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BSBHRM512 - Develop and manage performance management processes


BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

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Please ensure this form is fully completed prior to submitting.

This page should be on the front of your assessment and needs to be easily accessible.

Student Number: NAVJEET KAUR

Student Name: 170164

Develop and manage performance management


Course: Dip of leadership and management

I hereby certify that:
1. This assessment task is my own work based on my personal study/research and not the work of
another student and/or source.
2. I have acknowledged all material and sources used to prepare this assessment task.
3. I have not plagiarised or copied any part of this assessment task from the work of any other student
or source either.
4. This assessment task has not previously been submitted.
5. I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer & Assessor.
6. I have retained a copy of this assessment task for my own records.
7. I have completed all my assessments, tasks & activities (on moodle®) successfully.

Student’s Signature: _______navjeetkaur________________________ Date: ____19|07|


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Student instructions

This assessment must be based on where you work (or have worked most recently).

This Assessment is designed to test the knowledge that you have acquired throughout the unit. Use the
following tips to help you answer the questions:

Read each question carefully. Check with your trainer or assessor if you are not sure what the question is

HINT: Use these questions as subheadings to create a business style report to answer your assessment

Your response to each question should aim to provide enough information to answer the question. In most
cases, this can be done with just a few paragraphs. Don’t forget to refer to attachments under the heading
(question) applicable, e.g. ‘See attached email’.

Important: Your assessment must contain this coversheet and your own coversheet (for your “report”)

Your answers & assessment submission must professional in style (Business), content and format.
Wentworth Institute RTO Code: 91178 November 2017 Version: 1.0
Maximum font size 11 points: Font Arial or Times New Roman; single spacing; clear paragraphswith
appropriate punctuation, spellchecking and final submission will need to be proof-read. (i.e. few missing
words or typo’s)

In particular:
- Use clear, non-discriminatory language
- Avoid the use of jargon
- Write clearly using plain English
- Consider your target audience
- Ensure that your responses meet the needs of the target audience (in this case your trainer or assessor).
All of your work must be original.

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

● develop, implement, monitor and review an organisational performance management process which
supports business goals including analysing the organisational strategic and operational plan
● design methods for the development of key performance indicators and formal performance
management sessions by line managers
● consult with stakeholders to gain support
● design, develop, coordinate and implement individual and group learning and development
● train line managers and other relevant people to manage performance
● provide support to line managers to effectively manage performance issues, including dispute
resolution and termination of employment
● develop approaches to improve performance and address identified performance gaps.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
● list characteristics of a learning organisation
● outline policies and legislation relevant to performance management
● summarise grievance procedures
● explain models for giving feedback and options for skill development
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● describe options in the design of performance management processes
● outline role of performance management in relation to broader human resources and business

Marking and Criteria guide:  

Assessor and student must read this carefully before assessment. 

A 75% demonstrated competence in the answers is the benchmark only and students & assessors must note
that professionally critical aspects/concepts must be included (implementation of performance management
processes and development) .

All parts (criteria) in the marking guide must be completed successfully for the student to achieve competence in
this unit.
EDUCATOR to complete 
Observation/assessment  Satisfactory/not Comments

Pre-assessment work completed

ACTIVITY 1 – Skills Activity

Organisation’s strategic and operational plans NS NAME THE ORGANISATION

Document created. NS NO DOCUMENT CREATED

Feedback gained and reported created. NEEDS TO CREATE THE REPORT


Managing performance management NS NEEDSTO DO A PLAN

processes created.
Use of effective communication S
At least two different employment NEEDS TO GIVE THE EXAMPLE
situations within your place of work
described. NS

Training process and talent managed. S

Performance gaps identified. S

Practical Checklist 
Assessor to complete:(circle) 

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Did you observe the student?YesNo 
Further comments required 
Assessor Comments 

Resubmission required? Yes_________

Date resubmission must be handed in:  ________________________ 
Assessor’s name and signature:  ___ROSE A 30.10.2019___________________________ 
Date:  _________________________ 

Activity 1 –Skill Activity

1. Locate and critically analyse your organisation’s strategic and operational plans. Identify and
briefly describe any relevant policies and objectives to be addressed in performance
management processes.

This year, our supermarket's main operating plan is to expand the product range and attract more customers
with more abundant products. Because there is another chain of Asian supermarkets in the nearby shopping
center, our goal is to capture as much market share as possible and increase revenue.
In order to achieve this goal, all employees need to cooperate. As far as the current situation is concerned, all
employees must strengthen coordination and teamwork. The workload of each person will increase, and as
the number of customers’ increases, the number of customer services will increase. This is a challenge; of
course, we can also apply for a proper salary increase to encourage employees to work hard.
In performance management, we not only pay attention to the number of customer services, but also pay
attention to customer service feedback, whether they are satisfied with our services, and whether they are
satisfied with the products we provide. Our managers need to find and negotiate more suppliers, the store
men need to do inventory checks and refill the shelves again and again, and the cashier needs to serve more
Everyone strives to accomplish performance and guarantees the quality of the completion. No difficulty can
be overcome.

