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Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Jovian Wars - Beta rules Version 1.2:

Jovian Wars and Jovian Chronicles are trademarks of Dream Pod 9, Inc. All text, artwork and
logos are Copyright 2016 Dream Pod 9 Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Last Updated May 2017

Author: David McLeod
Writing: David McLeod
Lead Game Design: David McLeod
Editors: Robert Dubois, David McLeod
Playtesters: David McLeod, Alice McLeod, Robert Menzies, Robert Dubois, Nara Cormier
Readers: Robert Dubois, Martin Takaishi, Tony Baltera, Samuli Aura, Wunji Lau, Lachlan
Noted Alpha Participants: Lloyd D. Jessee, Narandin, LYKA30N, Savant
Noted Beta Participants: Lloyd D. Jessee, Narandin, LYKA30N, Savant, Adas
Model Design: Alain Gadbois, Marcel Bastien, Dimitri Kaliviotis
3D Model Design: Tony Baltera
Probability calculations : Alice McLeod

Outline: This rules set is to allow players to play a fast game simulating a space combat game in
a future Earth solar system wide conflict. This game includes large capital ships and small
space fighters including Exo-Armors (Space Mecha). The game simulates 3D combat on the 2D
surface of a table.

Jovian Wars should be played on a table space 36” x 36”; or in a space no smaller than 24”x24”
and no larger than 48” by 72”. A modest game should require no more than one hour to play
including force selection, deployment, resolution and clean up. Jovian Wars will begin with Two
major factions; Earth/Moon (CEGA), and Jovians. Jovian Wars will add the Venusian faction
and allied factions (Mercury, Mars Democratic, Mars Free Republic, Asteroid Belt miners/
Pirates/Nomads, Saturnians, Kuiper Belters) at a later date.

A feature of the Jovian Wars game is the ability to customize capital ships, exo-armor, and
fighter squadrons. Adding upgrades to a ship allows for different tactical possibilities and

Rules outline: Models move and shoot weapons and can choose from a list special actions.
Players alternate activating their fleets. When activating a fleet each model is activated one
model at a time.
● During a player’s turn they select each Capital Ship, Exo-Armor, or Fighter activating
them one after the other - moving, attacking, and executing a special action, until all
models have activated once.
● Play then passes to the other player, they activate their fleet one model at a time.
● The game continues until one side has won due to victory conditions (Victory Points or
Scenario victory conditions achieved).

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Table of contents:

1.0 Dice results

2.0 The game
3.0 Model types
4.0 Movement
5.0 Terrain
6.0 Attacking
7.0 Damage
8.0 Special actions
9.0 Traits
10.0 Force Selection
11.0 Scenarios/Missions/Victory conditions
12.0 Model Identification
13.0 Weapons & Parts Identification
14.0 Forces: CEGA Fleet List, Jovian Fleet List
15.0 Reference Sheets
16.0 Tokens and Terrain template guidelines
17.0 Probabilities
18.0 Paper Ship bases

Please e-mail feedback to ​​. Please include as much information as you
can about any rules issues that you have during your games, and any observations that you
make that would help players simplify their game play. We are particularly interested in players
observations about model point values for balance (too high/too low/just right). Including
pictures of your game and fleet lists is appreciated but not required. Constructive, critical, and
objective feedback is most welcome.

The Jovian Wars game Beta play test will be supported on the Dream Pod 9 forum in the Jovian
Wars section.

Players can also chat informally on “The Joshua Station”, a Facebook group that supports the
background of Jovian Chronicles for the role playing game.

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

1.0 Dice results:
Jovian Wars uses a system of rolling groups of one or more D6 dice to determine the success of
attacks and special actions.

1.0a Dice result notation:

The result of a roll is noted in the rules and examples in square brackets: [ ]. When giving
results the notation is [N]: no result, [D]: double, [T]: triple, and [Q+]: quadruple or greater.
Numbers inside square brackets indicates the values of the dice rolled. A number following a
letter indicates the result plus the value of the result. The value of a set, the number rolled on
the dice that match, indicate what kind of damage is done to the target ship.

Example 1: A 3D6 roll showed [1, 4, 5]. The three dice rolled showed a 1, a 4, and a 5. The
result is [N], no sets/successes.

Example 2: A 3D6 roll showed [2, 2, 4]. The three dice rolled showed a 2, another 2, and a 4.
The result is [D], a double. The result could also be written as [D2] to show that a double was
rolled and it has a value of 2.

Example 3: A 5D6 roll showed [1, 1, 3, 3, 3]. The dice show two 1s and three 3s. The result is a
[D] and a [T], a double and a triple. The result could also be written as [D, T] or [D1, T3].

A notation with a + symbol means that that result or any better result with also qualify as a
success. A roll that requires a [D+] to succeed will also succeed on a [T] or [Q+].

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

1.1 Dice Tests​:
A ​Dice Test,​ ​Test​, or ​Roll ​requires dice to be rolled to determine a result. Each type of test has
a name. ​Example: Attack roll, maneuver test​. The result of a test is called the ​Test Result ​or
Result​. Tests may include rolling a single D6, or multiple D6’s, noted as XD6 where X is the
number of dice to roll for the test. For speed of play it is common to roll a test requiring more
than a single D6 at once and sort the dice rolled into the different results.

Jovian Wars uses a system of results based on dice sets. A dice set is any multiple of a value
shown on the D6. For this reason it is important that if players are not using standard D6 dice
with pips or numbers on them that all the dice be identical to allow results to be recognized
quickly. A dice set can be a double [D], triple [T], or quadruple and greater result [Q+], or a
combination of sets. A single roll of the dice can result in multiple sets. Each set is a ​result​. A
roll of the dice with no sets has No Result [N].

The number of dice of a roll before any additional modifiers is called the ​Base​ ​Roll​.

Example: Dave rolls an attack with 5D6. He rolls [1,1, 3, 3, 3]. This results in two sets, a double
[D] and a triple [T]. Dave applies both damage set results to the target model (See 1.0a).

Flex Dice & Boost Dice:

Flex dice​ have the notation +/-XD6 which allow X additional dice to be added to the roll. After
the roll the player making the roll must then remove X dice from the result equal to the amount
that were added. ​Example: Attacking the flank or rear of a capital ship add a flex dice (+/-1D6 to
the attack roll).

Boost dice​ have the notation +XD6 notation which allow XD6 to be added to the roll. Apply
these bonus dice to the roll but unlike flex dice they remain to be counted in the final result.

Example: Dave attacks with his Pathfinder Sniper against the flank of a capital ship target. The
Pathfinder Sniper attacks with its Sniper Mass driver. It has two base dice and adds a flex dice
for attacking the flank. Dave rolls 3D6 and gets [6, 4, 4, ]. Dave must remove one because one
flex dice was added to the roll dice and removes the [6] leaving the [4, 4] for a [D] result.

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Macro trait Rolls:
The Macro trait requires rolling additional dice after the initial roll. These dice are only add or
subtract to dice sets within the initial roll and cannot generate additional hits by themselves.
Macro dice are rolled after any flex dice are removed. For speed of rolling Macro and normal
attack dice can be rolled together if the macro dice are a different color.

Negative Macro rolls:

A trait may result in the effect of a negative macro. For example the Armored Belt:X trait adds X
negative macro dice. If this causes the number of macro dice to be negative then roll a number
of dice equal to the negative number and remove one matching D6 from the roll for each
negative macro dice.

Single D6 rolls​:
If a roll allows only a 1D6 then roll 2D6 instead. 1D6 rolls never benefit from other dice bonuses
such as Flex or Boost dice.

Example: Rob attacks with a 1D6 attack. He rolls 2D6 and gets a [5, 5]. That roll is a success
and counts as a result of [D].

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

1.2 Re-rolls​:
A game effect that allows a test to be ​Re-Rolled ​allows the player to pick up the dice that were
rolled and roll them again including all flex and boost dice. A roll may only ever be re-rolled once
and the re-rolled result stands even if it was worse than the first roll. The conditions that allow a
reroll are specified in each rule.

1.3 Measuring​:
In Jovian Wars players can pre-measure any measurements that are required for movement or

For ranged attacks the attack is in range if a measurement from the closest edge of the
attacking model’s base touches any point on the target model’s base.

Only the active player may make measurements but the passive player may request a
measurement be verified. When moving a model it is important to mark the original location in
case the model needs to be returned to that point. As a rule once a model has been picked up
and set down at a new position it’s move may not be rewound unless special circumstances
happen. Measure first, then move.

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

1.4 Cascade rolls:
A ​Cascade roll​ is a series of dice rolls that continue until the end of the cascade is triggered by
a model’s destruction, or an event that ends the cascade such as running out of fuel.

To resolve a cascade roll simply continue resolving the attack or action alternating between
players. The most common cascade attacks are Dogfighting (See 8.4) and Bombing Runs (See
8.1 and 6.6).

1.5 Escalate results​:

An attack that ​Escalates​ increases the magnitude of the result. The value of the attack remains
the same. A [Q+] result that escalates remains a [Q+] result. ​Example: A result of [D2] escalates
into a [T2] result.

1.6 Diminish results​:

An attack that Diminishes reduces the magnitude of the result. A result may diminish below a [D]
result. The value of the attack remains the same ​Example: A results of [T3] diminishes into a
[D3] result.

1.7 Active and Passive players:

The ​active​ player is the player who is activating their fleet. The ​passive ​player is the player who
is not activating their fleet. These terms are used in the rules to specify players in examples and

1.8 Triggers:
A ​Trigger​ is an event or trait that must be resolved before a player’s turn can continue.
Example: A Pathfinder ends a move within 3” of an enemy squadron. Before using a special
action or making an attack the enemy squadron may choose to intercept the Pathfinder model,
triggering a dogfight event. This dogfight is resolved before the Pathfinder can continue its

1.9 Rules Priority:

When a conflict occurs between rules the more specific rule overrides the more general rule.

Example: A large capital Ship with the Sluggish trait may only turn at the end of a move. This
overrides the general rule that allows a ship to make a turn at any point during its move.

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

2.0 The game:
Jovian Wars is a near future tactical space battle game played on a tabletop with miniatures and
dice. Each player builds a fleet of models and then commands it in a tactical game by
maneuvering around the battlefield, attacking enemy ships, and attempting to defeat their
opponent by completing scenario mission objectives to gain victory points.

2.1 Space Environment 2D vs 3D:

Jovian Wars is played on a 2D surface. The experience of playing in 3D is represented in the
rules in many aspects such as models being able to move and shoot past/through each other.

2.2 Game Components​:

A Fleet consists of a number of ​Models​. A Model may consist of a single Capital Ship figurine
on it’s base or a squadron of Exo-Armors or Fighter figurines on their base. A Model can also be
a terrain model or template such as an asteroid, comet, Habitat, or station.

In addition to models players will require some six sided dice, at least four. A pencil, paper, ruler
or measuring tape, and the markers and tokens available at the end of these rules.

2.3 Base sizes:

Exo-Armor and Fighter models are based on 1” Hex bases with a multi-pronged mounting
supporting each model. Capital Ships are mounted on rectangular or square bases which show
their attack arcs. Ships are marked on the bottom of their data cards as to which base size to
use, and sold packaged with the correct base size.

Table 2.3 Standard Base sizes

Model type* Base size (Jovian/CEGA) Base Size (Venusian)

Exo-Armor / Fighter 1” hex or 1” hex or

square flying base square flying base

Capital Ship: 1-2 Structure 1” hex or 1” hex or

points 1.5” x 2” 1.5” x 2”

Capital Ship: 3-4 Structure 1.5” x 3” 1.5” x 1.5”


Capital Ship: 5+ Structure 2.0” x 4” 2” x 2”

*:Note that a ship will have it’s base size indicated on it’s data card.

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

2.4 Space/ time scale​:
The exact area represented by the battlefield is considered to be appropriate to the
requirements of the game. The time scale of each round is considered to be sufficient for each
model to move and activate once.

2.5 Model scale​:

The Scale of the Exo-Armor and Fighter models are 1/1000. Capital Ship models are
approximately 1/4000 scale. Note that this is an approximation and is not exact.

2.6 Rounding​:
All fractions will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Example: A ship boosts and must halve its Fire Control rating of 3. It divides the rating to 1.5
then rounds up to 2.

2.7 Deployment Zones and Table Edges:

In a game of Jovian Wars each player will have one or more deployment zones where models
will be placed on the table. This represents the abstract direction where friendly forces are
located. A deployment zone may or may not include a board edge. The deployment zone that a
player deploys their models in is called their friendly deployment zone and any table edge
located in a friendly deployment zone is a friendly table edge. The reverse is called the enemy
deployment zone and enemy table edge.

2.8 Interruptions and Responses:

There are trait and game rules that allow models to interrupt the active models activation to
resolve. The most common interruptions are Interception (See 4.1) and Point Defense against
missiles (See 6.5d). If a special rule requires an interruption or allows a response simply
suspend the current activation until the interruption is resolved then continue with the activation.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

2.9 Model Attributes​.
The Data card describes the attributes or numbers that describe each model.

1. The Threat Value (​TV​) of the model. This is used to construct a fleet.
2. The Faction​ ​this model belongs to.
3. The identifying Name of this type of model.
4. The Type of this model. Used to determine available special actions.
5. Skill​ describes the number of dice to roll for some special actions. ​Speed​ is how far this
model can move, and ​Fire Control​ is how many weapons it can attack with each turn.
6. Structure/Damage​ is the number of hits a model can suffer before it is crippled (capital
ship) or crippled/destroyed (Squadron).
7. System stats. Capital ships have the point ​Defense​, ​Sensors​, and ​Thrusters​ systems
with boxes representing how much damage they can sustain. Squadrons have point
Defense​, ​Sensors​, and ​Fuel​ ratings.
8. List of ​Weapons​ this model may attack with. The type of weapon determines the effects
of a hit.
9. Weapon ratings for attacking ​A​nti-​C​apital ship or ​A​nti-​S​quadron. Capital ships also have
Ar​c and ​Ma​cro ratings.
10. Any additional weapon traits that affect the attack.
11. Boxes for marking damage to weapons.
12. Traits​ that describe special abilities or system traits the model has.
13. Information detailing when this card was last ​updated​.
14. The standard ​base​ size for this model.
15. Image of the model for identification purposes.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

2.10 Phases:
The following phases are followed in each round of Jovian Wars. Each player completes all the
phases in order then passes play to the other player. When both players have completed all the
phases once check the victory conditions and if no player has won continue the game with a
new round in the same turn order.

