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Washington, D. C. ★ May, 1927





hrepcred by the Bureau of Agricultural Economict

Page P*ge
Introduction 1-7 Beef, Veal, and Beef Products—
Cattle and Calves: Continued
Number 8-14 Rtt-»ipu ) „ 60-96
Losses 53-55 Supply 80-96
Receipts 15,20,22-52
Shipments 18,21,22, 26-63 Exports 102,108-120
Slaughter . . . 16, 26-52, 66, 68-74. Imports 102,108-120
78, 80-96,100 Cold-storage Holdings ... 99, 102
Condemned 71-77 Prices 260-288
Weights .... 64-65,69-70,100 Livestock and Meat Summary Table 100-105
Exports 106-108 Hides and Skins:
Imports 106-108 Stocks Held 288-293
Pricei 120-259 Slocks Disposed of ... . 294-297
Beef, Veal, and Beef Products:
Production 71-74,79,97 Exports and Imports .... 298-305
Consumption . 98 Prices 306-312

Statistical Bulletin Series
The bulletins of the statistical series contain available sta
tistics on one or more commodities, annual, monthly, or weekly,
on production, movement from the farm, receipts at markets,
reshipments, farm and market prices, exports, imports, pro
duction in foreign countries, and foreign market prices, for the
current year, together with comparable data for earlier years.
Statistical Bulletins have been issued or are now in press
(1927) as follows:
1. Cold-storage Holdings.
2. Seed Statistics.
3" Sheep, Lamb, Mutton, and Wool Statistics.
! . Odd-storage Holdings.
5. Horses, Mules, and Motor Vehicles.
6. Grain Futures: Daily Data.
7. Shipments- and Unloads of Certain Fruits and Vegetables.
Js. Carload Shipments of Fruits and Melons from Stations in the
Fnited States.
9. Carload Shipments of Vegetables from Stations in the United
States for the Calendar Years 1920, 1921, 1922, and 1923.
10. Statistics of Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes.
11. Hay and Feed Statistics.
12. Wheat and Rye Statistics.
13. < Jold-storage Holdings.
14. Prices of Farm Products Received by Producers, North Atlantic
15. Prices of Farm Products Received by Producers, North Central
16. Prices of Farm Products Received by Producers, South Atlantic
and South Central States.
17. Prices of Farm Products Received by Producers, Mountain and
Pacific States.
18. Statistics of Hogs, Pork, and Pork Products.
19. Carload Shipments of Fruits and Vegetables from Stations in
the United States for the Calendar Years 1921 and 1925.
20. Statistics of Cattle, Calves, Reef, Veal, Hides, and Skins.


WASHINGTON, D. C. * May, 1927


Year ended December 31, 1925
With Comparable Data for Earlier Years

Prepared by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics 1

The data as to cattle on farms and losses from disease are based
primarily on census returns and on the reports of the Division of
Crop and Livestock Estimates. The original census data were
obtained by enumerators who visited the individual farms and
obtained the required information from the farmer or some member
of his family. The census figures, therefore, represent the tabulation
of returns obtained direct from farmers.
In the main, the tables indicate the specific source as well as the
nature of the data and the method used to compile them. The infor
mation of the reporting service of the Division of Crop and Livestock
Estimates consists of two parts, (1) the reports made directly to the
bureau in Washington by a staff of correspondents appropriately
distributed with regard to the cattle industry, and (2) the reports
made by the State agricultural statisticians of the bureau. These
reports made by the State statisticians are compiled from information
of two kinds, (a) that supplied by a staff of correspondents distributed
appropriately throughout the State (or States) which the statistical
agent covers, and (b) the information gathered by the agricultural
statisticians in travel over their territory.
The information from the State statisticians of the bureau and that
received in the bureau directly from its correspondents is compiled
in the bureau into the completed report.
The tables showing the number and value of cattle on farms in the
United States have been compiled by the livestock reporting service
of the Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates, using as the basis
1 Prepared under the direction of Lewis B. Flohr, by Mrs. Florence C. Fitch and James J. Window8
Division of Statistical and Historical Research.
33764—27 1 1

of the data the census enumeration, with such revisions of the census
figures as are necessary to eliminate known errors.
Every precaution is used to make the preliminary figures as nearly
correct as possible but on revision later the estimated number of
cattle on farms is carefully checked against the information on ship
ments, receipts at markets, and slaughter, to insure the highest pos
sible degree of accuracy. Table No. 3 on purebred cattle is taken
from the 1920 census.
The information in regard to receipts, slaughter, and shipments at
the markets of the country (Tables 9 to 16) is derived from the
reporting service of the Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool, and
for the earlier years, the yearbooks of the various stockyards, as
mentioned. It should be noted that for certain of the years included
in the tables, full information is not obtainable because of quarantine
against foot-and-mouth disease. The group of tables (17 to 19)
giving results of shipments is based on a study of the returns made
to cooperative shipping associations in the year 1921, by the Division
of Cost of Marketing. These tables show the results by distances and
by seasons, as well as by straight shipments and mixed shipments.
Tables 20 and 21, showing stocker and feeder and breeding cattle
shipments from public stockyards by months, 1921—1925, with State
of destination, are compiled from the Bureau of Animal Industry
inspection records and, therefore, represent the cattle shipments
made on certificates of inspection.
The data for the table on slaughter in the United States by States,
compiled from reports of the Bureau of the Census, cover number
slaughtered as follows:
(1) In wholesale slaughtering and meat packing establishments.
These include plants that slaughter for the retail trade but also whole
sale considerable quantities of meats; the reports made by such
establishments generally cover both branches of their operations.
Establishments slaughtering for the retail trade only are not included,
nor are the numbers slaughtered on a custom basis.
(2) On farms and ranges. The schedules used in taking the census
of 1910 and 1920 called for the number of domestic animals slaughtered
on farms for food. In a few cases the reports received indicated
that the establishments were really slaughterhouses that butchered
animals as a regular business. Such cases were eliminated and as
far as possible the data now relate only to slaughtering which was
carried on as a farm enterprise and do not include commercial
slaughtering. But since there is no definite line of demarcation
between farm operations and slaughterhouse operations, the figures
can not be considered to be absolutely accurate, but are given merely
to show the general conditions.
(3) Retail slaughter. A special amendment to the act providing
for the thirteenth census of the United States required the reporting
of the total number of animals slaughtered for food, which was only
partly represented by the number slaughtered in wholesale slaughter
houses and on farms and ranges.
The enumerators obtained reports from retail slaughterhouses.
These data, combined with wholesale slaughter, were published by

States in the report of 1910. Subsequent reports for that year give
only the wholesale slaughter and it is therefore possible to arrive at
the retail figure by elimination. Almost two- thirds of the slaughter
in 1909 was done in wholesale establishments but the larger number
of calves were slaughtered by retail establishments. No data for
retail slaughter have been collected since 1910.
The livestock slaughter statistics used in the various tables, are
arrived at from information furnished to the bureau by the monthly
report of "livestock slaughter costs and yields." The data are
obtained from the officers of about 170 of the largest meat-packing
concerns, who furnish detailed information, and from about 500
smaller concerns whose accounting systems do not cover as much
detail. From the first named, the information obtained gives the
source of purchase, whether from stockyards or other source; sex of
animals; number slaughtered; live and dressed weight; live cost;
quantity edible fat; quantity of edible offal and number of hides, in
the case of cattle, calves, and sheep. In the case of swine the quanti
ties of primal parts (cuts), lard, inedible grease, and trimmings are
given. The second group of establishments named, furnish informa
tion regarding source of purchase, sex of animals, number slaughtered,
and live and dressed weight.
These reports are on a monthly basis. Figures covering operations
during the month are mailed to the bureau about the tenth of the
succeeding month. The figures furnished are carefully edited,
tabulated, and computed to averages and percentages. The resulting
factors are the basis of the livestock tables.

The statistics of cold-storage holdings presented in these tables

(Tables 41 to 44) are compiled from the regular monthly reports
made to this bureau.
For the purpose of these reports it is considered that a cold-storage
warehouse is any place artificially cooled to a temperature of 45° F.
or below in which food commodities are stored and held for 30 or
more days.
The holdings of meats are reported on the first business day of
each month. The reports received, after careful editing and cor
rection or confirmation of important apparent discrepancies by cor
respondence or telegram, are tabulated and a complete report is
issued by the twelfth of the month. In compiling the reports it is
necessary to estimate the probable holdings of the few concerns not
reporting. These estimates are a very small percentage because all
firms not reported by a certain date are reminded by a follow-up
letter, and from those whose holdings would materially affect the
report the information is obtained, if possible, by telegraph. After
the schedules have been tabulated, before the report is issued, a
representative board,, consisting of statisticians and specialists who
are familiar with the movements and market conditions of the com
modities reported, examine and approve the figures.
Minor discrepancies which could not be handled because of lack
of time for correspondence, and corrections received after the report
is issued, are adjusted, and revised figures are published the following
month with the current report for that date.

The Bureau of Agricultural Economics is entirely dependent upon

the voluntary cooperation of the operators of cold-storage ware
houses and meat-packing establishments for the information con
tained in these reports. The returns received each month represent
from 95 to 98 per cent of the firms listed and 98 to 99 per cent of the
stocks held in the country.
The so-called "farm" prices of milk cows, beef cattle, and veal
calves are the prices received by farmers or producers in their local
market on or about the fifteenth of each month. They have been
collected monthly, beginning with January, 1910, and are available
by States and for the United States. The monthly prices are reported
by a list of about 13,500 voluntary correspondents made up largely
of country merchants, dealers at country shipping points and a few
well-informed farmers. From about August, 1920, to November,
1922, these prices were handled by the field statisticians. Prior to
and since this period the price schedules have been sent from and
returned to Washington.
The correspondent is requested to report on the average of all
sales in the correspondent's locality. In calculating the averages
for the various States and for the United States it has been assumed
that the number of milk cows or beef cattle sold is proportional to
the number kept. That is, the State prices are weighted by the
January 1 estimates of the number of the different kinds of livestock,
in obtaining the average for the United States. Prices of veal
calves are weighted by the number of milk cows on farms January 1
of each year.
Beginning with 1867, the January 1 values of livestock were
obtained by asking the average price per head for all ages for a given
kind of livestock. This method has been employed to the present day
with milk cows, but beginning with 1894 the inquiry for other cattle
(as distinguished from milk cows) has been made on the basis of an age
classification. The prices as obtained for the different age groups were
averaged to obtain the value per head of other cattle. This change
in the nature of the inquiry in 1894 was undoubtedly an improve
ment, but the comparability of the series was somewhat affected.
The January 1 values have been obtained each year from the crop
correspondents of the Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates of
this bureau, who are usually farmers. They are requested to report
on the "average price per head January 1 in your locality" for milk
cows or by age groups for other cattle, with a footnote attached which
states "The purpose of asking the average price per head instead of
the price per pound is to enable the department to estimate the total
value of all stock."
For all States the values are probably somewhat affected by the
fact that the crop correspondents reporting these prices are mostly
progressive farmers and their quotations may tend to reflect the
superior quality of livestock on their own farms. On January 1,
1920, the average value of milk cows in the United States was reported
by crop correspondents as $85.86. The average value of all dairy
cows and heifers 2 years old and over for the same date was reported

to the enumerator of the 1920 census as $76.62. Undoubtedly the

crop correspondent has in mind an older and more mature milk
cow than that on which the value was obtained by the census
enumerator, which included the heifers over 2 years of age which had
not freshened as well as other young heifers which had freshened.
These values are reasonably comparable as between various years.
In making comparisons between States the figures reflect differences
in size, breeding, and quality as well as geographical differences in
price. The advantage of using January 1 livestock values lies in the
long period of time covered, beginning with 1866—a full 60 years—
and the fact that the data are available by States.
The monthly prices of milk cows sold are usually higher than the
January 1 values of milk cows, because a considerable proportion of
the cows sold for milking purposes are relatively young and are either
fresh or about to freshen, whereas old cows, even though of dairy
breeding, are not generally thought of as milk cows when finally sold
for slaughter. The January 1 values of milk cows represent more
nearly the general average value of milk cows on farms, whereas the
monthly prices tend to show the average price at which milk cows
are being bought and sold by farmers.
These values and prices of livestock are obtained by a question
naire sent to all parts of the country at the same time. The various
parts of a State should be represented if the average of the reports
is to be reliable. The more variation in the prices reported forfa
given State the more necessary are a large number of reports if the
resulting average is to be dependable.
The variation depends to a considerable extent on how the ques
tions are asked. By dividing up the price question on other cattle
by age groups the variability for the particular age group is reduced
and the weighted average of these groups is much more reliable
with the same number of reports. In the localities where there are
relatively more young stock and calves the price for all ages would
be lower than in sections where there are a larger proportion of older
cattle. As a result the prices per 100 pounds live weight are less
variable for a State than the prices per head.
While usually the January 1 values are more variable than the
monthly prices, the number of reports is from five to ten times as
great, and as a result the average obtained from the larger number of
reports is more reliable. The prices of beef cattle per 100 pounds
live weight are less variable than the prices of milk cows per head.
The prices of veal calves per 100 pounds live weight are usually less
variable than beef cattle prices and only about one-half as variable
as milk-cow prices.
Beef cattle, milk-cow, and veal prices are from two to six times as
variable as the prices of wheat, cotton, corn, and hogs in States of
surplus production.
Since the reliability of the average as a measure of the central
tendency of a frequency distribution varies with the square root of
the number of reports, it is evident that with about the same number
of reports for the various kinds of monthly prices, the price samples
with the greater variability are much less reliable than those that are
less variable.

The change in the monthly prices of milk cows per head and beef
cattle per 100 pounds for a given State from one month to the next
would need to exceed about 4 or 5 per cent to indicate that a change
in price level really had occurred ; with veal calves a change exceeding
2 or 3 per cent would be significant in the more important States.
With such a range, State monthly prices are of value primarily as
indicating the general trend over a period of several months or a year
rather than for determining small price changes from month to month.
The average monthly prices for the United States, however, are much
more dependable because of the large number of reports included.
With the much larger number of reports received from the crop
reporters in connection with the January 1 value of milk cows and
other cattle, State averages are usually reliable within a range of
1 or 2 per cent.
The prices credited as originating with the market-reporting service
of the Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool are based on the infor
mation gathered by the division's reporters as they make their daily
rounds of the markets.
Whether in the stockyards where live animals are bought and sold
or in the wholesale meat coolers where the rails are filled with car
casses and cuts, the reporter is on the alert, observing trading condi
tions and hearing the bids made and prices asked as the buyer and
seller endeavor to reach an agreement as to a value which will result
in an exchange of animals or meat for money. This point of exchange
represents the market price, but before it can be recorded so that it
will have a meaning intelligible to the outside world the. reporter
must note the class and grade of the animal or meat being sold.
These classes and grades are standards which have come into com
mercial use through trade customs and practices and have been
refined and made uniform for the entire country by the Bureau of
Agricultural Economics. The reporter seldom gets a report on every
sale but he does get information on a sufficient number to enable
him to quote representative prices of all the grades offered.
In the course of his rounds of the market during a day's trading,
the reporter will observe that different prices are paid for the same
grade of animal or meat. This is partly because of the differences of
opinion among buyers and sellers as to values and partly because of
the spread of the grade of the animal or meat itself. In order,
therefore, to show the true price situation for any particular grade
it is necessary to quote a price range extending from the lowest to
the highest price paid. If the market offerings on any particular
day fail to include the entire range of quality allowed for the grade
in question, the reporter will be compelled to make his price range
for that grade wider than was shown by the actual sales prices. In
this event either his maximum or minimum price, or both, would
be "nominal." By a nominal price is meant a price which the
reporter believes, in view of existing market conditions, would have
been paid had the market offerings included the entire range of
quality allowed for the grade quoted. Such a price is included in
the report prepared by the reporter for general dissemination in
order that prospective buyers or sellers may know the full range of
values for all the variations of the class or grade in which they may
be interested, even though no actual sales of that class or grade were

transacted. Where a market seldom, if ever, receives a particular

class or grade, nominal quotations for that class or grade are omitted.
As market practices and trade requirements involve sorting live
stock into classes and subclasses and into use, age and weight selections
and finally into grades, making in the aggregate a large number of
grade groups, it is impossible, because of space limitations in a
market report, to quote a price range on every grade of livestock
that might be offered. For this reason it is a common practice in
reporting prices on certain classes of livestock to quote a price range
on several grades combined, as for example, feeder heifers, common
to choice. In this instance the price range covers four grades—
common, medium, good, and choice.
Copies of daily market reports with their price ranges on different
grades and groups are received in the Washington office of the
bureau where a statistical force reduces each range to a single figure
by determining its arithmetical mean. This mean is considered
the daily average price for the particular grade or group it represents.
Weekly average prices are calculated by determining the mean of
the daily average prices. The monthly average price represents the
mean of four, or five, weekly averages, depending on the proportion
of the fifth week falling within the month in question. Likewise the
yearly average price represents the mean of the 12 monthly averages.
Top price as the name indicates represents the highest price paid
for the class of stock offered on the day or period covered. In the
case of cattle, top prices are quoted only on steers, but they are
unsatisfactory for comparative purposes because of the possible
wide variations in the maximum quality of the market offerings in
the periods to be compared.
Bulk of sales prices represent the price range which would include
the bulk of the market offerings. This price range is quoted in
order to give the reader of a market report an intelligent idea as to
the prices at which the majority of the market offerings are being sold.
Prices on purebred animals are obtained by the bureau annually
by sending schedules to approximately 36,000 breeders who make
reports on their total sales during the year. Prices are reported on
the basis of sex and age groups and according to whether the sale
was by auction or by private treaty. From these prices the bureau
calculates the average price for each sex and age group according to
breeds, and in addition to these averages it published the top or
highest price reported for each group.
Stocks of hides and skins, and the number disposed of during the
month are compiled from the Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather,
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce. These reports
received monthly from butchers, packers, tanners, dealers, and
importers, show the number of hides and skins, domestic and foreign
either held by them or in transit on the last day of the month. These
reports are edited and tabulated by the Bureau of the Census and
are published the following month.
Monthly and yearly wholesale prices of cattle hides, calfskins
and kipskins, were compiled from the annual reports of the Chicago
Board of Trade, except for the current year's data which were com
piled from quotations published in Hide and Leather weekly.
Table 1.—Cattle: Number and value on farms in the United States January 1,

Milk cows 1 Other cattle 1

Jan. 1— Average Average
Number pervalue Farm value Number value
head Jan. 1 per head
Jan. 1 Jan. 1
Thousands Dollars 1,000 dollars Thousands Dollars
1867 349 28.74 239, 947 11, 731 15. 79
1868 cm 26. 56 230, 817 11, 942 15.06
1869 248 29. 15 269, 610 12, 185 18. 73
1870, June 1 9SS 32. 52 290, 577 14, 885 18.67
1871 023 33. 89 339, 701 16, 212 20.78
1872 804 29.45 303, 438 16, 390 18. 12
1873 570 26. 72 282, 559 16, 414 18. 06
1874 705 25. 63 274, 326 16, 218 17. 55
1875 907 25. 74 280, 701 16, 313 16. 91
1876 OS0, 25. 61 283, 879 16, 785 17.00
1877 201 25. 47 286, 778 17, 956 15.99
1878 300 25.74 290,898 19,223 16. 72
1879 826 21. 71 256, 721 21, 408 15.38
1880, June 1 23. 05 286, 785 23, 482 16.57
1881 23. 95 296, 277 20,939 17. 33
1882 25. 89 326, 489 23,280 19.89
1883 30. 21 396, 575 28,046 21.81
1884.. 31.37 423, 487 29,046 23. 52
1885 29. 70 412,903 29,867 23.25
1886- 27. 40 389, 986 31,275 21. 17
1887 26.08 378, 790 33,512 19.79
1888 24. 65 366, 252 34, 378 17.79
1889 23. 94 366, 226 35, 032 17.05
1890, June 1 22. 01 363, 352 Si, 852 15.63
1891. 21.62 346, 398 36, 876 14.76
1892..... 21.40 351, 378 37, 051 15.16
1893 21.75 357, 300 35,054 15.24
1894 21. 77 358, 999 36, 608 14.66
1895 21. 97 362, 602 34, 364 14.06
1896 22. 55 363, 956 32, 085 15.86
1897 23. 16 369, 240 30,508 16.65
1898 27. 45 434, 814 29, 264 20.92
1899 29.66 474, 234 27, 994 22.79
1900, June 1 31.23 535, 091 50, 584 24. 73
1901 30.00 505, 093 45,500 19.93
1902 29.23 488, 130 44,728 18. 76
1903 30.21 516, 712 44, 659 18.45
1904. 29.21 508, 841 43, 629 16. 32
1905 27.44 482, 272 43, 669 15. 15
1906 29.44 582, 789 47,068 15.85
1907 31.00 645, 497 51, 566 17. 10
1908 30.67 650, 057 50,073 16. 89
1909 32. 36 702, 945 49, 379 17. 49
1910, Apr. 15 35.29 727, 802 41,178 19.07
1911 39. 97 832, 209 39, 679 20.54
1912 39.39 815, 414 37,260 21.20
1913 45.02 922, 783 36, 030 26.36
1914 53. 94 1,118, 487 35, 855 31. 13
1915 55. 33 1,176,338 37, 067 33. 38
1916 53. 92 1, 191, 955 39, 812 33.53
1917 59. 63 1, 365, 251 41,689 35.88
1918. 70.54 1, 644, 231 44,112 40.88
1919 78.20 1, 835, 770 45, 085
3 47, 444 44. 22
1920 t 85.56 1, 833, 348 3 45, 776
1921 64. 13 1, 372, 813 3 45, 476
1922 50.97 1, 110, 470 3 44, 093 (2)
1923 063 50.94 1, 123, 876 3 42, 252
1924 255 52.30 1, 163, 834 3 39, 627
1925 523 50.68 1, 141,456 3 37, 539
1926 preliminary 290 57.37 1, 278, 877
Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates; figures in italics are census returns.
Revisions of former estimates for 1921-1924 and estimates for 1925 and 1926 are based on analysis and
interpretation of dairy cow and heifer and beef cow and heifer figures, census of 1920 and of dairy cow and
heifer, beef cow and heifer, and cows milked, preliminary reports, census of 1925.
1 1920 and subsequently reported as "Cows and heifers 2 years old and over kept for milk." "Heifers
1 to 2 years old being kept for milk cows" reported separately as follows: 1920, 4,418,000; 1921, 4,155,000;
1922, 4,023,000; 1923, 4,147,000; 1924, 4,137,000; 1925, 4,234,000; and 1926, 3,861,000.
2 Not reported separately, 1920-1926.
3 Not reported separately. Figures obtained by subtracting " Cows and heifers 2 years old and over kept
for milk" from total.
Table 2.—Estimated total number of cattle (on farms and otherwise) in United
States, 1850-1925
[The estimates are made by adjustment of the census figures to a January 1 basis and to include all ages
and all animals in towns, villages, and ranges as well as on farms. The estimates of the department
have been used to obtain the fluctuations between census years. A method is used by means of which
the ratio of the estimates in successive years for 10 years a'er each census is multiplied by a constant
factor so as to make the tenth year agree with the next census. The estimates for dairy cattle have been
obtained from those for milk cows by multiplying by 1.572—the ratio of total dairy cattle to milk cows
2 years old and over in the census of 1920—this being the first census in which dairy cattle of all ages were
separated from beef cattle. The estimates for beef cattle are simply the differences between the esti
mates for total cattle and dairy cattle. The term dairy cattle, resting as it does on the old census term
" Milch cows" from 1850 to 1890, probably does not mean quite the same thing throughout. There has
probably been a much greater increase in the amount of strictly dairy blood than indicated]
Cattle Cattle
Jan. 1—
Dairy Beef Total Dairy Beef
100,000 14,400,000 24, 500, 000 26, 800, 000 39, 700, 000
500,000 18, 900, 000 32, 400, 000 26, 500, 000 38, 700, 000
000,000 12, 600, 000 24, 600, 000 1898. 26, 400, 000 38, 000, 000
400, 000 13,600,000 26, 000, 000 1899. 26, 800, 000 37, 100, 000
000,000 14, 800, 000 27, 800, 000 1900. 27, 400, 000 37, 500, 000
000,000 20,000,000 34,000,000 1901. 26, 800, 000 37, 700, 000
100,000 21, 000, 000 35, 100, 000 1902. 26, 100, 000 36, 400, 000
700,000 21, 100, 000 35, 800, 000 1903. 26, 300, 000 35, 600, 000
400,000 20, 900, 000 36, 300, 000 1904. 26, 400, 000 33, 800, 000
800,000 20,500,000 36, 300, 000 1905. 26,200,000 33, 300,000
300,000 20, 400, 000 36, 700, 000 1906. 29, 100, 000 34, 800, 000
900,000 20, 800, 000 37, 700, 000 1907. 30, 300, 000 37, 900, 000
400,000 22, 200, 000 39, 600, 000 1908. 30, 100, 000 35, 900, 000
700,000 23, 800, 000 41, 500, 000 1909. 30, 400, 000 34, 400, 000
900, 000 26,400,000 45, 300, 000 1910. 30, 000, 000 32, 000, 000
500,000 25, 900, 000 45, 400, 000 1911. 30, 200, 000 30, 500, 000
100,000 24, 900,000 45, 000, 000 1912. 29, 900, 000 28, 300, 000
500,000 27, 600, 000 48, 100, 000 1913. 29, 400, 000 27, 400, 000
300,000 33, 400, 000 54, 700, 000 1914. 29,600,000 27, 200, 000
900,000 34, 100, 000 56,000,000 1915. 30, 300, 000 28, 300, 000
600,000 34,400,000 57,000,000 1916. 31, 300, 000 30, 900, 000
100,000 35, 700, 000 58,800,000 1917. 32, 300, 000 32, 600, 000
600,000 37, 900, 000 61, 500, 000 1918. 32, 700, 000 35, 100, 000
100,000 38, 300, 000 62, 400, 000 1919. 32, 800, 000 36, 200, 000
900,000 38, 300, 000 63, 200, 000 1920. 32, 900, 000 35, 900, 000
900,000 39, 800, 000 65, 700, 000 1921. 32, 700, 000 34,500,000
100,000 40, 900, 000 67, 000, 000 1922. 33, 400, 000 34, 300, 000
900,000 42, 000, 000 68, 900, 000 1923. 33, 900, 000 35, 000, 000
000,000 40, 500, 000 67, 500, 000 1924. 34, 400, 000 33, 800, 000
100,000 43, 700, 000 70,800,000 1925. 35, 100, 000 31,500,000
300,000 41, 700, 000 69, 000, 000 1926. 34, 315, 000 26, 813, 000
Bureau of Animal Industry.
Table 3.—Purebred 1 cattle on farms, by breeds, 1920
Beef breeds
Total Total
Division and State dairy pure
Aber All
Here Polled Short other bred
deen Devon Gallo
way ford Short Total breeds cattle
Angus horn horn breeds 8
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
New England: ber ber ber ber ber ber ber Number ber Number
Maine 63 1,530 466 442 18 2,519 15,683 18,202
New Hampshire 11 249 888 54 676 28 1, 906 10,750 12, 656
Vermont 28 40 371 272 491 7 1,209 28, 549 29, 758
Massachusetts 112 13 344 717 1,186 18, 807 19,993
Rhode Island 64 4 68 1, 651 1, 719
71 201 138 49 208 10 677 10,284 10,961
Total 285 503 3, 335 841 2,538 63 7,565 85, 724 93,289
1 Registered. The number shown are those reported to the enumerators of the 1920 census as the in
struction accompanying the question specified: "Report the number and breed of any animals on this
farm that are registered." The number shown probably included relatively few of those animals that
were eligible to registry, but not actually registered, and few of those animals that were of pure breeding
but not eligible to registry because records of breeding had not been kept.
s Includes animals reported as purebred, with breed not specified.
33764—27 2

Table 3.— Purebred cattle on farms, by breeds, 1920—Continued

Beef breeds
Total Total
Division and State Aber Polled All dairy pure
deen Devon Gallo Here Short Short other Total breeds cattle
Angus way ford horn horn breeds
Num Num Num Num Num- ' Num Num Num
Middle Atlantic: ber ber ber ber ber ber ber Number ber Number
New York 248 45 23 60 457 1,118 197 2, 148 153, 037 155, 185
12 2 71 8 93 11.538 11. 631
Pennsylvania.. 428 114 24 686 937 3, 676 236 6,10l| 75,189 81,290
Total 688 159 47 748 1, 394 4,865 441 8, 342 239, 764 248, 106
East North Central:
Ohio.. 2, 642 31 3,229 1,542 17, 324 734 25,502| 70,882 96, 384
Indiana 4,807 21 6,615 1, 183 16, 147 736 29,509 21,115 50, 624
Illinois 10, 106 72 94 16, 370 3, 147 39, 093 4, 702 73,584 36,412 109, 996
Michigan 1, 519 25 1,825 1,067 11,712 119 16,267 46,533 62,800
Wisconsin 1,539 38 2,203 3,989 13, 125 1,716 22, 610| 114, 917 137, 527
Total 20, 613 72 209 30, 242 10,928 97,401 8, 007 167. 472,289, 859 457, 331
West North Central:
Minnesota 5,398 12 175 10, 787 2,415 32, 419 4,822 56,028 32,668 88, 696
Iowa 27, 457 286 40, 894 5,475 69,560 7,680 151, 359 20,286 171, 645
Missouri 12, 916 5 1,114 32,609 2, 309 30, 517 4,432 83, 902 19, 037 102, 939
North Dakota 3, 124 3 183 7,089 1,359 14,723 2,543 29, 024 4,797 33, 821
South Dakota 4,788 12 697 21, 663 3, 162 23, 293 3,485 57,100 5,248 62, 348
4,640 10 411 27, 418 3, 420 32, 777 5, 498 74, 174 7, 873 82, 047
4,700 1 2, 457 38, 695 2,348 27,404 5,060 80,665 17.058 97,723
Total 63,023 50 5, 323 179, 155 20, 488 230, 693 33, 520 532, 252 106, 967 639, 219
South Atlantic:
Delaware 1 15 16 1,691 1,707
Maryland 135 1 1 106 243 414 20 920 8,668 9,588
District of Columbia. 186 186
Virginia 1, 121 62 2,135 380 4, 289 204 8,191 9,586 17, 777
West Virginia 1,962 37 4, 118 80 1,709 129 8,035 4, 450 12, 485
North Carolina 786 176 5 933 156 732 297 3,085 7,697 10, 782
South Carolina 328 2 862 36 103 349 1,680 5,184 6,864
Georgia 497 31 35 1, 799 226 1,293 516 4, 397 8,727 13, 124
Florida 577 1 687 9 96 38 1.408 2.930 4,338
Total 5,407 209 142 10, 640 1, 130 8,651 1,553 27,732| 49,119 76, 851
East South Central:
Kentucky 1,706 17 4,375 353 3,536 877 10. 864 8. 829 19, 693
Tennessee 3, 799 5 37 4,084 1,334 3,286 774 13, 319 11, 347 24, 666
883 22 1 1,524 379 1,508 208 4,525 6,108 10,633
Mississippi 2,072 42 4 2,640 315 1,580 981 7,634 8, 367 16,001
Total 8,460 86 42 12,623 2, 381 9,910 2,840 36, 342 34,651 70,993
West South Central:
Arkansas 893 60 61 1,726 1,388 2,128 280 6,536 6, 950 13,486
Louisiana 313 4 1,340 226 840 360 3,083 3, 415 6,498
Oklahoma 1,876 319 12, 133 1,217 22, 019 1, 149 38, 713 9,539 48, 252
2,605 22 530 70, 021 5,944 4, 371 6,250 89, 743 23,364 113, 107
Total 5,687 86 910 85,220 8, 775 29,358 8,039 138, 075 43,268 181, 343
Montana 927 27 198 10,699 1,291 5,621 780 19,543 3, 451 22,994
Idaho 295 1 27 5,464 2,540 6,298 613 15,238 4, 138 19, 376
Wyoming 115 3 5 11, 845 392 1,305 2, 794 16, 459 1,071 17, 530
Colorado 615 75 211 17, 270 1, 166 6,989 836 27, 162 6,448 33, 610
111 7 14,563 517 434 1,768 17,400 1, 327 18, 727
Arizona 5,023 117 224 319 5,683 2, 772 8, 455
Utah 62 5 19 5,978 2,707 2,007 156 10,934 2,922 13, 856
Nevada 15 | 8 2,422 682 617 25 3,769 405 4,174
Total 2,140 111 475 73,264 9, 412 23,495 7, 291 116, 188 22,534 138, 722
Washington 263 17 935 1,008 3, 281 336 5,840! 12,720 18,560
Oregon 776 13 13 4,182 2,307 3,758 811 11,8601 12,852 24, 712
1, 182 124 47 5,238 3,100 3,045 508 13,244 19,144 32, 388
2,221 137 77 10, 355 6,415 10,084 1, 655 30,944 44,716 75,660
United States 108, 524 1, 413! 7, 225 405, 582 61,764 416, 995 63, 409 1, 981, 514
1, 064, 912j916, 602
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Fourteenth Census of the United
States, Agriculture, Vol. VI, pt. 2, p. 60.
Table 4.—Cattle: Number in important beef exporting countries
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]

United Argen Brazil, Austra Canada, Uruguay, New Zea Nether

Year States,1 tina,2 Septem lia,2 land,
January January ber January June j AprTl January May- June
Pre-war average 3 58, 700 * 25, 900 30, 700 11,500 6, 600 ••» 8, 200 2, 000 5.85 2,2, 100
1923. 66, 200 5 37, 100 3.?34, 300 14, 300 9,9,200
500 L 5 8, 400
3, 500
1924.... 64, 500 13, 400 3,600
1925 62, 200 9,300 3,500
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources and International
Institute of Agriculture except as otherwise stated. Figures published as available in Foreign Crops and
1 Revised estimates of Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates, 1921-1925. These figures are made on
the basis of census figures of 1920 and 1925, of annual assessment data and other information. The estimates
prepared in the Bureau of Animal Industry by adjustment of the census figures to a January 1 basis and
including all animals in towns and villages as well as on farms and ranges are as follows: Average, 58,900,000;
1923, 68,900,000; 1924, 68,200,000; 1925, 66,600,000.
2 Countries reporting in December have been considered as of January of year following.
> Average for five years immediately preceding war, if available, otherwise for any year within this period,
except as otherwise stated.
4 Census June, 1914.
!t Censusa
r 1920.
e 1921.
Table 5.—Cattle: Number in specified beef importing countries of Europe 1
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]
Republic of France,2 United Republic of Belgium,2
Year Germany,2 January Kingdom, Austria,2 January
January June January
Pre-war average 3 18, 474 15, 338 • 11, 933
11,999 » 2, 356 1,925
15, 576 < 2, 162 1, 517
1924 ... 6 16,
16, 316
391 13, 749 1 12, 081 1,603
1925-. 17, 326 14, 025 5 12, 037 1,628
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources and International-
Institute of Agriculture, except as otherwise stated. Figures published as available in Foreign Crops and
1 In addition to these countries, Italy now imports considerable quantities of frozen beef, but as no
slaughter or meat statistics are available it has not been included in this table.
2 Countries reporting in December have been considered as of January of the year following.
5 Average for five years immediately preceding war, if available, otherwise for any year within this period4
except as otherwise stated.
* Census.
' Excluding Channel Islands which in 1922 had 16.244 cattle.
• No estimate was made as of December, 1923, which estimate would have been considered as of January,
1924, as explained in footnote 2 so the estimate for October, 1923, is given here.
Table 6.—Cattle: Tick eradication, progress and status of the ivork, December 10,

Counties quaran Cattle dipped, year

Released Counties ended
tined counties released June 30, 1925 «
State tick free to
July 1, Dec. 10, Nov.
'T Dec. 10,
1925 Herds Cattle
1906 1925
Number Number Number Number Number Number
Missouri .. 4 0 4 4
Virginia 31 4 25 27
73 0 65 73 93, 583 289, 476
46 2 40 44 107,830 552, 606
158 0 149 158 83,071 1, 114, 142
Florida 66 54 7 12 197, 829 1, 538, 290
Kentucky 2 0 2 2
42 0 42 42 1,294 3,679
67 5 49 62 411,020 2, 543, 502
Mississippi . . 82 23 47 59 62,920 707, 111
75 34 31 41 175, 043 850,994
Louisiana. 64 41 4 23 131, 797 2, 369,972
61 4 52 57 38, 770 400,689
198 94 69 104 483,329 13, 709, 457
California 15 0 15 15
Total 984 261 601 723 1, 786, 486 24,079,918
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Rearranged from reports of the Bureau of Animal
Areas released from Federal quarantine December 10, 1925: Alabama, 2 counties and 1 part of county;
Arkansas, 2 counties and 2 parts of counties; Florida, 6 counties and 4 parts of counties; North Carolina,
7 counties; and Oklahoma, 1 county and 2 parts of counties. (The entire State of North Carolina is now
Areas requarantined December 10, 1925: Alabama, 1 part of county; Louisiana, 3 parishes and 1 part of
parish; and Texas, 4 parts of counties.
1 Approximately 25,000 dipping vats used for these official dippings.
Table 7.—Cattle: 1 Tuberculin testing under accredited herd and area plans,

Cattle tested Under supervision

Reactors found Herds Herds
Year ended accred passed
June 30 Accred ited 1 test
ited-herd Area plan Total Per Herds Cattle
plan centage
Total of cattle
Number Number Number Number Per cent Number Number Number Number
1917 20, 101 20, 101 645 3.2
1918 134, 143 134, 143 6,544 4.9 204 883
1919 329, 878 329, 878 13,528 4.1 782 6,535
1920 700, 670 700, 670 28, 709 4.1 3, 370 16,599
1921 1, 366, 358 1, 366, 358 53, 768 3.9 8, 201 49, 814 71,806 1, 195, 797
1922 1, 722, 209 » 662, 027 2, 384, 236 82, 569 3.5 16, 216 161, 533 212, 182 2, 616, 395
1923 1, 695, 662 1, 765, 187 3, 460,849 113,844 3.3 28, 526 312, 281 400,097 4,449,722
1924 1, 865, 863 3, 446, 501 5, 312, 364 171, 559 3.2 48, 273 529, 018 705, 906 7, 374, 093
1925 2, 008, 526 4, 991, 502 7,000,028 214, 491 3. 1 72, 383 921, 758 1, 120, 526 11,392,381
Total... 9, 843, 410 10, 865, 217 20, 708, 627 685, 657 3.3
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Rearranged from reports of the Bureau of Animal
1 Includes both dairy and beef breeds.
1 Testing during 6 months.

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1.4 1.50 1.4 .4 1.e .04.0 0.0 0.4 1.0 1.1 .50 .50 0.0 .0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.1 1.0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0
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Table 10.—Cattle and calves: Receipts at principal markets and all markets,
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]
All j Total
Chi Den East Fort Kansas South South other all
Year cago ver St. Worth City Omaha Sioux
City St. St. Total markets markets
Louis Joseph Paul report-
ing 1 report
ing i

1866— 393 393

1867... 329
1868... 325 325
1869... 403 403
1870— 533 533
1871... 543 543
1872... 684 684
1873... 761 761
1874... 844 234 1,078
1875... 921 232 1, 153
1876... 1, 097 235 1,332
1877... 1,033 323 1,356
1878... 1,083 3)8 1,401
1879— 1,216 333 1, 549
1880... 1,382 347 I, 729
1881... 1,547 407 2,240
1882... 1,607 356 440 2, 403
1883... 1,909 333 401 2,703
1884... 1, 870 391 534 2,884
1885... 1,964 312 507 117 2,900
1886... 2,015 54 307 491 149 3, 016
1887... 2,448 38 388 669 239 3,782
2, 708 106 454 1,056 350 55 34 4, 769
1889.. 3, 146 177 396 1,220 473 105 69 5,586
3, 659 511 1,549 615 107 99 6, 714
1891.. 3, 456
141 630 1,347 .I 001 151 143 6, 469
1892.. 3, 769 143 653 1,571 755 136 86 7,113
1893.. 3,344 155 750 1,747 852 131 39 114 7, 138
1894.. 3, 135 148 r,rLi 1,773 833 ne 62 78 O, 791
1895.. 2, 757 186 733 1, 690 586 no 49 93 6,204
1896.. 2, 739 202 792 1,815 587 142 39 98 6,414
1897.. 2,678 249 788 1,922 811 291 60 199 6,991
2,614 288 084 1,846 812 301 232 210 6,993
1899.. 2,651 283 6S4 2,017 838 347 295 221 7, 336
1900.. 2,865 240 698 2,083 828 300 390 221 7,625
1901.. 3, 213 227 892 2,127 818 309 439 190 8,215
1902.. 3, 193 324 1,113 132 2, 279 1, 011 405 517 306 9,280
1903.. 3,704 286 1, 140 447 2,137 1,071 379 025 303 10,092
1904.. 3,527 265 1,074 643 2, 163 944 331 587 389 9, 923
1905.. 3,791 294 1,124 812 2,423 1,026 403 547 489 10,909
1906- 3,742 329 ! 1, 121 838 2,556 1,079 385 006 487 11, 143
1907.. 3,727 307 1, 133 1,022 2, 670 1, 159 410 010 520 11,564
1908.. 3, 461 420 1,145 1,069 2, 458 1,037 385 584 463 11, 022
1909.. 3,340 426 1,241 1, 197 2,660 1, 125 420 592 497 11,504
1910.. 3, 553 399 1,208 1, 071 2, 507 1, 224 439 505 604 11, 570
1911- 3, 453 298 1, 072 884 2, 370 1, 174 487 513 539 10, 790
1912.. 3,158 416 1,200 1,039 2, 147 1,017 431 494 524 10, 426
1913.. 2,888 499 1, 100 1, 185 2,319 962 394 450 I 532 10,329
1914.. 2,601 443 1,041 1, 176 1,957 939 368 356 585 9,466
1915- 2, 685 424 992 944 1,963 1, 218 534 441 856 10, 057 4, 496 "li, 553
1916- 3, 250 601 1,200 1,081 2, 331 1, 434 602 480 941 II, 920 5, 756 17, 676
1917- 3,820 653 1,405 1,960 2, 902 1,720 707 670 1, 197 15, 034 8,032 23,066
1918- 4, 448 728 1,509 1,665 3, 320 1, 993 818 870 1,430 16, 781 8, 514 25, 295
1919- 4, 253 824 1,473 1,267 3, 085 1,975 814 750 1, 491 15, 932 8,691 24, 623
1920- 3,849 617 1,254 1,134 2,500 1,603 752 643 1,373 13, 725 8, 472 22, 197
1921- 3,540» 482 1,077 984 2, 469 1,435 020 558 985 12, 150 7,637 19, 787
1922.. 3,934 656 1,400 1,084 2,983 1,744 747 655 1,387 14, 590 8,627 23,217
1923- 3,918 620 1,399 1,258 3,208 1,793 759 709 1,349 15,013 9, 198 23,211
1924.. 3,997 630 1,385 1,392 3, 043 1,863 836 720 1,323 15, 189 8,506 23, 695
1925- 3, 871 587 1,444 1,370 2,958 1,709 897 734 1,636 15, 206 8,861 24, 067
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prior to 1915 receipts compiled from yearbooks of stock
yard companies: subsequent figures compiled from data of the reporting service of the Division of Live
stock, Meats, and Wool. Figures for individual markets available in January issues of Crops and Markets
i Figures not available prior to 1915.

Table 11.—Cattle and calves: Shipments from principal markets and all markets,
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]

All Total
Chi Den East St. Worth
Fort i Kansas Sioux South South other all
Year cago ver 1 Louis City i Omaha St. St.
City Joseph Paul Total markets markets
ingi report
ing i

1866 264 264

1867 204 204
1868 216 216
1869 295 295
1870 392 392
1871 402 402
1872 510 510
1873 574 574
1874 623 623
1875 697 697
1876 798 178 976
1877 703 226 929
1878 699 231 930
1879 727 201 928
1880 887 222 1,109
1881 972 287 1, 259
1882 931 248 1,179
1883 979 261 1,240
1884 823 305 83 1,211
1885 778 207 83 1,068
1886 723 198 75 996
1887 807 271 155 1,233
1888 992 329 212 32 24 1,589
1889 1,296 248 227 69 45 1,885
1890 1, 322 319 290 132 80 2, 143
1891 1,115 415 270 88 127 2,015
1892 1, 153 408 287 103 67 2,018
1893 914 402 307 94 19 97 1,833
1894 963 243 321 93 27 68 1, 715
1895 795 223 275 79 21 74 1, 467
1896 825 239 241 91 15 79 1, 490
1897 855 243 355 201 38 173 1,865
1898 893 188 322 224 74 163 1,864
1899 830 178 288 239 73 172 1,780
1900 949 166 274 187 92 154 1,822
1901 1,051 224 239 189 82 126 1,911
1902 937 316 365 283 112 230 2,243
1903 1, 296 318 301 279 174 212 2,580
1904 1, 350 308 261 230 140 275 2,564
1905 1,437 359 315 237 133 352 2,833
1906 1,376 365 303 210 143 353 2,750
1907 1, 477 371 362 227 150 379 2,966
1908 1,387 347 330 213 178 302 2,757
1909 1, 297 374 374 232 185 322 2,784
1910 1,347 370 425 213 161 369 2, 885
1911 1,245 309 446 249 157 318 2,724
1912 994 315 418 240 158 293 2,418
1913 1, 001 344 432 228 157 322 2,484
1914 824 306 394 197 124 328 2, 173
1915 392 359 269 506 1,032 536 289 175 523 4,081 1,771 5,852
1916 726 512 313 511 1,028 591 369 149 556 4, 755 2,198 6,953
1917 867 521 317 838 1,202 723 410 211 723 5, 812 3,661 9,473
1918 1,025 544 370 562 1,422 855 432 299 896 6, 405 3,906 10, 311
1919 1, 221 642 454 475 1,467 840 459 220 935 6, 713 4,044 10,757
1020 1,247 471 510 544 1,200 680 410 234 634 5,048 3,883 9,831
1921 1, 163 360 611 412 1,244 635 346 188 391 5,350 3,250 8,600
1922 1, 137 532 871 467 1,534 829 447 251 609 6, 677 3,988 10,665
1923 1,105 490 855 463 1,599 794 417 265 496 6,484 3,576 10,060
1924 . 1, 107 471 841 420 1,440 759 435 250 396 6,119 3, 572 9,691
1925 1, 002 412 894 383 1,289 630 411 206 482 5, 709 3, 729 9,438
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prior to 1915 figures compiled from yearbooks of stock
yard companies, except East St. Louis (1876 to 1896 from the Fourteenth Annual Report of Bureau of
Animal Industry; 1897 to 1914, from Merchants Exchange Annual Report); subsequent figures from data
of the reporting service of the Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool. Figures for individual markets
available in January issues of Crops and Markets Supplement.
1 Figures not available prior to 1915.
Table 12.—Cattle and calves: Monthly receipts, stocker and feeder shipments and
total shipments from all public stockyards, 1915-1925 1
[In thousands—i. e. 000 omitted]

b0: 5u u
(>»t. 1
Movement and year
Ja-uOJ 3 ■9
Man Ao-i: 0eo*ta XIOc*o<S» a Dece To*a
Feb- July Nov(
M- Ju-- <
1,029 768 1,017 987 1,111 1,113 1,039 1,246 1, 531 1,818 1, 724 1,170 14, 553
1,202 1, 055 1,201 1,151 1, 385 1, 319 1,154 1,584 1, 779 2,409 1, 977 1, 460 17, 676
1917 1,696 1,302 1, 330 1, 539 1, 961 1, 759 1,729 1, 814 2,357 3,054 2,626 1,899 23, 06G
1918 1, 727 1, 498 1,713 2,046 1,863 1,815 2,128 2,024 2,826 2,865 2,648 2, 142 25,295
1919 2,119 1, 453 1, 517 1, 767 1, 836 1,588 2,016 2,039 2,396 3,008 2,702 2,182 24, 623
1920- - 1,881 1, 480 1,663 1, 557 1,778 1, 879 1, 671 1,962 2, 294 2,209 2,428 1, 395 22, 197
1921 1,644 1, 190 1,566 1,494 1, 542 1,580 1,343 1,867 1,906 2,310 1,928 1,417 19, 787
1922 1,628 1,417 1, 622 1, 470 1,878 1, 759 1,709 2,149 2,397 2,936 2,427 1,825 23,217
1923. 1,877 1,427 1,502 1,670 1,900 1, 629 1,903 2,214 2,295 2,802 2,182 1, 810 23, 211
1924 1,888 1,457 1,556 1, 751 1,890 1, 673 1,798 1, 934 2,566 2,736 2,363 2,083 23, 695
1925 1, 869 1, 530 1, 860 1, 826 1,737 1,746 1, 970 2,245 2,157 2,789 2,282 2,056 24, 067
Stocker and feeder
1916.. 221 197 250 262 289 264 171 330 464 682 461 256 3,847
1917 260 213 249 306 401 353 262 330 588 708 729 344 4, 803
1918.. 222 214 319 385 491 393 274 418 604 704 623 366 5,013
1919 364 264 277 391 442 272 236 397 611 839 723 470 5,286
349 240 241 244 323 272 218 314 488 580 553 280 4, 102
1921 205 166 236 238 214 209 122 355 395 622 497 245 3,504
1922 233 243 282 235 359 259 223 469 630 864 710 357 4, 864
1923 281 210 199 233 300 234 223 480 631 785 624 353 4, 553
1924 243 170 174 239 275 201 169 306 580 763 549 309 3, 976
1925 207 176 230 271 216 154 243 360 427 717 489 333 3, 823
Total shipments:
1915 390 258 315 334 385 376 333 459 752 962 821 467 5,852
1916 406 358 428 437 528 510 376 788 1, 134 843 525 6, 952
1917. 568 466 403 560 700 716 605 619707 1, 006 1, 427 1,273 782 0,473
1918 595 524 681 775 790 764 686 860 1,246 1,337 1,255 798 10,311
1919 772 537 585 711 801 624 717 911 1, 166 1, 553 1, 398 982 10, 757
1920 767 603 582 605 784 799 734 880 1,087 1, 172 1, 165 653 9, 831
1921 609 465 600 612 597 593 493 846 911 1, 194 997 683 8,600
1922 673 586 632 562 780 701 669 1,035 1,265 1, 570 1,345 847 10, 665
1923 756 560 554 573 716 642 747 1, 056 1, 156 1,382 1, 130 788 10,060
1924 716 540 549 627 745 631 641 826 1, 166 1,339 1, 095 816 9,691
1925. 708 555 645 665 602 534 707 886) 938 1, 348 1,017 833 9,438
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement,
1 Complete information for 1915 and 1916, particularly on disposition of stock is not obtainable from many
of these markets.
Table 13.—Cattle and calves: Receipts at Chicago, East St. Louis, Kansas City
and Omaha, combined by months, 1900-1925
[In thousands—i. e. 000 omitted]
Jan Feb Au Sep Oc vem No De
Year uary ruary March April May June July gust tem cem
ber tober ber ber
1909-1913... 647 499 544 505 532 559 607 769 886 980 757 638
1914-1920... 724 565 603 583 590 603 678 785 988 1, 102 969 770
1921-1925... 778 608 691 664 725 710 756 953 1,051 1, 203 919 777
1900 496 420 460 445 532 436 491 646 688 786 615 461
1901 531 451 433 510 511 489 722 695 764 836 581 525
1902 568 471 477 472 408 495 628 737 994 941 721 686
1903 607 520 554 592 522 540 656 755 962 963 761 618
1904 631 568 594 545 524 619 352 668 827 970 826 585
1905. 619 496 565 548 619 597 613 815 904 1,068 824 695
1906 715 576 555 574 660 591 687 733 833 1, 057 827 691
1907 786 585 571 701 605 631 748 788 1, 015 1,031 634 596
1908 695 555 592 496 496 571 605 796 950 913 775 657
1909 628 491 593 489 558 558 610 810 879 982 914 753
1910 641 515 590 498 553 630 662 915 995 1,040 834 617
1911 700 516 555 498 612 620 680 764 766 1,044 757 555
1912 660 '486 502 515 484 462 516 667 868 1, 010 674 676
1913 606 486 481 523 452 525 568 688 923 824 606 588
1914 526 446 482 446 405 473 457 566 785 813 558 581
1915 518 377 523 465 461 474 462 611 730 834 798 605
1916 606 534 558 452 558 530 535 807 861 1,146 915 716
1917 807 567 533 600 708 701 773 808 1, 029 1,309 1, 148 864
1918 763 709 779 881 688 705 967 911 1,347 1,1,320
362 1 1, 167 1,032
1919 998 682 646 706 668 641 881 926 1, 131 1, 169 976
1920 847 642 698 532 642 696 669 868 1,032 932 1,029 618
1921 744 520 679 608 625 675 542 863 866 1,019 795 585
1922 717 617 682 577 748 750 719 981 1,096 1,338 1, 045 789
1923 833 641 652 720 793 692 856 1, 082 1,116 1, 263 892 780
1924 826 641 675 722 784 717 791 857 1,204 1, 222 939 908
1925 768 623 767 692 676 715 870 980 974 1, 172 922 822
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Figures prior to 1915 compiled from yearbooks of stock
yard companies; subsequent figures compiled from data of the reporting service of the Division of Livestock,
Meats, and Wool. Figures for individual markets available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
Table 14.—Cattle and calves: Monthly receipts at six specified markets, 1900-1925
[In thousands—i. e, 000 omitted]
Year Jan Feb Au Sep Oc No De
uary ruary March April May June July gust tem ber tober
1904-1908... 332 274 279 295 291 280 253 293 326 376 337 314
1909-1913. .. 303 234 262 259 265 248 246 266 260 323 304 289
1914-1920— 311 253 268 274 280 264 262 265 319 367 359 335
1921-1925... 347 275 315 309 326 302 284 299 314 389 353 340
1900. .- 233 199 217 228 264 211 229 257 250 283 262 231
260 212 217 276 277 241 304 292 315 314 244 261
1902 288 245 252 247 217 228 238 252 318 328 268 314
1903 289 250 283 317 262 331 311 316 365 364 320 296
1904 306 279 285 282 276 300 167 291 299 383 360 299
1905 337 274 298 291 316 279 265 324 345 384 341 337
1906— 327 262 258 293 326 277 29S 302 327 395 355 322
1907 348 274 259 345 310 274 299 269 356 402 291 301
1908 341 281 295 263 229 271 235 281 301 316 336 312
1909 -. 301 228 273 227 252 226 224 266 215 327 361 340
1910... 293 252 272 254 266 288 281 338 318 367 347 277
1911 — 328 242 269 253 312 266 283 286 259 359 326 270
1912. 323 245 271 289 268 220 225 236 248 299 252 283
1913 270 204 227 274 226 240 215 202 259 262 234 277
1914 241 218 232 235 205 217 191 210 236 247 130 239
1915 216 153 223 220 221 227 201 227 230 227 272 267
1916 - 259 231 240 223 270 225 212 267 283 368 356 316
1917 360 247 228 280 315 261 247 269 359 472 421 362
1918. 297 325 370 397 315 308 368 300 434 462 442 429
1919 421 302 282 319 309 300 346 282 342 464 453 433
1920 382 295 302 243 326 308 270 301 351 329 441 301
1921 353 243 315 300 284 313 225 282 298 333 321 273
1922 330 275 324 281 353 332 283 307 319 407 391 332
1923 340 278 294 335 356 286 315 319 319 411 331 335
1924 360 296 308 316 329 291 318 280 324 398 369 408
1925 352 282 332 313 309 287 278 308 309 398 353 351
Table 14.—Cattle and calves: Monthly receipts at six specified markets, 1900-
[In thousands—i. e. 000 omitted]
Jan Feb Au Sep tober
Oc No De
vem cem
Year uary ruary March April May June July gust tem ber ber ber ber
1904-1908. .. 79 64 58 56 73 109 105 126 136 134 102 77
1909-1913... 82 58 56 48 64 101 112 127 153 153 115 96
1914-1920. .. 99 70 70 62 73 99 116 125 149 159 133 115
1921-1925. - 89 67 73 72 93 103 119 148 157 173 135 111
1900 55 49 51 33 44 46 61 74 82 86 67 51
1901... 58 47 44 43 49 71 115 95 105 116 76 73
1902 68- 64 54 57 57 97 120 118 148 134 102 93
1903 81 61 58 55 77 70 127 131 153 140 103 82
1904 79 79 69 52 65 128 64 104 125 125 109 76
1905 70 59 58 63 85 99 100 125 129 145 106 84
1906 85 59 52 57 82 89 113 117 129 149 109 80
1907 91 68 58 62 64 94 128 144 153 127 78 66
1908 69 56 53 48 71 135 121 139 142 124 109 78
1909 69 57 65 51 63 93 130 138 163 152 138 121
1910 93 55 64 48 71 115 111 143 168 151 110 79
1911 77 54 51 49 74 114 109 104 117 151 99 73
1912... 77 52 44 44 55 86 96 130 168 180 140 124
1913 93 71 54 49 58 97 114 118 147 130 87 81
1914 67 50 50 46 57 95 97 106 140 140 90 102
1915 77 57 61 42 54 67 88 105 112 120 110 99
1916 76 60 64 44 64 94 98 131 140 158 150 123
1917 118 78 64 60 89 123 123 123 158 202 145 123
1918 107 85 79 98 84 113 155 136 191 182 145 135
1919 144 76 83 90 90 85 139 139 151 178 156 142
1920 102 81 87 55 70 114 114 134 151 132 132 81
1921 87 54 64 59 70 87 78 121 114 130 125 88
1922 85 66 72 56 92 114 106 158 175 207 154 114
1923 99 72 73 75 98 94 139 162 165 197 125 99
1924 92 69 69 87 102 103 126 132 179 171 133 120
1925 83 74 87 85 103 118 148 165 152 159 138 132
1914-1920— 89 63 73 105 124 117 128 110 126 143 141 100
1921-1925— 75 50 58 71 101 100 118 139 130 139 133 103
1911 79 57 55 58 64 70 64 83 85 101 100 69
1912 65 50 51 95 121 97 70 97 104 103 105 80
1913 77 64 85 138 129 106 94 .90 103 104 111 84
1914 103 89 89 90 97 96 81 63 97 126 134 113
1915 71 61 56 64 95 96 91 60 80 93 113 64
1916 49 42 58 99 102 101 82 90 93 128 137 100
1917 100 78 93 141 219 157 173 182 222 247 210 138
1918 127 79 95 143 119 124 182 155 185 184 145 127
1919 108 38 60 108 116 99 149 113 104 129 139 104
1920 67 51 60 88 121 146 137 104 104 95 107 53
1921 60 35 43 54 79 76 87 132 121 131 111 56
1922 59 46 65 56 83 76 84 109 132 157 129 88
79 43 44 62 120 114 141 164 122 162 121 86
86 54 51 82 140 104 133 136 156 126 172 151
1925 91 70 89 101 85 130 147 155 117 117 133 135
1904-1908... 192 146 153 144 139 141 185 259 323 358 240 175
1909-1913... 173 130 141 127 130 151 189 270 329 351 240 170
1914-1920... 183 140 148 138 137 151 213 269 331 368 309 193
1921-1925— 200 152 168 155 174 178 239 356 390 423 290 206
1900 150 122 138 124 142 115 144 227 257 313 222 129
1901 158 140 118 130 113 130 249 235 254 297 172 129
1902 138 101 107 101 83 123 214 271 373 331 247 191
1903 160 133 129 133 108 37 154 232 322 322 237 170
1904 170 143 145 121 115 134 91 212 295 341 255 142
1905 142 107 132 124 142 143 181 278 314 391 275 195
1906 221 174 160 157 160 156 207 235 274 370 242 199
1907 235 163 166 189 142 174 251 285 366 348 193 160
1908 191 145 164 127 137 99 193 283 367 340 235 178
1909 171 143 170 141 161 177 196 303 354 355 292 199
1910 172 127 158 122 141 163 196 291 335 358 267 176
1911 196 139 142 128 142 168 213 245 262 372 231 132
1912 165 110 107 115 102 112 147 218 322 363 202 184
1913 159 132 128 130 106 133 194 291 374 309 206 157
1914 135 110 124 99 87 106 128 175 272 302 263 155
1915 144 97 136 113 102 100 118 186 241 314 272 139
Table 14.—Cattle and calves: Monthly receipts at six specified markets, 1900-
[In thousands—i. e. 000 omitted]
Jan Feb Au Sep Oc vemNo De
Year uary ruary March April May June July gust tem cem
ber tober ber ber
1916 149 132 131 109 134 137 164 287 285 394 256 153
1917 182 141 132 153 177 210 314 283 328 385 360 237
1918 207 165 179 203 160 165 309 317 477 464 379 295
1919 268 180 160 191 162 160 250 323 380 435 341 235
1920. 196 157 171 98 137 177 206 315 336 279 293 135
1921 168 125 170 141 167 153 155 310 309 387 234 150
1922 188 160 157 131 158 165 213 357 406 481 351 216
1923 236 171 156 161 191 182 284 454 432 437 288 217
1924 210 146 149 173 201 192 220 303 480 423 300 246
1925 196 160 209 170 154 197 324 358 321 389 279 201
1904-1908... 87 71 86 78 77 71 68 82 121 140 98 79
1909-1913... 90 77 85 70 72 59 60 107 145 153 99 83
1914-1920... 131 102 117 109 100 90 87 126 188 209 168 127
1921-1925... 142 114 135 127 132 127 113 149 191 217 140 120
1900 58 50 54 60 82 64 57 88 99 104 64 50
1901 66 62 64 61 72 47 54 73 90 109 89 62
1902 74 61 64 67 51 47 56 96 155 148 104 88
1903 77 76 84 87 75 102 64 76 122 137 101 70
1904 76 67 95 90 68 57 30 61 108 121 102 68
1905 70 56 77 70 76 76 67 88 116 148 102 79
1906 82 81 86 67 92 69 69 79 103 143 121 90
1907 112 80 88 105 89 89 70 90 140 154 72 69
1908 94 73 80 58 59 66 56 93 140 133 95 89
1909 87 63 86 70 82 62 60 103 147 148 123 93
1910 83 81 96 74 75 64 74 143 174 164 110 85
1911 99 81 93 68 84 72 75 129 129 162 101 80
1912 95 79 80 67 59 44 48 83 130 168 80 85
1913 84 79 72 70 62 55 45 77 143 123 79 73
1914 83 68 76 66 56 55 41 75 137 124 75 85
1915 81 70 103 90 84 80 55 93 147 173 144 100
1916 122 111 123 76 90 74 61 122 153 226 153 124
1917 147 101 109 107 127 107 89 133 184 250 222 142
1918 152 134 151 183 129 119 135 158 245 212 201 173
1919 165 124 121 106 107 96 146 182 258 285 219 166
1920 167 109 138 136 109 97 79 118 194 192 163 101
1921 136 98 130 107 .104 122 84 150 145 169 115 74
1922 114 116 129 109 145 139 117 159 196 243 149 127
1923 158 120 129 149 148 130 118 147 200 218 148 129
1924 164 130 149 146 152 131 127 142 221 230 137 134
1925 137 107 139 124 110 113 120 149 192 226 152 138
1909-1913... 27 25 40 35 33 34 34 53 76 96 59 27
1914-1920... 64 56 75 70 67 62 83 101 141 173 151 82
1921-1925... 89 77 100 93 99 90 101 119 128 178 153 109
1907 20 16 24 25 20 17 21 38 118 140 61 18
1008 10 19 36 20 23 24 20 60 67 77 67 23
1909 27 21 38 28 28 23 24 38 79 97 74 20
1910. 21 17 43 30 33 43 45 75 97 115 62 23
1911 28 31 41 33 34 35 32 56 68 105 53 22
1912 27 25 34 41 35 34 35 58 72 79 50 34
1913 31 32 45 41 34 36 34 37 65 83 57 37
1914 34 33 49 40 38 36 35 47 75 90 61 46
1915 38 33 55 50 45 46 59 88 122 144 118 56
1916 47 52 74 56 65 55 57 92 116 167 102 58
1917 68 58 70 67 68 58 77 99 162 215 169 86
1918 71 56 83 91 82 77 142 127 183 203 185 131
1919 107 77 83 90 85 71 125 131 162 229 206 126
1920 86 85 109 93 83 89 83 122 164 165 218 74
1921 72 59 89 64 70 71 52 88 88 134 131 67
1922 73 68 98 81 94 99 127 153 147 180 162 106
1923 101 77 91 88 110 89 109 108 145 185. 139 106
1924 97 85 94 105 102 84 102 94 125 157 163 117
1925 100 98 126 126 121 106 116 152 135 236 172 149
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prior to 1915 figures compiled from yearbooks of stock
yard companies; subsequent figures compiled from data of the reporting service of the Division of Livestock,
Meats, and Wool. Current figures available in Crops and Markets supplement, monthly.
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Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925
Chicago Denver East St. Louis Fort Worth
Week ending Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh slaugh slaugh
ceipts ments slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
78, 321 27, 357i 50,964 19, Oil 13, 516
85, 566 29, 062| 56,504 16, 118
91,012 31, 280 59, 732 10,164
75, 609 27, 372 48, 237 10, 376
68, 170 25, 544 42, 6261 10, 187 <
56, 135 23, 086 33, 049| 9, 755
58, 043 20,862 37, 181 9, 608
61, 286 22, 430 38, 8561 8, 193
68, 520 23,415 45, 105 9,658
70, 278 20,410 49,868 6, 348
73, 803 22, 712 51, 091 7,075
62, 652 18, 689 43, 963 5, 589
65, 281 23, 761 41, 5201 5,782
69, 869 22, 714! 47, 155 6, 855
66, 521 22, 906 43, 615 6, 492
77, 288 26, 423 50, 865 13, 860
81, 155 25, 524 55,631 7, 202!
67, 859 20,697 47, 162 6, 948
64, 907 18, 521 46, 386 7,089
65, 590 22, 425! 43, 165 7,074
72, 328 26, 674 45,654 7, 671
52, 633 16, 178 36, 455 5,953
74, 852 21, 124 53, 728 9,"
75, 876 21, 778 54, 097 7,
69, 415 17, 437 51, 978 6, 560
57, 822 18, 056) 39, 766 8, 170
39, 381 12,033 27, 348 4,040
60, 927 15, 4241 45,503 9,117
59, 477 14, 343 45, 134 10, 192
61, 683 13,0841 48,599 12, 636
66, 345 16, 422 49, 923 11,434
59, 320 17, 438| 41,882 9, 811
61, 362 19, 423 41, 939 7,071
57, 580 22, 461 35, 119 7,
54,916 19, 871 35,045 8,655
56,916 17, 5101 39,406 9,082
69, 809 22, 270| 47, 539 8,410
75, 214 22, 957 52, 257 9,773 6, 164 2,843 10, 802
79, 076 25, 3321 53, 744 9,482 7,767 2,272 10, 101
68, 698 20, 858 47,840 14, 379 11,337 1,636 9,781
76, 373 25, 394 50, 979 13, 599 9, 197 2,583 10, 960
86, 147 27, 570 58, 577 20, 271 11, 762 2,594 11, 502
74, 683 25, 068 49, 615 20,954 18,464 2,732 9,696
65, 169 20, 994 44, 175 16, 103 13, 115 1,953 9,050
83, 376 28,094 55, 282 22,546 13, 033 2, 353 9,866
83,492 30, 874 52, 618; 25,200 21, 312 2, 340 8, 928
59, 316 21, 453 37,863 13, 127 14, 934 1,331 6,681
76, 462 28,641 47, 821 17, 470 12, 438 2,252 11, 274
79,000 34, 273 44,727! 11, 481 10, 082 1,006 8,638
83, 017 28, 720 54, 297! 10, 705! 7,996 1, 295 9,596
52, 411 21, 105 31, 306 8,795 5, 884 1, 533; 6,875
37, 927i 14, 398 23, 529 5,904 5,493 1, 349 4, 920
56, 821 19, 171 37, 650 5, 355 3, 042! 2, 005 17, 735 7,891
82, 473 28, 115 54, 358, 8,075 2,921 2, 579 18,328 7, 279!
83, 979 26, 617 57, 362 21, 281 11, 045 2,073 20, 012 7,499
69, 342 23, 958 45,384 4, 140 11, 237 1,788 19, 449 7,439
70, 361 21, 275 49,086 6,602! 3, 171 2,265 17, 785 8, 467
66, 859 21, 263 45, 596 7,509 4,939 1,807 15,544 5, 463
71,754 22, 737 49,017 8,656 5, 095 2,168 16, 951 5,608
68, 720 22, 031 46, 689 8,606 5, 851 2,024 16, 045 5, 108
65, 312 18, 748 46,564 9,038 6,682 2,345 17,239 6, 205|
76, 609 20,583 56, 026 11, 100 8, 989 2, 358 16, 647 6, 160|
79, 188 22, 449 56, 739 8, 778 5,939 2,074 18, 792 6,975
71, 309 19, 039 52, 270 7, 959 4,202 2,500 12, 397 5,8S3 18, 487 4,656 4,639
67,264 16, 932 50, 332 8, 816 5,677 2,461 13, 436 5,201 14,904 5,890 6,325
69, 970 18, 528 51, 442 7,357 5,525 2, 157 12, 341 3, 978 6,791 5, 445 2,621
92, 514 14, 820 77, 694 7,052 4,125 2,280 16, 974 4,776 10, 587 4,523 2,827
68, 175 16,712 51,463 6,691 3,748 2,397 12,150 3, 437 18,606 11,566 3,596
79, 449 19, 439 60, 010 7, 194 4, 117 2,242 14,386 3, 5981 18,029 7,765 4,360
87, 685 20,322 67,363 9,732 7, 402 2,637 18, 456 4, 1 18, 833 10,688 3,434
76,150 18, 791 57, 359 16, 048 9,111 3,054 18, 703 4,598 18,264 11,788 3, 300
71, 789 16, 351 55, 438| 29, 6681 24, 6451 2,399 20,600 7,835 21, 327 18, 132 5,225
76, 394 21, 985 54,409' 21, 104| 20, 694| 3, 019 21, 739 8,646 16, 375 10,076 4,117
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Chicago Denver East St. Louis Fort Worth

Week ending
Re Ship Local Re Ship Slaugh Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
ceipts ments slaugh
ter ceipts ments slaugh Slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
69, 012 15, 211 53,801 13, 411 11, 6801 2,393 17, 315 6,191 6,371 13, 336 9, 196
78, 380 17,012 61,368 8, 758 6, 957 2,748 23, 310| 8,054 10,005 17, 166 7,495
83, 345 18, 016 65,329 14,889 10,664 2,772 29, 627 13, 772 10, 689 20, 589i 6,496
72, 971 19, 798 53,173 12,669 8,941 2,237 27, 163 13, 412 9,822! 18, 230 5,930
71, 737 17, 640 54, 097 8,738 5,3801 2,585 26, 014 13, 439 8, 698 15,091 11, 114
50, 699 11. 523 39, 176 8,412 6, 724 2, 16,863 7,333 7,376 15,350 4,747
77,888 16, 629 61,259 7,057 2,358 3,195 30, 821 14, 245 10, 593 20,534 9,428
74,407 15, 995 58, 412 6,570 3, 177 2, 751 28,108 15, 007 15, 321 21, 073 7, 917
61, 949 14, 367 47, 582 6,041 4,923 l,y37 26, 146 13, 103 14, 721 21, 089 7,681
56, 316 14, 654 41, 662 4,132 1,667 2.000 21, 721 9, 450! 13, 310 21, 796 9,113
67, 738 17, 280 50,458 7,010 4, 270 2,563 40, 525 22, 893' 18,271 27, 088 11. '
64,056 16, 017 48,039 7,575 4,230 2,468 30, 754 16,996 14, 405 24, 025 10, 372
73, 784 18,012 55, 772 10,302 5,561 2,277 40, 111 22, 731 15.312 24,403 10, 783
69, 586 21, 656 47, 930 10, 786 9,146 2,056 34, 917 21,641 14,465 21, 121 7, 182
57, 476 17, 807 39, 669 9,978 7,469 1,636 26, 102 15, 239 11, 893 29,310 9,964
72, 017 21,599 50, 418 10,082 7,591 2,551 38, 278 21, 623 13, 669 29, 485 11.317
88, 826 23,933 64, 893 15,660 9,202 3,002 46, 334 26, 949 14, 469 34, 948 14. 440;
92, 229 25, 329 66, 900 17,706 11, 121 2,945 58,351 31,204 23, 139 33, 641 12, 083
91,402 25, 922 65,480 20, 962 15,048 2,663 48, 922 30,011 21, 118 30,350 13, 765
74,033 24, 931 49,102 43,657 17, 797 2,171 45,007 26, 758 18,096 35, 560 22,744
86, 129 27,895 58,234 25,250i 18, 974 3,056 40,857 22,360 20,319 37. 685 14, 092
99,413 33. 282 66, 131 25, 545 21,643 2,541 48, 899 27,100 23, 607 36, 714 12, 832
96,440 31, 272 65, 168 25, 21-3 19 635 2 502 47. 661 26, 590 21, 325 32, 756 11,075
83, 929 30, 852 53, 077 20,5,1 17, 725 3, 045 37, 874 21.087 18, 971 35, 687 12 895
101,794! 37 528 64.266 27 373 17, 428 2 927 35. 235 18, 789 17,469 29. 256 10, 853
104,156 37, 939 66.217 22 971 23,082 2.885 35, 336 18.317 16. 447 26.180 11, 158
79, 755 27, 629 52, 126 13,105 •15.9,860
339 1,849 30, 236 17, 073 13, 505 26, 480 11.622
86,554 33,567 52, 987 12, 566 2,667 34, 827 20, 082 13, 601 33, 782 9,911
96, 179 28, 342 66, 837 17,228 10, 749 2, 575 31,317 15, 481 13. 807 24. 269 7, 961
73, 484 25,866 47, 618 15, 526 14, 370 1, 911 24, 792 14, 3881 12,339 14, 588 4, 728!
71,981 22, 348 49, 633 4,322 5,124 1,612 14, 137 5, 782 9,292 9,107 1, 305
64, 298 18, 749 45, 549 9,255 5,668 2,648 19, 121 9,314 12. 533 15, 482 3,
75, 575 22, 722 52, 853 12, 009 6,559 2,665 19, 794 9,421 11,148 22,203 6,703
83, 569 23.262 60, 307 24, 226 14,096 1,T" 22, 576 9,104 12, 756 16,699 6,421
69, 192 21,233 47, 959 6,375 15,311 2, 100 22, 671 10, 142! 11,406 14, 795 5, 434
66, 011 20, 303 45, 708 8,534 5,051 2,643 20, 415 9,535 11,266 14,644 5, 192
64,745 19, 907 44,838 6,449 3, 391 2, 282 17, 146 7,196 11.244 10,709 3,604
69. 942 19, 244 50, 698 7,122 4,239 2,510 19, 395 8,214 12, 864 11, 786 3, 618
71,923 21,514 50, 409 7,025 5, 180 1,976 17, 048 8,071 9,815 9,378 1,819
76, 407 18, 938 57, 469 6, 700| 3, 931 2.170 17, 352 7,094 10, 326 10.341 1.600
64, 62!) 20, 860 43, 769 5,212 2,884 2,251 16,238 6,359 11, 688 8,344 4,786
63,712 16, 005 47, 707 7,227 4,244 2, 556 15, 621 5,310 10. 334 10,839 3, 503
69, 532 16, 713 52,819 8.340 4,802 2,515 16. 089 6,373 10, 990 9,619 2,784
71, 900 15, 432 56, 468 4.055 2. 186 2,405 20,217 8,632 10, 847 11,032 4,063
74, 081 16, 413 57, 668 5,857 2,374 2,734 15, 621 4,546 11,380 9,789 3,620
81.015 19, 445 61,570 6,002 3,219 2,441 19,210 5, 749 13, 746 12, 352 4, 918
74, 881 18, 436 56, 445 6,442 3,064 2,221 17,959 5, 593 14.334 12, 643 6,106
80, 001 19, 536 60, 465 5, 744 2, 333 3, 105 18,048 4,840 14,312 17, 119 7,872
78, 481 17, 112 61, 369 9,353 6,457 2,760 17, 096 4, 929 12,804 20,306 13,710
74, 338 16, 429 57, 909 9,246 4, 180 2, 783 17, 336 3,859 14,646 24. 391 15,516
74, 102 16,896 57, 206 25, 325 21, 294 2,669 19, 772 6, 069 14, 420; 27, 402 15, 219
S3, 578 18, 049 65, 529 9, 336 9,335 2, 536 25, 893 7,736 17,129 29, 350 16,'
77, 426 17, 408 60,018 11,172 9,052 2,905 24. 541 9, 9y4 12, 426 31,517 17,876
75, 792 17, 919 57, 873 10, 407 7, 680 2, 790 22, 645 9,195 11,899 30, 925 14, 623
63. 008 17, 091 45, 917 7,849 4,511 2, 501 23, 421 10, 395 11,683 24, 923 13, 040
71, 386 14, 913 56, 473 7,430 5,605 2,497 23, 462 8, 993 13, 967 24,880 12, 077
68, 519 17, 046 51, 473 7,035 3,850 1,625 23, 012 9, 280 13, 967 30,008 12, 130
45,563 13, 174 32, 389 4,877 3, 146 2,544 19, 919 9,919 7,334 23, 631 11,623
69, 045 18,048 50,997 6,057 2, 455 3, 118. 29, 867 12, 709 16,253 34, 784 13, 927
83,866 21, 221 62,645 6,216 3, 060 2, 595 33, 843 15, 827 15,663 36,201 16,648
77, 792 22, 3.50 55, 442 4,642 3, 323 1,393 34,837 17, 677 15, 474 31, 336 11, 527
66, 930 23,024 43,906 3,897 1,417 2,027 31, 100 15, 292 16, 536 38, 712 12, 489
69,406 18, 555 50,851 4,934 2,310 2, 416 34, 769 19,220 16, 681 33, 567 12,764
66, 866 19,223 47,643 6, 481 3, 388 2,725 32, 705 18, 420 12, 210 34, 011 13, 787
74, 131 21, 397 52, 734 7,050| 3. 093 2,557 36,005 18, 969 11,835 36, 763 12,311
81, 572 24,925 56, 647 10, 648 6,534 3, 236 48, 043 26,390 18, 672 36,911 10, 120
70,594 20,220 50,374 8,270 6,862 2,227 38, 497 20,571 14, 786 29, 860 8,923
68,223 24, 398 43, 825 12,171 8,086 3,048 35,299 22, 0961 14,636 26, 4621 6, 578
84,760 24,394 60,366 13, 665, 9,916 2,745 46,404 25, 952 20,163 32, 186, 9,233
93,638l 29, 571 64,067 13, 433) 10, 334! 2,172 44,390 26,286! 15, 7981 33, 719, 8, 908
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Chicago Denver East St. Louis Fort Worth

Week ending Local Re ShiP-'sK- Re Ship Local
Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh
ceipts ments slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments: ceipts ments slaugh

Num Num.' Num Num Num Num- Num Num Num Num Num
1923 ber bet ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
Oct. 6 73, 718 25,850 47,868 16, 746 13, 588 2,316 32,684 16, 807. 17,079! 28,938 7, 266
13 88,408 30, 167 58, 241 18,037 15, 774 3,033 45,117 23, 581 11, 249 37,553 11,175
20 96,364 28,280 68,084 22, 862j 17, 089 2,765 44, 209 21, 989 21, 241 30, 923 10, 696
27 88, 28,415 59,894 26, 039a 21, 541 2, 942 41. 589 18, 699 19,836 43, 053 13,682
Nov. 3 86, 309L
517 27, 197 59,320 30, 246 23, 054 3, 369 41, 6481 18, 700 21, 939, 29,266 10, 195!
10 84,223 24,500 59, 723 32,894 26, 402 3, 024 41, 735 21,848 21, 428 34, 424 7, 273
17 82, 036 27,180 54,856 31, 755 30,428 2,762 27,785 14,829 16, 777 38, 272 10, 565;
24 76, 3141 23,621 52, 693 22, 548 23,219 2,583 26,383 8, 819 15,158! 25,507 7,566
Dec. 1 68,209 18, 963 49, 246 16, 656 14, 189 1,774 21,305 7, 398 508y 14,847 5, 388
8 90,183 29, 570 60, 613 25, 346 18, 359 2,925 32, 983 11, 890! 13,
18, 370 19, 824 3, 085
15 101, 310 30, 294 71, 025 20, 437 16, 525 2,786 30, 858 11, 224 17,700 28,556 7,180
22 76,888 26, 228 50,660 15, 512 15, 732 2,135 18, 571 7,633, 11, 981 27, 610 6,070
29 45, 910 16, 936| 28, 974 3, 274 2,686 1,287 11,115 3, 338 9,281 5, 835 1,798
74,857 22, 709 52, 148 5, 514 3, 516 2,004 20, 216! 6,495 12, 752 16, 413 2,506
85, 455 26, 178 59, 277 9,404 4,554 1, ~ 22, 273' 8,812 14, 028 20, 679; 3,962
90, 415 26,054 64, 361 9,802 4,813 3, 026 18, 567! 6,587 14, 192 22, 779 3, 207,
70,446 24, 173 46, 273 29, 225 12,544 1,576 20, 289 6,398 13, 494 16, 995 3, 025
66,962 20,112 46,850 3,008 16,620 2,178 17, 141 7,708 9,463 17,379 2, 360
66,265 21,007 45, 258 6,450 2, 7681 2,460 15,660| 4,' 11,304 15,949 2,506
72,047 23,237 48, 810 6,041 2,381 2,415 18,200 7,150 11, 721 14,232 3.312
73,503 23,7881 49, 715 4, 893 2,727 2,112 14,901 4,881 10,822 12,090 3, 326
75,057 21, 967 53,090 7,493 4,117 2,699 18, 810 6,009 13, 843 9,584 2,
70, 417 17,765 52, 652 7, 613 4, 267 2,608 15,368 4, 009y 11, 159 12, 922 2,570
71, 735 20,728 51,007 7,291 4, 050 2, 450 14, 546 4, 445 9,120 11,881 3, 209
75, 936 19,230 56, 706 6,759 3,703 2,767 17, 099 4, 044 14, 223 9, 2281 3, 660
72,460 19, 160 53,300 5,611 2,797 2,196 18,592 5, 983 12,647 12,008! 4,114
68, 678 17, 378 51,300 5,097! 2,450 2,782 16, 593 4, 456; 12, 518 11,131 3, 818
71,543 15, 785 55, 758 3,611 2,453 17,788 6, 142 13, 246 13, 135 3, 649
74,120 17,608 56, 512 4, 505: 2,119 2,758 19, 351 6, 186! 14,702 16,796 6,111
69,523 15, 074 54, 449 7, 917 4,678 2,647 20, 534 8, 001 14, 356 21,395 9,846
66, 195 17,169 49, 026 6,786 2,995 3, 269 20, 617 7, 252' 15, 593 30, 565 18, 035
78,857 19, 395 59, 462 13,800 10, 135 3,102 20,959 6, 838 15, 558 31,194 16, 957
73, 526 16,869 56, 657 11,880 8,778 3, 495 24,534 8, 415 16, 148 30,080 16, 332
87, 013 18,888 68, 125 11,306 7,856 2,984 25, 045 9, 049 17, 802 38, 339 16,899
71,379 17, 782 53, 597 9, 178' 6,928 2,413 27, 406 12, 413 14, 806 32, 974 18,580
70, 339 18, 132 52,207 13,131 11,145 2, 934 26, 381 11,347 17,276 24, 519! 10, 517
74, 955 19, 272 55,683 11,723 8,790 2,850 22,943 9,361 14, 396 21,963 7; 947
70, 251 18, 101 52,150 9,717 7,807 2,287 25,686 9,190! 17,"" 31, 767 13,040
58,794 16, 834 41,960 7, 273! 5,382 2,214 22, 674 10, 381 14, 126 20,893 9,385
49, 530 12, 423 37, 107 3, 451 1,740 1,503 14, 514 6,455 9, 861 17, 145 4, 353
74, 944 19, 785 55, 159 5, 161 1, 728 3, 171 23, 903 8,994 15, 662 26, 681 7,437
87,287 20,649 66, C38 5,645 2,413 3,367 38,648 18,640 17, 553 38, 314 11, 756
69, 535 17, 520 52, 015 5,860 2,175 3, 566 27, 747 13, 423 14, 157 28, 695 8,175
58, 161 15,794 42, 367 6,362 2,384 2, 794 29, 326 13, 732 16, 625 30, 639 9, 308
62,849 15, 132 47, 717 6, 423 2,910 3,038 30, 110 15, 001 16, 557 29,601 10, 013
64,838 18, 080 46, 758 7, 916 4,865 2,565 33, 474 18, 169 16, 702 28, 743 9,410
73, 775 18, 949 54, 826 7,014 3,742 3, 160 34, 012 17, 542! 16, 140 35, 213 12, 208
74, 491 24, 021 50, 470 8,840 4,010 2,994 32, 321 16, 753 17, 957 37, 653 10, 980
52, 347 12, 698 39, 649 12, 519 8,159 2,869 28, 564 15, 704 15, 473 30, 837 7,575
85, 772 24, 327 61, 445i 11, 580 8, 892 2, 975 44, 532 24, 753 20, 260 45, 717 12, 970
82, 087 25,127 56, 960 15, 969 8,819 3,700 41, 252 20, 758 20, 056 28,990 7, 217
69, 772 18,586 51, 186 21, 184 15, 253 3.282 40. 683 20, 850 22, 140 35,287 8L 228
68, 448 18, 186 50, 262 21, 193 17, 376 4, 399 38, 595 19, 579 21, 574 30, 013 3, 252
80,499 21,500 58. 999 25, 781 16, 475 3, 832 41, 678 20,225 21, 543 24, 615 2, 573
90, 461 26, 667 63, 784 28, 970 19, 348 4,211 39, 891 19, 113 23, 546 27, 724 3,207
87, 241 26, 924 60, 317 31,881 26, 011 4, 612 32, 740 15, 790 21, 335 24, 051 2, 816
106, 429 30,201 76, 228 27, 894 21, 421 4, 599 43, 030 17, 934 21, 851 36, 169 4,462
88,297 24, 002! 64,295 15, 256 15,256 3, 328; 35,890 16, 839 21, 374 38, 356 5, 879;
97, 251 27, 620 69, 631 34, 956 21, 141 4,821! 36, 903 16, 916 20, 569 45, 872 10, 691
100,882 30, 505 70, 377 39, 010 28,164 4, 080 33, 385 14, 764 18, 494 48, 325 13, 994
81.883 20, 428 61, 455 10,209 18, 225 2, 451 26, 764 9.682 17, 162 37, 534 10,044
100, 268 31, 020 69, 248 16,835 11,916 2, 545! 32,944 14, 490 19, 928 49, 051 14, 972
107L 180 27, 462! 79L 718 16, 739 13, 030 5, 389: 32, 180 12, 592 21, 326 44, 678 12, 969
78,989 27, 322 51, 667 11, 756 10, 514 3, 737 22, 991 10, 046 14, 966! 36. 513 11, 879'
57, 254 24. 829! 32, 425 3,613 2,668 1,683 13, 793 6,748 9,605 9,558 4, 349
83, 979; 25,517 58,462 4.511 2,558 2,316' 22,745 8, 712 9, 709 21, 252 2. 970
96, 534 27, 207 69, 327j 8, 687 4,937 3,277; 24,464 10, 830 15, 434 28, 672 6, 249
90,341 26,067 64, 274! 9, 879 6, 023 3,443' 19,641 7,727 14, 018 21,643 4, 115
76, 0071 22, 678 53,329: 18.414 13, 877 2,436! 19,162 6, 714 12, 748 15, 318 3, 590
70,028! 47,996! 4,251 5,061 2,014' 15,195! 6,232 11, 829 16,382 3,250
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Chicago Denver East St. Louis Fort Worth

Week ending
Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
ceipts ments jslaugh- [slaugh slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num. Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num- Num Num Num
ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber L, ber ber ber ber
69, 624! 23,544 46, 080 7, 920 4,406! 3, 104 7,341 14, 598 16, 321 3, 626 10, 952
71, 979 20, 930 51, 049 6, 285 3, 671 2,708 6, 557 14, 270 18, 223 3, 909 12, 614
66, 071 19, 535 46, 536 6, 826 3,991 2, 898 5, 993 13, 391 18, 813 4, 731 11, 970
74, 570 17, 468 57, 102 7,219 4, 613 2,587 6, 956 13, 723 16, 569 4,442 10, 662
69, 979 16, 922 53, 057 7,804 4, 327 3,113 5, 495 13, 214 18, 824 4, 740 11,796
73,205 16, 438 56, 767 8,826 5, 462 2, 610 6. fi09 14, 616 20, 937 5, 524 12, 557
71, 549 16, 891 54, 658 8, 021 4, 754 4, 836 7,606 13,507 18, 671 6,547 10, 565
76, 243 16, 821 59, 422 7,815 4,278 3,056 5, 732 14,282 20, 299 7, 093 11,396
70, 510 17,227 53, 283 8,578 5, 408 2,928 7,689 15, 857 20L 669 7,900 10, 693
65, 994 12, 998 52, 996 7,228 5,251 3, 737 7, 345 15, 433 23, 417 10, 603 10, 428
73, 367 14, 365 59, 002 6, 542 099 2, 977
3L4,545 6,059 15,407 26, 277 11,332 11,740
74, 846 17,298 57, 548 7,707 3, 461 5,839 16, 986 24, 7(s3 11, 950 11,518
74,840 17, 167 57, 673 9,002 5,422 3,080 5, 509 14, 714 19, 046 10, 882 9,480
79,833 16, 517 63, 316 10, 648 8, 122 3,019 6,082 16,511 19, 7,265 9,695
77, 146 17, 640 59, 506 15, 919 10, 056 3,004 9,860 18,283 21, 398 8,367 11,342
75,223 16, 278 58, 945 7,793 6,745 3, 019 8, 345 20,599 19, 355 5, 435 13, 134
70, 879 12, 853 58, 026 8, 108 5, 506 3, 127 7, 421 18, 258. 22, 512 6, 509 14, 233
70, 829 11.995 58, 834 12, 686 8,683 2,777 8, 447 19, 776 21, 261 4, 855 15, 270
67, 455 12, 403 55, 052 11,377 8, 654 3, 421 11, 699 180, 481 27, 080 4, 088 19, 935
49,590 11, 913 37, 677 10,311 7,987 3, 432 9, 339 13, 978 24,680 4, 630 19,704
57, 365 11,967 45, 398 6.769 4, 100 2.539 8,652 17, 286 34, 164 4,761 27, 482
69, 798 12, 761 57,037 9,220 6, 360 2, 720 13, 789 20,221 38, 935 9,804 26, 321
66,041 13, 795 52, 246 5,783 2,850 2,956 12, 895 18, 123 30,899 4,594 22, 634
68, 697 12, 122 56, 575 4, 126 1, 153 3, 056 15,029 22, 014 29, 490 6,206 23, 670
57, 693 13,209 44, 484 6,965 2,504 3, 624 15, 169 19, 456 34,690 7,551 25, 411
58, 730 13, 058 45, 672 6,062 3, 543 3,115 19, 075 20, 558 35, 494 8, 885 24, 185
66, 091 14, 222 51, 869 5,931 2,607 3, 228 21, 924 18,180 30, 573 7, 424 23, 445
69, 750 15,209 54,541 7, 507 3,011 3, 624 19, 162 20, 228 34, 970 6, 850 25, 015
65, 532 15, 166 50, 366 7, 982 3, 515 3,715 16, 759 21,447 42, 349 8, 948 30, 816
64, 131 19, 762 44, 369 7, 270 4,667 2,802 17, 944 19, 375 37, 937 9,330 27, 752
76, 851 25, 985: 50, 866 8, 168 4,860 3, 021 19, 108 19, 580 30, 433 7,819 21, 825
54,182 15, 196 38, 986 6, 270 3, 646 2,437 15, 748 15, 751 29, 208 6,019 21,239
74, 508 18, 193 56, 315 8,580 4,939 2,762 15,217 17,964 24,337 7,418 17, 252
76,075 19, 301 56, 774 10, 786 5,796 3, 141 15, 820 20, 329 25, 658 3, 466 20, 953
89,001 24, 455 64,546 16, 491 11,250 4, 434 17, 296 20, 834 26, 383 5, 484 19, 528
93, 801 26, 949 66, 852 21,067 16,122 3,927 18, 384 23, 709 31,812 5,691 20, 666
96, 431 28,865 67, 566 22, 803 18, 152 4, 360 16,954 22, 293 20,741 6,078 14, 685
92, 539 32, 150 60, 389 29, 527 21, 526 4,264 16, 444 23, 635 25, 913 6, 154 17, 607
94, 670 27, 930 66, 740 26, 270 19,986 5,764 15, 082 20, 195 28, 156 6, 661 20,039
87, 511 26,044 61,467 22, 630 19, 069 4, 580 15, 761 22, 177 34, 746 8,806 22,613
82, 099 25, 746 56, 353 25, 059 17, 022 5,212 13, 790 19, 162 33, 815 11,802 21, 133
81, 178 22,609 58, 569 27, 234 22,700 4, 890 16, 355 20, 463 28,699 10, 351 15, 099
65, 436 18, 944 46, 492 15,041 12,069 3, 078 10, 384 15, 513 25, 276 11,419 13, 587
90,905 31, 107 59, 798 22, 356 17, 189 .4, 946 14, 695 21, 264 38, 887 14, 227 21, 681
94,862 27, 408 67,454 17, 217 11,684 3,152 15, 298 21, 575 38,204 13, 977 22, 248
91, 992 26, 289 65, 703 10,709 2,896 1,707 13, 567 18, 718 36, 921 11,914 22, 563
51,945 15, 310 36, 635 6,904 4,894 4, 699 7, 329 9, 978 15, 184 3,892 10, 962
60,527 17,558 42,969 3,704 2, 485 22, 165 8,881 14, 312 19,998 4,687 14, 374
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Indianapolis Kansas City Oklahoma City Omaha

Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh Local Re ov.:,. ; Local Re Ship

ceipts ments slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ceipts ments

Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber her ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
12, 254 7, 873 4,775 33, 066 13, 746 19, 307 5,341 889 4,213 27, 712
ll,529j 5, 405 5,317 39,808 14,499 22,918 4,243 1,490 4,153 32, 940
10, 134 5,035 5,146 46,153 16,495 24, 130 6,485 875 4,961 36. 351
10,204 4,485 5, 101 36, 095 14, 110 22,119 7,941 1, 565 4, 4881 32, 658!
7, 6271 4,544 3,806 35, 836 14,594 15, 105 5, 691 3, 038 3.406| 22, 920
6,611 3, 860 3, 129 28, 912 15, 195 17,884 4, 665 1,837 3,691 23, 230
9,885 5,682 4,123 28, 949 8,014 16, 910 5, 363 633i 4,460 22, 724
8,720' 5, 053 3, 679 32, 265 12, 698: 17, 991 3,934 899 3, 535 27, 678
9,470 5,047 3, 997 32, 769 10, 381 14,015 4,712 1, 274i 3,435 29, 573
8, 354 4,264 4,069 38, 992 14,665 20,479 5,704 1,786 2, 773 37, 563
9, 957: 5, 184 4,631 43, 329 20,318 23, 190 30, 151
8, 886 4,662 4,257 29,770 8,886 16, 343 5,724 3,010 3,176 23,007
8, 104 4,151 3, 842 37, 833 21, 552 18, 935 18, 166
8, 358 4,386 3,707 37, 189 12, 157 20, 630 4,542! 1,709 2,473 25, 297
10, 063 5,320 4,889 31,733 15, 259 19, 395 3, 971 1,926 2,746 20, 172
10, 968 5,223 5, 578 34,532 14, 752 22, 307 4,966 1,262 2, 28, 765
9,960 4,825| 4,729 36,611 15, 755 22,046 5, 104 1,452 3, 042 31,607!
9,952 5,091 4,798 34,047 11, 365 20,267 4,903 1, 369 3, 376 25, 235
9,358 4,910 4,344 35, 9601 15,304 20, 540 6,411 3, 328 3, 107 24, 237
8,841 4,410 4,421 39,005 16,084 22,060 4,755 1,051 2, 753 26, 575
10, 290 5,894 4,318 37,901 16,446 20, 564 4, 530 871 ! 2, 850 19, 555
7, 615 4, 487 3,328 32, 950 15,694 17,822 4, 351 1, 556 2, 890 26. 086
12, 674 6,491 5,567 36,455 15, 6541 23. 340 3,327 1, 198 2,166 28, 932
10, 678 5,051 5, 106 38,053 15, 260! 21, 772 3, 869 1,433 3, 075 29, 185
9,656 5,436 4,531 33, 343 11,051 21,038 4,747 871! 3,889 27,886
7, 340 4,016 3,429 33, 505 11,629! 22, 607 5, 850 1, 180 4,263 20, 222
5,407 2,485 3, 079 22, 468 6,186 17, 345 3,158 951 2,632 14, 256
10, 367 4, 872 5, 109 33, 546 10, 284 23, 788 5, 307 1,299 4, 581 20,604
9,740 5, 165 4,048 42,828 15,239 26, 266 4, 508! 4,290 23, 5381
11, 145 5,831 5, 699 49,634 19,085 30, 280 6,239 753 5,151 24, 410
9,598 5,522 4,461 66,263 29,732 33,413 9,580 1, 307 7, 354 31, 747
9, 0701 4, 372 4,865 68, 922 37, 471 30, 955' 10, 670 2, 481 1 7, 153 30, 929
11,542 6,444 4,502 75, 264 46, 459 24, 75n 8, 466 3, 105 5,080 34, 768
11,118 6,620; 4,116 56,6' 36,890 20,256 4,823 3, 863 2, 974 32, 932
10, 378 6,393 4,125 53, 991 32, 869 24, 098 7, 993 3.093 3,046 24, 170
8,794 5,201 3, 306 61, 489 37, 040 25, 210 6, 869 1, 746 5, 167 30, 727
8,481 5,044 3, 413 79, 909 47, 760 30, 995 6,471 1,663 4, 808 33, 282.
9, 428 4,99" 3,939 83, 765 48, 898 33,050 10, 173 2,341 6,106 41, 194
9, 535 4, 398 4,919 78,446 43, 851 31,002 7, 767 2,509 4, 557 35, 557
8, 178 4, 242L 3, 620 89, 265 60, 451 29, 082 8,883 3,210 5, 378 39, 079
9, 308 4,_ 3, 992 93,099 58,522 33, 343 9,041 2,748 5,280 39, 819
10, 680 4, 882 4,241 98,639 62,029 34, 700 9,419 2,325 5,865 41,540
9,594 6, 549 4,566 82, 290 51, 898 33, 549 8,082 2,878 4,893 39, 228
8, 196' 3,847 4, 207 55, 927 25, 059 18, 214 7,701 3,563 4, 636 25, 407
7,127 3,686 3, 386 72, 060| 40, 497 27, 527 7, 637 1,093 4,820 30, 834
8,609 4, 368 3,466 58, 093 35, 462 24,547 6, 917 3,817 4, 520' 30, 565
7, 342 2, 838 3,083 32, 504 15, 821 17, 594 3,931 1,585 3, 276 20, 753
9,321 4, 392 4, 230 41, 893 19, 875 23, 822 5, 471 1,261 4, 564 21, 805
9,877 4, 008 6,033 40,900 22,190 14, 726 4,317 1,680 2, 979, 20,041
12, 337 4, 754 6,251 47, 084 26, 277 19, 686 6, 477 2,289 4, 420 21,046
4, 478! 2,982 2,877 30, 172 16, 966 15, 375 5,467 1,471 3, 425 13. 459
5, 519 2,469 3, 133 30, 561 12, 088 14, 832 3,335 2,006 2,712' 13, 627
7, 002 2,95 4,314 34, 537 10, 155 18, 038 4, 098 1,005 3, 702 14, 090 7,032 7, 725
9,565 4,250 5,460 41, 4651 20,048 21, 208 6, 961 1,964 5,355 25. 196 13, 053 12, 143
7, 673 3,389 4, 346 43,605 19, 805 22, 240 6,792 2, 272 4,627 28, 940 14, 139 14, 801
9, 468' 3, 639 4, 951 42, 698 17, 445 22, 209 6, 202 2, 423 4,026 29, 612 15, 448 14,164
7,963 3,433 4,503 36, 632 17, 824 19, 396 7, 453 2,162 4,800 26, 377 12, 274 14, 103
8, 638 3, 799 4, 764 40, 910 21,38" 20, 137 6, 161 2,629 4,091 30,830 14, 493 16, 337
7, 16' 3, 568 3,983 41,908 20,658 19, 759 6,832 2, 307 4, 453 29, 993 14, 336 15, 657
8,093 3, 555 4, 534 39, 352 19, 585 20, 426 6, 954 2,935 4,239 30,125 14, 346 15, 779
10, 339 3,998 5, 685 39, 916 24, 207 19, 475 5, 184 2,401 2,917 26, 432 11, 216 15, 216
7, 621 3,129 4, 190 34, 955 15,299 19,831 7,713 2,717 5,094 31,645 11,551 20,094
8, 736 4,227 4,683 39, 122 15, 926 20, 689 5, 973 2,341 3, 621 32, 789 13, 847 18, 942
8,538 3, 770 4,664 36, 164 17, 214 20, 400 7, -378 2, 873 4, 195 26, 024 10, 670 15,354
8, 369 3, 746 4, 826 33,547 15,280 19, 661 7, 502 3,472 4,588 26, 672 11,724 14, 948
9,242 4, 257 4,971 26, 546 11,371 16,788 4,299 1,468 2, 877 20.609 8, 710 11, 899
7,833 3, 779 4, 136 30, 536 11,385 19,208 3, 978 1,759 2,641 25, 186 9,327 15, 859
8, 528 3, 866 4,415 35, 015 13, 756 21,201 3,693 1,445 2,566 30, 997 9, 464' 20, 817
9, 802! 4, 896 5,111 36,531 14, 846! 21,450 5, 139 1,360 2,298 31, 555 10, 985 20, 570
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Indianapolis Kansas City Oklahoma City Omaha

Week ending
Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
ceipts ments slaugh slaugh slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num- Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
1922 ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
May 8,951 3, 772! 4,806| 33, 658 11, 8861 20,749 6,101 2,098 3,282) 34, 907; 11,660
13.. 9, 450 4, 294 5, 036 34, 309[ 12,844 21, 158 4,124 3, 393 1,626 31, 7121 10, 222
20.. 7, 354 3,887 3,623 34,009 12, 558! 21, 020 3, 521 2, 1, 802 27,571 8, 665
27.. 9, 913 4, 443 4,781 34, 125 13, 533 20,512 3, 350 1,785 1,831 28, 896 7,812
June 3.. 9,156 5,117 4,287 31,082 11, 338 20,801 3, 044 1,521 1,232 30,884 10, 573
10.. 11,471 5,809 5,160 34, 039 10, 807 22, 3801 3, 726 1, 175 2,374 32, 972 9, 134
17.. 9,130 5,461 4, 43, 323 14, 395 25, 015 5, 093 2, 685 3, 227 31, 550 8,229
24.. 9,096 3, 879 4, 47, 672| 24, 935! 24, 350 4, 423 1, 305 3,116 34, 366 9,768
July 1.. 11,244 6,661 4, 34, 206 14, 926 21,420 7, 478! 3, 237 5,423 32, 069 11, 342
8- 5,941 3, 149 3, 330! 28,990 9, 162 19, 716 4, 147 1,924 2,955 18, 939 4, 276
15.. 12, 189 5, 628! 5, 403 51, 327 18, 177! 30, 783 8, 792 2, 638 5, 673 33, 925 8,354
22— 9,482 5,261 5,291 53, 351 19,917 28, 934 9,939 3, 436 5,640 32, 049 7,994
29.. 8,341 4,727 4, 194 58, 679! 26, 9731 29, 574 10, 258 5, 108 4,902 25, 524 10, 795
Aug. 5.. 10, 249, 6,002 4, 079! 57, 141 27, 443 28, 868 9, 413 6, 136 5, 075 23,711 9, 176
12- 11, 301 6,021 4, 72, 1051 41, 597 30, 315 9, 519 4, 396 5,008 29.379 13, 796
19.. 9, 925! 5, 974 3,989 82, 312 43, 533 38, 098 10, 267 4, 342 5, 449 37, 761 16, 164
26- 10, 717! 7, 154 4,664 88, 385 46,750 35, 231 9,832 3, 942 4,605! 39,836 21, 125
Sept. 2- 13,388! 6,802 4, 872 79, 333 54, 385 32,095 10, 037 5, 181 4,831 37, 450 22, 191
9- 9,841 6, 323 3, 535 83, 770 47, 484 31, 173 13. 485 7, 601 5, 056 39,060 22, 513
16.. 9,896 6, 194 4, 370 99,015 52, 728 39, 611 9, 370 5,791 4,036 50, 919 27, 425
23- 14, 171 8,619 4,503 108, 223 64,902 38, 702 10,766 5, 155 5, 718 46, 981 29,924
30.. 13, 013 7,715 4,974 111,730 62, 308 38,954 12, 775 6, 367 6,727 56, 482 34, 174
Oct. 7.. 13,810 8,220 5,222 108. 073 71, 870 36, 749 9,213 4, 394 4, 015 52, 253 30, 851
!- 14- 9,518 6,006 4, - 90,822 65, 880 33, 071 7, 221 4,389 3, 578 55, 184 36, 553
21- 12, 899 7, 959 4,783 106, 819 63, 007 41, 339, 7, 478 3,664 3,830 51, 537 28, 155
16,122 8, 142 %-~ 110, 753 61, 576 42, 4821 10, 125 3.734 5,402 55, 449 34,878
No 4- 10,154 7, 578 5, 121 105, 494 63,092 41, 784 10, 138 4, 355 4,5, 4731 43, 522 25, 613
11- 8,404 4, 997 4, 115 85,084 54,207 39, 561 10, 186 6, 393 34, 710 14, 567
18.. 11,191 5,851 4, 565 81, 733 43, 601 34, 876 6, 867 3,436 5,031 42, 434 21,034
25- 8,941 4, 871 4, 86, 866 45, 989 35, 1981 7," 2,690 5, 252, 34,663 20, 773
Dec. 8,482 4,622! 3,151 64, 361 37, 183 30, 339 8, 7021 1, 552 6,471 29, 112 13, 341
11,469 5, 874! 5, 493 67, 898 34,885 34, 207 9, 305 3, 421 6, 141 33, 324 12, 130
12, 079 5,899 4, 64,728 32, 397 34, 401 10, 354 2,533 7, 869! 38, 320 14, 812
9,383 5, 687 4,081 46, 423 22, 991 25, 431 7,2071 1,974 6, 098 28,584 14, 342
6,379 3,922 3, 060 25, 895 9, 138 16, 155 3,904 1, 152 3, 376 19,849 7,548
Jan. 6— 9,685 4,403 5,092 38,829 13,476 22,732 6,025 1, 211 4,790 27, 925 8, 238
13... 10, 774 5,898 5,249 52, 534 24,085 27, 737 7,651 1,038 6, 186 33, 182 12,067
20— 9, 941 4,943 4,593 54, 199 22, 382 27. 492 6,655 3, 180 6,923 36,138 12, 839
27— 8,838 4,531 4,256 53,889 26, 307 26, 144 8, 169 2,904 5,276 37, 383 14, 732
Feb. 3— 7,578 3, 702! 3, 971 45,796 23, 778 22, 550 7, 354 3,070 4,916 27, 878 11, 638
10— 9,909 4, 629, 5,002 40,092 18, 612 23, 873 6, 833 2,015 4,709 26, 807 9,472
17— 8,490 3,693 4,700 44, 225 17, 626 27,154 7, 443 1,966 5,154 32, 948 11,609
24— 10, 038 5,405 4,576 44, 327 15, 314 25,706 6, 610 2, 473 4,860 32, 121 11,606
Mar. 3— 7,239 2, 895 4, 495 42, 334 16, 543 23,821 8, 265 2,049 5,969 31,202 12, 424
10— 8,050 3, 179 4,496 41,687 18,485 21, 847 7.766 1,881 5,025 24, 698 9,074
17— 8,106 3, 892| 4, 237 35, 674 14, 025 22, 456 5,986 2,8441 3,790 31, 598 11, 170
24— 9,521 5, 225, 4,436 36, 665 13, 096 23,517 6,348 2,350 3, 967 27,566 9,579
31— 9,775 5, . 4, 366 36, 439 13, 670 23,504 5,406 2,691 3, 439 36, 457 12, 575
Apr. 7... 9,765 4,702 4,820 35, 536 12,920 22,599 6,569 2, 368 4, 377 35, 20S 11,462
» 21—14— 9,314 4.441 4,866 41,008 14,015 23,699 6,023 2,177 3, 398 35, 867 11,524
9, 611 4,669 4, 861 37, 709 14, 301 23, 702 6,626 3,904 3, 270 32, 628 10, 310
28... 10,283 4, 787 5,067 34, 903 15, 258 22,890 3,205 1,584 2,i 34, 153 11,805
May 5— 9,040 4, 863 4, 477 35, 078 11, 620 22, 4, 785 1,390 3, 367 33, 734 12,807
12— 9,550 4,203 5,035 34, 010 12, 247 20, 5571 4, 714 1,878 3, 136 29, 445 8,227
19... 12,544 6, 170 6, 057 46, 169 15,694 26, 952| 4, 461 1,094 2,098 29, 406 8, 540!
10, 521 4,949 5,113 45, 010 16, 745 28,744 7,268 2, 451 4.081 34, 784 9, 124
June 10, 027 5,462 4,441 46, 656 18, 426 26, 364 4, 613 2, 834 3, 041 31, 821 11,192
10, 197 5, 205 5, 404 48, 678 20, 855 27, 667 6,804 1,350 4, 736 36, 031 12, 416
11,580 5,768 4,842 42, 510 19, 501 23, 746 2,657 1,276 2, 106 26, 971 7, 881
11,578 6, 062 4, 643 37,603 14,002 23,721 5, 724 1,446 3, 858 31, 756 9, 368
8, 652 4,790 4,092 48. 589 17, 311 27, 039| 3.794 2, 437 4, 340 31, 399 8,012
July 7,339 4,586 2,994 38,872 19, 043 20, 248 3, 924 2,064 3, 010 17,239 5,286
13, 795 7,237 5, 757, 53,445 23,821 28, 7521
32, 573 9,148 6, 823 32,223 9, 816
9,212 4,809 66, 696 30, 823 13, 018 3! 759 9,608 28,143 7, 867
10,966 5| 795 4, 324 69,520 29,418 34, 997 12, 439 3, 442 8,889, 25, 251 6,159
Aug. 4.. 10,506 5, 853 4,536 79, 375 39, 452 39, 224 14, 361 4,292 9,826 25, 919 8,660
il 4,882 4,522 90, 113 51, 456 39, 6571 11, 7151 3,265 8, 576! 28, 596 10, 962
5,481 4, 069 97,304 61,086 37, 5, 653 33,317 14, 747
10, 419
10, 988 6,015 4, 228119,0081 71,260 44, 046
734I 11, 300
12, 3011
2, 550
3,081 8, 7621 35, 742 21,288
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Indianapolis Kansas City Oklahoma City Omaha

Week ending
Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
ceipts ments slaugh-| |slaugh slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
1923 ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
Sept. 1... 11, 345 6,600 4, 530 124, 037 77, 598 44, 039 10, 867 2,690 7, 930| 40, 416 20, 951 16,238
10,915 5,995 4,071 109, 712 68,211 38,045 11,405 3. 532, 7, 758 46, 637 23, 317 22, 611
15. 11, 547 6,216 3, 001 103, 373' 65, 638 38, 189 9,577 3, 221 6,785 46, 514 26, 716 19,680
22. 13, 617 8,037 4, 9621 103, 9351 58, 851 41, 374 9,881 2,604 7,117 53,941 33, 697 18, 437
29. 12,689 8,094 4, 679, 101, 434 56, 844 41, 475 13, 134 3, 113 8,873 51, 259 26, 840! 22, 985
Oct. 8. 9, 593 6,410 3, 868 96,547 55, 929 38, 978 9, 352 3, 369 5, 919| 42, 066 25, 766 15,607
13. 11,699 6,109 4,588 88,600 47, 302 37. 469 8,295 2,860 6,318 47,585 24, 805 21, 778
20. 14, 327
11, 2241 6,606 7, 581 84, 420! 46, 435 40, 786 1, 137 728 396 48, 127 26, 592 20, 616
27. 9,002 4, 913 99,641 50, 806 44,002 4, 360 719 2,427 46, 233 26.209 19,099
Nov. 3. 12,9.4111
504! 7, 4,895 97, 3821 55, 517 41, 405 14,117 4,421 8, 920 42, 693 22, 248 19, 961
10. 5, 580 4, 572 77, 754 42, 037 35, 959 17,602 6, 113 9,776 41, 191 22, 016 19, 360
9,884 5, 489 4, 395 79, 459 38, 955 34, 506 10,685 5,888 8. 592 37, 952 19, 755 16, 321
8,537 4,543 4, 534 70, 959; 44, 057 30, 631 8,229 2, 534 5, 835! 35,288 21, 067 12, 918
Dec. 6,544 3,520 3, 122 45, 239 24, 955 26, 0981 4, 911 1, 8671 3, 861 25, 067 12, 904 11, 574
13, 202 6,714 5,575 58,102 26, 757 29, 692 7,031 2, 154 4, 796! 35, 935 15, 378 19, 788
12, 666 6, 402, 6, 022 70, 326 31, 415 32, 176 8,133 1,223 6,134 44, 164 18, 098 24, 977
9,067 5,061 4,006! 57, 018 32, 654 26,550 8,678 3,491 6, 171 28,624 15, 615 12, 633
6,222 2,955 3, 267 18, 739 8,236 15, 932 1, 721 1, 155! 1, 171 16, 014| 6,068 9,459
Jan. 5 1 12,288! a 6, 000! 39, 293! 10,536 25, 765 5, 355 1, 299 4, 141 30, 817 7,147 22, 897
12. 12, 699 5; 790 5,803 56, 737 24, 456 30, 215 7,629 1, 5,904 32, 085 11, 531 19, 731
10. 10. 256 5,267 4,522 48, 482 18,690 27,098 6, 687i 1, 510! 4 39, 458 12, 497 26,063
26. 8,500 3,428 4,636 40, 467 18,063 21, 936 5, 106 1,535 4, 34,791 12, 171 21, 969
Feb. 2. 10, 746 5,090 5,200 38,153 16, 434 22, 747 5, 913 1,165 4,543 33, 721 14, 439 17,854
9. 8, 505 4,220 5,570 36, 184 11,365 24, 477| 3,310 839 2,531 29,955 8,826 20,451
16. 10, 418 4,518 5,922 35, 133 13, 813 21, 791 4, 736! 719! 4, 136 33, 142 13, 650 19,888
23. 8,186 3,366 4,776 39, 177 14,639 22,058 4, 985 834 4,142 32, 308| 11, 745 18, 361
Mar. 1. 11, 687 6,090 5, 34. 965 13, 627 22, 324 5,381 1,273 3,739 31, 685 13,009 18,794
8. 7,440 3,526 4, 108 31, 078 10, 502 21, 29 5, 828 2, 129 3, 459 34,539 11, 715| 21,868
15. 8,666 3,707 4,716 33, 892 12, 844 21,328 4, 396 2,404 3, 078 35,650 15,048 20,344
22. 9,987 4,847 5,172 35, 932 11,885 21, 164 3, 188 1,063 1, 936 37,900 13, 292 23,799
29. 9,625 4, 367 5,141 33,565 14, 517 19,903 4, 2,039 3,069 32, 774 12, 944 18,831
Apr. 6. 10,353 4, 673 5,440 36, 093 11, 516 15, 672 4,106 1,674 3,043 30, 499 12,083 17,686
12. 9,722 4, 421 5,295 34, 054 15, 356 20,124 4,532 1,425 3, 007 31, 805 12,104 18, 934
19. 11,820 5,695 6,004 42, 975 18, 953 23,713 5,630 1,635 3,663 34, 086 11,604 21, 441
10,041 5, 502 4, 37, 975! 16,820 20,947 6,122 2,095 3,942 35, 108 11, 945 22,329
May 10,915 5,502 5,462 42, 147 18, 633 22,226 7,190 2,730 5,150 26, 436 10,088 15, 546
10, 278 5,204 5, 233 43, 528 20,242 22, 939 5,721 880 4,209 34,383 10, 769 22,809
9,791 4,700 5,127 42, 026 16, 487 24, 527 4,671 2,139 3,445 38, 111 12,995 24,287
10,190 4, 611 4,807 54,608 23, 918 28,848 5,918 969 4,427 41, 945 13, 493 27, 570
9,647 4, 919 4, 123 54, 367 26, 555 25, 318 6, 576 1, 659 5,320 33, 938 12,036 20,843
June 11, 323 4, 717 6,648 43,294 18, 770 25, 669 7,285 1, 547 5, "' 28, 412 10, 181 17, 503
10, 776 5,737 5,210 44, 018 18, 667 26, 862 5,930 1,256 4,556! 35, 369 9,875 24, 694
8,282 4, 377 3,985 49,605 20,707 25, 786 5,853 1, 472 4, 510| 36, 390 11, 474 24, 281
8,970 4, 829, 4,066 40, 215 18,190 20, 974 5,311 1, 564 3,684 22, 182 7,253 14, 185
July 7,245 3, 783 3,289 29,261 13, 246 17,502 2,732 1,082 2,283 22, 969 8, 151 14, 214
11, 413 6,063 5,323 36, 147 12,299 24, 340! 6,579 1, 139 5,291 30, 710 8,835 21,099
12,540 5,930 5,127 67, 601 12,299 24, 340 9,072 2,567 6,437 33, 013 9,343 23,007
13, 545 7, 782 5,283 51, 459 24, 812 26, 610 8,105 1,170 6,395 26, 352 7,027 18,441
Aug. 9,972 5, 185 5,415 54, 331 22, 130 29, 869 8,738 2,487 6,775 25,457! 6,149 18,635
10, 128 5, 596 4, 239 69, 034 35, 487 31, 339 9,556 2, 493 7,938 34,666! 13,017 21,649
10, 146 5,309 4, 941 67, 491 35, 551 31,888 9,543 2,041 6,938 30,289 12,594 17, 695
13, 374 7,437 5,714 '5,986 42, 622 34, 550 7, 406 1,723 5,817 35,643 12, 458 21,909
11, 356 6, 352 4,789 78,611 39,180 37, 107 8, 640 1,925 6,502 38,164 14, 428 22, 839
10, 018 6,058 3,681 87,958 41,907 44, 892 7, 1,600 6,589 33,976 17,688 15, 501
13, 018 7,456 5, 913 111,513 68, 263 43, 043 12,084 2,368 9,317 48,794 21,788 26,009
13, 927 7,075 5,177!106,910 58,406 41, 941 12,206 3, 452 9,224 54,639 29,698 23, 901
12, 479 7,092 5,5, 764J104, 61,009 42, 429, 9,216 2,189 7,381 49,927 24, 905 25, 022
Oct. 12, 790 6,705 704 100, 881
791 60,038 41, 996 10, 668 2,707 8,743 50,873 28,686 22, 740
11,534 5, 4, 928 102, 695 58, 809 42, 058 13, 196 2, 578 11,014 52,982 27, 140 28, 666
11,323 6,970 4,921,106,969 59, 748 43, 584 11, 326 2,681 7,840 58,451 32, 021 29,504
13, 434 7,229 5, 771 1 96, 220! 56, 051 42, 351 8,361 3, 150! 5,6331 50,789 26, 537 16,764
Nov. 12, 458 7,424 5,757| 93,853 46, 616 44, 725 11, 497 1, 940 8,825! 50,418 22, 485 25, 610
10, 056 5,419 4,4261 62,247 28, 934 35, 129 9,959 756 7,769! 26,550 7,034 18, 210
11,784 6,442 5,6501 94,274 41, 982 39, 759 12, 388| 2, 755 9,074' 39,731 14, 471 24, 474
11, 910 7,113 4,6521 79,544 46, 532 37, 030 15, 336 2, 775 11,841 44,426 19,047 24, 490
7,682 4,627 4,139! 52,394 23, 049 31, 529 7,964 3, 391 5,759, 26,516 10,688 15, 092
Dec. 12, 874 5,762 5, 9561 67,026 25, 922 38,194 9,903 2,329 8,242! 32,046 8,401 22, 922
13.. 11,328 6,514 5,116 73,725 23,292 39, 159! 8,529 1,704 8,283 39,837 11,545 27, 143
20.. 10,008 5, 722 4,286! 51,243 23, 362 28, 455 8,008 1,417 6,752 23,458 9,483 13, 157
27.. 7,497 4,420 2,533! 27,533 11, 019 20,069 1, 211 1,055! 15,909 4,895 10, 538
Table' 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Indianapolis Kansas City Oklahoma City Omaha

Week ending Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh slaugh slaugh
ceipts ments slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
1925 ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
Jan. 3 11,510 6,871 4, 440 42, 272 13, 245 28,370 4,770 973 4, 160! 25, 303 7,289
10— 12, 191 6,171 5, 404 51.669 21,363 8,190 1,677 6, 001 36, 711 10, 272
17 12, 032 5,911 5, 407 50, 569 19,442 8,409 1,844 6, 639 33,983 9,336
24 9,096 5,287 4, 612 43, 860 15,964 6,485 976 5,378' 38, 018 10, 657
31 9, 749; 4, 7501 4, 652 43, 508 17, 745 5,611 1,209 4, 404 31, 188 9,573
Feb. 7... 10,837 6,099 4, 565 40, 823 15, 982 7,249 1, 704 5,498 29, 859 9,579
14 7, 288, 4, 010 3, 578 45, 234 16, 671 6, 620 1,869 4,668 28, 678 10, 945
21— 9, 693 5, 615 4,043 36, 642 13, 059 7,999 1,616 4, 863 20,331 7, 678
28— 8,952 4,905 3,7 37, 674 14, 174 8,151 2,110 5,843 28, 214 8. 403
Mar. 7 10,941 5,454 4,933 41,848 15, 656 7,515, 1,973 6,021 33,788 9,606
14 9,122 4,820 4, 5101 47,290 19,426 7, 830 2,189 5,863 35, 131 9, 910
21 9,454 4,744 4, 486 46, 693 19, 630 9, 381 2, 134 6,802 28, 240 10, 746
28— 10,086 5,006 4, " 45, 080 21, 346 9,793 2,706 6,774 30, 591 9,665
Apr. 4... 9,954 5, 048 4, 38,602 17, 659 8,317 2,065 5, 070 26, 036 8,908
11— 10, 735 5, " 5, 266 42,720 17,909 9,318 4,617 5,523 26, 914 8,900
18— 12, 338 6,447 5,335 41,010 18, 117 8,523 3, 545 4,999 33, 114 10,602
25— 9,171 5,005 4,336 40, 767 16, 922 7,748 3,607 3, 929 24, 633 7,397
May 2— 10, 982 6, 722 4,645 36, 598 14,005 6,951 3,934 4,272 29, 461 8, 661
9— 9,463 4,684 5,087 36, 244 13,092 4, 352 1,499 3,199 28,655 6, 757
16— 12, 959 6, 750 5. 167 40, 135 13, 739 5,532 1,228 4, 199 27, 730 6,313
23... 11,141 6,054 4, 723 38,995 13, 824 5, 753 4, 729 24, 332 5, 974
30— 8,952 4,741 5,111 34, 076 9,179 5,897 5,141 27, 699 7,005
June 6— 11,914 6,9701 4, 475 35,456 9,272 6, 610 806 5, 759 25, 577 6,393
13 9,589 5,820 4, 136 47,091 14,861 7,883 7,484 23,758 5,783
20— 8,867 5, 336 3, 405 34,808 14,203 5,803 4, 993 23, 236 4, 281
27— 10, 559 5,249 4, 977 45, 325 14, 360 7,074 300 6, 522 31,238 6,518
July 4... 8, 694 4,414 4,695 61, 178 20, 610 9,173 1,413 7,711 23, 770 6, 618
il 13, 315 8,150 4, 444 71, 191 27, 376 7,304 999 6,013 29, 601 6,402
ls... 10,986 6,510 4,144 81,229 35, 646 10, 504 1,429 9,476 27, 118 7, 344
25... 10,089 6, 008 3, 527 76, 941 22,590 11,188 1,275 9,024 23, 438 6,268
Aug. 1 — 11,516 6, 747 4,176 73, 035 36, 449 7, 744 1,597 6,870 29, 407 8, 041
8... 10, 422 6,244 4,596 77, 813 35, 846 6, 361 1,500 5,406 32, 708 12, 482
15— 10, 875 5,847 4,531 90,040 42, 464 8.611 648 7,635 31,815 12. 331
22... 10, 116 5,644 4,346 78, 157 31, 734 10, 557 1,353 9,147 33, 487 12, 798
29 11,524 6,731 3,629 75, 325 36, 731 9, 254 1,795 7,707 32, 999 15, 267
Sept. 5— 11,534 7,054 4,295 70, 804 37,128 8,994 1,841 6,753 34, 697 14, 416
12— 10,290 5,451 3,430 55, 424 28, 494 5,815 1,167 5,137 32, 255 12, 917
19... 10, 235 7,196 4,110 71, 240 32, 073 7,587 1, 015 6,501 41, 247 20,314
26... 11,460 5, 920 4,811 80,027 41,240 6,504 2,171 5,111 49,300 21, 761
Oct. 3... 13, 659 7,896 5,002 89, 816 46, 368 6, 205 1,135 5,380 60,961 28, 059
10— 12, 429 6, 775 5,410 95, 522 45, 975 10,389 1,632 8,082 55, 609 24,316
17... 12,221 7,011 5, 366 103,096 60,733 8,334! 2,630 5,049 64,253 27, 645
24... 11, 553 5,886 4,571 89, 759 44,573 9, 925 3, 399 6,183 53, 571 27,088
31... 11,322 6,865 4,615 90,022 45, 562 9,278 2,210 6,124 43, 810 19, 327
Nov. 7... 9,544 5,740 4,166 81,394 39, 647 9,898 3, 411 7, 528 44, 920 16,127
14... 11, 916 5,278 4,386 67,239 28,320 9,314 3,196 6,182 37, 592 13,340
21. 10,847 6,911 4, • 61,423 34, 214 7,041 2,440 5, 286 33, 280 12,230
28. 6,670 3, 798 3, 398! 46, 355 20, 277 5, 278! 1,494 3, 724 24, 475 9,113
5. 11, 152 6,000 4, 521 52,392 22,019 8, 257 1,679 6,552 37, 612 11, 182
12. 10,348 4,797 4,547 53, 796 20,993 8, 872 1, 753 6,614 37, 495 12, 662
19. 10, 792 4,914 5, 736| 56,944 19, 726 8,157 2,499 6,089 32, 988 10, 422
26. 7,055 3,870 4,480 30,801 13, 460 3,802 1, 798 2, 598 21,441 6,608'
Jan. 2... 8,150 4, 457; 3,413 30,357 8,326| 21, 741 6, 199 2, 479 4,605 21,091 4,535
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Sioux City South St. Joseph South St. Paul Wichita

Re Ship- liJSg Re Qhi Local Re- Ship- Local Re Ship Local

ceipts ceipts ceipts ments slaugh (slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
13, 757 6,376 7,744 10, 476, 2,951 7,031 18, 395| 4, 12, 930 2,414 558
15, 874 7, 504 8, 874 13, 550 4, 0271 9,045 775 5. 1,441
20, 155 8, 421 9, 624 14, 798 4, 615 8,904 177 3,947
12, 711 6,042 7,055 12, 316 3, 302 8, 201 525 3, 027
11,246 5, 244 6,185 12, 059 4, 131 7,319 096 1,300
7,136 4,243 4, 346 8,745 4, 400! 5, 762 361 1,638
11,175 4,975 5, 927 12, 220| 5, 006 7, 196 908 1,500
12, 869 6,565 6, 056 11, 235 4,367 7, 246 566 1, 678
13, 079 7,587 6,149 11,436 4, 155 6,841 356 1,619
17, 694 9, 041 7,621 10, 452 2,841 7,272 031 2,872
15, 835 7, 682 6,557 12, 193 3, 323 7, 318 647 3, 667
8,961 5,746 4, 9,830 3, 618 6, 432 797 4, 812
14, 961 7, 587 6, 019 7, 520 3,117 5,017 093 4,806
11,215 6,035 5,603 7,947 2,223 5,384 962 3,751
9,809 5, 153 5, 517 8,326 2,881 5,891 957 3, 350
11, 093 6, 602 5, 931 10, 166 2,660 7,046 190 8, 142
11, 115 4, 975 6,310 9,902 2, 651 7,251 533 9, 250;
10, 257 4,144 6,220 8, 815 2,168 6,473 600 2, 653'
11, 006 4, 283 6,055 8, 198 1, 977 5, 910 249 3, 935|
11, 297 4, 820 6,203 7,661 1, 6,057 559 6,840
12, 689 7,477 5,14" 11,153 3,749 6, 323 434 2,050
9,936 3, 736 5,610 8,148 1,859 6,028 576 3, 708
9,745 4, 718 5,731 9, 694 2,584 7, 334 270 5,256
10, 408 3,896 6,304 8,900 2,130 6, 625 837 771
10, 376 3, 721 5,927 8, 441 1,651 6,598 333 1,198
7,367 3, 863 5,038 8, 138 2,015 6,088 815 1,033
8,532 5, 539 3, 594 6,212 1, 205 5,237 059 375
8, 273 4, 022 4,1 8,488 1,526 6,846 058 622
6,970 2, 384 4, 358 11, 152 1, 8,767 369 2, 633
10, 253 3, 952 4,838 9, 270 2, 757 6,332 591 1,030
10, 992 5, 988 4, 392 10, 778 2, 670 7, 651 038 2,822
9,989 6,532 4,085 10,819 3, 672 6, 381 246 5,249
16,053 8,957 4,718 12, 028 4,415 6,887 321 3, 788
13, 092 11,295 3, 779 10,206 3,381 5,839 008 3,087
10, 575 6, 396 3,887 10, 767 3, 420 7, 853 589 3, 425
9.848 5, 409 3,660 11, 108 3, 367 7, 206 401 2,888
13, 973 8,502 4.727 12, 296 3,660 8,214 313 3,223
14,113 9, 558 4, 674 16, 2061 5, 017 9,707 147 5,
15, 032 11,659 4, 296 13, 639| 5, 0061 9, 101 301 5, 422'
18, 076 12,968 4, 402 17, 661 3,634 8,925 934 3,
16, 267 10, 111 4. 749! 13. 054 9, 361 8, 962 805 5, 325,
18, 301 12, 341 5, 795 15, 094 4, 325 9,647 773 6, 821
16, 976 14, 456 5, 269 13, 018 5. 483 7, 557 862 6, 775
11,283 6, 596 4, 656 12,008 3, 853 6,801 676 5, 894
12,311 7,009 4, 456 12, 723 4,114 7, 467 874 6, 394
12, 309 6,738 5,101 9,738 3, 897 6,093 973 8,872
8,836 5,564 3, 346 6,787 2,243 4,872 381 3, 137
10, 479
6, 522
5, 186
3, 102
11,037 3, 959
11,988 2,225 9,59r 902
2, 760
11,395 6, 617 3,317 16, 130 4,646 10, 469 073953 3, 950
7,929 5,724 2,205 5,558 2, 350 4,581 623 2, 479
7,626 4, 579 3, 047 8, 425 1,642 6, 254 2, 197
8, 265 4,807 3, 458 8, 762 3, 039| 6,284 14, 770 4,092 9, 829, 4,784 2,822
13,860 7,849 6,011 11,949 3, 106 8, 014 18,644 5, 363 11,981 4,989 3,668
15, 106 8,641 5,429 13, 663 3, 863 8,925 16, 784 5, 454 10, 730 7,628 3,965
14, 912 8,703 5,612 11,205 4,298 6, 15, 452 5,067 10, 578 6,971 5,871
10, 569 6, 627 3, 968 10, 051 3, 272 6,667 16, 716 5,846 11,054 5,606 2,039
14, 626 8,888 5,413 9,742 4,076 5, 713 18,206 5, 184 12,084 5, 837 3, 579
14, 247 7, 800 5,063 9,371 3,035 6,523 17, 620 5,965 10, 634 6,629 4, 126
15, 2921 8,664 5, 269 10, 524 3, 619 6,460 17, 336 5, 396 9,941 6,490 4,315
11,8941 8, 154 4, 560 10, 607 3,636 6,629
7, • 16,558 5,467 11,300 4, 452 2, 143
15, 264 8, 484 5,990 10, 533 2, 999 25, 782 7,370 17, 050 5, 625 3,522
15,363 9,943 4,965 8,731 2, 127 6,358 19, 497 7,930 12, 737 6,242 2,616
11,204 5, 422 4,952 9,091 2,334 6, 036 18,889 6,433 11, 622 6, 181 4,319
12,915 7, 566 4,735 7, 550 2, 7581 5, 153 21, 821 7,663 14, 061 5,432 3, 553
10,454 6,067 4, 954 8,221 3, 124 4, 877 21,375 7,253 13, 274 4,314 4,091
12, 106 4,862 5,480 8,078 2,042 5,986 20,822 7,601 13, 392 4,603 2,644
14,218 7, 509i 5, 901 8, 097 2, 1821 5, 973 17, 528 6, 714 11,338 8, 857 7, 127
15,450 6, 7481 6,750 9,133 2,200| 6,648 21, 198| 5, 915 13. 596 11, 677 10, 842|
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Sioux City South St. Joseph South St. Paul Wichita

Week ending
Re Ship Local Re Ship Jslaugh Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
ceipts ments slaugh slaugh slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
1922 ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
May 10, 814 6,214 6, 0101 10,188 2,951 6, 956 21, 874 7, 5781 13,608 13, 397 9,684
14, 162 7,386 6, 188 8, 269' 2,253 6, 086 21.968 7, 298 13, 406 6, 705 6, 356
12, 332 6, 010 5, 559 9,946 2, 306 6,893 18, 770 8, 055 11,838 13, 722 11,040
18, 472 11,519 6,421 9, 272, 2,700 7,041 19, 936 6, 183, 13, 466 5, 910 5,559
13, 151 8, 342 5, 864 8, 025 1,984 5, 974 17,008 5, • 11,749 4,616 3,616
12, 862 4, 262 6, 493 8,484 1,348 7,241 21, 153 5,219 14, 539 4,097 2, 759
13, 660 7,961 5, 679 9, 524 2,036 6,744 24, 666 6,744 15, 163 3, 225 1,897
11, 792 5, 012 4,913 9,094 2,235 6, 616 24, 126 9, 494 14, 630 2,928 1,034
14,099 7, 5, 560 6, 825 1,397 5, 574 23, 254 9, 129| 14. 978 1,788 1,160
7,221 3,983 3,453 7,566 1,411 5, 656 11,905 4,234 7,708 1,155 616
14, 537 7,197 6,294 9, 440, 2,267 6,812 31, 738 10, 470 19,294 2,268 602
13, 891 6,725 5, 544 10,903 3,280 6, 768 32, 698 15,315 16, 597 5, 557 2,220
12, 746 7, 336 4,314 8,388 2,344 5,548 35, 933 19, 472 15, 369 7,415 3,739
10, 675 2,289 3,834 10,210 4, 684 5,830 31, 544 19,717 12, 418 7,443 5, 455
12,542 7,504 4, 136 14, 541 4,538 8,415 32,190 17, 214 13, 595 8,422 5,152
11, 931 7,208 4, 616 14,823 6,735 7, '" 31, 297 17, 401 13, 318 9,691 7,580
14, 715 9,664 4, 408 17,487 5,859 9,412 38,464 18,533 15, 756 7,166 5, 426
17, 401 10, 736 4,307 17, 701 8,482 8,687 36, 082 22, 676 13, 530 8,663 4,
14, 589 10,461 3,170 17,705 7,900 9,089 33, 301 17,950 12,997 7,288 5, 730i
19, 103 12, 762, 4,702 18,235 8,576 9,438 31, 058| 16,034 14, 078 11,150 8,407
17, 923 13, 830 4,595 22,649 8,287 12, 245 39,274 16,377 16, 841 11,494 7,229
24,264 13,598 5, 356! 23, 568 10, 705 11,799 38, 632 18, 638 17,460 11,506 7,646
21,447 18, 958 5,077 30, 160 11,088 9,727 37,394 19, 445 16, 827 10,565 6,168
18, 336 13, 551 4, 891 18,296 17,517! 8,647 36, 505' 20,637 16, 169 11, 847 8, 793
20,714 14, 251 5,339 19, 877 9, 125 10, 541 43, 659' 24, 403 18, 567 13, 803 10, 357
19, 557 16, 476 4, 183 19,008 7,559 11,641 42, 231 21,523 21, 946 10, 808 7,668
17, 077 9,733 4,744 17,674 5, 889 10, 353 38,298 20, 402 20, 471 13,584 7, 642
18,111 11, 428 6,022 15, 459 6, 591 9,411 38, 387 18, 749 20,354 13,01 11.502
20,177 15, 016 6,056 15,061 5, 547 9,295 41,623 19, 305 20, 611 7,609 7, 218
14, 561 7,677 5, 798 14, 156 5,589 9,155 42,905 22, 297 23,298 9,667 5,876
10,243 6,102 4,568 13,730 5,777 8,296 26, 895 12, 677 17, 310 13,906 11, 269
14, 151 6,495 7,010 15, 742 4,320; 9,583 30, 714 11,466 19, 525 12, 097 8,854
13,634 6,595 6,776 16,764 5,019 11,430 28, 678 9,301 17,194 4,825 5,139
11, 549, 7,523 6,169 12,103 4, 508 7,967 29,683 9,593 20, 389 5, 554 3,743
49,823 3,990! 24, 814 2,573 6,737 12, 179 4, 749, 8,722 2,885 2,097
11,318 4, 301 5,982 11,558 2,888 8,757 20,006 4, 547 13,668 4,777 2,850
15,586 6,908 6, 239 11, 921 2,908 8,526 22, 453 5, 560 16, 213 7,152 4,040
16,030 9,203 7,965 12, 392 3, 383 8, 164 22, 369 5, 489 15, 551 8,289 4,905
15,663 7,361 6,687 15,002 3,803 9,187 20,800 5,884 15,092 10, 725 7,507
13,717 7, '" 6,694 11,903 4,692 7,630 21,879 6, 427 14, 763 5,382 4, 501
11, 569 5,247 6,265 11,367 4,466 7,769 16, 714 5,369 11,579 7,451 7,951
12, 082 5,424 7,265 14,035 3,292 10,302 13, 618 4,007 9, 253 5,233 3, 321
12, 608 5,399 6,770 13,999 2,829 10, 276 22, 133 4,880 17, 151 5,738 4,
11,839 6, 046 6,699 12, 653 4, 383 9,044 24,128 6,825 16, 690 5,577 3, 901
11,041 5,313 5,868 11,860 2, 353 8,726 20, 414 5,047 13,903 6, 320 4, 598
12, 716 5,561 6,840 11,224 3,043 7,896 19, 191 5,660 13, 385 7,532 4,305
11,046 4, 546 6,253 12,116 3,899 8, 430 21,454 5,506 15, 481 5, 464 3, 793
12, 107 5,096 6,447 13, 016 4, 105 8,727 23, 174 6,144 16, 745 4,797 2, 974
14,376 5,874 7,590 10, 965 3, 047 8,136 20, 495 6,003 14, 629 5,729 2,785
12,639 5, 297 7,029 11, 786 2,843 8, 366 21, 742 5,322 15,801 4,733 4,625
13, 102 5, 7,969 12, 869 2, 355 9,235 21, 365 5, 219 15,490 5, 670 4, 495
14,582 6,858 8,696 13, 483 5, 320! 8,369 21, 181 6,022 15,590 18, 656 17, 4801
12, 539 6, 605 8,195 12, 537 3,882 8,526 22,609 5, 817 17,260 14,600 13, 943
12,708 5,057 7,048 8,573 3, 626 5, 778 25, 301 6,226 18, 837 7,228 5,672
14,447 6, 326 7, 193 11,200 2,510 7,803 21, 347 5, 041 16, 323 7,626 5,008,
14,587 7,952 8,419 11,952 2, 757 8,657 24,082 5, 593 18,585 5,656 4,963
13, 557 4,815 8,409 10, 667 2,944 6,464 23, 179 5,700 17, 536 5,281 3,166
14, 629 8,335 7,055 13, 562 4, 012| 8,886 22, 406 5,943 16, 839 5, 462 3, 424
14, 579 6,849 7,856 7,880 2,921 5, 576 19,044 5,248 13, 724 664 1,501
12, 582 6,014 7,575 8,389 1,609 6,224 20, 865 5,255 14,844 2,439 1,244
14,756 7,160 7,441 10,823 3,083 6,881 23, 712 6,706 16, 492 5,110 3, 395'
6,769 3,477 4, 178! 7,183' 2,455 4, 511 13,311 5,035 9,305 4, 101 2,888
12, 631 5,563 6,772 11,409; 3,413 7,708 23, 802 7,326 15, 675i 5, 579! 3,835
12, 015 5, 061 7, 14, 114 3,642 9, 172 27,001 9,690 15, 358 7, 721' 4,476
11, 743 4,357 6, 650! 14,567 4,427 8,806 30, 641 14,100 15,807 11,753 8,306
11,639 4,904 6, 006 14, 989! 5,234 8, 138 22, 315 10,550 13, 996 11, 392 8,077
10, 414 5, 570 5,356 16, 719 7, 857 8,580 17, 252 6,434 10, 786 12,154 9, 671
11,674 5, 805 5, 078 16, 102 7, 328 8,706 21, 270 8, 686! 13, 060 6,501 5, 2671
13,990 6,915 4, 8551 19, 274 7,608 10,763 28,844 11, 188| 15,800 11, 7701 7,968)
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Sioux City South St. Joseph South St. Paul Wichita

Week ending
Re Ship Local Re Ship slaugh Local Re Ship Local Re Ship Local
ceipts ments slaugh slaugh slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
15, 174 10,0401 6,704 18,788 7,642 9,851 31, 481 16, 420 16, 495 14, 178 11, 173
18,527 12, 361 5,725 17, 807 6,984 9, 715 32, 271 15,556 14,688 11, 133 8,783
21,363 12, 945 6, 147 17, 918 7,538 10, 252 31, 104 18,224 13, 799 10, 131 6,418
23,402 17, 602 5, 672 17,569 7,302 10, 116 36,284 18, 411 16,383 8,650 7,756
22, 193 12, 686 6,261 17, 741 5, 979| 10, 259 42, 965 22, 583 17, 876 7,775 5, 956
25,522 21, 443 5,948 13, 917 5, 972 8,548 39, 063 22, 468 18, 602 12, 477 7,000
19, 174 13, 063 5,219 18, 574 5,716 10,009 41, 726 20,042 19, 663 7,318 5,636
22,851 14,558 6,175 20,928 4,349 7, 931 39, 930 19, 968 20, 587 5,875 4,297
18,668 13, 981 6,222 17, 489 13, 967| 11, 125 39,543 19, 871 20, 272 11, 558 6,819
17, 553 10,034 5, 972 17, 957 7,440 9,863 36, 772 14, 036 22,086 9,149 5,931
16, 016 11,064 5,347 14, 887 5,924 7,774 42, 779 18, 386 22,684 13,448 11, 105
12, 875 8,034 5,290 16, 595 6,819 9, 297 35, 615 16, 650 20, 652 9,902 7,267
17,144 10,163 5,744! 16, 618 7, 926 9, 132 28, 735 10, 360 18, 051 7,834 5,700
10, 966 8,856 4,104 9, 275 4, 658! 5,980 22,511 8, 399 13,294 5, 570 3,609
16, 714 7,991 6,282 13,958 4, 097| 8,738 33, 220 11, 490 20, 978 6, 330 4,312
18, 348 10, 679 6,503 14, 476 4,211 9,835 31, 473 11, 410 19, 062 9, 524 5, 197
14, 659 11,058 5, 975 11,079 4. 530 6, 856 26, 375 9, 655 17, 460 8,916 6,045
6,796 3,577 3, 485 8, 492 2,658 6,373 11, 193 2,542 8,868 1,858 1,730
12, 483! 4, 649 5,483! 12,054 2,707 8,256 17, 650! 3, 618 12,560 6,607 3, 122
15, 282| 8, 162 6,600 14, 824 3,980 25, 671 4,912 18, 652 8,924 5,036
13, 650 7,699 6,982! 14, 633 4, 052 9,939 22, 565 5, 122 17,231 6,424 4, 656|
16, 544 6, 871 7, 181 13, 833 4,569 8,403 18, 879 4, 519 13, 875 5,124 3,217
15,052 9, 233 6,713 10,500 4, 456 6,843 18,068 4,646 13,878 7,894 6, 191
14,451 8,370 7,316 13, 116 3,753 8,466 17,957 3,204 14, 343 4,847 2,401
14, 242 7,789 6, 551 11,664 4,844 6,884 21,594 3, 17, 188 5,150 3, 760
16,386 8,112 7,707 11,571 4,882 7,139 20, 297 4, 15,317 4,432 2,748
15, 873 8,036 7,433 11,308 4,397 7, 475 22, 623 3,634 17, 679 4,521 2,978
13, 468 8, 994 6,154 11, 670 4,006 7, 624 22, 573 4, 872 17, 067 4, 403 2, 447
15,658 7,424 7,191 12,622 4,537 7, 815 22, 024 4, 419 16, 142 5,294 3,356
16,039 8,855 7,226 12, 378 4,202 7,461 23, 352 5,992| 16, 757 4,5,099• 2,498
16,880 7,900 7, 4671 11, 121 3,522 7,553 22, 777 5,527 16, 632 2,789
12, 350 6,620 6,708 12, 429 2,752 8,465 17, 471 3,448 13, 371 6,310 3,991
14, 919 7,284 8,363 9,636 4,508 6,430 24, 870i 5,859 18, 777| 5,506 4,025
13,448 7, 413 7,090 10, 422 2, 399 7,462 24,658! 4,946 17, 965 8,002 6,064
15,240 7,159 7, 426 10, 285 3,115 7,087 24, 294 6,047 16,851 9,263 6, 213
14, 932 6,892 7,865 13, 440 5, 698 7,242 23,041 7, 181 16, 116 8, 659 7,420
15,094 9, 153 6,508 12, 246 4, 042 7,535 23, 889] 4, 817 17,602 8,214 6, 0341
16, 469 6,882 9, 261 12, 761 3,558 8,997 23, 618! 5,556 17, 949 5,802 4, 291
16,029 7,640 8,504 12, 964 2,689 9,531 23,691 4,582 18,308 4,573 2, 610!
11, 968 5,546 6,932 12, 577 3, 528 8,218 24,957 5,109 18, 817 6,229 3,413
14, 181 6,517 7,706 10,003 3,101 7,002 19, 416 3,896 15, 172 5, 641 3,934|
14, 476 4,910 8,560 10, 692 2,642 8,120 19, 672 3, 835 15, 856 4,526 2, 719
15,444 4,523 8,916 10, 658 3, 051 7,654 19, 812 3, 251 14, 497 4,500 2, 422
11, 249 4, 589 7,193 8,373 3, 746 5,529 19, 815 3,328 15,456 3, 139 2,098
9,807 3, 394 7, 200 7,695 2, 144 5, 181 14,994 3,690 10,376 3,464 2,250
14,106 6, 6461 7,502 8, 798 1,559 7,085 20, 979 3, 652 15, 852 3, 183 1,362
15, 479 5, 865 8, 903 13, 112 1, 969 9, 951 25, 393 6,691 17,454 5, 343 2,930
13, 866 6,053 7, 677 11,405 2,040 8,957 24,640 8,565 15, 776 7,147 3,981
13, 013 5,367 7,196 13, 468 3, 426 9,438 21, 995 7,460 13,883 4,111 2,310
15, 7901 7, 954 8,151 14, 768 3, 279 10, 676 19, 975 7,740 12, 333 . 6,042 2,621
11, 507 5,715
6, 021 13, 592 4, 184 9,298 21, 381 5,949 12, 803 10,294 5,884
15, 270 7,340 16,798 4,991 10,753 25, 032 9, 726 14, 087 6,626 5,007
15, 610 6,834 6,715 17, 747 4, 746 11, 517 25,406| 12, 002 13, 607 6,774 4,029
18, 354 11, 908 6,749 16, 660 4,697 12, 498 23, 967 8, 719 13, 301 8, 519 4,101
23,948 14,352 8,028 19,815 6,892 11, 337 24,024 10, 642 12, 668 8,642 5,141
19, 812 12, 4J7 4,976 22, 899 7,584 12,449 27, 553 12, 225 12,837 10,494 5,200
23, 165 14, 122 6,444 20, 237 7, 045 12, 598 31, 102 13, 330 15, 932 8,850 6, 697
25, 661 20, 380 7,908 17, 895 8, 319 10, 459 30, 228 13, 023 17, 276 8,369 4,944
23, 377 13, 831 5,658 19, 811 7,046 10,479 35, 712 15, 106 18, 914 9,305 5, 479
25, 412 15, 434 6, 755 17, 018 6,994 9,953 36, 055 16, 547 20, 465 12, 513 8,997
21, 721 15, 946 7,119 21, 800 6,475 13, 188 34, 904 14, 374 19, 284 12, 006 8,462
19,996 11, 461 6,932 27, 518 8, 515 12,984 39, 626| 13, 491 23, 669 14, 095 9,501
11, 690 6,944 6,438 14, 114 8,639 10,928 35, 947 13, 155 21, 820 16, 452 10, 286
19, 181 8,192 6,999 19,873 7, 178 9, 489 56, 369| 25, 096 31, 090 18, 881 15,346
18, 657 10,318 6,300 12,751 5, 193 8,453 43, 865 22, 241 27,005 10,470 7,509
11, 601 6,625 4, 870 11, 178 3, 377 8,460 23, 110 9,503 14,741 10, 203 6,619
15, 897 5,178 8,104 13, 748 3,908 9,337 32,096 6,350 24,087] 7,624 5,660
21,434 6,365 9,431 14, 857 3, 485! 10, 080 29,755 6,419 21, 941 12,688 7, 842
14, 8241 11, 013 11, 524 9,851 3,000 6,709 31, 777 6,048 24, 727 10, 503 7,227
7, 7081 2, 8981 5, 392 7, 214! 2, 139 4, 945 10, 276 2,286 9, 455! 3,085! 1, 736
Table 16.—Cattle and calves: Weekly receipts, shipments, and local slaughter
at 12 specified markets, 1921-1925—Continued

Sioux City South St. Joseph South St. Paul Wichita

Re Ship Local Re Ship 'slaugh Local Re Ship Local Re

ceipts ments !slaugh8 slaugh
ter ceipts ments ter ceipts ments ter ceipts
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber ber < ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
13, 268 4,235 7,785 11, 336 3, 243 8,251 17,030 17, 364 3, 578
22, 026 7,372 750 13, 751 2,877 10, 693 31, 7, 481
17,450, 6, 224 954 11,848 3,489 8,563 7, 629
16, 832 7,494 4421 13, 446 4, 122 8,465 6, 779
15, 516 7, 100 698 12, 110 3,216 8, 054 6, 799
16,463 6,258 221 11, 625 3, 922 7, 793 7, -"
14, 484 6,916 706 10, 991 3, 228 7,565 7, 108
13, 855| 5,719 460 12,943 3,177 9, 652 8,465
15, 730 6, 281 190 12,968 3, 121 9, 905 11,426
15, 158 6, 284 887 12, 876 2,917 9, 990 9,083
19, 083 7, 902 298 14, 429 3,098 10,158 10, 675
15, 678! 5, 997 036 12, 610 2,602 8,583 12, 130
16, 109 6,441 220 11,644 2,736 8, 712 9, 967
15, 191 6,124 873 11, 205 2,592 9,033 9, 233
12, 2721 5,848 605 10,088 2,871 7, 013 9,138
16, 783' 5,848 571 11,610 2,257 8,817 9,816
11, 757 4,525 10,836 2,556 9,031 9,734
15, 475 4,965 9,665 2,354 7, 264 13, 789
14, 656 7, 978 9, 827 1, 605 7,747 6,885
11, 725 3, 257 9, 710 1,890 7, 452 5,
13, 181 4, 577 10, 392 2,344 7, 709 8,309
16, 722 4,939 10, 503 2, 054 9, 033 5,009
10, 285 5, 520 9,667 2,238 6,964 3, 705
9,161 2,566 11, 287 2,164 8, 385' 3,749
10, 030 2,908 6,903 1,657 5,713 2,696
11, 148 4, 084 11,703 1,703 9, 379 3,042
12, 242 3,177 13,988 2,936 10, 640 4. 282
13, 699 4,121 13, 482 2,001 10, 797 5, 427
10, 905 5, 308 16,533 2, 375 11,930 7,272
9, 919 4,702 J 4, 923 3, 401 11,948 6, 205
14, 682 4,427 19, 563 4, 688 14,612 6, y59
16, 736 9, 265 14, 953 3, 608 11, 520 8,1
17, 835 8,485 17, 519 3, 692 12, 792 7, 926
20, 077 10, 042 19, 073 3,221 14. 236 8,295
19. 672 12, 146 19,478 4, 304 13, 279 9,201
18, 928 10, 856 13, 857 5, 983 8,481 7, 809ne
13, 405 7,874 13, 077 2, 123 10, 943 4,4, r"
19, 790 9, 3421 18, 773 3,606 14, 314
26, 184 12, 026 18,137 6,032 11, 827 9,178
26, 562 16, 683 20, 855 5,084 13, 945 8,638
31, 340 17, 755 27, 135 7, 415 17, 278 11, 079
26, 328 14, 430 22, 193 9,850 11. 708| 13, 252
28, 873 14, 648 20, 032 6, 024 12, 673 7,448
23, 923 14,404 22, 221 11,680 10,044 12, 330
20, 757 11, 193 16, 382 3, 685 12,704 13,888
19, 628 9,234 16, 263 3.547 11, 761 9,753
21, 767 10, 511 14, 772 4, 065 10, 041 8, 190!
15, 852 9, 411 10, 212 2,894 7, 744 7, 528
24, 753 11, 243 13, 509 3, 813 9, 758! 9,857
26, 160 14, 309 13, 637 2,905 10. 384 10.096
21, 391 10, 547 17,042 3,193 11, 900! 10, 760'
11,985 6, 345 9,667 2, 628 7, 710 4,992
14, 151 5, 100 10,9811 2,433 8,900 3, 16b
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool. Current figures available in Crops and Markets, weekly.
Table 17.—Cattle and calves: Percentage of shrinkage 1 in shipments by cooperative
associations, 1921

Calves, mixed ship
ments 3
Straight shipments 3 Mixed shipments 3
Distance and month
Animals Shrinkage Animals Shrinkage Animals Shrinkage
upon which percentage upon which percentage upon which percentage
figures of weight figures of weight figures of weight
are based shipped are based shipped are based shipped

Number Per cent Number Per cent Number Per cent

Less than 100 miles 1,661 2.56 6,261 2. 34 16, 869 3. 49
100 to 150 miles 3,518 2.26 4,117 2. 99 9,781 4. 99
150 to 200 miles 3, 158 3. 46 7.151 3. 30 8, 114 4. 85
200 to 250 miles 1, 623 3. 16 2,295 4.06 1,767 6. 48
250 to 300 miles 350 2. 91 179 3. 03 102 4.83
300 to 350 miles 1,888 4.09 917 4. 86 2, 194 5.96
350 to 400 miles 1,522 5. 03 2,627 5. 28 5,641 5. 96
400 to 450 miles 1,070 3.94 1, 419 4. 09 2,063 7.40
450 to 500 miles 376 4.20 345 4. 27 495 6.20
500 to 550 miles 72 5. 04 8 6. 26
550 to 600 miles 220 4.60 330 4.80 42 7. 75
January... 1,822 4.20 2,795 4.00 3, 858 5. 26
February. . 1, 401 3.34 2,591 4.13 4,172 5. 22
March 1, 416 3.66 3, 210 3. 39 6,183 5.66
April 2,063 3.54 2,400 3.14 5,517 5.64
May 1,728 2. 78 2, 413 2.69 5,632 5.20
June 2, 339 2. 62 2, 281 2. 97 4, 386 5. 67
July 828 2.66 1,056 2.78 2, 541 5.00
August 616 2. 72 1,429 2. 74 2,691 5. 08
September 680 3. 47 1,283 3.18 2, 332 4. 98
October... 829 3.81 1,636 3. 24 2,794 5.30
November. 1,000 4. 30 2, 505 3. 68 3, 919 4. 62
December. 736 2. 84 4. 07 3,053 4.87
Division of Cost of Marketing.
i Shrinkage represents the difference between the shipping-point weight and the terminal weight, in
cluding the weight of all crippled and dead. Hence the shrinkage figure is over and above the direct
Josses due toshipments
crippled and dead.but one species of livestock.
J Straight contain
3 Mixed shipments contain more than one species of livestock.

