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NP-o1 od NBCC (INDIA) LIMITED {AGowt. of india Enterprise) Mauritius Office, 3" Floor, BVR House, 4 Lislet Geoffrey Street, Port Louis, Mauritius 4230 54424851 Email: No. NBCC/MRU/SC/GM/2018/ Date: 21/05/2018 DRAFT Sub: Construction of New Supreme Court Building at Port Louis, Mauritius (Project Code Z1959) - Approval for variation in quantity State of Mauritius (Government of Mauritius) has assigned projects to NBCC (India) Limited on PMC basis under grant assistance projects of Government of India for construction of New Supreme Court Building at Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis. NBCC (India) Limited has awarded the project to Renaatus Projects Private Limited (RPPL) vide LOA No. NBCC/CGM (CPG)/2017/599 dated 14/11/2017. Consultancy services for the above work has been awarded to M/s Design Associates Inc. vide LOI No. NBCC/CGM (CPG)/2017/190 dated 09/06/2017. Good for Construction drawings was provided by M/s Design Associates Inc. to NBCC on 30.11.2017 and the same was issued to M/s Renaatus Project Private Ltd. on 01.12.2017 for execution of work at site. During the course of execution of work at site, it is found that the quantities of various items of foundation work as per GFC drawings are exceeding the quantities provided in the BOQ. The same has been intimated to M/s Design Associates vide mail dated 27/03/2018 and 18/05/2018 (mail copies enclosed, Pg. - 08 to 11). The calculation details has also been shared with the consultants for verification/ comments for increase in quantities provided in the BOQ w.r.t. GFC drawings. The consultant has informed that, the change (Quantity Increase) is due to increase in offset of RCC raft from RCC wall (from 1600mm to 2500mm) (mail copy enclosed, Pg. - 08). The total variation amounts to USD 608,961/- and the net increase in cost is USD 583,873 (i.e. 2.41% of Contract value). The Deviation Statement is enclosed as Annexure ~ II (Pg. - 02) and calculation details is enclosed as Annexure ~ III (Pg.- 12 to 44) As per Clause 13 Variation and adjustments of FIDIC conditions of contract there is no limit specified for variation of quantities in the contract. Clause 13, Variation and adjustments Sub clause 13.1 Right to Vary is reproduced as under, “Variations may be initiated by the Engineer at any time prior to issuing the Taking- Over Certificate for the Works, either by an instruction or by a request for the Contractor to submit a proposal. Contractor shall execute and be bound by each NP-02 Variation, unless the Contractor promptly gives notice to the Engineer stating (with supporting particulars) that the contractor cannot readily obtain the Goods required for the Variation. Upon receiving this notice, the Engineer shall cancel, confirm or vary the instruction. The Variation may include: a) changes to the quantities of any item of work included in the Contract.” ‘As per above clause contractor has agreed to carry out the above variation in quantities as per rate given in the Bill of Quantities of the agreement. (Copy of acceptance letter given by contractor is enclosed as annexure B, Pg. - 03) The detail of the above variation has also been intimated to the clients during the site meeting held on 11.05.2018 and it has been decided that, the additional amount incurring due to deviation shall be met out from overall savings in the project and from the provision kept as contingencies in approved estimate. (Copy of MOM is enclosed as annexure C, Pg. ~ 04 to 07) It is submitted that, the estimated cost put to tender for above work was USD 25,009,493. The work was awarded to M/s Renaatus Projects Private Limited for USD 24,257,196.99. The above variation will be partly meet out with the cushion of USD 7,522,960.01 (saving in tender cost) and the balance will be meet out with the contingency of USD 1,351,277.61/-. The overall cost of the projects will be within the estimate