Falk, Tiago H. - Sejdic, Ervin - Signal Processing and Machine Learning For Biomedical Big Data-Taylor & Francis (2018)

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Signal Processing and Machine

Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Signal Processing and Machine
Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Edited by
Ervin Sejdić
Tiago H. Falk
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Sejdic, Ervin, author. | Falk, Tiago H., author.
Title: Signal processing and machine learning for biomedical big data / Ervin Sejdic and Tiago H. Falk.
Description: Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017053075| ISBN 9781498773454 (hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781498773461 (ebook)
Subjects: | MESH: Medical Informatics | Data Collection | Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted |
Machine Learning
Classification: LCC R855.3 | NLM W 26.5 | DDC 610.285--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017053075

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To my family! For your unconditional love and support.

Ervin Sejdić

To Eric and Samuel. For your unconditional love and endless supply of giggles and laughter. I love you, forever!

Tiago H. Falk


Section I Introduction
1. Signal Processing in the Era of Biomedical Big Data.................................................................................................3
Tiago H. Falk and Ervin Sejdić

2. Collecting and Making Sense of Big Data for Improved Health Care...................................................................9
Thomas R. Clancy

3. Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain.....................................................................21

Xiaoyu Ding, Elisabeth de Castro Caparelli, and Thomas J. Ross

Section II Signal Processing for Big Data

4. Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams..........................................57
Shaofeng Zou, Yingbin Liang, H. Vincent Poor, and Xinghua Shi

5. Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement with Applications
in Newborn EEG Abnormality Detection Multichannel EEG Enhancement and Classification
for Newborn Health Outcome Prediction...................................................................................................................73
Boualem Boashash, Samir Ouelha, Mohammad Al-Sa’d, Ayat Salim, and Paul Colditz

6. Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data..................................................................115

Mohammad Moghadamfalahi, Murat Akcakaya, and Deniz Erdogmus

7. Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals........................................................133

Ljubiša Stanković, Miloš Daković, and Isidora Stanković

8. Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data.................................151

Renato J. Cintra, Fábio M. Bayer, Yves Pauchard, and Arjuna Madanayake

9. Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks...............................................................................................................177

June Zhang and José M.F. Moura

10. Modeling Functional Networks via Piecewise-Stationary Graphical Models...................................................193

Hang Yu and Justin Dauwels

11. Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data................................................................................................209

Angkoon Phinyomark, Esther Ibañez- Marcelo, and Giovanni Petri

12. Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research.............................................................................235

Susan Gruber

viii Contents

Section III Applications of Signal Processing and Machine Learning

for Big Biomedical Data
13. Scalable Signal Data Processing for Measuring Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy Neurological Disorder....259
Arthur Gershon, Samden D. Lhatoo, Curtis Tatsuoka, Kaushik Ghosh, Kenneth Loparo, and Satya S. Sahoo

14. Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs................................................................271

Iyad Obeid and Joseph Picone

15. Information Fusion in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation..........301
Mohammad Havaei, Nicolas Guizard, Nicolas Chapados, and Yoshua Bengio

16. Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI for Big Heart Data Analysis......................313
Kathleen Gilbert, Xingyu Zhang, Beau Pontré, Avan Suinesiaputra, Pau Medrano-Gracia, and Alistair Young

17. Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis...........................................................................................................................329

Henry A. Leopold, John S. Zelek, and Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan

18. Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification.........................................................................369

Sadaf Monajemi, Shahab Ensafi, Shijian Lu, Ashraf A. Kassim, Chew Lim Tan, Saeid Sanei, and Sim-Heng Ong

19. Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction.....................................................................381

R.J. Peace and James R. Green

20. Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data..........................................................................................................411

Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Emre Arslan, Upamanyu Banerjee, and Arghavan Bahadorinejad

21. Neuroelectrophysiology of Sleep and Insomnia.....................................................................................................429

Ramiro Chaparro-Vargas, Beena Ahmed, Thomas Penzel, and Dean Cvetkovic

22. Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine..........................................................................................443

Sara Mariani, Shaun M. Purcell, and Susan Redline

23. Integrating Clinical Physiological Knowledge at the Feature and Classifier Levels in Design
of a Clinical Decision Support System for Improved Prediction of Intensive Care Unit Outcome.............465
Ali Jalali, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Robert A. Berg, Mohamed Rehman, and C. Nataraj

24. Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data: From Data Collection to Analytics...............................477
Shiming Yang, Peter F. Hu, and Colin F. Mackenzie

25. Enchancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions
with Bayesian Networks in Time-Oriented Clinical Domains.............................................................................493
Kalia Orphanou, Athena Stassopoulou, and Elpida Keravnou

26. Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis...................................................................................................................519

Carolyn McGregor

27. Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data...............................................................533

José Zariffa

28. Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data..............................................................551
Mina Nouredanesh and James Tung


Big data has been loosely defined as data that is too large as data quality, data compression, and new statistical
or complex for traditional data processing techniques to and graph signal processing techniques. It also provides a
be applied effectively. The challenges that arise with comprehensive overview of existing state-of-the-art sig-
such massive data sets include capture, storage, analysis, nal processing and machine learning techniques applied
search, and visualization, to name a few. Within the to big biomedical data within neuroimaging, cardiac,
healthcare domain, the definition of biomedical big data retinal, genomic, sleep, patient outcome prediction, crit-
has been expanded to encompass “high volume, high ical care, and rehabilitation domains.
diversity biological, clinical, environmental, and lifestyle The book was conceptualized with the goal of bringing
information collected from single individuals to large together more theoretical signal processing chapters
cohorts, in relation to their health and wellness status, describing tools aimed at big data (be it biomedical or
at one or several time points.”1 As pointed out by the not) with more application-driven chapters focusing on
Ponemon Institute, in 2012, 30% of all electronic data existing applications of signal processing and machine
stored in the world was occupied by the healthcare learning for big biomedical data. As such, the book is
industry. It is clear that buried deep within these vast aimed at both researchers already working in the field as
amounts of data lies invaluable hidden knowledge that well as undergraduate and graduate students eager to
not only could change a patient’s life, but could open learn how signal processing can help with big data
doors to new therapies, drugs, diagnostic tools, and gene analysis. It is hoped that the book will bring together
discoveries, thus ultimately improving our population’s signal processing and machine learning researchers to
quality of life. unlock existing bottlenecks within the healthcare field
While important steps have already been taken to and, ultimately, improve patient quality of life. We
leverage such insights from, e.g., neuroimaging big data would like to thank all contributing authors for their
or fitness data collected by wearables giants such as excellent chapters.
Fitbit, we have only scratched the surface of this data
iceberg. As more data has become available over the Tiago H. Falk
years, it has enabled important advances in machine Ervin Sejdić
learning, specifically in deep learning and deep neural
network architectures, thus redefining the performance
envelope of existing technologies, such as object recog-
nition from images and automatic speech recognition.
Black-box machine learning approaches, however, while Reference
very useful indeed, are only as good as the data they 1. Auffray C, Balling R, Barroso I, Bencze L, Benson M,
are trained on. Ultimately, to make significant progress, Bergeron J et al. Making sense of big data in health
expert domain knowledge and signal processing tech- research: Towards an EU action plan. Genome Med.
niques are still needed. This is particularly true for bio- 2016;8(1):71.
medical data.
Big biomedical data is often captured via a multitude of
sensors and modalities, each of varying sample rate and
dimensionality. Patient-generated data is often of vary-
ing quality. The majority of existing data is unstructured MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks,
and unlabeled. Video resolutions are doubling almost Inc. For product information, please contact:
every few years, with resolutions now at 8K ultra-high
definition. Capturing, analyzing, storing, searching, and The MathWorks, Inc.
visualizing such massive data have required new shifts in 3 Apple Hill Drive
signal processing paradigms and new ways of combining Natick, MA 01760-2098 USA
signal processing with machine learning tools. This book Tel: 508-647-7000
aims at covering several of these aspects. While it does not Fax: 508-647-7001
touch upon important topics, such as data sharing and Email: info@mathworks.com
privacy, it does touch upon several other factors, such Web: www.mathworks.com


Prof. Ervin Sejdić received BESc and PhD degrees in discovery and innovation drives his constant endeavors
electrical engineering from the University of Western to connect advances in engineering to society’s most chal-
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, in 2002 and 2008, lenging problems. Hence, his research interests include
respectively. From 2008 to 2010, he was a postdoctoral biomedical signal processing, gait analysis, swallowing
fellow at the University of Toronto with a cross- difficulties, advanced information systems in medicine,
appointment at Bloorview Kids Rehab, Canada’s largest rehabilitation engineering, assistive technologies, and
children’s rehabilitation teaching hospital. From 2010 anticipatory medical devices.
until 2011, he was a research fellow at Harvard Medical
School with a cross-appointment at Beth Israel Deacon- Prof. Tiago H. Falk received a BSc degree from the
ess Medical Center. In 2011, Prof. Sejdić joined the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2002, and
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering MSc and PhD degrees from Queens University, Canada,
at the University of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA, as in 2005 and 2008, respectively, all in electrical engi-
a tenure-track assistant professor. In 2017, he was pro- neering. In 2007, he was a visiting research fellow at
moted to a tenured associate professor. He also holds the Sound and Image Processing Lab, Royal Insti-
secondary appointments in the Department of Bioengi- tute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, and in 2008 at the
neering (Swanson School of Engineering), the Depart- Quality and Usability Lab, Deutsche Telekom/TU
ment of Biomedical Informatics (School of Medicine), Berlin, Germany. From 2009 to 2010, he was a Natural
and the Intelligent Systems Program (Kenneth P. Die- Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
trich School of Arts and Sciences) at the University of (NSERC) postdoctoral fellow at the Holland Bloorview
Pittsburgh. Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, affiliated with the Uni-
Prof. Sejdić is a senior member of the Institute of versity of Toronto. He joined the Institut National de la
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a recipi- Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in Montreal, Canada, in
ent of many awards. As a graduate student, he was December 2010 as a tenure-track assistant professor. In
awarded two prestigious awards from the Natural Sci- 2015, he was promoted to tenured associate professor.
ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. In He is also an adjunct professor at McGill University (ECE
2010, he received the Melvin First Young Investigators Department) and an affiliate researcher at Concordia
Award from the Institute for Aging Research at Hebrew University (PERFORM Centre). At INRS, he heads the
Senior Life in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. In February Multimedia/Multimodal Signal Analysis and Enhance-
2016, President Obama named Prof. Sejdić as a recipient ment (MuSAE) Laboratory.
of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Prof. Falk is a senior member of the Institute of Electri-
Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the United cal and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), an elected member
States Government on science and engineering profes- of the Global Young Academy (GYA), a member of the
sionals in the early stages of their independent research Sigma Xi Research Society, and academic chair of the
careers. In 2017, Prof. Sejdić was awarded the National Canadian Biomedical and Biological Engineering Society.
Science Foundation CAREER Award, which is the His research interests lie at the crossroads of multime-
National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award dia and biomedical signal processing with particular
in support of career-development activities of those focus on leveraging big data for the development of
scholars who most effectively integrate research and affective human–machine interfaces and anthropomor-
education within the context of the mission of their phic, human-inspired technologies. His work has resulted
organization. in numerous awards, including the EURASIP Best Paper
From his earliest exposure to research, he has been eager Award (2017), the Sigma Xi Young Investigator Award
to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge (2016), the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement
through carefully executed experiments and ground- Award (2016), the Bell Outstanding Achievement Award
breaking published work. He is an area editor of the (2015), the CMBES Early Career Achievement Award
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine and an associate editor of (2015), the IEEE Kingston Section PhD Research Excel-
Biomedical Engineering Online. Prof. Sejdić’s passion for lence Award (2008), the Prof. Newton Maia Young

xii Editors

Scientist Award (2002), and several best paper awards at and the International Journal of Healthcare Engineering.
international conferences and workshops. He has served as guest editor to special issues in the
Prof. Falk is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, Frontiers
Quality and User Experience (Springer) journal, the in Neurology, the EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech &
Journal of the Canadian Acoustical Association, IEEE Music Processing, and the Journal of Electrical and
Canada Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering.

Beena Ahmed Robert A. Berg

School of Electrical Engineering and Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Telecommunications Medicine
University New South Wales Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Sydney, Australia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Murat Akcakaya Boualem Boashash

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department The University of Queensland Center for Clinical
University of Pittsburgh Research (UQCCR)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
Mohammad Al-Sa’d
Qatar University College of Engineering Ulisses M. Braga-Neto
Doha, Qatar Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Center for Bioinformatics and Genomics Systems
Emre Arslan Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University
Center for Bioinformatics and Genomics Systems College Station, Texas
Texas A&M University Nicolas Chapados
College Station, Texas Imagia Inc.
Montreal, Canada
Arghavan Bahadorinejad
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ramiro Chaparro-Vargas
Center for Bioinformatics and Genomics Systems eys IT SAS
Engineering Bogota, Colombia
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas Renato J. Cintra
Signal Processing Group
Upamanyu Banerjee Departamento de Estatística
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Center for Bioinformatics and Genomics Systems Recife, Brazil
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas ECE
University of Calgary
Fábio M. Bayer Calgary, Canada
Departamento de Estatística and Laboratório de Ciências
Espaciais de Santa Maria (LACESM) Thomas R. Clancy
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria School of Nursing
Santa Maria, Brazil The University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Yoshua Bengio
Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) Paul Colditz
and The University of Queensland Center for Clinical
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research (UQCCR)
Research The University of Queensland
University of Montreal Brisbane, Australia
Montreal, Canada

xiv Contributors

Dean Cvetkovic Kaushik Ghosh

School of Engineering Cluster Department of Mathematical Sciences
RMIT University College of Sciences
Melbourne, Australia University of Nevada Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Miloš Daković
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Kathleen Gilbert
University of Montenegro Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
Podgorica, Montenegro School of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Justin Dauwels University of Auckland
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Aukland, New Zealand
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore James R. Green
Systems and Computer Engineering
Elisabeth de Castro Caparelli Carleton University
Neuroimaging Research Branch Ottawa, Canada
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research
Program (NIDA-IRP) Susan Gruber
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Department of Population Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
Xiaoyu Ding Harvard Medical School
Neuroimaging Research Branch Boston, Massachusetts
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research
Program (NIDA-IRP) Nicolas Guizard
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Imagia Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland Montreal, Canada

Shahab Ensafi Mohammad Havaei

Electrical and Computer Engineering Imagia Inc.
Faculty of Engineering Montreal, Canada
National University of Singapore
Singapore Peter F. Hu

Deniz Erdogmus Esther Ibáñez-Marcelo

Cognitive Systems Lab ISI Foundation
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Turin, Italy
Northeastern University
Boston, Massachusetts Ali Jalali
Health Informatics Core
Tiago H. Falk Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique St Petersburg, Florida
University of Quebec Ashraf A. Kassim
Montreal, Canada Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Arthur Gershon National University of Singapore
Department of Population and Quantitative Health Singapore
School of Medicine Elpida Keravnou
Case Western Reserve University Department of Computer Science
Cleveland, Ohio University of Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus
Contributors xv

Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan Carolyn McGregor

School of Optometry and Vision Science University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Department of Physics Oshawa, Canada
Department of Systems Design Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo University of Technology
Waterloo, Canada Sydney, Australia

Henry A. Leopold Pau Medrano-Gracia

Department of Systems Design Engineering Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
School of Optometry and Vision Science School of Medical Sciences
University of Waterloo Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Waterloo, Canada University of Auckland
Aukland, New Zealand
Samden D. Lhatoo
Department of Neurology Mohammad Moghadamfalahi
School of Medicine Cognitive Systems Lab
Case Western Reserve University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Cleveland, Ohio Northeastern University
Boston, Massachusetts
Yingbin Liang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Sadaf Monajemi
The Ohio State University NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences
Columbus, Ohio and Engineering
National University of Singapore
Kenneth Loparo Singapore
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science José M.F. Moura
Case School of Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Case Western Reserve University Carnegie Mellon University
Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Shijian Lu Vinay M. Nadkarni

Institute for Infocomm Research Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR) Medicine
Singapore Center for Simulation, Advanced Education,
and Innovation
Colin F. Mackenzie Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Arjuna Madanayake
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering C. Nataraj
University of Akron Department of Mechanical Engineering
Akron, Ohio Villanova Center for Analytics of Dynamic Systems
Villanova University
Sara Mariani Villanova, Pennsylvania
Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders
Department of Medicine Mina Nouredanesh
Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics
and Engineering
Harvard Medical School University of Waterloo
Boston, Massachusetts Ontario, Canada
xvi Contributors

Iyad Obeid Joseph Picone

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering College of Engineering
Temple University Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sim-Heng Ong Beau Pontré

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
Faculty of Engineering School of Medical Sciences
National University of Singapore Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Singapore University of Auckland
Aukland, New Zealand
Kalia Orphanou
Department of Computer Science H. Vincent Poor
University of Cyprus Department of Electrical Engineering
Nicosia, Cyprus Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Samir Ouelha
Qatar University College of Engineering Shaun M. Purcell
Doha, Qatar Department of Psychiatry
Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Yves Pauchard and
Department of Radiology Department of Psychiatry
Cumming School of Medicine Harvard Medical School
University of Calgary Boston, Massachusetts
Calgary, Canada
R.J. Peace Division of Psychiatric Genomics
Systems and Computer Engineering Departments of Psychiatry and Genetics and Genomic
Carleton University Sciences
Ontario, Canada Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York City, New York
Thomas Penzel
Interdisciplinary Center of Sleep Medicine Susan Redline
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders
Berlin, Germany Department of Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Giovanni Petri and
ISI Foundation Harvard Medical School
Turin, Italy Boston, Massachusetts

Angkoon Phinyomark Mohamed Rehman

ISI Foundation Department of Anesthesia
Turin, Italy Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
and St Petersburg, Florida

Institute of Biomedical Engineering

University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, Canada
Contributors xvii

Thomas J. Ross Ljubiša Stanković

Neuroimaging Research Branch Faculty of Electrical Engineering
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research University of Montenegro
Program (NIDA-IRP) Podgorica, Montenegro
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Baltimore, Maryland Athena Stassopoulou
Department of Computer Science
Satya S. Sahoo University of Nicosia
Department of Population and Quantitative Nicosia, Cyprus
Health Sciences
School of Medicine Avan Suinesiaputra
and Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
Department of Neurology School of Medical Sciences
and Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Department of Electrical Engineering University of Auckland
and Computer Science Aukland, New Zealand
Case School of Engineering
Case Western Reserve University Chew Lim Tan
Cleveland, Ohio Department of Computer Science
School of Computing
Ayat Salim National University of Singapore
Qatar University College of Engineering Singapore
Doha, Qatar
Curtis Tatsuoka
Saeid Sanei Department of Neurology
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences School of Medicine
University of Surrey Case Western Reserve University
Guildford, United Kingdom Cleveland, Ohio

Ervin Sejdić James Tung

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics
Swanson School of Engineering Engineering
University of Pittsburgh University of Waterloo
Philadelphia Waterloo, Canada
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Shiming Yang
Xinghua Shi
Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics Alistair Young
University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
Charlotte, North Carolina School of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Isidora Stanković University of Auckland
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Aukland, New Zealand
University of Montenegro
Podgorica, Montenegro Hang Yu
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
GIPSA-lab, Grenoble INP, CNRS Singapore
University of Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, France
xviii Contributors

José Zariffa Xingyu Zhang

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute–University Department of Anatomy and Medical Imaging
Health Network School of Medical Sciences
and Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering University of Auckland
University of Toronto Aukland, New Zealand
Toronto, Canada
Shaofeng Zou
John S. Zelek Coordinated Science Lab
Department of Systems Design Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
School of Optometry and Vision Science Urbana, Illinois
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada

June Zhang
Electrical Engineering Department
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Honolulu, Hawaii
Section I

Signal Processing in the Era of Biomedical Big Data

Tiago H. Falk and Ervin Sejdić

1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Technological Challenges .................................................................................................................................................3
1.2.1 Data Quality ..........................................................................................................................................................4
1.2.2 Data Variety...........................................................................................................................................................4
1.2.3 Parallel/Distributed Data Processing ................................................................................................................4
1.2.4 Data Storage/Compression/Sampling..............................................................................................................5
1.2.5 Analytics.................................................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Book Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................5
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................................6

Within the health care domain, knowledge and

1.1 Introduction insights from big health data can lead to innovations in
prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care,
We live in a data-rich era with the Internet, social media,
thus ultimately improving our quality of life. In fact, a
and sensors collecting massive amounts of data cease-
report by McKinsey Global Institute in 2011 suggested
lessly. It has been predicted that by 2020, each human
that efficient use of big health care data could save the
being in the planet will create 1.7 megabytes of data
United States government more than $300 billion in
per second. With electronic health records and daily
value every year, two-thirds of that in the form of
advances in, e.g., health care Internet of Things (IoT),
reduced health care expenditures [3]. Gathering such
neuroimaging, genomics, and wearables, a large part of
useful insights, however, is not a trivial task, and the
this data will come from the health care industry. Such
challenges with data capture, analysis, storage, search,
massive data sets are termed big data, and here we refer
and visualization are grand. As an example, of the avail-
to them as health/biomedical big data.
able digital data in existence in 2012, only 3% was tagged,
While there is no universally agreed-upon set of
and a mere 0.5% had been analyzed. Notwithstanding,
properties that formally define big data, different orga-
23% of this data could have generated useful insights
nizations mention (1) volume (amount of generated or
had it been labelled and tagged. By 2020, that number is
stored data), (2) velocity (pace at which data is created
expected to rise to 35% [4].
and made available), (3) variety (source and type of
structured and unstructured data), (4) veracity (varying
quality data), (5) validity (correct/incorrect data for the
task at hand), (6) volatility (length/duration of data that
is valid and should be stored), (7) variability (data con-
stantly changing), (8) visualization (how to visualize the
1.2 Technological Challenges
data to gain insights), and (9) value (how to uncover
insights for better decision making, outcomes, and Many sectors today have already exceeded hundreds of
savings). The first three are often called the three V’s of exabytes (1018) of stored data (the US health care sector is
big data, which were later expanded to the six V’s and an example), and it will not be long before we deal with
more recently the nine V’s [1,2]. zettabyte (1021) and yottabyte (1024) data systems [1].

4 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Such data volumes limit the applicability of many well- mobile apps installed on patient smartphones. They can
known technologies used with conventional data sets, be collected at home with minimal surveillance or via
including file systems, processing paradigms, as well as carefully monitored clinical trials. While available data
sharing and transmission techniques. Social media, can be both structured and unstructured, recent projec-
mobile technologies, IoT, and high-throughput systems tions suggest that upward of 90% of available data is
within the health care sector (e.g., genomics, neuro- unstructured. Extracting hidden knowledge from huge
imaging, etc.) are generating data at unprecedented amounts of structured and unstructured data is key to
rates, thus creating many technological challenges big data analysis but an extremely challenging task that
[5,6]. Below we list a few challenges that are aligned requires clever data fusion, context awareness, and
with some of the chapters within this book, namely, resampling strategies, to name a few [11].
data quality, variety, parallel/distributed processing,
storage/compression/sampling, and analytics.
1.2.3 Parallel/Distributed Data Processing
In order to handle such amounts of data, new pro-
1.2.1 Data Quality
gramming frameworks have been designed to distribute
Data quality is an often overlooked issue but extremely and parallelize data analysis to computing clusters and/
important in big data analysis, as “bigger data” does not or grids. Moreover, a new file system called distributed
always mean “better data.” As the old saying goes: file system (DFS) has been created to distribute huge files
“garbage in, garbage out” when it comes to inferring over much larger units than the disk blocks in conven-
knowledge from noisy data. Data quality issues can tional operating systems [2]. DFS also provides data
arise in many flavours. With the burgeoning of wear- replication and redundancy to avoid data loss in case of
able devices and the proliferation of patient-generated media failure that may occur when distributing data
data (e.g., long-term monitoring of daily activities over hundreds or thousands of computing nodes. More
using wearables), issues such as low-cost/low-quality secure and safe distributed data streaming technologies
devices can arise, as well as issues with noisy data due have also been invented to match storage/computing
to, e.g., excessive movement artifacts [7] or due to data speeds and the high throughputs of data production.
collected erroneously (e.g., sensors not placed correctly). DFS not only provides file storage management but
Data provenance is also a very important issue within also acts as the basis whereby a new generation of
big health care data, as reproducibility is important, programming frameworks can take advantage of data
particularly in clinical and pharmacological realms. distribution and redundancy to parallelize computations
Documentation of the data collection protocol, signal over multiple independent computing nodes instead
preprocessing steps, and what (if any) artifacts could of a single special-purpose computer. Working on top of
have been introduced due to lossy compression (more on DFS, these frameworks introduce fault-tolerant archi-
this next) during storage are important factors relating to tectures that enable systems to rely on much cheaper
data quality that need special attention. commodity hardware instead of high-cost specialized
Medical IoT devices are also prone to failure, and machines [12].
anomalous data streams may generate false alarm rates, Proposed by Google, MapReduce is a programming
which can have detrimental effects within automated framework for data-intensive applications. It is more like
systems within a hospital setting [8]. Corrupted mea- functional programming, where map and reduce func-
surements or communication errors are likely, as acqui- tions are defined by the programmer to process chunks
sition and transmission techniques are mostly operated of distributed data [2]. MapReduce can efficiently
to reduce cost, thus resulting in unstable systems. In perform most computations on distributed large-scale
order to handle such missing data issues, imputation data; however, it is not suitable for online processing. It
techniques are needed [9]. boosts computation performance by dividing the larger
main task into smaller jobs to be executed across hun-
dreds of nodes. Hadoop is the open-source implemen-
1.2.2 Data Variety
tation of MapReduce and mainly provided by Apache.
The health sector is a domain in which data variety plays It consists of a master–slave architecture that pro-
a crucial challenge for big data analytics [10]. Data can be vides both the DFS (Hadoop DFS) and the MapReduce
clinical, genetic, behavioural, environmental, financial, programming frameworks [2]. Hadoop also provides
and/or operational. It can come from electronic health higher-level languages that generate MapReduce pro-
care records, patient summaries, genomic readings, grams such as Hive and Pig and some technologies that
pharmaceutical and clinical trial results, imaging, handle distributed databases such as HBase.
insurance claims, and/or real-time vital signs monitors. Considering the speed, ease of use, and the sophisti-
They can come from medical-grade devices or from cated analytics, MapReduce has been recently replaced
Signal Processing in the Era of Biomedical Big Data 5

by Apache Spark. Contrary to MapReduce, Spark makes required by the Nyquist sampling theorem [25]. Com-
use of memory not only for computations but also for pressed sensing has been used across numerous health
storage to achieve low latency on big data workloads. In domains, including medical imaging [26] and wireless
addition, Spark provides a unified runtime that deals body area networks [27].
with multiple big data storage sources like Hadoop
DFS, HBase, and Cassandra. Spark also provides ready-
1.2.5 Analytics
to-use high-level libraries for machine learning, graph
processing, and real-time streaming. Such parallel/ Big data analytics uncover hidden insights from data
distributed processing tools have enabled, for example, to enable new prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and
novel visualization of neural connections [13–15], allowed follow-up care procedures. It can also improve health
for faster image retrieval and lung texture classification care quality and outcomes, reduce health care costs,
[16], enabled large-scale biometrics [17,18], and took and provide support for reformed payment structures.
genomics to the next level [19,20]. Analysis of such volumes of high-dimensional, unstruc-
tured, unlabelled data, however, is not trivial and
requires innovations in signal processing and machine
1.2.4 Data Storage/Compression/Sampling
learning, amongst other domains. Given the complex
Storage of zettabytes of data is not trivial and requires nature of the data, domain knowledge should be used to
novel compression and dimensionality reduction fine tune algorithms [28].
methods. Dimensionality reduction, as the name sug- Access to large amounts of data has enabled significant
gests, is an effective solution to find a meaningful low- advances in machine learning, particularly in deep
dimensional structure from high-dimensional data. learning and reinforcement learning [29]. Applications of
Classical algorithms include principal component anal- deep learning in the health care domain are growing
ysis, linear discriminant analysis, locally linear embed- exponentially [30,31]. Notwithstanding, recent work on
ding, backward feature elimination, and Laplacian adversarial samples has shown that existing deep neural
eigenmaps, to name a few [21]. Other methods have networks may be vulnerable to certain input variations,
been proposed for nonlinear cases and categorical including noise and artifacts [32,33]. As such, it is expected
data. Hochbaum et al., for example, introduced sparse that big data analytics will require a clever combination
computation [22] for large-scale data, which avoids of machine learning and signal processing advances,
computing all pairwise similarities and retains only including graph-based techniques [34–37], statistical
relevant ones computed by mapping the data into low- modeling [38], tensors [39], topological data analysis [40],
dimensional spaces in which the groups of objects share and targeted learning [41], to name a few.
the same grid neighbourhood. The goal of this book is to overview theoretical
Data compression, in turn, is the process of reducing advances of such signal processing techniques and
the size of a data file and can be classified as lossless or showcase applications of both signal processing and
lossy. Lossless compression reduces data file size by machine learning tools for biomedical big data analytics
identifying and eliminating statistical redundancy, and across different domains, including neuroimaging,
hence does not lose any information. Lossy compression, cardiac, retinal, genomic, sleep, patient outcome pre-
on the other hand, reduces file size by removing diction, critical care, and rehabilitation.
unnecessary or less important information, and thus
allows for a trade-off between distortion and compres-
sion ratio. Within the health care domain, data com-
pression has played a crucial role in medical imaging
[23] and in the transmission of biometric data collected
1.3 Book Overview
via wearables and smart devices [24].
In order to store digital data, analog signals are typi- This book is divided into three sections, loosely covering
cally sampled at the so-called Nyquist rate, which the goals of the book: (1) introduce the reader to big
assures that the original signal can be reconstructed biomedical/health data concepts, (2) showcase (theo-
from a series of sampling measurements. The Nyquist retical) signal processing tools aimed at big data analy-
theorem states that if the signal’s highest frequency is sis, in general, and (3) provide the reader with targeted
less than half of the sampling rate, then the signal can be signal processing and machine learning applications
reconstructed perfectly. More recently, however, a signal within biomedical/health big data.
processing technique termed compressed sensing (or The first introductory section comprises three chap-
sparse/compressed sampling) has exploited the sparsity ters. Chapter 1 (this chapter) has introduced the reader to
of a signal and, through optimization, shown that signals the concept of biomedical big data, as well as some of the
can be recovered with far fewer samples than those existing challenges with which signal processing and
6 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

machine learning tools are being explored as possible important issue of integrating clinical knowledge into
solutions. In Chapter 2, a more in-depth discussion is the analytics process, while Chapter 24 looks at brain
presented on the sources of big data in health care and trauma outcome prediction. Chapter 25 covers the
how to leverage such data to improve outcomes, as well application of combining temporal abstractions with
as develop smart medical devices. Chapter 3, in turn, Bayesian networks for the clinical domain of coronary
provides a comprehensive overview of Big Neural Data heart disease. Chapter 26, in turn, overviews the Artemis
and ongoing initiatives/projects leveraging neuro- big data analytics platform in use at critical care units
imaging data to learn insights about brain functioning around the world. Lastly, Chapters 27 and 28 cover the
and disease. State-of-the-art signal processing and topics of neurorehabilitation of the upper limb and
machine learning tools are described, as are issues with ambulatory fall risk assessment, respectively, using
translating obtained findings to real clinical utility. multimodal sensor fusion strategies.
The second section focuses on signal processing con-
tributions aimed at solving some of the big data chal-
lenges described in Section 1.2. While the techniques are
applicable to big data in general, each chapter presents
examples of how they can be applied to biomedical big
data. Chapters 4 and 5, for example, focus on the aspect Bibliography
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Signal Processing in the Era of Biomedical Big Data 7

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Collecting and Making Sense of Big Data
for Improved Health Care

Thomas R. Clancy

I. Sources of Data in Health Care.............................................................................................................................................9
II. Factors Driving the Creation of Big Data in Health Care .............................................................................................12
III. Benefits of Big Data Science in Health Care...................................................................................................................14
IV. Big Data and Smart Medical Devices..............................................................................................................................17
V. Conclusions ..........................................................................................................................................................................18
References ..................................................................................................................................................................................19

Introduction I. Sources of Data in Health Care

A number of converging factors are driving the creation of
large-scale, complex electronic data repositories in health A. Electronic Health Records
care today. These repositories may contain clinical data There are multiple sources of data available
from electronic health records, insurance claims informa- for research purposes in health care. Electronic
tion, streaming data from wearable sensors, patient- health records (EHRs) are one of the primary
reported outcomes from surveys, social media, global sources and contain data in either structured or
positioning systems, genetic sequencing, as well as a host unstructured formats. Structured formats gen-
of other sources. The opportunities to mine and discover erally include discrete values such as patient
new knowledge from these emerging electronic data vital signs (temperature, pulse, respirations,
repositories, or big data, are immense. From creating and blood pressure), medications (drug, dose,
improved evidence-based guidelines to treat and diag- and route), diagnosis and procedure codes, lab
nose disease conditions to predicting hospital read- results, problem lists, demographic data, and
missions, big data science has the capacity to transform so forth. Unstructured data includes clinical
health care and improve the health and well-being of documentation (physician, nurse, and other
populations. This chapter will explore the factors driving providers), reports (radiology, operative, and
the creation of large-scale data repositories in health care, consultation), provider orders, discharge sum-
the various sources of data upon which they are built, the maries, and other types of narrative notes. A
advanced computational methods used to analyze big general listing of the categories of data in an
data, and the benefits and challenges they create. EHR is listed as follows [1].

10 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

• Patient demographics contained 38,161,499 beneficiaries enrolled in

• Progress notes fee-for-service Medicare programs by gender and
age category [2]. The Health Care Cost Institute
• Vital signs
(HCCI) manages a data set of 40 million patient
• Medical histories records of claims data developed by a network of
• Diagnoses large health care insurance providers [3]. Mini-
• Medications Sentinel is a data set of 193 million claims data
records that is maintained by a network of health
• Immunization dates
insurance providers and supported by the US
• Allergies Food and Drug Administration [4]. Optum
• Radiology images Labs™, a unique research collaborative with over
• Lab and test results 20 partners, supports a data set of 150 million
commercial insurance enrollees [5].
Electronic health records are utilized in
C. Publically Supported Databases
multiple health care settings including acute
There are a number of large databases sup-
care hospitals, outpatient clinics, subacute care
ported through the US Department of Health
(long-term care facilities), and home care set-
and Human Services. Three important data-
tings. Each setting may have its own unique
bases are the National Institutes of Health’s
documentation requirements. For example,
Clinical and Translation Science Award (CTSA)
documentation of Medicare patients in home
program, the Agency for Healthcare Research
health care must be in OASIS (Outcome and
and Quality (AHRQ), and the Centers for
Assessment Information Set), the instrument/
Disease Control’s (CDC’s) National Center for
data collection tool used to enter and report
Health Statistics (NCHS). The CTSA program
performance data by home health agencies.
is a national network of medical research
Personal health records, often an extension of a
institutions, known as hubs, that collaborate to
hospital’s or clinic’s EHR, provide home com-
improve the translation of research findings
puter portals that allow patients to document
into practice. The CTSA is sponsored through
their personal outcomes. These data elements
the National Institutes of Health, and its net-
may include patients tracking their own fitness,
work currently includes 62 medical research
nutrition and diet programs, lab results, medi-
institutions in 31 states and the District of
cations, and other information.
Columbia [6].
B. Health Insurance Claims Data The CTSA Accrual to Clinical Trials (CTSA
Although originally intended to support reim- ACT) program, implemented in 2014, consists of
bursement from insurance providers, claims a network of sites that share EHR data to
data is an excellent source for secondary anal- determine the availability of potential research
ysis of health care data. Claims data generally participants for clinical studies [7]. By estab-
contain detailed patient demographics; proce- lishing common standards, data terminology,
dure; diagnosis; facility and provider codes; and shared resources, the CTSA ACT program
ancillary service codes for lab, radiology, and provides the opportunity to combine patient
pharmacy; reimbursement amounts; insurance EHR records from multiple participant sites,
coverage; and other types of data required which vastly improves the number of patient
for billing purposes. One advantage of claims records available for analysis [7].
data (assuming continuous enrollment in one The AHRQ [8] hosts a number of databases
insurance carrier) is that the data can span the supported through survey data. These include
entire continuum of care (acute, outpatient, and surveys that meet the AHRQ’s goals of
home) including ancillary tests, procedures,
and pharmacy. This allows investigators to • Supporting researchers and research net-
track the total cost of care of individuals and is works that address concerns of very high
frequently used in comparative effectiveness public priority, such as health disparities,
and cost/benefit analysis studies used in health drugs and other therapeutics, primary care
policy decisions. practice, and integrated health care deliv-
Claims databases can contain a high volume of ery systems
provider records over many years. For example, • Supporting projects that test and evaluate
the Medicare Claims Public Use File in 2008 successful methods that translate research
Collecting and Making Sense of Big Data for Improved Health Care 11

into practice to improve patient care in psychological, and social functioning and gen-
diverse health care settings eral well-being. Typical PROMs include patient
• Supporting Evidence-based Practice Cen- satisfaction with clinical services, clinician
ters that review and synthesize scientific decision-making, and clinical outcomes and
evidence for conditions or technologies treatment monitoring [13].
that are costly, common, or important to The amount of data collected from PROMs
the Medicare or Medicaid programs can be extensive. For example, the Patient-
Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI),
• Translating the recommendations of the
an independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental
US Preventive Services Task Force into
organization, utilizes patient-powered research
resources for providers, patients, and
networks (PPRNs), which comprise patients
health care systems
and/or caregivers who are providing data for
effectiveness research. There are 20 PPRNs listed
For example, the Medical Expenditure Panel
at the PCORI website, each with participants
(MEP) Survey is a set of large-scale surveys
providing PROM data on specific disease
of families and individuals, their medical
conditions. By combining EHR and PROM
providers (doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, etc.),
data, the PCORI has over 42 million patient-
and employers across the United States. The
reported outcomes [14].
MEP collects data on the specific US health
services that include the type, cost, scope, and E. Clinical Registries
breadth of health insurance held by and avail- A registry is a collection of information about
able to US workers [9]. The survey, which individuals, usually focused around a specific
began in 1996, has 589,666 sample providers. diagnosis or condition. Many registries collect
Another AHRQ survey, the Healthcare Cost information about people who have a specific
and Utilization Project (HCUP), is a collection disease or condition, while others seek partic-
of health care databases from the United States. ipants of varying health status who may be
One example, the State Inpatient Database willing to participate in research about a par-
(SID), captures hospital inpatient stays from 48 ticular disease. Individuals provide informa-
different states. The SID contains a core set of tion about themselves to these registries on
clinical and nonclinical information on 97% of a voluntary basis. Registries can be sponsored
all community hospital inpatient discharge by a government agency, nonprofit organiza-
abstracts in participating states, translated into tion, health care facility, or private company.
a uniform format to facilitate multistate com- The National Institutes of Health has over
parisons and analyses [10]. 50 registries listed on its website and is an
Finally, the NCHS is one of 13 principal sta- excellent source for big data studies of specific
tistical agencies in the federal government. The disease conditions. For example, the Breast
center has a number of downloadable public Cancer Family Registry (CFR) includes life-
use data files that include national vital statis- style, medical history, and family history data
tics (births, deaths, and so forth) and health care collected from more than 55,000 women and
surveys on hospitals, clinics, hospices, home men from 14,000 families with and without
care, nutrition, immunizations, family growth, breast cancer. The Breast CFR began recruit-
and aging. These surveys have sample sizes as ing families in 1996, and all participants are
large as 42,000 participants [11]. followed-up 10 years after recruitment to
update personal and family histories and expand
D. Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROM)
recruitment if new cases have occurred since
Patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs)
baseline [15].
are defined as “any report of the status of a
patient’s health condition that comes directly F. Genetic Data
from the patient, without interpretation of the A growing source of health care data today is
patient’s response by a clinician or anyone from sequencing the human genome to discover
else” [12]. A growing body of research has those at risk for specific disease conditions.
explored the role of PROMs in assisting patients Determining the order of DNA building blocks
make better health care decisions by assess- (nucleotides) in an individual’s genetic code,
ing the patients’ personal impression of the called DNA sequencing, has advanced the study
impact of disease or treatment on their physical, of genetics and is one method used to test for
12 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

genetic disorders. Finding small variations in specialized equipment and clinicians located in
the genetic code may help predict a person’s hospitals or clinics. However, with improve-
risk of particular diseases and response to cer- ments in sensor technology, much of this
tain medications. By developing and applying monitoring can now be accomplished outside
genome-based strategies for early detection and of the hospital in patient homes. This includes
diagnosis, providers can better treat and in some implanted devices such as insulin pumps,
cases prevent the onset of disease. Although pacemakers, and other forms of technology.
the volume of data analyzed for whole-gene Thus, the potential for continued growth in
sequencing is enormous (6 billion diploid streaming health care data from sensors
pairs/genome) new methods to generate, store, remains very high.
analyze, and visualize “omics” data have H. Social Media
reduced the time and cost of profiling this data The use of data generated from social media
by a factor of 1 million [16]. Thus, integrating is an emerging new source of information
genomic data will demand high-performance regarding health care. For example, Facebook,
computational environments supported by the number one social media site, currently
genome centers that have the capacity to support hosts over 1.59 billion active users [18]. Twitter
Exabyte’s (1018 bytes) of data in the next 5 years. has over 310 million monthly active users [19].
G. Sensor Data while LinkedIn has 255 million active users
Improvements in sensor technology have also [20]. By using natural language processing,
created new opportunities to generate, store, text analysis, and computational linguistics,
and analyze health care data. For example, researchers are conducting sentiment analysis
smartphone software applications can now studies using data sourced from social media
allow individuals to wirelessly monitor their websites. Sentiment analysis focuses on iden-
own pulse, respirations, blood pressure, elec- tifying the attitude of an individual or collec-
trocardiogram, ultrasound images, heart sounds, tion of individuals with regard to a specific
sleep patterns, exercise activity, lab tests, and topic. In health care, this may involve identi-
a host of other physiologic parameters. This fying individuals at risk for depression in
data can then be streamed to the cloud, where online support groups or attitudes toward
it can be stored for secondary data analysis. various treatments for a disease condition.
Given that there are an estimated 6 billion Sentiment analysis remains a very active area of
cellular phones in the world today, the vol- research in health care today.
ume, velocity, and variety of data streaming
from sensors is enormous. It is estimated that
by the year 2019, there will be 2.9 billion
sensors integrated with devices such as in-
home monitors, smartphones, vehicles, and so
forth [17]. As a result of this, scientists utilizing II. Factors Driving the Creation of Big Data
data science approaches are investigating pat-
in Health Care
terns that in combination with data from
sensors are providing both clinicians and
patients insights that can improve both health A. The HITECH Act, Meaningful Use, and ACOs
and well-being. These patterns may include In addition to new sources of data as previously
correlations between chronic disease and the described, a number of additional factors have
quality and quantity of sleep, activity levels, contributed to the increased creation of big data
nutrition, and stress levels. In-home sensors in health care. These factors include imple-
such as motion detectors are now being used to mentation of the HITECH Act (Health Infor-
monitor patients with memory loss in their mation Technology for Economic and Clinical
homes. A subtle change in activity, such as Health), the emergence of accountable care
frequent trips to the bathroom, can indicate a organizations (ACOs), and new database archi-
possible urinary tract infection. Or, a decrease tectures that have the capacity to store and
in activity may suggest a progressive problem process big data. The accelerated transition of
with ambulation and increased risk of fall. paper to electronic health records as a result of
Traditionally, patients who required phy- the HITECH Act has had a profound impact on
siologic monitoring needed to be close to the increased storage of clinical information in a
Collecting and Making Sense of Big Data for Improved Health Care 13

digital format. The HITECH Act, enacted as administrative data in centralized data reposi-
part of the American Recovery and Reinvest- tories. As more and more hospitals and clinics
ment Act of 2009, was signed into law on Feb- consolidate to grow ever-larger health systems,
ruary 17, 2009, to promote the adoption and the size of their data repositories are also
meaningful use of health information technol- expanding. For example, Kaiser Permanente’s
ogy. Meaningful Use is defined as using certi- database of 9 million patients has approxi-
fied EHR technology to [21] mately 30 petabytes of stored data and is
• Improve quality, safety, and efficiency, adding 2 additional terabytes per day [25].
and reduce health disparities B. Database Architecture
• Engage patients and family Traditional health care information system
• Improve care coordination, and popula- database architecture has relied primarily on
tion and public health structured data that can be stored in connected
tables of columns and rows. Because of regula-
• Maintain privacy and security of patient tory policies and billing requirements, the
health information structured data elements most commonly
Meaningful Use’s goal is to provide better stored in electronic repositories are codes that
clinical outcomes through improved popula- map to standardized terminologies such as the
tion health outcomes, increased transparency International Classification of Diseases, Tenth
and efficiency, empowered individuals, and Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM),
more robust research data on health systems. Logical Observation Identifiers Names and
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser- Codes (LOINC), Systematized Nomenclature
vices (CMS) has set specific objectives that eli- of Medicine—Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT),
gible professionals and hospitals must achieve Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), and so
to qualify for CMS financial incentive pro- forth. These standardized terminologies iden-
grams. Collectively these incentive programs tify diagnostics, procedures, lab tests, radiology
have accelerated the adoption of EHRs in non- tests, medications, clinical documentation of
federal acute care hospitals from 9.4% in 2008 providers, and other data. Standardized termi-
to 96.4% in 2014 [22]. As can be imagined, the nologies grew out of a need to document
conversion of once-paper medical records to a medical care by providers in health care facilities
digital format has rapidly expanded the for insurance purposes. Much work has gone
volume and variety of health care data avail- into the development of standardized termi-
able for knowledge discovery and data mining nologies for clinical documentation, and as a
(KDDM). result, conducting searches for big data analysis
At the same time that Meaningful Use has can be accomplished through Structured Query
accelerated the adoption of EHRs, the Afford- Language (SQL) searches and is, for the most
able Care Act has spurred the growth of large part, straightforward.
integrated health systems across the US. The However, as the volume, variety, and veloc-
Affordable Care Act is a federal statute signed ity of data have increased, health care system
into law in March 2010 as a part of the health database architecture has been slow to adapt
care reform agenda of the Obama administra- to new ways of storing and processing data.
tion. Among its multiple provisions, the Act For example, it is difficult to store streaming
encouraged the formation of ACOs or net- physiologic data from sensors in the rows
works of providers, hospitals, clinics, and other and columns of traditional relational database
health care entities to better coordinate care tables. The data takes up an enormous amount
and eliminate unnecessary spending. At least of storage; it is unstandardized and has fre-
744 organizations have become ACOs since quent gaps in it. Thus, preprocessing the data
2011, serving an estimated 23.5 million Ameri- for analysis is very time consuming, and search
cans [23]. methods using SQL are problematic. In addi-
A key requirement of ACOs is information tion, although the structured data in traditio-
sharing among clinicians, patients, and autho- nal databases is searchable, it only constitutes
rized entities from multiple clinical, financial, about 20% of the actual documentation in
operational, and patient-reported sources within EHRs [26]. The remainder is in unstructured
and across the system [24]. To do so requires the data, which is generally unstandardized and
collection and integration of clinical and difficult to preprocess and search.
14 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

With the advent of cloud computing, the lifestyle data, and the goals of PM edge closer to
increased use of distributed databases, and reality. A good illustration of the benefits of PM
parallel processing, health care systems are can be seen from potential studies beginning to
now adapting their database structures to be emerge from the Kavali HUMAN Project
more in line with social media giants such as (KHP) [30].
Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The transition The KHP is unique in that researchers plan to
to new data base architectures such as Hadoop, measure as many aspects as possible of 10,000
an open-source distributed data storage frame- New York City resident volunteers in approx-
work created by Yahoo!, and MapReduce, an imately 2500 households over a 10-year period.
algorithm to query the data, developed by The longitudinal study’s goal is to provide
Google, is slowly occurring in health systems new insights and understanding into how
[27]. These changes are enabling the ongoing the interaction of biology, environment, and
growth of big data in health care. human behavior determines health. Data sets
will be gathered from genome, microbiome,
metabolome, epigenetics, medical records,
drug and chemical exposure testing, diet
assessment, sleep behavior, physical activity
levels, and home air and noise quality. Addi-
tional data being considered are personality
III. Benefits of Big Data Science in Health Care
traits, IQ, mental health status, long-term and
As described above, it is evident that traditional and new working memory, social network structure,
sources of health care data are meeting the four V’s of big communication partners and patterns, con-
data: high volume, variety, velocity, and veracity. And tinuous location capture, educational history,
although this can provide unique challenges in storing employment data, and detailed financial trans-
and preprocessing health care data, the opportunities to action records.
mine the data for new knowledge are immense. The The KHP offers the opportunity, among
following are a series of research areas that illustrate many, to better understand the association
some of the potential benefits of big data science in between genes and addictive behavior such
health care today. as smoking, alcoholism, and recreational drug
use through genome-wide association studies
A. Precision Medicine (GWASs). A GWAS is an approach that involves
Precision medicine (PM) is an emerging rapidly scanning markers across the genomes of
approach for disease treatment and preven- many people to find genetic variations associ-
tion that takes into account individual vari- ated with a particular disease [31]. Previous
ability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for studies on the association between genes and
each person [28]. Associating an individual’s smoking behavior have been challenged by the
genetic, environmental, and biological factors lack of accurate measurements on various facets
with specific disease conditions is a key goal of of smoking such as initiation, intensity, and
PM. To support research in this area, President cessation. These facets may be affected by dif-
Obama in January 2015 announced, during ferent biologic and environmental factors. For
his State of the Union Address, the Preci- instance, there is strong evidence that a set
sion Medicine Initiative (PMI), which allocates of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
$130 million dollars to the National Institutes of located in the chromosome 15 cluster of virtu-
Health and $70 million to the National Cancer ally adjacent nicotinic receptor genes is a risk
Institute to build a national, large-scale research factor for heaviness of smoking as well as the
participant cohort group. strongest genetic risk for development of lung
The concept of individual variability in the cancer [31]. An SNP is a variation in a single
prevention and treatment of disease is not a nucleotide that occurs at a specific position in
new concept in medicine. However, the broad the genome and can be used as a biomarker for
application of PM has recently been enabled by certain disease conditions. However, current
the creation of large-scale biologic databases measurements such as the maximum level of
(such as the human genome sequence), pow- smoking at a point in time provide only limited
erful methods for characterizing patients, and information to researchers.
computational tools for analyzing large sets of Through disparate data sources collected
data [29]. Add to this EHR, mobile devices, and through the KHP, researchers have the ability to
Collecting and Making Sense of Big Data for Improved Health Care 15

mesh multiple databases and create behavioral patients had existing comorbidities at baseline.
phenotypes that better determine the relation- After inclusion and exclusion criteria were met,
ship between biology, environment, and life- investigators tracked the progression of comor-
style on smoking behavior. For example, self- bidities of 43,509 patients from baseline till a
reported smoking quantities can be cross- diagnosis of T2DM was made. For patients who
checked directly through lab tests (saliva had already developed comorbidities at base-
cotinine levels) and indirectly through financial line but fell outside the range of available EHR
records such as credit cards, EHRs, and other data, the probability of following a certain
data sources. By inclusion of these factors with sequence of comorbidities was estimated by
GWASs, the KHP provides an opportunity to calculating the probability of a trajectory. To
identify the genes that, in combination with measure the association between different tra-
environmental and lifestyle factors, account for jectories and the risk of developing T2DM, a
variation across individuals and can explain multivariate logistic regression model was
how environmental factors can change genetic constructed using demographics, glucose level,
risk [31]. staged comorbidities, and three trajectories.
Although GWASs have vastly improved Results of the study provided the likelihood
identification of SNPs, the availability of larger of developing T2DM following a typical versus
and larger data sets will significantly increase an atypical trajectory. The most likely sequence
the number of polymorphisms for a specific of comorbidities, or typical trajectory, was
disease condition. These multiple associations HLD, HTN, IFG, and T2DM (27%). The great-
can be regarded as a consequence or as a bene- est number of patients followed this series of
fit of big data. Regardless, exciting research comorbidities prior to a diagnosis of T2DM.
investigating the relationship of behavioral, However, the study also demonstrated that
biological, and environmental measures with patients can follow a different sequence, or an
gene discovery continues to accelerate. The atypical trajectory, and still be diagnosed with
ability to integrate multiple databases regarding T2DM (15%).
an individual’s data supports the concept of PM. The use of large, complex sets of EHR data
The KHP project is one emerging example of is one illustration of how big data science is
how big data can make PM possible. providing an alternative to traditional research
B. Predicting Disease Risk methods such as clinical trials. Small sample
The ability to study the historic trajectory of sizes, lengthy trial periods, and high costs
a disease can help determine the underlying have limited the number of trials that can be
risk of developing it. The advent of EHRs, with conducted. However, using a data cohort of
their rich source of clinical data, has allowed 43,509 patient EHR records, the authors used a
investigators to track the clinical signs and novel method to overcome many of the chal-
symptoms of multiple trajectories for specific lenges of retrospective observational studies
disease conditions. Since many diseases follow using EHR data: unreliable diagnostic codes
a similar progression over time, inferences can and identification of the onset of a disease
be made, and predictive models can be devel- condition such as T2DM. Given that T2DM is
oped. By developing predictive models, clini- one of the fastest-growing public health con-
cians can initiate interventions sooner and, in cerns in the nation, identifying phenotypes
some cases, prevent disease progression. To characteristic of typical and atypical trajectories
illustrate this, Wonsuk et al. [32] used a novel leading to its diagnosis is a key to early inter-
method to demonstrate the typical trajectory of vention.
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and predict C. Coordination of Care
disease risk. Using 13 years of EHR follow- As previously described, health insurance
up data, the authors were able to study the claims repositories are a robust source of data
sequence of comorbidities among multiple that can be used in retrospective observa-
patients later diagnosed with T2DM. The three tional research studies. One limitation of claims
comorbidities tracked were high cholesterol data is that its primary use is for validating
(HDL), hypertension (HTN), and impaired fast- reimbursable services and it does not contain
ing glucose (IFG). the richness of unstructured clinical progress
Using a retrospective observational study notes found in EHRs, survey data from pub-
design, investigators developed phenotyping lic databases, and personal interviews. How-
algorithms to classify whether or not T2DM ever, these other sources of data can be used to
16 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

support inferences from claims data and help create predictive models and aid in clinical
explain the outcomes. In their article, “Big data, decision support.
little data, and care coordination for Medi- D. Emergency Department Revisits
care beneficiaries with Medigap coverage,” Frequent patient revisits to the emergency
Ozminkowski et al. [33] used a combination of department (ED) place an excessive burden on
claims data, survey data, and personal inter- hospitals and contribute to the rising cost of
views to identify patients that had a high pro- health care. Moreover, the Affordable Care Act
pensity for successful care coordination. Care financially penalizes institutions exceeding set
coordination involves deliberately organizing revisit rates [35]. which can have a significant
patient care activities and sharing information negative impact on hospitals revenue. There-
among all of the participants concerned with a fore it is important to understand the factors
patient’s care to achieve safer and more effec- that contribute to patient revisits to identify
tive care [34]. patients at risk and intervene in advance.
The setting for this study was a high-risk The following study investigated patient
case management (HRCM) care coordination factors that contributed to frequent 72-hour ED
program, named MyCarePath, that included revisits (defined as an ED encounter leading to a
seniors in parts of California, Florida, New subsequent inpatient admission in the past 6
York, North Carolina, and Ohio, who partici- months) and how these factors differ between
pated in the American Association of Retired other ED patients [36]. The data set consisted of
Persons (AARP) Medigap insurance program 15,000 potential factors such as primary and
[33]. The AARP Medigap insurance program secondary ICD-9-CM codes, discharge statuses,
supports about 4 million adults across the US. patient demographics, and treatment dates and
The MyCarePath program offers individualized times, extracted from 1,149,738 EHR patient files
care coordination for selected individuals who from a single institution, spanning a period of
meet certain criteria such as congestive heart 2 years. Through expert opinion and statisti-
failure, depression, coronary artery disease, cal analysis, the 15,000 factors were mapped
diabetes, and other chronic conditions. Using to 385 discrete and continuous features. Fea-
a combination of claims data, health risk ture compression methods included lower-
appraisal surveys, and telephone interviews, dimensional mapping or binning of variables
analysts were able to utilize algorithms to clas- such as primary and secondary ICD-9 diagnosis
sify individuals who meet criteria for the codes, discharge statuses, and zip codes.
program. Individualized care plans were then
developed and informed by indicators of illness To determine the impact of the 385 factors, log odds
and gaps in medical care found in the large data ratios were examined on patients with an ED encounter
repositories of medical and pharmacy claims. that resulted in a 72-hour revisit versus no resulting 72-
Although the MyCarePath program provides hour revisit. The same methods were then applied to
strategies to obtain higher-quality health care those patients that met criteria for infrequent versus
while saving money for both the individual frequent 72-hour revisits to compare differences.
and AARP Medigap, the data indicated that Preprocessing and cleaning of the data resulted in
certain indicators predicted a higher success 50,127 ED encounters, of which 2735 (5.46%) met the
rate or a propensity to succeed (PTS). Using three criteria for a frequent 72-hour revisit event (slightly
dichotomous variables (patient engagement, higher than the general revisit rate of 4.51%). To under-
financial success, and likelihood of receiving stand the impact of individual features on frequent 72-
quality care), the authors used logistic regres- hour revisit patients, infrequent patients, and patients
sion to estimate participants’ PTS scores. Of the without a 72-hour revisit, predictive modeling methods
approximately 40,000 individuals per month (log odds ratios and logistic regression) were performed.
classified as meeting the requirements for the The experiments were repeated using a nonlinear classi-
MyCarePath program, 4500 had PTS scores fication method, random forests, which resulted in no
that prompted care coordinators to contact significant difference in predictive accuracy.
them for outreach programs. Early evaluation Results of the analysis showed that the highest fre-
of the PTS algorithm has demonstrated an 11% quency diagnosis codes for infrequent 72-hour revisits
increase in new participants to the program consisted of patients admitted for psychiatric disorders
over a 9-month period since it was imple- such as alcoholism and drug dependency, as well as skin
mented. This example demonstrates how sec- and subcutaneous tissue infections, complications with
ondary use of claims big data can be used to pregnancy, leaving against medical advice, and HIV.
Collecting and Making Sense of Big Data for Improved Health Care 17

Frequent 72-hour revisit patients tended to have three or which can then be amplified. Studies have
more diagnoses, with the most frequent related to use of demonstrated that electronic stethoscopes cap-
alcohol, substance abuse, mental health, headache, back ture heart sounds better than acoustic stetho-
problems, and HIV. scopes [37].
The study demonstrated significant differences in the A benefit of capturing heart sounds as elec-
patterns of Medicaid patient encounters that result in a tronic signals is that the analog signal can be
72-hour revisit to the ED versus those that do not. This converted to streaming digital data points.
information is valuable to hospitals as they can identify Through machine learning approaches such as
the factors most likely to result in a readmission to the neural networks and support vector machines,
ED. Such high-risk patients can be scheduled for follow- the patterns in the data points can be coded as
up postdischarge appointments with medical providers algorithms and used to classify normal and
and monitored by care coordinators to ensure they abnormal heart sounds. The algorithms can
comply with their appointments. then be programmed in microchips located in
the stethoscope or an attached smartphone.
Although in their early stages, the capacity
of electronic stethoscopes to accurately diag-
nose heart sounds is impressive. Studies have
IV. Big Data and Smart Medical Devices shown that the mean sensitivities and specific-
ities for diagnosing aortic regurgitation, aortic
The use of machine learning and other computational stenosis, mitral regurgitation, and mitral ste-
methods to classify disease conditions and recommend nosis are 89.8 and 98.0%, 88.4 and 98.3%,
interventions is a robust area of research today. Patterns 91.0 and 97.52%, and 92.2 and 99.29%, respec-
or signals discovered in large-scale data sets can be tively [38]. The use of electronic stethoscopes to
embedded in software as algorithms used for clinical diagnose abnormal heart sounds is one example
decision support. As the technology for mobile devices of how big data science will augment clinical
advances, the software embedded in them provides the providers’ cognition and support their clinical
opportunity for patients to receive care once exclusively decision making.
limited to hospitals or clinics, to be provided in the B. Point-of-Care Lab Testing
home. The following section discusses the emerging role Point-of-care (POC) lab testing is the use of
of smart medical devices and how big data science is mobile devices to analyze blood samples at the
creating artificial intelligence that will transform medical bedside, clinic, or home. Advances in micro-
practice in the future. fluidics, a multidisciplinary field that includes
engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemis-
A. Electronic Stethoscopes try, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, are
A mainstay tool of clinical providers has been increasing both the number and complexity of
the acoustic stethoscope, which is primarily POC tests available on the market today. Low-
used to auscultate arterial pressure waves used volume blood samples in combination with
for measuring blood pressure as well as heart optoelectronic image sensors located in smart-
valve sounds and lung sounds. With training phones are dramatically growing the number
and over time, clinicians become experts in of POC tests being administered. Cell phones
recognizing abnormal heart and lung sounds, can now support megapixel counts that can act
which can often be the first sign of a progressing as general-purpose microscopes capable of
disease condition. A major drawback of an identifying a single virus on a chip.
acoustic stethoscope is that in certain patients, POC devices are on the verge of detecting
the sound level is too low to discriminate viruses, diagnosing infectious diseases, identi-
normal from abnormal sounds. A second chal- fying allergens, detecting protein binding events,
lenge is the time it takes to build expertise in analyzing tumors, and providing other tests.
accurately assessing abnormal sounds. It can The growing global network of connected
take years of training to accurately assess smartphones will create large-scale data ware-
cardiac and pulmonary problems with an houses of lab results that can be shared by
acoustic stethoscope. These problems are being researchers. These large data warehouses should
addressed through the emergence of electronic allow researchers to use data science methods to
stethoscopes, which use sensors in the dia- quickly classify different pathologies to diagnose
phragm of the stethoscope to capture heart and track the evolution of infectious outbreaks
sounds and convert them into electrical signals, and epidemics much faster [39].
18 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

C. Activity Monitors College of Engineering, an embedded sensor

The quantified self-movement, defined as the system was developed to monitor health status
incorporation of technology for data acquisition among senior residents in a 54-apartment facil-
on aspects of a person’s daily life, has created ity. All sensors were nonwearable and included
new sources of real-time data that can be used (1) bed sensors to monitor heart rate, respiratory
for analysis of an individual’s health. One rate, and nighttime bed restlessness; (2) motion
example is the exponential growth in the use of sensors to monitor activity in rooms; and
activity monitors. Improvements in micro- (3) kinect depth images to automatically monitor
electromechanical (MEM) accelerometers and walking and gait parameters and report falls
gyro sensors have popularized activity moni- in real time with alerts e-mailed to direct care
tors by more accurately measuring the energy staff [42].
expended in such activities as walking and
jogging [40]. These sensors can convert the
analog signals of motion, velocity, and orien- Computer algorithms were designed to monitor a
tation to streaming digital data points that can rolling 14-day period and compare differences in patterns
be analyzed using data science approaches. The [43]. These patterns were classified as an early indicator
intensity of exercise can then be classified using for a new or progressing disease condition. For example,
a variety of methods such as naive Bayes clas- advancing heart failure may show a pattern of an elevated
sifiers, Markov chains, and k-means clustering heart rate coupled with increased nighttime bed rest-
[41]. A number of companies are combining lessness; early signs of a urinary tract infection may
data from multiple monitors that capture diet, present as increased nighttime bed restlessness and
medications, sleep, stress, work schedule, and increased time in the bathroom. A change in activity or
other elements to customize fitness, stress sleep patterns may indicate progressing dementia or
reduction, and diet programs. depression. As unusual patterns were recognized by the
D. In-Home Monitors computer algorithms, health alerts were automatically
An emerging trend is the use of in-home mon- sent to nurses to evaluate for early intervention. The
itors to assist caregivers in keeping patients computer program was able to successfully classify
with chronic disease in their homes longer. patterns for multiple illnesses such as pneumonia,
Sensors placed on chairs, beds, refrigerators, upper respiratory infections, congestive heart failure,
walls, carpets, and other areas allow nurses and posthospitalization pain, delirium, hypoglycemia, and
family members to monitor the daily habits of urinary tract infections.
seniors with memory loss or at high risk for Results of the 4.8-year study indicated that there was a
falls. Streaming data from sensors allow nurses significant difference (p = .0006) in LOS between the
and family caregivers to investigate unusual group living with sensors (n = 52) and those living
patterns that might indicate a problem. These without (n = 81). The group with sensors had an average
problems may include a subtle change in how LOS of 1557 days (4.3 years), while for the comparison
often a refrigerator door is opening or how long group without sensors, it was 936 days (2.6 years).
a resident stays in a chair or bed, patterns that Groups were comparable based on admission age,
may indicate a developing problem with diet or gender, number of chronic illnesses, short form 12 (SF12)
mobility. physical health, SF12 mental health, Geriatric Depression
The use of big data science methods has Scale (GDS), activities of daily living, independent
played a significant role in aiding nurses to activities of daily living, and mini-mental status exami-
recognize patterns and provide insight into a nation scores. The study highlighted the benefits of
developing problem. In a recent study [42]. advanced sensor technology combined with big data
investigators were able to extend residents’ science to allow seniors to safely “age in place.”
length of stay (LOS) in an independent living
facility, in part, through the use of in-home
sensors. The purpose of the study was to
compare the LOS of residents living with an
environmentally embedded sensor to the LOS of
those without the sensors. Through a collabo-
V. Conclusions
ration with the Missouri University Sinclair
School of Nursing and the Center for Eldercare The emergence of large complex data sets, or big data, in
and Rehabilitation Technology (CERT) in the health care is being fueled by a number of key factors.
Collecting and Making Sense of Big Data for Improved Health Care 19

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Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain

Xiaoyu Ding, Elisabeth de Castro Caparelli, and Thomas J. Ross

3.1 Background on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques ......................................................................................21
3.1.1 MRI Signal Types................................................................................................................................................22 Structural MRI......................................................................................................................................22 Diffusion Tensor Imaging...................................................................................................................22 fMRI.......................................................................................................................................................22
3.2 Big Data Projects of the Human Brain .........................................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Human Connectome Project .............................................................................................................................23 WU–Minn–Oxford Consortium.........................................................................................................23 MGH/Harvard–UCLA Consortium.................................................................................................24
3.2.2 1000 Functional Connectomes Project (FCP) ..................................................................................................24
3.2.3 Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research ..................................................................................25
3.2.4 National Database for Autism Research .........................................................................................................25
3.2.5 SchizConnect........................................................................................................................................................26
3.2.6 AD Neuroimaging Initiative .............................................................................................................................27
3.2.7 IMAGEN ..............................................................................................................................................................27
3.3 Machine Learning for Structural and Functional Imaging Data..............................................................................28
3.3.1 Statistical Comparison vs. Machine Learning Classification........................................................................28
3.3.2 Feature Extraction and Selection on Brain Imaging Data.............................................................................28
3.3.3 Commonly Used Classifiers ..............................................................................................................................30
3.3.4 Performance Evaluation and Pattern Interpretation......................................................................................31
3.3.5 Diagnostic Predictions of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases...............................................................32
3.4 Challenges and Future Directions.................................................................................................................................36
3.4.1 Overfitting............................................................................................................................................................36
3.4.2 Heterogeneity in Patients and Disease Subtype Classification ....................................................................39
3.4.3 Multimodal Data Fusion....................................................................................................................................40
3.4.4 Translation to Real Clinical Utility...................................................................................................................41
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................................................42
List of Abbreviations in Tables (Sorted by Initial) ..............................................................................................................42
References ..................................................................................................................................................................................43

in health and disease. Due to its non-ionizing nature, it

3.1 Background on Magnetic Resonance offers a safe research tool, since experiments can be
extensively repeated without side effects. For this reason,
Imaging Techniques
this technique has been extensively used in neuroscience
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive research, allowing an indirect marker of neuronal
imaging technique that is characterized by superior soft- activity to be recorded, non-invasively, while the human
tissue contrast, providing detailed information on the brain is involved in either a specific task or in the rest
anatomy and physiological processes of the human body condition. In the next section, we will describe the basic

