much more access
to what students did in the course. All that is impossible to do in a real class.
In conclusion, I would like to say that distance learning is one of the best
forms of learning, as it reduces the time of students and they are completely
focused on their studies. It is an education for everyone who wants to study,
but cannot do it in a traditional form. It also makes students more

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