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Sydney Savoie

Independent Study: Democracy

Democracy is a system of government that gives the people the opportunity to have a say in

choosing a leader. I strongly agree with the statement, “democracy is essential”. Democracy gives

people the opportunity to become more involved in their community and with their government. The

elected government holds the control of the population, therefor it is up to the people to elect the party

who will best represent the community. It’s important to become involved in choosing who takes office

because every vote counts, and everyone’s opinion matters. We are very fortunate to live in a country

where we have a say in our future. Democracy gives people the freedom to voice their own opinions,

which encourages the economy to grow. The freedom given within this form of government allows

people to follow and pursue the changes they want to see for their community. This also allows people

to look at different educational opportunities, jobs, and all other freedoms involved in a democratic

society. These freedoms keep individuals motivated and productive, allowing the economy to flourish.

I believe that a democratic society offers the most benefits for the people. Freedom of choice and speech

is one of the greatest accomplishments of today’s society, which was only attainable because of the

democratic system of government. Everyone can enjoy the freedom to make decisions, and have an

opinion in their community, thanks to democracy.

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