22 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

types of MRI signals that have been shown to be useful basically unconstrained in the direction parallel to the
in machine-learning applications. fiber orientation, but highly restricted in the directions
perpendicular to the fibers, such as in the white matter;
or it can be isotropic, where water diffusion is mostly
3.1.1 MRI Signal Types
unconstrained in any direction, as in the gray matter.
One of the main advantages of MRI techniques is the range Therefore, DTI techniques can be used to characterize the
of signal types that can be obtained even in the absence of level of diffusivity in the tissue [5].
exogenous contrast or tracer administration. Functional In DTI, diffusion is typically characterized through two
and anatomical MRI techniques, such as functional parameters: the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC),
MRI (fMRI), structural MRI (sMRI), and diffusion tensor which is a scalar measure of the total diffusion within a
imaging (DTI), have the ability to evaluate different aspects voxel (three-dimensional volume element), and the
of the living human brain. In particular, fMRI allows one to fractional anisotropy (FA), which measures the degree of
evaluate brain function, either when the human brain is anisotropy of a diffusion process in the voxel. FA values
involved in specific tasks or when it is at rest. Different MRI range between 0 (diffusion is completely isotropic) and 1
techniques have been applied in a variety of studies if it is completely constrained to one direction.
designed to explore cognitive functions and emotional DTI is mostly used to evaluate white matter, where the
regulation in the brain, to understand brain functional and location, orientation, and anisotropy of the tracts can be
anatomical connectivity, as well as to evaluate possible evaluated. This is because the architecture of the axons,
functional and anatomical alterations as a consequence which is in parallel bundles, and their myelin sheaths
of or an antecedent to neurological disorders or pharma- constrain the diffusion of the water molecules along their
cologic manipulations, including drugs of abuse. main direction. Consequently, the information about the
water diffusion in the white matter can be used to
perform tractography, allowing an estimation of white- Structural MRI
matter connection patterns in three dimensions. Fiber
sMRI is used to obtain quantitative and qualitative tracking algorithms follow the coherent spatial patterns
information about the brain structure and anatomy. in the major eigenvectors of the diffusion tensor field to
Contrast among the different brain tissue types can be track a fiber along its whole length [4]. The ability of DTI
optimized by modifying imaging parameters; for to estimate fiber orientation and strength is increasingly
example, so-called T1-weighted images will emphasize accurate; however, it cannot directly image multiple fiber
differences between gray and white matter, whereas T2- orientations within a single voxel (usually 3 mm isotro-
weighted images will highlight differences between pic). To address this limitation, diffusion spectrum
brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Therefore, by imaging (DSI) [6] was developed to reveal the complex
using different pulse sequences, different aspects of distributions of intravoxel fiber orientation, demonstrat-
normal and abnormal brain tissue can be highlighted. ing the capability to image crossing fibers in neural tissue.
Different characteristics of brain tissue, such as shape,
size, and density, are evaluated using structural images. fMRI
Morphometric techniques, such as volume/density (for
example, voxel-based morphometry) [1] and cortical fMRI, based on blood oxygenation level dependence
thickness [2], are commonly used to measure the volume (BOLD) contrast, uses information generated by the
or shape of gray matter tissue, while changes in white hemodynamic process to study the brain activity. This
matter volumes provide some information about possi- process is defined as a dynamic regulation of the blood
ble inflammation, edema, or demyelination. Additional flow and blood oxygenation in the brain, and its con-
information on the white matter quality is mostly nection with neural activity has been known since the
obtained by using diffusion-weighted MRI techniques. end of the nineteenth century [7]. Essentially, when the
neuronal cells are active during a particular task, their
oxygen consumption increase leads to an increase in the Diffusion Tensor Imaging
local blood flow, which occurs after a delay of about
DTI is an MRI technique used to measure the three- 1–5 s, rising to a peak after 4–5 s before falling back to
dimensional diffusion of water in the tissue by describ- baseline [8]. Since this increase in blood supply exceeds
ing the magnitude, the degree, and the orientation of the that required to offset oxygen consumption, there is a
diffusion anisotropy, allowing the estimation of the local change in the blood oxygenation level [9], which
white matter connectivity patterns in the brain [3,4]. is detectable by MRI. Essentially, local hemoglobin in
In biological organisms, the diffusion of water is blood is acting as an endogenous MRI contrast agent.
limited by the cellular structure of the tissue. It can be Variation in blood flow and oxygenation level
anisotropic, as in fibrous tissues, where water diffusion is leads to change in tissue magnetic permeability, since
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 23

hemoglobin is diamagnetic when oxygenated (oxyhe- datasets and individuals. In addition, several data
moglobin) but paramagnetic when deoxygenated repositories (e.g., the Federal Interagency Traumatic
(deoxyhemoglobin) [10], therefore inducing transient Brain Injury Research [FITBIR] and the National Data-
changes to the MRI signal. Particularly, the seemingly base for Autism Research [NDAR]) and virtual databases
paradoxical decrease in deoxyhemoglobin concentration (e.g., the SchizConnect, which was designed to connect
(caused by local overperfusion) in activated brain different data banks), as well as some longitudinal-
regions leads to a local increase in the MRI signal, which multicenter studies (e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease Neuro-
is the BOLD effect. Using fast imaging techniques sen- imaging Initiative [ADNI] and IMAGEN), have been
sitive to this effect, such as echo planar imaging (EPI) initiated to expand collaborative and advanced research
[11], changes in BOLD contrast can be mapped across the in distinct fields in order to improve treatment outcome.
entire brain, revealing regional changes in brain activity. In the following, these initiatives are presented in detail.
In addition to the use of higher static magnetic fields
[12], which enhances BOLD contrast-to-noise ratio
3.2.1 Human Connectome Project
[13,14], other recent technological advances have bene-
fitted functional imaging. These include multichannel The HCP is a project sponsored by the National Institutes
radio frequency (RF) reception [15] and the implemen- of Health (NIH) and is divided into two consortia of
tation of multislices (multiband) techniques [16] that research institutions: (1) The WU–Minn–Oxford
have helped to improve fMRI data by improving spatial consortium, directed by three centers: Washington Uni-
and temporal resolution. Currently whole brain func- versity in Saint Louis, the University of Minnesota,
tional images can be acquired in as short as a TR (repe- and Oxford University; and (2) The MGH/Harvard–
tition time—the time to acquire an entire volume) of 0.7 s UCLA consortium, directed by Harvard University,
and with a spatial resolution of 2 mm isotropic [17]. Massachusetts General Hospital, and University of Cali-
BOLD imaging has been extensively used to evaluate fornia Los Angeles. The goal of the HCP is to map the
brain function either when the human brain is involved human connectome as accurately as possible in a large
in specific tasks or when it is under the rest condition. number of normal healthy adults to better elucidate the
The latter technique, looking at the spontaneous fluctu- anatomical and functional connectivity within the healthy
ations in BOLD signal that reflect the resting brain human brain. These data are freely available to the
activity [18], has garnered particular attention, as these scientific community in an open-source web-accessible
scans are easily acquired, tend to be similarly acquired format using a robust as well as user-friendly informatics
across imaging sites, and have been shown to recapitu- platform [17,20].
late the same networks as task-based imaging [19].
BOLD imaging scans, along with anatomical and DTI WU–Minn–Oxford Consortium
scans, are increasingly being contributed to various
databases, permitting “big data” analysis. The WU–Minn–Oxford consortium is a multicenter
association involving the participation of many institu-
tions in the United States and overseas: Washington
University in Saint Louis, Center for Magnetic Reso-
nance Research at the University of Minnesota, Oxford
University (United Kingdom), Saint Louis University,
3.2 Big Data Projects of the Human Brain
Indiana University, University d’Annunzio (Chieti,
The issue of reproducibility, which requires strong sta- Italy), Ernst Strungmann Institute (Frankfurt, Germany),
tistical power, has become an important issue in neu- Warwick University (United Kingdom), Radboud Uni-
roimaging research; however, it can be difficult for single versity Nijmegen (Nijmegen, Netherlands), Duke Uni-
studies to achieve the required sample size for this versity, Advanced MRI Technologies, and the University
purpose. For this reason, several efforts have been made of California at Berkeley [17]. This consortium has col-
to create databases where researchers can share their data lected a large amount of MRI, behavioral, and genetic
and have the possibility to perform large-data analysis to data on 1200 healthy young adults (twin pairs and their
address important scientific questions, improving our siblings) from 300 families, as well as MRI and behav-
understanding of the human brain and its relationship to ioral data in healthy volunteers for different ages across
genetics and behavior. the lifespan (HCP Lifespan Project) [21], covering six age
Big data projects, such as the human connectome groups (4–6, 8–9, 14–15, 25–35, 45–55, 65–75).
project (HCP), are building a more comprehensive map The MRI data were collected on three MRI scanners:
of the healthy human brain, while others, such as the (1) the “Connectome Skyra,” which is a 3-T Skyra
1000 functional connectome project, are addressing (MAGNETOM Skyra Siemens Healthcare) with a cus-
issues related to the reproducibility of findings across tomized SC72 gradient insert (maximum gradient
24 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

strength = 100 mT/m), housed at Washington University explore finer resolution in neural connectivity using DSI.
in St. Louis [22]; (2) a 3 T Prisma (MAGNETOM Prisma They modified a 3-T Skyra system (MAGNETOM Skyra
Siemens Healthcare—maximum gradient strength = Siemens Healthcare) to build the customized MGH
80 mT/m); and (3) a 7-T Siemens (maximum gradient Siemens 3-T Connectome scanner, specially developed
strength = 70 mT/m), both housed at the University of to improve the spatial resolution and imaging quality in
Minnesota. These scanners were optimized to provide diffusion imaging [25]. The new scanner is housed at the
rapid high-resolution fMRI and DTI, using standardized MGH/HST Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedi-
imaging protocols. For example, by using the multiband cal Imaging, and has a maximum gradient strength of
EPI sequence [23], fMRI data were generated with a 2-mm 300 mT/m, with b-values tested up to 20,000 [26]. These
isotropic resolution covering the whole brain with a TR of values are much higher than those currently commer-
0.7 s [22]. All 1200 participants from the young adult cially available, as a standard gradient strength is about
project were scanned in the Connectome Skyra, where 45 mT/m, with a b-value ranging from 700 to 1000. For
resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI, in which a subject is scanned example, even the most recent 3-T model from Siemens,
without performing any explicit task), task-evoked fMRI, the 3-T Prisma, which denotes an important advance in
and DTI were acquired; a subset of 200 subjects were also gradient fields for human whole body scans, has a gra-
scanned in the 7-T scanner. Images for the HCP lifespan dient strength of 80 mT/m. Development of new data
pilot project were acquired using 3-T Siemens systems, acquisition protocols, pulse sequences, as well as novel
the Connectome Skyra (83 subjects) and the Prisma (75 algorithms for detailed analysis of fiber structure and
subjects), and the 7-T Siemens scanner (51 subjects). interregional connections, including the development of
Similar scanning protocols to those for the young adult novel graphical means for interactively navigating brain
project were used for this project, but with shorter dura- connectivity, were also carried by this consortium in
tion [21]. order to translate the MRI data into connectomic maps
Extensive demographic, behavioral (to assess sensory, detailing the fibrous connections in the brain.
motor, and cognitive functions), and genetic (blood The MGH/Harvard–UCLA Consortium scanned par-
samples) data were collected in each of the 1200 subjects ticipants at MGH, but data analysis was carried on in
scanned. Additionally, magnetoencephalography (MEG) both sites using advanced software. Diffusion data with
and electroencephalography (EEG) images were acquired voxel size of 1.5 mm isotropic from 35 healthy adult
on a subset of 100 subjects, including both resting-state volunteers, obtained from this consortium, were released
MEG/EEG and task-evoked MEG/EEG, using some of in 2014 [25].
the tasks used during the task-evoked fMRI. Thus, data
exist yielding information about brain function on a mil-
3.2.2 1000 Functional Connectomes Project (FCP)
lisecond timescale provided by MEG/EEG as well as at
the spatial specificity provided by fMRI. The 1000 FCP is part of the International Neuroimaging
Data are being analyzed using processing pipelines for Data-sharing Initiative (INDI), which is now sponsored
maximal comparability and are integrated using a by the Child Mind Institute [27]. This project was
variety of analysis and visualization tools that were launched in December 2009 and was initially designed to
refined and optimized to achieve accurate within-subject gather and share fMRI human data in order to establish
alignment of datasets of multiple modalities, as well as the comprehensive mapping of the functional con-
precise intersubject registration. Results from these data nectome. In a retrospective data sharing, rsfMRI data
analyses show the anatomical and functional connec- from over 1400 healthy adult volunteers collected from
tions between parts of the brain for each individual, and 35 sites around the world were publicly released [28].
their relation with behavior. By comparing the con- Additionally, the data processing steps used to evaluate
nectomes and genetic data of identical twins vs. siblings, the feasibility of this project were also made available
it will be possible to identify the specific genes that on Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources
influence an individual pattern of connectivity, therefore Clearinghouse (NITRC) [29]. As a result, by combining
revealing the contributions of genes and environment in datasets from different centers, the influence of different
shaping brain circuitry. The most recent data release for data acquisition protocols and scanners on resting-
the young adult HCP, in December 2015, included state fMRI measures were investigated [30], and the
behavioral and 3-T MRI data from over 900 healthy adult use of the intersubject variance-based method to identify
participants [24]. presumed limits between functional networks was
explored, finally establishing the presence of a universal
functional architecture in the human brain [28]. MGH/Harvard–UCLA Consortium
After achieving the first goal of large-scale sharing of
The MGH/Harvard–UCLA consortium [20] was created rsfMRI data, an initiative to aggregate and share phe-
with the purpose of optimizing MRI technology to notype datasets to explore brain–behavior relationships
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 25

in large scale took place. It was achieved by making the US Army Medical Research and Material Command
available comprehensive phenotypic information with (USAMRMC) through Congressionally Directed Medical
imaging datasets to facilitate sophisticated data mining, Research Programs (CDMRP) and by the National Insti-
such as the machine learning approaches described tute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and
herein. In addition, prospective data sharing was made Center for Information Technology (CIT). This initiative
available by the contributing sites. In this new step, the seeks to create an infrastructure that integrates heteroge-
FCP aimed to establish active data sharing by the neous datasets to improve collaborative and advanced
neuroimaging community to aid in the concept of research in traumatic brain injury (TBI) [31], which is the
modeling large-scale imaging. It was achieved by ful- leading cause of death and disability in young adult
filling the requirements of prospective, phenotyped patients (under the age of 44) [32]. It aspires to expand the
rsfMRI data sharing, providing a model for the broader expertise on diagnosing, treating, and improving out-
imaging community, while simultaneously creating a comes in TBI patients by identifying biomarkers to
public dataset where all datasets are accepted regardless determine either injury progression or recovery, defining
of publication status. The open, prospective data shar- a biologically based classification system for the impair-
ing for the neuroimaging community started with ment, and establishing comparative research to determine
eight imaging sites that committed to share data on a treatment effectiveness for specific cases.
pre-established schedule: Baylor College of Medicine, A secure bioinformatics platform was developed by
Beijing Normal University, Berlin Mind and Brain the FITBIR together with Sapient Government Services
Institute, Harvard-MGH, MPI-Leipzig, NKI-Rockland, [32] to share data, methodologies, and associated tools
NYU Institute for Pediatric Neuroscience, and the across the TBI research field, facilitating collaboration
Valencia node of the Spanish Resting State Network. between laboratories and interconnectivity with other
Additional sites such as Stanford University, Duke informatics platforms. This informatics system serves as
University Medical Center, and others have since joined a central data repository and includes advanced tools
the prospective data-sharing plan [27]. that facilitate the identification, access, and sharing of the
A common protocol for sharing phenotypic/metadata research data. It provides guidelines on data collection
via the 1000 FCP was established to ensure compatibility for clinical studies, and contains comprehensive and
between the FCP and HCP platforms. For this pur- coherent informatics approaches to capture, process, and
pose, the eXtensible Neuroimaging Archiving Toolkit analyze vast quantities of research data, allowing valid
(XNAT—xnat.org) format was selected. Existing data- comparison of results of brain injury treatments and
sets on the 1000 FCP website were redistributed as diagnoses across studies.
an XNAT virtual machine, including both imaging data This database contains approximately 200,000 data
and available metadata (including extensive imaging records from over 4500 patients [31] that were acquired in
parameters when available). studies funded by the DoD and NIH. This comprehen-
The FCP is currently sharing data, either retrospective sive dataset includes demographics, outcome assess-
or prospective, from several imaging centers and differ- ments, imaging, and biomarkers. FITBIR is designed to
ent neuroimaging modalities, including not only rsfMRI accept human subjects-related imaging, phenotypic, and
but also task-evoked fMRI, DTI, arterial spin labeling genomic data from any TBI-related research projects,
(ASL), and anatomical images (T1, T2, MPRAGE). regardless of funding source and location [31]. Currently,
Although most shared imaging data are from various the imaging database is predominantly MRI (87%),
MRI modalities, one site also shared their positron but also includes contrast imaging (12%) and PET
emission tomography (PET) data (retrospective from (1%) [31].
Dallas Lifespan Brain Study). A variety of data from
different populations covering from adult healthy con-
3.2.4 National Database for Autism Research
trols (HCs), developing and aging, as well as clinical
populations, such as attention deficit hyperactivity dis- The formation of the NDAR, in 2007, was an initiative
order (ADHD), epilepsy, autism spectrum disorder from five institutes and centers at the NIH: The National
(ASD), schizophrenia (SZ), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Institute
and cocaine dependents, have been shared and are of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the
available on their website [27,29]. NINDS, the National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences (NIEHS), and the CIT. It intends to establish a
repository for data acquired in autism research projects,
3.2.3 Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury
providing a common platform for data collection,
retrieval, and archiving. This initiative facilitates data
The FITBIR is a database created by the NIH, in partner- sharing and encourages collaboration among ASD inves-
ship with the Department of Defense (DoD), sponsored by tigators, therefore supporting the aims of the Interagency
26 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) by promoting neuroimaging studies [38]. The website [39] works as a
the improvement on autism research. In order to take portal presenting a unified view of the data from the
advantage of the ASD-related data that were already different databases, which remain at the primary sources
aggregated in privately funded data repositories, a fed- structured under their original representations. The
eration was put in place linking the NDAR with data from software that links the databases was developed at the
the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE—genomic Information Sciences Institute of the University of
and clinical data) [33], the Autism Tissue Program (ATP— Southern California (ISI) and was built upon the Bio-
a post-mortem brain donation program), and the Inter- medical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) [40]. It
active Autism Network (IAN—self-report database), all provides a virtual synchronized outline where, by a
funded by Autism Speaks [34]. In addition to these private given user query, it determines the sources with the
databases, NDAR has become the repository for the data appropriate data and translates the user query to the
acquired in the NIH Study of Normal Brain Development, source’s format, allowing the access of the data sources
which enrolled over 500 children to study their develop- in real time [38].
ment using a variety of clinical and behavioral measure- This system provides integrated access to different
ments, as well as different MRI techniques: sMRI, DTI, and sources of SZ data that are publicly available, including
MR spectroscopy [35]. demographics, cognitive and clinical assessments, and
The NDAR also developed a set of tools to facilitate the imaging data. These sources have been organized and
aggregation and organization of vast quantities of het- underwent quality assurance [39]:
erogeneous data. Specifically, the NDAR Implementa-
tion Team (NIT) manages data submission and access, in
1. Function BIRN (FBIRN) Phase II, with data
order to protect the confidentiality of a research subject,
housed at the University of California, Irvine
and the Autism Informatics Consortium (AIC) is
Human Imaging Data (UCI_HID) [41]. This
responsible for making informatics tools and resources,
study includes structural and functional MRI
establishing common data definitions and specifications,
from chronic patients with SZ and age-matched
as well as comprehensive and coherent informatics
controls, which were scanned in two visits each.
approaches to help autism researchers. The AIC includes
It is cross-sectional multisite data that were
Autism Speaks, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Simons
collected on different 1.5- and 3-T scanners;
Foundation, Prometheus Research, and the NIH. As a
fMRI was performed using different paradigms
result, two main components were developed and form
including a working memory, auditory oddball,
the basis of NDAR: The Global Unique Identifier (GUID)
breath-holding, and sensorimotor tasks.
for subjects, and the researcher-defined Data Dictionary
to describe the experiments. 2. Northwestern University Schizophrenia Data
The GUID has become the standard as a patient and Software Tool (NUSDAST) [42] with data
identifier for autism research and is the result of a col- held at XNAT_Central and Northwestern
laboration between NDAR, the Simons Foundation, and University Research Electronic Data Capture
a team of researchers from Columbia University [36]. (NU_REDCap) [43]. The NUSDAST is a reposi-
The Data Dictionary encompasses over 300 definitions tory of SZ neuroimaging data that contains sMRI
for clinical, imaging, and genomic data modalities and collected at the Northwestern 1.5-T Siemens
was developed with the cooperation of the ASD research Vision scanner. The data were acquired from
community. It includes the genomics definition tool and individuals with SZ, HCs, and their respective
the imaging tool that makes the process of uploading siblings, most with a 2-year longitudinal follow-
experimental results straightforward. In addition, a up. The data are stored in XNAT central, a public
validation tool was developed to ensure that the repository of neuroimaging and clinical data,
reported data are consistent with NDAR standards. hosted at Washington University at Saint
This large repository currently comprises data from Louis, and at NU_REDCap, which is a clinical
over 127,000 subjects, including phenotype, genomic research database, facilitating the integration of
(over 25,000), and neuroimaging data (over 9800), with data from clinical and cognitive assessments
MRI partaking most of the neuroimaging data (over and facilitating searching across imaging
8000 MRI: DTI, fMRI, sMRI, spectroscopy; 1000 EEG, and non-imaging databases for the same subject
600 eye-tracking; 160 MEG; 130 PET) [37]. [44].
3. The Center for Biomedical Research Excellence
(COBRE) [45] and Mind Clinical Imaging Con-
3.2.5 SchizConnect
sortium (MCICShare) [46], with data stored at
SchizConnect is a virtual database that was developed the Collaborative Imaging and Neuroinformatics
to mediate multiple data repositories in SZ-related System (COINS) Data Exchange [47]. The COBRE
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 27

project contains sMRI and rsfMRI data that ADNI1, was a 6-year study (2004–2010) funded by both
were collected on a 3-T scanner, as well as the public and private sectors, where data from 800
psychiatric, neuropsychological, and genetic participants were acquired, using sMRI and PET. The
testing from people with SZ and controls. The second phase of this project was called ADNI GO (2009–
MCICShare project, on the other hand, contains 2011), which assessed the existing ADNI1 cohort and
only MRI data (sMRI, rsfMRI, and DTI) from added 200 participants identified as having early MCI to
people with SZ and sex and age-matched con- examine biomarkers in an earlier stage of disease [50].
trols collected on 1.5- and 3-T scanners. The third phase, the ADNI2, ran from 2011 to 2015 and
4. Neuromorphometry by Computer Algorithm was designed to assess the participants from the
Chicago (NMorphCH) retained at NU_REDCap ADNI1/ADNI GO cohort in addition to a new set of 550
and Northwestern University Neuroimaging participants including elderly controls and early and late
Data Archive (NUNDA), a data archiving MCI participants [51]. The imaging components used in
system powered by XNAT [48]. The NMorphCH both latter phases, ADNI GO and ADNI2, were sMRI,
is a longitudinal study, conducted at North- DTI, ASL, rsfMRI, and PET [50]. The ADNI study is now
western University, designed to acquire a in its fourth phase, ADNI3, which proposes to study
variety of data from people with SZ and control change in cognition, function, brain structure, and bio-
subjects at three time points: at baseline, and logical markers among the ADNI volunteers [52].
after 2 and 4 years. It includes clinical data, Data from all phases, acquired from 57 sites, are
where symptom and mood are assessed, and shared through USC’s Laboratory of Neuro Imaging’s
cognitive data, involving neuropsychological (LONI) Image Data Archive (IDA) [51]. This data
assessments on working memory, episodic repository de-identifies and uploads data from the dif-
memory, and executive function domains, all ferent ADNI sites, ensures quality control and prepro-
archived at NU_REDCap. The neuroimaging cessing of images, manages their association with the
data, which include sMRI (T1 and T2 contrast), metadata, controls search functions, and supervises user
DTI, rsfMRI, and task-evoked fMRI [39], are access. The ADNI MRI Core, besides establishing the
archived at NUNDA. criterion for imaging preprocessing, has also created
standardized analysis sets of data composed of scans
SchizConnect started in 2014 and already provides that met the quality control criteria. This standardized
access to more than 21,000 images from over 1000 par- dataset was created to promote consistency in the data
ticipants, including people with SZ and controls [38]. It is analysis ensuring meaningful direct comparisons of
rapidly becoming an important neuroimaging resource sMRI landmarks [53].
for SZ research, in which research outcomes from this The ADNI program has also extended worldwide
mega-dataset is expected to enhance current knowledge (WW-ADNI) forming the umbrella organization for the
about the mechanisms underlying SZ. international neuroimaging initiative, which is carried
out by the North American-ADNI, European-ADNI,
Japan-ADNI, Australian-ADNI, Taiwan-ADNI, Korea-
ADNI, China-ADNI, and Argentina-ADNI [49,51,52].
3.2.6 AD Neuroimaging Initiative
This worldwide project focuses on evaluating functional
ADNI is a multicenter program intended to address and structural changes in the brain of Alzheimer’s
fundamental questions related to disease initiation and patients using PET and MRI techniques, as well as on
progression of the AD. This longitudinal study aimed assessing changes in their blood and CSF. This interna-
to develop clinical, imaging, genetic, and biologi- tional effort aims to develop effective treatments to slow
cal markers for the early detection and tracking of AD AD progression, as well as preventive methods to avert
using a large cohort, in order to establish standardized the disease.
methods for imaging and biomarker collection and
analysis. Therefore, the outcome of this study should
3.2.7 IMAGEN
help to determine the relationships among the different
characteristics of the entire spectrum of AD, providing a IMAGEN is a longitudinal study, initially funded by the
broad understanding of the series of pathophysiological European Commission, that involves eight research
events that initiate AD and lead to dementia at the centers from four European countries: England (King’s
molecular, cellular, brain, and clinical levels [49]. College London, University of Nottingham), Ireland
The ADNI project began in 2004 studying changes in (Trinity College Dublin), France (The Frederic Joliot
cognition, brain structure, and function in elderly con- Hospital Department of CEA, Paris), and Germany
trols, subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), (Charité–University Medicine Berlin, University Medical
and subjects with AD. Its initial phase, known by Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, The Central Institute for
28 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Mental Health in Mannheim, and Dresden University of 3.3.1 Statistical Comparison vs. Machine Learning
Technology) [54]. The project aims to understand the Classification
consequences of stressors on the brain–behavior system
Historically, analytical methods applied to structural
during development by identifying the basis for indi-
and functional brain imaging data were dominated
vidual differences in impulsivity, sensitivity to either
by statistical comparisons—for example, between a
reward or punishment, and emotional reactivity. The
patient group and a healthy cohort [56–58]. In general,
results from this study are expected to aid in under-
these studies employed mass conventional univariate
standing the effect of the environment in brain devel-
analysis in which a voxel-by-voxel comparison of brain
opment and its association with mental illness, therefore
structural/functional maps is applied to groups of
improving prediction of risk and treatment of psychiatric
patients and HCs in order to identify regions whose
difference reaches statistical significance. While this type
The research teams have been collecting data from
of statistical comparison yields valuable characteriza-
2000 youths from the age of 14, with follow-up assess-
tions of local abnormalities in brain regions as a function
ments at ages 16, 19, and 22. The data collected include
of psychiatric or neurological disease, it is usually
sMRI, fMRI, and DTI on 3-T MRI scanners; cognitive and
insufficient for determining a clinical diagnosis of an
behavioral assessments; self-report questionnaires con-
individual subject. The main reason is that while the
sidering elements such as relationships, feelings, and
findings derived from a statistical comparison may be
personality; drug- and alcohol use-related question-
significant at the group level, there still may be consid-
naires; and blood sampling for genetic and biological
erable overlap between the distributions, such that the
analyses. Data storage is carried in a central database in
discriminative power at the individual level is poor.
France (Neurospin, CEA) using XNAT technology; MRI
Moreover, for univariate approaches, statistical com-
data are preprocessed centrally using an automated
parisons treat each voxel independently, which is an
pipeline [55].
overly simplistic assumption of brain organization
Data from this project can be requested by applying a
[59,60]. This inability of mass univariate statistical
proposal, endorsed by a collaborator in the consortium
modeling to make inferences at the individual level has
who will act as a contact person. It must describe the
greatly hampered the ability to translate neuroimaging
data being requested, details of the planned analyses,
research results into clinical practice.
and period of the project. Access of the data is granted
In contrast to statistical comparison, machine learning-
after the project is approved by the project executive
based pattern classification, also known as multivoxel
committee (PEC), which is composed of the principle
pattern analyses in neuroimaging studies, is a class of
investigators of all associate institutes [54].
multivariate analyses with twofold advantages: first,
The development of these large databases and con-
machine learning methods learn features from the
sortia makes it clear that data aggregation and sharing
training set and can be applied later at the individual
are paramount in the neuroimaging field. These datasets
level, therefore generating results with a potentially high
are sufficiently large to be assessed using big data/
level of clinical translation; second, machine learning
machine learning techniques.
allows one to detect structural and functional differences
between groups with higher accuracy as the multivariate
nature of machine learning techniques permits the
comparison of spatially distributed patterns of brain
structure and activity. In recent years, there has been
growing interest within the neuroimaging community in
3.3 Machine Learning for Structural the use of machine learning techniques to analyze
and Functional Imaging Data structural and functional imaging data to do clinical
inferential studies of brain disorders.
As a method of data analysis that evolved from the study
of pattern recognition and computational learning
theory in the field of artificial intelligence, machine
3.3.2 Feature Extraction and Selection
learning builds analytical models from example inputs
on Brain Imaging Data
in order to make predictions or decisions to unknown
data. It not only has given us high-tech industrial A distinct character of neuroimaging data is that they
products such as self-driving cars, effective Internet usually contain a huge number of voxels. Typically, a
search engines, and speech recognition systems, but also preprocessed functional brain contains on the order of
has been increasingly applied to healthcare fields such as 100,000 nonzero voxels (with structural images con-
heartbeat monitoring, medication adherence, and drug taining more than 10× that number), whereas the sample
development, as well as brain imaging analysis. size in neuroimaging studies is typically fewer than 50.
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 29

This common issue is known in the machine learning maps (e.g., the automated anatomical labeling [AAL]
literature as the small-n-large-p [61] or the curse of template [82] or templates in their sub-parcellated
dimensionality, where the sample size is much smaller version [83,84]), treated as a priori knowledge of the
than the number of features (i.e., voxels). In this situa- brain, are applied to feature maps to get regional mean
tion, developing a machine learning model without values so as to reduce the feature dimension [65,
effectively selecting the most relevant features and dis- 77,85,86]. An advanced knowledge-driven approach
carding other redundant ones will be likely to result in employed to neuroimaging recently is to apply meta-
overfitting [62,63], which means that the model fits the analysis techniques that have previously been used
training data well but has a poor generalization ability to to report brain activation or group-level differences
make reliable predictions on completely novel samples. across neuroimaging studies [87]. Popular meta-analysis
Therefore, two necessary steps known as “feature techniques include activation likelihood estimation,
extraction” and “feature selection” are frequently per- kernel-density estimation, and multilevel kernel density
formed prior to developing a machine learning model on estimation [88]. These techniques have been used in
brain imaging data. modeling distributions of reported active regions from
Feature extraction refers to the transformation of the previous fMRI studies and the resulting ROIs used as
original brain imaging data into a set of representative masks to reduce input feature dimension for machine
features that can be used as inputs for the model. For learning analyses [89–91].
sMRI data, widely used features are gray matter Model-driven methods perform statistical tests on the
volume/density maps [64–66] and cortical thickness training data and threshold at some significance level,
maps [67,68]; whereas for DTI data, features like FA user-defined value, or percentage to obtain a mask that
maps [69,70] and mean diffusivity maps [71] are will be applied later to both training and testing samples
common. A variety of brain activation maps, and thus to select input features for the classifier. In neuroimaging
features used in machine learning models, can be studies, statistical testing techniques such as two-sample
derived from functional and resting state scans, such as t-tests (for two-group classification cases [81,92,93])
contrast images, calculated from task-based functional and ANOVA (for cases with more than two groups
imaging studies, using the general linear model [94–96]) have been extensively used to detect average
[69,72,73]; individual component maps derived from group-level differences in training samples. Since these
independent component analysis [74–76]; and other local methods are simply performing mass-univariate analy-
features (i.e., amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations, ses, they suffer from the shortcomings that interactions
regional homogeneity, functional connectivity strength, between multiple ROIs are neglected and that contigu-
and voxel mirrored homotopic connectivity) or global ous voxels, which frequently contain redundant infor-
maps (i.e., functional or effective connectivity between mation, are selected.
anatomical regions) [77–80]. Data-driven approaches are a set of multivariate
After feature extraction, the features derived from the analysis techniques that aim to optimize a cost function
brain scans will contain redundant information, as there while selecting relevant features. Among these, recursive
is known to be spatial autocorrelation in neuroimaging feature elimination (RFE) [97] is an iterative feature
data. Feature selection, sometimes known as feature ranking and selection algorithm developed specifically
reduction, involves selecting a subset of informative for support vector machines (SVMs). In order to identify
features and removing other less important features to the set of features with the greatest discriminative ability,
facilitate model training. The rationale for feature selec- RFE removes uninformative features that would poten-
tion is threefold. First, it helps to mitigate the small-n- tially yield the margin between groups increase accord-
large-p problem mentioned above. Second, it speeds up ing to a ranking criterion at each iteration. For a linear
the learning process by reducing the computational load. kernel SVM, the importance of each feature is directly
Third, it may help elucidate the underlying neurobio- related to its weight coefficient; features are thus usually
logical mechanisms of the specific question of interest by sorted according to the absolute or square values of their
localizing, for example, which brain regions contain the weight coefficients. A user-defined percentage of the
most discriminative information. lowest ranking features are removed recursively until
Feature selection techniques, sometimes in a combi- the feature set is empty, with the “best performing” (e.g.,
nation with feature extraction for neuroimaging data, resulting in the highest accuracy) iteration being selected
can be categorized into knowledge-driven, model- [65,72,79,98].
driven, and data-driven approaches respectively. RFE is categorized as backward elimination since it
Knowledge-driven refers to choosing regions of interest starts searching with all features in the training set and
(ROIs) based on prior knowledge of a brain atlas [81]. excludes uninformative features iteratively. In contrast,
Under an assumption that voxels that are anatomically forward selection is another category of data-driven
close respond similarly to a stimuli, brain anatomical methods that begins searching for relevant features with
30 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

an empty set, and features are iteratively added in until contrast, unsupervised learning seeks to learn how the
the process meets some stopping criteria [99]. Search- data are organized without a priori determined categories.
light is a representative forward selection algorithm that Clustering analysis is a commonly used unsupervised
has been developed for neuroimaging data [95,100,101]. machine learning algorithm [109] that has been applied to
First, a 3D volume (e.g., a sphere) with predefined size fMRI data to divide data into groups [110,111]. It groups a
and shape (called a searchlight) are centered at each set of samples in such a way that, given some distance
voxel in the training data. Next, a machine learning measure, samples in the same cluster are closer to each
classifier is trained using voxels within the searchlight, other than to those in other clusters. Two examples are k-
and classifier accuracy from the searchlight at every means clustering, which aims to partition n samples into k
voxel is recorded. Through permutation methods, the clusters in which each sample belongs to the cluster
searchlight accuracies at every voxel are converted into whose mean value is closest to the sample, and hierar-
p-values and thresholded to remove indiscriminative chical clustering where the closest pair of samples is
voxels. Since this method assumes that any discrimina- replaced at their mean and the process is repeated until
tive information lies within the searchlight volume, it there is a single cluster.
will be deficient at detecting multivariate interactions There are a variety of supervised learning classifiers
across distant regions [102]. that are applied to brain imaging data; among these,
The aforementioned backward elimination and SVM [112] is probably the most popular. It has been used
forward selection approaches both use global search to classify based upon structural and functional MRI
methods starting with either a full set or an empty set of data in brain diseases such as AD [113–115], SZ [116–
features. A third data-driven category are embedded 118], and ADHD [119–121]. Given samples that belong
techniques that add a sparsity penalty directly to a to one of two groups, SVM performs pattern classifica-
classifier’s cost function and combine the feature selec- tion by finding a separating hyperplane that maximizes
tion and classifier training steps, which has been suc- the margin between samples in a high dimensional space
cessfully applied to neuroimaging data to distinguish defined by the features. Those samples closest to the
patient groups [103–105]. The most popular approaches hyperplane are called the support vectors. Frequently
are the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator the samples are not linearly separable in the original
(LASSO) [106,107] and Elastic Net [108]. LASSO adds a space; thus, there is often an advantage to using a kernel
penalty to the L1-norm of a model’s cost function in function to map the features into a higher dimensional
order to control the sparsity of the model, while Elastic space for easier separation. The Gaussian radial basis
Net adds constraints to both the L2-norm and the L1- function (RBF) is the most commonly used kernel func-
norm. Here the L1 penalty promotes sparsity in the tion on neuroimaging data [74,122,123]. The RBF
solution, whereas the L2 penalty promotes stability of kernel for two samples x and x’ is defined as K(x,x’) =
the solution [108]. exp(-g||x-x’||2), where g is a hyperparameter that is
optimized in the model-building stage.
Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [124], a linear
3.3.3 Commonly Used Classifiers
transformation technique, is also a simple and straight-
After feature extraction and selection, prepared features forward classifier that has been applied to neuroimaging
are input to a machine learning classifier. A classifier is data [125–127]. In contrast to the kernel SVM that maps
essentially a model of the relationship between the input data to a higher dimensional space, LDA projects data
features and the class labels in the training set. Using a onto a lower dimensional space with good class sepa-
mathematical form, given an example x, the classifier is a rability by computing linear discriminants that will
function f that predicts the label y = f(x). The specific represent the axes that maximize the separation between
function being learned and the underlying assumption multiple classes. The general process of performing
built into it vary between different types of classifiers. LDA contains five steps: (1) compute the d-dimensional
Here we review the classifiers that are most commonly mean vectors for the different classes of the dataset;
used on neuroimaging data. (2) compute the between-class and within-class scatter
Machine learning algorithms can be categorized into matrices; (3) compute the eigenvectors and correspond-
supervised learning and unsupervised learning depend- ing eigenvalues for the scatter matrices; (4) sort the
ing on whether or not the training data comprise samples eigenvectors by descending eigenvalues and choose k
along with their corresponding target labels of categories. eigenvectors with the largest eigenvalues to form a d × k
In the case of two-class classification, supervised learning dimensional eigenvector matrix M; (5) use matrix M to
seeks to develop a function that maps two sets of samples transform the samples onto the new subspace.
to their given categories; subsequently, the trained Deep learning, which is a powerful set of techniques
mapping function can assign previously unseen new for learning representations in neural networks, has been
samples to one of the categories with certain accuracy. In successfully introduced into the neuroimaging field to
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 31

distinguish group membership of patients and HCs appropriate when the number of predictor variables is
[85,128–130]. This set of algorithms, also called as deep much larger than the number of subjects—typical with
neural networks (DNNs), attempts to use a cascade of neuroimaging datasets. Some studies used multikernel
many layers of nonlinear processing units to learn latent learning to do brain disease inference [92,133,134].
feature representations from large-scale unlabeled data. Multikernel learning constructs an optimal linear or non-
In the nonlinear unsupervised cascade processing, linear combination of a predefined set of kernel functions.
higher-level features are derived from lower-level fea- Its main advantage is in combining features from differ-
tures to form a hierarchical representation. In contrast to ent neuroimaging data phenotypes that have different
traditional machine learning methods, deep learning is notions of similarity and may require different kernels for
capable of data-driven automatic feature learning, which training.
is an important capability in selecting the relevant fea-
tures from neuroimaging data as usually many features
3.3.4 Performance Evaluation and Pattern
exist even after feature selection. Another advantage of
deep learning is the capability of modeling very com-
plicated data patterns due to its hierarchical structure of In many fields using machine learning, such as computer
the nonlinear layers. To date, stacked auto-encoders vision, a classifier is trained on a large dataset and tested
(SAE) and restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) have on a completely independent dataset. Although some
been applied to brain imaging data among the variety of neuroimaging studies have validated the trained classi-
DNNs [85,128–130]. fier on a completely independent test set [64,65,135,136],
An auto-encoder (AE) is composed of input, hidden, the small sample sizes in most neuroimaging studies do
and output layers. The output layer is a reconstruction of not allow for this. Most neuroimaging studies use n-fold
the input through the activation of the many-fewer cross-validation (CV) to test the generalizability of the
hidden layers. It offers an elegant solution to dimension classifier.
reduction and compression. The output layer can be In n-fold CV, the whole dataset is randomly parti-
omitted after training, and the hidden layer can be used tioned into n equal-sized subsets. One subset is retained
as input features for downstream classification. AEs can as the validation set for testing the classifier, and
be stacked one after another in a greedy layer-wise the remaining n−1 subsets are used as training
fashion such that the outputs from the hidden units of data. Critically, all data transformation (such as scaling/
the lower layers are taken as the input to the upper layers normalizing), feature selection, and model hyperpa-
to construct a SAE. After a SAE is trained layer by layer, rameter selection are determined exclusively using the
its output can be used as the input to a supervised training data and applied to the validation data. The CV
classification or regression algorithm. Another DNN that process is repeated n times until all subsets are used
has been applied to neuroimaging data is formed by exactly once as the validation set. Ten-fold CV is com-
stacking RBMs. Comparing to the AEs, RBMs also have monly used, but there is a particular case where n is
visible and hidden layers, and are probabilistic models. equal to the number of samples, which is called leave-
Instead of deterministic (e.g., logistic) units, RBMs use one-out CV (LOOCV). More complex approaches
stochastic units with a particular distribution (e.g., require nested CV in which the data are partitioned
usually Gaussian). The RBM training process consists of twice: In an outer fold CV, a data partition is left out for
several steps of Gibbs sampling that includes repeated testing; the remaining samples are partitioned again in
propagate (i.e., sampling hidden layers given visible an inner fold CV. The outer loop enables an estimation of
ones) and reconstruct (i.e., sampling visible layers given the classifier’s generalizability, while the inner loop is
hidden one) processes, and then adjusting the weights to usually used for optimizing parameters.
minimize reconstruction error. This differs from the The classifier performance can be assessed by several
training of AEs, which simply calculates functions measures such as sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. In
between layers to minimize an error. When trained in an a clinical context, the sensitivity refers to the percentage
unsupervised way, layers of the RBMs act as feature of people with a disease who are identified as being sick;
detectors to find latent representations of the input data. while the specificity refers to the percentage of HCs who
After unsupervised learning, RBMs can be further are classified as being healthy. The accuracy represents
trained in a supervised way to perform classification, or the total proportion of samples classified correctly; if
its output can be used as the input to other supervised there is a large imbalance in group size, balanced accu-
algorithms. racy (the average of the accuracy calculated separately
Other supervised classifiers have also been utilized in for each group) is preferred. In addition, the receiver
neuroimaging studies. For example, random forest operating characteristic (ROC) is also used to measure
[73,131,132], an ensemble learning method that operates by the performance of the model. The ROC curve pro-
constructing a multitude of decision trees, is particularly vides information on the balance between the true
32 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

positive rate (i.e., sensitivity) and the false positive rate of advanced AD to the diagnosis of very early AD or
(i.e., 1-specificity) across a range of decision thresholds. MCI at a prodromal stage of MCI [140]. Table 3.1 lists
The area under the ROC curve (AUC) can be interpreted studies that used neuroimaging-based machine learning
as the probability that the classifier will assign a higher classification of MCI and AD [141,142]. Since the accu-
score to a randomly selected positive sample than to a racies in most of the “big data” studies range between
randomly selected negative sample. 80% and 90%, and are even higher on small datasets, it
The weights determining the classification boundary seems that we are generally able to distinguish both AD
allow for visualization of the features, which in neuro- and MCI from HC.
imaging is in voxel space; this is known as the discrimi- SZ, affecting about 24 million people globally, is a
native map for the classification [137]. However, chronic and serious mental disorder that interferes with
interpreting the localization of an effect in such multi- a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, and
variate patterns is not straightforward [138]. Some dis- make decisions. Neuroimaging studies in SZ patients
criminative regions on the map may be linked to clinical have revealed extensive abnormalities, such as altered
or physiological measures via post-hoc regression structural relationships among regional morphology in
analyses. However, in general, a multivariate pattern the thalamus, frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices
must be considered as a whole. Moreover, for nonlinear [143]; altered structural integrity of white matter in
classifiers, it is almost impossible to map the weights back frontal and temporal brain regions [144]; and differences
to the original feature space. When using a CV procedure, in left superior temporal gyrus (STG)–dorsal lateral
the feature selection step will retain different features prefrontal cortex and STG–ventrolateral prefrontal
from fold to fold, and the overlap between the set of cortex functional connectivity [145]. Compared to other
selected features may be very small, which also makes the psychiatric disorders, machine learning techniques have
interpretation difficult. Indeed, this reflects the fact that been most commonly applied to SZ due to data avail-
different multivariate combinations of different features ability. Studies have shown that this disorder can be
contain sufficient information for classification. accurately predicted using functional and structural MRI
data phenotypes (see Table 3.2 [146]).
BPD, formally called manic depression, is a brain
3.3.5 Diagnostic Predictions of Neurological
disorder that causes extreme mood swings including
and Psychiatric Diseases
emotional highs (known as mania) and lows (known as
Machine learning-based single subject prediction of depression). During periods of mania, a patient behaves
neuropsychiatric disorders has gained increased atten- extremely energetic, happy, or irritable, whereas during
tion in recent years. Compared to a conventional diag- periods of depression, the patient shows sadness and a
nosis for a neuropsychiatric disease that relies on negative outlook on life. In contrast to BPD, MDD is
information gathered subjectively during clinical inter- often accompanied by low energy and loss of interest in
views, it objectively seeks out diagnostic differences in normally enjoyable activities. Pattern recognition-based
patterns across the brain that can be applied to a “new” BPD and MDD studies have thus far been performed on
individual to identify the diagnostic category to which relatively small- to medium-sized samples (Table 3.3),
they may belong. This applicability at the level of the and thus there is a lack of definitive conclusions.
single individual makes the machine learning approach ASD is a developmental disorder including a wide
a potentially valuable diagnostic and/or prognostic range of social deficits and communication difficulties. It
tool. It has been applied to a variety of neuroimaging is characterized by persistent deficits in social commu-
modalities (e.g., structural, functional, and diffusion nication and interaction across multiple contexts, as well
MRI) on patients with neurological and psychiatric dis- as restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests,
eases such as MCI, AD, SZ, bipolar disorder (BPD), and activities. Although the causation of ASD is not
major depressive disorder (MDD), ASD, and ADHD. clearly known, it is suggested that genetic, develop-
Here we review some of the progress made in these mental, and environmental factors could be combined as
fields. possible causal or predisposing effects that develop ASD
MCI is a brain disorder that involves cognitive decline [147]. Table 3.4 lists papers that applied automatic
in memory, language, thinking, and judgment greater diagnosis technology to ASD using neuroimaging fea-
than that expected based on an individual’s age and tures and machine learning. These studies were mainly
education level. As an intermediate stage between the performed on small- or medium-sized data with a wide
expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the accuracy range, which indicates that as a disorder, ASD
more-serious decline of dementia, studies suggest that has a huge range of deficits (i.e., it may be a heteroge-
individuals with MCI tend to progress to AD at a rate of neous disease).
approximately 10% to 15% per year [139]. The goal of ADHD is a brain disorder in which an individual
neuroimaging in AD has thus moved from the diagnosis has trouble paying attention to tasks and tends to
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 33

Summary of Machine Learning-Based MCI/AD Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
DeCarli et al. sMRI AD=31, HC=29 Brain volume, temporal Discriminant analysis 2-fold Accuracy=100%
[148] lobe matter validation
Kaufer et al. sMRI AD=17, HC=12, Morphometric measures Discriminant analysis 2-fold Accuracy=91%
[149] FTD=16 of ROIs validation
Frisoni et al. sMRI AD=46, HC=31 Linear measurements LDA 2-fold CV Sensitivity=81–
[150] 87%
Freeborough sMRI AD=24, HC=40 Texture features LDA 2-fold Accuracy=91%
and Fox [151] validation
Bottino et al. sMRI AD=39, MCI=21, Volumetric measures Discriminant function 2-fold Accuracy=80.5–
[152] HC=20 analysis validation 88.1%
Pennanen et al. sMRI AD=48, MCI=65, Volumes of Discriminant function Step-wise Accuracy=65.9–
[153] HC=59 hippocampus and ERC analysis analysis 90.7%
Li et al. [154] sMRI AD=19, HC=20 Surface-based measures SVM LOOCV, 3- Accuracy=84.6–
fold CV 94.9%
Wang et al. sMRI AD=18, HC=26 Hippocampus shape Logistic regression LOOCV Accuracy=81.1–
[155] measures 84.6%
Arimura et al. sMRI AD=29, HC=25 Cortical thickness SVM LOOCV AUC=90.9%
Klöppel et al. sMRI AD=85, HC=91, GM maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=87–
[157] FTD=19 96%
Lerch et al. sMRI AD=19, HC=17 Cortical thickness LDA, QDA, logistic LOOCV Accuracy=90–
[158] regression 100%
Vemuri et al. sMRI AD=190, HC=190 Tissue densities and SVM 4-fold CV Accuracy=85.6–
[115] genotype 89.3%
Gerardin et al. sMRI AD=23, MCI=23, Spherical harmonics of SVM LOOCV Accuracy=83–
[159] HC=25 hippocampi 94%
Hinrichs et al. sMRI Total=183 GM probability maps Boosting Leave-many- AUC=82.0%
[160] out CV
Magnin et al. sMRI AD=16, HC=22 GM distribution of ROIs SVM Bootstrap Accuracy=94.5%
McEvoy et al. sMRI AD=84, MCI=175, Volumetric and cortical LDA LOOCV Accuracy=89–
[162] HC=139 thickness measures 92%
Young et al. sMRI AD=24, HC=23, GM volume LDA 10-fold CV Accuracy=81–
[163] FTD=19 96%
Zarei et al. DTI, sMRI AD=16, VaD=13, Transcallosal prefrontal LDA LOOCV Accuracy=87.5%
[164] HC=22 FA and Fazekas score
Haller et al. DTI MCI=67, HC=35 FA, longitudinal, radial, SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=91.4–
[165] and mean diffusivity 97.5%
Mueller et al. sMRI AD=18, MCI=20, Hippocampal volumetric LDA Step-wise Accuracy=73.7–
[166] HC=53 measures analysis 77.5%
Oliveira et al. sMRI AD=14, HC=20 Volumetric measures SVM LOOCV Accuracy=88.2%
Plant et al. sMRI AD=32, MCI=24, GM and WM maps SVM, Bayes statistic, LOOCV Accuracy=92%
[168] HC=18 and voting
Zhou et al. rsfMRI AD=12, HC=12, ROI-based difference LDA LOOCV Accuracy=92%
[126] FTD=12
Abdulkadir et sMRI AD=91, HC=226 GM probability maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=87%
al. [169]
Chincarini et al. sMRI AD=144, HC=189 Intensity and texture SVMs 20-fold CV Accuracy=65–
[170] of VOIs 94%
Costafreda et al. sMRI AD=71, MCI=103, 3D hippocampal shape SVM 4-fold CV Accuracy=80%
[171] HC=88 morphology
34 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


Summary of Machine Learning-Based MCI/AD Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Cuingnet et al. sMRI AD=137, HC=162 Voxel-based features, SVM LOOCV Accuracy=81–
[86] cortical thickness 95%
Graña et al. DTI AD=20, HC=25 FA SVM 10/5/2-fold Accuracy=100%
[172] CV,
Hinrichs et al. sMRI, PET AD=48, MCI=119, GM and WM maps Multikernel learning 10-fold CV Accuracy=87.6%
[173] HC=66
McEvoy et al. sMRI AD=164, MCI=317, Longitudinal volumetric QDA LOOCV Accuracy=85%
[174] HC=203 measures
Wee et al. [175] DTI MCI=10, HC=17 Clustering coefficient SVM LOOCV Accuracy=88.9%
of WM connectivity
Yang et al. [176] sMRI AD=298, HC=516, Coefficient of ICA SVM LOOCV Accuracy=67.5–
MCI=400 99%
Zhang and sMRI AD=50, HC=50 ODVBA of RAVENS SVM 5-fold CV Accuracy=90%
Davatzikos maps
Zhang et al. [92] sMRI, PET, AD=51, MCI=99, GM, WM and CSF SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=76.4–
CSF HC=52 volumes, average 93.2%
Batmanghelich sMRI AD=54, HC=63 RAVENS maps Logistic model trees 10-fold CV Accuracy=87–
et al. [178] 89%
Casanova et al. sMRI AD=171, MCI=351, GM map SVM, logistic/linear 10-fold CV Accuracy=80–
[179] HC=205 regression 90%
Chu et al. [81] sMRI AD=131, MCI=260, Hippocampus GM maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=70–
HC=188 85%
Coupĕ et al. sMRI AD=50, HC=50 Atrophic patterns QDA LOOCV Accuracy=93%
Cui et al. [181] sMRI, DTI MCI=79, HC=204 Subcortical volumetric SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=71.1%
measures, FA
Dai et al. [77] sMRI, rsfMRI AD=16, HC=22 GMV, ALFF, ReHo, FC LDA LOOCV Accuracy=89.5%
Li et al. [182] sMRI AD=37, HC=40 Cortical thickness, cortex SVM LOOCV Accuracy=81.7–
thinning dynamics, 96.1%
network features
Mahanand et al. sMRI AD=30, HC=30 GM maps Self-adaptive resource Bootstrap Accuracy=97.1–
[183] allocation network 99.7%
O’Dwyer et al. DTI MCI=33, HC=40 FA, DA, DR, and MD SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=93.0%
Polat et al. [185] sMRI AD=31, HC=31 VBM measures SVM LOOCV Accuracy=74–
Sabuncu et al. sMRI AD=150, HC=150 Cortical thickness RVoxM 5-fold CV AUC=93.0%
Aguilar et al. sMRI AD=116, MCI=119, Cortical thickness and SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=88.1%
[187] HC=110 volumetric measures
Cuingnet et al. sMRI AD=137, HC=162 Voxel-based and cortical SVM 2-fold Accuracy=83–
[188] thickness-based validation 91%
Dukart et al. sMRI, PET AD=49, HC=41 Volumes of interest SVM LOOCV Accuracy=86–
[91] 100%
Dyrba et al. [71] DTI, sMRI AD=137, HC=143 FA, MD, GMD, WMD SVM 10-fold CV, Accuracy=63.6–
other CV 91.1%
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 35


Summary of Machine Learning-Based MCI/AD Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Gray et al. [132] sMRI, PET, AD=37, MCI=75, ROI-based volumetric Random forest Leave-25%- Accuracy=74.6–
CSF, HC=35 measures, voxel-wise out CV 89.0%
genetics intensity
Lee et al. [189] DTI MCI=39, HC=45 FA and the volume of SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=100%
fiber pathways
Liu et al. [190] sMRI AD=86, HC=137 Volume and cortical Logistic regression, LOOCV Accuracy=51–
thickness SVM, LDA 89%
Wee et al. [191] sMRI AD=198, HC=200 ROI-based correlative Multikernel SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=79.2–
features 97.4%
Wu et al. [192] rsfMRI AD=15, HC=16 Averaged voxel Multivariate ROC LOOCV Accuracy=100%
Yang et al. [193] sMRI AD=17, MCI=18, Volumetric measures SVM LOOCV Accuracy=88.9–
HC=17 and ventricle shape 94.1%
Apostolova sMRI AD=95, MCI=182, Hippocampus volume SVM LOOCV Accuracy=64–
et al. [194] HC=111 and other measures 78%
Chen et al. [195] sMRI AD=48, HC=164 SIFT features Ensemble of SVMs LOOCV Accuracy=70–
Farhan et al. sMRI AD=37, HC=48 GM, WM and CSF SVM, MLP, decision 10-fold CV Accuracy=93.7%
[196] volumes tree
Hidalgo-Muñoz sMRI AD=185, HC=185 WM and GM voxels SVM-RFE 10-fold CV Accuracy=94.3–
et al. [197] 95.1%
Jie et al. [198] rsfMRI MCI=12, HC=25 Local connectivity, global Multikernel learning LOOCV Accuracy=91.9%
topological properties
Lahmiri and sMRI AD=11, MCI=11, Hurst’s exponents at SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=97.1–
Boukadoum HC=11 different scales 97.5%
Lee et al. [200] sMRI AD=33, HC=84 Cortical thickness, LDA Online Accuracy=87.5%
hippocampus shape learning
Li et al. [201] sMRI, DTI AD=21, HC=15 FA and GM volumes SVM LOOCV Accuracy=94.3%
Li et al. [202] sMRI AD=80, MCI=141, Local binary pattern SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=61.5–
HC=142 features 82.8%
Lillemark et al. sMRI AD=114, MCI=240, Surface connectivity LDA LOOCV AUC=76.6–
[203] HC=170 87.7%
Liu et al. [204] sMRI, PET AD=51, MCI=99, GM volume from sMRI, Multikernel SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=78.8–
HC=52 average intensity from 94.8%
Liu et al. [205] sMRI AD=198, MCI=225, GM maps SVMs 10-fold CV Accuracy=85.3–
HC=229 92.0%
Tang et al. [206] sMRI AD=175, HC=210 Hippocampus, LDA LOOCV Accuracy=86%
amygdala, and
ventricle shape
Tong et al. [207] sMRI AD=198, HC=231 Intensity patches of ROIs SVM LOOCV Accuracy=82.9–
Zhang et al. sMRI, PET, AD=49, MCI=93, GM volume, average SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=71.0–
[208] CSF, SNP HC=47 intensity, CSF and SNP 94.8%
Beheshti et al. sMRI AD=130, HC=130 PDF of VOI based on SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=86%
[209] VBM
Challis et al. rsfMRI AD=27, MCI=50, FC among AAL Bayesian Gaussian LOOCV Accuracy=75–
[210] HC=39 process, LR 90%
Dyrba et al. sMRI, DTI, AD=28, HC=25 GMV, fiber tract SVM LOOCV AUC=74–85%
[211] rsfMRI integrity, graph-
theoretical measure
36 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


Summary of Machine Learning-Based MCI/AD Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Farzan et al. sMRI AD=30, HC=30 Percentage of brain SVM LOOCV Accuracy=91.7%
[212] volume changes
Goryawala et al. sMRI AD=55, MCI=205, Volumetric measures LDA 2-fold CV Accuracy=90.8–
[213] HC=125 94.5%
Granziera et al. sMRI MCI=42, HC=77 Volume, mean T1, MTR SVM LOOCV Accuracy=75%
[214] and T2*
Jung et al. [215] sMRI, DTI AD=27, MCI=138, Cortical thickness, SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=70.5–
HC=27 subcortical volume, 96.3%
WM integrity
Khazaee et al. rsfMRI AD=20, HC=20 Graph measures SVM LOOCV Accuracy=100%
Klöppel et al. sMRI AD=483, MCI=418, GM and WM maps SVM CV AUC=73–97%
[216] HC=604
Liu et al. [217] sMRI AD=97, HC=128 GM maps SVMs 10-fold CV Accuracy=93.8%
Nir et al. [218] DTI AD=37, MCI=113, FA and MD values SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=68.3–
HC=50 84.9%
Ortiz et al. [219] sMRI, PET AD=70, MCI=111, Functional and structural SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=84–
HC=68 connectivity 92%
Prasad et al. sMRI, DTI AD=38, MCI=112, Network topology, SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=59.2–
[220] HC=50 tractography 78.2%
Retico et al. sMRI AD=144, HC=189 GM maps SVM 20-fold CV Accuracy=80%
Salvatore et al. sMRI AD=137, HC=162 GM and WM maps SVM 20-fold CV Accuracy=72–
[222] 76%
Xu et al. [223] sMRI, PET AD=113, MCI=110, Mean volume of GM, Sparse representation- 10-fold CV Accuracy=74.5–
HC=117 SUVr value of PET based classifier 94.8%
Yun et al. [224] sMRI, PET AD=71, MCI=163, Cortical and volumetric PLS LDA LOOCV Accuracy=76.5–
HC=85 measures 90.1%
Zhang et al. sMRI AD=28, HC=98 Eigen brains of key slices SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=92.3%
Zu et al. [226] sMRI, PET AD=51, HC=52 ROI-based GM volumes, Multikernel SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=80.3–
average intensity 95.9%
Yu et al. [227] sMRI, PET, AD=50, MCI=97, GMV, average intensity, Graph-guided 10-fold CV Accuracy=80.0–
CSF HC=52 CSF measures multitask learning 92.6%
Source: Modified from M. R. Arbabshirani et al., Neuroimage, vol. 145, pp. 137–65, Jan 2017; B. Sundermann et al., AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, vol. 35,
pp. 848–55, May 2014.

act without thinking. It is one of the most commonly

diagnosed functional disorders with approximately 3–
3.4 Challenges and Future Directions
10% of school aged children diagnosed with ADHD
[228]. Neuroimaging studies have shown substantial 3.4.1 Overfitting
evidence of structural and functional alterations in
The goals in machine learning training are twofold:
regions related to the frontostriatal circuitry, as well as in
develop a model that describes a set of training data
the cerebellum and the parietal lobes [229]. In 2011, a
well, yet is able to generalize to novel data. In overfitting,
global competition called ADHD-200 was held in order
the model describes noise or random error rather than
to use neuroimaging and phonotypic measures to auto-
the underlying pattern in the data. Overfitting results in
matically diagnose ADHD [230]; most of these studies
very good performance on the training data but very
are summarized in Table 3.5.
poor performance on the novel test data. It occurs when
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 37

Summary of Machine Learning-Based SZ Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Csernansky et al. sMRI SZ=52, Hippocampal and thalamic Discriminant function LOOCV Accuracy=79%
[231] HC=65 shape eigenvectors analysis
Davatzikos et al. sMRI SZ=69, Volumetric measures Nonlinear classifier LOOCV Accuracy=81%
[232] HC=79
Fan et al. [233] sMRI SZ=23, Volumetric measures SVM-RFE LOOCV Accuracy=92%
Caan et al. [234] DTI SZ=34, FA maps LDA 5-fold CV Accuracy=75%
Fan et al. [235] sMRI SZ=69, Volumetric measurements SVM LOOCV Accuracy=91%
Kawasaki et al. sMRI SZ=46, Mean of eigen image from Simple thresholding 2-fold Accuracy=80–
[135] HC=46 VBM validation 90%
Caprihan et al. DTI SZ=45, Discriminant PCA of FA maps Fisher’s linear LOOCV Accuracy=80%
[236] HC=45 discriminant
Demirci et al. [237] fMRI SZ=57, ICA spatial maps Projection pursuit LOOCV Accuracy=80–
HC=91 90%
Yoon et al. [96] fMRI SZ=19, Active voxels from contrast MVPA CV on Accuracy=59–
HC=15 map different 72%
Sun et al. [238] sMRI SZ=36, Cortical GMD Logistic regression LOOCV Accuracy=86%
Shen et al. [110] rsfMRI SZ=32, Functional connectivity C-means clustering LOOCV Accuracy=86%
Yang et al. [239] fMRI, SNP SZ=20, Voxels in fMRI activation map, Majority voting among 3 LOOCV Accuracy=87%
HC=20 SNPs, ICA maps SVMs
Ardekani et al. DTI SZ=50, Voxels of FA and MD maps LDA 2-fold CV Accuracy=96%
[240] HC=50
Castro et al. [241] fMRI SZ=52, ICA and GLM spatial maps Recursive composite Leave-two- Accuracy=95%
HC=54 kernels out CV
Fan et al. [242] rsfMRI SZ=31, Functional connectivity SVMs LOOCV Accuracy=85–
HC=31 87%
Karageorgiou et al. sMRI SZ=28, Volumetric measurements LDA LOOCV Accuracy=72%
[243] HC=47
Kasparek et al. sMRI SZ=39, Whole brain voxel intensity Maximum-uncertainty LOOCV Accuracy=72%
[244] HC=39 value LDA
Takayanagi et al. sMRI SZ=52, Volume and mean cortical Discriminant function 2-fold Accuracy=80%
[245] HC=40 thickness of ROIs analysis validation
Bansal et al. [246] sMRI SZ=65, Surface morphological Hierarchical clustering LOOCV Accuracy=94%
HC=40 measures
Bassett et al. [247] rsfMRI SZ=29, Size of connected components SVM Bootstrap Accuracy=75%
HC=29 in graphs
Du et al. [248] fMRI SZ=28, Kernel PCA on ICA maps Fisher’s linear LOOCV Accuracy=93–
HC=28 discriminant 98%
Greenstein et al. sMRI SZ=98, Cortical thickness Random forest LOOCV Accuracy=74%
[249] HC=99
Honorio et al. [250] fMRI SZ=13, Mean of the largest activation Majority vote of 3 LOOCV Accuracy=96%
HC=15 cluster decision stumps
Nieuwenhuis et al. sMRI SZ=283, GMD SVM LOOCV Accuracy=71%
[64] HC=233
Tang et al. [251] rsfMRI SZ=22, Functional connectivity SVM LOOCV Accuracy=93%
Yoon et al. [127] fMRI SZ=51, Voxels of left DLPFC LDA LOOCV Accuracy=62%
HC=51 in the contrast map
38 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


Summary of Machine Learning-Based SZ Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Anderson and rsfMRI SZ=72, Graph metrics based on FNC SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=65%
Cohen [252] HC=74
Arbabshirani et al. rsfMRI SZ=29, Functional network SVM LOOCV Accuracy=96%
[253] HC=29 connectivity
Cao et al. [254] fMRI, SNP SZ=92, Sparse representation based Sparse learning LOOCV Accuracy=77%
HC=116 variables
Fekete et al. [255] rsfMRI SZ=8, Local and global complex SVM LOOCV Accuracy=100%
HC=10 network measures
Iwabuchi et al. sMRI SZ=19, GM and WM maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=66.6–
[256] HC=20 77%
Su et al. [118] rsfMRI SZ=32, Functional connectivity SVM LOOCV Accuracy=83%
Sui et al. [257] sMRI, SZ=35, GMD from sMRI, FA from DTI, SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=79%
rsfMRI, HC=28 ALFF from fMRI
Yu et al. [258] rsfMRI SZ=24, Functional connectivity SVM LOOCV Accuracy=62%
Zanetti et al. [259] sMRI SZ=62, Volumetric measures based on SVM LOOCV Accuracy=73%
Zhang and sMRI SZ=69, Optimally discriminative VBM SVM 5-fold CV Accuracy=71%
Davatzikos [177] HC=79
Anticevic et al. rsfMRI SZ=90, MVPA based on thalamic SVM LOOCV Accuracy=73.9%
[260] HC=90 connectivity map
Bleich-Cohen et al. fMRI SZ=33, MVPA on GLM contrast values SVM Leave-two- Accuracy=75–
[116] HC=20 out CV 91%
Castro et al. [261] fMRI SZ=31, ICA spatial maps Multikernel learning LOOCV Accuracy=85%
Guo et al. [117] rsfMRI SZ=46, fALFF values of the left ITG SVM LOOCV Accuracy=75%
Radulescu et al. sMRI SZ=27, Texture and volumetric LDA LOOCV Accuracy=65.0–
[262] HC=24 measures 72.7%
Watanabe et al. rsfMRI SZ=71, Functional connectivity Fused Lasso, GraphNet 5-fold CV Accuracy=91%
[263] HC=74
Cetin et al. [264] fMRI SZ=27, FNC scores LDA, shapelet-based CV Accuracy=72%
HC=28 classifier
Cheng et al. [265] rsfMRI SZ=19, Graph measure of FC SVM LOOCV Accuracy=80%
Chyzhyk et al. rsfMRI SZ=72, Correlation from ReHo, (f) ELMs 10-fold CV Accuracy=80–
[266] HC=74 ALFF and VMHC 91%
Janousova et al. sMRI SZ=49, MR intensities, GMD, Combination of LOOCV Accuracy=81.6%
[267] HC=49 deformation based mMLDA, centroid
morphometry method, and average
Kaufmann et al. rsfMRI SZ=71, Functional connectivity Regularized LDA LOOCV Accuracy=75–
[268] HC=196 84%
Koch et al. [269] fMRI SZ=44, MVPA of task activation Searchlight SVM LOOCV Accuracy=93%
HC=44 pattern
Kim et al. [129] rsfMRI SZ=50, Functional connectivity Deep neural network 5-fold CV Accuracy=86%
Sources: Modified from M. R. Arbabshirani et al., Neuroimage, vol. 145, pp. 137–65, Jan 2017; B. Sundermann et al., AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, vol. 35,
pp. 848–55, May 2014; T. Wolfers et al., Neurosci Biobehav Rev, vol. 57, pp. 328–49, Oct 2015.
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 39

Summary of Machine Learning-Based BPD/MDD Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Gong et al. [270] sMRI RDD=23, NDD=23, GM and WM densities SVM LOOCV Accuracy=58.7–
HC=42 84.6%
Mourão-Miranda fMRI MDD=19, HC=19 Activation maps, ROI-averaged SVM LOOCV Accuracy=63–
et al. [123] activation features 65.5%
Fang et al. [271] DTI MDD=22, HC=26 Anatomical connectivity SVM LOOCV Accuracy=91.7%
Lord et al. [272] rsfMRI MDD=21, HC=22 Network-based measures from FC SVM Bootstrap Accuracy=99%
Mwangi et al. sMRI MDD=30, HC=32 Feature-based morphometric SVM, RVM LOOCV Accuracy=90.3%
[273] measures
Wei et al. [274] rsfMRI MDD=20, HC=20 Hurst components of RS networks SVM LOOCV Accuracy=90%
Cao et al. [275] rsfMRI MDD=39, HC=37 FC among AAL regions SVM LOOCV Accuracy=76.6%
MacMaster et al. sMRI MDD=32, BP=14, Volumetric measurements Discriminant 2-fold CV Accuracy=81.0%
[276] HC=22 function
Serpa et al. [277] sMRI MDD=19, BP=23, GM, WM and ventricles SVM LOOCV Accuracy=54.6–
HC=71 volumetric maps 66.1%
Zeng et al. [111] rsfMRI MDD=24, HC=29 FC maps of sACC Maximum margin LOOCV Accuracy=92.5%
Foland-Ross et sMRI MDD=18, HC=15 Cortical thickness of ROIs SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=70%
al. [278]
Fung et al. [279] sMRI MDD=19, BP=16, Cortical thickness and surface area SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=74.3%
Patel et al. [280] sMRI, LLD=33, HC=35 Variety features from each Alternating LOOCV Accuracy=87.3%
rsfMRI, modality decision trees
Rosa et al. [281] fMRI MDD=19, HC=19 Sparse network-based features SVM LOSGO- Accuracy=78.9–
CV 85.0%
Sacchet et al. sMRI MDD=57, RMD=35, GMV of caudate and ventral SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=59.5–
[282] BP=40, HC=61 diencephalon 62.7%
Sato et al. [283] fMRI MDD=25, HC=21 GM maps of PPI analysis Maximum entropy LOOCV AUC=78.1%
Shimizu et al. fMRI MDD=25, HC=31 Voxel-wise contrast map Logistic 10-fold CV Accuracy=90–
[284] regression, SVM 95%

Sources: Modified from M. R. Arbabshirani et al., Neuroimage, vol. 145, pp. 137–65, Jan 2017; B. Sundermann et al., AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, vol. 35,
pp. 848–55, May 2014; T. Wolfers et al., Neurosci Biobehav Rev, vol. 57, pp. 328–49, Oct 2015.

a model is excessively complex or when the training data several different machine learning algorithms, using the
have a very small number of samples but a large number whole dataset, and choosing the one that worked best).
of features. Neuroimaging datasets used in pattern rec- Since the goal of using machine learning techniques on
ognition studies are based on a small to medium number neuroimaging data is often to build computer-assisted
of samples, which are much less than the number of systems for clinical diagnoses of neurological and psy-
derived features. Tables 3.1 through 3.5 show that chiatric diseases, good generalization performance is
reported accuracies in existing studies tend to decrease ultimately required for classification models. Given the
with increasing sample size; this trend indicates that reality of overfitting caused by limited sample sizes, the
many of these studies may suffer from overfitting. best approach to validate a model’s generalizability is
Effective feature extraction and selection, as well as testing it on a completely independent dataset that was
proper model choosing and CV, can help control for not used in any step of model construction [285].
overfitting. To date, some neuroimaging machine
learning studies have validated their model on a com-
3.4.2 Heterogeneity in Patients and Disease Subtype
pletely independent dataset [64,65,135,136]. The decre-
ment in accuracy on the independent test set implies that
overfitting still exists in CV, which is likely caused by a Neurological and psychiatric disorders may be charac-
limited sample size or allowing the validation samples to terized by different etiologic factors across subjects. Since
influence model hyperparameters or choice (e.g., trying the same disease may result in different symptoms,
40 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Summary of Machine Learning-Based ASD Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Ecker et al. [66] sMRI ASD=22, HC=22 GM and WM maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=77%
Ecker et al. [286] sMRI ASD=20, HC=20 Volumetric and geometric SVM LOOCV Accuracy=85%
Jiao et al. [67] sMRI ASD=22, HC=16 Regional thickness Logistic model trees 10-fold CV Accuracy=87%
Anderson et al. rsfMRI ASD=40, TDC=40 FC among ROIs Thresholding LOOCV Accuracy=79%
Ingalhalikar DTI ASD=45, TDC=30 FA and MD of ROIs SVM LOOCV Accuracy=80%
et al. [288]
Uddin et al. sMRI ASD=24, TDC=24 Voxel-wise GM and WM maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=92%
Calderoni et al. sMRI ASD=30, TDC=38 GM maps SVM Leave-pair- AUC=80%
[289] out CV
Murdaugh et al. fMRI ASD=13, TDC=14 AG-, MPFC-, and PCC-based Logistic regression LOOCV Accuracy=96%
[290] FC maps
Deshpande et fMRI, DTI ASD=15, TDC=15 Causal connectivity, FC, FA SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=96%
al. [291]
Uddin et al. rsfMRI ASD=20, TDC=20 ICA components Logistic regression 2-fold Accuracy=78%
[292] validation
Segovia et al. sMRI ASD=52, ASD- GM volume map SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=80–
[293] Sib=40, HC=40 85%
Wee et al. [294] sMRI ASD=58, HC=59 Thickness and volumetric of Multikernel SVM 2-fold CV Accuracy=96.3%
Zhou et al. [295] sMRI, ASD=127, TDC=153 Volume of subcortical ROIs, Random tree 10-fold CV Accuracy=70%
rsfMRI fALFF, number of voxels and classifier
z-values of ROIs, VMHC
Chen et al. [296] rsfMRI ASD=126, TDC=126 FC among ROIs Random forest Bootstrap Accuracy=91%
Gori et al. [297] sMRI ASD=21, HC=20 Morphometric features SVM Leave-pair- AUC=74%
out CV
Iidaka [80] rsfMRI ASD=312, TDC=328 FC among ROIs Probabilistic neural LOOCV Accuracy=90%
Libero et al. sMRI, DTI, ASD=19, TDC=18 Cortical thickness, FA, Decision tree LOOCV Accuracy=91.9%
[298] MRS neurochemical concentration
Plitt et al. [299] rsfMRI ASD=148, TDC=148 FC among ROIs Logistic regression, LOOCV Accuracy=76.7%
Sources: Modified from M. R. Arbabshirani et al., Neuroimage, vol. 145, pp. 137–65, Jan 2017; T. Wolfers et al., Neurosci Biobehav Rev, vol. 57,
pp. 328–49, Oct 2015.

different features might be meaningful across patients in be done in two ways: by looking at neurophysiologic
the same diagnostic group, making it difficult to gener- measures for subgroupings that might identify previ-
ate a common multivariate discriminative pattern to ously unrecognized clinical subgroups; or by trying to
classify a specific diagnostic group. The heterogeneity in subgroup patients by other measures known to be asso-
patients, as well as other factors such as sample size and ciated with the disease but not to define it. The biological
scanning parameters, also makes it difficult to compare validity of these subgroups could then be evaluated by
classifiers’ performances across studies. applying machine learning algorithms to neuroimaging
One approach to solve these problems is to partition derived features.
patients with the same disease into smaller, less hetero-
geneous subgroups. Indeed, as it becomes clearer that the
3.4.3 Multimodal Data Fusion
clinical diagnoses are quite heterogeneous, there is
increased interest in finding subgroups of psychiatric and Multimodal neuroimaging data provide new opportu-
neurologic disorders [300–302]. This approach aligns nities to systematically characterize human brain struc-
with current attempts by the National Institute on Mental ture and function; thus, multimodal data fusion can
Health to characterize disease by Research Domain utilize the strengths of each imaging modality and
Criteria—the RDoc initiative [303]. Subdividing data can explore their interrelationships. Multiple multimodal
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 41

Summary of Machine Learning-Based ASD Diagnostic Studies (Sorted by Publication Year)
Study Modality Sample Features Classifiers Validation Performance
Zhu et al. [304] rsfMRI ADHD=12 ReHo maps PCA-based FDA LOOCV Accuracy=85%
Bansal et al. sMRI ADHD=41 Surface morphometric measures Hierarchical LOOCV Accuracy=91.0%
[246] HC=42 clustering
Bohland et al. sMRI, ADHD=285 Anatomical, network, and phenotypic SVM 2-fold CV AUC=80.0%
[305] rsfMRI TDC=491 measures
Chang et al. sMRI ADHD=210 Texture features SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=69.9%
[306] HC=226
Colby et al. sMRI, ADHD=285 Morphological measures, FC, power SVM-RFE 10-fold CV Accuracy=55%
[307] rsfMRI TDC=491 spectra, graph measures
Dai et al. [308] sMRI, ADHD=222 Cortical thickness, GM maps, ReHo SVM, multikernel 10-fold CV Accuracy=61.5%
rsfMRI TDC=402 learning
Fair et al. [309] rsfMRI ADHD=192 Graph-based features SVM-based LOOCV Accuracy=63.4–
HC=455 MVPA 82.7%
Igual et al. sMRI ADHD=39 Caudate nucleus volumetric measures Adaboost, SVM 5-fold CV Accuracy=72.5%
[310] HC=39
Sato et al. [311] rsfMRI ADHD=383 ReHo, ALFF, RSN Logistic Monte Carlo Accuracy=54%
HC=546 regression subsampling
Sidhu et al. rsfMRI ADHD=239 FFT and different variation of PCA on SVM 10-fold CV Accuracy=68.86–
[312] HC=429 BOLD signals 76%
Peng et al. sMRI ADHD=55 Cortical thickness measures ELM LOOCV Accuracy=90.2%
[313] HC=55
Wang et al. rsfMRI ADHD=23 ReHo maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=80%
[119] HC=23
Dey et al. [120] rsfMRI ADHD=180 Graph-based measures SVM 2-fold validation Accuracy=73.5%
Hart et al. fMRI ADHD=30 GLM coefficient map Gaussian process LOOCV Accuracy=77%
[314] HC=30
Hart et al. fMRI ADHD=20 Brain activation map Gaussian process LOOCV Accuracy=75%
[315] HC=20
Johnston et al. sMRI ADHD=34 WM maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=93%
[316] HC=34
Deshpande rsfMRI ADHD=433 Directional connectivity measures ANN LOOCV Accuracy=90%
et al. [317] TDC=744
Iannaccone sMRI, ADHD=18 GLM coefficients and GM maps SVM LOOCV Accuracy=61.1–
et al. [121] fMRI HC=18 77.8%

Sources: Modified from M. R. Arbabshirani et al., Neuroimage, vol. 145, pp. 137–65, Jan 2017; T. Wolfers et al., Neurosci Biobehav Rev, vol. 57,
pp. 328–49, Oct 2015.

studies indicate that patients with brain disorders exhibit clinical applications to diagnose brain disorders. In a
unique functional connectivity patterns and structural typical research study, patients with a single disease
characteristics that could not be revealed using separate diagnosis are included, while subjects with uncertain
unimodal analyses as typically performed in traditional diagnoses or comorbidities are excluded. Patients and
neuroimaging experiments [318–320]. Hence, applying HCs are usually well balanced to train a machine learning
machine learning-based pattern classification to these model to get an unbiased classifier. However, the diag-
multimodal characteristics could identify specifically nostic process in real clinical populations is more complex
useful biomarkers of neurological and psychiatric dis- than in research settings. Patients frequently have multi-
eases, so as to facilitate more accurate diagnosis and lead ple comorbid diseases; for example, drug use and abuse is
to more appropriate treatments. very high in psychiatric populations. Furthermore, pop-
ulations of psychiatric and neurological patients are much
smaller than that of HCs, which means that classifier
3.4.4 Translation to Real Clinical Utility
performance derived from an assumption of equal group
Valuable findings in machine learning-based neuro- sizes—typical in research settings—may have reduced
imaging studies should ultimately be translated into real utility for predictions in real clinical cases. Therefore,
42 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

considerable work remains for translating machine LOOCV leave-one-out cross-validation

learning-based diagnosis toward clinical practice. LOSGO-CV leave-one-subject-per-group-out
LR logistic regression
MCI mild cognitive impairment
MD mean diffusion
Acknowledgements MDD major depressive disorder
This work was supported by the Intramural Research MLP multilayer perceptron
Program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. mMLDA modified maximum uncertainty linear
discriminant analysis
MPFC medial prefrontal cortex
MR magnetic resonance
MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy
List of Abbreviations in Tables (Sorted by Initial) MTR magnetization transfer ratio
AAL automated anatomical labeling MVPA multivariate pattern analysis
AD Alzheimer’s disease NDD nonrefractory depressive disorder
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ODVBA optimally discriminative voxel-based
AG angular gyrus analysis
ALFF amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations PCA principle component analysis
ANN artificial neural network PCC posterior cingulate cortex
ASD autistic spectrum disorder PDF probability distribution function
ASD-Sib siblings of individuals with ASD PET positron emission tomography
AUC area under the curve PLS partial least squares
BOLD blood-oxygen-level dependent PPI psychophysiological interaction
BP bipolar depression QDA quadratic discriminant analysis
CSF cerebrospinal fluid RAVENS regional analysis of volumes examined in
CV cross-validation normalized space
DA axial diffusion RDD refractory depressive disorder
DLPFC dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex ReHo regional homogeneity
DR radial diffusion RMD remitted major depressive disorder
DTI diffusion tensor imaging ROC receiver operational characteristic
ELM extreme learning machines ROI region of interest
ERC entorhinal cortex RS resting state
FA fractional anisotropy rsfMRI resting-state fMRI
fALFF fractional amplitude of low-frequency RSN resting-state networks
fluctuations RVM relevance vector machine
FC functional connectivity RVoxM relevance voxel machine
FDA Fisher discriminative analysis sACC subgenual anterior cingulate cortex
FFT fast Fourier transform SIFT scale invariant feature transform
fMRI functional MRI sMRI structural MRI
FNC functional network connectivity SNP single-nucleotide polymorphism
FTD frontotemporal dementia SUVr standard uptake value ratio
GLM general linear model SVM support vector machine
GM gray matter SVM-RFE support vector machine with recursive
GMD gray matter density feature elimination
GMV gray matter volume SZ schizophrenia
HC healthy controls TDC typically developing controls
ICA independent component analysis VaD vascular dementia
ITG inferior temporal gyrus VBM voxel-based morphometry
Lasso least absolute shrinkage and selection VMHC voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity
operator VOI volume of interest
LDA linear discriminant analysis WM white matter
LLD late-life depression WMD white matter density
Big Data Era in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain 43

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Section II

Signal Processing for Big Data

Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous
Data Streams

Shaofeng Zou, Yingbin Liang, H. Vincent Poor, and Xinghua Shi

4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................57
4.2 Two Types of Problems..................................................................................................................................................58
4.2.1 Detection of Existence ........................................................................................................................................58
4.2.2 Identification of Anomalous Data Streams .....................................................................................................59
4.3 Nonparametric Approaches...........................................................................................................................................59
4.3.1 Generalized Likelihood-Based Approach........................................................................................................59
4.3.2 Kernel-Based Approach .....................................................................................................................................60
4.3.3 KL Divergence-Based Approach ......................................................................................................................60
4.4 Detection of Existence.....................................................................................................................................................61
4.4.1 Parametric Model................................................................................................................................................61
4.4.2 Semiparametric Model .......................................................................................................................................62
4.4.3 Nonparametric Model ........................................................................................................................................63
4.5 Identification of Anomalous Data Streams .................................................................................................................64
4.5.1 Parametric Model................................................................................................................................................64
4.5.2 Semiparametric Model .......................................................................................................................................65
4.5.3 Nonparametric Model ........................................................................................................................................67
4.6 Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing ............................................................................................................70
4.7 Open Problems and Future Directions ........................................................................................................................71
Acknowledgment .....................................................................................................................................................................71
References ..................................................................................................................................................................................72

Statistically, the typical data streams are assumed to be

4.1 Introduction
drawn from a certain distribution, and the anomalous
Consider a sensor network, in which all nodes take data streams are assumed to be drawn from distributions
observations from the environment. If an anomalous event that are different from the typical data streams.
occurs, then a subset of sensors are affected and thus This type of problem models a large number of appli-
receive data streams with different statistical behavior cations in various domains. For example, in bioinfor-
from that of unaffected sensors. It is typically of interest to matics, the data set may contain gene expressions across a
detect whether such an anomalous event occurs, and if group of people with a certain disease. It is anticipated
such an event occurs, to further identify the location of the that the genes related to the disease should have a different
event. This kind of application gives rise to the problem of expression behavior from other irrelevant genes, and
detection of anomalous data streams out of a large number hence can be detected and identified. More applications in
of typical data streams based on their statistical properties. biomedical signal processing and health care are reviewed
Such problems are usually solved in two steps: first detect in Section 4.1.6. Other applications include detecting virus-
whether or not there exist anomalous data streams, and infected computers in a network, detecting bank fraud,
then if they exist, identify such anomalous data streams. detecting vacant channels in cognitive radio networks, etc.

