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SURAT KETERANGAN PENDAMPING IJAZAH DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT NOMOR: 000054/UM-BJM/SKPI/D3.KEB/VII1/2019 Surat Keterangen Pendanping zsh hi sebagalolegkap Jara yang menerangkan capaanpemiaaran dan press dar pemagang Hoan stam masa st, The Diploma Supplement accompanies a higher education cetifcte providing a standardized description ofthe nature, level, context content and statue ofthe studles competed by its holder. 1. INFORMASI TENTANG IDENTITAS DIRI PEMEGANG SKPI 1. Information Identifying Diploma Supplement Holder NAMA LENGKAP Rida Autian ‘TEMPAT//TANGGAL LAHIR, asarangan, 6 Oktober 1997 asarangan, October 6, 1997 NOMOR INDUK MAHASISWA ‘Student Identification Number ‘sers4ott1067 ‘TANGGAL, BULAN, TAHUN MASUK, DAN KELULUSAN 1 September 2016 /15 Agustus 2019 NOMOR WAZAH 4012019000524 GELAR Diploma Kebidanan (A.MaKe®,) Diploma of Mawitoty 2. INFORMASI TENTANG IDENTITAS PENYELENGGARAAN PROGRAM 2. Information Identifying the Awarding Institution ‘SK PENDIRIAN PERGURUAN TINGG! ‘Awarding institution leanse No: 204iqKPT//2018 No: 204K 7172015 NAMA PERGURUAN TINGGL Universitas Muhammadlyan Banjarmasin Universty of Munammadyen Banjarmasin PROGRAM STUDI Main fold of Study Kebidanan (Akreditas: ) Madwitory(Acodtaton : B) LJENIS DAN JENJANG PENDIDIKAN Vokas! & Diploma (03) Vocation & Diploma LJENJANG KUALIFIKASI SESUAI KKNI Level of Qualification in the National Qualification Framework Lewis BAHASA PENGANTAR KULIAH Indone Indonesian SISTEM PENILAIAN. LAMA STUDI REGULER Regular length of study 6 Semestor 6 Semesters PERSYARATAN PENERINAAN Entry requirements Lulus Pendidikan Menengah Atas/Sederajat Graduate fom High Schoo of Similar Level of Education LJENIS DAN JENJANG PENDIDIKAN LANJUTAN Protest & Profesi 3. INFORMASI TENTANG KUALIFIKASI DAN HASIL YANG DICAPAI 3. Information of the Qualification and Outcomes Obtained A. CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN KETERAMPILAN UMUM 1. Mampu monyelesakan pekojaan beringkupluas dan menganaiss data dongan boragam motode yang sesual, balk yang bolum rmaupun sudah baku 2. Mampu merunjukkan kineja yang bermuty dan trvkut 5. Mampu memecabkan masalan pekerjaan dengan sft dan konteks yang sesuai dengan bidang Kean trapannya, diasarkan pada pemikiran logis dan inovatf,diaksarakan dan berlanggung java sas nasinya secara mana 4. Mampu menyusunlapocan has dan proses Kea secara aku dan satin sera mengkomunikasikannya secara etext kepada pihak lan 5. Mampu beter sama, berxomunikasl, dan berinovatt dalam pokeraannya 5. Mampu borlanggungiawab atas poncapaian has kerja kelompok 7. Mampu melakukan proses evalusi di tarhadap kelompok kerja yang borada rmengella pengembangan kompetonsi kerja secara mandi 8. Mapu mendokumentasitan, monyimpan, mengamarkan, dan oawah tanggunglawabnya, dan rmenemukan Kembali data untuk meriamin Kesamihan an rmencegah plagias! 4. Mampu mlakskan asuhan sebidanan pada masa kehamian, persalnan normal, pasea persalinan normal, bay! dan balta normal, Sosa slandar KompetenstbidanVokas 2. Mampu mengidenifkas! peyimpangan kelsinan pada kasus, 3. Mampu mendemonstasikan penanganan aval kegawatdaturatan 4, Mampu melakukan pemberan kontrasepe oral dan sunt sesval Sandar operasioan! prosedtir yang berlaku can kode etk profes dengan mempertmbangkan aspek budaya setemoat 5. Mampu mendemonstasikan pencegahan inflsl, pasion safety dan upaya bantuan Nap dasor 8. Mampu melakukan pencataan, asvha kebidanansesual_rokan rmodis yang berlaku 7. Mampu’melaksanakarptomosi dan KIE yang terkat dengan Kesehatan ou don anak, dan KB dengan menggunakan med yang sah dtancang oleh insti {8 Mampu molaksanakan upaya promot dan proventt berbasis PENGETAHUAN KHUSUS YANG DIKUASAI Monguasai konsop toortsimu kebsdanan(ridifary), asuban 2. Menguasaikonsep dasar imu obstt’ dan ginskologi 8, Menguasal Konsep teoriis anata slog, boll reproduls! dan perkembangan secara umum 4. Monguasai konsop dasar mikrobiolog, kimi, fsa, biokiia, dan farmakologi 5. Menguasal konsep teortis ekologl manvsia, photog porkombangan, imu Sosa, antopolog Kesehatan yang boratan dengan sklusreproduksiperempuan secara umum 6 Monguasai korsep dasar imu gi dalam siktus roproduksi perempuan 7, Menguasal Konsop dasa, prnsp, dan tknik bantuanhidup dasar (basic Life Support) dan Pation Safety 8. Menguasal metode, toni dan pengstahuen