Table 18.—Cattle: Percentage crippled in shipments by cooperative associations,

Straight shipments 1 Mixed shipments !
Ani Per Per Aver Ani Per Per
Market, distance, mals Aver centage centage age mals Aver centage centage!
and month upon age crip crip weight upon age crip crip weight
which weight pled of pled of of crip which weight pled of pled of of crip
figures of ani total total pled figures of ani total total pled
are mals number weight ani are mals number weight ani
based shipped shipped mals based shipped shippedl mals
Number Pounds Per cent Per cent Pounds Number Pounds Per cent Per cent Pounds
Buffalo 652 1,050 0.15 0. 18 1,220 1,840 956 0.27 0. 16 546
Chicago 7,462 888 .12 .07 543 14, 973 862 .18
East St. Louis 912 735 .22 .23 760 573 815 .35
Kansas City.. 1,229 679 3,794 770
Milwaukee 673 985 2,127 999
Omaha 480 846 909 823 . 11
Pittsburgh 1,601 1,010 .13 540 729 873 .27
Sioux City 2,333 814 .17 665 1,020 792 .10
St. Joseph 259 814 1,728 803 .06
St. Paul 238 655 6,047 873 .07

Less than 100 miles. 2.330 799 0.09 0.06 540 7,888 874 0.06 0.05 667
100 to 150 miles 5,130 934 .10 .08 796 8,086 847 .17 .17 815
150 to 200 miles 3,437 829 .09 .07 694 8,030 826 .10 .08 683
200 to 250 miles 2,427 953 .17 .10 578 3,720 873 .27 .18 605
250 to 300 miles 395 1,055 187 550
300 to 350 miles 2,004 929 851 860 .11 .13 1,000
350 to 400 miles 1,805 8.54 .22 .13 502 4,052 880 .17 .13 648
400 to 450 miles 1,119 897 1.460 873 .14 .05 345
450 to 500 miles 699 879 .15 .08 450 501 896 .20 .22 1,000-
500 to 550 miles 101 723 46 718
550 to 600 miles 220 923 .91 .70 705 330 888
January... 2,088 838 0.19 0.17 738 4,097 844 0. 12 0.10 690
February.. 1, 775 870 .05 .06 950 3, 541 825 .20 .18 733
March 1,981 873 .20 4,359 838 .16 .13 663
April 2, 421 945 .16 808 3,280 842 .21 .18 713
May 2,052 951 .14 967 3,284 862 .12 .08 595
June 3,201 .03 600 3, 103 879 .26 .27 925
July 914 .11 460 1, 321 857
August 818 835 . 12 450 2, 032 882 .20 .10 433
September 941 796 1, 863 .05 .04 640
October... 1.082 811 2,288
November. 1,302 855 .15 .10 630 3,358 878 .06 .05 690
December. 1,071 908 .09 .08 840 2, 625 900 .11 .07 550'
Division of Cost of Marketing.
i Straight shipments contain but one species of livestock.
' Mixed shipments contain more than one species of livestock.
Table 19.—Calves: Percentage crippled and percentage dead in mixed shipments<
by cooperative associations, 1921 1
Crippled Dead
upon Average
Market, distance, and which weight Percent Percent Average Percent Percent Average
month figures of age of age of weight age of age of weight
are animals total total of total total of
based number weight animals number weight animals
shipped shipped shipped shipped
Number Pounds Per cent Per cent Pounds Per cent Per cent Pounds
Buffalo 7,906 167 0.29 0.28 162 0.32 0. 32 16T
Chicago... 7,803 153 .49 .34 106 .36
East St. Louis.. 868 259 . 11 .05 120 .23 .11 120
Kansas City . 2,627 201 .19 . 18 190 .19
Milwaukee 20,928 110 .13 .23 1170
Pittsburgh 3,976 160 .13 . 11 130 .18 .13
Sioux City 130 219 .77 .35 100 .70 .35 100
St. Paul 10, 555 136 .03 .02 93 .13 .12 120

Less than 100 miles... 20, 629 124 0.07 0.16
100 to 150 miles 15,646 137 .25 .30
150 to 200 miles 9,776 145 .09 .14
200 to 250 miles 2,980 203 .20 .13
250 to 300 miles 102 196
300 to 350 miles 2,194 162 .23 0.18 ' 132 .23
350 to 400 miles 6,313 165 .35 .31 146 .41
400 to 450 miles 2,145 177 .19 .19 178 .33 0.27 144
450 to 500 miles . . 514 171 .78 .92 230 1.94
550 to 600 miles 42 166 2.38 1.42 100 2.38 1.42 100'

January 4,968 141 0.28 0.23 116 0.36
February 5,093 140 .14 .12 126 .16
March 8, 122 125 .11 .25
April 6,991 126 .14 .36
May..... 6,794 132 .15 .27
June 5,514 150 .15 .11 118 .27
July- 3, 095 152 . 19 . 15 117 .22
August 3, 547 175 .23 .51 161 . 14 0.13 160
September 3,231 178 .34 .28 145 .31
October.... 4,115 163 .15 . 19 208 .12
November 4,904 150 .16 .16
December 3,967 138 .18 .15
Division of Cost of Marketing.
I Mixed shipments contain more than one species of livestock.


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Table 27.—Cattle: Slaughter statistics, sources of supply, classification, slaughter
costs, weights, and yields, July, 1922-December, 1925 1

Source of sup
ply Sex classification
Aver Dressed By-product yields (on
basis of live weight)
age live Aver as per
Year and cost per age live centage
month 100 weight of live Edible Edible
Stock Other Bulls Cows
and and Steers pounds
yards sources stags heifers weight fat * offal Hides

1922 Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Dollars Pounds Per centlPer cent Per cent Per cent
July 88.90 11. 10 5. 10 35.60 59. 30 7. 36 985. 46 54. 60 4.02 2.95 6.64
August 89. 13 10.87 4.03 40.16 55. 81 6.94 972. 85 54.05 3. 73 2.85 6. 73
September . 89.63 10.37 4.27 43.84 51.89 6.53 965.37 53.29 3.46 2. 84 6.68
October 88.29 11. 71 4. 34 50.99 44.67 6.09 957. 77 52. 32 3. 15 2.83 6.79
November.. 91.40 8.60 4.36 51.93 43. 71 5.63 946. 17 51.84 3.11 2. 72 6. 81
December.. 92.26 7.74 4. 10 49.85 46.05 6.07 957. 52 52.68 3.57 2.81 6.76
January 91. 89 8.11 3. 51 49.58 46.91 6.58 979. 66 54.00 4.09 2.77 6.67
February... 91. 13 8.87 4.80 44.18 51.02 6. 89 973. 54 54.80 4.28 2.90 6. 71
March 90. 45 9. 55 3. 18 42. 57 54.25 7. 19 973. 12 55.08 4.38 2.92 6. 70
April 91. 15 8.85 2.82 47.54 49.64 7.51 970.54 55.51 4.48 2. 85 6.74
May 90.27 9.73 6.70 37.51 55. 79 7.82 949. 66 55.79 4.26 2. 85 6. 71
June 88. 12 11.88 3.89 37. 41 58.70 7.90 955.28 55. 01 4. 18 2.84 6.75
July 83. 31 16. 69 4.46 43. 18 52.36 7.26 942.18 53.99 3. 78 2.80 6. 73
August 88. 12 11.88 3. 91 48.29 47.80 7.03 933. 38 53. 97 3. 42 2.74 6. 82
September.. 92. 12 7.88 4.58 49. 52 45.90 6.59 939. 07 53. 38 3. 75 2. 79 6.87
October 91.28 8.72 3.63 54. 40 41.97 6. 01 940.04 52.79 3.21 2.82 6.73
November.. 88. 27 11. 73 4.17 61. 19 34.64 5.64 933.51 53.83 3. 12 2.77 6.98
December.. 88. 76 11.24 3.29 54.78 41.93 6.23 952. 37 52.39 3.54 2.56 6.94
January 90.11 9. 89 3. 16 51.68 45. 16 6.65 965.94 53. 16 3.84 2.85 6.95
February... 88. 70 11. 30 3. 39 50.40 46. 21 6.67 966. 46 53.94 3.94 2.86 6.84
March 88.41 11. 59 5. 39 46.99 47.62 7.14 967.21 54. 09 4. 13 2.93 6. 71
April 91.43 8.57 5.28 42.25 52.47 7.57 962.00 54.35 4. 19 2.86 6. 71
May 90.09 9. 91 4. 71 38.77 56. 52 7.92 948.28 55.17 4. 33 2.88 6.79
June. 89.81 10.19 3.52 40.35 56.13 7.40 951. 14 54.94 4.29 2.89 6.76
July 91. 13 8. 87 3. 01 41.98 55. 01 7.19 940.28 54.96 4. 21 2. 82 6.82
August 91.23 8. 77 4.04 44.86 51. 10 7.06 951. 55 54. 35 3. 98 2.76 6.73
September.. 91. 41 8. 59 5.28 50.33 44.39 6.33 938. 50 53.51 3. 74 2. 87 6.79
October 92.23 7.77 5.38 56. 97 37.65 5.75 938.68 52. 32 3.40 2.81 6.80
November.. 91.08 8.92 3.22 62.61 34.17 5.34 932. 89 51.06 3.30 2.90 6.77
December.. 91.73 8.27 2.61 57.19 40.20 5.66 947. 26 51.88 3. 47 2. 77 6.89
January 91.99 8.01 2.55 52.01 45.44 6.51 974. 82 53.41 3.89 2.77 6.89
February... 90.14 9.86 2.92 49. 71 47.37 6.87 976. 97 53.96 3.98 2.90 6.83
March 90.93 9.07 2.91 48.86 48. 23 7.67 970. 57 54.10 4. 07 2.94 6.74
April 90.28 9.72 5. 10 39.87 55.03 8.20 976. 82 55.02 4. 21 2.96 6.64
May 89. 25 10.75 3.72 39.49 56. 79 8.16 966. 45 54. 81 4. 20 2. 82 6. 62
June 88.72 11.28 3.90 43.83 52.27 7. 86 952.90 53. 92 3.86 2.91 6. 65
July. 90.38 9.62 3. 65 45. 97 50.38 7.55 946.43 53.04 3. 47 2.95 6. 73
August 91.93 8. 07 3.39 53.24 43. 37 6.94 938. 88 52.43 3. 18 2.92 6.70
September.. 91.69 8.31 3.30 53.07 43.63 6. 86 926.09 52.76 3.20 3.02 6.86
October 92. 06 7.94 3. 12 60.75 36. 13 6. 36 939. 78 51.70 3. 15 3. 01 6.77
November. 88.86 11. 14 3. 15 62.95 33.90 6.18 938. 03 51.00 3.11 3.02 6.88
December.. 91. 35 8.65 2.99 58. 14 38. 87 6.80 953. 77 51.94 3. 46 2.98 6.89
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from monthly reports of the cold storage
report section. Current figures available in mimeograph report issued by the cold storage report section,
1 Based on reports from about 750 packers and slaughterers, whose slaughterings equaled nearly 85 per
cent of total slaughtered under Federal inspection.
2 Unrendered.
Table 28.—Calves: Slaughter statistics, sources of supply, slaughter costs, weights
and yields, July, 1922-December, 1925
Source of supply Dressed By-productofyields
Average Average weight as (on basis
Year and month live cost live percent
per 100 weight age of
Other pounds live
yards sources weight Edible
1922 Per cent Per cent Dollars Pounds Per cent Per cent Per cent
July 85.60 14.40 7.85 171. 57 56.92 0.65 3. 71
83.89 16.11 8.02 192. 72 56.55 .71 3.33
85.93 14.07 7.69 199.71 55.46 .75 3.33
89.13 10.87 6.96 197. 18 53. 46 .74 3.37
88.76 11.24 7. 18 188.61 56.41 .68 3.50
88.96 11.04 7.79 176.09 57.71 .70 3.78
89.49 10.51 8.51 168.42 59.09 .72 4. 14
89.15 10.85 9.34 162. 67 59.44 .65 3.98
86.03 13. 97 8.80 148.83 59.23 .65 4. 12
April 86.99 13. 01 7.98 141. 78 57.88 .62 4.25
85.73 14.27 8.97 146. 39 56.19 .57 3.78
82.41 17.59 8.24 161.85 57.78 .62 3.81
July 82.71 17.29 8.60 176. 77 57.46 .50 3.05
82.91 17.09 7.53 195.99 56.08 .85 3.34
88.36 11.64 7.30 204.48 54.78 1. 10 2.78
87.50 12.50 6.94 199.69 55.68 .88 3.25
86.58 13. 42 6.39 189. 37 57.34 .84 3.36
85.46 14.54 7.19 181.29 57.46 .73 3.40
January 88.47 11.53 8.29 176.80 58.68 .76 3.67
87.46 12.54 9.45 162.63 57.16 .73 3.97
March 86.41 13.59 8.85 152.08 60.63 .71 4.08
April 86.83 13.17 8.49 146. 92 60.59 .68 4.02
86. 25 13. 75 8.19 157. 40 60.64 .72 3.80
85. 11 14.89 7.68 167.98 67.48 .73 3.93
July 86.51 13.49 7.61 181.40 56.60 .77 3.56
83. 72 16.28 7. 42 197. 19 55.49 .77 3.30
86.96 13.04 7.23 201.45 56.22 .79 3.29
89.04 10.96 6.81 196. 39 55.20 .78 3.33
87.92 12.08 6.24 197.60 54.28 .75 3. 35
89.10 10.90 7.15 183.47 57.03 .77 3.58
89.25 10.75 8.52 176. 38 57.46 .70 3.94
87.86 12.14 9.39 168.82 57.33 .66 4.00
March 87.42 12.58 9.64 156. 41 59.50 .64 3.96
April 89.19 10.81 8.70 145.58 58.86 .63 4.03
May 85.74 14.26 8.69 153.29 58. 38 .63 3. 91
June 84.61 15.39 8.26 166. 49 56.99 .67 3.74
July. 87.76 12.24 8.08 184. 18 56.31 .74 3.58
August 87.31 12.69 8.63 197.02 56. 25 .75 3. 37
September 83.94 16.06 8.80 197. 55 56.29 .79 3. 35
October 87.44 12.56 8. 55 201.42 57.72 .78 3.38
November 86.85 13. 15 8.22 188.67 59.25 .75 3.63
87.78 12.22 8.75 182.03 56.54 .76 3.58
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from monthly reports of cold storage report
section. Current figures available in mimeograph report issued by the cold storage report section, monthly .
1 Unrendered.
Table 29.—Cattle and beef: Slaughter and production under Federal inspection,

Cattle slaughtered Beef production

Year and month
Total Con Passed Total Con
demned demned
1920 Nu -T Number Number Pounds Pounds
January 8*2,231 6,358 825, 873 421, 982, 729 3, 223, 824
February 630, 995 4,912 326, 066, 666 2, 538, 276
March 683, 139 4,395 678, 744 354, 945, 362 2, 283, 554
April 637, 575 4,009 633, 566 360, 867, 450 2, 269, 094
May 626, 304 3,734 622, 570 338, 492, 260 2, 018, 078
June 656,602 3, 273 653, 329 351, 242, 674 1, 750, 859
July 661, 172 3, 022 658, 150 345, 343, 359 1, 578, 451
August 685,763 3, 036 682, 727 346" 248, 596 1, 532, 906
September 825, 484 3, 653 821, 831 398, 378, 578 1, 762, 937
October 843, 136 4,607 838, 529 398, 778, 034 2, 178, 973
November 858, 946 5, 961 852, 985 410" 249, 789 2, 847, 093
December 667,344 4, 626 66200, 718 344, 850, 012 2, 390, 486
Total. 8,608? 691 51,586 8, 557, 105 4, 397, 445, 509 26, 374, 531
January 689,506 4, 790 684,716 360, 094, 508 2, 501, 577
February 526, 177 3, 891 522,286 281, 094, 277 2, 078, 650
March 620, 936 4,158 616, 778 342, 762, 881 2, 295, 257
April 590,943 3, 302 587,641 318, 110, 526 1, 777, 499
May... 569, 979 2,968 567, 011 320, 373, 796 1, 668, 253
June 640, 186 2,840 637,346 358, 004, 815 1, 588, 185
July 579, 028 2,412 576, 616 315, 286, 536 1, 313, 358
August 680, 419 3, 381 677, 038 373, 257, 451 1, 854, 715
September 689,043 3, 345 685, 698 371, 538, 876 1, 803, 657
October.. 749, 756 5,361 744, 395 394, 154, 227 2, 818, 332
November 686,115 5,692 680, 423 363, 009, 724 3, 011, 523
December 586, 192 4, 912 581,280 315, 054, 752 2, 640, 003
Total. 7, 608, 280 47, 052 7, 561, 228 4,112,742,369 25,351,009
January 641, 513 4,617 636, 896 355, 462, 353 2, 558, 279
February 569, 153 5, 049 564, 104 311,440,522 2, 762, 813
March 673, 701 5, 737 667,964 376, 396, 749 3, 205, 262
April 589, 916 4,665 585, 251 334, 718, 338 2, 646, 921
May 702,203 5,185 697, 018 394, 069, 302 2, 909, 771
June 724, 418 4,814 719, 604 395, 619, 158 2, 629, 022
July 697, 303 4, 738 692, 565 375, 169, 933 2, 549, 186
August 761, 125 4,883 756,242 400, 214, 748 2, 567, 580
September 796, 377 5,242 791, 135 409, 656, 329 2, 696, 485
October 883,949 7, 756 876, 193 442, 938, 004 3, 886, 454
November 859, 413 8,794 850, 619 421, 507, 700 4, 313, 105
December 778, 736 7,952 770, 784 392, 810, 013 4, 011, 148
Total. 8L 677, 807 69, 432 8, 608, 375 4, 610L 003, 149 36, 736, 026
January 745, 109 6,423 738, 686 394, 192, 465 3, 398, 024
February 633, 710 5,280 628, 430 338, 103, 296 2, 817, 038
March 687, 634 5,780 681, 854 368, 599, 329 3,098,311
April 696, 757 5,822 690, 935 375, 377, 834 3, 136, 603
May 762, 461 5, 851 756, 610 403, 974, 712 3, 100, 036
June 726, 962 4,779 722, 183 382, 003, 992 2, 511, 269
July 724, 896 4, 149 720, 747 368, 732, 848 2, 110. 472
August 820, 514 5, 420 815,094 413, 366, 748 2, 730, 542
September 809, 810 5, 597 804, 213 405, 905, 851 2, 805, 832
October 952, 795 9,141 943,654 472, 805, 463 4, 536, 039
November 845, 618 10,486 835, 132 424, 897, 676 5, 268, 900
December 756, 250 8,315 747, 935 377, 346, 062 4, 148, 935
Total : 9,162,516 77,043 9, 085, 473 276 39,662,001 4,685,704,275
Table 29.—Cattle and beef: Slaughter and production under Federal inspection,
1 920-1 925—Continued

Cattle slaughtered Beef production

Year and month
Total Con Passed Total Con Produced for
demned demned food
1924 Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Pounds
January 812, 459 7, 727 804,732 417, 222, 070 3, 968, 046 413, 254, 024
February 669, 051 6,665 662,386 348, 809, 739 3, 474, 798 345, 334, 941
March 665, 156 7, 655 657, 501 347, 969, 710 4, 004, 637 343, 965, 073
April 689, 190 6,475 682, 715 360, 342, 992 3, 385, 454 356, 957, 538
May 773, 334 7, 125 766, 2J99 404, 585, 149 3, 727, 586 400, 857, 563
June 669, 579 5,168 664, 411 349, 875, 115 2, 700, 435 347, 174, 680
July. 764,104 5,410 758,694 394, 896, 588 2, 795, 942 392, 100, 646
August 785, 981 5,139 780, 842 406, 485, 794 2, 657, 737 403, 828, 057
September 870, 171 6, 237 863,934 436, 973, 771 3, 132, 034 433, 841, 737
October 1, 016, 289 9,486 1, 006,803 499, 150, 342 4, 659, 049 494, 491, 293
November 951, 887 11, 535 940,352 453, 393, 297 5, 494, 236 447,899-021
December 925, 874 10,649 915,225 455, 002, 260 5, 233, 238 449, 769, 022
Total 9, 593, 075 89, 271 9, 503, 804 4, 874, 706, 827 45, 233, 192 4, 829, 473, 635
January 855, 179 8,538 846, 641 445, 274, 602 4, 445, 566 440, 829, 036
656, 427 6,823 649,604 346, 028, 929 3, 596, 676 342, 432, 253
736, 313 7,885 728,428 386, 630, 593 4, 140, 334 382, 490, 259
731, 258 8, 181 723, 077 392, 978, 049 4, 396, 469 388, 581, 580
748, 514 6,640 741, 874 396, 472, 896 3, 517, 076 392, 955, 820
June 731,886 5, 532 726,354 376,072,302 2, 842, 563 373, 229, 739
July 862, 053 6, 835 855, 218 432,698,883 3, 430, 760 429, 268, 123
August 811, 144 6,793 804, 351 399, 269, 411 3, 343, 718 395, 925, 693
September 866, 183 7,543 858,640 423, 208, 352 3, 685, 434 419, 522, 918
October 1, 066, 528 11, 214 1, 055, 314 518, 151, 298 5, 448, 097 512, 703, 201
November 860, 662 9,927 850,735 411, 749, 307 4, 749, 176 407, 000, 131
926, 892 10,350 916, 542 459, 134, 952 5, 125, 872 454, 009, 080
Total. 0, 853, 039 90, 261 9, 756, 778 4, 987, 669, 574 48, 721, 741 4, 938, 947, 833
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Slaughter data from Bureau of Animal Industry inspec
tion service; production computed from the number of animals inspected and passed and the average
dressed weight from slaughter reports of the cold storage report section.

Table 30. —Calves and veal: Slaughter and production under Federal inspection,
Calves slaughtered Veal production
Year and month Con Con
Total demned Passed Total demned
1920 Number Number Number Pounds Pounds
January 305, 125 1,345 303,780 26, 313, 980 115, 993
February 283, 052 1,422 281, 630 22, 958, 348 115,339
March 390,053 2,317 387, 736 29, 839, 054 177, 250
April 382, 420 1,411 381,009 25, 599, 195 94, 453
May 368, 614 997 367, 617 23, 797, 720 64, 366
June 431, 079 744 430, 335 31, 835, 184 54,944
July 342, 765 433 342, 332 35, 109, 419 44, 352
August 332, 349 446 331,903 35, 680, 989 47,883
September 347, 578 528 347, 050 41, 910, 955 63, 666
October 314, 791 623 314, 168 35, 936, 541 71, 122
November 315, 971 745 315, 226 37, 736, 417 88,976
December 244, 573 644 243, 929 24, 327, 676 64, 058
Total 4, 058, 370 11,655 4, 046, 715 371, 045, 478 1, 002, 402
January 282,043 810 281,233 27, 298, 942 78, 400
February 253, 692 566 253, 126 23, 869, 880 53,255
March. 360, 410 930 359, 480 31, 186, 277 80, 473
April 365,541 870 364, 671 29, 458, 949 70, 113
May 366, 798 679 366, 119 31,031,111 57, 444
June 369, 696 429 369, 267 33, 694, 093 39,099
July 324, 046 442 323,604 32, 505, 054 44,337
August ' 303,796 526 303,270 32, 852, 499 56, 881
September 321, 193 484 320,709 35, 809, 808 53, 962
October 309, 136 725 308,411 33, 507, 251 78,583
November 292, 172 787 291, 385 29, 477, 233 79,400
December 259, 045 780 258,265 25, 984, 804 78, 242
Total 3, 807, 568 8,028 3, 799, 540 366, 675, 901 770, 189
January 288, 487 1, 121 287, 366 26, 255, 202 102, 022
February 279, 359 971 278,388 24, 952, 346 86, 730
March .. 391, 439 1, 725 389, 714 31,851, 391 140, 363
April 2,030 363, 293 28, 352, 718 157, 548
May 401, 340 1,204 400, 136 33, 323, 260 99,968
June 388, 919 613 388,306 34, 073, 194 53, 705
July 329, 445 489 328, 956 32, 160, 421 47, 736
August 344,968 620 344, 348 37, 598, 062 67, 573
September 353,095 701 352, 394 39, 108, 802 77,643
October 382,837 381, 848 40, 354, 848 104, 250
November 347, 711 346, 775 36, 992, 973 99,581
December 308,646 307, 794 31, 367, 693 86,589
Total 12, 251 4, 169, 318 396, 390, 910 1, 123, 708
January.. 351, 382 1, 103 350, 279 34, 969, 537 109, 771
February 296, 698 1,105 295, 593 28, 687, 730 106,843
March 367, 979 1,578 366, 401 32, 437, 349 139, 101
April 400, 322 1,423 398, 899 32, 850, 423 116, 771
May 466, 792 1,307 465, 485 38, 393, 642 107, 501
June 387, 905 712 387, 193 36, 276, 876 66,587
July 378, 513 5S2 377, 931 38, 449, 351 59,120
August 402, 643 707 401, 936 44, 254, 492 77,706
September 338, 093 618 337, 475 37, 869, 797 69, 222
October 416, 388 1,100 415, 288 46, 294, 018 122L 208
November 370, 070 1,038 369, 032 40, 182, 201 112, 706
December 947 322, 591 33, 702, 90 98,649
Total 4, 500, 323 12, 220 4, 488, 103 444, 368, 369 1, 186, 275
January 372, 859 1,469 371,390 38, 680, 393 152, 394
February 345, 593 1,458 344, 135 32, 126, 325 135, 535
March 376, 709 1,655 375, 054 34, 736, 337 152, 608
April 465, 720 1,432 464, 288 41, 458, 394 127, 476
May 469, 692 1,039 468, 653 44, 832,101 99,172
June 408, 130 691 407, 439 39, 409, 033 66, 723
July 421, 292 542 420, 750 43, 254, 050 55, 648
August 374, 480 657 373, 823 40, 975, 602 71,889
September 419, 113 659 418, 454 47, 468, 738 74, 638
October 473, 468 839 472, 629 51, 323, 931 90, 947
November 392, 395 873 391, 522 42, 088, 288 93, 638
December 415, 579 1, 251 414, 328 43, 486, 187 130, 905
Total 4, 935, 030 12, 565 4, 922, 465 499, 839, 379 1, 251, 573
33764—27 6
Table 30.—Calves and veal: Slaughter and production under Federal inspection,
1 920-1 925—Continued

Calves slaughtered Veal production

Year and month
Total Con Passed Total Con Produced
demned demned for food
1925 Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Pounds
January 394, 453 1, 091 393, 362 39, 973, 867 110, 562 39, 863, 305
378, 070 971 377, 099 36, 593, 395 93,983 36, 499, 412
March 466, 092 1, 397 464, 695 43,379,182 130, 018 43, 249, 164
April 496, 306 1, 179 495, 127 42, 528, 461 101,028 42, 427, 433
May 480, 581 814 479, 767 43, 007, 194 72, 845 42, 934, 340
473, 487 815 472, 672 44, 929, 181 77, 335 44, 851, 846
July 472, 819 750 472, 069 49, 040, 787 77,790 48, 962, 997
438, 772 725 438, 047 48, 629, 101 80, 352 48, 548, 749
September 422, 487 626 421, 861 46, 984, 779 69, 617 46, 915, 162
October 486, 011 968 485, 043 56, 503, 639 112,540 56, 391, 099
November 398, 012 843 397, 169 44, 489, 781 94,230 44,395, 551
December 445, 471 1,149 444, 322 45, 847, 875 118, 255 45, 729, 620
Total 5, 352, 561 11, 328 5, 341, 233 541, 907, 242 1, 138, 555 540, 768, 687
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Slaughter data from Bureau of Animal Industry in
spection service; production computed from the number of animals inspected and passed and the average
dressed weight from slaughter reports of the cold storage report section.
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Table 32.—Cattle and calves: Slaughterings in important beef exporting countries
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]

United States Argentina Can New Nether

Aus farm ada, Uru Zea
Year tralia, and guay, land, lands,
Feder Total i In in in
ally in packing Total total in spected spect spect
spected plants2 spected ed3
9, 633 18, 906 » 1, 691 •3, 272 1, 572 » 1, 218 914 277 485
1923 13,663 22, 707 3,338 6,651 2,049 1,850 1,393 411 596
1924 14,528 23,866 4, 321 1,864 1, 173 488
1925 15,206 24, 805 3, 871 (8)
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources and International Insti
tute of Agriculture except as otherwise stated. Figures published, as available, in Foreign Crops and
1 Estimated by Bureau of Animal Industry. Ratios are established for slaughter other than under
Federal inspection which are subject to change due to more recent data from census and other sources.
1 Does not include public abattoirs.
» Year ended March 31 of following year.
* In addition there was an average of 14,155 slaughtered on account of disease in 1910-13 and 27,885
in ■ 1923.
Average for five years immediately preceding war wherever available.
• Average 1912-13.
? Year 1910.
8 Inspected slaughter in 1925 reached 975,814 compared with 899,621 in 1924 or an increase of 8 per cent.
Table 33.—Cattle and calves: Slaughterings in specified beef importing countries 1
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]
of United Republic Belgium,
Year Germany, France 2 Kingdom, of farm and
home and total Austria* inspected
Pre-war * 7,057 » 3, 165 8 3, 302 1, 019 758
1923 '4,753 2,987 8 3,000 625
1925 7 7,6,840
478 2,660
83,009 755

Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources and International Insti
tute of Agriculture except as otherwise stated. Figures published, as available, in Foreign Crops and
i Italy also imports considerable quantities of frozen beef but no slaughter or meat statistics are available.
> Average 1909-13, slaughterings in municipal slaughterhouses of all France. Subsequent years based
on Paris slaughterings, which during the years 1909-13 averaged 23 per cent of the cattle and 15 per cent of
the calves slaughtered in the municipal slaughterhouses.
t Estimates furnished by Doctor Thalmayer, Court Councilor for Austria; for year 1910 excluding Bur-
genland; 1925 figure includes Burgenland and represents the average for 1922-25.
4 Average for five years immediately preceding war except for some countries having changed boundaries
for which date are available for one year only.
5 In 1911 the cattle and calves slaughtered in all France including farm killings was estimated by J. E.
Lucas, agronomic engineer in Annates de la Science Agronomique Francaise et Etrangere at 1,9004000 cat
tle and 3,000,000 calves. For the year 1911 the cattle and calves slaughtered in municipal slaughterhouses
comprised 66 per cent of the total cattle slaughterings in France.
• Average agricultural years 1909-10 to 1913-14.
7 Home slaughter estimated on basis of returns for 1912 and 1924 when home slaughter averaged 2 per
cent of inspected.
I Based on Weddel & Co.'s estimate that 25 per cent of total cattle are available for slaughter each year.
Table 34.—Beef and veal: Estimated production in important beef exporting
[In million pounds—i. e., 000,000 omitted]
United States Argentina
Canada, Uruguay, New
Year borne
Australia and in Zealand,
Federally Total i packing Total » in spected in
1 spected*
inspected spected
Pre-war average ' 4, 100 7,157 1, 196 2,312 426 469 221
1923 5,125 6,873 2,103 4, 190 •943 663 706 329
1924 5,324 7,065 1, 183 »943 669 595 391
1925....- 5,476 7,146 2,177
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources and International Insti
tute of Agriculture except as otherwise stated. Figures published, as available, in Foreign Crops and
s1 As estimated
Estimated bybymultiplying
the Bureauslaughterings
of Animal Industry.
by average dressed weights of animals slaughtered at packing
» Production for years ended Mar. 31 of following year.
* For five years immediately preceding war when available.
4 Average per annum for three years ending 1923-24.
Table 35.—Beef and veal: Estimated production in specified beef importing cotm-
tries of Europe 1
[In million pounds—i. e., 000,000 omitted]
Republic of United
Year Germany, France » Kingdom, Republic of Belgium,
home and total Austria home and
2,139 1,240 1, 714 251 316
1923 < 1, 174 1, 180 1,584 218
1924 4 2,1, 011
789 1,092 1, 613 168
1925 1,006 177
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources and International Insti
tute of Agriculture except as otherwise stated. Figures published, as available, in Foreign Crops and
1 In addition to these countries, Italy now imports considerable quantities of frozen beef, but as no
slaughter or meat statistics are available it has not been included.
1 Estimated by multiplying slaughtering by average dressed weight of animals slaughtered in the Vil-
lette and Vaugirard slaughterhouses in Paris.
> Average for five years immediately preceding war, except for some countries having changed boundaries,
for which data are available for one year only.
4 Home production estimated on basis of returns for 1912 and 1924, when home slaughter averaged 7 per
cent of inspected.

Table 36- -Beef and veal: Monthly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets, 1921-
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)
Year and Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city
month inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1921 Number, Number Number, Number, Pounds Pounds Number Number Number,
January 8,523 9,742 426 1, 673 54, 405 7,207 7,619 179
February. . 8,739 8,981 485 3,079 37, 312 5,272 7,535 12
March 10, 834 8,697 785 3,734 115, 967 6,066 17, 269 18
April 10, 055 4,409 266 3,729 84,748 5,316 17, 372 35
May 11, 818 4,408 253 4, 430 60,997 5,027 15,280 78
June 14, 733 3,941 303 2,693 4,137 6,273 16,530 96
July 11, 389 3,197 183 2,759 14,466 4, 336 10, 622 110
August 14,561 4, 755 293 2,687 10,429 7,841 13, 389 202
September. 12, 723 2,448 140 2,612 5,000 5,807 11, 502 123
October 13, 067 5,352 163 2,648 8,166 7,410 11, 213 140
November. 13,524 5,477 278 3,406 6,826 11, 344 14, 231 236
December.. 9,121 5,237 187 1,987 196 7,115 5,947 13
Total.. 139, 087 66,644 3,762 35, 437 402, 649 79, 014 148, 509 1,242
January. 8,785 6,602 297 3,087 36
February 8,761 7,211 304 3,198 26
March 12,005 7,760 379 5,064 715 26
April 9,628 4, 530 204 5,338 953 23
May 15,002 5,103 312 5,719 156
June 11, 308 2,908 113 4,386 181
July 12,345 4,051 153 3, 183 257
August 14, 347 4,748 427 4, 318 322
September... 11, 071 4,612 152 2,816 2,231 50,000 175
October 13, 570 7,548 371 3,622 21,990 195
November... 12,296 7,942 157 6,167 1,900 458
December 8,549 6,504 205 3,946 1,283 165
Total.. 137, 667 69, 519 3,074 50,844 37, 570 50,000 80,791 144,364 2,020
January 9,893 10,017 206 4, 455 7,200 7,171 8,766 11
February. . 8,877 7,663 277 3,060 5,311 5, 213 15
March . 9,664 6,354 186 3,840 "2~997 5,000 5,364 7,339 14
April 10, 181 4, 359 200 6,665 5,506 8,680 12
May 14, 482 3,834 343 6, 416 2,000 6,914 11,885 »
June 11, 378 2,547 287 4,928 25 4,978 8, 484 4
July.. 9,417 1,980 84 2,724 4,999 6,992 5
August 15, 386 3, 765 892 4,645 41, 383 8,405 8,302 27
September. 11,394 4,341 136 2,725 8,165 6,165 5,709 67
October 14, 769 8,231 181 5,503 2,448 12,106 9, 513 430
November.. 8,373 6,713 116 5,248 17,788 10, 598 7,621 146
December- 9,301 5,630 228 3,450 16, 302 8,870 5,751 249
Total. 133, 115 65, 434 2,686 53,659 96, 308 7,000 86, 387 94, 255
January 10,024 8,211 315 4,695 27,784 3, 200 8,953 7,436 112
February... 7,120 6,090 314 4,406 22, 782 5, 593 5,273 69
March 6,154 5,269 240 5,869 38, 495 3,200 6, 916 7, 734 61
April 9,171 5,182 355 7,719 45, 138 8,680 12, 408 145
May 9,285 4, 215 320 5,556 32, 148 6,875 9,540 189
June 11, 354 3,807 223 5,418 66, 336 6,203 7,895 248
July 13, 761 3, 168 239 5,460 3,519 9. 170 136
August 12,066 4,942 197 4,065 13, 997 5,533 6,085 131
September.. 10, 653 5,003 252 5,732 11,000 6,976 7,265 279
October 14, 018 9,051 282 6,892 10, 661 8,758 9,523 748
November . . 9,202 9,492 136 5,931 4,471 10,654 7,284 387
December... 11, 522 9,381 276 6,290 15, 766 12, 026 6,644 614
Total.. 124, 330 73, 811 3, 149 68, 033 292, 097 6,408 93, 861 96, 257 3, 119
January 8, 773 9,352 242 4, 331 18,000 8, 913 5,303
February 8,728 8,023 200 4, 468 31, 741 6,364 5,648 95
March 9,094 6, 391 189 7,119 8,000 6,301 7,165 58
April 12, 410 5, 973 275 8,526 7,689 11, 572 22
May 10, 515 3, 876 161 6,460 500 5,880 9,151 19
June 9, 182 4,030 166 7,092 44 5,004 7,638 16
July 11, 594 6, 999 96 8,173 58 6,347 7,435 40
August 8,543 8,023 137 5,058 5,794 5,585 84
September... 11, 557 9,680 169 6,944 7, 649 6,836 179
October 9,544 10, 991 247 6, 687 10, 026 6, 478 955
November... 8,204 9,708 150 6, 653 9,441 5, 833 470
December 9, 558 12,254 215 7,372 10,031 6, 226 470
Total 117,702 95,300 2,247 78, 883 155,936 58,343 89,439 84,870 2, 476
Table 36.—Beef and veal*: Monthly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets, 1921-
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)
Year and Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city
month inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1921 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number! Number
January... 24,069 6, 161 651 29,553 622,888 42, 523 42, 480 79
February. 23, 697 6,590 34, 286 488, 846 38, 788 41,518 379
March 30, 107 7, 624 52, 866 507, 435 48, 152 67,019 166
April 25,234 3,298 830 43, 259 288, 462 39, 381 74, 343 183
May 26, 891 2, 331 856 42, 262 257, 073 41,080 70, 125 257
June. 36, 208 3, 127 867 52, 346 429, 375 48,408 76,385 379
July.. 28,499 1,825 395 37, 384 583,404 36, 987 60,998 195
August 38, 270 2, 511 779 39, 492 488, 054 47,644 63, 189 111
September 30,109 1,205 461 27, 852 356, 320 40,186 52,800 239
October... 32, 110 2, 105 675 32, 677 450, 586 35, 018 46, 458 334
November 34, 570 2,689 766 49,600 590, 980 43, 986 47, 719 390
December. 23, 719 2,500 513 38, 057 342, 442 35, 712 43, 713 287
Total 353,483 41,966 18,957 479, 634 5, 405, 865 497, 865 686, 747 2, 999
January 25, 816 3,368 719 32, 866 426, 104, 157 39, 769 44, 181 304
February 782 38, 291 370,
26,601 3, 971 • 934 39, 620 45, 215 377
March 32, 981 4, 156 53, 981 466, 37, 393 49, 514 67,900 375
April 24,528 1,781 1,057 46, 097 523, 21,804 38,664 70,080 123
May.. 37, 338 2,493 770 50,821 564, 51, 239 85, 795 478
June 28,641 2,193 615 45, 537 256, 42, 184 62, 176 834
July 28,239 1,817 720 36, 292 486, 40, 689 59, 589 1,113
August 38, 361 2,259 693 42, 492 1, 015, 47,783 63, 468 429
September 29,878 1,901 571 39, 492 286, 42, 643 49, 249 419
October 35, 423 3, 139 1, 143 48,583 422, 851 41, 348 49, 574 378
November 40,219 3, 818 1, 072 62, 375 751, 9,504 49, 168 55,164 347
December 29, 489 3,207 954 41, 776 794, 650 42,300 45,583 221
Total.... 377, 514 34,103 10, 030 538,603 6,362,381 174,359 524, 921 697,974 5, 398
January 35, 874 2, 100 50,384 943, 837 600 51, 620 57, 166
February.. 28, 853 4, 728 3,533 32, 956 690,961 9,372 39, 856 48, 660
March 26, 323 4,011 1,806 45,071 829, 910 100 40,008 57, 859
April 30, 191 3, 072 5, 301 49, 910 670, 574 4, 984 42, 974 71,006
May 41, 952 2, 354 5, 951 61,005 791, 626 6, 239 50,511 83,712
June 30,878 2, 324 1,874 47, 797 766, 513 78,244 36, 030 59, 254
July 29,859 2, 229 950 43, 279 367, 951 86, 658 37, 726 55, 573
August 41,902 3,525 2,009 51, 292 706, 914 43, 543 48, 059 65,685
September. 34,286 4,106 1,201 39, 362 530, 293 30, 558 35,594 51, 488
October 43, 876 4, 379 1,440 57, 378 820, 914 57, 746 50,545 62, 716
November. 28,832 3,798 765 43,454 637,024 38,611 47, 324
December.. 27,990 3, 965 773 39, 023 644, 601 10, 010 39, 676 47, 763
Total 400, 816 44,580 27, 703 560, 911 8, 401, 118 328,054 1511,210 708, 206 bU
January 39, 732 5, 474 951 48,902 1, 383, 052 51,044 62,164 113
February.. 29, 759 4,369 1, 227 47,016 903, 309 85,692 39, 591 49, 399 60
March 25, 825 4, 215 959 44, 182 907, 925 172, 893 38, 450 56, 205 7fL
April. 36, 476 5, 418 1, 139 70, 332 1, 246, 595 368,511 48, 477 89,841 78
May 32, 290 4,259 835 54,747 1, 203, 755 416, 556 40, 511 69,098 36
June 37, 241 4, 488 1,116 50, 762 1, 302, 032 471, 429 37,606 61, 937 313
July... 37, 489 3,767 1,626 54, 650 1, 420, 033 429, 636 48, 470 71, 702 38
August 31, 909 3, 964 1,653 34, 074 1, 108, 567 239, 464 40, 147 56, 174 20
September. 33, 461 4, 391 1,682 41,943 517,004 24, 649 41, 589 58, 089 59
October 41, 389 6, 670 1,730 60, 789 750, 465 259 46, 390 61,231 140
November. 31,018 5,782 1,012 41, 055 461, 571 30, 000 44, 436 51, 643 116
December.. 38,208 8,036 734 57, 162 652, 958 36, 985 57, 337 77, 292 110
Total 414,797 60, 833 14,664 605,614 11,857,266 2, 276, 074 534, 048 764, 775 1,168
Table 36.—Beef and veal: Monthly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets, 1921-
NEW YORK—Continued
Receipts ■ v.. Slaughter (carcasses)
Year and Carcasses . Cuts Under Federal Under city
month inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1925 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number Number
January 33, 439 6,223 755 45, 030 670, 882 48, 149 60, 459 106 12,027
February 31,931 5, 363 747 41,640 748, 926 6,000 42, 498 56,644 47 12,983
March 29, 226 4, 333 637 54,432 1, 086, 740 12,103 41, 531 59,642 165 17,758
April 38, 291 4, 576 689 69, 692 1, 227, 246 88,850 49,885 90,712 154 16,654
May 32, 103 2, 978 728 49, 541 730, 242 233, 538 41, 355 70, 158 50 9,250
June 30, 532 2,163 748 47,267 956, 018 354, 880 39, 911 65, 536 28 5, 453
July 40, 557 3. 952 1,056 54, 320 855, 284 47, 167 48, 428 75, 079 4,710
August 34, 436 2,625 684 39, 350 1, 023, 902 138, 217 36,945 56,294 1 3, 190
September 41,060 4,465 753 50, 695 1, 591, 937 209, 182 45,006 69, 958 7,355
October 39,294 4,939 440 60, 739 1, 646, 871 163, 474 38, 414 57, 736 6,526
November 31, 169 4,430 438 49, 723 1, 180, 332 165,499 35,754 49, 028 1 6,665
December 40, 822 6,212 689 55, 738 1, 763, 064 174, 163 47, 639 65, 631 10,237
Total.... 422, 860 52, 259 8,364 618, 167 13,481,444 1, 593,073 515, 515 776, 877 552 112,808
January... 9, 946 4,222 359 7,219 8,564 4, 448 946
February. 10, 160 4,170 251 7, 365 6,932 3,807 612
March 9,250 5,094 562 8,927 10,868 6, 852 950
April 8, 363 2,913 391 5,735 8,430 6,448 805
May 9,920 2,653 S20 8,937 8,732 6, 032 814
June 10, 730 2, 612 517 9,712 10, 931 7, 253 727
July 8, 837 1,480 178 6,475 8,314 4, 756 600
14, 769 2, 425 358 8,239 9,828 5,912 877
September.. 11,572 1,440 416 6,685 8,582 4, 796 555
October 10,654 1,812 493 5,893 8, 450 4,971 889
November.. 12,237 2, 435 516 8,259 10, 105 4,313 1,331
December... 7,977 2,178 446 5,332 9,806 3,581 1,182
Total. 123, 965 33, 434 5,307 88,778 109, 548 63,169 10,288
January 9,022 2,523 391 5,930 8,939 4,980 1, 045
February.. 9,119 2,607 359 4,894 8, 568 4,571 1, 100
March 11,295 3,317 648 8,455 10, 813 7,935 1,745
April 9,089 1,557 465 7, 259 8,240 6,389 1,152
May 13, 018 2,362 977 9,781 11, 101 8, 661 1,507
June 10, 833 2,427 635 8,287 9,499 6,992 829
July 11,685 1,059 62 5, 435 8, 198 6,279 1,544
August 13, 635 2,311 371 7,700 9,386 5, 867 686
September. 11,344 1,792 257 6,430 9, 470 5, 213 764
October 12. 073 1,869 290 6, 775 8,650 4,621 795
November. 14,204 2, 579 570 9,581 10, 297 5,883 1,195
December.. 10,430 2,813 747 7,004 8, 235 4, 198 983
Total... 135, 747 27, 216 5,672 87, 531 111, 396 71,589 13, 345
January 14,594 3,534 601 9,370 9,756 6,228 1, 095
February.. 11, 732 1,788 97 6,512 7,986 4, 454 840
March. ... 9,188 1,870 238 7, 164 7, 837 5,295 834
April 11,200 1,728 368 7,371 8,842 6,958 892
May 14,564 1,665 1,269 11, 739 11,272 9,798 945
June 10,241 1,445 867 6, 979 8,489 7,041 449
July 9,668 2, 207 683 5, 545 7,606 6,003 610
August 13,047 3, 526 1,519 7,863 10, 027 7,489 664
September. 10,877 2, 890 1,092 7,277 7,878 5,101 923
October 13,685 2,845 1,056 7,409 10,487 6, 212 1,552
November. 9,633 2,246 712 6, 394 8,111 5,952 1,248
December. 9,785 3,292 838 6,751 8,161 4,118 1,070
Total 1138, 214 | 29,036 9,340 ! 90,374 106,452 74,649 11,112
Table 36.—Beef and veal: Monthly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets, 1921-
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)
Year and Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city
month inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1924 Number Number, Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
January 10,923 3, 676 1,038 7,944 10, 196 6, 611 1,815
.February. . 10, 823 3,004 840 8,037 7,333 5,084 1,385
March 8,948 3, 539 812 9,389 7,921 5,982 1,784
April 12,029 3,787 779 12,544 9,471 9,027 1,995
May 11,950 2,551 759 8,639 7,438 8,533 1,501
June 12,915 2,667 1,067 10,247 6,843 8,192 1,243
July. 15, 168 2,357 1,199 9,471 8,313 8,179 1,307
August 12,554 1,958 987 6, 587 7,183 6,305 980
.September. 11,888 2,845 977 7,329 7,671 6, 137 1,153
October 14,931 3,880 1,320 9,360 9,120 6,250 1,369
.November. 10, 769 3,606 1,119 9,121 6,949 5, 852 1,288
December.. 12, 250 5, 169 956 9,871 7,829 5,800 1,392
Total. 145, 148 39,039 11,853 108,539 96,267 81,952 17,212
January 11,904 4, 482 567 7, 372 6, 819 6,286 1,411
February. . 10,097 3, 439 653 7,616 5,563 6,154 1, 174
March 9,311 3, 309 709 8,818 6,530 5,711 1,580
April 11,453 3,478 779 12, 735 8,438 8,560 1,812
May 9,658 2,226 598 9,995 6,699 8,189 1,562
June 9,738 1,746 621 8,118 6,036 6,643 2,119
July 12,844 2,958 1,009 10,024 8,799 9,280 1,509
August 10,599 2,415 1, 151 6,187 6,480 6,121 1,132
September. 12, 869 3,389 1,388 8,335 9,132 7, 334 1,S03
October 10,589 4, 132 1,069 8,288 6,689 5,374 1,809
November. 10, 074 3,561 996 8,468 5,877 4,837 1,786
December.. 13,380 4,861 1,120 10,088 7,244 6,794 2,403
Total 132, 516 39,996 10,660 106,044 84,306 81,283 20, 100
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool.
Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.

Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,

Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection

Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef I Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1921 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
Jac. 8... 2, 573 1,736 62 278 965 2, 011 2,021 7
15... 2,097 2,706 73 15S 934 1,806 1, 859 2
22... 2,123 2, 554 114 823 340 1,810 1, 579 164
29... 1,730 2,746 177 414 166 1,580 2,160
Feb. 5... 2, 175 2, 752 123 746 110 1,651 2,106
12... 2, 016 2, 085 130 722 224 1,218 1,867 3
19... 2,456 2,260 118 863 200 1, 253 1.664
26... 2, 092 1,884 114 748 778 1, 150 1,898 1
Mar. 5... 1.741 2,300 192 807 914 1, 371 3,061 3
12... 1,843 2, 156 127 522 003 1,208 2,962 6
19... 2. 378 1,802 151 807 383 1,357 3,530 3
2, 322 1,484 159 645 209 1,054 3,225 4
Apr. 2,550 955 156 953 458 1,076 4, 491 2
2, 350 1,288 104 835 488 1,106 4,937 1
2,330 1,403 73 1, 413 515 1,278 4, 375 6
2,487 800 53 1,124 655 1,241 3,624 10
2,888 918 36 357 090 1, 691 4,436 18
May 3,044 1,247 62 841 975 1, 398 5, 016 4
3,178 984 73 898 Q15 1,243 3, 403 27
2,752 1.118 61 1,305 250 1,245 4L 077 10
2,844 1,059 57 1,386 757 1, 141 2, 784 37
June 2,642 792 82 598 726 1,011 3,483 15
2, 582 721 84 559 222 1,204 2,867 4
2,925 546 40 429 499 1, 134 2,681 15
3, 562 844 0 412 398 1,394 3,288 5
July 3,022 1,038 44 695 292 1, 530 4,511 57
2,652 789 51 1,026 995 1,886 37
3, 206 831 47 404 013 1, 214 3,526 14
3,021 1,200 45 797 701 917 2,735 20
2,510 377 40 532 752 1,210 2, 475 39
Aug. 2,887 772 81 140 1,264 2,429 39
3, 142 972 46 853 1,637 2,380 32
2, 570 1, 144 70 937 7, 184 1,638 3, 124 39
3,090 1,252 64 603 1,537 2,805 74
Sept. 2,872 615 32 154 245 1, 765 2, 651 18
3,404 404 38 596 000 1,066 2, 093 1
3, 170 620 36 693 1,447 2,633 22
2, 649 482 31 448 1,367 3,339 68
Oct. 3,500 942 35 875 1. 927 3, 437 32
3,238 1,394 28 848 8, 166 1, 374 3,247 10
3,058 1, 173 39 435 2,065 2,179 14
3.233 1,498 47 509 2,048 3, 126 39
3. 538 1,287 49 856 1, 923 2,661 77
Nov. 3, 303 1,312 50 910 2L 388 2, 630 101
2,633 1,259 36 801 , 859 2,260 2, 400 12
2,986 960 55 644 218 2,881 3,293 107
1, 975 837 57 550 ., 749 1,931 3, 152 7
Dec. 2, 627 1, 109 80 501 1,884 2,756 9
2, 548 1,316 42 590 1,790 1,705 3
2,528 1, 434 46 493 196 2, 651 2,133 4
1,684 1,084 40 365 1.559 1,680 4
2. 361 1,403 59 539 1,115 429 2
Total. 139, 087 6,644 3,762 35, 437 402, 649 79, 014 148,509 i 1,242
Jan. 7 1,826 1,276 64 724 1,542 2,010 4 158
14 2, 378 1,402 58 557 1,401 1,867 7 153
21 2,479 2,226 68 748 1,667 1,792 15 288
2,102 1,698 107 1,058 1,507 1,561 10 252
Feb. 4. 2, 658 1,767 99 828 1,649 2, 149 3 274
11. 2, 201 1,865 47 778 1,598 2,409 5 259
18. 2,030 1,805 74 788 1,566 2, 363 10 460
25. 1,872 1,774 84 804 1,384 2,548 8 422
Mar. 4. 1,810 2,059 X2 571 500 1,581 3,220 9 831
11. 2, 221 1,738 96 780 215 1,435 4,267 11 826
18. 2, 616 1,030 73 948 1,349 3,731 1 1,187
25. 2, 486 1,538 1,292 1,351 2,864 1 1,114
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
1 921-1 925—Continued

Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1922 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
Apr. 1 2,872 1,395 66 1,473 1,357 4, 418 4
8 2,469 1,298 75 1,380 953 1,367 4,909 7
15— 2, 202 1,205 57 1,231 1,040 4,684 2
22— 1,922 903 25 1,347 1,186 4,071 2
29— 3,035 1,124 47 1,380 1,716 4,248 12
May 2,905 1,344 90 1,404 1,428 4,299 9
13. 3,220 1,019 41 1,200 1,512 3, 534 5
20. 3,228 1,113 .54 963 1,395 3,965 27
27. 3,195 949 52 985 1,240 2,975 90
June 3. 2,454 678 75 1,167 1,040 3,114 26
10. 2,688 321 20 1,046 1,167 2,939 31
17. 2,952 545 25 1,145 1,089 2,272 35
24 . 2,980 982 28 1,132 1,495 2,953 70
July 1. 2,688 1,060 40 1,063 1,470 3,424 45
8. 3,168 1,036 37 887 918 2,370 58
15. 3,224 1,007 34 575 1,476 2,646 78
22. 3,103 856 37 637 8,498 1,390 1,590 88
29. 2,850 1,152 45 1,084 1,301 2,256 33
Aug. 5. 2,780 1,186 185 482 1,043 2, 225 62
12. 2, 617 830 52 650 1,227 2,813 86
19. 2,952 802 47 826 1,492 1,909 111
26. 3, 042 1,030 I 82 925 1,640 2,213 34
Sept. 2. 2,956 900 61 1,435 1, 447 2,231 30
9. 3, 148 1,031 77 662 1, 349 2,581 43
16. 2,218 1, 320 34 696 50,000 1,633 2,202 34
23. 2,839 979 22 613 213 1,324 2,654 33
30. 2,866 1,282 19 845 2,018 1,702 2,230 65
Oct. 7. 3,591 1,536 92 1,006 7.581 1,522 2,736 65
14. 3,250 2,434 47 941 509 1,604 2,410 65
21. 2,863 2,082 53 872 10,100 1,686 663 57
28. 3,866 1,496 179 803 3,800 2,476 2,814 8
Nov 4. 2,890 1,708 56 1,236 1,900 2,739 2,979 240
11. 2,159 1,765 28 1,212 2,459 2,212 108
18. 2,503 1,895 6 1,490 2,166 2, 484 26
25. 2,828 1,478 40 1,296 2,230 2, 143 22
Dee. 2. 1,916 1,096 27 933 2,075 2,102 62
9. 2,226 1,910 ! 47 1,166 2,395 6,924 129
16. 2, 213 1,345 22 990 1,932 1,541 30
23. 1,909 1,304 55 782 1,283 1,686 1,847 2
30. 2,201 1,945 ! 81 1,008 1,347 1,003 4
Total 1137,667 69,519 3,074 50,844 37, 570 50,000 80,791 144,364 2, 020
Jan. 1, 812 2,618 76 833 1,255 1, 386
2,211 1,428 43 644 1, 384 1, 754
1,841 1,846 35 1,226 2, 400 1,360 1,862
1,565 1,665 41 921 2,100 1,526 1,935
Feb. 2,464 2,460 61 831 2,700 1,646 1,829
2,056 2,284 46 740 1,373 1, 404
1,857 1,808 79 1,040 1,262 1,244
2,512 2,011 109 426 1, 246 1,067
Mar. 2,452 1,560 43 854 1, 430 1,498
10 ! 2,408 1,712 50 1,068 1, 286 1,804
2,392 1,990 38 1,110 2,997 5,000 1,338 1, 518
2, 632 1,762 79 926 1,262 1,794
2,232 19 736 1,478 2,223
Apr. 2,369 23 1,668 1, 325 1,791
2,552 1,072 48 1, 653 1,338 2, 216
2,033 1,433 54 1,599 1,474 2,293
3, 227 1, 008 75 1,745 1, 369 2,380
May 3,221 990 78 1.213 2,000 1,352 2, 435
2,973 820 06 1,598 1, 387 3, 368
2,866 892 63 885 1,481 2,200
2, 818 514 49 1,424 1,179 1, 722
June 2,604 618 87 1,296 1, 515 2, 160
2, 726 584 67 1,289 1, 643 2,087
2, 958 838 104 1,670 25 ! 1,266 2, 177
2,978 573 72 957 953 2, 161
2,716 552 44 1,012 1,116 2, 059
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markelsr
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef ! Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
Number Number Number Number Pounds I Pounds Number Number Number Number
2,337 328 46 800 1, 106 1, 354 3 52
2,150 954 11 261 1,301 2,547 2
2,910 303 10 638 1,129 1,327
2,020 395 17 1, 025 1,463 1,764
3, 019 696 M 935 31,424 1,488 1,924 1
2,948 654 86 1,127 1,723 1,667 11
3, 332 709 48 951 1, 912 1,686 3
2,925 778 198 848 1,582 1,477 7
3, 162 928 26 784 9,959 1,700 1,548 6
2,970 676 29 728 2,549 1,699 1,679 48
2,483 901 25 692 1,170 1,333 2
2,718 1,206 31 735 1,446 1,491 4
3,223 1,558 51 570 5,616 1,850 1,206 18
3,086 1,884 46 1, 288 1,807 1, 466 86
1,874 1,460 33 905 02,-448 2,321 1,998 60
2,840 1,846 28 1, 340 2,770 2,105 85
3,828 1, 535 32 926 2,547 1,923 05
3, 141 1, 506 42 1,044 2,661 2,021 104
2,170 1,711 26 1, 267 2,567 1, 867 70
2,002 2,394 31 1,842 5,590 2,963 2,228 21
2, 180 1,300 29 1,203 1,769 2,741 1,753 55
2,021 1,308 30 936 10, 429 2,327 1, 773
2,460 1,822 50 1,054 8,545 2,531 1,304 15
2,608 1,042 58 438 2, 467 1,855 149
2,481 1, 394 74 952 3, 617 2, 280 1,504 53
1, 752 1,372 46 1,006 4,140 1,592 1,088
Total.... 133, 115 65, 434 2,686 53,659 96,308 7,000 86,387 94,255
1,829 1, 518 00 887 9,113 1,848 2,201 6
2,612 1,679 27 900 7,443 1,661 1, 269 34
2,193 1,566 35 836 1,941 1,353 19
1,652 1,887 75 991 2,500 1, 755 1,391 31
1,738 1,561 112 1,081 8,728 3,200 1,748 1, 222 23
1,531 1,487 65 994 12,062 1,629 1,405 17
2,123 1,640 90 701 5,469 1,661 1,398 8
1,752 1,621 83 961 400 562 1,088 2
1, 714 1, 342 76 1,750 4,851 1,741 1,382 42
1,404 1,272 36 1,064 13, 318 1,828 1,736 24
1,543 1, 441 62 1,354 23,153 3,200 1,574 1,764 26
1,630 1,274 85 1,604 1, 709 1, 811 9
1,577 1,282 57 1, 847 2,024 1,805 2,423 2
1,760 969 61 1,003 7,307 1,772 2,300 11
1,913 1,234 81 1,172 10, 277 1, 774 2,093 5
1, 537 1,030 65 1,877 7,955 1,784 2,401 2
1,878 1,039 58 2,040 9,019 1, 539 2,813 36
2,083 910 90 1,627 10,580 1,811 2,801 91
1,865 1,164 66 1,049 6,620 1,868 2,299 2
2, 365 1,226 95 1, 511 10, 073 1,674 2,344 68
2,532 836 94 1,538 14, 189 1,791 2,973 55
2,523 989 65 1,458 1,266 1,541 1,924 64
2,630 1, 012 77 1, 260 13,208 1,762 2, 081 39
2,447 1,158 57 1,357 22, 537 1,562 1,964 59
2, 958 42 909 11, 091 1,470 2,198 87
3,319 47 1,892 19,500 1,409 1,652 63
2,330 495 53 881 1,235 1,675 36
2,649 561 47 999 3,000 1, 378 1,564 3
3, 101 371 41 790 61 1, 303 1,851 12
2, 746 656 42 1,395 28 1,156 2,145 25
2,935 1,085 56 1,395 430 1,623 1,935 60
2,666 1,853 43 1,295 3,940 1, 299 1, 496 45
2, 907 1,068 45 1,123 5, 876 1,346 1,587 5
3, 332 1,046 -.0 1,110 2,100 1,360 1,333 48
3, 161 975 53 537 2,081 1,528 1,669 33
2, 759 1,041 60 1, 283 1,287 1,766 21
3,034 1,285 84 1,611 2, 100 1,908 1,659 41
2,394 986 59 1,230 8,900 1,923 1,892 104
2,466 1,691 49 1,608 1,858 1,948 113
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
1 921 -1 925—Continued
B OST0N—Continued
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)
Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city
inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1924 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
Oct. 4.... 2,919 1,443 45 997 2,502 1, 367 1,864 i60
11 3, 127 1,794 53 1,625 214 1,570 1,671 148
18.... 3,069 1,521 82 1,553 2,160 1,781 1,885 159
26.... 2,383 2, 119 44 1,418 2,800 1,967 1, 844 168
Nov. 2,520 2, 174 58 1,299 2,985 2,073 2,259 213
8.... 2,667 2,687 42 1,737 2,594 1,963 163
15.... 2,338 2, 725 36 1,755 1,716 2,969 1,948 97
22.... 2,453 2,407 31 1,386 2,355 2,683 1,636 92
29— 1, 744 1, 673 27 1,053 400 2, 408 1,737 35
Dec 6.... 2,021 1, 832 30 1,263 857 2,938 1,425 208
13— 2,585 2,115 50 734 2,608 2,791 1,748 167
20.... 3, 396 2,497 102 1,952 251 2,700 1, 212 94
27.... 1,896 1, 461 38 1,219 10,250 1,793 1, 136 59
Jan. 3 1,624 1,476 56 1,122 1,800 1,804 1, 123
Total 124, 330 73, 811 3, 149 68, 033 292, 097 6,408 93, 861 96, 257 3, 119
Jan. 10 2, 227 1,932 750 15,000 2,384 1,429
17.... 2, 183 2,176 9 4,863 3,000 2,546 1,302
24.... 2, 192 2,984 2,006 4,656 2, 161 1,662
31.... 2,171 2,260 1,630 2,356 1,822 916
Feb. 7.... 2,177 2,224 839 5,000 1,544 1,034
14.... 2,552 2,094 1,163 3,150 26, 741 1,662 1,896
21. 2,052 1,830 1, 281 4, 145 1,661 1,520
28.... 1, 947 1,875 1, 185 4,400 1,497 1, 198
Mar. 7.... 2,127 1,474 1, 853 600 1, 513 1,330
14.... 2,417 1,742 1,113 5,500 1,773 1,924
21.... 2,088 1, 615 1,867 228 8,000 1,267 2,088
28 — 2,462 1,560 2,286 2,400 1,748 1,823
Apr. 4..- 2,588 1,392 1,916 3, 100 1,704 2,066
11— 2, 326 1,260 1, 523 2,800 1, 155 2,286
18.... 2,299 1, 120 1,737 10, 421 1,459 2,522
25.... 2,409 1,073 1, 654 750 1, 724 2,139
May 2 2,788 1, 128 1,696 2,033 1,647 2,559
9.... 2,578 950 1, 158 25, 962 1,565 2, 551
16— 2,563 1,056 1,463 15,388 1,433 2, 556
23..- 2,784 899 1, 621 750 1, 501 1, 671
30 — 2,590 971 2,218 4, 129 500 1,381 2,373
June 6 2,792 996 2,004 1, 372 1,704
13 — 2,324 1, 155 1,799 1,500 1, 193 2,327
20.— 1,999 921 1,844 962 1,813
27— 2,067 958 1,445 3, 363 1,477 1,794
July 4.... 2,106 1, 102 1,277 1,265 1,405 11
11 — 2,266 1,571 1,724 1,359 1,573 1
18— 2,654 1,857 2,016 1,500 1,320 1,530 7
25 ... 2,308 1, 268 1,562 523 1, 131 1,619 9
Aug. 1 2,260 1, 201 1,594 1,425 1,272 1,308 12
8— 2,320 1,410 863 2, 322 1,410 1,586 1
15— 1,907 2,314 1,240 7, 627 1,350 1,285 36
22— 1, 965 2,007 1,388 1,750 1,393 1,515 41
Sept. 29..
5—• 2,351 2,292 1,567 1, 641 1, 199 6
2, 291 1,541 1,791 1,307 1,1,412447 45
12— 2,540 1,932 1,334 1, 127 21
19 — 2,079 1,762 1, 012 1,574 853 2
26.— 2, 442 1,810 1, 143 1,340 1,651 1,561 3
Oct. 3 2,205 2,635 1,664 3, 100 1,990 1,563 108
10.... 2,454 2,639 1,594 2, 471 1,494 195
17— 2,417 2,669 1,750 25,000 2,428 1,659 307
24 — 2,425 3, 156 1,664 2,480 1, 764 318
31 — 2,248 2, 527 1,679 2, 011 2, 647 1,561 135
Nov. 7 1, 999 2,508 1,729 1,230 2,579 1,672 121
14 2,037 2, 767 2,070 1,000 2, 372 1,325 136
21 2, 420 2,588 1,854 1, 554 2, 575 1,414 61
28 — 1,748 1, 845 1,000 1,915 1,422 162
Dec. 5 — 2,016 2,450 1,468 560 2,399 1,364 138
12— 2,222 2,509 1,649 1.Z50 2, 107 1, 430 134
19 2, 159 2, 626 1,723 2, 166 1, 188 121
26— 1,486 2,213 1, 519 500 1,701 1,242 73
Jan. 2 1,675 2, 456 1,013 1,658 1,002
Total.... 117, 702 95,300 2,247 I 78, 155, 936 58,343 89, 439 84, 870 2, 476
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Carcasses Under Federal inspection Under city

Cuts, inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Steers Cows Bulls Calves Steers Cows Calves
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber ber ber Pounds ber ber ber ber ■ ber21 ber
5,984 1, 364 91 4, 681 50,100 7,809 1,410 1, 079 10, 953
5, 648 1, 194 135 8,555 128, 187 8,016 1, 487 1, 123 12, 715 15
5, 906 1,797 185 8, 992 160,764 8,172 1, 486 1, 091 8,501 25
6,531 1,806 240 7,325 283, 837 8,387 1, 434 1,029 10, 311 18
7,010 1,935 245 7, 012 176, 339 7,717 1,310 984 10, 175 292
6,015 1,839 277 9, 259 173, 948 7,249 1, 212 908 9, 522 32
5, 335 1,491 180 9, 142 91, 785 7,208 1, 213 898 11,231 30
5,337 1,325 196 8, 873 46, 774 7, 656 1, 386 1,047 10,590 25
6, 338 1,658 295 7, 196 90, 630 7,711 1,247 942 12,042 36
5, 374 1,318 194 12, 060 66, 341 7,015 1, 151 958 12, 782 30
5,662 1, 427 232 11,694 82, 391 7, 557 1, 361 1,013 10, 962 30
6, 881 1,406 228 11, 307 163, 902 7, 473 1,316 996 16, 227 35
5,852 1,815 317 10, 609 104, 171 7, 274 1, 246 892 15,006 35
6,307 1, 169 313 12, 677 70, 078 7, 109 1,258 896 14, 953 54
5,929 852 223 10,509 85, 185 7,288 1, 265 964 19, 325 22
6,074 742 166 9,503 75, 476 8,157 1, 475 1, 102 19,004 60
6,924 535 128 10, 570 57, 723 7,585 1, 277 1, 005 21, 061 47
6, 490 545 139 10, 265 72, 108 8,416 1,440 1,158 19, 961 47
7, 515 581 233 12, 678 65,584 8, 050 1,361 1, 159 18, 101 58
6,650 501 178 10, 738 51, 453 7, 364 1,247 1,069 15, 635 70
6,236 704 306 8,581 67, 928 7,532 1,193 1,091 16,428 66
6,529 415 121 9,920 I 118,036 6,933 1,232 798 15, 735 76
6,808 660 309 11,934
9, 792 61,008 1,217 943 14,884
0,029 400 129 44,253 7,534
7,414 1, l»9 1,055 14, 901
9,147 596 148 10, 724 68,680 7, 799 1,319 1, 118 15, 159 90
7,095 990 160 9, 976 137, 398 7, 524 1,26^ 1,071 15, 646 81
6,286 468 38 9,238 235, 380 6, 226 1,019 801 8,450
7, 530 526 77 6,993 179, 594 6,958 1,166 890 21,835
7,729 502 134 10,699 71,617 7, 764 1,248 1, 095 17,124 72
6, 954 329 146 10, 454 96, 813 7,494 1,236 1,090 13, 589 123
6, 965 414 95 9,891 61, 996 7, 546 1,205 1, 177 12, 496 48
8,647 483 219 11, 117 182, 965 5, 827 1, 011 1,259 12,631 24
8, 192 655 246 8,575 59, 969 7, 780 1,215 1,045 12,291 7
8,099 560 110 6,801 99, 692 7, 721 1,239 1, 081 12, 698 20
6, 367 399 109 3,108 83, 432 7, 390 1, 158 990 13, 073 12
6,318 116 88 4, 742 112, 569 6, 758 1,054 876 12,408
7, 358 308 121 6,810 76, 650 7,540 1,205 955 12,397 82
8,434 286 154 7, 536 77, 059 8, 182 1, 309 1,219 13, 830 59
7,999 495 98 8, 764 90, 042 8,441 1,401 1,246 14, 165 98
8,306 400 169 9, 028 Kfs, 233 5,794 950 963 756 10, 513 67
7,598 408 140 5, B78 135, 919 6, 920 1, 144 1,097 11, 783 84
7,846 599 142 7, 806 86, 275 7, 047 1,302 12, 159 88
8,360 608 224 9, 965 142, 159 6, 873 1, 152 1,020 12,003 94
8,411 624 163 121 56, 342 8, 358 1,415 1,203 11, 192 108
7, 324 400 162 11, 319 116, 912 7, 367 1,241 1,1, 015 10, 967 76
7,630 439 225 11, 550 8, 032 1, 378 042 11, 885 90
5,512 443 120 8,219 95,
72, 774 2,230 573 200 3, 986 35
5,693 7K3 90 6, 933 249, 1,284 1, 983 9, 689 80
675 144 9, 479 93, 402
7, 558 7, 665 126
757 8, 355 1,544 661 13, 906 75
6, 472 525 172 9, 773 110, 632 5,014 733 1,056 11, 759 64
5,317 918 122 10, 340 79, 366 7, 828 1,333 846 10, 225 69
4, 372 3*2 75 8,465 58, 687 6, 178 1,038 7, 823 73
Total. 353, 483 41, 966 8, 957 479, 634 5,405,865 [381,237 j64, 547 j 52, 081 686,747 2,975
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts o,nd slaughter at eastern markets,
1 921-1 925—Continued
NEW YORK—Continued
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1922 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
Jan. 7... 5, 796 649 124 5,800 106, 159 8,832 10, 310 94
14... 6, 561 091 i»6 9,348 86. 496 10, 138 12, 925 S7
21... 6,367 1, 051 182 8,633 136, 963 3, 352 10, 235 9,607 53
7,092 977 227 9,085 96, 597 100,805 10,564 11, 339 70
Feb. 4. 7, 275 1,040 240 7,078 117,147 10, 132 10, 314 119
11. 6, 066 843 157 10,136 109, 028 9,722 11,831 99
18. 6,177 815 179 9, 300 59, 790 9, 844 10, 764 114
25. 7, 083 1,273 206 11,777 84, 756 9, 922 12, 306 45
Mar. 4. 6,086 1,100 217 7,879 133, 946 9,948 13, 499 77
11. 5, 609 959 204 8,751 65, 590 10,049 13, 679 71
18. 6, 686 768 209 12, 651 95, 556 9, 985 13, 208 106
25. 7, 462 834 129 12, 907 70, 117 9, 988 13, 502 60
Apr. U 7, 138 495 175 11, 793 100, 866 37, 393 9, 544 14,012 61
8. 6, 307 480 205 11,209 204, 194 10, 398 14, 309 02
15. 5,304 374 708 12, 320 76, 845 ""m 7, 905 18, 548 13
22. 5,335 524 67 10, 740 53, 609 9,674 17, 063 23
May 6.
29. 7, 582 403 77 11,828 188, 450 02i,"l63 10, 687 20, 160 25
7, 728 519 117 10, 403 145, 198 11,100 16, 733 6
13. 7,598 420 163 10, 884 131,330 10, 805 19, 292 108
20. 8,099 568 150 11,100 120, 642 10, 447 17, 506 123
27. 6, 838 482 116 9,579 122,082 10, 582 16, 995 103
June 3. 7,075 504 224 8,855 44, 771 8, 305 15, 269 139
10. 7, 232 486 124 8,470 73, 223 10, 628 17, 470 144
17. 7,022 532 159 12, 902 52, 254 10, 245 16, 531 217
24. 7,169 531 237 13,662 65, 997 10, 670 14, 072 240
July 1. 7,218 644 95 10,503 65, 291 10, 641 14, 103 227
8. 6, 821 345 367 7, 625 63, 03^2 9, 981 16, 453 251
15. 7,151 535 120 7, 305 203, 434 10, 798 13, 408 281
22. 7, 170 419 118 10, 703 81, 282 10, 826 17, 713 361
29. 7,097 518 115 10, 659 138, 376 9,084 12, 015 220
Aug. 5. 6,850 538 138 8,387 112, 569 8,004 10, 844 90
12. 8, 424 707 229 9, 309 670, 047 9,680 13, 695 60
19. 7, 792 426 139 7,847 64, 758 9,716 13, 233 112
26. 7, 838 240 121 7, 424 89,299 10, 367 12, 971 77
Sept, 2. 7, 457 348 66 9,525 78, 469 10, 016 12, 725 90
9. 6, 880 323 158 9, 620 45, 448 10, 050 12, 394 76
16. 6,923 354 192 10, 023 85, 480 11, 081 12. 506 142
23. 7,932 477 125 8,467 75, 105 10, 543 11,393 105
30. 8,143 747 98 11,382 80, 529 10, 969 12, 956 96
Oct. 7. 8,080 627 223 13, 668 66, 887 9,779 11, 524 72
14. 7,876 653 258 11,981 205, 62, 749 9,096 11,881 88
21. 9,933 1, 155 297 13, 222 522 11,154 12, 924 126
28. 9, 534 704 365 9,712 143, 87, 195 851 11,319 13, 245 92
Nov. 4. 8, 709 955 243 14, 155 205, 343 ,136 10, 325 12, 112 103
11. 8,034 859 112 13, 720 182, 455519
9, 432 10, 500 76
18. 8,477 816 224 13, 373 69 9,783 11,260 90
25. 8, 768 724 303 11,709 128, 91,644 300 9, 970 11,949 47
Dec. 2. 6,231 464 190 9,418 220 9,658 9, 343 31
9. 7, 928 813 311 11,625 178,757
147, 765 160 10, 892 11,702 65
16. 7, 798 945 232 9, 521 226, 309 10.712
300 10, 969 13, 503 43
23. 6L6, 830
933 716 193 10,691 241, 291 200 11,005 50
30. 733 218 9,939 9, 727 9,283 54
Total 377, 514 34, 103 10, 030 538,603 6, 362, 381 174. 359 524, 921 697, 974 5, 398
Jan. 6 6,938 951 194 8,685 92, 048 9, 483 9,199
13.... 8, 240 994 202 8, 823 214, 445 20010, 472 13, 433
20.... 6, 840 1,361 223 10, 319 270, 278 10, 576 11,294
27.... 6,750 1,306 217 11,375 180, 832 40010, 579 10, 976
Feb. 3.... 7,106 1,477 1,264 11,182 186,234 10, 510 12, 264
10.— 6, 795 1,126 359 9, 295 138, 032 6, 012 9,921 9, 776
17.... 6,869 1,224 715 8, 274 129, 677 10010,067 10, 636
24.... 7,312 1,270 1,286 6,439 166, 357 200 9, 890 13,112
Mar. 3 7,877 1, 108 1,173 8,948 256, 895 3, 060 9, 978 15, 136
10.... 7L 259 1,100 231 14, 465 169, 402 9, 656 11, 595
17.... 6, 668 1,067 201 11,750 157, 188 10, 075 13, 428
24 6, 302 1,044 257 9,212 190, 512 100 9, 723 12, 894
31.... 6, 094 800 1,117 9,644 312, 808 10, 554 19,942

Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
1921-1 925—Continued
NEW YORK—Continued
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection

Steers ! Cows ! Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1923 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number; Number Number
Apr. 7... 7,386 670 2,066 12, 295 146, 983 200 9,757 17, 612 4,207
14... 7,432 692 1,084 12, 059 208, 612 10, 914 19, 979 3,633
21 — 7,074 599 976 13, 291 163, 375 200 11,099 14, 384 4,026
8,299 1,111 1,175 12, 265 151, 604 4,584 11,204 19,031 3,576
May 8, 391 601 954 11,996 129, 973 200 10,906 17, 243 2, 849
7,743 610 924 12, 681 192, 396 10,084 16, 694 2,918
9,840 436 1,161 14, 260 149, 121 200 10, 246 18, 252 2,686
7, 997 304 1,168 10, 346 188,743 9,097 16,785 2,520
June 7,981 403 1,744 11,722 131, 393 5,839 10, 178 14, 738 1,912
8,179 427 129 14, 934 259, 498 25, 069 9,431 15, 972 1,563
7, 573 634 245 12, 741 156, 988 4,647 9,152 14, 331 1,052
7, 816 633 1,329 9,624 223, 419 13, 875 8,810 14,573 1,185
7,310 630 171 10, 498 126, 608 34,653 8,637 14, 378 1,177
July 5, 763 518 171 11, 627 100, 125 24, 512 8,958 12. 479 758
7, 881 580 310 8,233 61,839 21,062 10,072 16, 792 1,145
7, 951 467 220 11,680 99,037 40,862 8,139 12,183 1,305
8,264 669 249 11,739 106, 950 222 10, 557 14, 119 860
Aug. 8,678 830 247 10, 952 164,835 24,313 9,901 13, 621 808
7, 729 631 218 10,334 112, 243 19, 180 9,077 13, 141 735
8,292 744 368 11,185 153, 511 9,371 12, 146 814
8,074 709 217 9,700 197, 424 9,699 13, 305 967
Sept. 9,129 611 959 9,121 78,901 50 10,011 13, 472 30 1,046
8, 078 741 289 10, 716 88, 300 4,500 9,018 13, 241 1,020
8,370 900 268 8, 322 109, 496 7,774 7,607 10, 931 1,509
8,886 849 848 10,065 120, 964 10,014 13, 938 1,703
8, 952 1,616 301 10, 259 211, 533 18, 284 8,955 13, 378 2,121
Oct. 9,154 966 197 11,269 188, 972 26, 851 7, 504 11,834 2, 209
8, 516 820 386 11,616 92, 956 30, 895 10, 795 12, 676 2,202
9,014 801 394 11, 641 218, 588 10, 789 12, 768 2,016
9,500 866 323 10, 105 158, 397 10, 974 12, 878 1,828
Nov. 7,692 926 240 12, 747 162,001 10, 483 12, 560 1,788
7,739 997 222 11,011 171,865 10,006 12, 447 1,881
7,934 979 220 10, 849 171,993 9,867 12, 152 1,879
7,884 1,085 194 12,659 187, 202 10, 088 12,194 1,710
Dec. 5, 275 737 129 8,935 105, 964 8,650 10, 531 1,004
7, 350 1,016 229 10, 161 105, 730 9,937 11, 209 2,064
8,037 1,036 196 9,969 172, 115 10, 778 14, 473 2,306
7,632 804 213 11,086 183,090 10, 010 10, 275 12, 149 2,904
4,971 1,109 135 7, 807 183, 666 9,932 1, 599
Total.... 400,816 44, 580 27,703 !560,911 8,401,118 328,054 511, 210 708, 206 80
Jan. 5 6,445 1, 169 166 10, 149 107; 500 9,411 10,803
12 9,500 1, 016 197 6,970 163, 960 10, 073 13, 216
19 7. 301 1, 129 187 12, 438 488,381 10, 492 14, 210
26 9,274 1, 052 208 11, 020 450, 441 10, 972 11, 939
Feb. 2 7,212 1, 108 193 8,325 172, 770 10,096 11,996
9 6,892 1, 137 230 11, 599 277, 111 9,617 13, 640
16 1 8,400 1,073 240 10, 812 215, 911 39, 803 10, 433 11,317
7, 609 1, 047 450 13, 415 201, 807 4,404 9,868 12, 575
Mar. 6,858 1, 112 307 11, 190 208, 480 41, 485 9,673 11, 867
6,904 1, 155 388 12, 466 410,311 50, 673 9, 420 14, 053 2
5, 838 962 210 10, 553 155, 637 71, 170 9, 163 11, 592 16
6,081 993 187 9,755 180, 848 5,769 9,814 16,411 30
7,002 1, 105 174 11, 408 161, 129 45, 281 10, 053 14, 149 28
Apr. 7, 958 1,076 147 18,905 329, 255 114, 403 9,477 16, 205 22
6,971 1, 110 285 10, 770 296.202 93, 309 9,762 17, 055 20
6,631 1,002 270 16, 598 227, 120 34, 525 10, 227 21,029 26
7,510 1,042 193 11, 564 156, 014 41, 694 8,630 15, 940 2
May 7, 406 1,188 244 12, 495 238, 004 84, 580 10, 381 19, 612 8
7,725 1, 096 212 13, 039 463, 834 234, 667 10, 101 16, 760 10
7,420 1,115 178 13, 359 391, 531 111, 479 10, 538 19,615 16
8, 776 1,008 199 14, 085 215, 995 70, 410 10, 555 16, 378 4
8,368 1, 040 246 14, 264 132, 395 9,317 16, 345 6
June 8, 390 1, 175 229 12, 324 232, 847 46, 842 9, 073 15, 812 6
8,849 1, 165 445 13, 681 596, 376 325, 588 9,899 15,063 45
10, 712 1,072 215 13, 032 276, 590 84, 424 9, 870 16, 597 9
9,290 1,076 227 11, 725 196, 219 14, 575 8, 764 14, 465 254
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
NEW YORK—Continued

Receipts Slaughter (<

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves

1924 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number Number
July '5 6,784 622 220 11,984 140, 979 24, 936 8,275 13, 614 2 828
12 7,377 809 246 10,894 584, 712 235, 149 9,936 13, 692 16 1,039
19 8,086 308 8,964 154, 676 19,900 10, 346 16, 506 20 814
26 8, 152 340 12, 332 252, 126 9,273 10,200 15, 313 893
Aug. 2 7,091 755 512 10,476 287,540 140, 378 9,713 12, 577 751
9 7,756 1,029 431 8,332 91, 014 7,866 10, 157 12 610
16 8,072 1, 062 532 7,663 86, 972 33, 381 10, 972 14, 205 1,024
23 7,904 952 370 10, 219 146, 125 27,632 10, 608 16, 130 1,026
30 8,177 921 320 7,860 784, 456 178,451 10, 701 15,682 1, 152
Sept. 6 6,964 906 315 10,390 114, 118 132 8,054 12, 561 1, 425
13 8, 848 1,056 498 9,917 153, 366 310 10, 893 15, 010 1, 121
20 9,211 1,260 465 12, 216 136, 877 22,342 11, 373 14,994 1, 810
27 8,438 1, 169 404 9,420 112,643 1,865 11, 269. 15, 524 2, 162
Oct. 4 8, 251 1,229 329 11, 216 84,496 259 7,751 10, 801 1, 693
11 8,358 1, 331 420 11, 120 109, 936 9,494 13, 025 1,966
18 7,850 1,346 347 12,100 126, 752 8, 677 12, 522 1,893
25 8, 232 1,318 374 13,640 349, 236 8,934 11, 873 1,816
Nov. 1 8,698 1,446 260 12, 713 80,045 11, 714 13, 010 1, 629
8 7,297 1,083 261 10,201 82, 107 11, 313 12, 931 1,681
15 8,435 1,508 283 11, 395 103, 480 30,000 11, 852 13, 378 1,268
22 8,993 1,707 263 11, 666 132, 113 11, 071 13, 107 2,062
29 6,293 1,484 205 7,793 143, 871 10,200 12, 227 1,732
Dec. 6 8,195 1,709 186 11, 206 124,203 11, 136 12, 150 2,781
13 8,188 1,812 138 11, 777 140, 220 3,000 11,583 15, 487 2,306
20 8,956 1,818 128 13, 075 189, 636 33, 985 11, 546 16, 435 2,439
27 5,831 1, 376 117 11,317 79,005 11, 243 17, 574 1,794
Jan. 3 7,038 1, 321 165 9,787 119, 894 11, 829 15,646
Total.... 414, 797 60, 833 14,664 605, 614 11, 857, 266 2, 276, 074 534,048 764, 775 1, 168
Jan. 10 9,000 1,436 210 9, 016 200, 219 12, 457 17, 348
17 8,664 1,385 135 13, 193 185, 076 13,072 15,594
24 8, 491 1,736 241 13, 113 116, 159 11,388 14, 420
31 7,284 1,666 169 9,708 169, 428 11, 232 13,097
Feb. 7 8,499 1, 415 381 8,590 266, 116 11,610 14, 614
14 8,067 1,539 168 10, 873 216, 321 10, 642 14,899
21 8,177 1, 353 110 12,478 127, 833 10, 125 12, 788
28 7, 188 1,056 79 9,699 138, 656 6,000 10, 121 14, 343
Mar. 7 6,858 1,014 188 12, 610 93, 113 4,204 11,357 15, 397
14 7,713 1,053 145 13, 139 164,784 4,425 10, 285 14, 869
21 7,595 1,224 152 14,809 127, 447 10, 291 14, 326
28 7,060 1,042 152 13, 874 701, 396 3, 474 9,598 15, 050
Apr. 4 6,962 1, 144 187 13, 014 125, 572 10, 678 16,512
11 6,912 804 128 14, 308 141, 092 8,467 18,704
18 7, 464 843 160 12, 235 670, 469 42,573 9,623 19, 016
25 8,814 965 77 15, 149 119,237 23, 938 11,031 19, 311
May 2 8,139 820 137 14, 986 170, 876 22, 339 10, 086 17, 169
9 7,577 897 252 12, 486 230, 211 99, 393 11,216 18, 021
16 8,528 801 184 12, 860 318, 774 127, 178 11, 136 18, 189
23 8,656 607 103 11,213 96, 689 10,631 19, 994
30 7,342 673 189 12, 982 84, 568 8,372 13, 954
June 6 7,904 655 138 12, 573 134, 942 10, 253 17, 373
13 7,824 .501 131 13, 410 439, 613 286, 180 9, 537 15, 728
20 7, 634 482 174 12,506 234, 185 68,700 9,718 15, 000
27 7,170 525 305 8,778 147, 278 10, 403 17, 435
July 4 6,797 403 292 8, 207 151, 805 10, 209 15, 088
11 7,864 745 321 10,665 128, 319 46, 924 10, 564 14, 363
18 8,801 959 110 12, 312 170,715 243 10, 077 20, 929
25 8, 572 947 170 13,294 196, 980 8,996 13, 241
Aug. 1 8, 523 898 163 9, 842 207, 465 8,582 11,458
8 7,308 419 263 7, 012 168, 951 10,057 14, 723
15 9,102 495 114 9,540 328, 761 75, 728 10, 129 14, 403
22 9, 232 892 159 10, 911 233, 716 22, 374 8,757 13, 380
29 8,794 819 148 11, 887 292, 474 40, 115 8,002 13, 788
Sept. 5~."".". 7,970 931 133 10, 995 207, 652 25, 786 8,492 14, 752
12 7,324 790 151 8,847 186, 535 8,661 12, 583
19 7, 896 1,016 252 8,009 423, 532 97, 612 9, 017 13, 386
26 8,738 799 92 11, 435 310, 248 9,511 15, 026
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
NEW YORK—Continued

Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection

Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1925 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number Number
Oct. 3 9,132 926 125 11,409 463, 970 85, 784 9,325 14,211 2, 233
10 9,715 1,228 83 12, 596 545, 081 40,000 9,830 14, 979 1, 183
17 9,858 1,156 119 16, 229 330,933 9,815 14,407 1,766
24 10,097 1,328 93 17, 399 491, 262 79, 668 9,514 13, 533 1,866
31. . 9,624 1,227 145 14, 515 279, 595 43,806 9,255 14, 817 1, 711
Nov. 7 7,886 952 103 11,714 208, 927 9,221 13, 615 1, 178
14 8,895 1,257 78 15,649 384, 749 86,297 8,972 11,249 1 2,102
21 8,656 1,337 130 12, 356 322, 261 40, 633 8,719 12, 489 1,959
28 5,732 884 127 10,004 264, 395 38, 569 8,842 11,675 1,426
Dee. 5.. 8,835 1,100 163 11, 310 255, 240 9,620 12,413 2, 539
12.. 8,615 1, 160 84 12,203 380, 626 40, 851 9,988 16, 176 1,913
19 9,244 1,552 192 10,509 312, 556 1, 500 10,080 13, 822 1,895
26 6,488 . 974 89 11,186 175, 794 9,040 12,977 681
Jan. 2 7,640 1,426 161 10,530 638,848 131,812 8,911 10, 243 3,209
Total 422, 860 52, 259 8,364 618, 167 13,481,444 1,593,073 515, 515 776, 877 552 112,808
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
2, 198 968 85 1,458 1,920 1,204 291
2,288 1,209 78 2,001 2,202 1,269 253
2,396 963 43 2,313 2,174 1,027 246
2,614 1,082 153 1,447 2,268 948 157
2, 673 1,074 89 1,712 2,035 1,044 157
2, 420 1, 116 54 2,315 1,615 960 114
2,139 935 36 1, 516 1,711 810 118
2,928 1, 045 72 1,822 1,571 ' 993 223
1,966 1,281 173 1,534 2,752 1,481 242
1,989 1,226 111 2,251 2, 418 1,335 265
1,766 951 141 1, 381 2,305 1,133 165
1,897 841 74 2,132 1, 861 1,996 127
1,632 795 63 1,629 1,532 907 161
1,783 792 128 1, 183 2,039 1,495 185
2,152 754 88 1, 150 2,040 1,408 184
2,286 801 127 1,801 2, 180 1,796 213
2, 142 566 48 1,601 2,177 1,749 223
2,566 651 265 2,445 2,400 1,474 143
2,599 816 187 2,241 2, 251 1,863 208
2,837 614 267 2,295 2, 002 1,412 374
1,918 572 101 1,956 2,079 1,283 89
2,079 483 102 1,833 1,880 1,635 102
2,086 697 121 2,031 2, 423 1,251 175
2, 576 615 68 2,058 2, 301 1,757 136
2,343 523 107 1,972 2,404 1,437 207
1,646 294 129 1,818 1,923 1,173 107
1.762 334 31 1,579 1,613 865 134
1,750 325 22 1,153 2,292 1, 549
2,746 407 71 1,745 2, 296 1,334 141.
2, 579 414 54 1,998 2,113 1,008 170
3, 015 448 76 2, 353 2,211 1,135 151
2,741 664 76 2,412 1,936 1,339 111
3,068 334 1,384 1,675 1,032 273
3, 027 330 1,103 1,921 1,250 154
Ta ble 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle i Calves
192! Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
Sept, 3... 2, 918 649 74 987 2,085 1,156 188
10... 2, 479 299 9 1,277 1,841 1,018 134
17... 3, 085 308 66 1,902 2, 242 1, 188 146
24... 3, 102 378 191 1,602 2,320 1,619 228
Oct. 1... 2,906 455 150 1,904 2, 179 971 47
2,576 370 111 1,966 1,890 885 252
2,764 405 92 1,365 2,299 1,010 221
2, 550 425 216 1,275 1,731 1,265 179
2,764 612 74 1,287 2, 530 1,811 237
Nov 2,429 517 147 1,751 2,272 1,067 233
2, 674 358 27 1,931 2, 231 813 284
2,887 474 88 2,016 2,089 909 249
1,965 426 103 1,258 1,651 601 220
Dec. 2,282 660 151 1,303 1,862 923 345
2,724 626 209 1, 866 2, 203 1, 301 268
1,371 520 64 1,221 3, 164 1,224 445
2, 198 518 70 1, 100 734 27.5
1,684 514 103 1, 145 1,800 322 194
Total. . 123, 965 33, 434 5,307 88,778 109,548 63, 169 10, 288
Jan. 7. 1,661 556 137 928 2,213 1,111 323
14 2,300 716 74 1,567 2,289 1,158 237
21 2,494 545 79 1,557 2,146 1,434 294
2,567 706 101 1,878 2,291 1,277 191
Feb. 4__ 2, 199 830 139 1,101 2,219 1,014 282
11- 2,359 812 87 1,304 2,167 1,265 260
18.. 2,240 372 32 1,240 2,181 1,255 299
25- 2, 321 593 101 1,249 2,001 1,037 259
Mar. 4.. 2,228 905 183 1, 382 2L 355 1, 342 340
11.. 2, 124 759 165 1, 524 2,203 1,344 421
18.. 2,168 733 136 1, 636 1,903 1,605 332
25.. 2,401 407 57 1,750 2,253 1,740 333
Apr. 1— 2,374 513 107 2,163 2, 099 1,904 319
8.. 2,341 313 63 1,522 2,185 1,505 339
15— 1,992 425 115 2,513 1,539 1, 645 194
22.. 2,505 364 98 1, 923 2,067 1,125 301
2,251 455 189 1,301 2,449 2.114 318
May 6.. 2,498 511 124 1,716 2,530 1,612 344
13.. 2,593 510 271 1,785 2,485 2, 107 432
20_. 2,702 426 236 2,461 2, 286 1,972 273
27-- 2,647 432 240 2,001 2,407 2,140 290
June 3— 2,578 483 106 1,818 1,393 830 168
10- 2,511 623 203 2,006 2,420 2, 133 264
I7„ 2,855 451 118 2,180 2,233 1,844 178
24.. 2,777 594 123 2,205 2,494 1,634 200
July 1- 2,690 759 91 1,896 2,352 1,381 187
8__ 2,341 153 863 2,036 1,487 995
15- 2,688 397 937
38 1, 630 2,283 1,633 170
22.. 3, 364 328 7 2,138 1,552 192
29- 3,292 181 17 2,005 1,741 1,607 187
Aug. 5— 2,529 925 95 1,314 1,696 1,245 118
12- 2,795 398 82 1,737 1,894 1,302 127
19.. 2,756 497 138 2,410 1,659 1,051 140
26- 2,436 307 35 790 2, 176 1,157 142
Sept. 2.. 3,119 184 21 1,449 1,961 1,112 159
9- 2,765 561 178 2,125 1,887 1,298 160
16- 2,325 573 18 1,271 2, 420 1,242 175
23.. 3,380 334 46 1,649 2, 607 1,121 191
30- 2, 874 324 15 1,385 2,556 1,552 238
Oct. 7.. 2,873 610 111 1,959 2,092 948 217
14.. 3,157 284 16 1,838 2,084 834 174
21.. 2,583 677 161 1,569 2,063 1,455 140
28.. 3, 460 298 2 1,409 2,411 1,384 264
Nov. 4— 2,761 422 7 1,459 2, 256 1,193 266
11.. 3,078 537 57 2,653 2,214 988 225
18- 2,775 755 292 1,887 1,940 1,426 254
25.. 2, 914 497 102 2, 146 1, 962 1,323 240
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
1921-1 925—Continued
Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts- Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers n Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
1922 Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
Dec. 2 2,676 I 368 112 1,436 1,925 953 210
9 2,966 661 80 1,998 2,409 1, 135 245
16 3,074 1,005 396 2,074 2,072 1,443 260
23 2, 102 660 317 1,263 2,125 779 270
30 2.288 I 487 154 1,669 1,629 841 208
Total . 135,747 27,216 5,672 87,531 111,396 71,589 13, 345
Jan. 6 2,805 505 5 1^537 1,912 1,384 176
13 2,720 836 186 1,832 2,036 1,420 216
20 3, 382 675 73 2,331 1,968 1,059 244
27 2, 668 946 317 2,182 1,975 1, 197 272
Feb. 3 3, 019 572 20 1,488 1,865 1,168 187
10 2,977 459 7 1, 842 1,851 672 199
17 2,882 452 13 1,654 2,026 1, 247 162
24 2,619 422 23 1, 152 2,167 940 233
Mar. 3 3,254 455 54 1,864 1,942 1,595 246
10 2,344 448 66 1,737 1,835 1, 035 261
17 2,008 555 39 1,113 1,969 1,889 191
24 2,474 480 120 3,368 2,218 1,322 183
31 2,362 387 13 946 1,815 1,049 199
Apr. 7 2,636 376 13 1,598 2,090 1,377 194
14 2,484 438 86 1,451 2,241 1,839 264
21 3,096 470 81 2,617 2,338 1,654 236
28 2,984 435 290 1,705 2,173 2,088 198
May •125 3,725 464 236 2,610 2,036 1,802 200
2, 649 367 255 2,356 2,192 2, 357 188
19 2,683 311 310 1,920 2,478 2,080 242
26 2,911 287 169 2,296 2,486 1,597 165
June 2 2,596 236 299 2,557 2,080 1,962 150
9 2,564 305 160 2,337 2,103 1,908 104
16 1,953 454 311 1, 510 2,065 1,672 113
23 2,885 445 233 1,408 2,284 1,708 127
30 2,839 241 163 1, 724 2,037 1,753 106
July 7 2,692 386 125 1,554 1,307 1,146 108
14 1.972 516 309 1,284 2, 199 1,789 152
21 2,124 546 161 1,231 2,131 1,760 169
28 2,880 759 88 1,476 1,969 1, 308 181
Aug. 4 2,729 1,118 375 2,002 1,915 1,535 109
11 2,704 681 197 1, 121 1,789 1,583 122
18 2,647 444 347 1,906 2,052 1,098 150
25 2,551 514 310 1, 456 2,047 1, 219 118
Sept. 1 2,416 769 390 1, 378 2,224 2,054 166
8 2,256 724 249 1,646 1,955 889 177
15 2, 489 668 289 1,861 1,751 1,487 154
22 3,073 669 801 1,711 2,077 1,279
29 3,059 829 253 2,059 2,095 1,446 299
Oct. 6 2,948 642 341 1, 830 1,931 1, 370 192
13 2,181 393 84 1,743 2,123 1,269 294
20 2,483 705 165 977 2,257 1,187 366
27 3, 150 477 164 1,256 2,305 1, 134 354
Nov. 3 2,923 628 302 1,603 1,871 1,252 346
10 1,894 591 220 1,384 1,922 1,430 356
17 2, 792 604 219 1,993 2,196 1,363 357
24 2,271 683 161 1,581 1,997 1,941 237
Dee. 1 2,676 368 112 1,436 1,996 1,218 298
8 2,066 863 147 1,442 2,133 961 300
15 2,648 818 240 1,470 2, 394 1,621 158
22 3,035 1, 013 208 2,072 2,045 1,086 394
29 2,036 598 243 1,767 1,589 450 218
Total. 138, 214 29,036 9,340 90,374 106, 452 74, 649 11, 112 42,331
Jan. 5 2,036 700 136 1,591 1,941 1,506 287
12 2,232 580 103 1, 431 2,663 1,344 409
19 2, 192 918 1, 685 2,092 1,201 375
26 2,210 044 321 1,615 1,897 1,251 400
Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,

Receipts Slaughter (carcasses)

Week ending Carcasses Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Steers Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle

Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number

2,253 834 228 1, 622 1,603 1, 309 344
2,316 936 192 1,480 1, 778 1, 359 375
2,991 766 289 1,800 1,982 1,041 276
2, 843 650 251 2, 405 1, 724 1,187 351
2, 673 652 108 2,352 1, 849 1,497 383
2,148 910 165 2,219 1,874 1, 421 433
2,275 794 227 2,101 1, 920 1,134 499
2, 103 833 315 1,899 2,135 1, 695 436
2,422 1,002 105 3, 170 1, 992 1,732 416
2,266 821 169 2,424 1,969 1, 684 495
2,447 815 125 2,332 1,882 1,990 378
2,094 807 128 3,026 1, 811 1,480 377
2, 513 801 219 3,060 1,681 1,616 311
2,709 543 138 1,702 2,128 2,257 434
3, 144 553 139 1,989 1,859 2,023 348
2,838 815 210 2,137 2,061 2,302 397
3, 148 531 211 2,728 2,054 2,346 419
2, 820 652 199 1,785 1,464 1,862 337
2,935 827 277 2,461 1,692 2,602 334
3, 132 673 230 2,842 1, 818 2,154 356
3,677 748 203 2,447 1,741 1,911 269
3, 171 419 357 2,497 1,592 1,525 284
2,391 387 211 1,477 1,528 1, 379 218
2,895 606 391 1,786 1, 718 1,637 238
3,379 544 235 1,846 1,774 2,005 303
3, 168 381 150 2,290 1, 647 1,547 299
3,335 450 212 2,072 1,646 1, 611 249
3,412 657 350 1,700 1,763 1,383 233
3,252 640 177 1,885 1,676 1,560 219
2,757 274 266 1, 782 1,763 1,636 259
3, 133 387 194 1,220 1,981 1,726 269
2,631 688 210 1,562 1,452 1,342 234
3,087 693 209 1,904 2,134 1,727 307
3,122 641 167 1, 918 2, 012 1, 717 304
3, 048 823 391 1,945 2,073 1,351 308
3, 130 883 270 2,099 1, 544 1,251 249
2,928 704 229 1, 756 1,766 1, 300 195
3, 300 761 278 2,072 1,749 1, 214 272
2,874 858 234 1, 925 1,937 907 292
2,699 674 309 1,508 2,124 1, 578 361
3,006 795 279 2, 198 1,876 1,411 332
3,054 865 351 2, 377 1,827 1,507 329
2,739 944 259 2,509 1, 612 1,676 348
1,970 1,002 230 2,037 1,634 1,258 279
2, 485 1,042 127 1,968 1, 751 1, 681 312
2, 653 1,212 215 2,078 1, 711 1,436 253
2, 819 1, 173 188 2,587 1,169 965 299
1,998 920 248 1, 751 1,449 725 256
2,295 822 1, 487 1,749
145, 148 39,039 11,853 108, 539 96, 267 81, 952 17, 212
2, 815 830 154 1,464 1,890 2, 059 367
3,333 1,114 153 2,029 1,829 1, 505 471
2,824 1, 130 116 1,923 1, 613 1, 292 338
2,932 1, 405 144 1,956 1, 487 1, 430 235
2,601 883 98 1,651 1,461 1,484 336
2,350 738 146 1,860 1, 322 1,524 335
2,483 86S 165 2,015 1,223 1, 316 350
2,663 950 244 2,090 1, 557 1, 830 153
2, 294 832 213 2,036 1, 641 1, 232 446
2,349 700 271 2,003 1,656 1,441 405
2,247 938 126 2, 378 1,577 1, 297 363
2,421 839 90 2,401 1, 656 1,741 366
2,463 840 146 2,801 1,706 1,670 363
2,092 792 143 2,654 1, 460 1,680 334
2,213 657 106 2,177 1,549 1,581 369
2,514 684 198 2,325 1,888 410

Table 37.—Beef and veal: Weekly receipts and slaughter at eastern markets,
1921-1 925—Continued
Slaughter (carcasses)

Cuts Under Federal Under city

inspection inspection
Cows Bulls Veal Beef Veal Cattle Calves Cattle Calves
Number Number Number Number Pounds Pounds Number Number Number
2,171 605 187 2,778 1,694 1,741 336
2,358 526 214 2,551 1,850 2,290 363
2, 657 549 86 2,994 1,860 1,960 511
2,332 536 105 2,473 1,591 2,124 363
2,311 615 193 1, 977 1,398 1, 815 325
2,338 529 178 1,979 1,603 1, 673 336
2, 751 485 157 2, 571 1, 168 1,493 1,049
2,268 380 138 2,102 1, 455 1,541 336
2,381 352 148 1,466 1,810 1,936 398
2,309 283 129 1, 667 1, 849 1, 576 337
2, 705 507 203 2, 201 1,882 2,640 320
2,461 916 186 2,030 1, 789 2,204 243
2,501 645 289 2, 199 1,504 1, 182 293
2,868 607 202 1,927 1, 775 1, 671 316
2,677 748 130 1, 345 1, 714 1,498 298
2, 495 313 354 1,182 1,594 1, 597 405
2,775 622 287 1,786 1, 711 1,663 287
2,652 732 380 1, 874 1,461 1, 363 142
2, 537 685 181 2,281 1,804 1,489 279
2,536 746 289 1,869 1,729 1,437 334
2,580 543 254 1,296 1,813 1,203 421
2, 421 751 150 1,357 1,983 1, 644 355
2,795 664 514 1,532 1,803 1, 561 414
2,809 782 268 2,360 2,140 1, 476 487
2, 516 1,250 241 2,087 1,645 1,268 441
2, 466 1,182 273 1,950 1,589 1, 458 489
2, 798 918 287 1, 891 1, 315 1,172 392
2,625 922 201 2,230 1, 631 1,094 469
2,714 1,056 290 2,388 1,579 1,220 454
2,381 792 250 1, 718 1, 506 1,403 467
2,354 791 265 2, 132 1, 161 1,120 396
2. 546 931 291 1,814 1,534 1,205 492
2.967 1, 168 162 2,344 1, 632 1,794 592
3, 169 981 210 1, 655 1, 421 1,508 636
2,433 971 269 2,376 1,371 1, 149 374
2,265 810 188 1,899 1.138 310
132, 516 39,996 10,660 106,044 84,306 81, 283 20,100
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool.
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Table 39.—Meat and lard: Consumption, 1907-1925

[In million pounds—i. e., 000,000 omitted]
Consumption Percentage of total consumption
Year Total Lamb Total Total Lamb
Beef Veal beef and Total meats beef and Total
and mut Pork meats Lard and Beef Veal and mut Pork meats
veal ton lard veal ton
Per Per Per Per Per Per
Average: cent cent cent cent cent cent
1909-1913. 6, 279 636 6, 915 685 5,744 13, 344 1,065 14,409 47.0 4.8 51.8 5.1 43.1 100
1914-1920. 6, 081 636 6, 717 588 5,854 13, 158 1, 303 14, 461 46.2 4.8 51.0 4.5 44.5 100
1921-1925. 6, 765 872 7, 636 589 7, 745 15, 971 1,552 17, 522 42.3 5.5 47.8 3.7 48.5 100
1907 6,780 644 7,424 558 5, 917 13, 899 1, 055 14, 954 48.8 4.6 53.4 4.0 42.6 100
1908 6,367 627 6, 994 557 6,235 13, 786 1, 154 14,940 46.2 4.5 50.7 4. 1 45.2 100
1909.... 6,835 683 7,518 601 5, 455 13, 574 1,042 14, 616 50.4 5.0 55.4 4.4 40.2 100
1910 6,561 686 7,247 596 5, 267 13, 110 1,052 14, 162 50.1 5.2 55.3 4.5 40.2 100
1011 6, 342 656 6,998 729 6, 046 13, 773 1,063 14,836 46.0 4.8 50.8 5.3 43.9 100
1912 5,807 667 6, 474 773 5,873 13, 120 1,068 14,188 44.2 5.1 49.3 5.9 44.8 100
1913 5,852 487 6,339 725 6,077 13, 141 1, 100 14, 241 44.5 3.7 48.2 5.5 46.3 100
1914 5,722 437 6,159 724 6,102 12, 985 1,192 14, 177 44.0 3.4 47.4 5.6 47.0 100
1915 5,414 428 5, 842 622 5,908 12, 372 1,281 13, 653 43.8 3.4 47.2 5.0 47.8 100
1916 5,639 536 6,175 613 6,055 12, 843 1,368 14,211 43.9 4.2 48.1 4.8 47.1 100
1917 6,083 662 6,745 473 5,037 12, 255 1, 195 13, 450 49.6 5.4 55.0 3.9 41.1 100
1918 6,522 765 7, 287 486 5,684 13, 457 1,374 14, 831 48.5 5.7 54.2 3.6 42.2 100
1919 6,474 808 7,282 607 5, 755 13,644 1,292 14, 936 47.5 5.9 53.4 4.4 42.2 100
1920 6,713 814 7,527 588 6,437 14, 552 1, 416 15,968 46.1 5.6 51.7 4. 1 44.2 100
1921 6,171 751 6,922 639 6,886 14, 447 1,223 15, 670 42.7 5.2 47.9 4.4 47.7 100
1922 6,643 797 7,440 545 7,260 15, 245 1,558 16, 803 43.6 5.2 48.8 3.6 47.6 100
1923.. 6,850 872 7,722 576 8,338 16, 636 1,707 18, 343 41.2 5.2 46.4 3.5 50.1 100
1924.... 6,993 935 7,928 589 8, 492 17,009 1,749 18, 758 41.1 5.5 46.6 3.5 49.9 100
1925 7,166 1,004 8,170 597 7,749 16, 516 1, 522 18, 038 43.4 6.1 49.5 3.6 46.9 100
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from report of Bureau of Animal Industry,
issued July, 1926; quantities based on carcass weight; edible offal not included because of the variable
percentage used in edible products. Subject to revision.
Table 40.—Meat and lard: Annual per capita consumption, 1907-1925

Lamb not Total population
Year Beef Veal and in Total Lard meats of the
mutton cluding
meats 1 and lard United
July 1
Average: Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Thousands
1909-1913 67.2 6.8 7.3 61.3 142.5 11.4 153.9 93, 650
1914-1920 59.4 6.2 5.8 57.3 128.7 12.8 141.5 102, 174
1921-1925 60.4 7.8 5.3 69.3 142.9 13.9 156.7 111,827
1907 77.5 7.4 6.4 67.7 159.0 12.1 171.1 87, 455
1908 71.5 7.0 6.3 70.0 154.8 12.9 167.7 89, 073
1909 75.4 7.5 6.6 60.1 149.6 11.5 161.1 90, 691
71.1 7.4 6.4 57.1 142.0 11.4 153.4 92, 267
1911 67.7 7.0 7.8 64.5 147.0 11.3 158.3 93, 682
1912 61.1 7.0 8.1 61.8 138.0 11.2 149.2 95, 097
1913 60.6 5.0 7.5 63.0 136.1 11.4 147.5 96,512
1914 58.4 4.4 7.4 62.3 132.5 12.2 144.7 97,928
1915 54.5 4.3 6.3 59.5 124.6 12.9 137.5 99, 343
1916 56.0 5.3 6.1 60. 1 127.5 13.6 141.1 100, 758
1917 59.5 6.5 4.6 49.3 119.9 11.7 131.6 102, 173
1918 63.0 7.4 4.7 54. 8 129.9 13.3 143.2 103,588
1919 61.6 7.7 5.8 54.8 129.9 12.3 142.2 105, 003
1920 63.1 7.6 5.5 60.5 136.7 13.3 150.0 106, 422
1921 56.9 7.0 5.9 63.5 133.3 11.3 144.6 108, 445
1922.... 60.4 7.3 5.0 66.1 138.8 14.2 153.0 109, 893
1923 61.3 7.8 5.2 74.7 149.0 15.3 164.3 111,693
1924 61.5 8.2 5.2 74.7 149.6 15.4 165.0 113, 727
1925 62.1 8.7 5.2 67.6 143.6 13.2 156.8 115, 378
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from report of Bureau of Animal Industry
issued July, 1926; quantities based on carcass weight; edible offal not included because of the variable
percentage used in edible products. Subject to revision.
1 Not including goat meat.
Table 41.—Beef, frozen: Cold-storage holdings, January, 1916-December, 1925
[In thousands of pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year begin Nov.l Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Feb.l Mar.l Apr. 1 Mayl Junel Julyl Aug.l Sept. 1 Oct. 1
ning Nov. 1
1915-1919.. 241, 004 232, 368 211,860 191,820 155, 267 132, 130 115,407117,061 114,596 120,943
1920-1924.. 51,047 ,738 95, 513 92,530 86, 432 77, 177 64, 149 51, 252 43,196 34,901 31,011 30,970
1915. 126. 3741132, 109 58, 66, 319
1916. 92, 815 148 202. 442!190, 354 ! 108, 119, 221
1917. 179, 032 315. 572 292, 638 180, 194,469
1918. 224, 312 298, 818 294, 639 159, 166, 244
1919. 184, 196 311 261, 812252, 145 196, 297 77, 58,461
1920. 68, 663 718 120, 245119, 402 114, 523 66, 44, 296
1921. 49, 014 188 68, 495 61, 593' 27, 34,611
1922. 47,929 805| 89, 27,590
1923. 43, 772 79, 28, 599
1924. 45, 857 034 111, 5!)!) 87,684 19, 755
1925. 27,000
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from monthly reports of the cold storage
report section. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
Table 42.—Beef, cured: Stocks cured and in process of cure in cold-storage ware^
houses and meat-packing establishments, January, 1916-December, 1925
[In thousands of pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year begin
ning Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Mar.l Apr.l Mayl Junel Julyl Aug.l Sept. 1 Oct. 1
1915-1919 34,261 33, 612 34,088 31,251 27, 730 25, 340 26, 432 26,723 27, 392 27, 707
1920-1924... 19, 149 21, 569 22, 971 23,202 23, 888 24,414 23,826 23, 170 21, 827 20, 399 20,147 18, 997
1915 21,443 20, 852 26, 959 25, 811 21,869 17,324 18,915 18, 589 18,450 21, 653
1916 30, 013 37, 958 37, 301 35, 891 37, 660 30, 601 29,409 30,831 35, 679 32,401 30,290 31, 246
1917 32, 223 38, 325 39, 243 38, 793 37, 575 34, 106 29, 217 24,804 21,968 28, 065 29, 981 28,713
1918 29, 339 32, 381 36, 267 35, 810 31,246 30, 689 27, 822 27, 089 29, 244 30,943 35, 526 37, 328
1919. 37, 595 35,547 37, 052 36, 715 37,002 35,047 30, 333 26, 653 26, 355 23, 617 22, 711 19, 594
1920 20, 352 22,448 22, 567 22,926 24,006 24, 282 21,516 20, 716 19, 697 17,829 17, 130 15, 526
1921 14,472 17, 144 16,313 16, 774 17, 997 18, 744 19, 166 19, 304 19, 113 19, 304 20, 081 18, 961
1922 19,884 22, 602 24,450 24,841 24,987 25,210 24, 013 23, 816 22, 835 21, 781 21,416 20, 597
1923 19,649 22, 142 22, 593 22,711 23, 238 25, 199 25, 482 24, 285 22, 390 20,377 19, 771 18, 939
1924 21,387 23,508 28, 930 28, 758 29,210 28, 634 28, 952 27, 731 25, 102 22,704 22, 335 20, 964
1925 20,437 23, 128
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from monthly reports of the cold stora ge
report section. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
Table 43.— Total beef: Stocks, frozen and cured, in cold-storage warehouses and
meat-packing establishments, January, 1916-December, 1925
[In thousands of pounds— i. e., 000 omitted]
Year beginning Nov. 1 Peb. 1 Mar. 1 Apr. 1 May 1 July 1 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 Oct. 1
Nov. 1
1915-1919... '275,265 265, 980 245, 948 223, 071 1182, 996 157,470 141,840 143,784 141, 987 148, 649
1920-1924... 70,1961 96, 306118, 483 115,732110,320 101,591! 87,975 74,423 65,024! 55,300 51,157| 49,968
...1147, 118 151, 912 144, 089 112, 024' 77, 753' 87,972
122,828 106 239, 800 207, 453 184, 794147, 033 141, 743 150, 468
211,254 989 354, 907 313, 689 302, 121241, 606 209, 125 223, 181
253, 652 049 335, 324 296, 539 252, 415 212, 883 190, 595 203, 571
221, 791 858 298, 752 260, 147 231, 937 200, 652 101, 78,055
89,015' 166 142, 891 146, 409 138, 3451 122, 220! 84, 59, 822
63,486 80, 3331 84, 295 73, 782 69, 516| 64, 706 47, 53, 572
67,814 95, 628116, 113 100, 591 ! 90, 5021 78, 220i 45, 48, 187
63,421 93, 166 105, 655 100, 007, 93, 418 49, 47, 538
67, 244 100, 239 142, 705 130, 809 116, 554 49, 40, 719
47,481 73, 564!
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from monthly reports of the cold storage
report section. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
Table 44.—Miscellaneous meats: 1 Cold-storage holdings, August, 1917-December,
[In thousands of pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year beginning Nov.l Dec.l Jan. 1 Feb.l Mar.l Apr.l May 1 Junel July 1 Aug.l Sept. 1 Oct.l
Nov. 1

Average: i
1917-1921- . 69, 560 72, 154 85, 779 90, 645 92, 155 89,544 84,785 79,065 79,902 77, 161 77, 339 72, 015
1920-1924... 56, 188 61, 158 74,931 77, 949 80, 643 77,264 75, 275 71,298 71,634 68, 377 65, 939 57, 789
1916... 16, 173 47,754 44, 328
1917 42, 914 50,355 55,560 55, 658 67,632 80,200 78, 252 71,148 77,470 79, 959 96,316 96, 879
1918 102, 623!106,254 128, 892 141,914 132, 070 125, 735 113, 125 97,195 95,908 91,448 85, 358 80,454
1919 82, 113 82,853 108, 766 113, 228 109, 452 100,048 87, 435 86,384 86,047 78, 670 69, 471 63, 957
1920... 59,486 60,092 75, 421 85,254 95, 163 87, 935 93,045 90,392 85,207 80, 995 79, 778 69, 739
1921 60,666 61,216 60, 255 57, 171 56, 459 53, 801 52,068 50,205 54,878 54, 734 55, 773 49,047
1922 45,954 50,405 63, 201 67,234 67, 879 69,997 69,385 66,985 71,470 68, 355 65,928 60, 410
1923 57,214! 66,817 83, 303 81, 922 82, 550 80, 460 74, 787 68,837 70,029 67, 935 63,644 57,201
1924 57,619! 67,260 92, 475 98, 162 101, 163 94, 128 87,090 80,070 76,586 69, 866 64, 573 52, 550
1925 44,954 50,415
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from monthly reports of the cold storage
report section. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
1 Miscellaneous meats include all stocks of beef, pork, and mutton trimmings and edible offal that have
been frozen, cured, or otherwise prepared for food. It does not include the trimmings that have not been
frozen, cured, nor processed, nor does it include sausage or canned-meat products.
Table 45.—Cattle, calves, beef and veal: Slaughter, weights, storage, receipts,
shipments, ex-ports, imports, prices, 1921-1925

Inspected Carcasses Average Average Total dressed

slaughter condemned live weight dressed weight weight (carcass)
Year and month
Cattle Calves Cattle Calves Cattle Calves Cattle Calves Beef Veal
Thou Thou Thou Thou 1,000 1,000
1921 sands sands sands sands Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds lbs. lbs.
January... 690 282 5 1 986 170 522 97 357, 593 27, 220
February. 526 254 4 1 993 156 534 94 279, 015 23, 816
March 621 360 4 1 1,006 144 552 87 340, 468 31, 106
April 591 366 3 1 1,013 137 538 81 316, 333 29,389
May 570 367 3 1 1,006 148 562 85 318,705 30, 974
June 640 370 3 P) 1, 010 161 559 91 356, 417 33, 655
July 579 324 3 (') 995 175 545 100 313, 973 32, 461
August 680 304 3 w 1,005 194 549 108 371, 403 32, 796
September 689 321 3 P) 982 206 539 111 369, 735 35, 756
October. 750 309 5 1 990 199 526 108 391, 336 33, 429
November .. 686 292 6 1 1,002 189 529 101 359, 998 29, 398
586 259 5 1 1,008 174 537 100 312,415 25,906
Total 7,608 3,808 47 8 2 999 2 170 2 540 2 96 4, 087, 391 365, 906
January 642 289 4 1 1,020 164 554 91 352, 904 26, 153
February 569 279 5 1 1, 005 157 547 89 308, 678 24, 866
March 674 391 6 1 1,013 143 559 81 373, 191 31,711
April 590 365 4 2 1,009 134 567 78 332, 071 28, 195
May 702 401 5 1 1,002 147 561 83 391, 159 33, 223
June 725 389 5 (1) 1 982 156 546 88 392, 990 34, 020
July. ........ 697 330 5 985 172 538 98 372, 621 32, 113
August 761 345 5 1 973 193 526 109 397, 647 37,531
September 796 353 5 1 965 200 514 111 406, 960 39, 031
October 884 383 8 1 958 197 501 105 439, 052 40, 251
November 859 348 9 1 946 189 490 106 417, 195 36, 893
December 779 309 8 1 958 176 504 102 388, 799 31, 281
Totiil 8,678 4, 182 69 12 2 981 2 170 2 531 2 94 4, 573, 267 395, 268
January 745 351 6 1 980 168 529 100 390, 795 34,860
February.. 634 297 5 1 974 163 534 97 335, 286 28,581
March 688 368 6 1 973 149 536 88 365, 501 32,298
April 697 400 6 1 971 142 539 82 372, 241 32,734
May 762 467 6 1 950 146 530 82 400, 875 38,286
June 727 388 5 1 955 162 525 94 379, 493 36,210
July. 725 378 4 1 942 177 509 102 366, 622 38,300
1 Not over 500. 1 Weighted average, not total.

Table 45.—Cattle, calves, beef and veal: Slaughter, weights, storage, receipts,
shipments, exports, imports, prices, 1921-1925—Continued

Inspected8 Carcasses Average Average Total dressed

slaughter condemned live weight dressed weight weight (carcass)
Year and month
Cattle Calves Cattle Calves Cattle Calves Cattle Calves Beef Veal
Thou Thou Thou Thou 1,000 1,000
1923 sands sands sands sands Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 8 lbs. lbs
August 820 403 5 1 933 196 504 110 410, 636 44, 177
810 338 6 1 939 204 501 112 403,160 37,801
October 953 416 9 1 940 200 496 111 468, 269 46, 172
846 370 11 1 934 189 502 109 419, 629 40,069
December 756 324 8 1 952 181 499 104 373, 197 33,604
Total 9, 163 4,500 77 12 2 953 2 173 2 516 2 99 4, 685, 704 443, 182
January 813 373 8 1 966 177 514 104 413, 254 38, 528
February.. 669 346 7 1 966 163 521 93 345, 335 31,991
March 665 377 8 2 967 152 523 92 343, 965 34,584
April 689 466 6 1 962 147 523 89 356, 957 41,331
May 773 470 7 1 948 157 523 95 400,858 44, 733
June 670 408 5 1 951 168 523 96 347, 175 39, 342
July 764 421 5 1 940 181 517 103 392, 101 43, 198
August 786 374 5 1 952 197 517 109 403, 828 40,904
September 870 419 6 1 939 201 502
491• 113 433, 842 47, 394
October 1, 016 473 9 1 939 196 108 494, 491 51, 233
November 952 392 12 1 933 198 476 107 447, 899 41, 995
December 926 416 11 1 947 183 491 105 449, 769 43, 355
Total 9,593 4,935 89 13 2 951 a 177 2 510 2 101 4, 829, 474 498, 588
January 855 394 8 1 975 176 521 101 440, 829 39,863
February.. 656 378 7 1 977 169 . 527 97 342, 432 36, 499
March 736 466 8 1 971 156 525 93 382, 490 43, 249
April 731 496 8 1 977 146 537 86 388,582 42, 428
May 749 481 7 1 966 153 530 89 392, 956 42, 934
June 732 474 5 1 953 166 514 95 373, 230 44, 852
July 862 473 7 1 946 184 502 104 429, 268 48, 963
August 811 439 7 1 939 197 492 111 395, 926 48, 549
September 866 423 8 1 926 198 489 111 419, 523 46, 915
October 1, 067 486 11 1 940 201 486 116 512, 703 56, 391
November 861 398 10 1 938 189 478 112 407,000 44, 396
927 445 10 1 954 182 495 103 454,009 45, 730
Total- 9, 853 5,353 96 3 11 2 954 2 176 2 506 2 101 4, 938, 948 540, 769
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Inspected slaughter from reports of Bureau of Animal
Industry; weights and storage holdings from reports of the cold storage report section; exports and imports
from Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; receipts, shipments and prices compiled from data of
the reporting service of the Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool; number on farms from Division of Crop
and Livestock Estimates. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
J Weighted average, not total.
1 Figures do not check to total because of adjustment to thousands.
Table 45.—Cattle, calves, beef and veal: Slaughter, weights, storage, receipts,
shipments, exports, imports, prices, 1921-1925—Continued

Storage, first Exports 1 *

of month Imports Re
fresh ceipts
Year and month beef at
Fresh Oleo and public
Fresh Cured beef Cured Canned oil '0Pa11/-VTX7 stock
beef beef and beef beef and 1 ailOW veal yards
• veal stearin
1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Thou
1921 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. sands
January 120 245 22,567 6,079 1,726 548 18,428 1,326 4, 273 1,644
119, 965 22, 926 2,378 1,751 1, 709 10, 057 833 1, 168 1, 190
122, 402 24, 006 508 2,247 504 9, 723 1, 019 1, 741 1,566
April 114,063 24, 282 214 1,365 367 14, 276 459 2, 572 1,494
100, 672 21, 516 214 1,851 326 14, 856 426 3, 293 1, 542
88,836 20,716 167 2,004 164 12, 766 778 1, 856 1,580
July 76, 523 19,697 1,290 2,418 352 15, 794 1,239 1,923 1,343
66, 262 17,829 300 2, 750 914 15, 328 1,349 3, 141 1,867
50, 204 17, 130 239 2,857 287 17, 180 3,320 2,066 1,906
44, 296 15, 526 310 1, 971 562 12,365 1,601 3,562 2,310
November 49, 014 14, 472 368 2,326 189 9, 193 751 3, 361 1,928
December 63, 188 17, 144 223 1, 325 155 10, 708 697 3,422 1, 417
5 84, 639 5 19, 818 12, 290 24,591 6,077 160, 674 13, 798 32,378 19, 787
68,495 16,313 523 1, 765 155 5, 706 1,878 867 1,628
February - 61, 522 16, 774 320 2,051 207 8,672 1, 774 536 1, 416
55,785 17, 997 293 2,799 281 10, 837 4, 278 1, 004 1,622
April 50, 772 18, 744 174 2,037 132 9, 329 2,497 2,221 1,470
May 45, 341 19, 166 240 1,928 278 14, 180 3,683 2,756 1,878
37,548 19, 304 213 2,547 237 13, 583 4,592 3, 143 1,759
July 31, 593 19, 113 214 2,016 273 11,684 2,569 3, 576 1, 711
27, 727 19, 303 328 2,621 258 8,993 2,357 2,362 2,149
28,210 20,081 228 2,841 287 9,071 2,142 10,533 2,397
34, 611 18, 901 410 2,369 199 9, 095 1, 718 4,504 2,936
47, 929 19,884 516 1,888 101 10,773 1,649 3, 146 2,427
73, 027 22, 601 459 1, 348 143 7,452 2,239 2,046 1,825
Total... » 46. 880 3 19,020 3,918 26, 210 2,551 119, 375 31,376 36, 694 23,218
91,805 24,450 357 1,205 168 10,208 1,468 669 1,877
89, 272 24,841 386 1,929 253 8,043 1,320 565 1,427
75,604 24,987 368 2,312 104 11, 523 1,714 947 1,502
April 65,292 25, 210 161 1,937 117 8,962 1,616 1,590 1,670
May 54, 522 24,013 390 1,612 238 9,736 2,446 1, 485 1,900
41,207 23, 816 213 2,107 171 9, 174 4,427 1,058 1,629
July 34,385 22,835 202 2, 061 174 7, 080 6,135 1,650 1,903
24,112 21, 781 367 1,551 92 11,734 5,195 1,932 2,214
24, 625 21,416 280 2,854 132 8,752 3,273 3, 542 2,295
27,590 20,597 232 2, 210 122 9,010 3,209 3,174 2,802
43, 772 19, 649 267 1,804 60 7, 199 3,262 1, 387 2,182
December 71, 024 22,142 256 1, 460 102 6,299 1,811 1, 357 1, 810
Total e 53, 601 ' 22, 978 3,479 23, 042 1,733 107, 720 35, 876 19,356 23, 211
82, 984 22,593 286 1,201 341 7,003 1, 560 1,065 1,888
79, 944 22,711 343 1,605 105 7,482 2, 618 1, 182 1,457
76, 769 23,238 172 1, 630 124 8,741 2, 904 1,952 1,556
April 68, 075 25, 199 202 1,848 115 9,179 2,982 2, 450 1, 751
52,941 25,482 186 1, 725 104 9,301 3,057 2, 810 1,890
41, 784 24, 285 168 1,902 74 8,266 2,113 2,642 1,673
July 37, 028 22, 390 172 1,620 65 9, 245 3, 459 1,668 1,798
29,435 20,377 206 2,274 166 8,864 3, 147 1, 368 1,934
29, 135 19, 771 274 2,187 151 10,042 4,186 696 2,566
October 28,599 18, 939 265 2,543 98 11,361 3, 472 941 2,736
November 45, 857 21, 387 226 1,868 91 9, 999 2,977 745 2,363
December 76,731 23,508 292 1, 520 66 6,472 1,487 585 2,083
Total » 54, 107 » 22, 490 2,792 21, 923 1,500 105, 955 33, 962 18, 104 23,695
4 Including reexports. • Simplea verage, not total.
Table 45.—Cattle, calves, beef and veal: Slaughter, weights, storage, receipts,
shipments, exports, imports, prices, 1921-1925—Continued

Storage, first Exports 4

of month Imports Re
fresh ceipts
Year and month beef at
Fresh Oleo and public
Fresh Cured beef Cured Canned oil Tallow stock
beef beef and beef beef and yards
veal stearin
1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 I,000^ 1,000 1,000 Thou
1925 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. sands
January 114, 034 28,930 371 1,467 123 6, 870 1,185 592 1,869
February 111,947 28,758 395 1,594 173 6,242 993 553 1, 530
March 101, 599 29, 210 339 2,265 258 14, 119 2,087 753 1,860
April 87,684 28,634 219 1, 720 111 8,347 2,006 1,589 1,826
May 67, 271 28, 952 293 1,697 213 II, 583 1,329 1,762 1,737
June 46, 887 27,731 235 1,653 321 9, 140 2,449 1, 167 1,746
July 36, 452 25, 102 329 1,894 152 8,781 1, 297 1,469 1,970
August 26, 970 22, 704 339 1,913 136 8,113 1,309 963 2,245
September 22, 879 22, 335 234 1,998 128 6,095 1, 513 1,123 2, 157
October. . 19, 755 20,964 271 1,848 160 5, 723 1, 276 3, 033 2,789
November 27, 008 20, 473 100 1,567 87 5,627 1, 012 1,250 2,282
December 50,436 23, 128 312 1,314 312 8,727 1,058 1,616 2,056
Total.... '• 59, 410 1 25, 577 3,437 20,930 2,174 99, 367 17, 514 15, 870 24,067
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Inspected slaughter from reports of Bureau of Animal
Industry; weights and storage holdings from reports of the cold-storage report section; exports and imports
from Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; receipts, shipments and prices compiled from data of
the reporting service of the Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool; number on farms from Division of
Crop and Livestock Estimates. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
* Including reexports. 1 Simple average, not total,
Table 45.—Cattle, calves, beef and veal: Slaughter, weights, storage, receipts,
shipments, exports, imports, prices, 1921-1925—Continued

Stocker Prices per 100 pounds

feeder Cattle Average cost for
ship on slaughter At Chicago At eastern markets
Year and month ments farms
from Jan. 1
public Cattle,
stock Cattle Calves good Veal Beef Veal
yards calves carcasses carcasses
Thou Thou
1921 sands sands Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars
January 205 65,587 9. 10 11.66 10.10 11.49 17.15 23.88
February 166 6. 72 9.71 9.15 11. 02 14.54 19.98
March 236 7.43 9. 38 9.68 10.33 16. 87 20.32
April 238 7.20 8.20 8.49 8. 12 16.86 18. 52
May 214 7.24 8.24 8. 55 8.66 15.47 16.64
June... 209 6.61 8.05 8.34 8. 72 15.07 16.90
July 122 6.71 8.02 8.62 9.73 15. 13 16.46
August 355 6.44 7.09 9. 12 9. 39 15. 85 16.99
September 395 6.09 7.63 8. 78 10.71 15.08 20.32
October 622 5.43 6.94 9. 58 8.68 14.72 19.02
November 497 5.30 6.77 9. 39 7. 70 13. 81 16.67
December.. 245 5.75 7.51 8.74 7. 81 14.05 18.20
Total.. 3,504 2 6.67 2 8.27 •9.04 « 9. 36 « 15. 38 •18.66
January 233 66, 059 5. 92 8.22 8.54 8. 36 13. 36 18.92
February 243 6. 05 9. 16 8.60 9. 16 12.79 18.94
March... 282 6.82 8. 05 8. 57 8. 26 13. 36 16.74
April 235 7. 11 7.67 8.48 6.97 13. 45 14. 41
May 359 7.33 9.05 8. 50 8. 46 14.06 15.86
June 259 7.37 8.52 8.96 8. 89 14.55 15.28
July 223 7.36 7. 85 9.46 8.90 15.80 16. 37
August 469 6.94 8.02 9.64 10.88 15. 97 16.54
September 630 6.53 7.69 9.93 11.92 16.98 18.22
October 864 6.09 6. 96 10.20 9. 65 16.92 16.75
November 710 5.63 7. 18 10.56 8.91 15.86 15. 42
December 357 6.07 7.79 10.64 9.42 15.59 16.40
Total 4,864 J6.60 2 8.01 1 9. 34 •9.15 « 14. 89 • 16. 65
January 281 67,240 6.58 8.51 10.30 10.08 14.47 18.14
February 210 6. 89 9. 34 9.80 10.63 14.06 18. 07
March... 199 7.19 8.80 9.58 9.32 13.74 16.45
April 233 * 7. 51 7.98 9. 39 8.68 14.12 15.97
M*y 300 7. 82 8.97 9.71 9.51 15.42 16.68
June 234 7.90 8.24 10.10 9.31 16.41 16.09
July 223 7.26 8.60 10.04 9.60 17. 32 16. 96
August 480 7.03 7.53 10.76 10.01 17.84 17.74
September . 631 6.59 7.30 10.88 9.98 17.90 19.18
October 785 6.01 6.94 10.93 9. 39 16.76 18.27
November 624 5.64 6. 39 10.62 7.82 15.71 15.52
December.. 353 6.23 7.19 10.68 8.69 15.95 15.89
Total 4,553 .. ' 6.82 2 7. 86 •10.23 •9.42 •15.81 •17.08
January 243 66,506 6. 65 8.29 10.55 10.16 15.92 19.32
February 170 6.67 9. 45 10.42 9. 82 15.10 19.38
March... 174 7. 14 8.85 10.74 9.24 15. 71 17. 01
April 239 7.57 8.49 11.00 8.57 16. 61 16.54
May 275 7. 92 8.19 10.66 8.64 16.94 16.86
June 201 7.40 7.68 9. 98 8.00 15.71 15.96
July 169 7. 19 7. 61 10.08 8. 57 14.86 15.86
August 306 7.06 7.42 9.91 9.62 16.09 16.92
September 580 6.33 7.23 9.93 9. 72 15.66 18.00
October 763 5.75 6.81 10.45 9.24 15.49 16.90
November 549 5.34 6.24 10.68 8.28 15.24 15.55
December 309 5.66 7.15 11.57 9.04 15.09 16. 07
Total 3,978 2 6. 72 2 7. 78 « 10.50 •9.08 • 15. 70 • 17. 03
2 Weighted average, not total. « Simple average, not total.
Table 45.— Cattle, calves, beef and veal: Slaughter, weights, storage, receipts,
shipments, exports, imports, prices, 1921-1925—Continued

Stocker Prices per 100 pounds

feeder Cattle Average cost for
ship on slaughter At Chicago At eastern markets
Year and month ments farms
from Jan. 1
public Cattle,
stock Cattle Calves good Veal Beef Veal
yards steers calves carcasses carcasses

Thou Thou
1925 sands sands Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars
January 207 64, 928 6. 51 8. 52 11. 46 9.82 14. 65 19. 02
February 176 6. 87 9.39 10.70 10.92 14. 07 19.04
March 230 7. 67 9.64 10.90 10. 35 15.57 17. 81
April . 271 8.20 8.' 70 10.64 8. 76 16.27 16.00
May 216 8. 16 8.69 10.60 8. 79 15. 92 16. 52
June . 154 7. 86 8. 26 10.91 8.87 16.05 15.79
July 243 7.55 8.08 11.96 10. 91 18. 30 16.96
August 360 6.94 8.63 12. 10 11.94 18. 20 18. 05
September 427 6.86 8.80 12. 32 12. 18 19.02 ! 19.38
October 717 6. 36 8. 55 12.22 11.19 17.94 17. 82
November 489 6. 18 8.22 11. 18 10.60 16.70 17. 10
December 333 6.80 8.75 10.52 11. 30 16.43 19.74
Total.. 3, 823 a 7. 11 2 8.66 Ml. 29 5 10. 47 » 16. 59 » 17. 77
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Inspected slaughter from reports of Bureau of Animal
Industry; weights and storage holdings from reports of the cold storage report section; exports and imports
from Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; receipts, shipments and prices compiled from data of
the reporting service of the Division of Live50tock, Meats and Wool; number on farms from Division of
Crop and Livestock Estimates. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supplement, monthly.
2 Weighted average, not total. { Simple average, not total.
33764—27 8
Table 46.—Cattle, live: Total United States imports and exports, 1790-1925

Year ended Domestic Year ended Domestic Year ended Domestic

Sept. 30— exports Sept. SO— exports Sept. 30— exports
Number Number Number
1790.. 5,406 lS^. 4,713 1834 6,441
1791.. 4,627 1813. 469 1835 7, 348
1792.. 4,551 1814. 227 1836 4,683
1793.. 3,728 1815. 4,604 1837 3,237
1794.. 3, 495 1816. 8,958 1838 2, 826
1795.. 2, 510 1817. 7,975 1839 1, 775
1796.. 4,625 1818. 4, 715 1840 4,259
1797.. 3,827 1819. 3, 471 1841 7,861
1798.. 4, 283 1820. 4,116 1842. 9,887
1799. 5, 304 1821. 5,018 1843 (9 months) 5,181
1800.. 9,824 1822. 3,557 Year ended June 30—
1801.. 8,486 1823. 2,865 1844 10,822
1802- 9,039 1824. 2,759 1845 5,252
1803. 7, 563 1825. 3,095 1846 3, 101
1804. 6,290 1826. 3,427 1847 3,383
1805. 5,822 1827. 3, 768 1848 1, 919
1806. 7,107 1828. 1, 193 1849... 2, 607
1807. 8,148 1829. 2,044 1850 1,848
1808. 2, 050 1830 4,125 1851 1,350
1809. 3,981 1831. 5, 881 1852 1, 078
1810. 5,212 1832 8, 123 1853 1,076
1811. 8, 522 1833 6,837 1854 1,022

General imports 1 Domestic exports

Year ended June 30— Average Average
Number Value import Number Value » export
price price
per head per head
Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars
1855... 1,501 84,680 56.42
1856... 2,478 133, 743 53.97
1857... 4,325 144,840 33.49
1858... 28,247 1, 238, 769 43. 85
1859... 32, 513 1, 345, 058 41.37
1860— 27, 501 1, 052, 426 38.27
1861... 8,885 223,246 25. 13
1862... 3, 634 197,019 54.22
1863... 5,509 236,547 42.94
1864... 6,191 117, 573 18.99
1865... 9,589 159, 254 16.61
1866... 7,730 323,637 41.87
1867... 10,221 268, 236 26.24
1868... 16, 120 330, 183 20.48
1869... (») (0
1870— 27,530 439, 987 15. 98
1871... • 604, 850 20, 530 403, 491 19.65
1872... » •124, 483
34, 998 4.86 28, 033 565,719 20.18
1873— • 826, 765 23. 62 35, 455 695, 957 19.63
1874... •45,715 « 884, 961 19. 36 56,067 1, 150, 857 20.53
1875— «•30,068
45, 310 • 748, 152 16. 51 57,211 1, 103, 085 19.28
1876... • 458, 265 15.24 51, 593 1, 110, 703 21. 53
1877... • 31, 893 »• 314, 094 9.85 50,001 1, 593, 080 31.86
1878... »• 41, 475, 526 11. 34 80,040 3, 896, 818 48.69
1879... 47, 933
862 » 467, 539 9.77 136, 720 8, 379, 200 61.29
1880— • 43, 534 • 462, 560 10.63 182, 756 13, 344, 195 73.02
1881— •41,824 •384,067 9.18 185,707 14,304. 103 77.03
1882... • 66, 442 » 852, 445 12.83 108, 110 7, 800, 227 72. 15
1883— • 107, 688 • 2, 163, 032 I 20.09 104,444 8,341,431 79.87
1884... 99,769 3, 103, 781 31.11 190, 518 17, 855, 495 93.72
1885... 105, 138 2,313,613 22.01 135, 890 12, 906, 690 94.98
1886... 77,625 1,281,765 16.51 119,065 10, 958, 954 92.04
1887... 87, 030 1, 392, 032 15.99 106, 459 9, 172, 136 86.16
64,371 875,998 13.61 140, 208 11, 577, 578 82.57
1889. 61, 991 703, 469 11. 35 205, 786 16, 616, 917 80.75
1890. 30, 692 244, 747 7.97 394,836 31, 261, 131 79.17
1891. 12, 392 102, 978 8.31 374, 679 30, 445, 249 81.26
1892. 2,168 47,466 21,89 394,607 35, 099, 095 88,95
> Included with "All animals, living," prior to 1872.
' Included with the value of beef, prior to 1855.
* Given in value only, which is included with "All animals, living."
4 Included with "All animals, living."
' Cattle entered for consumption, dutiable. Cattle entered for consumption, free, included with "All
animals, living."
' Cattle entered for consumption, free and dutiable.
Table 46.—Cattle, live: Total United States imports and exports, 1790-1925—

General imports Domestic exports

Year ended June 30— Average
Number Value import Number Value
per head
Dollars Dollars Dollars
1893 3,293 45, 682 13. 87 287, 094 26, 032, 428
1894 1,592 18, 704 11. 75 359, 278 33, 461, 922
1895 149, 781 765, 853 5.11 331, 722 30, 603, 796
1896 2174 826 1, 509, 856 6.93 372, 461 34, 560, 672
1897 328, 977 2, 589, 857 7. 87 392, 190 36, 357,451
1898 291, 589 2, 913, 223 9.99 439, 255 37, 827, 500
1899 199, 752 2, 320, 362 11.62 389, 490 30, 516, 833
1900 181, 006 2, 257, 694 12.47 397, 286 30, 635, 153
1901 146, 022 1, 931, 433 13. 23 459, 218 37, 566, 980
1902 96,027 1, 608, 722 16.75 392,884 29,902, 212
1903 66, 175 1, 161, 548 17.55 402, 178 29, 848, 936
1904 16, 056 310, 737 19. 35 593, 409 42, 256, 291
1905 27, 855 458, 572 16. 46 567, 806 40, 598, 048
1906. 29, 019 548, 430 18.90 584, 239 42, 081, 170
1907. 32, 402 565, 122 17. 44 423, 051 34, 577, 392
1908 92, 356 1, 507, 310 16. 32 349, 210 29, 339, 134
1909. 139, 184 1, 999, 422 14. 37 207, 542 18, 046, 976
1910. 195, 938 2, 999, 824 15.31 139, 430 12, 200, 154
1911. 182, 923 2, 953, 077 16. 14 150, 100 13, 163, 920
1912. 318, 372 4, 805, 574 15. 09 105, 506 8, 870, 075
1913. 421, 649 6, 640, 668 15.75 24, 714 1, 177, 199
1914. 868, 368 18, 696, 718 21.53 18, 376 647,288
1915. 538, 167 17, 513, 175 32. 54 5, 484 702, 847
1916. 439, 185 15, 187, 593 34. 58 21, 287 2,378,248
1917. 374, 826 13, 021, 259 34. 74 13,387 949, 503
1918. 293, 719 17, 852, 176 60.78 18, 213 1, 247, 800
1919. 440, 399 36, 995, 921 84. 01 42, 345 2, 092, 816
1920. 575, 328 45, 081, 179 78.36 83, 039 11,921,518
1921. 329, 974 23, 634, 361 71.62 145, 673 11, 050, 507
1922. 151, 533 3, 055, 201 20.16 155, 281 9, 857, 596
1923. 251, 887 6, 622, 257 26.29 61,486 2, 954, 729
1924. 154, 736 5, 340, 629 34. 51 32, 761 1, 295, 762
1925. 135, 768 3, 821, 555 28.15 105, 611 2, 430, 522
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Imports compiled from "Imports and Exports,"
Senate Document, Report No. 259, Part I, 53 Congress, 2d session, by C. H. Evans, 1872-1883, Commerce
and Navigation of the United States 1884-1918, and Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United
States 1919-1925, June issue. Exports compiled from "Imports and Exports," Senate Document, Report
No. 259, Part II, 53 Congress, 2d session, by C. H. Evans, 1790-1851, Commerce and Navigation of the
United States 1852-1918 and Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United States, 1919-1925,
June issue.

Table 47.—Life cattle: United States exports and imports, 1910-1926

Year ended June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Total
Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num
ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber
1910.... 10, 025 10,479 15,494 13, 749 13,399 22, 354 16, 558 15,067 11,306 4, 212 1,940 4, 847 139,430
1911.... 4. 193 6,667 8,085 8,828 11,711 16,215 14,509 8, 525 11, 528 14, 435 20,232 25, 172 150,100
1912 16, 821 12, 709 9,867 9, 950 8,540 11,799 11, 825 6, 177 6, 673 5,376 3, 189 2,580 105, 506
1913 1 3,232 2, 493 572 1,591 1, 289 1,466 1,009 1,006 956 2, 367 1,269 7, 464 24, 714
1914 3, 058 967 1,654 4,074 1, 372 1,040 411 433 1, 014 1, 816 689 1,848 18, 376
1915 484 405 895 388 164 147 162 175 133 233 85 2,213 5, 484
1916 6,615 2,837 1,908 431 520 944 877 428 1, 171 1,243 978 3, 335 21, 287
1917 467 713 972 551 917 527 488 313 1,314 1,918 882 4, 325 13, 387
1918 374 1,077 837 890 704 6, 887 669 606 1,245 1,457 1, 108 2,457 18, 213
1919 427 542 243 418 3, 598 4, 608 516 529 732 20, 291 4, 336 6, 105 42, 345
1920 3,884 10,419 6,500 9, 486 2, 894 4, 167 3, 056 2,687 3,247 11,494 11, 873 13, 332 83,039
1921 9,740 2,804 4, 174 5, 252 10,080 7, 563 6,004 7, 498 11,886 23, 066 28, 076 29, 530 145, 673
1922 20, 345 20, 662 14, 541 11, 108 12, 536 11, 281 10, 275 10, 219 11, 107 9,563 10, 871 12, 773 155, 281
1923 9, 588 8,806 4,965 9,521 8, 919 4,600 3,919 2, 138 2,880 2,924 1,706 1,520 61, 486
1924 2, 394 5,709 3, 378 4, 629 2, 946 3, 051 1, 049 2,076 1, 529 1,370 2, 703 1,927 32, 761
1925 2,506 4,267 5,755 8,436 9,059 20,282 24, 719 8,494 10, 932 3, 367 3, 479 4,315 105, 611
1926 6,026 4,470 4, 759 2,429 2,694 4,882
1910 724 5, 199 7, 46419, 475 440; 4, 125 581 195, 938
1911 267 1, 592 20, 663!25, 963 376 3, 525 754 182,923
1912 h26 10, 204 39, 927 38, 722 262 8, 793 078 318,417
1913 637 15, 527 27, 758 40, 522 11130, 708|68, 993 421,649
1914 937 47, 005 130, 11878, 470 694 72, 772 58, 128 868, 368
1915 217154, 5741 77, 427153, 410 233 51, 53815, 022 538, 167
1916 37949, 050, 82, 037i25, 901 762 8, 285 23, 447 439,185
1917 21926, 476! 48, 526!33, 841 266 22, 23, 181 33, 702 374,826
1918 780 20, 244 49, 359 20, 440 28fi 11, 14, 563 22, 457 293, 719
1919 51232, 983 49, 403!38, 802!29, 937 38, 27, 592 44, 478 440, 399
1920 863 40, 094! 103, 159193, 08226, 971 24, 16, 87416, 381 575, 328
1921 333 32, 055 48, 049 46, 25017, 469 8, 11, 674! 14, 152 329, 974
1922 814 28, 955! 13, 876 2, 482 2, 13942, 240 151,533
1923 388! 41, 923! 12, 795 16, 998| 5, 4591 9, 325 251, 887
1924 947! 18, 586 15, 921! 6, 028110, 53817, 473 154, 736
1925 732 14, 632 5, 987, 3, 943 7, 946116, 667|135, 768
1926. 518 24, 605 20,
Division of Statistical and Historical Research, Compiled from Monthly Summary of Foreign Com-
merce of the United States.
Table 48.—Beef, and veal, fresh: Exports from the United States, by countries,
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year United Other Total Can found8 land Ber Pan Cuba Other
ended France Italy King Eu Eu coun Total
June 30— dom rope rope ada Lab and muda ama tries
1910. 70, 795 70,886 136 394 4, 042 95 173 75, 730
1911. 37, 2581 37, 301 248 561 4, 221 42 133 42, 511
1912. 8, 872 8,904 585 176 5,401 45 141 15, 264
1913. 127 149 640 380 5, 935 125 113 7, 362
1914. 5 254 483 5,534 38 80 6, 394
1915. 99, 620 10, 472 54, 497 311 164,620 545 82 656 3,707 533 298 170,441
1916. 49,100 47, 888 117, 409 241 214,638 3, 192 111 885 1,505 53 10, 830 231,214
1917. 38, 042 13,066 125, 688 576 177, 372 17, 771 263 1, 327 235| 58 151 197, 177
1918. 36, 927 8,567 285. 789 331,283 37, 350 329 510 144 203 214 370, 033
1919. 26, 629 19, 085 272, 129 318, 773 3, 019 20 932 257 201 9,003 332, 205
1920. 329 3,610 9,323 134, 931 148, 193 2, 918 198 1,020 84 314 834 153, 561
1921. 401 3, 140 4,028 7,569 695 1, 143 198 515 10,964 21, 084
1922. 1,044 346 1,390 128 1,116 236 176 865 3,993
1923. 1, 464 271 1,739 119 898 210 285 759 4,017
1924. (') (») 394 126 520 133 1,042 237 261 2, 817
1925. 750 126 877 1,053 63 181 3, 144
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Foreign Commerce and Navigation of
the United States, 1910-1918, Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce, June, 1920-1925, and official reports
of Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
1 Less than 500.
Table 49.—Beef, canned: Exports from the United States, by countries, 1910-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Bel- France Italy Neth- United Other Total Can found-Philip-
pine Other
Year ended
June 30 gium er- j King- Eu Eu ada land and Is coun Total
lands I dom rope rope Labra lands tries
1910. 406 226 22 298 9, 300 193 10,445 205 136 540 3, 479 14, 805
1911. 283 78 10 210 6, 292 27 6,900 41 118 200 3, 566 10, 825
1912. 2-(3 107 12 241 5,743 167 6,556 123 236 1, 180 2,931 11,026
1913. 178 119 4 253! 3, 117 188 3,859 111 *26 206 2,638 6,840
1914. 381 40 4 m 64,1, 701
194 65 1,740 63 40 52 1,570 3, 465
1915. 28 6, 440; 965 1,359 73, 561 72 13 143 1, 454 75, 243
1916. 6,508 1,1 38, 205 2,632 49, 313 35 70! 56 1,330 50,804
1917. 17, 653 40,218 57 58, 116 7, 571 160 190 1, 499 67, 536
1918. 30, 417 17, 699 46, 375 259 94, 750 1, 118: 261 169 1, 045 97, 343
1919. 6, 461 19,458 45, 636 1,341 25, 289 8, 573 106,758 339 249 125 989 108, 460
1920. 9591 187 397 1, 038' 9, 718 16, 677 28, 976 461 262 278 1, 15' 31, 134
1921. (') 0>. 1 (') 1,996 6, 206 8, 203 331 181 113 2,09! 10, 763
1922. m 1 2, 463 53 2, 593 1741 4 95 839! 3, 748
1923. (')' 722 64 788 94 65 298 1,067 2,312
1924. ? (J) 304 397 77-1 32 52 113 5741 1,545
1925. 25 (') (') 753 142 67 213 660l 1, 835
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Foreign Commerce and Navigation
of the United States, 1910-1918, Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce, June, 1920-1925, and official
reports of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
1 Less than 500 pounds.
Table 50.—Beef, pickled and other cured: Exports from the United States, by
countries, 1910-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]

Year ended Total

June 30

Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Foreign Commerce and Navigation of
the United States, 1910-1918, Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce, June, 1920-1925, and official re
ports of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
1 Less than 500 pounds.

