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Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. worthy B. month C. weather D. with
2. A. would B. should C. shoulder D. could
3. A. matter B. talk C. tank D. back
4. A. convinced B. called C. formed D. controlled
5. A. native B. nature C. natural D. nation
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
6. A. considerate B. communicate C. discovery D. economic
7. A. insect B. identify C. effective D. infectious
8. A. committee B. referee C. employee D. refugee
9. A. display B. lecture C. different D. grocery
10. A. mature B. nature C. culture D. measure
III. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
11. I (A) have always wanted (B) to visit Paris, (C) that is the capital of (D) France.
12. Have you (A) ever met (B) the student (C) is standing (D) over there?
13. Do you (A) have (B) the book that (C) belong to (D) the teacher?
14. Do you (A) remember Mrs. Goddard, (B) who taught us (C) the English composition when we
were (D) in Grade 10?
15. I (A) have three (B) brothers, all of (C) whom are (D) businessman.
16. Our (A) neighbours’ music (B) sounded (C) loudly (D) last night.
17. It was (A) so long lesson that we (B) could not (C) finish it (D) in one day.
18. (A) Nothing can process (B) data more (C) efficient than (D) a computer.
19. (A) Wrapped in pretty green paper, he (B) put (C) the package (D) on the table.
20. My mother (A) bought some (B) five-dollars-a-pound cheese (C) at (D) the supermarket.
IV. Choose the best answers from the given ones to complete the following sentences.
21. ………….., the son of a glove maker in Stratford-upon-Avon, went on to become the greatest playwright
the English language has ever known.
A. William Shakespeare was B. That William Shakespeare
C. William Shakespeare D. When William Shakespeare was
22. While she …………… on the phone, someone knocked on the door.
A. was talking B. talked C. had talked D. had been talking
23. Are you any good …………. maths? I’m hopeless.
A. for B. at C. in D. of
24. Pleased (meet) you. Glad (hear) that you’re enjoying your stay.
A. to meet / to hear B meeting / hearing C. to meet / to have heard D. to have met / to have heard
25. “What are you excited ……………….? “ “We’re going on holiday tomorrow.”
A. for B. of C. about D. in
26. They last visited me five years ago. To express the same idea, the correct sentence should be:
A. They haven’t visited me during five years. B. They have last visited me since five years ago.
C. They visited me for the last time in five years. D. They haven’t visited me for five years.
27. That young man still denies ……….. the fire behind the store.
A. to start B. having started C. to starting D. having been started
28. I’m fed up ……………. this weather! Where’s the sunshine gone?
A. about B. from C. at D. with
29. While formerly a member of the sports club, Mr. Teeters …………. tennis there regularly.
A. is used to playing B. was used to play C. used to play D. used to playing
30. I’m sorry I missed your birthday party, I really wish I …………….
A. will come B. came C. would come D. had come

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
31. This beach is usually closed …………. a rainy day.
A. in B. on C. at D. while
32. “I will get home at about seven, and I’ll give you a ring then”. To express the same idea, the correct
sentence should be:
A. I’ll give you a ring when I get home at about seven.
B. I’ll give you a ring when I’ll get home at about seven.
C. I’ll give you a ring and then I get home at about seven.
D. I’ll give you a ring after I’ll get home at about seven.
33. It’s a pity you missed the party. If you ………you …………… friends from Hanoi.
A. had come / would meet B. came / would meet
C. come / will meet D. had come / would have met
34. “I told her I thought she was stupid.’ “That wasn’t very kind ………… you.”
A. to B. for C. of D. from
35. All right, Johnny, it’s time you ……………. to bed.
A. went B. would go C. will be going D. going to go
V. Read the passage and choose the most suitable word for every gap.
Can you imagine the world without colours? The world around us (36) … very colourful. Life (37) …………
be very dull and grey if there were no colour. People like to be surrounded with colourful things. Many years ago,
people (38) ….. to make themselves as colourful as the things they (39) ….. They did this by (40) ………..
patterns on their bodies and (41) ….. themselves. When they learned to make cloth to cove their bodies, they (42)
…… find ways and means of colouring brightly. In time, they discovered the method of (43) …… their
clothes. People (44) …….. how to dye their clothes even before they knew how to read or write. During that time,
men did not know how to make dye, so they got their colours from what they (45) …… around them.
36. A. was B. has been C. is D. are
37. A. will B. should C. could D. would
38. A. wanted B. were wanted C. have wanted D. wanting
39. A. see B. have seen C. saw D. were seeing
40. A. make B. making C. made D. have made
41. A. paint B. to paint C. painted D. painting
42. A. try B. tried C. trying D. to try
43. A. dyed B. dye C. being dye D. dyeing
44. A. have known B. were knowing C. knew D. are known
45. A. could find B. can find C. should find D. must find
VI. Read the passage and choose the answer — A, B, C, or D — that you think fits best.
London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also a very old city, dating
back nearly 2,000 years to days of the Roman Empire.
London, which is located on the River Thames and near the Atlantic coast, is one of the busiest centers of
commerce and finance in the world.
People of many nationalities and occupations can be found in this historic city. In the shopping areas, a wide
range of goods is offered to the public. People travel about the large, busy city in subways or on double- decked
At the center of London is Trafalgar Square, with its tall statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson, a British hero.
Other attractions for visitors to London include Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral,
the British Museum, and many lovely parks and gardens. Many visitors also go to Parliament to watch the British
lawmakers at work in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
46. While not stated in the article, you can tell that
A. London is located on the ocean. B. London is a new city.
C. sea trade probably helped London grow. D. London was the capital of the Roman Empire.