approved by client i.e. USD 30 Million. The performa for approval of deviation in BOQ quantities as per NBCC works manual is enclosed as Annexure ~ I. (Pg. - 01) As per Clause 2.10 of SDoP, the Competent Authority to approve variation is Director (Commercial) Submitted for approval please, Kedar Nath Sharma Sandeep Kumar Sandeep Kumar G.M. (Engg.) M (F) DPM (Cc) GM(F) AGM(T) ED/RBG -Mauritius Director (Commercial) OL ANNEXURE - | NBCC (INDIA) LIMITED (A Govt. of india Enterprise) Deviation in BOQ Quanti CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SUPREME COURT BUILDING AT PORT LOUIS - MAURITIUS Name of Worl 1. Name of Agency Renaatus Projects Pvt. Ltd. Indi 2. Location of Work Port Louis, Mauritius 3. Award Letter No. & Date LOA No, NBCC:/CGM (CPG)/2017/599 dated 14.11.2017 4, Date of Start Scheduled 25-12-2017 Actual 25-12-2017 5. Date of Completion Scheduled 16-08-2019 Actual/Anticipated —-16-08-2019 6. a. Extra Items/ Substituted Items/ deviation Value/ % of Contract Value in 80Q quantities proposed and approved earlier (Cumulative) NIL. b. Extra Items/ Substituted Items/ deviation in BOQ ‘quantities oronosed now i. USD 608961.00/- (Details as per Annexure II & III) c. Total- extra items/ substituted items/ deviation i) sp 608961.00/- 2.40% (Details as per Annexure II & IIT) BOQ quantities/ % of Contract Value 7. (Reasons of extra items/ substituted items deviation in Revision in Drawings BOQ quantities/ are given in hrief Annexure) 8.Ref. copy- Acceptance letter enciosed (Annexure C) from client Siaecerxence lever trom Enclosed (Annexure B) 10.Detalls are given in Enclosed as Annexure II & IIT Annexure (BOO format) Unit/ Site Incharge Unity Site Incharge Comments of Zonal Incharge Comments of Head of RBG/ SBG ue ‘fashohbind ain Ib ed ay ssiitoen® O08 oi nolfaived Se a aca alist A ue is rr mad stent | aathust ahins rR Sul watioaa | SES ELE ees RATIOS UCOSGT WES} OSH BM AOS ie A iA AML PTRW E: wrds-enet fms NAMIE at eT Bateo-O = ata SrOS-50-8t oat? seston a —s (Srna Noe eonniaeipelid sgh etm: uate as re 02 PROJECT NAME : CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SUPREME COURT BUILDING AT PORT LOUIS - MAURITIUS Deviation statement for BOQ Quantity ANNEXURE - IT [ALL VALUES IN USD. 1s Per Contrach ‘AS per GFC Drawing] Variation Amount emorks 300] ae 300 30¢ | 800 nai | eI SE B09 em Desc Gia 2 ee ee ee > RUBSTRCTURE A BASEMENTS STRUCTURE {inet enolmo 00K ta) : - _ 211 fr ek croton peo So sa [cm | 2am | asess | anoia| asoa oa | aan a [Faeaspa ate ers fteemet wat] gen | cam | aa | ame | anes | seems | amaea aeons 1 featanay cated ats nchng cath (ot |, er area : aaa 351 Ineoues for boing on ling en the poet eae) RCS Ela Lawn and conus tesiascanpin | 45 | con rer | aes 6 | cescred in specfeatiars andor drawings ~ sail = . ' nae 37: [sete resem Ontpaaticectonerna. | a1 | sam | aioe waa | ss cass | nen 272 fiimrtn eet opomanr etna. | 22 | um | aoa | so | ana | sor a {waterproofing treatment to undemeath sab of lnsersne af pt umps and rans srg 4500 | 4.9 | com | sean | 1 38 liek peepee fay bored HOPE shel sam | 3 wri | seco | zasrrse | saseae 00% Jremerane before casting ote RCE Ra Sib |vatarpestng tur coted also basemen 39 fps, sumps and ans sng Lsrn ick sa adreshe| 25.8 | sqm | 22a | uous | 28 | ostons ens | 5.20% [est ape exithe woerectra membrane Het oied deformed tick te tel efron [arto MSIO/e989 of various danatars to conte Freesat taetyean fed a peid andor sho an daring. Rate to ince ao fr sped ml ol ia re, suppers hats ad 3.101] of of pts, sumo das and pacers | 15 | xp | amare | osacosa | cose | o7oe22 | ao7eise 0% Fever Ces F2, cha, nora arom ay level ana a regs near etaes oe saote former, ckning preparing pros struts suport, 13.42 [nong nos, ung oats, svg, fenoeng ete. Nate: oor to soft of eng hag abave 441m andthe ates shal be deed to neue fo any asochted 312 Ses of sabe of an ps sumps, cans and pede] 106 | sam | 7 | 77mna | en | cease some | -ranme Phin stu concrete