Wall Contact Searching in Mice Laboratory Activity No. 4: Bicol University College of Science Legazpi City

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Bicol University

College of Science
Legazpi City

Wall Contact Searching in Mice

Laboratory Activity no. 4

Submitted by:
Sheila A. Rodrigueza
Maria Li Jimenez
Sophia Paula Maceda
Faith Maño
BS Biology 3-B

Submitted to:
Mr. Jonathan Jaime G. Guerrero
I. Abstract

In this experiment we deal on the behavior of mice by merely observing. First, we

record the amount of time spent by mice on a platform with and without walls divided into 49
squares numbered in sequence which the mouse dwells on and recorded every 5 seconds.
We done it by group, one gives or counts the time, then one is recording which square the
mouse is in, one with merely observing the mouse and prevent it from escaping within the
platform and the other one is cleaning the platform with soap solution for the next
experiment. And each records should continued until 98 test values for approximately 8
minutes. Next is a piece of small box with cover walls at the top edge and part of the sides.
Same thing or procedure is done with the third trial for the platform.

The 2nd experiment, high labyrinth walkways and a bridge are placed together. In the
preliminary test a hungry mouse with no food is gradually acclimatized the walkways by
allowing it to run and walk for a few minutes without reward. Then a piece of food is placed
at the edge of the labyrinth and the mouse is position far away as possible route to find the
food. The time and the number of errors (e.g. Running at dead ends) are also recorded.
Then we record the time when the mouse finally find the food, let the mouse rest for one
hour to avoid fatigue symptoms, then we clean with soap solution all bridges and walkways
to exclude any scent marking the route. This is done several times until the mouse has
completed a number of consecutive runs through the labyrinth to food without error. Each
number of errors are recorded for each run. For marking behavior, we didn’t wipe for several
times after runs without errors. Then the other with no experience on this labyrinth is placed
at starting point and the time taken to find the food plus the numbers of errors are recorded.
II. Introduction

Among animals used in research, teaching and testing, mice are now widely
recognized as the most important model for human diseases and disorders. They comprise
the majority of the experimental mammals and tend to be the model of choice used for
research into many diseases or disorders including cancer, heart disease, asthma,
Alzheimer’s, down syndrome, deftness, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, and even mental
health research. Additionally the laboratory mouse continues to play a wildly publicized vital
role in the human genome project. One of the most time consuming activities and research
laboratories if looking up information specific to the species or strain of animal being used.
III. Materials

 Albino mice/mouse
 Timer
 Salt solution
 Tissue
 Small piece of any food
 Platform with walls fitted on it
 High labyrinth
 Small box
IV. Procedure

1. In the first experiment a mouse is placed on a platform without walls and the
square which the mouse dwells on is recorded every 5 seconds. This is best
done by sharing the work between 4 people; one gives the time, two report
which the square the mouse is in and the third enters the numbers of the
squares on a prepared list.
2. Records should be continued until the list contains 98 test values
(observation time approximately 8 minutes).
3. The mouse is then returned to its cage and the platform cleaned thoroughly
with soapy water to remove traces of scent.
4. After a break of at least 15 minutes the same mouse is again placed on the
platform. In this second experiment, however, the platform is fitted with a wall
at the top edge and part of the sides. As in the first experiment, 98 test values
are recorded.
5. After a further break of at least a quarter of an hour and through cleaning of
the platform, the mouse is placed on the platform for the third time. In this
experiment walls are provided in the center of the platform in addition to
those at the sides. For this purpose two block of wood are placed on the
center square (no. 25). 98 test values are recorded as in the previous
6. In the second experiment, 10 walkways and 9 bridges are placed together to
form a labyrinth. In a preliminary test a hungry animal (one day without food)
is gradually acclimatized to the walkways by allowing it to run on them for few
minutes without reward.
7. A small piece of food is then placed at one end of the labyrinth and the
animal positioned at the other end so that it has to cover the longest possible
route to find the food the time taken and the number of errors are recorded.
8. After this run all walkways and bridges are turned over to exclude any scent
marking the route.
9. After the second run all walkways and bridges must be carefully wiped on
both sides with soap solution. The tops and bottoms can then be used agin
for one run each.
10. After 4 runs the animal must have a break of at least one hour to avoid
fatigue symptoms. The experiment is repeated until the animal has completed
a number of consecutive runs through the labyrinth to the food without error.
This time taken and number of errors are recorded for each run.
11. To investigate marking behavior, the labyrinth is not wiped for several times
after various runs without errors. Another test animal with no experience on
this labyrinth is the placed at the same starting point and the time taken to
fond the food and the number of errors is recorded. To exclude chance, runs
are repeated without wiping until three consecutive runs without errors have
been observed.
V. Observations

1st experiment

Figure 1 (platform w/o walls)

The mouse is continuously running around the platform and sometimes the mouse was stepping
outside the platform because there are no barriers in each edge. Then he also keeps on
smelling, running and stops to leak itself.

Figure 2 (platform is fitted w/a wall at the top edge and part of the sides)

Like in the 1st experiment the mouse continuously running around but it somehow lessen the
times he step outside the platform because there is already a wall that is placed at its edge. Still
the mouse is trying to climb the wall in order for him to out.
Figure 3 (platform w/ block)

The mouse keeps on smelling but he didn’t run with the block instead it keeps on running
around it. It also stop awhile to leak itself then continue to run then climb the walls.

2nd experiment

Figure 4 (walkways and 9 bridges w/o food)

The mouse keeps on running around the bridge and sometimes at dead ends, then keeps on
smelling his ways. And he doesn’t know where to go.
Figure 5 (walkways and 9 bridges w/ food)

At first it took a long minute for the mouse to find the food and there are plenty of errors

Figure 6 (walkways and 9 bridges after wiping the labyrinth w/soap solution)

In the second trial the mouse finally got easy for him to find the food and the numbers of errors
are lessened.

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