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SVAR on Computer- Test Instructions

Important Instructions:

• Please ensure that you have installed latest versions of either of following browsers:
➢ Google Chrome (version 40 or above, latest version is preferred)
➢ Mozilla Firefox (version 40 or above, latest version is preferred)
➢ Internet Explorer (version 10 or above, latest version is preferred)
• Test runs on windows 7 and recent versions.
• Adobe Flash player to be installed for the browser being used.
• Please ensure you have a working microphone whose levels are optimally adjusted. The
Microphone settings can also be modified using the Help menu from within the test.
• Please follow all instructions of the IVR carefully while attempting the questions.
• It is recommended to have 2 Mbps internet connection for best test experience

Step by Step Test Instructions:

Step 1: Use compatible version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer to login to the

Step 2: Enter Username and Password given to you. Click on Login

Step 3: In the Speaker Testing Screen, Listen to the audio clip and follow Help Instructions if
required to adjust the Speaker Volume.
Step 4: Select Allow on the Permission Screen for access to Microphone

Step 5: In the Microphone Testing Screen, speak for 10 sec and then follow instructions to verify the
Voice Recorded and follow Help Instructions to adjust Microphone Settings. Repeat the step till you
are satisfied with the quality of Voice Recording.

Step 6: Were you able to hear to the audio properly? If yes, click on next tab. If not, adjust your
speaker volumes. Follow the instructions provided:
Step 7: Click on Start New Test and fill the registration form.
Step 8: Click on Continue. A 15 digit number will appear. This is your AMCAT ID. Note it and keep
it safe with you

Step 9: Read All Test Instructions Carefully and then click on Next

Step 10: Click on Next for the Actual Test to Begin. Remember that the Sound Waveform should
appear each time while you are speaking. It is to assure that the voice recording is happening

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