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
47. This article as a whole is about …………..
A. London, a large, busy city B. commerce and finance.
C. the capital of the U.S. D. Admiral Horatio Nelson.
48. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. London is a large city. B. London is on the Thames River:
C. London is 5,000 years old. D. Buckingham Palace is located in London.
49. The statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson is found ………..
A. at the center of London. B. in Trafalgar Square.
C. in the British Museum D. in Buckingham Palace
50. The House of Commons and the House of Lords are parts of………..
A. St. Paul’s Cathedral B. the British Museum
C. Buckingham Palace D. the British Parliament
VII. Rewrite the following sentences.
51. I started learning English 5 years ago.
I have……………………………………………………………………………………….
52. This is the first time I have been to Hanoi.
I have never…………………………………………………………………………………
53. The last time I saw him was in 1995.
I haven’t …………………………………………………………………………………..,
54. Harry left before we reached the hotel.
By the time ………………………………………………………………………………….
55. We haven’t seen Ann for years.
56. He is very careless. He always makes a lot of mistakes in doing things.
It’s careless of him……………………………………………………………………………
57. We can’t succeed if you don’t help us.
Without ……………………………………………………………………………………….
58. ‘You will succeed if you are patient and hard-working”.
She told me that…………………………………………………………………………………..
VIII. Give the right form of words.
59. She came in, said good morning in a very ………..way. ( friend)
60. This coffee is too ………….for me to drink. ( heat)
61. During his ……………., the family lived in Cornwall. (child)
62. The weather this summer is very …………..( please)
63. Their………….has lasted a lifetime. ( friend)
64. She was sent to prison for ……………for murdering her husband. ( live)
65. My brother is a stamp……….( collect)
66. He cycled ……………….and had an accident. ( care)
67. Juliet felt…………..when she got a bad mark at math. ( happy)
68. Mrs. Jane who has got a lung cancer is going to have an …………next week. ( operate)
69. Her sister stayed at the …………ward two day before having a baby. ( maternal)
70. Laurie didn’t feel …………..after taking some medicine.( good)
IX. Choose the best answer.
71. There………..of stars in the sky. ( is million, are million, has million, are millions)
72. There………..a number of people waiting to see you now. ( is, are, was, were)
73. That man can tell us where ……………. ( does John live, John living, John lives, does John lives)
74. The year 1670 was in the…………century. ( 15th, 17th, 16th, 18th )
75. In a fortnight there are……….days. ( 10, 12, 14, 40)
76. When you go out, please buy 2 ……..of soap for me. ( pieces, sticks, bars, rods)
77. Take 2 ………..of this medicine after each meal. ( spoonfuls, spoonful, spoon’s full, spoonful’s)

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
78. I want to thank you for your letter……….you told me about the weather in England.( in which, that,
where, within which)

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
1. “That’s correct. The new ring road will be built through the wood.”
The government.............................................................................................................................................
2. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
3. The heavy snow made it impossible for them to have their picnic.
They were.......................................................................................................................................................
4. Everybody has agreed that changes to the scheme are necessary.
Changes .........................................................................................................................................................
5. My father didn’t return to his hometown until the war ended.
Not until.........................................................................................................................................................
6. He promised not to report me to the police.
I .....................................................................................................................................................................
7. After twenty-five years of hard work, he made a decision to retire.
After he..........................................................................................................................................................
8. They are going to rebuild our kitchen next week.
We .................................................................................................................................................................
9. “Oh, just a minute, was it Leonardo or Michelangelo who painted the Mona Lisa?
He couldn’t.....................................................................................................................................................
10. The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
So many..................................................................................................................................

