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Mentoring: some sources of additional learning

Selected by Andrew Gibbons….see for lots of additional freebies

The sources below have been selected from the mass of material on and around mentoring,
and are highly recommended to those of you that have an interest in developing as mentors
beyond today.

Internet sources

Mentors Forum:

A Hertfordshire TEC resource that has a lot to interest those who want to access learning
material, or make contact with others with similar interests.

The European Mentoring Centre:

An excellent source of research and literature on mentoring issues.

The TrainingZone:

A mass of material here for the manager with an interest in all aspects of learning and
development. Amongst so much else, is plenty to help you with mentoring - explore the toolkit.

The Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring:

The school is led by Eric Parsloe, who is a source of ideas and new practices on mentoring.

The Coaching and Mentoring Network:

The Network is a growing on-line database that seeks to match up mentors and coaches with
those with relevant development needs, and gives access to a range of related resources.

My website:

I am still piling on the free, downloadable material, with a section on mentoring,

and one on cpd/lifelong learning. Keep looking in to see what’s new.

Manchester Metropolitan University:

A handbook for online mentors which includes a step-by-step guide to online-mentoring from
preparing to be a mentor to project completion.
National Institute of Health, US:

A brief section on mentoring in the scientific community.

Mon emploi:

Covers mentors who make enlightened commitments and personal development planning. Also a
handy mentoring questionnaire of probing questions on a ‘likert’ scale for experienced and would-
be mentors.

Special Libraries Association:

Briefly explores the mentor-mentee relationship, considering desirable attributes of both partners
and the stages of the mentoring process.

University of Nottingham: Http://

Mentoring guidelines including mentoring models, mentoring roles, mentor selection, guidance
notes, and areas for discussion within various mentor relationships at the university.

Centre for Professional Excellence – Elmhurst College

Considers the design and goals of a typical program, mentor roles, help with developing the
mentor relationship, and what protégés look for in a mentor.

International Tele-mentor Program:

Guidelines and advice on tele mentoring projects, in the context of a child protégé program.
Works through from first contact to saying goodbye. Although this primarily deals with kids
mentoring the learning is transferable to any mentoring relationship.

Department of Transportation, US:

A full handbook for successfully managing a mentoring partnership. Containing details of mentor
roles and responsibilities, identifying a suitable mentee, developing skills and overcoming

University of Wisconsin:

More mentoring guidelines considering mentor and mentee benefits and roles, phases of
mentoring relationships and supportive materials for success such as a guide on four-step
Manchester Metropolitan University:

A report on mentoring for smaller retailers from Manchester Metropolitan University. Gives an
overview of mentoring and provides and evaluative framework for assessing mentoring programs
for smaller retailers. The findings are transferable to other mentoring scenarios.

Mentors Peer Resources:

Lots of useful papers and articles available online about mentoring.

Centre for coaching and mentoring:

Some useful research results exploring motivations for mentors, what mentors do for their
protégés and mentor roles.

Department for education and skills:

Department for Education and Skills homepage – enter ‘mentoring’ in the search facility for
numerous references.


The best of all the search engines – type in ‘mentoring’ for over a million references!

Oregon Mentor program:

This mentor program handbook offers an outline of best practices around mentoring programs, as
well as references and resources for use when creating and implementing mentor programs.

Texas Education Authority:

Guidelines for student mentoring – gives descriptions of the types of mentor support the protégé
may benefit from.

Mentoring for change:

The mentoring for change approach is described here as it applies to an individual mentee
seeking to realise their personal vision.

Training and Development Directorate, New South Wales:

A literature review and exploration of mentoring practices. Uses case studies of public education
mentor programs and identifies issues in mentoring practice.

The Executive Mentoring Project:

The executive mentoring project – covering what is an executive mentor, what kind of person
volunteers and why is an executive mentor of value to the protégé


‘Transformational Mentoring’ Julie Hay McGraw Hill 1995

‘Mentoring Schemes’ Margaret Adey, Frances Early and Kim Langridge Herts TEC 1999.

‘The Mentors’ Handbook’ Margaret Adey, Frances Early and Mary Foster Herts TEC 1999.

‘Mentors Diary’ Amanda Rockhill, Kim Langridge and Mary Foster Herts TEC 1999.

‘Mentees’ Handbook’ Margaret Adey, Frances Early and Kim Langridge Herts TEC 1999.

‘The Manager as Coach and Mentor’ Eric Parsloe IPD 1999.

‘Learning Alliances - Tapping into Talent’ David Clutterbuck IPD 1998.

‘Mentoring in Action - A Practical Guide for Managers’ David Megginson and David Clutterbuck
Kogan Page 1997.


A bibliography of 58 articles held on and around the subject of mentoring will be also can be
downloaded from my website – see address below..

Good luck with your future development as a mentor, and keep in touch.

All the best.

Andrew Gibbons

Phone: 01242 571 909


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