Table 51.—Oleo oil: Exports from the United States, by countries, 1910-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year ended Bel Ger Italy Neth Swe United! Other Total Can found-!
June 30— gium many er King
lands den dom Europe Europe ada Laband
1910 ». 720 29,792 595 47, 115 2,178 21, 147 20, 518 122, 065 2, 526
1911... 1, 741 28,571 766 67, 691 2,140 9,255 24, 613 134, 777 1,532
1912.. 2,720 18, 042 903 66,894 3, 128 9,960 20, 725 122,372 1,712
1913.. 1,590 17, 481 402 46, 337 2,145
1,_ 0 8,009 14, 633 90,597 54 1, 372
1914.. 2, 819 16, 180 434 47, 414 9,244 16,221 94,301 339 1,244
1915... 545 1, 001 337 32,768 4, 190! 14, 362 25, 599! 78, 802 226 1,030
1916... 3,234 29, 762 9,234 30, 658 26, 099 98, 987 37 1, 896
1917... 760 8,082 2,248 31, 761 21, 498 64, 349 476 1,761
1918... 68 13 48, 244 2,028 50,353 4,347 1,624
1919... 6,759 768 74 30 3, 860 27, 920 16, 769 56,180 1,612
1920... 2,083 2,982 539 13, 819 3,315 19, 227 25,847 67, 812 2,671 1,993
1921... 1,370 15, 983 798. 36, 107 3, 945 14, 273 29,195 101, 671 852! 1,662
1922... 1,472 14, 878, 514 46, 630 2,677 11,082 35, 928 113, 181 234 1, 168|
1,666 13, 987 892 47, 053 2,383 14,967 20, 552 101, 500 275 1,522
1924. 1,844 11,2181 9801 41, 650 1,223 12, 177 20, 615 89, 707! 198 1, 280
1925. 2,076 18, 869 440! 46, 207; 1, 769! 12, 453 20, 315 102, 135 108 1, 0601
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Foreign Commerce and Navigation of
the United States, 1910-1918, Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce, June, 1920-1925, and official
reports of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
i Includes "Neutral lard."
Table 52.—Beef products: 1 Exports, all products combined, United States, 1910-
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]

Sep No
Octo vem De Feb March! April May June Total
Au tem
July gust ber ber cem Janu-
ber ber ary ruary

35, 891 25, 898 28, 365 26, 677 21, 819 22, 987 16,703 19, 016 23, 778 19, 905 18, 518 23, 319,282, 876
18,090 18, 826 16, 1461 15, 398 18, 227 15, 598 16,540 16, 265 23,412 30, 692 40,030 32, 904!262, 128
29, 171 25,841 25, 130! 21,002 14, 962 15, 373 14, 266 15, 739 19,203 19,838 15, 967 13,804 230,296
15, 3881 15, 574 10, 871 10, 518 8,068 8,908 12,863 13, 657 16, 424 14,203 15,686 19,971 163, 497
13, 280 11,895. 10, 670 10, 778 10, 361 10, 499 9,283 11,073 14, 181 15, 326 13, 221 145, 955
12, 410! 10, 960 17, 131 16,495 31, 587 18, 895 32, 879 35, 308 41, 125 49, 961 40, 190 71, 340|378, 281
50, 154; 43, 166 39,404 28, 930 36, 702 42, 155 21, 461 28, 422 26, 378 33, 361 35, 105 53, 830 439, 068
28, 242 24, 679 25, 783 36, 024 31, 724 26, 908 32,680 25, 932 35, 895 51, 974 51, 950 33,296 405, 087
19, 911 42, 278 31, 773 17, 737 10, 743 36, 443 43, 475 31, 892 87, 199 72,882 96, 982 92, 150 583, 465
53,583 69, 217 49, 124 43, 523 83,803 49,504 42, 078 30,685 27, 164 39, 559 28, 990 43, 964 561, 194
25, 496 28, 184 25, 400 45, 744 28,663 19,711 30, 576 20, 497 17, 635 29, 852 24, 925 27, 861 324, 544
18, 716| 9, 387 10, 530 15, 180 14,088 14, 999 24, 767 14, 523 12, 626 14, 625 15, 911 13, 065 178,417
18,019 18, 4961 18,568 12, 772 10,044 9, 369 9, 109 12,400 17,810 13. 735 19, 155 19, 873 179,350
15, 271 13, 751 13, 832 13,165 14, 554 10, 778 12, 537 11,415 15, 144 12, 149 13,603 14, 935 161,136
14, 256 18, 171 14, 997 14,205 12, 0S6 8,747 9, 890 11, 668 12, 920 13, 827 13, 865 11,909 156, 550
14,029 14, 397 16, 3 16, 761 14, 414 9, 328! 9, 412 8,652 18, 476 12,004 14, 247 13, 212 161, 307
11,625 11,027 9, 520| 8,634 7,831 11,12s
Division of Statistical and Historical Research, Compiled from Monthly Summary of Foreign Com-
merce of the United States.
i These figures include fresh, canned, pickled, and other cured beef, tallow, and oleo oil.
Table 53.— United Kingdom: Imports of beef, frozen and chilled, by countries,
1913, 1922-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]

Year ended Dec. 31—

Country from which imported
1913 1922 1923 1924 1925
Beef, chilled:
Argentina 584, 196 582,204 780, 862 868, 898 842,844
Uruguay 3, 582 87,548 72, 459 59, 181 79, 345
Other countries 140 1,287 1,728 1,494
Total 587, 778 669, 892 854,608 929,807 923,683
Beef, frozen:
Argentina 219,056 270,000 304,066 247, 924 171, 053
Australia 150, 916 130, 658 95, 198 84, 424 153, 926
27, 346 64,998 86, 386 63, 265 58,316
Uruguay 44,506 40, 806 54, 592 52, 529 32,020
United States 164 7, 364 8,842 8,970 10, 596
Other countries 734 16,838 18, 520 14,712 36, 146
Total 442, 722 530, 664 567, 604 471,824 462, 057
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Trade and Navigation of the United
Kingdom, 1913, 1924, and Monthly Accounts Relating to Trade of the United Kingdom, December issue,
Table 54.—Germany: Imports of fresh, chilled, and frozen beef, by countries,
1913, 1922-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year ended Dec. 31—
Country from which imported
1913 1922 1923 1924 1925
Beef, fresh, chilled and frozen:
Denmark 27, 225 1,263 869 1, 391 51,464
Netherlands 20,542 4,027 2,028 2,970 18, 829
Australia 784 10, 414 3,608 1,409 14, 417
United States 23 12,279 13, 075 13,242 9,932
Argentina 0 10, 846 68,254 153,409 215, 941
0 10, 501 9,633 2,428 7, 149
United Kingdom 8 76 2,922 8, 400 1,283 118
18,096 6,664 3, 518 5,492 19, 513
Total 66, 746 58, 916 109, 385 181, 624 337, 363
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Der Auswartige Handel Deutschlands,
1913, 1922, 1923, and 1924, and Monatliche Nachweise uber den Auswartigen Handel Deutschlands, 1925.
Figures published, as available, in Foreign Crops and Markets.
Table 55.—Australia: Exports of beef, frozen, by countries, 1918, 1922-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]

Year Year ended June 30—

Country to which exported ended
Dec. 31,
1913 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25
169, 963 108, 672 112,317 62,287 175, 276
Philippine Islands 14, 535 8,094 4,780 8,443 8,117
Italy 6,357 0 67 8,512 48,916
Egypt — 3,991 1,904 5, 228 3,243 6,407
2, 356 555 2,090 230 996
2,054 2,393 2,216 1,909 2,012
1,814 0 17,322 5,438 6,778
Malta... 1, 142 0 1,224 2,008 3, 007
500 409 849 378 255
424 611 511 1,445 382
354 0 353 1,255 929
349 784 1,802 625 2,910
222 322 457 320 310
37 213 398 885 982
35 0 2, 452 7,728 25, 702
0 0 490 164 0
14, 786 210 395 294 640
Total 218, 919 124, 167 152, 951 105, 164 283, 619
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Trade Customs and Excise Revenue4
1913, 1922-1924, and Quarterly Summary of Australian Statistics, June issue, 1925. Figures published
as available in Foreign Crops and Markets.
Table 56.—Argentina: Ex-ports of beef, fresh, chilled, and frozen, by countries,
1913, 1922-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year ended Dec. 31—
Country to which exported
1013 1923
United Kingdom. 782, 770 833,969 1, 006, 235 1, 125, 559
United States 7,161 3, 040 1,385 3,754
Italy 7, 527 944 11,856 83,903
France 1,691 17, 626 33, 232 103, 777
Netherlands 3, 016 7,890 23,095 92,238
Belgium 1,345 13, 250 47,009 128, 872
Germany...: 16,239 48,611 76, 874
Other countries... 3,880 48 11 62
Total. 807, 390 893,006 1, 171, 434 1, 615, 039
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from El Comercio Exterior Argentino, 1914,
1923-24, and Estadistica Argo-Pecuaria, December issue, 1925. Figures published as available in Foreign
Crops and Markets.

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Table 58.—Beef and beef products: International trade, average 1911-1918,
annual 1923-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year ended Dec. 31
Average 1911-1913
Country 1923 1924 1925 preliminary
Imports .Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports
Principal exporting countries:
Argentina • 144 940, 12 1,I 423, 4. 1,i 917,631 1,2138,
743, 903
Australia.. 437 301, 1 6, 498 155, 964
722 283,619 577
Brazil 48, 989 5, 8521 184, 137 .! 180,583 ' 144, 670
Canada 3, 091 2,467 24, 3801 431 25, 522 447 36,312
China - 85 8, 1,414 6,314 1, 018 8,641
Denmark — 18, 815 43, 11,217 37,103 11,858 13,632 12, 424 60.224
Netherlands. 256, 298 326, 199, 164 202, 545 224, 746 243, 505 211, 154 248, 403
New Zealand. 398 80, 437 141, 494 613 131, 137 557 138, 331
Rumania.- 4 2, 544 4, 061 553 9,939 « 387 ' 7, 581
United States "n 17, 668 213, 19, 356| 192, 368 18,104 190, 259 15, 870! 2 241,
162, 020
Uruguay 152 119, 402, 696, 348, 700
Principal importing coun
Austria-Hungary 12,983 3, 762
Belgium.. 6,034 1,577 150, 377 4, 341 238, 399 13,994 191, 598 51, 246
British India 7, 434 773 8,043 1,227 8,336 1,285 10, 239 1,289
British Malaya 2,635 615 5,653 568
Chile. - 6. 636 298 852 167
Cuba 37, 822 54,808 55, 617
Czechoslovakia 461 17 2,473 262
Egypt - 476 4, 697 22 5, 754 48 3,801
Finland - — 14, 755 4, 317 34 3, 199 2,635
France - 41,318 62, 361 164, 069 51, 865 253, 159 34, 618 250, 059 36,986
Germany 212, 150 9421 230, 906 1,295 296,410 1,727 442, 993 3,090
Hongkong.- 1, 608 433 1, 885 417
Irish Free State 10, 937 7,873 7,987 6, 755
Italy -"- 131 546 31,498 557 26, 767 574
Japan 9,002 73, 474 ' 24, 769
Norway 20, 203 2, 337 1,605 22, 805 776 16,620 754
Philippine Islands 15, 837 9, 175 •l4,•i40
Poland.. 312 2 3,154
6, 633 1,433
2 203 1,765
Spain 966 38' 11,
Sweden 12, 912 17, 2851 15, 7,685 20, 911 6,684 13,831 12,901
Switzerland 9, 052 440!
2921 12, 6, 722 5,510 502i 5,483 749
Union of South Africa.. . 17,622 1,536 10,503 9,603 * 6, 278
United Kingdom , 252, 29: 27, 59511, 788, 31, 463 1 777, 833 44,808 1,831,209 5,028
Other countries 20, 468 872 16, 10,871 28,535 18, 748 3,119 8,673
Total. 2, 044, 172 2, 162, 336 2, 857, 920 2, 889, 540 3, 129, 180 3, 497, 012 3, 080, 254 3, 063, 662
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources, Published in issues
of Foreign Crops and Markets featuring commodity.
1 Year beginning July 1 . 3 11 months. » Not separately stated.
2 6 months. * 9 months. 1 5 months


Table 59.—Beef fats: Exports and imports, by principal countries, 1920-1925

[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Country and year ended
Dec. 31 Oleomar
garine Oleo oil Stearin Tallow Other fats Total

1920 6, 512 5, 769 106,312 118,593
1921 1,904 3, 614 112,377 117, 895
1922 332 1,909 175, 133 177, 374
1923 1,621 2, 477 237, 118 241, 216
1924 3,753 4,373 259, 702 267, 828
1925 1,621 2,477 237,118 241,216
Australia: 1 2 82,459
1920 82,459
1921 59,107 59, 107
1922 100, 587 100, 587
1923 1 116, 132 116,132
1924 50,558 50, 558
1920 401 401
1921 94 94
1924 1
1920 9,266 74 9,340
1921 6,317 816 7, 133
1922. 2,309 2,309
1923 1,515 32 1,547
1924 1,482 1,482
1925 3,735 361 .. 4,096
1920 8,008 8,008
1921 146 10, 555 10,701
1922 5,573 5, 573
1923... 28, 661 28,661
1924.... s 15,8,179
476 3 15,8,179
1920. 1,754 1,754
1921 1,652 1,652
1922 982 982
1923 1,544 1,544
1924 2,313 2,313
1925. 1,681 1,681
1920 14,154 14,154
1921 10,172 10, 172
1922 3,434 3,434
1923. 6,314 6,314
1924 8, 641 8,641
1924 i
1920 5,068 578 • 13
457 3,215 8, 353
1921 1,115 3, 534 5,114
1922 768 21 617 5,062 6, 468
1923 4, 178 785 3,837 8,800
1924 1,853 1,090 2,265 5,208
1925 455 2,715 3,170
1920 3 3
1921 31 3 34
1922 375 375
1923 33 33
i Year ended June 30. ' Includes a little stearin. » 11 months.
Table 59.—Beef fats: Exports and imports, by principal countries, 1920-1925—
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]

Country and year ended
Dec. 31 Oleomar
garine Oleo oil Stearin Tallow Other fats Total
1920 2,034 1 5, 789 7,823-
1921 3, 135 23,053 26,188
1922. 2, 859 25, 335 28, 194
1923 - 4, 920 20, 870 25,790
1924 3,725 17,795 21, 520
1925 4,095 22, 648 26, 743
Germany: 5 24 5 24
1920 5 » 260
1921 »'260
1982. 5 162 5 162
1923 «140 5 140
1924 6 371 5 371
1925 5 1,232 5 1, 232
1920-. 9 9
1921 20 38 58-
1922 26 199 225
1923 45 501 546
1924 86 471 557
1925 39 535 574
Netherlands :
1920 205, 201 4,545 5,026 214, 772.
1921 155, 348 7, 010 3, 572 165, 930
1922 131, 145 5,825 4, 142 141, 112
1923 168,522 6,078 7, 182 181, 782
1924 209, 252 8,574 2,690 220, 516
1925 203, 780 6,354 2,970 213, 104
New Zealand:
1920 2 50,895 50,897
1921 11 62, 075 62, 086
1922 55 59, 349 59,404
1923 137 56,544 56, 681
1924 334 53, 733 54,067
1925 56,045 56,045
1920 150 603 824 1, 577
1921 144 477 979 1,600
1922 308 298 1,007 1,613
1923 315 706 584 1,6058
1924 303 400 74 777
1925 318 421 15 754
1920 .. 90 SO
1921. (10) 76 (10) 76
1920. 2,478 97 1,889 4. 464
1921... 1, 787 219 2, 143 4, 149
1922 422 2,618 3,040
1923 48 1,033 1, 081
1924 19 5 903 927
1925 1 417 772 1, 189
1920 507 42 549
1921 189 24 213
1922 236 32 268
1923 589 53 642
1924 484 17 501
1925 688 60 748
Union of South Africa:
1920 1 80 40 121
1921 13 14
1922 (10) 1 12 12
1923 (10) 1 1
1924 (10) 2 2
5 Includes a little mutton tallow. ' 8 months, May-December. " Less than 500 pounds.
Table 59.—Beef fats: Exports and imports, by principal countries, 1920-1925—
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Country and year ended
Dec. 31 Oleomar
garine Oleo oil Stearin Tallow Other fats

United Kingdom:
1920. 9, 501 « 8, 593 5, 136 11,746
1921 2,905 " 9, 874 6,411 18,984
1922 2,311 "'3 9,7, 816 4,883 11, 623
1923 3, 725 119 5, 139 13, 480
1924 4,797 13 12, 116 4, 778 23,117
1925 5,028
United States:
1920 16, 558 74,368 17, 513 20, 692
1921.. 3, 329 127, 978 32, 696 13, 798
1922 1,844 109, 387 22,711 31, 376 16, 743
1923 1,792 98, 955 16,886 35, 129 11, 445
1924.. 774 99, 380 14, 471 33, 962 15, 621
1925.. 627 91, 971 12, 446 17, 514 13, 606
1920 10, 437 7,936
1921 9, 927 6,674
1922 23, 100 11,251
1923 26, 459 20, 588
11, 564
1925 11 20,825
10, 466 11 5, 479
Other countries:
1920. 40 3,512
1921 125 3, 166
1922 662 3,020
1923 1, 258 (H) 6,600
1924 7,224 11 5,868
1925 6,781 1, 290
1920 257, 329 83, 189 29,248 326, 695 12, 962
1921 176,351 138, 895 43, 913 338, 937 10,680
1922 143, 597 117, 224 30,505 454, 397 33, 170
1923 188, 561 108, 106 26,183 561, 025 40, 397
1924 233, 752 111, 501 25, 474 497, 353 30, 412
1925 227,584 92, 332 15, 497 373, 861 22, 055
i" Less than 500 pounds. n 6 months. " Includes some oleomargarine and refined tallow.
Table 59.—Beef fats: Exports and imports, by principal countries, 1920-1925—
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]

Country and year ended
Dec. 31 Oleomar
garine Oleo oil Stearin Tallow Other fats

Australia: 1 2 969
1921 607
1922 240
1923 1,366
1924 6,479
1920.. .. 1,153 4,067
1921.... 4, 486 4, 455
1920 4, 734 1,082
1921.... 2,674 2,034
1,794 1,513
1923. 2,080 1,006
1924. 3,994 1, 163
1925. 7,565 1,435
1920. 857
1921. 585
1922. 959
1920... 5, 081 472 530
1921... 2,057 136 36
1922... 1,032 80 876
1923... 1,213 38 634
1924... 1 121
1925... 65
1920... 145 1,612
1921... 168 1,195
1922... 104 2,037
1923... 167 1,247
1924... 205 813
1920— 14 • 1,405
1921... 193 • 1,729
1922... 4 2,500
1924... • 3, 576
1920... 960 751 702 1,001
1921... 1,121 2,155 641 3, 257
1922... 3, 957 2,031 3, 615
1923... 2,806 2, 509 969 4, 511
1924... 2, 724 2, 659 9S6 5,070
1925... 3, 975 2, 814 747 4,888
1920... 24 6 1,836
1921... 42 65 312 1,145
1922... 48 52 339 1,678
1923... 250 118 737 3, 212
1924... 704 2,494
1925... 478 2,158
i Year ended June 30. > Includes a little stearin. ' Includes some glycerin .
Table 59.—Beef fats: Exports and imports, by principal countries, 1920-1925—
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Country and year ended
Dec. 31 Oleomar
garine Oleo oil Stearin Tallow Other fats Total

1920. 7,649 38, 403 46, 052
1921... 10, 813 35, 405 46, 218
1922 5,330 27, 071 32, 401
1923 5, 287 £ 33, 152 38, 439
1924 7, 923 43, 718 51,641
1925 15,406 20,446 35, 852
1920 11,209 48, 367 • 1,806 61,382
1921 28,111 89,800 117, 911
1922 28,637 85,668 »6 560
892 114, 865
1923. 15, 427 100, 510 116, 829
1924 23, 896 87, 093 »333 111,322
1925 25, 785 76, 895 6 250 102, 930
1920.. 1, 304 1,304
1921 1,388 4, 359 5,747
1922 992 35, 619 36, 611
1923 732 28, 052 28,784
1924 490 31,007 31, 497
1925 353 ! 26, 414 26, 767
1920 17,384 25, 499 22,892 65, 775
1921 31,830 38, 153 24, 553 94, 536
1922 32, 718 48, 889 28, 889 110, 496
1923 39, 147 78,449 33,223 150,819
1924 27,831 96,575 35, 512 159,918
1925 25, 463 94, 910 30, 732 151, 105
New Zealand:
1920. 356 63 419
1921 415 25 440
1922 400 11 411
1923 419 18 437
1924 613 613
1925 557 557
1920 2,195 8 16, 885 19, 080
1921 1,936 8 21, 287 23, 223
1922 1,330 8 22.860 24, 190
1923 1,343 8 19, 245 20,588
1924 3,039 8 19, 223 22,262
1925 1,533 8 14,540 16, 073
1920 •1.055 1,055
1921... »370 370
1922... 572 8, 318 8,890
1923 206 10, 103 10,309
1924.. » 6, 471 6, 471
1920 885 3,952 3,747 8,584
1921 1,354 2,945 4, 146 8, 445
1922 1,468 3,666 5,645 10, 779
1923 2,797 3,166 6,295 12, 258
1924 3,993 2,640 9,204 15,837
1925 3,075 2,279 7,275 13,229
1920 4, 076 312 i 4,388
1921. 4,760 245 5,005
1922... 4. 387 181 4,568
1923 6,271 282 i 6,553
1924... 5,043 242 1 5,285
1925 4,935 183 1 5,118
Union of South Africa:
1920 1,336 1,661 7,016 (10) 10, 013
1921.. 404 1,642 2,093 4,139
1922 383 1, 848 5,124 9 7,364
1923 521 3,950 6,669 1,036 12, 176
1924 663 2,925
U783 6, 250 665 10,503
» 5, 494 » 6, 277
e Includes goose grease. ■ Includes a little palmitin. " 6 months.
8 Includes some oleomargarine, etc. 10 Less than 500 pounds. 11 9 months.

Table 59.—Beef fats: Exports and imports, by principal countries, 1920—1925-

[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
Country and year ended
Dec. 31 Oleomar
garine Oleo oil Stearin Tallow Other fats Total

United Kingdom: 1 51, 925

1920 100, 297 9,444 53, 012 214, 678
1921 116, 732 ; 42, 520 8,772 63, 134 231, 158
1922 110,237 '45,938 6,982 84,090 247, 247
1923 138, 283 I 55, 268 6,243 97, 019 296, 813
1924- 146, 984 ' 61, 201 6,978 81,444 298, 607
1925 155, 355 65, 285 8,485 115, 736 344, 861
United States:
1920 14, 874 15,837
Other countries:
1920 2, 695 443 3,620 42, 929 51 49, 738
1921. 5, 397 1, 100 2,235 46, 424 2, 077 57, 233
1922 3,709 1,083 2.215 39,380 8,547 54, 934
1923 3, 494 1. 213 2, 405 46, 271 15, 559 68, 942
1924 13, 030 1, 672 2,458 51, 561 3,998 72, 719
1925 8,791 180 935 26, 592 31 36, 529
1920 161, 141 58,630 20,323 260, 055 24, 749 524, 898
1921 213, 466 52, 360 15, 827 314, 911 26, 630 623, 194
1922 196, 134 56, 092 15, 460 370, 043 38,005 675, 734
1923 219, 827 65, 818 16, 470 436, 168 50,710 788, 993
1924.... 239, 832 72, 912 15, 723 446, 710 40, 508 815, 685
1925 71, 993 12, 180 395, 413 31,013 763, 435
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from official sources. Published in issues
of Foreign Crops and Markets featuring commodity.
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by States, January 1,
{The values shown represent the average value per head of all milk cows on farms as represented by crop
1867 1 1868 1 1869 1 18701 1871 1
State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Maine 35.93 30.18 34.59 30.87 37.89 37.39 32.81 35.70 32.85 33.41
New Hampshire 35.00 29.08 34.12 28.20 40.56 35.22 35.99 36.49 33.88 33.08
Vermont 38. 82 28.27 34.90 24. 22 36.92 31. 32 41.49 31. 42 42.91 38.66
Massachusetts 44.43 33.20 48. 45 33. 32 49.78 40.13 46.99 40.79 53.44 40.34
Rhode Island 40.86 31.42 42.12 30.38 44. 25 53.78 45.34 50.40 39.97 46.89
Connecticut 41.23 30.28 45. 13 29.60 49. 16 45.95 49.58 50.71 48.33 41. 17
New York 42. 51 29. 32 37.94 28. 73 39.93 34. 42 44.61 37. 85 43.82 38. IS
New Jersey 46.99 32.81 41.31 28.73 51.99 39. 52 52.70 39.40 55.45 40.70
Pennsylvania 35.19 24.56 32. 45 23. 39 34.74 26. 98 38. 61 29.88 42. 16 37.41
Ohio 33. 39 22.76 31. 10 21.36 31. 71 25. 10 36.91 28.02 40.73 31.92
Indiana 28.83 18. 25 26.22 17. 50 26.90 19. 66 33. 31 23. 14 34.78 23.63
Illinois 26.67 17.45 26.44 17.63 28. 10 20.17 30. 52 20.69 34. 04 23.50
Michigan 35.12 25.43 30.54 20.90 32.91 25.65 35.40 27.02 37. 17 28.59
Wisconsin 28.23 20.90 25.86 19.72 27.47 20.60 29.50 21. 51 31. 85 24.26
Minnesota 26.75 21.23 23.70 19.34 28.41 18.94 29. 77 23. 32 29.73 20.55
Iowa 23. 29 17.76 22.45 16.53 26. 64 20.01 28.78 21. 25 30.99 21.73
Missouri 22. 18 14. 39 20. 97 13.66 23. 02 16.05 26.64 18.35 28.83 22.10
North Dakota\ 2
South Dakota/
Nebraska 25.58 19.41 25.40 19.10 30.24 22.01 32. 90 24.54 37.77 27.06
Kansas 23.86 17.08 21. 57 15.65 22.62 19.82 30. 85 22.55 34.74 26.05
Delaware 29.72 18.38 35.13 20.33 29.50 22.45 33.52 23.54 31.62 23. 22
Maryland 30.92 20.11 28. 81 18. 27 33. 51 23.19 35.60 25.61 35.31 24.58
Virginia 22. 07 12.69 20.30 13. 62 21. 21 15.04 24.76 16.83 26.28 19.28
West Virginia 25. 30 18.55 25.24 21. 75 27.70 23. 18 31. 37 26.93
North Carolina 14.90 6.69 13.73 6. 74 15.27 8.19 16. 94 9. 19 20.39 9.65
South Carolina 16.43 8.43 13.47 6. 95 17.59 10.63 18.66 9. 55 20.98 10.91
Oeorgia 16.08 7.85 15. 21 7. 78 16.49 10.20 18.53 9.38 19. 52 9. 76
Florida 11. 44 6. 07 8. 60 5. 71 11.06 6. 89 13. 32 6.78 14.30 7.38
Kentucky 29.09 19.59 25.45 16.87 26. 89 22.88 31. 75 24. 80 34.45 28.09
i Reduced to gold basis, 1867-1878. 2 Reported for Dakota Territory prior to Jan. 1, 1892.
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by Slates, January 1,
1867 1868 1869 1870 1871
State or Territory Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Tennessee 20.71 10.72 18. 11 8. 51 20.68 12.64 23.97 14. 23
Alabama 18.78 7.59 14.08 7. 16 15.73 9.39 19.34 11. 33
Mississippi 17.70 9. 38 14. 10 7.51 16. 90 10.52 21.71 11.82
Arkansas 16.92 7. 86 14.99 7. 16 16.04 8.29 18.63 9.91
Louisiana 17. 96 9.35 11.55 6. 25 14.96 7. 89 24. 85 9.35
Texas & 32 4. 16 7. 43 3. 71 6. 73 4. 26 8. 80 5. 03
New Mexico
Nevada (') (•)
Oregon 32.00 22.00
California 50.31 27. 86 47.62 26.22
The Territories. * 41. 03 * 27. 00
United States. 26.56 15.06 29. 15 18.73 32.70 18.87
1872 » 1873 1 1874 i 1875'
Maine.. 23.03 22.26 32.58 34. 44 34.09 35.58 35.36 34.09
New Hampshire. 30.55 28.12 32.09 34.23 34.55 34. 14 35.43 35.11
Vermont. 33. 57 29.06 31.49 34.42 32. 27 29.89 32.59 27.59
Massachusetts . . . 36.54 32.27 36.68 35.53 40.91 35.62 41.63 34.74
Rhode Island 37.88 37.01 37.88 46.99 37. 87 45.46 39.62 44.80
Connecticut 39.51 35.22 35.20 36.24 38.64 40.09 38.38 4a 43
New York 36.23 31.26 30.30 30.35 27.73 26.25 33.57 30.42
New Jersey 50.23 34.60 39.36 28.90 41.59 30.78 42.53 32.58
Pennsylvania 35.89 28.42 31.64 26.85 30.23 24.08 31. 71 25.34
Ohio. 34.24 27.04 28.68 24. 70 26.88 23. 91 27.23 23.80
Indiana 30.77 20.40 27. 39 21. 37 26. 93 18.79 23.58 17.86
Illinois 30.95 20.70 27.14 21.29 27.30 21. 85 25.60 19.72
Michigan 33.79 26.08 29.70 25.20 27.73 23.08 29. 36 24.40
Wisconsin 26.85 24.34 24.96 21.06 23.89 19.96 23. 61 19.04
Minnesota 27.22 20.35 26.81 19.11 23.88 20.01 22.56 17.18
Iowa 26. 11 19. 65 25. 10 20.86 24.09 20.16 23.72 19.19
Missouri 23.69 16.44 20.73 16.31 15. 85 17.46 13. 19
North DakotaK
South Dakota/ "
Nebraska 32.08 22. 35 27.59 22.41 26.82 21.47 25.33 20.46
Kansas 28.20 19.22 25.79 18.24 23.00 17.18 18.49 14. 91
Delaware 29.33 16.65 29.41 25.70 30.45 20.37 28.65 19.02
Maryland 29.56 20.02 27.42 21.09 28.73 20. 79 26. 13 20. 14
Virginia 22.85 15.77 21.11 15.04 20.00 15.64 20.54 13.89
West Virginia 31.03 22.71 26.56 21.98 25.00 20.76 24.40 20.81
North Carolina... 20.06 9.58 15. 15 8.74 14.09 8.53 14.32 7.88
South Carolina... 21.68 12.25 22.73 12.42 19.89 10.35 19.25 10.90
Georgia 19.07 9.38 19.55 9.80 16.85 8.95 16.88 8.58
Florida 12.86 7.52 13. 47 7.96 13.02 8.39 12.24 7.61
Kentucky 29.80 23. 82 26.85 21.41 24.05 20.50 23. 72 20.11
Tennessee 20.93 12. 72 19.20 12.18 19.87 12.93 16. 14 10. 19
17.26 10.44 17.69 11. 65 17.73 10.37 15.99 9.36
Mississippi.. 21.75 12.39* 20.61 11. 32 19.62 11. 17 18.68 10.46
19.55 11. 19 18.21 10.49 16. 14 10.34 14.22 8.94
Louisiana.. 22.91 11.64 23.62 11.03 18.82 9.35 18.11 8.98
Texas 12.94 7. 42 12.03 6.69 13.86 7. 35 11.93 6. 71
New Mexico
Nevada... 40.00 25.26 39.00 23.00 37.50 23.22
Oregon 37.90 23.23 32.95 19.43 24. 42 16. 16 | 21. 65 14.59
California 44. 66 23.80 43.44 22. 71 35.28 19. 52 I 32. 19 18.92
The Territories. 34.12 23. 16 33.50 22.50 32.48 19.46 | 29.94 17.14
United States 29.45 18.12 26.72 18.06 25.63 17.55 25.74 16.91
1 Reduced to gold basis, 1867-1878. 5 Included in the Territories.
2 Reported for Dakota Territory prior to Jan. 1, 1892. 4 Includes the State of Nevada.
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by States, January 1,

1877 1 1878 1 1879 1880 1881

State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle

Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Maine 27. 80 23.89 24.59 23.53 22.68 20.74 24.10 24.00 23.21 22.86
New Hampshire 29.84 26. 89 31. 61 29.06 26.25 27. 75 28.00 29.36 26.25 31.24
Vermont 26.88 21.64 28.45 22.33 24.98 21.11 25.05 21.03 24. 30 21.53
Massachusetts. 37.07 37.82 39.56 36.24 32. 47 51.23 35.00 34. 14 35.00 36.88
Rhode Island 34. 75 42.74 37. 45 43.68 32.97 26.42 30.00 30.05 30.00 30.05
Connecticut 35. 33 35.83 36.48 34.86 29.47 29.24 29.37 28.95 28. 37 30.38
New York. 32.44 27.94 31. 44 27.53 23. 35 27. 15 29.06 26.22 26. 66 23. 13
New Jersey 38.92 35. 38 40.37 35.72 35. 42 28. 75 35. 10 29.77 33.80 29.17
Pennsylvania 31.97 24.11 32.61 25. 12 20.24 23. 56 26.66 21.69 26.24 23. 45
Ohio 30.50 21.66 30.91 23.73 27. 47 21. 17 26.44 22. 37 27.63 23. 76
Indiana 24. 75 16. 42 25. 97 17. 66 23.58 17. 40 25.09 18.65 24.49 19.03
Illinois 25.83 19.65 27.01 21. 37 23. 65 18.89 26.63 21.09 27.71 23.56
Michigan 29.42 22.41 29.18 23. 57 26. 85 20. 45 26.68 22.51 28. 69 23. 61
Wisconsin 24. 89 19.67 25.71 20.54 20.86 16. 68 21.79 17.83 20.71 20.49
Minnesota 19.51 16. 75 21.24 18. 10 19.08 17.26 20. 16 17. 46 22.86 20.78
Iowa 21.84 16. 52 23.88 18.93 21. 12 16.96 24.20 19.44 26. 70 21. 75
Missouri 19. 56 15. 91 21. 10 17. 15 17. 78 14.93 19.21 17.47 20.25 18.33
North Dakota\ ,
24.87 19. 33 26. 23 20. 72 24.25 19.43 26.00 21.52 26. 77 21. 40
Kansas 21. 56 15.84 23.04 18. 62 21.80 17.43 23.68 20. 32 26.48 20.69
Delaware. 31.51 23. 74 32. 59 24. 34 25.97 23.55 32.50 30.67 23.00 19.57
Maryland 27.83 19.55 29.56 21.48 25. 70 19.24 27. 20 19.74 29.82 17. 89
Virginia . 20.28 15.87 20.71 14.85 17.87 14. 72 18.86 15.51 19. 25 16.99
West Virginia. 24. 59 19. 39 26. 14 20.91 23.46 19.73 20. 97 18. 76 22. 34 20.16
North Carolina 14. 14 9.85 15.05 9.30 22.20 8. 17 12.60 8.31 13.46 8.77
South Carolina 18.54 11.08 17.02 9. 55 13.40 9. 65 15.25 10.52 16. 42 10.08
Georgia _. 15. 46 8.62 15.56 8.66 13.97 7.83 13.26 7.93 14.73 7.98
Florida 14. 01 5.97 15. 32 7.85 12.61 7.41 9.27 6.08 12.21 7.51
Kentucky 27.04 19.90 27.54 21. 10 21.92 17.29 22.62 19.05 25.68 19.77
Tennessee 17.44 10. 12 18. 35 10.32 15.80 9.27 17.09 10.94 17. 15 11.76
Alabama.. 16. 48 9.23 16.54 9.36 13.69 8.52 13.50 7. 75 13.93 8.14
Mississippi 17. 13 10. 02 17. 33 9.82 13.46 8.04 13.06 7.69 15. 48 8. 75
Arkansas 14. 18 9.57 15. 34 10.63 13.26 9.60 13.66 10.48 14.56 10.11
19. 19 9.29 19.82 10.43 16. 78 7.80 18.00 9.60 17. 78 10.77
Texas.. 13.47 8.56 14. 35 10.02 14.52 9. 14 13.85 8.88 14. 15 10. 15
Wyoming. (3) (3) (3) (3)
Colorado.. 32.10 16.29 (') P)
New Mexico
Nevada 31.50 19.00 30.00 17. 56 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (")
Oregon 20. 45 11.80 19.62 12. 29 18.56 12. 15 17. 71 11. 39 21. 17 13.72
California 30.64 16.52 28.23 17.23 25.90 18.91 28.65 5 18. 47 31.67 20.35
The Territories..... 25. 52 18.00 24. 32 16. 66 » 22. 62 » 18.* 17 » 20. 82 17. 68 » 24. 47 ' 19. 05
United States 25. 47 15.99 25. 74 16. 72 21.71 15. 38 23. 27 16.10 23. 95 17. 33
1882 1883 1884 1885 1886
25.75 25. 35 32.08 31.62 34.50 32.03 32.00 31. 19 30.10 29.89
New Hampshire 26.50 26.00 32.00 33.15 32.62 33.44 32. 43 31.42 29.83 31.32
25.60 24.90 30.33 32.89 31.00 32.91 26.00 28.38 28.63 26.06
Massachusetts 33.00 31.50 39.29 34.28 38.50 34. 71 35.00 32. 18 32.40 31.67
Rhode Island 30.50 29. 30 36.00 36.10 35.50 38.51 36.50 37.38 34. 00 36.89
Connecticut 32. 30 31. 15 34. 71 33.44 33.42 34. 97 34.67 34. 39 32.92 33. 61
New York 31.45 29.20 37.93 34. 16 36. 33 37.34 33.00 35.97 29. 60 32.08
New Jersey 35. 37 32.40 39.63 33.88 39. 33 37.57 38. 75 35.67 34. 36 34.65
Pennsylvania 30.75 28.70 35.89 29.76 36.66 31.75 34. 05 30.55 30.10 27.36
Ohio 31. 15 27.50 35.00 30.59 36. 50 29. 42 33.47 29. 40 30.53 26.94
Indiana 26.67 23.30 31.55 25.79 35.00 26.85 33.34 28.08 30.00 25.42
Illinois 29. 40 26. 51 33. 01 25.84 35.00 28.04 34.86 28.67 31.57 26.04
Michigan 30.20 27.20 34.87 29.36 36.44 27.99 35.00 28.19 30.38 25.52
26.61 23. 37 33.20 25.62 32.50 26.67 30.44 24.87 28.63 23.22
Minnesota 26.40 21.67 30.88 24.86 31.50 25.56 29.83 24.53 27.87 22.51
i Reduced to gold basis, 1867-1878.
' .Reported for Dakota Territory prior to Jan. 1, 1892.
'.Included in the Territories.
8 Includes the States of Nevada and Colorado.
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by States, January 1,

1883 1884 1885

State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Iowa. 27.58 22.90 30. 85 24.76 31.75 26.00 30.00 26.23 28.80 24.26
Missouri 22. 35 20.36 25.22 20.35 28.00 22.62 27.00 22.50 24.59 20.84
North Dakota \ 2 30,84 26. 49 33. 37 26.69 29.00 26.23 30.94
South Dakota / "
Nebraska 27.20 23.00 32. 18 25.58 33.00 26.44 30.00 26. 14 30.80
Kansas 26. 62 22.16 30.80 24.67 33.60 27.12 31.00 25. 81 28. 46
Delaware 25. 40 21.37 32. 50 28.36 35.60 32.54 33. 50 30.96 28. 50
Maryland.. 27.34 23.53 30.07 25.92 36.25 26.41 34.00 27.74 30.15
Virginia 19. 60 17.74 22.11 20.07 22.85 20.55 24. 31 20.78 21. 81
West Virginia 24. 95 22.37 28.91 23. 16 31.06 25.56 29.00 23. 37 25.42
North Carolina.. 14.03 10.25 17.18 10.68 17.00 10.84 17.00 11. 91 16. 65
South Carolina... 16. 50 11. 47 18.89 10.23 22.33 11. 75 18.50 10.96 19.93
Georgia 15. 10 10.08 17.18 10.09 19.04 11.75 17.50 10.75 18.35
Florida 12.35 8.35 14. 12 9.11 14. 30 9. 18 14.67 8.89 16.00
Kentucky 26.00 23. 15 30.25 24.69 32. 28 27. 65 33. 21 26.90 28.53
Tennessee 17.83 13.72 22.50 15.02 23. 52 16.74 23. 51 16.03 20.00
Alabama.. 13. 25 9. 15 15. 46 10.47 16. 51 11. 33 16.00 9. 95 15.92
Mississippi 14. 63 9. 75 16. 60 10.84 16. 75 10.81 16.83 10.46 15.96
Arkansas 17.20 11. 67 21.51 12.66 21. 67 13.66 20.22 12.63 17.98
Louisiana 17. 85 11.95 19.97 10.98 20.43 12.22 18.20 12.65 19.00
Indian Territory. 14.08 17.00 25.00
Texas 18. 16 12. 20 22.64 14.79 24.50 17.51 24.00 15. 77 20.29
Montana 37.00 25.10 37.00 26. 16 40.00 28.17 37.00
Idaho 36.00 25.00 37.50 26.00 40.00 27.00 35.00
Wyoming. 25.00 23. 46 33.00 26. 15 38.00 25. 21 38.00
Colorado (') (3) 39.08 26. 95 40.60 26.47 40.00 26.88 40.67
New Mexico 29.33 19.26 35.00 20.01 27.00 18.83 26.00
Arizona . 23.50 19.00 32.50 20.00 31.00 21.00 31.00
Utah 28.17 23.02 35.12 23. 89 34.00 24. 49 30.86
Nevada (') (3) 36.00 18.00 37.33 27.15 40.00 27. 57 39.00
Washington 31.36 23.99 36.50 24.84 33.50 27.54 32.00
Oregon 22. 15 15.12 31.43 22.18 36.00 26. 21 28.00 27.04 27.46
California. 32.70 21.77 36. 17 27. 48 38.00 29.15 38.50 30.38 38. 75
The Territories... • 26. 30 » 20. 47
United States.. 25.89 19.89 30.21 21.81 31.37 23. 52 29. 70 23. 25 27. 40
1887 1888 1890 1891
Maine 29.50 28. 13 29.00 27.51 28.00 25.91 25.00 23.76 26.40
New Hampshire 30.20 30.64 30.50 29.94 29.63 26.96 27.63 23.87 26.50
Vermont 27.22 27. 25 28.70 28.05 26.20 25.69 23.75 22.68 23.50
Massachusetts 35.00 31.24 34. 17 28. 47 33.50 27.98 32.50 25.24 32. 40
Rhode Island 35.50 32.86 35. 75 32.27 33.00 30.91 31.00 27.25 33.00
^Connecticut 33. 33 31.69 33.71 31.24 34.50 30.25 31.08 27.20 32.00
New York 31.30 33! 16 30.50 31.92 29.60 31.23 28.11 28.12 27. 21
New Jersey.. 36.00 33.56 35. 92 32. 35 34.62 31.27 34. 47 28.92 34.00
Pennsylvania 29.00 26.14 28.60 26.09 27.56 24.54 28.06 23.67 26. 67
Ohio 29.18 26.90 29.20 25.60 28.75 25.16 24.80 22.62 24.00
Indiana 27.38 24. 17 27.75 22.44 25. 50 21. 47 21. 48 18. 82 21.50
Illinois 29.33 25.27 | 26.50 22.23 25.20 21. 17 22.62 18. 71 22.00
Michigan 30.27 25.84 29.00 25.16 28. 75 24.07 26.24 21.38 25.18
Wisconsin 25.70 23.48 23.83 20. 97 25.00 19.42 24.29 17. 10 21. 50
Minnesota 25.50 22.17 23.75 20.36 22.30 18.10 20.79 16.51 20.50
Iowa... 26. 18 22.38 23.30 20. 35 22.32 20. 46 19.79 18.03 18. 75
Missouri 23.50 19.20 20.25 18.24 19.30 16.87 18. 53 15.98 17.00
North Dakota \ 2 18. 25
South Dakota I — 28.00 22.31 21. 67 21.73 28.00 20.42 19.32 15.79
Nebraska 26. 63 24.29 25.50 21.08 22.50 18. 96 20.15 17.03 18.50
Kansas 26.27 22.41 22.41 20. 37 20.36 18.26 18.69 16.71 18.30
Delaware 30.50 26.64 30.00 28.00 27.50 25. 92 27.50 24.78 24.50
Maryland 29.50 24.86 28.25 24. 18 26.25 21.99 24.36 18.53 25.00
Virginia 23.00 18.59 21.50 17. 37 20.62 17.27 19.28 15.66 21.69
West Virginia 26.50 20.32 24.07 18.50 23. 40 18.07 21.52 18.00 22.50
North Carolina 15.75 9.99 16.00 10.99 16.50 11. 41 16.04 10.47 17.50
South Carolina 18. 25 10.67 19.00 12.48 21.00 13.21 21.40 13. 15 21. 23
Georgia 17.60 9.88 17.00 11. 01 17.30 11.78 17.24 11.03 18.10
Florida 15. 55 8.54 16.32 8.56 16.68 8.99 16.40 8.88 16.50
Kentucky 27.23 23.82 24.30 21.24 24.00 20.15 21.69 17.69 21.00
s Reported for Dakota Territory prior to Jan. 1, 1892.
3 Included in the Territories.
1 Includes the States of Nevada and Colorado.

Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by {Stales, January 1,
1887 1888 1889 1890 1891
State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other MUk Other Milk Other MUk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Tennessee 21.00 14.06 19.75 12.61 19.14 12.86 16.98 11.68 16.61 10.42
Alabama 16.65 9.86 15.40 9.41 17.00 9.63 15.80 8.94 15.90 9. 17
Mississippi 14.40 9.00 15.55 9. 48 16.25 9.85 15.38 9.34 15.50 8.90
Arkansas 16.23 10.71 14.63 9. 81 14.20 9.10 13.62 8.64 13. 75 8. 46
15.25 12.25 16.30 11.33 16.74 10.43 16.32 9.76 17.00 9.59
Indian Territory.. . 21.00 "l4. 2o• 14. 50
15.84 12.14 9.95 13.67 9.29 14. 15 8.83 14. 13 8.89
Montana 37.50 23. 10 28.40 19.21 35.25 21.82 29.75 17.24 28. 67 15.27
Idaho 35.00 21.50 26.67 18.75 34.33 20.00 30.00 16.50 29.00 14.25
Wyoming 29.00 22.95 35.00 19. 11 36.70 19. 59 32.25 14.98 33.00 13. 47
Colorado 38.00 22.20 37.21 19. 93 34. 40 20.00 30.40 16.77 28. 11 15.77
New Mexico 25.67 17.87 23.75 15.04 21. 67 13.48 21. 25 11. 25 20.00 11.01
23.33 19.00 37.20 18.00 22.50 17.50 20.00 15.00 27.50 14.00
Utah 30.00 20.46 25.25 16.76 26.10 15.41 22.10 14.08 20.80 13.71
36.10 21. 92 35.00 18.00 35.50 20.37 30.00 14.53 31.00 15.46
Washington 33.00 23.44 33.30 23. 48 34.50 25.07 35.89 23.51 37.00 20.97
Oregon 31.50 23. 77 29.60 20. 35 28.00 18.98 27.31 17.15 28.50 17.20
California 33. 22 20.64 33.00 20.50 31.38 19.37 27. 75 16.80 29.00 17.73
United States 26.08 19.79 24. 65 17.79 23.94 17.05 22. 14 15. 21 21. 62 14.76
1892 1893 1894 1895 1896

Maine. 26.50 24.74 24.50 22. 07 21.37 24. 37 29. 35 24.50 28.14 24. 46
New Hampshire 26.50 23.48 25.70 21.57 21.81 22.69 25.14 23.79 29.50 24.40
Vermont 24.33 22.26 23.63 20.82 25.25 19. 67 27. 33 20. 74 24.82 21.20
32. 72 25. 78 33.00 24.66 32.60 20. 71 32. 50 24.40 34.03 26.36
Khode Island 32.00 28.73 30.00 26.85 26.60 21. 13 29.00 23.80 38.33 23.81
Connecticut 29.14 29.03 28.00 28.66 28.94 27. 65 29.38 28. 56 29.90 25. 15
New York 26.18 26.67 26.36 26.57 25. 78 26.16 27. 57 23.38 24.30 23. 12
New Jersey. 35.00 28.75 35.50 28.64 35.20 29.11 31.44 23.99 34.38 26. 35
Pennsylvania.. 25.25 22.17 25.75 22.05 25. 55 21.64 24. 56 20. 57 24.22 20. 70
Ohio... 25.00 22. 44 25.95 22. 20 25. 94 20. 89 25.62 20.88 24.25 21.41
Indiana 23. 25 19.28 24.50 20. 16 24.16 20.11 24.65 19.83 24.70 20.60
Illinois 22.23 18.88 23.00 19.92 25. 12 18.66 25.89 19.53 27.46 20. 42
Michigan 24.24 20.67 27.50 20.53 28. 27 20. 10 26.43 18.73 25. 16 17. 61
20.54 16.43 22. 91 17. 79 24.34 17.52 21. 76 15. 71 22. 21 17. 37
Minnesota 19.25 18.76 19. 50 19. 34 19. 42 13. 74 20. 15 13. 74 21.44 15.03
Iowa 18. 77 18. 76 21.00 19. 34 23. 57 19. 79 28. 89 18.62 25. 78 21.46
Missouri 17.50 16. 50 17.00 15. 55 17.67 15.20 18.60 15.62 24.00 19. 30
North Dakota 21, 19 17. 17 20.50 18. 59 19. 79 16. 84 18.84 18. 19 21.63 19. 81
South Dakota 19,00 16,25 17.75 16.27 19.12 16. 10 17.57 14.97 20. 41 16.50
Nebraska 18.75 16. 59 18.50 16.17 19. 61 16.70 16.85 13.68 21.92 17.86
Kansas 18.40 16.78 18.50 16.22 18.15 16. 54 19.21 16.92 22. 12 19| 20
Delaware 25.75 23.33 24.17 22.38 24.50 17.44
21. 79 • 25.00 15. 48 29.00 19.99
Maryland 26.21 21.79 26.15 21. 39 23.63 25.09 21.85 24.50 19. 31
Virginia 22. 25 17.24 20.00 16. 10 18.08 15. 10 18. 31 14. 53 18.14 15.88
West Virginia 22. 71 18.67 20.25 17.64 19. 15 15. 20 19.45 14. 97 20. 54 15. 35
North Carolina 17.60 11.59 16.50 11. 14 14.99 11.15 14.66 9. 58 14. 40 10. 12
South Carolina 20.31 12.88 20.00 12.28 20. 47 12.10 17.63 11.09 16.88 10.11
Georgia 18.00 9.86 18.10 9.44 16.44 9.59 15. 54 8.08 16.95 9.11
Florida 15.00 9.02 16.00 8.62 13.68 8.28 13.92 7.85 13.32 7. 97
Kentucky 21.75 16.97 21.50 17. 19 20. 39 15.72 18.89 15.29 20. 38 17.33
Tennessee 16.50 10.48 16.15 9. 76 16.45 10.44 15.33 9. 51 15.53 10.58
Alabama 15.00 9.00 14.25 8.58 12.45 6.85 10.80 6.86 10. 91 6.70
Mississippi 14.75 7. 97 13.50 7. 51 12. 91 7.68 11.20 6.77 13. 81 7.49
Arkansas 13.75 8.75 11.50 8.13 10. 76 7.02 10.09 7. 16 12.87 8.49
Louisiana 17. 10 10.01 18.00 10.09 16.50 9.06 13.20 8.40 14. 10 8. 34
Oklahoma. 18.00 15.50 18.25 15. 40 19. 75 15.20
Texas 14.25 8.85 14.50 9.05 13.84 9.50 14.46 9. 74 17.89 12.60
Montana 28. 75 16.30 28.50 17.42 24.67 15.73 24.83 14.68 27.90 17.24
Idaho... 27.00 15.25 25.00 15.50 21.67 12.50 20.00 13. 59 20. 25 14.10
Wyoming 32.00 14.37 30.00 15.40 24.60 13.99 21.25 13. 77 24.50 16.48
Colorado 26.00 16.49 25.50 16.90 23. 06 15.53 23.08 13. 36 25.00 17. 17
New Mexico 20.00 11.01 20.00 10.03 20.00 9.44 17.50 7.49 23.00 10. 15
Arizona 25.00 15.00 21.00 15. 10 17.50 11.25 22.50 9.64 25.00 10. 14
Utah 22. 21 14.10 24.00 15. 58 18.00 11.59 9. 77 11.67 15.20 11.51
Nevada 27.50 14.77 30.00 15. 59 29.30 12. 97 14.00 10. 79 24.50 12.07
Washington 35.00 20.88 33.00 22. 10 28.72 20. 79 24.88 16.07 22.08 15.21
Oregon 25.00 16.42 24.00 15.67 21. 35 14. 97 17. 97 12. 51 18.43 12. 64
California 26.95 17.39 27.25 17. 12 25.82 16. 17 23. 78 15.28 23.75 15.82
United States 21.40 15. 16 21.75 15.24 21.77 14. 66 21.97 14. 06 22. 55 15.86
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by Slates, January 1 ,

1897 1898 1899 1900 1901

State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Maine. 25.06 20. 13 27.55 22.03 30.50 25.84 28.90 26.38 26.89 16.06
New Hampshire. 27.12 19.89 29.65 24.59 33.65 29.58 32.70 25.57 28.31 15.34
Vermont 24.57 19. 19 27.25 22.07 30. 85 24.41 31. 90 23.41 27.44 13. 25
Massachusetts... 30.78 24.33 32.80 25.82 37. 75 26. 52 37.20 27. 12 34. 87 15.62
Rhode Island 30.00 24.29 34.00 30.18 39. 90 32.74 39.95 29.83 38.30 16.70
Connecticut 27.73 25.31 32.75 30.08 35. 55 32.09 34.80 30.90 33.24 18.20
New York 24.20 20.84 32.00 20. 17 33. 55 27. 10 35.20 27. 45 29.50 15.53
New Jersey 32. 27 23. 02 36. 10 25. 14 38. 15 26.86 39.10 30.70 39.73 19.79
Pennsylvania 25.93 21. 62 29.60 23.64 31. 50 25. 59 33. 15 27.34 32.93 17.94
Ohio 25. 18 22.39 29.35 27.10 31. 05 27.85 32.30 30.69 31. 85 21.54
Indiana 23.72 21.08 29.20 25. 25 31. 10 29.03 33. 75 32.65 31.53 22.75
Illinois 28. 50 23.49 32.85 27.72 33. 60 29.34 30.30 31. 62 30.05 25.36
Michigan 20.57 19.09 30.85 23.13 31. 30 24. 45 32.70 26.75 33. 31 17.35
Wisconsin 23.98 16.71 28. 70 22.70 31. 30 25. 13 33.60 27.33 32.38 15.83
Minnesota 23. 51 15.98 27.50 20.99 29. 45 21.97 31. 05 24.27 29.02 14.54
Iowa 28. 14 24.99 31. 95 28. 71 34. 40 31. 02 34.90 33. 47 31. 87 25.00
Missouri 22.91 20.74 26.75 24.80 27. 80 25. 51 28.60 26.65 28.84 23. 67
North Dakota 21.79 17. 82 27.35 23.08 28. oo 25.84 31. 95 27.24 30.67 22.04
South Dakota 22.93 20.03 28. 10 25.08 29. 20 26.69 33. 40 29.61 30.29 23. 34
Nebraska 24. 03 19.53 30. 05 26.82 33. 40 27.92 35.50 30.38 34. 27 25.88
Kansas 24.50 21. 72 29. 15 26.38 31. 05 27. 10 32.50 28.90 30.72 25.86
Delaware 27.50 21. 13 26.00 22.90 28. 95 23.63 31.50 28.03 27.80 17. 97
Maryland 22. 81 22.36 25.60 22.63 26. 95 23. 12 29.80 25.36 29. 32 18. 43
Virginia 17.89 15. 42 20.55 19.07 22. 25 22.25 24.05 23.96 23. 13 17.99
West Virginia 21. 17 16. 79 25. 05 20.79 27. 50 23.33 28.40 25.15 27.66 21.46
North Carolina.. 13. 75 9. 55 14. 70 9.92 15. 90 10.86 18.20 12.31 18.89 9.79
South Carolina... 15. 83 8.85 16. 25 9.55 16. 75 9.45 19.25 10.77 20.88 9. 22
Georgia 17. 01 8.46 21.85 8.92 23. 00 9.07 23. 95 11.07 20.23 8.37
Florida 16.48 6.81 19.50 7.50 15. 60 7.56 16.70 8.38 17. 81 8.18
Kentucky 19.78 17.71 22. 15 20. 05 25. 40 23. 18 27.25 24.52 26.89 19.61
Tennessee 15.93 10.74 18.50 13.41 22. 05 16. 43 24. 15 18.79 22. 23 12.41
Alabama. 11. 12 6.88 12.50 7.02 15. 45 8.92 18. 40 10.96 19.40 8. 07
Mississippi 12.85 8.03 14. 85 8.31 18. 90 11. 38 20.70 13. 59 21.86 8.92
Arkansas 12.43 8.07 10. 10 12.03 19. 40 13.50 20. 25 14.04 19.98 10.17
Louisiana 15.25 8.65 16.70 9.61 19. 10 12.07 21. 95 13. 37 21. 77 10. 87
Oklahoma.. 18.58 18. 13 20. 20 22.42 28. 40 23. 79 31.90 25.36 29.28 18.57
Indian Territory. 27.56 16.86
Texas 16.43 11. 14 20.00 l5. 27 23. 75 16.91 25.25 17.86 25. 19 16. 15
Montana 25.83 17.60 31.30 22.00 34. 40 25.48 39.25 27. 19 38.88 26.55
Idaho 23. 10 15.07 25.50 18.61 28. 20 20.26 31.90 23.77 34. 92 23.09
Wyoming 25.25 17. 07 31. 85 23. 82 38. 10 26. 10 40. 55 28.10 37.28 27. 16
Colorado 26. 11 19.47 32.50 26.07 34. 95 25.73 36.20 27.69 35. 87 25.03
New Mexico 22.60 11. 76 20.55 16. 86 31. 00 16.89 31. 70 18.64 32. 13 18. 89
Arizona 22. 55 12.02 20. 25 15.34 29. 60 16.90 32.50 16. 46 32.81 16.55
Utah. 17. 95 13. 77 23. 95 17.75 27. 00 19.33 32. 75 22.93 29.02 18.45
Nevada... 20.80 16.32 27.85 17.04 29. 25 19.80 34. 10 23.06 37. 12 21. 81
Washington 23. 46 15. 10 25. 85 18.44 30 20 20.95 35.40 25. 21 37. 85 21.23
Oregon 21. 80 13. 55 23. 30 17.93 25. 85 19.83 31. 05 23. 36 35.36 21. 62
California 25.57 16.93 28. 05 18.91 28. 00 18. 01 33. 75 24. 57 37. 10 22.25
United States 23. 16 16.65 27.45 20. 92 29. 66 22.79 31. 60 24. 97 30.00 19.93
1902 1903 1904 1905 1906
Maine 30. 55 18. 17 31.59 17.40 29.91 29. 16 16.16 29.50
New Hampshire- . 31.88 19. 76 32.50 18.21 31.01 & 33 32.34 16.31 35.20
Vermont 28.34 14.21 28. 18 13. 34 26. 32 13. 73 24.06 14.37 27.50
Massachusetts 37.53 16.73 39.00 10.34 40.40 17.11 36. 34 16.72 39.00
Rhode Island « 36. 18 19.59 38. 30 17. 53 40. 10 19.25 41.70 17. 71 42. 10
Connecticut 34.88 19.69 39.25 20. 33 39.50 20. 37 34.94 17. 33 36.20
New York 32. 72 16.92 35.28 10.24 34. 49 18.08 31. 72 16. 19 34.50
New Jersey 39.20 20.65 39.69 19.82 39.04 20. 33 39.33 20.00 40.65
Pennsylvania 32. 62 17.20 31.54 16.56 34. 08 21.83 29.91 15.95 34. 30
Ohio 31.56 20.86 33. 40 22.24 33. 17 21. 37 31.81 19.56 32. 70
Indiana... 30. 11 21.74 32.11 22. 81 30. 57 21. 13 29. 63 19. 56 31.45
Illinois 33.40 24. 39 35. 32 26. 49 33.81 24.78 29.53 20.74 33.80
Michigan 34.45 17. 83 34.52 17. 99 32.79 16. 71 28. 77 14.32 31.50
Wisconsin 29.21 14.25 31.01 15.54 31.00 14.59 27.85 13.68 29.20
Minnesota 28.04 13. 65 28.45 13. 35 25.45 11.41 24.65 11. 18 28.30
Iowa 29. 52 23.91 30.03 23. 10 29. 09 22. 10 27.90 19.42 29. 85
Missouri 25.65 20.31 28. 35 21.54 26.04 19. 40 24.53 17.21 25. 15
North Dakota 31.56 22. 37 32. 87 22. 40 28. 89 17. 55 26. 18 16.47 27.30
Bouth Dakota 28.54 21.91 28. 10 20.49 24.93 18. 19 24.65 16. 59 26. 25 I
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by States, January 1,
1 867-1925—Continued

1902 1903 1904 1905 1906

State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle

Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Nebraska. 28.77 20. 86 28. 33 19.71 26. 53 17.48 25. 83 17.34 26.90 18. 42-
28.06 22.68 28. 35 22.53 24.91 18.90 23.69 17.21 26. 05 18. 83
Delaware -- 29.56 18.89 32.86 19.80 33. 91 17.61 29. 25 17.44 32.00 18. 42
Maryland 29.16 18. 61 29. 61 18. 56 29. 63 18.49 29.54 17.69 29.90 18. 16-
Virginia .. 24.32 19. 07 25.33 17.44 24.76 17.04 24.92 16.60 25.35 17. 75
West Virginia 27. 57 20.58 28.44 20. 19 28. 66 20.64 28.05 19.73 30.00 19.53
North Carolina. . 18.74 9.59 19.81 9.84 22. 36 10.74 20.90 10. 37 27. 10 10.98
South Carolina... 20.27 8.93 22.92 9.76 24.48 11.17 24.64 10. 92 28.90 11.30
Georgia.. 21.29 8.74 21.94 9. 32 22.68 11. 36 24.73 10. 28 26.75 10. 27
Florida.. 19.50 8. 91 21.60 8. 62 23. 38 9.09 23.48 9. 12 25.90 10. 43
Kentucky 25.84 18. 65 26.69 19.07 25. 05 16.64 24.00 15.54 25.20 15.37
Tennessee. -. 22. 06 12.31 22. 97 12.47 22. 23 11.43 21.88 10.94 22. 65 10. 98
Alabama. ... 18.66 8.01 18.62 7.45 19.57 7.70 19.63 7.82 20. 40 8. 32
Mississippi 19.23 8.42 19.43 9.02 22.38 9. 60 22.50 8.20 25. 65 8. 11
Arkansas 17.60 8. 70 19.93 9.05 18. 39 7.65 17.27 7. 54 17. 85 7. 52
Louisiana 23. 07 10. 80 24.81 10.99 24.39 10.29 22.84 9.78 26.70 10. 0&
Oklahoma 27.40 20.76 26. 54 17. 86 21.61 13. 81 21.20 13. 39 22.70 14.73
Indian Territory . 25.45 19.41 26.17 16. 59 22.64 13. 13 24.67 13. 57 24.20 14.04
Texas.. 22. 35 13. 95 22.26 13.70 19.66 10. 13 19.82 10. 09 23. 50 11.78
Montana 37.95 26.48 40. 12 27.24 36.20 19.42 32. 88 18.42 34.05 17. 99
Idaho 34.43 20.91 35.42 21.81 31.28 17. 97 30. 35 16.39 31.20 16. 14
Wyoming 37.25 26. 81 38.46 23.31 32. 96 19.60 34.58 21.33 35. 75 20. 12
Colorado 35. 14 22.74 33.24 19.04 30. 06 16. 45 30. 53 17.53 30.85 18.00
New Mexico 34.26 18.49 34.84 17.45 31.30 14.55 31.08 13.84 31.50 14.84
Arizona 33. 27 16.80 37.58 16. 56 35.91 17. 30 35.50 16.11 35. 10 15. 96
Utah.. 33.00 21.88 32.82 19.65 30. 93 17. 39 31. 12 16.69 33.00 16.00
Nevada 39. 08 21.37 37. 33 22. 35 36. 62 22.34 37. 56 16.49 35. 85 17. 15
Washington 39.82 22.21 38. 55 22.24 33.41 19. 08 31.31 16. 27 32. 50 15.03
Oregon 34.01 21.28 35.63 20.61 30. 06 16.25 27. 59 14. 69 28. 60 14.77
California 40.05 23.48 40.43 24.51 38. 55 21.98 36.57 19. 29 34.65 17.52
United States.. 29.23 18. 76 30.21 18.45 29.21 16. 32 27.44 15.15 29. 44 15. 85
1907 1908 1909 1910 1911
Maine 31.00 16.00 31.00 16.00 29.00 15.00 33.00 16.90 44.00 21.20
New Hampshire ... 33.00 17.00 32.50 17.00 32.00 18.00 36. 20 20.30 48.50 24. 90
Vermont 28.00 15.00 30.00 14.00 30.00 13.50 34. 20 14. 40 46.00 20.00
Massachusetts 42.00 18.00 40.00 17.00 40.00 16.00 42.00 16. 70 49.00 19. 90
Rhode Island 42.00 20.00 42.50 19.00 43.00 18.00 43.80 17. 50 52.50 19.60
Connecticut 37.00 20.00 37.50 19.00 38.00 17.50 41.00 19. 10 49.00 21.90
New York 36.00 18.00 33. 50 17.00 34.25 16. 50 39. 50 18.20 48.50 22.20
New Jersey 44.00 20.00 43.00 21.00 45. 50 20.50 47.50 21.40 53. 50 23.70
Pennsylvania 36.00 18.00 36.00 18.00 37.00 18.50 39.00 19.20 44.50 21. 40
Ohio 34.00 22.00 36.00 21.00 37. 75 22.00 42.80 24. 10 47.00 24. 80
Indiana 33.00 21.00 33.00 21.00 35.50 21.50 41.00 24. 50 44. 50 25.70
Illinois 35.00 22.00 35.00 22.00 37.00 23.00 42.80 26. 40 47.00 26. 30
Michigan 34.00 17.00 34.00 16.00 35.25 16.00 39.50 18.50 43. 50 19. 90
Wisconsin 31.00 15.00 30.50 13.00 34.00 15.00 36.60 16.40 42.50 17.50
Minnesota 29.00 13.00 28.00 12.00 30.25 12.50 33.00 14. 30 36.00 15.00
Iowa 32.00 23.00 30.50 21.00 34.00 22.50 36.00 22.20 40.00 24. 10
Missouri 27.00 19.00 28.50 20.00 31.00 21.00 34.80 22.60 39. 50 24. 60
North Dakota 27.00 18.00 27.50 16.00 30.50 17.50 33.90 20.50 35. 50 19. 10
South Dakota 28.00 19.00 27.50 18.00 30.00 18.50 33.00 21.50 35.50 21. 80
Nebraska 29.00 19.00 * 29.00 19.00 31.00 20.00 35.00 21.90 37.50 22. 50
Kansas 28.00 20.00 29.00 20.00 33.00 21.50 36.90 23.70 40.00 25. 30
Delaware 35.00 19.00 36. 50 20.00 36.00 19.50 38.00 21.00 42.50 22. 30
Maryland. 31.00 18.00 32.00 20.00 33.00 20.00 37. 30 21.10 37.50 22.00
Virginia 28.00 18.00 28.00 19.00 28.75 18.50 29. 70 19. 40 32.00 20.40
West Virginia 31.00 21.00 33.00 22.00 32. 50 21.50 35.00 22.50 35. 50 23.80
North Carolina 24.00 12.00 24.00 12.00 25.00 11.50 25.50 12.50 28.00 13.40
South Carolina 28.00 12.00 27.00 12.00 27.00 11.50 28.90 12.00 31.50 13.00
Georgia 30.00 11.00 25.00 11.00 23. 50 9.50 25.00 10.30 28.50 11.60
Florida 30.00 11.00 29.00 10.00 26.50 10.00 32. 50 10.30 35.00 12.40
Kentucky 28.00 18.00 27.50 18.00 30.75 18.50 32.70 19.90 36.50 20. 90
Tennessee 23.00 12.00 23.00 12.00 24.00 12.00 27.50 13.80 31.00 15.00
Alabama 21.00 9.00 21.00 8.00 22.00 8.00 23.00 9.00 25.00 9.10
Mississippi 21.00 9.00 20.00 8.00 20.00 8.00 23. 50 8.40 27.00 9. 70
Arkansas.. 17.50 7.00 18.50 8.00 19.25 8.00 22.00 9.00 27. 50 10.70
Louisiana 24.00 10.00 24.00 10.00 23.50 10.00 24. 30 10.30 29. 50 11.60
Oklahoma 24.00 15. 69 26.00 16.00 26. 25 16.50 31.50 19. 20 37.00 21.50
Indian Territory 24.00 13.00
Texas 24. 75 12.00 I 26.00 12.66 27.66 13.66 29.50 15. 30 34.00 16. 70
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by States, January 1,

1907 1908 1909 1910 1911

State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Montana 35.00 20.00 36.00 20.00 *44.00 22.00 46.50 27.40 48.50 27.60
Idaho 32.00 17.00 32.00 17.00 35.50 18.50 41. 40 21.40 43.50 21.70
Wyoming 40.00 22.00 38.00 24.00 40.00 23.00 43.70 26.40 45.00 26.60
Colorado. 36.00 20.00 37.00 20.00 35.50 19.50 41.00 23.00 44. 50 24.80
New Mexico. 37.00 17.00 38.00 17.00 36.50 16.00 38.80 17.40 42.50 19. 80.
Arizona 40.00 17.00 43.00 17.00 45.00 19.00 43.00 19. 30 48.50 20.50
Utah 30.00 18.00 31.00 17.00 31.50 17.00 34.00 18.30 39.00 19. 30
Nevada 36.00 18.00 45.00 20.00 40.25 19.00 44.00 20.70 48.00 24.90
Washington 34.00 17.00 37.00 18.00 40.00 18.00 41.80 19.90 45.00 21.90
Oregon 32.00 15.00 35.00 17.00 36.00 17.00 39.60 18.50 42.00 21,60
California 35.00 18.00 36.00 19.00 36.00 17.50 38. 40 20.10 48.00 23.50
United States 31.00 17.10 30. 67 16.89 32. 36 17. 49 35.29 19. 07 39. 97 20.54
1912 1913 1914 1915 1916
Maine 44.00 19.80 46.00 21.20 47.50 23.40 54.00 26. 10 50.00 24.60
New Hampshire 44.00 21.60 48.00 24.00 53.50 26.80 60.00 28.00 60.00 28.50
Vermont 42.00 18.20 44.50 18. 30 47.50 21. 10 52.00 23. 10 54.00 23. 30
Massachusetts 50.00 18.80 51.00 19.90 59.00 23. 10 66.00 25. 10 68.00 25.40
Rhode Island 50.40 20.00 52.50 20.60 70.00 28.10 71.00 26.80 77.00 28.30
Connecticut 49.20 21.00 51.70 22.50 58.00 27.90 66.70 29.80 68. 30 29. 70
New York 43.30 19.80 50.00 22.00 57.00 27.20 61.00 28.20 57.20 26.90
New Jersey 53.20 24. 10 55.20 25. 10 67.00 30.50 68.00 31.50 71.00 32.50
Pennsylvania 43.70 21.70 46.60 23.60 58.40 28. 30 59.50 29. 30 56.50 27.10
Ohio 42.00 24. 30 50.00 29.80 60.00 35.40 60.00 34.60 56.00 33.80
Indiana 41.00 24.50 45.70 30.10 53.90 33.90 55.00 35.20 54.50 36.80
Illinois 45.50 26. 60 51.00 31.50 58.20 35.90 59.50 37.80 60. 20 38. 50
Michigan 40.50 18.80 45.00 22. 10 59. 70 28. 10 60.50 29.80 56.20 27.30
Wisconsin 40.40 18.00 47. 70 21. 70 59.90 27. 10 59.50 27.70 55.00 25.20
Minnesota 36.60 15. 30 45.00 20.00 55.00 24.30 53.50 24. 70 51.00 22.40
Iowa 40.80 25.00 50.30 33.00 60.50 39. 20 57.00 37.50 58.50 38. 30
Missouri 40.20 25.30 45. 30 31. 10 54.00 36. 10 54.50 37. 90 54. 40 38.90
North Dakota 37.00 21.00 47.00 27. 20 59.00 34.60 61.50 36.00 57.00 35.00
South Dakota 38.00 22.20 48.00 32.30 61.00 39.50 59.50 39.50 59.00 38.40
Nebraska 40.60 24.50 49.60 32.40 60.70 38.10 62.50 40.80 60.00 40.50
Kansas... 41.00 26.40 49.20 33.40 57.50 36.90 63.50 42.50 60.60 41. 70
Delaware 37.00 22.00 42.20 23.80 52.00 29.20 56.50 31.20 53.00 28.00
Maryland 37.00 21.40 42.60 24.60 53.80 29.40 54.00 29.50 52.00 28.80
Virginia- 31.40 19.90 34.00 23.20 42.00 27.60 43.50 28.60 41.50 28.20
West Virginia 33.80 22. 10 42.00 29.00 50.00 35.90 51.00 36. 30 50.00 36.30
North Carolina 28.00 12.60 30. 10 14.90 35. 10 17. 30 36.50 17.00 34.00 16.80
South Carolina 32.30 13.20 32. 50 14. 20 34.20 14.90 33.00 14.60 34.50 15. 40
Georgia 28.00 11.00 28.50 11.00 31.30 12.70 32.00 12.80 31.50 13.50
Florida 33.50 13. 10 36.00 12.20 38.00 13. 70 42.50 14.50 40.00 14. 90
Kentucky 35.30 21. 10 38.80 25.90 44. 50 28.80 45.50 30.40 44.80 30.80
Tennessee.. 32.00 14. 70 33. 10 16.90 41.40 21. 40 41.00 22. 40 39.50 22.60
Alabama 26.00 9.60 27.00 10. 10 32.40 12.00 31.50 12.60 32.00 13.00
Mississippi 26.00 10.00 27. 70 10.40 34.00 13.50 35.00 14. 30 33. 50 14. 10
Arkansas 27.00 11.40 28.60 12.20 37. 50 15.80 37.00 17.20 38.00 17.00
Louisiana 29.50 11.20 29.00 12.00 34.00 15. 30 36.00 16.40 37.00 16.80
Oklahoma 35.40 21.50 43.00 27.60 50.30 33.40 52.00 35. 40 55.00 37.90
Texas 35. 10 17.00 39.90 22.60 45.60 26.50 47. 50 31.70 51.00 33. 10
Montana 49.40 29. 80 61. 00 38. 40 70. 50 46.40 75.00 49. 00 77.50 50.40
Idaho 48.50 25.50 59.60 33.50 69.80 41.20 72.00 41.80 66.00 38.60
Wyoming 48.00 28.80 58.00 38.80 74. 50 49.40 78.00 53.30 80.50 52. 70
Colorado 47.00 27.60 53.80 34. 10 63.00 40.00 68.00 43.70 72.00 44.80
New Mexico 43.00 23. 40 47.80 29.00 55.00 32. 70 61. 50 35.50 67.00 40. 10
Arizona 51.00 23. 30 58.00 29. 20 64.00 32.50 74.00 34. 50 78.00 34.20
Utah 40.00 21.50 49.00 28.50 59.00 35.50 62.00 35.80 62.00 35.80
Nevada 50.00 26. 10 52.00 33. 30 65. 10 38.90 77.50 40. 70 76.00 39.70
Washington 54.00 24.40 62.50 30.50 74.00 35.70 74.00 34.90 60.50 30.30
Oregon. 47.20 25. 30 56.00 32.00 65.00 38.00 63.50 36. 30 55.00 32. 20
California 53.00 26.70 53.50 29.20 62.00 33.00 72.00 39. 30 69.00 36. 30
United States. 39.39 21.20 45.02 26.36 53.94 31. 13 55. 33 33. 38 53. 92 33.53
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by States, January 1,

1917 1918 1919 1920 1921

State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Maine 58.00 27.90 75.00 37.60 70.50 36.10 79.00 34.20 60.00 25.60
New Hampshire 66. 50 31.60 85.00 40.00 80.00 39.80 86.00 38.80 74.00 30.30
Vermont... 62.50 25.70 76.00 33.40 72.00 31.20 89.00 32.60 65.00 21.40
Massachusetts l 75.00 29.60 90.00 37.30 94.00 36.30 105.00 42.00 94.00 34.90
Rhode Island. 77.00 31.30 90.00 39.70 101.00 40. 10 110.00 46.90 100.00 35.60
Connecticut 73.50 30.80 85.00 41.00 94.00 41.90 105.00 47.70 90.00 37.40
New York 66.00 31.00 85.00 38.30 89.00 41.00 107.00 48.30 73.00 29.50
New Jersey 76.00 34.00 90.00 41.60 100.00 51.30 128.00 57.00 110.00 47.70
Pennsylvania- 62. 50 30.80 75.00 36.80 85.00 40.70 98.00 46.00 77.00 37.70
Ohio 60.00 36. 40 74.00 43.70 83.50 47.30 92.00 48.70 72.00 38.40
Indiana 58. 50 39.00 70.00 45.00 85.00 52.40 88.00 51.60 65.00 38.70
Illinois 68. 00 43. 30 80.50 49. 70 90.00 54.00 96.00 54.60 63.00 36.80
Michigan 61. 50 30.20 74. CO 35.90 83.00 38.90 96.00 42.80 70.00 29.00
Wisconsin . 65.00 29. 80 75.00 33. 30 82.00 37.00 97.00 40.20 65.00 25.90
Minnesota 58. 00 26. 50 70.00 31.40 78.00 33.50 82.00 32.60 58.00 23.20
Iowa 66. 50 43.20 76.70 47.90 86.00 52.60 88.00 49.00 62.00 34.50
Missouri 58. 50 40.90 69. 70 47. 60 74.00 49.40 79.00 48.90 58.00 34.20
North Dakota 61. 50 38.20 69.00 41.60 80.00 47.60 77. 00 41.40 55.00 25.20
South Dakota 67.00 43. 70 75.00 49.80 82. 00 53.90 75.00 44.30 56.00 29.80
Nebraska 68. 00 44. 30 78.50 49. 30 85.00 49.90 83.00 45.30 63.00 33. 10
Kansas 64. 50 43. 10 75.40 49.30 81.00 52. 70 81. CO 48.00 62.00 31.50
Delaware 56. 00 31.90 64.00 35. 80 76.00 42.80 85.00 46.80 81.00 38.90
Maryland 58.00 32.20 69. 50 38.90 80.00 45. 00 89.00 50.40 79.00 46.00
Virginia . 46. 50 31.80 57.00 37. 70 69.00 46. 40 76. 00 49. 20 59.00 35. 60
West Virginia 53. 50 38.70 61. 50 44.80 71.00 50. 30 76.00 51.70 66.00 41.70
North Carolina 39.00 19. 40 51. 00 24.80 69.00 31.90 78.00 35. 30 58.00 24. 20
South Carolina 40.00 18. 30 57.50 25. 60 78.00 34. 40 85.00 36.50 58.00 20. 30
Georgia 37.00 16. 20 51.80 22.20 65. 00 27. 30 65.00 27. 20 45.00 19.60
Florida 43.00 16.50 53.00 22.20 61.00 24.80 72.00 27.30 74.00 21.70
Kentucky 49. 50 33. 70 61. 00 39.00 72. 00 42. 50 73.00 41. 20 57.00 28. 40
Tennessee 43.00 25.50 55.00 30. 10 66. CO 34. 30 70.00 32.80 49.00 20. 60
Alabama... 36. 50 14.70 47.50 20. 40 58.00 24. 30 57.00 22.90 40.00 13.10
Mississippi 38. 00 16.40 47.50 21.90 60.00 26.70 62.00 23.50 47.00 14.10
Arkansas 44.00 19. 20 56. 00 24.90 59. 00 24. 70 56.00 24. 40 43.00 14.30
Louisiana 12. 00 20.00 49. 50 24. 20 58. 00 26.80 67.00 29. 30 52.00 23.70
Oklahoma 60.00 38.90 07. 70 43.90 68.00 44.20 68.00 41. 70 52.00 24.40
Texas 54.50 32. 60 57. 50 34. 40 63.00 36.80 77.00 41.80 63.00 31.20
Montana 79.00 53. 10 83.50 56. 10 87.00 58.90 83.00 50.60 75.00 35.40
Idaho 63. 50 38.60 73.00 44.70 82.00 48.90 85.00 44. 10 72.00 32.90
Wyoming 81.50 52.70 88.00 59. 10 95.00 61.80 93.00 50. 50 75.00 38. 40
Colorado 73.50 44.70 82.00 50.20 88.00 54. 40 87.00 48.10 70.00 33.50
New Mexico 68.00 39. 70 72. 00 41.90 75.00 42.90 83.00 45.50 73.00 35.20
Arizona 85.00 37.30 85.00 40.50 90.00 43. 40 95.00 44.00 105. 00 38.00
Utah.. _ 61.00 34.90 73. 50 43.90 82.00 48. 10 78.00 39.30 70.00 29. 80
Nevada 76.00 39.50 85.00 46. 30 94.00 47.00 88.00 45.00 86.00 35.80
Washington 59.50 30. 40 70.00 36.00 75.00 37.60 88.00 43.80 75.00 33. 10
Oregon 55.00 37.30 60.00 39.50 66.00 44.80 83. 00 46.20 75. CO 37.70
California 67.00 38.10 72.50 42. 10 79. CO 48.20 97.00 51.40 95. 00 45.20
United States 59.63 35.92 70.54 40.88 78. 20 44. 22 85.56 43. 21 64. 13 31.36
Table 60.—Milk cows and other cattle: Farm value per head, by States, January 1,

1922 1923 1924 1925

State or Territory
Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other Milk Other
cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle cows cattle
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Maine 48.00 20.20 55.00 23.00 56.00 26.20 52.00 24.50
New Hampshire- 60.00 22.70 59.00 25.50 63.00 27. 10 59.00 24.30
Vermont 55.00 16.80 56.00 18. 80 57.00 18.80 57.00 18.80
Massachusetts. .. 79.00 28.20 74.00 25.70 76.00 27.70 75.00 27.20
Rhode Island 79.00 31.20 84.00 30.20 88.00 29.80 80.00 28. 50
Connecticut 74.00 29. 70 78.00 29.50 83.00 30.40 78.00 32.10
New York 67.00 24. 70 63.00 24. 50 65.00 25.30 62.00 25.90
New Jersey 86.00 37.60 87.00 38.80 85.00 40.10 75.00 41.50
Pennsylvania 60.00 29.00 60.00 29.00 62.00 30.60 61,00 31. 10
Ohio 56.00 29. 70 56.00 31.70 56.00 31.10 57.00 31.30
Indiana 53.00 30.00 53.00 32. 40 55.00 31.70 57.00 31.70
Illinois 52.00 29.30 56.00 34.00 60.00 33.00 59.00 33.00
Michigan.. 53.00 21.80 55.00 24.50 60.00 24.90 60.00 25.70
Wisconsin 52.00 19.60 57.00 22. 40 58.00 23.70 55.00 22. 70
Minnesota 48.00 18.00 47.00 20. 40 52.00 21.10 51.00 22. 10
Iowa . 53.00 29.60 58.00 35.20 60.00 34.30 58.00 32.70
Missouri 44.00 26.50 45.00 28. 70 46.00 29.20 44.00 28. 10
North Dakota... 43.00 18.50 44.00 21.40 47.00 19.80 44.00 20.50
South Dakota 47.00 24.20 51.00 29. 40 50.00 27.50 47.00 26.20
Nebraska 53.00 27.40 57.00 31.80 56.00 30. 30 54.00 29. 10
46.00 24.50 46.00 27.20 50.00 25.90 49.00 26.30
Delaware 57.00 26.90 55.00 29.00 56.00 27.70 60.00 30.00
Maryland 63.00 33.20 60.00 35.20 63.00 33. 30 60.00 33.80
Virginia 43.00 24. 70 42.00 27.30 42.00 26.40 40.00 26.90
West Virginia 50.00 28.60 48.00 33.90 43.00 30.60 40.00 28.90
North Carolina . 42.00 17.30 39.00 17. 10 43.00 17. 30 40.00 16. 30
South Carolina.. 40.00 13. 80 35.00 12. 50 38.00 14.20 36.00 13. 10
29.00 10.90 28.00 11.00 30.00 10.40 30.00 11.00
Florida 58.00 16. 10 56.00 16.00 55.00 15.30 54.00 13.80
Kentucky 40.00 20.00 40.00 22. 80 38.00 20.20 37.00 19.40
Tennessee 35.00 15.20 34.00 15. 70 32.00 14.80 31.00 14.40
Alabama 29.00 10.00 27.00 9.60 27.00 9.40 26.00 8.60
Mississippi... 30.00 10. 80 27.00 9.50 27.00 9.00 24.00 8.40
Arkansas 29.00 10.90 24.00 8.80 21.00 7.60 25.00 8. 70
Louisiana 43.00 15. 20 38.00 14.70 37.00 15.00 37.00 12.70
Oklahoma. .. 39.00 17.50 34.00 16. 80 31.00 15.00 34.00 16.50
Texas 43.00 19.90 36.00 18.60 33.00 18.60 33.00 20.20
Montana 58.00 27.20 55.00 30.90 53.00 27.60 50.00 27. 10
Idaho 65.00 27.50 63.00 26.80 62.00 24.80 50.00 22.70
Wyoming 71.00 29. 70 67.00 30. 70 57.00 29.80 50.00 27.80
Colorado 57.00 26.40 53.00 25.40 50.00 25. 10 45.00 23.30
New Mexico . 60.00 24.90 50.00 21.90 50.00 22.50 45.00 21.50
Arizona 95.00 26.90 93.00 31.40 85.00 28.90 70.00 24.70
Utah... 61.00 26.40 63.00 27. 40 72.00 25.90 58.00 21.70
Nevada 69.00 30. 40 74.00 32.70 83.00 32. 50 60.00 24.20
Washington.. 70.00 28. 30 61.00 26. 40 71.00 28. 20 65.00 27.20
Oregon.. 62.00 29. 70 60.00 28. 20 61.00 28.00 60.00 26. 10
California 76.00 34. 70 76.00 34.70 76.00 33. 80 73.00 30.30
United States.. 50.97 23.79 50.94 25. 57 52. 30 25.06 50.68 24.49
Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates. Yearly figures published in February issues of Crops and
Markets Supplement.
33764—27 y

Table 61.—Cattle other than milk cows, by age groups: Estimated average value
per head in the United States, January 1, 1894-1926
[The values shown represent the average value per head of all cattle, other than milk cows on farms a50
represented by crop correspondents]
1 and 2 years
Under 1 under Under 1 1 and 2 2 years
Jan. 1 year old years 2 and over Jan. 1 year old under
years and over
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1894. 6. 16 10.56 19.59 1910. 10.92 17.89 25.96
1895. 5.91 9.94 18. 69 1911. 11.72 19. 37 27.90
1896. 6.72 11.49 20.97 1912.. 12. 14 20.09 29.12
1897. 7. 47 12. 51 21.69 1913-. 14.90 25.11 36. 38
1898. 10.02 16. 17 26. 85 1914.. 17.84 29. 77 42. 77
1899. 11. 15 17.78 29. 10 1915. 19.06 31.21 45.92
1900. 12.35 19.35 31.89 1916. 19.08 31.48 45. 81
1901. 11.18 17. 92 27.57 1917. 20. 71 33.93 48.63
1902. 10. 05 16. 56 26. 41 1918. 23.44 38. 63 55.62
1903. 10.59 17.54 24. 69 1919. 24.97 41.74 60.41
1904. 9. 44 15.66 21.74 1920. 24. 48 41.00 59.08
1905. 8.91 14. 57 20. 05 1921. 17.44 29. 05 43.50
1906. 9.04 15.13 21.40 1922. 13. 41 22. 29 32.31
1907. 10.00 16.30 22.93 1923- 14.69 24. 13 34. 14
1908. 1924. 14.38 24. 10 33. 34
1925. 14. 17 23. 50 32. 57
1909. 1926. 16.83 27. 24 36. 48

Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates. Yearly figures published in February issues of Crops and
Markets Supplement.
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910- — 5.90 6.00 6.50 6.90 7.70 7.50 7.20 7.90 7.80 6.90 7.50 7. 10 7.08
1911 6.90 7.00 6.50 7.30 7.40 6.90 5.50 6.20 6.60 5.60 5.90 5.60 6.45
1912 6.00 5.70 7.00 6.00 7.00 6.90 6.90 7.50 7.20 7.00 7.30 6.80 6. 78
1913 6.70 6.60 7.50 7.60 7.80 7.80 7.40 7.00 7.00 7.50 6.80 6.80 7.21
1914 6.90 6.80 7.50 7.00 6.90 7.50 7.50 7.50 8. 10 7. 40 7.50 7.00 7.30
1915 6.90 6.90 7.00 6.80 6.70 7. 10 7. 10 7.50 6.90 6.80 6.60 6. 70 6.92
1916.... 6.50 6.60 7.00 7.30 7.50 8.00 8.10 7.60 8.00 7.60 7. 40 7.60 7.43
1917.... 7.70 8.40 8.70 9.60 9.50 9.60 9.60 9.50 10.30 9.70 9. 30 10.30 9. 35
1918.... 9.60 10.60 10.50 10. 10 11.70 12.90 11.00 11.80 12.60 10.90 11.30 11.50 11. 21
1919.... 11.50 10.60 11.80 11.80 11.90 11.70 11. 10 11. 10 9.50 9.60 9.70 10.30 10.88
1920.... 10.30 10. 10 9.70 10.50 9.60 10.20 10.20 10.30 10.50 9.70 8.40 7.40 9.74
1921.... 7.80 8.40 7.90 7.60 8.30 8.00 7. 20 7.20 7.00 6.90 6.70 6.50 7.46
1922.... 6.50 6.00 7.00 6.90 6.50 7.00 7.50 6.70 7.40 7.60 7.10 6.80 6.92
1923.... 7.00 7.00 6.80 7.00 7.50 7.50 7. 40 7.20 7.60 7. 10 6.50 6. 60 7.10
1924 7.20 7. 40 7.20 7.50 7.00 7.20 7. 10 7.50 7.00 6.90 7.00 6.30 7.11
1925 7.30 7.40 6.80 8.10 7.40 6.20 6.50 7.50 6.80 7.90 7.00 8.00 7.24
1910 6.60 6.00 6.00 7.00 6.20 7.00 7.20 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.50
1911 6.00 5.90 5.50 5.70 5.40 4. 70 5.50 6.00 5. 10 5. 10 5. 30 5.50 5.48.
1912 4.90 5.60 5.50 5.90 7.00 6.70 6.60 7.00 7.00 6.70 5.80 6.20 6.24
1913 6.00 6.20 6. 10 6.90 6.90 6. 50 7.50 7.00 6.80 7.70 7. 40 7.90 6.91
1914 6.60 6.90 7.00 7. 60 7.20 7.00 7.90 8.00 8.00 7.30 7.40 6.80 7.31
1915 6.90 7.00 6.40 7.00 7. 10 7.20 7.20 6.90 7.50 7.50 6.90 6.60 6.93
1916 6.60 6.50 6.50 7.20 7.80 8. 10 7. 10 7.20 7.50 6.80 6.60 6. 70 7.02
1917 7.10 7.40 8.00 8.60 9.00 9.20 9.00 8.00 10.00 9.60 10.00 9.90 8.82
1918 9.50 10.00 9.90 10.90 11.90 11.80 11.30 10.40 11.00 10.50 9.80 10.30 10.61
1919 9.30 10.00 10.70 10. 70 12.20 10.50 10.60 10.20 10. 10 8.90 8.50 8. 40 10. 01
1920 9.20 9.50 9.20 9.80 9.40 9. 40 9.40 9.50 9.20 10.00 7.70 7.20 9.12
1921 7.70 6.70 7.30 6.50 6.60 6.60 6. 10 5.70 5.70 5. 40 5.70 5.30 6.28
1922 5.30 5. 10 5.70 4.80 5.30 6.00 5.90 6.00 6.60 6.10 6.30 5.80 5. 74
1923 5.90 5.70 6.00 6.20 6. 10 6.30 6. 10 5.90 6. 10 6.20 6.00
1924 "KW 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.60 6.90 6.50 6.70 6.50 6.80 7.00 6.00 6.43
1925.... 6.90 7.30 7.00 8.10 7.10 6.80 7.30 7.00 6.00 7.00 6.70
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 5.50 5.40 5.40 5. 30 5.40 5.80 4.90 4. 10 5.00 4.50 5. 10 5.70 5.18
1911 5. 10 5.00 5. 10 4.90 4. 40 4.20 4.70 4.20 4.80 5.10 3.70 4.00 4.60
1912 4.50 4.50 4. 30 5.20 5.30 5.20 4.70 6.30 5. 10 4.90 4.70 4.70 4.95
1913 4.70 4.70 5. 10 5.00 5.40 5. 40 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.60 4. 70 4.80 5.08
1914 6.00 5.80 5.70 5.50 5.40 6. 10 6.00 5.80 5.80 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.72
1915 5.30 4.90 5. 40 5.20 5. 30 5.60 5.60 5.70 5.30 5. 40 5.20 4.60 5.29
1916 5.20 5.50 5.30 5.70 5.60 6.60 6.10 5.90 6.00 5.80 5.20 5. 70 5.72
1917 5.70 6.20 6.50 6.90 8.20 7.90 7.00 7.00 7. 40 7.20 7.20 7.30 7.04
1918 7.50 7.80 7.80 8.90 8.70 9.00 8.40 8.50 8.50 8.40 7.40 7.30 8. 18
1919 8. 10 8. 10 8.20 8.30 8.60 10.00 8. 40
308 8.50 8.10 6.80 7.30 7.40 8. 15
1920 8. 10 7.80 8.30 7.90 7.70 8.00 7. 10 7.50 6.50 5.90 5. 30 7.37
1921 5.70 5.00 5.40 4.70 5.50 4.80 4.00 4.80 4. 60 4. 40 4.50 4.00 4. 78
1922 4.00 4.00 4. 10 4.50 5.00 4.60 4.90 4. 30 4.50 4. 60 4. 10 4.20 4.40
1923 4.80 4.70 4. 30 5.00 4. 40 4.20 5.20 4.90 4.70 4. 60 5. 10 4.80 4.72
1924 4. 60 4.30 4.50 4.90 4.60 4. 30 4. 40 5. 10 5. 00 4.70 5.00 4.50 4.66-
1925.... 4.20 4.80 5.30 5.00 5.50 5.00 4.60 4.80 5.00 4.80 5.20
1910 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 5.00
1911 6.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 6. 00 5.00 6.00 5.50 4.00
1912 5.50 5. 00 5.00 7.50 6.00 5.00 8.50 7. 00 6.80 7.50 5.00 6.20 6.25.
1913 6.30 6. 00 7.00 6.00 "7. io• 8.00 •7.50 7. 00 7.00 8.00 7.00
1914 6. 00 6.20 6.90 6. 50 8. 00 7. 10 6.90 6.70 6.50
1915 6.70 •6. 20 5.90 6.30 5.80 5.90 6.50 6. 50 6.50 6. 60 6.30 6. 50 6.31
1916 5.70 5. 60 6.40 6.50 7.30 7.70 6.40 6. 60 7.10 6.70 6.50 6.50 6.58
1917 6. 40 7. 60 7.70 8.30 9.50 8.60 8.60 7. 70 9.70 10.00 9.80 9. 10 8.58
1918 9.50 10 20 8.60 9.50 10.00 11.90 12.40 11. 10 11.20 10.60 9. 40 10.00 10. 37
1919 10.00 0. 60 10.70 10.00 12.00 11.60 9.20 12. 10 9.30 9.10 9.00 10.40 10.24
1920 10.10 10. 10 9.70 10.40 10.20 10.90 11.00 0. 80 8.50 8.70 9.50 8.50 9.78
1921 6.40 6. 90 9.30 6. 40 6.20 6.80 5. 50 7. 30 5.40 5. 30 5.20 5.20 6.32
1922 5.20 5. 10 5.30 5. 40 6.60 7.00 6. 40 5. 50 5.70 5. 30 5.80 5.30 5.72
1923.... 5.50 6. 00 6. 40 5.70 5.90 6. 30 6.00 5. 00 6.00 5.90 5.60 5.80 5.84
1924 6. 40 6. 00 6. 40 6.00 6.00 5.60 5.60 5. 30 5.50 5.20 5.50 5.00 5.71
1925.... 5.50 5. 30 5.30 5.80 6.00 6.00 6.70 5. 00 5.00 8.00 6.00 4.90 5.79
1910 6. 70 6.50
1911 5.00 5. 00 6.50 5.00 6. 50 5.00
1912 5.00 5. 50 10. 00 5. 70 7.50 7.50 7.00 7. 50 6.50 7.70
1913 7.00 8.20 7.30 6.80 9.00 6.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
1914 7. 20 7.00 7.00 8.50 7. 00 - 7.70 8.20 6.30
1915 7.00 7.40 6.30 6. 50 6. 70 7. 50 8.00 7.00 6. 80 7.20 "•7."63
1916 7. 80 6. 20 7.50 7.00 9. 20 7. 80 8.20 8.00 7.80 "Y50 6.00
1917 8.50 8.70 8.50 10.30 9. 60 8. 50 12.00 10.60
1918 11.00 10. 90 9.60 12. 10 12.00 9.00 9.00
1919 11.00 10.00 9.50 13.00 13.20 11.30 10.20 14.00 14.00 12.60 9.20 11.00 11.58
1920 10. 60 11.50 11.80 11. 10 12.00 11.00 10. 30 10.00 11.00 10.00 11.00 6.70 10.58
1921 7.00 7.50 8.20 7. 70 7. 60 7. 00 6.20 7.00 6.00 6. 50 6.20 5. 80 6. 89
1922- .., 5.50 6.00 6. 40 ,7.30 7. 90 8. 00 7.00 7.00 6.00 5.60 5. 50 6.00 6.52
1923- ... 5. 70 5. 70 5.50 6.50 6. 00 5. 50 6.00 6.10 6.00 6.50 6.50
1924_... 6.00 6.50 6.00 6.00 6.00
1925. ... 5. 30 5.60 5.50 5.50 5. 50 5. 50 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.50 5.00 5.53

••..00 7. 00 9. 00 9.50 7. 10 5. 90 6. 70 6. 50 6. 50 6. 20 5.50

4. 70 5. 00 7. 00 7. 40 8.00 9.00 8. 40 10.00 8.50 7. 20 10.00 7.57
7. AO 7. 60 6. 50 8.00 !). 30 7.00 10. 00 10.00 8.00 10.00 8. 00 8.50 8.37
9. 00 8. 70 8. 80 6. 60 8. 00 8.00 9.00 9. 60 8.00 9.80 8. 20 7.80 8.46
9.00 8.00 6. 50 7. 80 8. 30 10.20 10.70 10.50 9.20 8. 70 8.50
•8.• 50 11. 60 7. 10 11.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 10. 00 8.00 Too' 8. 10
10.40 10. 20 10.60 10.90 10. 20 15.00
•i3.•668 10.00 8. 50 11.00 13.00 11.00 16.00 20.00
13. 80 13.00 14.20 11.80 13. 40 11.70 12.00 12.20 12. 20 9. 50 8.00 12. 07
10.00 11.00 11.00 11.30 10.80 12.50 12. 10 11.90 10. 80 12.00 10. 80 10. 80 11. 25
10.00 9.20 8.00 8. 30 8. 00 10.00 8. 30 6.60 6.00 6. 10 7.00 6. 50 7.83
6.00 5. 50 6. 20 7.50 6. 00 6.60 7.00 6. 40 6. 40 6. 60 6. 60 6.00 6.32
"6.•80 5. 50 5. 60 .5. 80 5. 50 6. 50 5. 50 5.00
7. 30 8.00 .5. 60 5.80 5. 90 5. 80 5. 60 5. 80 5. 60 5.60 !
5. 50 6.50 4.70 4. 60 5. 80 6.50 6.50 7. 30 5. 80 6.20 i
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price -per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 5.50 5. 10 4. 70 6.20 5.80 5. 90 5. 70 5.90 5.70 5.60 5. 80 5.80 5.64
1911 5.00 5.00 4. 90 5.00 4. 90 4. 30 4.50 4.20 4.60 5.00 4.50 4.60 4.71
1912 4.60 4. 70 4. 80 4.60 5.50 5.50 5. 10 5.30 5.00 5.40 5.00 4.70 5.02
1913.... 5.00 5.40 5.40 5.60 6.00 5. 80 5.80 6.30 5. 90 6.00 5.90 6.00 5.76
1914.... 6.20 6. 30 6.20 5.40 6.00 6.00 6.20 6. 50 7. 10 6.60 6. 10 6. 10 6.22
1915.... 6.20 6.20 5. 70 5. 40 5.90 6.00 6.00 5.60 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.50 5. 80
1916.-.. 5.60 5.40 6.00 6. 20 6.00 6. 80 6. 70 6.60 6.60 6.20 6.30 6.30 6.22
1917.... 6.60 7.00 7. 50 8. 20 8. 20 8.30 8.60 7. 90 8. 70 8.80 7.80 7.80 7.95
1918 8.00 8. 40 8.20 8.60 8.80 9.80 9.60 9. 10 9.30 8.50 9. 10 8. 70 8. 84
1919 9.00 9. 10 9. 10 9. 70 10. 30 9.90 12.00 9.20 8. 60 8.00 7.70 8. 40 9. 25
1920 8.50 9. 10 8. 50 8.80 8.50 8. 20 8.20 8. 10 8.60 7.40 7.90 7.20 8.25
1921 6. 90 6.70 6. 40 5.70 6.00 5.80 5. 40 5. 10 4.60 4.80 4.50 4.60 5.54
1922 4.90 5.10 5.20 5.20 5.50 5. 60 5.20 5. 10 5.60 5.40 5. 10 5. 10 5. 25
1923 5.50 5.50 5.20 5. 40 5.00 5.20 5. 80 6. 10 5.50 5.20 5. 40 5.20 5.42
1924. ... 5.00 5. 30 5. 60 5.80 5.70 5. 60 5. 40 5.30 5. 70 5. 70 5.20 5.30 5. 47
1925.... 5.40 5.70 5.50 6.00 6. 30 5.90 6.40 6. 20 5. 80 5. 90 5.80 5.90 5.90
1910 7.00 6.30 6.10 5.70 5.50 6.50 6.50 7.50 6. 10 7.50 7.20 7.10 6.58
1911 8.50 8.50 5.80 6. 40 5.50 5.70 6.30 5. 70 6. 70 6. 20 5.60 6.50 6. 45
1912 6. 10 7.00 7.50 6.40 6. 50 6. 10 6.00 6.20 5.60 8. 50 6.40 6.60 6.58
1913 7.50 7.70 7.00 6. 90 6. 80 6.00 7. 80 7.10 7. 10 I). 50 7.50 6.50 7.03
1914 7.20 7.80 7. 50 7.50 7.00 6. 70 7.20 8.00 7. 10 7. 60 7.40 7.00 7.33
1915 7.20 6.50 6.30 6.30 6.50 6.70 6. 80 6.50 7. 50 6. 40 6.30 6.90 6.66
1916 6.60 7.10 7. 10 6. 10 8.50 7. 50 7. 40 8.80 8. 30 8.00 8.00 6.70 7.51
1917.... 8.00 8.30 9. 10 9.60 10.00 9.50 9.20 10. 50 10.50 11.50 8.50
1918 10.30 9. 90 9.50 10.00 10. 50 9.30 11.00 9. 50 12.20 11.00 12.00
1919 12.00 12.50 12.00 12.30 13. 10 13.20 11. 30 11.20 11.50 11.40 10.20 12.70 11. 95
1920 10. 50 10. 10 10. 70 10. 80 10.80 10. 50 11.20 11. 50 10. 80 10. 40 11.00 9.70 10. 67
1921 8.60 8.50 7.50 8. 30 7.50 7.00 6.70 7.00 6.70 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7.52
1922 6.20 6.50 7. 20 6.50 5.50 6.50 6.50 6.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.41
1923 7.00 6.30 6.50 G. 50 7.00 6. 80
1924 6.30 6.70 6.50 6.40 7.00 7.00 6.70
1925 6.00 4.20 5.80 8. 10 7.20 6.60 7. 20 6. 50 7.50 5.00
1910 5.70 5.20 5.90 6.20 6.50 6.50 6.00 5.60 5.90 5.30 5.30 5.50 5.80
1911 5.90 5.40 5.70 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.30 5.30 5.20 5. 10 4.90 5.43
1912 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.90 6.40 6.70 6.30 6.70 6.40 6. 40 6.20 6.30 6.10
1913 6. 30 6.40 6.60 7.20 7.20 7. 30 7.30 7.00 6.90 7.20 7.00 7.10 6. 96
1914 7.00 7.30 7.40 7.40 7. 30 7.20 7.50 7.70 7.60 7.30 7.40 7.00 7.34
1915 7.00 6.90 6.70 6.70 7.00 7.30 7.40 7.30 7.00 7.10 7.00 6.80 7.02
1916 6.80 6.90 7.10 7.30 7.60 8.00 7.70 7.50 7.50 7.20 7.30 7.30 7. 35
1917 7.40 8. 10 9.60 9.20 9.90 10. 10 10.20 9.60 10.20 10.10 10. 10 9.60 9.51
1918 9.70 9.80 10.40 10.40 12.20 12. 60 12.20 12. 10 12.20 11.50 11. 40 11.00 11.29
1919 11. 10 11.50 11.70 12.90 12.70 12.30 12.00 12.10 11.00 10.80 11. 10 11. 30 11. 71
1920 11.00 10.90 10.80 10.60 10.70 11.20 11.40 11. 40 10.60 10.20 9.80 8.50 10.59
1921 8. 30 8.00 8. 10 8. 10 7. 50 7.60 7. 10 7.40 7.00 7.00 6. 50 6. 30 7.41
1922 6.40 6.50 7.00 6.70 7.00 7.50 7.20 7.00 7.00 7.40 7.00 7.20 6.99
1923 7.30 7.10 7.00 7.20 7.20 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.40 7.20 6.90 7.00 7.23
1924 7.00 7.00 7.40 7.60 7.50 7.50 7.20 7.40 7.20 7.30 7.00 7.10 7.27
1925. — 7.30 7.30 7.50 8.20 8.10 8.10 8.20 8.30 7.90 7.80 7.30 7.70 7.81
1910 5.20 5.20 5.70 6.00 6.20 5.70 4.70 5.60 5. 40 5. 30 5.20 5.00 4.90 5.45
1911 5.30 5.10 5.10 5.00 4.90 4.90 6.00 4.70 4.70 4.80 4.80 4.90 4.91
1912 5. 10 5.30 5.40 5. 70 6.00 6.00 6.30 6.30 6.20 5.90 6. 10 5.86
1913 6.20 6.40 6.70 7.00 6. 80 6. 80 7.00 6.90 7.00 6.90 6.70 6.70 6. 76
1914 6.90 7.00 7. 10 7. 10 7. 10 7.10 7.20 7. 30 7. 40 7.00 6.60 6.70 6.60 7.04
1915 6.60 6.60 6.50 6.60 6.70 7.00 7.10 7.00 7.00 6.90 6.50 6.76
1916 6.70 6.80 7. 10 7.50 7.70 7. 90 9.7. 80 7.40 7. 30 6.90 7.00 7.20 7.28
1917 7.70 8.20 8.60 9.20 9.40 9.70 10 9.00 9. 10 9.00 8.70 9.00 8.89
1918 9.30 9.30 9.80 10.40 11.30 11. 30 11. 10 11.00 10.90 10.50 10.00 10.20 10.42
1919 11.00 10.60 9.90 9.60 9.40 9.70
10.90 11.00 11.60 11.90 12. 10 11.40 10.40 10.76
1920 10.10 10. 10 9.60 10.20 10.30 10.30 10.10 10.00 9.40 8.40 7.60 9.71
1921 7.50 6.90 7.20 7.00 7.10 6.80 6.50 6.50 6.00 5.70 5.50 5.60 6.52
1922 5.60 5.70 6.10 6.20 6. 50 6.60 6.6.90 60 6. 30 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6. 30
1923 6.80 6.90 6.70 6.70 6.90 7.10 6. 90 7. 10 6.60 6.30 6.20 6.76
1924 6.50 6.70 6.80 7.00 7.00 7.00 6. 70 7.00 6.80 6.70 6.50 6.60 6.78
1925 6.70 6.90 7.60 8.20 7.50 7.90 7.50 7.70 7.30 7.20 7.10 7. 30 7.41
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May- June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 lS 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.50 5.50 5.30 5.20 5. 10 5.00 4.90 4.60 4.70 5.07
1911 4.70 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.90 4.80 4.50 4.60 4.80 4.72
1912 4.90 4.90 5. 10 5.30 5. 40 5. 60 5.40 5.80 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.80 5.42
1913 5.80 6.00 6.50 6.70 6.40 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.60 6.40 6.50 6.41
1914 6.60 6.70 6.80 7.00 7.00 6.80 6.90 7.20 7.30 6.80 6.50 6.50 6.84
1915 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.70 6.90 7.00 6.90 6.90 6.80 6.40 6.30 6.62
1916 6.30 6.70 7.00 7.20 7.40 7.70 7.50 7.40 7.30 7.10 7.00 7.00 7.13
1917 7.50 8. 10 8.30 9. 10 9.20 9. 10 8.90 8.90 9.30 8.80 8.20 8.50 8.66
1918 8.60 8.70 9.20 10.20 10.90 11. 50 11. 30 11.30 11. 30 10.40 10.20 10.70 10.36
1919 10.70 11.20 11. 40 12.10 12.30 11. 30 11.20 10.90 10.20 9.30 9.20 9.60 10.78
1920 10.00 9.50 9. 60 10.00 9.70 11. 40 10.00 9.70 9.10 7.70 8. 10 6.80 9.30
1921 6.90 6.40 6.80 6.20 6.40 6.00 5.90 6.00 5.70 5.60 5.40 5.40 6.06
1922 5. 30 5.70 6.00 6.10 6.20 6. 30 6.50 6.20 6.40 6.70 6.50 6.50 6.20
1923 6.30 6.40 6.30 6.40 6.50 6. 70 6.70 6.40 7.00 6.60 6.00 6.20 6.46
1924... . 6.30 6.20 6.50 6.80 6.90 6.70 6.40 6.90 6.60 6.70 6.50 6.30 6.57
1925.... 6.70 6.60 6.90 7.30 7.40 7.20 7.50 7.60 7.40 7.20 7.30 7.20 7.19
1910.... i 4.40 5.10 5.00 5.50 5.70 5. 40 5.20 5.00 5. 20 5. 10 4.90 4.80 5.11
1911 4.90 4.90 5.00 5.00 4.80 4.80 4.90 5.20 5.10 4.80 5.10 5.00 4.96
1912.... 5.10 5.10 5.30 5.60 6.00 6. 10 6.40 6.30 6.50 6.40 6.10 6. 10 5.92
1913... . ! 6.10 6.30 6.80 6.80 6.50 6.80 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.80 6.60 6.50 6. 61
1914.... 6.80 7.00 7. 00 7.00 7. 10 7.00 7.00 7.50 7.40 7.20 7.10 6.80 7.08
1915.... ! 6.50 6. 40 6.40 6.50 6.70 7.00 7.20 7. 10 7.00 7.00 6.50 6.50 6.73
1916.... ! 6.50 6.50 7. 10 7.40 7.50 7.80 7.80 7.70 8.00 7.40 7.50 7.50 7.39
1917 7.90 8. 50 9.00 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.40 9.40 10.40 10.10 9.40 9.70 9.38
1918 9.50 9.50 10. 10 1Z00 11.70 11.90 11.70 11.30 1L70 11.00 10.50 11.30 11.02
1919.... ! 11.70 11.70 12. 10 12.50 12.50 11. 40 11.90 11.80 10.20 10.00 10.00 10. 10 11. 32
1920. ... ! 10.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.40 9.70 9.60 10.50 9.60 8.90 6.90 9.67
1921.... ! 6.80 6.30 6.70 6.60 6.20 5.90 5.80 5.80 6.60 6.00 5.20 5.40 6.11
1922 i 5.30 5.60 5.90 6.20 6.20 6.60 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.30 6.90 6.70 6.48
1923.... 6.40 6.40 6.70 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.50 7.30 7.00 6.50 6.00 6.60 6. 60
1924.... 6.20 6.20 6. 30 6.40 6.90 6.80 6.50 6.50 6.70 6.70 6.50 6.40 6.51
1925. ... ! 6.90 6.90 7.30 7.20 7.80 7.70 7.70 8.70 7.80 7.60 7.90 7.50 7.58
1910 5.10 4.50 4.80 4.70 5.60 5.20 1 5. 10 4.60 4. 70 4. 30 4.50 4. 40 4.79
1911 4.50 4.50 4. 70 4. 80 4.60 4.60 4.50 4. 40 4.50 4.20 4.20 4.20 4. 48
1912 4.40 4.50 4.80 5.10 5.60 5.30 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.30 4.90 5.10 5.03
1913 5.30 5. 30 6.00 6.40 6.00 6.30 6.10 6.30 6.00 6.10 5.90 5.90 5.97
1914 6.30 6. 30 6.50 6. 40 6.50 6.60 o 6.80 6.60 6.60 6.40 5.90 6.00 6. 41
1915.... 6. 10 6.00 6.10 6.10 6.20 6.20 6. 10 6.10 6. 10 5.90 5.70 5.40 6.00
1916 5.60 6.10 6.20 6.60 6.90 7.00 6.70 6. 40 6.10 5.90 6.00 6.20 6. 31
1917 6.40 7.10 7.80 8.60 8.70 8.50 8.00 7.90 7.60 7.80 7.20 7.50 7.76
1918 7.90 7.90 8.40 9.10 9.80 10.00 9.60 8.80 9.00 8.80 8.40 8.60 8.86
1919 8.80 9.00 9.80 10.70 10.60 10.00 9.90 9.40 8.50 8.50 8.30 8.40 9. 32
1920 8.70 8.70 9.00 9.10 9.30 9.10 9.00 8.40 8.40 8.10 7.60 6.80 8.52
1921 6. 50 6.10 6.70 6.60 6.10 6.20 5.70 5. 60 5. 60 5.00 5.00 5. 10 5. 85
1922 5. 10 5.30 5.50 5.60 6.10 6.20 6.20 6.00 5.80 5.60 5. 50 5.60 5.71
1923 5.60 5.70 6. 10 6.00 6.10 6.30 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.00 5.80 5.50 5.98
1924.... 5. 50 5. 40 5. 50 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.90 5.40 5. 40 5. 50 5.70 5.90 5.68
1925 5.70 5.90 6.40 6.60 6.50 6.50 ! 6.60 6.20 6.50 6.00 6.30 6.20 6.28
1910 4. 30 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.70 4.40 4.00 3.90 4.00 3.90 4.00 3.90 4.22
1911.... 4.00 4.30 4. 40 4.20 4.00 3.80 4.00 4.00 3.90 4.10 3.90 3.80 4.03
1912— 4. 10 4. 10 4. 40 4.80 5.00 4.70 4.80 4.80 5. 10 5.30 4.80 5.00 4.74
1913.... 5. 10 5.20 5.60 6.00 5.70 5.80 6.00 5.70 5.70 5.80 5.90 5.80 5.69
1914 5.80 6.00 5.70 5.70 6.00 5.80 5.80 6.40 6.00 5.90 5.50 5.40 5.83
1915 5.40 5.30 5.20 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.90 6.00 5.50 5.70 5.00 5.00 5. 46
1916 5.20 5. 30 5.90 6.10 6.30 6.50 6.20 5.90 6.10 5.90 5.70 5. 70 5.90
1917 6.20 6.90 7.10 8.50 8.20 8.00 7.50 7.80 7.40 8.00 7.30 7. 30 7.52
1918 7.70 7.80 8.00 9.00 9.30 10.00 9.70 9.20 9. 10 8.40 7.80 8.50 8.71
1919 8.60 8.30 8.80 9.90 10.20 9.90 10.00 9.60 8.50 8.40 7.80 8.20 9.02
1920 8.50 8. 50 8.60 8. 30 8.60 8.70 8.30 8.20 7.40 6.90 6.20 5.70 7.82
1921 5. 50 5.20 5.60 5.00 4.90 4.60 4.50 4.30 4.00 3.80 3.80 3.70 4.58
1922 3.90 4. 30 4.60 4.50 4.70 5. 10 5.00 4.50 4. 50 4.60 4.30 4.50 4.54
1923.... 4. 30 4. 30 4.80 5.00 5.00 ! 4.70 4.90 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.20 4.00 4.58
1924 4.40 4.70 4. 60 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.90 4.90 4.80 4.60 4.60 4.20 4.68
1925 — 4.70 4.50 4.90 5.30 5.30 5.60 5.70 5.50 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.30 5.18

Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910.— 3.90 3.90 4.50 5.20 4.60 4.50 4.00 3.70 3. 70 3.60 3. 70 3.80 4.09
1911 3.70 4.00 4.20 4.00 3.90 3.90 3.60 3.80 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.80 3. 81
1912 4.00 4. 10 4.00 4. 50 4.80 4.90 4.60 4.60 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.56
1913 5.00 5. 30 5.80 5. 90 5.80 5.80 5. 40 5.70 5. 70 5. 70 5.70 5.30 5.59
1914 5.60 6.00 5.80 6.00 6.20 6. 10 6.00 6. 10 6.10 5.60 5. 40 5.20 5.84
1915 5. 30 5. 30 5. 50 5. 50 5.90 5.80 5.80 5. 50 5. 40 5. 40 5.00 5.00 5.45
1916 5. 30 5. 50 6.00 6.20 6. 10 6.70 6.30 6.10 5. 90 5. 70 5.70 5.80 5.94
1917 6.10 6.80 7.30 8.20 8.00 8.30 7.70 7.50 7.60 7.50 7. 30 7. 30 7.47
1918— 7.60 8.20 8. 30 8.30 10. 10 9.60 9. 70 9.00 8.90 8.30 7.90 7.70 8.72
1919 9.00 9. 10 9. 90 10.20 10.30 9.80 9. 60 9.20 8.10 7. 50 7.50 7. 70 8. 99
1920 8. 30 8. 10 8.20 8.40 8.40 8.50 7.90 7. 50 7. 30 7.40 5.70 5.00 7.56
1921 5. 40 5.20 6.00 5. 30 5. 50 4.90 4.80 4.80 4. 60 4. 10 3. 90 4. 10 4.88
1922. 4.20 5.00 5.00 5.00 5. 10 5. 50 5. 10 4. 90 4.80 4. 70 4. 40 4.50 4. 85
1923.... 4. 70 5.10 5.20 5. 30 5. 50 5.50 5. 40 5.20 5.40 4.90 4. 40 4.60 5.10
1924.... 4.80 4.80 5. 10 5.40 5.60 5. 50 5. 40 5. 70 5.60 5. 30 5. 40 4.60 5.27
1925. ... 5.20 5. 30 6.00 6.20 6.70 6.40 6. 40 6.30 6.10 6.40 5.90 5.80 6.06
1910 5.40 5.00 5.80 6.20 5.90 5.60 5.30 5.10 5.20 5.00 4.90 4. 70 5. 34
1911 5. 10 5.00 5.00 5.10 4. 90 4.90 4.80 5.20 5.00 5. 10 5. 10 5.20 5.03
1912 5. 40 5. 40 5.60 6.00 6.20 6.20 6.50 6.80 6.80 6.80 6. 40 6. 70 6.23
1913 6.50 6. 80 7.10 7. 40 7.10 7. 10 7.20 7.00 7.20 7.10 7. 10 6.90 7.04
1914 7.00 7. 30 7.40 7.40 7. 30 7. 40 7.70 7.80 7. 70 7.40 7.00 6.90 7.36
1915 6.70 6. 50 6.50 6.60 7.00 7.30 7.80 7. 40 7.10 7.20 6.80 6. 70 6.97
1916 6.90 7.20 7.60 7.70 8.00 8.50 8.20 7.80 8. 10 7.80 7.80 7.90 7.79
1917 8.20 8.90 8.70 10.10 10.20 10.30 10.20 10.20 10.60 10.40 10. 10 9. 70 9.80
1918 9.90 10.30 10.40 11.90 12.70 12.60 12.80 12.30 12.90 11.90 11.90 11. 70 11.78
1919 12. 40 12.80 13. 50 14. 10 13.60 11.90 12.30 12.60 11.80 10.10 11.50 11.60 12. 35
1920 11. 10 10. 50 10.80 10.80 10.00 11.90 10.60 10.40 10.90 9.80 9.00 7.00 10.23
1921 7.00 6. 30 7. 30 6.90 6. 80 6. 10 6.40 6.90 6.10 6.00 5.70 5. 80 6.44
1922 5.80 6.00 6. 40 6.50 6.70 7.00 7. 60 7.20 7. 30 7.90 7. 30 7. 30 6. 92
1923.... 7.00 7.00 6.70 7.40 7. 10 7. 90 7. 70 7.50 8.20 7.60 7.00 7.00 7.34
1924.... 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.50 7.60 7.50 7. 30 7.80 7.60 8.00 7.50 7. 10 7.43
1925. ... 7.40 7.30 8.00 8.90 8.20 8.50 9.30 9.60 9.30 9. 30 8.30 8.20 8.52
1910.... 4.80 4.60 5.30 5.60 5.30 5.20 5.00 5.00 4.80 4.80 4.50 4.60 4.96
1911 4.70 4.60 4.90 4.70 4.70 4.60 4. 40 4.80 4.70 4.90 5. 10 5. 10 4.77
1912 5.00 5.20 5.30 5.60 5.80 5.80 6.00 6.20 6. 10 6.20 6.00 6. 10 5.78
1913... . 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.90 6.50 6.60 6.50 6.50 6.60 6.60 6.50 6.50 6.48
1914.... 6.70 6.80 6.80 6.90 6.90 6.80 6.90 6.90 6. 80 6.90 6.60 6.60 6.80
1915 6.50 6.30 6.30 6.40 6. 60 . 6.60 7.00 6.80 6. 80 6.80 6.60 6. 30 6.58
1916 6.30 6. 40 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.40 7.50 7.00 7. 30 7.10 7.00 7. 30 7.08
1917 7.50 8.00 8.50 9. 40 9.00 9.40 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.50 9. 10 9. 30 8.93
1918 9.40 9.30 9.60 10.80 11.60 11.50 11.30 11. 10 11.10 10.30 10. 10 10.60 10.56
1919 10.70 11.50 11.20 11.80 12.20 11. 10 11.70 11. 10 9.80 9.70 9.70 9.20 10.72
1920 9.80 9.60 9.60 9.80 9.20 10.00 9.90 9.50 8.70 8. 20 7.60 6. 50 9.03
1921 6.80 6. 40 7. 30 6.70 6. 20 6.00 5.70 5.60 5.30 5.10 5. 10 5. 10 5.94
1922 5. 10 5.50 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6.70 6.40 6.20 6. 30 6.30 6. 10 6.00 6.05
1923...- 6. 40 6.20 6.50 6. 30 6.50 6.70 6.70 6. 40 6.80 6.30 6.20 6.00 6.42
1924 6.50 6.20 6. 40 6. 50 6.60 6.20 6. 70 6.60 6. 30 6.50 6.20 6.30 6. 42
1925 6.70 6. 80 6.90 7.30 7.30 7.00 7.20 7.70 7.30 7.60 7. 40 7.10 7. 19
1910 3.90 4.00 4.20 4.20 4.50 5.20 4.20 3.60 3. 70 3.70 3.60 3.70 4.04
1911 3.60 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.00 3.70 3.60 3.50 3. 70 3.70 ! 3.70 3.80 3.75
1912 3.80 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.50 4.60 4.20 4.70 4. 70 5. 10 4.80 4.80 4.45
1913 5.10 5. 10 5.20 5. 30 5.60 5.70 5.50 5.60 5. 60 5.80 5.40 5.40 5.44
1914 5.40 5.40 5.60 5.70 5.90 5.90 5.90 6.20 5. 80 5.80 5.50 5. 50 5.72
1915 5. 40 5.30 5. 30 5. 40 5.80 5.80 5.70 5.80 5. 50 5.70 5.20 5. 10 5.50
1916 5.20 5.50 5. 80 6. 10 6. 40 6. 40 6.20 6.00 6. 20 6.00 5.90 5.90 5. 97
1917-... 5.90 6.70 7. 40 7.70 8.20 8.30 7.30 7. 10 7. 30 7.50 7. 10 7.60 7.34
1918 7.40 7.80 8. 10 8.40 8.60 9.00 8.50 8. 50 9. 60 8.90 8. 40 7.90 8.42
1919 8. 40 8.40 9. 10 9.90 10.00 9. 40 8.70 8.80 8. 10 7.00 7. 10 7.30 8.52
1920 7.70 7.70 7.40 8. 10 8. 10 7.90 7.30 6.80 6. 70 6.20 6.20 5.00 7.09
1921 5.00 5. 00 5.50 5.70 5.90 5.20 4.00 4.80 4. 30 4. 10 3.90 4.20 4.80
1922 4.00 4.30 4.90 4.80 5. 30 5.30 5. .50 5. 00 4. SO 4.80 4. .50 4.70 4.82
1923 5. 10 5.20 5.30 5.30 5. 10 5.30 5.30 4.90 4. 90 4.90 4.00 4.30 4. 97
1924_... 4.60 4.70 5. 10 5.30 5.00 5.00 4.80 4.60 4. 50 4.40 4.40 4.30 4.72
1925--.. 4.40 4.50 5.20 5.20 -5.50 5.40 5.30 5.30 5. 10 5.20 i 4. SO 5.20 5.09
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 4.40 4.80 5.20 5.00 5.30 5.20 4.60 4.30 .4.50 4.50 4.40 3.90 4.68
1911 4.20 4.30 4.30 4.20 4. 30 4.30 3.90 4.30 4. 20 4.50 4.30 4.00 4.23
1912 4.50 4. 50 4.60 5.30 5.70 5.30 5.60 5. 50 5.90 5.80 5. 60 5.50 5.32
1913 5.70 5. 60 6.30 6. 40 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.30 6.30 6.50 6. 30 6. 30 6.27
1914.... 6.40 6. 60 6.60 6.60 6.70 6.60 6.60 6.90 6.80 6.30 6.20 6.20 6.54
1915 6. 10 5.90 6.00 6.00 6. .50 6. 40» 6.60 6.40 6. 10 6.30 5.90 5.80 6. 17
1916 5.90 6.20 6.70 7.20 7. 10 7.40 7. 40 6.90 7.00 6. 90 6.80 7. 10 6.88
1917 7.80 8.00 8. 50 9. 10 9. 70 9.20 9.00 8. 30 8.20 8.60 8. 50 8. 10 8.58
1918 8.60 8.60 9.60 10. 40 11.50 11.60 10. 40 10. 10 10.40 9.80 8. 50 10.00 9.96
1919 10. 50 10. 70 11.20 11.70 11. 50 10. 60 10.70 10. 50 8.90 8.60 8. 70 8.50 10. 18
1920 8.60 8.70 9.00 8.90 9.70 9.80 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.30 6.60 6.20 8. 36
1921 6.00 5.40 6. 30 5.90 5.70 5.50 5.40 5. 40 4.90 4. 40 4.50 4.40 5. 32
1922 4.80 5.20 5.80 6.00 6. 10 6.40 6. 10 5.90 6.00 6.00 5.50 5. 40 5.77
1923 5.60 5.70 5.80 6. 10 6.00 6. 10 6.00 6. 00 6.50 6. 10 5.50 5.50 5.91
1924.... 5.80 5.90 6. 10 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.50 6. 40 6.50 6.00 5.80 5.50 6.17
1925.... 5.80 6.20 6.80 7.00 6.90 6.90 7.60 7.90 6.80 6.80 6.50 6.70 6.82
1910.... 5.30 4.60 5.50 5.50 5.90 5.90 5.20 4.80 5. 10 4.60 4. 40 4.50 5.11
1911 4.90 4.80 5.00 5. 10 4.80 4. 70 4.60 4.70 4.90 4.60 4. 80 4.80 4.81
1912.... 4.90 5. 30 5.40 6. 10 6.30 6. 20 6.00 6.40 6.30 6. 10 5. 90 6.00 5.91
1913.... 6.20 6. 40 6.90 6.90 6.80 6. 80 6.90 6.60 6.60 6.70 6. 60 6.70 6.68
1914.... 6.70 6.90 7.10 7.00 7.00 6. 90 7. 10 7.60 7.00 7.10 7. 00 6.70 7.01
1915.... 6.60 6.30 6.50 6.50 7.00 7. 00 7.30 6.90 6.80 6.70 6. 40 6.10 6.68
1916 6.40 6.50 7.50 7.60 7.80 8. 5(1 8. 10 7.50 7.10 7.20 7. 20 8.20 7.47
1917 8.00 8.70 9. 40 10.30 10. 40 10 40 10.00 9.70 9.80 9. 60 9. 80 9. 40 9.62
1918 9. 40 9.30 9.80 11.40 12.60 12 80 12. 10 12.00 11.20 10. 40 10. 60 11.00 11.04
1919 11.90 12. 40 12.30 13.00 12.80 11. 90 12.00 12.00 10. 10 9.60 9. 70 9. 40 11.42
1920.... 10.10 9.40 10.10 10.30 10.20 11. 20 10.70 9.80 9.80 8. 30 7. 70 6.70 9. 52
1921.... 6.70 6.30 7. 30 6.20 6.90 6. 40 6.40 6.50 5.30 5.30 5. 10 5. 10 6. 12
1922.... 5.20 5.90 6.60 6.30 6.80 7. 20 6.70 6.90 6.70 6.70 6. 20 6.50 6.48
1923 6.50 6.50 6.70 6.80 6.90 7. 00 7.10 7.00 7.00 7.00 6. 50 6.50 6.79
1924.... 6.50 6.80 7.20 7.50 7.70 7. 60 7. 40 7.80 7.30 7.00 & 90 7.00 7.22
1925 7. 10 7.50 8.10 8.30 7.80 8. 50 8.90 9.00 8.20 8.10 7. 70 7.90 8.09
1910 4.80 5.20 5. 60 5.80 5.40 5.60 5.00 4.80 4.90 4.70 4.60 4.60 5.08
1911 4. 80 4.80 5.00 5.00 4. 90 4.80 4. 80 4. 70 4.80 4. 60 4. 90 5. 10 4.85
1912 5.20 5.40 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.00 5.80 6.20 6. 10 6.00 5.90 6. 30 5.88
1913 6.20 6.40 6.70 7. 10 6.80 6. 90 6.60 6.40 6.40 6.50 6.60 6. 50 6.59
1914.... 6.80 6.90 7. 10 7. 10 7. 10 6.70 7.00 7.40 7. 10 6.90 7.00 6. 90 7.00
1915. ... 6.60 6.50 6.50 6.60 7.00 6.90 7.30 6.80 6. 80 6. 80 6. 70 6. 40 6.74
1916 6.60 6.80 7. 50 7.70 7. 60 7.80 7.50 7.20 7.30 7.20 7.30 7.80 7.36
1917 8.00 8.60 9. 10 9.60 9. 60 9. 50 9.00 9.20 9. 30 9. 50 9.20 9. 00 9. 13
1918 9.00 9.20 9.70 10.70 11.70 11.00 11.20 11. 10 10. 80 10.30 10.20 11. 10 10. 50
1919 10.40 11.40 11.80 12.00 12.00 11.00 10.40 10.40 9.40 9. 20 9.70 9. 10 10.57
1920 9. 80 9. 60 9.70 9.90 9.80 10.20 9.70 9. 30 9.00 8.80 6.70 6. 50 9.08
1921 6.60 6.30 6.60 6. 30 6.20 5.90 5.70 5.70 5.30 5.20 4. 90 4. 90 5.80
1922 5. 20 5.70 6. 10 6.10 6.40 6.50 6.50 5. 90 5.90 6.10 5.70 5.30 5. 95
1923. ... 6.00 6. 20 5.80 6. 40 6.60 6.20 6. 10 5.60 5.70 5.50 5.30 5. 50 5.91
1924.... 5. 60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.50 6.30 6. 10 6. 50 6.20 5.90 5.80 6.00 6. 08
1925. ... 6.50 6.40 7.40 7.80 7.60 7:20 7.60 7.60 6. 90 7.10 7.00 7.20 7.19
5.50 6. 50
5. 30 4. 50 5.00 4.90 4.70 4. 50
4. 30 4. 90 5. 10 5. 50 5. 90 5. 20 4.80 5. 90 6.00
5. 40 5. 50 6. 40 6. 10 6.00 5. 70 5.90 6.20 7.00
5. 90 6. 50 6. 20 6. 40 6. 50 6. 00 6.50 6.20 6.50
6. 30 6. 30 5. 90 6. 70 6. 00 6. 20 6.50 6. 10 5.80
6. 30 6. 30 6. 70 7. 00 6. 70 6. 50 6. 60 6.80 7. 40
7. 50 8. 50 8.30 7. 70 7.80 7. 80 7. 80 7. 50 8.50
9. 10 9.50 11.30 9.00 10.50 12.00 11. 10 10. 80 10.20
10.00 10.00 10.00 10.80 10. 10 11.00 12.00 11.80 11.20
9. 30 8.80 11.50 10.60 10.20 10.00 9.50 9.60 9.00
8.00 9. 20 9. 80 8.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.00 6.70
6. 50 7. 00 7.30 7. 00 7. 00 G. 70 7.50 7.00 7.60
8.00 "8.•668 7. 20 8. 20 8.60 7.70 8.50
7. 30 8.30 8.00 8.00 8. 50 8.20
7. 30 7.60 7.50 7. 30 8. 00 8.00 6.90 6.10 7.00

Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 5.40 5.10 5.60 6.00 5.00 5.40 5.80 6.00 5.20 5.50 5.20 4.60 5.40
1911 4.80 5.00 5.00 4.70 5.20 5.00 5.20 5. 10 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.80 4. 90
1912 5.30 5. 10 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.00 5.70 5.40 5.10 5.70 5.70 5.70 5. 52
1913 5.90 6. 90 6.30 6.50 6.40 6.50 5.70 6. 60 7.20 6.00 6.40 6.70 6. 42
1914 7.00 6. 90 7.00 7. 20 7.50 7.50 7.00 7.00 7.20 7.00 7.30 6. 60 7. 10
1915-... 6.60 6.50 7. 00 7. 30 7.00 7. 40- 6.50 6.70 7.00 7.00 6.50 6. 50 6.83
1916 6.40 6. 40 6.70 7.10 7.30 7. 40 7. 10 7. 20 7. 30 7. 10 7.40 7.40 7.07
1917.... 7.50 7.90 8.60 9. 30 9. 60 10. 10 9. 60 8.90 9.80 10.00 9.20 9. 30 9. 15
1918 9. 50 10.40 9.90 10.80 11.30 12.70 11. 10 11.40 11.60 10.90 11.20 10.50 10.94
1919.... 11.00 11. 20 11.40 12.50 12. 10 11.80 11.50 11.40 10.10 10.40 10.10 10.40 11. 16
1920.... 10.50 10. 10 10. 40 10.70 10. 90 10.70 10.90 10.30 9.50 9.60 9.70 8.20 10. 12
1921.... 8.00 7.20 7.60 7.70 7.50 7.50 7.20 6.80 6.50 6.30 5.70 5.60 6. 97
1922.... 6.00 6. 10 6.70 6.70 7.30 6.60 7.10 6.70 7. 10 7.20 7.00 7.10 6. 80
1923.... 7.00 6.70 6.80 6.70 6.80 8.00 7.70 7.10 6.90 6. 90 6.40 7. 00 7.00
1924.... 6.50 7.00 6. 80 7.00 7.20 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.00 7.00 6.50 6.80 6.92
1925. ... 7.10 7.00 8.50 7.50 8.10 7.60 8.30 7.60 7.80 7.00 8.00 7.40 7.66
1910 4.60 4.40 4. 50 5.20 5.70 4.70 4.80 4.60 4.80 4.60 4.60 4.70 4. 77
1911 4.60 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.30 4.30 4.20 4.40 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.38
1912 4.40 4.50 4.80 4.80 5. 10 5.10 4.80 5.00 5.00 5. 10 5.20 5. 10 4.91
1913 5. 10 5.60 5.50 6.00 5.80 5.70 5.70 5.80 6.00 5.80 5.90 5. 90 5.73
1914 6.00 6. 30 6.40 6.30 6.40 6.30 6.30 6. 50 6.40 6. 10 6.20 6.00 6. 27
1915 6. 10 6.20 5.90 6.20 6.20 6.20 6. 30 6.20 6.20 6. 10 5.70 5.70 6.08
1916 5.60 6.00 6.20 6. 30 6.50 6.80 6.60 6. 60 6.50 6.40 6.40 6.50 6. 37
1917 6. 60 7. 10 7. 50 8. 30 8. 10 8. 20 8.00 7.80 8.50 8.20 8.00 8. 50 7.90
1918 8.50 8.90 9.20 9.50 9. 90 10. 40 10.40 10.30 10.60 10. 20 9.90 10.30 9.84
1919 10.10 10.60 11.00 11.50 11.00 10. 90 10.80 10. 60 10.20 9.70 9. 70 9.40 10.46
1920 9. 70 9.70 9.80 9.80 9.80 9. 50 9. 70 9. 30 9. 30 9. 10 8.30 7.30 9.28
1921 7.20 6.70 7.00 6.90 6.80 6.60 6.00 6.20 5.70 5. 10 5.20 5.30 6.22
1922.... 5.10 5.40 5.80 5.70 5.80 5.80 6. 10 6. 10 6.00 5. 90 6.00 5.70 5. 78
1923... . 6.00 6.00 6.20 6.30 6.50 6.50 6.40 6.50 6.30 6.30 5.70 5.60 6. 19
1924.... 5.80 6.00 6. 30 6. 00 6. 30 6. 10 5.90 5.50 5.70 5.60 5.60 5.50 5.86
1925.... 6.10 6.00 6.10 5.90 6.20 6.30 6.10 6.50 6.00 6.10 5.90 6.00 6. 10
1910.... 4.50 4.80 5.00 4.80 5.20 5.00 4.90 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.70 4.40 4.78
1911 .... 4.70 4.70 5.00 4.90 4.50 4.50 4.30 4.20 4. 40 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.49
1912.... 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.30 5.10 5.10 5.20 5.50 5.60 5.30 5.50 5.12
1913.... 5.40 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.30 6.20 6.30 6.30 6.70 6.60 6.40 6.30 6. 18
1914.... 6.40 6.60 6.90 6.60 6.60 6.70 6.50 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.10 6.10 6. 55
1915 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.30 6.40 6.60 6.60 6.70 6.60 6.50 6.10 6.00 6.39
1916 6.00 6.30 6.50 6.70 6.80 7.00 7. 10 6.90 6.80 6.70 6.50 6.60 6.66
1917 6.80 7.20 7.50 7.70 8.20 8.00 8.20 7.90 8.40 8.50 7.80 8.60 7. 90
1918 8. 40 8.60 8.70 9.10 9.80 10.30 10.60 10.10 10.00 10.00 9.50 9.80 9.58
1919.... 9.60 9.70 10.50 10.70 11.00 10.70 10.50 10.50 10.00 9.60 9.60 9.50 10.16
1920.... 9.50 9.50 9.70 9.70 10.00 9.50 9.50 9.70 8.90 8.90 8.60 7.70 9.27
1921.... 7.60 7.00 7.50 7.30 6.80 6.50 6.60 5.90 6.00 5.70 5.50 5.60 6.50
1922.... 5.50 5.60 6.00 6.10 6.20 6. 10 6.50 6.00 6.30 6.40 6.00 6.20 6.08
1923 6.30 6.70 6.50 6.40 6.40 6.80 6.90 7.00 6.20 6.30 6.00 5.90 6.45
1924 5.90 6.30 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.20 6.20 5.90 5.80 5.40 5.40 5.50 5.98
1925 5.50 6.50 6.20 6.60 ' 7.00 6.30 6.20 6.60 6.20 6.40 6.40 6.30 6.35
1910 3.70 4.20 4.30 4.60 4.40 4.30 4.10 4.50 4.10 4.00 3.70 3.70 4.13
1911.... 4.00 4.60 3.90 4.00 4.00 3.90 3.90 3.70 3.90 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.88
1912 3.70 3.60 3.70 4.20 4.00 3.90 3. 90 4.00 3.80 3. 90 3.90 4.00 3.88
1913 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4. 60 4.48
1914 4.50 4.70 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.40 5.20 5.30 4.90 4.70 5.02
1915 4.70 4.80 5.00 5.00 4.90
5.308 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.70 5.00 4.70 4.60 4.84
1916 4.50 4.80 4.80 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.10 5.00 5.10 5.10 5.30 5.05
1917 5.50 5.60 6.00 6.70 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.70 7.00 7.30 7.60 7.40 6.71
1918 7.10 7.70 7.50 8.10 8.10 8.60 8.70 9.40 8. 60 8.70 8.70 8.70 8.32
1919 8.30 8.70 9.20 9.50 9.70 9.60 9.00 9. 10 9.10 9.20 9.00 8.70 9.09
1920. ... 8.90 9.40 9.40 9.60 9. 60 9.20 9.00 8.60 8.80 8.40 7.70 6.90 8.79
1921.... 6.70 6.40 5.90 6.00 5.90 5.60 5.20 5.20 4.90 4.90 4.60 4.60 5.49
1922 4.80 4.70 5.00 4.80 5.00 4.80 4.90 4.90 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.00 4.93
1923 5.30 5.20 5.10 5.20 5.10 5.20 5.10 5.20 5.10 5.10 5.30 5. 10 5.17
1924 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.30 5. 20 5.30 5.40 5.20 5.20 5.30 5.20 5.18
1925 5.60 5.20 5. 30 5.70 5.40 5.90 5.50 6.20 5.80 5.70 5.50 5.80 5.63
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age

Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls' Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 3.20 3. 30 3.70 3. 80 4. 10 4.40 4.70 3.30 3.90 3.90 4.00 3.90 3.85
1911 3.90 3.50 3.90 4.30 4. 00 3.90 3.80 3.70 3.80 3.70 3.70 3. 60 3.82
1912 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.80 4.10 4.00 3.90 4. 00 4.00 4. 20 4. 00 4. 10 3.93
1913 4.20 4. 10 4.30 4.30 4.40 4. 40 4. 40 4. 10 4. 20 4.30 4.00 4. 30 4. 25
1914 4.30 4. 40 4.40 4.70 4.70 4.60 4.80 4.80 5.00 4.80 4.70 4. 30 4.62
1915 4. 40 4.40 4. 40 4.30 4.50 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.40 4.50 4. 40 4. 30 4.40
1,916 4. 30 4. 30 4.40 4.60 5.00 4.90 4.90 4.80 4.80 4.80 4. 90 5.00 4.72
1917 4.90 5.20 5. 40 6.20 6.80 6.90 6.70 6.60 6.80 7.00 7. 30 7. 60 6. 45
1918 7.80 7.40 7.80 8.50 8.70 8.30 9.20 8.70 8. 40 9. 00 8.90 8.80 8.46
1919 8.80 8.80 8.80 9.20 9.40 9. 30 9.80 9.50 9. 30 9.20 9. 30 8.90 9. 19
1920 9.00 9.00 9.20 9.20 9.50 8.90 9.00 8.60 8.00 8.00 7.30 6.00 8. 48
1921 5.90 5.90 6.00 5.20 5.00 5.00 4.60 4.60 4. 40 4.20 4.20 4.20 4. 93
1922 4.00 3.50 3.80 4.00 4.00 4.00 4. 10 4. 10 4. 10 4.00 3. 70 3.50 3.90
1923--.. 4.00 3.80 4.20 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.20 4.00 3.90 4.00 3.80 4.00 4.02
1924.... 4.10 4.00 4.20 4. 40 4.30 4. 10 4. 10 4. 30 4.20 4.20 4.00 4.00 4. 16
1925.... 3.90 4.30 4.20 4.60 4.90 4.40 4.60 4.20 4.20 4. 40 4.10 4.30 4.34
1910 3.80 3.60 3.50 3.80 4.80 4.30 4.20 4.50 3.70 4.00 3.70 4.00 3.99
1911 3.80 3.60 3.70 3.50 3.90 3.50 3.40 3.70 3.70 3.50 3.50 3.20 3.58
1912 3.30 3.50 3.40 3.70 4.00 3.90 3.90 3.80 3.80 3.60 3.50 3.70 3.68
1913 3.60 3.80 3.80 4.10 4.10 4.00 3.90 4. 10 4.00 4. 10 3.90 4. 10 3.96
1914 4. 10 4.30 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.80 4.80 4.70 5.00 4.70 4.60 4.30 4.58
1915 4.30 4.30 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.30 4.30 4.20 4.00 4.00 4.10 4.00 4.20
1916 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.70 4.80 4.70 4.60 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.70 4.80 4.55
1917 4.80 4.90 5. 40 6.20 6.70 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.70 7.10 6.90 6.70 6.27
1918 6.80 7. 10 7.00 7.40 7.70 8.00 7.80 7.50 7.90 7.80 7.50 7.30 7.48
1919 7.00 7.00 7.30 7.60 7.90 8. 10 8.00 7.70 7. 00 7. 10 6. 90 6.50 7.34
1920 6.70 7.00 7. 10 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.20 7.10 6.60 6.10 5.60 4.60 6.71
1921 4. 40 4. 40 4.30 4.40 4.10 4. 10 3.90 4.20 4.00 3.60 3.50 3.50 4.03
1922 3.50 3.20 3.30 3.60 3.70 3.50 3.50 3.40 3. 20 3. 10 3.20 3.20 3.37
1923.... 3. 30 3. 40 3.20 3.90 3.60 3.80 3. 40 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.48
1924 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.50 3.80 3 70 3.80 3.70 3. 60 3.50 3.90 3.70 3.64
1925 3. 50 3.80 4. 10 4.30 4.00 4.20 4. 10 3.90 3.90 3.90 4.60 4.30 4.05
1910 8.00 6.50 6.00 5.60 5.70 5.40 5.00 6. 10 5.00 4.80 5.20 4.90 5.68
1911.... 5.50 4.70 5.00 4.50 4.50 4. 30 4.00 4.50 4.50 4. 70 4.70 3.50 4.53
1912 4. 10 4. 10 4. 50 4.90 4.30 4. 30 4.50 4.30 4.30 4.60 4.20 4. 10 4,35
1913 4. 10 3.90 4.50 4.20 4.40 4.40 4.60 5.00 4. 70 5.40 4.50 4.90 4,85
1914.... 4. 30 5.50 5.20 4.70 5.00 5. 30 5.50 5.40 5.30 5.20 5.20 5.60 5.18
1915 5.00 5.40 5.20 5.00 5. 10 5.00 5.00 4.80 5.50 4. 70 4.80 5.00 5.04
1916.... 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.70 5.20 5. 40 5.30 5.40 5.70 5.60 5.50 5.37
1917.... 5.60 5.50 5.90 6.80 7.20 7. 10 6.70 7.20 8. 10 8.00 8.00 8. 10 7.02
1918.... 7.90 7.90 7.80 9.00 8.60 9.30 8. 10 8.10 8.20 8.00 8.70 8.50 8.34
1919.... 6.60 7.70 7.60 7.60 7.60 8.50 7.60 8.00 8.00 7. 30 7. 10 7.30 7.58
1920.... 7.00 7.20 7.50 8.00 7.80 7.70 7.20 7.30 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 7.06
1921 5.50 5.50 5.60 5.50 5.30 5.00 4.70 4.50 4.20 4.50 4.00 4.20 4.88
1922.... 4. 00 4.20 4. 70 5.20 5.00 4.70 4.60 4.20 4.00 4.20 4.30 4.00 4.42
1923.... 4.60 4.60 4. SO 4.70 4.60 4. 60 4. 10 4.40 3.90 4. 90 4.50 4. 30 4.50
1924 5.00 4.80 4.70 5.00 4.60 4. 30 4.20 3.50 4.00 4.00 3.80 4.50 4.37
1925.... 3.50 3.70 4.40 4.70 4.20 3. 70 4. 10 3. 10 3.60 4.10 4.60 4.20 3.99
1910 4.40 4.40 4.70 4.90 4.80 4.90 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.40 4.20 4.20 4.53
1911 4. 30 4. 30 4. 40 4. 40 4.40 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.20 4.20 3.90 4.10 4. 21
1912 4.20 4.30 4.50 4.80 5.20 5. 50 5. 10 5.00 5.00 5.20 4.90 4.90 4.88
1913 5.00 5.50 5.80 6.00 5.50 5.80 5.70 5.80 5.80 5.70 5.60 5. 80 5.67
1914 5.80 6. 10 6.20 6.40 6.30 6.30 6.50 6. 30 6.60 6.30 6.00 5.60 6.20
1915 5.80 5.90 5.90 5.90 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.40 6.30 6. 10 5.80 5.60 6.02
1916 5.80 6.00 6.40 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.80 5.50 6.40 6.00 6.00 6.30 6. 36
1917 6.80 7.10 7.70 8.20 8.40 8. 30 8. 10 7.80 7.80 7.70 7.40 7.70 7.75
1918.... 8. 10 8. 30 8.60 9.20 9.90 9.80 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.00 8.50 8.80 9.11
1919 9.20 9.80 10.20 10.70 10.60 9.90 9.70 9.40 8. 40 8.10 7.80 8.30 9. 34
1920 8.90 8.80 8.80 8.70 8.40 8.70 8.60 ! 8.20 7.70 7.60 7. 80 6.30 8. 21
1921 6.20 6.00 6.50 6.10 6.00 5.50 5.30 ! 5.40 5.00 4.80 4. 90 4.70 5.53
1922 5.20 5. 10 5.50 5.40 5.60 5.40 5.60 5.60 5.60 5. 10 5.30 5.20 5.38
1923 5.70 5.50 6.00 5.80 5.60 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.60 5.20 5.00 5. 10 5.50
1924 5.00 5.40 5. 30 5.60 5.80 5.50 5.30 ! 5.50 5.30 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.34
1925.... 5. 40 5. 70 5.60 6. 10 6.30 5.60 5. 90 6.20 6.20 5. 70 5. 70 6.20 5.88
33764—27 10
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls' Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 3.70 3.90 3.90 4.50 4.40 4.20 4.00 4.00 3.80 3.70 3.80 3. 70 3. 97
1911.... 3.90 4.00 4.00 4.00 3. 90 3.80 3. 70 3.50 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 3. 74
1912.... 3.80 3.70 3.70 4.20 4. 30 4. 30 4.00 4. 10 4.20 4. 10 4.20 4. 10 4.06
1913.... 4.30 4.60 4.90 5. 10 5.20 5.10 5. 30 5. 10 5. 10 5.40 5.30 5.10 5.04
1914.... 5. 40 5.50 5. 80 5.70 5.70 5.80 5.80 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.50 5.30 5.68
1915.... 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.50 5.40 5.60 5.70 5.50 5.60 5. 30 5.10 5.00 5.41
1916.... 5. 10 5.50 5.60 6.00 6.10 6.20 6. 10 5.80 5.80 5.50 5.40 5.50 5. 72
1917.... 5.90 6.20 6.90 7.50 7.20 7. 10 7.00 6.60 6.70 6.70 6.60 6.70 6. 76
1918 7. 30 7.20 7.60 8.40 8.50 8.70 8.40 8.60 8.50 8.30 7.80 7.70 8.08
1919.... 8.00 8.40 8.80 9.80 9. 70 9.30 9. 50 8.50 7.70 7. 10 7.30 7.30 8.45
1920.... 7.60 7. 90 8.00 8.20 8. 10 7.80 7.20 6.80 6.50 6. 30 5.60 5. 10 7.09
1921 5.20 5. 10 5.50 5.20 5.20 5.10 4.00 4.20 4.00 3.90 3.50 3.60 4.54
1922 3. 70 3.90 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.00 4.50 4.20 4. 30 4.20 4.00 4.10 4.09
1923 4. 70 4.50 4.70 4.80 4.90 4. 60 4.70 4.70 4.50 4.20 3.90 3.90 4.51
1924 4.20 4.40 4.20 4.50 4. 60 4. 60 4.50 4.40 4. 30 4.10 3.80 4.10 4.31
1925.... 4.20 4.70 5.20 5.10 4.80 5.10 4.70 4.80 4.70 4.90 4. 70 4.80 4.81
1910.... 4.40 3.00 3.00 2.80 2.60 3.20 3.50 3.20 3.00 3.00 2.80 3.00 3.12
1911.... 2.90 3.20 3. 40 3.20 3. 10 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.00 3.00 2.90 2.90 3. 07
1912.... 3.10 3. 10 3. 10 3.20 3.40 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.40 3. 10 3. 10 3. 30 3. 19
1913.... 3.20 3.20 3.50 3.50 3.80 3.90 3.70 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.80 3. 60
1914.... 4. 10 4. 10 4.20 4. 30 4. 40 4.60 4. 40 4.50 4.60 4.20 4.00 4.00 4.28
1915.... 4.00 4. 10 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.20 4.20 4.00 3.80 4.00 3.80 3.80 4.03
1916.... 3.90 3.90 4. 10 4.50 4.70 4.70 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.30 4.40 4. 30 4.37
1917.... 4.50 4.90 5.40 5.90 6.00 6. 10 6.30 6.00 6. 10 6. 10 5.90 6. 30 5. 79
1918.... 6.30 6.30 6.50 6.90 7.40 7.10 7. 10 7. 10 7.20 7.00 6.50 6.50 6.82
1919.... 6.50 6.50 6.90 7.30 7.40 7.40 7. 30 7.00 6.60 6.60 6. 10 6.00 6. 80
1920.... 6.00 6.20 6.50 7. 30 7.10 6.60 6.30 6.00 5.50 5.00 4. 70 4.20 5.95
1921.... 4.20 4. 10 4. 10 4.00 4.10 3.90 3. 70 3.50 3.50 3. 30 3.40 3. 10 3.74
1922 3. 10 3.20 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.30 3.30 3.20 3.20 3.00 3. 33
1923 3.00 3. 30 3. 40 3.70 3.50 3.70 3. 40 3. 40 3. 30 3.20 3. 10 3.00 3. 33
1924.... 3.20 3.20 3.20 3. 40 3. 70 3.50 3.20 3. 30 3.20 3. 10 3. 10 3. 00 3. 26
1925..,. 3. 10 3.10 3.50 3.80 3.60 3.60 3.70 3. 40 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.52
1910.--- 3.20 3. 50 4.00 3. do 4.30 3. 80 3.10 3.40 3. 10 3. 20 3.30 3.10 3.40
1911 3.40 3.40 3. 60 3. 20 3.50 3.20 3.20 3.10 3.10 3.20 3.10 2.90 3. 24
1912 3.20 3.10 3.00 3.20 3.50 3.50 3.40 3.40 3.50 3. 30 3.20 3. 20 3. 29
1913 3.50 3. 30 3.60 3.80 4.00 3. 90 4.00 4.00 4.10 4.40 4.20 4.00 3.90
1914 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.30 4.00 4.35
1915 4.10 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.20 4.30 4.20 4.00 4.00 3.90 3.80 4.12
1916 3.90 3. 80 4.30 4.30 4.60 4.50 4.80 4.60 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.50 4.38
1917 4.70 5.10 5.50 6.00 6.30 6. 30 5.90 5.80 6.10 6.00 5.80 6.10 5.80
1918 6.30 6.20 6. 40 6.80 7.30 7.30 7.10 6.90 7.00 6.70 6.30 6.60 6.74
1919 6.60 6.60 6.50 7.00 7.40 7.10 7.20 6.90 6.00 6.00 5.90 5.90 6.63
1920 6.00 6.20 6.60 6.30 6.30 6.20 5.80 5.50 5.20 5.00 4.60 4.00 5.64
1921 3.60 3.80 3.90 4.10 3.80 3. 10 3. 40 3.20 3. 20 3. 10 3. 10 2.90 3.43
1922 2.80 3.00 3.30 3. 30 3. 30 3.20 3. 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. 08
1923 3. 00 3.00 3. 10 3. 10 3.00 3. 10 3. 10 3. 10 2.90 2.90 2.40 2.90 2. 97
1924 3. 10 3. 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.80 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.87
1925-.-. 3.00 3.50 3.20 3. 10 3.60 3. 10 2.90 3. 10 3.20 3. 10 3.50 3. 30 3.22
1910 3.90 3.70 3.80 3.90 3.80 3.70 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.30 3.70 3.50 3.68
1911 3.70 3.40 3.90 3.60 3.50 3.30 3. 30 3.40 3.40 3. 10 3.50 3. 10 3.43
1912..-. 3.30 3.80 3.60 3.70 8.60 3.50 3.60 3. 60 3.70 3.70 3.80 3.90 3. 59
1913.... 3. 90 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.40 4.70 4.50 4.40 4. 30
1914..-. 4.50 4.60 4.80 4.90 4.80 4. 80 4.90 4.90 4.80 4.80 4.50 4.60 4.74
1915.... 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.90 4.80 4.60 4.70 4. 30 4.20 4. 57
1916.... ' 4.40 4.60 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.10 5. 00 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.00 5.20 4. 92
1917.... 5.30 5.60 6. 10 6.60 6.80 7.00 6.50 6.30 6.90 6.70 6.60 6.50 6.41
1918.... 7.10 7.20 7. 30 7.50 8.00 7.80 7.50 6.70 7. 10 6.90 6.20 7.00 7.19
1919.... 6.80 6.60 6.80 7.30 7.00 7.00 6.80 6.80 6.30 6.20 5.80 5.80 6.60
1920.... 6.10 6.80 6.50 6.50 6.70 6.90 6.40 5.60 5. 70 5.70 4.90 4.40 6.02
1921.... 4.60 4.20 4. 30 4.30 4.40 4. 00 3.80 3. 60 3. 30 3.50 3.60 3.20 3.90
1922.... 3. 10 3.20 3.70 3.70 3.80 3.60 3. 30 3.50 3.20 3.20 3.00 3.30 3. 38
1923.... 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.40 3.50 3. 40 3.60 3.20 3.40 3.30 3.20 3. 10 3. 33
1924 3.20 3.20 3.70 3.40 3. 30 3.20 3.50 3.00 2.90 2.80 3.40 3.00 3. 22
1925.... 3.30 3. 80 3.50 3.90 3.30 3.20 3.60 3.40 3.80 3.90 3.50 3.80 3.58
Table 62.—Beej cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. DolU. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 3.90 3.40 3. 60 3.60 4.50 4.40 4.40 4. 40 4.30 4. 10 3.50 4.00 4.01
1911 3. 90 3. 90 3. 40 3.90 3. 60 3.50 3.40 3. 30 3. 80 3.50 3. 60 3. 80 3.63
1912 3.80 3. 70 3.60 4. 00 4. 40 3.80 4.30 4.20 4.30 4.00 4.00 3.80 ' 3.99
1913.... 3. 60 4. 10 4.30 4. 10 5.00 4.80 4.80 4.60 5.00 5.00 5.30 4.40 4.58
1914.... 4.70 4.70 5.10 5. 10 5.30 5.50 5.50 6.00 5. 30 6. 00 5.00 5.10 5.28
1915.... 5.10 5.20 4.90 5.30 5.00 5.20 5. 00 4.80 4. 60 5.20 4.70 5. 20 5.02
1916 5. 40 5.40 5.30 5.90 5.80 5.40 5. 40 5.40 5.60 5.50 5.20 5.50 5.48
1917.... 5.40 5. 90 6.00 6.10 6. 80 7.60 7.60 6.90 6.70 8.50 7. 60 7.90 6. 92
1918.... 7.40 6.90 7.10 7. 10 7.40 8.00 8.50 8.60 7.80 8.00 7.50 6.70 7. 58
1919.... 7.20 7.80 8.00 7.50 8.50 7.60 8.50 8.60 7.90 7.90 7.30 7.60 7.87
1920 7.50 8. 00 8. 00 8.70 7.50 7.70 9.70 8.80 7.50 7.50 6.80 6. 40 7.84
1921 6. 30 6.50 6.20 5.80 5.80 5.60 4.80 4.90 5.00 4.40 4.80 3.90 5. 33
1922 4.50 4.60 4.20 4. 40 4.50 4. 70 4.60 4.40 4.30 3.90 4.10 3.80 4.33
1923.... 4.20 4.40 4.10 4.00 4. 10 4. 10 5.00 4.80 4. 70 4. 60 4.20 4.50 4. 39
1924.... 4.70 4.80 4.60 4. 30 4.90 4.60 4.70 4.30 4.50 4.70 5.00 4.60 4.64
1925.... 4.70 4.20 5.30 5.50 4.80 5.50 4.70 4.20 4.50 4.60 5.00 4.50 4. 79
1910 3.90 4.10 4.50 4.90 4.40 4.60 4.00 4. 10 4. 10 4.10 4.00 4. 10 4. 23
1911 4. 30 4.20 4.40 4.30 4.00 3.90 3.50 3.60 3.80 3.70 3.80 3.80 3.94
1912 4.00 4. 30 4.50 4. 70 5.00 4.80 4.50 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.60 4.90 4. 61
1913 4.90 5.40 5.60 5.90 5.90 5.80 5.60 5.20 5.40 5.50 5.50 5.80 5.54
1914 5.60 6.00 6. 10 6. 10 6.00 5.70 5.70 5.80 5.80 5.50 5.70 5.80 5.82
1915 5.80 5.50 5.60 5.70 6.00 5.80 6.00 5.90 5.80 6.00 5.80 5.70 5.80
1916.... 5.70 5.80 6.30 6.50 6.90 6.90 6.50 6.30 6.40 6.20 6.50 6.40 6.37
1917.... 6.90 7.40 7.40 8.10 7.90 8.20 7.50 7.80 7.50 7.80 7.40 8.60 7. 71
1918.... 8.30 7.80 8.50 8.90 9.80 9.50 8.70 8.50 8.90 8.70 8. 30 8.50 8.70
1919.... 9.00 9. 40 9.70 9.70 9.60 8.60 8.60 9.10 8.00 7.70 7.80 7.60 8.73
1920... . 8.30 7.70 7.50 8. 30 7.90 8.10 7.80 7. 10 6.60 6.80 5.80 5.40 8.28
1921.... 5.50 5.30 5. 30 5. 40 5.40 4.70 4.70 4. 10 3.90 4. 00 4.00 4.00 4. 69
1922 4.00 4.30 4.80 4.80 5.20 4.90 4.70 4.40 4.30 4.20 4.20 4. 10 4. 49
1923.... 4.30 , 4.40 4.50 5.00 4.40 4.50 4.30 4. 00 4. 30 4.00 3. 80 4. 30 4. 32
1924.... 4.40 4.30
4.30 1 4.80 4.20 4.50 4.30 4.20 4.00 4. 10 4. 10 4.00 4. 00 4.20 4.19
1925.... 5.60 5.40 5.20 4.90 4.60 4.60 4.70 4.90 5.10 5.00 4.92
1910 3.90 4.00 3.80 4.70 4.60 , 4.60 4.40 4.20 3.90 4.00 4.00 3.90 4. 17
1911 3.80 3. 90 3.80 4.00 3.90 3. 70 3. 50 3.60 3.50 3.60 3.50 3. 70 3. 71
1912 3. 70 3. 90 3. 80 4. 40 4.70 1 4. 30 4.20 4.70 4. 30 4. 40 4.30 4. 40 4.26
1913.... 4.60 4.50 4.90 5.20 5. 10 5. 10 5.00 4.80 5.00 5.30 5. 30 5.20 5.00
1914.... 5. 30 5. 10 5. 50 5.70 5.60 1 5.60 5.70 5.60 5.50 5.50 5.20 5. 40 5.48
1915 5.40 5.40 5.50 5.50 5.50 5. 60 5.70 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.52
1916 5.40 5.40 5.70 6. 10 6. 10 6. 10 6.00 5. 80 5.90 5.80 6.00 5. 70 5.83
1917.... 6.00 6.40 7.00 7.60 7.60 7.50 6.80 7.20 7.20 7.00 7. 10 7.00 7.03
1918 7.20 7.40 7.40 8.20 8.40 8.70 8.20 7.10 6.90 7.50 7.30 7. 10 7.62
1919... . 7. 40 7. 60 8.00 8.30 8.40 8.00 8.20 8. 10 7.70 7.70 7.60 7.50 7.88
1920 8.20 7.70 7.80 7. 70 7.00 7.80 7.50 7.30 7.40 6.90 6.50 5.80 7.30
1921.... 5.80 5.50 5. 40 5. 40 5.20 4.90 4.60 4.50 4. 30 4. 10 4. 10 3.60 4.78
1922 3.80 4. 10 4.50 4.60 4.80 4. 70 4. 40 4.10 4. 10 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.31
1923 4. 10 4.20 4. 50 4. 70 4.50 , 4. 30 4. 30 4.00 4.00 4.00 4. 30 4.20 4.26
1924.... 4. 10 4. 10 4. 30 4.20 4.50 4. 30 4. 10 4.20 4.00 3.80 4.20 3.90 4. 14
1925.... 4.10 4.00 4.50 4.70 5.00 | 5.10 5.20 4.50 4.70 4. 70 4. 40 4.90 4.65
1910.... 5. 90 5.10 5.80 7.00 5.40 6.00 5.20 5.00 6.00 4.80 4. 70 5.54
1911.... 4.70 5.50 5.60 5.50 5.20 5.80 5.00 4.50 4.60 4.50 5.00 5.60 5.04
1912.... 4.80 5.00 5. 30 5.70 6.10 5. 80 5.50 6. 60 6.20 6.40 5.50 6. 10 5.75
1913.... '6.20 6.50 6.80 6.70 7.00 6.90 6. 60 6.70 6. 50 6.80 7.00 6.50 6.68
1914.... 6.50 6.60 U90 6.30 6.70 6.80 6.90 6.50 6.70 6.90 6.70 6.70 6.68
1915.... 6. 10 6.20 6.50 6.70 6.80 6.60 6. 70 6.60 6.70 6.30 6. 30 6.20 6.48
1916.... 6.30 6.50 6.60 7.40 7.00 7.60 7.10 6.60 7.30 7.00 7.80 7.10 7.02
1917.... 7.80 8.00 1 8.60 9.60 10. 30 9. 60 9. 30 9.00 8.50 8.50 8.90 8.20 8. 86
1918.... 8. 40 9.80 ! 9. 60 10.70 10.70 11.50 10.00 9.30 9.00 10.00 9. 50 9.50 9.83
1919 9.00 10. 10 i 10.50 11.90 12.20 11.70 9. 50 8.70 8.40 9. 10 9.10 8.90 9.92
1920 9. 30 10. 10 9.60 10.60 10.90 10.80 10.00 9.50 8.00 7.30 7.50 6.00 9. 13
1921 6.00 5.70 5.90 6.10 6.10 6.00 5.50 5.40 4.80 4.80 4.40 4. 40 5.42
1922.... 5.20 5.30 5.70 5.90 5.80 6.00 6.00 5.90 5.00 5.00 5.10 5.30 5. 52
1923 5.40 6.00 5.70 6. 30 6.30 6.40 6.00 6.50 5. 90 5.70 5.00 5.30 5.88
1924.... 5.00 5.20 5. 40 6.20 6. 10 6.00 5.70 5.50 5.60 5.30 5. 40 5.50 5.58
1925.... 6.20 5.80 | 5.90 6. 40 6.60 6. 30 5.90 6.20 6.00 6. 30 6.00 5.60 6.10
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average -price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 5.20 5.30 5.30 6.00 5. 10 4.30 4. 70 4.60 4. 80 5.50 4.20 4.70 4.98
1911. 4. 40 4.60 5.00 5.10 5.00 5.00 5. 10 4. 60 4. 40 4. 30 4. 30 4.60 4.70
1912.... 4.20 4.70 4.90 4.90 5. 20 5.20 5.00 5.50 5.60 5.60 5. 30 5.70 5.15
1913.... 5.40 6.00 5.90 6. 10 6. 30 6.10 6. 30 6.20 6. 30 6. 10 6. 10 6.10 6. 08
1914.... 6. 10 6. 10 6. 30 6.50 6.20 6.00 6. 00 6. 10 6.00 5.70 5. 60 5.80 6.03
1915 5. 80 6.00 5. 70 5.90 5.90 5.90 5. 70 5.50 5.50 5. 30 5. 40 5. 40 5.67
1916 5.40 5.70 6.00 6.80 6. 70 6. 30 6. 40 6.00 6. 10 5. 90 5.90 5.90 6.09
1917 6. 30 7. 30 8.10 8.10 8.80 8.10 7.60 7.00 7. 50 7. 30 7.50 7. 70 7. 61
1918.... 7. 70 7.80 8.50 9. 40 9. 40 9.30 9. 10 8. 40 9.00 9. 10 9. 10 8.90 8.81
1919.... 9.50 9. 50 10.60 10. 20 10.70 9.80 8.70 7.80 7.80 8.00 7.60 8.60 9.07
1920.... 8.20 9.00 8. 90 8.90 9.00 8.80 8,40 7.50 7.50 7.40 6.00 5.80 7.95
1921.... 6.00 6.00 6. 10 5.70 5.70 5. 70 5.10 5. 10 4.90 4.70 4. 40 4. 20 5. 30
1922 4.50 5.40 5. 60 5.60 5.80 6.40 5.70 5.50 5.00 5.00 5. 10 4.70 5. 36
1923.... 5. 40 5. 30 5. 40 5. 40 6.10 5.50 5.30 5.20 5.20 5. 10 4. 80 4. 40 5.26
1924.... 5.00 4.90 5.30 5.70 5.90 5.50 5.00 5.30 5. 10 5.10 4.90 4.70 5.20
1925._.. 5.00 5.20 5.70 5.60 6.00 6.00 5.40 5.60 5.40 5.30 5.30 5.30 5. 48
1910.... 5.30 5.10 4.90 6.40 4.60 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.60 5.50 5.20 6.00 5. 13
1911.... 5.10 5.50 4.80 4.80 5.00 4. CO 3.50 4.80 5.00 4.50 4.50 4. 30 4. 65
1912.... 4.10 5.00 5.60 5.80 5. 50 5.70 5. 50 5.20 5.80 5.80 6.00 5.80 5.48
1913.... 5.90 5. 60 6.10 6.50 6.60 6.30 6.50 6. 00 6.20 6. 60 6.20 6.60 G. 26
1914.... 7.00 6. 80 6.80 6.90 7.00 7. 40 7. 30 7.80 7. 10 7.00 6.50 6.40 7. CO
1915.... 6.70 6. 90 6.40 6.60 6.50 6.20 7. 0O 7.20 6.80 6.60 6.20 6.20 8. 01
1916.... 6.60 7.10 7.20 7. 50 7.90 7. 70 7.60 7.10 7. 10 7.00 6.90 7.30 7. 25
1917.... 7.30 8. 40 9.40 9.90 10.20 8.80 9.40 9.00 10.50 8. CO 9.30 9.40 9. 18
1918.... 9.20 10.00 9.90 10.20 11.20 11.90 11.30 10.80 12.00 10. GO 10.80 10.30 10.68
1919.... 11.40 11.70 12.20 12.60 12.10 12.10 10.40 10.60 10.10 9. CO 9.50 8.80 10.88
1920.... 9.50 10.10 10.70 10.30 10.50 11.00 11.00 9.40 8. 30 8.00 7.80 7. 10 9. 48
1921 6.20 0.00 0. 60 7. 30 6.70 7.00 6.20 7.00 6.40 5.60 5.20 5. 40 6. 34
1922 5.30 5.70 6.20 6.30 6.50 7.30 7. 00 6. 30 6.10 6.40 5.80 5.60 6.21
1923.... 6.00 6.40 7.00 6.50 5.90 6.50 6.40 6.30 6.50 5.50 5. 50 6.00 6. 21
1924.... 6.00 6.40 6.00 7.00 6.80 6.50 6. 00 5.60 5.20 5. 30 5.00 5.00 5. eo
1925.... 5.70 5.00 6.00 6.60 6.90 7.00 6.00 6.70 7.00 6.00 6.80 6.70 6. 37
1910 5.70 6.00 4.80 6.00 5. 80 6.20 5. 50 4.60 4. 50 4.90 4.50 4. 20 5.22
1911 5.00 5. 00 5. 00 5. 00 4 90 5. 00 4.80 4.40 4. 70 4.00 4.60 4. 60 4.75
1912 4.80 4. 90 5. 20 5. 70 6. 00 5. 90 5. 70 5. 40 5. 60 5. 80 5. 50 6. 10 5. 55
1913 6.00 6. 10 6. 30 6. 50 6. 90 6.70 6. 70 6. 50 6. 30 6.30 6. 70 6.60 6.47
1914 6. 50 6.90 6. 70 6. 90 6. 90 7.00 7. 00 6. 50 6.70 6.00 6. 30 6. 50 6.66
1915 6.60 6.70 6. 60 6. 50 00 7. 00 6.60 • 6.60 6. 20 6. 20 6.30 6. 00 6. 52
1916 6. 30 6. 50 6.70 7. 00 7 10 7.40 7. 50 7. 30 6.70 6. 60 6.60 7.10 6.90
1917 7.80 7.80 8.40 9. 30 9. 30 10.20 10.00 8. 50 8. 70 9.00 8.80 8.80 8.88
1918 8.60 9. 50 9. 90 11.00 12 40 11.80 11.00 10.90 9. 00 9. 20 9. 90 9. 90 10. 26
1919 11.00 11. 10 11.20 12.20 12. 00 11.80 10.50 10.50 9. 20 9.20 9.00 8. 70 10.53
1920 9.00 8.90 9.20 9. 20 9. 40 10.00 9. 50 8.80 8.70 6.70 7.20 6.20 8.57
1921 6.30 5. 60 6. 90 6. 40 ' 10 5.80 5.80 5. 40 4. 60 4.50 4. 60 4.60 5. 55
1922 4.90 5. 50 5. 80 6.00 ' 20 6. 40 6. 30 5.80 5.70 5.60 5. 50 5. 70 5.78
1923 5.80 5.70 6.20 6.30 ' 50 6.50 6.40 6. 70 6.00 5.30 5.30 5.20 5. 91
1924 6.00 5.60 6.00 6.40 ' 50 6. 40 6.20 5. 60 5. 70 5. 30 5.00 5. 50 5. 85
1925 5.60 5. 60 6.80 7.80 6. 90 7.10 6.80 7.10 6. 30 6. 90 6. 40 6.20 6.62
1910 4.80 4. 50 5.00 6.30 5.80 5.30 5.00 5.50 6.20 6. 10 5.00
1911 4. 40 4. 50 5. 10 4. 90 4. 90 4. 90 4.90 4. 30 4. 10 4. 20 4.00 4. 10 4. 52
1912 4. 30 4. 20 5.00 5. 40 5. 30 5. 50 5.20 5.40 5.60 5. 30 6. 50 5. 10 5.23
1913 5.40 5. 30 6.00 5.90 5. 50 6.30 5.80 5.90 5. 90 6. 00 6.20 6. 10 5. 86
1914 6. 20 6. 10 6. 30 6. 50 6.90 7. 50 7.00 6. 40 6.00 6. 00 6.00 6. 30 6.43
1915 6. 60 6. 50 6.40 6.30 6.50 6.80 6. 30 6.80 6.50 6.20 6. 80 6. 70 6.53
1916 6. 40 6.10 6. 20 6. 40 6.50 6.50 6 80 6 20 6. 90 6.20 6.60 6. 50 6.44
1917 6. 50 7. 30 8. 20 8.00 8.70 S.40 8.20 7. 80 8. 10 8. 30 8. 70 9. 50 8. 14
1918 8. 30 7.90 8.80 11.00 12. 50 10.50 12. 20 10.40 9.70 9.90 10.00 7. 70 9.91
1919 9.30 10.00 10.00 11.50 11.30 11.00 10. 60 10.00 10.00 9. 30 8. 40 8.80 10.02
1920 9. 40 8.70 9.80 10.00 8.80 9.20 8. 90 8. 50 8. 50 8. 70 7. 30 7.20 8.75
1921 6. 50 6.00 6.40 6. 50 6.00 5.60 5.00 5. 20 4. 70 4. 50 4. 70 4. 30 5. 45
1922 4.20 4. 70 5.50 5. 50 5.20 5. 70 6.60 6.00 5. 20 4.60 4.60 4.70 5.21
1923 6.00 5. 60 5. 60 5.00 5. 60 5. 50 5.00 5.00 4.70 4.60 4.00 4.20 5. 07
1924 4.00 4.40 4. 40 4.60 5.00 5. 10 5.00 4.50 4.20 4.•60 . 5.00
1925 4.70 5.00 6. 30 5.80 5.20 6. 30 4. 70 4. 40 4.60
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15
Dolls. ' Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
7.00 6.00 6. 30 6.20 5.40
4.60 5. 30 4. 80 5. 00 4. SO 4. 40 4. 40 5. 20 4. 50 4. 00 4. 20
4.20 5. 30 4. 60 5. 50 6.30 5. 10 5. 10 5. 00 5. 50 4. 80 5. 50 5. 00
~6.0 160 5. 70 5.50 6. 00 5.90 5. 60 6. 30 5.80 6. 00 5. SO 6. 00 6.50
6. 10 6. 50 6.20 6. 20 6. 10 6. 20 6. 20 6. 10 6. 00 6. 10 6. 10
6. SO 6. 40 6. 20 6. 00 6.00 6. 40 6. 00 6. 30 5. GO 6. 00 6. 10 6. 00
6. 20 5.90 6. 00 6. 60 6.90 6. 70 6. 60 6. 80 6. 10 5. 80 6.10 6. 40
6. SO 6. 90 9.10 9. 40 9.60 9. 40 8.50 5. 00 8. 20 7. 50 7. 70 8.80
8. 30 8. 60 8. 60 8. 80 9. 60 9.60 9. 00 9. 50 9. 50 S. 70 7. 90 8. 70
!l. SO 10. 40 J 1.00 10. 90 10.90 10.00 8. 80 9. 30 8.30 8. 20 8. 00 8.00
8. GO 11.00 10. 20 9.80 9.00 10.00 5. 70 9. 30 S.30 S. 20 7. 70 7. 40
7.00 7.00 7.50 7.60 7. 00 6.20 6. 20 6. 20 5. 00 5. 00 5. 00 4. 70
5. 00 5. 20 5. 70 6.70 5. 70 5. 70 5.60 5. 70 5. 70 5. 00 5. 00 5. 20
4. 90 5. 30 5. 30 5.30 6.40 5.40 6.00 5. 10 5. 30 5.50 5.40 5. 10
5. 50 5. 40 5. 80 5. B0 5. sO 5. 60 5. 40 5. 40 5. 20 6.60 5.00 4. 70
4.90 5. 80 5.50 6. SO 6.50 6. 20 5.60 5. 70 5. 30 5. 50 5. 70 5. 10
1910.... 6.20 5.00 4.60 7.00 6.50 6. 10 6.00 5.40 4.90 5.50 5.50 4.50 5.60
1911.... 5.00 4.20 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.30 3.90 4.00 3.80 4.20 3.80 3.70 4.28
1912.... 4.30 4.30 4.40 4. 30 4.80 5.00 4.80 5.00 4.90 4.80 5.00 4.80 4. 70
1913 5. 10 5.80 6. 10 6.00 6.10 6.50 6.10 6.00 6.00 5.90 5. 80 6.30 5.98
1914 6. 10 6.00 6. 10 6. 10 6.00 6.00 6. 10 6.00 5.80 5.80 5.50 5.60 5.92
1915 5.80 5.80 6. 10 6.00 6. 10 6.20 6. 30 6. 30 5.80 5. 70 5.90 5.40 5.95
1916 5.60 5.90 6.00 6. 30 6. 70 6.70 6.70 6. 30 6.00 5.90 6. 10 6.00 6.18
1917.... 6.80 7.00 8.20 8.50 8.90 8.90 8. 40 8.00 8. 10 8.00 7.90 7.90 8.05
1918 7.70 8.50 9.40 9. 30 10. 40 10.00 9.70 9. 50 9.50 9.40 9. 10 9.50 9.33
1019 9. 70 9.90 9. 70 11.10 11.10 10. 30 9. 80 8.80 8. 20 7. 10 7.60 7.40 9.22
1020 8.20 8. 30 9.10 8.70 8.50 8.50 8.30 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 7.88
1921.... 6.00 5.90 5.70 5.70 6.00 5.60 5.50 5.00 4.70 4.50 4.60 4.60 5.32
1922.... 4. 70 5.00 5. 50 5.50 5. 50 6.00 6.00 5. 20 5. 20 5.50 5. 10 5.10 5. 36
1923.... 5.70 5.60 5. 30 5. 30 5.70 5.60 5.40 5.40 5.00 4.90 4.90 5.00 5. 32
1924.... 5.50 5.70 5.90 6.20 6.30 6. 10 6.00 5.60 5.20 5.00 4 90 4.90 5. 61
1925.... 5.40 5. 30 5. 70 5.60 6.20 6.00 5.70 5. 20 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.90 5.65
1910 4. 50 3.50 3.60 6.20 4.50 4.70
1911 5. 60 5. 10 5. 50 6.00 6.20 5.60 7. 30 6.00 4. 50 4.70 5.00
1912 4.80 5.00 5.50 5.70 5. 50 5.60 5.00 5.50 6.00 5.70 5. 50 6. 10 5.49
1913 6. 10 7.00 7.50 8.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.70 6. 10 6.20 6.00 6.30 6. 58
1914 6.50 6.50 6.60 6.80 6.80 6.50 6. 30 6. 10 6.80 7.00 6.00 6. 20 6.51
1915 6.50 6. 30 6. 30 6. 10 6. 30 6. 10 6.20 5.90 5.90 6. 10 5.80 6.20 6.14
1916 5.80 6. 30 7. 30 6. 50 6.70 6.60 6.50 6.00 5.90 5.80 7.00 6.40 6. 40
1917 6.90 7.60 8.40 8.60 8.60 8.60 7.90 7.70 7.80 8. 10 8.00 8.00 8.02
1918 8.40 8.80 9. 50 10. 30 11.10 11.00 10. 30 10.00 8. 40 9.00 9.50 10.00 9.69
1919 11.00 11.40 11.60 10. 30 11.00 10.80 9.20 8. 20 8.70 8.60 8.70 9.00 9.88
1920 9.80 11.00 9.90 9.60 9.30 9.00 8.80 7.80 7.20 7.00 7.00 6.00 8.53
1921 7.00 7.00 6.90 6. 50 6.70 7.00 6.00 6.00 5.20 5.00 5. 50 5.40 6. 18
1922 5.60 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 6. 70 6. 50 6. 10 6.00 6.00 6. 50 6.53
1923.... 6.60 6.50 6. 10 6.40 6.50 5.60 5.00 5. 70 6.20 5.90 5.60
1924 6. 00 6. 50 6. 70 7.00 6.50 6.50 6.00 5.40 5. 30 5.20 5. 50
1925.... 6.00 5.90 7.70 6.60 7.00 6. 40 6.20 7.20 6. 30 7.00 6.60 6.70 6.63
1910—. 4.60 4.60 4. 30 5.70 5.40 5.40 5. 30 4. 50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.40
1911 4.60 5. 10 5.40 5. 30 5.20 4.80 4.90 5. 30 4.60 4.80 4.80 4.80
1912.... 4.80 5.00 5. 10 5.20 5. 30 5. 50 5.50 5.60 5. 50 5.90 5.80 6.20
1913.... 6. 30 6. 20 6.90 6. 70 6.80 7.00 6.70 6.90 6. 70 6.60 6.40 6.70
1914.... 6.80 6.60 6.50 6.80 7.00 6.60 6.30 6. 60 6.20 6.00 6.20 6.10
1915.... 6. 40 6.00 6.20 6. 20 6. 30 6. 20 5.80 5.80 5. 50 5.40 5.40 5.30
1916.... 6.00 5.90 6. 20 7.00 7. 30 6. 50 6. 20 6.00 6.00 5.70 5. 60 5.70
1917.... 6.20 7. 30 8. 10 8.50 9.00 8.60 8.00 7.40 6.90 7. 20 7.00 7.50
1918.... 7. 50 8. 00 8. 70 9. 40 10.80 9.40 8.30 8.60 8.-50 8.50 8.00 8.50
1919.... 8.70 9.30 9.60 10.20 10. 10 9.20 8. 10 8.30 7.80 8. 10 7.80 8. 20
1920.... 8. 60 8.50 8.70 9.00 9.20 8. 50 7.80 7.60 7.30 6.90 5. 90 6.00
1921 6.00 6.40 6.40 6.00 5.90 5.50 5.00 4.90 4.90 4.60 4.40 4.60
1922 5.00 5.60 5. 80 6. 10 6.40 6. 50 5.50 4.90 5. 10 4.70 5.50 4.60
1923.... 4.90 5.20 5.50 5.50 6.30 5. 10 5.20 5. 10 5.00 5. 10 5. 00 4.60
1924.... 5.40 5.40 5. 70 6.00 6. 30 6.00 5.60 5. 20 5.50 5.50 5. 70 5.60
1925 5.80 5.60 6.50 6.60 6.50 6.30 6.00 6.60 6.30 5.90 5.60 5.80
Table 62.—Beef cattle: Estimated average -price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910.-.. 4. 30 5.30 5. 10 5.70 6.00 5. 10 5. 30 5.60 5.30 4.30 4.50 4.60 5. 09
1911 5.20 5.60 5.50 5.30 5.80 5.20 4.80 5. 10 4.90 4.70 5. 10 4.70 5. 16
1912.... 4.90 5. 10 5.50 5.60 5.50 5. 40 5.50 5. 40 6.00 6. 10 6.00 6. 10 5.59
1913.... 6. 70 6.50 6.60 6.80 6.90 7.00 6.50 6.30 6.50 6.70 6.40 6.50 6.62
1914.... 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.70 6.60 6.70 6.20 6. 10 6. 10 6.20 6. 10 6.50 6. 42
1915.... 6.40 6.40 6.20 6. 40 6.40 6.20 5.90 5.60 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.40 5. 95
1916.... 5.80 6.00 6. 10 7.00 7.00 6. 40 6. 40 6.30 6.10 6.00 6. 10 6.00 6. 27
1917.... 6.40 7. 40 8.30 8.30 8.70 8.50 7.50 7.00 7.60 7.30 7.90 7. 70 7. 72
1918.... 7.70 8.70 9.30 9.30 10.20 11.00 8.50 8.80 9.00 9.40 9.30 8.90 9.18
1919.... 9.70 9.30 9.80 10.20 9.90 9.80 8.60 9. 40 10.20 9. 10 8. 10 7.60 9. 31
1920 8.80 '9.60 9.60 9. 50 9.80 8.60 8.20 8.60 7. 40 7.00 6.00 7.00 8.34
1921.... 7.00 7.00 6.50 6.20 6.50 6.00 6.00 5.20 5.00 5.00 4.50 5.20 5.84
1922 5.70 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.50 7.00 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.50 5.20 5.20 5.88
1923.... 5.50 5.40 5.70 5.70 6. 30 6. 30 6.00 5.20 5.80 4.80 5.70 5.00 5.62
1924.... 5.20 5.80 5.60 6.00 6.30 6.50 6.20 6.00 5.80 5.80 6.00 5.50 5.89
1925.... 6.70 6.00 5.80 6.50 7.30 6.60 5.90 6.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.20 6.37
1910 5.30 5.30 5.80 5.70 5.20 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.61
1911 6.20 5.80 5.90 6. 10 6.50 5. 40 5.20 4.90 6.50 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.68
1912 5.20 5. 40 6.00 6. 40 5.70 5.50 5.50 5.90 5.50 5.60 5.70 6.30 5.72
1913 6.30 6.50 6.70 6.50 6.60 6.60 6. 30 6.70 6. 40 6.50 6.80 6.50 6.53
1914 6.70 6.90 6.80 6.80 6.60 6.60 6.50 6. 40 6.60 6.50 6.40 6.60 6.62
1915 6. 40 6.40 6. 30 6. 40 6.00 6.00 6. 10 6. 10 5.90 5.80 5.90 6.00 6. 11
1916 6.00 6. 10 6.30 6.80 6.40 6. 40 6.40 6.20 6. 10 6.00 6. 10 6.70 6.29
1917 7.20 7.50 8.10 8.50 8.40 7.90 8.30 7.70 8.30 8. 20 7.90
9.00 8.00 8.00
1918 8.30 8.80 9.30 9.80 10. 10 9. 50 9.40 9.20 9. 10 9. 10 9. 50 9.26
1919 10.00 10.90 10.90 10.80 11.00 9. 70 9.70 9.30 9.00 9.00 8.90 9.40 9.88
1920 10. 10 10.70 10.40 10.20 9.90 8.70 8.80 8.80 8. 30 8.30 8.30 8.30 9.23
1921 8.30 8. 10 7.50 7.20 6. 70 6.50 6.00 5.90 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.52
1922 5.80 6.20 6.70 6.90 7.00 6.50 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.38
1923 7. 10 6.60 6. 40 6.30 6. 10 6.00 5.70 6.00 5.90 6. 10 6. 10 6. 10 6.20
1924 6.60 7.00 7.50 7. 10 6.90 6.50 6.20 6.00 6.00 5.90 5.80 6.40 6.49
1925.... 6.30 6.80 6.70 7.20 7.10 7.50 6.90 6.50 6.70 6.50 6.60 6.80 6.80
1910.... 4. 71 4.64 4.87 5.31 5.23 5.20 4484 4.64 4.48 4.45 4.80
4.64 4.65
1911.... 4. 58 4. 57 4. 66 4. 67 4.59 4.43 4.28 4. 32 4.36 4. 37 4.47
4.39 4. 43
1912.... 4. 46 4. 61 4. 75 5. 15 5.36 5. 23 5.17 5.36 5.22 5.33 5.11
5.37 5. 35
1913.... 5.40 5.55 5.88 6.08 6. 01 6. 02 5.98 5. 91 5.92
6. 05 5.99 5.96 5.90
1914.... 6.04 6. 16 6.28 6.29 6. 33 6. 32 6. 38 6. 47
6.23 6.02 6.01 6.24
1915.... 5.99 5. 93 5.92 5. 96 6. 13 6.20 6. 07 6. 18 6.06
6.04 5. 85 5. 75 6. 01
1916 5.85 5.99 6.37 6.66 6.73 6.91 6. 78 6.37 6.44 6.56 6. 48
6.51 6. 55
1917 6.86 7.36 7.91 8. 57 8.70 8.65 8.30 8.17 8.40
8.35 8. 21 8.24 8.14
1918 8.33 8.55 8. 85 9.73 10. 38 10.40 10. 07 9.33 9. 14 9.28 9. 45
9.71 9. 63
1919.... 9. 65 10.02 10.34 10. 81 10.84 10.20 9.96 9.82 9.02
8.65 8.65 8.63 9. 72
1920 8.99 8.98 9.08 9.20 8.97 9.32 8.93 7.77 7. 15 6.36 8.47
8.56 8.29
1921 6.32 6.02 6. 36 6.08 5.98 5.65 5.40 4.81 i 4.69 4.62 5.52
5. 39 4.98
1922 4. 75 5. 07 5. 46 5. 53 5.70 5.84 5.76 5.48 ! 5.29 5.28 5.43
5. 51 5.44
1923 5.51 5.55 5.62 5.78 5. 77 5.82 5. 72 5.48 5.23 5.26 5.59
5.60 5.70
1924 5. 38 5. 47 5.63 5. 82 5.94 5.79 5.65 5.52 5. 43 5.35 5.60
5. 67 5.53
1925 5.63 5.69 6.18 6.55 6. 48 6.46 6.55 6.31 | 6. 14 6.18 6. 25
6.58 6.27
Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supple
ment monthly.
Table 63.— Calves, veal: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers in the United States, 1910-1925
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Weight-
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 average

Average: Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1914-1920 9.83 9.96 10.06 10. 10 9.85 10. 02 10.30 10. 32 10. 51 10. 35 10.01 9.89 10.11
1921-1925 8. 30 8.53 8.55 7.98 7. 80 7.77 7.88 7.94 8.25 8.38 8.00 7.94 8.09
1910 6.41 6.28 6.59 6.54 6. 30 6.57 6. 37 6.29 6.43 6. 41 6. 39 6.38 6.42
1011.... 6. 50 6. 38 6.48 5.96 5.68 5.72 5.74 5. 93 6.11 6. 15 6.10 5. 98 6.04
1912... 6.06 6. 07 6.11 6.22 6. 23 6. 33 6. 33 6. 62 6.83 6.90 6. 77 6.88 6.45
1913 7.06 7.23 7. 49 7.38 7.17 7.53 7.46 7. 53 7. 73 7. 72 7. 70 7. 74 7.48
1914 7.89 7.90 7.92 7.68 7.59 7.69 7. 80 8.08 8.06 7. 97 7.78 7. 61 7.83
1915 7.66 7. 62 7.50 7. 31 7.35 7.53 7.87 7.75 7. 80 7. 91 7.69 7. 61 7.63
1916 7. 67 7.87 8.11 8.00 8.08 8.39 8.54 8.59 8.77 8.59 8.60 8. 79 8.35
1917 9. 15 9.88 9.94 10.49 10. 48 10.60 10. 77 10.56 11.08 11. 10 10.66 10.98 10.51
1918 11. 16 11. 17 11.33 11.71 11.62 11.88 12.33 12.22 12. 57 12. 35 11.94 12.31 11.91
1919 12.39 12. 18 12. 65 12.78 12.11 12. 40 13. 38 13.43 13. 39 12.87 12.65 12.67 12.76
1920.... 12.89 13. 12 12.98 12. 72 11.69 11.68 11. 44 11.64 11.88 11.64 10. 77 9.27 11.80
1921 9.34 9. 08 9. 05 7.73 7. 55 7. 43 7. 37 7.31 7. 67 7. 61 7. 20 7. 14 7. 81
1922 7.23 7.84 7.85 7.26 7. 28 7. 67 7. 49 7. 67 8. 10 8. 17 7. 92 7.78 7.68
1923 8.05 8. 37 8.20 7. 78 7. 69 7.66 8.00 8.00 8. 34 8. 37 7.85 7. 75 7.99
1924 8. 36 8. 51 8.43 8. 33 8. 14 7. 91 7.88 7.94 8.09 8. 22 7. 89 7.84 8.12
1925 8.50 8.87 9. 21 8.80 8.35 8. 18 8. 65 8.80 9. 07 9. 52 9. 16 9. 17 8.85
Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supple
ment monthly.
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 7. 50 7. 00 8. 20 7. 40 8. 00 8. 50 8. 20 7. 80 8. 10 7. 90 8.00 9.00 7. 97
1911 8. 10 8. 50 7. 20 7.50 7. 00 6. 70 6.30 7. 00 7.00 6. 90 7. 10 7. 00 7. 19
1912 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7. 30 7. 00 7. 40 8.00 7.80 7.60 8.00 7. 80 7. 80 7. 60
1913 7. 90 8.00 8. 00 8. 40 7.70 8. 50 7. 50 7.70 7.90 8.00 8.20 8. 20 8.00
1914 8. 90 8. 70 8. 70 7. 80 7. 80 8. 10 8. 30 9.50 8. 80 8. 70 8.70 8. 60 8.55
1915 8. 70 8.50 8. 70 8. 40 8. 00 8. 50 8. 50 8. 60 8.40 8. 30 8. 20 8.60 8.45
1916 8.10 8. 60 9. 00 8. 90 8. 60 9. 20 9.30 9. 00 9. 50 9. 50 9.50 9. 60 9. 07
1917 9. 80 10. 90 10.80 11.30 11.50 11.50 11.80 12. 70 12. 30 12. 10 12. 40 12.70 11.65
1918 12.50 13. 60 13. 10 13. 50 12. 90 13. 70 13. 10 13.60 14. 30 13. 70 13. 70 14. 10 13. 48
1919 13. 80 13. 90 14. 40 14. 50 13. 20 13. 50 13. 80 14. 80 14. 70 14.80 14. 30 14. 20 14. 16
1920 14. 40 14. 40 14. 30 14. 00 13. 00 13. 00 13.00 13. 60 14.00 13.20 12. 60 12.00 13. 46
1921 11.60 11.90 11. 60 10. 50 9. 60 10.00 9. 40 9. 80 9. 70 9.70 9. 80 9.40 10.25
1922 9.60 9.60 10.50 9. 70 8. 50 8. 80 8. 70 9. 30 9. 90 10. 10 10. 30 9.70 9. 56
1923.... 10.20 9. 00 9.40 9. 70 9.90 9.10 10.00 9. 50 10. 10 9. 80 9. 50 9.00 9.60
1924.... 10. 50 11. 30 10. 40 10. 90 10. 00 9. 70 10.00 9. 80 9. 50 10. 00 9. 80 9.60 10.12
1925.... 10. 50 10. 90 11.20 11.50 10.50 9.20 10. 50 9. 80 9. 90 11.60 10. 50 11.00 10. 59
1910 6.70 6. 50 7. 70 7.70 7. 70 7. 50 7.50 8. 00 7.70 7. 20 7.00 7.00 7.35
1911 6.80 7. 10 6. 80 7. 40 7.50 6. 10 7. 00 7. 00 7. 00 6. 80 6. 50 7. 00 6. 92
1912 7.00 7. 00 7. 60 7. 50 7. 10 7. 20 7. 40 7. 50 7. 70 7. 70 7. 80 8.20 7. 48
1913 7. 60 7. 90 7. 80 8. 10 8. 00 8.10 8. 30 8. 00 7.80 8.20 8. 60 9.00 8. 12
1914 8. 30 8.50 8. 80 8. 50 8. 90 8. 40 8. 40 9. 00 9. 00 8.40 8.00 8. 70 8. 58
1915 9. 00 8. 50 8.60 8. 70 8. 40 8.30 9. 00 8. 80 8. 20 9.60 9. 30 8.40 8. 73
1916 8.30 8. 50 8. 50 8.60 9.00 9. 40 9.50 9. 20 10. 00 10.00 10.70 10.20 9. 32
1917 9.60 10.50 11.60 11.20 11.50 12. 00 12.90 12. 80 13.40 12. 60 12. 30 13. 30 11.98
1918 13.00 14. 00 13. 30 14. 00 13. 80 14. 90 14. 20 14. 00 14. 80 14. 90 14. 30 13. 30 14.04
1919 14. 70 14.40 14. 50 15. 30 14. 20 14. 40 15. 20 15. 80 15. 80 15.60 15.00 15. 20 15. 01
1920 15. 20 ]6. 10 15. 60 15. 80 15. 40 14. 10 14. 20 15. 10 14. 80 15.00 15. 30 12. 10 14.89
1921 13. 80 13.00 12.00 11.60 10.80 10.80 9. 10 10. 50 10. 50 9.70 10. 50 10.10 11.03
1922 10. 20 10. 60 10. 70 10.20 9. 20 9. 50 9. 60 9. 50 9. 80 9. 80 9.90 10.20 9.93
1923 11.00 11. 00 10.00 10.50 10. 90 10.60 9. 70 10. 40 10. 00 11.30 9. 70
1924 10.00 11.00 11.00 10.00 9.70 9. 60 9. 40 10. 20 10.80 10.50 10.20
1925 11.30 11.00 9. 50 10. 30 11.30 10. 60 10. 50 10.60 11.00 "lifao0 10.90
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910- ... 6. 60 6. 10 6. 10 6. 80 7.00 6.40 6.30 6. 50 6. 30 6. 50 7. 10 7.00 6.56
1911 7.00 6.40 6. 40 5. 90 5.20 5. 50 5. 50 6. 00 5. 90 6. 90 6.50 5. 90 6. 09
1912 6. 50 6. 80 6. 30 6. 40 6.40 6.50 6. 70 6. 30 6. 70 6. SO 7. 00 7.10 6. 62
1913 6.80 7. 00 7.10 7. 00 7.00 7.00 6. 80 7.50 7. 70 7. 30 8. 00 7.90 7.26
1914 7. 60 7. 60 7. 60 7.40 7. 10 7. 50 8. 00 8. 00 7. 80 8.00 7. 60 8.00 7. 68
1915 7.60 7.60 7.40 7. 50 7.20 7.60 8. 00 8. 20 8.30 7. 90 8. 20 7.80 7. 78
1916 8. 00 8. 20 8. 50 8.00 8.00 8. 50 8. 70 9. 20 9. 10 9. 20 9. 10 9. 60 8.68
1917 9.50 9.80 9. 90 10.30 10. 40 11. 10 12. 40 11.00 12. 20 12. 10 11.80 12. 20 11.06
1918 12.20 12. 20 12. 50 12. 40 12.70 13. 20 13. 50 14. 00 14. 00 13. 80 13. 40 13.30 13. 10
1919 13. 60 13. 80 14.00 13. 90 13.20 13. 90 14. 50 15. 30 15. 40 15.50 14.60 14. 70 14. 37
1920 14. 90 16. 00 15. 30 14.80 13. 30 13.00 13. 10 12.50 13. 40 12. 70 11.40 10. 80 13. 43
1921 11.20 11.30 10. 50 7.80 8. 20 8.00 7.10 7.70 7. 60 8. 50 8.40 8.80 8.76
1922 8. 40 9.00 9.00 7. 60 7. 70 8. 30 8. 20 8. 20 8. 90 9. 00 9.60 9. 40 8. 61
1923 9. 20 9. 20 9. 30 8. 40 8. 10 8.30 8.50 9. 20 9. 10 9. 20 9.50 9. 50 8.96
1924 9.80 9. 40 9. 20 8. 80 8.50 8. 20 8. 50 9. 40 9. 00 9. 50 9. 10 9. 20 9.05
1925 10. 30 10. 20 9. 20 10.10 10.00 9.10 9. 30 9. 50 10. 00 10.50 11.50 10. 30 10. 00
1910 6. 00 7. 50 8.00 7.80 8.50 9. 00 8. 20 7.80
1911 9. 00 7. 50 8.80 8. 00 9.00 8. 50 7.70 9. 00 9.00 8.00 7. 50
1912 7.00 7. 00 8. 00 9. 50 8.00 8. 50 8. 10 9. 00 8.50 9. 20 9. 00 8.00 8.32
1913 9. 00 10.00 8. 80 9.00 9. 00 10.00 9. 50 9. 50 9. 70 9. 30 _ 9.30
1914 9. 50 9. 00 9.00 9. 40 9.00 9. 50 9.00 9.00 9.20 9. 20 "8.~80" 9.20 ""»."15
1915 8. 50 8. 90 8. 40 9. 50 8. 00 9. 10 9. 10 9. 20 8.70 8.90 9. 30 9. 40 8. 92
1916 8. 90 8. 80 9. 00 10. 00 10.00 9. 30 9. 80 10.40 9. 90 9. 70 9.90 9. 90 9.63
1917 10. 00 11. 10 11. 60 12. 10 12. 00 12. 30 13. 10 12.80 13. 60 12.60 13. 80 13. 70 12. 39
1918 13. 40 14. 50 13. 80 13. 80 14. 10 14. 70 14.80 15. 30 15. 60 16. 50 15.50 15.00 14. 75
1919 14. 50 13.40 16. 00 15.00 14. 50 15.20 15. 30 16.60 17. 10 16.60 16. 60 17. 00 15.65
1920 17.00 16.20 16.60 15. 10 14. 40 15.80 16.00 14. 70 16: 30 14. 70 15. 20 14. 70 15. 56
1921 13. 00 13. 10 13. 10 11.60 10.70 11.00 10. 60 11.80 10.90 11.70 12. 00 11. 20 11.72
1922 11. 30 11.00 11.20 10.30 9.80 9. 70 9. 90 9. 60 10.50 11. 50 11. 10 11. 10 10.58
1923 11. 80 10.40 11.50 10. 50 9. 90 11.00 10.60 10.20 11. 10 11.00 11.70 9. 10 10.73
1924.... 10.50 11.30 11. 50 11.20 11.50 11.00 10.60 10.60 10.30 10.80 10.30 10. 50 10.84
1925.... 11. 50 12. 00 11.60 11. 80 11.20 11.00 11.60 11. 00 11. 20 12. 50 11.60 11.40 11.53
1910 6.90 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.20 8. 50 8.00 7.60
1911 8.00 12.00 8.00
1912 7. 50 7.00 8.00 8.90 8. 10 8. 60 8.50 9.00 9.00 8.00 10. 50
1913 0Too0 10.00 8.30 8. 30 9.00 9.00 8. 80 10.00 10. 10 10.00 9.50 9.30 9. 19
1914 9.00 9.60 9.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 9. 50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.50 9. 76
1915 10. 50 9. 70 9.00 8.80 8.90 9. 20 9. 30 9. 20 10. 00 10.00 10.10 9.50 9. 52
1916 9.70 10.00 9.80 9.40 10.00 10.00 10 30 11.20 11.10 11.00 10. 60 10. 50 10. 30
1917 11.00 11.40 12.00 13.00 11.80 11.50 13. 00 12.70 14.00 14.60 14.80 16.00 12.98
1918 14.00 14.50 14.20 14.60 15. 60 15. 70 14. 60 16.00 16.00 16. 00 17.00 17. 50 15. 48
1919 17.00 16.00 16.00 16.80 16.00 15.60 17 20 17.50 17.00 17.00 15. 30 16.00 16. 45
1920 16. 50 16. 70 16.70 17.00 16.80 16. 30 16 00 16. 00 16.00 15. 40 17.20 12.30 16.08
1921 15.40 13.80 13.80 12.60 10.80 10.60 11 00 12. 20 11.00 12. 40 11.00 11.10 12. 14
1922 10. 40 11.10 11.10 10.30 10. 50 11.00 11 00 10.80 11.50 11.40 10. 80 10. 50 10. 87
1923 11.00 11.60 11.00 9.80 11.00 10.60 11 50 11.50 11.00 11.50 10.50 11.50 11.04
1924... . 12. 50 12.00 12.00 11.60 12.00 11.50 11 20 12.00 11.80 11.90 11.60 12.00 11.84
1925.... 12.00 12.20 11.70 12.60 12.60 11.90 11 80 13.00 13. 00 12. 40 11.60 13.00 12. 32
1910 |
1911 9.00 11.00 10. 30 8.00 8. 10 8. 50 8. 10 8. 70 8. 30 8. 10
1912 8.20 8. 00 7. 90 9.00 8.40 9.00 10.00 8. 50 10.00 8. 80 8. 80 9.20 8. 82
1913 8.60 9. 00 8. 50 9.00 9.30 9. 50 10.00 9. 50 9. 50 10. 10 10.00 9.50 9.38
1914.... 11.80 9. 70 10.20 10.00 9.60 10.00 9.70 10.00 10.00 11.00 10.20 10.00 10. 18
1915 10.00 10. SO 9.50 10.00 9.80 9.80 10.10 10. 20 10. 20 10.00 9.90
1916 11. CO 9.30 10. 90 10.00 10.50 10.00 10.30 10. 90 11.00 0ii.066" 11.00
1917.... 12.30 11. 50 10. 50 11.50 13.60 12. 50 12.60 15.60 13.60 15.00 13.00 14.70 13. 03
1918 14.80 14 00 13.80 13.80 15.00 13.90 16.50 15.00 16.00 17.00 16.00 16. 70 15. 21
1919 16.00 16. 00 16. 50 17. 10 17.00 17. 50 16. 10 16.60 18. 70 18.00 16.60 17. 70 16.98
1920 18.30 18 10 18. 50 18.20 16.80 17.00 17.50 17.50 16. 80 17.00 16. 40 14. 80 17.24
1921 14.00 14 80 13. 30 13. 40 12.50 12.00 10.80 11.40 11.40 11.00 11.50 11.00 12. 26
1922 10.70 11 00 10. 50 11.50 10.60 10.80 11.80 10.00 12.00 10. 10 11.50 11.20 10. 98
1923 ... 9.00 9 00 11.00 10. 50 10.60 11.60 11.40 11.30 12. 30 11.70 11.00
1924.... 11. 50 11 50 11.80 11.70 11.70 11.80 12.00 11.70 12.00 11.70 11.60 11.80 11.73
1925..- 11.50 12.20 12. 80 12. 30 12. 70 12.00 13.00 11.80 13.00 12.50 12.60 12.70 12.42

Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued
Year 15 Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910... . 7.30 7.60 7.60 8.00 7. 10 7. 70 7.70 7.90 8.20 8.00 8.40 7.90 7.78
1911 8.50 7.80 8.00 6.50 6.20 6.50 6.70 7. 40 7.40 8.00 7. 70 7. 70 7.37
1912 7.60 7.60 7.50 7.00 6.90 7.40 7.70 7.90 8. 30 8. 40 8. 50 8.60 7.78
1913.... 8. ro 9.00 9.00 8.60 8.20 9.00 9.20 9.30 9.70 9. 90 9.70 9.70 9. 18
1914 10.00 9.90 9.60 8.60 8.40 8.80 9.50 9.90 10.00 10.00 9.70 9.90 9.52
1915.... 9. 70 9.80 9. 30 8.00 8. 10 8.40 9.00 9.40 9.60 9. 80 9.80 9.60 9. 21
1916... . 9.60 9.60 9.70 8. 70 8.80 9.50 10.20 10.50 10.80 11.00 10.60 10.90 9.99
1917.... 11.40 12. 20 12.10 12.20 11.98 12. 40 13. 10 13.50 13.90 14.20 13. 70 13.60 12.85
1918.... 13.80 14.30 14.30 14.70 13.60 14.00 15.20 15. 40 16.10 16.50 15. 70 16. 10 14.98
1919.... 16. 20 15.40 15. 70 15.60 14.50 15.20 17. 10 18.00 18.40 17. 50 16.20 16.80 16. 38
1920 17.10 17.70 17. 50 16.40 13.80 14.20 15.00 15. 50 16.10 16. 10 14.80 13. 40 15.63
1921 13.20 12. 80 11.70 9. 10 9.00 9. 30 9. 70 9.90 10.00 11.00 10.40 10.60 10.56
1922 10.40 10. 70 10. 20 8. 60 8.20 9.00 9.80 10.50 11.20 11.70 11.00 10.90 10.18
1923 10.70 11.40 11. 10 9.80 9. 30 9. 70 10.60 10.70 11.00 11.40 11.50 10.90 10.68
1924 11.50 11.60 11.30 11.00 10.50 10.00 9.90 10. 30 10. 50 11.00 10.60 11.40 10.80
1925.... 12.00 11.50 11.50 10.90 9.70 10. 10 10.60 11.00 11.70 12. 30 12.00 12.20 11.29
1910.... 7.90 7.40 9. 60 7.70 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.50 8. 10 8.20 8. 00 8.07
1911 8. 30 8. 40 8. 40 8.80 7. 30 7.80 7. 50 7. 70 7.80 8.20 8.00 7. 80 8.00
1912 8. 10 8. 10 8. 10 8.10 8.00 9.00 8.50 8. 40 8.80 8. 70 8.60 8. 80 8.43
1913 8.80 9.00 8. 60 9.50 9.30 9.00 9.30 9. 50 10.10 10.00 9.90 a. 80 9.40
1914 10.00 9.90 10. 30 9. 70 9.80 10.00 10.00 10.20 10. 30 10.00 10.20 10 20 10.05
1915 10.10 10.00 10. 00 9.60 9. 50 9.50 9. 40 9. 50 10.20 10. 10 10.30 10. 10 9.86
1916.... 9.70 10. 10 10. 20 10.40 10. 40 10.50 10.60 11.00 11.90 11.40 11.50 12. 00 10.81
1917.... 12.00 12. 30 12. 10 13.20 13. 40 13. 10 13.20 14.20 14.70 14. 70 14.90 16. 40 13.68
1918.... 13.90 15.30 14. 50 15. 70 15. 40 15.60 16. 70 16.80 16.50 18.00 17.60 18. 00 16. 17
1919 18.00 16. 30 16 70 17.60 18.60 16.80 18.00 18.60 19.80 19.20 17.40 17. 30 17.86
1920 18.00 18. 50 18. 6O 18.70 18.70 18.80 17.40 17.00 17.60 16.90 17. 50 13. 40 17.59
1921 13.90 15.00 12 70 12. 20 10.80 11.50 11.50 12.40 12. 60 12.00 12.00 12 00 12.38
1922 11.60 12.50 11. 50 10.00 10.00 11.50 11.50 12.00 11.50 12.00 11.70 11. 00 11.40
1923 11.50 11.30 13.60 12. 40 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.50 11.50 11. 00
1924.... 12.00 12. 50 12.00 11.80 12.00 11.50 12.00 12.00 12.80 13.00 12.70 12. 40 12.22
1925 12. 70 12. 20 12.60 , 13. 10 13.80 12.40 12.50 13. 30 13.30 13. 40 13. 70 13. 50 13.04
1910 7.20 7.40 7.50 7.10 7.50 7.70 7.50 7.50 7.50 7. 50 7.60 8.00 7.50
1911 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.00 6.80 6.90 7.50 7.50 7.60 7, 50 7.60 7.20 7.44
1912 7.30 7.20 6.80 7.00 7.30 7.30 7.20 7.80 7.80 8. 20 7.90 8.10 7. 49
1913 8.20 8.30 8.40 8.60 8.30 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.00 9. 20 9.40 9.20 a 75
1914 9.30 9. 40 9.60 8.80 8.80 8.70 9.00 9.60 9.50 a 50 9.30 9.20 9.22
1915 9.10 9.20 8.70 8.30 8. 10 8.50 8.60 9.20 9.10 a 30 9. 10 9.20 8.87
1916 9.20 9.20 9.20 8.90 8.90 9.50 9.80 10. 10 10.50 10. 30 10.40 10.40 9.70
1917 10.90 11.20 11. .50 12. 10 11.70 12. 10 12. 40 12.70 13. 50 13. 70 13.50 13.20 12.38
1918 13.70 13.70 13.60 13.50 13.70 13.90 15.00 15.30 15.50 15. 80 15.80 15.30 14.57
1919 15.50 15.20 15.40 15.40 14.60 15.20 16.40 17.00 16.90 16. 80 16.40 16.40 15.93
1920 16.60 16. 90 16. 80 16. 40 15. 50 15. 50 15. 50 15. 80 15. 50 16. 00 15.30 13.40 15.77
1921 13.50 12.40 12.10 11.00 9.80 10.00 8.50 10.20 10.40 10. 50 10.80 10.20 10.78
1922 10.20 10.50 10.50 9.50 9.00 9.60 9.50 9.70 10.00 10. 70 10.50 10.40 10.01
1923 10.60 10.50 10. 30 10.00 10.00 10. 10 10. 30 10.20 10.80 10. 90 10.70 10.70 10.42
1924 10.80 11.00 11. 10 10.60 10.20 10.30 9.90 10.40 10.60 10. 50 10.60 10,80 10.57
1925 11.00 11. 30 11.20 11. 50 10.40 10.50 10.60 11.40 11.40 11. 60 11.60 12.10 11. 22
1910 7.80 7. 40 7.80 7.50 7.10 6.90 7. 10 7.20 7.50 7.80 7.60 7.60 7.44
1911 7.80 7.50 7.60 6.30 5.60 6.20 6. 40 6. 30 6.60 6.80 6.80 6.80 6. 72
1912 7.20 7.00 6.90 6.80 6.80 7.00 7.10 7.40 7.90 8.20 8.00 8.30 7. 38
1913 8. 40 8.60 8.80 8.60 8.00 8.60 8.60 8. 80 9.10 9.10 8.90 9.00 8.71
1914 9.20 9.20 9.20 8.50 8.20 8.40 8.70 9. 10 9.20 9.00 8.60 8.20 8.79
1915 8.30 8.40 8.00 7.80 7.60 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.00 8.70 8.60 8.37
1916 8.80 9. 10 9.20 8.80 8.80 9. 40 9.70 9.80 10.20 9.70 9.70 9.80 9.42
1917 10.80 11.50 11. 50 11. 70 11.30 11.80 12.10 12.20 12.70 13. 10 12.00 12.60 11.94
1918 12.90 12.70 13.00 13.20 12.30 13. 40 13.90 14.50 15.10 14.60 14. 40 14.80 13.73
1919 15. 30 14. 40 15.40 14.80 12.70 14. 30 16.50 16.50 16. 50 16. 10 15.20 15.30 15. 25
1920 16. 00 16.50 15.80 15.20 13.60 13.60 13.50 14.00 14.50 14.70 13.50 11.20 14.34
1921 12.30 11.60 11.30 9.00 8.40 8.30 8.70 8.40 9.60 9.50 9.20 9.20 9.62
1922 9. 10 10.00 10.00 8.20 8.00 8.70 8.90 9.20 9.80 10.10 9.90 9.60 9.29
1923 10.00 11. 10 10.80 9. 10 9.00 9.00 9.40 9.90 10.30 10.50 9.90 9.40 9.87
1924 10.70 10.80 10.60 10. 40 9.50 9.30 9.50 9.50 9.80 10.20 9.80 9.70 9.98
1925 11. 10 11.50 11.40 10.60 9.50 9.20 10.00 10.50 11.20 11.40 11. 10 11.40 10.74
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.

15 • Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. DolU.
1910 7.10 6.90 7.30 6.90 6.50 6.70 6.80 6.70 6.90 7.00 6.80 6.90 6.88
1911 7.00 7.00 6.80 6.20 5.50 5.80 5.90 6.00 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.25
1912 6.50 6.50 6.40 6.50 6.30 6.50 6.50 6.80 7.50 7.50 7. 40 7.50 6.82
1913 7.50 7.80 8.20 7.70 7.40 7.80 7.80 7.90 7.90 7.90 8.00 8.00 7.82
1914 8.20 8. 10 8. 10 7.80 7.70 7.60 7.90 8. 40 8.50 8. 40 7.60 7.70 8.00
1915 7.60 7.80 7.60 7.20 7.30 7.60 7.80 7. 60 8.30 8.20 8.00 7.80 7.73
1916 8.00 8.20 8.50 8.20 8.20 8.60 8.90 9.00 9. 40 9.00 8.80 9. 10 8.66
1917 9.60 10. 60 10. 20 10. 80 10.30 10. SO 11. 10 11. 10 11.80 11.50 10.90 11. 10 10.82
1918 11.70 11. 10 11. 70 12.00 11. 70 12.40 13. 10 13.00 14.20 13.00 12.80 13.70 12.53
1919 14.00 13.30 13.80 13. 70 12.90 12.90 15.00 14.80 14.80 14.50 14.20 14.20 14. 01
1920 15. 10 15. 40 14. 50 14.00 12.10 12.80 12. 10 12.50 13.70 13.30 13. 30 10.50 13.28
1921 11.20 9.80 10. 10 8.00 7.90 7.70 8.00 7.70 8.80 8.70 8.50 8.10 8.71
1922 8.20 8.90 9. 10 7.60 7.70 8.30 8. 30 8. 10 9.40 9.20 9. 10 8.80 8.56
1923 9.80 9.90 9.60 8.60 8.30 8.20 8.90 9.10 9.60 10.00 9.10 9.00 9.18
1924 10.10 10.30 10.00 9.80 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.60 8.80 9.20 9.10 8.90 9.32
1925 10.40 10.90 11.20 10.00 9.00- 8.40 9. 10 9.70 10.30 10.60 10.30 10.90 10.07
1910 6.90 6.80 7.40 6.80 f..70 6. 40 6. 30 6.60 6.SO 6.60 6.60 6.60 6. 71
1911 6.60 6.60 6.30 6.00 5.70 5.70 5.90 6.10 6.50 6.70 6.30 6. 10 6.21
1912 6.30 6.20 0.60 6.50 6.40 6.80 6.50 7.00 7.40 7.50 7.20 7.30 6. 81
1913 7.40 7.70 8.00 7.60 7.30 8.20 8.00 8.00 8.30 8.30 8.00 8.20 7. 92
1914 8.30 8.60 8.30 8.20 8.20 8.00 8.30 8.50 8.70 8.50 8.40 7.90 8.32
1915 8.00 8.00 8.10 7.70 8.00 8.10 8. 40 8.40 8.60 8.70 8.40 8.20 8.22
1916 8.30 8.30 8.90 8.60 8.50 9. 10 9.20 9.40 9.50 9.30 9.30 9.60 9.00
1917 10.00 11.00 10.70 11.50 11.30 11.60 11.80 11.50 12.20 12.50 11.20 12.00 11. 44
1918 12. 10 11.90 12. 10 12.50 12. 10 12.80 13. 30 13. 40 13.90 13.40 12.90 13.30 12. 81
1919 13.50 13. 50 13.90 13.90 12.70 13.20 14.20 14. 40 14. 40 13.70 13. 40 13. 40 13. 68
1920 13.90 14.00 13.90 13.80 11.60 12.30 11.60 12.20 13. 10 13. 20 12. 90 9.40 12.66
1921.. 9.80 9.50 9.50 7.60 7.80 7.60 7.70 8.00 9.30 8. 40 7.90 7.20 8.36
1922 7.70 8.40 8. 40 8. 10 8.00 8.20 8.20 8.50 8.60 8.50 8. 30 8.00 8.24
1923 9.00 9. 40 8.90 8.20 7.80 8.00 8.50 8.80 9.50 9.60 8.50 8.40 8. 72
1924 9.30 9.20 9.30 9.00 9.50 9.00 8.60 8.50 8.80 9.20 8.60 8.50 8.%
1925 9.50 10. 70 10.70 9.80 9.20 8.80 9.30 10.30 10. 10 10.40 10.00 10.30 9.92
1910.-.. 6.90 7.20 7.20 6.30 7. 30 6.80 6. 70 6. 80 7. 30 7.40 7.00 7.30 7.02
1911 7.30 6.80 6. 90 6.30 5. so 5.80 6. 20 6. 40 6.80 6.80 6.70 6.50 6.50
1912 6.70 6.70 6.50 6.50 6. SO 6.60 6.60 7. 20 7. 40 7.30 7.20 7. 30 6.88
1913 7.90 7.90 8.20 8. 20 7. 40 8.00 7.90 & 20 8.30 8.80 8.60 8. 60 8.17
1914.... 8.80 8. 90 8.80 8.20 7. 90 8.00 8.50 & 30 8. 60 8.50 7. 80 7.70 8.33
1915 8. 10 8. 10 8. 30 7.80 7. 70 7.80 8. 00 7. 90 8.20 8. 30 8.00 8.00 8.02
1916 8.20 8. 70 8.80 8. 30 & 40 8.80 9. 10 8. 90 9.40 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.80
1917 9.90 10.90 10.60 11.20 10. 70 11.10 11.30 11. 30 12.30 12. 50 11. 10 11.90 11.23
1918 12.80 11.90 12. 50 12.70 12. 10 12. 70 13.60 13. 90 14.20 14.80 14.20 14. 50 13. 32
1919 14.40 14.00 15.00 14.90 13. 00 14.20 16. 10 16. 40 16. 30 15. 70 15. 10 15.00 15.01
1920 15.80 15.90 15. 70 14.90 13. 00 12.70 13. 30 13. 60 14.60 14.40 13. 50 10. 90 14. 02
1921 11.30 11.20 10.50 8.80 & 60 8.50 9. 10 9. 00 9.50 9.30 8.80 8.90 9. 46
1922 8.90 9.70 9. 50 8.00 8. 30 9.20 8.80 9. 10 10.50 10.00 9.60 9. 50 9. 26
1923 10. 10 10. 70 10. 40 9.00 8. 70 9.00 9.40 10 10 10.80 10.40 9. 60 9. 80 9.83
1924.... 11.00 11.00 10.50 10.20 10 00 9.70 9.20 9. 40 10.00 10.60 10.00 9.60 10. 10
1925-.- 10.00 11.20 11.90 10. 90 10.30 9.70 10.80 10.50 11.70 12.00 11.20 11.70 10.99
1910 6.90 6.50 6.90 6.90 6.20 6.90 6. 40 6.50 6.80 6.90 7. 10 6.90 6.74
1911 6.90 6. 70 6.60 5.60 5. 40 5.40 5.70 6. 30 6.80 6.70 6.80 6.60 6.29
1912...- 6.50 6.30 6. 10 6.40 6. 30 6.50 6.70 7.40 8.00 7. 80 7. 50 7.60 6.92
1913 7.80 7.80 8.40 7. 50 7. 10 8.00 7. 90 8. 10 8. 90 8. 30 7. 90 8.20 7.99
1914 8.80 8.20 8. 10 7.80 7. 80 7.90 8.00 8.70 8.80 8.60 8. 40 7. 60 8.22
1915 7.90 8.00 7.70 7.10 7. 20 7.70 7.90 8.50 8.50 8.70 8. 20 8.00 7.95
1916 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.00 8.20 8. 70 9.30 9. 50 9.90 9. 30 9. 40 9.60 8.88
1917 10.00 11. 10 10.40 11.40 11.00 11.30 11.90 11. 50 12.70 12.70 11. 50 12. 10 11.47
1918 12. 40 12.30 11.90 12.40 11.80 12. 50 13. 50 13.90 14. 80 14. 60 13. 70 14.30 13. 18
1919 13. 70 12.80 14.30 13.80 12.50 13.60 15.00 15.70 16. 10 14. 90 14. 50 14.80 14.31
1920 14. 10 14.20 14.00 13. 10 11.00 11.70 11.50 12.80 13.80 13. 10 11.80 8. 60 12. 48
1921 9.00 8.80 8.60 6.40 6. 50 6.80 7.50 7. 20 8. 90 8.30 6.50 6. 90 7.62
1922 7.10 8. 10 7.30 6. 30 6.90 7.70 7.50 8.20 9.20 8.70 8. 10 7.70 7.73
1923.... 8.00 8.60 7.90 7. 10 7.20 7.40 8. 10 8.40 9.00 9.00 7.60 7.60 7.99
1924 8.50 8.40 8.20 8.00 7.80 7.60 8.00 8.30 8.50 9.00 8.00 7.70 8.17
1925...- 8.50 9.00 9.80 8.30 7.70 8. 10 9.20 , 9.50 9. 80 10.80 10.00 9.40 9. 18
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 5.80 5.70 6. 40 5.70 6.00 5:60 5.70 5.80 5.40 5. 70 5.40 5. 80 5.75
1911 5. 70 5.70 5. 80 5.20 5. 10 5.00 5.00 5. 10 5. 40 5. 30 5. 40 5.30 5.33
1912 5. 90 6.00 5. 70 5. 70 5.70 6.00 6.00 6. 20 6. 00 6. 70 6. 10 6.60 6. 05
1913 6.70 6.90 7. 30 7. 40 7. 20 7. 50 7.70 7. 10 7. 40 7. 40 7.80 7.50 7.32
1914 7. 80 7.60 7. 30 7. 50 7.40 7. 40 7.40 7. 90 7.90 7.60 7. 40 7. 20 7.53
1915 7. 20 7.20 7. 10 7. 00 7.00 7. 30 7. 40 7.20 7.40 7. 60 7. 10 7. 10 7.22
1916 7.20 7. 80 8. 10 7.90 7. 90 8.20 8.50 8. 70 8.70 8.40 8. 40 8.60 8.20
1917 9.00 10.00 9.60 10.50 10. 30 10. 60 11.00 10. 50 11. 10 11. 10 10.10 10. 90 10.39
1918 11.00 10. 70 10.80 11.30 11.30 11.60 12. 10 12.20 12. 80 12.60 11. 60 12.00 11.67
1919 12. 50 11. 80 12.70 12.90 12. 20 12.40 13. 30 13. 30 13. 60 13. 10 13.00 12.90 12.81
1920 13. 30 13.00 12. 60 12. 00 10. 60 11. 10 10.50 11.40 11.90 10. 40 10. 10 8. 30 11. 27
1921 8. 10 8. 00 7. 90 6. 20 6. 70 6.20 6. 30 6. 40 7.50 7. 20 6.00 6. 20 6.89
1922 6. 40 7.20 7. 20 6.60 6.90 7.50 7.00 7. 30 7. 90 7. 90 7. 20 7. 30 7.20
1923 7. 30 7. 30 7. 10 7.00 7. 10 7. 10 7.60 7.70 8. 30 8.20 7.00 6. 90 7. 38
1924 7. 60 7.60 7. 60 7. 60 7. 30 7.20 7. 30 8.00 8.00 7. 80 7.00 6.70 7.48
1925 7. 50 8.00 9.20 8.60 8. 10 7. 80 8.40 8.40 8.90 9. 60 9.20 8.80 8.54
1910 5.60 5.80 6.20 5.80 5. 70 6. 10 5.90 5.90 6. 00 6.00 6.00 5.80 5. 90
1911 6.00 5. 80 6. 20 5. 60 5. 40 5. 60 5. 50 5.80 6.00 6.00 5.70 5.70 5.78
1912 5. 90 5.90 6.00 6.00 6. 10 6.30 6. 30 6. 80 7.00 7. 10 7.00 6.90 6.44
1913 7.00 7. 40 7.60 7. 30 7. 40 7. 50 7.70 7.70 8. 40 8.20 8.00 8.00 7.68
1914 7.50 8. 30 8.20 8.20 7.80 8. 30 8. 10 8.40 8. 30 8.10 8.00 7.90 8.09
1915 7. 80 7. 70 7.50 7.40 7.60 7. 90 8.00 8. 10 8.30 8.30 7.90 7.40 7.82
1916 7.80 8.00 8.50 8. 40 8.50 8. 90 8.90 9. 10 9.00 8.90 8. 90 9. 20 8.68
1917 9.70 10.80 10.40 10. 90 11. 30 11. 30 11.40 11.00 11.80 10.50 11.00 11. 10 10. 93
1918 11.60 11.60 11.70 12. 00 11.60 12.20 12.70 12. 80 13. 60 12.00 12. 50 12.70 12. 25
1919 12.60 12.50 13. 10 13. 40 12. 20 12.30 13. 60 14. 30 14.00 12.60 13. 60 13. 20 13. 12
1920 12.80 12. 80 12. 90 12. 70 11.60 11.90 11.20 12. 10 12. 30 11.80 10.50 8. 50 11. 76
1921 8. 50 8. 40 8. 90 7.00 7.40 7.40 7. 30 7. 20 7.30 7.60 7. 30 7. 00 7.61
1922 7. 20 8.00 7.80 7. 50 7. 50 7.90 7. 90 8. 30 8. 70 8.70 8. 20 8.00 7.98
1923 8.20 8.40 8. 30 8.20 8.00 8.30 8.40 8.20 9. 10 8.70 8. 20 7.80 8. 32
1924 8.60 8.80 8.40 8.50 8. 20 8.00 8. 20 8.40 9.00 9.00 8.30 8.00 8.45
1925.... 8.90 9. 30 9.50 8.90 8.40 8.20 9.70 9.00 9.70 10.20 9. 50 9. 10 9. 20
1910 5.80 5.40 6. 10 6.20 5.90 6.20 5. 70 5. 70 5. 60 5.60 5.80 5. 70 5. 81
1911 5.90 5.80 6.20 5.30 5.50 5.60 5.40 5. 30 5.50 5. 70 5.70 5. 80 5.64
1912 5.80 5. 70 5.90 6. 10 6.20 6. 20 6.10 6. 50 6.80 6. 50 6.40 6.60 6.23
1913 6.80 6.90 7. 30 7.30 6.70 7. 30 7. 10 7. 10 7.00 7.30 7.40 7. 40 7. 13
1914.... 7.70 7.70 7.60 7.60 7.70 7. 70 7.60 7.80 7.40 7.20 7. 50 7.50 7.58
1915 7.40 7. 10 7.00 7. 40 7.50 7.50 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.90 7.60 7.60 7.51
1916.... 7.60 7.80 8. 10 8.00 7.90 8. 30 8. 40 8. 20 8.20 8.20 8. 10 8.60 8. 12
1917.... 8. 50 9. 70 9. 70 10. 30 10. 10 10. 30 10. 30 10.00 10.20 11.00 10.00 10. 30 10.03
1918.... 11.00 10. 90 10.90 11.50 11.40 11.40 12. 30 11.20 11.20 11.20 10. 70 11. 10 11.23
1919.... 11.30 11.70 11.70 12. 10 11.90 11.70 12. 50 12.00 12.00 11.60 11.50 11.50 11.79
1920.... 11.70 11.70 11. 50 11.80 10. 50 10. 40 10.00 10.20 10.60 10. 90 10. 00 8.40 10. 64
1921.... 8.80 8. 50 9. 10 6. 80 6. 80 6. 70 6.90 6. 50 7.00 7.00 6.80 6.60 7.29
1922 6. 80 7.60 7.60 6. 70 6.60 7. 40 7. 00 6.80 7.70 7.20 8. 10 7. 40 7.24
1923 7. 90 8. 50 8. 00 7.50 7.60 7.20 7. 50 7. 30 7. 80 7.70 7. 50 7. 30 7.65
1924.... 7. 50 8. 50 8. 00 8.00 7. 40 7. 30 7. 30 7. 40 7. 60 8. 20 7.50 7.20 7.66
1925 8.40 9.20 8.60 8.50 7. 80 7. 70 7.70 8.20 8.60 9.90 9.20 9.10 8.68
1910 5 60 5. 70 5. 50 6.30 5.80 6.50 6. 10 5. 70 5. 10 5. 10 4.60 5.30 5.61
1911 5. 40 5. 50 5.40 5. 20 5. 20 5.60 5. 00 5. 10 5. 10 5. 10 5. 20 5. 30 5.26
1912 & 20 5. 40 5. 60 5. 50 5. 50 5. 50 5. 40 6.00 6. 10 6. 70 6.30 6. 30 5.79
1913 6. 70 6.50 6.80 6.60 6.90 7.40 6.60 6.90 7. 10 7.00 6.90 6.90 6.86
1914 40 7.40 7.30 7.50 7.40 7. 50 7.40 8. 10 7. 50 7. 40 7.40 7. 30 7.47
1915 7 00 7. 10 6.80 6.90 6. 70 7. 10 7.20 7.70 6.90 7. 10 6.80 6.80 7. 01
1916 6 90 7. 20 7. 40 7.50 7.80 7.80 8. 10 8.10 8. 40 8. 00 7.90 8.60 7. 81
1917 a 00 9. 10 9. 50 9.70 10. 50 10. 50 10.20 9.80 9.80 10.00 9.80 10. 10 9.75
1918 10 40 10.40 11.00 10.80 11.00 10. 80 10.90 11.30 11.70 11.50 10.80 10.80 10. 95
1919 n 10 11.20 11.30 11.40 11.30 11.20 11.90 11.80 11.50 10. 60 10. 50 11.00 11.23
1920 n 10 11.10 11.30 10.80 10. 40 10. 30 10. 40 10. 10 10.00 9. 50 9.50 7.30 10. 15
1921 7 SO 7.50 7.80 6.70 6.90 6.90 6.00 6. 40 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.70 6.64
1922 5 80 6. 20 6. 50 6. 30 6.50 6. 60 6.70 6.60 6.50 6. 50 6. 30 6. 40 6.41
1923 6. 80 7.00 6.70 6.50 7.40 6.60 7. 50 6.70 7.00 7.30 6. 30 6. 30 6.84
1924.... 6. 90 7.00 7.20 7.30 7.00 6.80 6.90 6. 50 6.80 6.60 6.40 6.70 6.84
1925.... 7 10 6.80 7.60 7.40 7.00 7. 20 7.50 8.00 7.90 8.00 7.40 7.48
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. . Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 5.50 5.40 5. 40 6.00 5.40 6.00 5. 70 5. 30 5.60 5.20 5.50 5. 10 5.51
1911 5.50 5.40 5.50 5.40 5.50 5.30 4. 90 5. 10 5.00 5.20 5.20 5.00 5.25
1912 5. 50 5.50 5.60 5. 60 5.80 5.70 6.20 6.20 6. 30 6.50 6.00 6. 10 5.92
1913 6.60 6.40 6.90 7. 10 7.30 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.40 7.60 7.30 7.50 7.14
1914 7. 40 7.50 7.50 7.60 7.60 7.80 7.90 8.20 8. 10 7.60 5.50 7.50 7. 52
1915 7. 50 7.20 7. 10 7. 10 7.80 7. 70 7.90 7.70 7. 50 7.80 7.60 7. 10 7.50
1916 '7.70 7.70 8.20 8.20 8.40 8.90 8.80 8.70 8.80 8.30 8. 50 8. 70 8. 41
1917 9.30 9.60 10. 30 11.10 11.00 10.80 10.70 10.00 10.20 10.20 9.90 9.70 10.23
1918 10. 70 10.30 11.10 11.60 12.20 11.50 12.00 12.00 11.80 11. 50 10. 10 11.70 11.38
1919 11.70 11.80 12.00 12. 50 11.60 11.80 12.70 11.50 11.90 10.20 11.70 11.50 11. 74
1920 11.60 11.80 11.80 11.70 11.00 11.20 10.50 10. 30 10.00 9.00 9.00 8.20 10.51
1921 7.90 7.30 7. 50 7.00 7.40 6.90 6.80 6.40 6.80 6.20 6.40 6.30 6. 91
1922 6.40 7. 00 7. 30 7. 30 7. 30 7.40 7.10 7. 50 7.60 7. 70 7.40 7.70 7.31
1923 7.80 7.30 7.90 7.80 7. 10 7.60 7.60 8. 10 8.20 7.90 7.30 7.00 7.63
1924 7. 50 7. 70 8. 10 8. 50 8.00 8.00 7.90 7. 40 7.60 7. 60 7. 10 7.20 7. 72
1925.-.. 7.50 8.60 8.80 8.40 8.30 7. 70 8.30 8.10 8.20 8. 10 8.00 8. 30 * 8.19
1910 5.70 6.30 6.30 6.40 6. 10 6.40 6.50 5.90 5.80 6.00 5.80 5.90 6.09
1911 6. 10 6.00 6.00 5.80 5.90 5.80 5. 30 5.60 5.60 5.40 5.70 5.60 5. 73
1912 5.80 5.80 6.20 6. 50 6. 50 6.50 6.20 6.50 6.70 7.00 6.40 6.90 6.42
1913 7.00 7.50 7.80 7.90 7.60 8.00 7.80 7.70 7.90 7.80 7.80 8.00 7.73
1914 8.00 8.50 8.40 8.40 8.00 8.10 8. 30 8.00 8. 10 8. 20 8. 30 7.80 8.18
1915 7.90 7.70 7.80 7.80 8.40 8.50 8.20 7. 70 8. 10 8.00 7.90 7.70 7.98
1916 8.20 7.80 9.00 8.70 8.70 9.20 8.80 8. 90 8.70 9.00 8.60 9. 30 8. 74
1917 9.20 9.90 10.20 10.90 11.40 11.20 11.20 10.00 10.80 10.90 10. 50 10.20 10. 53
1918 10.70 10.40 11. 10 11.70 11.50 11.40 11.90 11.40 11. 50 10.60 10.70 11.00 11.16
1919 11.70 11.80 11.70 12. 30 12.00 12. 00 13. 00 12.30 11.20 11.00 11.20 10.80 11.75
1920 11.40 11.80 11.90 11.60 11.30 11.60 10. 30 10.20 10.30 9. 30 9.40 7.90 10. 5S
1921 8. 10 7.80 8.50 7.00 7.60 7.20 7.40 6. 70 6. 60 6. 50 6. 50 6.20 7.18
1922 6.40 7. 10 7.20 7.40 7.90 8. 10 8.00 7.40 7.60 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 7.47
1923 7. 50 8.20 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.50 7.90 7.90 7.60 7.90 7. 30 7.40 7.69
1924 7.90 7.90 8.10 8.50 8.70 8.40 8.60 8. 50 8.20 8.00 7. 40 7.40 8. 13
1925 8.40 8.50 9.00 8.30 8.30 9.00 8.60 8.40 8.30 8.60 8.80 8.40 8. 55
1910.... 6.30 6.00 6.50 6. 30 6. 10 6.30 6.00 5.80 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.80 6.02
1911 5. 90 6. 10 6.20 5. 70 5.50 5. 70 5. 30 5. 40 5. 50 5. 50 5. 60 5. 60 8.67
1912 6. 00 5. 90 6. 10 6.20 6. 30 6.40 6. 30 6. 60 6.60 6. 60 7. 10 7. 00 5.42
1913.... 7. 20 7.30 7. 90 7. 70 7. 50 8.00 7.60 7.20 7. 20 7.40 7. 60 7. 80 7.53
1914 8. 10 8.20 8.20 8. 10 7. 90 7.60 7. 90 8. 00 8.20 8. 00 8. 00 7. 80 8.00
1915 7. 80 7.80 7. 80 7.70 7. 90 8.00 8.00 • 7.70
8.40 8. 00 7.90 7. 60 7.50 . 7. SI
1916 7. 80 ' 7. 90 8. 40 8.30 8.50 8. 80 8. 60 8. 50 S.50 8. 30 8.60 S. 3i
1917 9. 10 9.70 9.70 10.20 10. 40 10. 10 10. 20 9. 50 9.80 10.20 9. 90 9. 70 9.88
1918 10. 20 10. 20 10. 30 10. 90 11. 20 11.00 11. 70 10. 70 10. 60 9. 80 10. 00 10.50 10.59
1919 11. 00 11. 00 11. 10 11. 50 11. 10 11. 60 12. 80 11. 90 11. 50 11. 20 11. 30 11.20 11.43
1920 11.60 11. 60 11.80 11. 60 10. 80 11. 10 10. 50 10.20 10. 20 9. 90 8. 70 8. 10 10.51
1921 8.50 8.20 8. 40 6. 70 6.70 6.90 6. 80 6. 50 6.40 6. 40 6. 20 5.90 6. 97
1922 6.40 6.90 7. 50 7.20 7.00 7.60 7. 10 6.80 7.30 7. 20 7. 20 6.50 7.06
1923.... 7.40 7. 90 7.20 7.20 7.50 7.00 7. 10 6.60 7.20 7. 40 6. 70 6.80 7.17
1924..,. 6.90 7.50 7.50 7.30 7.50 7.20 6. 90 7. 30 7.00 6. 50 7. 00 6. 90 7.12
1925.... 7.20 7. 60 8.80 7.90 7.50 7. 60 7. 70 8.10 8. 40 8. 90 8. 60 8. 30 i 8.05
1910 9.00 8.50 7.60
1911.... "8.~500 7.50 9.10 7.80 7.50 7.80 8.70 8.50 8. 40 8.50 8. 50
1912 8.50 8. 00 8. 50 8.60 8.60 8.20 9.00 9.00 9. 80 10. 20 10. 00 8.91
1913 10. 20 10.00 9.70 10. 00 9. 30 9.90 9. 50 9. 70 10. 90 10. 50 10.60 10. 50 10. 07
1914.... 10. 20 10. 70 10. 60 9. 70 9. 70 10. 00 10.10 10. 30 10. 30 9. 80 9. 80 10.00 10. 10
1915.... 9. 40 9. 70 9.80 9.20 9. 00 10.00 9.60 9.90 10. 20 10. 00 10. 10 10. 00 9.74
1916.... 10.50 9.30 9.50 9. 80 9. 70 10.20 9. 60 10. 70 11. 10 11. 10 10.00 11.00 10. 26
1917.... 11.50 14. 00 12.70 13. 20 12. 70 12. 90 14. 60 13.00 13.90 14.10 13. 30 14.00 13.32
1918.... 14.20 14. 60 16.10 16. 30 15/20 15.90 15. 60 16.50 16. 60 16. 00 15. 00 14. 30 15. 52
1919 17. 50 17. 00 16. 50 17. 90 16.20 17.20 18. 00 19. 50 19. 30 18. 50 18. 80 18. 20 17. 88
1920 19.10 19. 00 19. 50 17. 20 17.40 17. 40 15.10 15. 40 17.00 16.00 16. 00 15.00 17.01
1921 15.00 15.00 14. 30 14. 00 12. 00 11. 00 12.00 12. 00 12. 00 11.90 10.90 11.60 12. 64
1922.,.. 11.50 11. 00 11. 00 10. 60 10. 00 9. 00 9.70 9. 50 11. 00 11. 70 11. 60 12. 00 10. 72
1923 13.00 13. 30 12. 10 13.30 12.00 14. 00 13. 90 12. 30
1924.... 13. 50 12.70 13.00 12.50 13.00 12.90 13.00 12.40 12. 50 13. 00
1925.... 14.30 13.60 12.80 13.00 12.10 10. 70 12. 30 12.70 12. 00 12.50 0l3.066* ' 13.16' 12. 71
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Julj• Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 IS 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910.... 9.20 7.90 8.40 9.70 9. 10 8.70 7.90 8.00 8. 40 8.60 9.00 9.00 8.66
1911 7.50 7.50 8.50 C. 70 6.30 6.30 7. 00 6.20 6. 60 7.30 7.50 7.20 7.05
1912 8.00 7. 60 7. 80 7.60 8. 00 8. 00 7. 50 8.30 8. 80 9. 10 9. 50 9. 30 8. 29
1913 9. 90 10.00 9. 00 9.50 9.00 9. 00 9. 00 9. 30 11. 40 10. 40 10.00 10.00 9.76
1914 9.70 9.00 9.70 8. 90 9. 10 9. 60 8. 70 9. 60 9. 60 9. 70 9. 80 9. 70 9. 42
1915 10. 00 10.00 8.70 8.50 8.50 7. 90 8. 50 9. 50 9.50 9.70 10.50 9. 90 9.27
1916 9. 10 9. 50 9. 50 9.00 9.30 9. 80 9. 70 9. 90 10. 50 10. 30 10.50 10. 70 9.82
1917 11.00 12. 30 11. 60 12. 20 11.80 12.40 12. 20 12. 70 13. 60 13.80 13. 30 13. 70 12.55
1918 15.00 15.60 13. 90 15.60 14.00 14. 90 15.90 15. 10 16. 40 17. 70 16.50 17.60 15.68
1919 17. 30 10. 20 16.70 16.10 15.20 15. 30 17. 10 17. 00 18. 70 19. 00 17.40 17.40 16.95
1920 18. 10 18. 50 17.90 17.20 16.60 14. 60 15. 40 14. 80 15.20 16. 50 16.00 15.00 16.32
1921.... 14. 50 13. 00 12.90 11.50 10. 00 9. 70 9. 70 9. 50 9.80 10.10 10.40 9. 30 10.87
1922 10. 40 10. 60 10. 00 9.50 8.70 8.70 9. 10 9.30 10. 40 10.80 10. 90 11. 00 9.95
1923.... 11.00 11.30 11.70 9.90 9. 90 9. 70 9. 90 9. 90 11. 10 11. 00 10.50 11.00 10.58
1924.... 10.50 11.50 11. 10 10.50 10. 10 9. 80 9. 90 9. 20 9. 80 10.20 10.80 10.50 10.32
1925.... 12. 00 12.40 12.00 11.60 10. 00 9. 40 10.00 10. 90 11. 10 12.20 12.50 12.60 11.39
1910 7. 10 6.50 7.20 7.20 7.30 7.10 6. 80 6. SO 7.30 6.90 7.20 7. 10 7.04
1911 7. 20 6.40 7.00 6.70 6. 40 6. 30 6. 00 5.30 6.00 5.80 6.30 6. 10 6.33
1912 6.20 6.30 6.50 6. 50 6. 60 6. 40 6.20 6.40 6. 40 6.80 7. 00 7.10 6.53
1913 7.20 7. 80 7.90 7. 90 7. 70 7. 40 7.30 7.70 8. 20 8.30 8. 20 8. 40 7.83
1914 8. 20 8.50 8.30 8. 20 8. 20 8. 20 8. 10 8.40 8.30 8.40 8.40 8. 10 8.28
1915 8.40 8.30 7.80 7. 70 7.70 7.50 7. 70 7.70 7.90 8. 00 8.00 8. 10 7.90
1916.... 8.00 8. 40 8. 40 8. 30 S. 60 8. 60 8. 60 8. 60 9.00 9. 20 9.30 9. 30 8.69
1917 9. 60 10. 00 9. 90 11. 40 11.00 11. 00 11.00 11.00 11.60 12.00 12.00 11.70 11. 02
1918 12. 50 13. 00 12.50 13. 20 13. 00 13.50 13. 40 13. 60 14.00 14.10 13.80 14. 70 13.44
1919 15. 00 13. 80 14. 20 14. 40 13. 80 13. 30 14. 30 14.10 15. 00 14.80 14. 90 14.20 14.32
1920.... 15. 20 15.50 . 15.30 15.80 14. 70 12. 80 12. 80 12. 80 13. 30 12.90 13. 00 11.50 13.80
1921 12.50 11.00 11. 90 10. 80 8. 60 8. 30 7. 90 7. 80 7. 80 8.20 8.20 8.50 9.29
1922 8. 60 8.70 » 8.50 7.90 7. 80 7. 80 7.50 7.20 8.00 8.90 8.80 8.80 8.21
1923 9. 30 9. 30 9.20 9. 10 8.60 8. 00 8. 00 8. 10 8.60 8.50 9. 00 8. 00 8. 64
1924.... 9. 30 9.40 9.50 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.30 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.30 9.05
1925.... 9. 40 10.00 9. 40 9.50 9.30 8.70 8.30 8.30 8.60 9.50 9.30 9. 40 9. 14
1910 7.00 6.10 6.40 6.70 6.30 6.70 6.70 6.20 6.60 6.20 6.60 6.20 6.48
1911 7.00 6.20 6.60 6. 10 5.80 5.90 5.80 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.80 5.90 6. 02
1912 6. 40 6.00 6.30 6.20 6.20 6.60 6.40 6.50 7.00 7.40 6.80 7.10 6.58
1913.-.. 7.00 7.50 7.90 7.90 7.20 7.70 7.80 8.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.50 7.83
1914 8.50 8.60 8.60 8.00 8.00 8.20 8.00 8.10 8. 10 8. 10 8.00 8. 10 8. 19
1915 7. 70 7.90 7.60 7.60 7.50 7.60 7.70 8.00 8.00 7.90 7.90 7.80 7.77
1916 5.90 8.60 8.10 8. 40 8.20 9. 10 8.80 8.70 9.00 8.70 9. 10 9.00 8.47
1917 9. 10 10.10 10.00 10.30 10. 40 10.70 10.80 10.60 11.40 11.60 11.20 12.20 10.70
1918 11.50 11. 80 12. 10 11.60 12. 10 12.40 13.20 12.70 13.30 12.70 12.50 13.00 12.41
1919.... 13.80 13. 10 13.70 13.40 13.10 13.00 13.60 13.60 13.00 12.90 13.20 13.70 13.34
1920--.. 13.80 14. 10 14.20 14.20 13. 10 12.00 12. 10 12.30 12.20 12.00 11.50 11.50 12.75
1921... . 10.80 10.60 11. 10 9. 30 8.70 7.80 8.20 7. 10 7.50 7.70 8.30 10.00 8. 92
1922 7.70 8.00 8. 40 8. 10 7.40 7.70 7.70 7.50 8.00 8.20 7.90 8. 10 7.89
1923-... 9.00 9.70 9.30 8.60 8. 60 8.20 8.80 9.20 8. 40 8.90 8.60 8.20 8.79
1924.... 8.70 9.30 9.30 9.10 9.50 9. 10 9.00 8.00 8. 30 8.00 8. 40 8.00 8.72
1925 8.00 8.70 9.30 8.70 8.50 8.30 8.70 8.60 8.90 9.50 9.10 9.50 8.82
1910 5.30 5.00 5.30 6.00 4.90 5.40 5.20 4.90 5.20 5.00 4.90 4.50 5. 13
1911 4.60 5.80 5.60 4. 80 4.60 4. 90 5.20 4.70 5.30 4.70 5.00 4.50 4. 98
1912 4.80 4. 80 4.70 4.90 4.80 4.90 5.00 4.90 4.70 4.60 4.60 4.40 4.76
1913 5. 10 5. 20 5.00 5. 40 5.20 5.70 5.50 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.70 5.70 5. 44
1914 5.80 5. 70 6. 10 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.30 6.60 5.60 6.00 6.20 5.60 6.03
1915 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.80 6.00 5.80 5.80 5.70 5.60 5.70 5.60 5.70 5.78
1916 5.60 5.70 5.70 5.80 6. 10 6. 10 6.20 6.30 7.00 6.30 6. 30 6.50 6.13
1917 6. 40 7.00 7.' 50 8.60 8.60 8. 10 8.30 8.80 8.60 8.40 8. 80 8.80 8.16
1918 8.90 9.70 9.70 10.50 9.50 10.30 10.60 10.50 9.70 10.80 11.00 10.90 10.18
1919 10.10 10. 60 10.00 11.50 11.30 10.40 10.90 10.70 10.80 11.00 11.30 10.50 10. 76
1920.— 10.50 10.80 10.80 10.80 11.30 10.80 10.20 9.60 9.50 9.80 8.80 7.90 10.07
1921 8.70 8.70 7.70 7.70 7.30 6.90 6.60 6.30 5.80 6.50 6.00 5.80 7.00
1922 6.00 6.30 6. 10 6.40 6.60 6. 30 6.40 6.00 5.70 6.80 6.60 6.60 6.32
1923 6.80 6. 40 6.70 6. 40 6.40 6.70 6.50 6.20 5.90 6.50 6.30 6.60 6.45
1924.... 6.80 7.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 7.00 6.90 8.20 8.00 7.80 7.70 7.90 7.36
1925.... 7.90 7.20 8.40 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.20 9.00 7.50 9.00 8.10 8.60 7.92
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 ' pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910 3.50 3.30 4.00 4. 20 4.00 4.80 5.90 3. 50 5.20 5.00 4.50 4. 20 4.34
1911 4.60 4. 10 4.40 5. 10 5.10 4. 60 4.20 4. 20 4.20 4.20 4.00
1912 4.00 4.00 4.30 5.00 4.90 4.60 4.00 4.50 4. 40 4.90 4. 90 4.80 " 4.52
1913 5.20 5. 30 5. 10 5.40 6.00 5.40 6.00 4.50 4.90 5.10 5.50 5.30 5. 31
1914 5.00 5.30 5.20 5.50 5.30 5.30 5.40 5.10 5.60 5.20 5. 40 4.90 5. 27'
1915.... 5.00 5.30 5.00 5. 10 5.30 5.10 5.00 5.00 5.30 5.30 5. 10 4.80 5. 11
1916 5.20 5. 10 5.10 5.30 6.00 5.90 5.40 5.30 5.80 5.60 5.90 6.00 5. 55
1917 6.00 6. 20 6.50 7.20 7.90 8.60 7.80 7. 30 7. 70 9.70 9. 10 9. 20 7.77
1918 8.30 9. 00 8.90 9. 20 9.30 9.60 10.50 10. 20 10.20 10.40 9.50 10.50 9.63
1919 9.90 9. 90 9.80 10. 10 10.00 10. 40 11. 40 10.60 10.30 10.40 9.70 10. 90 10.28
1920 10.60 10.30 10.40 10.60 11.50 10.60 10.00 10. 10 10.00 9.80 8. 30 8.10 10. 02
1921 8.00 7.90 7.70 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.50 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.30 5.50 6.66
1922 5. 30 5.00 5.50 5.50 6.00 6. 10 6. 40 6. 40 6.40 6.00 5.90 5. 70 5.85
1923 5.00 5.60 5.30 6.00 5.90 5.60 6.00 5.80 5.90 5.50 4.50 5.70 5.57
1924. ... 6. 30 6.20 6. 30 6.00 5.80 5.60 5.40 5. 40 5.90 5.90 5.90 6.50 5. 9J
1925-... 5.50 6.30 6.00 5.20 5.90 6.50 6.10 6.70 6.10 5.30 6.10 5.70 5.95
1910 4.10 3.30 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.30 4.00 5.00 4.20 5.00 4.30 5.00 4. 33
1911 4.90 4.90 4.70 4.60 4.00 4.00 3.70 4. 40 4. 60 4.50 4.30 4. 20 4.40
1912 3.90 4.80 4.50 5.20 5. 30 4.90 4.50 4.70 4.70 4.20 4. 80 4.30 4. 65
1913 4.50 4.40 5.00 5.00 4.90 4.80 4. 60 5.20 5.50 4. 90 4. 90 5. 10 4.90
1914 5. 10 5.00 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.40 5.00 5.50 5.70 6.00 5.50 5.00 5.37
1915 5.20 4.70 5.20 5. 10 5. 30 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.30 5.20 5.30 5. 11
1916 5.00 5. 10 5.00 5.00 5.30 5.70 5.60 5.50 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.80 5.46
1917 5.80 6.10 6. 40 7.30 7.40 7.70 7.60 7.80 7.80 7.40 7.60 8.40 7.28
1918 8.30 8.00 8.60 8.30 8.70 8.70 8.30 7.90 9.20 8.10 8.50 8.90 8.46
1919 8. 10 8.70 8. 30 8.40 8.60 9.50 8.90 8.40 8.70 8.80 8.50 7.90 8. 57
1020 8.00 8.40 8. 80 9. 10 9. 10 8.70 8.80 9.00 8.00 7. 40 7. 40 5. 60 8. 19
1921 5.50 5.70 6. 10 6.20 5.70 5.30 5.00 6.00 4.80 4.70 4.50 4.80 5.33
1922 5.00 4.80 4.80 4.60 5. 40 4.80 5.00 5.00 4.90 5.80 5.70 5.50 5.11
1923 5.00 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.50 5.50 5.00 5.30 4.90 5.10 5.00 5.00 5.18
1924 5.40 6.00 5.50 5.30 5.20 5.50 5.60 5.40 5.30 5. 10 4.80 5.50 5.38
1925 5.40 5.40 5.30 6. 40 5.40 6.00 5.80 5.40 6.20 5.40 6.50 5.50 5. 72
1910 7.00 7.30 6.50 6.20 9.00 6.00 5.50 6.00 5.00
1911 7.00 5.50 5.50 5.00 5.00 6. 00 5. 50 4.60 6.30 6. 50 4.00
1912 5.50 "I'so 4.80 4. 90 7.00 5.50 6. 00 5. 10 3.00 4. 40 4.80 5.00 5. 07
1913 5.30 5.90 6.00 5.20 4.90 5.50 5. 40 6.60 6. 10 0.20 5.80 4. SO 5.64
1914 6.40 5. 80 6.60 5.90 6.60 6.00 6. 80 6.80 5. 90 6. 10 6.20 6. 60 6.31
1915 7. 00 5.00 6.50 5.50 5.60 7.00 6. 60 5.90 6. 60 7.20 6.70 7. 30 6.41
1916.... 6.40 7.00 7.60 6. 30 7.00 6.90 7. 50 7.70 6.80 6.50 7.70 6.90 7.02
1917.... 6.70 8.40 8. 10 9.20 9. 60 8. 30 & 30 8.90 9. 00 9.60 9. 70
1918.... 10.00 9.00 9. 50 8. 90 9. 80 9. 50 8.00 9. 70 10.00 9.50 10.00
1919 8.~20* 9.50 9.40 9.20 10.00 9.80 ' 70 9.80 10.50 10. 30 10.20 10.50 9.76
1920 9.80 9. 10 9.90 10.00 10. 80 9. 60 ' 70 9.20 10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.59
1921 8. 50 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 6. 50 6. 70 7.00 6.20 6. 50 6.20 6.00 6. 97
1922 5.50 6.00 6.00 7.00 7.20 6.20 6. 20 6. 50 5. 20 5.50 5. 70 5.50 6.04
1923 6. 50 6.60 7.00 6.20 6. 10 6.00 5. 90 6. 10 7.00 8.30 7.00 7.50 6.68
1924.... 8.50 9.30 9.50 9.00 9.00 8.50 & 40 7.00 6. 90 7.00 4.50 6.00 7.80
1925 6.30 7.00 8.00 6.50 4.50 6.00 5.50 4. 70 5.70
1910.... 6.40 5.80 6.20 6.60 6.00 6. 40 6.00 5. 90 6.30 6.10 6.00 6.20 6. 16
1911 6.20 6. 10 6.00 5.70 5. 60 6. 60 5.20 5. 40 5.70 5. 60 5.60 5.60 5.69
1912.... 5.90 5.20 5.70 5. 70 5.90 6. 90 5. 90 6.00 6.40 6.40 6.00 6.50 5.96
1913 6.70 6.90 7. 10 6.80 6.70 6. 70 6. 70 6.70 7.20 6.90 7.00 7. 10 6.88
1914 7.20 7.50 7.60 7.50 7.30 7. 20 7.30 7.20 7.80 7.60 7. 50 6. 80 7.38
1915.... 7.00 7.40 7.20 6.70 6.80 7. 00 7. 30 7. 30 7.60 7. 30 7. 30 7.20 7. 18
1916.... 7.30 7.60 7.80 7.60 7.60 & 00 8. 30 8. 30 8.60 8.30 8.20 8.20 7.98
1917 9. 10 9.60 9.60 10.00 9. 90 10. 30 10.40 10.00 10.50 10.50 10.00 10.20 10.01
1918 10.80 10. 40 11. 10 11.20 11. 10 11 60 12. 10 11.60 12.40 11.70 11.50 11.90 11.45
1919 12.00 12.00 12.40 12.30 11.50 11 50 13.50 12.70 12.70 12. 30 12.00 12.10 12. 25
1920 13.00 13.00 12.30 11.90 10.90 11. 30 10.90 10.70 11.10 11.50 11.00 8.90 11. 38
1921 9.70 8.80 9.00 7.40 7.50 6. 90 7.10 6.70 7.00 7.00 7. 30 7.00 7.62
1922 7. 20 7.60 7. 80 6.40 6.70 7. 00 6. 70 7.00 7. 70 7.20 7. 40 7.20 7.16
1923 8.20 8.30 8.20 7. 30 7.00 7. 00 7. 40 7. 30 7.90 7. 70 7.50 7.40 7.60
1924.... 8.30 8.20 8.00 7.80 7.50 7. 10 7.30 7.20 7.20 7.20 8.00 7.50 7. 61
1925.... 8.30 8.80 9.40 8.80 7.90 7. 00 7.80 8.10 8.80 9.40 8.60 9,70 8.55

Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—-Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. S«pt. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Bolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910. ... 5.50 5.20 5.60 5. 70 5. 10 5.20 5. 10 5. 40 5.20 5.00 4.90 4.80 5.22
1911 4.90 5. 40 5. 80 5. 40 5.20 5. 10 5.00 5. 10 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.40 5. 01
1912 4.80 5.00 4.50 5. 30 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.00 5. 30 4. 80 5.00 5.00 5.02
1913.... 5.30 5.90 5.50 6.00 5. 80 6.20 6.00 6. 10 5.80 5.90 5.90 6.30 5.89
1914 6. 20 6.20 6.90 6.50 6. 30 7.00 6.60 6.50 6.60 7.00 6.50 6.50 6.57
1915.... 6. 40 6. 70 6.50 6. 10 6. 30 6. 50 6.70 6.90 6.20 6.50 6.20 6.00 6. 42
1916.... 6.20 6. 50 6.80 6.80 6.60 7.10 7.00 7.10 7.00 6. 70 6.60 6.90 6.78
1917 7.20 7.50 8.40 8.70 8.60 8.60 8. 60 8.30 8.70 8. 40 8. 40 8.70 8. 34
1918—. 9. 10 9.00 9.60 10.10 10.40 10.40 9. 90 10. 10 10.30 9.80 9. 40 10.00 9.84
1919.... 9. 80 10.00 10.40 11.20 10.90 10.50 10.70 10.10 10. 10 9. 90 9. 70 9.80 10.26
1920.__. 10. 20 10.50 10.40 10.00 10. 20 9. 70 9.20 8.90 8. 30 8.30 7.'60 7.50 9.23
1921 7.00 7.00 7.60 6.50 6. 30 5.90 5.90 5.50 5. 40 5.60 5.10 5.10 6.08
1922.... 5.20 5.40 5. 40 5.50 5. 60 5.90 3.50 4.70 5. 40 5. 70 5. 30 5.60 5.27
1923.... 5.80 5.70 6.10 5. 60 6.00 5.50 5.70 5.60 5. 40 5. 40 5.00 5. 40 5.60
1924.... 5.80 5. 90 5.90 6.10 5.80 5.80 5. 90 5.90 5. 80 5.60 5. 60 5.50 5.80
1925.... 6.70 6.50 6. 30 6.30 6. 10 6.70 6.20 6.80 6.70 6.80 6.40 6.80 6.52
1910 5.70 6. 10 1 4.00 2.50 3.00 4.50 4.50 4.00 4. 20 4.00 3.30 3. 70 4.12
1911 3.20 4.00 4.70 5.00 4.20 4.00 4. 40 4. 10 4.50 4. 40 3. 90 3. 70 4.18
1912.... 3.70 3. 80 3.80 4. 10 4.50 3.50 4.40 3. 70 4. 70 4.40 3.90 4.00 4.04
1913 4.20 4. 40 4. 20 4. 70 4.60 4.60 4. 60 4. 40 4.50 4. 40 4.80 4. 80 4.52
1914 5.00 5.00 4. 90 5. 10 5.20 5.20 5. 10 4. 90 5. 10 5.50 4.70 4. 50 5.02
1915 5.00 5. 20 4.90 4.90 5.00 4.80 5. 10 5. 30 4.50 4. 80 4.60 5. 10 4.93
1916 4.90 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.60 5. 40 5. 70 5. 90 5.20 5.00 6.00 5. 80 5.38
1917 5.80 6.00 6.60 7. 30 7.50 7.70 7. 40 7.40 8. 10 7. 30 7.50 9. 40 7.33
1918 8. 10 7.70 7. 50 8.20 8.30 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.20 8. 80 8. 10 7. 90 8. 36
1919 8.30 7. 80 8.90 9.70 9.20 9.00 8. 80 8.90 8. 50 8. 60 8.00 7.90 8.63
1920 7.90 8.20 8. 10 9. 10 9. 10 8.50 8. 10 7.60 7.60 7.00 6.50 6.60 7.86
1921 6.20 5. 40 5. 60 5.80 5.30 5. 60 4. 80 4.70 5.00 4.90 4.90 4. 30 5. 21
1922 4.60 3.40 4.90 4. 70 5.10 5.20 5. 20 4.90 4.90 4.80 4.80 4. 30 4.73
1923 4.70 4. 60 4. 70 5.00 5. 10 5. 10 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.40 4. 30 4.40 4.78
1924.... 4. 40 4.80 4.60 5.00 4.80 4.50 4. 70 4.50 4. 30 4. 40 4. 80 4. 70 4.62
1925.... 4.50 49DL 4.70 5.60 5.40* 5.10 5.60 4.70 4.80 5.00 5. 40 5.10 5.07
1910 4 10 4.80 4.20 4.30 4.50 4. 50 4.30 4.50 4. 10 4.30 4.40 3.80 4. 32
1911 4. 60 5.60 4. 50 4. 10 a 60 3. 60 4. 10 4. 20 3.60 3.80 3. 60
1912 4. 00 3.90 5.00 3.90 4.00 4. 80 4.90 4. 30 5.00 4.60 4. 50 4. 70 4. 47
1913 4. 80 4.70 4. 40 4.80 5.20 4. 40 4. 80 5.20 5. 30 5.40 4. 80 5.30 4.92
1914 5. 20 5.30 5.80 5.50 5.90 . 5. 90 5.90 5.70 5.60 5.80 5.40 5. 30 5. 61
1915 5. 30 5.00 5.30 5.70 5. 60 5. 50 5.60 5. 10 5. 10 5.30 5.20 5.20 5.32
1916 5. 20 5.00 5.40 5.60 6. 10 5. 90 6. 10 6. 10 5.80 5.80 5.80 6.00 5.73
1917... . a 50 6.70 7. 10 7.60 8. 40 7. 70 7.90 7.00 7.20 7.80 7.90 7. 80 7.47
1918 7. 70 8.20 8.50 8.70 9.90 9. 30 9. 70 8. 70 8.90 9.20 8. 10 8.50 8. 78
1919 9. 00 9.20 8.30 8.90 9. 10 9. 00 9. 50 8.90 8. 40 8.30 7.90 8. 60 8.76
1920 & 40 8.70 9.90 9.00 9. 10 & 60 8. 20 8.00 7. 10 7.90 6.50 6. 10 8.12
1921 5. 70 5.70 5.90 5.90 5.70 6. 00 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 5.18
1922 4. 50 4. 40 4.90 5.60 5.00 4. 50 4.40 4.00 4.50 4.70 4.50 4.50 4. 62
1923 4. 30 4.90 4.90 5.00 4.70 4 50 5.10 4.60 4. 20 4.70 4.20 3.80 4.58
1924 4. 90 4.60 4.60 4.70 4.50 4. 40 4.80 4. 40 4.50 4.00 4. 50 4.20 4.51
1925.... 4.80 5.00 4.80 5.10 5.80 4. 10 4.90 5.20 5.30 5.50 5.30 5. 20 5.08
1910 4.90 4.90 6. 10 5.90 5.50 5.50 4.90 5.00 5.00 4.60 4.90 5.10 5.19
1911 4. 50 4.70 5.00 5.00 4. 90 4.90 4. 60 4.20 4. 30 4. 10 4.40 4.40 4.58
1912 4. 10 4.40 4.80 4.80 4.70 5.00 4.80 4.70 4.90 4.80 4.90 5. 10 4.75
1913 4.90 5.40 5.20 5.70 5.60 6.00 5.80 5.40 5.50 6.00 5.70 5.60 5.57
1914 5.80 5.80 6.50 6.40 6.00 5.90 5. 90 6. 10 6. 10 6.00 5.50 5.70 5. 98
1915 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.90 5.50 5.80 6.00 6.30 5.90 5.70 5.40 5.80 5.78
1916 5.60 5.70 6.20 6.60 6.50 6. 30 6.50 6.40 6.20 6.60 6.50 6.70 6.32
1917 6.90 7.20 7.80 7.90 8.20 8.20 7.90 7.90 8.50 8.30 8.20 8.00 7.92
1918 8.00 8.30 8.60 8.30 9.00 8.90 9.00 8.10 9.00 8.30 8.50 7.60 8.47-
1919 8.20 8.70 8.00 8.30 8.30 8.90 9.40 8.90 8.70 8.30 8. 10 7.80 8.47
1920 8.20 8.90 8.60 8.50 8.90 8.40 8.50 7.80 7.70 7.30 7.10 6.70 8.05
1921 6.60 6.50 6.40 5.80 5.80 5.70 5.70 5.00 4.80 5.30 5. 10 4. 70 5.62
1922 5.00 5. 10 5.60 5.60 5.70 5. 40 5. 10 5.00 4.90 5.30 4.70 5.30 5.22
1923 4.90 4.90 5.00 5.30 4.90 5.00 5.40 5.40 5. 10 5.40 4.50 4.70 5.04
1924 4.70 5. 10 5.10 5. 30 5.50 5.20 5.50 4. 70 4.50 5.20 5.00 4.C0 5.00
1925 4.80 6.00 5.90 6.10 5.30 5.30 6.30 5.50 6. 30 5.90 5.30 5.60 5.69
Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910.. 4.60 4.00 4.00 5.00 4.80 5.50 4.90 5.40 4.70 5.00 4.60 5.10 4.80
1911.... 4.80 4.70 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.90 4.50 5.70 4.70 4.50 5.10 4.64
1912.... 5.20 4.60 5.00 4. 60 4.90 4.80 5.20 4.40 5.30 5.00 4.50 4.00 4.79
1913.... 3.80 4.40 4.80 4.00 6.00 5.60 5.50 5.50 5.00 6.70 5.70 4.80 5.15
1914.... 5.50 5.60 5.90 6.30 5.80 6.00 6.30 9.20 6.00 6.20 6.20 5. 10 6.18
1915.... 5.80 5.90 5.70 6.20 6. 10 6.00 6. 10 5.90 6. 10 6.00 5.30 6.00 5.92
1916-... 6.30 6.60 5.80 7.20 6.60 6.00 6.40 6.20 7.00 6.40 7.50 7.40 6.62
1917..-. 7.00 6.90 8.70 8.90 9.50 8. 10 9. 10 8.00 8.70 8.70 9.40 9.20 8.52
1918.... 9.00 8.00 8.20 7.90 9. 50 9.90 10.30 9.00 8. 40 9.60 7.70
1919.... 7.80 8.20 8.50 8.60 9.20 8.60 9.00 9.40 8.90 9.30 9.50 8.30 8.78
1920.... 8.60 10.10 9.10 10.20 10.20 8. 30 9.00 8.50 8. 10 8.40 6.80 7.40 8.72
1921.... 7.30 7.70 7.40 7.20 6.90 6. 40 5.70 4.90 5.30 5.30 4.60 5.70 6.20
1922.... 4.80 4.80 5.20 6.00 5.90 6.70 5.70 4.90 5.30 5.10 4.90 3. 80 5.26
1923 5. 10 5. 20 5. 10 5.60 5. 20 5. 50 5.40 5. 10 5.20 5. 00 5.00
1924...- 5.20 5.80 5.60 5.70 6.00 5.90 5.80 4.80 5.90 5.60 5. 50 5.20 5.58
1925.... 5.20 6.00 6.00 7.20 6.30 6.50 5.90 4. 30 5.30 7.00 7.00 5.90 6.05
1910 5.80 5.30 5.80 5.80 6.10 6.00 5. 10 5.40 5. 10 5.10 5.30 5.40 5.52
1911 5.30 5.20 5.60 5.50 5.00 5.10 4.50 5.00 4.80 4.90 4.70 4.90 5.04
1912 5. 10 5.20 5.60 5. 90 5.90 5.70 5.60 6.00 5.80 6.00 5.80 5.90 5. 71
1913 6.20 6.10 6.90 6.90 6.60 7.00 6.60 6. 60 6.60 6.40 6.80 6.90 6.63
1914 6.90 7.00 7. 40 7.50 6.70 6.90 6.90 6.90 7.00 6.70 6.80 6.80 6.96
1915 6.90 6.70 6.90 7. 10 7.00 6.90 7.30 6.90 7.20 7. 10 7.10 7.00 7.01
1916 6.70 7.00 7.60 7.80 7.70 8.00 7.50 7.60 7.50 7.70 7.40 7.90 7.53
1917 8.20 8.70 8.80 9.30 9.70 9.70 8.60 8. 30 9.00 8.70 8.60 9. 30 8.91
1918 9.00 9.10 9.30 9.90 9.90 10.30 10.30 9.20 8.90 9. 10 8.60 9. 10 9.39
1919 9.00 9.70 10.40 10. 10 10.20 9.90 10.90 9.80 9. 40 9.30 10.00 9.60 9.86
1920 9.80 9.90 9.20 9.90 9. 10 9.70 9.20 8.80 8.70 8.50 6.20 7.50 8.86
1921 6.80 6.90 6.90 6.80 6.40 0. 30 6.00 4.80 5. 10 5.20 5.20 5.00 5. 95
1922 5.00 5.60 5.70 5.70 6. 10 6.40 5.50 6.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.10 5.56
1923 5.00 5. 70 5.90 6.00 6.00 5.60 5.20 5.30 5.30 5.40 5.20 5.80 5.53
1924.... 5.80 5. 80 5.90 5. 40 5. 60 5.70 5.40 5.20 5.50 5.50 5.30 5. 50 5.55
1925.... 5.50 6.70 7.50 7.30 6.50 6.80 6. 80 6.40 6.50 7.00 6.30 7.00 6.69
1910 5.90 4.90 5.50 5.50 5.40 5.40 5.60 5. 40 5. 10 5.20 5.00 4.80 5.31
1911 4.70 4.80 4. 90 4.90 4.70 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.50 4.50 4.50 4. 40 4.63
1912 4.50 4.60 4.50 5.30 5.40 5.20 5.50 5.60 5.60 5.50 5.50 5.30 5.21
1913 5.50 5.50 6.80 6.30 5.80 6.10 6.00 6.00 5.90 5.90 6. 10 6. 10 6.00
1914 6.20 6.00 6. 30 6. 30 6. 60 6. 40 6.5Q 6. 40 6. 40 6. 60 6.20 6. 40 6.36
1915 6.40 6.20 6.20 6. 40 6.40 6.70 6.60 6.70 6.50 6.60 6. 40 6.60 6. 48
1916... . 6. 40 6. 40 6.50 7. 10 7.20 7.30 7.20 6.80 7.20 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.90
1917 7.00 7. 40 8.20 8.40 8.70 8.70 8.60 8. 20 8.20 8. 30 8.00 8. 40 8. 18
1918 8.20 8.40 8.50 9.50 9.60 9.30 9.10 8.50 8.20 8.50 8.30 8.00 8.68
1919 8.90 8.90 9.20 9.30 9.50 9.50 9.60 10.10 9.60 9.20 9.00 9.50 9.36
1920 9.60 9.30 9.10 9.50 9.40 9.30 8.70 8.60 8.90 9.80 7. 30 6.70 8.85
1921 6.90 6.60 6.70 6.60 6.40 5.70 5.70 5.10 5.30 5. 30 4. 40 4. 50 5.77
1922 4.60 5.00 5. 10 5.60 5. 60 6. 10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5. 10 5. 10 5, 10 5.19
1923 5. 10 5.50 6.00 6.20 5.60 5.30 5.70 5.00 5.20 5. 40 5.40 5. 40 5.48
1924 5.30 5.30 5.70 5.60 5.80 5.80 5.60 5.20 5.30 5.20 5.30 4.80 5.41
1925 5.40 5.30 6.30 6.40 7.30 6.20 6.30 6.00 6.10 6.50 5.90 6.50 6. 18
1910 9.20 8.50 8.50 9.00 8.50 8.30 9.00 8.20 8.20 7.50 7.80
1911 7.50 8.00 7.90 7.40 7. 00 6.60 8.20 6.60 6.20 6.80 7.00 5.70 7. 08
1912 5.90 6.90 6.60 6.90 7.50 7.50 7.10 8.60 7.30 7. 10 7.10 8. 10 7.22
1913 7.80 8. 40 9.10 8.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 9.00 7.60 8.50 8.90 9.10 8.58
1914 8.80 8.20 8.80 8.80 8.70 9.00 9.00 8.90 8.80 7.50 8.00 8.30 8.57
1915 7. 40 7.80 8.00 8.10 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 7.90 7.30 7.30 8.07
1916 9.00 8. 10 8. 10 9.00 8. 90 8.80 8. 10 7. 80 9. 60 7.90 9.00
1917 8.90 8.70 11.80 12.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 12.00 11. 50 11.30 11.70 11.20 11. 51
1918 11.10 12.90 12.00 13. 40 15.30 14.90 12.70 12.30 11.70 11.00 11.00 11.10 12.45
1919 10.20 12.00 12. 40 14.60 14.20 13. 40 12.10 12. 10 11.50 10.60 10.70 11. 10 12.08
1920 11.80 12.60 12.60 13.60 13.20 13.60 12.20 13.50 10.50 10.70 9.50 8.00 11.82
1921 8.00 8.00 8.60 8.70 8.50 8.00 7.90 8.10 8.00 6.20 6.30 6.80 7.76
1922 7. 10 7.50 8.00 8.30 8.60 8.30 8.70 8.20 8.20 8.20 8. 10 8.20 8.12
1923 7.20 7.50 8.50 8.00 8.80 9.00 8. 30 8.50 8.40 8.90 7.50 7.00 8.13
1924 tf. 70 7.70 8.20 8.30 8.00 8.50 8.00 8.00 8.30 8.00 7.90 8.20 8.07
1925 8.60 8.30 8.10 8.70 8.70 8.30 7.90 8.30 8.80 8.30 8. 10 8.20 8.36

Table 64.—Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued
i ear Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. ! Dolls.
1910.... ' 7.50 7.30 8.50 5.50 6.60 8.00 6.40 7.00 6.80 6.60 6.50 6.00 6.89
1911 6.80 5.50 7.00 6.60 6.00 7.00 6.60 6. 10 6.80 6.50 6.40 6.40 6.48
1912 6.40 6.70 6.60 6.40 6.80 6.60 6.80 7.00 7.80 6.90 7.60 7.00 6.88
1913 6.60 7.50 7.80 8.30 8.00 8.00 7.50 7.60 8.60 7.30 8.10 8.00 7.78
1914 7.90 8.20 8.50 7.50 7.60 8.00 8.00 8.80 7.80 8.00 7. 40 7.70 7.95
1915 7.60 7.30 7.30 7.80 7.80 7.40 8. 10 6.70 7.00 7.50 7.60 7.80 ! 7.49
1916 7.50 7.50 8.00 8.80 8.50 8.90 8.20 8. 10 8.00 7.80 8.50 8.00 8. 15
1917 8.50 9.20 9.70 10. 10 10.00 11. 30 10.00 10.60 9.10 9.80 8.80 10.00 9.76
1918 9.50 9.70 10.50 10.90 11. 10 11.70 10. 30 10.50 9.80 10.00 9.50 8.00 i 10. 12
1919 10.00 9.90 11.10 11. 10 11. 40 12.20 10.90 10.20 10.20 10.50 9.80 10.20 10.62
1920 10.80 10.70 U.3Q 11.00 10.80 10.00 10.30 9.30 9.80 10.00 8.00 7.70 9.98
1921 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.90 7.50 8.00 7.30 7.10 6.90 6.60 7.00 6.20 7.38
1922 6.30 7.00 7.40 7.80 7.30 8.00 7.00 7.80 6.90 7.00 7.00 6.60 7.18
1923- ... 7.30 7.00 7.20 6.80 7.20 7.10 7.30 6.70 6.80 6.50 6.50 6.00 6.87
1924. ... 7. 10 6.80 7.50 7.30 7. 30 7.00 7.50 7.10 7.00 7.00 6.60 6.80 7.08
1925 6.50 7.50 8.00 7.40 7.30 7.00 8.60 8.00 7.10 7.50 6.80 7.20 7.41
1910 10.00 6.30 6. 30 8.30 8.00 7.50 8.50 7.80 8.50 8. 50
1911 6.50 7.00 6.80 7.00 8.00 5.50 8.00 6.20 7.50 7.50 6.30 5.70 6.83
1912 5.70 7.00 7.10 7.90 6.80 6.90 7.50 8. 40 7.70 8.00 8.80 7.50 7.44
1913 8.00 8.00 8.50 9.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 7.60 7.60 8.60 8.30 9.40 8.42
1914 8.30 8.40 9.00 10.00 9.80 10. 50 9.30 9.80 9.90 9.80 8.80 8.80 9.37
1915 8.90 10.00 9.70 8.50 9.30 9.00 10.50 8.40 8.20 8.60 7.80 8.50 8.95
1916 9.00 9. 30 9.30 10.40 10.50 10.50 10.20 9.60 10.00 10.20 10.20 10.00 9.93
1917 9.80 10.50 11.40 12.40 13. 10 12. 10 12.00 ! 12.70 13.50 12.00 11.70 11.50 11.89
1918 11.00 12.40 13.20 13. 40 14.30 14.90 13. 30 11.80 12.60 12. 10 12.50 11.60 12.76
1919 12.80 13.20 14. 40 12.40 14. 40 13.50 12.60 ! 12.70 11.00 10.60 11.00 10.50 12.42
1920 11.60 13.50 13.50 12.70 12.70 14.20 13. 10 ! 11.60 9.00 10.00 9.30 8.00 11.60
1921.... 8.00 8.30 9.00 8.70 8.00 9.00 8.30 : 9.00 9.60 7.50 7.40 7.80 8.38
1922 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.20 9.20 9.30 10.00 ! 8.60 8.90 8.20 7.80 7.60 8.57
1923 8.70 8.20 8.30 8.70 9.10 9.50 9.10 8.50 7.80 7.50 7.80 8.00 8.43
1924 8.20 8.90 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.50 8.00 i 8. 10 7.80 7.60 8.00 8.30 8.12
1925.... 8.20 7.00 9. 40 8.00 10.00 8.50 10.00 ! 10.50 10.20 8.70 9.00 8.60 9.01
1910 9. 30 7.60 6.00 10.10 11.00 9.50 8.50 7.60 7.30 6.70 5.90 7.00 8.04
1911 7.00 6.50 7. 30 7.30 6.60 6.70 7. 30 7.20 7.00 6. 10 6.20 6.30 6.79
1912.... 6.30 6.70 6.70 7.20 7.30 7.70 7.40 7.70 7.20 7.20 7.00 7.70 7. 18
1913 7.90 8.00 8. 30 8.80 9.00 8.60 9.30 9.50 8.20 8.30 8.70 8.20 8.57
1914 8.40 9.00 8.60 8.70 9.00 9.30 9. 40 8.20 8.60 7.50 8.00 8.30 8.58
1915 8.50 8.70 8.90 9.00 9.50 9.00 8.40 8.50 8.30 9.00 8. 10 8.40 8.69
1916 8.00 8.70 8.90 9.80 9.60 9.70 10.10 10.00 9. 30 9. 20 8.60 9.00 9.24
1917 9.30 9.80 10.30 11.00 12.50 11.90 13.40 11.50 11.70 11. 10 10.20 11.00 11.14
1918 11.30 11.80 12.60 12.70 13.40 12.70 12.80 12.50 11.80 10.50 10.50 11.80 12.03
1919 12.10 12.60 13. 30 12.70 12.60 12.90 12.50 11.80 11.40 11.60 11.60 11.00 12.18
1920.... 12.00 12.10 12.80 12.50 12.90 11.90 12.80 11.00 11. 10 9.90 9.50 7.90 11. 37
1921.... 8.00 8.00 8.80 8.90 8.20 8.10 7.60 7.00 7.00 6.80 6.50 6.50 7.62
1922 7.10 7.50 7.20 7.50 7.70 7.70 7.30 6.80 6.60 6.60 6.30 6.40 7.06
1923 6.90 8.00 8.20 8.50 8.40 8.50 8. 10 7.40 8.00 7.30 6.80 7.10 7.77
1924 7.90 7.80 8.20 8.50 8.30 8.30 8.40 7.80 7.80 7.30 7.00 7.30 7.88
1925 7.90 7.90 8.80 8.70 9.00 8.60 8.20 8.50 7.90 8.60 8.60 7.80 8.38
1910 5.50 7.60 6.50 8.00 7.70 6.40 8.00 7.80 8.30 8.00
1911.... 7.10 5.90 7.60 5.80. 7.10 7.10 6.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.10 6.10 6.44
1912 6.20 6.20 7.00 7.70 6.90 7.50 6.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 8.50 8.20 7.27
1913 8.20 7.20 8.00 7.00 6.70 7.00 8.00 7.60 8.00 10.50 9.00 8.10 7.94
1914 8.20 6.50 8.10 7.60 8.90 9.00 10.00 7.50 8.50 7.10 8.80 8.30 8.21
1915 8.70 9.30 8.70 8.50 8.10 8.50 8.50 8.60 9.00 8.80 9.80 9.20 8.81
1916 8.10 9.30 10.00 9.10 9.00 8.30 8.60 7.90 8.50 8.20 9.00 8.40 8.70
1917 8.20 9. 10 9.50 9.90 11.60 11.00 10.30 10.00 11. 10 12.40 11.50 12.70 10.61
1918 11.80 12.40 10.70 11.80 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.70 11. 10 10.00 12.21
1919 11.00 12.30 12.00 15.50 13.50 12.30 13.60 14.50 13.80 11. 10 10.80 11.30 12.64
1920 10.10 12.60 12.70 12. 2012.20 12. 10 11.00 12.50 10.00 9.60 8.80
1921 9.40 7.00 7.70 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.70 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.70 6.00 7.46
1922 6.20 6.50 7.50 7.80 7.60 8.30 8. 30 7.50 7.20 6.50 7.00 6.50 7.24
1923 7.60 6.00 7.10 7.70 7.30 6.20 6.80 6.10 6.00 6.50
1924 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.20 6.50
1925 6.30 8.60 8.10 6.70 9.00 9.30 7.00 6.70 5.30 7.00
Tabl*e 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May | June July Aug. Sept. I Oct. Nov. Dec.
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ! 15 15 15
Doll*. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
5. 40 7.00 5. 50 5. 00 6.20 6.50 5.00 5.00 5.00
5.30 5. 50 6. 70 8.00 6.00 6.00 6. 50 5. 50 5. 30 6. 50 5. SO
5. 70 6.50 7.50 8.00 8. 50 7.60 7. 40 8.00 7. 20 7. 00 8. 10
8.30 8. 00 7.80 7. 20 8.00 7. 90 8. 20 6.80 7. 10 6. 80 7. 20 8.00
8.30 8. 50 7. 50 7. 50 8.50 7.90 7. 70 8. 00 8. 10 7. 60 7. 40 8.00
8. 20 8.50 9.00 10.00 8.70 8.60 7.50 7.50 9.00 10.00
9.80 10.60 14.00 12.30 10. 30 10. 50 9.90 11.00 11.30 11.40 10.00
10.50 10. 10 10.60 10.80 9.60 9.90 10.60 10.00 9. 60 9.70 8.70 10.00
12.00 10.80 13.00 11.00 11.40 10.60 12.00 10.60 9.80 o11.00 9. 40 9.80
10.30 12. 30 12.40 12. 50 11.20 8.70 10. 90 9. 70 I 9.30 9. 50 8.50
8.00 8.00 8.50 8.20 8.20 8.00 9.20 8.00 7.00 7.00 7. 20 5. 70
6.00 7. 50 6. 50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7. 50 7. 50 6.50 7.00 7.00
6. 20 0. 00 6. 40 C. 40 5.80 6. 50 6. 20 7.00 6. 30 6. 40 6. 50 6. 30
7. 50 7. 30 7.90 7. 50 7. 20 7.50 7. 00 6.00 6. 30 6.70 6.00 5. 90
6. 70 7. 50 6.60 8. 00 7. 90 8. 60 8. 00 7. 30 6. GO 6.90 7.00 7. 10
1910 8.00 10.00 8.00 11.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 7.80 9.80 7.50 7.20 7.60 8.41
1911 7.60 6.00 7.00 9.20 8.00 8.50 6.70 7.70 7.80 8. 10 6.60 6.50 7. 48
1912 7.50 7.90 6.70 8.50 8.60 7. 20 6. 40 6. 90 8.00 8.30 7.50 7.30 7.57
1913 7.80 8. 30 8.30 10.00 8.80 9.50 8.50 10.00 9.80 8.70 8.00 9.50 8.93
1914 9.50 9.40 9.60 8.40 8.10 9.00 8.80 8.70 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.90 8.90
1915 8.90 8.50 8.60 8.80 8.50 9.20 9.90 8.50 8.90 8.90 8.80 8.80 8.86
1916 8. 10 8.60 9. 10 9. 20 10.00 9. 30 9.50 9.60 10.00 9. 30 9.50 9.00 9. 27
1917 9.60 10.60 10.80 11.80 12.00 11.80 12. 10 11.60 12. 10 11.80 12.30 12.40 11.58
1918.... 11.50 12.10 13. 30 11.10 13.70 12. 80 13. 40 13.80 12.50 14.00 12.60 13.60 12.87
1U19 13. 10 12. 20 13. OO 13. OO 13. 40 13. 50 14. 50 13. 60 12. 90 11.70 11.90 11.00 12.87
1920 12.00 12.20 12.60 13. 10 13.00 12.80 13. 20 12.20 10.50 10.50 9. 50 8.50 11.68
1921 8.50 9.00 9.90 9.50 9.50 9.50 8.00 8.00 7. 50 7.50 7.00 7.00 8. 41
1922 7.00 8.00 8.20 9.00 8.20 9.00 9.50 8.90 8.00 8. 70 8.80 8.50 8.48
1923 9.00 9.00 9. 10 9. 10 9.50 9.00 8. 70 9.00 9. 10 8.00 8.40 8.20 8.84
1924.... 8.60 8.80 8.70 8.90 8.60 8.90 8.80 7.90 7.60 7.60 8.50 8.00 8.41
1925.... 9. 30 8.50 8.60 8.80 9.20 8.90 9.70 8.20 8.70 8.40 8.20 8.30 8.73
: 1
i 5.80
5.20 6. 10 7.60 8. 00 7. 60 9.00 7.50 6.50 5. 40 8.40 7. 30
6.80 6.20 6.50 6. 70 6. 40 6.50 6. 50 7. 30 8.30 7. 30 6.50 7. 10 6.84
7. 40 8.20 8. 10 10. 00 9.50 7. 10 6.50 7.50 7. 10 7.10 7. 20 7.60 7.78
.... 7. 30 7.60 7.80 8.10 8. 30 7.00 7.50 7.50 9. 00 9.00 8. 50 8.00 7.97
7. 80 7.80 7.20 7. 40 8. 00 8. 00 8.00 8. 10 8.00 7.00 7. 10 8.60 7. 75
7. 80 8.50 9.10 9.50 9. 80 9.00 7.50 8.10 8. 00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.44
9.20 9.50 12. 00 11.00 11. 10 10.50 9. 40 9.90 9. 50 9.50 9.90 10.00 10. 12
10.00 11.00 10.50 12. 70 13.20 13. 40 12.00 11. 30 12. 00 11.00 11. 30 10.20 11.55
11. 00 12.20 11. 70 11. 50 12. 10 11.40 10. 30 10.50 11. 80 11.40 12.40 9.90 11.35
— 10.80 13.60 11.90 11. 10 13. 10 10. 60 9.60 9. 60 9.00 8. 70 9.10 8.70 10. 48
8.80 9.00 9. 00 8.50 8. 90 10.00 7.80 7. 50 6. 50 6.50 6.50 7. 00 8.00
6.00 9.00 9.50 10. 00 9. 00 10. 00 8.00 9.00 8.40 8.00 8.50 8.00 8.62
8.00 7. 70 8.20 9.00 9. 00 8. 00 8. 10 8. 00 7.10
{ 8.00 8.00 9.00 8.80 6. 60 6.60 6.70 6. 50 6. 00 6. 10
9.00 9. 30 8. 50 8.60 9. 30 9. 00 10.10 10.00 9. 60 8. 50
1910--. 6.80 6.60 6. 70 9.00 9.30 8.10 8.20 7.90 7.10 7.00 7.50 7.40 7.63
1911.... 7. 60 8. 30 8.80 7.80 7. 80 7. 00 7.20 7.90 7.20 8.50 7.60 7. 90 7.80
1912.... 6.90 7.70 8.00 8. 00 8.20 7.00 6. 80 7.00 7. 10 7.80 7.90 8.40 7.57
1913 8. 90 8. 10 8.60 8.60 8.90 8. 70 8.70 9.10 7.60 8.20 8.60 8. 00 8.50
1914 8. 10 7.80 8.20 7.90 7. 70 7. 70 8. 00 8.50 8. 60 8.60 8.50 7. 50 8.09
1915--.. 8.40 8.10 8.40 7.80 7.90 7. 90 7. 40 7.20 7. 20 7. 30 7.70 6. 90 7.68
1916 7. 90 7. 80 7.50 8.10 8.60 7. 70 8. 00 7.80 8.00 7.80 7.80 8.00 7.92
1917 8.80 8.90 9. 90 9.50 10. 20 9. 80 9.40 9. 90 8.70 9. 50 9. 70 9. 40 9.48
1918 10.00 10.10 10. 70 10. 90 11.80 12. 10 10.20 10. 30 10.40 10. 40 9.80 9. 80 10.54
1919 11. 30 11.80 11. 50 12. 20 12. 50 12.00 12. 10 12. 30 11. 00 12. 00 10.90 11. 70 11.78
1920 12.40 11.90 12.20 12. 30 12.40 11. 20 11. 10 11. 50 11. 50 10. 50 9.00 9.30 11.28
1921 9.40 9. 60 10.40 9. 50 9.00 8.00 7.50 8.10 7.30 7. 00 6. 50 6. 90 8.27
1922 7. 10 7.90 8. 50 8.40 8.10 7. 20 7.30 7. 10 7. 10 7. 20 6.50 6. 70 7.42
1923 7.40 7.80 7.80 8.30 8.20 7.50 7.90 7. 60 8.00 7. 30 8. 50 7.80 7.84
1924... . 8.50 8.90 9.10 9.00 9. 00 8. 50 8.00 7.40 7.20 8.00 7. 20
1925. ... 8.20 8.00 8. 30 9. 10 8.40 9. 10 8. 50 9. 10 9.10 9.50 8.20 8. 60 8.68

Table 64.— Veal calves: Estimated average price per 100 pounds received by
producers, by States, 1910-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 age
. .
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1910-.. . 7. 30 6.30 8.00 7.50 8.50 7.80 7. 60 6. 90 7.30 6. 20 6. 20 6.50 7. 18
1911.... 6. 70 7. 00 6.70 7. 10 7. 10 6.00 6.90 7.20 7. 30 6.30 7.40 6. 70 6. 87
1912.... 6.60 7.00 7.00 7. 70 7.50 7. 20 6. 60 7. 00 8.00 7. 40 7.10 7. 50 7. 22
1913 7.30 8.00 8. 00 8.20 7. 50 8.50 7. 60 7. 80 8.00 7. 70 8.00 8.50 7. 92
1914 8. 30 8.50 7.90 7.50 8.30 7.90 7.60 7.50 7.00 7. 50 8. 00 8.20 7. 85
1915 8.00 7.80 7.50 8.00 7.90 7. 40 7. 00 7.20 6.60 6.80 7.00 6.50 7.31
1916 7. 50 7. 70 8.00 7.60 8. 50 8. 90 7. 70 7. 70 6. 90 7.30 8.00 7.00 7.73
1917—. 8.40 9.80 9.80 10.10 10. 40 9.60 9.20 8. 70 9.30 8.80 9. 40 8.90 9.37
1918.... 9.80 10. 50 11.30 I1. 70 11.50 11.50 10. 40 11. 10 11. 10 11.90 11.90 12.00 11.22
1919 12.70 12. 10 12.50 13.20 12. 20 12.20 11. 80 13. 40 13.40 11. 00 12.40 11.20 12.34
1920 12. 30 13. 50 13.50 13. 70 13.70 12.20 11.80 12.70 11.50 12. 00 9. 00 10.00 12. 16
1921 10.00 11.00 10. 50 10.00 9.00 9.00 10. 00 9.00 8.50 8. 70 7. 50 7.50 9.22
1922 8.00 9. 00 9. 00 8. 50 8. 50 8. 20 7. 70 8.50 8.50 8.50 6. 50 8.00 8.24
1923.... 8.10 10.00 9. 10 9. 10 10.50 9.00 7. 80 8.50 8.60 8.50 9.70 9.20 9.01
1924 9.00 9.80 10. 20 9.80 9.70 9.40 9. 00 8. 30 8.50 7.20 7. 00
1925.... 8.00 9.00 9.20 9.20 10.00 9.00 8.70 10.00 9.30 9.50 9.40 10.30 9.30
1910 5. 10 5. 60 6.00 6. 30 5. 30 7.00 6. 10 5.90 6.50 6.70 6.20 8. 30 6.08
1911 7.00 6. 30 6.80 7.30 7.30 6.40 5. 50 5. 90 6.90 6.20 6.20 6. 00 6.48
1912 6.00 6.30 6.60 6. 80 6.20 6.20 6. 10 7. 20 6. 30 6.40 6.40 8. 90 6.45
1913 6. 90 7. 00 7. 00 7.20 7.20 7. 30 6.60 7.20 7. 00 7.00 7.10 7. 00 7.04
1914 7. 30 7.60 7.60 7. 40 7. 40 7.80 7. 30 7.70 8.40 7.90 7. 70 a 10 7. 68
1915 7.90 7. 70 7.70 7.80 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7. 60 7.20 7.30 7. 30 7. 40 7.53
1916 7.60 7. 40 7. 50 7. 70 7.60 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7.40 7.70 8. 20 7.59
1917 8.00 8.70 8.60 8.80 8.40 8.50 8. 40 8. 60 9.00 8.60 8. 70 9. 00 8.61
1918 8. 50 8.50 10.00 10.10 10.00 10.00 9. 50 10. 70 11. 10 9.80 10.40 10 30 9.91
1919 10.50 10.80 11.00 11.70 11.40 11. 40 11. 90 12.00 11.80 11.50 10.60 11. 30 11.32
1920 11.00 12.60 12.00 12.00 11. 70 10.70 10.90 10.20 10. 20 10. 20 10.20 10 00 10. 98
1921 10.00 9.50 9. 20 9.20 8. 50 9.00 8.50 8.40 8. 30 8.00 7.70 7. 70 8.67
1922 7. 80 8.20 8.60 8. 80 8.50 8.00 7.90 8.00 8.00 8.10 8.00 & 00 8. 16
1923.... 8. 10 8.50 8.40 8. 50 8.30 8.10 8. 60 8. 30 8. 00 8. 50 8. 10 7. 90 8.28
1924.... 8.50 8.40 8.80 8. 50 8.20 7. 50 7. 40 7. 50 7.80 7.60 7.50 7. 50 7.93
1925.... 8. 30 8. 60 9.20 9.10 9. 20 9.50 9.40 9.50 9. 00 9.20 8.80 8.90 9.06
Division of Crop and Livestock Estimates. Current figures available in Crops and Markets Supple-
merit, monthly.