The Game Phases are:

● Deployment Phase
● Activation Phase
● End Phase
The game phases are repeated seven times per player in a standard scenario before checking
victory conditions (See 11.0)

Turn Order:
When playing a scenario the Attacker takes the first turn (See 11.0). Otherwise randomize which
player is the Attacker.

The Attacker is the player who takes the first turn and moves and attacks with all their models
first. The player who is not the attacker is the Defender and is the second player in the turn

The Turn order remains the same for the entire game with the Attacker activating all their
models first in each round before the defender activates all of their models.

Initial Deployment:
All models start the game in ​Reserve​. Model in reserve are placed off the table until they are
deployed in a deployment phase. Model that are off the table may not attack or use special
actions. They are considered to the circling the battlefield.

2.10a Deployment phase:

The standard deployment method for Jovian Wars is the ​Escalating Deployment​ that is
defined below (See 2.11c). Different Scenarios may specify a different method (See 11.0).
Escalating deployment allows only a portion of a player’s fleet to deploy in the first two rounds
with the remainder allowed to be deployed in the third round deployment phase or after.

2.10b Activation Phase:

In the activation phase the active Player selects a model then activates it, then selects another
and continues activating models one at a time until all the models in their fleet have activated

An Activating model may Move, spend Fire Control rating to attack, and take a Special Action.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Attacks and Special Actions may be resolved before, after, or while interrupting a move. A
player using their Fire Control to make an attack action may spend their Fire Control all at once
or at different points of their movement for each point of Fire Control. Attacks made with each
Fire Control rating are distinct attacks and are resolved before completing further attacks.

When Exo-Armor and Fighter models activate they may be limited by their Fuel rating. The
amount of Fuel rating remaining is tracked over the course of a model's activation and once
used up the model may no longer take any actions that require fuel. When a model’s activation
ends its fuel rating, and the fuel rating of any other model that used fuel during its activation, is
refreshed to its base value. Squadrons do not have to return to a capital ship model to refresh
their fuel. ​Note: A Squadron’s Fuel rating refreshing represents in space refueling drones and/or
replenishment of the model’s plasma reserves from onboard reaction mass. The term “Fuel”
denotes the amount of reactor plasma available for short bursts of activity such as a dogfight or
bombing run.

Example 1: A Vindicator attacks an enemy capital ship. It attacks with its mass driver first
damaging the target’s point defense. Then the Vindicator uses it’s second rating of fire control to
attack with anti-capital ship missiles. The damage done to the point defense by the mass driver
reduces the number of dice the defender can use to defend against the missiles. The vindicator
can then move and make a special action.

Example 2: A ship has linked missile weapons that allows two weapons to fire using one Fire
Control. These attacks are considered to be simultaneous and damage to point defense will not
be resolved until after both attacks have been made.

Example 3: A Pathfinder tries to initiate a bombing run on a target ship. It is intercepted by an

enemy Squadron. The Pathfinder spends one fuel (and passes its skill check) to break off from
the dogfight to continue on course to attack the capital ship. When the Pathfinder completes the
initial Bombing run it may only use the remaining fuel to make additional attack runs, or attempt
to return to base (See.6.6).

2.10c End Phase:

The End Phase is used to complete any game effects that specifically occur in the End Phase.
Victory conditions and scenario turn limits are checked and if there is no winner then a new
round begins.

2.11 Deployment Types:

There are three standard deployment methods, ​Fleet​ deployment, ​Random ​deployment, and
Escalating ​deployment.

2.11a Fleet Deployment:

In Fleet deployment the entirety of both fleets deploy within their deployment zone (or up to ¼
the width of the table). The attacker deploys all their Capital ships first, then the Defender


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

deploys all their capital ships. The attacker then deploys all their Exo-Armor and Fighters
models, then the defender deploys their Exo-armor and Fighter models. Exo-Armor and Fighters
may be kept back in reserve and enter the game in any deployment phase.

2.11b Random Deployment:

In Random Deployment each player places four markers anywhere on the table at least 12”
from another marker and not within the opponent’s deployment zone. At least two of a player’s
markers must be placed at least 6” outside their deployment zone if possible. The player with
the most models is the attacker. The players alternate placing markers starting with the attacker.

During the first deployment phase each player divides their fleet into four groups and numbers
them 1-4. Each group must contain at least one Capital ship and two Exo-armor or Fighter
models and may not contain more than 50% of the fleet measured by points. Randomize each
group to a marker. Players take turns starting with the attacker deploying all the model in a
group with at least part of each base within 3” of the marker.

2.12c Escalating Deployment

Before the game:
The defending player deploys one Capital Ship with up to two Exo-Armor or Fighter models. The
Capital Ship is deployed within 12” of a friendly table edge. The Exo-Armor or Fighter models
are deployed within 6” of the Capital Ship. Note that a second capital ship with the Escort trait
can replace one of the Exo-Armor or Fighter models.

Attacker First round Deployment phase:

In their first round deployment phase the Attacking player deploys one Capital Ship within 12” of
their friendly table edge. Up to two Exo-Armor or Fighter models may be deployed within 1” of
the Capital Ship. Note that a second capital ship with the Escort trait can replace one of the
Exo-Armor or Fighter models.

Defender First round Deployment phase:

In their first round deployment phase the Defending player does not deploy any additional

Second round Deployment phases:

In the second round during their deployment phase the active player may deploy two Capital
Ships or Squadrons. Up to two additional squadron models may be deployed within 1” of each
of these newly deployed models. Note that a capital ship with the Escort trait can replace one of
the Squadron models.

In their Second turn each player may roll skill to deploy squadron models that were not
deployed escorting capital ships. This requires a [D+]. These deploy using the unoccupied
Hangers of deployed ships as noted by the Hanger Trait.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Deployed models may be deployed anywhere within 6” of the edge of a friendly deployment
zone, but not within 12” of any enemy model.

Third round and other Deployment phase:

All remaining models in reserve may be deployed in each players deployment phase of Round
three up to 6”. Any models not deployed remains in the reserves and may be deployed in further
deployment phases. Any remaining squadrons may deploy from unoccupied Hangers as if they
had been launched.

Example: Dave has three Syreen models in reserve. He may choose to deploy any, all, or none
in each further deployment phase after the second.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

3.0 Model types​:
There are different model types in a game of Jovian Wars. The type of a model affects the
range it can be detected by sensors and therefore the range it can be attacked from.
Additionally the number of dice each weapons rolls to attack a model is determined by its type.
Some special actions (See 8.0) are restricted to certain model types.

3.1 Squadrons:
Exo-Armor squadrons​:
An Exo-Armor is a 15-30 foot tall exoskeleton with manipulators, thrusters, and an articulated
frame. This flexibility gives them their chief advantages of maneuverability, a variety of
weapons, and their ability to land on and attack capital ships at point blank range. Exo-Armor
models are based three figures on a single 1” hex base. The term Exo-Armor can also describe
large exo-suits (armored space suits).

Fighter squadrons​:
Fighters are light spacecraft built around extremely powerful engines that carry large quantities
of ordnance, but lack some of the versatility and weapon options of Exo-Armor squadrons.
Fighter models are based three figures on a single 1” hex base. The term “Fighter” can also
describe fighter-bombers, reconnaissance vehicles, and bombers. Fighter squadrons may not
use the Boarding Party special action unless they have the Marines:X trait.

3.2 Capital Ships​:

Capital ships encompasses a range of craft from small freighters dozens of meters long to
battleships hundreds of meters long.

Capital Ships have restricted firing arcs marked on their bases in addition to a turning mark
used for movement. Each weapon system is listed with a weapon arc or arcs that describe the
area that the model may fire into with those weapons These Arcs are shown in diagrams in
Section 6.0.

3.3 Infantry & Exo-Suits:

Capital ships and installations such as orbitals and stations maintain a defensive crew of
marines in armored space suits and exo-skeletons. These units are not mobile enough to
operate in space away from a craft or dock but they are adept at performing boarding attacks if
they can cross to a nearby enemy craft and successfully board them. Infantry and Exo-Suits are
not represented by models but are the Marine rating or trait that is listed on the models that
transport them. Exo-Armor models with the Exo-Suit trait are small enough to board capital
ships as if they were Marines.

3.4 Terrain​:
The Jovian Wars game scenarios may include specific terrain models such as comets,
asteroids, orbitals, and space stations. The model’s attributes should be determined before the
game starts (See 5.0).


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

4.0 Movement​:
Movement in the Jovian Wars game on the battlefield takes place in two dimensions though
players should respect that space is a three dimensional space and there is ample room for
models to pass by each other. Collisions in space are almost always to be avoided. Even
though 22nd Century craft are compartmentalized and built to withstand extreme stress and
impact, the velocities that spacecraft can reach mean that an impact can easily result in the
destruction of both craft. Safety protocols normally prevent ships from impacting with each

4.1 Exo-Armor and Fighter movement​:

Exo-Armor and Fighters may ​Move​ up to their speed when they activate. They may move in any
direction and may pass through other models during this movement as long as their bases do
not ​overlap ​at the end of the movement. Unless they are using a boarding special action or
landing in a friendly Hanger all Exo-Armor and Fighter models should stay separated from
Capital ship bases by a minimum of 1” (See 8.5b).

4.1a Interceptions:
An interception is a special move that any Exo-Armor or Fighter model may make if an active
Exo-Armor or Fighter model ends a move, interrupts a move to make an attack, or uses a
special action. Check for possible interceptions before fire control or special actions rolls.
Squadrons that are crippled may not intercept.

To intercept the active model must be within 3” of the interceptor. The Intercepting model is
moved the shortest distance possible to be within 1” of the activating model. The two models
immediately engage in a dogfight (see 8.4). A model may only make one interception move per
enemy model activation. The Active model attacks first during an interception. If more than one
model can intercept then the passive player chooses which one will intercept.
Note: A model with the Interceptor trait always attacks first unless the active model also has the
Interceptor trait (See 9.0).

Example: A Pathfinder moves to within short range of a target model. A Syreen is within 3”
when the Pathfinder ends its move and declares it will intercept. The Syreen is moved to within
1” of the Pathfinder and a dogfight begins with the Syreen attacking first because of the
Interceptor trait.

4.1b Break Off:

A ​Break Off move ​is a move a model makes after it successfully breaks off from a dogfight. A
break off move is one move up to the Speed of the model. This move may be in any direction
and may trigger further interceptions if the model is the active model.

Example: A Syreen successfully breaks off from a dogfight. It may make one move in any


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

4.1c Return to Base moves​:
A ​Return to Base​ ​move ​is a special move that Squadrons make if they choose a Return To
Base special action (See 8.6), or end a dogfight or bombing run with zero fuel rating remaining.
A return to base move will required if they end a dogfight with zero fuel rating remaining, or at
the end of a bombing run (See 8.13, 6.6). A return to base move must be directly towards a
model with the Hangers:X trait or a friendly deployment zone or edge (See 2.7). A return to base
move is one move at the speed rating of the model.

If the return to base move does not end with the model within the deployment zone or within 1”
of a model with hangers then the moving model may spend one fuel make one additional return
to base move if it has one or greater remaining fuel rating.

Note that fuel is also used to limit the number of dogfight rounds a model can engage in and
how many round of attacking during a bombing run a model can make (See 6.6).

Example: A Pathfinder Exo-Armor model (Fuel:3) has completed it’s movement and used all of
its fire control to attack and then uses the Return to Base special action. It makes one 5” move
towards a Valiant (Hangers:2) but does not finish the move within 1”. The Pathfinder has more
than 1 fuel remaining and may make one additional move toward the Valiant.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

4.2 Capital Ship Movement:
Capital Ships ​Move​ by advancing directly forward, and​ turn​ by ​Changing Heading​. A capital
ship may change heading at any point during its move by turning up to 45 degrees to the port or
starboard by pivoting on either the front right or front left turning point of their base. This point is
1” back from the front edge and is marked on the base. The ​Reorient​ Special Action can be
used to make additional turns (See 8.11).

A capital ship must move at least half its speed rating each time it moves unless it used the
Station Keeping special action (See 8.13).

If a Capital Ship can move past another model, friendly or enemy, so that it’s base completely
passes the other ship’s then it is moved to the new location. If not then the bases are
overlapping ​(See 4.3).

A Capital Ship with the ​Nimble ​trait can make two turns during its move. The turns must be
separated by 2” of movement (See 9.2).

A Capital Ship with the ​Sluggish ​trait may only make a turn at the end of its move (See 9.2) and
makes two turns instead of facing any direction when it uses a reorient special action (See

Turning example diagram 1


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

4.3 Overlapping​:
Overlapping happens when a model moves and ends its movement in a position where it’s base occupies
the same space as another model. The results of overlapping depend on the type of models involved. A
player may not intentionally end an active models movement overlapping another model.

