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1. Which of the following is not an example of privileged communication?

a. Trade secrets
b. Communication between priest and penitent
c. Information contained in tax census returns
d. None of the above

2. When must the sworn statement be filed?

a. Whenever it is most convenient for the adverse party
b. Within the period designated in the request, but the court can still fix it
c. Not more than 7 calendar days after the issues have been joined
d. Strictly within the period stipulated in the request

3. Where can a party use an admission made by an adverse party?

a. For the purpose of the pending action and in other actions as well
b. In all actions, except for the pending action
c. For the purpose of the pending action only
d. None of the above

4. In Eagleridge Development vs. Cameron Granville, what document did the petitioner file
a motion for production of?
a. Loan Sale and Purchase Agreement referred to in the Deed of Assignment
b. All documents pertaining to the Back-end Services Agreement
c. Detailed list of the ingredients and chemical components of products
d. Hospital records

5. May the party making the admission withdraw or amend the admission?
a. YES, if made within 7 calendar days after filing and serving the request
b. YES, the court may allow the party to withdraw or amend it within just terms
c. NO, admissions, whether express or implied, are final and irrevocable
d. NO, unless otherwise both parties agree in writing to allow the same

6. What is the effect of non-compliance of the filing and service of the sworn statement?
a. All matters for which an admission is requested shall be deemed admitted
b. All matters for which an admission is requested shall be deemed denied
c. Adverse party’s counsel is authorized to file and serve a sworn statement
d. None of the above

7. There is no timeframe within which the discovery mode of production or inspection of

documents can be utilized.
a. True
b. False

Answer Key: d, b, c, a, b, a, a

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