58 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

The problems that we consider here are fundamentally of interest here. In Section 4.1.4, we review the results
different from some other outlier/anomaly detection in Ref. [13] on the problem of detecting the existence of
problems from the following perspectives. (1) The aim is anomalous data streams. In Section 4.1.5, we review the
to differentiate distributions rather than individual data results in Refs. [12,14,15] on the problem of identifying
samples as widely studied in data mining, e.g., Refs. anomalous data streams. In Section 4.1.6, we provide
[1,2]. Thus, the problem can generally be viewed as several applications in biomedical signal processing. In
hypothesis testing. (2) The learning is unsupervised, i.e., Section 4.1.7, we conclude this chapter with a few inter-
without the use of labeled training data. Thus, it is dif- esting future directions.
ferent from a common semisupervised problem, e.g.,
Refs. [3,4,5], in which training samples drawn from a
typical distribution are given, and a new sample needs to
be tested as to whether it is drawn from the typical
distribution. 4.2 Two Types of Problems
In order to solve the problem of interest here, most
previous studies have focused on parametric scenarios The problem of detecting anomalous data streams nat-
(see, e.g., Refs. [6,7,8,9,10,11]), assuming the distri- urally comprises two steps: first detecting whether there
butions are known a priori, although practical applica- exists any anomalous data stream, and then further
tions typically provide only raw data. Implicitly, these identifying anomalous data streams if existence is con-
studies assume that the distributions are learned from firmed. To define these problems more formally,
the data. However, since the ultimate goal is to detect suppose that there are M data streams denoted by y(i) for
and identify anomalous data streams, learning the dis- i = 1,2,…,M. Each data stream consists of n independent
tributions first and then constructing the detection rules and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples, and we
may not yield optimal performance. It is thus desirable denote the k-th sample in the i-th data stream by y(i)
k . It is
to design data-driven nonparametric tests, which directly assumed that different data streams are independent of
accomplish the goal of detection using data without each other. Among these data streams, a typical data
estimating the distributions as an intermediate step. stream contains samples drawn from a distribution π,
Furthermore, since such tests do not exploit any infor- and an anomalous data stream (if it exists) contains
mation about the distributions, they can be designed to samples drawn from a distribution μ. Both μ and π are
provide universal performance guarantees for arbitrary supported on the same alphabet Y. We denote the car-
distributions. dinality of Y as |Y|, if μ and π are discrete. We further
Several approaches have been developed to solve the assume that μ≠π. We then denote all data streams as
nonparametric problem of detecting anomalous data yMn = (y(1),y(2),…,y(M)).
streams, including (1) a generalized likelihood-based
approach [12,13], which is applicable to the case with 4.2.1 Detection of Existence
discrete distributions; (2) a kernel-based approach [14],
which is applicable to the cases with arbitrary distribu- The first problem is to detect the existence of anomalous
tions; and (3) a Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence-based data streams. This problem is studied in detail in Ref.
approach [15], which is applicable to the case with con- [13] when both μ and π are discrete distributions with
tinuous distributions. In fact, the KL divergence-based finite alphabet size. This problem is equivalent to dis-
approach can also be applied to discrete distributions if tinguishing between the following two hypotheses:
estimators for KL divergence between discrete distribu-
tions are applied. The focus of this chapter is to review H0 : All data streams y(i) are typical, for i = 1, 2, … ,M:
these detection techniques and their performance char-
H1 : There exist s anomalous data streams,
acteristics for solving the detection problems. Although
our interest is in nonparametric scenarios, we also where s > 0 is fixed: (4:1)
introduce results for parametric and semiparametric
models to develop useful understanding toward non- Under the null hypothesis H0, all the samples in y Mn
parametric models. are i.i.d. generated by π. However, under the alternative
This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 4.1.2, we hypothesis H1, there exist anomalous data streams that
introduce two types of problems that have been studied contain samples generated i.i.d. by μ, whereas the
so far: one problem models detection of the existence of samples in typical data streams are still generated i.i.d.
anomalous data streams, and the other one models by π. Hence, y Mn may take multiple distributions
identification of anomalous data streams if they exist. In depending on which data streams are anomalous. For
Section 4.1.3, we review several approaches that have example, when there is only one anomalous data stream,
been developed to solve the nonparametric problems it can be any of M data streams. For a more general
Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams 59

model with s > 1 anomalous data streams, the index set contains indices of all anomalous data streams with
S of the anomalous data streams can be any subset of cardinality |S|= s. This problem is equivalent to distin-
M = {1,…, M} such that the cardinality |S|= s. Thus, the guishing among the following hypotheses:
Equation 4.1 is a binary composite hypothesis testing n
problem with multiple subhypotheses under H1. HS : y(i) is anomalous, for i ∈ S, and y(j) is typical,
A test d to distinguish between the two hypotheses is o
defined as a mapping from the set of realizations of data for i ∉ S for S ⊂ M, and jSj = s:
streams y Mn into {H0,H1}, as follows:
  A test d to distinguish among the hypotheses is
d : yMn ! fH0 ,H1 g: (4.2) defined as a mapping from the set of realizations of data
streams y Mn into {HS : S ⊂ M,|S|= s}, as follows:
The performance of a test d is characterized by two
types of error probabilities. The type I error probability d : y Mn ! fHS : S ⊂ M,jSj = sg: (4.5)
e1(d ) is the probability that all data streams are generated
by π but d declares that there are anomalous data We define the maximum probability of detection error
streams, and is given by e1 (d ) = PH0 (d = H1 ). And the as the performance measure of tests. The maximal error
type II error probability e2(d ) is the probability that probability for a test d is defined as follows:
there are anomalous data streams but d declares that R(d ) = max Pfd ≠ HS g: (4.6)
S : jSj=s
all the data streams are generated by π, and is given by
e2 (d ) = PH1 (d = H0 ): The following risk function R(d ) The consistency and exponential consistency for a test
is defined to measure the overall performance of a test can be defined in the same way as in Definitions 1 and 2.
for Equation 4.1:
R(d ) = PH0 (d = H1 ) + max PH1 (d = H0 ): (4.3)
S⊂M : jSj=s

We are interested in the asymptotic regime, in which

4.3 Nonparametric Approaches
n → ∞.
Definition 1 A test d is said to be consistent if R(d ) → 0, In this section, we introduce three nonparametric
as n → ∞. approaches recently developed to deal with the problem
The exponent ER(d ) of R(d ) is further defined as of detecting and identifying anomalous data streams.
ER (d ) = lim − log R(d ): (4.4) 4.3.1 Generalized Likelihood-Based Approach
n!∞ n
If the distributions μ and π are discrete with finite
Definition 2 A test is said to be exponentially con-
alphabet size, the generalized likelihood approach can
sistent if ER(d ) > 0, i.e., the risk function R(d ) converges
be designed to solve the nonparametric problems [12,13].
to zero exponentially fast.
Consider the case in which both distribution μ and π are
known; then parametric likelihood-based tests can be
4.2.2 Identification of Anomalous Data Streams constructed for both problems. And it can be shown that
those parametric likelihood-based tests are optimal. For
If there exist anomalous data streams among M data
example, for the problem of identifying anomalous data
streams, it is of practical importance to identify those
streams with s = 1, the optimal test is given as follows:
anomalous data streams. This is a multiple hypothesis
testing problem with each hypothesis corresponding to a dML (y Mn,π,μ) = arg max Pi (y Mn )
particular set of data streams being anomalous. This 1≤i≤M
problem is studied in detail for the case when both μ 0 1
n Y (4.7)
and π are discrete distributions with finite alphabet = arg max @ μ(y(i)
π(yk )A:
k )
size in Ref. [12], for the general case that both μ and π 1≤i≤M k=1 j≠i
are arbitrary and can be either discrete or continuous in
Ref. [14], and for the case with both μ and π being con- Since the distributions μ and π are discrete, when the
tinuous in Ref. [15]. number of samples in each data stream is large, the
In this problem, it is assumed that there are exactly s empirical distribution can be used as a good estimate of
anomalous data streams among the M data streams. The the underlying true distribution. Hence, if the distribu-
goal of this problem is to identify which s data streams tions are unknown, the idea of the generalized likelihood-
are anomalous, i.e., to distinguish among multiple based approach is to replace the distribution functions μ
hypotheses. The value of s might be known or unknown and π in the parametric likelihood-based tests by their
depending on the applications. Let S denote the set that empirical distributions conditioned on each hypothesis.
60 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

4.3.2 Kernel-Based Approach problem. The MMD distance metric has several advan-
tages. For example, (1) MMD can be easily estimated
For the general case when both μ and π are arbitrary and
based on samples with exponentially fast convergence
can be either discrete or continuous, a kernel-based
rate, which leads to low-complexity tests, and (2) MMD-
approach is proposed in Ref. [14], which employs max-
based approaches do not require estimation of proba-
imum mean discrepancy (MMD) [16] as a distance metric
bility density functions as an intermediate step, but
to measure the similarity between the distributions that
directly estimate the distance between distributions to
generate the data streams and further constructs the test.
build tests, thus avoiding error propagation.
We next introduce the idea of mean embedding of
distributions into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space
(RKHS) [17,18] and the metric of MMD [16]. Suppose the 4.3.3 KL Divergence-Based Approach
set P includes a class of probability distributions, and
Similarly to MMD, KL divergence can also be used as a
suppose H is the RKHS with an associated kernel k(⋅,⋅). A
distance metric to solve the detection problems here. For
mapping from P to H is defined such that each distri-
nonparametric scenarios, estimators of KL divergence
bution p ∈ P is mapped into an element in H as follows:
can be used to approximate the test statistic of the para-
hp (  ) = Ep ½k(, x): (4.8) metric maximum likelihood test. Such a KL divergence-
based approach has been proposed in Ref. [15] for
Here, hp( ⋅ ) is referred to as the mean embedding of the
continuous μ and π, which utilizes the KL divergence
distribution p into the Hilbert space H. Due to the
estimator based on data-dependent partitions developed
reproducing property of H, it is clear that Ep ½ f  = hhp ,f iH
in Ref. [22] and introduced below.
for all f ∈ H.
Consider a simple case, in which the distribution p is
It is desirable that the embedding is injectivesuch that
unknown and the distribution q is known, and both p and
each p ∈ P is mapped to a unique element hp ∈ H. It has
q are continuous. A sequence of i.i.d. samples Y ∈ ℝn is
been shown in Refs. [18,19,20,21] that for many RKHSs
generated from p. The goal is to estimate the KL diver-
such as those associated with Gaussian and Laplacian
gence between p and q, which is defined as follows:
kernels, the mean embedding is injective. In order to
measure the distance between two distributions p and q, dp
Ref. [16] introduced the following quantity based on the D(pjjq) ≜ dp log :
mean embeddings hp and hq of p and q in the RKHS:
Denote the order statistics of Y by {Y(1),Y(2),…,Y(n)}
MMD½p,q : = ∥ hp − hq ∥H : (4.9) where Y(1) ≤ Y(2) ≤ … ≤ Y(n). The real line is partitioned
Due to the reproducing property of the kernel, it can be into empirically equiprobable segments as follows:
shown that fItn gt=1,… ,Tn
MMD2 ½p,q = Ex,x0 ½k(x,x0 ) − 2Ex,y ½k(x,y) + Ey,y0 ½k(y,y0 ),  
= ( − ∞,Y(‘n ) , (Y(‘n ) ,Y(2‘n ) , …, (Y(‘n (Tn −1)) ,∞) , (4.11)
where x and x′ are independent but have the same dis-
where ℓn ∈ ℕ ≤ n is the number of points in each interval
tribution p, and y and y′ are independent but have the
except possibly the last one, and Tn=⌊n/ℓn⌋ is the number
same distribution q. An unbiased estimate of MMD2[p,q]
of intervals. A divergence estimator between the
based on n samples of x and m samples of y is given by
sequence Y ∈ ℝn and the distribution q was proposed in
1 Xn X n Ref. [22], which is given by
MMD2u ½X,Y = k(xi ,xj )
n(n − 1) i=1 j≠i X
T n −1
‘n ‘ =n ϵ ϵ =n
^ n (Yjjq) =
D log n n + n log n n , (4.12)
m X
X m n q(It ) n q(ITn )
1 t=1
+ k(yi ,yj ) (4.10)
m(m − 1) i=1 j≠i
where ϵn = (n − ℓn(Tn − 1)) is the number of points in the
last segment.
2 Xn X m
The consistency of such an estimator is shown in
− k(xi ,yj ):
nm i=1 j=1 Ref. [22]. The convergence rate is further characterized
in Ref. [15] by introducing the following boundedness
And it can be show that E½MMD2u ½X,Y = MMD2 ½p,q. condition on the density ratio between p and q:
From the above, it can be seen that MMD measures the dp
distance between two distributions, and it can be easily 0 < K1 ≤ ≤ K2 , (4.13)
estimated from samples using the unbiased estimator
(Equation 4.10). Thus, MMD can be applied as a distance where K1 and K2 are positive constants. In practice, such
metric to construct tests for the nonparametric detection a boundedness condition is often satisfied, for example,
Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams 61

for truncated Gaussian distributions. The above consis- For this setting, Ref. [13] constructed the following
tency properties are very useful for analyzing the per- generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT):
formance of KL divergence-based approaches in the
detection problems described in Section 4.1.2. We fur- 1 maxi Pi (yMn ) H1
d (yMn ) : log ≷ t,
ther note that various other estimators [23,24,25,26,27] n P0 (yMn ) H0
can be similarly applied to solve nonparametric detec-
tion problems. where t is used to denote a generic decision threshold
here and in subsequent tests. Further simplification
based on Equations 4.14 and 4.16 yields the following
equivalent test:
4.4 Detection of Existence max ½D(gi ∥ π) − D(gi ∥ μ)≷ t : (4.17)
i H0
In this section, we consider the problem of detecting the
existence of anomalous data streams. This problem has Under H0, all the samples are generated from π. Hence,
been studied in Ref. [13] for the case when both μ and π gi converges to π almost surely (a.s.) as n→∞, for i =
are discrete with finite alphabet size. We first introduce 1,…, M. Thus the test value in Equation 4.17 converges to
the results in Ref. [13] on the parametric model with both −D(π∥μ) as n→∞. Under H1, if y(j) is generated from μ,
μ and π known, which serves as a benchmark to gauge then gj converges to μ a.s., and hence D(gj∥π)−D(gj∥μ)
the performance of the proposed tests for the semipara- converges to D(μ∥π). For i≠j, y(i) is generated from π, and
metric case with μ unknown and π known and the non- gi converges to π. Therefore, D(gi∥π)−D(gi∥μ) converges to
parametric case with neither μ nor π known. −D(π∥μ). Thus, the test value converges to D(μ∥π) under
H1. In order to distinguish between H0 and H1, t should
be chosen between D(μ∥π) and −D(π∥μ). It can be shown
4.4.1 Parametric Model that by setting t = 0, the GLRT (Equation 4.17) is expo-
Suppose both π and μ are known, and assume that the nentially consistent and achieves the optimal exponent
two distributions are discrete. First consider the simple of the risk function R(d ) given by
scenario with at most one anomalous data stream, i.e.,
ER (d ) = C(μ, π), (4.18)
there exists only one anomalous data stream under H1.
Under H0, the probability distribution of yMn is given by where C(p,q) denotes the Chernoff distance between
distributions p and q given by
n Y
P0 (y Mn ) = L0 (y Mn , π) =
π(yk ) !
k=1 j=1 C(p,q) = max − log p(y)l q(y)1−l : (4.19)
8 9 (4.14) 0≤l≤1 y
< X M XM =
= exp −n H(gj ) − n D(gj ∥ π) , Such an idea can be easily extended to the more
: j=1 j=1
general scenario with multiple anomalous data streams.
Assume that each data stream y(i) takes a different
where gj denotes the empirical distribution of y( j), and anomalous distribution μi if it is anomalous, where μi for
D(p∥q) denotes the KL divergence between two discrete i = 1,…,M are not necessarily the same. All the typical
distributions p and q defined as follows: data streams are generated by the same distribution π.
X Assume that there are s ≥ 1 anomalous data streams
D(p ∥ q) = p(y) log : (4.15) under H1, and s is fixed and known.
q(y) The GLRT can be constructed similarly as follows:

And, under H1 with the i-th data stream being anoma- 1 maxS⊆M,jSj=s PS (yMn ) H1
d (y Mn ) : log ≷ t,
lous, the probability of y Mn is given by n P0 (yMn ) H0
2 3
n Y which is equivalent to
Pi (yMn ) = Li (yMn ,π,μ) = 4 μ(y(i) ) π(y(j) )5
Xh  H1
max D(gj jπ) − D(gj jjμj )≷ t : (4.20)
8 9 S⊂M,jSj=s H0
< X = j∈S
= exp −n H(gj ) − nD(gi ∥ μ) − n D(gj ∥ π) :
: ; Similarly to the case with s = 1, t is set to 0 in order to
j=1 j≠i
distinguish between H0 and H1. The following theorem
(4.16) characterizes the optimality of the GLRT.
62 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Theorem 1 With this choice, the GLRT is universally consistent

but not exponentially consistent. Furthermore, the type
Consider the problem (Equation 4.1) with s anomalous data II error probability converges to zero exponentially fast
streams under H1, where s is fixed and known. Suppose both for any μ and π.
π and μj for j = 1,2,…,M are known. The GLRT (Equation It is clear that choosing t within (0,D( μ∥π)) is necessary
4.20) with the threshold t = 0 is exponentially consistent and for the GLRT to be consistent. Moreover, a large distance
achieves the optimal exponent of the risk function R(d ) given by between t and 0 guarantees a small type I error proba-
ER (d ) = min C( μS ,πs ), (4.21) bility, and a large distance between t and D(μ∥π) guar-
antees a small type II error probability. Since D( μ∥π) is
where μS = μi , and πs = πs. unknown, a diminishing tn eventually falls in the range
(0,D(μ∥π)) for large enough n by sacrificing exponential
consistency of type I error while still keeping exponential
consistency of type II error. Furthermore, tn cannot
4.4.2 Semiparametric Model converge to zero faster than the test value (i.e., the left-
hand side of Equation 4.22) under H0, which is guaran-
Consider the semiparametric model, in which π is known teed by the condition in Equation 4.24.
but μ is unknown. We first introduce the simple model We now consider the more general case with s anom-
with at most one anomalous data stream and then alous data streams and assume that y(i) takes the distri-
present the general results with multiple anomalous data bution μi if it is anomalous for i = 1,…,M. Assume that s is
streams. fixed and known. Following a similar idea of using the
First consider the case with s = 1. Without the knowl- maximum likelihood estimate gi of μi, for i ∈ S, to replace
edge of μ, the GLRT (Equation 4.17) is not applicable. For μi in Equation 4.20, the GLRT is given as follows:
this setting, Ref. [13] constructed the following GLRT by
replacing μ in Equation 4.17 with its maximum likeli- H1
hood estimate ^ μi = gi : max D(gS jjπs )≷ t : (4.25)
S⊂M,jSj=s H0
max D(gi ∥π)≷ t : (4.22) In order to distinguish between H0 and any sub-
i H0
hypothesis associated with S under H1, t should be
In order to distinguish between the two hypotheses, chosen between 0 and minS⊂M,jSj=s D(μS ∥πs ).
t should be chosen between 0 and D(μ∥π), which
requires the knowledge of the value of D(μ∥π). If D(μ∥π) Theorem 2
is known, then the GLRT (Equation 4.17) with the
threshold t ∈ (0,D( μ∥π)) is exponentially consistent and Consider the problem (Equation 4.1) with s anomalous data
achieves the exponent of the risk function R(d ) given by streams, where s is fixed and known. Suppose π is known
  but μj for j=1,2,…,M are unknown. Further assume that
ER (d ) = min t, min D(q∥μ) : (4.23) minS⊂M,jSj=s D(μS ∥πs ) is known. Then the GLRT in Equation
q : D(q∥π)≤t 4.25 with the threshold 0 < t < minS⊂M,jSj=s D(μS ∥πs ) is
exponentially consistent and achieves the risk decay exponent
It is clear that the exponent ER(d ) varies for different
given by
threshold values t ∈ (0,D(μ∥π)). It can be shown that
ER(d ) achieves the optimal error exponent C(π,μ) if minfa(d ), b(d )g, (4.26)
t = C(μ,π). This is the optimal error exponent for the
parametric model and is hence optimal here.
where a(d ) = t and b(d ) is given by
Without the knowledge of D( μ∥π) and C(π,μ), it is
impossible to construct any universally exponentially min min D(qS ∥μS ) + D(qSc ∥πM−s )
consistent test over all π and μ. A natural question is S⊂M qM =fq1 , … ,qM g
s:t: jSj=s (4.27)
whether it is still possible to distinguish H0 and H1 even
0 0
without knowledge of D(μ∥π) and C(π,μ). In order to s:t: D(qS0 ∥πs ) ≤ t for all S , jS j = s:
distinguish between H0 and H1, t should be set between
0 and D( μ∥π). One possible way is to set t to satisfy In the above theorem, a(d ) and b(d ) respectively cor-
tn → 0, such that for large enough n, t falls between 0 and respond to the exponents of the type I error and type II
D( μ∥π). In particular, Ref. [13] sets t as follows: error probabilities, and are characterized based on
Sanov’s theorem (see Ref. [13] for further details). It can
jYj log (n + 1) be seen that the GLRT with the specified t is exponen-
tn > : (4.24)
n tially consistent without knowing the exact anomalous
Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams 63

distributions μ1,…,μM but only the distance minS⊂M,jSj=s and

D( μS ∥πs ). Although the exponent given as the solution to X
the convex optimization problem (Equation 4.27) does b(d ) = min D(q1 ∥μ) + D(qj ∥π)
qj , j=1,… ,M
not have an explicit form, it can be solved using
numerical methods efficiently. It can also be verified that Xh i
s:t: D(qk ∥q) + D(qj ∥q) − D(qj ∥q−k ) ≤ t (4.31)
the optimization problem (Equation 4.27) reduces to that j≠k
for the model with one anomalous data stream by setting
s = 1 and μj = μ for j = 1,2,…,M.   for k = 1, 2, … ,M:
By setting t = minS⊂M,jSj=s C(μS ,πs ), the risk exponent XM
equals minS⊂M,jSj=s C(μS ,πs ), which is the same as the In the above definitions for a(d ) and b(d ), q = q=
j=1 j
X qj
optimal error exponent of the parametric model, and M and q−i = for i=1,…,M.
j≠i M − 1
thus is optimal for the semiparametric model.
For the case without any knowledge about the It can be shown that a(d) > 0 and b(d ) > 0. Hence, the
anomalous distributions μ1,…,μM (or even any informa- GLRT is exponentially consistent. Such exponential con-
tion about distance between π and μ1,…,μM), then there sistency does not exploit the full knowledge of the distri-
does not exist any universally exponentially consistent 1 M−1
butions but only the KL divergence D( μ ∥ μ + π)
test. In such a case, it is still possible to construct a con- M M
sistent test. Set the threshold t in the GLRT to satisfy 1 M−1
to set the threshold. For large M, D( μ ∥ μ + π) is
sjYj log (n + 1) M M
tn → 0 and tn > : Then the GLRT is uni- close to D( μ∥π). And as M → ∞, the exponent of R(d )
converges to C(π,μ) if t is set to be C( μ,π), which is the
versally consistent. Furthermore, the type II error prob-
optimal risk exponent for the parametric model, and thus
ability converges to zero exponentially fast.
is optimal.
4.4.3 Nonparametric Model If no information about the distance between the dis-
tributions is known, then there does not exist any uni-
In this section, we consider the nonparametric model versally exponentially consistent test. And if the threshold
when neither π nor μ is known. Again, we start with the MjYj log (n + 1)
simpler model with s = 1. t is set to satisfy tn → 0 and tn > , then the
Conditioned on H0, the maximum likelihood estimate GLRT is universally consistent. Furthermore, the type II
g error is universally exponentially consistent. For large
^0 = i=1 i
of π is π M : Conditioned on the i-th data stream enough n, a diminishing tn eventually falls into the desir-
being anomalous, the maximum likelihood estimate able range of t that can distinguish between H0 and H1.
of μ Xis gi, and the maximum likelihood estimate of π is We further consider the case with s anomalous data
g streams. Suppose that y(i) is generated by μi, if it is
j≠i j
πi = M−1 . By replacing the distributions with their anomalous, for i = 1,…,M. Assume that s is fixed and
maximum likelihood estimates, the GLRT can be con- known, and both π and fμi gM i=1 are unknown.
structed as follows: Under H0, we replace π with its maximum likelihood
max D(gi ∥^ π0 ) + (D(gj ∥^
π0 ) − D(gj ∥^
πi )) ≷ t : (4.28) g
i=1 i
i estimate ^π0 = . Under H1, and conditioned on the
j≠i H0 M
case with data streams supported on S being anomalous,
In order to distinguish between H0 and H1, the thresh- X
1 M−1 g
j∉S j
old t should be set between 0 and D( μ ∥ μ + π). we use the maximum likelihood estimate π ^−S =
M M M−s
1 M−1 to replace π, and ^μi = gi to replace μi, for i ∈ S. Thus, the
Assume that D( μ ∥ μ + π) : = d is known. Then
M M GLRT is given by
the GLRT (Equation 4.28) with the threshold t ∈ (0,d) is 2 3
shown in Ref. [13] to be exponentially consistent and X X H1
achieves the exponent max4 D(gj ∥^π0 ) + (D(gj ∥^ π−S ))5 ≷ t :
π0 ) − D(gj ∥^
S,jSj=s H0
j∈S j∉S
ER (d ) = minfa(d ), b(d )g (4.29)
where (4.32)
a(d ) = min D(q1 ∥π) + D(q2 ∥π) + … +D(qM ∥π) In order to distinguish between H0 and H1, the thresh-
qj , j=1,… ,M
old t should be chosen between 0 and minS⊂M,jSj=s
Xh i (4.30) Ys 1 X

s:t: D(q1 ∥q) + D(qj ∥q) − D(qj ∥q−1 ) ≥ t M−s

D μS ∥ i=1 μ +
j∈S j
π .
j≠1 M M
64 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Theorem 3 decaying to zero while keeping the type I error proba-

bility decaying to zero although not exponentially.
Consider the problem (Equation 4.1) with s anomalous data
streams. Assume that s is fixed and known, and π is known
but μj for j = 1,2,…,M
are unknown. Further assume

Ys 1 X M−s
minS⊂M,jSj=s D μS ∥ i=1 μ +
j∈S j
π : = d is
4.5 Identification of Anomalous Data Streams
known. Then the GLRT (Equation 4.32) with the threshold
t ∈ (0,d) is exponentially consistent and achieves the risk In this section, we consider the problem of identifying
decay exponentR(d ) given by anomalous data streams if they exist. This problem has
been studied in Ref. [12] for discrete distributions, in Ref.
ER (d ) = minfa(d ),b(d )g (4.33) [15] for continuous distributions, and in Ref. [14] for
arbitrary distributions. We start with the parametric case
where and then the semiparametric and nonparametric cases.
a(d ) = min D(qj jjπ) 4.5.1 Parametric Model
fqj gj=1 j=1

0 XM 1 X ! The parametric model with both μ and π known has been

XM qi X qi studied in Ref. [12]. First consider the simple case with
s:t: D@qj ∥ i=1 A− D qj ∥ i∉S
≥t one anomalous data stream. If the i-th data stream is ano-
M j∉S
malous, the joint distribution of all samples is given by
  for any S ⊂ M s:t: jSj = s (4:34) Y
n Y (j)
Pi (yMn ) = ( μ ð y(i)
k ) π(yk ))
k=1 j≠i (4.36)
b(d ) = min min D(qj ∥μj ) + D(qj ∥π) Mn
≜ Li (y ,μ,π):
S : jSj=sfq gM
j j=1 j∈S j∉S
0 XM 1 X ! The test that achieves the optimal error exponent for
XM q i X q
i∉S0 i
s:t: @
D qj ∥ i=1 A
− D qj ∥ ≤t the problem is the maximum likelihood test [12]:
M j∉S0
dML (y Mn,π,μ) = arg max Pi (yMn ): (4.37)
0 0
  for all S ⊂ M s:t: jS j = s (4:35) 1≤i≤M

And the optimal error exponent is equal to 2B(μ,π).

It can be shown that a(d ) > 0 and b(d ) > 0, such that the These results are further generalized to the case with
exponential consistency is guaranteed. Furthermore, if multiple anomalous data streams in Ref. [12]. In this
M → ∞, s/M → 0, and t is set to be minS,jSj=s C( μS ,πs ), then model, most of the data streams are generated by the
the exponent of R(d ) converges to minS,jSj=s C(μS ,πs ) which typical distribution π, whereas only a small subset S ⊂ M
is the optimal value. The condition s/M → 0 guarantees of data streams are anomalous. Again, we denote the
that there are not too many anomalous data streams so number of anomalous data streams by s =|S|. The data
that the estimate of the typical distribution π can be stream i is generated by π if it is typical and is generated
accurate enough. by μi if it is anomalous. For the hypothesis with the data
For the case without any knowledge of the distance streams in the set S being anomalous, the joint distri-
between the distributions (including no information bution of yMn is as follows:
about the distance between π and μj for j = 1,2,…,M is 8 9
Yn <Y Y =
known), then there does not exist any universally (j)
PS (yMn ) = μi (y(i)
k ) π(y k ; )
exponentially consistent test. In such a case, it is still : (4.38)
k=1 i∈S j∉S
possible to construct a consistent test. Set the threshold t
MjYj log (n + 1) ≜ LS (y Mn, fμi gi∈S ,π):
in the GLRT to satisfy tn → 0 and tn > ,
where |Y| is the cardinality of the support set of π and μ. It is shown in Ref. [12] that the test that achieves the
Then the GLRT is universally consistent. Furthermore, optimal error exponent for this problem is the maximum
the type II error probability converges to zero exponen- likelihood test:
tially fast. This implies that without knowing the dis-
tance between π and μj for j = 1,2,…,M, a diminishing tn dML (yMn,π,μ) = arg max PS (y Mn ): (4.39)
helps to keep the type II error probability exponentially S : jSj=s
Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams 65

Then the error exponent of the test (Equation 4.39) was min 2B(μi ,π): (4.43)
characterized in Ref. [12] in the following theorem.
Furthermore, when μi = μ, for i = 1,…,M, the error exponent
is equal to 2B(μ,π), which is optimal.
Theorem 4
For the case when μ and π are continuous, the KL
Consider the problem of identifying anomalous data streams
divergence-based test has been developed in Ref. [15].
with s anomalous data streams. Assume that π, μi for i = 1,…,
First consider the case with s = 1. The test is motivated as
M, and s are known. The optimal error exponent is equal to
follows. If both μ and π are known, the optimal test for
min C(μi (y)π(y0 ), π(y)μj (y0 ))): (4.40) the problem is the maximum likelihood test in Equation
4.37. By normalizing Pi(y Mn) with π(y Mn), Equation 4.37
is equivalent to
Furthermore, when μi = μ, for i = 1,…,M, the optimal error
exponent is equal to 2B(μ,π). Pi (y Mn )
dML (y Mn ,π,μ) = arg max
1≤i≤M π(y Mn )
( )
1 X n
k )
4.5.2 Semiparametric Model = arg max log
1≤i≤M n k=1 π(y(i)
k )
In this section, we consider the semiparametric model, in
which π is known but μ is unknown. This model has been ^i :
= arg maxL
studied via various approaches, which are applicable to
different cases. We next describe these studies. where
For the case when both π and μ are discrete, the GLRT X
^i ≜ 1
k )
has been developed in Ref. [12]. First consider the case L log : (4.44)
with s = 1. Conditioned on the i-th data stream being n k=1 π(y(i)
k )
anomalous, the maximum likelihood estimate of μ is gi.
It can be shown that the test (Equation 4.37) achieves
Then the GLRT is constructed in Ref. [12] by replacing
the optimal error exponent 2B(π,μ).
the unknown μ with its maximum likelihood estimate gi ^i is an empirical estimate of the KL
If y(i) is anomalous, L
in Li as follows: ^i ! D(μ∥π) as
divergence between μ and π, and then L
d (y Mn ) = arg maxLi (y Mn,gi ,π): (4.41) n → ∞, by the law of large numbers. If y is typical, L
(i) ^i !
i=1,… ,M −D(π∥μ) as n → ∞. These observations motivate the
It is shown in Ref. [12] that the GLRT (Equation 4.41) design of the KL divergence-based test.
Now consider the KL divergence estimator D ^ n (y(i) ∥π).
achieves the optimal error exponent 2B(μ,π). Thus, even
It is clear that if y is anomalous, then Dn (y(i) ∥π) is a
without knowing μ, the optimal error exponent for
the parametric case with μ and π known can still be good estimator of D(μ∥π), which is a positive constant.
On the other hand, if y(i) is typical, D ^ n (y(i) ∥π) should be
The authors in Ref. [12] further generalized these close to D(π∥π) = 0. Based on such understanding, the
results to the case with multiple anomalous data streams. following test is constructed in Ref. [15] for the problem
Suppose each data stream i takes distribution μi if it is of identifying anomalous data streams:
anomalous. Consider the case with s being known. When ^ n (y(i) ∥π):
dKL (yMn ) = arg maxD (4.45)
π is known and μi for i = 1,…,M are unknown, the GLRT is 1≤i≤M
constructed in Ref. [12] by replacing μi with its maximum
The test is designed using the KL divergence estimator
likelihood estimate as follows:
based on data-dependent partitions. The following theo-
d (y Mn ) = arg max LS (y Mn, fgi gi∈S ,π): (4.42) rem provides a lower bound on the error exponent of
S⊂f1,… ,Mg,jSj=s dKL, which further implies that dKL is universally expo-
The performance of the GLRT (Equation 4.42) is nentially consistent. Such performance of the test is
mainly determined by the properties of the KL diver-
characterized by Ref. [12] in the following theorem.
gence estimator.

Theorem 5 Theorem 6
Consider the problem of identifying anomalous data streams If the density ratio between μ and π satisfies Equation 4.13, then
with s anomalous data streams. Assume that π and s are dKL defined in Equation 4.45 is exponentially consistent, and
known, and μi for i = 1,…,M are unknown. The error expo- 1 K1
the error exponent is lower-bounded by ( )2 D2 (μjjπ).
nent achieved by the GLRT (Equation 4.42) is equal to 32 K1 + K2
66 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

We note that such a KL divergence-based approach choose the typical distribution π = N(0,1), and choose the
can also be generalized to the case with s anomalous data outlier distribution μ = N(0,0.2), N(0,1.2), and N(0,1.8),
streams. Furthermore, by using appropriate KL diver- respectively. In Figures 4.1–4.3 the logarithm logR of the
gence estimators, such an approach can be generalized to probability of error is plotted as a function of the sample
the case with discrete μ and π, and for the nonparametric size n.
case with μ and π unknown. It can be seen that for both tests, the probability of error
For the cases when μ and π are arbitrary (either con- converges to zero as the sample size increases. Further-
tinuous or discrete), the kernel-based approach has been more, logR decreases with n linearly, which demonstrates
studied in Ref. [15]. First consider the simple case s = 1. the exponential consistency of both the KL divergence-
The motivation of the kernel-based approach is as based test and the kernel-based test.
follows. It is clear that if y(i) is anomalous, MMD2u ½y(i),π is By comparing the four figures, it can be seen that as the
a good estimator of MMD2[ μ,π], which is a positive variance of μ deviates from the variance of π, dKL has a
constant. On the other hand, if y(i) is typical, MMD2u ½y(i),π better performance than dMMD. The numerical results
should be a good estimator of MMD2[π,π], which is
zero. Based on the above understanding, the following –0.2
test is constructed in Ref. [15]:
d MMD = arg maxMMD2u ½y(i),π: (4.46) –0.3
In Ref. [15], a lower bound on the error exponent of
d MMD is provided, and it is further demonstrated that the
test d MMD is universally exponentially consistent. This

result is given in the following theorem.


Theorem 7 –0.7
Consider the problem of identifying an anomalous data stream
with s = 1. Suppose dMMD defined in Equation 4.46 applies a –0.8
bounded kernel with 0 ≤ k(x,y) ≤ K for any (x,y). Then, the
MMD4 ½μ,π 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
error exponent is lower-bounded by . Sample size n
Next, we show the comparison of the performance of FIGURE 4.2
the KL divergence-based approach and kernel-based Comparison of the performance between KL divergence- and kernel-
approach as in Ref. [15]. Set the number of sequences M = 5, based tests with π = N(0,1) and μ = N(0,1.2).

0 0
–2 –1

–14 –8

–16 –9
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Sample size n Sample size n


Comparison of the performance between KL divergence- and kernel- Comparison of the performance between KL divergence- and kernel-
based tests with π = N(0,1) and μ = N(0,0.2). based tests with π = N(0,1) and μ = N(0,1.8).
Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams 67

8 XM 9
and theoretical lower bounds on error exponents give us <  g
 j=1 j μ (M − 1)π 
some intuitions to identify regimes in which one test lim Pi  − +  > ϵ = 0, (4.49)
n!∞ : M M M  ;
outperforms the other. It can be seen from the figures 1
that when the distributions μ and π become more dif-
ferent from each other, dKL outperforms dMMD. The for any anomalous data stream, where ||⋅||1 denotes
reason is that for any pair of distributions, MMD is μ (M − 1)π
the l1 norm. Furthermore, + ! π as M → ∞.
bounded between [0,2K], while the KL divergence is not M M
bounded. As the distributions become more different Based on these two facts, a consistent estimate of π
from each other, the KL divergence increases, and the KL can be obtained by using the empirical distribution of
divergence-based test thus has a larger error exponent yMn for large enough M. Such an observation gives an
than the kernel-based test. intuitive explanation of the result that the GLRT (Equa-
tion 4.47) achieves the optimal error exponent 2B(μ,π),
as M→∞.
4.5.3 Nonparametric Model These results are further generalized to the case with
In this section, we consider the nonparametric model, in multiple anomalous data streams in Ref. [12]. Suppose
which both μ and π are unknown. that the i-th data stream takes distribution μi if it is
For the case when both μ and π are discrete, the gen- anomalous, for 1 ≤ i ≤ M. When none of π or μi for i = 1,…,M
eralized likelihood-based approach is studied in Ref. are known, the GLRT is constructed by further replacing π
[12]. First consider the case s = 1. It is interesting that for with its maximum likelihood estimate as follows:
the semiparametric model, even without knowing μ, the X !
optimal error exponent for the parametric case with μ g
k∉S k
and π known can still be achieved when s = 1. Given such d (y Mn ) = arg max LS yMn, fgi gi∈S , : (4.50)
S⊂f1,… ,Mg,jSj=s M−s
an assertion, it is of interest to determine whether or not
it is possible to design a test that achieves the optimal
error exponent 2B(μ,π) when neither μ nor π is known. In The performance of the GLRT (Equation 4.50) is
fact, an example given in Ref. [12, Example 1] shows that characterized in Ref. [12] in the following theorem.
when neither μ nor π is known, it is impossible to design
a test that achieves the optimal error exponent 2B(μ,π) Theorem 8
universally (i.e., for all μ and π).
Although the optimal error exponent for the para- Consider the problem of identifying anomalous data streams
metric case is not achievable universally, a universally with s anomalous data streams. Assume that s is known, and π
exponentially consistent test can still be constructed. and μi for i = 1,…,M are unknown. The GLRT (Equation
Conditioned on the i-th data stream being X anomalous, 4.50) is exponentially consistent, and the error exponent
g achieved is characterized as follows:
j≠i j
the maximum likelihood estimate of π is . The
M−1 0 1
GLRT is constructed by further replacing π with its X X
maximum likelihood estimate in Li as follows: a = (d ) = min min @ D(qi jjμi ) + D(qj jjπ)A
S,S′⊂f1,:::,Mg q1 , … ,qM
X ! jSj=jS′j=s
i∈S j∉S
j≠i j
(Mn) (Mn)
d (y ) = arg maxLi y ,gi , : (4.47) (4.51)
i=1,… ,M M−1

The following error exponent for the GLRT (Equation X ! X !

4.47) is characterized in Ref. [12] via Sanov’s theorem: X q
k∉S k
X q
k∉S0 k
s:t: D qi ∥ ≥ D qi ∥ : (4.52)
M−s i∉S0
M i∉S
min D(q1 jjμ) + D(qi jjπ)
q1 , … ,qM
X ! X ! (4.48) Furthermore, when μi = μ, for i = 1,…,M, as M → ∞, the error
X q
k≠1 k
X q
k≠2 k
exponent is equal to 2B(μ,π), which is optimal.
s:t: D qj ∥ ≥ D qj ∥ :
M−1 j≠2
The authors in Ref. [12] further studied the case when s
The authors in Ref. [12] further show that the GLRT is unknown. Assume that for a fixed number of anom-
(Equation 4.47) achieves the optimal error exponent alous data streams k = 0,1,…,M/2, S either contains all
2B( μ,π), as M → ∞. Note that for any M ≥ 3 and ϵ > 0, it hypotheses with k anomalous data streams or none of
holds that them. First consider the case when all anomalous data
68 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

streams are identically distributed, i.e., μi = μ for i = 1,…, The authors in Ref. [14] showed that if the test
M, and neither π nor μ is known. The GLRT is con- (Equation 4.54) applies a bounded kernel with 0 ≤ k (x,y) ≤
structed as follows: K for any (x,y), then the maximum error probability is
X X ! upper-bounded as follows:
g g
j∉S j
d (y ) = arg maxLS y , Mn i∈S i
, : (4.53)

jSj M − jSj n(MMD2 ½μ,π − x)2

S∈S e(d ) ≤ exp log M − , (4.55)
16K2 (1 + Q( M1 ))
It was shown in Ref. [12] that the GLRT (Equation 4.53) is
universally consistent for every hypothesis set. If the where x is a constant arbitrarily close to zero. And the
anomalous data streams are not necessarily identically error exponent is lower-bounded by
distributed, Ref. [12] showed that there does not exist (MMD2 ½μ,π − x)2 log M
any universally exponentially consistent test. − : (4.56)
16K2 (1 + Q( M1 )) n
We next consider the case when μ and π can be either
discrete or continuous, for which the kernel-based Thus, the test (Equation 4.54) is exponentially consistent if
approach is developed in Ref. [14]. Furthermore, the
16K2 (1 + h)
authors in Ref. [14] focused on the regime of massive n≥ log M, (4.57)
data sets, in which the number M of data streams and the MMD4 ½μ,π
number s of anomalous data streams possibly scale to where h is any positive constant. For the scenario with
infinity, which is different from the preceding scenarios one anomalous data stream, the order of log M sam-
with fixed M and s. This is motivated by applications in ples is sufficient to guarantee exponentially consistent
which the problem dimensions (i.e., M and s) are large, detection.
which is very common in biomedical signal processing. The authors in Ref. [14] further generalized the test
It is clear that as M (and possibly s) becomes large, it is (Equation 4.54) to the case with arbitrary s ≥ 1. Assume
increasingly challenging to consistently identify anom- s 1
that ! l as M→∞, where 0 ≤ l < . Although it is
alous data streams. It then requires the number of M 2
1 1
samples n in each data stream to increase with M and s in assumed that l < , the case with l > can also be
2 2
order to guarantee consistent identification. Hence, the solved, with the roles of π and μ being exchanged. The
focus here is on how the sample size n should scale with test is constructed by choosing the data streams with the
M and s to guarantee the consistency of tests.
First consider the case with s known. We start with the largest s values of MMD2u ½y(i) ,y(i)  as follows:
h i
simple case with s = 1, and then consider a more general d yMn = fi : MMD2u yðiÞ , yðiÞ
model with s ≥ 1 anomalous data streams, in which ! h i
l as M → ∞, where 0 ≤ l ≤ 1. is among the s largest values of MMD2u yðkÞ , yðyÞ (4.58)
For each data stream y(i), denote the (M−1)n–
for k = 1, :::, ng
dimensional sequence that stacks all other data streams
together as y(i), which is given by The authors in Ref. [14] characterize the following
n o condition under which the above test is consistent.
y(i) = y(1) , … ,y(i−1) ,y(i+1) , … ,y(M) :
Theorem 9
The authors in Ref. [27] developed the following test
Consider the problem of identifying anomalous data streams
based on the MMD: s
with s anomalous data streams, where ! l as M→∞ and
d (yMn ) = arg maxMMD2u ½y(i) ,y(i) : (4.54) 1
1≤i≤M 0 ≤ l < . Assume that the value of s is known. Further
The intuition behind the test (Equation 4.54) is as follows. assume that the test (Equation 4.58) applies a bounded kernel
(i) (i)
If y is anomalous, then y is fully composed of typical data with 0 ≤ k(x,y) ≤ K for any (x,y). Then the maximum error
probability is upper-bounded as follows:
streams. Hence, MMD2u ½y(i) ,y(i)  is a good estimate of MMD2

[μ,π], which is a positive constant. On the other hand, if y(i) is n((1 − 2l)MMD2 ½μ,π − x)2
e(d ) ≤ exp log ((M − s)s) − ,
typical, y(i) is composed of M−2 data streams generated by 16K2 (1 + Q( M1 ))
μ and only one data stream generated by π. As M increases, (4.59)
the impact of the anomalous data stream in y(i) is negligible, where x is a constant that can be picked arbitrarily close to
and MMD2u ½y(i) ,y(i)  should be asymptotically close to zero. zero, and f (n) = Q(g(n)) implies that there exist k1,k2,n0 > 0
Based on the above understanding, the test (Equation 4.54) s.t. for all n > n0, k1 g(n) ≤ f (n) ≤ k2 g(n). The error exponent is
is able to identify the anomalous data stream. lower-bounded as follows:
Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams 69

((1 − 2l)MMD2 ½μ,π − x)2 log ((M − s)s) to be known in order to choose dM for the test, which can
a(d ) ≥ − : (4.60) be obtained based on prior knowledge of the problem.
16K2 (1 + Q( M1 )) n
The authors in Ref. [14] characterize the following con-
Furthermore, the test (Equation 4.58) is exponentially dition under which the test (Equation 4.62) is consistent.
consistent for any μ and π if
16K2 (1 + h) Theorem 10
n≥ log (s(M − s)), (4.61)
(1 − 2l)2 MMD4 ½μ,π Consider the problem of identifying anomalous data streams,
where h is any positive constant. where ! 0, as M → ∞. Assume that s is unknown in
advance. Further assume that the test (Equation 4.62) adopts
It can be seen that log((M − s)s) is of the order of log M, s2
for 1 ≤ s < M. Hence, Theorem 9 implies that even with s a threshold dM such that dM → 0 and 2 ! 0, as M → ∞,
M dM
anomalous data streams, the test (Equation 4.58) requires
and the test applies a bounded kernel with 0 ≤ k (x,y) ≤ K for
only the order of log M samples in each data stream in
any (x,y). Then the maximum error probability is upper-
order to guarantee consistency of the test. Hence, the
bounded as follows:
increase of s does not affect the order-level requirement on

the sample size n. Theorem 9 is also applicable to the case n(MMD2 ½μ,π − dM )2
1 e(d ) ≤ exp log s −
in which l > simply with the roles of μ and π exchanged. 16K2 (1 + Q( M1 ))
Note that Theorem 9 characterizes the conditions to n(dM − E½MMD2u ½Yk ,Yk )2
guarantee consistency for a pair of fixed but unknown + exp log (M − s) − :
16K2 (1 + Q( M1 ))
distributions μ and π. Hence, the condition (Equation
4.61) depends on the underlying distributions μ and π. In Furthermore, the test (Equation 4.62) is consistent if
fact, such a condition implies that the test (Equation 4.58)
is universally consistent for any arbitrary pair of μ and π, n ≥ 16ð1 + hÞK2
if n = w (logM), where f(n) = w ( g(n)) means that for all k > ( )
logðmaxf1, sgÞ logðM − sÞ
0, there exists n0 > 0 s.t. for all n > n0, |f(n)|≥ k|g(n)|. max 2 , 
Further consider the case that the value of s is unknown. MMD2 ½ μ, π − dM dM − E MMD2u Y, Y 2
Assume that ! 0, as n → ∞, which means that the (4.64)
majority of the data streams are typical, and only a
where h is any positive constant. In the above equation,
diminishing portion of them are anomalous. This includes
s E½MMD2u ½Y,Y is a constant, where Y is a data stream gen-
two cases: (1) s is fixed, and (2) s → ∞ and ! 0 as n → ∞. erated by π and Y is a stack of (n−1) data streams with s data
Without knowledge of s, the test in Equation 4.58 is not streams generated by μ and the remaining data streams gen-
applicable anymore, because it depends on the value of s. erated by π.
For i = 1,…,M, although y(i) contains mixed samples
from π and μ, it is dominated by samples from π due to Note that Theorem 10 is also applicable to the case with
the assumption that s/M → 0. Thus, for large enough M s = 0, i.e., the null hypothesis when there is no anomalous
and n, MMD2u ½y(i),y(i)  should be close to zero if y(i) is data stream. This solves the problems of detecting the
drawn from π, and should be far away enough from zero existence of anomalous data streams and identifying
(in fact, close to MMD2[π,μ]) if y(i) is drawn from μ. Based them simultaneously. But the test (Equation 4.62) is not
on this understanding, the following test is constructed: exponentially consistent. In fact, when there is no null
n o hypothesis (i.e., s ≥ 1), an exponentially consistent test can
d (yMn ) = i : MMD2u ½y(i) ,y(i)  > dM , (4.62) be built as follows. For each subset S of {1,…,M}, we
compute MMD2u ½yS ,yS , and the test finds the set of
s2 indices corresponding to the largest average value.
where dM → 0 and ! 0 as M → ∞. The reason for However, for such a test to be consistent, n needs to scale
M2 dM
s2 linearly with M, which is not desirable.
the condition ! 0 is to guarantee that dM con- Theorem 10 implies that n should be in the order w (log
M2 dM s
M) to guarantee consistency, because ! 0 and dM → 0
verges to zero more slowly than MMD2u ½y(i),y(i)  with y(i) M
as M → ∞. Compared to the case with s known (for
drawn from π so that as M goes to infinity, dM asymp-
which it is sufficient for n to scale on the order log M), the
totically falls between MMD2u ½y(i),y(i)  with y(i) drawn threshold on n has an order-level increase due to lack of
from π and MMD2u ½y(i),y(i)  with y(i) drawn from μ. the knowledge of s. Furthermore, the above under-
We note that the scaling behavior of s as M increases needs standing on the order-level condition on n also implies
70 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

that the test (Equation 4.62) is universally consistent for It is well known that biological and medical data are
any arbitrary pair of π and μ, if n = w (log M). corrupted by noises. This situation brings about a chal-
Comparison between the two universal consistency lenge of efficiently detecting meaningful signals from
results implies that the knowledge of s does not affect the background noise when analyzing biomedical data. One
order-level sample complexity to guarantee a test to be problem that these anomaly detection approaches can
universally consistent. Furthermore, the authors in Ref. solve is to detect sample biases, and reduce sampling
[14] also characterized the conditions under which no biases by removing sequences with significantly differently
test is universally consistent for arbitrary μ and π, given distributed sequences [28]. Another example of such
in the following proposition. applications is similar to the work in Ref. [28], where
anomaly detection and identification methods can be
Proposition 1 applied to improving labeled disordered protein sequence
data sets by discovering protein sequences that are sub-
Consider the problem of identifying anomalous data streams stantially different from any known disordered proteins.
with s anomalous data streams. Suppose that the sample size n Since it is usually costly and time consuming to sample and
satisfies label biological data sets, using anomaly detection and
0 M
log identification methods can greatly improve data quality,
n = O@ s A, (4.65) increase data set size, and help identify novel examples of
s new patterns (e.g., novel examples of disordered proteins).
More generally, these methods can be used to detect and
where f(n) = O(g(n)) means that there exist k, n0 > 0 s.t. for all alleviate batch effects by removing batch biases in many
n > n0, |f(n)|≤ k|g(n)|. Then there exists no test that is experimental data sets on various platforms. Applied to
universally consistent for arbitrary distribution pairs π and μ. data generated from sequencing and microarray technol-
ogies, these anomaly detection and identification methods
The sufficient and necessary conditions on sample can be used to identify and remove sequencing or assay
complexity establish the following performance opti- biases from different batches, lanes, and platforms. Such
mality for the kernel-based test. analysis can be imposed at many different layers including
DNA, RNA, metabolite, protein, and epignetic factors.
Theorem 11 Particularly, these methods can also be applied to
identify anomalous sequences that help in distinguish-
Consider the problem of identifying anomalous data streams ing disease populations from normal controls, dissecting
with s ≥ 1. For s being known and unknown, the kernel-based subtypes of diseases, and detecting various pathological
test (Equation 4.58, under the conditions in Theorem 9) and the stages or treatment response groups by mining the
test (Equation 4.62, under the conditions in Theorem 10) are underlying genetic, epigenetic, and clinical data. For
respectively order-level optimal in sample complexity required to example, these methods can be applied to a genetic data
guarantee universal consistency for arbitrary π and μ. set composed of the DNA sequences or genotype profiles
of a set of individuals, with a goal of detecting and
identifying individuals belonging to different pheno-
typic groups or subtypes. Such knowledge will be of
great help for precision medicine where personalized
4.6 Applications in Biomedical prognosis and treatment plans can be developed.
Another straightforward application of these anomaly
Signal Processing
detection methods is to detect whether a particular patient
The problems of detecting and identifying anomalous care flow trace is anomalous comparing with normal
data streams have wide applications in biomedical signal traces in clinical processes and practices [29]. In typical
processing and health care. These anomaly detection and clinical settings, clinical practices and processes are gen-
identification methods can be applied to large biomedical erally dynamic, complex, and potentially ad hoc [29].
data sets at various molecular and phenotypic layers Hence, traces in clinical processes and practices are
including DNA, RNA, protein, metabolite, and epige- usually flexible, and could be unknown a priori, unex-
netic sequence data for biomedical research and clinical pected, or unpredictable [29]. Therefore, the proposed
diagnosis. These methods can also be applied to analyze nonparametric anomaly detection and identification
medical records, treatment and supervision logs, and methods are well posed to analyze health logs and care
traces from health trackers and mobile services. Since flow traces in clinical practices and processes. Anomalies
these methods do not rely on prior knowledge of identified in care flow traces may have insightful clinical
anomaly, they are suitable for solving numerous prob- significance, since these anomalies could represent unex-
lems in biomedical research and health care. pected treatment activities, personalized treatments or
Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting and Identifying Anomalous Data Streams 71

responses to particular drugs, and/or treatment/ approach, there can be various implementations. For
response patterns occurring at unexpected or different example, for the kernel-based approach, estimators of
time points. With the ubiquitous availability of electronic MMD and kernel functions can be chosen differently,
medical records (EMRs), these approaches can be applied which can greatly affect the performance. For the KL
to a large set of EMR, with a goal of mining anomalous divergence-based approach, estimators of KL divergence
patterns to improve clinical practices and processes, can also be chosen differently. It is important to address
enhance the quality of and access to health care, and these issues in order to provide useful guidelines for
reduce health care costs and patient burden. applying these approaches in practice.
In addition to mining health records, these anomaly It occurs very often in practice that the problem
detection and identification methods can be widely dimensions (the numbers of data streams and anoma-
applied to emerging data from mobile health trackers lous data streams) are very large. In such regimes,
(e.g., Fitbit). The traces and logs of these mobile health the computational complexity of the three nonpara-
trackers can track a set of health-related information about metric approaches can be significant, although these
basic human behavioral factors and surveillance of human approaches achieve good error performance. However,
health (e.g., diet, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep reducing complexity of detection tests can sacrifice
pattern, pain level, etc.). For example, these methods can performance. It is important to design nonparametric
detect and report anomalous events in blood pressure and tests that have low computational costs but still achieve
spikes of pain levels. These reports can be used to provide acceptable performance.
better health surveillance and timely communications Furthermore, this chapter has focused on an offline
with health care providers for general populations, espe- setting, in which decisions are made after receiving all
cially for elders and individuals with chronic diseases. the samples. In practice, samples are often received in a
With the big data deluge in biomedicine and health, sequential manner. For example, in the problem here,
we witness a rapid accumulation of biomedical and samples of each data stream may arrive sequentially
health data at many different layers and from various over time. It is possible that with sufficient samples in
perspectives on human individuals and populations. each data stream, an accurate decision can already be
New analytical methods are thus called upon to analyze made, and there is no need to wait until all samples
such data, including the methods we described above arrive. Such problems have been explored in Ref. [30] for
that aim at detecting and identifying anomalous data the problem of identifying anomalous data streams
streams. We expect to see that these anomaly detection under discrete distributions; it is interesting to study
methods have wide applications in a variety of scenarios other online scenarios as well. The major issue here is to
and have significant potentials to advance biomedical design stopping rules to balance the trade-off between
research and health care. the sample size and the detection error.
Another related topic is to explore the change-point
problem as in Ref. [31]. For example, samples of all data
streams can initially be generated from the same typical
distribution, and samples of some data streams may be
generated from a different distribution from a certain
4.7 Open Problems and Future Directions
time onward. Such a change can happen simultaneously
In this chapter, we have reviewed recent advances in for these data streams or can occur at different time
detection and identification of anomalous data streams instances. It is interesting to detect the changes as soon as
in nonparametric scenarios. Although there has been possible, and furthermore, to identify which data
substantial progress in this area, there are still important streams experience changes, subject to a tolerable false
scenarios that have not been addressed yet. For example, alarm rate. Such a problem has wide applications in
for the problem of detecting the existence of anomalous control and monitoring systems.
data streams, only the case when the distributions are
discrete has been studied in Ref. [13]. It is of great
practical interest to further investigate this problem
under continuous distributions.
Existing studies have established three approaches:
(1) the generalized likelihood-based approach [12,13];
(2) the kernel-based approach [14]; and (3) the KL The work of S. Zou was supported in part by the U.S.
divergence-based approach [15]. It will be of great National Science Foundation under Grant CCF 16-18658.
interest to comprehensively compare the performances The work of Y. Liang was supported in part by the
of these approaches as well as advantages/disadvantages U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants CCF-
of competitive approaches. Furthermore, for each type of 1801855 and ECCS-1818904. The work of H. V. Poor was
72 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

supported in part by the U.S. National Science Founda- 16. A. Gretton, K. Borgwardt, M. Rasch, B. Schölkopf, and
tion under Grant CNS-1456793. The work of X. Shi was A. Smola. A kernel two-sample test. J. Mach. Learn. Res.,
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18. B. Sriperumbudur, A. Gretton, K. Fukumizu, G.
Lanckriet, and B. Schölkopf. Hilbert space embeddings
and metrics on probability measures. J. Mach. Learn. Res.,
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Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and
Enhancement with Applications in Newborn EEG Abnormality
Detection: Multichannel EEG Enhancement and Classification
for Newborn Health Outcome Prediction

Boualem Boashash, Samir Ouelha, Mohammad Al-Sa’d, Ayat Salim, and Paul Colditz

5.1 Introduction: Big Data and Information Retrieval .....................................................................................................74
5.1.1 DSP Approach and Engineering Rationale .....................................................................................................74
5.1.2 EEG and Its Clinical Prognostic Value ............................................................................................................74
5.1.3 EEG Clinical Rationale and the Problem of Artefacts ...................................................................................75
5.1.4 Study Tasks and Organization of the Chapter...............................................................................................76
5.2 Review of State-of-the-Art of EEG Signal....................................................................................................................76
5.2.1 EEG and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes ......................................................................................................76
5.2.2 Newborn EEG Abnormalities ...........................................................................................................................77
5.2.3 Artefacts in the EEG ...........................................................................................................................................77 Main Types of EEG Artefacts ............................................................................................................78 Standard Methods for Handling Artefacts ......................................................................................78
5.2.4 Features for Detecting EEG Abnormalities and Artefacts ............................................................................79
5.3 Methodology for EEG Enhancement and Classification ...........................................................................................79
5.3.1 Data Acquisition and Labeling .........................................................................................................................79
5.3.2 Pre-Processing: Artefact Detection and Removal...........................................................................................80
5.3.3 Signal Representation Using High-Resolution TF Techniques ....................................................................80 Formulation of Quadratic TF Distributions.....................................................................................80 Design of High-Resolution TFDs for EEG Data Processing..........................................................81 Selection of High-Resolution TFDs ...................................................................................................81 Multidirectional Distribution (MDD) ...............................................................................................82
5.3.4 TF Features for the Detection of EEG Abnormalities and Artefacts ...........................................................83 Inherent (t, f ) Features ........................................................................................................................83 Translation Approach-Based TF Features........................................................................................85 Feature Selection ..................................................................................................................................85 Feature Fusion......................................................................................................................................87
5.3.5 TF Matched Filter Approach for Newborn Abnormality Detection ...........................................................88
5.3.6 Classification........................................................................................................................................................89
5.3.7 BSS Algorithms....................................................................................................................................................90
5.4 TF Modelling of Neonatal Multichannel Non-Stationary EEG and Artefacts .......................................................90
5.4.1 Modelling Newborn Mono-Channel Non-Stationary EEG ..........................................................................90 The IF-Based Approach .......................................................................................................................91
5.4.2 Newborn Head Model .......................................................................................................................................92 Four-Sphere Head Model ...................................................................................................................93
5.4.3 EEG Multichannel Propagation ........................................................................................................................93 Modelling Multichannel Attenuation Matrix ..................................................................................95

74 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data Modelling Multichannel Translation Matrix ...................................................................................95 Solving for Multichannel Path Lengths............................................................................................96 Generating Multichannel Background and Seizure Patterns........................................................96 Assumptions and Functionality of the Model ................................................................................97 Validating the Multichannel EEG Model.........................................................................................98
5.4.4 EEG Quality Measure.........................................................................................................................................98 Validation of Real EEG with Simulated Artefacts..........................................................................99 Model of Artefact...............................................................................................................................100 Validation for Real EEG with Real Artefact ..................................................................................100
5.5 Discussion of Results for Stage 1 Experiments .........................................................................................................101
5.5.1 Newborn EEG Abnormality Detection Using TF-Based Features.............................................................101 Selected Features................................................................................................................................101 Seizure Detection Results .................................................................................................................101
5.5.2 Newborn EEG Abnormality Detection Using (t, f ) Matched Filters ........................................................102
5.6 Results for Stage 2 Experiments..................................................................................................................................104
5.6.1 High-Resolution TFDs: Multidirectional Distributions ...............................................................................104
5.6.2 Machine Learning .............................................................................................................................................104
5.6.3 BSS-Based Artefact Removal ...........................................................................................................................108
5.6.4 Overall System ..................................................................................................................................................108
5.7 Conclusions and Perspectives .....................................................................................................................................108
References ................................................................................................................................................................................110

gestures cannot be minimized. In real-world settings,

5.1 Introduction: Big Data and Information movement and other artefacts prove severely problem-
Retrieval atic in terms of newborn EEG contamination, yet they
have received very little attention in the literature, which
5.1.1 DSP Approach and Engineering Rationale is so far dominated by the study of adult EEG. This is a
Recent advances in automated analyses of the electro- problem as the amount and type of artefact seen on
encephalogram (EEG) indicate that their clinical imple- newborn EEG are very different from those observed in
mentation is feasible in principle and getting closer in adult EEG, primarily due to the intensive care setting of
practice [1]. Given the amount of EEG data to be ana- the newborn EEG and the desire for long duration
lyzed, it is important to develop an automatic EEG recording. The lower frequency content of newborn EEG,
analysis system in order to deal with the large amounts of in addition to significant differences in its patterns,
EEG data requiring analysis. An important aspect of such compared to adult EEG also indicates that methods
automated EEG analysis is the ability to identify the EEG designed for the removal of adult EEG artefacts must be
that is of poor quality and improve its quality by first modified when applied to newborn EEG. Given the
removing artefacts if required. This ensures that auto- above setting, the modern engineering approach to deal
mated newborn EEG methods are robust to the defi- effectively with the artefact problem is to design special
ciencies of the recording environment. The combination signal processing and machine learning algorithms that,
of newborn EEG artefact detection, quality assessment, combined, allow the detection and removal of artefacts,
and improvement can increase the confidence of any hence improving newborn EEG quality [2, Chapter 16].
decision-making process (such as classification and
diagnosis) based on manual or automated analysis of the
5.1.2 EEG and Its Clinical Prognostic Value
EEG. Contamination and distortion of EEG recordings,
by various biological and extracerebral sources (arte- The qualitative and quantitative improvements of neo-
facts), remains a leading obstacle in the practical natal and obstetric care have resulted in a significant
deployment of any automated EEG classification algo- decrease in the perinatal mortality rate. The improve-
rithms. EEG artefact research to date has centered pri- ment in newborn survival rate experienced in the last
marily on, prior to this study, removing ocular artefacts. few decades has not, in many conditions, resulted in a
These artefacts prove most troubling in clinical settings reduction in the incidence of adverse neurological
where the more intrusive head movements and facial sequelae in survivors. Recent studies have shown that
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 75

25–35% of newborns who experience hypoxia–ischaemia In practice, as reported in Ref. [7], one can say that “the
during their delivery and who have an encephalopathy EEG remains the only bedside neurodiagnostic proce-
have long-term neurodevelopmental disabilities that dure that provides a continuous record of cerebral func-
include cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and seizures tion over time.”
[3]. Similar studies have also shown that even children Although most newborn EEG patterns are non-specific
who did not exhibit clearly identifiable perinatal diffi- and, therefore, cannot help provide the diagnosis when
culties are at risk of developing neurodevelopment used alone, they can point the care providers to specific
problems later in life due to injuries contracted before or neuroimaging tests. For example, interhemispheric or
during birth [4]. Follow-up studies indicate that up to regional asymmetric EEG can possibly suggest issues
50% show variable degrees of long-term sequelae such as perinatal stroke, brain genetic malformations, or
ranging from hearing or visual impairment, a delay in an inborn error of metabolism [7]. The EEG is also ideal
psychomotor development, or neurological damage (see for identifying subclinical seizures and avoiding misdi-
Ref. [5] and references therein). These observations agnosis of seizures, a particular problem in the newborn
identify a clear need for more sensitive diagnostic and brain where only about 50% of seizures are clinically
prognostic tools for the evaluation of the central nervous manifest and not all events that clinically appear to be a
system (CNS) to complement clinical observations and seizure have an EEG seizure correlation. However, the
permit the development of improved early intervention newborn EEG’s greatest value is its potential to predict
strategies focused on prevention of disability or death. short- and long-term outcomes.
In recent years, brain imaging techniques have radi-
cally changed the way major structural disorders of the
5.1.3 EEG Clinical Rationale and the Problem
newborn brain are diagnosed. Techniques such as ultra-
of Artefacts
sonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
allow early detection of brain lesions. These imaging The desired outcome of neonatal intensive care is to
modalities are, however, not suitable when the brain achieve the survival and development of healthy chil-
abnormalities are expressed in functional terms with or dren who can thrive, learn, and develop normally, so
without demonstrable structural correlates. Although that they can then fulfill their maximum potential as
functional MRI (fMRI) is capable of registering func- members of their families and society. Unfortunately,
tional and physiological changes in the brain, its wide- neurologically intact survival is still currently an elusive
spread use is hampered by a number of factors such as goal for both neonatologists and parents. Lifelong dis-
[6, p. 14] (a) the very low time resolution (approximately ability due to brain injury continues to afflict many who
2 frames/s), (b) the high cost, and (c) the fact that many are born too soon, are too small, or are subject to a dis-
types of brain disorders have low effect on the level of ruption in the blood or oxygen supply (hypoxia ischae-
oxygenated blood. For such cases and when a continuous mia [HI]) during late pregnancy, labor, or delivery).
long-term recording is required, the EEG offers a valuable Newborns who become ill for other reasons, such as
non-invasive screening and an ideal tool for (1) moni- heart or lung disease, are also at risk of HI injury.
toring the function of the CNS and (2) improving diag- Newborns can develop seizures (also called fits) because
nosis and prognosis of at-risk infants (see Figure 5.1). of HI injury and for many other reasons such as stroke,
meningitis, or inborn errors of metabolism. Accurate,
rapidly available and reliable information regarding
brain function is essential if intensive care therapies are
to be adapted to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Continuous cot-side EEG brain monitoring currently
offers the best window into brain function; EEG can
correctly identify newborns who have suffered a signif-
icant HI injury and are likely to benefit from
neuroprotective therapies (e.g., hypothermia*). The EEG
can also be used to diagnose seizures, monitor the
effect of treatment, and uncover the effect of episodes
of hypoxia, hypotension, intracranial bleeding, and

* Hypothermia is the condition that happens when a person’s body

loses heat faster than it can produce it. Therapeutic hypothermia
can be induced by cooling the baby to a core temperature of about
FIGURE 5.1 32–33°C and is an effective therapy to reduce the degree of brain
Procedure for recording newborn EEG signals using a cap. injury after moderate or severe hypoxia ischaemia.
76 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

hypoglycaemia on brain function. Continuous EEG developmental outcome prediction. Its main objectives
monitoring provides information about evolving neu- are to
rological conditions in newborns in the neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU), which can indicate when • Design accurate automated systems for detect-
immediate adjustment of medical interventions is ing newborn EEG abnormalities using advanced
required. At the time of publication, neonatal EEG is signal processing methods adapted to match the
still, however, difficult to interpret except by neuro- characteristics of the signals
physiologists or paediatric neurologists with extensive • Design and implement various signal process-
newborn experience (and these are scarce). In many ing algorithms that would allow the realization
NICUs, it may be possible to realize a short EEG of the above according to specifications
recording, but it could take hours or even days to get a
• Utilize a labeled newborn EEG database for
useful report. Given the urgent need to identify new-
testing, validating, and fine-tuning the above-
borns who need treatment for seizures or are suitable for
mentioned algorithms.
therapeutic hypothermia in the immediate postnatal
period, interpretation of the EEG may be needed rapidly
The objectives of this study were met by executing the
and often late at night or in the early morning. Neuro-
following tasks:
physiologists worldwide struggle to provide a 24-hour
emergency EEG service for NICUs. Therefore, the most
efficient way of dealing with the large datasets generated 1. Multichannel newborn EEG acquisition, label-
by multichannel EEG is an automated real-time system. ing, and pre-processing
From a conceptual point of view, it is not difficult to 2. Creation and analysis of a database of neonatal
design an expert-based digital system that would EEG with annotated artefacts
provide the required analysis. However, a significant 3. Analysis and design of algorithms for time–
obstacle in the development of such analyses is the frequency (TF) distributions
presence of artefacts within the newborn EEG. Such 4. Artefact detection and removal
artefacts can be present in a significant part of newborn
EEG recordings [8]. The detection of artefacts in clinical 5. Feature extraction, fusion, and selection for
practice currently requires close and time-consuming classification
analysis of multiple channels of EEG and related signals 6. System integration and implementation
by an experienced paediatric neurologist. By obscuring 7. EEG quality metric (develop a statistic that
or distorting the newborn EEG, artefacts can affect the incorporates the results of the artefact detection
interpretation of the signals, often making it difficult to and rejection process to determine the overall
detect, interpret, and localize events in time. This study quality of the EEG recording)
results in the design of a robust and reliable system for
monitoring brain function in newborns as described in
the rest of this chapter.

