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Protective relay as “a relay whose function is to detect

defective lines or apparatus or other power system conditions of an
abnormal or dangerous nature and to initiate appropriate control
circuit action” (IEEE 100). Relaying is nonprofit, non
revenue-producing item that is not necessary in the normal operation
of an electrical power unless there is a faulty situation occurred.
Decision making ability must be used while applying a protective
relaying in order to balance between solidity and security.

As it was said in the Powerpoint , it is hard to evaluate an

individual relay’s performance. Performing relay operations may be
categorized as, correct (95% to 99%), incorrect (failure to trip or
false tripping and no conclusion. The six categories of the
protection zones are generators and generator-transformer unit,
transformers, buses, lines (transmission, subtransmission, and
distribution), utilization equipments (motors, static loads, or other),
and lastly the capacitor or reactor banks ( when separately
protected). Each category have their own designed primary
protection. Each protection have their own process to protect the
adjacent equipment.

There’s a check list produced to guide the consultants,

manufacturer, and other engineers. It was developed for so many
years to assist. The information for applications are as follows, (1)
Single-line diagram of the system or area involved, (2) Impedance
and connections of the power equipments, system frequency, voltage,
and phase sequence, (3) unless new, existing protection and
problems, (4) Operating procedures, and practices affecting the
protection, (5) Importance of the protection; pilot, nonpilot, and so on,
(6) System fault study, (7) Maximum load and system swing limits, (8)
CT and VT locations, connections and ratios, (9) Future expansions
expected or anticipated. These are very useful for the operating
personnel in order for them to know the cause and to prevent the

Each utility owned have there own protection, which

exist within their territory, which included generating plants,
transmission and distribution system, down to the point of interface
with the customer. The utility are the ones who are responsible for
the application, design, construction, settings, testing, and the
maintenance. It was said in the Powerpoint that the power industry
doesn’t change the technical and practical aspect that are related to
the application of the power system protection, but it does have an
impact when the protection process was carried out. If they present
out a new protection system this things must be considered
resources, must be familiar with the concept of the power system
planning process, power industries must have good documentation
and an exchange in information in order to conduct studies and to
verify the information, hazard must be identified and have an
appropriate protection system applied, uniform design must be

Given the significant structural changes in the power

industry , the standards and procedures must be develop to facilitate
efficient market operation and ensuring the system operation.
Protection requirements regarding issues related to the reliability
and safety of the electrical system must be develop as part of the
procedure. Although damage to equipment can be costly to the
owner, these failures also present challenges to the reliability of
operation of the electrical system. Minimizing the range and are of
failure. Ensure that faults are detected and fixing in in time as the
electrical system must remain stable.



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