Spectrum of Activity

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(Partial List of Pathogens Successfully Tested Against the Active Ingredient)


Gram Positive Bacteria

Bacillus subtilis Isquith AJ, Abbott EA & Walters PA (1972).
Clostridium difficile (C Diff) Biotest Australia (Test 161422) Nov 2008
Micrococcus sp Isquith AJ, Abbott EA & Walters PA (1972).
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isquith AJ, Abbott EA & Walters PA (1972).
Propionibacterium acnes Isquith AJ, Abbott EA & Walters PA (1972).
Staphylococcus aureus (Isquith AJ 1972) (Speier and Malek 1982) (Malek
and L 1981) (Gettings and White 1990) (Klein 1983)
(Eudy 1983) (Gettings and White 1991) (Battice and
Hales 1986) (Higgs and White 1994) (Peterson,
Giaccio and Berman 2003) (McGee, Malek and
White 1983)
Staphylococcus epidermidis (Malek and L 1981) (Gettings and White, Skin
Treatment Method 1990)
Streptococcus faecalis (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981) (McGee, Malek
and White 1983)

Gram Negative Bacteria

Aerobacter aerogenes (Isquith AJ 1972)
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (Malek and L 1981) (Gettings and White, Skin
Treatment Method 1990)
Enterobacter aglomerans (Malek and L 1981) (Gettings and White, Skin
Treatment Method 1990)
Enterococcus (Battice and Hales 1986)
Escherichia coli (Isquith AJ 1972) (Speier and Malek 1982) (Malek
and L 1981) (Klein 1983) (Gettings and White 1991)
(Battice and Hales 1986) (McGee, Malek and White
1983) (Isquith and CJ 1978) (Abbaszadegan, et al.
Klebsiella oxytoca (McGee, Malek and White, New Antimicrobial
Treatment for Carpet Applications 1983)
Klebsiella pneumoniae (Klein 1983) (Gettings and White 1991) (Battice and
Hales 1986) (Higgs and White 1994) (Blank, Gettings
and White 1989) (McGee, Malek and White 1983)
(Blank and White 1992)
Klebsiella terriena (Abbaszadegan, et al. 2006)
Proteus mirabilis (Battice and Hales 1986)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981) (Klein 1983)
(Gettings and White 1991)
Pseudomonas fluoroscens (Battice and Hales 1986)
Salmonella chloeraesis (Isquith AJ 1972)
Salmonella typhosa (Isquith AJ 1972)

MS-2 (Abbaszadegan, et al. 2006)
PRD-1 (Abbaszadegan, et al. 2006)

Herpes Simplex Type I (Tsao and Wang 1990)
Norovirus (MikroLab GmbH 2010)
Influenza Virus H1N1 strain (MikroLab GmbH 2010)

Fungi, Moulds, Yeasts

Alternaria alternata (Avery, et al. 1995)
Aspergillus flarres (Isquith AJ 1972)
Aspergillus flavus (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981)
Aspergillus niger (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981) (Higgs and
White 1994) (Avery, et al. 1995)
Aspergillus terreus (Isquith AJ 1972)
Aspergillus versicolor (Malek and L 1981) (Isquith AJ 1972)
Aspergillus verrucaria (Isquith AJ 1972)
Aureobasidium pullulans (Avery, et al. 1995)
Candida albicans (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981)
Cephaldascus fragans (Isquith AJ 1972)
Chaetomium globosum (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981)
Cladosporium cladosporioides (Avery, et al. 1995)
Dreschslera australiensis (Avery, et al. 1995)
Epidermophyton sp. (Blank, Gettings and White 1989)
Gliomastix cerealis (Avery, et al. 1995)
Microsporum sp. (Blank, Gettings and White 1989)
Monilia grisea (Avery, et al. 1995)
Oscillatoria borneti (Walters PA 1973)
Penicillium commune (Avery, et al. 1995)
Penicillium funiculosum (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981)
Phoma fimeti (Avery, et al. 1995)
Pithomyces chartarum (Avery, et al. 1995)
Pullularia pullulans (Isquith AJ 1972)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Isquith AJ 1972)
Scolecobasidium humicola (Avery, et al. 1995)
Trichophyton interdigitale (Isquith AJ 1972) (Malek and L 1981)
Trichophyton madison (Isquith AJ 1972)
Trichophyton mentogrophytes (Blank, Gettings and White 1989)

Chlorella vulgaris (Abbaszadegan, et al. 2006)
Cyanophyta oscillatoria (Isquith AJ 1972)
Cyanophyta anabaena (Isquith AJ 1972) (Walters PA 1973)
Chrysophyta (Isquith AJ 1972)
Chrysophyta Selenastrum gracile (Isquith AJ 1972) (Walters PA 1973)
Chlorophyta Protococcus (Isquith AJ 1972)
Gonium sp. (Walters PA 1973)
Pleurococcus sp. (Walters PA 1973)
Volvox sp. (Walters PA 1973)

Cryptosporidium parvum (oocysts) (Abbaszadegan, et al. 2006)

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