4.3a Capital Ship Base overlapping:

If movement would result in two capital ships overlapping their bases then the ship with the smaller base
is repositioned. If the ships have the same base size then it is the moving ship that is repositioned.

Place the repositioned ship so that the back of its base is touching the other ship and it remains in the
same orientation.

If an active ship would be repositioned because of overlapping it must stop and use all remaining Fire
Control and make all special actions before completing the overlapping movement.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

4.3b Exo-Armor and Fighter base overlapping:
If a Squadron model would be overlapped by a Capital Ship model’s base mark their position
with a counter and then move them out of the way until the Capital Ship’s movement is
complete then their owner places the models as close to the original marked position as
Squadrons may not be placed or end a movement within 1” of an enemy model unless they are
initiating a Dogfight action, Boarding, or entering a Hanger.

Exo-Armor and Fighter Models may move through and past other Exo-Armor and Fighter
models if they have the movement to do so.

4.4 Boost:


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

A boost is not a special action (See 8.0). It is a choice each model can make before it moves,
attacks or makes any special action(s). If the model chooses to Boost then the model may make
two moves this activation instead of one. The second move is called a ​Boost Move ​or

A model that Boosts may not use a Concentrated Fire special action this round (See 8.2) and
reduces its Fire Control rating by half, rounding up.

A Capital Ship model may not turn when making a boost move and it must move its full speed
rating directly forward. A Capital Ship model with zero reaction control rating may not boost.

A squadron model must spend one point of Fuel rating to boost. When a squadron model
boosts it may boost up to one additional time. Each boost requires one fuel. A squadron that
boosts must move all moves in a single straight line.

Example 1: A Pathfinder model with Speed:5” and Fuel:3 Boosts. It moves 5” forward then it
uses 2 Fuel to move two extra moves in a line 10” long. The Pathfinder ends its move within 3”
of an enemy Exo-Armor which intercepts it causing a dog fight. The Pathfinder only has one fuel
rating remaining to use in the dogfight. At the end of its activation the Pathfinder refreshes it’s
fuel rating.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Example 2: An Alexander Destroyer with Fire Control:3 chooses to boost this turn when it
moves. The Alexander moves once normally then must boost 7”. The Alexander normally has a
Fire Control rating of 3 which is reduced to 2 by boosting.

4.5 Ramming: ​Requires 1 Structure/Damage rating. Speed 1”+

Ramming is a suicidal act of desperation in Jovian Wars. To ram or be rammed is almost always
lethal to both the ships involved in addition to being difficult to achieve. To ​Ram​ requires the
active model to have only 1 Structure/Damage Rating remaining. The ramming model must be
able to move so that the front arc of its base overlaps with the target models base. A capital
ship model may not ram a squadron model.

Any model with Speed:1”+ may Ram. A Ramming ship must declare the ram when it moves and
may not make any special actions or fire any weapons the activation when it rams.

4.5a Capital Ship Ramming Capital Ship: Roll Skill​.

Roll skill to ram. Add the flank modifier if the active model’s base is touching the target model’s
port or starboard arc. If the test is successful [D+] then the active model rams the target model.
Each model will roll an attack roll with dice equal to its starting structure rating escalating the
result. If the base of a model that impacts the other ship is the front arc then add +1D6 boost
dice to the attack roll. Do not add flank or rear modifiers.

Example: A Valiant with only 1 structure rating remaining decides to ram a Tengu in the side.
The Skill roll is successful. The Valiant rolls 5D6 to attack the Tengu (Structure:4 + 1D6 for front
arc). The Tengu Rolls 3D6 (Structure:3) to damage the Valiant. The Valiant rolls [D, D] which
counts as [T2, T5] severely damaging the Tengu. The Tengu rolls [D2] which counts as a [T2]
result and destroys the Valiant

4.5b Exo-Armor or Fighter Ramming Capital Ship:​ Roll Skill.

When the attack is declared the target of the ram may roll to attack the ramming model with it’s
point defense rating. If the point defense roll is successful [D+] then the active model is
destroyed. If the active model survives the point defense roll it rolls skill with a boost dice. If
successful [D+] the active model rams the target model. The active model is destroyed. The


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target capital ship will suffer an attack roll equal to half the starting damage of the ramming
model plus an equal number of flex dice.

Example: A Pathfinder (Damage:6, Skill:2) with 1 damage remaining survives the point defense
and succeeds a 3D6 skill test to ram a Capital ship. The Pathfinder is destroyed. The active
player rolls 3D6 +/-3D6 to damage the target model.

4.5 c Exo-Armor or Fighter Ramming Exo-Armor or Fighter:​ Roll Point Defense. Roll Skill.
When the attack is declared the target of the ram may roll to attack the ramming model with it’s
point defense rating. If the test is successful [D+] then the active model is destroyed. If the
active model survives the point defense it rolls skill. If successful it will ram the target model.
The active model is destroyed. The target model suffers an attack roll equal to half the starting
damage rating of the ramming model plus an equal number of macro dice.

Example: A Pathfinder (Damage:6, Skill:2) with 1 damage remaining declares a ram targeting
an enemy Wyvern. The Wyvern fails it’s point defense roll so the Pathfinder may roll skill to ram.
If the Pathfinder succeeds the 2D6 skill test it rams an enemy Exo-Armor. The Pathfinder is
destroyed. The active player rolls 3D6. If the ram attack hits then the active player adds +3D6
macro dice to damage the target model.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

5.0 Terrain Effects​:
Terrain has some tactical effects in Jovian Wars. Terrain cannot destroyed in the time frame of
the game. Some terrain can be overlapped by models and do not follow the standard
overlapping rules.

Any model may choose to avoid terrain by treating it as an overlapping model which is larger.

5.1 Asteroids
Asteroids are indicated by an area template. Any capital ship model moving through an asteroid
template will suffer X number of 2D6 AC attack where X is the number of inches moved through
the template. Models within an area of Asteroids add +1 to their PD rating for attacks targeting

5.2 Large Asteroid (2-4” diameter):

Large Asteroids can be used for cover. Any model within 3” of a Large Asteroid gains the
Stealth:1 trait or adds +1 to its current Stealth trait. A capital ship model that end its movement
overlapping a Large Asteroid will suffer a 6D6 AC attack.

5.3 Comets​:
A Comet is treated as a Large Asteroid. Comets have a tail which is treated as an area of
Asteroids. In the first round after deployment roll 1D6 for the speed of the comet and randomize
a direction and mark it on the comet. Each deployment phase the comet will move the rolled
distance in inches in the direction indicated. Models that the comet overlaps with while moving
will be affected as if they had overlapped a Large Asteroid and/or Asteroids.

5.4 Dust/Ice clouds​:

Dust/Ice Clouds are indicated by an area template. Any model moving though it will suffer an
AC/AS attack of 2D6 regardless of distance moved through. Models within an area of Dust/Ice
Clouds add +1 to their PD rating for attacks targeting them and Beam or Particle attacks that
target a model in a Dust/Ice Cloud, or that pass through a Dust/Ice Cloud, suffer -1D6 to the
attack roll.

5.5 Small Moons​:

Small moons come in various sizes from 4” to 18”. A moon follows the rules for Large Asteroids
except that a moon may be overlapped without causing damage. A model starting a move while
overlapping a moon adds +2” to its speed rating. A defending player may deploy models in
reserve using a moon as a table edge. All combat is considered to be taking place on one side
of a moon.

5.6 Planet/Large Moon​:

A planet or large moon is represented by a table edge. All movement with the planet table edge
entirely within the front arc +2” to the speed rating of the moving model or -1” speed if the rear
arc is entirely facing the planet. Any movement where a model is moving parallel to the planet


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

table edge or with its nose more towards the planet table edge than away adds +1” to its speed
for that activation. Non-fighter models may not deploy from a planet table edge. A planet may
not be overlapped.

5.6a Atmosphere​:
Some planets or moons may have an atmosphere. If so roll 1D3 to determine the depth of the
atmosphere. Models within the atmosphere reduce their speed by 1” and suffer an AC/AS attack
of 2D6 to represent friction damage each time they make a move within the atmosphere.
Models within an atmosphere gain the Stealth:1 trait or add 1 to an already existing Stealth:X

5.7 Military Space Stations​:

A military Space Station is a model and will have a list of attributes and ratings just like any
other model. Before a game players must roll 2D6 for each station. This is the Structure rating of
the station. The Marines and point defense rating will be half the structure rating. The stations
will have sensors:3, speed 0, and Skill:2. It will have Hangers:1+1D3, and fire control 2. The
station will have 2x Kinetic Cannons: T: AC:4/AS:3 Ma:1, or 2x Beam Projector: T: AC:3, AS:3
Ma:2 (randomize). Alternately use a Space Station model from Dream Pod 9 (future release).

5.7 Wrecks:
Wrecks are treated as 2” Asteroids, a 2” Asteroid, or a 2” comet depending on their size and
composition. Wrecks have no special rules unless required for a scenario. Randomize which
type of terrain they are treated as (roll 1D6: 1-2 Asteroids, 3-4 Asteroid, 5-6 Comet).

5.8 Unidentified objects (UIOs):

UIOs are of deep curiosity to spacers though most are jokingly creative projects by nomads
hoping to fool earth spacers. Treat UIOs as a model that can be boarded for scenarios that
include them. Roll 1D6 for the Structure rating of the UIO.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.0 Attacking:
Attacking is the most common way to cripple, damage or destroy enemy models. Each weapon
listed on a models datasheet may only attack once each round with the exception of attacks
made during a dogfight (See 8.4) or a Bombing Run (See 6.6). Each attack requires a rating of
Fire Control. Each attack may target a different model. An attack may occur before, during, or
after a move. At the end of a model’s activation any fire control rating that was used is
refreshed. A ​Normal ​attack is any attack not made in conjunction with a special action. A
normal attack can be made at any point during a model’s move.

6.1 Requirements:
Attacking requires that the attacking model has a Fire control rating of 1 or greater, an available
weapon, and has a target in both range and the firing arc of a weapon.

6.1a Fire Control:

A model may attack with a number of weapons each turn equal to its ​Fire Control​ rating. Each
weapon that fires may target one model that is in range and in the arc of the weapon selected.

Example: A model with Fire Control:2 may attack with two weapons. It may only select weapons
that have a target in arc and range.

A model that boosts will halve its Fire Control rating for that activation.

Linked Weapons: Multiple weapons with the ​Link ​trait may be fired using a single rating of fire
control. To use the Link trait all the weapons must be of the same type and have the same
attack rating and be attacking the same target (See 9.3)..

Example: A model has four weapon systems. Two particle cannons (Link) with AC:3 and AS:3
and kinetic cannons (Link) with AC:3 and AS:3. When the model attacks it may use one rating of
fire control to attack with either both the particle cannons or both the kinetic cannons but it may
not fire one particle cannon and one kinetic cannon because they have different weapon types.
If the player wishes to fire at two different targets with the particle cannons each attack will use
one fire control rating.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.1a Range:
Anti-Capital Ship (AC) attacks have a default range of 6”. Anti-Squadron (AS) attacks have a
default range of 3”. These default ranges are called ​Short Range​.

Any distance beyond short range is called ​Long Range.​ Models with Sensor attributes of 1 or
more add 3” to their long range for each point of sensor rating.

The special action ​Long Range Sensors​ (see 8.9) can be used to extend Sensor range to
attack targets beyond Long range.

Example: A Briciu has Sensors:1. It has a maximum AC range of 9” and an AS range of 6”.

Table 6.1a: Range

Range Target: Capital Ship Type Target: Squadron Type

Short 6” 3”

Long 6” + 3” per Sensor rating 3” + 3” per Sensor rating


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.1b Arcs​:
All models have four arcs that define the directions their weapons can attack in and any attack
bonuses that attackers targeting them receive. The Attack bonuses are listed in section 6.4.

Exo-Armor and Fighters:

Weapons mounted on squadron models can fire in any direction. Squadrons do not have a
defined facing for movement or attacks.

Capital Ships:
Weapons mounted on Capital Ships have restricted weapon arcs.
● Weapons with a T arc may fire in any direction​.
● A weapon with an arc of Front (F) may fire at a target either on or between the arc lines
defined by the front of its base. This is normally a 90 degree arc.
● A weapon with an arc of Rear (Rr) may fire at a target either on or between the arc lines
defined by the back of its base. This is normally a 90 degree arc.
● Port/Left (P) or Starboard/Right (S) weapons may fire only either to port or starboard at a
target either on or defined by the arc markings on the side of its base.
A weapon can have multiple arcs. If it does it may only select a target in one of those arcs.

Diagram 6.1: Capital Ship Firing Arcs

6.2 Weapon Attack Attributes:

Each Weapon has an Anti-Capital Ship (AC) and an Anti-Squadron (AS) attribute. These
attributes define how many base dice are rolled when the weapon attacks a target. Note that a
weapon may only fire once each round unless it is being used in a Dogfight (See 8.4) or on a
bombing run (See 8.13, 6.6)

Example: A Kinetic Cannon weapon has attributes AC:3 and AS:2. If attacking a capital ship it
rolls 3D6 base dice. If attacking an exo-armor or fighter it rolls 2D6 base dice.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.2a Weapon Special Rules:
Each weapon ​type ​has rules that give them advantages under certain conditions..

Beam Projector:​ Beam Projector weapons may re-roll normal attack results of [N] when used to
attack a target at short or long range. Note this does not include dogfight attacks or bombing
runs, or attacks using the Long Range Sensors special action (See 8.9).