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Table 66.—Good beef steers: Average price per 100 pounds, Chicago, by months,

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Dolls. Dolls. ; Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1909-1913. 6.00 6.64j 7.03 7. 11 7. 17 7.23 7.20 7.46 7.60 7. 25 7. 14 6.98 7. 12
1914-1920 10.98 10.81 11.11 11.41 11.54 11.96 12.28 12. 40 12. 46 12. 12 11.48 11.06 11. 04
1921-1925 8.78 8.78| 9. 18 9.02 9. 16 9. 30 9.76 9.84 9.59 9.57 9.04 8. 76 9.23
1900.. 5.20 4.85: 4.85 4.95 5.10 5.20 5.25 5.40 5. 35 5. 25 5.15 5.00 5. 13
1901 4.85 4.801 4. 95 5.15 5. 30 5.55 5. 10 5. 10 5.50 5. 45 5.50 5. 65 5. 24
1902 5.70 5. 551 6. 05 6. 45 6.60 6.95 7. 10 7. 05 6. 65 6. 20 5.20 4.80 6. 19
1903. 4.80 4.60 4. 75 4.90 4.80 4.90 4.95 5.00 4.95 4. 70 4. 45 4. 55 4.78
1904 4.65 4.50! 4.60 4.65 4. 85 5.60 5. 40 5. 10 5. 10 5.20 4. 95 4. 40 4.92
1905.. 4.65 4. 75: 5.00 5. 75 5. 45 5.25 4.95 5.00 5.05 4.80 4.65 4. 75 5.00
1906 5.00 5.051 5.15 5.05 5.20 5.20 5. 40 5.45 5.50 5.60 5.60 5. 50 5.31
1907.. 5.60 5.55' 5. 55 5.65 5. 65 6. 20 6. 40 6. 25 6. 10 6. 10 5. 40 5. 10 5. 80
1908. 5.30 5.40! 1.00 6. 50 6.60 6.90 6. 45 6.00 5.95 5. 70 5.90 6.00 6.06
1909.. 6.00 5.85j fi. 10 6. 10 6. 45 6. 45 6. 45 6.70 6. 75 6.60 6. 45 6. 20 6. 34
1910 6.20 6. 35 7. 35 7. 55 7.50 7. 50 7. 10 6. 85 6.80 6.60 6. 20 6.00 6. 83
1911 6. 15 6. 15i G. 20 6.10 5. 95 6.05 6. 30 6.95 6. 80 6. 75 6.70 6. 65 6.40
1912 6.85 6.60 7. 20 7. 65 7. 95 8.00 7.90 8.50 9.15 7.90 8. 10 7.85 7.80
1913-_. 7.80 8. 25j S.30 8.15 8.00 8.15 8. 25 8.30 8. 50 8. 40 8.25 8. 20 8.21
1914. 8. 45 8. 30: 8.36 8.50 8.40 8.60 8.80 9. 10 9. 35 9. 05 8.60 8. 35 8.65
1915. 8.05 7. SO 7. 66 7. 70 8. 35 8.80 9.20 9.05 8.95 8.80 8.70 8.35 8. 43
1916. 8. 35 8. 35! 8. 75 9. 10 9. 50 9. 85 9.25 9. 45 9. 40 9. 75 10. 15 10.00 9. 33
1917 10. 15 10.50! 11.25 11.75 11.90 12.15 12.35 12. 70 13. 10 11.70 11. 10 11.40 11.67
1918... 12. 10 12.001 12.60 14.70 15. 40 15.85 16.05 15. 75 16.00 14.80 15.05 14.90 14.60
1919 15.80 15. 95! 16.05 15. 85 15.00 13. 55 15.60 16. 45 15. 50 16. 15 15. 10 14. 35 15. 45
1920... 13.95 13. 051 13.10 12.30 12.25 14.95 14.68 14. 30 14.95 14. 61 11.65 10.08 13. 32
1921 8.94 8.5? 9. 41 8.22 8. 33 7.94 8.09 8. 32 7.67 7. 59 7. 52 7.31 8.16
1922 7.37 7. 60! 8. 01 7.94 8.20 8.83 9. 48 9.62 9.98 10. 53 9. 42 8.89 8.82
1923 9.17 8. 86; 8. S3 9. 01 9. 41 9.94 10. 05 10. 48 10. 12 9.90 9. 36 8. 92 9. 50
1924 9.14 9.33! 9.59 9.83 9.83 9. 53 9. 91 9.54 9. 47 9. 57 9. 18 8. 98 9. 49
1925 9.28 9.54 10.06 10.12 10.03 10.28 11.29 11.26 10. 73 10.28 9.74 9. 71 10. 19
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prior to July, 1920, monthly figures compiled from Chi
cago Drovers Journal Yearbook; subsequent figures compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool.
Table 67.— Veal calves: Average price per 100 pounds, Chicago, by months,

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
8.69 8.25 8.38 7.33 7.59 7.94 8.23 8.90 9. 47 9.17 8.94 9.12 8.50
1914-1920 13. 30 13.00 12. 72 11.65 11.80 12.82 13.40 14.52 15.08 13.84 13.44 12.61 13. IS
1921-1925 9.98 10. 31 9.50 8. 22 8. 81 8. 76 9. 54 10. 37 10.90 9.63 8. 66 9.25 9. 50
1901.. 5.85 5.95 5.75 5. 15 5.25 6.00 5. 75 5. 25 5. 85 5.90 5.60 5.00 5.61
1902 6. 30 6. 75 6.00 5.50 5.75 5. 75 6. 50 6. 75 7.00 6. 80 6. 60 6.60 6. 36
1903.. 7. 10 7. 15 6.50 5.75 5.60 6. 20 5.65 6.40 6.65 6. 40 5. 75 4.95 6.18
1904.. 5.85 6. 35 5.65 4.60 4.60 4.90 5.75 5.60 5.90 6. 10 6.00 6.00 5. 61
1905.. 6.15 6.50 5. 70 5.10 5.25 5.85 5. 75 5.90 6.00 6.00 6. 00 6.60 5.90
1906-. 7.00 6. 40 6.25 5.60 5.65 5.80 5.60 6.00 6. 75 6.50 6.25 7.00 6.23
1907 7.00 6. 50 6.60 6.00 6. 35 6. 15 6. 40 6. 35 6. 50 6.00 6.26 6.00 6. 34
1908. 6. 75 6.60 6. 20 5.50 5.60 5.80 6.00 6. 75 7.60 7. 20 6.50 7. 40 6.49
1909. 7.60 6.85 7.00 6.30 6. 35 6. 50 7.00 7.50 7.60 8.10 7.40 8. 25 7.20
1910... 8.60 8.65 9.00 7.85 7. 35 7. 85 7.60 7. 75 8. 50 8.65 8.75 8. 50 8.25
1911. _ 8.75 8. 40 7. 40 6.60 7.25 7.60 7.40 8.00 8.75 8.60 8.35 7.85 7.91
1912.. 8. 75 7.50 8.00 7.40 7.75 8.00 8. 75 9. 75 11.25 10.00 9.85 10.25 8.94
1913.. 9.75 9.85 10.50 8.50 9. 25 9. 75 10. 40 11.50 11.25 10.501 10.35 10. 75 10.20
1914__ 11.00 10. 75 9.00 8.85 9.50 9.40 10.60 11.00 11.40 10. 65 10. 35 8. 65 10. 10
1915.. 9.85 10.35 10.00 8. 40 9. 15 9.60 10. 25 11.50 11.25 10.85 10. 15 9. 65 10.08
1916 10.15 10.65 9. 65 8. 75 10. 40 11.25 11.40 12.00 12. 40 11.50 11.85 11.75 10.98
1917 13.40 12.65 13.40 12.50 13. 25 13. 40 13.00 15. 15 15.00 14.85 13.50 15. 25 13. 78
1918-. 15. 35 14. 15 15.25 14.50 13.50 16.02 16. 67 17.28 18.63 16.83 16.86 16. 01 15.92
1919 15.62 15. 75 15. 01 14. 31 14.66 16.371 17.88 19.62 20. 52 18.05 17.60 16.56 16.83
1920. 17.74 16. 73 16.73 14. 22 12.12 13.68 13.98 15.08 16. 39 14. 18 13.74 10.39 14.58
1921 11.49 11.02 10. 33 8.12 8. 66 8.72 9.73 9. 39 10. 71 8. 68 7.70 7.81 9. 36
1922 8.36 9. 16 8. 26 6.97 8. 46 8.89, 8.90 10.88 11.92 9.65 8. 91 9. 42 9.15
1923... 10.08 10.63 9. 32 8.68 9.51 9.31 9.60 10. 01 9.98 9. 30 7.S2 S. 69 9. 42
1924... 10. 16 9. 82 9.24 8. 57 8.64 8.00 8.57 9.62 9.72 9.24 8. 28 9.04 9.0S
1925.. 9. 82 10.92 10. 35 8. 76 8. 79 8.87 10.91 11.94 12.18 11.19 10.60 11.30 10. 47
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prior to June, 1918, monthly figures compiled from Chi
cago Drovers Journal Yearbook; subsequent figures compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool.
Table 68.—Stocker and feeder cattle: Average price per 100 pounds, Chicago, by
months, 1902-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Average: Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1909-1913 5.08 5. 39 5. 68 5.83 5.79 5. 42 5. 19 5. 25 5.28 5.19 5. 19 5.17
1921-1925 6.50 6.72 7.29 7.16 7. 32 6. 56 6. 15 6.25 6.28 6. 31 6.07 6.18
1902 - 3.70 4.00 4. 10 4. 15 4.20 4.20 4. 10 4. 15 4. 05 3.70 3. 40 3. 30!
1903 3.60 3. 75 4.20 4. 35 4.10 4.00 3.70 3. 45 3.25 3.20 3. 10 3.05
1904 4. 30 3. 45 3.70 3.80 4.00 3.15 3.50 3. 35 3.30 3. 25 3. 15 2.90
1905 3. 65 3.70 3.90 3. 95 4.20 4.00 3.40 3.30 3. 45 3. 35 3.25 3. 35
1906 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.00 4. 15 3.90 3.65 3. 75 3.90 3. 75 3.70 3.80
1907 4. 10 4.25 4. 45 4.60 4. 55 4.50 4.20 4.00 4.05 3.85 3.80 3. 75|
1908 3.85 4.20 4. 35 4.80 4. 60 4.40 4. 15 4. 10 3. 90 3. 95 4.00 4.201
1909 4.55 4. 70 4.60 4.80 4.85 4.75 4.50 4. 30 4. 35 4. 30 4.25 4.40
1910 4.65 4.85 5.50 5.60 5.50 4.85 4. 45 4.50 4.50 4.70 4.60 4. 70
1911 .... 5.15 5. 10 5.25 5. 10 4. 95 4.50 4. 35 4. 45 4. 55 4. 40 4. 50 4.60
1912 4.90 5.20 5.60 6. 15 6. 25 5.85 5.40 5.70 5.65 5.60 5.85 5.50
1913 6.15 7. 10 7. 45 7.50 7.40 7. 15 7. 25 7.30 7. 35 6.95 6.(l)75 6. 65
1914 7. 10 7.25 7. 30 7.55 7.80 7. 35 7.20 7.(l)30 7. 15 6.80 0)
1915 (') 0)
1916 (l) (')6.90 7.(')65 (')
7.80 w 8. 15 7.90 P) 7.00 6.90 (') 6. 70 06.60 W 6.65 (')
1917 7.50 7. 75 8.60 8.75 8.90 8.50 . 7.90 8. 35 8.50 8.40 8.75 8.50
1918 8.80 9.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 10.90 10.25 10.85 10.90 10.25 10.00 10.25
1919 10.85 11.50 12.00 12.65 12.40 11. 15 10.15 10.75 9.90 10.15 9.75 9. 15
1920 9.95 9.20 10.00 (2) 10.00 9.40 8.80 8.30 8.85 8.85 8.10 7. 10
1921 7.20 6.80 8.10 7. 40 7. 35 6. 10 6. 10! 5. 90 5.50 5. 65 5. 45 5. 75
1922 5.90 6.65 6.85 7. 35 7. 35 6.90 6.20 6.65 6. 75 6.70 6. 30 6. 30
1923 6.90 7. 10 7.25 7. 10 7. 55 6. 75 5.85 6. 10 6.45 6.00 5.95 6.00
1924.... 6. 15 6.25 6.80 7.00 7. 45 6.75 6. 25 5. 95 6. 10 6.20 5. 75 5. 55
1925 6. 35 6.80 7. 45 6. 95 6.90 6.30 6. 35 6.65 6.60 7.00 6.90 7.30
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Chicago Drovers' Journal Yearbook.
1 Feeder market closed November, 1914, to January, 1916.
2 Practically no sales April, 1920.
Table 69.—Canner and cutter cows: Average price per 100 pounds, Chicago, by
months, 1907-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. j May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Average: Dolls.; Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1909-1913. 2.93 3.11 3. 31 3.511 3.51 3. 42 3. 26 3.20 3.25 3. 17 3. 16 3.15
1914-1920. 5.49 5.39 5.59 5.74 6.09 5. 95 5. 65 5.64 5.34 6.11 4.95! 5.08
1921-1925. 3.09! 3.16! 3.44 3.35 3.48 2. 88 3. 02 2,87 2.99 3.06 3.01! 2.96
1907 2. 10 1 2. 15 2. 35 2. 45 2.40 2.25 2. 20 2.06 2.00 1.95 1.85
1908 2. 20 2.40 2.60 2. 70 2 2. 70 2.50 2.60 2.40 2.36 2. 30
1909 2. 50 2. 65 2.70 2. 85 3.00 2.85 2.75 2.65 2.65 2.65 2. 70!
1910 2.75j 3. 10 3.50: 3.65 3.60 3.40 3. 10 2.80 2. 85 2.80 2. 85
1911 2. 85 3.10 3.00 3.15; 2.90 2. 95 ! 2. m 2. 75 2.80 2.65 2.55
1912 2.65 2. 60 3.00 3.50 3. 75 3.60 3.50 3.80 3.60 3.50 3.60
1913 3.90 4. 10 4. 35 4.40 4.40 4. 30 4.15 4.20 4.35 4.25 4.10
1914 4.25 4.60 150 4.60; 4. 4.60 4.60 4.85 4.65 4.40 4. 55
1915 _ 4. 25 4. 10 3.85 4.00 4. 40 4.75 4.75 4.60 4. 40 4.25 4. 10;
1916 4.00 4.26 4.80 4.95 5.40 5.35 5.20 5. 06 4.76 4. 45 4. 70 !
1917 5. 45 5. 60 6. 35 7. 10 7.26 6. 80 6. 10 6. 40 6.20 6.00 5.90
1918. 6.95 7. 15 7.35 7.70 7.80 7.60 7.25 7. on 6. 70 6. 60 6. 751
1919 7.25 L. 60 0. 50 6.40 7.00 7.05 6.85 6.76 5.90 5.86 5.80.
1920 6. 30 5. 50 5. 60 5.46 (i. 05 5.50 4.90 4. 4.76 4.25 3.85
1921 3.70 3.25 3.65 3.00 3.10 2. 20 2.75 2.60 2.76 2. 95 2.55
1922 2.75 2. 90 3. 30 3. 65 3.65 3. 10 3. 20 2. 95 3.10 3. 10 3. 10!
1923 3.15 3.40 3.60 3.60 3.75 2.85 2. as 2. 90 3.00 2.85 2. 75
1924 2.90 3.00 3.20 3.20 3. 25 3.00 2.95 2.76 2.86 2.06 3.00
1925 _ 2. 95 3. 25 3. 45 3. 30 3.65 3 3. 25 3.26 3.26 3. 40 3. 65
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Chicago Drovers' Journal Yearbook.
Table 70.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average bulk of sales and top price per
100 pounds, Chicago, 1921-1925
Beef steers Butcher Canners
Year and month Under 1,100 cows Veal
and calves
and cutters
Top General 1,100 pounds heifers
pounds up
1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
January... 11.50 8. 82 8.31 8.94 6. 22 3.87 11. 63
February.. 10.75 8. 35 7. 94 8. 57 5. 74 3. 35 10.88
March 10.75 9. 21 8. 92 9. 41 6.76 3. 75 10.25
April 10. 00 8. 13 8.02 8. 22 6. 50 3. 38 7.91
May 9. 75 8. 24 8.15 8. 33 6. 44 3.69 8.57
June 9.50 7.89 7. 79 7. 94 5. 63 2.84 9. 13
July 10. 00 8. 00 7. 94 8.09 5. 63 2. 97 10.19
August 10.85 8. 20 8. 10 8. 32 5. 35 2.93 9.68
September. 11.00 7.84 8. 04 7. 67 5.21 3. 05 12.66
October 12.40 7.83 8.07 7.59 4.91 3. 08 10.91
November. 12.50 7. 46 7.35 7. 52 4. 48 2.94 9.20
December.. 12.00 7. 12 6.91 7. 31 4. 66 2. 59 8.62
Average. 1 12. 50 8. 09 7. 96 8. 16 5.63 3. 20 9. 97
January 10. 00 7.24 7.12 7. 37 4. 90 2.93 9. 25
February.. 9.50 7. 46 7.31 7. 60 5. 06 3. 29 10.63
March 9. 40 7. 92 7.84 8. 01 5. 70 3. 55 8.87
April. 9.35 7. 96 8. 00 7.04 6. 19 3. 88 7. 60
May 9.35 8.26 8. SO 8.20 6. 49 4. 16 9. 20
June 10. 10 8. 78 8. 74 8. 83 6.29 3.51 9. 16
July 10. 85 9. 38 9.29 9. 48 6. 28 3. 38 9. 31
August 11. 25 9.59 9. 55 9. 62 6. 12 3. 28 11. 33
September. 12.25 9.88 9. 75 9. 98 5.98 3. 34 12.60
October 13. 60 10. 40 10. 25 10.53 5.77 3. 19 10.75
November. 13. 85 9. 32 9. 23 9.42 5. 32 3.13 9.35
December.. 14.00 8. 80 8. 66 8. 89 5. 24 3.11 9.72
Average. i 14. 00 8. 75 8.67 8. 82 5. 78 3.40 9.81
January 11.85 9. 00 8. 78 9. 17 5. 66 3. 30 10. 82
February. . 11.00 8. 75 8. 63 8. 86 5.88 3.65 11.41
March 10. 35 8. 76 8. 76 8.83 6. 41 3.88 9. 47
April . 10. 35 8.91 8. 78 9.01 6.71 3. 72 8. 47
May 11. 00 9. 29 9. 15 9.41 7. 08 4. 00 9. 23
June 11. 50 9. 71 9. 45 9. 94 7. 03 3.17 9. 28
July 11. 70 9.78 9. 45 10.05 6.91 3. 14 10. 75
August 13. 10 10.23 9. 93 10.48 6.69 2. 94 11.80
September. 13. 00 10.00 9. 78 10. 12 6. 36 3.02 12. 34
October 12.80 9.94 9. 96 9. 90 5. 81 2. 96 11.08
November. 12. 75 9. 51 9.64 9. 36 5. 06 2. 82 8.88
December.. 13. 25 9. 03 9. 20 8. 92 5. 42 2.94 9.62
Average. i 13. 25 9. 41 9. 29 9. 50 6. 25 3. 30 10.26
Beef steers
Butch Butch Can ners Veal
Year and month Under 1,100 er er and calves
Top Qeneral 1,100 pounds heifers cutters
pounds up
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
January 12.25 9. 01 8. 76 9. 14 5.25 6. 16 3.03 11.45
February 12. 00 8. 80 8.55 9.33 5. 44 6. 01 3. 16 10.75
March 12. 10 9. 12 8. 72 9. 59 5, 59 6.78 3.32 9.56
April 12.60 9. 55 9.07 9. 83 6. 15 7. 30 3.31 8. 88
May 12. 50 9.50 9. 08 9. 83 6. 66 7.64 3.37 9.47
June. - 11.50 9. 21 8. SO 9. 53 5. 68 7. 26 3. 12 9.13
July 11. 75 9.39 9. 02 9.91 5. 38 7. 37 3.03 9.98
August 11. 75 9.32 9. 13 9.54 5.12 7. 10 2. 85 11.53
September 11.50 9. 48 9. 50 9. 47 4. 92 6.88 3. 04 11.84
October 12. 90 9. 86 10.26 9. 57 4. 78 5. 95 2. 98 10.53
November 13. 75 9.41 9.91 9. 18 4. 55 5.73 3. 01 8. 90
December 14. 75 9. 09 9. 18 4.57 5. 70 2. 88 10.10
Average i 14. 75 9. 31 9. 16 9.49 5. 34 (i. 66 3. 09 10. 18
January 13. 50 9. 09 8. 65 9. 28 5. 07 6. 22 3. 06 10.84
February - - 12.50 9. 31 9. 01 9.54 5. 33 7. 08 3. 35 12.28
March 12.50 9.70 9. 53 10. 06 6. 00 8.00 3. OS 11.25
April - 12. 60 9. 95 9. 77 10. 12 6. 53 8. 55 3. 63 8.92
May 11.65 9.94 9. 82 10. 03 6. 65 8. 73 3. 86 9. 53
June.. 12. 60 10. 27 10.21 10. 28 6. 03 8. 23 3. 46 9. 78
Average January-June 13. 50 9. 71 9. 50 9. S8 .94 7. SO 3. 51 10.43
1 Highest price, not avo rage.
Table 70.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average bulk of sales and top price per
100 pounds, Chicago, 1921-1925—Continued

Slaughter cattle
Steers Cows Calves and
Year and month Mixed Heifers, steers,
year Can- Veal- all
Top all
1,500 1,100 to Under lings, all weights All ners Milk ers weights
pounds 1,500 1,100 weights 2 2 grades and fed ex medi all
up 1 pounds2 pounds2 above cut cluded um to grades
cutters ters choice

1925 Dolls. Dolls. \ Dolls. Dolls. 3Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July... 15.25 a 12.92 11.29 11.08 10. 72 3 7. 95 3 5.66 3 3. 36 3 6. 38 11. 17 3 6.29
August 16. 25 14.50 11.26 11. 14 10. 67 6.99 5.36 3. 30 6.03 12.56 6.88
September 16. 35 10.73 10. 36 9.64 6. 73 5.41 3.34 6.31 13.20 6.87
October 16. 35 1 10.28 9. 95 9. 25 6.10 5. 19 3. 42 6.22 12.38 6. 91
November 14.50 !i 9.74 9.56 8. 79 6. 12 5.31 3.66 6.10 10.88 6.98
December.. 14. 00 9.71 9. 49 8.85 7.13 5.72 3. 95 6.70 11. 20 7.28
Av. July-De 1 16. 35
cember 10.50 10.26 *. 65 6.84 5.44 3. 50 6.29 11.90 6. 87
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from data of the Division of Livestock,
Meats, and Wool.
Classification changed week ended July 11, 1925.
1 Highest price, not average. 2 All grades. 'July 11-Aug. 1.
Table 71.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average bulk of sales and top price per 100
pounds, Chicago, 1921-1925

Beef steers
Butcher Canners Veal Stockers
Week ended— Under 1,100 cows and and calves and
Top General 1,100 pounds heifers cutters feeders
pounds up
1921 Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars
Jan. 8 11.50 9.25 8.75 9. 38 6.38 4. 13 12.13 7.13
15 11.25 9. 13 8.75 9. 13 6.38 3.75 11.00 7.25
22 10.85 8. 75 8.00 8.88 6.25 3. 75 11.38 7.25
29 10.50 8.13 7. 75 8.38 5.88 3.85 12.00 6.88
Feb. 5 9.50 7.63 7. 38 7.75 5.38 3.75 10.75 6.25
12 10.25 8. 13 7.50 8. 38 5.68 3.50 10.75 6.38
19 10.50 8.50 8. 13 8.88 5. 75 3.00 10.50 6.63
26 10.75 9.13 8.75 9. 25 6. 13 3. 13 11.50 7.25
Mar. 5 10.75 9.38 8.88 9.63 6.75 3.75 11.38 7.88
12 10.75 9.50 9. 13 9.63 7.00 3. 75 9.25 8.38
19 10.75 9.25 9.00 9.50 6.75 3. 75 11.00 8.25
26 10.60 9.13 8.83 9. 30 6.63 3.75 9.63 7.88
Apr. 2 10.10 8.80 8.75 9.00 6.68 3.75 8.00 7.50
9 10.00 8.50 8.25 8. 75 6.50 3. 38 7.63 7.25
16 9.50 8.25 8.00 8.25 6. 75 3.25 7.50 7.25
23 9.60 8.00 8.13 8.05 6.75 3.50 8.00 7.00
30 9.00 7.75 7. 70 7.83 6.00 3.38 8.50 6.88
May 7 9. 50 8. 13 8.00 8. 13 6.25 3. 75 9.00 6.75
14 9. 75 8. 38 8.38 8. 58 6. 75 3.88 8. 38 7. 13
21 9.65 8.43 8.35 8.50 6. 75 3.88 8.88 7.38
28 9.50 8.00 7.88 8.12 6.00 3.25 8.00 7. 13
June 4 9.50 8.25 8.13 8.30 6.00 3. 18 9.00 7.00
11 9.00 8.00 7.88 8.08 6.00 3.00 9.38 6.63
18 9. 15 8.00 7.93 8.00 5.50 2.88 8.88 5.88
25 9. 15 7.80 7.68 7.93 5.38 2. 75 9.63 5.63
July 2 8.85 7. 38 7.33 7. 38 5. 25 2.38 8.75 5.00
9 9.00 7.63 7.63 7. 75 5. 50 2.75 9. 50 5.13
16 9.50 8.05 8.00 8.13 5. 75 2.75 10.50 5.63
23 9. 75 8.05 8.13 8.08 5.63 3.00 10.38 5.75
30 10.00 8.25 8.00 8. 38 5.63 3.38 10.38 5.88
Aug. 6 10.25 8.25 8. 13 8.45 5. 25 3.00 9.25 5.75
13 10.65 8.50 8.38 8.63 5. 50 3.00 8.25 5.88
20 10.85 8.38 8. 40 8. 38 5.38 2. 75 8.63 6.13
27 10.75 7.75 7.63 7.88 5. 13 3.00 9. 75 6.00
Sept. 3 10.85 8.13 7.95 8.25 5. 50 2.88 12.50 6.00
10 10.85 8.18 8.43 8.00 5. 25 3.00 12.50 5. 75
17 10.90 7.93 8.05 7.75 5. 45 3.05 13.38 5.88
24 10.90 7.63 8.00 7. 38 5. 25 3. 13 12. 75 5.68
33764t—27 11
Table 71.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average bulk of sales and top price per 10G1
pounds, Chicago, 1921-1925—Continued

Beef steers 1
Butcher Canners Veal Stockers
Week ended— Under 1,100 cows and and calves and
Top General 1,100 pounds heifers cutters feeders
pounds up
1921 Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars
Oct. 1 11. 00 7 63 7. 68 7. 55 4. 88 3. 03 12. 00 5. 35
8 11.30 7.88 8.00 7.75 5.08 3.08 10.' 75 5.63
15 12. 15 7.80 8.05 7.58 4.95 3. 20 10.38 5.58.
22 12.00 7.63 7.85 7.43 4.60 2. 98 11. 13 5.75
29 12.40 8.00 8.38 7.58 5.00 3.05 11.38 5.90
Nov. 5 12.50 7.75 7.75 7.68 4. 68 3.05 11. 12 5.75
12 11.75 7.32 7.38 7.38 4.30 2.88 9.62 5.50
19 11.50 7.12 6.75 7.20 4.12 2.65 8.12 5.30
26 12.00 7.62 7.55 7.62 4. 50 3.05 8.00 5.38
Dee. 3 12.50 7.50 7.30 7.70 4.80 3. 05 9.12 5.55
10 12.00 7.50 7.25 7.75 4. 85 2.82 8.75 5.62
17. 11.00 7.12 7.00 7.20 4.85 2.38 9. 25 5.92
24 10.00 6.62 6.38 6.80 4. 38 2.38 7.75 5.82
31 10.00 7. 25 7.00 7.50 4. 55 2.78 8.75 5.50
Jan. 7... 10. 00 7. 32 7. 20 7.55 5. 08 2.88 8. 50 5. 70
14 10. 00 7. 38 7.40 7.38 5. 00 2. 88 8. 88 5.88
21 9.25 7.15 7.00 7.25 4.72 2. 88 9. 12 6. 12
28 9. 50 7. 12 6. 90 7. 30 4. 80 3.08 10. 50 6.20
Feb. 4. 9,50 7.25 7.08 7.42 5. 00 3.25 10.75 6. 30
11 8. 90 7.25 7. 15 7.35 5. 00 3.32 10. 38 6. 55-
18.. 9. 15 7.50 7. 35 7. 65 5. 00 • 3.30 10.38 6. 68
25 9.20 7.85 7. 65 8. 00 5. 25 3.30 11.00 6.92
Mar. 4. 9. 40 8.00 7. 82 8.20 5. 50 3. 30 10. 50 6.92
11 9. 40 8. 15 7. 95 8. 30 5. 75 3. 70 9. 75 7.00
18 9. 35 7. 85 7.80 7. 92 5. 52 3.50 8. 12 6.75
25_. 9. 30 7.88 7.82 7. 95 5.80 3.62 7.88 6.75-
Apr. 1 9. 40 7. 70 7. 82 7. 68 5. 92 3. 62 8. 12 6.70
8 9.35 7.82 7.88 7. 80 6.00 3. 80 8.25 6.80
15 9.25 7. 90 7. 88 7. 92 6. 12 3.80 7.00 6. 80
22.... 9.25 8. 05 8. 08 8.02 6. 18 3. 85 7. 25 7. 00
29 9. 25 8.08 8. 18 8.00 6. 45 4.08 7.92 7.38
May 6 9. 25 8. 18 8. 22 8. 12 6. 50 4. 20 8. 25 7. 58
13 9. 25 8. 22 8. 28 8. 18 6.55 4. 30 9. 00 7. 50
20 9.25 8.18 8.20 8. 15 6. 52 4. 30 9. 38 7.38
27 9. 35 8.28 8. 32 8.22 6. 50 4.18 9. 38 7. 18
June 3 9. 25 8. 42 8. 48 8. 35 6. 38 3. 80 10.00 7.20
10_. 9.60 8. 72 8.75 8. 70 6.62 3. 80 10.75 7.38
17 9. 75 8. 75 8. 72 8. 78 6.25 3. 55 9. 38 7. 12
24 10.00 8. 75 8. 62 8. 88 6. 05 3.50 8. 12 6. 62
July 1 10.10 8.92 8. 88 8. 95 6. 25 3. 20 8.38 6.25.
8 10. 30 9. 32 9.28 9. 38 6. 38 3. 38 8. 88 6. 38
15 10.60 9. 55 9. 38 9. 70 6.42 3. 42 9. 62 6.25-
22 10.85 9.42 9. 35 9. 52 6. 18 3. 32 9. 25 6. 38
29.... 10.80 9.25 9. 15 9. 30 6. 12 3. 38 9. 50 6.00
Aug. 5 10.75 9.65 9.60 9. 70 6. 25 3. 52 10. 38 6. 00
12 10. 75 9. 50 9. 58 9. 40 6.20 3.30 10.50 6. 15-
19 10. 95 9. 75 9. 72 9. 78 6.25 3.30 11.75 6. 42
26 10. 95 9. 38 9.25 9. 50 5.88 3. 10 11.75 6. 62
Sept. 2 11.25 9. 65 9.60 9. 70 6. 00 3. 18 12.25 6.62
9 11. 10 9. 55 9. 45 y.60 5. 75 3. 15 12.38 6. 50
16 11.55 9. 82 9. 72 9. 92 6. 12 3.38 13.00 6. 38
23 11.95 10.08 9. 92 10.20 6. 12 3.50 13.00 6. 62-
30... 12.25 10.08 9.92 10.18 5.95 3.32 12.00 6. 92
Oct. 7 12. 70 10.32 10. 18 10. 45 5. 58 3.20 10. 75 6. 88
14 ...u.... 13.10 10.25 10. 05 10.40 5. 75 3. 20 10.25 6. 88
21 [.... 13.50 10.65 10. 55 10. 75 6.00 3.25 11.25 7. 00
28 13.60 10. 38 10.22 10. 52 5. 75 3. 12 10. 75 6. 75
Nov. 4 13. 50 9. 50 9. 45 9. 55 5. 12 3.02 9. 88 6.38
11 13. 50 9. 80 9. 68 9. 85 5.50 3. 12 10. 25 6. 25
18 13. 60 9. 25 9. 20 9. 30 5. 45 3. 12 9. 50 6. 38
25 13.50 8. 82 8.68 9. 00 5. 30 3. 18 8.50 6. 25
Dec. 2 13.85 j 9.25 9. 12 9. 38 5.25 3. 20 8.62 6. 3S
9... 13.65 9.38 9. 50 9.25 5. 25 2. 95 9.50 6, 50
16 14.00 8. 80 8.65 8.95 5.25 3. 05 9. 38 6. 25
23 13.00 8.50 8. 32 8. 70 5. 00 3. 18 9.50 6.25
30 11.90 8. 50 8.18 8.65 5. 45 3.25 10.50 6. 20
11.50 8.88 8.70 9. 12 5.62 3.32 10. 62 6.50
11.85 I 9. 25 8.88 9. 45 5.88 3.28 10. 62 6. 88
20 11.60 j1 9.00 8.80 9. 18 5. 62 3. 25 10. 88 7.00
27 11.00 9. 10 8.92 9.20 5.70 3.25 11.38 7. 12;
Table 71.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average bulk of sales and top price per 100
pounds, Chicago, 1921-1925—Continued

Beefs teers
Butcher Canners Veal Stockers
Week ended- 1 Under 1,100 cows and and calves and
Top General 1,100 pounds heifers cutters feeders
pounds up
1923 Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars
Feb. 3 11.00 8.75 8.60 8.90 5. 50. 3.38 ! 10.62 7.08
10 11.00 8. 82 8. 60 9.00 5. 82 3.50 i 11. 50 7. 12
17 11.00 8.75 8. 68 8. 82 6. 05 3.70 12.38 7.12
24 10. 25 8.60 8. 55 8.68 5.88 3.75 11.75 7.00
Mar. 3 10. 50 8. 82 8. 70 8. 95 5. 75 3.65 10.00 7.00
10 10. 00 8. 55 8.50 ' 8.68 5. 70 3.75 9. 12 7.05
17 10. 15 8.88 9.00 8. 82 6.38 4. 00 9. 75 7.25
24 10. 35 8. 88 8. 82 8. 95 6.75 3.95 10. 25 7.25
31 10.25 8. 75 8. 70 8.88 6.80 3.82 8.75 7.35
Apr. 7 10. 40 8.88 8. 78 8. 98 6. 75 3.88 9.25 7.25
14 10. 25 8.80 8.70 8.90 6. 58 3.62 7.88 7.25
21 10.35 8. 95 8. 82 9.05 6.80 3.62 8.38 7. 12
28 10.40 9.00 8. 82 9. 10 6.70 3. 75 8.38 7. 12
May 5 10. 25 8. 95 8.82 9.05 6.75 3. 92 8. 88 7.50
12 10. 50 9. 18 9.08 9.25 7.00 4. 12 8.62 7.62
19 10.50 9.20 9.10 9. 30 7.25 4.20 9.88 7.62
26. 10.95 9.60 9.48 9. 75 7. 42 4. 25 9.50 7.62
June 2. 11.00 9. 50 9. 25 9.70 7.00 3.50 9.25 7.38
9. 11. 25 9.55 9.30 9. 82 7.00 3.20 8.75 6. 75
16. 11.25 9. 75 9. 55 9.92 7.25 3.42 9.62 7. 18.
23. 11.50 9. 95 9. 78 10. 10 7.12 3.18 9.38 7.05
30. 11.40 9.58 9. 18 9. 92 6.75 2. 88 9.38 6.75
July 11.50 9.88 9. 58 10. 08 7.12 3.00 10.50 6.75
14l 11.50 10.00 9.82 10.12 7. 45 3.38 11.25 6.50
21. 11.50 9.68 9.32 9. 95 6.68 3. 12 10.38 6.00
11.70 9. 55 9. 08 10. 05 6. 40 3.08 10. 88 5.82
Aug. 4. 11.80 9.70 9.25 10. 08 6.62 3.05 11.12 5.75
11. 12.45 10.20 9. 85 10.32 6.78 2. 90 12. 00 6.05
18. 12. 70 10.30 10.15 10. 42 6.75 2.82 11.38 6. 50
25. 13.00 10. 62 10.42 10. 92 6.70 2. 92 12.50 6.38
Sept. 1. 13. 10 10.32 10.00 10. 68 6.58 3.00 12.00 6.38
8. 13.00 9.80 9.42 10.00 6.38 2.75 11.25 6.58
15. 12. 95 10.25 10.00 10.38 6.55 3.08 12. 50 6.70
22. 13.00 10.20 10. 12 10. 30 6. 45 3. 18 13. 12 6.75
29. 12. 90 9. 75 9. 58 9.80 6.08 3.08 12.50 6.25
Oct. 6. 12. 75 10. 15 10.00 10.25 6. 20 3.12 11. 75 6.18
13. 12.60 10.05 10. 12 10.00 6.00 3.08 11.88 6.12
20. 12.80 10. 12 10.20 10.00 5.80 2.92 11.62 6.18
27. 12. 45 9.80 9.80 9.80 5.50 2.75 JO. 38 5.88
Nov. 3. 12. 40 9. 58 9. 70 9.45 5. 55 2. 92 9. 75 6.00
10. 12. 40 9.55 9.65 9.38 5.25 2.82 9.25 6.25
17. 12. 65 9.65 9. 75 9. 50 4.88 2.75 8.88 6.25
24. 12. 50 9.25 9.35 9. 12 4.88 2. 75 8.38 6.00
Dec. 1. 12.75 9. 58 9.80 9. 42 5.25 2.95 9.00 6. 12
8. 12. 85 9.38 9. 62 9. 18 5.62 3.00 9.38 6.00
15. 13.25 9. 12 9. 55 8.82 5. 32 2.80 9.25 5.88
22. 12. 60 8.75 8.62 8. 95 5. 12 2.88 9. 12 6. 12
11. 75 8.88 9.00 8.75 5. 62 3.08 10.75 6.00

Beef steers
Week ended— Butcher Butcher Canners Veal Stockers
and calves and
Under 1,100 cows heifers cutters feeders
Top deuural 1,100 pounds
pounds up
1924 Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars
Jan. 5.. 12. 25 9.00 9. 30 8. 92 3. 18 12. 38 6.00
12 12.25 9.00 8. 75 9.08 5. 38 6.50 3.00 11.50 6. 12
19 12.25 9. 25 8. 75 9. 30 5. 25 6. 25 2.98 10. 12 6. 12
26 11. 75 8. 80 8.38 9. 12 5.00 5. 88 2.92 11.38 6.00
Feb. 2.. 11.25 9.00 8. 62 9.28 5. 38 6.00 3.08 11.88 6.00
9 11.50 8.75 8.70 9.20 5. 38 5.80 3.00 11.00 6.00
16 11.65 8. 82 8.50 9. 25 5. 50 6.00 3.20 9.75 5.88
23 11. 70 8. 62 8.38 9.38 5. 38 fi.00 3.20 11.00 6.25
Mar. 1 12.00 9.00 8. 62 9. 50 5. 50 6. 25 3. 25 11.25 6.38
8 ... 12.00 9.25 8.88 9.75 5.50 6. 75 3.30 9.75 7.00
15 12.00 9.00 8.50 9.50 5.62 6.75 3. 30 9.75 6.88
22 12.00 9. 12 8. 75 9.62 5.50 6.75 3. 35 9.38 6.88
29 12.10 9.12 8. 75 9.50 5.75 6.88 3.35 9.38 7.00
Classifi cation changed week ended July 11, 1925.
Table 71.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average bulk of sales and top price per 100
pounds, Chicago, 1921-1925—Continued

Beef steers
Week ended— Butcher Butcher Canners Veal Stoekers
and ! calves and
! Under 1,100 cows heifers cutters feeders
Top General ! 1,100 pounds
pounds up
1924 Dollars Dollars , Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars ! Dollars
Apr. 5 12.35 9. 38 9.12 9. 62 6.12 7. 12 3. 35 9.75 7.00
12 12.40 9. 75 9.25 10.00 6.25 7.50 3.38 9.88 7.00
19 12.60 9. 62 9. 12 9. 88 6.25 7.50 3. 38 8. 75 7.00
26 12.50 9.38 8.88 9.75 6.00 7. 12 3.30 8.25 ! 7.12
May 3 12.00 9.62 9.00 9. 88 6. 12 7.25 3. 15 7. 75 7.38
10 12. 50 9.62 9.05 10. 12 6. 62 7. 75 3.00 8. 88 7. 62
17 11.90 9.50 9.00 9.88 7.00 7.92 3. 25 9.88 7.50
24 11.85 9. 50 9.25 9.70 6.88 7. 62 3. 62 10. 12 7.50
31 11.50 9. 38 9.00 9.62 6. 12 7.25 3.62 9.00 7.00
June 7 _ 11. 35 9.25 8.75 9.62 6.00 7.38 3. 50 8. 75 6. 75
14 11.50 9.42 9.25 9.55 6.00 7. 62 3. 30 9.88 6.80
21 11. 15 9.25 8.75 9.58 5.45 7.12 2.88 9.00 6.65
28 10. 85 8. 92 8.45 9.38 5. 25 6. 92 2.80 8.88 6.50
July 5 i~ 11. 15 9. 38 8. 92 9.75 5. 45 7.55 3.00 9. 62 6. 62
12 11.00 9.25 8.95 9.75 5.62 7.68 3.00 10.88 6.00
19 11.00 9. 12 8.75 9.58 5.35 7. 25 3. 25 9.88 6.25
26 11.30 9. 45 9. 12 9.88 5. 25 7. 12 3.08 9.50 6. 12
Aug. 2 11.75 9.75 9. 38 10.58 5. 25 7.25 2.82 10.00 5.75
9 11. 75 9. 42 9. 12 9.75 5.50 7.50 2.88 10. 12 5.88
16 11.20 9.50 9.32 9.80 5. 12 7.00 2.75 11.00 6.25
23 11.25 9.38 9.20 9.60 4.88 7.00 2.82 12. 50 6. 12
30 11.00 9.00 8.88 9.00 5.00 6.88 2. 95 12. 50 6.25
Sept. 6 11.50 9.78 9.50 9.82 5. 38 7.50 3. 12 13.00 6.25
13 11. 25 9.50 9. 45 9.55 5.00 7.12 3.05 11. 75 6.50
20 11. 40 9.35 9.38 9.20 4. 62 6. 50 3. 00 11.00 6.25
27 11.50 9.30 9.68 9. 32 4. 68 6. 38 3.00 11.62 6. 25
Oct. 4 12.00 10. 12 9.80 4.88 6. 25 6.25
9.9. 92 2.88 12.00
11 12.40 88 10. 38 9. 60 4. 88 6. 12 2.88 10.75 6.38
18 12.60 9.85 10.18 9.62 4. 62 5.62 2.92 9.88 6. 25
25 12.85 9. 88 10.38 9.58 4.88 6.00 3.08 10.00 6. 25
Nov. 1 12.90 9. 75 10. 25 9.25 4. 62 5. 75 3. 12 10.00 5.88
8 13. 00 9.50 10. 15 9. 12 4. 75 5.75 3.25 9. 12 5.88
15 13.00 9.00 9.50 8.88 4. 50 5.75 3.05 9.00 5.75
22 13. 10 9.25 9.88 9.08 4. 45 5. 50 2.80 8.50 5.60
29 13.75 9.88 10.12 9. 62 4.50 5.92 2. 95 9.00 5. 62
Dec. 6 14.00 9.50 9. 75 9. 12 4.62 6. 12 2.95 9. 38 5.62
13 14.75 8. 75 9. 12 8. 38 4.25 5.62 2.75 9. 25 5.62
20 14. 50 8.88 9.12 8.75 4.25 5.50 2.70 9.00 5.75
27 14.00 9. 38 9. 18 9.55 4. 75 5. 38 2.95 12.00 5. 75
Jan. 3 13.50 8. 92 8.75 9.12 5.00 5.88 3.05 10.88 5. 62
10 13.50 9. 12 8.62 9.35 4. 80 6.00 2.88 10.25 5.88
17 13.50 9. 12 8.72 9.25 5. 12 6. 12 3.05 11.00 6.25
24 12.50 8.88 8.50 9.08 5. 12 6.25 3. 12 11.00
31 12.75 9.25 8.75 9.42 5.25 6.50 3.20 11. 12 6. 62
Feb. 7 12. 50 9.25 8.75 9. 45 5.38 6.50 3. 38 12.25 6.75
14 11.50 9.00 8.62 9.20 5.05 6.82 3. 32 12. 12 6.88
21 12.25 9.38 9.25 9. 62 5.38 7.25 3.28 12.50 6.88
28 12.25 9.62 9.42 9.88 5. 50 7.75 3. 42 12. 25 7.12
Mar. 7 12.35 9. 75 9.50 10.00 5.75 7.75 3.62 12.25 7.38
14 12.50 10.00 9.75 10.25 fi.OO 7.88 3.75 12.25 7.50
21 12.25 9.62 9.38 10.00 6.00 8.00 3. 75 10. 75 7. 88
28 12. 50 9.45 9.50 10.00 6.25 8.38 3.62 9. 75 7.75
Apr. 4 12.60 10.00 9. 75 10. 25 6.38 8.62 3.40 9. 25 7.62
11 12. 25 9.88 9.62 10.12 6.38 8.50 3.62 9.00 6. 88
18 12.50 10.12 10.00 10. 25 6.75 8. 75 3.75 9. 12 6. 75
25 11.25 9.88 9.75 10.00 6.50 8.38 3. 62 8.50 7.00
May 2 11.75 9.88 9.75 10.00 6. 62 8.50 3.75 8. 75 7. 00
9 11.65 9.88 9.70 10.08 6.88 8. 88 3. 98 8.75 7.38
16 11.65 10.05 9.88 10.12 6. 92 8.80 3.95 9. 75 7. 12
23 11.50 9.92 9.78 10. 00 6.50 8.55 3. 82 9. 62 fi. fs2
30 11.60 9.92 9.92 9. 92 6.30 8.70 3. 68 10.00 6. 38
June 6 12.00 10.08 10.08 10.10 6.25 8.42 3.58 10.25 6. 45
13 12.00 10.00 9. 95 10.00 6.00 8.12 3. 25 8.88 6. 38
20 11.75 10.20 10.12 10.12 5. 62 7.88 3.38 9.50 6. 50
27 12.60 10.80 10.68 10.88 6. 25 8. 50 3.65 10.50 6. 50
July 4 13.85 11.00 10.75 11.25 6.00 7.80 3. 45 10.62 6. 75
Classification changed week ended July 11, 1925.

Table 71.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average bulk of sales and top price per 100
pounds, Chicago, 1921-1925—Continued

Slaughter cattle
Steers Cows Calves and
Week Mixed steers,
ended— a year Heifers, all
Top 1,500 1,100 Under lings, all All Can- MUk Vealers, me weights
to all weights1 grades ners
pounds 1,100 weights1
1,500 pounds'-
up i pounds' above and fed ex dium to grades
cutters cutters cluded choice

1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 11 13. 85 12. 38 11.12 10.88 10.50 8. 38 5.88 3. 42 6.88 12. 00
18 14.50 12. 68 11.30 11.15 10.68 8. 00 5.62 3. 38 6. 50 11. 12 6.00
25 14.65 13. 08 11.38 11.32 10.62 7.62 5. 62 3. 38 6. 12 10.75 6.25
Aug. 1 15.25 13. 55 11.38 11.30 11.10 7.80 5. 50 3.28 6.00 11.38 6. 62
8 15.50 11.25 11.18 10. 75 7.70 5. 50 3.28 6.12 12.12 6.88
15 16.10 14. 50 11.58 11.30 10. 92 7.25 5. 38 3. 30 6.00 13.00 7.12
22.... 16.10 14.50 10.88 10.82 10.25 6.62 5. 32 3. 28 6.00 12.75 7.00
29.... 16.25 11.35 11.25 10.75 6. 38 5.25 3. 32 6.00 12. 38 6. 50
Sept. 5 16. 10 13.50 10.50 10.42 9.75 6.00 4.92 3. 18 6.00 12. 38 6. 50
12 16.25 10.88 10.25 9.62 6.42 5.25 3.18 6.12 13. 12 6.62
19.... 16. 35 10.88 10.50 9.68 7. 38 5.70 3.38 6.88 14.25 7.00
26.... 16.25 10.62 10.25 9. 38 7.12 5.62 3. 42 13. 12 7.12
Oct. 3.... 16.30 10.75 10.38 9.75 6.75 5. 55 3.55 6.25 13.12 7.12
10.... 16. 35 10.42 10.05 9.50 6. 50 5.38 3.50 6. 25 13.25 7.00
17.... 16.00 10.50 10. 12 9. 38 6. 25 5. 30 3. 38 6.00 11.62 7.00
24.... 16. 30 10.18 9.88 9. 12 5.88 5.08 3. 40 6.12 11.88 6.88
31 16.00 10.00 9.75 9.00 5. 75 5.00 3.40 6.50 12. 75 6.75
Nov. 7 14.25 9.88 9.62 8.68 5.75 5.05 3.50 6. 12 11.75 6.62
14 14. 50 9. 50 9.38 8.62 6.00 5. 32 3. 58 5.88 11.25 6.82
21.... 14.50 9.58 9.42 8.75 6.25 5.30 3.68 5.88 10.12 7.12
28 14. 50 10.00 9.80 9. 12 6. 50 5.58 3.88 6. 50 10.38 7.38
Dec. 5.--. 14.00 9.88 9.68 9.00 7.00 5.88 3.95 6.50 10.62 7.38
12 14.00 9.62 9. 38 9.00 7. 12 5. 62 4.00 6.50 11.75 7.38
19 14.00 9. 75 9.50 8.88 7.05 5.62 4.00 6.75 10.12 7.25
26 12.60 9.75 9.50 8.75 7.00 5.62 3.82 6.75 11.00 7. 12
Jan. 2 11.75 9.55 9.38 8.62 7.50 5.88 4.00 7.00 12.50 7.25
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool.
1 All grades.



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j. OI~ 00CN OiCO COO t-00 COCO
; co O cd co

40. t>-io r-CN i-too oot- t--CO Oioo

8S Oi ID 00 00 00 00
42• 00oo 00oo O CO CNO co

CIO CIOi 42• CO»0 CNcot-00 »0H 00CN;Oi00

7o co ^< co i-i

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<V 00 ^ oi as oi as oi8Oi

5 co io io co o3
) CO1 00 O
™ 91

3J CDB_g CDS g
cS a •gsgoo8
33764—27- -12

Table 72.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
Year and month Under
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and All
up, pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com i inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to | choice
choice choice

1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. I Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July. 10.14 6. 79 9.07 7.33 5.29 7. 10 6. 40 4. 16 4.56
August - 10. 36 6.60 9.66 6.73 5. 07 7.24 6. 32 4. 07 4. 39
September.. 10.57 7.02 9.40 6. 56 5.20 7.26 6. 38 4.06 4.29
October 9. 82 6.73 8.96 6. 35 5.17 6. 67 5. 99 3.80 .4.06
November 8.15 5.76 7.50 5.66 4. 18 6.50 6.04 3.92 3. 77
December 9. 31 6.40 8.07 6.29 5.00 6.64 5. 97 3. 76 3.94
Av., July—Dec. 9.72 6. 55 8.78 6. 49 6.90 6. 18 4. 17
January 11.08 7.31 9.23 7.19 6. 16 6. 72 6. 14 3. 78 4. 18
February 10.54 7. 12 9. 10 7.00 5.80 6. 71 6.20 3.84 4. 19
March 9.75 6.41 8.74 7.03 5.72 7.17 6.61 4.34 4. 45
April 9.03 5.83 8. 11 6. 78 5.30 7.51 6.94 4. 79 4.61
May. 9.30 6.21 7.98 6.64 5.39 8.26 7.32 5.04 4. 57
June 8.74 6. 24 7.25 5. 97 5. 40 7.78 6.76 4. 87 4.40
July 9. 48 6.80 7. 66 5.78 5. 57 7.30 6.36 4. 57 4. 33
August 10.63 7. 18 8.62 5.93 5.60 6.74 5.99 3.98 4. 10
September.. 10.72 7. 22 8.72 5. 78 5.58 6.66 6.26 4.09 4.24
October 10. 10 7. 48 8.39 5.94 5. 49 6.50 6.28 4.22 4.26
November.. 9.02 6.58 7.54 5.69 5. 12 6.25 6.00 3. 92 4.01
December... 9.97 8. 10 5.77 4. 96 6.11 5.83 3. 81 3. 78
Average. 9.86 6.77 8. 29 6.29 5. 51 6. 39 4. 27 4.26
January 10.72 7.20 8.91 6. 32 5. 53 6. 46 6.20 4.32 3.84
February 11.94 7.99 9.90 6. TA 5.66 6.88 6. 55 4. 75 4. 42
March 11.24 7.60 9. 46 6.80 5.46 7.57 7. 25 5.64 4.90
April 9.49 6.29 8.02 6.06 5. 12 7.57 7.05 5. 38 4.90
May 9.42 6.37 8.16 6.22 5.24 7. 55 7. 14 5.34 5.06
June 9.56 6. 85 8.18 6.60 5.08 6. 92 6.73 4.99 4.76
Av., Jan.—June. 10.40 7.05 8.77 6. 46 5. 35 7. 16 6. 82 5.07 4. 65

Calves (milk8 Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

fed excluded)

Year and month 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,
Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers)
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Com Corn- choice choice to
Good mon Good | mon choice
and and and and
choice me choice i me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7.00 4. 36 10.91 7.55 7.76 6. 52 7.50 6. 12 5. 15 3.82
August 6.29 4.20 11.94 7. 72 8.20 6.70 7. 78 6. 18 5. 16 3.96
September 6.31 4.25 12.18 7.75 8. 02 6.33 7. 62 5. 91 4. 97 3.86
October '. 6.62 4. 25 11. 19 7.12 8.02 6. 45 7. 78 6.03 5.21 4.00
November 6.48 4.40 10.60 7.02 8. 18 6.63 7.94 6. 32 5.32 4.06
December 6.61 4.88 11. 30 7.82 8.20 6.82 7.96 6. 55 5.38 4.12
Av., July-Dec 6.55 4.39 11. 35 6.58 7. 76 6. 18 5.20 3. 97
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
a-d me Dol s. 00. 00. 000. 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.4 4.50150 4.40 4.go 50.00 ao- ■a 184
Calve- C0 m4 di0 a0 0.- o.0 50
0*olcek Good a-d choic- Dol -. 0.0 500. 0(i. 390. aas 0.50 0.40 00. 00. 00. 500. 500. 00. 40.
-0. a0 o.0* -0. a0 a72
choice Dol -. 00. ai0 4.70 44. 104. 40. 4.0 940. 500. 114.
0. 4. 50.0 4.0 04. 0.5050 0.0 0.0 820.
0O0. 44. 4.4 004.0o
Cow- a-d heif -50, *o
c0 m0 4.- a4
choic- Dol a. 000. 40. aa0 4.'f 0.0 004. 4.0 864. .4 4.0 0.y ao- 0.500.500.0
0*e-50, c0 m0 *o a0 3a4 a04 4.- 0a 0a a4 o.0 5a00 o.50
*om0 500. 0.50 a-io 500. 00.
o9n*-i1n9u2e5d— Lch*a-d medi 400*o 1,00oou-d0 choice Dol a. 0.0 0.50 4.4 0.450 00. 0.0 0.50 160. 0.50
u, c0 5a0 a0 4a4 0a 2a2 a.4 ,a 0(i. a0 0a 0a50 a0
neavy4 1,00oou-d- *om0 choice Dolh. 4.50 0.50 0.0 4.0 8a6 00. 0.0 a15 a50 aa0 0.- o.4 00. o.go aaa 0.00 0aa 00. 0.00
c0 5a0 a4 5a0 0(i. a40 0a 5a0
0e*vy w-■h*, m4 choice
Dol -. 4.50 4.0 0.4 94(i. 40. a0 a07 a0 500. 00. 340. 0.50 00. ai0 aio 00. 'af 0.501 sa- L0. 0.0
Veallve- 0.* 5a0 0a* 0a
L■h* *o wra■h*, m-di *0o choice
medi Dol -. 0.0 0.0 690. 0.10 0.0 8.0 000. 0.00 0.L 640. 4.00 0.50 0.4 0.0 40. 004.00
0. 000. 0.0 00. 440. 40. 0.50|
0 -4. 0.-
Ca-da-ra50 '(mi Dol a. 4.0 4.10 4.4 00. 840. 00. 150. 0.50 00. 0i0. 50.o0 0.500 400. 00. 00. 0.50 0.50 4.00 620 0. .5050 3.0 0.4 0.10 0.10
-- a*e-50 0.-
cu* -50 Cowa a-d heif Dol -. 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.L 0.L 950. 0.4 0.0 50.4 00. 002. 0.0 0.0 0.04 140. 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.4 00. 0.4 0.50 0050. 0.4 0.0 0.10
.p—oa0* EA0T0T.LOUI0
-po Bull0bolo aod b--f Dol -. 0.50 0.04 5.64 0.0 000. 4.0 4.o0 4.00 4.41 654. 4.61 4.50 055. 4.0 404. 4.00 0.
03 40. 0.20 4.04 5.oo 4.98 4.0 0.0 4.00
Bu*chl-e g0
Cow0 *o choic- Dol a. 0.0 005. 300. 0.4 500. 0.4 50.00 4.00 654. 654. 4.500 4.50 0.26 04. 4.71 0.0 005.150 0. 0.050 5.00 0.150 5.0 B01. 0.0 00.
c0 m0 S.50
0raf choic- Dol -. 0.50 0.0 0.4 0*0. 0.0e 4.50 4.go 0.0 380. 500. 0.0 0I(i. 370. 060. 0500. 000. 7.00
-50, c0 m0 *o 65(i. 00. 0.0 4.- 7.50 4.50 0.0 0.0 0.4
Dol a 00. 500. 0.0 00. 0.0 -.0 0.04 004. 554.00 1. 5.0 50. 0.00 0.0 0.5050 50©. 860. 0.4 0.10 0.4 0.50 0.0 0.0
C0 m0 4.. 91(i.
M-di 0.I04I.0
Lu■1,10h-*dwe-■h*, o u-da um Dol a. 0.10 4.0 0.0 4.L 4.0 4.4 4.*i 4.0 0.0* 0.00 4.L 500.0 4.4 0.50 00. 0.4 00. 0.4 00. 0.50 0.L 0.0 0.00 0.4
Good -.04 0.41
Dol -. 00. 0.4 0.50 0.50 40. 0.0 0.50 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.0 0.0 4.4 4.0 4.0* 4.0
Choic- a-d o-ime Dol -. 4.00 00. 0.4 0.y 0.0 0.50 0.4 0.01 -.00 4.50 044. 4.0 0.50 00. 0.04 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Be-fa*e50 . -0.
Dol a. .504. 0.00 000. 4.50 0.*i 40. 0.0 01. 0.0 50500. 0.0 4 0.50 0.50 4.04.L 0.00 0.40.0 0.00 0.4 5000.4.
heavy Cam-
*uom0 4.- 0.- 50(i. |0.
Dol -. 0.0 4.50 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.4 4.41 0.4 0.0 0.01 0.0 .44 0.0 4.04 4.50 4.0 4.0 0.10 0.00 0.0 &50 0.0
4.- a4 a0
Good 51
Dol -. 0.0 0.4 4.0 0.50 0.0 0.0 26
0. 00
0. 03
0. 0.00 5 0 . 0
4.y 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.4 44. 4.50 44. 44.
47o. a4 0.- 0.-
Choic- a-d oeime Dol -. 0.50 00. 0.o0 830. * 0.500 ae*a 0.50 00-. 0.0 34-. 50."50. H0!). B4-. 0.50 0.00 000. 0.0 0.4 4.50 4.00 500. 0.0 0.0
and Dol 8.
Calv• C8 m8 . di8
d88lo8 onk Good and nhoin8 Dol 8.
nhoino O4. O.O 8OO.
Cow8 and haf 8m 7o Dol 8.
•8, m8 O.88 O.7 -O. O.2
nhoin 20
Dol 8. 8.8 •8. 8.8 O8.
87o•8, 8o -8.
n8 m8
8~8o•d8• LI8h8and .di 888o 888 •o-nd8, nhoi-o Dol 8. 8.8 88. O8. 8.07 p• p8 8.07
2u12- 8, n8
noavy, 888 •o7nd8 8om8 nhoino
-•, 8m Dol 8. 8.O 8.07 p12 347. 8.8 pO -p

n8av• waI8h- 8om8 nhoino Dol 8. 8.8 'p 88. 78. 88. 8.O
dVnallv8 8m

LI8h8 8o .di wdI8h-.di 88o choin Dol 8. 8.O8 8.8 8.7 8p 78. 8.8 608.
andCan •8 Can- n• 878•8 Dol 8. 8.07 OO. 8.O 8.7
'8. O.8 O.7
nU8 •8
CLo8T.EA8TnO7UinI78—d Cow8 and haf •8 Dol 8. 8.O 8.O 8.8 3.88 8.O O8.
B7l 8, bolo nnaand bnnf Dol 8. O.O 8.7 8.8 8.8 O8. Ol8. JI
nhoin Dol 8. O88. 88. O8. 8.O
8v Cow8, 8m m8 8o 8.- -8.
naf nhoin Dol 8. Op 7.07 078.
7o 8.- 5p4 -8.
•8, n8 m8
Dol 8.\Dol 8 8.88 •p 8.8 8.8
C8 m8
Mndi I88.Ol.8 p8
7nd•818 88. •8. 668. 8.O
•o-nd8 8 a8
Good 88
Dol 8. •8. 8.8 8.Ol 88.
and •-i. Dol 8. 8.88 8.O •.O
Qnnfe8n•8 -•. •.8 •.88
wandhdMnIq8drhia8,• Dol 8. 8.8 888. 8.19 7.O
C8 m8 p7 p8
•818o-•7nd8 Mndi Dol 8. 8.O8 8.8 8.7 88. 8.O 78.
Good Dol 8. 888. 8.O 8.O
•.7 8.- •.07
Choin8 and
•-i. Dol 8. 8.07 8.88 •.O
•.- •.8 •.8
Jan•-y ~8b-•-• Ma-nh

' CO CO ^ ~t


| i-» i-t <N WO OS

iB• O)oo Tf< iO CN CNco N

" a
• O OS IB CO CN 00

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— .a g8o.2
e*s a
• 00 CO O
h 3 p&nM
-S a o © 00 00 00 00 OO 00
[3O Hi_i ^<N i-ii-i ^i-S i-»O O
9 95 > Tt^ CO Tt<O iO

3H ^2o• n<*COco i~Hi-Hco8 OSOn8io 00CO OCO iOCOcoO

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, 00 CO CO OS

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i1 ^ os oi os 00 OO OO
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^ ^ cn co iO CO
Q 2 n ^ * 53
42• ioN coco OScn cocn t-co t-t-
© cn co co co c4 —i

illlii >r
Table 72.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
Year and month 190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,-
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up. pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, pounds, All com mon to
to com to to com com com weights, mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to inferior choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July. 9.s. 05
August ar> 4.5. 10 7.72 6. 91 3.92 6. 75 6.30 3.83 4.08
52 7. 02 & 41 3.69 6.60 6.00 3.66 3.90
September 9. 80 4. 50 7.32 6. 99 3. 62 6. 46 5. 98 3.60 4. 09
October 9. 40 5.79 7.68 6.67 3. 56 6. 04 5. 72 3.48 8.86
November 8. lfi 4.45 & 29 5.61 3. 04 5. 74 5. 36 3.49 3. 52 5. 25
December 8. 80 4. 03 (i. 58 5. S9 3. 10 5. SS 6. 50 3. 62 3.62
Av., July-Dec 9. 03 4. S3 6. 38 3. 49 6. 23 5. 81 3. 60 3. 83
January 10. 33 6.19 7. 82 fi. 04 3. 33 5. 93 5. 62 3. 62 8.72
February 10.40 5. 52 9. 12 6.49 4.00 6. 00 5.76 3. 63 3. 93
March 8.95 5. 28 5. 34 <>. 51 4.00 (i. 36 6. 00 3.98 4. 16
April 8.41 5.18 7. 7S 6.86 4. 00 6. 75 6. 38 4. 29 4.32
May 8.33 5. 18 7. 50 8. 61 4. 00 6. 83 8. 47 4.36 4. 32
June 7. 9O 5. 09 6. ST 6. 27 3. 89 6. 28 6. 15 3. 88 4. 10
July S. 06 5. OS 6. 76 5. 60 3. 59 5. 70 5.63 3. 44 3.98
August S. 83 5. 16 7. 54 5.04 3.04 6.66 5. 50 3.38 4.06
September 9. 10 5. 25 8. 22 5. 02 2. 88 5. 75 5. 40 3. 54 4. 10
October 8. 74 5. 13 8. 03 4. 75 2. 88 5. 46 5.02 3. 35 3. 79
November 8. 03 4. 98 7. 32 4.91 2. 94 5. 49 5.18 3. 44 3. 72
December _ 8.99 5.00 8. 28 5. 25 2. 94 5. 62 5. 38 3.59 3. 60
Average 8.84 5. 17 7. SO 5. 78 3. 46 5.71 3. 71 3. 98
January 9. 78 5. 31 9. 22 5. 65 3.31 5.81 5. 49 3. 77 3. 78
February 9. 94 5. L50 9. 50 5. 75 3. 50 6. 47 6. 17 4.28 4.24
March 9. 93 5. 80 9. 27 0. 36 4. 10 6. 70 6. 51 4.68 4. 74
April 8. 96 5. 57 8.11 6. 66 4. 32 6. 87 6.68 4. 62 5.00
May S. 50 5. 25 7. 57 8. 70 4. 14 6. 72 6.60 4. 48 4.84
June 8. 23 4. 88 7.33 6. 61 3.93 (i. MS 6. 25 4. 24 4. 26
Av., Jan.-June 9. 22 5. 38 8. 50 6. 29 3. 88 6. 50 6. 28 4.34 4.48
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.

Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

fed excluded)

Year and month 800 pounds Under 800 HeifersL Cows, Calves,
Me Cull Me- Cull up pounds com com (steers) L
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com- to to mon
choice mon choice ! mon Com Com choice choice to
Good mon Good mon choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium

1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July.. 7. 25 4.56 9. 13 5.29 7.46 5.62 7. 21 5.62 4. 50 3.48
August 6.98 4. 52 10.07 5. 46 7.62 5.50 7.49 5. 45 4.65 3. 40
September 6. 72 4. 47 11.20 6. 15 7. 33 5.29 7. 14 5. 10 4. 89 3. 46
October 7. 00 4.75 11. 11 6.92 7.56 5. 46 7. 31 5. 21 5. 11 3. 72
November... 6. 70 4.52 10.56 6. 30 7. 62 5.62 7. 38 5. 38 5. 12 3. 83
December 6.50 4. 50 11.11 7. 12 8.03 6. 30 7. 78 6. 05 5.21 4. 13
Av., July-Dec.-- 6. SC" 4. 55 10.53 6. 21 i 7.60 5. 63 7.38 :". 47 4.91 3.67
U) UWRj H O *> aa i-m adFH d
a-d dium Dol -. 44. 04. 4.4 4.0 0.0
C0 m0 m- 0.-
0*ock* l- Good a-d choice Dol -. 0.50 0.4 00. 0.0 0.50 0.50

Cow- a-d h-if 40 *o choic- Dol -. 500. 0.55 0.4 0.75 500. 0.0
e50, m0
0*- 50, 0o choic- Dol a. 0.4 0.0 500. 500. 00.
c0 m0 4.-
F-*ede5-0 Lch*a-d 000*o o u-d0 *om0 choice
m-di Dol a. 0.50 0.50 00
0. 0.
00 00
0. 0.50
0, 1 * c0
0eavy, 1,00oou-d- *om4 choic- Dol s. 0.0 500. 400. 000. 0.50 0.0
0eavy we■h*, *om0 choic- Dol -. 0.00 0.0 0.L 0.46 0.0 4.4
Veallv0 c0
L■h* *o medi wra■h*, medi *0o choice Dol -. 4.0 0.50 0.4 0.0 0.50 4.4
Ca-da-ra50 Dol a. 0.50 500. 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.56
Ca-- ra- a*e 50
cu* -50 Cowa a-d heif Dol a. 0.0 0.50 0.0 500. 0.0 460.

Bull0 boc0-lo- *oa-d cbeefhoic-

Cow0 Dol -. 0.4 00. 0.50 0.00 500. 0.0 J0.004.400.LJ0.504.00.44.50!Aw,
FORTWORTn Bu*chl-e
Dol -. 4.0 4.04.50 4.004.40 4.050
neif --0 *o choic- Dol -. 0.0 0.00 4.r).r>. 5.4
c0 m0 4,r>. o.4
Dol a 4.50 404. 04. 5.0 565. 0.0
c0 m4
u■h-*dwe■-h*, Medi Dol a. 0.4 0.o0 0.01 820. 44. 8.00
o u-da 0
Good Dol -. 0.0 4.50 840. 7.50 00. 0.0

Choic- a-d oeim- Dol a.

wa-dMe■dhi*0, Dol a. 00. 0.0 380. 0.r>0 0.4
C0 m0 4,r).
o1,10uou-da M-di Dol a. 4.0 00. 0.0 0.50 0.0 cJuly
0 4(i.
Good Dol a. 0.0 0.0 500. 0.0 0.0 0.4
Choice Dol a.
a-d oeim-

Ja-L-"y. Feb-L-"yMarah
co t- co Tp t^O00^C>TPO2COCNCO©CO
O Q -0 iO O


n H »O00CO Si00CN©

~ cn cn oi -J oi CNCNCNCNCNCNcs'c^CNCn'Cn'cn' CN CN CN CN CN CN-
Ocs ca 3o
TPcoooOOsio^,^HOiOSas CO N Q TO CO 0O
OR*' co'co'«Tp'co'co'coco'coCn'cNCn'
t^OSTpt^ioO0GCOiOCNrHCN HiocoiodO<O
t^- IO- OO TP iO
n£n Tp' TP id id cd X)
O «5 -g
a.„ a CN CNt- 00CO OOCN CNi-< COO
* a
O c re n 8 8 5• O»5 00CN 0>CO CO»0 t• TpcooOTPcNTP©m-HCNooOs
oO 3o S3 Si
to B •« co'COCO'COco'COCOCOCOCO'co'co' cot^t^t^t^t8^

CO OS TPi-< TPTp 00t- TP© :
lli'slil^l 00 OO 00 00 Cooc'coodod^'t^^t^ociodoo OS OS 00 OS OS 00 OS I


iO iO iO iO W5 »O X-F Tt- TP8 Tji
42 00 00 O i-i CN t^ OHN0OOCOC1JOSiOOCOiOH CN !- i-H 00 CO 00
co'oc'odooodco't^t^t^ododoo od od oo oo8 od 00

1d i ! £ oc' OS oi
*n " ftfa
t- n CO i-I —100
55 ! O 8T-f<8 -tf Tp iOO iO »0cn iOiOiO»O^^iOiOTpTpTPTP TP irf id CO CO id

is ,2 CN O CN 8n5 00 CO-HiOTP»f5t^©iO0OCNQcp
CNCOCN»0COCNOSt^t-iOiO»0 t^-t- OSl-H TPi-( TPiO iO■O COCO
si O CO «o CO C© CO cC t^r^t^t^t^'t^co'cocdcdcdcd <dOi--'nnV
42• Oco COco COco oo-r OSt^ 00os


> O
° a
.2 s
S £
a fi a s CS 38S^
<= 3 & o O 7 << 3^
C~ «fc;-g, >»»
cs C
OO GO H>HH08 H MO> ag g H
Can • m8di-m (dnn• and oIlon a) 8.88
7o Dol 8. 8.O O8. 8.O 8.8 8.8 8.8

Bulls B88f 7nd• 888•o7nd8, 07od and nhoin 1 Dol s. 8.O O.8. 8.O 888. 8.O
O.8 8O.
B8nf, •o-nd8 U•, 07odand nhoin8 Dol 8.
Can • and n7 8• Dol 8. 8.8 8.O 8.7 8.8 8.88 8.8 8.8
Cow8 and .di Dol 8. O8. 8.07 8.• 8.8 8.Ol 8.O 8.8
C8 m8- 8
Good and nhoino Dol 8. 8.• 8.d 8.O 8.O 8.8 8.O 8.8

All waI8h8*, 8m 8 and .di8 Dol 8. O.O O.O O.8O

n8ifo o 8O. O.88 O.84 •.8

78 •o7nd8 U•,07od and nhoin Dol 8. 8.O

p8 p8 p8 8.- p8 p2
d8l8a7nlh78- LI8h8 87n•8 and haf•8 7nd• 78 •o7nd8,07odand nhoin8 Dol 8.
CW~ORT8O7RinT7n8—d 8.7■
Can • and n78 • Dol 8. 88. O8. 8.O 8.O 8.O 8.07 8.O

Dotl8. 8.• O.O O.O O.O

•Und•818o7nd8 C8 m8 8O. O.8 8O.
M8di Dol 8. 8.8 pd
8 p8 p8 p8 p8 p8
Good Dol 8. O8. O8. 8.O 8.O 8.O 8.8 8.O

Choin Dol 8.

Dol 8. 8.7 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 88.

8o888o7nd8 C8 m8
Mndi Dol 8. pq p• p• p• 8.8 p•
8 p8
Good Dol 8.
Choin Dol 8.

888•o7nd8 U•, 07odand nhoino Dol s. 8•Qxniao8fE-8ld8idn. 8

8n•8omb• No>omb• Dn nmb•
Table 72.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
FORT WORTH-Continued
Slaughter calve." Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Under Under 190 to 200 190 Cows
Year and month 190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers,
!medium cull and medium medium cull and All
up, Pro™18' weights, com
to com to to com com mon to
choice mon choice choice mon mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 6. 35 3. 25 5.56 4. 99 2. 62 4. 25 4. 25 2.25 3.25
August. 6. 02 3. 11 S.S6 5.10 2. 70 4. 34 4. 34 2.40 3.25
September 6. 11 3. 26 5.87 5. 47 3. 14 4. 88 4. 79 2.91 3.25
October .-s. 93 3. 24 5.60 5.31 3.03 5.12 4. 96 3.00 3.16
November 5. 70 3. 20 5.36 5.03 2. 83 5.15 4.92 3. 00 2.65
December... 6. 17 3. 62 5. 78 5.41 3. 22 6.38 5. 12 3.06 2. 94
Av., July-Dec... 6. 05 3. 30 5. 22 2.92 4. 85 4. 73 2. 77 3.08
January 6. 56 3. 74 6.21 5.88 6. 45 5.60 5. 25 3. 12 2. 92
February * 6.80 4.00 6. 52 8. 28 3.72 5.50 5.25 3.12 2. 94
March 7. 33 4. 22 7.07 6.70 3. 97 5. 80 5.55 3.23 3. 02
April 7.38 4. 14 6. so 6. 30 3. 76 5. 88 5. 62 3.25 3.45
May 7. 29 4. 33 6. 58 6. OS 3. 69 5. 90 5.65 3. 25 3.70
June 6. 63 3.84 5.91 5.53 3. 24 5.89 5.34 3.19 3.52
July.. 6. 21 3. 68 5.69 5. 27 3. 13 5.62 4. 93 3. 06 3.26
August 6. 15 3. 72 5. 43 4. S3 2.91 5. 50 4. 75 3.00 3.12
September 6. 78 4. 22 5. 91 4.77 3.09 5.50 4. 75 3. ()0 3.14
October 6.71 4. 13 5.50 4.54 2. 94 4. 51 2. 76
November 6. 28 3. 86 5. 06 4. 33 2. 81 4.62 2.75
December 6.64 4. 16 5.78 5.17 3.15 4.82 2.87 3. 27
Average 6. 73 4.00 6.04 5. 47 3. 32 3. 05
January. 7.34 4.54 6. 72 5. 78 3.47 5. 28 5. 01 2. SS 3.30
February 7. 77 4.99 6. 90 5. 88 3. 67 5. 72 5. 44 3.08 3. 48
March ■8. 33
8. 45 5.5. 49 7. 14 6. 10 3. 93 6. 14 5.88 3. 72 3.81
April 37 7. 16 6.26 3. 9S 6. 09 5. 86 3. SS 3. 88
May 8. 14 5.31 (i. 73 6.20 4.01 6. 20 6.01 3. SS
June 7. 60 5.00 6.60 6.12 4.01 6. 12 5.88 3. 88
Av., Jan.-June 7.94 5. 12 6.88 6.06 3. 84 5.92 5.68 3. 55
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.

Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

fed excluded)

Year and month 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,
Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers),
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com mon
choice mon choice mon Com i1 Corn- to
choice to
Good mon Good 1 mon
and and and ! and
choice me choice : me
dium dium i
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. 4.68 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Dolls, !j Dolls.
Julv 6. 36 3.93 7. 47 4.81 5.04 3.03
August 6.68 4.15 7.74 4.96 5.00 !1 4.4.84
62 3.00
September 6.74 4.30 8. 27 5.28 5.07 2.88
October 6. 82 4. 43 8.19 5.29 5.21 6.88 ! 5.00 2.88
November 5. 91 3.97 7. 52 4.84 5.49 6.88 i 5.00 3.05
December 6. 85 4.62 7. 61 4. 97 7.40 5.74 7.12 | 5.34 3.37
Av., July-Dec 6. 56 4.23 7.80 5.02 5. 26 !i 4.91 3.04
0*olc-k Good a-d choice Dol a. 4.50 0.50 7.04 0.0 0.0 0.500.0 -.0 ao4 0.4 L0. 00. 0.40 4.4 0.0 4.50 4.0 4.0
a0 a0 a4 a50 9a0
*o choic-
Cow- a-d h-if -50, Dol -. 0.4 4.L 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.00 0.0 00. 0.0 364. 4.4 4.o- 44. aoo aaa 4.50 4.4 4.0 4.00
c0 m4 a0 a4 a40 -4.
choice Dol -. 0.50 40. 0.0 40. 0.50 ai0 4.0 a
0 o a
- i
0*e 504 *o gao 0.0 ao-
c0 m0 a0 a0 a10 a0 a0 !00.0.- a50 a00 a0 a4 a0
F-e*-ede5-0 L■h*a-d medi 400*o o uod0 *om0 choic- Dol a. 4.L 0.0 00. 4.4 0.50 0.50 a-ia0i 0.
0.0 0.0 0.0 00. a0i
u, 1 0 c0 a0 a- a0 a0 a4 a0 a69 a00
0eavy, 1,00 o u-da *om0 choice Dol a. 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.50 0.0 500. aoi 0.10 0.0 0.50 ■a aoi 0.0 4.50 4.10 0.0 210. a0o
uo, a- a00 4 4(i.
a a0
0eavy wech*, m0 choice
Dol -. 0.0 350. ai- 5.150 4.c a0o a0o 'af
Veallve- a0 a- a4 a- a50 a50 a19 a0 a82 a0 a50 a504 a0 a504 a0
Lch* 04 um we■h*, medi *o0 choic-
medi Dol a. 4.4 00. 0.0 4.0 0.50 0.50 ao- 420. 424.00
0. 4.50 0.50 0.00 0.0 960. 4.0 0.00 4.0 590. 0.0 0.0 540.
Ca-- ra- a*e 50 Dol -. 4.0 0.0 0.50 500. 500. 0.50 000. 500. 00. 0.0 00. .0.500.0 4.0 4.50 4.0 0.00 0.4
cu* e50 -0. a0 a4 0.- a40
Cowa a-d heif --a 61
Dol -. 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 500. 00. 0.L 00. aon
0. 66
0. 0.00 0.0 40
0. 0.40 ai0 0.0 0.0 0.0
a50 a0
Bull0 boc0-lo- a-d beef
Cow0 Dol -. 0.0 4.0 0.4 4.0 04. 4.00 4.0 4.50 1.0 0.- 0.50 4.00 4.4 4.4 4.0 4.0 4.0 764. 4.0 4.0 0.0
CITYKAN0A0 Bu*chle- a4 4.-
choice Dol a. 0.0 0.0 0.L 4.0 4.40 4.0 504. 1.41 444. 004. 0.50 'f4. 4.4 0.4 0.41 660. 0.0 a;0i 0.50 4.0
*o a4 a4 a02
0eif- -0 *o choic- Dol s. 0.0 00. 0.0 0.0 0.c 0.c 0.0 aii 690. a0i alo a0i a-i 0.4 00. 0.0
c0 m4 a0 a00 a4 a0 8a6 a4 a0
Dol s. 4.0 0.4 4.0 0.0 4.00 40. 0.4 0.0 4.50 4.0 0.0 00. 0.L asi 0.4 0.0 aa0 000. 0.33
Lu■oo10h-*dw-ech-*, c0 m0 -4. a0 a50 a0
Medi Dol a. 4.50 0.57 00. 0.50 0.0 4.0 4.50 4.10 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 00
0 «.0 4.50 0.0 0.50 0.0 40. 4.0 4.0
o u-d- a4
Good Dol a. 0.0 40. 0.0 4.50 0.4 4.0 0.0 0.04 500. 40. 330. 0.0 504. 4.0 4.4 060. 0.0 0.L 0.11 0.13 0.0 40.
Choice o-ime
a-d Dol -. 5050. 0.4 0.61 500. 500. 0.0 150. 0.85 -.0 4.4 4.*i 0.4 00. 0.0 0.0 0.50 040. 500. 0.0 00. 4.0 ..50 11.50
hMa-de-avdywirua■mh*, Dol -. 4.0 0.0 4.4 0.10 0.0 40. aii 0.4 L00. 0.0 00. a0i 00. 890. 0.0 0.0 ai0
C0 m4 4.- a65 a4 4.- a4 a0
o1,10uou-da Medi
um Dol -. 0.50 4.0 0.0 0.50 4.4 0.50 4.4 0.0 40. 40. 0.0 40. 00. 04. o00. 500. 0.4 8.0 4.0 004.
0a* a4 4.-
Good 45
Dol -. 0.4 0.0 4.50 500. 0.4 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.50 4.41 0.0 00. 0.15 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.50 0.0 0.0
Choice -a 8.40.50 -00. ((.50 86!). o00. 0<». Lo. -.0 &00 000. 500. 0.m 0.0 0.4 4.0 4.50
a-d oeim- Dol -. 50.0* 0.0 0 a
101 00
0eo*embe-.". Novemb- ." D-c-mbe.- 0eo*embe-.
Ja-L-y F-b-L-y Marah Au50a* Oc*obe- Av- a"- Ja-L-y Feb-L-y Marah Au50a*
Ao-il July Aoeil
Jura Jura July
M- M-
4.0 00. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 00. 0.0
44. 4.00 4.50 4.10 4.0 4.4 4.00 4.50 4.4 4.50

4.0 0.0 4.50 4.0 4.4 4.50 04. 504. 4.50 4.50

00. 0.4 0.50 500. 0.4 40. 0.0 0.4 0.0

500. 500. 0.50 0.4 4.0 4.4 4.0 4.0 4.50

0fi. 0.0 0.0* 00. 4.4 500. 4.0* 4.0 4.0 4.50
14.4 10.50
|5-0 - 0.0 0.0|0.0 0.40: 0.0 0.0
0.4 4.0 4.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 4.0 0.4 0.41
0.0 0.0 0.L 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.04 0.0
0.0I 0.0j
!0.0 0.4|0.4 0.4 0.0 0.00' 0.4:
4.0 4.0 4.0 4.4 4.0* 0.0 0.4 0.50 0.50 0.50

4.0 4.0 0.0 0.10 500. 0.0 0.4 00. 0.4 0.50

00. 0.50 500. 0.04 0.50 0.0 0.4 4.50 0.4

0.50 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.50 4.0 0.50 4.0 0.0
4.50 4.50 4.50 4.0 4.4 4.0 0.50 0.00 0.50
0.L 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500. 0.0 0.50
0.40 0.00.c 4.0 50.0 0.4 4.0 4.50 44.
0.- 0.-
0.0 0.0 0.4 4.50 4.50 0.0 4.0 4.0
0.- cC100.July
4 0 go 00 4 0 4 00 0
4. 8. 4. & & & a & 0. 0.-
0.4 50.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.0 0.50 0.0 4.4 0.0

0.0 0.4 0.0 ..4 ..4 4.4 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0

Novembe- Decembe-
Ave-a- Ja-L-y Feb-L-y Marah"
9fl _OS3 aBg-a 0L
• 5 cocococococococococococo
3 1 1 H*5 g;

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55 i• aio goCM OScfi *Cco CO-H TP 0H000OO0H0NN^

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q„„ ,„

3p >> tUCtC? fi > S

Table 72.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-

Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Year and month Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds, pounds, 750 Under and Ca Ives,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, All
pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7.82 4.58 7.53 6.72 4.08 6. 77 6. 40 3.72 4.60 6. 12
August 8.04 4.62 7.42 6.30 3. 65 7. 07 6.47 3. 75 4.46 6. 12
September 8. 02 4. 68 7.41 6. 42 3. 62 7.13 6. 32 3. 75 4.38 5.84
October 8. 15 4.67 7. 27 6. 12 3.53 6.61 6. 06 3. 75 4.09 5. 66
November 7. 71 4.38 6. 75 5.62 3. 25 6.60 6.11 3. 75 3.88 5.58
December .7.75 4.50 6.88 5. 61 3. 17 6.53 6.04 3. 70 3.98 5. 56
Av., July-Dec. 7. 92 4. 57 7. 21 6. 13 3. 55 6.78 6.23 3.74 4.23 5.81
January 9.19 5.07 7. 96 6. 17 4.00 6.54 6.00 3. 75 3. 97 5.70
February 9. 05 5. 09 7.78 0. 12 4.00 6.64 6. 06 3. 75 3.96 5. 62
March 8. 38 5.00 7. 13 6. 24 4. 12 6.84 6.28 3. 75 4. 12 5. 87
April.. 8.52 5. 12 7.20 6. 50 4. 12 6. 97 6.33 3. 75 4.26 5. 77
May 8. 68 5. 17 7.48 6.70 4. 15 7.24 6.33 3. 75 4.49 5.75
June. 7. 71 4. 80 6. 71 5. 95 3. 80 6. 99 6.19 3. 75 4.33 5. 68
July 7.44 4.67 6. 40 5. 51 3.64 6. 80 6. 06 3. 75 4.12 5. 22
August 7.94 4. 77 6.84 5. 38 3.50 6.79 6. 03 3. 75 4. 11 5. 26
September 8. 59 5. 26 7.37 4.69 3. 38 6.58 5. 97 3. 73 4.27 5.41
October 8. 36 fi. 94 4.39 3. 38 6. 27 5. 90 3. f>0 4.09 5. 50
November 7. 74 4.S. 88
6. 53 4. 55 3.27 6. 25 5.94 3. 50 4.07 5.51
December 8. 25 5. 15 7.15 4.92 3. 42 6. 14 5. 92 3. 50 3. 93 5.50
Average 8.32 5. 01 7. 12 5. 59 3. 73 6. 67 4. 14 5. 57
January 8.84 5. 55 7. 83 5.47 3. 56 6. 26 6.04 3.59 4. 18 5.58
February 9.34 6. 11 8.06 5. 80 4.06 6. 51 6. 38 4. 19 4. 53 5.84
March 8. 99 5.90 7.92 6. 11 4.48 6.94 6. 86 4.68 4. 74 6. 07
April 8.01 5. 26 7. 17 6. 17 4.31 7. 08 7. 02 4.84 5. 29 6. 15
May 8.00 5. 35 6.90 6. 44 4.29 7. 06 7.00 4.70 5.31 6. 22
June... 8. 03 6.28 6. 33 4.20 6.54 6.46 4.22 4.90 5. 93
Av., Jan.-June 8. 54 5. 58 7.46 6. 05 4. 15 6. 73 6. 63 4.37 4.82 5. 96
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)

Year and month 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,
Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers),
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Com Com choice choice to
Good mon Good mon choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 6. 31 3. 73 8.46 5.72 7.37 5. 31 7.17 5.08 5.32 3.63 5.76
August 5.70 3.44 9.34 5. 68 7.54 5.39 7.16 5.01 5.49 3.62 5.93
September. 6.14 3.69 10.27 6.23 7.58 5.62 7.11 5.11 5.61 3.67 6.30
October 5. 55 3.54 9.22 5. 39 7. 88 5.94 7.51 5. 32 5.75 3. 75 6.55
November 5. 48 3.50 8.64 5. 17 7.86 6.02 7.56 5. 44 5.78 3.80 6.59
December 6.50 4.25 8.81 5.76 8.36 6.75 8. 16 6. 18 5.96 4.11 6.90
Av., July-Dec 5.95 3.69 9.12 5.66 7. 76 5.84 7.44 5. 36 5.65 3.76 6.34
• Tj- 0 ^ 0-^ r- cn ^ —■
o io0 us id id io io id ^ ^
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es a; co c oor^crpQcccN-*^gs
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00o saoeeja
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a-d dium Dol a. 0.c 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.50 0.4 0.50 0.50
s C0 m0 m- 0.-
Cal Good a-d choic- Dol a. 4.4 4.4 0.50 4.00 •O0COHOOOO
* le Oi 0 i-» CM CO 4.50
co r^ r- t- c- 1~
0*ock choice
Cow- h-if -50, 0m *o Dol -. 04. 4.0 504. 4.L ScSSSSg 4.50
choice Dol -. 0.0 100. 0.0 00. SScScoSS 0.4
0*-e50, *o CO CO cO a © CO
c0 m0
-*•e 50 L■h*a-d mcdi- 400*o 1,00 o u-d0 choice Dol a. 0.0 0.0 00. 0.0
o r~ to r^ c-'
0, c0
Fe dei
neavy, o u-da *om4 choice Dol -. 0.0 500. 0.00 0.0 4.0
uo, cdc^r^'r-'r^'c^
waiv-a neavy wech*, *om0 choice Dol -. 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.00 0.0 0.4 500. 0.4 0.4
Lch* *o wech*, m-di *0o choice
medi Dol a. 0.4 0.50 0.4 0.0 oSSJSoooo 0.L
oi oi os t-: od c-'
a-dCa-ra50 Dol -. 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.L 0.50 000. 40.
Ca-- ra- -*e 50 ;
cu* e50
Cow0 a-d heif -50 Dol -. 0.50 00. 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.00 0.0 00. 4.0 0.50 00.

Bul -, bolo -0 a-d beef Dol a. 4.0 4.50 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.50 0.04 0.0 0.0
i* l-
*ccshe- choice
Cow0 *o Dol a. 0.50 4.04^4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.0 0
c0 m0 a
a0 nraf- *o
choice Dol 50. 0.50 00. 0.00 0.50 0.4 400. 00. 0.50 0.0 4.0 0.0
e50, c0 m0
1,10 Dol -. 0.0* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 500. 0.4 0.0 0.0 4.0 500.
C0 m0
u-de- •§ Dol -. 4.0 4.50 4.0 4.0 4.50 4.4 4.0 4.0 0.50 0.0 0.0
Lch*w-■h*, o5 Dol a. 0.50 0.50 0.4 0.0
O a4 Oi OS OO OO OS oi
Choic- and oeime Dol -. 50.50 00I4 0.0 50.4 500. 0.00 0.0 1'.50 4.4
- ..-
Be4*a* Dol -. 0.0 00^0 00.
e2h*, mo- 0.0 40. 0.0 4.0 04. 4.0 4.0
w 5»
um Dol -. 0.0 4.0* 4.50 4.0 OSOS 0iO 00 0OO cO OOTt» 0.0
5*2 od od od oo od
«ca ,10f}aooi
1a-d.m Good Dol a. 0.0 0.0 0.4 035 TPcn OOo0 i-CM0co ooCO 0.0
'I a-d o-im- Dol -. 0.00 40 0.0 4.4 ..0 0.50 0.00 0.0 ..50 50.50
100 i
Ave-a-e■" 00 1
Novembe- a
Oc*obe-.- Decemb- Ja-ua-y Feb-ua-y" Marah H»9
Jura *<>'

a o 3 qt3 a ■ 80 t--0 008 0 CMoo COTP

a ^ oS oi.2 ^ CO CO CO CO CO TP
• us to Tp eo iQ

: -3 ap 92 O iO Lt iO lc io'

e as
Un a 0«
3 §02.3
o a * s6
oao O N N CO CO N CO
3§ 3 3■ CO—I i-"t>>- cO0 *D iO Tp
^ o fi ™
1S 6

j-.0 Gfrt 9 0) " " T3 ° • io 95B5 Tp 3d o

3 85 a « S 00 5 S"fl

a-eS < 0S 00 00 o
aa atj
• iOCO COOl COc- COCO t>>-cO iOH
51 O CO 0 iO »f5 "S cd


§3 — -—

p3oo* cOCO 00CO TpCO CM0 i—I10 COO»

"J.09* OOCO Tp*C TPTP CMr-l <DOS 0iO

-J '~ r_. ~ cs o c.
^ ci cd jj jj

sis,ill ftocicdmcdcir-0
-■ r* •* r*
a «

Table 72.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Year and month Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows I
190 190 200 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, All
pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 8.68 5.94 7. 54 6. 78 5. 26 7. 22 6.60 4.49 4. 55 6. 36
August 8.19 5. 25 7.31 6.31 4. 69 7.30 6. 24 4. 13 4.56 6. 25
September. _ 8.41 5.25 7. 25 6. 25 4. 62 7. 32 6. 28 4.06 4.62 6.19
October 8.60 5.25 7.07 6.16 4.35 6.75 6.04 3.88 4.34 5.80
November. . 8.30 5.10 6. 80 6. 14 3. 99 6. 50 6.04 3. 87 3.81 5.55
December.. . 7.96 5.34 5.84 3.83 6. 54 6.18 3.80 3.96 5.40
Av., July-Dec. 8. 34 5. 36 7. 11 6. 25 4. 46 6. 23 4.04 4.31 5. 92
January... 8.77 5.74 7.57 5. 94 4.50 6.62 6.30 3.92 4. 12 5.74
February 8.62 5.65 7.74 5. 88 4.50 6. 78 6. 48 3.97 4. 12 5.75
March 8.74 5. 76 7.95 6. 61 4.64 7. 02 6. 54 4.03 4.20 5.85
April 8.67 5. 76 7.93 6.55 4.96 7. 24 6.58 409 4. 65 5.88
May 8.46 5.60 7.66 6. 88 4. 88 7. 39 6. 66 4.16 4. 74 5.86
June 7.83 5. 27 6. 84 6. 11 4. 83 7. 17 6. 24 3.86 4.53 5.48
July 8.05 5.41 0 73 5.61 4.81 (i. 95 6. 12 3. 75 4.16 5.34
August 7. 90 5.21 6. 36 5. 12 4. 50 6. 79 6. 00 3. 63 3.85 5.09
September 8.53 5. 38 6.88 5. 06 4.04 6. 87 5.86 3. 50 3.96 5.27
October.. S. 72 5.37 7.23 4. 95 3. 74 fi. 69 5. 70 3. 42 3. 90 5. 12
November 8. 21 5. 01 6. 67 4. 76 3. 59 6. 18 5.57 3. 09 3.68 5.17
December 8.52 6.41 6.93 5.32 3.57 5.78 5. 54 3.21 3.44 5.03
Average 8.41 5. 46 7.21 5. 73 4.38 6. 79 6. 14 3. 72 4. 11 5. 46
January 8.91 5.71 7.59 5. 80 3. 68 6. 15 6.10 3.78 3.81 5.33
February 9. 49 6.09 8. 06 6. 28 4. 15 6. 50 6.41 3. 97 4. 10 5.65
March 9. 05 5. 73 7. 82 6. 18 4. 10 7. 05 6. 92 4. 62 4. 84 6.04
April 8.15 5. 26 7.07 6. 17 4. 18 7. 05 6. 93 4.81 5. 00 6. 12
May 8.58 5.58 7. 15 6. 72 4. 37 7. 06 6.96 4.80 4. 96 6.08
June 8.11 5. 22 6.82 6. 36 4.19 6.67 6.67 4. 52 4.88 6.00
Av., Jan.-June 8. 72 5. ( 7. 42 6. 25 4. 11 6. 75 6. 65 4. 42 5. 85
Classification oflivestock changed July 1, 1925.
Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)

Year and month 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,
Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers),
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Com Com choice choice to
Good mon Good mon choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 6.68 4.02 8. 18 5. 43 7. 62 5.79 7. 38 5.52 5. 39 3. 67 5.88
August.. 6.20 3. 79 8. 05 5. 48 7.92 5.53 7. 50 5.23 5. 46 3.50 5. 87
September 5.93 3. 91 9. 42 6.28 8.11 5.77 7.59 5.33 5.56 3.50 6. 17
October 5. 92 4.04 10. 32 6.62 8. 07 5. 84 7. 47 5.27 5. 62 3.60 6. 14
November 5. 87 4.00 9. 52 6. 15 8. 12 6.09 7. 68 5. 52 5. 44 3. 76 6. 33
December 3.45 4.31 8.63 5.76 8. 37 6.65 8. 12 6. 19 5.38 3.86 6. f.8
Av.. July-Dec 6. 18 4.01 9.02 5.95 8. C4 5.94 | 7.62 5.51 i! 5.48 3.65 r. 16

a-d me Dol a.
Calve• C0 m4 di0
0*o*clk- Good a-d choic- Dol -.

*o choic-
Cow- a-d h-if -50, Dol a. 04. 384. 4.50 15050 010 0.0 0.'f 620. 0.50 340. 0.50 0.50 910. 0.4 0.4 10 44. 41 1L 4.0 4.4 0.50 500. 0.4 0.0 0.0 4.0 150
c0 m0 0.-
*o choic- Dol -. 0.4 000. 0
01 0 904. 140 4.0 804. 10 14 0.4 0.05 0.40.4 0.H 0.4 0.4 0.4 1■ 10 40. 0.0
c0 m0 ft0 o.4 o.0 ft50 o.0 o.58 o.42
Fion—9u2e5d m-di 400*o 1,00(ou-da, *om0 choice Dol a. 0.50 960. 4.50 0 050 0.0 0.go 0.0 40. 04. 4.4 00. 0.50 500. 0.0 0. 0 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.0 500.
04 0 0.y 0
F-*ed5e0- Lch*a-d 0, 0.-
Heavy, 1,00 o u-da *om0 choice Dol a. 00. 0 40. 04 0.0 0.4 0 0.50 0.0 0 0.0 0.50 04 0'f 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.■ 0.go 0 0 4.4
uo, o.0 o.- o.10 o.*
0eavy wech*, *om0 choice Dol a. 400. 0.50 0.00 04 0.24 4.0o 504. 4.4 0.4 o04. 4.50 4.50 04. 50.L 50.50 50.00 4.4 04. 4.■ 44. 0.0 0.4 4.0 50.50 4.50 4.o0 0.0 0o0.
V-allv0 c0 o.0

Lch* 0o um we■h*, medi *oum choice

medi Dol a. 40. 4.40 4.50 o0* 040. 04 00. 40. 4.501 0.a0 000 0.0
0.0 4.L 0.4 0.0 205 0.04 0.00 4.50 0.L 4.0 0.0 010. 050 4.50 00. 0.go

a-dCa-ue50 -0 0.0 0.50 0.4 0.0 0.go o10. 0.0 740. 7050. 0.50
Dol -. 0.0 0.400. 0.■ 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.'f 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.50 0.C0 00. 0.50 000. 3.40
Ca-- ra- a*-e50
cu* o50
a-d heif -50 Dol a. 0.0 0.04 180. 0.40 9050. 400. 050. 00. 0.0 0.50 002. 404.. 0.50 0150. 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.00 040. 0.5050.0
Cow0;c 4go 0.- 0.- 0.* 0., 4.00.
ST. boc0-lo- -0 aod b--f
I Dol -. 0.0 004. 4.00 904. 4.0 384. 354. 094. 004. 004. 0.050 40. 0.00 004. 4.0 504. 964. 50.40 OS4. 4.go 4.4 4.50 4.50 04.
cBua*c*hl-e 4.-
choice I4.4 j
*o Dol -. 0.4 0.50 0.4 0.50 0.40 1500. 0.00 4.4 4.04 4.50 4.0 4.0 500. 4.L 0.4 0.50 L0. 00. 0.0 00. 4.y 0.0 40. 5000. 000.
ra0 0.-; o.43
0eif choic- Dol a. 0.0 0.o2 0.L 40. 0.0 0.02 04 0 0.c 0.0 017 0.go 050 0 0 400 050 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0 0 0.0 40.00. o00.1
-50, c0 m4 *o 0.- a.0 0.-
Dolla 0.50 0.4 0.4 500. 00. 0.y 0.0 0.00 4.c 0.31 0.0 490. 0.500 0.
4 0.0 0.0 0.00 L(i. 0. 0 0.50 0.501 0.00 050 0L00..
c0 m0 .0. -0.
1,10 Medi Dol a. 4.50 000. 00. 4.50 500. 4.0 4.4 0.50 4.4 0.0 00. 0.4 0.0* o40. 980. 0.4 500. 4.50 0.50 4.0 00. 4.0 40. 0.0 00. 4.0
um 0.50
o u-d- 4o. 4.-
Good Dol -. 'f0. 4.4 060. 0.0 9.4 0.0 090. 4.0 00. 400. 090.
09o. 4o. 44o. 0o. 0o. *0.
Choice o-ime Dol a.
a-dhM-aevdywiec0h*, Dol -. 0 0.4 40. 0.00 0.0 0(i. 00. 0.1e 44. 0 0 0 50 00 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 4.-00.
C0 m0 a0 o.00 0.- 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. a. 0. 0.
o1,10uou-d- 050I00.. j
0.44.0 i04.-.0*
Medi Dol -. 00. 300. 0.4 00. 0.50 0.0 00. oo(i. 800. 0.0 78(i. 00 0 4 50 4 50 . 00 0 0 4 0
0 '0. 0. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 0. 4. 4. 4. 0 4.
Good Dol a. 010. 500. 4.4 110. 500. 48. 400. Lo. 4.0 090. 0.0 0.'f 0.0 0.50
00o. o.04 4o.
Choic-; a-d Dol a.

101 0eo*emb- ■. 100 100
Novembe-." bDe-c"e.-"o Ave-a-e" . Ja-ua-y Feb-ua-y 0eo*-mbe-"." Novemb- " D-c-mbe-." Ja-L-y Feb-L-y Ma-ch.
Ja-L-y Feb-L-y M;.rah aq-il Au50a* Oc*obe- Marah oA-il Au50a* Oc*obe-
Jura July" Jura July" "
M-. M-
H«iocWHrt^OicoooO COco
00OS0000Osas00TPeNHCNCO 00CO00h»TpCN OSos
» c=t3 a jNCOCOHOCN
; co cd cd cd cd pi cocococococo'co'cocdcococo co
co co co co ^ ^ co
9 £,2
Tp co iraH coCNOio
9 So9 o io "d "d "d nd
,2 <4< iO TP Tt< ^ TP t^t8-t^00t^t>iOTp>O8*'<Hco ffll^-Ot8-HCN
t- OS CN <N Tp CO
*o c4 ei cn ci c4 pi p4 pi c<i pi pi <nO pi pi pi pi pi cd co' co' co'
T^^^'TP^TtI«COCOCOCOCO Tt5 Tt5 Tti io "5 io I
^COCNOSOiOO icoOiocoooioeoOs cn t- P4 00 O 00
o-o O CO CO id CO CO 7O »ft CO CO N co
coO cd O co8
' S 5 H 0S 2 <g co' id >d iO Tp id ^1 iO iO O CO
* a
,2• »^ d<N 2*CM "aCI «i-i CO HCOTJ<COiOHiOHCNCOTPN
P^Oi-(<NHt-.piTt<>Ot01<8<p COco 00co H00 »0CN COt^ COCN CN
00 00 OO 00 od odododododt^r-t^t^t^t^t^ n od od od od od
i os* os* os8 os os os oidosas'asocodododososas OS OS O d d d

oS cs a co^TtS^'THTpco'co'cococo'co
n ab |t8'< 1 ,3• <o O "5CO CNCO CO^ COCO oooocoO8raasoocNCNTWcooo
OO00-8*iOONNH00tC100 H"iCN CO»es•# TPcdO COO0000 OScdCO t^OSCO !i! COCOCO
o co CO id id >n io
.OCOCOCJiOO OocNososcecocoOCO«N CO OSTP OSOS ^T* COos »OTtl 00
i8 r-8 t-- od od od od
j CO CN iO CO iO 00 O
iO Tt< »0 t^ O CN 00 CO i-t Tt< COCO S CN CO CN O i-H
© OSOS OSOS .Oo OSc Oi OS OS oiaso!osdosodososojod os OOOasosO
CO n co co8 OSCO t^00 00CN oo00
ooOo OOOd
CO CO 00 00 iOH
5s O CO CO CO id » cdcdcocdcdco8cdcd"5id^'id iOidcOt^t^t^ CO
■ od as'
£2- • COCO H HCO NiO 0000 OS00 coTt<ooooocooHt^osr-QTp
OS0OOSCN^Pi-lOS0OOi-tO^ COOS 00Tjl CO COcoOT*< *
SI 'o od od od t> t-^ co 8' 00 t-^ t> od od od od
CO i-> ^ O CO CO O CO O 00 00 iOTp8^CN^CO-HCN0OiOiOCO
■OTtiio0Oi-c^i-c^i8VCNCNTtV O0OCNiO-N
iO ȣ0 OS OS iO
j co 8 53 S 8 S O Os t- t- c3s
2 H.S dcdd

0 =S 9
isssa i
jail II 72
Fineo—d9-u25ead0,* H & *oWmc\(
edium M-ra- fb
a-d Holora ) DoK>l a. d
0.50 50.0■ g
0.0 O

Ca-ra- ®4.0 0.0 0™0.


Bul • Beef unde- o u-d0 -ood a-d c1hoice Dol a. 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0
Beef, o u-da uo, -ood a-d choice Dol a. 0.50 4.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.L 0.0

Ca-ra- a-d cu* e- Dol a. 0.0 00. 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50

Cow- a-d medi0 Dol a. 4.0 4.4 4.4 0.0 4.4 44. 500.00;
C0 m4
Good a-d choic- Dol a. 0.0 0.10 0.y 0.50 0.50 0.4

All wech*0 0m 4 a-d m-di0 Dol a. 00. 0.0 04. 0.4 0.00 0.50
o u-da Dol a. 0.50 0.41 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.4 0.50
-0 uo, -ood a-d choic-

Lch* yea-li- a*-e50 a-d heife50 u-de- -0 o u-d0 -ood a-d choice Dol a. 4.0 50.0 ..0 4.0 ..04 0.4 4.4
0T.PAULudC0*i-'d £

Ca-ra- a-d Dol -. 4.44 4.0 4.0 4.0 500. 0.50 4.0
cu* -
-ud-ed-a Com Dol -. 0.50 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.0 0.L
M-di Dol -. 0.4 0.0 4.L 4.50 4.0 4.0 0.4

Good Dol -. 0.0 0.4 4.0 0.0 4.50 0.4 4.0

Beefa*-e50 Dol -.

Dol -. 4.50 0.0 0.4 0.50 0.50 0.0 0.0

1,10u-d- C0 m0
M-di Dol -. 0.0 0.0 4.4 504. 0.0 8.50 050.40.
Good Dol a. ..0 0.50 0.0 0.0 ..50 0.o0
Choice Dol s.
1 y\B1-uae4*d-ul.di-eDi
o u-d- -ood choic- Dol -.
1,0* uo, a-d

0eo*-mb- Nov-mb-
Au50a* Oc*ob- D-c-mb-
Table 72.—Cattle and calves: Monthly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Year and month Under
Under 190 to 260
260 pounds pounds ~-n TTu nuer
and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds iOV heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, AD
pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July.. 7.63 4.90 6.53 6. 16 3.56 6. 01 5. 61 3.69 3. 42 5. 25
August... 8.18 5.17 6.87 6.25 3. 79 6.03 5. 47 3. 30 3.34 5.30
September 8. 18 5.04 6.99 5. 49 3. 55 6. 43 5. 71 3.58 3. 38 5. 25
October. 7.90 5.00 6.90 5.50 3.50 5.55 4.84 3.33 3.26 4. 97
November 6.64 4.62 6.16 5.31 3.06 5. 10 4. 62 2.94 3. 02 4.75
December.. 6. 96 4.50 6.08 5.08 3.08 5. 17 4. 67 2.93 3. 38 4. 75
Av., July-Dec 7.58 4. 87 6. 59 5. 63 3. 42 5. 72 5.15 3. 30 3. 30 5.04
7. 45 4. 61 6. 13 5. 19 3. 19 5.37 5.02 3.07 3. 42 4. 75
February 7. 18 4.50 5.98 4. 95 3.25 5. 57 5.11 3.04 3. 62 4.83
March. 7.33 4.62 5. 75 4.88 3. 25 5.74 5. 46 3.00 3.64 4.94
April 7.27 4.66 5.93 5. 19 3.63 6.24 5.84 3.33 3.93 5.00
May_. 7.19 4. 51 6.04 5. 12 4.20 7.09 6.52 3.96 4. 12 5.08
June.. 7.40 4. 75 6.00 4.88 4.41 6.88 5.96 3.71 3.96 5.06
July 7.22 4.89 5.94 4.98 4.77 6. 57 5. 51 3.50 3.50 4. 93
August. 8.68 5.52 6.32 5. 36 4.50 6. 48 5.70 3.62 3.50 4. 98
September 8.69 5. 85 6.90 5. 35 4.72 6.24 5.83 3.72 3. 55 5.00
October. 7.51 5.20 5.94 4.98 4.29 5.98 5.60 3.75 3. 61 5.00
November. 6.05 3.96 4.67 3. 82 3.24 5.50 5.10 3. 35 3. 32 4.82
December 6.55 3. 87 5. 11 4. 15 3.00 5. 39 5.00 3. 12 3.25 4. 75
Average.. 7. 38 4.74 5. 89 4.90 3. 87 6. 09 5. 55 3. 43 3. 62 4.93
7. 10 4.04 6.02 4.75 3.00 5.82 5.41 3.65 3.25 4. 75
8.54 4.80 6.84 4. 75 3.00 6.22 5.89 4.02 3. 30 4.76
March 8.62 4.73 7.09 5. 25 3.50 6.66 6.44 4. 36 3. 92 5.27
April. 7.70 4. 51 6.85 5. 45 3.89 6.75 6.50 4. 48 4.37 5.38
May.. 7.81 5.08 7.08 5. 95 4.00 6. 75 6.50 4.50 4.42 5. 38
June 7.34 4. 92 6. 61 5.78 3. 82 6. 13 5.76 4.00 4. 12 5.38
Av., Jan.-June 7.85 4.68 6.75 5. 32 3.54 6.39 6.08 4. 17 3.90 5.15
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)
800 pounds Under 800 Calves,
Year and month Me Cull Me Cull up pounds Heifers, Cows, (steers),
dium and dium and com com com
to com to com mon mon mon
choice mon choice mon Good Com Com to to to
mon Good mon choice choice choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 6. 45 3.89 8.70 5.80 6.87 5.61 6.57 5.28 4. 18 3.58 5.25
August 6.36 3.84 9. 47 5. 81 7.04 5.45 6.54 5.27 4.08 3.44 5. 25
September 6.00 3.88 9.66 5.74 7.02 5.42 6. 41 5.26 4.28 3.50 5.15
October 5.56 3. 61 9. 40 5.63 7.31 5.64 7.03 5. 32 4. 62 3.50 5.25
November 5. 48 3.50 8. 77 5.58 7. 38 5. 75 7.06 5. 32 4.89 3.56 5. 32
December 5. 48 3.60 8.63 5. 61 7. 37 5.69 7. 17 5. 42 4.94 3. 62 5. 38
Av., July-Dec 5. 89 3. 72 9. 10 5. 70 7.16 5. 59, 6.80 5.31 4.50 3. 53 5.27
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Woo!.
33764—27 13
Table 73.— Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up pounds Heifers, Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Me Com Choice Me to
Com choice to and
and Good dium and Good dium
mon prime mon choice beef
1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 11.98 10.85 9.80 8.50 12.13 10.93 9.73 8.23 8.00 7.08 6.55
15 11. 75 10.66 9.47 8. 17 11.68 10.56 9.25 7. 93 7.50 6.61 6.26
22 10.71 9.80 8. 96 7.91 10.69 9. 71 8.71 7.63 7.38 6. 27 6.33
29 10.08 9.22 8. 47 7.66 10.00 9.06 8. 19 7.34 7.05 6.09 6. 30
Feb. 5 9.27 8.47 7.80 7.15 9.27 8.41 7.61 6.81 6. 57 5.72 5.68
12 9.81 9.00 8. 38 7. 65 9.75 8. 88 8. 13 7.28 6.85 5.74 5.51
19 10. 23 9. 53 8. 79 7.93 10.14 9.34 8.52 7.61 7.04 5.77 5.30
26 10.56 9.88 9. 10 8.22 10.52 9.70 8. 95 8.08 7.44 6.04 5.68
Mar. 5 10.60 10.00 9.25 8. 38 10.53 9.90 9. 15 8.20 7.98 6.60 6. 13
12 10. 55 9. 89 9.05 8. 13 10. 45 9.78 8. 95 7.95 7.88 6.56 6.00
19 10.36 9. 70 8. 97 8. 27 10.37 9.71 8.89 7.95 7.45 6.46 5.90
26 10.24 9. 55 8.88 8. 23 10. 29 9.62 8.81 7.91 7.45 6.58 5.95
Apr. 2 9.88 9.26 8.69 7.96 9. 96 9. 38 8.57 7.58 7.38 6.50 5.89
9 9.52 8.95 8.37 7.76 9.58 9. 05 8.38 7.48 7.20 6. 30 5.53
16 9. 10 8.49 8.00 7.50 9.16 8. 55 7.93 7.15 7.13 6. 15 5. 55
23 8.97 8.26 7.79 7. 30 9. 17 8.50 7.88 7. 05 7.25 6. 29 5.94
30 8.64 7.95 7.48 7.00 8.84 8. 18 7.59 6.79 7.00 5.88 5. 80
May 7 8. 97 8.40 7.80 7.22 9. 14 8. 49 7.87 7.08 7.19 6.13 6.00
14 9.25 8.66 8. 12 7.46 9.28 8. 67 7.96 7.18 7.33 6.43 6.15
21 9.31 8. 71 8. 19 7.61 9.38 8.75 8.00 7.25 7.43 6. 50 6.00
28.... 8.81 8. 29 7.79 7.26 8.98 8.39 7.71 7.00 6.98 5.99 5. 25
June 4 8. 97 8. 43 8.04 7.38 9.09 8. 49 7.91 7.13 6.88 5.91 5. 19
11 8. 82 8.28 7.87 7. 19 8. 95 8; 35 7.83 7.00 6. 63 5.68 5.38
18.... 8. 85 8.31 7.90 7. 19 9.02 8. 45 7.88 7.00 6.53 5. 50 5.30
25 8. 85 8. 35 7.84 6. 95 9.01 8.46 7.79 6.68 6.25 5.22 5. 14
July 2 8. 57 8.08 7.41 6.50 8.68 8. 18 7.47 6. 13 6. 13 5.04 4.73
9 8.68 8. 31 7.59 6.63 8. 83 8.31 7.53 6.22 6. 19 5.28 5. 19
16 8. 93 8. 48 7.88 7.06 9.09 8. 57 7.83 6. 68 6. 66 5. 66 .5.68
23 9.01 8. 53 7.88 7.00 9. 43 8. 86 7.96 6. 63 6.58 5. 45 5. 68
30 9.41 8. 83 7.99 7.00 9. 69 9.05 8.00 6.58 6. 50 5.50 5.65
Aug. 6 9. 72 8.98 8.03 6.88 9.98 9.21 8. 03 6.38 6. 45 5.35 5.30
13 10. 11 9.33 8. 20 6.88 10. 35 9.50 8. 13 6.45 6.50 5.53 5.38
20 10.23 9. 27 8.03 6.73 10. 37 9.30 7.93 6.28 6.43 5.25 5.48
27 9. 83 8. 77 7.37 5. 93 9.99 8.82 7.24 5.70 6.23 5. 18 4.98
Sept. 3 10.02 8.94 7.44 5.88 10. 26 9.05 7.31 5. 63 6.50 5.43 4.93
10 9.61 8.62 7. 18 5.81 10. 16 8. 84 7. 13 5.56 6. 50 5.29 4.95
17 9.57 8. 66 7. 37 5.91 10.30 9.08 7.35 5.70 6.59 5. 25 5. 15
24 9.41 8. 44 7. 15 5.65 10.30 9.05 7.21 5.49 6. 60 5.23 5.02
Oct. 1 9. 49 8.45 6. 96 5. 43 10.39 9.08 7.06 5.25 6.28 5. 05 5.04
8 9. 95 9.09 7.46 5. 55 10.84 9.62 7.51 5.41 6. 65 5.14 4. 89
15 10.20 9.23 7.61 5.52 11.28 9.87 7.60 5.31 6.72 5.20 4.75
22 10. 35 9.19 7.68 5.54 11.46 9. 97 7.60 5.30 6. 51 5.09 4.83
29 10.58 9. 39 7.76 5.61 11.71 10.23 7.71 5. 45 6. 63 5.12 4.80
Nov. 5 10.47 9.26 7.70 5.50 11.78 10.28 7.64 5.44 6.58 5.00 4.68
12 10.16 9.03 7.58 5.44 11.67 10.15 7.56 5. 34 6. 31 4.80 4. 51
19 9.85 8. 60 7.20 5.26 11.08 9.64 7.30 5.25 5.98 4.52 4.38
26 10.04 8.96 7.34 5.44 10.88 9.62 7. 44 5. 32 6. 22 4. 71 4.57
Dec. 3 10.16 9.00 7.31 5.56 10.92 9.36 7.34 5. 42 6.20 4.94 4. 66
10 10.18 9.06 7.48 5.86 10.82 9.42 7.54 5. 71 6. 19 4.86 4.54
17-— 10.02 8. 76 7.45 6. 16 10.85 9.14 7.52 5.97 6.11 4.90 4.76
24 9. 22 8.15 7.00 5.76 9. 83 8.50 7.06 5.64 5. 72 4.64 4.54
31 9.33 8. 38 7.25 6.00 9.53 8.53 7.25 5.88 5. 72 4. 59 4.49
1922 4.92
Jan. 7 9.42 8.48 7.38 6.30 9.68 8.70 7.38 6.12 5.90 4.84
14 9.50 8.59 7.64 6.00 9.75 8.74 7.56 6.38 6. 10 4.90 5.00
21 9.38 8.41 7. 38 6.50 9.65 8.56 7.36 6.28 5. 92 4.70 4.90
28 9.51 8.48 7.44 6.54 9.34 8. 32 7.28 6.28 5.82 4.84 5.0*
Feb. 4 9.56 8.64 7.60 6.55 9.35 8. 48 7.40 6.30 5.93 4.98 4.82
11 9. 46 8.62 7. 67 6.64 9.30 8. 42 7. 42 6.38 6.05 5.16 4.64
18 9.50 8.73 7.84 6. 85 9.38 8.60 7.68 6.66 6.01 5.12 4.64
25 9.50 8. 75 7.90 6.99 9.58 8.62 7.77 6.83 6.09 5.12 5.06
Mar. 4 9.47 8.80 8.00 7. 14 9.34 8.66 7.85 6.92 6.40 5.38 5.25
11 9.49 8.90 8. 11 7.24 9.36 8.74 7.92 7.01 6.70 5.74 5. 25
18 9.14 8.48 7.70 6.88 9.12 8.40 7.60 6.74 6.36 5.44 5.09
25 9.17 8.52 7.80 7.02 9. 21 8.52 7.74 6.92 6.54 5.64 5. 16
Apr. 1 9.00 8.32 7.59 6.89 9. 12 8.40 7.57 6. 78 6.64 5.73 5.14
8 9.08 8.42 7.76 7.08 9.22 8.50 7.73 6.96 6.77 5.86 5.14
15 9.06 8.48 7.82 7. 07 9.08 8. 46 7.74 6.96 6.76 5.70 5.24
22 9.10 8.54 7.95 7.20 9.10 8.54 7.89 7.06 7.00 5.88 5. 30
29 8.94 8.41 7.89 7.22 9.04 8.52 7.92 7.19 7.08 5.94 5.38

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—

Beef steers Butcher cattle

Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up Heifers, pounds Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Choice to
Me Com and Good Me Com choice to and
and i Good dium mon prime dium mon choice beef
prime j
1922 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
May 6 ... 8.92 8. 36 7.84 7.27 9.04 8. 49 7.90 7. 27 7.14 6.04 5.73
13 8.98 8. 42 7.94 7. 38 9. 10 8.54 8. 01 7.44 7.19 6.08 5.64
20 8.92 8. 37 7.88 7.34 9.03 8.50 7.98 7.38 7. 14 6. 01 5.40
27 9.00 8. 51 8.06 7. 51 9\10 8.58 8. 11 7.54 7.23 5.96 6.42
June 3 9.02 8. 52 8.10 7.56 9. 18 8.64 8.22 7.64 7.21 5.79 5.19
10.... 9. 27 8.83 8. 35 7. 74 9. 42 8.98 < 8.48 7.82 7.36 5.88 5.32
17 9. 46 8.90 8.34 7.64 9. 46 8.90 8. 36 7. 62 7. 12 5.72 6.35
24 9.66 9.04 8.38 7. 59 9.44 8.86 8. 19 7. 36 6.96 5.62 5.18
July l 9. 85 9. 18 8.50 7.56 9.60 8. 98 8. 28 7. 37 7.02 5.72 6.28
8 10. 05 9.54 8. 82 7.86 9. 89 9.35 8.66 7.66 7. 12 5.88 5. 62
15 10. 28 9. 67 8.96 8.02 10.16 9.56 8.86 7.90 7.25 6.00 5.90
22.... 10.42 9.54 8.65 7.66 10.33 9.44 8. 52 7.54 7.06 6.01 5.52
29.... 10.34 9. 36 8.42 7. 38 10. 21 9. 26 8. 33 7.28 7.00 6.04 5.38
Aug. 5 10.42 9. 65 8.71 7.43 10. 33 9.54 8.60 7. 30 7. 10 6.21 5.20
12 10. 35 9.57 8.58 7.30 10. 36 9.56 8.58 7.23 7.03 6. 16 5.02
19.... 10.61 9. 76 8. 66 7.29 10.61 9. 76 8.64 7. 20 7.08 6. 17 5. 16
26.... 10.54 9. 62 8.58 7. 16 10. 44 9. 50 8.44 6.98 6.98 5. 96 5.10
Sept. 2 10. 69 9.82 8. 72 7. 17 10.53 9. 61 8. 55 6. 97 7.02 5. 86 5.22
9 10.83 9. 86 8.65 7. 12 10. 62 9.66 8.54 6. 95 7.00 5.86 4. 95
16 11.00 9. 94 8.62 7.02 10.80 9.78 8. 46 6.88 7.09 6.00 5.22
23 11.30 10.10 8.62 7.00 11. 16 . 9.99 8.50 6.84 7.24 6. 25 5.24
30 11.56 10.10 8. 41 6. 82 11.42 9.99 8.31 6.68 7.03 6.00 5.06
Oct. 7 11. 90 10. 12 8.26 6.73 11. 76 10.02 8.22 6. 62 6. 96 5.95 4.94
14 11.98 9. 94 8.08 6.52 11.69 9. 79 7.98 6. 36 6.90 5.90 5.16
21 12.48 10.46 8.44 6.64 12.21 10.30 8.24 6. 46 7.44 5.97 5.29
28 12.70 10. 56 8.46 6.62 12.48 10.44 8. 27 6. 38 7.42 5.88 5.02
Nov. 4.... 12. 62 10.43 8. 18 6.37 12.46 10.31 8.06 6.28 7.21 5.70 4.94
11 12. 58 10.50 8.26 6.34 12.44 10.36 8.12 6.22 7.36 5.71 5.02
18 12.66 10.68 8.34 6.32 12. 48 10. 55 8.23 6.12 7.45 5.71 5.00
25 12.68 10.62 8.14 5.93 12. 48 10.55 8.08 5.84 7.44 5.78 5.06
Dec. 2 12.74 10.86 8.48 6. 16 12.56 10.74 8.36 6.01 7.55 5.84 5.04
9 12.75 10.96 8.65 6. 50 12. 66 10.83 8.54 6.32 7.62 5.74 5.02
16 12.62 10.84 8.70 6.64 12. 56 10.72 8.60 6.49 7.66 5.77 4. 92
23 12.34 10.56 8.64 6.83 12.20 10.39 8.52 6.64 7.20 5.77 4.94
30 12.19 10.54 8.62 6.81 12.00 10.34 8.46 6.51 7.09 5.79 5.06
Jan. 6 12.11 10.61 8.78 7.10 11.85 10.44 8.64 6. 78 7. 40 5.90 5.23
13 12.08 10.64 8. 96 7.24 11.82 10.46 8.78 7.02 7.70 5.90 5. 46
20 11.88 10.48 8.79 7.22 11.62 10.28 8.68 6.99 7.58 5.78 5.54
27 11.78 10.34 8.78 7.16 11.52 10.12 8.65 6.95 7.58 5.79 5.43
Feb. 3 11.39 9.94 8. 51 6.97 11. 22 9.74 8. 35 6.81 7.34 5.72 5.36
10 11.15 9.94 8.70 7.11 11.04 9.78 8.52 6.88 7. 40 5.80 5.34
17 10.98 9.82 8.77 7.12 10.88 9.71 8.56 6.90 7.49 5.96 5.66
24 10.68 9. 72 8.80 7.14 10.80 9.70 8.65 6.98 7.68 6.06 5.64
Mar. 3 10.66 9.88 9.00 7.48 10.70 9.88 8. 98 7.32 7.61 6.00 5.64
10 10.38 9.62 8.72 7. 36 10. 38 9.64 8.66 7.21 7.46 5.89 5.68
17 10.22 9.57 8.73 7.46 10.28 9. 59 8.04 7.20 7.70 6.10 5.73
24 10.06 9.46 8.72 7.47 10.18 9.53 8.70 7.35 7.65 6.19 5.78
31 10.06 9.54 8.80 7.58 10.16 9.62 8.80 7.45 7.64 6.04 5.72
Apr. 7 10.06 9.54 8.82 7.75 10.08 9.52 8.75 7.52 7.77 6.16 5.70
14 10.00 9.38 8.61 7.50 9.94 9.34 8.50 7.32 7.50 6.12 5.66
21 10.06 9.36 8.54 7.46 9.98 9.27 8.43 7.34 7.68 6. 14 5.88
28 10.04 9.40 8.62 7.60 9.96 9.29 8.48 7.40 7.67 6.24 6.05
May 5 10.03 9.38 8.63 7.68 9. 95 9. 26 8.48 7.44 7.64 6.30 5.88
12 10.20 9.62 8.90 7.98 10.08 9.52 8.76 7.80 7.88 6.48 5.92
19 10.26 9.75 9.06 8.14 10.14 9.64 8.93 7.94 8.06 6.68 6.31
26 10.62 10.05 9.36 8.42 10.48 9.92 9.20 8.21 8.23 6.76 6.45
June 2 10.81 10.06 9.22 8.22 10.67 9.89 8.98 7.84 7.96 6.27 6.22
9 10.92 10.12 9.13 8.02 10.66 9.88 8.82 7.60 7.83 6.02 5.86
16.... 10.94 10.18 9. 15 7.96 10.72 10.00 8.95 7.35 8.05 6.29 5.82
23.... 11. 12 10.36 9.27 8.02 11.05 10.29 9. 16 7.32 8.16 6.26 5.72
30.... 10.97 10.10 8.95 7.66 10.80 9.84 8.65 6.94 7.77 6.00 6.71

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Light to Heavy, Light and Cows Calves

Cows Canner medium Heavy 1,000 medium, Steers, and
and steers weight, weight, pounds 750 to
1,000 com heifers,
heifers medium common up, com pounds, mon to com Good
to choice to choice mon to common choice mon to and
choice to choice choice choice

1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 4.28 5.03 11.73 8. 25 8.18 7. 55 6.35 5.25
15 3. 81 4.88 11.13 7.90 8.24 7. 78 6.69 5. 13
22 3.87 4.75 11.08 7. 25 .8. 25 7.85 6.83 5. 13
29 3. 91 4.73 12.03 7. 38 7.81 7.47 6. 65 5.18
Feb. 5. 3. 71 4.40 11.33 7.00 7.40 6.98 6.32 4.95
12 3.59 4.25 10.85 6. 75 7.50 7.06 6.26 4. 75
19 3.15 4.25 10.73 6.75 7.83 7.55 6.72 4.86
26 3.20 4. 58 11.18 6. 75 8.15 7.83 7.03 5.12
Mar. 5 - 3.85 5. 10 11. 43 6.75 8.44 7.98 7.18 5. 35
12 3. 88 5. 13 10.83 6. 75 8.70 8.30 7.33 5.25
19 3.88 4. 45 10.98 6.70 8.83 8.45 7.50 5.45
26 3.88 4. 25 9. 95 6.50 8.70 8. 33 7.43 5.50
Apr. 2. 3.88 4.25 ' 8.45 6.50 8.38 8.00 7.16 5.40
9 3. 55 4.05 8.15 6.00 8.33 7.95 7.22 5. 25
16 3. 33 3. 75 7. 75 5.88 8.00 7.63 6. 88 4.88
23 3.50 3. 75 8.08 5.88 7.69 7. 43 6.68 4.85
30 3.50 3. 75 8.50 5.90 7. 36 7. 14 6. 45 4. 75
May 7 3.65 3.75 9. 10 6.08 7.50 7. 30 6.61
14 3.93 3. 75 8.45 6. 10 7. 71 7.52 6.85 4.95
21 3.88 3. 75 8.78 6.00 7.89 7. 73 7. 05 5.00
28 3.65 3. 75 8.30 5.93 7. 78 7.63 6.84 5.00
June 4 3.38 3. 75 8.56 5.84 7.60 7.44 6. 53 4. 91
11 3.25 3. 70 9.05 6.00 7.13 6.93 5.95 4.50
18 3.15 3. 55 8.60 5.90 7.08 6.85 5.88 4. 43
25 2.88 3.28 8.93 5.88 6.88 6.68 5. 75 4.23
July 2 2.63 2.73 8.48 5.63 6.78 6. 58 5.54 4.08
9 2.72 2.66 9.00 5.50 6. 75 6.55 5. 48 4.00
16 3.00 2.98 10.08 5.75 6.75 6.53 5.50 4.00
23 2.95 3.08 10.00 5. 75 6.48 6.15 5.55 4.00
30 3.25 3. 38 9.85 5.75 6.38 6.05 5.50 4.00
Aug. 6 3.05 3. 38 9. 10 5. 30 6.30 5.94 5. 28 4.00
13 3.00 3. 38 8.60 5.10 6.62 6.25 5. 25 4.00
20 2.78 3. 35 8.33 4.80 6. 73 6.45 5. 38 4.00
27 2.80 3.00 9.38 5. 45 6.51 6. 31 5. 38 4.00
Sept. 3 3. 12 3. 13 11.53 6. 58 6.58 6. 30 5. 38 4.00
10 2.93 3. 13 11.97 6.09 6.29 6.10 5. 38 3.97
17 2.91 3.13 11.33 5.80 6.25 6.05 5. 38 3.88
24 2.99 3.18 10.45 5. 48 6.18 6.02 5. 38 3.90
Oct. 1 3.02 3. 25 9. 10 5.15 5.75 5.63 5.17 3.90
8 3. 05 3. 25 8.45 5.40 5.87 5.70 5. 16 3. 95
15 3. 14 3.30 8. 35 5.68 5. 91 5.77 5.29 4. 05
22 3. 05 3. 38 8.90 5.98 6.00 5. 85 5.41 4.02
29 3. 05 3.50 9.00 6.00 6. 17 6.07 5.46 4.09
Nov. 5 3.00 3.50 8.92 5. 85 6. 14 6.00 5.42 4. 12
12 2.84 3.50 7.80 5.32 5.94 5.72 5.20 4.06
19 2.58 3.15 6.90 4.82 5. eo 5.48 4.80 3.92
26 2.85 3.00 6.88 4.62 5.72 5. 55 4.82 4.00
Dec. 3 3.02 3.22 8.00 5.45 5.72 5. 55 4. 91 4. 06
10 2. 86 3. 25 7.78 5. 62 5.74 5.58 5.09 4.08
17 2. 57 3. 25 8.30 5.62 6.00 5.87 5.34 3.98
24 2.58 3. 25 7. 35 5.08 5.96 5.83 5.40 3.75
31 2.72 3.44 7.81 5. 19 5. 88 5.75 5.32 3.84
Jan. 7 2.82 3. 55 7.78 5. 35 5.88 5.75 5.32 3.88
14 2.92 3.75 7.92 5. 68 6.02 5.92 5.50 3.92
21 2. 97 3. 65 8.35 5.80 6. 16 6.09 5.64 4. 10
28 3.12 3.70 9.40 6.20 6. 05 6.00 5.58 4.00
Feb. 4 3.32 3.71 9. 42 6.10 6.04 5.99 5.56 4. 13
11 3.44 3. 86 8.90 5.75 6.12 6.08 5.70 4.21
18 3. 36 3.98 9.00 5.75 6.34 6. 27 5.96 4.42
25 3. 27 4.08 9.30 5.90 6.52 6.44 6. 13 4. 60
Mar. 4 3.45 4.30 9.52 6.15 6.58 6.50 6.18 4.70
11 3.65 4.48 8.75 5.50 6. 75 6.65 6.32 4.92
18 3.56 4.46 7.98 5.40 6.58 6.50 6. 25 4. 82
25 3. 66 4.68 7.58 5.38. 6.64 6.56 6. 27 4.73
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle
Heavy, Light and Cows Calves
Light to Heavy 1,000 medium, Steers, and
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds 750 to com heifers,
and steers weight, common up, com 1,000 mon to com Good Com
heifers medium pounds, choice mon to and and mon
to choice to choice mon to
choice common choice choice diumme
to choice
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
3.76 4.70 7.45 5. 42 6.38 6. 32 6.08 4.50
3.84 4.75 7.55 5.50 6. 42 6.3S 6. 25 4.68
3. 80 4.75 6.78 5.50 6.44 6.38 6. 26 4.75
3.88 4. 75 6.62 5.50 6.74 6.68 6. 57 4.88
4.00 4. 82 6.92 5. 65 6.84 6.82 6.67 4.98
4. 18 5.08 7.22 5. 65 6.94 6.94 6.74 5.08
4. 27 5. 27 7.90 5. 68 7. 03 7.03 6. 85 5.23
4.24 5. 25 8.90 6.08 7. 05 7. 05 6.88 5.25
4. 14 5.32 8. 95 6.08 6.94 6.94 6. 76 8.16
3.70 5.16 9.31 6.44 6.92 6. 92 6.76 5.08
3. 74 5. 19 10.12 6. 55 7. 08 7.06 6. 97 6.00
3. 55 5.04 9. 35 6.20 6.94 6.94 6. 82 4.95
3. 38 4. 55 8. 08 5.72 6.73 6.73 6. 39 4. 65
3. 40 4. 35 8.00 5.72 6.70 6.70 6. 25 4. 60
3.38 4. 28 8.44 5.75 6.70 6. 70 6.20 4.50
3. 42 4. 38 9. 10 5.85 6.70 6.70 6.20 4. 58
3.25 4. 38 8.88 5.88 6.70 6. 70 6.20 4.62
3. 31 4. 38 9. 18 5. 92 6. 70 6.70 6.20 4. 62
3.56 4. 40 9.78 6.05 6.60 6.60 6.20 4.58
3. 40 4.38 10. 32 6.25 0.60 6. 45 6.12 4.50
3.21 4.30 11.60 6.42 6. 62 6. 45 6.12 4.50
3. 14 4. 18 11.25 6.30 6.84 6.62 6.12 4.50
3. 19 4. 12 11.45 6.00 6.88 6.62 6.08 4.50
3. 18 4.12 11.88 5.97 6.88 6. 62 5.90 4.38
16 3. 27 4. 12 12. 18 5.88 6.88 6.62 5.70 4.32 !
23 3.50 4. 12 12.32 5.98 7.00 6.70 5.70 4.45
30 3. 28 4. 01 11.30 5. 30 7.00 6.73 5.80 4.50
7 3.25 4.00 10.18 5.02 6.98 6.73 5.84 4. 40
14 3. 14 3.95 8.92 5.00 6.88 6.67 5.85 4.25
21 3. 19 3.88 9.75 5. 42 6.94 6.84 6.02 4. 32
28 3. 10 3.80 9.75 5.60 6.88 6.81 6.10 4.34
2.95 3.58 9.05 5. 12 6.58 C.54 6.12 4.20
2.98 3. 38 9. 42 5. 02 6.34 6.34 6.00 4.12 !
2.93 3. 38 9. 12 4.98 6.40 6.40 6.00 4.12 1
3.08 3. 38 8. 42 5.08 6.44 6.42 5.78 4. 12
3. 18 3. 40 8.53 5.06 6.48 6. 48 5.86 4. 12
2.92 3. 42 9.40 5.22 6.68 6.68 6. 16 4. 12
2.89 3. 38 9. 22 5.25 6. 66 6. 66 6.20 4.20
3. 07 3.50 9.25 5.30 6. 46 6. 46 5. 90 4. 18
3.21 3.50 9.81 5.78 6.50 6.50 5.78 4.25
3.28 3.58 10. 25 5.68 6.68 6.66 5.88 4.30
3.28 3.90 10.00 5. 40 6.96 6.96 6.14 4. 48
3.17 3. 99 9.88 5. 95 7.12 7.12 6.18 4. 40
3.24 4. 05 10. 15 6.65 7.30 7.24 6.28 4.25
3.27 4.00 10.10 6.88 7. 17 7. 08 6.20 4.25
3. 42 4.00 10.60 7.08 7.04 6. 95 6.20 4.28
3.62 4. 10 11.20 7. 45 7.00 6.88 6.18 4.25
3.76 4.28 11.18 7. 45 7.03 6.90 6.20 4. 38
3. 74 4.38 9. 65 0. 32 7. 23 7. 10 6.25 4.38
3.63 4. 42 8.98 5.80 7. 26 7.11 6.25 4.38
3.78 4.50 9.28 6. 15 7.44 7.28 6.36 4. 65
3. 99 4. 48 10.30 6.55 7.55 7.30 6.50 4.70
3.90 4. 38 8.70 5.82 7.58 7.32 6.56 4. 62
3.94 4.38 8.55 5.92 7.59 7.33 6.68 4.75
3. 89 4.55 8.30 5.70 7. 48 7.26 6.50 4.75
3.82 4.62 8.92 6.02 7.31 7.10 6. 45 4. 75
3.88 4.62 8. 95 6.22 7.25 7.00 6. 38 4.75
3.94 4. 62 9.20 6. 35 7.50 7.19 6.61 4.98
4.08 4.88 9. 10 6.30 7.73 7.40 6.82 5.18
4.25 5. 10 9.92 6. 62 7.72 7.38 6.84 5.25
4. 27 5.25 9.82 6.65 7.90 7.53 6.98 5. 25
3.74 5. 16 9.50 6.50 7.96 7.43 6.88 5.19
3.33 4.98 9.22 6. 32 7.88 7.31 6.72 5.06
3.50 4.88 9.48 6. 35 7.89 7.38 6.68 4.99
3.30 4.80 9.52 6.45 7.98 7.58 6.72 5.08
2.85 4. 38 9.02 6. 40 7.80 7. 38 6.64 4.79
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1923.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 11.09 10.29 9.29 7. 91 10.89 10.02 8.94 7. 12 4. 59
11. 10 10.27 9.28 7.89 10.94 10. 14 9. 16 7.24 4.60
11.04 10.04 8.92 7.63 10.70 9.68 8.56 6.88 4. 42
11.30 10.22 8.85 7.38 10.87 9.70 8.42 6.70 4.50
Aug. 11.53 10.48 9.02 7.27 11.23 10.20 8.78 6.82 4.53
11.87 10.90 9.46 7.54 11.64 10.69 9.28 7.11 4.59
12.14 11.00 9.47 7.54 11.98 10.81 9.32 7.10 4.47
12. 41 11.10 9.50 7.54 12.16 10.86 9. 32 7.06 4. 45
Sept. 12.45 10,86 9. 10 7. 38 12. 10 10.62 8.88 6.86 4.38
12.43 10.74 8.74 7.08 12.05 10.53 8. 61 6.65 4. 28
12.50 11.03 9. 01 7. 13 12.22 10.80 8.82 6.78 4. 40
12.48 11. 10 9. 14 7.20 12.34 11.01 9.04 7.00 4.50
12.30 10.93 9.06 6.96 12.22 10.88 8.98 6.80 4. 46
Oct. 12.46 11.30 9.60 7.28 12.28 11. 16 9.44 7.02 4. 36
12.02 10. 92 9. 40 7. 10 12.02 10.98 9. 42 6.92 4.38
11.96 10.89 9. 32 6. 98 12. 01 11.04 9.43 6. 86 4.38
11.84 10.76 9.02 6. 72 11.92 10. 82 9.07 6.60 4.30
Nov. 11.78 10.64 9. 01 6.64 11.94 10.82 9. 10 6.60 4.30
11.75 10.57 8.90 6.64 11.90 10.70 9.04 6.62 4.25
11.92 10.70 9.05 6.76 12.03 10.90 9.18 6.66 4. 25
11.74 10. 40 8.88 6.70 11.87 10.65 8.94 6. 57 4. 25
Dec. 11.89 10.65 9. 14 6.92 12.00 10.34 9.20 6. 86 4.38
11.98 10.66 9.20 6.98 12.09 10.82 9.26 6.90 4.34
12.05 10.58 9.05 6.99 12. 31 10.88 9.24 6. 08 4. 28
12.02 10.52 8. 83 6. 82 12.22 10.70 8.88 6. 48 4. 12
11.84 10.56 9.07 6.94 11.99 10.70 9.11 6. 69 4.25
1924 7.10
Jan. 11. 71 10.59 9.39 7.54 11.92 10.84 9. 46 4. 46
11.70 10.64 9.30 7.64 11.94 10.88 9.38 7.14 4.54
11. 75 10.56 9.12 7. 38 11.88 10.74 9.24 7.00 4.61
11. 53 10.14 8.74 7.01 11.66 10.28 8.82 6.66 4. 44
Feb. 11.62 10.32 9.02 7.31 11.72 10.50 9. 13 6.82 4.49
11.60 10.28 8.92 7.22 11.72 10.44 8.96 6.75 4.50
11.60 10.40 8.76 6.94 11.62 10.39 8.74 6.58 4. 48
11.64 10.56 8.93 7.02 11. 62 10.41 8.80 6. 65 4.50
Mar. 11.64 10.54 8.92 7.14 11.58 10.40 8.80 6. 68 4.53
11.80 10.78 9.28 7.54 11.69 10.70 9.14 7.00 4.70
11.84 10.70 9.03 7.35 11.75 10.57 8.89 6.89 4.82
11.90 10.91 9. 30 7.56 11.80 10.70 9. 12 7.01 4.82
11.84 10.88 9. 25 7.56 11.72 10.70 9.06 6. 98 4. 82
Apr. 12.02 11.09 9.44 7.72 11.86 10.87 9.26 7.11 4.92
12.24 11. 36 9.68 7.86 11.88 11.04 9.48 7.37 5. 10
12.32 11.36 9. 57 7.77 12.03 11. 08 9.28 7. 16 5.12
11.98 10.98 9.34 7.66 11.66 10.74 9.10 7.08 5. 10
May 11. 85 10.88 9.34 7.72 11. 51 10.68 9.11 7.20 5.05
12.02 11.02 9.52 8.06 11.78 10.89 9.37 7. 48 5.20
11.78 10.95 9.50 8.04 11.56 10.71 9.30 7.48 5.12
11.50 10.64 9.36 7.90 11.26 10.48 9. 14 7.44 5. 25
11.29 10. 44 9.18 7.78 10. 81 10.12 8.91 7.22 5.25
June 11. 16 10.40 9.18 7. 76 10.83 10.08 8. 85 7.02 4.98
11. 16 10.48 9.25 7.66 10.90 10. 14 8.96 7.05 4.90
10.75 9.93 8.82 7.38 10.44 9.73 8.48 6.82 4.82
10. 45 9.64 8. 46 7.16 10.11 9. 45 8.20 6.58 4.75
July 10.76 9.98 8.76 7.11 10.32 9.79 8.50 6.74 4. 75
10.80 10. 02 8. 85 7.10 10.47 9.90 8.72 6.80 4. 75
10.70 9.87 8.72 6.98 10.50 9.89 8.70 6.72 4.70
10.99 10.15 8.72 6.79 10.66 10. 02 8.56 6.45 4.48
Aug. 11.46 10.68 8.96 6. 86 11. 12 10.52 8.76 6.46 4.42
11.02 10.20 8.54 6.69 10.80 10.18 8.44 6.29 4. 38
10.78 10.00 8.34 6. 42 10.70 9.90 8.20 6.05 4. 18
10.78 9.94 8.30 6.34 10.76 9.89 8. 24 6.04 4.00
10.43 9.52 8.02 6.06 10.44 9.62 7.94 5. 68 4.82
Sept. 10.97 10.09 8.46 6.36 10. 96 10.08 8.30 5.99 3.81
10.86 9.94 8.23 6. 28 10.93 9.94 8.22 6.04 4.00
10.80 9.72 8.10 6.07 11.00 9.80 8.12 5.85 3.92
10.88 9. 91 8. 38 6.11 11. 13 9.94 8.26 5.98 4.00
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended-
Choice Choice
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
prime prime
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 4 11.09 10.21 8.72 6.34 11. 37 10.34 6.19
11 11. 18 10.22 8. 72 6. 27 11.74 10.51 6. 14
18 11.30 10.22 8.70 6.18 11. 98 10.72 6.05
25 11.28 10.24 8.72 6. 12 12. 18 10.94 6.04
Nov. 1 11.20 10.12 8.59 6. 00 12.22 10.97 6.00
8 11.30 10.14 8. 52 6.06 12.25 11. 02 6.03
15 11.46 10. 16 8. 50 5.80 12.33 10.88 5.80
22 11.56 10.21 8. 40 5. 71 12.42 10.94 6.68
29 11. 95 10.65 8. 99 6.04 12. 79 11.41 5. 78
Dec. 6 12.16 10.76 9.13 6. 36 13. 19 11. 55 6.04
13 12. 12 10.78 8. 88 6.08 13.65 11. 88 5.88
20 12.19 10.94 8. 72 6.00 13.70 11.78 5. 85
27 12.55 11.65 9. 45 6. 60 14.06 12.49 6. 40
Jan. 3 12.40 11.49 0.39 6.64 14.00 12.39 6.61
10 12.36 11.53 9. 45 6. 82 13.92 12.38 9. 60 6. 82
17 12.07 11.24 0.32 6.70 13. 45 12.01 9.36 6.70
24 11. 61 10.76 8.94 6. 46 13.00 11.54 8.92 6. 46
31 11.73 10.82 9. 10 6. 89 12.80 11.42 9.05 6. 66
Feb. 7 11.64 10.60 8. 76 6.63 12.60 11. 12 8. 66 6. 40
14 11.29 10.28 8.24 6.32 12. 14 10. 50 8. 22 6.28
21 11.51 10.54 8. 50 6.53 12.22 10.74 8. 54 6.38
28 11.68 10.79 9. 11 7. 28 12.20 11. 10 9. 10 6.7. §4
Mar. 7 11.60 10. 70 9.36 7. 60 12.06 10.97 9. 26 18
14 11.80 10.95 9.68 7. 87 12.24 11. 18 9. 57 7. 55
21 11. 42 10.56 9. 50 7. 78 11.79 10.93 9.47 7.59
28 11. 58 10.85 9.64 7. 92 12.02 11.13 9.66 7. 80
Apr. 4 11. 72 10. 86 9. 54 7.83 12.05 11.06 9. 54 7. 72
li 11.52 10.62 9.58 7. 88 11.88 10.92 9.60 7. 75
18 11. 47 10.61 9.69 8.04 11.89 10.99 9. 64 7. 98
25 11.00 10.26 9.31 7. 98 11.37 10.48 9.28 7. 74
May 2 11.08 10.20 9.31 8.00 11. 32 10.35 9. 20 7. 77
9 11.28 10.36 9.44 8. 00 11.56 10.60 9.34 7.84
16 11. 11 10. 38 9.51 8. 12 11.52 10.72 9. 49 7. 98
23 11. 14 10.55 9. 50 8. 06 11. 58 10.84 9. 42 7.91
30 11. 10 10.51 9.48 7. 92 11. 56 10. 82 9. 42 7.76
June 6 11. 34 10.75 9.68 8.00 11. 72 11.02 9. 55 7.70
13 11. 16 10.52 9.53 7.90 11. 50 10.78 9. 40 7.60
20 11.31 10.62 9.53 7. 70 11.60 10. 82 9. 40 7.32
27 12.03 11.34 10.01 7. 98 12. 17 11.42 9. 78 7.45
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended— 1,500
up, good Can-
and Me Com Me Com ner
choice Choice Good dium mon Choice Good dium mon and

1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4. .. 12. 79 12.92 11.85 10. 03 7.86 12.68 11.62 9.82 7.32 5.45
11 12. 56 13. 14 11.64 9.71 7.62 13.06 11.60 9.65 7. 25 5.38
18.... 12.90 13.56 11. 96 9.78 7.59 13.52 11.90 9.58 7.12 5.12
25.... 13.30 14.14 12.30 9.76 7.40 14.05 12. 16 9.52 6.88 4.88
Aug. 1 13.70 14.47 12.38 9.62 7.39 14.32 12. 10 9.28 6.80 4.88
8 14. 07 14. 67 12. 31 9.43 7.10 14.49 11.99 9.00 6.58 4.80
15 14.62 15. 13 12.56 9. 61 7.12 14.83 12.09 8.93 6. 40 4.75
22 14.20 14.74 12.00 8.98 6.78 14.30 11.48 8.35 6.02 4.62
29 14.70 15.22 12.42 9.04 6.42 14.84 11.98 8.60 6.10 4.62
Sept. 5 14.78 15.12 12.10 8.68 6.18 14.68 11. 65 8.25 5.75 4.38
12 14.79 15.35 12. 61 9.24 6. 52 14.69 12.02 8. 63 6.11 4.50
19 14. 78 15.50 12.86 9.52 6.97 14. 91 12.28 9.02 6.47 4.75
26 14. 76 15. 40 12.62 9.60 7. 18 14.75 12.00 9.02 6.70 4.92
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,500 1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended— pounds Can-
up, good Me S£ Choice Good Me Com ner
and Choice Good dium dium mon and
choice cutter
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 3 14.95 15. 75 13.00 9.78 7.32 14. 85 12. 12 9. 14 6.92 5.00
10—. 14.80 15. 77 13.05 9. 57 7. 12 14.92 12. 12 9.04 6. 75 5.00
17.... 14.64 15.47 12.70 9.38 7.00 14.65 11.80 6. 02 5.00
24.... 14. 62 15.25 12.62 9. 25 7.00 14. 25 11.62 6. 02 5. 00
31.... 14.36 15. 03 12. 32 9. 09 6. 80 14.22 11. 52 8.08 6. 42 4.78
Nov. 7... . 13.78 14.52 11.89 8.88 6.64 13.90 11.21 8.42 6. 34 4.58
14.... 12.71 13. 66 11. 28 8. 78 6. 08 13. 48 11.15 8.01 6.54 4.61
21.... 12.45 13.24 11. 07 9. 09 7. 28 13. 12 10.99 8. 92 7.04 5. 15
28.... 12.50 13. 12 11. 12 9. 23 7.44 12. 61 10.73 8. 96 7.20 5. 28
Dec. 5.— 12. 52 12.96 i 11.10 9. 28 7. 09 12.42 10. 65 9.02 7. 38 5. 50
12.... 11.88 12.44 I 10.66 9. 20 7. 70 11.98 10. 33 8.80 7. 38 5. 52
19.... 12.08 12.45 10.56 9.30 7.58 12.02 10. 36 8. 70 7. 25 5.22
26.... 12.00 12.33 10.56 9.17 7. 04 11.81 10.27 7.25 5. 25
Jan. 2 11.60 12.02 10.42 9.2G 7. 00 10.22 9. CO 7.38 5.18
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light' Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended- and 850 All Canner
heifers, pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium to
800 up, good common and and and and
pounds and and choice medium cutter choice 1 (canner
down, and
good and choice medium bologna)
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Ju!v 7 10.14 8.80 6.58 7. 15 4.76 2.95 6.05 4.29
14 10.22 9.24 7.12 7.54 5.11 3.22 6.34 4.86
21 9.86 8.98 6.70 7.34 4.72 3.20 6.31 5. 11
28 y. 96 8.80 6.03 7.16 4.53 3. 18 6.14 4.84
Aug. 4 10.00 8.88 5.82 7. 32 4.54 3.05 6.10 4.28
11 10.22 9.18 6.01 7. 52 4.62 3.03 6.25 4.09
18 10.39 9.32 6. 10 7.59 4.58 2.86 6.10 4.08
25 10.50 9.36 6.12 7.60 4.62 2.96 6.16 4.16
Sept. 1 10.55 9. 34 6. 14 7. 38 4. 46 3.04 6.10 4.10
8 10.31 9.19 5. 91 7.16 4. 22 2.83 5.86 3.83
15 10.44 9.52 6.18 7.18 4. 34 2.94 6.11 4.26
22 10.92 9.94 6.54 7.26 4. 58 3.16 6.44 4. 51
29 10.80 9.66 6.35 7.01 4.48 3. 08 6. 18 4. 14
Oct. 6 10.88 9.69 6.41 7.22 4.70 3.03 5.86 3.88
13 10.87 9.80 6.54 7. 25 4.76 3.01 5.86 3.86
20 10.86 9.67 6.38 7. 05 4.56 2.92 5.78 3.85
27 10.72 9.44 6.00 6.93 4. 36 2.80 5.66 3.90
Nov. 3 10.78 9.50 6.00 6.96 4. 48 2.88 5.70 3.90
10 10.73 9.32 5.84 6.96 4. 41 2.78 5.70 3. 71
17 10.78 9.32 5.94 6.83 4. 26 2.68 5. 48 3.46
24 10.60 9.18 5.88 6.80 4.30 2.67 5. 48 3.53
Dec. 1 10.83 9.45 6. 31 6. 98 4.74 2.96 5. 56 3.84
8 11.05 9.52 6. 40 6.92 4.66 2.90 5.70 4.06
15 11.28 9.80 6.36 6.74 4. 48 2.80 5.81 4.07
22 11.06 9.61 6.12 6.44 4.34 2.83 5.64 3.92
29 10.94 9. 58 6.18 6. 79 4. 71 3.15 5.81 4.27
Jan. 5 10.86 9.54 6.46 7.08 4.98 3.24 6.02 4.66
12 11.02 9.34 6.21 6.85 4.72 3.13 6.29 4.72
19 11.04 9.28 6.08 6.64 4.50 3.01 6.05 4.47
26 10.80 8.99 5. 89 6.28 4.42 2.98 5.83 4.42
Feb. 2 10.85 9.02 6.04 6.52 4. 57 2.99 5. 95 4.54
9 10.86 8. 85 5.90 6.32 4. 49 3.04 5.78 4. 35
16 10.66 8.80 5.98 6.41 4.68 3. 16 5.80 4. 43
23 10.74 8.84 6.02 6.49 4.76 3.20 5.86 4.49
Mar. 1 10.76 8.83 6.06 6.39 4.73 3.24 5.88 4. 55
8 10.90 9.04 6.42 6.66 4.94 3.36 5.83 4.46
15 10.80 9.02 6.40 6.67 4.96 3. 40 5.80 4.54
22 10.90 9.12 6.49 6.75 5.00 3.42 5.78 4.47
29 10.88 9.12 6.50 6.88 5.03 3.38 5.68 4.24
1 Beef yearlings excluded.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— and 850 All Canner
heifers, pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good i medium to
800 up, good common and and and and
pounds and and choice medium cutter choice 1 (canner
good and choice medium bologna)
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Apr. 5 10.89 9.40 6.74 7.40 5.22 3.36 5.96 4.56
12 10.91 9.56 6.96 7.56 5.27 3.38 6. 14 4.68
19 11.00 9.46 6. 77 7.55 5.18 3.38 6.14 4.54
26 10.74 9.19 6.64 7.48 5. 12 3. 18 5.92 4.10
May 3___ 10.50 8.86 6.54 7.40 4.94 2.96 6.00 4.02
10 10.81 9.25 6.80 7.68 5.20 3.00 6.04 4.10
17 10.68 9. 29 6. 81 7.92 5.42 3.11 6.00 4.41
24 10. 38 9.24 6.74 7.94 5.70 3.56 6. 12 4.47
31.. __ 9.76 8. 67 6.34 7.32 5.26 3.48 6. 16 4. 49
June 7 9.48 8.44 6.24 6.96 4.93 3.39 6.00 4.49
14 9.70 8.80 6.48 7.15 5. 06 3.44 6.12 4. 56
21 9. 14 8.20 5.98 6.70 4.50 3.04 5.98 4. 25
28... _ 8.78 8.00 6.00 6.42 4.32 2.92 5.76 3.99
July 5 9.30 8.54 6.41 6.71 4.56 2.95 5.89 4. 17
12 9.38 8.88 6.58 7.03 4.78 3.04 6.00 4.44
19 9. 45 8.71 6. 36 6.95 4.80 3. 18 5.94 4. 32
26 9.28 8. 65 6.08 6.62 4. 47 3. 10 5.90 4.02
Aug. 2 10.04 8.88 6. 14 6.96 4.56 2.94 5.92 3.99
9 9.89 9.07 6.33 7.25 4.78 2.90 5. 97 3.99
16 9.66 8.96 6. 22 6.90 4. 51 2.82 5.66 3.62
23 9.94 8.94 6.03 6.68 4. 40 2.80 5.60 3.57
30 9.86 9.02 6.02 6.59 4.45 2.88 5.70 3.75
Sept. 6 10.18 9. 46 6.41 6.82 4.66 3.00 5.96 3.99
13 10.20 9.38 6.12 6. 40 4.20 2.92 5.95 3.82
20 9.92 9.16 5.98 6.18 4.04 2.88 5.52 3.62
27 9.99 9. 12 5. 99 6.30 4. 14 2.98 5.31 3.78
Oct. 4 10.15 9.36 6.03 6.32 4. 10 2.98 5.04 3.58
11 10.52 9.28 5.94 6. 18 4.04 2.88 5.02 3.65
18 10.75 9.25 5.88 6. 01 3.98 2.88 5.08 3.70
25 10.94 9.56 5.98 6. 16 4. 15 3.01 5.30 3.72
Nov. 1 10.94 9.60 6.02 6.08 4.14 3.06 5.26 3. 71
8 10.80 9.34 5. 87 6.02 4.17 3.24 5.12 3.68
15 10.75 9.20 5.70 5.98 4. 13 3. 12 5.22 3. 67
22... 10.80 8.91 5. 46 5.78 3.86 2.82 5.12 3.62
29 11. 12 9. 12 5.62 5. 91 4.00 2.94 5.08 3.58
Dec. 6 11.50 9. 32 5. 67 5.83 4.08 2.94 5. 10 3.62
13 lli70 9. 25 5.50 5.72 3. 92 2.82 5. 12 3.66
20 11. 40 8.64 5. 22 5. 46 3. 71 2.62 5. 05 3.64
27 11.50 8. 77 5.41 5. 76 3.90 2.81 5.28 3.75
Jan. 3. 11.58 9.02 5.65 6. 12 4.16 3.00 5.62 4.20
10 11.62 9.00 5.62 6.09 4. 13 2.80 5. 72 4.22
17 11. 48 9.02 5.80 6.27 4.29 2.88 5.16 4.03
24 11.22 9. 12 5.92 6. 40 4. 53 3. 12 5. 35 4.05
31 11.20 9.15 6. 12 6. 39 4.68 3. 33 5. 38 4. 05
Feb. 7 _ 11.00 9.00 6.02 6. 42 4.74 3. 38 5.60 4.20
14 10.58 9.06 6. 38 6. 17 4. 57 3.31 5.34 4.24
21 , 10. 50 9.22 6.68 6.39 4. 61 3. 22 5. 30 4.25
28 10. 78 9. 38 0. 88 6.50 4. 72 3. 36 5. 30 4. 20
Mar. 7 10.88 9. 45 6.90 6.70 4.94 3. 48 5.48 4.31
14 10.88 9.73 7.06 6. 82 5. 06 3.64 4.68 4. 32
21 10. 80 9. 77 7. 05 6. 87 4.99 3.64 5. 53 4. 18
28 10.90 10.03 7.21 7.05 5.06 3. 56 5.66 4. 21
Apr. 4 10.91 10.00 7. 12 7. 18 5.04 3.33 5. 86 4. 36
11 10.88 10.02 7.16 7.38 5. 33 3. 66 6. 14 4.49
18 _.. 10.87 10.00 7.26 7.54 5.53 3.80 6. 32 4.68
25 10.42 9.44 6.97 7.26 5.24 3.59 6.28 4. 68
10. 32 9.48 7.12 7.48 5. 43 3. 72 6. 24 4.68
9 10.65 9.81 7.37 7. 85 5.73 3.86 6. 32 4.74
16 10.74 10.03 7.49 7.91 5. 80 3. 95 6. 48 5.08
23 10.62 9. 87 7.38 7.40 5.36 3.77 6.62 5.24
30 10.72 9.90 7.42 7.40 5.31 3.62 6.51 5.02
June 6 10.91 10.02 7. 43 7. 66 5.31 3.42 6.50 4.83
13 10.81 9. 92 7.44 7.70 5.27 3.32 6.27 4. 55
20 10.76 9.83 7.28 7. 39 5.02 3.22 6.30 4.58
27 11. 38 10. 46 7.70 7.91 5.42 3.61 6.54 4.70
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Classification of livestock changed July I, 1925.
33764—27 14
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended- steers
and 850 All Com Beef Beef Canner
heifers pounds weights, Good mon Can 1,500 under to
under 850 up, good common and and and up, good pounds, medium
ner pounds 1,500
pounds, and and choice me cutter and good and and (canner
good and choice medium dium
choice choice choice 1 bologna)
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4... 11. 72 10. 44 7.88 7. 78 5. 10 3.42 5.88 6.56 4. 70
11... 11. 92 10.42 7.85 7. 54 4. 79 3.28 5. 78 6.38 4. 50
18... 11.94 10. 52 7. 62 7. 88 4.92 3.34 5. 88 6. 42 4.55
25... 12. 12 10.74 7. 30 7.92 4.80 3.25 5. 88 6. 38 4. 55
Aug. 1 12. 30 10.75 7. 12 7. 88 4. 75 3.27 5.88 6. 30 4. 50
8... 12.48 10.78 7. 25 8. 08 4.92 3.25 5. 88 6. 30 4. 43
15... 12.65 10. 75 7. 15 8.02 4.97 3.31 5. 80 6. 08 4.01
22... 11.80 9.88 ' 40 7. 56 4.81 3.36 5. 75 6. 06 3.96
29 12.00 9.92 0.35 7.44 4. 72 3.36 ' 75 6. 04 4.06
Sept. 5... 12. 02 9. 58 ' 15 6. 98 4.36 3. 16 5. 75 5. 97 3.97
12... 12.09 9.75 6. 25 7.38 4. 6S 3.25 5. 75 5. 92 3. 92
19... 12.30 10.38 6. 88 5.06 3.42 5. 78 6. 08 4. 06
26... 12. 10 10.38 6. 85 4. 90 3.47 5. 88 6. 49 4.38
Oct. 3... 12.05 10.08 6.52 7. 64 4. 82 3.46 ' 88 6.36 4. 24
10.-. 12.00 9. 75 6.30 7. 28 4. 70 3. 54 ' 88 6. 12 4. 27
17... 11.80 9. 62 6. 12 7.08 4.58 3.38 5.80 6. 08 4. 26
24... 11.62 9. 62 0. 12 7. 12 4. 60 3.36 5. 84 6. 14 4. 38
31... 11. 52 9.40 ' 02 7.08 4. 6S 3.42 5. 84 6. 14 4. 40
Nov. 7... 11.28 9.30 6.00 6.92 4. 65 3.48 5. 76 ' 12 4.38
14... 11. 12 9.12 5. 95 7. OB 4. 76 3. 60 5.81 ' 16 4.51
21... 10. 95 0. 11 6.18 7.28 4.94 3. 09 5. 84 6. 18 4. 55
28... 10. 78 9.06 ' 16 7.36 5. 02 3.84 5. 88 6. 14 4. 51
Dec. 5. . . 10. 85 9.20 6.52 7.60 5.32 3.96 5. 90 ' 24 4.60
12. .. 10.38 8. 94 6. 68 7. 6(5 5. 44 3. 98 6.00 6. 40 4. 68
19. 10.30 8. 82 6.55 7.38 5. 20 3.82 6.00 6.38 4.74
26... 10.31 9.00 6.64 7. 25 5. 10 3. 80 6.00 ' 35 4.74
Jan. 2 10. 25 9.20 7.05 7. 5.29 3.97 6. 18 6. 56 5.20

Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Week ended— Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, pounds, All com mon to
to com to to com com com weights, mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to inferior choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 9.66 6.78 9.00 7.38 5.66 7.15 6.56 4.34 4.59
14 10. 75 7. 30 9. 55 7.68 5. 58 7. 14 6.47 4. 14 4.58
21 9.92 6.58 8.60 7. 10 5.08 7. 12 6. 43 4. 12 4.62
28 10.22 6.50 9. 12 7. 15 4. 85 6.99 6. 15 4. 02 4. 44
Aug. 4 10.18 6.35 9. 82 6. 95 5.00 6.88 6.00 3.95 4. 28
11 10.62 6.91 9. 97 7.00 5.31 7.16 6.20 4.04 4.27
18 10. 12 6. 55 9.40 6.68 5. 12 7. 47 6.50 4. 12 4.42
25 10.78 6. 60 9. 95 ft 75 5. 12 7. 47 6.50 4.12 4. 50
Sept. 1 10.08 6. 58 9. 15 6. 28 4.78 7. 24 6.38 4. 12 4.50
8 9.94 6. 59 8. 84 ft 28 4. 53 7.42 6.41 4.12 4. 34
15 10. 75 7. 25 9. 45 6. 72 5.28 7.45 6.49 4.12 4.25
22 11.08 7. 28 9.82 6.72 5. 55 7.25 6.52 4. 17 4.38
29 10.50 6.98 9.50 6.52 5.45 6. 94 6. 12 3.85 4.18
Oct. 6 10.00 6.82 9. 20 6. 48 5.32 7.02 6. 12 3.88 4. 22
13 10.42 7.00 9. 40 6. 65 5. 52 6. 85 6. 16 3.88 4.20
20 10.30 6.98 9.32 6.50 5.45 6.64 6.02 3. 86 4.10
27 9.30 6.62 8. 52 6.02 4.92 6.38 5. 76 3.68 3.90
Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Week ended— Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers,
medium cull and medium medium cull and All
up, pounds, weights, com
to com to to com com com inferior mon to
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Nov. 3 9.08 6. 22 8. 38 6.08 4. 65 6. 47 5.88 3.68 3.88
10 8. 65 5.98 8.02 5.85 4. 35 6.61 6. 12 3.88 3. 76
17 8. 22 5. 75 7.60 5.62 4. 12 6. 49 6.07 3.90 3.68
24 7. 67 5.58 7.05 5. 45 4.08 6.40 5.96 3.88 3.68
. 1 8.06 5. 75 7.31 5.72 4. 16 6. 49 6.00 4.00 3.96
8 8. 85 6. 18 7.88 6.10 4. 45 6. 63 6. 15 4.00 4.03
15 8. 95 6.22 7.92 6. 15 4. 85 6.62 5.98 3. 80 4.03
22 8.92 6.18 7.78 6.20 4.92 6. 66 5. 86 3.62 3.88
29 10.53 7.00 8.69 6.72 5.78 6.63 5.88 3.62 3. 83
. 5 11.68 7.70 9. 55 7.32 6. 38 6.50 5.88 3. 62 4.20
12 11. 50 7.48 9.48 7.25 6. 32 6. 82 6. 22 3.81 4. 22
19 10.00 6.68 8. 48 6.88 5.82 6. 82 6.25 3.82 4. 20
26 10.78 7. 05 9.00 7.02 6.02 6. 75 6.24 3.82 4. 17
. 2 11.42 7.62 9.65 7.48 6.28 6.70 6. 12 3.82 4. 12
9 10.88 7. 45 9. 25 7. 18 6.02 6. 66 6. 12 3.82 4.12
16 10. 10 6. 82 8.82 6.82 5.68 6. 55 6. 12 3.82 4.15
23 10.30 6.88 8. 90 6.65 5. 55 6. 62 6. 14 3.82 4. 25
r. 1 10. 90 7.35 9.42 7. 35 5. 95 7.00 6. 42 3.92 4. 25
8 9.82 6.52 8.68 6. 95 5.88 7.19 6.62 4.30 4.34
15 9. 85 6. 40 8.80 6. 95 5. 78 7.20 6.58 4. 32 4. 45
22 9.82 6. 35 8. 85 7. 10 5. 62 7. 18 6.62 4. 38 4.50
29 9.52 6. 38 8. 65 7. 12 5.62 7. 12 6.62 4.38 4.50
. 5 9.88 6.48 8.88 7.30 5. 65 7.22 6.72 4.55 4. 55
12 9. 72 6.45 8.62 7.15 5.58 7.35 6.79 4. 75 4. 62
19 8.82 5. 85 7.92 6.75 5.28 7.44 6.87 4. 80 4.62
26 8. 40 5.20 7.58 6.42 5.00 7.70 7. 10 4.88 4.62
y 103 8. 35 5.18 7.55 6.30 4. 98 7.85 7.22 4.98 4.65
8. 85 5. 65 7.72 6.42 5. 10 8. 05 7.38 5. 12 4.55
17 9. 48 6.32 8. 20 6.75 5. 25 8.30 7.45 5. 10 4.62
24 9.88 6.60 8.40 6.88 5. 65 8. 48 7.38 5.00 4.62
31 8.97 6.28 7.62 6.50 5. 56 8. 19 7.09 4.94 4. 50
e 7 8. 48 6.10 7.02 5.90 5. 35 7.88 6.81 4. 88 4.42
14 9.28 6. 48 7.55 6. 30 5.48 7.82 6.82 4.88 4.50
21 8. 62 6. 18 7.20 5.88 5.38 7.82 6.75 4.88 4.32
28 8.58 6. 18 7.22 5.80 5.38 7.60 6.68 4. 85 4.38
9 5 9.00 6.53 7.44 5.84 5. 47 7.50 6.50 4. 75 4.38
12 10.25 7. 42 7.95 6.00 5. 85 7.50 6.50 4.75 4.38
19 9.62 6. 95 7.70 5.92 5.70 7.42 6.46 4.72 4.38
26 9. 35 6.60 7. 62 5. 75 5.50 7.12 6. 25 4.50 • 4.25 4.25
». 2 9.20 6.50 7.60 5.40 5.35 6. 94 6.10 4.12
9 9.62 6.60 7.92 5.58 5.35 6.86 6.00 4.00 4.25
16 10.35 6.98 8.30 5.78 5.48 6. 86 6.03 4.00 4.15
23 11.28 7.68 9.02 6.18 5.75 6. 82 6.02 4.00 4.00
30 11.28 7.48 9. 22 6.18 5.80 6. 42 5.90 3.92 4.00
t. 6 11.47 7. 62 9.25 6.00 5.75 6.58 6.18 4.00 4. 19
13 10. 58 7.08 8. 80 S. 88 0. 50 f■. 78 0. 28 4.05 4.25
20 10.05 6.70 8.28 5.62 5.50 6.80 6.35 4.18 4.25
27 10.78 7.50 8.55 5.62 5.55 6.50 6.25 4.12 4.25
. 4 11. 45 8. 10 8.95 5.78 5.60 6.76 6. 52 4.36 4.25
11 10. 52 7. 62 8.65 5.78 5. 62 6.63 6.40 4. 35 4.27
18 9. 65 7.25 8.05 5.90 5. 62 6.38 6.20 4.15 4.29
25 9.42 7.15 8.08 6.15 5.38 6.38 6.20 4.15 4.25
J. 1 9 48 7.28 8.20 6.10 5.22 6.36 6.08 4.08 4.25
8 9.08 6.80 7.68 5.88 5. 12 6. 40 6.16 4. 10 4.20
15 9.12 6.60 7. 82 5.88 5. 12 6. 30 6.02 3.94 3.82
22 8.70 6.35 7. 18 5.50 5. 12 6.12 5.88 3.78 4. 02
29 9. 16 6.56 7. 47 5.50 5.12 6. 19 5.96 3. 84 4.00
. 6 9.48 6.68 7.65 5. 48 4. 82 6.22 5.98 3. 85 3.98
13 9.28 6. 65 7. 52 5. 38 4.62 6.12 5. 86 3.82 3. 82
20 9.28 6.50 7.55 5.12 4.38 5.98 5.73 3. 80 3.62
27 10. 84 7.38 8.72 6.19 5.22 6.11 5. 82 3. 82 3.72
. 3 10.98 7. 10 9.08 6.68 5.78 6.12 5.76 3.76 3.75
10 10.52 6.80 8.62 5.90 5.60 6.38 6.00 3. 86 3.75
17 10.82 7.35 8.88 6.38 5.65 6.30 6.08 4. 25 3. 77
24 10.52 7. 18 8.72 6.48 5.38 6. 52 6.38 4.58 3.83
31 11.02 7.48 9.42 6.52 5.48 6. 62 6. 32 4.58 4.00
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
Week ended— 190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calvt
pounds, pounds, pounds up, up, pounds 750 All heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice | mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Feb. 12.25 8.00 10.32 7.12 5.80 6.74 6.38 4.62 4. 25
11. 55 7. 90 9.55 6. 45 5. 62 6. 86 6. 43 4. 62 4. 35
12.10 8. 05 9.92 6.60 5. 62 6. 88 6. 52 4.62 4. 48
11.88 8.00 9.82 6. 80 o. 62 7. 06 6. 86 5. 13 4. 62
Mar. 12.48 8.20 10.38 7. 25 5. 62 .24 7.08 5. 42 4.65
12.20 8.20 10.25 7.25 5. 62 .58 7. 34 5. 72 4. 95
10.65 7.38 9.10 6. 62 5. 50 '•.. 76
70 7.7. 35 5. 82 5.00
9. 65 6. 62 8.10 6.10 5.12 22 5. 62 5.00
Apr. 10.20 6. 68 8. 45 6. 10 5.12 .50 7.08 5.58 5.00
9.75 6. 28 8. 38 6. 25 5.12 .42 6. 92 5. 38 4.90
9. 62 6. 30 8. 15 6. 10 5. 12 <. 46 6. 91 5. 22 4.85 !
8.88 6. 00 7. 62 5. 88 5. 12 .61 7.04 5. 30 4. 88
May 9.02 6. 18 7. 52 5. 95 5. 12 '.St 7.28 5. 42 4.88
8. 88 li. 15 7. 40 5. 75 5.5. 2128, . 92 7.32 5.45 4.88
9. 62 6.48 8. 22 6.08 . 90 7. 36 5. 49 5.10
9. 38 6. 30 8. 40 6.20 5. 25 .38 7.02 5. 30 5.12
9. 80 6.55 8.60 6. 85 5. 35 .00 6.88 5. 12 5.12 I
June 9. 80 6. 98 8. 62 7. 02 5.45 7.00 6.88 5. 12 5.00
S. 98 6. 35 7.90 6. 62 5. 30 6.91 6.70 5.00 4.78
9.30 6. 65 7.88 6. 40 4. 82 6. 88 6.64 4. 89 4.62
10. 15 7.42 8.30 r>. 38 4. 75 6. 88 6.70 4.95 4.62 ;
Classification of livestock changed July l, 1925.
Calves (milk-1 Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)
Week ended— 800 pounds , Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,
Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers) ,
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com Com Com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Good mon Good mon choice choice to
and and and and choice
choice me choice me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 7.50 4.60 10.25 7.40 7.75 6.62 7.50 6.25 5.25 3.75
11 7.70 4. .50 11.42 8.18 7.75 6.62 7.50 6.25 5. 12 3. 75
18.. 6.88 4.25 11.38 7.65 7. 75 6.52 7.50 6. 15 5.14 3.84
25.-- 6.52 4. 18 10. 58 7. 25 7. 65 6. 32 7.40 5. 95 5. 12 3.90
Aug. 1 6. 38 4.25 10.90 7.25 7.88 6. 52 7. 58 5. 98 5. 12 3.88
8 6. 38 4.25 11.45 7.48 8.10 6.62 7.75 6. 12 5. 15 3.82
15 6. 38 4.25 12. 28 7.95 8.25 6.88 7.92 6.30 5. 25 4.00
22- 6.28 4.20 12. 35 7.95 8.38 6.88 7.92 6.42 5. 25 4.00
29 6. 12 4. 12 11.70 7. 50 8.05 6.42 7. 55 5.88 5.00 4.00
Sept. 5.- 5.88 4. 12 11.65 7. 58 7. 62 5.88 7.10 5. 38 4.62 3.72
12 6.09 4.16 12.25 7.88 7. 85 6. 10 7. 31 5.62 4.62 3.62
19.. 6. 58 4.32 12.92 8.15 8. 15 6. 45 7. 72 6.05 5. 12 3.95
26 6. 55 4.38 12.30 7. 75 8. 25 6.62 7.98 6. 25 5.25 4.00
Oct. 3- 6.45 4.25 11.80 7.38 8.25 6.62 8.00 6.25 5. 25 4.00
10 6.62 4.25 11.85 7. 32 8.03 6.53 7.80 6.05 5. 15 4,00
17 6.62 4.25 10.80 7.00 8.04 6.50 7. 82 6.08 5.18 4.00
24. 6.62 4.25 10.80 7.00 8.00 6. 38 7.75 6.00 5. 25 4.00
31.- -. 6.62 4.25 11.30 7.15 8.00 6.38 7.75 6.00 5.25 4.00
Nov. 7 6.62 4.25 10.92 7.05 8.00 6.38 4 7.75 6.00 5.25 4.00
14 6.58 4.35 10.65 7.08 8. 10 6.48 7.85 6. 10 5.25 4.00
21-- - 6.45 4.50 10.25 6.85 8.24 6.69 8.06 6.48 5.38 4.12
28 6. 25 4.50 10.56 7. 12 8.38 6.97 8.12 6.72 5. 38 4.12
Dec. 5 - 6.20 4. 50 10.90 7.25 8.38 7.00 8. 12 6.75 5. 38 4.12
12 6. 58 4.90 11.48 7.75 8.29 6. 97 8. 04 6.70 5. 38 4. 12
19.-. 6.75 5.00 10.78 7.58 8.12 6.85 7.88 6.50 5. 38 4. 12
26-- 6.75 5.00 11.00 7.75 8.07 6.66 7.84 6.42 5.38 4. 12
1926 <.
Jan. 2 - 6. 75 5.00 12. 32 8.78 8. 12 6.63 7.91 6.40 5.38 4.12

Table 73.— Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—

Beef steers Butcher cattle

Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up pounds
Heifers, Cows,
ended— com com
mon mon
Choice Me Com Choice Me Com to to
I and Good dium and
mon prime Good dium mon choice choice
! prime
1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8. 12. 00 10.28 8. 65 7. 80 12.00 10.28 8. 65 7. 33 8. 18 6.50
15. 11.33 9.90 5. 45 7. 75 11.33 9. 90 8. 35 7. 18 8. 05 6.35
22. 10.38 9.28 8.15 7.58 10.38 9. 18 7. 98 7.05 7. 65 6.30
29. 9. 50 8. 08 7.78 7.20 9.50 8.55 7. 53 0. 83 6.98 6. 03
Feb. 5. 8. 70 7. 93 7. 05 6. 53 8.70 7. 80 0. 80 0. 03 6. 75 5.45
12- 8.70 8.13 7. 30 0. 83 8. 70 7. 90 6.95 0. 13 7. 05 5.68
19. 9.28 8.58 7.78 0. 93 9. 20 8.33 7.35 0. 35 7. 25 5.55
26- 10.00 9. 23 8.23 7. 40 9.93 8.95 7. 98 0. 90 7. 75 5.83
Mar. 5- 10. 13 9. 43 8. 50 7. 75 10. 13 9.18 8. 25 7. 28 5. 03 6.03
12. 10.07 9.37 8.70 7. 83 10.05 9. 25 8.48 7.45 8. 05 6.41
19. 9.90 9.16 8. 49 7. 78 9.83 9. 03 8. 28 7.33 7. 82 6.28
26. 9. 88 9. 29 8.63 7. 95 9. 83 9. 00 8.35 7.50 8. 03 6.35
Apr. 2. 9. 38 8.90 8. 32 7. OS 9. 50 8. 82 8. 15 7. 23 7.93 6.45
9. 9. 25 8.68 7. 95 7. 35 9. 35 8. 68 7. 80 0. 90 7. 83 0. 30
16. 8. 90 8.41 7.79 7.26 9. 00 8. 43 7. 00 6. 83 7. 75 6. 25
23. 8. 77 8. 24 7.57 7. 03 8. 92 8. 28 7. 58 0. 77 7. 69 6.08
30. 8.40 7. 93 7.41 6.97 8.58 8. 04 7.48 0.81 7. 48 5.88
May 7. 8. 95 8. 47 7.98 7. 40 8.95 8.50 8. 06 7. 24 7. 81 6. 20
14. 9. 00 8.09 8. 12 7. 52 9.16 8. 65 8. 14 7. 29 7. 93 6. 25
21. 9.00 8. 70 7. 98 7. 27 9.18 8. 68 8. 01 7. 07 7.86 6. 13
28. 8.04 8. 10 7. 58 0.99 8. 90 8. 36 7. 70 0. 02 7. 60 5.68
June 4. 8. 00 8. 22 7. 08 7. 14 8. 50 7.81 6.78 7. 25 5.41
il 8. 55 8. 13 7. 48 0. 93 8. 21 7.51 6. 5S 7. 25 5.25
ls. 8.50 8. 11 7.41 6.81 8. 75 8. 13 7. 43 0.45 7. 13 6.13
25- 8. 45 7. 95 7. 25 0. 64 8. 08 8. 05 7. 24 0. 27 7. 13 4.98
July 2. 8. 16 7. 48 0. 70 0. 03 8. 43 7.59 0. 73 5. 78 0. 78 150
9- 8. 19 7. 59 7. 00 0.31 8. 03 7. 74 0. 99 0.03 7. 06 4.69
16. 8. 49 7. 99 7. 34 0. 46 9. 00 8. 15 7. 30 0. 21 7. 35 4. 95
8.72 8.25 7. 50 0.58 9. 15 8.53 7. 75 0. 40 7. 48 4.98
9. 11 8. 02 7. 77 0. 07 9. 43 8. 89 7. 95 0. 40 7.45 4.88
Aug. 6.. 9. 35 8. 85 7. 92 0.49 9. 50 9. 00 7.96 0. 34 7. 13 4. 77
13.. 9.85 9. 26 8. 10 0. 69 9.87 9. 28 8. 08 6. 37 7. 28 4. 85
20.. 10.10 9.42 8. 00 0. 45 10.20 9. 48 7.93 0. 10 7. 25 4. 73
27.. 9. 75 8. 93 7. 38 5.83 9.95 9. 00 7. 38 5. 70 7.15 4. 43
Sept. 3.. 9. 60 8. 84 7. 10 5. 20 10. 01 9. 05 0.93 4.70 7. 18 4.63
10-. 9. 50 8. 65 0. 83 5. 00 9. 90 8.83 0. 80 4.63 7. 23 4. 63
17.. 9. 38 8. 60 0. 93 5. 15 9. 88 8. 73 0. 83 4. 78 7. 40 4. 75
24.. 9.24 8.26 6. 65 5.00 9.88 8. 63 6. 03 4. 03 7. 50 4. 03
Oct. 1-. 9. 18 8. 22 0. 50 4.88 9. 93 8. 75 0. 48 4. 43 7. 40 4.58
8-. 9. 35 8. 75 0. 78 4.88 10.30 9. 12 6. 70 4. 50 7.43 4. 03
15-. 9. 38 0. 85 4.85 10.63 9. 38 0. 85 4.63 7.38 4.58
22.. 9. 43 0.83 4. 85 10.92 9. 53 6. 88 4. 53 7. 33 4.50
29-. 9. 53 8. 90 0.83 5.08 11.05 9.60 0.95 4.53 7.03 4.50
Nov. 5-. 9. 65 8. 90 0. 90 5.25 11. 12 9. 05 7. 05 4. 62 7. 20 4.02
12.. 9.30 8. 38 6.50 5. 10 11. 12 9. 50 0. 75 4.48 7. 18 4. 55
19.. 9.12 8. 05 0. 12 4. 88 10.88 9. 25 6. 50 4. 38 6. 92 4.38
26.. 9.28 8.31 0.47 5.06 10.62 9.19 0. 75 4. 75 6. 81 4. 34
Dec. 3.. 9.35 8.38 0. 58 5.00 10. 48 9. 18 6. 85 4. 75 6. 80 4.38
10.. 9. 50 8.52 0. 80 5.44 10.42 9. 12 7.09 5. 19 6.90 4.48
17.. 9. 28 8.28 0. 78 5. 48 10.82 9.00 7.05 5.25 0. 88 4. 52
24.. 9.00 8. 10 6.76 5.42 10.10 8. 05 0. 92 5. 20 0. 72 4.38
31.. 8.88 8. 10 0.90 5. 62 9. 72 8. 55 7. 10 5.45 0. 75 4.50
Jan. 7.. 8.88 8. 06 6. 90 5.58 9. 50 8. 50 7.08 5. 45 0. 02 4. 50 4.68
14.. 8. 80 8.05 6. 94 5. 70 9. 52 8. 50 7. 16 5.65 (i. 58 4. 00 4.80
21.. 8. 88 8. 05 7. 09 5.97 9. 02 8. 66 7. 36 5. 70 0. 85 4.83 4.92
28.. 8.75 7. 95 7.04 6.03 9. 25 8.23 7. 14 5. 83 0. 55 4. 72 4.92
Feb. 4.. 7. 88 6. 99 6.09 7. 88 7. 02 5.84 5.98 4.58 4.50
11.. 7.95 7.00 6. 12 7.90 7.00 5. 92 0.08 4. 82 4.00
18-. 7. 95 7.08 6.18 7. 96 7.08 0. 06 0.05 4.74 4.42
25.. 8.06 7. 20 6.34 8. 02 7. 17 6. 10 0. 12 4.70 4.30
Mar. 4-. 8.31 7. 53 6. 54 8. 12 7. 30 0. 30 0. 25 5. 12 4.68
11.. 8. 97 8. 35 7.64 6. 82 8. 92 8. 22 7. 40 0. 59 0. 35 5. 35 4.92
18.. 8. 72 8. 14 7. 45 6. 00 8.66 8. 05 7. 42 6.49 0.28 5. 25 4.92
25.. 8.56 7. 98 7. 30 0.49 8. 53 7.90 7. 28 6. 38 0.20 5. 28 4.95

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up Heifers, pounds Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Choice to
Me Com and Good Me Com choice to and
and Good dium mon dium mon choice beef
prime prime

1922 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
V 8—.1 8. 62 7.98 7.36 6. 50 8. 62 7.98 7. 35 6.48 6. 35 5. 32 4.98
8.66 8.06 7. 40 6. 50 8.64 8.03 7. 38 6. 50 6. 40 5. 38 5.00
15 8.70 8.08 7. 30 6. 42 8.68 8. 01 7.24 6. 42 6. 45 5. 38 4. 92
22 8. 86 8.28 7. 50 6. 51 8.86 8. 22 7. 44 6.51 6. 75 5. 50 5.08
29 8. 89 8. 36 7. 70 6. 80 8.89 8. 34 7. 69 6.80 7.02 5.62 5. 12
May 6 8.93 8. 49 7.86 6.96 8.93 8.49 7. 82 6. 96 7. 56 5.90 5.28
13 8.95 8. 52 7.84 6.96 8.95 8.52 7.84 6. 96 7. 62 5.92 5.38
20 8. 83 8. 40 7.74 6. 91 8.88 8. 42 7.76 6. 91 7. 70 5. 82 5.35
27 8.81 8. 40 7.74 6. 90 8.88 8. 42 7. 77 6.82 7. 72 5. 40 5. 18
June 3 8.88 8. 55 7.92 7.03 8.88 8.48 7.92 6.92 7.59 5.38 5.12
10 9. 10 8. 76 8. 12 7.22 9. 16 8. 82 8. 16 6.99 7.65 5. 62 5. 12
17 9.28 8.85 8. 12 7.22 9.16 8.80 8. 13 7.10 7. 48 5.25 5.02
24 9.46 9.08 8. 21 7.00 9.24 8.80 8. 10 6. 87 7.15 4. 95 4.98
July 1- — 9.56 9.11 8. 16 6.78 9. 35 8.76 8.00 6. 47 6.95 4.88 5.00
8 9.88 9.44 8.56 7.09 9. 75 9.19 8. 34 6.75 7. 31 5.16 5.09
15.-.. 10.00 9.50 8.68 7. 32 9.88 9.25 8. 42 6.95 7.90 5.40 5. 25
22 10.00 9.50 8.50 7.15 9.88 9.25 8.25 6.68 7. 75 4.90 5.25
29 10.00 9.42 8.25 6.60 9.88 9.18 8.08 6.10 7.50 4.88 5.20
Aug. 5 10.40 9.78 8.52 6.65 10.20 9.52 8.40 6. 32 7.68 5. 12 5.02
12 10.35 9.65 8.40 6.52 10.08 9.44 8.32 6.18 7.60 4.95 4. 78
19 10.53 9.90 8.67 6.72 10. 30 9.70 8.61 6.35 7.52 5. 12 4.90
26 10.54 9.84 8.55 6.63 10.50 9.80 8.47 6.04 7.62 5.08 5.00
Sept. 2 10.52 9.87 8.50 6. 48 10.50 9.85 8.50 5.92 7. 38 5.00 5.00
9 10.62 10.00 8. 58 6. 55 10.56 9.94 8.58 6. 10 7.38 5.00 5.00
16 10.74 10.02 8.59 6.62 10.72 9.98 8.52 6.20 7. 38 5. 18 5. 25
23 10.97 10.20 8. 68 6.62 10.93 10. 10 8.50 6.25 7. 38 5. 35 5. 45
30 11.26 10.30 8. 72 6.58 11.21 10.15 8.50 6.17 7.28 5.18 5. 18
Oct. 7.... 11.38 10.33 8.55 6.20 11. 34 10.18 8.82 5.80 6.88 4.92 4.88
14 11.55 10.35 8.42 5.85 11.48 10.20 8.20 5.55 7.08 4.98 4.95
21 11.91 10.49 8.56 5.98 11.81 10.38 8.30 5.60 7.22 5. 18 5.00
28 12.12 10.62 8.68 6.28 12.12 10.55 8.42 5.94 7.25 5.18 5. 08
Nov. 4 12.12 10.56 8. 48 6.02 12.12 10.51 8.28 5. 78 7.20 4.90 4.95
11 12. 12 10.52 8.36 6.10 12.12 10.47 8.18 5.82 7.12 4.82 4.88
18 12.12 10.46 8.22 6.00 12.12 10.40 8.04 5.75 7.12 4.96 5.00
25 12.12 10.26 7.92 5.92 12.12 10.15 7. 70 5.68 7.08 4.92 5.00
Dec. 2 12.12 10.41 8.22 6.06 12.12 10.28 7.97 5. 81 7.09 4.88 5.06
9 12. 12 10.38 8.20 6.08 12. 12 10.28 7.98 5.88 7. 05 4.88 5.00
16 12.38 10.42 8.18 6.22 12. 38 10.42 8.18 6.22 7. 12 5. 10 5.11
23.... 12. 25 10.30 8.00 6.12 12.25 10.30 8.00 6.12 7.08 5.12 5.12
30 12.06 10.25 8.00 6.12 12.06 10.25 7.99 6.12 7.00 5.12 5. 12
Jan. 6 12.00 10.36 8.32 6.44 12.00 10.36 8.30 6.51 7.09 5.44 5.22
13 12.00 10.40 8.50 6.64 12.00 10.40 8.50 6.64 7.12 5.50 5.12
20 11.92 10.42 8.64 6.82 11.92 10. 42 &64 6.82 7.12 5. 45 5.30
27 11.78 10.36 8.68 6.82 11.78 10.36 8.68 6.82 7.20 5.35 5.50
Feb. 3 11.35 9.94 8.30 6.54 11.32 9.94 8.30 6.54 7.15 5.25 5. 28
10 11.20 10.01 8.50 6.75 11.20 9.95 8.32 6.58 7. 32 5. 38 5.25
17 10.75 9.72 8. 30 6.72 10.75 9.62 8.18 6.55 7. 32 5. 38 5. 30
24 10.62 9.62 8.42 6.92 10.62 9.50 8.20 6.71 7. 25 5.52 5.52
Mar. 3.... 10.50 9.68 8.54 7.04 10.50 9.55 8.36 6.86 7.22 5.68 5.62
10 10.42 9.65 8.51 7.10 10.42 9.52 8.31 6.88 7.38 5.75 5.60
17.... 10.28 9.57 8.52 7.20 10.28 9.44 8.33 6.% 7. 38 5.95 5.68
24 10.05 9.42 8.50 7.29 10.05 9.35 8.38 7. 14 7.58 6.15 5.75
31 9.88 9.25 8. 38 7.18 9.88 9.20 8. 30 7.04 7.50 6.08 5.68
Apr. 7 9.94 9.33 8. 48 7.31 9.92 9. 28 8.41 7. 14 7.65 6.08 5.62
14 9.88 9.20 8. 34 7.28 9.82 9.10 8.18 7.06 7.55 6.05 5.62
21 10.00 9. 35 8.42 7.29 9.86 9.12 8.22 7.07 7.48 6.12 5.68
28 10.06 9. 42 8.50 7. 32 9.98 9. 30 8.36 7. 12 7.50 6.30 5.82
May 5 10.05 9.44 8.52 7. 34 9.98 9.24 8.32 7. 12 7.60 6.38 5.88
12 10. 10 9.54 8.64 7.52 10.02 9. 30 8.36 7.24 7.75 6.38 5.98
19 10.25 9.74 8.84 7.62 10. 17 9.54 8.60 7. 38 7.85 6. 52 6.20
26 10.49 9.99 9.20 7.72 10.34 9.84 8.96 7.41 7.98 6.38 6.10
June 2 10.66 10.11 9.29 7.62 10.57 9.99 9.06 7.42 8.19 5.94 5. 62
9 10.90 10.23 9. 32 7.68 10.74 10.01 9.06 7.28 8.34 5.88 5. 50
16 10.88 10.10 9.06 7. 37 10.70 9.92 8.76 6.80 8.18 5.88 5.58
23 11.04 10.32 9.27 7.28 10.86 10.08 9. 01 6.90 8.18 5.95 5.62
30.... 11.00 10.20 9.04 6.92 10.80 9.96 8.79 6.58 7.85 5.55 5.60
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Week Heavy, Light and Cows Calves

ended— Light to Heavy 1,000 medium,
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds 750 to Steers,
and steers weight, 1,000 mon
common up, com pounds, to com Good
heifers medium to choice mon to common choice mon to and
to choice choice to choice choice choice

1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 3. 95 4.13 10.78 7.30 7. 68 7.05 6.20 4.93 6.75 5.00
15 3.88 4.25 10.20 7.00 7.83 7.28 6.45 5.08
22 3. 88 4.33 10.15 7.15 7.88 7.38 6.78 5. 20 7.00 5.63
29 3.97 4.20 10. 48 7.13 7.55 7. 10 6.58 5.25 7.00 5.63
Feb. 5 3.74 4.20 10.38 6.78 6.70 6.33 5.70 4.93 6.80 5.30
12 3.83 4.15 9.83 7.28 6.75 6.38 5.75 5.00 6.75 5. 25
19 3. 55 3. 95 9.53 7. 58 7.15 6. 78 6.03 4.73 6.70 5. 25
26 3. 43 4.20 9.95 7.63 7.48 7.10 6. 13 4.73 6.63 5.40
Mar. 5 3. 55 4.20 9.88 7. 58 7.70 7.53 6. 45 5.03 6.70 5.73
12 3.90 4. 13 9.73 7.20 8.03 7.78 6.58 5.33 6.83 5.88
19 4. 13 4.13 9.70 7.00 8.00 7.75 6.63 5. 38 6.83 5.88
26 4. 08 4.23 9.40 7.10 8.05 7.80 6. 78 5. 45 6.90 5. 88
Apr. 2 4.00 4. 13 7.80 7.00 7.88 7.63 6.75 5.50 7.00 5.88
9 3.93 4.03 7.48 6.93 7.60 7.45 6.63 5.35 7.00 5.88
16 3.88 3.88 7.68 6.88 7.33 7.33 6. 38 5.25 6.95 5.88
23 3.73 3.88 7.68 6.93 7.08 7.08 6.30 5.18 6. 88 5.88
30 3. 50 3.88 7.93 7.00 6.85 6.85 6.03 4.98 6.83 5.88
May 7 3.63 3. 95 8.40 7.05 7.00 7.00 5.90 4.88
14 3. 65 3.93 8.25 7. 13 7.00 7.00 6.00 4.88
21 3. 45 3.90 8.23 7.13 6.85 6.70 5.93 4.53
28 3. 35 3.58 7.62 6.55 6.57 6.44 5.53 4.50 6. 75
3. 41 3.50 7.75 6.41 6.46 6.28 5. 31 4. 48 6.47
11 3.28 3.50 8.08 6.38 6.28 6.08 5.13 4.35 6. 30
18 3.03 3.50 8.23 6.25 6.38 6. 13 5. 13 4.25
25 2.68 3. 33 8.28 6. 25 6. 33 6. 03 5.08 4.00
July 2 2.35 3. 10 6.83 5.90 5.83 5. 45 4. 58 3.80
9 2. 13 3.00 8.25 5.88 5. 75 5.38 4.50 3.75
16 2. 25 3. 10 8.53 6.15 5.75 5. 38 4.50 3. 75
23 2. 45 3. 15 8. 23 6.25 5.83 5. 45 4.65 3. 75
30 2.53 3. 35 8.15 6.00 5.98 5.50 4.80 3. 75
Aug. 6 2.58 3. 30 7. 45 6.00 6. 13 5.50 4.88 3. 98 6.00 5.00
13 2.50 3.20 7.30 5.90 6. 33 5. 93 5. 18 4. 25 6.00 5.00
20 2.58 3.25 7.00 6.00 6.38 6. 13 5. 25 4. 25 6.08 5. 08
27 2.53 3. 15 7.53 6. 30 6.08 5.95 4.95 4. 10 6.13 5.13
Sept. 3 2. 38 2.90 8.73 6.40 5.85 5.65 4. 75 4.00 6.05 5. 08
10 2. 45 3.00 8.55 6.00 5. 63 5.38 4.75 3.93 6.00 5.00
17 2.63 3. 05 9. 35 6.00 5.73 5. 48 4.83 3.93 6.00 5.00
24 2.76 3.03 9.03 5.68 5. 75 5.50 4.95 3.93 5.93 4.93
Oct. 1 2.73 2.83 8.50 5. 13 5.75 5.50 5.00 3.95 5.75 4.65
8 2.85 2.90 8.75 5.20 5.75 5.50 5.00 4.00 5.75 4.50
15 2.83 2.90 8.38 5.50 5.63 5.38 4.88 4.08 5. 75 4.50
22 2.68 2.65 8.40 5.50 5.48 5.23 4.78 4. 12 5.95 4.60
29 2.78 2.65 8.55 5.50 5.25 5.00 4.63 4. 13 6.00 4.65
Nov. 5 2. 95 2.88 8.72 5.50 5.42 5.18 4.72 4. 12 6.00 4.78
12 2.90 2.90 7.82 5.32 5.38 5.22 4.85 4.05 5.75 4.42
19 2.82 2.70 7.18 5.25 5. 25 5. 12 4.85 3.92 5.40 4. 18
26 2. 75 2.75 7.22 5. 25 5.25 5. 12 4. 75 3.84 5.62 4.25
Dec. 3 2. 75 2.78 7.7.05
25 5.40 5.25 5. 12 4.75 3. 75 5.70
85. 12 4.80 3.75 5. 75 4. 25
10. 2. 00 2.88 5.60 5.30 4.25
17 2.50 2.88 6.98 5.65 5.45 5.20 4.88 3.68 5.75 4.25
24 2. 48 2.82 7.20 5. 55 5.50 5.30 4.88 3.68 5.75 4. 25
31 2. 75 2.75 8.78 5.50 5.50 5.25 4.88 3.75 5.75 4.25
Jan. 7 2. 75 2.95 7.92 5.80 5.50 5.25 4.88 3.68 5. 75 4. 25
14 2.78 3.00 8.35 6.30 5.60 5.35 4.92 3.72 5. 75 4.30
21 2.90 3.00 8.78 6.38 5.75 5.52 5.05 3.80 5. 75 4. 38
28 2.93 3.00 9.50 6.55 5. 75 5. 62 5. 12 4.00 5. 85 4.60
Feb. 4 3.04 3.00 9.20 6. 08 5. 77 5.64 5.20 4.00 5.88 4.62
11 3.18 3.08 9.02 6.00 5.88 5. 75 5.30 4.00 5. 82 4.52
18 3.25 3. 12 9.02 6.00 5.91 5.78 5.40 4. 10 5.86 4.35
25 3.11 3.15 9.20 6. 55 6.25 6. 12 5.80 4.08 5.88 4.35
Mar. 4 3.40 3.18 9. 10 6.30 6.30 6. 18 5.78 4.20 5.88 4.38
11 3.45 3.42 8.65 6.30 6.78 6.65 6. 10 4.75 6. 18 4.68
18 3.44 3.65 8.25 6.00 6.75 6.62 6.05 4.78 6.25 4.75
25 3.38 3.75 7.38 5.90 6. 55 6.35 5.92 4.62 6.25 4.90
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle
Light and
Light to Heavy Heavy,
1,000 medium, Steers,
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds 750 to com heifers,
and weight, common up, 1,000
heifers steers medium to com pounds, mon to com
to choice choice mon to
choice common choice mon to
to choice
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
3.38 3. 75 7. 38 6.00 6.50 6.25 5.78 4.58 6.30 5.08
3.42 3. 75 7. 45 0 00 6. 50 6. 25 5. 75 4. 60 6. 28 5.02
3.44 3.75 6.75 5. 82 6. 69 6. 34 6. 10 4. 50 6. 25 5.00
3.55 3.80 6. 58 5.90 6. 68 4. 25 6. 00 4.70 6. 25 5.00
3.72 3.92 6. 70 6.05 6. 68 6. 25 6.00 4. 82 6.25 5.00
3.8S 4.12 4. 85 6. 28 6. 68 6.25 5. 92 5. 00 6.25 5.00
4.00 4.12 7.45 6. 38 6.68 6.25 5. 88 5.00 6.38 4.25
3.90 4.08 7. 85 6.30 6. 52 0 10 5. 62 4. 95 6.38 4. 48
3. 52 3.95 7. 80 6. 25 6. 40 6. 00 5.50 4.68 6.38 4.50
2.69 3.88 S.19 6. 25 6.38 6.00 5.50 4.62 6.38 4.53
3.45 3.88 8.50 6. 25 6. 52 6.15 5. 58 4. 65 6.38 4.62
3.32 3.88 7. 72 6.00 6.58 6. 20 5.58 4.68 6.38 4.62
3.12 3.88 7. 05 5.15 6. 28 5. 9S 5.35 4.50 6. 38 4.62
3. 10 3.75 7. 22 5.00 6.12 5.88 5.25 4.35 6.38 4.60
3.12 3. 62 7.31 5. 12 6. 12 5. 88 5.25 4. 25
3.25 3.62 7.90 5. 68 6. 18 5. 92 5. 30 4.38
3. 14 3. 62 7.65 6. 50 6. 25 6. 00 5.38 4.20
3. 18 3. 62 7. 55 5. 50 6. 45 0. 00 5.38 4. 12
3.25 3. 62 8.40 5. 55 6. 62 6. 12 5. 50 4. 26
3.08 3.45 8. 68 5.65 6. 40 4. 12 5.35 4.21
3.00 3.42 9. 22 5.70 6. 45 6.38 5.38 4. 12
2.98 3.45 8. 98 5. 72 6. 50 6.38 5.38 4. 12
2. 88 3. 48 9.32 5.85 6. 50 6.38 5.38 3.90
2.92 3.50 9. 28 6.00 6.50 6.38 5.38 3.78
3.02 3. M 9. 13 0. 00 C. 50 6.38 6.38 3.88
3. 12 3.60 9. 95 6. 10 6. 50 6.38 5.38 3.98
3.00 3.50 8. 92 5. 55 6. 50 6.38 5.38 3.90
2. 82 3.42 8. 52 5. 15 6.45 6.32 5.38 3.88
2. 82 3. 18 8.38 5.38 6. 50 6.38 5.38 3.88
2.92 3.20 8.48 5. 75 6.55 6. 42 5.38 3.90
2.92 3.38 8.38 6.00 6.60 6.48 5.38 4.00
2.78 3. 12 7. 75 5.80 6. 50 6.38 5.38 3.88
2. 82 3. 12 8. 02 5. 75 6. 50 6.38 5.38 3.88
2. 88 3. 12 8. 28 5.80 6. 50 6.38 5.38 3. 88
2. 88 3. 12 7.48 5. 90 6. 45 6.32 5.32 3.88
2.97 3. 12 7. 84 5. 75 6.38 6. 19 5.31 3.92
2.84 3.04 8. 25 5.72 6.38 6. 12 5.38 3.88
2. 88 3.12 7.95 5. 68 6.42 4. 22 5.38 3.88
2. 84 3.25 8. 22 5. 75 6.38 6. 18 5.38 3.78
2.88 3.25 9.06 5. 88 6.38 6. 12 5.38 3. 75
2.93 3.31 9.47 6. 25 6. 50 6. 12 5. 50 3.88
2.98 3.38 9.20 6. 50 6. 50 6. 12 5. 50 4.00
2.88 3. 42 9. 25 C. 50 6. 88 6.32 5. 72 4. 02
2.95 3. 55 9.70 6. 70 7.00 6.38 5. 88 4. 20
3. 05 3. 62 9. 68 7. 10 6. 82 6.38 5. 82 4. 25
3.08 3. 62 9.80 7.38 6. 75 6.38 5. 52 4.32
3.00 3.68 9.92 7. 50 6.75 6.38 5. 52 4.38
3. 20 3. 75 10.25 7. 60 6. 75 6.38 5. 62 4.38
3.30 3.88 9. 58 7.35 7.00 6. 60 5. 85 4. 58
3.36 4.00 8. 62 6. 80 7. 12 6.75 6.00 4. 72
3. 52 4.00 8.35 6. 75 7. 12 6. 75 6.00 4.75
3.81 4. 10 8. 52 7. 20 7. 12 6.75 6.00 4. 75
3. 71 4. 12 7. 72 7. 05 7. 12 5. 75 6.00 4.75
3. 72 4. 12 8. 05 7.40 7. 12 6. 75 6. 10 4.75
3.70 4. 12 7.55 6. 85 7. 28 6. 98 6.20 4. 75
3.60 4. 12 7. 68 6.25 7. 45 7.20 6.25 4. 75
3.58 4. 12 7.62 6. 25 7. 50 7.25 6.25 4. 75
3.50 4. 12 7. 78 6. 40 7. 50 7. 25 6.32 4. 80
3.60 4. 28 7. 78 6.50 7. 50 7.32 6. 45 4. 88
3.71 4.50 8. 60 6. 80 7.60 7.47 6.68 4.88
3.75 4.45 8. 55 6. 85 7.62 7. 50 6. 62 4.88
3. 52 4. 38 8. 12 6.81 7. 44 7. 25 6. 26 4. 75
3. 22 4.32 8. 10 6. 75 7.32 7. 08 6. 08 4.52
3.20 3. 90 8.05 6. 92 7. 25 7.00 5. 92 4. 44
3.15 3.75 8. 08 7. 25 7.25 7.00 5.92 4. 42
2.78 3. 65 7. 90 6.65 7.25 7.00 5. 92 4. 20
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1923.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 10. 95 10.19 9. 03 6. 91 10. 75 9. 91 8.72 6.53 3. 97
14 10.95 10.12 8.88 6.88 10. 81 9.88 8. 62 6.58 4.08
21 10.85 10.12 8.88 6. 98 10.82 9.88 8.62 6.71 4.25
28 11.08 10. 32 9.05 7. 08 10.88 9.88 8.68 6.62 4.08
Aug. 4..... 11.18 10. 36 8.90 6. 92 10.98 10. 02 8.60 6.32 3.90
11 11.58 10.73 9. 01 6. 88 11.19 10.31 8.72 6.16 3. 72
18. 11.98 11.00 9.20 6. 98 11.70 10.70 8.92 6. 28 3. 68
25 12. 25 11.25 9. 38 7. 05 12.00 11.00 9.12 6.42 3. 80
Sept. 1 - 12.25 11.15 9.18 6.92 12.00 10.90 8.92 6.35 3. 78
8 12.25 11.18 9.18 6.88 12.00 10.92 8.92 6. 25 3. 75
15 . 12. 25 11.10 9.16 6.90 12.00 10.88 8.92 6. 30 3. 75
22 12.18 10.98 9.02 6.88 11.95 10.72 8.80 6. 28 3. 75
29 11.88 10.62 8.72 6.77 11.75 10.38 8.48 6. 16 3. 75
Oct. 6 11.90 10. 78 8.98 6. 92 11.78 10.56 8.74 6. 32 3.82
13 11.88 10.78 8.95 6.88 11.65 10.52 8.71 6. 22 3.80
20... 11.88 10.70 8.92 6. 85 11.70 10.60 8.75 6. 10 3. 75
27 11.85 10.62 8.80 6. 82 11.75 10.62 8.68 6.08 3. 75
Nov. 3.. 11.75 10.62 8.70 6. 72 11. 75 10. 62 8.58 6. 05 3.75
10 11.65 10.45 8.50 6.62 11. 75 10.62 8.55 6.08 3.75
17 11. 78 10.55 8.62 6.68 11.92 10.80. 8.75 6.18 3.78
24 11. 75 10.62 8.75 6. 75 12.00 10.88 8.85 6.35 4.08
Dec. 1 11.75 10.62 8.81 6. 81 12.00 10.88 8.94 6.41 4.12
8 11. 75 10.62 8.70 6.70 11.88 10.75 8.80 6.40 4.12
■> 15.. 11.65 10.46 8.51 6.62 11.80 10.52 8.62 6. 25 4.12
22 11.62 10. 38 8.48 6.62 11.75 10.38 8.48 6.25 4.12
29 11.84 10.69 8. 75 6.72 11.94 10.69 8.75 6.34 4.12
Jan. 5. 11.82 10. 68 8.81 6.72 11.82 10.68 8.81 6.35 4.12
12.. 11. 55 10.42 8.65 6.68 11.75 10.62 8.72 6.25 4. 10
19 11.60 10.46 8.70 6.78 11. 68 10.62 8.76 6.28 4.08
26.. 11.50 10.40 8.62 6.82 11.62 10.62 8.75 6.32 4.12
Feb. 2 11.38 10.28 8.75 6.98 11.50 10.50 8.84 6.55 4. 18
9. 11. 38 10.36 8.82 7.08 11.50 10.55 8.92 6.60 4.25
16 11.38 10.25 8.59 6.96 11.50 10.40 8.62 6.46 4.25
23 11.50 10.50 8.80 7.06 11.50 10.50 8.80 6.56 4.25
Mar. 1 11.50 10.50 8.82 7. 08 11.50 10.50 8.82 6.58 4. 25
8 11.52 10.60 8.98 7.26 11.55 10.58 8.96 6. 78 4.40
15 11.62 10.65 9.02 7. 38 11.62 10. 62 9.02 6.88 4.50
22 11.68 10.68 9.08 7. 38 11.68 10.62 9.00 6.88 4.50
29 11.75 10.75 9.12 7. 38 11.75 10.62 9.00 6.88 4.50
Apr. 5. 11.88 10.92 9.30 7.50 11.80 10.80 9.25 7.00 4.60
12 12.02 11.04 9.42 7.65 11.84 10.54 9.28 7.10 4.78
19 11.95 10.95 9. 32 7. 48 11. 78 10.70 9.08 6. 97 4.80
26 11.88 10.88 9.25 7.25 11. 75 10.62 9.00 6.88 4. 75
May 3 11.75 10.62 9.05 7.12 11. 50 10.38 8.75 6.74 4.74
10 12.00 10.90 9.30 7. 25 11.75 10.62 9.00 6.88 4. 75
17 11.82 10.83 9.28 7. 25 11. 58 10.45 8.92 6.88 4.75
24 11. 75 10.75 9.25 7.25 11.50 10.45 8.95 6.88 4. 75
31 11. 41 10.53 9.00 7. 12 11.19 10.28 8.75 6.75 4. 72
June 7 11.05 10. 25 8.75 0.95 10. 88 10.00 8.50 6.50 4.59
14 11.02 10.25 8.75 6.95 10.88 10.00 8.48 6.50 4. 58
21 10.68 9.98 8.58 6.85 10.50 9.72 8.22 6.18 4. 40
28. ._ 10.38 9.62 8.18 6. 45 9.98 9.22 7. 72 5.68 4. 12
July 5.. 10.53 9.84 8.38 6.62 10.09 9.38 7.88 5.88 4. 25
12. 10.60 9.85 8.35 6.60 10.10 9.32 7. 85 5.98 4.35
19 10.48 9.60 8.02 6.42 10. 12 9.30 7.75 5.88 4.32
26 10.58 9.78 8.15 6. 35 10.32 9.46 7.74 5.78 4.25
Aug. 2 11. 05 10.93 8.42 6.22 10.80 9.92 7.92 5.72 4. 25
9 11.00 10.28 8.40 6.12 10.75 9.88 7.88 5.70 4.25
16..., 10.70 9.88 8.02 5.75 10.45 9.60 7.58 5.38 4. 12
23 10.62 9.68 7.64 5.48 10.58 9.50 7.38 5.15 4. 02
30 10.38 9.35 7.44 5.42 10.42 9.34 7.32 5.08 3.92
Sept. 6 10.70 9.70 7.88 5.82 10.70 9.70 7. 75 5.45 4.05
13 10.60 9.60 7.72 5.50 10.60 9.60 7.60 5.22 3. 95
20 10.72 9.72 7.65 5. 30 10.78 9.85 7.62 5.05 3. 88
27.. 10. 52 9.45 7.55 5.30 10. 99 10. 07 7.69 5. 05 3. 88

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925 —
EAST ST. LOUIS-Continued
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 4. 10.80 9.80 7.65 5.25 11.25 10.32 7.79 5.00 3.88
11 10.88 9.78 7. 65 5.25 11.30 10.35 7.80 5.00 3.88
18 10.80 9.68 7.60 5.35 11.64 10.44 7.84 5.00 3.88
25.. 10. 95 9.60 7.62 5. 45 11.75 10.50 7. 95 5. 18 3. 95
Nov. 1 10.94 9.50 7.66 5.70 11.85 10.50 8. 12 5.38 3.98
8. 10.80 9.35 7. 42 5.50 11.88 10.42 8.00 5.25 3. 95
15 10.75 9.30 7.30 5.38 11.88 10.38 7.88 5.12 3.80
22.- 10.82 9.30 7.22 5.22 12. 02 10.45 7.80 5.06 3. 65
29.- 11.28 9.91 7.78 5.59 12.48 10.91 8.28 5.47 3.88
Dec. 6- 11.38 9.88 7.58 5.32 12.61 11.00 8.18 5.20 3.65
13. 11.92 9.82 7.30 5.18 12.98 11. 05 7.98 5.02 3.58
20-. 12.13 9.90 7.35 5.45 13.28 11. 15 7.98 5.20 3.80
27.- 12.31 10.44 7.81 5.72 13.38 11. 38 8. 38 5.50 3.88
12.30 10.62 8.00 5.75 13.30 11.38 8.42 5.50 3.80
10 12.27 10.68 8.08 5.82 13.25 11.42 8.60 5.62 3. 82
17- 12.16 10.70 8.22 5.98 13.08 11.35 8.72 5.85 3.88
24.. 11.78 10.45 8.08 6.00 12.78 11. 18 8.60 5.85 3.88
31 11.80 10.75 8.48 6.30 12.82 11. 45 8.85 6.05 4.10
Feb. 7.- 11.70 10.60 8.36 6.28 12.62 11.28 8.73 6.02 4.15
14 11. 32 10.22 8.04 6.20 12.20 10. 69 8.30 5.95 4.25
21-. 11.25 10.32 8.22 6.38 12.12 10.62 8.25 6.12 4.38
28 11. 35 10.46 8.48 6.68 12.10 10.64 8.48 6.42 4.62
Mar. 7-. 11.60 10.92 9.28 7. 52 12. 20 11.05 9.28 7.28 I 20
14-. 11.50 10.88 9.42 7.68 12.00 11.00 9.42 7.44 5.30
21-- 11.40 10.74 9.47 7.75 11.82 10.91 9.47 7.50 5.45
28. - 11.20 10.50 9.36 7.76 11.70 10.75 9.36 7.52 5.45
Apr. 4 11. 18 10.52 9.47 7.76 11.70 10.82 9.40 7.50 5.42
11- 11.25 10.58 9.58 7.84 11.80 10.94 9.54 7.68 5.62
18. 11.25 10.62 9.56 7.95 11. 75 10.94 9.56 7.82 5.88
25 10.90 10.20 9.16 7.75 11.30 10.48 9.16 7.52 5.68
May 2.- 11.05 10.20 9.25 7.90 11.32 10.45 9.25 7.75 5.88
9-. - 10.92 10.07 9.24 7.73 11. 18 10.35 9.24 7.58 5.62
16- 11.00 10.18 9:48 7.86 11. 25 10.49 9.48 7.72 5.60
23.- 11.00 10.16 9.42 7.69 11. 25 10.50 9.42 7.56 5.52
30 11.00 10.12 9. 34 7.50 11. 25 10.50 9.34 7.38 5.38
11. 21 10.38 9.64 7.71 11.46 10.76 9.64 7.58 5. 46
13 11. 25 10.50 9.67 7.70 11.50 10.80 9.62 7.55 5.42
20 11.25 10.51 9.50 7.38 11.50 10.78 9.28 7.08 5.20
27 11.74 11.04 9.86 7.52 11.96 11.21 9.70 7.25 5.08
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended— 1,500
up, good Can
and Me Com Me Com ner
choice Choice Good dium mon Choice Good dium mon and
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
12.21 12.40 11.55 9.85 7. 22 12.42 11.55 9.70 6.98 4. 82
12.55 12.92 11. 92 9.80 6. 98 12.80 11.80 9. 58 6,72 4.75
12. 58 13.05 11.85 9.50 6. 78 12.92 11.70 9. 35 6.55 4.75
12. 92 13.42 12. 12 9. 52 6. 72 13.30 12.00 9.40 6.48 4.75
13.48 14.05 12.60 9.65 6. 72 13. 92 12. 48 9. 58 6. 48 4. 75
13.50 14. 12 12.50 9. 52 6. 52 14.00 12.40 9.40 6.28 4.65
13.90 14.52 12.48 9.38 6.50 14. 40 12.35 9.25 6.25 4.62
13.50 14.05 11. 95 8.95 6.20 13.85 11. 75 8.75 5. 95 4.40
13.75 14.32 12.32 9. 12 6. 20 14. 02 11.85 8. 72 5. a5 4. 38
13. 78 14. 40 12. 12 8.78 5. 55 14. 12 11. 78 8. 45 5. 35 3. 92
13. 82 14.45 12. 18 8. 82 5.60 14.20 11. 90 8. 58 5.35 3.88
13. 98 14.70 12. 68 9. 40 6.02 14. 45 12.42 9. 15 5. 78 3.98
14.00 14. 75 12.75 9. 42 6. 08 14. 50 12. 50 9. 18 5. 82 4.00
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,500 1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended- pounds
up, good Can-
Me Com Choice Good Me-
and Choice Good dium Com- ner
choice mon dium mon and
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 3. 14.00 14. 75 12. 75 9.25 5. 90 14.50 12.50 9.00 5.65 0 40
10. 14.00 14. 75 12. 75 9. 25 .3. 88 14.50 12. 50 9.00 6.62 4.00
17. 14.00 14.68 12.52 9. 12 5. 8S 14. 42 12.28 8.88 5. 62 4.00
24. 13.82 14. 50 12.20 9.00 6. 08 14.25 11.95 8.75 5.82 4. 20
31. 13.45 14.20 11. 82 8. 58 5.90 13.95 11. 58 8.32 6.65 4. 25
Nov 7. 13. 15 13. 92 11.70 8.50 5.88 13. 75 11. 45 8. 25 5. 62 4. 25
14. 12.78 13.52 11. 50 8.68 6. 12 13.40 11.25 8.42 5. 88 4.60
21. 12. 50 13.25 11.25 8. 86 6.25 13. 18 11. 12 8.38 6.00 4.58
28. 12.50 13.25 11.25 S.09 6.50 13.25 11.25 8.66 6. 22 4.75
Dec. 5. 12.20 12.90 11.04 8. 78 •6.6. 7282 12.90 11.04 a 66 6.48 4. 98
12. 11. 70 12.38 10.60 8. 62 12.38 10.60 8. 50 8.68 5. 12
19. 11.42 12. 10 10.38 8. 62 6.90 12. 10 10.25 8. 40 6. 65 5.20
20. 12. 16 10.56 7. 12 12. 16 10.49 5.25
Jan. 12.05 10.48 8. 74 6.95 12.05 10. 48 8.62 6.68 5.18
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— and 850 All Canner
heifers, pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good to
800 up, good common and and and and medium
pounds and and choice medium cutter choice 1 (canner
down, choice medium and
good and bologna)
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls Dolls. Dolls.
July 9.22 8.00 5.75 6.22 4.56 2.62 6. 12 4.00
14.. 9. 50 8. 00 5.78 6. 50 4. 82 2. 88 6.12 L 00
21.. 9.35 7. 85 5.65 6. 42 4. 62 3. 05 6. 12 4. 18
28.. 9. 52 7. 75 5. 50 6. 38 4. 50 2. 85 6. 12 4. 12
Aug. 4.. 9. 72 7. 75 5. 50 6. 38 4.50 2. 75 6. 20 4. 12
11.. 9.75 7.75 5. 38 6.41 4.38 2. 66 6. 12 3.88
18. 9.95 7. 80 5. 12 6. 55 4.30 2. 42 5. 92 3.40
25. 10.45 8.35 5. 52 6. 62 4. 48 2.80 5.88 3. 78
Sept. 1.. 10.52 8. 55 5. 80 6. 35 4.22 2.62 5.88 3.75
8. 10.50 8. 38 5. 75 6. 22 4.08 2. 58 6.88 3.68
15. 10.62 8. 52 5. 75 6.40 4.32 2. 78 5. 88 3. 75
22. 10. 65 8.75 5.76 6. 52 4.45 2. 88 5.88 3. 75
29. 10.50 8. 48 5. 42 6. 05 4. 28 2. 70 5. 88 3. 70
Oct. 6. 10. 65 8. 60 5.58 5.85 4. 32 2. 82 5.88 3.68
13. 10. 75 8. 92 5. 52 5. 78 4. 12 2. 70 5. 88 3.65
20. 10. 82 8. 75 5. 25 5. 75 4.16 2. 65 6.88 3. 62
27. 10.88 S. 75 5. 05 5.86 4. 12 2. 56 6.88 3.62
Nov. 3. 10.88 8.75 4.75 5.95 4.28 2.70 5. 88 3.62
10. 10. 82 8. 75 4.75 5. 85 4. 18 2. 56 6. 78 3.38
17. 10.75 8. 75 4.75 5.85 4. 20 2.64 5. 62 3.12
24. 10.90 8.82 5. 05 6. 00 4.38 2 80 5.62 8.25
Dec. 1. 11.00 8.88 5.26 6. 00 4.38 2. 82 5.62 3. 38
8. 10.80 8.58 5. 25 5.90 4.18 2. 82 5.62 3. 38
15. 10.65 8. 32 5.25 5. 80 4.00 2.57 5.42 3. 18
22. 10.50 8. 12 5. 25 5. 85 4. 10 2. 70 5. 32 3. 25
29. 10.50 8. 12 5.25 6. 00 4.38 2.88 5.47 3. 44
Jan. 5. 10. 70 8.30 5.42 6. 25 4.62 2.98 5.68 3.70
12. 10.58 8. 18 5. 40 6.08 4.40 2. 90 5.75 3.92
18.. 10.28 8.00 5. 25 6. 12 4.55 2. 97 6.75 3.82
26. 10. 18 7. 88 5. 12 6. 08 4.48 2. 89 5.75 3. 95
Feb. 2. 10. 12 7. 65 5. 00 6. 10 4. 50 2. 82 6.76 4.00
8. 10.22 7. 65 5. 00 6.32 4.72 3.02 5.92 4. 15
16. 10. 15 7. 65 5.00 6. 08 4. 55 2.88 5.92 4.08
23. 10. 18 7. 65 5. 00 6. 15 4.68 2. 92 6.76 4. 12
Mar. 1. 10. 18 7. 90 5. 00 6. 12 4.60 2.88 6.76 4.08
8. 10.12 7. 88 5. 00 6. 22 4. 62 3.06 5. 75 4.05
15. 10.22 8. 08 5. 18 6. 60 4. 98 3. 30 6.78 4. 12
22. 10. 15 8. 12 5. 25 6. 65 5.02 3. 38 5. 75 4. 12
29. 9.78 8. 02 5. 18 6. 62 4. S8 3. 16 5. 82 4. 02
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and (canner
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 and
good and choice medium bologna)
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Apr. 5. 9.92 8.22 5.25 6.75 5. 12 3.25 6.00 3.90
12 10.05 8.25 5.30 6.75 5.12 3.25 6.00 3.88
19 9.82 8. 12 5.32 6. 90 5.15 3.25 6.00 4.05
26 9.65 8.00 5.25 7. 02 5.20 3.23 6. 00 4.05
May 3. 9.62 8.00 5.25 6. 85 5.02 3. 10 6.00 4.02
10 9.72 8. 00 5.25
8 5. 25 7.02 5.20 3. 12 6.05 4. 10
17 9.75 8.00 7.20 5. 45 3.25 6.12 4.25
24.. 9.75 8.00 5.65 7.15 5. 35 3.20 6.20 4. 15
31 9.53 7.81 5.84 6. 91 5.09 3.25 6.25 4.25
June 7.. 9.38 7. 52 5.60 6.70 4.90 3. 18 6.25 4.25
14.. 9.38 7.38 5.50 6.62 4.88 3. 12 6.25 4.26
21 9.08 7.22 5.40 6. 45 4.70 2.98 6.20 4.20
28 8.78 7.00 5. 15 5.90 4.22 2.65 5.72 3.82
July 5 8.88 7. 22 5.34 6.09 4.53 2.88 5.75 4.06
12 9. 18 7. 28 5.35 5.20 4.70 2.88 5.75 4.12
19 9.05 7. 22 5.22 5.88 4.30 2. 70 5.75 4.00
26 8.95 7.02 1 4.78 4.52 5.98 4. 42 2. 85 5.75 4.00
Aug. 2 9. 40 6.95 6.08 4.42 2. 65 5.75 3. 95
9 9.60 6.88 4.50 6. 25 4.48 2.80 5.75 3. 98
16 9.62 6.88 4. 50 6. 00 4.15 2.65 5.75 3.75
23 9.72 7. 02 4. 55 5.82 4.05 2. 62 5. 55 3.58
30 9.75 7.25 4.62 5. 70 4.00 2.68 5. 45 3.40
Sept. 6 9.75 7. 42 4. 80 5.82 4. 42 3. 05 5.50 3. 45
13 9.75 7.38 4.70 5.68 4.08 2.70 5.50 3. 45
20 9. 72 7. 25 4. 62 5.62 4.00 2.68 5.50 3. 48
27 9. 82 7.25 4.62 5.58 4.00 2.75 5.48 3. 35
Oct. 4 9.88 7.25 4. 62 5.50 4.00 2.85 5.38 3.35
11 9.88 7.25 4.62 5.50 4. 00 2. 75 5.38 3. 25
18 9.88 7.25 4. 62 5.32 3.88 2. 60 5.05 3. 25
25 10.08 7.25 4. 62 5. 42 4. 18 2.92 4.88 3.25
Nov. 1 10.12 7. 25 4. 62 5.48 4. 12 2.95 4.88 3.38
8. 9. 82 7.02 4. 52 5.25 4. 02 2.89 4.85 3.38
15 9.82 6.90 4.48 5. 22 4.10 2.96 5.00 3.38
22 9.88 6. 75 4.38 4.90 3.72 2.68 5.00 3.35
29 10.41 7.28 4.84 5. 25 4. 00 2.91 5.00 3.25
Dec. 6 10.48 7. 40 4. 85 5. 38 4. 02 2. 75 4.92 3. 12
13. 10. 30 7. 25 4.75 5. 38 4. 00 2.76 4.80 3. 02
20 10.42 7.25 4.75 5.42 4.11 2. 86 4.80 3. 15
27 10.59 7. 50 4.88 5. 44 4. 12 2.87 5.00 3.44
Jan. 3 10.62 7.50 4.88 5. 50 4. 25 2.88 5.10 3.58
10 10.62 7.52 4.88 5.75 4. 42 2.92 5.20 3.64
17 10. 62 7.62 4.88 5. 98 4. 52 2.92 5.35 3. 68
24 10. 62 7.62 4.88 6.18 4. 70 2.99 5.50 3. 75
31 10.70 7.70 4. 92 6. 25 4. 75 2. 98 5.50 3. 78
Feb. 7 10.75 7.75 4. 85 6. 42 4. 85 3. 00 5.50 3.88
14 10.48 7.75 4.75 6. 32 4. 75 3. 08 5.50 3.88
21 10. 32 7.85 5. 20 6. 38 4.88 3. 20 5.58 3.92
28 10.60 8.02 5. 40 6.68 5.15 3. 32 5.62 4. 00
Mar. 7 10.80 8.38 5.92 7.15 5.65 3. 63 5. 62 4.00
14. 10.88 8.68 6.22 7.25 5. 65 3. 60 5.72 4.00
21 10.70 8. 75 6.25 7.12 5. 42 3. 42 5.75 4. 00
28 10.86 9. 02 6. 48 7.38 5.70 3. 60 5.75 4. 02
Apr. 4 10.83 9. 18 6.68 7. 45 5.82 3. 62 5.75 4. 12
11 10. 80 9. 25 6. 75 7.50 5.88 3. 62 5.85 4.12
18 10.85 9.62 7. 12 7.58 5.88 3.50 6.00 4. 12
25 10.38 9.25 6. 95 7.40 5.78 3.58 6. 00 4. 12
May 2 10.42 9.38 7. 12 7.70 6. 02 3. 70 6.15 4.26
9 10.42 9.38 7.12 7.80 6. 20 3. 80 6.25 4.38
16 10.60 9. 38 7.12 7.68 6. 02 3. 82 6. 25 4. 38
23 10. 62 9.38 7.02 7.28 5.60 3. 55 6. 25 4.35
30.... 10.62 9. 38 6.88 7.08 5.38 3.50 6.25 4.28
June 6 10. 62 9.32 6. 70 7. 12 5. 38 3.38 6. 18 4. 25
13 10.50 9.12 6. 45 7.00 5. 25 3.23 6. 12 4. 08
20. 10. 52 9. 00 6. 25 6. 80 4.98 3. 02 6.12 4. 00
27 11.05 9.20 6.50 7. 18 5.35 3. 42 6.12 4. 20
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Slaugnter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— steers
and 850 All Com Beef Beef Canner
heifers pounds weights, Good mon Can- 1,500 under to
under 850 up, good common and and ner pounds 1,500 medium
pounds, and and up, good pounds,
and choice me cutter and good and and (canner
good and choice medium dium
choice choice choice 1 bologna)
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 XL 25 9.25 6.38 6. 98 5.20 3.25 5.50 6. 12 4.25
11 11.25 9.02 6.22 6. 90 4. 98 3. 12 5. 55 6.02 4.25
18 11. 35 8.88 5.85 6.88 4. 78 3.08 5.62 6.00 4.20
25 11. 78 8.88 5. 75 6.88 4.75 3. 12 5. 62 6.00 4.12
Aug. 1 12. 12 8.88 5.75 6.88 4. 75 3.08 5.62 6.00 4.12
8 12.25 8.88 5. 75 7. 08 4.75 3. 12 5. 62 6.00 4.12
15 12.25 8.88 5. 75 7. 12 4.75 3.05 5. 48 5.90 4.02
22 11.85 8.68 5. 62 6.85 4. 62 3. 10 5.22 5.70 3.80
29 11.70 8.50 5.50 6.90 4. 82 3.29 5.45 5.85 3.85
Sept. 5. 11. 50 8.42 5. 48 6.42 4. 35 2.92 5. 12 5. 50 3.70
12 11. 55 8.22 5.25 6. 58 4.50 3.05 5.00 5. 38 3.62
19 11.88 8.70 5.68 6.85 4.85 3.26 5. 40 5.78 3.88
26 11.88 8. 75 5. 75 6.90 4. 92 3.30 5.80 6. 10 4.25
Oct. 3... 11.68 8. 45 5. 58 7.00 5. 12 3.50 6.00 6.25 4.32
10 11.40 8. 15 5.40 6.85 4.88 3.35 5.80 6. 05 4. 15
17.. 11.20 8. 12 5.38 6. 68 4.75 3.25 5.70 5. 95 4.05
24-- 11. 12 8. 12 5.38 6. 55 4. 62 3.20 5.75 6.00 4. 02
31 11. 12 8. 12 5. 38 6.58 4.65 3.23 5.75 6.00 4. 08
Nov. 7 10. 98 8.05 5. 30 6. 62 4.75 3.36 5. 75 6.00 4. 12
14 10.68 8.00 5.25 6.62 4. 75 3. 46 5. 75 6.00 4.12
21 10. 55 8.00 5.25 6.62 4. 90 3.80 5.75 6.00 4.12
28 10. 62 8.09 5.25 6.62 4.88 3. 75 6.00 6.12 4.25
Dec. 5 10.75 8.30 5. 40 6.70 5. 02 3.88 6.00 6. 12 4. 30
12..._ 10.62 8.50 5. 50 6.70 5.05 3.87 6.00 6. 12 4. 38
19 10. 12 8.32 5.40 6.85 5. 10 3.87 6. 15 6. 28 4.60
26.. 10. 16 8.22 5.47 7. 16 5.41 4.07 6.25 6.38 4. 86
Jan. 2. 10. 08 8. 18 5. 50 7.00 5.25 3.92 6.25 6.38 4. 90
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Week ended— Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and All
up, pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dols. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 8.94 5. 12 7.69 7.00 3.62 7.00 6. 38 4.06 4.00
9. SO 5.12 7. 75 7.00 3. 90 6.85 6. 60 3.86 4.00
S. 88 5.12 7.70 6. 90 4.05 6. 65 6. 30 3. 75 4.26
8. 88 5. 02 7. 72 6. 75 4. 12 6. 50 6.00 3.66 4.08
Aug. 8. 82 4.60 7.50 6. 30 3.82 6. 50 6. 00 3.65 3.95
8. 60 4. 50 6. 97 6. 25 3. 75 6. 50 6.00 3. 60 3. 78
8. 80 4. 50 6. 50 6.00 3. 62 6. 50 6. 00 3.50 3.66
9. 52 4.50 7. 05 6. 65 3. 62 6.60 6. 00 3.62 4.00
Sept. 9. 12 4. 50 7. 10 6. 85 3.62 6. 50 6.00 3. 62 4.12
9. 15 4.50 6. 95 6. 50 3.62 6.60 6.00 3. 62 4. 10
9.68 4.50 7.05 6.80 3. 62 6. 50 6. 00 3.62 4.10
10.25 4.60 7.65 7. 40 3. 62 6. 50 6.00 3. 62 4.11
10. 10 4. 50 7. 65 7. 25 3. 62 6.36 5. 92 3.55 4.04
Oct. 9.68 4.50 7. 75 6. 85 3.62 (i. 25 6.88 3.50 4.00
9. 52 4. 50 7. 70 (i. 70 3. 62 6.15 5.78 3.50 4.00
9.85 4. 65 7. 75 6. 95 3. 58 6.00 6.68 3. 50 3. 95
8.95 4. 75 7. 55 6. 35 3. 50 6.00 5. 75 3. 50 3. 72
Nov. 8.98 4. 75 7.15 6.00 3.50 5. 78 5. 50 3.42 3.62
8. 10 4.40 6. 40 5. 55 3. 18 5. 62 5. 25 3. 38 3. 62
8.42 4. 40 6. 25 5.50 3.00 5. 62 5. 25 3. 38 3.45 5.25
8.00 4.50 a 25 5. 50 3. no 5. 82 5.45 3.58 3.60 6.25
1 Beef yearlings excluded.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
Week ended— 190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers,
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, pounds, All com
to com to to com com com weights, mon to
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to inferior choice
choice choice
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
8. 12 4.50 6.25 5.50 3.00 5.88 5.50 3. 62 3.50
8. 75 4. 40 6.65 5.90 3. 02 5.88 5.50 3. 62 3.50
8.55 4.62 6.65 6.00 3. 12 5.88 5.50 3. 62 3.50
8.22 4.75 6.50 5.90 3.12 5.88 5.50 3.62 3.50
9.69 4. 75 6.50 5. 75 3. 12 5.88 5.50 3. 62 3.56
10.25 5.00 6.80 5.95 3.12 5.88 5.50 3. 62 3. 62
10.62 5.40 7. 85 6. 38 3.22 5.88 5.50 3. 62 3.62
10.05 5.10 7.65 5.90 3.25 5.88 5.58 3.62 3.70
10.30 5.00 8. 18 5. 75 3. 25 6.00 5.75 3.62 3.78
10.42 5.45 8.62 6.20 3. 80 6.00 5. 75 3.62 3.88
10.28 5.50 8.90 6.45 4.00 6.00 5. 75 3.62 3.88
10.52 5.50 9.22 6.50 4.00 6.00 5.75 3.62 3.88
10.62 5.50 9. 38 6.50 4.00 6.00 5. 75 3.62 3. 95
10.18 5.60 9.00 6.50 4.00 6.00 5. 75 3.65 4.00
8. 65 5. 35 8. 05 6.45 4.00 6.30 6.00 3. 92 4. 05
9.28 5.25 8. 65 6.40 4.00 6.38 6.00 4.00 4.12
9.02 5. 25 8.40 6.50 4.00 6.38 6.00 4.00 4.20
: 8.85 5.25 8.25 6.70 4.00 6.38 6.00 4.00 4. 25
9. 05 5. 25 8. 40 7.00 4.00 6.75 6.38 4. 25 4. 25
8.92 5.25 8.32 7.00 4.00 6. 75 6. 38 4. 25 4.25
8.38 5.25 7.70 6.80 4.00 6. 75 6. 38 4.25 4.32
7.90 5.15 7. 30 6.75 4.00 6.75 6.38 4. 32 4.38
7.78 5.00 7. 18 6.75 4.00 6. 75 6.38 4.38 4. 38
8.05 5.00 7. 35 6.62 4.00 6.82 6. 45 4. 38 4. 38
8.52 5.20 7.65 6.62 4.00 6.88 6.50 4.38 4. 38
8.50 5. 25 7.68 6.62 4.00 6.88 6.50 4.38 4.32
8.25 5. 25 7.31 6.59 4.00 6.75 6.44 4.28 4.22
7.90 5. 25 7.05 6.50 4.00 6.38 6.25 4.06 4. 12
8.40 5.25 7.48 6.50 4.00 6.38 6. 25 3. 95 4. 12
8.02 5. 10 6.85 6.32 4.00 6. 38 6.25 3. 95 4.12
7.30 4. 75 6. 10 5.75 3. 55 5.98 5.85 3. 55 4.02
7.59 4.75 6.31 5. 75 3. 50 5. 88 5.75 3. 50 3. 91
8.92 5.45 7.45 6.25 3.85 5.88 5.75 3. 50 4.00
8. 15 5.20 6.82 5.50 3. 60 5.72 5.65 3. 45 4.00
7.80 5.00 6. 55 5. 25 3. 50 5.50 5.50 3. 38 4.00
7.85 5.00 6.68 5.25 3. 50 5.50 5.50 3. 38 4.00
8.05 5.00 6.75 5. 25 3.50 5. 50 5. 50 3. 38 4.00
8.78 5.15 7.48 5. 00 2.88 5. 50 5. 50 3. 38 4.00
9.25 5.25 7.95 5.00 2.88 5. 58 5.50 3. 38 4.05
9. 25 5.25 8. 00 4. 90 2.88 5.62 5. 50 3. 38 4.18
9.32 5.25 8. 05 4.95 2.88 5. 62 5.50 3. 42 4.12
9.20 5.25 8. 40 5.25 2.88 5.72 5.45 3. 55 4.12
9. 10 5.25 8. 35 5. 00 2.88 5.88 5.38 3. 62 4.12
8.80 5.25 8.10 4. 90 2.88 5.78 5.28 3. 58 4.02
9.18 5.25 8.42 4.75 2.88 5.62 5.12 3. 50 3.88
9.20 5.25 8.45 4.75 2.88 5. 50 5. 10 3. 38 3. 80
8.52 5.15 7.85 4.75 2.88 5. 38 4.88 3.25 3.75
8.42 5.00 7.70 4.75 2.88 5.30 4.88 3.25 3.75
8.40 5.00 7.75 4.75 2.88 5.48 5. 10 3. 38 3. 75
8.30 5.00 7.52 4.75 ! 2.95 5.50 5.12 3.38 3.75
8.00 5.00 7.38 4. 90 3.00 5.45 5. 12 3.38 3.75
7.90 4.90 7.22 5.00 2.95 5. 38 5. 12 3. 38 3.72
7.91 5.00 7.16 5.00 2.88 5. 62 5.38 3.62 3.68
8.28 5.00 7. 62 5.00 2.88 5.62 5. 38 3.62 3. 60
8.20 5.00 7.60 5. 00 ! 2.88 5.62 5. 38 3.60 3. 55
8.58 5.00 7.82 5.25 2.95 5.62 5.38 3.55 3.62
10.00 5.00 9.12 5.50 3.00 5.62 5.38 3.56 3.62
9. 90 5.00 9.22 5. 50 3.00 5.62 5.38 3.62 3.62
9.05 5.00 8.48 5. 50 3.00 5.62 5. 38 3.62 3.62
9. 58 5.25 8. 78 5.60 3.25 5.72 5. 42 3. 68 3.68
10.00 5.50 9. 45 5.75 3. 50 5.88 5.50 3.75 3. 79
10.48 5. 50 10.15 1 5.75 i 3.50 6.02 5.65 4. 02 4.02

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
EAST ST. LOUIS—Continued
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
190 Steers
Under Under 190 to 260 pounds up, Cows
Week ended— 190 190 260 pounds and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, cull and 750 Under heifers4 com
medium cull and medium medium com
pounds 750 All
up, pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Feb. 7 10. 58 5. 50 10. 18 5.75 3.50 6. 40 6.02 4.20 4. 12
14 9. 35 5. 50 8. 92 5. 75 3. 50 6.45 6.12 4.26 4. 12
21 9.88 5. 50 9. 40 5.75 3. 50 G. 52 (i. 2S 4. 30 4.20
28 9. 95 5. 50 9. 52 5. 75 3. 50 6. 50 C. 25 4. 35 4.50
10.28 5. 50 9. 92 5. 75 3.50 6. 50 6. 25 4. 50 4. 62
14 9. 90 5. 70 9. 35 6. 15 3. 90 6. 60 6. 35 4. 60 4. 62
21 10.00 6.00 9.05 6.75 4.50 6.95 6. 70 4. 82 4.78
28 9.55 6.00 8.75 6.75 4. 50 7. 00 6.76 4.82 4.95
Apr. 4 10.02 6.00 9.05 6. 75 4.50 7. 00 6.76 4.75 6.00
11 9.22 5.80 8.60 6.75 4. 50 7. 00 6.76 4. 75 6.00
18 8.95 5. 50 8. 08 6. 75 4.50 6. 85 G.6S 4.62 6.00
25 8.22 5. 30 7.40 6. 55 4. 10 6.75 6.62 4. 50 5. 00
8. 40 5.25 7. 40 6. 50 4.00 6.76 0. 62 4.50 6.00
9 8.28 5.25 7.38 6. 55 4.00 6.7S 6.62 4. 50 4.92
16 8. 52 5.25 7.60 6. 75 4.05 6.75 6.62 150 4.88
23 8.52 5.25 7. 60 6.75 4.25 6.76 6.62 4.60 188
30 8.70 5.25 7. 70 6. 75 4. 25 6. 65 6. 52 4. 40 4. 70
June 6 8. 70 5.25 7.55 7. 00 4.25 6. 62 6. 50 4.38 150
13 7.72 4.65 6.82 6. 50 3. 90 6. 45 6.32 4.28 4. 20
20 7.78 4. 50 7.00 6.25 3. 75 6.25 6.12 4. 20 112
27 8.72 5. 10 7. 95 6.70 3.82 6.18 6.06 4.12 120
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)

Week ended— 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,

Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers),
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com Com Com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Good mon Good mon choice choice to
and and and and choice
choice me choic me
dium dium
1925 Dolls . Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4... 7.25 4. 32 8.68 5.28 7. 38 5. 62 7.12 5.62 4.50 3.50
11 7.25 4. 62 9. 35 5.32 7.42 5. 62 7. 18 5. 62 4.50 3.50
18 7.25 4.62 9.45 5. 52 7.50 5. 62 7. 25 5. 62 4.50 3.50
25 7. 25 4.62 8. 95 5. 22 7. 50 5.62 7. 25 5. 62 4.50 3.50
Aug. 1 7.25 4.62 9. 22 5. 12 7. 50 5. 62 7. 25 5. 62 4.50 3.42
8 7.25 4. 62 9. 40 5.12 7. 60 5. 52 7.45 5. 52 4.50 3.38
15 7.25 4. 72 9. 95 5.42 . 7.62 5. 50 7.50 5. 50 4. 50 3.38
6.90 4.50 10.52 6.66 7.62 5. 50 7.50 5. 40 4. 72
29 6.50 4. 25 10.40 6.66 7. 62 5. 50 7. 50 5. 38 4.88 3.38
Sept. 5 6.50 4. 25 10.05 5. 50 7.38 5. 38 7. 25 5. 25 4.88 3.38
12 6.50 4.25 10. 32 5. 50 7. 20 5. 20 7.08 5.08 4.88 3.38
19 6.50 4. 25 11.28 5. 70 7.28 5. 30 7.08 5. 10 4.88 3. 38
26 7.10 4. 85 11.85 6.80 7. 30 5. 32 7. 05 5.08 4.88 3.52
Oct. 3 7.00 4. 75 12.52 7. 25 7. 48 5. 25 7.24 5.00 4. 95 3.65
10 7.00 4.75 11.90 7. 25 7. 50 5. 25 7. 25 5.00 5.08 3.82
17 7.00 4. 75 10.95 6. 95 7.50 5. 38 7. 25 5. 12 5. 12 3.88
24 7.00 4. 75 10.70 6. 75 7. 60 5.60 7. 35 5. 35 5.12 3.58
31 7.00 4.75 10.90 6. 75 7. 62 5. 62 7.38 5. 38 5. 12 3. 62
Nov. 7 6. 85 4.60 10.70 6.60 7. 62 5. 62 7. 38 5. 38 5.12 3.68
14. 6.75 4.50 10.78 6.50 7. 62 5.62 7. 38 5. 38 5.12 3. 75
21 6.70 4.50 10.60 6.35 7. 62 5. 62 7. 38 5. 38 6. 12 3.90
28.. 6.50 4.50 10.16 5. 75 7. 62 5. 62 7. 38 5. 38 5.12 4.00
6.50 4.50 11.68 6. 95 7. 82 5. 82 7. 58 5. 58 5.12 4.08
12.... 6.50 4.50 10.90 7.00 7.98 6.20 7. 72 5. 95 5.20 4. 12
19 6.50 4.50 10.32 6. 80 8. 10 6. 48 7. 85 6. 20 5.25 4.12
26 6.50 4.50 10.69 6.94 8.12 6. 50 7. 88 6. 25 5.25 4. 12
Jan. 2. 6.50 4.50 11.98 7. 90 8.12 6. 50 7. 88 6. 25 5. 25 4.22

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
1,100 pounds up Heifers, pounds Cows, Bulls,
com- com- bo-
mon mon logna,
Choice Choice to
Me Com and Good Me Com choice to and
and | Good dium mon dium mon choice beef
prime prime
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. I Dolls. Dolls. Dolls, i Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
8. 50 7. 12 5 25 8. 19 6. 75 4. 88 5. 38 4. 12 3. 52
8. 30 7.00 5 20 7.98 6. 60 4. 78 5. 32 4.08 3. 62
8.05 6.88 5. 12 7. 80 6. 50 4. 75 5. 25 4. 12 3. 62
8.00 6.85 5. 12 7. 75 6. 50 4. 75 5. 30 4.12 3. 62
8.00 6.88 5. 12 7. 75 6. 50 4. 75 5. 28 4. 25 3. 60
8.00 6.88 5. 12 7. 75 6. 50 4. 75 5. 38 4. 05 3. 55
8.00 6.88 5. 12 7. 75 6. 50 4. 75 5. 38 4.00 3. 50
8.00 6.88 5 12 7. 75 6. 50 4. 75 5. 38 4. 12 3. 50
8.00 6.88 5 12 7. 75 6. 50 4. 75 5. 38 4. 12 3. 50
8. 12 7.12 5. 38 8.00 6. 75 5.00 5. 50 4. 50 3. 75
7.98 7.05 5. 38 7. 85 6.68 5.00 5. 50 4. 42 3. 75
7.88 7.00 5. 38 7. 75 6. 62 5.00 5. 50 4. 38 3. 75
7.88 7.00 5. 38 7. 75 6. 62 5.00 5. 50 4. 62 3. 75
7.88 7.00 5. 38 7. 75 6. 62 5.00 5. 50 4.75 3. 75
7.88 7.00 5. 38 7. 75 6. 62 5.00 5. 50 4.75 3. 75
7.98 7. 10 5 48 8. 05 6. 92 5. 30 ' 50 4. 75 3. 75
8. 12 7. 25 5. 62 8.40 7.38 5. 75 5. 50 4. 82 3. 75
8. 12 7. 25 5 62 8. 38 7. 38 5.75 5. 50 4. 88 3.75
7.88 6.88 5 38 8. 12 7.00 5. 50 5. 38 4. 75 3. 62
7.88 6.88 5 38 8. 12 7.00 5. 50 5. 38 4. 75 3. 62
7.88 6.88 5 38 S. 12 7. 00 5. 50 5.38 4. 75 3. 62
7.88 6. 75 5. 12 8. 00 ' 75 B. 02 5. 12 4. 50 3.60
7.88 6.75 5 12 8.00 ' 75 5.00 5. 12 4.50 3.50
7. 85 6. 70 5 OS 7. 92 0. 79 4.95 5. 02 4.32 3.50

Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Light and Cows Calves
Light to Heavy Heavy
(1,000 i medium Steers, and
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds (750 to com heifers,
and weight, common up) , com 1,000
heifers steers medium to choice mon to pounds), mon to
com Gan°dd ; —
mon to
to choice choice to common choice
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
2. 12 2. 12 7. 50 5.15 5. 75' 5. 52 3. 15 3.40 6. 05 4. 25
2. 20 2. 22 7. 40 5. 05 5. 70 5. 45 5. 12 3. 50 6. 10 4. 22
2. 50 2. 75 6. 90 4. 90 5. 62 5. 38 5. 12 3. 50 5. 90 4. 08
2. 60 2. 75 6. 62 4. 75 5. 62 5. 38 5. 12 3. 50 5.95 4.20
2. 70 2. 75 6. 72 5. 02 5. 75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 55 6. 00 4. 25
2. 65 2. OS 7.00 5. 12 5.75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 62 6. 08 4. 25
2. 65 2. 62 7. 45 5. 45 5. 75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 52 6.12 4. 25
2. 62 2. 62 7. 50 5. 50 5.75 5. 50 5. 38 3.50 6. 12 4. 25
2. 65 2. 62 7. 50 5. 50 5. 75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 50 6. 12 4. 25
2. 75 2. 75 7.62 5. 48 5. 75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 62 6. 12 4. 25
2. 70 2. 75 7. 95 5. 58 5.75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 75 6. 12 4. 25
2. 70 2. 75 7. 88 5. 50 5. 75 5. 50 5. 32 3. 75 6. 12 4. 25
2. 75 2. 75 7. 88 5. 50 5. 75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 75 6.12 4. 25
2.75 2. 75 7.88 5. 45 5. 75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 75 6. 12 4. 10
2.75 2. 75 7. 88 5.38 5.75 5.50 5.38 3. 75 6. 12 3. 88
2.75 2. 75 7.88 5. 38 5.75 5.50 5. 38 3. 75 6. 12 3. S8
2.75 2. 75 7. 98 5. 38 5.75 5. 50 5.38 3.75 6. 12 3. 88
2.82 2. 82 8.00 5. 38 5. 75 5. 50 5. 38 3. 75 6.12 3. 88
2.88 2.88 7. 75 5.32 5. 62 5. 50 5. 25 3. 62 6. 00 3.88
2.88 2.88 7. 38 5. 12 5. 62 5. 50 5. 25 3. 62 6.00 3.88
2.88 2.88 7.50 5. 12 5. 62 5. 50 5. 25 3.62 6.00 3.88
2. 42 i 2. 52 7. 05 4.88 5. 25 5. 12 4. 80 3. 55 5. 65 3. 75
2.38 2. 50 7.00 4.88 5.25 5.12 4. 75 3. 50 5.62 3.75
2.18 ! 2. 35 7.00 4. 88 3. 10 4.90 4. 60 3.50 5. 62 3. 75
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1923.
Table 73.—Cattle
—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds,
p( 1921-1925—
FORT WORTH—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com mon prime and Good Medium Com and
mon cutter
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7.62 6.25 4.50 7.25 5.88 4. 12 2.38
7.62 6.25 4.50 7. 25 5.88 4.12 2. 38
7.62 6.25 4.50 7.25 5. 82 4. 12 2.38
7.55 fi. 25 4.50 7.25 5. 78 4. 12 2.38
Aug. 7. 42 (i. 18 4.50 7.25 5.84 4.12 2. 38
7. 38 6. 12 4.50 7.25 5. §8 4.12 2. 38
7.38 6. 12 4.50 7. 25 5.88 4.12 2.38
7. 38 (i. 12 4.50 7.25 5.88 4.12 2.38
Sept. 7.25 5.88 4. 38 7. 12 5.62 4.00 2. 38
7.40 6. 02 4. 52 8. 62 7. 28 5. 78 4. 15 2.45
7.75 6.38 4. 88 9. 00 7. t',2 6.12 4.62 2.75
7.75 6.38 4.88 9. os 7.62 6.12 4. 62 2. 75
7.75 ti. 3b 4. 88 9. 12 7. 62 6.08 4.58 2.75
Oct. 7.75 6.38 4.88 9.12 7. 62 6.00 4.50 2.75
7.82 6. 45 4. 95 9.12 7.70 6.15 4. 65 2.90
7. 72 6. 42 5.00 8. 95 7.55 6. 15 4. 75 3.00
7. 8S 6.50 5.00 9. 00 7.50 6.12 4. 72 2. 95
Nov. 7.88 6.58 85.12 5.15 9. 05 7. 62 6.28 4. 78 2.86
7.75 6. 3s 9. 12 7. 70 6.20 4. 75 2.88
7.75 6.38 5. 12 9.12 7.62 6.12 4.75 2.88
7.75 6. 38 5. 12 9. 12 7.62 6.12 4.75 2. 88
Dec. 7. 91 6.59 5.19 7. 78 6.34 4.88 3.03
7.90 6.75 5.25 7. S8 6.50 5.00 3. 12
8.05 6.80 5. 30 7.92 6.55 5.05 3.18
6. 98 5.30 8.35 6.88 5.12 3.25
7.00 5.25 8.50 7.00 5.12 3.25
Jan. 7.15 5.25 8.65 7. 15 5.20 3.25
7. 25 5.25 8.75 • 7.25
7.25 5.25 3.25
7.25 5. 38 8.75 5.25 3.25
7. 25 5. 38 8. CO 7. 18 5.25 3.25
Feb. 7.25 5. 38 8.5(1 7. 12 5.25 3. 25
7.25 5. 38 8. 50 7.00 5.15 3. 25
7.25 5. 38 8.50 7.00 5.12 3. 25
7.30 5. 40 8.50 7. 02 5.15 3. 25
Mar. 7.45 5.46 8. 45 7.08 5.22 3.25
7. 25 5. 38 8.25 6.88 5.15 3.25
7. 25 5. 38 8. 25 6. 88 5.12 3.25
7. 25 5.38 8.25 6. 88 5.12 3.25
7.25 5. 38 8.25 6.88 5. 12 3.25
Apr. 7. 50 5. 62 8.50 7. 12 5. 38 3. 38
7. 62 5.75 8. 75 7.38 5. 38 3. 38
7.62 5.75 8. 62 7.22 5. 42 3. 38
7. 62 5. 75 8.50 7.20 5.40 3. 38
May 7.32 5.55 8.40 7. 05 5.35 3.38
7. 12 5. 38 8.25 6.88 5.25 3.38
7. 32 5.68 8.45 7. 18 5. 55 3. 58
7. 50 5.88 8.62 7. 38 5. 75 3. 75
7.45 5.80 8.55 7.22 5.60 3.68
June 7.38 5.75 8. 42 6.98 5.35 3.58
7. 38 5.75 8. 38 6.88 5.25 3.50
7. 32 5. 75 8.12 6. 78 5.25 3. 50
7.00 5.62 7. 75 6.62 5.25 3.50
July 7. 00 5.62 7.75 6.62 5. 25 3. 50
7.20 5. 72 7. 95 6.72 5.25 3.50
6.80 5.30 7. 75 6. 40 4.80 3.28
6.75 5.25 7.75 6.38 4.75 3.25
Aug. 6.75 5.20 7.75 6. 32 4. 70 3.25
6. 75 5. 12 7. 75 6.25 4. 62 3. 25
6.75 5. 12 7. 75 6.25 4.62 3. 25
6.75 5.12 7.75 6. 25 4.62 3. 25
6. 75 5.10 7.75 6. 25 4.60 3.22
Sept. 6. 6.85 5.00 7. 95 6.45 4.60 3.12
13. 6.75 4.88 8.00 6.38 4.38 3.00
20. 6.75 4.88 8.00 6. 38 4.38 3.00
27. 6. 75 4.88 8.00 6.38 4.38 3.00
Oct. 4. 6.60 4. 72 8.00 6.30 4. 30 3.00
11. 6.50 4. 62 8.00 6.25 4.25 3. 00
18. 6.50 4. 62 8.00 6.25 4. 25 3.00
25. 6.50 4. 62 8.00 6.25 4.25 3.00
Nov. 1. 6.50 4. 62 8.00 6.25 4.25 3.00
8. 6.50 4. 62 8.00 6.25 4.25 3.00
16. 6.50 4.62 8.00 6.25 4.25 3.00
22. 6.50 4.62 8.00 6.25 4.25 3.00
29. 6.50 4.62 ! 8.00 6.25 4. 25 3.00
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921—1925—
FORT WORTH—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice
and Good Medium Com mon prime and Good Medium Com mon
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Dec. 6. 6.50 4.75 8.00 6.25 4.25
13. 6.50 4.75 8.00 6. 25 4. 25
20. 6.50 4. 75 8.08 6. 40 4. 32
27. 6.50 4.75 8. 12 6.50 4. 38
Jan. 6.78 4.82 8.35 6. 65 4.45
6. 75 4. 75 8.15 6.42 4.32
6. 75 4.75 8.00 6.38 4. 38
6.75 4.75 8.00 6. 38 4.38
6.82 4.90 8. 08 6. 52 4.60
Feb. 6.92 5.10 8. 18 6. 72 4.85
7.00 5.25 8. 25 6.88 5.00
6.95 5.20 8.25 6. 82 4.95
6.78 5.12 8. 15 6. 65 4.88
Mar. 7. 6.85 5.32 8.12 6.72 5.08
14. 7.12 5.70 8.28 7.00 5.38
21. 7.28 5. 82 8.40 7.15 5. 52
28. 7. 32 5.88 8. 40 7.18 5.58
Apr. 4. 7. 42 6. 05 8. 55 7. 30 5. 80
11. 7.48 6.10 8.50 7. 30 5. 85
18. 7.62 6.25 8.58 7. 40 5.90
25. 7.58 6. 25 8.68 7. 42 5. 85
May 2. 7.62 6.15 8. 62 7. 50 5. 88
9. 7.62 6. 10 8. 62 7. 50 5. 88
16. 7.58 6.12 8. 58 7.45 5.88
23. 7.50 6.12 8.50 7.38 5.88
30. 7.50 6. 12 8.50 7.38 5. 88
June 6. 7.50 6.12 8.50 7.38 5.88
13. 7. 32 5.88 8. 40 7.20 5. 62
20. 7.12 5. 62 8. 25 7.00 5. 38
27. 7.38 5.78 8. 42 7. 15 5. 42
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,500 1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended— pounds Can-
up, good
and Choice Good Medi Com Medi
um mon Choice Good um
choice cutter
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 7.52 5.45 8. 75 7.28 5.22 3.60
11 7.50 5.38 8.75 7.25 5.12 3.50
18 7.50 5.38 8.75 7.25 5.12 3.50
25 7.50 5.30 8.75 7.25 5.05 3.35
Aug. 1 7.50 5.25 8.75 7.25 5.00 3.25
8 7.50 8 5.25 8.75 7.25 5.00 3.25
15 7.50 5.25 8.75 7.25 5.00 3.25
7.42 5.18 8.75 7.18 4. 92 3.25
29. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
Sept. sll 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
12.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
19.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3. 25
26.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
Oct. 3.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
10.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7. 12 4.88 3.25
17.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7. 12 4.88 3.25
24.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
31.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
Nov. 7.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
14.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3. 25
21.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
28.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
Dec. 5.. 7.38 5.12 8.75 7.12 4.88 3.25
12.. 7.38 5.20 8.70 7.12 4. 95 3.40
19.. 7.38 5.25 8.62 7.12 5.00 3.50
26.. 7.38 5.25 8.62 7.12 5.00 3.50
Jan. 2..„. 7.42 5.35 8.62 7. 18 5.10 3.65

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
FORT WORTH—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended— steers
and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and i (canner
down, and and choice medium cutter choice and
good and choice medium bologna)
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 5.50 3.88 4.50 3.38 2.00 3.88 2. 38
14 5.50 3.88 4.62 3. 38 2.12 3.88 2. 38
21 5.50 3.88 4.62 3. 38 2.22 3.88 2. 38
28 5.50 3.88 4.62 3.38 2. 25 3.88 2. 38
Aug. 4 5. 38 3. 72 4.50 3. 35 2.08 3.88 2. 38
11 5. 25 3.50 4. 38 3.25 1.88 3.88 2. 38
18 5.25 3. 50 4.38 3. 15 1.88 3.88 2. 38
25 5.25 3.52 4. 38 3. 12 2. 08 3.88 2.40
Sept. 1 5.25 3. 62 4.38 3.00 1.88 3.88 2.50
8 7.75 5.25 3.62 4. 55 3.08 1.94 3.95 2. 58
15 8. 12 5.35 3.62 4.62 3.22 2.06 4. 10 2.72
22. 8.20 5. 45 3.62 4.65 3. 25 2. 10 4. 12 2. 75
29 8.25 5.50 3.62 4.62 3.25 2. 10 4. 12 2. 75
Oct. 6.. 8.25 5.50 3.62 4.62 3. 25 2.10 4. 12 2.75
13 8. 32 5. 65 3.70 4.78 3. 32 2. 12 4.20 2.70
20 8.25 5.62 3. 75 4.68 3. 25 2.12 4. 25 2.58
27 8.25 5.50 3. 62 4. 45 3. 01 1.96 4. 10 2.56
Nov. 3 8.25 5.52 3.65 4. 45 3.02 2.04 4. 15 2. 58
10 8.25 5.62 3. 75 4. 48 3.03 1.94 4.20 2.62
17. 8.25 5.42 3. 55 4.07 2.76 1.78 4. 02 2.42
24 8.25 5. 38 3.50 4. 25 2.88 1.86 4.00 2.38
Dec. 1 8.31 5. 47 3. 72 4.50 3. 19 2. 12 4. 12 2.53
8. 8. 38 5.68 3.92 4.78 3.52 2. 42 4. 10 2.70
15 8.42 5. 70 3. 92 4.68 3. 42 2.26 4. 12 2. 75
22 8.85 6. 52 4. 12 4.82 3.52 2.26 4. 12 2.70
29 9.00 6.88 4. 12 4.69 3.42 2.25 4. 16 2.69
Jan. 5 9.00 6.88 4.08 4.78 3. 52 2. 39 4.25 2.86
12 9.00 6.88 4.00 4. 62 3. 38 2.25 4.25 2.88
19 9.00 6.88 4.00 4. 75 3.42 2.30 4. 25 2.88
26 8.85 6.80 4.00 4. 75 3.41 2.30 4.10 2.62
Feb. 2 8. 75 6.75 4.00 4. 95 3.60 2. 50 4.12 2.62
9 8.62 6.70 4.00 4. 85 3.58 2.44 4. 15 2.72
16 8.62 6. 45 3. 95 4.75 3. 38 2.25 4.25 2.75
23 8.65 6. 45 4.02 4. 88 3.70 2.58 4.25 2.75
Mar. 1 8.70 6.65 4. 12 5.20 3.85 2.62 4.25 2.82
8 8.50 6.90 4. 42 5. 25 3.82 2.52 4. 25 2.88
15 8.50 7.00 4. 62 5.50 3.88 2.42 4.25 2.88
22 8.50 7.00 4.60 5.50 3.88 2.48 4.25 2.88
29 8.50 7.00 4.50 5.50 3.88 2.42 4. 25 2.88
Apr. 5 8. 62 7.00 4.50 5.55 3.98 2.44 4.25 2.88
12 8.88 7.00 4.50 5.75 4.00 2.38 4. 25 2.88
19 8.68 7.00 4.50 5.82 4.15 2.48 4.25 2.88
26 8.38 7.00 4.50 5.88 4.25 2.50 4. 25 2.88
May 3_ 8.28 6.70 4. 25 5.68 4.00 2.30 4. 05 2.68
10 8.25 6.50 4. 12 5.52 3.92 2.32 4.00 2.62
17 8.35 6. 60 4.22 5. 78 4. 18 2.50 4. 05 2.68
24 8.40 6.58 4. 18 5.62 4.00 2.36 4. 12 2. 75
31... 8. 10 6.38 4.00 5.38 3.80 2.28 4. 12 2.75
June 7.. 8.00 6. 38 4.00 5.38 3. 75 2.24 4.12 2.75
14 8.00 6. 25 4.00 5. 38 3.75 2. 25 4. 12 2. 75
21 7.90 6.22 3.92 4.92 3. 42 2.04 3.92 2.58
28 7. 62 6.12 3.88 4. 58 3.25 2.00 3.88 2.50
July 5 7. 62 6.12 3. 97 4.86 3. 49 2.28 4.00 2 73
12 7.68 6. 18 4.00 5.02 3.50 2. 25 4.00 2. 75
19 7. 62 6. 25 4.00 4.82 3. 42 2.04 3.88 2.62
26 7.62 6.22 3. 98 4.82 3. 46 2.21 3.88 2.62
Aug. 2.. 7.62 6.22 3. 98 4. 72 3.40 2.24 3. 98 2.72
9 7.62 6.25 4.00 4.66 3.20 2.00 3.90 2. 65
16 . 7.62 6. 25 4.00 4.62 3. 12 2.00 3.88 2. 62
23 7. 62 6. 25 4.00 4.62 3. 12 2.02 3.88 2.62
30 7.62 6.25 3.92 4. 48 3.06 2.02 3.88 2.62
Sept. 6 .... 7. 72 6.45 3.98 4.52 3.20 2.28 3.88 2.62
13... 7.75 6.38 3. 75 4.48 3.03 2.06 3.88 2.62
20 .... 7. 75 6. 58 3.95 4. 52 3. 15 2.24 3.88 2.62
27 7.88 6.62 4.00 150 3.08 2.18 3.88 2. 62
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
FORT WORTH—Continued

Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended— steers
heifers, 850 All
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good
pounds up, good common and and and and
down, and and choice medium cutter choice i
good and choice medium
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 4 8. 38 6. 62 4.00 4. 38 3. 02 2. 16 3.88
11 8.38 6. 62 4.00 4. 38 3. 04 2. 20 3. 78
18 8. 18 6. 50 3. 88 4. 12 2. 88 2.01 3.62
25 8. 25 6.50 3.88 4.20 2. 96 2. 10 3. 78
Nov. 1 8. 25 6. 38 3. 70 4.20 2.98 2.12 3. 75
8 8. 25 6. 38 3. 71 4.25 3. 12 2.24 3. 75
15. 8. 25 6. 38 3. 75 4. 17 3.00 2. 20 3. 77
22 8. 25 6. 38 3. 75 4. 12 2.90 2. 16 3. 75
29 8. 25 6. 38 3. 75 4. 12 2.90 2. 19 3. 75
Dec. 6 8. 32 6. 52 3.90 4. 18 3.04 2. 35 3. 75
13 8. 38 6.58 3.95 4. 18 2. 98 2. 26 3. 59
20 8.80 6. 72 4.00 4. 12 2. 88 2.16 3. 55
27 9.00 6. 75 4.00 4. 12 2. 88 2. 12 3. 55
Jan. 3 6.90 4.08 4. 40 3. 19 2. 27 3. 78
10 6. 82 4. 02 4.41 3.09 2. 08 3. 94
17 6. 88 4. 12 4. 55 3. 14 2. 12 4. 12
24 6.88 4. 12 4.50 3. 10 2. 18 4.20
31 6. 95 4. 20 4. 58 3. 18 2. 24 4. 12
Feb. 7 7.00 4. 25 4. 62 3. 25 2. 25 4. 12
14 7.00 4.25 4.62 3. 25 2. 27 4. 12
21 7. 00 4.25 4. 62 3. 26 2. 32 4. 12
28 6. 98 4.32 4. 82 3. 32 2. 25 4.12
Mar. 7 7. 10 4. 58 5. 15 3. 60 2. 35 4.12
14 7. 28 4.85 5. 60 4. 05 2. 56 4.32
21 7.40 4.95 5. 65 4. 10 2.54 4.38
28 7.42 5. 05 5. 88 4.24 2. 60 4.38
Apr. 4 7. 65 5. 28 6. 10 4. 22 2. 55 4. 38
11 7.70 5. 32 5.92 4. 10 2. 52 4. 38
18 7. 78 5. 32 6.08 4. 08 2. 42 4. 38
25 7. 62 5. 25 5.88 3. 88 2. 25 4. 38
May 2 7. 62 5. 25 5. 92 3. 92 2.30 4. 38
9 7. 62 5. 25 6. 12 4. 25 2.50 4. 38
16 7. 62 5. 25 6. 32 4. 32 2. 55 4. 38
23 7.50 5.00 6.00 4. 00 2. 38 4. 38
30 7.50 5.00 5.70 3. 95 2.38 4. 38
June 6 7.50 5.00 5.56 3.91 2. 42 4. 32
13 7. 45 4.90 5. 56 3.94 2.54 3. 98
20 7.50 5.00 5. 68 4.09 2. 70 3.88
27 7. 68 5. 22 5.80 4.29 2.92 3.88
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
FORT WORTH—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended— steers
and 850 All Beef
Com Can- 1,500 Beef Canner
heifers pounds
under 850 up, weights, Good mon .ner pounds under to
1,500 medium
pounds, and good common and and and up, good pounds, (canner
good and choice and choice medi cutter and good and and
choice medium um choice choice 1 bologna)
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 8.92 7.65 5.05 5.58 3.96 2.38 3.88 2.88
11 8. 88 7. 58 5.00 5.50 3.94 2. 35 3. 88 2. 88
18 8. 95 7. 50 4.88 5.40 3. 78 2. 30 3. 88 2.88
25 9.00 ! 7. 50 4. 92 5.25 3. 65 2. 26 3. 88 2.88
Aug. 1 7. 50 4.80 5.05 3.48 2.24 3. 88 2.88
8 7. 50 4. 75 5. 05 3.41 2. 23 3. 88 2. 88
15 7. 70 4.95 5. 22 3. 56 2. 36 3.88 2. 88
22 7. 62 4. 75 5. 14 3.41 2. 20 3. 88 2. 88
29 7. 62 4. 75 5. 09 3.46 2. 30 3. 88 2.88
Sept. b'.'.V. 7. 62 4.75 5. 12 3. 55 2. 20 3. 88 2.88
12 7. 62 4. 85 5. 12 3.61 2. 30 3. 88 2. 88
19.... 7. 62 4. 88 5. 12 3. 65 2.44 3.88 2. 88
26 7. 65 4.92 5.28 3.80 2. 56 3. 88 2.88
Oct. 3.... 7. 75 5. 12 5.48 3.88 2. 62 3.88 2. 88
10 7. 68 4.98 5.30 3. 68 2.55 3.88 2. 88
17 7. 62 4.88 5. 32 3. 78 2. 68 4.00 3. 00
24 7.60 4.92 5. 25 3.72 2. 78 4.00 3.00
31 7. 50 4. 75 5.00 3.42 2.42 4.00 3.00
Nov. 7 7.45 4.65 5.00 3.47 2.44 4.00 3.00
14 7. 38 4.60 5.00 3.58 2.66 4. 00 3.00
21 7. 38 4. 62 5. 05 3. 55 2.61 4.00 3. 00
28 7.38 4.68 5.08 3.71 2. 75 4.00 3.00
Dec. 5 7. 38 4.68 5. 12 3.75 2. 75 4.00 3.00
12 7.48 4.85 5. 15 3. 78 2. 83 4.00 3. 05
19 7. 50 4. 95 5. 28 3. 90 3.04 4. 00 3. 20
26.... 7. 44 4.94 5. 25 3. 90 3.11 4. 28 3. 53
Jan. 2... 7. 38 4. 88 5. 12 3. 82 3.04 4.48 3.68

Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Under ! Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
Week ended— 190 ! 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, pounds, All com mon to
to | com- to to com com com weights, mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to inferior choice
choice choice

1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 6.50 3.25 5.50 5.00 2.62 4.25 4.25 2.25 3.25 4. 25
14 6.40 3. 25 5.48 4. 95 2.62 4. 25 4.25 2. 25 3. 25 4.25
21 6.25 3. 25 5.62 5.00 2.62 4. 25 4. 25 2. 25 3. 25 4. 25
28 6.25 3. 25 5. 62 5.00 2.62 4. 25 4. 25 2. 25 3. 25 4. 25
6.05 3. 18 5. 55 5.00 2.62 4. 25 4. 25 2. 25 3. 25 4.25
11 5.92 3.12 5.50 5.00 2.62 4. 25 4. 25 2.25 3.25 4.25
18 6.00 3. 12 5.50 5.00 2. 62 4.30 4.30 2. 35 3. 25 4. 25
25 6. 25 3. 14 5. 75 5.38 2.90 4.40 4.40 2. 52 3.25 4.28
Sept. 1 5.88 3.00 5.50 5. 12 2. 75 4.50 4.50 2.62 3. 25 4.38
8 5.88 3.00 5. 65 5.20 2.90 4.58 4.58 2.70 3.25 4.38
15... 6.22 3. 35 6.00 5.60 3. 22 4. 92 4. 82 2.95 3. 25 4.68
22 6.25 3.38 6.00 5.62 3. 25 5.00 4.88 3.00 3.25 4.70
29 6.08 3.32 5.82 5.45 3.20 5.00 4.88 3.00 3. 25 4.75
Oct. 6 5.70 3.20 5. 45 5.08 3.00 4.88 4. 75 3.00 3. 25 4. 75
13 6.02 3. 25 5. 65 5. 35 3.08 5.02 4.90 3.00 3. 25 4.75
20 6.12 3. 25 5.80 5.55 3. 12 5. 18 5.00 3.00 3. 25 4.75
27 5.95 3. 22 5.58 5.32 3.00 5.26 5.06 3.00 3.08 4.52
Nov. 3 5.85 3.28 5.50 5.25 2.95 5. 25 5.08 3.00 2.96 4.40
10 5.95 3.38 5. 55 5.25 2. 95 5.25 5.04 3.00 2.75 4. 42
17 5.62 3.25 5.25 4.88 2.75 5. 12 4.88 3.00 2.68 4. 12
24 5. 75 3.38 5.38 5.10 2.88 5. 12 4.S8 3.00 2.58 4. 12
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
FORT WORTH—Continued

Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
Week ended— 190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 TT, H„ and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, All
pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice

1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
5.50 3. 16 5.25 4.88 2.75 5. 12 4. 88 3.00 2.60 4. 12
6.30 3.68 6.05 5.65 3. 30 5.20 4.95 3.00 2. 90 4.58
6. 30 3. 78 6.00 5. 65 3. 38 5.30 5.05 3.02 3.00 4.78
6.05 3.50 5.52 5.15 3.08 5.50 5.25 3. 12 2. 95 4.38
6.03 3.50 5.56 5. 19 3.12 5.50 5.25 3.12 2.89 4.22
6.62 3.88 6.25 5.88 3.50 5.50 5. 25 3.12 2.95 4. 75
6.78 3.88 6.50 6.00 3.50 5.50 5.25 3. 12 2.95 4.75
6.58 3.62 6.20 5.90 3.45 5.50 5.25 3. 12 2. 95 4.75
6.22 3.42 5.85 5.60 3. 18 5.50 5.25 3.12 2.79 4.55
6.62 3.88 6.25 6.00 3.62 5.50 5.25 3.12 2.95 4.75
6.72 3.98 6. 45 6.20 3.72 5.50 5.25 3.12 2.95 4.75
6.62 3.90 6. 35 6.10 3. 62 5.50 5.25 3.12 2.88 4.75
6.60 3.88 6.30 6. 05 3.58 5.50 5. 25 3. 12 2. 95 4.82
7.25 4. 25 7.00 6. 75 3. 95 5.50 5. 25 3.12 3.00 4.88
7.38 4. 25 7.12 6.75 4.00 5.60 5.35 3. 18 3.00 5.18
15... 7.38 4. 25 7.12 6.75 4.00 5.85 5.60 3. 25 3.00 5.25
7.38 4. 25 7.12 6.75 4.00 5.88 5. 62 3. 25 3.00 5.25
7.18 4. 12 6.92 6.55 3.88 5.88 5.62 3.25 3.08 5.25
V * 12 7.20 4.20 6. 88 6.50 3.88 5.88 5.62 3. 25 3. 12 5.25
7.50 4. 25 7.00 6.50 3.88 5.88 5.62 3.25 3.12 5.25
7.25 4.00 6. 62 6.12 3.62 5.88 5.62 3.25 3.50 5.25
7.30 4.02 6. 68 6.15 3.65 5. 88 5.62 3.25 3.75 5.25
7.65 4. 25 6.82 6. 25 3.75 5.90 5.62 3. 25 3.75 5.25
6. 92 4.12 6.30 5.90 3. 62 5.88 5.62 3. 25 3.75 5.25
17 7.08 4.28 6.40 5.98 3.68 5.88 5.62 3. 25 3.75 5. 15
7.55 4. 48 6. 82 6.22 3.75 5.88 5.48 3.25 3.70 5.00
31 7.62 4.45 6.80 6.20 3.70 5.98 5.48 3.25 3.62 4.88
7.30 4.25 6.32 5.82 3.42 6.00 5.50 3. 25 3.62 4.78
6.90 4.00 6.05 5.65 3.28 6.00 5.50 3.25 3.62 4.62
21 6.40 3. 72 5.85 5.48 3.20 5.80 5.22 3. 15 3. 48 4.48
28.. 5. 92 3.38 5.42 5.18 3. 05 5.75 5. 12 3.12 3.38 4.25
July 5. 6.38 3.75 6.00 5.54 3.38 5. 75 5.12 3. 12 3.38 4.38
12 6. 68 3. 90 6. 15 5.72 3. 28 5. 75 5. 12 3. 12 3.38 4.38
19 5. 95 3. 55 5.40 5. 05 2. 98 5.60 4.92 3.08 3. 28 4.10
26. 6. 12 3.62 5.50 5. 15 3.05 5.50 4. 75 3.00 3. 12 4.00
Aug. 2 5.90 3.58 5.40 4.90 2.95 5.50 4.75 3.00 3. 12 4.00
9. - 5.65 3.50 5. 15 4.52 2.75 5.50 4. 75 3.00 3. 12 4.00
5.98 3.60 5.30 4.92 2.90 5.50 4. 75 3.00 3. 12 4.00
23- .... 6. 55 3. 90 5. 68 5.08 3.00 5. 50 4.75 3.00 3. 12 4.00
30 6.42 3.88 5. 58 4.80 3.00 5.50 4.75 3.00 3. 12 4.00
Sept 6. 6.78 4. 22 6. 10 5. 18 3.35 5.50 4.75 3.00 3. 12 4.00
13 - 6.32 4.00 5.88 4. 50 2. 95 5.50 4.75 3.00 3. 12 3.88
20 6.92 4.30 5. 70 4.45 2. 88 5.50 4.75 3.00 3. 12 3.92
27 7. 12 4. 38 5.95 4. 95 3.18 5.50 4. 75 3.00 3.22 4. 10
Oct. 4- - 6.88 4.25 5. 75 4.85 3. 25 4.56 2.81
11. 6. 85 4. 25 5.62 4.78 3. 20 4. 50 2.75
18 6.62 4.02 5. 25 4.28 2. 65 4.50 2. 75
25 6. 70 4. 15 5.50 4.50 2. 80 4.50 2. 75
Nov. 1 - 6.50 4.00 5.38 4. 28 2. 78 4. 50 2. 75
8. 6.50 4.00 5.38 4.40 2.82 4. 50 2. 75
15. 6. 35 3.92 5.08 4.32 2. 75 4. 64 2. 75
22— 6. 15 3.78 4.85 4.22 2. 78 4. 68 2. 75
29 6. 12 3.75 4.91 4.38 2. 88 4.68 2.75 3. 18 4. 25
Dec. 6 6. 12 3. 75 5. 15 4.60 2.88 4. 82 4.72 2. 82 3. 30 4.25
13. 6. 12 3. 85 5.25 4. 75 2.88 4.84 4. 77 2.88 3. 28 4.25
20.. 6.42 4.02 5.55 4. 96 3.02 4.94 4.86 2.88 3. 25 4. 45
27 6. 97 4.38 6. 19 5.56 3.38 4.95 4.88 2.88 3. 25 4.50
Jan. 3 7.58 4.78 6.78 5.99 3. 60 5.00 4.88 2.88 3.25 4.88
10 7. 10 4.35 6.40 5.48 3.30 5.00 4.88 2.88 3.25 5.00
17 7.42 4.50 6.88 5.85 3.48 5.25 5.00 2.88 3. 25 5.00
24. 7.38 4.60 6.88 6.02 3.60 5.35 5.05 2.88 3.30 5.05
31 7.45 4.70 6.70 5. 75 3. 50 5.50 5. 12 2.88 3.38 5.00

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
FORT WORTH—Continued
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers,
All com mon com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, pounds weights, to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Feb. 7 7.80 4 95 7.05 5. 95 3. 70 5.62 5. 25 2.98 3.42 5.28
14 7.88 5 00 7.05 5.95 3. 68 5. 75 5. 41 3. 12 3.50 5.38
21 7.78 5 DO 6. 90 5.88 3. 68 5. 75 5. 55 3. 12 3.50 5.32
28 7.62 5 00 6.62 5.75 3. 62 5.75 5. 55 3. 12 3. 50 5.28
Mar. 7 8.00 5 25 7.00 6.00 3. 75 5.98 5. 72 3.42 3. 70 5.50
14..I 8.60 5. 70 7.38 6. 22 3. 98 6.25 6. 00 3.68 3. 78 5. 35
21 8.35 5. 55 7. 12 6.08 4. 00 6.25 6. 00 3.92 3.88 5.20
2S 8.38 5. 45 7. 05 6. 10 4. 00 6.08 5. 82 3.88 3.88 5. 20
Apr. 4. 8. 70 5. 50 7. 35 6.38 4. 00 6. 12 5. 92 3.88 3.88 5.25
11.11.. 8. 75 5. 50 7.50 6. 38 4. 00 6.04 5. 85 3.88 3.88 5.25
18 8. 65 5. 50 7. 40 6.38 4. 00 6. 10 5. 88 3.88 3.88 5.25
25 8.20 5. 35 6. 95 6.22 4. 00 6.00 5. 08 3.88 3.88
May 2 7. 95 5. 02 6.60 5.92 3. 88 6.20 5. 95 3.88 3.88
9 8.02 5. 12 6.50 5. 75 3. 75 6.25 6. 12 3.88 3.88
16 8. 10 5. 32 6.68 6.28 4. 05 6.25 6. 08 3.88
23 8. 25 5. 40 6.85 6.38 4. 12 6.20 5. 95 3. 88
30 - 8.20 5. 40 6.90 6.38 4. 12 6. 12 5. 88 3.88
June 6 7.80 5. 12 6. 72 6.42 4. 12 6. 12 5. 88 3.88
13. 7. 48 4. 98 6. 48 5.98 3. 95 6. 12. 5. 88 3.88
20 7.32 4. 78 6.32 5.75 3. 78 6. 12 5. 88 3.88
27 7.78 5. 10 6. 90 6.35 4. 18 6.12 5. 88 3.88
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)
800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows,
Week ended- Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com
dium and dium and mon mon
to com to com Com Com to to
choice mon choice mon Good mon Good mon choice choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 6.50 3.90 7.48 4.82 5.08 4.78 3. 10
11 6. 80 4. 18 8. 12 5.15 5.12 4. 75 3.05
18 6. 22 3.85 7. 32 4.70 5.00 4. 62 3.00
25 6. 12 3. 82 7.22 4.68 5.00 4.02 3.00
Aug. 1 6. 15 3.90 7. 22 4.70 5.00 4. 62 3.00
8 6. 72 4.22 7. 68 4.95 5.00 4. 62 3.00
15 7. 10 4. 38 7.80 5. 05 5.00 4. 62 3.00
22 f». 00 4. 20 7. 72 4. OS 5.00 4. 62 3.00
29 6.00 3.80 7.76 4.88 5.00 4. 62 3.00
Sept. 5 6.02 3. 85 7.98 4.98 5.00 4. 62 2.90
12 6.50 4. 12 8.00 5.00 5.00 4. 62 2. 88
19 6.88 4. 42 8. 18 5. 28 5. 12 4. 95 2. 88
26 6. 70 4. 22 8. 15 5.28 5.12 5. 00 2. 88
Oct. 3 7.02 4. 90 9.05 5. 85 5. 12 5. 00 2.88
10 7.15 4. 62 8. 60 5. 50 5. 12 5.00 2.88
17 6. 45 4. 12 8. 00 5. 12 5. 12 6.88 5.00 2.88
24 6.93 4. 50 8. 15 5. 30 5. 22 6.88 5.00 2. 88
31 6.74 4. 48 8.00 5. 25 5. 38 5.00 2.88
Nov. 7 6.22 4. 18 7.88 5. 20 7. 12 5. 45 5.00 2.98
14 5. 50 3.65 7. 28 4. 65 5. 50 5. 00 3. 02
21 5. 70 3.90 7. 40 4.75 5. 50 5.00 3.08
28-..\ 6. 23 4. 16 7.50 4. 75 5. 50 5.00 3.11
Dec. 5 6. 35 4. 22 7.50 4. 75 7.12 5.50 6.88 5.00 3. 12
12 6.76 4. 45 7.50 4. 75 5.58 6.95 5.20 3. 25
19—. 6. 65 4. 42 7.50 4. 75 7. 50 5. 88 7. 25 5. 50 3.50
26.... 6.92 4. 75 7.56 5.00 7.50 5. 88 7. 25 5. 50 3. 50
Jan. 2 7. 57 5.28 8. 00 5. 62 7.50 7. 25 5. 50 3. 50
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up pounds
Heifers, Cows,
ended— com com
mon mon
Choice Choice
Me Com and Good Me- Com- to to
and Good dium mon prime dium mon choice choice
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
12. 03 10.48 8.99 8.01 11. 66 9.88 8.25 7.03 7.15 5.74
11.36 10.12 8.91 8. 07 11.00 9. 56 8.20 7.25 7. 06 5.83
10.22 9.17 8.29 7. 73 9.96 8.08 7. 75 7. 08 6. 82 5.71
9.44 S. 58 8.03 7. 46 9.21 8.20 7. 57 6. 86 0. 51 5. 48
8. 77 7. 95 7. 40 6.84 8.52 7. 62 7. 02 6.31 5. 98 5.02
8.93 8. 23 7. 69 7. 12 8.68 7. 94 7.37 6. 59 5. 82 4. 96
9. 25 8. 66 & 09 7. 52 9.11 n 8.75
8. 42 7. 79 7.03 6. 44 5. 40
9. .54 8. 97 8.37 7. 75 9. 45 8.08 7.31 6.64 5.59
y. 99 9. 33 8. 74 8. 15 9. 80 9. 12 8.48 7.68 7.00 6.00
10.03 9. 34 8. 70 8.11 9. 82 9. 10 8.42 7.62 6. 85 5.90
9.80 9. 12 8. 43 7. 84 9.67 8. 89 8.14 7.41 6. 77 5.84
9. 83 9. 22 8. 69 8. 15 9. 72 9. 10 8.50 7. 78 7. 05 6. 23
9. 18 8.60 8. 10 7.62 9. 06 8. 44 7.95 7.17 6. 76 5. 87
8. 98 8.42 8. 01 7. 52 8. 89 8. 25 7.81 7.19 6. 75 5. 86
8. 48 7. 92 7. 53 7.12 8. 53 7. 83 7.39 6. 91 6.41 5.62
8. 49 7. 89 7. 46 7.06 8. 76 7. 99 7. 44 6.90 6. 64 5. 79
8.18 7. 62 7. 25 6.83 8. 43 7.72 7. 23 6.69 6. 46 5.64
8. 70 8. 15 7. 77 7. 37 8. 81 8.15 7. 73 7.20 6. 73 5. 83
8. 78 8. 21 7. 79 7. 33 8. 77 8. 14 7.70 7. 11 6. 62 5. 67
S. 70 8. 16 7. 78 7. 28 8. 66 8. 04 7.60 7. 06 6.50 5. 01
8. 23 7. 74 7. 33 6. 87 8. 36 7.80 7. 37 6. 74 6. 20 5.41
8. 62 8. 19 7. 70 7.09 8. 72 8.20 7. 07 6. 89 6. 07 5. 27
8. 52 7. 94 7. 45 6.70 8. 59 7. 95 7.39 6.51 5.80 4. 90
8. 44 7. 03 7. 44 0.64 8.00 7. 92 7. 33 O. 43 5.81 4. 88
8. 24 7. 76 7.28 6. 40 8. 46 7. 78 7.09 6.11 5. 73 4. 73
8. OO 7. 54 7. 02 0.11 8. 33 7. 62 6. 87 5. 74 5. 65 4. 03
8. 06 7.57 6. 98 5. 93 8. 52 7.84 6.88 5. 60 5. 50 4.03
8. 62 8.21 7.47 0.17 9. 14 8. 54 7. 45 5. 90 5. 93 4. 99
8. 82 8. 37 7. 52 0. 07 9. 34 8. 68 7. 49 5. 67 5. 82 4. 69
9. 19 8. 79 7. 80 0.25 9. 60 8. 97 7.63 5. 74 5.98 4. 70
9.51 8. 93 7.81 0. 15 9. 71 9.08 7.63 5. 71 5. 87 4. 39
9. 97 9. 21 7.95 0. 13 10.02 9.31 7. 70 5. 68 5. 93 4. 47
9. 83 8. 82 7.37 5. 75 9.93 8. 90 7.22 5. 26 5. 76 4. 38
9. 59 8. 43 6. 81 5.25 9. 80 8. 52 6. 66 4. 79 5. 81 4. 40
9. 59 8. 32 6. 57 5. 09 9. 77 8.38 6. 42 4. 68 6.05 4. 45
9. 53 8. 28 6. 57 5.11 9.75 8. 36 6. 42 4. 69 6.17 4. 58
9.35 8. 26 6. 55 5. 13 9. 80 8. 40 6. 45 4. 73 6. 14 4. 58
9. 29 8. 28 6. 68 5.27 9. 86 8. 58 6. 58 4. 90 6. 18 4. 74
9. 27 8.20 6. 55 5.11 9. 93 8. 55 6. 48 4. 78 6. 07 4.70
9. 34 8.18 6. 43 4. 90 10.04 8. 45 6. 40 4. 60 5. 89 4. 49
9. 53 8.57 6. 89 5. 18 10.30 8. 80 6. 87 4. 79 5. 79 4.41
9. 55 8. 56 6. 87 5. 12 10.42 8. 83 6. 87 4. 76 5. 25 4. 30
9. 59 8. 49 6.83 5. 11 10.59 8. 85 6. 85 4. 81 5.83 4. 45
9. 43 8. 26 6. 78 5. 12 10.69 8. 84 6.83 4. 90 6. 00 4. 62
9. 58 7. 84 6. 36 4.93 10.60 8. 46 6. 36 4. 74 5.89 4. 46
9. 34 7. 46 5. 90 4. 70 10.48 8. 13 5.92 4. 52 5.64 4. 28
9. 36 7.51 5.91 4. 72 10. 49 8. 12 5. 98 4. 64 5. 74 4. 47
9. 12 7. 48 5. 96 4.80 10.29 8.12 6. 01 4.66 5. 74 4.38
9. 12 7. 70 6. 41. 5.17 10. 42 8.38 6. 40 4. 97 5. 83 4. 44
8. 85 7.52 6. 35 5.20 10.18 8. 17 0. 34 4. 99 5. 74 4. 34
8. 47 7. 12 6.04 5.05 9.84 7. 84 6.04 4. 87 5. 62 4. 32
8. 58 7. 36 6.34 5. 40 9. 45 7.81 6. 32 5. 22 5. 64 4. 42
8. 52 7.30 6. 18 5. 38 9. 00 7.56 6. 24 5. 22 5.55 4. 36
8. 66 7.47 6. 42 5. 00 9.06 7.72 6. 47 5. 46 5.51 4. 40
8. 69 7. 54 6. 56 5. 78 7. 70 6. 60 5.65 5. 50 4. 42
8. 66 7.50 6.58 5. 84 7. 64 6. 62 5. 73 5. 49 4.38
8.60 7.52 6. 62 5. 87 8. 75 7. 60 6.61 5. 80 5.34 4. 48
8. 58 7. 56 6. 73 5.96 8. 52 7. 48 6. 62 5. 84 5.31 4.57
8. 65 7. 72 6. 96 0. 10 8. 55 7. 55 6. 70 5. 93 5. 60 4. 72
8. 76 7. 92 7. 22 0. 48 8. 56 7. 09 7. 00 6. 24 5. 78 4. 90
8. 85 8.04 7. 42 6. 70 8. 62 7. 84 7. 25 6.56 6. 00 5. 16
8. 80 8.06 7. 44 0. 80 8. 62 7. 88 7. 32 6. 68 5. 98 5. 12
8. 50 7. 82 7.22 0. 02 8. 34 7. 05 7. 11 6.50 6.00 5. 20
8. 54 7.83 7.26 0. 07 S. 42 7. 70 7. 12 6. 50 5. 93 5.26
8. 40 7. 69 7. 06 6. 52 8. 27 7. 56 6. 96 6. 36 5. 94 5. 16
8. 55 7. 92 7.30 6.71 S. 56 7. 93 7. 28 6. 60 6. 18 5.34
8. 48 7. 86 7.36 6.75 8. 62 8. 02 7. 43 6. 72 6. 25 5. 44
8.51 8. 00 7.60 6. 98 8. 66 8. 09 7. 60 0. 91 6.25 5. 36
8.68 8. 16 7. 72 7. 13 8. 70 8. 18 7/72 7.01 6. 46 5. 49

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up Heifers, pounds Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Choice to
Me Com and Good ' Me Com choice to and
and Good dium mon prime dium mon choice beef
1922 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
May 6 8.80 8. 30 7.82 7.23 8. 86 8. 36 7.88 7. 14 6.82 5. 82 4.82
13.... 8.68 8.13 7.64 7.15 8. 70 8. 18 7. 70 7.04 6.88 5.80 4. 96
20 8.54 7.98 7.50 7.08 8. 62 8.03 7. 50 6.92 6.74 5. 68 5.00
27 8.62 8.14 7.67 7.19 8.77 8.24 7.72 7.09 6. 74 5.54 4.84
June 3 8.78 8.35 7.92 7.35 8.86 8. 40 7.92 7.30 6. 85 5.44 4. 62
10 9.07 8.71 8. 30 7.71 9. 19 8.74 8. 30 7.60 7.05 5. 54 4. 68
17 9.16 8.71 8.23 7.69 9.26 8.71 8. 21 7.54 7.04 5. 46 4.64
24 9. 20 8.54 7.76 6.97 9.20 8. 48 7.67 6. 83 6.69 5. 01 4. 56
July 1 9. 35 8.74 7.98 7.12 9.26 8. 59 7.81 6. 89 6.68 5. 09 4. 55
8 9.78 9.30 8. 61 7.59 9.69 9.12 8. 38 7.35 6.92 5.25 4.62
15 9.98 9.44 8. 65 7.56 9.88 9.24 8.36 7.23 7.12 5. 32 4. 96
22 10.12 9. 42 8.43 7.24 9.96 9. 18 8. 12 6. 85 7.10 5.34 4.90
29 10.00 9. 20 8.08 6.86 9.76 8.90 7.69 6.30 6.74 5. 12 4.58
Aug. 5 10.23 9.44 8.32 7.04 9.99 9.15 8.00 6.40 6.82 5. 34 4.50
12 10. 19 9.34 8.16 6.72 9.94 9.09 7.82 6. 06 6. 72 5. 21 4. 28
19 10.38 9.56 8.24 6.59 10.25 9.35 7.94 5. 98 6. 88 5. 18 4.12
26 10. 32 9.36 7.94 6.36 10.24 9. 14 7.64 5.80 6. 82 5.09 4. 12
Sept. 2 10.26 9.20 7.75 6.22 10. 16 8.92 7.36 5.64 6.58 4. 72 4.00
9 10.20 9.04 7.67 6. 16 10.06 8.80 7.29 5. 56 6. 70 4.80 4.16
16 10.28 9. 14 7.76 6.17 10.16 8.89 7.39 5.60 6.92 4. 92 4.25
23 10.74 9.43 7.92 6. 26 10.55 9.17 7.58 5. 73 7.13 5.23 4.38
30 10.98 9.47 7.80 6. 14 <10. 77 9.17 7.41 5.60 6.94 5.11 4.19
Oct. 7 11. 26 9. 49 7.66 5. 98 10.93 9. 16 7.24 5. 38 6.72 4.98 3.99
14 11.38 9.41 7.52 5.86 11.00 9.06 7.11 5. 22 6.62 4. 96 3.99
21 11.63 9.82 7.76 5.86 11.28 9.46 7.41 5.34 6.62 5.05 4.00
28 12.00 9.94 7.81 5.80 11.58 9.60 7.48 5.39 6.44 4.92 3.94
Nov. 4 12.03 9. 84 7.60 5.60 11.60 9. 46 7.22 5.22 6.20 4. 68 3.78
11 12. 08 9.80 7.52 5.56 11. 69 9.46 7.14 5. 18 6. 24 4.76 3.94
18 12.08 9.92 7.68 5.68 11. 75 9.62 7.32 5.38 6.42 5.00 4.27
25 12.12 9.98 7.76 5.72 11.81 9.72 7.45 5.43 6. 26 4. 96 4.21
Dec. 2 12.16 10. 18 8.08 5.98 11.88 9.91 7. 78 5.68 6.20 4.88 4.19
9 12.20 10.26 8.22 6.17 11.95 9.96 7.88 5.84 6. 10 4.73 4.23
16 12. 14 10.21 8.18 6.16 11.93 9.92 7.84 5. 82 6.16 4.79 4.25
23 11.92 10.03 8.09 6.16 11.78 9.76 7. 72 5.83 6.20 4.90 4. 25
30 11.62 9.93 8.14 6.28 11.45 9.61 7.74 5.92 6.18 4.95 4.39
Jan. 6 10.88 9.72 8.32 6.60 10. 73 9. 51 7.98 6.22 6.32 5. 14 4.63
13 10.71 9.54 8. 15 6.60 10.53 9. 34 7.89 6. 22 6.28 5. 14 4. 73
20.-.. 10.96 9.55 8. 18 6.66 10. 76 9.34 7.92 6. 31 6.32 5.20 4.75
27 11.02 9.64 8.30 6.82 10.70 9.42 8.04 6.47 6. 28 5.14 4.68
Feb. 3 10.78 9.34 8.05 6.70 10.58 9.15 7.80 6.38 6.16 5.00 4.57
10 10.68 9.29 8.10 6.80 10.48 9.10 7.85 6.50 6.28 5.05 4.64
17 10.52 9.23 8.13 6.90 10.32 9.03 7.88 6.60 6.40 5.20 4.70
24 10.32 9. 13 8.13 6.98 10.10 8.90 7. 82 6. 61 6.50 5.30 4.82
Mar. 3 10.24 9.18 8.20 7.06 9.99 8.92 7. 92 6.70 6.44 5.29 4.90
10 9.92 8.92 8.00 6.98 9.77 8.70 7.74 6. 63 6.36 5.31 4.88
17 9.92 8.99 8.11 7.06 9.78 8.76 7.86 6. 73 6. 48 5.44 5.03
24 9.94 9.06 8. 25 7. 23 9. 87 8.90 8.02 6. 92 6. 66 5.68 5.12
31 9. 70 8.88 8. 16 7. 18 O. 69 8. 80 7. 96 6. 94 6. 70 5. 70 5. 22
Apr. 7 9.74 8.97 8.32 7. 36 9.75 8.92 8.10 7.06 6. 81 5. 78 5.24
14 9.64 8.94 8. 34 7.46 9.64 8.86 8.08 7. 10 6.68 5.80 5.22
21 9. 66 8.92 8. 34 7.50 9.66 8.86 8.06 7.06 6.64 5.81 5.22
28 9.72 8.98 8. 37 7.54 9.64 8.80 8.00 7.04 6.62 5.85 5.32
May 5 9.82 9. 10 8.48 7.64 9.68 8.84 8.06 7.08 6.66 5.98 5. 38
12 10.02 9. 35 8.78 7.86 9.89 9. 14 8. 37 7. 31 6.87 6.06 5.45
19 10.18 9.60 9.01 8. 06 10. 10 9.48 8.64 7.50 7.06 6.07 5.60
26 10.38 9.72 9.06 7.97 10.26 9.60 8. 70 7.44 7.03 5.94 5.54
June 2 10.60 9.94 9. 16 7.96 10. 46 9.72 8.73 7. 46 7.06 5.84 5.36
9 10. 81 10. 16 9.26 7.94 10.64 9.86 8. 76 7. 31 6.95 5. 69 5.25
16 10.86 10.16 9.17 7. 79 10.64 9. 82 8. 65 7.06 6.94 5.74 5.10
23 10.97 10. 32 9.38 6.96 10.82 10. 05 8.90 7. 27 7.16 5.90 5.16
30.... 10. 67 9.90 9.08 7. 81 10.50 9.64 8.58 7. 15 7. 02 5.58 5. 14
33764—27 15
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-192&—-

Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle


Week Heavy Light and Cows Calves

ended— Light to Heavy (1,000 medium Steers, and
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds (750 to com heifers,
and steers weight, common up), com 1,000 mon to com Good Com
heifers medium pounds), choice mon
to choice to choice mon to
choice common mon to and and
choice choice diumme
to choice
1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 3.68 4. 15 11. 10 7.48 8.39 7.72 6. 19 4.90 8.03 5.68
15. ... 3. 71 4.23 10.25 6.60 8.40 7.84 6.58 5.15 8.03 5.68.
22 3.76 4.25 10.50 6.53 8.25 7.88 6.62 5.18 8. 00 5.63
29 3.75 4.15 10.50 6.48 7.85 7.58 6.44 4.94 7.73 5.60.
Feb. 5 3. 65 4. 13 9. 65 5.83 7.26 7.06 5. 93 4. 65 7.10 5.13
12 3.54 3. 95 9.65 5.98 7.24 7.01 6. 13 4.61 6. 78 4. 85
19 3.69 3. 90 9. 55 6. 40 7.51 7.32 6.48 4. 83 6.78 4. 93
26 .. 3.56 3.75 10.00 7.08 7.91 7.65 6.81 4. 95 7.15 5.28
Mar. 5 3. 83 3. 83 10.63 7.60 8.56 8.20 7.45 5.21 7.85 5. 73.
12 3.66 3.78 9. 45 6. 53 8.63 8.25 7.52 5.38 7. 23 5. 28
19 3.59 3. 75 8.90 6.10 8.37 8.09 7.29 5.38 6. 95 5.15
26 3.80 3.88 8.63 6.30 8.43 8. 15 7.29 5.40 7.36 5.43
Apr. 2 3.57 3.75 7. 33 5.90 8.03 7.70 6. 77 5. 17 7.30 5.38.
9 3.45 3. 75 7. 25 6.00 8.07 7. 81 6.69 5.14 7.88 5.75
16 3.08 3.53 7. 35 6.05 7.61 7.47 6.24 4. 65 7.53 5. 48
23 3.00 3.50 8.08 6.65 7.46 7.32 6. 02 4. 46 7. 50 5.38
30 3.23 3. 55 8.08 6.68 7.30 7.15 5. 93 4.37 7.25 5.25
May 7 3.34 3. 75 8.43 7.03 7.59 7.47 6.41 4. 87 7.60 5. 00
14 3.25 3. 68 7.73 6.15 7.62 7.48 6.43 4. 97 7.13 5. 15.
21 3.25 3. 63 7.15 5.78 7.48 7.30 6.18 4.99 6.75 4.88
28 3.14 3. 55 7. 10 5.75 7.14 6.90 5.71 4. 83 6. 75 4. 80
2.94 7.27 7.04
2.55 3.38
June 4 5.98 6.79 5.45 4. 55 6.60 4. 53
11 3. 18 7.25 5.90 7.04 0.79 5.04 4.37 0.50 4.38
18 2.60- 3. 13 7.30 5.88 7.13 6. 85 5. 67 4. 33 6. 68 4. 38.
25 2. 55 3. 13 7. 73 6.08 6.94 6.67 5. 48 4.30 6.75 4.38
July 2 2.48 2.93 7.23 5. 53 6.50 6. 19 4. 83 4.11 6.35 4.20,
9 2. 38 2. 75 7.25 5. 56 6. 57 6.25 4. 91 4.00 6.03 4.03
16 .... 2.59 2. 75 8.13 6.28 6. 70 6.40 5. 16 4.00 6.20 4. 20
23 .... 2.50 2.75 7. 33 5. 55 6.85 6.49 5. 34 4.04 5.78 4.05
30 2.73 2.85 7.08 5.45 6. 82 6. 47 5. 38 4.08 5.70 4.00
Aug. 2.63 3.00 6.83 5.05 6.98 6.55 5. 41 3. 95 5.75 3.93
13..— 2.63 3.00 6. 38 4.80 7.02 6.56 5.42 3.93 5. 75 3. 88.
20 2. 50 2.83 6. 30 4.70 6. 62 6. 18 5. 17 3. 25 5. 75 3.88
27 ... 2.50 2. 56 7. 25 5. 13 6.27 5.81 4.79 3. 25 5.95 4.08
Sept. 3 2. 50 2.50 8. 13 6.03 6.15 5. 70 4.83 3.84 6.45 4.60"
10— 2.60 2.50 8. 25 6.00 6. 18 5.80 5. 11 3.88 6.50 4.63
17 .... 2.63 2.63 8.43 5.50 6. 16 5. 80 5.13 3.88 6.08 4.25-
24 ... 2. 73 2.85 8. 50 4.90 6. 13 5.85 5.12 4.03 5. 78 4. 13
Oct. 1 2. 77 2.88 8.50 4. 75 6.06 5.84 5. 12 4. 13 5.68 4. 13
8 2.69 2.88 8. 50 4. 73 5.78 5. 66 5.02 4.03 6.00 4.25
15 . 2. 61 2.88 8. 43 5.08 5. 92 5.83 5. 12 4.00 6.25 4. 50'
22 2. 55 2.88 8. 38 5. 13 6.05 5. 96 5.25 3.94 6. 30 4. 55
29 2.65 2.88 8. 38 5. 13 5.95 5.83 5.23 3.93 6.38 4.63
Nov. 5 2.85 2. 98 8.48 5.28 5. 92 5. 79 5. 21 3. 92 6. 52 4. 70
12 2.82 3.00 7. 78 4.62 5.63 5.52 4. 96 3.92 5,78 4. 0O<
19 2.77 2. 95 6.80 4.05 5.48 5. 32 4. 73 3.88 5.25 3.62
26 2.86 2.88 6.84 4.56 5.62 5. 52 4.84 3. 95 5.59 3.844
Dec. 3 2. 82 2.80 7.60 5. 52 5. 50 5.40 4. 82 3.93 6.08 4.38
10 2.72 2.82 7. 32 5.45 5. 66 5. 58 5.00 3. 87 6.28 4.52!
17 2.49 2. 75 6.88 5.00 5. 76 5. 74 5. 14 3. 72 6.00 4.00
24 2.68 2.82 6.88 5.00 5.75 5.70 5.18 3.66 6.00 4.00»
31 2.75 2.88 7.20 5.30 5.83 5.83 5.24 3.74 6.28 4. 35 .
2. 75 2.88 7.62 5.62 5.88 5.90 5. 32 3.99 6.38 4.50.
14 2. 77 2.98 7. 72 5. 72 5. 90 5. 97 5. 38 4. 07 6.48 4. 60 .
21 2.80 3. 12 7. 72 5. 80 6.09 6. 10 5. 52 4.20 6.62 4. 35
28 2.82 3. 12 8. 22 6.02 6. 18 6. 19 5. 67 4.30 6. 62 4.82
Feb. 4 2. 96 3. 12 8. 18 5.88 6. 12 6. 12 5.62 4. 40 6. 62 4.83
11 3.03 3. 12 7. 55 5. 32 6.11 6. 12 5.58 4.54 6.38 4. 52:
18 3. 17 3. 32 8. 10 5. 92 6. 34 6. 33 5.76 4.65 6.75 5.00^
25 3.31 3. 38 8. 60 6. 18 6.64 6.66 6.08 4. 76 6. 88 5. 12'
Mar. 4 3. 52 3.62 9. 12 6.58 6.85 6. 79 6. 30 4.99 7.15 5. 52.
11 3. 50 3. 62 8. 40 5.98 6.88 6.84 6. 34 5.00 6.92 5.15
18 3. 53 3. 62 7.92 5. 48 6. 72 6.68 6.17 5.00 G.78 5.00
25 3. 52 3. 72 7.28 5. 12 6. 67 6.63 6. 10 4.95 6. 75 5.00,

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Week Heavy, Light and Cows Calves

ended— Light to Heavy 1,000 medium, Steers, and
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds 750 to com heifers,
and steers weight, 1,000
common up, com pounds, mon to com Good Com
heifers medium to choice mon to common choice mon to and and mon
to choice choice to choice me
choice choice dium.