II. Identify the one underlined word or phrase — A, B, C or D — that must changed for the sentence to
be correct.
31. The manager sent on his new striker, whose scored a brilliant goal.
32. No one has said anything would persuade me to change my mind.
33. Who dumped this rubbish here doesn't care about the environment.
34. Some snakes have hollow teeth they are called fangs that they use to poison
their victims.
35. Although her friends tried to convince her to apply for the job at the factory, Christine
Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
resisted to make an application.

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. worthy B. month C. weather D. with
2. A. would B. should C. shoulder D. could
3. A. matter B. talk C. tank D. back
4. A. convinced B. called C. formed D. controlled
5. A. native B. nature C. natural D. nation
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
6. A. considerate B. communicate C. discovery D. economic
7. A. insect B. identify C. effective D. infectious
8. A. committee B. referee C. employee D. refugee
9. A. display B. lecture C. different D. grocery
10. A. mature B. nature C. culture D. measure
III. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
11. I (A) have always wanted (B) to visit Paris, (C) that is the capital of (D) France.
12. Have you (A) ever met (B) the student (C) is standing (D) over there?
13. Do you (A) have (B) the book that (C) belong to (D) the teacher?
14. Do you (A) remember Mrs. Goddard, (B) who taught us (C) the English composition when we
were (D) in Grade 10?
15. I (A) have three (B) brothers, all of (C) whom are (D) businessman.
16. Our (A) neighbours’ music (B) sounded (C) loudly (D) last night.
17. It was (A) so long lesson that we (B) could not (C) finish it (D) in one day.
18. (A) Nothing can process (B) data more (C) efficient than (D) a computer.
19. (A) Wrapped in pretty green paper, he (B) put (C) the package (D) on the table.
20. My mother (A) bought some (B) five-dollars-a-pound cheese (C) at (D) the supermarket.
IV. Choose the best answers from the given ones to complete the following sentences.
21. ………….., the son of a glove maker in Stratford-upon-Avon, went on to become the greatest
playwright the English language has ever known.
A. William Shakespeare was B. That William Shakespeare
C. William Shakespeare D. When William Shakespeare was
22. While she …………… on the phone, someone knocked on the door.
A. was talking B. talked C. had talked D. had been talking
23. Are you any good …………. maths? I’m hopeless.
A. for B. at C. in D. of
24. Pleased (meet) you. Glad (hear) that you’re enjoying your stay.
A. to meet / to hear B meeting / hearing C. to meet / to have heard D. to have met / to have heard
25. “What are you excited ……………….? “ “We’re going on holiday tomorrow.”
A. for B. of C. about D. in
26. They last visited me five years ago. To express the same idea, the correct sentence should be:
A. They haven’t visited me during five years. B. They have last visited me since five years ago.
C. They visited me for the last time in five years. D. They haven’t visited me for five years.
27. That young man still denies ……….. the fire behind the store.
A. to start B. having started C. to starting D. having been started
28. I’m fed up ……………. this weather! Where’s the sunshine gone?
A. about B. from C. at D. with
29. While formerly a member of the sports club, Mr. Teeters …………. tennis there regularly.
A. is used to playing B. was used to play C. used to play D. used to playing
30. I’m sorry I missed your birthday party, I really wish I …………….
A. will come B. came C. would come D. had come