Beam projectors represent lasers, masers, and any other weapon that uses concentrated
radiation in the EM spectrum to ignite, melt, or explode targets. These weapons can cycle
quickly and attack at the speed of light making them very accurate. The largest beam weapons,
the spinal lasers of the Jovian Confederation have the capacity to cause major structural
damage to a target as large as an orbital colony. The downside of Beam Projectors is their
delicate mechanisms means that minor damage cannot be repaired easily.

Kinetic Cannon: ​When attacking a target model with a Kinetic Cannon draw a line from the
attacker to the target model that is the shortest distance between their bases . This line is 1”
wide. Roll to attack all enemy models whose base is touched by that line at -1D6. ​Example: A
Javelin has Kinetic Cannon: AC:3, AS:3. It attacks a target Uller capital ship with a 3D6 attack.
One Syreen models base is touched by the line and is attacked with a 2D6 attack.

Kinetic Cannons cover a spectrum of autocannons, macro-cannons, gatling style chain fed and
other types of projectile weapons with a high rate of fire and a variety of ammunition types.
These weapons are easy to maintain and use and are ubiquitous in all militaries. The only
downside is the vast quantities and mass of the ammunition that they require.

Lance (Plasma Lance):​ A Lance can only be used in a dogfight or a boarding action. When
attacking with a Lance a model rolls dice equal to the skill rating of the model that is attacking.
Lance damage cannot be reduced by Energy armor or Reactive armor traits. A model attacking
with a Lance may choose to spend a rating of Fuel to add a flex dice to the attack roll.

Plasma Lances represent an offshoot of the technology of the fusion reactors that power all
modern spacecraft. Siphoning a small amount of highly energized plasma into the lance and
then containing it within a powerful magnetic field allows a powerful blowtorch effect that can cut
advanced poly-alloy armor like tissue. While only effective for short periods and difficult to use in
combat the plasma lance is a weapon that is favored by holo-dramas of all nations as the
premier honorable weapon of a true hero. Pilots are known to mount rings of rare elements at
the nozzle of the lance to change the color of the flare to a pilot’s signature color.

Mass Driver:​ Mass Driver weapon [D] hits cause an critical hit to capital ship models. This
critical hit is always attributed to the lowest result value. ​Example: A target is hit with a [D2, D6].
The attacker applies the effect of the critical result as a [2] in addition to the system damage.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Mass Drivers is a catch all term for a variety of weapons that used directed electrical potential
and its interaction with ferrous metals to launch heavy projectiles at high velocity, far exceeding
the damage potential of a standard warhead. These weapons are temperamental but reliable
and require precision targeting to be effective. Their major advantage is that their ammunition is
very stable and does not require specialized magazines and chambered loading mechanisms.

Missiles: AC/AS/Nuke/Swarm (​Missile- Anti-Capital Ship, Anti-Squadron, Nuke, Swarm):

When attacking a Capital Ship the attacker may choose a system (Defense, Sensors, or
Thrusters) or a system trait to apply the damage from [D] results to. Missile attacks can be
defended against by enemy Point Defense (See 6.5d).
Example: A target is hit with a missile attack of [D2]. The attacker may chooses to apply the
damage to any system or system trait.
● Missiles:AC/AS​: Anti-Capital Ship or Anti-Squadron missile attacks follow the Missile
attack rules (see 6.6) and may be used for normal attacks, dogfight attacks, or bombing
● Missiles:Swarm​: Swarm missile attacks of [T+] diminish attack results (See 1.6).
● Missiles: Nuke​: Nuke missile attacks escalate attack results (See 1.5). A model making
a missile attack with the type Nuke (Nuclear warhead) may not use any special action
except the Withdraw special action. This weapons cannot be used in a boarding action,
or a dogfight.

Missiles are a form of simple single use drones that come in a bewildering variety of sizes and
profiles. The most common varieties are grouped into ship killers and hunter killers, for attacking
targets in squadrons or single large ship targets. Mounting the capacity for payloads that include
conventional, plasma based, and atomic payloads, the missile is a highly accurate weapon that
is capable of making course corrections even at extreme ranges. Due to the self-propelled
nature of the weapon it is relatively easy for most ships to target and destroy them and ships are
protected by anti-missile/squadron point defense batteries for this purpose.

Particle Cannon​: Capital Ship Models hit by a particle cannon with a [T+] result also suffer one
additional damage to a System determined by the value of attack roll. Attack rolls of a [D]
damage a system twice if that system damage point has a redundant damage point. Squadron
models in a dogfight that are hit by a Particle Cannon suffer -1 Fire Control for their next turn in
attacking, to a minimum rating of 1. ​Example: A capital ship is hit with a [T3] result. The Ship
takes damage as a [T3] and [D3]. Example 2: A ship is hit with a [D]. It has a redundant system
damage point. The hit marks both the standard and the redundant damage for that rating.

The Particle cannon uses a concentrated stream of highly charged particles to lash a target
causing explosive thermal and electrical damage to targets. Particle cannons cause a heavy
drain on power reserves and can be difficult to maintain.

6.2b Weapon traits: See section 9.3 for a list of traits that further modify the attack of a


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.4 Attack rolls:
Every weapon has two attributes, ​AC​ and ​AS​, that determine the number of attack dice that it
rolls when it attacks either Capital ships and Terrain, or Squadron (Exo-Armors and Fighter)

To make an attack roll the number of D6 dice equal to the attack rating of the attribute then add
any bonus dice. Roll the dice and the results of any sets rolled depending on the type of target,
Exo-Armor and Fighters, or Capital Ships.

Flank/Rear Attacks:
When attacking a capital ship in the Port, Starboard, or Rear arc add a flex dice (+/-1D6) to
each attack roll+. Determine the arc by drawing the shortest line possible between the bases of
the models. If the arc is uncertain apply the lesser modifier.

Example 1: The shortest line between the attacker and target lies on the line between the
targets front and port arc. Do not apply the flank bonus.

Example 2: A Syreen has an AS rating of 3 when attacking Exo-Armors or Fighters. If it makes

an attack targeting a Pathfinder Ex-Armor unit it rolls 3D6 to attack using its beam projector and
may re-roll the attack if it gets a [N] result if it is a normal attack.

Example 3: A Valiant Strike Cruiser is being attacked from the flank by an AC:3 weapon. The
attacker rolls four dice and then removes one D6 for the flex dice.

6.4a Attack rolls of 1D6:

A model that must make an attack roll with 1D6 rolls 2D6 instead and may not add any flex or
boost dice to the results. Macro Dice are added as normal.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.5 Attack Results:
After rolling attack dice determine sets to find results (See 1.0).

6.5a Anti-Capital Ship attacks (AC) results​:

Check the value of the result to determine what the effect of the attack is.
● [N]: All unique dice results: The Attack has no effect.
● [D]: Each [D] set reduces a system by 1 rating. A system is either Defense, Sensors, or
Thrusters. Which system is damaged is determined by the dice value of the set (See
table 6.5a). If a system is reduced to zero then the damage is applied to another random
system. The first time each system rating is reduced to zero the structure rating of the
ship is reduced by 1.
● [T]: -1 Structure rating. In addition note the value of the number of the set and consult
the critical damage table for additional critical damage effects. (See 7.1).
● [Q+]: Suffer damage as per two [T] hits of the same number.

Example: A CEGA Wyvern unit has a Sensors rating of 2. It targets a capital ship in the front
arc. The Wyvern has a range of 6” + 3”x2 = 12” range. The Wyvern’s Mass Driver has a AC:2
rating. The CEGA player rolls 2D6 for the attack rolling [2, 2]. The [D2] results reduces the
target’s point defense system rating by 1, then the Wyvern may continue to attack with its AC

Table 6.5a: AC Damage Summary

Result 1-2 Set 3-4 Set 5-6 Set

None [N] - - -

Double [D]* -1 Defense -1 Sensors -1 Thrusters

Triple [T] -1 Structure.

+Apply Critical Result of Set (See 7.0).

Quad+ [Q+] -2 Structure.

+Apply Critical Result of Set (see7.0).
+ Roll 1D6 and apply one additional random critical result (See 7.0).
*​Missiles attacks may select which system or system trait is damaged.

Example 2: A Tengu capital ship is hit with a [Q4] attack. It suffers -2 structure rating and a
weapon critical result that is randomized between the Tengu’s three missile launchers. A D6 is
rolled for a second critical result and is a [1] is rolled. The Tengu suffers one damage to its
Marines rating.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.5b Anti-Squadron attacks (AS)​:
● [N]: All unique dice results: The Attack has no effect.
● [D]: Each [D] set reduces the damage rating of the target by 1.
● [T]: Each [T] set reduces the damage rating of the target by 2
● [Q+]: A [Q+] set immediately destroys the target model regardless of remaining Damage.
It is removed from the battlefield.

A squadron model that is reduced to 0 Damage rating or less by a [D] or [T] result then it is
removed from the battlefield as a casualty..

Table 6.5b: Ant-Squadron Damage Summary

Result Damage

None [N] -

Double [D] -1 Damage rating

Triple [T] -2 Damage rating

Quad+ [Q+] Destroyed


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.5c Boarding Actions​:
Only Exo-Armors and Capital Ships with a Marines trait rating greater than 1 may perform a
boarding party special action. A Boarding Action does not require Fire Control.

Exo-Armor models that perform a boarding action may not boost. An Exo-Armor may board any
Capital Ship model that it can move into base to base contact with.

Capital Ships may perform a boarding action as a special action with a range of 1”. The marines
use short range shuttles, EVA packs, or Exo-Suits to transport themselves to the target ship.

Capital Ships that are Boarding another Capital Ship must declare how much of their Marines
rating will be committed to the boarding action when the action is declared. Boarding Marines
count as one model regardless of the amount of Marine rating committed to the attack.

Driving off Boarders​:

The ship being boarded may make one attack using their Point Defense rating targeting the
Boarding model.

Point Defense vs Exo-Armors:

A [D+] result drives off the attacking model and ends the boarding action. Place the boarding
model 1” Away from the target ship. It may not move further and has Fire Control 1 until the end
of its activation. Apply damage from the Point Defense attack as a anti-squadron attack.

Point Defense vs Marines:

A [D+] result drives off the attack and end the boarding action. Return the Marines to their ship.
Apply damage from the point defense as an AS attack. A [T] result does two damage.

A [Q+] results in the destruction of all the boarding Marines, or the Boarding Exo-Armor.

Example: A boarding party of Marines is driven off by a Point Defense roll with a [T] result.
Reduce the rating of the Marines by 2 when they are returned to the attacking ship.

Exo-Armor Boarding actions​:

Exo-Armor Models that Successfully board a Capital Ship are placed in base to base contact
with the target Capital Ship. The boarding model may roll to attack the boarded ship with all the
weapons it has, using up all their Fire Control rating. These attacks count as AC attacks but
may be made with the weapons AC or AS rating and gain +1 flex dice in addition to any other

When a Capital Ship with base to base enemy Exo-Armor models is moved the owner of the
Exo-Armor model may choose to place it in base contact with the capital ship at the end of the
movement or remain where it was as a free action.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Each round before activating a model currently boarding must declare if the Exo-Armor model
will continue the boarding action or not. If the model remains it will be attacked by point defense
again and may be driven off and damaged.

If not driven off the Boarding Exo-Armor will choose which system or system trait is damaged by
any [D+] results in the second and subsequent rounds of boarding a ship.

An Exo-Armor that is engaged in a dogfight by an enemy model automatically ends its boarding
action and should be moved 1” away from the Capital Ship it boarded.

Exo Models that have boarded an enemy ship may be targeted by weapons without the macro
trait or Engage Point Defense special action attacks. If the attack misses [N] then roll the same
attack dice to hit the boarded capital ship applying any modifiers.

Marine Boarding actions​:.

Marines that successfully board a Capital Ship fight for control of the ship. The defender may
roll XD6 in defense where X is the marines rating of the defending ship. Reduce the attacking
Marines rating by 1 for each [D] result and by 2 for each [T] result. If a [Q+] is rolled the entire
marine boarding party is destroyed.

If Marines survive the defenders attack with 1+ rating remaining they will roll an attack with XD6
base dice where X is their Marine rating and escalate the results if the base attack roll is two or
more D6; ​Example: a [D] becomes a [T]. ​If the ship is destroyed (its structure rating reduced to
zero) then it automatically rolls a 1 for the catastrophic damage roll and is ​Captured​. If the
attack rolls a [D+] reduce the defending marines rating by 1 in addition to any damage done by
damage results.

A captured model must move but may not take any actions other than a Withdraw action (see
8.6) until it leaves the battlefield. This ship may be boarded but otherwise may not be attacked.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Boarding Procedure Summary​:
1. Acting player declares Boarding action with model and quantity of Marines that will
2. Defending player rolls point defense.
a. [D+] drives off the attacker*. Exo-Armor to 1” away, Marines back to ship.
i. [D] or [T] does damage (1 and 2 respectively).
ii. [Q+] destroys all marine rating or Exo-Armor squadron.
3. Boarding Exo-Armor may roll to attack with AS or AC weapon rating. Damage resolved
as AC damage.
4. Defender rolls marines rating to reduce attacking marines rating.
5. Attacker roll Marines rating to do damage to the target ship.
a. If [D+] reduce defending Marines by 1.
6. Escalate damage. Target ships reduced to zero structure are captured.
*Note that models with Grapplers are only driven off with [T+] results.

If the target ship is not reduced to zero structure then the remaining marines return to their ship.
If the target ship is reduced to zero structure then may be captured. If at least one marine rating
remains in the ship then it is captured. Any number of marines rating may return to their ship of
origin. A target model that is crippled and then abandoned becomes adrift.