2. Create a document that can be presented to line managers within the workplace which provides them
with information regarding objectives for performance management and methods that can be used to
develop key performance indicators for those reporting to them.

This form is a performance management table for our supermarket cashiers and storemen working on each
day, showing each person's work status through specific data and content.

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Cashiers’ day performance management table

Name Number of service Customer service Problems found at work Another

customers feedback situation report

Cashier Ellie


Storemen’s day performance management table

Name Number of Shipped supplier Number of products that are Another

refilling selves name about to expire quantity situation report



3. Gain feedback from both providers and participants in relation to learning and development
standards. Using this information, together with performance data, report on the success rates of
activities to appropriate managers.
Managing communications effectively is a key dimension of leadership. To ensure that the evaluation of
a manager’s performance is meaningful and focused, it is recommended that school and manager
agree upon a set of Performance Indicators based on which the manager’s performance will be
assessed over a 12-month cycle. For existing managers, this should be done as part of the annual
performance evaluation process.
Managers who are actively involved in their own development are more motivated and provide better
learning and development outcomes for the children they engage with. Therefore, providing
opportunities for ongoing development of employees is a critical consideration for School. It is
important that the manager and school discuss appropriate development and support options that will
meet the needs of the managers.
School must keep in mind that manager who is being observed is likely to feel intimidated or nervous,
and this may impact on his/her performance on the day. It is important to ensure that the manner in
which the observation is conducted provides evidence representing the normal practice and skill of the
employee. To enable public sector schools to implement school-based management, they have been
given greater autonomy in the delivery of education and the deployment of resources. The ultimate
aim of school-based management is to empower schools to develop their own characteristics and
deliver quality education to meet the needs of their pupils, improving their achievement and learning
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4. Within your workplace or organization, demonstrate the completion of the following while
managing performance management processes:
a. Take responsibility for developing, implementing and monitoring processes and
strategies to manage performance
b. Monitor the adherence to organizational and legal requirements
c. Use systematic, analytical processes in complex, non-routine situations, setting goals,
gathering relevant information, and identifying and evaluating options against agreed
d. Store, access and organise digital information in line with organisational procedures.

The answer to a:
● In my workplace, our supermarket recently replaced all the old selves into new ones. First, our
manager makes a plan about how many selves we need and how many days we need to finish
replacing all the selves, he made some data and went to talk a few managers whose shops sell selves.
Since our organization has just been established and our team is very small, we each are
responsible for the different phases of performance management. This is predominantly
accomplished by gaining feedback from clients.

The answer to b:
Whether to strictly comply with organizational and legal requirements affects the safety of us and our
When we replaced the shelves, we found that the new shelves did not have the screws attached, so we tried to
install them with screws that were replaced from the old shelves. However, we immediately found that the
screws on the old shelves were slightly larger than the screws required for the new shelves, and they could
barely be used, but that may cause difficulties and other unsafe factors. So, our manager immediately
purchased new screws to prevent security problems.
The answer to c:
Like any other organization, the staff and the owner have regular meetings to monitor our progress, as an
organization, towards our strategic and operational goals, while also determining avenues that could use
We tried various programs, the manager invited the experienced people to help, and we finally found that we
should provide customers with a more comfortable shopping space. So, in the end, we customized the
shelves of other sizes for the corners and the selves for corners were sent in 3 weeks. After the installation,
the problem was solved.
Answer to d:
Information is stored and backed up in an organized manner on three platforms; computers, external hard
drives and online file storage systems. The manager checks the system regularly every week. Other data of
the supermarket is recorded in the manager's computer system. The delivery note received is kept by the
store men.

5. Throughout the performance management process, highlight the use of effective communication
skills during the following tasks:
a. Liaising with personnel in a range of work contexts
b. Supporting line managers to achieve goals, playing an active role in facilitating effective
group interaction
c. Negotiating with others to achieve agreeable outcomes playing an active role in
facilitating consensus in contentious situations.

The answer to a:
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As a store man, I talk to cashiers, manager, my boss, delivery people, and customers. Talking to different
people requires different communication skills. Talking to a colleague, you need to accurately convey what
you want to say; talking to the boss, besides saying hello, only talks about things that must be reported to the
boss; talking to the manager, you need to talk about the main important things, help him as much as possible
save time. The way and tone of communication sometimes play a decisive role. Your smile may bring you a
satisfactory result, and your impatience may bring results that no one wants to accept.
The answer to b:
As a team leader, you can help the manager to share some tasks, or that you can communicate with other
departments, especially those that are closely related to the work of your department, and often make the
work more effective. Having a good relationship with the leaders of other departments is the most crucial.
Some work can be done in advance. In fact, your advice to other departments is also important. Giving
suggestions to other departments doesn’t mean you talk volubly with indiscreet remarks and criticisms. It's
just saying that if you use the right way, you can make things simpler, more efficient, and more harmonious.
The answer to c:
If the company has some resources that you want to use but you must apply for approval from the boss, you
have to give a reasonable reason to convince your boss why he should give you the resources.
In other words, the reasons you give should be accepted by your boss. Let him feel that your ideas are
operational, helpful to the company, and even your ideas are better than others’, it is easier for him to give
resources to you.

