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Technical Report

Geotechnical Investigation

Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City.


Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation Limited, Rajkot

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1 Introduction 3

2 Field Investigation 3-6

3 Laboratory Investigation 7-8

4 Soil/Rock Stratifications 9-12

5 Classification Based On RMR Value 13

6 Summary of RMR Value 14

7 Recommendation 15

8 Appendix A 16

A Location Plan 17

B Bore Log 18-23

C Record of Trial pit 24

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Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation Limited, Rajkot, proposes Soil Investigation work for
Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City.

The Job was carried out under work order No: PHC/TECH/E.E./149/2019 0n dated 23.01.2019
under the guidance and supervision of the soil personnel of Shreeji Material Testing Laboratory,
Bhavnagar and client's engineer.

The object of the sub soil/rock exploration was (i) To determine .the probable sub surface
conditions such as stratification, denseness or hardness of the strata, position of ground water
table etc., and, (ii) To give probable range of safe bearing capacity for the structure. To
Accomplish these purposes; the study was conducted in the following phases:

(1) Drilling boreholes in order to determine site stratification and to collect disturb, undisturbed
soil samples and rock core samples for laboratory testing

(2)Testing selected soil/rock samples in the laboratory to determine physical and engineering
Properties of the soil/rock.

(3)Analyzing all field and laboratory data in order to develop engineering recommendations for
foundation design and construction.


2.1 Boreholes

The exploratory boreholes were drilled by hydraulic feed rotary drilling. Drilling was carried out
using calyx type drilling machine fitted with TC section bits and surface set diamond bits. The
locations of boreholes were dictated by client. The depth of the test bore at the proposed location
is as under:
Bore Hole No. Location Bore Hole Depth Investigated (m)
BH.1and 4 Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot 10.0
BH 2 and 3 30.0

2.2 Trial Pit

The trial pit was excavated and the stratifications were observed and the undisturbed soil samples were taken from
the bottom of the pit.

Trial Pit Location Depth Investigated (m)

Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot
TP-1 City. 1.5

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2.1.1 Disturbed Samples

Disturbed representative samples were collected, logged, labeled and placed in polythene bag &
send at Laboratory for testing.

2.1.2 Undisturbed Samples

Undisturbed soil samples are collected in 100 mm diameter thin walled sampler (Shelby tube)
from the boreholes. The sampler used for the sampling had smooth surface and appropriate area
ratio and cutting edge angle thereby minimizing disturbance of soil during sampling.

2.1.3 Ground Water Table

Ground Water table was encountered at 15.0 mt depths in the boreholes up to termination depth
(30 mt) below EGL at time investigated during the sub surface investigation carried out in the
month of (January-2019)

2.1.4 Method of Sampling

Sampler is coupled together with a sampler head to form a sampling assembly the sampler head
provide a non-flexible connection between the sampling tube and the drill rods. Vent holes are
provided in the sampler head to allow escape of water from the top of sampler tube during
penetration. The sampling tubes are made free from dust and rust. Coating of oil is applied on
both sides to obtain the undisturbed samples in best possible manner.

The sampler is then lowered inside the bore hole on a string of rods and driven to a
predetermined level. On completion of driving the sampler is first rotated within the borehole to
shear the soil sample at bottom and then pulled out. Upon removal of the sampling tubes, the
length of sample in the tube is recorded. The disturbed material in the upper end of the tube, if
any, is completely removed before sealing.

The soil at the lower end of the tube is trimmed to a distance of about 10 to 20 mm. After
cleaning and inserting an impervious disc at each end, both ends are sealed. The empty space in
the sampler, if any, is filled with the moist soil, and the ends covered with tight wrapper. The
identification mark is then made on each sample.

2.1.5 Drilling in Rocks

When rock was encountered a double tube core barrel and Nx sized Tc/Diamond bits are used
for drilling and recovering rock cores. Recovered rock cores were numbered serially and
preserved in wooden core boxes. Rock core recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) were
computed for every run length drilled. Detailed core logs of boreholes were prepared by
geologist at site

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Rock classification in terms of weathering and state of fractures and strength is carried out in the
following manner. Tabulations given in below explain it briefly.

Scale of Weathering Grades of Rock Mass (As per lS : 4464 )

Terms Description Grade Interpretation

No visible sign of rock material weathering, perhaps

Fresh I CR > 90%
Slight discoloration on major discontinuity surfaces.