5.1.4 Study Tasks and Organization of the Chapter

5.2 Review of State-of-the-Art of EEG Signal
The neurological impairment in patients resulting from
5.2.1 EEG and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
congenital or acquired injuries contracted before or
during birth incurs a large social and financial cost to the Previous studies have concluded that the EEG is an
community throughout the patient’s life. A more wide- excellent prognostic tool for both preterm and term
spread use of EEG in the NICU is limited by several infants [3]. Neurodevelopmental outcomes are mea-
factors. In particular, the visual interpretation of long- sured using different assessment methods and criteria,
term EEG recordings is an expensive, time-consuming, and at different ages from 12 months onwards. Studies
and subjective process that is restricted to a small have used structured examinations [9] and/or general
number of highly trained medical staff. neurological examinations to define normal or abnormal
This study addresses the problem of automated clas- neurodevelopmental outcomes. A few studies used their
sification of newborn EEG abnormalities for neuro- own follow-up index to define normal or abnormal
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 77

outcomes [10,11]. After the review of previous studies, separation of morphologically similar wave-
we chose to consider normal, minor, or mildly abnormal forms of more than 1.5 seconds with less than
outcome as a normal outcome with moderate or severely 25% synchrony.
abnormal or death as an abnormal outcome. In short, a A4: Frequency-based abnormalities are character-
normal EEG is thus highly predictive of a normal ized by excessively slow or fast patterns in
outcome, whereas the various abnormal EEG features EEG signals. One of such abnormalities is the
have been consistently associated with unfavorable slow wave pattern characterized by diffuse
neurodevelopmental outcomes or death [5,11]. delta activity mainly in the band 0.5–1 Hz
with an amplitude range of 20–100 μV and
little activity in the theta band (frequency
5.2.2 Newborn EEG Abnormalities range from 4 to 7 Hz) [13,14].
Newborn EEG abnormalities have been classified in A5: Transient-based abnormalities: The random
previous studies as follows: occurrence of sharp transients, such as spikes
and sharp waves, in newborn EEG is widely
A1: Amplitude-based abnormalities are character- accepted as normal [7]. Sharp transients
ized by a significant decrease in amplitude. occurring over frontal, rolandic, and tempo-
There are two prominent members of this ral areas are, however, considered abnormal
category. (1) Electrocerebral inactivity (ECI) if they are excessively frequent, appear in
consists of EEG activity below 10 μV that is short runs, are consistently unilateral, and are
continuously present throughout the record polyphasic [7].
[7]; and (2) low amplitude activity is charac- A6: EEG seizures exhibit variations in voltage,
terized by a voltage of 5–15 μV during duration, frequency content, and waveform
wakefulness and active sleep and a voltage of shape. There are two common patterns [15]. The
10–25 μV in quiet sleep [7]. first one consists of trains of rhythmic spikes or
A2: Discontinuity-based abnormalities are charac- sharp waves with a frequency of 4–10 Hz. The
terized by repeated bursts of high-amplitude second pattern is composed of stereotyped,
activity followed by periods of low-amplitude repetitive, rhythmic paroxysmal discharges
activity. There are two important patterns consisting of sharp broad-based waves that
in this class. (1) Burst-suppression (B-S) is typically occur with a frequency of 0.5–1 Hz.
characterized by a burst of high-voltage A7: Sleep state-based abnormalities: Sleep states are
activity lasting 1–10 seconds and composed determined using EEG patterns and other
of various waveforms followed by periods of physiological information. EEG recordings,
marked attenuation (<5 μV) lasting more than in newborns older than 30 weeks postcon-
20 seconds [7,12]. This pattern is different from ceptional age, in which no recognizable sleep
both the normal trace alternant and trace states can be found, are considered abnormal
discontinue patterns [7]. (2) Hypsarrhythmia [7,16]. Typical values of sleep-state cycling for
is defined as asynchronous bursts of high- a term newborn are 50% active sleep and 30–
amplitude slow activity embedded with mul- 35% quiet sleep, and large alterations of this
tifocal spikes and sharp waves. It differs from pattern indicate an abnormality of prognostic
B-S by its high-amplitude activity (typically > significance [7].
1 mV) [7].
A8: Maturation-based abnormalities: Newborn EEG
A3: Asymmetric/asynchronous-based abnormalities is considered dysmature if it appears more
are based on relative measures between than 2 weeks younger than the actual post-
homologous regions of each hemisphere of the conceptional age [7,17].
brain and are of two types: (1) interhemi-
spheric asymmetry, which is defined as per-
5.2.3 Artefacts in the EEG
sistent voltage asymmetries of 50% or more in
all EEG states [7]; and (2) interhemispheric As explained in Section 5.1, EEG recordings can often be
asynchrony, which is defined as the temporal contaminated by different types of artefacts, such as
78 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

those due to electrode displacement, motion, ocular, and movement. Blinking causes generally more
electromyogram (EMG) artefacts from muscle activity. abrupt change than eye movement. In addition,
There are two types of artefacts: (1) internal and the amplitude of the blinking artefact is gener-
(2) external. Internal artefacts are due to physiological ally much larger than the EEG background
activities of the subject and its movement. Some arte- activity [20].
facts may be present in several neighboring channels
(global), while some of them can be found in only a
single channel (local). Therefore, artefact detection and Standard Methods for Handling Artefacts
removal is required for neural information processing Artefact Detection
applications especially when dealing with newborns.
The variety of artefacts and their overlap with signals of Identifying artefacts is the first and most important step
interest in both spectral and temporal domains make it for handling them. Artefacts, often, overlap with EEG
signals in both spectral and temporal domains such that
difficult for simple signal pre-processing techniques to
identify them within the EEG. In addition, there is cur- it becomes difficult to use simple filters or standard
rently no universal standard quantitative metric avail- signal processing techniques. Some methods adopted
the idea of machine learning for artefact separation from
able for performance evaluation of existing artefact
removal methods. useful EEG signals by training a classifier like artifi-
cial neural network (ANN) [24,25] or support vector
machines (SVMs) [26]. Once artefactual epochs are
identified by applying a machine learning algorithm, Main Types of EEG Artefacts
such epochs are either highlighted as artefacts or can be
Artefacts are undesired contaminating signals that may rejected before being examined by a clinician. The
introduce changes in the measurements and affect the drawback of rejecting contaminated artefact epochs is to
signal of interest. They can be coarsely separated into also remove important EEG information, resulting in a
physiological and nonphysiological origin. The latter can possible loss of information [27]. Therefore, there is a
be reduced, e.g., (1) by proper electrodes placement, need to develop more advanced processing techniques
(2) by recording in a controlled environment, etc. [18]. for artefact removal.
However, the former cannot be avoided and most
algorithms developed for EEG artefact processing are Artefact Removal Using Automated
intended to deal with physiological artefacts. The most Component Separation
common artefacts are described below [19–21]: This approach aims to correct the signal contaminated by
artefacts without distorting the signal of interest. It is
• Muscle artefacts: This artefact is typical of awake primarily done in two ways: either by filtering and
patient and occurs when the baby is, e.g., swal- regression or by decomposing the EEG data into other
lowing. The shapes and amplitudes of the arte- transform domains. Different types of techniques used in
facts depend on the degree of muscle contraction previous studies are described below:
and on the type of muscle. In addition, muscle
artefacts have a wide spectral range and there- 1. Blind source separation (BSS): This is one of the
fore contaminate and distort all standard EEG most common artefact removal methods. It
bands. extracts individual sources from their mixtures.
• Cardiac activity: The amplitude of the cardiac It can also estimate the unknown mixing
activity component on the scalp is usually low; medium; this is done by using only the infor-
however, it depends on the electrode positions, mation within the observed mixtures from the
electrode impedance, and instrumentation char- output of each channel without any knowledge
acteristics. The electrocardiogram (ECG) has about the source signals and mixing matrix
a very characteristic repetitive and regular [28,29]. Specific techniques include (1) inde-
pattern, which may be mistaken for seizure [22]. pendent component analysis (ICA), (2) canonical
Pulse artefacts are also related to cardiac activ- correlation analysis (CCA), and morphological
ity, and they occur when an electrode is placed component analysis (MCA). They are described
near a pulsating vessel; this generates slow below.
periodic waves that may be similar to EEG a. ICA requires manual intervention to reject
activity [23]. independent components (ICs) with visu-
• Eye movements and blinks: the strength of these ally detected artefacts after decomposition.
artefacts depends on the closeness of the elec- b. CCA uses a weaker condition than the
trodes to the eyes and the direction of eye statistical independence sought by the ICA
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 79

algorithm because it is looking for uncor- 5.2.4 Features for Detecting EEG Abnormalities
related components [30]. and Artefacts
c. MCA: This method’s efficiency depends Most features used for the detection and classification of
on the available artefact-template data- EEG abnormalities can be categorized into four main
base [31]. groups, namely temporal features, spectral features, TF
2. Principal components analysis (PCA): This tech- features, and time-scale (TS) features.
nique was used for artefact removal in Refs.
[32,33]. One important limitation of PCA is that • Temporal features are extracted from the signal
it fails to separate ocular or similar artefacts representation in the time domain (t-domain)
from EEG when amplitudes are comparable. and include features based on the amplitude,
3. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD): this is a non-linear and chaos analyses, and autore-
data-driven method with non-stationary signals. gressive modeling of EEG signals [45,46].
The theory behind EMD is not complete; there- • Spectral features are extracted from the signal
fore, it is difficult to predict its robustness for all representation in the frequency domain ( f-
EEG signals [34]. domain) and are usually derived from the fast
4. Hybrid methods: such combinations include Fourier transform (FFT) coefficients [45,46].
a. Wavelet-BSS: Multichannel datasets are • TF features are extracted from the representa-
transformed into ICs or CCs (components tion of EEG signals in the (t, f ) domain and are
for CCA algorithm), and then the based on the energy distribution of the signals in
artefactual component is identified and the (t, f ) plane, singular value decomposition
decomposed by wavelet transform. After (SVD) of TFDs, TF divergence measures, and
that, the artefactual coefficients are matched filtering methods and image features
denoised by thresholding; this is intended [45,46].
to eventually preserve the residual neural • TS features are extracted from the coefficients of
signals of low amplitude after thresh- the DWT and have been widely used for
olding the higher artefactual segment. detecting seizures in EEG signals [47].
Wavelet-ICA was used in Refs. [27,35]
and Wavelet-CCA in Ref. [36]. As EEG signals are non-stationary, TF and TS methods
b. EMD-BSS: The first stage is to decompose seem naturally more suitable for the detection and clas-
the signal into intrinsic mode functions sification of newborn EEG abnormalities. This study
(IMFs) by EMD, or an enhanced version focuses on TF features because they exploit the addi-
(EEMD), and then apply BSS on the IMFs tional information provided by the signal variations in
to identify the artefactual component and terms of non-stationarities. Novel features are developed
reject it before reconstruction [37–39]. and extracted from the TF representation of EEG signals
for the purpose of detecting EEG abnormalities and
c. BSS-SVM: The idea is to apply ICA or
CCA and then extract features from each
component and feed them into a SVM
classifier. The SVM then identifies artefact
components and rejects them [40].
d. Other hybrid methods have been pro-
posed in previous studies using different 5.3 Methodology for EEG Enhancement
methods like the discrete wavelet trans- and Classification
form (DWT) with ANN [41] or adaptive
5.3.1 Data Acquisition and Labeling
noise cancellation [42].
This study used a large newborn EEG database that EEG Signal Enhancement includes 20-channel continuous EEG (cEEG) signals.
TF matching pursuit can be used to remove spike-like When one uses 20-channel signals, it results in man-
short duration artefacts from EEG signals. This approach ageable dataset sizes, unless recording periods are very
uses a dictionary of redundant functions to iteratively long. However, if more EEG channels are collected, (as
decompose a signal [43]. It has been shown that the use required if spatial localization of the origin of the EEG
of artefact removal algorithms as a pre-processing stage signals is to be determined), then the amounts of data
can improve the total accuracy of a TF matched filtering- collected rapidly increases, e.g., with 64 channels and
based signal classification algorithm by 5% [44]. the sampling frequency equal to fs = 256 Hz. As the
80 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

recordings are continuous, each day, it will produce ≈500 5.3.3 Signal Representation Using High-Resolution
million samples. The signals were recorded according to TF Techniques
the 10–20 international electrode placement system Formulation of Quadratic TF Distributions
using bipolar montage (see Figure 5.11 in Section 5.4),
using a Medelec Profile system (Medelec, Oxford Let us consider a real signal x(t), with analytic associate z
Instruments, Old Woking, UK) at fs = 256 Hz sampling (t) = x(t) + jH{x(t)} (with H{.} being the Hilbert trans-
rate. EEG recordings are from 36 sick term newborns form); it can be transformed to the TF domain using a
admitted to the NICU at the Royal Brisbane and quadratic TF distribution (QTFD) rz(t,f ), which can be
Women’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia and labeled for expressed as [2, Chapters 2 and 3]:
seizure, artefacts, and normal background patterns by an
expert pediatric neurologist. rz (t, f ) = g (t, f ) ∗∗Wz (t, f ), (5.1)

where g (t,f ) is the (t,f ) kernel associated with the desired

5.3.2 Pre-Processing: Artefact Detection and Removal QTFD, ∗∗ is a double convolution, and Wz(t,f ) is the
For the detection and removal of artefacts from newborn
Wigner–Ville distribution (WVD) defined as
EEG signals used in this study, two different techniques
based on matched filtering and TF feature extraction t  t
were developed [44,45]. The matched filtering technique Wz (t, f ) = z t + z∗ t − e−j2πf t dt, (5.2)
−∞ 2 2
presented in Ref. [44] uses a dictionary populated with
atoms defined as scaled, translated, and modulated where * stands for complex conjugation.
replicas of an elementary Gabor function and targets QTFDs represent a class of TF methods widely used in
spike-like and short-duration artefacts caused by eye a wide range of practical applications for representing,
blinks, electrode pop-ups, sleep waves, and body analyzing, and processing non-stationary signals [1,46].
movements. On the other hand, the method presented in The discrete form of a QTFD can be expressed as [2,
Ref. [45] uses TF features to discriminate between arte- Chapter 6]:
fact and non-artefact segments. These two techniques are n o
described in the next sections, and details of those tech- rz ½n, k = DFT G½n, m ∗ðz½n + mz∗ ½n − mÞ , (5.3)
m!k n
niques can be found in Refs. [44,45].
As mentioned earlier, artefacts cause a major problem where G [n,m] is defined as the discrete time-lag kernel
in the implementation of fully automated EEG signal of the TFD, and the symbol ∗ denotes discrete convo-
classification systems, e.g., respiratory artefact may look lution in time. For an N-point signal x[n], rz[n,k] becomes
like a seizure signal and can be misinterpreted by the an N × M matrix rz where M is the number of FFT points
automatic abnormality detection system, therefore used in calculating the TFD.
resulting in false alarms. Hence, successful removal of Different kernels, G [n,m] in Equation 5.3, define dif-
the artefacts is important, and there are two basic ferent TFDs, which can be specifically adapted to
approaches for this: selected classes of signals [46]. For the analysis of mul-
ticomponent signals, such as some types of newborn
1. Use machine learning technique to detect and EEGs, it is generally expected that one needs to utilize
reject EEG segments corrupted by artefact [46]. TFDs that reduce cross-terms while retaining a good
2. Correct EEG segments corrupted by artefacts; auto-term resolution. These TFDs are often labeled as
some artefacts can be corrected by simple fil- reduced interference TFDs (RI-TFDs). In this study, five
tering in a frequency domain, e.g., notch filter RI-TFDs are mainly considered in the analysis of EEG
can be used to remove 50-Hz noise, but most signals, namely modified B-distribution (MBD),
artefacts need to be corrected using more smoothed Wigner–Ville distribution (SWVD), Choi–
advanced methods than simple filtering. Williams distribution (CWD), spectrogram (SPEC), and
extended MBD (EMBD) [1,46]. In addition, the standard
Once data are cleaned and enhanced, one needs to use WVD is also included in the comparison as previous
high precision and resolution techniques to extract rele- findings indicated that under some circumstances, the
vant information needed for decision making. Given the cross-terms of the WVD can be useful for classification
findings in previous studies that EEG data are non- [48]. The formulas for the time-lag kernels G [n,m] of
stationary, a suitable approach is to use TF methods that those selected TFDs are shown in Table 5.1. Other
have the property of high resolution; this is presented in QTFDs with high resolution are introduced in more
the next section. detail in the next section.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 81


The Time-Lag Kernels of a Few QTFDs Used Different Window Functions for g1[n] and g2[m]
in this Chapter Function Type g1[n] g2[m]
Distribution G[n,m] −2b
cosh ½n
WVD d [n] Hyperbolic X cosh−2a[m]
cosh−2b ½n
SWVD d [n]w[m]
pffiffiffiffiffiffi !

πs −π2 s n2 Gaussian X −(πnb)2

CWD exp e
2jmj 4m2
sinc2 (bn)
SPEC w[n+m] w [n−m] sinc X sinc2(am)
sinc2 (bn)
cosh−2b n
MBD X (b 2 + n2 )−1
cosh−2b n Cauchy X 2 a 2(a 2+m2)−1
(b + n2 )−1
cosh−2b n cosh−2a m
n n
cosh−2a m

Note: The parameters a, b, and s are real and posi- separable kernel TFDs; these are the S-method [49] and
tive; N is the length of the signal under anal-
ysis; and w[n] represents the window function
the compact-support kernel distribution (CKD) [45].
used in both SWVD and SPEC kernels. For a These TFDs are selected for further description as they
complete list, see Ref. [2, Chapters 2 and 3]. are recognized as top performing methods [2]. S-Method (SM): An Enhanced Spectrogram Design of High-Resolution TFDs for EEG Data The S-Method [49] is defined as
Processing ð∞
The WVD is an efficient tool for mono-component SMz (t, f ) = 2 P(n)Fw w∗
z (t, f + n)Fz (t, f − n)dn, (5.4)
signals, because of its high (t, f ) “resolution”. The WVD’s
weakness is introducing cross-terms between multiple where Fw z (t, f ) is the short-time Fourier transform (STFT)
signal components. The occurrence of such cross-terms of z(t), obtained with a window w, and P(n) is a con-
in QTFDs is the fundamental reason that prevents more centrated narrow-band spectral window (e.g., Hamming
widespread use of WVD-based TF signal analysis in or Hanning window). The length of P(n) is chosen to
most real-life applications dealing with multicomponent control the cross-term suppression as well as the auto-
non-stationary signals. term resolution characteristics of the enhanced spectro-
Let us consider designing separable kernel RI-TFDs, gram. The ambiguity domain (n,t) kernel of the SM is
i.e., the Doppler-lag kernel of the TFD can be written as G given by [45]
[n,m] = g1[n]g2[m] [46]. The requirement is to find suit-
able shapes and widths for the window functions g1[n] n  ð∞  t  t
and g2[m] such that the TFD with a time-lag kernel G[n, g(n, t) = P ∗ w u + w∗ u − e−j2πnu du: (5.5)
2 n −∞ 2 2
m] = g1[n]g2[m] provides a good energy concentration for
each component and a good suppression of cross-terms. The shape of this ambiguity domain SM kernel depends
Results presented in Ref. [46] show that different on the shapes and sizes of w(t) and p(t) (which is the
window functions can be used for g1[n] and g2[m]; some inverse FT (IFT) of P(n)). Previous studies indicated that
are listed in Table 5.2. An extended methodology for with a correct selection of the length of P(n), the SM
designing high-resolution TFDs with compact-support can combine key advantages of both spectrogram and
kernels can be found in Ref. [46], and it is summarized in WVD [49].
the next section. Compact Kernel Distribution (CKD)
Compact-support kernels are designed with the con- Selection of High-Resolution TFDs
straint of finite support in a region of the ambiguity
Separable kernel TFDs are conceived to mitigate the domain, i.e., they are required to vanish outside a
resolution limitation of the spectrogram. This is done by selected range in the (n,t) domain. These TFDs are
adding an additional degree of freedom to separately designed with an extra degree of freedom to control both
control the smoothing requirements along both f and t the length and the shape of the ambiguity domain filter.
axes. Let us now consider two cases of high-resolution They can then obtain high-energy concentration for
82 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

auto-terms with the required reduction of cross-terms. origin in the (t, f ) plane. But they are not located only in
The CKD kernel can be expressed as [45] the vicinity of the origin. Other properties and more
8 details can be found in Ref. [1].
< 2c n2cD−D2 2 t 2cE−E2 2
e e e if jn j < D, jt j < E
g(n, t) = : (5.6) Design of a New Kernel
0 otherwise
The above properties yield a new kernel design that
The parameters D and E specify the cut-off of the should have the following characteristics: (1) It should be
ambiguity domain filters along the n and t axes, while c a multidirectional kernel, i.e., it should have parameters
controls the shape of the smoothing kernel. that allow (and control) filtering along multiple direc-
tions qi in the ambiguity domain. (2) It should have
parameters to adjust the support along both the major Multidirectional Distribution (MDD)
and minor axes of auto-terms. To account for the fact that
A new kernel TFD has been defined based on directional real signals are multicomponent and can have several
information, which can represent newborn EEG signals directions of energy concentration in the (t, f ) domain, an
more accurately and effectively than standard methods. MDD has been defined [1], which is formulated as
Previous kernels did not take into account the directional
information and made some rough approximations rz (t, f ) = Wz (t, f ) ∗∗gq (t, f ), (5.10)

about the location of auto-terms and cross-terms in the where gq is a directional non-separable kernel in the (t, f )
ambiguity domain. domain, dependent on the set q = (q1,q2,…,qP) of direc- Analysis for a Piecewise Linear Frequency tion angles of the signal*; these angles are defined as the
Modulated (LFM) Model angles between the lag axis and the auto-term directions
in the ambiguity domain. In the ambiguity domain, this
Let us consider the exact location of auto-terms and expression is given by
cross-terms for a basic piecewise LFM (PW-LFM) signal
defined by Az (n, t) = Az (n, t)gq (n, t), (5.11)

T where gq(n,t) is similarly a non-separable kernel in the
e 2jπð 2 t +f0 tÞ+jf ,
a 2
x(t) = PT t − (5.7) Doppler-lag domain, also dependent on the set of signal
direction angles q. This kernel is defined as
where PT(t) is defined by
( ec0 +c X
1 if jtj ≤ T=2 gq (n, t) = F (n, t) hqi (n, t), (5.12)
PT (t) = P i=1 qi
0 elsewhere
where the factor e{c0+c}/P in front of the summation is a
Let us further consider a noise-free multicomponent normalization coefficient, c0 and c are slope-adjustment
PW-LFM z(t) expressed as parameters, and qi is related to the frequency rate ai by
Ni ai = tan(qi). The factor Fqi(n,t) is defined as
z(t) = zi (t) = zki (t), (5.8) 8  c
i=1 i=1 k=1 > 2
< xqi (n,t) −1
Fqi (n, t) = e
, jxqi (n, t)j < Di , (5.13)
where zki is the kth branch of the ith signal component zi, >
M is the number of components, and Ni is the number of 0, otherwise
segments for the ith component; zki is expressed by
8 where xqi(n,t) = cos(qi)n−sin(qi)t, Di is the half-support of

< 2jπ( a2ki t2 +f0ki t)+jf0ki gqi(n,t) along the direction perpendicular to the ith
e t0ki < t < t0ki + Tki
zki (t) = , (5.9) branch of the multidirectional kernel (MDK), and hqi(n,t)
0 elsewhere is defined as
where aki, f0ki, f0ki, t0ki, and Tki are the frequency rate, the >
>  c0  2
< yqi (n,t) −1
initial frequency, the initial phase, the birth (or start)
hqi (n, t) = e Ei , jyqi (n, t)j < Ei ,
time, and the duration of zki(t), respectively. The deri- >
vation of the ambiguity domain of z(t) highlighted the 0, otherwise
different properties of the auto- and cross-terms location
and behavior. One of the main properties is that the auto-
terms fall around straight lines passing through the * The set of angles q is not known a priori.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 83

where yqi(n,t) = sin(qi)n + cos(qi)t and Ei is related to used, namely SVD and non-negative matrix
either the time duration of LFM components or band- factorization (NMF) as described below.
width of spike components. Then, in order to auto- a. The SVD divides the TFD matrix rzx into
matically set the parameters of the MDD, one can apply two subspaces of the form [45]
a radon transform (RT) to the squared modulus of the
ambiguity function (AF), and then a detrending rzx = USVH, (5.14)
method. After detecting the peaks, one can find the
angles and the associated parameters of each branch of where U is a real matrix, S is an N × M
the kernel [1]. diagonal matrix with non-negative real
In an automatic classification system, a key step is to numbers (Si,i = 1,2,⋯,N), and VH (the
extract discriminating features; the next section presents conjugate transpose of V) is a real unitary
TF features that can be extracted from the above pre- matrix. The diagonal entries of S represent
sented TFDs. the singular values of rzx. Features are
then extracted from the singular values of
the matrix rzx. Such SVD-based features
5.3.4 TF Features for the Detection of EEG include the maximum and the variance of
Abnormalities and Artefacts the singular values. Another possible
feature that is based on the SVD is the (t,f )
The design of an automated abnormality pattern recog- complexity measure, denoted by CM(x),
nition system requires defining representations that can which is derived from the Shannon
show these abnormal patterns, as well as feature entropy of the singular values of rzx and
extraction and selection. For newborn EEG abnormality describes the magnitude and the number
detection, features extracted from the signal TF repre- of estimated non-zero singular values for a
sentation can result in reliable and accurate classification TFD [46]. It can be expressed as
systems as they can account for signals with non-
stationary characteristics (using the extra information X
CM(x) = − i log2 S
S i , (5.15)
available in the (t, f ) domain). TF-based features suitable i=1
for the classification of non-stationary signals were
developed and used to detect newborn EEG abnormal- where S i is the ith normalized singular
ities [2,45,46,50]. Such features can be classified in two  i = Si .
value, i.e., S
groups as described next. X
i i
b. The NMF is another matrix decomposition Inherent (t, f ) Features method that has the advantage of pre-
Inherent (t, f ) features are exclusive to the (t, f ) domain serving the non-negativity of the entries,
and do not necessarily have an obvious direct counter- which is important to obtain meaningful
part in either the t-domain or the f-domain. A few such physical interpretation under some cir-
(t, f ) features are listed below, and more details can be cumstances. The NMF factorizes the TFD
found in Refs. [45,46,50]. Note that in the following matrix rzx into two non-negative matrices
equations, rzx[n,k] is the TFD of the analytic associate of a as [51]
given real N-point discrete–time signal x[n] given in X
Equation 5.3. The resulted TFD can be represented as an rzx ≈ WNR HRM = wr hr , (5.16)
N×M matrix rzx. r=1

where the columns of the matrices W and

1. Instantaneous frequency (IF)–based features are
HT are referred to as base and coefficient
derived from statistics of the signal IF such as its
vectors, respectively, and R (R≪min(M,
mean, deviation, skewness, and kurtosis.
N)) is the decomposition parameter that is
2. Instantaneous amplitude (IA)–based features are usually application-dependent. Note that
derived from the signal IA statistics. the decomposition of rzx using the NMF
3. Matrix decomposition-based features are derived requires the matrix to be non-negative [51].
from a decomposition of the TFD matrix rzx. Two The base vectors wr,r = 1,...,R, can be
matrix decomposition methods are commonly interpreted as characteristic frequency
84 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

structures, whereas the coefficient vectors power concentrated in certain areas have a
hr,r = 1,...,R, can be seen as the temporal smaller Mp(x). In this study, the definition given
location of these structures [52]. Based on in Ref. [53] was used with p = 2 yielding the
the decomposition in Equation 5.16, the following expression:
sparsity of the base and coefficient vectors !2
are defined respectively as XN X M  1
M= rz ½n, k :
0 XN 1 x
n=1 k=1
1 Bpffiffiffiffi l=1 r
w (l) C
Swr = pffiffiffiffi @ N − qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
XN 2 A, 5. The (t, f ) Renyi entropy provides a measure of
N w (l) (5.17)
l=1 r complexity of a non-stationary signal in the (t, f )
plane and is given by
r = 1 ; :::; R, !
1 XN X M
rzax ½n, k
0 XM 1 Ra (x) = log X X ,
1−a rzx ½n, k
1 Bpffiffiffiffiffi l=1 r
h (l) C n=1 k=1 n k
Shr = pffiffiffiffiffi @ M − qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
XM 2 A, (5.21)
M h (l) (5.18)
l=1 r
with a > 2. The advantage of (t, f ) Renyi entropy
r = 1 ; :::; R, over other expressions of entropies is that it can
and their statistics can be considered as also be applied to all TFDs, which may assume
NMF-based features. negative values (see Ref. [2, Section 7.3]).
4. TFD concentration measures can also be used 6. (t, f ) image-based features are image descriptors
for the classification of non-stationary signals. extracted from the TFD matrix rzx considered as
Different measures were presented in Ref. an image. First a segmentation technique, e.g.,
[2, Section 7.3] and their properties were dis- water-shed, is applied on rzx to detect regions
cussed. One such measure is where most signal information appears and a
!p binary segmented image, denoted by rzx ½n, k, is
XN XM  1 generated [45]. Figure 5.2 shows an example of
Mp (x) =  rz ½n, k  p
, (5.19)
x (t, f ) image of newborn EEG signal obtained
n=1 k=1
using the EMBD and its binary-segmented
with p > 1. The advantage of this measure is that image obtained using the methodology pro-
it is not sensitive to small values in rzx[n,k]. Note posed in Ref. [45]. The segmented image allows
that signals with power distributed all over the the selection of regions where the normal and
(t, f ) plane yield a larger Mp(x), while those with abnormal patterns appear.

7 7

6 6

5 5
Time (secs)

Time (secs)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)

(a) Example of the TFD of an EEG signal using the EMBD, and (b) binary-segmented image. The lighter gray part of the binary-segmented image is
the selected region after thresholding step.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 85

Morphometric features are then extracted from the to exploit the additional information provided by TFDs,
moments of rzx ½n, k defined as the t-domain features can be extended to the (t, f ) fea-
tures by simply substituting the 1D t-domain moments
mpq =
np kq rzx ½n, k, p, q = 0,1,2, … with the corresponding 2D (t, f ) domain moments as
n=1 k=1 shown in Table 5.3.
New (t, f ) features can also be derived by extending
Such features include [45, 46]
f-domain features such as the spectral flux, spectral
entropy, and spectral flatness to the (t, f ) domain. Table
a. Area: A(x) = m00,
5.4 lists the (t, f ) representations of the extended
b. Compactness: C(x) = P(x)
A(x) where P(x) = (m30 +
2 2
m12) + (m03 + m21) , More details about (t, f )-based features and their
application to newborn EEG abnormality detection are
c. Coordinates of the centroid for the segmented
m m provided in Refs. [2,45,46,50]. In Section 5.5.1, the results
region: CCX (x) = 10 and CCY (x) = 01 , of using such features for the purpose of newborn EEG
m00 m00
abnormality detection are presented.
d. Rectangularity: R(x) = (m20 − m02 )2 + 4m211 ,
e. Aspect ratio: AR(x) = m20 − m02. Feature Selection Translation Approach-Based TF Features
Feature selection/reduction is an important step in
A process for defining new TF features by extending classification as a large number of features lead to
t-domain and f-domain features to the joint (t, f ) domain overtraining of classifier and significantly higher
is described in Refs. [2,45,46]. computational cost [2, Section 15.6]. Two families of
Some statistical features that can be extracted from the feature selection methods are presented in the next
t-domain representation are listed in Table 5.3. In order subsections.

TF Extension of t-Domain Features
Feature t-Domain Representation (t, f ) Extension
1X 1 X X
Mean m(t) = n
x½n m(t, f ) = n k
r½n, k
2 1X 2 2 1 X X 2
Variance s(t) = n
x½n − m(t) s(t, f) = n k
rzx ½n, k − m(t, f )
1 X 3 1 X X 3
Skewness g(t) = x½n − m(t) g(t, f ) = rzx ½n, k − m(t, f )
Ns(t) n (NM − 1)s(t,
n k

1 X 4 1 X X 4
Kurtosis k(t) = x½n − m(t) k(t, f ) = rzx ½n, k − m(t, f )
Ns(t) n (NM − 1)s(t,
n k

s(t) s(t, f )
Coefficient of variation c(t) = c(t, f ) =
m(t) m(t, f )

TF Extension of f-Domain Features
Feature f-Domain Notation (t, f ) Extension
XN−l XM−m  

Spectral flux FL( f ) F L(t, f ) = n=1
r ½n + l, k + m − rzx ½n, k 
k=1  zx
1 XN XM rzx ½n, k
Spectral entropy SE( f ) RE(t, f ) = log2 n=1 k=1 X X
1−a r ½n, k
n k zx
r z ½n, k
Spectral flatness SF( f ) SF(t, f ) = MN Xn Xk x
r ½n, k
k zx
86 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data Filter Methods changed. The area under the resulting ROC, i.e.,
For this type of methods, the criterion to rank each area under the ROC curve (AUC), which has a
feature is based on the property of the dataset. Four range of 0 to 1, was computed and utilized as a
popular approaches are presented below: summary of the ROC curve and a measure of
how well a feature can effectively discriminate
• Fisher criterion [54]: it measures the separability between two groups. In other words, a classifier
between data clusters as with an AUC value of 1 is considered perfect,
and an AUC value of 0.5 is in effect a random-
XC  d 
d 2 guessing classifier [56].
nc μc − μ
F(d) = X C  d 2  , (5.22)
nc sc
c=1 Wrapper Methods
Wrapper methods use classifiers as a black box to score
where nc is the number of elements in class c, μdc subsets of features that maximize the classifier perfor-
and scd represent the mean and the standard mance [57]. The overall block diagram for the wrapper
deviation, respectively, of the dth feature in algorithm is illustrated in Figure 5.3. Wrapper methods
the class c, and μd is the overall average of the are designed to automatically define the number of fea-
dth feature. tures needed to maximize the accuracy [57], which is not
• Maximal marginal diversity (MMD): this criterion the case for filter-based methods.
for feature selection is based on the Kullback–
Liebler distance (dKL) [2]. The selected best Feature Search Techniques
solution for the problem (of selecting the most To select a subset for evaluation at each step, in the case
discriminating features) is to choose the axes of wrapper methods, the approaches listed below are
that maximize the MMD. More details can be relevant:
found in Ref. [55].
• Minimum redundancy and maximum relevance: • Exhaustive search: this intuitive method returns
this measure combined two criteria based on the best feature subset for a given criterion.
(1) maximum relevance and (2) minimum redun- A weakness of the method is that its computa-
dancy; more details can be found in Ref. [55]. tional complexity is too large. For example, an
exhaustive search with a feature set of D features
• Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis:
requires (2D−1) evaluations of the criterion.
it is chosen in this study to evaluate the perfor-
When D becomes very large, the exhaustive
mance of features and select good performing
search becomes too costly.
(t, f ) features when used to detect an abnor-
mality or artefacts in newborn EEG signals. In • Smart search algorithms: they iteratively add or
this approach, the performance of each feature remove features from the set depending on the
(in detecting an abnormality or artefacts) was particular search algorithm. Three considered
evaluated by doing an ROC analysis of the main types of search procedures are listed below
feature values extracted for EEG segments cor- [58]:
responding to different states (e.g., seizure and 1. Sequential forward selection (SFS): starting
non-seizure). For a particular feature, the ROC from an empty set, this algorithm adds
curve of a binary classifier based on that feature features iteratively until a selected stop-
was assessed as its discrimination threshold ping condition is reached.

Training set
Training set
Feature selection search Feature set Classifier

Feature Performance
set estimation


Test set Final evaluation Estimated


Wrapper-based method. The best subset is selected w.r.t. the classification accuracy. With this kind of method, the number of features needed is
automatically set [45], which is not the case for filter-based methods.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 87

2. Sequential backward selection (SBS): This The weakness of this approach is that some useful signal
approach starts with the set of all fea- components can get eliminated, reduced, or distorted by
tures; then selected features are iteratively the averaging, but it is computationally efficient
removed from the set until convergence of (Figure 5.4). Another related technique is the feature
the algorithm is obtained. concatenation, which uses all the extracted features from
3. Sequential forward floating selection (SFFS): each channel; this is not used in this study as the
The SFS and SBS have a tendency to dimensionality problem becomes too large when using
become stuck in local minima and have a this method.
risk of overfitting. The SFFS algorithm Fusion at the Features Level
avoids this issue by combining both SFS
and SBS. The resulting combined SFFS This approach first extracts features from each inde-
includes and removes features based on pendent channel separately and then merges these
the prevailing search direction. extracted features by forming a new single feature set
that is then used at the classification stage as shown in
Other feature search algorithms can be found in Ref. [59]. Figure 5.5. It is defined as
In this study, the SFFS method is selected with wrapper
as it is the best suboptimal search method [59]. 1 XM
Fj ½nseg  = F ½n , (5.24)
M p=1 jp seg Feature Fusion where Fjp is the jth feature for the pth channel, and the
When dealing with the classification of multichannel index nseg represents the segment index.
data, one needs to merge the information extracted from Decision Level Fusion
all the channels to obtain a single decision. This infor-
mation fusion can be performed at different levels, i.e., at This approach detects abnormality in each channel
the channel level, feature level, or decision level, as dis- separately by independently extracting features from
cussed below. each channel followed by training of a classifier for each
channel independently as illustrated in Figure 5.6. The Fusion at the Channel Level independent decisions obtained from each channel can
In this method, the acquired multichannel signals are then be combined using, e.g., regional correlation [44].
converted into a single channel obtained by taking a This approach is most effective as it allows both detec-
spatial average of the multichannel data [45]. It is tion and localization of abnormality, but it requires
expressed as the channel-by-channel annotation of the acquired
1 XM
The EEG application described in this study uses only
x½n = x ½n, (5.23)
M p=1 p the first two feature fusion methods because indepen-
dent decisions could not be obtained from each channel
where M represents the number of channels, xp denotes (the reason is that the EEG database available for this
the time-domain signal recorded by the pth channel, and study does not have channel-by-channel annotations).
n represents the sample (or time) index of the signal xp.

Channel #1 Feature
Channel #1 TFD extraction

Channel #2
Channel #2 Feature
TFD Feature
fusion Output
Average Output
Feature and Classifier
all TFD Classifier feature
channels selection

Channel #Nc
Channel #Nc Feature
TFD extraction


Multichannel feature extraction: channel fusion approach. Multichannel feature extraction: feature fusion approach.
88 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Channel #1 Feature extraction

TFD Classifier
and selection
Channel #2
Feature extraction
TFD and selection Classifier


Channel #Nc
Feature extraction
TFD Classifier
and selection

Multichannel feature extraction: decision fusion approach.

5.3.5 TF Matched Filter Approach for Newborn For example, the problem of newborn seizure detec-
Abnormality Detection tion can be formulated as Equation 5.25 in which s(t) is a
piecewise LFM signal with unknown time delay and/or
The problem of newborn EEG abnormality detection can
frequency shift. This is based on the finding that
be considered as a special case of the classical detection
newborn EEG seizures can be described as piecewise
problem in which there is a need to detect the presence of
LFM signals with harmonics (the number of LFM pieces
a non-stationary signal s(t) that may exhibit certain
depending on the duration of the EEG seizure epoch)
unknown parameters such as unknown time and/or
[44,46]. The background patterns, on the other hand,
frequency shifts from a noisy measured signal x(t) of
usually exhibit irregular activities with no clear consis-
duration T, representing an epoch of the EEG signal
tent behavior [46]. However, as the parameters of the
under analysis. Following the classical detection
LFM signals (i.e. time duration and slope of each piece
problem, the two hypothesis on x(t) are
of s(t)) are not known and may be different for each EEG
H0 : x(t) = n(t), signal absent, epoch, a template set r(t) composed of M piecewise LFM
(5.25) signals can be used, i.e., r(t) = frj (t)gM
H1 : x(t) = s(t; Q) + n(t), signal present, j=1 . Also, since the
joint probability density function (pdf) of time delay and
where n(t) is the additive noise and Q represents the frequency shift of s(t) is not known either, the kernel of
unknown parameters of the known deterministic signal the TFD needs to be found adaptively. Figure 5.7 illus-
s(t). In one such scenario, the signal-to-detect is a (t, f ) trates the different (t, f ) characteristics observed in
shifted version of s(t), i.e., s(t;Q) = s(t−t′)ej2πft. newborn EEG seizure and background.

20 20

18 18

16 16

14 14

12 12
Time (secs)

Time (secs)

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Example of (t, f ) representations of EEG signals acquired from a newborn during seizure (left) and non-seizure activities (right) [2, Section 12.5].
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 89

The optimum decision strategy for determining the TABLE 5.5

correct hypothesis in the detection problem formulated
Test Statistics Resulting from the Choice of Doppler-Lag
in Equation 5.25 involves finding the test statistic
ð  Kernel of the TFD in Equations 5.30a nd 5.30b
∗ Test Statistic Doppler-Lag Kernel in Equation 5.30b
h = max x(t)s (t; Q)(t)dt , (5.26)
Q (T)
∬(T)Wx(t, f )Ws(t, f ) dt df 1
where * stands for complex conjugation, and comparing ∬(T)Wx(t, f )rs(t−t0, f−f0) dt df g(n,t)e−j2πt0nej2πf0t
it with a predefined threshold value. For cases where ∬(T)rx(t, f )rs(t−t0, f−f0) dt df |g(n,t)|2e−j2πt0nej2πf0t
there is no unknown parameter, the signal s(t) is real,
and the noise n(t) is a zero-mean white Gaussian process,
the conventional time-domain matched filter with the
test statistic 5.30b results in different test statistics. Table 5.5 lists a
ð few known test statistics as special cases of Equations
h= x(t)s∗ (t) dt (5.27) 5.30a and 5.30b with different Doppler-lag kernels for the
TFD used in the equations.
is the optimum detector. Based on the inner-product By replacing Wx(t, f ) in Equation 5.30a with the XWVD
invariance property of the WVD [2, Chapter 2], the test of the signals x(t) and s(t), the test statistic of the general
statistic of the optimum detector in the (t, f ) domain can XWVD-based formulation of TFMFs can be defined as
be expressed as
ðð ðð
hQMF = jhj2 = Wx (t, f )Ws (t, f ) dt df: (5.28) hTF = Wxs (t, f )rs (t, f ) dt df: (5.31)
(T) (T)

The (t,f ) matched filter (TFMF) with the test statistic Details about TFMFs and their application to newborn
given in Equation 5.28 is known as the quadrature EEG abnormality detection appear in Refs. [44,60,61].
matched filter (QMF) [60]. Alternatively, based on the Some results appear in Section 5.5.2.
formulation of TFDs in the ambiguity domain (presented
in Section 3.2.2), hQMF can be written as
ðð 5.3.6 Classification
hQMF = Ax (n, t)A∗s (n, t) dn dt, (5.29)
SVMs are used to evaluate the overall detection per-
formance of the (t, f ) features developed in this project
where As(n,t) is the symmetrical AF of s(t) [2].
for detecting newborn EEG artefacts as well as abnor-
In most real-life applications, the QMF is not optimal as
malities. The choice of SVMs is justified by previous
the signal-to-detect is neither deterministic nor known
findings reported in Refs. [45,62]. The SVM decision is,
completely. One such case is when s(t;Q) = s(t−t′)e{j2πf ′t},
e.g., whether the EEG signal x[n] is seizure or non-
where s(t) is assumed known and deterministic while t′ and
seizure. The performance of the proposed methodology
f ′ are random variables with joint pdf r{t′f}(t′,f′). For this
for the detection of artefacts and abnormalities in
scenario, the optimum solution is provided by a TFMF with
newborn EEG signals is estimated using standard sta-
the test statistic given in Equation 5.30 with g (t, f ) = r{t′f'}
tistical parameters, i.e., sensitivity (SEN), specificity
(t′ = t, f ′ = f ) as the (t, f ) kernel of the TFD [60]. When the
(SPE), negative predictive value (NPV), positive pre-
time delay t′ and the frequency shift f ′ are statistically
dictive value (PPV), and total accuracy (ACC), as
independent, the optimal kernel will be a separable one,
expressed below.
i.e., g(n,t) = G1(n)g2(t), that is, a TFD with separable kernel.
For such cases, detectors based on the general formulation
number of true positives
of TFMFs developed in Refs. [44,60] should be used. SEN = ,
Based on Equations 5.28 and 5.29, the test statistic of number of true positives + number of false negatives
the general formulation of the WVD-based TFMFs in the (5.32a)
(t, f ) and ambiguity domains can be written as
ðð number of true negatives
SPE = ,
hTF = Wx (t, f )rs (t, f ) dt df (5.30a) number of true negatives + number of false positives
= Ax (n, t)A∗s (n, t)g∗ (n, t) dn dt, (5.30b)
number of true positives
PPV = ,
number of true negatives + number of false positives
where g(n,t) is the Doppler-lag kernel of the TFD. The
choice of different kernels g(n,t) in Equations 5.30a and (5.32c)
90 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

number of true negatives d. Thresholding w.r.t. the number of pixels

NPV = , of the selected segments
number of true negatives + number of false negatives
(5.32d) e. Dilatation of the skeleton by convolving
with a 3×3 matrix containing only ones
number of true positives + number of true negatives
ACC = :
number of positives + number of negatives These steps enable us to improve the mixing matrix
(5.32e) estimation. The separation source problem is rewritten
to use the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator
(LASSO) algorithm to improve the BSS. More details can
be found in Ref. [63].

5.3.7 BSS Algorithms

A BSS algorithm has been developed for multichannel
signals. This algorithm is based on three key points:
5.4 TF Modelling of Neonatal Multichannel
1. Use of high-resolution TFD: the MDD; this Non-Stationary EEG and Artefacts
QTFD is defined in Section
Current techniques for newborn seizure detection lack
2. A robust noise thresholding step based on sta- the required robustness that is expected for clinical
tistical test given by implementation, due to variability of EEG characteristics
in time and among patients [64], and scarcity of data-
H0   :  μM − ϱ0 ≤ Y ½n, k ≤ μM + ϱ0
(5.33) bases for validation and verification [65]. EEG variability
H1   :  otherwisered, is unavoidable, as background and seizure patterns
change significantly among different patients, and is
XM often significantly affected by the conceptional age* (CA)
where Y½n, k = r ½n, k,
i=1 zi, zi
M is the number
of the patient [66]. In addition, obtaining large anno-
of sensors, μ = 2
s0 g½0, 0 (g is
the Doppler-lag tated databases requires sustained effort, and data pro-
kernel used for the TFD and ϱ0 is the standard tection policies may restrain independent scientists
deviation of the noise), and е0 is the solution of from sharing and comparing their results on a common
the following equation [63]: ground basis.

In this section, a modelling approach for multichannel
pffiffiffi ϱ2 1 ϱ2
( − 1)M π 1 2 M1 F2 M, ½M + , M + 1, 2 newborn EEG is introduced to provide a common
4b 2 4b ground validation source. This model can be adopted for

1 different applications, such as using the model parame-

 G M + G(M + 1)
2 ters as new features for classification algorithms, testing

artefact detection and removal, quantifying EEG quality,
M pffiffiffi 1 3 3 ϱ2
( − 1) π  1 F 2 , ½ , − M, 2 ϱ and calibrating new EEG machines, and it can be used as
2 2 2 4b

= 1 − x, an alternative when patient confidentiality and ethical
3 privacy laws forbid the use of real EEG [67].
b G(M)G −M
5.4.1 Modelling Newborn Mono-Channel
where x is the probability of false alarm, pFq Non-Stationary EEG
is the generalized hypergeometric function, and An approach, namely the IF-Based, is presented in Ref.
s2 X X [68]. Background epochs are modelled using random
b = p0ffiffiffi n m
jG½n, mj2 . processes with a time varying spectrum, while a multi-
3. IF estimation algorithm based on image pro- component signal with a piecewise linear IF law is used
cessing techniques. More precisely, the follow- to model seizure waveforms. In this model, the statistical
ing steps are undertaken:
a. Creation of a binary mask * Age of infants can be defined in terms of gestational age or con-
b. Creation of the mask skeleton ceptional age. Gestational age (GA) is the time in weeks from con-
ception, or the time after the last menstrual cycle to the date of birth.
c. Detection of the cross (t, f ) points using an Conceptional age (CA) is defined as gestational age plus chrono-
8-neighboring set logical age (weeks of life after birth).
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 91

properties of all parameters are known; consequently, Joint time-frequency domain

it is capable of simulating the newborn background and
seizure EEG patterns. Background epochs, generated by
the IF-based approach, are further improved by using a 25
band-limited fractional Brownian process with time-
varying Hurst exponent (the FBM approach). Another 20
technique in newborn EEG modelling appeared in Ref.

Time (s)
[67]. This model is based on a Duffing oscillator, hence its 15
name—the Duffing approach. The model is driven by a
non-stationary impulse train to simulate seizure epochs 10
and by white Gaussian noise that simulates background
EEG. The advantages of this model are as follows: 5
(1) reduction in the required number of parameters and
(2) more realistic EEG when compared with previously 0
proposed models. The IF-Based Approach 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Frequency (Hz)
The newborn mono-channel non-stationary EEG model
is constructed using the IF-based approach described in FIGURE 5.9
Refs. [2, Chapter 16.2; 68,69]. It consists of two simula- Simulated mono-channel newborn seizure EEG (EMBD, N = 720, Fs =
24 Hz, NFFT = 1024, lag l = N−1, a = 0.025, b = 0.5, tr = 1).
tors: background and seizure EEG. Both simulators
produce good approximations as they are correlated
with real newborn EEG epochs (0.817 for background
and 0.901 for seizure in the (t, f ) domain [68]). Figures 5.8 the poly-harmonic nature of seizure EEG. Seizure har-
and 5.9 illustrate generated newborn epochs composed monics illustrate the multipath reception of LFMs
of background and seizure patterns, respectively, where propagating through a non-linear frequency shifting
N, Fs, NFFT, l, and tr denote the signal length, sampling material. Seizure power decays as one moves across the
frequency, FFT length, lag window length, and time harmonic number; however, frequency deviation and
resolution, respectively. Figure 5.8 depicts the random distortion is increasing. Such observations construct the
nature of normal newborn EEG, while Figure 5.9 shows following statement: the fundamental harmonic repre-
sents a seizure event that propagates the least distance to
reach an EEG electrode, while other harmonics represent
Joint time-frequency domain scattered versions of the fundamental harmonic. Con-
sequently, the IF-based mono-channel EEG model con-
siders the possible multipath reception of newborn EEG.
25 Formulation of Background EEG Simulator
20 Let us consider the fractal dimension (FD) of real EEG
signals. Synthetic background EEG generation can be
Time (s)

15 obtained from the relationship between FD and the

spectrum power law index [68]. The power spectrum of
background EEG approximately follows a power law
such that
S( f ) ≈ , (5.35)
j f jg

where c is a constant, f is the frequency, and g is the

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
power law exponent* [68]. The non-stationary behavior is
Frequency (Hz)

Simulated mono-channel newborn background EEG (EMBD, N = 720,
Fs = 24 Hz, NFFT = 1024, lag l = N/4−1, a = 0.025, b = 0.5, tr = 1). * Note that g > 0 and f ∈ ℝ− {0}.
92 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

modelled using a time-varying power law exponent gi; where x = [x1,x2,⋯,xNLFM] are the gradients in Hz/s, Cnlfm
therefore, the aforementioned equation is approximated as is the alignment intercept that ensures continuity, B = [B1,
c B2,⋯,BNLFM,BNLFM+1] are the turning points in seconds*,
Si ( f ) = gi , (5.36) t−a
jfj and rec is the rectangular function, e.g., rec( ) is
where Si( f ) is the power spectrum of the ith epoch with centered at a with a duration t [68]. The multiple har-
duration T. Let us assume that the EEG is quasi- monics of the newborn EEG seizure are related to the
stationary in every duration T; therefore, gi is constant in fundamental frequency by fq(t) = q f1(t).
an epoch, but varies from epoch to epoch. The parameter The amplitude modulation function aq(t) of each har-
gi is estimated using its linear relationship with the FD, monic q is parametrized by
gi = 5−2FD, where it follows a Beta distribution with aq (t) = j(Rq , Vn , P; t), (5.41)
parameters a and b valued at 7.82 and 7.44, respectively
[68]. Furthermore, the power spectrum Si( f ) can be where Rq is the harmonic ratio, Vn is the normalized
described as variation with a mean of 0.33, and P is the number of
turning points. The component amplitude modulation
Si ( f ) = Xi ( f ) Xi∗ ( f ), (5.37) function is computed by a cubic spline interpolation of
pffiffi P random turning points with amplitudes described as
Xi ( f ) = g =2 exp½ jqi ( f ), (5.38) aq=Rq(0.67 + Vn). Locations of the turning points can be
jfj i N(p + X)
computed using w = , where p = [0,1,⋯,P−1],
where Xi( f ) is the FT of the ith epoch, and qi( f ) is the P
N is the number of samples, and X is a uniform random
phase spectrum, which is assumed to be a random
process ranging between 0 and 1. Finally, the initial
process with uniform distribution having a range
phase qq of the qth harmonic is assumed to be random
between 0 and 2π [70]. Synthesis of xi(t) is done by taking
with a uniform pdf on [−π, π).
the IFT of Xi( f ); however, Xi( f ) has a smooth power law,
The complexity of the aforementioned model can be
contradicting real background EEG, which shows
reduced by setting Q and NLFM to 5 and 3, respectively,
random fluctuations around the power law. Thus, 15
assuming B as a uniformly distributed random process,
sub-epochs with the same power law but with different
and limiting P to a maximum value of 8. Estimates for all
random phase spectra can be added together to mimic
newborn EEG seizure model parameters are listed in
real random fluctuations [68].
Refs. [2, Chapter 16.2;68]. Formulation of Seizure EEG Simulator
5.4.2 Newborn Head Model
It is based on the (t, f ) non-stationary signal model
expressed as The newborn head consists basically of a scalp, skull,
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and a brain. The scalp is the soft
Q  ðt 
tissue enveloping the cranial vault containing the skull,
s(t) = aq (t) cos 2π fq (t) dt + qq , (5.39) CSF, and the brain. The skull is the bony structure the
q=1 0
mainly forming the head and protects inner soft tissues,
where aq(t), fq(t), and qq represent the amplitude modu- while the CSF is the clear, colorless body fluid seen in the
lation, time-varying IF function, and initial phase for the brain and spine; it provides the basic mechanical and
qth signal component, respectively. Equation 5.39 immunological protection to the brain. Finally, the brain,
accounts for all important (t, f ) characteristics of new- the main organ of the human nervous system, provides
born EEG seizures such as multiple components, piece- a coherent control over the body actions.
wise IF laws, and harmonic amplitude modulation Newborn head models, e.g., realistic or spherical, have
[2, Chapter 16.2;69]. been often used in various applications such as solving
The IF function fq(t) is modelled as a piecewise linear EEG forward and inverse problems, and validation of
function. The general form of a piecewise LFM function brain optical tomographic images [66,71–75]. Various
f (t), with NLFM pieces, is spherical models have been proposed in previous
 studies. Four sphere head models have been proposed
t − 0:5 Bnlfm +1 − Bnlfm
f (t) = (xnlfm t + Cnlfm ) rec , and adopted in Refs. [66,71,72] to mimic the newborn
nlfm  = 1
Bnlfm +1 − Bnlfm head by dividing it into four concentric spheres. This
( methodology is utilized in Ref. [66] for localizing seizure
fst nlfm = 1 dipole sources using a realistic head model to investigate
Cnlfm =
Bnlfm (xnlfm −1 − xnlfm ) + Cnlfm −1 nlfm ≥ 2, the utility of EEG source imaging in newborns with post-
(5.40) * Note that, (∀nLFM ) { nlfm ∈ ℕ | nlfm ≤ NLFM } ∃Bnlfm + 1 :Bnlfm + 1 ≥ Bnlfm.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 93

asphyxia seizures. In addition, it is used in Ref. [71] to

compare several spherical and realistic head modelling
techniques to produce an EEG forward solution from
current dipole sources. Finally, it appeared in Ref. [72] to
estimate the sensitivity of impedance measurement
configurations to bleeding in the brains of premature
newborns. In addition, other approaches, e.g., five-
sphere and isotropic/anisotropic multisphere models,
have been proposed in Refs. [73–75]. (a) (b)

FIGURE 5.10 Four-Sphere Head Model (a) Basic newborn head model (meshing resolution for each manifold
utilized in the (b) simulated newborn head is 32 × 32).
The ”four-sphere” approach, described in Ref. [72], is
utilized to build the newborn head model. It is adopted • Need for high computational power [71].
due to its reliability in mimicking the true newborn head.
• The need for dedicated software, as standard
All dimensions were selected from the inspection of
commercial programs, such as MATLAB, may
archived newborn MRI models. The four-sphere head
not solve 3D numerical problems, as required.
model divides the newborn head into four concentric
spheres, namely, scalp, skull, CSF, and brain, such that • The need for accurate conductivity measure-
S2brain ⊆ S2csf ⊆ S2skull ⊆ S2scalp , where S2 is a 2D manifold*, ment of all head regions and precise placement
centered at zero, with a radius of R. of EEG electrodes [66].
Figure 5.10 depicts a basic head model to illustrate the • The need for detailed head modelling, e.g., in
viewing perspective of front, back, and side views. including or excluding the fontanel [77,78].
Furthermore, Figure 5.11a illustrates the head model
in 3D and in 2D cross sections, showing the different Utilizing newborn mono-channel simulators simplifies
head regions with their dimensions shown in different the forward problem to become a matter of assigning
shades of grey scalp, skull, CSF, and finally the brain. relative amplitudes and delays to synthetic waveforms
Moreover, Figure 5.11b shows 21 EEG electrodes placed appearing on the four-sphere head model. Nevertheless,
on the scalp surface of the four-sphere head model this has to be done by considering the location of an EEG
in accordance with the international 10–20 system. source signal in a way that relative amplitudes and
It also depicts the right and left hemisphere electrodes, delays can be affected by the depth and properties of the
the mid-line electrodes, and the front and back brain structures through which the signal propagates.
electrodes. Constructing the EEG multichannel propagation model
assumes that
5.4.3 EEG Multichannel Propagation 1. Locations of electrodes and EEG source events
EEG propagation models describe how EEG signals are precisely known.
disperse and evolve through the different brain regions. 2. Head regions in the four-sphere head model,
They can attenuate, scatter, and/or modulate EEG S2brain , S2csf , S2skull , and S2scalp , have homogeneous
source signals. Constructing such models requires cal- stationary propagation properties.
culating the electrode potentials for a given source
(forward problem), or finding dipole parameters that 3. EEG events are represented by point sources
best describe measured potentials at the scalp electrodes inside the brain region S2brain .
(inverse problem). The forward problem has been 4. Background EEG patterns are stochastic; thus,
investigated using various methods such as combining they appear as random independent and iden-
both EEG and MRI to localize seizures in 3D space [66]; tically distributed (i.i.d.) processes on all chan-
using particle numerical models [74]; using electromag- nels.
netic source localization [75]; and using boundary 5. Seizure EEG patterns are not stochastic; conse-
element method, finite-element method, and finite dif- quently, the same pattern can appear on all
ference method [71,76–78]. All the aforementioned channels, but with different amplitudes and
methodologies have common pitfalls such as delays correlated with the EEG event location in
time and space.

* A 2D manifold S2 is a 3D sphere, such that S2 = {(x,y,z):x2 + y2 + z2 = Let us consider a single source signal s(t) having a sta-
R2}, where (x,y,z) ∈ ℝ3. tionary spatial location in 3D. The source signal energy
94 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

F8 T6
F4 P4
Fp2 O2
F Fz Cz Pz Oz

Fp1 O1
F3 P3
F7 T5

Scalp: Thickness = 2.9 mm CSF: Thickness = 3 mm Midline Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Front and back
Skull: Thickness = 6 mm Brain: Radius = 47.6 mm Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes
(a) (b)

Newborn four-sphere head model (meshing resolution for each manifold utilized in the four-sphere head is 32 × 32) (a) Cross sections in 3D and
2D top view (b) Placement of 21 EEG electrodes.

propagates through all brain regions to be picked up by an the set of signals recorded by the M electrodes, and s(t) =
electrode x(t, r) arbitrarily located at r, where r is the rel- ½s1 (t), s2 (t), ⋯, sn (t) T represents the set of n EEG
ative position of the electrode with respect to the source source signals. Note that r is omitted from the vector x(t) as
signal position. r = (x, y, z), where (x, y, z) ∈ S2scalp . x(t,r) all M electrodes have stationary spatial locations
and s(t) are related by the convolution operation, such that described by the subscript number. x(t) and s(t) are related
x(t, r) = h(t, r)∗s(t), as expressed by the following equation: by the convolution operation, such that x(t) = H(t, R)∗s(t),
ð∞ as shown below:
x(t, r) = h(t − t, r) s(t) dt, (5.42) ð∞
x(t) = H(t − t, R)  s(t) dt, (5.45)
where h(t,r) is the mono-channel impulse response that is −∞
responsible for two operations: attenuation using l(r)
and translation using d(t−f(r)) as described by the fol- H(t,R) is the multichannel impulse response matrix, mixing
lowing equation: matrix, described as

E H(t, R) = L(R)  F(t, R), (5.46)
h(t, r) = li (r) d (t − fi (r)), (5.43)
i=1 where R is a matrix containing the relative position
where d (t) is the vectors of all electrodes with respect to all source signals,
ð Dirac function that is defined as d (t) = 0
∞ i.e., the coefficient rij is the relative position of the ith
for t ≠ 0 and d (t) dt = 1, while f (r) is the time delay electrode with respect to the jth EEG source signal
exerted on s(t) when received by x(t, r), and E is the position. L(R) is the multichannel attenuation matrix,
number of received reflections. Assuming only line-of- while F(t, R) is the multichannel translation matrix; these
Sight propagation, E = 1, Equation 5.43 is simplified into two matrices can be expressed by
2 3
h(t, r) = l(r) d (t − f(r)): (5.44) l(r11 ) l(r12 ) ⋯ l(r1n )
6 7
6 l(r21 ) l(r22 ) ⋯ l(r2n ) 7
This is a valid assumption as propagation in biological 6 7
L(R) = 6 7, (5.47)
tissues damps most reflections, e.g., multiple reflections 6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
4 5
in ultrasound. Finally, note that h(t, r) is a linear time-
invariant space-variant system; thus, conventional signal l(rM1 ) l(rM2 ) ⋯ l(rMn )
processing techniques are adequate to be used for such 2 3
propagation model. d (t − f(r11 )) d (t − f(r12 )) ⋯ d (t − f(r1n ))
6 7
Equations 5.42 and 5.44 only describe the reception on 6 d (t − f(r21 )) d (t − f(r22 )) ⋯ d (t − f(r2n )) 7
6 7
one electrode, and thus an extension to the multichannel 6 7
F(t, R) = 6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7:
case needs to be formulated. Let us consider a multi- 7
6 7
channel EEG acquisition system that has M electrodes, 6 d (t − f(rM1 )) d (t − f(rM2 )) ⋯ d (t − f(rMn )) 7
4 5
attached on S2scalp according to the 10–20 international
standard, describing the propagation of n source signals
inside S2brain . x(t) = ½x1 (t), x2 (t), ⋯, xM (t) T represents (5.48)
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 95

H(t,R) is related to the lead-field matrix presented in TABLE 5.6

multiple previous studies such as in Ref [2, Chapter 8.1]
Optical Properties of the Head Model Regions
and Refs. [79,80]. The lead-field mixing matrix is com-
posed of two matrices that describe the source dipoles k Tissue Type μ(k)(cm−1) nk
location and orientation. Thus, both matrices carry 1 Brain 0.425 1.3
mixed information for attenuation and delay. However, 2 CSF 0.041 1.3
the mixing matrix H(t,R) separates such information into 3 Skull 0.16 1.3
two matrices. Thus, with respect to information, H(t,R) 4 Scalp 0.18 1.3
can be considered as a separable version of the lead-field
μ = absorption coefficient, n = refractive index, k = region
matrix. number. These values are verified and validated in Ref. [83]. Modelling Multichannel Attenuation Matrix (power transferred per unit area); therefore, a square
root is added to reflect the drop in amplitude.
The multichannel attenuation matrix L(R) can be mod- Table 5.6 summarizes the optical properties of the
elled using the radiation transport equation (RTE), newborn four-sphere head model. These values are used
which represents the dispersion and decay in light in Ref. [73], while some of them are also used in previous
intensity caused by absorption, scattering, and reflection studies [86–88]. Table 5.6 values simplify Equation 5.49
during propagation through biological tissues [73,81– by omitting the reflection terms (Equation 5.50), and by
84]. Although RTE is conventionally utilized for light assuming a unit initial intensity, the segmented propa-
and EEG is an electrical measurement, both signals obey gation path lengths ∥ r(k)
ij ∥ become the only unknowns.
the same fundamental laws of physics, e.g., absorption,
scattering, reflection, and the inverse square law [85].
Consequently, EEG power can be assumed to decay and Modelling Multichannel Translation Matrix
disperse according to the head tissues optical properties. The multichannel translation matrix F(t,R) can be cal-
In Ref. [81], RTE is used to verify reported tissue culated by knowing the signal travelled distance
optical properties, while in Ref. [82], it is used to discuss through each head region, and its propagation speed. As
both strongly scattering tissues and weakly scattering newborn EEG propagation speed is not precisely known
high-transparent tissues. Moreover, in Refs. [83,84], RTE (to the authors’ best knowledge at the time of the pub-
is adopted to investigate the effects of the newborn lication), adult EEG propagation speed is used: one of its
fontanel by predicting the photon propagation using a characteristics is that it varies over several orders of
Monte Carlo approach. Another utilization of RTE is in magnitude [89–91]. A previous study proposed that
Ref. [73], where authors have used absorption coeffi- EEG propagation speed varies uniformly from 0.1 to
cients, reduced scattering coefficients, and refractive 100 mm/s [89]. Another study suggested that after-
indices from Ref. [83] to model the photon transport. discharges can propagate with relative uniform speed
Elements of the multichannel attenuation matrix L(R) and are independent of the speed of the EEG waveform
are given in Equation 5.49 by adopting RTE for K head (20–100 mm/s) [90]. Another experiment showed how
regions. anxiety level can change the EEG propagation speed in
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Ref. [91].
u K−1 !ffi
u Y  X K Elements of the multichannel translation matrix F(t,R)
l(rij ) = tIo 1 − R(k+1) k exp − μ(k) ‖ r(k) ij ‖ , (5.49) are given for all K head regions as
k=1 k=1 0 2 31
XK ‖ r(k)
ij ‖
where d (t − f(rij )) = d @t − 4
(k) (r)
5A, (5.51)

nk − nk+1
k = , (5.50) where v(k)(r) is the EEG propagation speed at an arbi-
nk + nk+1
trarily r in the kth head region. Calculations are carried
Io is the initial signal intensity; R(k+1) is the Fresnel out using the mean propagation speed* of EEG in Ref.
reflection coefficient at the normal beam incidence [90], which is chosen as 0.6 mm/s. Hence, ∥ r(k)
ij ∥ are now
between regions k and k + 1; μ(k) is the absorption coef- the only unknowns in Equation 5.51, matching the
ficient of region k; ∥ r(k) unknowns of the multichannel attenuation matrix L(R)
ij ∥ is the signal path length when
propagating from the jth source signal to the ith elec- in Equation 5.49.
trode through the kth head region; and finally nk and nk+1
* Since all the head model regions have the same refraction index n
are the refractive indices of regions k and k + 1, respec- (Table 5.6), EEG propagation speed v(k) (r) is independent of head
tively. RTE generally describes the drop in intensity regions and space, such that v(k) (r) = v.
96 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data Solving for Multichannel Path Lengths projections of the receiving electrode on every
inner region.
Computing the multichannel attenuation and translation
matrices, L(R) and F(t,R), requires calculating the seg- 7. Solve for ∥ r(1)
ij ∥ by calculating the magnitude of
mented propagation path lengths ∥ r(k) ij ∥ in 3D. The region 1 ghost vector ∥AB∥, and for ∥ r(2)
ij ∥ by
problem needs first to be simplified by reducing its calculating the magnitude difference between
column space to 2D and the number of regions to two regions 2 and 1 ghost vectors ∥AC∥−∥AB∥.
(K = 2). After solving this simplified case, the solution
can then be extended to the general 3D case with K head The aforementioned procedure can be used to simul-
regions. taneously calculate all ∥ r(k)
ij ∥ for any number of con-
Figure 5.12 depicts a methodology for solving the centric circular regions K. Furthermore, the solution
segmented propagation path lengths problem in 2D. space can be extended to 3D by replacing the line-and-
It illustrates a seizure event occurring inside two con- circle intersection method with line and sphere, as the
centric disks, composed of different materials. The problem would consist of concentric spheres rather than
seizure event energy spreads out radially and is picked circles. In addition, it can be used to solve ∥ r(k)
ij ∥ in the
up by a single electrode attached at the surface of region multichannel case by solving each relative distance
2. The following steps summarize the solution approach: independently, as if it is a mono-sensor case.

1. Create an arbitrary line that passes through the

EEG event location A. This will be the reference Generating Multichannel Background
for all angle calculations. and Seizure Patterns
2. Create a vector AC originating from A and Background EEG waveforms are independent multi-
ending up at the receiving electrode location C. channel stochastic processes, i.e., s(t) = ½S1 , S2 , ⋯, Sn T ,
3. Create an infinite line L, where AC ⊆ L. where Si is a random process appearing on the ith
channel. Consequently, in the case of background EEG
4. Find all intersection points V between L and the simulation, Equation 5.47 is adjusted, to respect the i.i.d.
e C).
two regions circular surfaces V = (B, C, B, property, by equating the number of source signals n to
5. Create “ghost” vectors originating from A and the number of sensors M, and by omitting all inter-
ending up at V (AB, AC, AB, e
e AC). dependencies in the multichannel attenuation matrix
L(R) such that
6. Keep all intersection points in V that creates a 2 3
ghost vector in the direction of AC (B, C). l(r11 ) 0 ⋯ 0
These points are ghost electrodes that represent 6 7
6 0 l(r22 ) ⋯ 0 7
6 7
LB (R) = 6 7: (5.52)
6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
4 5
Region 2
0 0 ⋯ l(rMn )
Region 1 Moreover, relative delays are not needed when simu-
(2) lating background source signals, as they are i.i.d.


C random processes. Thus, the multichannel translation

B matrix F(t,R) (Equation 5.48) is modified to account for
this variation as shown in the following:
(1) 2 3
d (t) 0 ⋯ 0

6 7
A Reference 6 0 d (t) ⋯ 0 7
~ 6 7
B line FB (t, R) = 6 7: (5.53)
6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
4 5
0 0 ⋯ d (t)

FIGURE 5.12 On the other hand, seizure EEG signals are not sto-
Solving for ∥ r(k)
ij ∥ in two concentric disks. A, B, and C are respectively chastic [66]; consequently, the same pattern is imposed
the seizure event, ghost electrode, and receiving electrode locations; on most channels, but with different amplitudes and
e and C
B e are the locations of irrelevant intersection points; ∥ r(1) ∥ and
ij delays (n = 1), i.e., s(t) = [s1(t)]. Thus, in the case of seizure
∥ r(2)
ij ∥ are the signal propagation path lengths in regions 1 and 2; s(t) simulation, the multichannel attenuation L(R) and
is the EEG source signal; and x(t) is the received signal. translation F(t,R) matrices are modified to contain one
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 97

steering vector as expressed by originating location of background source signals, rb, has
2 3 to be random, but confined within S2brain . This is impor-
l(r11 )
6 7 tant to ensure its spatial stochasticity as well as its broad
6 l(r21 ) 7 dispersion of energy through all channels [66]. On the
6 7
LS (R) = 6 7, (5.54) other hand, the originating location of the seizure source
6 ⋮ 7
4 5 signals rs has to be within the cortex, away from the
l(rM1 ) center of the brain and its edges. This is crucial to ensure
its directional dispersion of energy and localized oscil-
2 3 latory behavior [66].
d (t − f(r11 ))
6 7 Figure 5.13 depicts location permutations for both
6 d (t − f(r21 )) 7
6 7 background and seizure source signals. They are char-
FS (t, R) = 6 7: (5.55)
6 ⋮ 7 acterized by a northern hemispheric 3D uniform distri-
4 5
bution centered at zero with a radius of 3.76 cm (1 cm
d (t − f(rM1 )) less than the brain outer shell radius). Background
The aforementioned characteristics imply that the IF- events locations are confined to an inner hemispheric
based background simulator has to be excited M times region with a 1-cm radius, while seizure event locations
to generate M stochastic EEG source signals, while are located in the complementary region of the total
the seizure simulator has to be excited only once. The hemisphere.
Amplitude spatial distribution of nine randomly
located background and seizure epochs are illustrated in
Figure 5.14. These distributions are calculated by com-
puting the attenuation matrix factor L(R) on every point
located on S2scalp . Note that the depicted distributions are
not visually distorted by projection. They illustrate the
top view of a 4D solution, where the fourth dimension
(amplitude) is mapped by color. Results confirm the
direction of amplitude dispersion for both background
and seizure epochs, where background amplitudes are
stochastic, while seizure amplitudes are directional.
Background event locations Seizure event locations

FIGURE 5.13 Assumptions and Functionality of the Model

Normal and abnormal source signals locations. Real brain atlas is
shown on the left to facilitate visualizing the location of background Constructing a complete multichannel EEG waveform
and seizure source signals. composed of background and seizure epochs requires a


1.15 1.6


1 1.2


0.85 0.8

(a) (b)

Amplitude spatial distribution of different EEG epochs (a) Background EEG (b) Seizure EEG.
98 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

time-domain binary mask, containing ones when seizure presented in Figure 5.15. The duration, start, and end of
is present, and zeros otherwise. A user-defined mask is all seizure epochs are illustrated by highlighting the
utilized to produce EEG patterns matching their prefer- multichannel waveform, while their location in space is
ence (w.r.t. seizure or background patterns). Construc- depicted by the two amplitude distributions attached on
tion of the multichannel EEG model assumes the Figure 5.16b.
following about the supplied mask: Validating the Multichannel EEG Model
1. Seizure “birth” or start is determined by the
start of the first seizure pattern that shows on The generated multichannel EEG signals can be vali-
any of the channels. dated by exploiting EEG cross-channel properties. Pre-
2. Seizure “death” or end is determined by the end vious studies have shown that EEG cross-channel
of the last seizure pattern occurring on any of correlation and cross-channel causality measurements
the channels. can be utilized as classifying features [2, Chapter 16.4].
Figure 5.17 demonstrates (t, f ) correlation matrices of
3. The birth and death of a background epoch is
four different EEG epochs. The first column (plots a and
determined by the observed absence of a seizure
c) depicts the correlation matrices of simulated and real
pattern on all the EEG channels simultaneously.
background epochs. They illustrate a random behavior,
4. Seizure source signal location changes at the which corresponds to the i.i.d. property of background
beginning of every indicated seizure. EEG. Moreover, the second column (plots b and d)
5. The locations of the background sources are illustrates the correlation matrices of real and simulated
random and change every 1 second, ensuring its seizure epochs. They clearly show a distinct pattern,
stochasticity. when compared to background EEG, that implies cross-
channel dependencies. Note that, in the proposed model,
Example: Figure 5.15 depicts 32 seconds of simulated simulated seizures are random; thus, these results do not
multichannel background and seizure epochs, received imply an exact correspondence with real EEG, but rather
on 21 electrodes (corresponding to 20 channels), on the a clear connection between the two cross-channel prop-
four-sphere head model, respectively. Results in Figure erties, and emphasizing their validity for different
5.15a validate the stochastic behavior of background applications.
EEG, as the resultant waveform varies across electrodes,
through time, and through space. On the other hand,
5.4.4 EEG Quality Measure
Figure 5.15b depicts the attenuation and delay across
every channel, and the different seizure epochs gener- The development of an EEG quality measure is impor-
ated according to the supplied EEG mask. Furthermore, tant because it can provide objective quantitative infor-
Figure 5.16a shows a complete multichannel EEG signal, mation regarding the quality of the newborn EEG.
which is the summation of the multichannel components This measure should be able to be interpreted by

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(a) Time (s) (b) Time (s)

Simulated multichannel newborn EEG components. EEG mask is shown at the bottom of (b) in black showing where seizures start and finish.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 99

Seizure 1
F4 Seizure 2
F8 location
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (s)
(a) (b)

(a) Simulated multichannel newborn EEG. Seizure epochs are highlighted. The first highlighted part corresponds to Seizure 1 and the second
highlighted part to Seizure 2. The two plots in (b) show the location of each seizure, respectively (standard minimum duration of a seizure: 10 s).