Example: A Boarding party of Marines with a rating of 4 attacks a capital ship with Point
Defense:0 and a marine rating of 2. The defending marines roll 2D6 to attack and reduces the
rating of the attacking marines by 1 with a [D] result. The remaining 3 rating of attacking marines
rolls for damage against the ship they are boarding. They roll a [D3] which escalates into a [T3]
reducing the ship to zero structure rating. The ship is captured and is now a Prize with a
Marines:3 trait. All or some of the marines can choose to remain to claim the ship as a prize, or
all may return to their parent ship leaving the target ship adrift.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.5d Missile Attack​: Only Models with a missile weapon may use this attack option.
Missile attacks resolve the effects of firing single or multiple guided missiles.

A ​Missile Attack​ is made by rolling dice equal to the weapon rating that matches the target

Point Defense: The target of a missile attack may defend against the attack using the point
defense rating.

Draw a line along the shortest distance between the attacking models base and the target
models base. Non-target models within 3” of the line may add +1 to the point defense rating of
the defending model. The defending model makes a Point Defense roll of XD6 where X is equal
to the ship’s point defense rating plus any bonus from supporting models. Each [D] result
reduces the success of the missile attack by one level. Each [T] result diminishes one attack by
two levels. A point defense roll of [Q+] completely defeats the attack, no damage is done
regardless of the success of the attack. The defender decides which result will be reduced by
successful point defense.

If a Missiles attack hits with a [D+] result the attacker may choose which system or which
system trait will receive the damage. The active player may choose to apply a [T+] result as a
[D] result.

Example 1: A capital ship is attacked by a missile attack with AC:5 which rolls a [T, D] result.
The target ship has a point defense rating of 4. It rolls Point Defense and gets [D] which can
reduce the missile attack from a [T, D] result to either a [D, D] result or a [T] result.

Example 2: A missile attack roll has a result of [D]. The defender rolls point defense and gets a
[T] result. The attack does no damage.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.6 Bombing Run​: Requires Fuel:1+
A model that uses a Bombing Run special action may not Boost and must be able to touch or
overlap the base of the target model with a move.

Place the model making the bombing run in base contact with the target ship at the closest point
of the target models base. Either the target ship may roll Point Defense to attack the active
model, or it may be intercepted by an enemy Squadron model within 3”.

● If intercepted the active model must pass a skill check with a [D+] to continue the Bombing run if it
survives the dogfight and has 1+ fuel remaining. If the Skill check fails [N] then the active model
may attack once with Fire Control:1 then must make a Return to Base move (See 4.1c).
● If attacked by point defense apply damage as normal and end the activation if the activating
model is destroyed.

A model that is making a Bombing Run attack can make one or more ​Attack Runs​. The first
attack run does not cost a fuel rating if the speed of the attacking model is equal or greater than
the target model. The attacking model may make attacks equal to the fire control rating of the
model. These attacks benefit from flank or rear arc modifiers. Point defense may not be used to
defend against missile attacks from a bombing run.

After the first attack run the active model may choose to spend remaining fuel rating to make
additional attack runs. Place the active model touching the target model base in the same or an
adjacent arc. Either roll point defense for the defender or resolve an interception before
resolving each attack run. Note that a model that has already intercepted once cannot intercept
again in the same activation.

After an attack run an active model that has run out of fuel, or that chooses to end the Bombing
Run special action, may make a single return to base move and use 1 remaining fuel rating to
make one additional return to base move.

Note that a model with the Heavy Trait gains a boost to its skill roll to continue the bombing run

Example: A Wraith Bomber (Fuel:2) chooses to initiate a Bombing run against a Thunderbolt. A
damaged unit of Pathfinders is able to intercept and the passive player chooses to intercept
instead of firing Point Defense. The Wraith destroys the Pathfinder with its first fuel and then
passes its Skill roll with a [D] (+1D6 for the Heavy trait). The Wraith has one fuel left and can
make two attack runs because the Wraith has a greater speed rating than the Thunderbolt. The
wraith resolves its first attack run and inflicts a [D] effect on the Thunderbolt. The Wraith has two
remaining fuel and chooses to make another attack run. The Thunderbolt has no interceptors in
range and must roll point defense doing a [D] result to the Wraith. The Wraith may then roll it’s
attack doing [T, D] to the target. The Wraith must then end the bombing run and make a single
return to base move (See 4.1c).


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

6.7 Dog Fight attack: ​Squadron models only.
A model that chooses a Dogfight special action may make a Dog Fight attack (See 8.15).
Instead of making standard attacks the activating model must move to within 1” of a target
squadron model. The models will alternate choosing actions beginning with the activating
model. A model may choose between Attacking, Breaking off, and Staying On Target actions
(See 6.7)

A model may choose actions a number of times equal to its ​Fuel ​rating. Once both sides have
chosen actions equal to their fuel rating they must both Return to base (See 8.6). A model that
has 0 fuel remaining may not choose any actions.

Continue alternating attacking and breaking off actions with each model until one model is either
destroyed, or successfully breaks off instead of attacking.

A model that survives a dogfight that does not successfully break off may make either one free
move in any direction or it may make a Return to Base move (See 4.1c)

Action: Attack: ​Requires Fire Control 1+. Uses 1 Fuel.

When a model ​Attacks​ it may attack with weapons equal to its fire control rating. Any weapon
may be used to attack except for weapons with the Nuke, or Bomb traits. A target model may
not roll point defense against missile attacks in a dogfight.

Action: Breaking Off: ​Roll Skill or Fuel. Uses 1 Fuel.

A model may attempt to ​Break Off​ from a dogfight by rolling skill or rolling dice equal to its
remaining fuel rating. If the roll succeeds with [D+] the dogfight ends and the model that is
breaking off may immediately make one move up to their speed in any direction. Models with
the Fast trait add a flex dice (+/-1D6) to the roll (See 9.2). A model that breaks off may not make
further attacks this turn.

Action: Stay on Target​: (Model with Heavy trait only):

A squadron with the Heavy trait may choose to Stay on Target instead of Attacking or Breaking
Off. A model that Stays on Target may make one attack with it’s point defense. Staying on
Target does not require fuel.

Notes: A squadron model that is reduced to half damage has Fire Control 1 unless it has the
Rugged trait. The Lance weapon can only be used in a Dogfight, a bombing run, or a boarding
action. If one model in a dogfight has the Interceptor trait then it chooses an action first. A model
that uses a Boost move before using a dogfight special action has Fire Control:1 in the first
Example: A Wyvern chooses to initiate a Dogfight with a damaged Pathfinder. It has a Mass
Driver (AS:2) and a Beam Projector (AS:2)*. It can attack with both weapons and get a [N, D]
doing one damage. The Pathfinder has a Beam Projector with AS:3 and chooses to attack, and


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

gets a [D] doing one damage. The Wyvern then attacks again getting [D, D] doing two damage
destroying the Pathfinder. The dogfight ends and the Wyvern may move once up to its speed.
*Hint: Roll each attack roll with different colored dice for fast dice rolling and results.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

7.0 Damage:
All models have a Rating that indicate how much damage they can sustain. Capital Ships and
terrain have a ​Structural​ rating. Exo-Armor and Fighters have a ​Damage ​rating.

Squadron Damage:
Damage to squadrons is marked from right to left. models whose Damage rating is reduced to
zero are removed from the table as casualties. Exo-Armor and Fighter models that suffer a [Q+]
result are destroyed regardless of damage rating remaining.

Exo-Armor and Fighter models that only have small damage boxes remaining are ​Crippled. ​A
crippled model is​ ​reduced to Fire Control:1, may not boost, and may only move normally, attack,
and may only make Repair (requires Repair trait) or Withdraw special actions.

Capital Ship Damage:

Capital Ships that have their Structural Rating reduced to Zero are ​Crippled​. A Crippled ship is
in danger of destruction and catastrophic collapse. These ships roll on the Catastrophic damage
table at the start of each turn until either the game ends, or they are destroyed (See 7.2).
Robust systems. Some system damage points are duplicated ratings. These damage points are
redundant ​and can absorb two hits before the rating of the system is reduced. Mark system
damage from right to left by marking or covering the damaged box.

Structure Rating​: A model that is reduced to 0 Structure rating is ​Crippled​. Roll on the
Catastrophic damage table. A model cannot be reduced to less than zero structure rating.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Capital Ship Damage effects:
Systems: ​When a system has zero rating remaining further hits to that system are randomized
to any remaining systems. A hit to a system that has been reduced to zero rating will cause the
hit to escalate (see 1.5). Doubled value boxes are redundant system boxes which increase the
damage required to reduce the rating of a system. The Current rating of a system is always the
rightmost unmarked box.

● Point​ Defense:​ Damage to Point Defense reduces it’s effectiveness. Loss of all point
defense has no additional effect other than making the ship vulnerable to boarding
actions and missile attacks. A Ship without a point defense rating cannot provide
● Sensors:​ Damage to Sensors reduces the effective range of weapons by 3” per rating of
Sensors to a minimum of 6” for AC and 3” for AS weapons.
● Thrusters:​ When the Thrusters rating is reduced to 0 the model will have difficulty
turning and will not be able to boost. When a model attempts to Change Heading it must
pass a skill roll with [D+] to successfully turn. If the result is [N] then the model may not
turn in that round.

System traits: ​A ​System Trait​ is identified on a data card by by an underline and a box that
can be checked to indicate damage​. ​A system trait that is damaged can be repaired by a repair
roll of [D+] (See 8.5). A system trait with a rating loses one rating per damaging hit. A system
trait that is damaged and has a rating of zero may not be used until it is repaired.

Weapons: ​Weapons may only be damaged by critical damage effects. The damaged weapon is
determined randomly. A Damaged weapon may not be used to attack. A damaged weapon can
be Repaired by a roll of a [D+] (See 8.5). Mark the weapon as damaged on the box provided on
the data card.

Marines (trait)​: Marines can only be damaged by critical damage effects or attrition from
boarding actions. Lost Marine ratings may not be repaired. Marine rating should be tracked by
marking lost rating on the boxes provided.

Speed​: Speed, or engines, may only be reduced by critical effects. Engine damage may be
repaired with 1” of speed rating returned with a successful [D] repair roll and 2” of speed rating
returned for each [T+] result.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

7.1 Critical Damage table​:
When a Capital Ship is damaged by a [T] result refer to the table below to determine the effect
of the attack.

Table 7.1: Critical Damage effects

Result Result name Effect

[1] Hull breach -1 Marine rating.

[2]-[3] Engines hit -2” speed until repaired.

[4]-[5] Weapon hit One randomized weapon is damaged.

Damage one random system trait (attacker chooses).

[6] Severe Damage -1 Structure rating.

-1 Marine rating,
+Damage one random system trait.*


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

7.2 Catastrophic Damage table​:
When a Capital ship is crippled (reduced to zero Structural Rating) it is ​Destroyed ​for victory
points objective purposes. A crippled model may not willingly turn or take special actions. All
model attribute ratings remain unless further modified by additional damage​.

A crippled ship may ​Explode​ catastrophically, become ​Dead​ and disappear from sensors, or
become ​Adrift​ and barely functioning but heroically continue to fight until it can withdraw​. Roll
1D6 on the table below. For each system rating that has been reduced to zero by damage add
+1 to the roll. Each time a model is hit by an attack that causes damage to Structure rating when
the structure rating has has been reduced to zero roll once on the catastrophic damage table.
The attacker rolls the effect of the catastrophic damage.

Drifting​: A crippled model moves forward 2” at the start of each movement phase and may not
turn. Mark the model with a Drifting counter.

Table 7.2: Catastrophic Damage table

Roll 1D6* Result Effect

1-5 Adrift Roll 1D6 to randomize a turn: Port/Left [1-2], straight

[3-4] or Starboard/Right [5-6]. The model suffers one hit
to the engine (-2” speed to a minimum of 2”), and one
random weapon is damaged. The model has Fire
Control:1 and may only select Withdraw as a special

6-8 Dead This model is destroyed. Remove it from the table.

Replace with a 2” Wreck marker (See 5.7). Roll 1D6 to
determine what kind of wreck: 1-2 Asteroids, 3-4
Asteroid, 5-6 Comet.

9+ Explode! All models within 3” of the ship suffer a AC/AS attack

with dice equal to the starting structure rating of the ship
+1. Any models between 3” and 3”+1D6” suffers an
attack with dice equal to half the ships starting structural
rating. Remove the model from play. It is utterly
destroyed and lost with all hands.
*Add +1 for each System that has been reduced to 0.

Example: An Uller Capital ship is reduced to 0 Structure rating and crippled. It has zero point
defence and thrusters. The attacker rolls 1D6 and gets a [5]. Adding 2 for the system ratings at
zero gives a result of 7 and a result of ‘Dead’. The Ullers owner removes it from the table and
rolls 1D6 getting a [3] and replaces the ship with a 2” diameter asteroids marker.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

8.0 Special Actions​:
A model may make one ​Special Action​ per turn. Special actions may be used any time a
weapon can attack.

Skill Test:
Certain Special Actions require a skill test. The acting model must roll dice equal to their Skill
(SKL) rating and then consult the action for the result. Some actions may allow a model to roll
using the rating of an attribute instead of the skill rating.

Special Actions that can be used by Capital ships or Squadrons:

8.1 Boarding party​: Requires Marines:1+ or Type:Exo-Armor.

This model may initiate a boarding action attack against a target Capital Ship or Terrain model
that is within 1” (See 6.5c). A boosting model may not initiate a boarding action.