Discoloration indicates weathering of rock material

Slightly CR between
and discontinuity surfaces. All the rock material may II
Weathered 70% to 90 %
be discolored by weathering.

Less than half of the rock material is decomposed or

Moderately Disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or discolored rock is CR between
Weathered present either as a continuous framework or as core 50% to 70%
More than half of the rock material is decomposed or
Disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or discolored rock is
Highly CR between
present either as a discontinuous framework or as IV
Weathered 10% to 50%

All rock material is decomposed and / or disintegrated

Completely CR between
to soil. The original mass structure is still largely V
Weathered Zero to 10%

All rock material is converted to soil. The mass

Structure and material fabric are destroyed. There is a CR = Zero%
Residual Soil VI
large change in volume, but the soil has not been But N>50
Significantly transported.
It should be understood that all grades of weathering may not be seen in a given rock mass and
that in some cases a particular grade may be present to a very small extent. Distribution of the
various weathering grades of rock material in the rock mass may be related to the porosity of the
rock material and presence of open discontinuities of all types in the rock mass.

Rock quality is further measured by frequency of natural joints in rock mass. Rock equality
Designation (RQD) is used to define state of fractures or massiveness of rock. Following table
defines the quality of rock mass.

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2.1.6 List of IS Codes Followed

1. IS-1892 : Code of practice for Subsurface Investigation of Foundations.

2. IS-1904 : Code Practice for Design and construction of foundation in soil:

General requirements.
3. IS-1498 : Classification and identification of soils for General Engineering
4. IS-2131 : Method for Standard Penetration Test for Soils
5. IS-2132 : Code for practice for Thin Walled Tube Sampling of Soils.
6. IS-5313 : Guide for Core Drilling Observations.
7. IS-4078 : Code of practice for indexing and storage of drill cores
8. IS-4464 : Code of practice for presentation of drilling information and core
description in foundation investigation
9. IS-6935 : Method of determination of water level in borehole
10. IS-7422 : Symbols and abbreviations for use of geological maps, section
and Sub surface exploratory logs
11. IS-9640 : Specification for split spoon sampler

2.2 Standard Penetration Test

The Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) (lS-2131, 1981) was carried out in the bore hole at
predetermined depths. It gives indirect evaluation of strength-deformation characteristics of the
sub soil. The test includes driving a split spoon sampler using a 63.5 kg hammer with a free fall
of 750mm. The first 15cm is considered as seating drive. The no. of blows required to penetrate
next 30 cm is reported as N-value. Empirical relations are established to correlate N-value with
the shear parameters or bearing capacity of soil. A disturbed soil sample is collected inside the
split spoon sampler which can be used to find soil classification and In-situ water Content.

If the no. of blows exceeds 50 before desired penetration is achieved, it is reported as N- value
>50 with the actual penetration achieved. Corrections to SPT N-value are applied for Cohesion
less soil as given below:

1. Due to Overburden- The N Value for Cohesion less Soil Shall be corrected for
Overburden as

N’ = 0.77 * Log 10 200, Where po = existing overburden in t/m2


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The laboratory tests on soil/rock samples were started immediately after the receipt of the same
in the laboratory. Following laboratory tests are carried out to determine the physical and
engineering properties of undisturbed, disturbed soil samples and rock core samples.

1. Dry Density and Natural Moisture Content (IS - 2720, Part - II)
2. Particle Size Analysis (IS - 2720, Part - IV, 1985)
3. Waterberg’s Limit (IS -2720, Paft-V,1985)
4. Specific Gravity (IS -2720 Part- 3, Section-2, '1980)
5. Shear Test (IS -2720 Part -XI 1986)
6. Water Absorption Test on Rock (lS-1330, 1991)
7. Density of Rock (IS-1330, 1991)
8. Unconfined Compressive Strength (IS-9143, 1979)

All laboratory tests are carried out as per the respective Indian Standards.

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3.1 Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock

Unconfined compressive strength of rock is determined in accordance IS: 9143. A loading

machine at sufficient capacity & applying load at required rate was used for this test. The
specimen tested was kept with moisture content as close to field condition as far as possible. The
length to diameter ratio was kept as 2 & if not possible, correction was applied taking
slenderness, standard ratio as 2.

The specimen was kept between two bearing plates wiped clean. The axis was aligned with the
Centre of the thrust of the cylindrical seat. A load was applied at a constant rate. The maximum
load was recorded with accuracy causing the failure.

