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RE EXAM with answers

1.) The bodies of the just, with their souls will dwell in heaven forever (Article 7)
2.) God has a very clear design for our salvation. He wants us to be saved (Yes)
3.) The Roman Pontiff is the invisible head of the Church (False)
4.) The creed is one of the four pillars of the Church. The creed is the summary of the faith that
Christian profess (Yes)
5.) The creed communicates the essence of our faith. The formation of the creed was fueled by the
love God, despite periods of debate (No)
6.) The Nicene Creed was produced to combat the heresy of Arius, who basically denied the divinity
of Christ. The Nicene was written latter to address heresies about Jesus and expand on some of
the original statements of the apostle’s Creed. (yes)
7.) At the end of the world, we will be judge according to our deeds. Our bodies shall be raised to life
and again become united to our souls. (Article 11)
8.) There are two judgments, right after our death and at the end of the world. Jesus will judge all
men according to their deeds (Yes)
9.) We would be faithless if it were not for the resurrection because (It confirms all that Jesus had…
10.) It affirms that God is all powerful (He shown His love in Christ cross…love)
11.)Despite of our differences and uniqueness, we all are in communion in loving the same God and
neighbors, being disciples of the same Lord, and animated by the same spirit (Article 1)
12.)We used the name of God only to bless, praise and worship Him. When the name of God is
worshipped, His persons and power is present (yes)
13.)The following statements explains the dogma of the holy trinity except (the Divine person share..)
14.)We have the power to overcome evil as Christ over our sinfulness and its effects in the world.
(article 10)
15.)Jesus had no human father. Saint Joseph was only his Guardian or foster father. (article 2)
16.)The eight article of the Creed is about the second person of the trinity (False)
17.)The chief reason for Jesus death (Suffering)
18.)Catholics share one faith, one baptism, one head and the same sacrifice and sacraments. It is our
baptism that we first received the rule of faith, the Creed (yes)
19.)Which one is not a part of the historical causes for Jesus execution (He died to save us from sins)
20.)Believing that Jesus Christ is part God and part man is equivalent to committing monothelitism
21.)The Church is apostolic, the Church holds the traditions and doctrines of the apostles and derives
her orders and mission from them. (yes)
22.)May we have the desire and obedience to the father as Jesus embrace his father’s plan in
redeeming love despite of fear (Article 4)
23.)There are 12 articles of Creed. The Creed has 3 chapters of our baptismal seal and are distinct
although connected with one another (Yes)
24.)It refers to man and his state of weakness and mortality (flesh)
25.)All sinners are the authors of Jesus death (Article 4)
26.) The Holy Spirit is sent by both the Father and the Son, but he is not less than the Father and the
Son. ( Article 8)
27.) What is the basic requirement to enter God’s Kingdom? (To be Converted)
28.) Protecting and making good use of the created things? (article 1)
29.) The Holy Spirit is active in us, humans. (Article 8)
30.)What event glorifies the name of the savior God Jesus? (Jesus’ REsurection)
31.)We honor the sacred passion of Christ when we make the station of the Cross? (FAlse
32.)Believing that mortal bodies will one day come to life again.(Article 11)
33.)The Divine persons are distinct from one another in view of the relations of origin. (TRue)
34.)Believing that Jesus truly became man and live among us is a distinctive sign of Christian Faith.
35.) WE cannot say to confess our sins straight to God since Jesus in trusted to Peter and all of His
Successors… (Article 10)
36.)Which of the Following is not always true about Death? (Reunion)
37.) The Nicene Constantinopolitan creed was formulated to correct the heresy of Arius who denied
the humanity of Jesus. False)
38.)Being Thankful of who we are and what we have/ (Article 1)
39.)The functions of the Holy Spirit is to give life to, Unify and to move the Whole Body. (True)
40.) No one knows the Second coming of the Son but the Father, we need to be converted every day(
41.)We have different gifts, offices, conditions and ways of life all from one source Jesus Christ(Article
42.) Christ Return to the Father was necessary for sending the Holy spirit among us.. (Article 8)
43.)The Church is Apostolic because the Holy Spirit graces her with the fulfillness of the means…
44.)The faithful on earth, the saints in heaven and souls in purgatory… (Article 9)
45.)Our Salvation is being Workout in our daily acts with our neighbor (Article 7)
46.)The Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire. (Article 10)
47.)Jesus Descended into hell to deliver the Damned who had gone before him. (False)
48.) Jesus Christ is composed of rational Soul and body (True)
49.)The everlasting life is the perfect and eternal Communion of love with God in paradise (Article 7)
50.)Confessing God’s Oneness is believing in His Nature, substance and essence (TRue)
51.)The day before death is the best day of our conversion (Article 9)

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