Skills A B C

1 Working The top priority for Fosters a sense of

collaboratively line managers is common purpose
allows teams to delegation. and provides
work productively Successful direction
and deliver positive delegation starts
outcomes. with matching
Employers often people and tasks ,
seek applicants who so you first need to
have a proven track explain what your
record of working team’s role and
successfully within goals are.
a team

2 Sets performance Your skill in this Demonstrates

goals and allocates aspect of flexibility in spoken
tasks and workload management will interactions, in a
define your long range of verbal
term success as a interactions, using
manager. If you can persuasive language
help team members to present positions
to become better at and reach
what they do you agreement
will be a manager
who people aspire
to work for.

3 Identifies The most core and Applies problem-

opportunities that effective way of solving skills to
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challenge and developing team is address negotiation
encourage the to ensure that you issues.
development of give regular
people feedback to
members working
under your

6. Provide examples of at least two different employment situations within your place of work. How
can you ensure that performance management processes are flexible enough to cover these
employment situations?

Refer to the table I designed for question 2.

The main employees of our supermarket are cashiers and storemen. Usually, the work content of these two
professions cannot be the same. Cashiers are more likely to deal with customer service and they need a
smile on the face; the storemen are more often dealing with goods and we need to be familiar with all the
information about the goods. Therefore, it corresponds to: the performance management assessment
content of these two positions should be set to different content.
The content of performance management should be evaluated in accordance with the main work content and
service targets of different positions and can provide timely feedback to help employees learn and
We have full-time and casual employees.
● One of the primary ways of ensuring flexibility in performance management systems is by
facilitating open communication channels between employers and employees.
● Casual employees can be used for short irregular periods of work, but can also work in long-
term arrangements. Some awards also require casuals to be paid for a minimum of three- or
four-hours work – depending on the award.
Employment Situations
Full Time:
A full time employee :
usually works on average, 38 hours a week.
Is a permanent employee or in a contract.
The actual work hours of an employee in a particular job or industry are agreed between
employers and an employee set by an award or agreement.
Casual Employee
A casual employee does not have a firm commitment in advance from an employer about how
long they will be employed for, or the days they will work. A casual employee does not commit
to all work an employer might offer.
For example, an employee who works to a roster that could change each week and can refuse or
swap shift is casual.
Fixed term employee
Fixed term contract employees are employed for a specific period of time or task. For example a
6 month contract where employment ends after 6 months.Fixed term employees are different to

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permanent employees who are employed on an ongoing basis until the employer or employee
ends the employment relationship.

7. What might line managers need to be made aware of during training so that they can manage
talent within the workplace?

I think the manager first needs to know the mastery of the main content of the training for each employee. So
managers need to pay more attention to these issues:
● Is this a training that most employees find meaningful?
● Whether most employees have mastered the main content of training, and which employees are
not well trained, how should we help them?
● How many employees can use the training content in the future work to help improve their work
● If employees have opinions and suggestions on training, how can we adjust and improve the
training content?
● For employees, what other content do you want to have?
After we understand the above information, we can guide employees to help them learn and develop well.

8. Identify the performance gaps and provide three possible reasons for why an employee or work team
could be continually performing below standard.

In my opinion, if an employee or a team is always low compared to the performance of other colleagues in the
company and continues to do so, we may find some obvious reasons for these results.
This employee or the team has problems with it. By observing, we can see that this employee or the team is
different from other colleagues at work.
First of all, maybe this employee or this team has no passion for work. This often leads them to not spend energy
on their work but always think about things that are not related to work.
Second, the employee or the team lacks the ability to work. If they don't have the ability to get the job done, even
if they want to do a good job, it will affect the outcome of the work.
Moreover, the employee or the team itself did not take the initiative to change the poor performance. If a person
really wants to do something, there must be some change.
We look for reasons from the leadership.
First, the leadership did not pay attention to such low performance, which led to consistently lower performance
than other employees.
Second, the leaders paid attention to this situation but did not make an effective solution. Maybe the leaders gave
some help, but not enough to change their performance.
Third, there is not enough communication between leaders and employees. Or, communication is invalid.
The above 6 reasons may lead to such a situation.
The solution is not difficult. Through the employee himself/herself and effective help from the leader to solve the
problem together, they need to communicate with each other frequently to help the employee or team
change the situation of low performance.

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