Compressive Strength = Load at Failure (kg/cm2)

Cross Sectional area

3.2 Uniaxial Compressive Strength:-

The Uniaxial unconfined Compressive Strength test is Primarily as index test for strength
classification of Rock material. The test is Conducted as: The Specimen for shall be right
circular cylinder fulfilling the following criteria:
1. The Length to diameter ratio to cylindrical specimen shall preferably 2 to 3. If ratio is less
than usual correction shall be applied.
2. The diameter of the specimen shall be more than 10 times the largest mineral grain size in
rock, preferable 45mm, and in no case less than 30mm.
3. Specimen ends shall be flat to within 0.05mm.
4. The ends shall be parallel to each other within 0.002D where D is specimen diameter.
5. The ends shall be perpendicular to the axis of the specimen within 0.001 radians or 0.05mm
in 45mm diameter specimen.
6. The Cylindrical surface shall be smooth.
7. The unconfined compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated by devising the
maximum Load carried by the specimen during the test, by the original Cross-section area.

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Sub Soil Stratification

Field and laboratory test data reveal the general stratification as under:

Soil Stratification of boreholes

Borehole Observed
Depth (m) Stratification water Table
No SPT Value

0.00 to 0.5 m Blackish Sandy Clay (SC) -

Blackish fine to coarse grained,

0.5 to 1.5 m >50
clayey sand(SC)

Highly weathered prophetic Basalt

1.5 to 3.0 m -
Soft rock

Moderately weathered prophetic

3.0 to 4.5 m - Not
Basalt rock
at drill depth
Moderately weathered prophetic
4.5 to 6.0 m from EGL
Basalt rock

Moderately weathered prophetic

6.0 to 7.50 m -
Basalt rock

Slightly weathered prophetic Basalt

7.50 to 9.0 m -

Moderately weathered prophetic

9.0 to 10.0m
Basalt rock

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Soil Stratification of boreholes

Borehole Observed
Depth (m) Stratification water Table
No SPT Value

0.00 to 0.5 m Gravely Sandy Clay (GC) -

Blackish fine to coarse grained,

0.5 to 1.5m >50
clayey gravels (GC)

Highly weathered prophetic Basalt

1.50 to 3.0 m -
rock (WR)

Highly weathered prophetic Basalt

3.0 to 4.5m -

Highly weathered prophetic Basalt

4.5 to 6.0 m -
Highly weathered prophetic Basalt at 15.0 mt
BH-2 6.0 to 7.50 m -
rock depth from
Highly weathered prophetic Basalt
7.50 to 9.0 m -

Highly weathered prophetic Basalt

9.0 to 10.5 m -

Moderately weathered prophetic

10.5 to 21.0 m -
Basalt rock

Slightly weathered prophetic

21.0 to 28.5m -
Basalt rock

Slightly weathered prophetic Basalt

28.5 to 30.0 m -

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Soil Stratification of boreholes

orehole Observed
Depth (m) Stratification water Table
No SPT Value

0.00 to 0.5 m Gravely Sandy Clay (GC) -

Blackish fine to coarse grained,

0.5 to 1.5m >50
clayey gravels (GC)

Weathered prophetic Basalt rock

1.50 to 3.0 m -

3.0 to 4.5m Highly weathered prophetic Basalt -

Highly weathered prophetic Basalt

4.5 to 6.0 m -
Highly weathered prophetic Basalt at 15.0 mt
BH-3 6.0 to 7.50 m -
rock depth from
Highly weathered prophetic Basalt
7.50 to 9.0 m -

Highly weathered prophetic Basalt

9.0 to 10.5 m -

Moderately weathered prophetic

10.5 to 21.0 m -
Basalt rock

Slightly weathered prophetic

21.0 to 28.5m -
Basalt rock

Slightly weathered prophetic Basalt

28.5 to 30.0 m -

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Soil Stratification of boreholes
Borehole Observed
Depth (m) Stratification water Table
No SPT Value
Blackish fine to coarse grained,
0.00 to 0.5 m -
clayey gravels (GC)

Blackish fine to coarse grained,

0.5 to 1.5 m >50
clayey Gravels(SC)

Highly weathered Basalt rock

1.5 to 3.0 m -

Highly weathered Basalt rock

3.0 to 4.5 m - Not
at drill depth
4.5 to 6.0 m Highly weathered Brownish rock from EGL

Moderately weathered prophetic

6.0 to 7.50 m -
Basalt rock

Moderately weathered prophetic

7.50 to 9.0 m -
Basalt rock

Moderately weathered prophetic

9.0 to 10.0m
Basalt rock

The above table shows generalized stratification based on field and laboratory
observations. Detail stratification is shown in bore logs.

