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Semi-Final homework ECQ.

Renaissance period
1) Leonardo da Vinci (invention, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics,
engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, paleontology, and cartography.) (mona
lisa, vitruvian man, Lady with ermine, The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne)

2) Michelangelo (sculpture) (david)

3) Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (painter) (The school of Athens)

4) Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (Sculpture) (Saint George)

5) Sandro Botticelli (painter) (The birt of Venus)

6) Filippo Brunelleschi (architecture) (Hospital of Innocents)

7) Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio ( painter) (Supper at Emmaus)

8) Giotto di Bondone (painter) (Ognissanti Madonna)

9) Tiziano Vecelli or Vecellio (painter) (Venus of Urbino)

10) Jan van Eyck (painter) (Annunciation)

11) Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone (painter) (The Tribute Money)

12) Giorgio Vasari (painter) (Six Tuscan Poets)

13) Hieronymus Bosch (painter) (The Garden of Earthly Delights)

14) Tintoretto (painter) (Miracle of The Slave)

15)Donato Bramante (architecture) (Tempietto)

16) Giovanni Bellini (painter) (The Feast of The Gods)

17)Fra Angelico (painter) (Coronation of the Virgin)

18) Lorenzo Ghiberti (sculpture) (Gates of Paradise)

19) Paolo Veronese (painter) (The wedding of Cana)

20) Filippo Lippi (painter) (Madonna and Child)

21) Sofonisba Anguissola (painter) (The Game of Chess)

22)Lucas Cranach the Elder (painter) (Adam and Eve)

23) Benvenuto Cellini (sculpture) (Perseus with the head of medusa)

24) Claude Lorrain (painter) (The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba)

25) Paolo Uccello (painter) (The Battle of San Romano)

26) Matthias Grünewald (painter) (The small Crucifixion)

27) Antonio da Correggio(painter) (Jupiter and lo)

28) Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola (painter) (Madonna with the Long Neck)

29) Antonio di Puccio Pisano (painter) (Jacopo Bellini)

30) Carlo Crivelli (painter) (Saint Dominic)

31) Gentile Bellini (painter) (The Sultan mehmet II)

32) Benozzo Gozzoli (painter) (Madonna and Child Giving Blessings)

33) Antonio del Pollaiuolo (painter) (Battle of the Nudes)

34) Francisco Henriques (painter) (Grão Vasco)

35) Francesco Melzi (painter) (Leda and the swan)

36) Guido Mazzoni (Sculpture) (Carlo crivelli)

37) Michelozzo (architecture) (San Marco Museum)

38) Federico Barocci (painter) (Madonna of the Cat)

39) Jean Clouet (painter) (François I, King of France)

40) Fede Galizia (painter) (Portrait of Paolo Morigia)

41) Vicente Juan Masip (painter) (The Last Supper)

42) Lucas Cranach the Younger (painter) (Christ and the adulteress)

43) Cosimo Tura (painter) (pìetá)

44) Catharina van Hemessen (Painter) (Portrait of Child)

45)Marco Bello( painter) (Rinaldo Degli albizzi)

46) Giacomo della Porta (architect) (Palazzo Farnese)

47) Marcantonio Raimondi (engraver) (The morbetto)

48) Jacopo della Quercia (Sculptor) (Fonte Gaia)

49) Properzia de' Rossi (Sculptor) (Two Angel's)

50) Federico Zuccari (painter) (Gate of Virtue)

51) Bartolommeo Bandinelli (Sculptor) (Hercules and Cacus)

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