Time-frequency correlation matrices Validation of Real EEG with Simulated Artefacts
It is quite difficult to compare different artefact removal
15 methods based on their efficiency in removing artefacts
Channel #

since there is no current standard and very few quan-

10 titative evaluations have been reported in previous
studies. Most of the published articles evaluate them in
5 terms of qualitative plots. In addition, very few of them
quantify the distortion to desired EEG signals due to
(a) (b) removal effect. The most difficult point for evaluating
20 the performance of algorithms for artefact removal
purpose is that the clean EEG signal is not known
15 a priori. One solution to overcome this problem is to
Channel #

create simulated artefacts to be added to clean real or

10 simulated EEG data. In Ref. [92], the authors proposed a
model of EEG signal. From another point of view, it is
better to use real EEG signal with simulated artefacts
because it is harder to mimic all the behaviors of EEG
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 signal. The most used metric to assess artefact removal
(c) Channel # (d) Channel #
algorithms is the signal-to-artefact ratio (SAR). Let xl be
the signal recorded from the lth sensor such that xl = [xl
TF correlation matrices for simulated and real multichannel newborn (1),…,xl(N)]; then the EEG data matrix X is given by X =
EEG. Note that electrode Fpz is omitted from the simulation to match ½xT1 xT2 … xTM T , where N is the number of samples and M
the real data. (a) Simulated Background, (b) Simulated Seizure, (c) Real is the number of channels. This matrix is considered as a
Background, (d) Real Seizure. superposition of the signal of interest X(s) and the arte-
fact components X(a) such as
neurophysiologists and automated newborn EEG anal-
ysis, and should be able to differentiate between clean X = X(s) + X(a), (5.56)
EEG and contaminated EEG. Let us present in this
section a model of artefacts to validate two different where X is defined such that each row corresponds
quality measures. to one measured EEG channel. X(s) and X(a) are then
100 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

defined in a similar way. Then, the SAR for channel l is modelled as a spike train with Gaussian pdf [99], such
defined by [93] that
0X  2 1
N  (s)  ECGS(t) = g(t) + n(t), (5.60)
 x ½n  C
B n=1 l
SARl = 10 log10 @ X  2 A: (5.57)
N  (a)  where g(t) is defined by

n=1 l
x ½n 
8 n
<1 ; t=
The normalized mean square error (NMSE) is another g(t) = f e (5.61)
popular metric that can be used to assess the effective- 0 ; otherwise,
ness of an artefact removal method; it measures the error
h between the channel estimate ^x(s) l and the clean signal fe is the frequency of the spike train, and n(t) is a white
l [94,95]: Gaussian noise. The frequency of the spike train is set to
0 2X   31 1 Hz in Ref. [97], 2.5 Hz in Ref. [98], and 1.2 Hz in Ref.
N  (s) (s) 2
x − x l  7C [99]. In this work, fe is chosen as 1 Hz, as Ref. [97] is the
B 6 n=1 l
hi = 10 log10 @E4 X  2 5A: (5.58) most recent publication and it is the closest to Ref. [99],
N  (s) 
 x l ½n  where the study dealt with newborn EEG artefacts.

To evaluate the artefact removal algorithms, a model Short-Time High-Amplitude

of artefact was developed which is described next. The STHA artefact can correspond to burst suppression
patterns appearing in recorded EEG, and can also cor-
respond to the patient and/or electrode movements Model of Artefact
[99,100]. STHA is characterized by periods of high elec-
Newborn EEG artefacts can be modelled by combining trical activities alternating with periods of no activities;
the various different contaminating signals that corrupt thus, it is modelled using a heavy-tailed noise [101], such
multichannel EEG waveforms. Blood vessel pulsation that
(BVP), ECG spikes (ECGS), and short-time high-
STHA(t) = nh (t), (5.62)
amplitude (STHA) artefacts are chosen as the contami-
nation signals. These physiological artefacts are chosen
where nh(t) is a Levy stable symmetrical stochastic
because of their unique behavior in mimicking EEG
process with characteristic function parameters taken
seizure patterns [30,96].
from Ref. [102]. Blood Vessel Pulsation Automatic generation of real EEG corrupted by sim-
ulated artefacts was developed, where one can control
This corresponds to a pulsation effect induced on elec-
the number of contaminated segments, the time duration
trodes that are close to a blood vessel. It can be repre-
of the artefacts, and the number of corrupted electrodes,
sented by a continuous oscillatory Gaussian signal,
such that
highly correlated in time, but uncorrelated to other
components in the EEG signal [96,97]. The BVP can be
i = BVPi + ECGSi + STHAi : (5.63)
modelled as a sine wave with a Gaussian additive noise,
and a frequency close to the heart rate of newborns [98],
such that Validation for Real EEG with Real Artefact
BVP(t) = sin (2πfBVP t) + n(t), (5.59)
From a classification point of view, one can use a metric
where fBVP is the pulsation frequency, and n(t) is a white
based on the machine learning outputs. After classify-
Gaussian noise. The additive noise n(t) forces the prob-
ing the segment into one of the following categories:
ability distribution of BVP(t) to take a bell shape and to
(1) background, (2) seizure, or (3) artefact, one can assess
simulate the noisy nature of the BVP artefactual signal.
the quality of EEG recordings in a database using the
The pulsation frequency fBVP of the sine wave is set to
following ratio:
2 Hz, as recommended in Refs. [97,98].
Nb + Ns ECG Spikes Q= , (5.64)
This represents the corrupted QRS complexes of the ECG
as picked up by an electrode when placed in the vicinity where Nb is the number of segments classified as back-
of a blood vessel. It appears as a train of sharp pulses, ground, Ns is the number of segments classified as
which is not strictly periodic but correlated with the seizure, and finally Na is the number of segments clas-
newborn heart rate [97,98]. The ECGS artefact can be sified as artefacts.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 101

5.5 Discussion of Results for Stage 1 TFDs Used in the Experiments and Their
Experiments Parameters (See Also Table 5.1)

5.5.1 Newborn EEG Abnormality Detection Using Distribution Parameters

TF-Based Features WVD N/A
This section presents and discusses the results of utiliz- SWVD w[n]:Hamming,
samples long
ing selected TF features for the detection of artefacts and CWD s=5
abnormalities in newborn EEG signals. In order to N
SPEC w[n]:Hamming, samples long
minimize the length of the chapter, only the results for 4
EEG seizure detection are presented. More details can be MBD b = 0.01
found in Ref. [45]. EMBD a = 0.9, b = 0.01 Selected Features

Among the (t, f ) features presented in Section 5.3.4, the t-Domain and f-Domain Features Used for Automatic
selected subset of features is listed in Table 5.7. The (t, f ) Detection of Artefacts and Seizures in Newborn EEG Signals
features were extracted from the images of EEG signals
Class Feature Name Formula
formed by QTFDs. The list of the TFDs used in these
experiments and the values of their parameters are given f-Domain Spectral flux F1 = FL( f )
in Table 5.8. Note that the selected values for the Spectral flatness F2 = SF( f )
Spectral entropy F3 = SE( f )
t-Domain features Mean T1 = m(t)
TABLE 5.7 2
Variance T2 = s(t)
TF Feature Set Used for Automatic Detection of Artefacts
Skewness T3 = g(t)
and Seizures in Newborn EEG Signals
Kurtosis T4 = k(t)
Class Feature Name Formula Coefficient of variation T5 = c(t)
Extended f-domain (t, f ) flux TF1 = FL(t, f ) Note: Ti and Fi mean are the ith t-domain and f-domain features,
features (t, f ) flatness TF2 = SF(t, f ) respectively.
Renyi entropy TF3 = RE(t, f )
Extended t-domain Mean TF4 = m(t, f) parameters of TFDs are the standard ones for which
features Variance 2
TF5 = s(t, these TFDs demonstrated good performances in EEG

Skewness TF6 = g(t, f ) signals analysis [1,2,46].

Kurtosis TF7 = k(t, f) In order to compare their performance with their t-
Coefficient of TF8 = c(t, f ) domain and f-domain feature counterparts, the features
variation listed in Table 5.9 were also extracted from the EEG
Inherent (t, f ) Mean of the IF 1 XN signals.
TF9 = f ½n
n=1 zx
features N
Deviation of the IF TF10 = max( fzx[n])−min
( fzx[n]) Seizure Detection Results
Maximum of singular TF11 = max (s1 ,:::,sN )
values Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing
Complexity measure TF12 = CM This experiment used the database described in Section
Mean of Swr 1 XR 5.3.1 using a subset of five newborns. The EEG signals
TF13 = S
R r=1 wr
were first inspected visually by an EEG expert to remove
Standard deviation of TF14 = std(Sw1,...,Swr) highly artefactual segments. The channel fusion method-
S wr
ology is used. A set of 80 non-overlapping seizure seg-
Mean of Shr 1 XR
TF15 = S
r=1 hr
ments and 80 non-overlapping non-seizure segments of
Standard deviation of TF16 = std(Sh1,...,Shr) length 8 seconds were selected and extracted randomly.
TFD concentration TF17 = M ROC Analysis
measure All the features listed in Tables 5.7 and 5.9 were extracted
 1 ,:::,S
Note: TFi is the ith (t, f ) feature; fzx[n] is the IF of x[n]; S N are the from the TFD of x[n] obtained using channel fusion, and
normalized singular values of the matrix rzx; and Swr and Shr are for each feature, ROC analysis was performed and AUC
the sparsity of the base and coefficient vectors of rzx, respectively. values were calculated as summarized in Table 5.10.
102 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 5.10
ROC Analysis Results of the (t, f ), t-Domain, and f-Domain Features for Seizures Detection in Newborn EEG
(t, f ) TFD Original t- or f-
Feature Domain Feature
(See Table 5.7) WVD SWVD CWD SPEC MBD EMBD (See Table 5.9)
TF1 0.67 0.64 0.70 0.67 0.65 0.73 0.54 (F1)
TF2 0.67 0.67 0.71 0.74 0.62 0.60 0.54 (F2)
TF3 0.79 0.85 0.80 0.85 0.88 0.52 0.90 (F3)
TF4 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.53 (T1)
TF5 0.64 0.62 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.60 0.66 (T2)
TF6 0.79 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.80 0.52 0.53 (T3)
TF7 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.79 0.79 0.51 0.65 (T4)
TF8 0.73 0.92 0.83 0.86 0.92 0.52 0.51 (T5)
TF9 0.52 0.92 0.62 0.70 0.83 0.59 N/A
TF10 0.51 0.53 0.51 0.57 0.52 0.52
TF11 0.57 0.55 0.57 0.59 0.55 0.60
TF12 0.64 0.78 0.83 0.83 0.79 0.83
TF13 0.89 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.93 0.89
TF14 0.51 0.53 0.68 0.53 0.52 0.58
TF15 0.60 0.79 0.83 0.85 0.83 0.83
TF16 0.54 0.79 0.55 0.69 0.62 0.62
TF17 0.64 0.54 0.59 0.59 0.57 0.61

It can be observed that the feature TF13, i.e., the The results show that SVM with the combined feature
average of the base vectors of rzx, extracted from the set FV1 gives a total accuracy of 86.88%. This is mainly
SWVD outperforms other features. The results show that explained by the presence of the signal power and its
most extended (t, f ) features give better performance spectral entropy (i.e., T2 and F3, respectively) in the
than their t-domain or f-domain counterparts. For illus- feature set, i.e., the features that are very discriminative
tration, box plots of the (t, f ) features TF1 and TF6 and between seizure and non-seizure classes [103]. However,
their t-domain or f-domain counterparts (i.e., F1 and T3, the use of the combined (t, f ) feature set FV2 yields a
respectively) for seizure and non-seizure segments are better performance (up to 7% higher total accuracy)
shown in Figure 5.18. The box plots show that the fea- compared to FV1. The results also show that the best
tures TF1 and TF6 allow for better discrimination performing classifier yields a total accuracy of 93.75%
between the two classes. The AUC scores in Table 5.10 and high SEN and SPE, and it uses the (t, f ) feature
also show that some features, e.g., TF10 (deviation of the vector FV2 extracted from the SWVD of EEG signals.
IF), fail to discriminate between seizure and non-seizure
segments. The results indicate that the selection of the
5.5.2 Newborn EEG Abnormality Detection Using (t, f )
best performing (t, f ) features depends on the choice of
Matched Filters
TFD used to represent the signal x[n] in the (t, f ) domain.
For example, if one chooses the SWVD for transforming The methodology described in Section 5.3.5 can be used
the signal to the (t, f ) domain, then the features TF8, TF9, for the detection and classification of different newborn
and TF13 are the best performing ones with AUCs ≥ 0.92. EEG abnormalities such as seizures, burst and suppres-
sion patterns, as well as artefacts. However, this needs a Classification thorough data analysis in order to find the templates that
Three feature sets, FV1 = fFi g3i=1 ∪ fTi g5i=1 , FV2 = fTFi g8i=1 , best represent those patterns. In this section, only the
and FV3 = fTFi g17i=9 , were used to train three SVMs. results of a TFMF-based approach for newborn EEG
A leave-one-out cross-validation was used to evaluate seizure detection are presented. More details can be
the performance of the classifiers. Table 5.11 shows the found in Ref. [60].
values of the statistical parameters of the SVM-based Based on the findings of previous studies, the problem
classifier used for detecting newborn EEG seizures for of newborn seizure detection can be formulated as
the different feature sets and for different TFDs. Equation 5.25 in which x(t) is the EEG signal and s(t) is a
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 103

TF1 extracted from signals’ EMBDs F1 extracted from signals’ spectrums


5 6

4.5 5

3.5 3.5

Seizures Non-seizures Seizures Non-seizures
TF6 extracted from signals’ MBDs T3 extracted from signals’ t-domain rep.
12 2.5

11 2
Seizures Non-seizures Seizures Non-seizures

Box plots of four chosen features showing improved discrimination between seizure and non-seizure segments using the extended t-domain and
f-domain features. Top: (left) TF1 extracted from the EMBD and (right) F1 extracted from the signal spectrum for seizure and non-seizure
segments. Bottom: (left) TF6 extracted from the MBD and (right) T3 extracted from the signal t-domain representation for seizure and non-seizure
segments. TF1 is the extended version of F1, and TF6 is the extended version of T3.

TABLE 5.11
Newborn EEG Seizure Detection Results in the Case of SVMs Trained with the (t, f ), t-Domain,
and f-Domain Features (See Tables 5.7 and 5.9 for the List of Features)
SVM Statistical Parameters (%)
t- and f-domains features, N/A 92.50 81.25 85.07 92.58 86.88
FV1 = fFi g3i=1 ∪ fTi g5i=1
(t, f ) extended t- and f-domains WVD 83.75 92.50 92.50 86.35 88.13
features, FV2 = fTFi g8i=1 SWVD 95.00 92.50 93.24 95.19 93.75
CWD 86.25 97.50 97.57 89.30 91.88
SPEC 86.25 95.00 95.42 89.42 90.63
MBD 91.25 91.25 92.09 92.06 91.25
EMBD 57.50 76.25 66.77 67.62 66.88
Complementary (t, f ) features, WVD 86.25 83.75 84.23 87.93 85.00
FV3 = fTFi g17
i=9 SWVD 93.75 90.00 91.67 94.62 91.88
CWD 95.00 90.00 91.46 95.67 92.50
SPEC 93.75 92.50 92.92 94.09 93.13
MBD 93.75 87.50 89.68 94.62 90.63
EMBD 98.75 76.25 82.02 98.33 87.50
104 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 5.12 Let us now consider an EEG seizure signal with both
spike and LFM (almost tone) characteristics that is
AUC Scores of the WVD- and XWVD-Based TFMFs
sampled at fs = 32 Hz. The MDD here again outperforms
in Detecting Seizures in Multichannel Newborn EEG
in terms of auto-term energy resolution and cross-term
Method TFD Kernel WVD SWVD SPEC MBD EMBD suppression. Figure 5.20 shows that the EMBD and CKD
WVD-based 0.87 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.67 cannot concentrate the energy of the auto-terms for both
XWVD-based 0.88 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.88 tones and spikes after suppression of the cross-terms.
The radially kernel Gaussian [104] method gives high-
energy concentration for tones but fails to represent the
piecewise LFM signal with unknown time delay and/or auto-term energy for spikes.
frequency shift. Since the parameters of the LFM signals Results on simulated signals show that the MDD
(i.e., time duration and slope of each piece of s(t)) are not outperforms the state of the art w.r.t. subjective visuali-
known and may be different for each EEG epoch, a zation and Boashash–Susic criterion (for more details,
template set r(t) composed of NLFM piecewise LFM see Ref. [2, Section 7.4]) and also in terms of visual per-
signals can be used, i.e., r(t) = frj (t)gN ception. Results on real EEG signals also validate the
j=1 . Also, since the

improved performance as the artefactual cross-terms are

joint pdf of time delay and frequency shift of s(t) is not
attenuated while maintaining a good resolution.
known either, the kernel of the TFD needs to be found
Two TFMFs based on the WVD and XWVD (with the 5.6.2 Machine Learning
test statistics given in Equations 5.30a and 5.31) were
This study assessed three separate classifiers using all
used with a template set composed of only three LFM
features*: (1) SVM, (2) ANN, and (3) random forest (RF).
signals (NLFM = 3), and a multichannel decision fusion
The outcome resulted in selecting SVM because it gives
was achieved by combining the independent decisions of
the best performance with respect to accuracy and its
the different EEG channels. The performance of the two
generalization ability [105]. Then, two different
TFMFs was evaluated using the database described in
multiclass strategies are compared, the one vs. one and
the one vs. all methodologies [106]. The two parameters
The AUC scores for the WVD- and XWVD-based
for an RBF kernel, C and s, are selected using a grid-
detectors with different (t, f ) kernels are given in Table
search strategy [105,106]. The parameter values that
5.12. Note that with the WVD as the (t, f ) kernel, the
gave the highest accuracy are chosen. So, for each con-
WVD-based TFMF becomes the QMF, which has similar
figuration, the set parameters C and s are different.
performance as the time-domain matched filter.
This experiment uses an SVM classifier with RBF
The results imply that the XWVD-based TFMF (with
kernel. The parameters C and s of this kernel have been
highest AUC score of 0.95) outperforms the one based on
optimized using a grid-search methodology [105,106].
the WVD (with highest AUC score of 0.89) and the QMF
Finally in the case of multiclass problem, one vs. one and
(with the AUC score of 0.87). The MBD kernel shows
one vs. all methodologies are compared [106]. The clas-
higher detection accuracy than other kernels.
sifier performance is assessed using SEN, SPE, and ACC.
These quality measures are computed using the leave-
one-patient-out cross-validation approach by using
segments from one patient for testing, and training is
carried out using the segment from other patients. This
5.6 Results for Stage 2 Experiments process is repeated for each patient in the database so
that the segments corresponding to each patient are used
5.6.1 High-Resolution TFDs: Multidirectional
once for validation. Feature fusion and/or channel
fusion approaches are compared. For both feature
Let us consider a four-component signal composed of extraction methods, TFDs used for signal representation
two tones and two parallel LFM signals with different are the EMBD with parameters a = 0.05 and b = 0.05;
durations, births and deaths. Figure 5.19 shows that for CKD with parameters c = 1, D = 0.04, and E = 0.04; the
such signal, the MDD (Figure 5.19f) outperforms all the spectrogram with Hamming window length 65 samples
other considered TFDs. The MDD kernel performs better (2 seconds); the SM with hamming window length 127
in this case because it can follow the directions of auto- samples (3.94 seconds) and a rectangular window P of
terms (as indicated by Equation 5.12). The CKD does not length 3; and the WVD. The selected TFD parameters are
give a high concentration of auto-terms energy without
being affected by cross-terms, because the auto-term * This is because the feature selection step is a very time-consuming
components have different directions. task, and it is not needed to apply this method to all the classifiers.
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 105

250 250

200 200
Time (s)


Time (s)

100 100

50 50

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)

250 250

200 200
Time (s)

Time (s)
150 150

100 100

50 50

0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
(c) Frequency (Hz) (d) Frequency (Hz)

250 250

200 200
Time (s)

Time (s)

150 150

100 100

50 50

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(e) Frequency (Hz) (f ) Frequency (Hz)

TFDs of a simulated FM multicomponent signal: (a) WVD, (b) spectrogram (hamming window of length 85), (c) S-method (Hanning window, L =
6, N = 85, overlap N = 84, FFTN = 512), (d) EMBD (a = 0.18 and b = 0.24), (e) CKD (c = 1, D = 0.19, E = 0.12), and (f) MDD. A threshold of 5% of the
maximum of each TFD is applied for a better visualization.
106 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
Time (s)

Time (s)
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
(a) Frequency (Hz) (b) Frequency (Hz)

8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
Time (s)

Time (s)
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
(c) Frequency (Hz) (d) Frequency (Hz)

TF plot of a real newborn EEG seizure signal composed of a tone (pseudo-sinusoid) and spikes. (a) Radially kernel Gaussian method (a = 2),
(b) MDD, (c) EMBD (a = 0.1, b = 0.2), and (d) CKD (c = 1, D = 0.075, E = 0.075). A threshold of 5% of the maximum of each TFD is applied for a
better visualization.

chosen to maximize the mean AUC [2,45]. The extracted TABLE 5.13
features are fed to the SVM classifier for detecting
Definition of the Abbreviation Use in This Section
seizure activity. This experiment considers both com-
bined background and artefacts as one class and sei- Class Feature Abbreviation Feature Name
zures as another class (resulting in a binary classification Signal-related S1 TF flux (l = 0, m = 1)
approach). Different set of features are used and features S2 TF flux (l = 1, m = 0)
are described in Table 5.13. The classification results, S3 TF flux (l = 1, m = 1)
reported in Table 5.14, show that S4 TF flatness
S5 Energy concentration
1. For all TFDs considered, signal-related features S6 Normalized Renyi entropy
result in a better performance than image or IF1 (IA1) Mean of the IF (IA)
statistical features. IF2 (IA2) Variance of the IF (IA)
2. Among all TFDs considered, considering all IF3 (IA3) Skewness of the IF (IA)
features, the CKD yields the best classification IF4 (IA4) Kurtosis of the IF (IA)
performance with total accuracy 82.02%. Statistical T1 Mean of the TF plane
features T2 Variance of the TF plane
3. The feature fusion approach systematically
T3 Skewness of the TF plane
results in better classification results for all
T4 Kurtosis of the TF plane
considered TFDs and all selected sets of TF
T5 Coefficient of variation
Image features I1 Area
A second multiclass approach is assessed to detect I2 Centroid along t-axis
seizures in the presence of both background and arte- I3 Centroid along f-axis
facts; it labels seizures, artefacts, and background I4 Perimeter
as different classes. Multiclass signal classification I5 Compactness
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 107

TABLE 5.14 TABLE 5.15

Seizure Detection Experimental Results in the Case Seizure Detection Experimental Results Obtained Using
of Binary Classification the CKD by Taking a Spatial Averaging of Features
with Multiclass Classification and Sequential Forward
Feature Selection
EMBD 1 85.12% (71.42%) 73.89% (73.02%) 80.93% (72.60%)
Rule Method SEN SPE ACC
2 84.45% (75.80%) 61.26% (69.52%) 67.45% (71.20%)
3 83.52% (84.14%) 69.26% (58.92%) 73.06% (65.65%) ACC Binary 76.31% 89.12% 85.70%
4 79.20% (72.30%) 80.67% (78.89%) 80.27% (77.13%) 1 vs 1 76.93% 90.13% 86.61%
WVD 1 85.12% (74.67%) 71.69% (75.35%) 75.27% (75.16%) 1 vs all 74.43% 90.48% 85.93%
2 87.02% (87.13%) 44.79%(37.50%) 56.06% (50.74%) Eq.(1.65) Binary 84.6% 84.39% 84.45%
3 74.82% (62.77%) 35.07% (63.06%) 45.67% (62.98%) 1 vs 1 84.09% 84.25% 84.20%
4 80.69% (75.13%) 73.81% (76.23%) 75.65% (75.93%) 1 vs all 85.12% 84.36% 84.56%
Spec 1 83.83% (76.57%) 76.19% (73.92%) 78.23% (74.63%) Note: Two separate criteria are considered for feature selection. The
2 85.89% (87.90%) 64.07% (36.12%) 69.89% (49.93%) first one maximizes the total accuracy while the second is given
3 83.06% (72.55%) 55.94% (56.03%) 63.17% (60.44%) in Equation 5.69.
4 79.51% (65.50%) 80.12% (79.36%) 79.96% (75.66%)
CKD 1 85.48% (79.09%) 76.23% (70.40%) 78.70% (72.72%)
2 85.02% (85.12%) 64.61% (54.35%) 70.05% (62.55%)
TABLE 5.16
3 81.87% (81.46%) 65.68% (55.25%) 70.00% (62.24%)
4 80.79% (67.46%) 82.47% (81.92%) 82.02% (78.06%) Selected Features for the Six Cases Defined in Table 5.15
SM 1 81.82% (75.13%) 77.07% (72.56%) 78.34% (73.24%) Rule Method Selected Features
2 84.86% (87.44%) 39.30% (37.52%) 51.46% (50.84%)
ACC Binary S1,S3,S5,S6,T1,T2,T4,T5,I1,I2,IF1,IA1,IF2,IA2
3 78.99% (77.86%) 62.74% (52.81%) 67.07% (59.49%)
1 vs. 1 S1,S2,S3,S6,S7,T1,T3,T4,I1,I2,IF1,IA1,IF2,IA2,IA4
4 79.40% (74.87%) 80.67% (73.47%) 80.33% (73.85%)
1 vs. all S1,S2,S3,S5,S6,S7,T3,T5,I1,I2,IF1,IA1,IF2,IA2
Note: The numbers without brackets are for feature fusion and the Eq.(1.65) Binary S1,S2,S3,S5,S6,S7,T1,T2,T3,T5,I1,I4,I5,IF1,IA1,IA4
results between brackets are for channel fusion. 1 corresponds to 1 vs. 1 S1,S3,S6,S7,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,IF1,IA1,IA2,IA4
signal-related features; 2 corresponds to image features; 3 cor-
1 vs. all S1,S3,S6,T2,I1,IF1,IA1,IA4
responds to statistical features; and 4 corresponds to all features.

strategies (including one vs. one and one vs. all) are because its classification performance is better consider-
utilized to detect both artefacts and seizures in the EEG ing all features, compared to other TFDs (see Table 5.14).
data to reduce the chances of misinterpreting artefacts as The results presented indicate that
SEN, SPE, and ACC are utilized, however, by treating 1. Feature selection using the total accuracy as
seizures as one class, and both artefacts and background performance measure suggests that one can
as another class. The wrapper-based SFFS is chosen to improve the classification performance with the
select the best performing features for both approaches, CKD. The total classification accuracy obtained
i.e., binary class and multiclass. Two different optimi- for the binary classification problem is 85.70%
zation criteria are used: (1) the accuracy and (2) the cri- (see Table 5.15), which is 3.68% more than the
terion defined by classification accuracy achieved by using all TF
Sopt = arg max (ACC − jSPE − SENj) (5.65) features (see Table 5.14).
S 2. The features selected using the criterion of total
where Sopt represents the selected features subset and S is accuracy have also high SPE but poor SEN. On
the set of all possible subsets. the other hand, the features obtained using the
The criterion in Equation 5.65 and the total accuracy new criterion, given by Equation 5.65, have
are combined to select optimal sets of TF features for each higher SEN with a slight reduction in SPE and
multiclass classification strategy (see Tables 5.14 and ACC. For example, for the CKD, referring to
5.15). Table 5.16 presents the selected features for each Table 5.15 (binary rows 1 and 4), SEN, SPE, and
combination of criteria and classification strategy. The ACC assessments using the new criterion yield
method to extract features uses the feature fusion 84.60%, 84.39%, and 84.45%, respectively,
approach because its performance is better compared to whereas SEN, SPE, and ACC obtained with the
the channel fusion approach as shown earlier in Table total accuracy as a performance measure are
5.14. Similarly, the CKD is used for feature extraction 76.31%, 89.12%, and 85.70%, respectively.
108 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

3. The multiclass strategy results in a better clas- –9

sification outcome than the binary classification LASSO
approach. For example, for the CKD, the one vs. Subspace method K = 2
one multiclass strategy with the criterion of
maximum accuracy for feature selection gives a
total accuracy of 86.61%, (this is 0.91% over the

binary approach). In this experiment, in cases
where there is indetermination for the one vs.
one strategy, the segment is classified as “non- –12
seizure” because it is the most likely case in real
4. The wrapper feature selection with SFFS selects
different TF features for each case because this
approach conducts a search for the optimal –14
–10 –5 0 5 10
subset using the classifier algorithm as a black
SNR (dB)
box; so that in such a case, the selected features
depend on the classifier.
Comparison between the LASSO method and the subspace-based
algorithm: normalized MSE (NMSE) vs. SNR for five FM sources and
three sensors. (From S. Ouelha, A. Aissa-El-Bey, and B. Boashash,
5.6.3 BSS-Based Artefact Removal “Improving DOA estimation algorithms using high-resolution
quadratic time-frequency distributions.” IEEE Trans. SP; vol. 65, no. 19,
Let us consider in this experiment three sensors and five
pp. 5179–5190, 2017.)
sources. The sources are two LFMs and three constant
FMs. The LFMs are defined by [ f01, f04] = [0.05, 0.4] and background, and abnormal EEG patterns, and (3) an
[a1, a4] = [14 × 10−4, 14 × 10−4], while the constant FMs artefact removal strategy. Integration of these algorithms
are defined by [ f02, f03, f05] = [0.225, 0.45, 0.03]. For all the and methods yields a system that can process EEG data
sources, the sampling frequency is equal to 1 Hz. This from raw signals to signals that are artefact-free or
signal has a (t, f ) point with three intersecting sources maximally attenuated. Relevant software/codes have
(i.e., M sources), and other (t, f ) points contain M−1 been developed with effectiveness and efficiency being
intersecting sources. taken into consideration and tested using an adequate
This section compares the subspace projection-based database of clinical newborn EEG data.
method presented in Ref. [2, Chapter 8] with the LASSO
method* [63]. Both methods are applied to the same set
of selected (t, f ) points. Figure 5.21 shows a comparison
of the separation performance for the two methods. It is
observed that the LASSO method provides much better
separation results than those obtained by the subspace- 5.7 Conclusions and Perspectives
based method; in terms of NMSE, the improvement is The contents of this chapter suggest a number of con-
about 1.5 dB for different SNRs. Figure 5.22 illustrates cluding remarks and reflections, as listed below:
the efficiency of the LASSO by showing the original and
reconstructed sources in the time and (t, f ) domains. 1. A TF-based approach allows for accurate
This illustrative example shows that this new algo- detection and classification of different new-
rithm can be applied for artefact removal to discard all born EEG abnormalities, in the presence of
sources identified as artefacts. This allows us then to artefact and noise, and results in a system that
reconstruct a clean EEG neonatal signal. is potentially useful in clinical practice [45].
2. In many applications, TF features give better
5.6.4 Overall System performance as compared to time-only and
frequency-only features [45].
Previous sections described algorithms and methods
developed for automated artefact removal in newborn 3. The actual performance of the developed
EEG recordings. These consist of (1) high-resolution system can be further improved by using data-
TFDs that are adapted to various EEG signals, (2) a dependent TF distributions and optimizing the
variety of features that are distinctive among artefacts, parameters of their kernels, as well as by using
more computationally efficient algorithms for
* This is a method of linear model approximation. implementation [1].
Time–Frequency Analysis for EEG Quality Measurement and Enhancement 109

1.5 1.5 250 250

1 1
200 200

0.5 0.5

Time (s)

Time (s)
150 150
0 0
100 100
–0.5 –0.5
50 50
–1 –1

–1.5 –1.5 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(a) Time(s) (b) Time(s) (c) Frequency (Hz) (d) Frequency (Hz)

1.5 1.5 250 250

1 1
200 200



Time (s)

Time (s)
150 150
0 0
100 100
–0.5 –0.5

–1 50 50

–1.5 –1.5 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(e) Time(s) (f) Time(s) (g) Frequency (Hz) (h) Frequency (Hz)

1.5 1.5 250 250

1 1
200 200


Time (s)

Time (s)
0.5 0.5
150 150
0 0
100 100
–0.5 –0.5

–1 –1 50 50

–1.5 –1.5 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(i) Time(s) (j) Time(s) (k) Frequency (Hz) (l) Frequency (Hz)

1.5 1.5 250 250

1 1
200 200


0.5 0.5
Time (s)

Time (s)
150 150
0 0
100 100
–0.5 –0.5
–1 50 50
–1.5 –1.5 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(m) Time(s) (n) Time(s) (o) Frequency (Hz) (p) Frequency (Hz)

1.5 1.5 250 250

1 1
200 200


0.5 0.5
Time (s)

Time (s)

150 150
0 0
100 100
–0.5 –0.5

–1 –1 50 50

–1.5 –1.5 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(q) Time(s) (r) Time(s) (s) Frequency (Hz) (t) Frequency (Hz)

Source recovery illustration on a simulated example in the case of two LFMs and three constant FMs; three sensors are used. Each row represents
one source and in the first and third columns, the t-domain and (t, f ) domain of the original source are represented, respectively, while in the second
and fourth columns, the t-domain and (t, f ) domain of the reconstructed signal are shown. (From S. Ouelha, A. Aissa-El-Bey, and B. Boashash,
“Improving DOA estimation algorithms using high-resolution quadratic time-frequency distributions.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
vol. 65, no. 19, pp. 5179–5190, 2017.)
110 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

4. A significant outcome of this study is the 9. The TF features developed in this study can be
development of a system that automatically used for other applications such as cognitive
and continuously provides a report on the EEG monitoring using EEG signals in which a user’s
signal quality in real time and specifically cognitive processing capacity and memory
allows the identification and subsequent workload is estimated using changes in EEG
removal of any artefact in the signal. This signals.
system includes three components as follows: 10. The developed software-based system described
(1) segment the EEG data with similar signal above is ready to be tested on a large cohort in
characteristics, (2) detect various artefacts order to examine its practicability and identify
contaminating the data and hindering objec- the potential barriers in implementing the
tive interpretation, and (3) detect and remove system for daily monitoring. Elements of the
artefacts with minimal changes to the original software can be found on the companion web-
EEG signals. site of Ref. [2].
5. The system has been tested using newborn
EEG from sick term babies with hypoxic
ischaemic encephalopathy at very high risk of
brain injury. It accurately allows the identifi-
cation and removal of artefact from the EEG
signal. Incorporation of the proposed system in Acknowledgments
the automated EEG abnormality detection
algorithm leads to enhanced detection accu- This research study was made possible by several earlier
racy, thus making it suitable for application in grants from ARC and NHMRC as well as more recent
clinical practice. NPRP grants 09-465-2-174 and 4-1303-2-517 from QNRF.
The authors acknowledged feedback received from Dr.
6. Another important result is the development of Ghasem Azemi who was employed as a consultant on
various signal processing algorithms for ana-
this project.
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domain accurately and effectively. They
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for the signal non-stationarity and different TF
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Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data*

Mohammad Moghadamfalahi, Murat Akcakaya, and Deniz Erdogmus

6.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................115
6.2 Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation .............................................................................................................116
6.2.1 Active Learning for RBSE ................................................................................................................................118
6.2.2 Submodular-Monotone Set Functions for Set Optimization Problems ....................................................119
6.2.3 On the Objective Functions for Query Optimization ..................................................................................120 A Solution for the Proposed Objective Function ..........................................................................121
6.2.4 Combinatorial Optimization ...........................................................................................................................122
6.3 Illustrative BCI Design Example .................................................................................................................................123
6.3.1 ERP-Based BCI for Letter-by-Letter Typing..................................................................................................124 Presentation Component ..................................................................................................................124
6.3.2 Decision-Making Component .........................................................................................................................125 EEG Feature Extraction and Classification ....................................................................................125 Language Model ................................................................................................................................126
6.3.3 Experimental Results and Discussions ..........................................................................................................126 RSVP Paradigm..................................................................................................................................127 Matrix-Based Presentation Paradigm with Overlapping Trials .................................................127 Matrix-Based Presentation Paradigm with Single-Character Trials ..........................................129
6.4 Open Problems and Future Directions ......................................................................................................................129
References ................................................................................................................................................................................130

capture, storage, distribution, management, and analysis

6.1 Introduction of the information” [1].
Most traditional machine learning techniques that are
The spring of technology and availability of large elec- well grounded on clear mathematical definition and
tronic storage have presented scientists with the bene- assumptions are cost inefficient for analyzing big data.
fits and challenges of large volumes of data. In the Hence, more than ever, we need some tools that can
field of life sciences, data about genome, transcriptome, handle all aspects of big data, namely, large volume, high
epigenome, proteome, metabolome, molecular imaging, velocity, and variability. These tools when applied on
molecular pathways, different populations of people, and biological data would offer rich information and good
clinical/medical records has already been stored in understanding of biological dynamics and biomedical
volumes of petabytes and exabytes. This data is not only basics, extracted from massive amounts of raw data that
large but complex and dynamic. These characteristics well can be transferred and used in developing personalized
fit the definitions of big data by TechAmerica Foundation: medicine and inference from limited or noisy measure-
ments. Moreover, this information can be used to
“Big data is a term that describes large volumes of
administer data collection when data velocity is high and
high velocity, complex and variable data that require analysis time and computational capacity are limited.
advanced techniques and technologies to enable the Interactive machine learning applications with high
velocity of data flow are rapidly becoming ubiquitous
* This work was supported by NSF CNS-1136027, IIS1149570; NIH with increased demand for personalized computatio-
2R01DC009834-06A1; and NIDRR H133E140026. nal solutions in both social and professional settings.

116 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

For instance, personalized music or movie recommen-

dations by services such as Pandora, Spotify, and Netflix;
personalized advertising by social and professional
networking services such as Facebook and LinkedIn; and ··· xk−2 xk−1 xk
personalized health care at multiple spatial scales (e.g.,
monitoring daily activity and health records at a large
scale or personalized gene therapies at a small scale) are
all high-impact domains where interactive machine
learning and traditional active learning (AL) promise to
deliver solid theoretical frameworks for highly desirable ··· Ok−2 Ok−1 Ok
AL is a subfield of machine learning that attempts to
determine a series of queries to be answered by an oracle Hidden Markov model of order n (HMM-n).
(labeler) in order to learn a classification or regression
model. Significant advances have been made in the AL
area with the primary focus having been on efficiently start with the abstract PGM of the proposed HMM-n as
learning stationary model parameters with one or more shown in Figure 6.1.
ideal or noisy labelers [2]. Existing work has largely been In this figure, xk represents the system state at time k,
applied assuming the availability of the entire data set and Ok is the system output measurement. Here, we
of interest, using a stationary data model for efficient assume that system state belongs to a finite discrete space
model learning [3–12]. In contrast, most human– while we let the measurement space be continuous. Ok
computer interaction settings are dynamic and online, is multimodal evidences, such that Ok = fO1k , O2k , ⋯, Om
k g
where latent states and observations are dependent on where m represents the number of measurement modal-
the users’ intent and history, implying the need for a ities. The evidence that we consider here can be divided
time-recursive approach. Note that AL can help us to into two types:
significantly reduce the volume of noninformative and
redundant data recording. 1. Type I, abbreviated as T-I throughout this
In this chapter, we present a state estimation frame- chapter, is the set of measurements that are
work that can use previously obtained information from generated and received by the system, and we
a large volume of data to administer high-velocity data have no control to guide the data flow. Two
collection and inference in real time, and is able to adapt examples of this type of evidence are
to variability presented in time by the source of data. In • Heart rate of a patient in an intensive care
Section 6.2, we introduce the theoretical basis for our unit
framework, active recursive Bayesian state estimation • Volitional cortical potentials (VCPs) in
(Active-RBSE). Next we explain the application of Active- electroencephalography (EEG) signal
RBSE in the brain/body computer interface (BBCI) as a
2. Type II, abbreviated as T-II throughout this
toy example in Section 6.3. And we conclude this chapter
chapter, is the set of measurements that are
in Section 6.4.
generated in response to a set of stimuli (or
questions) presented to the user. Two examples
for this type of evidence are
• Mouse click in an interactive image seg-
mentation scenario
6.2 Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation
• Event-related potentials (ERPs) in EEG
We represent our fusion and joint inference architecture
as a hidden Markov model of order n (HMM-n). In this Consequently, system output measurements can be
dynamic system setup, recursive Bayesian state estima- partitioned into two sets of O1,k = fO11,k , O21,k , ⋯, Om
1,k g for

tion (RBSE) is used to extract information about T-I and O2,k = fO2,k , O2,k , ⋯, O2,k g for T-II evidences, such
1 2

parameters, or states, of the system in real time given the that Ok = O1,k ∪ O2,k, thus m = m1 + m2. Next we describe
noisy measurements of the system output. our assumptions on the probabilistic relationships
Through this section, we build a probabilistic graphi- among different measurements originating from various
cal model (PGM) of our system in four steps. At each modalities. Accordingly, the abstract graphical model
step, based on the structure of the problem, we impose a presented in Figure 6.1 is detailed in the PGM as illus-
set of assumptions on HMM-n that make the model trated in Figure 6.2 to represent our assumptions on the
more restricted and specific to Active-RBSE. First we interdependency among observations.
Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data 117

··· xk zk

··· xk−2 xk−1 xk

yx,m1 yx(Ai,m2)

em1 e(Ai,m2)

m1 = 1, ...,|O1,k| i = 1, ...,|Φk,m2| FIGURE 6.3

HMM-n while prior states are observed.
m2 = 1, ...,|O2,k|

Probabilistic graphical model of the system during inference cycle k. estimated system states, and the oracle* in the loop acts
as a controller of this closed-loop system to perform a
task. Moreover, the system state can be affected based on
some external factors zk. Then the high-level graphical
In this chapter, using the assumptions imposed by the model in Figure 6.1 can be updated as in Figure 6.3.
graphical model in Figure 6.2, we employ a maximum a In the remainder of this chapter, we will focus on the
posteriori (MAP) inference method to estimate the state inference mechanism from T-II-based measurement
system state. To compute the posterior probability mass outputs. In the presence of noisy measurements, the
function (PMF) over the state space, we use the Bayes system queries the user with a set of questions to achieve
rule of posterior ∝ prior × likelihood. But according to the a more confident estimation. These queries may contain
PGM shown in Figure 6.2, for a given state value, like- sets of state values presented to the oracle, and it
lihoods corresponding to different modalities can be responds to these questions with a yes/no answer
calculated, up to a normalization factor, independently through some voluntarily or involuntarily generated
from each other. Hence for the rest of the chapter, we will physiological evidence. Let us define Ck = {xk−n, …,
focus on estimating the posterior from one type of evi- xk−1, zk} and the query set as Fk; then we update the
dence as other likelihoods can be calculated likewise and PGM as in Figure 6.4. Throughout this chapter, we will
be fused with each other easily. refer to Ck as the context information.
The PGMs illustrated in Figures 6.1 and 6.2 correspond In Figure 6.4, Ai is a subset of state space V, which we
to real-time casual systems, and they are designed to call a trial, the yx(Ai) ∈ {0,1|1 = yes, 0 = no}, and e(Ai)
infer system state and execute certain tasks when a represents the physiological measurement in response to
confidence threshold is attained. In this chapter, we refer Ai,j, the jth element of the subset Ai. But to keep the
to the time window in which the system reaches a con- framework general, we assume measurements are noisy,
fident decision as an epoch. In this setup, when the output and the system might need to query the agent with
measurements up to epoch k are observed, the goal is to multiple sequences of trials to obtain a confident
estimate the current system state. Note that this setup estimation.
represents a dynamic system in which the state In this setup, the system queries the oracle iteratively
dynamics might change during the operation of the and updates the state space posterior PMF until the
system. For instance, in a letter-by-letter typing brain– probability of the most likely state value reaches a
computer interface, the state at epoch k represents only a predefined confidence threshold. The updated PGM that
character, while the user needs to type a sequence of allows for multiple sequences is shown in Figure 6.5.
characters to form words and sentences and eventu- In this model (see Figure 6.5), we have set an upper
ally communicate the desired massage. As a result, it bound on the number of sequences ms within each epoch
seems inevitable to adaptively update the (probabilistic to discard the possibility of extremely long decision
or deterministic) system belief about the state space cycles. This setup allows us to update the posterior PMF
throughout time. Upon state estimation, the system will
take an action, and hence, the system state at all past
epochs can be assumed as observed. In most applica- * The oracle can be a human user or an automatic controller that is
tions, state value at epoch k is a function of previously aimed at reducing estimation error.
118 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

n os  s
pðxk = x,E s jC, Fik i=1 Þ
Ck xk Pðxk = xjE s ,C, Fik Þ=  s
i=1 pðE s jC, Fik i=1 Þ
 n os  (6.2)
∝ p E s jxk = x, Fik 
Φk Pðxk = xjCÞ,

but for a given xk, the Y sxk for fFik gsi=1 is deterministically
defined. Hence, according to the conditional indepen-
yx (Ai) dence of E s and context information defined in PGM, we
 n os   n os 
p E s jxk = x; Fik = p E s jY sxk ; Fik =
i=1 i=1
e (Ai)
s      n os 

p e Aij yxk Aij ; Fik : (6.3)
i = 1, ...,|Φk| i=1
i = 1, …, s
FIGURE 6.4 j = 1, …, jFik j
PGM of the system at epoch k.

Then we can rewrite Equation 6.1 as

recursively, after every sequence. Assume 1 ≤ s ≤ ms  n os 
sequences have been shown to the agent and define E s = P xk = xjE s ,C, Fik ∝
fEi gsi=1 , where Ei = fe(Aij )jj = 1, ⋯, jFik jg. Similarly, take Y
s      n os 
Yixk = fyxk (Aij )jj = 1, ⋯, jFik jg, then define Y sxk = fYixk gsi=1 . 
p e Aij yxk Aij ; Fik  Pðxk = xjCÞ ∝
The MAP framework estimates the system state by i = 1, …, s
solving the following optimization problem:
 n os  j = 1, …, jFik j
xk = arg max P xk = xjE s, C, Fik : (6.1)     
x i=1
Y p e Aij yxk Aij = 1; Fik i=1
The posterior probability defined in Equation 6.1 can
  s   Pðxk = xjCÞ:
i = 1, …, s p e Aij yxk Aij = 0; Fik i=1
be factorized in terms of likelihood and context prior
n   o
using the assumptions imposed in Figure 6.5. We have
jjyxk Aij = 1 (6:4)

Ck xk
6.2.1 Active Learning for RBSE
T-II-based measurements for the proposed system are
Φks obtained in response to a set of labeling questions
queried from the oracle. For a small set of actions, it is
possible to query the agent for the label of all possible
state values at every sequence. However, if the state
yxk (Ais )
space is large, depending on the level of abstraction
offered by questions, this can potentially lead to long
sequences with a large amount of noninformative multi-
variate measurements to be processed. In addition,
obtaining expert (i.e., oracle) answers to these questions
e (Ais )
can be very expensive in terms of time and cognitive
frustration especially when the oracle is a human. To
i = 1, ...,|Φks|
mitigate these problems, one can propose to select a
1 ≤ s ≤ ms random subset of state space to be presented to the
agent. But instead, we propose to use AL, to intelligently
FIGURE 6.5 select samples for annotation that enables efficiently
HMM-n while prior states are observed. learning an accurate posterior with as few questions as
Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data 119

possible. Here, the implicit assumptions are that the Definition 2 (submodular set function)
labeling costs (in terms of time or cognitive load) are the
A function f : 2W → ℝ is submodular if for every B1 ⊆ B2 ⊆ W
same for all of the queries and also significantly larger
and w ∈ W \ B2,
than the computational cost of the querying algorithms.
The latter assumption leads us toward AL algorithms DðwjB1 Þ ≥ DðwjB2 Þ
that generate a suboptimal batch of queries, even though
or equivalently, the function: 2W → ℝ is submodular if for
they might not be the optimal solutions of defined
objective functions. Later in this chapter, through every B1 ,B2 ⊆ W
experimental results of a toy example, we show that this f ðB1 ∩ B2 Þ + f ðB1 ∪ B2 Þ ≤ f ðB1 Þ + f ðB2 Þ:
mechanism outperforms the cheap passive learning with
random queries. In particular, one can use a greedy forward algorithm
Accordingly, we define the Active-RBSE for inference to find a solution within a guaranteed bound around the
and query optimization. Within this framework, a global optimum when the objective is a monotone
generic AL and MAP inference loop will iterate by submodular set function [14]. To provide the proof, first
alternating between the following two steps: we need to define monotone set functions.

b s+1
Query: F k = arg max g Fs+1
k  s:t Fs+1
k ∈ Fk ⊆ 2V : (6.5) Definition 3 (monotone set function)
A set function f : 2W → ℝ is monotone if for every B1 ⊆ B2 ⊆
 n os 
^k = arg max P xk = xjE s, C, Fik
Inference: x : (6.6) W, we get f (B1) ≤ f (B2).
x i=1
In a maximization problem, the greedy forward algo-
Here, Fs+1 is a potential query set restricted to the set of rithm starts with B0 = ∅, and iteratively adds the ele-
feasible queries at time k, Fk, which is a subset of all ments that maximize the discrete derivative of the
possible queries, 2V, the power set of V. The quality of a function at the set from prior iteration, with respect to
query from the perspective of AL is measured by the set that element. Accordingly, the subproblem for iteration
function g. i is
An AL setting typically starts with an initial model  
(which we obtain from the context information); then Bi = Bi−1 ∪ arg max DðwjBi−1 ) : (6.7)
samples are selected for label querying. Performing AL
in batch mode (sequence by sequence) introduces new
Theorem 1 [13]
challenges. Since we need to select a set of queries, one
should also make sure that the samples are nonredun- Assume a nonnegative monotone submodular set function f :
dant to maximize the amount of information that they 2W → ℝ+. Also define fBi gi≥0 to be the greedily selected sets
provide. Another related challenge is that optimally according to Equation 6.7. Then for all positive integers k and
selecting a subset of samples based on a given objective l, we have
function defined over sets is, in general, an NP-hard  
combinatorial optimization problem, and it can easily f ðBl Þ ≥ 1 − e k max f ðBÞ:
B : jBj≤k
lead to intractable solutions.
Proof. Fix k and l and get B∗ ∈ arg maxff (B) : jBj ≤ kg
6.2.2 Submodular-Monotone Set Functions for Set as an optimal set with jB∗ j ≤ k: Since the function f is a
Optimization Problems monotone set function, we can assume jB∗ j = k without
loss of generality and define B∗ = fw∗1 , w∗2 , ⋯, w∗k g: Then
Submodular set functions offer various mathematical
for all i ≤ l
properties that can be exploited to define tractable solu-
tions in combinatorial optimization problems. Submodular f ðB∗ Þ ≤ f ðB∗ ∪ Bi Þ
set functions are discrete analogs of concave or convex real-
k n o

valued functions [13]. Next we introduce certain definitions

and theorems about the submodular functions. = f ðBi Þ + D w∗j jBi ∪ w∗1 , ⋯, w∗j−1
Definition 1 (discrete derivative) ≤ f ðBi Þ + Dðw∗ jBi Þ
w∗ ∈B∗
Assume a set function f : 2W → ℝ, B ⊆ W, and w ∈ W, then Df X
(w|B): = f (B ∪ {w}) − f (B) is discrete derivative of f at B with ≤ f ðBi Þ + ð f ðBi+1 − Bi ÞÞ
respect to w. w∗ ∈B∗

Now we can define a submodular function as follows. ≤ f ðBi Þ + kð f ðBi+1 − Bi ÞÞ:

120 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Hence we have optimize the query set for sequence s + 1 with the
∗ assumption that s prior sequences have not led to a
f ðB Þ − f ðBi Þ ≤ kð f ðBi+1 − Bi ÞÞ:
confident decision. Then although the measurements
Now define si = f (B*) − f (Bi); then we get for that sequence are not observed yet, one can

estimate a prediction of x∗k posterior probability by
1 1 l introducing and marginalizing the random variable for
si ≤ ðsi − si+1 Þ ⇒ si+1 ≤ 1 − s ⇒ sl ≤ 1 − s0:
k i k measurements, when Fs+1
k is given. We define a function
g : V, 22 ! R as
We know that s0 = f (B*) − f (∅) since f is nonnegative
by assumption. Consequently, by use of the well-known ∗
g x,Fs+1
k = Pðxk = xjE s , C,fFik gs+1i=1 ,xk = xÞ
inequality 1 − x ≤ e−x, ∀x ∈ R, we get ð

= P xk = x,E~ s+1 E s , C,fFik gs+1 ∗
i=1 ,xk = xÞd E
1 l −l −l ~ s+1
sl ≤ 1 − s0 ≤ e k f ðB∗ Þ ⇒ f ðB∗ Þ − f ðBl Þ ≤ e k f ðB∗ Þ   
k ~ s+1 s i s ∗
  = EE~ s+1 jFs+1 ,x∗ P xk = xjE ,E , C,fFk gi=1 ,xk
−l k k
⇒ f ðBl Þ ≥ 1 − e k f ðB∗ Þ: " s+1  #
~ xk = x,Fs+1 Þ
Ps+1 ðxÞ  p E k
= EE~ s+1 jFs+1 ,x∗ X s+1  ,
□ k k ~ xk = v,Fs+1
Ps+1 ðvÞ  p E k
More interestingly, for a modular-monotone objec-
tive function, the greedy forward algorithm leads to the
global optimum solution. The proof of this proposi-
tion follows easily from the following definition as the where Ps+1 (x) = P(xk = xjE s , C,fFik gsi=1 ) represents the
contribution of each element does not depend on the prior probability of x ∈ V before observing sequence
set size. s + 1. Moving from the third line to the fourth of
Equation 6.8, we use
Definition 4 (modular set function)  n os+1 
~ s+1,E s , C, Fik
P xk = xjE
A function f : 2 → R is modular if for every B1 ⊆ B2 ⊆ W and i=1
w ∈ W \ B2, s+1 
~ xk = x,Fs+1 Þ
Ps+1 ðxÞ  p E k
DðwjB1 Þ = DðwjB2 Þ, = X s+1  , (6.9)
~ xk = v,Fs+1
Ps+1 ðvÞ  p E k
or equivalently, the function f : 2W → R is modular if for
every B1, B2 ⊆ W, for which the denominator is the normalization constant.
Note that g(x,Fs+1
k ) computes the posterior probability
f ðB1 ∩ B2 Þ + f ðB1 ∪ B2 Þ = f ðB1 Þ + f ðB2 Þ: of a hypothesized target for a particular Fs+1 k given pre-
viously observed measurements and context informa-
6.2.3 On the Objective Functions for Query tion. But note that during the current epoch, x is yet to be
Optimization estimated; hence, it is not known. Consequently, we can
marginalize out the dependency on this unobserved
System parameter/state learning can be more efficient if
random variable by computing the expected value of
we can query the oracle, to obtain the labels of state
k ) with respect to the most recent estimate of
values that convey the most salient information. Such
state space posterior PMF, Ps+1(x).
querying can be achieved through careful selection of
Accordingly, the objective function for query set
objective functions in the Active-RBSE inference frame-
selection is then defined as
work. It is important to note here that for efficient solu-
tion of the subset selection through a greedy forward 
Fb s+1
k = arg max EPs+1 ðxÞ g x,Fs+1
k : (6.10)
optimization in an online setting, in addition to being Fs+1
informative about the state estimation, either the objec-
tive functions need to be monotone-modular set func- The function defined in Equation 6.10 is the expected
tions or they should be upper- or lower-bounded by such value of the predicted target posterior probability with
set functions. respect to current probability distribution over the state
Here, we consider g(.) to be used in the Active-RBSE space that was obtained through the evidence gained
framework, as specified in Equation 6.5. Let us assume until the sequence s + 1. Optimizing this function in
that the actual state value for the current epoch (i.e., terms of Fs+1
k exploits our current knowledge to mini-
epoch k) is given as x∗k , and s sequences of questions have mize the uncenrtanity about the targeted but unknown
already been presented to the oracle. The goal is to state xk.
Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data 121 A Solution for the Proposed Objective Function presented in the proposed graphical model in Figure 6.5,
for a given Y s+1
x∗k . This means that s ~ (As+1
i ) is independent
Considering the proposed graphical model and as we from s~ (Aj ) ∀ i,j = 1, … ,jFk j for all i ≠ j. Note that, s~
s+1 s+1

computed the equations for inference (see Equation 6.4), (As+1

j ) is calculated at samples drawn from
in Equation 6.9, we can define 8  
s+1 < ~e Aj
> s+1
∼ pðe( : )j1Þ, if x∗k ∈ As+1
p E~ jxk = x,Fs+1 k  
: ~e As+1 ∼ pðe( : )j0Þ, if x∗ ∉ As+1
 j k j
Y p e As+1
j yx k
A s+1
j = 1; Fs+1
k (6.11)
∝     : distributions.
f jjyx (Aij Þ=1g p e Aj
yxk As+1
j = 0; Fs+1
k Accordingly, we define μs = ½s^ (As+1 1 ), ⋯, s^ (As+1
jFs+1 j
such that
In the function presented in Equation 6.8, the argu- 8 2    3
~ s+1 > s+1 
ment inside the expectation is only a function of E >
> p e A 1
c+ = Ee( : )j1 6   7
> 4  ∗
5, if xk ∈ Aj
when x and Fk are fixed. Hence, we define s
s+1 ~= >
> s+1 
~ ~ > p e A 0
½s (A1 ), ⋯, s (AjFs+1 j ), where
s+1 s+1
  >< j
s Aj s+1
= :
> 2    3
  p ~e Aij 1 >
> s+1 
> p e Aj 1
s~ Aij =    : >
>sc− = Ee( : )j0 6   7 ∗ s+1
> 4  5, if xk ∉ Aj
p ~e Aij 0 >
: s+1 
p e Aj 0

Then we define a new function F : ℝjFk j ! ℝ using

Equations 6.4 and 6.11 as Then ^g(x,Fs+1
k )* can be defined as
Ps+1 ðxÞ  f jjy (As+1 Þ=1g s~ As+1 c+ c+x,x ðFs+1
Ps+1 ðxÞ  s k Þ
j ^g x,Fs+1 = X ,
c+ cx,v ðFk Þ  sc− cx,v ðFk Þ
~Þ = X
F ðs Y
 : (6.12) k
Ps+1 ðvÞ  s
+ s+1 − s+1

P s+1
ð v Þ  f jjy (A Þ=1g
s+1 ~
s A s+1
v j
To obtain a practical algorithm for processing the big where
data, we need a time-efficient optimization mechanism. jFs+1
k j    
For that, we simplify the problem by approximating the c+x,v Fs+1 = yx As+1
j  yv As+1
j  and
k ) using the Taylor series expansion of the func- j=1
tion defined in Equation 6.12. Namely,
k j    
g x, Fs+1 k = EE~ s+1 jFs+1,x∗ ½F ðs~ Þ = c−x,v Fs+1
k = 1 − yx As+1
j  yv As+1
k k
(6.13) j=1
EE~ s+1 jFs+1 ,x∗ ½F ðμs Þ + ðs~ − μs Þ  ∇F ðμs Þ + ⋯:
k k for yx (As+1
j ) ∈ f0,1g (i.e., target and nontarget classes).
Then we can use the approximate objective function
In Equation 6.13, μs = EE~ s+1 jFs+1 ,x∗ ½s~ . Now we use
k k ^g(x,Fs+1
k ) and redefine the optimization problem as
Equation 6.13 to define a substitute objective function as 
in Equation 6.14, which is the locally suboptimal linear Fb s+1
k = arg max EPs+1 ðxÞ ^g x,Fs+1
approximation around the μs of the original objective k
function. This type of approximation is commonly used = arg max log EPs+1 ðxÞ ^g x,Fs+1 :
in the field of signal processing [15], especially for dis- Fs+1
tributions with negligible higher-order central moments.
This is an important assumption that needs to be con- Here we propose to optimize the logarithm of the
sidered when this particular solution is used. objective function, as the solution does not change due to
this monotonically increasing transformation. To solve
g x,Fs+1
k ≈^ g x,Fs+1 k = the problem defined in Equation 6.17, we use Jensen’s
(6.14) inequality to define a lower bound of the objective
F ðμs Þ + EE~ s+1 jFs+1 ,x∗ ½ðs~ − μs Þ  ∇F ðμs Þ = F ðμs Þ
k k function, namely,
The Taylor expansion in Equation 6.13 is done around
μs = EE~ s+1 jFs+1 ,x∗ ½s~ ; hence the second term in Equation
k k * Note that the approximation in Equation 6.14 also corresponds to
6.14 is zero. Now we need to compute μs = EE~ s+1 jFs+1 ,x∗ ½s~ . defining a point estimate of the evidence scores by calculating their
k k
Here we use the conditional independence of trials as mean value as computed in Equation 6.15.
122 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

log (EPs+1 ðxÞ ^
g x,Fs+1
k Þ ≥ EPs+1 ðxÞ log ^g x,Fs+1 k = therefore, the optimization defined in Equation 6.20 has
2 0 13 guaranteed convergence properties [14]. Here, we prove
c c+x,x ðFs+1 Þ that Q is a monotone modular set function.
P ð xÞ  s
s+1 + k
EPs+1 ðxÞ 4log@ X A5
P ðvÞ  s c+ c+x,v ðFs+1k Þ  s c− cx,v ðFk Þ
− s+1

v∈V Lemma 1
h  i
= EPs+1 ðxÞ log Ps+1 ðxÞ + c+x,x Fs+1
c+ −
log s Take W = 2V; then the function Q : 2W → ℝ as defined in
" !# Equation 6.20 is a modular set function.
X s+1
EPs+1 ðxÞ log P ðvÞ  s c+ x,v ð k Þ  s
F s+1
c− x,v ð k Þ :
F s+1
Proof. Assume F1 ⊆ F2 ⊆ 2V and A ∈ 2V \ F2; then
v∈V DQ ðAjF1 Þ =
(6.18) h  i h  i
c+ −E s+1 c+x,x ðF1Þlog s
EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðF1 ∪ fAgÞlog s c+ =
P ðxÞ
Here, we propose that the class-conditional probability h    i
density functions (PDFs) are well separated to assume, EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðF1 ∪ fAgÞ log sc+ − c+x,x ðF1 Þ log s
c+ :
c+ > 1 and s
s c− < 1. Note that if the optimal threshold for
discrimination between two classes is not centered Since A ∉ F1, we use the definition of c+x,x ( : ) to write
around zero, then one can always use kernel density
c+x,x ðF1 ∪ fAgÞ = c+x,x ðF1 Þ + c+x,x ðfAgÞ ⇒ DQ ðAjF1 Þ =
estimation (KDE) or a shift of variable to make this h
assumption reasonable (for more on this, please see  + +  i
EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðF1 Þ + c+x,x ðfAgÞ log sc − cx,x ðF1 Þlog s
c+ =
Section 6.3). In this example we proposed an upper h  i
bound jFs+1 k j ≤ mt as the limit on the number of EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðfAgÞ log s c+ :
sequences in each epoch to prevent extremely long state
estimation cycles. We have Similarly as A ∉ F2, we have
 mt h  i
c+ c+x,v ðFs+1
s k Þ ≤ c+
s and s c− cx,v ðFk Þ ≤ s
− s+1
c− 0 = 1 c+ ⇒
DQ ðAjF2 Þ = EPs+1 (x) c+x,x ðfAgÞ log s

c+ c+x,v (Fs+1 − s+1

c+ )mt . Finally, DQ ðAjF1 Þ = DQ ðAjF2 Þ:
This leads to s c− cx,v (Fk ) ≤ (s
k )  s

h  i □

EPs+1 ðxÞ log Ps+1 ðxÞ + c+x,x Fs+1 log sc+ −
" !# Lemma 2
X s+1
EPs+1 ðxÞ log P ðvÞ  s c+ cx,v ðFk Þ  s
+ s+1
c− cx,v ðFk Þ
− s+1
≥ Take W = 2V; then the function Q : 2W→R as defined in
v∈V Equation 6.20 is a monotone set function.
h  i
EPs+1 ðxÞ log Ps+1 ðxÞ + c+x,x Fs+1 c+ −
log s Proof. Assume F1 ⊆ F2 ⊆ 2V, and define F3 =F2 \ F1; then
F3 ∪ F1 = F2, and we can write
h  mt i h  i
EPs+1 ðxÞ log sc+ : (6:19) c+ :
QðF2 Þ = EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðF1 ∪ F3 Þ log s

Moreover, F3 ∩ F1 = ∅; then according to the definition

Now we can exclude the terms that are independent of of c+x,x ( : ), we have
k in Equation 6.19, and use Equation 6.17 to define the h  i

optimization problem as c+ =
QðF2 Þ = EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðF1 Þ + c+x,x ðF3 Þ log s
h  i h  i h  i
b s+1
F ≈ arg max Q = E c +
F s+1
log c+ :
s c+ + E s+1 c+x,x ðF3 Þ log sc+ =
P ðxÞ x,x
s+1 k EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðF1 Þ log s P ð xÞ
h  i
(6.20) c+ :
QðF1 Þ + EPs+1 ðxÞ c+x,x ðF3 Þ log s
Through this simplification, we maximize the lower
Based on our assumption, s c+ ) ≥ 0. Also
c+ ≥ 1 ⇒ log (s
bound on the original cost function, and we show next
that such a simplification leads to a time-efficient solu- due to definition, cx,x ( : ) ≥ 0. Hence

tion to the optimization problem. h  i

c+ ≥ 0 ⇒
EPs+1 (x) c+x,x ðF3 Þ log s
h  i
6.2.4 Combinatorial Optimization c+ + QðF1 Þ ≥ 0 + QðF1 Þ ⇒
EPs+1 (x) c+x,x ðF3 Þ log s
The approximated objective function defined in Equation
V QðF2 Þ ≥ QðF1 Þ:
6.20 is a modular and monotonic set function Q: 22 ! ℝ; □
Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data 123

As shown in Section 6.2.2, a greedy forward algorithm the English alphabet, numbers from 1 to 9, and a space
can provide a good approximation of the solution for an symbol distributed on the screen. While the user is focused
NP-hard set optimization problem when the objective on the intent character, rows and columns of the matrix
function is a submodular-monotone set function. It is easy are flashed randomly. This work led to extensive efforts
to see that this algorithm provides the global optimum for designing different configurations or algorithms to
if the objective function is a modular-monotone set func- improve the communication speed and accuracy with
tion. Here we assume that the number of trials within each the matrix speller, as well as other audio, visual, and tactile
sequence is fixed and equal to Nt. Accordingly, the deter- stimulus presentation techniques for eliciting P300
ministic greedy algorithm is described in Algorithm 1. The responses. In the following, we will review some of these
selected subset according to this algorithm is the global stimulus presentation techniques.
optimum of the optimization problem defined in Equation Visuospatial presentation: We categorize different
6.20. Next, we illustrate the usage of this objective function visuospatial presentation techniques into the following
in stimuli subset selection for a language-model-assisted groups:
BCI for letter-by-letter typing. In the following subsections, Matrix presentation: Generally the matrix spellers use
after a short introduction of the typing Brain Computer an R × C matrix of symbols with R rows and C columns.
Interface (BCI), we approximate the proposed objective Traditionally, in these systems, each row and column of
function with a modular-monotone set function and the matrix is intensified in a pseudo-random fashion,
provide the algorithm for stimuli subset selection. Then while the participants count the number of highlighted
through an experimental study, we demonstrate the benefit rows or columns (or, in general, subsets) that include the
of the AL component of Active-RBSE in terms of typing desired symbol. Among all rows and columns in the
speed and accuracy. matrix, only two contain the target symbol; hence it is
proposed that they will induce a P300 response. By
Algorithm 1 Greedy algorithm for maximization of Q detecting this signature in the EEG, the BCI system can
identify the target letter to enable typing.
Input: The size of sequence set Nt
b s+1 The accuracy of BCIs highly depends on signal-to-
Output: Estimated sequence set F k noise ratio (SNR). Consequently, due to low SNR of EEG,
/* Initializations */ matrix speller systems require sacrificing the speed by
b s+1 ← ∅ cuing the user with multiple sequences of flashes to
1F k achieve an acceptable accuracy. It was demonstrated that
/* Starting the Iterations */ the matrix speller can achieve 7.8 characters/minute with
80% accuracy, using bootstrapping and averaging the
2 for i = 1 → Nt do trials in different sequences [17]. Many signal processing
^ks+1 and machine learning techniques have been proposed by
/* Adding a the next optimal A ∈ 2V jΦ */
researchers in the field, to improve the matrix speller
3 Fb s+1 ← F b s+1 )g where A ∈ 2V n
b s+1 ∪ farg maxA DQ (AjF performance in terms of speed and accuracy [18–40].
k k k
b .
F s+1 Considering the target population, matrix-based pre-
end sentation paradigms might not offer a suitable solution
4 return Fb s+1 for BCIs since they performs well in overt attention
mode; however, in covert attention mode, its perfor-
mance degrades significantly [41]. BCI researchers have
proposed minimally gaze-dependent stimulus presen-
tation techniques such as rapid serial visual presentation
and balanced-tree visual presentation to overcome such
6.3 Illustrative BCI Design Example
performance drops.
A safe and portable set of BCIs utilize noninvasively Rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP): RSVP is a tech-
recorded EEG for inference. Among many, a class of these nique in which stimuli are presented one at a time at a
BCIs employ external cues to induce an ERP in response to fixed location on the screen, in pseudo-random order,
user intent. For example, most commonly, ERP-based BCI with a short time gap in between. Within a sequence of
systems that rely on visual stimulation can utilize various RSVP stimuli, each symbol is shown only once; hence,
presentation paradigms. The pioneering example of these the user intent is considered as rare event that can induce
systems is the matrix speller from Farwell and Donchin, an ERP containing the P300 wave as consequence of the
which demonstrates how to design a presentation para-
digm for inducing P300* in response to user intent as a
* P300 is an ERP that is elicited in response to a desired unpredictable
control signal for BCI-based communication [16]. In this and rare event. This evidence is characterized as a positive peak
study, the subjects observe a 6 × 6 matrix of letters in around 300 ms after the onset of desired stimuli.
124 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

target matching process that takes place in the brain. Presentation component
RSVP aims to be less dependent on gaze control, by Stimuli/decision
utilizing temporal separation of symbols instead of NEURAL_ENGI


spatial separation as in the matrix speller [42–46]. G


Usually, in RSVP-based BCIs, the inference speed is Y


lower than matrix spellers, as the binary tree that leads to NEURAL_ENGI Feature extraction component
symbol selections in a matrix speller could reduce expected G
EEG preprocessing
S T U V W X Brain
bits to select a symbol (determined by entropy), by Y

exploiting the opportunity of highlighting a subset of NEURAL_ENGI

symbols, while RSVP is constrained to a highly structured

right-sided binary tree that can only offer a larger expected
bits per symbol. Letter-by-letter typing RSVP-BCIs Dimensionality reduction
designed by Berlin BCI and RSVP Keyboard™ groups have
achieved up to 5 characters/minute [42–44,46]. Utilization Contextual evidence
of color cues and language models has offered some
enhancements in typing speeds with RSVP [43,46]. Joint inference EEG evidence
Balanced-tree visual presentation paradigms: In the
balanced-tree visual presentation technique, visual Decision–making component
stimuli are distributed spatially into multiple presentation
groups with balanced numbers of elements. For example, FIGURE 6.6
Typical BCI block diagram. (From M. Moghadamfalahi et al., “Language-
in a system from Berlin BCI known as Hex-o-Spell, a set model assisted brain computer interface for typing: A comparison of
of 30 symbols is distributed among six presentation matrix and rapid serial visual presentation,” IEEE Transactions on Neural
groups each containing five symbols. Presentation groups Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 23, no.5, pp. 910–920, Sept
are flashed in a random fashion to induce an ERP in 2015.)
response to the group that contains the intended symbol.
Upon selection of a group, the symbols of that set are Presentation Component
distributed individually to different presentation groups,
typically with one group containing a command symbol Definitions: Let V = {x1,x2,x3,…,x|V|} be the vocabulary
for moving back to the first presentation stage. Then the set, i.e., the state space. In this example, for a letter-by-
system utilizes the same flash paradigm to decide on the letter typing application, V consists of letters in the
user desired symbol [41,47]. In a similar system known as (English) alphabet, numerical symbols, and space and
Geospell, 12 groups of 6 symbols, corresponding to rows backspace symbols (represented here by _ and <
and columns of a 6 × 6 matrix speller, are arranged in a respectively). Define 2V = fA1 ,A2 ,:::,A2jVj g as the power
circular fashion [48,49]. In another study, this subset of 12 set of V; Ai ⊂ V.
overlapping symbols are presented in RSVP manner [50]. As a reminder, we define a trial as a subset Ai, which is
In these systems, the intersection of the selected groups highlighted during the presentation. In RCP paradigm,
gives the desired symbol. each trial consists of multiple characters, i.e., | Ai |≥ 1,
In this section, we introduce a language-model- but in RSVP and SCP paradigms each trial is a singleton;
assisted EEG-based BCI that can utilize any of two well- i.e., | Ai |= 1. A sequence is a series of consecutive flashes
known matrix presentation paradigms (matrix row and of trials with a predefined short intertrial interval (ITI) in
column [RCP] and matrix single-character presentation between. Among many definitions, here we use the ITI
[SCP]) and RSVP paradigm to cue the user for the as the time gap between the onset of two consecutive
inference of the desired symbol. trials in a sequence. After every sequence, the system
fuses the likelihoods obtained from recorded EEG, in
response to that sequence, to compute the posterior PMF
6.3.1 ERP-Based BCI for Letter-by-Letter Typing over the vocabulary set V and tries to estimate the user
Figure 6.6 represents the complete flow chart of the BCI in intent through MAP inference. However, a final decision
this example. The system can be segmented in three main is not made until a predefined confidence level is
components: (I) a presentation component that controls the reached.* Therefore, the system may need to query the
presentation scheme, (II) a feature extraction component that user with multiple sequences before commiting to a
extracts the likelihoods from raw EEG evidence for
Bayesian fusion, and (III) a decision-making component that
* In the current implementation, confidence is measured by the
combines the EEG (physiology) and context information maximum posterior probability over V; this corresponds to using
to estimate the user intent. In the next subsection, these Rényi entropy of order ∞ as the measure of uncertainty. Other
components are described in more detail. entropy definitions such as Shannon’s could also be used.
Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data 125

decision. In this chapter a set, of sequences that leads to a EEG Feature Extraction and Classification
decision is referred to as an epoch.
More reliable inference from EEG can be achieved by
In matrix-based presentation paradigms, symbols are
preprocessing the data and enhancing the signal quality.
spatially distributed on an R × C grid with R number of
The processed signal is used in this system to form EEG
rows and C number of columns [52]. To cue the user
feature vectors, and the details of this procedure are
for the inference of the desired character, subsets of these
provided later in Section 6.3.3. These feature vectors are
symbols are intensified typically in pseudo-random
computed by applying certain linear operations on EEG
time series. EEG is widely considered as a Gaussian
In every sequence, usually trials A1, A2,…,An are
process in the field [51,54,55]. Hence, it seems natural
selected such that ∪ni=1 Ai = V. RCP is a paradigm in
to use quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA)* to pro-
which a trial Ai is constrained to contain exactly all the
ject these vectors onto a one-dimensional space with
symbols in a row or a column of the matrix of symbols
minimum expected classification risk. But QDA requires
with n = (R + C) [16]. Accordingly, in RCP, every symbol
invertible class-conditional covariance matrix estimates,
in V is flashed twice in every sequence since, | Ai ∩ Aj |≤
which are not feasible in the practical usage of the BCI
1, i ≠ j. For this example, to obtain the best coverage of
due to the high dimensionality of the EEG feature vectors
the wide-screen monitors used in our experiments, we
and low number of calibration samples in each class.†
utilize a matrix of size 4 × 7. Researchers in the field have
This problem can be mitigated by employing regularized
suggested that a probability of less than 25% can lead to
discriminant analysis (RDA), which provides full-rank
a detectable P300 wave in response to a desired symbol
class-conditional covariance estimates [56].
[16]. In our setup for RCP, each sequence contains
Rank deficient covariance matrices are obtained using
11 flashes, among which only 2 contain the target
maximum likelihood estimation from calibration data.
symbol, and hence, the probability of each symbol trial
Then RDA converts these estimates to full-ranked
in a sequence is 11 2 ≃ 0:18 ≤ 0:25.
covariance matrices using shrinkage and regularization.
In contrast to RCP, SCP paradigm was shown to Shrinkage is defined as a convex combination of each
increase the P300 signal quality, which led to more class-covariance matrix and the overall class-mean-
accurate target detection [53]. In SCP, each trial is a subtracted covariance. Define fi ∈ ℝp as a p-dimensional
singleton, i.e., |Ai|= 1. Moreover, for the trials in a feature vector, and l ∈ { 0, 1} as class label where 0 and 1
sequence, it is required that, Ai ∩ Aj = ∅; i ≠ j. We choose represent nontarget and target classes respectively; then
a large enough number of flashes (n ≥ 5) in a sequence to the maximum likelihood estimator for mean and
reach a target probability less than 25%. covariance matrices are
Similar to SCP, each trial in RSVP includes only a
single symbol. It has been shown that RSVP-BCI systems 1 X N
μl = f d ðyi ,lÞ
that present all 28 symbols in every sequence, can only Nl i=1 i
achieve a speed of 5 symbols/minute [42–44,46]. Instead, (6.21)
one may choose to present a subset of vocabulary in each 1 X N
Sl = ðf − μl Þðfi − μl ÞT d ðyi ,lÞ:
sequence to improve typing speed/accuracy. Active- Nl i=1 i
RBSE offers a principled mechanism for selecting this
subset not only for RSVP but also for RCP and SCP Here Nl is the number of trials in class l; thus N = N0 +
paradigms to achieve an optimal solution based on an N1 is the total number of feature vectors, and d(.,.)
objective function that is associated with gaining infor- is the Kronecker-d. The shrinkage step of RDA is
mation about the user intent inference, more specifically defined as
for state estimation as described in Section 6.2.1. The X1
results from an experimental study as described in ð1 − l ÞNl Sl + ðl Þ j=0 Nj Sj
^ l ðl Þ =
S X1 , (6.22)
Section 6.3.3 show that this framework can improve both ð1 − l ÞNl + ðl Þ j=0 Nj
the typing speed and accuracy significantly.
where l ∈ [0, 1] is known as the shrinkage parameter.
6.3.2 Decision-Making Component Note that, l = 1 provides equal class-conditional
The inference engine of the BCI in this example uses lan- covariance matrices and converts the problem to linear
guage structure information and provides context prior discriminant analysis (LDA).
to be fused with EEG likelihoods. The joint decision
from context information and EEG evidence is estimated * The Gaussian distribution assumption here is a direct consequence of
through MAP inference. System parameters are optimized the assumption that filtered EEG is a Gaussian random process.

for each user individually, with the data obtained from In BCI design, a limited number of calibration samples are obtained
a calibration session, collected in a supervised fashion. in order to keep the calibration sessions short.
126 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

The regularization step of RDA is defined as 6.3.3 Experimental Results and Discussions

S ^ l ðl Þ + ðg Þ 1 tr S
^ l ðl,g Þ = ð1 − g ÞS ^ l ðl Þ Ip : (6.23) In this example, we employed a set of supervised data,
p collected from 12 healthy participants following an
In this equation, we use tr[.] as the trace operator, a p × p Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved protocol [51].
identity matrix is shown by Ip, and g ∈ [0, 1] is the regu- In this experiment, we used 16 EEG electrode locations of
larization parameter. The regularization step corre- Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, Fz, Fc1, Fc2, Cz, P1, P2, C1, C2, Cp3,
sponds to diagonal loading on these matrices to make Cp4, P5, and P6 according to the International 10/20
them invertible. The discriminant scores of RDA are then configuration. The EEG was recorded at a sampling rate
estimated similar to QDA but with regularized and of 256 Hz utilizing g.USBamp biosignal amplifier with
shrinked class-conditional covariance matrices. active g.Butterfly electrodes. These data were collected in
three separate days each for one presentation paradigm
fN f;1 μ,S^ 1 ðl,g Þ π^1 of RCP, SCP, and RSVP at an ITI of 150 ms. The order of
e = log (6.24)
^ 0 ðl,g Þ π
fN f; μ0 ,S ^0 sessions was distributed uniformly among participants
to exclude the effect of learning or frustration from sta-
In Equation 6.24, fN (f; μ, S) serves as a Gaussian PDF tistical analysis on the results. Each calibration session
when f ∼ N (μ, S), and the the prior probability of class l contained 100 sequences with 10 trials per sequence
is shown as π ^l . Here, with no knowledge about a trial, we among which one is the target. Prior to each sequence,
use π ^0 . The EEG scores e obtained from RDA, cor-
^1 = π we showed the target to the user to make the calibration
responding to the evidences defined in Figure 6.5, are task a supervised data collection session. These data sets
then treated as random variables for which the class- were used to obtain class-conditional PDFs and other
conditional PDF are computed using KDE as in Equation system parameters for each user and presentation para-
6.25 [46]. digm combinations. These PDFs were then used in
  Monte Carlo simulations of the system in an online
 1 X N
P f = ^fl = ^lÞ = fKDE ðe = ^ejl = ^lÞ = K ð^e,ei Þdli ,^l typing scenario.
N^l i=1 hl Twenty Monte Carlo simulations of the system were
(6.25) executed using the samples drawn from estimated class-
conditional PDFs. During each simulation, the system
In this equation, Khk (.,.) is a suitable kernel function
types missing words in 10 different phrases. Note that
with bandwidth hl. In this example, we use a Gaussian
the prior suggested by the context information is not
kernel and we estimate the kernel bandwidth hl for each
always helping the user. For instance, the user might
class using the Silverman rule of thumb [57], applied
need to type a that which is not common in the English
over the RDA scores for the corresponding class.
language. To consider these cases in our analysis, we
define 5 different difficulty levels,* with 1 as the easiest Language Model and 5 as the most difficult words to type. These phrases
in these simulations are selected uniformly across these
In a letter-by-letter typing scenario, a letter n-gram lan-
five difficulty levels. Here we compare the results for
guage model can be used to obtain a prior PMF over the
simulated online performance of our system under the
state space of user intent. This information can be used
Active-RSBE framework and baseline methods that
both for sequence optimization and for inference. A
either use the entire vocabulary at every sequence or
letter n-gram model corresponds to a Markov mode of
perform random stimuli subset selections.
order n − 1, which estimates the conditional probability
The performance of the system is measured in terms of
of every letter in the alphabet based on n − 1 previously
(I) total typing duration (TTD) for typing 10 phrases,
typed letters [58].
which is inversely proportional to typing speed, and
According to the Bayes rule and conditional indepen-
(II) probability of phrase completion (PPC), which is a
dence provided by an n − 1 Markov model, the condi-
measure of typing accuracy. Next, we present the sim-
tional probability of each character is computed as
ulation results for different presentation paradigms
pðxk = x,xk−1 = xÞ and for different users with various BCI usage accuracy
pðxk = xjxk = xÞ = : (6.26)
pðxk−1 = xÞ levels. These accuracy levels are represented by the area
under the receiver operating curve (AUC) values for
As defined in Section 6.2, xk is the system state (yet) to
be estimated during epoch k, and the string of previously
written n − 1 symbols are denoted by xk−1. In this par-
* Lower levels consist of copying phrases that have letters that are
ticular example, we use a 6-gram letter model. This
assigned high probabilities by the language model. As the level
model is trained on the New York Times portion of the increases, the language model probabilities become increasingly
English Gigaword corpus [58]. adversarial. Level 3 is neutral on average.
Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data 127

each user. These AUC values are obtained through

performing cross-validation over the supervised data 1
collected at calibration sessions.