prosedural dalam asuhan kebidanan pada kehaman, persainan, pasea porsalnan, bayi baru ah, bay dan balla sorta kontraseps 8. Monguasai konsop dasar Kesehatan masyarakat dan promesi kesehatan perempuan bu dan anak A. LEARNING OUTCOMES GENERAL SKILL 1. Able fo accomplish the job in alarge scale and analyze dota with various aperoprite methods etor nthe formal or informal frm 2. Able fo show good quay and measurable performance 4. Ablo fo slve job problems with appropriate characterises and context based on hishar applied expertise fal, is according fo tho logical and innovate thinking, is done and responsible of hither work independenity 4 Ablo to arrange results’ report and work process accurately and broperly also communicate offectively o other patios 5. Able to cooperate in team, communicate, and become innovate in tisher wor 6. Abi fo take respansitity on the outcomes of foam-workrosults 7. Able fo do soltevaluation process on the toamwark that is under responsilo and manage the work competences development independenty 1 Able to do documentation, save, s2cue, and refer the date to aseure its appropriateness and avoid pogition SPECIFIC WORK ABILITIES {Able fo do miduiterycare in the pregnancy period, normal partum, otmal postpartum, nomsi baby and toddler, basod on the ompetoncy standard of mite vocations! 2 Ablofidontiy deviation abnormoiiis on casos {Able fo demonstrate th inital handing of emergency 4. Ablo to give eal contraception and injcton according tothe used procedural operational standard and profesional ethics code which consider th local cultural aspects 5 Able to demonstrate the infection prevention, pationt safely. and basi ite aid efforts {6 Ablo fo do midwitory care noting based on tho used medica! reconss 7, Able todo promotion and KIE related fo the health of mother and chil, and KB (Farly Planing) by using modia that is already ranged by nsttution £8. Able fo do promotve and preventive efforts MASTERED SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE 1. Mastor theoretical scientie concept of midtry and caro 2. Mastor baie concop of ebstetris and gynecology 3 Master theorotcal concept of physiology anatomy, gonoral development and reproduction biology 4.Mastor basic concent of microbiology, biochemist, and pharmacology chemistry, physics, 5 Master theoretical concept of human ecology, development ‘psychology, social scence, heath antropology which i elated fo the general female reproduction cycle 6 Mastor basic concept of nurtion scionco in the female reproduction cycle 7. Mastor basic concept, princple, and technique of basic Life ‘Support and Patent Safty 8 Master the method, technique, and procedural knowiedge in ‘midnitery care in pregnancy, partum, postpartum, new baby bor, baby and fdr also contraception 10. Mengetahul penyakt fktval tentang jens, anda, goal, ponyakt Uumurn, dan infest paca keharilan, pesalinan, post partum, bayi barulahic dan bata ‘1. Menguassi pengetanuan faktual tentang hukum pecaturan perundang-undangan dalam pastikkebidaran 12.MenguasaiKonsep torts mu komunikas! dalam asukan kebisanan 13. Mengus 1 Konsepteoris Komunikas berasis slam berkemsivan WEWENANG DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB / KEMAMPUAN MANAJERIAL 1. Berianggunglawad pada pengelolaan pembelajaran Kelas secara mandi maupun kolaborait 2.Mampu beradapias! di tempat berugas di seluruh wilyah Republik Indonesia yang memilki keragamen socal budaya sIKAP Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan mampu rmanunuikkan sikap raligus Nenjunjung tng! nah Kemanusiaan dalam menalankan tuges berdasarkan agama, moval. dan etka Bercontrbusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bemegara, dan Kemajuan peradaban berdasarkan Pancasia 4 Borperan sobag warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah ai ‘momiliki nasionaisme sorta rasa tanggunglawab pada negara dan bangss Menghargal Keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan keporcayaan, seta pondapat atau teman orsinal orang ki 6. Bokerja sama dan memilki kopokaan sosial sorta kepodan temacap masyarakat dan lingkungan Tat hukum dan sip dalam kehidupa bepmasyarakat dn bermogara Serta dala kehidupan berBotes) Mongintemalsasi mla-nlal hu, noma, flpsof, dan etka skacers Nenunjukkan sap beranggunglawa”atas pekerjaan dbidang keatiannya secara mani 10.Menginfemalsasi \somangat kemanciian, kejvangan, dan