1922 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Apr. 1 3.38 3. 62 7.08 5.32 6.55 6.50 5. 95 4.75 6. 90 5.08
8 3.48 3.68 7.85 6.20 6.79 6. 75 6.28 4. 92 7.25 5.62
15 3. 62 3.88 7. 20 5. 85 6.92 6.88 6.54 5.00 7.25 5.68
22 3. 58 3.88 6. 55 5. 55 6.99 6.99 6.64 5.00 7.25 5. 62
29 3. 66 3.95 7.28 6.32 7.00 7.00 6.75 5.08 7.32 5.80
May 6 3.91 4. 22 7. 85 6. 78 7. 10 7. 14 6. 95 5.24 7.48 6.05
13 3. 92 4.25 7.55 6. 45 7.18 7.28 6. 96 5.25 7.58 6.02
20 3. 81 4.25 7. 75 6. 50 7. 01 7.04 6.43 5.11 7. 50 5.90
27 3.66 4.25 8.08 6. 88 7.06 7.12 6. 32 4.98 7.40 5.88
June 3 3. 48 4.25 8.25 7.00 7.18 7.25 6.45 4.88 7.50 6. 00
10 3. 37 4. 12 8. 52 7.10 7.26 7.36 6.54 4.88 7.55 6. 00
17 3. 40 4.08 7.98 6. 58 7.24 7.34 6. 49 4.88 7.45 5. 75
24 2.87 3.98 6.82 5.50 6.97 7.04 6.14 4. 62 7.00 5.12
July l 2.98 3.88 7.08 5.78 7.00 7.04 6.29 4. 56 7.00 5.12
8 3. 12 3.94 7.56 6.25 7.11 7.13 6. 42 4.62 6.88 5. 33
15 3. 12 4.00 7.75 6.32 7.36 7.38 6.60 4. 66 7.35 5.48
22 3.08 4. 12 7.50 6.12 7.44 7.40 6.65 4.68 7.35 5.48
29 2.94 3.92 7. 55 6.08 7.23 7.18 6.37 4.60 7.25 5. 28
Aug. 5 3.16 3.62 7.85 6.22 7.32 7.26 6. 39 4. 60 7.25 5. 25
12 2.99 3. 52 7.88 6.05 7.32 7.24 6. 36 4. 60 7. 40 5. 30
19 2.90 3.50 8.82 6.48 7.28 7.16 6.33 4. 60 7.40 5. 55
26 2.88 3.50 8.95 6.52 7.19 7.06 6.34 4.52 7.40 5.70
Sept. 2 2.69 3.38 8.62 5. 95 6. 92 6.81 6.11 4.25 7.00 5.38
9 2.70 3.38 8.62 5.78 7.00 6.88 6.15 4. 28 7.00 5.38
16 2.73 3.38 8.85 5.82 6.98 6.82 6. 12 4.50 7.00 5.38
23 2.96 3. 58 9. 15 5.88 7.00 6.86 6. 18 4.66 7.25 5.45
30 2. 90 3.62 9.08 5.68 6.88 6.74 6.10 4.54 7.25 5.35
Oct. 7 2.82 3.28 8.50 5.25 6.64 6.52 5.90 4. 48 7.12 5.25
14 2.88 3. 15 8.42 5.35 6.70 6. 61 6. 07 4. 40 7.12 5.25
21 2.92 3. 12 8.50 5. 50 6.70 6.62 6.08 4. 38 7.38 5.32
28 2.80 3.02 8.72 5. 45 6.78 6.68 6.16 4. 32 7.48 5.32
Nov. 4 2. 58 2.70 8.08 4.85 6.55 6. 52 5. 99 4.26 7.20 4.88
11 2.72 2.72 8.05 4.88 6.46 6.46 5. 91 4.25 7.12 4.82
18 2.98 2.96 8.18 5. 18 6.56 6.53 5. 14 4.26 7.20 4. 91
25 3. 16 3.16 7.15 5.04 6.46 6. 42 6.11 4.22 7.18 4.88
Dec. 2 3. 12 3.25 6.75 4.88 6.10 6. 32 5.92 4.11 7.00 4.75
9 2.74 3.04 7.35 5.20 6.32 6. 30 5.88 3.94 7.00 4. 75
16 2.75 3.00 7.50 5.25 6.30 6.31 5.86 3.88 7.00 4. 75
23 2.91 3. 14 7.70 5.35 6.36 6.42 5.98 3.98 7.08 4. 92
30 3. 01 3.25 8.09 5.72 6. 42 6. 47 6.05 4.05 7. 12 5. 09
an. 6 3. 17 3.42 8.98 6.60 6.60 6.65 6.21 4.20 7.25 6.45
13 3.04 3.50 8.92 6.48 6.68 6.73 6.30 4. 21 7.10 5. 25
20 3.06 3. 50 8.58 6.05 7.06 7.10 6.63 4.37 7.12 5. 25
27 3.00 3. 46 8.98 6.25 7.14 7.18 6.66 4. 30 7.12 5. 25
Feb. 3 2.96 3.50 9.28 6.45 7.06 7.06 6.52 4.30 7.02 5. 15
10 . 3.02 3. 50 9.25 6. 50 7.14 7.10 6.54 4.38 7.00 5. 12
17 3. 12 3. 55 9.45 6.65 7.13 7.10 6. 50 4.38 7.05 5.18
24 3.20 3.62 10.12 7.15 7.36 7.32 6.68 4.50 7.38 5. 50
Mar. 3 3.24 3.72 9.38 6.65 7.38 7.34 6. 71 4.50 7.38 5. 50
10 3.25 3.75 8.32 6.00 7. 38 7.34 6.7« 4. 50 7.38 5.40
17 3.36 3.75 8.20 6.02 1 7. 42 7.38 6.84 4.54 7.38 5.38
24 3.60 1 4.00 9.20 7.05 7.36 7.30 6.76 4.75 7.48 5.60
31 3.56 4.00 8.28 6.42 7.35 7.32 6.75 4.80 7.50 5. 52
Apr. 7 3.54 4.00 8.08 6.40 7. 38 7.36 6.83 4.82 7.50 5. 58
14 3.55 4.00 7.48 6.15 | 7. 40 7. 32 6.80 4.82 7. 52 5. 62
21 3.52 4.00 7.22 6.00
6.25 !1 7.38 7.32 6.80 4.75 7. 50 5.62
28 3.50 ! 4.00 7.55 7. 30 7.25 6.80 4.68 7. 50 5. 62
May 5 3.50 i 4.00 7.75 | 6.50 ! 7.58 7.50 7.08 4.70 7.50 5. 62
12 3.54 4. 10 7.92 6.62 1 7.69 I 7.60 7. 16 4. 75 7.50 5.62
19 3. 56 4. 12 8.60 7.02 1 7.71 7.63 7. 10 4. 75 7. 62 5.95
26 3.50 4.12 8.12 7.02 1 7.56 7. 45 6. 75 4.75 7. 62 0.00
June 2 3. 42 4. 12 7.78 6.58 ! 7. 78 7. 66 6.92 4.75 7.55 5.90
9 3.22 4.02 7.75 1 6.50 7.80 7.68 6.92 4.56 7.48 5.70
16 3.20 i 3.85 7.85 6.55 i 7.90 7.78 6.94 4. 40 7.38 5.42
23 3.25 3.75 8.22 6.80 7.98 7.88 7.02 4. 44 7. 42 5. 55
30 3.04 3. 72 7.58 6.08 7. 92 7.80 6.90 4.48 7. 50 5. 02
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1923.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 10.75 9. 96 9.09 7.76 10.52 9.62 8. 56 7.05 4.44
14 10.82 9.98 9. 01 7.64 10.58 9.62 8. 51 7.00 4. 38
21 10.88 9.89 8. 78 7.52 10.62 9. 62 8.50 6. 92 4.30
28 10.88 9.83 8. 72 7. 45 10.58 9.58 8. 45 6. 86 4.25
Aug. 4 . 10.86 9.68 8.52 7.25 10. 60 9.44 8.27 6.62 4. 12
11 .... 11. 16 9. 97 8.70 7.29 10.90 9.70 8. 45 6. 66 4. 12
18 11.31 10.05 8.76 7. 30 10.98 9. 76 8.48 6. 66 4. 12
25 11. 67 10.22 8.84 7.30 11. 36 9.90 8.54 6.66 4. 12
Sept. 1... 11.88 10. 37 8.84 7. 25 11.68 10.01 8.51 6.62 1. 12
8 11. 86 10.33 8.76 7.13 11.66 10.03 8.49 6.54 4.12
15 11.77 10.24 8.66 7.04 11. 43 9.92 8. 45 6.45 4.12
22 11.68 10. 16 8.56 6.90 11. 33 9.80 8.38 6.40 4.12
29 11.42 9.90 8. 38 6.75 11. 16 9.62 8. 18 6.25 4.08
Oct. 6 11. 38 9.88 8.38 6. 75 11. 12 9.62 8. 18 6. 19 4.02
13 11.38 9.84 8.30 6.70 11. 12 9. 62 8. 14 6. 14 4.00
20 11.38 9.82 8.25 6.68 11. 12 9. 62 8. 12 6. 12 4.00
27 11.30 9.74 8.15 6.64 11.08 9.58 8.08 6.08 4.00
Nov. 3. 11. 25 9.60 7.94 6.46 11.11 9.51 7. 86 5.94 4.00
10 11.25 9.60 7.92 6.42 11.25 9. 55 7. 85 5.92 4.00
17 11.25 9.62 7.80 6.25 11.38 9.68 7.92 6.00 4.00
24 11.25 9.62 7.75 6.25 11.38 9.68 7.92 6.00 4.00
Dec. 1 11.25 9.72 8.02 6.32 11.38 9. 82 8.15 6.08 4.00
8 11.28 9.84 8.26 6.44 11.40 9.96 8.38 6. 19 4.00
15 11. 38 9.92 8. 22 6.42 11. SO 10. 05 8. 35 6. 18 4.00
22 11.38 9.88 8.12 6.38 11.50 10.00 8.25 6. 12 4.00
11.38 9.89 8.16 6.39 11.50 10.02 8.28 6.14 4.00
11.38 9.88 8.12 6.38 11.50 10.10 8. 25 6. 12 4.00
12 11. 38 9.78 8.02 6.22 11.50 10.02 8.25 6.12 4.00
19 11. 25 9.75 8.00 6.12 11.38 10.00 8. 25 6. 12 4.00
26 11.20 9.70 8.00 6.12 11. 32 9.92 8.22 6. 12 4.00
Feb. 2 11.00 9.50 8.00 6.12 11. 12 9.62 8. 12 6.12 4.00
9 11.00 9.50 8.00 6. 12 11. 12 9.62 8.12 6.12 4.00
16. 11.00 9.50 8.00 6. 12 11. 12 9.62 8. 12 6. 12 4.00
23 11.00 9.50 8.00 6.12 11. 12 9.62 8. 12 6. 12 4.00
Mar. 1 10.95 9.45 8.00 6.08 11.02 9. 52 8.08 6.08 4.00
8 10.99 9. 62 8. 10 6.10 10.99 9.58 8. 10 6.10 4.00
15 11.00 9.82 8.42 6.62 11.00 9.62 8.12 6.32 4.30
22 11.05 9.98 8.55 6.80 11.00 9.72 8.28 6.48 4.38
29 11. 12 10. 12 8.62 6.88 11.00 9.88 8.50 6.62 4.38
Apr. 5 11. 15 10.25 8.88 7.00 11.02 10.00 8.62 6.75 4. 62
12 11.38 10.34 8.88 7.00 11.22 10. 09 8.62 6.75 4.62
19 11.42 10.38 8. 87 7.00 11.25 10.05 8.55 6.75 4.62
26 11.48 10.40 8.88 7.00 11.25 10.00 8.50 6.75 4.62
May 3 11.24 10. 14 8.76 7.00 10.94 9.70 8.38 6.75 4.62
10 11.38 10. 16 8.75 7.00 11.09 9.74 8.38 6.75 4.62
17 11.38 10. 19 8.70 7.00 11.03 9.72 8.38 6.75 4.62
24 11. 15 10.02 8.60 7.00 10.87 9.66 8.38 6.75 4.62
31 10.96 9.93 8.55 7.00 10.62 9.53 8. 36 6.75 4.62
June 7 10.88 9.88 8.55 7.00 10.52 9.42 8.30 6.75 4.62
14 10.81 9.84 8. 55 7.00 10.46 9.38 8.28 6.75 4.62
21 10M4 9.57 8. 42 6.94 10.12 9. 18 8.14 6.62 4.54
28. 10.26 9.40 8. 15 6.56 9.97 9.12 7.86 6.12 4. 32
July 5 10.31 9. 43 8.04 6.29 10.06 9. 18 7.66 5.64 4.12
12 10. 36 9. 46 8.04 6.44 10. 11 9.22 7.70 5. 82 4.25
19. 10. 30 9. 36 8.03 6.38 10.12 9. 20 7.68 5.88 4. 32
26 10.36 9.40 8.02 6. 37 10.24 9.24 7.64 5.82 4.30
Aug. 2... 10.96 10.06 8.46 6.54 10.86 9.77 7.77 5.75 4.25
9.. 10.78 9.89 8.26 6.32 10.68 9.68 7.73 5.68 4. 18
16.. 10.59 9.65 7.98 5.75 10.56 9.58 7.54 5. 12 3. 75
23.. 10.49 9. 45 7.90 5.66 10.66 9.50 7.51 5. 12 ■ 3.75
30. 10. 30 9. 28 7.70 5.52 10.55 9.42 7.36 5.05
Sept. 6 10.46 9.44 7.69 5.42 10.64 9.58 7.39 5.00 3. 75
13 10.60 9.53 8.60 5.36 10.73 9. 60 7. 30 4.94 3.75
20 10.50 9.36 7.35 5.18 10.60 9.38 7.09 4.86 3.75
27 10.50 9. 32 7.25 5.05 10.60 9.32 7.00 4.80 3.75
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—

Slaughter cattle—Beef steers

1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds*
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 4 10.64 9.45 7.34 5. 10 10. 88 9.52 7.09 4.84 3.75
11 10.78 9.68 7.59 5. 18 11. 14 9.84 7.34 4.90 3.75
18 10.90 9. 82 7.76 5. 22 11.30 10. 04 7. 51 4. 80 3.75
25 11.05 9.88 7. 80 5.22 11.44 10. 14 7.55 4. 92 3.70
Nov. 1 10. 74 9.64 7.66 5.14 11.47 10. 25 7.70 5.03 3.70
8 10.66 9.52 7.58 5.06 11.46 10. 25 7.74 5. 06 3.70
15 10. 70 9. 47 7.55 5. 05 11.52 10. 25 7.75 5. 05 3.70
22. 10. 75 9. 40 7.45 5. 00 11.58 10. 25 7.75 5. 05 3.70
29 10. 94 9.64 7.69 5.16 11.74 10.41 7. 94 5. 16 3. 70
Dec. 6 11.18 9. 75 7.78 5.26 12. 04 10.59 8. 08 5.26 3.73
13 11.23 9. 65 7.73 5. 23 12. 47 10. 64 8. 07 5. 26 3.74
20 11. 19 9.52 7. 61 5.12 12. 62 10. 51 7.88 5. 12 3.59
27 11. 41 9.96 7.90 5.24 12.66 10. 67 8.09 5. 21 3. 62
Jan. 3 11.48 10.08 8.06 5. 36 12.55 10. 72 8.20 5.30 3. 62
10 11.52 10. 14 8.17 5.51 12. 47 10.76 8. 30 5.44 3. 76
17 11.60 10.28 8.38 5.80 12.53 10. 92 8.54 5.72 3.98
24 11.44 10. 24 8.42 6. 00 12. 48 10. 82 8.53 5. 92 4. 18
31 11.46 10.28 8.52 6.09 12. 37 10. 85 8.50 6. 03 4. 22
Feb. 7 11. 42 10.18 8.49 6. 18 12.28 10. 75 8.50 6. 13 4. 32
14 11.08 9.86 8.20 6. 12 11.98 10. 36 8.18 6. 07 4.38
21 11. 07 9. 90 8.21 6.29 11.96 10. 32 8.24 6.27 4.55
28 11.22 10. 12 8.40 6. 47 12.04 10. 47 8.50 6. 42 4.64
Mar. 7 11.45 10. 44 8.65 6. 76 12. 12 10. 63 8.72 6.60 4.80
14 11.47 10.41 8.79 6. 92 12. 05 10.66 8. 85 6.74 4.86
21.. 11.20 10. 14 8. 75 6. 95 11.68 10. 38 8.83 6.88 4. 92
28 11.05 10. 04 8.84 7. 02 11.52 10. 34 8.89 6. 96 5.00
Apr. 4 11.08 10. 08 8.92 7. 08 11.48 10.38 8.98 7.03 5.14
11 11.03 10. 16 9. 05 7. 24 11.38 10. 46 9. 12 7.18 5. 36
18 10. 96 10.06 9. 14 7. 40 11.34 10. 43 9. 18 7.29 5.42
25. 10.81 9.76 8.98 7. 32 11.08 10. 10 9. 04 7. 28 5.40
May 2 10. 70 9. 80 8. 94 7. 45 11.02 10. 10 8. 98 7.30 5. 37
9 10. 72 9.83 8.94 7. 43 11.11 10. 18 9.04 7.21 5.25
16.. 10.81 9.92 9.03 7.54 11.24 10. 25 9. 16 7.29 5.25
23 10.59 9.64 8.77 7. 29 10.98 9. 96 8. 92 7.05 5.04
30 10.55 9.60 8.70 7. 18 10.94 9. 92 8. 85 6. 92 4. 92
June 6 10. 73 9. 92 8. 96 7. 25 11.20 10. 30 9. 12 7.04 4. 97
13 10. 80 9. 98 8. 86 6. 96 11.12 10. 18 8.94 6.82 4. 74
20 10. 82 9. 92 8.77 6.70 11. 16 10.12 8.87 6.46 4.23
27 11.38 10.38 9. 18 7. 01 11.61 10.56 9.22 6. 72 4.34
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 19B1-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers

1,500 1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds

Week ended— pounus
up, good
and Me Com Me Com Canner
choice Choice Good dium mon Choice Good dium mon cutterand

1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 11.53 11.96 10.88 9.32 6.94 12.03 10.94 9.31 6.74 4.40
11 11.94 12.59 11.30 9.27 6.61 12.50 11. 14 9.06 6. 32 4.14
18 12.34 13.02 11.39 9.30 6.51 12.95 11.30 8.98 6.20 4.02
25 12.50 13. 30 11.48 9. 18 6.47 13.20 11. 38 8.94 6.20 3.90
Aug. 1-__ 12.70 13.52 11.62 9.04 6.26 13. 36 11. 55 8.86 6.04 3.84
8 13. 10 13.99 11.75 9.03 6.25 13. 81 11.70 8. 86 6.02 3.82
15 13.24 14. 21 11.52 8.65 6.06 14. 12 11.52 8.45 5.82 3. 78
22... 13.00 13. 97 11.26 8. 39 5.97 13.92 11.23 8.18 5.69 3.75
29. 12.98 13. 85 11. 13 8.21 5.90 13.79 11. 10 7.99 5.58 3.75
Sept. 5 13.08 13.92 11.06 7.98 5.61 13.85 11.02 7.80 5. 45 3.67
12 13. 32 14. 10 11.35 8. 18 5.60 14.03 11.25 7.98 5.47 3.62
19 13. 55 14.22 11.50 8. 42 5.75 14.11 11.37 8.24 5.62 3.62
26.. 13.69 14.31 11.45 8.40 5.79 14. 18 11. 31 8.20 5. 66 3.73
Oct. 3 13.81 14.41 11.56 8.48 5.90 14. 30 11. 35 8.18 5.74 3.86
10 13. 97 14. 50 11.70 8.53 5.96 14.38 11.42 8.28 5.79 3.92
17 14.00 14.48 11.61 8. 33 5.88 14. 36 11.31 8.14 5.70 3.92
24.... 13. 85 14. 35 11. 48 8.33 5.94 14.08 11.18 8. 14 5. 76 3.98
31 13.58 14. 10 11.26 8.18 5.88 13. 61 10.95 8. 01 5. 67 3.94
Nov. 7 13.44 14.00 11.27 8.18 5.90 13.46 10.95 8. 10 5.74 4.-00
14 13.05 13.63 11.00 8.02 5.84 13.23 10.68 8.02 5.72 4.D0
21 12.50 13. 14 10.58 7.95 5.82 13. 12 10.49 7.95 5.70 4.00
28 12.16 12. 72 10.37 8.05 5.96 12.71 10.31 8.00 5.82 4. 11
Dec. 5 11.96 12.42 10.38 8.24 6.26 12.26 10. 18 8. 14 6.04 4.40
12 11.50 11.98 10. 18 8. 30 6.38 11.72 9.95 8.20 6. 18 4.50
19.... 11.36 11.78 10.06 8.40 6.48 11.62 9.86 8.26 6.30 4.50
26 11. 32 11.72 10.10 8.54 6.65 11.60 9.92 8.34 6. 39 4.50
11. 18 11.56 9.94 8. 44 6.64 11.44 9.82 8. 30 6. 38 4.50

Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended— steers
and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and (canner
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 and
good and choice medium bologna)
192:5 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 9. 46 7. 88 5.50 6. 55 4. 38 2.66 5.55 3.91
14. 9. 49 7.88 5.50 6. 55 4. 32 2.74 5.64 4. 02
21. 9. 44 7.78 5.50 6. 55 4. 32 2. 62 5.70 4. 20
28. 9.40 7. 75 5.50 6.55 4. 32 2.72 5.71 4.20
Aug. 4. 9.42 7. 75 5.50 6. 48 4. 18 2. 55 5. 48 3. 70
11. 9.64 7. 81 5. 51 6.44 4. 14 2. 52 5. 12 3.50
18. 9.78 7. 90 5. 58 6. 52 4. 30 2.60 5.18 3.50
25. 9.90 7.92 5.62 6.61 4. 42 2.67 5.25 3.50
Sept. 1. 9. 97 7.85 5.50 6.58 4. 32 2.62 5. 25 3.50
8. 9. 92 7.79 5. 42 6. 48 4.28 2.62 5. 25 3.50
15. 9. 88 7.75 5. 38 6. 38 4. 25 2.62 5. 25 3.50
9.88 7. 78 5.38 6.38 4.28 2. 68 5.28 3.52
9.88 7.88 5. 38 6. 38 4. 32 2.74 5.24 3.56
Oct. 6 9.88 7.88 5. 38 6. 38 4. 36 2.82 5.00 3.28
13 9.88 7.88 5. 38 6.38 4. 38 2.86 5.02 3.28
20 9. 88 7.88 5. 38 6. 38 4. 38 2.86 5. 05 3. 30
27 9.88 7. 82 5.25 6.20 4. 21 2.73 5.00 3. 25
Nov. 3 9.90 7. 65 4.90 5.90 3.80 2. 42 4. 94 3.22
10 10.00 7. 62 4.88 5.88 3. 82 2.47 4. 92 3.12
17 10.00 7. 62 4.88 5.88 3.76 2.42 4. 92 3.12
24 10.00 7.62 4.88 5.88 3. 75 2.28 4.92 3.02
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended— steers
and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good I medium
pounds up, good common and and and and
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 (canner
good and choice medium bologna)
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Dec. 1. 10.00 7.62 4.88 5.88 3.88 2.54 4. 92 3.00
8. 10. 02 7.78 4.95 5.88 3.88 2.58 4. 96 3. 18
15- 10.12 8.12 5.20 5.88 3. 88 2.62 4. 92 3. 18
10. 12 8. 12 5.00 5.88 3.88 2.62 4.88 3. 12
29_ 8. 12 5.00 5.97 4.06 2. 81 4. 97 3.31
Jan. 5.. 8. 12 4. 92 6. 12 4. 12 2.86 5.25 S. 62
12.. 8.12 4.88 6.02 4.02 2.76 5. 38 3. 75
19.. 8.00 4.88 5.88 4.00 2.75 5. 38 3. 72
26.. 8.00 4.88 5. 85 4.00 2.75 5. 48 3. 80
Feb. 2.. 7.90 4.88 5. 75 4.00 2.75 5.50 3. 75
9.. 7.88 4.62 5. 75 4.00 2.81 5.50 3.75
16.. 7.80 4.62 5.75 4.00 2. 82 5.35 3. 68
23.. 7. 75 4.62 5.75 4.00 2.88 5.25 3.62
Mar. 1.. 7.75 4. 62 5.75 4.00 2.88 5.30 3.68
8.. 7. 95 4.82 5.90 4. 12 2.98 5.38 3. 85
15.. 8.00 5.08 6.20 4. 32 3.00 5.38 3. 88
8.00 5.12 6.25 4. 48 3. 10 5. 38 3. 88
29. 8.00 5. 12 6.35 4. 72 3.22 5. 36 3. 86
Apr. 5. 8.00 5. 12 6.58 4.88 3. 14 5. 32 3. 82
12. 8.00 5. 12 6.67 4. 88 3. 12 5. 30 3. 80
19. 8.00 5. 12 6.72 4. 88 3. 12 5. 32 3. 82
26. 7.80 5.12 6.84 4. 88 3. 12 5.36 3. 86
May 3. 7. 75 5.12 6.88 4. 88 3. 12 5. 38 3. 88
10. 7.88 5.12 6.88 4.88 3. 05 5.42 3.92
17. 7.88 5.12 6.98 4.90 3.00 5.42 3. 92
24. 7.88 5.12 7.00 4.88 3.00 5.40 3. 92
31. 7.88 5. 12 6.91 4. 85 3.09 5.30 3. 92
June 7. 7.82 5. 12 6.70 4. 75 3. 10 5.35 3. 92
14. 7.75 5. 12 6.62 4.68 3.05 5.42 3. 92
21. 7.70 5.09 6.45 4.49 2.84 5.32 3.88
28. 7.53 4. 97 6.28 4. 20 2. 52 5.25 3. 82
July 5. 7. 56 4.96 6.38 4.26 2.60 5.25 3.82
12.. 7.70 5.00 6.58 4.42 2.71 5.34 3.88
19.. 7.68 5.00 6.39 4.20 2.62 5. 24 3.82
26. 7.62 5.00 6. 29 4.08 2.58 5. 24 3.84
Aug. 2.. 7. 74 5.00 6.45 4.20 2.70 5.30 3.88
9-. 7.85 5.00 6. 34 4.06 2.61 5.22 3.80
16.. 8.08 5.00 6.25 3.88 2. 50 5. 02 3.60
8.08 5.00 6.19 3.88 2.40 5.00 3. 55
30. 8.00 4.96 6.18 3.89 2.42 5.00 3.49
Sept. 6. 8.11 4.98 6. 31 4.12 2. 74 5.00 3.45
13. 8.18 5.00 6.20 3.92 2.64 4.92 3. 30
20. 8. 18 5.00 6.23 3.98 2.74 5.00 3. 38
27. 8.18 5.00 6. 12 3.88 2.75 4.98 3.35
Oct. 4. 8.20 5.00 6.04 3. 85 2.75 4.75 3.18
11. 8.25 5.00 5. 94 3.82 2.55 4.39 3.08
18. 8. 33 5.03 5. 72 3. 74 2.44 4.20 2. 96
25. 10. 8.52 5. 14 5. 82 3.91 2.56 4.24 2. 98
Nov. 1. 10. 8.79 5.29 5.92 4.18 2.86 4.38 3. 25
10. 8.80 5. 30 5.92 4.25 3.00 4.50 3.32
15. 10. 8.68 5. 18 5.84 4.08 2.84 4.44 3.2S
22. 10. 8.51 5.01 5.70 3.92 2.66 4.22 3.13
29. 10. 8.55 5.05 5.69 3.95 2.70 4.22 3.10
Dec. 6. 10. 8.56 5.06 5. 72 3.88 2.66 4.18 3.06
13. 10. 8.50 5.00 5.66 3.82 2. 56 4.18 3.05
20. 10. 8.32 4.92 5. 39 3.62 2.55 4.18 3.04
27. 10. 8.44 4.98 5.48 3.94 2. 71 4.32 3.09
1 Beef yearlings excluded,

Table 73.— Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— and 850 All Canner
heifers, pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good i medium to
800 up, good common and and and and
pounds and and choice medium cutter choice 1 (canner
down, and
good and choice medium bologna)
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 3 10. 70 8.44 5.02 5.69 4.06 2. 75 4.68 3.44
10.... 10 73 8.38 5.00 5.75 4. 12 2. 75 4. 75 3.50
17 10. 75 8.42 5.04 5.77 4.16 2. 77 4.82 3.50
24 10. 75 8.46 5. 10 5.84 4.24 2.80 4.94 3.52
31 10. 79 8.62 5. 32 6.04 4.48 3.06 5. 12 3.68
Feb. 7 10. 75 8.65 5. 34 6.06 4.51 3.08 5. 12 3.72
14 10. 55 8.55 5. 31 6. 04 4.50 3.14 5. 04 3.68
21 10. 55 8. 54 5. 44 6.08 4.57 3. 19 5. 03 3.66
28 10 58 8. 78 5.68 6.14 4.62 3. 24 5. 14 3.75
Mar. 7 10. 66 8.92 5.88 6.28 4. 68 3. 25 5. 33 3. 84
14 10. 68 9.00 6.02 6.30 4.68 3. 25 5. 35 3.85
21 10. 58 9.08 6.08 6. 32 4.68 3. 25 5. 40 3.85
28—. 10. 50 9. 21 6.37 6.62 4. 78 3. 30 5. 42 3.86
Apr. 4 10. 54 9.32 6.53 7.02 4.98 3.39 5. 40 3.90
11 10. 64 9. 38 6.62 7. 38 5.42 3.48 5. 42 3.88
18 10. 56 9.40 6. 66 7. 48 5.42 3.42 5. 72 3.94
25 10. 29 9.28 6.62 7.46 5. 42 3.42 5. 84 4.02
May 2 10. 19 9.25 6.62 7. 44 5.42 3.42 5. 98 4.20
9 10. 28 9.29 6.64 7. 53 5.48 3.48 6. 18 4.44
16 10. 60 9.50 6.75 7. 54 5. 54 3.58 6. 25 4.50
23... 10. 20 9.14 6.58 7.02 5.16 3.53 6. 18 4.60
30 10. 32 9.02 6.50 6.88 5.05 3.50 6. 04 4.50
June 6 10. 71 9. 27 6.60 6. 88 5.05 3.50 5. 88 4.35
13 10 56 9.26 6. 58 6.73 4.68 3.20 5. 58 4.06
20 10. 58 9.26 6.38 6.70 4. 56 3. 12 5. 48 3.86
27 10. 92 9.54 6. 56 6.91 4. 94 3.46 5 02 4.01
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— steers I Beef Beef
and I 850 All Com 1,500 under
heifers | pounds weights, Good mon Canner pounds 1,500
under 850 up, good common and and and up, good pounds,
pounds, and and choice me cutter and good and
good and choice medium dium choice choice 1
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4... 11.23 9.68 6. 55 6.83 4. 81 3.44 5.15 5.69
11... 11. 42 9. 72 6. 44 6. 80 4. 48 2. 97 5. 12 5. 62
18.— 11.58 9. 72 6. 48 6. 72 4.24 2.81 4. 92 5. 42
25... 11.72 9. 75 6. 50 6. 72 4.30 2. 96 4. 92 5.42
Aug. 1... 11.81 9. 70 6.41 6.76 4.26 3.02 4. 96 5. 48
8... 11.84 9. 76 6. 42 6. 90 4.27 3.02 4. 98 5. 55
15— 11.65 9. 80 6. 42 6. 96 4. 33 3.06 4.94 5. 48
11. 32 9.53 6. 17 6. 94 4.42 3. 19 4. 82 5. 25
29 11. 12 9.00 5.65 6. 82
5.48 1 6. 52 4.20 3. 124. 32 3. 20 4.86 5. 25
Sept. 5. 11.00 8. 80 4.88 5. 25
12. 11.00 8. 82 5.33 6.42 4. 15 3.00 4.88 5. 25
19. 11. 14 9. 15 5.44 6. 57 4. 42 3.16 4.88 5. 25
26. 11.30 9. 48 5. 62 6.66 4. 56 3. 26 4.90 5. 27
Oct. 3. 11. 32 9.50 5.62 6.62 4.58 3.34 6.02 5. 33
10. 11.36 9.41 5.58 6. 58 4.50 3.31 5. 18 5.42
17. 11. 35 9. 18 5.45 6.53 4.40 3. 19 5. 14 5.40
24. 11.28 9. 14 5.48 6.54 4. 46 3.84 5. 14 5. 40
31. 11.04 8.86 5.28 6.51 4.40 3. 30 5.02 5.28
Nov. 7. 10.99 8.95 5.30 6.50 4.42 3. 35 4.88 5. 12
14. 10.90 8. 86 5.33 6. 62 4. 57 3.44 4.98 5.22
21. 10.85 8.90 5. 42 6.68 4. 62 3.50 5.00 5. 25
28- 10.59 8.72 5.35 6.58 4.58 3.80 5.00 5.34
Dec. 5. 10.52 8.83 5.58 6.68 4.78 3.66 5.20 6.60
12. 10.30 8.90 5.90 6.94 6.02 3.66 6.88 5.98
19. 10.04 8. 53 5.84 8.98 5.00 a 74 5.38 6.00
26. 10.00 8. 38 6.76 6.90 4. 95 3. 75 5.38 6.00
Jan. 2 10.00 8.42 5.88 7.04 5. 22 3. 95 5. 72 6. 12
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—<
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Week ended— Under Under 100 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and
pounds, pounds, pounds, UP, up, pounds 750 heifers,
medium cull and medium medium cull and All
up, pounds, weights, com
to com to to com com com inferior mon to
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7..... 7.75 4. 62 7.62 6.88 4. 25 6. 82 6. 48 3. 64
14 8. 02 4. 62 7. 78 6. 95 4. 25 6. 75 6. 38 3. 75
21 7. 78 4. 55 7. 38 6. 68 4. 05 6. 75 6.38 3.76
28 7. 72 4. 55 7. 35 6. 38 3. 75 6. 75 6.38 3. 75
Aug. 4 7. 88 4. 62 7. 38 6. 38 3. 75 6. 75 6. 38 3. 75
11 7. 91 4. 62 7. 28 6. 12 3. 02 7. 00 6.49 3. 75
18 8.00 4. 62 7. 38 6. 22 3. 62 7. 12 6. 50 3. 75
25 8. 20 4. 62 7. 58 6. 38 3. 62 7. 22 6. 50 3. 75
Sept. 1 8.20 4. 62 7.50 6. 38 3.62 7. 25 6. 50 3. 75
8 7. 78 4. 62 7.15 6. 38 3. 62 7. 18 6. 42 3. 75
15 7. 88 4. 62 7. 30 6. 38 3.62 7. 25 6. 38 3. 75
22 8. 18 4. 72 7. 58 6. 40 3. 62 7. 18 6. 30 3. 75
29 8.25 4. 75 7.62 6. 50 3. 62 6. 92 6. 18 3. 75
Oct. 6 8. 25 4. 75 7. 38 6. 25 3.62 6. 88 6. 12 3. 75
13 8. 32 4. 75 7.45 6. 25 3. 02 6. 75 6,12 3. 75
20 8. 32 4. 75 7.50 6. 25 3.62 6. 52 6. 12 3.75
27 8. 15 4. 70 7. 22 6. 15 3. 52 6. 50 6. 05 3. 75
Nov. 3 7.72 4. 42 6. 78 5. 68 3. 25 6. 38 5. 88 3.75
10 7. 75 4.38 6. 75 5. 62 3.25 6.58 6. 08 3. 75
17 7. 75 4. 38 6. 75 5. 62 3. 25 6. 62 6. 12 3. 75
24 7. 72 4. 38 6. 75 5. 62 3.25 6. 62 6. 12 3. 75
Dec. 1 7.62 4. 38 6. 75 5. 62 3.25 6. 56 6. 12 3. 75
8 7. 75 4. 40 6. 85 5. 45 3. 25 6. 60 6. 12 3. 75
15 7.82 4. 50 6. 98 5. 75 3. 25 6. 52 6. 02 3. 75
22 7. 52 4. 50 6. 68 5. 55 3. 05 6. 50 6.00 3. 68
29 7.91 4. 62 7.00 5. 69 3. 12 6. 50 6.00 3. 62
Jan. 5 9. 38 5. 22 8. 05 6. 38 4. 00 6.50 6. 00 3. 75
12 9. 10 5.00 7.88 6. 12 4.00 6. 50 6.00 3. 75
19 9. 12 5. 00 7. 88 6. 12 4.00 6. 50 6.00 3. 75
26 9. 05 5.00 7.88 6. 12 4.00 6.58 6.00 3. 75
Feb. 2 9. 30 5. 15 8. 10 6. 12 4.00 6. 62 6.00 3. 75
9 9. 55 5. 25 8.25 6. 12 4.00 6. 62 6.00 3. 75
16 9. 15 5. 10 7.85 6. 12 4. 00 6. 62 6. 00 3. 75
23 8. 75 5.00 7. 50 6. 12 4.00 6. 62 6. 12 3. 75
Mar. 1 8. 75 5.00 7. 50 6. 12 4. 00 6. 70 6. 12 3. 75
8 8. 50 5. 00 7.28 6. 22 4. 10 6. 75 6. 25 3. 75
15 8. 30 5.00 7.05 6. 25 4. 12 6. 85 6. 25 3. 75
22 8. 25 5.00 7.00 6. 25 4. 12 6. 88 6.30 3. 75
29 8.45 5.00 7.20 6.25 4. 12 6.88 6.30 3. 75
Apr. 5 8. 62 5. 12 7.25 6. 50 4. 12 6. 88 6. 30 3. 75
12 8. 78 5. 12 7. 40 6. 50 4. 12 6.88 6. 30 3. 75
19 8. 62 5. 12 7.25 6. 50 4. 12 6. 88 6. 30 3. 75
26 8. 38 5. 12 7.15 6. 50 4. 12 7. 10 6. 36 3. 75
May 3 8. 20 5. 12 6. 95 0.50 4. 12 7. 12 6. 38 3.75
10 8. 32 5. 12 7. 00 6. 50 4. 12 7. 25 6. 38 3. 75
17 8.90 5. 22 7. 52 6. 62 4. 15 7.25 6. 38 3.75
24 9. 05 5. 25 7. 92 7.00 4. 25 7. 25 6.35 3.3. 75 75
31 8. 47 5. 09 7.47 6. 69 4. 09 7. 22 6. 22
June 7 7.88 4. 88 6. 88 0. 20 3.88 7. 08 6.20 3. 75
14 8. 08 4. 95 7.08 6. 25 3. 95 7. 00 6. 20 3.3. 75 75
21 7. 88 4. 88 6. 88 6. 10 3.S8 7.00 6.20 3. 75
28 7.00 4. 50 6.00 5. 25 3.50 6. 88 6. 17
July 5 7. 28 4. 59 6. 19 5. 53 3. 59 6. 82 6. 12 3. 75
12 8. 28 5. 05 7. 18 6. 10 3.92 6. 82 6.12 3.3. 75 75
19 7. 50 4. 70 6. 50 5.42 3. 68 6. 80 6. 08
26 7.00 4. 50 6.00 5. 25 3. 50 6. 75 6.00 3. 75
Aug. 2 7.15 4. 50 6. 15 5. 25 3. 50 6.81 6.00 3.3. 75 75
9 7. 25 4. 50 6. 25 5. 25 3. 50 6. 82 6.00
16 7. 48 4. 58 6. 40 5. 25 3. 50 6. 82 6.00 3. 75
23 8. 08 4. 78 6.95 5. 40 3. 50 6. 76 6.00 3.3. 75 75
30 8. 95 5. 22 7. 78 5.60 3. 50 6. 75 6.11 3. 75
Sept. 6 5. 28 7. 55 5. 25 3. 40 6. 74 6.115. 99 3. 75
13 5. 25 7. 42 4. 52 3.38 6. 62
20 8. 50 5. 25 7. 25 4.50 3. 38 6.54 5.5. 92 3. 70
27 8. 50 5. 25 7. 25 4. 50 3. 38 6. 44 86 3. 71
33764—27 16
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921—1925-

Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Week ended— Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and All
up, pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 4.... 8.50 5. 25 7. 25 4.50 3.38 6.36 5.84 3. 50 4. 16 5.42
11 8.50 5.20 7. 15 4. 45 3. 38 6.25 5.90 3.50 4.03 5.47
18.... 8.22 5.08 6. 72 4.28 3.38 6.25 5. 92 3.50 4.08 5.50
25 8. 12 5.00 6.62 4.25 3.38 6.25 5.92 3.50 4.08 5.52
Nov. 1 8.45 5.20 6.98 4.48 3.38 6.25 5.92 3.50 4.12 5.60
8 8.28 5.18 6.85 4.80 3.42 6.25 5. 92 3.50 4.20 5.62
15 7.92 5.02 6.65 4. 65 3.28 6.25 5.92 3.50 4. 10 5.55
22 7.22 4. 55 6.18 4.25 3.12 6.25 5.92 3.50 3. 98 5.38
29.. 7.56 4.78 6.44 4.50 3. 25 6. 25 6.00 3.50 4.00 5.50
Dec. 6 8.15 5. 10 6. 98 4.90 3.32 6. 25 6.00 3.50 4.00 5.50
13 8.00 5.00 6.88 4.62 3. 32 6.20 5. 95 3.50 3. 90 5.50
20 8.00 5.00 6.88 4.38 3.25 6.08 5.88 3.50 3.88 5.50
27.... 8. 47 5.28 7.38 5. 22 3.59 6.08 5.88 3. 50 3.88 5.50
Jan. 3 8.65 5.38 7.65 5.48 3.60 6.10 5.90 3.50 3. 98 5.50
10 8.42 5.18 7.55 5.22 3.50 6.24 6.00 3. 50 4.02 5.50
17... 8.82 5.50 7.78 5.50 3.50 6.25 6.00 3. 50 4. 05 5.58
24.... 8.88 6. 62 7.88 5. 42 3.50 6.25 6.00 3.50 4.20 5.62
31 9.22 5.90 8.10 5.75 3.75 6. 32 6. 16 3.86 4. 47 5.62
Feb. 7 9.90 6. 55 8.48 6.08 4.22 6. 42 6.30 4.08 4.50 5.72
9.30 6.08 8. 05 5.70 4.00 6.42 6.30 4. 12 4.55 5.88
21 9. 15 5. 95 7.90 5.68 3. 95 6.55 6.42 4. 22 4.53 5.88
28 9.02 5. 85 7.80 5. 72 4.05 6.64 6.50 4.35 4.53 5.88
Mar. 7 9.65 6.30 8.40 6.28 4.65 6.92 6.85 4.70 4.68 6.08
14 9. 35 6.08 8.20 6.28 4.65 6. 97 6. 90 4.72 4.70 6.12
21 8.72 5.80 7. 68 6.00 4.42 7.06 6. 95 4.72 4.70 6.08
28 8.25 5.40 7.40 5.88 4.18 6.81 6.74 4.58 4.86 6.00
Apr. 4 8.40 5. 52 7.52 6.25 4.38 7.06 7.00 4.76 5.17 6.08
11 8.08 5.30 7.20 6.25 4.30 7.00 6.94 4. 76 5.30 6.20
18 8.42 5.45 7.42 6.30 4.35 7.00 6.95 4. 82 5.26 6. 18
25 7.65 5.05 6.92 6. 05 4.28 7.05 7.00 4.90 5.30 6.02
May 2 7.50 5.00 6.80 6.00 4.25 7.30 7.22 4.96 5.42 6.25
9 7.90 5.28 6.90 6.50 4.35 7.32 7.25 4.92 5.42 6. 38
16 8.12 5.42 6.98 6.58 4.32 7.26 7.20 4.88 5.40 6.38
23 7.88 5.25 6.75 6.25 4.25 6.85 6.78 4.52 5.32 6.12
8.08 5.45 6.95 6.45 4.25 6.82 6.75 4.50 5.10 6.00
8.22 5.60 7.10 6.50 4.25 6.82 6. 75 4.50 5.08 6.00
7.55 5.05 6.50 6.05 4.08 6.56 6.47 4.28 4.88 5.95
20 7.60 4.85 6.52 6.08 4.08 6.38 6.30 4.05 4.80 5.88
27- 8.75 5.62 7.45 6.68 4.38 6.42 6.30 4.05 4.86 5.88
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Calves (milk- Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)

Week ended— 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves

Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers),
dium and dium and mon mon COXli-
to com to com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Com Com choice choice to
Good mon Good mon choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium

1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4.. 6.92 4. 25 8. 70 5.98 7.42 5.50 7.25 5. 30 5.25 3. 75 5.88
11 6. 80 3. 95 9.00 6. 15 7. 33 5. 34 7. 16 5. 14 5. 31 3.69 5.82
18.... 6.15 3.58 8.28 5.50 7. 20 5.15 7.00 4. 92 5.32 3. 50 5. 68
25 5. 72 3.35 7. 85 5. 32 7. 36 5.24 7. 10 4.98 5.36 3. 57 5.68
Aug. 1 5. 95 3.52 8. 45 5. 65 7. 55 5. 30 7. 32 5.08 5. 38 3. 62 5.75
8 6.20 3.62 8.88 5.80 7. 51 5.28 7.26 5.04 5.46 3. 62 5.80
15 5. 95 3. 50 9.38 5. 68 7. 34 5. 21 7.06 4.94 5.50 3. 62 5.92
22. 5.65 3. 40 9. 92 5. 85 7.64 5. 50 7. 16 5.00 5.50 3. 62 6.00
29. 5.00 3.25 9. 20 5. 40 7.66 5.58 7. 15 5.06 5.50 3. 62 6.00
Sept. 5 5. 50 3.40 9.02 5. 50 7. 32 5.44 6.84 4.94 5.50 3.62 5.98
12 6.05 3. 60 9. 75 5.90 7. 35 5.44 6. 86 4.94 5. 50 3. 62 5.88
19 6.75 4.02 10.80 6. 45 7.75 5.73 7. 22 5. 18 5. 60 3.68 6.38
26 6.05 3. 55 10.80 6. 55 7. 71 5. 73 7.24 5. 22 5.68 3.70 6.62
Oct. 3 6. 35 3.90 11.00 6. 75 7.77 5. 77 7. 40 5. 27 5.75 3. 72 6. 62
10 5. 65 3.65 9. 80 5.75 8.00 6.00 7.62 5.38 5.75 3. 75 6. 50
17 5.25 3. 50 8.50 5.00 7.85 5. 92 7.50 5. 30 5. 75 3. 75 6. 50
24 5. 55 3. 50 9.10 5. 30 7. 92 5.97 7.54 5. 34 5. 75 3. 75 6. 62
31 5. 75 3. 50 9.50 5. 50 7.75 5.88 7.38 5.25 5. 75 3. 75 6.58
Nov. 7 5.58 3.50 9. 35 5. 40 7.69 5.84 7. 30 5.21 5. 75 3.80 6.50
14... 5. 48 3.50 9. 10 5. 22 7.70 5.88 7. 30 5.25 5. 75 3. 80 6.50
21 5. 50 3.50 8.25 5.00 7.87 6. 01 7. 65 5. 46 5.75 3. 78 6. 60
28 5.38 3. 50 7. 88 5.06 8. 18 6. 36 7.99 5.82 5.89 3. 82 6. 75
Dee. 5 6. 42 3.90 8. 72 5.78 8. 45 6. 75 8.25 6. 14 5.92 3. 83 6.75
12 6.80 4. 40 8.82 5.98 8. 39 6. 75 8. 19 6. 18 5. 92 3.90 6. 75
19 6.22 4.25' 8. 60 5. 60 8. 32 6. 75 8. 12 6.20 5.98 4. 19 7.00
26 6.25 4.25 8.50 5. 50 8.31 6.75 8.11 6.20 6.00 4.25 7.00
Jan. 2 6.82 4. 45 9. 40 5. 95 8. 32 6.75 8. 12 6.20 6.00 4. 36 7.00

Beef steers Butcher cattle

Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100

Week 1,100 pounds up pounds Heifers, Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Me Com Choice to
Me Com choice to and
and Good dium and Good
mon prime dium mon choice beef
1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 11.65 10. 25 8.78 7. 35 11. 45 9. 75 7.98 6. 75 7.20 6. 28 5. 75
15 11. 15 9. 85 8. 55 7.30 11. 03 9. 35 7.80 6.80 6.85 5.98 5.65
?2 10. 35 9.28 8.30 7.20 10.20 8.90 7. 65 6.70 6.50 5. 75 5.55
29 9. 43 8. 48 7. 75 6. 95 9. 25 8.20 7. 33 6.50 6. 33 5. 65 5.20
Feb. 5 8.50 7.68 7. 05 6 45 8.25 7.43 6.80 6. 10 5. 90 5. 25 4.75
12 8.58 7.90 7. 25 6.70 8.30 7. 63 7.00 6. 33 5.80 5. 33 4.93
19 8. 98 8. 25 7. 45 6. 65 8.60 7.88 7.20 6.40 5.88 5.28 4. 58
26 9. 65 8.90 7. 89 6. 92 9.2S 8. 53 7. 67 6. 69 6. 43 5.60 5. 15
Mar. 5 10. 11 9.44 8. 38 7. 38 9.80 9. 13 8.18 7. 18 6.73 6. 10 5.48
12 10.05 9.33 8.60 7.88 9. 95 9. 15 8.29 7.44 7.03 6. 33 5.58
19 9. 73 9.02 8.41 7.70 9.68 8.80 8. 02 7. 27 6. 93 6.23 5. 43
26 9. 65 9.01 8. 47 7.80 9.59 8.89 8.24 7.40 7.03 6.30 5.58
Apr. 2 9.30 8. 75 8.28 7. 65 9. 30 8.70 8.08 7. 35 6.91 6.23 5.43
9 8. 95 8.50 8.00 7.38 9. 04 8. 51 7.86 7.05 6. 67 5.96 5.18
16 8. 63 8. 17 7. 65 7. 07 8. 79 8.41 7.84 6.98 6. 63 5.88 5.05
23 8.50 7.94 7.40 6.98 8.64 8. 11 7.56 6.89 6. 54 5.98 5.45
30.... 8. 16 7.56 7. 15 6.78 8. 37 7.80 7.35 6.62 6.49 5.84 5. 65

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
O MA HA—C ontinued
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up pounds
Heifers, Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Me Com Choice Me Com to to and
and Good dium mon and Good dium mon choice choice beef
prime prime
1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls, Dolls. Dolls.
May 7 8. 57 8. 05 7. 52 7.03 8. 75 8.28 7.71 6.94 6.70 5.98 5.68
14 8. 85 8.28 7.68 7. 15 8.86 8.33 7.76 7.01 6.86 6. 16 5.75
21 8.80 8.24 7.74 7. 22 8.88 8.32 7. 75 7.04 6.94 6. 10 o. 68
28 8. 36 7.81 7.34 6. 97 8.52 7.89 7.25 6.53 6.59 5.65 5. 20
June 4 8.58 8.02 7.52 7.08 8.69 8. 14 7.46 6.69 6.61 5.50 5. 13
11 8.49 7.91 7.46 6.90 8.61 8. 02 7.40 6.64 6. 40 5. 40 4. 90
18 8. 40 7. 79 7.39 6.78 8. 63 7.98 7.40 6.54 6. 42 5. 43 5. 00
25 8. 48 7.84 7.40 6. 75 8.70 8. 03 7.39 6.50 6. 32 5.27 4. 99
July 2 8.03 7.42 7.01 6.36 8.34 7.67 7.06 6. 13 6. 07 5.04 4.71
9 8. 22 7.59 7.10 6. 31 8. 45 7.78 7.13 6. 04 6. 00 4.94 4.41
16 8. 76 8. 17 7.59 6.62 8.96 8. 40 7.64 6.42 6.43 5.40 4. 90
23 8. 92 8.38 7.73 6. 70 9.28 8.67 7.77 6. 37 6.77 5.79 5. 45
30 9.23 8.61 7.84 6.68 9. 55 8.87 7.86 6.30 6.58 5.53 5. 63
Aug. 6 9.34 8.74 7. 4,9 6.74 62 8.99 7.88 6. 16 6.40 5. 35 5. 43
13— 9.74 8.88 8. 00 6.75 9.92 9. 13 7.88 6. 13 6. 50 5.15 5. 25
20—- 9.70 8.70 7.53 6. 12 9.94 8. 93 7.47 5.68 6. 45 4. 93 4. JO
27.— 9.40 8. 35 7. 00 5.43 9.64 8.48 6.83 5.15 6. 15 4.68 108
Sept. 3 9.63 8.55 6. 95 5. 33 9.94 8. 58 6. 75 5. 08 6. 43 5. 00 4. 63
10— 9. 39 8. 30 6.78 5. 15 9. 91 8.44 6. 55 4. 90 6.50 5. 15 4. 63
17— 9. 25 8.10 6.63 5.13 9.88 8.28 6.40 4.78 6.58 5.01 1. 75
24 9. 13 7. 93 6.33 4. d3 9.88 8. 15 6. 08 4.55 6. 43 4.63 4. 7.5
Oct. 1 9. 08 7.98 6. 55 4. 95 9. 93 8.33 6.30 4.65 6. 35 4. 85 4. S3
8 9. 13 8.08 6.58 4.88 10.20 8. 55 6.33 4. 63 6.38 5. 00 4. 68
15 9. 13 8.00 6.38 4. 75 10.48 8.58 6. 13 4. 50 6. 35 4. 85 4.38
22 9. 43 8. 05 6.35 4. 83 10.83 8.63 6. 05 4.50 6. 30 4.58 4. 88
29 y.78 8.30 6.58 4. 75 11. 03 8. 75 6. 05 4. 50 6.38 4. 40 4.38
Nov. 5 10.12 8. 52 6. 76 4.94 11.38 9. 01 6. 21 4. 70 6. 62 4. 76 4. 58
12 9. 98 8.45 6. 62 4.88 11.30 8.84 6. 02 4.52 6. 40 4. 55 4. 35
19 9. 22 7.98 6. 40 4. 80 10.52 8. 42 5. 90 4.50 5.88 4.40 4.10
26 9. 41 8. 09 6.59 4.84 10. 50 8. 63 6. 09 , 4.59 5. 97 4.44 4.19
Dec. 3 9. 62 8.28 6. 72 4. 85 10. 58 8.66 6.28 4. 60 6.08 4. 36 4.28
10.... 9. 45 8. 20 6. 72 5.00 10. 32 8.58 6. 35 4.75 5. 98 4. 35 4.25
17 9. 38 8.02 6. 60 5.00 10. 30 8.50 6.32 4.80 5.90 4. 32 4. 25
24 9. 08 7. 72 6. 38 5. 00 10. 18 8.38 6. 25 4.88 5. 65 4. 12 4.18
31 8. 81 7.59 6.34 5.06 9. 38 8. 00 6.31 5.00 5.53 4.03 3.94
Jan. 7 8.58 7. 50 6. 30 5. 22 8.90 7.72 6. 35 5. 22 5.50 4.00 3.88
14 8. 38 7. 30 6.30 5.38 8.62 7.42 6. 30 5.38 5.50 4. 14 3.88
21 8. 38 7. 25 6. 35 5.58 8. 62 7. 38 6. 32 5.52 5.50 4. 18 3.88
28.... 8. 42 7. 37 6.56 5.86 8. 60 7.54 6. 70 5.88 5.62 4. 36 3.85
Feb. 4 8.33 7.25 6.48 5.86 8. 55 7.42 6.62 5. 80 5.70 4. 52 3.78
11 8.28 7.38 6. 62 5.88 8.40 7. 38 6. 62 5.80 5.52 4.54 3.88
18 8.25 7.38 6. 72 6.08 7. 36 6.68 5. 94 5.50 4. 67 3. 90
25 8.28 7.50 6. 90 6.20 7. 42 6.78 6. 08 5.58 4. 78 4.05
Mar. 4 8. 57 7. 91 7.41 6. 82 8.52 7. 82 7.25 6. 68 6. 02 5. 32 4.48
11 8. 62 7. 95 7. 45 6.88 8. 62 7.88 7. 25 6. 75 6.12 5. 38 4.50
18 8. 32 7.68 7.05 6. 55 8. 38 7. 68 7.05 6.55 5.95 5. 30 . 4.20
25 8.30 7.74 7. 19 6.64 8. 34 7.68 7.12 6.59 6.10 5. 38 4.12
Apr. 1...; 8. 34 7.78 7.20 6. 60 8. 48 7. 75 7.15 6.58 6. 08 5. 35 4.15
8 8. 35 7. 80 7. 25 6. 62 8.52 7.88 7. 25 6.62 6. 12 5.42 4.25
15 8. 24 7.75 7.25 6.62 8. 50 7.88 7. 25 6.62 6.12 5.40 4.25
22 8.35 7.78 7. 25 6.62 8.50 7.88 7.25 6.62 6. 12 5.45 4.25
29 8.37 7. 90 7.40 6.78 8.46 7.93 7. 40 6.78 6. 23 5.52 4. 42
May 6 8.42 7. 96 7.54 7.02 8.49 8.00 7.50 6.88 6.36 5. 62 4.70
13 8.52 8.04 7.62 7.12 8.64 8. 16 7.68 7.10 6. 75 5.90 4. 98
20 8. 36 7.83 7.44 7.02 8.50 8.00 7.56 7.06 6. 75 5.92 5.00
27 8. 44 7.94 7.52 7. 06 8. 61 8.11 7.64 7.09 6.75 5.88 5.00
June 3 8.55 8.11 7.63 7. 13 8.68 8.24 7.76 7.16 6. 75 5.74 4. 90
10 8.92 8.56 8.15 7.68 9. 02 8.64 8.22 7.65 6. 95 5.86 4.88
17 9.05 8.66 8.24 7.74 9. 13 8.76 8.25 7.64 7. 05 5.80 4.88
24 9. 11 8.63 8. 11 7.52 8.99 8.52 7.93 7. 24 6.78 5.46 4. 70
July 1 9. 32 8.78 8.15 7.51 9. 10 a 57 7. 90 7.14 6.72 5.42 4.62
8— 9.75 9.26 8.70 7.99 9. 58 9. 08 8.36 7.56 7.25 6.06 5.00
15 9. 95 9.45 8.81 7.96 9.69 9. 02 8. 12 7.24 7. 15 6. 10 5. 33
22.... 10.28 9.74 8.97 7.94 10.14 9. 39 8.48 7. 42 7.22 5.92 5.45
29 10. 12 9. 52 8.58 7.28 9. 95 9.20 8.18 6.88 7. 12 5. 75 5.05
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—

Beef steers Butcher cattle

Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100

Week 1,100 pounds up Heifers, pounds Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Choice to
Me Com and Good Me Com choice to and
and Good dium mon dium mon choice beef
prime prime
1922 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Aug. 5 10.24 a. 61 8.62 7.00 10. 10 9. 34 8.22 6.60 7. 10 5.85 5.20
12 10. 06 9.38 8.50 7.00 10.06 9. 38 8.25 6. 62 7.00 5.68 5.00
19 10.34 9.70 8.75 7.08 10.24 9. 62 8.47 6. 70 6.95 5.65 4.76
26 10.39 9. 78 8.62, 6.80 10.33 9. 62 8.40 6.50 6.90 5. 40 4.40
Sept. 2 10.34 9.63 8. 45 6.60 10.34 9. 48 8.20 6. 22 6.88 5. 40 4. 42
9 10.29 9. 62 8. 50 6.62 10. 36 9. 58 8.32 6.25 6.88 5.38 4. 50
16 10.35 9.25 7.88 6.25 10.54 9.20 7. 62 5. 92 6. 75 5.32 4.50
23 10. 71 9.38 7.88 6. 25 10. 74 9.28 7. 62 5. 92 6.90 5. 45 4.75
30 11. 12 9. 60 7. 92 6. 25 11.06 9.44 7.67 6.00 6.92 5.50 4.75
Oct. 7 11.25 9. 68 7.95 6.25 11.20 9. 52 7. 70 6.00 6.88 5. 50 4.65
14 11.25 9. 50 7.75 6.00 11. 12 9.32 7. 50 5. 62 6.70 5. 12 4. 42
21 11.60 9.60 7. 75 6.00 11.51 9.36 7.50 5. 62 6. 62 5.00 4.38
28 11.91 9. 92 7.98 6.00 11.80 9.69 7. 72 5.80 6.62 5.00 4. 48.
Nov. 4 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 11.88 9. 75 7. 75 5.85 6.58 4. 92 4. 50
ll.... 12.08 10.00 8.00 6.00 11. 95 9. 75 7.73 5. 75 6. 50 4.88 4. 42
18 12.02 9.78 7.70 5.80 11.90 9.62 7. 52 5. 52 6. 45 4.88 4.38
25 11.88 9. 62 7.50 5. 62 11.75 9. 50 7.38 5.38 6.38 4.88 4.45
Dec. 2 11.88 9.69 7.62 5. 75 11.81 9.62 7. 50 5.50 6.47 5.00 4.50
9 12.00 10.00 8.00 6. 12 11.88 9. 88 7.88 5. 78 6. 50 5.00 4. 50
16 11.75 9.68 7.65 5. 95 11.62 9. 58 7.55 5.58 6.50 4. 95 4. 18
23.... 11. 75 9. 60 7. 45 5. 75 11.62 9. 48 7. 32 5.38 6.50 4.82 4.00
30.— 11.62 9. 56 7.50 5. 75 11.56 9.50 7.38 5.44. 6.50 4.97 4.22
Jan. 6 11. 19 9.44 7.69 5. 94 11.00 9.25 7. 47 5. 56 6.50 5.09 4.31
13 10.88 9.38 7.88 6.25 10. 62 9.25 7. 72 5. 98 6. 62 5.28 4.75
20 11.00 9. 62 8. 12 6. 50 10. 75 9. 50 8.00 6. 25 6. 75 5. 45 4. 95
27 10.90 9. 58 8.12 6. 62 10.68 9. 40 7. 95 6.38 6.72 5.32 4. 82
Feb. 3.— 10. 75 9. 50 8. 12 6.62 10.50 9. 25 7.88 6.38 6.75 5.25 4.55
10 10. 68 9. 58 8.30 6. 75 10. 42 9.32 8.05 6.50 6.75 5.25 4. 75
17 10. 32 9. 25 8.00 6.62 10. 10 9.00 7. 75 6.38 6.75 5. 42 4.85
24.... 10. 14 9. 15 7. 95 6.62 10.03 9.00 7.80 6.42 6.75 5.50 4. 92
Mar. 3— 10.00 9.00 7. 95 6. 70 10.00 9.00 7.88 6.50 6. 75 5.54 5.38
10 9. 82 8.92 8.00 6. 75 9.82 8.92 7.88 6. 50 6.65 5.40 5.38
17 9. 75 8. 88 8.00 6. 75 9. 75 8.88 7.88 6.50 6.75 5.55 5.38
24 9. 75 8. 92 8.18 7.00 9. 75 8.92 8. 05 6. 75 6. 88 5.72 5.45
31- — 9.65 8. 78 8. 02 6.95 9.65 8.78 7.90 6.70 6.88 5. 75 5. 50
Apr. 7.— 9.50 8. 65 7.95 6.95 9.50 8.65 7.82 6.70 6.88 5.75 5. 50
14.... 9. 50 8.75 8.12 7. 12 9.50 8. 75 8.00 6.88 6.80 5.82 5.42
21.... 9. 50 8.75 8. 12 7. 12 9.50 8.75 8.00 6.88 6.75 6.04 5.42
28.— 9.50 8.75 8.12 7. 12 9.50 8.75 8.00 6.88 6.75 6.18 5.53
May 5.... 9.50 8.73 8.08 7. 11 9. 50 8.71 7.92 6.85 6.75 6.18 5. 72
12.— 9.63 9. 01 8.43 7.51 9.56 8.82 8.11 7. 11 6.88 6.24 5.75
19.— 9.83 9.29 8.74 7.84 9.68 9.03 8.32 7.32 7.00 6.36 5.85
26.... 10. 21 9.70 9. 02 8.05 10. 02 9.43 8. 58 7. 47 7.12 6.38 6.00
June 2 10. 34 9.77 8.99 7.95 10.21 9.53 8.51 7.21 7.06 6.38 5.88
9.... 10. 46 9.71 8.82 7. 76 10.26 9. 44 8.32 7. 08 6.97 6.26 5.82
16 10. 54 9.84 8.88 7.68 10.28 9.60 8.56 7. 13 7.02 6.35 5.75
23 10.72 10.00 8. 98 7.74 10. 57 9.85 8. 78 7.24 7.20 6.48 5.65
30.-.. 10.59 9.77 8.69 7. 44 10.41 9.60 8.50 6.91 7. 18 6.08- 5.50
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
O MAHA—Continued
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Week Heavy Light and Cows CaJves

ended— Light to Heavy (1,000 medium and
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds (750 to Steers,
com heifers,
and steers weight, 1,000 mon
common up), com pounds), to com Good Com
heifers medium to choice mon to common choice mon to and and mon
to choice choice to choice choice choice diumme

1921 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 4.05 4.40 9.25 6.63 8. 35 7.60 6.48 5.08 6. 73 5.20
15 3.90 4.38 9. 50 6. 88 8.38 7.63 6.50 5.25 7.23L 5.38
22 3.73 4.23 9. 30 6.58 8.20 7.48 6.53 5. 33 7. 25 5. 38
29 3.78 4. 25 9.25 6.50 7.83 7. 25 6. 38 5.00 7. 25 5. 38
Feb. 5 3.53 4. 03 9.00 6.20 7. 28 6.65 5.78 4. 70 6.93 5. 15
12 3. 45 4.00 8.75 6.00 7. 15 6.53 5.70 4.60 6.75 4.93
19 3.43 4.00 8.88 6. 13 7. 10 6.58 5.80 4. 68 6.85 5. 08
26 3. 68 4. 15 9.03 6.23 7. 48 7.33 6. 45 5.28 7.28 5.53
Mar. 5 3. 85 4.58 9.35 6.73 7. 98 7. 73 7. 10 5.50 7.73 6.00
12 3. 98 4.83 9. 30 6.75 8.48 8. 23 7. 45 5.63 7. 75 6.00
19 3.85 4.50 9. 10 6.75 8. 38 8. 13 7.28 5.50 7. 53 5.85
26 3.85 4. 10 8.85 6. 73 8.25 8.00 7. 13 5.58 7. 35 5.75
Apr. 2 3. 63 4.00 8.03 6.63 8.01 7.73 6.98 5.48 7.25 5.75
9 3. 15 3. 65 7.55 6.63 7.77 7.45 6.80 4.95 7.63 5.88
16 2.75 3. 30 7.60 6.63 7.53 7. 30 6. 68 4.63 7.63 5.88
23 3. 13 3. 48 7.85 6.73 7.39 7.21 6.53 4.63 7.63 5.88
30 3.28 3. 38 7.88 6.75 7.18 6.90 6.40 4.63 7.63 5.88
May 7.. ... 3.53 3. 73 8.05 6. 90 7.27 7.05 6. 45 4.83 7.70 5. 95
14 3.65 3. 75 8.25 6.75 7. 30 7.08 6. 38 4.88 7.63 5.88
, 21 ■ 3.65 3.75 8.48 6.70 7. 36 7.17 6.44 4.88 7.58 5.88
3. 28 7.93 6.35 7.28 : 6.84 6.22 4.73 7.28 5. 73
2.93 03.3. 38
' 28 63
Juno 4 7.50 6.00 7.25 6. 75 6. 13 4. 50 7. 13 5. 50
11 2.83 3.25 7.55 6.03 7.23 6.75 6. 10 4.48 7. 13 5.50
18 2.85 3.25 8.08 6.23 7. 13 6.75 6.00 4. 38 7. 13 5.50
25 2.75 3.25 8. 33 6. 35 7.08 6.70 5.95 4.38 7. 13 5.50
July 2 2.68 3. 18 7.90 6.08 6.68 6.30 5.48 4.23 7. 05 5.28
9 2.63 3. 13 7.69 5. 91 6.53 6. 16 5. 38 4. 13 7.00 5.13
10 2.85 3.03 8.35 6.03 6.58 6.20 5. 38 4. 05 7.00 5. 13
23 3. 10 3.00 8.80 6.15 6.73 6.35 5.48 4. 05 7.00 5. 13
30 3.03 3. 00 8.45 5.75 6. 75 6.25 5.50 4. 13 7.00 5. 13
Aug. 6. 3.08 3.20 8.10 5. 70 6.85 6.30 5.50 4. 13 6.90 5.13
13 3.00 3.25 7. 10 5. 35 7.00 6.38 5.45 4. 13 6.60 5.05
20 2.75 3. 13 6.60 5.28 6.70 6.18 5. 25 4.00 6. 05 4.70
27 2.65 2.90 6. 72 5.22 6.46 6.03 5.15 3.90 5.88 4.40
Sept. 3. . . 2.80 2.83 7.70 5.80 6.42 6.00 5.23 3.98 6.28 4.58
10 2.93 2. 75 8.15 6.10 6.38 6.02 5. 28 4.05 6.50 4.63
17 2.88 2. 75 8.48 5.90 6.20 5.93 5. 38 4. 13 6.50 4.63
24 2.75 2.75 8. 40 5. 18 6. 08 5.65 5.25 3.90 6.23 4.63
Oct. 1 2.85 2. 98 8.40 5. 15 5.68 5.19 4.03 6. 20
5.93 0 5.85 4. 58
8 2.93 3. 13 8.50 5. 38 6.05 5.33 4. 13 6.43 4.70
15 2.98 3.00 8.28 5.25 5.88 5.70 5.18 4.13 6. 13 4. 38
22 2.93 3.00 8.25 5.25 5.93 5.70 5.18 4. 18 6.20 4.33
29 2.97 3.03 8.40 5. 25 5.70 5.63 5.08 4. 13 6. 13 4.25
Nov. 5 3.23 3. 38 8.50 5.25 5. 75 5.75 5.20 4.38 6.12 4.25
12 3. CO 3. 38 8.18 4. 98 5. 58 5.62 5.12 4.20 5.95 4.12
19 3.00 3. 12 7.38 4.65 5.50 5.40 4.95 4. 12 5.88 4.00
26 3.09 3.22 6.62 4.69 5. 38 5.38 4.75 4. 25 5. 81 4.00
Dec. 3. 3.03 3. 10 6.82 5.08 5. 42 5. 47 5.00 4.25 5.90 4.22
10 2. 92 3.25 7.12 5. 38 5.55 5.12 5. 10 4. 25 6.25 4.50
17 2. 52 3. 12 7.12 5. 38 5.55 5. 12 5. 12 4.25 6.25 4.50
24 2. 25 2.88 7.12 5.00 5. 55 5.12 5.00 4.25 6.20 4. 75
31 2.25 2.88 7. 12 5.00 5.50 5.12 5.07 4.16 6.09 4.69
Jan. 7 2.25 2.88 7.12 5.00 5.50 5.62 5.18 4.12 6. 15 4. 55
14 2.25 2.88 7.18 5.10 5.52 5.66 5.30 4. 18 6.25 4.50
21 2. 25 2.88 7. 42 5.45 5.80 5.88 5.62 4. 25 6.25 4.50
28 2. 38 3.00 7. 58 5. 62 5.80 5.88 5.88 4.25 6.25 4.50
Feb. 4 2.45 3.08 7.92 5.62 5.92 5.98 5.95 4.25 6. 25 4.68
11 2.82 3. 15 8.32 5.75 6.08 6.14 6.06 4.25 6.25 4.75
18 3. 10 3. 35 a 25 5.75 6.12 6.20 6.12 4.25 6. 25 4. 75
25 3. 10 3. 38 8. 48 5.85 6.22 6.25 6.15 4. 32 6.28 4. 78
Mar. 4 3. 62 3. 62 9.18 6. 45 6.63 6.42 6. 33 4.85 6. 78 5. 35
11 3.62 3.78 8.95 6. 52 6. 75 6.50 6.40 5.05 6.88 5.50
18 3. 55 3.88 8.20 6.38 6.64 6.44 6.34 5.00 6. 92 5.55
25 3.50 3.88 8.15 6. 38 6.67 6.52 6. 36 5.00 7.00 5.62
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Heavy Light and Cows Calves

Light to Heavy (1,000 medium
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds (750 to Steers,
and steers weight, 1,000 mon
common up) com pounds) to com Good
heifers medium to choice mon to common, choice mon to and
to choice choice to choice choice choice

Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.

3. 38 3. 75 8.50 6. 38 6. 61 6.49 6.26 ! 5.00 7.00
3.38 3. 75 8. 90 6. 32 6. 75 6.50 6.32 ! 5.00 7.00
3.45 3. 75 6.80 6.75 6.54 6.46 5.02 7. OS
3.50 3. 75 6.57 6.75 6. 58 6. 55 5.12 7. 12
3. 05 3.90 8.12 6.15 6. 85 6. 60 6. 58 5. 20 7.18
3. 75 4.00 8. 58 6. 25 6. 95 6. 62 6. 62 5.25 7.25
4.00 4. 25 8. 95 6.50 7. 10 6.99 6.86 5. 50 7.55
4.00 4. 25 9. 70 6. 98 6. 92 6. 92 6.80 5. 48 7. 62
4.00 4. 25 9.88 7. 05 6.88 6. 88 6.75 5.38 7. 50
3. 90 4. 25 10.08 7. 12 0. 81 6. 81 6.72 ! 5. 38 7.47
4.00 4. 22 10.12 7.12 6. 80 6. 80 6.75 ! 5. 58 7.50
4. 22 4. 25 9.45 6.98 6. 88 6.88 6. 75 5.50 7.50
3. 50 3. 95 7.60 6.20 6. 82 6.81 6.65 ! 5. 22 7. 42
3.18 3. 68 7. 98 6. 22 6.88 6. 78 6.62 ! 4. 92 7.38
3. 53 3. 88 8. 88 6. 62 6.88 6. 88 6.75 | 5.00 7. 62
3.62 3. 88 9.40 6. 88 6.95 6.75 5. 00 7.58
3.35 3.88 8. 42 6.50 6.99 (i. 72 4. 85 7. 40
3. 25 3.62 8. 45 6. 50 6. 72 6. 62 6. 50 4. G2 7.50
3.45 3. 70 8.50 6. 50 0. 92 6. 60 6. 40 4.62 7.50
3. 25 3. 62 8. 52 6. 50 7.25 7.00 6. 38 4. G2 7.50
3. 25 3. 62 8.52 6. 50 7. 12 6.90 6. 38 4. G2 7. 50
2. 90 3. 28 8.88 6. 50 7. 05 6. 80 6. 30 4. 52 7. 35
2.88 3. 25 9. 10 6.60 7. 10 6.75 6. 30 4. 30 7.25
2.88 3. 25 9. 35 6. 75 7. 16 6. 75 0. 38 4. 25 7. 25
2. 75 3. 25 9. 42 6.75 7. 16 6. 78 6. 38 4. 25 7. 25
2. 92 3. 25 9. 55 6. 90 7. 12 6. 88 6. 38 4. 32 7.25
3.00 3.25 9. 75 7.00 7.20 7. 00 6. 50 4. 38 7. 25
3.00 3. 25 9.86 7. 00 7.16 7.00 6.50 4. 38 7. 25
2. 98 3.25 9.20 6.92 6. 90 6.58 6. 38 4. 25 7. 25
2.98 3. 25 8. 85 6.78 6. 82 6.50 6. 38 4.25 7.25
2. 90 3. 25 8. 85 6. 38 G. 70 6.55 6. 30 4. 32 7. 25
2. 88 3. 25 6. 18 6.42 6.31 6. 22 4. 38 7. 25
2.88 3. 25 6. 12 6.48 6. 36 G. 25 4. 35 7.22
2. 88 3. 25 8. 70 6.02 6. 38 6. 25 6.11 4. 25 6. 92
2. 88 3. 25 8. 48 5.88 6. 32 6. 20 6.04 4. 18 G. 88
3.00 3. 25 7. 25 5. 25 6.31 6. 18 6.04 4. 12 6. 88
2.88 3. 25 7.80 5. 32 6. 38 6.25 4. 22 6.88
2. 92 3. 22 8. 02 5.32 6.55 6. 33 4. 20 6. 82
2. 88 3. 12 8.00 5. 25 6. 50 6. 30 5. 92 4. 00 6. 62
2. 88 3. 12 8. 38 5. 38 6. 56 6. 30 5.88 4. 00 6.62
3.06 3.41 9.03 5.88 6. 58 6. 52 5.84 4. 09 6.81
3. 30 3. 65 9.08 6.01 6. 75 6. 69 6.00 4.22 6.88
3. 45 3.88 9.02 6.00 6.90 6.90 6.22 4. 38 6. 88
3. 32 3.88 9.02 6.00 7.10 7. 10 6. 30 4. 38 7. 18
3.25 3.88 9. 12 6.32 7.02 7.02 6. 38 4. 38 6.98
3. 38 3. 72 9.42 6.38 7. 12 7.00 6. 2.5 4. 38 G. 88
3. 34 3. 62 9.50 6.38 7. 13 7.00 6.25 4. 38 7.02
3. 25 3. 75 9. 90 6. 70 7. 12 7.00 6. 25 4. 38 7.25 |
3. 42 3.90 9. 38 6. 55 7.12 7.00 6. 25 4.38 7.25
3. 38 3. 90 9. 18 6.00 7.19 7.06 6.25 4. 38 7. 25
3.58 3.88 8.80 6.00 6. 96 6.84 6.21 4. 38 7 00
3. 60 4. 12 9. 50 6. 32 7.00 6.26 4. 38 7. 00
3.60 9.48 6.62 7. 10 6. 25 4.38 7.00
3. 62 7.85 6.12 7.15 6. 90 6. 28 4. 38 7.08
3. 70 7. 75 5. 85 7. 38 7. 18 6. 42 4. 38 7. 12
3. 78 7. 78 6. 05 7.27 7. 08 6. 40 4.42 7. 12
3.9S 8. 48 6.50 7.18 7. 00 6. 38 4. 50 7. 12
4.00 8.83 6.55 7. 20 7.00 6. 38 4. 50 7. 12
4.00 9. 08 6.62 7.48 7.23 6. 60 4. 60 7. 20
4. 02 9.28 6. 78 7. 55 7. 25 6. 62 4. 68 7. 30
4. 00 9. 60 7.00 7. 57 7. 25 6. 62 4. 77 7. 38
4.00 7.50 5. 84 7. 55 7. 04 6. 44 4. 75 7. 38
3.62 7.00 5. 50 7. 58 6. 98 6. 38 4. 67 7. 38
3.55 7. 75 5. 9fr 7.66 7. 08 6. 38 4. 55 7. 38
3. 62 8. 25 6. 38 7.68 7.08 G. 40 4. 58 7.38
3. 05 8.48 6. 38 7.64 7.04 6. 38 4. 58 7. 38
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1923.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers

1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds

Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 10. 77 9. 95 8.88 7.47 10. 58 9. 71 8.58 6.96
14 10. 80 9. 98 8.92 7. 50 10. 62 9. 75 8.62 7.00
21. 10. 77 9. 88 8. 86 7. 42 10. 58 9. 63 8. 48 6. 92
28 10. 90 9. 90 8. 82 7. 46 10. 68 9. 67 8.48 6.90
Aug. 4 11.00 9.86 8.60 7. 18 10.79 9. 62 8.32 6.66 4.40
11 11. 34 10. 08 8. 62 7. 12 11.06 9. 75 8.38 6.62 4. 25
18 11.50 10.22 8. 72 7. 12 11. 10 9. 75 8.38 6.52 4. 15
25 - 11. 76 10.35 8. 75 7. 12 11.52 10.00 8.48 6.50 4. 12
Sept. 1 11.90 10.38 8.75 7. 12 11.69 10. 12 8.50 6.50 4. 12
8 11.94 10.38 8.66 7.00 11.75 10. 08 8.38 6.38 4.08
15 - 12.00 10. 33 8.58 6. 88 11. 75 10.00 8.25 6.25 4.00
22 11. 74 10. 12 8. 52 6.88 11. 54 9. 90 8.25 6.25 4.00
29 11.54 9. 98 8. 45 6.85 11.31 9. 75 8.20 6.22 4.00
Oct. 6 11.35 9. 85 8.30 6.75 11. 10 9.60 8. 05 6. 12 4.00
13... 11.60 10. 10 8.42 6. 75 11.35 9. 85 8. 18 6. 12 4.0Q
20 11.50 10.00 8.38 6.75 11.25 9. 75 8. 12 6. 12 4.00
27 11.35 9. 85 8.32 6. 75 11.25 9. 75 8. 12 6. 12 4.00
Nov. 3 11.25 J>. 75 8.18 6. 68 11. 40 9.90 8. 12 6. 12 4.00
10 11. 16 9.70 8. 12 6. 62 11.50 10.00 8. 25 6. 12 4.00
17. 11.28 9. 75 8. 12 6. 62 11.50 10.00 8.25 6. 12 4.0O
24 11.38 9.75 8. 12 6. 62 11.50 10.00 8.25 6. 12 4.00
Dec. 1 11.31 9. 75 8. 12 6.38 11.52 10.06 8.29 6. 12 4.00
8 11. 58 10.04 8.32 6.38 11.65 10.20 8.38 6. 12 4.00
15 11. 48 9. 95 8.26 6.34 11. 62 10.09 8.33 6. 14 4.00
22 11. 50 9. 98 8.22 6.19 11.62 10.09 8.28 6. 08 4.00
29 11.54 10.05 8.32 6.25 11.64 10. 18 8.38 6.19 4. 06
Jan. 5. 11.48 10.17 8.44 6.34 11.60 10.30 8.48 6.29 4. 12
12 11. 39 10. 18 8.46 6.44 11.51 10. 25 8.46 6.37 4. 18
19 11.38 10.24 8.64 6.66 11.47 10.32 8. 66 6. 56 4.25
26 11. 30 10. 12 8.53 6.69 11.41 10.24 8.60 6.52 4.22
Feb. 2 11.27 10.06 8. 46 6.68 11.40 10. 18 8.59 6. 48 4. 18
9 11.27 10.05 8. 42 a 67 11.40 10. 18 8.54 6.47 4. 18
16 11. 12 9. 74 8. 19 6.46 11.18 9. 77 8. 19 6. 21 4. 12
23 11. 12 9. 74 8. 19 6.45 11. 10 9.69 8. 18 6.20 4.12
Mar. 1 11.02 9.79 8.24 6.52 10.97 9. 68 8. 19 6. 19 4. 12
8 11.11 9. 98 8. 46 6.70 11.06 9.86 8.33 6.33 4.20
15 11. 10 10.00 8.63 6.86 10. 98 9.86 8. 42 6.54 4. 34
22 11.20 10. 14 8.70 6.90 11.08 10.00 8.54 6. 66 4. 42
29 11. 22 10. 14 8.62 6. 86 11. 10 9. 98 8. 50 6.62 4. 47
Apr. 5. 11.26 10.24 8. 74 6. 92 11. 14 10.08 8.62 6.64 4. 52
12 11.32 10. 36 8.88 7.00 11.17 10. 17 8.72 6. 78 4.65
19.... 11. 42 10.44 8.90 7.00 11.20 10.20 8. 73 6.80 4.70
26 11.52 10. 49 8.92 7.02 11.24 10. 21 8.73 6.81 4.75
May 3 11.40 10. 30 8.80 7.00 11.05 10. 02 8. 60 6.75 4. 75
10 11. 42 10.36 8.82 7.00 11.07 10.10 8.64 6.75 4. 75
17 11.32 10.25 8.84 7. 12 11.08 10.00 8.64 6.86 4.81
24 11. 18 10. 10 8.76 7.17 11.04 9. 96 8.62 6.90 4.85
31. 10.89 9.89 8.58 7. 12 10.68 9. 74 8. 48 6.81 4.84
June 7 10.79 9.80 8. 48 6.98 10. 47 9.62 8.34 6.71 4.80
14 10. 78 9.86 8.60 7.06 10. 46 9.62 8.40 7.75 4.80
21 10.40 9.57 8. 40 6.92 10.10 9. 32 8.22 6.68 4.78
28. 10.19 9.31 8.20 6.90 9. 82 9.06 8.02 6. 47 4.62
10.21 9.40 8.23 6.88 9.82 9. 16 8.08 6.37 4. 49
12 10.23 9.47 8. 32 6.82 9.94 9.24 8.10 6.45 4.53
19 10. 21 9.35 8.16 6.62 9.96 9.19 8.08 6.34 4. 48
26 10. 48 9.54 8.34 6.70 10.28 9. 46 8.22 6. 48 4.54
Aug. 2 11. 12 10.20 8.82 6.88 10.96 10.10 8. 58 6.54 4. 55
9 10.82 9.93 8. 51 6.68 10.66 9.78 8. 28 6.26 4. 38
16 10.64 9. 77 8.12 6.12 10.54 9.64 7.74 5. 51 4.00
23 10.52 9.54 7.86 5.82 10.52 9.58 7.64 5.40 3.90
30 10.29 9.21 7. 61 5.36 10.50 9.44 7. 46 5.08 3. 65
Sept. 6 10.74 9. 73 7.94 5.69 10. 89 9 84 7.84 5 53 3. 96
13 10.66 9.48 7. 55 5. 30 10. 72 9.68 7.69 5.35 3.82
20 10.54 9.44 7.46 5.22 10.70 9.60 7.58 5. 25 3.75
27 10. 55 9.45 7.58 5.23 10.77 9.62 7. 58 5.22 3.75

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers

1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds

Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter

1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 4 10. 65 9.54 7. 72 5. 26 10.90 9.72 7.64 5.22 3. 77
11 10. 74 9.64 7.84 5. 30 11.13 9.98 7.88 5.34 3.80
18 10.87 9. 78 8.02 5. 42 11.34 10. 19 8.05 5.44 3.80
25 10. 81 9.76 8.05 5.42 11.54 10. 36 8.12 5. 42 3.80
Nov. 1 10.82 9. 76 7. 96 5. 27 11.60 10.40 8.04 5. 22 3.64
8 10.80 9. 75 7.88 5.20 11.60 10.38 8.00 5. 15 3.58
15 10.74 9.64 7. 78 5. 12 11.54 10.28 7.90 5.06 3.53
22 10. 68 9. 51 7.60 4. 88 11.64 10.26 7.70 4.80 3.22
29 11.04 9.90 7.84 5. 08 12.11 10. 58 7. 95 5.06 3. 31
Dec. 6 11.23 10.12 8.04 5.24 12. 36 10. 81 8.22 5. 18 3. 38
13 11.00 9.78 7.74 5.00 12.28 10. 58 7.92 5. 05 3. 38
20 10. 95 9.83 7.78 5.15 12. 38 10.66 7.94 5.22 3. 60
27 11.31 10.22 8.18 5.49 12. 76 11.08 8.29 5.56 3. 75
Jan. 3 11.39 10.26 8.16 5. 50 12. 70 11.11 8.24 5.40 3.66
10 11.50 10. 30 8.20 5. 44 12.67 11.14 8.30 5. 37 3.66
17 11.60 10.34 8.34 5. 70 12.64 11.02 8.40 5. 59 3.85
24 11.56 10.28 8.38 5.80 12.58 10.96 8.40 5.69 3.98
31 11.44 10.28 8. 48 6.04 12. 38 10. 92 8.54 5.90 4.20
Feb. 7 11.33 10. 16 8. 48 6.12 12.22 10. 75 8. 49 5.98 4.20
14 10.92 9.74 8.06 5.85 11.81 10.22 8.04 5.72 3.98
21 10.97 9. 78 8. 20 6.20 11. 70 10.16 8.14 6.03 4.25
28 11. 21 10.04 8.42 6. 50 11.98 10. 51 8. 49 6. 40 4. 58
Mar. 7 11.26 10.18 8. 65 6. 78 12.08 10.74 8.82 6.70 4.81
14 11.28 10.27 8.83 6.94 12.02 10. 81 9.00 6. 87 4.94
21 11.00 10. 14 8. 80 6.86 11.56 10.50 8.84 6. 78 4.94
28 10.88 10.04 8. 91 7.06 11.34 10.44 8. 98 6.88 5.08
Apr. 4 . 11.04 10.20 9. 09 7. 28 11.38 10. 47 9. 10 7.14 5.35
11 10.93 10.12 9.02 7. 21 11.24 10.40 9. 10 7. 16 5. 41
18.. 10.83 10.02 9.00 7. 18 11. 13 10.34 9. 07 7.14 5. 36
25 10.68 9.82 8.92 7.21 10.97 10.18 9.00 7.13 5.40
May 2 10. 56 9. 72 8.88 7.31 10.87 10.03 8.95 7.22 5.44
9... 10. 65 9.74 8.91 7.40 10.90 10.04 8.99 7. 26 5. 45
16 10.63 9. 71 8.90 7.40 10.92 10.10 9.06 7.28 5.45
23 10.58 9.60 8.84 7.38 10.86 10.02 9. 08 7.20 5. 26
30 10. 56 9.57 8.76 7.28 10.84 9.98 8. 95 7.09 5. 21
June 6 ... 10.74 9.86 8. 91 7.34 11.06 10. 17 9. 08 7.14 5.22
13. 10.81 9. 90 8.94 7. 21 11.05 10.24 9. 05 7.06 5.07
20 10. 81 9.92 8. 80 6. 97 11.04 10. 18 8.81 6.83 4. 81
27 11.37 10.45 9.10 7.08 11.55 10. 55 9.18 6.98 4.76
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended— 1,500
up, good Can-
and Me Com Me Com ner
choice Choice Good dium mon Choice Good dium mon and

1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4.... 11. 67 11. 98 10.94 9.46 7.21 12.09 10.97 9.44 7.12 4.76
11 12.04 12.54 11. 38 9.56 7. 06 12. 38 11. 12 9.32 6.87 4. 59
18.... 12.26 12.76 11. 40 9. 38 6.84 12.64 11. 20 9. 12 6. 60 4. 45
25.... 12.67 13.28 11.56 9.28 6.61 13. 27 11.43 9.04 6. 40 4. 29
Aug. 1 12. 98 13. 68 11.64 9.11 6. 44 13.63 11.53 8. 90 6. 26 4. 09
8.... 13. 12 13. 87 11. 70 8.99 6. 32 13. 82 11.58 8.86 6.18 4. 06
15 13. 36 14.16 11.77 8. 86 6.27 14.07 11.66 8. 74 6. 10 4. 02
22.... 13. 15 13.94 11.36 8. 46 6. 01 13. 80 11. 19 8. 28 5.83 3. 78
29 13. 15 14. 00 11. 34 8. 40 5. 98 13. 78 11. 16 8. 20 5. 75 3.75
Sept. h.'.V. 13. 06 13. 90 11. 28 8. 30 5. 92 13.68 11.07 8.04 5. 64 3.75
12 13. 30 14. 15 11.40 8. 38 6. 00 13. 98 11.20 8. 10 5. 68 3.75
19 13. 46 14. 32 11. 58 8. 56 6. 07 14. 18 11. 40 8. 30 5. 78 3.84
26.... 13. 55 14.33 11. 58 8. 57 6. 07 14. 21 11. 42 8. 33 5.83 3. 92
Oct. 3 13. 52 14.24 11. 36 8. 33 5.94 14. 12 11. 22 8. 16 5.70 3. 82
10.... 13. 55 14.30 11. 42 8. 38 5. 95 14. 18 11.30 8. 25 5. 75 3.82
17.... 13. 47 14. 11 11.22 8. 18 5. 87 13. 92 11.04 8. 06 5. 67 3.82
24.„. 13. 39 14. 00 11. 10 8. 12 5. 82 13. 78 10.90 7. 98 5. 02 3. 80
31—. 13. 38 13.94 11. 10 8. 11 5. 74 13.70 10.83 7.90 5.61 3. 81
Nov. 7 13. 38 13.92 11. 07 8. 10 5.75 13. 65 10.82 7.94 5. 62 3.82
14.... 12. 70 13. 39 10. 79 8. 08 5.86 13.24 10.64 7. 95 5.68 3.88
21.... 11. 95 12. 59 10.42 8. 12 5. 88 12.80 10. 46 8. 02 5. 74 3. 90
28.... 11.95 12. 50 10.49 8. 35 6. 11 12.68 10. 49 8. 25 5. 98 4.23
Dec. 5.... 11.76 12.18 10.18 8. 22 6. 08 12. 16 10. 12 8. 12 5. 97 4. 25
12 11.38 11.84 9.96 8. 09 6. 03 11.84 9.92 8. 00 5. 92 4. 25
19.... 11. 32 11. 76 10.06 8. 29 6. 23 11. 74 9.98 8. 15 G. 08 4. 49
26.... 11. 32 11.71 10.08 8. 47 6. 54 11. 58 9.93 8.20 6. 34 4. 66
Jan. 2 11.02 11. 46 9. 98 8. 52 6. 60 11. 38 9.90 8. 32 6.44 4. 78

Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended— steers
and Canner
heifers, 850 All
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium j?
pounds up, good common and and and and
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 (canner
good and choice medium bologna)
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 9.69 8.23 6.00 6. 80 4. 75 3.00 5. 75 4.00
14 9. 75 8.25 6.00 6. 82 4. 75 3.00 5.95 4. 20
21 9.60 8.25 5.92 6.88 4.75 3. 08 6. 08 4. 32
28 9.62 8. 35 6.02 6.98 4.74 3.10 6. 32 4. 58
Aug. 4 9.60 8. 30 5. 92 7.00 4.62 3. 00 6. 32 4.52
11 9.62 8.25 5.88 7.00 4. 62 3.00 6.22 4. 16
18 9.62 8.25 5. 80 7.00 4.55 2.86 6.12 3.94
25 9.72 8. 32 5.75 7.00 4. 50 2.75 6. 12 3.88
Sept. l 9.78 8. 38 5. 75 7.00 4. 50 2.75 6. 12 3.88
8 9.80 8. 30 5.62 6.80 4. 40 2. 75 6. 02 3.78
15 9.78 8. 20 5. 50 6.62 4.25 2.75 6. 0O 3. 80
22... 9. 55 8.05 5.30 6. 42 4.05 2. 65 5. 68 3.65
29 9.50 8.00 5.25 6.38 4.00 2.72 5. 58 3.58
Oct. 6 9.50 8.00 5.25 6. 38 4. 08 2.88 5. 62 3.62
13 9.75 8. 27 5.55 6. 48 4.25 2. 90 5.62 3.62
20. 9.75 8. 42 5.62 6.42 4.18 2. 88 5. 62 3.62
27 9.75 8. 42 5. 50 6.18 3. 92 2. 68 5. 42 3.42
Nov. 3 9.90 8. 42 5. 40 6.12 3.88 2. 62 5.38 3. 38
10 10.00 8.32 5. 30 5.90 3. 80 2.62 5. 22 3.22
17 10.00 8. 25 5.25 5.65 3. 75 2.62 5.05 3.02
24 10.06 8.25 5.25 5. 62 3. 75 2. 62 5. 00 2.C2
i Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.— Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Hei^e Cows Bulls

Week ended- steers
and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 (canner
! good and choice medium bologna)
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Dec. 10.25 8. 28 5. 31 5. 66 3. 81 2. 69 5. 06 2. £3
10.25 8.52 5. 58 5. 84 4. 10 2. 94 5.14 3.06
10.25 S. 58 5.58 5. 82 4. 27 3. 08 5. 14 3.21
10. 30 8. 59 5.54 5. 66 4.25 3. 00 4.85 3.20
10. 36 8. 75 5.62 5. 88 4. 38 3. 02 5. 06 3.51
Jan. 8. 84 5.72 5. 92 4. 44 3. 16 5. 22 3.75
S. 71 5. 66 5. 90 4. 31 3. 02 5.12 3.81
8.58 5.72 5.81 4. 32 2. 94 5. 15 4.02
8. 50 5. 74 5. 86 4. 22 2. 82 5.02 4. 00
Feb. 8. 38 5. 60 5. 94 4. 22 2. 75 4. 92 3.97
8. 32 5. 62 5.88 4. 20 2. 76 4.92 3.92
8. 21 5.47 5. 62 4. 10 2. 75 4.81 3.91
8.26 5. 50 5. 66 4. 14 2. 75 4. 70 3.90
Mar. 8.20 5. 50 5. 90 4. 27 2. 93 5. 09 3.97
8. 28 5. 62 6. 10 4.41 3. 02 5. 40 4. 08
8. 38 5. 75 6. 24 4.56 3. 10 5.36 4.06
8. 42 5. 80 6. 52 4. 80 3. 12 5.30 4.16
8. 36 5. 80 6. 58 4. 82 3. 12 5.18 3.98
Apr. 8. 38 5.88 6. 84 5. OS 3.22 5. 38 4. 00
8. 42 5.92 7. 09 5. 24 3. 33 5. 58 4. 08
8.47 5.97 7. 29 5. 30 3.32 5. 62 4.02
8. 46 (i. 08 7. 27 5. 26 3. 18 5.75 4.00
May 8.30 5. 92 7. 03 5. 05 3. 14 5.42 3.88
10 8. 38 6. 00 7. 08 5. 13 3. 18 5. 66 4.03
17 8. 42 6. 00 7. 16 5. 22 3. 18 5.86 4. 11
24 8. 42 6. 00 7. 16 5. 20 3.18 5.92 4.25
31... 8. 40 0. 00 7. 09 5. 07 3. 13 5. 75 4.25
June 8. 18 5. 77 6. 84 4. 75 2.92 5.78 4.28
ii.VS""S.-.-".. 8. 10 5. 62 7. 05 4. 85 2.92 5.81 4.31
21 7. 90 5. 50 6.90 4. 63 2. 84 5.76 4.27
7. 55 5. 20 6. 47 4.27 2. 65 5.41 4.08
July 5. 7. 55 5. 21 6. 64 4.29 2. 55 5. 34 3.91
12. 7.74 5. 36 6. 70 4. 43 2. 66 5.52 4.08
19. 7. 88 5.38 6. 76 4. 50 2.62 5.75 4.32
26. 7. 98 5. 36 6. 96 4.55 2. 62 5.61 4.24
Aug. 2. 8.40 5.50 7.22 4.72 2. 85 5. 73 4. 13
9. 8. 16 5. 10 6.74 4. 12 2. 32 5.28 3.48
16. 8. 01 4. 82 6. 45 3.90 2. 30 5. 32 3. 50
23. 8.07 4. 80 6. 36 4. 01 2. 50 5. 42 3.45
30. 7.90 4. 78 6.02 3. 70 2. 48 5. 25 3.38
Sept. 6. 8.34 5. 22 6. 27 4. 04 2.84 5. 25 3.38
13. 8. 50 5. 38 6.38 4. 02 2.66 5. 25 3.38
20. 8. 50 5. 32 5. 95 3.49 2. 36 5. 20 3.26
27. 8.50 5. 32 5. 98 3.69 2. 60 5. 19 3.24
Oct. 4. 8.58 5. 38 6. 06 3. 85 2. 77 5. 17 3.34
11. 8. 74 5. 34 5. 86 3.69 2. 66 4. 72 3.08
18. 8. 78 5.29 5. 60 3.50 2. 52 4.29 2. S4
25. 8. 95 5. 45 5.84 3. 86 2. 79 4. 32 2.92
Nov. 1. 9. 00 5. 44 5.81 3.74 2. 76 4. 34 2.97
8. 9. 03 5. 50 5.99 4. 14 3. 14 4. 48 3. 17
IS. 8. 94 5. 48 5. 73 4.02 3.03 4. 54 3.24
22. 8. 75 5. 14 5. 34 3.62 2. 76 4.38 2. 96
29. 5. 23 5.46 3.82 2.96 4.45 3.08
Dec. 6. 5.31 5. 64 3.96 3.07 4.40 3.00
13. 8. 72 5. 12 5. 50 3. 75 2.89 4.21 2. 98
20. 8. 70 5. 08 5. 30 3.60 2.78 4.02 2. 94
27. S. 93 5. 41 5.54 3.99 ?.. 03 4.28 3.15
Jan. 10. 81 8. 88 5.41 5. 78 4.06 3.03 4.38 3.11
10.84 8. 75 5. 30 5. 80 4.08 3. 03 4. 99 3.61
10. 80 8. 72 5.19 5.86 4. 12 2. 88 5.04 3.67
10. 71 8. 79 5. 28 5.94 4. 29 3. 00 5.04 3.73
10. 67 8.72 5.34 6.06 i 4. 45 3. 12 4. 86 3.58
1 B eef yearlings excluded.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925-
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
steers •
Week ended— and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and (canner
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 and
good and choice medium bologna)
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Feb. 7— 10.66 8. 57 5. 32 6. 12 4. 51 3 12 4.85 3. 60
14 10. 42 8.42 5. 20 5. 72 4. 16 2 92 4.70 3.55
21 10.28 8.50 5. 48 5. 94 4. 39 3 19 4. 86 3. 81
28 10. 40 8.74 5. 74 6. 22 4. 67 3 37 5. 00 3.82
Mar. 7. 10. 56 8. 96 5. 98 6. 50 4. 85 3. 49 5. 08 3.82
14 10. 61 9. 10 6. 10 6. 70 5. 01 3 60 5. 22 3.86
21 10. 30 9.02 6. 06 6 71 4 91 3 48 5. 38 3.88
28 10.33 9.16 6. 28 6. 98 5. 00 3 62 5. 46 3. 86
Apr. 4 10. 46 9. 40 6. 49 7. 06 4. 89 3 18 5. 55 3.88
11- — 10. 46 9. 56 6. 61 7. 36 5. 14 3 28 5.62 3.88
18 10. 37 9. 56 6. 78 7. 66 5. 42 3. 44 5. 80 3.94
25 10. 16 9. 40 6. (54 7 46 5 34 3 49 5.90 4. 05
May- 2 10. 12 9. 36 6. 02 7. 45 5. 32 3. 60 5.94 4. 14
9 - 10. 12 9. 36 6. 70 7. 50 5. 38 3. 50 6. 05 4. 20
16 10. 12 9. 44 6. 85 7. 60 5. 48 3. 60 6. 18 4. 32
23 10. 02 9. 31 6. 70 7 18 5. 20 3 52 6. 25 4. 32
30 10. 05 9.25 6. 59 6. 92 5. 02 3 50 6. 06 4.22
June 6 10. 36 9. 32 6. 62 7. 02 5. 06 3. 55 5.78 4. 08
13. 10.38 9. 42 6. 68 7. 25 5. 20 3 58 5. 52 3. 95
20—. 10. 42 9. 42 6. 68 7. 18 4. 98 3 35 5.38 3.81
27 10.83 9.60 6.84 7.24 5. 00 3 38 5.51 4. 00
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
ek ended— steers Beef Beef Canner
and 850 All Com under
heifers pounds
under 850 up, weights, Good mon Can 1,500
ner pounds 1,500 medium
pounds good common and and and up, good pounds (canner
good and choice and choice med cutter and good and and
choice medium ium choice choice 1 bologna)
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4... 11. 18 9.86 6.94 7. 35 5. 10 3. 48 5. 10 5. 40 3. 98
11 11.42 9.92 6. 65 7. 20 4. 80 3.22 5. 10 5. 33 3.86
18 11. 57 9. 87 6. 47 7.00 4. 50 3.00 5. 12 5. 38 3.88
25 11. 78 10.20 6.48 7. 05 4. 60 3. 09 5. 17 5.42 3.98
Aug. 1 12. 01 10. 38 6.50 7.02 4. 47 2.92 4. 99 5.24 3. 78
8 12. 17 10.46 6. 29 7. 18 4. 46 2.96 4.86 5.11 3.74
15 12.24 10. 48 6. 28 7.24 4. 46 2.96 4.90 5.24 3.77
22 11.88 10. 17 6. 11 7.00 4. 35 3.06 4. 66 4.96 3. 62
29 11.62 10.00 6. 00 6.94 4.44 3. 19 4.66 4.92 3.66
Sept. 5 11.33 9.42 5. 60 6.75 4. 25 3.06 4. 60 4.86 3.60
12... 11.45 9.38 5. 55 6. 75 4.25 3.00 4.58 4. 82 3.58
19 11.68 9. 50 5.66 6. 90 4.40 3. 10 4. 72 4.97 3.64
26 11. 80 9. 85 5.88 7. 15 4. 52 3. 19 4.96 5. 21 3.74
Oct. 3... 11.62 9.75 5.74 7.09 4. 48 3. 18 5. 09 5. 34 3.82
10 11.62 9. 75 5. 75 7.05 4. 42 3. 18 5. 25 5.50 3.88
17 11.58 9.57 5.64 7. 00 4. 36 3. 18 5. 12 5. 37 3. 76
24 11.40 9.08 5. 39 6. 80 4.26 3. 18 5.02 5.27 3.64
31 11.28 9.08 5. 40 6.94 4. 44 3.26 5. 08 5.34 3.75
Nov. 7 11. 18 9.08 5. 48 6.97 4. 54 3. 35 5.14 5.40 3.81
14... 10.88 9.06 5. 55 7.00 4. 68 3.50 5.06 5. 30 3. 68
21 10.74 9.07 5. 57 7.08 4.82 3.64 5.31 5.56 3.87
28 10.70 9. 10 5. 60 7. 12 4.92 3.70 5. 32 5.58 3.90
Dec. 5 10. 34 8.94 5. 72 7. 14 4.98 3.84 5. 48 5. 74 4. 14
12 10. 10 8.77 5. 72 7.08 5. 05 3.96 5.46 5. 76 4.31
19.. 10. 00 8.62 5. 76 6. 98 5. 17 4. 14 5.54 5. 78 4.42
26 9.95 8.38 5. 75 6. 82 5. 15 4. 05 5.65 5.90 4. 56
Jan. 2 9.88 8.38 5. 75 6. 82 5. 15 4.02 5.90 6.09 4.72
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Under Under 190 to 2G0 190 Cows
Week ended— 190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, All
pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 9.00 6.38 7. 75 7. 00 5.56 7.25 6. 62 4.50 4. 55 6. 38
14 9. 25 6. 25 7.50 7.00 5.50 7. 25 6. 62 4.50 4.55 6.38
21 8. 35 5.90 7. 50 6. 70 5. 20 7. 25 6. 62 4.50 4. 55 6.38
28 8. 10 5.25 7. 40 6. 40 4. 80 7.15 6. 52 4. 45 4. 55 6. 32
Aug. 4 8.00 5. 25 7. 38 6. 38 4.75 6. 92 6. 22 4. 18 4. 55 6.25
11 8. 19 5. 25 7.38 6. 38 4. 75 7.30 6. 22 4. 12 4. 55 6.25
18 8.25 5. 25 7.28 6. 28 4.70 7. 38 6. 25 4. 12 4. 55 6. 25
25 8. 25 5.25 7. 25 6. 25 4. 62 7.42 6. 25 4. 12 4. 55 6.25
Sept. 1 6. 25 5.25 7.25 6. 25 4. 62 7.50 6. 25 4. 12 4. 62 6. 25
8 8. 25 5. 25 7. 25 6. 25 4. 62 7.50 6.31 4. 12 4. 62 6. 25
15 8. 35 5. 25 7.25 6. 25 4. 62 7.50 6. 32 4.12 4. 62 6. 25
22 8. 50 5. 25 7.25 6. 25 4. 62 7.18 6. 25 4. 02 4. 62 6. 15
29 8. 55 5. 25 7.25 6. 25 4. 62 7. 12 6.25 4.00 4. 62 6.12
Oct. 6 8.50 5. 25 7.25 6. 25 4. 62 6. 95 6. 08 3.88 4. 62 6. 12
13 8. 50 5. 25 7.10 6. 18 4. 40 6. 80 6.08 3.88 4. 48 5.90
20 8. 50 5.25 7.00 6.12 4. 25 6. 75 6. 05 3.88 4. 38 5. 75
27 8. 75 5. 25 7.00 6.12 4. 25 6. 65 6. 01 3.88 4.22 5.60
Nov. 3 8. 75 5. 25 7.00 6.12 4. 25 6.62 6. 00 3.88 4. 00 5.62
10 8. 60 5.25 7. 00 6.20 4. 18 6. 55 6. 00 3.88 3. 92 5. 62
17 8.50 5. 25 7. 00 6. 25 4. 12 6.50 6. 00 3.88 3.82 5.58
24 8.12 5. 02 6.70 6. 10 3. 90 6. 47 6.06 3.88 3. 75 5.50
Dec. 1 8. 00 4.88 6.50 6. 00 3. 75 6.50 6. 12 3.84 3.75 5.50
8. 8. 08 5. 10 6.58 6. 00 3. 75 6. 60 6. 22 3. 85 3. 95 5.50
15 8.15 5. 40 6. 75 5. 98 3. 82 6.54 6. 17 3.80 3. 93 5. 45
22 7. 62 5.38 6. 62 5.70 3.88 6.50 6. 16 3.76 3.90 5.25
29 7. 97 5. 47 6. 75 5.69 3.88 6.50 6.18 3.80 4.06 5. 38
8.82 5. 72 7.55 6. 10 4. 25 6.58 6. 25 3.88 4. 12 5.70
12 8.88 5. 80 7.60 6.08 4. 50 6. 47 6.14 3.88 4. 12 5.75
19 8.58 5. 68 7. 40 5.78 4. 50 6.64 6. 32 3.90 4. 12 5.75
26 8. 60 5.70 7.48 5. 82 4.58 6. 70 6. 37 3.95 4. 12 5.75
Feb. 2 8. 95 5. 80 7.82 5.90 4.68 6. 70 6. 40 3.98 4.12 5.75
9 9. 12 5. 88 8. 00 6. 00 4. 70 6.83 6.53 4.00 4. 12 5.75
16 8. 62 5. 65 7.72 5.88 4. 45 6. 77 6. 47 . 3.99 4. 12 5.75
23 8. 25 5. 50 7.50 5. 62 4. 38 6. 75 6.45 3. 95 4. 12 5.75
Mar. 1 8.50 5.58 7.75 6. 02 4. 45 6.79 6.49 3. 95 4. 14 5. 75
8 8. 62 5. 62 7. 80 6. 22 4. 50 6.90 6.50 3.99 4. 18 5.75
15 8/62 5.68 7. 80 6. 52 4. 58 7. 01 6.53 4.03 4.18 5.88
22 8. 82 5. 85 8.08 6. 82 4. 72 7. 05 6.55 4. 05 4. 18 5.88
29 8.88 5.88 8. 12 6.88 4. 75 7. 10 6.57 4. 05 4.24 5.88
9. 15 6. 05 8.40 6.90 4. 95 7. 10 6.57 4. 03 4. 35 5.88
12 9.15 6. 08 8. 52 6.88 5. 12 7. 18 6. 50 4.04 4. 65 5.88
19 8. 80 5.90 8.12 6.48 5. 08 7. 18 6.50 4.08 4. 75 5.88
26 8. 15 5.50 7.50 6. 32 4.90 7.34 6.63 4. 14 4. 75 5.88
May 3 7. 62 5. 25 7.12 6. 15 4.75 7. 38 6. 68 4. 18 4. 75 5.88
10 7.95 5. 40 7. 38 6. 75 4. 80 7. 36 6.68 4. 18 4. 75 5.88
17 8. 65 S. 08 7.90 7. 05 4.88 7. 38 0. 08 4. 18 4. 75 5.88
24 8.86 5.78 8. 05 7. 10 4. 92 7.40 6.68 4. 18 4. 75 5.88
31 8. 38 5.56 7.31 6. 62 4. 91 7. 41 6.59 4.11 4. 72 5.78
7.75 5. 25 6. 82 6. 25 4.75 7. 30 6. 35 4. 00 4. 62 5.68
14 7.75 5. 25 6. 75 6. 12 4.75 7. 23 6. 28 3. 95 4. 60 5.52
21 7.95 5. 35 6. 95 6. 20 4.88 7.11 6.22 3. 75 4.50 5. 38
28 7.88 5.22 6. 82 5.88 4. 95 7. 03 6. 12 3. 75 4. 40 5.35
July 5 8. 12 5.31 6.94 5.75 5.00 7.00 6. 12 3. 75 4. 25 5. 25
12 8.60 5.72 7. 30 6.08 5.00 6.99 6. 12 3. 75 4.20 5.30
19 8.68 5. 92 7.30 6. 10 5.00 6.95 6.12 3.75 4. 12 5. 38
26— — 7.48 5. 08 6. 10 5. 10 4. 55 6.95 6. 12 3. 75 4. 12 5.38
Aug. 2.. 7.38 5.00 6.00 5.00 4.50 6.88 6. 12 3. 75 4.12 5. 38
9 7.38 4.98 6.00 5.00 4.50 6.88 6. 12 3. 72 4.00 5. 12
16 7.60 4.98 6.02 5.00 4.50 6.82 6.08 3. 62 3. 75 4. 95
23 8. 12 5. 30 6. 42 5.08 4.50 6.78 6.00 3.62 3. 78 5. 05
30 8. 52 5.58 7.02 5. 40 4.50 6.68 5.80 3. 55 3.88 5.25
Sept. 6 8.62 5.62 7.12 5.50 4.50 6. 87 5.84 3.50 4.02 5. 34
13. 8. 50 5.42 6.75 5. 18 4.25 6.95 5.88 3. 50 4.08 5. 38
20 8.50 5. 25 6. 75 4. 65 3.80 6. 75 5.80 3.50 3.92 5. 15
27 8.50 5.25 6.90 4. 92 3. 62 6.92 5.88 3.50 3. 82 5.20
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Week ended— Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and up, All
pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice

1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Oct. 4 8. 65 5. 35 7.15 5. 10 3. 72 6. 82 5.83 3.50 4.00 5.25
11 8.75 5. 38 7.25 5.02 3.75 6.88 5.80 3.50 4.03 5.25
18.. 8.75 5.38 7.25 4.88 3.75 6.68 5.80 3.50 3. 75 5.00
25 8.72 5. 38 7.25 4. 88 3. 75 6.58 5L 68 3. 35 3.85 5.00
Nov. 1 8.75 5.38 7.25 4.88 3. 75 6.50 5.68 3.25 3.88 5.08
8. 8.80 5.38 7.25 5.00 3. 75 6.50 5.70 3. 25 3.88 5.22
15 8.55 5. 15 6.92 4.78 3.60 6. 35 5.58 3. 10 3. 85 5.22
22.. 7.75 4. 75 6.25 4.62 3.50 5.92 5.50 3.00 3.50 5. 12
29.. 7.75 4. 75 6.25 4.62 '3.50 5.95 5.50 3.00 3.50 5. 12
Dec. 6 8.30 5. 18 6.65 5. 15 3.72 6.02 5.58 3. 10 3.50 5.12
13 8.72 5.58 6.95 5.65 3.72 5.96 5.63 3.25 3. 48 5. 10
20 8.28 5. 18 6. 72 5.05 3.42 5.75 5.55 3. 25 3.38 5.00
27 8.44 5.36 6.94 5.25 3.47 5.75 5.62 3. 25 3. 38 5.00
Jan. 3 8.88 5.75 7.38 5.50 3.50 5.42 5.34 3. 19 3. 47 4. 94
10 8.70 5.58 7.30 5.45 3.50 5.75 5.77 3. 46 3. 58 5. 15
17 8.85 5.72 7.50 5.75 3.62 6. 14 6.08 3. 82 3.82 5.35
24 9.00 5. 75 7.75 6.00 3.75 6.30 6.23 3.90 3.88 5.38
31.. 9. 10 5. 80 7.80 6.00 3. 85 fi. 38 6. 30 3. 92 3. 95 5. 45
Feb. 7 9.65 6. 18 8. 18 6.40 4. 30 6.52 6. 45 4.00 4.00 5.5C
14 9. 02 5.82 7.65 6. 05 4. 05 6. 46 6.35 3.92 3.90 5.50
21 9.55 6.12 8. 12 6. 28 4.12 6. 44 6.31 3.88 4.03 5.50
28.. 9. 75 6.25 8. 28 6.40 4. 12 6.60 6.52 4.08 4.45 5.70
Mar. 7 9.88 6. 25 8. 38 6.50 4.12 6.70 6.63 4.22 4.50 5.80
14.. 9. 48 5. 98 8.15 6.38 4.12 7.20 7.04 4.70 4.85 6. 12
21 8.75 5.50 7.62 6.05 4.12 7.14 6.98 4.75 5.00 6.12
28 8. 08 5.20 7.15 5.80 4.02 7. 16 7.01 4.82 5.00 6.12
Apr. 4 7.90 5.12 7.02 5.90 4.02 7.07 6.94 4.80 5.00 6.12
11 8.20 5.32 7.32 6.20 4.22 7.00 6.88 4.75 5.00 6.12
18 8.50 5.48 7.30 6.35 4.25 7.05 6.92 4.80 5.00 6. 12
25 8.12 5.25 6.92 6.25 4. 25 7.05 6.92 4.80 5.00 6. 12
May 2 8.02 5.12 6.78 6.15 4.15 7.10 7.00 4.88 5.00 6.12
9 8. 25 5.25 6.85 6.38 4.22 7.19 7.10 4.88 5.00 6.12
16 8.55 5.55 7. 12 6.75 4.38 7.25 7.18 4. 92 5.00 6.12
23 9.00 5.88 7.50 7. 12 4.50 7.03 6.94 4.80 4.95 6.08
30 8.50 5.62 7.12 6.62 4. 38 6. 77 6.62 4.62 4.88 6.00
June 6... 8.50 5.62 7.12 6.62 4.38 6.70 6.62 4.62 4.88 6.00
13 8.20 5.38 6.90 6.42 4.22 6.70 6.62 4.62 4.88 6.00
20 7.65 4.80 6.50 6.08 4. 00 6. 66 6.55 4.48 4.88 6.00
27 8.08 5.08 6.78 6.32 4. 15 6.62 6.50 4.38 4.88 6.00
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—

Calves (milk-j Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

fed excluded)

Week ended— 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,

Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers),
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Com Com choice choice to
Good mon Good mon choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 6. 92 4. 12 8. 42 5. 42 7.55 5.88 7.38 5. 62 5.38 3.88 6.00
11 7.00 4. 12 8.50 5. 50 7.53 5.88 7. 36 5.62 5.38 3.88 6.00
18 6. 72 4. 10 8.22 5.50 7. 37 5. 70 7. 13 5. 40 5. 38 3.60 5.88
25 6.62 4.00 8.12 5.50 7. 58 6. 61 7.34 5. 36 5.38 3.50 5. 75
Aug. 1. 6. 12 3. 75 7. 62 5. 25 8.06 5.88 7.68 5.62 5.44 3.50 5. 75
8 6.12 3. 75 7. 75 5. 25 7. 99 5. 62 7.58 5.38 5. 45 3.50 5.78
15 6. 12 3. 75 7. 75 5. 25 7. 98 5. 48 7.48 5.16 5. 45 3.50 5.88
22 6. 18 3. 78 7. 95 5. 40 7.86 5.50 7. 47 5. 18 5. 45 3.50 5.88
6. 38 3.88 8.75 6.00 7.86 5.51 7. 46 5.21 5.49 3.50 5. 95
Sept. 5 6.15 3.88 8.75 6.00 7. 78 5. 55 7.50 5. 25 5.50 3.50 6.00
12.. 5. 68 3. 78 8. 95 6. 05 7. 98 5.60 7.50 5. 25 5.50 3.50 6.25
19 5.80 3. 85 9.48 6. 35 8. 16 5.80 7.64 5.38 5. 55 3.50 6.25
26 6.00 4.00 9. 92 6.50 8. 34 5. 99 7.74 5. 47 5.62 3.50 6.25
Oct. 3__. 6.04 4.02 10.00 6.52 8. 30 5.92 7.58 5.32 5.62 3.50 6.12
10. 6.08 4.08 10.15 6. 62 8.28 5.92 7.58 5.33 5.62 3.50 6.12
17. 5. 85 4. 02 10. 35 6. 62 8.08 5. 81 7. 42 5. 25 5.62 3.50 6.12
24 5.78 4.00 10. 38 6. 62 8.01 5.83 7.45 5. 25 5.62 3.65 6.12
81.. 5. 95 4.05 10. 38 6. 62 7. 92 5.80 7. 42 5. 25 5. 62 3. 75 6.18
Nov. 7 6. 12 4.12 10. 38 6.62 7.90 5.82 7. 40 5.27 5.60 3. 75 6.25
14 5. 98 4. 10 10.30 6.58 8.00 6.00 7.56 5. 45 5.40 3. 75 6.25
21 5.58 3.88 8. 92 5. 78 8.22 6. 18 7.78 5.62 5. 38 3. 75 6.25
28. 5. 81 3.88 8.50 5. 62 8. 35 6. 36 7. 96 5.76 5. 38 3.80 6.58
Dec. 5. 6. 25 4. 12 8.60 5. 72 8.54 6.73 8. 18 6.17 5. 38 3.80 6.58
12 6. 50 4. 25 8.62 5.75 8. 30 6. 55 8.08 6. 16 5. 38 3.88 6.58
19 6. 50 4. 35 8.62 5. 75 8. 30 6.59 8.08 6. 17 5.38 3.88 6.58
26 6.50 4.38 8.62 5. 75 8. 32 6. 65 8.12 6.20 5.38 3.88 6.58
Jan. 2 6.50 4. 44 8.69 5. 81 8. 38 6. 75 8.12 6. 25 5.38 3.88 6.58


Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
Week 1,100 pounds up Heifers, pounds Cows, Bulls,
ended— com com bo
mon mon logna,
Choice Me Com Choice Me Com to to and
and Good dium mon and Good dium mon choice choice beef
prime prime
1921 Dolls. DolU. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 8. 42 6.72 8.05 fi fi2 fi 42 5.80 5.70
15 8.00 6.50 7.62 6.25 1 6.28 5.65 5.55
22 8. 05 6.60 7.80 fi 45 fi 22 5.60 5.50
29 7.58 6. 50 7.50 6. 32 5.88 5. 32 5.28
Feb. 5 7.22 6.22 6.98 5.98 5. 72 5.10 4. 95
12 7. 12 6.30 6.88 5.98 5.68 5.05 4.60
19 7. 18 fi. 38 6.92 6.00 5.68 5.00 4.50
26 7.70 6.88 7.45 6. 62 6. 20 5.52 4.58
Mar. 5 8.20 7.32 8.05 7.08 6.60 5.88 4.75
12 9.25 8. 48 7. 48 9. 25 8. 42 7.32 6.72 5.98 4.85
19.... 9. 10 8.35 7.50 9.10 8. 35 7. 32 6.70 5.90 5. 20
26... J __ 9.08 8.20 7. 32 9.08 8.20 7.20 6. 62 5. 70 5.15

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
1,100 pounds up pounds
Heifers, Cows,
com com
mon mon
Choice Choice to
Me Com and ! Good Me Com choice to
and Good dium mon prime dium mon choice
Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
8.85 7.85 7.10 8. 85 7. 85 7.00 6.52 5.58
8.48 7.60 6.92 8. 48 7. 60 6.80 6.50 5. 62
8.00 7.42 6.75 8. 25 7. 48 6. 60 6. 52 5. 62
7.80 7.30 6. 75 7. 95 7. 38 6. 65 6. 75 5. 75
7.52 7.02 6.58 7. 68 6. 98 6. 30 6. 68 5. 60
8.02 7.45 6.80 8. 12 7. 43 6. 63 6. 80 5. 78
8. 15 7. 55 6.95 8. 28 7.60 6. 85 6. 85 5. 75
8. 10 7. 52 6. 95 8. 25 7.60 6. 82 6.88 5. 82
7.74 7.15 6. 62 7.94 7. 25 6. 50 6.60 5. 65
7.80 7.10 6. 54 8. 02 7. 28 6.52 6. 58 5. 58
7.65 7.02 6.50 8.07 7. 26 6. 40 6.50 5. 50
7.58 6. 95 6. 35 8. 10 7. 30 6. 40 6. 38 5.35
7.50 6. 82 6.22 7. 90 7. 10 6. 25 6.00 5.00
7.50 6.88 6.00 7. 75 7. 00 5. 80 5.55 4.52
7. 72 6.99 5.88 7. 81 7. 00 5. 59 5. 59 4.47
8.13 7. 36 6.10 8. 36 7. 60 5. 98 6. 05 5.00
8.25 7.50 6.25 8. 72 7. 85 6. 12 6. 25 5. 35
8.35 7.55 6. 25 8. 85 7. 92 6.12 6. 18 5. 30
8.50 7.52 6. 12 9.00 7.90 6.00 6. 02 5. 28
8.62 7. 50 6.10 9.00 7.88 5.08 5.95 5. 20
8.62 7. 38 5.85 9.00 7.80 5. 65 5. 70 4.72
8.52 6. 92 5. 30 8.60 7.10 5. 10 5. 38 4. 38
8. 50 7. 02 5. 38 8. SO 7.7.00
06 5.12 5.78 4.75
8.50 7.00 5. 25 8. 50 5. 00 5.88 4.75
8.42 6.98 5. 48 8. H0 7.10 5. 28 (i. 02 4. 92
8. 35 6.88 5. 35 S. 75 7.15 5. 22 6. 25 4.92
8.10 6.68 5.00 S. 75 6. 92 4. 88 6. 02 4. 75
8.35 6.90 5.10 9. 02 7. 25 5. 08 6. 32 4.80
8.50 6.95 5. 15 9. 12 7.32 5. 15 0. 22 4. 75
8.50 6.95 5. 28 9.12 7. 32 5. 22 6. 32 4.82
8.58 6.62 4.88 9. 20 7. 00 4. 75 5. 90 4. 50
8. 62 6.62 4.92 9. 32 7.00 4.80 6.00 4. 5S
8.62 6. 62 5.00 9. 38 7. 00 4. 82 6.00 4.62
8. 48 6.38 4.80 9. 22 6. S2 4. 52 5. 62 4.45
8. 38 6. 44 4.94 9. 12 6. 78 4. 75 5.62 4. 50
8. 48 6. 62 5.20 9. 22 7. 00 5.15 5. 82 4.70
8.85 6.85 5. 35 9. 32 7. 10 5. 22 6. 25 4. 72
8. 75 6. 82 5. 42 9. 25 7.08 5. 38 6. 10 4. 55
8. 48 6. 75 5. 35 8. 95 7.00 5. 30 5. 85 4. 50
8.06 6.69 5.47 8. 47 6. 94 5.34 5. 75 4. 50
7.88 6.53 5. 41 8. 38 6. 78 5.34 5. 75 4. 59
7. 78 6. 52 5.50 8. 18 6. 78 5.50 5. 75 4. 62
7.84 6.68 5.65 8. 32 6.92 5.58 5. 85 4. 72
8.02 6.80 5. 62 S. 20 6.88 5. 55 5. 75 4. 62
8.00 6. 75 5.50 8. 00 6. 75 5. 50 5.50 4.38
8.00 6.88 5. 75 8. 00 6. 88 5. 75 5. 50 4. 38
8. 10 7.08 6.00 8. 05 6. 98 5. 85 5.62 4. 50
8.31 7.31 6. 31 8. 31 7.31 6.19 5. 75 4. 84
8.48 7. 48 6.48 8. 48 7. 48 6. 42 6. 00 5. 00
8.12 7. 25 6.48 8. 12 7. 25 6.38 6.10 5.12
8.00 7. 08 6. 30 7. 98 7. 08 6. 18 6.00 4. 95
7.98 7. 10 6. 35 7.98 7.10 6. 28 6.00 5. 08
7.88 7.00 6.25 7. 88 7.00 6. 25 6.00 5. 12
7. 78 6.95 6.25 7. 78 6. 95 6. 20 6. 00 5.12
7.62 6.88 6.25 7. 62 6.88 6. 12 6.00 5. 12
7.88 7.12 6. 50 7. 88 7.12 6. 38 6. 35 5.42
7.88 7.12 6. 50 7. 88 7.12 6.38 6.50 5. 50
7.98 7. 32 6. 70 7. 98 7.32 6.60 6. 70 5. 70
8.00 7. 48 6. 95 8.00 7.48 6. 95 6. 75 5. 75
7.85 7. 30 6.75 7. 85 7. 30 6. 75 6. 55 5. 45
8.05 7. 45 6.80 8. 05 7. 45 6.80 6.52 5. 32
8.19 7.66 7.03 8. 44 7.78 7.03 6. 62 5. 38
8.35 7. 85 7.32 8.60 7. 98 7. 32 6. 85 5.80
8.22 7. 75 7.15 8.48 7. 82 7. 12 6. 92 5. 65
8.12 7. 45 6.78 8. 38 7. 58 6. 65 6. 25 5.38
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
Beef steers Butcher cattle
Medium and heavy weight, Lightweight, under 1,100
1,100 pounds up pounds Heifers, Cows,
com com
mon mon
Choice Me
and Good dium Com Choice Me
and Good dium
Com choice to
prime mon prime mon

Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
8. 28 7. 45 6. 62 8. 38 7.50 6.50 6.25 5. 45
8. 66 7.81 6. 88 7.81 6. 69 6.31 6.66
9. 07 8.20 7. 08 8. 20 6. 95 6.58 5. 58
9.22 8.28 6. 95 9. 22 8. 28 6. 82 6.45 5.45
9. 12 8. 12 6. 70 9. 12 8. 12 6. 58 6. 25 5. 38
9. 12 8. 12 6. 62 9. 12 8. 12 6. 50 6. 25 5. 48
8. 00 6.62 9. 12 8. 08 6. 50 6. 25 5.42
8. 00 6. 62 8.00 6. 50 6. 25 5. 32
7. 90 6. 52 7.90 6. 40 6. 20 5. 20
7.50 6. 25 7. 50 6. 12 6. 12 5. 12
7.41 6. 06 7.41 5. 94 6. 12 5. 12
7. 38 6. 00 7. 38 5. 88 6. 12 5. 12
7.78 6. 20 7. 65 6.08 6. 20 5.25
7. 70 6. 12 7.58 6. 12 6. 00 5.12
7. 72 6. 10 7. 60 6.00 6. 02 5. 12
7.60 5. 98 7. 48 5. 85 6.08 5. 10
7. 25 5. 62 7. 25 5. 50 5. 88 5. 00
7.35 5. 82 7.35 5. 70 5. 98 6.10
7. 38 5.f> 7. 38 5. 68 5. 92 5.05
7. 12 5. 50 7. 12 5. 38 5. 75 4. 88
7. 12 5. 50 7. 12 5. 38 5.88 4. 88
7.00 5. 38 7.00 5. 25 5.88 4. 88
7.09 5.47 7. 09 5. 34 5. 97 5. 09
7. 32 5. 75 7.32 5. 62 6.00 6.05
7. 90 6. 10 7.90 5. 98 6. 12 5. 05
7.78 6. 02 7. 78 5. 90 6. 10 5.08
7.72 6.03 7.72 5.91 5. 69 5. 06
8. 10 6.45 8. 10 6. 32 5. 88 5. 18
8. 28 6. 65 8. 28 6. 52 6.00 5. 25
8. 50 6. 85 8. 50 6. 72 6. 12 5. 32
8.45 8.45 6.75 6. 12 5.38
7. 95 7. 95 6. 55 6. 12 5. 32
7. 85 6. 58 7. 82 6.45 6. 18 5.25
8. 02 6. 70 8. 02 6.58 6. 30 5. 30
7. 98 6.68 7.98 6.55 6. 38 5. 38
7. 88 6. 62 7.88 6. 50 6. 38 5. 38
7.60 6.58 7. 60 6.45 6. 38 5. 20
7. 65 6. 62 7. 65 6. 50 6.45 5.30
7. 85 6. 80 7. 85 6. 68 6.60 5. 60
7. 75 6. 75 7. 75 6. 62 6. 62 5. 62
7. 90 6. 92 7. 90 6. 80 6. 85 5. 80
8. 00 7. 00 8.00 7.00 5. 88
8. 00 7. 00 8. 00 7.00 5.88
8.75 8. 00 7. 00 8. 75 8.00 6.95 5.88
8. 75 8. 00 7. 12 8. 75 8. 00 7. 00 6. 88 5. 88
8. 75 8. 00 7. 12 8. 75 8. 00 7. 00 7.00 5. 95
8. 85 8. 10 7. 25 8. 85 8. 10 7. 12 7. 00 6. 05
9. 15 8. 50 7. 62 9. 25 8.50 7. 50 7. 12 6. 12
9. 30 8. 38 7.42 9. 30 8. 38 7. 25 7.08 5.90
9.38 8. 28 7. 15 9. 38 8.28 7.02 7.10 5. 68
9. 38 8. 25 7. 12 9. 38 8.25 7. 00 7. 50 5. 62
9. 38 8. 25 7.02 9. 38 8. 25 6. 90 7.50 5. 50
9. 38 8. 25 9. 38 8. 25 6. 75 7.45 5.35
Table 73.— Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921—1925—
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Week Heavy, Light and Cows Calves

ended— Light to Heavy 1,000 medium, Steers, and
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds 750 to com heifers,
and steers weight, common up, com 1,000 mon to com Good
heifers medium to choice mon to pounds, choice mon to and
to choice choice common choice choice
to choice
1021 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Jan. 8 3.38 3.78 9.15 5.35 6.70 6.20 5.45 4. 30
15 3. 15 3.75 a 35 5.55 6.62 6.12 5.50 4. 12
22 3.22 3.80 8.10 5.50 6.65 6.15 5.50 4. 32
29 3.20 3.75 8.75 5.50 6.32 5.82 5.32 4.38
Feb. 5 3.12 3.75 8.05 5.45 6.25 5.75 5.25 4.38
12 3. 18 3.75 7.55 5.40 6.20 5.70 5.20 4.32
19 3.02 3.75 7.35 5.50 6.28 5.88 5.42 4. 35
26 2.95 3.82 a 05 5.50 6.75 6.50 6.12 4. 45
Mar. 5 3.25 3.88 8.55 5.50 7.10 6.85 6.48 4.62
12 3.25 3.98 8.25 5.50 7.40 7.10 6.62 4.75
19 3.25 4.00 8.45 5.50 7.62 7.25 6.75 4. 75
26 3.15 4.00 6.95 5.50 7.55 7.18 6.68 4. 75
Apr. 2 3.00 3.75 5.85 5.50 7.55 7.15 6.52 4. 75
9 2.82 3. 62 5.35 5.20 7. 32 7.00 6.45 4.62
16 2.50 3.38 5.25 5.00 7.02 6.78 6.28 4. 42
23 2.72 3.38 5.55 5.12 6.92 6.68 6.28 4.50
30 2.88 3. 32 5.75 5.25 6.48 6.18 5.88 4.42
May 7 2.95 3. 40 6.62 5.52 6.80 6.48 6.08 4.55
14 2.98 3.38 6.00 5.40 7.20 6.82 6.48 4. 70
21 3.00 3.38 6.10 5.25 7.18 6.88 6.50 4. 75
28 2.92 3.38 5.45 4.80 6.80 6.42 6.05 4. 42
June 4 2.88 3.38 5.50 4.75 6.75 6.38 6.00 3.88
11 2.70 3.25 6.20 4.75 6.58 6.26 5.82 4. 25
18 2.52 3.25 5.98 4.75 6.30 5.92 5.45 4.08
25 2.28 3. 10 5.95 4. 95 6.25 5.88 5.20 3.72
July 2 1.90 2.22 5. 58 4.70 5.80 5.20 4. 72 3. 45
9 1.75 2.00 6. 19 4.69 5. 75 5.12 4. 62 3.25
16 2. 08 2.15 7.15 4.85 6.00 5.32 4. 78 3. 45
23 2.38 2. 25 7.00 4. 75 6.12 5.50 5.25 3. 72
30 2.70 2.70 6.90 4. 75 6.12 5. 41 5.20 3.62
Aug. 6 2. 52 2.68 6.30 4. 55 5. 55 5.12 4. 75 3.62
13 2.38 2.62 5. 75 4.50 5.70 5. 32 4.88 3.60
20 . . . 2.18 2. 55 5.50 4.50 5. 75 5. 38 4. 88 3. 42
27 2.05 2.50 6.50 4. 55 5. 42 5. 05 4. 55 3. 38
Sept. 3 . .. 2. 32 2.50 8. 10 4.85 5. 48 5. 10 4.60 3. 58
10 2. 38 2.50 8.60 5.40 5.50 5.12 4.62 3.42
17 2.52 2. 58 8.65 5.10 5. 55 5.18 4. 68 3. 42
24 2.48 2. 58 8.60 5.15 5. 48 5. 10 4.50 3. 45
Oct. 1 . .. 2. 38 2. 38 7.90 4.90 4.92 4. 75 4. 38 3.15
8 2.48 2.62 7. 35 4.50 5. 10 4.88 4.65 3.30
15 2.55 2.68 7.15 4.50 5.20 4. 95 4.80 3. 32
22 2.58 2.88 7. 25 4.50 5. 35 5. 10 5. 00 3. 38
29 2.50 2.90 7.90 4.50 5.25 5.00 4. 75 3. 38
Nov. 5 2. 58 3.00 7.95 4.50 5.25 5.00 4. 75 3. 38
12 2.62 3.00 7. 15 4.35 5. 25 5.00 4. 75 3. 38
19 2.42 2.70 5. 55 3.92 5.02 4.90 4. 55 3. 38
26 2. 47 2.50 5. 56 3.88 5. 09 4. 97 4.62 3. 38
Dec. 3 2.65 2.50 6.40 3.92 5.12 5.00 4. 75 3. 38
10 2.60 2. 75 6. 05 3. 98 5.12 5.00 4. 88 3.50
17 2.22 2. 75 6.55 4.12 5. 22 5. 10 4. 98 3.50
24 2.15 2.70 5.85 4.05 5.12 5.00 4.88 3. 45
31 2.47 2.62 5.81 4.12 5.00 4. 88 4.75 3. 38
Jan. 7 2.50 2.62 6. 06 4.50 5.09 4. 97 4.84 3. 38
14 2.50 2.82 6.10 4.50 5. 22 5. 10 5. 08 3. 38
21 2.60 3. 08 6.60 4.50 5. 51 5. 32 5.20 3.48
28 2.60 3.12 7. 30 4.60 5. 42 5.20 5. 08 3.50
Feb. 4 2.55 3.12 7.50 4. 75 5.38 5. 12 5.00 3.50
11 2.65 3.12 6.90 4. 75 5. 38 5.20 5.00 3.50
18 2.75 3. 12 6.75 4.75 5. 58 5. 45 5.20 3.62
25 2.88 3.22 7.00 4. 75 6.00 5. 75 5.50 3.94
Mar. 4 3.00 3.50 7. 02 4.75 6. 18 6.00 5. 78 4.00
11 3.00 3.50 6.35 4.50 6.12 6.00 5.82 4.00
18 2.90 3.50 5. 65 4.50 5.95 5. 70 5.55 4.00
25 2.88 3.50 5.35 4.50 5.98 5. 72 5.60 4.00
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average 8price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Canners and Veal calves Feeder steers Stock cattle

Heavy Light and Cows

Light to Heavy (1,000 medium Steers, and
Cows Canner medium weight, pounds (750 to com heifers,
and steers weight, common up) com 1,000 mon to com Good
heifers medium mon to pounds), choice mon to and
to choice to choice choice common choice choice
to choice

Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.

2.88 3.50 5. 50 4.50 6.00 5.75 5.62 4.00
2.92 3.50 5. 52 4.50 6.05 5. 72 5.62 4.00
3.00 3. 50 5. 12 4.40 6.00 5.62 5.50 4.00
3. 30 3.50 5. 02 4. 35 6.00 5.62 5.50 4. 10
3. 38 3.50 5. 25 4.50 6.00 5.62 5.50 4. 32
3. 48 3.50 5. 25 4.50 6.42 6.15 6.02 4. 58
3.60 3.50 5.80 150 6.60 6.35 6.22 4.62
3. 50 3.50 6.80 4.50 6.42 6.22 6.10 4. 52
3. 35 3.50 6.60 4.50 6.25 6.12 6.00 4.50
3.16 3.50 6.81 4.88 6.25 6.12 6.00 4.50
3.20 3.70 7.10 5.00 6.30 6.18 6. 05 4.40
3.18 4.00 6. 68 5.00 6.22 6.02 5.90 4.25
2. 92 3.50 5. 95 5.00 5.62 5. 38 5. 25 , 3.75
3. 08 3.50 5. 65 4.65 5.62 5.38 5.25 3. 75
3. 16 3. 50 6.06 4. 50 5.62 5. 38 5.25 4.06
3.05 3. 50 6. 35 4.98 5.85 5.60 5. 48 4.22
2.78 3.42 6. 38 5. 15 5.75 5.50 5.35 4.02
2. 75 3. 38 6. 35 5.25 5.75 5.50 5.25 4.00
3.00 3. 38 6.60 • 5.25 5.75 5.50 5.25 4.10
2.98 3. 38 6.88 5. 35 5.75 5.50 5.25 4. 12
2.88 3. 38 7.38 5.50 5.92 5.68 5.32 4. 12
2.72 3. 32 7.45 5.40 6. 10 5.85 5. 38 4.02
2.50 3. 25 7.50 5. 15 6. 12 5.88 5. 38 3.82
2.50 3. 25 7. 72 5.31 6.00 5.75 5.25 3.75
2. 52 3.25 7. 85 5. 25 6.00 5.75 5.25 3.75
2.70 3. 32 8.55 5. 45 6.00 5.75 5.25 3.75
2. 70 3. 38 8.02 5.25 5.95 5. 75 5.25 3. 75
2.72 3. 38 7.62 5.20 6.00 5.75 5.25 3.75
2.72 3. 38 7.10 4.75 6.00 5. 75 5.25 3.75
2.62 3.00 7.20 4.75 6.00 5. 75 5.05 3.75
2.62 3. 10 7.22 4. 75 6.00 5.75 5.00 3.85
2.55 3. 12 6. 70 4.75 6.00 5.75 5.00 3.88
2.45 3.00 6. 62 4.75 6.00 5. 75 5.00 3.88
2.50 3.00 6.58 4.75 5.90 5. 65 4.90 3.50
2.50 3.00 6.22 4.75 5.88 5. 62 4.88 3.50
2.72 3.00 6.03 4. 75 5. 75 5.50 4.75 3.50
2.68 3.00 6. 38 4. 75 5. 75 5.60 4.95 3.62
2. 62 3.00 6. 40 4. 75 5. 75 5.62 5.00 3.62
2.58 3.00 6. 50 4.75 5. 60 5.48 5.00 3.62
2. 62 3.00 6.75 4.94 5. 50 5.38 5.00 3.62
2.80 3.00- 7.25 5. 25 5.52 5.40 5.00 3.68
3.00 3. 40 7.10 5.00 5.95 5.75 5. 40 3.75
3.00 3. 50 7.40 5.10 6. 10 5.85 5.50 3.98
3.00 3. 50 7. 38 5. 45 6. 22 5. 98 5.60 4.00
3.00 3. 50 7. 30 5.50 6.20 5.95 5.58 4.00
3.00 3. 50 7. 40 5.50 6.12 5.88 5. 50 4.00
3.00 3. 50 7.82 5. 70 6.22 5.98 5. 60 4.00
3.00 3. 50 8. 30 5. 75 6.25 6.00 5. 62 4.00
3. 10 3. 50 7.10 5. 65 6.25 6.00 5.62 4.00
3. 12 3.50 6.42 5. 50 6.25 6.00 5. 62 4.00
3. 15 3. 52 6. 48 5. 50 6.25 6.00 5. 62 4.00
3.25 3. 62 7.05 5. 50 6.25 6.00 5.62 4.30
3. 25 3.75 6. 32 5. 40 6.25 6.00 5.62 4. 38
3. 35 4.05 6. 30 5.25 6.32 6.08 5.70 4. 38
3. 42 4. 12 6. 42 5. 25 6. 38 6.12 5.75 4. 38
3. 38 4. 12 6. 18 4. 90 6. 48 6.22 5.85 4.48
3. 38 4. 12 6. 35 5.00 6.60 6. 35 5.98 4.50
3. 38 4. 12 6. 50 5.00 6. 62 6. 38 6.00 4. 50
3. 45 4.20 6. 10 5.00 6. 62 6. 38 6.00 4.50
3.50 4.25 6. 40 5.00 6. 60 6. 35 5.98 4.50
3. 50 4.25 6. 75 5.00 6. 50 6.25 5.88 4.50
3. 32 4. 25 6.70 5.00 6. 38 6. 12 5.75 4.45
3. 12 4. 15 6. 32 5.00 6.28 6.02 5.65 4.08
2.88 3.75 6. 38 5.00 6. 25 6.00 5.62 4.00
2.78 3.75 6.80 5.00 6.25 6.00 5.62 4.00
2.48 3.75 6.70 5.00 6.25 6.00 5.38 3.88
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1923.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice Canner
and Good Medium Com
mon and Good Medium Com
mon and
prime prime cutter

1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 10. 16 9. 38 8.25 6.88 10. 16 9. 38 8. 25 6.75 4.06
14 10. 30 9. 42 8. 32 6. 92 10. 30 9. 42 8. 32 6. 80 4.38
21 10.50 9. 55 8.50 7.02 10. 50 9. 55 8. 42 6. 75 4. 22
28 10.50 9.50 8. 38 6. 88 10.50 9.50 8. 22 6. 38 3. 85
Aug. 4 10.70 9. 60 8. 38 6.88 10.70 9.60 8. 12 6. 12 3.75
11 10.88 9. 78 8. 44 6.88 10.88 9. 75 8. 19 6. 12 3.75
18 11.00 9. 88 8.50 6.88 11.00 9.88 8. 25 6. 12 3. 75
25 11.00 9.88 8.50 6.88 11.00 9.88 8. 25 6. 12 3. 75
Sept. 1 11.55 10.00 8.25 6. 50 11.55 10.00 8.00 5. 88 3.50
8. 11.55 10.20 8. 45 6. 50 11.55 10.00 8.00 5. 75 3.50
15 11.50 10.08 8.08 6.25 11. 50 10.08 7.82 5.50 3.50
22 11.50 10.12 8. 12 6.25 11.50 10. 12 7.88 5.50 3.50
29. 11.50 10.00 7. 88 6. 12 11.50 10.00 7. 75 5. 50 3.50
Oct. 6 11. 50 10.00 7. 88 6. 12 11. 50 10.00 7.75 5.50 3.50
13 11.25 9. 88 7. 75 6.00 11.25 9.88 7. 62 5. 38 3.50
20 11.00 9. 75 7. 75 6.00 11.00 9. 75 7.62 5. 32 3.40
27 11.00 9. 75 7. 62 5.62 11.00 9. 75 7. 50 5.00 3.00
Nov. 3 11.00 9. 75 7. 75 5. 75 11.00 9. 75 7. 62 5. 12 3.00
10 11.00 9. 75 7.75 5. 75 11.00 9. 75 7. 62 5. 12 3.00
17 11.00 9.75 7. 75 5. 75 11.00 9. 75 7. 62 5. 12 3.00
24 11.00 9. 75 8.00 6.00 11.00 9. 75 7. 88 5. 62 3. 25
11.00 9. 75 8.00 6.00 11.00 9. 75 7.88 5. 62 3.50
8 10.92 9.60 7. 92 6.00 10. 92 9. 60 7.80 5. 62 3. 50
15 11.00 0. 68 8.00 6.00 11.00 9. 6S 7. 92 5.68 3.50
22 11.25 9. 75 8.00 6.00 11.25 9. 75 7.98 5.72 3.50
29 11.12 9. 69 8.00 6.00 11. 12 9. 69 7. 88 5. 62 3. 50
Jan. 5.. 11.00 9.62 8.00 6.00 11.00 9. 62 7.85 5. 62 3.50
12.. 11.00 9. 62 8.00 6.00 11.00 9. 62 8.00 5. 90 3.50
19 11.00 9. 62 8.00 6.00 11.00 9. 62 8.00 6.00 3.50
26 10.92 9.50 7. 90 5.98 10.92 9. 50 7. 90 5. 98 3.50
Feb. 2 10.88 9. 38 7.75 6.09 10.88 9. 38 7. 75 5.88 3.50
9. 10.88 9. 38 7. 75 6. 12 10.88 9. 38 7. 75 5.88 H 13.60
16 10. 75 9. 38 7. 75 6. 12 10. 75 9. 38 7. 75 5.88 1 .3.60
23. 10.75 9.50 7.88 6.12 10. 75 9.50 7. 88 5.88 Sft 3. 75
Mar. 1 10. 75 9. 50 8.00 6.12 10.75 9.50 7.88 5.88 3. 75
8 10. 75 9. 50 8.00 6. 12 10. 75 9.50 7.88 5.88 3.75
15 10.75 9. 42 7. 92 6. 12 10. 75 9. 42 7.80 5.88 3. 75
22.. 10.68 9. 62 8.00 6. 38 10.88 9. 62 8.00 6. 25 4. 25
29 10.88 9. 62 8.00 6. 38 10.88 9. 62 8.00 6. 25 4. 25
Apr. 5. 10.88 9. 62 8. 12 6. 50 10.88 9. 62 8.12 6.38 4. 25
12.... 11.00 9. 62 8. 12 6.50 10.88 9.62 8.12 6. 38 4.25
19 11.00 9. 62 8.25 6.50 10.88 9.62 8. 12 6. 38 4.25
26 10. 12 8. 50 6.88 10.00 8. 38 6.50 4.50
Mav 3 10.12 8. 42 6. 90 10.00 8. 20 6. 35 4.52.
10 10.12 8. 50 7.00 10.00 8.25 6.50 4. 62
17 10. 20 8.54 7.00 10.08 8. 40 6.58 4.62
24 10.20 8.54 7.00 10.02 8. 40 6.62 4.62
31 10. 05 8. 35 6.92 9.88 8.12 6.50 4.62
June 7 9. 78 8. 30 6.80 9.75 8.15 6. 32 4. 45
14 9.80 8. 42 6.88 9.58 8. 15 6.28 4.22
21 9.28 8.12 6. 62 9.00 7. 72 6.00 4.00
28 9.00 7.88 6. 50 8.75 7. 50 5. 75 3.88
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Beef steers
1,100 pounds up Under 1,100 pounds
Week ended—
Choice Choice
and Good Medium1 Com
mon and Good Medium
prime prime
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 5. 9. 00 7.88 6.50 8. 75 7.50
12. 9. 00 7. 88 6.50 8.75 7. 50
19. 9. 00 7. 88 6. 32 8. 75 7. 50
26. 9. 18 7. 90 6. 32 8. 90 7.52
Aug. 2 9. 38 8. 00 6. 32 9. 15 7. 78
9. 9. 38 8. 00 6. 32 9. 28 7.88
16 _ 9. 38 7. 88 6. 12 9. 38 7. 62
23- 9. 48 7.88 6. 12 9. 48 7. 72
30. 9. 45 7.72 5. 98 9.50 7.70
Sept. 6. 9. 45 7. 58 5. 62 9.50 7.50
13. 9.50 7. 62 5. 62 9. 50 7. 50
20. 9. 50 7. 62 5. 62 9. 50 7. 50
27. 9. 45 7. 55 5. 50 9. 48 7. 50
Oct. 4. 9.25 7.28 5. 28 9. 38 7. 40
11. 9.25 7.20 I 5. 15 9. 38 7. 32
18. 9. 25 7. 12 5.00 9.48 7. 25
25. 9. 25 7. 12 5. 08 9. 82 7. 30
Nov. 1. 9. 25 7.12 5. 12 10. 12 7. 38
8. 9. 25 7. 12 5. 12 10. 12 7.38
15. 9. 25 7. 02 4. 90 10. 12 7. 32
22. 9. 25 6. 88 4. 75 10.12 7. 25
29. 9. 25 7. 00 4. 88 10. 12 7. 38
9. 32 7. 10 4. 98 10.20 7. 45
13. 9. 58 7. 50 5. 32 10.50 7.75
20. 9. 38 7. 50 5. 25 10.48 7.72
27. 9. 38 7. 50 5. 25 10. 38 7. 62
Jan. 9. 47 7. 59 5. 34 10.47 7.81
10. 9.50 7. 62 5. 38 10.50 7.88
17. 9. 50 7. 62 5. 38 10. 50 7. 88
24 _ 9. 50 7. 72 5. 38 10.50 7.98
31. 9. 50 7. 80 5.45 10. 48 8. 02
Feb. 7. 9. 55 7.75 5. 55 10. 38 7.88
14. 9. 52 7. 78 5.68 10. 38 7. 90
21. 9. 55 7.80 5. 68 10. 42 7.98
28. 9. 62 8. 05 6. 02 10.50 8. 20
Mar. 7. 9. 75 8. 30 6. 38 10.50 8. 30
14. 9. 95 8.52 6. 65 10.58 8. 52
21. 10.00 8. 42 6. 65 10.40 8. 45
28. 10.00 8. 60 6. 85 10. 38 8. 48
Apr. 4. 10.12 8. 78 7.00 10. 51 8. 75
11. 10.15 7.05 10.52 8.85
18. 10.02 7. 10 10.28 8. 72
25. 9.80 8. 58 7. 12 9.95 8. 58
May 2. 9. 68 8. 54 7. 12 9.84 8. 56
9. 9. 58 8. 52 7. 12 9. 78 8. 58
16. 9. 56 8. 48 7.12 9. 76 8.58
23. 9. 46 8.30 7. 05 9. 62 8. 50
30. 0.42 8. 30 7.05 9.62 8.50
June 6. 9. 64 8. 57 7.11 9.83 8. 58
13. 9. 73 8. 67 7. 12 10. 08 8. 75
20. 9.64 8. 65 7.02 10.08 8. 77
27. 10.06 9. 06 7. 32 10. 44 9. 02
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued

Slaughter cattle—Beef steers

1,100 to 1,500 pounds Under 1,100 pounds

Week ended— 1,500
up, good Can
and Med Com Med Com ner
choice Choice Good ium mon Choice Good ium mon and

1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 10.48 9. 27 7. 38 10.70 9. 18 7. 12 5.12
11 10. 75 9. 35 7.32 10.88 9.20 7.02 5.08
18 10.82 9. 12 6.92 10.95 8.95 6. 62 4.85
25 11. 25 9. 20 6. 75 11. 25 8.88 6. 38 4.40
Aug. 1 11.58 9.25 6. 75 11.50 8.98 6. 38 4.38
8 11. 62 8. 95 6. 42 11.58 8.85 6.12 4.38
15 11. 62 8.58 6.08 11.50 8.45 5. 68 4.15
22 11.45 8. 32 5.82 11.30 8. 18 5.42 4.00
29 11. 12 7.88 5. 62 11. 00 7. 75 5. 25 4.00
Sept. h'.V.'.'. 11.00 7. 62 5. 50 10.88 7.62 5. 25 4.00
12 11.00 7. 68 5. 55 10.88 7.62 5. 25 4.00
19 11.00 7. 75 5. 62 10.88 7. 62 5. 25 4.00
26 11.00 7. 75 5. 62 10.88 7. 62 5.25 4.00
Oct. 3 11.05 7. 85 5. 68 10.80 7.68 5. 38 4.00
10 11. 12 7. 95 5. 70 10.88 7. 72 5. 35 4.00
17 11. 12 7.92 5. 75 10.88 7. 68 5. 38 4.08
24 11.25 8.00 5. 88 10.88 7. 75 5. 50 4.08
31 11.28 7. 92 5.88 10. 70 7. 65 5. 45 3. 85
Nov. 7 11.02 7. 90 5. 80 10.50 7.52 5.30 3. 65
14 10.95 8.08 6. 12 10.42 7. 65 5. 52 3. 75
21 10.45 8. 00 6. 12 10.25 7. 75 5.62 3. 75
28 10. 38 8.06 6. 25 10.25 7. 81 5. 75 3. 75
Dec. 5 10.20 8. 12 C. 38 10.02 7. 88 5.92 3. 75
12 10.08 8. 12 6. 38 9.82 7.88 6.00 3. 75
19 9. 82 8.10 6.35 9.58 7.85 6. 00 3. 75
26 9. 62 8. 00 6. 25 9. 38 7.75 6. 00 3.75
Jan. 2. 9. 62 8.00 6. 25 9.38 7. 75 6. 00 3.75

Slaughter cattle—Continued

Light Heifers Cows Bulls

Week ended— steers
and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and (canner
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 and
good and choice medium bologna)
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 7 9. 38 8.22 6.12 6.75 4.50 2.38 5. 19 3.44
14 9. 55 8.50 6.25 6.75 4.60 2. 45 5.40 3.70
21 9.75 8.75 6.22 6.80 4.72 2. 58 5.52 4.02
28 9.40 8.38 5.62 6.38 4. 18 2. 55 5.35 3.95
Aug. 4 9.25 8.25 5. 35 6.25 4.00 2.50 4. 65 3.40
11 9.38 8.31 5.50 6.31 4.03 2.53 4. 53 3. 28
18 9. 50 8. 38 5.50 6. 38 4.00 2.50 4.75 3. 38
25 9.50 8.38 5.50 6.38 3.80 2.50 4.75 3.38
Sept. 1 9. 62 8.12 5.25 6. 12 3.75 2.50 4. 92 3. 48
8 9. 50 8.22 5. 25 6.00 3.75 2.50 4. 82 3.28
15 9.50 8. 25 5.25 6.00 3.68 2.42 5.00 3. 28
22 9.50 8.25 5. 25 6.00 3.75 2.50 5. 25 3.38
29 9.50 8.25 5. 15 5. 95 3. 58 2. 42 5. 15 3.38
Oct. 6 9. 50 8. 25 5.00 5.92 3.60 2. 42 4.80 3. 28
13 9. 50 8.25 5.00 6.00 3.68 2. 42 4. 50 3.02
20 9.50 8. 25 5.00 6.00 3. 65 2. 40 4.50 3.08
27 9. 50 8. 25 5.00 5.88 3.50 2. 38 4. 50 3. 12
Beef yearlings excluded.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and (canner
down, and and choice medium cutter choice 1 and-|
good and choice medium UOlUglld,)
1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolh. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Nov. 3 9. 50 8.T&5 5.00 6. 00 3. 75 2.50 4.50 3.12
10 9.50 8. 15 4.85 5.92 3.60 2. 35 4.28 3.05
17 9.50 8.00 4.62 5.88 3.50 2.30 4. 12 3.00
24 9.50 8. 00 4.75 6.00 3. 75 2.42 4. 18 3.05
Dec. l 9.75 8.44 5.44 6. 25 4. 12 2.62 4.44 3.12
8 10.00 8.42 5. 50 6.25 4.05 2. 55 4.50 3.20
15 10.00 8.32 5. 40 6.15 3.85 2. 45 4.50 3.30
22 10.00 8.25 5.25 5.90 3.75 2. 38 4. 50 3.25
29 9.94 8.25 5.25 5.94 3. 81 2.50 4.50 3.25
Jan. 5 9.88 8.25 5. 25 6.00 3.88 2.62 4.62 3.42
12 9.88 8.25 5. 25 6.08 4. 12 2. 75 5. 00 3.85
19 9.88 8.25 5. 25 6. 12 4. 15 2.75 5. 12 3.88
26 9.88 8.18 5. 18 5.88 4.05 2. 75 5. 08 3.82
Feb. 2 9.88 8.12 5. 12 5. 85 4. 10 2. 75 5. 22 4.08
9 9.88 8.12 5. 12 5.88 4. 12 2.75 5. 18 4.08
16 9. 75 8. 00 5. 00 5. 68 4. 12 2. 75 4.88 3.88
23 9. 75 8.00 5.00 5. 62 4. 12 2.75 4.88 3.88
9. 75 8.00 5. 00 5. 85 4. 12 2. 75 4.88 3.88
8 9. 75 8.05 5.05 5. 92 4. 18 2. 75 4.88 3.88
15.... 9.75 8. 12 5. 12 6. 00 4. 25 2. 75 4. 88 3.88
22 9.75 8.15 5.30 6. 05 4.30 2. 75 4.88 3.88
29 9.75 8.25 5. 38 6.12 4. 40 2. 75 4.62 3.75
Apr. 5 9.75 8.38 5.75 6.25 4. 50 2. 75 4. 62 3. 75
12... 9. 75 8.38 5. 75 6. 25 4. 50 2. 75 4.88 3.88
19 9.75 8.38 5. 75 6. 25 4.50 2. 82 5. 38 4.00
26 9.28 8.00 5.88 6. 75 4. 75 3.00 5. 35 3.98
May 3 9.25 8.00 5. 90 6. 55 4.62 2.88 5. 18 3.80
10 9. 25 8.00 6. 00 6.50 4.62 2.88 5.24 3.86
17 9. 25 8. 18 6. 18 6.68 4.72 2.68 5. 35 3.88
24 9.25 8. 25 6.25 6. 75 4. 75 2. 62 5. 40 3.96
31 9.25 8. 18 6.18 6.60 4.68 2.62 5.38 3. 95
June 7 9.00 8.00 5.80 6. 38 4.50 2.85 5. 38 4.00
14 9. 18 8. 00 5.75 6.38 4. 50 3.00 5. 50 4.12
21 8.60 7.60 5. 35 6.12 4.12 2. 75 5. 45 3.88
28 8. 00 7. 25 5.12 5.75 3. 75 2.50 5. 35 3.72
July 5 8.00 7.25 5. 12 5.75 3.75 2.50 5.31 3.69
12 8.00 7.25 5. 12 5. 75 3. 75 2.50 5. 48 3.85
IS).. 8. 25 7. 25 5.00 5.75 3. 75 2.50 5.50 3.88
26 8.25 7.25 5.00 5. 75 3. 75 2.50 5.48
•5.38 3.88
Aug. 2 8.25 7.25 5. 00 o.75 3. 75 2.50 3.88
9 8.28 7.25 5.00 5. 75 3. 75 2.50 5.28 3.68
16 8.38 7. 40 i 5. 15 5.80 3. 75 2.50 5. 18 3. 40
23 8. 38 7. 50 5. 25 6.00 3. 75 2.45 5. 12 3. 25
30 8.58 7.50 5. 25 5.90 3. 75 2.38 5.12 3.25
Sept. 6 8.62 7.50 5.25 5.88 3. 75 2.48 5. 12 3.25
13 8.62 7.50 5.25 5.88 3.75 2.50 5.12 3.25
20 8.62 7.50 5. 25 5.88 3. 75 2.50 5. 12 3.25
27.. 8.78 7. 60 5.25 5.88 3. 75 2. GO 5.12 3.25
Oct. 4 9.00 7.75 5. 15 5.88 3. 75 2.62 5.08 3. 20
11... 9.00 7.75 5.08 5.88 3.75 2.62 4. 97 3.10
18 9.05 7.65 4.85 5.82 3. 70 2.32 4.88 3.00
25 9.25 7.50 4. 62 5.80 3.68 2.38 4. 92 3.10
Nov. 1 9.25 7.50 4. 62 5.88 3.75 2.50 5. 10 3. 35
8 9.25 7.50 4.62 5.88 3. 75 2.60 5.18 3.52
15 9.25 7.50 4.48 5.52 3. 45 2.38 4.88 3.25
22 9. 25 7.38 4.25 5.25 3.38 2.28 4. 75 3. 12
29 9.25 7.38 4.38 5.25 3.50 2.50 4.88 3.25
Dec. 6.. 9.35 7.38 4.38 h. 35 3.70 2.70 4. 88 3.25
13.... 9. 82 7.45 4.38 5.38 3.70 2.68 4.88 3.25
20.... 9.88 7.50 4.38 5. 12 3.50 2.50 4.88 3.25
27 9.88 7. 50 4.38 5.00 3.50 2.50 4.88 3.25
9.88 7.50 4.38 5. 12 3. 72 2.72 5. 12 3.50
10 9.88 7.50 4.38 5.25 3.88 2. 75 5.45 3. 82
17 9.88 7. 50 4.38 5. 25 3. 88 2. 75 5.35 3.72
24... 9.88 7.72 4. CO 5.60 4. 10 2.75 5.38 3.75
31 9.88 7. W' 4.78 5.80 4.25 2.90 5. 42
1 Beef yearlings excluded.

