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Assignment Name: Assignment LE 1101 – 2K19

Subject: Leather Manufacturing Technology 1

Course Code: LE 1101

Date of Submission: 22/11/20

From To

Name: H. M. Hanif Madam,

Sofia Payel
Department: Department of Leather Lecturer
Engineering Department of Leather Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
Batch: 2K19 (KUET)
Khulna -9203, Bangladesh.
Roll: 1919039




 The mite Demodex is the main caused of Alopecia.

 Due to infection, trauma, an immune disease, Its disruptions in the growth of hair
 Bacteria or fungi create this disease.
 Infestations of Scabies.


 Hair loss from whole body.

 Loss of hair around animals’ eyes and mouth
 Hair loss in the same pattern on both sides of the body
 Crusting and inflammation of the hide and skins.
 Discolored, dark, or grey patches of hides and skins.
 Bleeding around areas of hair loss


 It Depends on the cause of the condition.

 Flea and tick prevention help reduce alopecia quickly.
 Fish oil, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E can help with dry skin and certain skin
infections, and they can remedy the disease.


 Raw vegetables and fresh herbs, may reduce the risk of androgenic alopecia.
 Vitamin A help with sebum production, and able to retain more hairs.
 Washing hair daily may protect against hair loss .key is to use a mild shampoo in every



Anthrax spores end up deep in the soil and are brought to the surface when the ground is
disturbed, for example by:

 Digging (wells, ditches, pipelines, etc.),

 Heavy rains,
 Deep tilling,
 Overcrowded or overgrazed areas
 Soil erosion (e.g. Wind, water, or wallows)


 Signs of the illness usually appear 3 to 7 days after the spores are swallowed.
 Once signs begin in animals, they usually die within two days.
 Infected animals may stagger, have difficulty breathing, tremble, and finally collapse
and die within a few hours.
 Dark blood may ooze from the mouth, nose, and anus. Signs in pigs, dogs, and cats may
be less serious.
 Make very serious conditions of these animals. So, there are no positive chance to get
better leather from these animal’s hide or skins.


 Anthrax treatment of animals at the earliest sign of illness should be effective.

 Treatment with antibiotics does counteract the vaccine though, so they should not be
provided to animals that were recently vaccinated.


 preventing the production and dispersal of spores.

 Manage grass so that it is not over grazed,
 Avoid using detergents that contain calcium as disinfectants
 Anthrax Vaccine─ Effective vaccines to protect cattle and other animals from
anthrax are available.

 Keep animals out of pastures and away from carcasses during an anthrax outbreak.

Infection Goat Dermatitis

 Due to virus-containing scabs from infected animals fall off, the virus can remain viable
in the environment and serve as a source of infection to susceptible animals.
 A flock can become infected through contaminated bedding, feed or trucks, or by direct
contact with infected animals.
 ORF virus is one of the biggest causes for this disease.

 Early in the infection sores appear as blisters and then become crusty scabs.
 Sores are typically found on the lips, muzzle, and in the mouth.
 Sheep and goats may get similar sores or scabs on the lower legs and the teats
 Young animals may have difficulty nursing or feeding and may require supplemental
bottle or tube feeding.
 Nursing ewes may abandon their lambs, and older animals may also require nutritional
 Some breeds, such as the Boer goats, are particularly susceptible and severely affected
by this condition.
 Acute, contagious and highly fatal viral infections considered initially to be an atypical
form of goat pox
 On the flesh side the lesions show as sharply.


 There is no treatment available for this as it is a primary viral infection.

However, treatment with local antiseptics and pain relief can be helpful for secondary
infections. Every animal with clinical signs should be kept and fed separately from
symptom free animals.

There are protective measures that may help lessen the risk of infection. These include:

 Reduce the likelihood of mouth/muzzle cuts (e.g. Remove thistle from grazing areas).
 Quarantine new animals until sore mouth can be ruled out.

 Avoid bringing animals with ORF virus infection to public events such as fairs and
 The ORF virus survives in soil, and carrier animals may not show symptoms; as a result,
it is difficult to prevent infection, but using the measures above may assist in
prevention. E.
 Since ORF virus may be transmitted through saliva, some owners choose to assist the
judges at shows by opening their own animal's mouth.



Infectious virus is found in all secretions, excretions, and the scabs from skin lesions.

Contagious aerosols may also be generated from dust that contains pox scabs.

Animal Transmission:

 Close contacting
 Inhalation of spared aerosols
 Abraded of skin
 Insects which’s bite (mechanical)
 Infectious virus present in all secretions, excretions, and scabs.