8.2 Concentrated Fire: ​ Requires Capital ship target. Roll Skill or Sensors.
If successful with a [D+] then all non-missile attacks that results in a [N] may be re-rolled in this
activation. The attacking model must attack only one target model this round.

Example: A Ypres Class battleship has a Shan-Yu Battlecruiser in its front arc. It rolls [D] with
skill and can concentrate fire on the Shan-Yu. The Ypres’ five attack rolls results are [T], [D], [D],
[N], [N]. The Ypres may re-roll the [N], [N] attack result dice.

8.3 Evade: ​Requires Thrusters:1+ or Fuel:2+. Roll Skill, Thruster rating, or Fuel rating.
Declare this special action before movement or attacks. If successful with a [D+] the model
gains an Evasion token. If [N] then the model will gain an Evasion token and will also be Fire
Control 1 until the end phase. A model with an Evasion token is attacked as if it has the Evasive
trait (See 9.0). A model with the Evasive trait and an Evasive token may benefit from the
Evasive trait at short range. A model with the Sluggish trait may not use the Evade special

8.4 Lock On: ​Requires Fire Control 2+.

A model may spend 2 Fire Control to attack with a weapon instead of 1. The attack may be
rerolled if the result is [N]. The attacker may choose to have results with a [D] or [T] result
damage the system or system trait of the attacker's choice instead of normal damage result

8.5 Damage Control:​ Capital Ship: Roll Skill. Does not use a special action.
Damage Control is an additional special action that all capital ship models may do each round
when they activate. They represent jury rigged solutions to battle damage, and the replacement
of damaged parts. A capital ship may choose to use it’s special action to Damage control to gain
a re-roll on one roll. Roll the Skill rating of the capital ships and add X boost dice if the model
has the Repair:X trait. Consult the table below.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Capital Ship Repair Table:
Result Effect

[N] Repair one point of system damage*.

[D] Repair two points of system damage*/** OR Repair one Engine or Weapon
critical effect, OR Repair one damaged System trait.

[T+] Resolve two [D] results*.

*May not increase to more than starting values. If redundant repair one box of redundant
**Both rating points do not have to be on the same system.

A repair works by erasing damage that was marked on system, weapon, or traits.

If this model has a Hanger rating of 1+ it may also choose to roll to repair each landed squadron
once (See 8.5a).

A model with 1+ Parts trait may use 1 trait rating to roll +XD6 for one repair roll. Mark the rating
as used by marking a box if the result is [N].

8.5a Repair (Squadrons): ​ During it’s activation a ship may attempt to repair a each squadron
that is landed in a Hanger. This does not require a special action. Roll the skill of the capital ship
and consult the table below. If the Capital ship has the Parts trait add a boost dice to the roll
(See 9.2).

Squadron Repair table:

Result Effect

[N] Repair one damage*.

[D] Repair two damage*.

[T+] Repair three damage*.

*May not increase to more than starting values.

8.5b Hangers (Exo-Armor and Fighters)​: requires Hangers:X trait.

A model with Hangers:X may Embark X Exo-Armor or Fighter models where X is the Hangers
rating. Embarked models are placed in base to base contact with the ship and are moved with
the capital ship when the ship moves. An embarked model may not attack, assist in point
defense, use any traits, or be the target of an attack. An Embarked model may disembark by
activating and moving away from the base model or it may spend its special action to repair one
damage. If a Hanger Rating is reduced by an attack then randomize which hanger was hit and
disembark any model in that hanger and place it 1” away from the model. Models may not land

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

on a crippled capital ship. When a capital ship is crippled all the embarked squadrons are
immediately placed 1” away from the ship.
Example: A ship with two hangers but only one embarked model randomizes 50/50 with a D6.
On a [1-3] the occupied hanger is hit and the embarked model must disembark, on a [4-6] the
unoccupied hanger is hit.

8.6 Vector Attack​: Requires Sensors:1+:Roll Skill or Sensors.

If [N] then One target Exo-Armor or Fighter in Sensor range may immediately move up to 3”
without activating.
If [D] two target Ex-Armor or Fighter models may each move up to 3”.
If [T+] three Exo-Armor or Fighter models may each be moved up to 3”.

8.7 Withdraw:​ Roll Skill or Reaction Control. Must be 6”+ from enemy models.
If [D+] then the withdraw action is successful. A model taking this action is removed from the
board. Models that Withdraw are worth fewer Victory Points to the opponent.

Special Actions that can be used by Capital Ships only:

8.8 Engage Point Defense batteries:​ Capital Ships only.

This model may spent one rating of fire control to attack every enemy Exo-Armor model, enemy
Fighter model, and mine token within short range (3”) with an AS attack roll equal to the point
defense rating of the model.

8.9 Long Range Sensors: ​Capital ship only. Requires Capital ship target. Requires Sensors
This model may double its sensor range this activation. All attacks must target the same capital
ship or terrain model. Do not add flank or rear modifiers to the attack roll. Diminish the results of
the attacks.
Example: A Ypres has a AC:4 Kinetic Cannon. When attacking a target using the Long Range
Sensors special action the Ypres rolls 4D6 for the attack roll. If it hits with a [T+] then the player
diminishes the attack to a [D] and then rolls for macro. If a [D] is rolled then it diminishes to [N]
and the attack misses.

8.10 Minelaying: ​Requires Minelaying Trait.

This model may lay a minefield as it moves. The model may place a mine token touching it’s
base when it starts moving and every 2” after that, tokens represent numerous smaller
munitions scattered across local space. Any enemy capital ship that moves within 3” of the
token, will be attacked by the Mines with a AC:3/AS:3 attack roll. The model being attacked may
roll point defense to reduce the success of the mine attack roll. A [D] reduces the attack roll to
2D6. A [T+] reduces the attack roll to 0D6.
A mine token can be attacked by any weapon with an AS attack rating of 3+ and is removed on
a [T+] result.
Note that a mine token is not removed by attacking. Only by being attacked.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

8.11 Reorient: ​Capital ship only: Requires Thrusters:1+.
Roll Skill or Thrusters. If the roll succeeds with [D+] the model may be turned to face any
direction. A model that re-orients may not boost this activation, and halves its fire control rating
rounding up. A model with the Sluggish trait that reorients makes two turns instead of one at the
end of its move.

8.12 Silent Running​: Capital Ship only. Roll Skill.

If [D+] this model gains the Stealth:1 trait or adds +1 to the rating of an existing Stealth trait. If
this model has a rating of zero in defense, sensors, or thrusters then it cannot use this special
action. Mark the model with a stealth token. This token is removed if the model attacks, uses
point defense, boosts, or is damaged.

8.13 Station Keeping: ​Capital Ship only. Requires Thrusters:1+.

This ship has a speed of 0” this activation. It may make one turn. Place a Station Keeping token
on the model to mark its status. All attacks targeting this model add one flex dice to the attack

Special Actions that can be used by Squadrons only.

8.14 Bombing Run:​ Squadron only.

A model that uses a Bombing Run special action may not Boost and must overlap the base of
the target model with a move. Resolve a Bombing run attack (See 6.6).

8.15 Dogfight​ ​(Exo-Armor and Fighters only)​: Requires Fuel:1+.

This model may initiate a dogfight attack with a target squadron model (See 6.7).​ ​Instead of
making standard attacks the activating model must move to within 1” of a target squadron
model. The models will alternate choosing actions beginning with the activating model. A model
may choose between Attacking, Breaking off, and Staying On Target actions (See 6.7)

8.16 Return to Base​: Squadron only: Requires 1+ Fuel.

A model that uses a ​Return to Base​ Special action makes one return to base move directly
toward the nearest Base model (See 4.1c). A ​Base​ ​Model ​is a friendly board edge or a friendly
model with the Hangers trait. This move must be at maximum speed unless the move would end
within 1” of the base model.

A model that makes a return to base special action may make one additional move if it has 1+
fuel rating remaining.

A model that executes a return to base move can ​Land​ if it can move into base to base contact
with the Base model. See Hangers (See 8.5b).


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

9.0 Traits:
Traits are keywords that are marked on a model’s attribute line that reference a special rule that
apply to that model.

Associated traits: Some traits have additional ​associated traits​ that only apply to that trait.
These associated traits are listed in brackets directly after the trait they affect. The most
common associated trait is a weapon arc. ​Example: 2x Particle Cannon (Link) is two particle
cannon weapons that have the Link trait.

Multiple instances of a trait are cumulative, or ​stack​, their effect(s) unless noted otherwise.
Example: A model has 2x Lance. Apply this trait twice to the first attack this model makes in a

9.1 System traits: ​A trait with the associated trait “(system)” is a ​System trait​. This trait may be
damaged by a critical damage effect. System traits that are damaged can be repaired with a
successful skill roll of [T+]. On model data cards system traits are underlined.

9.2 Model Traits:

[Belt:X] ​Armored Belt:X: Reduce the Macro trait rating of a weapon that hits a port or starboard
arc of this model by X. If the result is negative roll dice equal to the negative rating and cancel
dice that match the result rolled. ​Example: A model with Belt:1 is hit with a weapon without the
Macro trait. After the roll results in a [D3] a 1D6 is rolled for the belt. If a 3 is rolled then one [3]
is removed resulting in a [N] result. If a [T3] had been rolled then it would be reduced to a [D3]
by a Belt roll of 3.
[Barrier] ​Barrier​ ​Shield: This model can make Point Defense rolls against Mass Driver and
Kinetic Cannon Attacks targeting models within 3” if the attack is at long range. Reduce the
success of the attack by one level for each [D+] result of the Point Defense roll. Multiple Barrier
traits do not stack. (​Example: [T] becomes [D]​). This model may choose to roll Point Defense for
another model within 3” against missile attacks.
[Cargo module] ​Cargo module: This model has a Cargo module. Add a Parts trait and a
Repair:1 trait, or add +1 to an existing repair trait.
[Catapult] ​Catapult (System): Models being deployed from reserves using this models hangers
may deploy within 6” of it instead of 3”. Multiple Catapult traits do not stack.
[Cloak] ​Cloak (System): ​A model must pass a Skill roll [D+] to target a model with a Cloak at
long range. Make one test per target, if the test fails the fire control rating may be used to attack
another target and the attacking model may not attack the target with other weapons this turn.
Multiple Cloak traits do not stack.
[Command] ​Command Ship: Friendly models in short range of this model may use the skill
rating of this model instead of their own for any skill rolls that are required except repair rolls.
[Comms] ​Communications suite (System): Friendly models within short range count as being
within Sensor range of Enemy models that are within this model’s Sensor range.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

[Counters] ​Counter Measures (System): Any model with counter measures may re-roll point
defense rolls against missiles. Models with a PD rating of zero lose their counter measures trait.
Multiple Comms traits do not stack.
[Cowling:X] ​Armored Engine Cowling:X: Reduce the Macro trait rating of a weapon that hits the
rear arc of this model by X. If the result is negative roll dice equal to the negative rating and
cancel dice that match the result rolled. ​Example: A model with Cowling:1 is hit with a weapon
without the Macro trait. After the roll results in a [D3] a 1D6 is rolled for the belt. If a 3 is rolled
then one [3] is removed resulting in a [N] result. If a [T3] had been rolled then it would be
reduced to a [D3] by a Cowling dice roll of 3.
[Dock] ​Capital Ship Dry Dock: This model may Land one Capital ship per Dock trait. THis model
may repair a landed capital ship. When repairing a landed Capital ship Add +/-2D6 to the roll.
Multiple Dock traits do not stack. Repair results of [T+] may repair one damaged structure point.
[Drones] ​Drones (System): A model with a drones trait gains a flex dice [+/-1D6] when making
repair rolls, attacking with a missile weapon, and defending using Point Defense.
[ECCM:X] ​Electronic Counter-Counter Measures (System): This model ignores the effects of
one ECM trait rating per X rating of ECCM.
[ECM:X] ​Electronic Counter Measures:X (System): Enemy models within this model’s sensor
range reduce their Sensor rating by X.
[Exo-Suit] ​Exo-Suit: This model is treated as an Exo-Armor model in all ways except that when
boarding a target model it may choose to board as either an Exo-Armor or as a Marine model
with a Marine rating of 1 for each 2 damage points remaining on the model. Multiple Exo-Suit
traits do not stack.
[Emissions:X]​ Electronic Emissions:X: When targeting this model add 3” to the Weapon’s
range for each rating of X.
[Energy Armor] ​Energy Attack Resistance: When attacked with a particle or beam weapon this
model diminishes the result of the attack by one level if the result is a [1], [3], or [5] set. Multiple
Energy Armor traits do not stack. This has no effect on point defense attack results. ​Example: A
[T3] set is reduced to a [D3] set by energy armor.
[Escort]​ Escort: Up to one model with the escort trait may be deployed with a Capital Ship in
the place of an Exo-Armor or Fighter model. Deploy the Escort within 6” of the Capital Ship.
[Evasive] ​Evasive: When this model is attacked at long range roll a maximum of XD6 base dice
where X is the structure rating of the target model. An Exo-Armor or Fighter model reduces the
base attack roll to 2D6. If the attack hits roll the difference between the base roll and the
weapon attack rating as boost dice to the original roll. Evasive has no effect on missile attacks
and does not function if the model has zero Reaction Control rating or is the target of an Engage
Point Defense special action (See 8.8).. A model with the Evasive trait and an Evasive token
benefits from the trait at short ranges (See 8.3 & 9.2).
Example: A Ship with 2 structure rating and the Evasive trait is attacked by a Beam Projector
with AC:5. The attack is at long range and the attacking ship may only roll 2D6+modifiers for the
base attack roll and rolls [2, 2], a hit! The attacking player rolls an additional +3D6 boost dice
and gets [2, 4, 5] giving a final roll of [2, 2, 2, 4, 5] or a [T] result.
[Expendable] ​Expendable: This model is not worth victory points for being crippled or