Gade Ci as specie cto be 2113 |seagned ny the Cartrtr bebe ate approval of Ine Eine. pee Fe 113: fis, 2 me thc Pan Camere Concrete rz am| 2 | ssvs2 | as | sozo | acre 290% Ieroredin ats conse Grose C0 ws apeced Ince of canng cmeund ana foming cnaructon 1, Pes groves, cases ard mvc and fr uting in tompe ring god oe marks latzrbec. Mri be desea bythe Contact” and be __ftote aprevat rine Ene suucfsiaosor ar um ons sumps, ans andpesezn | 1350 | am| 28a | scanra | stes | muces | 2azzs.0 0576 a “| 2570880 | ‘eoasex | -25086 | WETINCREASE 582872 CONTRACT VALUE 24257197 ‘6 Increase 241% 3as 64. Parcs ANNEXURE-B 3 Renaatus Projects Pvt Ltd FORWARD TOGETHER Ref: Lr.No. 192/Renaatus/MSC/Dt.19.05.18 | 64 To: The General Manager, RBG (Mauritius), NBCC (india) Ltd., Port Louis, Mauritius. Dear Sir, Sub: Variation Order Rate acceptance reg., : LOA No: NBCC/CGM(CPG)/2017/599 With reference to the above subject, we are requesting to approve the Variation Order-1 as. submitted on 18.05.18. Hereby accept that any variation in the quantity of any item shall be as per rate given in the Bill of Quantities. Kindly approve the Variation Order-1 at the earliest. Thanking You, For Renaatus Projects Private Limited Noe fi Project Manager, (Kirubakaran.R) ‘Corporate Ofmice : No.138, VIBGYOR, Kocambakam High Rose, ungambakkam, Chena - 600034, Tamia, Ida. #94 44 28233777 Fax: #91 4 42077773 ‘Branch Ofce: Level, Si Wiam Newton Steet, Sharon Hous, Port Lous, Ropubicof Maus - 111207, Ph: 230 S8263619 BRN No :C17152124 Company No : 152124, VAT No : 27570353, | i oko sired AAAS eRdaeilrol et awe lewl saree Boas isabaabe PDAS hy ABIL Part ae Rig ic Seg re ee kl Dat errr ae ¢ shag Prepaid conrn AEINE HAL a> Hm emp = A | s2i2018 mie gous, vctayoseol ntangrenk20120 8121007 ANWoMRE-¢ Of Subject. Construction of New Supreme Gout Building at Port Louis - Minutes of Site Mecting No. -09 - Reg. ‘To:,,, Ce:, Progress Report No, Site Mesting No. 09,pd (224K) Dear All, Please find enclosed herewith the Minutes of Site Meeting No. 9 held on Friday, 11th May’ 2018 at NECC Office, 3rd Floor, BVR House, Port Louis. Please acknowledge the receipt of the same. Tents KN stama General Manager (Engg.) i NBCC (INDIA) LIMITED. hps:imll govin/ve.staticNayoulshelhimi7lang=en83.0.1.2 115121607 Date: 05/19/18 03:55 PM "Kedar Nath Sharma" an SAAS) Mig 66 8 rN bY a ae Pls (ret ocusit AB yaaitomss oD TEMA BS gat at YR ao Gahan rt om eae NY Ke oiled ae 8 ecient pO AO - % twos TWANG RY. td Semana rg se wap eho CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SUPREME COURT BUILDING Eee AT PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS SITE MEETING NOz- 09 Venues [NBGC Office, 37d Floor, BVR House, Port Louis Start sm Dee 2017 Dates [11052018 Finish 16th Avg 2019 Time: [1030 AM [Durations [20 Months [ATTENDEES : Supreme Court _ ‘CLIENT Serre Cour lt) Mr. Valaydon Mootien, Advisor, Supreme Court, Mauritius IMPLEMENTING Landscope Reeney loseantaah |!) Mt Kishore Guadbur, Project Manager PROJECT 1) Mr. Kedar Nath Sherma, General Manager (Engg), Heed - Mauritius MANAGEMENT —_| NBCC (India) |2) Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Manager (CONSULTANTS Lid. 3) Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Dy. Project Manager (C) emc) '4) Mr. Abhay Pratap Pankaj, Architect Renastus 1) Mr. Saravanan Mayandi, Planning Manager CONTRACTOR Projects | $ pee 2) Mr. Ravi, MEP Manager ‘Apology/Absent : RPP Ltd, _|1) Mr. Kirubakaran.R, Project Manager (Away on health ground) tes of Meeting SLNo| Agenda Points Discussion / Decision ‘Action by ‘Target Date | Remarks 1.0 [INTRODUCTION Ml ‘After welcoming all members the minutes of Site Meeting No. 08 held on 27.04.2018 were read and approved, inutes of site meetings are to be considered as correct record of discussions held. All instructions given through minutes of site meetings shall be considered as ‘contractual. The Contractor will be required to take prompt action as so required. Minutes