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Calculation for safe bearing capacity (SBC) is carried out considering RMR parameters of the sub strata.
Values of SBC are mentioned below.

Table 1; ROCK MASS RATING (As Per IS 13365, Part 1)

Parameter Assessment of values and rating

Intact rock UCS,

>250 100-250 50-100 25-50 10-25
Rating 15 12 7 4 2
RQD % >90 75.90 50.75 25-50 <25
Rating 20 17 13 8 3
Mean Fracture
>2 m 0.6-2 m 200-600 mm 60-200 mm <60mm
Rating 20 15 10 8 5
Fracture Gouge >
Rough light Open<1mm Weathered Gouge <5mm
Conditions 5mm
Rating 30 25 20 10 0
Ground water state Dry Damp Wet dripping flowing
Rating 15 10 7 4 0
Facture orientation V. favorable Favorable Fair Unfavorable v.unfavorable
Rating 0 -2 -7 -15 -25
Rock mass rating (RMR) is sum of the six ratings Note that orientation ratings are negative

Table 2 : As per IS 12070, Table 3 Net Safe Bearing Pressures Based on RMR
Amendment 01 - 2008

Classification No. I II III IV V

Description of Rock Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

RMR 100-81 80-61 60-41 40-21 20-0

Qns, T/m2 600-448 440-228 280-141 135-48 45-30

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Based on the field and laboratory test data allowable bearing capacity is derived for
open Footing. The typical calculation of safe bearing capacity is as follows:

Sr. No. Description Condition Rating

For Depth of 3.0-4.5m or more

1 Intact Rock, UCS, Mpa 25-50 4

2 Rock Quality Designation, % <25 3

3 Mean fracture Spacing 200-600 mm 10

4 Fracture Conditions 1.5 mm thick 10

5 Ground water condition Dry 15

6 Fracture Orientation Fair -7

RMR 35

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1. For BH-1 RMR value as obtained is 35 as per IS 12070, the net safe bearing pressure is
evaluated as 135-48 T/m2 without exceeding total settlement of 12mm. However it is
suggested to consider the SBC value as 50 T/m2 at a depth of 4.0m or deep below
existing ground level.

2. The foundation base should be taken to a level such that minimum 80 percent rock area is
available. It must be ensured that the foundation does not overhang at any corner.

3. Foundation base shall be treated with cement slurry and shall be leveled.

4. If after excavation, loose pockets of talus ‘deposit is found out at a any places, the same
should be cleaned and backfilled with lean concrete.

5. Water table was encountered at 15.0 mt up to the depth of investigation.

6. The excavated soil can be used in the foundation trenches in plinth of the structure and in
sub base of pavements.

For, Shreeji Material Testing Laboratory,

Authorized Signatory.

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Appendix A

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NAME OF WORK: - Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot.

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Bore Hole No: BH - 1
Name of Work : Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City
Dia of Boring : 100mm Type of Boring : Mechanical / Rotary
Water Table : Not Encountered depth from EGL Started Date : 30.01.2019
Project ID : BH-1/C-80 (p+10) Completed Date : 30.01.2019 Termination Depth in mtr 10mtr

Drill Run Field Dry Field

Method of Depth in Depth of Type of SPT N Specific Core Reco- RQD UCS
Casing Notation Soil Description Density moisture
Boring mtr Sample M
From M To M
Sample Value Gravity very (%) (%) kg/cm2
g/cc content %

0.00 Blackish Sandy Clay (SC) 0.00 0.00 0.50 DS -- -- -- -- --

0.50 0.00 to 0.50 m

1.00 Blackish fine to coarse grained, clayey

1.50 sand(SC) 0.50 to 1.50m 0.50 0.50 1.50 SPT >50 -- -- --
Highly weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
(WR) 1.50 to 3.00m
3.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 CORE 2.57 2.77 2.62 47.33 41.33 224.02
Rotary Drilling by mud circulation

Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 3.0 to 4.50m
4.50 3.00 3.00 4.50 CORE 2.63 1.77 2.68 58.00 41.33 676.56
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
Not Used

rock 4.50 to 6.0m

6.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 CORE 2.63 1.29 2.67 56.66 56.66 539.44
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 6.0 to 7.50m
7.50 6.00 6.00 7.50 CORE 2.65 0.76 2.77 65.33 65.33 705.4
Slightly weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 7.50 to 9.00m
9.00 7.50 7.50 9.00 CORE 2.67 0.82 2.73 70.00 70.00 609.8
9.50 Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
10.00 rock 9.00 to 10.00m 9.00 9.00 10.00 CORE 2.64 1.39 2.83 53.00 53.00 690.8


Authorized Signatory

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Bore Hole No: BH - 2
Name of Work : Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City
Dia of Boring : 100mm Type of Boring : Mechanical / Rotary
Water Table : Encountered at 15.0 mt depth from EGL Started Date : 30.01.2019 Termination Depth in mtr 30.0
Project ID : BH-2/C-80 (p+10) Completed Date : 31.01.2019

Drill Run Field Dry Field

Method of Depth in Depth of Type of SPT N Specific Core Reco- RQD UCS
Casing Notation Soil Description Density moisture
Boring mtr Sample M
From M To M
Sample Value Gravity very (%) (%) kg/cm2
g/cc content %

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 DS -- -- -- -- --


Gravely Sandy Clay (GC)

0.50 0.00 to 0.50 m

1.00 Blackish fine to coarse grained, clayey

1.50 gravels (GC) 0.50 to 1.50m 0.50 0.50 1.50 SPT >50 -- -- --
Highly weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
(WR) 1.50 to 3.00m
3.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 CORE 2.68 1.83 2.70 36.66 16.66 241.58
Highly weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
3.0 to 4.50m
4.50 3.00 3.00 4.50 CORE 2.65 0.73 2.69 54.33 42.33 253.92
Highly weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
4.50 to 6.0m
Rotary Drilling by mud circulation

6.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 CORE 2.67 1.10 2.65 53.33 33.00 256.86
Highly weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
6.0 to 7.50m
7.50 6.00 6.00 7.50 CORE 2.68 1.60 2.84 51.30 36.50 449.9
Not Used

Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 7.50 to 9.00m
9.00 7.50 7.50 9.00 CORE 2.81 1.51 2.85 54.00 47.00 678.3
Highly weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
9.00 to 10.50m
10.50 9.00 9.00 10.50 CORE 2.76 1.19 2.78 52.00 33.33 458.3
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 10.5 to 12.00m
12.00 10.50 10.50 12.00 CORE 2.74 1.20 2.77 53.33 33.33 444.65
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 12.00 to 30.50m
13.50 12.00 12.00 13.50 CORE 2.69 1.38 2.83 55.33 36.66 320.59
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 13.5 to 15.00m
15.00 13.50 13.50 15.00 CORE 2.72 2.09. 2.70 52.00 50.00 435.1


Authorized Signatory

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Bore Hole No: BH - 2
Name of Work : Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City
Dia of Boring : 100mm Type of Boring : Mechanical / Rotary
Water Table : Encountered at 15.0 mt depth from EGL Started Date : 30.01.2019 Termination Depth in mtr 30.0
Project ID : BH-2/C-80 Completed Date : 31.01.2019

Drill Run Field Dry Field

Method of Depth in Depth of Type of SPT N Specific Core Reco- RQD UCS
Casing Notation Soil Description Density moisture
Boring mtr Sample M
From M To M
Sample Value Gravity very (%) (%) kg/cm2
g/cc content %

15.50 -- -- -- -- --
Moderatelyathered porphrtic Basalt rock
16.00 15.00 15.00 16.50 CORE --- 2.73 0.58 2.71 60.33 52.33 672.95
15.0 to 16.5m
17.00 -- -- --
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
17.50 16.50 16.50 18.00 CORE 2.69 0.76 2.73 63.33 63.33 598.98
rock (WR) 16.50 to 18.00m
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
19.00 rock 18.00 18.00 19.50 CORE 2.68 0.46 2.75 57.33 57.33 492.47
18.0 to 19.50m
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
20.50 rock 19.50 19.50 21.00 CORE 2.70 0.53 2.74 66.66 66.66 573.59
19.50 to 21.0m
Rotary Drilling by mud circulation