 The skin lesions are found on the muzzle, ears, and areas that are free of wool.
 Lesions on the skin quickly become indicted due to local inflammation and edema
 In this phase the animal may develop rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and swollen lymph
nodes, up to eight times the normal size.
 Blepharitis can result from papules on the eyelids, mucosa becomes necrotic, and ulcers
on the mucous membranes may create discharge.
 The acute phase has passed when the papules become necrotic and scabs start to form.
These scabs can last up to 6 weeks and typically leave a star-shaped scar.

 The most effective control over the disease has been the live, attenuated virus
vaccine Sanitation.
 Cleaning of farms and equipment is important in helping to prevent the spread of SPV.
 Infected animals may be quarantined
 new animals should be isolated from the infected herds while transmission is still

 There is no treatment for sheep pox virus, thus efforts are directed towards prevention.


 Ringworm is a fungal skin infection that can affect many animal species. The infection
is also called dermatophytosis (der-mat-Of-eye-toe-sis) and is caused by many types of
 The disease has nothing to do with worms. Some of the fungi that cause ringworm are
only found on humans and very seldom found in animals.

 After exposure, it takes two to four weeks before animal shows clinical signs.
 There may be areas where the hair is gone and crusts or scales may develop on the skin
in the affected areas.
 Often the skin in these areas is red and very itchy. An appearance of a circle or ring in
animal’s fur may be seen.
 This is where the term ringworm comes from.


 Young puppies or kittens must be kept in an area that is clean to reduce the risk of
fungal infections.
 Infected animals should be treated and separated from other animals.
 Any animals with weak immune systems from other conditions (e.g. Cancer, kidney
disease), should be kept away from any infected animal.

 Regularly dispose of any hairs from animal’s grooming brush
 Remove skin cells and hair from farm by regularly vacuuming the house
 Disinfect other common areas of the house where these animals tend to live.

Warts (Tumors)


 Warts are caused by a papilloma virus and, like any virus infection, until the animal has
been exposed to the virus, it will not have antibodies to it.

 This is the reason why warts are more common in younger animals.

 Once the animal mounts an immune response, it will make antibodies, reject the warts
and from then on, the animal is usually protected for life.


 The virus particles are very hardy and will withstand the elements for quite some time.

 Some heifers have their teats covered to such an extent that it might be difficult to fit
clusters over them.

 Occasionally animals are very severely affected and intervention is necessary to reduce


With this in mind, some vets recommend crushing the warts to induce an immune response:

 Largish warts-Largish warts can be removed with rubber rings

 Smaller warts-In cases where there are large numbers of smaller warts and these are
widespread on teats
 Vaccine-Many UK veterinary laboratories can produce an autogenous vaccine for
single animals and these don’t need a veterinary license.
 Other remedies that some farmers find effective are a 50/50 solution of hypochlorite
and water sprayed on to teats or liquid nitrogen applied to the warts.
 Rubbing castor oil on to the warts can also be helpful.


 Wart infections are dictated by the amount of virus the animal receives, and its level of

 this will have a direct influence the number of animals affected, and the number of
warts appearing on each animal. Therefore, good disease control and nutrition is key.

 Fly control can also help prevent spread among cattle.

Skin Creases


Several causes, including:

 Frequent scratching

 Red, bumpy skin

 Oozing sores

 Pustules (Round, red blisters filled with pus.)

 Crusts or scales on the skin

 Hair loss Make very serious conditions of these animals. So, there are no positive chance to get
better leather from these animal’s hide or skins.

 Unpleasant odor


 Facial fold dermatitis

 Lip fold dermatitis
 Tail fold dermatitis
 Vulvar fold dermatitis
 Body fold dermatitis

 Within a few days of a bath, dirt and debris begins to build up in animals skin folds.

 Daily cleaning is the simplest way to prevent uncomfortable or painful irritations and

 If food often gets trapped in the folds of animal’s face after meals, it may make sense
to quickly clean the facial folds after every meal.

 Lift every fold and gently swab away dirt and debris.
 Bathe animals on a regular basis, making sure that each fold is examined and thoroughly

Grub Damage

Cause: The main cause of the damage is “grubex”

 Grubex is not activated until it's watered in.

 They feed on grass roots (and organic matter in the soil), causing sections of grass in
the lawn to die. Grubs eventually turn into adult Beetles and emerge from soil to mate
and lay eggs. Most Scarab Beetles have a one-year life cycle; June Beetles have a three-
year cycle.


 Hides and Skin Quality was low.