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1 925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Slaughter cattle— Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— and Canner
heifers, 850 All to
800 pounds weights, Good Common Canner Good medium
pounds up, good common and and and and (canner
down, and and choice medium cutter choice i and
good and choice medium bologna
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Feb. 7. . 9.88 8.00 4.88 5.75 ' 4.25 3.00 5. 47 3.95
14 9.88 7.85 4.80 5.68 4. 10 2.92 5. 48 4.00
21 9.88 7.75 4.75 5.68 4. 10 2.92 5.42 3.96
28 9.88 7. 82 4. 82 5. 82 4. 38 3.05 5. 38 3. 92
Mar. 7. 9.90 8.05 5.05 5.98 4. 55 3. 12 5. 40 3.96
14... 10.08 8.18 5.18 6.32 4. 72 3. 18 5.44 3.98
21 10.12 8.25 5.25 6. 22 4.78 3.25 5.28 3.78
28 10.12 8.25 5.25 6. 35 4. 75 3.25 5.32 3.82
Apr. 4 10. 12 8.40 5.52 6.58 4.90 3. 25 5. 32 3. 82
11 10.12 8. 50 5.75 6.78 5.00 3.25 5.40 3.90
18 10.15 8.72 6.05 7.15 5.25 3.31 5.58 4.02
25 10.12 8.52 6.02 7.02 5. 15 3.26 5.62 4.05
May 2 10.12 8.45 5. 95 6. 90 5.12 3.28 5. 62 4.05
9 10.12 8.68 6. 18 7.18 5.40 3. 48 5.62 4.10
16 10. 12 8.75 6. 25 7.25 5.44 3. 55 5.66 4.29
23.. 10.12 8.62 6. 12 6. 92 5. 12 3. 25 5. 62 4.31
30 10.12 8.62 6. 12 6.88 5. 12 3. 35 5.60 4.27
June 6. 10. 12 8. 62 6.12 6.88 5. 12 3.38 5.50 4. 12
13 10.12 8.62 6. 12 6.88 5. 12 3.38 5.50 4.12
20. 10. 12 8. 62 6. 12 6. 88 5.12 3.28 5.50 4. 12
27. 10.30 8. 62 6.12 6.85 5.05 3. 22 5.50 4. 12
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925.
Slaughter cattle—Continued
Light Heifers Cows Bulls
Week ended— steers
and 850 All Com Beef, Beef,
heifers pounds weights, Good mon Can 1,500 under
under 850 up, good common and and ner pounds 1,500
pounds, and and choice med and up, good pounds,
good and choice medium ium cutter and good and
choice choice choice 1
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4... 10.42 8. 50 5.88 6. 62 4. 62 3.00 5. 12 5.50
11... 10. 43 8. 52 5. 88 6.58 4.58 3. 00 5. 28 5.65
18... 10. 58 8.58 5. 70 6.38 4.38 3. 00 5.38 5. 75
25... 10. 92 8. 78 5. 70 6. 25 4. 28 3.00 5.38 5. 75
Aug. 1... 11. 12 8. 88 5.75 6.25 4. 25 3. 00 5. 30 5. 68
8... 11. 12 8. 88 5. 70 6. 25 4. 12 2. 88 5. 11 5. 52
15... 11. 12 8. 88 5. 62 6.25 4. 12 2. 88 5.04 5. 50
22... 11. 12 8. 70 5. 55 6. 08 4.05 2.78 4. 88 5. 38
29 11. 12 8. 38 5. 38 5. 88 3. 88 2.75 4. 88 5. 38
Sept. 5"0 10.88 8. 25 5. 25 5. 88 3. 88 2.75 4. 88 5. 38
12... 10.88 8.30 5. 25 5. 92 3. 92 2.75 4.92 5. 38
19... 10.88 8. 38 5. 25 6. 00 4. 00 2. 75 5.00 5. 42
26... 10.88 8. 38 5. 25 6. 02 4. 12 2. 95 5.20 5. 60
Oct. 3... 10.88 8. 25 5. 12 6. 00 4. 25 3.00 5. 25 5. 62
10. .. 10.88 8. 08 4. 95 5. 82 3. 95 2. 88 5. 20 5. 45
17... 10.88 8. 00 4. 88 5.75 3.88 2. 88 5. 18 5. 48
24... 10.92 8. 00 4. 80 5. 65 3. 78 2. 88 5. 16 5. 55
31... 10. 70 8. 25 5. 00 5. 75 3.92 2. 92 5. 17 5. 52
Nov. 7... 10.42 8. 30 5. 02 5. 80 3. 95 2. 92 5. 12 5. 38
14... 10.62 8. 50 5. 18 6. 05 4. 12 3.05 5. 20 5. 53
21... 10.62 8.50 5. 25 6. 12 4. 22 3. 22 5. 25 5. 55
28... 10. 62 8. 50 5. 25 6. 12 4. 25 3. 25 5. 25 5. 55
Dec. 5... 10.28 8. 42 5.40 6. 18 4.30 3. 35 5. 28 5. 55
12... 9.88 8.32 5. 50 6. 25 4. 42 3. 42 5.45 5. 60
19... 9. 55 8. 22 5. 50 6. 25 4.45 3. 45 5. 58 5. 70
26... 9.25 8. 12 5. 50 6. 25 4.45 3. 45 5. 62 5. 75
Jan. 2... 9. 25 8. 19 5. 62 6. 34 ! 4. 58 3.49 5.81
1 Beef yearlings excluded.
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued

Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves

Week ended— Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds 750 Under and
pounds, pounds, pounds, up,
m iumcull and pounds 760 heifers,
medium cull and medium All com
up, pounds, weights,
to com- to to com com com mon to
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to inferior choice
choice choice

1923 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 17- 7.41 4. 62 6. 38 5. 88 3. 50 6.00 5. 62 3. 75 3. 38
14. 7. 90 5. 00 6. 75 6.25 3. 50 6. 02 5.65 3. 75 3.42
21. 7.62 5.00 6. 50 6.25 3. 50 6. 12 5. 75 3. 75 3.60
28 7. 70 5.00 6. 50 6. 25 3.75 5.90 5.42 3. 50 3.40
Aug. 4 7. 72 5. 00 6.50 6.25 3.75 5. 72 5. 22 3.25 3.25
11 8. 16 5.12 6. 62 6. 25 3. 75 5.81 5. 28 3.25 3.31
18 8. 40 5. 25 7. 12 6. 25 3. 88 6.00 5.50 3. 38 3. 38
25 8. 45 5. 25 7. 12 6. 25 3.88 6.38 5. 75 3.38 8.88
Sept. 1 8. 18 5. 25 7.00 6. 25 3. 70 6. 25 5. 62 3. 25 3. 38
8 7. 90 5. 15 7. 02 5.80 3.62 6.52 5. 90 3. 65 3. 38
15 8. 15 5.00 6.95 5. 25 3. 58 6.60 5. 98 3.65 3.38
22 8. 30 5. 00 7. 00 5.40 3. 50 6. 48 5. 75 3. 50 3. 38
29 8. 38 5. 00 7.00 5. 50 3. 50 6. 12 5. 22 3. 50 3. 38
Oct. 6 8.20 5. 00 7. 00 5. 50 3. 50 6.00 5. 00 3. 50 3. 38
13 S.22 5. 00 7.00 6.50 3.50 5. 72 5.00 3. 50 3. 38
20 8. 20 5.00 7. 00 5. 50 3.50 5.52 4. 95 3.42 3. 28
27 7. 60 5. 00 6. 75 5. 50 3. 50 5. 25 4.62 3. 12 3. 12
Nov. 3 7. 28 5. 00 6. 75 5. 50 3. 50 5.25 4. 62 3. 12 3. 12
10 7.15 5. 00 6. 50 5.50 3. 50 5. 15 4. 62 3.02 3.02
17 6. 58 4. 50 6. 12 5. 25 2. 88 5.00 4. 62 2.88 2. 88
24 6.40 4.50 6.02 5. 25 2. 88 5. 12 4. 62 2.88 2. 88
Dec. 1 6.41 4.50 6.00 5.25 2. 97 5. 12 4.62 3.00 3.31
8 6. 85 4. 50 6. 15 5. 25 3.00 5.12 4.62 3.00 3.38
15 6. 90 4. 50 6. 10 5. 05 3. 10 5. 12 4.62 2. 95 3. 38
22 6.88 4. 50 6.08 5. 00 3. 12 5. 18 4. 68 2. 88 3.38
29 7. 22 4. 50 6.00 5. 00 3. 12 5.25 4. 75 2. 88 8.88
Jan. 5 7. 75 4. 55 6.00 5. 00 3. 12 5.25 4. 75 2. 88 3.38
12 8. 00 4. 95 6. 40 5. 20 3. 12 5.32 4. 92 3.12 3.38
19 7. 05 4. 55 6. 05 5. 25 3. 20 5.38 5. 12 3. 12 3. 38
26 7. 02 4. 50 6.00 5. 25 3. 25 5.88 5. 12 3. 12 3. 38
Feb. 2 7. 42 4.50 6. 22 5. 25 3.25 5.52 5.20 3. 12 3.68
7. 30 4.50 6.38 5. 25 3. 25 5.62 5. 25 3. 12 3.62
16. _ 6. 98 4.50 6. 02 5. 05 3. 25 5.56 5. 10 3. 05 3. 62
23.. 6. 94 4. 50 6.75 4. 75 3. 25 5. 50 5.00 3. 00- 3.62
Mar. 1.. 7. 48 4. 50 5. 75 4. 75 3.25 5. 60 5. 10 3.00 3. 62
8.. 7. IS 4. 50 5.75 4. 75 3. 25 5. 70 6.35 3.00 3.62
15- 7. 40 4. 40 6.75 4. 75 3.25 5. 75 5. 50 3.00 3. 62
22.. 7. 35 4. 82 5. 75 5.00 3. 25 5. 75 5.50 3. 00 3. 62
20.. 7. 40 4. 78 5.75 5.00 3. 25 5.76 5. 50 3.00 3. 70
Apr. 5- 7. 72 4. 75 5.75 5. 00 3.25 5. 75 5. 50 3.00 3. 75
12.. 7. 95 4.90 5.05 5. 20 3.25 5. 88 5. 50 3. 00 8.90
10- 7. 48 4. 88 5. 95 5. 25 3. 40 6. 22 5. 85 3. 35 4.00
26.. 6. 78 4. 50 6.00 5. 25 4.25 6. 62 6. 12 3.62 4. 00
May 3.. 6. 40 4. 25 6.00 5.25 4.00 6. 72 6. 22 3. 68 4.02
10.. 6.80 4. 45 6.00 5.25 4.00 6. 88 6. 38 3.88 4.12
17— 7.88 4.00 8.08 0.25 4. 35 7.12 6.62 8.95 4. 12
24.. 7.82 4. 70 8.10 5. 20 4. 45 7. 25 6. 62 4.00 4. 12
81- 6. 75 4. 25 5.98 4. SO 4.00 7. 10 6.65 4. 00 4. 12
June 7. . 7. 30 4. 60 5. 95 4. 82 4. 25 7. 10 6. 82 4. 00 4. 12
14.. 5. 00 4. 88 6.08 4. 95 4.40 6.88 6.00 3.72 4. 12
21- 7.50 4.78 6. 02 5.00 4. 50 6. SO 5.75 3.62 4.00
28.. 6. 82 4.75 5.05 4.75 4.50 6.75 5. 78 3.50 3.60
July 5.. 7.00 4. 75 6. 00 4. 75 4. 50 6. 75 5. 75 3. 50 3.50
12.. 7. 78 6.10 6.30 4. 90 4. 85 6. 75 5. 75 3. 50 3. 50
10.. 7. 12 4. 95 .6.10 5. 00 5.00 6.45 5.40 3. 50 3.50
26. . 7. 05 4. 88 5. 82 5. 00 5.00 6.38 5. 25 3. 50 3.50
Aug. 2- 7. 15 4. 75 5.50 5. 25 4.60 6.50 5.38 3. 50 3. 50
0.. 7.52 4. 80 5. 55 5. 25 4.60 6.60 5.55 3. 60 3.60
16- 8.40 5.35 5. 95 5. 25 4.. 50 6.50 5. 75 3. 62 3. 50
23.. 9. 35 5. 95 6. 65 5. 45 4. 50 6. 50 5. 75 3. 62 3. 50
30. _ 9.45 6.00 7. 15 5. 50 4. 50 6. 40 5. 75 3.62 3. 50
33764—27 17

Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Slaughter calves Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
Week ended— Under Under 190 to 260 190 Cows
190 190 260 pounds pounds TEA
1 50 Under and Calves,
pounds, pounds, pounds, up, up, pounds 750 heifers, com
medium cull and medium medium cull and All
up- pounds, weights, com mon to
to com to to com com com inferior mon to choice
choice mon choice choice mon mon to mon to choice
choice choice
1924 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
Sept. 6........ 9. 22 6. 15 7. 45 5. 50 4. 65 6. 28 5. 75 3. 62 3. 50 5.00
13 8. 92 6.00 7.05 5. 40 4. 75 6. 25 5.88 3. 75 3. 50 5.00
20 8.30 5.62 6. 52 5. 25 4. 75 6. 25 5.88 3. 75 3.50 5.00
27 8.32 5.62 6. 58 5. 25 4. 75 6.20 5.82 3. 75 3.70 5.00
Oct. 4 8. 45 5. 65 6.60 5. 25 4. 75 6.12 5. 75 3. 75 3.88 5.00
11 - 7.88 5.52 6. 15 5.25 4. 75 5. 98 5. 60 3. 75 3. 68 5.00
18 . 7. 28 5. 25 5. 75 5. 25 4. 45 5.88 5.50 3. 75 3.50 5.00
25 6. 98 4.85 5.60 4. 65 3.80 5. 92 5. 55 3. 75 3. 50 5.00
Nov. 1 6.95 4.72 5.60 4.50 3. 72 6.00 5. 62 3. 75 3.50 5.00
8 6. 58 4. 52 5. 35 4.50 3. 52 5.90 5. 52 3. 75 3.50 5.00
15 6. 15 4.20 4. 75 3. 90 3. 38 5. 45 5. 02 3. 40 3. 30 4.80
22 5.65 3.60 4. 32 3. 48 3.08 5.25 4.88 3. 12 3.25 4.75
29 5. 81 3. 50 4. 25 3. 38 3.00 5. 38 5.00 3.12 3.25 4.75
Dec. 6 - 6.25 3. 68 .4. 40 3. 52 3.00 5. 45 5.00 3.12 3.25 4.75
13 6. 62 4.00 5.00 4. 12 3.00 5. 38 5.00 3. 12 3.25 4. 75
20. 6.20 3.80 5.00 4.12 3.00 5.38 5.00 3. 12 3. 25 4.75
27.... 6. 62 3.88 5.25 4.31 3.00 5.38 5.00 3. 12 3.25 4. 75
Jan. 3 7.06 4.00 5.88 4.69 3.00 5. 38 5.00 3.12 3. 25 4. 75
10 6.90 4. 00 6. 00 4. 75 3. OO 5. 75 5. 25 3. 38 3. 25 4. 75
17 7. 15 4.00 6.08 4.75 3.00 5.75 5. 25 3. 38 3. 25 4. 75
24 7. 15 4.00 6.02 4. 75 3.00 5.90 5. 52 3. 85 3.25 4. 75
31 7. 18 4. 15 5.98 4. 75 3.00 5.88 5. 62 4.00 3.25 4.75
Feb. 7 8.60 4.78 6.70 4.75 3.00 6. 10 5. 78 4.00 3.25 4. 75
14 8.42 4.75 6. 75 4.75 3.00 6.22 5.88 4.00 3. 25 4.75
21 8.62 4.90 6.90 4. 75 3.00 6. 25 5.88 4.00 3.25 4. 75
28 8.52 4. 75 7.00 4. 75 3.00 6.32 6.02 4.10 3. 45 4.80
Mar. 7 8. 82 4.78 7. 12 4. 75 3.02 6.50 6. 30 4.32 3.80 5.08
14 9.40 5. 10 7. 48 5. 28 3. 50 6.62 6. 45 4. 38 3.88 5.25
21 8.45 4.80 7.05 5.58 3. 75 6. 75 6.50 4. 38 3.88 5. 38
28 7.82 4.25 6. 70 5. 38 3. 75 6.75 6.50 4. 38 4. 10 5. 38
Apr. 4.... 8.02 4. 30 6.80 5. 38 3.75 6.75 6.50 4. 42 4. 18 5. 38
11 7.82 4. 30 6.80 5. 12 3. 75 6.75 6.50 4. 50 4.25 5. 38
18.. 8.18 4. 75 7. 22 5.45 3.95 6. 75 6. 50 4. 50 4. 40 5. 38
25_ 7.20 4. 55 6.65 5. 62 4.00 6. 75 6.50 4.50 4.50 5.38
May 2 7. 30 4.65 6.80 5. 70 4.00 6.75 6.50 4.50 4.50 5. 38
9 7.60 4.85 7.05 5.80 4.00 6. 75 6.50 4. 50 4.50 5. 38
16 7.68 5.00 7.08 6.00 4.00 6.82 6.58 4.50 4. 50 5. 38
23 7.85 5.20 7. 18 6.00 4.00 6. 75 6.50 4.50 4. 38 5. 38
30. 8. 10 5.25 7.00 6.00 4.00 6. 68 6.42 4. 48 4. 32 5. 38
7.85 5.20 6. 95 6.00 4.00 6.15 5. 78 4.02 4. 12 5. 38
13 6.85 4.80 6. 35 5.70 3.80 6.12 5. 75 4.00 4. 12 5.38
20 6.82 4.65 6. 30 5.62 3. 75 6.12 5. 75 4.00 4. 12 5. 38
27 7.85 5! 05 6.85 5.78 3. 75 6.12 5. 75 4.00 4. 12 5. 38
Classification of livestock changed July 1, 1925*
Table 73.—Cattle and calves: Weekly average price per 100 pounds, 1921-1925—
SOUTH ST. PAUL—Continued
Calves (milk8 Vealers Feeder and stocker cattle and calves
fed excluded)

Week ended— 800 pounds Under 800 Heifers, Cows, Calves,

Me Cull Me Cull up pounds com com (steers),
dium and dium and mon mon com
to com to com to to mon
choice mon choice mon Com Com choice choice to
Good mon Good mon choice
and and and and
choice me choice me
dium dium
1925 Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
July 4 6.50 4.05 8. 40 5. 40 6.88 5.75 6. 62 5.38 4. 25 3. 62 5.38
11 6.40 4. 15 8.90 5.90 6.88 5.75 6.62 5. 35 4.25 3. 62 5. 35
18 6. 45 3. 75 9. 10 6. 10 6. 78 5.55 6. 42 5. 15 4. 15 3. 52 5.15
25... 6.38 3. 75 8.50 5.88 6.80 5. 50 6. 42 5. 12 4. 12 3.50 5.12
Aug. 1 6. 52 3. 75 8.60 5.70 7.00 5.50 6. 75 5.38 4. 12 3.62 5.25
8 6. 42 3.80 8.98 5. 65 7.08 5. 45 6.65 5.32 4.08 3.52 5.25
15 6. 62 3.85 9. 60 5.95 7.00 5.38 6.50 5.25 4.00 3.38 5.25
22 6.28 3. 85 9.98 5.90 7.00 5.38 6.50 5. 25 4.00 3.38 5.25
29... 6.12 3.88 9.32 5.75 7.08 5.58 6.50 5.25 4. 25 3.50 5.25
Sept. 5 6.00 3.88 9. 25 5.75 7.00 5.42 6. 35 5.25 4. 25 3.50 5.18
12 6.00 3.88 9.50 5.78 7.00 5.38 6.25 5.25 4.25 3.50 5.12
19 6.00 3.88 10.15 5.88 7.00 5.38 6. 25 5.25 4. 25 3.50 5.12
26 6.00 3.88 9.90 5.78 7.00 5.38 6.30 5.25 4. 25 3.50 5. 12
Oct. 3 6.00 3.88 9.52 5. 50 7. 12 5. 52 6.88 5.32 4.40 3.50 5.20
10 5.50 3. 75 9.75 5.58 7.25 5. 62 7.00 5.38 4.50 3.50 5.25
17 5.50 3. 65 8. 98 5.50 7.35 5.70 7. 10 5.38 4.50 3.50 5.25
24 5.48 3.50 9.08 5.45 7.28 5.55 7. 02 5.28 4. 75 3.50 5.25
31 5.75 3. 55 9.78 6.00 7.35 5.70 7.00 5.25 4. 75 3.50 5.25
Nov. 7 5.65 3.50 9.82 5.98 7.38 5. 75 7.00 5. 25 4. 75 3. 50 5.25
14 5.40 3.50 8. 85 5.35 7.38 5. 75 7.02 5.28 4.80 3.52 5.28
21 5.50 3. 50 8. 40 5. 62 7.38 5. 75 7. 12 5.38 5.00 3.62 5.38
28 5.38 3.50 8.00 5.38 7.38 5.75 7.12 5.38 5.00 3.62 5.38
Dec. 5 5.38 3.50 8.50 5. 48 7. 42 5.75 7. 15 5.40 5.00 3.62 5.38
12 5.38 3.50 8.72 5.52 7.52 5.75 7.25 5.50 5.00 3.62 5.38
19 5.38 3.50 8.28 5. 42 7.40 5.70 7.20 5.45 4. 95 3.62 5.38
26 5.50 3.62 8. 37 5.53 7.25 5. 62 7. 12 5.38 4.88 3.62 5.38
Jan. 2.. 5.75 3.88 9.31 6.09 7.25 5.62 7. 12 5.38 4.88 3.62 5.38
Division of Statistical and Historical Research Compiled from data of the reporting service of the
Division of Livestock, Meats, and Wool, Current figures available in Crops and Markets, weekly.
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Table 76.—Beef, fresh, carcass, good native steer: Average wholesale price per pound,
Chicago, by months, 1913-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1914-1920. . 17.0 16.6 16.6 17.3 17.3 17.6 18.2 18.8 19.1 19. 1 19.0 18.7 17.9
1921-1925 16.7 16.1 16.1 16.2 16.1 16.0 16.0 16.5 16.8 17.0 17.3 16.9 16.4
1913. 14.4 12.8 12.8 12.9 12.9 12.8 12.6 12.5 12.9 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0
1914 -. 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.5 14.2 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.3 13.6
1915 13.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.5 13.8 13.8 13.8 12.9
1916. 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 14.2 14.1 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8
1917. 13.8 14.1 14.9 16.0 16.0 16.2 16.4 17.1 19.0 19.0 19.0 18.7 16.7
1918 17.5 17.5 17.5 20.5 22.5 23.8 24.0 24.2 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 22.1
1919. _ 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.3 20.3 20.8 23.5 22.8 22.9 23.5 23.5 23.3
1920. 23.2 21.3 20.5 20.9 19.5 22.3 25.5 25.5 26.0 25.2 24.0 22.2 23.0
1921 17.4 16.0 16.3 16.5 16.5 16.0 14.9 16.0 16.0 16.4 17.3 16.4 16.3
1922- 15.4 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.8 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.0
1923 15.4 14.8 14.5 14.5 14.5 15.1 15.8 15.8 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.1 15.8
1924. - 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 16.8 16.5 16.5 16.5 17.2 18.3 18.3 17.1
1925. - 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 17.8 17.5 17.8 18.5 18.5 18.5 17.8 17.0 18.0
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Bureau of Labor Statistics Whole
sale Price bulletins, monthly.
Table 77.— Veal, good carcass: Average wholesale price per pound, Chicago, by
months, 1910-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. NOV. Dec. Aver

Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1914-1920 20.04 19.56 19.41 18.19 18. 18 20.32 21.29 21. 86 22.88 21.04 19. 60 18.99 20. 11
1921-1925- - 15.78 15.70 14.23 12.73 13. 18 13. 50 15.04 16.58 17.89 15.52 13.16 13. 38 14.73
1910. 13. 38 13.38 13. 60 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.25 13. 50 14.00 14. 38 14. 10 14.00 13. 55
1911.. 13.75 13.62 12.90 11.62 11.60 13.00 12.00 12.30 13.50 13.50 12.60 12.00 12.70
1912, - 12.90 12.75 12.62 12.50 13.00 13.25 13.30 14.25 16. 25 15.70 15.75 15.50 13.98
1913. 15.70 16.00 16.25 14. 90 15. 00 16.38 16.20 16.88 17.75 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.34
1914- 16.50 16.12 15.38 14. 80 15.75 16.62 16.60 17.31 17.50 16.50 15.50 14.60 16.10
1915 15.12 15.50 14.85 13. 81 14.22 15. 15 15.88 17.06 17.35 16.81 15.75 15.00 15.54
1916 15.75 16.25 16. 10 14. 75 15. 70 17. 12 17. 94 18.95 19.00 18.25 17.60 18.00 17.12
1917.. 19. 15 19. 19 18.88 17.88 20.10 22.38 21.50 21.85 23.50 21.90 19.75 22.00 20.67
1918 23. 40 21.50 23.00 22.38 20.35 24.00 25. 10 25.88 28.06 25.40 25.00 25.00 24.09
1919. - 24.35 24. 25 24.38 22.70 23.38 25.75 29. 10 28.62 29.25 25.40 23.88 21.90 25.25
1920. - 26.00 24. 12 23. 30 21.00 17.75 21.20 22.88 23. 38 25.50 23.00 19. 75 16.40 22.02
1921. 18. 12 15.50 15.20 12.75 12.50 12.80 13.81 15. 15 17.75 15.50 13.80 12.88 14. 65
1922. 13.50 15.50 12.95 12.25 13.20 13.88 13.06 15.90 17.88 15.00 12.62 12.05 13. 98
1923- 15.55 16.25 13.88 12.75 13.50 14. 31 16.75 17.60 17.75 16.40 12.38 13. 25 15.03
1924-. 17.00 15. 75 14.50 13.00 13.69 13.00 15.60 17.50 17.25 13.60 11.50 12.90 14. 61
1925 14. 75 15.50 14. 62 12.90 13.00 13.50 16.00 16.75 18.80 17.12 15.50 15.89 15.36
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from the National Provisioner, weekly
Monthly prices compiled from weekly prices.
Table 78.—Edible tallow: Average wholesale price per pound, Chicago, by months,
' 1910-1925

Yew- Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cts. Cts. CU. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts.
1914-1920 12.36 12.12 12.27 13.48 14.69 13.93 13.87 13. 49 13. 70 13.96 13. 55 12.65 13.34
1921-1925 8.83 8.46 8. 66 8.29 8. 13 7.99 8.54 9. 19 9.08 9.21 9.16 9.14 8.72
1910 9.44 9.31 9. 85 9. 81 9.44 9.03 8. 38 8. 45 8. 67 8. 82 8. 65 7.88 8.98
1911 7.88 7.56 7. 13 6.47 6.48 6. 35 6.52 6. 99 7. 56 7. 38 7.43 7.00 7.06
1912 7. 10 6. 95 7.18 8.06 8. 32 7.94 7.84 8. 82 8.52 8.70 8.25 8.03 7.93
1913 7. 38 7.56 7. 75 8.07 8.06 7. 72 8.12 & 66 8. 12 7.98 8.05 7. 65 7.93
1914 7.60 7.80 7.58 7. 38 7.30 7.09 6.98 7. 08 7. 65 7. 12 7.32 7.23 7.34
7. 34 7. 75 7.44 7. 36 7.24 6. 92 6.88 6. 88 7. 17 8.35 8.78 9.16 7. 61
1916. 9.34 9.54 10.04 10.84 11.47 10.33 9. 71 ». 17 10. 49 11.33 12.23 12.59 10.59
1917 12. 33 12.70 13. 38 15.47 18. 67 18.50 17.15 17. 43 18. 25 18.28 18.25 18.28 16.56
1918.. 18.00 17.97 17. 81 17.94 17.85 17. 75 18. 40 19 38 20. 12 20.83 19. 75 15.94 18.48
1919 12.78 11.88 12. 75 19.15 25. 19 24.06 25. 20 21 31 18.03 19.28 18.44 17.80 18.82
1920 19. 12 17.22 16.88 16.19 15.09 12.88 12.78 18. 18 14.20 12.53 10.09 7. 55 13. 98
7. 41 6.97 6. 32 6.00 6.50 5.92 6.63 7. 35 8.25 7.94 7.28 7.00 6.96
1922.. 7. 38 7.68 8.08 7. 18 7. 28 7.82 7. 75 7. 08 7. 47 7.94 8.62 8. 53 7.81
1923 9. 44 9.23 9.88 10.18 9.09 8.03 7.68 7. 95 9. 31 9. 72 9.56 9.25 9. 11
1924... 9. 18 8.94 8.69 8. 32 8.32 8. 18 9.98 11 53 9. 81 9.88 10.09 10.58 9.46
1925 10.76 9.50 10. 32 9. 76 9.44 10.00 10.68 11 16 10.55 10.56 10.25 10.32 10.28
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from the National Provisioner, weekly.
Monthly prices computed from weekly prices.
Table 79.—Inedible tallow: Auerage wholesale price per pound, Chicago, by months,
. 1910-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: CU. Cts. CU. CU. CU. CU. CU. CU. Cts. CU. CU. CU. CU.
1914-1920.— 11.01 10. 62 10.83 11.53 12.04 11.60 12.04 11. 81 11.94 12.19 11.74 11.14 11.54
1921-1925. . 7.54 7. 31 7. 47 7. 13 6.90 6. 45 6. 61 7.14 7. 52 7.67 7.88 7.94 7. 30
1910 6.97 6. 91 7.29 7. 47 7.09 6.99 7.09 7.25 7. 61 7.61 7.69 7.12 7. 26
1911 7. 25 6. 97 6. 52 5.80 5.84 5. 75 5. 77 6. 12 6. 76 6.62 6.66 6.16 6.35
1912 6. 16 6. 11 6.12 6.60 6. 55 6.44 6. 33 6. 39 6.44 6. 56 6.32 6.41 6. 37
1913.. 6.26 6. 38 6. 38 6.44 6. 14 6.19 6. 32 6.81 6.88 6.70 6. 75 6.88 6.51
1914 6.69 6. 62 6. 62 6.50 6. 47 6.38 6.25 6.19 6.56 6. 16 6.27 6.32 6.42
1915.. 6. 36 6.50 6. 42 6. 50 6. 38 6.06 6.06 6.06 5.92 7.12 7.56 8.25 6.60
1916 8. 62 8.69 9.01 9. 98 10.21 9. 38 8. 52 7.80 9.06 9. 91 10.92 11.06 9. 43
1917... 11. 14 11.44 12.40 14. 14 17. 41 17.44 16. 19 16. 27 16.88 16. 75 17.03 17.50 15.38
1918 17. 12 17.00 17. 12 16.94 16.72 16. 44 17.28 17.88 18.31 19.00 18. 12 14.06 17.17
1919... 10.28 9.06 9. 38 12.12 13. 81 14. 62 18. 92 17.28 15.47 16.88 15.24 15. 18 14.02
1920. 16.84 15.03 14. 85 14.50 13.28 10.90 11.03 11. 19 11.40 9.50 7.06 5.58 11. 76
1921 5.84 5. 38 4. 90 4.53 5.09 4. 35 4.31 5. 25 6. 16 6.25 5.98 5.69 5.31
1922. 5. 75 6.00 6.35 6.25 6. 15 6.00 5.94 6. 18 6. 38 6.69 7.48 7. 62 6. 40
1923- 8.58 8. 62 9.28 8.72 7.68 6.54 6.20 6. 52 7. 56 7. 32 7.41 7.28 7.64
1924.. 7.61 7.56 7.44 7.12 6.97 6.50 7.22 8.25 8. 12 8.78 9.28 9.82 7.89
1925 9.94 9.00 9.36 9.02 8.62 8.88 9. 38 9.50 9. 38 9.31 9. 25 9.28 9.24
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from the National Provisioner, weekly.
Quotations are for packers' No. 1.
Table 80.—Oleo oil: Average wholesale price per pound, Chicago, by months,

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts.
1914-1920 19.95 19. 82 19.38 19. 30 19. 50 19.04 18. 65 18.34 19.50 20.00 20.58 20.75 19.57
1921-1925 13.31 12.45 12.18 11. 65 IL 38 11. 18 11.73 12.89 13.. 72 14. 22 14. 47 13. 57 12.73
1910.. 14.55 12.94 13.28 13.44 12.50 11. 33 10.91 11. 15 12.06 11.44 10.32 9. 92 11.99
1911.. 9. 82 9. 50 8. 39 7.84 8.78 8.25 8.53 9. 34 11.84 11.44 11. 78 11.00 9.71
1912 12.05 12.28 13. 12 13. 00 13.00 12.48 11.82 13. 16 13. 56 14. 66 13. 62 13.50 13.02
1913 13. 32 11.63 12. 12 11.58 10.69 10.88 11.29 11.64 11. 57 10.49 10.06 9. 56 11.24
1914 9.68 9. 68 9. 50 9. 35 9. 90 9.75 9. 41 10.55 13. 42 12.82 13. 97 14.02 11. 00
1915 14.26 14.68 14.58 13. 25 11.50 10.48 9.84 9. 62 10.18 12.25 13. 10 12.57 12.19
1916 12.42 12. 65 12.51 13.28 14.05 13.25 13. 25 13. 65 14. 13 14. 50 17. 70 20.38 14. 31
1917 20.70 19.94 19.88 21. 12 24.03 23.25 21.06 21. 17 22.50 23. 95 22. 19 21. 60 21.78
1918 22.25 23. 75 25. 19 24. 75 23. 95 24. 19 25.70 26.00 26. 25 27.80 28.62 30.19 25.72
1919 31. 25 30. 19 28.25 29.52 32.06 32.91 33. 30 30.56 30.25 28.25 30.75 30.50 30. 65
1920. 29.06 27.88 25.75 23. 81 21.00 19. 45 18. 00 16.81 19. 75 20.44 17.75 15. 97 21. 31
1921 13.25 12.88 12.38 10.81 10.22 9.53 9.44 11. 15 12.91 12.53 11.42 10.18 11.39
1922.. 9. 97 9.94 10.12 9. 50 9.68 10.06 10.69 11. 33 10.75 10.62 11. 90 13.22 10.65
1923 12.72 12. 75 12.94 13. 34 13. 17 11.82 10.94 11.03 12.06 12.92 14.63 15. 16 12.79
1924 15.62 14. 50 13.00 11.88 12.00 11. 88 13. 42 15. 45 16.84 19.98 20.76 16. 47 15. 15
1925 15.00 12.18 12.44 12.73 11.81 12.62 14. 17 15. 47 16.03 15.06 13. 62 12.83 13. 66
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from the National Provisioner, weekly.
Monthly prices computed from weekly prices.
Table 81.—Rib roast: Average retail price per pound in leading cities of the
United States, by months, 1913-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts.
1914-1920 24.5 24.7 25.1 26.2 26.9 27.3 27.4 27.0 26.8 26.3 25.9 25 5 26.1
1921-1925. 28.5 28.0 28.5 28.8 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.2 29.0 28.6 28.1 28. 0 28.7
1913. 18.8 18.8 19.4 20.0 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.2 20.1 20.0 19.8 19. 9 19.8
1914. 19.9 20.0 20.0 20.1 20.3 20.5 20.9 21.4 20.9 20.5 20.3 20 1 20.4
1915 19.9 19.7 19.5 19.7 20.1 20.3 20.6 20.5 20.4 20.3 20.1 19. 8 20.1
1916 20. 1 20.1 20.6 2L1 21.7 22:4 22.1 21.9 21.8 21.3 21.0 21 1 21.2
1917 : 21.7 22.6 23.3 25.2 25.8 26. 1 25.8 25.6 26.0 25.8 25.1 25 4 24.9
1918 25.8 26.3 26.8 29.3 31.8 33.5 33.3 32.6 32.7 32.3 32.0 31. 9 30.7
1919 32.6 32.6 33.4 34.6 35.2 33.8 33.5 32.4 31.2 30.6 30.2 30. 3 32.5
1920 31.4 31.5 31.9 33.5 33.4 34.8 35.9 34.9 34.5 33.3 32.6 30 1 33.2
1921 31.0 29.3 30.0 30.4 30.2 29.8 29.3 29.1 28.6 27.6 26.8 26 7 29.1
1922 26.7 26.5 27.0 27.3 27.9 28.2 28.5 28.2 28. 1 28.0 27.5 27. 3 27.6
27.5 27.5 27.6 27.8 28.2 28.8 29.3 29.2 29.4 28.9 28.3 28 S 28.4
1924 28.6 28.3 28.6 29.0 29.4 29.4 29.1 29.1 29.0 28.6 28.2 28 0 28.8
1925 28.5 28.4 29.1 29.7 29.8 29.8 30.4 30.3 30.1 30.0 29.5 29 6 29.6
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prices for 1913-1919 compiled from Bureau of Labor
Statistics Retail Price Bulletin, No. 270; 1920-192 from Retail Price Bulletins, annual; 1923-1925 from
Monthly Labor Review.

Table 82.—Chuck roast: Average retail price per pound in leading cities of the
United States, by months, 1913-1925
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cls. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts.
1914-1920 20.2 20.3 20.8 21.6 22.2 22.6 22.6 22.2 22.0 21.5 21.1 20.8 21.5
1921-1925 20.7 20.2 20.6 20.8 21.0 21.0 21.0 20. 9 20.9 20.7 20.2 20. 1 20.7
1913 14.9 14.9 15.6 16.2 16.1 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.4 16.4 16.3 16.2 16.0
1914... 16.3 16.4 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.7 16.9 17.5 17.3 17.0 16.7 16.5 16.7
1915... 16.2 15.9 15.7 15.8 16.1 16.4 16.5 16.4 16.3 16.2 15.9 15.8 16.1
1916. 15.9 15.9 16.4 16.9 17.5 18. 1 17.9 17.6 17.6 17.3 17. 1 16.9 17.1
1917. 17.4 18. 5 20.4 20.9 21.5 21.9 21.9 21. 7 21. 9 21.8 21. 1 21.5 20.9
1918 23. 1 22.7 23. 2 25.5 27.8 29.5 29. 1 28.3 28.4 27.9 27.5 27.3 26.6
1919 28.0 27.9 28.4 29.4 29.7 28. 1 27.7 26.6 25.3 24.5 24.2 24.3 27.0
1920 25.3 25. 1 25. 1 26.6 26.5 27.8 28.5 27.4 27.1 25.9 25.3 23.2 26.2
1921 23.6 22.0 22.5 22.4 22.0 21.6 20.7 20.8 20.5 19.9 19.2 19.2 21.2
1922 19.0 18.9 19.3 19.5 19.8 20. 1 20.3 20.0 20.0 19.9 19.6 19.4 19.7
1923 19. 6 19.5 19.5 19.7 19.9 20.4 20.8 20.8 21.0 20.8 20.4 20.4 20.2
1924 20.7 20.4 20.6 20.9 21.3 21.2 21.0 21.0 20.9 20.7 20.4 20.2 20.8
1925 20.5 20.4 21.0 21.7 22.1 21.8 22.4 22.1 22.0 22.0 21.6 21.5 21.6
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prices 1913-1919 compiled from Bureau of Labor Statis
tics, Retail Price Bulletin; No. 270; 1920-1922 from Retail Price Bulletins, annual; 1923-1925 from Monthly
Labor Review.
Table 83.—Sirloin steak: Average retail price per pound in leading cities of the
United States, by months, 1913-1925
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts.
1914-1920 31.1 31.4 31.7 33.2 34.2 35.1 35.6 35.2 34.9 34.0 33.3 32.7 33.5
1921-1925 38.2 37.6 38.2 38.9 39.6 40.0 40.7 40.6 40.1 39.3 38.2 37.8 39.1
1913. 23.8 23.9 24.7 25.5 25.6 25.9 26.4 26.4 26.3 25.7 25.4 25.1 25.4
1914.. 25.2 25.3 25.3 25.4 25.8 26.3 27.0 27.9 27.2 26.2 25.5 25.6 25.9
1915 25.3 25.0 24.7 25.1 25.8 26.1 26.6 26.5 26.4 26.1 25.6 25.2 25.7
1916 25.6 25.7 26.3 27.0 27.7 28.8 28.6 28.4 28.3 27.5 27.0 26.9 27.3
1917 27.6 28.8 29.5 31.7 32.3 32.8 32.7 32.9 33.3 32.9 31.6 32.0 31.5
1918.- — 32.7 33.4 33.8 36.6 40.0 42.6 42.1 41.5 41.7 41.0 40.5 40.4 38.9
1919.. 41.1 41.2 41.8 43.7 44.4 43.1 43.4 42.1 40.9 39.8 39.3 39.1 41.7
1920.... 40.5 40.6 40.8 43.2 43.4 46.1 48.6 47.2 46.8 44.5 43.5 39.7 43.7
1921...1 40.5 38.3 39.1 40.0 40.1 40.0 40.2 4O.0 38.9 37.4 35.7 35.3 38.8
1922. 35.3 35.2 35.9 36.4 37.7 38.4 39.2 39.0 38.7 38.3 37.3 36.8 37.4
1923.... 37.2 37.1 37.3 37.9 38.7 40.1 41.0 41.1 41.1 40.1 38.9 38.6 39.1
1924 39.1 38.7 38.9 39.6 40.6 40.7 40.7 40.7 40.2 39.6 38.7 38.2 39.6
1925 38.7 38.5 39.6 40.4 40.8 41.0 42.2 42.0 41.6 41.2 40.3 40.3 40.6
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prices for 1913-1919 compiled from Bureau of Labor
Statistics, Retail Price Bulletin, No. 270; 1920-1922 from Retail Price Bulletins, annual; 1923-1925 from
monthly Labor Review.
Table 84.—Round steak: Average retail price per pound in leading cities of the
United States, by months, 1913-1925
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts.
1914-1920 28.5 28.8 29.1 30.5 31.5 32.4 33.0 32.6 32.0 31.5 30.6 29.9 30.8
1921-1925. 32.9 32.3 32.8 33.5 34.1 34.7 35.3 35.2 34.7 33.9 32.7 32.4 33.7
1913.- 20.5 20.6 21.3 22.2 22.2 22.6 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.1 22.8 22.6 22.3
1914 22.7 22.9 22.9 23.0 23.3 23.7 24.4 25.1 24.6 23.8 23.4 23.0 23.6
1915. - 9.7 22.3 22.0 22.3 23.0 23.4 23.9 23.8 23.6 23.2 22.8 22.4 23.0
1916 22.7 22.7 23.3 24.0 24.9 26.0 25.8 25.7 25.6 24.8 24.1 24.0 24.5
1917.- 24.6 26.0 26.6 29.0 29.6 30.2 30.6 30.8 29.7 30.8 29.7 30.3 29.0
1918 30.6 31.4 31.8 34.5 38.0 40.6 40.3 39.6 39.8 39.0 38.5 38.2 36.9
1919 39.0 38.8 39.4 40.5 41.6 40.4 40.7 39.5 37.9 36.9 36.2 35.9 38.9
1920. . 37.0 37.2 37.5 39.9 39.9 42.6 45.0 43.6 43.1 41.9 39.6 35.7 39.5
1921 36.3 34.2 34.9 35.6 35.6 35.6 35.8 35.6 34.4 32.9 31.0 30.8 34.4
1922 30.4 30.2 30.8 31.4 32.5 33.5 34.2 34.1 33.6 33.1 32.0 31.5 32.3
1923 31.6 31.5 31.7 32.3 33.0 34.5 35.5 35.5 35.5 34.4 33.1 32.9 33.5
1924. 33.3 33.0 33.1 33.6 34.6 34.8 34.7 34.8 34.3 33.7 32.9 32.4 33.8
1925- - 32.8 32.7 33.6 34.6 35.0 35.2 36.5 36.2 35.6 35.4 34.4 34.4 34.7
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Prices for 1913-1919 compiled from Bureau of Labor
Statistics, Retail Price Bulletin, No. 270, 1920-1922 from Retail Price Bulletins, annual, 1923-1925 from
monthly Labor Review.
0ea-lt:gaeoi,n lc-ia*die-
P-ice oou-d Cen*a 0.0 00. 24.0 0.0 0.0 08.0 0.0 4.4 00.0 0.0 00. 4.0 -.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 00.0 0.0 4.4 0.1 0.0 00.0
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R-o*ue-adk NewY-k ce-*a- 4fliv- -*-e- oeic- 4-
50-a• 5•050
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Chi -o
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50- Cen*-
R-*ail ce-*a-eliveof o-ice 44
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ce-*a- liv-of a*e - o-ice
Chi -o
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50- -50. -10.
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c e Pe-cen* 10 1 40 450 00 135 10 14 1- 150 50o 150 150 150 504 500 10 10 44 '0 4a04 10 170 150 500
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•• Cen78 •.8 •.8 •.8 •.8 •.8 •.8 •.8 •.8
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P-ice oou-d Cen*a 50.4 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.4 0.4 37.1 37.0 0.0 0.1 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.4 37.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 50.1 0.0 39.0 0.0 40.0 0.0 50.0 50.0
Rea-*ail ofa-elivea*-e- o-ice Pe-cen* 00 00 350 504 00 04 00 00 01 00 -0 00 00 04 00 30 00 00 504 00 00 290 01 40 30
ce50--*- go0
Chi -o
P-ice oou-d 0.0 31.0 31.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 -.0 0.8 01.0 0.0 31.0 31.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 4.4 0.1 34.0 34.0 4.0 34.0 0.0
Cen*- 0L0
Reaa*ail ofa-- Pe-cen* 04 00 0go 04 050 01 00 01 00 04 00 04 04 00 2 00 00 00 500 00 180 10 40 04 250 04
lceia*die-a livea*e- o-ice
c50-- *-
Ave-0-, 0.4 0.4 0.0 50.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 21.0 0.1 21.0 0.4 22.1 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 50.0
C1o9n180Fion9u25e—d P-ic- oou-d
50- Cen*-

a-e -*e -
Rea-*ail ce50-o*- ofliv- Pe-cen* 00 00 00 010 231 04 040 240 000 00 040 00 0i0 01 040 00 030 04 00 04 000 04 220 050 00 i0ll
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Rea-*ail ofa-eliv--*e- Pe-cen* 500 04 04 00 00 00 04 01 01 00 00 0' 504 04 04 00 04 00 250 00 00 00 00 500 00 24
c50-- *- o-ic-
Chi -o
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50- Cen*-


00 1504

Av- a-
0-o*emb—e- Novembe-0 Dec-mbe- 0eo*-mb- Novembe- D-cembe-
Ja-L-y Feb-ua-y Marah Au50a* Oc*obe-" Ja-ua-y." Feb-ua-y Marah-
Ao-il— Ao-il July Au-u-* O4*ob-
Jura— July!- Jura"
M--- M-
Table 86.—Cattle, choice steers for chilled beef: Average price per 100 pounds
by months, Buenos Aires, 1909-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Av.

Average: Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls.
1909-1913 3.54 3.58 3. 72 3. 82 3. 89 3.90 4. 02 4. 19 4.34 4.51 4.41 4.00 3.99
1914-1920.. 6. 52 6.59 6.61 6. 65 6.59 6. 37 6. 68 7. 07 7.41 7.50 6.93 6. 63 6.80
1921-1925 4.48 4. 53 4. 66 4.49 4. 32 4. 36 4.55 4.73 4. 97 5. 02 4.59 4. 32 4.59
1909 3.00 3. 03 3. 07 3.00 3. 07 3.20 3.41 3.64 3. 95 4. 38 4.21 3.81 3. 48
1910- 3.34 3.30 3. 61 3. 61 3. 54 3. 64 3. 71 3.98 4. ?8 4. 62 4. 32 3. 47 3.78
1911... 3. 57 3.61 3. 84 3.81 3.84 3. 95 4. 15 4. 18 4. 21 4. 18 4. 01 3. 47 3.90
1912... 3.58 3.78 3. 62 3.73 3. 72 3. 71 3. 71 4. 05 4. 15 4. 15 4. 15 4.08 3. 87
1913 4.22 4. 19 4.44 4. 93 5. 26 5. 02 5. 10 5. 12 5. 12 5.22 5. 35 5. 18 4.93
1914. -. 4. 96 5. 27 5. 47 5. 69 5. 47 5. 67 5.73 6. 01 6.21 6. 29 5. 86 5.80 5.70
1915.. 5. 72 5.61 5. 56 5.65 5. 44 5.54 5.97 6. 71 7.45 7.52 7.11 6. 59 6.24
1916 6. 93 7. 15 6.91 6. 93 6.84 6. 31 6. 42 6. 54 6. 84 7. 16 6.95 6.74 6.81
1917 6.69 6. 56 6. 49 6.31 6. 46 6.34 6. 37 6. 40 6. 16 6.54 6. 03 5.55 6.32
1918.. 5. 39 5. 83 5.88 6. 06 6.04 5. 98 6.21 7.49 8.41 8. 49 8. 03 8. 06 6.82
1919 7. 96 7.75 7.74 7.85 8. 03 7.21 8. 60 8. 92 9. 63 9. 20 8. 25 7.72 8.24
1920- - 7.96 7.97 8.20 8. 06 7. 88 7.56 7.47 7.42 7.15 7. 27 6.28 5.98 7.43
1921.. 5. 93 5. 95 5. 71 5.41 4.40 4. 10 3. 69 4. 12 4.74 4. 96 4.90 4. 39 4. 86
1922 4.68 4.53 3. 97 3.30 3.31 3.90 4.41 4.50 4.24 3.84 3. 30 3.25 3.94
1923.. 3.08 3. 25 3. 82 4.06 3. 83 3. 56 3. 62 3. 36 3. 82 4. 10 3. 48 3. 23 3.60
1924.. 3. 19 3. 40 3. 61 3.50 3. 56 3.76 4.51 4. 93 5. 15 5. 95 5. 62 5. 42 4.38
1925..- 5.54 5.54 6.20 6.20 6.51 6.48 6.54 6.72 6.91 6.25 5.66 5.32 6. 16
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Calculated from quotations in the Review of the
River Plate. Prices prior to May, 1924, originally quoted on basis of price per head supplemented from
1916 by price per pound of dressed carcass weight. Calculations assume average dressed weight of 730
pounds or live weight of 1,259 pounds. Live-weight quotations per pound from May, 1924. Converted
from Argentine currency at average monthly rate of exchange.
Table 87.—Beef: Price per pound of Argentine chilled hind quarters, by months,
London, 1909-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Av.
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1909-1913 9. 43 9. 62 9. 62 9.71 10.30 9.91 9. 66 9. 87 9.98 9.46 9. 12 9.71 9.70
1914-1920 19.91 19. 52 19. 65 20.09 20.85 21.24 20. 62 21. 10 19. 87 20.47 20.06 20. 45 20. 32
1921-1925 14.47 14. 05 13.66 14.98 14. 31 14. 21 14. 83 14. 65 14. 82 13. 53 13. 72 14. 07 14.27
1909 10.01 9. 51 8. 87 8. 51 10. 52 10.52 10. 25 10. 52 9.94 8.49 9. 51 8.62 9.61
1910 9.00 9.38 9. 32 9. 76 11. 15 10.84 8. 87 10. 52 9.69 9.63 7. 85 8.47 9.54
1911..- 9.00 8. 43 9. 43 9. 19 9. 25 8. 22 7. 86 7. 10 9.54 8. 17 8.33 9. 95 8. 71
1912. 10. 27 10. 35 10.09 10.34 11.47 9. 97 9.90 10.53 10. 13 9.87 9.03 10. 48 10.20
1913... 8.88 10.41 10.41 10.76 9. 12 10. 01 11.41 10.70 10.62 11. 13 10.87 11.01 10.44
1914. 10.76 10. 75 10.70 10.09 11.95 11. 32 12. 53 14.52 15. 10 13. 82 13. 47 14.26 12.44
1915. 15. 07 15.44 13.76 15. 36 16.91 17.80 17.31 18. 14 15. 15 16. 23 15.02 15. 35 15.96
1916. 17.32 15.80 16.73 18.98 21.81 20. 82 18. 82 20. 22 18. 83 18.58 17.41 20. 65 18. 83
19181.. ..-- 21.31 23.90 23.77 22.30 24.08 27.29 26.50 28. 07 23. 77 23. 27 22. 77 22. 77 24. 15
22. 77 22.77 26.42 27.49 27.49 27. 48 27.48 27.50 27.99 31. 45 (2) 31.47 27.65
1919 i. 31. 47 31. 47 28.09 27. 37 24.43 24. 26 22.47 21. 14 20. 68 22. 61 22.96 21.20 24. 85
19201 20.64 16. 53 18. 07 19.06 19. 25 19.74 19.26 18. 10 17.56 17.36 17.36 17.46 18. 37
1921 1... 18.78 19. 36 19. 89 19.24 17. 19 15. 87 16. 46 17.21 15.32 12.91 14.22 15.46 16. 83
1922. 12.65 11. 02 11.49 14.94 13. 89 13.81 12. 97 13.84 14. 77 12.80 12.64 14. 21 13. 25
1923 14. 55 12.46 11.27 12.24 12. 89 13.84 16. 23 12. 26 13.72 12.37 11. 78 11. 96 12.96
1924. 10.54 12. 60 10.40 13.89 13.00 11.83 11. 21 12.89 14. 07 13.61 15.43 14. 73 12.85
1925.. 15.81 14.79 15.24 14.59 14. 57 15.70 17.27 17.05 16.22 15. 95 14. 55 14.00 15. 48
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from British Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries Return of Market Prices.
1 Price control, January, 1917-March, 1921. During price control the quotation is usually for frozen
beef. When separate quotations were made for chilled beef, the price was the same as for frozen beef.
2 No quotations. Price of 31.46 cents interpolated in computation of averages.

Table 88.—Beef: Price per pound of Argentine chilled forequarters, London, by

months, 1913-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts.
1914-1920 15.90 15.90 15.96 15.96 16.03 16. 14 15. 18 15.44 14. 97 15. 97 16.50 15.98 15.83
1921-1925 9.36 9.78 9. 41 8.84 7.90 7.31 7.23 7. 32 7.76 8.10 8.97 8.95 8. 41
1913 7.48 7.55 7.55 7. 75 6. 72 6.72 6.90 6.46 6. 77 7.14 7.96 8.29 7.27
1914 8.61 8.54 8.04 7.47 7.57 7. 32 7.50 10.80 12.34 11.67 11. 81 11.98 9.47
1915 - 12. 10 12.88 12.31 13. 30 13.98 14.98 14. 39 14. 46 11.73 12.43 11.68 11.61 12.99
1916 12. 87 12. 95 13.84 15.48 17.65 18.09 15. 18 14. 32 14.87 15. 17 18.92 16.32 15. 47
19171 17.84 20.80 21.23 19.82 21.00 21.30 20.68 21.77 19. 32 19.20 18.81 18. 81 20.05
1918 1 18. 81 18.81 21.23 21.05 21.05 21.04 21.04 21.06 21.55 25.01 (2) 25.03 21.72
1919 1 25.03 25.03 21.73 21.08 18. 13 17.06 14.63 13.57 13.28 16.74 17.86 16.49 18.39
19201 — 16.06 12.31 13. 36 13. 55 12.83 13. 16 12.84 12.07 11. 71 11.58 11.42 11.64 12.71
1921 1 12.52 12.90 13.05 11.29 8.29 7.86 7.76 8.22 8. 15 8. 07 9.01 8. 36 9.62
1922.. 6. 82 6. 70 7. 52 8. 62 7.87 6.96 6.60 7.09 7.01 6.82 7.70 8.45 7.35
1923 9.82 9.53 8.33 6.18 6.38 8.53 8. 12 5. 99 6.98 7. 07 7.67 7.87 7.71
1924 7.06 9.00 7.38 8.60 8.46 5.89 5.18 5.86 6.77 7.83 9.94 10.03 7.67
1925 10.58 10. 75 10. 76 9.49 8.50 7.29 8.48 9. 46 9.91 10.72 10.52 10.06 9.71
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from British Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries, Return of Market Prices. i
1 Price control, January, 1917-March, 1921. During price control the quotation is usually for frozen beef.
When separate quotations were made for chilled beef the price was the same as for frozen beef.
2 No quotations. Price of 25.02 cents interpolated in computation of averages.
Table 89.—Cattle hides, domestic, packer: Stocks held in the United States on the
1st day of each month, October, 1920-December, 1925
[In thousands—i. e. 000 omitted]
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1920 1, 430 1,816 1,841
1921 1, 729 1,745 1,641 1, 563 1,563 1,626 1,522 1,447 1, 457 1,451 1,285 1,178
1922 1,091 1,061 1, 133 1,255 1,349 1,350 1,492 1, 392 1,401 1, 341 1, 374 1,289
1923 1,370 1,333 1,388 1,448 1,419 1,509 1,532 1,548 1,604 1,590 1,454 1, 320
1924 1,167 1,088 1, 106 1,111 1,149 1,195 1,270 1,197 1, 140 1, 108 1,039 971
1925 1,051 1,109 1, 169 1, 128 1,151 1, 186 1, 125 1,118 1, 057 999 1,041 1,016
1920 1 1,239 1,715
1921 2,414 2,344 2, 404 2, 251 2, 077 1,767 1,536 1, 333 1,229 1, 169 1,105
1922 1,172 1, 140 1, 119 1, 145 1, 140 1,111 1,054 1,091 1, 101 1, 186 1,347
1923 1,583 1,536 1,429 1,368 1,266 1,239 1, 182 1,123 1, 161 1,279 1,364
1924 1,492 1,451 1,368 1,303 1,195 1,033 946 928 946 1, 038 1,214
1925 — . 1,559 1,456 1,353 1,246 1, 122 1,010 974 1,046 1,088 1,174 1,368
1920 126 157 176
1921 169 170 180 189 179 182 166 141 150 162 157 132
1922 125 203 106 100 103 97 99 111 134 132 136 142
1923 144 136 152 138 124 128 111 125 137 148 151 154
1924 161 142 135 138 120 117 123 123 118 120 128 115
1925 109 102 102 101 102 102 109 120 112 109 118 126
1920. 692
1921. 427 363 226 265 334 360 378 232 529 273
1922. 306 384 355 292 247 247 202 185 191 208
1923. 241 278 247 239 217 212 188 172 157 164
1924. 210 219 200 186 143 139 139 123 159 154
1925. 210 252 240 213 165 147 118 123 123 119
Table 89. — Cattle hides, domestic, packer: Stocks held in the United States on the
1st day of each month, October, 1920-December, 1925—Continued
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1920 3, 487 3, 948 4,412
1921 4, 739 4, 622 4, 451 4, 268 4,153 3,935 3,602 3, 153 3, 365 3, 055 2, 999 2,848
1922 2, 694 2,788 2,713 2, 792 2,839 2,805 2,847 2, 779 2, 827 2,867 3,110 3,267
1923 3, 338 3,283 3,216 3, 193 3,026 3,088 3,013 2,968 3, 059 3, 181 3,151 3, 135
1924 3,030 2,900 2,809 2,738 2,607 2, 484 2,478 2,371 2,363 2, 420 2,554 2,735
1925 2,929 2,919 2, 864 2,688 2,540 2, 445 2,326 2,407 2,380 2, 401 2,680 2,809
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from "Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather"
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
Table 90.— Cattle hides, green salted, domestic (other than* packer) : Stocks held
in the United States on the 1st day of each month, October, 1920-December, 1925
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year Jan. Fsb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1921 1 220 242 373 179 122 89 86 79 146
1922 139 121 90 69 56 59 49 133 57 49 46 102
1923.. 101 85 81 79 73 51 51 43 37 46 53 48
1924.. 43 38 52 41 33 23 24 23 23 29 48 60
1925 64 90 57 44 58 40 43 46 47 39 41 . 41
1921. 613 563 544 806 506 461 468 552 649
1922. 720 747 745 622 542 512 498 468 469 349 351 346
1923. 509 576 660 033 576 496 387 341 342 338 446 544
1924. 524 555 521 467 374 394 310 285 291 308 373 365
1925. 401 479 536 474 416 389 368 373 374 324 347 465
1920 i 937 1 1, 168 ' 1,381
1921 11, 574 1 1, 695 11,907 1,093 1,042 911 769 969 872 948 866 802
1922.... 822 759 742 687 676 646 612 602 562 636 629 642
1923 648 790 1,058 982 811 778 706 676 612 609 606 609
1924 004 749 843 836 714 619 590 556 516 491 514 584
1925 638 716 786 783 680 572 553 524 502 471 429 505
1920 1 1,057 1, 269 1, 418
1921 1, 613 1,739 1,950 1,978 1,901 1,877 1, 825 1,654 1,470 1,553 1,563 1,649
1922 1, 737 1,694 1,634 1, 431 1,323 1,257 1, 199 1,241 1, 128 1,069 1,060 1,121
1923 1, 289 1,487 1,839 1,737 1,503 1, 360 1, 174 1,093 1,029 1,026 1, 147 1,236
1924 1, 270 1,388 1, 454 1,387 1, 155 1, 079 971 909 870 870 979 1,045
1925 1, 130 1, 315 1,410 1,322 1, 181 1,032 995 976 952 864 851 1,040
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Com plied from 1 , Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather,"
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
i Includes steer hides and cowhides not reported separately.
33764—27 19

Table 91.—Cattle hides, green salted, foreign: Stocks held in the United States
on the 1st day of each month, October, 1920-December, 1925
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1921 465 309 518 367 296 373 268 200 164
1922 120 150 211 222 201 232 153 255 229 290 270 255
1923 304 242 304 365 283 443 471 503 349 236 119 95
1924.. 90 103 72 110 108 177 182 148 222 165 178 148
1925 219 189 181 187 220 200 188 149 113 71 47 55

1921 90 93 38 298 21 56 28 50 51
1922 55 47 26 38 34 31 81 70 84 113 146 124
1923 ... 127 122 118 135 130 170 164 146 116 74 69 54
1924... 58 50 60 53 51 56 32 42 21 26 35 37
1925 47 51 41 62 101 93 65 34 43 70 42 29

1920 5 4 4
1921 4 4 5 6 3 3 6 7 2 3 2 1
1922 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 6 14
1923 5 4 3 2 12 7 13 11 11 10 6 4
1924.. 2 1 (•) 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 2
1925 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1920 2 450 > 477 1 466
1921 J 432 M59 2 508 16 69 18 78 303 240 243 258 224
1922 199 199 33 114 88 70 94 88 107 154 149 185
1923 139 143 129 100 129 110 107 95 85 89 77 86
1924.... 41 32 54 55 42 33 22 41 38 38 42 67
1925 47 54 60 68 70 39 25 36 30 52 30 18
1920 455 481 470
1921 436 463 513 577 474 577 749 627 671 542 510 440
1922 376 398 271 375 323 335 332 415 422 559 571 578
1923 575 511 554 602 554 730 755 755 561 409 271 239
1924 191 186 187 219 202 267 238 236 283 230 256 254
1925 314 295 282 318 392 333 279 220 187 194 119 102
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from"Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather,"
ssued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
1 Less than 500 hides. 1 Includes steer hides and cowhides not reported separately.
Table 92.—Cattle hides, dry-salted: Stocks held in the United States on the 1st day
of each month, October, 1920-December, 1925
[In thousands—i . e., 000 omitted'
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1920- 38 68 93
1921 112 97 113 97 114 136 171 184 180 227 208 227
1922 214 269 249 273 288 278 282 287 299 288 263 301
1923 300 264 241 247 200 237 202 206 166 145 110 112
1924 145 145 158 167 176 175 177 172 189 225 215 170
1925 166 136 109 118 89 88 83 71 77 71 73 65

1920 888 1, 005
1921 894 978 913 887 766 917 714 831 808 709 711
1922 798 904 894 791 780 688 687 644 667 732 834
1923 843 839 922 970 946 931 942 909 820 726 599
1924. 450 320 224 177 138 117 99 82 55 30 51
1925 46 86 84 57 40 37 24 57 44 32 34
1920 1 926 1, 073 859
1921 1,006 1,075 1,026 984 880 1,053 885 1, 015 988 936 919 965
1922 1,012 1, 173 1, 143 1,064 1,068 966 969 931 966 1,020 1,097 1, 197
1923 1, 143 1, 103 1, 163 1,217 1, 146 1, 168 1, 144 1, 115 986 871 709 618
1924 595 465 382 344 314 292 276 254 244 255 266 227
1925 212 222 193 175 129 125 107 128 121 103 107 101
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from "Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather"
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
Table 93.—Cattle hides: Total stocks held in the United States, on the 1st day of
each month, October, 1920-December, 1925
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1920 5,925 6,771 7, 159
1921 7,794 7,899 7,940 7,807 7,408 7,442 7,061 6,449 6,494 6, 086 5,991 5,902
1922 5,819 6,053 5, 761 5,662 5, 553 5, 363 5,347 5, 366 5,343 5,515 5, 838 6, 163
1923 6, 345 6,384 6, 772 6,749 6, 229 6, 366 6,086 5,931 5,635 5,487 5,278 5,228
1924. 5, 086 4, 939 4, 832 4,688 4, 278 4, 122 3, 963 3, 770 3, 760 3,775 4,055 4, 261
1925 4, 585 4, 751 4, 749 4, 503 4, 242 3,935 3, 707 3, 731 3,640 3, 562 3, 757 4, 052
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from" Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather,"
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
Table 94.—Calfskins: Stocks held in the United States on the 1st day of each
month, October, 1920-December, 1925
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1920 1,016 1,209 1,125

1921 1,081 918 925 913 1, 061 1, 185 1,073 932 848 775 765 619
1922 531 468 623 703 737 782 713 651 699 670 629 610
1923 596 591 533 731 758 735 683 719 742 584 467 508
1924. 509 500 453 487 623 631 613 477 444 472 500 515
1925 476 508 538 634 738 894 901 827 754 754 676 660

1920 1,895 1,892 1,795

1921 1,733 1,710 1, 601 1,541 1,804 1,798 1,759 1,664 1,509 1,437 1, 401 1,529
1922 1,529 1,520 1,371 1,533 1,609 1,831 2, 143 2,008 1, 881 1, 757 1,586 1, 570
1923 1,457 1,349 1, 269 1, 282 1,455 1,772 1,855 1,674 1,412 1, 147 1,177 1, 101
1924 1, 107 971 826 908 1, 120 1,373 1,477 1,543 1, 333 1, 320 1,172 1, 126
1925 1, 171 1, 133 1,117 1,197 1,378 1,557 1,831 1,817 1,678 1, 710 1, 676 1, 608

1920. 285 356 255

1921. 210 227 209 222 341 458 603 481 597 673 593 507
1922. 341 352 293 242 260 229 364 448 590 675 749 818
1923. 485 52G 345 361 301 351 507 603 565 369 233 290
1924. 249 200 338 297 203 219 224 344 424 480 373 358
1925. 312 371 299 286 399 349 426 489 556 597 620 464
1920 93 68 64
1921 80 110 224 239 75 69 104 97 119 105 112 133
1922 88 110 99 102 116 104 141 153 110 110 68 135
1923 269 138 123 83 92 92 87 54 70 66 105 37
1924. 31 46 38 68 48 66 99 95 32 46 60 46
1925 49 52 39 36 50 54 33 55 50 43 42 83

1920 254 325 254

1921 168 122 199 145 173 206 351 465 386 485 499 360
1922 476 447 434 385 409 373 237 365 302 462 431 559
491 333 378 233 191 249 333 372 420 478 315 361
1924 287 214 182 153 252 254 249 290. 255 330 238 180
1925 157 141 103 121 205 219 302 363 554 629 593 565

1920 3,543 3,850

1921 3,272 3,087 3,158 3, 060 3, 454 3, 716 3,890 3,639 3, 459 3, 475 3, 370
1922 2,965 | 2,897 2,820 2,965 3,131 3,319 3,598 3, 625 3,582 3, 674 3, 463
1923 3,298 | 2,937 2,648 2,690 2,797 3,199 3, 465 3,422 3,209 2,644 2,297
1924 2,183 1,937 1,837 1,913 2,246 2,543 2,662 2,749 2,488 2,648 2, 343
1925 2,165 2,205 2,096 2,274 2, 770 3,073 3,493 3, 551 3,592 3,733 3,608
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from ' 'Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather,"
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.

Table 95.—Kipskins: Stocks held in the United States on the 1st day of each
month, October, 1920-December, 1925
[In thousands—i. e., 000 omitted]

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1920 446 533 617
1921.... 480 482 457 377 367 345 290 261 210 240 201 206
1922 193 157 116 125 117 114 87 109 136 196 232 297
1923.. 274 254 226 234 191 163 142 165 192 220 201 232
1924 188 135 119 151 151 146 166 176 192 273 281 276
1925 216 261 236 225 176 105 110 158 207 222 245 283
1920 337 410 372
1921 393 423 407 396 317 300 254 272 253 269 343 389
1922 392 372 292 279 239 269 294 287 282 324 372 419
1923 511 521 550 466 467 444 329 291 308 333 424 435
1924 425 356 . 319 268 257 223 212 234 260 280 290 329
1925 375 365 350 316 280 255 255 258 275 249 267 308


1921. 105 100
1922. 62 06
1923. 51 52
1924. 28 48
1925. 14
1920. 44 49 22
1921. 35 29 24 19 27 27 46 40 38 61 47 47
1922. 46 85 60 65 50 68 85 82 83 75 93 62
1923. 35 62 40 30 35 26 26 22 23 26 31 28
1924. 28 38 43 69 53 60 63 67 61 86 51 34
1925. 47 45 46 42 42 43 38 45 39 #•32 24 24


1921. 319 313 387 358 338 306 376 345 306 296
1922. 350 370 417 396 3S9 415 370 413 420 373
1923. 284 261 200 228 270 284 330 320 222 179
1924. 75 70 55 31 31 10 3 2 3
1925. 2 2 12 10 (0 P) 5
1920 1, 084 1, 378 1,423
1921 1, 306 1,382 1, 375 1,242 1, 107 1,021 1, 026 981 896 938 955 1,002
1922 1 025 1, 046 951 916 832 903 876 917 949 990 1,089 1, 153
1923 1, 164 1, 149 1,068 1,010 1,034 967 895 838 763 785 822 846
1924 752 632 599 603 553 524 534 554 559 692 672 676
1925 666 687 642 599 513 414 439 472 539 514 548 617
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from " Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather, "
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
1 Less than 500 skins.
Table 96.—Hides and skins, green salted, packer: Stocks disposed of in the United
States, by months, September, 1920-December, 1925
Cattle hides
Year and month Calfskins Kipskins
Steers Cows Bulls Mixed Total

1920 Number Number Number Number Number Number Number

September.. 101, 795 152, 412 12, 500 195, 754 462, 461 101, 800 20, 951
October 266, 081 203, 796 12, 662 23, 777 506, 316 113, 571 51,009
November.. 241, 536 208, 058 11,110 23, 524 484, 228 72, 429 51, 285
December... 427, 337 264, 263 18, 684 57,004 767, 288 56, 597 42, 761
January 330, 974 291, 879 8,737 62, 696 694, 286 166, 520 151, 715
February 371, 351 304, 251 7, 744 54, 450 737, 796 117, 615 57, 315
March 322, 298 350, 358 16, 597 60, 653 749, 906 197, 034 71, 204
April 327, 378 424, 417 23, 721 47, 642 823, 158 176, 171 44, 918
May 375, 460 607, 401 41, 828 60, 742 1, 085, 431 311, 448 47, 740
June 362, 025 279, 161 56, 271 27, 086 724, 543 218, 641 66, 321
July 377, 446 247, 949 24, 087 44,192 693, 674 262, 312 73, 150
August 388, 754 257, 456 22, 739 123, 540 792, 489 184, 273 126, 699
September.. 431, 383 299, 457 21,800 54, 533 807, 173. 123, 669 97, 692
October 511, 265 349, 645 47, 165 90, 448 998, 523 116, 085 79, 374
November.. 412, 877 329, 384 49, 226 43, 433 834, 920 146, 526 82, 272
December... 389, 085 278, 912 44, 382 57, 342 769, 721 157, 397 78, 589
January 332, 786 223, 971 34, 808 55, 154 646, 719 177, 688 74, 382
February 225, 447 224, 253 25, 770 51, 773 527, 243 172, 812 61,203
March 313, 063 283, 056 34, 256 66, 265 696, 640 104, 941 39, 127
April 289, 022 240, 420 19,881 113, 967 663, 290 267, 430 51, 613
May 354, 124 318, 136 28, 745 68,966 769, 971 318, 657 72, 402
June. 383, 429 291, 106 33,445 65, 190 773, 170 276, 494 62, 351
July 428, 070 304, 455 36,639 71, 795 840, 959 300, 793 52, 235
August 432, 836 265, 995 37, 916 85, 007 821, 754 180, 456 64,231
September.. 399, 766 303, 144 28, 956 88,623 820, 489 241, 839 64, 358
October 440, 147 322, 598 31, 629 85, 441 879, 815 192, 731 71, 455
November.. 386, 243 320, 223 40, 712 73, 331 820, 509 153, 564 92, 610
December... 373, 384 324, 257 31, 357 67,316 796, 314 159, 253 103, 278
January 411, 140 556, 270 37,680 68, 775 1, 073, 865 202, 742 83, 835
February 339,428 478,217 31,841 56, 790 906, 276 221, 936 81,612
March 297, 707 445, 715 32, 651 72, 356 848,429 206, 545 35,554
April... 316, 643 382, 897 34,682 55,438 789, 660 328, 650 88,377
May 305, 737 262, 635 23,454 41,221 633,047 296, 020 70, 132
June... 289, 685 208,469 25, 295 37, 869 561,318 266,496 65, 168
July 434,496 384,841 39, 183 66, 478 924, 998 258, 723 64,230
August 435, 393 404,039 33, 899 72, 838 946, 169 311, 155 99, 725
September. . 479,764 376, 032 36, 556 79, 194 971, 546 280, 721 81,467
October 566, 030 493, 755 35, 827 72, 666 1, 168, 278 195, 207 125, 536
November. . 442, 062 385,221' 32, 118 81,595 940, 996 234,409 119, 180
December... 424, 768 554, 826 44, 392 76, 639 1, 100, 625 271, 165 116, 704
January 488, 965 563,409 51, 732 87, 137 1,191,243 240, 799 145, 222
February 386, 631 498, 522 35, 542 84,815 1, 005, 510 301, 999 106, 281
March 337,478 403, 231 31,849 31,097 803, 655 262, 273 40, 102
April... 265, 056 361, 627 29, 668 66, 086 722, 437 331, 877 61,357
May 423,544 475, 520 25, 126 72, 906 997, 096 401, 274 70, 085
June 349, 100 337, 508 24, 088 72, 633 783, 329 393, 984 51, 874
July 478, 056 329, 252 26, 307 72, 224 905, 839 398, 109 48, 702
August 459, 334 450, 290 39,204 93,417 1, 042, 245 267, 536 116, 875
September. . 639, 161 436, 576 34, 226 64,910 1, 174, 873 234, 809 75, 833
October 522,002 498, 773 43, 828 86, 466 1, 151, 069 298,431 179, 319
November. . 396, 944 442, 594 46, 228 112, 642 998,408 274, 626 161,448
December... 360, 185 579, 775 39, 082 82, 345 1,061,387 299, 934 126, 679
January 383, 787 710, 261 38, 034 97, 722 1, 229, 804 319, 749 138, 207
February 361, 836 550, 920 34,756 47, 719 995, 231 960, 127 132, 622
March 378,485 582, 100 34, 975 57, 346 1, 052, 906 268, 696 101, 169
April 357, 086 401, 171 23, 869 57, 818 839, 944 390, 508 97, 394
May 399, 484 377, 617 25, 268 74,400 876, 769 453, 430 100, 133
June 412, 356 392, 939 31, 160 68, 345 904,800 473, 634 82, 891
July. 450, 140 474, 108 37, 072 106, 016 1, 067, 336 478, 190 79, 365
August 408, 340 436, 172 45,064 76, 837 966,413 345, 103 101, 612
September.. 424, 551 411,357 34,401 78, 568 948, 877 295, 707 102, 855
October 393, 080 527, 507 40,700 77, 871 1, 039, 158 397, 642 190,699
November. . 337, 517 532, 512 35, 137 79, 343 984,509 280, 169 107, 263
December... 415, 903 585, 675 44, 136 76, 526 1, 122, 240 132, 201
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from " Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather, ' '
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce. .
Table 97.—Hides and skins, green salted, domestic (other than packer): Stocks
disposed of in the United States, by months, September, 1920-December, 1925
Cattle hides
Year and month Calfskins Kipskins
Steers Cows Bulls Mixed Total

1920 Number Number Number Number Number Number Number

September... P) P) 21,826 327, 968 349, 794 255, 277 36, 516
October P) P) 57, 006 328,010 385, 016 344, 586 66, 094
November... P) P) 1,036 264, 422 265, 458 161, 722 45, 516
December w P) 1, 288 303, 017 304, 305 199, 603 30, 597
January P) P) 4,744 319, 486 324, 230 212, 529 31, 338
February P) 4, 595 104, 724 109, 319 212,011 41, 094
March 43, 145 42,P) 476 3,270 154, 495 243, 386 223, 627 34, 789
April. 41, 426 66, 641 3,014 87, 564 198, 645 411,214 53, 367
May 120, 838 73, 427 3,005 283, 755 481, 025 447, 791 80, 139
June 52, 238 90, 035 2,061 278, 735 423, 069 380, 537 61,801
July 30.S68 56, 244 2,513 199, 165 288, 790 367, 692 52, 428
August 44, 866 109, 144 7,608 239, 063 400, 681 409, 997 67, 673
September... 32, 148 88,082 7,795 282, 359 410, 384 313, 667 81, 485
October 36, 343 110,869 16, 715 402, 313 566, 240 317, 697 98, 642
November.. 34, 549 105, 983 24, 444 391,215 556, 191 377, 307 110,079
December 33, 579 94, 828 13, 961 405, 298 547, 666 409, 285 126, 262
January 32, 946 131, 720 12, 971 307, 612 485, 249 387, 917 147, 040
February 38, 019 115, 365 16, 210 375, 764 545, 358 319, 222 95, 787
March 33, 487 102, 565 21, 639 347, 963 505, 654 368, 428 77, 456
April 15, 035 58, 140 14, 797 324, 416 412, 388 387, 715 80, 217
May.. 20, 948 92, 660 23, 185 381, 181 517, 974 533, 647 70, 203
June 18, 655 61,041 15, 884 350, 059 445, 639 597,811 79, 200
July 19, 499 61, 239 10, 485 346, 029 437, 252 593, 559 95, 523
August 19, 552 132, 769 10, 826 290, 096 453, 243 490, 946 81,004
September.. 12, 360 56, 632 10, 286 321, 624 400, 902 499, 374 112,004
October 25, 335 81, 369 15, 050 355, 724 477, 478 576, 314 93, 679
November.. 14, 283 39, 894 8,011 392, 596 454, 784 367, 071 122, 030
December 16, 908 58, 908 7,549 336, 436 419,801 309, 838 102, 676
January 22, 107 74, 931 8,373 388, 605 494, 016 353, 031 103, 583
February 27, 553 94,908 20, 899 367, 765 511, 125 373, 865 88, 737
March 25, 048 91, 559 15, 357 512, 826 644, 790 364, 971 97, 656
April , 29, 530 93, 335 11, 370 357, 999 492, 234 500, 576 95, 342
May 22, 528 73, 040 10, 533 283, 415 389, 516 581, 945 118, 677
June 9,685 43, 734 4,954 232, 664 291, 037 488, 027 99, 431
July 10,200 46, 919 6,027 254, 783 317, 929 410, 414 87, 958
August 11,908 52, 753 16, 656 314, 453 395, 770 504, 228 97, 980
September.. 10,602 33,311 6,699 279, 437 330, 049 502.615 87, 287
October 15, 487 62, 838 8,551 453, 523 540, 399 511, 436 125, 349
November... 18, 836 69, 825 11, 286 307, 781 407, 728 388, 255 117, 785
December 13, 431 76,999 6,487 341, 709 438, 626 355, 291 137, 967
January 18,839 68,390 16, 723 423, 132 527,084 438, 367 147, 735
February 25, 010 125, 619 20, 195 484, 888 655, 612 407, 379 122, 354
March 17, 784 95, 491 13, 708 388, 611 515, 594 433, 348 95, 044
April 19, 165 96, 824 13,840 308, 531 438, 360 403, 531 60,738
May 19, 251 117, 130 8, 374 352, 606 497, 361 507, 084 95, 119
June 14, 747 54, 702 8, 363 291, 334 369, 146 435, 667 89, 979
July 12, 647 82, 129 6,779 308, 308 409,863 412, 726 79, 175
August 14, 787 58, 978 12, 755 332, 035 418, 555 444, 480 118, 941
September.. 15, 595 60,904 14, 793 416, 848 508, 140 335, 881 106, 264
October 17,096 54, 707 20, 818 464, 443 557, 064 477, 453 133, 447
November.. 11, 248 44, 778 14, 451 406, 512 476, 989 398, 996 139, 455
December 29, 537 54, 393 26, 562 456, 075 566, 567 381, 167 137, 552
January 26, 789 96, 021 26, 121 498, 876 647, 807 402, 929 122, 815
February 25, 654 83, 038 12, 455 414, 345 535, 492 425, 206 121, 061
March 19, 128 71,419 17, 287 328, 222 436, 056 311,458 75, 624
April 15, 335 47, 033 11,956 340, 894 415, 218 387, 047 86, 509
May. 15, 087 51, 195 10, 330 373,211 449, 823 461, 754 110,616
June 24, 753 46,454 7,897 382, 895 461, 999 538, 104 84, 812
July 32, 708 70, 676 48, 124 339, 543 491,051 518, 122 91, 930
August 28, 965 71, 881 20, 371 356, 868 478, 085 454, 175 136, 954
September- . 30, 279 69, 552 9, 025 317, 687 426, 543 284, 853 100, 266
October 24, 929 63, 521 18, 424 417, 109 523, 983 420, 076 134, 398
November. . 15, 479 56, 156 14, 748 418, 198 504, 581 300, 849 109,500
December... 17, 202 77, 852 10, 496 425, 826 531, 376 359, 489 103, 598
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from ' 'Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather, "
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
1 Included in "mixed."
Table 98.—Hides and skins, green salted, foreign: Stocks disposed of in the
United States by months, September, 1920-December, 1925

Cattle hides Total

Year and month hides,
Calfskins Kipskins calfskins,
Steers Cows Bulls Mixed i Total and
1920 Number Number Number Number Number Number Number
September... 0) 0) 319 63, 175 63, 494 11,510
October (') (') 5,181 116. 081 121,262 33,111 573
November... (') 0) 24 127. 425 127, 449 43, 313
December m (') 30 78, 113 78, 143 42, 531 2,110
January m (') 19 41 601 41,620 17, 555 500
February 0) 257 60. 556 60, 813 45, 477 677
March 24,0)419 1,228 635 ■o. 507 76,849 51, 932
April. 40, 742 1,762 ! 1,424 8. 508 52,436 ! 67, 130 1,0172

May 60, 309 5,500 ! 6,265 38. 138 110,212 ! 87, 042 782
June 36. 463 9,748 1,817 97 409 144,937 I 273, 164 1,273
July 4, 015 1, 990 566 80 462 87,033 ! 222, 066 47
August 77, 482 7, 070 ! 1, 133 44. 757 130,442 248, 109 3, 565
September... 26, 411 12, 161 I 329 59a 082 97,983 133, 773 293
October 12, 277 9,119 ! 501 53. 884 75, 781 68, 583 4,340
November 17, 282 4,904 47. 199 69, 385 86, 945 3, 080
December 4,840 1,757 ! 2,077 70, 585 85, 259 70, 688 4, 470
January. 10, 342 4.214 ! 43. 350 57, 906 42, 662 6, 963
February 6, 067 489 ! 350 148 447 155, 353 67, 314 40
March.. 14, 357 2, 354 ! 1, 175 45, 572 63,458 60, 407 10, 237
April 7, 150 304 I 1, 170 4 340 55,964 j 71, 872
May. 2, 987 1,393 1 2,486 43 257
3,426 49,670 | 99, 836 2, 146
June 33, 599 000 117,478 j 79,400 6,114
July 19, 194 1,178 ! 245 383 89,000 165, 650 3, 125
August 20, 666 15,748 1 2,446 049 120,909 ! 290, 962 1,976
September- 35, 158 43,929 j 775 843 143,705 204, 234 1,366
October 20,803 9, 330 311 373 117,817 173. 170 50
November 25, 397 3,446 1,890 280 121, 719 228, 516 5,997
December 56, 663 15,493 2,583 953 173, 692 192, 296 3, 245
January. 25, 774 18, 096 1,012 448 109, 330 97, 070 648
February 15, 300 13, 186 730 587 127,803 88, 419
March 14,286 5,293 2, 120 247 102,946 69,688
April.. 18, 029 1, 639 1,870 743 118,281 109, 643
May 20, 855 14, 833 1,900 309 115,897 126, 328
June.- 15,048 11, 082 514 037 85,681 175, 382 6,247
July.. 16. 471 5, 952 94 739 65, 256 139, 812 4, 533
August 28, 087 13, 493 115 262 93, 957 61, 338
September... 23,904 7,415 133 238 60, 690 75, 246 110
October 17, 253 8,233 810 823 59,119 74, 668 006
November 21, 784 8,978 3,353 790 67, 905 121, 246 301
December 11,486 11, 589 583 210 82, 868 64, 999
January 13, 938 834 1,756 081 65, 609 72, 254 0OS
February 11, 093 18, 333 480 775 71.681 50, 697 100
March 18, 756 30, 646 2, 886 057 90,345 45, 365 2,723
April 8,481 12, 053 42 818 61,394 89. 068
May. 12, 221 7, 646 127 225 72,219 57, 569 8, 146
June 11,731 8, 832 224 801 ! 42,588 137. 046 972
July 7, 583 15, 429 429 340 42, 791 114, 357 1,063
August 10, 777 13, 179 465 625 58,046 150, 298 2,177
September- 11,606 20, 185 122 972 65,885 77, 289 5,943
October 7,809 9,813 360 159 87, 141 113, 178 558
November 26, 665 1,034 804 91,271 ' 61. 608
Decmeber 12, 314 5,98 523 75, 559 143
1925 60, 650 j
January 11,427 2, 787 2 662 51,878 16.217 491
February. 5,743 698 1. 044 706 25, 191' 37. 389 756
March 11,690 2, 000 479 937 47, 106 37, 867 2, 287
April 9, 659 7,201 : 201 940 62, 007 26, 778 2,003
May 3, 293 2,000 515 29, 808 13, 364 2, 580
June 7, 456 5, 086 484 765 37,791 : 32. 578 500
July 13, 572 5,176 124 45,872 78. 964 6, 713
August 12, 898 2,844 S89 49,631 51, 006 3, 627
September. 15, 842 7,178 j 257 573 64, 850 16, 192 5, 097
October 13, 112 5,754 < 559 119 41, 544 21,110 5, 818
November. 7,920 3, 088 361 029 35, 398 21,431 4, 328
December. 10, 416 1,742 ; 459 39,617 ' 28. 181 380
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from " Report on Hides, Skins, and Leather, "
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
1 Included in "mixed."
Table 99.—Hides and skins, dry or dry salted: Stocks disposed of in the United
States, by months, September, 1920-December, 1925
Cattle bides Calfskins Kipskins Total
Year and hides
month Domes Foreign Total Domes Foreign Total Domes Foreign Total and
tic tic tic skins

1920 Number Number Number Number Number Numb er Number Number Number Number
September 21, 995 82, 635 104, 630 18, 379 1, 822 20, 201 7,062 12, 254 19, 316 144, 147
11,776 113, 933 125, 709 21,548 67 21, 615 4,914 3,800 8,714 156,038
November 21, 679 118, 746 140, 425 2,447 8, 766 11, 213 2, 255 1,465 3,720 155, 358
10, 753 98, 287 109, 040 567 26, 244 26, 811 1, 642 43, 127 44, 769 180, 620
January . 15, 736 45 657 61, 393 26 910 19, 959 46, 869 5, 384 1, 840 7, 224 115, 486
February 8,048 56, 577 64' 625 49)468 6) 860 56) 328 3) 814 9) 779 13) 593 134, 546
March 10, 740 29, 301 40,041 85,087 46, 035 131, 122 7,042 25, 060 32, 102 203, 265
April 3, 464 136, 287 139, 751 12, 737 13, 758 26, 495 557 30, 241 30, 798 197, 044
May 8, 254 132, 338 140, 592 9,471 3, 865 13, 336 1, 457 6,308 7,765 161, 693
June 8, 645 89, 563 98, 208 19, 227 68,794 88, 021 11, 407 65, 907 77, 314 263, 543
July 3, 956 50, 671 54, 627 33, 633 63, 963 97, 596 12, 092 57, 128 69, 220 221, 443
August 30, 401 101, 523 131, 924 29, 676 139, 058 168, 734 2,880 17, 524 20,404 321, 062
September 11, 806 114, 681 126, 487 20, 117 89, 816 109, 933 1,340 6,723 8,063 244, 483
October. 24, 447 147, 357 171, 804 17, 416 46, 484 63, 900 3, 138 17, 020 20, 158 255, 862
November 25, 563 49, 937 75,500 14, 250 103, 046 117, 296 6, 140 13, 932 20, 072 212, 868
December 27, 642 91, 523 119, 165 11, 451 135, 655 147, 106 3,282 79, 563 82, 845 349, 116
January 14, 822 75, 779 90,601 32, 294 36, 901 69, 105 5,567 16,058 21, 625 181,421
February 30, 638 97, 497 128, 135 16,844 66, 531. 83, 375 3,489 48, 183 51, 672 263, 182
March 42, 074 191, 664 233, 738 11,068 62, 866 73, 934 2, 043 7,986 10, 029 317, 701
April 34, 575 109, 993 144, 568 24, 360 59, 752 84, 112 9,017 24, 777 33,794 262, 474
May 20, 484 127,000 147, 484 23, 282 25, 733 49, 015 3,218 3, 774 6,992 203, 491
11, 663 192, 729 204, 392 37, 407 28, 167 65, 574 4,884 30, 085 34, 969 304, 935
July..... 121, 701 145, 835 267, 536 8, 112 89, 173 97, 285 6,772 48, 878 55, 650 420, 471
August. 61,963 82, 996 144, 959 30, 083 151, 986 182, 069 9,808 57,906 67, 714 394, 742
September 36, 210 163, 475 199, 685 7,354 205, 242 212, 596 10, 135 21, 192 31, 327 443, 608
76, 332 178, 515 254, 847 62, 637 116,235 178, 872 15,004 73, 319 88,323 522,042
November 41, 372 97, 479 138, 851 19, 769 137, 310 157, 079 31, 440 83, 501 114, 941 410, 871
December 15, 834 141, 954 157, 788 7,537 211, 525 219, 062 9,980 11, 696 21, 676 398, 526
January 21, 050 238, 398 259, 448 10, 620 106, 839 117, 459 3,154 14, 090 17,244 394, 151
February 37,630 113, 925 151, 555 12, 311 28, 617 40, 928 22. 775 4,227 27,002 219, 485
March 39, 949 106, 242 146, 191 31, 882 28, 483 60, 365 11,168 11, 527 22,695 229, 251
April 34, 517 131, 005 165, 522 8.987 100, 141 109, 128 9,851 29,651 39,502 314, 152
May 54, 460 162, 339 216, 799 17, 366 45. 874 63, 240 26, 857 57, 801 84,658 364. 697
June 39, 442 80, 028 119, 470 4, 531 120, 343 124, 874 4,142 42,060 46, 202 290,546
July 15,284 83, 578 98, 862 23, 637 194, 917 218, 554 7, 277 71, 580 78, 857 396. 273
August 10. 958 75, 780 86, 738 11, 306 113, 863 125, 169 1,662 11, 926 13,588 225, 495
September 3. 919 60, 626 64,545 13, 134 71, 171 84, 305 83 8,563 8. 646 157, 496
October 12, 445 60,433 72, 878 32, 609 57, 532 90, 141 1,292 3, 468 4,760 167, 779
November 7,397 71, 091 78, 488 20,684 11, 782 32, 466 3,544 23, 885 27, 429 138, 383
December 9. 061 85, 512 94, 573 11, 772 15, 675 27, 447 3, 896 49. 845 53, 741 175, 761
January 16, 702 151, 532 168, 234 8, 958 27. 018 35, 976 3,984 11, 833 15. 817 220, 027
February 13,904 121, 283 135, 187 5,867 74. 595 80, 4(12 6.207 4, 177 10,384 226,033
March 27. 318 75. 201 102. 519 2, 896 28,298 31, 194 2,875 2, 463 5,338 139,051
April 19.283 81, 133 100, 416 12, 353 32, 892 45, 245 3. 712 3,318 7,030 152, 691
May 26. 089 58,523 84, 612 7, 095 29.800 36, 895 2,190 500 2, 690 124, 197
June 18, 977 66, 998 85, 975 7,423 54. 832 62, 255 4, 489 8, 554 13, 043 161, 273
July 17, 729 58,777 76, 506 9, 923 23, 796 33, 719 6, 147 6, 147 116, 372
August 58.382 70, 939 129, 321 28, 853 49, 557 78, 410 15, 203 15. 203 222. 934
September 23, 480 71,260 94, 740 11,408 49, 368 60) 776 16, 540 430 16, 979 172. 495
October 46,845 98, 301 145, 146 24, 179 39, 167 63, 346 13, 598 135 13. 733 222, 225
November 54, 468 47, 087 101. 555 23, 669 14. 058 37, 727 27, 587 27, 587 166, 869
December 58, 646 61, 141 119. 787 14, 650 22. 094 36, 744 18,088 4,000 22,088 178, 619
January 47, 628 60, 551 108, 179 15,860 4, 364 20, 224 10, 820 567 11, 387 139, 790
February 25,794 66,714 92, 508 15, 523 27,700 43, 223 6,965 1,350 8L 315 144. 046
March 33, 719 84. 987 118. 706 21, 707 6,920 28, 627 9,387 570 9, 957 157, 290
April 27, 726 61. 989 89, 715 15, 992 9,679 25, 671 6. 813 6,813 122. 199
May 35. 081 60, 775 95, 856 34, 014 11, 019 45, 033 16, 035 572 16, 607 157, 496
June.. 39, 783 59, 756 99, 539 14. 240 22. 603 36, 843 9,082 701 9,783 146, 165
July 28. 827 51. 981 80, 808 14, 413 64. 124 78, 537 5, 366 8,901 14. 267 173, 612
AUgUSt 28, 591 55, 956 84, 547 12, 360 35, 550 47, 910 7,223 436 7,659 140, 116
September 25. 676 60. 006 85,682 31. 296 29, 371 60. 667 9,910 1. 728 11,638 157, 987
October 29,590 70. 652 100, 242 6, 252 62. 895 69, 147 17, 225 1,000 18, 225 187, 614
November 15.471 43, 705 59, 176 5, 105 16, 212 21, 317 5,982 119 6, 101 86,594
December 20, 313 47, 943 68. 256 12, 970 1,996 14, 966 6,730 46 6, 776 89, 998
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from " Report on Hides, Skins and Leather, "
issued monthly by the Department of Commerce.
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14 00 40 0 00 40 00 14,04 00 100, 441* 000, 1500, 4L0, 100,
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04504040005000,00 0500, 4,040, 00 1,500 CDa-d0F-ec-
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00 0400,4010 00 004 200 00 Ca0da soi 900 04 500 050 050 40 44 504 00 00 40 400 0
00 1,01 44

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4,04 0010 00500,

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40 400 1,501 10 00 00 00 500

0 1 0 0 1 41 0040,
00 5000, 401, 000 1,4050 00 00 0 50

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00 05001050044 i-Ru0ia 150 40 000 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


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Pola-d 0 0 00 4
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Ki-- d0 e0eo*.
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504 0 0 o-i,
Chi0 0.
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500 504 0 0 1,001,500050000

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1100 100 100- 1.100 104 100-
104." 100
De'o0— De'o0—

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Yea-e-ded— Yea--ded—

104. "
i itMiiiii De'o0— li iuillidcii\i
Table 107.—Calfskins: Exports from the United States, 1912-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]

Year ended— Canada Nether United Other

lands Germany Kingdom France Japan countries Total

June 30—
1912... 523 4 4 0 0 7 10 548
1913 579 10 238 0 66 0 11 90-1
1914 232 0 91 0 0 0 0 323
1915 1,058 5 0 0 0 0 12 1,075
1916 1, 564 0 0 0 0 1 9 1,574
1917... 1, 332 0 0 1 0 0 41 1,374
1918 3,429 0 0 0 0 0 29 3,458
Dec. 31—
1918 2, 188 0 0 0 0 0 25 2,213
1919 4,340 0 0 0 (') 8 0 314 4,654
1920 956 80 0 19 3 74 1, 140
1921... 4, 454 180 510 10 2 6 187 5, 349
2,965 194 261 277 180 0 66 3, 943
1923 2, 470 334 508 233 360 0 77 3, 982
1924 3, 929 5, 120 852 553 129 177 431 11, 191
1925 4,837 4, 249 1,617 410 834 311 683 12, 941
Division of Statistical and Historical Research.
Compiled from Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States, Bureau of Foreign and Do
mestic Commerce.
i Less than 500.
Table 108.—Cattle hides: Exports from the United States, 1912-1925
[Thousand pounds—i. e., 000 omitted]
United Fin Other Total
ended— Canada King Japan Nether Ger Bel
lands France many gium Italy Greece land coun
dom tries
June 30—
1912— . 11,514 290 1,344 449 1,865 1, 016 362 165 0 0 440 17, 445
1913— 11, 124 306 1,660 1, 097 1, 185 2,058 512 0 0 0 30 17, 972
1914— 7,661 34 1,741 465 1,196 796 413 43 0 0 176 12, 525
1915— - 17, 146 317 1,846 211 725 0 60 0 7 0 824 21, 136
1916... . 10, 283 24 1,743 285 190 0 0 0 44 0 715 13,284
1917 4, 377 36 1, 350 713 487 0 0 0 258 0 144 7, 365
1918 5, 428 303 344 0 299 0 0 31 332 0 287 7,024
Dec. 81—
1918.... 1,599 123 273 0 62 0 0 51 0 0 230 2, 338
1919— 6, 560 750 1, 232 1, 133 3,288 0 1,064 329 331 1,860 449 16, 996
1920—- 5,642 645 1,949 217 947 504 741 116 58 0 666 11,485
1921— 6,026 3,438 3,475 1, 625 588 3, 246 444 4 0 0 1,847 20, 693
1922.... 8, 581 4,851 2,492 1.001 951 348 162 48 29 0 391 18, 854
1923— 6,852 4, 343 2, 423 2,700 3, 532 1, 365 830 1,040 5 158 605 23, 853
1924.... 14, 588 20, 587 6,063 8,711 15, 656 4,201 5,092 2,616 31 54 2,107 79,706
1925— 21, 594 6, 578 6, 576 2,842 6,945 2,280 1,358 901 2 0 840 49, 916
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Foreign Commerce and Navigation of
the United States, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
CO o

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88O 7'Ol 78O 88•1 70•1 88O 7OO 888l
CO 8 I- I

Table 110.—Steer hides, packer, heavy native: Average price per pound, Chicago,
by months, 1893-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894-1898 8.60 8.46 8. 15 8. 13 8.88 9.64 9.88 9.57 10.04 10.21 9.81 9.49 9.24
1899-1903 12.67 12.27 11.74 11.53 11.83 11.98 12.06 12. 35 12. 78 12.90 13.11 12. 91 12.35
1904-1908 13.52 13. 18 12.50 12. 61 13. 07 13.53 14.04 14. 51 14. 65 14. 87 15.03 14. 81 13. 86
1909-1913 16. 18 15.55 14.93 15.04 15.93 16.44 16.69 17.05 17.51 17.94 17.75 17. 31 16. 53
1914-1920 27.82 27.48 26.20 26.01 28.69 30.23 31. 37 31.30 30.24 30. 55 30. 43 29.67 29. 17
1921-1925 16. 85 16.40 14.54 13.62 13.95 14.70 15.19 16.34 16.55 17.14 17.20 16.60 15.76
1893 9.00 9.00 8.13 7. 71 7. 25 6.53 6.23 5.35 6.55 7.61 7. 45 6. 91 7.31
1894 6. 57 6. 11 5.41 5. 39 5.12 5.20 5. 53 6.16 7.52 7.94 7.67 7.90 6.38
1895 7.56 7.60 7.80 9.03 11. 32 12. 85 13.45 12.64 11.88 11.08 9.00 8. 21 10.20
1896 8.50 8. 07 7. 33 6. 75 7.56 8. 40 8.25 6.75 8.03 9.03 10.04 9.02 8.14
1897 9.20 9.21 9. 22 8.88 8. 73 9.31 9. 95 10.56 11. 05 11. 17 11.25 11. 02 9.96
1898 11. 16 11.30 11.00 10. 61 11.68 12.42 12.22 11. 75 11. 73 11.81 11.11 11.28 11.50
1899 11. 49 11. 72 11.60 11.68 11.92 11.94 12.04 12.33 12.81 13. 25 13.58 13.82 12.35
1900 13. 55 13. 15 12.24 12.23 11.84 11. 18 10.45 10.87 11. 30 11. 62 12.67 12.17 11.94
1901 11.94 11.65 10.97 10.54 11. 19 12.07 12. 95 12.58 12.92 13.75 14.00 13.89 12.37
1902 13.27 12.42 12.06 11.89 12.55 12. 85 13. 19 14.58 14.91 14.54 14.44 13.82 13.38
1903 13.11 12.43 11. 83 11.30 11.66 11.86 11.68 11. 37 11.94 11.34 10.85 10.86 11.69
1904 11.00 10.75 10.52 10.71 10.94 11. 18 11.31 11.86 11. 75 12.31 13.69 13.95 11. 66
1905 13.80 13. 49 13. 00 13.11 13.45 13. 42 14. 13 15. 25 15. 19 15.34 15. 66 15.77 14. 30
1906 15. 37 15. 09 14.24 14. 33 14.84 14.90 15.02 15.72 16.45 16. 33 16. 37 16.50 15.43
1907 16. 27 16.20 15.31 14.41 14.37 14.88 14. 72 14. 11 14.11 14. 70 13.64 11.85 14.55
1908 11. 16 10. 37 9.44 10. 50 11. 75 13. 25 15.00 15.63 15.75 15.65 15.81 16.00 13.36
1909 15.75 15. 31 14. 37 14. 45 16.09 16. 81 17. 15 16.78 17.20 18.00 17.94 17.80 16.47
1910 17.25 15. 69 14. 33 15.00 15.87 15. 18 14. 28 15.38 15. 65 15.81 14.97 14. 05 15.29
1911 13.06 12. 97 12.80 12.97 13.60 15. 15 16. 25 15.75 16.10 16. 25 16. 43 16.38 14. 81
1912 16.06 15.78 15. 63 15. 75 16. 98 17.44 17.74 18. 63 19. 31 19.78 19.70 19.47 17.69
1913 18.78 18. 01 17.50 17. 03 17. 11 17. 63 18.03 18.72 19.28 19. 85 19. 72 18. 85 18. 38
17.91 18.06 18.06 18.20 18.50 18.88 19.75 20.69 21.31 21.25 21. 75 22.75 19.76
1915 23. 25 23.06 21.75 19. 65 22.31 24.00 26.00 27. 19 26.25 26.50 26.06 25.10 24.26
1916 22.88 22.96 22.30 23. 12 25.25 26.50 27.00 26.25 26. 25 27.75 31.80 33.33 26.28
1917 32. 87 31.50 30. 35 29.62 31.70 32. 75 33. 25 33.70 32.87 33. 87 34.90 35.00 32.70
1918 31.00 29.00 26. 12 27.37 31.40 33.00 33.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.00 29.00 29.91
28.00 28.00 27.60 28.50 35.20 41.50 49. 20 53. 25 47.00 48.00 46.50 42.50 39.60
1920 38. 85 39.75 37. 25 35.60 36.50 35.00 31.40 28.00 28.00 26.50 23.00 20.00 31.65
1921 17.00 14.50 11.60 9.88 11.38 13.80 13. 75 14.00 14.00 14. 75 15. 56 16.40 13.88
1922 16.50 15.75 13. 65 13. 15 14.20 16. 40 17. 85 20.00 21.25 22.50 22.70 20.00 17. 83
1923 19.75 19.85 19.10 18. 55 18.40 16.00 14. 55 14.60 14.00 14.85 14. 35 13.50 16.46
1924 14.20 15. 75 14.00 12.37 11.50 12.50 13.05 15.62 16.00 16.20 17.25 17.62 14. 67
1925 16.80 16.25 14.75 14. 10 14.25 14.56 16.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 16.38 15.45 15.96
Division of Statistical and Historical Kesearch. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Board
of Trade 1893-1925.

Table 111.—Steer hides, country, heavy: Average price per pound, Chicago, by
months, 1898-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894-1898 7.53 7.43 7.44 7.36 7.84 8.39 8.60 8.36 8.63 8.66 8.67 8.43 8.11
1899-1903 10.86 10.41 9.97 9.81 9.94 10.06 10.26 10.39 10.70 10.90 11. 17 11.00 10.46
1904-1908 11. 56 11.33 10. 91 10.91 10.92 11.05 11. 87 12.43 12. 53 12. 67 12.76 12.62 11.80
1909-1913 13. 49 13.23 13. 06 13.00 13.08 13.20 13.41 13.85 14.20 14.43 14.53 14.23 13.64
1914-1920 22.54 22.56 20.96 21.54 22. 17 22.23 24.07 25.40 24.06 24. 08 24.16 23. 13 23. 07
1921-1925 12. 10 11.94 10.71 10. 33 10. 45 10. 93 11.03 11.73 11. 65 11.84 11. 85 11. 57 11. 34
1893 7.59 7.62 7.45 6.85 6.25 5.73 5.40 4.71 5.04 5.45 5.50 5.50 6.09
1894 5.08 5.00 4.92 4.73 4.68 4. 56 4.74 5.09 6.00 6.25 6.25 6.30 5.30
1895 6. 37 6.25 6.91 8.15 9.66 11.20 11.30 10.86 10.00 9.17 8.11 7.50 8. 79
1896 7.57 7.15 6.87 6. 13 6.60 7.10 7.28 6.16 6.92 7.73 8.83 8. 10 7.20
1897 8. 25 8.25 8.29 8.25 7.92 8.47 9.00 9.30 9.95 9.91 10.19 10.25 9.00
1898 10.37 10.50 10.20 9.52 10. 33 10.60 10.67 10. 37 10.28 10.25 9.95 10.00 10.25
1899 10.00 10. 05 10.00 10.08 10.10 10.23 10.33 10.72 11.33 11. 71 12.30 12.59 10.79
1900 12.25 11.67 10.95 10.56 10.18 9.52 9.37 9.11 9.25 9.70 10.75 10.15 10.29
1901 9.85 9.86 9.55 9.42 9.55 10.17 10.80 10.65 10.94 11. 50 11.92 11.82 10.50
1902 11.21 10.29 9.87 9.61 10.31 10. 55 10.78 11.85 12.17 12.05 11. 91 11.25 10.99
1903 11.00 10.20 9.46 9. 37 9.55 9.82 10.00 9.62 9.81 9.54 8.95 9.21 9.71
1904 9.30 9.30 9.06 9.22 9.13 9.20 9.81 10. so 10.45 10.87 11.66 11.83 10.03
1905 11.50 11. 17 11.35 11. 37 11. 42 11.60 12.25 13.07 13.50 13.94 14.25 14. 21 12.47
1906.. 14.00 13. 33 12.89 13.29 13.54 13.42 13.68 14,06 14.50 14.37 14.47 14.46 13.83
1907. 14.38 14.36 13.75 12.68 12.22 12.11 11.92 11. 33 11.21 11. 37 10.25 9.00 12.05
Table 111.—Steer hides, country, heavy: Average price per pound, Chicago, by
months, 1893-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1908 8.64 8.50 7.50 7.97 8.30 8. 94 11. 70! 13. 19 13.00 12.80 13. 18 13.60 10. 61
1909 13. 13.34 12. 81 12.90 13. 59 13.97 14.88 14.72 14. 85 15. 19 15. 18 14. 85 14. 17
1910 14. 13.31 12.78 12.75 12.44 11.78 11. 25 11.87 11.90 11.56 11.22 11.03 12. 16
1911 10.98 10. 97 11. 251 11.
13. 08 12 11.22 12.40 12. 88 12.83 13.03 13. 38 13.60 13.44 12.24
1912 13. 13 13. 17 13. 13 13.43 13.50 13. 50 14.65 15. 25! 15.75 16. 19 16.00 14.25
1913 15.52 15.3 15.38 15. 12 14.72 14.34 14.53 15. 19 15. 97 16. 25 16.47 15.83 15. 39
1914 15. 50 15.56 15.69 15. 55 15.69 16.00 16.20 16.56 16.94 16.90 18.50 19.69 16.56
1915 19.94 20. 10 18. 381 17. 30, 17.44 17.94 21. 00; 20.81 20.20 21.06 21.50 20.40 19.67
1916 18.19 18.50 18. OOj 19. 50 19.81 19.65 20.00 20. 30 20.25 22. 50 26.00 26.33 20.75
1917 25.60 24.75 24. 15 24. 7& 25.00 25.50 27.20 27.80 25.00 26.75 26. 90 25. 50' 25.74
1918 23.00 22.50 18.75 20. 77 21.40 20.75 20. 87 22.60 23.00 23.25 23. 75 22.50 21.93
1919 21.75 23.50 21.75 22. 90 26.60 32.50 41.40 49.75 43.00 39.60 35. 75 33. 50 32.67
1920 33.80 33.00 30.00 30.00 29.25 23.25 21. 80 20.00 20.00 18.50 16.75 14.00 24.20
1921 12. 75 11.25 8.20 7.15 8.25 8.50 8.65 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.50 9.35
1922 10.65 11.00 9.60 8.50 8.65 11.60 12.75 13.60 14.50 15.00 14.90 13.60 12.03
1923. 13. 25' 13. 50 13.40 13. 50 13.50 12.25 11.00 10.60 9.00 9.00 8.90 8. 75 11.39
1924 10. 30! 11.00 10. 50 10.25 9.60 10.00 10.05 12.50 12.50 13.00 13.00 13.00 11.31
1925 13. 10 12.94 12. 44 13.05 12.75 12.25 13.20 13. 06 13.25 13.25 13.06 12.90 12. 94
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Board
of Trade, 1893-1925.
Table 112.—Bull hides, packer, native: Average price per pound, Chicago, by
months, 1893-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894-1898. 6.83 6 74 6. 54 6.55 6. 97 7.35 7.55 7.45 7.62 7.81 7. 86 7. 74 7. 25
1899-1903. 10.48 10. 23 9. 94 9.64 9.83 9.81 9.66 9. 89 10. 11 10. 26 10.38 10.41 10. 05
1904-1908. 10.88 10.57 10. 32 10. 07 10.23 10.31 10.67 11. 10 11.39 11.46 11.52 11.65 10. 85
1909-1913. 12.84 12.57 12 08 12.17 12.50 13.03 13.32 13.66 13. S9 14.07 14. 14 14.32 13.21
1914-1931). 21.42 21. 26 20.48 20.58 22. 51 23.93 24.56 24.87 23. 57 23.41 23. 02 22.29 22.66
1921-1925. 11.41 11. 28 10. 14 9. 35 9. 57 9.64 10. 16 11.30 11.78 12. 13 11. 87 11.47 10.84
1893. 6.12 6. 06 6. 63 5.65 5.31 4.94 4.70 4.50 4. 78 6. 17 4. 76 4. 76 5.20
1894 4.72 4.44 4. 17 4.08 4.00 4.00 4.05 4.05 4. 55 4. 75 4. 75 & 07 4.39
1895. 5. 35 5. 22 5. 50 6. 55 7.87 8.85 9.00 8.96 8. 38 a 37 7. SO 7. 08 7.41
1896. 7.00 6. 77 6. 38 5.90 6.00 6.25 6.48 5. 93 4. 60 7. 00 7. 75 7. 55 6.63
1897. 7.81 8. 00 7. 66 7.49 7.40 7.50 8.18 8. 56 8. 95 9. 20 9. 26 0 25 8. 27
1898, 9. 25 9. 25 9. 00 8.71 9. 57 10. 14 10.06 9.75 9. 70 9. 75 9. 75 0 75 9.56
1899- 9.84 9.94 9. 73 9.50 9. 69 9.76 9.72 9.98 10. 26 10 38 10 73 10. 92 10.04
1900.. 10. 75 10.38 10. 00 10.12 10. 25 9. 75 9.14 9. 17 9. 60 9. 54 10. IS 10 38 9.93
1901 10. 25 10.00 9. 75 9. 25 9.50 9.75 10. 15 10.00 10. 37 11. 15 11. 06 11. 00 10.19
1902 11.00 10.58 10. 12 9. 33 10.00 10.00 9.65 11. 17 11. 31 11. 14 11. 00 10 75 10.50
1903. 10. 55 10.27 10. 08 10.00 9.70 9.81 9.65 9. 12 9. 12 9. 10 8. 95 0 00 9. 61
1904.. 9. 05 8. 71 8. 62 8.74 8. 55 *8.58 8.88 9.00 9. 01 9. 75 9. 94 10 40 9.10
1905. 10.50 10.50 10. 37 10. 25 10. 37 10. 25 10. 27 10.82 11. 25 11. 25 11. 65 11. 70 10.76
1906. 11.69 11. 56 11. 25 11. 18 11.67 11. 65 12.31 12. 50 12. W 13. OS 13. 33 13. 39 12.21
1907. 13.30 13. 06 12. 80 11.35 11.58 11.82 11. 83 12.50 12. 60 12. 32 11. 62 10 87 12.13
1908. 9.85 0 00 8. 68 8. 85 9.00 9. 25 10. 05 10.69 11. 26 10 90 11. 06 11. 90 10. 03
1909. 11.56 11. 31 10. 87 11. 10 12. 72 13. 19 14.33 14.03 14. 33 14 50 14. OS 14. 65 13. 10
1910 13.75 13. 28 11. 9S 12.63 12.69 11.80 10. 82 11.88 11. 00 11. as 10. 75 11. 00 11.96
1911. 10.69 10. 81 66 10.50
10. ss 10.72 12. 33 13. 25 13. 25 13. 28 13. 34 13. US 13. 22 12. 11
1912 13.00 13. 00 12. 12.88 12. 77 14.00 13.88 13.83 14. 68 16. 40 16. 75 18. 81 14. 07
1913. 15.20 14. 43 14. 10 13.72 13.58 13.81 14. 31 15. 29 16. 66 16. 75 16. 13 16. 00 14.82
1914 15.31 15. 09 15. 63 15.70 15.88 16.06 16.45 16.56 16. 81 17. 00 16. 63 17. 25 16.20
1915 17.50 18. 00 17. 38 16.90 18.00 19. 25 20.80 21.50 20. so 20 76 20 00 20 00 19.24
1916. 18.88 19. 00 18. 66 19. 19 20. 12 20.70 22.19 22. 05 22. 25 23. 00 26. 00 26. 00 21.41
1917 25. 25 26. 00 23. 80 24.00 26.00 26.00 26.50 27.00 23. 62 24. 00 26. 00 24 26 25.04
1918 20.50 19. 25 18. 00 18.25 21.60 23.00 23.00 21.50 21. 60 21. 60 20. 60 20. 50 20. 76
1919. 19.50 20. 00 20. 00 20.00 26.00 32.50 37. 40 42. 75 39. 00 39. 60 4a 00 35. 26 31.00
1920 33.00 32. 50 30. 00 30.00 30.00 30.00 25.60 22. 75 21. 00 18. 00 14. 00 12. 80 24.97
1921 11. 50 9. 38 7, 90 6.62 7.75 8.00 8.00 7.50 8. 00 & 00 8. 65 0 60 8. 40
1922. 10. 00 9. 75 7. 80 7.80 8. 10 9.70 12. 10 15. 05 15. 60 16. 60 16. 70 14. 50 11. 97
1923 13. 75 13. 90 13. 50 13.00 13. 10 11.25 10. 35 11.00 10. 86 11. 00 0 65 0 00 11.70
1924. 9.30 11.00 10. 25 8.50 8.00 8.38 8.40 9.88 11. 12 11. SO 12. 25 12. 75 10. 14
1925. 12.50 12.50 11. 12 10.75 10.87 10.75 11. 45 13.00 13. . 1,50 12.37 11.65 11.98
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Board of
Trade, 1893-1925.
Table 113.—Bull hides, country: Average price per pound, Chicago, by months,

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894-1898 5. 98 5. 85 5.83 5.92 6. 34 6.64 6.78 6.65 6.78 6.91 6.74 6.74 6.43
1899-1903 8.74 8. 57 8. 19 8.00 8. 15 8.12 8. 16 8. 12 8.32 8.44 8.58 8. 58 8. 33
1904-1908.. 9. 07 9.07 8.84 8.86 8.86 8.97 9.37 9.68 9.51 9.70 9.79 9.72 9.29
1909-1913.. 10. 57 10.51 10.24 10.46 10.64 10.82 11.06 11. 30 11.49 11.68 11.66 11.49 10.99
1914-1820 17.54 17. 56 16. 41 16.60 17.66 18.75 19.30 19.83 19.25 18.60 18.38 17.80 18.14
1921-1925. 8.25 8.02 7.59 7.44 7.46 7.55 7.64 8.33 8.44 8.43 8.36 8.09 7.97
1893 5. 14 5. 33 5.40 4.96 4.55 4.29 4.00 3.65 3.71 3. 95 3.75 3.71 4. 37
1894.. 3. 56 3.72 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.58 3. 75 3.94 4.35 4.50 4.31 4.55 3.90
1895. 4. 55 4. 42 4. 77 6. 10 7.25 8.20 8.25 8.20 7.38 7.20 6.05 5.77 6. 51
1896. 5.94 5.60 5.60 5.06 5. 75 5.63 5.90 5. 02 5. 67 6.33 6.75 6.63 5.82
1897.. 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.94 6.85 7.03 7.42 7.62 8.00 8.00 8. 21 8. 35 7.45
1898 8.83 8.52 8.30 8.00 8. 36 8. 75 8.56 8. 45 8. 48 8.50 8. 37 8.38 8. 46
1899.. 8.50 8.50 8.46 8.33 8.46 8.50 8.38 8. 57 8.81 9. 15 9.33 9.55 8.71
1900 9.46 9. 10 8.58 8.25 8.15 7.50 7.35 7.00 7.25 7.55 8.33 8.07 8.05
1901 7.98 8.00 7. 87 7. 81 8.00 8. 17 8. 61 8.50 8.75 8.95 9. 25 9.25 8.43
1902 9. 18 9.00 8.29 7.92 8.36 8. 45 8.54 8.89 9. 19 9.07 9.00 8.87 8.73
1903. 8.60 8.25 7. 75 7.71 7.80 8.00 7.93 7.66 7.58 7.50 7.00 7.17 7.75
1904. 7.25 7.41 7.33 7.50 7.50 7.55 7.75 8.31 8.15 8.38 8.69 8.60 7.87
1905. 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.53 8.78 9.06 9.25 9.57 9.84 10.31 10. 67 11. 12 9.39
1906 11. 44 10.87 10.90 11. 12 11. 05 11.00 11. 19 11.45 11.56 11.50 11. 75 11.63 11.29
1907 11.50 11.62 11. 35 10.69 10.18 10.10 10.31 10. 10 9. 35 9. 46 8.65 6.94 10.02
1908 6.64 6.94 6. 12 6.45 6.81 7.13 8.35 8.95 8.63 8.85 9. 19 10.30 7.86
1909 10.00 10.03 9.28 9.52 10.44 11.00 12.05 11.94 11.92 12.53 12.68 12.20 11. 13
1910 11.50 10.94 10.15 11. 13 10.69 9.85 9.13 9.38 9.45 8.94 8.50 8.80 9.87
1911 8.82 8.75 8.90 9.00 9. 13 10.30 11.00 10.95 10.75 10.94 11.00 10. 61 10.01
1912.. 10.25 10.50 10.63 10.38 10.70 10.75 10.75 11.40 11.94 12.25 12.50 12.56 11.22
1913.. 12.30 12.31 12.25 12.25 12.25 12.19 12. 35 12.81 13. 37 13.75 13.62 13.30 12.73
1914 13.50 13.69 13.50 13.80 14.07 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.20 13.65 14. 12 15.25 13.98
1915 15.38 15.50 15.19 14.35 14.88 15.56 16.90 17.31 16. 40 16.75 16.44 16.13 15.90
1916 16.00 16.00 15.80 16.00 16.75 17.20 17. 19 17.20 17. 12 17.50 19.60 21.00 17.28
1917 21.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.60 20.50 22.00 21.55 20.00 20.50 20.00 18.50 20.39
1918.. 15.75 15.37 13.50 13. 37 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 16.50 16.50 15.50 15.12
14. 75 16.60 15.90 16.25 20.60 28. 25 31.60 36.50 35.00 31.80 31.00 28.25 25.54
1920. 26.40 25.75 21.00 22.40 21. 75 20.75 18.40 17.25 17.00 13.50 11.00 10.00 18.77
1921. 8.25 7.00 4.90 4.25 4. 75 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.45 5.50 5.42
1922. 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.75 6.50 8.35 10.40 10.75 11.25 11.50 10.25 8.23
10.00 10.00 10.45 10.95 11.00 10.00 8.50 8.35 7.85 7.35 6.50 6.25 8.93
1924.. 7.45 7.87 7.62 7.19 7.05 7.00 6. 75 8.12 8.62 8.60 8.88 4 9. 19 7.86
9.50 9.50 9. 19 9.20 9. 31 9.37 9.69 9. 62 9.75 9.65 9.69 9.05 9.46
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Board of
Trade, 1893-1925.
Table 114.—Cowhides, packer, heavy, native: Average price per pound, Chicago,
by months, 1893-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. M^y June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver-

Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894-1898 7.52 7 44 7. 30 7.46 8.04 8.45 8.65 8.67 9.10 9. 12 8. 90 8. 72 8.28
1899-1903 11.15 10 61 10.02 10.23 10.39 10.36 10. 51 10.81 11.10 11. 25 11.33 11.181 10. 75
1904-1908 12.23 11 97 11.53 11.77 12.05 12.30 13.01 13.35 13.41 13. 53 13.44 13.22 12.65
1909-1913 14.66 14 35 13.92 13.97 14.61 15.23 15. 70 16.11 16.35 16. 50 16.311 16.01 15.31
1914-1920 26.13 26 63 24.84 24.82 27.21 28. 96 30.72 30. 72 28.83 28. 78 28.541 28.21 27.87
1921-1925 14.70 13 81 12.53 11.64 12.07 12. 91 13.57 15. 37 15.88 16. 12 15.82 14.91 14.11
1893 — 5.84 6. 06 5.50 5.45 5. 12 4.85 4. 46 4.32 5.62 5. 17 5.15 5.00 5.21
1894 4.65 4. 31 4.13 4.10 4.06 4.04 4.40 4.87 6. 04 6. 20 6.17 6. 37 4.94
1895 6.25 6. 00 6.77 8. 71 10. 04 10.65 11.00 10.90 10. 31 9. 25 7.75 7.40 8. 76
1896 7. 75 7. 57 6. 81 6.00 6.75 7. 37 7. 31 6.46 7.75 & 68 9.25 8.41 7.51
1897 8.59 a 62 8.67 8.50 8. 35 8.83 9.47 10.00 10. 17 10 20 10. 37 10.45 9. 35
1898 10. 36 10 65 10.13 9. 97 11.00 11.38 11.06 11.12 11.21 11 25 10. 98 10.98 10. 84
1899 10.95 10. 94 10. 52 10.69 10.84 10.92 11.06 11.37 11.72 11 89 12. 10 12. 25 11.27
1900 12.00 11 50 10. 78 10. 94 10.86 9.73 9. 65 9.91 10.08 10. 42 11.00 10. 53 10.62
1901 10. 27 10 08 9. 75 9.45 9. 86 10.29 11.00 10.85 11.00 11. 07 11.87 11.86 10.66
1902 - 11.47 10 57 9.71 9.67 10. 39 10.52 10. 71 12.06 12.50 12. 32 12.02 11.46 11.12
1903 11.07 9. 96 9. 35 10. 41 10.00 10. 35 10.14 9. 87 10.20 9. 97 9. 67 9.79 10.06
1904 10.00 9. 71 9.53 9. 94 10. 05 10.22 10. 37 10.88 10.89 11. 44 11.94 12.23 10.60
1905 -. 12.03 11. 81 11.62 12.00 12. 37 12. 55 13.20 14.15 14. 24 14. 50 14.69 14.75 13.16
1906 14.72 14. 45 13.83 14.31 15.00 14.81 15.22 15.50 15.50 15. 50 15. 30 15.44 14.96
1907 15. 36 15 02 14.25 13. 39 13. 29 13.41 13.50 12.87 12.50 12. 60 11.44 9. 62 13. 10
1908 9.05 8. 87 8.44 9.20 9. 56 10.50 12. 75 13. 37 13. 94 13. 60 13. 81 14.051 11.43

Table 114.—Cowhides, packer, heavy native: Average price per pound, Chicago
by months, 1893-1925—Continued

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1909 14.00 13.88 13.44 13.40 14. 63 15.44 16.20 16. 13 16. 10 16.50 16 50 16 35 15. 21
1910 15.50 14.41 13.40 14.06 14 19 13.45 13. 06 13. 94 14. 10 13.94 13 07 12 37 13. 79
1911 11.72 11.94 11.80 11.69 12 31 14.28 15.47 15. 25 15. 47 15.50 15 45 15 55 13.87
1912 15. 13 14.82 14.60 14.62! 15. 85 16. 36 16.63 17. 30 17. 91 17. 95" 17 97 17 66 16.40
1913 16.97 16.68 16. 38 16.06! 16. 07 16.63 17. 15 17.94 18.19 18.63 18. 56 18 10 17.28
1914 17. 25 17.50 17.63 17. 70 18 50 18.63 19.00 19. 12 19.50 19.40 20 50 22 56 18.94
1915 23. 06 23. 50 21.63 19.50 21 69 23.75 25. 75 26.50 24.60 24. 38 24 50 23 75 23.55
1916 21.38 21.44 21.40 21.50 22 75 24.60 25.50 25. 10 25. 12 27.00 30 60 32 33 24.89
1917 32. 25 31.25 30.00 29.62 31 12 32.00 32.62 33. 10 29.50 32. 25 32 90 32 50 31.59
1918 29.00 26.75 22.50 23.50! 28 SO 30.00 30.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 27 00 27 00 27. 38
1919 21.00 26.00 25. 25 26.90 32 60 38.00 47.60 52. 25 47.00 47.00 46 25 41 75 37.63
1920 39.00 40.00 35.50 35.00 35 00! 35.75 34.60 31.00 28. 10 23. 40 18 00 17 60 31.08
1921 14.50 12. 25 10.70 9.00 10 00 11.80 11.75 13.00 13.20 13.60 14 45 14 70 12.41
1922 14.50 13.90 11.70 11.25 12 65 14.60 17.15 18.60 19.60 20.70 20 70 17 90 16.10
1923 16. 75 16. 25 15.30 14.65 15 00 13.95 12.05 13.85 14.00 14.00 12 75 12 00 14.21
1924 12.50 12.50 11.88 10.25 9 60 10, 69 11.30 14.50 15. 12 15.50 15 94 15 62 12.95
1925 15. 35 14. 37 13.25 13.00 13 25 13.31 14. 75 16. 50 17.38 16.70 15. 62 14 30 14.82
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Board of
Trade, 1893-1925.
Table 115.—Cowhides, country, heavy: Average price per pound, Chicago, by
months, 1893-1925

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.

Average: Cents 1 Cents Cents ' Cents Cents Ci-nis Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894-1898 6.99 6.79 6. 74 6. 85 7. 34 7. 71 7.9C 7.88 8. 15j 8. Ml 8. 17
1899-1903 9.64 9.17 8. 80; 8. 84 9. 04 9. 07 9.37 9.41 9.72 9.80
1904-1908... ' 10.60 10.42 10.13 10.26 10.38 10.57 11. 38 11.90 11.81 11.82 11.79
1909-1913 12.67 12.53 12.21 12.31 12.60 12.78 13.08 13. 54 13.88 13.9' 14.11
1914-1920 ! 20.32 20.21 18.60 18.96 20. Ill 20.53 22. 05 23.31 22.84 21. 90! 22.32
1921-1925 10.35 10.18 9. 18: 9. 14 9. 59 9. 40 9. 63 10.07 10. 07 10.49 10.63
1893 5.52 5. 27 4.94 4.71 4.45 4. 11 3. 85 4.06 4.17 4.17
1894 3.S2 3.77 3. 75 3. 75 3. 77 4. 14 4.45 5.27 6.30 5.33
1895 5.53 6.23 7.75 9. 12 9. 70 9. 75 9.81 9.05 8.34 7.50
1896 6.59 6. 15 5.84 6.251 6. 57 6.f 5.86 6. 70 7.68 8.78
1897 8.02 7.98 7.88 7.67 8. 10 8.62 9.05 9.641 9.36 9.67
1898 10.00 9.58 9. 02 9. 89 10. 41 10. 32 10.22 10. 10 10.21 9. 55
1899 9.62 9.37 9.37 9.69 9.73 9.87 10. 34 10. 67 10.75 11.07
1960 10. 20 9.55 9. 63 9.21 8.57 8. 60 8.52 8. 75 8. 94 9. 73
1901 8. 50 8.25 8. 19 8.61 9.06 9.75 9. 11 9. a 10. 27 10. 13
1902 9.06 8.65 8.55 9.08 9.00 9.37 10.17 10. 29 9. 92. 9. 83
1903 8.45 8.18 8. 17 8.60 8.98 9. 17 8.60 8.83! 8.71 8.25
1904 8.65 8.50 8. 75 8.70 8.80 9.59! 10.28 10. 15! 10.28 10.66
1905 10. 10.37 10.36 10.50 10.94 11.35 12.33 12. 96 13. 25 13.42 13.65
1906 .. 13. 12.49 12.28 13. 30 13.50 13. 48 13.86 14. 14 14. 28 14.071 13.79
1907 .. 13. 13.28 12. 75 11. 2S 11.22 11. IS 11.03 10.79 10.31 10. 39 9. 20
1908 10.10 11.31 11. 08! 10.95 11.63
1909 I 12.7. 12.7.31 44
6. 75' 7.46 7. 56 8. 06
11. 69! 11.88 13.19 13.0 14.35 14.06 14. 10 14.53 14.40
1910 .. 13. 12.44 11. ^ 12.06! 11.72 10.65 10. 25 10. 91 11. 00 10.59 10.47
1911 — 9. 10.06 10. 34 10.41 10. 53 12. 16 12. h7 12. 72 13. 00! 13. 19 13. 55
1912 12. 13.12 13. 00 12. 90 13.42 13.80 13. 44 14. 78 15. 37 15. 28 15. 07
1913 14. 14. 58 14. 14 14. 31 14. 13 14. 06 14.50! 15. 20 16. 91 16. 27 16. 44
1914 - 15. 15. 50 15. 59 15. 25 15.50 16.08 16.001 16.56 16. SI 16. 05 18. 31
1915 .. 19. 19. ,, 18. 13 17.00 17.25! 17.0!) 20. 75 19. 58 19. 88 19. 56
1916 .J 17. 17. ^ 17. 60 18.31 19.19 19.40 19.40 19. ^ 22. 20 25. 70
1917 __ 22. 22. 12 22. 20 22.25 23.40 24.26 25. 5ii 24. 70 24. 37 23. 75 24. 70
1918 18. 17. 12 14. 501 15.00 18.40. 18.02 18. 94 20. I « I 21.00! 21.50 22.50
1819 20. 21. 50 20. 75 20. I'D 26.00 31.76 40. 60 44. 75 41. 25 33.80 31.50
1920 .. 27. 27.50 21. 50! 24.00 21.00: 16.00 17.60 17.00 17.00 15.50 14.00
1921 _J 10. 8.60 6.20! 5.75 7.40 6. 6.50 6.50 6.20 7. 00 8. 25
1922 .. 8. 8.45 8.00! 8.35 9.90; 12. 10 13. 10 13. 50L 14.10 14. 20
1923 .. 12. 12. 80 12. 201 12.8.00j
50 12. 50! 11. - 9.75 9.60 8.85 8.65 7.35
1924 8. 75 8.371 8.06! 8.30 8. 7.85. 9.00 9. 62 10.50 11.69
1925 12. 12.25 11. 31 11. 30 11.12 11.00 11. 70 12. 12. 00 12.00 11. 62
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Boar-
Trade, 1893-1925.
Table 116.—Calfskins, No. 1: Average price per pound, Chicago, by months,

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894-1898 10.33 10.21 9.92 9. 55 10. 21 10.86 11.00 10. 86 10. 90 10. 83 11.07 10. 87 10.55
1899-1903 12. 63 12.44 12.41 12.30 12. 21 11.78 11.63 11. 49 11. 70 12.06 12.34 12.48 12.12
1904-1908 14.24 14.38 14. 13 14. 07 14. 07 14.09 14.55 14. 91 14. 95 15.08 15.27 15.04 14.56
1909-1913 17.06 16.63 16. 40 16. 97 17. 53 17.52 17.81 17. 99 18. 22 18. 49 18.64 18. 30 17.63
1914-1920 37.99 38.68 35.91 37.58 3& 41 38. 42 40.59 40. 82 38. 63 38.76 41. 05 38.70 38.79
1921-1925 19.36 19.37 18.83 17.63 18. 78 18. 75 19.73 2a 27 20. 23 20.44 20.20 19. 17 19. 40
1893 9.65 9.75 10.30 9.96 Ql 10 7.67 7.00 a 60 6. 87 7.79 7.64 7.92 8.35
1894 8.17 7.92 7.32 7.00 7. 21 7.25 7.48 a 06 a 68 8.03 8.07 8.83 7.84
1895 9.53 9.25 9.66 10.96 12. 62 14. 45 14.54 13. 41 ii. 30 10.65 9.62 8.80 11. 23
1896 9.37 8.68 8.32 7.86 & 50 8. 75 8.70 a 33 a 93 9.93 11. 15 10.70 9.10
1897 11. 10 11. 59 11. 51 10.57 10. 41 11. 34 11.93 12. 33 13. 35 13.27 14.12 13.50 12.08
1898 13.48 13.62 12.80 11. 35 12. 31 12.50 12.34 12. 15 12. 23 12.26 12.39 12.51 12.50
1899 12.96 13. 11 12.68 12.25 12. 29 12. 25 12.59 12. 89 ia 01 13.20 13. 37 13.44 12.84
1900 13.51 13. 19 13. 32 13. 12 12. 57 11. 81 10.81 9. 80 10. 03 10.97 11.96 11.83 11. 91
1901 12.05 11.69 11.62 11.86 12. 29 11.85 11.64 11. 19 11. 63 12.35 12.47 12.47 11. 93
1902 12. 27 11.78 11.69 11.69 11. 77 11.62 11. 39 11. 78 12. 10 12.10 12. 16 12.37 11.89
1903 12. 37 12.44 12.72 12. 57 12. 12 11.39 11. 72 11. 84 11. 75 11.67 11.75 12.30 12.05
1904 12.64 12.88 12.82 12.73 12. 80 12.93 13. 38 13. 65 13. 65 13.86 14. 50 14.63 13. 37
14. 33 14. 43 14. 55 14.70 14. 66 14.17 14. 44 14. 86 15. 19 15. 19 15. 85 15.71 14.84
1906 15. 69 15.11 14. 37 14.86 15. 25 15.34 15. 78 15. 80 15. 89 16.08 16.22 16. 12 15.54
1907 16.03 16.03 16.14 15. 62 14. 89 14. 91 14.75 14. 75 14. 75 14. 97 13.98 12.03 14.90
1908 12.53 13.44 12.75 12.45 12. 75 13. 12 14. 40 15. 50 15. 25 15.30 15. 81 16.70 14.17
1909 17.38 16.84 15.90 16. 15 17. 38 17.59 18.58 ia 69 18. 87 19.50 19.40 18.72 17.92
1910 17.40 16.19 15.75 16. 81 17. 06 15.88 15.75 16. 35 16. 62 16.62 16.63 16.25 16.44
1911 15.22 15.25 15. 28 15.41 15. 75 16.85 17.00 16. 72 10. 66 16.75 17.18 18.06 16.34
1912 17.56 17.50 17.63 18. 27 18. 82 18.69 18.63 19. 15 19. 59 19. 33 19. 48 18.55 18.60
1913 17.75 17. 37 17.44 18.22 18. 62 18.59 19. 10 19. 06 19. 37 20. 25 20.50 19.90 18.85
1914 21.00 21.56 22. 13 21. 40 20. 88 20.44 20.55 22. 06 23. 50 22.45 23. 12 23. 75 21.90
1915 23.00 23.38 20.81 17.80 19. 00 19.00 20.40 21. 88 21. 40 22. 63 24.31 25.56 21.60
1916 25.00 25.81 27.30 29. 62 32. 50 32.50 33.75 32. 20 33. 00 36. 75 52.00 54. 17 34.55
1917 43. 75 38.50 40.50 40. 25 40. 40 39.25 44.00 39. 60 35. 00 36. 75 40.30 35.00 39.43
36.00 35.25 33.75 38.00 44. 00 44.00 44. 40 44. 00 44. 00 44.00 44.00 40.00 40.95
1919 38.00 55.00 50.60 55.00 64. 00 78.75 87.50 96. 75 87. 50 88.50 86.00 78.25 72.15
1920 79.20 71. 25 56. 25 61.00 48. 10 35. 00 33. 50 29. 25 26. 00 20. 25 17.75 14.20 40.98
1921 18.50 15.50 15.80 16.85 21. 75 19. 70 19.90 20. 00 20. 20 19.50 18.00 17.20 18.58
1922 17.40 17.60 17.00 15.25 15. 50 17.30 21.25 21. 00 21. 60 22. 75 32.20 18.00 18.95
1923 18.25 18.25 17.60 17.50 18. 00 16.70 16. 10 16. 15 16. 75 17.35 16.90 16.65 17.18
1924 17.95 20.50 20.88 17.75 18. 50 18.75 19.00 21. 25 22. 00 21.60 22.88 23. 62 20.39
1925 24.70 25.00 22.87 20.80 2a 17 21. 31 22.40 22. 37 20. 62 21.00 21.00 20.40 21.89
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Board
of Trade, 1893-1925.
Table 117.—Kipskins, No. 1: Average price per pound, Chicago, by months,

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July ! Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver-

Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cenls
1894-1898.. 8.43 8. 21 a 16 8.08 8.31 9. 01 9. 39 9.45 9.55 9.59 9. 77 9.31 8.94
1899-1903 10. 52 10.04 9. 65 9. 40 9.45 9.24 9. 69 10.11 10.37 10.68 10.88 10.69 10.06
1904-1908.- 11.62 11.22 10.47 10.52 10.35 10.76 12. 17 12.74 13. 19 13. 36! 13.42 12.74 11.88
1909-1913. 14.06 13. 40! 12.90 13.06 13.47 13.78 14. 15 14. 90 15. 60 15. 99! 16. 13 15. 65 14. 42
1914-1920 28.82 29.24 27.05 27. 25 28.53 28.20 30.82 31.01 30.50 30.13 30. 18 29.07 29.23
1921-1925-. 16. 72 16.42 15.70 14.11 14.98 15. 42 16.35 17.58 18. 48 18. 39 18.24 16. 96 16. 61
1893. 6. 60 6. 79 6. 34 6.00 5.55 5.25 5.62 6.04 6. 64 6. 63 6. 36 6.21
1894. 6.21 5. 87 5. 62 5.45 5.38 5. 55 6. 02 6.63 7.00 6. 46 6. 58 6. 70 6. 12
1895. 7.02 6. 81 7. 08 8. 05 9. 15 11.021 11.08 10.89 9. 72 9. 55 8.89 7. 82 8. 92
1896. 8.12 7.53 7. 28 a si 7. 12 7. 50 7. 86 7.39 7. 97 8. 82 9. 75 9. 36 7.96
1897- 9.39 9. 49 9. 55 9.34 9. 13 9. 81 10. 66 11.03 11.82 11.83 12.37 11.55 10.50
1898. 11.41 11.35 11.27 10.75 10.75 11. 19 11.31 11.33 11. 25 11.31 11.28 11. 11 11.20
1899. 11.00 10.69 10.41 10. 33 10. 25 10. 07; 10. 48 11. 11. 50 11.71 11.83 12. 02 10. 95
1900. 11.81 11.31 11.07 10.81 10. 19 9. 12 9. 13 •9.9. 45
10 9. 19 9.56 10. 50! 10. 12 10.16
1901. 9.80 9. 25 8.59 8.25 8. 35 8. 15a 9. 21' 9. 90 10. 56 10.63 10.21 9. 36
1902. 9.81 8. 86 8. 41 8.44 9.00 9. 31 1 9. 39' 10.23 10. 55 10.78 10.77 10.44 9. 67
903. 10.17 10.07 9. 75 9. 19 9. 46 9.53! 10. 25' 10.69 10. 72 10. 79 10. 67 10. 65 10. 16
10.65 10. 44 10.07 9. 9. 92 10. 20; 10.50 11.53 11.77 12.31 13.00 12.60 11.08
11.82 11.36 11.39 10.89 10. 96 11.22 12. 00 13. 22 14.40 14. 67 14.88 14.20 12.58
13. 87 13. 25 12.18 12. 80 12.94 13. 58 16. 66 14. 83 14.89 14. 53 14. 62 14.40 14.05
1907. 13. 45 13. 07 11.25 11.72 10. 25 10. 75 11.58 11.72 12. 25 12.55 11.68 8.93 11.60
1908. 8. 32 8.00 7.44 7. 25 7.70 8.06 10. 10 12. 38 12.63 12.75 12. 94 13.55 10.09
1909. 13. 37: 12. 90, 11.34 11.40 13.00 13.38! 14.75 15. 56 16. 20 16. 25 16. 06! 15.15 14.11
Table 117.—Kipskins, No. 1: Average price per pound, Chicago, by months,

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Aver
Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1910 13.06 11.94 11. 35 11.85 11.72 11.05 11.00 12.06 12. 62 12.69 12.76 12. 30 12.03
1911 12.06 11.47 11.50 11.44 11.63 13. 40 13.84 14. 12 14.31 14.66 15.18 15. 16 13. 23
1912 14. 81 14.50 14.50 14. 47 15.15 15. 44 15.50 16. 60 17. 38 17.85 18.22 17. 65 16. 01
1913. 17.00 16.19 15. 81 16. 13 15.85 15.65 15.65 16. 15 17. 49 18.50 18.44 18.00 16.74
1914 18.00 18.37 18.59 18.31 18. 15 18.31 18. 30 19. 70 20. 96 20.20 20.88 21.37 19.26
1915 21.25 21.38 18.69 16.85 17.25 17.50 18.45 20. 37 20.25 20.63 21.06 21. 50 19.60
1916 21.00 20.50 21.00 22.00 22.62 22.80 23. 50 24.00 24. 75 27.00 33. 30 35. 66 24.84
1917 30.25 29.00 30. 80 27. 62 29.80 30. 62 33.00 31.40 26. 62 27.00 28.00 24. 50 29.05
1918. 28.75 25.25 22. 12 23. 75 28. 40 27. 50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.00 27.00 26.00 26. 52
1919 22.50 36.40 31.90 33.50 42.00 50.00 66.50 71.25 69. 40 68.80 65.00 59. 25 51.38
1920 60.00 53. 75 46.25 48.75 41.50 30.65 28. 50 22.85 24.00 20.25 16.00 15. 20 33. 98
1921 16.25 13.00 12.80 12.00 15. 25 14.80 15. 10 17.00 18. 90 18.60 17.05 16.20 15.58
1922. 15.15 15.60 15. 10 13. 75 13. 65 15.70 18.90 19.60 20.50 21.10 21. 10 17.60 17.31
1923 17. 25 17.00 16.60 14.85 15. 50 14.85 14.35 14.90 15.25 15. 10 14. 90 14.50 15.42
1924 16.00 17.88 17.00 14. 75 14.70 15.00 15.00 16. 38 18.00 17.75 18. 38 18.62 16. 62
1925 18.95 18.62 17.00 15.20 15. 81 16.75 18. 40 20.00 19. 75 19.40 19. 75 17.90 18.13
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from annual reports of the Chicago Board
of Trade.
Table 118.—Hides, packer: Average price per pound, Chicago, by months, 1898-

Steer Cow8
Year Butt
Heavy Heavy Light brand Colo Heavy Light Brand Brand
native Texas Texas ed rado native native ed ed

Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents

1894-1898 9.24 8.68 8.06 8.23 7.53 8.28 8.30 7. 53
1899-1903 12.34 12.80 11.56 11.37 11.01 10.75 10.13 10.03
1904-1908 13.86 13.96 13.23 12.67 12. 49 12.65 12.24 11.94
1909-1913 16. 53 16.05 15. 30 15. 26 15.06 15. 31 15.03 14.39
1914-1920 29.17 26.74 25.87 26. 32 25.55 27. 86 26.89 24.43
1921-1925 15.76 14.67 13.47 14.64 13.64 14.10 13.28 11.66
1893 7. 31 6. 45 5. 49 6.28 5. 59 5. 21 4.74 4.71
1894 6. 38 6. 39 5. 41 5. 73 5.31 4.95 4.67 4.53
1895 10.20 9. 48 8.60 8.97 8. 39 8. 76 8. 52 8.00
1896 8. 14 7. 44 6.94 7. 25 6. 45 7. 51 7. 53 6.66
1897 9.96 9. 33 8.94 9. 14 8.28 9. 35 9.74 8.74
1898 11.50 10.74 10.43 10.08 9.24 10.84 11.02 9.72
1899 12.34 12.07 11.55 11.44 10.70 11.27 10.40 10.90
1900 11.94 11.99 11.09 11.04 10. 49 10.62 10.44 10.18
1901. 12. 37 12.88 11.53 11.46 11.21 10.66 10.07 9.87
1902. 13. 38 14. 41 12. 42 12. 33 12. 10 11. 12 10.12 10. 01
1903 11.69 12.64 11.19 10. 57 10.54 10.07 9.64 9. 19
1904 11.66 12. 65 11.67 10. 89 10. 81 10.60 10.52 10.28
1905 14. 30 14.44 13. 91 13. 21 13.08 13.16 13. 10 12.74
1906 15.43 14.89 14.84 13.99 13.65 14.96 14.84 14.27
1907 14. 55 13.96 13.26 12.99 12.70 13.10 11.71 11.98
1908 13.36 13.86 12. 46 12.28 12. 21 11.43 11.04 10.43
1909 16. 47 16.41 15. 35 15.49 15.29 15. 21 14.83 14.11
1910. 15.29 14.88 13.77 13. 71 13.42 13. 79 13.04 12.40
1911 14. 81 14. 32 13.54 13.50 13.47 13.87 13.50 12. 56
1912 17.69 16. 58 16. 14 16.17 15.88 16.40 16.50 15.71 I
1913 18. 38 18.06 17.72 17. 42 17.26 17.28 17.27 17.19
1914 19. 76 19.23 18.77 18. 56 18.20 18.94 19.27 18.49
1915 24.26 21.48 21.12 21.37 20. 39 23. 55 22.97 20.90
1916 26.28 24.23 24.06 23.86 23.34 24.89 24.89 23.94
1917 32.70 30.94 29.58 30.23 29.73 31.59 29.59 27.35
1918 29. 91 27.81 26.00 27.13 26. 32 27. 37 22. 72 21.12
1919 39.60 35.96 35.17 35.85 34.84 37.63 39.56 34.25
1920 31.65 27.52 26.38 27. 25 26.02 31.08 29.23 24.93
1921 13.88 13.10 11.43 12.83 11.85 12. 41 11.37 10.00
1922 17.83 16.57 15.29 16. 51 15. 59 16. 10 15.16 13.47
11.11 11
1923 16. 46 14. 79 13. 77 14.89 13.86 14. 21 12.94
1924 14. 67 13.82 12.80 13.80 12. 79 12.95 12. 29 10.41
1925 15.96 15.08 14.06 15. 16 14. 12 14.82 14.62 13.30
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Annual Report of the Chicago Board
of Trade, 1909, p. 97, and 1925, p. 108.

Table 119.—Hides, country: Average -price per pound, Chicago, by months, 1 893-

Coun Coun
Ex Heavy Heavy No. 1 No. 2 try try No. 1 No. 1
Year tremes steer cow bufl buff Bull packer brand calf kip-
brand ed skins skins
Average: Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents Cents
1894- 1898 8.06 8. 11 7.56 7.54 7. 05 6.43 7. 15 6.84 10. 55 8.94
1899-1903 9.28 10. 46 9.35 9. 05 8.20 8.33 9.31 8. 65 12. 12 10. 06
1904- 1908 11.21 11.80 11. 05 10. 97 9. 95 9.29 10. 67 9.91 14.56 11.88
1909- 1913 13. 67 13.64 13. 11 13. 06 12. 07 10.99 12.20 11.36 17.21 14. 42
1914- 1920 23. 35 23. 07 21.05 21.03 19.88 18. 14 21.48 17. 82 38. 79 29. 23
1921- 11. 96 11.40 9.90 10. 06 8. 89 7. 98 10. 48 8.24 19. 39 16.61
1893 4.49 6.09 4.57 4.26 3.65 4. 37 4.82 3.91 8. 35 6.21
1894 4. 76 5.30 4.41 4.21 3.73 3. 89 4.89 4.02 7.84 6. 12
1895 8. 07 8.79 7.97 7. 86 7. 36 6. 51 8. 07 7.26 11.23 8. 93
1896 7.43 7.20 6. 86 6.85 6.36 5. 83 ,6. 16 6.21 9. 10 7.96
1897 9.55 9.00 8. 65 8.86 8. 35 7.45 7. 77 7.88 12.08 10.50
1898 10. 49 10. 25 9.90 9.94 9.43 8.46 8. 85 8. 85 12. 49 11.20
1899 10. 43 10.79 10. 13 10.08 9. 58 8.71 9.69 9.56 12.84 10. 95
1900 9. 52 10.29 9. 30 9. 11 8. 26 8. 05 8. 75 8. 73 11.91 10. 16
1901 8. 77 10. 50 9.25 8. 73 7.73 8.43 8.84 8.56 11.93 9. 36
1902 8.83 10.99 9.41 8.74 7.78 8.73 9.45 8.55 11.89 9.67
1903 8. 87 9.71 8. 66 8.59 7.63 7. 75 9.82 7. 85 12. 05 10. 16
1904 9. 75 10. 03 9.47 9.45 8.49 7. 87 9.42 8. 42 13. 37 11.08
1905 12. 14 12.47 11.92 11.88 10.96 9. 39 11. 86 10.93 14.84 12.58
1906 13. 43 13. 83 13. 49 13. 43 12.47 11.29 12. 48 12. 51 15.54 14.05
1907 10. 99 12. 05 11. 02 10.79 9.64 10.02 10.69 9.66 14.90 11.60
1908 9.75 10. 61 9.35 9. 29 8.21 7.86 8.90 8.04 14.17 10. 09
1909 13.55 14.17 13.40 13.24 12.21 11. 13 12. 55 11.44 17.92 14.11
1910 11.51 12. 16 11. 26 11. 13 10.02 9.86 10.20 9.49 16.02 12. 03
1911 12.80 12.24 11. 82 11. 82 10.79 10.01 10.72 10.02 16.34 13.23
1912 14.91 14. 25 14.06 14.05 13.02 11.22 13. 12 12.33 18.60 16.01
1913 15.60 15. 39 15.00 15.05 14. 31 12.73 14.43 13.54 17. 18 16.74
1914 17.70 16.56 16.42 16.63 15.64 13. 98 16.34 14. 53 21.90 19. 26
1915 19.65 19.67 19.06 18.98 17.92 15.90 18.62 16. 13 21.60 19.60
1916 22.68 20. 75 20. 17 20. 37 19. 35 17.28 21. 8G 17.84 34. 55 24. 84
1917 25. 23 25.74 23.46 23.60 21.91 20. 39 24.31 20.30 39.43 29. 05
1918 19.80 21. 89 18. 96 18. 73 17. 48 15. 12 19. 62 15. 02 40. 92 26.52
1919 35.58 32. 66 30. 02 29. 96 28. 90 25.54 29. 01 25.99 72. 15 51. 37
1920 22.79 24.20 19. 27 18. 93 17. 93 18.76 20.60 14. 94 40.98 33.97
1921 8.95 9. 35 7.32 7. 10 5. 77 5.43 7. 43 5.33 18.57 15.58
1922 12. 93 12.03 10. 85 10. 86 9.52 8.23 12.53 8.42 18. 95 17.29
1923 11. 65 11. 39 10.43 10.45 9. 26 8. 93 10. 12 8.70 17.18 15.42
1924 11. 86 11.31 9.24 9. 63 8.63 7. 86 9. 81 8.23 20.39 16.62
1925 14.41 12.94 11.64 12.26 11.25 9.46 12.52 10.54 21.88 18. 12
Division of Statistical and Historical Research. Compiled from Annual Report of the Chicago Board
of Trade, 1909, p. 97, and 1925, p. 108.
Page Page
Introduction. 1 Exports—Continued.
Beef and beef products: Hides and skins 304-305
Consumption .. 98 Live cattle 106-108
Exports: Oleo oil 110
Argentina 112 Hides and skins:
Australia 112 Exports 304-305
Principal countries 113-120 Imports 298-303
United States 108-110 Prices—
Imports: At Chicago-
Principal countries 113-120 Bull hides 307-308
United States 120 Calfskins 310
Argentina 287-288 Cowhides 308-309
Chicago 260-262, 265-271, 279, 283-286 Kipskins 310
Leading cities of the United States. 281-286 Steer hides 306
New York 262-264, 272-278, 283-286 Stocks—
Production 71-74, 79, 97 Disposed of—
Receipts 80-96 Green salted, domestic, other
Beef fats, exports and imports by principal than packer 295
countries 115-120 Green salted, foreign 296
Green salted, packer 294
Cost for slaughter 70, 104 Dry or dry salted 207
Prices 143-155,158,160-259 Held—
Receipts. 15,20,22-52 Cattle hides—
Shipments 18,21,22,26-63 Domestic, packer 288
Slaughter... . 16, 26-52, 66, 68, 73-74, 78, 80-96, 100 Green salted, domestic, other
Weights 65,70,100 than packer 289
Cattle: Green salted, foreign 290
Cost for slaughter 69, 104 Dry salted 291
Exports 106-108 Calfskins 292
Imports 106-108 Kipskins 293
Number: Imports:
Argentina.. 11 Beef—
Australia 11 Germany 111
Austria 11 Principal countries 113
Belgium 11 United Kingdom Ill
Brazil - 11 United States 114
Canada 11 Beef fats 118-120
France 11 Hides and skins 298-303
Live cattle 106-108
Germany 11 International trade, beef and beef products.. 114
Netherlands 11 Per capita consumption:
New Zealand 11 Beef 98
United Kingdom 11 Other meats 98
United States 8-11 Veal 98
Uruguay 11 Prices:
Prices 130-142,156-259 Beef—
Receipts 15,20,22-52 London 287-288
Shipments 18,21,22,26-63 United States—
Slaughter 16, 26-52, 66, 68-74, 78, 80-96, 100 Retail—
Value 8,120-130 Chuck roast 282,285-286
Weights 64,69.100 Rib roast 281,285-286
Cattle hides, prices and statistics 288-312 Round steak 282,283-284
Cold storage holdings: Sirloin steak 282,283-284
Beef: Wholesale—
Frozen 99 Chicago... 260-262, 265. 271, 279, 283
Cured 99 New York. 262-264, 272-278, 283-286
Total , 99 Cattle and calves—
Miscellaneous meats 100 Market—
Condemned carcasses under Federal inspec Bulk of sales at Chicago—
tion: Monthly 160-161
Calves 75,77 Weekly. 161-165
Cattle 75,76 By classes and grades, monthly
Consumption: and weekly—
Beef.. 98 Chicago 166-170,194-204
Other meats .... . - 98 East St. Louis 171-175, 205-215
Veal 98 Fort Worth 176-179, 216-223
Crippled and dead in shipments by coopera Kansas City 180-184, 224-235
tive associations 54-55 Omaha 185-189,230-249
Exports: South St. Paul 190-193,250-259
Beef— Canner and cutter cows 159
Argentina IIS Choice steers for chilled beef at
Australia.. Buenos Aires 287
Principal countries Good beef steers, Chicago 158
United States— Stocker arid feeder cattle 159
Beef products Veal calves, Chicago 158
Canned To producers—
Fresh Beef cattle 130-142
Pickled or other cured Veal calves 143-155
Beef fats Purebred, to breeders 156-157
33764—27 21 0
Prices—Continued. Page Slaughter—Continued. Page
Hides and skins— Monthly—Continued.
Bull hides.... - 307-308 Sixteen markets 26-10
Calfskins 310 United States-
Cowhides 308-309 By-product yields. 69-70
Kipskins - 310 Dressed'weight percentage 69-70
Steer hides 306 Live cost 69-70
Live steers at Chicago, and wholesale and Live weight 69-70
retail prices of beef cuts 283 Sex classification 69-70
Oleooil - 281 Source of supply 69-70
Tallow - 280 Under city inspection 80-83
Veal carcasses — 279 Under Federal inspection 67-
Production: 68, 71-74, 80-83
Beef- Weekly-
Argentina 79 Boston 84-88
Australia... 79 New York 89-92
Austria. - --- 79 Philadelphia 92-96
Belgium 79 Twelve markets 41-52
Canada -- 79 Yearly-
France 79 Argentina... <»
Germany 79 Australia '8
New Zealand 79 Austria 78
United Kingdom .- 79 Belgium 78
United States— Canada 78
Federally inspected 71, 79, 97 France - --- 78
Other - 97 Germany 78
Total - 79,97 Netherlands 78
Uruguay 79 New Zealand 78
Other meats 97 United Kingdom 78
Veal 73,79,97 United States—
Purebred cattle: By States (census)—
Number on farms 9 Farm 60-67
Prices to breeders 156 Retail 66-«7
Receipts: Wholesale 66-67
Beef- Public stockyards... 16-17
Carcasses 80-96 Under city inspection 80-96
Cuts - 80-96 Under Federal inspection 67-
Cattle and calves- 68,71-74,78, 80-96
Monthly— Uruguay 78
Four markets 23 Status of tuberculosis eradication work 13-14
Public stockyards 22
Six markets 23-25 Tick eradication, progress and status. 12
Sixteen markets 26-40 Tuberculin
area plans
testing under accredited herd and
Twelve markets 41-52 Value:
On farms January 1—
Yearly- Milk cows and other cattle, by
Principal markets 20 States 120-129
Public stockyards 15 Cattle other than milk cows, by age
Shipments: groups... 130
Monthly- Veal:
Inspected, by market origin and State Consumption 98
destination— Prices 260-279
Breeding cattle 62-63 Production 73-74,79,97
Stocker and feeder cattle 56-61 Receipts 80-96
Public stockyards 22
Sixteen markets 26-40 Weights:
Weekly- Live weight—
Twelve markets. 41-52 At Chicago-
Yearly- Calves 65
Principal markets 21 Cattle... 64
Public stockyards 18 At slaughterhouses-
Shrinkage in shipments 53 Calves 70
Slaughter: Cattle 69
Monthly- Dressed weight—
Boston 80 At slaughterhouses—
New York 81 Calves 70
Philadelphia 82 Cattle 69


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