Slightly weathered porphrtic Basalt
22.00 rock 21.00 21.00 22.50 CORE 2.72 0.57 2.72 70.00 70.00 563.93
21.0 to 22.50m
Not Used

Slightly weathered porphrtic Basalt
23.50 rock 22.50 22.50 24.00 CORE 2.79 0.83 2.73 70.33 57.33 828.52
22.50 to 24.00m
Slightly weathered porphrtic Basalt
25.00 rock 24.00 24.00 25.50 CORE 2.79 0.80 2.90 65.00 54.00 594.83
24.00 to 25.50m
Slightly weathered porphrtic Basalt
26.50 25.50 25.50 27.00 CORE 2.80 0.83 2.92 63.33 56.00 1353.90
rock 25.5 to 27.00m
Slightly weathered porphrtic Basalt
28.00 27.00 27.00 28.50 CORE 2.77 0.75 2.90 66.66 62.33 845.0
rock 27.00 to 28.50m
Slightly weathered porphrtic Basalt
29.50 28.50 28.50 30.00 CORE 2.78 0.77 2.98 68.66 68.66 930.5
rock 28.5 to 30.00m


Authorized Signatory

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Bore Hole No: BH - 3
Name of Work : Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City
Dia of Boring : 100mm Type of Boring : Mechanical / Rotary
Water Table : Encountered at 15.0 mt depth from EGL Started Date : 31.01.2019 Termination Depth in mtr 30.0
Project ID : BH-3/C-80 (p+10) Completed Date : 01.02.2019

Drill Run Field Dry Field

Method of Depth in Depth of Type of SPT N Specific Core Reco- RQD UCS
Casing Notation Soil Description Density moisture
Boring mtr Sample M
From M To M
Sample Value Gravity very (%) (%) kg/cm2
g/cc content %

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 DS -- -- -- -- --


Gravely Sandy Clay (GC)

0.50 0.00 to 0.50 m

1.00 Blackish fine to coarse grained, clayey

1.50 gravels (GC) 0.50 to 1.50m 0.50 0.50 1.50 SPT >50 -- -- --
Weathered porphrtic Basalt rock (WR)
1.50 to 3.00m
3.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 CORE 2.57 1.28 2.24 30.00 15.33 269.11
Highly weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
3.0 to 4.50m
4.50 3.00 3.00 4.50 CORE 2.58 1.38 2.30 32.00 11.00 252.3
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 4.50 to 6.0m
Rotary Drilling by mud circulation

6.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 CORE 2.82 1.39 2.83 51.33 33.33 716.5
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 6.0 to 7.50m
7.50 6.00 6.00 7.50 CORE 2.75 0.18 2.79 60.00 60.00 670.2
Not Used

Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 7.50 to 9.00m
9.00 7.50 7.50 9.00 CORE 2.78 0.80 2.90 54.33 41.33 923.2
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 9.00 to 10.50m
10.50 9.00 9.00 10.50 CORE 2.71 0.29 2.76 53.33 53.33 853.62
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 10.5 to 12.00m
12.00 10.50 10.50 12.00 CORE 2.72 0.24 2.77 51.33 51.33 247.83
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 12.00 to 30.50m
13.50 12.00 12.00 13.50 CORE 2.80 0.61 2.84 61.00 61.00 938.53
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 13.5 to 15.00m
15.00 13.50 13.50 15.00 CORE 2.83 0.37 2.86 56.00 51.33 435.1


Authorized Signatory

Page | 21
Bore Hole No: BH -3
Name of Work : Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City
Dia of Boring : 100mm Type of Boring : Mechanical / Rotary
Water Table : Encountered at 15.0 mt depth from EGL Started Date : 31.01.2019 Termination Depth in mtr 30.0
Project ID : BH-3/C-80 (P-10) Completed Date : 01.02.2019

Drill Run Field Dry Field

Method of Depth in Depth of Type of SPT N Specific Core Reco- RQD UCS
Casing Notation Soil Description Density moisture
Boring mtr Sample M
From M To M
Sample Value Gravity very (%) (%) kg/cm2
g/cc content %

