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The Cobblepot Academy of Arcane Studies

The academy is a school situated just outside of Sleeps Welle, a small town ten days ride
from the capital of the kingdom of Orelia. Here, young students who have shown a certain
magical intuition are trained in the arcane arts and more, to become powerful and respected
young wizards. Included in this document is a brief history of both the school and the kingdom,
along with supplemental rules for character creation and play compatible with Dungeons and
Dragons 5e, among other things.

A Brief History of the School and its Relations with the Kingdom

Founded by Alistair Cobblepot himself just over two hundred years prior to play, the
school has a long standing reputation for creating powerful and well-studied magicians who go
on to shape the world. Even the current king, Daen Wardell, once was a student at the academy.
Graduates of the school go on to be legendary adventurers, court advisors, and magical scholars
the likes of which the world rarely knows.
In its 200 years since being founded, the school has changed considerably in its fashions
and forms. Long ago, it taught all magic, openly and to anyone who would listen. This was a
time of great exploration into the arcane, when many new spells were being crafted, and just as
many ways of thinking were forming. It is unfortunate, however, that born from this time period
of great learning and thinking was the man who would one day become known as The Black
Lich. An evil lord, who, along with his followers, raised hordes of undead in an attempt to take
the kingdom under his control. King Daen’s father, Jeurgon, fought back the horde and defeated
the Black Lich, and with his dying breath decreed that all necromancy, and the teaching of
necromancy, would be banned throughout the kingdom. In the 50 years since, the school has
remodeled itself, accepting and teaching only those few who show magical talent prior to their
13th birthday, and never, under any circumstances, teaching its students the ways of
Now the school is a prestigious, well renowned academy rivaling even those of the elves,
in their mysterious ways. Accepting children from all races, (though elves only ever attend their
own schools) Cobblepot Academy has become a seat of power within the kingdom, fueling the
magics which allow Orelia to rival those countries larger, and more wealthy in resources. As
such, it can be said that any ruler of Orelia, past or present, would have a vested interest in
keeping the academy’s doors open, so that it can keep creating the wizards of legend who, by the
strength of their backs, lift Orelia up to its highest reaches.

The Staff of Cobblepot Academy

Head Master - Fadgen Mountainwise - Dwarf

Proficient in all schools of magic.
Fadgen was once a prolific adventurer, traveling the world and writing history wherever
he walked. Now, in his old age, the dwarf has taken to teaching and oversees the Cobblepot
Academy. He is well respected by wizards in all lands, and is considered one of the most
powerful wizards to ever walk Orelia. He is a personal friend of King Daen, as the two will often
visit each other to sit and talk of the goings on within and without the kingdom.

Professor - Caldwell Fischer - Human

Proficient in Evocation, Abjuration, Conjuration
Caldwell, also called the Battlemage of Cobblepot, was once, and for many years, a mage
soldier in the army of Orelia. He is a talented tactician, and has seen more battle than he has
cared to count. Where once was a strict disciplinarian, now stands a man softened by time and
the hearts of his students. He can often be found sitting in the school’s gardens, his eyes seeming
so far away. He is kind and gentle with his students, even when teaching them the spells of

Professor - Nessa Downpour - Hafling

Proficient in Illusion, Enchantment, Transmutation
Professor Downpour, as she likes to be called, is an energetic and easily excitable
prankster of a teacher. She is often called the ‘Sprite of Cobblepot’ by the rest of the staff.
Rumors say that she was once a famous actress in a traveling troupe, known for using her
illusions to enhance her shows, though of course she, with a coy smile, deflects any discussion of
such rumors.

Professor - Dahlia Fireheart - Tiefling

Proficient in Abjuration, Divination, Evocation
When headmaster Mountainwise gave Ms. Fireheart her position, there was an uproar.
Many in the kingdom still hold hatred for tieflings in their heart after the attack of the Black
Lich, who was known to have made pacts with many demons. That being said, with a strict
demeanor and tight frame that demands absolute respect and attention from every student, you’d
never expect Dahlia to have anything to do with such nefarious histories. She is true to the
academy above all else, and within its walls she is the one who keeps order.

