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0Exam of American Civilisation 

Name : Ferdi Sara .

Group : 02 /5th year .

Set 3 :

Media is the most effective means of mass communication . In fact , mass media is

consitantly present in millions of houses over the world ; as a result , it has became a part of

what the population consumes everyday . This is what makes mass media the most powerful

entity on earth . Most highly-developed mass media in the world control the information and

monopolize the entertainment industry  ; they have the power of shaping public opinion and

influencing voting campaigns . In fact , it can promote certain beliefs , values , and behaviours

and discourage others . The type of influence that the television and movie industries make

largly depends on the kind of imagery and messages they choose to display to the overseas

audience ; some of these messages may be seen by the viewers as unhealthy or even

sometimes sinister . In fact ,the international viewer misunderstanding of the American

entertainment has distorted America ‘s inerantional image.

A geat example of this was the scandal of the George W.Bush /Al Gore national election .This

event was publicized internationally , and the mass media kept viewers up-to-date with with

the latest news on the issue . As a result , The foreign audience , who had little understanding

of the context , questioned the integrity of the electoral process in America and the American

system of governance all together . To the foreign spectators , corruption was commonplace

and taken for granted .However , to most Americans , the contested ballots did not mean that

the unfair election process was the outcome of a corrupt system ; it was simply an eye-opener

to bad practices and existing deficiencies that must be seriously adressed .

Another example is the misconception of programs produced by the American entertainment

industry , which are easily accessed by the international audience . Many of these programs

adress topics such as violence , racial strife , police brutality ,and drug problems . To the

overseas spectators , these progams strongly reflect the social situation in America .This is

mainly because the lack of understanding of what is entertainment rather than reality .

Consequently , many foreigners hesitate to send their sons and daughters on high school

exchange programs in America . Their main concern is the safety of their children from any

social problems they may encounter .

To conclude , one must point to the fact that altough the freedom of the mass media and

freedom of press are indisputable , the mass media industry may project certain messages and

imaagery that might be misinterpreted by foreigners . This is mainly because of the absence of

a frame of reference and little perception of the American context . This permits to people to

continously make wrong assumptions and visualizations about life in the United States of

America .

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