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Online help & Manual

as of Version 8.2.2
incl. Software Administration
Copyright 2

We reserve all rights, including the right to reproduce, duplicate, use and publish the contents of this document or parts thereof. No
part of this document may be reproduced, transferred to a third party or, in particular, edited, duplicated, distributed or published
using electronic means in any manner without the expressed written consent of the PLATO AG. We reserve the right to modify and
update the contents of this document.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Content 3

1 INFORMATION ABOUT THE MANUAL ...................................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 STRUCTURE OF THE MANUAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

1.2 SCIO™ & SCIO™-MED .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3 TYPOGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS AND USER GUIDANCE ................................................................................................................................ 9
1.4 ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.5 MANUAL VERSION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10

2 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11

2.1 DATA SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11

2.2 RIGHTS CONCEPT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 OVERVIEW OF THE BASIC RIGHTS....................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 WRITE-PROTECTING AND RELEASING DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 23
2.5 INTERFACES AND “PLUG-IN“ CONCEPT ............................................................................................................................................... 24

3 VIEWS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

3.1 START VIEW (LOG IN)..................................................................................................................................................................... 25

3.2 SCIO™ APPLICATION BAR .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.3 TREE VIEWS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.4 SCHEDULE CONTROL...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.5 SCIO-MANAGER .......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.6 LANGUAGE VIEWS AND TRANSLATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 28
3.7 SIGN OFFS AND HTML VIEWS ......................................................................................................................................................... 30

4 SYMBOLS AND ICONS ............................................................................................................................................................ 33

4.1 ICONS IN SCIO™ .......................................................................................................................................................................... 33

4.2 ICONS USED FOR THE TREE VIEWS ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
4.3 SYMBOLS IN THE TREE VIEWS .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.4 SPECIAL ICONS IN THE PFC GRAPHIC .................................................................................................................................................. 40
4.5 SYMBOLS AND ICONS IN SCIO™-NET-BUILDER.................................................................................................................................... 40
4.6 OVERVIEW OF THE KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS .......................................................................................................................................... 40

5 SCIO™-FMEA – INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 44

5.1 FMEA FORMS AND THEIR CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................. 44

5.2 ENTERING DATA IN THE FMEA FORM ............................................................................................................................................... 50
5.3 COLLAPSING FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 53
5.4 ESTIMATING RISKS – THE RISK MATRIX ................................................................................................................................................ 54
5.5 WORKING WITH SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
5.6 CLASSIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................................................ 57
5.7 ICONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................. 59
5.8 DEADLINES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (ACTION PACKAGES / LINKED ACTIONS) .................................................................................................. 60
5.9 TRACKING ACTIONS (ACTION NEWSLETTER) ......................................................................................................................................... 62
5.10 ACTION IDENTIFICATION (ID) ....................................................................................................................................................... 62
5.11 CHANGING ENTRIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 64
5.12 GENERATE DATA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
5.13 SELECTIVELY GENERATING DATA (FOR FAILURE ENTRIES) ...................................................................................................................... 67
5.14 CONSISTENT S EVALUATIONS IN SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................................................ 73
5.15 CREATING AND EDITING PROJECTS ................................................................................................................................................. 79
5.16 DOCUMENTING TEST RESULTS – TEST CASE INTEGRATION .................................................................................................................... 80

6 SCIO™-FMEA – MENU ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................. 84

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Content 4

6.1 SYSTEM ELEMENT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 84

6.2 EDIT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 117
6.3 VIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 130
6.4 FORMAT ................................................................................................................................................................................... 133
6.5 ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 135
6.6 ADMINISTRATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 146
6.7 TOOLS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 159
6.8 WINDOW ................................................................................................................................................................................. 172
6.9 HELP (ALL ITEMS) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 173

7 SCIO™-MATRIX – INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 174

7.1 WORKING IN A MATRIX................................................................................................................................................................ 174

7.2 WORKING WITH MATRIX-VARIANTS................................................................................................................................................ 177
7.3 WORKING WITH PRIORITIES ........................................................................................................................................................... 178
7.4 WORKING WILL THE BILL OF MATERIAL (BOM/BOP) ........................................................................................................................ 180
7.5 WORKING WITH SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 181
7.6 CLASSIFICATION - IDENTIFYING SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................................... 181
7.7 CREATING AND EDITING PROJECTS ................................................................................................................................................... 181

8 SCIO™-MATRIX – MENU ITEMS ........................................................................................................................................... 182

8.1 SYSTEM ELEMENT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 182

8.2 EDIT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 185
8.3 VIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 188
8.4 FORMAT ................................................................................................................................................................................... 189
8.5 ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 190
8.6 ADMINISTRATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 190
8.7 TOOLS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 191
8.8 WINDOW ................................................................................................................................................................................. 194
8.9 HELP........................................................................................................................................................................................ 194

9 SCIO™-MATRIX – MOUSE MENUS........................................................................................................................................ 195

9.1 SPECIAL MOUSE CONTEXT: SYSTEM ELEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 195

9.2 SPECIAL MOUSE CONTEXT: SUB-SYSTEM ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 196
9.3 SPECIAL MOUSE CONTEXT: HIGHER-LEVEL (SUPER-SYSTEM) ELEMENT ..................................................................................................... 197
9.4 SPECIAL MOUSE CONTEXT: INTERNAL FUNCTION................................................................................................................................. 198
9.5 SPECIAL MOUSE CONTEXT: CORRELATION FIELD ................................................................................................................................. 199

10 SCIO™-CONTROL-PLAN – INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 200

10.1 THE CONTROL PLAN FORM ........................................................................................................................................................ 200

10.2 INTERACTION BETWEEN THE PFC AND CP ..................................................................................................................................... 200
10.3 WORKING IN CONTROL PLANS – THE CP FORM ............................................................................................................................. 201
10.4 OPENING CONTROL PLANS ......................................................................................................................................................... 202
10.5 FILLING OUT CONTROL PLANS ..................................................................................................................................................... 203
10.6 MASTER DATA IN THE HEADER OF THE CP ..................................................................................................................................... 219
10.7 CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................ 219
10.8 ACTION IDENTIFICATION (ID) FOR CONTROL METHODS ..................................................................................................................... 219
10.9 CREATING AND EDITING PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................... 219

11 SCIO™-CONTROL-PLAN – MENU ITEMS ............................................................................................................................ 220

11.1 SYSTEM ELEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 220

11.2 EDIT ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 222
11.3 VIEW .................................................................................................................................................................................... 226

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Content 5

11.4 FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 227

11.5 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 227
11.6 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 228
11.7 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 229
11.8 WINDOW .............................................................................................................................................................................. 231
11.9 HELP .................................................................................................................................................................................... 231

12 SCIO™-PROCESS-FLOW – INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 232

12.1 PFC GRAPHICS AND TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................... 232

12.2 INTERACTION BETWEEN THE PFC AND CP ..................................................................................................................................... 233
12.3 WORKING IN SCIO™-PROCESS-FLOW ......................................................................................................................................... 233
12.4 CREATING/OPENING PROCESS FLOW CHARTS ................................................................................................................................. 235
12.5 FILLING OUT PFC TABLES .......................................................................................................................................................... 235
12.6 EDITING PFC GRAPHICS ............................................................................................................................................................ 241
12.7 USING TEMPLATES IN A PFC ...................................................................................................................................................... 246
12.8 CREATING AND EDITING PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................... 246

13 SCIO™-PROCESS-FLOW – MENU ITEMS ............................................................................................................................ 247

13.1 SYSTEM ELEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 247

13.2 EDIT ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 249
13.3 VIEW .................................................................................................................................................................................... 252
13.4 FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 253
13.5 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 253
13.6 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 253
13.7 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 255
13.8 WINDOW .............................................................................................................................................................................. 258
13.9 HELP .................................................................................................................................................................................... 258

14 SCIO™-FAULT-TREE – INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 259

14.1 QUALITATIVE FAULT TREE ANALYSIS (FTA) ................................................................................................................................... 259

14.2 QUANTITATIVE FAULT TREE ANALYSIS (QFA) ................................................................................................................................ 259
14.3 WORKING IN THE QUALITATIVE FAULT TREE (FTA) ......................................................................................................................... 259
14.4 WORKING IN THE QUANTITATIVE FAULT TREE (QFA) ...................................................................................................................... 261
14.5 CREATING AND EDITING PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................... 266

15 SCIO™-FAULT-TREE – MENU ITEMS .................................................................................................................................. 267

15.1 FILE...................................................................................................................................................................................... 267

15.2 EDIT ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 270
15.3 VIEW .................................................................................................................................................................................... 275
15.4 FORMAT (FTA ONLY) ............................................................................................................................................................... 277
15.5 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 278
15.6 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 278
15.7 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 279
15.8 WINDOW .............................................................................................................................................................................. 280
15.9 HELP .................................................................................................................................................................................... 280

16 SCIO™-BLOCK-DIAGRAM – INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 281

16.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................................................................... 281

16.2 WORKING IN BLOCK DIAGRAMS (BD) ........................................................................................................................................... 281
16.3 CHANGE-DOCUMENTATION IN THE BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................ 292
16.4 CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................ 293
16.5 CREATING AND EDITING PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................... 293

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Content 6

17 SCIO™-BLOCK-DIAGRAM – MENU ITEMS.......................................................................................................................... 294

17.1 SYSTEM ELEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 294

17.2 EDIT ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 297
17.3 VIEW .................................................................................................................................................................................... 299
17.4 FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 301
17.5 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 302
17.6 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 302
17.7 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 303
17.8 WINDOW .............................................................................................................................................................................. 304
17.9 HELP .................................................................................................................................................................................... 304

18 SCIO™-NET-BUILDER – INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 305

18.1 NET EDITOR AND SCOUT VIEW ................................................................................................................................................... 305

18.2 WORKING IN THE NET EDITOR .................................................................................................................................................... 305
18.3 WORKING IN THE SCOUT VIEWS .................................................................................................................................................. 313
18.4 CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................ 318
18.5 CREATING AND EDITING PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................... 318

19 SCIO™-NET-BUILDER – MENU ITEMS ................................................................................................................................ 319

19.1 SYSTEM ELEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 319

19.2 EDIT ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 322
19.3 VIEW .................................................................................................................................................................................... 326
19.4 FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 330
19.5 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 332
19.6 ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 332
19.7 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 333
19.8 WINDOW .............................................................................................................................................................................. 335
19.9 HELP .................................................................................................................................................................................... 335

20 SCIO™ TEMPLATE MANAGER ........................................................................................................................................... 336

21 SCIO™-MED ..................................................................................................................................................................... 337

21.1 CHANGED DESCRIPTIVE NAMES IN MASTER DATA ............................................................................................................................. 337

21.2 CHANGED FORM COLUMNS (DEFAULT HEADINGS IN FMEA) .............................................................................................................. 337
21.3 CHANGED FORM VARIANTS (FMEA)............................................................................................................................................ 338
21.4 CHANGED MENU ITEMS............................................................................................................................................................. 338
21.5 TEMPLATES FOR EXCEL TRANSFER, SIGN-OFFS AND HTML ................................................................................................................ 338

22 MENU IN THE TREE VIEWS ............................................................................................................................................... 339

22.1 INTRODUCTION (TREE VIEWS) ..................................................................................................................................................... 339

22.2 THE MOUSE MENU IN THE TREE VIEWS .......................................................................................................................................... 346
22.3 SYSTEM STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................................................................. 358
22.4 EDIT ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 359
22.5 VIEW .................................................................................................................................................................................... 360
22.6 FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 362

23 SCIO™-INSPECTION-PLAN ................................................................................................................................................ 363

23.1 INSPECTION PLANS ................................................................................................................................................................... 363

23.2 CREATING AN INSPECTION PLAN .................................................................................................................................................. 363
23.3 CUSTOMIZING THE INSPECTION PLAN TEMPLATE .............................................................................................................................. 364

24 SCIO™ SOFTWARE ADMINISTRATION............................................................................................................................... 365

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Content 7

24.1 INTERFACE COMPATIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................................... 365

24.2 CONFIGURATION FILES .............................................................................................................................................................. 365
24.3 NOTIFICATIONS FOR SCIO™ USERS ............................................................................................................................................. 366
24.4 SCIO™ ADMIN-TOOL .............................................................................................................................................................. 366
24.5 “ATLADVISE -> NO PROGRESS…“- POPUP AT START........................................................................................................................ 372
24.6 SETTINGS FOR THE EXCEL TRANSFER OF GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 372
24.7 SIGN OFF VERSIONING ............................................................................................................................................................. 374
24.8 AUTOMATIC IDS FOR SYSTEM ELEMENTS AND ACTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 375
24.9 DATE FORMAT FOR HTML VIEW, SIGNOFF & EXCEL TRANSFER ......................................................................................................... 376
24.10 CONFIGURATION OF INPUT RESTRICTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 377
24.11 HIDING OF MASTER DATA ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 377
24.12 CONFIGURATION OF THE SCIO™ WINDOWS LOGIN ........................................................................................................................ 379
24.13 DIRECT E-MAIL FORWARDING FROM SCIO™.................................................................................................................................. 380
24.14 SCIO™ LAUNCH PARAMETER ..................................................................................................................................................... 381
24.15 FMEAOPT.INI – PARAMETER .................................................................................................................................................. 382
24.16 SCIO_SERVER_CONFIG.INI – PARAMETER .............................................................................................................................. 383
24.17 SCIO_CLIENT_CONFIG.INI – PARAMETER ............................................................................................................................... 384
24.18 QENGINEER.INI – PARAMETER ................................................................................................................................................... 385
24.19 PLATO AG SUPPORT .............................................................................................................................................................. 386

25 NOTES ON THE MANUAL .................................................................................................................................................. 387

26 INDEX .............................................................................................................................................................................. 388

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
1 – Information about the manual 8

1 Information about the manual

1.1 Structure of the manual

This manual describes the functionality of the following programs and the procedures to follow when using them:


• SCIO™-Matrix

• SCIO™-Control-Plan

• SCIO™-Process-Flow

• SCIO™-Fault-Tree

• SCIO™-Block-Diagram

• SCIO™-Net-Builder (old name SCIO™-Scout)

• SCIO™-Template-Manager

• SCIO™-Inspection-Plan

After introducing the entire SCIO™ product family, an introduction is provided for each program with descriptions of the most
important workflows and procedures.

This is followed by a structured menu description of all menu commands in each program.

After that, a separate chapter is devoted to the subject of the technical administration of the SCIO™ system described. This
information is intended for SCIO™ administrators rather than normal SCIO™ users.

Hyperlinks are used in the manual to avoid duplicate descriptions and to enable users to quickly find related text. The hyperlinks are
indicated using a blue, underlined font for the corresponding text. The reader moves to the corresponding text passage by clicking
with the mouse on the corresponding link.

Note: This manual describes the SCIO™ programs with direct access to the database. The functionality and operation of the other
programs in the SCIO™ product family can be found in the corresponding program manuals.

1.2 SCIO™ & SCIO™-med

The SCIO™ software family is essentially available in two versions:

• SCIO™ (standard version, suitable for industries such as the automotive and process industries, electronics, plant/machine
engineering and many others)

• SCIO™-med (industry-specific version tailored to the needs of the medical technology industry, oriented on DIN EN ISO

However, while the differences between the two versions are fundamental, they are manageable in number and hence both versions
will be described together in this manual. Accordingly, you will find a dedicated chapter that describes all of the special features of
SCIO™-med vis-à-vis SCIO™.

Where this manual describes features of SCIO™ (standard version) that are not entirely applicable to those of SCIO™-med, the reader
will be informed of this fact and will be presented with a hyperlink that leads directly to the chapter specific to SCIO™-med.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
1 – Information about the manual 9

General notes on the SCIO™ versions:

• Identical versioning: SCIO™ and SCIO™-med are versioned identically: until further notice, each patch or update issued will
therefore affect both SCIO™ versions.

• Common manual: SCIO™ and SCIO™-med are described using a common manual/online help (the present document).

• Version change: A subsequent changeover from SCIO™ to SCIO™-med is possible. Corresponding conversion patches are
available for use.

1.3 Typographic Conventions and User guidance

The following conventions are used consistently throughout the entire manual:

• Menu items are shown in bold print.

• Submenu items are appended using a single slash, e.g.: System element/Open/Open Dialog…

• Keys on the keyboard are always written in small capital letters. For example, ENTER refers to the Enter key on the keyboard.
ALT + T means that the Alt key and the letter T are to be pressed at the same time.

• If buttons are discussed in the text, the name of the button is placed in angle brackets, e.g.:

"The mask is closed by clicking once on <OK>".

• If SCIO™ software functions are executed via a browser (e.g. when using the SCIO™-Template-Manager), all tabs shown in
the browser are placed in double angle brackets (e.g. <<Overview>>).

• File names and extensions are written in capital letters (e.g.: FMEAOPT.INI). In addition, input entered in DOS is written
using a fixed font:


In many cases, a menu item can be called in a variety of ways: in addition to the items in the main menu, the most important
commands are also available via the context menu of the right mouse button. Furthermore, there are also corresponding icons
available for many menu calls.

For example, the icon is used for the menu command Analysis/SCIO™ Manager.

An overview of the icons available in SCIO™ can be found in the section Icons in SCIO™.

Note: If gender-specific terms or forms of address are used in this manual, then both the female and male forms are intended to be
addressed. However, for the sake of improved readability, we have abstained from using the full form (e.g. "his or her") at many
locations. In no way does the gender-specific form exclude the other gender.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
1 – Information about the manual 10

1.4 Abbreviations
• BD: Block diagram

• CP: Control plan

• CP/PFC Abbreviated form for “CP and PFC respectively.”

• D-SE Design system element

• FMEA: Failure-Mode and Effects-Analysis (P- Process, D-Design, S-System)

• FTA: Qualitative fault tree analysis

• PFC: Process Flow Chart

• P-SE: Process system element

• QFA Quantitative fault tree analysis

• SE: System element

1.5 Manual Version

The manual is based on the current online help of SCIO™ and describes the following program version:

Program version: as of SCIO™ 8.2.2 & SCIO™-med 8.2.2

Manual version: SCIO™ 8.2.2 EN
Language: English

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 11

2 Introduction
SCIO™ is a modular product family consisting of elements for system analysis, risk analysis, process description, process monitoring,
customer requirements specification and improvement management. Processes and products can be completely described and
designed, starting with the customer requirements and including their implementation in product functions, risk analysis, and
production control.

All SCIO™ programs work with a common database and can be used in combination with other SCIO™ programs or as a module. This
prevents you from having to enter identical information more than once and allows you to utilize knowledge from different areas of
the company.

The following applications are also in the SCIO™ product family in addition to the programs described in this manual:

• SCIO™ Portal: Fast access to corporate data over the Internet (see manual for PLATO e1ns).

• SCIO™ Importer: Configurable data import (e.g. FMEAs based on MS Excel®) into the SCIO™ database.

2.1 Data security

The user does not have to explicitly save the database used (RAIMA Object Manager) when exiting from the system because the
database is a transaction-on ended database. Transaction-oriented databases are characterized in that the files physically constituting
the database do not have to be open the entire time the program is running. If the system crashes while the program is running (due
to a power blackout, hardware failure, program failure, etc.), open files can be left behind in an undefined state, which could lead to
the complete loss of data under unfavorable conditions.

In contrast, the transaction-oriented Raima database only opens the files required at the end of a transaction. The critical time period
within which the files must be opened for reading, writing or deletion is therefore minimized. A loss of data is made almost impossible
for this reason. The worst-case loss of data will then only affect the data in a single transaction at most.

Even though the SCIO™-database and architecture guarantee a high level of data security, you are still responsible for performing
regular backups.

Additional information on backups and database maintenance can be found in the SCIO installation manual or the SCIO™ software
administration chapter.

2.2 Rights Concept

2.2.1 Basic rights and access rights

All programs in the SCIO™ family work with a common database. Large amounts of the data recorded can be shared simultaneously
by different documents, for example by FMEAs, control plans, process flow charts, etc. A lot of this data is extremely important and
sometimes represents and can expose an extensive amount of the knowledge available in a company. Since this data is so wide-
ranging and sometimes contains highly sensitive data, it is necessary to regulate access to this data using authorizations.

In SCIO™, access rights are linked to various conditions and roles:

• Database: Every SCIO™ database has its own rights system. This makes it possible to store particularly sensitive data in a
separate database that only a few users have access to. Even the administrators of one database are not automatically
granted access to another database.

• Users: One user ID must be created in a SCIO™ database for every person who needs access to the data in the corresponding
SCIO™ database. Every user ID in the database is protected by a password.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 12

In order for a user to access the data in a SCIO™ database from an SCIO™ program, the user needs the corresponding rights.
These rights are associated with the corresponding users through the “basic rights”. The basic rights specify which general
rights are to be granted to the user logged in.

To make management of user rights easier, you can put the basic rights in a group and grant them to a user as a group using
“rights classes”. This allows you to define user profiles quickly and easily and assign them to the corresponding users. Classic
user profiles include, for example, “Administrator”, “Moderator”, “Standard User” and “Reader”.

All user administration, including the assignment of rights and the management of the rights classes, is performed in a
central SCIO™ dialog. This dialog is started from the main menu via Administration/Organization.

• Teams/Rights Classes/Departments: Rights of a user to access the contents of SCIO™. Documents can also be linked to the
membership of the user in the particular system element team and/or rights classes and/or departments; i.e. a user can
only use the rights assigned to him on the system element data when the user is a member of one of these "user groups".
While the membership in a team is specified for a user in the master data of the corresponding system element, the
membership to groups (rights classes, departments) are specified in the Organization Administration of SCIO™ (see also:

• System elements: The access rights can be specified separately for each system element. When specifying the access rights,
it is also possible to grant access rights to specific parts of the data within a document (e.g. in an FMEA, a control plan). This
will allow a user, for example, to view all data of an FMEA (“Read” access right) but only change entries relating to actions
and their evaluations (“write” access right).

This special access rights are not necessarily granted to individual users only, but can also be granted to entire teams or

Rights relating to system elements are specified via System element/Access Rights… or in the Master Data Dialog via the
menu command Access Rights/Assign Rights....

2.2.2 Deactivating the individual access rights (extended rights system)

Starting in SCIO™ Version 6.0, every SCIO™ database will use the extended rights system by default. With this system, you can
configure the access rights for every system element individually. User who have deactivated the extended rights system are strongly
advised to activate it.

The activation can be done with the appropriate entry in FMEAOPT.INI, which is found in the "INI" directory of the corresponding
database folder.

To check the access rights, proceed as follows:

• Make sure that nobody is logged in to the corresponding database.

• Open the FMEAOPT.INI file in the "INI" directory of the database folder.

• Search for the following line UseServerSecurity=0 in the [Settings] section. If the line exists, delete it.

• Save the FMEAOPT.INI file.

2.2.3 Overview of Access Rights

If access rights are activated the read and/or write access of user to a single system element depends on the individual access
configuration of this system element.

With System element/Access Rights… the dialog of the access rights will be opened for a selected or opened system element. Setting
checkmarks in the columns “Read” or “Write” defines if a single user or a user group will get read and/or write access to the data of
this system element. The write access always includes a read access automatically.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 13

Distribute contents

In the first section “System Element: Open, Master Data…”, the additional option “Distribute contents“ can be chosen. This option
applies to the data transfer to MS Excel®, the creation of sign offs or HTML documents, the copying of entire system elements (Copy
as… command), and the display of forms in SCIO™-Portal as well as the exporting of data to an XML file and the function Publish

If the checkmark is not set for this option, it is not allowed to perform the corresponding data transfers. If the checkmark is set, the
transfers will be allowed, if the exporting user has the necessary basic rights.

The following access rights can be configured:

• System element: Open, master data, manager queries/data export of contents: Includes the display and editing of all
master data of the corresponding system element. If a user has neither read nor write access (see above), the corresponding
system element cannot be opened by the user.

Important notes:
o Under certain circumstances, it may be possible in other documents to view some data of a system element as
displayed data even without read access (see also: Access rights: Special cases when data is displayed in
documents spanning several SE's).
o Furthermore, having read access to a system element also allows you to evaluate all its data in the SCIO Manager
(the basic right "SCIO Manager - Execute for my system elements (ID 115)" is sufficient in this case).
• Functions, deletion of dependent form data: Includes the display and editing of function texts and function numbers of the
corresponding system element. Delete jobs for functions also include the data correspondingly linked to the function (such
as failures, effects, causes, etc., for example! This access configuration is valid for all SCIO™ programs, which can edit
• Specifications: Includes the display and editing of specifications (characteristics, tolerances, classifications) of the
corresponding system element. This access configuration is valid for all SCIO™ programs, which can edit specifications.
• Failures / Effects / Causes, deletion of actions: Includes the display and editing of failure entries, effects and causes of the
corresponding system element – incl. the severity rankings for the effects. Delete jobs for failures and causes also include
the corresponding action data! This access configuration is valid for all SCIO™ programs, which can edit these kinds of data.
• Actions and Evaluations: Includes the display and editing of actions and their risk evaluations (O, D) of the corresponding
system element. This access configuration is valid for all SCIO™ programs, which can edit these kinds of data.
Note: Since actions do not change the value of S, the ability to edit the value of S does not depend on this access right.
Configure the section "Failure / Effects / Causes, Delete Actions" for this purpose (see above).
• Control-Plan / Process-Flow: Includes the display and editing of “specific information” (see below) in the control plan (CP)
and process flow chart (PFC) documents of the corresponding system element. This access configuration is valid for all
SCIO™ programs, which can edit these kinds of data.
“Specific information” is:
o Selection of process elements and assignment of existing characteristics/specifications (CP, PFC)
o Removal of process elements (CP, PFC)
o Measurement techniques (CP)
o Sample sizes (CP)
o Sample frequencies (CP)
o Reaction plans (CP)
o Process types (PFC)
o Input-/Output processes (PFC)
o Connection labels (PFC)
o Determination of start and end points (PFC)

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 14 Access rights: Special cases when data is displayed in documents spanning several SE's
• Your own actions: Users can edit their own actions for the most part, even without write privileges for "Actions and
Evaluations" in a system element. However, the "job of the action" cannot be changed; this means the description of
recommended action, the person specified responsible, and the target date for the action cannot be edited. The
person entered as the person responsible for an action is therefore always allowed to edit the "Taken action" entries
and change their implementation status – but the "Completed" and "Rejected" status values cannot be selected in this
Note: If a system element contains a system element type that is "Write protected", then the user cannot edit its own
actions either.
• Linked actions ( ): The read and write privileges of an action are initially monitored by the system element using it
after the action has been created. It is possible, though, to link identical actions to various locations– in the same
system element or in other system elements. A linked action can then be read in individually in the context of every
single system element. The write privileges of all system elements used will be monitored in this case! A user's own
actions can also be edited in a limited fashion in this case, even if one of the system elements using it does not have
write privileges for actions. In this case it must be ensured that none of the system elements using the action is write-
• Displayed data in CP/PFC: Process steps in the PFC/CP are modeled as functions or as system elements. Process
characteristics are specifications of the process steps. Product characteristics are specifications from process system
elements and are usually in a higher level than the process steps or the control plan system element in the structure
• To be able to edit PFC/CP documents, the user will first need access rights to the "Control Plan / Process Flow" in the
currently opened system element. To continue working in these documents, rights for the system elements, functions,
and specifications displayed are needed. Write privileges for this data are only necessary if the user wants to be able
to change the displayed data as well.
• Write privileges are not necessary to be able to select external data like functions and system elements that are
displayed for use in a CP/PFC. In this case, users only need "Control Plan / Process Flow" write privileges in the current
system element. The same applies to the specifications / characteristics. It is therefore recommended to grant read
privileges for the product characteristics ("Specifications") to the users of the corresponding process system elements
in the product system elements located higher up in the system structure as well.
• Note: If a user has read and write privileges for "Control Plan / Process Flow" but is not allowed to read the product
characteristics ("Specifications") of linked process system elements, then all dependent data blocks and their
corresponding tests will not be displayed! In the process characteristics, read privileges for characteristics already
selected are granted automatically as soon as read privileges for "Control Plan / Process Flow" are available.
• Control methods in the CP: Control methods in a CP are interpreted in SCIO™ as "Action" data types. This means write
privileges are necessary for "Actions and Evaluations" to be able to enter control methods in the CP system element.
If the Read actions from an FMEA as control methods in a CP option is enabled, then the basic right "Use Knowledge
Base (ID78)" and read access to the "Actions and Evaluations" of the corresponding (external) system elements are
required. Write privileges for the selected "Actions and Evaluations" is not necessary since changing the text of
external actions automatically leads to the "separation" of the external action used and the control method created
from it. Special "rules" in relation to access rights

If access rights are activated for system elements (see the previous section), the read and/or write privileges of a user for the contents
of a system element depend on the individual access settings of the system element. Whether or not the user is a member of one
or more user groups (for example the system element team, department, and rights class) generally play a role in this case.

This is important because it is not only possible to grant access rights to individual users, but also to entire user groups.

For example, if the "Development" department has "read and write privileges" for a system element (for its master data, functions,
etc., for example), then all users assigned to this department will be able to read, change, and add to the corresponding data in the
system element.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 15

However, since a given user can be a member of several different user groups at the same time (for example, let's say the user
"Meier" is a member of the "Development" department, the "Moderator" rights class, and the system element team) but every user
group can have different access rights for a specific system element (see the example below), a "rights conflict" will apparently arise
in such cases.

This conflict is resolved by SCIO™ in such cases by granting the access rights "additively" – i.e. the user is granted all access rights he
or she is entitled to due to their group memberships:


• The user "Miller" is a member of the SE team, the "Development" department, and the "Moderator" rights class.

• The following access rights were granted to the system element "SE1":

o SE Team: Write privileges for all data (FMEA and CP) except for specifications

o "Development" department: Read privileges for all FMEA data, write privileges for specifications

o "Moderator" rights class: Read privileges for all data (FMEA and CP)
• With these access rights, the user "Miller" is granted read and write access to all data in "SE1" (full access) since he belongs
to all three user groups, and their rights, when combined, permit full access to the data.

Access rights for individual users:

The access rights assigned to an individual user play a special role in this context. These rights are evaluated with a higher "priority"
by the system and override all access rights of the corresponding user that the user is actually entitled to due to his or her group
memberships (see the previous example).

Example (extended):

The user "Miller" will also be granted read access (as an individual) to all data in "SE1".

• The user "Miller" now does not have the write privileges he is normally entitled to due to his group memberships (see
above). The user "Meier" now only has the read rights granted to him individually.

Users with the "Administrator" basic right (see below) have full access to the data of a system element regardless of any other access
right settings.

Write privileges for person responsible for the action

If the name of a user is entered in the form as the person responsible for an individual action (recommended action), then this user
will be able to edit some of the data depending on the action without explicit having write privileges for this data. This special write
privilege applies to the following action-dependent data:

• Name and type of the action taken

• Evaluation of the action (O2 and D2 values)
• Status of the action

Note: To be able to use the special write privilege, the user must have read privileges for the corresponding data.

2.2.4 Inheriting access rights

If access rights for a system element are assigned individually (System Element/Access Rights...), then the rights configured (all of
them or just a selection) can be very easily transferred to ("inherited by") all sub-system elements below the system element currently
being edited. A description of the procedure can be found in the chapter Access Rights/Assign Rights.

Important notice: If a system element is created directly as a sub-system element for an existing system element (for example, as a
sub-system element in a matrix or structure tree), then it will "inherit" the access rights of the existing, super-ordinate system
element automatically!

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 16

2.3 Overview of the basic rights

The following provides an overview and short explanations of the basic rights that can be assigned in SCIO™.

Important Notes:

• The numbers used to number the basic rights in this document match the numbers in the temporary index that can be
displayed in the SCIO™ version described. The grouping of the basic rights must be disabled in this case.

• Previous versions of SCIO™ and other language versions may display different numbers!

• In SCIO™, a unique ID is also appended to each basic right [ID: xx]. These IDs are the same regardless of the view used and
are used to identify a specific basic right, for example when requesting support.

No. Basic right / ID Description

1 Application e1ns / 62 Permits to start and use the PLATO e1ns web-applications.
To get access to the database vie a browser the user needs a corresponding
user log in. Additional basic rights are needed for the specific applications
(license depending basic rights).

2 Application e1ns.actions / 157 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

3 Application e1ns.architect / 165 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

4 Application e1ns.aspects / 158 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

5 Application e1ns.dashboard / 160 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

6 Application e1ns.deltamanager / 161 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

7 Application e1ns.documents / 156 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

8 Application e1ns.flow/ 164 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 17

No. Basic right / ID Description

9 Application e1ns.methods / 159 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

10 Application e1ns.output / 155 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

11 Application e1ns.portal / 162 This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

12 Application Plug-ins / 153 This additional basic right permits the User to start external programs which
are linked to SCIO™ by a Plug-in interface.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

13 Application SCIO Inspection-Plan Add- This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™
On / 152 program (additional program; license needed!).
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

14 Application SCIO-Automation / 54 Permits automated data exchange with applications connected through an
interface (e.g. SCIO™-Inspection Plan, AQTIO™, SCIO™-Portal)

15 Application SCIO-Block Diagram / 59 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

16 Application SCIO-Control-Plan / 55 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

17 Application SCIO-Fault-Tree / 51 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

18 Application SCIO-FMEA / 50 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

19 Application SCIO-Importer / 58 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

20 Application SCIO-Matrix / 53 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

21 Application SCIO-Net-Builder / 57 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

22 Application (before This additional basic right permits the user to start the corresponding PLATO
SCIO-Portal) / 163 web-application (see also: Basic right 1 “Application e1ns / 62”).
More information can be found in the manual of PLATO e1ns.
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

23 Application SCIO-Process-Flow / 56 Permits the user to start the corresponding SCIO™ program by entering a
username and password (Login)

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 18

No. Basic right / ID Description

24 Application e1ns.templates (Log on) / 63 Permits special database access (working data base, template data base) using
the Template-Manger. For more information please read the Template-
Manager installation manual.

25 Action management send actions / 108 Permits the transfer of actions from SCIO™ to the PLATO action management
system AQTIO™

26 Administration action categories / 40 Permits the user to create and format action categories.

27 Administration assign right classes / 34 Permits the assignment of existing right classes to a user. Only those right
classes can be assigned which are assigned to the user currently logged in.

28 Administration configure log in / 41 Permits the user to define employee login settings. The following “user master-
data” may be changed: “User”, “Password”, “State”, “Windows Login”,
“Windows Login-Name” and “Personal ID”.
To change the password of a user the old password must be known!

29 Administration create new and edit user Permits the definition of new users for the SCIO™ database. For the first time,
/ 10 it is possible to enter a “user” name and to select a department. The selection
of the “state” is not possible. SCIO™ will select “inactive” as a standard.
If the data listed before shall be edited, other basic rights are needed (e.g. ID
10 and/or ID 36).
Master-data like “First Name”, “Name”, “Telephone” and “Email” can be edited
all the time.

30 Administration delete user / 12 Permits to delete or deactivate a user account of the SCIO™ database. “Open
actions” of the corresponding user can be transferred to other employees.

31 Administration departments / 36 Permits the user to create new departments. This makes it possible to lay out a
corporate structure in SCIO™.

32 Administration edit projects / 49 Permits the creation and editing of projects in the Project Administration.

33 Administration evaluation catalogs / 118 Permits the editing of evaluation catalogs (incl. risk matrix). In addition the
basic right “Administration master data” (ID 9) is required!

34 Administration master data / 9 Permits the user to expand and change the master data lists (for example, for
system element types, attributes, languages, etc.) that can be used in SCIO™.
• This basic right is required to edit evaluation catalogs also (ID 118).
• It is also required to create new SE families in the Variant tree (among
the basic right “Variant tree edit” (ID 47).

35 Administration optional master data / Permits the user to create new optional master data and column information
70 and edit existing optional master data and column information.

36 Administration user administration / Allows opening the user administration. Further rights are necessary for editing
128 (ID 10 Create new and edit user, ID 12 Delete user, ID 34 Assign right classes, ID
41 Configure log in, ID 36 Departments).

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 19

No. Basic right / ID Description

37 Administrator / 1 A person with the “Administrator” basic right has all rights for the SCIO™
database. Administrators therefore have full read and write access to all
information in the database.
It is perfectly possible to have two or more administrators defined in the
system. Administrators can delete other administrators from the system. The
system monitors the number of administrators to ensure that there is always
at least one administrator.
Important note:
Basic right with an ID number greater than 150 are license-depending and not
included in the “Administrator” basic right!
These rights have to be assigned separately if the corresponding applications
shall be used.

38 Analysis graphical analysis / 13 Permits the user to use the tools for graphical analysis to perform Pareto-,
RPN- and Risk Matrix analysis.

39 Documentation create portfolio/create Permits the creation of document folders by transferring the corresponding
Excel document / 3 data from the SCIO™ database to MS Excel®. The data transferred depends on
which additional basic rights were granted.

40 Documentation organize portfolio / 89 Permits the selection of structures to be sent in the data transfer (Function
tree, Variant tree, Structure tree) as well as other parameters that influence
the structure of the data transfer.

41 Documentation organize portfolio Permits the creation, saving, and configuration of transfer profiles for the data
profiles / 88 transfer to MS Excel®. A transfer profile in this case contains the configuration
of all parameters that are needed or can be selected for a data transfer.
Permits the configuration of outputs.

42 Documentation organize settings / 90 Permits the configuration of the data transfer to MS Excel®.

43 Documentation transfer Function Tree / Permits the transfer of function tree data to MS Excel®.

44 Documentation transfer SCIO Permits the transfer of quantitative fault trees (QFA) from SCIO™- Fault-Tree to
Quantitative-Fault-Tree-Analysis / 100 MS Excel®.

45 Documentation transfer SCIO-Block- Permits the transfer of block diagram data to MS Excel®. The diagrams are
Diagram / 102 transferred as raw image data.

46 Documentation transfer SCIO-Control Permits the transfer of control plans to MS Excel®. Master data is transferred
Plan / 96 as well in this case.

47 Documentation transfer SCIO-Fault-Tree Permits the transfer of qualitative fault trees to MS Excel®. The trees are
/ 99 transferred as raw image data in this case.

48 Documentation transfer SCIO-FMEA / 95 Permits the transfer of FMEA data to MS Excel®. Master data is transferred as
well in this case. The type of form used in this case depends on the
configuration of the transfer group.

49 Documentation transfer SCIO-Matrix / Permits the transfer of matrix data to MS Excel®. System matrices as well as
94 function matrices can be transferred.

50 Documentation transfer SCIO-Process- Permits the transfer of process flow charts and process flow tables to
Flow / 97 MS Excel®. The flow diagrams are transferred as raw image data in this case.

51 Documentation transfer SCIO-Scout- Permits the transfer of Scout-views from SCIO™-Net-Builder to MS Excel®. The
view / 101 networks are transferred as raw image data in this case.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 20

No. Basic right / ID Description

52 Documentation transfer Specification- Permits the transfer of specification lists from SCIO Scout to MS Excel®. This
Sheet / 114 right is needed to display Sign Off or HTML vies of specification lists also.

53 Documentation transfer Structure Tree / Permits the transfer of structure tree data to MS Excel®.

Documentation transfer system Permits the transfer of system element data even when the user is not a
elements without being team member / member of the system element team
98 Important note: This basic right is not visible, if the extended right system is
activated (standard configuration)!

54 Documentation transfer Variant Tree / Permits the transfer of variant trees to MS Excel®.

55 Edit e1ns.methods catalogs / 123 Permits the user to create new and edit existing catalogs used in

For further information please read in the “PLATO e1ns” manual.

56 Edit change inherited S evaluation / 119 Permits S evaluations inherited from the source failure to be changed in
generated effects of failure in FMEA systems.

57 Edit enter protected terms / 120 Permits to add new entries (for example functions and failures) even if the
corresponding data types are protected by the system configuration. More
information on the subject of the "configuration of protected terms" can be
found in the chapter Configuration of input restrictions.

58 Edit global contexts and synonyms / 8 Permits the user to edit context information, i.e. to trace the global and local
history of changes and undo changes when necessary and to edit local and
global comments; translations can be saved in this case.

59 Edit standard evaluations / 21 Permits the user to enter/change evaluation standards for effects, causes, and
actions. An evaluation standard is always valid globally and can be read using
the “auto-evaluation”. Without this basic right, only the local evaluation can be

60 Edit use dialog for inheritance of Permits the user to edit S-evaluations (severity evaluation of effects) in a
severity evaluations / 121 separate synchronization dialog for the effects hierarchy (see also: Consistent S
evaluations in systems).
This basic right should be assigned to trained user only!

61 Function Tree edit / 30 Permits the user to create new entries and edit existing entries in the Function
tree. Links can be created or removed.
Important notes:
• This very wide-ranging basic right should only be granted after
careful consideration since the Function tree can be used to access
a lot of database information and change it as well!
• If a user does not also have the special basic right to display all data
in the tree (ID 29), then only data from "My System Elements" will
be displayed (see also: Tree filter).

62 Function Tree read all / 29 Permits the user to start the Function tree. Data can be displayed but not
It is possible using tree filters to reduce the amount of data displayed to
specific data.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 21

No. Basic right / ID Description

63 Function Tree read your own system Permits the display of Function tree data with activated tree filter “Own system
elements / 112 elements” or “Authorized system elements” (if extended rights system is
active) only.
Important note:
This basic right is only enabled when the tree filters are enabled for the tree
views! This option is set by SCIO™ administrators in the Tools/Options… menu
on the "Function tree" tab.

64 Function Tree show causes / 43 Permits the display of the causes of failures in the Function tree.

65 Function Tree show effects / 44 Permits the display of the effects of failures in the Function tree.

66 Function Tree show failures / 42 Permits the display of failures in the Function tree.

67 Knowledge Base execute / 78 Permits the user to call the Knowledge Base – a context-sensitive database

68 Options global settings Analysis / 83 Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

69 Options global settings Edit / 107 Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

70 Options global settings Function Tree / Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
86 tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

71 Options global settings Print / 84 Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

72 Options global settings Settings / 82 Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

73 Options System global settings System Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
Administration / 85 tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

74 Options global settings Variant Tree / 87 Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

75 Options global settings View / 81 Permits the configuration of all global* options parameters on the specified
tab. (* not limited to the user logged in)

76 SCIO-Manager configure / 35 Permits the configuration of the SCIO-Manager. For example, the standard
search mask can be expanded or restricted as desired or the threshold values
for the RPN color ranges can be changed.

77 SCIO-Manager execute / 31 Permits the user to start the SCIO-Manager. Users assigned this basic right
have access to all knowledge contained in the entire SCIO database.

78 SCIO-Manager execute for my system Permits the user to start the SCIO-Manager. With this right it is possible to
elements / 115 analyze data from system elements only, if the user is a team member of these
elements or belongs to the responsible department.
If the extended right system is activated, SCIO™ will analyze data from system
elements only when the user has “read access“.

79 SCIO-Manager print, copy, translate, Permits the user to utilize the search results obtained in the SCIO-Manager
send results / 20 (e.g. the user can print, save, etc.).

80 Sign off create / 75 Permits the creation of sign offs (as an archive document, for example) via the
XML interface.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 22

No. Basic right / ID Description

81 Sign off read / 73 Permits the user to open existing sign offs for viewing in a Web browser (for
example the MS Internet Explorer).

82 System element create new / 2 Permits the creation of new system elements and to enter the corresponding
master data.

83 System element direct print / 4 Permits the user to print out data directly without having to call an external
program such as MS Excel® (for example, the user can directly print out the
current form or the results from the SCIO-Manager).

84 System element execute delete jobs for Permits the execution of delete jobs existing for entire system elements in the
whole system elements/ 24 corresponding dialog. Delete jobs from all SCIO™ programs can be accessed
(write access needed!).

85 System element export / 22 Permits the user to export entire system elements or systems in the XML

86 System element import / 23 Permits the user to import entire system elements or systems in the XML
format. Files in older SCIO™ formats and in the FM2 format can be imported.

87 System element permit read access / 27 With this basic right, users not belonging to the “System Element Team”
and/or the “Responsible Department” may read, but not change, the data of
the system element.
If this basic right is added to a rights class, then this rights class is automatically
entered for all system elements in the database with read privileges for all data
when the access rights are activated! It is still possible to revoke this right
individually at any time.

88 System element permit write access / 79 With this basic right, users not belonging to the “System Element Team”
and/or the “Responsible Department” may read and change the data of the
system element or add data to it.
If this basic right is added to a rights class, then this rights class is automatically
entered for all system elements in the database with write privileges for all
data when the access rights are activated! It is still possible to revoke this right
individually at any time.

89 System element remove write Permits the user to change the system element status even if the system
protection by state / 16 element is write-protected. The write protection may be removed when this is
done in some cases.

90 System element preview displays form Permits the user to display the corresponding system element data in the form
sheets / 72 of an HTML document. The data is displayed in a Web browser (for example
the MS Internet Explorer®). Contents of form sheets are displayed in the
e1ns.portal preview.

91 Template use / 154 This additional basic right permits the use of templates from a template data
base, if these templates were released by the template manager before (extra
functionality of SCIO™).
Important Note: This basic is not integrated into the “Administrator” basic
right (ID 1)!

92 Template Publish / 76 Permits the publication of templates in the template database.

93 Variant Tree edit / 47 Permits the user to edit the Variant tree.
To be able to create new SE families, the user also needs authorization to
administer master data (ID 9).

94 Variant Tree open for reading / 46 Permits the user to start the Variant tree. Data can be displayed but not

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
2 – Introduction 23

No. Basic right / ID Description

95 View use QFA documents / 52 Permits the user to edit documents from the quantitative fault tree (QFA) in
SCIO™ Fault Tree.

96 View use Scout-View / 117 Permits to create net structures using the Scout-view functionality. In addition,
the basic right “Application SCIO-Net-Builder” (ID 57) is needed to start the
Net-Builder program.

97 View use Specification-Editor / 116 Permits the use of the specification editor to display and edit characteristics
and specifications. Note: The specification editor is licensed with SCIO™-

2.3.1 Basic rights depending on the license

The list of basic in a standard SCIO™ installation may contain fewer basic rights. Since SCIO™ Version 2.2, additional program modules
have been added to the SCIO™ family and the PLATO e1ns family. When licenses are obtained for these add-on programs, the list of
basic rights may be extended in order to control access to these modules.

At the present time, the following additional basic rights can be activated by licensing. These new basic rights are added to the list
of basic rights in correct alphabetical order:

• No. 2 Application e1ns.actions / 157

• No. 3 Application e1ns.architect / 165

• No .4 Application e1ns.aspects / 158

• No. 5 Application e1ns.dashboard / 160

• No. 6 Application e1ns.deltamanager / 161

• No. 7 Application e1ns.documents / 156

• No. 8 Application e1ns.flow / 164

• No. 9 Application e1ns.methods / 159

• No. 10 Application e1ns.output / 155

• No. 11 Application e1ns.portal / 162

• No. 12 Application Plug-ins / 153

• No. 13 Application SCIO™-Inspection-Plan (Add on) / 152

• No. 22 Application SCIO-Portal / 163

• No. 90 Template use / 154

2.4 Write-protecting and releasing documents

To protect the contents of a form from being modified, you can apply write protection to a specific system element in the database
in addition to applying one of the methods already described. Once activated, it is impossible to modify the contents of a document
in the form (e.g. FMEA or control plan) or in a tree view.

The write protection of a document depends on the status assigned to it. You will find more information on this subject in the chapters
“Editing Master Data” (section: Mandatory Data) and “Administering Master Data Elements” (section: Status).

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2.5 Interfaces and “Plug-in“ concept

Middleware – the "universal" software interface

SCIO™ can "contact" other applications and exchange data with them when used with middleware solutions such as BizTalk, EPI, SAP
NetWeaver®, or IBM WebSphere®, for example. This allows interfaces to a wide variety of (sometimes highly complex) applications
to be created.

Possible interfaces via middleware include, for example, interfaces to SAP® solutions, requirements management solutions (such as
Doors®), CAQ systems (such as Guardus™ MES), PDM systems, or CAD systems.

The interfaces can be used, if necessary, to synchronize or import catalogues, exchange employee or department data, or even
transmit characteristics used for identification. The heterogeneity of the different applications is irrelevant in this case because the
middleware is able to "overcome" the problems of different infrastructures, technologies, and programming languages.

Interfaces to PLATO solutions

There are fully prepared and configured interfaces available for the XERI™ document management system and the AQTIO™ action
management system.

It is therefore possible to transfer the processing of actions from an FMEA directly to AQTIO™, for example. In AQTIO™, the pending
actions are supplied with resources according to a controlled workflow, possibly divided into sub-actions, monitored for deadlines,
and evaluated in terms of their success. The results are then returned to SCIO™.

SCIO™ documents can also be transferred to XERI™, if necessary, to specifically control, release, and archive the documents. The
document management system then takes over the entire release and distribution process and ensures that the documents are
stored so that it is possible to track changes and save different versions.


Using plug-in technology, the functionality of SCIO™ can be selectively expanded. SCIO™ has a defined base interface for this purpose
so that it is easy to connect other software products to expand its functionality.

The term "plug-in" refers to a program that can be easily added or "plugged in" to another software product. PLATO offers plug-ins
from other providers and has subjected every plug-in declared official to an application test.

However, PLATO does not offer any guarantees, is not liable, and does not provide service, etc., for plug-ins. The terms of use of the
manufacturer of the plug-in software apply.

The right to use plug-ins is enabled on a user-by-user basis in SCIO™.

The individual "plug-in applications" can be called after successful configuration and activation by clicking on the corresponding icon
in the SCIO™ Application bar ("Plug-ins" section).

PLATO already offers plug-ins for mind-mapping, DOE, and process modeling software packages.

Note: Additional information on interfaces and plug-ins can be found in the installation manual, obtained by sending an e-mail to , or by calling by telephone (Tel. +49 (0)451/930 986-02).

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3.1 Start view (Log in)

The “login" procedure is used to log the user into the SCIO™ program.

Only authorized users who have logged in can use the system. The set of privileges that were assigned to the user are loaded. The
user can only execute those functions that are marked in his set of privileges.

All actions taken by a user that has logged in are recorded in a log file.

The login consists of entering the user name (in the Name field) and the corresponding password (in the Password field). If the
password or the name were not entered correctly, then the message "The password is incorrect" appears. The login dialog is aborted
after three unsuccessful attempts.

SCIO™ opens the general program menu after a successful login.


• Passwords are case sensitive.

• If necessary, it is possible to configure the password security.

• SCIO™ Fault Tree can also be started and used by a user without "logging in" (corresponding basic right required). The Login
dialog only appears when data in the SCIO™ database is affected.

• If a user exited (logged off) SCIO™ earlier with a tree view or SCIO™ Manager still active, then these windows are
automatically activated again the next time the user logs in. The same also applies to the application bar of the SCIO™

• It is also possible to perform a simplified log in to the SCIO™ data base using the so called Windows Login.

3.1.1 Change Database Access - Select Server and Profile

When more than one database is used, it is recommended to create a separate profile for each database. This is done using the
"Admin-Tool” (see also: SCIO™ installation manual).

If more than one profile has been created, then one can be selected during the login procedure using the <Change> button.

In this case, another split dialog window opens in which you can decide in the upper part to use a local server or a network server for
the database. In the lower section of the window, you can select the desired database profile from the Profile list (use the
button!) The selection is confirmed with the <OK> button. The login procedure described above in then performed for the selected
SCIO™ database.


• It is possible to switch to a different installed database from an open database (i.e. you are already logged in). To do this,
use the Tools/Change Database command.

• The name of the profile currently selected when logging in is displayed in the window title bar of the program window after
the SCIO™ program name (for example SCIO™-FMEA (Setup)).

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3.1.2 Simplified login procedure (Windows NT or later)

SCIO™ also offers a Windows Login to log in to the SCIO™ database. In this case the user only needs to log in to the company’s internal
Windows (NT or a later Windows version) network or, for local workstations, log in to the operating system of the workstation. It is
not necessary to log in to SCIO™ separately any more.

The following procedure must be followed to realize the simplified login:

Step 1 (optional): The Windows Login option can be activated generally for each SCIO™ database

• Open the FMEAOPT.INI file, located in the INI-folder of the SCIO™ database, and add the following entry to the [Settings]


Save the file afterwards.


• The entry NTLogin=0” deactivates the possibility of a simplified log in for the corresponding database.
• If the parameter is set (1 or 0), you can skip “step 2”.
• The configuration described in “step 3” is necessary in any case.

Step 2: The Windows Login option must be activated for each SCIO™ client (“Administrator” basic right needed!)

• Select the Tools/Options... command and then switch to the “System Administration” tab. Place a checkmark next to
“Allow Windows Login”.

Note: The described configuration takes effect only if there is no corresponding entry added to the FMEAOPT.INI (see “step 1”).

Step 3: The Windows Login option must be activated for each user individually in the detailed user data:

• Mark the desired user under Administration/Organization (if necessary, select View/By User).

• Execute the command User/Edit.

• Set the “Windows Login” option to "active" using the down arrow.

• The login name used to log in to Windows NT must be entered in the "Windows Login Name" input field. For longer entries
(up to 160 characters) a different reference field can be defined. Add the entry WinLoginExternalId=1 in the section
[Settings] in the FMEAOPT.INI file. The login name has then to be entered in the "Personal ID" input field – (path to this
dialog box: Administration/Organization/User/Edit).

See also:

• Start view (Log in)

• Manual “Software Administration SCIO™” Allow user name together with domain name

Sign on to SCIO™ with the configuration <DNS Domain>\<User name>

This entry allows you to log on to SCIO™ with the configuration <DNS Domain>\<user name> in the field "Windows Login-Name" of
the dialog "User Data Detail" (path to this dialog box: Administration/Organization/User/Edit).

• Add the following entry in the section [Settings] in the SCIO_Client_Config.ini file:


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Sign on to SCIO™ with the configuration <Domain>\<User name>

This entry allows you to log on to SCIO™ with the configuration <Domain>\<user name> in the field "Personal ID" of the dialog
"User Data Detail" (path to this dialog box: Administration/Organization/User/Edit).

• Add the following entry in the section [Settings] in the FMEAOPT.INI file:


Note: This entry overwrites the value WinLoginFormat=12 set in the SCIO_Client_Config.ini file (see also: Sign on to SCIO™ with
the configuration <DNS Domain>\<User name>).

If there are several SCIO™ users which have the same login name, the following message appears: "Your Windows name is not
configured clearly. You have been signed on as '<user name>'."

3.2 SCIO™ Application Bar

The SCIO™ Application Bar on the right edge of the SCIO™ program window is used to help the user navigate through the SCIO™

program family and can be displayed or hidden using the button. It consists of the following three views, each of which is
activated by clicking with the mouse on the name of the area:

• SCIO: This view provides you with direct access to another application in the SCIO™ program family. The following rules
apply in this case: The top program icon indicates the current SCIO™ application. Under this (under the solid line), you will
see the program icon for the SCIO™ application last switched to from the current application. Below this icon (below the
dotted line), you will see the program switches for the other SCIO™ applications.

Note: When you switch to another SCIO™ application using the application bar, the login data of the user (login name and
password) are also used for the new application. If the switch was made from within an active system element, then the
corresponding system element is automatically activated in the selected target application.

• Documents: This view contains a list of the last 8 (at most) system elements you have opened from the SCIO™ database.
The SCIO™ application from which the system elements were accessed is irrelevant. Clicking with the mouse on the
corresponding system element opens the selected system element in the currently active SCIO™ application.

Note: The list of the last system elements opened is updated when the SCIO™ application is terminated and is available
with new entries (if necessary) when the application is restarted. The master data dialog used to create a new system
element is started via "New".

<Open> opens the classic “Open” dialog used to select an existing system element from the database.

• Plug-ins (only visible when the corresponding applications are available): In this view, you can call any additional utility
programs that are able to work together directly or indirectly with SCIO™ through the corresponding interfaces (e.g. SCIO™-
DRBFM). Special applications based on MS Excel® are also possible. The application desired can be started by clicking with
the mouse on the corresponding program icon.

3.3 Tree views

SCIO™ offers three tree views:

• Structure tree

• Function tree

• Variant tree

The tree views are very versatile tools in the SCIO™ family. You can display functional and system relationships and other items in
the form of a tree with this tool.

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While the Structure tree only shows projects, system elements and their structural links, you can enter and edit failure modes, causes
and effects using the Function tree.

The Variant tree enables the description and organization of system element families and/or variants.

The tree views can be used as navigation aids and as tools for creating complex system structures.

A number of useful functions are available to the user of the tree views via the right mouse button menu containing many commands.
Some of these functions can only be called when the user is in a tree.

The tree views have their own program menus and can be called from all modules in the SCIO™ family.

All important details relating to the tree views and their operation can be found in the section Tree view menus.

3.4 Schedule Control

The Schedule Control (available only in SCIO™-FMEA) is a tool used to monitor the deadlines for actions specified within the system
elements. Each registered user is provided with his or her own deadline monitor.

In addition to personal deadline monitors, there is also a deadline monitor for the entire database. This allows the persons responsible
for the project to generate comprehensive deadline lists that cover several system elements or persons. This special deadline monitor
is enabled and configured in the SCIO-Manager (see next chapter).

3.5 SCIO-Manager
The SCIO-Manager is a wide-ranging tool used to analyze and assess your SCIO™ database. You can send complex search queries to
the database with this tool. In addition, the SCIO-Manager can be very useful when used to manage deadlines.

The SCIO-Manager has its own program menu and can be called from all modules in the SCIO™ family.

3.6 Language Views and translations

3.6.1 Language of the user interface (menu)

Different languages can be used in the user interface (menu language) of the programs in the SCIO™ family.

The following menu languages are currently available:

• German
• English
• French
• Chinese
The menu language can be changed via Tools/Change user interface language….

Note: In addition to the language of the user interface, the language of the database used and the documents stored in it also play a
role (see the following section).

3.6.2 Language views of the documents – edit translations

Every SCIO™ database has a reference language. This language is the one used when a form is created and filled out.

Additional languages (called translation languages) can be defined in the database. To open a form in a different language, select
View/Supplemental Views... (Note: You can switch directly to the language administration from this location using the "Language
Administration" link (corresponding rights required).

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The FMEA, Matrix, CP or PFC documents can be opened, edited, and printed in the reference language and in the Language View.
Language views are also available for the Net Editor views in SCIO™ Net Builder and for the Specification Editor in SCIO™ Matrix.

Procedure when working with translations:

Step 1: Create a language

A new translation language is defined using the Administration/Master Data Elements... menu command. Select the "Language"
data type, enter the new language in the table that opens and assign it an ID code. Standard international codes should be used for
the ID (for example, the vehicle country identification code) because the language can then be identified based on this code when
data is imported and exported internationally. The name of the language does not depend on the ID and therefore can be specified
in the language of the foreign country where the data will be used (see also: Master Data Elements… “Languages” parameter).

SCIO™ uses the following language standard IDs :

• DE for German
• EN for English
• FR for French
• PL for Polish
• ZH for Chinese

Renaming or deleting languages:

Existing languages can be renamed directly or deleted. To delete a language, select the corresponding line and press the DEL key.
Important note: When you delete a language all translations (synonyms) stored with this language are deleted as well!

All changes made in the language administration must be saved using <Save> (if you press <OK>, the system will query you). <Cancel>
terminates the dialog without saving the data.

Step 2: Store translations

In a Language View, the translations of a system element are displayed in the corresponding form and can be edited directly here.
All entries not yet translated are highlighted in yellow.

Important note: The basic right “Edit global contexts and synonyms” regulates whether or not a user is permitted to edit translations
(synonyms). If a user does not have this right, then he can only store new translations for the system element data for which he also
has write privileges. Existing translations cannot be changed, though, in this case!

Translations can be stored in one of three ways:

• Form translation: Enter the translation directly in the cell in the corresponding Language View => the cell is not highlighted
in yellow anymore and the translation is stored as a special cell context ("Synonyms" tab).

• Cell translation: Enter the translation in the context dialog of a cell in the form on the "Synonyms" tab. When a language
view is opened, the stored translation is then read directly into the cell.

• List of Translations: Translation lists can be compiled using the SCIO-Manager. The lists are stored as text files (*.txt),
translated externally and then read back into the database.

Step 3: Working in the Language View

The contents of the FMEA can also be changed in the Language View, i.e. new entries can be added or existing entries deleted there.
Even deadlines and evaluations can be translated to a different language. This generally leads to the necessity to make changes to
the reference language. There are various configuration capabilities available in SCIO™ for this purpose. All important parameters
relating to the handling of the reference and translation languages are specified in the Tools/Options… menu in the "Settings" tab.

Step 4: Translate column headings

Separate column headers can be translated and displayed for every language view. Read the Administration/Columns in Form
section for more information.

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Step 5: Translating additional data

Most of the master data can also be translated. They are translated using the “context” of the corresponding data or the list of

Comments can be translated directly in the window for entering comments.

See also

• Language of the user interface (menu)

3.7 Sign Offs and HTML views

3.7.1 Sign Offs

Sign offs are snapshots of system element data that is read from the database and converted into a format that can be read by a
browser. The idea behind sign offs is to make the SCIO™ data available outside of the database and, in particular, to archive the data.
In addition, different sign off states can be compared to each other, and the differences can then be highlighted graphically.

Sign offs are created for a system element and stored automatically. The sign off can include data from a single system element or
from an entire system structure.

Sign offs can be created for the following records of a system element or a structure:


• Control Plan

• Process Flow Chart

• Specification data sheets (special permission is required! (see below))

To be able to create sign offs for specifications, the user needs administrator rights or the basic right “Documentation Transfer
Specification Sheet”.

Sign offs always consist of a “start page” (FMEA sign off only) containing the name of the sign off, the time and date it was created,
and the author of the document. Furthermore, the system elements integrated into the sign off can be found to the left of the
Function, Structure, and Variant trees. In the lower section of the start page, you will also find a list of the system elements integrated
into the sign off. Clicking with the mouse on a corresponding system element opens the document stored for this element.

See also:

• Mouse context: System Element/Sign Offs Versioning of Sign Offs

When creating a sign off, you should always specify its version level as well as its revision status to ensure the data saved can be
uniquely identified.

An input line for the sign off data always opens first after the dialog for creating a sign off is called. If the corresponding version and
revision fields are entered in the master data, then SCIO™ automatically uses this data in the sign off.

It is also possible to have the system assign the version numbers automatically. If this functionality is activated (see below), then
SCIO™ increments the version number of every new sign off for a system element by “1” (e.g. 2 -> 3). The term “draft” is used for the
revision. This term can be changed, if necessary (see below). After creating the sign off, the new values are automatically entered in
the master data of the system element.

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To enable automatic versioning when creating sign offs, you must add the following entry to the SCIO_SERVER_CONFIG.INI file found
in the SCIO™ server directory:



In addition, it is also possible to change the default value used to change the revision status of a draft to a new term of your choice.
To do this, you must add the following entry to the FMEAOPT.INI file in the INI directory of the database:



In this case, xyz is used as a placeholder for your new sign off revision term.

See also:

• Sign Off Versioning (Software administration)

3.7.2 HTML View and Audit-Trail

The HTML view is like a temporary sign off for the most part. It can be used to graphically highlight all changes made to the system
element since a specific date without saving the sign off data. An HTML view is available for the FMEA form, the control plan (CP),
the process flow chart (PFC) and the specification overview.

The audit trail is a special form of HTML view. In this view, you can track the changes made to system elements.

See also:

• HTML-Documents...

• Mouse context: System Element/Show HTML Document Audit-Trail
This special HTML view can be used to track and display changes to system elements.


• The audit trail is called by clicking on the icon for creating HTML documents and then selecting "Audit Trail".

• In the dialog box that appears, you must first specify the time frame for which the audit trail will be generated. There are
various time periods available for selection:

o Today minus: Select number of days in the past (from today's date) for which the audit trail should be generated.

o Since last print date: The audit trail period is automatically set to the time that has elapsed since the last print
job for the system element.

o Since last sign off date: The audit trail period is automatically set to the time that has elapsed since last sign off
for the system element.

o All: The audit trail outputs all change data available for the system element.

o Select date: The period for the audit trail can be specified individually using the calendar.

• The audit trail is generated using <OK>.

• <Cancel> cancels the generation of the audit trail.

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Contents of an audit trail:

The audit trail for a system element records all change operations to the data of the element in the selected time period in the form
of a table. Graphic changes (for example in the block diagram or in a PFC) and changes to data links are not shown, though.

• Change date: Time and date of the change recorded.

• Users: Specification of the user who made the change.

• Change type: Specification of the type of change – changes such as "adding", "modifying" or "deleting" are considered
different types of changes.

• Data type: Information on the type of data changed; for example, if the change was made to a "failure", a "cause", an
evaluation, or to the system element (name, links), etc.

• Data: The entry that was added, changed, or deleted can be found here (see also the notes below).

Important notes on the audit trail table:

• Changes recorded in the table can be clicked on. SCIO™ then jumps automatically to the corresponding FMEA form and
selects the entry clicked on. If the change was a deletion, then the corresponding system element is opened or SCIO™ jumps
to an entry previously linked to the deleted entry (the failure for deleted effects or causes, for example).

• When an entry is deleted, the audit trail is updated to reflect this. All changes made to this entry before deletion as well as
the initial creation of the entry will not appear in the audit trail any more (see Example 1).

In addition, all data recorded (and possibly changed) which is related to the deleted entry will not appear any more either
in the audit trail (see example 2).

o Example 1: Function "A" is created and then renamed to "B". Function "B" is then deleted. In this case, only the
delete job for "B" will be documented in the audit trail.

o Example 2: A failure "F" with an effect "FF" and a cause "U" is created for function "A". If an audit trail is created
now, all operations will be recorded and listed individually. If the function "A" is then deleted and another audit
trail created for the function, then only the delete job for function "A" will be found in this audit trail. All
operations on the related data "F", "FF", and "U" (additions, changes, and deletions) will not be documented in
the audit trail anymore!

• Changes to certain data types (see above) are always documented as a group. For example, information on changes to a
function and/or its function number and/or its classification is always displayed together in the "Data" column of the audit
trail table.

• The same also applies to evaluations. In this case, the values of O, S, and D are recorded together with the RPN, the "Initial
status", and the "Target date" and displayed together in the "Data" column.

• The audit trail table can be printed out using the SCIO™ direct print function.

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4 Symbols and Icons

Important note: The icon images shown in the following chapters use a color depth setting of 16 bits (High Color mode). Using other
color depths may result in different icon images.

4.1 Icons in SCIO™

Icon Description

Starts the selection to open a tree view:

Structure tree (complete): Opens the structure tree and displays all system elements.

Structure tree (by BOM/BOP): Opens the structure tree and displays all system elements, which are assigned
to the Bill of Material (BOM) or Bill of Process (BOP).

Function tree (complete): Opens the function tree with all data elements (system elements, functions, failure
modes, effects, causes (depending on the configuration)).

Function tree (via supplier functions): Open the function tree. Functions of linked sub-system elements are
only displayed, if they are linked to functions of the higher level system element.

Variant tree: Opens the variant tree (display of SE families).

Create a new system element

Starts the Open dialog

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Starts a new qualitative fault tree (FTA) document.

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Starts a new quantitative fault tree (QFA) document.

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Creates a new (additional) block diagram for a system element (block diagram

Starts the “open dialog“ for Fault-Tree files, Block-Diagram files and Scout files.

Starts the “save dialog“ for Fault-Tree files, Block-Diagram files and Scout files.

Starts the dialog used to create an Excel document folder

Generates a direct printout of the form (via the Excel document folder) or a tree view/schedule control

Opens a selected data element (system element, function, failure, cause, or effect) in SCIO™ Net Builder as a
network diagram (Scout View).

Opens the selected element in SCIO™ Matrix in the Specification Editor view.

Starts the selection of CP- and PFC elements (process elements, characteristics)

SCIO™-Matrix only: Starts the function matrix to link internal and external functions.

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Icon Description

SCIO™-Matrix only: Defines the executed command by mouse double click (open system element in the FMEA form
or function tree)

SCIO™-Matrix only: Enables/disables the view of the external functions

SCIO™-Matrix only: Sets the status of a matrix link to “not defined”

SCIO™-Matrix only: Sets the status of a matrix link to “critical”

SCIO™-Matrix only: Sets the status of a matrix link to “in process”

SCIO™-Matrix only: Sets the status of a matrix link to “completed”

Tree views: Removes assignments between data elements

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Cuts a selected tree element (FTA)

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Deletes an entry or sub tree from a fault tree (FTA)

Starts the “copy” dialog

Inserts copied data

Inserts a new cell / sub tree in the form

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Ads a parallel cause to a fault tree (FTA)

SCIO™-Matrix only: Enables to edit an entry in the matrix

Starts the multiple entry mode (depends on the column)

Creates or cancels delete jobs in the form

Calls the “Knowledge Base” (special database query)

Starts the context dialog for a selected entry

Starts the dialog for editing optional column information

Starts the dialog for editing specifications

Increases the magnification of the form view incrementally

Decreases the magnification of the form view incrementally

SCIO™-Scout only: Calls the page view of a net-diagram

Opens the Structure Tree or Function Tree. SCIO™ restores the last display saved.

Opens the Variant Tree

Starts the SCIO-Manager

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Icon Description

Calls the dialog used to edit the master data

Starts the dialog for generating FMEA data (two different dialogs are possible – depends on column)

Deletes FMEA data previously generated

Starts the dialog used to create an HTML view of the selected system element


Starts one of the three possible import dialogs

Starts the Sign Off dialog for the selected system element

Starts the selection dialog for sign offs available for a system element

Starts the SCIO™ Help system

Opens the Info window for the program info

Starts/closes the clipboard

Starts/closes the Change List

Shows or hides the application bar (toolbar containing the SCIO™ applications and system elements)

Closes all SCIO™ applications currently open on a client

Undoes the last editing step in a fault tree, block diagram or net diagram

Redoes a step just undone in a fault tree, block diagram or net diagram

Switches the mouse pointer to “select”: Data elements in a fault tree, block diagram or net diagram can be marked
and moved in the document

Note: holding down the CTRL key allows you to mark and move/cut several elements at the same time

Switches the mouse pointer to “move” (fault tree, block diagram or net diagram): Holding down the left mouse button
allows you to move the selected section of the image with the mouse.

Switches the mouse pointer to “zoom in/out” (fault tree, block diagram or net diagram): The size of an image section
selected while holding down the left mouse button is increased to its maximum. You zoom back out again in the view
step-by-step using the right mouse button

The entire fault tree, block diagram or net diagram is displayed in the view window.

A group of data elements selected in the fault tree, block diagram or net diagram earlier is adjusted to fit in the view

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Call the “Automatic alignment” of fault trees (QFA)

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Creates a new failure cause in the FTA

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Icon Description

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Creates a parallel cause in the FTA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Creates an OR-node in the FTA/QFA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Creates an AND-node in the FTA/QFA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Searches a text fragment in the FTA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Creates an standard input in the QFA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Creates a NOT-relation in the QFA

Only SCIO™-Fault-Tree: Creates a failure symbol in the QFA

Only SCIO™-Fault-Tree: Creates a transfer port the QFA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Connects the QFA elements and transfers them to the data base (and/or generates FMEA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Defines the search strategy for causes in the QFA

SCIO™-Fault-Tree only: Inverts relations in the QFA (OR-node/AND-node)

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Creates a new system element in the database from an open block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Creates a new function in the database from an open block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Opens the “Properties” dialog for a selected block diagram element

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to draw a line in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to draw a polygon line in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to draw a polygon in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to draw a rectangle in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to draw a curve in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to draw a freehand shape in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to draw an ellipse in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to create a text field in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to integrate an image document in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to add a connection point to the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to generate a connection line between two system elements of type “Relative

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
4 – Symbols and Icons 37

Icon Description

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to generate a connection line between two system elements of type “No

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to generate a connection line between two system elements of type “System
Limit Link”

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to generate a connection line between two system elements of type “Sub

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to generate a connection line between two system elements of type “Release

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Allows you to generate a connection line between two system elements of type “Generic

SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: Adds one or two arrows to the selected connection line between two system elements

... SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: If the toolbars “Alignment“, “Shift“ and “Rotate“ are activated, further icons are available
(see also: Using drawing tools – aligning, moving, rotating)

… SCIO™-Block-Diagram only: If the toolbar “Structure“ is activated, further icons are available (see also: Ordering and
grouping BD elements)


• : These icons are only enabled when an interface connection (available as an option) to the action management
system AQTIO™ (PLATO AG) is available. A description of the functions called by these icons can be found in the
documentation of the corresponding interface.

• : These icons are only enabled when an interface connection (available as an option) to a product
management system is available. A description of the functions called by these icons can be found in the documentation
of the corresponding interface.

4.2 Icons used for the Tree Views

Icon Description is active

Structure tree (complete): Opens the structure tree and displays all Structure Tree / Function Tree
system elements.

Structure tree (by BOM/BOP): Opens the structure tree and displays Structure Tree / Function Tree
all system elements, which are assigned to the Bill of Material (BOM)
or Bill of Process (BOP).

Function tree (complete): Opens the function tree with all data Structure Tree / Function Tree
elements (system elements, functions, failure modes, effects, causes
(depending on the configuration)).

Function tree (via supplier functions): Open the function tree. Structure Tree / Function Tree
Functions of linked sub-system elements are only displayed, if they
are linked to functions of the higher level system element.

Opens a system element marked in the tree view Tree views

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Icon Description is active

Starts the dialog to copy a complete system element or Tree views

system structure

Creates a new entry (function, failure, cause, effect) depending on the Structure Tree / Function Tree
data element currently marked

Opens the dialog for linking internal and external functions Structure Tree / Function Tree

Opens the dialog for editing function links (function marked) Function Tree

Opens a marked tree element in a separate Function Tree Structure Tree / Function Tree

Creates a new element (SE family) in the Variant Tree Variant Tree

Deletes or deactivates a marked SE family in the Variant Tree Variant Tree

Toggles the display of system elements in the Variant Tree on and off Variant Tree

Copies a selected data element to the clipboard Tree Views

Starts the “Paste” dialog (see next icons) Tree Views

Copies a marked tree element to the clipboard Tree Views

Removes an assignment between two data elements Tree Views

Inserts a copy of a data element copied beforehand Tree Views

Shifts the selected tree element one position up in the tree Tree Views

Shifts the selected tree element one position down in the tree Tree Views

Refreshes the tree diagram Tree Views

Shows or hides the index for the tree diagram Tree Views

Hides all tree levels Tree Views

Shows all tree levels Tree Views

Starts the search dialog to search for a data element Tree Views

Inserts a bookmark or deletes an existing one at the marked location Tree Views

Jumps to the next entry with a bookmark in the tree Tree Views

Deletes all bookmarks from the tree Tree Views

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4.3 Symbols in the Tree Views

Symbol Description Symbol Description

Symbol for data base Failure

System element of the type class „product" Failure with link to a fault tree (QFA)

System element of the type class „process" Failure with link to a fault tree (QFA) and a fault
tree file (*.fta)

System element of the type class „machine" Failure effect

System element of the type class „software" Failure cause

System element of the type class „Interface" Action (not implemented)

System element of the type class „Requirement" System element-Family

System element (type “process”) with open Document type: Block diagram

System element (type “process”) with status Document type: Fault Tree
“write protected”

System element, which belongs to the Bill of Document type: FMEA

Material (BOM)

System element, which belongs to the Bill of Document type: Control Plan
Process (BOP)

Function Document type: Matrix

Function with system link Document type: Process Flow Chart

Function with function link to a higher level At least one change was created for the system
system element element (see also: Project Administration
(put in front)

See also:

• Icons and additional information in the tree views

• Structure Tree: Information on existing data
• Function Tree: Information on existing data
• Variant Tree: Information on existing data

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4.4 Special icons in the PFC graphic

The following icons are available in SCIO™-Process-Flow only (PFC graphic window is activated):

Icon Description

Adds a first process step to an empty PFC document

Adds a new process element without any predecessor or successor (= new start element)

Marks the process step selected in the PFC graphic also in the PFC table.

Opens the dialog to rename the selected process element.

Activates/Deactivates the selected process element.

Adds a new process element above the selected element.

Adds a new process element after the selected element.

Selects an existing process element as a predecessor for the selected one.

Selects an existing process element as a successor for the selected one.

Moves the selected process element one position upward (graphic and table).

Moves the selected process element one position downward (graphic and table).

Starts the procedure to select a new position for the selected process element in the PFC graphic.

Opens the multiple entries dialog, e.g. for sorting process elements or characteristics.

Updates the view of the PFC graphic.

4.5 Symbols and icons in SCIO™-Net-Builder

4.6 Overview of the keyboard shortcuts

Numerous menu commands in SCIO™ can also be called using keyboard shortcuts. The following table provides an overview of the
keyboard shortcuts used in SCIO™:

Short cut Menu Command/Action Used in the program...

ALT + ENTER Add a parallel cause Fault-Tree

ALT + F3 Replace an entry Fault-Tree

ALT + F4 Close the program All

DEL Delete an entry or a node Fault-Tree

DEL Create or Cancel a delete job FMEA, Matrix (Create Delete Job only),
Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Tree view

F1 Call the Help system All

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Short cut Menu Command/Action Used in the program...

F2 Edit, rename an entry FMEA, Matrix, Control-Plan, Process-

Flow, tree view

F3 Search Next (resuming a text search) FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow

F3 Search for an entry Fault-Tree

F3 Start the "Search for data elements" dialog Tree view

F4 Call the Knowledge Base FMEA, Fault-Tree, Net-Builder

F5 Refresh All

F6 Show selected tree element separately Tree view

F7 Find the next mark/bookmark Fault-Tree, tree view

F8 Expand a function/process element FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-


F8 Expand a branch in FSA or expand/collapse a branch in Fault-Tree


F8 Show Complete Tree Element Tree view

F9 Execute delete jobs (remove deactivated data) FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow

F10 Open the dialog for creating an FMEA Fault-Tree

F11 Open a matrix to link functions Tree views

F12 Call Options All

ARROW KEY „LEFT“ Expand a tree level Fault-Tree

CTRL + “.” Inserts the current date (date fields) or the currently FMEA
logged in user (“responsibility” fields)

CTRL + “-“ Increase the magnification (zoom in) FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-

CTRL + “+“ Decrease the magnification (zoom out) FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-

CTRL + 1 Automatically Adjust Line Spacing Matrix

CTRL + 2 Automatically Adjust Column Width Matrix

CTRL + ALT + ENTER Add a new AND node Fault Tree

CTRL + ALT + F2 Edit Master Data FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow

CTRL + ALT + F7 Delete all marks/bookmarks Fault-Tree, tree view

CTRL + ALT + K Open Function Tree (complete) All

CTRL + ALT + N Create New System Element Block-Diagram

CTRL + ALT + O Starts the search for system elements – a system element All (opened document depends on
(search result) can be opened directly from this dialog. application used)

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Short cut Menu Command/Action Used in the program...

CTRL + B Open a failure tree file (*.FSA) Fault-Tree

CTRL + B Open a block diagram file (*.SBD) Block-Diagram

CTRL + B Load a search mask saved earlier All (SCIO-Manager opened)

CTRL + C Copy FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow,

Fault-Tree, Block-Diagram, Net-Builder,
tree view

CTRL + D Create Document Folder (start an Excel transfer) All

CTRL + E Add a new system element to a block diagram Block-Diagram

CTRL + ENTER Add a lower-level cause Fault-Tree

CTRL + ENTER Add a new sub-system element Structure tree

CTRL + ENTER Add a new data element (function, failure, cause, or Function tree
effect) depending on the context

CTRL + F Find Text FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-


CTRL + F2 Edit Context FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow

CTRL + F2 Edit Entry Fault-Tree

CTRL + F5 Start assigning process elements Control-Plan, Process-Flow

CTRL + F7 Set or delete marks/bookmarks Fault-Tree, tree view

CTRL + F8 Collapse a function/process element FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-


CTRL + F8 Collapse Branch Fault-Tree

CTRL + F12 Customize the toolbar All

CTRL + G Execute the "Go to" command (opens the system Tree view, form (source)
element) depending on the context

CTRL + I Import (XML Import) All

CTRL + J Open Variant Tree All

CTRL + K Open Structure Tree (complete) All

CTRL + L Display the delete jobs All

CTRL + M Run SCIO-Manager All

CTRL + N Create New System Element FMEA, Matrix, Control-Plan, Process-

Flow, Net-Builder

CTRL + N Start a new fault tree system analysis (FSA) Fault-Tree

CTRL + N Create a new block diagram Block-Diagram

CTRL + O Start the Open dialog All

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Short cut Menu Command/Action Used in the program...

CTRL + P Start a direct print All

CTRL + S Save a fault tree file Fault-Tree

CTRL + S Save a block diagram file Block-Diagram

CTRL + T Enable Button Bar Process-Flow (graphic active)

CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + K Open Functions Tree (via supplier functions) All

CTRL + SHIFT + F8 Expand All Functions/Process Steps FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-

CTRL + SHIFT + F8 Show all tree levels Tree view

CTRL + SHIFT + K Open Structure Tree (by BOM/BOP) All

CTRL + SHIFT + V Paste and link Tree view

CTRL + V Paste FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow,

Fault-Tree, Block-Diagram, Net-Builder

CTRL + V Paste and copy Tree view

CTRL + X Cut Fault-Tree, Block-Diagram

CTRL + X Remove Assignment Tree view

CTRL + Y Repeat FMEA, Matrix, Control-Plan, Process-

Flow, Block-Diagram, Net-Builder

CTRL + Z Undo All

SHIFT + ALT + ENTER Add a new OR node Fault-Tree

SHIFT + ALT + F3 Replace Data FMEA, Process-Flow

SHIFT + ENTER Start the multiple entry mode FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-

SHIFT + F3 Find Data FMEA, Process-Flow

SHIFT + F4 Close a window All

SHIFT + F5 Refresh Memory All

SHIFT + F8 Collapse All Functions/Process Elements FMEA, Control-Plan, Process-Flow, Net-


SHIFT + F8 Expand the entire tree Fault-Tree

SHIFT + F8 Hide all tree levels Tree view

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5 SCIO™-FMEA – Introduction

5.1 FMEA forms and their contents

SCIO™-FMEA supports various FMEA forms:

The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method can be performed in various forms (depending on standards and guidelines). In the
automotive industry in particular, large industry associations (Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) and Automotive Industry
Action Group (AIAG)) have approved the methods and have published "standardized" formats for the FMEA forms to be used.

The following form formats are available in SCIO™ FMEA:

• SCIO Classic (according to VDA 1986; not available in SCIO™-med)

• FMEA-Standard (only available in SCIO™-med)

• VDA (according to VDA, 1996/2003; not available in SCIO™-med)

• AIAG (according to AIAG, 2nd Edition; not available in SCIO™-med)

• AIAG 3rd/4th Edition (according to AIAG 3rd/4th Edition; not available in SCIO™-med)

• Risk (O x S) (risk analysis without inspection actions, criticalities are specified)

• Risk (O x S x D) (risk analysis with inspection actions, criticalities and RPNs are specified)


• The particular FMEA form is selected, for example, in the View/Supplementary Views... menu.

• You can specify a certain version of the form to be used automatically as the standard in the “Used standard for form” parameter
on the “Settings” tab opened with Tools/Options.... You can still change the version of the form later, though (see above).

• If other forms deviating from the standards are needed (e.g. due to company specific or sectoral requirements), it might be
useful to use e1ns.methods. For more information on this product look at or write your questions to

5.1.1 SCIO Classic form

The SCIO™ Classic form was published by the German Automobile Industry Association (VDA, Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.)
in 1986. Its special feature is that the evaluation columns (O, S, D and RPN) for the current state are directly next to each other, which
makes for a very compact presentation of the risk evaluation. There is no distinction between detective and preventive actions.
Note: This FMEA form is not available in SCIO™-med.

5.1.2 VDA form

The VDA form was published by the German Automobile Industry Association (VDA) in 1996 (VDA series Volume 4, Part 2). Its special
features include a lower number of columns, and it differs significantly from the other types of forms. Furthermore, the current state
(“initial date”) and the optimized state (“change date”) are not differentiated anymore based on which column they are in, but based
on the row they are in using an initial state and one or more change states. There is no distinction anymore between recommended
actions and actions taken.

Important: If in the VDA form a new action is added to a “changed date” package, this action occurs in all other forms as a new
“recommended action” and “action taken”.

Since the new release in 2006, the form also has a "C” column for classifying special characteristics.
Note: This FMEA form is not available in SCIO™-med.

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5.1.3 AIAG or AIAG 3rd / 4th Edition form

The FMEA forms from the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) differ from the "SCIO™ Classic" and "VDA" forms in that the
column order is different. There are no differences between the forms in terms of their contents.

The columns in the "AIAG" form are in the same order as published in the first and second editions of the QS 9000 “Reference
Manual”. That is why it is often referred to as the QS 9000 form.

In the third edition of this document (3rd Edition, published in April 2001), a revised form was published that you will find in
SCIO™ FMEA under the name "AIAG 3rd/4th Edition". The “Current Action” column was split into two columns: "Current Controls
Prevention" and "Current Controls Detection". The other columns were left unchanged.

The form used in SCIO™ can be found in the 4th Edition (from March 2006) of the AIAG in the Appendix A: Variant A for D-FMEA und

Note: These FMEA forms are not available in SCIO™-med.

5.1.4 Risk (O x S) form

This form differs from the standard forms of the automotive industry (see above) in that it does not contain an analysis of the
detection actions (inspection actions). You therefore do not need to enter the probabilities of detection for the causes of failure
modes. This in turn means that it is impossible to calculate a reasonable RPN since risks are only described using the probability of
occurrence and the significance (severity of the damage).

The risks are displayed in a separate “Risk” column (also referred to as “criticality”). The form differentiates between the risks existing
before and after an optimization performed by taking additional action.

See also:

• Risk estimation – parameters and risks

5.1.5 Risk (O x S x D) form

This version of the form is to some extent a combination of the two forms described above - the “AIAG 3rd Edition” and the
“Risk (O x S)” form. Like the AIAG form, this form differentiates between two types of actions (prevention and detection). This makes
it possible to assess the probability of detection separately, which means the RPN calculated (product of O x S x D) will also be a
reasonable value.

In addition, the risk is estimated not only using the RPN values but also by examining the criticalities (“Risk” column) before and after
taking additional action.

See also:

• Risk estimation – parameters and risks

5.1.6 The header data of an FMEA form

Different types of data may be displayed in the header of a form. SCIO™ differentiates two different categories of data:

Master data/pictures:

To configure the header data display, select the menu command View/Configure Contents/Configure Master data display.... A dialog
window opens offering all master data fields for selection. A checkmark next to a piece of master data means that this master data
will be displayed in the header of a system element.

If the system element is also linked to a picture document, this may be also displayed in the header: Set a checkmark next to “System
Element Picture” at the end of the list. If no master data/pictures are selected, then no header is shown in the form.

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Current References:

The current references can also be displayed in the header of the form as well as the master data if desired. This type of "where am
I" information is displayed in a separate section of the window above the system element name. To show the current references,
select the Tools/Options... menu command and place a checkmark next to "Current References" on the “View” tab.

5.1.7 Remarks on columns Function / Class / Failure mode

The Function column is the highest level of the hierarchy in a form. A description of the task of the system (system element) being
examined is entered via Function. A special feature of functions is that sub-system elements can be appended to functions (for
example using the context menu item Edit Link...).

The Failure mode column (often titled as hazard in the medical device industry) is used to list all possible failures that can be
reasonably derived from the given function. Generally, the failures relate to the non-fulfillment or partial fulfillment of the required

The Class column is linked to the Function column. A classification of special characteristics (e.g. critical (C), significant (S)) or a
documentation requirement can be added here. All classifications needed have to be defined in SCIO™ first (see also: Master Data
Elements... (data type “Classification”). You can enter a brief description up to a maximum of 10 characters or use symbols for

IMPORTANT: Alternatively, you can also link the Class column to the Failure mode column. In this case, you can enter a separate
classification (see above) for each failure mode.

The decision on whether the SCIO™ database is to work with functions or failure classifications is a fundamental one and should be
specified beforehand depending on the needs of the company.

If classification by failure is desired, then this can be configured by appropriately modifying the SCIO™ database. The best advice in
this case is to call the PLATO AG hotline directly. (Tel. +49 (0)451/930 986-02;

See also:

• SCIO™-med: Changed form columns (standard headings in FMEA) Effects of failure modes

The effects of a failure (often titled as harm in the medical device industry) are directly related to the failure. They are therefore only
indirectly linked to the cause. If the effects of a failure for a specific failure are not precisely known, this column can also be left

Every effect of a failure has a local evaluation. If a failure has several effects, then only the evaluation of the worst effect of the
failure appears in column S (Severity of the failure) of the form.

Local evaluations of the individual effects of a failure can be displayed directly in the form in the corresponding cells. They can then
appear in the "Local Evaluation" category of the corresponding cell (see also: Configure Columns...).

See also:

• SCIO™-med: Changed form columns (standard headings in FMEA) Risk estimation – parameters and risks

The estimation of a risk plays an important role in every risk analysis. Various concepts are used to estimate the risk, and each concept
has a slightly different focus. In SCIO™ med, various capabilities are provided to estimate the risk. Different risk evaluations are
collected and displayed depending on which version of the form is used.

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Furthermore, you also have the ability to configure and display one additional risk estimate (see also: Additional evaluation

The following parameters and risk estimates are available:

O: Probability of the occurrence of the cause of a failure mode taking the preventative measures recorded (type “P”)
into account.

S: Significance of the effect of a failure mode (severity of damage)

D: Probability of detection of the cause or of the failure taking the inspection actions into account (Type “I”).

RPN(1): Risk priority number for the current state (RPN1 = O1xSxD1). The calculation of the RPN values is performed
automatically (1: Parameter before optimization)!

RPN(2): Risk priority number for the optimized state (RPN2 = O2xSxD2). The calculation of the RPN values is performed
automatically (2: Parameter after optimization)!

Risk(1): Derivative of the risk (criticality) according to the specifications in the risk matrix (matrix of the Occurrence O1
and the Significance S). Assigned automatically!

Risk(2): Derivative of the risk (criticality) according to the specifications in the risk matrix (matrix of the Occurrence O2
and the Significance S). Assigned automatically!

There are two ways to input the individual O1/S/D1 evaluations:

• Manual selection: Select the evaluation number from the evaluation catalog offered or enter the evaluation number
directly in the cell.

• Read in standard evaluations: Standard evaluations can be stored for all cells in the form that are involved in the risk
evaluation, if necessary. Using the menu command Edit/Methodology/Standard Evaluations… standard values can be
stored for the following entries:

o Effect (standard value of the severity)

o Cause (standard probability of occurrence value for the cause without taking actions into account)

o Controls Prevention (optimization potential d(A) of the corresponding preventative measure).

o Controls Detection (optimization potential d(E) of the corresponding inspection measure)

By selecting the "Use default evaluation" catalog entry, these standard evaluations are used to specify O, S, and/or D. The
menu command "Use default evaluation" is also available in the right mouse button menu as an alternative.

The standards for the values of O, S, and D can be called up individually (called directly in the corresponding evaluation
column via the evaluation catalog (see above) or all three values can be called up simultaneously (called via the right mouse
button menu in the "RPN" column: menu command "Use default evaluation").

Note: If standard values were already defined, then SCIO™ automatically reads in these values when a corresponding entry
in the form is used again (for example an effect for which a standard evaluation has already been defined).

• There are two ways to input the individual O2/D2 evaluations:

• Manual selection: Select the evaluation number from the evaluation catalog offered or enter the evaluation number
directly in the cell.

• If an optimization is still in progress, then only a preliminary evaluation can be performed. These “estimated evaluations”
are indicated by displaying an asterisk (*) in front of RPN (2). If, however, the status of an action package becomes
“complete”, then the new evaluations are assigned the “saved” status.

See also:

• Action status

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
5 – SCIO™-FMEA – Introduction 48 Additional evaluation information

In addition to the “classic” RPN evaluation number and the risk estimate based on risk matrices (“Risk” column), SCIO™ FMEA also
offers another way to estimate risks. To do this, you can display two additional columns in the FMEA form (to assess the risks before
and after taking action for optimization purposes). The additional evaluation number calculated using a previously selected formula
and the existing O, S, and D values is then entered automatically in this column (see below). Furthermore, SCIO™ can “interpret” the
result, if desired, by displaying the value in the color selected for that range (like the color scheme for the RPN values).

Proceed as follows to activate the additional evaluation columns:

• Select Tools/Options... // “View” tab

• Place a checkmark next to “Additional evaluation information”

• Open a system element of your choice. (Note: Any system elements already open may need to be reopened so that the
additional columns are displayed.) The form now contains a new evaluation column after the risk or RPN column. The
header of this column contains the formula used to calculate the value displayed.

How to select the formula used to for calculating the value in the additional evaluation columns:

• Select Tools/Options... // “Analysis” tab

• Go to the “Basis of calculation for text display” parameter and select the desired formula from the list. There are six
formulas available for you to choose from:

o OxS

o OxSxD

o (O x S)1/2

o (O x S x D)1/2

o O x S2

o O x S2 x D

How to use the automatic color scheme for the additional evaluation columns:

• Select Tools/Options... // “Analysis” tab

• Go to the “Basis for color assignments” parameter and select the desired scheme from the list offered:

o No color: No colors are used for the additional evaluations.

o RPN color: SCIO™ selects the color according to the settings for the RPN (see also: Options: Analysis tab)

o Risk color: SCIO™ selects the color according to the settings for the risk fields (risk matrix) (see also: Estimating
risks – the risk matrix).

o Basis of calculation with ranges of value: SCIO™ selects the color according to the settings specified in the next
six parameters (see below):

• Range 1: You can specify the threshold value for the lowest additional evaluations (range 1) here. All values greater than 0
but less than or equal to this threshold value are in range 1.

• Range 2: You can specify the threshold value for the middle additional evaluations (area 2) here. All values greater than the
threshold value for range 1 (see above) but smaller than or equal to the threshold value defined here are therefore in range
2. Values exceeding this threshold value are automatically in range 3, the range for the highest additional evaluations.

• Color when value = 0: You can specify the background color for all additional evaluations with a value = 0 by clicking with
the mouse on the color field.

• Color when value in Range 1: You can specify the background color for all additional evaluations with a value in range 1
(see above) by clicking with the mouse on the color field.

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• Color when value in Range 2: You can specify the background color for all additional evaluations with a value in range 2
(see above) by clicking with the mouse on the color field.

• Color when value above Range 2: You can specify the background color for all additional evaluations with a value exceeding
the threshold value for range 2 (see above), i.e. for those evaluations in range 3, by clicking with the mouse on the color
field. Actions Status ("Status" column, Action packages)

The degree of fulfillment of an action (“status”) is only relevant for actions taken and for packages (“bundles”) of taken actions. The
following dependencies exist between the status of an individual action and the action package:

• A person responsible for the action must be entered for every individual action (Person Responsible).

• An action package can have someone assigned to it as the person responsible (Person Responsible for Package), otherwise
no one is responsible for the package.

• Individual actions and action packages can be assigned the following values via the “Status" column:

o 0, 20, 40, 60, 80: Completion status in %

o Requested: Evaluation requested (important for AQTIO™ connectivity)

o To evaluate: Evaluation is expected (important for AQTIO™ connectivity)

o Closed: Action or action package completed (=100%)

o Rejected: Action or action package will not be traced anymore.

If the status of an action package is below 100% or the package was rejected, then the evaluation is considered an estimate and the
RPN (2) is marked with an asterisk (*) to indicate this.

Note: The S value remains unchanged during a re-evaluation because the significance of an effect does not change by taking an
optimization measure. If the S (2) value is changed manually anyway, then remember that this will also lead to a corresponding
change in the S (1) value.

Once an action package is completed, the new evaluations are considered reliable and the asterisk next to RPZ (2) “disappears”.