Probability of phrase compilation

0.8 RSVP Paradigm
To assess the effect of the proposed query set optimiza-
tion on online system performance, we conducted two
sets of Monte Carlo simulations (1) with random trial 0.4
selection and (2) with optimal query selection. Based on
an earlier experimental study, the upper bound on the 0.2
number of sequences in each epoch was set to mt = 8, and
number of trials per sequence was selected as k = 14
[51,59]. The scatterplot in Figure 6.7 shows the TTD for Random sequences
Optimized sequences
active RSVP (ARSVP) vs. the random RSVP paradigm. 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
In this figure, the horizontal and vertical axes represent AUC values
TTD for random RSVP and ARSVP respectively. In this
plot, the width and the height of the box around each FIGURE 6.8
data point represent the standard deviation of TTD from Average probability of phrase completion with 90% confidence inter-
vals for RSVP and ARSVP paradigm. (From M. Moghadamfalahi et al.,
20 Monte Carlo simulations for each case in the corre- “Active learning for efficient querying from a human oracle with noisy
sponding dimensions. This figure shows that 9 out response in a language-model assisted brain computer interface,” in
of 12 users could benefit from optimal sequence selec- 2015 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Machine Learning for
tion and achieve higher typing speed. To quantify these Signal Processing (MLSP). IEEE, 2015, pp.1–6.)
results, we used a Wilcoxon signed-rank sum test,
which showed a statistically significant improvement In these typing scenarios, we mark a phrase as
with P < 0.03 under the assumption of a significance incomplete if the system cannot type the correct phrase
level of a = 0.05. in a predefined duration or if more than five consecutive
mistakes occur. Consequently, we define the PPC as the
50 ratio of number of completed phrases to the total
AUC = 0.92
AUC = 0.91
number of phrases. The estimated PPCs from the simu-
45 AUC = 0.89 lation sets are presented in Figure 6.8. In this figure, the
AUC = 0.87
AUC values (which are a measure of EEG classification
Characters selected based on ARSVP paradigm

AUC = 0.85
AUC = 0.8
AUC = 0.79 performance for each user) are mapped on the x-axis,
AUC = 0.77 and the PPCs are presented on the y-axis. The averaged
35 AUC = 0.74
AUC = 0.7 PPCs of 20 Monte Carlo simulations are shown as “*”
AUC = 0.68
AUC = 0.59 points in green for ARSVP and as “o” in red for random
RSVP. The 90% area under a beta distribution fitted to
25 PPCs for each parameter set is obtained for both cases,
which are shown as error bars in corresponding colors
20 around the averaged PPCs.
These results suggest that the optimal query strategy
15 improves the typing accuracy especially for the AUCs ∈
[0.7, 0.9], which is typically the range that includes most
of the users in the healthy population. Wincoxon signed-
5 rank sum hypothesis testing results (P < 0.003) applied
on averaged PPCs from both conditions show a signifi-
0 cant improvement in typing accuracy due to optimizing
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Characters selected based on random RSVP paradigm
query sets for each sequence according to proposed
objective function.
Scatterplot of average TTD in minutes from 20 Monte Carlo simula-
tions for RSVP and ARSVP. (From M. Moghadamfalahi et al., “Active Matrix-Based Presentation Paradigm
learning for efficient querying from a human oracle with noisy with Overlapping Trials
response in a language-model assisted brain computer interface,” in
2015 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Machine Learning for
In contrast to RSVP and SCP, trials in RCP are not con-
Signal Processing (MLSP). IEEE, 2015, pp.1–6.) strained to be singletons. This can potentially lead to higher
128 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

typing speed. Here we propose to define a more relaxed 50

AUC = 0.93
search space for the optimization problem at hand. AUC = 0.93
Define a function c : 2V → {1, 0}V where c(Ai) = [1 {V1 ∈ 45 AUC = 0.91
AUC = 0.87
Ai}, ⋯, 1 {V|V| ∈ Ai}]T. Then, define a |V| × k binary code AUC = 0.87

Flash-sets selected based on ALP paradigm

40 AUC = 0.85
matrix as C = [c(A1), ⋯, c(Ak)]. Each row of this code AUC = 0.8
AUC = 0.79
matrix C associates a code word of zeros and ones to 35 AUC = 0.78
AUC = 0.78
each state space element, i.e., the symbols in the vocab- AUC = 0.76
ulary. In this setup, the length of the code words repre- 30 AUC = 0.74

sents the number of trials in a sequence. The value of

ones in each row defines the trials in which the corre- 25
sponding character is flashed.
In particular for RCP, the trials have overlaps with
Ai ∩ Aj ≤ 1, ∀ i, j ∈ f1, ⋯, jFs+1
k jg, i ≠ j. Then under these 15
assumptions, for an R × C matrix of characters, the RCP
paradigm offers unique code words of length R + C with 10
two nonzero elements. The visual presentation compo-
nent of the system used in this example utilizes a 4 × 7 5
background matrix. Hence the length of code words in
RCP is 4 + 7 = 11. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
In such an RCP setup, we propose to define the C such Flash-sets selected based on RCP paradigm
that each letter is assigned with a unique code word. For
application in ERP-BCIs, we need to impose certain FIGURE 6.9
Scatterplot of total typing duration of 10 phrases in terms of minutes
constraints on the search space to control for the fre- for RCP and ALP.
quency of letter presentation in each sequence to induce
ERP in response to intent. But it is important to note that,
6.10, we infer that ALP can significantly reduce the TTD
unlike RSVP-based paradigms, matrix-based presenta-
while preserving the PPC.
tion paradigms can benefit from visual evoked potentials
Here we should mention that the proposed monotone-
(VEPs). Hence, we can relax the constraints and allow for
modular lower bound on the approximated objective
more frequent flashes of the same character in each
function is not a good objective to obtain the query sets
sequence [61]. This can lead to improved typing speed
with overlapping trials as it omits the effect of normali-
by reducing the sequences’ length. More specifically, we
zation factor in the predicted posterior PMF. This
define the feasible set such that there exists a unique code
problem can be mitigated by employing more tight
word for each symbol while each symbol is presented
bounds on the objective and changing the optimization
with a frequency less than 0.5 in each sequence.
approach accordingly.
Based on these propositions, we define the length of the
code words to be equal to 6, to get at least as many code
words as the size of our vocabulary set with three or less
nonzero elements.
With this number of trials, we can
produce 63 + 62 + 61 = 41 unique code words to be 0.995
Probability of phrase compilation

assigned to each character. The scatterplot of TTD for 0.99

standard RCP (using 11 flashes corresponding to all the 0.985
rows and columns in each sequence) and AL-based pre-
sentation (ALP) paradigms are presented in Figure 6.9.
This plot suggests that every user can achieve shorter TTD 0.975
with the ALP paradigm. This effect is more clear for the 0.97
lower AUCs that are represented by the points toward the 0.965
center of the figure. Also, the statistical hypothesis testing
result confirms a significant improvement (P < 0.0005). But
on the other hand, as shown in Figure 6.10, the improve- 0.955
Random sequences
ment on the PPCs is not as significant. Here note that in the 0.95
Optimized sequences

RCP paradigm, the EEG classification AUCs are generally 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
AUC values
high, and this leads to high PPCs (above 95%) with no
sequence optimization. Thus, as expected, we don’t have a
statistically significant improvement in PPCs (P > 0.75). Average probability of phrase completion with 90% confidence inter-
But in sum, from the results presented in Figures 6.9 and vals for RCP and ALP.
Active Recursive Bayesian State Estimation for Big Biological Data 129 Matrix-Based Presentation Paradigm

with Single-Character Trials 1

Probability of phrase compilation

For the RSVP paradigm, it has been shown that the best
typing performance can be achieved when not all letters 0.8
but a subset of vocabulary is presented in each sequence
[59]. Similar to RSVP, in SCP, each trial consists of a 0.6
single letter, and each letter is presented at most once in
each sequence. Accordingly, we use the results of an
RSVP study to propose that the best typing performance
for SCP can be achieved with sequences of length 14 [59].
Hence, we constrain the search space of our objec- 0.2
tive function to sequence sets of length k = 14 while each
trial is a singleton, i.e., |Ai| = 1. Here we compare our 0 Random sequences
methods to a typical SCP paradigm in which all the Optimized sequences

vocabulary elements are presented in random order at 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
AUC values
every sequence.
The results are summarized in Figures 6.11 and 6.12. FIGURE 6.12
The scatterplot of TTD is shown in Figure 6.11. In this Average probability of phrase completion with 90% confidence inter-
figure, the horizontal axis shows the TTD value for vals for SCP and ASCP.
the standard SCP paradigm and the vertical axis
shows the TTD when the Active-SCP (ASCP) paradigm
is used. The results here suggest that the typing speed
of an SCP paradigm can be significantly improved 6.4 Open Problems and Future Directions
when optimized sequence sets of length 14 are used (P <
In this chapter, we presented the Active-RBSE frame-
0.01). Moreover, as the results show in Figure 6.12, users
work for system state inference in the presence of
can achieve a significantly improved (P < 0.008) typing
high-velocity multimodal data. Active-RBSE imposes
accuracy when the ASCP paradigm is used rather than
conditional independence among different physiological
the standard SCP paradigm that uses all the symbols in
measurements; hence, different modalities can be pro-
the vocabulary at every sequence.
cessed in parallel, and extracted evidence then will be
fused in a probabilistic fashion for joint inference. Also,
inspired by cognitive systems, in this framework, the
system state is defined as a random variable tailored by
AUC = 0.95 context information, which defines a prior probability
AUC = 0.95
45 AUC = 0.94 distribution over the state space. The RBSE mechanism
AUC = 0.93
AUC = 0.88 employed in this system offers recursive update rules for
Flash-sets selected based on ASCP paradigm

40 AUC = 0.86
AUC = 0.82
estimated posterior distribution after observing a set of
AUC = 0.81 measurements that reduces both memory and process-
35 AUC = 0.79
AUC = 0.72 ing demand during online operation.
AUC = 0.7
AUC = 0.64
Moreover, Active-RBSE employs the AL concept to
exploit the information extracted from the context and
previously observed evidence to optimize query sets
offered to the oracle. This can potentially reduce the
20 processing time. To illustrate the importance of infor-
mation exploitation in query set design recursively, we
15 used 36 supervised data sets collected from 12 healthy
participants who utilized an EEG-based language-
10 model-assisted letter-by-letter typing interface with
three different presentation paradigms of RSVP, SCP,
and RCP with optimized and random query sets.
0 A thorough assessment of the Active-RBSE framework
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Flash-sets selected based on standard SCP paradigm
through Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated that this
framework offers a significant improvement in terms of
FIGURE 6.11 typing speed and accuracy over well known existing
Scatterplot of TTD of 10 phrases in terms of minutes for SCP and ASCP. presentation paradigms. The presented version of
130 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse

Ljubiša Stanković, Miloš Daković, and Isidora Stanković

7.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................133
7.2 Basic Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................134
7.2.1 Conditions for Reconstruction ........................................................................................................................135
7.2.2 Common Measurement Matrices ...................................................................................................................137
7.3 Norm-Zero-Based Reconstruction...............................................................................................................................137
7.3.1 Reconstruction with Known/Estimated Positions.......................................................................................138
7.3.2 Position Estimation and Reconstruction........................................................................................................138
7.3.3 Coherence...........................................................................................................................................................139
7.3.4 Block and One-Step Reconstruction ...............................................................................................................139
7.4 Norm-One-Based Reconstruction Algorithms ..........................................................................................................141
7.4.1 LASSO Minimization........................................................................................................................................142
7.4.2 Signal Reconstruction with a Gradient Algorithm ......................................................................................143
7.4.3 Total Variations .................................................................................................................................................144
7.5 Bayesian-Based Reconstruction ...................................................................................................................................145
7.6 Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing ..........................................................................................................148
7.7 Open Problems and Future Directions ......................................................................................................................148
7.8 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................................................149
References ................................................................................................................................................................................149

domain, then its samples, being linear combinations

7.1 Introduction
of transform coefficients, can be considered as mea-
A signal is sparse if the number of its nonzero coefficients surements as well. Knowing that a signal is sparse, one
is much smaller than the total number of signal samples. can represent and reconstruct it using a reduced set of
Discrete-time signals can be transformed and repre- measurements. The number of these measurements/
sented in various transformation domains. Some signals observations is much smaller than the total number of
that assume nonzero values in most of the discrete-time samples [1–10].
domain could be sparse in a transformation domain. A reduced set of measurements can be a result of an
They may have just a few nonzero transform coefficients. aspiration to sense and represent a sparse signal with the
These signals are then sparse in the respective transfor- lowest possible number of measurements (compressive
mation domain. An observation or measurement is a sensing). This is of great importance in the case of big
linear combination of signal coefficients in their sparsity data setups when a large number of signal elements is
domain. The weights of this linear combination can be considered. A reduced set of measurements can also be a
random numbers. If a signal is sparse in a transformation result of a physical unavailability to take a complete set

134 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

of measurements/samples. It can also happen that some The measurements defined by Equation 7.1 can be
arbitrarily positioned samples of a signal are heavily written as a system of M equations as
corrupted by disturbances that should rather be omitted 2 3 2 3
y(0) y0 (0) y1 (0) ⋯ yN−1 (0)
and considered as unavailable. Although the reduced set 6 7 6 7
of measurements/samples in the first case appears as a 6 y(1) 7 6 y0 (1) y1 (1) ⋯ yN−1 (1) 7
6 7 6 7
result of user strategy to compress the information, while 6 7=6 7
6 ⋮ 7 6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
in the later two cases, the reduced set of samples is not 4 5 4 5
a result of the user intention, all of them can be con- y(M − 1) y0 (M − 1) y1 (M − 1) ⋯ yN−1 (M − 1)
sidered within the unified compressive sensing theoret- 2 3
ical framework. X(0)
6 7
The reconstruction of big sparse signals from a 6 X(1) 7
6 7
reduced set of measurements is the topic of this chapter. 6 7
6 ⋮ 7
The chapter is an adaption for big data setups of the 4 5
chapter presented in Ref. [11]. The conditions and few X(N − 1)
algorithms for the signal/data reconstruction are pre-
sented. Under some conditions, a full (exact) recon- or using vector notation
struction of a big sparse signal can be achieved from a y = AX
reduced set of measurements.
where A is the measurement matrix of size M × N.
The fact that the signal is sparse with X(k) = 0 for k ∉ K =
{k1,k2,...,kK} is not included in the measurement matrix A
since the positions of the nonzero values are unknown.
If the knowledge that X(k) = 0 for k ∉ K were included,
7.2 Basic Definitions then a reduced system would be obtained as
A big set of discrete-time data x(n),n = 0,1,…,N−1, with a 2 3 2 3
y(0) yk1 (0) yk2 (0) ⋯ ykK (0)
large number of samples N, is considered. Its coefficients 6 7 6 7
in a representation domain are denoted as 6 y(1) 7 6 yk (1) yk2 (1) ⋯ ykK (1) 7
6 7 6 1 7
6 7=6 7
6 ⋮ 7 6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
X = ½X(0), X(1) ; :::; X(N − 1)T , 4 5 4 5
y(M − 1) yk1 (M − 1) yk2 (M − 1) ⋯ ykK (M − 1)
where T represents the transpose operation. We consider 2 3
a signal to be sparse in this representation domain if the X(k1 )
number of nonzero coefficients K is much smaller than 6 7
6 X(k2 ) 7
6 7
the number of the original signal samples N, i.e., if X (k) = 0 6 7
6 ⋮ 7
for k ∉ K = {k1, k2,...,kK} and K ≪ N. The number of 4 5
nonzero coefficients is commonly denoted by ‖X‖0 X(kK )
‖ X ‖0 = cardfKg = K, with a reduced M × K measurement matrix AK defined as

where card{K} is the cardinality of set K. It is equal to the y = AK X K : (7.2)

number of elements in K. It is called the ℓ0-norm (norm-
Matrix AK would be formed if we assumed/knew the
zero) or the ℓ0-pseudo-norm of vector X although it does
positions of nonzero samples k ∈ K. It would follow from
not satisfy the norm properties.
the measurement matrix A by omitting the columns
The observations/measurements are defined as linear
corresponding to the zero-valued coefficients in X.
combinations of signal coefficients in the sparsity
In compressive sensing, the weighting coefficients
yk(m) are commonly random numbers, such as Gaussian
N −1 distributed values. In the case of signal processing, these
y(m) = X(k)yk (m), (7.1) coefficients usually correspond to the signal transform
k=0 coefficients. Common measurement matrices will be
discussed later in this section.
where m= 0,1,...,M-1 is the measurement index and yk We will illustrate the basic definitions in a simple
(m) are the weighting coefficients. The vector form of the example of when only two coefficients in vector X are
measurement signal is denoted by y nonzero (i.e., the sparsity is K = 2). We do not know
either their positions or their values. The aim is to find
y=½y(0), y(1), :::; y(M − 1)T: the positions and the values of these coefficients.
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 135

The nonzero values will be denoted by X(i) and X(l). A In a matrix form, these four measurements can be
direct way to find the positions i and l would be to written as
analyze the complete set of N independent measure-
ments and to get all values of X(k), k = 0,1,…,N−1. y = AX
However, for big data signals, N is very large, and there where A is the matrix of transform coefficients called the
are only K = 2 ≪ N nonzero coefficients; we can get measurement matrix,
the result with a very reduced set of observations/
2 3
measurements. y0 (0) y1 (0) ⋯ yN−1 (0)
Consider one measurement 6 7
6 y0 (1) y1 (1) ⋯ yN−1 (1) 7
6 7
N −1
X A=6 7,
6 y0 (2) y1 (2) ⋯ yN−1 (2) 7
y(0) = X(k)yk (0): (7.3) 4 5
y0 (3) y1 (3) ⋯ yN−1 (3)
This equation represents an N-dimensional hyper-
plane in the space of variables X(0), X(1), ... , X(N−1). In and y = [y(0) y(1) y(2) y(3)]T are the measurements/
order to be able to calculate two coefficients, we should observations of sparse variable X = [X(0)X(1)…X(N−1)]T.
have at least two equations, with one more measurement A common solution for two pairs of measurements is
unique if
N −1
X 2 3
y(1) = X(k)yk (1): (7.4) yi (0) yl (0) yp (0) yq (0)
6 7
k=0 6 yi (1) yl (1) yp (1) yq (1) 7
6 7
det6 7≠0 (7.8)
Assuming that any two coefficients are nonzero, we 6 yi (2) yl (2) yp (2) yq (2) 7
4 5
will get a possible solution from the system
yi (3) yl (3) yp (3) yq (3)
y(0) = X(i)yi (0) + X(l)yl (0)
: (7.5) for any i,l,p,q. This will be proven in the next section.
y(1) = X(i)yi (1) + X(l)yl (1)

Assuming that all weighting coefficients are such that 7.2.1 Conditions for Reconstruction
" # The analysis of a signal with an arbitrary sparsity K is
yi (0) yl (0)
yi (0)yl (1) − yi (1)yl (0) = det ≠0 (7.6) similar to the analysis as in the example in the previous
yi (1) yl (1) section. To get the first set of possible solutions for K
nonzero coefficients (i.e., sparsity), we need K measure-
for any i and l, then the solution will exist for any pair of i ments. For any combination of K (out of N) nonzero
and l. Thus, with two measurements, we will get ð N 2Þ
coefficients X(k), k∈{k1,k2,...,kK}, we will get a possible
possible solutions with nonzero value in X at two posi- solution. There exist ð NK Þ such possible combinations/
tions. As expected, two measurements are not enough to solutions (binomial coefficient). Additional K measure-
be able to solve the problem and to find the positions and
ments will be used to produce another set of ð N K Þ pos-
the values of two nonzero coefficients.
If we perform two more measurements y(2) and y(3) sible solutions. The intersection of these two sets is then
with other sets of weighting coefficients yk(2) and yk(3), the solution of our problem.
for k = 0,1,...,N−1, the result will be an additional two The solution is unique if the determinant of all A2K
hyperplanes submatrices of matrix A are different from zero. This
statement will be proven by contradiction. Assume
N −1
X that M = 2K measurements are available within the
y(2) = X(k)yk (2) = X(i)yi (2) + X(l)yl (2) vector y. Assume that two different solutions for X of
(7.7) sparsity K exist. Denote the nonzero parts of the solu-
N −1
X tions by X(1) (2)
K and XK . Both of them satisfy the measure-
y(3) = X(k)yk (3) = X(i)yi (3) + X(l)yl (3): ments equation,
A(1) (1)
K XK = y
Assuming again that any two coefficients are nonzero, and
we will get ð N 2 Þ possible solutions as in the case of the A(2) (2)
K XK = y,
first two measurements. If these two sets of solutions
produce only one common value for only one pair of where A(1) (2)
K and AK are two different submatrices of
positions (i,l), then it is the solution of our problem. matrix A of size M × K corresponding to the elements in
136 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

X(1) (2)
K and XK . If we rewrite these equations by adding ‖ A2K X2K ‖22 XT2K AT2K A2K X2K
zeros lmin ≤ = ≤ lmax , (7.11)
‖ X2K ‖22 XT2K X2K
" # " #
h i X(1) h i 0K where lmin and lmax are the minimal and the maximal
(1) (2) K (1) (2)
AK AK = y and AK AK = y (7.9) eigenvalues of the (Gram) matrix AT2K A2K (squared
0K X(2)
absolute singular values of A2K) and ‖ X ‖22 = jX(0)j2 +
and subtract them, we get … jX(N − 1)j2 is the squared ℓ2-norm (norm-two).
2 3 The isometry property for a linear transformation
h i X(1)
matrix A holds if
(2) 4 5 = 0:
−X(2) ‖ AX ‖22
‖ AX ‖22 = ‖ X ‖22 or = 1:
‖ X ‖22
There are no nonzero solutions for X(1) (2)
K and XK if the
determinant of matrix A2K = ½ AK AK  is nonzero. If all
(1) (2)
The restricted isometry property (RIP) for a matrix A2K
possible submatrices A2K (including all lower-order and a 2K-sparse vector X2K holds if
submatrices) of measurement matrix A are nonsingular,
then two solutions of sparsity K cannot exist, and the solu- ‖ A2K X2K ‖22
1 − d2K ≤ ≤ 1 + d2K , (7.12)
tion is unique. Note that there are ð N
2K Þ submatrices A2K.
‖ X2K ‖22
Based on the previous analysis, the solution for a K where 0 ≤ d2K < 1 is the isometric constant [14,15]. From
sparse problem is unique if Equations 7.11 and 7.12, we can write
sparkfAg > 2K, d2K = maxf1 − lmin , lmax − 1g:
where spark{A} is defined as the smallest number of lin- Commonly, isometric constant is defined by lmax − 1,
early dependent columns, i.e., the smallest submatrix AK and it is calculated as maximal eigenvalue of matrix AT2K
with det(AH K AK ) = 0 (singular submatrix). For example, if A2K − I. Normalized energies of the columns of matrix A
any column of matrix A is all zero-valued, then spark{A} = (diagonal elements of AT2K A2K ) are assumed. Otherwise,
1; if there is no zero column in A and there exists a singular the normalization factors should be added. For complex-
AH2 A2 , then spark{A} = 2; and so on. It means that if spark valued matrices, Hermitian transpose should be used in
{A} > 2K, then all 2K × 2K (and lower-order) submatrices AH2K A2K .
AH2K A2K are nonsingular. This has already been estab- For a K-sparse vector X and a measurement matrix A,
lished as the uniqueness condition. the RIP is satisfied if Equation 7.12 holds for all
Note that for any square matrix, its determinant is submatrices AK with 0 ≤ dK < 1. The solution for K-sparse
equal to the product of its eigenvalues vector is unique if the measurement matrix satisfies the
RIP for 2K-sparse vector X with 0 ≤ d2K < 1.
detfA2K g = d1 d2  … d2K:
Note that if the RIP is satisfied, then lmin > 0.
The uniqueness condition can be rewritten as Restricted isometry property for small d2K is closer to
the isometry property and improves the solution stabil-
minjdi j > 0 ity. It can be related to the matrix conditional number.
i The conditional number of a matrix AT2K A2K is defined as
the ratio of its maximal and minimal eigenvalues
for all submatrices A2K of the measurement matrix A
with eigenvalues di.   l
In numerical and practical applications, we would not cond AT2K A2K = max :
be satisfied if any of the determinants is very close to
zero. In this case, the theoretical condition for a unique If a matrix A2K satisfies the RIP with d2K, then
solution would be satisfied; however, the analysis and
possible inversion would be highly sensitive to any   1 + d2K
cond AT2K A2K ≤ :
kind of noise in measurements [12,13]. Thus, a practi- 1 − d2K
cal requirement is that the determinant is not just dif-
ferent from zero, but that it sufficiently differs from zero With small values of d2K, the conditional number is
so that an inversion stability and noise robustness are close to 1, meaning stable invertibility and low sensi-
achieved. tivity to the input noise (small variations of the input
From the matrix theory, it is known that the norm of a signal [measurements] do not cause large variations of
matrix A2K satisfies the result).
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 137

2 3
7.2.2 Common Measurement Matrices 1 ej2πt1 =T ⋯ ej2πt1 (N−1)=T
6 7
Some common measurement matrices used in practical 6 1 ej2πt2 =T ⋯ ej2πt2 (N−1)=T 7
6 7
applications and theoretical considerations will be pre- A=6 7 (7.14)
6⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
sented here. 4 5
Randomness of measurement matrices is a favorable 1 ej2πtM =T ⋯ ej2πtM (N−1)=T
property in compressive sensing, and matrices with pffiffiffiffiffi
random elements are often used. The most common is with a possible normalization factor 1= M. This mea-
the measurement matrix with zero-mean unity variance surement matrix is a partial random inverse Fourier
Gaussian distributed numbers as elements transform matrix.
1 Other signal transforms and other random distribu-
fk (n) = pffiffiffiffiffi N (0, 1) tions can be used to form an appropriate measurement
M matrix. For example, if a signal is sparse in the discrete
normalized with 1= M so that the energy of each cosine transform (DCT) domain (or in the discrete sine
column is 1. transform [DST] domain), then this transform will be
In signal processing, the most common transform is used to perform measurements and form the corre-
the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The coefficients of sponding measurement matrix.
its direct transform matrix F are defined as Next we will present reconstruction algorithms with
fk (n) = exp ( − j2πnk=N): three different approaches. The first group of algorithms
is based on the direct problem solution with a minimal
The inverse DFT matrix coefficients are yk (n) = N number of nonzero coefficients, avoiding the direct
exp(j2πnk=N). Commonly, the measurements are the search combinatorial approach. In the second group
signal samples y(m−1) = x(nm) for m = 1,…,M where of algorithms, the convex relaxation of the ℓ0-norm to the
ℓ1-norm is used with appropriate iterative solvers. The
nm ∈ M = fn1 , n2 , …, nM g ⊂ f0, 1, …, N − 1g, third group of algorithms is based on the Bayesian
and approach to the sparse signals’ reconstruction.
N −1
1 X
y(m − 1) = x(nm ) = X(k)ej2πnm k=N :
N k=0

Therefore, the measurement matrix is obtained by

keeping the rows of the inverse DFT matrix corre- 7.3 Norm-Zero-Based Reconstruction
sponding to the samples at nm ∈ {0,1,…,N − 1}, for the For a given set of measurements defined by y, the
measurements m = 1,2,…,M, reconstruction problem can be observed as finding the
2 3 vector X with the smallest number K = ‖X‖0 of nonzero
1 ej2πn1 =N ⋯ ej2πn1 (N−1)=N coefficients satisfying y = AX,
6 j2πn2 =N
61 e ⋯ ej2πn2 (N−1)=N 7
7 min ‖ X ‖0 subject to y = AX: (7.15)
A= 6 7: (7.13)
N6⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
4 5 The ℓ0-norm cannot be used in common minimization
1 ej2πnM =N ⋯ ej2πnM (N−1)=N methods. However, a class of algorithms is based on the
solution of the measurement equation y = AX with a
This is a partial inverse DFT matrix. In compressive
minimal possible number of the nonzero coefficients.
sensing theory, it is common to normalize the measure-
Therefore, these algorithms are based on the minimization
ment matrix so that the energy of its columns (diagonal of the number of coefficients K = ‖X‖0 in an implicit way.
elements of AHA matrix) is equal to 1. Then the factor 1/N
pffiffiffiffiffi Direct search reconstruction is an example of such
in A should be replaced by 1= M.
algorithms. Commonly M > 2K is used in order to get a
In order to increase randomness in the Fourier trans- solution with sufficient stability. Then the measurement
form matrix, the measurements may be taken at any
matrix A is of an M × N order, while the matrix corre-
random instant. Then the measurement vector elements
sponding to a K sparse vector XK is AK. It is of an M × K
are y(m − 1) = x(tm) where tm, m = 1,2,…,M are random order. Note that the product ATK AK is of K × K order.
instants within the considered time interval T. The
Thus, all previous conclusions are valid for this kind of
measurement matrix follows then from the Fourier series
XN−1 matrix as well.
definition x(t) = k=0
X(k) exp (j2πkt=T). It has been Consider a measurement matrix A that we want to use
assumed that the Fourier series coefficients are within for M measurements of K-sparse vector X. This mea-
0 ≤ k ≤ N − 1. The measurement matrix is surement matrix A will produce a unique solution for
138 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

any K-sparse vector if all its submatrices A2K satisfy e2 = ðy − AK XK ÞH ðy − AK XK Þ

spark or RIP. To check any of these properties, we have
to make ð N 2K Þ calculations for all possible A2K sub-
= ‖ y ‖22 − 2XH H H H
K AK y + XK AK AK XK , (7.18)
matrices of matrix A.
where H denotes the Hermitian transpose conjugate.
For each possible arrangement of K nonzero coeffi-
Using symbolic derivation over the vector of unknowns,
cients in X denoted by XK, the system of M equations
we get the minimum of error e2 from
with K < M unknowns y = AKXK is solved in the least-
mean-square sense (details will be presented later). ∂ e2
= −2AH H
K y + 2AK AK XK = 0:
There are ð NK Þ such systems. The arrangement whose ∂ XHK
solution produces zero-valued mean square error is the The solution of the reconstruction is then
solution of our problem. −1 H
For any reasonable N and K, the number of combina- X K = AHK AK AK y: (7.19)
tions ð N
K Þ and ð 2K Þ is extremely large and computa-
tionally not feasible. This combinatorial problem is an
7.3.2 Position Estimation and Reconstruction
non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP) hard problem
(with nonpolynomial number of combinations). In this section, we will present a procedure to estimate
Computational complexity will be significantly the set of positions K of the nonzero coefficients in X.
reduced if we are able to estimate positions of the This is the matching pursuit (MP) approach to the sparse
nonzero coefficients in the solution X and to solve the signal reconstruction.
problem with the minimal possible number of nonzero We have a set of equations represented in the mea-
coefficients [16,17]. surement matrix form as y = AX. For the initial estima-
tion, we will use
7.3.1 Reconstruction with Known/Estimated Positions
X0 = AH y = AH AX: (7.20)
Let us firstly assume that the positions of nonzero coef-
ficients are already estimated and known. We will In the ideal case, matrix AHA would be the identity
denote the set of the known positions as matrix, and the initial estimate would fully correspond
to the solution. However, with a reduced number of
K = fk1 ,k2 , … ,kK g: measurements, this cannot be achieved. Still, the
requirement is that diagonal elements of AHA are larger
The values of the coefficients at these positions are than the other elements. The properties related to the
unknown. The goal is to reconstruct them. We will elements of AHA will be discussed later.
denote them as The first element of K is found as the position of the
XK = ½X(k1 ), X(k2 ), …, X(kK )T : maximum of X0,

In a matrix form, the system y = AX reduces to k1 = arg maxjAH yj: (7.21)

The reduced system (Equation 7.16) is solved using the
y = AK X K , (7.16)
solution in Equation 7.19 with the position K = {k1}. In
where AK is an M × K matrix obtained from the mea- this way, we obtain X1. Then y1 = A1X1 is calculated. If y1 =
surement matrix A with columns corresponding to the y, the signal is of sparsity K = 1, and X1 is the problem
nonzero transform coefficients. The matrix can be solution. If this is not the case, the estimated component
defined as is removed from y, and the signal e1 = y − y1 is formed.
2 3 Then the second nonzero position is estimated as
yk1 (0) yk2 (0) ⋯ ykK (0)
6 7 k2 = arg maxjAH e1 j,
6 yk (1)
6 1
yk2 (1) ⋯ ykK (1) 7 7
AK = 6 7 : (7.17) and the set K = {k1,k2} is formed. Equation 7.16 is solved
6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7
4 5 again with the new set, and X2 and y2 are calculated.
yk1 (M − 1) yk2 (M − 1) ⋯ ykK (M − 1) Next we form the vector e2 = y − y2. If it is a zero vector,
the solution is found as y = y2. If this is not the case, we
Equation 7.16 is used with the relation K < M ≤ N. Its will continue to estimate k3 using e2 and to find K = {k1,k2,
solution, in the least-mean-square sense, follows from k3}, followed by X3 and y3 calculation. This procedure is
the minimization of difference of the available signal continued until zero (or acceptable) error is achieved.
values and the values produced by the reconstructed The algorithm for MP reconstruction is presented in
coefficients X(k), defined by Algorithm 1.
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 139

Algorithm 1 Norm-zero-based MP reconstruction and yk is the kth column of matrix A. This index plays an
important role in the analysis of measurement matrices.
Input: Smaller values of coherence index are preferred, since
• Measurements vector y the matrix AHA is closer to the identity matrix. However,
• Measurement matrix A the coherence index cannot be arbitrarily small for an
• Number of selected coefficients in each iteration r M × N matrix A (M < N). The Welch upper bound
• Required precision e relation holds,
1: K ← ∅ μ≥ : (7.23)
MðN − 1Þ
2: e ← y
3: while ‖ e ‖2 > e do
4: (k1 , k2 , …, kr ) ← positions of r highest Consider a K-sparse signal. The worst-case influence to
values in AHe the strongest component occurs when the remaining K − 1
5: K ← K ∪ fk1 ,k2 , … ,kr g components are equally strong (with equal amplitudes).
6: AK ← columns of matrix A selected by set K Then the amplitude of the strongest component is 1
7: XK ← pinv(AK )y (assuming normalized measurement matrix with akk = 1
8: yK ← AK XK and the normalized signal component amplitude). The
9: e ← y − yK worst case for the detection of this component is when all
10: end ( while other components maximally reduce the value of the
0 for positions not in K considered component in the initial estimate. XInfluence
11: X ← of the kth component to the mth position is i=0
ym (i)

XK for positions in K yk (i). Its maximal possible value is μ. The worst-
Output: case amplitude of the considered component is then 1 −
(K − 1)μ. At the position where there is no component, in
• Reconstructed signal coefficients X the worst case, the maximal possible contributions of all K
components (being equal to μ) sum up in phase to
produce maximal possible disturbance Kμ. Detection of
7.3.3 Coherence the component is always successful if the worst possible
amplitude, at the considered component position, is
Now we will analyze the elements of AHA. The diagonal greater than the largest possible disturbance [18],
elements are
1 − (K − 1)μ > Kμ,
akk = yk (i)yk∗ (i) = hyk , yk∗ i, producing

1 1
while the elements outside the diagonal are K< 1+ : (7.24)
2 μ
amk = ym (i)yk∗ (i) = hym , yk∗ i,   m ≠ k, After the first component is successfully detected, then
i=0 the previous relation will hold for K − 1 sparsity, guar-
anteeing the exact (unique) solution. Relation between K,
where hym , yk∗ i denotes a scalar product of ym(i) and M and N can be derived from Equations 7.22 and 7.24.
yk∗ (i). The RIP constant can be related to the coherence
The coherence index of a matrix A is defined as a index as
maximal absolute value of the normalized scalar product
of its two columns dK ≤ (1 − K)μ:

μ = maxj μ(m, k)j, for m ≠ k

where 7.3.4 Block and One-Step Reconstruction

For the iterative procedure calculation, we need matrix
X inversion in Equation 7.19 for each iteration (in addition
ym (i)yk∗ (i)
amk i=0 hy , y ∗ i to the other, less complex operations). For sparsity K, the
μ(m, k) = = =  m ∗k  (7.22) order of calculation complexity is 13 + 23 + … + K3 ∼ K4.
akk X
yk ,yk
jyk (i)j The calculation complexity will be reduced if we are able
i=0 to estimate nonzero positions in blocks in each iteration.
140 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

The most efficient way is to estimate all positions in a matching pursuit (CoSaMP), and it is introduced in
single iteration, with calculation complexity of K3 order. Ref. [21]. The measurement vector y is projected onto
It is interesting to note that in the reconstructions columns of the measurement matrix A, and 2K posi-
based on the position estimation, if a few false positions tions with the highest projection magnitudes are
are detected, in general, the algorithm will produce selected. The set of the selected positions is expanded
correct solutions of all nonzero coefficients X(k), includ- with nonzero positions in the current estimate of sparse
ing these few zero values of the coefficients [19]. The signal X. A solution in the least-square sense is found,
maximal number of equations that we can use in Equa- and K coefficients with the highest magnitudes are
tion 7.19 is equal to the number of measurements M. selected as the reconstructed signal X. The measure-
Sparsity of the result has to meet the reconstruction ments vector is adjusted by subtracting the current
condition. solution, and the iterative procedure is repeated. The
CoSaMP reconstruction procedure is presented in
Example 1 Signal
Algorithm 2.
 The stopping criterion of the algorithm can be a
π  π
x(t) = sin 12πt + + 0:6 cos 32πt + predefined number of iterations or the norm of the
3 4
adjusted measurement vector e.
is considered within 0 ≤ t < 1. This signal is uni-
formly sampled at tn = nDt = n=N, with N = 64. A
random subset y of M = 32 samples at ni , i =
1, 2, … ,M is available, Fig. 7.1 (first row, left). The Algorithm 2 CoSaMP Reconstruction Algorithm
measurement matrix A is a partial DFT matrix
corresponding to the samples defined by time Input:
indices ni, i = 1,2,…,M.
The one-step procedure for nonzero coefficient • Measurements vector y
indices’ determination is used. The recovered • Measurement matrix A
signal is calculated for detected DFT positions. The • Desired sparsity K
recovered DFT values are denoted as Xr(k) and
presented in Fig. 7.1 (second row, right). Its values 1: X ← 0N1
are the same as in the DFT of the original signal, 2: e ← y
Fig. 7.1 (first row, right). A simple and efficient 3: repeat
uniqueness check in this case is proposed [20].
4: T1 ← positions of 2K highest values in AHe
5: T2 ← positions of nonzero coefficients in X
The reconstruction of a sparse signal with the desired 6: T ← T1 ∪ T2
sparsity K can be modified and obtained in an iterative 7: AT ← columns from matrix A selected by set T
way. The algorithm is called compressive sampling 8: B ← pinv(AT )y

2 X (k)
y(n) 40
0 20 40 60 −20 0 20

X0(k) Xr(k)
20 40
10 20
0 0
−20 0 20 −20 0 20

One-step signal recovery: available samples y(n); exact DFT coefficients X(k); initial estimation of the DFT coefficients X0(k); the estimated DFT
coefficients Xr(k).
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 141

9: Put K coefficients with highest magnitude from B Let us consider a signal with sparsity K = 1, dimension
to the corresponding positions in X and set N = 3, and two measurements M = 2 described by
remaining coefficients to zero.
10: e ← y − AX stopping criterion is satisfied. y(0) = X(0)y0 (0) + X(1)y1 (0) + X(2)y2 (0)
y(1) = X(0)y0 (1) + X(1)y1 (1) + X(2)y2 (1):
Each of the equations is a plane in space of variables
• Reconstructed K-sparse signal vector X X(0), X(1), and X(2), while the two equations represent
a line in this space, as illustrated in Fig. 7.2. The “ball”
with a constant norm is presented for the ℓ1-norm and
the ℓ1/4-norm that is close to the ℓ0-norm. The solution
of the minimization problem is the intersection of the
"measurement line" with a minimal possible ball. We
7.4 Norm-One-Based Reconstruction Algorithms can conclude from both both cases that X(0) is indicated
as a nonzero coefficient.
The ℓ0-norm-based minimization is not a convex prob- The solution is the same as long as the measurement
lem and cannot be solved using well-developed itera- line does not penetrate through the minimal ball. For the
tive and linear programming methods. Significant efforts ℓ0-norm case, the measurement line should not have
have been made to reformulate the ℓ0-norm-based mini- zeros in the direction vector. For this illustrative
mization problem into a convex form, and the closest example, this condition is equivalent to the condition
convex form is the ℓ1-norm (norm-one). It has been shown that all submatrices of the measurement matrix of order
that, under certain conditions, minimization of the ℓ1- 2 × 2 have a nonzero determinant (since these determi-
norm produces the same solution as the minimization of nants are equal to the direction coefficients of the mea-
the ℓ0-norm [1–3,22]. surement line). For the ℓ1-norm case, the condition for
For the ℓ1-norm-based reconstructions, the problem is measurement line direction is obviously more restrictive
reformulated as since it must not penetrate through the ℓ1-ball.
Generally, the RIP is the condition that should be
min ‖ X ‖1 subject to y = AX satisfied to give equivalent solutions between ℓ0-norm
and the ℓ1-norm. For a K-sparse vector and a measure-
where ment matrix A, the solution of the ℓ0-norm minimization
problem is the same as the solution of the corresponding
‖ X ‖1 = jX(k)j: ℓ1-norm-based minimization process if the measurement
k=0 matrix satisfies

This is the so-called basis pursuit (BP) approach to the ‖ A2K X2K ‖22
1 − d2K ≤ ≤ 1 + d2K , (7.26)
sparse signal reconstruction. ‖ X2K ‖22

/X(2)/ /X(2)/

z = /X(0)/ + /X(1)/ + /X(2)/ z= /X(0)/1/4 + /X(1)/1/4 + /X(2)/1/4

/X(1)/ /X(1)/

Measurements line Measurements line

Illustration of the solution with the ℓ1-norm (left) and the ℓ1/4-norm (right; close to the ℓ0-norm) for a three-dimensional case.
142 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

where 0 ≤ d2K < 2 − 1 for all submatrices of order 2K where a is a constant so that the added term is always
of the measurement matrix A [14]. Note that for the nonnegative. It means that a > lmax, where lmax is the
ℓ 0 -norm, the restricted isometry constant range was largest eigenvalue of ATA. The gradient of H(X) is
0 ≤ d2K < 1.
The minimization problem based on the ℓ1-norm can ∂ H(X)
∇H(X) =
be reformulated in various ways. One example is its ∂ XT
Lagrangian formulation 
= −2AT y + 2AT AX + lsign Xg + 2(aI − AT A)(X − Xs ):
F(X) = ‖ y − AX ‖22 + l‖ X ‖1 ,
The solution of ∇H(X) = 0 is
where F(X) is the function to be minimized.
The problem reformulated in a constrained form is l
−AT y + signfXg − (aI − AT A)Xs + aX = 0
min ‖ X ‖1 subject to ‖ y − AX ‖22 < e, l 1
X+ signfXg = AT (y − AXs ) + Xs :
where e is a sufficiently small parameter. This problem 2a a
is the minimization of the ℓ1-norm with quadratic
The corresponding iterative relation is of the form
There are many ways to solve the stated problem, l 1
Xs+1 + signfXs+1 g= AT (y − AXs ) + Xs :
based on the constrained or Lagrangian form [22]. Many 2a a
of them are developed within the regression theory. We
will present in detail just one of them, based on the least The soft-thresholding rule is used as a solution of the
absolute selection and shrinkage operator (LASSO) for- scalar equation
mulation and Lagrangian minimization form [23]. x + lsign(x) = y:

7.4.1 LASSO Minimization It is defined by the function soft(y,l) as

The ℓ1-norm-based minimization can be formulated as > y + l  for  y < −l
the minimization of the error y − AX with a condition
imposed on X. The cost function x = soft(y, l) = 0  for  jyj ≤ l ,
y − l  for  y > l
F(X) = ‖ y − AX ‖22 + l‖ X ‖1
= ‖ y ‖22 − XT AT y − yT AX + XT AT AX + lXT signfXg or
is used here. The LASSO minimization problem is for- soft(y, l) = sign(y)maxf0, jyj − l g:
mulated as
  The same rule can be applied to each coordinate of
X = arg min ‖ y − AX ‖22 + l‖ X ‖1 : vector Xs+1 ,

Function ‖X‖1 promotes sparsity. It produces the same 1 T l

Xs+1 = soft A (y − AXs ) + Xs , (7.27)
results (under the described conditions) as if ‖X‖p, with a 2a
p close to 0, is used.
The minimization problem with the ℓ1-norm constraint or
does not have a closed-form solution. It is solved in

1 l
iterative ways. In order to define an iterative procedure, X(k)s+1 = soft ða(k) − b(k)Þ + X(k)s ,
a 2a
a nonnegative term G(X), having zero value at the
solution Xs of the problem, is added to the function F(X). where a(k) and b(k) are coordinates of vectors a and b
It is defined as defined by a = ATy and b = ATAXs. The Lagrangian
G(X) = (X − Xs )T (aI − AT A)(X − Xs ): constant l is a balance between the error and the ℓ1-norm
value, while a = 2max{eig{ATA}} is commonly used.
This term will not change the minimization solution. This is the iterative soft-thresholding algorithm (ISTA)
The new cost function is for LASSO minimization. It is summarized in Algorithm
3. It can be easily modified to improve convergence
H(X) = F(X) + (X − Xs )T (aI − AT A)(X − Xs ), to fast ISTA (FISTA). Note that this is just one of the
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 143

possible solutions of the minimization problem with the with s2 = 1/40 is used. The original sparse signal
ℓ1-norm. of the total length N = 100 is X(k) = d(k − 3) + 0.7d
One of the most popular software tools for the ℓ1- (k − 17) − 0.5d(k − 35) + 0.7d(k − 41) in the trans-
norm-based signal reconstruction is the ℓ1-magic [24]. It formation domain. It is measured with a matrix A
with 40 measurements stored in vector y. All 60
is based on the primal-dual algorithm for linear pro-
signal values are reconstructed using these 40
gramming [25]. measurements y and the matrix A, in 1000 itera-
tions. In the initial iteration, X0 = 0 is used. Then,
Algorithm 3 LASSO–ISTA reconstruction for each next s, the new values of X are calculated
using Equation 7.27, given data y and matrix A.
Input: The value of a = 2max{eig{ATA}} is used. The
results for l = 0.1 and l = 0.001 are presented in
• Measurements vector y Fig. 7.3. For very small l = 0.001, the result is not
• Measurement matrix A sparse, since the constraint is too weak.
• Regularization parameter a
• Sparsity promotion parameter l
7.4.2 Signal Reconstruction with a Gradient Algorithm
1: X ← 0N1
2: repeat We already mentioned that a sparse signal X can be
3: s ← a1 AT (y − AX) + X reconstructed from a reduced set of M < N measure-
4: for k←1 to N do ments. We will introduce here a different approach of
8 using the ℓ1-minimization for reconstruction of the
< s(k) + l for s(k) < − l signal. Here, we assume that we have some missing
5: X(k) ← 0 for js(k)j ≤ l measurements or some of the measurements in the
: signal are highly corrupted and need to be reconstructed.
s(k) − l for s(k) >l
This algorithm is a kind of modified direct search
6: end for method. The advantage of the gradient-based algorithm
7: until stopping criterion is satisfied over the direct search is that when the number of missing
samples is large, then direct search cannot be used due to
Output: its high calculation complexity.
We know that the vector of available measurements y
• Reconstructed signal coefficients X is obtained by using/selecting the available M mea-
surements from the full set x, i.e.,
Example 2
y = ½x(n1 ), x(n2 ), …, x(nM )T :
Measurement matrix A is formed as a Gaussian
random matrix of the size 40 × 100. Since there are The positions of the selected (available) measurements
40 measurements, the random variable N(0,s 2) will be denoted by M and the set of the positions of the

1 1
λ = 0.1 λ = 0.001
0.75 0.75
Sparse signal X (k)

Sparse signal X (k)

0.5 0.5
0.25 0.25
0 0
−0.25 −0.25
−0.5 −0.5
−0.75 −0.75
−1 −1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Index k Index k

A sparse signal with N = 100 and K = 4 reconstructed using a reduced set of M = 40 measurements and LASSO iterative algorithm. The results for
l = 0.1 and l = 0.001 are presented.
144 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

remaining (unavailable) ones by Q The vector of the Output:

corrupted/unavailable measurements yc is declared
• Reconstructed signal vector X
yc = ½yc (0), yc (1), … ,yc (N − M − 1)T • Full set of measurements x

= ½x(nM+1 ), x(nM+1 ), … ,x(nN−1 )T :

As the initial iteration, we can use zero values for
Now the standard formulation of the sparse signal missing measurements, i.e., y(0)
c = 0: For each missing
reconstruction sample ni,i = 1, 2, … ,M, two full sets of measurements
min ‖ X ‖1  subject to y = AX are considered, where the value of the i-th missing
sample is increased and decreased by some constant D
can be reformulated for the gradient as follows. The
unavailable/missing measurements are found by mini- x(m) (n) for n ≠ ni
z1 (n) =
mization of ‖X‖1 = ‖Fx‖1 where x is a complete vector of x(m)
(n) + D for n = ni ∈ Q
measurements with elements x(ni) = y(i) for ni ∈ M and
x(ni) = yc(i) for ni ∈ Q The simplest way to solve this x(m) (n) for n ≠ ni
z2 (n) =
problem is by changing all the missing samples x(ni), x(m)
(n) − D for n = ni ∈ Q
ni ∈ M within the range of their possible values and then
to select the combination of their values that produced in the m-th iteration. The ni-th coefficient of gradient
the minimal sparsity measure. The reconstruction pro- vector g(m) is estimated as
cedure is presented in Algorithm 4. ‖ Fz1 ‖1 − ‖ Fz2 ‖1
gðmÞ ðni Þ = , ni ∈ Q:
Algorithm 4 Gradient-based reconstruction procedure The gradient for available samples remains unchanged,
g(m)(ni) = 0, ni ∈ M.
Usually the value D used is of the order of the maximal
• Set of missing/omitted sample positions Q amplitude of available samples in the initial iteration,
• Set of available sample positions M i.e., D = max{y}. When the algorithm reaches a stationary
• Available samples (measurements) y point, with a given D, the mean squared error will
• Transformation matrix F assume almost constant value, and values of missing
• Step a samples will oscillate. The fact that the reconstructed
values oscillate when the stationary point is reached may
1: m←0 be used as an indicator to reduce the step D, in order to
2: Set initial estimate signal vector x(0) as x( 0 ) (ni ) = approach the signal true value with a given precision.
y(i) for ni ∈ M and x( 0 ) (ni ) = 0 for ni ∈ Q The oscillations of the solution are detected by measur-
3: D ← maxn jx(0) (n)j ing the angle between two successive gradient vectors. If
4: repeat the angle is greater than, for example 170°, the calculation
5: repeat is continued with a reduced D. Otherwise the D stays the
6: x(m+1) ← x(m) same. This is also a possible stopping criterion in Algo-
7: for ni ∈ Q do rithm 4. More details on the value D can be found in Ref.
8: z1 ← x(m) [26]. The iterative algorithm should be stopped when the
9: z1 (ni ) ← z1 (ni ) + D change of reconstructed missing samples between two
10: z2 ← x(m) consecutive D reductions is bellow the desired precision.
11: z2 (ni ) ← z2 (ni ) − D
12: g(ni ) ← ‖ Fz1 ‖1 − ‖ Fz2 ‖1 7.4.3 Total Variations
13: x(m+1) (ni ) ← x(m) (ni ) − ag(ni )
14: end for The presented ℓ1-norm-based algorithms can be used to
15: m←m+1 solve other convex problems. One of the examples is
16: until stopping criterion is satisfied when the vector X is not sparse, but instead its first-order
17: D←D/3 finite difference Z(k) is sparse,
18: until required precision is achieved
Z(k) = X(k) − X(k − 1)
19: x ← x(m)
20: X ← Fx Z = diff fXg:
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 145

A simple example is X(k) = 1 for 0 ≤ k < N/2 and formulation is the Laplacian density function for these
X(k) = −1 for N/2 ≤ k < N. In this case, the minimization coefficients, corresponding to the ℓ1-norm,
problem is formulated as
l N −l‖ X ‖1
min‖ Z ‖1  subject to y = AX, p(Xjl) = ( ) e : (7.30)

since the first difference vector Z is sparse. This is the However, rather than imposing a Laplace prior on the
minimization of total variations in the space of X. The values of X, in the relevance vector machine (RVM)
result is the value of Z with smallest possible number of approach, a hierarchical prior has been used. It exhibits
nonzero elements. The value of X is then with mini- similar properties. The zero-mean Gaussian prior dis-
mal variations (maximally flat). Its values follow from tribution for X is assumed with hyperparemeters di
X(0) = Z(0), X(1) = Z(1) + X(0)…, X(N − 1) = Z(N − 1) +
X(N − 2). Total variations can be extended to two- Y
N −1
1 ∗

dimensional signals in order to get maximally flat images. p(XjD) = qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e−X(i)di X (i)
i=0 2πd−1 i

N −1
= e−X
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , (7.31)
i=0 2πd−1 i
7.5 Bayesian-Based Reconstruction
where D = diag(d0,d1,…,dN−1) is a diagonal matrix of
In supervised learning, a set of the output values and a
hyperparameters. Their role is to promote sparsity.
set of the input values are given. The idea is to learn the
Posterior distribution of coefficients X, denoted by p(X,
model describing the relation between the input and the
D,s 2|y), could be calculated from
output data and to use it for the prediction of next input
values. In this sense, the measurement relation y = AX
can be understood as a linear combination of basis p(X,D,s 2 jy)p(y) = p(yjX,D,s 2 )p(X,D,s 2 ): (7.32)
funtions in A with adjustable parameters X as inputs to
the model. The output of this linear combination is given However, the calculation of probabilities in Equation
by y, whose elements are 7.32 is not possible in an analytic way. Some approxi-
mations are done. The posterior for X is decomposed as
N −1
y(m) = X(k)yk (m): (7.28) p(X,D,s 2 jy) = p(Xjy,D,s 2 )p(D,s 2 jy), (7.33)
and the corresponding probabilities are calculated. First
The task here is to describe a Bayesian model for the
estimation of linear combination parameters X, with the p(yjX,s 2 )p(XjD)
p(Xjy,D,s 2 ) = (7.34)
a priori knowledge that they are sparse (only a few of p(yjD,s 2 )
them will assume nonzero values) [27,28].
For a noisy measurement, is calculated using the probabilities defined by Equations
7.29 and 7.31. This is done from
y = AX + e,
p(Xjy,D,s 2 )p(yjD,s 2 ) = p(yjX,s 2 )p(XjD) (7.35)
where e is a vector of Gaussian zero-mean noise with
variance s 2. The probability density function of the by grouping the exponential terms on the right side of
measurement error e = y − AX is Gaussian. The Gaussian Equation 7.35 with Equation 7.29 and Equation 7.31.
likelihood model is After some matrix transformations, we can conclude that
p(X|y,D,s 2) is Gaussian with covariance and mean-
1 1
‖ y−AX ‖22 value matrices defined by [27,28]
p(yjX,s ) = pffiffiffiffiffi M e 2s 2 : (7.29)
s 2π
S = (AT A=s 2 + D)−1 , (7.36)
The sparsity promotion prior condition on X should be
added. A common sparsity promotion on X in Bayesian V = S AT y=s 2 : (7.37)
146 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

It is interesting to note that for small noise variance s 2, In this way, we get the coefficients as the resulting mean
the solution for the mean value has the form of Equation values of the coefficients, and also we get the variances of
7.19 since the estimated values from the covariance matrix. The
previous relation defines iterative procedure, which is
V = S AT y=s 2 = (AT A + s 2 D)−1 AT y done until a required precision is achieved.
During the iterations, many parameters di will tend to
≈ (AT A)−1 AT y: (7.38) infinity, indicating that the corresponding coefficients
X(i) tend to zero. These coefficients di and corresponding
Obviously the next step is to promote sparsity by X(i) are omitted from their matrices in next iterations.
detecting candidates for zero-valued coefficients and Only a small set of finite values di will remain at the end
omitting them from X and A, until the K-sparse vector XK of iterations, indicating the nonzero values of X(i) and
is achieved. Corresponding matrix AK, resulting in producing vector XK with corresponding AK. Note that
(ATK AK )−1 ATK y as in Equation 7.19, is used. In the earlier as a result of this procedure, we will get mean values of
presented algorithm, the sparsity is promoted starting nonzero coefficients in vector V,
from its lowest order, by taking the strongest compo-
nent, and then the sparsity is increased until the model XK = V = SK ATK y=s 2 ,
and the true sparsity are achieved. Here the process runs given by Equations 7.37 and 7.38. In addition, we will
in the opposite direction. The sparsity will be reduced obtain variances of coefficients XK. Note that if a com-
from its maximal value by using hyperparameters. ponent position is wrongly detected and omitted in one
In order to calculate the function p(D,s 2|y) and iteration, the algorithm cannot recover it later (unre-
promote sparsity, we have to make approximations. One coverable error).
is to replace this function with its most probable value. The Bayesian-based algorithm is summarized in
With this approximation, the search for the hyper- Algorithm 5.
parameters D reduces to the maximization of p(D,s 2|y) =
p(y|D,s 2)p(D)p(s 2). For uniform hyperparameters only, Algorithm 5 Bayesian-based reconstruction
p(y|D,s 2) should be minimized. Its value follows in
analytic form, as the marginal value Input:
• Measurements vector yM×1
p(yjD,s 2 ) = p(yjX,s 2 )p(XjD)dX (7.39)
• Measurement matrix AM×N
1 1
= pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1: ai←1 ▷ For i=1,2,…,N
(2π) M=2
js I + AD−1 AT j
2: s2←1 ▷ Initial estimate

3: Th = 102 ▷ Threshold
 exp − yH (s 2 I + AD−1 AT )−1 y : (7.40) 4: p = [1,2,…,N]T
2 5: repeat
This is known as the marginal likelihood, and its 6: D← diagonal matrix with di values
maximization is type-II maximum likelihood method. 7: S ← (AT A=s 2 + D)−1
Values of parameters D and s 2 that maximize this 8: V ← S AT y=s 2
probability cannot be obtained in a closed form. An 9: gi ← 1 − di Sii ▷ For each i
iterative procedure is defined by [27,28] 10: di ← gi =Vi ▷ For each i
gi ‖ y−AV
i = , 11: s 2 ←
Vi2 M− g
i i

where Vi are the elements of posterior mean vector V 12: R ←fi : jdi j > Th g
defined by Equation 7.37 and gi is related to the diagonal 13: Remove columns from matrix A selected by R
elements Sii of covariance matrix S, defined by Equation 14: Remove elements from array di selected by R
7.36, and the sparsity hyperparameters di as 15: Remove elements from vector p selected by R
16: until stopping criterion is satisfied
gi = 1 − di Sii : 17: Reconstructed vector X nonzero coefficients are
in vector V with corresponding positions in
The noise variance is reestimated as vector p, Xpi = Vi
‖ y − AV ‖2
(s 2 )new = X : Output:
M− gi
i • Reconstructed signal vector X
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 147

Example 3. A Signal Sparse in the Discrete Sine as unknown, and they should be found from the
Transform (DST) Domain available measurements. Assume that only M =N/2 =
rffiffiffiffiffi K
64 randomly positioned measurements y = [x(n1),x
2X 2π(2n + 1)ki (n1),…,x(nM)]T are available (Fig. 7.4b). Observation
x(n)= X(ki ) sin + e(n), ki ≠ 0
N i=1 4N matrix A is obtained from the full DST matrix
keeping the rows corresponding to the measurement
with N = 128, K = 10, and noise variance se2 = 0:01 is instants n1,n2,…,nM only. In order to start the
considered. The coefficients X(ki) values and posi- iterative algorithm, the initial values D = I and s = 0.1
tions are presented in Fig. 7.4a. They are considered are assumed. The assumed threshold for considering

DST coeffcients X(k) in the original signal

(a) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Observations, available samples y(m)

(b) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Mean values Vk in the first iteration
(c) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Values of di in the 1. iteration (crosses removed and dots remain positions in X(k))

(d) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Values of di in the 2. iteration (crosses removed and dots remain positions in X(k))

(e) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Values of di in the 3. iteration (crosses removed and dots remain positions in X(k))

(f) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Final values of Vk , reconstructed X(k) = Vk

(g) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Bayesian reconstruction of a signal sparse in the DST domain. (a) Signal coefficients in the DST domain. (b) Available samples/measurements.
(c) Distribution mean values (estimation of coefficients) in the initial iteration. (d–f) Hyperparameters in the first, second, and third iteration with a
threshold. (g) The final mean value (the final estimated DST coefficients) at the positions of remaining hyperparameters from (f).
148 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

hyperparameters extremely large is Th = 100. and MRI, it has been used in diffuse optical tomogra-
Hyperparameters above this threshold are omitted phy (DOT) [31] and positron emission tomography
from calculation (along with the corresponding (PET) [32].
values in X, A, D, and V). The results for estimated Reconstruction of electrocardiography (ECG) signals
mean value V in the first iteration are shown in
is another challenging area in the compressive sensing
Figure 7.4c, along with the values of hyper-
parameters V in Fig. 7.4d. The hyperparameters applications. Various sparsity domains of the ECG
whose value is above Th are omitted (pruned) signals are used, starting from the time domain (since the
along with the corresponding values at the same ECG signal has wide low-amplitude intervals). Other
positions in all other matrices. In the second sparsity domains of the ECG are the Hermite and the
iteration, the values of remaining hyperparameters V wavelet transformation domains [33–35]. The compres-
are shown in Fig. 7.4e. After the elimination of sive sensing approach is used to reduce the number of
hyperparameters above the threshold, the third stored and transmitted data in this case.
iteration is calculated with the remaining positions Significant research efforts have been done in the
of the hyperparameters. In this iteration, all hyper-
compressive sensing formulation and application in the
parameters, except those whose values are close to 1,
are eliminated (Fig. 7.4f). The remaining positions, area of electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyog-
after this iteration, correspond to the nonzero coeffi- raphy (EMG) signals. The EMG signals can be sparse
cients X(ki),i = 1,2,…,K positions, with corresponding in time and frequency domains [35,36]. The common
pruned matrices SK,AK,DK. The values of X(ki) are sparsity domains of EEG signals are the time-frequency
estimated using Vi given by and the wavelet domain [37].
The compressive sensing (CS) techniques are success-
VK = SK ATK y=s 2 = (AK T AK + s 2 DK )−1 ATK y
fully applied to wireless body area networks (WBANs)
in the final iteration. If the measurements were [34]. In this case, many biomedical signals are monitored
noise-free, this would be the exact recovery. regularly, so the big data problem arises. CS methods
The values of estimated X(ki),i = 1,2,…,K are
can lower energy consumption and communication
shown in Fig. 7.4g. The diagonal values of SK are
the variances of the estimated X(ki). The parame- volume. In general, whenever an observed signal has a
ters di for the estimated nonzero coefficients tend small number of nonzero values in some domain, it is
to zero. worthy to form linear combinations of signal samples
(each linear combination is a single measurement). In
this manner, very long signals can be represented with a
small number of measurements. Expected benefits are
power efficiency, storage, and transmission efficiency.
Additionally, more efficient signal processing methods
7.6 Applications in Biomedical Signal could be derived under the signal sparsity assumption.
For most biomedical signals, we can define a repre-
sentation domain where they are sparse. Examples of
common representation domains are the discrete Fourier
7.7 Open Problems and Future Directions
domain, the DCT domain, the wavelet, the short-time
Fourier transform, and the Hermite transform domain. Signal reconstruction uniqueness is important and a
For some signals, specific dictionaries for their sparse theoretically well-studied topic in CS. However, for
representation can be defined as well. One of the initial practical applications, these results are often very pes-
successes in the compressive sensing was the long- simistic, and these results could be improved based on
studied problem of computed tomography (CT) image the used signal sparsity domain. The main question here
reconstructions from projections (magnetic resonance is to determine the smallest possible number of mea-
imaging [MRI] and x-ray tomography [30]). This recon- surements that will guarantee unique signal recon-
struction problem had been intensively studied within struction for the whole class of considered sparse signals
biomedical signal processing using various approaches. in a specific application and its sparsity domain.
The compressive sensing theory provided an efficient Since the introduction of compressive sensing, there
and superior solution for this problem. After this initial exist many reconstruction algorithms. Some of them are
success, the compressive sensing approach attracted great highly accurate and efficient but require an increased
interest of researchers in various engineering applications, number of measurements. When the number of mea-
including many other biomedical applications. surements is close to the lower limit (determined by
The compressive sensing approach has been adapted uniqueness conditions), efficiency of the reconstruction
to various tomography area problems. In addition to CT algorithms decreases. Efficient algorithms that can
Compressive Sensing Methods for Reconstruction of Big Sparse Signals 149

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Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal
Processing in Big Data

Renato J. Cintra, Fábio M. Bayer, Yves Pauchard, and Arjuna Madanayake

8.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................152
8.2 Mathematical Preliminaries and Definitions .............................................................................................................153
8.2.1 KLT and DCT ....................................................................................................................................................153
8.2.2 Fast Algorithms .................................................................................................................................................154
8.2.3 Approximations.................................................................................................................................................154
8.3 DCT Approximations ...................................................................................................................................................155
8.3.1 Classical Multiplierless Transforms ...............................................................................................................156 Hadamard Transform .......................................................................................................................156 Walsh–Hadamard Transform ..........................................................................................................156
8.3.2 DCT Approximation Based on Integer Functions .......................................................................................156 Signed DCT ........................................................................................................................................156 Rounded DCT ....................................................................................................................................157 Collection of Integer DCT Approximations ..................................................................................157
8.3.3 DCT Approximations by Inspection ..............................................................................................................158 Modified RDCT..................................................................................................................................158 BAS Series of Approximations ........................................................................................................158 SPM Transform ..................................................................................................................................158 Signed SPM Transform.....................................................................................................................159
8.3.4 DCT Approximations Based on Computational Search .............................................................................159 DCT Approximations for RF Imaging ...........................................................................................160 Improved 8-Point DCT Approximation .........................................................................................160 DCT Approximation for IR ..............................................................................................................161
8.3.5 Parametric DCT Approximations...................................................................................................................161 Level 1 Approximation .....................................................................................................................161 Parametric BAS ..................................................................................................................................162 FW Class of DCT Approximations .................................................................................................162
8.4 Performance Comparison.............................................................................................................................................163
8.4.1 Performance Measures .....................................................................................................................................163 Transform Distortion.........................................................................................................................163 Total Error Energy.............................................................................................................................165 Mean Square Error ............................................................................................................................166 Unified Transform Coding Gain .....................................................................................................166 Transform Efficiency .........................................................................................................................166
8.4.2 Comparison and Discussion............................................................................................................................166

152 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

8.5 Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing ..........................................................................................................167

8.5.1 Image Compression ..........................................................................................................................................167
8.5.2 Image Registration ............................................................................................................................................169
8.6 Open Problems and Future Directions ......................................................................................................................172
References ................................................................................................................................................................................172

Implantable and miniaturized biomedical devices

8.1 Introduction possess severe restrictions on available resources, espe-
cially in terms of computational and power capabilities.
Contemporary health technology generates very large
Such constraints impose significant challenges to the
volumes of medical data [1,2]. Such health-care data
design of energy efficient methods for signal processing
should be locally stored, processed, analyzed, transmit-
[42]. In particular, image coding procedures must be
ted, and shared. In order to properly manage this huge
tailored in order to have their energy consumption sig-
amount of medical information, the investigation of
nificantly reduced [43].
efficient signal processing tools plays an essential role
Thus, developing fast algorithms for the efficient
[2]. Indeed, the medical big data is a good example of
evaluation of the 8- and 16-point DCT is a main task in
how the 3 Vs of big data—volume, variety, and velocity
the circuits, systems, and signal processing communi-
[3]—are an intrinsic problem in this field [4].
ties, especially focusing in biomedical applications [43].
Efficient data compression is a pivotal step in several
Archived literature contains a multitude of fast algo-
biomedical data processing [1,2]. In particular, medical
rithms for these particular blocklengths [44,45]. Remarka-
imagery shares the common big data characteristics [5].
bly extensive reports have been generated amalgamating
However, the proposition of good and efficient com-
scattered results for the standard DCT [10,12]. Among the
pression methods is not a trivial task [1]. Popular image
most popular techniques, we mention the following
compression algorithms operate over the spectral
algorithms: Chen algorithm [46], Wang factorization [47],
domain according to tailored transform operators [1,2,6].
Lee DCT for power-of-two blocklengths [48], Arai DCT
Orthogonal discrete transforms are widely used in
scheme [49], Loeffler algorithm [50], Vetterli–Nussbaumer
digital signal processing field [7,8]. In particular, the
algorithm [45], Hou algorithm [44], and Feig–Winograd
Karhunen–Loève transform (KLT) is the optimal trans-
(FW) factorization [51]. These are traditional methods in the
form for data compression [8–13] and presents a large
field and have been considered for practical applications
number of possible applications, such as in image com-
[32,52]. For instance, the Arai DCT scheme was employed
pression [14–16], image filtering [17,18], speech processing
in various recent hardware implementations of the DCT
[19,20], pattern recognition [21,22], communications
[23,24], and several other biomedical applications [25–27].
Naturally, DCT fast algorithms that result in major
In this sense, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) is
computational savings compared to direct computation
widely regarded as a key operation in image compres-
of the DCT were already developed decades ago. In fact,
sion [9,10,12]. In fact, the DCT is the asymptotic config-
the intense research in the field has led to methods that
uration of the well-known KLT [9–12,28]. When high
are very close to the minimum theoretical complexity of
correlated first-order Markov signals are considered
DCT [29,49,50,56,57]. Thus, the computation of the exact
[10,12]—such as natural images [29]—the DCT can
DCT is a task with very little room for major improve-
closely emulate the KLT [9].
ments in terms of minimization of computational com-
A number of signal processing methods [30] for bio-
plexity by means of standard methods.
medical data considers and effectively adopts the KLT and
Consequently, DCT approximations—operations that
DCT [1,2,26,27]. In fact, the DCT is the central mathematical
closely emulate the DCT—are mathematical tools that
operation for the following standards of image and video
can furnish an alternative venue for DCT evaluation.
coding: JPEG [31], MPEG-1 [32], MPEG-2 [33], H.261 [34],
Effectively, DCT approximations have already been
H.263 [35], H.264 [36], and the recent HEVC [37,38]. These
considered in a number of works [58–74]. Moreover,
coding standards are commonly found in a multitude of
although usual fast algorithms can reduce the computa-
biomedical applications related to image and video com-
tional complexity significantly, they still require floating-
pression [2,39–41]. All above standards employ the DCT or
point operations [10]. In contrast, approximate DCT
related DCT-based integer transforms with blocklength set
methods can be tailored to require very low arithmetic
to 8 and, possibly, 16.
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 153

complexity. This way, these methods can significantly where 0 < r < 1 is the correlation coefficient and i, j = 1,
increase the velocity of biomedical signal processing. 2, … , N. For this particular class of stationary process,
A comprehensive list of approximate methods for the the (i, j) th elements of the matrix KN, for a fixed value of
DCT is found in Ref. [10]. Prominent techniques include r, are given by
the signed DCT (SDCT) [69], the binDCT [29], the level 1
approximation by Lengwehasatit–Ortega [71], the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 

Bouguezel–Ahmad–Swamy (BAS) series of algorithms 2 N−1 (j + 1)π
uij = sin wj i − + ,
[59–64], the DCT round-off approximation [65], the N + lj 2 2
modified DCT round-off approximation [58], the DCT
approximation for image registration (IR) [72], the col-
where the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix Rx are
lection of integer approximations [66], and the FW class
of DCT approximations [74]. Some works focusing on
DCT approximations with other lengths are Refs. 1 − r2
[67,70,75–77]. lj = :
1 + r2 − 2r cos wj
The goal of this chapter is to review low-complexity
transforms useful for biomedical applications. Several
classical and state-of-the-art DCT approximations are The quantities w1, w2, … , wN are the N solutions of the
cataloged and compared. Their utilities in biomedical following equation:
image compression and IR are then demonstrated.

