ACM Presentation Memo

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ACM Presentation

Company name
To: Department Chair Kai Theron
From: Samuel Bridgers

Date: November 4, 2020

My Association for Computing Machinery Presentation at Midlands Tech

As there will be a multitude of technical organizations hosting conventions on the campus in a few weeks, and I’ve
always been more of a computer person, I have decided to create a presentation for Association for Computing
Machinery via Microsoft PowerPoint.
We’re trying to get several students on the campus to join our program, and to do that, we’ve got to be able to
appeal to them. I understand that I’ll be using an infographic that has sufficient knowledge for technical scholars and
flashy images to catch their eyes.
While students of all ages are at Midlands Technical College, I usually think of people in their late teens to early
twenties when I think about students in college, so I’m going to try to appeal to younger people with these slides,
though not at the expense of the older students. It’s never good to alienate everyone else.
I used several flashy animations for the viewers watching the presentation via a computer, as opposed to a very long
piece of paper that is a physical infographic. But it’s not just an example of “style over substance”, as big a guilty
pleasure that is for me. And I take care to ensure quality, not quantity.
I gave the overall PowerPoint an aesthetic similar to the ACM website, so it won’t be a massive departure of theme
from the organization that I’m representing. The small chunks of information allowed me to get my message across
sooner than if I had constantly used bloated paragraphs. I also enjoyed having 3D graphs be used to represent the
annual membership fees for students within Midlands Tech that joined ACM.
After the opening slide, I showcased a passage taken from the ACM website that told their overall purpose and reach
around the world, and then I showed their efforts to advance education for students.
The standard membership is only $19 a year, which is almost enough to buy you four pizzas at Little Caesars, but
that’s besides the point. Student memberships with access to the ACM Digital Library is $42 a year, same with a
student membership supplemented by print CACM and XRDS magazines. Finally, a student membership with the
Digital Library access, combined with a print CACM Magazine, will be $62 a year.
There isn’t that much material in terms of making an argument for or against my position, and while many biased
documents warrant judgment for avoiding evidence that places it in jeopardy, it was more accidental on my part, to
be honest. However, I believe that the stuff that I do have will convince many students to join the ACM program at
Midlands Tech.
I mentioned the various job categories you can search through to apply for jobs via ACM, and I think they’ll be very
helpful for people getting into the world of computer employment. I mentioned Artificial Intelligence, Content
Management and Security, Education and Research, Emerging Technologies, Hardware, Human-Computer Interaction
and Design, Mobile and Wireless, Network and Information Technology, Operations and Management, and
Programming and Applications.
Finally, I did a recap for ACM’s origins all the way back to the 1940s, when it was just the “Eastern Association for
Computing Machinery”.

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