• Version A: Action package without anyone responsible:

o If an individual action is completed or rejected, then its deadline is removed from the deadline monitor for open

o If all individual actions in an action package are completed, then SCIO™ automatically closes the package. The
RPN resulting from the package is considered reliable and the asterisk next to RPZ (2) disappears.

o If all individual actions in an action package are rejected, then SCIO™ automatically rejects the entire package.
The RPN resulting from the package is still considered an estimate, which is indicated by the asterisk still next to
RPZ (2).

o If the package is closed manually before all individual actions in the package are completed, then the system will
ask what it should do with the individual actions not yet completed.

Note: A package can only be closed before completion when at least one action has been completed. If user decides
that the system should not automatically close the individual actions not yet completed, then SCIO™ will transfer these
actions to a new (unfinished) package and close the “old” package left over.

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• Version B: Action package with a person responsible:

o If an individual action is completed or rejected, then its deadline is removed from the deadline monitor for open

o SCIO™ will not automatically close the package once all individual actions in an action package are completed!
This decision is left to the person responsible for the package!

o SCIO™ will not automatically reject the entire package even if all individual actions in an action package are
rejected. This decision is also left to the person responsible for the package!

o If the package is closed manually (by the person responsible for the package) before all individual actions in the
package are completed, then the system will ask how it should handle the individual actions not yet completed.

Note: A package can only be closed before completion when at least one individual action has been completed. If user
decides that the system should not automatically close the individual actions not yet completed, then SCIO™ will
transfer these actions to a new (unfinished) package and close the “old” package left over. The same person who was
responsible for the “old” package is (initially) assigned to the new package as the person responsible. The person
responsible for the package can be changed if necessary.

5.2 Entering data in the FMEA Form

5.2.1 Manual Entries

The FMEA form is designed so that values can be entered directly in a cell. The cells in the forms are simple text boxes or list boxes,
depending on which column the cells belong to (for evaluations, persons responsible, specifying dates). A menu containing the most
important functions for editing cells can be opened in most cells via the right mouse button.

Column-specific cell properties (example: Risk O x S x D form)

• No.: Text field for numbering functions

• Function: Text field (max. 500 characters)

• Failure: Text field (max. 500 characters)

• Effect: Text field (max. 500 characters)

• O, S, D: List box (max. 2 characters) [evaluation catalogs can be defined]

• Class: List box depending on defined classes (max. 10 characters)

• Cause of failure: Text field (max. 500 characters)

• Current actions: Text field (max. 500 characters)

• Risk (criticality): Format depending field with automatic assignment and description [presetting adjustable]

• RPN: Static field (max. 4 characters) [calculated automatically]

• P/D: List box (max. 1 character) [P: prevention action, DI: detection action]

• Recommended Action: Text field (max. 500 characters)

• Responsibility: List box (max. 40 character) [all users with the state “active” or “inactive” are listed]

• Tip: Using the shortcut CTRL + “.” (point symbol) automatically fills in the currently logged in user as the “responsible user“
(single actions and action packages).

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o It is possible to select one responsible person for each individual action only.
o Separated entries for individual actions and action packages are possible.
o If the cell is selected with the left mouse button, all team members are listed which were entered in the master data
of the system element – separately for the “System Element Team”, “FMEA Team” and “CP Team” .
o With <All…> it is possible to select any available user from the database (see above).
o With <New…> it is possible to create a new user on the database, if necessary (rights required).

o If a user is selected who was neither assigned to the System Element Team (<SE-Team>) nor the FMEA Team (<SE-
Team>), an automatic system request appears. With <All> the user is added to the System Element Team and FMEA
Team as well. With <Ignore> the user is assigned to the action but not added to any team.

• State/Deadline: Date field (max. 10 characters) [format specified by operating system].

Tip: Using the shortcut CTRL + “.” (point symbol) automatically fills in the current date.

Note: The date can be selected on a calendar; separated entries for single actions (“Date”) and action packages (“State”).

• Action Taken: Text field (max. 500 characters)

• Status: List box with predefined values. Separated entries for single actions and action packages

The form should always be filled out from left to right. If columns are skipped when the form is filled out, then SCIO™ automatically
puts the placeholder "???" in those cells that absolutely require input.

An input cell can assume one of two different states:

• Activated mode: the cell has a black border. If a cell is selected by clicking on it with the mouse, then it is always put in the
Activated mode.

• Edit mode: the cursor blinks in the selected cell. The Edit mode can be called again by clicking in the text area of the cell.
You can also press the F2, HOME or END keys to get back in to the Edit mode.

You go from the Edit mode to the Activated mode using the ESC key.

New cells (sub trees) can be inserted in the form using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ENTER or the icon . If invalid text is entered in
a newly created cell, then the contents of the cell are automatically deleted when you exit the cell. If you exit a new and empty row,
then the row is automatically deleted.

Every entry is saved automatically upon exiting the cell and is therefore added to the database. An unsaved entry can be rejected by
pressing the ESC key.

5.2.2 Multiple Entries (Edit Collection)

In the dialog, you can add new entries manually or read them in from the database (Knowledge Base). Existing entries can be sorted
or changed. The type of entry depends on the column currently selected. For example, in the Function column, the multiple entry
dialog for new functions is started when this command is selected. To do this, select the Edit/Multiple Entries... menu command or
click on the icon.

5.2.3 Suggestion List

If an empty text cell is selected in the form using the left mouse button - the cell automatically switches to the Edit mode - (then
SCIO™ automatically starts a suggestion list with the entries from a temporary file.

This list consists of column-specific suggestion entries that are collected from all system elements open during an SCIO™ session. In
this case, it makes no difference whether this system element is currently open or not. The suggestion list is only "cleared" at the end
of an SCIO™ session (when the user logs off the database) when configured accordingly (see the Note).

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If a suggestion is selected from the list with the mouse, then this suggestion is entered in the cell and stored when the user exits the

If no suggestion was selected from the list with the mouse and a character is entered instead via the keyboard, then the suggestion
list is restricted to all entries that start with this character. If you enter another character, then the suggestion list is further reduced
in size in the same manner using the string entered, etc.

An entry already read in can be rejected by pressing the ESC key.

The "*" ("or text*") and "Knowledge Base" entries are offered for selection at the end of a suggestion list. The former calls the general
database query, and the latter calls the context-sensitive database query.


• The automatic suggestion list is also activated when changes are made to text cells already filled in. To do this, the cell must
be in the Edit mode (cursor blinks in the cell) and the string must be changed or a character added to the string.

• Specific entries in the suggestion list can also be deleted. To delete a suggestion, select the corresponding list entry using
the cursor keys (arrow keys) on your keyboard and delete it with the DEL key.

• If necessary, specific entries from external suggestion lists created beforehand can also be integrated directly into the
suggestion list (see also: Specify suggestion lists).

• The automatic call that opens the suggestion list can be delayed. The wait time is set via the Tools/Options... menu in the
following boxes on the “Edit" tab: “Wait time during input” and “Wait time during selection”.

• If the suggestion list is to be saved when you log off the database, then you can specify this in the Tools/Options... menu
in the “Edit" tab under “Record and use data from previous sessions”.

5.2.4 Searching with the wildcard “*” (general database query)

Wildcards can be used in all text boxes in the input fields of forms (e.g. FMEA, CP, PFC, Net-Builder, and Specification Editor). As soon
as this wildcard character ("*") is used and confirmed with the ENTER KEY, SCIO™ searches through the database according to the
chosen column and if necessary the type of the current system element. SCIO™ will find all entries in the current column that match
the string entered. For example, entering *saw* in a cell of the Failure Mode column will result in a list of all failure entries relating
to saws. The wildcard search is not case-sensitive.

The general database query can also be started from the automatic suggestion list by selecting the asterisk (*) there (see above).

In the Specification Editor, the query next to the Function column is also available in a slightly modified form in the "Specification"
column so you can search for existing specification terms.

The search can also take entries in the translation languages into account in addition to those entries in the reference language. To
have such terms listed as well, select the desired language using the dropdown list. The search language and the target language are
different in this case.

It is also possible to look for a different data element. To do this, select the data elements by clicking with the mouse on the
corresponding icon buttons. Several elements can be selected at the same time. The following data elements can be selected:


System elements


Failure modes


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To restart your modified search, click on the <Search> button.

After selecting an entry from the results, the entry can be entered in the cell of the form where the search was started with <Apply>.
As long as you have not left the cell yet, the entry is not stored and can be rejected if necessary using the ESC key.

5.2.5 Context-sensitive database query (Knowledge Base)

Using the Knowledge Base (formerly called the Checklist), you can issue context-sensitive database queries. This means that,
depending on the existing form entries, SCIO™ searches for data in the database that was already acquired in the same context.

In this fashion, the Knowledge Base "queries" all failures already entered in the database for a function when issued in the context
of a function. The Knowledge Base is always called from the form into which the information will be read. In order to obtain the
correct failures for a function, one (empty) failure row must be activated.

The Knowledge Base only displays information in the reference language. However, translations stored for other languages can also
be displayed for the entries found. To display a translation, select the desired translation language in the “Language” field.

You access the Knowledge Base via the icon or the Edit/Knowledge Base menu command.

5.2.6 Entering risk parameters (O, S, D)

When entering the O, S, and D risk values, you are provided with systematic support by the system. When entering values, SCIO™
highlights the cell in the form in color based on the type of risk value you select. For example, when you select a significance number
“S”, the relevant effects of failure cells for this number are marked automatically. When you select an “O” number, the relevant cause
cells and the associated preventive actions are marked, and for “D” the inspection actions are marked.

Note: The “E” column is not visible in the Risk (O x S) version of the form.

See also:

• Risk estimation – parameters and risks

5.3 Collapsing functions

In actual applications, the forms (or lists in the net editor) often become very long and extensive. To keep the focus on the most
important functions and the discussion of these functions when making a presentation, the functions not needed can be temporarily
hidden (collapsed) together with their sub trees.

There are two ways to collapse the display of a function:

• Collapse the function using the “Row” column: Click in the “Row” column (the first column in the form, which is often
hidden) on the “-” symbol to collapse the function. To expand the function again, click on the “+” symbol next to the

• Collapse the function via the “View” menu: Select the function to be collapsed and then select View/Collapse Function.
You can display the entire function again with View/Expand Function. To expand or collapse all functions in a form at the
same time, select the View/Expand All Functions or View/Collapse All Functions command.

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5.4 Estimating risks – the risk matrix

5.4.1 General information on risk matrices

Risks can be estimated in various ways. In addition to risk estimation using the risk priority number (RPN), risk estimation based on
risk matrices is being demanded more and more often (see, for example, “EN ISO 14971:2000, Appendix E” or VDA Vol. 4, 2007).

Risk matrices evaluate risks based on a matrix representation. The matrix spans the two axes “Probability of occurrence” (O value of
the FMEA, value increases in the direction of the Y-axis) and “Severity of failure effects” (S value of the FMEA, value increases in
the direction of the X-axis). The size of the matrix can be increased and is based on the O and D values used and the number of
ranges of values in the evaluation. For example, an evaluation range for O of 1-10 and for S of 1-10 results in a matrix with 100 risk
fields (see the figure below):

The resulting risk fields are usually divided into three risk ranges:

• Generally acceptable range (“OK”, green in the figure above)

• ALARP range (As Low As Reasonably Possible) (“ALARP”, yellow in the figure above)

• Unacceptable range: (“not OK”, red in the figure above)

If O and S values are now specified in an FMEA for the relationship described between the cause, failure, effect of failure, and actions,
then these values are displayed in the corresponding risk range of the risk matrix.

SCIO™ now reads the corresponding risk field from the risk matrix and copies it to the corresponding risk cell in the FMEA form (“Risk”
column). This makes direct estimation of the risk using the risk matrix possible and can supplement or replace the estimation
calculated using the RPN.

5.4.2 Configuring the risk matrix

The risk matrix is specified and configured in SCIO™ via the evaluation catalog.

Proceed as follows to create or edit a risk matrix:

• Select the Administration/Evaluation Catalogs… command

• Select the evaluation catalog whose risk matrix you want to edit from the “Evaluation” list.

• Switch to the “Risk Matrix” tab. Depending on the number of levels used for O and S (see the corresponding tabs), a risk
matrix with the corresponding number of fields (maximum of 100) opens.

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• Each field in the risk matrix can now be assigned to one of the risk ranges specified (see also: Defining and formatting risk
ranges). To assign a risk range to a field, select the corresponding field with the left mouse button and click on the desired
risk range. The name and the format of the range are then copied to the field.

• Proceed in the same manner for the rest of the fields in your risk matrix. SCIO™ also provides an automatic range extension
function for fast assignment of the risk ranges (see below).

• Select <Save> to save your changes together with the evaluation catalog.

Based on the evaluation catalog selected in the master data of a system element, SCIO™ now uses the data in the assigned risk matrix
to automatically fill the “Risk” column of the FMEA table and perform the corresponding risk estimation.

Proceed as follows to quickly assign risk ranges to the risk matrix:

• In the risk matrix, select a field with the highest value (numerical value equal to O x S) in the risk range to be assigned. For
example, for the risk range with the lowest priority, you could select a field containing the value 12 (i.e. for O = 4 and S =

• Assign the corresponding risk range to the field (see above) (the Priority 1 range in the example).

• Click with the left mouse button on the field again and select Automatically expand range. SCIO™ now assigns the same
risk range to all fields whose numerical value is less than or equal to the value in the selected field (in the example, this
would be all fields containing numbers up to and including 12, for example fields with O = 1, S = 10 or O = 6, S = 2, etc.).

Note: If there are fields with a higher numerical value that have not been assigned to a range (white fields) or were assigned
to a range in a lower category than the range just assigned, then these fields are assigned to the current risk range. Only
the fields assigned to a higher category range are left unchanged.

• Proceed in the same manner to specify the other risk ranges.

• If necessary, adjust the ranges as desired (see above) and save the risk matrix with <Save>.

5.4.3 Defining and formatting risk ranges

Any number of risk ranges (risk categories) can be defined for risk matrices. In general, though, only three risk ranges are used (see
also: General information on risk matrices).

The definition and configuration of the risk ranges described here applies to all risk matrices in a SCIO™ database and therefore only
needs to be done once. The risk ranges must be assigned individually to each risk matrix, though (see also: Configuring the risk

Proceed as follows to define and configure the basic settings of the risk ranges for your risk matrices:

• Select the Administration / Evaluation Catalogs… command

• Select any evaluation catalog from the “Evaluation” list.

• Switch to the “Risk Matrix” tab.

• Click with the left mouse button in any risk field in the matrix and select Edit (you can select a white, unformatted field if
necessary). The risk category administration opens.

• If no risk categories have been defined yet for your database, then click on <New> and select the first empty line in the list
(Priority “1”), if necessary, enter a Name for this category, for example “OK” (see also: General information on risk
matrices). If you want to change the names of existing categories, then select the corresponding line in the list and change
the name of the category (Warning! Changing the name/format of a risk category (see below) affects all risk matrices/FMEA
forms in the database).

• To specify or change the format of a risk category, select the corresponding category in the list and click on the edit arrow
on the right edge of the cell. You can now choose the color for the selected category.

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• Select the desired Background Color and Text Color by clicking on the corresponding color field and confirm your selection
with <OK>. SCIO™ now uses the formatting in the list of categories.

• <New>: If desired, you can add additional risk categories by clicking on <New>. SCIO™ then adds a new risk category to the
end of the list. This category is always automatically assigned the highest priority. Enter a name and format for the new
category as described above.

Note: The priority of a category plays a role, especially when “automatically” extending the risk ranges (see also:
Configuring the risk matrix).

• <Delete>: Select the corresponding category in the list and then select <Delete> to delete a risk category. (Warning! The
deletion of a risk category affects all risk matrices/FMEA forms in the database.)

• Show Names: Placing a checkmark here causes the name entered for the particular risk category to be displayed when
used in risk matrices or FMEA forms. If not checked, only the formatting of the category is used.

• <OK>: After editing your risk categories, confirm your changes with <OK> to save the changes you made to the categories
and exit the category administration. <Cancel> exits the category administration without saving the changes.

5.4.4 Risk matrices in the analysis

Risk matrices not only provide corresponding evaluation templates for estimating individual risks in the FMEA form (“Risk” column),
but can also be used in the overall analysis of individual system elements or entire systems. In this case, all risk evaluations for a
system element/system are entered in a risk matrix – but separated into the risks before and after optimization - to provide a quick
overview of the distribution of the risks in the system.

SCIO™ uses the default values (Names/Color Assignments) as defined in the individual risk matrix in this case for the risk analyses
created. These analyses are called via Analysis/Risk Matrix….

5.5 Working with specifications

Specifications are used to more precisely characterize requirements placed on products or processes. They are referred to product
or process features. They represent an important link between FMEAs, process flow charts (PFCs) and control plans (CPs).

Specifications are assigned to the functions. To enter or edit specifications, the function cell must be activated and the user must
click on the icon or execute the Edit/Edit Specifications... menu command.

If there is also a free SCIO™-Matrix license available, then the Specification Editor can be used to enter and edit the specifications
(the corresponding right is necessary).

In the SCIO™ database, specifications are administered centrally – i.e. the corresponding entries are entered in a single input mask
and automatically affect all corresponding documents (FMEA, Matrix, CP, PFC, Net-Builder) to the same extent.

See also:

• Icons and additional information in the form (FMEA, CP, PFC, Net-Builder)

• Classifications - Identifying special characteristics

• Synchronize Classifications

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5.6 Classification

5.6.1 Identifying special characteristics

The use of classifications to designate special characteristics is a requirement to be able to create FMEA's, process flow charts (PFC's),
and control plans (CP's) according to AIAG or ISO TS 16949. In SCIO™ FMEA, functions and failures can also be classified (when
configured accordingly).

In ISO TS 16949, product characteristics or production process parameters that affect the safety or ability to abide by government
regulations, the key form, function, performance, or further processing of the product can be called special characteristics. All
product or process characteristics characterized as special characteristics are to be defined in a CP.

The classification of special characteristics is expected by the AIAG and VDA in addition to being expected by ISO TS 16949. It is
stated that (AIAG):

“The use of consistent nomenclature to classify characteristics is intended, and the name of the type of a special characteristic can
be coordinated with the OEM customer if necessary.”

The following suggestions may appear, among others:

• sc (significant characteristic): The characteristic is important for the customer and must be added to the control plan.

• cc (critical characteristic): This product requirement or process parameter must be maintained in all cases. They stand for
the compliance with the legal framework or for the safety of the end user. These characteristics must also be added to the
control plan.

As described in the TS 16949 it is possible to use other customer specific classifications or even symbols to classify special

In SCIO™, it is possible to assign a separate class to each specified characteristic. This permits the classes for the functions to be
derived automatically using the automatic class replication.

The class of a characteristic and/or function can be indicated using a character code (text) and/or a symbol. Often used standard
symbols are already contained in SCIO™.

In the SCIO™-Matrix function matrix (this matrix can also be called from function tree in the SCIO™-FMEA, SCIO™-Control-Plan and
SCIO™-Process-Flow modules), internal functions of a system element currently under examination may now be linked to external
functions of the system element higher up in the hierarchy. It is possible when the links are created to automatically transfer the
class of the external function to the internal function it is linked to (inheritance). The user is informed in a message box whenever a
class is inherited automatically by the system.

If the internal function already has a classification, then this classification is not changed through inheritance.

The user can activate and deactivate the automatic inheritance of function classes. This is done by placing or removing the checkmark
next to “Inherit Classes via Function Links” on the Tools/Options... // Settings tab.

Symbols for classification:

Other company-specific symbols can be easily integrated. The following symbols have the following meanings in this case:

• An icon (image file) must be 16x16 characters in size and can use up to a maximum of 256 colors.

• Icons must be stored in the BMP format (Windows bitmap).

• In order for an icon to be associated with a feature class, the name of the image file must be the same as the name of the
corresponding feature class (e.g. “cc.bmp” or “sc.bmp”)

• The icon files must be stored in the SCIO™ database directory in the SYMBOLS/CHARACTERISTICS folder.

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• If in addition to the described standard symbols (see above) other symbols are needed (e.g. depending on the customer) it
is possible to save those symbols in sub directories of the standard directory SYMBOLS/CHARACTERISTICS (for example in
the folder …/Customer XY).

Via Tools/Options… it is possible to define the corresponding sub-directory for the symbol selection: “Settings” tab;
parameter “Standard configuration file for classification symbols”. Therefore, the name of the corresponding sub-
directory must be entered in the given field only (e.g. “Customer XY”). The conditions for the symbols in the sub-directories
are the same as for the standard symbols in the main directory SYMBOLS/CHARACTERISTICS (see above).

Note: The icons for the critical characteristics may be shown in the Excel transfer, HTML document and sign-off document. You can

choose whether or not to show the characteristic classes by their names and/or symbols in the form in the Tools/Options... menu in
the “View” tab (parameter: “Display Classification”). The settings specified here can also be used for the Excel transfer.

Important note: Symbols from sub-directories cannot be displayed in Sign Off documents! In this case SCIO™ only uses symbols from

See also:

• Working with specifications

• Edit Specifications...

• Administering master data elements (data type: “Classification”)

5.6.2 Function classification or failure classification

In addition to the classification of characteristics (specifications), SCIO™ can also manage classifications of functions and, if necessary,
of failures. The classes that can be used for this purpose can be defined in Administration/Master Data Elements… // Data Type:

Function classification:

In a standard SCIO™ installation, the system only uses the classifications of characteristics and functions. The function classes in this
case can be selected in the form directly in the corresponding "Class" column. Due to the special structure of the VDA form, the
function class is entered directly in the cell behind the particular function entry.

Failure classification:

Failure classifications can also be enabled when necessary in SCIO™. The following entry must be added to SCIO_SERVER_CONFIG.INI
to enable failure classifications:


Users can check whether or not failure classifications are used on the "Settings" tab opened via the Tools/Options… menu command.
A checkmark is only displayed next to "Class allocation" when failure classifications are enabled.

Note: The parameter is always write-protected (even for administrators) and only serves to display the selected classification. The
exact storage location of the Quengineer.ini file mentioned above can be displayed via the ToolTip for the storage location icon of
the parameter (right end of the row.

When failure classifications are enabled, a separate class value can be assigned to each failure entry in all FMEA forms. Due to its
structure, though, it is only possible in the VDA form to classify functions directly (in addition to classifying failures) because the
functions, being "row entries", still have their own class field.

For the other forms, the functions can only be classified then using the class synchronization function.

Note: Failure classes are not taken into account in CP and/or PFC documents.

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5.7 Icons and additional information

5.7.1 Icons and additional information in the form

Additional information can be added to the cells in the form to supplement the FMEA text entries. Icons in the cell headers help the
user determine what kind of additional information was stored. Double-clicking with the mouse on an icon opens the corresponding
input or edit dialog:

Assigned system elements (for functions/process steps only) If a function was linked to a sub-system element using a
system link; then this icon appears in the function cell. Clicking on the icon opens an overview of existing assignments to
this function that can also be edited.

Specifications (for functions/process steps only)

Text only Specifications of external functions: If there are function links and the linked (external) functions contain one or more
specifications, then these specifications can be displayed here. The external functions as well as their specifications are

Product Characteristics from Control Plan (only displayed in system elements of type class “Process”): This symbol is
only displayed when a link between the current process step (function) and a feature of a system element of type class
"Product" was created in SCIO™ Control Plan. The influence of processes on product features plays a large role in
practical applications and also affects relationships like those represented in a control plan. You will find more detailed
information on this subject in the SCIO™ Control Plan manual.

Note: The product features displayed in the process system element can only be changed in the corresponding product
system element!

Text only External functions (for functions/process steps only): Functions of higher-level system elements, if any, that are linked
to the current function through function links are shown here. The name of the higher-level system element is also
shown in square brackets.

Text only Origin (for effects and causes of failures only): System elements are named here, if any, whose data was used to
generate FMEA data according to the link.

Local and global comments

Locally and globally linked document

Optional column information

Text only Local evaluation (for effects only)

Text only Action categories (for actions only)

Text only Format changes to action categories (for actions only)

Text only Action identification (ID)(for actions only)

Back- Colored cell background highlight (for RPN values only): For faster estimation of the potential risk, the RPN values can
ground be separated into three classes and highlighted with a colored background indicating which class they belong to. The
background highlight for the colored RPN can be enabled and disabled via Tools/Options... // “View” tab (parameter:
“Use RPN Colors”).

Clicking with the mouse on this icon shows all additional information available.

Clicking with the mouse on this icon hides all additional information available.

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• You can configure if and when the corresponding additional information will be displayed automatically in SCIO™
individually for each column in the form (default values for the input fields for functions and failures can also be configured
in the Net Editor).

• To change the configuration, click with the right mouse button on the header of the column and then select the Configure
Contents mouse command (can only be selected for some columns!):

o Hide All: The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) will not be displayed when the form is

o Show All (even if empty): The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) is displayed when the
form is opened even if there is no information available.

o Contents (when present): The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) is only displayed when
the form is opened when there is information available.

o Tool tip: The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) will not be displayed when the form is
opened. However, if the user places the mouse pointer in the corresponding cell, the additional information is
displayed in a text box that appears temporarily (“Tool tip”).


• You can select from two possible sizes for the icons displayed in the form. To use large icons, call the Tools/Options... menu
command and place a checkmark next to "Use Large Icons" on the ”View” tab.

• To configure the colored cell background in the RPN columns, select the Tools/Options... menu command and switch to
the "Analysis" tab. There you can specify the thresholds for the RPN values at which the cell background colors will change.
The colors can also be enabled and disabled here as well.

• If you do not want to highlight the RPN values in the FMEA form, then select the Tools/Options... menu command and
deactivate the "Use Color for RPN" option on the ”View” tab.

5.7.2 Icons and additional information in the tree views

5.8 Deadlines and Responsibilities (action packages / linked actions)

5.8.1 Deadlines and Responsibilities

SCIO™-FMEA allows you to bundle actions into action packages. Any number of individual actions ((P) for prevention and (D) for
detection/inspection) can be combined and used as a unit for one evaluation (risk priority number (RPN)).

Improved deadline administration consisting of the following deadline fields is one result of the introduction of action packages:

• Deadline for "current action" action package (= initial state (VDA form only))

• Deadline for "recommended/taken actions" action package

• Deadline for a single "recommended action"

Through the introduction of action packages, it is also possible now to document the employees/departments responsible for
individual actions and action packages. The following fields are available for this purpose in the form:

• Person responsible for "recommended/taken actions" action package

• Person responsible for a single "recommended action"

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This also permits specific documentation of the "completion status" of individual actions and action packages (see also VDA Vol. 4
Part 2 "System FMEA": Form for tracking actions). The following fields are available in SCIO™ FMEA for this purpose:

• "Status" of an action package ("recommended/taken actions")

• "Status" of an individual action ("recommended/taken actions")

Note: You will find more detailed information on the “Status” column in the help section “Action Status“.

5.8.2 Linked actions

When form data is selected in SCIO™ and copied to the clipboard (for example with CTRL + C), SCIO™ automatically opens the
"Clipboard" options window. In this window you can configure the data on the clipboard before inserting it at a different location
(see also: Edit/Copy).

If actions are also copied in this manner, then SCIO™ offers you the ability to link actions.

To link actions before inserting one or more actions at a different location, you must place a checkmark next to "Action as Link".

Tip: Linking actions is especially recommended when copying recommended actions because such an action will often appear several
times in an FMEA even though the entries documented only actually refer to a single action.

As an alternative to the procedure described here, you can also use the Edit/Actions/Create Action link… command.

The following must be noted when handling linked actions:

• Linked actions are marked in the form by the symbol.

• The link includes the action text, and for "recommended actions" the link also includes the text of the "Taken action", the
employee assigned to be responsible for the action, the target date, and the action status. Evaluation data is not included
in the link!

• Action links that cross system element boundaries can also be created, if necessary.

• A mouse click on the chain symbol ( ) opens an overview on all linked positions of an action (see below).
• There is no overview available of all "goals" of an action link.

• Linked actions will be listed more than once in the Deadline Monitor when they have been assigned to different "causes"
– even though the entries generally only refer to a single action most of the time.

• To remove a link, one of the corresponding actions must be deleted. In this case, only the selected action is deleted. The
linked entries remain unchanged.

• If a system element containing internally linked actions is copied, then the links are also generated in the copy. However,
no links are created between the actions of the original element and those of the copy!

• When a system element is copied, links to actions in a different system element are not recreated in the copy.

Overview of link positions

If actions were linked (see above), a mouse click on the link symbol ( ) opens an overview of all link positions of the corresponding

• To identify the link positions the following data are shown in table:
o System element
o Function
o Failure
o Cause
o Action

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• The overview is always created column by column; this means that current P- and D-actions as recommended and actions
taken are listed separately.
• A double click on an entry in the overview table automatically marks the corresponding entry in the FMEA form.
• The dialog will be closed with <Close>.

5.9 Tracking actions (action newsletter)

In general, numerous actions are triggered and put into motion in the course of an FMEA. In addition to specifying the action itself,
the responsibilities and implementation deadlines are also specified for the action.

To keep track of the actions and to ensure their implementation, SCIO™ offers different tracking levels for tracking actions:

• Level 1: An overview of all actions is available for every user in the deadline monitor. Each user is shown an overview of all
actions for which a user is responsible and which originate in system elements for which the user is a member of the SE

Furthermore, specific actions can be tracked down in the SCIO-Manager and sent as individual actions by e-mail directly to
a user ("Send Results")

• Level 2: An SCIO™ Newsletter can be set up that searches through the database for open and overdue deadlines at specific,
configurable times (for example every night) and automatically sends the actions found by e-mail to the people responsible.

In the e-mail, the actions are linked directly to the corresponding entries in the FMEA form so that it is possible to open the
corresponding documents directly from the e-mail.

If desired, it is possible to have the "linked actions" displayed only once in the newsletter. All system elements in which the
linked action appears are listed below the action. In this case, each system element is assigned a link that the user can use
to jump directly to the first occurrences of the action in the system element.

It is also possible to exclude certain actions from being sent in the email in the newsletter configuration. Possible criteria
for exclusion could include the status of a system element (e.g. no actions from system elements with the "Released" status
should be sent) or the appearance of specific text in the name of the action (e.g. no actions containing the word
"recommendation" should be sent in the email).

In addition, the email can also contain a link to the SCIO™-Portal application when configured accordingly. This allows users
without direct access to SCIO™ to view and edit the actions.

For information about setting up the newsletter, please consult the document "PLATO SCIO Newsletter Installation
Guide" (see SCIO™ DVD or Download Area).

Further Information on configuring the newsletter can be obtained by sending an e-mail to or by
telephone by calling +49 (0)451/930 986-02.

• Level 3: It is possible to realize full tracking of specific actions including escalation and response using the AQTIO™ action
management system. (see also: Interface and "Plug-in" Concept)

5.10 Action identification (ID)

In order to uniquely identify and reference actions from an FMEA during reviews, audits, or even in important documents, SCIO™
offers a procedure for identifying actions (Action ID).

This procedure permits the automatic assignment of identifiers (IDs) to actions and system elements and must be enabled if necessary
for every SCIO™ database used. The procedure ensures that actions and system elements are assigned a unique ID within a database.
Once an ID has been used once, it is never used again in the database. Not even when an action or system element has been deleted.

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5.10.1 Using and displaying the IDs

System element ID:
When creating a new system element, a system element ID is entered automatically to its master data. The corresponding master
data field "Identity" can be found in the master data dialog on the "Additional Information" section.

The system element ID can be edited and changed as long as no actions have been entered yet in the corresponding system element.
The identifier cannot be edited any more after that.

Action ID:
An action ID is created automatically for every action entered and cannot be changed by the users.

If an action is copied, it is automatically assigned a new ID when it is pasted "normally". However, if it is pasted "as a link”, then the
action is assigned the same ID as the original action since it is the same action as the original action.

The ID of an action is not changed when the action text of an action with an ID is changed.

Recommended and taken actions are administered together in the software. There is only one shared ID for both entries. In the
default configuration of SCIO™, this ID is only displayed for the recommended action. There is also an option for displaying the ID for
the taken action that can be configured by the user (see below).

Displaying and evaluating the IDs:

• Master data: The system element ID is managed as a master data field (see above) and can be correspondingly displayed
and printed out or transferred to MS Excel®.
• FMEA: In the FMEA form, the identity of an action is displayed as additional information below the action. Its display can
be configured just like all other optional information (see also: Configure Contents/Columns...).
• Control Plan (CP): If actions in an FMEA are used in SCIO™-Control-Plan in the "Control Method” column, then the ID will
also be displayed there.
Important note: Control methods that are entered directly in the control plan are also assigned their own action ID even
though they have not been entered as an action in an FMEA!
• Excel Transfer: The system element ID can also be transferred when necessary just like other master data. The action ID is
automatically transferred together with the action and cannot be prevented.
• HTML View / Sign Offs: The action ID is displayed together with the action.
• SCIO Manager: The system element-and action IDs can be made available as a separate data fields and can therefore be
used for evaluations.

Use of IDs for data existing before activation:

System elements and actions in a database that were already present before activating the system element and action IDs are not
automatically assigned an identifier after activation (see also note below)!

However, if new actions are assigned to an existing system element (not assigned an identity yet), then the system element is
automatically assigned an ID. The same applies to new action entered.

IDs for existing system elements are also created when the system element master data of the corresponding system element is
edited after creation.

Note: A retroactive creation of IDs for existing data (after activation) is possible. Please contact the technical support from PLATO (

5.10.2 Activating and formatting system element and action IDs


The activation and formatting of the identifiers is performed using a separate configuration file, the KeyID.ini file. This file is located
in the INI directory of the corresponding SCIO™ database or can be created in this directory.

The parameters used in this file are used to specify whether (“use=1”) or not ("use=0") the identifier should be used, among other
things. Furthermore, the ID format and the ability to edit the IDs created can be defined here.

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ID format

You specify if and how identifiers (max. length: 40 characters) are formed just once for an SCIO™ database. A number range that
starts with prefixed letters can also be specified.

An action ID can also contain parts of the system element ID when necessary in order to make it easier to associate it with the system

Structure of a system element ID: [text block] [n-digit number]

For example: system_00001

Structure of an action ID: [text block] [part of the SE ID] [text block] [n-digit number]

For example: action_00001_00005

Extended formatting of system element IDs:

An extended KeyID.ini offers changing the formatting of system element IDs. If requested the ID can also be composed of the
abbreviation of the system element type and a freely definable contiguous value. This positive integer value increments with every
newly created system element.

The KeyID.ini can be found in the INI directory of the particular SCIO™ data base or can be created in this directory.

The configuration of the system element IDs also applies to e1ns.

For system element types the following abbreviations are available:

• D - Design
• P - Process
• I - Interface
• S - Software
• R - Requirement
• M – Machine

Creating a system element ID with the new format works in the SCIO™-Client only when using the simplified dialog “Create System
Element” without opening the complete master data dialog with the link “Additional master data…”.

See also:

• Automatic IDs for system elements and actions

5.11 Changing entries

The following cases can arise when changing a text entry:

• The entry to be changed is only used once in the current system element at the selected location and the new text (the
reason for the change) does not exist yet in the database => the entry will be changed locally. The change is recorded and
can be found in the cell context on the "Local History" tab.

• The entry to be changed is only used once in the current system element at the selected location and the new text (the
reason for the change) already exists at another location => the entries will be merged. The change is recorded and can be
found in the cell context on the "Local History" tab.

• The entry to be changed is used more than once => it is possible to change the entry locally or regionally.

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5.11.1 Local / regional changes, Change List

If the entry to be changed is used a number of times, then the user can choose to apply the change locally or regionally (proper
authorization is required!):

• Local: The entry to be changed is only changed at the current position.

• Regional: The entry to be changed is changed at all selected locations in the SCIO™ database.

The Change List is needed to make regional changes. The list can be shown or hidden using the icon.

All changes made during the session of the currently logged in user are displayed in the change list. The maximum number of changes
that can be recorded in the list can be specified via the Tools/Options menu on the "Edit" tab ("Number of entries in change list").
When a SCIO™ session is terminated (the user logs off), the change list is cleared.

• If an entry that only occurs once in the database is changed, then the change is always a local change (see above). In this
case, the <Regional> button in the Change List is disabled.

• If the <Regional> button is enabled, then clicking on it returns a list of all additional occurrences of the cell entry to be
changed. Place a checkmark next to the list entries to be changed and confirm with <Execute>.

• If all entries found are selected in this case, then the change is applied globally, i.e. the original entry does not exist anymore
in the database after the change is made.

Note: All changes are recorded in the change history of the corresponding cell.

<Go To>: With this button, the user goes directly to the cell entry selected beforehand (select "Box Cell"!). Note: Double-clicking on
a system element name also opens the corresponding element.

<Cancel>: (not enabled in this view)

<Close>: This button terminates the change dialog without making the changes.

5.11.2 Merging cell contents by making changes

When changing an entry that only occurs once in the database to an already existing entry, the entries are merged to form one entry.
Comments and/or linked documents stored for the existing entry are not transferred to the changed (merged) entry.

5.12 Generate data

5.12.1 Methodology and procedure

“Generating Data” basically refers to the ability to automatically link failures from a variety of system elements from different system
levels to each other. In terms of the methodology, this functionality is based on the fact that a failure in a lower level system element
(for example the failure of a component) represents a possible cause for a failure in the next system level up (for example the failure
of an assembly). However, a failure in a higher system level (for example a failure of the entire system) could be considered a possible
effect of a failure in the next system level down (for example the failure of an assembly). These types of relationships between failures
should be clearly indicated and documented in an FMEA. With the new data generation function, SCIO™ now offers the ability to
create these failure networks automatically.

Furthermore, actions for causes can also be used when generating data if this is desired. This is always possible whenever actions
have already been entered for causes of the same names in a form. They are then reused when generating the data.

Important Note: If failure data in different system levels is linked together in the data generation dialog, then SCIO™ automatically
creates the corresponding failure links. This can be used immediately to display the corresponding fault trees in SCIO™ Fault Tree,
for example. It is therefore not necessary to create these failure links separately any more.

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• To be able to generate the effects of failures as well as the causes of failures, a system must consist of at least three system
levels. If there are only two levels, then only causes or only effects can be generated automatically. Data generation is not
possible for unlinked system elements.

• The more accurately the system levels are interlinked, the more detailed is the data generated. SCIO™ can even generate
the corresponding failure data for a simple structure link (only possible via Selectively generating data (for failure entries)).
However, in this case all failures of a system element are considered to be potential causes or effects. The efficiency of the
data generation increases according to the link types as follows:

Structure Link < System Link < Function Link < Failure Link

• The analysis of all system elements involved should be finished up to (and including) the Failure column so that the failure
data can be linked together.

5.12.2 Remove generated data

If data was generated for a failure, a function, or an entire system element, then the data entered automatically can be removed
again using the following menu calls:

• Form (a function or a failure is marked): Edit/Methods/Remove Generated Data...

• Form (a function or a failure is marked): right mouse button menu: Remove Generated Data...

• Tree views (a system element is marked): right mouse button menu: System Element/Remove Generated Data...

Note: In the function tree, the command can also be called when a function or a failure is marked. Select the
Function/Remove Generated Data... or Failure/Remove Generated Data... mouse command accordingly.

• Button (when a form or tree entry was selected):

Important Notes:

• Even data that was generated selectively (data was generated for a selected failure entry) can be removed in this manner.

• If another analysis has already been started for a generated cause of a failure (for example by manually entering an action),
then this cause is blocked and cannot be removed automatically; a separate delete procedure would be necessary to
remove it. Causes with actions that were copied automatically (see also: Methodology and procedure) are not blocked,

5.12.3 Change generated data

If generated data is available in a system element – e. g. by generating a cause from a failure (= source failure) in a lower-level system
element or by generating an effect from a failure (= source failure) in a higher-level system element – the system will behave as
follows when subsequently changing the text entries:

• Changing a source failure: The change automatically effects all entries generated from this failure.
• Changing a generated cause / effect: A dialog window opens containing the following options:
o All: In addition to the generated cause or effect, respectively, also their source failure is changed accordingly and
therefore all data generated from this failure (see below). Please see the notes below.
o Local: Only the currently selected cell (generated cause / effect) is changed. The source failure remains
o Cancel: No change is carried out. The dialog window is closed and the created change can be undone (ESC button)
or rephrased.

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• An automatic change of the source failure when changing a generated entry is only possible if…
o … the user has write privileges for the source failure
o … the source failure is active (without delete job)
o … the system element of the source failure is not write protected
• If one or more of the above-mentioned obstacles for renaming the source failure exist, the user is informed with a warning.
The display of the warning can be configured if needed: Tools/Options… // Tab “Edit” // parameter “The source failure
cannot be edited…”.
• The described system behavior is only implemented for changes in the reference language!

5.13 Selectively generating data (for failure entries)

Tip: Read the chapter on the subject of data generation first to get a better understanding of the procedure.

Selective data generation is only possible when a failure entry (form or function tree) is selected!

Select a failure and then click on the button or use another call to start the data generation (see also: Methodology and
procedure). A dialog box (“Show Origin of Generated Data”) containing many options opens that can be divided into the following

• Menu items in the dialog box

• “Generate causes and effects of failure mode for selected element” view

• “Available actions” view

Selecting and accepting entries:

When the menu command is called, a selection table with the data to be generated opens. The contents of the selection table depend
on the records available. The user must now decide which entries should be “generated” selectively and which should not. The entries
to be used are selected by placing a checkmark next to them and then confirming with <OK> (terminates the dialog at the same time)
or <Apply> (leaves the dialog box open).

The selection table is shown divided into two tables:

• When the dialog is called, the table for generating possible causes and effects is always opened first (<Generate causes
and effects of failure mode for selected element>).

• With <Available Actions>, the user can switch to the selection list containing the actions already entered for causes, if
necessary. If actions are selected and applied here, then SCIO™ inserts them into the form and links them to the
corresponding “source actions”. In this table, though, only those causes and their corresponding actions are shown that
were selected beforehand using <Apply> or were already selected before the call (see above.).

Important note: When generating data selectively, all actions already documented for the selected causes (= failures from
lower-level system elements (source failures)) are available for selection. It does not matter in this case in which system
element the causes were generated. The only thing that is important is that the actions were entered for the same source

The following symbols and formatting apply to the selection table:

Note: The specified options always refer to the current record at the time the selection window is called.

• : The entry has an undefined selection status. No decision for this entry has been made yet. The entries are displayed
using a bold font (for example “Failure A”)

• : The entry was already selected before the dialog was called (font is normal, for example “Failure B”) or the entry was
just selected using <Apply> (font of the entry is the same as when the dialog was called).

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• : The entry is considered to have been “deselected specifically” before the dialog was called (font is normal but with a
strikethrough, for example “Failure C”) or the entry was just deselected (font of the entry is the same as when the dialog
was called).

• : The entry has already been selected and cannot be removed in the dialog (since additional data such as actions have
already been added to the entry). The entries are displayed in italics and using a light gray font (for example “Failure D”).

• : The entry has an undefined selection status. No decision for this entry has been made yet. However, SCIO™
recommends selecting this entry based on the existing data link*). These entries are displayed using a bold font (for example
“Failure E”).

*) If, for example, the user already decided in a system element in a higher level to link “Failure E” to the lower-level
“Failure F” as a cause, then according to the methodology, the now higher-level “Failure E” should be linked in the lower
system level as an effect to the existing “Failure F” (see also: Methodology and procedure, Introduction) – and for this
reason SCIO™ suggests you select the entry accordingly.

5.13.1 Menu items in the “Show Origin of Generated Data” dialog box Menu “Select effects”

Requirement: The “Generate causes and effects of failure mode for selected element” view is active!


• In addition to the menu commands described here, it is also possible to select or deactivate individual entries directly in
the table. To do this, place or remove the checkmark accordingly next to the entries offered for selection by clicking with
the mouse (see also: Generating data selectively (for failure entries)).

• The filters offered to display the effects can also be activated or deactivated in the column header of the data table over
the corresponding selection list (Effects/Filter according to selection or Effects/Filter according to system element). If data
was hidden explicitly, then the system warns the user.

The following menu commands are available for selection:

• Select All: This command selects all effects displayed in the table for the <Apply> command.

• Deselect All: This command deactivates all effects displayed in the table. Data already used in the form is removed again
in this case, if necessary. Note: Effects entered or edited manually cannot be deactivated here.

• Select all new: This command only selects the effects in the table for the <Apply> command that have been added to the
system being analyzed since the last data generation.

• Deselect all new: This command only deactivates those effects in the table that have been added to the system being
analyzed since the last data generation.

• Reset: This command resets the selection of effects to the same selection of effects active when the dialog was opened or
to the last selection of effects activated by pressing the <Apply> button.

• Filter...: Note: A checkmark next to the particular entry indicates that data matching the filter entry will be displayed in the
data table. If there is no checkmark next to an entry, then the corresponding data group is grayed out.

o All system elements for effects: All system elements that are possible “suppliers” of effects according to the
system structure(s) are taken into account. Individual system elements can also be selected or deselected directly
in the column header of the data table, if necessary (Effects/Filter according to system element).

o No system element for effects: All system elements that are possible “suppliers” of effects are deactivated.
Individual system elements can also be selected or deselected directly in the column header of the data table, if
necessary (Effects/Filter according to system element).

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o Effects from the form: All potential effects that were entered manually in the form but have not been used in a
previous data generation are displayed.

o Effects already selected: All potential effects that were already selected for use during a data generation when
the dialog was called are displayed.

o Effects already rejected: All potential effects that were already linked to the failure by a data generation but that
were removed again before the dialog was called (by delete jobs or by removing the generated data) are

o Effects already selected and edited: All potential effects that were already selected for use during a data
generation when the dialog was called and that have also been edited are displayed.

o New effects: All potential effects added to the system since the last data generation but which have not been
used yet are displayed.

o New preselected effects: All potential effects considered by the system to be preselected effects are displayed.
The preselected effects are the failure entries that have already been linked to the analyzed failure in a failure-
causes-relationship in the correspondingly higher level, but that have not been taken into account as effects in
the current level yet.

o Product, Process, Software, Interface, Requirement, or Machine: Only the effects of system elements of the
type classes selected here are displayed.

o Effects from the form: Only those effects entered manually in the form are displayed.

o Effects through Function Links: Only those effects found by evaluating the existing function links are displayed.

o Effects through Failure Links: Only those effects found by evaluating the existing failure links are displayed.

o Effects through System Links: Only those effects found by evaluating the existing system links are displayed.

o Effects through Structure Links: Only those effects found by evaluating the existing structure links are displayed.

o Effects from Top Failures: Only those effects generated by the failure entries in the top system level are displayed. Menu “Select causes”

Requirement: The “Generate causes and effects of failure mode for selected element” view is active!


• In addition to the menu commands described here, it is also possible to select or deactivate individual entries directly in
the table. To do this, place or remove the checkmark accordingly next to the entries offered for selection by clicking with
the mouse (see also: Generating data selectively (for failure entries))

• The filters offered to display the causes can also be activated or deactivated in the column header of the data table over
the corresponding selection list (Causes/Filter according to selection or Causes/Filter according to system element). If
data was hidden explicitly, then the system warns the user.

The following menu commands are available for selection:

• Select All: This command selects all causes displayed in the table for the <Apply> command.

• Deselect All: This command deactivates all causes displayed in the table. Data already used in the form is removed again
in this case, if necessary. Note: Causes entered or edited manually cannot be deactivated here.

• Select all new: This command only selects the causes in the table for the <Apply> command that have been added to the
system being analyzed since the last data generation.

• Deselect all new: This command only deactivates those causes in the table that have been added to the system being
analyzed since the last data generation.

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• Reset: This command resets the selection of causes to the same selection of causes active when the dialog was opened or
to the last selection of causes activated by pressing the <Apply> button.

• Filter...: Note: A checkmark next to the particular entry indicates that data matching the filter entry will be displayed in the
data table. If there is no checkmark next to an entry, then the corresponding data group is grayed out.

o All system elements for causes: All system elements that are possible “suppliers” of causes according to the
system structure(s) are taken into account. Individual system elements can also be selected or deselected directly
in the column header of the data table, if necessary (Causes/Filter according to system element).

o No system element for causes: All system elements that are possible “suppliers” of causes are deactivated.
Individual system elements can also be selected or deselected directly in the column header of the data table, if
necessary (Causes/Filter according to system element).

o Causes from the form: All potential causes that were entered manually in the form but have not been used in a
previous data generation are displayed.

o Causes already selected: All potential causes that were already selected for use during a data generation when
the dialog was called are displayed.

o Causes already rejected: All potential causes that were already linked to the failure by a data generation but that
were removed again before the dialog was called (by delete jobs or by removing the generated data) are

o Causes already selected and edited: All potential causes that were already selected for use during a data
generation when the dialog was called and that have also been edited (for example by adding an action) are

o New causes: All potential causes added to the system since the last data generation but which have not been
used yet are displayed.

o New preselected causes: All potential causes considered by the system to be preselected causes are displayed.
The preselected causes are the failure entries that have already been linked to the analyzed failure in a failure-
causes-relationship in the correspondingly lower level, but that have not been taken into account as causes in
the current level yet.

o Product, Process, Software, Interface, Requirement, or Machine: Only the causes from system elements of the
type classes selected here are displayed.

o Causes from the form: Only those causes entered manually in the form are displayed.

o Causes through Function Links: Only those causes found by evaluating the existing function links are displayed.

o Causes through Failure Links: Only those causes found by evaluating the existing failure links are displayed.

o Causes through System Links: Only those causes found by evaluating the existing system links are displayed.

o Causes through Structure Links: Only those causes found by evaluating the existing structure links are displayed. Menu “Actions”

Requirement: The “Available Actions” view is active!


• In addition to the menu commands described here, it is also possible to select or deactivate individual entries directly in
the table. To do this, place or remove the checkmark accordingly next to the entries offered for selection by clicking with
the mouse (see also: Generating data selectively (for failure entries))

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• The filters offered to display the causes can also be activated or deactivated in the column header of the data table over
the corresponding selection list (Causes/Filter according to selection, Causes/Filter according to system element, or
Actions/Filter according to selection). If data was hidden explicitly, then the system warns the user.

The following menu commands are available for selection:

• Select All: This command selects all actions displayed in the table for the <Apply> command.

• Deselect All: This command deactivates all actions displayed in the table. Data already used in the form is removed again
in this case, if necessary.

• Select all new: This command only selects the actions in the table for the <Apply> command that have been added to the
system being analyzed since the last data generation.

• Deselect all new: This command only deactivates those actions in the table that have been added to the system being
analyzed since the last data generation.

• Reset: This command resets the selection of actions to the same selection of actions active when the dialog was opened or
to the last selection of actions activated by pressing the <Apply> button.

• Filter...: Note: A checkmark next to the particular entry indicates that data matching the filter entry will be displayed in the
data table. If there is no checkmark next to an entry, then the corresponding data group is grayed out.

o All system elements for causes: All system elements that are possible “suppliers” of causes according to the
system structure are taken into account. Individual system elements can also be selected or deselected directly
in the column header of the data table, if necessary (Causes/Filter according to system element).

o No system element for causes: All system elements that are possible “suppliers” of causes are deactivated.
Individual system elements can also be selected or deselected directly in the column header of the data table, if
necessary (Causes/Filter according to system element).

o Causes from the form: All potential causes that were entered manually in the form but have not been used in a
previous data generation are displayed.

o Causes already selected: All potential causes that were already selected for use during a data generation when
the dialog was called are displayed.

o Causes already rejected: All potential causes that were already linked to the failure by a data generation but that
were removed again before the dialog was called (by delete jobs or by removing the generated data) are displayed.

o Causes already selected and edited: All potential causes that were already selected for use during a data generation
when the dialog was called and that have also been edited (for example by adding an action) are displayed.

o New causes: All potential causes added to the system since the last data generation, but which have not been
used yet are displayed.

o New preselected causes: All potential causes considered by the system to be preselected causes are displayed.
The preselected causes are the failure entries that have already been linked to the analyzed failure in a failure-
causes-relationship in the correspondingly lower level, but that have not been taken into account as causes in
the current level yet.

o Actions from the form: All potential actions that were entered manually in the form for the affected cause but
have not been used in a previous data generation are displayed.

o Actions already selected: All potential actions that were already selected for use during a data generation when
the dialog was called are displayed.

o Actions already rejected: All potential actions that were already selected for use during a data generation but
that were removed again before the dialog was called (by delete jobs) are displayed.

o Actions already selected and edited: All potential actions that were already selected for use during a data
generation when the dialog was called and that have also been edited are displayed.

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o New actions: All potential actions added to the system since the last data generation but which have not been
used yet are displayed.

o New preselected actions: All potential actions s considered by the system to be preselected actions are displayed. Menu “Help”

You call up the corresponding help information here (see also: Help).

5.13.2 View “Generate causes and effects of failure mode for selected element”
Clicking with the mouse on this tab activates the view used to select and apply the causes and effects offered for selection. After
selection, confirm with <OK> (also terminates the dialog) or <Apply> (the dialog remains open). <Cancel> terminates the dialog
without applying your selection.

The table shown contains the following information and symbols (from left to right):

• Column of symbols for the search strategy: A symbol placed next to each “effect entry” found is displayed to indicate
which search strategy was used to find this entry. The following symbols can appear in this case:

Top effect (failure entry from the top system element in the structure)

Found based on failure links

Found based on function links

Found based on system links

Found based on structure links

Manual form entry (not generated)

• Column of symbols for the type class: The type class corresponding to each system element (two columns to the right) is
displayed (see also: Symbols in the Tree Views).

• Selection box: Displays the status of the selection (see also: Generating data selectively (for failure entries)).

• System element: System element from which the effect entry (next column) originates.

• Effect: Effect entries that come into question. The S evaluations and source evaluations are also displayed for the effect
entries (see also: Displaying evaluations and deviations in consistency).

• Failure: Initial failure for which the data is to be generated.

• Cause: Cause entries that come into question.

• System element: System element from which the cause entry (previous column) originates.

• Selection box: Displays the status of the selection (see also: Generating data selectively (for failure entries)).

• Column of symbols for the type class: The type class corresponding to each system element (two columns to the left) is
displayed (see also: Symbols in the Tree Views).

• Column of symbols for the search strategy: A symbol is displayed next to each “effect entry” found to indicate which search
strategy was used to find this entry (symbols like above).

A description of the possible selections can be found in the Menu items in the “Show Origin of Generated Data” dialog box section
and in the following.

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5.13.3 View “Available Actions”

Clicking with the mouse on this tab activates the view used to select and apply any actions already entered for the causes selected
(see the previous section).

The symbols used in the view are the same as those used on the Generate causes and effects of failure mode for selected element

Options and procedure:

• If actions were already entered manually in the form for a cause generated from the same source failure, then these actions
are offered for selection automatically when the source failure was selected again as a cause (see the "Generate causes
and effects for the selected element" tab).
• If evaluations have also already been assigned in the form to the generated causes and their current actions (O and D
values), then they are also evaluated and can be imported automatically as well, if necessary.
• “Causes” column: The causes (= source failure) that were selected as causes on the "Generate causes and effects for the
selected element" tab or were already selected when the dialog was called are listed here. The source element is also
displayed in addition to the cause text.
• “Actions” column: All actions already entered in the form for the selected source failure are listed here. The actions are
listed separately by action type (P/D).
Linked actions are only listed once.
The evaluations for the actions are also displayed in square brackets. The evaluations are displayed according to the
packages in which the actions appear.
If different evaluations were made here, then each evaluation number is only listed once. In this case, the corresponding
evaluations are sorted in descending order according to their frequency. For example, if a given "Action A" is found twice
with a package evaluation of "5" and once with a package evaluation of "4, then the following is displayed: Action A [5, 4].
Actions can be selected for the import using the checkboxes. They are automatically linked to the "source actions" in this
• "O/D" column: Here you can enter or select one value for O (for P actions) and one value for E (for I actions) depending on
the action type. These values are then transferred to the form together with the selected actions.
Clicking with the mouse in a cell in the column selects the cell. Clicking again with the mouse opens a selection list in which
the current evaluation number is highlighted in blue. In addition, the lowest ("min") and highest ("max") evaluation
assigned to date to the action packages due to the corresponding cause are marked and highlighted in color.
If "min" and "max" have the same evaluation, then this value is entered automatically in the cell as the default value. This
"suggested evaluation" is not binding, though, and can be changed if necessary.

• With <OK> (closes the dialog) and <Apply> (the dialog stays open), all entries selected on both of the tabs in the dialog are
copied to the form and saved.
• <Cancel> undoes all selections and terminates the dialog.

A description of the menu commands available in the dialog can be found in the "Actions" menu section.

5.14 Consistent S evaluations in systems

When determining the potential risks posed by complex systems, the potential severity of the damage plays a major role. In the
FMEA, the severity of the damage is expressed by the significance of the potential effects of a failure (S value).

In this case, in the top system level (top system element) the S value is estimated and specified in terms of the "external impact" of
the system, meaning the impact on customers or users of the system.

In contrast, system elements in lower system levels (assemblies, parts, or process elements) often focus only on the effects of failures
in the next higher system level (direct effects) and inadequately reflect the influence of the top level, and therefore inadequately
reflect the "external impact" of the system. In spite of this, it is also important in sub-systems to obtain a consistent picture of the
potential consequences of the failure of a component or a process up through the top system level.

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The logic of the FMEA permits such consistency in an analysis by creating failure relationships (failure networks). For SCIO™, this
means that failures from lower system levels are connected via failure links to failures in higher system levels so that a potential
failure chain is created. In this case, the task now is to pass the S evaluation of the top failure or of the effect of the top failure
consistently to the failures in lower system levels. SCIO™-FMEA provides users with numerous aids for this purpose, and these aids
are described in detail in this section.

5.14.1 Basics and requirements

In order to make significance evaluations of the effects of failures (S evaluations) consistent across all system levels, the system must
have been built using links, and failure relationships must have been created via data generation operation or by the Net-Builder.
The functionality and aids mentioned in the following sections are not available for FMEA forms that were filled out manually.

Basic idea:

From the perspective of a lower system level, a linked failure from a higher system level (= source failure) is an effect of the failure
in the system element being analyzed. It is therefore possible to pass on an evaluation via this failure relationship:

• To be able to pass an S evaluation that is normally only associated with one effect of failure to a lower system level, SCIO™
automatically passes the S evaluation to the corresponding failure entry as well.

• If more than one effect of failure is assigned to a failure, then the highest S evaluation is assigned to the failure.

• If a failure with an S evaluation assigned to it is generated as an effect in a lower system level, then it passes its S evaluation
to the failure in the sub-system due to this (inheritance of the S evaluation).

• The user/FMEA team can change the S evaluation automatically inherited in a sub-system level, which then results in a
deliberate break in the consistency of the evaluation. SCIO™ points out this deviation in the form and in the corresponding
dialog boxes by highlighting it accordingly (see also: Displaying evaluations and deviations in consistency).

• To specify S evaluations that lead to inconsistencies (see above), a user needs administrator rights or the basic right "Change
Inherited S-Evaluation".

• Since there may not be any effects of failure defined for the top level of a system under some circumstances, it is also
possible to define an S value without naming an effect of failure. The Effects column in the form remains completely empty
in this case, and the S evaluation entered is assigned to the failure. It remains assigned to the failure until an effect of failure
is named and assigned an S evaluation. In this case, the effect evaluation is copied to the failure (see above).

• By starting a synchronize evaluations operation, a user can check the consistency of the S evaluations in the system being
examined and correct them, if necessary.

5.14.2 Displaying evaluations and deviations in consistency

In various views and dialogs in SCIO™, the S evaluations for failures and effects of failure are displayed and any potential deviations
are shown:

• In the FMEA form: In the FMEA form the evaluation of the source failure is also displayed in square brackets for generated
effects when displaying the "local evaluation". If there are deviations, then the effect cell is marked by a red bar and the
evaluations are displayed using a red font. The bars are displayed even when the display of the "local evaluation" is hidden.

• •In the Net Editor (SCIO™-Net-Builder): In the failure network of the Net Editor, the local evaluation of the effect of failure and
the evaluation of the source failure are displayed next to the corresponding entry. If there are deviations, then the evaluations
are displayed using a red font.

• In Scout views (SCIO™-Net-Builder): In the Scout views of failure networks, the failure evaluation is displayed for every failure.

If the display also contains effects of failure that were entered manually in the form, then their local effect-evaluations are

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In the effects-branches of a network diagram the local evaluations of the effects (in parenthesis) and corresponding source
failure [in square brackets] are displayed together.

• In the dialog box of the selective data generation: The evaluation of the source failure is also displayed in square brackets in
the Selective Data Generation dialog box for an effect of failure that is available for selection.

If an effect entry was already linked to the failure when the dialog was called, then the current effect evaluation is also
displayed. If any deviations are detected, then the specifications are displayed using a red font.

• In the SCIO-Manager: In the SCIO-Manager, it is also possible to display and analyze the local evaluations and the evaluations
of the corresponding source failures in addition to the sources of the generated effects.

Tip: To track down deviations in the evaluations of effects of failures in the SCIO Manager, the search term field for the "S-
Evaluation of the Source Failure" data field has an optional "Local Evaluation" parameter. If the user now selects the "<>"
symbol as the operator, the database query will automatically search for all effects entries with deviating evaluations (i.e.
where the "Local Evaluation" does not match the "Evaluation of the Source Failure").

5.14.3 Synchronizing evaluations

To make the S evaluations consistent again throughout the system structure when there are deviations between the local evaluation
of a generated effect and the evaluation of its source failure, you can call a dialog that supports synchronization of the evaluations.

• Manual Call: When a failure or effect entry is selected (only possible when there are generated effects), the synchronization of
the evaluations can be started via the Edit/Methodology/Synchronize Severity Evaluations… command.

It can also be called as an alternative via the right mouse button menu (Synchronize Severity Evaluations…).

• Automatic synchronization of evaluations: In Tools/Options…, you can specify on the "Settings" tab how SCIO™ should respond
when deviations in the effect evaluations are found. To configure the response, set the "Send message when failure evaluations
are changed" option accordingly:

o None: No message is sent. The Synchronize dialog remains closed.

o Dialog: If the direct or indirect*) change to a failure evaluation results in different evaluations for the affected
failure and the effects of failure generated from it, then the Synchronize dialog opens automatically. The
evaluations can be synchronized immediately.

If no effects have been generated for the failure affected by the change, then the dialog does not appear.

o Message Bar: Every change to an evaluation that leads to a change in a failure evaluation is recorded in the
message bar. The Synchronize dialog can be started manually from the message bar, if necessary.

*) Note: An indirect change to a failure evaluation can be triggered by changing an effect that is linked to the failure.

The dialog for synchronizing evaluations consists of two frames:

• Synchronize Evaluations – "Severity evaluation of failure of origin" frame

• Synchronize Evaluations – "Apply Filter" frame Synchronizing evaluations – "Severity evaluation of failure of origin" frame

The main part of this dialog box is the display of the effects hierarchy for the previously selected failure**). The dialog box also has
its own menu and corresponding icon buttons.

The view of the effects hierarchy is divided into three columns: Failure, Evaluations (S. local), and Effects of Failure. In addition, the
system elements from which the particular entries originate**) are also displayed.

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**) Important notes:

• It is also possible to call the synchronize evaluations function when a "generated effect" is selected. In this case, the effects
hierarchy automatically extends to the source failure of the selected effect!

• The structure of the effects hierarchy should not be confused with the fault tree of the system being examined!

• The "structure" of the system elements displayed is the result of the effects hierarchy alone and therefore does not
necessarily reflect the actual system structure!

Structure of the effects hierarchy:

• Starting with the selected failure, the next hierarchy level consists of all effects that were generated from the failure being
examined. The entries are correspondingly displayed in the "Effect(s)" column.

• For each of these effects, the failure from which the corresponding effect was generated is searched for. The corresponding
failure entries are displayed in the second failure level in the "Failure" column.

• For each of these failures in the second failure level, the effects that were generated from the corresponding failure are
searched for and entered in the "Effect(s)" column.

• Like above, the third failure level is generated from the failures from which the effects found were generated.

• The effects hierarchy is finished when no more generated effects are found in the next level.

Symbols in the effect hierarchy:

• The lightning symbol points out a deviation in the S evaluation of an effect of failure and its source failure.

• A checkmark indicates the S evaluations of the effects of a failure with its source failure match.

Available buttons in the dialog box:

• <Print> starts the direct print of the effects hierarchy displayed.

• <Close> terminates the dialog.

See also:

• Menu items in the "Severity evaluation of failure of origin" frame

• Synchronizing evaluations – "Apply Filter" frame Menu items in the "Severity evaluation of failure of origin" frame

Calling the Synchronize Evaluations command opens the "Severity evaluation of failure of origin" dialog box.

The following menu calls are available in this dialog:

• Effect Evaluation/Use Source : The S value of the source failure (light red background color) is used for the effect of
failure with a deviating evaluation that was selected in the dialog box (yellow background color).

• Effect Evaluation/Adjust Filtered : All effects of failure with deviating S evaluations displayed in the dialog box are
assigned the S value of their source failures provided that their system element is selected (check marked) in the Filter
window and are not blocked (inactivated) by a filter.

The menu item is disabled if there is no corresponding system element activated (check marked) in the Filter window or
the Filter window is closed is (see below.).

• Effect Evaluation/Adjust All : All effects of failure with deviating S evaluations displayed in the dialog box are assigned
the S value of their source failures.

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• View/Show more effects of failure : This menu item determines whether or not only the effect currently viewed
(determined via effects hierarchy) or if all other effects should be displayed for the failures displayed.

Important note: The deviations in the evaluations of the "additional" effects are not highlighted. Only the effects relevant
according to the effects hierarchy are highlighted!

• View/Show Valid Evaluations : This menu item determines whether or not branches in the effects hierarchy containing
deviations will be displayed or completely hidden.

• View/Apply Filter : This menu item is used to enable and disable the filter window (see also the next section). Synchronizing evaluations – "Apply Filter" frame“

Note: The filter-frame is only visible when the View/Apply Filter command was activated in the Synchronize Evaluations main

In general, the filter selected in this dialog only affects the menu call Effect Evaluation/Adjust Filtered in the Synchronize Evaluations
dialog. The display of data in this dialog box remains unchanged even if filters have been enabled.

• "Responsible Manager" filter: Placing a checkmark in the "Responsible Manager" checkbox activates the responsible
manager (master data element) selected in the row below it as a filter. Now only the system elements of this person can
be selected in the System element selection (see below).

All other system elements are highlighted using a gray background color and are therefore considered deactivated. They
are not synchronized during a filtered evaluation synchronization (see: Menu calls in the "Severity evaluation of failure of
origin" frame).

• "System Element Type" filter: Placing a checkmark in the "System Element Type" checkbox activates the system element
types (master data elements) in the list of types below it as a filter. Now only the system elements of the selected types
can be selected in the System element selection (see below).

All other system elements are highlighted using a gray background color and are therefore considered deactivated. They
are not synchronized during a filtered evaluation synchronization (see: Menu calls in the "Severity evaluation of failure of
origin" frame“).

o If no type was selected as a filter, then the warning "No selection" appears.

o If only some of the types were selected as filters, then the warning "Selective" appears.

o If all types were selected as filters, then the message "Complete" appears.

Note: The filters described above can also be used in combination (both checkboxes are enabled).

• System element selection: The system structure displayed is the result of the effects hierarchy of the evaluation
synchronization and therefore does not necessarily represent the structure of the entire system.

The "Responsible Manager" for the particular element is always displayed after the type class symbol and the system
element-name because they can also be used as filters (see above).

Meanings of the background colors and symbols:

o System elements with a gray background: These system elements are disabled for a filtered evaluation
synchronization and are not synchronized for this reason.

A light gray checkmark in the checkbox indicates that the particular element was selected before being
deactivated by the filter.

In contrast, a light gray cross indicates that the element was not selected before being deactivated by the

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o System elements without a background color: These system elements can be selected for a filtered evaluation
synchronization but were deliberately not selected (checkbox without a checkmark).

o System elements with a yellow background color: These system elements can be selected for a filtered
evaluation synchronization. A checkmark indicates that the particular system element will be taken into account
in a filtered synchronization.

Note: The and icons can be used when necessary to select or unselect all system elements in the "System element
selection". It is irrelevant in this case whether or not an element was deactivated using a filter.

5.14.4 Message bar

The message bar in SCIO™-FMEA is used to log changes to the S evaluation of a failure. Such changes can arise due to changes to
local effect evaluations or – if no effects were entered for a failure – by directly changing the S evaluation, for example.

If the user logs off of SCIO™-FMEA or switches databases, then the list is deleted. It is also possible at any time to delete entries
manually from the list (see below)

Two configuration parameters in the Tools/Options… menu affect the operation of the message bar:

• "Settings" tab – "Send message when failure evaluations are changed":

o None: Changes to the evaluations of effects or their corresponding source failures are not shown in the message

o Dialog: Changes to the evaluations of effects or their corresponding source failures are not shown in the message
bar (exception: deletions of effects). If the evaluation change results in an inconsistent evaluation, then the
Synchronize Evaluations dialog is started automatically.

o Message Bar: All changes to evaluations of effects or their corresponding source failures are shown in the
message bar.

• "View" tab – "Always show message bar when there are new messages" parameter: The message bar is only opened
automatically when a new message is received when there is a checkmark here. Otherwise the list is "filled in" as described
above but remains hidden. It is also possible to show or hide the message bar using the View/Message Bar command.

If a change entry is selected in the message bar, then the following functionality is available:

• Mouse points to a change entry: A detailed description of the change is displayed in a ToolTip under the mouse pointer.

• There are five calls available via the <…> button:

o Delete: Deletes the selected change entry from the message bar.

o Delete All: Deletes all change entries from the message bar.

o Localize: Search for the system element affected by the change entry and display it in the Variant tree.

o Edit: Opens the Synchronize Evaluations dialog for the affected failure.

o Close: Closes the message bar.

See also:

• Message bar (SCIO™-Control-Plan)

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5.15 Creating and editing projects

In the structural hierarchy of the SCIO™ database, projects represent the highest level and are displayed in the Structure tree and
Function tree (icon: ).

New projects can be created and edited in the Project Administration. Even existing projects can be renamed or their status changed there.

The TOP level of system elements of a project can be sorted automatically if desired (alphanumeric sorting). To sort the elements,
select the corresponding project in the tree view and then select Project/Sort System Elements Automatically from the right mouse
button menu.

Main projects and affected projects

SCIO™ basically differentiates between two "types" of assigned projects. These types are derived from the assignment of a system
element to the project structure:

• Main projects: Main projects are projects that were assigned to a system element directly in the master data. The system
element is shown in the structure or function tree directly below the project folder. Consequently, each system element
can be assigned a maximum of exactly one main project (with the corresponding ID).

• Affected projects: System elements can be used as sub-system elements in different structures. These structures can in
turn be assigned to different projects. Therefore, a system element can be located in different projects even though these
projects were not entered in the master data of the system element (see above). These projects (with the corresponding
ID) are referred to as affected projects", i.e. projects affected by the particular system element. If a system element has
also been assigned a "main project" (see above), then this project is also considered an "affected project".

Note: "Main projects" and "affected projects" (and the corresponding IDs) are used as separate data fields for the search in the SCIO-
Manager and are also shown separately in the search results.

5.15.1 Project Administration

Call: You open the Project Administration using the following commands:

• Main menu: Administration/Master Data Elements... // “Projects” data type

• Structure tree / Function tree (a project is selected): mouse menu: Project/Project Administration...)

• Master Data dialog: Administration/Project Administration...

The Project Administration provides a table containing an overview of the existing projects and their status.

The following items can be edited:

• Project: Here you specify the names of the projects. New projects can be entered at the end of the list (* line).

• ID: Here you specify the project numbers / ID's of the projects used. Every project must be assigned an ID!

• Status: Select the desired project status here (in conformity with the web application e1ns.actions):

o Draft: The project is still being drafted and has not been officially started yet. In SCIO™, this status value is not
associated with any special functionality. This status is similar to the "Active" status (see below).

o Active: Work on the project is not finished yet. Changes can be made without automatically generating a

o Active + Notify: If this status is selected, all system elements in the affected project are monitored for changes.
However, only those changes relevant for a DRBFM are monitored. For example, if a new function is added to a
system element, a dialog box for describing the change (“Design Review”) opens automatically when this status
is selected. Here you can describe the type of improvement and the change itself, enter a comment when
necessary for the Review team (see also: Master Data – Review Team), or a list of the functions that could be

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affected by this change. When the web service is activated, the information here is entered in the <<DRBFM>>
method form in e1ns.methods and the Review team is informed of the changes via email after confirming with
<Publish>. In addition, the change is entered in the list of “DRBFM Change Requests” in SCIO™ Block Diagram.
When <No messages> is selected, the notification process is cancelled and no data is entered in the list.

System elements with documented changes are indicated in the SCIO™ tree views by the icon.

The following types of changes are documented in the notification:

▪ New functions

▪ Changes to functions

▪ Deleted functions

▪ New specifications

▪ Changes to specifications

▪ Deleted specifications

▪ Changes to the evaluation of the severity (S value) of effects

▪ SCIO™ Matrix: Changes to the system structure (new system elements, changed system elements,
deleted system elements)

Note: The notification system is activated in this case only after the changed system is closed in the matrix or
when the program is terminated. The changes are then documented “collectively”.

Important Note: The functionality described for the "Notify" status is only available if the method form
<<DRBFM>> is licensed and the user has the basic right "Application use e1ns.methods" (ID 122).

Further information can be found in the chapters Change-documentation in the block diagram and DRBFM
Change Requests (SCIO™-Block-Diagram) as well as in the documentation of the <<DRBFM>> method form.

o Closed: Select this project status to document the completion of a project. No other special functionality is
currently implemented.

• Context: Here you specify the contexts for a project fest:

o Comment: Here you can enter a comment for the selected project, if desired.

o Synonyms: If necessary, you can store the translation(s) of the project name here to be used in foreign-language
views or in translated versions of document.

o Documents: You can organize the document links (see the section: “Local/global documents”) for the selected
project here.

o History: Here you can determine when the project name was created or edited and by whom.

5.16 Documenting test results – Test case integration

SCIO™ offers a predefined workflow to simplify the document process when integrating test results into the FMEA tasks. Depending
on the results of the test, it may be necessary to take further actions.

This functionality is particularly useful when there are actions with links spanning different system elements because they are central
actions and are only executed once but affect the system being analyzed at various locations (sub-systems, assemblies, interfaces, etc.).

An example of an action spanning several systems is a leak test that is only executed once but checks the tightness of the seals of
various interfaces in the overall system. In this case, it is possible for the action to confirm the tightness of the seals in the entire
system (all interface elements are "OK"), to determine the system leaks everywhere (all interface elements are "NOK" (not OK)), or
to detect leaks in some parts of the system (individual interface elements are "OK" while others are "NOK").

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To document the leak test, this is now entered in one of the corresponding interface system elements (and possibly in the TOP system
element of the overall system as well) and is copied to all affected interface system elements as a linked action.

The goal of test case integration now is to document after execution of the action whether or not the system elements passed the
test and to automatically request further action in cases where the system element did not pass the test.

5.16.1 Test case integration – Procedure

Useful prerequisite: An action was copied to various system elements in a system/sub-system under examination (= TOP system
element) and was correspondingly linked (see also the example above).

Test case integration procedure:

• Call the test case integration function for the TOP system element using the Tools/Document Test Results… menu item.

• In the "Test Selection" field, select the action whose results you want to document. All actions (current, recommended,
taken) of the TOP system element and its linked sub-elements are available for selection. The "type" of the particular action
(P, I) is shown in brackets before the action.

• After selecting a (linked) action, all system elements from the selected structure in which the selected action appears are
displayed in the field below it.

• By selecting the checkbox next to the system element name, you can document if the action returned a positive (green
checkmark, "OK") or negative (red X, "NOK") test result for the corresponding system element.

• Clicking on <All OK> marks all system elements listed as "OK".

• Clicking on <All NOK> marks all system elements listed as "Not OK".

• If desired, an existing test report (or other document) can be linked in the dialog box to the selected action. To do this, click
on the <Hyperlink> button to create a hyperlink to the document and then enter the corresponding URL in the input line
that appears.

If you want to link the document directly to the action, then click on the <Test Report> button and then select the desired
document from the DOCS directory or one of its subdirectories and confirm the directory selection with <Open>.

• Now confirm your selection with <OK>. SCIO™ executes the stored action depending on which action was selected (see below).

• The operation can be cancelled by clicking on <Cancel>. No documentation actions are started.

Tasks performed depending on the action selected:

The test case integration described above can be performed on current actions as well as recommended actions. The following
different tasks arise in this case:

• All actions for which test case integration was executed are automatically assigned an action category. The category
assigned must be configured in advance (see also: Test case integration – Configuration).

• The status of each action is set to "Evaluable" (only applies in the case of optimizations). If the status is already set to
"Rejected" or "Completed", then it is not changed.

• Actions marked as "OK":

o No further changes are made for current actions

o For recommended actions, an action is entered with configurable text (for example "test passed") as a taken action.

In addition, configurable optional column information is entered for the taken action taken indicating if the test
case was "OK" or "NOK". It is also possible to configure this text (see also: Test case integration – Configuration).

If there is already a taken action available, then it is left unchanged.

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• Actions marked as "NOK":

o For current detection controls, D1 is set to 10 and a recommended detection action with a configurable text (for
example "action necessary") is entered (see also: Test case integration – Configuration).

The new D2-evaluation is also initialized to 10.

o For current prevention controls, O1 is set to 10 and a recommended prevention action with a configurable text
(for example "action necessary") is entered (see also: Test case integration – Configuration).

The new O2 evaluation is also initialized to 10.

o For recommended actions (prevention or detection), an action with configurable text such as "Test not passed"
(if test results were "NOK") or "Test results inconsistent" (if only some of the test results were "NOK") is entered
as a taken action.

In addition, configurable optional column information is entered for the taken action stating that the test case
was "NOK" in corresponding element. It is also possible to configure this text (see also: Test case integration –

o For recommended detection controls, D2 is set to 10 and an additional recommended detection action with a
configurable text (for example "action necessary") is entered (see also: Test case integration – Configuration).

The new O2 evaluation is also initialized to 10.

o For recommended prevention controls, O2 is set to 10 and an additional recommended prevention action with a
configurable text (for example "action necessary") is entered (see also: Test case integration – Configuration).

The new O2-evaluation is also initialized to 10.

5.16.2 Test case integration – Configuration

In order to perform test case integration using the procedure described above, you must prepare your SCIO™ system as follows:

• Create an action category for test case integration (for example named "test case integration" in any format desired) (see
also: Administration/Action Categories...).

• Enter optional column information for the "Action Taken" column for all system element-types needed (for example named
"Test result" of data type "Text") (see also: Administration/Columns in Form...).

• Add the text shown below in the example to the FMEAOPT.INI configuration file in the "INI" subdirectory of your database
together with the text to be used for test case integration (see the previous section).

The following shows one possible configuration (the red text is used for comments only and has no effect on the


; Text for the taken action if there is no text available yet:

OK=Test passes

NOK=Test not passed

INCONS=Test inconsistent

; Status to be used for the individual actions; 99 corresponds to the "Evaluable" status:


; Action category, assigned during test case integration:

ActionCategory=test case integration

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; Name of the optional column information of the taken action. The data type "Text" is expected:

OptDef=Test result

; Contents of the optional column information to be entered (the same for each SE):



; Name of the new follow-up action created:

NextAction=Further action necessary!

If you have further questions regarding configuration, please contact the PLATO Hotline (+49 (0)451/930 986-02, support@plato-

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6 SCIO™-FMEA – Menu items

6.1 System element

6.1.1 New

Call: System Element/New

This menu command starts the dialog for creating a new system element. You must enter a name at a minimum for the new system
element and confirm with <OK>.

To uniquely identify and classify the system element in the SCIO™ database, you will need to enter additional master data in addition
to the name of the system element. The minimum master data record (mandatory data) is filled in automatically by SCIO™ if necessary
(see also: Mandatory data entered automatically). You call the master data record for the system element using the Additional
master data... link. If necessary, you can make changes in the window that opens.

In addition to the mandatory data, the “Additional Data", “SCIO™ FMEA-specific data", “SCIO™ Control Plan-specific data” and
“Review” groups are also part of the master data record. The list of fields in the master data can be expanded by changing the system
and adding the “Optional master data” group.

All data entered or selected can be changed or expanded at any time later on. To do this, use the Edit//Edit master data... menu
command. Mandatory data filled in automatically

When you create a new system element, you only need to enter a name for the system element. The rest of the mandatory data is
already filled in by SCIO™. It makes sense in any case to check the master data and add any data necessary. This can be done by
selecting the Additional master data... link.

The following rules apply when the mandatory master data is filled in automatically:

• Project: If an existing system element is already marked in the Structure/Function tree below a given project before a new
system element is created, then SCIO™ automatically enters this project in the master data of the new element. A project
marked directly in the tree view is also entered automatically in the project field; otherwise the project field is left empty.

• System element name: The name entered when the system element was created is entered here.

• SE Family and SE Family ID: If an SE family was marked beforehand in the Variant tree, then this family is entered in the
master data of the new element. Otherwise SCIO™ automatically creates a new default SE family named “System 1”,
“System 2”, etc. (with ID 1). The name in this case always matches the name automatically suggested when the dialog was

Since under certain circumstances a large number of new SE families may be created in the database, it is suggested to
create a fixed default value for the SE family so that all new system elements created are “collected” first in a predefined
SE family. The default value for the SE family can be specified under Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab (parameter:
“Name of the Family for New SE” and “ID of the Family for New SE”).

• System element type: SCIO™ selects the “Design” type (SCIO™-FMEA, SCIO™-Matrix, SCIO™-Block-Diagram, SCIO™-Fault
Tree) or the “Process” type (SCIO™-Control Plan, SCIO™-Process Flow) by default for this entry.

• Evaluation catalog: SCIO™ selects the assessment catalog specified as the standard catalog in Administration/ Assessment
catalogs... for this entry.

• Status: SCIO™ selects the status defined in Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab (parameter: “Start Status for New SE”)
for this entry.

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• Responsible Manager: SCIO™ enters the user currently logged in for this entry.

• Department Responsible: SCIO™ enters the department to which the user currently logged in belongs if this information is
available. Otherwise the field remains empty. Master data

Master data can be used to identify system elements according to different norms and standards. They also help to structure data in
the database and can be selected for database analysis in the SCIO™ manager.

Master data also organize system element teams and therefore they are integrated in the SCIO™ right system.

Except for the mandatory data there is no must to fill in mater data. All other data may be used to perform the tasks mentioned

Note: If necessary, it is possible to remove all master data (except mandatory data) from the master data dialog, which will not be
used for any system element. If you want to configure the system on that score, please contact the PLATO support.

The following master data groups must/can be maintained:

• Mandatory Data

• Additional Information

• FMEA-specific Data

• CP-specific Data

• Review

• Optional Data

Menu items in the "Create/Edit Master Data" dialog window:

• Copy Master data...

• Project Administration...

• Master data Elements...

• Evaluation catalogs…

• Organization…

• History…

• Access Rights

• Unlock edit info

Inheriting Master Data

SCIO™ provides capabilities to design system structures. The structure is created by linking system elements hierarchically together.
In many cases it makes sense to transfer system element master data from a top system element to its sub-system elements

In the "System Element/New" dialog, the user can decide by placing or removing a checkmark in the "inherit" column whether or
not a piece of master data entered is to be inherited by a sub-system element. The data is then inherited automatically by SCIO™

Not all master data can be inherited. Exceptions include, for example, the project (main project), the system element name, the
creation and editing dates, and the "Unfinished Items" lists.

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• Open the master data dialog of a system element via Edit/Edit Master Data… to edit the master data entries, if necessary.

• Select one or more master data fields for inheritance by placing a corresponding checkmark in the "Inherit?" column.

• Confirm with <OK>. An Options dialog opens in which you can select the level at which inheritance will stop:

o Stop when SE type changes: Placing a checkmark here causes the inheritance operation to terminate as soon as
a sub-system element is fount that has a system element-type that is different from the system element type of
the current system element whose master data should be inherited.

o Limit inheritance level: Placing a checkmark here causes the inheritance operation to be terminated as soon as
the specified sublevel is reached (see the next parameter).

o Inheritance level (1 - 15): Here you select the number of sublevels to which the inheritance operation will be
performed. Entering "2" here, for example, means that the inheritance operation should be applied to the first
two sublevels below the current system element. The master data remains unchanged in all levels below (and
including) the third sublevel.

Note: Before the data can be inherited by a sub-system element, this sub-system element must be connected to the top system
element through a system link. Master data group: Mandatory Data

The mandatory data fields presented here must be filled in with data when a new system element is created. If one of the fields is
empty, the system informs you automatically when you confirm the data with <OK>. To remove entries from the master data dialog
use the DEL key.

Master data: Description:

Project: A system element can be assigned to a project. The project is selected by clicking with the mouse
on the arrow icon of the marked project field.

New projects can be provided in the SCIO™ database via Administration/Projects….

See also: Creating and editing projects

System Element Name: A maximum of 160 characters can be used for the name of the system element. Existing system
element names can be used by clicking on the arrow icon.

Note: A system element must always be unique – i.e. there may not be any system elements in
which the System Element Name, SE Family, ID and Type fields contain the same data! If this is
accidentally the case, then the system informs the user of the problem and the new element is
not created.

It is also possible to search for specific entries in the database by calling the <SCIO-Manager> in
the selection dialog.

System Element Family: A SE Family describes the system element being examined. Families can be redefined at this
location or they can be selected from the list of existing SE-Families. The list is opened by clicking
with the mouse on the arrow icon in the currently active cell.
The <SCIO-Manager> can be used to search for specific families in the database.

Note: Family structures can be created and administered via the Variant Tree.

System Element Family-ID: An SE Family is defined by its name and an ID. You can enter a new ID for a family at this location.

You can also start a search for a specific ID here. Clicking on the arrow icon opens a search
window. Selecting a SE Family with the desired ID and then clicking on the <OK> button will copy
an existing family with its ID.

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Master data: Description:

New SE families and their IDs can be provided in the SCIO™ database via the Variant Tree.

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

System Element Type: Selection of the type of system element (for example: 'Process', 'Design') from a list. New types
can be provided in the SCIO™ database via Administration/Master Data Elements….

Important note: If the system element type is changed (via the Master Data dialog) for a
system element in which Optional column information has already been entered, then all
optional column information will be automatically lost! This deletion effect is irreversible!

Evaluation catalog An evaluation catalog must be assigned from a list to every system element. This allows you to
limit the possible selections for the evaluation (meaning the risk evaluation in the FMEA) or to
use company-specific evaluation catalogs. The default assignment is a Standard VDA catalog.

Evaluation catalogs can be created or changed via Administration/Evaluation catalogs....

State : The program differentiates between the released, preliminary and master data status by default.
If a system element is assigned the "released" status, then it is only possible to edit the system
element with special authorization. The other status values are used for informational purposes.

A new status can be provided in the SCIO™ database via Administration/Master Data

Responsible Manager: A person who is responsible for tracking deadlines can be defined as a manager here. The
manager is selected from a list of available persons (use the arrows and place a checkmark next
to the name of the desired person!). Like system element team members, the "Responsible
Manager" is also automatically granted read and write privileges for the corresponding system
element in the default configuration and can therefore edit it according to the basic rights
assigned to him or her. Confirm your selection with <Assign>.

The list of users can be edited and new departments added using the Administration/
Organization… // View/By User menu command.

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

Responsible Department: There is a department that is responsible for the system element. The department can be
selected from a list of available departments (use the arrows and place a checkmark next to the
name of the desired department!). Confirm with <Assign>.

The list of departments can be edited and new departments added using the
Administration/Organization… //View/By Departments menu command.

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog. Master data group: Additional Information

The master data in the "Additional Information" group are recommended. Furthermore, some of this information is required by
certain standards and guidelines.

Master data: Description:

Affected Department: The departments affected by this system element can be selected from the list of departments
known to the system after clicking on the arrow icon. The entry is selected by clicking with the
mouse to place or remove a checkmark. Confirm with <Assign>.

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Master data: Description:

Departments are defined via Administration/Organization... // View/By Departments.

Selected departments can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

System Element Team: You put together the System Element Team here. Only employees that are members of the
system element team and have the appropriate rights may open the system element and,
corresponding to the rights assigned to them, process the system element.

The members of the team are selected (use the arrows!) from the list of employees by clicking
with the mouse to place or remove a checkmark. Alternately, a list of departments can be
displayed (by clicking on the „+“-symbol), and you can select the team members from the
corresponding department after double-clicking on the name of the department.
Confirm your selection with <Assign>.

Users are defined via Administration/Organization... // View/By User.

Selected user can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

Note: The person who created the system element always automatically belongs to the System
Element Team as well, but can be removed afterwards.

Attribute: Using attributes you can express to which level the system element belongs to (system, sub-
system, part, etc.) or where the product is manufactured. If necessary, assignments to more than
one classification are possible.

You can edit the list of selectable attributes via Administration/Master Data Elements….

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog

Unfinished Items: Unfinished Items: Unfinished items are displayed as "reminders". Clicking on the arrow icon
opens a window for editing these "reminders".

The <OK> button copies the entries to the master data dialog and closes the input window while
the <Save> button saves the data and leaves the input window open.

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog

Version: Enter the version number of the system element here (alphanumeric input is possible here).
Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog

Revision: Enter the revision number of the system element here (alphanumeric input is possible here).
Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog

Vehicle: Here you enter the name of the vehicle/vehicle system to which the system element is assigned.
Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.
(“Device” – SCIO™-med)

Model Year(s): Enter the model year of the device here (see above). Selected items can be removed via DEL from
the master data dialog.

Drawing Number: Enter the name/number of the technical drawing on which the system element is based here
(alphanumeric input is possible here).

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

Product: In this field you can name a product (end product) on which the system element is based.

New products can be provided in the SCIO™ database via Administration/Master Data

If required, multiple products can be selected.

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Master data: Description:

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

Supplier: Enter the name of the company and the company division, branch or department responsible
for creating the different quality documents (FMEA, Control Plan etc.)

Supplier Code: Enter the identification code of the supplier here (Duns, Z code, GSDB, etc.).

Comment: A comment can be entered as text. This comment refers to the entire system element and should
be used accordingly. For example, it could be used to state specially defined system limits or
application conditions for a system element.
Identity Provides the system element ID (if available). The system element ID can be edited and changed
as long as no actions have been entered yet in the corresponding system element (see also:
Action identification (ID)).

Created by SCIO™ records the person who created the system element. The entry is stored as soon as a
system element is closed. The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the
master data dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info.

Creation date SCIO™ records the date on which the system element is created. The entry is stored as soon as
a system element is closed. The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the
master data dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info.

Edited by SCIO™ records the person who made the last change to the system element. The entry is stored
as soon as a system element is closed. The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command
(in the master data dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info.

Date Of Editing SCIO™ records the date on which the last change was made to the system element (incl. changes
of links of the system element). The entry is stored as soon as a system element is closed. The
field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the master data dialog) Tools/Unlock
edit info. Master data group: SCIO-FMEA specific Data

The master data in this data group relate in particular to the FMEA form of the selected system element. These fields do not have to
be filled out. It is recommended, though, to enter data for (at least) some of these master data fields since the information stored
there can be important and helpful. Furthermore, some of this information is required by certain standards and guidelines (TR 16949,
QS 9000, VDA guidelines).

Master data: Description:

FMEA Number: Enter the FMEA document number here (alphanumeric input is possible here).

Key Date: Enter the final deadline at which the FMEA is to be finished. The date can be entered using the
calendar (use the arrow icon at the end of the line) or directly in the cell.

Employee responsible for FMEA: The employee responsible for processing an FMEA is selected from the list of persons in the
system (use the arrows and place a checkmark next to the name of the desired person!). Confirm
with <Assign>.

The list of users can be edited via Administration/Organization… // View/By User.

Department responsible for Select the main department responsible for the FMEA here (use the arrows and place a
FMEA: checkmark next to the name of the desired department!). Confirm with <Assign>.

The list of departments can be edited via Administration/Organization… // View/By


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Master data: Description:

FMEA Team: Enter all persons participating in the creation of the FMEA here.

The members of the team are selected (use the arrows!) from the list of employees by clicking
with the mouse to place or remove a checkmark. Alternately, a list of departments can be
displayed (by clicking on the „+“-symbol), and you can select the team members from the
corresponding department after double-clicking on the name of the department.
Confirm your selection with <Assign>.

Users are defined via Administration/Organization... // View/By User.

Selected user can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

Departments affected by FMEA Select all departments affected by the FMEA from the list of departments provided (use the
arrow icon!). The entry is selected by clicking with the mouse to place or remove a checkmark.
Confirm with <Assign>.

New Departments can be provided in the SCIO™ database via Administration/ Organization...//
View/By Departments.

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

FMEA Author The system enters the person who edits the FMEA specific master data for the first time here.
The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the master data dialog)
Tools/Unlock edit info.

FMEA Creation Date The system enters the date on which the FMEA specific master data were edited for the first
time here. The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the master data dialog)
Tools/Unlock edit info.

FMEA Editor SCIO™ records the name of the last person to make changes to the FMEA specific master data
here. The entry is stored as soon as a system element is closed. The field can be enabled/disabled
via the menu command (in the master data dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info.

FMEA Editing Date Changes to FMEA specific master data or FMEA form data (like functions, failures, causes, effects,
action packages, individual actions, etc.) update the date entry automatically. The entry is stored
as soon as a system element is closed. The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command
(in the master data dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info. Master data group: SCIO-CP specific Data

The master data in this data group relate in particular to the control plan of the selected system element. These fields do not have
to be filled out. It is recommended, though, to enter data for (at least) some of these master data fields since the information stored
there can be important and helpful. Furthermore, some of this information is required by certain standards and guidelines (ISO/TS
16949, APQP, VDA guidelines).

Master data Description:

CP Number Enter the document number for the control plan here (alphanumeric input is possible here).

CP Status Select the status of the project for which the control plan was created here. The APQP guideline
distinguishes between control plans for the "Prototype", "Pre-Launch" and "Production" phase.
Select the corresponding category from the list (click on the arrow at the end of the input cell).

Customer Engineering Approval Enter the approval date to show that the responsible customer development department has
given its approval here. The date can be entered using the calendar (use the arrow icon at the
end of the line) or directly in the cell.

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Master data Description:

Customer Quality Approval Enter the approval date to show that the responsible customer quality department has given its
approval here. The date can be entered using the calendar (use the arrow icon at the end of the
line) or directly in the cell.

Other Approval Date This field can be used, if necessary, to show that other approvals have been obtained as well.
The date can be entered using the calendar (use the arrow icon at the end of the line) or directly
in the cell.

Approval Date Enter the date of the first control plan finished here (first release). The date can be entered using
the calendar (use the arrow icon at the end of the line) or directly in the cell.

Employee responsible for CP The employee responsible for processing CP is selected from the list of persons in the system (use
the arrows and place a checkmark next to the name of the desired person!). Confirm with <Assign>.

The list of users can be edited via Administration/Organization… // View/By User.

Department responsible for CP Select the main department responsible for the CP here (use the arrows and place a checkmark
next to the name of the desired department!). Confirm with <Assign>.

The list of departments can be edited via Administration/Organization… // View/By


CP Team Enter all persons participating in the creation of the CP here.

The members of the team are selected (use the arrows!) from the list of employees by clicking
with the mouse to place or remove a checkmark. Alternately, a list of departments can be
displayed (by clicking on the „+“-symbol), and you can select the team members from the
corresponding department after double-clicking on the name of the department.
Confirm your selection with <Assign>.

User are defined via Administration/Organization... // View/By User.

Selected user can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

Department affected by CP Select all departments affected by the CP from the list of departments provided (use the arrow
icon!). The entry is selected by clicking with the mouse to place or remove a checkmark. Confirm
with <Assign>.

New Departments can be provided in the SCIO™ database via Administration/Organization...//

View/By Departments.

Selected items can be removed via DEL from the master data dialog.

CP Author The system enters the person who edits the CP specific master data for the first time here. The field
can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the master data dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info.

CP Creation Date The system enters the date on which the CP specific master data were edited for the first time
here. The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the master data dialog)
Tools/Unlock edit info.

