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Vector based dead-time compensation for a three-level T-type converter

Conference Paper  in  IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications · March 2015

DOI: 10.1109/APEC.2015.7104551

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4 authors, including:

Serkan Dusmez Kaushik Rajashekara

Texas Instruments Inc. University of Houston


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Vector based Dead-Time Compensation for a
Three-level T-Type Converter

Xiong Li, Serkan Dusmez, Bilal Akin, and Kaushik Rajashekara

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
the University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas 75080

Abstract—This paper proposes a new vector based dead time

compensation method for a three-level T-type converter. The
origin of dead time voltage error is analyzed in detail under
different switch commutation processes and load conditions.
Based on the dead time voltage error for each phase, an error
voltage vector is defined to indicate the effect of dead time
on the reference voltage vector from vector synthesis point of
view. To cancel the dead time error voltage vector, the reference
voltage vector is adjusted accordingly based on load current
directions. The operation of the proposed dead time compensation
method can be extended to over modulation region also. The
effectiveness and the advantages of the proposed vector based
dead time compensation method are verified by both simulation
and experimental results. Fig. 1. Power circuit diagram of a three-level T-type converter


T-type converters are becoming popular for low voltage Switching state S1 S2 S3 S4 Pole voltage
applications such as automotive and photovoltaic converters, P 1 0 0 1 Vdc
to achieve higher energy conversion efficiency at lower cost O 0 0 1 1 2
[1], [2]. The power circuit diagram of a T-type converter N 0 1 1 0 0
is shown in Fig. 1. To prevent short circuit of the dc link
capacitors, a dead time is usually inserted in the gating signals
of the power switches of each leg. This dead time is of extended through operating the converter at over modulation
relatively short duration in comparison to the period of the region. More details are given in the following part of the
low-frequency modulating waveform. However, its cumulative paper.
effect over multiple cycles of the carrier waveform increases
the harmonic distortion and reduces the effective value of the II. ANALYSIS OF EFFECT OF DEAD TIME
synthesized voltage [3]. These effects are more pronounced at
high switching frequencies. The effects of dead time in two- For a three-level T-type converter, each phase can generate
level voltage-source converters have been comprehensively three voltage levels. The switching table of a three-level T-
studied, and different solutions have been proposed [4]–[7]. type converter is presented in Table I. Three switching states
However, majority of the proposed dead time compensation P, O and N are defined to indicate the three voltage levels.
schemes in the literature operate under limited modulation The switching commutations of a three-level T-type converter
index to avoid the saturation of the gating pulses. In [7], a should be considered carefully to modulate the output voltages,
concept of dead time compensation with variable switching while to avoid dc bus short circuit. To prevent short circuit
frequency is proposed. By decreasing switching frequency, of the dc bus, a dead time is usually inserted in the gating
effective gating pulse width can be extended. Nevertheless, signals of the power switches of each leg. The inclusion of
variable switching frequency control raises challenges on the the dead time may cause a voltage error depending on the
design of the EMI filters, and introduces additional current directions of the load currents and switching transitions. To
harmonics. Few papers [8], [9] discussed the dead time com- explain the effect in detail, the commutation processes from
pensation for three-level voltage source converters. Still, the switching state P to O of one leg under different load currents
proposed strategies encounter the issues mentioned above. In are discussed as following. The circuit configurations for the
this paper, a new vector based dead time compensation scheme commutation processes are displayed in Fig. 2, while the
is proposed for three-level T-type converters. An error voltage switching patterns are presented in Fig. 3(a). When the load
vector is introduced to indicate the effect of the dead time current is positive, the switching state is O, which is the desired
on the reference voltage vector. The reference voltage vector one, during the dead time period. Under this condition, the
is adjusted accordingly to compensate this dead time effect. inclusion of the dead time doesnt introduce any voltage errors.
With the proposed scheme, the modulation index can also be However, the switching state is P during the dead time period

Voltage error k
Switching transition Switching sequence
ix > 0 ix < 0 ix > 0 ix < 0
N →O Sx2 = 0 → Sx4 = 1 −4v 0 −1 0
O→N Sx2 = 0 → Sx4 = 1 0 4v 0 1
O→P Sx2 = 0 → Sx4 = 1 −4v 0 −1 0
P →O Sx2 = 0 → Sx4 = 1 0 4v 0 1

Fig. 2. Commutation processes from P to O. (a) when the load current is

positive. (b) when the load current is negative.