ervausahean NMenjalarkan praktkt kebidanan sesusl dengan kompetens, kowonangan dan kode otk profsi {9 Mastor base concop of pubic hesth and female heath promotion, ‘mother and chit 10. Know factual disease about types, sigs, symptoms, gonoral diseases, and infections in pregnancy, partum, post-partum, now baby bom, an toda 1, Mastor factual knowledge about stator regulations in midwifery practice 12. Mastr theoretical concept of communication science in midetery 13. Masi theorotea! concept of communication based on advanced ‘sion AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES / MANAGERIAL Aapuiry 1. Responsible for eaming management at class Inependenty or calaboratvely 2.Able to adapt on duty troughout the tomtory of the Repub of Indonesia which has avers social cuture ATTITUDE 1. Boley in God the Almighty and Show refigous atte 2 Honor the humanity valve in implementing tho works Based on religion, merale, and ethics 8. Contibut in qualty developent of scl fe, nation, and country, and progress of eiization accoaing fo Pancasia 4. Act 28 proud etzen and isve hismher county, have nationalism also responsiiy othe county and nation 5. Respect the very of cute, point of view, religion, and bel ‘alo ters opinions or orginal nang {Cooperate and have legal sensi also concom of society and ‘environment 7. Obey the fw and alin in ving in socal ite and country & Inlomalize the vakies of nobles, norms, philosophies, and ‘academic attics 8, Show responsible atttuce on the works in hisher expertise fald lndependenty lize spint of independence, stuggle, and entrepreneurship 11.0 the midwiory practice according to the competences, authorives, and profession ethics codes B. AKTIVITAS, PRESTASI, DAN PENGHARGAAN, B. Activites, Achievements, and Rewards PRESTASI DAN PENGHARGAAN ‘Achievement and rewards 1. Pemateri, "Perkaderan Utama Darul Arqam Dasar Pimpinan Komisariat katan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) Kayuh Baimbai", Masjid Ami Abdullah Banjarmasin, 7 Desember 2018 ‘Soldering, “Perkaderan Main Darul Arqam Policies of the Leadership of the Komisariat ikatan Mahasiswa ‘Muhammadiyah (IMM) Paddle Baimbai’, the Mosque Ami Abdullah Banjarmasin, December 7th, 2018 PELATIHAN/SEMINARIWORKSHOP Training/seminarfworkshop 1. Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB), "Membentuk Generasi Berkarakter", Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 2016 Introduction fo New Student Campus Life (PKKMB), “Form A Generation Of Character”, University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 2016 2. Peserta, “Sosialisasi Empat Pilar MPR RI”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 18 Mei 2017 Participant, “Socialization ofthe Four Pillars ofthe People's Consultative Assembly of Republic of Indonesia", University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, May 18th 2017 a, "Latihan Instruktur Dasar katan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM)", Auditorium SD Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 2017 Participant, “Basic Instructor Training of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM), Augitfiumot Muhgmmhadiyah Elomentary Schoo! Banjarmasin, 2017 4. Seminar Kesehatan, “Gi, Seks dan Kehamilan”, Wisma Sultan Sulaiman Martapura, 6 November 2016 Health Seminar, “Nutrition, Sex and Pregnancy’, Sultan Sulaiman Public Bullding Martapir, November Sth 2016 5. Seminar Regional Kewirausahaan, "Membangun Semangat Jiwa Pahlawan Ekonomi melalul Koperasi", Auditorium IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin, 2016 Regional Entrepreneurship Seminar, "Building the Spint ofthe 86 of Economic Heroes through Cooperatives”, ‘Auditorium of State Insitute for slamle Studios afitasan Banjarmsin, 2016 6. Sertifikat Polatihan ESQ, “One Day Training MahasisWva Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin", Hotel Reditha Banjarmasin, 9 April 2017 ESQ Training Cortiicate, “OngiDay.Trathing Universitas of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin Students", Roditha Hotel Banjarmasin, April 9th 2087 7. Panitia Seminar Kesshatan, “Kegawatdaruratan Matornal dan Neonatal”, Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 19 November 2016, Health S@PinanCmmitee, “Maternal and Neonatal Emergency”, Muhammadlyah University Banjarmasin, November ath 2016 rta;"Polatinan Peningkatan Kualitas