Measurement System Analysis (MSA) : IM-213 MQC

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IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

IM-213 MQC

Measurement System
Course Instructor:

Naima Javed
Assistant Professor-IMD
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

 IATF 16949:2106 Requirement for Automotive
Industries: MSA:
“Statistical Studies shall be conducted to analyze the
variation present in the result of each type of
inspection ,measurement & test equipment system.”
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

What is meant By
“Measurement System”?

 The measurement system is the system we use to

measure our product or services and includes:
 People , tools ,environment, method, training
 Measurement System Analysis is used To determine
whether the measurement system is reliable and data
is accurate or not
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

Components of Varation
&Measurement System Variation:
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

Measurement Error
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

 Repeatability:
The variation between the successive measurement of
the same part ,same characteristics by the same person
using same is also known as test retest error.
It is the variability of the measurements obtained by one
person while measuring the same item repeatedly
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

 Reproducibility:
The difference in average of measurement made by different
persons using the same or different instrument when measuring
the identical characteristic of the same part.
It is the variability of the measurements obtained by different
persons while measuring the same item repeatedly
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

MSA Methodologies:
There are two main methodologies
1. Attribute Agreement Analysis
2. Gauge R&R
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

Attribute Agreement Analysis

 To assess your inspection or workmanship standards
against your customer’s requirements is Attribute
Agreement Analysis is used for discrete data.
 To determine if inspector across all shifts, machines,etc
use the same criteria to determine “good” from “bad”
 To identify how well these inspectors are conforming to
a”known master "which includes:
o How often operators decide to ship truly defective
o How often operator do not ship truly acceptable product
 Its used to access if inspectors across all shifts, all
machines, etc… use the same criteria to determine
“good” from “bad”
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

Attribute Agreement Analysis

 •Discover areas where: - training is needed. -

procedures are lacking. -standards are not defined
 It may be unreasonable to expect 100% agreement
for all appraisers. Over 85% may be a good target to
aim for.
 Typical Application: Go/No Go, Visual Inspection
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

Attribute Agreement Analysis


 Step 1: Select a minimum of 20 parts from the process.

 50% of the parts in your study should have defects
 50% of the parts should be defect free
 Step 2: Identify the inspector who should be qualified
 Step 3:Have each inspector ,independently and in
random order, assess these parts and determine
whether or not they pass or fail.
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

Attribute Agreement Analysis

Procedure : (contd..)

 Step 4: Enter the data into Minitab.

 Stat>Quality Tools>Attribute Agreement Analysis
 Step 6: Produce Attribute Agreement charts.
 Step 7: Interpret and document the result. Implement
 actions to fix the inspection process if
 Step 8: Re-run the study to verify the fix.
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD


 The ability to get the same result if we take the same

measurement repeatedly or if different people take
the same measurement is called Gage R&R.
 This takes into account variability due to the gage, the
operators, and the operator by part interaction.
 Type of Gauge R&R Study:
1. Crossed (Non Destructive)
2. Nested (Destructive Testing)
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

 Step 1: Calibrate the gauge or verify the last
calibration date is valid
 Step 2:
 Take 10/20 sample (Article/Carton) representing full
range of process variation with marked length
 In addition, identify the operators who use this
instrument daily.
 Pre-select side of sample to be evaluated (A/B/C,
top, edge, etc) – then precisely mark which side to
be checked.
 Step 3: Setup the Minitab data collection sheet for
the R & R study
IM-213 MQC Naima Javed ,Assistant Professor IMD

 Step 4: Ask the operator to measure all the sample once
in random order, blind sampling, in which the operator
does not know the identity of each part should be used
to reduce human bias.
 Step 5: Have the second operator measure all the sample
once in random order and continue until all operator
have measured the sample once.
 Step 6: Repeat step 4 & 5 for the required no. of trails
 Step 7 : Enter the data into Minitab and analyze.
 Stat>Quality Tools>Gage Study> Gage R& R Study
 Step 8: Interpret and document the result. Implement
 actions to fix the inspection process if necessary.

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