Unit 3-5 Essay

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Unit 3-5 Essay

In units 3-5 I was excited to start filming and shooting videos. I had experience
with media production is photography and image editing, so filming was new
for me, so filming live footage was a new creative and technical experience.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the unit and its different components, these are cameras,
studio lights, Condenser Microphones. learning Adobe Premiere Pro was a
massive learning curve for me, things I could so easily in photoshop now takes
so much longer to do. However more challenging and time consuming I love
using it to edit. I have Learnt many different skills while in studying the unit,
editing in Adobe Premiere Pro, different and unique camera angles are so
important in filming, because you want to have the subject or thing in the centre
and have everything around it drawing the views attention to the middle of the
shot. slight knowledge in microphone because near the end of the unit our group
started to make and most of the audio and use it in our films, how filming on a
dlsr camera works and team work is a very important skill which has improved.
Team work is very important because Teamwork helps solve problems.
Collaboration within a group can help solve difficult problems. Brainstorming is
a good opportunity for the team to exchange ideas and come up with creative
ways of doing things.

Doing Research really helped me in thinking and producing ideas, I have learnt
so much history on all the products we have filmed with. All the backstory and
beginnings of them, it has wanted me to do more work on different products to
find out the history of them and use that in my advert. Doing the research before
finalizing an idea and filming is essential, not only are looking for other adverts
from the company so it’s not similar to yours and you can get an idea of your
age rating and what people you are going to aim for. One example of a time I
have used my research is the during the Kinder Egg Surprise task, I realized that
stop motion animation was used much in adverts so I thought about integrating
that into our ad. This worked well in showing that how the toys came alive they
were not like anything else; they were special that’s why they were the only
things in stop motion. One more example of doing research before a project is
during the Yorkie task because they were originally being targeted at men (“It's
not for girls”). I did some research and found out one of the manliest sports is
wresting so we integrated that in our ad, while not being sexist it appeals to the
more tough, rugged and manly people. This could be a man or woman,
appealing to both. So, in the future I know I do research on not just the history
but the whole company and product.

We planned for the adverts in many different ways. We planned our production
by developing storyboards, mind maps, shot lists, scene lists, mood boards.
Story boards and scene lists are similar and they helped up to plan out roughly
the order of the advert. Mind maps or spider diagrams are use full to set all your
ideas out in one place and scan them and choose the best and worst ideas. Shot
lists are used like a mood board or scene list but it goes into each shot and
camera angle, so where as a mood board is vaguer, whereas a shot list goes into
more detail. Mood boards are for when you have picked an idea, the mood
board with images relating to the idea so you can finalize it and make it your

Working in a group was very useful in many different ways, having different
people doing different jobs and getting the most work done as possible in the
given time. We also filmed as a team but occasionally we each edited the video
separately, this let us to all have the same idea but end up with three to four
different versions of the finished advert. This was useful because we could
come together at the end pick the one, we liked the best or each have our own
ones on our portfolios. If a team member was given a specific role then they
would perform that tole well. Sometimes Team members are stronger than other
team members at specific things, so we would address that ad let them do their
stronger role, but also letting the members that were not so confident watch and
have a go. Throughout the unit I have used many types of hardware and
technologies. The different types of equipment I have used are cameras, studio
lights, Condenser Microphones. We used foley because it was easier for our
Quality street at to make our own audio then find sound effects that wouldn’t
work properly, so we just recorded our own and they worked perfectly. One
thing I never got around to using was the green screen. We had a couple of
problems that we had to overcome, one of the biggest ones was lighting, on the
Kinder Egg Surprise advert the lighting was very yellow and it wasn’t was I was
looking for, I only discovered this while importing and editing. So instead of
filming the whole thing again I make it cooler then warm using Adobe Premiere

In conclusion units 3-5 where key in helping me learn about audiences, how an
advert has to appeal to them to get them to buy the products, different types of
technical equipment and enhancing my skills on editing video. My favourite
advert that I made and edited has to be the Kinder Egg Surprise, using the stop
frame animation worked well.

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