Mubaligh/Mubaglighat, Majelis Tablig Pimpinan Wilayah Munammadiyah- “Alsylyah Kalimantan Selatan”, Banjarmasin, 2017 Panicipant, “Mubaligh/Mubalighot Quality improvement Training, Tabligh Council of Muhammadlyah-‘Asylyah South ‘Kalimantan Regional Leadership", Banjarmasin, 2017 6, Peserta, "Dialog Pelibatan Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) dalam Pencegahan Tererisme Melalui Forum Koordinasi sncegahan Terorisme", Auditorium Rektorat Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin, 9 Agustus 2017 Participant, “Dialog Involvement of Campus Da'wah Institutions (LDK) in the Prevention of Terrorism through the Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum”, Auditorium of the Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, August 9th 2017 rta Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Islam, "Optimalisasi Peran dan Fungsi Diri dalam Berorganisasi", Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 2017 Participants in the Basic Islamic Leadership Training, "Optimizing the Role and Function of Self in Organizing University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 2017 ‘1, Seminar Kesehatan, "Peran Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Menyikapi Tantang Budaya di Masyarakat terhadap Ps 'salinan", Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 2018 Health Seminar, "The Role of Health Workers in Responding to Cultural Challenges in the Community towards Postpartum", University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, 2018 12, Baitul Arqam | Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, 2018 Baitul Argam I for Students of University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, 2018 ta Latihan Mubaligh dan Mubaglighat Dasar Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah, “Semangat Kader Ikatan ‘Mengemban Amanah Dakwah Persyarikatan”, Banjarmasin 2017 Participants of the Mubaligh and Mubaglighat Basic Training, Muhammadiyah Student Association, "The Spirit of the Cadre of the Association Carry Out the Mandate of the Da'wah Foundation”, Banjarmasin 2017 KEIKUTSERTAAN DALAM ORGANISAS! Experiences in organization 1. Ketua Umum Pimpinan Cabang katan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Fakultas Keperawatan dan lmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin 2018-2019 Chairman of The Muhammadiyah Student Association at Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of ‘Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin 2018-2019 2, Panitia, Musyawarah Besar Ke 1 Keluarga Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammdiyah Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, 2016 The Committee, 1st Large Meeting of Student Families of University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, 2016 3. Verifkasi Kemampuan Baca Tulls Al-Qur'an Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, 2018 Verification of The Ability to Reciting and Writing Al-uran for Students of University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin, 2018 4, Certified Health Entrepreneur (CHE), "Babyspa & Mom Care Treatment’, Yogyakarta, Januari 2019 Certified Health Entrepreneur (CHE), "Babyspa & Mom Care Treatment", Yogyakarta, Januari 2019 SERTIFIKAT KEAHLIAN Centicate 1, Peserta Kegiatan, "Pembekalan/Orientasi Praktik Mahasiswa-Mahasiswi, RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin, 17 Juli 2018 Participant, “Orientation Practices for College Students” Ulin Regional Public Hospital Banjarmasin, July, 172078 ta Kegiatan, "Praktok Kerja Lapangan Kebidanan Komunitas Mahasiswa Program Studi ll Kebidanan Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin", Bapelkes Dinas Kesehatan DIY, 2019 Participant, “Field Observation of Midwifery Community for Midwifery Students Univesity oPMuktémmadiyah Banjarmasin’, Health Training Center Department of Health Yogyakarta, 2019 2 KERJA PRAKTEKMAGANG Agprenticeship Cctata Program-program tesebut a tas tora tas kelatan untuk mengafibangkan soft sills ‘oksira-kuriuler yang dikut leh pemegang SKPI niterlampl. ing-masing mahasiswa. Dafa Kegitan ko-urkuler dan 4, SKEMA TENTANG SISTEM PENDIDIKAN TINGGI DI INDONESIA 4. Scheme of The Indonesian Higher Education System Korangka Kualkas! Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) adalah karangka penienjang ualkasi dan kompetensi tonaga kerja Indonesia yang ‘menyandingkan, menyetarakan, dan menginiegrasikan sektorpattnan an pengalaman kerja, dalam salu skema pengakuan Kemampuan Ker yang cisesuaikan dengan stuktur di berbagai seklor pekeraan, KKNI rmerupakan permjudan mutu dan Jat dri Bangsa Indonesia terkat {dengan sistem peraiskan nasional,ssten peathan kerja rasionl serta ‘stom ponisiankesstaraan capaian pembelajran nasional, yang dis Indonesia untuk menghasikan sumberdaya manusia yang bermutu dan rout KKNI merupakan sistem yang bard! seni dan merupskan jambatan aniaraseKlor pendtkan dan pelatban untuk membentuk SDM nasional berkualias dan bersertitkat melalui soma pendidan frm, non formal In formal, pelathan aja atau pengalaman kara. Jenjang kualfxas! ‘adalah tngkat capsian pembelajaran yang disepakatl secara nasional, isusun berdasarkan ukuran hail pendiskan dariataw peatinan yang iperoloh melalui ponccikan formal, non formal, in formal, atau pengalaman kera sepet yang diturjukkan pada Gambar 1. KKNI ter rt 9 jonjang kualfkas, cimulai dar kualikasl + sobogei kuslikasi tecondah hingga kuaiikasl 9 sebagai kvlikas toting The Indonesian National Qualification Framowork (KKM) is @ framework denoting levals of Indonesian workforce qualifications and competence, that compares, equalizes, and ifegrates the education and training seclors and work experince na scheme recognizing work competence ‘based on the eiuctres of various work sectors. The framework is the rmaniestaton of the quailty and Identity of the Indonesian peonle in relations tothe rational education system and national eeming outcomes ‘equally evaluation system that Indonesia has in onder to produce ‘qualifed ard productive human resourses. KKNI is an independent system and is a bridge between the sector education and the sector taining ia order to form ceried and qualified hharan resources navoraly through the scheme of formal education, non formal education, formal education, jb traning or ob fold experience. ‘The qualification lave i the level of Isaming outcome agreed nation- wide, eranged based on measured leaming results through education and or traning that is obtained through the scheme of formal edveation, ‘non formal education, informal education, job taining or job fold experience 98 indicated by Picture 1. KKNI consists of 9 level of ‘qualifcaton, from level 1 6 tho lowest t0 lel 9 26 the highest ‘uaiicaton. Gambar 1. Kerargka Kualifiasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) Picture 1. Indonesian Qualification Framework (KK) 5. PENGESAHAN SKPI 5. SKPI Legalization Dekan Fakultas Keperawatan Dan llmu Kesehatan Dean of Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Solikin, Ns., M.Kop., Sp.Kep. MB Banjarmasin, 16 Agustus 2019 Banjarmasin, August 16, 2019 Rektor Rector Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Khairuddin, M.Ag NIDN : 1129077901 ‘CATATAN RESMI 1. SKPI_ikstarkan oleh Instiusi pendidikan togg) yang berwenang mongolian jazah sesual dengan paraturan perundang-indangan yang beak. 2, SKPI hanya clterbskan setelan mahasiawa dinyatakan tulus can susty program stud secararesmi oleh Perguruan Ting 5. SKPIdterbikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Ingo 4. SKPI yang asl itorbtkan mengunakan karts khusus berogo Perguruan Tingal yang atrban secara khusus oleh Pergurvan Tinga 5. Penorima SKPI dcantumkan dalam sus srs Perguruan Ting ottciat Notes 1. Thi Diploma Supplement is sued by Univeraiy of Muhémmediyah i, @ higher equcation institution authonzed to gue aplomas in accordance with the appcable Laws. 2 This Diploma Supploment is issued ater the student eMcaly declared 9 graduate of @ study program by the Univers. of Muhammadiyah Banjamasin. This Dploma Supplement is rten Ip both Baas Indonesia English 4 The erignal copy of this Diploma Supplement is sealed with the higher ‘education instatio’s logo, ad issved exclusively by University 5 The awardee of this Dipioma Supplement is offeialy listed in the Universiy's oil website. NIDN : 2010726902 CCATATAN RESMI Contact Det UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIVAH BANJARMASIN Univer of Munammaciyah Banjarmasin Kampus Utara slp. Gubermir, Syarkawi Kab. Bala Kampus Jp. §Parman Kemplek RS. slam, Kota Barjarmasin PhiFax (0511) 3002, Kampus il (Pascasajana) sip, §Parman Kota Barjarmasin, (Osamping Bank BRI Cabang S.Parman) worm acid

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