Professor - Aedwen Faebreeze - Elf

Proficient in Conjuration, Transmutation, Enchantment
Many have wondered why old Faebreeze chooses to teach at a school for short-lived
races unlike most of his elfkin. In fact, even for elves he is old, likely now within the last
hundred years of his life, and with his experience he could likely be the headmaster of an elven
school. Regardless, he chooses to stay and when he and headmaster Mountainwise share their
knowing glances it’s clear that they have an unspoken history, a bond which matters more than
elven superiority.
Professor - Aneia Aenemia - Gnome
Proficient in Divination, Illusion, Transmutation
Aenemia, hailing from lands far away, once gave a fortune reading to headmaster
Mountainwise, predicting that in many years he would become the educator, and even head of a
highly respected school of wizardry. At the time, Mountainwise was halfway through his fifth
tankard of ale, and laughed her off as a fraud. His first act upon being granted the position of
headmaster was, of course, to seek her out again and bid her welcome unto the school grounds as
its primary divination professor.

Professor - Bagden Nevergone - Gnome

Proficient in Transmutation, Divination, Conjuration
While most of his peers within the academy have obtained their positions after years of
adventure and travel, Bagden is first and foremost a scholar. He stays at the school primarily
because it funds his research into the depths of magic, and often time explosions can be heard
coming from his quarters and laboratory. He is devoted first and foremost to his work, and as a
teacher can come off as rude, though it is only when his students interrupt an important thought
on a certain experiment. (Which make up the majority of his thoughts, so it happens quite often)

Professor - Revus Sicily - Human

Proficient in Enchantment, Necromancy, Evocation
Revus once served under the Black Lich as his young ward, though it was through his
betrayal that the lich would be brought low by the late king of Orelia. This, of course, is
knowledge kept from all but Revus himself, and headmaster Mountainwise. Revus comes off as
a cold-hearted man, almost cruel to his students. Regardless, he has proven himself time and time
again to be a dedicated educator, and defender of both academy and country.

Groundskeeper - Gargon Freetusk - Half Orc

Proficient in Beasts, Alchemy, Druidcraft
The old half orc groundskeeper of the academy is shrouded in mystery. Some say he is a
shaman whose entire clan was murdered by some terrible beast, others say he never had a clan to
begin with, that he was just born to the wilds and there he has made his home. Regardless of
such whispers, the only thing anyone truly knows about Gargon is that he keeps the academy
green year round, and has taken to teaching its students the arts of alchemy, and the ways of
many mystical beasts.

Armsmaster - Kall Imperitus

Proficient in Arms and Armor of all kinds
Assigned to this post by King Daen himself, Kall is battle hardened soldier who
organizes and commands the academy’s guard, though he has also taken it upon himself to
openly teach the ways of war to any student who will listen. In fact, it is because of Kall that the
school has recently adopted a policy of all third year students being required to study in some
form of non-magical self defense, only bolstering the reputation of the academy as a school that
produces on the finest of wizards, masters of every trade.

The Houses of the Academy

Within the academy’s walls, students of second year and beyond are divided into three
houses based on their choice of which magical school they specialize in. The houses are as
Within the house of Dragonclaw, those who excel in Evocation and Abjuration become
powerful, undefeated battlemages, mastering both the abilities to launch torrents of elemental
power, while simultaneously guarding against all attacks, magical or otherwise.
Within the house of Faeriewing, those who master the arts of Illusion, Enchantment, and
Divination become master of the mind, of the known and unknown. These few mages are those
who find themselves grounded within the mind, mastering those magics which grapple and bring
into line the minds and destinies of their enemies.
Finally, within the house of Djinnhand, those who are fascinated by the powers of
creation and recreation, Conjuration and Transmutation, learn to master the world around them.
The grow into mages who shape the universe and its ways to their whim, they are those who
control time and space, who can create from nothing anything one can imagine.

Creating a Character to Attend the Academy

All characters begin at the ages of either 13 or 14, and will grow with each year they
spend at the academy. Additionally, character creation for those attending the academy works
very differently from those who begin adventuring as adults. To begin with, select a race and set
your ability scores using this set: 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10. Add your racial bonuses, and there distribute
an additional 2 points as you please. Then, choose a skill from this list to gain proficiency in:
Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Religion, Insight,
Next, choose a single cantrip to begin play with. This cantrip can not be of the
necromancy school. Next, set your level to 0, and your maximum HP to 5 + your Constitution
modifier. After your first semester at the academy, you will obtain 1st level, and after your first
year you will have obtained 2nd level.
Finally, give your character a name and describe their personality, appearance, and
homelife. It’s important to flesh out their family, if they still have one, as during breaks they may
have to return home even if only for a short while.