 Before pulling up any greener grass, a quick-kill grub treatment -- a lawn insecticide
containing either Sevin (carbaryl) or Dylox (trichlorfon). Water it in after applying.
Those products should stop any more damage within days.


 The safest grub killers to use around animals are the all-natural methods that use
beneficial nematodes, milky spores, or essential oils. There aren't any health issues with
those remedies. They can address grub problem without endangering animals.

Mange Damage


 The most severe form of mange is caused by varieties of the mite Sarcoptes scabiei,
which also causes human scabies.

 Some form of mange is known in all domestic animals, although many varieties of
mange mites infest only one species. They are transmitted between animals by direct


 Severe itching, particularly at night.

 Skin rash, sometimes called “scabies rash”
 Raised, skin-colored or grayish-white tracts, bumps, or blisters on the surface of the
skin, caused from burrows created by female mites.

 Borax, a derivative of boric acid, can be used to cure mange. While boric acid is toxic,

 Pour 2 cups of 1 percent hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. Add 2 tablespoons
Borax to the water. Spray the affected area with the solution.


 Regularly clean pet blankets and other bedding from animals’ quarters
 Regularly dispose of any hairs from animal grooming brush
 Remove skin cells and hair from home by regularly vacuuming the house
 Disinfect other common areas of the house where animals tend to live.

Disease Caused by Lice


Lice are small, flat-bodied insects with legs modified for grasping hairs.

 Sucking lice-These have relatively small narrow heads designed piercing the skin and
sucking blood.
 Biting lice-Biting lice have larger rounder heads. They feed on skin debris, blood and


 Rubbing
 Hair loss due to rubbing on neck, shoulders and rump
 Biting
 Scratching


 It can be important to know whether sucking or biting lice, because the different
method of feeding means that they have different susceptibilities to treatments.

 Different treatments are available including pour-ones, sprays, ear-tags or injection.

 There are some concerns about resistance to treatments.


 As well as using insecticides, basic bio-security can prevent outbreaks on farm.

 Avoid parasite introductions onto the farm.



 The feeding habits of tick’s cause stress in animals affected by bites, blood losses that
can lead to anemia and even death.

 Animals that are severely affected by ticks, or that do not have immunity against them
or the infectious agents they transmit, decline in their capacity to produce meat, milk,
eggs or leathers.


 Loss of blood

 Tick worry

 Toxins.

 Wounds.

 Screw-worm strike

 Loss of the distal end of the tail

 Damage to the hide.


 Spot-on treatments, collars, and sometimes even tablets can all help either repel dog
ticks, or kill them if they attach themselves to animals.


Cause: Animals are a popular choice for logos because of the deep connection we feel to them.
An animal logo can cement brand in


The shape of the logo affects how consumers perceive the organization, its products and even
its behavior. While they're commonly called “intangible assets”, logos matter. ... Specifically,
we find that circular or angular logos activate associations of “softness” and “hardness”

Remedy: This not a disease. This is an activity of human.


Prevention: This not a disease. This is an activity of human.

Carry Comb Damage

Cause: Attaching inexpert labors in Carrying Hides and skins.

Effect: Bad impact on Hide and Skins. So, Leather Quality will so low.

Remedy: No Perfect way for treatment. Use some medicine and use respective mechanism.

Prevention: Attaching expert labors in carrying hides and skins.

Shipping Damage


 Heating
 Wetting
 Mechanical influence (contact with metal)
 Decomposition due to bacterial action

Effects: Hides and skins quality is made low. Hides and skins could be cuts and made holes.


No Perfect way for treatment. Use some medicine and use respective mechanism.


 Containers must be lined with plastic or other impervious material.

 Heating may occur if insufficient ventilation is provided.

 Loaded containers should not be exposed to direct sunlight or heat as this will lead to
heating and heavy damage.

 Containers should be so stuffed as to allow adequate circulation of air.

 All the mechanism should be done perfectly.

Urine & Manure Damage


Bad impact of Urine and manure. Dirty environment of farm is one of the major causes.


 The animals lie in their own dung which sticks to their hairs, hardens and absorbs urine.
 The urine, which is corrosive, first causes the hair to fall out and then irritates the skin.
 The thighs and legs are the areas most involved and the grain of the leather made from
these hide areas is coarse and irregular.


No Perfect way for treatment. Use some medicine and use respective mechanism to get Swept


The environment of farming animals should be neat and clean. Cleanliness is the best
prevention of this disease.

