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Qur’an Tafsir (E)

Sis. Nizwa (Typed in English by Iman B.)

Levels of Wahi- Revelation—Imam Ibn Qayum (RM) book—Zaad Al Maad

1. Viewing of Truthful dreams
2. Putting Wahi in the heart of the Prophet (SAAW) by ALLAH without the
interference of Angels.
3. Angels taking human form and brings Wahi
4. Sometimes bell ringing sound would come and Revelations would come to the
Prophet (SAAW).
5. Angel coming in its original form and brings Wahi.
6. Direct conversation with ALLAH (eg., at the night of Mirage)
7. Standing behind the curtain of ALLAH and conversating
8. Without curtain speaking to ALLAH (but there are contradictory views on this as
no humans can see ALLAH, but we will be able to see ALLAH as we see the Sun in
this world.)
In Paradise, ALLAH will ask “what else is that you want/desire,” Jannati will say “you
have already given us everything what else do we need…”ALLAH will remove the curtain
between us and ALLAH and that will be the most beautiful view.
Note: Intuition
Revelation is specific to the Prophets; Revelation cannot come to those who are not Prophets.
There are differences between “Wahi and Inspiration”
1. Inspiration can come to good people as well as to the Prophets (this means putting
good thoughts in the hearts of good people or they see something that is good in front
of their eyes, which is shown to them by ALLAH.)
2. Revelation is not in the control of any Prophets, ALLAH reveals when and, as He
3. Wahi comes to the Prophets as Ilham, which is truthful, but the Ilham of good pious
people can be truthful but it will not be part of deen.

Wahi-e-Matlu Wahi-e-Gain Matlu

Revelation that can be recited Revelation that can’t be recited
The Revelation of Quran The Revelation of Hadees
This is from ALLAH (SWT) This is also from ALLAH (SWT)
It is obligatory to believe and it is all It is obligatory to believe and is all
according to this Revelation according to this Revelation

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