of the formal site meetings will be issued and distributed by the NBCC after each meeting. The onus however rests om each individual to make notes during the course of the meeting on items and queries to be actioned by them, Late or non-receipt of minutes for any reason whatsoever will not vitiate any record or responsibility for action by any party. Minutes are recorded and issued as a true reflection of the| contents and resolutions of each meetings, and will be construed as having been accepted in total by all parties, whether present or not, unless specifically noted otherwise in the record of the following meeting (failing which a formal objection should be submitted in writing to the NBCC% office prior to the following site meeting by the objector, or their nominated representative, in order for the objection to be recorded and formalized). Info. Info. Info. Info, 0s PROJE ors CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SUPREME COURT BUILDING AT PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS SITE MEETING NO:- 09 Venue: [NBCC Office, 3rd Floor, BWR House, Port Louis [Start [2sth Deo 2017 Date 11052018 [Finish 6th Aug 2019 Time: 10:30 AM [Duration: [20 Months SINo| Agenda Points Ae b ‘Target Date Remarks 1.0 | INTRODUCTION [Although the minutes will be distributed (Electronically and/or facsimile as the case may be) tothe distribution list prior tothe following formal meeting, non-receipt of minutes (and/or attendance of the meeting) by any party will in no way compromise the validity or status of this document in any manner, and as such responsibility rests ‘with each relevant individual to ensure that a copy of ‘each set of minutes has been received by them. Info. 2.0. | Program/ Progress of Work 2 Site Progress ‘The Contractor presented a status report of the progress of work done as on 10.05.2018, which is as follows: - 1, R.C.C. Raft Foundation - 100% Complete ‘2. Column & Retaining Wall (Basement Level) Reinforcement: 100% complete {Formwork 90% complete (Conereting 90% complete |3. Basement Slab [Formwork 40% complete [Reinforcement = 20% complete IConcreting. : 0% complete It was noted that, in the last fortnight, the Contractor has laccelerated progress of work and caught up on laccumulated delays from 15 days to 10 days (approx.) lw.rt original program, IPMC asked the Contractor to maintain the progress and lachieve the First Milestone on the revised schedule. |The Contractor stated that casting of basement slab (LGF)} will be started on 19.05.2018, Info, Action Plan to 22) catch up the delay Manpower: |Contractor informed that, a batch of 14 nos carpenter has larived at site and further 20 nos will be arriving by next week. RPP Info. 06 PROJECT : CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SUPREME COURT BUILDING AT PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS SITE ME ING NO:- 09 Venue: [NBC Office, 3rd Floor, BWR House, Port Louis [Start__‘[25th Deo 2017 Date: [ios 2018 Finish 6th Aue 2079 Time: _ [1030 AM Duration: [20 Months ‘SINo| Agenda Points |Quatity |Assurance/ |Quatity Control at Site 23 [Quantity 24 [deviation Variation Extension of 25 Hime 26 27 Diseussion / Decision Testing of Steel Reinforeement: |The contractor was reminded to get steel reinforcement hested from 3rd party prefaberaly from any authorised lab in Indi. CUBE TESTING:- [Testing of concrete cubes for compressive strength was done in the presence of Implementing Agency and PMC. The results were found satisfactory. |The Quantity deviation statement submitted by contractor lof items being executed (in Foundation) as per GFC [drawings was checked by PMC. There is a net variation lof USD 583,256/- and it was decided that the additional lamount due to deviation shall be met out fiom overall, ‘savings in the project and from the provision kept as, [contingencies in approved estimate. ‘Aetion by RPP RPP IPMC informed that Contractor has submitted E.0.T as lolows: - 1. EOT for 10 days, 9 days in the month of January 2018 land 1 day in the month of Feburary 2018 due to cyclone land inclement weather, which has been approved by [Engineer as per contract conditions. 