CP Editor SCIO™ records the name of the last person to make changes to the CP specific master data here.
The entry is stored as soon as a system element is closed. The field can be enabled/disabled via
the menu command (in the master data dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info.

CP Edit Date Changes to CP specific master data or CP-form specific data and the addition or removal of
process elements updates the date entry automatically. The entry is stored as soon as a system
element is closed. The field can be enabled/disabled via the menu command (in the master data
dialog) Tools/Unlock edit info.

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6 – SCIO™-FMEA – Menu items 92 Master data group: Review

The master data in this group are used for SCIO™-DRBFM.

Master data: Description:

Review team List of all members of the review team. The members of the team are selected (use the arrows!)
from the list of employees by clicking with the mouse to place or remove a checkmark.

User are defined via Administration/Organization... // View/By User. Master data group: Template information

The system element master data was extended with the section Template information. In this section, it is documented when a
system element was created based on a template. First use of template versions and updates are documented. The display does not
apply for systems based on templates which were created before the e1ns version 2.1.2.

Master data: Description:

Template data base

Template description: You can add the comment in the template data base. When a template is loaded into the
operating data base, the comment is only displayed and cannot be edited.

Template number: The number can consist of up to 160 characters. The number is stored in the template
data base and displayed read-only in the operating data base.

Operating data base

Template name: Original name of the template

Original template version: Version number of the used template

Release date of original Release date of the template


Last update: used version Version number of the last update

Last update: Release date of the last update

release date of used version

Last update: Date of the last update

Latest release: Display of the latest release Master data group: Optional Data

IMPORTANT: This Master data group is only visible if at least one set of Optional Master Data was defined on the SCIO™ database
before (see also: Administration/Optional Data…)!

Optional Master Data:

In addition to the master data provided as a standard that is defined by the system, you can also define and enter other "optional
master data" relating to your company. This optional master data can be mandatory data or it may have a supplemental character.
Select in the first row (“Data group”) one of the defined Master data groups you want to use for the current system element. To
select the group use the arrow at the end of the line to open the existing list. Depending on the selected group one or more new
lines of Master data are displayed in the dialog and can be filled in now.

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Optional master data groups and their fields are created and edited via the main menu command Administration/Optional Data…. Submenu: Master data/Copy Master data...

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Master data/Copy Master Data

The master data of existing system elements can be copied to new system elements.

After selecting this command, a selection dialog opens in which the system element whose master data is to be used must be selected.
After confirming with <OK>, the master data of the selected element is copied to the master data form.


• This command is active when creating new system elements only.

• You must make sure that at least one of the four master data fields System Element Name, SE-Family, SE-Family-ID or
Type of the new system element differs from those of any existing system element. When all four of the fields stated match
the fields of an existing system element, then it is not possible to create the new system element! Submenu: Master data/Overview product links

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Master data/Overview product links

This function is not active. Submenu: Administration/Project Administration...

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Administration/Project Administration

Opens the dialog to edit, create and delete projects (see also: Administration/Master Data Elements…). Submenu: Administration/Master data Elements...

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Administration/Master Data Elements

Opens the dialog to edit, create and delete master data elements (see also: Administration/Master Data Elements…). Submenu: Administration/Evaluation catalogs…

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Administration/Evaluation catalogs

Opens the dialog to edit, create, and delete evaluation catalogs (see also: Administration/Evaluation catalogs…). Submenu: Administration/Organization…

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Administration/Organization

Opens the dialog to administrate organizational data like users, departments, right classes (see also: Administration/

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6 – SCIO™-FMEA – Menu items 94 Submenu: Administration/History…

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Administration/History

This menu item opens a log window containing the change data records for changes to the master data and form data of a system
element. The menu window contains three tabs:

• SE History: This log list documents all changes made to the master data of a system element. Every change made by a user
is recorded in the list with the user name and the date of the change. Even changes made by a user in a form (such as the
addition of new entries, text changes, evaluation changes, data changes, and delete jobs in an FMEA or CP, for example)
will generate an entry in this log file.

• CP History: This log list documents all changes made to the master data – "SCIO Control Plan-specific data" section – of a
system element. Every change made in this section by a user is documented in the list with the user name and the date of
the change.

• FMEA History: This log list documents all changes made to the master data – "SCIO FMEA-specific data" section – of a
system element. Every change made in this section by a user is documented in the list with the user name and the date of
the change. Submenu: Access Rights/Assign…

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Access Rights/Assign…

Call (alternative): Main menu: System element/Access Rights…

Opens the dialog to assign system element specific rights. You can assign user, departments and rights to the system element (see
also: Administration/Organization).

Note: The access rights for a system element can only be configured when the user has write privileges for the section "System
Element: Open, Master Data" or was entered as an SCIO™ administrator.

Configuring access rights

• In the upper right frame on the "Access Rights" tab you can first select individual persons or groups/departments whose
access rights you want to configure.

• In the lower right frame on the "Access Rights" tab you specify which access rights (read, write, data transfer) should be
assigned to the previously selected persons/groups (see above) and to which data areas of the system element these rights
should be applied (master data, functions, specifications, etc.).

• You apply the access rights configured in the right frame of the window to the system element using the double arrow
button (<<) in the middle. These access rights are then shown in the left frame.

• If necessary, you can still change the access rights of the people/groups displayed in the left frame by setting or removing
the corresponding checkmark.

• <Apply> terminates the dialog and saves any access rights that were changed.

• Note: If <Apply> is clicked on before the configured access rights are transferred to the left frame (see above), then the
system informs the user of this. The user can then select from the following options:
o Ignore: The dialog is terminated without saving the configurations just changed.
o Assign: The access rights configured in the right frames are assigned to the system element. The dialog remains
o Check: The dialog remains open without assigning the previously configured access rights to the system element.

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Inheriting access rights:

If you want to apply (via inheritance) the access rights of the system element currently being edited its sub-system elements, then
proceed as follows:

• In the "Inherit?" column in the left frame, place checkmarks next to the access rights you want to apply to the sub-system
• Click on the "Inherit" tab in the right frame to modify how the rights will be applied to the sub-system elements, if necessary
(configure the filter):
o System Element Type: All types found in the corresponding substructure are displayed. Placing a checkmark here
means that all sub-system elements of the selected type will inherit the selected access rights of the system
element currently being edited. If, on the other hand, the checkmark is removed, then the corresponding system
element types will not inherit any access rights.
Tip: Placing or removing a checkmark next to "System Element Type" selects or unselects all types displayed at once.
o Responsible Department: All responsible departments found in the affected substructure are displayed. Placing
a checkmark here means that all sub-system elements for which these departments are responsible will inherit
the selected access rights of the system element currently being edited. If, on the other hand, the checkmark is
removed, then the corresponding system elements of these departments will not inherit any access rights.
Tip: Placing or removing a checkmark next to "Department Responsible" selects or unselects all departments
displayed at once.
• If no changes are made on the "Inherit" tab, then SCIO™ automatically selects all system elements in the
substructure to inherit the rights.
• If one of the two filters (“SE-Type” or “Responsible Department”) is activated, the other filter is deactivated
automatically. A simultaneous use is not possible.
• Tipp: If the inheritance of access rights is needed with regard to SE types and a specific responsible department,
this is possible when the inheritance dialog is used twice with the corresponding configuration.
• If you click on a checkmark in a selection field in the "Inherit?" column of the left frame, then it is marked by a cross ( ).
This means that the affected person/group is not assigned the access rights configured for the system element currently
being edited and its sub-system elements (see above).
This procedure is especially important when configuring the access rights of individual persons since this special type of
right assignment has priority over all group rights. For example, even if all access rights are taken away from a single person
(checkmark is removed), the corresponding person would still be listed in the access rights and would therefore be explicitly
denied all access.
In contrast, if all checkmarks are deleted for a group right (for example Department or Rights Class), then the affected groups
are automatically removed from the access rights list. However, one of these people might still be able to access the system
element data due to their membership in other groups or due to individual rights (see also: Special "rules" for access rights).
• Clicking on <OK> displays a system overview again containing all system elements of the substructure affected by the inherit
operation. If desired, you can still exclude subsystem elements from the inherit operation by removing the corresponding
checkmarks in the left frame.
• Clicking on <OK> again starts the inherit operation and closes the dialog.

See also:

• Rights Concept
• Inheriting access rights Submenu: Tools/Unlock edit info

View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Tools/Unlock edit info

Activates/deactivates the master data fields Author, Creation Date, Editor and Date of Editing.

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View: opened Master Data dialog

Call: Help...

Provides several help options in SCIO™.

6.1.2 Open... Open Dialog

Call: System Element/Open/open Dialog

The selection window for the system elements existing in the database is opened. The elements are displayed in the order of the
Structure Tree.

Default selections of system elements are offered depending on the user currently logged in to make it easier to find a system
element. The system elements depend on the user currently logged in. Default selections are provided for the following roles and

• Head of Department (Appears only for department managers): Lists the system elements that the department of the
department head currently logged in is primarily responsible for (documented in master data field, "Responsible

• Responsible for System Element: Lists all system elements for which the user logged in is entered as the "Manager
Responsible" (master data field 8).

• Team member in System Element: Lists all system elements for which the user logged in is a team member in the “System
Element Team” (master data).

• Team member in FMEA: Lists all system elements for which the user logged in is a team member in the “FMEA Team”
(master data).

• Responsible for Action Item: Lists all system elements for which the user logged in was named as the person responsible
for performing at least one optimization. The corresponding actions are shown underneath the system element (click on
“+” symbol).

• Last open Documents*: Lists the system elements that user logged in had opened the last time; up to eight elements are
listed in chronological order.

• PLATO SCIO: All system elements in the database are listed in hierarchical order using this menu item. When selected, the
existing project folder (blue folder icon) is displayed first, and the system elements are then shown below it in red or yellow
folder icons. It may also be necessary to display even lower level system structures. This is done by clicking on the "+"

• Multiple appearances of system elements are not uncommon.

Note: The updated list of the last system elements opened can be opened when restarting an SCIO™ application in the SCIO™
Application Bar in the "Documents" section. Clicking with the mouse on a system element name opens the corresponding element.

A system element can be opened using <OK> simply by selecting the system element in the opened tree. Tree branches can be
expanded by clicking on the “+” symbol. A click on a “-“ symbol collapses the sub structure.

The blue folders in the “PLATO SCIO” branch symbolize projects which help to structure the database. Select a system element
underneath the project folder to open it.

The SCIO-Manager can be used to search for a system element. The SCIO-Manager is opened from within this mask by clicking with
the mouse on the <SCIO-Manager> button or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + M.

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If a checkmark is set at “By start show dialog”, the opening dialog will automatically be shown at every login of the user to the

Tip: System elements can be found and opened easily using the tree views. To open a system element from the structure tree for
instance, just double click on the corresponding element.

See also:

• Create new system elements Search…
Call: System element/Open.../Search...

This menu command starts the dialog for searching for existing system elements in the SCIO™ database.

You can only search for system elements in this dialog. To search for a system element, enter the system element-name or part of
the name in the input line. There are two wildcards (*) entered by default in the search line when the search mask opens.

<Search> starts the search defined. The results of the search are displayed in the lower frame. If necessary, you can select a search
language or target language that is different from the current reference language by selecting the desired language from the
corresponding list of languages.

To open a search result as a form or a matrix, select the corresponding result from the results list and open it via <Open>. You can
also double-click on a search result as an alternative.

<Cancel> terminates the Search dialog without taking any further action.

Tip: Use the shortcut CTRL + ALT +O, to start the quick search for system elements. Search results can be opened directly from this
dialog. Supplementary Views….

Call: System Element/Open/Supplementary Views...

This menu command starts the dialog used to select the FMEA form (SCIO™-FMEA only) and/or the language view for the system
element to be opened. The command is active, only when a form of a system element is already open.

See also:

• Supplementary Views... Manager...
Call: System Element/Open/Manager...

With this command, the user initially opens the SCIO-Manager. Here the user can specify search criteria used to select a specific
system element. The element found is then opened from within the SCIO-Manager. Show Element as Structures Tree / Show Element as Function Tree

These commands are active, only when called from an open tree view!

See also:

• Open.../Show Element as Structure Tree

• Open.../Show Element as Function Tree

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6 – SCIO™-FMEA – Menu items 98 Specification Editor... Scout view... SCIO™ - Modules

Opens the currently open system element (only in the form window) or a system element marked in the tree in another application
of the SCIO™ family.

Note: One or more SCIO™ modules are available depending on your licenses. e1ns.methods
This command opens the selected methods form in the Plato web-application e1ns.methods.

Note: This command is only available, if the corresponding e1ns-application is installed and licensed. HTML View and Audit-Trail

6.1.3 Close
Call: System Element/Close

The current system element/window, i.e. the system element currently in the active window, is closed with the System

System Structure/Close closes the active tree view.

The SCIO™ program is not terminated by the commands mentioned above.

6.1.4 Open Specification Editor...

6.1.5 Open Scout View...

6.1.6 Open Structure Tree / Function Tree / Variant Tree

Call: System Element/Structure tree (complete)

System Element/Structure tree (by BOM/BOP)

System Element/Function tree (complete)

System Element/Function tree (via supplier functions)

System Element/Variant tree

These menu commands start the selected tree view, which will be opened in a separate sub window. Activating a tree view
automatically changes the menu line! Descriptions for the tree menus can found at Menu in the Tree Views.

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6.1.7 Excel Transfer...

Call: System Element/Excel Transfer…

This menu command starts the dialog for transferring data to MS Excel®. Using the document folders, it is possible to pass extremely
complex records from the SCIO™ database to MS Excel® so the data can be printed out or displayed in a database-independent format
and then stored in the Excel format (*.xls), for example. The data to be passed can be selected and formatted by the user to suit his
or her needs. For example, it is possible to pass a title page with a table of contents, all FMEAs of a project including its Function and
Variant trees, all matrices, and all control plans belonging to the project to MS Excel® in a single transfer.

If there is no system element or tree structure (Function/Variant Tree) open at the time the menu item is called, then a search mask
opens in which you can locate and select the data elements to be passed.

See also:

• General Procedure

• Excel transfer of a system structure

• Selection of the FMEA form to be transferred

• Excel transfer of foreign-language documents

• Select base elements (System Element Submenu) General procedure when transferring data to MS Excel®

The general procedure for transferring data from SCIO™ to MS Excel® is generally as follows:

Step 1: Call the data transfer

Start the transfer of data to Excel using the icon.

Step 2: Select the components (views)

The views to be printed are selected on the “Groups/Components” tab by placing or removing a checkmark. The following views (at
most) are available for selection:

• Cover Sheet: Generates a single cover page for the transferred record.

• Index: Generates a table of contents for the record completely transferred. All entries are linked to each other via a
hyperlink so that an element can be clicked on in the table of contents, which then calls up the corresponding page.

• Function Tree: Generates a Function Tree with system elements, functions and their links.

• Structure Tree: Generates a Structure Tree from the affected system elements and their links.

• Variant Tree: Generates a Variant Tree from the affected SE-Families and their links.

• System Element Pictures: Image documents linked to system elements are also transferred.

• SCIO-Matrix: Generates the display of matrices affected by the data transfer. The system element function links are shown
(system matrix) as well as the links of internal and external functions (function matrix).

• SCIO-FMEA. Generates the display of all FMEA forms affected by the data transfer. You can select between different FMEA
forms (note that the transfer profile must be modified in this case).

• RPN-Analysis: Performs an RPN analysis for the affected system elements and generates the corresponding diagrams in
MS Excel®.

• Pareto: Performs a Pareto analysis for the affected system elements and generates the corresponding diagrams in MS Excel®.

• Risk Matrix: Performs the corresponding analysis for the affected system elements and generates the corresponding data
tables and matrices in MS Excel®.

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• SCIO-Control-Plan: Generates the display of all control plans affected by the data transfer.

• Picture PFC: Generates the graphical presentation of the process flow chart just like the one that can be seen in SCIO™-

Note: This component can only be called from the SCIO™-Process-Flow program!

• SCIO-Process-Flow: Generates a table containing all process flow charts affected by the data transfer.

• Picture Scout: Generates the graphical presentation of the network created (Scout view) just like the one that can be seen
in SCIO™-Net-Builder.

Note: This component can only be called from the SCIO™-Net-Builder program!

• Picture BD: Generates the graphical presentation of the block diagram just like the one that can be seen in SCIO™ Block

Note: This component can only be called from the SCIO™-Block-Diagram program!

• Picture QFA: Generates the graphical presentation of the quantitative fault tree just like the one that can be seen in SCIO™

Note: This component can only be called from the SCIO™-Fault-Tree program!

• Specifications: Generates the specification list of all system elements affected by the data transfer.

Note: To transfer a specification form sheet the user need the basic right “Administrator” or “Documentation Transfer
Specification Sheet”.

• Evaluation Catalog: Generates the display containing the evaluation catalogs used for the FMEA evaluation.

• Local Comment: Local comments on form entries are also transferred.

• Global Comment: Global comments on form entries are also transferred.

• Local Document: Locally linked documents on form cells are also transferred. This does not affect documents linked to
system elements. To transfer those documents, use the “System Element Pictures” component (see above).

• Global Document: Globally linked documents on form cells are also transferred. This does not affect documents linked to
system elements. To transfer those documents, use the “System Element Pictures” component (see above).

Step 3: Select the contents of the Excel transfer (affected system elements)

• The system element active (e.g. in an open form or a system element selected in a tree view) when the command is called
is always offered as a base element for the Excel transfer and is displayed in the “Preview” window on the left.

• It is also possible to select a project in the Structure Tree/Function Tree and then start the Excel transfer. In this case, every
system element in the project can be included in the transfer.

• However, other system elements can be selected as the base element for the transfer using the icon or the System
Element/Select Transfer Element... menu command.

• In the “Preview” window on the left you can add or remove any system elements shown to or from the transfer by placing
or removing a checkmark.

• Note: The number of system elements shown in the Preview window depends on the configuration specified in the “Data
Configuration“ tab (see also the following section).

Step 4: Transfer the data

The transfer of data to Excel is started using the <Start> button. The MS Excel® program is started automatically and the document
folder is generated according to the specifications.

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In order to print out an entire system of system elements linked in a hierarchy (top system element and sub-system elements), you
...a) select the top element (= base element) for the Excel transfer. To do this, select the corresponding system element in the form

or in a tree and start the dialog for the Excel transfer with , for example (see also: General Procedure).

...b) select the number of system levels to be transferred. Switch to the Excel transfer Options-dialog and then switch to the “Data
Configuration” tab. Enter the number of sublevels to be transferred in the Transfer Sub-system Elements up to level line. The number
"-1" means that all sub elements will be transferred. The view in the “Preview” window is updated accordingly. Selection of the FMEA form to be transferred

The FMEA can be printed out in various forms. This is set in the Options dialog for the Excel transfer:

• Start the dialog for the Excel transfer using the icon, for example.

• Select the “SCIO-FMEA” cell with the mouse on the “Groups/Components” tab.

• Open the Edit/Group submenu command - if necessary, save any transfer profile settings changed earlier.

• Select the desired form in the “Display” column.

• Close the “Organize Transfer Group” window using the <Close> button and proceed as described in the General Procedure
section. Excel transfer of foreign-language documents

Matrices, FMEA forms, and control plans can be printed out in different languages when needed if the corresponding translations
are available. SCIO™ offers predefined templates (Excel templates) in the English, German, French and Spanish languages. If you want
to transfer other languages to Excel, then the Excel template must be changed. For additional information please contact the PLATO

Step 1: Create languages

Languages are created and managed under Administration/Master Data Elements.... In order for SCIO™ to be able to associate the
language templates supplied for printing with the corresponding language, the following language codes should be assigned for the
English and French languages.

• English => EN

• French => FR

Step 2: Store translations in the form

Read the Views/Language Views section for more information.

Step 3: Change the column headers in a form:

Read the Menu Items/Administration/Columns in form section for more information.

Step 4: Select the language for the transfer

• Start the Options dialog for the Excel transfer using the icon, for example.

• Switch to the “Data Configuration“ tab. Select the desired language in the Language line.

• Switch to the “Groups/Components” tab and select the components to be printed out there.

• Start the Excel transfer with <Start>.

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The following menu items are only available when you are in the Options dialog for the Excel transfer:

Menu item Description:

Select Transfer Element...:

Call: System Element/Select Transfer Element...

Select the base element for the Excel transfer with this menu command. The currently open system
element or the system element selected in a tree view is automatically marked for selection as the
base element.

The following types of data elements can be selected for the search:

• Projects

• SE Family

• System Elements

You can also select just some or all data element types simultaneously and activate them for the
search in this manner.

To make the search more specific, enter the name or a part of the name of the element to be searched
for in the white input field. Replace any part of the name that is missing or unknown with a * as a
placeholder. The asterisk can be used before and/or after the partial name entered (for example, the
search query *screw* will find all elements where the word "screw" appears somewhere in the name).
The wildcard search is not case-sensitive. The search is started using the <Search> button.

The search can be restricted further by specifying a system element type. To do this, select the desired
type in the "SE Type" field using the dropdown list and then start the search.

With <Expanded> you can also utilize other tools for the search such as the Function Tree, Variant
Tree or SCIO-Manager.

The element to be printed must be marked in the results list and then activated for the transfer with
<Go To>.

Note: The data element activated only represents the top element for the subsequent data transfer.
Elements located in the structure of the top element can be included in the data transfer at any time.
For example, if you have performed a search for a project, then you can include all system elements
in this project in a data transfer if you wish.

Print Call: System Element/Print (<Start>)

This menu command starts the dialog for transferring data to MS Excel®.

Exit Call: System Element/Exit (<Cancel>)

This menu command closes the options dialog without transferring data to MS Excel®. Transfer Profile submenu

The SCIO™ software is always delivered with two standard transfer profiles that provide simple access methods for accessing all
components that could be included in a data transfer to MS Excel®.

The names of these standard profiles are "SCIODefaultMultisheet" and "SCIODefaultSingleSheet", and they can be activated via the
selection list in the "Transfer Profiles" field. Transfer profiles serve as “storage space” for the selected parameters and components
and therefore make it easy to restore any Excel transfer configuration you may have.

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Due to the large number of parameters in transfer profiles and their complex relationships, we will not discuss in detail how to create
and administer your own transfer profiles at this point.

For additional information please contact the PLATO support.

The following menu items are only available when you are in the Options dialog for the Excel transfer:

Menu item Description:

Call: Transfer Profile/New...

This menu command starts the dialog for creating a new transfer profile. Enter a file name and storage
location for the new profile. There are currently two basic profiles available for selection as the base
profile. To make identification of the profile later on easier, you can add your own description to the
profile in addition to specifying the file name. The new transfer profile is saved using <Apply>.

Call: Transfer Profile/Open...

This menu command is used to open an existing transfer profile. Select the corresponding transfer
profile in the window that appears and confirm your selection with <Open>. All parameter settings of
the profile are then loaded.

Save As...
Call: Transfer Profile/Save As...

This menu command is used to save a new or modified transfer profile. You can select a new name
and storage location for the profile.

Call: Transfer Profile/Delete

This menu command is used to delete the transfer profile currently selected. Confirm the query that
appears with <Yes> if you want to delete the profile.

Use Settings Call: Transfer Profile/Use Settings (<Apply>)

Any changes made in the “Groups/Components”, “Data Configuration” and “Transfer Settings” tabs
are stored in the transfer profile currently in use and are available again the next time the dialog is

Restore Standard Groups Call: Transfer Profile/Restore Standard Groups

When this menu command is called, the transfer groups are reset to the default transfer groups
supplied with the SCIO™ Software as the standard. Edit submenu

You will find all components available for a data transfer to MS Excel® in the "Groups/Components" tab. The components you can
select from depend on the transfer profile selected and the SCIO™ application currently used. The transferable components within a
transfer profile are collected in transfer groups. You can edit the transfer groups via the Edit menu item.

The following menu items are only available when you are in the Options dialog for the Excel transfer: Select a transfer component
(e.g. SCIO™-FMEA) first:

Menu item Description:

Call: Edit/Group...

Req.: A component must be selected in the "Groups/Components" tab

The transfer profile for the component marked in the "Groups/Components" tab can be edited:

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Menu item Description:

• Relative Position in Workbook: Each group is stored in a separate worksheet in the Excel
document. The position of the worksheet can be specified here.

• Template: Selection of the Excel templates ((*.xlt) for the layout. The root directory for
the Excel templates is defined in the “Transfer Settings” tab under “Working Directory”.

• Start Cell: Defines the start cell for the group (e.g. FMEA or Control-Plan, but not master
data!) in the Excel document.

• Master Data ( ): Defines the assignment of SCIO™ master data to cells the Excel

Master Data Cell ... Call: Edit/Master Data Cells…

Req.: A component must be marked in the "Groups/Components" tab

This menu command opens the dialog for assigning the SCIO™ master data of the component
marked in the "Groups/Components" tab to cells the Excel document. Enter the cell address in the
Excel table in which the selected piece of master data is to be read behind each piece of master data
(e.g. “A1” for the first cell in an Excel table).

Start Cell...
Call: Edit/ Start Cell...

Req.: A component must be selected in the "Groups/Components" tab

The transfer profile for the component marked in the "Groups/Components" tab can be edited:

• Relative Position in Workbook: Each group is stored in a separate worksheet in the Excel
document. The position of the worksheet can be specified here.

• Template: Selection of the Excel templates ((*.xlt) for the layout. The root directory for
the Excel templates is defined in the “Transfer Settings” tab under “Working Directory”.

• Start Cell: Defines the start cell for the group (e.g. FMEA or Control Plan, but not master
data) in the Excel document.

• Master Data ( ): Defines the assignment of SCIO™ master data to cells the Excel

Assign Template...
Call: Edit/Assign Template...

Req.: A component must be marked in the "Groups/Components" tab

This menu command immediately opens the window for selecting the Excel templates ((*.xlt) for
the layout. The layout to be used in the transfer is specified in these templates. The root directory
for the Excel templates can be defined in the “Transfer Settings” tab under “Standard configuration

Check Template... Call: Edit/Check Template

Req.: A component must be marked in the "Groups/Components" tab

With this menu command you check if the Excel template assigned exists and if it is up to date. If
you have problems, please call the PLATO Hotline (+49 (0)451/930 986-02; View submenu

The following menu items are only available when you are in the Options dialog for the Excel transfer:

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Menu item Description:

Refresh Preview Call: View/Refresh Preview

This menu command updates the view in the Preview window on the left. The documents and view
selected for printing are displayed. You can add or remove elements to or from the transfer by
placing or removing the checkmark accordingly in the Preview window.

Groups/Components Call: View/Groups/Components

This menu command switches the view to the "Groups/Components" tab. The groups/components
to be transferred are selected here.

Data configuration Call: View/Data configuration

This menu command switches the view to the "Data Configuration" tab. Read the “Options for the
data transfer: data configuration” section below for more information.

Transfer Settings Call: View/Transfer Settings

This menu command switches the view to the "Transfer Settings" tab. Read the “Options for the
data transfer: transfer settings” section for more information. Options for the data transfer: Data Configuration

In this tab window, you can specify settings that determine the order in which the data is transferred to MS Excel® and settings that
limit the amount of data to be transferred, if necessary.

You can select from the following parameters:

• Basis for the selection of the system elements to transfer: Here you specify which structure specifications from the
SCIO™ database are to be used as the basis for the selection of the system elements affected by the data transfer. If the
user activates the input cell, then the structure specification can be selected from the dropdown list at the end of the cell.

o Function Tree: The system elements are selected for the data transfer in the order in which they are shown in
the Function Tree of the SCIO™ database. This affects the order in which the data is output.

o Structure Tree: The system elements are selected for the data transfer in the order in which they are shown in
the Structure Tree of the SCIO™ database. The order in which the data is transferred may differ from the order
in which the data is transferred when the data is taken from the Function Tree.

o Variant Tree/SE Families: The system elements are selected for the data transfer in the order in which they are
shown in the Variant Tree of the SCIO™ database.

o Process structure: The system elements are selected for the data transfer in the order in which they are shown
in the low chart of the SCIO™-Process-Flow:

▪ Sub-elements are selected for the transfer only, if they were assigned as process steps in the flow chart.

▪ It is not possible to select or deselect single system elements.

▪ If recursive structures occur, the transfer is stopped after the first cycle.

▪ System elements may occur repeatedly as process steps on the same system level.

▪ Process steps which occur repeatedly are transferred repeatedly as well.

• With supplier function: When a checkmark is placed here, the order in which the system elements are transferred is
determined by the supplier functions. This order may differ from the "normal" order of the functions. Supplier functions
are those internal functions of a sub-system element that have a direct influence on external functions of the higher level
system element they are linked to.

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Note: This parameter only takes effect if the Function Tree was selected as the basis for the system element selection (see
above). It is possible to display the Function Tree so that only the supplier functions below a linked sub-system element are
displayed. To do this, select the Tools/Options command from the main menu, remove the checkmark next to "Show All
Functions" in the “Function Tree” tab, and confirm with <OK>.

• By Bill of Material: When a checkmark is placed here, the selection and the order in which the system elements are
transferred is determined by the bill of material. This is specified in the SCIO™ matrix analysis (SCIO™-Matrix), and setting
this option can affect the data transfer.

Note: This parameter only takes effect if the Structure Tree was selected as the basis for the system element selection (see
above). It is possible to set up the Structure Tree so that the bill of material (BOM) is used to represent the data. To do this,

click on the icon when the Structure Tree is active.

• Transfer Sub-System Elements up to level (Function Tree): Linked sub-system elements (displayed in the Function Tree)
can be included in the data transfer. When included, the depth of the lowest level to be included in the transfer is selected
in the input field using the arrow keys. This parameter only takes effect if the Function Tree or Structure Tree was selected
as the basis for the system element selection (see above).

o -1: All linked system elements below the top element are also transferred.

o 0: Only the corresponding top element is transferred. Linked system elements in lower levels are not taken into

o 1, ... n: Linked system elements from sublevels are also transferred. The value selected corresponds to the lowest
sublevel to be taken into account.

• Transfer Sub-System Elements up to level (Structure Tree): Linked sub-system elements (displayed in the Structure Tree)
can be included in the data transfer. When included, the depth of the lowest level to be included in the transfer is selected
in the input field using the arrow keys. This parameter only takes effect if the Function Tree or Structure Tree was selected
as the basis for the system element selection (see above).

o -1: All linked system elements below the top element are also transferred.

o 0: Only the corresponding top element is transferred. Linked system elements in lower levels are not taken into

o 1, ... n: Linked system elements from sublevels are also transferred. The value selected corresponds to the lowest
sublevel to be taken into account.

• Transfer Sub-SE-Families up to level (Variant Tree): Sub-system elements linked via the family structure (can be shown in
the Variant Tree) can also be included in the data transfer. When this is done, the depth of the lowest level to be included
in the transfer can be selected in the input field using the arrow keys. This parameter only takes effect if the Variant Tree
was selected as the basis for the system element selection (see above).

o -1: All linked system elements below the “top family” are transferred. The variant structure is taken into account
down to its lowest entry.

o 0: Only the system elements linked to the selected “top family” are transferred. System elements in lower family
levels are not taken into account

o 1, ... n: System elements linked to “system element families” that are in turn subfamilies of the selected top
family are also transferred. The value selected corresponds to the lowest subfamily level to be taken into account.

• Transfer sub-processes up to level (process structure):

o -1: All linked system elements below the top element (base-element) are also transferred.

o 0: Only the selected base-element is transferred. Assigned process steps from lower system levels are not taken
into account.

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o 1, ..., n: Assigned process steps from lower system levels are also transferred. The value selected corresponds to
the lowest system level to be taken into account.

• Do not transfer System Elements marked for deletion: System elements marked for deletion are not included in the data
transfer when a checkmark is placed here.

• Language: If translations were stored for a system element, then you can select the language to be used for the Excel
transfer here.

• Show Origin of generated Data: The origin (the system element) of the generated data is shown in the FMEA form of the
transferred system elements for causes and effects.

• Specifications of external functions: When a checkmark is placed here, specifications of extremal functions (= functions of
a higher level system element which are linked with the current function) are transferred to MS Excel® and displayed in the
“Functions“ column of the FMEA form.

• Product Characteristics from Control-Plan: When a checkmark is placed here, product characteristics from product system
elements which are linked to the corresponding function (process element) in the Control-Plan are transferred to MS Excel®
and displayed in the “Functions“ column of the FMEA form (see also: Assigning Process Elements).

Note: This option will only be of relevance for process FMEA documents.

• Show Local Evaluations: The local evaluations for the effects of a failure are shown in the FMEA form of the transferred
system elements.

• Show action categories: The assigned action category of an action is shown in the FMEA form of the transferred system
element (category name without formatting).

• Transfer Function-Matrix: Available function matrices are only transferred when a checkmark is placed here. These
matrices are the matrices in which the links for internal and external functions are specified.

• Do not transfer empty matrices: When a checkmark is placed here, matrices that do not have any additional sub-system
elements are not taken into account in the data transfer.

• Hide prioritization data: Links in matrices can always be represented using an "X" or a prioritization number. You can select
from the following parameters:

o Display: The priority numbers of the links are then output in the Excel document.

o Hide: Priority numbers are not output in Excel. A link is only indicated by an "X".

o Like Matrix View: Whether priority numbers or just “X” symbols are output in the Excel depends on which view
you have selected in the SCIO™-Matrix module.

o Like Print Setting: Priority numbers are shown just like they are defined in the SCIO™-Matrix program under
Tools/Options... // Print.

• Show local comments directly in cells: When a checkmark is placed here, local cell contexts are written directly in the cells.

• Show global comments directly in cells: When a checkmark is placed here, global cell contexts are written directly in the

• Show local document at appearance only as path: When a checkmark is placed here, only the file path to the locally linked
document is specified in MS Excel®. The document itself (e.g. an image file) is not displayed.

• Show global documents at appearance only as path: When a checkmark is placed here, only the file path to the globally
linked document is specified in MS Excel®. The document itself (e.g. an image file) is not displayed.

• Insert documents only as hyperlink: When a checkmark is placed here, documents linked to SCIO™ data cells are not
transferred to MS Excel®. Instead, the documents can only be accessed from MS Excel® through a link (hyperlink). Clicking
on the hyperlink will then cause the document to be displayed.

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In this tab you specify the settings that affect the data transfer to MS Excel®. You can select from the following parameters:

• Refresh database elements in the preview automatically: When a checkmark is placed here, the preview window is
completely and automatically updated every time the component selection is changed. Any missing data is loaded. If the

checkmark is not set, then you can also manually refresh the preview window via the button.

• Show documentation portfolio during the creation: When a checkmark is placed here, the Excel document folder structure
can be seen on the screen while it is being created.

• Permit changes to the cell height: This parameter always plays a role when content with 1:n dependencies has been
entered in a form (e.g. a function was assigned two failures or a cause was assigned three actions, etc.). Select the option
for adjusting the cell heights and cell divisions after transferring to Excel here. The following options are available for

o Remove cell link: If form contents containing 1:n relationships are transferred to MS Excel® (see above), then the
height of the merged cell referenced (e.g. the function) in MS Excel® is not adjusted and the cell is unmerged
instead. This means several cells will be created in MS Excel® even though there was only one entry in the form.
The cell borders, though, are still set to match those of the form transferred.

o Adjust line height automatically: If form contents containing a 1:n relationship are transferred to MS Excel® (see
above), then only one merged cell will be generated for the reference cell (e.g. the function) in MS Excel®, and
the height of this cell is adjusted automatically.

Note: The maximum cell height in MS Excel™ is restricted to 409 points. For very long text, this can lead to cell contents
that will not be displayed completely in the Excel table (the full text exists but cannot be displayed completely due to the
restriction). In the case of merged cells (e.g. when two table cells are used for one function entry), the cell height is increased
accordingly (e.g. to 818 points for two merged cells).

• Direct print options: Here you select the options for the direct print procedure via the Excel transfer. The following options
are available for selection:

o No direct print: The configured SCIO™ data is transferred to MS Excel®. The direct print operation is not triggered
directly after the transfer in this case.

o Print immediately, then delete: The configured SCIO™ data is transferred to MS Excel®. Directly after the transfer,
the printing of the Excel document on the current default printer is triggered. The Excel document is then deleted
after printing.

o Create PDF document (Excel 2007 and higher): The configured SCIO™ data is transferred to MS Excel®. Directly
after the transfer, the conversion of the Excel document to a PDF document is triggered. The Excel document is
then deleted. The direct creation of a PDF document is only possible in MS Excel 2007® or higher!

• Standard configuration file: The data transfer is controlled using special Excel templates (*.xlt files). Select the directory in
which the templates are located here. The default directory is “Drive:\SCIO\XT\”

• Excel export folder: The temporary Excel documents are stored in the output directory specified here after the data transfer
is complete.

• Create log file: A log file is generated (named transferlogfile.log) for the Excel transfer. It is stored in the user’s personal
“Documents and Settings” Windows directory.

• Original size (keep aspect ratio): Select automatic adjustment of the display of image documents in the document folder

o Original Size: This size of the original image file is not changed.

o Cell Width: The image is automatically adjusted to match the width of the corresponding Excel column. The image
also changes size when the column width is changed manually.

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o Thumbnail: Image documents are displayed as thumbnails.

o Paper Size: Image documents too large to be shown on the currently selected paper format are reduced to fit the
size of the paper format.

• Show transfer component type in headlines: The names of the transfer component types are also transferred when a
checkmark is placed here.

• Suppress inactive entries: Inactive elements (e.g. cells or specifications marked for deletion) are not included in the data
transfer when a checkmark is placed here. Otherwise the data is visible in the Excel document but is displayed with a grey

• Addendum for doubled indices: If duplicate entries should arise when creating an index, then these entries can be
automatically highlighted. You can select from the following parameters:

o None: Duplicate indices are not highlighted. Example: Index A.1 occurs several times.

o Number after group index: A sequential number is appended to the group index to prevent duplicate indices.
Example: A.1.1, A.2.1, A.3.1 (A: group index).

o Lower case letter at the end: A small letter is appended to the end of any duplicate indices to distinguish them.
Example: A.1.a, A.1.b, A.1.c.

o Dashes at the end: Apostrophes are appended to the end of any duplicate indices to distinguish them. Example:
A.1‘, A.1‘‘, A.1‘‘‘.

6.1.8 Fast print... Print...

Call: System Element/Fast Print/Print…

Here the user is allowed to print an open form, matrix or tree view directly. The data is transmitted directly to the installed printer
to do this. Before printing, though, a dialog window opens in which you can select and set up the printer (depends on the operating
system used and the installed printer drivers). The print process is started with <OK>.

Note: When forms/matrices are printed using direct print, then the data are not formatted before it is sent to the printer. Before
printing, we recommend the following configurations:

• The column width is set to "printable" (Format/Column Width Form/Printable).

• Set the printing format to landscape (System Element/ Direct Print/ Printer Setup).

• SCIO™ FMEA: The printing format can be preset to a default page layout ("Page layout for FMEA forms for direct print")
on the "Print" tab opened via Tools/Options....

• SCIO™ Control Plan: The printing format can be preset to a default page layout ("Page layout for CP forms for direct print")
on the "Print" tab opened via Tools/Options....

• SCIO™ Process Flow: The printing format can be preset to a default page layout ("Page layout for PFC forms for direct
print") on the "Print" tab opened via Tools/Options.... Print Preview

Call: System Element/Fast Print/Print Preview…

The Print Preview shows a preliminary view of the data to be printed. The Print Preview dialog boxes for system elements (form) and
tree views are different.

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Print preview for system elements (form):

The data to be printed is displayed in the Preview window.

<Print> first opens the printer configuration. The Print Preview window is then closed. Printing is then started with <OK>.

<Configuration> opens the printer configuration. The Print Preview remains open in the background. The modified configuration is
saved and the dialog box closed with <OK>.

The page layout can be changed using <Landscape>. When this button is pressed, the print format is set to landscape, otherwise it is
set to portrait.

Tip: The printing format can be preset to a default page layout (“Page layout for FMEA forms for direct print”) on the “Print” tab
opened via Tools/Options....

The column widths in the system element to be printed are adjusted so that they fit on a DIN A4 page in the landscape format using
<Printable Columns>. The function is enabled when the button is pressed. Otherwise SCIO uses the column width setting valid when
the direct print was called (see also: Format/Column Width Form/Printable).

If the records to be printed span several pages, then you can page back and forth between the pages in the view using the and

Clicking on and then selecting a number specifies the number of pages to be displayed at the same time in the Preview window.

You can zoom in and out of the print preview shown in the Print Preview window using the magnifying glass buttons .

You close the Print Preview window with <Close>. No print job is created.

Print Preview for tree views:

If the tree structure to be printed spans several pages, then you can page back and forth between the pages using <Next> or

The print page shown can be magnified in the display using <Zoom In>. You zoom back out again in the view with <Zoom Out>.

<Two Pages> zooms out of the view so that two print pages are visible in the Preview window at the same time.

<Print...> starts the direct print of the displayed data.

<Close> terminates the print preview. The data is not printed out in this case. Printer Setup...

Call: System Element/Fast Print/Printer Setup…

This menu command starts the dialog to set up your printer. You can select from the following options depending on your operating
system and the printers installed on your system:

• Printer (Name): The name of the printer to be used.

• Properties: Basic settings for the selected printer (depends on the driver installed).

• Paper: Specification of the source and size of the paper.

• Orientation: Specifies the output format (Portrait or Landscape).

• Network: Find and set up a network printer.

The settings are saved with <OK>. <Cancel> closes the dialog without saving the changes.

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6.1.9 Templates...
This part of the menu is only enabled when you are working with a template management system.

See also:

• SCIO™-Template-Manager

• Overview of the menu commands (working database)

6.1.10 Copy System Element As…

Call: Copy System Element As...

An entire system element can be copied to the database. A new name must be defined for the copy in this case. If necessary, existing
sub-system elements (With Sub-SE), control plans (With Control Plan), and process flow charts (With Process Flow Chart) can be
copied together with the system element.

The copied system element is either created in the same level of the hierarchy parallel to the original system element (“parallel to
the Original”) or, alternatively, is copied to the main level of the database with “in the Main Level”.

The names of any sub-system elements copied with the system element are automatically changed by SCIO™. The new name is
generated by adding a numerical suffix to the old name (for example "old_name_1_”).

6.1.11 Import... Import XML SCIO

Call: System Element/Import/Import XML SCIO (and then select…)

Data is imported by following these 4 steps:

Step 1: Selection and automatic conversion

After calling the XML import, you must select the file to be imported into the current SCIO™ database and confirm your selection
with <Open>.


• The following types of files can be imported:

o XML files (*.xml)

o MSR files (*.xml)

o FMEA System 2.x files (*.fm2)

• When the import procedure is started, the version of the import file is analyzed first, and then the file is converted to an
importable format, if necessary. The conversion is automatic, and the user is informed of the conversion by the message
“Converting import file...” in the status line and the display of the hour glass.

• After that, the file is copied to the server, and the contents of the file are searched through for any master data and system
elements. The following is displayed in the status line in this case: “Analyzing import file...”.

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Step 2: Import – Master data assignment

The following buttons are available:

• <Contents>: Starts a preview in a web browser containing the most important contents of the import file. The following
information is shown in separate lists:

o Languages used in the document

o Persons mentioned in the document

o Affected projects

o Main system elements (important when importing system structures)

o System elements (all elements in a structure)

o Functions, features, failures, effects, causes, and actions used (listed separately)

o Contents of the system elements (relationships are shown in colored tree structures)

• <Back>, <Continue>: Allows the user to page through the pages in the import dialog.

• <Finish>: Starts the actual import. All settings specified are used. Default settings are used for all pages not opened in the
import dialog.

• <Cancel>: The dialog is terminated. Any new settings specified are lost. Some exceptions to this are listed in the descriptions
of the individual pages (see below).

Assigning master data

To make sure the master data in the target database is used correctly and does not become “contaminated”, some of the data to be
imported can be assigned to existing master data on this page. The assignments are made directly in the table displayed. The master
data available in the import file is always listed in the left column in this case. The right column contains the corresponding
assignments for the database and can be changed if necessary.

To modify an assignment, just click in the right column of the table on the corresponding master data and select one of the selection
lists or options offered:

• Languages: All languages available in the database are also available for selection here. Using the Language Management...
entry, you can jump directly to the database administration and can define a new language and ID (see also: Master Data
Elements..., “Languages” section).

The following rules apply when assigning a language:

o A reference language must be assigned for the database.

o A language cannot be assigned more than once.

o Important: If an existing import language is not assigned to any language in the database (the field in the
right column is empty), then all entries in this language are lost during the import.

• Users: The left column of the table lists all users found in the import file (master data, persons responsible for actions, etc.)
by name. The right column shows the corresponding assignment for the database. If the import file lists a user who is not
entered in the database, then this user is entered anyway in the list of assignments and labeled as “(New)”. If necessary,
this user is created (including all user master data stored in the import file) during the import. In addition, it is also possible
to edit the user names directly in the assignment field. In this case as well, any users not yet existing in the database are
created in the database, including creation of the user master data found in the import file.

To reassign an existing (database) user, click with the mouse in the assignment field and select All.... The selection dialog
for selecting users opens in this case (with the users sorted by department or alphabetically).

A new user can also be entered using New… (see also the note above). It is also possible here, though, to enter the
corresponding user master data and the user name manually (see also: Organization: Users menu).

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If the users in the import file do not match the users in the database, then all user entries in the import file are merged
with the users entered in the database. If necessary, more than one user in the import file may be assigned to a single
database user.

• System Element Type: The left column in the table lists the types of all system elements found in the import file. The type
classes valid for the type are also shown in parentheses after the particular type. The system element types in the database
are now assigned the right column. If the import file contains system element types not yet created in the database, then
the assignment field is initially empty. A corresponding system element type can be selected using the selection list. The
list displays the type class assigned (right column) as well as the type itself (left column).

Using the Master Data Administration... entry (at the end of the list), you can create a new system element type if
necessary (see also: Master Data Elements... “System Element Type” section).
Every system element type in the import file must be assigned to a system element type in the database.

• Status: The left column of the table lists the different status values used in the system elements found in the import file.
The status values are assigned to the database in the column on the right. If the import file contains system element status
values not yet created in the database, then the assignment field is initially empty. A corresponding status can be selected
from the selection list. The list shows the status (left column) as well as the access information assigned (right column).

Using the Master Data Administration... entry (at the end of the list), you can create a new system element type if
necessary (see also: Master Data Elements..., “Status” section).

Every status available in the import file must be assigned to a system element status in the database.

Step 3: import – Settings

You configure general settings for the import here. The functions of the <Contents>, <Continue>, <Back>, <Cancel>, and <Finish>
buttons are identical to the functions described in Step 2 (see above).

• Import mode: The following three types of imports are available:

o Create new / Copy: The system element to be imported is created in the SCIO™ database. If the name of the
system element to be imported is already present in the database, then the program automatically suffixes
a sequential number to the name of the system element (i.e. Name_1_).

o Replace: The system element to be imported replaces a system element of the same internal database ID
already present in your SCIO™ database in this case. The original system element is then deleted, even if it
is a more current version of the same element!

Important note: If a sub-system element or a complete sub-system was exported, then the XML file
created during the export does not contain any information on the original links of the system element or
of the system to higher-level system elements.
If this XML file is now imported, then the imported system element or system will be read into the
database without any links. If the "Replace" option was also selected for imports, then as described above,
the original system element/system will be deleted first before the import is executed. This means that a
true "replacement" of the system element at the same position in the system is not performed!
This note can be ignored for exported top system elements/systems and for individual elements.

o Merge (not active): The system element to be imported is merged with a system element of the same name
already present in your SCIO™ database. All database objects stay identical. After the import, you will only
find the merged system element in the database.

• Overwrite Synonyms: When importing, the translations (synonyms) found in the import file are also copied to the database
as a rule (see also Step 2 / Languages). If there are already translations for the corresponding reference entries in the
database, then these entries will only be overwritten by the synonyms in the import file when a checkmark is placed here.
Otherwise the translations already available in the database remain valid.

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• Action Handling: The following parameters are only available when the <Extended Settings> button was pressed:

o Reset recommended actions (person responsible, deadline, status): When a checkmark is placed here, the
status, person in charge, target date, and change date for are not imported when importing recommended
actions and improvement packages.

o Reset taken actions: Placing a checkmark here means that no actions already taken will be imported.

o Reset RPN2: Placing a checkmark here means that the RPN2 values are reset to the RPN1 values. This applies
to the secure and insecure RPN2 values in the import file. When used in conjunction with the “Reset
recommended actions” option (see above), this means that all RPN2 values need to be reexamined after
the import and are initially insecure.

• MSR settings (only visible when importing MSR data!): You can select from the following options:

o Create Fault Tree: Placing a checkmark here means that failure links will be created as well during the MSR

o Add to a Function Tree: Placing a checkmark here means that function links will be created as well during
the MSR import.

o Import comments from “ANNOTATION”: Placing a checkmark here means that data in the annotations data
section are imported as comments into SCIO™ during the MSR import.

o Import comments from “DESC”: Placing a checkmark here means that data in this data section are imported
as comments into SCIO™ during the MSR import.

Step 4: Import the data

Start the import you have just configured (see above) with <Finish>. Import Version fm2

Call: System Element/Import/Import Version fm2 (and then select…)

With this menu command, the user opens the selection window for importing a data file created in an earlier version of the FMEA
module (FMEA System III, Versions 2.1, 2.5 and 2.6). These files were not created in the XML file format currently used in SCIO™ but
in the proprietary PLATO format FM2, and they can be selected here for the import. After the selecting the file to be imported, the
import is started with <Open>.

Note: Import files in the FM2 format contain much less data than the SCIO™ files in the XML format. For example, the master data
entries should be checked and completed after the import Import List of Translation

Call: System Element/Import/Import List of Translation (and then select…)

If a list of translations for a the reference language entries in the SCIO™ database was generated via the SCIO-Manager using the
Edit/Create List of Translations menu item, then this list (text format) can be re-imported.

6.1.12 Export...

Call: System Element/Export/... (selection) (and then select (e.g. PFC))

The following records can be exported:

• Control Plan
• Process Flow Chart

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Note: You cannot import or export matrix data. This data is always integrated into the FMEA data!

With the export function, you have the ability to write system element data in the SCIO™ database to a file in the XML resp. MSR
format. This file contains all system element data the user selected for exporting.

After selecting the system element which is to be exported and choosing the right data set (FMEA, CP or PFC) a window opens with
the following parameters:

• With Sub-SE: All Sub-System elements of the selected system element are included in the export. Thereby all system and
function links are written to the export file and assure that the complete structure keeps unchanged when importing that

• Without Sub-SE: Only the data set of the selected system element is exported.

• With Documents (not selectable at MSR): If the documents linked to the system elements affected by the export are also
to be included in the XML information, then you have to place a checkmark here.

Note: The linked documents themselves are not written to the XML file during the export. Only the information on the
corresponding link is "noted". When passing the data to another SCIO™ database, for example, you must make sure that the
needed documents also end up in the DOCS directory of the new database if they have not already been stored there. To make
it easier to compile all the documents for the exported system elements, SCIO™ collects them in a separate folder during the
export. This collection folder is automatically located in the same directory as the XML file.

• With FMEA data: When a checkmark is placed here, all FMEA data for the selected system elements are written to the
export file.

• With Process Flow Chart (not selectable at MSR): When a checkmark is placed here, all PFC data for the selected system
elements are written to the export file.

• With Control Plan (not selectable at MSR): When a checkmark is placed here, all CP data for the selected system elements
are written to the export file.

• SCIO Extended (.e1ns): This export format includes all affected SCIO™ data in the form of an XML export (see the next
section) and also adds affected form data from the web application e1ns.methods that may not be available in the SCIO™
record to the export data.

• SCIO XML: The export file is written in XML file format.

• MSR: The export file is written in MSR file format.

After confirming with <OK>, the target directory must be selected for the XML file before finishing the export with <Save>. The name
of the export file is suggested by SCIO, but you can choose any name you want.

When the button or the mouse menu in the tree views is used, then the export of Control Plan and Process Flow Chart data can
also be triggered in the FMEA module.

6.1.13 Delete Jobs...

Call: System Element/Delete Jobs…

To remove data physically from the system, the delete jobs must be executed. This is done via the menu item System Element/Delete

In a multi-user system, delete jobs are a way to…

…maintain an overview of who wants to delete data and when and where the data is to be deleted from the system,

…never endanger data integrity by only allowing delete jobs to be executed in the exclusive database access mode and

…to have an administrative control tool that hides the deletion process from the individual user.

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Delete jobs can only be executed when the user possesses the appropriate rights.

With the System Element/Delete Jobs… menu item you can call up a window containing an overview of all delete jobs to which the
user currently logged in has access. In this case, delete jobs created by the user logged in are displayed in a bold font. In contrast,
delete jobs from other users are not highlighted:

• Type: Describes the scope of the delete job. For example, if the term "Function" appears here, then the delete job comprises
the entire function with all failure modes, effects, causes, measures, etc. However, if "System Element" appears here, then
the delete job is a delete job for an entire system element including its master data assignments.

The delete jobs from other SCIO™ modules are also listed here.

• Description: Renames the cell entry based on the "Type" (see above).

For example, the name of the system element to be deleted or the formulation of a function appears here.

• User: Specifies the name of the user responsible for the delete job.

• System Element: Specifies the name of the system element affected by the delete job.

• Creation date: Specifies the date when the delete job was created.

Before you can resume processing one or more delete jobs, you must select the desired jobs. To do this click on the corresponding
line number. If you hold down the CTRL key while doing this, you can select several jobs at the same time.

You can select from the following actions:

• <Go To>: Opens the selected system element at the affected location. Only select one delete job beforehand when doing
this (see above)

Delete jobs from other modules cannot be searched for directly. In this case, the corresponding system element is only
opened in the current application. You can switch to the other SCIO™ module then from this element.

• <Cancel>: All delete jobs marked (see above) in the Overview window are cancelled. After that, it may be necessary to read
in an updated system element again.

• <Execute>: All delete jobs marked (see above) in the Overview window are executed, i.e. the corresponding data is removed
from the database.

Note: Delete jobs cannot be undone once they have been executed!

• <Close>: Closes the Overview window. The delete jobs are not executed in this case.

If cells in an open system element have been marked for deletion, then they can be deleted directly from the system element via the
Edit/Remove deactivated data command or using F9.

6.1.14 Access Rights…

Call: System element/Access Rights…

System structure/Access Rights… (Tree view)

This command starts the dialog for editing the individual access rights to the data of a selected or currently open system element.

Note: This menu call is only visible when the extended rights system is enabled.

See also:

• Master data dialog - Submenu: Access Rights/Assign Rights

• Activating the individual access rights (extended rights system)

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6.1.15 Exit
Call: System Element/Exit

The current SCIO™ program can be closed via the menu item System Element/Exit or System Structure/Exit. As usual for Windows
program, the SCIO™ applications can also be terminated by clicking with the mouse on the "x" symbol in the upper right corner of
the main program window.

Tip: The icon automatically terminates all SCIO™ applications opened by the user logged in.

6.2 Edit

6.2.1 Undo Last Action

Call: Edit/Undo Last Action

Calling this function undoes the last action executed.

Note: Not all actions executed on a database can be undone. For example, it is impossible to undo a delete job once it has been

6.2.2 Redo (Restore)

Call: Edit/Redo or Restore

This command is available only, if an action was undone before (see above). Calling this function redoes the action undone.

6.2.3 Copy

Call: Edit/Copy

This command starts copying entries from the standard form to the clipboard. You can decide which data is to be included in the
copy using the "Clipboard" window. Calling this command automatically opens this window.

The "Clipboard" window displays all available data on the clipboard and is always split into two sections:

• Lower section: Based on the cell in which you started the copy command, select the additional entries in the form to be
copied to the clipboard together with the marked cell. The same icons are used in here to identify the entries as in the
Function Tree.

o Function

o Failures

o Effects

o Causes

o Actions (D/P)

o Action packages - the system differentiates between the action packages on the left (current actions) and on the
right (recommended actions or actions taken).

All entries with a checkmark are copied later when the data is inserted.

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Tip: To select (or deselect) the entire sub tree, hold down the SHIFT key and place a checkmark in the "highest" entry in the
tree. When you hold down the CTRL key, all entries in the same level are selected as well when you make your selection.

IMPORTANT: The settings are not changed even when the clipboard window is closed!

• Upper section: You can decide here which additional data from the corresponding cells in the form is to be copied as well.
The following data can be copied:

o Local comments (if any)

o Local documents (in this case meaning only links to the documents)

o Optional column information (if any)

o Function number (only relevant when copying a function)

o Specifications (only relevant when copying a function)

o Function class (only relevant when copying a function)

o Action category (only relevant when copying actions)

o Action as link: If a checkmark is placed here, then any actions in the copy are linked to the original action. This means
that even after inserting this action at a different location in the form (or in another system element), the action is
still linked to the action from which the copy was generated. If you now change the original action or its copy, then
the same change is applied to both actions (see also: Linked actions)

Linked actions are indicated in the form by the symbol.

Tip: Linking actions is particularly recommended when copying recommended actions since these actions are often
recorded more than once in an FMEA even though you are only dealing with a single action.

Note: To remove a link, one action must be deleted. Only the selected action is deleted in this case. The linked entries
are left unchanged

IMPORTANT: The settings are not changed even when the clipboard window is closed!

Sub trees or text entries can be copied within a system element as well as between different system elements.

Note: Due to the constraints of FMEA logic, not all cells to the right of a form entry are offered for selection for copying to the
clipboard. The copying of sub trees starting with the "Effect of Failure Mode" column and including subsequent columns is not
permitted because there is no direct relationship between the effect of the failure mode and the subsequently stated cause of the
failure mode!

6.2.4 Paste

Call: Edit/Paste

The entries are copied from the clipboard and pasted to the selected location. The behavior when pasting depends on which options
were activated when the copy was started. Text (cell contents) can be pasted to any text box. However, a sub tree can only be pasted
in the same column from which the sub tree was copied.

IMPORTANT: If the current cell already contains a valid entry, then the new sub tree is inserted below the existing entry.

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6.2.5 Create delete job

Call: Edit/Create delete job

Important: If data is physically deleted from the SCIO™ database, then the data is not available anymore and can only be read back
into the database by re-entering it or by importing it from a backup copy, for example. It is not possible do "undo" delete commands.

Data is therefore deleted in a three-stage procedure. The following steps are performed when this is done:

1. Selection: Mark the cells in the FMEA form you intend to delete. If you hold down the CTRL key while doing this, then you
can select several cells at the same time.

2. Create/cancel delete jobs: Select the menu command stated above to include the selected cells in a delete job. You can
also include cells outside of the marked area. These cells are included according to "FMEA logic". For example, if a failure
mode is selected for deletion, then all effects, causes, etc., already entered for this failure are also included in the delete
job. Effects of a failure can be deleted individually, though, without affecting other cells. All cells included in a delete job
are considered deactivated and are marked by a red cross ( ). The contents of these cells are locked and cannot be
changed. To cancel a delete job to reactivate the corresponding cells, repeat steps 1 and 2: Mark the leftmost cell in the
delete job (you can select multiple cells in this case as well by holding down the CTRL key) and then call the command stated
above again.

3. Execute the delete job: In this step, the cell entries marked "deactivated" are physically deleted from the database. You
need special rights to perform this step. To execute all delete jobs of the currently open system element in one step is using
the Edit/Remove deactivated data menu command or using the F9 key. Using the command Execute Delete from the
mouse menu will only delete the currently selected delete job. Alternatively, you can call the dialog used to administer and
execute delete jobs. You open this dialog using the System Element/Delete Jobs... command or System Structure/Delete

6.2.6 Remove deactivated data

Call: Edit/Remove deactivated data (F9)

This "quick delete" allows the user to execute his own delete jobs in the currently open system element. One requirement for this is
that no other user has this system element open at this time. In addition, the proper user rights are required. You can perform a
quick delete via the F9 key.

6.2.7 Edit Master Data...

Call: Edit/Edit Master Data…

This command opens the master data dialog for the currently open system element. Master data can be displayed and edited in this
dialog at any time. A detailed description of the master data can be found at Master data.

6.2.8 Multiple Entries...

Call: Edit/Multiple Entries…

In the dialog, you can enter new entries or read them in from the database (Knowledge Base), or you can sort or change existing
entries. The type of data entered depends on the column/the type of entry (e.g. function, failure) selected. In the Function column
for example, the multiple entry dialog for functions is started when this command is selected.

The existing FMEA entries are listed in the white window.

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The following icons are available for editing the list:

Creates an empty input cell at the end of the current selection list.

Creates an empty input cell at the beginning of the current selection list.

Creates a delete job for the selected entry.

Moves the entry selected in the list one position up.

Moves the entry selected in the list one position down.

Enables automatic sorting By Name (in alphabetical order) or By (function) Number (can only be selected when editing
function lists).

Starts the context dialog for the selected entry.

Starts the specifications dialog (only when functions are selected).

Starts the optional data dialog (only when cells are available).

Starts the Knowledge Base.

• Synchronize order of processes (only for “Functions“): Placing a checkmark here activates an automatic synchronization of
the process step order (functions) in FMEA, CP and PFC forms. If for example the order of functions is changed in an FMEA
the order in the other documents (CP/PFC) is update as well.
Note: If process steps of an FMEA are not used within a CP and/or PFC, the order is oriented towards the next used
subsequent step.
• Apply data entered immediately: Placing a checkmark here forces all changes made in the multiple entry dialog to be
copied directly to the form (the database). The <Apply> button is always disabled when this option is set.

You stop entering data with the <OK> button. All changes and added data are saved automatically.

You apply all changes to the form with <Apply>. The dialog window stays open when this is done.

<Go To> marks the selected list entry in the current FMEA form.

<Cancel> terminates the multiple entry mode without saving the new entries or any changes you have made.

Tip: If you just want to add new input rows individually (depending on the FMEA logic) in an existing form, then you can use the
shortcut CTRL + ENTER.

6.2.9 Knowledge Base...

Call: Edit/Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is a useful tool when designing a new SCIO™ document (e.g. an FMEA) based on data already entered. It is useful
for establishing company-wide standards.

The Knowledge Base is especially useful when one or more of the following criteria are fulfilled:

✓ Similar analyses have already been performed (for example for similar processes, similar products, similar failures, etc.). It
is not necessary for the entire system element to be similar, it is often enough when particular aspects of interest are

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✓ The system elements already entered are not identical/not similar enough to the new system element to be created.
However, some of the requirements or types of failures may be the same.

The Knowledge Base provides suggestions for the currently selected input cell. For example, calling the Knowledge Base from the
Failure column issues a search query to the database to search specifically for failures of the same function and of the same system
element type.

All fields with a checkmark in the checkbox are used as search criteria. The search is started using the <Search> button. The results
found are then output in a list and are ready to be copied to the current form. The entries to be copied are selected with the mouse.
You can select any number of entries by holding down the CTRL key while making your selection. Clicking with the mouse on the
column header marks all suggestions in the list of results.

You copy all selected entries to the current form with <Copy>.

The Knowledge Base can also be used for the following form entries (depending on the SCIO™ program used):

• Function: You should specify one or more suitable system elements as the search term here whose functions are to be

• Failure: Search for failures already entered for this function.

• Effect: Search for effects already entered for this failure.

• Cause: Search for causes already entered for this failure.

• Current Actions: Search for actions already entered as a current action for this cause of failure to prevent (P) or
detect/inspect (I) this cause.

• Recommended Actions: Search for actions already entered as a recommended action for this cause of failure to prevent
(P) or detect/inspect (I) this cause.

• Actions Taken: Search for actions already entered as taken actions for this cause of failure to prevent (P) or detect/inspect
(I) this cause.

Manually configuring the search query:

If the Knowledge Base is called from the form or from another dialog window, then the search mask is pre-configured, i.e. search
terms are already entered and data fields activated. The search terms entered and data fields activated depend on the context in
which the Knowledge Base was called.

This pre-configured search mask can be changed manually at any time by the user though.

• Activate/Deactivate Data Fields: Placing a checkmark in the "active" column causes the corresponding data field to be used
as a search condition.

• Operator: The operator can be set to “=“ (criterion met) or to “<>“ (exclude criterion) using the pull-down menu.

• Search Term: You define the search terms to be used as search conditions (or excluded from the search) in the database
search (see Operator).

• Deleting search terms: Select the term from the list and press DEL.

• Adding search terms: Click on the green checkmark and enter a term in the search field. Start the database query with
<Search>. A list of possible search terms appears in the lower part of the window. Select the appropriate entry with the
mouse and then confirm with <OK>.

Tip: Search terms can be entered manually in the corresponding fields. When entering search terms, you can also use the asterisk (*)
as a wildcard instead of entering a complete term. The wildcard stands for any string of any length when used in the search term.

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Displaying translations available for search results:

The Knowledge Base only displays information in the reference language. However, the translations stored for other languages can
also be displayed for the entries found. To display a translation, select the desired translation language in the “Language” field
(displayed using the language ID). If a search is executed now, SCIO™ lists the translations (if available) in addition to the context-
sensitive search results.

6.2.10 Methodology Generate Data

Call: Edit/Methodology/Generate Data…

This command starts the Dialog to generate data. Depending on the selected data (system element, function or failure mode) there
are two different dialogs available.

See also:

• Methodology and procedure

• Standard dialog and selective data generation

• Selectively generating data (for failure entries) Remove Generated Data

Call: Edit/Methodology/Remove Generated Data…

This command removes according to the selected data (system element, function or failure mode) all generated data.

See also:

• Remove Generated Data Synchronize Classifications

Call: Edit/Methodology/Synchronize Classifications

Starting point: Each individual specification (each characteristic) of a function can be classified (for example c/c or s/c). A class for
the function (as a whole) is derived from the specification and is shown in the FMEA form. Alternatively, you can also enter a class
for a function without using specifications.

The class of a characteristic (specification) is not only of importance in an FMEA but is also documented in control plans and process
flow charts.

The replication of function and characteristic classes is performed using the command Edit/Methodology/Synchronize
Classifications The table is based only on the marked function and its characteristics/specifications.

• Description: Name of the currently selected function and all its specifications

• Undo: Shows the values previously specified for the function and its specifications.

• Take Over New Value: If you want to change the value for the class, then place a checkmark here and select the new value
from the pull-down menu.

Note: Placing a checkmark next to "Do not adjust again" prevents the dialog from being called automatically. If you want to reactivate
automatic class replication, then you can do this using the menu command Tools/Options… // “Settings” tab.

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Call: Edit/Methods/Synchronize Failure Evaluations...

This command starts the synchronize evaluations operation when a failure or linked effect entry is selected (a failure link exists). Standard Evaluations…

Call: Edit/Methodology/Standard Evaluations…

(Available for the following columns: Cause, Effect, Current Actions (P or D)

Default values can be defined for the evaluation of the current state. Default values can be defined for the cause, effects, and actions

A log entry is made whenever the default values are stored. The first column of the table contains evaluations 1 to 10 as well as
"N.A." for not assessed. The line with the currently valid default value is highlighted in yellow. The default values are changed by
clicking with the mouse on the line you want to designate as the new default value. The name of the user logged in is entered in the
"Changed by" column. The column to its left contains the validity period for the default value.

Note: There is one special case when changing the default evaluation of an action. The default evaluation of an action describes the
potential for improvement, i.e. the "delta" resulting from taking the action.

For detective actions (D) this means that

• when in the column for current actions, the delta (d(D)) is calculated using 10 - D1 (D1 = probability of detection of RPN1),

• when in the column for actions taken, the delta is calculated using D1 - D2 (D2 = probability of detection of RPN2).

For preventative actions (P) this means that

• when in the column for current actions, the delta (d(O)) is calculated using C - O1 (C = lone occurrence of the cause, O1 =
probability of occurrence of RPN1),

• when in the column for actions taken, the delta is calculated using O1 - O2 (O2 = probability of occurrence of RPN2). Local Evaluations…

Call: Edit/Methodology/Local Evaluations…

(Available only for the "Effects" column)

Note: Local evaluations are only available for the effects of failures.

When more than one effect is defined for a failure, you need to work with local evaluations. The effects of the failure are always
shown in the order resulting from the local evaluations. When displayed, the effect with the worst (i.e. highest) local evaluation is
shown first, and the effect with the lowest local evaluation is shown last. The effects in the list may appear in a different order after
performing a local evaluation.

Mark the desired local evaluation and confirm your selection with <Apply>. The change is recorded in the change history.

Local evaluations can be displayed in the FMEA form and Excel printout.

6.2.11 Actions… Create Action Link…

Call: Edit/Actions/Create Action Link…

With this menu command you can add actions already entered at a different location as new current or recommended actions. In
this case, the original action and the new action added are linked to each other.

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1. Select an empty action cell (current action or recommended action) and then select Actions/Create Action Links…. A
preconfigured selection dialog opens.
2. Check the preconfigured search mask used to track down possible actions.
3. If necessary, change the search mask to meet your needs.
4. Update the search results in the lower frame with <Search>.
5. Select one or more actions from the search results in the lower frame and add the desired actions to the form (<Apply>).
Links are created automatically in this case between the selected actions and the actions added. The link between the
corresponding actions is indicated by a chain symbol ( ).


• Steps 2 through 4 are optional and should only be performed when necessary.

• If the pin icon is pressed for a search term entered in the search mask, then this search term is pinned for the duration
of an SCIO™ session and is automatically reloaded every time the Link dialog is called. The pinned search term is indicated

by the icon, and the pin is removed when you exit the SCIO™ application.
• For current actions, the link only connects the action type and the action text.
• For recommended actions, the link connects the person responsible for the action, the target date, and any actions taken
in addition to the action type and action text.

See also:

• Linked actions Accept Recommendation

Call: Menu: Edit/Actions/Accept Recommendation

or: right mouse button in the “Action Taken" column

With this call the text from the “Recommended Action" column is copied to the “Action Taken" column. In addition, the action type
(P/D) is copied as well. Assign Action Category...

Call: Edit/Actions/Assign Action Category…

Requirement: An action was marked in the form

If you want to assign a predefined category to an action (e.g. “current”, “recommended”, or “taken”), then you must first select this
action in the form and then execute the mouse command shown above. In the dialog that opens, you can select the desired category
and link it to an action using <Assign>.

Action categories already assigned can be removed and replaced by other categories if necessary using <Remove>.

<Cancel> terminates the dialog without assigning or changing a category.

The other functions available in this dialog are described in the section Administration of action categories. Generate Action Package

Call: Edit/Actions/Generate Action Package…

Requirement: A cell in the "Recommended Actions" column was selected

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With the Generate Action Package… command, the user has the ability to reuse "action packages for optimization" already entered
for a generated cause (= failure in a lower-level system element (source failure)) when the same source failure is used again at another
location as a cause. It does not matter in this case if the source failure was generated as a cause in the same system element or in a
different system element.

Options and procedure:

• Select a recommended action for a generated cause (or even an empty cell) and then call the Edit/Actions/Generate Action
Package… command. You can also use the Action Package/Generate… command from the right mouse button menu as an
• A dialog window opens displaying all action packages already entered for optimization purposes for the source failure used:
o Headers (yellow background): All system elements in which the source failure is used as a cause and for which
action packages for optimization have already been entered are listed here. In addition to the system element
names, the line below it also displays all affected projects in which the corresponding system element can be
o System Overview (mouse menu): When you point to a corresponding system element (see above), you can use
the right mouse button command System Element Usage to open a system overview displaying all structural
system relationships of the affected system element (including the project it belongs to).
o Selection of action packages: The action packages found are listed below the system elements (see above). These
action packages can be added to the currently selected source failure in the form by placing the corresponding
selection marks:

▪ Selecting an action package in the column adds the selected package as a link.

▪ Selecting an action package in the column adds the selected package as a copy.
▪ Clicking with the mouse on the corresponding column header automatically selects all packages with
the corresponding option.
▪ To undo a selection, you must click again on the selection field.
▪ You can only add packages as a whole and cannot add individual actions.
▪ When adding an action package, its evaluations and the implementation status are also added. The
corresponding values are displayed in the overview.
o With <OK> you add the selected action packages as links or as copies to the form. <Cancel> terminates the dialog
without linking or copying the action packages. Add Action Package

Call: Edit/Actions/Add Action Package

If optimizations have already been entered for a cause (recommended and/or taken actions), then this command can be used to
create another action package.

Every action package added can be evaluated separately from the other packages, for example to describe alternative optimizations
or to document the chronological progress of the optimization.

Each action package can contain one or more individual actions.

Like with the first action package, each additional action package can be assigned a "Person Responsible for Package" and a "Target
Date". In addition, each package also has its own "overall status". Complete actions according to ISO/TS 16949

If there are no more optimization actions entered and the risk is low, then the form can be filled in automatically at this point. With
the Complete actions according to ISO TS 16949 menu command you check the currently open form for empty recommended action
cells and edit them as follows:

• Recommended Action: NONE

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• Action Status: Rejected

These entries can be configured. Open the file FMEAOPT.INI found in the INI directory of the database and enter the following data
in the [Settings] section

• NameTS16949 - The description of the recommended action.

• StatusTS16949 - A number from “0-99”, “100” for “Completed” or “–2” for “Rejected”.





Note: This menu command is not available in SCIO™-med.

6.2.12 Edit Context...

Call: Edit/Edit Context...

You can use the context to store additional information in the data of a system element. The context always depends on exactly
which entry is marked in the form or in the Function Tree. In SCIO™, local and/or global comments can also be displayed in the
corresponding cells in the form (FMEA, CP, PFC, Net editor). Existing comments and/or document links are highlighted symbolically
(see also: Icons and additional information in the form).

The context menu consists of various tab windows:

• Local/global comments: Text can be stored for FMEA entries and the system element in the upper window and then
translated by SCIO™ to one of the translation languages defined in SCIO™ (select the language and enter the translation in
the lower window).


o Local comments always refer to the exact position selected precisely in this form/system element.

o Global comments refer to all entries with the same text in the same form column, but at any position in any system

• Local/global documents: Images, text, design drawings, etc., can be appended as documents. The files to be linked must
be located in the DOCS directory (or sub-directory – e.g. for each “Project”) of the database. If needed, it is also possible
just to locate a link of the corresponding document in the described directory.

To open a linked document using its “original” program, just double-click on the filename of the document in the list of
linked documents. Documents can be printed via the Excel document folder.

Hyperlinks of web sides (e.g. in the intra-net) can be created via <Link Hyperlink>. The link between the entry and the
document file is removed with <Delete Link>.

Placing a checkmark next to "Show Document as Bitmap" selects the corresponding image document so that it can be
optionally displayed as an image in the master data header or in the matrix of a system element. The corresponding image
file is marked using the icon. Only one image document can be displayed per system element in the master data header.


o Local documents always refer to the selected cell precisely in this form/system element.

o Global documents refer to all entries with the same text in the same form column, but at any position in any system

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• Local/global History (history of local changes): Changes to an entry can be made and undone if necessary.

All changes are listed in the list of changes in the lower section of the window together with the specification of the change
date and the editor. After selecting an "older" change status, the entry can be reset to this older status using the <Reset to
Selected Modifications> button.

A “global history” exists for effects, causes and actions only. It records all changes according to standard evaluation values.

• Synonyms (translations): Any number of translations can be stored as synonyms of an entry. However, the corresponding
translation languages must be created beforehand in the system using the SCIO™ administration. The synonyms are
displayed in the corresponding Language views.

Note: Contexts can also be created and edited for entire system elements. These contexts can be called in the tree views, for example
(see also: Mouse menu: System Element/Edit Context...)

6.2.13 Optional Column Information...

Call: Edit/Optional Column Information…

In some columns in the form/edit cells in the net editor (e.g. functions, failures) it is possible to store optional column information as
a text or date. Therefore, the selected column must be configured before – depending on the system element type (see: Columns in

• Select a cell in the form for which optional column information can be stored or was already stored.

• Choose the Edit/Optional Column Information… command ( ) to open the input dialog. Any existing input is
overwritten by the new information.

• The new input must be confirmed with <OK>.

• The new input is rejected with <Cancel>. Existing entries are kept when this is done.

Optional column information can be directly displayed in the cell as text/date. The cell is also marked with a specific symbol.

See also:

• Icons and additional information in the form

• Master data group: Mandatory Data
• Columns in Form...

6.2.14 Edit Specifications...

Call: Edit/Edit Specifications...

With this command you open the dialog for creating and editing characteristics and their specifications.

Specifications are used to more precisely characterize the requirements placed on products or processes. They are often referred to
as product or process characteristics. They represent an important link between FMEAs, process flow charts (PFCs) and control plans

In the SCIO™ database, specifications are administered centrally – i.e. the specifications are entered in an input mask, and the data
affects all corresponding documents (FMEA, Matrix, PFC, CP, Net editor) to the same extent.

Specifications can be edited in the form and in the Function Tree:

• Form: Select the function (process step) to be specified and click on the icon or select the "Edit Specification..."
command from the right mouse button menu. If the function has already been characterized using a specification, then
you just have to click with the mouse on the icon in the cell.

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• Function Tree: Select the function (process step) to be specified and then select the "Function/Edit Specification..."

command from the right mouse button menu. You can also click on the icon as an alternative.

You can enter/select the following in the specifications dialog when it is open:

• All specifications available are listed in the left side of the window. To edit a specification, mark it and update the
parameters in the right side of the window.

• Click on <Save> to save the parameters and information entered/modified to the database.

• Select <New> to enter another (new) specification (FMEA, Matrix only).

• You delete a specification selected in the left window section with <Delete> (FMEA, Matrix only).


• Specification names already existing in the SCIO™ database can be searched for using the <...> button and then copied to
the "Name" field. Use the “*” character as a wildcard in your search.

• In the Relation and Units fields, you can either select your parameters from the selection list or enter them directly in the
field. You can edit both lists using the Administration/Master Data Elements... command (data type “Measures” or
“Relation”) available in the main menu.

• When entering Tolerances, you can choose between one of the following six modalities in the selection field:

o Modality undefined: The modality of the tolerance specification remains undefined. The input fields are disabled.

o None (attributive): any tolerance values can be entered. The input field is hidden.

o Limiting Size: The maximum (Max) and minimum (Min) tolerance values for the characteristic can be entered here.

o +-: This classic variant records the positive deviation (Plus) and the negative deviation (Minus) of the value of the
feature as well as the target value.

o ++: In addition to the target value, two positive deviations (Plus) of the value of the feature can be recorded.

o --: In addition to the target value, two negative deviations (Minus) of the value of the feature can be recorded.

See also:

• Open Specification Editor...

6.2.15 Navigate...
In the standard form and in the language view, the program determines whether the current cell is in the edit mode, which is indicated
in that the cursor is positioned within the field, or in the activated mode, which is indicated by the thick, black frame.

You switch from the activated mode to the edit mode by pressing the F2 key. You switch from the edit mode to the activated mode
by pressing ESC. The functions of the navigation keys also depend in part on which mode the current cell is in. Overview

Call: Edit/Navigate/Overview

Command not activated!

The overview function presents the open system element in a separate tree structure. It is used as an aid so you can move quickly
and directly within a system element.

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Call: Edit/Navigate/Show System Element Environment

Edit/Show System Element Environment resp.

You have the ability to display the current position in the form in the tree structure. The corresponding failure or function must be
marked in the Function Tree to display it. You jump to the corresponding location in the Function Tree via Edit/Navigate/Show
System Element Environment.

6.2.16 Search/Replace Text Search

Call: Edit/Search/Replace/Text Search...

This command is used to search and replace text in any cell of the form. If the command is called from a cell in the form containing
data, then the text belonging to this cell is automatically copied to the search field.

The word fragment, words or entire sections of text to search for can be freely specified. This search is not case-sensitive.

If a search result is found in the currently open form, then the cell cursor automatically jumps to the first cell in which the entry can
be found.

Note: The search does not support wildcards like “*” or “?”.

Tip: Using the Edit/Search/Replace/Resume Search command (shortcut: F3), you can resume the search with the criteria specified. Find Data or Replace Data

Call: Edit/Search/Replace/Find Data...

Edit/Search/Replace/Replace Data...

The Search dialog is a tool used to find and replace entries in the open system element and in a certain column.

The Find Data... menu command starts a dialog to search for data elements in your SCIO™ database. The search dialog opened
depends on the column in the form in which it was called. If the dialog is called from a cell in the form already containing data, then
the text entered in the cell is automatically used as the search term, and a wildcard (*) is appended. The corresponding search is
started immediately then. The search mask can be reconfigured manually at any time. You cannot copy results to the current cell in
the form. This is only possible using the Replace Data... command.

The Replace Data... menu command also starts a dialog to search for data elements in your SCIO™ database. The search dialog
opened depends on the column in the form in which it was called in this case too. You can select from the entries found in the results
list and copy them to the current cell with <Copy>. This functionality is the same as that of the general database query. Resume Search

Call: Edit/Search/Replace/Resume Search...

Using this command, you can repeat the last search entered even if the Search Text window has already been closed. The search is
therefore resumed.

Tip: Use the shortcut F3.

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6.3 View

6.3.1 Update
Call: View/Update (F5 key)

This command updates the view of the opened window (form, matrix, graphic or tree view).

6.3.2 Change List

Call: View/Change List

The Change List is needed to make regional changes. For more information see chapter Changing Entries.

6.3.3 Supplementary Views...

Call: View/Supplementary Views...

Select the form type (FMEA only) to be used and/or the language view (FMEA, CP, PFC, Net Editor, Matrix) using this menu command.

• Form – window (SCIO™-FMEA only): The form opens in the format selected here via <Open>.

Note: You can specify which form view is to be used automatically when a system element is opened via the
Tools/Options… menu on the "Settings" tab ("Used standard for form”).

• Language – window: The translation languages created in the language administration are offered as the language views
of a form when a form is opened. When you open this kind of language view, the form is displayed in the language selected.
When a language view is opened, all cells for which there is no translation stored in the database are highlighted in yellow.
Cells that have already been translated or for which no translation can be stored (such as for evaluations,
persons/departments responsible, date specifications) are highlighted with a white cell background.

• You can go directly to the SCIO™ language administration using the “Language administration” link (authorization required).

• A checkmark next to “Always open in this language from now on” causes that the selected language will be opened
automatically when opening a system element (even after a new log in). This option will be active until a different language
is selected manually.

• A checkmark next to “Always open in this view from now on” (SCIO™-FMEA only) causes that the selected type of form
will be opened automatically when opening a system element (even after a new log in). This option will be active until a
different form is selected manually.

6.3.4 HTML-Documents...
Call: View/HTML Documents... (and then make a selection)

The menu commands offered can be used to start the generation and display of the selected system element in the HTML format.

The following documents can be displayed:


• ... HTML SCIO-Control-Plan

• ... HTML SCIO-Process-Flow

• ... HTML Specifications

• ... Audit-Trail

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See also:

• HTML view and Audit-Trail

• Mouse context: Show HTML Document

6.3.5 Schedule Control

Call: View/Schedule Control...

In this view the user can look at all deadlines he or she is responsible for. The user can select the time frame for which he wishes to
view his deadlines.

There are two basic views available:

• My Deadlines: Deadlines belonging to the user currently logged in are shown.

• My System Elements (Team): All open deadlines in the selected time period that originate from system elements for which
the user currently logged in is a SE team member are shown (assigned in the master data, field “System Element Team).
This also lists the deadlines of other team members as well.

Note: If necessary it is possible to include those system elements to the schedule control where the logged in user is a
member of the FMEA Team (Assignment in the master data field “FMEA Team“). For this purpose, the FMEAOPT.INI file has
to be complemented in the [Settings] section as follows:



The deadlines are listed in chronological order. The time period is specified in the input window in “From" and “To". The date can be
set using a calendar in the pull down menu, or you can enter the date directly using the keyboard. After the deadline monitor period
has been specified, the list of deadlines must be reread via <Update>.

Placing a checkmark next to "Full Text" ensures that all entries are completely visible in the list of deadlines.

<Status filter>: You show or hide the options for the status filter using this button. If the options are hidden, then no filter is used.

The following status filters can be used for the Deadline monitor:

• System element: Only data from those system elements that have been assigned one of the selected status values (assigned
in the master data, "=" operator) or have not been assigned any of these status values ("<>" operator) are considered

The list of status values offered depends on your database configuration. Several status values can be selected at the same
time as a filter.

• Project: Only data from those system elements whose project has been assigned one of the selected status values (assigned
in the Project Administration, "=" operator) or have not been assigned any of these status values ("<>" operator) are

The following project status values are available for filtering:

o Preliminary

o Notifications

o Released

Note: The filter for the system element status and the project status can be used simultaneously. In this case, they are ANDed
together so that only the intersection of the sets of results from the two filters is displayed.

<Excel>: Selecting this button transfers all the deadline rows marked in the deadline overview directly to MS Excel®.

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<Update>: After changing the monitoring period or the status filter (see above), the list of deadlines needs to be reread using

A more complex deadline monitor is available for the entire database in the SCIO-Manager.

6.3.6 Configure Contents… Columns...
Call: View/Configure Contents/Columns...

This menu command allows you to configure the additional information in the form/net editor. The type and amount of additional
information depends on the column/edit cells in the net editor.

An exact description of the additional information possible and how to configure this information can be found in the Help subject
Icons and additional information in the form.

Tip: You can also open the corresponding configuration dialog for each column by selecting the Configure Contents command with
the right mouse button when the cursor is in the corresponding column header in the dialog. Master Data Display…

Call: View/Configure Contents/Master Data Display...

This menu command allows you to configure the master data header of a form or matrix displayed in SCIO™. If a checkmark is placed
next to the piece of master data, then it will be displayed with its corresponding value above the form/matrix.


• Changes to the configuration are applied equally to all system elements.

• The transfer of master data to Excel is not affected by this configuration. It depends only on the configuration of the Excel
transfer (Edit/Master Data Cells section).

6.3.7 Expanding and collapsing functions

Call: View/Expand function

View/Collapse function

View/Expand all functions

View/Collapse all functions

With this command you can collapse and expand functions and their sub-trees. You will find a more detailed description under
Collapsing functions.

6.3.8 Zoom Functions (Overview)

Call: View/Zoom +

View/Zoom –


The size of the screen display is increased (Zoom +) or decreased (Zoom -) using the zoom functions. The screen display is restored
to its default size using Zoom 100%.

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6.3.9 Message Bar

Call: View/Message Bar

This command opens and closes the message bar.

See also:

• Message bar (SCIO™-FMEA)

• Message bar (SCIO™-Control-Plan)

6.3.10 Application Bar

Call: View/Application Bar

The SCIO™ Application Bar on the right edge of the SCIO™ program window is used to help the user navigate through the SCIO™

program family and can be displayed or hidden using the button. For more information see chapter SCIO™ Application Bar.

6.4 Format

6.4.1 Character
Call: Format/Character

This menu command starts a dialog used to configure the font type and size to be used in the form/net editor and master data

The following parameters can be defined or modified:

• Contents Font: Here you select the font to be used for cell contents, column headers and system element names in a
form/net editor from a selection list.

• Font type for additional contents: Here you select the font to be used for the additional information (e.g. comments,
specifications, etc.) in a form/net editor from a selection list.

• Font Size: Here you specify the font size for the font specified above.


• Changes to the configuration are applied equally to all system elements. However, they have no effect on the data
transferred to MS Excel® or the layout of any sign offs.

• Font colors cannot be changed.

6.4.2 Column Width of Form...

The column width in a form can be changed manually or with the mouse. Note, however, that these changes are only temporary and
are lost when the system element is opened or when it is updated (for example with F5). If the modified column widths are to be
made permanent, then the new widths must be saved before closing a system element.

To change the column width, place the mouse pointer on a column boundary in the header of the form. The pointer then assumes

the following shape:

Now set the column to the desired width by holding down the left mouse button and dragging it to the desired width.

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Note: If the width of a column is completely minimized, then it "disappears" from the table in the form and can be made visible again
using the Format/Column Width of Form/Show All Columns command. This is also true even if the column widths were saved earlier.

Tip: The following commands relating to the column width are also available via the right mouse button menu. Load
Call: Format/Column Width of Form/Load

The column widths stored user specific are loaded via Format/Column Width of Form/Load. These column widths are also used
when opening a system element. Printable
Call: Format/Column Width of Form/Printable

The column width is calculated automatically by SCIO™ and set so that the system element fits width-wise on a DIN A4 page
(landscape) via Format/Column Width of Form/Printable. This option is used to print out a system element via a direct print. It has
no effect on the format of a printout made via MS Excel®. Save
Call: Format/Column Width of Form/Save

The current column widths are stored user specific using the Format/Column Width of Form/Save command. Settings saved in this
manner are automatically applied when opening system elements.

Note: The column widths for the different FMEA forms can be stored separately. Anchor Current Column

Call: Format/Column Width of Form/Anchor Current Column

With the Format/Column Width of Form/Anchor Current Column command, it is possible to anchor the column currently selected
on the screen. This causes the anchored column and all columns to the left of it to permanently stay in view of the user, even when
cells located outside of the part of the form currently being displayed are accessed in the form. The scroll function of the window is
therefore deactivated up to the anchored column.

Once a column has been locked in position, a checkmark is shown next to the Format/Column Width of Form/Anchor Current
Column menu command. If you repeat the command, the checkmark disappears and the column is not locked in position anymore.

Note: Anchored columns are displayed using a slightly wider column separator. All other system elements open in the corresponding
form are also anchored, and the anchored positions are still valid after closing a system element. Hide Current Column

Call: Format/Column Width of Form/Hide Current Column

The width of the current column is minimized so that it completely disappears from the table in the form using the Format/Column
Width of Form/Hide Current Column menu. Hidden columns can be made visible again via the Format/Column Width of Form/Show
All Columns command.

Note: Hidden columns in the form can be hidden permanently in the form when saving the column widths.

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Call: Format/Column Width of Form/Show All Columns

Columns that are now hidden because their width was reduced too much or were hidden using the “Hide” command can be made
visible again using the Tools/Column Width of Form/Show All Columns menu item.

6.5 Analysis

6.5.1 SCIO-Manager

Call: Analysis/SCIO-Manager

The SCIO-Manager is a tool used to analyze and assess the SCIO™ database (including deadline monitoring).

The SCIO-Manager has its own program menu and can be called from all modules in the SCIO™ family.

The start page of the SCIO-Manager now has four pre-configured search masks available for selection.

• FMEA Data: Search mask used to analyze data, including master data, in an FMEA form.

• SCIO-Control-Plan Data: Search mask used to analyze control plan data, including master data.

• SCIO-Process-Flow Data: Search mask used to analyze process flow chart data including master data.

• FMEA Deadlines for Actions: Special search mask for deadlines and actions. All deadlines in the database will be included
in the search, if necessary.

If you have defined your own search masks, then you can select and open one using <Open Search Mask>.

<Apply Settings> opens the configuration window for the SCIO-Manager. The selectable parameters are described in the Help section
Tools/Options... // Analysis tab.

If user-defined search masks (SMC files) were created and used, then these masks are stored in the Recent List on the start page in
the "Recent Documents" section. Simply click with the mouse on an entry in the list to reopen the corresponding SMC file. General Procedure

There are usually four steps involved when handling the SCIO-Manager:

Step 1: Call a standard search mask or one of your own search masks

Step 2: Collect the necessary search criteria (set up the search query)

Step 3: Perform the search

Step 4: If necessary, selection and further processing of the search results.

Brief description of the procedure

• Open the SCIO-Manager using the button, for example.

• Select the search mask: With the mouse, select one of the existing search masks, e.g. SCIO FMEA Data, SCIO Control Plan
Data, SCIO Process Flow Data, FMEA Deadlines for Actions or one of your own search masks with <Load Search Mask>.

If analyses are performed across several modules, then you can switch directly to the “System Element” tab. All search criteria are
available in this case.

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With the SCIO™ Manager data from e1ns methods can be sought and evaluated. For easy user-orientation these data types are sorted
in the SCIO™ Manager according to their dependency on SCIO data. This means that an assignment takes place to, for example
function, failure, system element, project, which each receive an additional section e1ns.methods. Data types are displayed as
followed: The column heading of the e1ns method form sheet extended by the form sheet name in parenthesis (see figure).

Selection of the search criteria in the upper window - the following capabilities are available

• Hide/Show Areas: The sub trees in the search mask can be expanded or collapsed as desired by clicking with the mouse on
the “+” or “–” character.

• Fields with a green arrow: Clicking with the mouse on the green arrow opens a search window for a database query. You
can perform searches using the “*” wildcard here.

Example: One click with the mouse on the green arrow next to System Element, entering “*screw*”, and clicking with the mouse
on <Search> will display all system element names containing the word fragment “screw”. By marking a result and confirming
with <OK> you copy the name to the mask in the SCIO-Manager for use as a search term.

• Place a checkmark in front of a data field: This piece of data will be displayed as a search result.

Example: Place a checkmark in the failure row: All failures matching the other search criteria are displayed.

• Enter a search term: This piece of data will be used as a search term.

Example: Enter the system element name “Screwdriver” and place a checkmark in the failure row: All failures from the
“Screwdriver” FMEA are displayed.

• Delete a search term: The following two cases can arise:

A: If the checkmark in front of the data field is removed, then SCIO™ ignores the data field as well as the search term

B: Mark the search term and delete it using the DEL key.

• Operator (=, <>, <, >. ><): Describes the relationship between the data field and the search term (“Requested Value”).

o =: Search results meet exactly the requested value

o <>: Search results exclude the requested value (“everything but…”)

o <, > (for numbers or dates only): Search results are smaller (“before” (date)) or greater (“after” (date)) as the
requested value

o >< (for numbers or dates only): Search result meet exactly the given interval (“from…to…”)

The search is enabled by clicking with the mouse on <Start Search> below the search mask. The search results are presented in a
table in the lower window.

You process all or just the selected search results with the help of the commands found in the right window under the heading
“Search Results”. Search Mask menu bar

The following actions can be performed using the “Search Mask” menu bar on the right.

• <Open Search Mask> opens the window for selecting one of your own search masks.

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• <Save Search Mask> saves the search mask specified under a new name selected by the user.


o First, a dialog box for configuration opens.

o Placing a checkmark next to “Fixed Results Columns” means that the results list is always formed from precisely those
columns that were stored in the search mask for outputting the results (this can be important under some
circumstances when generating reports via Excel templates (see below)).

This means: Existing results columns cannot be hidden (it is impossible to deselect the corresponding data fields in the
search mask).

If additional data fields are added to the search after loading a search mask, then these fields may be considered during
the search, but they will not be output in the list of results.

It is therefore possible for results columns not containing any search results to be displayed.

o In the “Excel Template” field, you can permanently assign an Excel template (type *.xlt) created earlier to the search
mask. Select the corresponding template using the <...> button and confirm your configuration with <OK>. You can
specify any storage location for the templates. The stored Excel-template will now be used automatically every time a
result is transferred to MS Excel® (see also: Options: Analysis tab ("Excel template" option) and Search Results menu
bar ("Copy Results to Excel").

o Afterwards, you must specify the name of the search mask and its storage location, and then confirm this data with

• <Clear Data Field> deletes all data specified in the selected data field of the search mask.

• <Reset> clears all entries in a search mask and resets them to the values of the last version loaded.

• <Expand All Sections> expands the search fields in the search mask.

• <Collapse All Sections> collapses the search fields in the search mask.

• Configure Row View: The SCIO-Manager displays a selection of data for analysis. You can add or delete any items to or
from this selection. A green column appears on the left in the search mask when you place a checkmark next to "Configure
Row View". All data fields with a checkmark in the green column are displayed automatically in the search mask currently
open. The search mask can be configured at will by placing and removing the checkmarks in the green column. The green
column disappears again after removing the checkmark next to "Configure Row view".

If you want to use this configuration again the next time you open the SCIO-Manager, then you must save the settings with
<Save Search Mask>.

• Search for action packages (including all unsaved packages):

o All saved packages: If more than one saved package exist for a given cause (package status “closed”), SCIO™ will
consider the actions from all packages in the results list.
o Last saved package only: If more than one saved packages exist for a given cause (package status “closed”),
SCIO™ will consider the actions from last saved action package in the results list only. The deciding factor is the
“State” of the package.
Note: Unsaved packages are always displayed.

• <Start Search> starts the database query.