Hard Cure


There are two reasons why leather hardens. First reason is the aging and drying. The
leather gets stiffer through lack of maintenance and use. It has not been re-oiled or used in a
very long time causing a lack of movement of the leather fibers.

 Seems to be an uneven drying of leather- causes hard, stiff or firm areas
 Salts contains sodium sulfate and sodium carbonate (weak dehydrating agent), smaller
amounts of sodium bicarbonate, sodium sulfide and sodium silicate are responsible for
this defect
 Alkali (sod. Carbonate) with high temp. And high humidity cause shrinkage or hard
cure which is difficult to rehydrate;


Density of chemicals bonding of hides and skins are low. So, the hides and skins quality could
be worst.


1. Alcohol + Vaseline  Apply a generous portion of rubbing alcohol to a cotton pad.

2. Coconut Oil  Leave the leather item in the sun for 10 minutes or use a hair dryer to
heat its surface.

3. Conditioner  Apply a leather care conditioner (lanolin-based product), to the leather.

4. Mink Oil  Mink oil can be used on jackets, boots, bags, or other leather accessories.

Grain Cracks


Causes and prevention Crackly grain There are very many potential causes of weak crackly
grain in leather. Some possibilities are:

1. High angle of weave of the fiber structure, either natural or process induced

2. Excessive removal of the corium resulting in a high ratio of grain to corium

3. Heat or chemical degradation of the collagen

4. Putrefaction
5. Over liming

6. Insufficient tanning

7. Inappropriate use of enzymes

8. Incorrectly adjusted machinery, e.g. Shamming, staking machine or during lasting

9. Insufficient penetration of fat liquor into the grain

10. Vacuum drying at too high a temperature Some of these possibilities are self-
explanatory and need no further discussion, whereas others are rather more complex
issues and are explained in more detail.


Hides and skins quality are made low. Fiber structure might be worst.


No Perfect way for treatment. Use some medicine and use respective mechanism to get Swept


Slaughtering, Shorting, Trimming, Preservation & Tanning processes should be done in

systematics way.

Heat Damage


Some common causes of putrefaction in hides and skins are:

1) A delay between flaying and curing/processing

2) Insufficient salting or brining

3) Poor penetration of the salt or brine due to heavy fat/flesh deposits


4) Insufficient draining of the salted or brined hide or skin allowing liquors to pool and reduce


Prolonged exposure to heat will dry and crack leather. Heat causes steam and water vapor to
develop within the leather, attacking the leather fibers. Once the shoe cools, it will become
brittle and hardened.


Maintain leather and treat stains with common household detergents and cleaning agents such
as vinegar. Moreover, restore a leather finish with household oils, such as flax seed and
coconut oil.


Slaughtering, Shorting, Trimming, Preservation & Tanning processes should be done in

systematics way.

Hard Spot


 Direct drafts in storage places and very low humilities, improper building of packs as
well as inadequate curing in raceways and mixers

 Exposure to Sunlight. Leather's arch-nemesis is that big bright ball in the sky–the sun.
 Extreme Changes in Temperature. ...
 Not Cleaning Stains Right Away. ...
 Use Harsh Chemicals and Soaps to Clean Leather. ...
 Too Much Heat.

 Traces of use and signs of wear can look different and depend largely on the quality
of the leather and the color.
 Grease and sweat stains on leather
 Fading of leather
 Disintegration of old leather
 Dye transfer on leather


Mix one-part white vinegar with two parts water and spot test. If the test passes, blot the
remaining stain with a clean cloth dampened with the solution. Use a toothbrush
for difficult areas but be gentle. Once the stain is gone, wipe the area with a clean wet cloth
and then wipe dry.


Slaughtering, Shorting, Trimming, Preservation & Tanning processes should be done in

systematics way.

Keep leather away from direct sunlight/heat.

Rather, let it dry naturally, even if it takes a couple days. Also, just generally keep leather out
of direct sunlight when storing. The leather fades naturally over time, but sunlight speeds up
that process. Drying and cracking can also ensue.

Red Heat


 Refers to red or violet colorations caused by hemophilic bacteria on the flesh side

 Bacteria produces pigment that are carotenoids


 Indicates that hides or skins in danger of bacteria decomposition

 The reuse of salt contaminates hides with red heat producing organism.


No Perfect way for treatment. Use some medicine and use respective mechanism to get Swept


 Raw vegetables and fresh herbs, may reduce the risk of androgenic alopecia.
 Vitamin A help with sebum production, and able to retain more hairs.

 The environment of farming animals should be neat and clean. Cleanliness is the best
prevention of this disease.

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