Fig. 3. (a) Switching pattern when the switching state commutes from P to
O. (b) voltage error in two-level approximation compensation method.

when the load current is negative. Because of this, a voltage

error is generated. Other switching state commutations under
different load conditions can be analyzed in a similar way,
which are summarized in Table II. From Table II, it can be seen
that the profile of voltage error caused by the dead time for a Fig. 4. (a) First sextant of the space vector diagram of the three-level T-type
three-level converter is similar to that for a two-level inverter. converter. (b) switching sequence of region 1.
The voltage error caused by the dead time effect is load current
and switching transition dependent. A positive voltage error
occurs at the falling edge transitions when the load current is III. VECTOR BASED DEAD TIME COMPENSATION
negative, while a negative voltage error is generated at the
rising edge transition when the load current is positive. A Symmetric space vector modulation (SSVM) scheme is
general formula is defined to calculate the dead time voltage widely used to modulate the output voltage while to balance
error with two-level approximation compensation method, the the neutral point voltage of three level inverters. With the
profile of which is presented in Fig. 3(b), as shown in Eq. (1). SSVM, each sextant of the space vector diagram is divided
into four regions i. e. as shown in Fig. 4(a). In order to reduce
Vdc the switching frequencies of the devices, regions 2 and 4 are
4v = k × 4d × (1) now split into 2L, 2H, 4L, and 4H. The best vector switching
sequences in the first sextant are given in Table II of [10].
where, 4d = Ttdb sw
, tdb is the inserted dead time; Tsw is the All of these sequences require the same number of switching
switching period; Vdc is the dc bus voltage; k is a coefficient. steps. The switching sequence in region 1 is presented in Fig.
From Eq. (1), it can be known that the voltage error is related 4(b). From Fig. 4(b), it can be seen that there are one turn-on
with half dc link voltage, but not whole dc link voltage as transition and one turn-off transition for each phase in each
the case for two-level inverters. Thus, the dead time effect for switching cycle. With reference to Table II, under different
three-level converters is smaller as compared with that for two- load current directions, each phase would generate a dead
level converters. It is also worth mentioning that the Eq. (1) can time voltage error. A dead time error voltage vector is defined
be utilized to calculate the voltage error only if the switching here to indicate the effect of three phase dead time voltage
transitions occur in between adjacent switching states. Please errors on the reference voltage vector. For example, the effect
note that the voltage error caused by switching transients can is demonstrated in Fig. 5 when phase A and B currents are
be grouped into 4v, which will not affect the implementation positive while the phase C current is negative. As shown in
of the proposed dead time compensation method. Fig. 5, the voltage error along phase A and B is −4v, and the
Fig. 5. Dead time error voltage vector when ia > 0, ib > 0, ic < 0.

TABLE III. ADJUSTMENT OF REFERENCE VOLTAGE VECTOR Fig. 6. Dead time error voltage vector under different load current directions
a)ia > 0, ib > 0, ic < 0.b)ia > 0, ib < 0, ic > 0.c)ia > 0, ib < 0, ic <
ia ib ic Reference voltage adjustment 0; d)ia < 0, ib > 0, ic > 0; e)ia < 0, ib > 0, ic < 0; f )ia < 0, ib <
0, ic > 0.
Vref 2α = Vref α + 4d
>0 >0 <0
Vref 2β = Vref β + 24d


Vref 2α = Vref α + 4d
>0 <0 >0
Vref 2β = Vref β − 24d

Vref 2α = Vref α + 2 4 d
>0 <0 <0
nVref 2β = Vref β
Vref 2α = Vref α − 2 4 d
<0 >0 >0
Vref 2β = Vref β
Vref 2α = Vref α − 4d
<0 >0 <0
Vref 2β = Vref β + 24d


Vref 2α = Vref α − 4d
<0 <0 >0
Vref 2β = Vref β − 24d


Fig. 7. Adjusting of the reference voltage vector for dead time compensation.
one along phase C is +4v. Overall, the vector presentation of
the dead time voltage errors is illustrated with red arrow line,
the magnitude of which is 2 4 v. Analogously, the dead time adjustments of the reference voltage vector under other load
error voltage vector under different load current directions is current conditions are summarized in Table III. The effect of
displayed in Fig. 6(a)-(f). the error voltage vector for one line cycle is shown in Fig. 8.

To compensate for the voltage errors caused by the in-

clusion of dead time between switches, the reference voltage
vector should be adjusted accordingly. As shown in Fig. 7,
the commanded reference voltage vector is Vref , which is dis-
played with solid blue arrow line. Without any compensation, There are some challenges on the dead time compensation
the actual reference voltage vector would become Vref 1 due to in the deep modulation regions with conventional pulse width
the effect of error voltage vector as shown with solid red arrow based approaches as discussed in [8]. The basic ideas behind
line. In order to cancel out the effect of dead time, the reference the pulse width based dead time compensation is to directly
voltage vector should be adjusted to Vref 2 to counterpart the extend or shorten the corresponding pulses according to the
error voltage vector generated by the dead time effect. For the load current directions and switching state transitions. The
case shown in Fig. 7, the adjustment of the reference voltage pulse width based approach can operate well in the most
vector could be realized with a simple approach as presented operation regions. However, the compensation would become
in Eq. (2). ineffective when the extended pulse widths become saturate.