2. The EOT submitted by contractor for 52 days and 68 days due to delay in issue of VAT excemption certifiacte and work permit respectively by Govt. of Mauritius, has been rejected by Engineer. [Meeting was concluded at 13:00 Hrs. |Next site meeting will be held on 25.05.18 at 10.30 hrs local time, all Target Date | Remarks Info, Info, Info Info, Info, os 511872018 ‘Gmail Guentty Varafon - Construction of New supreme court Busing, Mauritius M1 Gmail NBCC Supreme Court Quantity Variation - Construction of New supreme court Building, Mauritius NBCC Supreme Court ‘Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:18 PM To. “Anand Singh." Cc: Kedar Nath Sharma , Sachin Agarwal , Sumere Dar , yogesh., smohan.kumar@nbecindia. com, Dear Sir, Reference tral mail, itis to inform that, the length of slope area taken in your work sheet is incorrect. 1. The actual slope length is 1.99 for CF1 & CF? (flat area deduction is 1.89. 0.925) and 1.414 for Ft & F1B (fat area deduction is 1.414-0.575). actual slope length is considered, the quantly Increase Is 540 Sam, 2. As per Technical specification submitted by manufacturer of water proofing material (M/s Soprema), the side of Rafts up to Ratt Top to be taken in BOO Item No. 8.8 (Horizontal portion). Total Quantity of Raft Sides is 165 Sqm. 3. The DG Room area floor is 4.6 M Below ground level, hence Water proofing is required below the raft else it may lead to chances of seepage in that area. ‘Total Quantity of OG Room area is 451 Sqm. Hence, the total quantity of water proofing for BO Item No. 2.8 stand out to be 4831.50 Sqm. (calculation shest enclosed) ‘Similarly for Item no, 3.13.1 : PCC, the total quantity stand out to be 325.20 Cum. (calculation sheet enclosed) ‘This is for you information and further action. Regards, KN Sharma GM (Engg) On Fr, Mar 30, 2018 at 1:08 Pl, Anand Singh. wrote Mr. KN Sharma, GM, Dear Sit, ’As desired by you we have checked the aly. & measurements of item no. 3.8 and 3.13.1. The detalls are as below: 1. Item no. 3.8 : Horizontal water proofing of Basement. = Qtyas per tender drawing 3610.00 sqm © Qtyas per GFC drawing 3880.87 sqm (worksheet attached) © Deviation 270.87 sqm » fnerease de to increase in offset oF RC raf from RCC wall as 2500.2 compared to 1600 eae) 2, Item no, 3.13.1: PCC. © Qtyaspertender drawing = = —=—288.00cum © Qtyas per GFC drawing 300.19 cum (worksheet attached) © Deviation 12.19 cum vsTurXULs.on Bcbl-gmall fe 180808.13_poéview=pt&mag=1622a2090057oRITEqrquas) htpstmail google com/malalu0/?ul=28ik=cceSe5c521Bjver oS srezo1s ‘Gmall- Quantity Variation - Construction of New supreme court Building, Mauritius “increase due to increase in offset of RCC af from RCC wall a6 2500 a5 compared to 1600 earliét) In the claimed sheet it was noticed that: 1. The total at area of W/P is taken as 4077 sqm instead of 3365 sqm 2. The area of CF and CF2 taken are not correct. 3. The lift pit area were taken twice 4, W/P area of DG room not be included only external wall to be counted 5. The side of footing along retaining wall to be taken in item for vertical portion. Regards For Design associates inc. Anand singh From: Sumere Dar [ Sent: 27 March 2018 18:02 To: Anand Singh Ce: Sachin Agarwal ‘Subject: Fwd: Quantity Variation - Construction of New supreme court Building, Mauritius Anand Please see and coordinate ahead. Debashish ‘Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: NBCC Supreme Court Date: 27 March 2018 al 4:24:36 PM IST To: Sumere Dar , Sachin Agarwal Design Associate , designassociates@designassociates in Ce: Kedar Nath Sharma ,, ‘yogesh ‘Subject: Quantity Variation - Construction of New supreme court Building, Mauritius Dear Sir, \With reference to the above, itis to Inform that there is variation