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A Introduction
B. Who can file Application
C. Geographical lndicafions which are not Registrable
D. Registration as Authorised User
E. Duration, Renewal, Removal and Restoration of
F. Effect of Registration
G. Right conferred by Registration
A. Introduction
Registration of
Geographical Indication is necessary to claim protection
against infringement. Since it is a public property the mode and manner of
its registration has been specifically
laid down in the Act. The Act confers
ne power of registration on Registrar of Geographical Indications. Under
Section 3 of the Act the Controller General of Patent,
Design and
Trademarks is also appointed as Registrar of Geographical Indications. In
part A theparticulars relating to the registration of geographical indications
incorporated and in Part B the particulars relating to authorized users
are incorporated.

B. Who file
Any association of persons or producers or any organization or

authority established by or under any law for the time being in force
epresenting the interest of the producers of the concerned goods, who are
aesirous of registering a geographical indication in relation to such goods
S2al apply in
writing to the Registrar in such form and in such manner and
accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed for the registration of the
geographical indications.
The application shall mention the following details
(a) a statement as to how the geographical indication serves to
designate the goods as originating from the concerned territory
of the country or region or iocality in the country, as the case
may be, in respect of specilic quality, reputation or other
characteristic which are due, exclusively or essentially, to the
geographical environment, with its inherent natural and human

1. Sec. 7.

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