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Course: Grade 2 Health Lesson Date: November 20, 2020

Instructor: Kyra Peake

Stage 1: Desired Results


Develop effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
SLO(s): Students will:
 Recognize and value strengths and talents that members bring to a group; e.g., identify
skills each member can offer

Students will:
 Recognize that people are unique and special
 Recognize that people have different skills

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

 You-tube: The Crayon Boxed That Talked
Summative None Formative
 The poem read as a class
Assessment Assessment  The colouring worksheet

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Tech 30 minutes
Resources Worksheet, computer, smartboard, pencil crayons or
to Do to Bring regular crayons

Time Sequence and Description Notes

 Greet students, get them settled in at their tables.

5 minutes  Start You-Tube video: A Read-aloud of the book The Crayon Box
That Talked (

 After the You-Tube video, talk about the story and have discussion
questions ready to ask and have answered by the students.
5 minutes
 Get them thinking about the book and how it applies to themselves
as young students growing up as different individuals.

15 minutes  Read The Crayon Box That Talked poem right after the video.
 Then introduce the colouring/worksheet that the students will colour
and fill out with the teacher writing down answers on the white
board to help with their spelling.
 Paper Passer will be asked to help give out worksheets
Topic Page 1
Course: Grade 2 Health Lesson Date: November 20, 2020
Instructor: Kyra Peake

 To clean up pencil crayons or other supplies

 Gather worksheets
 Lastly talk about and share the poem titled: The Crayon Box That
5 minutes
Talked (leave that in their minds.)
 Have everyone read the poem together as a class.

You-Tube Video: A Read-aloud of the book The Crayon Box That Talked

Story Summary: The Crayon Box That Talked considers questions about discrimination, prejudice,
cooperation, and identity:
 A girl goes into a shop and overhears crayons arguing. Yellow and Green hate Red and no one
likes Orange. So the girl buys the box of crayons and uses all colors to make a picture, showing all
the colors how each of them contributed to create something beautiful.

Discussion/ Cooperation: Questions: We are a box of crayons, each one of us unique. But
when we get together…The picture is complete.

1. Why did the crayons dislike each other?

 Because each crayon is different and has a different talent.

2. How were the crayons different?

 They are all different colours that can help create an image

3. If the crayons were exactly like each other, would the picture be as beautiful?
 No! The picture would be dull and boring.

4. Do people need to like each other to work together and produce great results?
 Of course! Working together buildings teamwork skills and kind manors.

5. Is it better to work together or alone?

 It’s better to work together because teamwork promotes
strong working relationships and friendships.

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Course: Grade 2 Health Lesson Date: November 20, 2020
Instructor: Kyra Peake

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Course: Grade 2 Health Lesson Date: November 20, 2020
Instructor: Kyra Peake

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Course: Grade 2 Health Lesson Date: November 20, 2020
Instructor: Kyra Peake

Topic Page 5

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