Note: If user-defined search masks (SMC files) were created and used, then these masks are stored in the Recent List on the Start
Page in the "Recent Documents" section. Simply click with the mouse on an entry in the list to reopen the corresponding SMC file.
The number of entries in the list can be specified in Tools/Options... on the "Analysis" tab ("Total number of configuration files last
used" parameter).

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The following actions can be performed using the “Search Results” menu bar on the right.

• <Open/Go To> opens the system element previously marked in the search results.

• <Print Results> prints the list of results directly using a printer connected to your computer.

• <Copy Results to Clipboard> copies selected search results to the clipboard of your computer. The results can then be read
in from the clipboard by other applications.

• <Copy Results to Excel> inserts the list of selected results in an MS Excel® file. Prepared and assigned Excel-templates may
be used in this case (see also: Options: Analysis tab ("Excel template" option) and Search Results menu bar ("Save Search

• <Save Result> provides you with the opportunity to save your search results to a text file (*.txt).

• <Send Result> creates a standard e-mail containing the data in the selected rows of results. This button can only be selected
when actions and the persons responsible for them are also listed in the search results.


The e-mail address of the user can be entered in the master data of the user.

Placing a checkmark next to "Full Text" (see below) ensures that all results cells are displayed in full.

• Full text: Placing a checkmark here causes all results cells to be displayed as full text. You must remove the checkmark to
disable this function.

• Report form: Placing a checkmark here causes the search results to be displayed in a single line of results. This view needs
to be enabled when, for example, the search results in the results table are to be sorted (see also: Sorting search results).

Note: The Report form cannot be selected for all results tables. It is not possible, for example, to output a list combining
the causes and effects of a failure as a report because there is no reasonable combination of these two data types according
to the FMEA logic.

• <Expand all sections> automatically displays all data fields available in the current search mask. Sorting search results

The results obtained by an SCIO-Manager query can be sorted in the results table. First, make sure you selected the Report Form
view for the search results. To resort the table of results now, double-click on the column header of the results column to be used as
the basis for sorting. Double-clicking again on the same column header reverses the sort order.

Text columns (for example when sorting by “Functions”) are listed in alphabetical order after sorting, while columns containing
numbers (for example when sorting by RPN values) can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

The order of the results columns can also be changed. To do this, select the column header of the column you want to move and
then drag the column to the new position while holding down the left mouse button.

The new display of the results is also used in the Excel transfer (<Copy Results to Excel>). Restricted search results ("My System Elements")

Normally, the SCIO-Manager returns search results for the analysis configured based on the entire database. However, if a user only
possesses the basic right "SCIO-Manager | Execute for my system elements" and not more universal basic right "Execute SCIO-
Manager", then the search results are always automatically restricted to data from "My System Elements".

Definition of "my system elements":

• Basic rights system: System elements for which the user logged in is a member of the "system element team" or of the
"Department Responsible" (see: Master data).

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• Extended rights system: System elements for which the user logged in has read access.

A warning in the list of results indicates that the results are restricted to "My System Elements". The warning may also be transferred
to MS Excel® or copied to the clipboard. The "Report" tab

Reports are SQL queries sent to the database that can also contain calculations in the results. You can load and execute predefined
PLATO report queries for which you can define the parameters. Contact the PLATO AG directly for more information. Special menu items in the SCIO-Manager

Some items in the command menu of the SCIO-Manager are different from those in the SCIO™ main menu. These special commands
can be found in the following menus:

• Edit/Search: Starts the data search using the search mask configuration.

• Edit/Load Search Mask...: Loads a search mask saved earlier in a file of type *.smc.

• Edit/Save Search Mask...: Saves a search mask customized by the user. All changes to the selection of data fields are saved
as well as possible default values for query entries.

• Edit/Update: Clears all entries in a search mask and resets them to the values of the last version loaded.

• Edit/Results/Go To: Opens the control plan of the system element marked earlier in the results list. The command is only
available for selection when the results list is present and an entry is marked.

• Edit/Results/Print...: Opens the dialog window to generate a direct print job for the results list obtained.

• Edit/Results/Copy: Copies the entire list of results or a marked selection of the list to the clipboard of your computer. The
list can then be read in from the clipboard and inserted in other programs.

• Edit/Results/Copy to Excel: Copies the entire list of results or a marked selection of the list directly to MS Excel®.

• Edit/Results/Save: Saves the entire list of results in a text file (*.txt). The name of the file and where it is stored can be
selected as desired.

• Edit/Results/Apply: Not yet implemented

• Edit/Results/Send: This command is only available when a results list is displayed in the "Deadlines" tab. In this case, a
standard e-mail is generated for a marked deadline. The e-mail can be sent directly to the person responsible.

• Edit/Create List of Translations: With this command, a marked results list is written to a special text file (*.txt) that can be
edited in other programs and then reread into the SCIO™ database via an import (see also: List of translations).

• Edit/Clear Field: You clear all data you have entered in a single query field of the search mask with this command. You can
now enter new data in the field.

Tip: If a query field contains more than one condition and you only want to remove one of these conditions, then select
the condition to be deleted and press the DEL key on your keyboard.

• View/Update: not active here.

• View/Supplementary Views: not active here.

• View/Schedule Control: opens the personal schedule window.

• View/Expand selected Symbols: This command expands the search fields below a selected category (e.g. master data) so
queries can be specified there. Clicking with the mouse on a category entry has the same effect.

• View/Collapse selected Symbols: This command collapses the search fields below a selected category (e.g. master data).
Clicking with the mouse on a category entry has the same effect.

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• View/Expand All Symbols: This command expands the search fields below all categories (master data, form, etc.) so queries
can be specified there.

• View/Collapse All Symbols: This command collapses the search fields below all categories (e.g. master data, form, etc.).

• View/Adjust Line Spacing: This command hides a results list (if one is present) to provide space for a new or modified

• View/Configure column: This command activates the configuration column (green) for the search mask. (See also: Search
Mask menu bar, “Configure Row View”)

• View/Full Text: If this command is selected, all results cells are displayed so that all entries are completely readable. The
command has a checkmark next to it in this case. The command must be called again to deactivate it.

• View/Application Bar Special Menu Item: Create List of Translations

View: Only when the SCIO-Manager is open.

Call: Edit/Create List of Translations

Translation lists have the advantage over cell translations (in the context menu of a cell in a form) and form translations (in the
corresponding language view of a form) that the person who stored the translations does not need direct access to the SCIO™

Using the menu command shown above, it is possible to generate such a list of translations. The size of the list is defined using the
SCIO-Manager. To do this, find the entries you wish to translate using the SCIO-Manager and mark them in the list of results. The
menu command shown above is then called. The following dialogs are needed:

1. Intermediate window: The storage location for the list of translations is specified - you can select any directory you want.
Confirm with <OK>.

2. Intermediate window: The desired translation language must be selected from the list offered in the dropdown list. You
must also decide if all entries in the translation list or just the entries that have not been translated are to be exported.

A text file (*.txt) is created that contains a list of the entries still needing a translation. The file can be edited using a text editor like
Notepad, for example. When read into the editor, you will see a table with three columns:

1. Address column: This column should not be overwritten. It is only used to provide information for re-importing the translation

2. Reference column: The reference language entries to be translated are found here. These entries should not be changed either.

3. Translation column: Enter the translations of the reference language entries here.

Important note: With MS Excel it is possible to edit text files also. But PLATO strongly recommends using specific text editors
instead of MS Excel, because text files which include special characters (e.g. quotation marks or semicolons) are stored inaccurately
by MS Excel. If such translation lists are imported into SCIO™ this may lead to wrong or missing translations!

Note when translating in text editors (e.g. MS Word®): translations are entered in the same line as the original text. You must use
one tab character as the separator between the original text and its translation. Any translations already available will appear at the
location described.

Modified translation lists can then be re-imported into SCIO™. To re-import the translation list, select the System
Element/Import/Import List of Translations menu command.

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In general, the SCIO™-Manager only evaluates data in selectable data fields that have a clear connection to a cell in the form or a
piece of master data.

In the "Actions/Valid Evaluation" section, though, "dependent" analyses for the risk evaluations O, S, D, O*S (risk), and RPN are also
allowed. A "valid evaluation" is defined as follows in this case:

"Valid" evaluations are …

• … O1, D1, O1*S (risk), and RPN1 when only current evaluations are available and there are not any secured optimizations
• … O2, D2, O2*S (risk), and RPN2 when there are already secured optimizations available. If there are several secured action
packages available, then only the evaluations of the most recent action package are used as the basis for valid evaluations.

Note: For the sake of clarity, the SCIO™-Manager also differentiates between the "S (valid evaluation)", "S (current action)", and "S
(action taken)" evaluations even though the FMEA logic does not allow different evaluations for the S value.

6.5.2 Graphical Analysis: Risk Matrix, RPN- and Pareto analysis General Procedure

Call: Analysis/Risk Matrix

Analysis/RPN Analysis

Analysis/Pareto Analysis

You must follow the steps below to create a graphic analysis:

Step 1: Select the type of analysis

Select an entry from the Analysis Selection window:

• Risk Matrix

• RPN Analysis

• Pareto Analysis

Step 2: Collect the system elements relevant to the analysis

• If the dialog for the graphic evaluation was started from an open system element, then this system element is automatically
entered in the “List of System Elements”. To add system elements to the list, click on <Add SEs> to open a search mask for
system elements.

• Using wildcards, enter a text fragment of the name of the system element to be searched for (e.g. “*screw*”) and click on

• Mark the desired system element in the list of results and click on <Go To> to use this system element.

• You can exclude individual system elements from the analysis by removing the checkmark or remove them from the list
after making your selection with <Remove>.

• If you want to analyze the system structure of elements graphically, then the top element must be entered in the “List of
System Elements”. You can also analyze the sub elements automatically using the <Sub elements> button.

• If necessary, it is possible to select a specific directory for the data transfer to MS Excel® with <Working folder> – e.g. if
translation languages are used (see also next step) which are not supported in the SCIO standard templates and where
specific templates were prepared. After the transfer this selection is reset automatically.

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Step 3: Language selection

Select the language (reference language or any specified translation language), which should be used for the analysis. SCIO™ will use
the corresponding synonyms in the lists and legends of the analysis.

Step 4: Data analysis

The database query is started using the <Perform Analysis> button. The table of results appears in the lower part of the window.


• In the results window, you can sort the data you want to display in a graphic before generating the graphs (see step 5). To
resort the table of results, double-click on the column header of the results column to be used as the basis for sorting.
Double-clicking again on the same column header reverses the sort order.

• Text columns (for example when sorting by “Functions”) are listed in alphabetical order after sorting, while columns
containing numbers (for example when sorting by RPN values) can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

• You can reduce the number of result lines to be used in the Graphics by selecting only specific lines. For example, if you
only want to show data relating to the lines with the ten highest RPN values in the graphic, then you can sort the results
list first by RPN value (see above) and then select the first ten lines of results before you start the generation of the graphics.

Step 5: Generating the graphics

Based on the results obtained in step 4 SCIO™ will generate the corresponding graphics when using <Generate Graphic>. SCIO™ will
use an internal graphics program to display the graphical results.

Alternatively, you can now start the data transfer to MS Excel® using <Graphic (Excel)>. The data transfer is completely automatic
and generates the evaluations and graphics defined by SCIO™.

Note: Changes to the data in MS Excel® have no effect on the data in the SCIO™ database. The results of analyses can be stored in
individual files in MS Excel®. Risk Matrix

In current publications, the risk is defined as the combination of the probability of occurrence of a failure (O value in the FMEA) and
the degree of severity of this failure (S value in the FMEA). For this reason, the analytical evaluation of these two risk values for an
FMEA has proven to be a very useful tool to quickly judge the level of risk with confidence (see also: General information on risk
matrices ).

The SCIO™ risk matrix provides such a graphic evaluation in an easy to understand form. The O values (Y-axis, occurrence) are plotted
against the S values (X-axis, severity of damage) in a risk matrix. The size of the matrix created depends on the evaluation ranges
used for the O and S values. The maximum size possible for a matrix is 100 (10 x 10) risk fields. A matrix is generally divided into three
or more risk categories. A description of how to define and configure the risk matrix can be found in the Estimating risks – The risk
matrix section and in the following.

Presenting results – the internal graphics window:

In the SCIO™ internal graphics display, you will see a results window for the risk analysis that is divided into three sections:

• Graphics window: SCIO™ generates the risk matrices in this window. They are displayed on the two “Current Risk” and
“Risk Minimization” tabs. The results are displayed in the same way in all risk matrices: the total number of causes, i.e. the
number of existing causes assigned to a risk field, is entered in the corresponding field. If a risk field is selected with the
mouse, then SCIO™ marks the corresponding record in the index table (see below). In addition, the affected functions are
shown together with their line numbers in the index table as help text under the mouse pointer (ToolTip) as soon as the
mouse points to a risk field.

o Current Risk: Here you will find two results graphs in which only secure risk evaluations for O and S are considered:

▪ Risk analysis before implementing actions (O1 x S): Risk matrix for O1 and S values. In this case, O1
represents the probability of occurrence before the optimization measures have been implemented.

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▪ Risk analysis after implementing actions (O2 x S): Risk matrix for the secure O2 and S values.

Important: Note, though, that only secure O2 values are considered – i.e. values specified based on
completed optimization measures. For open actions (state ≠ "closed") SCIO™ continues to use the O1 values
for the analysis of the current status.

o Risk Minimization: Here you will find two results graphs in which planned but not yet completely implemented
optimizations are considered. The O2 values (after optimization) used for the graph are therefore still estimated values
(state≠ “closed“).

▪ Risk analysis with planned actions (min. O2): Risk matrix for the insecure O2 and S values. In this case, O2
represents the probability of occurrence after the optimization measures have been implemented. Only
insecure O2 values are also considered – i.e. values determined based on optimization measures not yet
completed. “Min.” in this case means that if there are several O2 evaluations available for a single cause
(more than one action package was generated), then only the smallest O2 value will be considered.

▪ Risk analysis with planned actions (max. O2): Risk matrix for the insecure O2 and S values. In this case, O2
represents the probability of occurrence after the optimization measures have been implemented. Only
insecure O2 values are also considered – i.e. values determined based on optimization measures not yet
completed. “Max.” in this case means that if there are several O2 evaluations available for a single cause
(more than one action package was generated), then only the largest O2 value will be considered.

• Legend: The formatting and names of the risk categories configured are shown here for informational purposes.

• Index Table: The records used in the analysis are shown line-by-line here. When an entry is selected in the graphic, the
record associated with a selected entry in the graphic is automatically highlighted using a yellow background color (see

Presenting results – MS Excel®

The results are presented in MS Excel® the same as in the internal graphics window (see above) except for minor differences.

The minor differences to be considered are the following:

• The color legend for the risk categories is not shown.

• The index table is shown in a separate tab named “Risk Values” and is not directly linked to the entries in the risk matrices.

• Detailed descriptions for the O and S values are shown as comments attached to the numerical values. The comments
depend on the evaluation catalog used.

• For each entry in a risk field, the corresponding function and its line number in the index table are provided as comments. RPN Analysis

RPN analyses are graphic evaluations of your risk values (O, S, D) and the resulting risk priority number (or RPN for short). There are
two types of RPNs and their corresponding values in an FMEA.

• RPN 1 (product of O1xS1xD1): These are the evaluations valid before the optimization (by implementing the recommend

• RPN 2 (product of O2xS2xD2): These are the assumed or actual evaluations after the optimization (by implementing the
recommend actions).

If a graphic evaluation was performed, then the results obtained from the analysis are output in the internal graphic window or in
MS Excel® in a separate work folder that can then be saved in MS Excel®, if desired.

Presenting results – internal graphics window:

The internal display of the RPN analysis is organized into the following sections:

• Graphics window: The graphics are displayed on three tabs in this window:

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o RPN 1: Display of the RPN 1 values and the O1, A, and D1 values (Y-axis) based on the affected cause of failure
mode (X-axis). When you click on a bar in the graphic, SCIO™ marks the corresponding record in the index table.
In addition, help text is displayed under the mouse pointer when the mouse points to a bar. The risk values are
displayed here in addition to the display of the cause text.

o RPN 2: Display of the RPN 2 values and the O2, A, and D2 values (Y-axis) based on the affected cause of failure
mode (X-axis). When you click on a bar in the graphic, SCIO™ marks the corresponding record in the index table.
In addition, help text is displayed on the mouse pointer when the mouse points to a bar. The risk values are
displayed here in addition to the display of the cause text.

o RPN 1 vs. RPN 2: Display of the RPN values and A, S, and D values “before” (1) and “after” (2) optimization (pairs
of bars next to each other) based on the affected causes of failure modes. When you click on a bar in the graphic,
SCIO™ marks the corresponding record in the index table. In addition, help text is displayed on the mouse pointer
when the mouse points to a bar. The risk values are displayed here in addition to the display of the cause text.

• Legend: Displays the risk value to color assignments for the colors of the bars.

• Index Table: Data table containing the records belonging to the bar graphs. When you click on a bar in the graphic, the
corresponding record is shown in the index table and highlighted using a yellow background color (see above).

Presenting results – MS Excel®

Every workbook in an RPN analysis consists of several Excel tables:

• RPN analysis: Data transferred in the form of a table.

• RPN1 vs. RPN2: A 3D bar chart of the RPN1 and RPN2 values, plotted in pairs versus the corresponding cause of failure.

• RPN 1: A 2D bar chart of the RPN1 values and a line graph of the corresponding O1, S1 and D1 values plotted versus the
corresponding cause of failure.

• RPN 2: A 2D bar chart of the RPN2 values and a line graph of the corresponding O2, S2 and D2 values plotted versus the
corresponding cause of failure.

• O1 vs. O2: A 3D bar chart of the O1 and O2 values, plotted in pairs versus the corresponding cause of failure.

• D1 vs. D2: A 3D bar chart of the D1 and D2 values, plotted in pairs versus the corresponding cause of failure.

• (O1xS) vs. (O2xS): A 3D bar chart of the products O1xS1 and O2xS2 values, plotted in pairs versus the corresponding
cause of failure. Pareto Analysis

An evaluation according to Pareto sorts all risk priority numbers (RPN) examined by size in descending order. In addition, the
percentage of the total of all RPNs examined is calculated for each RPN.

In this manner, you can determine at a glance the main risks associated with a complete process, a complex assembly or a large
system. As an analysis tool, the Pareto analysis is especially suitable for use when assigning priorities to actions.

In a Pareto analysis, the sum of all RPNs of the system being examined (a system here can be a series of process steps or a complex
system element tree) is the total risk of the system being examined and is set to 100%. Then the percentage of total risk associated
with each RPN is calculated for each RPN and the results are displayed and sorted in descending order.

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Presenting results – internal graphics window

The internal display of the Pareto analysis is divided into the following sections:

• Graphics window: The graphics are shown in two tabs in this window:

o RPN 1, RPN 2, min (RPN 2*): Display in descending order of the percentage of the total RPN of each cause of a
failure mode (Y-axis) versus the additive (total) risk of 100% (X-axis). In this case, the analysis takes the estimated
RPN 2 values into account in the calculation of the total risk. If there are several estimated values specified for a
cause (several insecure action packages are present), then SCIO only takes the minimum value into account and
ignores potentially higher RPN 2 values for this cause. When you click on a bar in the graphic, SCIO™ marks the
corresponding record in the index table.

o RPN 1, RPN 2, max (RPN 2*): Display in descending order of the percentage of the total RPN of each cause of a
failure mode (Y-axis) versus the additive (total) risk of 100% (X-axis). In this case, the analysis takes the estimated
RPN 2 values into account in the calculation of the total risk. If there are several estimated values specified for a
cause (several insecure action packages are present), then SCIO only takes the maximum value into account and
ignores potentially lower RPN 2 values for this cause. When you click on a bar in the graphic, SCIO™ marks the
corresponding record in the index table.

• Legend: Displays the risk value to color assignments for the colors of the bars.

• Index Table: Data table containing the records belonging to the bar graphs. When you click on a bar in the graphic, the
corresponding record is shown in the index table and highlighted using a yellow background color (see above).

Presenting results – MS Excel®

In the Excel document generated, you will find the following tabs for the Pareto analysis:

• Pareto analysis secure: Data table from SCIO™ and the calculation of the percentage of the total risk. Only RPN1 and secure
RPN2 values are considered in this table. Secure values are only those RPN2 values for which all optimization measures
implemented for the cause under examination in the FMEA can be characterized as “completed”.

• Diagram 1: Pareto diagram taking the RPN1 and secure RPN2 values into account (see above). To reduce the number of
bars shown in the graphic when displaying the results of highly complex analyses (or to concentrate on the top 10 risks, for
example), you can enter the desired maximum number of bars to be displayed in the input field to the right of the graphic.
The number of bars displayed is reduced accordingly when you press the Enter key. Clicking with the mouse on <Max>, on
the other hand, ensures that all values are displayed in the data table.

• Pareto analysis min. (RPN 2 insecure): Data table from SCIO™ and the calculation of the percentage of the total risk. The
minimum insecure RPN2 values are considered in this table as well as the RPN1 and secure RPN2 values. Insecure values
are those RPN2 values for which all optimization measures implemented for the cause under examination in the FMEA can
be characterized as “not completed”. The term “minimum” means that when there are several insecure RPN2 values for a
cause, only the smallest value will be considered in the analysis.

• Diagram 2: Pareto diagram taking the RPN1, secure RPN2, and smallest insecure RPN2 values into account (see above).

• Pareto analysis max. (RPN 2 insecure): Data table from SCIO™ and the calculation of the percentage of the total risk. The
maximum insecure RPN2 values are considered in this table as well as the RPN1 and secure RPN2 values. Insecure values
are those RPN2 values for which all optimization measures implemented for the cause under examination in the FMEA can
be characterized as “not completed”. The term “maximum” means that when there are several insecure RPN2 values for a
cause, only the largest value will be considered in the analysis.

• Diagram 3: Pareto diagram taking the RPN1, secure RPN2, and largest insecure RPN2 values into account (see above).

Note: The exact percentage of the total risk can be displayed as information (ToolTip) in the diagrams when you point with the
mouse on the corresponding bar in the diagram.

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6.6 Administration

6.6.1 Projects…
Call: Administration/Projects...

This menu command will open the project administration. New projects can be created or existing projects can be edited or deleted.

6.6.2 Master Data Elements...

Call: Administration/Master Data Elements...

It is possible to edit the master data lists needed to process the system element master data and other additional data (specifications,
languages). You must select a data type from the selection list offered first before you can edit the corresponding data type. Confirm
your changes with <Save> or reject them with <Cancel> each time you finish editing a list. You exit the dialog window with <OK>.

Entries can be added or changed in lists of entries for the following data types:

Data type: Description:

Attributes: You can also use the "Attribute" master data list as the basis for the organization of your
database. Existing entries can be edited and new entries added here (use the empty lines at the
end of the list!).
To delete an attribute, select the corresponding line entry (click with the mouse in the grey cell
next to the attribute name) and then press DEL.

Important: If an entry is deleted from the list, then its link to the corresponding system element
is also lost!

Classification: Functions and characteristics (specifications) can be specified by classes (used in FMEA, CP, PFC
etc.). Here you define the classes which may be used in SCIO™.

• Characteristic (max. 10 characters): Enter the characteristic classes here. All classes can be
used to specify functions or characteristics.

• Description (max. 40 characters): If required enter a more detailed description of the

defined classes here.

• Usage: If required select in this column one or more categories offered in the list. These
categories may be used to specify characteristic classes more precisely.

Note: In CP documents it is possible to search only for characteristics which are relevant for

• Context: If required classification classes can be linked with comments or documents.

Translations of classification classes are also possible (Synonyms).

• Number: This column lists the number of characteristics, which are linked to the
corresponding class.

Note: The class of a characteristic and/or function can be indicated using a character code (text)
and/or an icon.

Language : This list does not affect the master data in the SCIO™ database. Here you specify the languages
that are to be offered as possible translation languages (in addition to the reference language).
Each language must be assigned its own code (ID). Existing entries can be edited and new entries
added here (use the empty lines at the end of the list!).

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Data type: Description:

IMPORTANT NOTE! Add only language abbreviations according to ISO-639-1 (e. g. “de”) in the
column ID.

Important: If an entry is deleted from the list, then any translations in this language may also
become lost!

Measures/Units: Units play a role when entering specifications and can be entered there or selected from a list of
standard units. These units are used in almost all SCIO™ programs and can be managed centrally

Units can be added or edited directly in the cell (use the empty lines at the end of the list!). To
delete a unit, select the corresponding line entry (click with the mouse in the grey cell next to
the unit) and then press the DEL key.

Note: Units can only be deleted when they are not used anywhere in the database. The system
may inform you of this fact.

Two differently written units can be merged to form one unit using <Merge>. First mark the unit
that will be deleted after the merge and then click on the <Merge> button. In the dialog window
that opens, you can now select the unit that will incorporate the unit to be deleted in the
"Receiving Element" field. Confirm this by clicking on <Merge> again.

<Close>, however, terminates the dialog without merging the data.

Product: You can also use the "Products" master data list as the basis for the organization of your
database. Each product is assigned its own ID. Existing products can be edited and new products
added here (use the empty lines at the end of the list!). To delete a product and its ID, select the
corresponding line entry (click with the mouse in the grey cell next to the product name) and
then press DEL.

Important: If an entry is deleted from the list, then its link to the corresponding system element
is also lost!

Reaction plan: This list contains all reaction plans entered to date in control plans (entered using the SCIO™
Control Plan program) and can be edited here.

Relation: The list of relations is used when entering specifications and can be edited here. New relational
operators can also be entered directly in the dialog window for specifications.

State: This list defines and manages the status values you can assign to your system elements. The
existing status values can be edited and new status values added (use the empty lines at the end
of the list!).

To delete a status, you must select the corresponding line entry (click with the mouse in the gray
cell next to the status name) and then press the DEL key.

Since the release and write-protection of system elements is determined by the status, the status
plays a particularly important role here that will be explained in the following section.

Note: A status value can only be deleted when it is not being used in the database. The system
will inform you of this fact if necessary.

Supplier: You can also use the "Supplier" master data list as the basis for the organization of your database.
Each vendor is assigned its own ID. Existing entries can be edited and new entries added here
(use the empty lines at the end of the list!).

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Data type: Description:

To delete a vendor and its ID, select the corresponding line entry (click with the mouse in the
grey cell next to the vendor name) and then press DEL.

Important: If an entry is deleted from the list, then its link to the corresponding system element
is also lost!

System Element Type: System element types play an important role in the SCIO™ applications. For example, numerous
database queries are type-dependent (such as the Knowledge Base or the general database
query). Even the column headers in the FMEA form and the optional column information are
linked to the type of a system element. In addition to the type name, each system element type
must also be assigned one of six type classes. These are used to differentiate between the various
types of system elements. System elements of type “process” play a special role in the creation
of process flow charts (PFCs) and control plans (CPs). The type classes are also made visible in
the SCIO™ tree views (e.g. in the Function Tree). In this case, the system elements of type class
"Product" have a small triangle ( ) next to the folder symbol, while elements of class "Process"
are indicated by a gear symbol ( ). You will find an overview of all symbols and icons here.

Test Frequency: The sampling frequency is used in the SCIO™-Control-Plan form.

Test Method This list contains all test methods entered to date in control plans (entered using SCIO™- Control-
Plan) and can be edited here. System Element Status: Access options “write protected”, “released” and “checked”
To write-protect or release a system element, you must assign it the corresponding status using the “Release” or “Write protection”
option. To make this possible, you must have the corresponding status values defined in your database.

The "Checked" option is also available. This option is needed when using the optional SCIO™-Delta-Manager module and specifies
that a system element with the corresponding status will be controlled by the Delta Manager. Other information on this topic can be
found in the documentation for the SCIO™-Delta-Manager.

To define or manage the corresponding status values, select the Administration/Master Data Elements... menu command and select
the “Status” data type. The status management window for your database opens.

• Status (left column): Define the name of the status in your database you want to use here.

Access: Special properties can be assigned to every status value, if necessary. By placing a checkmark next to Write-
protected, Released and/or Checked you also specify the type of status. Combining these two options provides a total
of four types of status:

o Status without a checkmark: This type of status allows all work without any restrictions in the corresponding system

o Status with a checkmark next to “Write-protected”: The contents of system elements with this status cannot be
changed. This applies to the contents of the form as well as the master data. The individual cells in the form are marked
with the icon. If this type of status is assigned to a system element, then this system element can only be
changed by users with the special basic right “Remove system element write protection through status” or

o Status with a checkmark next to “Released”: The contents of system elements with this status can still be changed.
This applies to the contents of the form as well as the master data. The individual cells in the form are marked with
the icon to point out that the document was released and therefore has a special status assigned to it. If this
type of status is assigned to a system element, then this system element can be changed by all users permitted to edit
the master data of the system element.

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o Status with a checkmark next to “Write-protected” and “Released”: The contents of system elements with this status
cannot be changed. This applies to the contents of the form as well as the master data. The individual cells in the form
are marked with the icon. If this type of status is assigned to a system element, then this system element
can only be changed by users with the special basic right “Remove system element write protection through status”
or administrators.

o Status with a checkmark next to “Checked”: System elements with this status are controlled by the SCIO™-Delta-
Manager (see above).

• Status (3rd column): Select here if the status can (active) or cannot (inactive) currently be assigned to a system element.

• Context: Here you can store a comment, a document link, or a translation (synonym) for the corresponding status, if

• Number: This column shows you how often the corresponding status was assigned to a system element. Clicking with the
mouse on the number starts the SCIO-Manager, which you can then use to track down the system elements with the
corresponding status.

6.6.3 Optional Data...

Call: Administration/Optional Data...

Additional master data (company-specific) can also be defined and configured for system elements. To do this, proceed as follows:

Step 1: Create a new “data group” (if not already available).

• You open an input field for creating a new data group with <New>, which is then saved with <OK>.

Step 2: Define master data

• Enter the name of each new piece of master data in the "Name" field.

• In the "Data Type" field, you specify if the value to be assigned in the master data represents text information (Text),
numbers (Number), or a date (Date). If the "Date" type is selected here, then you can use the SCIO™ calendar when
assigning the date later.

• A checkmark next to "Necessary field" specifies for the piece of master data that this master data must be filled in to create
a system element.

Step 3: Assign the master data to the data group:

• Select a data group from the pull-down menu.

• Place a checkmark in the "Active" column to specify if the piece of master data should belong to the selected data group.

• The assignments are saved with <OK>. The data group defined can now be selected in the master data of a system element.
The master data fields corresponding to the selected data group appear then in the dialog.

• The name of a selected data group can be changed with <Change>.

• A selected data group can be deleted with <Delete>. The master data definitions (bottom table) used in the group are also

Exception: when all or some of the definitions are still being used by another data group.

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6.6.4 Columns in Form...

Call: Administration/Columns in Form...

In this dialog you can edit and translate the column headers of the forms (FMEA, CP, PFC), if necessary. Proceed as follows to change
the column headers in the reference language:

Changing column headers in the form in the reference language

• First, select the system element type whose column header you want to change. Separate column headers can be defined
for each system element type (FMEA), the control plan (type: Control Plan) and the process flow chart (type: Process Flow).

• Enter the terms to be put in the header in the "Column Header" column.

• The changes are saved and assigned throughout the database to the corresponding SE types or control plan.

• The system element types in the database can be edited or deleted, or new system element types can be added to the
database using the <Administration> button.

Defining column headers for translation languages

Select the corresponding dialog view (in this case Edit translations...>>) in the lower part of the menu above the blue menu command
Edit translations...>> or Optional Column Information...>>.

On the right next to the “column headers” for the reference language you can now define the appropriate foreign-language column
header in the “Synonyms” column for each translation language defined in the database. These foreign-language synonyms are then
automatically used as the column headers when you switch to the corresponding language view or when documents are output via
MS Excel® in a translation language.

Configuring optional column information

If you want to work in SCIO™ FMEA with optional column information, then the database must be prepared for this in this dialog

First, you need to select the system element type (list box in the upper part of the window) to be applied to the information fields
defined in the next step. After selecting the type, the column headers assigned to this type appear in the lower table.

Important note: If the system element type is changed (via the Master Data dialog) for a system element in which Optional column
information has already been entered, then all optional column information will be automatically lost! This deletion effect is

Now you can decide in the "Data Field" column which column of the form is to be used to store additional information and what title
is to be given to this "information". Select the corresponding column (you can only select from those columns with empty (white)
input fields!) and enter the name of the column information in the first field ("Name") of the "Data Field" column.

The "Data Type" field after the "Name" is used to select the type for the input field. There are three types of column information

• Text information (Text)

• Alphanumeric information (Number)

• Date information (Date) - If the "Date" type is selected, then you can use the SCIO™ calendar later when assigning the date.

The entries and any changes are saved with <OK>. After that, you can store the optional information for the corresponding system
element type in the columns of the form you just specified. This is done in the corresponding cell of the form by calling the
Edit/Optional Column Information... menu command.

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6.6.5 Evaluation Catalogs…

Call: Administration/Evaluation Catalogs…

Company-specific evaluation tables and risk matrices can be defined and assigned to system elements (assigned via the master data)
to evaluate the risk. The Evaluation Catalogs… command in the Administration menu can be used to create and manage these
evaluation catalogs and the associated risk matrices.

Existing evaluation catalogs can be selected using “Catalog”. The catalogs can then be edited as follows:

• In the “Usage” field you can enter comments to specify its usage in more detail.

• The descriptions can be edited on the O, S, and D tabs. If individual evaluation values (1 – 10) do not have any entries, then
these values cannot be used later on in the evaluation (the selection menu for the evaluation in the FMEA form will not
offer these evaluation values for selection anymore in this case).

Note: Risk matrices are created and edited on the “Risk Matrix” tab. You will find a more detailed description in the
Estimating risks – The risk matrix section and in the following.

• Each tab contains 10 evaluation values. Each evaluation value can be assigned a short description (max. 40 characters) and
a detailed description.

• If the evaluation catalog is called in the FMEA form in the evaluation columns (O, S or D), then the value and its short
description are displayed. The detailed description is opened with “Details...”. This program window can be terminated
with <Close>.

• If a checkmark is placed next to “Set as Standard”, then the selected evaluation catalog is entered automatically for each
new FMEA.

• If a checkmark is placed next to “Inactive”, then the selected evaluation catalog is deactivated in the database, and the
catalog cannot be assigned to a system element. Existing assignments are not affected, though.

• <Save> stores the catalog currently edited under the existing catalog name.

• <Save As> saves the catalog currently edited under a new name selected by the user. If the user does not enter a new
name, then the catalog with the old name is overwritten.

• Pressing the <New> key allows you to define and edit a new additional evaluation catalog with the corresponding risk
matrix. This catalog is then saved under a new name.

• <Delete> deletes the currently selected evaluation catalog from the database.

IMPORTANT: Make sure beforehand that no existing system elements are assigned to the catalog to be deleted. If this is
the case and the catalog is deleted anyway, then the affected system element is automatically reassigned to the catalog
defined as the “Standard Catalog” “see above). The standard catalog cannot be deleted.

• <Close> terminates the dialog used to administer the evaluation catalogs. If necessary, a window is displayed asking the
user if the changed data should be saved.

6.6.6 Action Categories...

Call: Administration/Action Categories…

Action categories can help you better describe the state or the value of an action. They are also available in the SCIO™ Manager for
analyses as a search criterion. The categories to choose from are specified depending on the company and can be set up here. The
individual categories are then assigned to the corresponding actions directly in the form.

You specify which categories are to be used and how they should be formatted using the Administration/Action Categories… menu.

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You can change (format) the display of a category in the form using the down arrow icon at the end of each category line selected. A
dialog window opens in which you can specify the font type, properties and size. You can also change the properties of the cell
background (Color), the cell frame (Borders) and the text alignment (Align). All these settings are linked directly to the selected catalog
and assigned where necessary.

You can add new categories using the <New> button. The name of the category can be changed simply by overwriting the existing

All marked categories are deleted with <Delete>.

You can select from the following display options:

• Show Name: Placing a black checkmark here causes the name of the assigned category to always be displayed in the
additional information of the corresponding action cell of the form (regardless of the existing settings for this column).
Placing a grey checkmark here means the name of the assigned category can be displayed in the additional information of
the corresponding action cell of the form. In this case, whether or not the name is displayed depends on the column
settings. If there is no checkmark here, then no category names are shown.

• Show Formatting: When a checkmark is placed here, the format specifications entered in the category administration (see
above) are used in the corresponding cells of the form.

The Assignment of action categories has to be done in the FMEA form.

6.6.7 Organization...
With the Administration/Organization... menu command, you open an extensive dialog used to administer and edit employee data,
assign rights and enter department structures in your SCIO™ database. A window split into two sections appears with its own
command menu and toolbar. Each of the two panes can display one of four tree structures.

• The list of users (and their assignments) see also: Menu User

• The list of departments (and their assignments) see also: Menu Departments

• The list of basic rights (and their assignments) see also: Basic rights

• The list of rights classes (and their assignments) see also: Menu Rights Classes

You can select which of the lists above is displayed in which section using the View menu item. There is only one window section
active at a time though. The currently active window is indicated by a white window background.

The configuration of the Organization dialog can be done in the Tools/Options… submenu.

The easiest way to create links between the list entries in the two sections is to drag & drop (i.e. dragging and dropping entries using
the mouse). However, you can also use the copy & paste method to create the links.

See also:

• Rights Concept Organization: Menu Edit

The following submenu items are available for selection:

Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // Selected (marked) entries are temporarily saved internally and are then available
for pasting (Paste Link).

Administration/Organization // The marked entry is removed from the assignment generated earlier everywhere in
the system. All links and assignments will be lost. If the marked entry is assigned to

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Call: Description:

the same higher-level entry at different locations, then all such assignments are
Edit/Remove Link

Administration/Organization // A tree element copied earlier is cut from its original location and moved to the newly
selected position.
Edit/Paste Move
This menu item is not active in the organization administration.

Administration/Organization // A tree element copied earlier is left at its original location and is also linked to the
newly selected tree element together with all original assignments.
Edit/Paste Link

Administration/Organization // A tree element copied earlier is left at its original location and is copied below the
newly selected tree element, but without all original assignments.
Edit/Paste Copy
This menu item is not active in the organization administration.

Administration/Organization // This menu item is not active in the organization administration.

Edit/Lower in this Level

Administration/Organization // This menu item is not active in the organization administration.

Edit/Higher in this Level

Administration/Organization // This menu item is not active in the organization administration.

Edit/Search Organization: Menu View

The menu under Administration/Organization // View has many of the same menu items as the "View" menu of the Function Tree
or Variant Tree.

The following menu items are new, though:

Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // The view called via View/By Departments allows you to obtain an overview of the
departmental structure present.
View/By Departments
Each employee can only belong to one department.

Clicking on the icon or double-clicking on the name of the department will display
further sub departments and employees of the corresponding department.

You can copy employees from the user table to the departmental administration
tree structure via drag & drop (drag while holding down the left mouse button).

You can also move departments and employees within the tree via drag & drop. The
user can form department structures with sub departments by dropping a
department on another department, for example.

If an employee is moved to another department or removed from a department,

then all responsibilities for actions (stored in SCIO™-FMEA) are automatically
collected in a list ("Edit Actions"), and it is possible to assign new responsibilities
here. Mark the actions to be assigned to a different employee in the list to do this.
The new person responsible can then be selected from the "Assign to Selection" list
and confirmed with <Yes>.

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Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // The users are listed in alphabetical order in a tree structure. Clicking with the mouse
on the "+" symbol in front of a letter lists all user names starting with this letter.
View/By User
For example, basic rights from the table of rights can be assigned to a user via drag
& drop.

The corresponding rights (§ symbol) are then listed under the appropriate user.

Every user is provided with a set of basic information (the user data, see also the
Help subject User/Edit).

Administration/Organization // The assigning of basic rights is an important aspect of employee administration. Only
the administrator or an employee that has the basic right to create new employees
View/By Basic Rights is allowed to assign and administer basic rights.

Basic rights apply to all SCIO™ programs. The individual basic rights can be combined
in any manner.


A user with the "Administrator" authority has all basic rights without any
restrictions. This user can use all functions of the system and is permitted to edit,
export, delete, etc., any system element. In addition, he is granted the right to edit
all employee data, meaning the administrator is the main "contact point" for change
requests, regardless of whether a new employee is to be added or a basic right is to
be changed.

The administrator cannot take away his own administrator privileges. This can only
be done by a second administrator. This ensures that the system always has at least
one person who is an administrator and therefore can assign rights.

The basic rights are listed in alphabetical order in a tree structure.

The users and rights classes assigned to a basic right are displayed under the basic right.

Moving a user in the tree structure via drag & drop assigns the corresponding user
new basic rights or a class of rights.

If basic rights are also to be assigned to the user, then the name of the user is
dragged from the table of users via drag & drop onto the desired right, or the basic
rights to be assigned are moved onto the tree structure.

Administration/Organization // Rights classes offer you the opportunity to group basic rights and make creating
manageable "user profiles".
View/By Rights Classes
If basic rights were grouped together to form rights classes (see also: Rights
Classes/New), then they are displayed in the overview tree. The lower levels contain
a list of the corresponding basic rights and the affected user community.

Rights classes cannot be organized hierarchically.

These rights classes can be expanded by dragging & dropping rights from the table
of basic rights.

Additional users are added by dragging them from the table of users.

It is also possible to make changes to the rights classes directly in the overview tree
by moving or copying data.

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Call: Description:

If a rights class is changed, then this change will affect all users linked to this rights
class. Organization: Menu Departments

Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // You will be prompted to enter a name for the new department. The By Departments
view opens immediately after confirmation.
The new department appears immediately in the overview tree.

Before you can display sub departments, they must be created first in the manner
described above. After that, you can drag a department intended to become a sub
department (drag while holding down the left mouse button) and drop it on another
department (main department). The main department then appears in the
hierarchy above the department you just dropped.

Administration/Organization // You must select a department in View/By Departments to change the name of the
corresponding department.
A dialog appears after this menu command has executed in which you will be
requested to change the name currently displayed. The change is confirmed with
the <OK> button.

Administration/Organization // If a specific department is selected in the By Departments view, then this

department is deleted with this menu command.
The user assignments to this department are also released when the department is

Administration/Organization // You can correct and merge user and department data using the Users/Merge... and
Departments/Merge... menu commands. You can merge two data entries (because
they actually represent the same data with two different spellings, for example) into
a single entry with these commands. The superfluous entries are deleted when
entries are merged.


• Mark the data element (employee or department) to be deleted after the

merge in the tree structure and then select the corresponding command
named above.

• Now enter the data element to be merged with the element marked
under (1) in the "Receiving Element" field in the dialog window that opens.
This element is the element resulting from the merge and combines all
links of the merged elements in a single element. To select the element,
you can also just enter the first letter of the desired element and then
select it from the list offered.

• Confirm the merge by clicking on <Merge> or abort the dialog with

<Close>. In this case, the data elements are not merged.

The Element to be removed transfers all its data to the Receiving Element. If a
conflict arises (for example, an employee with two entries containing two different
telephone numbers), then the data of the Receiving Element is applied.

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Call: Description:

The Receiving Element also contains all database information (e.g. History, actions,
etc.) of the Element to be removed. Organization: Menu User

Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // A dialog for inputting user data ("Detailed User Data") appears regardless of which
view is active. You must enter a user name (upper "User" field), but the other entries
User/New are optional.

The password must be at least five characters long. If no password is specified, then
a corresponding error message appears.

Rules for assigning passwords can be configured in the Admin-Tool (see also:
Configuring passwords).

The following Status values are available for users:

• Active: The user can log in to the system using his or her password and
can work according to the authorities granted. The user is then available
in all selection lists (e.g. Team, Person responsible for actions, etc.).

• Inactive: The user is not permitted to log in to the system (even though
the user has the proper rights). The user is still available for selection in all
selection lists (e.g. Team, Person responsible for actions, etc.).

• Hidden: The user is not permitted to log in to the system (even though the
user has the proper rights). The user is also not available for selection in
any selection lists (e.g. Team, Person responsible for actions, etc.).
This status should be assigned when the user leaves the company but is
still recorded in some older system elements as a team member and/or as
the person responsible for an action. In these cases, the user cannot be
completely deleted from the SCIO™ database (see also: User/Delete)!

• System: Specific user status for system agents. For further information
please contact the PLATO-Support.

Note: A user assigned the "inactive" or "hidden" status is only displayed in the tree
diagrams of the organization administration if a checkmark was placed next to
"Show Inactive Elements" or "Show Hidden Users" under Tools/Options...

Administration/Organization // If you want to change user data or add data to a user, then you must first select the
user you wish to change. The menu command opens the "Detailed User Data" dialog
User/Edit window as described above.

Administration/Organization // To remove a user from a SCIO™ database completely, it is necessary to ensure that
the user has no links to any system element or document in the corresponding
User/Delete database (SCIO™ and e1ns). This means that the user may neither be entered in
system element master data (e.g. as “Responsible Manager” or “SE Team
Member”), nor he is selected as responsible person for an action. The user may also
not be assigned to any e1ns document (e.g. as “Author” or “Manager of an action”).
If one of these conditions is not fulfilled, the status of a user can only be set to “not
visible” instead of a complete deletion. With this the corresponding user name is
blocked and thus unique.

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Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // A user can be named as the head of his or her department. This is indicated by a red
user icon instead of the normal blue icon.
Users/As Department Director…
Only one user can be named as the head of the current department.
A department head is appointed primarily for informational purposes. This
(the selected user will be marked as ”head of
assignment only has an effect when opening a system element using the System
his department”)
Element/Open menu command. If the user is entered as the head of the
…Remove department when opening a system element, then this user also sees the "Head of

(the selected user will be removed as ”head of Department" item in addition to the system element selection. When this item is
his department”) selected, the corresponding departments and all system elements that the
department named is responsible for (specified in the mandatory master data field
"Department Responsible") are listed.

See also: Open System Element

Administration/Organization // You can correct and merge user and department data using the Users/Merge... and
Departments/Merge... menu commands. You can merge two data entries (because
they are actually representing the same data with two different spellings, for
(available for SCIO™ administrators only!) example) into a single entry with these commands. The superfluous entries are
deleted when entries are merged.


• Mark the data element (employee or department) to be deleted after the

merge in the tree structure and then select the corresponding command
named above.

• Now enter the data element to be merged with the element marked
under (1) in the "Receiving Element" field in the dialog window that opens.
This element is the element resulting from the merge and combines all
links of the merged elements in a single element. To select the element,
you can also just enter the first letter of the desired element and then
select it from the list offered.

• Confirm the merge by clicking on <Merge> or abort the dialog with

<Close>. In this case, the data elements are not merged.

The Element to be removed transfers all its data to the Receiving Element. If a
conflict arises (for example, an employee with two entries containing two different
telephone numbers), then the data of the Receiving Element is applied.

The Receiving Element also contains all database information (e.g. History, actions,
etc.) of the Element to be removed.

Administration/Organization // This command automatically lists all persons responsible for actions for which the
currently selected employee is entered in the database (stored in SCIO™-FMEA). It
User/Assigned Actions Overview
is possible to reassign the persons responsible directly in the dialog ("Edit Actions").
Mark the actions in the list to be assigned to a different employee to do this. The
new person responsible can then be selected from the "Assign to Selection" list and
assigned to the selected actions.

Note: If an employee is moved to another department or is removed from a

department, then the dialog starts automatically.

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Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // All users are displayed with their corresponding data in a table. You can directly
enter additional data directly here or change the data. The user data specified is
User/User Data Overview
identical to the content of the Users/Edit dialog. You must confirm any data you
have entered or changed with <Save>.

In addition to the user data, three pieces of administrative information are also

• Pwd Creation Date: Displays the date on which the currently valid user
password was created.
• Pwd must be changed: Selecting this option means that the
corresponding user will need to enter a new password the next time he or
she logs in.
• Login error: This column defines how many times a user has already
entered the password incorrectly. If an account exceeds the maximum
permissible value, then the user login is locked and can only be unlocked
by resetting this value to "0" (see also: Configuring passwords)

Note: This menu command is available for SCIO™ administrators or users with the
combined basic rights ID 10, 36 and 41 only. Organization: Menu Rights Classes

Rights classes can also be understood as user profiles. A certain user profile is created by collecting any number of basic rights to
form a rights class. This is done by selecting the corresponding basic right in one section of the dialog (View/By Basic Rights) and
then dragging the selected entry while holding down the left mouse button and dropping it on the corresponding rights class in the
other section of the window (View/By Rights Classes)

A rights class can then be assigned to the corresponding users. The rights classes are assigned in the same manner as the basic rights
themselves - i.e. the simplest way is to use the drag & drop method with one user (section of the window with the View/By Users)
and one rights class (section of the window with the View/By Rights Classes).

A user can also be assigned other basic rights in addition to a rights class.

If a rights class is changed, then the rights profiles of all users linked to this rights class are also automatically changed.

The Rights Classes menu contains the following submenu items:

Call: Description:

Administration/Organization // Enter the name of a new rights class and confirm with <OK>. The “By Rights Classes”
view opens automatically.
Rights Classes/New

Administration/Organization // You must select a rights class in View/By Rights Classes to duplicate the
corresponding rights class.
Rights Classes/Duplicate
A window requesting you to rename the duplicate rights class is opened once the
menu command is executed. You are not allowed to have two rights classes with the
same name.

The links of the duplicate are identical to those of the original rights class, i.e. even
the users linked earlier to the rights class are copied to the duplicated class.

Administration/Organization // You must select a rights class in the By Rights Classes view to change the name of
the corresponding rights class.

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Call: Description:

A dialog appears after the menu command has executed in which you will be
Rights Classes/Edit
requested to change the name currently displayed. The name change is confirmed
with <OK>.

Administration/Organization // If a specific rights class is selected in View/By Rights Classes, then this rights class is
deleted with this menu command. All links to this rights class are lost in this case.
Rights Classes/Delete Organization: Menu Tools/Options

Call: Administration/Organization... // Tools/Options…

This command opens the Options-dialog used to display data in the views available in the organization administration.

You can select from the following parameters:

• Don’t use carriage return: When a checkmark is placed here, tree entries will only be displayed in a single line.

• Show Index: When a checkmark is placed here, all entries are indexed and displayed in the tree according to the hierarchy.

• Also display Inactive Elements: When a checkmark is placed here, all tree entries will be displayed. Otherwise, all elements
with the inactive status (e.g. inactive employees or inactive departments) are automatically hidden.

• Also display hidden Users: When a checkmark is placed here, all employees whose status is set to "hidden" are listed too.
Otherwise, these employees will not be listed.

• Group Rights: When a checkmark is placed here, the individual rights are listed in groups by subject in View/By Basic Rights.
Otherwise, the user is displayed an alphabetical list of all basic rights in a single level of the hierarchy.

6.6.8 Change Password...

The user can change his/her own password here. The menu item is only active when the user has manually logged in to the application
(i.e. did not log in via the automatic Windows Login).

This functionality is not bound to a specific user right. The current password must be entered first (three attempts), and then the
dialog for changing the password appears.

6.7 Tools

6.7.1 Action Management

This menu provides functionalities to use the interface between SCIO™ and an action management system like AQTIO™ (PLATO AG).
More information could be found in the manual about the interface.

6.7.2 XERI Document Management

This menu provides functionalities to use the interface between SCIO™ and the document management system XERI (PLATO AG).
More information could be found in the manual about the interface.

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6.7.3 External product connections

This menu provides functionalities to use the interface between SCIO™ and an external software product (e.g. an electronic data
management system). More information could be found in the manual about the interface.

6.7.4 Document Test Results…

Call: Tools/Document Test Results…

With this menu command you start the test case integration operation.

See also:

• Documenting test results – Test case integration

• Test case integration – Procedure

• Test case integration – Configuration

6.7.5 Copy as URL

Calling this command copies the URL address (database address of type Uniform Resource Locator) of the currently selected matrix
cell to the clipboard so that the address can be used as a unique “jump address” in other applications (for example in action
management systems).

6.7.6 Specify Suggestion Lists

Call: Tools/Specify Suggestion Lists

SCIO™ offers so-called suggestion lists for many text cells (for example functions, failures, etc.) in a form (FMEA, CP, PFC-Table, Net
editor). Entries can be added to this list from external lists in text format (*.txt) such as failure or machine lists from another database.
These lists must be created column by column, i.e. a separate file in the *.txt format must be created for each corresponding column
in the form.


• If necessary, create entry lists in the text format for the FMEA-columns Function, Failure Mode, Causes, Effects or Actions
(Net editor: Function, Failure || CP/PFC: Process elements, Machines, Characteristics, Measurement Techniques, Test
Frequencies, Control Methods and Reaction Plans (and measures if necessary). The entries within a list must be separated
by pressing ENTER between entries.

• Save the files in the standard directories (Function, Failure, Effect, Cause, Action, Processelement, Device, Specification,
CtrlMethod, Frequency, Method, Reactionplan, Measure) of SCIO™ in the CATALOG directory, which can be found in the
database directory. A different directory can be specified for these additional lists as an alternative. For more information
see: Tools/Options… // Edit tab, “Import” directory

• Call the Tools/Specify Suggestion Lists menu command and place a checkmark accordingly next to the desired suggestion
lists (text files).

• When filling out the form using the suggestion list, you will not only be aided with suggestions from the temporary working
file, you will also receive suggestions from the suggestion lists you have specified directly. Entries from the external data
lists are marked accordingly with the icon. If you select such entries and use them in the cell, SCIO™ will save these
entries just like normal for manual entries in the database.

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6.7.7 Change Database...

Call: Tools/Change Database

First you must confirm a security query asking you if you really want to disconnect from the current database.

A dialog in which you select an existing database follows. You must log in again after selecting the database.

6.7.8 Refresh Read Cache

Call: Tools/Refresh Read Cache

With this menu command, the current INI entries of the configuration files are compared to the entries in the read memory of the
currently open SCIO™ application (virtual memory used to increase the performance), and memory is updated if necessary. This type
of update occurs automatically when you switch databases.

6.7.9 Change user interface language…

Call: Tools/Change user interface language…

With this menu command you open the dialog for specifying the language of the user interface of SCIO™ (menu language, language
of the client).


• General Default Settings (administrator rights required): Here you select the language of the user interface that will always
be used when no personal preference is stored for the Windows® user logged in (see below).
• My Selection: Here you select the language of the user interface to be used automatically for the Windows® user logged in
when he or she logs in to SCIO™. The selection is saved in a user-specific configuration file.
• Confirm the configuration with <OK>. If "My Selection" is changed, then the change only takes effect after you restart the
open SCIO™ applications:
o Restart: SCIO™ restarts the currently open application of the current user to enable the language change. The
user must log in again to SCIO™ in this case.
o Restart (all): SCIO™ restarts all open applications of the current user to enable the language change. The user
must log in again to SCIO™ in this case.
o Ignore: The menu language currently in use is not changed. The language change only takes effect after logging
in to SCIO™ again.
o Cancel: The dialog is terminated. All changes made to the configuration are discarded.

See also:
• Language Views

6.7.10 Customize…
Call: Tools/Customize…

With this menu command, the configuration of the symbols in the icon bar can be done.

Select the predefined standard toolbars you want to have displayed on the "Toolbars" tab by placing a corresponding checkmark.
Additional options are available:

• Show help text: Placing a checkmark here means that a brief informational message (ToolTip) is displayed for the button
currently pointed to by the mouse.

• Cool Look: Placing a checkmark here means that the toolbars are displayed using a custom layout.

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• <New>: This button can be used to create a new toolbar. Enter the name of the new toolbar in the "Toolbar Name" window
that appears. The name can be changed later if necessary in the "Toolbar Name" field.

• <Delete> (only visible of you have created your own toolbar; see above): The toolbar selected is deleted.

• <Reset>: If a predefined toolbar on the "Commands" tab was changed (see below), then this button can be used to restore
the selected toolbar to its default layout.

• <Reset all>: If one or more several predefined toolbars on the "Commands" tab were changed (see below), this button can
be used to restore all toolbars to their default layouts.
Warning: All toolbars you have created yourself will be deleted as well!

On the "Commands" tab you can assemble your own toolbars or customize the standard toolbars. To do this, select the
corresponding category in the left frame and then drag the desired button from the set of buttons offered on the right and drop it in
your toolbar. Existing buttons can also be removed from a toolbar via drag & drop.

6.7.11 Options…
Call: Tools/Options...

IMPORTANT: Not all of the parameters that can be changed in the Options dialog can be changed by all users. Parameters that were
not defined by the user can only be changed when the user has the corresponding authorizations. These "blocked" options can be
hidden (see: Options: System Administration tab).

Notes: The Options dialog can be called from the main menu as well as from various views and their menus such as the SCIO Manager,
Variant, or Function Tree. When called, the tab considered to be the most important tab is activated automatically.

A symbol is displayed for every parameter in the Options dialog at the right end of the parameter line that shows where the parameter
setting is stored. A more detailed description of the storage location is displayed (as a ToolTip) when the user points to the
corresponding symbol with the mouse.

The following symbols are used:

• User-defined setting

• User and application-defined numerical value

• Global SCIO™ setting on the client

• Global SCIO™ setting on the server

• Global database setting

The corresponding symbol is displayed in red for parameters that cannot be changed by the current user. Options: Function Tree tab and Variant Tree tab

The following parameters can be set/selected:

• Allow Tree Filter (Function tree only): Placing a checkmark here means that tree filters can be used in the structure or
function tree. If there is no checkmark here, then the corresponding menu items are hidden.

• Mark system elements from BOM (Function tree only): Placing a checkmark here means that all sub-system elements are
marked with a special symbol in the view “Structure Tree (complete)” which are assigned to the Bill of Material/Process
(BOM/BOP) of the higher level system element (see also: Working will the Bill of Material (BOM/BOP)).

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• Show specification-overview (Function tree only): Placing a checkmark here means that a separate frame containing the
existing specifications for the selected elements will be displayed in the corresponding tree view.

• Read information on existing data: Placing a checkmark here means that additional information icons are shown in a tree
view for the system elements or functions (Function tree only) (see also: Structure Tree: Information on existing data,
Function Tree: Information on existing data, Variant Tree: Information on existing data).

• Show Failure (Causes, Effects) (Function Tree only): When a checkmark is placed here next to the particular data element,
then this element is also shown in the Function Tree.

• Show System Elements (Variant Tree only): When a checkmark is placed here, the system elements that the corresponding
SE-Family was assigned to are also shown in the structure. Without the checkmark, the Variant Tree corresponds to the
pure SE-Family structure of your database.

Tip: Using the switch, you can alternate directly between the views with or without the system elements.

• Show additional information: When a checkmark is placed here, the particular tree view is split into two panes. While the
upper section shows the tree structure, the data associated with the system element marked in the upper frame is
displayed in the lower section. The associated data consists of the master data as well as additional specifications such as
the creation date and the author of the selected system element.

• Also display Inactive Elements: When a checkmark is placed here, all data elements (system elements, functions, failure
modes, etc.) are shown in the tree structure according to their assignments. If, on the other hand, the checkmark is
removed, then data elements for which there is a delete job are not shown any more in the trees.

• Mark System Elements with Open Items: System Elements with “Open Items” (master data) are marked with a pen symbol.

• View Index: When a checkmark is placed here, all elements of the tree structure are indexed (numbered). All entries in the
same hierarchy level are assigned the same index level (for example, elements in the third level are assigned an index of
the form X.Y.Z). However, if elements of different types (for example, cause and effect element types) are shown in a
hierarchy level, then each element group is indexed separately. It is therefore possible to have a cause indexed with
and an effect indexed with right next to each other in the same level, for example.

• Do not use carriage return: When a checkmark is placed here, tree entries will only be displayed in a single line.

• Windows Color System: When a checkmark is placed here, shades of the background color from the currently selected
Windows color scheme are used. This permits the hierarchy levels in the tree structures to be highlighted visually.

• Localize automatically: Automatic localization means that when a cell is selected in the FMEA form the corresponding data
element is also automatically selected in the tree. For example, if the user selects a failure mode in the form, then the
failure mode is also selected in the Function Tree.
There are three levels available for the automatic localization function:

o Never: Not any automatic localization takes place.

o Seldom: The localization is limited to the currently affected system element.

o Always: Localization is performed continuously for all data elements that can be shown in the trees (for example
system element).

Note: To what extent data elements can be localized in the tree structures depends, of course, on your Function or Variant
Tree configuration. For example, if the Function Tree display is limited to showing the Structure Tree, then naturally no
functions, failure modes, etc. can be localized.

Tip: Using the switch, you can manually localize a data element currently selected in the form in the two tree

• Actualize Automatically: When a checkmark is placed here, the tree views are automatically refreshed. The Function and
Variant trees can also be manually updated just like the FMEA form via the F5 key.

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• Show Function-bar integrated in tree: When a checkmark is placed here, a special button bar appears in the window of
the tree. The bar contains numerous icon buttons (slightly smaller in size) that are useful when working in the tree structure.
The toolbar is closed when the tree window is closed and reactivated the next time the tree window is opened.

• Recover window size and position: The actual window size is saved and will be recovered after opening the window again. Options: View tab

The following parameters can be set/selected:

• Always show message bar when there are new messages: Placing a checkmark here causes the message bar to be opened
automatically for every new entry in order to display the entry (see also: Message Bar).

• Show Application Bar: When a checkmark is placed here, the SCIO™ application bar is automatically activated when the
program is started. You can go directly from one SCIO™ application to another using the "SCIO" section of the bar. When
you do this, the user ID is automatically transferred to the particular application. In addition, the "Documents" section of
the bar can be used to directly access the last system element opened. The third section of the bar, "Programs" (only visible
if the programs are available) allows you to directly access external applications that can work together with SCIO™ through
a corresponding interface. (See also: Using the application bar). The Application bar can also be activated and deactivated

via the button.

• Show class column in the VDA form: When a checkmark is placed here, a column for classifying functions or functions and
failures is shown in the "VDA" form.

• Display Classification: Classification can be viewed in the FMEA form as

o Text

o Symbol (Icon)

o Text and symbol

• Current References: Placing a checkmark here displays the current references to a cell selected in the FMEA form above
the master data header of the form. All logical sub-tree relationships found for the selected cell are considered to be current
references. For example, if a cause is selected, then the corresponding function and the corresponding failures will be
displayed. Note, however, that the effects of failures are not displayed because there is no direct link to the cause.

• Additional evaluation information (O x S and O x S x D forms only): Placing a checkmark here opens two additional
evaluation columns in the FMEA form. The formulas used for calculation and the color scheme are configurable. A detailed
description of this functionality can be found in the Additional evaluation information section. The formula used for
calculation, the colors and the range thresholds for changing from one color to another depending on the evaluation value
are specified on the “Analysis” tab.

• File types for preview of linked documents: Here you enter the list of file extensions of linked documents to be displayed
in the Preview window. For example, if you add the file extension “bmp” to the list, then all bitmap image files will be
displayed in the Preview window. The preconfigured list can be changed if necessary. Common file types such as MS Word
(.doc) or PDF files are not in the list by default since these files can lead to version conflicts depending on the which version
of the Internet Explorer and of the document application (e.g. MS Word, Acrobat Reader) you use.

Note: Linked documents not displayed in the Preview window can be opened in their original programs at any time by
double-clicking on the file name.

• Optimize font for complex characters: Placing a checkmark here automatically formats the font. This improves legibility
when using complex fonts (like those for the Chinese language, for example).

• Brightness: Select the layout of the FMEA form here. Depending on the operating system and quality of your monitor, some
layouts may result in improved contrast, making the text on the screen easier to read and diagrams more clear. The best
contrast will be reached using “Laptop”.

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• Customization Contrast: Select a value to customize the color contrast of the SCIO™ application used. You can select values
between 0 (strong contrast) and 100 (weak contrast). This parameter especially may be relevant when using a projector to
display SCIO™ data.

• Show labels of additional information in the cells in the form: When a checkmark is placed, a description of the additional
information in the cell is displayed, e.g. local evaluation, local comment etc..

• Use Large Icons: Placing a checkmark here causes any icons for additional information shown in the FMEA form to be
displayed using a larger icon image.

• Zoom: Select the magnification factor (zoom value) for the display of your the FMEA form here. The value 100 corresponds
to the default display in this case.

Tip: The Zoom factor can also be changed using the View/Zoom + and View/ Zoom – menu commands or the and

• Font Size: Select the font size for cell contents and column headers in the FMEA form here. (See also: Format/Character)

• Font size for additional contents: Select the font size for additional information cells in the FMEA form here. (See also:

• Show Action Categories With Formatting: When a checkmark is placed here, the particular action category selected for or
assigned to an action is highlighted. The type of highlight depends on the formatting for the action category.
Note: In addition to the formatting, the name of an action category can also be displayed together with the additional
information for an action cell. You will find more information in the section on Administration/Action Categories....

• Compact view: Placing a checkmark here causes that the headlines of actions bundles (e.g. responsible person (bundle),
target date (bundle), etc.) are hidden in the FMEA forms.

• Use RPN Colors: Placing a checkmark here causes the individual RPN values to be highlighted in color in the FMEA form.
The colors can be selected and the thresholds for a change in color based on the value of the RPN can be specified on the
"Analysis" tab.

• Highlight deviations of inherited severity: When a checkmark is placed here, deviating S evaluations in the FMEA form are
marked by red bars and a lightning bolt symbol. In addition, the deviating evaluations (effect [source failure]) are shown as
"local evaluations" using a red font. Otherwise the deviations are not highlighted (see also: Displaying evaluations and
deviations in consistency).

• Product Characteristics from Control Plan: Placing a checkmark here means that CP-information for reading in the
specifications of affected products is made available for the FMEA. To shorten the loading time for system elements with a
large number of steps/characteristics in the CP, you should deselect this option. The information cannot be displayed in
the FMEA in this case, though. Options: Settings tab

The following parameters can be set/selected:
• User profiles: This parameter can be used, if necessary, to reduce the number of menu commands and icons available.
Select the desired profile from the list offered:

o Not defined: No user-specific profiles are defined. As long as no standard value is stored in the "global"
Quengineer.ini on the server, then there are no restrictions.

o Reduced: Only a significantly smaller number of menu commands and icons are available to the user.

o Standard: A slightly reduced number of menu commands and icons are available to the user.

o Expert: All menu commands and icons are available to the user.

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o The parameter depends on the Windows user; i.e. the setting is stored in the user profile of the Windows user
logged in and is used regardless of the SCIO™ user name.

o In the configuration file SCIO_SERVER_CONFIG.INI, a company-specified standard value can be stored, if

necessary, that is used whenever no parameter is selected ("Not defined").

o Customization of the predefined user profiles is only possible by the PLATO AG. If this is desired, contact the
PLATO AG Service (Tel.: +49 (0)451/930 986-02,

• Standard configuration file for classification symbols: Select the sub directory of classification symbols (which will be used
to classify functions/failures or characteristics) here. If no directory is selected, SCIO™ will use the symbols from the
standard directory SYMBOLS/CHARACTERISTICS. See also: Identifying special characteristics.

• Class allocation: This parameter displays whether the system is set to function classification (no checkmark) or failure
classification (checkmark). The parameter cannot be changed here (see also: Function classification or failure

• Show class adjustment no longer: When a checkmark is placed here, the dialog used to assign the class is not shown anymore.
Class replication always makes sense when, for example, two specifications of a function are to be assigned different criticality
classes. Normally, the only way to specify the class for a function itself is by setting it in the "Class" column.

Note: Each time SCIO™ is restarted, this "suppress" option is automatically deactivated so that class replication is activated
by default.

• Class Inheritance (via Function Links): When a checkmark is placed here and a function is linked (link between an internal
and an external function), the class of the external function is automatically assigned to the internal function (see also:
Classification - Identifying special characteristics)

• Provide BOM assignment for new Sub-System Elements automatically: When a checkmark is placed here a newly created
sub-system element (Sub-SE) will automatically be assigned to the bill of material (BOM) of the higher level system element.

Vice versa the newly created sub-system element will not be assigned to the BOM of the higher level system element, if
the checkmark is not set. In this case you can update the BOM assignment in SCIO™-Matrix manually (see also: BOM/BOP).

• Only existing Failures can be entered: When a checkmark is placed here, the user cannot enter any new failure modes in
the SCIO™ database.

Important: Contact the PLATO AG to find out how to use this special function.

• Send message when failure evaluations are changed: Adjust the recording of evaluation changes in the message bar here.
A detailed description can be found in the chapter Message bar (FMEA).

• Default for empty actions: Enter the name/text here that is to be automatically entered in an action cell when SCIO™
expects input for this cell but nothing is entered. SCIO™ uses the “???” placeholder by default.

Note: The entry specified here is a complete cell entry and therefore can also be used in the printout (via the MS Excel®
transfer, for example).

• Default Action Type: Select the standard type of actions (P (prevention) or D (detection)) which will be used automatically
for each new action. If you select the parameter P (ask) or D (ask), SCIO™ will automatically open a dialog to make a
decision. The corresponding type will be preselected in this dialog.

• Default types for products (only relevant for SCIO™-Control-Plan and SCIO™-Process-Flow): Select the system element
type which should be used automatically for new product system elements generated in control plans (e.g. by creating a
new product characteristic).

• Default types for processes (only relevant for SCIO™-Control-Plan and SCIO™-Process-Flow): Select the system element
type which should be used automatically for new process system elements generated in control plans (e.g. by creating a
new process step).

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• Default types for machines (only relevant for SCIO™-Control-Plan and SCIO™-Process-Flow): Select the system element
type which should be used automatically for new machine system elements generated in control plans (e.g. by creating a
new machine).

• Start status for new SE: Here you specify the status (mandatory master data) to be assigned automatically to a new system
element when it is created.

• Name of SE-Family for a new SE: If a name for the system element family is specified here, SCIO™ will use this name as SE-
family name for each newly created (top-) system element automatically. However, if sub-system elements are created
during a system analysis directly related to a higher level system element, these sub-system elements will use the same
entry for the SE-family like the higher level system element (inheritance). The specified value is not used in this case.

If no name is specified here, SCIO™ will use the system element name of a newly created (top-)system element also as
name for the SE-family. In the case of a newly created sub-system element SCIO™ will inherit the SE-family from the higher
level system element again (inheritance, see above).

• ID of SE-Family for a new SE: If an ID is specified here, SCIO™ will use this ID as SE-family-ID for each newly created (top-)
system element automatically. However, if sub-system elements are created during a system analysis directly related to a
higher level system element, these sub-elements will use the same entry for the SE-family-ID like the higher level system
element (inheritance). The specified value is not used in this case.

If no ID is specified here, SCIO™ will use the ID “1” for newly created (top-)system elements as SE-family-ID. In the case of
a newly created sub-system element SCIO™ will inherit the SE-family-ID from the higher level system element again
(inheritance, see above).

• Action after Import: Here you select which action SCIO™ should execute after importing system elements into the database
via an XML import:

o None: No further action is taken after the import.

o Open in SCIO™: After the import, the system element (top system element for structures) is opened in the SCIO™
application currently in use.

o Show as Structure Tree: After the import, the imported system structure is opened and expanded in its own Structure
Tree view.

o Locate in Structure Tree: After the import, the system element (top system element for structures) is located and
marked in the Structure tree. Note: In large databases, localization may take some time (seconds).

• Current translation of changed term: When changes has been done in the FMEA form (only reference language) and this
entry is assigned with one or more translation:

o Maintain: The translation will not be changed.

o Remove: The translation will be deleted.

o Ask: SCIO™ will ask you what to do with the translation.

• Show reference language dialog: This parameter is only applicable if you have made changes to entries in the form in the
translation language and not in the reference language. The following values are available (see the next section!):

o Always: After changing an entry in a translation language, the system will always ask the user if the corresponding
reference entry should also be changed.

o Only when the default should not be used: If an entry is changed in a translation language, then the system will only
ask the user if the reference entry should be changed when the reference entry is not defined automatically by a
default value (see the next section).

• Default allocation to reference language for changes: When changes has been done in the FMEA form (only language
view), SCIO™ provides the following possibilities:

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o Choose corresponding term in reference language: Changes or new entries in the language view of the FMEA form
have to be matched with existing (or new) reference entries.

o Use entered translation: Changes or new entries in the language view of the FMEA form are automatically saved as
reference entry (and have to be edited as soon as possible).

o Edit: Changes or new entries in the language view of the FMEA form have to be matched with new reference entries

o Keep previous reference entry (in case if new entry use translation): Changes in the language view of the FMEA form
do no effect the reference entry. A new entry in the language view will be saved in the reference entry as well.

Note: If an entry for a foreign language is input or used for which there is no reference language entry yet, then this foreign
language entry is also used as the reference language entry (see above). In this case, this reference entry is assigned a prefix
corresponding to the language ID (e.g. <EN>). This prefix makes it easy later on to detect where text in the reference
language is missing using the SCIO™-Manager.

• Used standard for Form: Select the form the list the FMEA form to be used automatically when a system element is opened.

Note: If the default is changed while there are system elements open, then the new default is only used for these system
elements after the corresponding system elements are reopened. Options: Edit tab

The following parameters can be set/selected:

• Access Rights: The checkmark is set by default. Changing the master data for a system element under “Edit / Create Master
Data” may cause determined access rights for this system element not to work anymore. When confirming it with <Ok> a
message appears that these changes may cause plausibility problems. If the checkmark is not set this message will not be
shown. The message can be deactivated by setting a checkmark in the message box itself ("Do not show this message again").

• SE Type Change: The checkmark is set by default. If the system element type is changed under “Edit / Create Master Data”
and the change is confirmed with <Ok> a message will warn the user that this causes a loss of the optional master data. If
the checkmark is not set this message will not be shown. The message can be deactivated by setting the checkmark in the
message box itself ("Do not show this message again").

• Default team membership for people responsible for actions: By default, the authorizations are defined. Please get in
touch with PLATO for setting changes.

• Number of entries in Change List: Specify the maximum number of log entries to be saved in the change list during an
SCIO™ session here.

• Mark by pressing the Enter key: Select the location your cursor will jump to when you press the Enter key here. The
following values are available for selection:

o Maintain: After pressing the Enter key, the cursor stays in the cell currently being edited.

o Shift Upward: After pressing the Enter key, the cursor jumps from the cell currently being edited to the cell above.

o Move Left: After pressing the Enter key, the cursor jumps from the cell currently being edited to the cell to the left.

o Shift Downward: After pressing the Enter key, the cursor jumps from the cell currently being edited to the cell below.

o Move Right: After pressing the Enter key, the cursor jumps from the cell currently being edited to the cell to the right.

• Always select a sub tree when copying: When a checkmark is placed and an FMEA cell is copied to the clipboard, SCIO™
copies the sub tree as well to the clipboard.

• Permit changes to the cell height: Placing a checkmark here means that the cell height of entire lines or parts of lines in
the form can be changed manually by the user. The procedure for changing the cell height is the same as the standard
Windows procedure (change the cell height while holding down mouse button).

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• Use data from default specification file: A dialog to select the suggestion list for each FMEA column can be opened via the
button (see also: Specify suggestion lists).

• Import Directory: You can define the path for the directory where the suggestion lists are saved. The directory must be
named CATALOG and the sub directories Action, Cause, CtrlMeth, Device, Effect, Failure, Frequency, Function, Measure,
Method, Processelement, Reactionplan and Specification.

• Record and use data from previous sessions: Placing a checkmark here causes the suggestion list to be kept and not deleted
when the user logs off - making it available when the user logs in again later on.

• Waiting time at entering (in ms): When a letter/character is entered in a empty cell in the form, SCIO™ automatically
displays a suggestion list from the current SCIO™ session from which entries can be selected for input in the current cell, if
necessary (select entries with the mouse). Specify the time delay (in milliseconds) before the suggestion list is opened. The
delay also applies to any additional characters you enter that result in changes to the suggestion list.

• Waiting time at selection (in ms): The suggestion list (see above) is also opened when you select an empty input cell or
click a second time on (select) a cell already filled in. In both cases, SCIO™ switches to the Edit mode and awaits input. If
the suggestion list should be opened only after a certain delay, then specify the time delay (in milliseconds) here.

Note: The section on search functions when filling out a form describes how to use the suggestion lists. Options: Analysis tab

The following parameters can be set/selected:

• Standard Configuration File: The default configuration of the SCIO-Manager can be changed by the user (the proper rights
are required, see also the next item!). The configuration must be saved in a configuration file (file extension *.dat) before
exiting SCIO-Manager, otherwise the changes are lost. The default configuration is stored in the "SCIOManager.dat" file
and is used automatically until another configuration file is selected in this field and defined as the default. The list of
configuration files available can be accessed through the selection checkmark of the input cell marked. The file selected is
then always used when the SCIO-Manager is started.

• Configure Row View: When a checkmark is placed here, a Configuration column (green cell background) is added to the
search mask in the SCIO-Manager. All search addresses with a checkmark in this column are also available then for analyses,
even after the Configuration column has been hidden again. In this manner, the user can combine the search fields as
desired and store them in the new configuration.

• Default directory search window: If necessary, you can specify the directory here that will be suggested automatically when
saving SCIO Manager search masks you have created yourself. You can choose any storage location you want here, though.

• Total number of configuration files last used: Define here the maximum number of individually saved search masks of the
SCIO-Manager, which might be used as tree filters (filter „Data-related system elements“). According to the chosen number
the last opened search masks will be available in the selection list for the filter.

• Show only last saved action bundle (incl. all unsaved) for a cause: When a checkmark is placed here, only the last action
packages (optimization measures) with the status “closed” are taken into account in an analysis and displayed. Action
packages completed before this for the same cause are not taken into account anymore.

Note: In addition to action packages with the status “closed” also action packages with the status “rejected” are not taken
into account when a checkmark is set here. Thereby it is not relevant which status the singe actions have.

• e1ns.methods: When a checkmark is placed here, also e1ns data will be evaluated in the SCIO™ Manager (e. g. AP values).
The SCIO™ Manager can then be used to search specifically for e1ns.methods data.

• Excel Template: If you have your search results sent directly to MS Excel® via the copy function (see above), then you can
select the Excel template to be used here (file extension *.xlt). The user must create his or her own Excel templates before
you can select them here. The file is selected by selecting the entry cell and then clicking with the mouse on the selection

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Note: If a separate search mask that was also stored in a separate Excel template is used for the search, then this Excel
template is used instead of the template stated above (see also: Search Mask menu bar).

• Use colors for RPN in Manager and Schedule Control: When a checkmark is placed here, the background color is activated
in the results list of the SCIO-Manager and the Schedule Control. This means that when you display RPN data (RPN 1 and/or
RPN 2), it is displayed using the background color corresponding to your entry here. The user can specify which colors are
to be used at which threshold values (see the next six items in this context).

• Range 1 to: You can specify the threshold value for the lowest RPN values (Range 1) here. All RPN values from 1 to the
threshold value specified (inclusive) therefore belong to range 1.

• Range 2 to: You can specify the threshold value for the mid-range RPN values (Range 2) here. All RPN values greater than
the threshold value for Range 1 (see above) but smaller than or equal to the threshold value defined here belong to Range
RPN values exceeding this RPN threshold value automatically belong to Range 3 for the highest RPN values.

• Color RPN = 0: By clicking with the mouse on the color field, you can select the background color for all search results that
do not have an RPN value yet (empty field in the "RPN" column) or whose RPN specification is not complete yet (RPN=0).

• Color RPN up to Range 1: By clicking with the mouse on the color field, you can select the background color of the RPN
cells for all search results that fall into Range 1 (see above).

• Color RPN up to Range 2: By clicking with the mouse on the color field, you can select the background color of the RPN
cells for all search results that fall into Range 2 (see above).

• Color RPN above Range 2: By clicking with the mouse on the color field, you can select the background color of the RPN
cells for all search results that fall into Range 3 (see above).

Important: The threshold values for the RPN ranges and the corresponding color settings also directly affect the colors
used for the RPN values in the FMEA form.

• Basis of calculation for text display: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Basis of color assignment: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Range 1 to: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Range 2 to: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Color, if value = 0: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Color, if value in range 1: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Color, if value in range 2: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Color, if value above range 2: See chapter Additional evaluation information.

• Hide description of the Y axis values: Placing a checkmark here hides the short description of the O values from the
evaluation catalog used for this axis. Only the numbers 1 to 10 are used to label the axis.

• Show risk matrix with insecure values in Excel: Placing a checkmark here causes matrices with insecure O2 values to be
transferred as well when transferring risk matrices to Excel.

• Rule of calculation for the y-axis of the risk matrix (0=O; 1=F): Here you select the calculation rule for the values of the Y
axis of a risk matrix:

o 0 (=O): The Y axis uses the O value directly as the y variable and labels the axis accordingly.

o 1 (=F): The corresponding result of the calculation (O*D)1/2 is determined and used as the Y value for the risk
matrix instead of just using the O values.

Important note: This parameter can be activated and used after a customer specific adjustment of SCIO™ only. Please
do not enter any data when using the SCIO™ standard. For further information please contact PLATO AG.

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The following parameters can be set/selected:

• Configure Excel transfer: You open the dialog for configuring Excel transfer folders via the button. (see also: Create
Document Portfolio)

• Refresh data base elements in the preview automatically: (see: Transfer Settings)

• Current Standard-Template path: You can specify the directory for the Excel transfer folder here. To specify the directory,
click in the white input cell and select the corresponding path using the arrow.

• Create log file: When a checkmark is placed here, log data is written to a log file (name: transferlogfile.log) by the system
each time an Excel transfer is executed. Since this log file is only needed when servicing the system (eliminating transfer
problems), this option should generally be disabled to reduce the amount of data handled. The contents of the log file can
be viewed using the Help/System Information... command and then clicking on the <Transfer Log> button.

• Complete Name: When a checkmark is placed here, the full name (first and last name if stored in the user data) of a team
member is entered in the master data header during the Excel transfer. Otherwise just the user name is transmitted.

• Phone number: When a checkmark is placed here, the telephone number (if stored in the user data) of a team member is
entered in the master data header during the Excel transfer.

• E-mail Address: When a checkmark is placed here, the e-mail address (if stored in the user data) of a team member is
entered in the master data header during the Excel transfer.

• Department: When a checkmark is placed here, the department (if stored in the user data) of a team member is entered
in the master data header during the Excel transfer.

• Show Net ID: When a checkmark is placed here, the master ID (if stored in the user data) of a team member is entered in
the master data header during the Excel transfer.

• Diagram/Lines: You can define the color of the lines in the RPN- and Pareto Analysis.

• Picture size (%): The display of symbols for special characteristics or process steps in Microsoft® Excel® may not be optimal
under some circumstances. You can change the size of the symbols using this parameter, if necessary.

• Page Layout for FMEA forms at direct print: You can select the paper orientation here (“Portrait” or “Landscape”), which
SCIO™ will use with the fast print command. When you select “default parameter” SCIO™ will use the standard
configuration from the printer driver.

• Excel template: If desired, you can select a template (*.xlt) you have created yourself to transfer deadlines from the
Deadline monitor to Excel. If this field is left empty, then the data is transferred to the default workbook of MS Excel®. Options: System Administration tab

Important: This tab is only visible to users with the basic right “Administrator”.

The following parameters can be set/selected:

• Show locked options: Placing a checkmark here displays all options available in the Options dialog to be displayed to the
user even if they cannot be changed by the user (see also: Options...). Blocked options are indicated using a red storage
location symbol.

• System customization: Clicking once with the mouse on the ...>> button automatically creates a list in MS Excel® of the
optional parameter settings in your system. This Excel file can supply the Plato Hotline with valuable information in case
support is needed.

• Allow Windows Login: Placing a checkmark here always permits the use of a simplified Windows Login to log in to the
SCIO™ database. In this case, you can decide on an individual basis for each user if an Windows Login is to be permitted or
not in the employee administration.

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• Automatic logout after minutes: The amount of time specified in minutes here determines how long the system waits after
a user stops working in SCIO™ until the user is logged off. If you select the value -1, then users are not logged off

• Time span for opening of Forms (in sec): Here you specify the maximum time in which SCIO™ will attempt to read in all the
data of a system element (FMEA form) to be opened. If this time is exceeded, then SCIO™ will only read in the system
element functions still missing, and the rest of the data is hidden from view.

• Maximum Usable Color Depth: Select the desired screen settings here.

• Show start screen (recommended for terminal servers: deactivate): When a checkmark is placed here, a Start screen is
displayed for the desired application when starting the SCIO™ system.

• Refresh SE-Project-link immediately: Placing a checkmark here immediately updates the relationship to the “affected
project” when linking sub-system elements. Otherwise the links are only updated when the database maintenance program
is run (possible using the “Admin-Tool“ // <Admin> // <Maintenance>)). If this maintenance is performed regularly (every
night, for example), then deactivating this function could lead to improved performance.

A system element link to the “main project” is not affected by this option. This is done in the master data dialog (“Project”
field) and is always performed immediately.

• Short description: To display the database currently in use to the users and, if necessary, describe the data it contains, you
can enter a brief description (e.g. "training database") here. The information is displayed after login in the SCIO™ status bar
at the bottom edge of the window to the left of the program version. In addition to the brief description, the database
profile selected is always displayed as well.

• Font size: Select the font size for the display of the brief description here (see above).

• Text color: Select the font color for the display of the brief description here (see above).

• Background color 1: Select the background color of the cell (upper part) for displaying the brief description here (see

• Background color2: Select the background color of the cell (lower part) for displaying the brief description here (see above).

• Show internal system messages: See the “General Information”.

• Show ROM-Error-Messages: See the “General Information”.

General Information: The parameters here that can be modified should only be changed by trained personnel. We recommend that
you contact the PLATO Technical Support before making any changes (+49 (0)451/930 986-02;

6.8 Window

6.8.1 New window

Call: Window/New window

This menu command opens a window for the active document.

6.8.2 Cascade
Call: Window/Cascade

This menu command shows all opened documents in a cascade view.

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6.8.3 Tile horizontally

Call: Window/Tile horizontally

This menu command shows the opened documents next to each other.

6.8.4 Tile vertically

Call: Window/Tile vertically

This menu command shows the opened documents among each other.

6.8.5 Arrange Icons

Call: Window/Arrange Icons

This menu command arranges the icons in the icon bar.

6.9 Help (all items)

Call: Help/...

Note: Command possible in main menu, Function Tree, Structure Tree, Variant Tree, master data dialogue, organization dialogue or
options dialogue (switch <Help>).

The Help menu contains a selection of the following submenu calls depending on where it was called from (see above):

• Help Overview (Icon: ): You start the Help system with this command. The start screen of the Help system is then
opened. You can open the individual help subjects using the structured section or using the keywords in the index.

• List of current Users...: The Help/List of current Users... menu item starts a dialog in which you can see which users are
currently logged in to the SCIO™ database, when they logged in and which SCIO™ application they logged in to. In addition,
the maximum number of users that are allowed to work in the system at the same time according to the license is displayed.
An administrator can remove the user logged in from SCIO™ applications using the <Log Off> button. After about 10
seconds, a message appears on the terminal of the corresponding user that his system will be shut down. No data is lost
when this operation is performed. This can also be done to "remove" users who did not properly log off the system. Pressing
the <Update> button updates the display.

• System Information: System settings are displayed in the system information. This data may be needed when service is
required. Settings in this dialog and in other pages of the dialog should only be changed by trained personnel and after
consultation with PLATO. You can copy all system information to the clipboard of your computer so that you can simply
pass this information on to the service personnel when service is required using the <Copy Details> button.

The <Local Settings> and <Global Settings> buttons open the corresponding SCIO™ configuration files. Only make changes
in these files after consulting with the PLATO Support team!

• About SCIO™… : The exact version number of the installation and the exact identification of the patch currently applied
(revision number and revision date). This data may be needed when service is required.

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7 SCIO™-Matrix – Introduction

7.1 Working in a Matrix

System elements are displayed and edited in an assignment table. This view is called the “Matrix” in the program. The following
diagram shows you a “typical” view of a matrix:

Example: Matrix form (Note: The display of priorities is deactivated)

There are numerous tools available in a matrix to create and edit a system element. The following information, among other
information, is found in a matrix:

7.1.1 System element

The name of the system element (Matrix element) currently displayed is located in the matrix header in the upper left (in the example “SE”).

7.1.2 Image for system element / the sub-system element

Images linked to the system element (and/or the sub-system elements) are displayed to the second column of a matrix. If several
image documents were linked to a system element, then it is possible in the document link dialog to specify which image should be
shown in the matrix by placing a checkmark next to "Show Document as Bitmap".

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• The column is only visible if a checkmark was placed next to "System Element Pictures" on the "View" tab in the
Tools/Options... menu.
• If a checkmark was also placed next to "Expanded Information" on the "View" tab in the Tools/Options... menu, then a
[D] below the sub-system element name indicates there is a link to an image document for this element (see the example

7.1.3 BOM / BOP

Placing a checkmark in the BOM / BOP (“Bill of Material“ or “Bill of Process“ resp.) decides whether a linked sub-system element is
integrated in the bill of material / bill of process of the currently opened matrix element or not.

If a checkmark is set, the sub-system element is assigned to the corresponding BOM/BOP. In example this assignment can be taken
into account for the display of the structure tree..

Note: The BOM column is only visible when a checkmark was placed next to "BOM column" on the "View" tab in the Tools/Options...

See also:

• Working will the Bill of Material (BOM/BOP)

7.1.4 Internal functions

Functions, requirements or process steps for the system element currently displayed are shown in the upper row as internal functions
("Int. A", "Int. B", "Int. C" and "Int. D" in the example). These entries are also shown in the Function tree regardless of any links in
the matrix.

Note: The text of the function name is generally oriented perpendicular to the normal text direction. However, if an input field of a
function column is selected in the matrix, then the name of the corresponding internal function is displayed in the normal text
direction (“Int. D“ in the example).

7.1.5 Sub-system elements

Sub-system elements to be linked to internal functions are entered in the first column ("Sub SE 1", "Sub SE 2" and "Sub SE 3" in the
The link is displayed with the sub-system element in the Function tree as well as soon as the link is established. However, if no link
was made between the sub-system element and an internal function, then the sub-system element is only visible in the Structure
tree (a special version of the Function tree).

If there are additional system elements in an even lower level below a sub-system element, then the sub-system element is marked
with a [+].

Sub-system elements with document links are marked by a [D] (see the example above).

It is also possible to add system elements present in the SCIO™ database in a matrix as sub-system elements. To do this, the
corresponding element is called into the first column of the matrix using a wildcard ("*" or "*text*") or is dragged from the Tree view
to the current matrix and dropped there.

In both cases, the system asks you if the existing system element is to be added to the matrix as a copy or as a link.

• Copy means that the selected system element is copied before it is added to the matrix (enter a unique new name for the
copy!). The system element originally selected remains unchanged after it is added to the matrix, and the copy is assigned
new links.

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• Link means that the original, selected system element is added to the matrix. All links made therefore have a direct
influence on the selected element.

7.1.6 Correlation Field / Links

The cells in which assignments can be created form the correlation field. Links (correlations) between a sub-system element and the
internal function of the system element currently being examined can be created by entering an "X" or a link number (priority
number) between 1 and 10.
Note: Priorities are only visible if a checkmark was placed next to "Show Priorities" on the "View" tab in the Tools/Options... menu.

Alternative Procedure:

Click with the right mouse button in the corresponding correlation cell to create a link. Using the context menu of the right mouse
button, you open the Change Link dialog to select the desired link.

A link is removed by selecting "-" in the corresponding correlation field in the Change Link dialog opened with the right mouse button
context menu. Alternately, you can also remove the "X" or the priority number from the correlation cell using the keyboard.

7.1.7 Status of a system link

The status of a system link (“conversion state”) can be determined in a matrix based on the background color of the correlation field.
SCIO™ defines for different status values for the implementation:

• Undefined: grey background

• Completed: green background

• In Progress: yellow background

• Critical: red background

Each system link can be assigned a separate implementation status. To assign the status, select the corresponding correlation field
and then click on the icon or execute the Change conversion... command found in the right mouse button menu.

Note: Implementation status values also affect the background color when assigning priorities to functions (when prioritization is

7.1.8 External Function

Internal functions of system elements can be assigned external functions of a system element that is higher in the system hierarchy
than the system element currently displayed. One requirement to make this assignment is that the higher-level system element was
linked earlier to the system element currently displayed according to the procedure described above.
External functions correspond to the internal functions of the higher-level system element (in the example, the internal functions
"Int. A", "Int. B", "Int. C" and "Int. D" of the system element "SE" are linked to the external functions "Ext A", "Ext. B" and "Ext. C"
of the higher-level system element "Top SE").
Note: External functions are only visible when a checkmark is placed next to "External Functions" on the "View" tab in the

Tools/Options... menu (or icon ).

7.1.9 Higher level system elements

The system elements of the next highest system level are displayed above a matrix. All super-system elements linked to the currently
open matrix element by a structure link are listed.

Clicking with the mouse on such a "higher-level system element" opens this system element in its matrix view.

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Navigation in a matrix system

A matrix for a system element generally contains data from other system elements of the system structure in addition to the data of
the current system element. For example, the "external" functions originating in higher-level system elements and the associated
sub-system elements represent the next lower system level. This fact can be used to navigate in the system:

• Calling a higher system level: Double-click on an external function to navigate to the matrix of the higher-level system
element. Alternatively, you can also click on a corresponding “higher level system element“.

• Calling a lower system level: Double-click on auf the corresponding sub-system element to open it as a matrix.

Alternatively, it is also possible to select the sub-system element and call its matrix using the matrix icon ( ) in the
Application bar.

7.2 Working with Matrix-Variants

Creating variants of existing matrix systems

A single matrix displays a large amount of system information. For example, the following information is displayed for a system
element under examination:

• System element name

• Internal functions of the system element

• Function links to system elements in higher levels (internal and external functions are displayed at the same time)

• Existing sub-system elements

• Links to sub-system elements lower in the hierarchy (system links)

You can depict and construct complex system structures by linking elements and functions in different levels of the matrix. The result
is a matrix system. Each matrix system generally describes a concrete product or process system in your company. For example,
complex end products can be organized into sub-systems, modules and/or components. In actual use, it is often the case that
different end products have different names and/or need to meet different requirements. However, when comparing two such end
products A and B, it can be seen that many of the sub-system elements used (sub-systems, modules, etc.) are used in both systems
and need to fulfill identical requirements. The following can be stated in this case:

The (end) product B is only a variant of the (end) product A. In this case, the matrix system describing product B represents a
variation of the matrix system for product A.

For example, if the matrix system A has already been created in the SCIO™ database, then the following text will show you how to
create matrix system B as a variant of A:

• Open the top system element of matrix system A in its matrix form.

• Select the system element name and then select the Create variant of this system command from the right mouse button

SCIO™ now creates a copy of the top system element and assigns it the name "Variant of A", where A is the name of the
original top system element. All links valid for matrix system A are now valid for matrix system B as well.

• Matrix system "A" and matrix system "B" (= variant of A) now have exactly the same sub-system elements. If some sub-
system elements in system B are to be replaced now by variants themselves, then this can be done as follows:

• Select the sub-system element to be replaced by a variant in the matrix system and then select the "Replace this sub-system
by copying a variant" command from the right mouse button menu.

A dialog window opens in which you must enter a new name for the variant.

• The variant is created and replaces the original system element in the matrix with <OK>. Any links of the original system
element to other elements and functions are also copied to the variant.

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7.3 Working with priorities


In order to use priorities in a matrix analysis, SCIO™-Matrix must first be set up to use the corresponding fields. To do this, select the
Tools/Options... menu command and place a checkmark next to "Show Priorities" on the "View" tab. Your matrix will now be
displayed with the fields needed to set priorities. A priority number between 1 and 10 is then displayed in the correlation fields
instead of an "X" link.

Prioritization provides SCIO™-Matrix users with the ability to weight functions and their links to sub-system elements to make
deciding on the order and degree of detail necessary in risk analyses easier later on. If the priority views were activated in SCIO™-
Matrix (see above), then the following views and fields are now available as well:

• Priority Numbers (in the correlation field) : In this case, the priority numbers are displayed or can be entered and edited in
the correlation fields instead of the "X" link symbol. You can enter whole numbers between 1 and 10 to characterize the
extent or strength of a link between an internal function and the associated sub-system element.
When doing this, the following applies:

o "empty field": There is no relationship between the sub-system element and the internal function.

o "1": There is a very weak relationship between the sub-system element and the internal function.

o "10": There is a very strong relationship between the sub-system element and the internal function.