Vref 2α = Vref α + 2 × 4d An example is given here to help explain the issue. As shown
(2) in Fig. 9, one switching sequence in the deep modulation
Vref 2β = Vref β
region is presented. Assuming that for the case shown in Fig.
where Vref α and Vref β are the projections of the reference 9, the phase A current is positive. Then, a negative voltage
vector; Vref 2α and Vref 2β are the projections of the adjusted error would be generated. To compensate for the voltage error,
reference voltage vector along alpha and beta axes. The the gating pulse width of the corresponding phase should be
Fig. 11. Generalized switching pattern of a N-level converter.

Fig. 8. Effect of dead time on the reference voltage vector under unity power
factor loading.

Fig. 12. Commutation process of a four-level diode clamped converter when

the load current is positive.

extended. With the pulse width extension, the pulse width of

S1 can be recalculated as in Eq. (3).
dax = da + 4d (3)
According to Fig. 9, the pulse width of S1 becomes saturate
after compensation, which means the effect of the dead time
cannot be fully compensated.
To deal with the pulse width saturation issue, a variable
switching frequency approach is proposed in [7]. The basic
idea there is to extend the pulse width over one switching
period by reducing the switching frequency thus to avoid pulse
width saturation. The method in [7] can be utilized to further
Fig. 9. Switching pattern without dead time compensation in deep modulation extend the pulse widths in deep modulation regions, while
region. there are some side effects with it. On one hand, the varying of
the switching frequency challenges the design of EMI filters
and passive filtering components. One the other hand, the
reduction on the switching frequency would bring more current
harmonics. Nevertheless, the pulse width saturation issue could
be smoothly solved with the vector based compensation ap-
proach, by pushing the operation into over modulation regions.
In Fig. 10, the dead time compensation in over modulation
regions is presented. Same as the dead time compensation
in linear modulation regions, the dead time voltage vector
can be determined according to the load current directions.
The reference voltage vector can be adjusted accordingly. The
reference voltage vector in the over modulation regions can
be synthesized with the scheme as presented in [11]. Because
of the operations in the over modulation regions, there could
be existing more harmonics compared with that in linear
modulation regions, while the switching frequency can be held
as constant.


Fig. 10. Dead time compensation in over modulation region. The proposed vector based dead time compensation strat-
egy can be applied to multilevel converter with any voltage
levels. With nearest three vectors (N3V) based SVPWM, the
switching state of each phase toggles between two adjacent
switching states. The generalized switching pattern can be
presented as in Fig. 11. There are one rising edge and one
falling in each switching sequence of each switching period
for each phase, which is the same as that for a three-level
converter. A voltage error caused by dead time could be
generated depending on the direction of the load current. More
specifically, a positive voltage error would be generated at the
falling edge if the load current is negative, while a negative
voltage error could be created at the rising edge if the load
current is negative. A generalized form to calculate the voltage
error is shown as in Eq. (4). Fig. 13. Relationship between current THD and dead time [ma = 1].

4v = 4d (4) VII. C ONCLUSION
N −1
where N is the number of voltage level; 4d is the dead time This paper proposes a new vector based dead time com-
duty ratio; Vdc is the dc link voltage. To support the analysis, pensation method for a three-level T-type converter. Based on
one example is given here. In Fig. 12, the commutation process the dead time voltage error along each single phase, an error
of a four-level diode clamped converter is shown. In Fig. 12(a), voltage vector is defined to indicate the effect of dead time
the output is 0. To change the output voltage from 0 to Vdc /3, on the reference voltage vector from a synthesized point of
the switch S6 should be turned off while the switch S3 should view. To counterpart the dead time error voltage vector, the
be turned on. To avoid short circuit condition of capacitor C3 , reference voltage vector is adjusted accordingly based on load
a dead time is inserted between the turn off instant of S6 and current directions. With the proposed vector based dead time
turn on instant of S3 . During the dead time period, as shown in compensation strategy, the pulse width saturation region can
Fig. 12(b), the output voltage is 0, while the expected output be extended by pushing the operation into over modulation
voltage is Vdc /3. Thus a voltage error of Vdc /3 is generated regions. The effectiveness and the advantages of the proposed
here. Average the voltage error within one switching period, vector based dead time compensation method are verified by
the effective voltage can be calculated according to Eq. (4). the both simulation and experimental results.
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the voltage error can be derived in an analogous way. Once
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