in the BOQ quantity of water proofing work and PCC work art. quantity arrived as per the drawings issued. The details are as below. - +. Water proofing work 2, BOG tem No. 3.8 - variation ay. = 1408 Sam hosel google. comimalveahuorrut=2eie=coeSese5218jever=FPuduxXULs en kcbiegmall fe 1B0S08.13_ pOkvew=ptémeg=162an2090d7o217&q-quakee: ID snaor8 (mal - Quanity Varian - Consructon of New supreme curt Suing, Mauve 2. POC Werk BOG Item No, 3.13.1 variation qty. = 67 Gum You are requested to kindly check and ciariy the same, Regards, KN Sharma GM (Ena) “calculation sheet is enclosed (ay Rt Variation Ordorxisx a 168K hitpsua, google. comimalleanstyPi-24ik-co9$c8e521 SlverFPva7wXULS en ScbI=gmal_fe_160608,13_pORview=pt&meg=162ee2000d67oet7Sq=quadce este ee een wm JO CD - SR - HRS ema a IO8 TA D2 oesingy =F Et na CMH sanreg St Yoho Hoarty yi a bot ore Ut aires sarc (egaas ar (polars poems hein ‘im per 18 p, nat ‘xbscprsaitila vopaiiseas SoaguncarmeSin <> au sams acs = Chait mc yet eh uremia a 212018 ‘Gmail - Quantity Variation - Construction of New supreme court Building at Port Lous, Mauris cry M1 Gmail Neco suneme cout seenreemuren care’ Quantity Variation - Construction of New supreme court Building at Port Louis, Mauritius 1 message NBCC Supreme Court Fri, May 18, 2018 at 5:35 PM. ‘To: designassociates @designassociates in, Sumere Dar , Sumere Dar , Sachin Agarwal , Dear Sir, With reference to the above, itis to inform that the quantities of various items of foundation work as per GFC drawings are exceeding the quantities provided in the BOQ, The detalls / deviation statement with calculation sheet is enclosed You are requested to kindly check and clarify the same, Regards, KN Sharma (GM (Engg.) {Deviation St. - New Supreme Court, MUR-sx 2 {547K snr wi Anat cela a meee Sp BE — Jerk aatarmancingissirint a sap ane mitre ie es ~“aomassursmremn os ie a er Wi ona oe et ‘ oe , saunterriaroriteneomeetionilii, she himeishaimstltadrcimny enaticstADey Aloe irtrmDeh tans u NenoRe——L ra ¥ G wing) pe TOTZe T RO 12101] 1 EOE are [ ee o0e oor Wowog Wed = 9Mw Nem SuUIEI Sei Ente cu| GUA amenee ovot Bunoos - TN - wees [Sse rovt oT ___€= [9487 Baty uoNepuno, - yey xUL WHIOSY| 866e8 s_[evost———S~S~diOOT janay ealy UoRepunoy - yeu ML WAIOSH| 5 8/80 eee _[tsaee—SSSSC~=*d OT T= [o/87 ealy Uonepunog- yeu xUL WLoSy | ‘@-aseud | : over 060 0092 aos == Tagan Se8pnt| rece ted os'9e 0s'0 ootr = Tig unl s28par) og'8z 06°0 ooze ee eg Ta ES 060 ‘loser oraz 060 o0'6z _____ [vereret werTT Bunjoog- 239 L8E67'T LB E67'T K vy ‘Bu004- T4D (vtviibsi(ewitw) fH —_[ooretz __—_—fos's Bunood- ary —_bnuwi04 jeprozades| as arse ee'zr ane junoo4 = T4 vS'tb0'e, f6'E BO ELL €- [943] Bday UOepUNoS - YWeY YL WWOOE 5 ee zse'e ass oeTey Z-[9n87 easy uonepuno4- yeu 41 WiODE| ‘Sv'9L0°7T ores el epy't T- }2Aa7 eauy uoRepuno - YeY 4YL WW0O8 sro 67's eet T- aly uonepunog = yew yu WLOSy (00%6* )oo'oor+ -fana1 peo Taseyd-Uoneneoxa yiomylea ees — SHOMAUS | los J0 SadAj jJe UoReAeSxa YOM ULES] TT'E | on ‘SoUVINTE ALD ‘H1d3a HLava¥d HLONST | SON NOLdIx9S30 wail doa SNL - LUNOD 3WZ¥ANS MAN : YN 19370ud| sane ae lone | nos |ueers|anaord serm | grr lun sacs St ng ope bee ona TTI no PROJECT NAIME :NEW SUPREME COURT= MAURITIUS B00. Nos Item Item Description Unit | Nos | Lengen | wieen Total Quantity ‘A |Morizontal Surface sveling and compacting to S5% BS compaction a 15__lnspecicatons and/or drawings isOmm tk-Grid MN 2-9 }80timm th -Grid De el 1 foting-Baze area FB foting- ase area [Cr footng-Base ae |cr2 rooting lit Pit- Grid K-M. Lina Grid Kowa JL Pit = Grid 1K jtinPt-cnaBCaas Hp oF 00mm Ra Ars: BP Jat Comer of Stoo & Cana Side Jew CFI & CF? footing [BAW CF2 & Outer ine ofa hase-2 lMorizontal Surface Poty Line area of Pi? including footing bottom @n24 Deduct Slope horizontal IFNI Grid 0-10) & (11) an IPNI Grid «10. =a 330 ICENI Grid 596. ICEN1 Grid (10-8) i 0s (Colection Pit som_[ 1 [960] 18s ma IDG Room Area fo - Sqn [ i sia |Reatning wall Footing fiom