The values between these two extremes represent the corresponding strength of the relationship or of their mutual
Notes: If links have already been created between internal functions and sub-system elements and priorities were not used
(meaning "X" links were used), then SCIO™-Matrix assigns the number "1" as the priority number by default.
The default value can be changed to a different value if necessary. To do this, select the Tools/Options menu command
and enter the desired default value between 1 and 10 in the "Default Prioritization" field on the "Settings" tab.

The priority numbers and function priorities (see below) assigned remain unchanged even when the prioritization view is
temporarily deactivated (Tools/Options..., "View" tab, no checkmark next to "Show Priorities").

• Function prioritization: In this case, the user can specify the priority of a function for the current system element. As in the
correlation field (see above), you can enter a whole number between 1 and 10, where "1" always represents the lowest

• Function weighting: This line is calculated automatically by SCIO™-Matrix. The weight of a function is calculated as follows:

Function weight = sum of the products of the function priority and priority number in the correlation fields affected by
the function
Example A:
A function with priority "10" that has a weak link (=1) to one sub-system element and an medium link (=5) to a second sub-
system element has a function weight of 10 * 1 + 10 * 5 = 60
Example B:
A function with priority "3" that has a medium link (=5) to both sub-system elements has a function weight of 3 * 5 + 3 * 5
= 30

• Status of a matrix link in the Function Weight line: If implementation statuses were stored in the matrix in the correlation
fields (see also: Working in a Matrix), then these status values also affect the background color of the cells containing the
function weights. The following rules apply in this case to the background color shown:

o The background color shown always corresponds to the “worst” status value – for example, this means that the
background color automatically switches to “red” (= critical) as soon as at least one critical system link is entered in
the corresponding function column. In the same manner, the background color of the function weight cell is set to
yellow when there are two yellow links and one green link.

o The order of the status colors is as follows (from “bad” to “good”): red – yellow – green – grey (undefined).

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o A “green” status indication (= Completed) is only shown when all links of the function have been set to “green”.

• SE weight: This line is calculated automatically by SCIO™-Matrix. The weight of a sub-system element (SE) in the matrix
examined is calculated as follows:
SE weight = sum of the products of the function priority and priority number in the correlation fields affected by the sub-
system element
Example A:

A sub-system element that has a medium link (= 5) to a function with the highest priority (= 10) and strong link (= 10) to a
function with a lower priority (= 3) has an SE weight of 10 * 5 + 3 * 10 = 80.

Example B:

In contrast, a sub-system element that has a strong link (= 10) to a function with the lowest priority (= 1) and weak link (=
3) to a function with a higher priority (= 7) has an SE weight of 1 * 10 + 7 * 3 = 31.

The cells for the SE weights are highlighted in color (blue) to make it easier to compare the “weights” of the linked sub-
system elements. The cell with the highest SE weight is always completely filled in, while the other SE weight cells are only
partially filled in according to their value.

If priorities were entered in the matrix, then they can be used as a basis for sorting. You can sort by SE weight alone or, at
the same time, together with the function weight or function priority. You can sort in ascending or descending order when
sorting by these parameters. You start the sort using the Edit/Sort... menu command. Select the sorting mode by selecting
the corresponding parameters and confirming the selection with <OK>.

You can also switch the sorting order by double clicking with the mouse in the “Function Weighting” or “Function
Prioritization” column header or in the "SE Weighting" column header.

The following mouse pointers with the following meanings may appear:

or No sorting performed, the order is the same as the order in the Structure or Function Tree

The value of the function weight or function priority falls as you go from left to right

The value of the function weight or function priority rises as you go from left to right

The SE weight increases as you go from top to bottom

The SE weight decreases as you go from top to bottom

The symbols appear when the mouse pointer is placed in the corresponding column name or row name.

Important Note: Sorting by function weights or function priorities can only be selected (and only makes sense) when external
functions are not displayed in the matrix! For this reason, the Edit/Sort... dialog window offers you the option of hiding external
functions if necessary (no checkmark next to Show External Functions).

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7.4 Working will the Bill of Material (BOM/BOP)

With SCIO™-Matrix it is possible to create system structures in a simple way. For this structure link between system elements of a
higher and a lower level are created.

These structure links are very important for the creation of a System-FMEA, because they are the basis for the function and failure
links inside the analyzed system.

Normally the sub-system elements in a system structure serve as supporting elements in the function network or failure network
respectively. If the external function of a higher level system element should be linked to the function of sub-system element SCIO™
needs a structure link between these two system elements first.

In practice, however it happens that system elements influence functions of other system elements and therefore being an element
of the function and failure network without being a member of their bill of material (BOM) or bill of process (BOP).

To decide whether a sub-system element linked by a structure link actually is a member of the BOM/BOP of the higher level system
element or not, SCIO™-Matrix can configure this membership:


• Activate the BOM/BOP column in the matrix view by calling Tools/Options… and setting a check at “BOM-column” on the
“View” tab.
• Set a checkmark in the BOM column for all sub-system elements in a matrix which are members of the BOM/BOP of the
corresponding matrix element.
Note: If new sub-system elements are created in SCIO™-Matrix or the structure tree you can configure the system in that
way that all new sub-system elements will be automatically members of the BOM7BOP of the higher level system element.
Therefore, it is necessary to add the following parameter to the SCIO_Server_Config.ini file:


If this parameter is not added to the configuration file or its value is set to “0”, all new sub-system elements have to be set
manually as BOM/BOP members if needed.
The standard path for the configuration file is:
Drive:\ProgramData\PLATO AG\SCIO\Instance name\Server\Conf\ SCIO_Server_Config.ini

Display of the system structure according to BOM/BOP:

In the default view of the structure tree (“Structure Tree (complete)“, all system elements and their sub-system elements are
displayed according to their structure links. If needed all sub-system elements being a member of the BOM/BOP of the higher level
system element can be marked with a special symbol:

Sub-system element with additional BOM membership

Sub-system element with additional BOP membership

If the view of the structure tree is changed to “Structure Tree (by BOM/BOP)” all system elements, all system elements are hidden
which do not belong to the BOM/BOP of the higher level system element – even if they are linked to that element by a structure link

The marking of BOM elements can be configured via Tools/Options… // “Function Tree” tab: Parameter: “Mark system elements
from BOM”.

Use of the BOM/BOP membership for the Excel-transfer:

If system structure is transferred to MS Excel® (e.g. for printing), the BOM/BOP membership can be used as a transfer filter.

Therefore it is necessary to configure the parameter “by Bill of Material“ on the ”Data configuration“ tab in the options dialog of
the Excel-transfer:

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• Select as “Basis for selection of the System Elements to transfer” the parameter named “Structure Tree” first.
• Decide afterwards, if all sub-system elements shall be transferred regardless of their BOM/BOP membership (no checkmark
set for “by Bill of Material”), or if only those sub-system elements shall be transferred, which are members of the BOM/BOP
of the base-element (checkmark is set).

7.5 Working with specifications

7.6 Classification - Identifying special characteristics

7.7 Creating and editing projects

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8 SCIO™-Matrix – Menu items

8.1 System element

8.1.1 New
• Mandatory data filled in automatically

• Master data

• Master data group: Mandatory Data

• Master data group: Additional Information

• Master data group: FMEA-specific Data

• Master data group: CP-specific Data

• Master data group: Review

• Master data group: Optional Data

• Submenu Master data/Copy Master data...

• Submenu Master data/Overview product links

• Submenu Administration/Project Administration...

• Submenu Administration/Master data Elements...

• Submenu Administration/Evaluation catalogs…

• Submenu: Administration/Organization…

• Submenu Administration/History…

• Submenu Access Rights

• Submenu Tools/Unlock edit info

• Submenu Help

8.1.2 Open...
• Open Dialog

• Search…

• Manager...

• Show Element as Structure Tree/Function Tree

• Open Specification Editor...

• Open Scout view...

• SCIO™ - Modules

• HTML View and Audit-Trail

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8.1.3 Close

8.1.4 Open Specification Editor...

Call: System Element/Open Specification Editor…

Note: The Specification Editor can be called in the tree views and from the menus of various programs in the SCIO™ family. However,
a license for SCIO™ Matrix must be available in order to start the editor!

This command opens an editable overview of the characteristics of the current system element (which was selected in a tree view or
in an open form).

All fields in the editor can be edited directly either by entering the corresponding terms or values directly in the cells or by selecting
predefined parameters ("Function Class", "Classification", and "Modality" columns) by clicking with the mouse in the corresponding

Suggestion lists whose contents depend on the entry selected are available for the "Relation" and "Units" columns. In addition,
pressing the SPACE key opens a list of all values entered up to now in these columns for selection.

Like when entering data in the FMEA, CP, or PFC form, you can add or extend functions or characteristics and their specifications

depending on the cursor position using CTRL + ENTER ( ).

The multiple entry mode is also available for creating new functions and specifications.

Delete operations are performed in the same manner as in the FMEA, CP, or PFC form.

All data entered and changed in the editor are saved directly to the database when you exit a cell.

The following aids can be used to help you enter characteristics and their specifications:

• Suggestion list (while entering data)

• General database query (only in the "Function", "Specification"; and "Units" columns)

• Knowledge base (only in the "Function" and "Specification" columns)

• Multiple entry mode (only in the "Function" and "Specification" columns)

Tip: The Specification Editor can also be used to copy characteristics together with all specifications and then paste them to the same
or other system elements.

See also:

• Edit Specifications...

8.1.5 Open Scout View...

8.1.6 Open Structure Tree / Function Tree / Variant Tree

8.1.7 Excel Transfer...

• General procedure when transferring data to MS Excel®

• Excel transfer of a system structure

• System Element submenu

• Transfer Profile submenu

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• Edit submenu

• View submenu

• Options for the data transfer: Data Configuration

• Options for the data transfer: Transfer Settings

8.1.8 Fast print... Print... Print Preview Printer Setup...

8.1.9 Templates...

8.1.10 Import... Import XML SCIO Import Version fm2 Import List of Translation

8.1.11 Export...

8.1.12 Delete Jobs...

8.1.13 Access Rights…

8.1.14 Exit

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8.2 Edit

8.2.1 Undo Last Action

8.2.2 Redo

8.2.3 Edit Master Data...

8.2.4 Edit entry

Call: Edit/Edit entry

The text of an entry marked in the form can be edited in a window. You can edit:

• Name of the system element

• Name of the sub-system element

• Text of the internal function

8.2.5 Edit Context...

Contexts can be defined to the following data types:

• System elements

• Functions

• Specifications Context of System elements

Call: Edit/Edit context...

Pre-Condition: a (Sub-) system element is selected

The context menu consists of various tab windows:

• History tab

• Comments: tab.

• Documents: tab

• Synonyms tab

See also:

• Edit Context...

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Call: Edit/Edit context...

Pre-Condition: an Internal function is selected

You can use the context to store additional information in the data of a system element. These information may also be used in other
SCIO™ documents like FMEA, PFC etc.

To display or edit a context of a function in SCIO™-Matrix, the function has to be selected and the context dialog has to be opened
by this command.

See also:

• Edit Context... Context of Specifications

Open the dialog to Edit specifications, select any specification and click on <Context>.

See also:

• Edit Context...

8.2.6 Apply Functions from Knowledge Base...

Call: Edit/Apply Functions from Knowledge Base

With this command, you call a special configuration of the SCIO-Manager. The goal of this special functionality is to track down
specific functions already existing in the SCIO™ database and copy them to the currently open system element using the functions
available in the SCIO-Manager.


1. Set up the search mask of the SCIO-Manager so that the search terms specified meet your requirements for searching for
functions. You do not need to output the functions in the results explicitly because they will be listed automatically.

2. Start the search with <Search> (or "Start Search").

3. Marks the rows in the list of results containing the functions you want to copy to the current system element and then click on
<Copy> (or "Copy Results").

All marked functions are now added to the current matrix as internal functions, and the SCIO-Manager dialog box closes
automatically. If you have selected functions that are already in the system element, then SCIO™ informs you of this and does not
add the functions a second time.

The dialog can also be terminated before copying using <Close>. In this case, no functions are copied to the system element. You
copy all selected functions to the current matrix form with <Apply>.

8.2.7 New internal Function

Call: Edit/New internal Function

You add a new internal function to a matrix with this menu command.

It is possible to add a new internal function to the current system element and link it immediately to the corresponding external
function. In this case, an external function must be marked first, and then you can execute the command. This is possible, though,
when the external functions are currently being displayed.

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After entering the function and confirming with <OK>, the new internal function is shown below the external function and is already
linked to this function.

8.2.8 Sort...
Call: Edit/Sort...

Requirement: Priorities are displayed in the matrix

This menu command opens the dialog window to select the sorting mode for the functions or system elements when prioritization
is enabled.

The following sorting modes are available:

1. By system element weight (ascending or descending order)

2. By function priority (ascending or descending order)

3. By function weight (ascending or descending order)

Sorting modes (2) and (3) can only be selected when external functions are not displayed! Sorting mode (1) can also be combined
with one of the other two sorting modes.

The results of sorting functions or sub-system elements are temporary, i.e. the order is reset when you exit the system element or
update using F5. To prevent this, you can save your sorting mode setting by placing a checkmark next to the corresponding mode.


• When the "By system element weight" sorting mode is saved, the order of the linked sub-system elements in the Structure tree
is changed accordingly.

• When the "By function weight" or "By function priority" sorting mode is saved, the order of the functions in the FMEA form is
changed accordingly.

The sorting can also be done directly in the matrix table by double-clicking on the symbol....

Sorting by SE weight - Place mouse pointer on the cell „SE-Weight“ and the following symbols are displayed:

Unsorted, the order is the same than in the Structure tree

Highest weight down, upwards

Highest weight up, downwards

Sorting by Function priority - Place mouse pointer on the cell „Function priority“ and the following symbols are displayed:

Unsorted, the order is the same than in the Function tree

Highest weight down, upwards

Highest weight up, downwards

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8.3 View

8.3.1 Update

8.3.2 Change List

8.3.3 Configure Contents Columns… (Specification editor only) Master Data Display…

8.3.4 Supplementary Views...

Like in the forms (FMEA, CP, PFC, Net Editor), it is also possible to open and edit matrix-views in a translation language in addition to
the reference language. Select the View/Supplemental Views… command for this purpose

To open a matrix in a translation language, you must then select the "Matrix" option in the left "Form" frame and the desired
translation language in the right "Language" frame. Confirm with <Open>. The corresponding Language view is opened and can be
edited. Existing translations (of functions, system element names) are displayed. If there are missing translations, then these entries
are displayed in the corresponding reference language.

The data used in the Specification Editor can also be read in and edited in a language other than the reference language if necessary.
To do this, select the "Specification Editor" option in the "Form" frame and the desired translation language in the right "Language"

Note on the Specification Editor: If a given reference entry does not have a corresponding translation yet in the selected language,
then the entry is highlighted using a yellow background color.

See also:

• Language Views

8.3.5 HTML-Documents... (Specification editor only)

8.3.6 Expanding and collapsing functions (Specification editor only)

8.3.7 Zoom Functions (Overview) (Specification editor only)

8.3.8 Change List

8.3.9 Application Bar

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8.4 Format
Every cell in the Matrix form can be formatted. The format used depends on the type of entry in the cell.
For example, the hierarchy of the system element (system element, sub-system element, parent system element) and the differences
between internal and external functions are taken into account when deciding on the type of entry in the cell.

The "Default" entry in the Text Color field ensures that no special format settings need to be made for this type of cell.

Each of the following parameters can be formatted:

• Font tab: Font, size, style, and color

• Pattern tab: Color of the cell backgrounds and 3D effects

• Border tab: Type, thickness, and color of the border

• Align tab: Horizontal and vertical alignment of the font, automatic size adjustment, line return

8.4.1 Cell format of system elements

Call: Format/ Cell format of system elements...

.../ Default format for all cells

Only the formats of the cells of the correlation field are changed here.

.../ Default format of the system elements

The formats of the cells of the correlation field as well as of the table headers are changed here

.../Status “x”

Format for system elements assigned with one of this statuses.

With a mouse click on the arrow of the cell, the dialog to change the format will be opened.

8.4.2 Cell format of sub-system elements

Call: Format/ Cell format of sub-system elements...

.../ Default format for all cells

Only the formats of the cells of the correlation field are changed here.

.../ Default format of the sub-system elements

The formats of the cells of the correlation field as well as of the table headers are changed here

.../Status “x”

Format for sub-system elements assigned with one of this statuses.

With a mouse click on the arrow of the cell, the dialog to change the format will be opened.

8.4.3 Defaults for cell formats

Call: Format/Defaults for cell formats/...

.../ Default format for all cells

It is possible to define additional default formats. With a mouse click on the arrow of the cell, the dialog to change the format will be

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8.4.4 Internal function alignment

Call: Format/Internal function alignment

You can align the entries in the cells of an internal function. The alignment can be set to values of 0 degrees (horizontal) and 90
degrees (vertical).

Important: The external functions must be hidden via View/External Functions to align the entries. If the external functions are
displayed, the internal functions are automatically set to a vertical alignment. Only the selected function will be displayed

8.5 Analysis

8.5.1 SCIO™ Manager

• General Procedure

• Search Mask menu bar

• Search Results menu bar

• Sorting search results

• The "Report" tab

• Special menu items in the SCIO-Manager

• Special Menu Item: Create List of Translations

8.6 Administration

8.6.1 Projects…

8.6.2 Master Data Elements...

• System Element Status: Releasing and write-protecting documents

8.6.3 Optional Data...

8.6.4 Columns in Form...

8.6.5 Organization...
• Organization: Menu Edit

• Organization: Menu View

• Organization: Menu Departments

• Organization: Menu User

• Organization: Menu Rights Classes

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• Organization: Menu Tools/Options

8.6.6 Change Password...

8.7 Tools

8.7.1 Open Function Tree by double click

Call: Tools/Open Function Tree by double click

Defines the executed command by mouse double click on an internal function or the system element name:

• open system element in SCIO™-FMEA (icon deactivated)

• open system element in the structure/function tree (icon activated)

8.7.2 XERI Document Management

8.7.3 External product connections

8.7.4 Copy as URL

8.7.5 Change Database...

8.7.6 Refresh Read Cache

8.7.7 Change user interface language…

8.7.8 Customize…

8.7.9 Options… Options: Function Tree tab and Variant Tree tab

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The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Matrix:

• External Functions: Placing a checkmark here will also display the links to functions in higher-level system elements in a
matrix. The functions in the higher-level system element are also referred to as external functions.

Tip: External functions can also be shown or hidden using the button.

• External functions only from superior matrix: If a system element is entered as a sub-system element in several matrices
and linked using function links, then you can select here if only the external functions from the current matrix system
(checkmark) should be displayed or if the external functions from all matrix systems affected should be displayed (no

• System Element Pictures: Placing a checkmark here adds an extra column to a matrix view. An image file linked to the
current system element is displayed in this column. If there are sub-system elements with such links as well, then the
corresponding images are also displayed in the extra column.

• BOM Column: Placing a checkmark here adds an extra column named BOM/BOP ("BOM" = Bill of Material (parts list), "BOP"
= Bill of Process (process hierarchy)) to a matrix view. Information on handling the BOM column can be found in the
introduction to matrix analysis.

• Extended information: Placing a checkmark here displays additional information on lower-level systems [+] and/or linked
documents [D] symbolically in a matrix below the names of the sub-system elements (see also the introduction to sub-
system elements)

• Show Priorities: Placing a checkmark here displays all fields required to edit and evaluate priorities. In addition, the "X" link
entries in the correlation fields are replaced by priority numbers. Additional information on working with priorities can be
found in the introduction chapter.

All other parameters are described at Options: View tab. Options: Settings tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Matrix:

• Generate external function in sub-system automatically: Placing a checkmark here causes every new internal function
entered in a matrix to be passed automatically to a sub-system element if this sub-system element is linked to the
corresponding function via a system link.

Note: Deleting a link to a sub-system element does not automatically delete an internal function generated automatically
from this sub-system element.

• Predefined priorities: Here you specify the default value of the priority number (1 to 10) for an "X" link – when the use of
priorities is disabled (see also: working with priorities).

All other parameters are described at Options: Settings tab. Options: Edit tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Matrix:

• Double-Click function: Here you specify the action SCIO™ should take when you double-click in a matrix on a system
element or on a function in a matrix (see also: Open Function Tree by double click):

o Open System Element: Double-clicking on the system element for which the matrix was created or on an internal
function opens the corresponding system element in SCIO™ FMEA (possibly at the position of the affected

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o Open Function Tree: Double-clicking on the system element for which the matrix was created opens the Structure
tree for the selected element. Double-clicking on an internal function opens the Function tree for the selected

All other parameters are described at Options: Edit tab. Options: Analysis tab Options: Print tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Matrix:

• Display Priorities: The following options can be selected and apply to matrices for the Excel transfer:

o "Show": The priority numbers entered are always displayed in the correlation fields.

o "Hide": No priority numbers are ever displayed in the correlation fields. A link symbol "X" is displayed instead in the
corresponding locations.

o "Like Matrix View": The correlation fields are transferred to MS Excel® just like they are shown in the current
configuration of the matrix.

All other parameters are described at Options: Print tab. Options: Specification Editor tab

The Specification Editor allows users to enter and edit specifications in a special form. The parameter options in this form are the
same for the most part as those available in the FMEA form.

The following parameters can be set/selected:

• Parameters on the "View" tab: see Options: View tab (FMEA)

• Parameters on the "Edit" tab: see Options: Edit tab (FMEA)
• Parameters on the "Enter session data" tab": see Options: Edit tab (FMEA)
• Page layout for the Specification Editor for the direct print function: You can select the paper orientation here (“Portrait”
or “Landscape”), which SCIO™ will use with the fast print command. When you select “default parameter” SCIO™ will use
the default configuration from the printer driver. Options: System Administration tab

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8.8 Window

8.8.1 New window

8.8.2 Cascade

8.8.3 Tile horizontally

8.8.4 Tile vertically

8.8.5 Arrange Icons

8.9 Help

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9 SCIO™-Matrix – Mouse menus

Mouse commands in the right mouse button menu

As in the other SCIO™ applications, there are a number of useful commands available in SCIO™ Matrix in the right mouse button
menu (mouse context). The context depends on the type of the data element selected in a matrix. The following are the main mouse

• Mouse context when a system element is marked

• Mouse context when a sub-system element is marked

• Mouse context when a higher level system element is marked

• Mouse context when an internal function is marked

• Mouse context when a correlation field is marked

Additional information on the mouse contexts can be found in the corresponding subsection of this help section.

9.1 Special mouse context: System Element

Common Requirement: The Matrix-element is selected!

9.1.1 Close Matrix

Mouse Menu: Close Matrix

The current matrix is closed using this mouse command.

9.1.2 Edit Master Data...

Mouse menu: Edit Master Data...

The master data administration for the Matrix- element is opened and the data can be edited. Master data entries can be edited at
any time.

9.1.3 Open in SCIO™-FMEA

Mouse menu: Open in SCIO™-FMEA

The SCIO™-FMEA program is started. The Matrix-element is opened as an FMEA form.

9.1.4 Open in Function Tree

Mouse menu: Open in Function Tree

A separate Function Tree is opened in which the current system element is displayed as the top entry.

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9.1.5 Create Variant

Mouse menu: Create Variant

With this command, the selected system element is copied and created a second time in the SCIO™ database. When this is done,
SCIO™ automatically assigns a new system element name to the copy (= "variant") of the form "Variant of XYZ", where XYZ is the
name of the original system element. The name can then be changed as desired.

The original and the variant have identical master data except for the system element name. Even the system element data and the
links (may or may not be present) to other system elements (system links) or functions (function links) are identical in both system


• Sub-system elements are not copied when a variant is created.

• If a system element not in the top level of a matrix system is used to create a variant, then you must be aware that the
variant has exactly the same links as the original system element, i.e. the variant is now linked to all matrix systems that
the original system element is linked to.

See also:

• Working with matrix variants

9.1.6 Edit
Mouse menu: Edit

Depending on the entry marked, the corresponding data element is placed in the “Edit mode” and its text can be edited.

9.1.7 Edit Context...

Mouse menu: Edit Context...

With this command you open in the context dialog for entries in the SCIO™ database. The capabilities of the dialog depend on the
data element selected whose context is to be stored, edited or displayed.

The following contexts are available:

• Context for system elements (and sub-system elements)

• Context for functions

• Context for specifications

• Context for objects (can only be called in the Object tree)

9.2 Special mouse context: Sub-System Elements

Common Requirement: A sub-system element is selected!

9.2.1 Open Matrix of Sub-System

Mouse menu: Open Matrix of Sub-System

The selected sub-system element (left column of the matrix) is opened as a matrix using this mouse command.

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9.2.2 Open Sub-System in SCIO™-FMEA

Mouse menu: Open Sub-System in SCIO™-FMEA

The SCIO™ FMEA program is started. The selected system element is opened as an FMEA form.

9.2.3 Edit Master Data of Sub-System

Mouse menu: Edit Master Data of Sub-System...

The master data administration for the currently selected sub-system element is opened and the data can be edited. Master data
entries can be edited at any time.

9.2.4 Remove Sub-System from Matrix

Mouse menu: Remove Sub-System from Matrix

The selected sub-system element is deleted from the current matrix with this command. All matrix links of the system element are
deleted in this case. The element data itself remains stored in the database, though.

9.2.5 Replace Sub-System by Variant

Mouse menu: Replace Sub-System by Variant

With this mouse command, you can replace an existing sub-system element in a matrix system with a variant whose contents and
links are initially identical to those of the original system element.

In the dialog window that opens, enter a new name for the system element variant.

See also:

• Working with matrix variants

9.3 Special mouse context: Higher-level (Super-system) Element

Common Requirement: A higher-level system element is selected and external functions are displayed in the matrix!

9.3.1 New Internal Function

Mouse menu: New Internal Function

With this command, you open the input window to add another internal function to the system element currently open. This new
function is then automatically linked to the corresponding external function of the higher-level system element.

See also:

• Edit/New Internal Function

9.3.2 Open Matrix of Super-system

Mouse menu: Open Matrix of Super-system

The matrix of the corresponding super-system element is opened.

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9.3.3 Open Super-system in SCIO™-FMEA

Mouse menu: Open Super-system in SCIO™-FMEA

The SCIO™-FMEA program is started and the selected system element is opened. The selected external function is marked in the form.

9.4 Special mouse context: Internal Function

Common Requirement: An internal function is selected!

9.4.1 New internal Function

Mouse menu: New internal Function

A dialog opens to enter a new function for the Matrix-element.

If the external functions are displayed, the new internal function will automatically be linked to the corresponding external function.

9.4.2 Open Function-Matrix

Mouse menu: Open Function-Matrix

The internal functions of a sub-system element can be linked to external functions, i.e. linked to the functions of the super-system
element, to describe a system and the system interactions.

The desired functions are connected together after clicking with the right mouse button on an internal function and selecting the
Link to External Function menu item.

A link is created by entering an "x". A priority number between 1 and 10 is entered to document the strength of the link. The dialog
is closed with the <OK> button.

The linked external function is displayed in the matrix above the internal function as a result.

The corresponding option in the menu Tools/Options... // “View” tab (Parameter: External Functions) must be enabled in order to
display external functions in the matrix.

The link between an internal and an external function is represented in the Function tree by a green triangle to the left of the function
icon ( ).

Affects in the SCIO™ FMEA program:

The link between an internal and an external function can be used as the basis for the definition of dependencies between system
elements (see also the help section Mouse context: System Element/Generate FMEA data).

Failure modes are connected to higher- and lower-level system elements using the Generate FMEA Data menu item in the mouse
menu. A failure becomes a cause in a higher-level system element and an effect in a lower-level system element.

9.4.3 Remove Internal Function

Mouse menu: Remove internal Function

The internal function selected in the matrix is placed in a delete job and deleted from the matrix.

9.4.4 Open in SCIO-FMEA

Mouse menu: Open in SCIO-FMEA

The SCIO™ FMEA program is started. The selected internal function is opened and marked in the FMEA form.

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9.4.5 Open in Function Tree

Mouse menu: Open in Function Tree

A separate Function tree is opened in which the current function is displayed as the top entry.

9.4.6 New Characteristic

Mouse menu: New Characteristic

With this command, you open a dialog to input a new characteristic/specification. You will find more information on the subject of
characteristics/specifications in the following section and in the sections Working with specifications and Working with classifications.

9.4.7 Edit Characteristic

Mouse menu: Edit Characteristic

With this command you open the dialog for creating and/or editing characteristics/specifications.

See also:

• Working with specifications

• Working with classifications

9.5 Special mouse context: Correlation Field

Common Requirement: A correlation field is selected!

9.5.1 Change Link

Mouse menu: Change Link

Click with the right mouse button in the corresponding cell of the correlation field to create a link. The link can be generated using
the Change Link menu item in the mouse menu.

A link is created by entering an "x". A priority number between 1 and 10 can be entered instead of an "x" to describe the strength of the link.

The X key creates the default link. The default value can be defined on the “Settings” tab (Parameter: Predefined Priorities) opened
via the Tools/Options... menu command.

A link is removed by selecting "-" in the Change Link dialog opened via the mouse context menu.

The implementation status of a link can be changed using the Change Implementation... menu item in the mouse menu. Links, and
therefore functions as well, can be assigned a status, which is indicated by the different background colors. You will find more detailed
information in section Implementation Status.

Note: The display of prioritizations can be activated by placing a checkmark next to “Show Priorities” on the “View tab” opened via
the Tools/Options... menu command.

9.5.2 Change conversion

Mouse menu: Change conversion

Here you can select the color of the conversion state for the corresponding function (see also: Status of a system link)

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10 SCIO™-Control-Plan – Introduction

10.1 The Control Plan form

A control plan (CP) is a document containing a description of the systems and processes used to control products. The information
required by the AIAG and ISO TS 16949 is listed in tabular form (in the control plan form). The type of data is either “header data” or
data entered in the cells of the table in the form.

• The header data of a CP form provides an overview of the “General Data” of a CP such as its number, change status, release
information, and much more. In SCIO™-Control-Plan, this information is recorded in the master data of a system element
and is displayed when necessary above the CP table (see also: Configure Contents.../ Master Data Display).

• The CP table collects and documents CP information on product control, production process control methods and reaction
plans. When this is done, data is often taken from different system elements in the SCIO™ database and then displayed.
For example, the information on process characteristics is taken from the affected process system elements, while the
product characteristics are taken from the corresponding product system elements.

See also:

• Working in the CP form

10.2 Interaction between the PFC and CP

The contents of control plans (CP) and process flow charts (PFC) are very similar due to the nature of production processes. Both
documents become particularly important when you are manufacturing and processing special characteristics in production. A unique
assignment of these characteristics to the process steps in production is extremely important and is required by a wide range of
standards and guidelines such as TS 16949, for example.

The requirement for consistency in the documentation of special characteristics, especially in the FMEA, CP, and PFC quality
documents, has become increasingly important in recent times. In the SCIO™ family, this consistency is ensured through the use of a
shared database.

Furthermore, the following interaction between CP and PFC is provided:

Important note: The interactions described here will only be valid if the CP and PFC are created for the same system element. Thus
they are not valid, in example, if the CP is created for a product system element while the PFC is created for a process system
element of the system structure!

• Process steps: When selecting the PFC process steps, the process elements already documented in the CP are marked.
Similarly, all PFC process steps are highlighted when selecting the CP process elements. You can decide which steps to
select depending on the particular document (CP or PFC).

• Numbering: Process numbers for process steps (only process functions) that are used in both documents are automatically
synchronized. This also applies to functions in an FMEA.

• Machines: The machines used in production are entered in both documents based on the characteristics – i.e. if a
characteristic is associated with a machine in a relationship in one document, then this relationship also applies
automatically in the other document so that the characteristic is shown there as well (see the next point).

• Characteristics: Characteristics that were linked in the CP to a process step are also added automatically to the PFC when
this process step is used there (see the first point). Therefore, all characteristics of the selected process elements that were
marked in the CP as requiring special monitoring are shown in the PFC.

Conversely, all characteristics of a PFC process element already assigned are automatically preselected in the CP when the
same process element is selected for the CP.

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However, if characteristics that were added to a process element are deleted in the CP, then this does not automatically
affect the same process element in the PFC.
The characteristics assigned to a process element in the CP can therefore be views as a subset of the characteristics assigned
to the same process element in the PFC.

• “Deleting” data: When activating or deactivating data in the particular documents, all points mentioned above are taken
into account, and actions are triggered automatically. For example, if a characteristic in the PFC is unlinked from a process
step (removed), then this also happens automatically in the same process step in the CP. However, removing a
characteristic from the CP does not automatically affect the corresponding PFC.

10.3 Working in Control Plans – The CP Form

10.3.1 General Information

Some of the information stored in control plans is identical to the data from the FMEA forms and process flow charts (process flow
charts) or must match this data. In addition to the actual process steps, which appear in all three of the forms mentioned, process
and product characteristics (specifications and possibly tolerances) and their classifications are listed in the documents. Furthermore,
it must be ensured that the numbering (operation numbers) is consistent.

Extra information only relevant in these documents is also important in control plans in addition to the data stated above. This
information includes the inspection systems, sample sizes, and intended reaction plans.

The documented Machines/Production Tools play a special role in the CP. They are managed in the SCIO™ database as separate
system elements, which make it possible to store your own analyses (e.g. machine FMEAs) for the corresponding tools and integrate
these analyses in the overall structure.

Due to the SCIO™ database principle, the documents mentioned above are optimally networked so that the time and effort it takes
to synchronize the data can be minimized.

Control plans are called and displayed on the screen by opening a system element, for example using the menu command System
Element/Open/Open Dialog... or by call it from a tree view.

When a new control plan is created, the process steps (operations) relevant to this CP are selected from a screen that opens
automatically (see also: Assigning Process Elements).

The following sections provide an overview of the operating capabilities when creating and editing a CP:

• Master Data of a CP

• Processes/Operations

• Assign CP/PFC Elements

• Machines and Production Tools

• Characteristics

• Classifications

• Specifications

• Methods and Reaction Plans

• Contexts

• Sorting of process steps and characteristics

• Copying of sub trees

• Collapsing Process Steps

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• Deleting the contents of a CP

• Headers in a CP

• Printing

10.3.2 Product and family control plans


Generally, a production control plan describes the monitoring and control of a specific product and its components. This type of CP
is also called a product control plan. All control plan documents which were created in SCIO based on a system element of the type
class “Product” automatically belong to this category.


In guidelines from the AIAG (APQP) and in the ISO TS 16949 it is pointed out, though, that there may be cases in which just a single
control plan needs to be created for a family of parts consisting of similar production parts when these parts are subjected to similar
processes. These family control plans can be created in SCIO™ when the system element for which the CP is created is a process
system element – specifically, a system element of the process used to produce the parts family. In this case, it is possible to add all
product characteristics to the CP that originate in all system elements of the affected parts family. To do this, it is necessary for all
these product system elements to have at least one structure link to the corresponding process system element.

10.3.3 Input aids in the CP form

When filling out a CP form, you will be provided with help at many locations when needed by the functionality available in the SCIO™
software. The two most important input aids are presented briefly in the following. Suggestion lists when entering data Searching with the wildcard “*” (general database query)

10.4 Opening control plans

Each control plan (CP) is stored in the SCIO™ database for a system element and can be opened again via this system element. You
can therefore open a CP by selecting and opening a system element for which a control plan already exists, for example using the
System Element/Open/Open Dialog… menu command.

It is possible, however, for a system element for which a control plan is to be created to already exist in the database without any CP
data. This is always the case, for example, when the system element was created in the database using a different SCIO™ application
such as SCIO™-FMEA or SCIO™-Matrix.

If such a system element is opened in SCIO™-Control-Plan, then the following possibilities arise:

• Case A – the system element to be opened is an element of type “product”: In this case, SCIO™ assumes that a new
product CP is to be created for this system element and asks the user if the dialog for assigning the process steps and
characteristics should be opened immediately. Confirming the query with <Yes> opens the corresponding dialog, while
<No> opens an empty CP document.

• Case B – the system element to be opened is an element of type “process”: In this case, the user must decide if the CP is
to be created for precisely this system element (this corresponds to a family CP, Case B1) or, alternatively, if the CP is to be
created for a specific product system element (this corresponds to a product CP, Case B2).

o Case B1: To create a family CP for the selected process system element, click on the first option with the icon.

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After that, the system asks the user if the dialog for assigning the process steps and characteristics should be opened
immediately. Confirming the query with <Yes> opens the corresponding dialog, while <No> opens an empty CP

o Case B2: To create a product CP for the product system element selected later, click on the second option with the


After that, the system asks the user to select the product system element for which the CP will be created. The product
system elements offered for selection are the first system elements of type “product” found in the hierarchy of the
system structure above the selected process system element.

Alternatively, you can also create a new product system element (also done by making a selection from the list). The
new product system element is automatically assigned the name “Product XY”, where XY stands for the name of the
currently selected process system element. You can rename the element at any time.

Exactly which system element types are to be used for new product system elements can be defined under
Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab (“Default type for products” parameter).

You must then select the project in which the new system element is to be created from the second list. Alternatively,
a new project named “Project XY” appears where XY again stands for the name of the currently selected process
system element.

See also:

• Type classes of system elements: Master Data Elements data type: System Element Type

10.5 Filling out control plans

10.5.1 Entering the general data of a CP (master data)

Certain “general data” should be entered for every CP according to the specifications in ISO TS 16949. This data includes the number
of the corresponding CP, release data, change data, information on the persons responsible (contact), deadlines, the type of CP, and
much more.

All this information is recorded in SCIO™ using the master data of a system element. In the case of a CP, this means the master data
of the system element for which the CP will be created. This system element can be process or design system element.

When creating a new system element (System Element/New), the master data dialog for this element opens automatically. You can
change or add data to the master data of existing system elements at any time using the Edit/Edit Master Data... menu command.

Master data specific to the CP (CP master data) such as the specification of the CP number or of the CP type (CP Status (Prototype,
Pilot Series, Series Production)) is stored and edited in this case in the master data group “SCIO-Control-Plan-specific-data”.

to display all or the selected master data above the CP table, select the corresponding master data fields in the selection dialog
View/Configure Contents/Master Data Display..., update the screen if necessary using the F5 key after selecting the corresponding
master data, and confirm your selection with <OK>.

See also:

• Master Data of a System Element

• User-defined Master Data

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10.5.2 Process Name/Operation and Process Number

The process steps and operations in a CP/PFC are generally obtained from the corresponding process system element (P-SE) in the
SCIO™ database. But it is possible to add new process elements in theses documents at any time.

Synchronization of process numbers

The numbering of operations (= process numbers for functions or system elements) can be configured manually in the PLP/PFC
documents. Here it should be noted that the numbering of functions will only be synchronized for all corresponding documents, if
these documents were generated on the basis of the same system element!

If for example the P-FMEA, PFC and CP were generated on the same process system element (P-SE) and a function (= operation) from
this P-SE was integrated in these three documents, the process number for this function will automatically be same for all the
documents. If, however, the CP was generated on a higher level design system element (D-SE) and the P-FMEA and PFC were
generated on the lower level P-SE no synchronization of the process numbers takes place for the CP with the numbers in P-FMEA and

Note: For PFCs, please note the information in the section "Special cases in the PFC" as well in terms of the topic of process elements
and process numbers.

It is possible to add new operations to a CP, even when these operations have not been entered yet in the corresponding P-SE. In
this case, SCIO™ automatically asks which data type is to be used for the new operation:

• Function: The new operation is entered in the process system element (to be selected from the second selection list) as
another function, which means it will also be listed in the corresponding P-FMEA.

In the second selection list, all available process system elements are listed that are located in the structure below the CP
system element (= the system element for which the CP will be created). Furthermore, a new system element, possibly
named “Process XY”, not yet existing in the database is offered for selection. In this case, XY stands for the name of the
process step/operation entered.

The new process step is entered as a function to the selected system element at the end of the function list.

• System Element: The new operation is created in the SCIO™ database as a separate system element of type “Process” and
linked directly to the system element for which the current CP will be created (structure link). Exactly which system element
types are to be used for new process system elements can be defined under Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab
(“Default type for processes” parameter).


• It is also possible to search for functions (operations) already entered in the database using a general database query (*
query) and then use these (for example, “*torque*” will find all functions in the database containing the word “torque”).

• You can only transfer entire system elements in the SCIO™ database to a CP if these system elements are connected
structurally to the system element for which the current CP will be created. In this case, the affected system elements can
be selected using the CP element assignments.

See also:

• Assigning Process Elements

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10.5.3 Assigning Process Elements

Important note: This complex dialog is also available in SCIO™-Process-Flow to assign the PFC Elements (process elements and
characteristics) to the PFC-Table.

With the command Edit/Assigning Process Elements... ( icon), you open an extensive dialog in which you select the processes
elements (operations) to be monitored or described in the CP/PFC and decide which characteristics and specifications you want to
use and edit in the CP/PFC.

The dialog that opens is divided into two parts:

• In the left half of the window, a list of the process steps/operations that you can select for the CP/PFC is shown in order
according to the system element. All process system elements and their functions (=processes elements) present in or
below the system element used for the CP/PFC are available for selection.

• In the right half of the window you then assign the characteristics and specifications that are to document the
corresponding operation in the CP/PFC to the processes/operations selected in the left half of the window. Initially you are
offered the process characteristics specified directly for the selected operation (process characteristics) for selection. All
characteristics originating in the system element for which the CP/PFC will be created are listed after that. These
characteristics can be process or product characteristics depending on the type class (see also: Master Data Elements //
System Element Type) of the current system element. Finally, the product characteristics found using one of the selectable
search strategies and that therefore can be assigned to the corresponding operation are offered for selection.

Notes on the left window:

• You can select functions as well as complete systems as process elements (operations).

• The order in which the system elements are offered for selection corresponds to their order of appearance in the Structure
Tree below the system element for which the CP/PFC will be created. Only system elements of type “Process” and their
functions (process elements) are offered for selection (see also: Administration/Master Data Elements... // System
Element Type)

• The order of the functions in a system element corresponds to their order in the Function Tree and therefore to their order
in the corresponding P-FMEA.

• If process elements were selected beforehand and additional process elements are selected for transfer, then these
elements are automatically inserted in the CP/PFC at the position resulting from the position of the elements in this dialog
list. For example, if the first and third function of a system element are present in the current CP/PFC and the second
function is then selected for use, then this function is inserted between the two existing functions (= process

• If the selected process elements are assigned process numbers before they are used, then these numbers are entered in
the CP/PFC. Numbers already entered automatically in the dialog list are the result of the corresponding entries in other
documents (e.g. B. FMEA, process flow chart) and can be used directly or changed separately for use in the CP/PFC.

• CP: Process elements that are already being used in the corresponding process flow chart (PFC) are indicated by the
symbol (see also: Interaction between the PFC and CP).

• PFC: Process elements that are already being used in the corresponding control plan (CP) are indicated by the symbol
(see also: Interaction between the PFC and CP).

Notes on the right window:

• The characteristics available for selection and their specifications depend on the process element selected in the left half
of the window.

• A characteristic’s classifications and specifications are always displayed in addition to the characteristic itself. This
information cannot be edited in this dialog window.

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• CP: Characteristics that are already being used in the corresponding process flow chart (PFC) are indicated by the symbol
(see also: Interaction between the PFC and CP).

• PFC: Characteristics that are already being used in the corresponding control plan (CP) are indicated by the symbol (see
also: Interaction between the PFC and CP).

• Apply Filter: Placing a checkmark next to "Only Show Steps with Function Links" means that functions are only shown in
the left frame as possible process elements when these functions have a function link to the current system element for
which the CP/PFC will be created. System elements that could be affected by this filter are still displayed as possible process
elements, though.

Note: Changes to this filter setting only take effect the next time the Assignment dialog is called!

• Apply Filter: Placing a checkmark next to "Only Show Characteristics with Function Links" means that only those
characteristics originating in functions which have a function link to the selected process element (left frame) will be shown
in the list of characteristics. Please note that only characteristics from system elements of the next higher level will be taken
into account (independent from the selected search strategy), because it is not possible to create function links spanning
more than one system level.

• Apply filter: Placing a checkmark next to “Show Special Characteristics Only” ensures only those characteristics that have
been classified (for example c/c, s/c) are displayed in the list of characteristics.

• Apply filter: Placing a checkmark next to “Only Show Characteristics Relevant to Drawings” ensures only those
characteristics that have been classified with the special “Drawing” parameter are displayed in the list of characteristics.
For example, if only the special “Drawing” use is defined for the c/c class (see also: Administration/Master Data Elements...
// Classification), then only characteristics of the c/c class are listed when this option is enabled.

• Process Characteristics: The list of selectable characteristics always begins with the list of available process characteristics.
If a function was marked in the left part of the window, then all characteristics and their specifications are initially listed
for exactly this function (process step). If, however, a system element was marked in the left window, then the list of
characteristics begins with all process characteristics of this system element. The function from which the corresponding
characteristic was derived is shown in square brackets after the name of the characteristic.

• In general, all characteristics of the system element for which the CP/PFC will be created are offered for selection – this
means that in the case of a process system element, all process characteristics of this element, and in the case of a product
system element, all product characteristics of this element (exception: an appropriate filter was set (see above)).

• Product Characteristics: Structurally linked product system elements are listed and their product characteristics are offered
for selection according to the search strategy selected in the window header. There is a major difference between the
cases where the CP/PFC system element is a product system element (Version A) and where it is a process system element
(Version B). Version A is always useful when a product-based CP/PFC is to be created, while Version B is recommended
when a CP in which several products are processed in the same manner is to be created for a process (family CP/PFC).

• Lightning symbol next to a characteristic ( ): When there is a red lightning symbol next to a characteristic entry, this
symbol indicates that this characteristic is a “special characteristic“ that has not been added to the current CP/PFC yet. This
functionality helps the user to fulfill the AIAG or ISO TS 16949 requirement that all characteristics classified as “special
characteristics” must be documented in a CP.

If a special characteristic is selected for the CP/PFC, then the lightning symbol next to the name of the characteristic
disappears. The characteristic can still be linked to other process steps, though.

In addition to the red lightning symbol, a light gray lightning symbol ( ) can also be displayed next to a characteristic, if
necessary: This lightning symbol indicates that an unclassified characteristic has not been added yet to the current CP/PFC
(see the Notes).

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Test search in the dialog

Within this important and sometimes comprehensive dialog a text search is available.

The text search depends on the selected window frame and is opened with CTRL + F. Enter the search text (or text fragment) in the
“Search string” field and confirm with <Resume Search>. A first search result is marked in the corresponding window frame with a
yellow background color. To find additional results click on <Resume Search> again.

Set a check mark for the corresponding filter to activate the case sensitive search. You can specify the search direction if needed.

<Cancel> closes the dialog.


• You must always confirm with <Update> after changing a search strategy.

• If a CP/PFC is opened in a translation language, then SCIO™ will also use this language (the existing synonyms) in the dialog
used to assign the CP/PFC elements.

• The display of the lightning symbols can be configured under Tools/Options... on the “View” tab (“Symbols for unused
(special characteristics” parameter)

See also:

• Specifying system element types and their type classes (Administer Master Data Elements...)

• Product and Family Control Plans

• Product and Family Process Flow Charts Symbols and color shades in the “Assign Process Elements” Dialog Adding characteristics via Drag & Drop

It is also possible to add characteristics to a CP/PFC via their functions directly from the Function Tree. You must know though if the
characteristics are from process system elements or product system elements:

Process characteristics:

Process characteristics in a CP/PFC are always related to the described process step. For this reason, it is not possible to add process
characteristics without their specific function.

To add process characteristics from the Function tree, proceed as follows:

• Select the desired function (process step) and its characteristics in the Function Tree and then

• Drag them to the “Process elements” column in the CP/PFC.

• SCIO™ then opens the dialog for assigning the Process Elements in which you can then select the desired characteristics.

Product characteristics:

Product characteristics can be assigned to any process steps in a CP/PFC.

Proceed as follows to add product characteristics:

• Select the desired function containing the product characteristics to be used in the Function Tree and

• Drag it to the desired process step in the “Product characteristics” column in the CP/PFC.

• SCIO™ then opens the dialog for assigning the Process Elements in which you can then select the desired characteristics.

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Important note:

• The drag & drop method described can only be used when the corresponding option is enabled in Tools/Options... on the
“Edit” tab (“Insert data via Drag & Drop” parameter).

Remember that quickly adding functions and characteristics may also change the structure of the system you have described since
only structurally linked system elements can provide characteristics for a CP/PFC! Marking process characteristics as placeholder for product characteristics

A control plan specifies product characteristics and the test steps required during manufacturing. It can be helpful to use placeholders
instead of product specifications in an early step of the development process, when specific characteristics have not been defined so far.
Or when creating templates that will be used for defining diverse products at a later stage

These placeholders can subsequently be replaced by the distinct product specifications.

• Mark a process characteristic. Choose from the context menu Mark as placeholder for product characteristic. The process
characteristic moves into the column product characteristic.

Using the context menu Remove mark as placeholder for product characteristic withdraws the step carried out before.

Important note:

• The assignment of process characteristics as placeholder for product characteristics in SCIO™ is only a preparative step.
The replacement by the distinct product specifications can only be carried out in e1ns. Search strategies for system elements (Selecting data for product characteristics)
Note: The system element for which a CP and PFC is to be created respectively will be referred to as the CP/PFC system element in
the following.

Type-dependent search strategies

The search strategies available in the dialog depend on the type class of the CP/PFC system element (see also: Master Data Elements
// Data Type: System Element Type):

A: If the system element is a system element of type class “Product”, then the search strategies for the product CP/PFC are available
for selection (Version A).

B: If the system element is a system element of type class “Process”, then the search strategies for the family CP/PFC are available
for selection (Version B).

• Version A: Search strategies for product characteristics (Product CP/PFC)

o From the opened system element downwards all product system elements: In this search strategy, the
characteristics of all system elements of type class “Product” that are located below the CP/PFC system element
(structure links are available accordingly) are available for selection. If SCIO™ detects a “non-product system element”,
then the search is not performed below this system element.

o From the process step upwards until the product system element is found: In this search strategy, the characteristics
of all product system elements that are located above the selected process step or its process system element
(structure links are available accordingly) are available for selection. If a product system element is found with this
search strategy, then the search is not performed above this system element.

o All products between the opened system element and the selected process step: In this search strategy, the
characteristics of all product system elements that are located above the selected process step or its process system
element (structure links are available accordingly) are available for selection. If a product system element is found
with this search strategy, then the search continues above this system element until the level of the hierarchy is
reached where the CP system element is located.

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• Version B: Search strategy for product characteristics (Family CP/PFC):

o Up one level from the process step if it is a product system element: In this search strategy, only the characteristics
of the product system element located directly above the currently selected process step or its process system
element (structure links are available accordingly) are available for selection. If no product system elements are found
in the next level up, then no product characteristics can be selected.

o From the process step upwards until the product system element is found: In this search strategy, the characteristics
of all product system elements that are located above the selected process step or its process system element
(structure links are available accordingly) are available for selection. If a product system element is found with this
search strategy, then the search is not performed above this system element.

o All products above the process step: In this search strategy, the characteristics of all product system elements that
are located above the CP/PFC system element (structure links are available accordingly) are available for selection.

Note regarding the search strategies mentioned: If the filter "Only Show Characteristics with Function Links" is used at the same
time, then only product characteristics in the next system level above the level of the process step selected in the left side of the
window will be found since function links can only span one system level.

After changing a search strategy in the selection list, you restart the search with <Apply>.

See also:

• Product and Family Control Plans

• Product and Family Process Flow Charts

10.5.4 Machine, equipment, device, production tool

The equipment such as the machines, devices, apparatuses, or other tools for production must be entered here for each operation

SCIO™ administers machines as separate system elements of type class “Machine”. In this manner it is possible in SCIO™ to quickly
and easily edit and manage the documents required for machines such as the Machine-FMEA.

You can access existing machine data in a CP/PFC or create new machine system elements for this purpose. You can also rename
existing machines.

Machines are always based on the process steps for which they are listed. However, it still makes sense in actual applications to base
a machine on a single characteristic in a CP/PFC since the characteristics created naturally depend on the machine used. SCIO™
therefore offers you the ability to assign one or more separate machines to each individual characteristic (regardless of whether the
characteristic is a product or process characteristic).

Furthermore, you can also assign a machine to a process step even though a corresponding characteristic does not exist.

You can choose from the following ways of handling machines:

1. Assign an existing machine to a characteristic:

Select the cell in the “Machine...” column in which a machine available in the SCIO™ database is to be entered. Enter the full
name of the machine or, if desired, select one of the suggested machines from the suggestion list. To start a specific database
query, use the general database query in combination with wildcards (*). For example, entering *saw* starts a database query
for all machines containing the word “saw”. You can also enter just one asterisk to obtain a list of all system elements in the
database of type class “Machine”.

Furthermore, it is also possible to drag an existing machine from a tree view (Structure/Function tree, Variant tree) to the CP/PFC
form via drag & drop (select an element and drag it while holding down the left mouse button). The following two requirements
must be met to do this, though:

• The machine system element is a system element of type class “Machine” (see also: Defining master data elements).

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• The “Add characteristics via Drag & Drop” option on the “Edit” tab under Tools/Options... must be enabled by placing a
checkmark next to the option.

2. Assign a new machine to a characteristic:

If you want to assign a machine that does not exist yet in the SCIO™ database to a characteristic, then select the corresponding
empty “machine cell” and enter the name of the desired machine. After confirming with ENTER, SCIO™ creates the corresponding
system element of type “machine” and assigns it to the selected characteristic.

Exactly which system element types are to be used for new machine system elements can be defined under Tools/Options... on
the “Settings” tab (“Default type for machines” parameter).

3. Assign several machines to a characteristic:

To assign additional machines to a characteristic available in the CP/PFC that has already been assigned a machine, select the
machine already assigned and create a new machine cell for the selected characteristic using the CTRL + ENTER keyboard shortcut.
You can also use the Add Machine to Characteristic command from the right mouse button menu as an alternative. Proceed
further as described in 1 or 2.

4. Assign a machine to a process step even through a corresponding characteristic does not exist.

If another machine is to be assigned to a process step for which there is no appropriate characteristic available in the CP, first
select a machine cell belonging to the corresponding process step and create a new machine cell to which no characteristic will
be assigned using the CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER keyboard shortcut. You can also use the Add Machine without Characteristic command
from the right mouse button menu as an alternative. Proceed further as described in 1 or 2 to enter the machine.

5. Rename a machine already existing in the SCIO™ database in the CP and PFC resp.:

If a machine is selected that has already been assigned and you change its system element name in the machine cell, then the
system asks you if the name of the machine should be changed or not. Select <Yes> if you want to make the change. Note that
when the name is changed, it is also changed in all CP/PFC documents in which this machine system element is used.

Note: Note that in order to edit the CP/PFC further, every characteristic line must also have a characteristic entered in it.

10.5.5 Product characteristics, process characteristics, and their numbering Numbering characteristics

Number: If necessary, you must enter a cross-reference to all documents used here, for example to the process flow chart, FMEAs,
and diagrams.

Since the cross-reference mentioned above is solely the result of the database concept in SCIO™ (characteristics are always taken
from the corresponding selected and their functions), it would make sense to number the characteristics to help you identify them
later. This means, for example, that you can use the same numbering scheme used to number the dimensions in a technical drawing
at this location to number the characteristics. This makes it easier to identify drawing dimensions in all SCIO™ documents referenced
(FMEA, CP, PFC, Matrix).

One number cell is offered for input for each characteristic. The characteristic number can also be entered in the specification dialog. Editing product characteristics

Product Characteristics: Complete list of all characteristic product characteristics of the part, component, or assembly under
examination. In general, these characteristics are functions or properties from drawings and documents from the Design and
Development departments, for example.

The special characteristics (e.g. customer specifications, safety regulations, and reference characteristics for any follow-up
processing) are to be identified and should be listed in the control plan and PFC respectively.

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In addition, other product characteristics required to monitor processes may be listed here. The monitoring is routinely performed
under normal operating conditions.

Product characteristics always originate in SCIO™ from system elements of type class “Product” or must be assigned to such system
elements. They appear after they are selected directly in the CP/PFC and are assigned to the corresponding process steps. It is also
possible to define new, supplementary product characteristics in the CP/PFC as an alternative.

Proceed as follows to define a new product characteristic:

• Select the process step for which you want to enter a new product characteristic and mark an empty or a full product
characteristic cell.

• Case A – No characteristic assigned in the CP/PFC to the selected process step: Enter the name you choose for the
characteristic in the cell and confirm with ENTER. A suggestion list appears as an aid when you enter the name of the
characteristic. Alternatively, you can also use the Knowledge Base to search for an appropriate characteristic. When you
confirm the name you entered with ENTER, a selection dialog appears in which you must select the product system element
for which the new product characteristic will be entered (see also: Search strategies for selecting data). It is also possible
in this case to automatically create a new product system element in the database – select the new system element offered
from the list. The name of this product system element is initially assigned by the system, but it can be changed at any time
later on.

Exactly which system element types are to be used for new product system elements can be defined under Tools/Options...
on the “Settings” tab (“Default type for products” parameter).

After selecting the corresponding product system element and confirming with <OK>, SCIO™ creates a new function in the
selected system element with the same name as the characteristic and assigns this function to the characteristic.

• Case B – No product characteristic has been assigned yet to the selected process step in the CP/PFC, but at least one
process characteristic was assigned in the CP/PFC: Select the cell next to the existing process characteristic and then press
the keyboard combination CTRL + ENTER. SCIO™ creates a new line for the corresponding product characteristic in your
CP/PFC. Proceed further as described in Case A.

• Case C – A product characteristic was already entered for the selected process step: Select the existing product
characteristic and then press the keyboard combination CTRL + ENTER. SCIO™ creates a new line for the new product
characteristic in your CP/PFC. Proceed further as described in Case A.

To edit an existing product characteristic, select the corresponding cell and change the current name of the characteristic. Note that
the name is also changed automatically in all documents of the affected product system element in which this characteristic is used
(FMEA, CP, PFC, Matrix).

See also:

• Specifying system element types and their type classes (Administer Master Data Elements...) Editing process characteristics

Process Characteristics: Process characteristic are the individual process parameters (input variables) that participate in a cause-
effect relationship with the product characteristic under examination.

Several process characteristics can be listed for a single product characteristic. In turn, a single process characteristic can affect
several product characteristics.

Process characteristics always originate in SCIO™ from system elements of type class “Process” or must be assigned to such system
elements. They appear after they are selected directly in the CP/PFC and are assigned to the corresponding process steps. It is also
possible to define new, supplementary process characteristics in the CP/PFC as an alternative.

In contrast to product characteristics, process characteristics are always assigned to the system element from which the process step
(function or process system element) described in the CP/PFC originates.

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If the process step in the CP/PFC is a function of a process system element, then the process characteristic is always assigned to
precisely this function.

If the process step in the CP/PFC is a complete process system element, then the process characteristic is always assigned to a function
from this system element.

Proceed as follows to define a new process characteristic:

• Select the process step for which you want to enter a new process characteristic and mark an empty or a full process
characteristic cell.

• Case A – No characteristic assigned in the CP/PFC to the selected process step: Enter the name you choose for the
characteristic in the cell and confirm with ENTER. A suggestion list appears as an aid when you enter the name of the
characteristic. Alternatively, you can also use the Knowledge Base to search for an appropriate characteristic.

o Case A1 – The selected process step is a function: In this case, SCIO™ automatically assigns the new process
characteristic just entered to the function (=process step).

o Case A2 – The selected process step is a process system element: In this case SCIO™ automatically also creates a
function with the same name as the characteristic in the affected system element after a new process characteristic
is entered. This function is then automatically assigned to the process characteristic.

• Case B – No process characteristic has been assigned yet to the selected process step in the CP/PFC, but at least one
product characteristic was assigned in the CP/PFC: Select the cell next to the existing product characteristic and then
press the keyboard combination CTRL + ENTER. SCIO™ creates a new line for the corresponding process characteristic in
your CP/PFC. Proceed further as described in Case A.

• Case C – A process characteristic was already entered for the selected process step: Select the existing process
characteristic and then press the keyboard combination CTRL + ENTER. SCIO™ creates a new line for the new process
characteristic in your CP/PFC. Proceed further as described in Case A.

To edit an existing process characteristic, select the corresponding cell and change the current name of the characteristic. Note that
the name is also changed automatically in all documents of the affected process system element in which this characteristic is used
(FMEA, CP, PFC, Matrix).

See also:

• Specifying system element types and their type classes (Administer Master Data Elements...)

10.5.6 Classification of special characteristics

A characteristic is classified in SCIO™ by assigning the corresponding characteristic class to a characteristic. Every characteristic
specified can be assigned its own characteristic class.

To assign an appropriate class to a characteristic in the CP, select the corresponding classification cell in the column “Special
Characteristics Class” and select the class from the list offered. Using the New... command, you open the master data administration
for characteristic and function classes where you can define new characteristic classes or change existing ones (if you have the proper

Note in this case that a change to an existing characteristic class is automatically passed on to all SCIO™ documents in which this class
is used (for example FMEA’s, process flow charts, etc.).

See also:

• Classification - Identifying special characteristics

• Administering master data elements (data type: “Classification”)

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10.5.7 Specifying characteristics

Here you enter the specification and its tolerances from the various technical documents such as from drawings, CAD data, design
reviews, material standards, assembly conditions, etc. Specified characteristics are used to more precisely characterize the
requirements placed on products or processes. They represent an important link between FMEA’s, process flow charts (PFC's) and
control plans (CP’s).

In practical applications, several specifications will be used to describe a function of a product or a process step in order to uniquely
characterize the function / process step.

In the SCIO™ database, specifications are administered centrally – i.e. the corresponding entries are entered in a single input mask
and automatically affect all corresponding documents (FMEA, PFC, CP, and Matrix) to the same extent.

In the CP/PFC, the following capabilities are available to enter, change or delete specifications:

• In the CP form / PFC table: Select the specification cell corresponding to the characteristic to be specified and then select
the "Edit” command from the right mouse button menu. You can also click on the icon as an alternative. If the
characteristic has already been characterized using at least one specification, then you can change this specification in the
same dialog. Only one specification can be entered for each characteristic.

• In the Function Tree: Select the function (process step) to be specified and then select the "Function/Edit Specification..."

command from the right mouse button menu. You can also click on the icon as an alternative in this case.

All calls stated above open the dialog window for inputting and editing specifications.

The following inputs or selections are possible:

• When specifications are edited using the function tree only: Select the specification you want to change or delete in the
left window section ("Existing Specifications"). Note that this is not possible when entering a specification for a function or
process step for the first time.

• Enter the desired specification parameter in the appropriate field in the right half of the window or change an existing
parameter. Selection lists are available for some parameters (e.g. relations and the units of dimensions).

Notes: In this dialog window, you can also change the name of the characteristic and classification of the characteristics so
they match the entries in the corresponding characteristic column or classification column of the CP/PFC.

• Click on <Save> to immediately write the parameters and information entered or modified to the database.

• When specifications are edited using the function tree only: Select <New> to enter another (new) specified characteristic
to a function.

• When specifications are edited using the function tree only: You delete a characteristic selected in the left window
together with its specification with <Delete>.

Note: Deleting a characteristic and its specification in the CP always results in the automatic deletion of the “Methods” and
“Reaction Plans” assigned to the characteristic (see also:. Deleting the contents of a CP)

Additional Notes:

• Characteristic names already existing in the SCIO™ database can be searched for using the <...> button and then copied to
the "Characteristic" field.

Tip: Use the * character as a wildcard in your search.

• You can edit the list entries for the “Relation”, “Units” and “Classification” fields using the Administration/
Master Data Elements... (Relation, Units, or Classification data type) command available in the main menu.

See also:

• Classification of special characteristics

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• Editing specifications

• Administering master data elements

10.5.8 Methods and reaction plans in the CP Measurement Techniques

This column describes the measuring or inspection system. This can also include the measuring instrumentation, equipment, tools,
and/or test devices needed to measure the product, process, or processing equipment.

One or more inspection systems can be assigned to each characteristic. To enter or change an inspection system, select the
corresponding empty or filled cell, and then enter the appropriate systems or change the names of the existing inspection systems.

To enter another inspection system for a characteristic, select a cell containing an existing inspection system and then use the
keyboard shortcut CTRL + ENTER. SCIO™ creates a new section in the line for the inspection system and its supplemental data in the

An inspection system can only be assigned once to a characteristic.

A suggestion list appears as an aid when you enter the inspection system. Alternatively, you can also search the database for existing
inspection systems by starting the general database query and entering the name of the inspection system using wildcards (*).

The database list of existing inspection systems can be edited using the Administration/Master Data Elements... command. Sample size and sampling frequency

Random sample: Sample size

If a sample probe is required, then the size and scope of the random sample are to be entered.

SCIO™ records the size of the sample to be monitored with the stated inspection system in a cell divided into two parts. In the left
half of the cell, enter the numerical value of the size of the sample (e.g. “100”) and in the right half of the cell select the corresponding
unit (e.g. “Parts” or “%”). SCIO™ helps you enter the “Units” by providing a suggestion list. Alternatively, the general database query
(* as wildcard) and the context-sensitive knowledge query are available for your use.

Random sample: Sampling frequency

Here you enter the interval in which samples are to be taken for measurement (sampling frequency, e.g. “per day” or “per shift”).

SCIO™ helps you enter the data by providing a suggestion list. The general database query using wildcards (*) is also available as an

Note: The list of units for the sample size and sampling frequency can be edited using the menu command Administration/Master
Data Elements... (“Units” or “Sampling Frequency” data type). Control Method

The control method (monitoring procedure) describes the inspection methods for processes such as SPC (Statistical Process Control),
for example. The effectiveness of the inspection methods is evaluated at regular intervals by taking samples of the product.

SCIO™ offers you the ability here to enter the control method used directly in the corresponding cell or, if necessary, to copy an
action entered in the same manner in the corresponding P-FMEA form as a control method in the CP.

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To use a control method from a P-FMEA as a control method, select the Edit/Methods/Use Control Method from FMEA... command.
Depending on the characteristic to monitor, SCIO™ offers you all actions from the corresponding or assigned P-FMEA for use in the CP:

• Case A – The characteristic affected is a product characteristic: Depending on the process step (see the second column in
the “Process Element” CP) assigned to the characteristic in the CP, SCIO™ offers you all actions assigned to this process step
in the P-FMEA for use in the CP:

o Case 1A – The process step corresponds to a function in the P-FMEA: SCIO™ lists all actions (current, recommended,
and taken actions) entered for this function in the FMEA. Recommended actions are only offered for selection as long
as no corresponding action has been taken yet.

o Case 1B – The process step corresponds to a system element in the P-FMEA: SCIO™ lists all actions (current,
recommended, and taken actions) entered for all functions of the system element (P-FMEA). Recommended actions
are only offered for selection as long as no action has been taken yet.

• Case B – The characteristic affected is a process characteristic: Depending on the process step (= function of the
corresponding P-FMEA) assigned to the characteristic in the CP, SCIO™ offers you all actions assigned to this function in the
P-FMEA for selection. Consequently, SCIO™ lists all current, recommended, and/or taken actions. Recommended actions
are only offered for selection as long as no corresponding action has been taken yet.

Important Notes:

• If a control method (= action) from the corresponding P-FMEA is used and the entry is changed later in the FMEA, then
entry automatically changes in the CP document.
• The system responds differently, though, when an action from the P-FMEA is used and then changed afterwards in the CP.
In this case, the connection to the FMEA is automatically deleted and the control method is renamed accordingly without
the renaming having any effect on the action in the FMEA.
• Like the actions in an FMEA, the control methods in a CP can also be assigned an identity. You can obtain more information
on this subject in the Action identification (ID) section and in the following. Reaction Plan...

The reaction plan describes the immediate actions to be taken to prevent the further production of defective products or the
production of products beyond statistical control.

Reaction plans are entered in the corresponding cells of the characteristics to be monitored. There is one reaction plan cell the CP
form for each inspection system.

SCIO™ helps you enter the reaction plan by providing a suggestion list. Alternatively, the general database query (* as wildcard) and
the context-sensitive knowledge query are available for your use.


You can edit the list of reaction plans using the Administration/Master Data Elements... (“Reaction Plan” data type) menu command.

10.5.9 Comments, document links, change histories and translations

You can enter specific comments, generate document links, display change histories or even translations (synonyms) of the
corresponding text for almost all entries in the CP/PFC form.

To enter the data desired, select the corresponding cell in the form and call the context dialog using the Edit/Edit Context... command
or by clicking on the icon.

Note: The contexts in CP / PFC are locally linked to the corresponding cells in the CP or PFC form. They are not used in corresponding
documents like FMEA (see also: Context FMEA).

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No context can be edited for the following columns in the CP form:

• Process Number

• Characteristic Number

• Characteristic Class

• Specification

• Numerical value of the sample size

See also:

• Edit Context...

10.5.10 Icons and additional information in the CP form

Also: “Icons and additional information in the PFC table”

Additional information can be added to the cells in the form to supplement the CP/PFC text entries. Icons in the cell headers help the
user determine what kind of additional information was stored. Double-clicking with the mouse on an icon opens the corresponding
input or Edit dialog:

Text only Source (for process elements and characteristics only)

Local and global comments

Locally and globally linked document

Optional column information

Clicking with the mouse on this icon shows all additional information available.

Clicking with the mouse on this icon hides all additional information available.


• You can configure if and when the corresponding additional information will be displayed in SCIO™ individually for each
column in the CP form / PFC table.

To change the configuration, click with the right mouse button on the header of the column and then select the Change
Contents mouse command (can only be selected for some columns!):

o Hide All: The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) will not be displayed when the form is

o Show All (even if empty): The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) is displayed when the
form is opened even if there is no information available.

o Contents (when present): The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) is only displayed when
the form is opened when there is information available.

o ToolTip: The field with the corresponding additional information (see above) will not be displayed when the form is
opened. However, if the user places the mouse pointer in the corresponding cell, the additional information is
displayed in a text box that appears temporarily (“ToolTip”).

Tips: You can select from two possible sizes for the icons displayed in the form. To use large icons, call the Tools/Options... menu
command and place a checkmark next to "Use Large Icons" on the “View” tab.

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10.5.11 Sorting of process steps and characteristics

Process steps added to a CP and PFC resp. can be sorted after entry using any sorting order. When sorted, the CP/PFC data belonging
to a process is also moved to a new position with the process. The characteristics (product and process characteristics) entered in a
process step can also be sorted separately.

In both cases, sorting is executed in the multiple entry mode. You enable this mode with the Edit/Multiple Entry... command. You
must first select a random entry in the “Process element” or “Process characteristic” column (product characteristic, process
characteristic, classification or specification) column to do this.

The entries can be sorted manually ( , buttons) or automatically ( button and then select the sorting type).

A more detailed description of the options can be found in the Multiple entry mode section.

10.5.12 Copying of sub trees

Preliminary information: Not all cells in a CP document can be copied as sub trees. SCIO™ differentiates between CP-specific data
that is only used CP documents and database data that is also used in other SCIO™ documents and could possibly be edited there.
The database data includes the following entries in the form:

• Process steps

• Product and process characteristics

• Specifications

It would not make sense to copy this database data to a CP document, and this type of data should always be assigned by entering it
manually or copying it from existing database entries (see also: Assigning Process Elements and Help when entering data in the CP
form). Note that it is still possible in this case to copy the text on a cell-by-cell basis (for example via Edit/Copy and Edit/Paste).
However, you cannot copy sub trees here (see below)!

The following CP-specific data can be copied anywhere:

• Machines (special functions, see below)

• Inspection systems (special functions, see below)

• Random sample data

• Control methods

• Reaction plans

Optional information and sub trees on the clipboard

SCIO™ provides a special function for copying machines and inspection systems: when a corresponding cell is selected in the form
and the copy procedure is started via Edit/Copy, for example, SCIO™ automatically opens the “Clipboard” window to display the data
copied to working memory.

The data on the clipboard can still be modified before pasting. The user can then decide whether or not any existing “Local
comments”, linked “Local documents” or existing “Optional column information” should be copied together with the plain text entry
(set the corresponding checkmarks).

If an inspection system is copied, then SCIO™ always integrates any existing random sample descriptions, control methods, and
reaction plans into the data to be copied (also known as a sub tree copy). When pasting the data, a system query appears asking the
user if the entire sub tree (click on <Yes>) or just the entries selected (click on <No>) are to be inserted. You can cancel the copying
of the data with <Cancel>.


• Copied data can be pasted to the same CP or any other CP currently open.

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• If several machines or inspection systems were selected before copying, then SCIO™ copies all corresponding data to the
clipboard. You can decide before pasting, though, which of the data/sub trees copied will actually be pasted by setting the
corresponding checkmark.

When pasting one or more sub trees, no existing data in a CP is overwritten. If, for example, an existing inspection system is selected
before pasting an inspection system sub tree, then SCIO™ pastes the data from the clipboard below the existing data.

10.5.13 Collapsing Process Steps

In actual applications, the CP forms and PFC tables resp. often become very long and extensive. To keep the focus on the most
important process steps and the discussion of these steps when making a presentation, the process steps not needed can be
temporarily hidden (collapsed) together with their sub trees.

There are two ways to collapse the display of a process step:

• Collapse the process step using the “Row” column: Click in the “Row” column (the first column in the form, which is often hidden)
on the “-” symbol to collapse the process step. To expand the process step again, click on the “+” symbol next to the step.

• Collapse the process step via the “View” menu: Select the process step to be collapsed and then select View/Collapse
Process Step. You can display the entire process step again with View/Expand Process Step. To expand or collapse all
process steps in a form at the same time, select the View/Expand All Process Steps or View/Collapse All Process Steps

10.5.14 Deleting the contents of a CP/PFC

Important Note: Due to the close relationship between the PFC and CP documents, the screens shown when selecting the process
elements (operations, process steps) and the assigned characteristics are somewhat interrelated. For example, if a characteristic
assigned to a process element is removed from a PFC, then it is also simultaneously deleted from the corresponding CP (see also:
Interaction between the PFC and CP).

There are two steps involved in deleting an entry in a CP/PFC:

Step 1: First, the entry to be deleted is selected and deactivated by pressing the DEL KEY or clicking on the icon, for example. In
this case, the deletion job created automatically includes all cells that belong together according to the CP/PFC logic. For example,
deactivating a characteristic also automatically deactivates the associated specifications, classifications, and all other information
entered for inspections, control, and reactions.

All cells recorded in the delete job are marked by the symbol, and these cells are locked and cannot be changed anymore. If needed,
the cells can be reactivated by pressing the DEL key or clicking on the icon again.

Step 2: To delete deactivated cell entries from a CP/PFC, select the menu command Edit/Delete Deactivated Data or press the F9 key.


• Deleting data from a CP/PFC does not automatically lead to the deletion of the data from the database. Only the assignment
in the affected CP or PFC (see “Important Note” above) is deleted. The system responds differently, though, when data
(e.g. a function) that is also used in the CP is deleted from an FMEA. In this case, the data is deleted from both forms (FMEA,
PFC and CP).

• Deleted data can only be put back in the CP/PFC again by reselecting or re-entering the data. It is not possible to undo
delete jobs once they have been executed.

10.5.15 Changing column headers in a CP

The column headers in a CP form and PFC-table resp. can be changed if desired. To change the headers, use the
Administration/Columns in Form... command. A dialog for editing the column headers opens.

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• To change the column headers for a CP/PFC, select Control Plan and Process Flow respectively in the “Type” selection field.

• Add (or overwrite) the entries you want to use in your CP/PFC in the “Column Headers” column.

• Confirm with <OK>.

• If necessary, refresh the view of your open document with F5.

Note: Changing the column header in a CP/PFC affects all CP/PFC documents throughout the database.

See also:

• Editing column headers...

10.5.16 Printing a CP
Excel transfer

It is recommended to use the Excel transfer to print a CP. Start the Excel transfer via System Element/Create Document Folder... or

using the icon. To transfer a CP, the “SCIO-Control-Plan” component must be selected on the Groups/Components tab. The
data transfer is started then with <Start>.

Information on the options available for the Excel transfer can be found in the section System Element/Excel Transfer....

Direct print

It is also possible to print the CP directly in SCIO™. To print it directly, select the System Element/Fast Print/Print... menu command

or use the icon. Make sure that you have selected the “Landscape” page orientation in the printer setup beforehand. Displaying
a preview of the printed document is also recommended to prevent faulty configurations. The direct print is limited to the system
element selected in SCIO™, and no extra data or documents can be added to the print job in this case.

10.6 Master data in the header of the CP

The SCIO™ master data of the currently open system element can be shown above the production control plan. Note that in addition
to the general master data for a system element, there is also specific master data for CP‘s. This master data is entered in the master
data dialog of a system element in the “SCIO™-Control-Plan-specific data” section.

The information to be shown in the master data header can be customized. To change the selection of master data to be displayed,
select the menu command View/Configure Contents/Master Data Display... and select the corresponding master data field by
placing the appropriate checkmark.

10.7 Classification of special characteristics

10.8 Action identification (ID) for control methods

• Using and displaying the IDs
• Activating and formatting the IDs

10.9 Creating and editing projects

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11 SCIO™-Control-Plan – Menu items

11.1 System element

11.1.1 New
• Mandatory data filled in automatically

• Master data

• Master data group: Mandatory Data

• Master data group: Additional Information

• Master data group: FMEA-specific Data

• Master data group: CP-specific Data

• Master data group: Review

• Master data group: Optional Data

• Submenu Master data/Copy Master data...

• Submenu Master data/Overview product links

• Submenu Administration/Project Administration...

• Submenu Administration/Master data Elements...

• Submenu Administration/Evaluation catalogs…

• Submenu: Administration/Organization…

• Submenu Administration/History…

• Submenu Access Rights

• Submenu Tools/Unlock edit info

• Submenu Help

11.1.2 Open...
When opening a CP of a system element which does not contain any CP data jet, note the specials described at Opening control plans

• Open Dialog

• Search…

• Manager...

• Show Element as Structure Tree/Function Tree

• Open Specification Editor...

• Open Scout view...

• SCIO™ - Modules

• HTML View and Audit-Trail

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11.1.3 Close

11.1.4 Open Specification Editor...

11.1.5 Open Scout View...

11.1.6 Open Structure Tree / Function Tree / Variant Tree

11.1.7 Excel Transfer...

• General procedure when transferring data to MS Excel®

• Excel transfer of a system structure

• System Element submenu

• Transfer Profile submenu

• Edit submenu

• View submenu

• Options for the data transfer: Data Configuration

• Options for the data transfer: Transfer Settings

11.1.8 Fast print... Print... Print Preview Printer Setup...

11.1.9 Templates...

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11.1.10 Import... Import XML SCIO Import Version fm2 Import List of Translation

11.1.11 Export...

11.1.12 Delete Jobs...

11.1.13 Access Rights…

11.1.14 Exit

11.2 Edit

11.2.1 Undo Last Action

11.2.2 Redo

11.2.3 Copy

Call: Edit/Copy

This menu item starts the copy of entries from the CP form to the clipboard. Different options are available when copying the data
depending on which cells are selected in the form. For example, you can copy entire sub trees to inspection systems, or you can add
local comments and other optional information to the data copied.

A detailed description of this subject can be found in the section Copying sub trees.

11.2.4 Paste

Call: Edit/Paste

The entries on the clipboard are pasted to the selected location. Text (i.e. the contents of a cell) can be pasted in any text field, but a
sub tree can only be pasted in the same column the sub tree was copied from.

IMPORTANT: If the current cell already contains a valid entry, then the new sub tree is pasted below the existing one.

A detailed description of this subject can be found in the section Copying sub trees.

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11.2.5 Activate/Deactivate
With this call it is possible to activate or deactivate contents of a CP document.

See also:

• Deleting the contents of a CP/PFC

• Interaction between the PFC and CP

11.2.6 Remove deactivated data

This call removes data which was deactivated before from the corresponding CP document.

See also:

• Deleting the contents of a CP/PFC

• Interaction between the PFC and CP

11.2.7 Edit Master Data...

11.2.8 Assigning Process Elements...

Call: Edit/Assigning Process Elements...

With this menu command you start the selection dialog for the data elements (process elements and characteristics) you want to
use in the current production control plan. You will find a description of this dialog in the introductory section Assigning Process

11.2.9 Multiple Entries...

Note: This command is available in the CP columns “Process elements” and “Characteristics” (product characteristics, process
characteristics, classification and specification) only.

11.2.10 Methodology Context FMEA

Call: Edit/Methodology/Context FMEA

With this command you can display the context available for a process step which already was entered in SCIO™-FMEA for this process
step (function or system element). You can also edit the context here.

Contexts for functions

If the process element is a function, FMEA contexts are displayed in the cell of the process element and are symbolized with the
corresponding symbol. The section description will be titled with “Context FMEA“. SCIO™ distinguishes between local and global

Contexts for system elements

If the process element is a system element, contexts are also displayed in the cell of the process element and symbolized with the
corresponding symbol. The section description will be titled with “Context FMEA“.

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Comments are entered as master data information for the concerned system elements (field “Comment”). Documents will be
established as “normal document links” for system elements.

Note: FMEA contexts can be transferred to MS Excel® if needed.

See also:

• Edit Context...
• Icons and additional information Synchronize Classifications Use Control Method from FMEA...

Call: Edit/Methodology/Use Control Method from FMEA...

This menu call is only active when you have selected a cell in the “Control Methods” column in the CP form. Select this menu
command to add actions in a P-FMEA as control methods to the currently selected cell.

You will find a more detailed description of this functionality in the introductory section on the subject of Control Methods.

Important Note: If a control method (= action) from the corresponding P-FMEA is used and the entry is changed later in the FMEA,
then entry automatically changes in the CP document as well.

The system responds differently, though, when an action from the P-FMEA is used and then changed afterwards in the CP. In this
case, the connection to the FMEA is automatically deleted and the control method is renamed accordingly without the renaming
having any effect on the action in the FMEA.

11.2.11 Edit Context...

Call: Edit/Edit Context... (in the form)

Edit/Edit Context Specification (in the form, characteristic selected)

Using the context, you can store extra information together with the data of a CP/PFC or a system element. The context available
always depends on the entry marked in the form or in the Function tree. In SCIO™-Control-Plan / SCIO™-Process-Flow, there is a
range of different contexts available.

The following list provides an overview of the various contexts available in a CP form / PFC table:

• Process type (PFC only): No context possible

• Process number: No context possible

• Process elements: Local comments, locally linked documents (both are only valid in the CP and PFC resp.!) – but you also
have the ability in a CP/PFC to display and edit the context of the corresponding process element, such as how it was
entered in the corresponding FMEA (see also: Methodology/Context FMEA)

• Input Processes (PFC only): No context possible

• Output Processes (PFC only): No context possible

• Machines: Comments (local and global), documents (local and global), change history, synonyms. Global comments are
entered in the master data of the machine.

• Characteristic number: No context possible

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• Characteristics: Comments (local and global), documents (local and global), change history, synonyms. Important Note:
You edit the context of a specified characteristic (specification) here and not just the CP/PFC entry. This means that local
comments and documents may be visible in other documents (for example FMEA, CP, PFC, Matrix) when the characteristic
is used in those documents!

• Classification: No independent context (see characteristics)

• Specification: No independent context (see characteristics)

• Measurement Technique (CP only): Comments (local and global), documents (local and global), change history, synonyms.

• Sample Size (CP only): Global comments, global documents, synonyms. Note: The comment is only visible as a ToolTip on
the mouse pointer.

• Sample Frequency (CP only): Global comments, global documents, synonyms. Note: The comment is only visible as a
ToolTip on the mouse pointer.

• Control method (CP only): Comments (local and global), documents (local and global), change history, synonyms

• Reaction plan (CP only): Global comments, global documents, synonyms.

In the CP/PFC, you can display local and/or global comments directly in the affected cells in the CP/PFC form (with the exceptions
mentioned above). Existing comments and/or document links are also highlighted using symbols

See also:

• Symbols and optional information in the form

• Edit Context...

11.2.12 Optional Column Information...

11.2.13 Edit Specifications...

11.2.14 Navigate... Overview Show System Element Environment Open in a Separate Window

Call: Edit/Navigation/Open in a Separate Window

If a system element was entered as a process element in a CP or a PFC, then this element is opened in a separate CP or PFC document.
This makes it much easier to navigate to sub-processes.

The menu command remains disabled for functions that were entered as process elements.

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11.2.15 Search… Text Search Find Data or Replace Data Resume Search

11.3 View

11.3.1 Update

11.3.2 Supplementary Views...

11.3.3 HTML-Documents...

11.3.4 Configure Contents… Columns... Master Data Display…

11.3.5 Expanding and collapsing process steps

11.3.6 Zoom Functions

11.3.7 Message Bar

Call: View/Message Bar

Calling this command causes that a special notification window will appear on the SCIO™ desktop in which all data elements (for
example functions or system elements) created automatically by the system are recorded and documented. This function will be
disabled when calling the command once again.

In addition, this message bar is also used to record changes to failure evaluations in SCIO™-FMEA.

The following functionality is available when an entry is selected in the message bar:

• Mouse points to an entry in the list: A detailed description of the action taken displayed in a ToolTip on the mouse pointer.

• Various functions can be called using the <…> button:

o Delete: Deletes the selected entry from the message bar.

o Delete All: Deletes all entries from the message bar.

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o Localize: Not enabled in SCIO™-Control-Plan

o Edit: Not enabled in SCIO™-Control-Plan

o Close: Closes the message bar.

A program log off automatically deactivates this function.

11.3.8 Application Bar

11.4 Format

11.4.1 Character

11.4.2 Column Width of Form... Load Printable Save Anchor Current Column Hide Current Column Show All Columns

11.5 Analysis

11.5.1 SCIO™ Manager

• General Procedure

• Search Mask menu bar

• Search Results menu bar

• Sorting search results

• The "Report" tab

• Special menu items in the SCIO-Manager

• Special Menu Item: Create List of Translations

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11.6 Administration

11.6.1 Projects…

11.6.2 Master Data Elements...

• System Element Status: Releasing and write-protecting documents

11.6.3 Optional Data...

11.6.4 Columns in Form...

11.6.5 Organization...
• Organization: Menu Edit

• Organization: Menu View

• Organization: Menu Departments

• Organization: Menu User

• Organization: Menu Rights Classes

• Organization: Menu Tools/Options

11.6.6 Change Password...

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11.7 Tools

11.7.1 XERI Document Management

11.7.2 External product connections

11.7.3 Copy as URL

11.7.4 Specify Suggestion Lists

11.7.5 Change Database...

11.7.6 Refresh Read Cache

11.7.7 Change user interface language…

11.7.8 Customize…

11.7.9 Options… Options: Function Tree tab and Variant Tree tab Options: View tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Control-Plan:

• Symbol for unused (special) characteristics: Here you specify if and how SCIO™ should graphically mark characteristics
with special classifications (for example cc or sc) not selected in the dialog for assigning the Process Elements.

You can select from the following parameters:

o Hide: No symbols are used to mark the characteristics.

o Only for special characteristics: Special characteristics not linked in the current CP are marked by a red lightning

o For all characteristics not used: Special characteristics not linked in the current CP are marked by a red lightning
symbol. In addition, characteristics without a special classification are also marked by a grey lightning symbol,
when they are not linked to the current CP.

• Expand special characteristics not assigned: Placing a checkmark here causes that SCIO™ will automatically expand all
characteristics which were classified as special characteristics but are not selected for the current CP yet.

• Expand selected process elements: Placing a checkmark here causes that SCIO™ will automatically expand all process
elements (left window) which were already selected for the current CP when opening the dialog for assigning the Process

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All other parameters are described at Options: View tab. Options: Settings tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Control-Plan:

• Open Process System Elements as Process CP: When a checkmark is placed here, SCIO™ will automatically create a Process-
CP when starting a CP for a process system element. The following option (see next parameter) will be ignored.

• Suppress Request for CP Type: This parameter always plays a role when a new CP is to be created for a process system
element. By default, SCIO™ expects the user to make a decision here. The reply to the query from the system can be set to
a default value, though (see also: Opening/creating new control plans (case B)):

o Ask: The user decides which CP type to use.

o Yes, with product as default: SCIO™ selects a Product-CP by default.

o Yes with process as default: SCIO™ selects a Family- CP by default.

• Suppress Request for CP Product Assignment: When a checkmark is placed here, the Options window for assigning a
product system element to be created to a process system element not yet linked is not displayed. SCIO™ automatically
creates a corresponding product system element named “Product features for...(name of the process system element)”
and creates a separate project named “Product data for...(name of the process system element)” for it. The affected process
system element is automatically linked to the new element (see also: Opening/creating control plans (case B1)).

• Suppress Request for Process Steps Assignment: This parameter always plays a role when a new process step/operation
is to be entered in a CP that is not available in the selection list.

o Ask: The user decides if the new operation is to be created as a function or as a system element. If the user selects
“Function“, then the system element in which the function will be entered must also be selected.

o Yes, with function as default: The decision window is not displayed. SCIO™ creates the new entry in the database
as a function. The function is created in this case in a separate system element with the same name as the
function. The system elements created in this manner are always located in the structure below the CP system

o Yes, with system element as default: The decision window is not displayed. SCIO™ creates the new entry in the
database as a new, separate system element. The new system element is always located in the structure below
the CP system element.

• Suppress Request for Product Characteristics Assignment: When a checkmark is placed here, the Options window for
assigning a product feature to be created to a product system element (and its function) to be selected is not displayed. In
this case, SCIO™ automatically creates the corresponding product feature in a system element (which is created, if
necessary) named “Product features for...(name of the CP system element)” and creates a new function in it with the same
name as the feature (see also: Editing product characteristics).

• Suppress Request for Process Characteristics Assignment: This parameter only plays a role when a new process feature is
to be created for an operation that was entered as a system element (and not as a function). When a checkmark is placed
here, the Options window for assigning a process feature to a function of the affected process system element is not
displayed. In this case, SCIO™ creates the corresponding process feature in the affected process system element and
automatically creates a new function with the same name as the feature in it (see also: Editing product characteristics case

All other parameters are described at Options: Settings tab.

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The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Control-Plan:

• Insert data by Drag & Drop: When a checkmark is placed here, SCIO™-Control-Plan offers you the ability to copy existing
functions and their specified characteristics from the function tree to an open CP form via drag & drop (dragging an entry
while holding down the left mouse button) (see also: Adding characteristics via drag & drop). Placing the checkmark here
also allows you to copy machine system elements via drag & drop from a tree view to an open CP (see also: Machine,
device, equipment, production tool).

All other parameters are described at Options: Edit tab. Options: Analysis tab Options: Print tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Control-Plan:

• Page Layout for CP forms for direct print: You can select the paper orientation here (“Portrait” or “Landscape”), which
SCIO™ will use with the fast print command. When you select “default parameter” SCIO™ will use the default configuration
from the printer driver.

All other parameters are described at Options: Print tab. Options: System Administration tab

11.8 Window

11.8.1 New window

11.8.2 Cascade

11.8.3 Tile horizontally

11.8.4 Tile vertically

11.8.5 Arrange Icons

11.9 Help

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12 SCIO™-Process-Flow – Introduction

12.1 PFC Graphics and Tables

SCIO™ Process Flow provides you with the ability to display a process flow chart in two different ways – as a PFC table and as a PFC
graphic. Both images are shown in separate frames in the window, and the sizes of these frames can be changed individually by
dragging the separator bar with the mouse. In the default configuration, the left frame is reserved for the PFC graphic, while the PFC
table appears in the right frame. You can select another configuration, though, on the “View” tab under Tools/Options... (“Position”
parameter). The contents of both frames are directly related to each other; i.e. changes made in one view will automatically be
reflected in the other frame.

12.1.1 PFC Graphic

A process flow chart (PFC graphic) is the visualized description of a production or process flow. The documented process flow is
shown is graphic form.

The following information can be obtained from or specified in the PFC graphic:

• Name and number of a process step: Shown in boxes in the diagram (process symbols)

General process symbol:

Currently marked process symbol:

• Predecessor-successor relationships: Indicated by arrow connections between the process steps

• Symbols for marked process element (see above): Predecessor process step:

Successor process step:

• Note: You can define more than one “predecessor” or “successor” for a single process step.

• Start point of a process or sub process: Indicated by a green triangle ( ).

• End point of a process or sub process: Indicated by a red square ( ).

• Process types: Shown using default symbols displayed at the same height as the process symbols (see above)

Default symbols available for process types:

Note: If desired, you can also integrate additional graphic type symbols. Consult PLATO Technical Support (support@plato-; +49 (0)451/930 986-02) for more information on how to do this.

• Arrow labels: To differentiate between the paths at decision branches, arrow labels can be entered and displayed in the PFC.


• Changes to the PFC graphic depend on the available access rights and immediately affect the PFC table.

• As long as the PFC table is visible, the frame with the PFC graphic can be enabled or disabled, if necessary. This is done on
the “View” tab (parameter: “Show flow chart”) under Tools/options....

See also:

• Editing PFC graphics

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12.1.2 PFC Table

The PFC table is the heart of a PFC. It represents the process flow in the form of a table and documents information on the machines
used and, in particular, on affected product and process characteristics, including their classifications.

The following information can be obtained from or specified in the PFC table:

• Master data of the PFC system element

• Process step types

• Process step numbers

• Names of the process steps

• Predecessor-successor relationships

• Machines used and their assignments to process steps/characteristics

• Affected product and process characteristics with numbers, classifications, and specifications

• Comments for various data fields in the table

• Document links for various data fields in the table

Note: Changes to the PFC table depend on the available access rights and immediately affect the PFC graphic (exception: changes to
machines and characteristics).

See also:

• Filling out PFC tables

12.2 Interaction between the PFC and CP

12.3 Working in SCIO™-Process-Flow

12.3.1 General Information

Some of the information stored in process flow charts (PFC) is identical to the data from the FMEA forms and control plans (CP) or
must match this data. In addition to the actual process steps, which appear in all three of the forms mentioned, process and product
characteristics (specifications and possibly tolerances) and their classifications are listed in the documents. Furthermore, it must be
ensured that the numbering (operation numbers) is consistent (see also: Interaction between the PFC and CP).

Extra information only relevant in these documents is also important in process flow charts in addition to the data stated above. This
information includes the type of a process step and the orientation depending link between process steps (process sequence).

The documented Machines/Production Tools play a special role in the PFC table. They are managed in the SCIO™ database as
separate system elements, which make it possible to store your own analyses (e.g. machine FMEAs) for the corresponding tools and
integrate these analyses in the overall structure.

Due to the SCIO™ database principle, the documents mentioned above are optimally networked so that the time and effort it takes
to synchronize the data can be minimized.

Process flow charts are called and displayed on the screen by opening a system element, for example using the menu command
System Element/Open/Open Dialog... or by call it from a tree view.

When a new PFC is created, the process steps (operations) relevant to this PFC are selected from a screen that opens automatically
(see also: Assigning Process Elements).

The following sections provide an overview of the operating capabilities when creating and editing a PFC:

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• Master Data of a PFC

• Process types

• Processes/Operations

• Assign PFC Elements (Process steps and characteristics)

• Input and Output processes

• Machines and Production Tools

• Characteristics

• Classifications

• Specifications

• Comments

• Icons and additional information in the PFC table

• Sorting of process steps and characteristics

• Collapsing Process Steps

• Deleting the contents of a PFC

• Headers in a PFC table

• Printing

• Saving a PFC as a bitmap

12.3.2 Product- and Family-PFC

Generally, a production process flow chart describes the process sequence of the manufacture and/or assembly of a specific product
and its components. This type of PFC is also called a product-PFC.

In practice it might be useful sometimes just to create a single process flow chart for a family of parts consisting of similar production
parts when these parts are subjected to similar processes. These family-PFC can be created in SCIO™ when the system element for
which the PFC is created is a process system element – specifically, a system element of the process used to produce the parts family.
In this case, it is possible to add all product characteristics to the PFC that originate in all system elements of the affected parts family.
To do this, it is necessary for all these product system elements to have at least one structure link to the corresponding process
system element.