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

[Fast] ​Fast: This model rolls +/-1D6 to break off from a dog fight, or to use the Withdraw special
[Fire Ship] ​ Fire Ship: This ship can Ram when it has more than one structure or damage point
[Fuel Pod] ​Additional Fuel Pod (System): Expend this upgrade to automatically pass a reserves
roll for one model with the trait (use before rolling) or to add +2” to the speed or +2 to the fuel
rating of this model for one activation. The effect of multiple Fuel Pod traits do not stack but only
one trait is exhausted per use.
[Grapplers] ​Grappling launchers: Add +1D6 to Skill Rolls when initiating a boarding action:
When this model initiates a Boarding action the attacker is driven off by [T+] results. Attacking
Marines or Exo-Armor can still be damaged by point defense attacks.
[Hard Points:X] ​Hard Points:X: This model may mount X upgrades (See 10.0). Unless noted
otherwise all Capital Ship models have the Hard Point:X trait where X is equal to half the
model’s starting structure rating, rounded up.
[Hangers:X] ​Hangers:X: (System): This model may be the deployment point for a the number of
Exo-Armor or Fighter models deploying from reserve up to the rating of the trait.
[Heavy] ​Heavy: This model only rolls 2D6 to break away from a dogfight. When rolling skill to
continue a Bombing Run special action after an interception this model rolls a boost dice.
[Interceptor] ​Interceptor: This model attacks first in a dogfight unless an enemy activating
model also has the Interceptor trait.
[Launchers] ​Launchers (System): Models being deployed from reserves using this models
hangers may deploy within 3” of it instead of 1”. Multiple Launchers traits do not stack.
[Marines:X] ​Marines:X: This model has Marines with a rating of X.
[Mines] ​Minelayer (System): This ship may place mine tokens as a special action.
[Nimble]​ Nimble: This ship may make two turns during a move. The model must move 2”
forward between moves. This trait is lost if the Reaction Control rating is reduced to zero.
[Overthrust:X] ​Over Thrusters:X: When this model has a Evasive token attacks targeting it roll
XD6 for base dice plus modifiers. If the attack hits then the attacker rolls the difference between
the attack rating and the base roll as boost dice before determining the final result.
[Parts] ​ Spare Parts: When a capital ship repairs a squadron model add one boost dice to the
roll. Mark off this trait if the result of the repair roll is [N]. The effect of multiple parts traits do not
stack, but only one trait is marked off per [N] result.
[Prow:X] ​Armored Prow:X: Reduce the Macro trait rating of a weapon that hits the front arc of
this model by X. If the result is negative roll dice equal to the negative rating and cancel dice
that match the result rolled. ​Example: A model with Prow:1 is hit with a weapon without the
Macro trait. After the roll results in a [D3] a 1D6 is rolled for the belt. If a 3 is rolled then one [3]
is removed resulting in a [N] result. If a [T3] had been rolled then it would be reduced to a [D3]
by a Prow roll of 3.
[Reactive Armor] ​Projectile Attack Resistance: When attacked with a mass driver, kinetic
cannon, or missile weapon this model diminishes the result of the attack by one level if the
result is a [1], [3], or [5] set. Multiple Reactive Armor traits do not stack. This has no effect on
Point Defense attack rolls. ​Example: A [T3] set is reduced to a [D3] set by reactive armor.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

[Renowned] ​Renowned ship: This ship adds +1 to its skill attribute. Multiple instances of this
trait stack their effects. If destroyed this model is worth +20%VPs per instance. If captured this
model is worth +30%VPs per instance.
[Repair:X] ​Repair:X: This model adds X boost dice to any repair rolls it makes.
[Ring module] ​Gravity Deck/Habitat Ring/Rotating deck: Add a boost dice (+1D6) to the attack
roll of defending Marines when this ship is boarded as long as there remains at least two rating
of defending Marines. A model with 2-4 Structure has 12 Hardpoints per Ring. A model with 5+
structure rating has 16 hardpoints per ring.
[Rugged] ​Rugged: This model does not reduce Fire Control rating when crippled.
[Sensor Drone] ​Sensor Drone(s): This model may increase its sensor rating for one arc by 1
when it activates.
[Sluggish] ​Sluggish: This model only makes turns at the end of a move. When a sluggish
model uses the Reorient special action it makes two turns at the end of its move instead of one.
[Snooper] ​Advanced Sensor Suite (System): This model may ignore the Stealth trait of one
model within Sensor range and gain one flex dice (+/-1D6) to attack cloaked targets. If the
model with this trait also has the Comms trait then other friendly models within its sensor range
may also benefit from the Snooper trait.
[Shield] ​Shield: [D+] attack roll results of [1] or [2] do one less damage.
[Static] ​Static: This model may not move.
[Stealth:X] ​Stealth:X: Reduce the Sensor rating of any ship targeting this model with an attack
by X.
[Stock:X] ​Stock: This ship may only purchase X additional modules.
[Sweeper] ​ Mine Sweeper array: This model adds +2D6 to the attack roll when targeting mine
[TD] ​Target Designator (System): An enemy models targeted by missiles while in this model’s
Sensor range may re-roll their attack roll if the result is [N]. Multiple TD traits do not stack. Note
that no roll can be re-rolled more than once.
[Tender] ​Fleet Resupply Tender: Friendly models making a missile attack or Kinetic Cannon
attack while within 3” of a model with the Tender trait add a flex dice (+/-1D6) to the attack.
Multiple Tender traits do not stack. A model with the Tender trait may use its special action to
mark off any number of traits with boxes, or marine rating, to transfer an equal number of that
rating to a target friendly ship within 1”. No rating on the target ship may increase to more than
its initial rating.
[Tug] ​Tug: This model may move a model with the Static trait within 3” as a special action. A
Static model may only be moved a maximum of 3” a round and must be moved towards the
model that is moving it.

9.2 Weapon Arc terminology:

[T] ​Turreted weapon: This weapon may attack a target in any arc.
[F] ​Front/Fore arc firing weapon: This weapon may attack a target in the Front arc.
[P] ​Port arc firing weapon: This weapon may attack in the Port/Left arc.
[S] ​Starboard arc firing weapon: This weapon may attack targets in the Starboard/Right arc.
[Rr] ​Rear arc firing weapon: This weapon may attack a target in the Rear Arc.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

9.3 Weapon Type/ Weapon Traits
[Ace] ​Ace: A weapon with Ace gains a flex dice (+/-1D6) for each attack roll it makes.
[Array] ​Weapons Array: This weapon may make two normal attacks each activation instead of
one. Each attack still requires a Fire Control.
[Bomb] ​Bombard: This weapon can attack targets on the surface of a planet from high orbit.
This weapon may not be used to attack in a Dogfight.
[Link] ​Lined Weapons: When a multiple weapon listing has the associated trait Link then all the
weapons listed in that entry may all attack the same target using only one rating of fire control.
Roll each attack separately.
[Nuke]​ Nuclear Missile: Nuclear Missile attacks that damage a target escalate [D+] damage one
level higher result than rolled. May not be used in a dogfight or boarding party attack. ​Example:
A [D] result becomes a [T] result.
[Macro:X] ​Macro-Weapon:X: If an attack with this weapon successfully hits a target roll XD6
boost dice and add any matching dice to the previous result(s) to determine the final result(s)1.
Example: An AC:3 (Macro:2) weapon attack rolls [2, 4, 4]. The [2] is discarded and 2D6 are
rolled for the Macro:2 trait getting a [2, 4]. The [2] is again discarded and the [4] adds to the
original attack roll because it matched the number. This results in a final result of [T:4].
[Sniper]​ Sniper: Attacks with this weapon that are not dogfight or bombing run attacks add a
flex dice (+/-1D6). When this weapon does system damage to a target model it always selects
which system to damage regardless of the set value. An attack with Sniper may choose to
damage a system trait instead of a system, or may choose to damage a system in place of a
critical result.
[Swarm] ​Swarm/Barrage missiles: Swarm/Barrage Missile attacks Diminish [T+] results.

Credit to Forum user Narandin for concept.

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

10.0 Force Selection
25%+ must be spent on Capital Ships.
25%+ must be spent on Exo’s and Fighters.
0-25% of points may be spent on upgrades or static defenses.
Jovian Wars is designed to be played at three levels:
250 points per fleet for a ​Skirmish​,
500 points per fleet for an ​Engagement​,
750 points per fleet for a ​Fleet Battle​.
Select the size of game that you wish to play before you choose your fleets.
Note: Static Defenses are not available for the Beta rules.

Fleet List:Jovian (Beta)

Squadrons: May select 0-4 squadrons of each type per 250 points.
Pathfinder Sniper Squadron 12 points
Pathfinder Squadron 10 points
Retaliator Squadron 10 points
Hector Squadron 12 points
Lancer Squadron 20 points
Lancer Bomber Squadron 15 points

Uncommon Squadrons: May select 0-2 squadrons of each type per 250 points.
Stormrider Squadron 37 points
Pathfinder Recon Squadron 17 points
Vindicator Squadron 14 points
Lancer Recon Squadron 18 points

Common Ships: May select 0-2 ships of each type per 250 points.
Javelin Frigate 23 points
Corsair Missile Corvette 36 points
Athena Destroyer 47 points
Thunderbolt Frigate 30 points
Alexander Destroyer 54 points
Forge Escort Carrier 35 points
Valiant Strike Carrier 50 points

Uncommon Ships: May select 0-1 ship of each type per 250 points.
Ypres Battleship 95 points
Godsfire Command Carrier 99 points
Majestic Fleet Carrier 86 points
Lennox Cargo ship 22 points
Gagarin Tender 44 points
Intrepid Transport 33 points


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Fleet List: CEGA (Beta)
Common Squadrons: May select 0-5 squadrons of each type per 250 points.
Syreen Squadron 11 points
Fury Squadron 14 points
Wyvern Squadron 10 points
Wyvern Bomber Squadron 14 points
Cerebus Squadron 13 points
Wraith Interceptor Squadron 12 points
Wraith Bomber Squadron 11 points

Uncommon Squadrons: May select 0-2 squadrons of each type per 250 points.
Dragon Striker Squadron 35 points
Wraith Recon Squadron 15 points
Wyvern Marine Squadron 15 points

Common Ships: May select 0-3 ships of each type per 250 points.
Constantinople Assault Ship 45 points
Hydra Defense Frigate 27 points
Ch’in Frigate 24 points
Bricriu Corvette 25 points
Hachiman Destroyer 57 points
Uller Missile Cruiser 36 points
Poseidon Battleship 90 points
Tengu Escort Carrier 37 points

Uncommon Ships: May select 0-1 ship of each type per 250 points.
Detroit Fleet Support Ship 44 points
Appalachian Cargo Ship 8 points
Charon Transport Ship 9 points
Icarus Fuel Barge 9 points
Hammerhead Dreadnought 69 points
Narwhal Bombard 50 points
Birmingham Fleet Carrier 82 points


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

10.1 Upgrading Capital Ships and Squadrons:
Capital Ships may purchase Modules​ ​(See 10.1a)​ ​and upgrades from the Capital Ship
Upgrades list (See 10.1b), and Generic Upgrades list (See 10.1c) as well as Weapon upgrades
(See 10.1e). Some modules include additional hard points for more upgrades.

Any hard point may be equipped with a weapon upgrades. Any number of hardpoints may have
non-weapon upgrades, note that some non-weapon upgrades require more than 1 hard point.
Hard points may be left unused at no cost. All upgrades require one hard point unless noted

Unless otherwise noted with a Hardpoints:X trait all capital ship models have the ​Hardpoints:X
trait where X is the starting structure rating of the model.

Squadron models may purchase up to two upgrades from the Squadrons list (See 10.1c), and
Squadrons and Capital Ships upgrade list (See 10.1d). Each squadron model may purchase up
to one weapon upgrade from the Weapon upgrade list (See 10.1e).

Limited Modules/Upgrades: Modules and Upgrades that are listed with 0-X are Limited. A
Limited upgrade or Module can only be included in the fleet X times per 500 points or part
thereof. ​Example: A 600 Point Fleet can have two 0-1 upgrades in the fleet.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

10.1a Modules​:
Only Capital Ship models can have Modules. A model with the Stock:X trait may only purchase
X additional modules as upgrades. A model with one or more Modules may remove modules at
a cost of 2 points per module removed. A module may only be removed if it is replaced with
another module. A model with no modules and the Stock trait with a rating of zero may not be
upgraded with modules.
A capital ship model may have up to X modules where X is the structure rating of a model
divided by 2 and rounded up. ​Example: A model with structure rating 3 may have 0, 1, or 2

Ring module (small)​: Structure rating 2-4 model only. This model gains one Ring module trait
and gives the model the Hard Points:12 trait. Cost:1 point per structure rating.
Ring module (large)​: Structure rating 5+ models only. This model gains one Ring module trait
and gives the model the Hardpoints:16 trait. Cost:1 point per structure rating.
Cargo module​: Gives a Parts trait. Gives a Repair:1 trait, or adds +1 to the rating of an already
existing repair trait. Cost: 4 points.
Fuel Module​: Gives 4 Fuel Pod traits and the Tender trait. Cost: 4 points.
0-1 Comms Module: ​Gives the Comms trait. Costs: 4 points.
0+ Docking Module​: Adds 4 Hard points. May not be used for Weapon upgrades. Cost: 2

10.1b Capital Ship Upgrades​:

These upgrades may only be purchased for capital ship models.