Attending the Academy

Each semester at the Academy, students will have to choose how to spend their time.
Every player will have 10 blocks of time that they can decide to use however they wish. The first
4 are always dedicated to their classes, though the latter 6 can be used for a large number of
extracurricular activities, from clubs to study and socializing.
First and second year students have their class schedules made for them, and are only
able to access a select few of the school’s activities, namely those that do not involve combat,
dueling, or the potential for physical harm. There are still many activities to choose from, of
course, but it can be said that the school only truly opens up to those students who are third year
and higher.
By attending classes students will learn new spells, and by taking part in any number of
activities, they will be able to earn new proficiencies, and increase their ability scores. It’s
important to envision the kind of wizard you want to become when deciding what activities to
take on, or just do what feels right and see how you turn out. Below is a list of all activities and
classes sorted by year. Also, all clubs take up 2 blocks of times instead of 1 during a single

First and Second Year Classes

Evocation (+1 Spell)
Abjuration (+1 Spell)
Conjuration (+1 Spell)
Transmutation (+1 Spell)
Enchantment (+1 Spell)
Illusion (+1 Spell)
Divination (+1 Spell)
Magical Theory (1st Year) (+Proficiency in Arcana if studied twice)
Magical History (2nd Year) (+Proficiency in History if studied twice)

Note: First and second year students will take a class in every school of magic throughout
the course of each year. The first year will be focused on learning cantrips, after which, they will
choose their primary school of magic and study, and then be slotted into their house from second
year and onward. Second year students will begin learning first level spells.

First and Second Year Activities

Study (+Int, get ahead on learning spells, can gain proficiency in certain skills)
Socialize (+Cha, meet new people)
Chess Club (+Wis)
Debate Club (+Cha, Proficiency in Persuasion or Intimidation )
Fitness Club (+Con)
Explore the Grounds (+Proficiency in Investigation, chance to find secrets)
Third and Up Year Classes
Evocation (+1 Spell)
Abjuration (+1 Spell)
Conjuration (+1 Spell)
Transmutation (+1 Spell)
Enchantment (+1 Spell)
Illusion (+1 Spell)
Divination (+1 Spell)
Potion Making (Elective) (+Proficiency in Alchemist’s Tools)
Beast Handling (Elective) (+Proficiency in Animal Handling)
Medicinal Magic (Elective) (+Proficiency in Medicine)
Wilderness Survival (Elective) (+Proficiency in Survival or Nature)
Non-Magical Self Defense (3rd Year) (+Proficiency with one weapon, and either Athletics or
Defense Against Necromancy (4th Year) (+Several Spells)

Note: Students of second year and up must take a class in their chosen specialization every
semester, additionally, students may only take one class marked Elective per semester.

Third Year and Up Activities

Study (+Int, get ahead on learning spells, can gain proficiency in certain skills)
Socialize (+Cha, meet new people)
Chess Club (+Wis)
Debate Club (+Cha, Proficiency in Persuasion or Intimidation)
Fitness Club (+Con)
Explore the Grounds (+Proficiency in Investigation or Perception, chance to find secrets)
Theatre Club (+Cha, Proficiency in Performance or Deception)
Fighter’s Club (Only after taking Non-Magical Defense, +Str or +Dex, Proficiency in more
weapons or armor)
Alchemy Club (+Wis, Chance to make potions)
Gobblesnatch (+Int, +Con, +Dex, or +Str depending on position)
Visit Archaven (+Cha)

Note: Gobblesnatch is a game where two teams attempt to steal a golden egg from a monster’s
nest. The monster and the arena changes with every game, and each team is made up of four
roles: The Caller, who provides backline support and tactical callouts; the Screamer, who
distracts the beasts to make an opening; the Bruiser, who works with both the Screamer and the
Runner the fight the beasts off as needed; and finally, the Runner, who is responsible for
grabbing the egg and getting it to their team’s goal. Because the game is played with both teams
on the field at the same time, each member must be able to dynamically switch between focusing
on the beast, the egg, and the enemy team all at once.

Activity Tracker
Ability Score Increases (4 blocks needs per increase):

Proficiencies (2 or 4 blocked need per unlock):

History (2):
Arcana (2):
Persuasion (4):
Intimidation (4):
Investigation (4):
Perception (4):
Performance (4):
Deception (4):
Chosen Weapon (4):
Light Armor (4):
Medium Armor (After Light) (4):
Heavy Armor (After Medium) (4):

Additional Spells Through Study (4 blocks needed studying a particular school):


The Students of the Academy

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