− 1 − r2 sin w
tan Nw = :
ð1 + r2 Þ cos w − 2r

In image and video compression, adjacent pixels are

8.2 Mathematical Preliminaries and Definitions highly correlated [12]. The supposition that natural
8.2.1 KLT and DCT images are well described by first-order Markov pro-
cess highly correlated is widely accepted [10]. In partic-
Let x = ½ x0 x2 … xN−1 T be an N-point random vector ular, a common choice of correlation coefficient is
with associate covariance matrix given by
r = 0.95.
  For example, the 8-point KLT matrix for first-order
Rx = E ðx − EfxgÞðx − EfxgÞT :
Markovian data with r = 0.95 is given by
The rows of the N × N KLT matrix KN are the
2 3
eigenvectors of the symmetric positive definite covari- 0:338 0:351 0:360 0:364 0:364 0:360 0:351 0:338
6 7
ance matrix Rx. The KLT transform maps x into the N- 6 0:481
6 0:420 0:286 0:101 −0:101 −0:286 −0:420 −0:481 7
point vector X = ½ X0 X1 ⋯ XN−1 T given by 6
6 0:467
0:207 −0:179 −0:456 −0:456 −0:179 0:207 0:467 7
6 7
6 7
6 0:423 −0:085 −0:487 −0:278 0:278 0:487 0:085 −0:423 7
X = KN  x: K(0:95)
6 0:360 −0:347 −0:356 0:351 0:351 −0:356 −0:347 0:360 7
6 7
6 7
Vector X contains the uncorrelated transform coeffi- 6 0:283 −0:488 0:094 0:415 −0:415 −0:094 0:488 −0:283 7
6 7
6 7
cients. In statistical terminology, the elements of X are 6 0:195 −0:462 0:460 −0:190 −0:190 0:460 −0:462 0:195 7
4 5
the principal components [78].
0:100 −0:279 0:416 −0:490 0:490 −0:416 0:279 −0:100
Because the KLT matrix depends on the input signal x,
it is not trivial to derive fast algorithms to compute the
associate transform coefficients [7,13,79]. There is no
Asymptotically when r → 1, the KLT converges to the
simple way to compute the eigenvectors, rendering the
DCT. The (i, j)th elements of the N-point DCT matrix is
application range of the KLT severely limited due to the
given by [10]
high computational requirements [10]. However, it is
possible to derive simple expressions for the KLT, when

the input signal is constrained to known classes of sta- π(i − 1)ð 2(j − 1) + 1Þ
ci,j = ai−1 cos ,
tionary processes. In fact, if the signal x is modeled after 2N
a first-order Markov process, then its covariance matrix
entries are given by [10] rffiffiffiffiffi
1 2
where a0 = p ffiffiffiffi , ai = for i > 0, and i, j = 1, 2, … , N.
ji−jj N N
i,j = r , In particular, for N = 8, the DCT matrix is
154 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

2 3
0:354 0:354 0:354 0:354 0:354 0:354 0:354 0:354
6 7 TABLE 8.1
6 0:490 0:416 0:278 0:098 −0:098 −0:278 −0:416 −0:490 7
6 7 Computational Complexity of Some 8-Point DCT Fast
6 7
6 0:462 0:191 −0:191 −0:462 −0:462 −0:191 0:191 0:462 7 Algorithms
6 7
6 7
6 0:416 −0:098 −0:490 −0:278 0:278 0:490 0:098 −0:416 7
6 7 Algorithm Multiplications Additions
C8 = 6 7:
6 0:354 −0:354 −0:354 0:354 0:354 −0:354 −0:354 0:354 7
6 7 DCT by definition 64 56
6 7
6 0:278 −0:490 0:098 0:416 −0:416 −0:098 0:490 −0:278 7
6 7 Chen et al. [46] 16 26
6 7
6 0:191 −0:462 0:462 −0:191 −0:191 0:462 −0:462 0:191 7 Lee [48] 12 29
4 5
0:098 −0:278 0:416 −0:490 0:490 −0:416 0:278 −0:098 Vetterli–Nussbaumer [45] 12 29
Wang [47] 13 29
Suehiro–Hatori [80] 13 29
Hou [44] 12 29
The one-dimensional (1-D) DCT transform of x is the
Arai et al. [49] 13 29
N-point vector X = ½ X0 X1 ⋯ XN−1 T given by
Loeffler et al. [50] 11 29
Feig–Winograd [51] 22 28
X = CN  x: Yuan et al. [81] 12 29

Because CN  CTN is the identity matrix, the inverse

transformation can be written according to 8.2.3 Approximations
Although usual fast algorithms can reduce the compu-
x = CTN  X: tational complexity significantly, they still need floating-
point operations [10]. Due to the intense research in the
Let A and B be square matrices of size N. For two- field, algorithms with very close computational cost
dimensional (2-D) signals, such as medical images, we to the minimum theoretical complexity were already
have the following expressions that relate the forward developed.
and inverse 2-D DCT operations, respectively: Currently, the computation of the exact DCT is a task
with very little room for major improvements in terms of
minimization of computational complexity. In this sce-
B = CN  A  CTN  and A = CTN  B  CN : (8.1)
nario, the interest in DCT approximations has increased.
In fact, approximate DCT methods can be tailored to
require very low arithmetic complexity and deliver good
8.2.2 Fast Algorithms
performance. Several works present fast algorithms
Because the DCT matrix does not depend on the input for DCT approximations where multiplications or bit-
signal, substituting the DCT for the KLT effects a sig- shifting operations are absent [10].
nificant reduction in computational cost. Nevertheless, In general terms, a DCT approximation is a transfor-
the DCT itself still poses a noticeable computational mation C ^ that—according to some specified metric—
complexity, which requires dedicated fast algorithms for behaves similarly to the exact DCT matrix C. An
its efficient calculation. This issue becomes particularly approximation matrix C ^ is usually based on a transfor-
pressing when huge amounts of data are expected to be mation matrix T of low computational complexity.
processed, such as it is typical in big data and biomedical Indeed, matrix T is the key component of a given DCT
contexts. approximation.
Thus, a multitude of efficient implementations of DCT Often the elements of the transformation matrix T
is archived in the literature. Some of the most popular possess null multiplicative complexity. For instance, this
algorithms for the 8-point DCT computation are pre- property can be satisfied by restricting the entries of T to
sented in Table 8.1 along with their arithmetic com- the set of powers of two {0, ±1, ±2, ±4, ±8…}. In fact,
plexity. These algorithms employ real-valued arithmetic multiplications by such elements are trivial and require
and are based on matrix factorization methods, which only bit-shifting operations.
can reduce the number of multiplications for the DCT In this work, we adopt the following terminology. A
computation. Indeed, DCT fast algorithms result in matrix A is orthogonal if A·AT is a diagonal matrix. In
important computational savings compared to direct particular, if A·AT is the identity matrix, then A is said to
computation of the DCT. be orthonormal.
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 155

Approximations for the DCT can be classified into two approximation are, in principle, lost. In this case, the off-
categories depending on whether C ^ is orthonormal or diagonal elements contribute to a computational com-
not. In principle, given a low-complexity matrix T, it is plexity increase and the absorption of matrix S cannot be
possible to derive an orthonormal matrix C ^ based on T easily done. However, at the expense of not providing an
by means of the polar decomposition [82,83]. Indeed, if T orthogonal approximation, one may consider approxi-
is a full rank real matrix, then the following factorization mating S itself by replacing the off-diagonal elements of
is uniquely determined: D by zeros. Thus, the resulting matrix S ^ is given by

^ = S  T,
C −1
S diag T  TT ,
where S is a symmetric positive definite matrix [83,
p. 348]. Matrix S is explicitly related to T according to the where diag(·) returns a diagonal matrix with the diago-
following relation: nal elements of its matrix argument. Thus, the non-
orthogonal approximation is furnished by
S= T  TT ,
~ =S
C ^  T:
where  denotes the matrix square root operation
Matrix C ~ can be a meaningful approximation if S ^ is, in
[84,85]. Being orthonormal, such type of approximation
some sense, close to S, or, alternatively, if T is almost
satisfies C^ −1 = C
^ T . Therefore, we have that
From the algorithm designing perspective, proposing
^ −1 = TT  S:
C non-orthogonal approximations may be a less demand-
ing task, since Equation 8.2 is not required to be satisfied.
As a consequence, the inverse transformation C ^ −1 However, since C ~ is not orthogonal, the inverse trans-
inherits the same computational complexity of the formation must be cautiously examined. Indeed, the
forward transformation. inverse transformation does not employ directly the low-
From the computational point of view, it is desirable complexity matrix T and is given by
that S be a diagonal matrix. In this case, the computa-
tional complexity of C ^ is the same as that of T, except for ~ −1 = T−1  S
^ −1:
the scale factors in the diagonal matrix S. Moreover,
depending on the considered application, even the con-
Even if T is a low-complexity matrix, it is not guar-
stants in S can be disregarded in terms of computational
anteed that T−1 also possesses low computational com-
complexity assessment. This occurs when the involved
plexity figures. Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain non-
constants are trivial multiplicands, such as the powers of
orthogonal approximations whose both direct and
two. Another more practical possibility for neglecting
inverse transformation matrices have low computational
the complexity of S arises when it can be absorbed into
complexity. Two prominent examples are the SDCT [69]
other sections of a larger procedure. This is the case in
and the BAS approximation described in Ref. [59].
JPEG-like compression, where the quantization step is
present [31]. Thus, matrix S can be incorporated into the
quantization matrix [58,59,61,63,65,71,75]. In terms of
the inverse transformation, it is also beneficial that S
is diagonal, because the complexity of C ^ −1 becomes
essentially that of TT.
8.3 DCT Approximations
In order that S be a diagonal matrix, it is sufficient that
T satisfies the orthogonality condition In this section, we present a review of the literature. We
present a multitude of 8-point approximate DCT cate-
T  TT = D, (8.2) gorizing by obtaining method. For the sake of notation,
hereafter the matrices C8 and C^ 8 are referred to as C and
where D is a diagonal matrix [82]. ^
C. In the following, in Section 8.4, we evaluate these
If Equation 8.2 is not satisfied, then S is not a diagonal discussed transforms in terms of computational com-
and the advantageous properties of the resulting DCT plexity and performance measures.
156 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

8.3.1 Classical Multiplierless Transforms The complexity of the WHT direct implementation is
in O(N2). Fast algorithms can reduce the complexity to Hadamard Transform
only N log2(N) additions.
Finding several applications in coding theory [86, p. 117],
the Hadamard transform employs the Hadamard matrix,
8.3.2 DCT Approximation Based on Integer Functions
which is composed of elements −1 and +1 [87]. For
power-of-two blocklengths, the Hadamard matrix can Approximations archived in the literature often possess
be recursively derived according to the Sylvester con- transformation matrices with entries defined on the set
struction [87]: {0, ±1, ±2 } [58,63–65,69]. Thus such transformations
" # exhibit null multiplicative complexity, because the
H2n−1 H2n−1 required arithmetic operations can be implemented
H2n = ,  n = 2, 3, … exclusively by means of additions and bit-shifting
H2n−1 −H2n−1
operations. Some of these DCT approximations have
  been proposed considering integer functions [89, Cap. 3].
1 1 1
where H2 = . In order to ensure that the Here an integer function is understood as a function
2 1 −1
pffiffiffiffi whose values are integers. These functions can be
transform is orthogonal, a scaling factor 1= N is employed to map the entries of the DCT matrix into
included. Thus, for N = 8, we have the following trans- integer quantities. The resulting matrices are approxi-
formation matrix: mates of the DCT.
2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 7 Signed DCT
61 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 7
6 7 In Ref. [59], Haweel introduced a simple approach for
6 7
61 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 7 designing a DCT approximation. This DCT approxima-
6 7
6 7 tion was termed the signed DCT (SDCT) and was
1 6 61 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 77
H8 = pffiffiffi  6 7: defined as follows [69]:
8 6 61 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
6 7
61 −1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 7 sign(CN ),
6 7
6 7
61 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 7
4 5 where sign(·) is the signum function, which is applied to
1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 1 −1 each entry of CN and is given by
>+1, if x > 0, Walsh–Hadamard Transform <
sign(x) = 0, if x = 0,
The Walsh–Hadamard transform (WHT) is related to the >
HT according to a particular column permutation based −1, if x < 0:
on the binary expansion of the column index [88]. The
WHT is usually considered as a low-complexity trans- The SDCT can be regarded as a seminal work in the
formation method for image processing [6]. For N = 8, it field of DCT approximations.
is given by [6] Especially for N = 8, the SDCT matrix is given by
2 3 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
6 7 6 7
61 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7 61 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
61 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 7 61 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
1 6 61 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 7
7 1 6 61 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
W8 = pffiffiffi  6 7: ^ SDCT
C = pffiffiffi  6 7:
8 6 61 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 8 6 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
7 61 7
6 7 6 7
61 −1 −1 1 −1 1 1 −1 7 61 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
61 −1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 7 61 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
4 5 4 5
1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 157 Rounded DCT where M8 (ℤ) is the space of 8 × 8 matrices over the set of
integers ℤ, and int(·) is a prototype integer function [89,
Additionally, in Ref. [65], an 8-point low-complexity
p. 67]. Function int(·) operates entrywise over its matrix
DCT approximation was proposed based on the fol-
argument. Parameter a is termed the expansion factor
lowing matrix:
and scales the exact DCT matrix allowing a wide range
of possible integer mappings [91].
round(2  C), Particular examples of integer functions are the floor,
the ceiling, the truncation (round towards zero), and the
where round(·) is the entrywise rounding-off function as round-away-from-zero function. These functions are
implemented in MATLAB programming environment defined, respectively, as follows:
[90]. Thus, the resulting matrix of the rounded DCT
(RDCT) is shaped as follows: floor(x) = ⌊ x ⌋ = maxfm ∈ ℤjm ≤ xg,
ceil(x) = ⌈ x ⌉ = minfn ∈ ℤjn ≥ xg,
2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 trunc(x) = sign(x)  ⌊jxj ⌋,
6 7
6 1 1 1 0 0 −1 −1 −1 7 roundAFZ (x) = sign(x)  ⌈jxj ⌉,
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 1 7
6 7 where |·| returns the absolute value of its argument.
6 7
6 1 0 −1 −1 1 1 0 −1 7 Another particularly useful integer function is the
^ RDCT 6 7
C = SRDCT  6 7, round to nearest integer function [92, p. 73]. This func-
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
6 7 tion possesses various definitions depending on its
6 7
6 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 7 behavior for input arguments whose fractional part is
6 7
6 7 exactly 1/2. Thus, we have the following rounding-off
6 0 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 7
4 5 functions: round-half-up, round-half-down, round-half-
0 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 0 away-from-zero, round-half-towards-zero, round-half-
to-even, and round-half-to-odd function. These different

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nearest integer functions are, respectively, given by

where SRDCT =diag pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffi .
2 2 6 2 6 2 2 6 2
The good features of RDCT could enable to outperform
roundHU ðxÞ = ⌊x + 12 ⌋,
the SDCT in any compression ratio [65].
round (x) = ⌈x − ⌉,
In terms of complexity assessment, matrix SRDCT may HD
not introduce an additional computational overhead. 2

(x) = sign(x)  ⌊jxj + ⌋,

For image compression, the DCT operation is a pre- 1
round HAFZ
processing step for a subsequent coefficient quantization 2

(x) = sign(x)  ⌈jxj − ⌉,

procedure. Therefore, the scaling factors in the diagonal 1
matrix SRDCT can be merged into the quantization step. round HTZ
The RDCT was chosen as the basis transform for the 8
< ⌊x − ⌋, if
> 1 2x − 1
scalable orthogonal approximation proposed by Jridi > ∈ ℤ,
et al. [70]. 2 4
round (x) =
: ⌊x + 1 ⌋, otherwise,
2 Collection of Integer DCT Approximations 8
< ⌊x + ⌋, if
> 1 2x − 1
In Ref. [66], a method for deriving low-complexity DCT
> ∈ ℤ,
2 4
approximations based on integer functions is proposed. round (x) =
: ⌊x − 1 ⌋, otherwise:
As a result, a collection of 8-point DCT approximations is
derived, capable of encompassing several approxima- 2
tion methods, including the SDCT and RDCT. The round-half-away-from-zero function is the imple-
As a venue to design DCT approximations, the fol- mentation employed in the round function in MATLAB/
lowing general mapping was considered: Octave. The international technical standard ISO/IEC/
IEEE 60559:2011 recommends roundEVEN(·) as the
nearest integer function of choice [93]. This latter
ℝ ! M8 (ℤ)
implementation is adopted in the scientific computation
a ↦ intða  CÞ, software Mathematica [94].
158 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

The above approach returns a large number of candi- 8.3.3 DCT Approximations by Inspection
date approximations. After screening for the approxi-
Several approximations in the literature are proposed
mations with best performance and complexity trade-off,
without a clearly identifiable methodology. Some of these
the following matrices were found:
matrices are simple solutions by inspection based on the
exact DCT matrix or some other DCT approximation.
2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 7 Modified RDCT
6 1 1 1 0 0 −1 −1 −1 7
6 7 After judiciously replacing elements of the RDCT matrix
6 7
6 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 7 with zeros, the modified RDCT (MRDCT) is given by the
6 7
6 7 following orthogonal matrix [58]:
6 1 0 −1 −1 1 1 0 −1 7
6 7
T4 = ST4  6 7, 2 3
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 7
6 7 6 7
6 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 7 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 1 −1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 7 6 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 1 7
4 5 6 7
6 7
0 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 0 6 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 7
C 7,
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
6 7
6 7
2 3 6 0 −1 0 0 0 0 1 0 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 7
6 7
6 7 6 0 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 7
6 1 1 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 7 4 5
6 7
7 0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 0
6 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 1 7 7
6 7 !
6 1 0 −1 0 0 1 0 −1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
~ 1 = ST  6
T 6
7, where SMRDCT = diag pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffi .
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 8 2 2 2 8 2 2 2
6 7
6 7
6 0 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 0 7 BAS Series of Approximations
6 7
6 7
6 0 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 7 In Refs. [59–62], Bouguezel, Ahmad, and Swamy (BAS)
4 5
introduced a series of low-complexity transforms to
0 0 1 −1 1 −1 0 0 replace the DCT in image compression application.
Table 8.2 shows some of these transforms.
2 3 In Ref. [63], another BAS transform is introduced
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 based on a given parameterization of the transform
6 7 matrix. This approximation is discussed in Section 8.3.5.
6 2 2 1 1 −1 −1 −2 −2 7
6 7
6 7
6 2 1 −1 −2 −2 −1 1 2 7 SPM Transform
6 7
6 7
6 2 −1 −2 −1 1 2 1 −2 7 In Ref. [95], Senapati, Pati, and Mahapatra (SPM) pro-
~ 3 = ST  6
T 6
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 posed a transform matrix by appropriately replacing
6 7 1
6 7 particular elements of the SDCT matrix for zeros or ± .
6 1 −2 1 2 −2 −1 2 −1 7
6 7 2
6 7 The SPM matrix is given by
6 1 −2 2 −1 −1 2 −2 1 7
4 5 2 3
1 −1 2 −2 2 −2 1 −1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 7
6 1 1 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 7
6 7
6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 0:5 −0:5 −1 −1 −0:5 0:5 1 7
where ST4 = diag pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , 6 7
6 7

2 2 6 2 2 6 2 2 6
2 2 S 6 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 7
^ SPM = SPM  6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C pffiffiffi  6 7,
pffiffiffi , ST1 = diag pffiffiffi , , , , pffiffiffi , , , , and 6
2 2 6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7

6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 −1 0 0 0 0 1 −1 7
ST3 = diag pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi . 6
2 2 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 2 2 5 2 5 2 5 6 0:5 0 0 −0:5 −0:5 0 0 0:5 7
Matrix T4 is orthogonal, whereas T ~ 1 and T ~ 3 are non- 4 5
orthogonal. 0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 0
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 159


BAS Series of Transforms BAS Series of Transforms
Transform Matrix Orthogonal? Description Transform Matrix Orthogonal? Description
2 3 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Introduced in Ref. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Introduced in Ref.
6 7 [59] 6 7 [64]
6 7 6 7
6 1 1 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 7 6 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 1 1 1 1 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 7
61 − −1 −1 − 17 6 7
6 2 2 2 2 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 −1 7
6 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 −1 1 −1 −1 1 1 17
6 1 −1 0 0 0 0 1 −1 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
61 6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 17
6 1 1 17
7 6 −1 7
6 −1 1 − − 1 −1 7 4 5
62 2 2 27
4 5 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1
0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 0
2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No Introduced in Ref. pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
6 7 [60] where SSPM = diag(1, 2, 2 2=5, 2, 1, 2, 2 2=5, 2). This
6 7
6 1 1 1 0 0 −1 −1 −1 7 is a non-orthogonal approximation.
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 7
6 7
6 7 Signed SPM Transform
6 7
6 1 0 −1 0 0 1 0 −1 7
6 7
6 7 By applying the signum function operator to the SPM
6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
transform matrix [95], Haweel et al. [68] proposed a new
6 7 approximation matrix. It consists of a quasi-orthogonal
6 1 −1 1 0 0 −1 1 −1 7
6 7
transform given by
6 1 −1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 7
6 7 2 3
4 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 1 6 7
2 3 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Introduced in Ref. 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 7 7
7 [61] 6 7
6 1 1 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 7
6 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
7 6 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 7
1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 1 1 7 ^ SSPM 6 7
7 C = SSSPM  6 7,
6 7 6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
6 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 7 7
6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 −1 0 0 0 0 1 −1 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 6 7
6 7
6 7 6 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 1 7
6 1 −1 0 0 0 0 1 −1 7
4 5
6 7
6 7 0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 0
6 7
6 1 −1 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 7

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 0 where SSSPM = diag pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , , , pffiffiffi .
2 3 8 2 8 2 8 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes Introduced in Ref.
6 7 [62]
6 7 8.3.4 DCT Approximations Based on Computational
6 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 7
6 2 1 −1 −2 −2 −1 1 27
6 7 Some DCT approximations are proposed by solving an
6 7
6 7
6 2 1 −1 −2 2 1 −1 −2 7 optimization problem in the following format:
6 7
6 7
6 7  
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 17
7 ^ ∗ = arg min approx C,C
C ^ ,
6 7 ^
6 1 −1 −1 1 −1 1 1 −1 7 C
6 7
6 7
6 1 −2 2 −1 −1 2 −2 17
7 ^
where approx(C,C) is a relevant objective function—
6 7
4 5 such as proximity measures presented in Section 8.4.
1 −2 2 −1 1 −2 2 −1 Usually the solution is subject to a variety of constraints
(Continued) such as low-arithmetic cost or orthogonality.
160 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data DCT Approximations for RF Imaging 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
where SRF  =  diag pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi ,
In Ref. [96], a DCT approximation tailored to radio-
2 2 3 5 3 2 3 5
frequency (RF) multi-beamforming applications was 1
pffiffiffi .
proposed. This particular low-complexity transform was 3
derived by means of a multivariate non-linear optimi-
zation approach with the following objective function: Improved 8-Point DCT Approximation
approx C,C ^ ,
=ϵ C An improved approximate DCT for image and video
compression was proposed in Ref. [73], which proved to
^ is the total error energy discussed in the next
where ϵ(C) be a good candidate for reconfigurable video standards
section. Additionally, the following constraints were such as HEVC [38]. Such transformation was obtained
adopted: by solving an optimization problem related to the fol-
lowing objective function:
i. Elements of matrix must be in {0, ±1, ±2} to
ensure that resulting multiplicative complexity ^
approx ð C,CÞ ^
= cost ð CÞ,
is null.
ii. In order to maintain the symmetry of the DCT ^ returns the arithmetic complexity of C. ^
where cost(C)
matrix, the structure of the candidate matrices
Additionally, the following constraints were adopted:
was restricted to the following:

2 3 i. Elements of matrix must be in {0, ±1, ±2} to

a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 ensure that resulting multiplicative complexity
6 7 is null.
6 a1 a2 a3 a4 −a4 −a3 −a2 −a1 7
6 7
6 7 ii. The structure of the candidate matrices was
6 a5 a6 −a6 −a5 −a5 −a6 a6 a5 7
6 7 restricted to the following form:
6 7
6 a7 −a8 −a9 −a10 a10 a9 a8 −a7 7
6 7
6 7 2 3
6 a0 −a0 −a0 a0 a0 −a0 −a0 a0 7 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3
6 7
6 7 6 7
6 a11 −a12 a13 a14 −a14 −a13 a12 −a11 7 6 a0 a2 a4 a6 −a6 −a4 −a2 −a0 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 a15 −a16 a16 −a15 −a15 a16 −a16 a15 7 6
4 5 6 a1 a5 −a5 −a1 −a1 −a5 a5 a1 7
6 7
a17 −a18 a19 −a20 a20 −a19 a18 −a17 6 a2 −a6 −a0 −a4 a4 a0 a6 −a2 7
6 7
6 7,
6 a3 −a3 −a3 a3 a3 −a3 −a3 a3 7
6 7
where ai ∈ { 0, 1, 2 } , for i = 1, … , 20. 6 7
6 a4 −a0 a6 a2 −a2 −a6 a0 −a4 7
6 7
iii. The candidate matrices must be orthogonal. 6 7
6 a5 −a1 a1 −a5 −a5 a1 −a1 a5 7
4 5
The above optimization problem is algebraically a6 −a4 a2 −a0 a0 −a2 a4 −a6
intractable. However, exhaustive computational search
can lead to solutions. As a result, the following DCT
approximation was found:
where ai ∈ {0, 1, 2} , for i = 0, 1 … , 6.
2 3 iii. All rows of the matrix are non-null.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 7 iv. The candidate matrix must be orthogonal.
6 2 1 1 0 0 −1 −1 −2 7
6 7
6 7 Constraint (ii) was required to preserve the DCT-like
6 2 1 −1 −2 −2 −1 1 2 7
6 7 matrix structure.
6 7
6 1 0 −2 −1 1 2 0 −1 7 As a result of the above optimization problem, eight
^ RF 6 7
C = SRF   6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 candidate matrices were found, including the transform
6 7
6 7 matrix proposed in Ref. [58]. Among these minimal cost
6 1 −2 0 1 −1 0 2 −1 7
6 7 matrices, the authors separated the matrix that presents
6 7
6 1 −2 2 −1 −1 2 −2 1 7 the best performance in terms of image quality of com-
4 5
pressed images according the JPEG-like technique. The
0 −1 1 −2 2 −1 1 0 resulting matrix is given by
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 161

2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 An exhaustive computational search returned the fol-
6 7 lowing transform:
6 0 1 0 0 0 0 −1 0 7
6 7 2 3
6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 1 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 7
6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 7 6 7
^ Improve 6 7 6 7
C = SImprove   6 7, 6 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 1 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 0 −1 0 0 1 0 −1 7
6 0 0 0 1 −1 0 0 0 7 6
^ IR = 0:47  6 7
C 7:
6 7 6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
4 0 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 5 6 7
6 7
6 0 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 0 7
0 0 1 0 0 −1 0 0 6 7

6 7
6 0 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5
where SImprove = diag pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffi .
8 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 0 0 1 −1 1 −1 0 0 DCT Approximation for IR We note that the low-complexity matrix associated to
this transform is the same in T~ 1 [66]. However, in Ref.
With the objective to reduce the computation time of the [66], it was considered a diagonal matrix for quasi-
residual complexity similarity metric employed in bio- orthogonalization and in Ref. [72] was considered just a
medical IR [97], in Ref. [72], a multiplier-free DCT scalar. In the biomedical application in Ref. [72], it was
approximation was proposed. Its derivation stems from important to consider transform matrices without diag-
a parametric-based optimization approach similar to the onal adjustment matrices.
method described in Refs. [73,96]. In fact, the objective
function, based on the product of two transformation
performance measures, was given by 8.3.5 Parametric DCT Approximations
h i Some DCT approximations can be embedded into the
approx ðC,CÞ = ϵðC ^Þ ,
^ Þ d2 ð C
same framework, inducing a class of transformations. In
^ are, respectively, the total error
^ and d2 (C) these cases, depending on the value of a free parameter,
where ϵ(C)
or a vector of parameters, the parametric transform can
energy and the transform distortion, measures to be
lead to some special—known or unknown—matrices.
detailed in Section 8.4.1. Additionally, the following
constraints were adopted: Level 1 Approximation
i. Elements of matrix must be in {0, ±1} to ensure
that resulting null multiplicative complexity. DCT approximations were proposed in Ref. [71] where
rational multipliers were approximated by parameters
ii. The additive complexity of the candidate that require additions and bit-shifting operations only.
matrices must be smaller than the additive Such parameters were proposed in five levels of preci-
complexity of the SDCT, RDCT, HT, and WHT. sion. Considering the coarsest approximation level, the
iii. In order to maintain the symmetry of the DCT resulting transform matrix possesses entry values in
matrix, the structure of the candidate matrices {0,1/2,1}. This multiplierless “Level 1” approximation is
was restricted to the following: given by [71]
2 3
a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 ^ Level 1 = SLevel 1 
6 7 C
6 a0 a2 a4 a6 −a6 −a4 −a2 −a0 7 2 3
6 7
6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 a1 a5 −a5 −a1 −a1 −a5 a5 a1 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 1
6 7 6 1 0 0 −1 −1 −1 77
6 a2 −a6 −a0 −a4 a4 a0 a6 −a2 7 6 7
6 7
g 6 7, 6 1 1=2 −1=2 −1 −1 −1=2 1=2 1 7
6 7
6 a3 −a3 −a3 a3 a3 −a3 −a3 a3 7 6 7
6 7 6 1 0 −1 −1 7
6 7 6 1 1 0 −1 7
6 a4 −a0 a6 a2 −a2 −a6 a0 −a4 7 6 7,
6 7 6 1 −1 −1 7
6 7 6 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
6 a5 −a1 a1 −a5 −a5 a1 −a1 a5 7 6 7
4 5 6 1 −1 0 7
6 1 −1 0 1 −1 7
a6 −a4 a2 −a0 a0 −a2 a4 −a6 6 7
6 1=2 −1 1 −1=2 −1=2 1 −1 1=2 7
4 5
where ai ∈ {0, 1} , for i = 0, … , 6 and the scaling
factor g ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 by 0.01 step. 0 −1 1 −1 1 −1 1 0
162 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

2 3
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
where SLevel 1 = pffiffiffi diag(1:0, 1:1162, 1:2617, 1:1162, 1:0, 6 7
2 2 6 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 7
1:1162, 1:2617, 1:1162). 6 7
6 7
6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7 Parametric BAS " # 6 7

I4 I4 6 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 7
6 7
Proposed in 2011 by Bouguezel et al. [63], the parametric B3 = ,  P = 6 7,
I4 −I4 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
BAS transform is an 8-point orthogonal transform con- 6 7
6 7
taining a single parameter a in its transformation matrix 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 7
6 7
C(a). It is given as follows: 6 7
6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7
2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
6 7
6 1 1 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 7
6 7 and
6 7
6 1 a −a −1 −1 −a a 1 7 2 3
6 7 g3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 7
6 0 0 1 0 0 −1 0 0 7 6 7
^ (a) = S(a)  6 7 6 0 g3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
C 7, 6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7 6 7
6 7 6
6 7 6 0 0 g5 g1 0 0 0 0 77
6 0 0 0 1 −1 0 0 0 7 6 7
6 7 6
6 7 6 0 0 −g1 g5 0 0 0 0 77
6 1 −1 0 0 0 0 1 −1 7 K=6 7,
4 5 6
6 0 0 0 0 −g6 −g4 −g2 −g0 7
a −1 1 −a −a 1 −1 a 6 7
6 0 0 0 0 g4 g0 g6 −g2 7
6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 7
where = diag pffiffiffi , , pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , pffiffiffi , ,
S(a) 6 0 0 0 0 −g0 g2 −g4 g6 7
2 4 5

8 4 + 4a 2 2 8 2 2
1 0 0 0 0 −g2 −g6 g0 −g4
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi . Usually the parameter a is selected as a small
4 + 4a2
integer in order to minimize the complexity of C ^ (a) . In where gk = cos (2π (k + 1)/32), Il and Il denote the identity
and counter-identity matrices of size l, respectively, and
Ref. [63], suggested values are a ∈ {0, 1/2, 1}.
bdiag(·) is the block diagonal operator.
Above factorization circumscribes the entire multipli- FW Class of DCT Approximations
cative complexity of the DCT into the block diagonal
In Ref. [74], a new class of matrices based on a parame- matrix K. Indeed, the seven distinct non-null elements of
terization of the FW [51] DCT factorization is proposed. K, namely gi, i = 0, 1,…,6, are the only non-trivial
Such parameterization induces a matrix subspace, which quantities in FW algorithm. This factorization paves the
unifies a number of existing methods for DCT approxi- way for defining a class of 8 × 8 matrices generated
mation. By solving a multicriteria optimization problem, according to the following mapping [74]:
several new DCT approximations were proposed.
In Ref. [51], Feig and Winograd introduced a fast FW : ℝ7 ! M(8)
algorithm whose factorization can be given by    a ↦ P  Ka  B1  B2  B3 ,
1 where a = ½ a0 a1 ⋯ a6 T is a 7-point parameter vector,
C8 =  P  K  B1  B2  B3 ,
2 M ( 8 ) is the 8 × 8 matrix space over the real numbers, and
where P is a signed permutation matrix, K is a multi- 2 3
plicative matrix, and B1, B2, and B3 are symmetric a3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
additive matrices. These matrices are given by 6 7
6 0 a3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
" # ! 6 7
1 1 6 7
6 0 0 a5 a1 0 0 0 0 7
B1 = bdiag , I6 , 6 7
1 −1 6 7
6 0 0 −a1 a5 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
02 3 1 Ka = 6 7:
1 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 −a6 −a4 −a2 −a0 7
B6 7 C 6 7
B6 0 1 1 0 7 C 6 7
B6 7 C 6 0 0 0 0 a4 a0 a6 −a2 7
B2 = bdiagB6 7, I C, 6 7
B6 0 1 −1 0 7 4 C 6 7
@4 5 A 6 0 0 0 0 −a0 a2 −a4 a6 7
4 5
1 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 −a2 −a6 a0 −a4
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 163

The image of the multivariate function FW(·) is a

subset of M(8). It is straightforward to verify that such
8.4 Performance Comparison
subset is also closed under the operations of addition
and scalar multiplication. Therefore, this subset is a In practice, the characteristics of decorrelation and
matrix subspace, which is referenced as the FW matrix compaction of DCT approximations are very similar to
subspace [74]. the characteristics of DCT. Figure 8.1 illustrates these
Mathematically, the FW factorization induces a matrix properties from a biomedical image considering the
subspace by allowing its multiplicative constants to be DCT, SDCT, and RDCT. However, it is important to
treated as parameters. Thus, an appropriate parameter consider some quantitative measures to assess (i) the
selection may result in suitable approximations, which proximity of each DCT approximation to the exact DCT
are denoted by Ta = FW(a). and (ii) their coding capability. Section 8.4.1 presents the
Considering the mapping described in Equation 8.3, main performance measures considered in the literature.
for any choice of a, Ta satisfies the FW factorization. In Section 8.4.2, all above discussed transforms are
Thus, all matrices in this particular subspace possess the assessed by means of arithmetic complexity evaluation
same general fast algorithm structure. and performance measures.
To ensure orthogonality or near orthogonality, FW
transforms are given by
8.4.1 Performance Measures
^ a = Sa  Ta
In order to evaluate the DCT approximations, some
where Sa = diag (s0, s1, s2, s1, s0, s1, s2, s1) if matrix Ta figures of merit can be considered. The following mea-
is orthogonal, for s0 = 1/( 23/2a3 ), s1 = 1= sures are usually assessed: (i) the transform distortion
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi [100]; (ii) the total error energy [65]; (iii) the mean square
2(a62 + a42 + a22 + a02 ), s2 = 1=(2 a52 + a12 ); and S ^a = error (MSE) [101]; (iv) the unified coding gain
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi [10,102,103]; and (v) the transform efficiency [10]. The
½diag(Ta  TTa )−1 if it is not orthogonal. transform distortion, total error energy, and MSE are
The FW formalism generalizes dozens of transforms employed to quantify how close a given DCT approxi-
mation C ^ N is to the exact DCT matrix CN. To maintain
under the same framework. Based on different values of
the parameter vector a, possibly distinct FW approxi- the compatibility between the approximation and the
mation matrices can be obtained. However, with the goal exact DCT outputs, these similarity measures should be
of finding good DCT approximations, the authors in Ref. minimized [10,29]. The coding gain and transform effi-
[74] solved the following multicriteria optimization ciency capture the coding performance of a given
problem [98,99]: transformation [10]. Approximations exhibiting high
 transform coding gains and transform efficiency can
arg min ϵ ðC ^a Þ ,MSE ð C
^a Þ , compact more energy into few coefficients [29].
a For coding performance evaluation, it is assumed that
−Cg ðC^a Þ, − h ðC
^a Þ,A ðC
^a Þ,S ðC
^a Þ , Þ the signals are occurrences of a first-order Markov
process with zero-mean, unit variance, and a correlation
where A(C ^ a ) and S(C ^ a ) are the addition and bit-shifting coefficient equal to r = 0.95 [10,29,103], as described in
counts, respectively, and ϵ(C ^ a ), MSE(C^ a ), Cg (C^ a ), and h Section 8.2.1. Below we briefly describe each of these
(Ca ) are performance measures described in Section performance measures.
8.4.1. To address the above optimization problem, the
authors identified a search space. With the goal of Transform Distortion
finding low-complexity approximations, the candidate
solutions a were restricted by ak ∈ P, k = 0, 1, … , 6, The transform distortion [100] is a figure of merit that
where P = { 0, ± 1 / 2, ± 1, ± 2 } . Thus, the search space measures the difference percentage between the exact
for Equation 8.4 is the set P7. As a result of the com- matrix and its approximation. Being a similarity
putational search, nine efficient solutions were found, measure, we adopted the exact DCT CN as refer-
namely, T(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (16) ence framework. The transform distortion measure is
8 , T8 , T8 , T8 , T8 , T8 , T8 , T8 , and T8 .
Among these efficient transforms, the matrices T8 , T(2) (1) given by
8 ,
8 , and T8
are already known in the literature, being
‖ ‖,
the Level 1 approximation [71], RDCT [65], MRDCT [58], ^ NÞ = 1 − 1 ^ TN Þ
d2 ð C  diag ð CN  C
and DCT approximation for IR [72], respectively. The N 2

other five transforms were new. These efficient trans-

form matrices are presented in Table 8.3. where ‖ ⋅ ‖2 is the Euclidean norm [104].
164 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

FW DCT Approximations
Transform Parametric Vector a Matrix Orthogonal?
2 3
½ 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 7
6 7
6 7
6 2 1 −1 −2 −2 −1 1 27
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 0 0 −1 0 0 1 0 07
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 17
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 0 −1 0 0 0 0 1 07
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −2 2 −1 −1 2 −2 17
6 7
4 5
0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 0
2 3
½ 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes
6 7
6 7
6 0 1 1 0 0 −1 −1 07
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 17
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 17
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 −1 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 0 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 07
6 7
4 5
0 −1 1 0 0 −1 1 0
2 3
½ 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes
6 7
6 7
6 0 1 1 0 0 −1 −1 0 7 7
6 7
6 7
6 2 1 −1 −2 −2 −1 1 2 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 1 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 −1 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −2 2 −1 −1 2 −2 1 7
6 7
4 5
0 −1 1 0 0 −1 1 0
2 3
½ 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes
6 7
6 7
6 0 2 1 0 0 −1 −2 077
6 7
6 7
6 2 1 −1 −2 −2 −1 1 27
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 2 0 0 −1 1 0 0 −2 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 17
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 0 0 2 −2 0 0 −1 7
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −2 2 −1 −1 2 −2 17
6 7
4 5
0 −1 2 0 0 −2 1 0
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 165


FW DCT Approximations
Transform Parametric Vector a Matrix Orthogonal?
2 3
½ 2 2 0 1 0 1 1=2 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yes
6 7
6 7
6 2 0 0 1=2 −1=2 0 0 −2 7
6 7
6 7
6 2 1 −1 −2 −2 −1 1 27
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 0 −1=2 −2 0 0 2 1=2 07
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 −1 07
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 0 −2 1=2 0 0 −1=2 2 07
6 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 −2 2 −1 −1 2 −2 17
6 7
4 5
1=2 0 0 −2 2 0 0 −1=2


Original block
2 2
4 4
6 6

DCT 8 8


3000 0
2 2
2 2 2000
4 4
4 4 1000 6 6
6 6
0 8 8
8 8 2 2
4 4
6 6

8 8

Energy concentration. Total Error Energy several other approximations [65,75]. Although origi-
nally defined on the spectral domain [75], the total error
Each row of a given transform matrix can be understood
energy can be given a simple matrix form by means of the
as finite impulse response filter with associate transfer
Parseval theorem [106, p. 18]. The total error energy ϵ for
functions [38,105]. Based on Ref. [69], the magnitude of ^ N is furnished by
a given DCT approximation matrix C
the difference between the transfer functions of the DCT
and the SDCT was advanced in Ref. [65] as a similar- ^ N Þ = π  ‖ CN − C
ϵðC ^ N ‖2F,
ity measure. Such measure, termed total error energy,
was further employed as a proximity measure between where ∥⋅∥F denotes the Frobenius norm [104, p. 115].
166 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data Mean Square Error The transform coding gain for the KLT and 8-point
^ N is defined as DCT are 8.8462 and 8.8259, respectively [10].
The MSE for an approximation matrix C
[10,29] Transform Efficiency
^ N Þ = 1  tr ð CN − C
MSE ð C ^ N Þ  Rx  ð CN − C^ N ÞT ,
N Let r(X)
m,n be the (m, n)-th entry of the covariance matrix of
the transformed signal X, which is given by RX = C ^N 
where tr(·) is the trace function [107]. ^ T
Rx  CN . The transform efficiency is defined as [10,108]
XN (X) Unified Transform Coding Gain jrm,m j
h ð CN Þ = XN m=1 XN (X)  100 :
For non-orthogonal transformations, the unified coding m=1
jr j
n=1 m,n
gain generalizes the usual coding gain [103]. Let hk and
gk be the kth row of C^ N and C ^ −1
N , respectively. Thus, the
The transform efficiency h measures the decorrelation
coding gain of C^ N is given by ability of the transform [10]. The optimal KLT converts
" # signals into completely uncorrelated coefficients and has
1 a transform efficiency equal to 100.
Cg C^ N = 10  log10  (in dB),
k=1 ðAk  Bk Þ

where Ak = su½(hTk  hk ) ∘ Rx , su(·) returns the sum of the 8.4.2 Comparison and Discussion
elements of its matrix argument [107], operator ∘ is the Among all 8-point approximations, measurements
element-wise matrix product [83], and Bk = ∥ gk ∥22 . ~ 3 [66]
shown in Table 8.4 revealed that the transform T

Coding and Similarity Performance Assessment: Transform Distortion (d2), Total Error Energy (ϵ), MSE, Unified Transform
Coding Gain (Cg), and Transform Efficiency (η)
Transform d2 ϵ MSE Cg h
8-point DCT 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.826 93.991
HT 0.835 47.613 0.224 7.946 85.314
WHT 0.184 5.049 0.025 7.946 85.314
SDCT [69] 0.126 3.316 0.021 6.026 82.619
RDCT [65] 0.069 1.794 0.010 8.183 87.432
T4 [66] 0.069 1.794 0.010 8.183 87.157
~ 1 [66]
T 0.126 3.316 0.021 6.046 83.081
~ 3 [66]
T 0.023 0.577 0.004 8.438 89.706
MRDCT [58] 0.296 8.659 0.059 7.333 80.897
BAS-2008 [60] 0.152 4.188 0.019 6.268 83.173
BAS-2008 [59] 0.205 5.929 0.024 8.119 86.863
BAS-2009 [61] 0.240 6.854 0.028 7.913 85.380
BAS-2010 [62] 0.148 4.093 0.021 8.325 88.218
BAS-2013 [64] 0.739 35.064 0.102 7.946 85.314
SPM [95] 0.311 9.792 0.044 4.865 81.772
Signed SPM [68] 0.328 10.255 0.044 6.438 82.288
DCT approximation for RF imaging [96] 0.034 0.870 0.006 8.344 88.059
Improved DCT approximation [73] 0.364 11.313 0.079 7.333 80.897
DCT approximation for IR [72] 0.007 3.866 0.116 5.672 88.760
Level 1 approximation [71] 0.066 0.856 0.006 8.388 88.972
BAS-2011 with a = 1 [63] 0.437 26.864 0.071 7.913 85.380
FW T(4)
8 [74]
0.261 7.734 0.056 7.540 81.985

FW T(5)
8 [74]
0.296 8.659 0.059 7.369 81.179

FW T(6)
8 [74]
0.261 7.734 0.055 7.576 82.275

FW T(7)
8 [74] 0.255 7.532 0.054 7.555 82.701

FW T(8)
8 [74] 0.252 7.414 0.053 7.575 83.085
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 167

presents superior performance according to all perfor-

mance measures. Nevertheless, its high computational
8.5 Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing
complexity shown in Table 8.5 makes it less attractive in
extremely low-power applications. On the other hand, In this section, the above DCT approximation schemes
transforms MRDCT [58] and improved DCT approxima- are applied to biomedical scenarios. There are numerous
tion [73] require just 14 additions for their computation. big data biomedical applications. Two representative
These transforms are the fastest DCT approxima- applications were selected to demonstrate the potential
tions. In general, BAS matrices possess good coding mea- of DCT approximations in this field. The first application
sures (Cg and h) but poor similarity measures (d2, ϵ, and targets image compression in medical imaging, where
MSE). DCT approximations are employed to reduce data
We note that there is a trade-off between computa- complexity in a computationally efficient manner. In the
tional cost and performance measures. To analyze this second application, medical images are aligned into a
balance, it is necessary to compare the results in Tables common frame of reference utilizing IR algorithms.
8.4 and 8.5. Among all 8-point DCT approximations, the Approximate transforms are employed to reduce com-
efficient solutions of the FW class of transforms in Ref. putational complexity.
[74] are highlighted, namely, Level 1 approximation [71],
RDCT [65], MRDCT [58], T(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
8 , T8 , T8 , T8 , T8 , and 8.5.1 Image Compression
DCT approximation for IR [72]. These transforms are a
solution of a multicriteria optimization problem, pre- In the context of biomedical application, low-complexity
senting a good balance between computational cost and image compression techniques are important tasks
performance measures. [1,2,6].

Comparison of Computational Complexities
Transform Mult Add Shifts Total
Exact 8-point DCT 64 56 0 120
Exact 8-point DCT with fast algorithm [50] 11 29 0 40
HT 0 24 0 24
WHT 0 24 0 24
SDCT [69] 0 24 0 24
RDCT [65] 0 22 0 22
T4 [66] 0 24 0 24
~ 1 [66]
T 0 18 0 18
~ 3 [66]
T 0 28 10 38
MRDCT [58] 0 14 0 14
BAS-2008 [60] 0 21 0 21
BAS-2008 [59] 0 18 2 20
BAS-2009 [61] 0 18 0 18
BAS-2010 [62] 0 24 4 28
BAS-2011 with a = 1 [63] 0 18 0 18
BAS-2013 [64] 0 24 0 24
SPM [95] 0 17 2 19
Signed SPM [68] 0 17 0 17
DCT approximation for RF imaging [96] 0 24 6 30
Improved DCT approximation [73] 0 14 0 14
DCT approximation for IR [72] 0 18 0 18
Level 1 approximation [71] 0 24 2 26
FW T(4)
8 [74]
0 16 2 18

FW T(5)
8 [74]
0 18 0 18

FW T(6)
8 [74]
0 20 2 22

FW T(7)
8 [74] 0 20 6 26

FW T(8)
8 [74] 0 20 10 30
168 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

In medical imaging, data volume, storage, and transfer and other animations. Therefore, reducing complexity of
increase in fast pace requiring optimized methods. For compression algorithms is an important task.
instance, medical facilities that used to produce 5.5 TB/ In fact, all previously discussed transformations can be
day of medical images in 2005 produce 35.5 TB/day in considered as tools for JPEG-like image compression.
2010 [109], which is consistent with Moore’s law. Such Given a digital image, this compression method can be
increase in data volume can be attributed to improve- summarized by the following algorithm:
ments in scanning technology with higher image reso-
lution, the availability of new three-dimensional and 1. The image is subdivided in N × N blocks.
four-dimensional image acquisition devices, and 2. Each block is submitted to a 2-D transforma-
increased diagnostic value, resulting in a higher number tion similar to Equation 8.1, where the exact
of image acquisitions. DCT matrix is replaced by a selected DCT
The industry standard medical image storage format approximation.
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
3. The resulting N2 coefficients in transform
(DICOM) has long supported both lossless and lossy
domain are ordered in the standard zigzag
compression including JPEG and JPEG-2000. In appli-
sequence [31], and only the r initial coefficients
cations such as teleradiology, the potential of lossy
in each block are retained.
image compression was assessed to reduce the amount
of data to transfer [110]. However, the fear of “throw- 4. The inverse 2-D transform was applied to the
ing away” diagnostically relevant image information truncated transform domain coefficients and the
has slowed adoption of lossy image compression for compressed block is obtained.
data storage in routine medical practice. Only in the 5. Each compressed block is reallocated into the
past years radiology societies are starting to release original place.
guidelines defining specific compression ratios to be
used with lossy image compression for various imaging Figure 8.2 depicts the above-described JPEG-like pro-
modalities and applications (see, e.g., Europe [109] and cedure. This type of computational experiment is com-
North America [111]). Despite the slow adoption, lossy monly employed to assess the compression capabilities
image compression is routinely used when generating of discrete transforms [58,59,65,66,69].
diagnostic reports to produce supporting screen-shots of For a comparative analysis, we selected DCT approx-
image slices, three-dimensional computer renderings, imations with favorable characteristics. To this end, all

Subblock DCT - like

N×N transform

Original image

Processed Inverse
subblock transform

Compressed image

JPEG-like compression scheme.
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 169

(a) Level 1 [71] (b) RDCT [65] (c) MRDCT [58] (d) T8 [74]

(5) (6) (7) (8)

(e) T8 [74] (f ) T8 [74] (g) T8 [74] (h) T8 [74]

(i) DCT app. for IR [72] (j) DCT exact

JPEG-like compressed “knix” image using several transforms, for r = 15.

the efficient solutions of the FW class of transforms in are two large application areas: image segmentation—
Ref. [74] were considered. Figures 8.3 and 8.4 show utilized to extract anatomical objects from images; and IR.
“Knix” and “Spine” images after being submitted to the IR solves the task of finding a geometric transformation to
JPEG-like compression experiment for r = 15 and r = 25, align a fixed and a moving image [114]. These two images
respectively. The “Knix” image was accessed from a web might represent the same patient at a different time point or
archive in DICOM format [112]; the “Spine” image is different patients. Images might come from the same
part of the R language oro.dicom package [113]. While imaging modality, e.g., X-ray to X-ray registration, or might
differences such as small block effects are visible for some come from different modalities, e.g., computed tomogra-
approximate transforms, e.g., Figure 8.3c, image quality phy to magnetic resonance imaging registration. There
in the context of medical image compression would need are multiple ways to find the geometric transformation:
to be assessed carefully for each application with input aligning fiducial points, aligning anatomical surfaces, and
from end-users, in particular radiologists. matching pixel/voxel intensity information. In Ref. [115],
a comprehensive overview is available. Intensity-based
IR is a popular choice, as minimal pre-processing is
8.5.2 Image Registration
needed with high potential for automating.
In medical image analysis, besides standard image process- In this intensity-based IR approach, parameters of
ing techniques, such as noise reduction, filtering, etc., there a geometric transformation are determined using an
170 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

(a) Level 1 [71] (b) RDCT [65] (c) MRDCT [58] (d) T8 [74]

(5) (6) (7) (8)

(e) T8 [74] (f ) T8 [74] (g) T8 [74] (h) T8 [74]

(i) DCT app. for IR [72] (j) DCT exact

JPEG-like compressed “Spine1” image using several transforms, for r = 25.

iterative optimization algorithm to minimize (or maxi- difference between the fixed and transformed mov-
mize) a cost function, the so-called image similarity ing image is decomposed with the DCT, and the DCT
metric. The choice of the image similarity metric depends coefficients are combined into the metric to penalize
on the kind of images to be registered, noise expected, presence of high-frequency components arising from
and computation time available. For example, when misalignment of object edges. This metric is especially
registering images from different imaging modalities, suitable for registering images that differ by an additive
voxel intensities of similar structures might possess low-frequency intensity distortion in addition to a geo-
complex relationships in the two images. Mutual infor- metric transform and Gaussian noise. These types of
mation is a similarity metric able to handle such cases images are found in magnetic resonance imaging [116],
and is often used in other situations, due to the possi- X-ray images [117], confocal microscopy [118], retina
bility of random sub-sampling resulting in a reduction in images, and 3-D echocardiography [97].
computation time. Because IR is an iterative procedure, In Ref. [72], a residual complexity similarity metric
the similarity metric must be repeatedly evaluated for based on low-complexity transforms was introduced.
each iteration, rendering the operation computationally The DCT needed in the computation of the similarity
expensive. measure is replaced with multiplier-free low-complexity
Recently, a novel similarity metric termed residual approximate transforms. The computational complexity
complexity has been proposed [97]. In this metric, the of the original method was reduced by a factor of 8–9
Low-Complexity DCT Approximations for Biomedical Signal Processing in Big Data 171

being the similarity computation performed with addi- where Ek is the residual complexity of the kth block,
tions only. In this sense, low-power hardware-based IR given by [97]
of medical images [119–121] and real-time registration XN X N 2

of confocal microscopy images [122] can be efficiently Ek = log +1 ,
produced. m=1 n=1
Let I and J be two NT × NT images to be aligned. A
where Rm,n is the (m, n) th entry of each Rk = CN  rk  CTN
popular similarity metric is the sum of squared intensity
and a is a trade-off parameter. In Ref. [97], it was
differences [123,124] and intensity-based IR would tune
established that useful values of a are in the range of
a geometric transformation T to operate on J in such a
way that the following difference
This clock-wise procedure has the advantage of pos-
sessing a significantly lower computational complexity.
r = I − T fJg In addition, aiming at a further minimization of the
computational cost of the residual complexity calcula-
is minimized in least-squared sense. Instead of analyzing tion, low-complexity transforms can be employed
the difference image as part of the similarity metric, instead of the exact DCT. A suitable low-complexity
residual complexity aims at analyzing the image differ- transform for IR was introduced in Ref. [72].
ence in the 2-D DCT domain. The 2-D DCT of r is In full body examinations, multiple X-ray images have
given by to be combined due to finite detector size. This so-called
stitching of two (or more) X-ray images was selected as a
practical application in Ref. [72]. In this problem, two
R = CNT  r  CTNT : 2-D X-ray images depicting sections of a larger object
with an overlapping region are to be aligned [117]. The
In order to apply sub-block processing, Ref. [72] two images potentially possess different illumination in
introduces a new approach for residual complexity addition to noise and would, therefore, benefit from the
computation. Instead of subjecting the NT × NT residual residual complexity similarity metric. While intensity-
image r to the N-point 2-D transform, they proposed to based IR has been applied to this problem [117], utili-
split such image into square sub-blocks of size N × N. zation of residual complexity similarity metric has not
Following Ref. [72], the block-wise residual complexity is been reported. X-ray images of the head and torso were
given by re-sampled to the same pixel resolution. Subsequently,
images were automatically aligned using the method
T =N)
(NX 2 summarized above to form a combined (stitched) image
ET = Ek , as shown in Figure 8.5. The original images are available
k=1 online [112].

(a) (b) (c)

X-ray stitching example: (a) original image of the head, (b) original image of the torso, and (c) stitched images using residual complexity metric
with DCT approximation for IR [72] and a = 0.01.
172 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

8.6 Open Problems and Future Directions Acknowledgments

The intense generation of biomedical imagery and This work was partially supported by CNPq, CAPES,
medical data in general calls for correspondingly effi- FACEPE, and FAPERGS.
cient computational methods to facilitate the storage, as
well as processing and analysis of such large volumes of
data. A possible approach is to revisit the fundamental
signal processing building blocks aiming at alternative
computation methods. We suggest approximate
methods as a viable tool for significantly reducing the
complexity of transform and spectral estimation evalu- 1. N. Karimi, S. Samavi, S. M. Reza Soroushmehr, S.
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Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks

June Zhang and José M.F. Moura

9.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................177
9.2 Network Process Dynamics: The Scaled SIS Process...............................................................................................178
9.3 Continuous-Time Markov Process..............................................................................................................................179
9.4 Scaled SIS Process: Equilibrium Distribution............................................................................................................180
9.5 Scaled SIS Process: Parameter Regimes .....................................................................................................................181
9.6 Application: Vulnerable Communities.......................................................................................................................182
9.7 Scaled SIS Process: MPCP ............................................................................................................................................183
9.8 Regime: (I) Healing Dominant and (IV) Infection Dominant.................................................................................183
9.9 Regime II: Endogenous Infection Dominant .............................................................................................................183
9.9.1 Equilibrium Distribution and Induced Subgraphs ......................................................................................184
9.9.2 Most-Probable Configuration and Induced Subgraphs ..............................................................................185
9.9.3 Most-Probable Configuration and the Densest Subgraph ..........................................................................186
9.10 Examples.........................................................................................................................................................................186
9.11 Regime III: Exogenous Infection Dominant ..............................................................................................................187
9.12 Application in Biomedical Signal Processing............................................................................................................189
9.13 Open Problems and Future Direction ........................................................................................................................189
9.14 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................................................189
References ................................................................................................................................................................................190

spatial regions in the brain; and inferring the trans-

9.1 Introduction
mission network of infections from genetic sequences in
The Internet has led to an explosion of user- epidemiology [2,3]. In these types of applications,
generated content especially from social networks. Next- advances in sensing and measurements have given
generation sequencing has provided much data in rise to large amounts of data, which requires novel
biology at the cellular scale. Advances in brain sens- analytical methods to derive the underlying interactions
ing technologies have led to increasing interest in [4,5].
studying the brain as a connected system. In these In the other direction, analysis, the network is given, and
complex systems, the interactions between components— questions are asked about the effect of the network struc-
individual users, genetic sequences, neurons—give rise ture on the behavior of the system. For example, network
to surprising macroscopic behavior. structure affects how cascading failures spread in the
Networks are used as abstract representations of power grid [6,7] and how networked systems are vulner-
pairwise interactions between components in complex able to attacks [8]. Network-based epidemics models
systems. Complex systems can be studied from two consider the impact of the topology of the contact
perspectives. One is synthesis, in which the underlying network on the dynamics and extent of infection spreading
network structure is inferred from multiple measure- [9–11]: a densely connected contact network facilitates
ments: for example, inferring the functional connectiv- the spread of infection, while a sparsely connected
ity of the brain (called the Connectome [1]) from network may impede the spread of infection. Analysis
various measurements (i.e., EEG, MRI) of different provides insights on the interdependence between the

178 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

underlying network structure and the observable network there is a strong connection between subgraphs and
processes. subgraph densities (i.e., average degree) to identifying
In this chapter, we present and study the scaled SIS vulnerable communities.
process, a stochastic network process that models how
infections or failures spread through a population due to
neighbor-to-neighbor contagion via a contact network.
Unlike classical epidemics models, which assumes
homogeneous mixing (i.e., individuals are all in contact
with one another), we consider that the contact network 9.2 Network Process Dynamics: The Scaled SIS
is explicitly represented by an undirected graph, which Process
can be highly asymmetric in that some individuals have In this section, we introduce the dynamics of the scaled
much larger number of contacts than others (i.e., SIS process; see Refs. [20,21]. In the scaled SIS process,
potential super spreaders). An edge in the contact contacts between N agents (i.e., individuals, compo-
network denotes substantial pairwise contact through nents, or populations depending on applications) are
which infection may be transmitted. Under the assump- described by an unweighted, undirected, simple graph
tion that the dynamics of the spreading process are much G(V,E), where V is the set of vertices representing indi-
faster than the evolution of the network topology, we viduals, and E is the set of edges representing contacts
can assume that the network structure remains static between individuals. The structure of the network is
while the state of each node changes according to the characterized by its adjacency matrix, A, where Aij =
dynamics described by the scaled susceptible-infected- Aji = 1 if there is substantial contact between i and j that
susceptible (SIS) process. For example, while contacts may lead to contagion if one individual is infected while
between individuals in a population can be highly fluid, the other is susceptible, and Aij = Aji = 0 otherwise.
contacts between individual populations, such as through The state of the ith vertex in the network is denoted by
major flight or shipping routes, are fairly static. The xi. When xi = 0, the individual is healthy but susceptible
scaled SIS process assumes that each node can be in one to infection. When xi = 1, the individual is infected and
of two states (e.g., infected vs. healthy) and that the capable of spreading the infection to others. The state of
structure of the network is static. It is similar to the class the network or of the population is the N-tuple collecting
of network process models in Refs. [12–19], but differs the states of all the vertices,
from these in three important aspects:
First, for a given range of model parameters, the scaled
x = ½x1 ,x2 , … ,xN T
SIS process mimics the behavior that individuals prefer
the healthy state but interactions spread the infection.
But for another choice of parameters, we can also model We refer to x the configuration. The set of all possible
the less intuitive but also equally important phenome- configurations is X = {x} = {0,1}N. Since each node can be
non where interactions can also impede the spread of in one of two states, the cardinality of X is
infection (i.e., agents seek measures to protect their
health when they observe that many of their neighbors jX j = 2N
become infected). Second, the scaled SIS process leads to
a reversible Markov process, which makes it more The scaled SIS process, {X(t),t ≥ 0}, models the evolu-
amenable to analysis. Third, in contrast with other tion of the network state by a stochastic process on the
network processes, we are able to derive the precise network G(V,E). The dynamics of the scaled SIS process
detailed equilibrium distribution of the scaled SIS is based on the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS)
process. epidemics framework, which assumes that infected
While there is an intuition that the densely connected individuals can heal and healthy individuals will
populations are more susceptible to contagion, the become infected in a random amount of time. As a result,
scaled SIS process formalizes the relationship between the process will transition from one configuration to
dynamics and connectivity. The chapter shows how we another configuration as individuals heal or become
use the scaled SIS process to identify individuals in the infected. Since infected individuals can pass the virus to
population that are vulnerable to infection by finding the their healthy neighbors, how long an individual remains
configuration with the maximum equilibrium probabil- healthy depends on the state of their neighbors; for
ity; we call this the most-probable configuration. The example, it is more likely that a healthy individual with
solution to the most-probable configuration problem many infected neighbors will be infected by proxy than a
depends not only on the relative strengths of infection healthy individual with few infected neighbors. The
rate to healing rate but also on the topological connec- scaled SIS process assumes the following dynamics
tivity in the underlying contact network. We show that rules:
Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks 179

• Only one individual can change its state at any • The rate l > 0 is the exogenous infection rate
time. or the spontaneous infection rate. It is the
• Assuming that it was infected, the time it takes infection rate at which a healthy individual
for the ith individual to heal is exponentially becomes infected from sources outside the
distributed with rate network (i.e., not by its infected neighbors).

μ > 0: The expected time it takes for the ith individual to

become infected is
The parameter µ is the healing rate. From the
properties of the exponential distribution, the
expected time it takes for an infected individual to Ti = :
heal is lg mi

Healthy individuals with the same number of

Th = : infected neighbors, mi, have the same expected
infection time T i . The expected infection time for
The scaled SIS process assumes that all the infected individual V3 in Figure 9.2a is not the same as the
individuals in the network have the same expected expected infection time for individual V5 in Figure
healing time T h . For example, the expected healing 9.2b since V3 has three infected neighbors, while V5
time for V2 in Figure 9.1a and for V3 in Figure 9.1b has no infected neighbors. Since the total number
are the same. of infected neighbors, mi, of a node is upper-
bounded by its total number of neighbors, di, the
• Assuming that it was healthy, the time it takes infection rate depends on the underlying network
for the ith individual to become infected is topology.
exponentially distributed with rate
lg mi > 0,
where mi is the total number of infected neighbors
of the ith individual. 9.3 Continuous-Time Markov Process
The scaled SIS process, {X(t),t ≥ 0}, is a stationary,
• The rate g > 0 is the endogenous infection rate homogenous, irreducible, finite-size continuous-time
or the contagion rate (technically, g is Markov process [22]. Each state of the Markov process
unitless so it is a factor rather than a rate). corresponds to a configuration, x. The state space of the
It characterizes contagion effect. When scaled SIS process, X, is the space of all possible config-
g = 1, the infection rate does not depend on urations. The possible transitions of the scaled SIS
the number of infected neighbors; the process are as follows.
structure does not affect the dynamics.
When g > 1, the infection rate increases
1. Consider the configuration
as the number of infected neighbors
increases, which models a typical epidemics
scenario. x = ½x1 ,x2 , … ,xj = 1,xk , … xN T:

External External External External

V2 V2 V2 V2
V1 V1 V1 V1
V3 V4 V3 V4 V3 V4 V3 V4
V5 V5 V5 V5

(a) (b)

Examples of healing transitions (dark gray = infected, medium gray = healthy). (a) individual V2 Heals (b) individual V3 Heals.
180 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

External External External External

V2 V2 V2 V2
V1 V1 V1 V1
V3 V4 V3 V4 V3 V4 V3 V4
V5 V5 V5 V5

(a) (b)

Examples of infection transitions (dark gray = infected, medium gray = healthy). (a) individual V3 becomes infected (b) indvidual V5 becomes infected.

Let x0 denote the configuration identical to x, type of transition, the value of Qij, i ≠ j is determined
except that the jth individual heals: by Equation 9.1, 9.2, or is 0. The diagonal elements
Qii = − j=1 Qij .
x0 = ½x1 ,x2 , … ,xj = 0, … ,xN T
The transition rate matrix specifies the master equa-
tion [12]
The transition rate q(x,x0 ) of the scaled SIS
process from x to x0 is d
P(t) = P(t)Q, (9.3)
q(x,x ) = μ (9.1)
where the i,jth entry of P(t) denotes the probability that
2. Consider the configuration the scaled SIS process is in some configuration x′ (rep-
resented by j) at time t > 0 given that it started in some
x = ½x1 ,x2 , … ,xj ,xk = 0, … xN T configuration x (represented by i) at time t = 0.

Let x0 denote the configuration identical to x,

except that the kth individual becomes infected:

x0 = ½x1 ,x2 , … ,xk = 1, … ,xN T

9.4 Scaled SIS Process: Equilibrium Distribution
The transition rate q(x,x ) of the scaled SIS The probability distribution for which
process from x to x0 is
P(t) = 0
q(x,x0 ) = lg mk , (9.2) dt

where is the equilibrium distribution. Adopting a convention

from Markov process literature [22], we denote the
N equilibrium distribution as π(x), which is a probability
mk = 1(xj = 1)Ajk mass function (PMF) over the configuration space X. The
j=1 equilibrium distribution for a finite-size, continuous-time
Markov process can be found, up to the normalization
is the total number of infected neighbors of constant, by solving the eigenvalue–eigenvector problem
node k. The symbol 1(⋅) is the indicator function,
and A = [Ajk] is the adjacency matrix of G. πQ = 0
3. The transition rate from a configuration x to any
other configuration x0 is 0 otherwise. The unnormalized equilibrium distribution is the left
eigenvector of the transition rate matrix corresponding
The dynamics of the scaled SIS process are summa- to the null eigenvalue. However, for large networks,
rized by the asymmetric, 2N × 2N transition rate matrix, directly finding the equilibrium distribution of the scaled
Q = [Qij] [23]. The ith row and jth column of Q SIS process by this method is infeasible since the
correspond to the decimal representations of different dimension of the Q matrix is exponential in the size
configurations, x,x' ∈ X, respectively. Depending on the of the network. For N = 100, the transition rate matrix is
Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks 181

2100 × 2100. Solving this eigenvalue–eigenvector problem XN

is computationally intractable for all but small size net- = xi log + Aij xi xj log (g ): (9.8)
μ i=1 j=1
works. We proved that

Theorem 9.4.1 In statistical mechanics, H(x) is called the Hamiltonian

and is considered the energy, or potential, of the network
The scaled SIS process, {X(t),t ≥ 0}, is a reversible Markov configuration x. By the Hammersley–Clifford theorem,
process and the equilibrium distribution is the distribution π(x), being a Gibbs distribution, is also a
Markov random field (MRF, also known as undirected

1T x T
1 l x Ax Markov network in the probabilistic graphical model
π(x) = g 2 , x ∈ X (9.4) literature
Z μ
[25]). Using MRF terminology, we will refer to
xi log as the unary potential and Aijxixjlog(g) as the
where Z is the partition function defined as μ
pairwise potential.
X l
1T x xT Ax
Z= g 2 : (9.5)

The proof of Theorem 9.4.1 is in Ref. [20]. Briefly, the 9.5 Scaled SIS Process: Parameter Regimes
proof is based on the scaled SIS process being a revers-
ible Markov process [22], for which the equilibrium According to Equation 9.4, the equilibrium behavior of
distribution also satisfies the detailed balance condition the scaled SIS process, {X(t),t ≥ 0}, depends on the
in addition to the full balance condition. The equilibrium underlying network, A, and the dynamics parameters:
distribution characterizes the behavior of the process at l
steady state. It shows that at steady state, the probability and g. The parameter is the ratio of the exogenous
of the system being in a configuration x is determined by infection rate and the healing rate; it is intuitive that in an
only two statistics of the configuration: epidemic process, there is competition between infection
and healing. The parameter g is the endogenous infec-
tion rate. The evolution of the scaled SIS process is
1T x = xi ,
driven by two processes: one that is controlled by g, that
we refer to as the topology-dependent process, since it
the total number of infected nodes in the network con- depends on the network structure through the number
figuration, and l
of infected neighbors, and one that is controlled by ,
which we refer to the topology-independent process.
xT Ax 1 X N X N
= Aij xi xj , The parameter space of the scaled SIS process can be
2 2
i=1 j=1 divided into four regimes, as shown in Table 9.1.
The parameter models the preferences of an indi-
the total number of edges where both end nodes are μ
xT Ax vidual or node in the network.
infected. Note that 0 ≤ 1Tx ≤ N and 0 ≤ ≤ jEj, where
N is the total number of individuals in the network and
|E| is the total number of edges.
The equilibrium distribution of the scaled SIS process TABLE 9.1
is a Gibbs distribution [24]. An alternate formulation of Parameter Regimes
Equation 9.4 is
I) Healing Dominant II) Endogenous Infection
l Dominant
1 H(x) 0< ≤1
μ l
π(x) = e (9.6) 0<g≤1
with III) Exogenous Infection IV) Infection Dominant
Dominant l

l μ
l xT Ax μ g>1
H(x) = 1T x log + log (g ) (9.7) 0<g≤1
μ 2
182 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

l regime, the topology-dependent process sup-

• When > 1, on average, an individual is in the
μ ports the topology-independent process.
infected state longer than it is in the healthy l
l (II) Endogenous infection dominant: 0 < ≤ 1 and
state. When falls in this parameter range, μ
g > 1. Individuals prefer the healthy state.
individuals prefer the infected state (xi = 1) to the However, the infection rate increases with the
healthy state (xi = 0). increasing number of infected neighbors; the
l network helps to spread the infection. This
• When 0 < < 1, on average, an individual is in
μ regime models the behavior of traditional
the healthy state longer than it is in the infected epidemics. In this regime, the topology-
state. When falls in this parameter range, independent process opposes the topology-
dependent process.
individuals prefer the healthy state (xi = 0) to the
infected state (xi = 1). (III) Exogenous infection dominant: > 1 and 0 <
• When = 1, individuals have equal preference g ≤ 1. Individuals prefer the infected state.
However, the infection rate decreases with the
for the infected and healthy state.
increasing number of infected neighbors; the
network helps to impede the infection. In this
The parameter g models how an individual is affected
regime, the topology-independent process
by its neighborhood. This parameter couples the
opposes the topology-dependent process.
underlying network topology to the dynamics of the
process. It determines if the network structure will (IV) Infection dominant: > 1 and g > 1. Individ-
facilitate or impede the spread of infection.
uals prefer the infected state. The infection
rate also increases with the increasing
• When g > 1, additional infected neighbors of a
number of infected neighbors; the network
healthy individual will increase the infection
helps to spread the infection. In this regime,
rate, thereby making the individual more vul-
the topology-dependent process supports
nerable to infection. As the number of infections
the topology-independent process.
increases, the population will be more vulnera-
ble to the epidemics as a single infection may
quickly lead to additional infections.
• When 0 < g < 1, additional infected neighbors of
a healthy individual will decrease the infection
rate, thereby making the individual less vulner- 9.6 Application: Vulnerable Communities
able to infection. This means that additional Epidemics models characterize the spread of infection in
infections will actually strengthen the popula- a population. Network-based epidemics models, as they
tion. For example, in a system with active account for contact network structures, can be used to
countermeasures, increasing the number of determine which individuals in the population are more
infected neighbors is a signal to boost the sus- vulnerable to infection. Generally, infections spread
ceptible individual’s defenses. more easily in well-connected communities than in
• When g = 1, the state of an individual is unaf- sparsely connected communities. As a result, many
fected by the states of its neighbors. In this case, approaches in finding vulnerable communities are
the underlying network topology does not affect related to the graph theoretic problem of clustering—
the dynamics of the scaled SIS process. finding subsets of nodes that are more connected
than others. These problems include (1) densest sub-
The behavior modeled by the four regimes are as graph problem, (2) K-densest subgraph problem, and
follows: (3) maximum clique problem; some of these problems
have been solved while others are provably NP-hard and
l remain open research questions [26,27].
(I) Healing dominant: 0 < ≤ 1 and 0 < g ≤ 1. Indi-
μ However, graph-based techniques only consider the
viduals prefer the healthy state. In addition, network structure and not the dynamical process of
individuals adopt defensive mechanisms so infection spreading. The scaled SIS process accounts for
that the infection rate decreases with increas- both the network structure and infection and healing
ing number of infected neighbors; the network dynamics. We use the equilibrium distribution of the
also helps to impede the infection. In this scaled SIS process and the parameter regimes to identify
Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks 183

vulnerable communities in the network using the most- l

In regime I, healing dominant, 0 < ≤ 1,0 < g ≤ 1, both
probable configuration, x*, the network configuration μ
with maximum equilibrium probability. An individual the topology-independent process and the topology-
is vulnerable to infection if it is infected in the most- dependent process favor the healthy state. The most-
probable configuration. probable configuration in equilibrium is x* = x0 = [0,0,
Finding the most-probable configuration means solv- …,0]T, the configuration where all the agents are healthy.
ing the most-probable configuration problem (MPCP), a In regime I, the healing rate (µ) dominates both the
combinatorial optimization problem. This may be infea- endogenous and exogenous infection rates (g and l) so no
sible to find for large networks since the state space of individual in the population is considered vulnerable to
configurations grows exponentially with the size of the infection. This holds for any network topology, G(V,E).
network. We showed in Ref. [21] that for certain regime of l
In regime IV, infection dominant, > 1,g > 1, both
parameter values, MPCP can be solved in polynomial μ
time. We can then use MPCP to identify vulnerable the topology-independent process and the topology-
communities in networks of thousands of individuals. dependent process favor infection. The most-probable
Intuitively, these vulnerable individuals do belong to configuration is x* = xN = [1,1,…,1]T, the configuration
well-connected communities; however, the size and where all the agents are infected. In regime IV, the
composition of vulnerable communities (i.e., the solution infection rates (g and l) dominate over the healing rate
of MPCP) change depending on the infection and healing (µ) so all individuals are vulnerable to infection. This
rates. holds for any network topology, G(V,E).