12.3.3 Input aids in the PFC table

When filling out a PFC table, you will be provided with help at many locations when needed by the functionality available in the
SCIO™ software. The most important input aids are presented briefly in the following.

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12 – SCIO™-Process-Flow – Introduction 235 Suggestion lists when entering data Searching with the wildcard “*” (general database query)

12.4 Creating/Opening process flow charts

Each process flow chart (PFC) is stored in the SCIO™ database for a system element and can be opened again via this system element.
You can therefore open a PFC by selecting and opening a system element for which a process flow chart already exists, for example
using the System Element/Open/Open Dialog… menu command.

It is possible, however, for a system element for which a PFC is to be created to already exist in the database without any PFC data.
This is always the case, for example, when the system element was created in the database using a different SCIO™ application such
as SCIO™-FMEA or SCIO™-Matrix.

If such a system element is opened in SCIO™-Process-Flow, then the following possibilities arise:

• Case A – the system element to be opened is an element of type “product”: In this case, SCIO™ assumes that a new product-
PFC is to be created for this system element and asks the user if the dialog for assigning the process steps and characteristics
should be opened immediately. Confirming the query with <Yes> opens the corresponding dialog, while <No> opens an
empty PFC document.

• Case B – the system element to be opened is an element of type “process”: In this case, SCIO™ assumes that a new family-
PFC, is to be created for this system element and asks the user if the dialog for assigning the process steps and
characteristics should be opened immediately. Confirming the query with <Yes> opens the corresponding dialog, while
<No> opens an empty PFC document.

See also:

• Type classes of system elements: Master Data Element data type: System Element Type

12.5 Filling out PFC tables

12.5.1 Entering the general data of a PFC (master data)

General information is recorded in SCIO™ using the master data of a system element. In the case of a PFC, this means the master
data of the system element for which the PFC will be created. This system element can be process or design system element.

When creating a new system element (System Element/New), the master data dialog for this element opens automatically. You can
change or add data to the master data of existing system elements at any time using the Edit/Edit Master Data... menu command.

Master data specific to the PFC (PFC master data) are not demanded but can be useful sometimes. If you need PFC specific master
data, you can define them in the optional data dialog.

To display all or the selected master data above the CP table, select the corresponding master data fields in the selection dialog
View/Configure Contents/Master Data Display..., update the screen if necessary using the F5 key after selecting the corresponding
master data, and confirm your selection with <OK>.

See also:

• Master Data of a System Element

• User-defined Master Data

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12.5.2 Process types

Although the “Process Type” column is shown in the PFC table, the process type can only be specified after a corresponding process
element has been entered.

SCIO™ provides five default process types for selection, and these types are also shown in the PFC table as well as in the PFC graphic
using symbols:

Process step of type “Move”

Process step of type “Edit”

Process step of type “Storage”

Process step of type “Inspection”

Process step of type “Decision”

To change the type of a process, click in the corresponding field and select the desired type from the list offered.


• The process type can only be specified in the PFC table. The symbols are changed automatically in the PFC graphic.

• It is also possible to change the symbols used for the five default types. To do this, contact PLATO Technical Support
(; +49 (0)451/930 986-02)

12.5.3 Process Name/Operation and Process Number Special cases in the PFC

When using process elements and their numbers, the following special cases must be noted for the PFC that do not arise in a CP:

Using templates:

• Using the SCIO™-Template-Manager it is also possible to use templates from the template database as process elements
(see also: Creating new process systems from templates and Revising existing processes

Displaying numbers for process elements of type "System Element":

• If system elements are used in a PFC as process elements and assigned a process number, then this process number can be
displayed before the system element name, if necessary. The corresponding number is specified in square brackets; for
example "[10] SE-name".
• The number is displayed when correspondingly configured (see below) in the SCIO™-FMEA, SXCIO™-Net-Builder, SCIO™-
Control-Plan, and SCIO™-Process-Flow modules to the left of the system element name.
• The numbers are not displayed in the tree views, SCIO-Manager, selection catalogs, and sign offs.
• When a system element is used multiple times as a process element in one or more PFC documents, all process numbers
assigned to the element are displayed before its name; for example "[10, 20, 20, 30] SE name".
• To configure the display of the assigned process numbers before the system element name add the following entry to the
FMEAOPT.INI file of the corresponding SCIO™ database:
Notes: You will find the FMEAOPT.INI file in the INI subdirectory of the database directory. If you set the parameter = 0,
then the numbers are not displayed.

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12.5.4 Assigning Process Elements… Symbols and color shades in the “Assign Process Elements” Dialog
The Process Elements (see the previous section) are assigned in a two-part dialog box, and the assignments can become very complex
in large systems under some circumstances. In addition, there is a relationship between the CP and PFC documents when selecting
the process elements and their assigned characteristics. For these reasons, SCIO™ supports the users in the dialog screen using special
symbols and shades of color.

The following rules apply in this case:

• Left frame (selection of the process elements)

Symbol/color Meaning

The process element is already in use in SCIO™-Control-Plan (requirement: the PFC and CP system
elements are identical).

The process element is already in use in SCIO™-Process-Flow (requirement: the PFC and CP system
elements are identical).

Currently marked process element.

Currently marked and selected process element.

The smiley symbol means that changes were made to the affected process element in the right frame.
These changes can may have been made by the users themselves or based on an automatic selection
made by the system (for example when function links are present).

(Dark background color): The process element was added to the selection after the assignment dialog
was called (i.e. a new selection).

Note: Background color: PFC: violet; CP: blue

(Medium background color): The process element was already selected when the assignment dialog
was called and is still selected.

Note: Background color: PFC: violet; CP: blue

(Light background color): The process element was already selected when the assignment dialog was
called but is not selected any more.

Note: Background color: PFC: violet; CP: blue

• Right frame (selection of the characteristics)

Symbol/color Meaning

The characteristic is already in use in SCIO™-Control-Plan (requirement: the PFC and CP system
elements are identical).

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Symbol/color Meaning

The characteristic is already in use in SCIO™-Process-Flow (requirement: the PFC and CP system
elements are identical).

(Dark background color): The characteristic was added to the selection after the assignment dialog was
called (i.e. a new selection).

(Medium background color): The characteristic was already selected when the assignment dialog was
called and is still selected.

(Light background color): The characteristic was already selected when the assignment dialog was
called but is not selected any more.

The function from which the characteristic originates has a function link to the selected process element
(created, for example, in SCIO™ Matrix). The characteristic will probably be assigned for this reason,
but assignment is not mandatory. It can therefore be deselected.

A special characteristic which has not been taken into account yet in the current PFC/CP.

A function that has special characteristics, but not all of them have been taken into account in the
current PFC/CP.

A system element that has special characteristics, but not all of them have been taken into account in
the current PFC/CP. Adding characteristics via Drag & Drop Search strategies for system elements (Selecting data for product characteristics)

12.5.5 Input and Output processes

The “Input Processes” and “Output Processes” columns are only present in the PFC, and they control the links between the process
elements (process steps/operations) in the PFC table. The data entered here immediately affects the connection arrows in the PFC
graphic. The data also controls the specification of the start and end points of the sub-processes in the graphic (see also: PFC graphic).


• Specifying input processes: Click on the dropdown list next to a process element in the “Input Processes” column and then
select the process elements you want to use as input for the selected element from the list of process elements offered.
All process elements of the current PFC are available for selection.

If desired, you can select several elements or even none at all. A process element can also be assigned as an input to itself,
which then leads to a direct process loop.

The connection arrows are updated in the PFC graphic based on the elements selected.

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• Specifying output processes: Click on the dropdown list next to a process element in the “Output processes” column and
then select the process elements you want to use as output for the selected element from the list of process elements
offered. All process elements of the current PFC are available for selection.

If desired, you can select several elements, which is usually necessary, in particular for steps of type “Decision”. You can
also select none at all. A process element can also be assigned as an output to itself, which then leads to a direct process

The connection arrows are updated in the PFC graphic based on the elements selected.

• Specifying the start and end points of sub-processes:

o Start points ( ): A process element without any input process but with any number of output processes is
automatically defined as the start point of a process or a sub-process.

It is possible to have isolated process elements without an input or output in a PFC. In this case, these elements
will also be marked as start points.

The number of start points for sub-processes in a PFC is not limited.

o End points ( ): A process element that has at least one input process but no output process is automatically
defined as an end point of a process or a sub-process.

The number of end points for sub-processes in a PFC is not limited.


• Input and output processes can also be specified in the PFC graphic.

• If process elements are added for the first time or even later to a PFC via the Assign process elements dialog or new process
elements are inserted via the PFC table, then SCIO™ automatically integrates these elements into the existing process
chains according to the expected PFC logic. In any case, these chains should then be checked for processes needing
description and edited accordingly if necessary.

Here are some rules when automatically connecting the process elements:

o If several process elements are selected in the left frame when assigning the PFC elements, then SCIO™ copies
these process elements in the same order as shown in the left frame (corresponds to the order in the Function
tree) to the PFC and links them with lines.

o If an additional process element is subsequently added to the PFC due to the assignment of the PFC elements,
then this element is integrated into the existing process chain according to its position in the left frame – i.e. it
may be appended to the end of the process chain or placed linearly between two existing elements (exception,
see next point).

o If an additional process element that is located in the left frame above (before) the start point of the existing
process is subsequently added to the PFC due to the assignment of the PFC elements, then this element is not
automatically linked to the current process – the old start point is therefore kept.

o If a new process element is entered using the PFC table, then this process element is integrated into the PFC
according to its position in the table. For example, if the new process element was added to the end of the table,
then it will automatically be added after the last process step. If the new element is inserted between two process
elements that are already linked linearly, then the new element is added to the linear chain. However, if the
process element above the new process element already has several process connections, then these are
automatically transferred to the new process element so that the new process element assumes the “role” of the
predecessor element.

o If a process element is removed from the PFC table, then all process connections (inputs and outputs) to this
element are lost. This means that a connected process may “disintegrate” into two sub-processes.

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12.5.6 Machine, equipment, device, production tool

12.5.7 Product characteristics, process characteristics, and their numbering Numbering characteristics Editing product characteristics Editing process characteristics

12.5.8 Classification of special characteristics

12.5.9 Specifying characteristics

12.5.10 Comments, document links, change histories and translations

You can enter specific comments, generate document links, display change histories or even translations (synonyms) of the
corresponding text for almost all entries in the PFC table.

To enter the data desired, select the corresponding cell in the form and call the context dialog using the Edit/Edit Context... command
or by clicking on the icon. The context dialog contains several tabs depending on which column was selected in the form. The
corresponding information can be entered in these tabs or read there.

Note: The contexts in CP / PFC are locally linked to the corresponding cells in the CP or PFC form. They are not used in corresponding
documents like FMEA (see also: Context FMEA).

No context can be edited for the following columns in the PFC table:

• Process Type

• Process Number

• Input Processes

• Output Processes

• Characteristic Number

• Characteristic Class

• Specification

See also:

• Edit Context...

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12.5.11 Icons and additional information in the PFC table

12.5.12 Sorting of process steps and characteristics

12.5.13 Collapsing Process Steps

12.5.14 Deleting the contents of a PFC

12.5.15 Changing column headers in a PFC table

12.5.16 Printing a PFC

Excel transfer

It is recommended to use the Excel transfer to print a PFC. Start the Excel transfer via System Element/Create Document Folder...

or using the icon. To transfer a PFC table, the “SCIO-Process-Flow” component must be selected on the Groups/Components
tab. To transfer the PFC graphic select the “Picture PFC” component. The data transfer is started then with <Start>.

Information on the options available for the Excel transfer can be found in the section System Element/Create Document Folder....

Direct print

It is also possible to print the PFC table or PFC graphic directly in SCIO™. To print it directly, select the System Element/Fast

Print/Print... menu command or use the icon. Make sure that you have selected the “Landscape” page orientation in the printer
setup beforehand. Displaying a preview of the printed document is also recommended to prevent faulty configurations. The direct
print is limited to the system element selected in SCIO™, and no extra data or documents can be added to the print job in this case.

12.5.17 Saving a PFC as a bitmap

Using the command System Element/Generate bitmap from the flow chart… it is possible to save the currently open PFC graphic as
a bitmap file (*.bmp) and to import this file into other programs.

Therefore indicate a file name and a folder where to save the BMP-file. Confirm your entries with <Safe>.

12.6 Editing PFC graphics

A process flow chart (PFC) can be edited not only in the PFC table, but also directly in the PFC graphic. Changes in the graphic are
automatically reflected in the PFC table.

The editing of a PFC graphic is done almost exclusively using the mouse. All important commands are accessible through the right
mouse button menu, enabling fast and direct editing of the PFC graphic. The mouse menu offered differs depending which graphic
element is selected in the PFC graphic.

The following three menu groups are provided in this case:

• Mouse menu when a process element is selected

• Mouse menu when a process connection is selected

• Mouse menu when no graphic element is selected

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Furthermore, it is also possible in the PFC graphic to link process elements to each other via Drag & Drop in order to specify
“predecessor” / “successor” relationships. You will find a description in the section Drag & Drop in the PFC graphic.

A special button bar can also be activated in the PFC graphic.

12.6.1 Mouse menu when a process element is selected

When you select a process element available in the PFC graphic, a comprehensive command menu is available in the right mouse
button menu.

The following menu commands can be selected:

• Find in Table: Calling this command searches in the PFC table for the process element selected in the graphic and marks it
when found.

Note: The manual synchronization between the PFC graphic and PFC table described here can also be executed
automatically every time a process element is selected. To enable this functionality, activate the desired parameter in
“Synchronize selection” on the “View” tab under Tools/Options....

• Rename: Calling this command calls the Edit mode for the selected process element. You can enter a new name. Using
wildcards, you can also search through the database for available process elements (functions in process system elements).

• Activate/Deactivate: Calling this command deactivates a previously activated process element. Deactivated process
elements are indicated in the graphic by a red “X” over the process symbol. The corresponding row in the PFC table is also
marked as deactivated. A deactivated process element can only be completely deleted in the PFC table (for example by
pressing the F9 key, see also: Deleting the contents of a PFC). The process element is also deleted from the PFC graphic in
this case.

When a deactivated process element is selected in the graphic, this menu command will reactivate this element.

• Add New Predecessor: Calling this command first opens an input field for a new process element. After inputting the name
of the process and confirming with the ENTER key, an additional options dialog appears. Here the user must decide if the
new element should be created as a “Function” or a “System Element”. If “Function” is selected, then the system element
in which the function should be created must also be selected. Confirming with <OK> creates the process element and links
it to the output process element as a predecessor element. When the output element already has one or more
predecessors, the new process element is nevertheless linked to the output process element as a direct predecessor. The
“old” predecessor elements then correspondingly become predecessors of the new process element (see also: Input and
Output processes).

When a checkmark is placed next to “Do not show this dialog any more” in the options dialog, SCIO™ stores the options
selected by the user and applies them automatically without opening the options dialog again when creating further
process elements. It is possible to reactivate the options dialog under Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab using the
“Suppress Request for Process Steps Assignment” parameter.

• Add New Successor: Calling this command first opens an input field for a new process element. After inputting the name
of the process and confirming with the ENTER key, an additional options dialog appears. Here the user must decide if the
new element should be created as a “Function” or a “System Element”. If “Function” is selected, then the system element
in which the function should be created must also be selected. Confirming with <OK> creates the process element and links
it to the output process element as a successor element. When the output element already has one or more successors,
the new process element is nevertheless linked to the output process element as a direct successor. The “old” successor
elements then correspondingly become successors of the new process element (see also: Input and Output processes).

When a checkmark is placed next to “Do not show this dialog any more” in the options dialog, SCIO™ stores the options
selected by the user and applies them automatically without opening the options dialog again when creating further
process elements. It is possible to reactivate the options dialog under Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab using the
“Suppress Request for Process Steps Assignment” parameter.

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• Select Existing Predecessor: Calling this command activates a special “selection cursor”: . Now select the process
element you want to link to the output element as a predecessor. The cursor changes again to: . Clicking with the mouse
now creates the connection.

• Select Existing Successor: Calling this command activates a special “selection cursor”: . Now select the process element
you want to link to the output element as a successor. The cursor changes again: . Clicking with the mouse now creates
the connection.

• Sort Up: Calling this command moves the currently selected process element one position up in the sorted list (in the PFC
graphic and PFC table).

• Sort Down: Calling this command moves the currently selected process element one position down in the sorted list (in the
PFC graphic and PFC table).

• Specify New Position: Calling this command allows the user to move a process element in the PFC graphic. The process
connections to these elements remain unchanged in this case. To specify a new position for the selected process element,
proceed as follows:

o Select a process element.

o Call the “Specify New Position” mouse command. The cursor changes to: .

o Select the space between two existing process elements or a free area above the first or below the last process
element to specify a new position for the selected element. The cursor changes to: .

o Click on in the area you chose. SCIO™ moves the selected process element to this position.

The procedure described corresponds to the sorting of the process elements in the PFC table.

• Sort Automatically: Calling this command starts the multiple entry mode. In this mode, you can call the automatic sort
function for the process elements (alphanumeric sorting), among other functions.

• Open in a Separate Window (only enabled for process elements of type "system element"): Calling this command opens
a separate PFC for the selected process element (= system element). This makes it much easier to create and edit "sub-
PFCs" for sub-processes.

Tip: Instead of using the command mentioned, you can also open the corresponding sub-PFC by double-clicking on the
corresponding process element.

• Insert start element: With this command, you create a new start element in your current PFC. The existing process flow is
not interrupted by the new process element, and the new start element is inserted directly below the last process element

• Update: Calling this command rereads the PFC graphic and updates the image on the screen.

• Enable Button Bar: Calling this command causes a special button bar to appear with which you can call the main functions
in the PFC graphic, if necessary. The bar is only available in the PFC graphic and is automatically deactivated when working
in the PFC table.

12.6.2 Mouse menu when a process connection is selected

When you select a process connection (arrow) available in the PFC graphic, a comprehensive command menu is available in the right
mouse button menu.

The following menu commands can be selected:

• Remove: Calling this command deletes the selected process connection. The input and output processes are corrected in
the PFC table accordingly.

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• Insert Intermediate Step: Calling this command first opens an input line for the name of the new process element. After
confirming with the ENTER key, another dialog box opens in which the user must decide whether the new element should
be created as a system element or a function (base database type). If the user selects “Function”, then the user must also
decide in which system element the new function should be created (process for the assignment). The new process element
is then inserted as an intermediate step in the process connection with <OK>.

(A->B becomes A->New->B)

When a checkmark is placed next to “Do not show this dialog any more” in the options dialog, SCIO™ stores the options
selected by the user and applies them automatically without opening the options dialog again when creating further
process elements. It is possible to reactivate the options dialog under Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab using the
“Suppress Request for Process Steps Assignment” parameter.

• Reselect Start Point: Calling this command disconnects the existing process connection (for example between A and B),
and the mouse cursor then changes ( ). Now select the process element to be used as the new start point for the process
connection (for example C). The cursor changes again to: .

(Result: (example): A->B becomes C->B)

• Reselect End Point: Calling this command disconnects the existing process connection (for example between A and B), and
the mouse cursor then changes ( ). Now select the process element to be used as the new end point for the process
connection (for example C). The cursor changes again to: .

(Result: (example): A->B becomes A->C)

• Process Connection Label...: Calling this command opens a list box for the label to be selected. The following default labels
can be selected:

o None: Any label is assigned.

o Yes: The process connection is labeled “Yes”.

o No: The process connection is labeled “No”.

Note: You can decide if the labels should always be aligned vertically (checkmark is set) or horizontally (no checkmark) using
the “Vertical edge label” parameter found under Tools/Options... on the “View” tab.

• Update: Calling this command rereads the PFC graphic and updates the image on the screen.

• Enable Button Bar: Calling this command causes a special button bar to appear with which you can call the main functions
in the PFC graphic, if necessary. The bar is only available in the PFC graphic and is automatically deactivated when working
in the PFC table.

12.6.3 Mouse menu when no graphic element is selected

When you click in the PFC graphic on an empty area in the background, you have a special command menu available in the right
mouse button menu.

The following menu commands can be selected:

• Insert Process Element (only active for PFC documents without any process elements): Calling this command first opens
an input line for the name of the new process element. After confirming with the ENTER key, another dialog box opens in
which the user must decide whether the new element should be created as a system element or a function (base database
type). If the user selects “Function”, then the user must also decide in which system element the new function should be
created (process for the assignment). The new process element is then created with <OK>.

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When a checkmark is placed next to “Do not show this dialog any more” in the options dialog, SCIO™ stores the options
selected by the user and applies them automatically without opening the options dialog again when creating further
process elements. It is possible to reactivate the options dialog under Tools/Options... on the “Settings” tab using the
“Suppress Request for Process Steps Assignment” parameter.

• Insert start element: With this command, you create a new start element in your current PFC. The existing process flow is
not interrupted by the new process element, and the new start element is inserted directly below the last process element

• Update: Calling this command rereads the PFC graphic and updates the image on the screen.

• Enable Button Bar: Calling this command causes a special button bar to appear with which you can call the main functions
in the PFC graphic, if necessary. The bar is only available in the PFC graphic and is automatically deactivated when working
in the PFC table.

12.6.4 Drag & Drop in the PFC graphic

It is possible to move and re-link process elements in the PFC graphic via Drag & Drop. The Drag & Drop function can be used on the
“process element” or “process connection” graphic elements.

There are various ways to link graphic elements depending on which graphic element (source) is selected first and where (i.e. on
which graphic element) the mouse button is released (destination).

See also:

• Drag & Drop for process elements

• Drag & Drop for process connections Drag & Drop for process elements

When you execute a drag & drop with a process element (source), the following scenarios arise depending on which graphic element
(destination) the source is dropped on:

• Destination is a process element and is located above the source (cursor: ): The source process element becomes the
predecessor of the destination process element.

• Destination is a process element and is located below the source (cursor: ): The source process element becomes the
successor of the destination process element.

• Destination is a process connection (cursor: ): The source process element is inserted between the process elements
belonging to the process connection (A->B becomes A->source->B). Drag & Drop for process connections

When you execute a drag & drop with a process connection (source), the following scenarios arise depending on which graphic
element (destination) the source is dropped on:

• Destination is a process element and is located above the source (cursor: ): The end point of the source connection is
switched to the destination process element.

• Destination is a process element and is located below the source (cursor: ): The end point of the source connection is
switched to the destination process element.

• Destination is a process connection (cursor: ): No action.

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12.6.5 Button bar in the PFC graphic

If desired, a special button bar can be activated in the PFC graphic containing important command calls for working in the PFC graphic.
You will find an overview of the buttons and their function in the section Special icons in the PFC graphic.

12.7 Using templates in a PFC

Using the SCIO™-Template-Manager, you can also create process flows from templates or expanded them using templates. Published
templates (system elements) from the template database are used in this case and integrated directly in a PFC.

It is possible to subsequently extend an existing process (PFC) using other templates.

See also:

• Create Process from Template...

12.8 Creating and editing projects

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13 SCIO™-Process-Flow – Menu items

13.1 System element

13.1.1 New
• Mandatory data filled in automatically

• Master data

• Master data group: Mandatory Data

• Master data group: Additional Information

• Master data group: FMEA-specific Data

• Master data group: CP-specific Data

• Master data group: Review

• Master data group: Optional Data

• Submenu Master data/Copy Master data...

• Submenu Master data/Overview product links

• Submenu Administration/Project Administration...

• Submenu Administration/Master data Elements...

• Submenu Administration/Evaluation catalogs…

• Submenu: Administration/Organization…

• Submenu Administration/History…

• Submenu Access Rights

• Submenu Tools/Unlock edit info

• Submenu Help

13.1.2 Open...
When opening a PFC of a system element which does not contain any PFC data jet, note the specials described at Creating/Opening
process flow charts

• Open Dialog

• Search…

• Manager...

• Show Element as Structure Tree/Function Tree

• Open Specification Editor...

• Open Scout view...

• SCIO™ - Modules

• HTML View and Audit-Trail

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13.1.3 Close

13.1.4 Generate bitmap from the flow chart

13.1.5 Open Specification Editor...

13.1.6 Open Scout View...

13.1.7 Open Structure Tree / Function Tree / Variant Tree

13.1.8 Excel Transfer...

• General procedure when transferring data to MS Excel®

• Excel transfer of a system structure

• System Element submenu

• Transfer Profile submenu

• Edit submenu

• View submenu

• Options for the data transfer: Data Configuration

• Options for the data transfer: Transfer Settings

13.1.9 Fast print... Print... Print Preview Printer Setup...

13.1.10 Templates...

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13.1.11 Import... Import XML SCIO Import Version fm2 Import List of Translation

13.1.12 Export...

13.1.13 Delete Jobs...

13.1.14 Access Rights…

13.1.15 Exit

13.2 Edit

13.2.1 Undo Last Action

13.2.2 Redo

13.2.3 Copy

Call: Edit/Copy

This menu item starts the copy of entries from the PFC table to the clipboard. You can copy entire cell contents or only singe parts of
a cell content (mark with the mouse).

13.2.4 Paste

Call: Edit/Paste

The entries on the clipboard are pasted to the selected location. Text (i.e. the contents of a cell) can be pasted in any text field. You
can also paste data copied from other system elements.

13.2.5 Activate/Deactivate
With this call it is possible to activate or deactivate contents of a PFC document.

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See also:

• Deleting the contents of a CP/PFC

• Interaction between the PFC and CP

13.2.6 Remove deactivated data

This call removes data which was deactivated before from the corresponding PFC document.

See also:

• Deleting the contents of a CP/PFC

• Interaction between the PFC and CP

13.2.7 Edit Master Data...

13.2.8 Assigning Process Elements...

Call: Edit/Assigning Process Elements...

With this menu command you start the selection dialog for the data elements (process elements and characteristics) you want to
use in the current CP/PFC. You will find a description of this dialog in the introductory section Assigning Process elements.

13.2.9 Multiple Entries...

Note: This command is available in the PFC columns “Process elements” and “Characteristics” (product characteristics, process
characteristics, classification and specification) only.

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13.2.10 Methodology Context FMEA Synchronize Classifications

13.2.11 Edit Context...

13.2.12 Optional Column Information...

13.2.13 Edit Specifications...

13.2.14 Navigate... Overview Show System Element Environment Open in a separate window

13.2.15 Search/Replace Text Search Find Data or Replace Data Resume Search

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13.3 View

13.3.1 Update

13.3.2 Supplementary Views...

13.3.3 HTML-Documents...

13.3.4 Configure Contents… Columns... Master Data Display…

13.3.5 Expanding and collapsing process steps

13.3.6 Zoom Functions

13.3.7 Enable button bar

Call: View/Enable button bar

Calling this command opens a special button bar for the PFC graphic. The bar is only visible when the PFC graphic window is active.

13.3.8 Message Bar

13.3.9 Application Bar

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13.4 Format

13.4.1 Character

13.4.2 Column Width of Form... Load Printable Save Anchor Current Column Hide Current Column Show All Columns

13.5 Analysis

13.5.1 SCIO™ Manager

• General Procedure

• Search Mask menu bar

• Search Results menu bar

• Sorting search results

• The "Report" tab

• Special menu items in the SCIO-Manager

• Special Menu Item: Create List of Translations

13.6 Administration

13.6.1 Projects…

13.6.2 Master Data Elements...

• System Element Status: Releasing and write-protecting documents

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13.6.3 Optional Data...

13.6.4 Columns in Form...

13.6.5 Organization...
• Organization: Menu Edit

• Organization: Menu View

• Organization: Menu Departments

• Organization: Menu User

• Organization: Menu Rights Classes

• Organization: Menu Tools/Options

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13.6.6 Change Password...

13.7 Tools

13.7.1 XERI Document Management

13.7.2 External product connections

13.7.3 Copy as URL

13.7.4 Specify Suggestion Lists

13.7.5 Change Database...

13.7.6 Refresh Read Cache

13.7.7 Change user interface language…

13.7.8 Customize…

13.7.9 Options… Options: Function Tree tab and Variant Tree tab Options: View tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Process-Flow:

• Symbol for unused (special) characteristics: Here you specify if and how SCIO™ should graphically mark characteristics
with special classifications (for example cc or sc) not selected in the dialog for assigning the Process Elements.

You can select from the following parameters:

o Hide: No symbols are used to mark the characteristics.

o Only for special characteristics: Special characteristics not linked in the current PFC are marked by a red lightning

o For all characteristics not used: Special characteristics not linked in the current PFC are marked by a red lightning
symbol. In addition, characteristics without a special classification are also marked by a grey lightning symbol,
when they are not linked to the current PFC.

• Process icon display: Here you select the layout for the “Process Type” column in the PFC table. The parameter has no
effect on the PFC graphic.

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The following values can be selected:

o Text and Icon: The names as well as the icons of the process types are shown.

o Icon: The process types are only shown using their icons.

o Text: The process types are only shown using their names.

• Show flow chart: Placing a checkmark here causes both the PFC table as well as the PFC graphic to be shown when you
open a PFC. Otherwise only the table is shown.

• Position: This parameter specifies the screen position of the PFC graphic based on the position of the PFC table. The
following values can be selected:

o Shift Upward: The PFC graphic is displayed above the PFC table.

o Move Left: The PFC graphic is displayed to the left of the PFC table.

o Shift Downward: The PFC graphic is displayed below the PFC table.

o Move Right: The PFC graphic is displayed to the right of the PFC table.

Note: A parameter change only takes effect after reopening the system element.

• Show inactive elements: When process elements are deactivated in the PFC table (but not deleted yet), then placing a
checkmark here means that the process elements will continue to be displayed in the PFC graphic. However, the process
symbol is shown with a red “X” through it and the font color changes to red – for example:

Otherwise, these process steps are hidden in the graphic.

• Layout: Here you can select one of three layout variations for the PFC graphic. The “Accelerated” type is the “simplest”
layout in this case, but the graphic on the screen is refreshed faster using this type.

• Vertical gap for process elements: Here you specify the vertical gap between two process elements (shown with an icon
and text box) in the PFC graphic. The default gap is three units.

• Horizontal gap for process connections: Here you specify the horizontal gap between two parallel process connections
(arrows). The default gap is three units.

• Align process connection labels vertically: Placing a checkmark here vertically aligns the labels of the process connections
(arrows). Otherwise they are aligned horizontally.

• Graphics background color: Select the background color for the graphic frame here. To select a color, click on the color
field and select the desired color in the dialog box that appears. Use one of the base colors offered for selection or pick a
color using the color field. Confirm your selection with <OK>.

All other parameters are described at Options: View tab. Options: Settings tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Process-Flow:

• Suppress Request for Process Steps Assignment: This parameter always plays a role when a new process step/operation
is to be entered in a PFC that is not available in the selection list.

o Ask: The user decides if the new operation is to be created as a function or as a system element. If the user selects
“Function”, then the system element in which the function will be entered must also be selected.

o Yes, with function as default: The decision window is not displayed. SCIO™ creates the new entry in the database
as a function. The function is created in this case in a separate system element with the same name as the
function. The system elements created in this manner are always located in the structure below the PFC system

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o Yes, with system element as default: The decision window is not displayed. SCIO™ creates the new entry in the
database as a new, separate system element. The new system element is always located in the structure below
the PFC system element.

• Suppress Request for Product Characteristics Assignment: When a checkmark is placed here, the Options window for
assigning a product feature to be created to a product system element (and its function) to be selected is not displayed. In
this case, SCIO™ automatically creates the corresponding product feature in a system element (which is created, if
necessary) named “Product features for...(name of the PFC system element)” and creates a new function in it with the
same name as the feature (see also: Editing product characteristics).

• Suppress Request for Process Characteristics Assignment: This parameter only plays a role when a new process feature is
to be created for an operation that was entered as a system element (and not as a function). When a checkmark is placed
here, the Options window for assigning a process feature to a function of the affected process system element is not
displayed. In this case, SCIO™ creates the corresponding process feature in the affected process system element and
automatically creates a new function with the same name as the feature in it (see also: Editing process characteristics case

All other parameters are described at Options: Settings tab. Options: Edit tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Process-Flow:

• Insert data by Drag & Drop: When a checkmark is placed here, SCIO™-Process-Flow offers you the ability to copy existing
functions and their specified characteristics from the function tree to an open PFC table via drag & drop (dragging an entry
while holding down the left mouse button) (see also: Adding characteristics via drag & drop). Placing the checkmark here
also allows you to copy machine system elements via drag & drop from a tree view to an open CP (see also: Machine,
device, equipment, production tool).

All other parameters are described at Options: Edit tab. Options: Analysis tab Options: Print tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Process-Flow:

• Page Layout for PFC forms for direct print: You can select the paper orientation here (“Portrait” or “Landscape”), which
SCIO™ will use with the fast print command. When you select “default parameter” SCIO™ will use the default configuration
from the printer driver.

All other parameters are described at Options: Print tab. Options: System Administration tab

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13.8 Window

13.8.1 New window

13.8.2 Cascade

13.8.3 Tile horizontally

13.8.4 Tile vertically

13.8.5 Arrange Icons

13.9 Help

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14 SCIO™-Fault-Tree – Introduction
SCIO™-Fault-Tree offers two different kinds of fault tree analysis:

• Qualitative Fault-Tree-Analysis (FTA): You can quickly and creatively conduct risk analyses using fault trees. Cause-and-
effect chains for problems are represented graphically in an overview in which the depth of cause levels that can be viewed
is unlimited. Qualitative Fault-Tree analyses are used to prepare FMEAs. The Fault-Trees can then be added individually to
the SCIO™ database and used for preparing FMEAs.

• Quantitative Fault-Tree-Analysis (QFA): This analysis works with the system structures of the SCIO™ database. When
displaying failure links, the QFA actively helps to search for the cause by using suggestions. The suggested causes are
derived from the existing interactions between the effects found in the system structure. Links from a QFA can be used to
generate FMEA data.

14.1 Qualitative Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

The qualitative fault tree analysis starts with an empty master data header and the "unwanted event". It is file-based, i.e. it is not
connected directly to the database and must be saved explicitly under a file name.

• Master data: The window used to edit the master data for a fault tree can be opened by double-clicking on the master data
field (upper window) or using the menu command Edit/Master Data.

• Unwanted Event: The window used to edit the unwanted event can be opened with the <Space> key after marking the
event or using the menu command Edit/Edit Entry.

• Examine Causes: To find out how to enter lower-level causes using the various types of links, read the section Working in
the Qualitative Fault Tree.

14.2 Quantitative Fault Tree Analysis (QFA)

You must log in to the SCIO™ database to use the Quantitative Fault Tree (QFA).

• Top Failure: The top failure of the QFA must be selected from the Structure or Function tree and placed in the QFA via drag
& drop.

• Examine Causes: To find out how to enter lower-level causes using the various types of links, read the section Working in
the Quantitative Fault Tree.

14.3 Working in the Qualitative Fault Tree (FTA)

14.3.1 FTA – Creating a new Fault Tree

A new fault tree is created with the button or via File/New/FaultTreeSystemAnalysis.

14.3.2 FTA – Saving a Fault Tree

A fault tree is saved with the button or via File/Save As….

When working on a fault tree, you should save it at regular intervals.

Note: FTA files are assigned the file extension “fba“.

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14.3.3 FTA – Opening a Fault Tree

A fault tree is opened with the button or via File/Open.

Note: FTA files have the file extension “fba“.

14.3.4 FTA – Defining Master Data

Master data can be assigned to a fault tree in the same way as to a system element. Master data is shown in the header of an FTA
and can be edited by double-clicking on the header.

The “SE Family” and the “SE Family ID” can be read in from the database using the corresponding buttons.

Note: It is not absolutely necessary to enter master data.

14.3.5 FTA – Editing a Fault Tree

The FTA starts with an "undesired event" and searches for the “underlying causes” for the event:

• Click in the field labeled “Undesired Event“ and press the space key to switch to the Edit window.

• Enter and "undesired event" and confirm with <OK> or ENTER.

• You can add a deeper level cause using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ENTER or using the button. The event and the cause
are linked in the FTA with an OR node. (Note: You can specify which word will be displayed for this link in Tools/Options…
// View (Parameter “Symbol OR-link”.)

• Enter the text for the underlying cause and confirm your entry with <OK>.

• Additional branches can be added to the fault tree using parallel causes. They are added using the keyboard shortcut ALT +

ENTER or using the button.

• An AND link must be generated manually using the button. The failure is then created by inserting an underlying cause

( ).

Note: You can activate or deactivate the index in the FTA via Tools/Options… // View in the “Index“ line.

14.3.6 FTA – Editing sub trees

You can copy or move entire fault branches in the fault tree. Nodes and failure entries are always linked to each other in turns.

• Moving branches: Branches are moved in the fault tree via drag & drop.

• Copying branches: Branches are copied in the fault tree via drag & drop + CTRL.

• Deleting branches: Sub trees or individual failure entries can be deleted from the FTA with DEL or using the button.

14.3.7 FTA: Creating an FMEA from a Fault Tree

You can create an FMEA from an FTA and work on it in the FMEA form. Read the Edit/Create FMEA section for more information.

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14.4 Working in the Quantitative Fault Tree (QFA)

14.4.1 QFA – Creating a new Fault Tree

A new QFA is created with the button or via File/New/QuantitativeFaultTreeAnalysis.

14.4.2 QFA – Saving a Fault Tree

A fault tree is saved with the button or via File/Save As....

When working on a fault tree, you should save it at regular intervals.

Note: QFA files are assigned the file extension “*.fta“.

14.4.3 QFA – Opening a Fault Tree

A QFA is opened with the button or via File/Open.

Note: QFA files have the file extension “*.fta“.

14.4.4 QFA – Creating a Fault Tree using system/function structures

The QFA starts with a "top failure" and searches for the “underlying causes” for the failure:

• The top failure is dragged from the Function Tree and dropped in a sheet of a QFA.

• You can search for the causes for the next level for a failure marked in the QFA using the button. In this case, there
are two search strategies available for selection that can be selected in the dialog box that appears: a) fault tree search and
b) function link (see below).

Both search strategies only search for correspondingly linked data in the SCIO™ database. Failures entered manually (see
the next chapter) in saved QFA fault trees (*.fta) are not included in the search in this case.

Search strategies:

o Fault Tree Search: Failure links have already been created in the SCIO™ database (for example through another QFA
or in an FMEA). These links are offered for selection again for copying to the current QFA.

o Function Links: Failure entries are searched for in the database that originate in functions from lower-level system
elements and linked using function links. One requirement in this case is a corresponding function structure like the
ones that can be created using the function tree or SCIO™ Matrix, for example.

14.4.5 QFA – Manually adding Failure entries

New failures and lower-level failure entries (causes) can also be created manually in a QFA and then integrated into a fault tree. In
order for these entries to become fully valid SCIO™ database entries, you must first specify which system element and which function
each new failure belongs to (see the following section).

To integrate a failure entry (cause) added manually into a fault tree structure, proceed as follows:

• Select an existing failure in the QFA to which a new cause should be added.

• Insert a new AND node or a new OR node.

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• Leave the connection node marked and insert a new failure symbol now. The new failure (cause) is therefore automatically
connected to the original failure by the connection node.

• Assign a system element and a function to the new failure in the Properties.

• If necessary, create new failure links to permanently integrate the new failure fest into the failure network. QFA – Insert Failure entry

Using the icon you create a new failure in the QFA.

• The failure symbol is placed in the drawing area by clicking on the drawing area after calling the failure symbol command.

• If a link symbol (AND/OR/NOT) is marked beforehand in the tree, then the new failure symbol is linked to the next lower

• You can edit the new failure symbol by double-clicking on it. QFA – Define properties of a failure entry (data base mapping)

A failure entry created manually is not assigned to a specific database at first. SCIO™ initially uses the placeholder "???" as the default
database name.

To edit the properties of a failure entry (new entries / existing entries) in the QFA, proceed as follows:

• Select the failure to be edited.

• Select Edit/Properties... or double-click on the failure entry.

• The Properties window for the failure entry opens. The following settings can be specified here:

"Description" tab:

This tab is used to manage the assignments of the failure entry in the SCIO™ database.

Failure: Here you specify the failure entry or change an existing name.

System element: The system element to be assigned to the failure can be selected by clicking with the mouse on the <...>

Function: The function to be assigned to the failure is selected using the pull down menu. All functions from the system
element previously selected are offered for selection.

Important: The failure only becomes a fully valid database entry, and therefore is only created in the FMEA form, for
example, after specifying this assignment!

"General settings" tab:

The parameters on this tab are irrelevant for the database. Changes to the parameters are only saved in the corresponding
FTA file.

Name: Free text box; can be used to enter comments, if necessary.

Type: Database information. The type depends on the component selected in the QFA (for example if it is a failure entry,
default input, etc.)

"Line" tab:

The parameters on this tab are irrelevant for the database. Changes to the parameters are only saved in the corresponding
FTA file.

Here you specify the color, type, and width of the borderline of the failure box. Placing a checkmark next to "Transparent"
will hide the border.

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"Fill" tab:

The parameters on this tab are irrelevant for the database. Changes to the parameters are only saved in the corresponding
FTA file.

Here you specify the fill color for the foreground and background of the failure boxes as well as a fill pattern, if desired.
Placing a checkmark next to "Transparent" will hide the foreground and background colors.

Applicable to all tabs:

<OK>: Saves the changes and closes the Edit window.

<Apply>: Saves the changes without closing the Edit window.

<Cancel>: Closes the Edit window without saving the changes. QFA – Insert OR Link

creates a new OR node in the QFA (only when a failure icon is marked).

• Mark a failure icon in the QFA.

• Click on the button and then on the drawing area in the QFA: The new link is inserted below the marked failure icon
and can be moved afterwards.

The OR relationship stands for the logical union.

The result is calculated according to the following equation:


N: Non-availability

The OR link has one output and any number of inputs. QFA – Insert AND Link

Creates a new AND node in the QFA (only when a failure icon is marked).

• Mark a failure icon in the QFA.

• Click on the button and then on the drawing area in the QFA: The new link is inserted below the marked failure icon
and can be moved afterwards.

The AND relationship stands for the logical mean.

The result is calculated according to the following equation:


N: Non-availability

The AND link has one output and any number of inputs. QFA – Invert (AND/OR) Link

The icon swaps AND/OR links in the QFA.

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14 – SCIO™-Fault-Tree – Introduction 264 QFA – Insert NOT Link

The icon Creates a new NOT node in the QFA (only when a failure icon is marked).

• Mark a failure icon in the QFA.

• Click on the button and then on the drawing area in the QFA: The new link is inserted below the marked failure icon
and can be moved afterwards.

The NOT relationship stands for the logical negation. If the input I of the relationship is "=0", then the output O is "=1" and vice-versa.
The link has one input and one output.

The result is calculated according to the following equation:


N: Non-availability QFA – Insert Standard Input

The Icon creates a new standard input in the QFA (only when a failure icon is marked in the lowest level). The default input can
be used to specify a certain probability of the occurrence of a failure (failure probability), if necessary. Values between 0 (failure sure
to occur, system is unavailable) and 1 (unlikely to occur, system availability ensured) can be defined. Using the probabilities of
occurrence (standard inputs) of the failures at the lowest level of a QFA-fault tree, it is possible to calculate the probabilities of an
occurrence for the higher levels by taking the existing connection nodes into account. There are three different calculation methods
available for this purpose (see below).

The probability value is specified above the corresponding failure entry.

• Mark a failure icon in the lowest level of the QFA.

• Click on the button and then on the drawing area in the QFA: The new link is inserted below the marked failure icon
and can be moved afterwards.

• The value for the input is set to “1” by default. You can edit this value using the command Edit/Properties… (or with a
mouse double-click)

• The QFA offers three different methods for calculating the unavailability: a) direct entry of the unavailability, b) calculation
of the unavailability according to DIN 254224, Part 2 and c) calculation of the unavailability according to VDA 3 Part 2.
Please consult the standards mentioned for more information.

The other tabs influence the presentation of the standard input symbol and are described at QFA – Define properties of a
failure entry (data base mapping).

• Repeat the procedure for all other failure entries of the lowest level to get the complete calculation. QFA – Insert Transfer Port

The Icon connects different QFAs to each other (only when a failure icon is marked in the lowest level). This allows the
combination of the calculation from different fault trees (see also: QFA – Insert Standard Input).

• Mark a failure icon in the lowest level of the QFA.

• Click on the button and then on the drawing area in the QFA. The new link is inserted below the marked failure icon
and can be moved afterwards.

• Open the edit window of the port by a mouse double-click (or Edit/Properties…). Select the “Link-Input” tab and choose
the QFA file (*.fta) to be connected at this location and confirm your selection with <OK>. To change the description of the
Input icon use the “Description” field in the dialog.

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The other tabs influence the presentation of the port symbol and are described at QFA – Define properties of a failure entry
(data base mapping).

• The input value for the non-availability is set to the output value of the linked QFA. You can open and edit the QFA attached
by double-clicking on the icon.

Tipp: With a mouse double-click on the port symbol in the current QFA you can open the linked QFA in a separate window.

14.4.6 QFA – Connect Fault Tree to Database

The QFA is approved and connected to the database with . You can approve the entire fault tree or just a sub tree in the fault

• Mark the failure at the top of the sub tree in the QFA to be approved.

• Click on the button, select “Connect“ and confirm with <OK>:

The results of the search strategy used in the QFA were shown before using dotted lines (there are no failure links yet).
With this command, the dotted connection lines turn in to solid lines now. The (sub)tree is now created in the database
and failure links are created.

If you also select “Generate FMEA Data” at this point, SCIO™ will automatically fill in the failure data in the FMEA form
using the failure links (see next chapter).

The top failure of the (sub)tree is now marked with a -icon in the Function Tree.

Note: The approved Fault Tree does not need to be stored as a file any more. It is now part of the database and can be
opened in the following manner:

o Open the Function Tree.

o Find and mark the top failure of the QFA (indicated by a ) with the right mouse button and select Open

Important: If failures were added manually to the QFA and not linked to a function in the database, then this sub tree cannot be
approved. The connection lines remain dotted and can only be stored as a file.

14.4.7 QFA – Generate FMEA Data from a Fault Tree

Failures from the QFA are connected to higher and lower-levels with this menu item. A failure is entered in the FMEA form as a cause
of the higher-level failure and an effect in the lower-level failure.

You can select the entire fault tree or just a sub tree of the fault tree when generating the FMEA data. The tree must be linked to the
database in order to be able to use the failure in the FMEA form.

• Mark the failure at the top of the sub tree in the QFA to be approved.

• Click on the button, select “Connect“ and “Generate FMEA data”:

• Confirm with <OK>. The FMEA data is generated.

Important: If failures were added manually to the QFA and not linked to a function in the database, then this sub tree cannot be
approved. The connection lines remain dotted and can only be stored as a file.

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14.4.8 QFA – Edit Fault Trees Moving and choosing components (selection)

Using the mouse pointer turns into an arrow. The individual components of the quantitative fault tree are selected by clicking
on them and are then marked by a frame. Holding the mouse button allows to move tree elements.

The sizes of the symbols on the screen are changed with the help of the frame. QFA – Zoom

The mouse pointer turns into a magnifying glass when the button is selected. A mouse click magnifies now the picture and
centers it at the click point. Using the right mouse button reduces the size of the picture in stages.

Zoom of a cut out: If a frame is placed around the desired area to be enlarged, then this section is enlarged. A new frame must be
set to further increase the enlargement. QFA – Changing the overlapping order

If several symbols overlap or are stacked in the edit field, then a symbol can be brought to the foreground or just moved one level
up towards the foreground in the stack, as well as one level down towards the background in the stack. To do this, select the

corresponding icon:

Note: These icons are visible only, if the toolbar “Structure” is activated (see also: Customize…). QFA – Align Symbols

Using the icons the symbols/groups can be aligned to obtain a better overview.

The reference line always refers to the outermost border of a symbol.

The group of symbols (e.g. failure boxes or lines) to be aligned can be marked using a frame or selected by clicking on each symbol
while holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard. Afterwards, the fields can be aligned using the icon mentioned. The View/Align
Icons Automatically command aligns all symbols in a QFA fault tree using a default alignment.

Note: These icons are visible only, if the toolbar “Alignment” is activated (see also: Customize…).

14.5 Creating and editing projects

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15 SCIO™-Fault-Tree – Menu items

15.1 File
Note: In addition to the "file-based" menu commands, the "File" menu also contains "database-related" calls normally found in other
SCIO™ programs under the "System Element" menu item.

15.1.1 New… Fault Tree System Analysis

Call: File/New…/FaultTreeSystemAnalysis

A new qualitative fault tree (FTA) is created. The window with the new fault tree contains a header with the master data of the fault
tree and the root of the new fault tree: the “Undesired Event”.

• Master data: The master data can be edited by clicking on the document header or via the menu command Edit/Master

• Create Fault Tree: The unwanted event as well as every underlying cause can be marked with the mouse, opened, and
edited using the SPACE key:

o The text for the unwanted event or for the failure can be entered under Description.

o If there is a checkmark in the Keep Open box, then this window remains open while the fault tree is being edited.

o You specify the failure level in the fault tree using the button below Failure Level. This is necessary when an FMEA is
to be created from the Fault Tree.

After you have entered the unwanted event in the text input window, the tree can be displayed with all underlying causes linked
using AND (&) or OR (>=) connections.

See also:

• Edit/Master Data

• Edit/Lower-level Cause

• Edit/Parallel Cause

• Edit/New OR Node

• Edit/New AND Node

• Edit/Delete

• Edit/Create FMEA Quantitative Fault Tree Analysis

Call: File/New…/QuantitativeFaultTreeAnalysis

A new quantitative fault tree (QFA) is created. You must log in to the SCIO™ database to create a new quantitative fault tree (QFA).

• Top Failure: The top failure of the QFA must be selected from the Function tree and placed in the QFA via drag & drop.

• Examine Causes: Read the following help topics to find out how to enter lower-level causes with various types of links.

o Working in the QFA

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o Edit/Find Causes

o Edit/Properties

15.1.2 Open…

Call: File/Open…

The selection window used to select the qualitative (*.fba) or quantitative (*.fta) fault tree file opens. Confirm your selection of the
fault tree file with <Open>.

15.1.3 Open with...

Note: see “File”

• Open Dialog

• Search…

• Manager...

• Show Element as Structure Tree/Function Tree

• Open Specification Editor...

• Open Scout view...

• SCIO™ - Modules

• HTML View and Audit-Trail

15.1.4 Save

Call: File/Save

Fault trees just created and changed fault trees are saved using this command. The command always refers to the currently active
window in the program.

If the currently active window is a fault tree that has not been saved yet, then a window opens in which you specify the file name
and directory for storage:

• Select the corresponding file folder in which the Fault-Tree file is to be stored.

• Enter the file name (File Name list field).

• Select the file type for the files:

o *.fba: qualitative Fault-Tree (FTA)

o *.fta: quantitative Fault-Tree (QFA)

• Confirm with <Save>.

If the active window is a fault tree that has already been saved, then the changes are automatically saved in the old file without
outputting a message.

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15.1.5 Save As...

Call File/Save As…

Saves a fault tree in a selectable directory under the desired file name.

15.1.6 Close
Note: see “File”

15.1.7 Open Specification Editor... (QFA only)

Note: see “File”

15.1.8 Open Scout View... (QFA only)

Note: see “File”

15.1.9 Open Structure Tree / Function Tree / Variant Tree

Note: see “File”

15.1.10 Excel Transfer...

Note: see “File”

• General procedure when transferring data to MS Excel®

• Excel transfer of a system structure

• System Element submenu

• Transfer Profile submenu

• Edit submenu

• View submenu

• Options for the data transfer: Data Configuration

• Options for the data transfer: Transfer Settings

15.1.11 Fast print... Print...
Note: see “File” Print Preview

Note: see “File”

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Note: see “File”

15.1.12 Templates...
Note: see “File”

15.1.13 Import... Import XML SCIO

Note: see “File” Import Version fm2

Note: see “File” Import List of Translation

Note: see “File”

15.1.14 Export...
Note: see “File”

15.1.15 Delete Jobs...

Note: see “File”

15.1.16 List of fault tree files

Above the Exit menu command, SCIO™ lists the most recently opened or saved fault tree files (*.fba or *.fta). A maximum of the last
four files is displayed.

15.1.17 Exit
Note: see “File”

15.2 Edit

15.2.1 Undo Last Action

15.2.2 Restore (QFA only)

Call: Edit/Restore

This command is available only, if an action was undone before (see above). Calling this function redoes the action undone.

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15.2.3 Cut (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Cut

A branch or entry in a Fault-Tree that was marked earlier can be cut out of the Fault-Tree and copied to the clipboard using the
Edit/Cut menu command. It can then be inserted at a different location using the command Edit/Paste.

To cut a branch or entry from the fault tree, you mark the desired section with the mouse and then cut out the excerpt using the
Edit/Cut menu command.

15.2.4 Copy (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Copy

To copy a branch or entry from the fault tree, you mark the desired section with the mouse and then copy the excerpt to the clipboard
using the Edit/Copy menu command.

15.2.5 Paste (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Paste

The data on the clipboard is inserted at the location in the fault tree selected earlier.

15.2.6 Delete

Call: Edit/Delete

A branch or entry can be deleted from the Fault-Tree with the menu command Edit/Delete.

15.2.7 Edit Entry (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Edit Entry

An entry in the FTA marked with the mouse can be changed using the Edit/Edit Entry menu command or the F2 or SPACE key.

A window opens for the current entry in which you can make the desired changes to the text. The changes to the text are confirmed
with the <OK> button and are then applied to the trees.

15.2.8 Underlying Cause (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Underlying Cause

A lower-level cause is added in the FTA with the menu command Edit/Underlying Cause or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ENTER.

General Procedure:

• Mark the entry in the fault tree with the mouse

• Insert the cause with the menu command Edit/Underlying Cause (alternative command: CTRL + ENTER or )

• Enter text for the cause in the window:

• Confirm the text entered with <OK>.

The lower-level causes are generally created using an OR connection. They are used to link causes in the same level.

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15.2.9 Further Cause (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Further Cause

Another cause is added to the fault tree at the same level as an existing cause with the menu command Edit/Another Cause.

General Procedure:

• Mark an entry in the level of the fault tree to which you wish to add another cause

• Insert another cause with the menu command Edit/Further Cause (alternative command: CTRL + ENTER or )

• Enter the cause text in the dialog window:

• Confirm the text entered with <OK>.

Causes in the same level can be connected using an “OR” or an “AND” node.

15.2.10 New AND Operator (FTA only)

Call: Edit/New AND Operator

An AND node without lower-level causes is added with this command, which can then be expanded using the menu command
Edit/Further Cause.

General Procedure:

• Mark the entry under which the new AND node is to be inserted

• Insert the AND node with the command Edit/New AND Operator or .

15.2.11 New OR Operator (FTA only

Call: Edit/New OR Operator

An OR node without lower-level causes, which can be added later using the menu command Edit/Further Cause, is added with the
menu command Edit/New OR Operator.

General Procedure:

• Mark the entry under which the new OR node is to be inserted

• Insert the OR node with the menu command Edit/New OR Operator or .

15.2.12 Master Data (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Master Data

Tip: Double-click on the master data area above the Fault Tree.

The window for editing the master data is opened with the menu command Edit/Master Data. The master data always refers to the
fault tree currently open and is displayed above the fault tree.

• Name: Name of the fault tree and of the FMEA created later from this fault tree

• SE Family: The SE family will be copied later to the master data of the system element (FMEA). You can access the system
element master data in the database by clicking with the mouse on the button. The window for logging on to the system
knowledge base appears.

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• SE Family ID: The ID that uniquely identifies the SE family and that will be copied later to the master data of the system
element (FMEA). You can access the system element master data in the database by clicking with the mouse on the button.
The window for logging on to the system knowledge base appears.

• Function/Feature/Process: A function/feature/process to which the cause can be assigned in the Fault Tree. The function
entered here can be taken from the fault tree when creating an FMEA with the help of the FBA export method Projection
onto One Function.

If all master data desired has be entered or changed, then the entry or changes are confirmed with <OK>.

15.2.13 Create FMEA (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Create FMEA

The qualitative fault trees (FTA) created with SCIO™-Fault-Tree can be copied to an FMEA form.

There are two ways to accomplish this:

• Copy the fault trees from the Fault Tree view to the System Overview via drag & drop.

• Create an import file (*.xml) and then import the file into the SCIO™-FMEA program.

Procedure of way 2:

The first step in creating a system element file is to specify the failure level. The failure level determines which entries in the fault
tree are to be entered in the failure column of the FMEA form. The entries from the higher failure levels are entered in the Effects
column in the form, and the entries in the lower failure levels are entered in the Cause column in the form.

Step 1: Specifying the failure level

• To select the level you must mark an entry in the open fault tree and then open the next window using the SPACE key or the
Edit/Edit Entry menu command.

• The failure level is selected by clicking with the mouse on the button with the arrow, and it is then highlighted in yellow in
the fault tree:

The selected failure level is shown in yellow. The entries above the failure level are entered in the FMEA form as potential
effects of failure, and those below it are entered as causes of failure. Lower level causes and higher level effects can be
stored in the form as comments.

Step 2: Create FMEA

• After you have specified the failure level, the FMEA can be created using the menu command Edit/Create FMEA.

• The export method describes 3 different ways to specify the function in the FMEA form:

o Automatic Definitions of Functions: The levels above the effect of the failure in the fault tree are entered as a

o Projection on a function: In this method all failures from the fault tree refer to the one function that was specified
in the master data of the fault tree. You can also enter new function text in the white text field.

o Definitions of Functions by Negating of Failure Effects: In a fault tree with many levels and branches, it may make
sense to relate the failures to several functions instead of just one function. In this method a placeholder is
written in the Function column for each effect of a failure. This placeholder consists of the contents of the effect
and is marked by an exclamation point. The functions automatically created should be edited once they have
been transferred to the form.

• After export switch to FMEA System and import: The FMEA data is automatically imported into the SCIO™ system.

• Confirm with <OK>.

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• The “File/Save As… window” appears: Enter a filename and select the directory in which the system element file is to be

• Then confirm with <OK>. SCIO™-Fault-Tree creates a file with the extension ".xml".

• If you did not activate the automatic import function, then you can manually read the file using File/Import.

15.2.14 Paste from Scout view (QFA only)

Call: Edit/Paste from Scout view

Failure links shown in the SCIO™-Net-Builder program as Scout views and which were prepared there for transfer are pasted from
the clipboard. It is generally unnecessary, though, to call this command since the data copy starts automatically in the SCIO™-Fault-
Tree Scout view and the data is automatically copied to a separate QFA document.

15.2.15 Search (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Search

The Edit/Search menu command can be used to search for a certain text fragment in the fault tree. This is a general Windows function
that will not be explained in more detail here.

15.2.16 Replace (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Replace

The menu command Edit/Replace is an extended function of the Edit/Search command. This search functions just like a normal
search, but you can also replace the text fragment found with another text fragment with this command. This is a general Windows
function that will not be explained in more detail here.

15.2.17 Knowledge Base (FTA only)

Call: Edit/Knowledge Base

With the help of the Knowledge Base, you can query the knowledge stored in the system when creating new fault trees.

• SCIO™-Fault-Tree opens a window in which you can enter the search criteria for the fault tree.

• There are 5 search criteria that can be connected together. Only those entries that are check marked are used as search
criteria. If more than one checkmark is set, then the individual criteria are AND linked together.

• A wildcard can be used in the search criteria entered. For example, entering “*cross*” in the “Failure Description” line will
search through all failures, causes, and effects in the database containing the text fragment "cross" (e.g. “cross-head
screwdriver” and displays the chain of failures in a new fault tree. Find Causes (QFA only)

Call: Edit/Find Causes

Searches for causes for the next level for a failure marked in the QFA.

There are two search strategies you can use:

• Fault tree search: If there is already a QFA available for the failure entry marked, then it is read in here. Requirement: The
QFA was connected to the database, or it was linked to the failure in the database.

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• Function links: SCIO™ reads the function links created in the system structure in the matrix analysis or in the function tree.

See also:

• QFA – Creating a Fault Tree using system/function structures

15.2.18 Properties (QFA only)

Call: Edit/Properties

It is possible to define descriptive and formative properties of a failure. The Edit/Properties menu item opens a window in which you
can specify the line thickness and names, for example.

See also:

• QFA – Define properties of a failure entry (data base mapping)

15.3 View

15.3.1 Update (QFA only)

15.3.2 Expand level (FTA only)

Call: View/Expand level

You can expand (display) the next level of a fault tree. A number in square brackets (e.g. [+2]) specifies the number of entries in the
next level.

• Mark the entry under which the next level is to be opened.

• Expand the next level using the menu command View/Expand level.

15.3.3 Expand branch (FTA only)

Call: View/Expand branch

You can expand (display) the branch of a fault tree.

• Mark the entry under which the next level is to be opened.

• Expand the next level using the menu command View/Expand branch.

15.3.4 Expand all (FTA only)

Call: View/Expand All

The entire fault tree is completely expanded using the menu command View/Expand All. You do not need to mark an entry or a sub
tree to call this function.

15.3.5 Collapse branch (FTA only)

Call: View/Collapse branch

Command for collapsing a branch:

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• Mark the entry under which the structure is to be collapsed.

• Collapse the sub tree using the menu command View/Collapse Branch or by double-clicking with the left mouse button.

15.3.6 Next branch (FTA only)

Call: View/Next branch

The system jumps from one marked entry of a branch to the same level of the next branch with the menu command View/Next
Branch or the keyboard shortcut CTRL + DOWN.

15.3.7 Previous branch (FTA only)

Call: View/Previous branch

The system jumps from one marked entry of a branch to the same level of the previous branch with the menu command
View/Previous Branch or the keyboard shortcut CTRL + UP.

15.3.8 Collapse/Expand branch (QFA only)

Call: View/Collapse/Expand branch

Command for collapsing/expanding a branch:

• Mark the entry under which the structure is to be collapsed/expanded.

• Collapse the sub tree using the menu command View/Collapse/Expand Branch or by double-clicking with the left mouse

15.3.9 Arrange symbols (QFA)

Call: View/Arrange Symbols

This command arranges the symbols of the QFA in the view.

15.3.10 Fit to page (QFA only)

Call: View/Fit to page

This command fits the view of the complete QFA to one page.

15.3.11 Define symbol size (QFA only)

Call: View/Define symbol size

SCIO™-Fault-Tree provides small and large symbols in the QFA.

15.3.12 Zoom...
Call: View/Zoom

The magnification of the display of the Fault-Tree (FTA, QFA) can be increased or decreased.

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Call: View/Zoom Setup

You can specify different zoom factors for the X- and Y-axes in the FTA.

You can specify one zoom factor for the X- and Y-axes in the QFA.

15.3.13 Insert/Remove bookmark (FTA only)

Call: View/Insert/Remove bookmark

A bookmark can be applied/removed to an element in the FTA. If a tree element is marked with a bookmark, then it is displayed using
a red font and red border.

15.3.14 Delete all bookmarks (FTA only)

Call: View/Delete all bookmarks

All bookmarks in the FTA are removed.

15.3.15 Find next bookmark (FTA only)

Call: View/Find next bookmark

The next element in the FTA that is marked with a bookmark is displayed.

15.3.16 Find previous bookmark (FTA only)

Call: View/Find previous bookmark

The previous element in the FTA that is marked with a bookmark is displayed.

15.3.17 Application Bar

15.4 Format (FTA only)

15.4.1 Font Fault-Tree

Call: Format/Font Fault-Tree

Configuring the font type, size and color of the FTA entries.

15.4.2 Font header content

Call: Format/Font header content

Configuring the font type, size and color of the FTA header content (master data).

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15.4.3 Font header name

Call: Format/Format header content

Configuring the font type, size and color of the FTA header names (master data description).

15.5 Analysis

15.5.1 SCIO™ Manager

• General Procedure

• Search Mask menu bar

• Search Results menu bar

• Sorting search results

• The "Report" tab

• Special menu items in the SCIO-Manager

• Special Menu Item: Create List of Translations

15.6 Administration

15.6.1 Projects…

15.6.2 Master Data Elements...

• System Element Status: Releasing and write-protecting documents

15.6.3 Optional Data...

15.6.4 Organization...
• Organization: Menu Edit

• Organization: Menu View

• Organization: Menu Departments

• Organization: Menu User

• Organization: Menu Rights Classes

• Organization: Menu Tools/Options

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15.6.5 Change Password...

15.7 Tools

15.7.1 XERI Document Management

15.7.2 External product connections

15.7.3 Copy as URL

15.7.4 Change Database...

15.7.5 Refresh Read Cache

15.7.6 Change user interface language…

15.7.7 Customize…

15.7.8 Options… Options: Function Tree tab and Variant Tree tab Options: View tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Fault-Tree:

• Failure level: The failure level is highlighted in the fault tree (FTA) in yellow when a checkmark is placed here.

• Index: The fault tree (FTA) is numbered using an index when a checkmark is placed here.

• Symbol AND-link: Define the description (text) for an AND-link used in the fault tree (FTA) here.

• Symbol OR-link: Define the description (text) for an OR-link used in the fault tree (FTA) here.

• Line folding: Failure entries in fault trees (FTA) are displayed in full using line breaks when a checkmark is placed here.

• Maximum Text Size: Define the number of characters a failure may contain (FTA only).

• Factor for horizontal stretching: Determines how the fault tree (FTA) is displayed in the horizontal direction.

• Factor for vertical stretching: Determines how the fault tree (FTA) is displayed in the vertical direction.

All other parameters are described at Options: View tab.

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The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Fault-Tree:

• Select new entry: If a new entry is created in the FTA and there is a checkmark placed here, then this entry is immediately
marked as active. This setting allows you to quickly put together fault trees using the keyboard.

• Expand quickly: The next failure level is expanded or collapsed completely by double-clicking with the mouse in the FTA
when a checkmark is placed here.

• Expand: If a checkmark is placed here, a single mouse click on a node will expand/collapse the next failure level.

• Right Mouse Button function: The right mouse button can take on two different functions in an FTA:

o Context menu: SCIO™ offers a context menu for the right mouse button in the trees.

o Expand: The trees/sub-tree are collapsed or expanded using the right mouse button.

All other parameters are described at Options: Edit tab. Options: Analysis tab Options: Print tab Options: System Administration tab

15.8 Window

15.8.1 New window

15.8.2 Cascade

15.8.3 Tile horizontally

15.8.4 Tile vertically

15.8.5 Arrange Icons

15.9 Help

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16 SCIO™-Block-Diagram – Introduction

16.1 Block diagram

A block diagram (BD) is a visual description of a system (product or process system). The information required by QS 9000 can be
displayed in graphic form (“block diagram form”). This information includes, among other items, the components, assemblies, or
even functions and process steps involved and their relationship to one another. System limits can be displayed, interfaces visualized,
comments stored, and image files linked.

All this information is shown in the SCIO™-Block-Diagram worksheet. Existing system elements in the SCIO™ database can be easily
integrated into a BD. In the BD window, it is also possible to create new system elements in the database and integrate them into
the structure when necessary. This means you can develop and visualize an entire system structure using SCIO™TM Block Diagram.

Every block diagram is stored in a separate file that is linked to a system element of the SCIO™ database. You can save more than
one BD file for a system element to highlight different aspects or characteristics of a system, for example.

16.2 Working in block diagrams (BD)

16.2.1 General Information

The system element data stored in a block diagram is needed to assemble the system structure in your SCIO™ database and can be
used and edited through the tree views or SCIO™-Matrix.

In addition to the database data stated above, extra information only relevant in these documents is also stored in a block diagram.
This information includes the visualization of system limits or the “type of connection” between two system elements, as well as
comments entered in text boxes or embedded image files.

Due to the SCIO™ database principle, the documents mentioned above are optimally networked so that the time and effort it takes
to synchronize the data can be minimized.

Block diagrams are called and displayed on the screen by opening a system element, for example using the menu command System
Element/Open/Open Dialog... or by call it from a tree view. If there are already several block diagrams for a system element, then
you can select one in a selection window.

Block diagrams are stored as separate files of type SBD (*.sbd) even though they also contain data directly from the SCIO™ database
that can be changed in a BD.

The following sections provide an overview of the operating capabilities when handling block diagrams:

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files

• Opening block diagrams

• Creating and editing block diagrams

• Saving a block diagram as an image file

• Printing a block diagram

16.2.2 Block diagrams – Interaction of the database and files

Block diagrams are documents that are stored in separate files (of type *.sbd). The document files themselves are not part of the
SCIO™ database. However, block diagrams are closely related to the system elements in the SCIO™ database since the SBD files are
automatically linked to the system elements they were created for.

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If a block diagram is created for a system element and then saved using System Element/Save... ( icon), then SCIO™ creates a
corresponding SBD file in a subdirectory of the SCIO™ database. This subdirectory is automatically created in the DOCS directory and
is assigned the name “Block Diagram” the first time the BD is saved.

Note: The storage location of the DOCS directory can be specified for your company when installing SCIO™. The “Block Diagram”
subdirectory is permanently linked to this directory. Filenames for block diagrams

SCIO™ automatically assigns a name to the SBD file the first time a block diagram is saved: The name is always composed of the name
of the system element for which the BD was created and the file extension “sbd” (e.g. “Product xy.sbd”).

If another BD is created for the same system element, then the user is asked for a different name for the BD file. It is recommended
here, for example, to add a version number or some special aspect of the block diagram to the name, for example (e.g. “Product
xy_2.sbd” or “Product xy_System_Environment.sbd). When the BD is opened later via its system element, then all files are
automatically offered for selection.

Note: A specific procedure must be followed if you want to rename the BD file for a block diagram linked to a system element (see
also: Renaming BD files). Deleting block diagrams, deleting connections

BD files as such can also be deleted at any time from the storage medium. You can also rename the file stored on the storage medium
(see the next section). In both cases, though, the connection between the file and the system element in the SCIO™ database is lost.
In the first case, the deleted BD file is still listed in the open dialog for a block diagram of a corresponding system element. Calling
the file will result in a corresponding error message. To prevent this, you should delete the connection to the system element before
you delete the BD file. Proceed as follows to do this:

• With System Element/Open/Open Dialog... ( icon), open the system element that is attached to the BD file to be

• In the “Documents” selection window, select the appropriate BD file and click on <Delete...>: The context dialog for the
current system element opens on the “Documents” tab.

• Select the corresponding BD file in this dialog from the list of “Linked Documents” and then select <Delete Link>. This
removes the connection between the BD file and the system element.

• The BD file can now be deleted from the storage medium without resulting in an error message from SCIO™.

• If the connection is accidentally deleted and you want to connect the BD file to the system element again, then follow the
procedure described in the section Renaming and re-linking BD files.

Note: The connection can also be deleted after the BD file has been deleted. Renaming and re-linking BD files

If a BD file that is linked to a system element is renamed on the storage medium, then this file cannot be called anymore in the Open
dialog of the system element since this dialog still lists the file under its old filename. The BD file is still accessible using the menu

command System Element/Open File... ( icon). It is not linked at this time, though, to the original system element stored in the
SCIO™ database.

Re-linking BD files

Requirement: You can only link a BD file to the system element used to create this element in the first place or created by copying
the data of such a BD file.

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• Open the BD file to be linked with System Element/Open File ( icon). The corresponding block diagram opens.

• Change the block diagram if necessary and then select System Element/Save ( icon). SCIO™ recognizes that the current
block diagram was originally created using a specific system element and automatically links it to this system element again.

• The block diagram can now be selected from the Open dialog of the corresponding system element and opened.

Note: You can re-link renamed BD files whose link was accidentally deleted.

16.2.3 Opening block diagrams

Each block diagram (BD) is stored in the SCIO™ database for a system element and can be opened again via this system element. You
can therefore normally open a BD by selecting and opening a system element for which a block diagram already exists, for example

using the System Element/Open/Open Dialog… menu command or the icon. If there are already several block diagrams for a
system element, then the corresponding BD files are offered for selection in a selection window.

It is also possible, though, to open a block diagram by opening the corresponding file directly in the file system (i.e. in the storage

medium). The file is opened in this manner using the System Element/Open File menu command or using the icon. You can also
open block diagrams whose connection to a system element was deleted using this procedure.

16.2.4 Creating and editing block diagrams

In this section you will find the most important information relating to the creation of one or more block diagrams. This information
pertains mainly to the following operations:

• Creating the first block diagram for a system element

• Creating several block diagrams for a system element

• Entering general data for a BD (master data)

• Integrating system elements in a BD and building system structures

• Symbols for system elements and functions

• Renaming system elements

• Integrate functions in a BD

• Connection lines and directional arrows

• Interfaces and system elements

• Integrating text fields

• Integrating geometric forms

• Integrating image documents

• Ordering and grouping of BD elements

• Deleting the contents of BD‘s

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You will need a system element from the SCIO™ database to create a block diagram using SCIO™ Block Diagram. If this system element
does not exist yet in your database, then you can create it with System Element/New.... You must at least enter data for the
mandatory master data. If the system element was created, then the worksheet for a new block diagram opens automatically.

If there is already a system element in the database because it was needed earlier to create other documents such as an FMEA or a
process flow chart, then you just need to open this system element in SCIO™ Block Diagram. This is done using the menu command
System Element/Open/Open Dialog..., for example. SCIO™ automatically opens a new worksheet for a new block diagram in this

Note: Calling an empty BD worksheet does not automatically create the block diagram as a BD file. This file is created using the menu

command System Element/Save ( icon).

See also:

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files Creating several block diagrams for a system element

If there is already a block diagram available for a system element, then you can add another BD to the system element at any time in

an open block diagram. This is done using the System Element/New Block Diagram menu command or using the icon. The user
is asked to enter a filename for the BD file in this case. This name must differ from the filenames of the other BD files available – if
necessary, the user is informed of this requirement.

If there are already several block diagrams for a system element, then all BD files linked to the system element are automatically
available for selection when the system element is opened in the Open dialog.

See also:

• Filenames for block diagrams

• Deleting block diagrams, deleting connections

• Renaming and reconnecting BD files Entering the general data of a BD (master data)

All general data of a BD is recorded in SCIO™ Block Diagram using the master data of a system element. In the case of a BD, this
means the master data of the system element for which the BD will be created.

When creating a new system element using the System Element/New... menu command, the master data dialog for this element
opens automatically. You can change or add to the master data of existing system elements at any time.

Most of the master data important for a BD can be entered and edited in the “Mandatory Data” and “Additional Data” groups.
Specific master data that is only valid in a BD is not available in the default SCIO™ master data, but if necessary it can be added to the
database at any time in the optional master data.

To quickly display the master data of the current BD, click on the icon. The master data can also be edited when necessary in
the window that opens.

See also:

• Master data of a system element

• User-defined master data

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16 – SCIO™-Block-Diagram – Introduction 285 Integrating system elements in a BD – building system structures

The “backbone” of a block diagram is formed by the components, assemblies, and/or processes whose interactions determine the
properties of the system to be described in the block diagram. In SCIO™, these components are represented by the system elements
in the database.

You can access existing system elements in the database for a BD at any time. In the same manner, it is also possible to define new
system elements in a BD that are then stored in the database and are then available immediately to other applications such as SCIO™-
FMEA or SCIO™-Control-Plan.

Using existing system elements

To use an existing system element in the SCIO™ database in a block diagram, open one of the SCIO™ tree views such as the structure
or variant tree. There you select the desired system element and drag it to the open BD worksheet while holding the left mouse
button down. Releasing the button SCIO™ will ask if the system element should be integrated as a sub-system element or not. <Yes>
will link the new element as a sub-system element to the SB system element. <No> integrates the new element to the block diagram
but not to the system structure on the database.

SCIO™ now creates a standard symbol for system elements named after the selected system element. The position of the symbol can
be changed later as desired.

System elements integrated in a block diagram in this manner are active elements in a BD that can be opened in other SCIO™
programs by double-clicking and then selecting the system element. In terms of the structure, though, no link is created in the
database when this procedure is used.

You can also rename the elements in the BD (see also: Edit/Properties...). Note in this case that the name is assigned to the system
element as a whole, meaning that the change may affect other documents such as matrices, a PFC, or a CP.

Tip: Double-clicking with the mouse on a system element and then selecting SCIO™ Block Diagram opens a block diagram for this
system element. This block diagram can then be considered a “sub-BD”. This way you can easily distribute the display of complex
systems across several block diagrams.

Inserting new system elements in a BD

In general, block diagrams are created in the very early phases of system development. It can be assumed then that many system
elements in a BD have not been created yet in the database.

You can create a new system element directly in a BD using the icon. You only need to enter the name of the system element in
this case. After confirming with <OK>, the mouse pointer changes shape and the new system element can be inserted at a specific
location in the block diagram by clicking on a certain position in the worksheet.


• System elements inserted in this manner in a BD are automatically sub-system elements of the current BD system element;
i.e. SCIO™ automatically links the new system element to the BD system element using a structure link.

• The system elements just created are automatically assigned the same mandatory master data as the BD system element.
You can only define specific default settings for the SE family and SE family ID assignments in the Tools/Options... menu
on the Settings tab.

Opening system elements in other SCIO™ programs

The system elements in a BD are active data elements in the SCIO™ database, which means they can be opened and edited in another
SCIO™ program.

To open system elements in a different SCIO™ application, double-click on the corresponding system element icon and then select
the desired SCIO™ application from the dialog that appears.

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16 – SCIO™-Block-Diagram – Introduction 286 Default symbols for system elements and functions

The following default symbols are used in block diagrams (diagram elements):

System element symbol with system element name

System element symbol with System element name; at least one change for the system element is
documented. The state of the change is “red“.

System element symbol with System element name; at least one change for the system element is
documented. The state of the change is “yellow“.

System element symbol with System element name; at least one change for the system element is
documented. The state of the change is “green“.

Function symbol with function name

Description field (without relationship to database) Renaming system elements

System elements and interface elements can be renamed at any time in the BD. Note in this case that the new name is applied
throughout the database, and therefore the change may affect other documents such as matrix analyses or process flow charts.

To rename a system element, select the icon corresponding to the element and select the Properties command from the right mouse
button menu. You can change the name of the system element now on the “General Settings” tab. The other tabs available are used
to format the system element and are described in the section on the subject of text fields.

To rename an interface element, select the icon corresponding to the element and open the master data dialog for this element
using the icon. Change the name of the element and confirm with <OK>. This procedure can also be used for system elements.

Note: System elements placed in a group cannot be renamed. Integrate functions in a BD

In addition to the system elements, block diagrams can also contain functions of the BD system element as database-related
information. This allows the representation of the systems and their relationships to be characterized more accurately. Furthermore,
connection lines in the BD can also generate links between the functions of the BD system element and other system elements in the
BD, which are then considered to be system links throughout the database. Functions are always displayed using a turquoise default

Using existing functions:

Existing functions of the BD system element can be copied to a block diagram. To do this, drag the functions from the function tree
to the open BD and then drop them there at the desired location.

Functions from other system elements cannot be dragged to the BD.

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Creating new functions in the BD:

If you want to create new functions for the BD system element in the block diagram, then you can do this via Edit/Insert New
Function... (icon: ). First, a dialog box appears in which you enter the new function. After confirming with <OK>, the function
symbol can be positioned at any location in the BD using the mouse. The new function is automatically appended to the end of the
list of functions of the BD system element.

Creating system links in the BD:

Functions can be linked in the BD to system elements located in the BD using connection lines (of any type). When linked, the affected
system elements automatically become sub-elements of the function. A system link to the database is therefore created in this
manner. Connection lines and directional arrows

Inserting connection lines

The relationships between the system elements in the system being examines are often displayed in block diagrams using connection
lines. SCIO™ Block Diagram uses the following connection types. Each type results in a differently formatted connection line in the

Relative motion link

Fixed connection (no motion)

System limit link


Release link

Generic link

To create a connection between two system elements, click first on the corresponding icon – the mouse pointer changes shape – and
then click in order on the system elements you want to connect. SCIO™ enters the corresponding connection lines in the BD.

Tip: You can click on other locations in the worksheet after clicking on the first system element. SCIO™ then “pins” the connection
line to this point and continues to display the line pinned to this point until the second system element is selected.

Deleting connection lines

To delete a connection line, select the corresponding line and press the DEL key If you hold down the CTRL key while doing this, you
can select and delete several lines at a time.

Directional arrows on connection lines

You can add an arrow if necessary to the connection line to give the connection line a direction. Select the connection line and then
click on the icon to add an arrow. You can change the direction of the arrow, insert a double arrow, or delete the arrow by
clicking multiple times on the icon.

Important note:

If one or two arrows are added to a connection line between two system elements in the block diagram this will influence your
system structure!

SCIO™ takes a system element with an “outgoing connection line” (no arrow) always as a supporting system element for a system
element with an ingoing connection line (arrow) and therefore links this supporting element as a sub-system element.

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• SE 1 → SE 2: “SE 1” automatically becomes a sub-system element to “SE 2“.

• SE 1 ← SE 2: “SE 2” automatically becomes a sub-system element to “SE 1“
• SE 1 ↔ SE 2: “SE 1” automatically becomes a sub-system element to “SE 2“ but “SE 2“ automatically becomes a sub-system
element to “SE1“ as well! This will create a structural recursion and should be prevented!


• If a connection line with an arrow is deleted this does not influence the system structure. Therefore, it is recommended to
remove all arrows from a connection line first before deleting it.
• Arrows at connection lines between functions and system elements are only used for visualization purposes and do not
influence the system structure! Interface system elements

Interfaces play often an important role in block diagrams. It may make sense in this case to create separate system elements for such
“interfaces”. These are then linked to the system elements equipped with this interface. It is very easy to create these types of
interface system elements in SCIO™ Block Diagram.


• Select a connection line between two system elements in your BD and double-click on this connection with the mouse.

• Enter a name for the new interface system element in the dialog window that opens and confirm with <OK>. SCIO™ creates
a new system element in the database and connects it to the current BD system element with a structure link. The two
system elements now connected through the interface are also linked to the interface system element as sub-system
elements by a structure link. Integrating text fields

To design a block diagram so it is easy to read and informative as well, it is often necessary to integrate text fields for comments or
headers in the BD.

Proceed as follows to integrate text fields in a block diagram:

• Click on the icon. The mouse pointer changes its shape.

• Click on a suitable position in the BD to insert the text field.

• You can make the text field larger or smaller by dragging the corresponding point on the edge of the text field with the

• Double-click in the test field to edit the text. SCIO™ automatically adjusts the size of the text field to accommodate the text

• The easiest way to format the text fields is to click with the right mouse button on the corresponding text field and then
Properties. Change the desired parameters and then confirm with <OK>. <Apply> will copy the selected parameter to the
text field without terminating the dialog. The following parameters can be configured:

o Text

▪ Contents

▪ Multiple Line Text Field, Word Wrap

▪ Horizontal and vertical text alignment in the current text field

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o Line (borderline around the text field)

▪ Line Color

▪ Line Form

▪ Line Width

o Fill (background of the current text field)

▪ Foreground color selection

▪ Background color selection (only relevant when crosshatching is used).

▪ Crosshatching selection

o Font

▪ Font type, size, and formatting selection

▪ Font color selection

▪ Special formats

o Position and Size

▪ Specification of the position of the text field (cannot be edited)

• To move a text field in the BD, drag the text field to the desired position while holding the left mouse button down. Integrating geometric shapes

Geometric shapes (to indicate the system limits or system areas, for example) can increase the readability of a BD.

To integrate geometric shapes in a BD, select the corresponding icon (see below) – the shape of the mouse pointer changes to a
cross – and select the position in the block diagram by clicking on it. Different procedures may be needed to generate the
corresponding shape (see below).

You can select from the following geometric shapes:

Line: Specify the starting point of the line by clicking with the mouse and dragging the line while holding the left mouse
button down. The line is displayed once you release the mouse button.

Polygon Line: Specify the starting point of the line by clicking with the mouse. Clicking on additional points after that will
fix segments of the polygon line in place. The direction of the line can be changed after each point is selected. You stop
drawing by double-clicking with the mouse.

Polygon: Specify the starting point of the polygon by clicking with the mouse. Clicking on additional points after that will fix
segments of the polygon line in place. The direction of the line, and therefore the shape of the polygon, can be changed
after each point is selected. You stop drawing by double-clicking with the mouse.

Rectangle: Specify the starting point of the rectangle by clicking with the mouse and adjusting the size of the rectangular
shape while holding the left mouse button down. The rectangle is displayed once you release the mouse button.

Curve: Specify the starting point of the curve by clicking with the mouse. You specify the other points in the curve to be
drawn by clicking on three more points. The potential curve is initially displayed using a dashed line. The path of the curve
can be extended by selecting three more fixed points accordingly. You stop drawing by double-clicking with the mouse.

Freehand: Specify the starting point of the shape by clicking with the mouse. You specify the other points in the curved line
to be drawn by clicking on three more points. The potential curve is initially displayed using a dashed line. The path of the

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curve can be extended by selecting three more fixed points accordingly. You stop drawing by double-clicking with the
mouse. The point on which you double-click is then automatically connected to the starting point of the shape by a line.

Ellipse: Specify the starting point of the ellipse by clicking with the mouse and dragging the ellipse into shape while holding
the left mouse button down. The ellipse is displayed once you release the mouse button.


• The size and/or shape of existing lines and shapes can be changed by selecting a fixed point again in the drawing and
dragging the point while holding down the left mouse button.

• The properties of lines and shapes (e.g. the line width, color, fill color, etc.) can be changed after selecting the corresponding
shape and calling the Properties command found in the right mouse button menu (see also: text fields). Using drawing tools – aligning, moving, rotating

If desired, graphic elements in a BD such as system elements, geometric figures, arrows, etc., can also be edited by clicking on special

To edit the graphic elements, you must first activate the “Align“, “Move“ or “Rotate“ toolbars under Tools/Customize... (the
corresponding checkmarks must be set).

The following tools are available:

• Align (several elements were selected together beforehand (press the CTRL key and select the elements)):

o Aligns the elements along the top.

o Aligns the elements horizontally in the middle.

o Aligns the elements along the bottom.

o Aligns the elements on the left side.

o Aligns the elements vertically in the center.

o Aligns the elements on the right side.

• Move (at least one element is selected):

o Moves the selected elements up by one point.

o Moves the selected elements down by one point.

o Moves the selected elements to the left by one point.

o Moves the selected elements to the right by one point

• Rotate (at least one element is selected):

o Allows the selected elements to be rotated freely. The mouse pointer points to the selection. You rotate
the selected elements while holding down the mouse button.

o Rotates the selected elements by 90° to the left.

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o Rotates the selected elements by 90° to the right.

o Reflects the selected elements vertically.

o Reflects the selected elements horizontally. Integrating image documents

Embedded image documents (for example photographs of components, scanned drawings, etc.) enriches the informational content
of a BD and helps increase its readability.

Proceed as follows to integrate image documents in a BD:

• Click on the icon.

• Select the image file you want to integrate in the block diagram. If necessary, change the file type to the one you want to
use – you can currently read in image files of type BMP (Windows Bitmap), EMF (Enhanced Metafile) or ICO (icon files).

• After selecting the corresponding image file and confirming with <Open>, the mouse pointer changes shape. Now click on
the position in the BD where you want to insert the image. Ordering and grouping BD elements

All elements (e.g. system elements, connection lines, geometric shapes, and images) in a BD can be grouped together and then edited
as a grouped element.

When BD elements are overlapping in the diagram, you can decide which elements will be displayed in the foreground and which
elements in the background using the order function.


• Select the elements in the BD that you want to group together. Keep holding down the CTRL key while you are selecting the
elements (in order) with the left mouse button. You can also “pass over” the area in which the elements to be grouped are
located with the mouse while holding down the left mouse button. All elements completely selected in this manner are then
marked once you release the mouse button.

• Now select the Grouping.../Group (Icon: ) command from the right mouse button menu. SCIO™ collects the selected
elements in an element group. These elements can then be moved or their sizes changed as a group if necessary.

• To ungroup the elements, select the corresponding group and then select the Grouping.../Ungroup (Icon: ) command from
the right mouse button menu.


• Select the elements or the group you want to use.

• Then select the Order.../In the Foreground (Icon: ) or /In the Background (Icon: ) command from the right mouse button
menu to assign the corresponding position in the display level to the selected elements. If your BD contains more than two
display levels, then you can reposition the selected elements in the display level sequence using the two .../Up One Level (Icon:
) or .../Down One Level (Icon: ) commands. Deleting the contents of a BD

To delete elements from a BD, you must mark the corresponding objects in the BD and then press the DEL key to delete them from
the document.

Tip: To process several elements at the same time, mark them while holding down the CTRL key.

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• When graphic elements relating to system elements or interface elements in the database are deleted from a BD, the
system structure in the database and other documents such as FMEA‘s or process flow charts (PFC's) for the system element
are not affected. For example, deleting a process step in the BD has no effect on the list of process steps in the system
structure of the PFC system element.

• However, if system elements or interface elements are renamed, then this will correspondingly affect all documents in
which this data is used.

16.2.5 Saving a BD as an image file

Using the menu command System Element/Save As Graphic... you can save the block diagram currently displayed on the screen as
an image file in the BMP (Windows Bitmap) or EMF (Enhanced Metafile) format and then import it into other applications.

Select the corresponding file type and enter a file name and storage location for the image file. Confirm the data you entered with

16.2.6 Printing a BD
Excel transfer

It is recommended to use the Excel transfer to print a BD. Start the Excel transfer via System Element/Create Document Folder... or

using the icon.

• To transfer a BD as an image document to Excel, the “BD Image” component must be selected on the Groups/Components
tab. This component can only be called from the SCIO™ Block Diagram program. The BD to be transferred must be opened
to transfer it.

The data transfer is started then with <Start>.

Information on the options available for the Excel transfer can be found in the section System Element/Create Document Folder....

Direct print

It is also possible to print a BD directly from SCIO™. To print it directly, select the System Element/Direct Print/Print... menu
command or use the icon. It is recommended to display a preview of the printed document to prevent faulty configurations. If
necessary, you can adjust the orientation or the paper format used for printing in the printer settings.

The direct print is limited to the system element selected in SCIO™, and no extra data or documents can be added to the print job in
this case.

16.3 Change-documentation in the block diagram

SCIO™-Block-Diagram interacts closely with the methods form <<DRBFM>>, a web-based tool used to record and analyze changes to
systems (systems, components, or even processes). For example, if changes are made to existing systems or components, it is possible
for these changes to permanently affect the overall system or parts of individual sub-systems. For this reason, it is advisable to analyze
and track such changes. One method suited to this task is the DRBFM (Design Review Based on Failure Modes) method.

In SCIO™-Block-Diagram, it is now possible to initiate and document changes to system elements directly from a diagram. When such
changes are made, they can be integrated directly into the <<DRBFM>> method form and then analyzed and documented in more
detail. If a change is then marked as completed in the DRBFM, then the completion can be reported back to SCIO™-Block-Diagram by
changing the status accordingly. The diagram reflects all reported changes immediately in this case.

To call the change documentation function, use the menu command View/DRBFM Change Requests.

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16.4 Classification of special characteristics

16.5 Creating and editing projects

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17 SCIO™-Block-Diagram – Menu items

17.1 System element

17.1.1 New
• Mandatory data filled in automatically

• Master data

• Master data group: Mandatory Data

• Master data group: Additional Information

• Master data group: FMEA-specific Data

• Master data group: CP-specific Data

• Master data group: Review

• Master data group: Optional Data

• Submenu Master data/Copy Master data...

• Submenu Master data/Overview product links

• Submenu Administration/Project Administration...

• Submenu Administration/Master data Elements...

• Submenu Administration/Evaluation catalogs…

• Submenu: Administration/Organization…

• Submenu Administration/History…

• Submenu Access Rights

• Submenu Tools/Unlock edit info

• Submenu Help

17.1.2 New Block Diagram

Call: System Element/New Block Diagram

This menu command creates another block diagram when an existing diagram is open. The new block diagram must be assigned a
filename differing from the names of the existing BD files.

See also:

• Creating several block diagrams for a system element

• Creating the first block diagram for a system element

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files

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17.1.3 Open File

Call: System Element/Open File

This menu command starts the dialog used to open a BD file directly off the storage medium. Select the corresponding file and
confirm with <OK> to open the block diagram.

See also:

• Opening a block diagram

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files

17.1.4 Open...
• Open Dialog

• Search…

• Manager...

• Show Element as Structure Tree/Function Tree

• Open Specification Editor...

• Open Scout view...

• SCIO™ - Modules

• HTML View and Audit-Trail

Note the following chapters especially for block diagrams:

• Opening block diagrams

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files

17.1.5 Save

Call: System Element/Save

This menu command starts the dialog for saving a new or changed block diagram as BD file.

See also:

• Saving a BD as an image file

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files

17.1.6 Save As Graphic…

Call: System Element/Save as Graphic..

This menu command starts the dialog for saving a block diagram as an image file of type BMP or EMF. Select a storage location and
enter a name for the image file. Then confirm your data with <Save>.

See also:

• Saving a BD as an image file

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17.1.7 Close

17.1.8 Open Specification Editor...

17.1.9 Open Scout View...

17.1.10 Open Structure Tree / Function Tree / Variant Tree

17.1.11 Excel Transfer...

• General procedure when transferring data to MS Excel®

• Excel transfer of a system structure

• System Element submenu

• Transfer Profile submenu

• Edit submenu

• View submenu

• Options for the data transfer: Data Configuration

• Options for the data transfer: Transfer Settings

17.1.12 Fast print... Print... Print Preview Printer Setup...

17.1.13 Templates...

17.1.14 Import...
Note: Block diagram data is not stored in records in the database and therefore does not have to be imported or exported as XML
data. The BD files can be used directly when archiving or exchanging block diagrams. It is also possible to "export" a block diagram as
an image file.

See also:

• Saving a BD as an image file

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files

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17 – SCIO™-Block-Diagram – Menu items 297 Import XML SCIO Import Version fm2 Import List of Translation

17.1.15 Export...
Note: Block diagram data is not stored in records in the database and therefore does not have to be imported or exported as XML data. The
BD files can be used directly when archiving or exchanging block diagrams. It is also possible to "export" a block diagram as an image file.

See also:

• Saving a BD as an image file

• Block diagrams - Interaction of the database and files

17.1.16 Delete Jobs...

17.1.17 Access Rights…

17.1.18 Exit

17.2 Edit

17.2.1 Undo Last Action

Call: Edit/Undo Last Action

Calling this function undoes the last action executed.

Note: Not all actions executed on a database can be undone. For example, it is not possible with this call to completely delete a
system element created using a block diagram – the record for the new system element will remain in the database, although this
element will not be integrated into the BD any more in this case.

17.2.2 Redo (Restore)

17.2.3 Cut
Call: Edit/Cut

With this call, a BD element marked earlier (e.g. a text field, system element icon, etc.) can be removed from the current block
diagram (cut) and copied to the clipboard. The contents of the clipboard can then be inserted again at a different location (in the
current BD or another BD) using the Edit/Paste menu command.

Tip: Holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key allows you to select several elements in a BD at the same time and cut them in a single

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17.2.4 Copy

Call: Edit/Copy

With this call, a BD element marked earlier (e.g. a text field, system element icon, etc.) can be copied to the clipboard and then
inserted again at a different location (in the current BD or another BD) using the Edit/Paste menu command.

Tip: Holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key allows you to select several elements in a PFC (process steps and/or connection arrows) at
the same time and copy them in a single operation.

17.2.5 Paste

Call: Edit/Paste

With this call, a BD element cut or copied to the clipboard earlier (e.g. a text field, system element icon, etc.) can be copied from the
clipboard and inserted at the location in the block diagram selected with the mouse.

17.2.6 Properties...

Call: Edit/Properties…

This call opens the Properties dialog for the selected BD element (e.g. system element icon, connection line, geometric shape, or text
field). The graphic properties and font formatting of the elements can be changed here, among other items. The number of
parameters and tabs enabled depends on the type of element selected.

See also:

• Integrating text fields

17.2.7 New System Element for Interface...

Call: Edit/New System Element for Interface

(Tip: Double-click on an existing connection between two system elements)

This call opens a dialog window in which you can enter a name for the new interface system element. SCIO™ creates the
corresponding system element in the database after confirming with <OK>.