Parts​: Cost: 2 point. Requires two hard points. This model gains a Parts trait or adds 1 to an
existing trait. This upgrade may be purchased multiple times.
Squadron Hangar​: Cost: 4 points. Requires 2 hard points.This model gains the Hangers:1 trait
or adds +1 to it’s current hangers rating. A hanger rating may not be upgraded more than two
0-2 Mine Layers​: Cost: 5 points. Requires 4 hard points. This model may use the Minelaying
special action (See 8.10).
0-2 Barrier​: Cost: 2 points per structure rating. Requires 1 hard point per structure rating.
Requires either the Drones trait, a Beam weapon or a Kinetic Cannon weapon. This model
gains the Barrier trait.
0-3 Drones​: Cost: 4 points. Requires 2 Hard points. Add the Drones Trait.
0-2 Redundant Point Defense​: Cost: 3 points. Requires 4 Hard Points. This model upgrades
one Point Defense damage point to be redundant. A point defense rating may not be upgraded
more than twice.
0-2 Redundant Sensor Pod​: Cost 3 points. Requires 2 hard points. This model upgrades one
Sensor damage point to be redundant. A Sensor rating may not be upgraded more than twice.
0-2 Redundant Thruster Pods​: Cost: 3 points. Requires 4 hard points. This model upgrades
one Thruster damage point to be redundant.. A reaction control rating may not be upgraded
more than twice.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

10.1c Generic upgrades​:
These upgrades maybe purchased for Exo-Armor, Fighters, and Capital Ship models.

0-2 Armor Upgrades​: Cost: Variable. This model gains one of the following special armor
types: Energy armor: 1 point per Structure rating, or 3 points for a Squadron model. Reactive
armor: 2 points per structure rating, or 3 points for a Squadron model.
Note: A model may only have one type of Armor upgrade.
0-2 ECM pod​: Cost: 2 points. This model gains an ECM trait. Requires 1 Hard point on capital
0-2 ECCM pod​: Cost: 2 points. This model gains an ECCM trait. Requires 1 Hard point on
capital ships.
Fuel Pods​: Cost: 2 points. This model gains a Fuel Pod upgrade. This upgrade may be
purchased multiple times. Requires 1 Hard point on capital ships.
0-1 Grapplers​: Cost: 3 points. This model gains the Grapplers trait.

10.1d Squadron only upgrades​:

These upgrades may only be purchased for Exo-Armor or Fighter models.

0-X Ace Pilots​: Cost: 4 points. This model gains the Ace trait to two of its non-missile weapons
and increases its skill rating by 1. Only one model of each Class may purchase the Ace trait as
an upgrade. A model with the Ace upgrade may purchase one additional upgrade. ​Example:
Dave has three Pathfinder class exo-armor models. Only one Pathfinder model may be
upgraded as an Ace
0-2 Reliable​: Cost: 5 points. This model gains the Rugged trait.
0-2 Sharpshooter​: Cost: 3 points. This model may add the Sniper Trait to one Mass Driver
0-2 Drone Bay​: Cost: 3 points. This model gains a Drones Trait.
0+ Drop Fuel tanks​: Cost: 4 points. This model gains +1 Fuel for one activation. This upgrade
may be refreshed instead of repairing one damage.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

10.1e Weapon Upgrades​. Requires: 1 Hard point per weapon.
Weapon(s) have the T arc if mounted on a Ring hard point and the F arc otherwise.
A weapon with a F arc can gain the T arc instead for +1 point or the Rr arc for -1 point.
Weapons mounted on a capital ship are automatically upgraded to have the Macro:1 trait.
An Exo-Armor or Fighter model may only purchase a maximum of one Weapon upgrade up to 3
points, not including the cost of firepower upgrades (See 10.1f).
A Capital ship model may only purchase upgrades that cost equal or less than the Structure
rating of the model.

Example: An Alexander Destroyer has Structure: 3. It has three hard points. It may purchase up
to three firepower upgrades to fill those hard points, no upgrade may cost more than 3 points.

Table 10.1e: Weapon upgrades

Weapon* Rating (AC / AS) Cost

Beam Projector 1/2 1 point

Beam Projector 2/3 3 points

Beam Projector 3/4 6 points

Kinetic Cannon 2/2 1 point

Kinetic Cannon 3/3 3 points

Kinetic Cannon 4/4 5 points

Mass Driver 2/2 1 point

Mass Driver (Macro:+1) 3/2 4 points

Mass Driver (Macro:+2) 3/2 6 points

Missiles:AC 2/0 1 point

Missiles:AC 3/1 3 points

Missiles:AC 4/2 6 points

Missiles:AS 0/2 1 point

Missiles:AS 1/3 3 points

Missiles:AS 2/4 5 points

Particle Cannon 2/3 1 point

Particle Cannon 3/3 4 points

Particle Cannon 4/3 6 points

*​Note that all weapons on capital ships gain one Big Gun firepower upgrade (Macro:1) for free.
Weapons mounted on a Ring module hardpoint gain the turret arc for free.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

10.1f Firepower Upgrades:
0-2 Swarm​: Cost: 1 point per original AS rating. This model may change one missile weapon
from AC or AS to Swarm missiles. The missile weapon is now an AC:1/AS:X+2 weapon where
X is the current weapon’s AS rating. This upgrade may not be combined with the Nukes
Example: A Missile:AS weapon with AC:1/AS:3 is upgraded to a swarm launcher. This Costs 3
points. It is now a Missile:Swarm AC:1/AS:5 weapon.
0-2 Nukes​: Cost: 2 points per AC rating. This model may change one missiles:AC weapon to a
Missiles:Nuke weapon. The missile weapon is now an AC:X/AS:X weapon where X is the
current weapon’s AC rating. This upgrade may only be chosen once per model. This upgrade
may not be combined with the Battery upgrade. A Missiles:Nuke weapon may not be linked with
other weapons.
Big Gun: ​Cost: 2 points. Add Macro:1 rating to weapon or add +1 to an existing rating. This
upgrade may be taken up to three times per weapon.
Link: ​Up to four Weapons that share an arc that have the same AC/AS rating may gain the Link
trait for +3 point for the group, this includes weapons already mounted on a ship


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

11.0 Scenarios/Missions/Victory

11.1 Game Length​:

A game of Jovian Wars lasts 7 rounds.

Alternate​: A Game of Jovian Wars will last 7-10 rounds. On round 7, 8 and 9 roll 1D6 in the
attacker's deployment phase. On a 4+ the game ends after each player has completed one turn.
The game will automatically end after the 10th round.

Victory Conditions​:
Standard Scenario:​ In a standard scenario the game immediately ends when one fleet has all its
remaining capital ships destroyed or withdrawn.

Special Scenario:​ In a special scenario the game ends the when one player achieves their
primary objective.

Victory points​: Players gain victory points (VPs) by:

Destroying enemy Capital ships​:
Destroyed Capital Ships are worth VPs equal to the points value of the ship plus its upgrades
and modules. Withdrawn ships are worth ½ VPs.

Capturing enemy Capital ships​:

Captured enemy Capital ships are worth 150% of their points in VPs.

Destroying enemy Squadrons​:

Exo-Armor and Fighters in reserve at the end of the game or with more damage than structure
are worth Victory Points equal to their points value plus upgrades. Models that withdraw are
worth ½ VPs.

Objectives​: Objectives are worth VPs defined by the scenario.​.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Scenario 1: Escalating engagement:
Two fleets are hunting for each other. As scouting ships discover the location of enemy ships
they call in reinforcements and prepare to engage. This is the standard Scenario from Section

Deployment: Escalation.
Victory Conditions: Victory Points.
Special Rules: None.

Scenario 2:​ ​Solar storm.

A powerful solar eruption has blanketed the area with powerful solar winds, blinding sensors
and forcing crews into hardened shelters deep within ships. The Admiral has spread the fleet
out to prevent accidental collisions. As the solar storm starts to ebb two fleets realize that they
are suddenly within striking distance.

Deployment: Random.
Victory Conditions: Victory Points.
Special Rules: Blinded by the light. All models are reduced to short range sensors only until the
third round. Boarding actions by Marines may not be attempted until the third round.

Scenario 3: Fleet engagement.

The fleets have been maneuvering for weeks and now a major engagement is shaping up. This
will be one for the history books.

Deployment: Fleet.
Victory Conditions: Victory Points.
Special Rules: No Quarter given. No model may make a withdraw special action until it has only
one structure or damage point remaining.

Scenario 4: Break the truce.

A truce has been called to allow both sides to search for escape pods. While searching two
ships fire upon each other and restart the conflict. Finding survivors will aid in future victories!

Deployment: Escalation.
Victory Conditions: Victory Points.
Special Rules: Search for Escape pods special action: Any model may use a special action to
search for escape pods. Roll Skill. Add one boost dice for each point of sensor rating. Each [D]
result is worth 5 bonus VPs. Each [T] result is worth 10 bonus VPs. Mark these VPs on the
model that used the action. Exo-Armor and Fighter models within 3” of a friendly capital ship
may transfer their bonus VPs to the Capital ship using a special action. Models that survive the
game may claim the extra VPs for their side’s VP total.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Scenario 5: Water war.
Water is everything in space. It is fuel and air. Whoever controls the water controls space.

Deployment: Escalation.
Victory Conditions: Victory Points.
Special Rules: Deploy one Comet to the center of the board. This comet does not move during
the game. The comet may be mined by Capital ships and Exo-Armor. Mining is a boarding
action where the comet rolls 3D6 for point defense representing hazards. A boarding action that
succeeds against the comet is worth bonus VPs equal to the value of the set of the attack dice
​ xample: A
rolled. Marines roll their rating. Exo-Armor rolls dice equal to their starting damage. E
model that rolls [D2, T4] result gains 6VPs. ​Roll the hazard point defense each round that a
model or marines continues the boarding action. The VPs an Exo-Armor model gains can be
transferred to a capital ship within 3” using a special action.

Scenario 6: Scavenger Hunt.

Reports of valuable intelligence or technology have triggered a rush of interest at high
command. Ships are rushing into the area and conflict is unavoidable.

Deployment Zone: Opposite table edges.

Deployment: Escalation.
Victory Conditions: Victory Points.
Special Rules: Valuable wrecks. Draw a line between the deployment zones. Place three wreck
markers on the centerline before deployment. The markers should in the center of the line and
halfway to each end of the line. To search a wreck it may be boarded by up to 5 rating worth of
marines. Each time a wreck is searched roll skill for the searching model using the rating of
Marines used as the base roll. A result of [D] is worth 10VPs, [T] is worth 30VPs, a result of [Q+]
is worth 50VPs. Only VPs gained from searching wrecks count at the end of the game.

Scenario 7: Ambush!
Attack where you are strong, and your enemy is weak.
(This scenario should not be played in a one-off game, only as part of a campaign.)

Deployment zone: Attacker: opposite table edges. Defender: within 6” of center line of table
between attacker table edges, all ships facing to the same end of the centerline but not within
12” of the table edge.
Deployment: Fleet.
Victory Conditions: Victory Points.
Special Rules:
Escape! The attacker gains no VPs for defender ships that Withdraw. The Defender gains ½
VPs for their ships that withdraw.
Divided fleet: Before Deployment the Defender divides their fleet into three parts, each which
must have at least 25%. Randomize one part of the fleet. This part will not participate in this


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
15.0 Reference Sheets:


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

16.0 Tokens:

Note that small six sided dice are excellent for marking damage on Exo-Armor and Fighter models.
*permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use.

0-3 Terrain Templates: Guidelines:

Asteroid template: 3” diameter, irregular
Large asteroid: 1x 4” Diameter, 1x 3” Diameter, 1x 2” diameter.
Comet: 1x 4”x6” teardrop, 1x 3”x5” teardrop, 1x 2”x4” teardrop.
Dust/Ice clouds: 6” diameter, irregular
Moon: 6” diameter, 10” diameter
Military Space Station: 3” diameter, irregular.
Wreck: 4” diameter, 3” diameter irregular.
Unidentified Orbiting Objects (UOO): 2” diameter irregular. (monolith, pentalith, etc)


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

17.0 Probabilities:
This is provided to allow players to understand the base probabilities involved. Note: For compound results such as
getting either a triple or a double on 3d6 total the individual probabilities together.

Dice: 2D6 3D6 4D6 5D6 6D6 7D6

No matches 83.3% 55.5% 27.%7 9.2% 1.5%

One double, NOM 16.6% 41.6% 55.%5 46.2% 23.1% 5.4%

One triple, NOM 2.7% 9.2% 15.4% 15.4% 9.0%

Two distinct doubles,

NOM 6.9% 23.1% 34.7% 27.0%

One quad, NOM 0.4% 1.9% 3.8% 4.5%

One double and one

triple, NOM 3.8% 15.4% 27.0%

One 5-of-a-kind,
NOM 0.1% 0.3% 0.9%

Three distinct
doubles, NOM 3.8% 13.5%

Two distinct triples,

NOM 0.6% 3.0%

One double and one

quad, NOM 0.9% 4.5%

One 6-of-a-kind,
NOM 0.01% 0.1%

Two doubles, one

triple, NOM 4.5%

One triple, one quad,

NOM 0.3%

One 5-of-a-kind, one

double, NOM 0.2%

One 7-of-a-kind,
NOM 0.002%
*NOM: "no other matches"

*Permission granted to print or photocopy for personal use only.


Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)
Royce Porter (Order #27940724)

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