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Answer to the question no.

Information system is the combination of hardware, software, telecommunications network,
data, people and process. The first three, fitting under the technology category, last two, people
and process, are really what separate the idea of information systems from more technical fields,
such as computer science.
Example: After the placement of the order, uses a QR code or order number which
can be scanned to find all the information from placement of the order to delivery to the
customer with the same QR code or order number.
Information system contains
- Data
- Information

Data: These are facts or figures of description of idea, object, condition or situation.
Organizations collect all kinds of data and use it to make decisions. These decisions can then be
analyzed as to their effectiveness and the organization can be improved.




Project timelines


Real estate


Raw materials


Example: SEU students ID, Name, Age, Blood group

Information: These are processed data which are organised and meaningful to the person
receiving it.

Example: Semester result, grade, exam marks.

Information System involves three following functions:

Input: It collects raw data from organisation or external environment. First of all organizations
collect data from different sources like as market, customers, suppliers, distributors etc.

Processing: Data processing is a series of operations that use information to produce a result.
Common data processing operations include validation, sorting, classification, calculation,
interpretation, organization and transformation of data. 

Output: When data processing is complete then Information systems are becoming more and
more integrated with organizational processes, bringing more productivity and better control to
those processes.
Answer to the question no.02

Answer to the question no.03

Transaction Processing System (Routine Transactions): TPS means daily routine transactions
systems like as employee salary, sales report, inventory report, hotel resort bus train reservation,
employee daily performance report etc. It includes point of sales system, payroll system, stock
control system, airline booking system.

Example: is an online shop. When customers placed order then ajkd collect the
product from merchant and this product are categorized in daily basis as how many products
have been received, how many products will be delivered, how many orders have been canceled,
how many products have been rejected for disqualification.

Management Information System (Middle Managers): It is the study of Information systems in

business & management. The MIS system analyzes the input with routine algorithms aggregate,
compare and summarizes the results to produced reports that tactical managers use to monitor,
control and predict future performance. It includes sales management systems, budgeting
systems, and human resource management system.

Example: How much money is spent within the organization for the short and long terms. How
much order required from tan tan offer or black Friday offer.

Decision-support systems (Non-routine): Decision support systems are used by senior

management to make non-routine decisions. The main objective of decision support systems is to
provide solutions to problems that are unique and change frequently.

Example: Bank used to verify the credit of the loan applicant and predict the likelihood of the
loan being recovered.
Executive-support systems (Senior Management): It helps senior management make these
decisions. ESS makes decisions and collect data or information from DSS and MIS.
Answer to the question no.04

Four major enterprise application:

Enterprise systems: Enterprise system solve this problem by collecting data from various key
business in manufacturing & production, finance & accounting, sales & marketing and HR &
storing the data in a single central data repository. All organization have different types of
department and collect data for solving problem from different department. solve
problem or make decision or launched new offer need information in current financial report,
previous sales report etc.

Supply chain management systems: Supply chain management system is the main part of e-
commerce Company or .SCMS collect product, distribution, and provide logistic
support. It involved in buying, making, and moving a product.

Customer relationship management systems: CRM managing their relationship with

customers. When customers placed order CRM make a call for individual customers for
verifying delivery address and helps for ensure order confirmation. CRM collect data from
customers like as different types of complains, suggestions, demand etc.

Knowledge management systems: KMS collect data from different types of source for gaining
knowledge for make decisions about what to do in the future? What should be done?

Answer to the question no.05

Strategy is plan, pattern, position, perspective.

Example: A company that regularly markets very expensive products is using a high end
Threat of New Entrants: Competition in an industry will increase, when it is easier for other
companies to enter this industry. New entrants within the industry may change vital elements of
the market environment, such as, market shares, prices, customer loyalty. This will pressurise
existing players in this industry to react and to make adjustments.

The threat of new entries will depend on the extent to which there are barriers to entry.

Threat of substitute: he former occurs when different manufacturers fulfil exactly the same
purpose and partial substitution of products occurs when only partially substitute by each other.
There are also substitute sources, where the exactly the same product is sourced by two or more
distributors. The threat of substitutes is also determined by factors which have an impact on the
threat of new entrants, such as, brand loyalty of customers, good customer relations, high
switching costs which customers will incur, the current price of substitutes and current market

Bargaining power of Supplier: Buyers refer to the customers who finally consume the product
or the firms who distribute the industry’s product to the final consumers. Bargaining power of
buyers refer to the potential of buyers to bargain down the prices charged by the firms in the
industry or to increase the firms cost in the industry by demanding better quality and service of

Bargaining power of Buyer: Suppliers refer to the firms that provide inputs to the industry.
Bargaining power of the suppliers refer to the potential of the suppliers to increase the prices of
inputs( labor, raw materials, services, etc.) or the costs of industry in other ways.

Current rivalry: Rivalry refers to the competitive struggle for market share between firms in an
industry. Extreme rivalry among established firms poses a strong threat to profitability.

Answer to the question no.06

Answer to the question no.07

E-business refers to use digital technology to conduct business.

Example: A company that builds and sells an online system that tracks inventory and triggers
alerts at specific levels is an e-business. Inventory management is a business process, and when
facilitated electronically, it becomes part of e-business.

E-commerce refers that buying and selling product or service over the internet.

Example: When customer buy a product in and payment pay on the online that is

E-Government refers to the application of the internet network technologies to digitally enable
government & public sector agencies’ relationships with citizens, businesses, and other arms of
government. Use of e-governance can make public administration fast and effective, provide
better services, and respond to the demands of transparency and accountability. 

Example: registration for admission to academic institutions, publication of results of

examinations, registration for jobs abroad, registration for pilgrimage, delivery of official forms,
online submission of tax returns.

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