See also:

• Interface system elements

17.2.8 Insert New System Element...

Call: Edit/Insert New System Element…

This call starts the dialog to create a new system element in the BD.

See also:

• Integrating system elements in a BD – building system structures

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17.2.9 Insert New Function...

Call: Edit/Insert New Function…

This call starts the dialog to create a new function in the BD system element.

See also:

• Integrate functions in a BD

17.3 View

17.3.1 Update

17.3.2 DRBFM Change Requests

Call: View/DRBFM Change Requests

Note: The full functionality of this change documentation can only be used in connection with the <<DRBFM>> method form in
e1ns.methods (separate web-application)!

With this call, you open a separate window in which you can make, document, and justify changes and/or improvements to systems
(see also: Change documentation in the block diagram). You will also find additional descriptions of the functions in the
documentation of the <<DRBFM>> method form.

Methodology and procedure:

• Select a system element: First, select the system element in the block diagram for which you want to record a change. The
system element appears in the overview table in the window on the right half of the Change Documentation window.

• Enter a change:

o Type of Change: Select the type of change according to the TRIZ method from the list offered.

o Change: Describe the change in a few words here. The description selected here is used when necessary in the
<<DRBFM>> method form.

o Responsible: Specify a person who is responsible for the change here. Clicking on the <...> button opens the
overview of users for the system element, and you can select the corresponding user. Only one person can be
named as responsible per change.

o Affected Functions: If functions have already been entered for the selected system element (see above), then
these functions are available in the selection list. With the mouse, select all functions that could be or are affected
by the change. When an entry selected earlier is selected again, the entry is removed from the selection

o Date of Change: Here you enter the change date (date when the change process was started). Alternatively, you
can select the date using the calendar.

• <Save>: With a click on this button you store the change just recorded together with its specifications in the <<DRBFM>>
method form and in the change list (right side of the window). If you want to alter a change already entered, then select
the change from the list in the right side of the window. The change data is reread into the left side of the window. Now
make the desired changes and confirm these new changes with <Save>.

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• <New>: To record another change for a system element, first select a change which has already been documented from
the list on the right and modify the change descriptions as desired on the left side of the window. In this case, you must at
least change the data entered in the “Change” field. Save the new change using <New>. The change appears in the list of
changes shown on the right side of the window.

• <Delete>: To delete a change, first select the change from the list on the right – the data of the change is read into the left
side of the window. Delete the change (including the corresponding entry in the method form!) with <Delete>.

• “Status” of changes: Every new change recorded is initially assigned the red change status. The status appears in the change
list on the right in the “Status” column. The “Status” can only be changed in <<DRBFM>> method form. In this case, the
status can be changed from red to yellow, and then from yellow to green. The users themselves must determine how to
interpret the status.

• Status of System Elements (color scheme in the block diagram): If changes have been recorded for a system element, then
these changes are automatically highlighted in color in the block diagram. The color depends in this case on the status of
the changes recorded for this element. In general, the system element is assigned the color corresponding to the “most
unfavorable” change status. For example, if a given system element has one “red” and one “green” change associated with
it, then the element itself will always have the red status. However, if the status of both changes is green, then the system
element is “green” as well.

17.3.3 Zoom Functions (Overview)

Call: View/Zoom…

The magnification of the screen display of a block diagram is increased or decreased using the Zoom commands.

The following selections are available when selecting the magnification...

.../50 % The view of a process flow chart is reduced to 50% of its original size so that you can see more of the chart on screen.

.../75% The view of the process flow is reduced to 75%.

.../100% The normal view of the process flow chart is enabled.

.../200% The view of the process flow chart is increased to 200%.

.../Entire Document or the icon: The view is adapted to the size of the screen (enlarged/reduced) so that the entire contents of
the block diagram can be seen.

Tips: With the icon, you zoom in to the area marked beforehand with the mouse until the area fits in the open window.

With the icon, you can operate the zoom function using the mouse. The following procedure is necessary in this case:

• To Zoom In: Activate the option mentioned (icon) and select the area to be examined with the left mouse button held down.
When you release the mouse button, the selected area is displayed at its maximum size in the display window.

• To Zoom Out: Activate the option mentioned (icon) and zoom out of the area to be examined step-by-step using the right mouse

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17.3.4 Application Bar

17.4 Format

17.4.1 Components
Call: Format/Components

This call initially opens an overview window in which all components (BD elements) of the current BD are listed. The component to
be formatted must be selected from the list with the mouse.

<Go To> translates the display of the current BD so that the selected component is displayed in the center of the view.

<Properties...> opens the Properties dialog for the selected component so you can format it.

<Delete> deletes the selected component from the current BD. Database entries are not deleted in this case.

<OK> terminates the dialog and closes the window.

17.4.2 Standard Setup...

Call: Format/Standard Setup...

This call starts the dialog used to specify the default settings for the text fields and geometric shapes to be integrated into the block
diagram. The settings specified here only apply to the newly integrated fields and shapes in the BD. Changes to the default settings
are applied retroactively to the existing system elements.

Data can be entered in the following tab windows:

• Edit: Here you specify if the text fields created are allowed to be edited afterwards (e.g. by rotating them, moving them, or
changing their size).

• Labels: Define the alignment of the text in a text field and its distance from the border of the text field here.

• Line: Format the borderline (color, type, and thickness of the line) for the text field or geometric shape to be created here.

• Fill: Define the color of the background of a text field or geometric shape here. Foreground and background colors can be
selected here (only relevant when crosshatching is used). There are also several crosshatching patterns available for

• Font: Format the font used in a text field here (font type, size, color, and special formats).

17.4.3 Symbol Size

Call: Format/Symbol Size

With this call you specify the default size for system element icons. This size is automatically used when a new system element is
created in a BD or added to a BD by dragging & dropping one from a tree view.

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17.5 Analysis

17.5.1 SCIO™ Manager

• General Procedure

• Search Mask menu bar

• Search Results menu bar

• Sorting search results

• The "Report" tab

• Special menu items in the SCIO-Manager

• Special Menu Item: Create List of Translations

17.6 Administration

17.6.1 Projects…

17.6.2 Master Data Elements...

• System Element Status: Releasing and write-protecting documents

17.6.3 Optional Data...

17.6.4 Organization...
• Organization: Menu Edit

• Organization: Menu View

• Organization: Menu Departments

• Organization: Menu User

• Organization: Menu Rights Classes

• Organization: Menu Tools/Options

17.6.5 Change Password...

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17.7 Tools

17.7.1 Change Database...

17.7.2 Refresh Read Cache

17.7.3 Change user interface language…

17.7.4 Customize…

17.7.5 Options… Options: Function Tree tab and Variant Tree tab Options: View tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Block-Diagram:

• Show Side margin: When a checkmark is placed here, the side margins (for printing) of a BD will be displayed.

• Show grid: When a checkmark is placed, a grid will be displayed in the BD.

• Align to grid: Placing a checkmark here causes the alignment of any BD symbols to the grid.

• Further grid settings: Clicking on opens a dialog to do further settings of the grid:

o Show Grid: When a checkmark is placed, a grid will be displayed in the BD (see above).

o Align to Grid: Placing a checkmark here causes the alignment of any BD symbols to the gird (see above).

o Grid color: Select the color of the grid from the given list.

o Grid distance – Horizontal: Define the horizontal spot spacing for the grid here.

o Grid distance – Vertical: Define the vertical spot spacing for the grid here.

All other parameters are described at Options: View tab. Options: Settings tab Options: Analysis tab Options: Print tab Options: System Administration tab

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17.8 Window

17.8.1 New window

17.8.2 Cascade

17.8.3 Tile horizontally

17.8.4 Tile vertically

17.8.5 Arrange Icons

17.9 Help

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18 SCIO™-Net-Builder – Introduction

18.1 Net Editor and Scout View

The user is provided with two different working views in SCIO™ Net Builder that pursue different goals:

• Net Editor: This working view allows link structures to be created and edited simply and straightforwardly in the SCIO™
database. It is possible in this manner to build structure, function, and failure networks spanning several system levels. In
addition, matrix structures, fault trees, FMEA data are automatically generated as well.

• Scout View: This working view is used to quickly display network structures derived from the links in the SCIO™ database.
The network can be refocused again and again simply by navigating through the network. System structures can be
displayed as well as function and failure networks. When used together with the Application bar, the Scout View can also
be used to quickly navigate in the systems analyzed.

The Scout View can be called from various SCIO™ programs depending on the context.

18.2 Working in the Net Editor

18.2.1 Layout of the Net Editor – the work window

The user interface of the Net Editor consists of a maximum of seven frames. They are divided into three basic working areas (in the
figure: green, gray, and blue):

Main element
Effects Cause
with functions and failure
elements elements

Functions Function net Functions

and failure and failure
modes of the modes of the
effects cause
elements Failure net elements

Figure: Frames in the user interface of the Net Editor

Green: Work area for the effects elements

• Effects elements: System elements whose failure entries are used or will be used as effects of a failure mode in the main
system element being examined. In general, these system elements are system elements located in the system structure
one level above the main system element being examined. However, elements from other system levels or even from other
systems can also be used as effects elements.

• Functions (green background color) and failure mode entries (red background color) from the system element selected in
"Effects Elements" frame.

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Gray: Work area of the system element being examined (main element)

• Main element: The main element being examined is shown in the window title bar. Below that you will find its functions
(green background color) and failure entries (red background color). If desired, the specifications and comments entered
for the functions can also be displayed. To display these items, click on the blue arrow in the upper right corner ( ) of the
function field. ( ). In addition, symbols are used to indicate whether a function or a failure possesses further links.

• Function network: Network diagram of the function links to the function of the main system element that was selected in
the "Main element" frame. If functions displayed in the function network possess links to other functions that are external
to the displayed network, then this will be indicated by the use of appropriate symbols. The numeral specified in such cases
indicates the number of links to super- or subordinate functions. The corresponding super- or subordinate function network
is opened by clicking on the symbol.

• Failure network: Network diagram of the failure links to the failure of the main system element that was selected in the
"Main element" frame. If failures displayed in the failure network possess links to other failures that are external to the
displayed network, then this will be indicated by the use of appropriate symbols. The numeral specified in such cases
indicates the number of links to super- or subordinate functions. The corresponding super- or subordinate failure network
is opened by clicking on the symbol.

Important note: In failure networks in the Net Editor, the evaluations and source evaluations of the effects shown are also
displayed. You can obtain more information on this subject in the Consistent S evaluations in systems section and in the
following (see also: Displaying evaluations and deviations in the consistency).

Blue: Work area for the cause elements

• Cause elements: System elements whose failure entries are used or will be used as causes of a failure mode in the main
system element being examined. In general, these system elements are system elements located in the system structure
one level below the main system element being examined. However, elements from other system levels or even from other
systems can also be used as cause elements.

• Functions (green background color) and failure mode entries (red background color) from the system element selected in
frame “Cause elements”.

Footer of the user interface

When working in the Net Editor, you probably will not need to use all seven frames at the same time. For this reason, there are four
buttons in the footer of the user interface that can be used to quickly configure the user interface:

• Show/Hide Effects Elements: Clicking on this icon shows or hides all "Effects elements" frames and optimizes the overall
view accordingly.

• Restore the windows to their default sizes: Clicking on this icon shows all frames of the user interface using their default

• Maximize the windows of both networks: Clicking on this icon maximizes the size of the two network diagrams in both
network diagram frames and hides all other frames.

• Show/Hide Cause Elements: Clicking on this icon shows or hides the "Cause elements" frames and optimizes the overall
view accordingly

Compact view of the Net Editor

• A "compact" view of the graphic interface of the Net Editor can be selected when necessary (for example when the screen
is small, has low resolution, or for video projections) that displays a "streamlined" version of its contents without any empty

• Select the View / Compact View menu command to display the Compact view. There is a checkmark next to this menu
command as long as this view is active.

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• The content displayed in the Compact view can also be reduced even further, if necessary. The content is reduced using
the View / Compact View Data Display… menu command.

18.2.2 Creating and editing network structures

Note: The same names are used for the window frames as in the user interface layout described above.

By entering and selecting the various data elements in the "Effects Elements", "Cause Elements" and "Main element" frames, it is
possible to link data structures in the SCIO™ database. The function and failure networks created in this manner are then displayed
in the "Function net" and "Failure net" frames. Work area for the main elements

General procedure for creating network structures (1):

• Start the Net Editor: Open a system element whose network structures you want to create or edit in SCIO™ Net Builder.
This system element is referred to in the following as the main element. The Net Editor starts and the data of the main
element are read into the "Main element" frame. If the main element does not contain any data yet, then only the system
element name will appear in the window title bar.

• Add/delete functions/failures (main element):

o To enter new functions or failures in a main element, select an existing function or failure and simply press CTRL

o Enter the name of the function or failure and confirm with ENTER. You can also use the multiple entry mode
(Edit/Multiple Entry...) as an alternative. In this case it is also possible to change the sort order of the entries.

o First entry: If no data has been entered yet in the main element, then the first function or the first failure can be
entered in the green or red input field, respectively.

o Input aids: When inputting new functions and failures using the Net Editor, there is a series of input aids available
for use: Suggestion List, General Database Query, and Knowledge Base.

o Contexts: If necessary, specifications (only for functions) and/or comments can be entered for the entries (via
Edit Specifications or Edit Context in the mouse menu, for example). This optional information can be shown or
hidden using the blue arrow ( ). You can also link a document in the context.

o To delete a function or a failure, select the corresponding entry and then press DEL (Edit / Activate/Deactivate)
to create a delete job. The deletion can be cancelled if necessary by pressing DEL (Edit / Activate/Deactivate) a
second time. Select Edit/Permanently remove element to irreversibly execute the delete job.

• Displaying networks: If a function or a failure is selected in the "Main element" frame, then the function links available for
it are shown in the function network ("Function net" frame) and failure links available for it are shown in the failure network
("Failure net" frame).


o A maximum of three levels of links are for a main element entry in the function or failure network. These levels
are the main element level, the effect elements level, and the cause elements level.

o In failure networks, it is also possible to use entries that were assigned manually in the FMEA form to a failure
(as causes or effects) in addition to the entries connected by failure links. These entries are indicated by a light
green background color. If necessary, you can show this data by selecting the View/Show Manual Form Entries
in the Failure Network menu command (checkmark next to the menu entry).

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To be able to link super-functions or sub-functions to a given function in a main element, the main element must contain effects
elements or cause elements originating in the corresponding functions.

The same also applies to links to failures in the main element. The linked super-failures (effects) or sub-failures (causes) always
originate from cause or effects elements assigned to the main element as well.

Important note: A cause or effects element assignment generally corresponds to a structure link between the main element and a
structurally lower level system element (cause element) or higher-level system element (effects element). However, it is also possible
to assign cause or effects elements to the main element without linking them structurally!

General procedure for creating network structures (2):

• Assigning cause elements/effects elements: First, mark a function or a failure in the main element ("Main element" frame).

o If the main element already has structure links to system elements in higher or lower system levels (for example
after performing a matrix analysis), then the linked system elements are automatically available as cause or
effects elements.

o To assign previously unlinked cause or effects elements to the main element, you can also use the Add effects
element(s) or Add cause element(s) command from right mouse button menu when you are near the cause or
effects elements ("Cause elements" or "Effects elements" frame). In the selection window that appears, you can
then mark the corresponding system elements and copy them to the corresponding frame with <OK>. Several
elements can be marked at the same time just like in Windows by holding down CTRL and SHIFT keys while

o Alternatively, system elements can be dragged from a tree view and dropped near the cause or effects elements
("Cause elements" or "Effects elements" frame).

o Elements not linked in the structure can be removed from the corresponding frames using Edit/Remove element
from the display.

Note: Causes or effects elements linked to the main element can only be removed from the "Cause elements" or
"Effects elements" frames by deleting these links.

• Creating new cause/effects elements: New system elements created and assigned directly in the "Cause elements" or

"Effects elements" frames. To do this, select an existing cause or effect element and press CTRL + ENTER ( ). If there are
no elements yet in the windows, then simply click on the field suggested by the system:

o System element name: Enter the name of the new element here.

o System element type: Select an SE type for the new element here.

o Insert into the system structure below: Select the position in the existing system structure at which location the
new system element will be inserted as a sub-element here.

Note: If this location is not the main element, then no structure link will be created between the new cause or
effect element. The connection to the main element therefore corresponds to an assignment via drag & drop
(see above).

o Link immediately to main system element (only for new effects elements): Placing a checkmark here means
that the new effect element is created in the structure above the main element and is connected to it by a
structure link.

• Creating function networks: Function networks are created in SCIO™ using function links, and how they are displayed in
the "Function net" frame depends on which function was selected in the "Main element" frame:

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o Creating/deleting function links: Select a function in the "Main element" frame. Then select the effects element
in the "Effects elements" frame or the cause element in the "Cause elements" frame from which the function to
be linked originates. The functions (highlighted in green) of the selected cause or effect element are read into the
corresponding lower frame together with any failure entries available (highlighted in red).

Place a checkmark in the selection field next to the functions to be linked to the selected function of the main
element using a function link. The linked functions are shown immediately in the function network. Effects
elements supply the super-functions in this case, while cause elements provide the sub-functions.

If a checkmark next to a function is removed in the frames below the cause or effects elements, then this
corresponds to deleting the corresponding function link.

Important Notes:

▪ If there is no structure link yet to the main element from a cause or effects element (see "Assigning
cause elements/effects elements" above), then it is generated automatically as soon as a function link
is created! It is impossible to create a function link without the corresponding structure link!

▪ If the main element is used as its own cause or effect element, then function links will be created
internally in the system element

• Creating failure networks: Failure networks are created in SCIO™ using failure links, and how they are displayed in the
"Failure net" frame depends on which failure was selected in the "Main element":

o Creating/deleting failure links: Select a failure in the "Main element" frame. Then select the effects element in
the "Effects elements" frame or the cause element in the "Cause elements" frame from which the failure to be
linked originates. The functions (highlighted in green) of the selected cause or effect element are read into the
corresponding lower frame together with any failure entries available (highlighted in red).

Place a checkmark in the selection field next to the failures to be linked to the selected failure of the main element
using a failure link. The linked failures are shown immediately in the failure network. Effects elements supply the
effects of failure modes in this case, while cause elements provide the causes.

If a checkmark next to a failure is removed in the frames below the cause or effects elements, then this
corresponds to deleting the corresponding failure link.

Important notes:

▪ If there is no structure link yet to the main element from a cause or effects element (see "Assigning
cause elements/effects elements" above), then this link will not be generated automatically when a
failure link is created! It is therefore possible to create failure links to system elements in other

▪ If a failure link is created in the Net Editor, then this also has an effect on the FMEA-form: On the one
hand, the corresponding causes and effects are entered in the form for the failure of the main element.
On the other hand, it is also possible to have the corresponding failure/cause relationships and
failure/effects relationships entered automatically in the form of the affected cause or effect element.
To do this, the value "Enter cause/effect in sub-system/super-system" must be selected for the
"Failure link spanning structures" option under Tools/Options… on the Settings tab. Otherwise the
relationships will not be entered in the forms of the cause and effect elements.

• Creating/deleting functions/failures in cause or effect elements:

o Select the cause or effect element ("Effects elements" or "Cause elements" frame) for which a new function or
new failure will be entered.

o Select a function (or a failure) below which you want to enter an additional function (an additional failure) and
press CTRL + ENTER. If you want to enter several functions or failures at the same time, then we recommend using
the multiple entry mode (Edit/Multiple Entry Mode...).

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o For the first entry of a function or a failure, select the input cell highlighted in green or red, respectively, and
enter the function or failure.

o To delete a function or a failure, select the corresponding entry and then press DEL (Edit / Activate/Deactivate)
to create a delete job. The delete job can be cancelled if necessary by pressing DEL (Edit / Activate/Deactivate) a
second time. Press F9 (Edit/Permanently remove element) to irreversibly execute the delete job.

o Input aids: When inputting new functions and failures using the Net Editor, there is a series of input aids available
for use: Suggestion List, General Database Query, and Knowledge Base.

o Contexts: If necessary, specifications (only for functions) and/or comments can be entered for the entries (via
Edit Specifications or Edit Context in the mouse menu, for example). You can also link a document in the context.

• Function networks and failure networks spanning several system levels: A function or failure network displayed in the
Net Editor can "only" span a maximum of three system levels (effect elements – main element – cause elements). To expand
a network structure further, select a cause or effects element ("Effects elements" or "Cause elements" frame) and click in

the Application bar on the icon for the Net Builder ( ).

This causes the Net Editor to "realign" based on the selected system element, and the network structures can now be
expanded to include a higher (effects elements) or lower (cause elements) system level.

Scout View: To obtain an overview of a function or failure network, select the desired function or the desired failure in any
frame and then select System Element/Open Scout View....

See also:

• Types of links Integrating form entries entered manually into failure networks

It is possible using SCIO™-Net-Builder to assign the corresponding cause or effect elements to causes or effects entered manually in
the FMEA form after entry and therefore to integrate them into the failure networks via failure links.

Background and procedure:

If cause or effect entries were entered manually in the FMEA form, then they will be assigned to the corresponding failure but they
will not have any relationship to the source element actually expected (effect element, cause element) and are not correctly
integrated into the system structure according to the methodology (based on the specifications of a system FMEA according to the

The entries entered manually are highlighted in the failure network of the Net Editor using a yellow-green background color. Proceed
as follows to assign an effect element to an effect entered manually or to assign a cause element to a cause entered manually:

• Select the manual entry in the failure network of the Net Editor.

• Now select the cause or effect element you want to assign the entry to.

• Select the function to which the entry should be assigned as a failure. The selected function is displayed in the failure
network together with a checkbox next to the selected manual entry.

Note: if the selected function already has a failure entered for it, then a failure entry under which the "new" failure will be
inserted can be selected as an alternative.

• Place a checkmark in the checkbox. The manual entry is now assigned to the selected function as a failure and is linked to
the failure of the main element by a real failure link. Symbols and icons used in the work windows

Note: The same names are used for the window frames as in the user interface layout described above.

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The following table provides an overview of the symbols and icons used and where they appear in the work windows:

Icon Appears in Requirement Meaning/Description

Function Symbol and name of a function


Function A function is selected Symbol and name of a selected function


Function Symbol and name of a function with specification of

network the source element

Failure Symbol and name of a failure


Failure A function is selected Symbol and name of a selected failure


Failure Symbol and name of a failure with specification of

network the source element

Failure The display of manual Symbol and name of a manual entry (cause or
network entries is enabled failure) in the FMEA form

Failure Failure entry that already has a failure link to another

network system level (created by the data generation
operation), that was not entered (yet) in the
corresponding system level.

Failure Entry without failure link but that is still displayed in

network the FMEA form. This situation occurs, for example,
when generated causes/effects were changed after
generation (for example by renaming it or adding
actions to it, etc.) and then the connection to the
failure was deleted.

Frame "Main Existing links The affected function possesses function links to at
element" least one super-ordinate function (left-pointing
arrow) or to at least one subordinate function (right-
pointing arrow).

Frame "Main Existing links The affected failure possesses failure links to at least
element" one super-ordinate failure (left-pointing arrow) or to
at least one subordinate failure (right-pointing

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Icon Appears in Requirement Meaning/Description

Frame Existing links The affected function or affected failure possesses

"Function links to super-ordinate functions or failures, which
network" or are no longer displayed in the current network. The
"Failure numeral indicates the number of links. Double-
network" clicking on the symbol opens the corresponding
super-ordinate network.

Frame Existing links The affected function or affected failure possesses

"Function links to subordinate functions or failures, which are
network" or. no longer displayed in the current network. The
"Failure numeral indicates the number of links. Double-
network" clicking on the symbol opens the corresponding
subordinate network.

"Cause Function or failure Cause or effects element has at least one structure
Elements" and selected in the main link to the main element
"Effects element ("Main
Elements" element" frame)

"Cause Function or failure Cause or effects element also has a function link to
Elements" and selected in the main the selected/affected function of the main element
"Effects element ("Main in addition to a structure link to the main element.
Elements" element" frame)

"Cause Failure selected in the Cause or effects element also has a function link to
Elements" and main element ("Main the affected function of the main element and a
"Effects element" frame) failure link to the selected failure of the main
Elements" element in addition to a structure link to the main
frames element.

"Cause Failure selected in the Cause or effects element also has a failure link to the
Elements" and main element ("Main selected failure of the main element in addition to a
"Effects element" frame) structure link to the main element.

"Cause Failure selected in the Cause or effects element has a failure link to the
Elements" and main element ("Main selected failure of the main element.
"Effects element" frame)

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Icon Appears in Requirement Meaning/Description

, Footer None Shows/hides the cause window ("Cause elements"

frame and the frame below it) or effects window
("Effects elements" frame and the frame below it).

Footer None Maximizes the view of the function or failure


Footer None Resets the network diagram maximized earlier back

to the normal view.

Network None Opens an overview of the colors/patterns used in the

window network windows.

Footer None Resets changed window sizes back to their default


Information on the other icons used in the work windows can be found in the chapter Icons and additional information in the form

See also:

• Types of links

18.3 Working in the Scout views

18.3.1 General information on the Scout views

A Scout View refers to the display of the link structures in the SCIO™ database. The link structures displayed can be network diagrams
of system structures, function networks, or failure networks.

Scout views are always generated based on the links currently stored in the SCIO™ database, and therefore the diagram shown when
a Scout View is called always represent the current state of the structures or networks. A Scout View cannot be updated after it has
been opened.

The network diagrams generated can be edited graphically, stored as image files, or printed out. It is not possible to edit the content
of the diagram, i.e. it is impossible to change entries or their links. The Net Editor is available for this purpose, for example.

Different color schemes are used for the element icons depending on the type of network structure shown. The element that was
selected for the network diagram is always displayed using a darker color.

• System structures: The element icons are yellow/orange

• Function networks: The element icons are green

• Failure networks: The element icons are red

Note: The default color scheme for the element icons in the various network diagrams can be changed if necessary via
Format/Standard Formats... or Format/Borders...!

The following sections describe the most important functions when working with Scout views.

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• When a Scout View opens, the element icons are aligned automatically. If necessary, an icon can be moved by selecting it
and moving it while holding down the left mouse button. The connection lines are also adjusted accordingly. You can restore
the current alignment settings to their defaults via View/Align Automatically.

Note: The values of the default alignment parameters can be changed if necessary on the "View" tab opened via
Tools/Options.... To change the default alignment, change the parameters "Symbol Width", "Horizontal space" and /or
"Vertical space" as desired.

• To show or hide individual branches of the network diagram, use the command View / Expand/Collapse Branch after
selecting an element icon.

• To position the element icons more precisely, it is possible to display a grid in the background using View/Show Grid, if
necessary. Selecting View/Align To Grid ensures that the element icons are always aligned to the grid points.

• Use View/Zoom... to change the magnification of the diagrams shown in the Scout views by selecting the desired zoom
level from the magnification options offered. The View/Zoom/Zoom All command ensures that the entire Scout View fits
in the window. Saving and printing Scout views

Scout views are always generated based on the links currently stored in the SCIO™ database, and the diagram shown always
represents the current state of the structures or networks.

• If you want to archive a Scout view or use it in other documentation, then you can store it as an image file (Windows bitmap
format; *.bmp). Use the System Element/Save As Graphic... command when in a Scout view to store its image.

• Excel transfer: It is recommended to use the Excel transfer to print a network diagram.

o Start the transfer via System Element/Create Document Folder... .

o To transfer a network diagram as an image document to Excel, the "Scout Image" component must be selected
on the Groups/Components tab. This component can only be selected in the SCIO™ Net Builder program. The
network diagram must be opened to transfer it.

o The data transfer is started then with <Start>.

o Information on the options available for the Excel transfer can be found in the section System Element/Create
Document Folder....

• Direct print:

o To print a Scout view, select System Element/Fast Print/Print....

o It is recommended to display a preview of the printed version in advance using System Element/Fast Print/Print

o In addition, it is possible to show the printer margins in the graphic with View/Page Margins. The image can be
adjusted graphically, if necessary.

o If necessary, you can adjust the orientation or the paper format used for printing in the printer settings.

o The direct print is limited to the currently active network diagram, and no extra data or documents can be added
to the print job in this case.

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18.3.2 Displaying and analyzing system structures

To analyze the structural links of a system element in the SCIO™ database, proceed as follows:

• Select the desired system element in a tree view or in another SCIO™ program such as SCIO™ Matrix or SCIO™ Block
Diagram, for example.

• Select the System Element/Open Scout View... ( ) menu command to display the system structure for the selected
system element. In this case, the system element whose structure will be displayed is indicated using an icon color that is
darker than the color of other elements in the system structure.

• Double-clicking on a system element icon automatically generates the corresponding system structure and displays it in a
new window. It is therefore easy to quickly refocus the system analysis on a new element.


• If a system element is selected in the system structure and a different SCIO™ program is called using the Application bar,
then this element is automatically opened in the other application.

• To switch from the Scout View directly to the Net Editor view for a selected system element, call the SCIO™ Net Builder
program again from the Application bar.

18.3.3 General information on failure and function networks

Failure networks

Failure networks display the cause/effects chains resulting from the linking of failure analyses from one or more hierarchically
structured FMEA systems.

Every FMEA contains three failure levels, as you may know: Cause – Failure – Effects. They are logically and directly linked to each
other. The cause (one or more) triggers the failure, which in turn results in one or more effects of the failure.

However, when analyzing complex systems, these three levels are often not enough to be able to conveniently trace a failure. For
this reason, these systems are examined using analyses organized in a hierarchy (for example, a product consists of assemblies, which
in turn consist of components) which leads to a "lengthening" of the failure chain:

For example, a defect in a component is one of the causes of a failure of an assembly. Since this component failure is also caused by
another cause of the failure in an FMEA analysis, then the cause of this component failure from the point of view of the assembly
represents a cause of the cause of the failure of the assembly.

In the same manner, a product failure can also be considered an effect of a failure of the assembly in some cases. Since this product
failure resulted from effects of the failure in an FMEA analysis, then from the point of view of the assembly, the effect of this product
failure represents an effect of an effect of the failure of the assembly.

With these two examples, the failure chain has been extended to five levels: Cause of Cause – Cause – Failure – Effect – Effect of
Effect. The result is often a very complex interaction of failures when analyzing an FMEA hierarchically. These interactions are best
visualized graphically in a network diagram (failure network).

Function networks

Similar to the failure networks (see above), hierarchical analyses of systems lead to interacting function relationships. For example,
the functions of a product can only be realized when all assemblies participating in the production of this function also fulfill their
corresponding function. These assembly functions are then dependent on the corresponding component functions participating in
these assembly functions. The result is complex function relationships that can be visualized clearly in SCIO™ Net Builder in the
function network diagram.

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18.3.4 Displaying and analyzing failure and function networks

Like the system structure diagrams, the function or failure networks can also be generated by calling the Scout View from a tree view
or from other SCIO™ programs:

Creating and tracking function networks

• Select the function to be analyzed in a tree view or in the screen of another SCIO™ program such as SCIO™ FMEA,
SCIO™ Matrix, or SCIO™ Block Diagram.

• Select the System Element/Open Scout View... ( ) menu command to display the corresponding function network for
the selected function. In this case, the function whose network will be displayed is indicated using an icon color that is
stronger than the color of other elements in the function network.

• Double-clicking on a function icon automatically generates the corresponding function network and displays it in a new
window. It is therefore easy to quickly refocus the analysis on a new function.

Creating and tracking failure networks

• Select the failure to be analyzed in a tree view or in the screen of another SCIO™ program such as SCIO™ FMEA or
SCIO™ Fault Tree (QFA).

Note: Since cause and effects entries in an FMEA can also be considered failure descriptions in other system levels, these
entries can also be used to generate a failure network.

• Select the System Element/Open Scout View... ( ) menu command to display the corresponding failure network for the
selected failure. In this case, the failure whose network will be displayed is indicated using an icon color that is stronger
than the color of other elements in the failure network.

• Double-clicking on a failure icon automatically generates the corresponding failure network and displays it in a new
window. It is therefore easy to quickly refocus the analysis on a new failure.

Important notes:

• In Scout failure networks it is possible to display entries that do not have a failure link but that were assigned to a failure
by manually entering it in the FMEA form (as a cause or an effect). These entries are indicated by a light green background

• It is possible to specify whether or not these entries will be displayed in Tools / Options… on the "View" tab using the
"Show Manual Form Entries in the Failure Network" parameter (they are displayed when a checkmark is placed here).

• The entries entered manually (see above) can also be displayed in the Net Editor.

• In Scout failure networks, the failure evaluations are also displayed in addition to the failure entries. You can find more
information on the subject of failure evaluation/effect evaluation in the Consistent s evaluations in systems section and in
the following (see also: Displaying evaluations and deviations in consistency).


• If a function or failure entry is selected in the network diagram and a different SCIO™ program is called using the Application
bar, then this element is automatically opened in the other application.

• To switch from the Scout View directly to the Net Editor view for a selected function or failure entry, call the SCIO™ Net
Builder program again from the Application bar.

• By default, the function as well as its source system element is shown in the function icons, and the failure as well as its
source system element and source function are shown in failure icons. If you do not want to display this information in the
network icons, then disable the "Show System Element and Function in Symbol" parameter found on the "View" tab
opened via Tools/Options....

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18.3.5 Search strategies and search depth for Scout networks

The Tools/Scout-search strategies… menu command can be used to alter the display of Scout networks.

The dialog box that appears displays the types of links that can be used to build the various Scout networks.

In addition, you can specify the presentation mode and the search depth (number of display levels) to be used to build the network

• Placing a checkmark at “System structure according to BOM/BOP“ causes that all SCOUT structure networks will consider
the assignments of sub-system elements to the Bill of Material (BOM) or Bill of Process (BOP). Sub-elements are only
displayed if they are members of the BOM or BOP of the higher level system element. The activation of this feature is
illustrated by the text “(BOM/BOP)” in the element symbols of the system structure.

If the checkmark is not set, the whole system structure is displayed depending on the number of system levels specified
(see below).

• You can specify the maximum number of levels to be displayed around the entry being analyzed in the Scout network
diagram in the "Display Levels" field. For example, entering a "2" here causes SCIO™ to generate a corresponding failure
network for a selected failure entry over a maximum of two levels beyond the level of the selected entry.

• Placing a checkmark next to "Save Settings" causes the selected search depth to be used automatically in further network

18.3.6 Exclusive mouse commands in Scout Views

Some exclusive menu commands have been integrated into the right mouse button menu for ease and convenience when working
in the Scout views (see the following chapter). To use these commands, select an entry in a network diagram and click with the right
mouse button. Mouse menu: Mark Entire Tree

Requirements: An entry is marked in a network diagram

All entries in the current network diagram are marked. Mouse menu: Mark Effects

Requirements: An entry is marked in a network diagram

In addition to the currently selected entry, all entries to the left of the selected entry are also marked. These are the "effects" of the
failure from the point of view of the failure. The marker can be used in the same manner in function networks and system structures. Mouse menu: Mark Causes

Requirements: An entry is marked in a network diagram

In addition to the currently selected entry, all entries to the right of the selected entry are also marked. These are the "causes" of the
failure from the point of view of the failure. The marker can be used in the same manner in function networks and system structures. Mouse menu: Arrange all...

Requirements: An entry is marked in a network diagram

Network diagrams are graphics documents in which the elements displayed can be moved as desired. This can result in some
elements overlapping. With this mouse command you can move the selected element up to down in the graphic plane to make the
diagram more readable, for example.

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You can select from the following parameters:

• Foreground: The selected element is placed in the foreground (highest graphic level) and is not covered by any elements.

• Background: The selected element is placed in the background (lowest graphic level) and may be covered by other

• Up One Level: Not enabled in SCIO™ Net Builder

• Down One Level: Not enabled in SCIO™ Net Builder

18.4 Classification of special characteristics

18.5 Creating and editing projects

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19 SCIO™-Net-Builder – Menu items

Important note: The main menu in SCIO™ Net Builder depends on which of the two basic "Net Editor" and "Scout View" working
views are used and changes accordingly when one of these views is called.

If a menu call is only available in one of the two working views mentioned, then this is clearly indicated in the following by stating the
view after the menu command. If the menu command is available in both views, then no additional information is provided.

19.1 System element

19.1.1 New (net editor only)

• Mandatory data filled in automatically

• Master data

• Master data group: Mandatory Data

• Master data group: Additional Information

• Master data group: FMEA-specific Data

• Master data group: CP-specific Data

• Master data group: Review

• Master data group: Optional Data

• Submenu Master data/Copy Master data...

• Submenu Master data/Overview product links

• Submenu Administration/Project Administration...

• Submenu Administration/Master data Elements...

• Submenu Administration/Evaluation catalogs…

• Submenu: Administration/Organization…

• Submenu Administration/History…

• Submenu Access Rights

• Submenu Tools/Unlock edit info

• Submenu Help

19.1.2 Open...
• Open Dialog

• Search…

• Manager...

• Show Element as Structure Tree/Function Tree

• Open Specification Editor...

• Open Scout view...

• SCIO™ - Modules

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• HTML View and Audit-Trail

19.1.3 Save as Graphic… (Scout View only)

Call: System Element/Save as Graphic…

This menu command starts the dialog for saving a network diagram (Scout view) as an image file of type BMP or EMF. Select a storage
location and enter a name for the image file. Then confirm your data with <Save>.

See also:

• Saving and printing Scout views

19.1.4 Close

19.1.5 Open Specification Editor

19.1.6 Open Scout view...

Call: System Element/Open Scout View...

Note: The Scout View can be called from the tree views and from the menus of various programs in the SCIO™ family. However, an
available license is needed for SCIO™ Net Builder to start the editor!

With this menu command, you open a data element selected in advance (system element, function, failure, cause, or effect) in a
network diagram in SCIO™ Net Builder (Scout View).

SCIO™ evaluates the links available for the selected data element and displays them in a network structure.

The following network structures are possible:

• The data element is a system element: Displays the corresponding system structure (yellow element icons).

• The data element is a function: Displays the corresponding function network (green element icons).

• The data element is a failure, cause, or effect: Displays the corresponding failure network (red element icons).

Notes: The data element for which the corresponding network diagram was generated is displayed using an icon color that is
darker than the color used for the other network icons.

See also:

• Net Editor and Scout View

19.1.7 Open Structure Tree / Function Tree / Variant Tree

19.1.8 Excel Transfer...

• General procedure when transferring data to MS Excel®

• Excel transfer of a system structure

• System Element submenu

• Transfer Profile submenu

• Edit submenu

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• View submenu

• Options for the data transfer: Data Configuration

• Options for the data transfer: Transfer Settings

19.1.9 Fast print... (Scout view only) Print... Print Preview Printer Setup...

19.1.10 Templates...

19.1.11 Import...
Note: Network diagrams are not stored in separate records in the database and therefore do not have to be imported or exported
as XML data. The structures generated by the call always use the current data in the database. Import XML SCIO Import Version fm2 Import List of Translation

19.1.12 Export...
Note: Network diagrams are not stored in separate records in the database and therefore do not have to be imported or exported
as XML data. The structures generated by the call always use the current data in the database.

19.1.13 Delete Jobs...

19.1.14 Access Rights…

19.1.15 Exit

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19.2 Edit

19.2.1 Undo Last Action

19.2.2 Restore

19.2.3 Show Information (Scout View only)

Call: Edit/Show Information

Requirement: A failure was marked in a failure network

Additional FMEA data is read into the Actions window for the selected failure entry with this command. Actions window

The Actions window can be shown or hidden using the icon. The Actions window offers you the capability of displaying additional
information – primarily from FMEA documents – for a failure entry when necessary. To read this information into the “actions table”,
a corresponding failure entry must be selected in the network diagram (failure network) and then the menu item Edit/Display
Information must be selected. The results are presented in a table (see below). This functionality is not available in the function

Actions Window

The failure entry marked in the failure network is shown using a bold font in the actions table. The following information is listed in
the actions table for this failure:

• System Element: Lists the name of the system element the failure originates in.

• Function: Lists the name of the function recorded for this failure.

• Effect: States the effect(s) of the failure from the FMEA

• S: Severity assessment according to the FMEA

• Cause: States the cause(s) of the failure from the FMEA

• Actions: Lists all actions (current, recommended, taken) for the causes of the failure listed.

• O, D, RPN: Assessments from the FMEA depending on the causes listed.

• Deadline: Deadlines for all recommended and/or taken actions from the FMEA

• Person Responsible: Employee entered as the person responsible for a recommended action.

• Completion Status: Implementation status for actions (special status values: "Current Status" for current actions,
“Recommended” for recommended actions)

• Comments: If available, a local comment stored for a failure is shown here.

Placing a checkmark next to the "Full Text" checkbox causes the lines of text in the table to be wrapped so that the entire text can
be read. Otherwise the data is displayed in a single line.

Global Documents

If a failure (from the point of view of the FMEA this failure can actually be an effect, a cause, or a failure) was entered globally in the
SCIO™ database with one or more documents linked to it, then a red dot ( ) appears on the row above the actions table and the
names of the documents are entered in the list field. In this case the program differentiates between a failure entered in the FMEA
as an effect (E), a cause (C), or a failure (F).

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To open the linked document, select it first in the list field and then click on the red dot. SCIO™ then starts the Windows application
associated with this document (e.g. the appropriate image viewer when the document is an image file).

Global Comments

If a failure entry has a global comment available, then the button to the left of the document entry is activated. In this case as
well, the program differentiates between a failure entered in the FMEA as an effect (E), a cause (C), or a failure (F). Clicking with the
mouse on the activated button displays the comments.

19.2.4 Show As a Separate Network (Scout View only)

Call: Edit/Show As a Separate Network

A separate network diagram is created for the selected entry based on this entry. This allows you to quickly and easily trace structure,
failure, or function relationships for selected elements in a network diagram.

Tip: Double-clicking on a network entry triggers the same functionality.

19.2.5 FSA Transfer (Scout View only)

Call: Edit/FSA Transfer

The entry marked in the network diagram is transferred together with its relationships to the SCIO™-Fault-Tree. The failures and their
links are displayed there as a quantitative fault tree (QFA). Function relationships can also be transferred to this QFA view.

Additional information on the quantitative fault tree view can be found in the SCIO™- Fault-Tree chapters.

19.2.6 Search...
Call: Edit/Search…

This menu command starts the search for entries in the current network diagram.

Function network

The search function in the function network is used to search for functions or the functions linked to them.

Enter an appropriate search term in the Search for field. Once you enter a letter, SCIO™ lists all character strings previously entered
for the function term in the Results field.

If the desired function term is displayed, then you can select it in the Results field. In this case SCIO™ reads the functions of higher
system levels that are linked to the selected function into the External Functions field. The Sub functions field, on the other hand,
displays the functions linked from lower system levels.

To display the results of a search in the middle of the current network diagram and mark it at the same time, you must select it from
one of the three results lists and activate it with <Search>. Alternatively, you can activate and mark the term by double-clicking on it
with the mouse.

Failure network

Failure entries in failure networks can be searched for just like in function networks (see above).

In addition to the failure entries found in the Results field, you can also display the causes of a failure (Causes field) and effects of
the failure (Effects field) by selecting a failure from the results.

To display the results of a search in the middle of the current network diagram and mark it at the same time, you must select it from
one of the three results lists and activate it with <Search>. Alternatively, you can activate and mark the term by double-clicking on it
with the mouse.

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System structure (structure network)

System elements in structure networks can be searched for just like in function networks (see above).

In addition to the element entries found and shown in the Results field, you can also display the cause elements (one system level
lower) and effects elements (one system level higher) for an entry in the results by selecting the entry.

To display the results of a search in the current network diagram and mark it at the same time, you must select it from one of the
three results lists and activate it with <Search>. Alternatively, you can activate and mark the term by double-clicking on it with the

19.2.7 Copy (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Copy

An entry selected in the Net Editor is copied to the clipboard (text copy). It is also possible to mark and copy several entries by holding
down the CTRL key during selection. Holding down the SHIFT key also allows you to mark related entries as a block and copy them

Note: The text entries of multiple input fields in the Net Editor are only copied as plain text and will not be distributed among multiple
different cells when pasted!

19.2.8 Paste (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Paste

With this menu command you paste the text copied beforehand to the clipboard in a selected input field.

Note: The text entries of multiple input fields in the Net Editor are only copied as plain text and will not be distributed among multiple
different cells when pasted!

19.2.9 Activate/Deactivate (Net editor only)

19.2.10 Permanently remove element / Remove element from the display (Net Editor only)
Call: Edit/Permanently remove element or Edit/Remove element from the display

A selected delete job is executed using this menu command. The data in this case is completely removed from the database. It is
possible to execute several delete jobs simultaneously. The corresponding delete jobs must be marked before calling this command
to execute them simultaneously.

In contrast, the Remove element from the display command is only available when a cause or effect element that has not been
linked yet to the main element was selected.

See also:

• Work area for the cause and effects elements

19.2.11 Create new effects element (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Create new effects element

The command starts the dialog for creating a new system element to be assigned to the main element as an effects element.

If an effects element was selected beforehand, then the new element is displayed below this effect. Otherwise the new element
appears at the end of the list of effects elements.

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See also:

• Work area for the cause and effects elements ("Creating new cause/effects elements section")

19.2.12 Add effects element(s)... (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Add effects element(s)

This command starts the dialog for selecting the existing system elements you want to assign to the main element as effects elements.

To do this, select the system elements you want to add to the main element as additional effects elements in the upper frame and
confirm with <OK>. Multiple system elements can be selected by holding down the CTRL and SHIFT keys.

See also:

• Work area for the cause and effects elements ("Assigning cause/effects elements section")

19.2.13 Create new cause element (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Create new cause element

This command starts the dialog for creating a new system element you want to assign to the main element as a cause element.

If a cause element was selected before calling this command, then the new element is displayed below this cause element. Otherwise
the new element appears at the end of the list of cause elements.

See also:

• Work area for the cause and effects elements ("Creating new cause/effects elements section")

19.2.14 Add cause element(s)... (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Add cause element(s)

This command starts the dialog for selecting the existing system elements you want to assign to the main element as cause elements.

To do this, select the system elements you want to add to the main element as additional cause elements in the upper frame and
confirm with <OK>. Multiple system elements can be selected by holding down the CTRL and SHIFT keys.

See also:

• Work area for the cause and effects elements (section "Assigning cause/effects elements")

19.2.15 Edit master data... (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Edit master data

The master data of a system element selected in the Net Editor (frame 1, 3, or 6) can be read and edited. Explanations of the individual
master data fields can be found in the chapter System Element/New.

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19.2.16 Multiple Entries... (Net editor only)

19.2.17 Knowledge Base... (Net editor only)

19.2.18 Methodology... (Net editor only) Generate Data Remove Generated Data

19.2.19 Edit Context... (Net editor only)

19.2.20 Optional Column Information... (Net editor only)

19.2.21 Edit Specifications... (Net editor only)

19.2.22 Show System Element Environment (Net editor only)

19.2.23 Text search... (Net editor only)

Call: Edit/Find Text...

With this menu command you start the search dialog for text entries in the working frames (1-7) of the Net Editor:

• Search string: Here you enter the term or part of the term you are looking for in the editor. The search terms recently used
can be selected again from the dropdown list (max. 20). It is not necessary to use wildcards.

• Select search area: Here you select the frame in which you want to search for the specified text (see above). Only one
frame can be selected at a time (indicated by a green background color and marked by an "X").

• Search for: Depending on the frame selected (see above), you can also search for text in system element names, functions,
or failure entries. If necessary, the number of search terms used can be reduced (remove the corresponding checkmark).

• <Search>: Starts the search configured in advance (see above). If an entry meets the search criteria, then the corresponding
entry is marked in the Net Editor (using a green background color). If <Search> is pressed again (you can use the ENTER key
as an alternative), then the search resumes and the next entry matching the criteria is marked.

• <Close>: Closes the dialog and terminates the text search.

19.3 View

19.3.1 Update (Net editor only)

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19.3.2 Arrange (Scout View only)

Call: View/Arrange

The graphic elements in a network diagram can be moved at any time with the mouse. With this menu command you align the
current network diagram according to a prescribed algorithm.

19.3.3 Collapse/Expand Branch (Scout View only)

Call: View/Expand/Collapse Branch

Parts (branches) of a network diagram can be shown or hidden again using this menu command.

If, for example, the current failure entry (for which the failure network was created) of a failure network is marked, then calling this
command shows or hides all information to the right of this entry (meaning the “causes”).

If the selected entry is an “Effect” (based on the failure for which a failure network was created), then the branch containing the
additional effects of the failure (to the left of the selected entry) is shown or hidden.

This functionality is also available in structure and function networks.

19.3.4 Page Margins (Scout View only)

Call: View/Page Margins

This menu call shows or hides the page margins for the print area, if necessary.

See also:

• Print Preview

19.3.5 Show Grid (Scout View only)

Call: View/ Show Grid

This menu call shows or hides a dotted grid for better orientation in the diagram, if necessary. Graphic elements in a network diagram
can be aligned automatically on this grid if desired.

19.3.6 Align To Grid (Scout View only)

Call: View/Align To Grid

If this call is activated (checkmark next to the menu command), then all graphic elements in a network diagram are automatically
aligned to the grid; i.e. the elements are snapped to a position in the diagram that corresponds to a point of the grid.

19.3.7 Zoom (Scout View only)

Call: View/Zoom...

The size of the screen for a network diagram is increased or decreased using the Zoom commands.

You can select from the following parameters:

• Zoom Normal: Resets the zoom setting to a zoom of 100%.

• Zoom Percent: Select the magnification factor (zoom value) for the display here. Four values, 50%, 75%, 100% and 200%,
are available for selection.

• User Zoom Setting: Select any magnification factor (zoom value) for the display here.

• Zoom All: The view is adapted to the size of the screen (enlarged/reduced) so that the entire contents of the network
diagram can be seen.

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• Zoom To Selection: With this call you zoom in to the area marked beforehand with the mouse until the area fits in the open

19.3.8 Change List (Net editor only)

19.3.9 Supplementary views...

If required, the data used in the Net Editor can be read in and processed in a language different to the reference language. Use this
menu command in order to select a language view:

• In the "Form" frame, select the view that is to be associated with a particular language.
o SCIO Net Builder: Language assignment for the Net Editor
o SCIO Scout: Language assignment for Scout views (currently not implemented)
• In the "Language" frame, select the translation language that is to be used for the display.

Notice: If a reference entry does not possess a corresponding translation in the language selected, then the entry will be shown
highlighted in yellow.

See also:

• Language Views

19.3.10 HTML-Documents... (Net editor only)

19.3.11 Configure contents... (Net editor only)

The master data header as well as the optional information for the input fields for functions and failures can be configured. You can
select from two menu commands for this purpose: Columns... Master Data Display…

19.3.12 Expanding and collapsing functions (Net editor only)

19.3.13 Full screen mode / Restore window (Net editor only)

Call: View/Full screen mode or

View/Restore window

With this menu command, the current network diagram of a function or failure network (frame 4 or 5) is maximized on the screen
(full screen mode) or the frame is restored to their "old" view again (Restore window).

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19.3.14 Maximizing the windows of both networks / Restoring windows to their previous size (Net editor
Call: View/Maximize the windows of both networks and

View/Restore previous window sizes

With this menu command, the network diagrams of the current function and failure network (frame 4 or 5) are maximized on the
screen (Maximize the windows of both networks) or the frames are restored to their "old" view again (Restore previous window

19.3.15 Show / Hide Effects Elements (Net editor only)

Call: View/Hide Effects Elements or

View/Show Effects Elements

With this menu command you can show (Show Effects Elements) or hide (Hide Effects Elements) the frames containing the effects
elements (frames 1 and 2).

19.3.16 Show / Hide Cause Elements (Net editor only)

Call: View/Hide Cause Elements or

View/Show Cause Elements

With this menu command you can show (Show Cause Elements) or hide (Hide Cause Elements) the frames containing the cause
elements (frames 6 and 7).

19.3.17 Reset Window Sizes (Net editor only)

Call: View/Reset Window Sizes

With this menu command, all seven frames of the Net Editor are shown and reset to their default sizes.

19.3.18 Manual form entries in failure networks (Net Editor only)

Call: View/Manual form entries in failure networks

This menu command can be used to activate (checkmark next to the menu entry) or deactivate (no checkmark) the display of entries
that were assigned manually in the FMEA form to a failure (as a cause or an effect) and therefore do not have a failure link.

The corresponding data is indicated in failure networks in the Net Editor by a light green background.

Note: This data can also be displayed in Scout views (failure network) if necessary. To display the data, place a checkmark next to
"Show Manual Form Entries in the Failure Network" on the "View" tab opened via Tools/Options….

19.3.19 Compact view (Net Editor only)

Call: View /Compact view

This menu command activates (checkmark next to the menu entry) or deactivates (no checkmark) the Compact view in the Net Editor.

See also:

• Layout of the Net Editor – the work window

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19.3.20 Compact View Data Display… (Net Editor only)

Call: Format/Failure Descriptions...

Note: This menu command and its submenu items are only enabled when the Compact view (see above) is active.

This menu command can be used to configure the amount of data displayed in the information in the Compact view.

The following options are available in the submenu items:

• Number column: This menu item specifies if any function numbers entered will be displayed in the Compact view (they are
displayed when there is checkmark next to the menu command).

• Networks: This menu item specifies if any networks (links) of the data will be displayed in the Compact view using symbols
(they are displayed when there is checkmark next to the menu command).

• Networks and contexts: This menu item specifies if any networks (see above) and any contexts entered (comments, linked
documents) will be displayed in the Compact view (they are displayed when there is checkmark next to the menu

19.3.21 Zoom Functions (Overview) (Net editor only)

19.3.22 Application Bar

19.4 Format
Notes on formatting Scout views:

In this menu you can specify the format of graphic elements (e.g. the text boxes containing the various entry fields) in a network
diagram. For example, you can format fonts, cell backgrounds, and line styles.

A text box in a failure network consists of the following fields (at most):

• Failure Description

• System Element Name

• Function

A text box in a function network consists of the following fields (at most):

• Features with Specification and Classification

• System Element Name

• Function with Classification

A text box in a structure network consists of the following fields (at most):

• System Element Name

Note: In the Tools/Options... menu on the “View” tab, you can decide if the original system element and the corresponding function
(for failure networks) or specification (for function networks) are to be displayed or not in the text boxes (icons) of a network diagram
in addition to the actual function or failure text. Place a checkmark next to “Show System Element and Function in Symbol” for this
purpose, if desired.

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19.4.1 Failure descriptions... (Scout View only)

Call: Format/Failure Descriptions...

With this menu command, you define the layout of the failure description in the currently marked failure symbol (text box) of the
open failure network. This includes the font, background, and border for the failure description.

Format able parameters

• Line: Here you format the type, color, and thickness of the borders around the failure field. A checkmark next to
Transparent makes the borders transparent.

• Fill: Here you format the fill color and cross-hatching of the failure field. The background color is only important when you
have selected a cross-hatching pattern. Transparent displays can be created by placing the corresponding checkmarks.

• Font: Here you format the type, color, size, and style of the font (possibly underlined) of the failure description.

<Apply> applies the modified parameters to the selected text box without terminating the dialog.

<OK> applies the modified parameters to the selected text box and closes the dialog.

<Cancel> terminates the dialog without saving the formatting.

19.4.2 System Element descriptions... (Scout View only)

Call: Format/System Element Descriptions...

The system element descriptions of the currently selected text box are formatted in the same manner as for the failure descriptions.

19.4.3 Function descriptions... (Scout View only)

Call: Format/Function Descriptions...

The function descriptions of the currently selected text box are formatted in the same manner as for the failure descriptions.

19.4.4 Frame... (Scout View only)

Call: Format/Frame...

Here you specify the format (type, color, and thickness of the lines) of the borders around the entire text box. A checkmark next to
Transparent makes the borders transparent.

19.4.5 Standard formats... (Scout View only)

Call: Format/Standard Formats... (and then make a selection)

Here you specify the default standard format to be used by SCIO™ Scout when creating network diagrams. You can specify the
following formats:

• Formatting for failure descriptions (except frames)

• Formatting for system element descriptions... (except frames)

• Formatting for function descriptions... (except frames)

• Formatting for frames....

• Formatting (fill color and fill pattern) for the background of the root failure: The root failure is the failure entry for which
the failure network was created.

• Formatting (fill color and fill pattern) for the background of the direct failure effect: Failure propagation entries include all
failure entries linked to the root failure by the corresponding links (see above) – regardless of whether it is a cause or an
effect of a failure.

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19.4.6 Character (Net editor only)

19.5 Analysis

19.5.1 SCIO-Manager

19.5.2 Graphical Analysis: Risk Matrix, RPN- and Pareto analysis

19.6 Administration

19.6.1 Projects…

19.6.2 Master Data Elements...

• System Element Status: Releasing and write-protecting documents

19.6.3 Optional Data...

19.6.4 Organization...
• Organization: Menu Edit

• Organization: Menu View

• Organization: Menu Departments

• Organization: Menu User

• Organization: Menu Rights Classes

• Organization: Menu Tools/Options

19.6.5 Change Password...

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19.7 Tools

19.7.1 Scout search strategies

Call: Tools/Scout search strategies

You specify the presentation mode and search depth used when creating Scout networks here.

See also:

• Search strategies and search depth for Scout networks

19.7.2 XERI Document Management

19.7.3 External product connections

19.7.4 Copy as URL

19.7.5 Specify Suggestion Lists

19.7.6 Change Database...

19.7.7 Refresh Read Cache

19.7.8 Change user interface language…

19.7.9 Customize…

19.7.10 Options… Options: Function Tree tab and Variant Tree tab Options: View tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Net-Builder:

• Width of number column: Here you specify the default value for the width of the number field that is displayed next to a
function entry (main element, effects elements, cause elements). The specified width is also used in the Compact view.

If the value "-1" is entered in this field, then the number field will be permanently hidden.

• Hide Number Column in the Compact View: Placing a checkmark here means that no number fields will be displayed next
to function entries when the Compact view is active (see also: Compact View Data Display…).

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• Show Effects Evaluations in the Failure Network: Placing a checkmark here means the evaluation information (S value of
the effect or of the [source failure]) is also displayed for the effect entries in the failure network of the Net Editor (see also:
Displaying evaluations and deviations in consistency).

• Symbol width: Here you specify the default width of the text boxes in network diagrams. This value will be used
automatically when displaying a network. The maximum value is 150 points.

• Horizontal space: Here you specify the default horizontal distance between two text boxes in network diagrams. This value
will be used automatically when displaying a network. The maximum value is 150 points.

• Vertical space: Here you specify the default vertical distance between two text boxes in network diagrams. This value will
be used automatically when displaying a network. The maximum value is 150 points.

• Display System Element and Function in Symbol: Placing a checkmark here means that the source system element and the
specifications (function network) or functions (failure network) will also be shown in the text boxes of a network diagram
in addition to the actual function entry (in function networks) or failure entry (in failure networks).

• Display manual FMEA form entries (in failure network Placing a checkmark here means that in a Scout View, the cause
and effect entries that were entered manually in the FMEA form and were not "created" via failure links in the Net Editor
or via the data generation process are also displayed.

• All other parameters are described at Options: View tab. Options: Settings tab

The following parameters can be set/selected especially in SCIO™-Net-Builder:

• Failure link spanning structures: Here you specify if the creation of a failure link using the Net Editor will not only enter the
corresponding causes and effects in the FMEA form of the main element, but also in the affected cause and effect elements:

o No cause/effect entered in sub-system/top system: SCIO™ only enters the corresponding causes and effects in
the form in the main element corresponding to the failure link.

o Enter cause/effect in sub-system/top system: enters the corresponding causes and effects in the form in the
main element corresponding to the failure link as well as corresponding failure/cause relationships and
failure/effect relationships in the corresponding forms of the cause and effect elements.

• All other parameters are described at Options: Settings tab.

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19.8 Window

19.8.1 New window

19.8.2 Cascade

19.8.3 Tile horizontally

19.8.4 Tile vertically

19.8.5 Arrange Icons

19.9 Help

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20 SCIO™ Template Manager

The Template Manager functionality is no longer available in SCIO™. With the SCIO™ Version 7.4.1 it is started in e1ns.

The template management has substantially been adapted and improved. Update procedures now directly show a comparison
between the data a user is working on and the changes that the template provides. Previously, update procedures only displayed the
changes between the template versions. A structure update is now also presented from the user’s perspective.

To achieve this, significant technical modifications were necessary which could be realized by the PLATO e1ns technology. The
features Publish template, Import and Update from the template are therefore provided by the e1ns technology. The SCIO™ menu
does not support these features anymore.

IMPORTANT: SCIO™ users have to clarify before an update to SCIO™ 7.4.1 / e1ns 2.4.20 which e1ns technology ought to be used for
the features Publish template, Import and Update from template.

You will find the description of the template management in the e1ns manual.

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21 – SCIO™-med 337

21 SCIO™-med
SCIO™-med is the industry-specific version tailored to the needs of the medical technology industry, catering in particular to the
requirements and terminology as used in the DIN EN ISO 14971 standard. All SCIO™ modules are also available in the SCIO™-med

The following chapters describe special features of SCIO™-med vis-à-vis SCIO™ (standard version).

21.1 Changed descriptive names in master data

The "Vehicle" master data item from "Extra data" in the master data dialog for a system element is no longer available in SCIO™-
med. In its place, the new master data item "Device" has been added.

You use this master data field to document the analyzed device/medical product or sub-system that is to be assigned to the system

In the field that follows, "model year", enter the model year relevant for this device.

Notice: The new master data descriptive name is also used in SCIO-Manager and is available in SCIO™ -med as a data field for search

The remaining master data fields are as found in the standard version of SCIO™ and should be used as described for that version. If
required, additional master data fields may be created.

See also:

• Master data group: Additional Information

• Master data group: Optional Data

21.2 Changed form columns (default headings in FMEA)

In "traditional FMEA", the core terms of "potential failure" and "potential failure effect" are used as column headings on the form
used for failure analysis.

Here, SCIO™-med aligns itself with DIN EN ISO 14971 and renames these terms as follows:

• "Pot. failure" -> renamed to: "Pot. hazard"

• "Pot. effect" -> renamed to: "Harm"

The new terms are also used in SCIO-Manager and are available in SCIO™ -med as data fields for search forms.

Notice: As in SCIO™ (standard version), the column headings for form columns can also be modified as required in SCIO™-med.

See also:

• Administration/Columns in form...

• Methodical notices for individual columns

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21.3 Changed form variants (FMEA)

In contrast to the standard version of SCIO™, the form variants specific to the automotive industry – "SCIO Classic", "AIAG", "AIAG
3rd Edition" and "VDA" are not available in SCIO™-med.

In addition to the form variants common to both versions - Risk (O x S) and Risk (O x S x D) - SCIO™-med also possesses the form
variant "FMEA Standard" (see below.).

Form variant "FMEA Standard": This form focuses on the standard content of a FMEA. Its layout is based on the form variant Risk (O
x S x D), but it does not take "criticalities" into account – i.e. the display of risks in accordance with a stored risk matrix. To describe
the ACTUAL state, two separate columns are also provided for preventive and detective actions.

See also:

• FMEA forms and their contents

21.4 Changed menu items

The menu option Edit/Methodology/Close actions according to ISO TS 16949 is no longer available in SCIO™-med.

See also:

• Complete actions according to ISO/TS 16949

21.5 Templates for Excel transfer, sign-offs and HTML

All of the templates required for SCIO™-med (Excel transfer, HTML documents, sign-offs) are available in both SCIO™ and SCIO™-med
and can be selected individually as required.

The templates used for HTML documents and sign-offs are selected in the default configuration in SCIO™-med, but differently to
SCIO™. However, modifications to the template selection can also be made later on. If this is required, please contact PLATO support
(+49 (0)451/930 986-01;

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22 Menu in the Tree Views

The following topics are available:

• Changes in the main menu (if tree views are activated)

• Introduction (Structure Tree, Function Tree, Variant Tree)

• System structures: Types of links

• Mouse contexts in the tree views

• Menu (changed commands in the tree views)

22.1 Introduction (tree views)

22.1.1 Changes in the main menu when a tree view is active

If a tree is called in an SCIO™ application, then the command menu (main menu) changes once the tree window is activated. For
example, the title of the first menu block becomes “System Structure”. Numerous calls in the other menu blocks such as “Edit”, for
example, are different from the entries in the standard main menu.

22.1.2 Structure Tree

The Structure Tree is a “variation” of the Function Tree and is available in two different views: “Structure Tree (complete” and
“Structure Tree (by BOM/BOP)”. The requested view can be called from the menu System Element/Structure Tree (complete) or

Structure Tree (by BOM/BOP) respectively ( or ).

In the Structure Tree, only projects and system elements are displayed hierarchically in a tree structure. In this case, SCIO™ shows
the structure links between the system elements.

The Structure Tree has its own program menu and can be called from all modules in the SCIO™ family. Numerous functions are
available to the user of the Structure Tree via the right mouse button menu. Some of these functions can only be called when the
user is in the tree.

Note: If there are system structures in the SCIO™ database that were only created using structure links, then you may only be able
to display the corresponding sub-system elements in the Structure Tree view, but they cannot be displayed in the Function Tree view.
Sub-system elements are only shown in the Function Tree when they are connected to a system element in a higher level through a
system link.

See also:

• Working will the Bill of Material (BOM/BOP)

22.1.3 Function Tree

The Function Tree is available in two different views: “Function Tree (complete)” and “Function Tree (via supplier functions)”. The
requested view can be called from the menu System Element/Function Tree (complete) or Function Tree (via supplier functions)

respectively ( or ).

The Function Tree shows the system and function relationships in a tree structure. The Function Tree can be used as a navigation aid
or as a tool for creating complex system structures. If necessary, failure modes, causes and effects can also be entered using the
Function Tree.

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Numerous functions are available to the user of the Function Tree via the right mouse button menu. Some of these functions can
only be called when the user is in the tree.

The Function Tree has its own program menu and can be called from all modules in the SCIO™ family.

Depending on the settings, projects, system elements, functions, failures, effects, and causes are displayed in the Function Tree. Since
causes and effects are related to the corresponding failure, they are shown as parallel entries in the Function Tree below the failure.

The filtered view called “Function Tree (via supplier functions)” analyzes the function links between functions of a higher level
element and functions of the sub-system elements and considers those links when displaying the tree structure.

Example: If a sub-system linked to a function of a higher level element is selected, the Function Tree only displays those functions of
the sub-system which are linked to the corresponding function of the higher level element.

22.1.4 Variant Tree

The Variant Tree can be called from the menu System Element/Variant Tree ( ).

The Variant Tree is also an important tool in the SCIO™ family. With it you can display product, process, or machine variants stored in
your database in the form of a tree. The Variant Tree can be used as a navigation aid or as a tool for creating complex system structures.

Numerous functions are available to the user via the right mouse button menu. Some of these functions can only be called when the
user is in the tree.

The Variant Tree, like the Function Tree or Structure Tree, has its own program menu and can be called from all modules in the SCIO™
family. There is a series of commands that can be easily called using the mouse context menu (right mouse button). Some of these
commands can only be called in this manner.

The representation as a tree allows all components belonging to a product or all manufacturing steps belonging to a process to be
displayed in full in a well-organized structure.

Each variant is assigned an SE family and an SE family ID so it can be uniquely identified.

22.1.5 Existing Specifications frame

Note: This frame is only visible in the tree views if a checkmark was placed next to "Show Specification Overview" on the "Function
tree" or "Variant tree" tab opened via Tools/Options....

Depending on the selected tree element (system element or individual function), the corresponding characteristics are displayed
together with their specifications.

The frame can be increased for the purpose of improved legibility separately from the tree by dragging the border with the mouse.
It will keep this size until the size of the entire tree area is changed or the |< button is pressed, which fits the Characteristics window
in the tree area. When the window is collapsed, it can be expanded again using the |> button.


• If you want to show an overview of the specifications for an entire system structure, select the top system element of the
structure in the tree view and then select System Element/Show Substructure Specifications from the right mouse button
menu. The overview is shown in a separate window.

• If you do not only want to display the characteristics and their specifications for a complete system element but also want
to be able to edit them easily, then select the System Structure/Open with Specification Editor ... command after selecting
a tree element. Note, though, that a user license for SCIO™ Matrix must be available in this case.

See also:

• Open with Specification Editor...

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22.1.6 Associated Data frame

Note: This frame is only visible in the tree views when there is a checkmark next to "Show Associated Data" on the "Function tree"
or "Variant tree" tab opened via Tools/options....

Supplemental data such as master data or link data is also shown in the frame depending on the tree element selected.

22.1.7 Icons and additional information in the tree views

The tree views (Structure tree, Function tree, and Variant tree) have additional icons depending on what the user is doing in addition
to the structural views and element icons (e.g. the system element type, project, function, system element family, etc.):

• Bookmarks:

Bookmarks can be added in a tree view to the elements in the tree. If a marker of this type is set by the user, then a green
dot appears on the left edge of the tree structure in the row of the marked element. In addition, the color of the font used
to display the name of the element changes to green.

Note: System elements marked for deletion can still contain bookmarks. These bookmarks are lost, though, when the
element is deleted.

• Current Document:

When a system element is opened in the form, the element is automatically marked as the “current document” in the tree
structures. The color of the font used for the name of the element changes to blue in this case, and a blue arrow appears
on the left edge of the row containing the element.

Notes: When several system elements are opened as a form, the mark always switches to the element in the currently active form
window. If the current system element is also bookmarked (see above), then the green dot is displayed as well as the arrow. The font
color remains blue in this case, though.

See also:

• Symbols in the Tree Views Structure Tree: Information on existing data

In addition to the markers for bookmarks and recent documents, information on the data already entered for the system element is
also displayed in the structure tree after the system element name.

The following symbols are used:

Indicates that at least one characteristic classified as special characteristic was entered for the system element.

Indicates that a comment (master data) was entered for the system element.

Indicates that a document link is available for the system element.

Indicates that a PFC was already generated for the system element. The symbol is only displayed if at least one process step
was assigned to the PFC.

Indicates that a matrix was already generated for the system element. The symbol is only displayed if at least one system
link to a sub-system element was created for the system element.

Indicates that an FMEA was already created for the system element. The symbol is only displayed if supplemental data such
as causes or effects of the failure was entered for at least one failure in the FMEA.

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Indicates that a CP was already created for the system element. The symbol is only displayed if at least one process step
was assigned to the CP.

This chain symbol indicates that the following applies to the marked system element …

… the system element is linked to at least two different higher-level system elements,

… or there is at least one link to a parent system element and a main project was also entered for the system element,

… or there is at least one link to a parent system element and the system element is also displayed in the main level of the

Tip: It is easy using the Scout View (system structure) of a system element to track down and display links from the system
element to other system elements in the SCIO™ database. To do this, select the corresponding system element and then
select the System Structure/Open Scout View… menu command (SCIO™-Net-Builder is required!).

Note: The information described is only visible in the tree views when a checkmark was placed next to "Read information
on existing data" on the "Function tree" or "Variant tree" tab opened via Tools/options.... Function Tree: Information on existing data

In addition to the markers for bookmarks and recent documents, information on the data already entered for the tree element is
also displayed in the Function tree after the tree entries. The symbols next to the system element name have the same meanings as
in the Structure tree.

In addition, the following symbols are also used in the Function tree:

(on a function): Indicates that at least one characteristic classified as special characteristic was entered for the function.

(on a function or a failure): Depending on the system configuration, it displays the function class ("CC" with the
corresponding class symbol in the example shown) or the failure class.

(on a function, failure, cause, or effect): Indicates that a comment was entered for the tree element.

(on a function, failure, cause, or effect): Indicates that a document link is available for the tree element.

Note: The information described is only visible in the tree views when a checkmark was placed next to "Read information on existing
data on the "Function tree" or "Variant tree" tab opened via Tools/options.... Variant Tree: Information on existing data

In addition to the markers for bookmarks and recent documents, information on the data already entered for the system element is
also displayed in the Variant tree after the system element name. The symbols next to the system element name have the same
meanings as in the Structure tree.

The information on the documents available is also taken into account shown when displaying the level below the system elements.
The icons for fault tree documents ( ) and block diagram documents ( ) are always displayed in this case.

Note: The information described is only visible in the tree views when a checkmark was placed next to "Read information on existing
data" on the "Function tree" or "Variant tree" tab opened via Tools/options....

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22.1.8 Restricting tree views (tree filter)

The data elements (projects or system elements and their subordinated data elements) displayed in the Structure and Function trees
can be restricted using tree filters (View/Filter...).

The filters selected only have a direct effect on the elements in the "top level" – which means they normally affect projects, or top
system elements in the case of "project-less" structures. It is therefore impossible to apply a filter to a lower level of the structure

Important Notes:

• If there is a system element somewhere in a structure (top system element or substructure) that does not meet the filter
criteria specified, then the filter has no effect and the entire structure will still be displayed.

• The filters selected also affect which system elements are displayed in the Open dialog in the same manner – but do not
affect the preselected system elements.

• The filters selected have no influence on the Variant tree or the SCIO-Manager.

There are basically the following filter classes available, each of which can contain one or more filters:

1. Authorized System Elements

2. My System Elements

3. System Elements in My Department

4. Data-Related System Elements (Manager)

Filter classes 1, 2 and 4 can be used together. In this case, the conditions are ANDed together, i.e. only the intersection of the filtered
results is displayed. Tree filters – Authorized system elements

This filter can only be selected when the extended rights system is activated.

The following conditions must be met in order for a system element to "pass" through the filter:

• The user logged in must have access rights to the corresponding system element. Tree filters – My System Elements

If this filter class is selected, then one or more filters can be enabled simultaneously (logical OR).

The following conditions must be met in order for a system element to "pass" through the filter:

• SE team member: The user logged in belongs to the system element team.

• FMEA team member: The user logged in belongs to the FMEA team.

• CP-team member: The user logged in belongs to the CP team.

• REVIEW-team member: The user logged in belongs to the review team.

• Person responsible for action: The user logged in is entered in the FMEA form as the person responsible for at least one
action. Tree Filters – System Elements in My Department

If this filter class is selected, then one or more filters can be enabled simultaneously (logical OR).

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The following conditions must be met in order for a system element to "pass" through the filter:

• SE department responsible: The user logged in belongs to the department that was entered in the master data as the
"Department responsible".

• FMEA department responsible: The user logged in belongs to the department that was entered in the master data as the
"FMEA department responsible".

• CP department responsible: The user logged in belongs to the department that was entered in the master data as the "CP
department responsible".

• Affected SE department: The user logged in belongs to the department that was entered in the master data as the "Affected
SE department".

• Affected FMEA department: The user logged in belongs to the department that was entered in the master data as the
"Affected FMEA department".

• Affected CP department: The user logged in belongs to the department that was entered in the master data as the
"Affected CP department". Tree filters: Data-Related System Elements (Manager)

You can also use your own search masks, which you have created in the SCIO-Manager and then saved, as filters. These SMC files
(*.smc) can be selected from a selection list.

Only the SMC files currently entered in the "recent list" ("Recent Documents") of the SCIO-Manager are available for selection.

Note: The number of search masks listed here can be configured (see also: Tools/Options… // “Analysis“ tab, parameter: “Total
number of configuration files last used”). Tree filters and rights (access to system elements)

Tree views:

The goal of a tree filter is to "customize" the tree views for the user logged in and make them clearer and easier to read. Of course,
they can also be used to "hide" certain data areas from the users.

If a user only has the "Function tree - Read your own system elements (ID 112)" basic right instead of the "Function tree – Open for
reading (ID 29)" basic right, then the "My System Elements" filter class is automatically enabled and cannot be disabled by the user.
In addition, the "Person responsible for action" filter cannot be selected.


If the analyses available in the SCIO-Manager are to be restricted to "My System Elements" only, then it must be ensured that users
are only granted the basic right "SCIO-Manager - Execute for my system elements (ID 115)" and not the more fundamental basic
right "SCIO-Manager – execute (ID 31)". In this case, a warning is entered automatically in the results list stating that only the users
own system elements were taken into account in the analysis. The warning, if present, is also transferred to MS Excel®.

The tree filter is ignored by the SCIO-Manager!

22.1.9 Creating system structures in the tree views

The Structure and Function trees are suitable tools for displaying and editing system structures due to their hierarchical
representation of the relationships in the database. Various types of links are used to represent these relationships. They are
described in the following sections.

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22 – Menu in the Tree Views 345 Types of links

System structures can be assembled using the Structure or Function Tree. SCIO™ provides four types of links for this purpose:

• Structure Links: Structure links are direct links from a sub-system element to a system element higher up in the hierarchy.
This type of link for instance can be created using SCIO™-Matrix, SCIO™-Block-Diagram, SCIO™-Net-Builder as well as using
the Structure Tree.

• System Links: System links are links from a system element (= sub-system element) to the function of a system element
higher up in the hierarchy. This type of link for example can be created in SCIO™-Matrix, SCIO™-FMEA, SCIO™-Block-
Diagram, SCIO™-Net-Builder or in the Function Tree.

• Function Links: Function links are direct links from a function of the system element being examined (internal function) to
a function of a system element higher up in the hierarchy (external function). This type of link for example can be created
in SCIO™-Matrix, SCIO™-Net-Builder or in the Function Tree.

• Failure links: These links are direct links between failure entries. This allows you to create specific failure/cause
relationships in the database which can then be used in SCIO™-Net-Builder, for example, to display failure network
diagrams. The failure links are the most direct type of data link and can be created using the quantitative fault tree (QFA),
SCIO™-Net-Builder or SCIO™-FMEA (generating data). Structure links

To link a system element directly to a system element other than the sub-system element, the corresponding system element is most
easily linked by dragging it (drag the element while holding down the left mouse button) and dropping it on the system element to
which it is to be linked. The result is a structure link between the two system elements. In this manner you can depict structured
parts lists or hierarchical process environments, for example.

In addition to creating structure links between existing system elements, you can also use the Structure Tree to easily create structure
links between new system elements not yet existing in the SCIO™ database.

To create a new system element directly below an existing system element, select the corresponding system element and then use
the shortcut CTRL + ENTER. A window opens in which you can enter the name of the new system element – you do not need to enter
any more master data at this point in time (see the Note below). The system element is created and linked to the existing system
element by a structure link after confirming with <OK>.

Note: When created in this manner, the new system element is automatically assigned the same master data as the existing system
element, except of course for the name of the existing system element. Only the SE Family and SE Family ID (mandatory master data)
are not assigned by copying them from the original system element. These assignments are performed according to the settings
specified in the Tools/Options... // ”Settings” tab menu.

See also:

• Working will the Bill of Material (BOM/BOP) System links

To link a system element to a function of another system element, the corresponding system element is most easily linked by dragging
it (drag the element while holding down the left mouse button) and dropping it on the function to which it is to be linked.

To make it easier for the user to decide which type of system link to use at which locations, a dialog window opens automatically
after the drag & drop procedure in which you can select the desired link points:

All system elements in which the selected function appears are listed in the right half of the window. You can decide where the
system links are to be created by placing checkmarks accordingly. Placing a checkmark next to "Always Link to Function XYZ" ensures
that the system link is global (whole database).

Note: When creating a system link, a structure link is also created automatically between the system elements linked together.

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22 – Menu in the Tree Views 346 Function links

(Requirement: a system link has already been created (see above)).

The corresponding function matrix must be opened to link a function of a lower-level system element (internal function) directly to
a function of a higher-level system element (external function in the higher-level system element). The function matrix can be called
up at any time in the Function Tree:

Select the function of the sub-system element in the Function Tree that you want to link to a higher-level system element. Execute
the right mouse button command Function/Link Function.... The corresponding function matrix opens. It contains a list of all
functions of the selected sub-system element (internal functions) as well as all external functions (of the sub-system element) that
were linked beforehand to the sub-system element through a system link (see above). To create a direct link between an internal
and an external function now, select the corresponding correlation field and enter an “X” there using your keyboard. Confirm with
<OK> once you have specified all desired links in this manner. The links are now generated and are valid in all modules of the SCIO™

Note: The link matrix of functions can be opened and edited at any time in the manner described above. Using the DEL key, you can
delete an existing link from the correlation field. Failure links

An even more direct link than the function link (see above) is the failure link. In this case, failures from different system levels are
linked directly to each other so that real failure networks can be created.

Failure links are created in SCIO™ automatically when FMEA data are linked by the command Generate Data.

You can also create failure links using the SCIO™-Fault-Tree program as an alternative (see also: manual for SCIO™-Fault-Tree).

22.2 The mouse menu in the tree views

About the (exclusive) mouse menu in the trees

There is a wide-ranging command menu you can use when using the trees. This “mouse context” allows you to quickly access many
menu commands in the main menu directly. The mouse menu opened with the right mouse button differs depending on the entry
selected in the tree view.

22.2.1 Mouse context: Project – Projects (Structure/Function Tree only)

With this command, the Project Administration will be opened.

22.2.2 Mouse context: Project – Edit context… (Structure/Function Tree only)

With this command, the dialog to edit contexts for projects is opened.

See also:

• Project Administration

22.2.3 Mouse context: Project – Sort system elements automatically (Structure/Function Tree only)
With this command, all system elements of the selected project are sorted alphanumerically (top level only!).

See also:

• Project Administration

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22.2.4 Mouse context: Rename

With this command, the data element marked in the tree is placed in the Edit mode and can be renamed.

Tip: You can also activate the Edit mode for a data element by clicking a second time on the element after a short pause or using F2.

22.2.5 Mouse context: SE Family – Rename ID (Variant Tree only)

With this command, the ID of the SE family marked is placed in the Edit mode and can be changed.

Tip: You can also activate the Edit mode for an ID by clicking a second time on the ID field after a short pause. If you then press the
down arrow key on your keyboard, you jump directly to the ID in the next level down. This ID is also immediately placed in the Edit
mode and can be changed.

22.2.6 Mouse context: New (Structure Tree / Function Tree only)


This call starts the dialog to create a new system element.

22.2.7 Mouse context: New (Create New SE-Family) (Variant Tree only)


A new SE family is created in the Variant Tree (and therefore in the database). The new SE family is always created one level below
the level of the marked tree entry, and it can be edited directly in the tree just like the ID. You can create complex structures in this

Tip: You can create a new subfamily based on a marked SE family via the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ENTER. The keyboard shortcut ALT
+ ENTER, on the other hand, creates an SE family in the same level.

22.2.8 Mouse context: SE Family – Delete (Variant Tree only)


The SE family selected in the Variant Tree is marked for deletion (the family is assigned the status of an "inactive" piece of master
data). As long as the SE family is still linked to at least one system element, it is kept in the database as an inactive element. Only
after no more system elements are linked to the SE family can it be completely removed from the database.

Possible selections in the intermediate window:

• SE Family: Only the selected SE family is deactivated. Other links are left unchanged.

• (Sub)tree: If SE families were linked together to form more complex structures with several levels, then entire branches
below the selected SE family are also automatically deactivated. SE families in parallel levels are left unchanged.

• Also Delete System Elements: All system elements linked to the SE family to be deactivated are marked for deletion.

• The deactivated SE family is marked in the tree with a red “x” (Requirement: “Also display inactive Elements” must be
enabled under Tools/Options... // Variant Tree).

• If you want to reactivate an SE family, then you must mark the family with the right mouse button and execute the Activate

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22.2.9 Mouse context: Open


A system element can also be opened directly from the trees. To do this, mark the corresponding system element in the tree and call
the stated mouse command.

Note: The currently open system element is displayed in blue font (tree view) and marked with a blue arrow symbol on the left edge
of the window.

22.2.10 Mouse context: Open with…

The commands you can select in this mouse context correspond to the commands in the main menu System Element/Open...

However, there are two additional submenu items available in an active tree view:

• “Show Element as Structure Tree” (see also: Open…/As a Structure Tree).

• “Show Element as Function Tree” (see also: Open…/As a Function Tree).

22.2.11 Mouse context: Copy as…


An entire system element can be copied to the database. A new name must be defined for the copy in this case. If necessary, existing
sub-system elements (With Sub-SE), control plans (“With Control Plan”), and process flow charts (“With Process Flow Charter”) can
be copied together with the system element.

The copied system element is either created in the same level of the hierarchy parallel to the original system element (“parallel to
the Original”) or, alternatively, is copied to the main level of the database with “in the Main Level”.

The names of any sub-system elements copied with the system element are automatically changed by SCIO™. The new name is
generated by adding a numerical prefix to the old name (for example “old name_1_").

Placing a checkmark next to “Apply creator and creation date” will copy the corresponding master data entries to the copies of the
system elements. If no checkmark is set, the user who initiated the copy is entered as the “Author”. The date of the copy operation
is automatically entered as the “creation date” of the copied system element.

Important note:

When the SCIO™-Template-Manager is activated, there are two additional options available for selection in the dialog window:

• Link as Variant (makes sense for system elements located in the first sublevel or lower of a system structure): Placing a
checkmark here means the selected system element (possibly including any sub-system elements it has) are copied and
then linked to the higher-level system element parallel to the original system element. The links from the copy to its higher-
level system element are the same as the corresponding links in the original system element (Variant principle, see also:
Create Variant of this system and Replace this sub-system by a variant).

• Apply Template-reference (can only be selected when the option "Link as Variant" was enabled (see above)): Placing a
checkmark here means the reference to a template in the template database will also created in the copy of a system
element during the copy operation. This makes it possible to synchronize the template (Template use) even with the copied
system element. If there is no checkmark, then no reference to the template will be created in the copy during the copy
operation (see also: Synchronizing structures and contents of copied sub-system elements).

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22.2.12 Mouse context: Create Delete Job/Cancel Delete Job


This command creates a delete job for the selected tree element (system element, failure, cause etc.). If a delete job already exists,
it will be canceled (“Cancel Delete Job”).

Deleting entire system elements:

Deleting entire system elements is possible only by using a tree view. To do so, proceed as follows:

• Start a tree view.

• Mark the system element that is to be deleted.

• Execute the mouse command Create Delete Job ( ) (alternatively, you can press the DEL key). The delete job is created.

o Note: If the affected system element is now connected via structure links to higher level system elements with
different "root elements" (see below), then the user is automatically shown a corresponding warning. All
"occurrences" of the system element in the database are shown in a structural overview in this case.

Different root elements arise in the following cases:

▪ The affected sub-system element is used in more than on project (see also: Projects affected).

▪ The sub-system element is located in a system structure of a "project less" top system element and also
has at least one affected project.

▪ The sub-system element is located in the system structures of at least two "project less" top system

o If required, the procedure can be cancelled using <Cancel>.

o <Delete> creates a delete job for the corresponding system element.

To cancel a delete job, mark the system element that is marked for deletion and choose the mouse command Cancel Delete Job

( ) (alternatively, you can press the DEL button).

See also:

• Delete Jobs...

22.2.13 Mouse context: Copy link to clipboard


A selected tree element is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted on different ways.

22.2.14 Mouse context: Remove Link


The marked entry is deleted from the relationship established earlier in the system. All links and assignments will be lost. If the
marked entry is assigned to the same higher-level entry at different locations, then all such assignments are deleted. The entries are
not deleted from the database!

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22.2.15 Mouse context: Paste…/Paste Copy


A tree element copied earlier is left at its original location and is copied below the newly selected element, but without all original
assignments (when functions). A sub tree, if present, is also copied (when system elements).

Note: When creating system links in the Function Tree (link between function and system element), the SCIO™ database always
checks to see if the function used to create the link is already present in the database at another location. In this case, a dialog window
opens automatically in which the user can select the desired link points!

22.2.16 Mouse context: Paste…/Paste Link


A system element copied earlier is left at its original location and is also linked to the newly selected function together with all original
assignments still present. A sub tree, if present, is also linked.

Note: When creating system links in the Function Tree (link between function and system element), the SCIO™ database always
checks to see if the function used to create the link is already present in the database at another location. In this case, a dialog window
opens automatically in which the user can select the desired link points!

22.2.17 Mouse context: Paste…/Paste Move


System elements can be assigned to system elements functions as sub-system elements (= system link or function link resp.).

A system element copied earlier is cut from its original location and moved below a function or system element resp. at the newly
selected position. A sub tree, if present, is also moved.

Note: When creating system links in the Function Tree (link between function and system element), the SCIO™ database always
checks to see if the function used to create the link is already present in the database at another location. In this case, a dialog window
opens automatically in which the user can select the desired link points!

22.2.18 Mouse context: Higher in this Level


The marked tree entry is moved up in the sort order within the corresponding level.

Note: A resorted Function Tree is also taken into account in the other views (e.g. FMEA form, Matrix)!

22.2.19 Mouse context: Lower in this Level


The marked entry is moved down in the sort order within the corresponding level.

Note: A resorted Function Tree is also taken into account in the other views (e.g. FMEA form, Matrix)!

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22.2.20 Mouse context: SE Family – Edit Context... (Variant Tree only)

With this mouse command, you open in the context dialog for the selected SE family. There are four tabs available for selection:

• "Comment" tab: Enter comments pertaining to the selected SE family here. The comments can also be stored in the
translation languages available in your database in addition to the reference language. To store the comment in a language
other than the reference language, select the desired foreign language from the list of languages provided and enter the
translation for the reference language comment.

• "Documents" tab: The selected SE family can be linked to one or more documents here. A document can be any kind of
file that you want to "bind" to a system element. Note, however, that the files do not become part of the database due to
the link. To open a linked document using its “original” program, just double-click on the filename of the document in the
list of linked documents.

To link a document, select <Link Document> and then select the desired document from your SCIO™ document folder
"DOCS". Hyperlinks can be created via <Link Hyperlink>. The link between the entry and the document file is removed with
<Delete Link>. (Placing a checkmark next to "Show Document as Bitmap" ensures that image documents are displayed in
the Preview window).

Note: The outputting of documents linked to SE families is currently not implemented in SCIO™ FMEA)

• "History" tab: Here you can obtain an overview of the change history for the selected SE family. All changes affecting the
SE family and the ID are listed in the list of changes in the lower part of the window together with the specification of the
change date and the editor. After selecting an "older" change status, the family and the ID can be reset to this older version
using the <Reset to Selected Change> button.

• "Synonym" tab: You can store the translations in one of the translation languages selectable here.

22.2.21 Mouse context: SE Family – Merge... (Variant Tree only)

With this mouse command you can merge two families that are actually the same elements with two different spellings, for example,
into a single family.


• Mark the SE family to be deleted after the merge in the tree structure and then select the command named above.

• Now enter the SE family to be merged with the element marked under (1) in the "Receiving Element" field in the dialog
window that opens. This element is the element resulting from the merge and combines all links of the merged families in
a single family.

• To select the element, you can also just enter the first letter of the desired element and then select it from the list offered

• Confirm the merge by clicking on <Merge> or abort the dialog with <Close>. In this case, the families are not merged.

22.2.22 Mouse context: System Element – Edit Master Data…


This command starts the dialog for editing the master data of the selected system element.

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22.2.23 Mouse context: System Element – Edit Context ...


This command starts the dialog for editing the context of the entire system element.

• Comment: Enter a comment for the system element here. The entry is the same as the comment entry entered in the
master data of the system element ("Comment" field). Translations can be stored in the lower input field after selecting
the particular language.

• Synonyms: The system element name can be translated into the translation languages available here.

• Documents: Specify the document links for the entire system element here. Currently new linked documents are marked
with a symbol. This symbol will disappear if the dialog is closed.

A checkmark next to "Show Document as Bitmap" selects the corresponding image document so that it can be used in the
master data header or in the matrix of a system element for display as an image. The corresponding image file is indicated
by the icon. Only one image document can be displayed in the master data header per system element.

• History: Changes to the system element name are documented here. It is possible to reuse previous names again (select
the corresponding entry and clicking with the mouse on the <Reset to Selected Change> button).

22.2.24 Mouse context: System Element – Create New System Element (Structure tree only)


This call starts the dialog for creating a new a system element. The new system element is automatically connected below the
currently selected system element using a structure link.

22.2.25 Mouse context: System Element – Add New Function (Function tree only)


A function is added to an existing system element. The corresponding system element must be marked in the function tree.

The input dialog is opened using the corresponding menu item in the mouse context menu (right mouse button). The entry is written
to the database after confirming with <OK>.

22.2.26 Mouse context: Failure – Generate Data


This command starts the dialog to generate FMEA data for the selected failure mode.

See also:

• Methodology and procedure

• Standard dialog and selective data generation

• Selectively generating data (for failure entries)

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22.2.27 Mouse context: System Element (Function, Failure) – Delete Generated Data


This command removes, according to the selected data (system element, function or failure mode), all generated data.

See also:

• Remove Generated Data

22.2.28 Mouse context: System Element/Sign Offs

Icon: (create Sign Off) – then select the type

(display existing sign offs)

A) Creating a sign off

A sign off can be created to document/archive system element data. The corresponding data is stored in an appropriate database
subdirectory in the form of XML or HTML files depending on the type of sign off (FMEA, CP, PFC, or specification) selected.

A sign off always consists of a “start page” showing the name of the sign off, the date it was created, and the name of the author of
the document. Furthermore, there are two links to the Function and Variant trees of the system elements integrated into the sign
off. In the lower part of the start page you will then find a list of the system elements integrated into the sign off. Clicking with the
mouse on the corresponding system element opens the document stored for this element.


• Open the system element or system for which you want to create a sign off – the corresponding element can also be marked
in a tree view as an alternative.

• Click on the icon and decide which document (FMEA, PLP, PFC, or the specification list) you want to put in a sign off
(Sign Off Type).

• For sign offs of type “FMEA”: Select if you want to integrate just the currently selected system element (Without Sub-
system Element) or all sub-system elements belonging to this element (With Sub-system Element) into the sign off.

• If necessary, it is possible to enter a Version Number or Revision Number in the empty line in the dialog. If the
corresponding master data has already been entered, then this master data is automatically suggested by the system. The
version and revision information is stored together with the sign off names (see below) and makes it easier to identify the
various sign offs available for a system element or a system when you want to open one. It is also possible to enable
automatic versioning for sign offs (see also: Versioning of Sign Offs).

• In the next dialog window you can specify the time frame for the change tracking of the sign off data. This means that
SCIO™ integrates the data changes made since the selected data into the sign off to be created now. In this case, all cells
that have had changes made to their contents since the selected data are highlighted with a green background. Cells
deactivated since this date are shown with a grey background in the sign off.

o Today minus...: Specify the length of the time period ending today in which changes in the sign off are to be taken
into account.

o Since last print date: All changes made since specified date are taken into account when the changes are stored.

o Since last sign off date: All changes made since specified date are taken into account when the changes are stored.

o Only current state: No change data is taken into account.

o Select date: All changes made since the date selected in the calendar are taken into account when the changes are

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Note: Special background colors are used when synchronizing changes to specifications:

- Light green: The specification was changed

- Gray: A delete job was created for the specification

- Orange: The specification was deleted

• Confirm with <OK>. SCIO™ then creates the corresponding sign off files.

The name of the sign off created automatically that is needed later on to open the sign off is generated as follows:

Date created, Time created, Type of sign off, and the User that created the sign off. A description (e.g. the version number, see
above) can also be specified for FMEA sign offs.

The sign off is opened automatically in the current browser (for example MS Internet Explorer) after it is created.

B) Display existing sign offs:

If sign offs are already available for a system element, then they can be called up and displayed in a browser using the menu item

Select the element you would like to see displayed automatically in the browser from the list of sign offs and confirm your selection
with <OK>.

Note: In the “Description” column you will find a version number for the corresponding sign off (only possible for FMEA Sign Offs).
The version number specified here must have been entered before the sign off is created (see above).

You will need an installed Internet browser that will be automatically started by SCIO™ to display sign offs (display is optimized for
the Microsoft Internet Explorer).

See also:

• Sign Offs and HTML views

22.2.29 Mouse context: System Element/Show HTML Document

Icon: and then make a selection

This menu command creates a temporary sign off for the selected system elements.

To do this, SCIO™ automatically starts the default browser. Various documents can be created in the HTML format (PFC, FMEA, CP,
Specification form, and audit trail).

