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Online Exercise Chapter 1

1. In general, men die earlier than women.

 Inferential.

2. Classification of students using an academic program.

 Nominal.

3. Temperature of microwave.
 Interval.

4. Level of income in an accounting firm’s workers. (high, moderate, low).

 Qualitative.

5. Name of new born babies.

 Qualitative.

6. Time taken to write a computer programme.

 Quantitative continuous.

7. Heights of basketball players.

 Quantitative continuous.

8. Number of hour’s parents spend with their children per day.

 Ratio.

9. A researcher has concluded that the property values will increase.

 Inferential.

10. In 2025, the world population is predicted to be 8 billion people.

 Inferential.

11. Mass of football used by students.

 Quantitative continuous.

12. Cholesterol counts for individuals.

 Quantitative continuous.

13. The average stay in a hospital for 2,000 patients who had circulatory system
problems was 4.7 days.
 Descriptive.
14. Telephone numbers.
 Nominal.

15. Blood type.

 Nominal.

16. Education level.

 Qualitative.

17. The ages of patients in a local hospital.

 Ratio.

18. Number of books read in a year.

 Quantitative discrete.

19. Gender of movie stars.

 Qualitative.

20. Speakers of seminar rated as excellent, good, average or poor.

 Ordinal.

21. Number of errors in a person’s credit report.

 Quantitative discrete.

22. Monthly salary of school teachers.

 Ratio.

23. Spring break locations favoured by students.

 Qualitative.

24. The top eight of bestselling car models in Malaysia.

 Ordinal.

25. Weight of a refrigerator.

 Ratio.

26. Marital status of people.

 Qualitative.

27. Grades obtained by students in the exam.

 Ordinal.
28. Shoe size.
 Interval.

29. Category of land status. (Agriculture, Residential or Commercial).

 Qualitative.

30. Computer brands exhibited at the computer fair.

 Qualitative.

31. Brands of electric fan.

 Nominal.

32. The ratings of movies released this month.

 Ordinal.

33. In Malaysia, it is found that 45% of school children are obese in which 60% are
 Descriptive.

34. A sales manager plotted his daily sales and observed that sales are increasing.
 Inferential.

35. Colour of football uniforms.

 Qualitative.

36. A quality control officer detects 5% defective components after inspecting a sample
of 250 components from one productive run.
 Descriptive.

37. Length of a frog’s jump.

 Quantitative continuous.

38. Monthly Astro bills.

 Quantitative continuous.

39. Income of workers in a manufacturing company.

 Quantitative continuous.

40. Ethnic group of respondents.

 Nominal.

41. Type of loans available in a bank.

 Nominal.
42. A study based a random sample has revealed that the school children are obese
because they always preferred fast foods.
 Inferential.

43. Rating of textbooks (poor, fair, good, excellent).

 Ordinal.

44. Result of the IQ test.

 Interval.

45. The average day temperature recorded at 14 cities in Malaysia.

 Interval.

46. Categories of magazines in an office (sports, health, news).

 Nominal.

47. Number of books read in a year.

 Ratio.

48. The ages of patients in a local hospital.

 Ratio.

49. Times required to complete a chess game.

 Ratio.

50. Customer's satisfaction level.

 Ordinal.

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