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ED 3508: TGP Report #1–Nearpod Oct.

18th, 2020
Mindy Kolosetti

My research on the online platform Nearpod was informative, engaging and an overall worth-while experience.
Although I did not adhere to the exact timelines I had set for myself, I did successfully complete all the steps within the
plan. In this report, I will be addressing my insights and discoveries into Nearpod as a tool for teaching.

*Original TGP with edits (in red) added below.

Image 1.

I learned all about Nearpod, how it works and how to use it,
primarily by testing out the application first-hand. Initially, I explored the
Nearpod website ( I discovered that Nearpod works
on all updated internet/browser enabled devices. This includes PC,
Windows 8, Mac, iOS and Android. The Nearpod website is very easy to
navigate and has tons of straightforward information on all of its features.
There is a “Resources Hub” where you can watch “How-to” videos, and
even register for informational webinars about the site. Teachers can sign
up to Nearpod for free under the “Silver” status. However, to access
some more advanced features, the teacher or the school/school district
they teach in will need a paid subscription (See Image 1). This can
become quite pricey for teachers to pay out-of-pocket. Especially since
the most desirable features (Integration of outside technology, lessons
and lesson storage) are only available with the “Gold” and “Platinum”

Additional research sources used outside of the Nearpod website:

How to Teach Remotely with Nearpod—New EdTech Classroom

How to Use Nearpod in Online Classes for Student Engagement—Ms. Rockford on DemanD

Using Nearpod in Google Classroom—Katie Dewey Hill
ED 3508: TGP Report #1–Nearpod Oct.18th, 2020
Mindy Kolosetti


With Nearpod, you can choose from a bank of curated lessons or you can create your own. Lessons that are provided
either come from the platform itself (Nearpod) or via Nearpod empowered teachers (through the Nearpod Authors
Program). During my research, I could not find the criteria for what the platform considers a valid and reliable educational
lesson. Additionally, I found that the lessons provided by Nearpod and the Nearpod Authors Program are based off of
American education standards. This means that teachers outside of the U.S. will have a greater challenge in finding videos
or pre-made lessons that will be suitable for their classroom. On the other hand, Nearpod has hundreds of available
lessons and videos to choose from. These lessons can be edited freely by the teacher to better fit their desired outcomes.
When you preview a curated lesson you are able to view the intended learning objectives. This can save teachers time
from scrolling though the whole lesson to see if it is worth using. Furthermore, not all lessons are accessible without a
paid subscription. However it is possible to subscribe to an individual lesson rather than a full out Nearpod subscription.

A key feature of Nearpod is its collaboration with many well-known

technological platforms such as Google, Zoom and YouTube (See Image 2).
Nearpod also has partnerships with academic sites, such as Newsela, which are
used in some pre-made lessons. The downside to using multiple outside tech
sources is that some platforms require their own subscription. Meaning you would
have to be subscribed to both Nearpod and its affiliate to fully access the lesson.
The integration of different platforms introduces students to a variety of
technological resources to enhance their learning, without them having to search
for it on their own. This helps students develop their new media literacy skills.
Image 2.

Nearpod was designed to be an accessible tool that can help create interactive lessons that could be used
synchronously or asynchronously. It’s design allows teachers to educate their students while being able to formatively
assess their learning. As seen in Images 3 and 4, there are lots of fun, diverse features that teachers can utilize and adapt.

Image 4.

Image 3.
ED 3508: TGP Report #1–Nearpod Oct.18th, 2020
Mindy Kolosetti
The following table highlights the pros and cons of the Nearpod app.

 Very accessible (runs on any browser  Internet dependent.
enabled device).
 Well organized and easy to Navigate.
 Lag time can vary.
 Various forms of online support (chat,  Live chat and phone support is only
videos, webinars etc). available to those with a gold or
platinum subscription.
 Free to sign up.  Requires a subscription to use more
advanced features.
 Can create your own lesson or choose
from a selection of lessons.  Some lessons/videos require one or
 Hundreds of lessons (subjects) and more subscriptions.
educational videos to choose from.
 Individual lesson subscriptions.
 Curated lessons can be edited.  Does not align with the POS (American
 Learning objectives are stated at the based).
beginning of pre-made lessons.
 Integration of various technology  Needs a paid subscription (Google
platforms (develops new media slides and classroom, YouTube etc).
 Familiar online tech collaborations.
 Can upload your own images or files.  Formatting restrictions.
 Synchronous or asynchronous.
 Student friendly (easy to use).
 Student anonymity.
 Multiple ways for students to leave
 Accessible features (audio recordings
and responses).
 Safe-guarded photo searching.
 Wide selection of interactive content  Restrictions on customization (font,
and activity features. layout and themes etc).
 Easy to share lessons.
 Real time feedback for students.
 Detailed session reports (quick  No clear way to delete old session
feedback assessments for teachers). reports.

