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Development Of Tooth

[{(Prepared by AdiTteya Akash. Batch 20th. From: Previous Lecture of Prof Dr. Fahmida Mem. With the
help of the previous lecture From Batch 16th - 20th and help of Tencates and Orbans.) )}]

Q. From where the tooth is develop?

A. In the intra uterine life.

Q. When the tooth will develop?

A. 6th week of intrauterine life.

Q. What is happening in that time?

A. The primary epithelial band become thicken and take the shape of horse shoe shape. Where? In the
future alveolar process of the maxilla and mandible. In case of the Mandible it is little bit inside and in
case of maxilla it is little bit forward)

Q: What happen in 7th week?

A. At 7th week primary epithelial band divided into two parts.
1. Vestibular band: Formation of vestibule.
2. Dental lamina

(Mem majhe majhe ques kore)

[{(What is the source of dental lamina? A: Primary epithelial band. Q: From where this primary epithelial
band comes from? A: Oral epithelium)}}

Q: What are the functions of dental lamina?

A: It initiate the development of all the deciduous tooth and then it goes backwards and initiate the
development of permanent 6,7 and 8 molars. Then another dental lamina develops from the lingual
side that is called the successional dental lamina which will initiate the development of rest of the
permanent tooth that is permanent 1,2,3,4 and 5.

[{(Prepared by AdiTteya Akash. Batch 20th. From: Previous Lecture of Prof Dr. Fahmida Mem. With the
help of the previous lecture From Batch 16th - 20th and help of Tencates and Orbans.) )}]

Q: What is the fate of dental lamina?

A. In late bell stage the dental lamina is breaking (down) by the infiltration of the cells of the dental sac
or follicle. The broken portion is called the epithelial Perl (Q: What is epithelial Perl?)

Q: What are the stages of tooth development?

A: Stages of tooth development:
1. Bud stage.
2. Cap stage
3. Bell stage.
(Bud Stage)
Q: Describe bud stage.
A: The dental lamina becomes swollen. At some specific area where the deciduous tooth is present. As
they transmit into a bud like structure [(bud of flower), eta bolar dorkar nai, jiggasha korle bolte hobe]
for that it is called the bud stage. Underneath the bud there is collection of mesenchymal tissue

Q: Describe cap stage.

A: The development of the bud is not equal. Unequal growth of the bud takes the shape of cap like
structure and it is the starting of the cap stage. Underneath the concavity of the cap there is presence of
mesenchymal tissue and surrounding this structure that is called the dental sac or follicle.

Q: What is tooth germ?

A. Tooth germ is an ectodermal and meso dermal structure from where the different parts of tooth

Q: When it is develops?
A: At the cap stage.

Q: How many parts of tooth germ?

A. 3 parts. 1. Enamel organ 2. Dental papilla. 3. Dental sac or follicle.

(Enamel organ: Ectodermal in origin)

(Dental papilla and Dental sac or follicle: Mesodermal origin)

Q: From enamel organ which part of the tooth develops?

A: Enamel

Q: From Dental Papilla? A: Dentine and pulp

Q: From Dental sac or follicle? A: Cementum, Periodontal ligament and alveolar bone.

[{(Prepared by AdiTteya Akash. Batch 20th. From: Previous Lecture of Prof Dr. Fahmida Mem. With the
help of the previous lecture From Batch 16th - 20th and help of Tencates and Orbans.) )}]

Q: In the cap stage how many cellular layers present here?

A: 3 cellular layers.
1. Inner enamel epithelium.
2. Outer enamel epithelium
3. Stilet reticulum.

Q: In the bud stage what was the histological structure?

A: Periphery was the low columnar cell and centrally is the polygonal cell
Q: Describe inner enamel epithelium. Or describe the criteria of inner enamel epithelium.
A: It is
1. It is low columnar cell.
2. Single layer of cell.
3. Lies at the concavity of the enamel organ

Q: describe outer enamel epithelium.

A: it is
1. Cuboidal cell
2. Single layer of cell
3. Lies at the convexity of the enamel organ

Q: Where stilet reticulum present?

A: In between inner enamel epithelium and outer enamel epithelium.

Q: Which cell has become stilet reticulum?

A. Polygonal cell of bud stage has become the stilet reticulum.

Q: Why the polygonal cell has become stilet? (Q: stilet means? A: Star shape)
A: Because they have the capacity to synthesize Glycose amino glycan’s (GAGS), (Where?) in the
inter-cellular space. This GAGS are hydrophilic that means they live water. They pull water from the cell
in the inter-cellular space. (So, in the inter cellular layer two things are there. One is GAGS and another
is water.) These two things push the cell membrane. So it become like star or stilet shape.

The stilet reticulum are attach with each other with their process and with the help of the desmosome.

Q: In cap stage what are the transient structure are there?

A: Enamel knot and Enamel cord.

Q: What is enamel knot?

Central inner enamel epithelium, they will multiply for a mass of cell. They looks like a Knot. Sometimes
they are giving pressure to the dental papilla. That is called the enamel knot.

Q: What is enamel cord?

Sometimes some cell of enamel knot they go to upward. Vertical extension of some cell from the
enamel knot towards the outer enamel epithelium is known as the enamel cord or septum.

Bell stage:
Q: How many stages?
A: 2. They are: 1 Early bell stage 2. Late bell stage.

Q: Describe early bell stage.

A. Early bell stage: The concavity of the enamel organ become much more deep and it takes the shape
of bell like structure for this reason it is called the bell stage.
Q: How many cellular layer in bell stage?
A. There are 4 cellular layer.
1. Inner enamel epi
2. Stratum intermedium: Flatten cell. They remain between inner enamel epi and stilet reticulum.
3. Outer enamel epi
4. Stilet reticulum.

Q: What is happening in the late bell stage?

A: 1. Crown pattern is determine. That is, seeing the crown we can tell that which tooth is going to
2. Dentin -enamel junction is form.
3. Epithelial Perl.

Q: What is Hers?
A: Hertwigs epithelial root sheath.

Q: Which epitheliam? A: double layered epi that is inner and the outer.
This initiate the development of the root and this dies the size length, number and everything about the

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