These documents cannot be saved. They are automatically deleted from the database directory DOC/TEMP when you close the view.
However, they can be printed in SCIO™ using the direct print function.

See also:

• HTML View and Audit-Trail

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22.2.30 Mouse context: Show specification of sub-structure

Note: This mouse command is only visible when a checkmark is set for “Show specification-overview” (Tools…/Options… //
“Function Tree” tab).


The characteristics and specifications of the system element selected as well as of all system elements located below the system
element in the structure are displayed in a separate overview.

The <Print> button can be used to send the overview directly to the printer and print it out in the landscape mode.

<Close> terminates the dialog.

The dialog box is also equipped with its own menu.

The following menu commands can be called:

• Edit Selection/Go To: SCIO™ opens the corresponding form for the entry selected in the table (FMEA, CP, PFC, etc., for
example) at the corresponding position.

• Edit Selection/Edit Master Data: SCIO™ opens the master data dialog of the system element affected by the entry selected
in the table.

• Edit Selection/Edit Specifications: SCIO™ opens to a in the table selected characteristic the corresponding specification
dialog for the characteristic selected in the table. The characteristic and the corresponding specification can be edited here.

• View/Refresh: SCIO™ updates the overview currently open to reflect the current state of the database.

See also:

• "Existing Specifications" frame

22.2.31 Mouse context: Function – Edit Link


A function can be assigned to a system element as a lower-level system element. You can use existing system elements (<Assign>)
or generate new ones (<New Sub-SE>) for this purpose. Existing sub-system element assignments can also be deleted here (<Remove

If a system was selected for assignment, then you can decide which assignments should be created in the overview that appears.

Placing a checkmark in "Always link with the function "XY"" (XY = name of the function) causes the system element to be assigned
as a sub-system element everywhere the function is used in the database as a subsystem element ("global sub-system element").

Selecting <Apply> saves the selected assignment.

Note: The Edit link command is also available in the right mouse button menu if a function is selected in the FMEA form.

22.2.32 Mouse context: Function – Create (Delete) function link

The selected function of a selected sub-system element in the function tree will be linked to the corresponding function of the higher
level system element. If a function link already exists, the menu command Delete function link will remove the link to the high level

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22.2.33 Mouse context: Overview of function links…


You open the function matrix for the selected function with this mouse command. In this function matrix you can create function
links between internal and external functions.

22.2.34 Mouse context: Function – Add Failure


A failure is added to an existing function with this command. The corresponding function must be marked in the function tree to do

The input dialog is opened using the corresponding menu item in the mouse context menu (right mouse button). The entry is written
to the database after confirming with <OK>.

22.2.35 Mouse context: Function – Create New Specification or Edit Specification


With this call you start the dialog for creating or editing specifications.

See also:

• Working with specifications

22.2.36 Mouse context: Failure – Add Effect


An effect is added to an existing failure. The corresponding failure must be marked in the Function Tree.

The input dialog is opened using the corresponding menu item in the mouse context menu (right mouse button). The entry is written
to the database after confirming with <OK>.

22.2.37 Mouse context: Failure – Add Cause


A cause is added to an existing failure. The corresponding failure must be marked in the Function Tree.

The input dialog is opened using the corresponding menu item in the mouse context menu (right mouse button). The entry is written
to the database after confirming with <OK>.

22.2.38 Mouse context: Search…


This command starts the dialog used to search for data elements in the database.

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Proceed as follows to perform a specific search:

• Select the data elements to be searched for by clicking with the mouse on the corresponding button. Several elements
can be selected at the same time. When the search mask is called up, the marked data element used to open the search
window is activated for the search.

• The following data elements can be selected:


System Elements


Failure Modes




SE Family

• Enter your search string in the input field. You can work with wildcards (*) instead of using specific letters in the search.
The asterisk (*) assumes the role of a placeholder for the missing letters in this case. You can also use several asterisks in a
single search (for example *text*). The wildcard search is not case-sensitive.

• Restrict the search if necessary by specifying a system element type. To do this, use the dropdown list in the "SE Type" field
and select the desired type. If no type is specified, then the search takes all existing types into account.

• Start the database query with <Search>. You will receive a results list containing the data elements matching your search
criteria in the lower part of the window.

• You can also access other search masks like the SCIO-Manager, the tree structures and the special masks used to search for
system elements, SE families, and projects using the <Expanded> button.

• To display a specific data element in the tree structure, mark the desired data element in the results list and select <Go
To>. The element is displayed in the Function or Variant Tree, and a bookmark (green ball) appears next to it. You can also
open a data element via the <Open with> button directly in one of the SCIO™ applications.

• Select <Cancel> to reject the results of a search or to terminate the dialog.

22.2.39 Mouse context: Filter...

This command opens the dialog for specifying the tree filter.

See also:

• Restricting tree views (tree filter)

22.2.40 Mouse context: View...

See also:

• Update

• Show Tree Elements Separately

• Show Complete Tree Element

• Hide All Levels

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• Show All Levels

22.2.41 Mouse context: Bookmarks...

See also:

• Bookmarks...

22.3 System Structure

The “System Structure” menu is only available when a tree view is open and active.

Important: This section only describes the menu commands that cannot be activated using any other menus.

22.3.1 Go To

Call: System Structure/Go To

A system element can also be opened directly from the trees. To do this, mark the corresponding system element in the tree and call
the stated menu or mouse command.

Note: The currently open system element is displayed in blue font (tree view) and marked with a blue arrow symbol on the left edge
of the window.

22.3.2 Open.../Show Element as Structure Tree

Call: System structure/Open.../Show Element as Structure Tree

If a system element was selected in a tree view, then SCIO™ opens the system element in a separate Structure tree when this
command is selected. All sub-system elements are copied to the new tree while elements higher in the hierarchy are not displayed.
This makes it very easy to focus on specific structures or substructures.

22.3.3 Open.../Show Element as Function Tree

Call: System structure/Open.../Show Element as Function Tree

If a system element was selected (or a function, failure, cause, or effect in the Function tree) in a tree view, then SCIO™ opens the
system element (or the other elements of the tree mentioned) in a separate Function tree using this command. All substructures are
copied to the new tree while tree elements higher in the hierarchy are not displayed. This makes it very easy to focus on specific
structures or substructures.

22.3.4 Create/Cancel Delete Job

Call: System Structure/Create Delete Job and Cancel Delete Job

With this menu command you can create a delete job for a selected tree element (with the exception of projects) or cancel any
existing delete jobs.

It is also possible to select entire system elements for deletion in this manner.

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22.3.5 Close
The currently active Function or Variant Tree is closed using the System Structure/Close menu item. The program is not terminated.
To terminate the program, see the following menu item: System Structure/Exit.

22.3.6 Access Rights…

22.4 Edit
The “Edit” menu changes when the Function or Variant Tree is open and active.

Important: This section only describes the menu commands that can only be activated using this menu item.

22.4.1 Rename
Call: Edit/Rename

With this command, the data element marked in the tree is placed in the Edit mode and can be renamed.

Tip: You can also activate the Edit mode for a data element by clicking a second time on the element in the tree.

22.4.2 Rename ID (Variant Tree only)

Call: Edit/Rename ID

With this command, the ID of the SE family marked is placed in the Edit mode and can be changed.

Tip: You can also activate the Edit mode for an ID by clicking a second time on the ID field after a short pause. If you then press the
down arrow key on your keyboard, you jump directly to the ID in the next level down. This ID is also immediately placed in the Edit
mode and can be changed.

22.4.3 Copy...

Call: Edit/Copy

The marked system element is copied and stored temporarily so it can be inserted at a different location.

22.4.4 Remove Assignment (or Link (SE selected))

Call: Edit/Remove Assignment (or Link (SE selected))

The marked entry is deleted from the relationship throughout the entire system. All links and assignments will be lost in this case. If
the marked entry is assigned to the same higher-level entry at different locations, then all such assignments are deleted.

22.4.5 Paste Move

Call: Edit/Paste/Paste Move

See also:

• Mouse context: Paste Move

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22.4.6 Paste Link

Call: Edit/Paste/Paste Link

See also:

• Mouse context: Paste Link

22.4.7 Paste Copy

Call: Edit/Paste/Paste Copy

See also:

• Mouse context: Paste Copy

22.4.8 Higher in this Level

Call: Edit/Higher in this Level

The marked tree entry is moved up in the sort order within the corresponding level.

22.4.9 Lower in this Level

Call: Edit/Lower in this Level

In the first level of the Variant and Function trees, the entries are either sorted in alphabetical order or sorted manually.

The marked entry is moved down in the sort order within the corresponding level.

22.4.10 Search

Call: Edit/Search

This command starts the dialog used to search for data elements in the database.

See also:

• Mouse context: Search…

22.5 View
The “View” menu changes when the Function or Variant Tree is open and active.

Important: This section only describes the menu commands that can only be activated using this menu item.

22.5.1 Update
Call: View/Update

If you enter data individually in a matrix or a form (FMEA, CP, etc.), the data may not appear immediately in the tree.

The contents of the selected tree view are refreshed using this menu item.

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22.5.2 Filter...
This command opens the dialog for specifying the tree filter.

See also:

• Restricting tree views (tree filter)

22.5.3 Show Tree Elements Separately

Call: View/Show Tree Elements Separately

The selected tree element is shown separately in a new window as a sub-system to provide a better overview of the element.
However, the sub-system still remains part of the system as a whole.

22.5.4 Show Complete Tree Element

Call: View/Show Complete Tree Element

The selected tree element is shown completely expanded.

22.5.5 Hide All Levels

Call: View/Hide All Levels

The levels in the tree views are completely collapsed, only the uppermost level of the system elements/SE families is still displayed.

22.5.6 Show All Levels

Call: View/Show All Levels

The levels of all tree elements of the tree views are shown completely expanded.

Call: View/Bookmarks…

Bookmarks are used to permanently mark important data elements (system elements, functions, etc.) in the tree views so you can
find these elements faster. The bookmark is indicated by a green ball symbol on the left edge of the row containing the element. The
color of the element text also changes to green.

Note: The currently open system element is displayed in blue font and marked with a blue arrow symbol on the left edge of the
window. If this system element also has a bookmark the blue arrow symbol is replaced by a green ball symbol, but the color of the
element text remains blue.

Bookmarks remain in the tree structures even after the program is terminated.

If a data element is found using the SCIO™ search function, then a bookmark is automatically applied to the data element.

.../Add (or Delete, see below)

A bookmark can be applied to an element in the tree views so that it can be found quickly when evaluating the bookmarks. If a tree
element is marked with a bookmark, then it is displayed with its bookmark using a green font.

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The bookmark located on an element of the tree views is deleted.

.../Delete All

All bookmarks in the tree views are deleted.

…/Find Next Mark

The next element in the Function Tree marked with a bookmark is displayed.

22.6 Format
The “Format” menu changes when the Function or Variant Tree is open and active.

Important: This section only describes the menu commands that can only be activated using this menu item.

22.6.1 Font
Call: Format/Font

The font for the display of the tree is specified here. Separate settings can be specified for the Function and Variant trees. The
Structure Tree is automatically set to the same values as the Function Tree.

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23 SCIO™-Inspection-Plan

23.1 Inspection plans

An inspection plan is the foundation for any measurements taken for quality control purposes in production. It documents the
characteristics to be checked, inspection procedures, and persons responsible for executing the actions.

In general, inspection plans are created for a specific workstation or machine. Its contents are based for the most part on the data in
the control plan (CP).

The SCIO™-Inspection-Plan module can be used to create and expand inspection plans based on existing control plans (CPs). To do
this, the relevant data in a CP for a machine is transferred to an MS Excel® document, and the necessary inspection plan data can
then be added there.

23.2 Creating an inspection plan

To be able to create an inspection plan with SCIO™-Inspection-Plan, the following requirements must be met:

• The SCIO™-Inspection-Plan module is installed and configured (contact PLATO Technical Support if necessary for this
purpose ((+49 (0)451/930 986-02;
• The user has the base right "Application: Use SCIO Inspection Plan Add-On“.
• A control plan (CP) was created in SCIO™-Control-Plan.


• In SCIO™-Control-Plan, open the system element for which a CP has already been created and from which one or more
inspection plans should be created.
• In the CP document, select the machine for which the inspection plan will now be created (the procedure can be repeated
similarly for every machine).
• Select the Create Inspection Plan command from the right mouse button menu. The data transfer to MS Excel® is started.
SCIO™ uses a prepared template for this purpose that controls the transfer (SCIO TP Sheet.xlt).
• All data in a control plan that is relevant for the selected machine is transferred to the configured inspection plan form:
o Inspection location (name the selected machine)
o Selected master data of the CP system element
o The inspection systems to be used
o Product characteristics
o Process characteristics
o Specifications and tolerances of the affected characteristics
o Sample sizes and sampling rates
Note: In addition to the data specified above, the template also contains additional fields and columns by default in which
data can be entered manually in the Excel document. This data includes information on the person conducting the
inspection ("Who?") or additional accompanying documents, among other information.
• After the transfer, the resulting Excel file is database-independent and must be completed and stored separately.

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23.3 Customizing the inspection plan template

As already mentioned, the creation of an inspection plan is based on the data transfer using the template SCIO TP Sheet.xlt.

The layout of this template can be customized by the user. This allows additional master data from SCIO™ to be read into the header
of the document. Users can also customize the font types, sizes, and colors.

Note, though, that customizations affecting the selection of the contents to be transferred from the SCIO™ database can only be
made by PLATO. Contact your sales representative or PLATO Technical Support (+49 (0)451/930 986-01;

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SCIO™ Software Administration 365

24 SCIO™ Software Administration

The following chapters describe the administration of the SCIO™ software and are intended for SCIO™ administrators to explain the
specific configuration possibilities in SCIO™.

24.1 Interface compatibility

The current SCIO™ API is compatible with the following application versions:

• MES GUARDUS™ MES, GUARDUS Solutions AG up from Version 3.3

• XERI™ up from Version 3.3.2
• AQTIO™ up from Version 2.3

24.2 Configuration files

Most of the configuration of the SCIO™ server and the SCIO™ client is done via the regarding SCIO_Server_Config.ini, resp. the
SCIO_Client_Config.ini. Depending on the operating system, the files can be found by default in one of the following directories:

24.2.1 Windows XP and Windows Server up to 2003

In Windows XP the SCIO_Client_Config.ini is stored in the following directory:

Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\PLATO AG\SCIO\default\Client\conf

Up to Windows Server 2003 the SCIO_Server_Config.ini is stored in the following directory:

Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\PLATO AG\SCIO\default\Server\conf

24.2.2 Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server up from 2008

In Windows Vista and Windows 7 the SCIO_Client_Config.ini is stored in the following directory:

Drive:\ProgramData\PLATO AG\SCIO\default\Client\conf

Up from Windows Server 2008 the SCIO_Server_Config.ini is stored in the following directory:

Drive:\ProgramData\PLATO AG\SCIO\default\Server\conf

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24.3 Notifications for SCIO™ users

An administrator may create notifications or information for SCIO™ users. When a user starts a SCIO™ program the message is


• Creating a text file: A text file has to be created in the database folder “MSG” first. Select the corresponding file name from
a predefined list (see below).
• Entering text: Open the created text file in a text editor and write the desired message. Save the text file.
• Deleting a message: Delete the corresponding text file from the MSG folder.

The following file names may be used for messages:

• MODULE_E_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-FMEA)

• MODULE_M_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-Matrix)
• MODULE_N_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-Net-Builder)
• MODULE_P_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-Process-Flow)
• MODULE_C_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-Control-Plan)
• MODULE_T_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-Fault-Tree)
• MODULE_B_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-Block-Diagram)
• MODULE_I_FORALL.txt (appears at the start of SCIO™-Importer)
• FORALL.txt (appears at the start of any SCIO™ program)
• ADMIN.txt (appears at the program start by a SCIO™ administrator)
• Username.txt (e.g. PLATO.txt) (appears at the program start by the corresponding SCIO™ user)
Note: User specific messages can be deleted by the user using the corresponding button in the message window.

24.4 SCIO™ Admin-Tool

The SCIO™ Admin-Tool provides administrational tools for the configuration of your SCIO™ installation.

Among other things the tool can be used for the following actions:

• Maintenance and corrections for the used databases

• Licensing
• Creating/changing SCIO™ database profiles
• Password configuration
• Show the connected users (with multi user installation)
• Adept changes in the database structure
• Back-up administration

Starting the Admin-Tool

The SCIO™ Admin-Tool can be started via the ADMINTOOL.EXE from the Server\bin folder of a SCIO™ installation. After starting the
tool the Admin-Tool starting page will open.

Important notes:

• The use of the Admin-Tool via a mapped network drive on the SCIO™ server is not possible. You must start the Admin-
Tool over a server console! If you have no access to the server console, please ask your IT system administrator to enable
you the access.
• The SCIO™ Admin-Tool is working irrespective from the SCIO™ right classes. Changes that will be done by specific
functions of the Admin-Tool have irrevocable impact on the database. To make sure that you can switch back to the
state before the changes were made if necessary, we highly recommend making a backup of the database before you start.
• With the installation of new licenses or the creation of a new database profile a backup is not necessary.

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24.4.1 Admin-Tool, start page

Important note: Many programs and options that you can call on the start page of the Admin-Tool are only needed in case you
require support and should only be used after consulting with PLATO Technical Support! Further information on the Admin-Tool
and the configuration of SCIO™ can also be found in the SCIO™ installation instructions.

All functionality of the Admin-Tool start page is available without having to enter a password:

• Profile: This list contains the databases that can be administered using the Admin-Tool.
o Name: Profile name of the corresponding database
o Status: Overall status of the corresponding database. This should generally be "OK". Faulty databases, if any, are
marked accordingly.
o Replication: Displays if a database replication exists.
o TCP: Displays if communication TCP / IP is active.

Context menu (right mouse button):

• Stop server: Terminates the RDS server for the database.

• Restart server: Restarts the sever.
• Login: Starts the Admin-Tool login procedure for the database selected in "Profiles". The user logging in needs the SCIO™
basic right "Administrator" and a valid SCIO™ password for the selected database.
• Maintenance: Starts the database maintenance program. This service program should be run at regular intervals in order
to guarantee smooth operation of the database. The time and interval at which the program is executed should be selected
with care. Contact PLATO Technical Support if you need any recommendations.
o View logfile opens the log file for the last database maintenance run if one is available.
• Force Fix: Starts the service tool of the same name (see the note at the beginning of this section).
o View logfile opens the log file created the last time the tool was run, if one is available.
• DBCheck: Starts the service tool of the same name (see the note at the beginning of this section).
o View logfile opens the log file created the last time the tool was run, if one is available.
• Keybuild: Starts the service tool of the same name (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• Performance: Starts the service tool of the same name (see the note at the beginning of this section).

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• Init license…: initializes the database license (creates a demo license) (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• Update API view: Updates the API view.
• Change locale…: Changes the database language (locale) to English. Please contact PLATO Technical Support before using
this option.
• Ping server: Checks if the server for the database selected in "Profiles" is available. A corresponding message is output as
a result.
• Restore from backup…: Starts the restoration from a backup of the database selected in "Profiles" (see the note at the
beginning of this section).
• Create a copy…: Creates a copy of important database files. These files can then be analyzed, if necessary (see the note at
the beginning of this section).
• Open folder: Opens the folder overview.
• Open fmeaopt.ini: Opens the stated INI file (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• Open rdmserver.ini: Opens the stated INI file (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• Open rds.log: Opens the stated log file (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• Enable TCP…: Opens a dialog box. When the checkmark is set, the communication TCP / IP is active.
• Replication…: Opens the configuration dialog for the database replication.
• Profile:
o Save: Saves a database profile you have just created or changed.
o Alias: If desired, you can create a second name (alias) for the selected database.
▪ Name: List of the aliases created up to now.
▪ Description: Description of the alias selected in "Name" (is visible in the database selection dialog!).
▪ <New>: Allows you to enter a new alias. You can use special characters in the alias.
▪ <Save>: Saves the new or changed alias.
▪ <Remove>: Removes the new or changed alias.
▪ <Cancel>: Cancels the alias dialog.

o Rename: Allows you to rename the selected database profile.

o Remove: Deletes the selected database profile.
• <SCIO_Server_Config.ini>: Opens the stated INI file (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• <Connect.ini>: Opens the stated INI file (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• <Admin Tool.ini>: Opens the stated INI file (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• <Admin Tool.log>: Opens the stated log file (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• <List services>: Opens an overview of the RDM server services used. Services can be stopped if necessary (<Stop>) or
uninstalled (Uninstall) (see the note at the beginning of this section).
• <Create profile>: Starts the creation of a new database profile. You enter the name of the desired profile here. You can
only use letters and numbers in the name. No space character(s) or other special characters are allowed. If necessary,
though, you can create an extended name using an alias (see below).
• <Create replication>: Opens a dialog box where you can select the folder for the database replication.
• <Refresh>: Refreshes the view of the Admin-Tool start page
• <Restart>: Triggers a restart of the Admin-Tool.
• <Quit>: Terminates the Admin-Tool.

Creating and administering database profiles

SCIO™ databases are specified using your "profile" so that they are available to the users for selection. A profile in this case includes
various file paths and possibly descriptions:

• Database folder: Path to the database selected in "Profiles". The field is only editable when a new database profile is
created with <Create profiles>. If necessary, you can enter the path manually or specify it using the <…> button.
• Docs: Specification of the "Docs" folder. If necessary, you can change the path manually or specify it using the <…> button.
The "Docs" folder is used as collection folder for the documents to be linked.

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• SignOff parent folder: Specification of the main folder for storing the SignOff data. If necessary, you can change the path
manually or specify it using the <…> button.
o <DOCS>: Integrates the DOCS path (see above) into the path. The SignOff folder is therefore a subfolder in this
o <DB>: Integrates the database path (see above) into the path. The SignOff folder is therefore a subfolder in this
• E1ns: Specification of the "E1ns" folder. If necessary, you can change the path manually or specify it using the <…> button.
• Description: Description of the database selected in "Profiles". The description is visible to SCIO™ users when selecting the
database and can make it easier to identify the right database.

24.4.2 Admin-Tool/SCIO Licences

On the “SCIO Licences“ tab you will get an overview of the existing licenses for the currently chosen database. If necessary it is
possible to add new licenses.

For additional information please take a look in the SCIO™ installation manual!

24.4.3 Admin-Tool/User
Important note: Further information on the Admin-Tool and the configuration of the SCIO™ system can be found in the SCIO™
installation manual!

Displaying currently logged-in users

The Admin-Tool provides the SCIO™ administrator with an overview of the SCIO™ users currently logged in. If necessary, the
administrator can "remove" users from a running session.

Important note: This option is only available for multi user installations with SCIO™ client and SCIO™ server!

• Change in the Admin-Tool to the “User” tab:

• All users logged in to the SCIO™ application, that is shown under “Select application” are displayed in the “Connected
users” field. Via the <Refresh> button the view of the logged in users can be refreshed.
• With the <Disconnect user> button logged in users can be disconnected from the SCIO™ system. If a user should be
disconnected from his session, the connection of the respective user will be closed after 20 seconds, as long as no dialogue
window is opened. A dialogue will inform him or her. If necessary, the user can restart his or her session.

24.4.4 Admin-Tool/Password
Configuring passwords

The password requirements/rules can be configured separately for each database profile. IT administrators can specify the settings
on the "Password" tab.

Note: In SCIO™ 6.0 and higher, it is mandatory to assign a password when creating a user. If no password is assigned, then a
corresponding error message appears.

• Enforce password history: When assigning a password, the system checks if the password has already been assigned to a user.
o The value "0" means the check for reused passwords will not be executed.
o "1" means the old password cannot be used immediately again as the new password.
o "2" means the old password may only be used as the new password again if a different password was used in the
o etc.

Note: If, when changing the password, a password is used again within the time period configured, then a
corresponding error message appears.

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• Maximum password age: If desired, you can configure an "expiration period" for passwords here.
o Specifying the value "0" means that passwords do not expire.
o A value "> 0" defines the number of days until a password expires and must be replace by a new one. If a user
wants to log in after the time period configured has expired, then a corresponding error message appears and
the user is required to enter a new password. The user can then log in immediately using the new password.
• Minimum password length: Configure the minimum password length here.
o A minimum length of less than 5 characters cannot be configured.
o When changing the password, the system checks if the new password meets the minimum length requirement.
o The minimum length is also checked when a new user is created.
• Maximum login failure: Configure the maximum number of attempts to enter the password here. If this number is
exceeded, then the account is automatically locked. To unlock a locked account, the value in the column "Login Errors"
must be reset to "0" in the user administration (Administration/Organization…) in the user data overview (User/User Data
• Password must meet complexity requirements: Placing a checkmark here enables the following basic requirements for

o The user name and password are not allowed to be identical (even when the capitalization of some letters is not
o At least three of the following types of characters must be used in the password:
▪ Uppercase letters
▪ Lowercase letters
▪ Numbers
▪ Special characters
o Other linguistic characters (e.g. in the case of Chinese characters)
• Password can be changed only once a day: Placing a checkmark here means that a password may only be changed once a day.
o Attempting to change a password twice on the same day results in a corresponding error message
o This option applies to one calendar day and not to a 24 hour time period
• Allow UI access for system accounts: By default, the checkbox is unchecked. By checking it, the system user, i.e. the user
with the status "system", is enabled to log in manually at SCIO™ or the PLATO e1ns web applications.
• <Save> saves the selected configuration.
• <Show history> opens the password configuration change history.

24.4.5 Admin-Tool/Recovery
Important note: Many of the options offered on this tab serve to provide information to support and should only be used after
consulting PLATO Technical Support!

The following important options are available to you on the "Recovery" tab of the Admin-Tool:

• Default access rights to new system elements: Here you configure the access rights that you want to assign automatically
to SE team members when creating system elements (<Team SE>), managers responsible for systems (<Responsible>), and
authors (<Creator>). Click here and check the corresponding boxes for read privileges ("Read"), write privileges ("Write")
and the rights for distributing contents ("Export").
o <OK> saves the selected configuration.
o <Cancel> aborts the dialog without saving any changes.
o <Enable/Disable all> places or removes all checkmarks.
• Change access rights: Here you configure the access rights of the SE team members to system elements that already exist.
Click here on <Team-SE> and place the checkmarks as desired (see above). Clicking on <OK> automatically applies the
changes to the affected system elements. A message is output with the results.
• Merge: The merge function is used to merge different database entries into one entry. This enables the consistency of the
formulations and terms used to be improved (e.g. you can combine the two failures "Bolt too long" and "Screw too long"
into one "Bolt too long" entry).

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SCIO™ Software Administration 371

o Select the data type first (e.g. "Failure" for failure entries); all data of this type are read in to the "Source" and
"Destination" columns.
o Select in the "Destination" field of the entry you want to keep (e.g. "Bolt too long").
o In the "Source" field, select the entry that should be changed by the merge (e.g. "Screw too long").
o Execute the merge via <Merge source into destination>.
o If you want to use an <Export>/<Import> procedure, then please contact PLATO Technical Support.

For all other options, please contact PLATO Technical Support first and only use these options after consulting with PLATO!

24.4.6 Admin-Tool/Extras
You can make changes to the contents of the database using the “Extras” tab:

• <Activate>: You can undo all delete jobs using this button. This may be necessary when there are structural problems with
the database and no new delete jobs can be created.
• <Copy>: This function creates additional copies of global system elements as local system elements in the database. The
function may be necessary when updating from older versions of PLATO FMEA (product name: FMEA System III) or when
you are about to use SCIO™-Matrix for the first time.
• <Combine>: This command merges all actions with identical evaluations to a package. Identical evaluations mean that O, S
and D have identical data. This function should be used after an update from a SCIO™ version before 2.0 was done.
• <Remove>: With this button all predefined actions will be removed. When activating the “remove ???-action too”
checkbox, all “???” entries from former predefinitions will be removed as well.
• Assign team members of system element to documents: This menu item can be used to customize the entries of document-
specific teams such as the FMEA or Control-Plan core teams (the other teams for the documents you can select are not
shown separately at the present time). You select if the FMEA or Control-Plan team is to be modified in the window on the
left. You then have three different ways to configure the corresponding team:
o Replace existing teams: Replaces the existing entries and adds the system element team entry.
o Add to existing team: Adds the system element team entry to the existing entries.
o Do not batch existing team: If there are already team entries available for the corresponding documents, then
no changes are made.
o Placing a checkmark next to "Assign responsible too" means that the "Responsible Manager" will be added to
the corresponding team.
The desired changes are made using the <Assign> button.
• Assign competence classes with read/write access to all system elements: With this function all rights classes containing
the basic right “System Element Permit read access (ID27)” and/or “System Element Permit write access (ID79)” can be
added to all system elements of the database with the regarding access permission. This way all users of the regarding
rights classes will get read and/or write permission to the system elements. A list of all affected system elements will be
shown and saved.
• Complete action bundles containing only completed actions: The status of all action bundles can be set to “closed” if all
actions are closed. A list of all affected system elements will be shown and saved.
• Change optional master data to regular master data: You can change the “optional master data” (select in upper field) to
regular master data (select in lower field) in this section.
• Assign action categories to action completion status: Using this menu item, you can assign a specific status (to be selected
in the lower field) to an optimization with a certain category (to be selected in the upper field).
You must differentiate between categories for recommended actions ("Recommended") and taken actions ("Taken").
• Assign concerned departments of system elements to document: Using this menu item, you can add the departments
affected by the system element to the entries of departments affected by documents like FMEAs or CPs. In the window on
the left, you select if the departments affected by the FMEA and/or control plan need to be changed. There are then three
options available for configuring how the departments are added:
o Replace existing departments: Replaces the previous entries and adds the entries of the affected departments
of the system element.

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o Add to existing departments: Adds the entries of the affected departments of the system element to the previous
o Do not change existing departments: If there are already department entries available for the corresponding
documents, then no changes are made.
o Placing a checkmark next to "Assign responsible too" means that the "Responsible Department" for the system
element will be added to the corresponding list of departments.
The desired changes are made using the <Assign> button.
• Optimize Variant Tree: Please only use this option after consulting with PLATO Technical Support..
• Complete actions (ISO TS 16949): With this function all action bundles can be closed by ISO TS 16949 norm. This means
that all action bundles that contain an action with a name entered in the text field before will get the status REJECTED and
the evaluation will be set to zero. A list of all affected system elements will be shown and saved.
If the check box “Only analyze” is activated, changes that would be done will only be shown but not executed. No data will
be changed in this case.

24.4.7 Admin-Tool/Backup
The "Backup" tab allows you to configure and make backups of the currently selected database.

Further information on this subject can be found in the SCIO™ installation instructions!

24.5 “AtlAdvise -> No Progress…“- popup at start

Depending on the client settings (DCOM configuration) the following pop up may come up right after the SCIO™ log in:

“ERROR: API = AltAdvice -> No Progress Information Available“…

This pop up shows no error message but does only inform the user, that some progress bars may not be available in SCIO™. This does
not affect any functionality of the software in any way.

There are two possible ways to suppress this information popup.

Configuration for a single SCIO™ client

If this information pop up should only be suppressed for a single SCIO™ client the following entries have to be added to the
SCIO_Client_Config.ini (see: Configuration files):



Configuration for all SCIO™ clients:

If this information pop up should be suppressed for all SCIO™ clients the following entries have to be added to the
SCIO_Server_Config.ini (see: Configuration files):



24.6 Settings for the Excel transfer of graphical analysis

SCIO™ uses MS Excel® for evaluating and presenting data. The graphic analyses (RPN and Pareto analysis and risk matrices) can be
called in a dialog and transferred directly to an Excel workbook. Since the graphic RPN and Pareto analysis is performed in part with
the help of outsourced Excel macros, the Excel macro security and the SCIO™ templates need to be compatible.

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24.6.1 Digital signature of the macro projects

The macros required to perform the graphic analyses are distributed between the PLATOClassLib.xla Excel add-in and the RPN.xlt
and Pareto.xlt Excel templates in the client subdirectory XT\Reports, including any language variant subdirectories such as
XT_EN\Reports, for example. PLATO has digitally signed the macro projects in these files. The XLT files also contain a reference to
the XLA file PLATOClassLic.xla that cannot be changed without deleting the signature. This reference refers to the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates

If the XLA is not located in this directory, then SCIO tries to find it in the standard directories. However, the digital signature is deleted
in this case, which can cause warnings to be generated when saving the XLS files created.

The SCIO™ search path includes the following folders:

• C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates

• C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns
• C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data \Microsoft\AddIns
• The several SCIO™ XT folders.

24.6.2 Configuration of the security settings up from Excel 2007 Explanation of the different settings for Macro Settings

Excel offers the following options:

• Disable all macros with/without notification:

In order to be able to perform the analyses, the storage locations of the XLT and XLA files must be configured as trusted
storage locations. If the presence of the default directory for the XLA file PLATOClassLib.xla cannot be guaranteed, then the
references in the XLT files to this file can be changed accordingly. For more information on this subject see: Adept the
PLATOClassLib.xla reference in the XLT sheets.

Even the finished Pareto analyses need to have macros enabled if you want to use the scroll bar. Every XLS created must
be stored in a trusted storage location for this purpose as well.

• Disable all macros except digitally signed macros:

This is the most commonly used setting since it represents a good compromise between security and compatibility. To be
able to generate the analyses, the PLATO signature must be configured as a “Trusted Publisher” and stored in the
PLATOClassLib.XLA file in the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates.

If it is stored in a different directory in the SCIO search path, then the transfer will be executed successfully, but an error
message will appear when saving the file because the signature was deleted by changing the path. In the case of a Pareto
analysis, the scroll bar will not work anymore, for example.

• Enable all macros:

No access problems will occur using this setting, but this configuration poses a great security risk and is therefore not
recommended. Configuration of the macro settings for Excel 2007 and higher
Common procedure

• In the Excel “Options” dialog, select the Trust Center menu item
• Click on the button <Trust Center Settings> on the right.
• In the dialog that appears, select the “Macro Settings” menu item and configure the desired security level (see: Explanation
of the different settings for Macro Settings).

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Important note: There must be a checkmark next to “Trust access to the VBA project object model” to ensure the complete
functionality! Setting the PLATO signature as a trusted signature

If MS Excel® was configured so that only macros from trusted publishers can be executed, then the PLATO signature must be
configured as a trusted signature. You can check the list of “Trusted Publishers” in the Trust Center to see if this is already the case:

• If PLATO AG does not appear in the list of “Trusted publishers”, then you must add the signature to the list.
• To add it to the list, open the file Pareto.xlt found in the SCIO™ client subdirectory XT\Reports. A warning dialog will
• Enable “Always trust macros from this source” in the dialog and click on the <Enable macros> button.
• Close MS Excel® and check after restarting if the PLATO signature appears now in the list of “Trusted Publishers”.

24.6.3 Configuration of the security settings up to Excel 2003

In Excel 2003 and older versions, the macro security settings are slightly different.

• Open the configuration settings via Tools/Macro/Security.

• Set the Security Level to “High”.
• Change to the “Trusted Publishers” tab and enable the checkbox “Trust access to Visual Basic”.
• Start a Pareto analysis in the SCIO™ software. A warning dialog appears.
• Enable the “Always trust macros from this source” checkbox in the dialog and click on the <Enable macros> button.
• The transfer should execute successfully and PLATO AG should now appear in the list of “Trusted Publishers”.

24.6.4 Adept the PLATOClassLib.xla reference in the XLT sheets

If you cannot guarantee that PLATOClassLib.xla is located in the default path C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates, then
you can change the path specification. However, the digital signature is deleted in this case.

If the directories in which the XLT files are stored cannot be configured as trusted locations, then the XLT files must be resigned after
changing the references. You will need a valid code signature certificate for this purpose. Additional information on this subject can
be found in the Microsoft Office help system.

The following procedure must be performed for all rpn.xlt and pareto.xlt files.

• Open the XLT in MS Excel® to edit it.

• Do NOT open this file by double-clicking on it in the Explorer. ONLY open it by clicking with the right mouse button on the
XLT and selecting the Open menu item.
• In Excel, switch to the macro editor using ALT + F11. Make sure that the project for the XLT opened is also open on the left
• Selecting the Tools/References menu item opens the corresponding dialog.
• It is possible for the reference to the PLATOClassLibProject to be labeled as "missing". First, remove the incorrect reference
and then press the <Browse…> button to add a reference to the PLATOClassLib.XLA in the correct directory.

24.7 Sign Off Versioning

Version und Revision can be set by system element dates. Additionally, an automatic versioning can be activated. With the start of
the SignOff the Master Date will be taken. When the Sign Off is finished a check will be done if the Master Date field “Version”
contains a decimal digit. If this is the case it will automatically be counted up by 1 and the revision will be set to “draft”.

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24.7.1 Activating the versioning

The activation of the versioning can be set in the SCIO_Server_Config.ini (see: Configuration files), with the following entry:



24.7.2 Changing the default entry

With changes in the Master Data field “Version” and/or the Master Data field “Revision” will be set to a default value. The default
entry for this is “draft”. With the following entry to the FMEAOPT.INI file, that can be found in the INI folder of the regarding
database, another entry can be configured:


NewSignOffRevision= „Name of the entry“

24.8 Automatic IDs for system elements and actions

SCIO™ offers the opportunity to automatically generate an identification number (ID) for actions and system elements within a SCIO™
database. After deleting a system element or an action, automatically generated IDs will not be used again to make sure, that IDs
stay unique within a SCIO™ database.

The configuration of the automatic ID assignment is done via the KeyID.ini of the regarding SCIO™ database. The file can be found in
the INI sub folder of each SCIO™ database. If the file cannot be found there, it must be created. The following configuration can be
done in the INI file:


Use= This parameter sets the automatic ID assignment for system elements.

0 = Automatic IDs will be assigned (default)

1 = IDs will be assigned automatically and can be edited as long as the ID was not used
as part of an action ID.

2 = IDs will be assigned automatically and cannot be changed.

Format= This parameter sets the format of the ID. It can be set as follows:


Instead of SE any other character string can be used. The total length of the ID must
not be longer than 80 characters.

The entry SE_%1!05i! would assign the following IDs:




SE_00004 etc.

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24.9 Date format for HTML view, SignOff & Excel transfer

Use= This parameter sets the automatic ID assignment for system elements.

0 = Automatic IDs will be assigned (default)

2 = IDs will be assigned automatically and cannot be changed

Parent= With the parameter RSYSTEMELEMENT a dependency of the action to the regarding
system element can be set.

ParentCutLeft= With a dependency to the system element this parameter can be used to cut off the
specified numbers of characters left from the system element ID.

ParentCutRight= With a dependency to the system element this parameter can be used to cut off the
specified numbers of characters right from the system element ID.

Format= This parameter sets the format of the ID. It can be set as follows:


Instead of MA any other character string can be used. The total length of the ID must
not be longer than 80 characters.

If the dependency to the system element is activated, the parameter has to be

extended in the following way to include the ID of the system element:


This entry would assign the following IDs when neither left nor right characters of
the system element ID should be cut off:




MA_SE_00001_00004 etc.

The format for the date display is by default taken from the Windows server, where the SCIO™ server is installed on. If the format for
HTML views, SignOffs and the Excel transfer should be different, this can be configured for the whole SCIO™ server or a single SCIO™

24.9.1 Database related configuration

The format for the date display can be configured separately for each SCIO™ database via the FMEAOPT.INI that can be found in the
INI folder of the regarding database. The following entry has to be added to the [Settings] section. DD is placeholder for the day,



MM for the month and YYYY for the year. The year specification can be shortened to two digits.

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24.9.2 Server related configuration

The format for the date display can be configured for all SCIO™ database at once via the SCIO_Server_Config.ini (see: Configuration
files). The following entry has to be added to the [Settings] section. DD is placeholder for the day, MM for the month and YYYY for
the year. The year specification can be shortened to two digits.



Important note: The database related configuration in the FMEAOPT.INI has a higher priority than the entry for the server related
configuration via the SCIO_Server_Config.ini. If the entry is set in the FMEAOPT.INI the configuration in the SCIO_Server_Config.ini
is without effect!

24.10 Configuration of input restrictions

Up from SCIO™ 4.0 it is possible to activate an input restriction for new data of a specific data type. This restriction can be set for the
following types:

• Function
• Failure mode
• Effect
• Cause

When the input restriction is active, users can only use existing data from the database. New entries can no longer be done. This
includes also changes to existing entries that would result in new entries.

SCIO™ administrators are basically not affected from this restriction. To non SCIO™ administrators can the permission to make new
entries be granted by the basic right “Edit Enter protected terms” (ID: 120).

The input restriction can be activated by an entry in the FMEAOPT.INI that can be found in the INI folder of the SCIO™ database. The
following entry has to be added to the [InputRestriction] section for the regarding data type.

The parameter 1 activates the lock for the regarding data type. With a 0 as value the input restriction is deactivated.


24.11 Hiding of master data elements

Up from SCIO™ 3.0 it is possible to hide specific elements in the master data by making an entry to the [SuppressMasterData] section
in the SCIO_Server_Config.ini (see: Configuration files). All master data elements that are hidden this way will no longer be shown
in the master data dialogue, the master data header in the form sheet as well as in its configuration, and no longer in the regarding
dialogue for the Excel transfer as well.

Note: No data will be lost this way; it’s just no longer shown. After the entry is removed from the SCIO_Server_Config.ini the
regarding data will be shown.

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An entry to hide single master data elements could look like this:






The following master data elements can be hidden by the regarding entry:


• Mandatory data

CC_FST_PROJ=1 Project

CC_FST_NAME=1 System Element Name



CC_FST_TYPE=1 System Element Type

CC_FST_BKAT=1 Evaluation Catalog


CC_FST_VARB=1 Responsible Manager

CC_FST_VBER=1 Responsible Department

• Additional information

CC_FST_BBER=1 Affected Department

CC_FST_TEAM=1 System Element Team

CC_FST_ATTR=1 Attributes

CC_FST_OPIT=1 Open Points

CC_FST_VERS=1 Version

CC_FST_REVI=1 Revision

CC_FST_VEHI=1 Vehicle

CC_FST_MODL=1 Model Year(s)

CC_FST_DRNO=1 Drawing number

CC_FST_PROD=1 Product

CC_FST_BUSI=1 Supplier

CC_FST_BUSI_ID=1 Supplier Code

CC_FST_KOMM=1 Comment

CC_FST_IDENT=1 Identity (system element)

CC_FST_ERST=1 Created by

CC_FST_EDAT= Creation date

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CC_FST_BARB=1 Edited by

CC_FST_BDAT=1 Date of Editing

• SCIO-FMEA specific data


CC_FST_KDAT=1 Key Date

CC_FST_FM_VARB=1 Employee responsible for FMEA

CC_FST_FM_VBER=1 Department responsible for FMEA


CC_FST_FM_BBER=1 Departments affected by FMEA


CC_FST_FM_EDAT=1 FMEA Creation Date


CC_FST_FM_BDAT=1 FMEA Editing Date

• SCIO-Control-Plan specific data

CC_FST_CP_NO=1 CP Number


CC_FST_CP_ENGI=1 Customer Engineering Approval

CC_FST_CP_QUAL=1 Customer Quality Approval

CC_FST_CP_OTHR=1 Other Approvals

CC_FST_CP_APPR=1 Approval Date

CC_FST_CP_VARB=1 Employee responsible for CP

CC_FST_CP_VBER=1 Department responsible for CP


CC_FST_CP_BBER=1 Departments affected by CP


CC_FST_CP_EDAT=1 CP Creation Date



• Review

CC_FST_DRBFM_TEAM=1 Reviewteam

24.12 Configuration of the SCIO™ Windows Login

SCIO™ offers you the ability to control the login procedure to the SCIO™ database using a Windows user account. To do this, a change
must be made in the SCIO™ user administration to reflect the Windows user account. If no entry can be found in the SCIO™ user
administration for the active Windows user account, then the standard SCIO™ login dialog appears.

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24.12.1 Activation of the SCIO™-Windows Login

Enter the following entry to the [Settings] section of the FMEAOPT.INI file, which is located in the INI folder of the SCIO™ database:


24.12.2 Configuration of the user settings

Open the SCIO™ user administration via Administration/Organization… and open the Detailed User Data window for the user to be
edited (select the user and press F2).

Set the Windows Login to “Active” and enter the “name of the Windows user account” in the Windows Login-Name field, the
regarding SCIO™ is using to log in to the Windows domain.

24.12.3 Activation for single user

Users can activate the SCIO™ Windows Login for themselves via Tools/Options… // “System Administration” tab by checking the
“Allow Windows Login” box.

24.13 Direct e-mail forwarding from SCIO™

E-Mails can be sent directly to SCIO™ users from within SCIO™, for example to remind them of a deadline. To be able to do this, the
E-Mail forwarding has to be configured first. If you are looking for an easy way to automatically send reminders for due dates, we
recommend the use of the SCIO™-Newsletter.

24.13.1 Forwarding with the SCIO™ e-mail client

To enable the E-Mail forwarding via the SCIO™ interface the following entries in the SCIO_Server_Config.ini (see: Configuration files)

Domain = The name of the mail domain has to be entered here.
SMTP-Server = The name or the IP address of the SMTP server has to be entered here.
CR = An alternative control character for CARRIAGE RETURN can be entered here (optional, without entry a default
value will be used).

TAB = An alternative control character for TABULATOR can be entered here (optional, without entry a default value
will be used).

SPACE = alternative control character for SPACE can be entered here (optional, without entry a default value will be

must be set:

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24.13.2 Forwarding with a local mail client

To be able to send E-Mails from SCIO™ via a local MAPI E-Mail client (e.g. Microsoft Outlook®) the following entries in the
SCIO_Server_Config.ini (see: Configuration files) must be set:


DontUseMAPI = 0

24.14 SCIO™ launch parameter

SCIO™ offers the possibility to automate the program start via start parameter.

The following parameter can be used:

• -U Username for the login

• -P Password for the login
• -D The database the user should be logged in. The entry must be in the syntax Server name\Profile or just Profile
with a local SCIO™ installation.
• -N The name of the system element that should be opened during the launch. The Wildcards “*” and “?” are allowed.
If more than one system element equals the search string they will only be opened if the number does not exceed the
maximum count configured in the SCIO_Server_Config.ini under



The default parameter is 5. If the value for the found system elements should be higher, the application will start with the
SCIO™ Manager dialogue and show the found system elements for manual choice.

• -C Sets the language of the SCIO™-Client. Possible values are DE (German), EN (English), FR (French) and ZH
• -L Defines the language for the System Element to be opened. This parameter can only be used in conjunction with
the parameter –N.
• -I Sets the Instance in which context the SCIO™-Client will be started.


C:\SCIO\CLIENT\FMEASYSTEM.EXE -U Plato -P Plato -D scio_svr\PLATODB -N „Allgemeine Sicherheit“ -C EN -I default

Important Note: For security reasons, we urgently recommended not setting the password option since this could allow
unauthorized persons to read the data!

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24.15 FMEAOPT.INI – Parameter

The FMEAOPT.INI file of every SCIO™ database is located in the INI subdirectory of the database. The following parameters can be
configured in the FMEAOPT.INI file:


DBVersion= The DBVersion entry is crucial to updating the database and should never be changed

Language= The entry for the database language is also crucial for the update because this parameter
controls which language versions will be installed.


<Language>=<code> Using the LanguageMapping parameter, it is possible to assign certain language codes
available in the database to the different languages created in the database. For example,
when opening an FMEA in a different language, the language set in the corresponding XML
language subdirectory of the database is used. If no mapping is configured for the
corresponding language set, then the language set stored in the LOCALE directory is used.

ENG=EN e.g. results in it, that when opening an FMEA in the translation language ENG,
the regarding language entry from the subfolder LOCALE_EN would be used.


<language>=<code> With general recurring import languages that are not set in the database a standard
mapping can be set by this entry.

REF= If the reference language is not explicitly given by this configuration the entry for
Language= in the section [VersionInfo] is used instead.


FlashSevHeritage= This parameter sets the display of the severity of origin failure (form).

0 = Local entries, if different will not be shown highlighted.

1 = Local entries, if different will be shown highlighted. (default)


EmptyActionName="[NO ACTION]" This entry can be used to specify an expression for empty action cells in the FMEA form.

NameTS16949="[NONE]" The default completion status for recommended actions completed according to TS 16949
can be specified using this parameter.

StatusTS16949=99 The default completion status for recommended actions completed according to TS 16949
can be specified using this parameter.

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FailureInputRestriction=1 This entry can be used to prevent the creation and renaming of failures by non-

DefaultDeviceType=Machine This entry specifies the SE type for Device SEs (machines) in the reference language.

DefaultProductType=Product This entry specifies the SE type for new system elements created while creating new
product characteristics in SCIO™-Control-Plan.

DefaultProcessType=Process This entry specifies the SE type for new system elements created while creating new
process characteristics in SCIO™-Control-Plan.

ContainerDeviceObject=Machine In this entry you can specify an object (SE family) under which all objects of machine
system elements will be placed in the Variant tree.

UseServerSecurity=1 The entry is used to enable the new rights system in SCIO™ 2.1 and higher. The new rights
system is disabled by default (corresponds to the value "0")

UnusedLogoutTime= With this entry you can specify the number of minutes of user inactivity after which the
server session of the corresponding client will be terminated. The default value for this
entry ("-1") means the session will never be terminated.

signOffDateFormat=DD/MM/YYYY With this entry the data display for the HTML view, the SignOffs & the Excel transfer can
be configured.

TermTeamWithFmea=1 Shows in the search for Own System Elements (Team) besides the default results, in which
the user is member of the SE-Team also results, in which the user is member of the FMEA-

24.16 SCIO_SERVER_CONFIG.INI – Parameter

In the SCIO_Server_Config.ini (see: Configuration files) the following parameter can be configured:

“Profilname”=”Description” With this entry the profile name and the description are set. Both will be shown in the chose
database dialogue with the SCIO™ log in window. The complete entry could be:

SETUP=SCIO database

With the installation of a new SCIO™ database the entry will be made automatically with
default values.

Profile paths

[“Name of the profile”] Specify the name assigned to the corresponding database profile in the [Profiles] section
between the square brackets. The paths entered below this entry are used when the profile
is selected in the selection dialog.

DBFiles= This parameter specifies the path to the database files (PLATOQE.*).

FMEADB= This parameter specifies the path to the directory in which the database was installed and
is generally the same as the path specified for DBFiles=.

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DOCS= This parameter indicates where the DOCS folder is located. In this case, it must be ensured
that the path entered here is entered in the direct file access path on all clients. It makes
sense to enter the UNC path to the network share here.

SignOffParent= This entry configures if the SignOffs will be saved in the database folder (%DB%) or in the
DOCS folder (%DOCS%) of the database.


Debug= The Debug value specifies which information should be recorded in the corresponding log:

1: Writes some helpful information in qengineer_{%PID%}.log

2: Writes information relating to the SCIO™ Manager in sciomgr_{%PID%}.log

4: Writes information relating to the Start interface in diag_{%PID%}.log

8: Writes information relating to file access in fmealock_{%PID%}.log

-1: All information will be recorded in the corresponding log files.

SuppressProgress=1 This entry deactivates the "ATLAdvise” pop ups than can come up in the SCIO™ client after
the SCIO™ log in.

Further information can be found in “AtlAdvise -> No Progress…“- popup at start


ClassColumn= 0 = This value causes the class to be displayed in the form depending on the function.

1 = This value causes the class to be displayed in the form depending on the failure.

signOffDateFormat=DD/MM/YYYY With this entry the data display for the HTML view, the SignOffs & the Excel transfer can be
configured (see: Date format for HTML view, SignOff & Excel transfer).

24.17 SCIO_CLIENT_CONFIG.INI – Parameter

In the SCIO_Client_Config.ini (see: Configuration files) to following parameter can be configured:


Debug=1 Disables the display of debug information on the screen.

SuppressAtlAdviseError=1 This entry deactivates the "ATLAdvise” pop ups than can come up in the SCIO™
client after the SCIO™ log in.

Further information can be found in “AtlAdvise -> No Progress…“- popup at start.

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Servername= You can specify a default server in this parameter. Users will be automatically
referred to this server when they log in.

FixServerName= A fixed server name can be specified for a client instance.

Thus, the free server selection in the database selection dialog is disabled and an
unintended change is prevented (e.g. between productive environment and test
environment). Thus, a change of the server for all users can be executed easily.

Profile= You can specify a default profile in this parameter. Users are automatically
assigned this profile when they start SCIO™.


TransferTemplateDirectory= With this entry the path to the template directory is configured. It is important
that users do always have file access to this folder as the templates for the SCIO™-
Manager as well as the ones for the SCIO™-Deadline-Overview are also stored
here. A wrong or not accessible path could lead to log in problems for the SCIO™

NTLogin=1 This parameter is used to enable the automatic login function ("Windows Login")
based on the domain account. If nothing is entered here or the value is set to "0",
then the login screen requesting the user to enter a password will always be

Further information can be found in Configuration of the SCIO™ Windows Login.

ShowStartImage=0 This parameter disables the display of the Start screen when SCIO™ is called.

LinkGenCorresponding= This parameter configures the structure overlapping failure assignment.

0: Effect(s) of failures and Cause(s) of failures will not be entered in the sub or
super system (default).

1: Effect(s) of failures and Cause(s) of failures will be entered in the sub or super

ClientLanguageDefault= Sets the language of the SCIO™-Client. Possible values are DE (German), EN
(English), FR (French) and ZH (Chinese).

24.18 QEngineer.ini – Parameter

Up to Windows XP the QEngineer.ini can be found in the following directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\

With Windows Vista und Windows 7 it is in the folder:

C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\PLATO AG\SCIO\default\conf

The parameters in this file have a higher priority than the ones in the SCIO_Client_Config.ini (see: Configuration files).

The following parameters can be configured in the QENGINEER.INI:

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
SCIO™ Software Administration 386


Servername= You can specify a default server in this parameter. Users will be automatically referred
to this server when they log in.

Profile= You can specify a default profile in this parameter. Users are automatically assigned this
profile when they start SCIO™.


ClientLanguageUser= Sets the language of the SCIO™-Client. Possible values are DE (German), EN (English),
FR (French) and ZH (Chinese).

This entry has a higher priority than the ClientLanguageDefault parameter in the

24.19 PLATO AG Support

Please contact the PLATO technical support department when questions or problems arise.

• Service line/email

Phone: +49.451.930986.02

Monday - Thursday 09.00 a.m. – 12.00 a.m.

02.00 p.m. – 04.00 p.m.

Friday 09.00 a.m. – 12.00 a.m.

All times are CET/CEST.


• Online-Service

Our online services are available around the clock. You can send support questions, suggestions for improvement or error
message via our customer report and use our forum and our knowledge base. In the download section you can always find
the latest versions of our software as well as the latest patches.

Customer-Report, Knowledgebase & Download section:

• Remote access support

PLATO employees can connect to your system if necessary to give you direct support. This service is not part of the service
contract and may result in further costs. Online trainings can also be held efficiently on short notice in this way.

• Premium-Service

Ask us about more information for our Premium-Service packages that will grant you further services.

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Notes on the Manual 387

25 Notes on the Manual

This manual is intended to help the user learn how to use the SCIO™-FMEA (as of Version 7.3) program from the SCIO™ family.

The manual is organized based on the menu. This makes it easier to find information on specific functionality available in the software.
However, the manual cannot replace user training in the use of the system and the methodology associated with its use. Information
on how to obtain training and on the possibility of receiving individual training can be found in the Internet under in the “Services” section.

Because the SCIO™ product family is constantly being improved and expanded, you may occasionally find parts of text or passages in
the manual that do not completely agree with your current SCIO™ version. For this reason, we recommend that you always download
the supplemental text supplied by Plato when downloading and installing new patches (software updates). This text contains
information on the improvements made to the software as well as descriptions of new functionality.

The PLATO AG also periodically releases new versions of its online help system separately from the release of the patches. They can
also be found in the download area for the patch files.

Plato AG, February 2020

Subject to change without notice! Errors and omissions excepted!

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 388

26 Index

Affected project ................................................................... 79

A AIAG ..................................................................................... 44
Align Symbols, QFA ............................................................ 266
Abbreviations ...................................................................... 10 Align to grid, Scout view .................................................... 327
Acceess rights, overview ..................................................... 12 Aligning graphic elements, BD ........................................... 290
Accept recommendation ................................................... 124 Allow NT-Login ................................................................... 171
Access rights .......................................................... 11, 94, 116 Analysis .............................................................................. 135
Access rights for individual users ........................................ 15 Anchor current column ...................................................... 134
Access rights, confifigure..................................................... 12 AND Link, QFA .................................................................... 263
Access rights, inherit ........................................................... 15 Ändern generierter Daten ................................................... 66
Access rights, inherit automatically..................................... 15 Application bar ............................................................ 27, 133
Access rights, special rules .................................................. 14 Apply Filter (Synchronize evaluations)................................. 77
Account-lock, automatic ................................................... 370 Apply Functions from Knowledge Base.............................. 186
Action after Import............................................................ 167 AQTIO™...................................................... 24, 37, 49, 62, 159
Action as Link ...................................................................... 61 Arrange All, Scout View ..................................................... 317
Action categories ............................................................... 151 Arrange Icons ..................................................................... 173
Action ID .............................................................................. 63 Arrange symbols, QFA ....................................................... 276
Action identification (ID) ..................................................... 62 Arrange, Scout view ........................................................... 327
Action newsletter ................................................................ 62 Arrows in a BD ................................................................... 287
Action packages..............................................49, 60, 124, 125 As Department Director… .................................................. 157
Actions status ...................................................................... 49 Assign action category ....................................................... 124
Actions window ................................................................. 322 Assign template ................................................................. 104
Activate/Deactivate ........................................................... 242 Assigned Actions Overview ................................................ 157
Activated mode ................................................................... 51 Assigned system elements ................................................... 59
Activating IDs....................................................................... 63 Assigning cause elements .................................................. 308
Activating the individual access rights................................. 12 Assigning effects elements ................................................ 308
Add action package ........................................................... 125 Assigning Process Elements ............................................... 205
Add cause, tree view ......................................................... 356 Associated Data ................................................................. 341
Add effect, tree view ......................................................... 356 AtlAdvise notification ........................................................ 372
Add failure mode, tree view .............................................. 356 Attribute ...................................................................... 88, 146
Add function, tree view ..................................................... 352 Audit trail table .................................................................... 32
Add New Predecessor ....................................................... 242 Audit-Trail .................................................................... 31, 354
Add New Successor ........................................................... 242 Authorized system elements (tree filters) ......................... 343
Adding characteristics via Drag & Drop ............................. 207 Automatic definitions of functions .................................... 273
Additional evaluation columns ............................................ 48 Automatic inheritance of access rights ................................ 15
Additional evaluation information .............................. 48, 164 Automatic logout ............................................................... 172
Additional information ........................................................ 87 Automatically expand range ................................................ 55
Additional information in columns .................................... 132 Available Actions (view) ....................................................... 73
Additional information in the form (CP,PFC) ..................... 216
Additional master data ........................................................ 84
Adjust All (Synchronize evaluations) ................................... 76
Adjust Filtered (Synchronize evaluations) ........................... 76
Basic rights ........................................................................... 11
Administration........................................................... 146, 365
Basic rights, overview .......................................................... 16
Admin-Tool ........................................................................ 366
Block diagram .................................................................... 281
Admin-Tool, start page ...................................................... 367
BOM / BOP................................................................. 175, 180
Affected department ........................................................... 87
BOM assignment for new sub-system elements ............... 166
Affected Functions ............................................................ 299
BOM colum ........................................................................ 192

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 389

Bookmark, FTA .................................................................. 277 Comment, locally ............................................................... 126

Bookmarks................................................................. 341, 361 Comment, master data ........................................................ 89
Button bar in the PFC graphic ........................................... 246 Comments in CP, PFC ......................................................... 215
By Bill of Material (Excel tranfer) ...................................... 180 Compact view .................................................... 165, 306, 329
Compact View Data Display ............................................... 330
Complete actions according to ISO/TS 16949 .................... 125
C Completed (project status) .................................................. 80
component selection (Excel transfer) .................................. 99
Calculating risk values ......................................................... 48 Components format, BD .................................................... 301
Cascade ............................................................................. 172 Configuration files.............................................................. 365
Cause elements ................................................................. 306 Configure contents
C-column (VDA form) .......................................................... 44 Columns ......................................................................... 132
Cell Background ................................................................... 59 Master data .................................................................... 132
Cell format of subsystem elements ................................... 189 Configure Contents .............................................................. 60
Cell format of system elements ........................................ 189 Configure Excel Transfer .................................................... 171
Chain symbol in tree view ................................................. 342 Configure Row View .......................................................... 169
Change .............................................................................. 299 Connect Fault Tree to database, QFA ................................ 265
locally ............................................................................... 65 Connection lines ................................................................ 265
regionally ......................................................................... 65 Connection lines, BD .......................................................... 287
Change column Header ..................................................... 150 Consistent S evaluations ...................................................... 73
Change column header, CP/PFC ........................................ 218 Contents (when present) ..................................................... 60
Change conversion .................................................... 176, 199 Context FMEA .................................................................... 223
Change database ............................................................... 161 Context for system elements ............................................. 352
Change documentation, BD .............................................. 292 Context of Functions .......................................................... 186
Change Inherited S-Evaluation ............................................ 74 Context of Specifications ................................................... 186
Change Link ....................................................................... 199 Context of System elements .............................................. 185
Change list ........................................................... 65, 130, 168 Context, SE Family ............................................................. 351
Change password .............................................................. 159 Contexts in PFC tables ....................................................... 240
Changing entries.................................................................. 64 Control method ................................................................. 214
Character ........................................................................... 133 Cool Look ........................................................................... 161
Characteristic class ............................................................ 146 Copy ................................................................................... 117
Characteristics ................................................................... 127 Copy as............................................................................... 348
Check template ................................................................. 104 Copy as URL ....................................................................... 160
Class allocation .................................................................. 166 Copy inspection systems.................................................... 217
Class column........................................................................ 46 Copy link to clipboard ........................................................ 349
Classification ..................................................................... 146 Copy machines ................................................................... 217
Classification of special characteristics ............................. 212 Copy master data ................................................................. 93
Clipboard ........................................................................... 217 Copy system element as .................................................... 111
Close .................................................................................... 98 Copy Template Reference.................................................. 348
Close tree views ................................................................ 359 Copy to clipboard............................................................... 139
Collapse branch, FTA ......................................................... 275 Copy to EXCEL .................................................................... 139
Collapse function ................................................................. 53 Copy, BD ............................................................................ 298
Collapse process step ........................................................ 218 Copy, PFC table .................................................................. 249
Collapse/Expand branch, QFA ........................................... 276 Copy, trees ......................................................................... 359
Color shades ...................................................................... 237 Copying CP entries ............................................................. 222
Colors for RPN ................................................................... 165 Copying subtrees ............................................................... 217
Column width .................................................................... 133 Correlation Field ................................................................ 176
Loading .......................................................................... 134 CP author ............................................................................. 91
Printable ........................................................................ 134 CP creation date .................................................................. 91
Saving............................................................................. 134 CP edit date ......................................................................... 91
Comment, globally ............................................................ 126 CP editor .............................................................................. 91

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 390

CP Form ..................................................................... 200, 201 Database changing............................................................. 161

CP number ........................................................................... 90 Database profile .................................................................. 25
CP status .............................................................................. 90 Database query .................................................................... 52
CP team ............................................................................... 91 Data-Related System Elements (tree filter) ....................... 344
CP-specific data ................................................................... 90 Date format configuration ................................................. 376
Create Action Link ............................................................. 123 Date of Change .................................................................. 299
Create delete job ............................................................... 119 Date Of Editing ..................................................................... 89
Create FMEA, FTA.............................................................. 273 Deadlines ............................................................................. 60
Create list of translations .................................................. 140 Deadlines (own System Elements) ..................................... 131
Create log file (Excel transfer) ........................................... 108 Default directory search window ........................................ 169
Create new cells or sub trees .............................................. 51 Default for empty actions .................................................. 166
Create new, FTA ................................................................ 267 Defaults for cell formats .................................................... 189
Create new, QFA ............................................................... 267 Define master data ............................................................ 149
Create rights class ............................................................. 158 Define properties, QFA ...................................................... 262
Create system links in a BD ............................................... 287 Define symbol size, QFA .................................................... 276
Create system structures, trees ........................................ 344 Defining languages............................................................. 146
Create user ........................................................................ 156 Defining Master Data, FTA ................................................. 260
Create Variant ................................................................... 196 Definitions of functions by negating of failure effects ....... 273
Create/Delete Cause Elements.......................................... 325 Delete changes .................................................................. 300
Create/Delete Effects Elements ........................................ 325 Delete departments ........................................................... 155
Created by ........................................................................... 89 Delete elements, BD .......................................................... 291
Creating a Fault Tree,QFA ................................................. 261 Delete jobs ......................................................................... 115
Creating a new Fault Tree, FTA ......................................... 259 Delete rights class .............................................................. 159
Creating an inspection plan ............................................... 363 Delete user ........................................................................ 156
Creating and administering database profiles................... 368 Delete, SE family ................................................................ 347
Creating and administering profiles .................................. 368 Deleting block diagrams .................................................... 282
Creating and editing projects .............................................. 79 Deleting contents, PFC/CP ................................................. 218
Creating block diagrams .................................................... 283 Deleting entire system elements ............................... 349, 358
Creating failure networks .................................................. 309 Deleting Fault-Tree entries ................................................ 271
Creating function networks ............................................... 308 Departments ...................................................................... 155
Creating network structures ..................................... 307, 308 Detection value .................................................................... 47
Creating several block diagrams for a system element ..... 284 Deviations in consistency ..................................................... 74
Creating/deleting cause elements..................................... 308 Device .................................................................................. 88
Creating/deleting effects elements ................................... 308 Direct print via MS Excel® .................................................. 108
Creation date....................................................................... 89 Display Levels ..................................................................... 317
Current document ............................................................. 341 Displaying currently logged-in users .................................. 369
Current references ...................................................... 46, 164 Displaying evaluation numbers (data generation) ............... 75
Curve, BD ........................................................................... 289 Displaying evaluation numbers (Net Editor) ........................ 74
Customize toolbar ............................................................. 161 Displaying evaluation numbers (Scout view) ....................... 74
Customizing the inspection plan template ........................ 364 Displaying evaluations ......................................................... 74
Cut, BD .............................................................................. 297 Displaying IDs ....................................................................... 63
Cut, FTA ............................................................................. 271 Document links in CP, PFC ................................................. 215
Document, globally linked ................................................. 126
Document, locally linked ................................................... 126
D Documenting test results ..................................................... 80
Draft (project status) ........................................................... 79
Data configuration (Excel transfer) ................................... 105 Drag & Drop for process connections ................................ 245
Data generation, displaying evaluation numbers ................ 75 Drag & Drop for process elements .................................... 245
Data security ....................................................................... 11 Drag & Drop in the PFC graphic ......................................... 245
Database access .................................................................. 25 Drawing Number ................................................................. 88
Database and files, BD....................................................... 281 DRBFM ............................................................................... 292

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 391

DRBFM change requests ................................................... 299 Exit ..................................................................................... 117

DRBFM method form ........................................................ 299 Expand all, FTA ................................................................... 275
Expand branch, FTA ........................................................... 275
Expand function ................................................................... 53
E Expand level, FTA ............................................................... 275
Expand process step .......................................................... 218
e1ns.methods ...................................................................... 98 Expand/Collapse Branch, Scout view ................................. 327
Edit context... ............................................................ 126, 185 Export ................................................................................ 114
Edit contexts in CP forms .................................................. 224 Export method, FTA ........................................................... 273
Edit entry ........................................................................... 185 Extended information (Matrix) .......................................... 192
Edit Entry, FTA, QFA .......................................................... 271 Extended rights system ........................................................ 12
Edit Fault Trees, QFA ......................................................... 266 External Functions ....................................................... 59, 176
Edit master data ................................................................ 119 External product connections ............................................ 160
Edit Master Data of Sub-System........................................ 197 Extras ................................................................................. 371
Edit master data, tree view ............................................... 351
Edit mode ............................................................................ 51
Edited by ............................................................................. 89 F
Editing a Fault Tree, FTA .................................................... 260
Editing block diagrams ...................................................... 283 Failure classification............................................................. 58
Editing PFC graphics .......................................................... 241 Failure level, FTA ................................................................ 273
Editing process characteristics .......................................... 211 Failure link spanning structures ......................................... 334
Editing product characteristics .......................................... 210 Failure links ........................................................................ 346
Editing sub trees, FTA ........................................................ 260 Failure mode column ........................................................... 46
Editing system links, tree view .......................................... 355 Failure network.................................................................. 315
Effect evaluation (Synchronize evaluations) ....................... 76 Failure network, manual entries in the form ..................... 307
Effects column ..................................................................... 46 Failure network, manual form entries ....................... 316, 329
Effects elements ................................................................ 305 Family control plan ............................................................ 202
Effects hierarchy (Synchronize evaluations) ........................ 76 Family-PFC ......................................................................... 234
Ellipse, BD .......................................................................... 290 Fast print ............................................................................ 109
E-mail configuration .......................................................... 380 Fault tree search ................................................................ 274
Employee responsible for Package ...................................... 50 File menu ........................................................................... 267
Enable Button Bar ............................................. 243, 244, 245 Filenames for block diagrams ............................................ 282
End point ........................................................................... 239 Filling out a control plan .................................................... 203
End point of a process ....................................................... 232 Filter classes ....................................................................... 343
Entering data ....................................................................... 50 Filter Only Show Characteristics with Function Links ........ 206
Evaluating IDs ...................................................................... 63 Filter Only Show Steps with Function Links ....................... 206
Evaluation catalog ............................................47, 54, 87, 151 Filters ................................................................................. 343
Evaluation, locally.............................................................. 123 Find Causes, QFA ............................................................... 274
Excel - Deadline monitor ................................................... 131 Find data ............................................................................ 129
Excel export folder ............................................................ 108 Find in Table....................................................................... 242
Excel security settings ....................................................... 373 Fit to page, QFA ................................................................. 276
Excel template ................................................... 137, 138, 169 Fixed Results Columns ....................................................... 137
Excel transfer....................................................................... 99 FMEA author ........................................................................ 90
Print ............................................................................... 102 FMEA creation date ............................................................. 90
Selection of FMEA form ................................................. 101 FMEA editing date ............................................................... 90
Excel transfer configuration .............................................. 372 FMEA editor ......................................................................... 90
Excel transfer of a system structure .................................. 101 FMEA form
Excel transfer of foreign-language documents.................. 101 AIAG ................................................................................. 45
Excel transfer settings ............................................... 108, 296 Risk (O x S x D) .................................................................. 45
Exclusive mouse commands, Scout View .......................... 317 Risk (O x S) ........................................................................ 45
Existing Specifications ....................................................... 340 SCIO Classic ...................................................................... 44

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 392

VDA .................................................................................. 44 Generate effects .................................................................. 68

FMEA form, additional information .................................... 59 Generate FMEA Data, QFA ................................................ 265
FMEA forms ................................................................. 44, 338 Generierte Daten ändern..................................................... 66
FMEA from a Fault Tree..................................................... 260 Geometric shapes, BD........................................................ 289
FMEA History ....................................................................... 94 Global comment ................................................................ 126
FMEA number ..................................................................... 89 Global comments, Scout view ........................................... 323
FMEA team .......................................................................... 90 Global document ............................................................... 126
FMEAOPT.INI file ............................................................... 382 Global documents, Scout view .......................................... 322
FMEA-specific Data ............................................................. 89 Global history..................................................................... 127
Font header content, FTA.................................................. 277 Global sub-system element ............................................... 355
Font header name, FTA ..................................................... 278 Go to, trees ................................................................ 348, 358
Font in tree views .............................................................. 362 Graphical Analysis .............................................................. 141
Font, FTA ........................................................................... 277 Graphical analysis configuration ........................................ 372
Footer in the Net Editor .................................................... 306 Grid .................................................................................... 303
Form variant FMEA Standard ............................................ 338 Group ................................................................................. 103
Formatting borders ........................................................... 331 Grouping elements, BD ...................................................... 291
Formatting character ........................................................ 133 Groups/Components ......................................................... 105
Formatting failure descriptions ......................................... 331
Formatting function descriptions ...................................... 331
Formatting IDs ..................................................................... 63 H
Formatting Matrix forms ................................................... 189
Formatting network diagrams ........................................... 330 Head of Department ............................................................ 96
Formatting system element descriptions .......................... 331 Header ............................................................................... 133
Freehand shape, BD .......................................................... 289 Header data ......................................................................... 45
FSA Transfer ...................................................................... 323 Header data of a CP ........................................................... 200
FTA .................................................................................... 259 Help ................................................................................... 173
Full screen mode, Net Editor ............................................. 328 Hide All................................................................................. 60
Function class .................................................................... 146 Hide all levels ..................................................................... 361
Function classification ......................................................... 58 Hide current column .......................................................... 134
Function column.................................................................. 46 Hiding master data elements ............................................. 377
Function links .................................................................... 346 Higher in this level, tree view ............................................ 350
Function network .............................................................. 315 History ......................................................................... 94, 127
Function networks and failure networks spanning several History, globally ................................................................. 127
system levels .................................................................. 310 History, locally ................................................................... 127
Function prioritization ....................................................... 178 Horizontal space ................................................................ 334
Function tree ..................................................................... 339 HTML document ................................................................ 354
Function tree, open ............................................................. 98 HTML view ........................................................................... 31
Function weighting ............................................................ 178 HTML-Dokumente ............................................................. 130
Functions in a BD ............................................................... 286 Hyperlinks .............................................................................. 8
Further Cause, FTA ............................................................ 272

Icon size ............................................................................. 165
General database query ...................................................... 52 Icons............................................................................... 33, 59
Generate action package................................................... 124 Icons for classification.......................................................... 57
Generate actions ................................................................. 70 Icons in the form ................................................................ 216
Generate causes .................................................................. 69 Icons in the Net Editor ....................................................... 310
Generate causes and effects… view .................................... 72 Icons in the PFC graphic ....................................................... 40
Generate data ............................................................. 65, 122 Identifying actions and system elements ............................ 62
Generate data, tree view .................................................. 352 Identity .......................................................................... 63, 89
Identity for control methods ............................................. 215

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 393

IDs for actions.................................................................... 375 Language of the user interface ............................................ 28

IDs for system elements .................................................... 375 Language view ............................................................. 28, 130
Image for system elements ............................................... 174 Language views of documents ............................................. 28
Import ............................................................................... 111 Language, delete.................................................................. 29
List of translations ......................................................... 114 Language, rename ............................................................... 29
Version fm2 ................................................................... 114 Last open Documents .......................................................... 96
XML SCIO ....................................................................... 111 Launch parameter.............................................................. 381
Import FMEA data, FTA ..................................................... 273 Licences, Admin-Tool ......................................................... 369
Individual action .................................................................. 49 Lightning symbol ........................................................ 206, 238
Individual actions .............................................................. 125 Limit inheritance level ......................................................... 86
Information on existing data ..................................... 341, 342 Line, BD .............................................................................. 289
Inheritance level .................................................................. 86 Link as Variant.................................................................... 348
Inheriting access rights ........................................................ 15 Link types, overview .......................................................... 345
Inheriting master data ......................................................... 85 Linked actions ...................................................................... 14
Input processes ................................................................. 238 linked actions overview ....................................................... 61
Input restrictions configuration ........................................ 377 Linked documents.............................................................. 126
Insert Failure entries, QFA ................................................. 262 Links ................................................................................... 176
Insert Intermediate Step ................................................... 244 List of current users ........................................................... 173
Insert new function BD ...................................................... 287 List of translations ............................................... 29, 114, 140
Insert process element ...................................................... 244 Local comment .................................................................. 126
Insert start element................................................... 243, 245 Local document ................................................................. 126
inspection plan contents ................................................... 363 Local evaluation ........................................................... 46, 123
Inspection plan contents ................................................... 363 Local history ....................................................................... 127
Inspection plans ................................................................ 363 Log in ................................................................................... 25
Integrate functions in a BD ................................................ 286 Login, simplified ................................................................... 26
Integrating form entries entered manually into failure Lower in this level, tree view ............................................. 350
networks ........................................................................ 310
Integrating pictures, BD..................................................... 291
Integrating system elements in a BD ................................. 285 M
Interaction between PFC and CP ....................................... 200
Interface compatibility ...................................................... 365 Machines ................................................................... 201, 209
Interface system elements, BD.......................................... 288 Macro settings ................................................................... 373
Interfaces ............................................................................ 24 Main element in the Net Editor ................................. 306, 307
Internal function................................................................ 175 Main project ........................................................................ 79
Internal function alignment .............................................. 190 Manager .............................................................................. 97
Internal graphics window .......................................... 143, 145 Mandatory data ................................................................... 86
Invert (AND/OR) Link, QFA ................................................ 263 Manual ............................................................................... 387
ISO/TS 16949 ..................................................................... 125 Manual entries ..................................................................... 50
Manual form entries in failure networks ........................... 329
Manual version .................................................................... 10
K Manually adding Failure entries, QFA ................................ 261
Mark Causes, Scout View ................................................... 317
Key date .............................................................................. 89 Mark Effects, Scout View ................................................... 317
Knowledge base .................................................. 53, 120, 186 Mark Entire Tree, Scout View ............................................ 317
Knowledge Base, FTA ........................................................ 274 Master data ................................................................. 85, 146
Knowledge base, manual configuration ............................ 121 Additional information ..................................................... 87
CP-specific data ................................................................ 90
FMEA-specific data ........................................................... 89
L Mandatory data ............................................................... 86
Optional data ................................................................... 92
Language ........................................................................... 146 Review .............................................................................. 92
Language administration ..................................................... 29

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 394

Master data cell................................................................. 104 Newsletter ........................................................................... 62

Master data display ........................................................... 132 Next branch, FTA ............................................................... 276
Master data elements ....................................................... 146 NOT Link, QFA .................................................................... 264
Master data elements, hide .............................................. 377 Notifications for SCIO™ users ............................................ 366
Master data header ............................................................. 45 Notify (project status) .......................................................... 79
Master data of a BD .......................................................... 284 Number before system element names ............................ 236
Master data of a CP ........................................................... 203 Numbering characteristics ................................................. 210
Master data of a PFC ......................................................... 235
Master data, Excel transfer ............................................... 104
Master Data, FTA ............................................................... 272 O
Matrix-Variants ................................................................. 177
Maximize the windows of both networks ................. 306, 329 Occurrence value ................................................................. 47
Measurement Technique .................................................. 214 Open .................................................................................... 96
Measures and units ........................................................... 147 Open a control plan ........................................................... 202
Menu language............................................................ 28, 161 Open dialog.......................................................................... 96
Merge departments .......................................................... 155 Open File, BD ..................................................................... 295
Merge users ...................................................................... 157 Open Function Tree by double click .................................. 191
Merge, SE Family ............................................................... 351 Open Function-Matrix ....................................................... 198
Message Bar ...................................................................... 226 Open in a separate Window .............................................. 225
Message bar (Synchronize evaluations, FMEA) ................... 78 Open in a Separate Window .............................................. 243
Method.............................................................................. 214 Open in Function Tree ............................................... 195, 199
Methodology commands .................................................. 122 Open in SCIO™-FMEA ........................................................ 195
Middleware ......................................................................... 24 Open Matrix of Sub-System ............................................... 196
Model Year .......................................................................... 88 Open Matrix of Super-system ............................................ 197
Mouse menu, tree view .................................................... 346 Open Scout view ................................................................ 320
Mouse menus in a matrix .................................................. 195 Open Sub-System in SCIO™-FMEA ..................................... 197
mouse pointer symbols ..................................................... 179 Open Super-system in SCIO™-FMEA .................................. 198
Moving components, QFA ................................................. 266 Open with Specification Editor .................................... 98, 183
Moving graphic elements, BD ........................................... 290 Open with, tree view ......................................................... 348
Multiple entries ........................................................... 51, 119 Opening a Fault Tree, FTA .................................................. 260
My System Elements ......................................................... 138 Opening a Fault Tree, QFA ................................................. 261
My System Elements (tree filter)....................................... 343 Opening a PFC .................................................................... 235
Opening block diagrams .................................................... 283
Optional column information ............................................ 150
N Optional column information ............................................ 127
Optional data ............................................................... 92, 149
Navigate ............................................................................ 128 Options
Navigation in a matrix system ......................................... 177 Analysis tab .................................................................... 169
Net Editor .......................................................................... 305 Edit tab ........................................................................... 168
work window ................................................................. 305 Function Tree tab ........................................................... 162
Net Editor, Displaying evaluation numbers ......................... 74 Print tab ......................................................................... 171
New AND Operator, FTA ................................................... 272 Settings tab .................................................................... 165
New Characteristic ............................................................ 199 System Administration tab ............................................. 171
New FTA ............................................................................ 267 Variant Tree tab ............................................................. 162
New internal Function ....................................................... 186 View tab ......................................................................... 164
New Internal Function ....................................................... 197 Options (main menu) ......................................................... 162
New OR Operator, FTA ...................................................... 272 OR Link, QFA ...................................................................... 263
New QFA ........................................................................... 267 Ordering elements, BD ...................................................... 291
New system element for interface .................................... 298 Organization ...................................................................... 152
New system elements ......................................................... 84 Menu Departments ........................................................ 155
New window ..................................................................... 172 Menu Edit ....................................................................... 152

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Index 395

Menu Rights classes ....................................................... 158 Process number, displaying before system element names
Menu Tools .................................................................... 159 ....................................................................................... 236
Menu User ..................................................................... 156 Process number, synchronization ...................................... 204
Menu View ..................................................................... 153 Process types ............................................................. 232, 236
Origin ................................................................................... 59 Product ........................................................................ 88, 147
Output processes .............................................................. 238 Product characteristics ...................................................... 210
Overlapping order, QFA..................................................... 266 Product characteristics from Control-Plan................... 59, 107
Overview ........................................................................... 128 Product control plan .......................................................... 202
Overview of linked actions .................................................. 61 Product links ........................................................................ 93
Product-PFC ....................................................................... 234
Profile .................................................................................. 25
P Project ................................................................................. 86
Project administration ......................................................... 79
Page margins, Scout view .................................................. 327 Projection on a function .................................................... 273
Pareto analysis .................................................................. 144 Properties of BD elements ................................................. 298
Password changing ............................................................ 159
Password configuration, Admin-Tool ................................ 369
Paste .................................................................................. 118 Q
Paste copy, tree view ........................................................ 350
Paste CP entries................................................................. 222 QEngineer.ini file ............................................................... 385
Paste in SCIO™-Scout, QFA ................................................ 274 QFA .................................................................................... 259
Paste link, tree view .......................................................... 350 Qualitative Fault-Tree-Analysis .......................................... 259
Paste move, tree view ....................................................... 350 Quantitative Fault-Tree-Analysis ....................................... 259
Paste, BD ........................................................................... 298
Paste, PFC table ................................................................. 249
Pasting machines via drag & drop ..................................... 209 R
PDF document ................................................................... 108
Permanently remove element .......................................... 324 Reaction plan ..................................................... 147, 214, 215
PFC graphic .................................................................. 40, 232 Read information on existing data..................................... 342
PFC table ........................................................................... 233 Reconnecting BD files ........................................................ 282
PLATO e1ns ......................................................................... 16 Recovery, Admin-Tool........................................................ 370
PLATOClassLib file ............................................................. 374 Rectangle, BD ..................................................................... 289
Plug in .................................................................................. 24 Redo ................................................................................... 117
Polygon Line, BD ................................................................ 289 Reference language ............................................................. 28
Polygon, BD ....................................................................... 289 Reference language dialog................................................. 167
Preliminary (project status) ................................................. 79 Refresh preview ................................................................. 105
Previous branch, FTA ......................................................... 276 Refresh read cache ............................................................ 161
Print ................................................................................... 109 Relations ............................................................................ 147
Print preview ..................................................................... 109 Relative Position in Workbook ........................................... 104
Printer setup ..................................................................... 110 Releasing documents ........................................................... 23
Printing a BD...................................................................... 292 Remove .............................................................................. 243
Printing a CP ...................................................................... 219 Remove assignment, trees................................................. 359
Printing a PFC .................................................................... 241 Remove deactivated data .................................................. 119
Printing effects hierarchies ................................................. 76 Remove generated data .............................................. 66, 122
Printing the audit trail table ................................................ 32 Remove generated data, tree view ................................... 353
Priorities ............................................................................ 178 Remove internal Function ................................................. 198
Process characteristics ...................................................... 211 Remove link, tree view ...................................................... 349
Process Connection Label.................................................. 244 Remove Sub-system from Matrix ...................................... 197
Process Name/Operation .................................................. 204 Rename .............................................................................. 242
Process Number ................................................................ 204 Rename elements, tree view ............................................. 347
Process number, configuration of the display ................... 236 Rename elements, trees .................................................... 359
Rename ID, tree view......................................................... 347

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 396

Rename ID, trees ............................................................... 359 Save FTA, QFA .................................................................... 268
Renaming BD files ............................................................. 282 Save Settings ...................................................................... 317
Renaming system elements, BD ........................................ 286 Saving a BD as an image file............................................... 292
Replace data ...................................................................... 129 Saving a Fault Tree, FTA ..................................................... 259
Replace Sub-System by Variant ......................................... 197 Saving a Fault Tree, QFA .................................................... 261
Replace, FTA ...................................................................... 274 Saving a PFC as a bitmap.................................................... 241
Reselect End Point ............................................................. 244 Schedule control .......................................................... 28, 131
Reselect Start Point ........................................................... 244 SCIO_CLIENT_CONFIG.INI file ............................................ 384
Reset Window Sizes .......................................................... 329 SCIO_Server_Config.ini file ................................................ 383
Resonsible for an action ...................................................... 50 SCIO-Manager .............................................................. 28, 135
Responsibilities.................................................................... 60 Load search mask ........................................................... 139
Responsibility (column) ....................................................... 50 Report ............................................................................ 139
Responsible department ..................................................... 87 Reset search mask .......................................................... 139
Responsible for Action Item ................................................ 96 Results ............................................................................ 139
Responsible for System Element ......................................... 96 Save search mask ........................................................... 139
Responsible manager .......................................................... 87 Search mask ................................................................... 136
Responsible Manager (Filter in the Synchronize Evaluations Search results ................................................................. 138
window) ........................................................................... 77 Sorting search results ..................................................... 138
Restore .............................................................................. 117 SCIO™ Importer ................................................................... 11
Restore the windows to their default sizes ....................... 306 SCIO™ Portal ........................................................................ 11
Restore, QFA ..................................................................... 270 SCIO™-Delta-Manager ....................................................... 148
Restricted search results (SCIO-Manager) ......................... 138 SCIO™-Inspection-Plan....................................................... 363
Resume search .................................................................. 129 SCIO™-med ............................................................................ 8
Review ................................................................................. 92 Scout View ................................................................. 305, 310
Review team ........................................................................ 79 editing graphically .......................................................... 314
Revision ............................................................................... 88 exclusive mouse commands........................................... 317
Rights................................................................................. 158 failure and function networks ........................................ 316
Rights classes ............................................................... 12, 158 general information ....................................................... 313
Rights concept ..................................................................... 11 saving and printing ......................................................... 314
Risk (O x S x D) form ............................................................ 45 system structures ........................................................... 315
Risk (O x S) form .................................................................. 45 Scout view, displaying evaluation numbers ......................... 74
Risk categories..................................................................... 55 SE History ............................................................................. 94
Risk estimation .................................................................... 46 SE weight ........................................................................... 179
Risk matrix ........................................................... 54, 142, 151 Search (system elements) .................................................... 97
Risk matrix in analysis ......................................................... 56 Search depth, Scout view .................................................. 317
Risk priority number ............................................................ 47 Search for action packages, SCIO-Manager ....................... 137
Risk ranges .................................................................... 54, 55 Search strategies for product characteristics .................... 208
Risk values ........................................................................... 53 Search strategies, Scout view ............................................ 317
Root element..................................................................... 349 Search, FTA ........................................................................ 274
Rotating graphic elements, BD .......................................... 290 Search/Replace .................................................................. 129
RPN analysis ...................................................................... 143 Searching for data elements, tree view ............................. 356
Searching in network diagrams ......................................... 323
SE-Family, Create new ....................................................... 347
S Select Existing Predecessor ................................................ 243
Select Existing Successor ................................................... 243
S evaluation ......................................................................... 73 Select server ........................................................................ 25
Sample size ........................................................................ 214 Select Transfer Element ..................................................... 102
Sampling frequency ........................................................... 214 Select/Unselect All (Synchronize evaluations, Filter) ........... 78
Save as graphic, BD ........................................................... 295 Selectively generating data .................................................. 67
Save as graphic, Scout ....................................................... 320 Set as standard .................................................................. 151
Save as, FTA, QFA .............................................................. 269 Severity value ...................................................................... 47

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 397

Show / Hide Cause Elements ............................................. 329 Standard Setup, BD ............................................................ 301
Show All (even if empty) ..................................................... 60 Standard symbols, BD ........................................................ 286
Show All Columns .............................................................. 135 Start cell ............................................................................. 104
Show all levels ................................................................... 361 Start Net Editor .................................................................. 307
Show Associated Data ....................................................... 341 Start point .......................................................................... 239
Show complete tree element ............................................ 361 Start point of a process ...................................................... 232
Show Document as Bitmap ............................................... 174 Start status for new SE ....................................................... 167
Show Effects Evaluations in the Failure Network .............. 334 State (of a system element) ................................................. 87
Show element as function tree ......................................... 358 Status ................................................................................. 148
Show element as structure tree ........................................ 358 Status filter ........................................................................ 131
Show grid, Scout view ....................................................... 327 Status of a matrix link ................................................ 178, 199
Show information, Scout ................................................... 322 Status of a system link ....................................................... 176
Show more effects of failure (Synchronize evaluations) ..... 77 Status of action .................................................................... 49
Show Origin of Generated Data... view ............................... 68 Status of changes ............................................................... 300
Show Priorities .................................................................. 192 Status of system elements ................................................. 300
Show specification of sub-structure .................................. 355 Status, user ........................................................................ 156
Show Specification Overview ............................................ 340 Stop when SE type changes ................................................. 86
Show Substructure Specifications ..................................... 340 Storage directory for block diagrams................................. 282
Show system element environment ................................. 129 Structure links .................................................................... 345
Show tree elements separately ......................................... 361 Structure of the manual......................................................... 8
Show Valid Evaluations (Synchronize evaluations) ............. 77 Structure tree .................................................................... 339
Show/Hide Cause Elements .............................................. 306 Structure Tree (by BOM/BOP) ........................................... 180
Show/Hide Effects Elements ..................................... 306, 329 Structure Tree (complete) ................................................. 180
Side margin........................................................................ 303 Sub-departments ............................................................... 155
Sign Off Versioning ............................................................ 374 Subfunctions ...................................................................... 309
Sign Offs ...................................................................... 30, 353 Sub-system elements ......................................................... 175
Sign Offs, versioning ............................................................ 30 Suggestion list .............................................................. 51, 169
Signature of macro projects .............................................. 373 Superfunctions ................................................................... 309
Smiley symbol ................................................................... 237 Supplementary views................................................... 97, 130
Software Administration ................................................... 365 Supplementary Views (Matrix) .......................................... 188
Sort .................................................................................... 187 Supplier ........................................................................ 89, 147
Sort Automatically ............................................................. 243 Supplier Code....................................................................... 89
Sort Down.......................................................................... 243 Support .............................................................................. 386
Sort Up .............................................................................. 243 Symbol Size, BD ................................................................. 301
Sorting by Function priority ............................................... 187 Symbol width ..................................................................... 334
Sorting by SE weight .......................................................... 187 Symbols (Overview) ............................................................. 33
Sorting characteristics ....................................................... 217 Symbols and color shades, PFC,CP ..................................... 237
Sorting process steps......................................................... 217 Symbols for classification..................................................... 57
Source failure ...................................................................... 74 Symbols in the Net Editor .................................................. 310
Specification ................................................................ 56, 127 Symbols in the tree views .................................................... 39
Specification Editor ..................................................... 98, 320 Synchronization of process numbers ................................. 204
Specifications of external functions .................................... 59 Synchronize classifications................................................. 122
Specifications, tree view.................................................... 356 Synchronize evaluations ................................................ 74, 75
Specify New Position ......................................................... 243 Synchronize Failure Evaluations ........................................ 123
Specify suggestion lists ...................................................... 160 Synonyms........................................................................... 127
Specifying characteristics .................................................. 213 System element ID ............................................................... 63
Sprach-ID ............................................................................. 29 System element selection (Synchronize evaluations, Filters)
Standard configuration file ................................................ 169 ......................................................................................... 77
Standard evaluation ............................................................ 47 System element type ......................................................... 148
Standard formats, Scout view ........................................... 331 System Element Type (filter in the Synchronize Evaluations
Standard Input, QFA .......................................................... 264 window) ........................................................................... 77

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2
Index 398

System Element Usage ...................................................... 125 Trusted signature ............................................................... 374

System element, close......................................................... 98 Type of Change .................................................................. 299
System element, family ....................................................... 86 Typographic conventions ....................................................... 9
System element, family-ID .................................................. 86
System element, name ........................................................ 86
System Element, new .......................................................... 84 U
System element, open......................................................... 96
System element, state ......................................................... 87 Underlying Cause, FTA ....................................................... 271
System element, team ........................................................ 88 Undesired event, FTA ........................................................ 260
System element, type.......................................................... 87 Undo last action ................................................................. 117
System Elements in My Department (tree filter) .............. 343 Unfinished items .................................................................. 88
System information ........................................................... 173 Unlock edit info.................................................................... 95
System links ....................................................................... 345 Update ....................................................................... 130, 245
System structure according to BOM/BOP ......................... 317 Update - Deadline monitor ................................................ 132
Updating the PFC graphic .................................................. 243
Use colors for RPN ............................................................. 170
T Use Control Method from FMEA ....................................... 224
Use Failure Class .................................................................. 58
Tabs ....................................................................................... 9 User ................................................................................... 156
Team member in FMEA ....................................................... 96 User Data Overview ........................................................... 158
Team member in System Element ...................................... 96 User profile ........................................................................ 158
Team membership (automatically) ..................................... 51 User status ......................................................................... 156
Template ........................................................................... 104 User, Admin-Tool ............................................................... 369
Template-Manager............................................................ 336 Using existing functions in a BD ......................................... 286
Test case integration ........................................................... 80
Test case integration – Configuration ................................. 82
Test case integration, procedure......................................... 81 V
Test case integration, Tasks performed .............................. 81
Test frequency................................................................... 148 Valid evaluation ................................................................. 141
Test method ...................................................................... 148 Variant tree ........................................................................ 340
Text fields, BD.................................................................... 288 Variant tree, open................................................................ 98
Text search ........................................................................ 129 Variants .............................................................................. 177
Text suchen, Netzeditor .................................................... 326 VDA ...................................................................................... 44
Tile horizontally ................................................................. 173 Version ................................................................................. 88
Tile vertically ..................................................................... 173 Vertical space..................................................................... 334
Tolerances ......................................................................... 128 View update ....................................................................... 130
Tool tip ................................................................................ 60
Toolbar .............................................................................. 161
Total number of configuration files ........................... 169, 344
Tracking actions................................................................... 62
Wildcard search ................................................................... 52
Transfer Port, QFA ............................................................. 264
Windows Login .............................................................. 25, 26
Transfer profile .................................................................. 102
Windows Login configuration ............................................ 379
Translate column headings ................................................. 29
Working folder (Analysis transfer) ..................................... 141
Translation configuring ..................................................... 167
Write protection .................................................................. 23
Translation language ........................................................... 28
Translation list ................................................................... 140
Translations ....................................................................... 127 X
Tree filter ........................................................................... 343
Tree filters – controlling access ......................................... 344 XERI™ ........................................................................... 24, 159
Tree menus ....................................................................... 339
Tree views ........................................................................... 27

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Index 399

Zoom Setup........................................................................ 277

Zoom, QFA ......................................................................... 266
Zoom, Scout view............................................................... 327
Zoom ................................................................................. 132

© PLATO AG, February 2020: SCIO™ Online help and manual Manual version 8.2.2

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