M4. imo “Sam_[ 1 TLE6 TOTAL SaaS “4 ET else ‘AD 12301] 3982 saz [oot | a wnavsi za) a or esr wrest oot | wy BEL TY = re 4 (iowa) woursen1 ausumnuy) —_z wes] are =e |eeage liven watt aot | wes ices sve ser aor) ws L [ever wer cot) wig iz ae wart [zeae cot | ws| 5 exer —Yecez 00 |e fowroer= 059 [oor oso | wes| | oerst |_| oes oor | wis : |__| (rap ut asepns sun yse6 )suomea ayuNy] syomais| —¥ “uns sagan jo aepins doa up auaunean muse nuy TEE SVT wn] arb] Laeawa) UBHaT | SON WU] ON wait onduaseq 9) nee “SAUNUNWAN= 1UnOD AWSLANS MAN SHIVA 193/OUd] PROJECT NAME: NEW SUPREME COURT- MAURITIUS Water Prooting ay (Climabe) BOO. tem Unit | Nos Length | Wiath ‘Total Pept 1 Quantity Waterproofing treatment to undemeath slab of Basement fats pit, sumps and drain using 4 Smm thick pre laplie,fesbl, fully bonded HDPE sheet membrane [before casting ofthe RCC Raft slab wha [Horizontal Surface "F footing: Base area [CE Footing Side Slope ICP? foovng- Base area |CF2 footing-Side Slope Lif Pit- Grid KM & 2-4 Lin Pit-Gad BCR 4S Lift Pit -Grid AC 2-3 [Top oF 800 mm Raft Area: BAW Ch At Comer of Schoo! & Canal Side Lin Pit- Grid KM a2 Lift Pit= Grid K- M & 6.5 Lift Pit Grid eK & 7-9, [Collection Pit coven Fi cotlestion Pe 2 ortonal Surface Poly Line area of Ph-2 including footing botiom [Deduct Slope horizontal eewsal [ENT Grid (1-10) & (-11 [Reatining wall from +4. 1m fut aso | 34.04 lo 6 a of TOTAL. EO. | Waterproofing vo un-confined walls of basement lit pis, bumps and drains using I.Smm tick self adhesive, cold applica |, exible waterproofing membrane (such as Colphene [3000 , manufactured by SOPREMA, France! *Proofex 3000" of Fosroc Chemicals, Indi’ *Formeeal 3000" of IMS Hitchins Prascal DS of Tremco, USA or equivalent) comprising ofa self adhesive bbeized asphalt with minimum 0 2mm HDPE lamination HDPE film, The el adhesive membrane shall have following minimum propctis (Lap Adhesion : > 670M Gi) Thickness: 1.5mm Gi) Elongation (0 utimate failure of rubbessed asphalt) }>200% Gv) Puncture Resistance : 240N. Rates to include protection of self adhesive membrane lusing 7-8mm HDPE Dimpled peoteetion board (Proccarain of Sorema, France or Cavity dain of Fosroc oc equivalent) and termination on retaining wall including providing chase jaf 20 x 20) mm at distance of 300 mn from ground level or 130 mm from podiumiroof slab level for membran| rmination, All system tobe installed as per supplier's recommendations tc, compete with al lad and lit for al Surface [Raft Projection After Retaing wall (Toe) [Termination @ +5.7 m [Ramp side wal [UG Sump wall [Termination @ F102 mM Hermination in Entrance wall Vertical Surface Lower Grond Floor to Ground Floor +5. [Emanee & Staircase Retaining wall ‘Horizontal Surface [Ret Projection Afler Retain wall (Toe) [Termination @ $3.7 m Iv [Termination @ =96mIM [Basemem to Lower Ground Foor Reining well |B |Wertia Surface |G Room area 3) |borizontl Surface | i |Wertial Surace |Redtning wall Footing Pojeeion +a Im ul Reatininglaner wall x [Outer wall 4.1m vite +9.0m [Air washer Room EXERT PROKECT NAME :NEWSUPREME COURT: MAURITIUS FB foong Slope a FB feong Bam wee [cet faoing Bae see BOO. om tem ‘em Deseription Unit | Nos | Longa | wiath | Depth a! Nos Quantity Pain insta concrete Grade Cis ar specified: Mito be |asigned by the Contractor and be tothe approval of the an Bia ‘A |Morizontal Surface MES 0: Sie ae [4Somm nk -Grid M-N@ 9-9 aul id DI Ft fting Slope ares Ft fouin Base area [Top of lat Comer of School & Canal Side JAW CFI & CF2 footing [BIW C2 & Outer line of rat NI Grid 1 [CN Ged (12-8) 8 44 ‘Name of the Project NEW SUPREME COURT BUILDING - MAURITIUS Name ofthe Structure RarT (Phate-2) SUMMARY OF REINFORCEMENT ST 1791.34 Unregistered version f BBS Programe BendingSchedle om fine [wm [am [me | me] om [me a Tan [aon [oan | rosea [aseon | sae conrracron PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT ak nn Pein Tien 8X0 ‘Bar Mark eee eel Pet icee (Testa |B (lee || > Shape coe | ne 1 verronmeronmnce — fuego} or fe | om fru] suo | 20 fam el soe] sas me ae fa | ale one a fsvnaricommce ——pancia—[ va | 1 [oe | am fom | La ses] 2 fsocvomensisionte —fuv-as fame] 1 | | som [ome| ano | am foes] | | aug ze] | ates a 2a arse] oi 3 faiemrioae ncaa [|| me [at | oe nism irs) 27 a I val voosea_ 0 + fmnmonnicoce ness me | a | om | om Jomo) ano | ome [aes] | | aye] | ttl roan fae Pe oe oe a eee sna mele fos [am fom] ane La ama] iar mo ee rosa ‘8171. 