15.50 -- -- -- -- --
Moderatelyathered porphrtic Basalt rock
16.00 15.00 15.00 16.50 CORE '-- 2.80 0.45 2.83 53.33 53.33 957.86
15.0 to 16.5m
17.00 -- -- --
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
17.50 16.50 16.50 18.00 CORE 2.97 0.36 2.90 68.0 51.4 1133.97
rock (WR) 16.50 to 18.00m
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
19.00 18.00 18.00 19.50 CORE 2.80 0.37 2.88 58.0 51.4 985.78
rock 18.0 to 19.50m
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
20.50 19.50 19.50 21.00 CORE 2.72 0.96 2.83 63.33 63.33 355.6
rock 19.50 to 21.0m
Rotary Drilling by mud circulation

Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
22.00 21.00 21.00 22.50 CORE 2.76 0.63 2.78 62.33 62.33 509.37
rock 21.0 to 22.50m
Not Used

Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
23.50 22.50 22.50 24.00 CORE 2.76 1.54 2.77 53.33 53.33 745.24
rock 22.50 to 24.00m
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
25.00 24.00 24.00 25.50 CORE 2.80 1.81 2.77 51.33 51.33 624.97
rock 24.00 to 25.50m
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
26.50 25.50 25.50 27.00 CORE 2.74 0.83 2.76 60.00 60.00 702.29
rock 25.5 to 27.00m
Moderatly weathered porphrtic Basalt
28.00 27.00 27.00 28.50 CORE 2.78 0.87 2.85 63.33 61.00 1078.1
rock 27.00 to 28.50m
fresh weathered porphrtic Basalt rock
29.50 28.50 28.50 30.00 CORE 2.80 1.18 2.93 100.00 89.33 915.25
28.5 to 30.00m


Authorized Signatory

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Bore Hole No: BH - 4
Name of Work : Construction of C-80 at PHQ Rajkot City
Dia of Boring : 100mm Type of Boring : Mechanical / Rotary
Water Table : Not Encountered depth from EGL Started Date : 31.01.2019
Project ID : BH-4/C-80 (p+10) Completed Date : 31.01.2019 Termination Depth in mtr 10.0

Drill Run Field Dry Field

Method of Depth in Depth of Type of SPT N Specific Core Reco- RQD UCS
Casing Notation Soil Description Density moisture
Boring mtr Sample M
From M To M
Sample Value Gravity very (%) (%) kg/cm2
g/cc content %

0.00 Blackish fine to coarse grained, clayey 0.00 0.00 0.50 DS -- -- -- -- --

0.50 gravels (GC) 0.00 to 0.50 m

1.00 Blackish fine to coarse grained, clayey

1.50 Gravels(SC) 0.50 to 1.50m 0.50 0.50 1.50 SPT >50 -- -- --
Highly weathered Basalt rock (WR)
2.50 1.50 to 3.00m (Stone Boulders 50-
3.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 CORE 2.53 2.78 2.60 20.00 10.00 135.4
Rotary Drilling by mud circulation

Highly weathered Basalt rock (WR)
3.0 to 4.50m
4.50 3.00 3.00 4.50 CORE 2.54 2.80 2.60 22.00 10.00 140.3
Highly weathered Brownish rock
Not Used

4.50 to 6.0m
6.00 4.50 4.50 6.00 CORE 2.56 2.80 2.63 60.00 35.33 849.76
Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 6.0 to 7.50m
7.50 6.00 6.00 7.50 CORE 2.65 1.10 2.73 99.33 65.33 828.0
Moderatelyweathered porphrtic Basalt
rock 7.50 to 9.00m
9.00 7.50 7.50 9.00 CORE 2.58 0.95 2.71 80.00 80.00 681.0
9.50 Moderately weathered porphrtic Basalt
10.00 9.00 to 10.00m 9.00 9.00 10.00 CORE 2.54 1.18 2.80 56.87 56.87 501.6


Authorized Signatory

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Name of Work : Construction of C-80 PHQ Rajkot City.

Name of Client : Gujarat State Police Housing Corporation Limited.

Water Table : Not Encountred upto depth Depth of Pit 1.50m

Project ID : C-80 PHQ Rajkot City. Method of Sampling Excavated Pit

Sampling Grain Size Analysis Atterberg's Limit

Depth in mtr Notation Soil Description Classification
Thickness (mt) Type of
Depth (m) Gravel % Sand % Silt & Clay % LL % PL % PI %

Blackish Sandy Clay (SC) 0.50
0.50 DS 0.50 20 43 37 33 21 12 SC

Blackish fine to coarse grained, clayey sand(SC) 0.10
1.50 DS 1.50 19 42 39 31 19 12 SC


Authorized Signatory

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