Overall, I can see myself using Nearpod in my future classes. It is an easy to use platform that can make almost
any lesson interactive with the integration of different forms of content and engaging activities. For example, using a 3D
model of an animal cell that students can explore. When used effectively, it can provide quick and reliable formative
feedback. For example, the teacher can privately view everyone’s answers and participation throughout the lesson.
Although the lessons or videos may not specifically outline learning objectives that match with Alberta’s Program of
Studies, the choice and customizability of the lessons account for that. Nearpod also has the performance capability to be
integrated into a multitude of subjects from ELA, science and even music. Given the uncertainty of the current pandemic,
Nearpod would be a great tool for teaching remotely.
ED 3508: TGP Report #1–Nearpod Oct.18th, 2020
Mindy Kolosetti
Reflections after technology presentations:

 New technologies are constantly being created and old ones are being modified. It is important to stay up-to-date
with different technology platforms in both your personal and professional life.
o There were tech platforms that I was already familiar with, yet there were aspects I did not know of.
 Familiarizing yourself with new technologies can be daunting, but by chunking your explorations and having
discussions about them with your peers takes away a lot of stress in maintaining life long learning.
o Being adept in different technologies is a form of literacy.
 Children are becoming more technologically inclined. Although we may think an application my be too complex,
you would be surprised at how quickly students adapt in their learning.
 Cross-curricular connections may not be evident at first glance when exploring a new technology, but many
applications have the means to make multiple connections.
o Ex. Google Earth can be used to showcase the rich history of drama.
 Presenting your knowledge on a technology can highlight what you know and what else there is still to learn. It
allows you to make mistakes, and correct them before introducing it to your students.

To make clearer, Nearpod can be connected with teaching and the classroom in variety of ways. For example:
 You can use VR field trip to transport students to the Roman Colosseum in a social lesson.
 You can use Phet Simulations to consolidate the processes of balancing chemical equations.
 You can use Draw it to showcase students knowledge on angles in math.
 You can use the Collaborative Board to create an artistic collage.
 Students can upload an oral response to a video prompt on music.

The options Nearpod can create in learning are almost endless. However, it is important not to lose sight of the
learning objectives when creating an interactive lesson.

ED 3508: Technology Growth Plan *Edits in Red

Name: Mindy Kolosetti
Sept. 27th, 2020

Goal #1—Nearpod
Experience: None.
Objective Explore the variety of features Nearpod has to offer and learn
(SMART Goal) how to successfully integrate it into the classroom.
#2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning
#3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge
*Achieved #4. Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments
ED 3508: TGP Report #1–Nearpod Oct.18th, 2020
Mindy Kolosetti
Nearpod is a tool for creating interactive lessons which can
incorporate videos, polls, quizzes and allow for student
collaboration. It can help teachers do quick formative
The Plan assessments. It is used online, in the classroom or at home and
can either be teacher or student paced. Nearpod can also be
—Rationale. integrated with Zoom, which is extremely handy given the current
—What am I going to do to achieve pandemic.
my goal?
(description of intended professional
development activities). 1. Learn how Nearpod works by:
 Exploring their website.
(What platforms can be used?)
*Pretty much any device that uses internet.
 Watching informational videos about Nearpod.
o Ex. How-to’s
*TGP Report will have findings *YouTube New EdTech Classroom
on my notes.  Researching additional tips and tricks etc.
 Trying the application out myself.

2. Think of ways Nearpod could be used in a lesson.

(Does it align with the program of studies?)
3. Google additional Nearpod lesson plan ideas.
(How have other educators used Nearpod in their classroom?
*Lots of integration with other tech platforms.

4. Create a “mock” integrative lesson using Nearpod; using

their most basic features first.
5. Get a volunteer to act as my “student” and work through
the lesson. Get their feedback.
6. Compare their feedback to my own personal experience,
thoughts and ideas. Make any notes and adjustments.
*Teacher view and student view are quite different, but at
any time during the live lesson the teacher can switch to
student view without disrupting the lesson.
*Slide adjustments are easy to make.

7. Create another mock lesson (used the same lesson but

spiced it up a bit), this time using additional/more
advanced features. *Was unable to utilize almost all
advanced features because they required a subscription.
However, YouTube videos gave me insight into what a
paid subscription would look like.
8. Get a volunteer to act as my “student” and work through
the lesson. Get their feedback.
9. Compare their feedback to my own personal experience,
thoughts and ideas. Make any notes and adjustments.

10. Complete a technology integration plan report on

The Resources —The basics: computer, internet, cell phone and iPad.
— Nearpod website:
—What resources are required and
available to help me achieve my —Google
goals? —YouTube
ED 3508: TGP Report #1–Nearpod Oct.18th, 2020
Mindy Kolosetti
—A volunteer
—Sept. 27th: Explore Nearpod.
The Timeline (Step #1) Watch videos and do additional research.
Make notes.
—When will I have completed these
steps? —Oct. 4th: Try out the application.
(Steps #1-6) Think of lessons and do additional research.
Mock lesson, feedback and notes. *12th

—Oct. 11th: Mock lesson, feedback and notes.

(Steps #7-9) *12th

—Oct. 18th: TGP Report #1.

(Step #10)

*Group presentation on Oct. 26th.

I will know that I have achieved my goal when:

Evidence of Achievement
1. I can effectively use the application without referring to
—How will I know I have achieved my notes or outside sources. 2/3 *work on advanced
my goal? features where possible.
2. I can successfully create a coherent lesson. 3/3
1–Not close to being Achieved 3. I can share this application with my peers and give them
2–Needs improvement the run down on how to use it. 3/3
4. I can share with my peers various ways to integrate
Nearpod into the classroom. 3/3

—There are so many ways that Nearpod could be used in a

Comments/Reflections number of subjects and in various classrooms.
—The tricky part about Nearpod will be trying not to get caught
up in the fun, interactive part of it without meeting any actual
—How am I doing? learning objectives.
—What have I learned? —I need to be more diligent with staying up-to-date on varying
—What revisions or adjustments do I technologies. Technology and its use is increasing. Thus, my
need to make to my practice? digital literacy skills should also be.

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