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At the end of the topic, students are expected to:

1. define “regionalism”
and “regions”,
2. know economic and
political respond to
Globalization and
3. analyze reasons of
forming regional
The North-South divide is broadly considered a
socio-economic and political divide. Generally,
definitions of Global North incude the US,
Canada, Western, Europe, as well as Australia
and New Zealand. The Global South is made up
of African, Latin America, and Developing Asia
including the Middle East. The North is home to
all the members of G8 and and four of the five
permanent members of the UN security council.
The Global South is a term that has been emerging in the
transnational and post colonial studies to refer to what
may also be called “Third World” ( i.e., Africa, Latin
America, and the Developing Countries in Asia),
Developing also include poorer Southern Regions of
wealthy Northern Countries. The Global South is more
than the extension of a “Metaphor for Under developed
countries.” In general, it refers to those countries’
“interconnected histories of colonialism, Neo-
imperialism, and differential economic and social change
through which large inequalities in living standards life
expectancy and access to resources are maintained.
How the “Third World” became the
Global South”:
The Origins of the Third World
Globalization promotes the integration
of Economics across state boarders all
around the world but regionalization is
precisely the opposite because it is
dividing an area into smallest segment.

As to
Globalization allows many companies
to trade on international level so it
allows free market but in
Regionalized system monopolies are
likely to develop.

As to Market
Globalization accelerate to Mulit-
culturalism by free and
inexpensive movement of people
but, regionalization doen’t
support this.

As to Cultural
and Societal
Globalized International Community
is also more willing to come to the
aid of a country stricken by a
natural disaster but, A regionalized
system does not get involved in the
affairs of other areas.

As to Aid
Globalization has driven great
advances in technology but
advanced technology is rarely
available in one country or region.

As to
Factors leading to the Greater
Integration of the Asian Regions
Regional integration is a process in which neighboring
states enter into an agreement in order to upgrade
cooperation through common institutions and rules the
objectives of the agreement could range from
economic to political to environmental, although it has
typicaly taken the form of a politicala economy
initiative where commercial interests are the focus for
achieving broader soci0-political and security
objectives, as define by national governments. Regional
Integration has been organized either via supranational
institutional structures or through intergovernmental
decisions-making, or a combination of both.
Factors leading to the Greater
Integration of the Asian Regions
Past efforts at regional integration have often
focused on removing barriers to free trade in
the region, increasing the free movement of
people, labor, goods, and capital across national
boarders, reducing the posibility of regional
armed, conflict (for example, through
Confidence and security-building measures) ,
and adopting cohesive regional stances on
policy issues, such as the environment, climate
change and migration.
Factors leading to the Greater
Integration of the Asian Regions
• Intra-regional trade refers to trade which focuses
on economic exchange primarily between
countries of the same region or economic zone.
In reent years countries within economic – trade
regimes such as Asian in South East Asia for
example have increased the level of trade and
commodity exchange between themselves which
reduces the inflation and tariff barriers associated
with foreign markets resulting in growing

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