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
31. This beach is usually closed …………. a rain day.
A. in B. on C. at D. while
32. “I will get home at about seven, and I’ll give you a ring then”. To express the same idea, the
correct sentence should be:
A. I’ll give you a ring when I get home at about seven.
B. I’ll give you a ring when I’ll get home at about seven.
C. I’ll give you a ring and then I get home at about seven.
D. I’ll give you a ring after I’ll get home at about seven.
33. It’s a pity you missed the party. If you ………you …………… friends from Hanoi.
A. had come / would meet B. came / would meet
C. come / will meet D. had come / would have met
34. “I told her I thought she was stupid.’ “That wasn’t very kind ………… you.”
A. to B. for C. of D. from
35. All right, Johnny, it’s time you ……………. to bed.
A. went B. would go C. will be going D. going to go
V. Read the passage and choose the most suitable word for every gap.
Can you imagine the world without colours? The world around us (36) … very colourful. Life (37) …………
be very dull and grey if there were no colour. People like to be surrounded with colourful things. Many years ago,
people (38) ….. to make themselves as colourful as the things they (39) ….. They did this by (40) ………..
patterns on their bodies and (41) ….. themselves. When they learned to make cloth to cove their bodies, they (42)
…… find ways and means of colouring brightly. In time, they discovered the method of (43) …… their
clothes. People (44) …….. how to dye their clothes even before they knew how to read or write. During that time,
men did not know how to make dye, so they got their colours from what they (45) …… around them.
36. A. was B. has been C. is D. are
37. A. will B. should C. could D. would
38. A. wanted B. were wanted C. have wanted D. wanting
39. A. see B. have seen C. saw D. were seeing
40. A. make B. making C. made D. have made
41. A. paint B. to paint C. painted D. painting
42. A. try B. tried C. trying D. to try
43. A. dyed B. dye C. being dye D. dyeing
44. A. have known B. were knowing C. knew D. are known
45. A. could find B. can find C. should find D. must find
VI. Read the passage and choose the answer — A, B, C, or D — that you think fits best.
London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also a very old city, dating
back nearly 2,000 years to days of the Roman Empire.
London, which is located on the River Thames and near the Atlantic coast, is one of the busiest centers of
commerce and finance in the world.
People of many nationalities and occupations can be found in this historic city. In the shopping areas, a wide
range of goods is offered to the public. People travel about the large, busy city in subways or on double- decked
At the center of London is Trafalgar Square, with its tall statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson, a British hero.
Other attractions for visitors to London include Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral,
the British Museum, and many lovely parks and gardens. Many visitors also go to Parliament to watch the British
lawmakers at work in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
46. While not stated in the article, you can tell that
A. London is located on the ocean. B. London is a new city.
C. sea trade probably helped London grow. D. London was the capital of the Roman Empire.

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
47. This article as a whole is about …………..
A. London, a large, busy city B. commerce and finance.
C. the capital of the U.S. D. Admiral Horatio Nelson.
48. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. London is a large city. B. London is on the Thames River:
C. London is 5,000 years old. D. Buckingham Palace is located in London.
49. The statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson is found ………..
A. at the center of London. B. in Trafalgar Square.
C. in the British Museum D. in Buckingham Palace
50. The House of Commons and the House of Lords are parts of………..
A. St. Paul’s Cathedral B. the British Museum
C. Buckingham Palace D. the British Parliament
VII. Rewrite the following sentences.
51. I started learning English 5 years ago.
I have learnt/ been learning E for 5 years.
52. This is the first time I have been to Hanoi.
I have never been to HN before.
53. The last time I saw him was in 1995.
I haven’t seen him since 1995.
54. Harry left before we reached the hotel.
By the time we reached the hotel, Harry had left.
55. We haven’t seen Ann for years.
It is years since I last saw Ann.
56. He is very careless. He always makes a lot of mistakes in doing things.
It’s careless of him to make a lot of mistakes in doing things.
57. We can’t succeed if you don’t help us.
Without your help, we can’t succeed.
58. ‘You will succeed if you are patient and hard-working”.
She told me that I would succeed if I was patient and hardworking.
VIII. Give the right form of words.
59. She came in, said good morning in a very friendly way. ( friend)
60. This coffee is too hot for me to drink. ( heat)
61. During his childhood, the family lived in Cornwall. (child)
62. The weather this summer is very pleasant. ( please)
63. Their friendship has lasted a lifetime. ( friend)
64. She was sent to prison for life for murdering her husband. ( live)
65. My brother is a stamp collector. ( collect)
66. He cycled carelessly and had an accident. ( care)
67. Juliet felt unhappy when she got a bad mark at math. ( happy)
68. Mrs. Jane who has got a lung cancer is going to have an operation next week. ( operate)
69. Her sister stayed at the maternity ward two day before having a baby. ( maternal)
70. Laurie didn’t feel well after taking some medicine.( good)
IX. Choose the best answer.
71. There………..of stars in the sky. ( is million, are million, has million, are millions)
72. There………..a number of people waiting to see you now. ( is, are, was, were)
73. That man can tell us where ……………. ( does John live, John living, John lives, does John lives)
74. The year 1670 was in the…………century. ( 15th, 17th, 16th, 18th )
75. In a fortnight there are……….days. ( 10, 12, 14, 40)
76. When you go out, please buy 2 ……..of soap for me. ( pieces, sticks, bars, rods)
77. Take 2 ………..of this medicine after each meal. ( spoonfuls, spoonful, spoon’s full, spoonful’s)

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school
78. I want to thank you for your letter……….you told me about the weather in England.( in which,
that, where, within which)

Created by Do Thi To Nga - Quang Trung - Dong Da high school


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