00) 567 68s] saber ead at ao wet alae et aie mot ae | same | 00 | rose sooo areo0} 955.564 + formmince — feos fm] 2 | vo | wm | om | mo seol_ssen | sina] ave Joos [mf [os | om [om] io [van | rr] ar tm fieseramrnce — foows | ma | a | > | ae | om] mas seals vin] onsr| ee ed a) ot | ellos Len | re] once EC mail asa a] Joos fom | | a | sam | om | ore Lam sauce] © fertomrmc (eee || | a pam [ow | mo sol aa om) aaa) wera fms | | om [oan] om La sone] a3 oo es00mm 0036 la || | em [ae | von aml iamnsme] pene zh ofa ees [ssa fc 2 0 Pvwaae eae Eel _fiwsseomarimce wens [| 1 | w_| oom | oe | oom sola aa a 2 fmossnom/one uma [ame | | as | sem [rors aun | ae fon] || ayaa] | sae] co aE s+ fomsronmmmrnoce —iaeana | ome | + | a0 | som forme] ano | ae fase ez snc] a lemese [ome | [ae | ane | oo] am aaa sor] ene Spends etic comet ocr user cna 20 yp = sn norman | Dien | wot cea owns] w]e | c [ele] sume | Satins] Wea ei lossioeseaiiece eden” [mal] fh | cao] vex lume ane | 3» [at pe | tee] sno fux sie mit as | asm | 300 | ose Can 61900) 1136201 1 foessimancince fam fv fo | om foam fool am [om fol | [apart [omnes 12 fomne24so mmo lor-se | re] 1 | as | asm | am] ane] om | om gal fom tes [ors pale | asm | xo | a0 -300_zasa_ ‘asi900] 397.730) ae ee lorem | rx | 1 | as | asm |e] ane | x0 | 2s ea ease Jom. 0 mi as | asm | x0 | om 300 sas ‘oi900| 1148300) 2 focnenaninon — from [om | a [oe [am frmol am [om [om] | [aes | | nea 22 fseorsuto ms e0ue Jaceso | me] 1 | se | som | one] an | xm | an eal vaxeeo] ensin » fowsemmmimce fan [me] + fo [ove [orl oe [ow fiosl [| mead [sonal nase Jon wa me 3 | oe | ies] one vole ‘rrurea] eazs.ais| x prosrmeminece ine me] = |» | x Jon] msm fs] | [eet | ome| So fareemeerines iene rm [aes [es esa csialnial Es a me ea [| ol os [ waa Ee 2 pwserwen rime sia [| re | ramos rr ens wind oe] 2 fwsere sem fora || me [atmo | or esate se son B_fsisxeatsam/1Sam feo-a | ws] 1 | 9m | om | eas] vars ersLiars ‘ue) ares nS ate =| | = | an [ow a [msi mee See TASTES | rene ov 32 [1300 mm 16850175 mm aor ms] ot [so | sm [ons] ters erasLiszs_ 1757530) 338535] a0 feo es 0a sn — [no 33 [2775062725 rm 17 ee oe wo | ism | x0 | 3600 3001 _acea ‘smia00| 241.165 il aasotea esau [et oro Same eal oa sma faa [ae a a [area 36 fess x i010 ae 175 mm lapse | ms |e a | 17m | some 08 ‘sova00] 207277] 27 foneraco mais nore | oo | om | a0 | nan ——— raise) siz 38 [1000%4130 me! 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Deserintn | wot | Not | OF [yyy Weight ae a terns | Bars Berg USI Bt es (3) 80 ie soo 05 eo no) 256 om. sips Mom ena fuwcane [vas | a >| ome | a0 | eas | ar bo) ans iow | 2a 22_fseox 08mm 2006 fav-ve [ms] 1 | 7 | 7 | a0] ess | aon tomes fn | toeacol_ane 35 _pasa0i90nm [9G laws f= | 2 | am | om] as sao] sae Jnet__| ste] 2309 35¢_ farsa ton noc fences [| | | mo os ieee. oes] osm 25 03950 0 fenc-ua | mas] 1 | m0 | 00m | 2m | sem tol 70 f29n3 _|_1100) seo 22 [ns adie 2000 fensous mas] a | = | 2m | v0 | en | 0 cei eee oan] na 2a foe 20008 lus [me | 1 [as | vem [vem] rom | om mo) 750 16a05 | 0] a 2a [serine amo pia fs fs | 3 | om | reo) me | oo sae Tea eo] 159 [ rox riosmm20000 cma | =] «| © | 1 | wow | 90 [ews aSTIeR 03] ae 300 [nsox 7mm 0006 maa f= |] |e | eo) ae | oe 00 70 640 sou 1960) 3px wacia | as [1 | |e | om | m0 | Foil cal eco] 326) 3a posts mm0 06 prin fs [1] [| 10m | m0 | ea veo) 3267] 35547195 0d conn | | pe | em | 8 | ae aNeEE som] aa 41057940 a aa ee 265 [snd 5 3800 a seee Ta 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