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Rafael Luis C.

Pamonag BSBA-3E

Strategic Management September , 2020

An Introduction To Strategic Management

1. Define of Strategic Management and its process

Strategic management is the integrative management field that combines analysis, formulation, and
implementation in the quest for competitive advantage. Strategic management can be defined as the art
and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an
organization to achieve its objectives. As this definition implies, strategic management focuses on
integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations, research and
development, and information systems to achieve organizational success. The term strategic
management in this text is used synonymously with the term strategic planning.

2. What are the key attributes of strategic management?

The key attributes of strategic management are competitive advantage, strategists, vision and mission
statements, external opportunities and threats, internal strength and weakness, long-term objectives,
strategies, annual objectives and policies.

3. Illustrate and discuss strategic management process.

4. What is Strategic Management Model?

The strategic management model identifies concepts of strategy and the elements necessarily for
development of a strategy enabling the organization to satisfy its mission. Historically, a number of
frameworks and models have been advanced which propose different normative approaches to strategy

5. In your own words, discuss the Strategic Management Perspective, an imperative throughout
the organization .
6. How will you conduct an Analysis of Organization Goals and Objectives of certain organization?

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