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Brennan Dillard

EDTE 255
Video Observation Ch 7.

Reflection Questions: Your Response:

What video did you choose to reflect on? The video I chose to reflect on was case
#1676: Answering Questions Using
Communication Devices.

How is technology embedded in instruction to .Many of the students enrolled in this

support student learning? particular class face disabilities that limit them
when it comes to things like holding a pencil
or spelling, so this teacher has integrated a
communication system that allows the
students to share their ideas more easily. She
uses a tablet, a projector, and a book
designed for the course to help her
accomplish this task. I also noted that some
students in the room had technological
devices of their own to assist them.

How is the use of technology furthering Technology plays a massive role in the
student learning with the content focus? functionality of this classroom. As the teacher
mentions in the commentary, the system in
place is what allows them to be able to share
their ideas. The tech that is in place gives
these students the modalities they need to
participate in school, and participation is a
major factor when it comes to promoting
educational growth.

Do the students appear to be engaged in Other than the one student who was sleeping
learning as a result of the use of technology? throughout the duration of the video, the
How do you know/what is the evidence of students do appear as if they are quite
this? engaged in the activity. Solid evidence of this
being the case would be the laughter that we
see throughout the video. One student, Ariel,
was actually the focus of this particular
lesson, and she found multiple poems to be
funny. I feel that this signifies a certain level
of engagement from the students.

Our book shares some ideas about how to best utilize technology in the classroom (pages
116-117; 121- 122). What evidence did you see in the video or read in the commentary of
how the teacher accomplished this? For each of the following techniques, describe how they
were used in the instruction.

Assistive technology The teachers tablet and the students’

personal technology are clear examples of
assistive technology for this case. The
communication systems are essential for the
academic growth of these students.

Simulation We see simulation in this video around the

9:08 mark when the teacher asks Ariel a
hypothetical question as to where she would
go in that scenario. She answers that she is
going to go to Target with her mom. This puts
Ariel in the position of simulating a trip to
target with her mother although she isn’t
actually going to.

Modeling You can find modeling in this video at the

very beginning when the teacher is reading
the poem to her class. This poem is a new
concept meant to provoke thought within the
students. The teacher does not expect them
to understand the poem in its7 entirety, but
rather get them focusing on the particular
parts that they can relate to.

Real world problems The idea of real world problems also comes
up in the teacher’s interaction with Ariel about
her trip to target. While asking her about the
trip, the teacher inquires as to what means
Ariel will use to get to target. She is pushing
her in the direction of answering that a car is
necessary in hopes of solidifying the idea that
vehicles are a necessary aspect of getting
around the world.

Community of learners The entire class was engaged in this

particular discussion even though it was
centered around Ariel. This is a great thing for
a class environment because Ariel’s
individual development is being supported by
her classmates. Learning together in a
cohesive way raises the level of enthusiasm
amongst the group.

How could this lesson be adapted to an online-only platform? Give one brief example below.

Online platform adaptation This lesson definitely could be one that was
transitioned to an online platform. Obviously
certain softwares would be necessary, but the
way in which the students interact through
images could be replicated online. Instead of
pointing to their book or using their tablet, the
students would just select the options on their
computer screens.

Teachers are always learning from each other. Classroom observations are an important part
of developing a rich, reflective, and effective practice.

Share one question you have about teaching What is the best way to handle a special
as it relates to this observation. needs student who isn’t cooperating with the
lesson plan?

Share three things you have learned from this 1. Advancements in technology play a
observation. massive role in supporting the learning of
select students.

2. Teachers must be flexible with their daily

lesson plans in order that it best suits their

3. Developing literacy is a dynamic practice

and all forms of learning must be encouraged.

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