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Linguistic is very important and greatly affects language teaching.

As we all know,
linguistic is the scientific study of language, meaning to say it is an in-depth study about
language. Linguistic answers the questions how to we use our language properly, when do we
use a formal and an informal language, what is the history of language, where does it came from,
and many other questions that significantly affects the effectivity of language teaching.
Understanding the importance of Linguistic plays an important role on how are we going
to teach the students, because when we teach language, we must first know what is language.
This only implies that in whatever we teach we must first learn and understand what we are
Linguistic is important, but why? To answer and to better understand this question let me
give you an example. In the movie Tarzan, we can observe that Tarzan cannot speak the human
language, and that is because Tarzan grew up in the forest without any human interaction,
animals know nothing about linguistic and no one will teach Tarzan about language, that is why
he can’t speak. Let us then compare it to a child who grew up with his parents. Children acquires
the language we speak through observing their environment, they are learning how to speak
based on their linguistic experience or the speech input they receive. The child who grew up with
his parent can then speak because there is someone who will teach him how to speak.
The way we speak and construct sentences is also, in some ways, a product of what we
call the impact of linguistic into language teaching. As I have said earlier, we gain knowledge
about language based on our observations and the speech input we are receiving. This implies
that effective language teaching is very important in developing our language comprehension.
Linguistic has an impact as well on the effectivity of teaching, because we all know that
students learn differently. As neurolinguistic suggests, there is a relationship between language
and the structure and functioning of the brain. We are all aware that humans have different ways
of how their brains functions and that is one of the reasons why students learn differently. With
the better understanding of linguistic, the effectivity of language teaching may be achieved
through the assessment of the best way that the students can understand it.

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