9.7 Scaled SIS Process: MPCP 9.9 Regime II: Endogenous Infection Dominant
The MPCP solves for the configuration in X with the Unlike regimes I and IV, in regime II, the topology-
maximum probability l
independent process, controlled by the rate , opposes the
T )
l 1 x xT Ax topology-dependent process, controlled by the contagion

x = arg max π(x) = arg max g 2 (9.9) rate g. This introduces an additional complexity in solving
x∈X x∈X μ
MPCP. The solution space of MPCP in regime II exhibits
phase transition; the solution of Equation 9.9 changes
The MPCP 1.9 is a combinatorial optimization depending on the parameter values. It is the case that in this
problem as agents can only be in one of two states. Its parameter regime and depending on the network topology,
solution space depends on both the network topology, some individuals may be vulnerable while others are not.
A, and the infection and healing rates, l,g,μ. For large l
networks, it is infeasible to iterate through all 2N con- With 0 < ≤ 1, the exogenous infection rate, l, is
figurations of the scaled SIS process to find the most- smaller than or equal to the healing rate, µ. If the exog-
probable configuration. The solutions of MPCP depend enous infection rate is ignored (i.e., g = 1), then the most-
on the four parameter regimes identified in Section 9.5 as probable network configuration is x0 = [0,0,…0]T.
well as the underlying contact network structure. We However, since g > 1, additional infected agents increase
consider the ith individual to be vulnerable if it is the infection rate. The process utilizes the network
infected in the most-probable configuration (i.e., x∗i = 1). structure to spread the infection to healthy agents.
Regime II models the behavior of standard epidemics.
In regime II, the topology-dependent process favors
maximizing the number of infected edges (i.e., edges
where both end nodes are infected), whereas the topology-
9.8 Regime: (I) Healing Dominant and (IV) independent process wants to minimize the number of
Infection Dominant infected agents. Intuitively, if is very small and g is
The MPCP is trivial for regimes I and IV as the individual close to 1, then the behavior of the process will be dic-
preferences of the agents (i.e., topology-independent tated by the topology-independent process; a good guess
l l
process), controlled by , are also supported by the for x* is x0= [0,0,…0]T. When g >> 1 and is close to 1,
μ μ
network effect (i.e., topology-dependent process), con- the process behavior will be dictated by the topology-
trolled by g. dependent process; a good guess for x* is xN = [1,1,…1]T.
184 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

When neither the topology-independent process nor V2 V2

the topology-dependent dominates the dynamic, the
most-probable configuration may be a configuration V1
neither x0 nor xN; we call such solutions non-degenerate
configurations. V3 V6 V3
We showed in Ref. [21] that in regime II, solving
the MPCP is equivalent to minimizing a submodular V7
function [28]. Ref. [29] proved that the minimization V4 V4
of a pseudo-Boolean function that is submodular can
(a) (b)
be solved in polynomial time. Using the Max-Flow/
Min-Cut algorithm proposed in Ref. [30], we can find the
most-probable configuration for a network consisting of (a) Configuration x1 = [0,1,1,1,0,0,0]T. (b) Induced subgraph F(x1) = F1.
4941 nodes, meaning that the number of configurations
is 24941, in less than 0.1 sec on a desktop with 3.7 GHz
Quad Core Xeon processor and 16 GB of RAM.
In addition to being readily obtainable by numerical V2
methods, non-degenerate most-probable configurations V5 V5
also give insights on how the underlying network
structure affects the epidemics process. In the next V3 V6 V6
section, we discuss how non-degenerate most-probable
configurations relate to dense subgraphs in the under- V7 V7
lying network structure. V4
(a) (b)

9.9.1 Equilibrium Distribution and Induced Subgraphs
(a) Configuration x2=[0,0,0,0,1,1,1]T. (b) Induce subgraph F(x2) = F2.
First, we will define the graph theoretic terms used in
this section.
in Ref. [32] that configurations whose induced sub-
Definition 9.9.1 graphs are isomorphic are equally probable. Unless we
need to refer explicitly to the underlying network con-
(From Ref. [31]) The graph F is an induced subgraph of G if figuration x, for notational simplicity, we will write F to
two vertices in F are connected if and only if they are con- denote an induced subgraph instead of writing F(x).
nected in G and the vertex set and edge set of F are subsets of
the vertex set and edge set of G. Definition 9.9.3

V(F) ⊆ V(G), E(F) ⊆ E(G) The set of all possible induced subgraphs of G is F = {F(x)}, ∀ x
∈ X.

The set F includes the empty graph that is induced

Definition 9.9.2 by the configuration x0 = [0,0,…,0]T, and G that is the
subgraph induced by the configuration xN = [1,1,…,1]T.
The graph F(x) is an induced subgraph of configuration x =
[x1,x2,…,xN]T if the nodes/edges in the subgraph are the Definition 9.9.4
infected nodes/edges in x.
(From Ref. [26]) The density of a graph G is
V(F(x)) = fvi ∈ V(G)jxi = 1g (9.10)
d(G) =
E(F(x)) = f(i,j) ∈ E(G)jxi = 1,xj = 1g (9.11) jV(G)j

xT Ax There is an alternative definition for graph density that

By definition, |V(F(x))| = 1Tx and jE(F(x))j = . is the number of edges divided by the total number of
Figures 9.3 and 9.4 show two network configurations possible edges [33]. These two definitions of density are
and their corresponding induced subgraphs. We proved not equivalent.
Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks 185

We will refer to the density of the entire network, d(G) = Assumption 9.1
d(F(xN)), as the network density and the density of an
induced subgraph of G as the subgraph density. The The scaled SIS process operates in regime II, endogenous
density of the empty graph, d(F(x0)), is 0 by definition. The infection dominant. This limits the dynamics parameters
subgraphs in F can be partially ordered by their density. to the range 0 < ≤ 1 and g > 1.
There may be many subgraphs with the same density. A
special induced subgraph in F is the densest subgraph.
Assumption 9.2
Definition 9.9.5
The underlying network G is a simple, undirected,
Let F be the densest subgraph in G. Then unweighted, and connected graph.
d(F) ≥ d(F),   ∀ F ∈ F
Theorem 9.9.1

Finding F is known as the densest subgraph problem. It is The most-probable configuration x* ≠ x0 if and only if there
known that, for undirected, unweighted graphs, F can be exists at least one induced subgraph F ∈ F with density d(F)
found in polynomial time [34]. for which lg d(F) > μ.
Since there is a one-to-one relationship between the
network configuration x and its induced subgraph F(x),
we can rewrite the equilibrium distribution (Equation Theorem 9.9.2
9.4) of the scaled SIS process in terms of the induced The most-probable configuration x* ≠ xN if and only if there
subgraph density and the size of the induced subgraph: exists at least one induced subgraph F ∈ F\G with density
d(F) = E0 N0 for which

1 l d(F) jV(F)j l d(G)

π(F) = g ,  F ∈ F , (9.12) log g
Z μ μ N0

< : (9.14)
l d(F) N
log g
where d(F) is the density of the induced subgraph F and μ
Z is the partition function.
Rewriting the equilibrium distribution (Equation 9.4) as
a function of induced subgraphs (Equation 9.12) allows us Combining Theorems 9.9.1 and 9.9.2, we can obtain
to see that, when the induced subgraphs of two configu- the following corollary regarding the non-degenerate
rations are isomorphic (e.g., configurations x1 in Figure 9.3 most-probable configurations.
and x2 in Figure 9.4), then the configurations are equally
probable at equilibrium for the scaled SIS process. Corollary 9.9.1
Let the density of the network be d(G) = . Then, the most-
9.9.2 Most-Probable Configuration and Induced probable configuration is a non-degenerate configuration, x* ∈
Subgraphs X\{x0,xN}, if and only if there exists at least one induced
Using (Equation 9.12), the MPCP (Equation 9.9) is then subgraphF ∈ F with density d(F) = E0 N0 for which lg d(F) > μ,
also an optimization problem over all the possible and

induced subgraphs in G: l d(G)

log g
μ N0

< :
∗ l d(F) jV(F)j l d(F) N
F(x ) = arg max g : (9.13) log
F∈F μ

The subgraph induced by the most-probable configu- In regime II, individual agents have a preference for
ration, F(x*), is the most-probable subgraph, which is being healthy, but the epidemics might spread to other
not necessarily the same subgraph as the densest sub- agents through neighbor-to-neighbor contagion. Under
graph, F. the scaled SIS process, the subgraph density d(F) scales
Assuming the following conditions hold, in Ref. [21], the exogenous infection rate g, thereby affecting the
we proved the following theorems. overall infection rate. Theorem 9.9.1 states that, if the
186 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

network contains dense-enough subgraphs, then even

when the effective exogenous infection rate, , is small
9.10 Examples
l The most-probable configuration changes depending on
(i.e., 0 < ≪ 1), the exogenous infection rate, g, can
μ the dynamics parameters l,µ,g. When the healing rate µ
leverage dense subgraphs to spread the infection in the dominates the infection rates l and g, x* = x0; this means
network. The vulnerable individuals are those that that the epidemics is not severe. When the infection rates
belong in these dense subgraphs. dominate over the healing rate, x* = xN; this means that the
On the other hand, if the endogenous infection rate, g, is epidemics is severe. When x* is a non-degenerate config-
large (i.e., g ≫ 1), then most certainly the epidemics will uration (i.e., x* ≠ x0,xN), this indicates that sets of agents in
spread throughout the entire network and all individuals the network are more vulnerable than others to the epi-
are vulnerable to infection. Theorem 9.9.2 states when demics. We illustrate this by solving

for the most-probable
this does not happen. Furthermore, Theorem 9.9.2 shows l
that it is important to consider if the densest subgraph in configuration under different ,g parameters for two
the network is the entire network or a smaller subgraph. networks: a social network generated from interview data
Corollary 9.9.1 proves that the existence of the non- [38] and a large artificially generated R-MAT network [39].
degenerate configurations is related to the existence of The network shown in Figure 9.5 is a 193 node, 273
subgraphs with density larger than the network density. edge social network of drug users in Hartford, CT. The
The existence of these subgraphs that are denser-than G is network was determined through interviews. Ref. [40]
crucial to the existence of non-degenerate configurations looked for influential agents in the network by consid-
(i.e., different from x0 and xN) as solutions to the MPCP; ering it as a graph connectivity problem. However, they
when the most-probable configuration is a non-degenerate did not consider a dynamical model of influence.
configuration, agents belonging to denser subgraphs are Assuming that we can model drug habits as an epidemics
more vulnerable to the epidemics. (i.e., there is a social contagion aspect to the behavior), we
In network science, dense clusters of agents have often applied the scaled SIS process to this network and solved
been identified as either the network core or community for the most-probable configuration under different
[35–37]. Solving for the non-degenerate configuration is parameters to find influential network structures.
an alternative method for determining these network We show the resultant most-probable configurations
structures. Previous works in core/community detection

are algorithmic and do not consider the dynamical in Figure 9.5a–d as we change ,g : We can see from
process on the network. The scaled SIS process show
these results that there is a small community of users
that, what is considered a community changes depending
who are infected when others are healthy. The size of this
on the parameters of the dynamical process: the most-
community increases or decreases depending on the
probable configuration changes depending on the
parameters. If there is a social contagion component to
dynamics parameters.
drug usage, then these agents may be more vulnerable to
the social contagion component of drug usage and
therefore more likely to persist in their habit.
9.9.3 Most-Probable Configuration and the Densest The network shown in Figure 9.6a and b is an artifi-
Subgraph cially generated R-MAT network using Ref. [41]. It
We showed that the most-probable configuration is contains 3215 nodes and 6605 edges. R-MAT graphs
related to the density of induced subgraphs in the have been shown to demonstrate real-world characteris-
network. The densest subgraph, F, is a special induced tics such as power law degree distribution and small
subgraph. In this section, we focus specifically on the diameter. We use R-MAT to model a contact network
relationship between the most-probable configuration where nodes represent individuals and edges represent
and the densest subgraph. significant contacts. Figure 9.6a and b show the most-
probable configuration
the scaled
SIS process

Corollary 9.9.2. l l
parameters are = 0:1,g = 2:5 and = 0:1,g = 5 .
μ μ
The most-probable configuration x* = x0 if and only if lg d(F) ≤ μ. l
We can see that, for the same , as g increases, thereby
Corollary 9.9.2 follows the result of Theorem 9.9.1. If increasing the infectiousness of contagion, the size of the
the densest subgraph in the network is not dense enough vulnerable communities increases. This is intuitive since,
to overcome individual preferences for being healthy, for large g, the epidemics is severe, and the most-probable
then the endogenous infection rate g will not be able to configuration is driven toward xN, the configuration
drive the most-probable configuration away from x0. where all the components are infected. Moreover, these
Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks 187

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Susceptible individuals: most-probable configuration x* under different ,g parameters (dark gray = infected, medium gray = healthy).
l l l l
(a) = 0:208, g = 2:421; (b) = 0:269, g = 2:94; (c) = 0:3, g = 2:053; (d) = 0:3, g = 3:71.
μ μ μ μ

most-probable configurations are both non-degenerate be the case that in this parameter regime and depending
configurations. From Theorem 9.9.2, we have the addi- on the network topology, some individuals will be vul-
tional insight that these components are more vulnerable nerable while others are not.
to failures because they belong to a dense subgraph that With
> 1, the exogenous infection rate, l, is larger than
satisfies a relationship between subgraph densities and μ
infection and healing rates. the healing rate, µ. If the exogenous infection rate is ignored
(i.e., we take g = 1), then the most-probable network con-
figuration is x* = x N = [1,1,…1]T. However, since 0 < g ≤ 1,
additional infected nodes decrease the infection rate.
This implies that healthy agents adopt a defense mecha-
9.11 Regime III: Exogenous Infection Dominant nism in response to having infected neighbors.
Unlike regimes I and IV, in regime III, the topology- In regime III, the topology-dependent process favors
l minimizing the number of infected edges (i.e., edges
independent process, controlled by , opposes the
μ where both end nodes are infected), whereas the topology-
topology-dependent process, controlled by g. It will also independent process favors maximizing the number of
188 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

(i.e., an independent set that is not a subset of any other

independent set).
Intuitively, if >> 1 and g is close to 1, then the epi-
demics will be dominated by the topology-independent
process; a good guess for x* is xN = [1,1,…1]T. When 0 <
g << 1 and is close to 1, the epidemics will be domi-
nated by the topology-dependent process. The most-
probable configuration cannot be x0 = [0,0,…0]Tas shown
below (proved in [20]).

Theorem 9.11.1
For any network topology, when > 1,0 < g ≤ 1, then x* ≠
x0 = [0,0,…0]T for any feasible parameter values.

In regime III, according to Theorem 9.11.1, no matter

(a) the values of the parameters or the underlying net-
work structure, it is not possible for x0 = [0,0,…,0]T to be a
solution of the MPCP. On the other hand, it is possible for
xN = [1,1,…,1]T to be a most-probable configuration.

Theorem 9.11.2
For any network topology and when > 1,0 < g ≤ 1, sort the
degrees so that k1 ≥ k2 ≥ … ≥ kN. If lg k1 > μ, then x* = xN =

Theorem 9.11.2 shows that the only consideration

necessary for x* = xN are the values of the dynamics
parameters l,g,µ, and the maximum degree of the
underlying network.

Theorem 9.11.3
For any network topology and when > 1,0 < g ≤ 1, if in
addition lg < μ, then the most-probable configuration, x*, is
FIGURE 9.6 the configuration with the maximum number of infected nodes
Susceptible individuals: most-probable configuration x* under differ- and 0 infected edges; this is also the maximum independent

l set [43].
ent ,g parameters (dark gray = infected, medium gray = healthy).
l l Theorem 9.11.3 shows that, in the parameter regime
(a) = 0:1, g = 2:5; (b) = 0:1, g = 5.
μ μ
III, > 1,0 < g ≤ 1, and lg < μ, the most-probable con-
figuration x* of the scaled SIS process at equilibrium is
infected agents. In other words, these processes favor the maximum independent set. There exist polynomial-
isolated infected nodes. The solution space of the MPCP is time algorithms to find this set for a special class of
related to the graph theoretic concept of independent sets. graphs called perfect graphs [44]. Well-known examples
An independent set is a subset of nodes such that the of perfect graphs are complete graphs, bipartite graphs,
induced subgraph is composed entirely of isolated nodes. and chordal graphs. Unfortunately, finding the
The maximum independent set is the largest possible inde- maximum independent set is NP-hard for general graph
pendent set for a given graph [42]. The maximum inde- topologies [42]. As a result, it is in general infeasible
pendent set is also the largest maximal independent set to analyze the equilibrium behavior for other large,
Dynamic Processes on Complex Networks 189

real-world networks when the dynamics parameters are Many system biology applications can be studied using
in regime III. network abstractions. From an application perspective,
there are many open questions regarding how to construct
these network representations from observations such as
what scale of measurements to consider, what assumptions
to retain, etc. A major open question remains in how to
9.12 Application in Biomedical Signal Processing integrate all of these scales together. At what scale of anal-
Classical compartmental epidemics models (SIS, SIR, ysis are network perspectives necessary? Much like the
etc.) are based on the thermodynamic principles of full separation of time scale, for example, at the scale of ana-
mixing and mean field, which assumed an infinitely large lyzing human-to-human interaction, the dynamics of gene-
population where each individual can potentially come to-gene interaction will be too fast to be considered, whereas
in contact with every other individual [45]. In these if the time scale is at the gene-to-gene interaction, then
models, the susceptibility of the population to infection human-to-human interaction can be neglected since the
depends only on the dynamics parameters of infection time scale of human interaction will be much too slow.
and healing. In contrast, network processes explicitly From an analysis perspective, much of the work has
model the dynamics of microscopic interactions, focused on analyzing the topology structure of static,
accounting, in particular, for asymmetry in interactions unweighted graph. Future direction of network-based
as represented by a network structure. analysis is not only to develop analytical tools for larger
The scaled SIS process is a network process model that classes of graphs but also to explicitly model the network
focuses on population-scale analysis. It is also possible to process: dynamic process associated with the time-
consider network process models at the molecular scale. varying network structure. In this chapter, we consid-
For example, the standard model of HIV dynamics ered a model for modeling epidemics in which the
describes the evolution of three variables: T, the total network structure (i.e., interactions) remains static but
number of uninfected target cells; V, the total number of the values associated with each node vary according to a
free virions (i.e., infective form of virus outside a host cell); random process. Alternatively, a network process may
and T*, the total number of infected target cells [46] by consider a model in which the edges of the network vary
according to some dynamical process. The major chal-
dT dT ∗ lenge of analyzing network processes is due to the
= l − dT − kTV, and
dt dt combinatorial complexity introduced by the network
dV structure. As we showed with the scaled SIS process,
= kTV − μT ∗ , and = pT ∗ − cV,∞ (9.15) combinatorial complexity may be avoidable using
certain assumptions and mathematical properties (e.g.,
where l and d are the birth and death rate of uninfected reversibility). Additionally, instead of dealing with any
target cells, respectively, and k is the infection rate of the heterogeneous network structure, analysis showed that
uninfected cell by the virions. Infected cells produce new network density is the statistic of interest. Furthermore,
virions at rate p and are killed with death rate µ. The under certain conditions, the network structure may not
dynamics of this model are similar to the classical epi- impart any insight to the behavior of the process (e.g.,
demics models, which were also based on thermodynamic regimes I and IV of the most-probable configuration).
interactions and model mean-field dynamics by assuming Network-based analysis offers new insight to classical
homogeneous mixing. In reality, there are many sources of approaches to system analysis. Its value to modeling
heterogeneity that affect viral evolution, so network process complex interactive systems such as biological systems is
models will give different insights than Equation 9.15. Ref. clear. However, there remain many challenges and open
[47] has used network processes, called Boolean networks, questions to both analysis and applications of such an
to study cell regulation. Network analysis, especially approach, making this an interesting direction for
network process models, offers new insights to problems interdisciplinary future research.
involving complex interactions in system biology.

9.13 Open Problems and Future Direction 9.14 Conclusions

Network-based analyses have been increasingly adapted In this chapter, we discussed a simple network process,
to analyze complex biological systems such as the the scaled SIS process, for modeling the spread of infection
connectome (i.e., brain network) [1], protein–protein inter- in a population where the interactions between individu-
action networks [48], and viral quasi-species networks [49]. als are represented as a contact network; we showed
190 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

that the structure of the contact network, in addition to 11. Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and Alessandro Vespignani.
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ceptibility of the population, specifically that, for certain Review Letters, 86(14):3200, 2001.
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Vespignani. Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks,
subset of nodes (i.e., subgraphs with high density) are
volume 1. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
more vulnerable to infection. We used the most-probable
13. Deepayan Chakrabarti, Yang Wang, Chenxi Wang, Jurij
configuration to show that subgraph density is the topo- Leskovec, and Christos Faloutsos. Epidemic thresholds
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Modeling Functional Networks via Piecewise-Stationary
Graphical Models*

Hang Yu and Justin Dauwels

10.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................193
10.2 Preliminaries..................................................................................................................................................................194
10.2.1 Undirected Graphical Models and GGMs ..................................................................................................194
10.2.2 Copulas and Gaussian Copulas....................................................................................................................195
10.3 Copula GGMs ...............................................................................................................................................................196
10.3.1 Standard Copula GGMs ................................................................................................................................196
10.3.2 Hidden Variable Copula GGMs ...................................................................................................................197 Hidden Variable GGM ..................................................................................................................197 Copula GGMs with Hidden Variables .......................................................................................198
10.4 Change Point Detection ...............................................................................................................................................198
10.5 Regularization Selection ..............................................................................................................................................200
10.5.1 Regularization Selection for Change Point Detection ...............................................................................200
10.5.2 Regularization Selection for Graphical Model Inference ..........................................................................200 Standard Copula GGMs................................................................................................................201 Hidden Variable Copula GGMs ..................................................................................................202
10.6 Numerical Results ........................................................................................................................................................203
10.6.1 Synthetic Data..................................................................................................................................................203
10.6.2 Real Data ..........................................................................................................................................................204
10.7 Possible Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing ..........................................................................................207
10.8 Conclusion, Open Problems, and Future Directions...............................................................................................207
Acknowledgment ...................................................................................................................................................................207
References ................................................................................................................................................................................207

In this chapter, we analyze multichannel scalp elec-

10.1 Introduction troencephalogram (EEG) signals and characterize the
evolution of brain states through piecewise-stationary
Approximately 50 million people worldwide exhibits
functional brain networks. Note that scalp EEG record-
symptoms of epilepsy [2], a neurological disorder of the
ing systems are inexpensive and (potentially) mobile in
brain characterized by sudden and unpredictable sei-
comparison with other measures such as functional
zures. Seizures typically lead to a lapse of attention or a
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) [3]. Furthermore,
convulsion of the entire body, thus posing a serious risk
they are not invasive. Due to these advantages, EEG has
of physical injuries or even death to the patient. In order
the potential of being a commonly used tool for seizure
to treat epileptic seizures, it is essential to understand
how the cerebral disorder propagates.
Here, we learn functional brain networks using the
framework of graphical models. Graphical models
* A preliminary version of this work was presented at the International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), provide sparse networks to represent the statistical
Florence, Italy, May 2014 [1]. relations between numerous variables, resulting in

194 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

compact representations and efficient inference algo- learn the graphical model based on the covariance of the
rithms [4,5]. Specifically, when tackling EEG signals, we data in each stationary time segment. The procedure
resort to copula Gaussian graphical models (GGMs). also infers the number of change points as well as the
Such models allow us to tie different kinds of marginal graphical model structure in an automated fashion
distributions (Gaussian, non-Gaussian, or even non- without tuning any parameters. Numerical results for
parametric) together to form a graphical model [6–11]. both synthetic and real data show that the proposed
As a result, copula GGMs have been applied in such method provides an effective and efficient tool to identify
diverse areas as computational biology [6,7] and neuro- change points and infer networks.
science [8], geophysics [9], extreme events analysis [10], This chapter is structured as follows. In this section, we
and sociology [11]. briefly introduce Gaussian copula graphical models
So far, most literature on network inference via (with hidden variables) for stationary data. In Section
graphical models focuses on stationary data. However, 10.2, we extend those models to piecewise stationary
during epileptic seizures, functional brain networks are data. In Section 10.3, we present results for synthetic and
shown to evolve through a sequence of distinct topolo- real data, validating the proposed model. We offer con-
gies [2]. Therefore, statistical models designed for sta- cluding remarks in Section 10.4.
tionary data may not yield accurate results for these
problems. Inferring such evolving networks in the
framework of graphical models has received little
attention until now. A reasonable approach is to detect
change points, and then infer graphical models in the
10.2 Preliminaries
stationary segments between the change points. There is
a handful of works concerning identifying change points 10.2.1 Undirected Graphical Models and GGMs
in multivariate time series, and we review them below.
In this section, we first give a brief introduction to
Xuan and Murphy [12] employed the Bayesian change
undirected graphical models. We then focus on GGMs in
point detection approaches: they adopt a geometric prior
which all variables follow Gaussian distributions.
on the time segment lengths, and then iterate between
A undirected graphical model (i.e., a Markov random
MAP segmentation and graphical model inference. The
field [MRF]) can be defined as a multivariate probability
main restriction, however, is that the graph for all seg-
distribution p(x) that factorizes according to a graph G,
ments must be decomposable. On the other hand, a
which consists of nodes V and edges E. Concretely,
greedy binary segmentation scheme is proposed in Ref.
each node i ∈ V is associated with a random variable xi.
[13]. A change point is inserted such that the Bayesian
An edge (i, j) ∈ E is absent if and only if the corre-
information score (BIC) of the two graphical models
sponding two variables xi and xj are conditionally inde-
of the data before and after the change point is mini-
pendent: p(xi,xj|xV|i,j) = p(xi|xV|i,j)p(xj|xV|i,j), where V|i,j
mized; this procedure is repeated until no further splits
denotes all the nodes except i and j. Hammersley and
reduce the BIC. Unfortunately, besides the high com-
Clifford [17] further summarize the relation between the
putational complexity, the binary segmentation can be
Markov properties implied by G and the factoriza-
misleading and overestimate the number of change
tion of the probability distribution p(x) in the following
points, as pointed out in Ref. [14]. To address this
concern, dynamic programming is applied in Ref. [15],
resulting in joint estimation of all the change points.
Theorem 10.1 Hammersley–Clifford Theorem
Unfortunately, the method has computational complex-
ity of order O(n3) in the number of fixed points n, Define a clique C as a fully connected subgraph, that is, a
which is impractical for most real-life time series with subgraph in which each node is a neighbor of every other node.
tens or hundreds of change points. Another limitation If p(x) > 0 for all x, and p(x) is Markov with respect to the
of the aforementioned methods is the assumption of graph G, then p(x) can be expressed as a product of factors
Gaussian distributed data, which is not always fulfilled corresponding to cliques of G:
in practice.
In this work, our objective is to establish piecewise- 1Y
pðxÞ = y ðx Þ, (10.1)
stationary copula GGMs for EEG recordings during Z C∈C C C
seizure. In order to reduce the computational complex-
ity, we disentangle the process of change point detection where yC(xC) is a compatibility function defined on a clique
and graphical model inference. Specifically, we first C, C is the set of all cliques in G, and Z is a normalization
detect the change points by minimizing a cost function term called the partition function. Conversely, if p(x) can be
defined on covariance matrix using low-complexity factorized as in Equation 10.1 with yC(xC) ≥ 0, then p(x) is
pruned exact linear time (PELT) method [16], and next Markov with respect to the corresponding graph G.
Modeling Functional Networks via Graphical Models 195

In this chapter, we restrict our attention to pairwise estimated distribution and the empirical distribution
MRFs in which the cliques are chosen as the nodes and or the negative log-likelihood of the observed data x(1:N).
edges in the graph. The resulting probability density As such, the problem minimizes the divergence between
function (PDF) can be written as the estimated and original distribution with an ℓ1-norm
1Y Y   penalty on the elements of the precision matrix K,
pðxÞ = yi ðxi Þ yij xi , xj , (10.2) resulting in a sparse GGM approximation. It is a trade-off
Z i∈V (i,j)∈E between the data fidelity and the model sparsity, which
is determined by the regularization parameter l. As
where the node potential is yi(xi) and the edge potential ^ tends to be dense;
shown in Ref. [19], if l is small, then K
is yij(xi, xj). ^
otherwise, K tends to be sparse. To recover the correct
If the random variables x corresponding to the nodes matrices K, the parameter l needs to be chosen appro-
in G are jointly Gaussian, then the undirected graphical priately, which is a critical issue that will be addressed
model is called a GGM (or Gauss–Markov random in the following sections. After selecting a proper l,
field [GMRF]). Let x ∼ N(μ,S) with mean vector μ and Equation 10.6 can be solved efficiently using interior-
positive-definite covariance matrix S. The GGM can be point methods, block coordinate descent methods, or the
written equivalently as N (K−1h, K−1) with a precision graphical lasso (glasso) algorithm [19]. It has been proven
matrix K = S−1 and a potential vector h = Kμ. The in Ref. [20] that solving Equation 10.6 can consistently
resulting PDF can be expressed as yield the true graphical model structure (i.e., the sparsity
  pattern of the precision matrix) under certain conditions.
pðxÞ ∝ exp − xT Kx + hT x : (10.3)
10.2.2 Copulas and Gaussian Copulas
The corresponding node and edge potentials are
  A copula C(u1,…,up) can be defined as a distribution
1 2 function mapping from the unit P-cube [0,1]P to the
yi ðxi Þ = exp − Kii xi + hi xi , (10.4)
2 unit interval [0,1] (i.e., a distribution with uniform
  n o marginals), satisfying the following conditions [21]:
yij xi , xj = exp −xi Kij xj : (10.5)
1. C(1,…,1,ai,1,…,1) = ai for every i ≤ P and all ai in
Obviously, Kij = 0 implies that xi and xj are condi- [0,1].
tionally independent in a GGM. We emphasize that Kij = 2. C(a1,…,aP) = 0 if ai = 0 for any i ≤ P.
0 does not mean xi and xj are uncorrelated. Instead, Sij 3. C is P-increasing.
usually is nonzero, since the inverse of a sparse precision
matrix is often a full covariance matrix. The term copula was first introduced by Sklar [22].
Since the structure of a GGM is well characterized by Thus, we next present the Sklar’s theorem:
the precision matrix, we only need to infer the precision
matrix when learning the GGM. Moreover, a sparse Theorem 10.2 Sklar’s Theorem
graphical model is usually preferable in practice. We
therefore aim to learn a sparse precision matrix given the Suppose that x1,…,xP are random variables with marginal
N multivariate Gaussian distributed observations x(1:N). cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) F1,…,FP and joint
The resulting optimization problem can be formulated CDF F. Then there exists a copula C such that for all x =
as [18] [x1,…,xP]T

Fðx1 , …, xP Þ = CðF1 ðx1 Þ, …, FP ðxP ÞÞ: (10.8)

^ : = argmin trðSKÞ − log det K + l‖ K ‖1 ,
K (10.6)
Furthermore, if the marginals F1,…,FP are continuous, then
the copula C can be uniquely determined. Conversely, given
where tr represents the trace of a matrix, and S is the
any marginals F1,…,FP and an arbitrary copula C, F defined
empirical covariance matrix defined as
through Equation 10.8 is a P-dimensional distribution
 T function with marginals F1,…,FP.
1 XN
S= xðiÞ xðiÞ , (10.7) Note that ui = Fi (xi) follows a uniform distribution in
N i=1
[0,1]. According to Sklar’s theorem, the joint distribution
‖·‖1 is the ℓ1 norm (i.e., the sum of the absolute value of all can be specified via its marginals and a copula that
the elements in the matrix), and l is the regularization or “glues” the marginals together. It is worthy noticing
penalty parameter. Note that the term tr(SK) – log det K that copulas separate the marginal specification from
can be interpreted as the divergence between the dependence modeling. On the other hand, the intricate
196 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

dependencies between numerous variables can be cap- respectively. Following from the two-layer construction
tured effectively and efficiently by graphical models of Gaussian copulas (cf. Equations 10.13 and 10.14), a
(cf. Section 10.2.1). Therefore, as demonstrated in this standard Copula GGM can be defined as [23]
chapter, copula-based graphical models can tackle data
with various families of marginal distributions in a z ∼ N 0, K−1 (10.15)
compact and flexible fashion.
Assuming that the partial derivatives of C exist, the xi = F−1
i ðFðzi ÞÞ, (10.16)
PDF of the joint distribution (Equation 10.8) can be
written as [21] where K is the precision matrix whose inverse (the
  covariance matrix) has normalized diagonal, F is the
  ∂p F x1 , …, xp CDF of the standard Gaussian distribution, and Fi
f x1 , …, xp = (10.9) is the CDF of xi. The latter is often approximated by
∂ x1 ⋯ ∂ xp
^i . The pseudo-inverse F−1 of
the empirical distributions F i
p Fi is defined as
= c F1 ðx1 Þ, …, Fp xp fi ðxi Þ, (10.10)
i=1 F−1
i ðyÞ = inf fFi ðxi Þ ≥ yg, (10.17)
xi ∈X

where c is the copula density function.

where inf denotes infimum, and X is the domain of xi
It follows from Equation 10.8 that a copula can be
such that Fi(xi) ≤ 1 for all xi ∈ X. Note that we use a
derived from a closed-form multivariate distribution as
precision matrix as the dependence parameter of the
Gaussian copula instead of the correlation matrix in
Cðu1 , …, uP Þ = F F−1 −1
1 ðu1 Þ, …, FP ðuP Þ : (10.11)
Equation 10.13. Next, we prove that for a CGGM, the
As such, Gaussian copulas have the form conditional independence between variables is specified
by the zero elements in the precision matrix K [6].
Cðu1 , … ,uP Þ = F F−1 ðu1 Þ, … ,F−1 ðuP Þ; S , (10.12)
Proposition 10.1
where F(·,S) represents a zero-mean multivariate
Gaussian distribution with covariance matrix S (with Define zi = hi (xi ) = F−1 (F^i (xi )) and let K be the precision
normalized diagonal), while F is the standard normal matrix of the latent Gaussian variables z. If the functions hi(xi)
distribution. The Gaussian copula can also be con- are differentiable with respect to xi, then p(xi,xj|xV|i,j) = p(xi|
structed by introducing a vector of latent Gaussian var- xV|i,j)p(xj|xV|i,j) if and only if Kij = 0.
iables z = [z1,…,zP]T that are related to the observed
Proof. If the functions hi (xi) are differentiable, it follows
variables x = [x1,…,xP]T. The two-layer model can be
from Equations 10.9 and 10.12 that the PDF of the CGGM
formulated as
is given by
z ∼ N ð0, SÞ (10.13)
pðxÞ ∝ exp − hðxÞT KhðxÞ h0i ðxi Þ: (10.18)
xi = F−1
i ðFðzi ÞÞ: (10.14) 2 i=1

The correlation matrix S is the dependence parameter

for Gaussian copulas; it can easily be determined once the The first factor corresponds to a GGM, and thus can be
latent variables z are inferred. The flexibility and analyt- further decomposed as the product of node and edge
ical tractability of Gaussian copulas make them a handy potentials as defined in Equations 10.4 and 10.5. Thus,
tool in many applications. Their popularity is due to the the CGGM only modifies the node potentials of the
fact that they describe dependence between variables in corresponding GGM. By applying the Hammersley–
much the same way that Gaussian distributions do. Clifford theorem (i.e., Theorem 10.1), we can find that the
conditional dependence between variables is character-
ized by the precision matrix.
As a result, we aim to estimate a sparse precision
matrix (so as to learn a sparse graphical model) from the
observed non-Gaussian data x. To move forward this
10.3 Copula GGMs objective, we first map the non-Gaussian variables x to
10.3.1 Standard Copula GGMs the latent Gaussian layer:
We denote the observed non-Gaussian variables and latent ^i ðxi Þ :
zi = F−1 F (10.19)
Gaussian variables as x = [x1,…,xP]T and z = [z1,…,zP]T,
Modeling Functional Networks via Graphical Models 197

We then learn the sparse precision matrix based on Hidden Variable GGM
the latent Gaussian variables z by solving the ℓ1-norm
Here, we consider the simplest case of hidden variable
penalized optimization problem introduced in Section
graphical models, where both the observed variables
10.2.1 [6]:
and hidden variables are Gaussian. Suppose we have
observable variables zO (medium gray nodes in Figure
^ : = argmin tr(SK) − log det K + ljjKjj1 ,
K (10.20) 10.1a) and hidden variables zH (light gray nodes in Figure
K≻0 10.1a), which are jointly Gaussian distributed. The joint
precision matrix of zO ∪ zH, KO∪H, which characterizes
where S is the empirical covariance of z. the graphical model in Figure 10.1a, can be expressed as
" #
10.3.2 Hidden Variable Copula GGMs KO∪H = : (10.21)
One typically constructs a sparse graphical model by
discovering the most important interactions between Then according to the Schur complement [24], the
observed variables [19], as shown in Figure 10.1a. Such ~ OO of zO can be written
marginalized precision matrix K
graphical models, however, fail to deal with the case as
where there exist hidden variables. Now suppose that
the light gray nodes in Figure 10.1a represent hidden ~ OO = KOO − KOH KHH
K −1
KHO = KOO − L, (10.22)
variables; we only observe samples of the observed
variables (medium gray nodes in Figure 10.1a), and no where L = KOH KHH KHO . Note that given the joint
information is provided about the hidden variables. covariance matrix SO∪H, the marginal precision matrix
Under such a scenario, approaches to inferring stan- of observed variables K ~ OO = (½SO∪H OO )−1 .
dard graphical models would yield a dense graph (see The two components of K ~ OO have their own properties
Figure 10.1b), including both interactions originally [25]. KOO is the conditional precision matrix of zO, con-
between observed variables as well as those coming ditioned on zH (see Figure 10.1c). It is supposed to be
from hidden variables. Instead, we may consider the sparse as it describes the interactions only between
effect of hidden variables and obtain a sparse graph that observed variables. L summarizes the effect of margin-
only characterizes the direct interdependencies between alization over the hidden variables. The rank of L is equal
observed variables. In practice, it is quite common that to the number of hidden variables, and it is assumed
data are unavailable for some relevant variables. For to be low since the number of hidden variables is
instance, when inferring functional brain networks given supposed to be small. Since zH are connected to many
brain signals, the signals may only be measured from of zO, KOH and KHO are not sparse, thus making the
some specific brain areas (e.g., cortex in the case of scalp product matrix dense. Resulting from the subtraction, K ~o
EEGs). However, those signals may be affected by brain is also dense, as shown in Figure 10.1b. CGGMs cannot
areas from which no measurements are available (e.g., yield a sparse graph in this case because they can only
deeper areas such as hippocampus). The latter may then estimate K~ o.
be treated as hidden variables in a statistical model. Given i.i.d. samples of zO, our objective is to estimate
To address the above problem, we propose a novel KOO and L; we are especially interested in the rank of L
hidden variable copula GGM (HVCGGM). Before pre- since it equals the number of hidden variables. Those
senting the proposed model, we first introduce hidden matrices may be recovered by solving the convex relax-
variable GGMs. ation [25]

(a) (b) (c)

Graphical model with hidden variables (light gray nodes): (a) the joint graphical model; (b) the marginal graphical model of observed variables
(medium gray nodes); and (c) the conditional graphical model of observed variables.
198 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

^ OO , L
K ^ = argmin trððKOO − LÞSOO Þ In other words, the variables x and zO constitute a
KOO ⪰ 0,L±0 Gaussian copula, while the variables zO and zH form a
hidden variable GGM. Together, the variables (x, zO, zH)
− log detðKOO − LÞ form a hidden variable copula GGM with associated
conditional precision matrix KOO and product matrix L
+ l ðg ‖ KOO ‖1 + trðLÞÞ, (10.23) (cf. (10.21)).
^ OO and L^ are estimates of KOO and L, respec- Given i.i.d. samples of the non-Gaussian variables x,
where K
we wish to infer the conditional precision matrix KOO of
tively, and SOO is the empirical marginal covariance
zO conditioned on zH (corresponding to the dark gray
of zO.
edges in Figure 10.2), and the product matrix L, associ-
Note that similar to Equation 10.20, tr((KOO − L)SOO) −
ated with the HVCGGM.
log det(KOO − L) is the divergence between the observed
As a first step, we transform the non-Gaussian observed
data and the estimated model. The two regularization
variables x into Gaussian distributed hidden variables
parameters l and g can be interpreted as follows. The
zO associated with the observed variables x:
product of l and g is the regularization parameter of the
ℓ1 norm; it controls the trade-off between the sparsity of  
KOO and the fidelity of the data. On the other hand, l zOi = F−1 F^i ðxi Þ , (10.24)
alone is the regularization parameter of the nuclear
norm (which reduces to the trace norm for symmetric, where F is the CDF of the standard Gaussian distribu-
positive-semidefinite matrices), and therefore it penal- tion and F^i is the empirical CDF of xi. As a result, we are
izes the rank of L. In addition, g alone balances the trade- dealing with Gaussian variables zO which together with
off between the rank of L and the sparsity. zH constitute a HVGGM.
The convex problem 10.23 can be solved efficiently by In the second step, we follow the procedure of Equa-
the Newton-CG primal proximal point algorithm [26]. tion 10.23 to infer the sparse conditional precision matrix
To recover the correct KOO and L, the parameters l and g KOO of zO and the low-rank product matrix L:
need to be chosen properly, and this will be discussed in
Section 10.5.2.  
^ OO , L
K ^ = argmin trððKOO − LÞSOO Þ
KOO ≻0,L ⪰ 0 Copula GGMs with Hidden Variables
− log detðKOO − LÞ
We now present the proposed hidden variable copula
GGM. The observed (continuous) variables x (dark gray + l ðg ‖ KOO ‖1 + trðLÞÞ: (10.25)
nodes in Figure 10.2) are non-Gaussian, and each of them
is associated with a Gaussian distributed latent variable
The theoretical computational complexity of the pro-
zOi (medium gray nodes in Figure 10.2), as in the stan-
posed method is O(P3), where P is the number of vari-
dard copula GGM. However, besides the latent variables
ables. The computational bottleneck stems from solving
zO, there exist several hidden variables zH (light gray
the above convex problem. In practice, the algorithm
nodes in Figure 10.2) that are not associated with
proposed in Ref. [26] can efficiently deal with problems
observed variables. In the corresponding graphical
of dimension up to several thousands. Note that the
model, the nodes zH are only connected to latent vari-
selection of regularization parameters l and g in Equa-
ables zO; they are not connected to observed variables x.
tion 10.25 needs special attention, as will be discussed in
Section 10.5.2.

Latent Gaussian layer

10.4 Change Point Detection

Observed non-Gaussian layer
In this section, we address the problem of detecting
change points in piecewise stationary multivariate time
series. Specifically, we aim to detect changes in the sta-
tistical dependence (a.k.a. connectivity or network
structure) among the time series. The data between the
Copula GGM with hidden variables: dark gray nodes denote observed
non-Gaussian variables, medium gray nodes denote latent Gaussian change points are assumed to be stationary and will be
variables, and light gray nodes denote hidden variables in the latent layer. modeled by copula GGMs.
Modeling Functional Networks via Graphical Models 199

Let us assume that we have an ordered sequence of N 10.30 can be solved in turn for t = ℓ + 1,⋯, N by finding
samples for each of the P variables, x(n)
i , where n = 1, ⋯, the most recent change point s before t. The computa-
N and i = 1, ⋯ , P. We wish to infer an unknown number tional cost of solving (Equation 10.30) is linear in t, since
M of change points t1:M = (t1,⋯, tM). Each change we need to consider all candidate positions of the last
point is an integer between ℓ and N − ℓ, where ℓ is the change point before time t, namely, s∈ {ℓ + 1,ℓ + 2,⋯,t − ℓ}.
minimum length of one segment. We further define Therefore, the overall computational complexity of
t0 = 0 and tM+1 = n, and thus the M change points will finding the optimal partition is O(N2).
split the data into M + 1 segments, where the kth segment The computational complexity can be further reduced
k−1 +1 : tk )
is given by x(t 1:P . by pruning the candidate set of last change points at time
As a first step, we transform the non-Gaussian t as t increases. Such pruning can be done by removing
observed variables xi into Gaussian latent variables zi those candidates that can never be change points after t.
(associated with the observed variables xi), i.e., zi = The following theorem asserts a condition to determine
^i (xi )).
F−1 (F which time points to be pruned:
We next solve the problem of identifying all the change
points together in the Gaussian latent layer. Concretely, Theorem 10.3
we minimize a cost function with a penalty on the [16] We assume that when introducing a change point into a
number of change points, as suggested in the literature sequence of observations, the cost L of the sequence reduces.
[16,27]: More formally, for all r < s < t,
ðt +1 : tk Þ      
Lk z1 :k−1
P + bM, (10.26) L zðr+1 : sÞ + L zðs+1 : tÞ ≤ L zðr+1 : tÞ : (10.31)

where b is the cost associated with each change point, in Therefore, if it holds that
order to limit overfitting. The negative log-likelihood Lk
is defined as  
FðrÞ + L zðr+1 : sÞ ≥ FðsÞ, (10.32)
  tk − tk−1
ðt +1 : tk Þ
Lk z1 :k−1
P = log det Sk , (10.27)
n then at a future time t > s, r can never be the optimal last
change point prior to t.
where Sk is the empirical covariance of segment k. We
apply the PELT method [16] to efficiently find the global By discarding time points satisfying the above condi-
minimum of Equation 10.26. Specifically, let FM(t) tion in each iteration, such procedure successfully
denote the global minimum of Equation 10.26 for data removes computations that are irrelevant to obtaining
z(1 : t)
1 : P and let Tt = {t : 0 = t0 < t1 < ⋯ < tM < tM+1 = t} be
the final set of change points and accelerates the algo-
the set of candidate change points at time t. It therefore rithm. The resulting computational cost of the PELT
follows that [28] method can be reduced to be linear under certain con-
ditions as proven in Ref. [16]. In summary, the PELT
Xh  ðt +1 : t Þ 
M+1 i method is proceeded as follows:
FM ðtÞ = min L z1 :k−1
+ b (10.28)
k=1 1. Initialize F(0) = −b. The set cp(t) of previous
( ) change points at t ≤ ℓ is initialized as cp(t) = ∅,
M h 
X  i  
ðt +1 : tk Þ ðs+1 : tÞ and the set Rℓ+1 of candidate change points at t =
= min min L z1 :k−1 + b + L z1 : P +b
s t∈Ts
P ℓ + 1 is initialized as Rℓ+1 = {0}.
: t)
(10.29) 2. Compute F(t) = mint ∈Rt ½F(t) + L(z(t+1
1:P ) + b and

h   i let t = argmint ∈Rt F(t).
ðs+1 : tÞ
= min FM−1 ðsÞ + L z1 : P +b : (10.30) 3. Update the set cp(t) of previous change points at
time t : cp(t) = cp(t *) ∪ t *.
The interpretation is that the optimal value FM(t) of the
cost function at time t can be derived using the optimal 4. Prune the set Rt by removing ft ∈ Rt : F(t) +
: t)
partition of the data prior to the last change point plus L(z(t+1
1:P ) > F(t)g. If t ≥ 2ℓ − 1, then update Rt+1
the cost for the segment from the last change point to t. In of candidate change points at the next time
other words, the expression 10.30 offers a recursion position t + 1: Rt+1 = Rt ∪ {t + 1 − ℓ}.
: t)
expressing the minimum for data z(1 1 : P in terms of the 5. Return to Step 2 if t < N and increase t by 1.
(1 : s)
minimum for z1 : P for s < t. We then set F(0) = − b so that
the penalty equals bM in Equation 10.28, and Equation The resulting cp(N) is the optimal set of change points.
200 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

which L ceases to decrease significantly, we need to look

for a break in the slope of the function L( f ), which is
10.5 Regularization Selection
defined by b according to Equation 10.34. Therefore, the
10.5.1 Regularization Selection for Change change of the slope is determined by the length hmi of the
Point Detection interval [bi, bi−1). As a result, the regularization selection
procedure can be executed as follows:
Another issue with solving Equation 10.26 is the selection
of regularization parameter b, which determines the final
1. Select an arithmetic sequence of b = (b1, b2, ⋯)
number of change points. There is no uniform rule to
(denoted by black plus signs in Figure 10.3b).
compute b for all kinds of data. An adaptive method to
In practice, we set the interval between two b
determine the number of change points is introduced in
values to be
Ref. [27], which keeps increasing the number of change
points until the negative log-likelihood of the entire time c logðN ÞPðP + 1Þ=4N, (10.35)
series ceases to decrease significantly. In the example of
Figure 10.3a, the optimal number of change points is where c = 0.02 is a user-defined constant and log
three, as the negative log-likelihood starts decreasing (N)P(P + 1)/4N is the regularization parameter
more slowly for larger number of change points. Since we when the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is
implicitly infer the number of change points by tuning employed for regularization selection.
the value of b, we modify the abovementioned approach 2. For each bi, estimate the number of change
to choose b in the same spirit. ^ i ) by solving Equation 10.26 using the
points M(b
Let L = L and define a general penalty f(M),
k=1 k
PELT method.
which equals M in our case. It is apparent that the esti- 3. Compute the length hMj of the interval by
mated number of change points M(b) ^ is a piecewise counting the number of bi that generates Mj
constant function of b. As such, if M(b) = a, L(a) + b f(a) < change points, which is represented by the
minb≠a(L(b) + b f(b)). Therefore, b satisfies the following length between two circles with the same
condition [27]: number of change points in Figure 10.3b.
4. Choose the smallest value of b such that hMj ≫
L(a) − L(b) L(b) − L(a)
max < b < min : (10.33) hMk , for k > j. In Figure 10.3b, as an example,
b>a f (b) − f (a) b<a f (a) − f (b)
b corresponding to hM(b)=3 is optimal since

In the example of Figure 10.3, for b such that m(b) = 3, hM(b)=3
^ ≫ h ^
M(b)=4 .
L(3) – L(4) < b < L(2) – L(3). There hence are ordered
sequences 1 = m1 < m2 < … and ∞ = b0 > b1… defined
as [27]
10.5.2 Regularization Selection for Graphical
Model Inference
Lðmi Þ − Lðmi+1 Þ
bi = , i ≥ 1, (10.34)
f ðmi+1 Þ − f ðmi Þ Once we obtain the optimal segmentation of the
time series, we can learn graphical models based on
such that m(b) = mi ,∀ b ∈ ½bi ,bi−1 ) (as marked by the the empirical covariance Sk for each time segment.
medium gray circles in Figure 10.3b). To find the m for Here we consider copula GGMs without and with

–4 20
No. of change points m




–14 0
0 5 10 15 20 0.5 1 1.5 2
(a) No. of change points m (b) β

Adaptive regularization selection. (a) L vs. m. (b) m vs. b.
Modeling Functional Networks via Graphical Models 201

hidden variables (i.e., CGGMs and HVCGGMs), which set Sm is counted and divided by M. As a result,
are inferred by solving Equations 10.20 and 10.25, we obtain the selection frequency (or stability)
respectively. ^pij of the corresponding edge associated with l.
A suitable choice of regularization parameters l and g Note that ^pij can only take values in {0,1/M,2/M,
in Equations 10.20 and 10.25 can recover the underlying ⋯,1}. Typically, a proper selection of l will
true graphical model. Standard approaches for regular- result in a U-shaped empirical density function
ization selection, including cross validation (cv), the f l (x) of selection frequencies of all the candidate
Akaike information criterion (AIC), and the BIC, are edges, as illustrated in Figure 10.4a. The selec-
known to overfit the data, and they typically result in tion frequencies fall into two categories, i.e.,
graphs that are too dense [29]. As an alternative, we “true” or “null,” depending on whether the
circumvent the delicate issue of regularization selection edge exists in the true graphical model. Conse-
by learning the graph structure via stability selection quently, the density function f l(x) can be
[30,31]. The objective of stability selection is to estimate a decomposed as
stable graph from the data. It generates multiple sample
sets by bootstrapping the original data, and then deter-
f l ðxÞ = ð1 − πÞf0l ðxÞ + πf1l ðxÞ,
mines the graphical model that appears consistently over  
those sample sets. Next, we present the stability selection 1 2 (10.36)
x ∈ 0, , , ⋯, 1 ,
process for copula GGMs without and with hidden M M
variables separately at length.
where π is the proportion of true edges, and f0l Standard Copula GGMs and f1l are the density functions of selection
frequencies when the edge belongs to the “null”
Suppose we have a P-dimensional dataset S with sample and “true” category, respectively. As illustrated
size N. The method presented below is referred to as the
in Figure 10.4b, the distribution of f0l is mono-
bootstrap inference for network construction (BINCO)
tonically decreasing and it almost equals f l
method [31].
when the selection frequencies are small. In
other words, we can obtain the following proper
1. We randomly draw M sample sets S1, S2,…, SM
without replacement from the dataset S, each of
size N=2. In our case, we choose M = 100.
2. We select a candidate set of l. Now let us con- Proper Condition 10.1
centrate on one candidate l in that set. For each [31] There exists V1 and V2, 0 < V1 < V2 < 1, such that
sample set Sm (for m = 1,…, M), we estimate one
precision matrix Km for each sample set Sm by a. f1l ! 0 on (V1,V2].
solving Equation 10.20, resulting in M precision b. f0l is monotonically decreasing on (V1,1].
matrices. This proper condition is satisfied by a class
3. For each element (i, j) in the matrix Km, the of procedures as described in the following
number of times it is nonzero for each sample theorem:

150 150
Null edge distribution f0
True edge distribution f1
Num. of edges

Num. of edges


50 50

0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) Selection frequency (b) Selection frequency

Distribution of selection frequencies based on a simulated dataset. (a) All the edges; (b) null edges and true edges separately.
202 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Theorem 10.4 elements in the precision matrix K(k+1) can be

formulated as
[31] A selection procedure satisfies the proper condition
if, as the sample size increases, ^pij tends to one uniformly K(k +1) = argmax log det K − tr Sðk Þ K ,
for all true edges and has a limit superior strictly less K≻0 (10.40)
than one for all null edges. s:t Kij = 0  ∀ (i, j) ∉ E K :
It has been verified in Ref. [31] that all con-
sistent procedures for graphical model selection This parameter learning problem can be
(e.g., the glasso algorithm) satisfy the condition solved efficiently by iterative proportional
in Theorem 10.4. fitting [32].
4. The proper condition motivates us to estimate f0l
and π using the empirical distribution of selec- Hidden Variable Copula GGMs
tion frequencies f l in the region (V1,V2]. Specif-
Here, we denote the undirected graphical model asso-
ically, we posit a parametric model over f0l [31]:
ciated with KOO as GOO = (VOO, EOO). We refer to the
stability selection method below as the stability surface
f0l = b1 ðxjtÞb2 ðt ja, bÞdt, (10.37) (SS) method.

where b1(x|t) is a binomial distribution, and b2 1. The first set is the same with that for standard
(t|a, b) is a beta distribution that is conjugate to copula GGMs. We randomly bootstrap M
the binomial distribution. It is intuitive to model sample sets from the original data.
the selection frequency by a rescaled binomial 2. We select a range of l and g (cf. Equation 10.25).
distribution, since whether an edge is selected Now let us concentrate on one pair of parame-
can be described by a binomial distribution, and ters (l, g) in that range. For each sample set Sm
a beta distribution can have the shape with f0l in (for m = 1,…,M), we estimate one conditional
the region (V1,1]. We then estimate the param- precision matrix KOO using Equation 10.25,
eters a, b, and π by minimizing the Kullback– resulting in M precision matrices K1,...,KM. For
Leibler (KL) divergence between (1 − π)f0l and f l each element (i, j) in the matrix Km, the number
in the region (V1,V2]. of times it is nonzero (½Km ij ≠ 0) among the M
matrices is counted and divided by M; as a
5. We extrapolate the parametric model 10.37 of f0l
result, we obtain the probability (referred to as
to the region (V2,1], and compute the false
“stability”) that this edge exists in the graphical
detection error (FDR) for possible threshold
model associated with (l, g ). By varying l and g
c∈(V2,1] as
through the chosen range, we can draw a
X l surface of the stability for each edge.
f0 ðxÞ
l x≥c 3. We include edge (i, j) in the edge set EOO, if the
FDR (c) = X l : (10.38)
f ðxÞ probability of that edge, for at least one pair (l, g)
x≥c in the selected range, is larger than a threshold
πthr. It has been proven in Ref. [30] that given the
For each l, we choose the threshold c that expected number of falsely selected edges E, the
minimizes the FDR. threshold πthr is upper-bounded by
6. We then find the optimal l that maximizes
the estimated number of true edges whose p2
πthr ≤ + 0:5 (10.41)
definition is PðP − 1ÞE
Ne ðl Þ = 1 − FDRl ðcÞ f l ðxÞ: (10.39) The parameter p is the average number of
x≥c edges in the graphs associated with each pair (l,
Eventually, the sparsity pattern K is obtained g ) in the selected range, inferred from the entire
by retaining those edges with selection fre- data set S through Equation 10.25. In practice,
quencies above threshold c. The selected edges the threshold πthr is often set to be the upper
are then stored in the edge set EK of the graph- bound (Equation 10.41).
ical model associated with K. 4. With the learned sparsity pattern of KOO, we
7. After learning the structure of the graphical proceed to estimate KOO and L. Specifically, we
model, the problem of learning the nonzero solve a problem similar to Equation 10.25,
Modeling Functional Networks via Graphical Models 203

subject to the learned graphical model structure 2. From each precision matrix Kk, we generate Nk
EOO: Gaussian samples. Consequently, Nk is the
length of the kth segment. We then concatenate
^ OO , L
^ = argmin log detðKOO − LÞ the Gaussian data corresponding to all the pre-
KOO ≻0,L≻0 cision matrices. For assessing the hidden vari-
able graphical models, we discard all the
−trððKOO − LÞSOO Þ + l trðLÞ samples of variables added in Step 1 (hidden
s:t: ½KOO ij = 0  ∀ (i, j) ∉ E OO: variables).
(10.42) 3. Transform the P Gaussian variables to continu-
ous non-Gaussian variables following Equation
The parameter l is selected as the mean of the 10.16, where Fi can be any non-Gaussian con-
values of l in the chosen range in the second tinuous marginal. Normalize the non-Gaussian
step of stability selection. The number of hidden data set to have unit variance, so that its
variables can be estimated easily as the rank empirical covariance becomes more tractable.
of L. The convex problem 10.42 can be solved
using the solver LogdetPPA [26]. We generate 100 100-dimensional data sets with 9000
non-Gaussian samples for each variable. The common
Note that we employ the SS method [30] to learn the true values of change points are (2221, 4301, 6751). In
structure of HVCGGMs, since it can deal with multiple order to assess both the copula GGMs with and without
regularization parameters. However, the SS method hidden variables, the first half of 100 data sets does not
often leads to a graphical model that is too sparse for contain hidden variables while the other half does.
problems with one penalty parameter (Equation 1.20), as We first test the accuracy of change point detection.
demonstrated in Refs. [29,30]. As a consequence, we Specifically, we benchmark the proposed copula PELT
exploit the BINCO method [31] for CGGMs with one method with adaptive regularization selection (denoted
single regularization parameter, since it determines the as “CPELT-A”) against three other approaches: the
edge selection threshold more reasonably by minimizing copula PELT method with the regularization parameter
the false detection rate. selected via the BIC (denoted as “CPELT-B”), the origi-
nal PELT method with adaptive regularization selection
(“PELT-A”), and the original PELT method with the BIC
(“PELT-B”). The results are listed in Table 10.1, where we
show the distribution of the detected number of change
10.6 Numerical Results points. We also report the mean absolute error (MAE)
In this section, we apply the proposed model to both between the estimated position of change points and the
synthetic data and real scalp EEG data during seizures. ground truth, for the cases where the correct number of
change points is inferred. Clearly, the proposed CPELT-
A method greatly outperforms other methods, reliably
10.6.1 Synthetic Data identifying the number and the position of change
The piecewise stationary non-Gaussian data are gener- points. On the other hand, CPELT-B and PELT-B seri-
ated as follows: ously underestimate the number of change points; the
BIC does not seem to be suitable here for regularization
1. We generate M + 1 random precision matrices selection. The PELT-A method can often detect the
Kk (k = 1,⋯,m + 1) with P = 25 as in previous correct number of change points (in 68% of the cases),
chapters, where M = 3 is the predefined number
of change points. Specifically, first we uniformly
sample x1,...,xn from a unit square. The precision TABLE 10.1
matrix is initialized as a unit matrix. Next, we
Comparison of Different Methods for Accuracy of Change
set the element ½Kk ij = ½Kk ji of precision matrix
pffiffiffiffiffi Point (cp) Detection
equal to r = 0.245 with probability ( 2π)−1 exp Distribution of Detected cp No.
(− 4 ∥ xi − xj ∥2 ), and equal to zero otherwise. For Methods 0 1 2 3 (cp No. = 3)
assessing the hidden variable graphical models
CPELT-A 0% 0% 0% 100% 1.7
(cf. Section 10.3.2), we add a few variables and
CPELT-B 100% 0% 0% 0%
connect each of them to at least 80% of other
PELT-A 0% 33% 2% 65% 3.2
variables; the corresponding elements in preci-
PELT-B 92% 8% 0% 0%
sion matrix are nonzero.
204 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 10.2 seizures, using the international 10–20 system at a sam-

pling frequency of 256 Hz. During the recordings, the
Comparison of Different Methods for Accuracy of Graphical
patients experienced 198 events that were judged
Model Inference
to be clinical seizures by experts. The pediatric EEG
Models CGGMs HVCGGMs data used in this chapter are contained within the
Methods BIC BINCO BIC SS CHB-MIT database, which can be downloaded from the
Precision 0.22 0.74 0.18 0.79
PhysioNet website: http://www.physionet.org/pn6
Recall 0.99 0.76 0.97 0.73
/chbmit/. Here, we select 140 events that are longer than
F1-score 0.36 0.75 0.30 0.76
20 seconds and extract EEG data starting 30 seconds
before seizure onset and ending 30 seconds after seizure
termination. We then downsample the signal to retain
but the inferred position of change points is not as one fourth of all the samples, so as to further limit
accurate compared to CPELT-A. the computational complexity. The EEGs are further
We also validated the graphical models inferred from band-pass-filtered with a digital third-order Butterworth
the stationary segments between change points obtained filter between 0.5 and 25 Hz, since most seizure activities
from CPELT-A. We compare the stability selection-based fall within this range [34].
methods introduced in Section 10.5.2 with BIC for reg- First, we evaluate the performance of the change-point
ularization selection. To evaluate the performance of detection algorithm: we check whether we can identify a
these two methods, we consider three criteria: precision, change point when the seizure starts or ends. Specifi-
recall, and F1-score. Precision is defined as the propor- cally, we calculate the relative error, which is the ratio
tion of correctly estimated edges to all the edges in between the distance from the onset or termination of the
the estimated graph; recall is defined as the proportion seizure to a closest change point and the time length of
of successfully estimated edges to all the edges in the seizure, and then depict the histogram of the relative
the true graph. Moreover, F1-score = 2·precision⋅recall/ error in Figure 10.5. We can find that most of the errors
(precision+recall) is a weighted average of the precision are very small, indicating that the proposed algorithm
and recall. The results are listed in Table 10.2. We can tell can reliably detect the beginning and the end of seizures.
from the table that BIC favors graphs that are much More precisely, the relative error is smaller than 0.1 for
denser than the ground truth, as pointed out in Ref. [29]. above 76% of all selected seizure events when identify-
However, it is apparent that the stability selection-based ing the onset and for 90% when identifying the
method (i.e., BINCO and SS) outperforms BIC and can termination.
reliably infer the structure of graphical models. Next, we infer copula GGMs without and with hidden
variables for all stationary segments. We randomly choose
16 seizure events and plot the number of edges in the
10.6.2 Real Data
graphical models as a function of time in Figure 10.6. The
We now apply the proposed model to scalp EEG results for other seizure events have similar patterns. We
recorded during epilepsy seizures [33]. The EEG time first focus on CGGMs without hidden variables. It can be
series were collected from 23 pediatric patients (5 males, observed from Figure 10.6 that the networks resulting
ages 3–22; and 17 females, ages 1.5–19) with intractable from this approach typically become sparser at the onset

100 100
No. of seizure events in each bin

No. of seizure events in each bin

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) Relative error (b) Relative error

Histogram of relative error for change point detection w.r.t. to the onset and termination of seizures
Modeling Functional Networks via Graphical Models 205

Onset and termination of seizure CGGMs without HVs CGGMs with HVs

No. of edges

No. of edges
50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) Time/s (b) Time/s


No. of edges

No. of edges

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(c) Time/s (d) Time/s

100 100
No. of edges

No. of edges

50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(e) Time/s (f ) Time/s

100 100
No. of edges

No. of edges

50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(g) Time/s (h) Time/s

Results of piecewise-stationary copula GGMs without (solid line) and with (dotted line) hidden variables for scalp EEG data during
seizures. (Continued)
206 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

No. of edges

No. of edges

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80
(i) Time/s (j) Time/s

100 100
No. of edges

No. of edges
50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150
(k) Time/s (l) Time/s

100 100
No. of edges
No. of edges

50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(m) Time/s (n) Time/s

No. of edges

No. of edges


0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(o) Time/s (p) Time/s


Results of piecewise-tationary copula GGMs without (solid line) and with (dotted line) hidden variables for scalp EEG data during seizures.

and termination of seizures than those during inter-ictal On the other hand, CGGMs with hidden variables yield
periods (see black solid lines in Figure 10.6b–p). However, networks that are dense at the onset and termination of
in the middle portion of seizures, the networks may possess seizures but sparse in the middle portion of seizures.
many more edges than those at the beginning and end of Networks during inter-ictal periods are also sparse.
seizures (see Figure 10.6c, d, f, g, i, k, l, n, and o), and can Interestingly, Kramer et al. [2] analyzed the dynamics of
even be denser than networks during inter-ictal periods. functional networks based on cross-correlation through
Modeling Functional Networks via Graphical Models 207

the entire seizure in intracranial electrocorticogram require running the algorithm multiple times, which is
(ECoG) recordings. They found that the networks are obviously computationally demanding. One appealing
dense at seizure onset and termination, but sparse during approach for solving this problem is to exploit the Bayes-
the middle portion of the seizure. Here, although scalp ian framework in which the regularization parameters are
EEG is noisier than intracranial ECoG recordings, the random variables and their posterior distributions can be
proposed method can find the same pattern as observed in inferred from the observed data along with other param-
Ref. [2]. It is noteworthy that, in contrast to Ref. [2], the eters [35,36]. It is of great interest to further speed up the
proposed method allows us to infer the number and algorithm by following such Bayesian approach.
location of change points as well as the structure of Another problem with the present algorithm is that the
graphical models in an automated fashion. computational complexity of inferring graphical models is
O(P3), making it prohibitive to high-dimensional prob-
lems such as modeling fMRI data. Considerable efforts
have been undertaken to scale the algorithm up to
1 million variables by means of quadratic approximation
10.7 Possible Applications in Biomedical and parallelization [37]. As an alternative, we plan to
Signal Processing reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm
directly, probably with the help of stochastic gradient
The proposed method for estimating abruptly changing
methods [38].
networks can find broad applications in the field of bio-
medical signal processing. For example, over the course
of a cellular process (e.g., a cell cycle or an immune
response), the functionalities of molecules and the rela-
tion of the molecules to each other may vary across dif-
ferent stages. Detecting the change points and inferring
the functional networks between the molecules can offer This project is supported by the Singapore Ministry of
us a deeper insight in the underlying biological mecha- Education (Tier 2 project ARC5/14).
nisms. In a similar fashion, modeling the evolution of
protein networks during the progression of a disease
may help us to better understand the mechanisms
underlying that disease and may shed light upon the
treatment of the disease. More generally, the proposed References
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Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data

Angkoon Phinyomark, Esther Ibáñez-Marcelo, and Giovanni Petri

11.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................209
11.2 Time-Series TDA Processing Pipeline........................................................................................................................210
11.2.1 Biomedical Time-Series Data.........................................................................................................................211
11.2.2 Data Segmentation..........................................................................................................................................212
11.2.3 Input Data for TDA Techniques ...................................................................................................................213
11.3 Persistent Homology....................................................................................................................................................214
11.3.1 Simplicial Complexes .....................................................................................................................................214 C̆ech and Rips–Vietoris Complexes.............................................................................................215 Clique Complex..............................................................................................................................216
11.3.2 Topological Invariants....................................................................................................................................216 An Example with Interpretation of Topological Invariants ....................................................216 Mathematical Formalism ..............................................................................................................218
11.3.3 Feature Extraction–Based Topological Summaries ....................................................................................219
11.3.4 Properties of Persistent Homology for Big Data Analysis .......................................................................219 Stability of Persistent Homology .................................................................................................219 Bottleneck Matching ......................................................................................................................221 Auction Algorithm for Wasserstein Distance ............................................................................221 Complexity of Simplicial Complex Constructions and Persistent Homology......................222
11.4 Topological Machine Learning ...................................................................................................................................223
11.4.1 Traditional Machine Learning Algorithms .................................................................................................223
11.4.2 Topological Kernel and Kernel-Based Learning Methods ........................................................................224
11.5 Topological Simplification...........................................................................................................................................225
11.5.1 Cluster Analysis–Based Topological Network ...........................................................................................225
11.5.2 Feature Selection-Based Topological Network ...........................................................................................227
11.6 Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing .........................................................................................................227
11.6.1 EEG Signal .......................................................................................................................................................227
11.6.2 EMG Signal ......................................................................................................................................................228
11.6.3 Human Motion Capture Data.......................................................................................................................229
11.7 Open Problems and Future Directions......................................................................................................................229
References ................................................................................................................................................................................230

step in modern science. Thanks to recent developments

11.1 Introduction in low-cost commercial products of wireless and wear-
able biosignal devices (e.g., EMOTIV* for recording
To capture and describe the variability and complexity brain activity signal and Myo† for recording muscle
of biosignals and images acquired from human systems activity signal) as well as public big biosignal and image
for biomedical applications, a massive amount of infor-
mation is necessary. The collection of big volumes of * https://www.emotiv.com
biosignal and image data is therefore the first, crucial † https://www.myo.com

210 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

resources (e.g., TUH-EEG database [1], which comprises cloud is strongly robust to subsampling and coarse-
approximately 22,000 electroencephalography (EEG) graining of the points, a fact that is used in practice to
records from 15,000 patients, or the HCP database [2] both reduce the complexity of the computational
which consists of 76 terabytes of behavioral and mag- problem and infer with confidence a system’s underly-
netic resonance imaging data from 1200 healthy sub- ing topology also in cases where there is no natural
jects), we are being ushered into the era of Big Data. To common metric associated with the data set’s features.
translate this huge amount of information into a better These few examples of TDA properties clearly show
understanding of the basic biomedical mechanisms and the potential of different TDA techniques to be used as
to further biomedical applications, analytic tools, and Big Data analytic tools. In the rest of the chapter, we
techniques to analyze Big Data are needed. The name delve more into the properties of TDA that make it a
“Big Data” itself only contains a term related to the promising paradigm to handle Big Data.
volume of data while there are other important features This chapter begins with a comprehensive introduc-
of Big Data such as variability of data sources, veracity of tion to a time-series processing pipeline involving TDA
the data quality, and velocity of processing the data [3]. techniques, followed by a discussion of how these tech-
These hallmarks of Big Data need to be characterized by niques are suitable for biomedical signal processing in
special analytic tools and techniques as well. This addi- Big Data. Three major TDA techniques are presented in
tional signal processing and classification stage is very this chapter, which can be considered as potential Big
important to turn any collected large data set into Data analytics: (1) persistent homology, (2) topological
meaningful biomedical applications. machine learning, and (3) topological simplification, as
Recently a number of methods rooted in algebraic exemplified by the Mapper algorithm. Next, an over-
topology have been successfully adopted as novel tools view of existing methods in the application of biomedi-
for data analysis in biological and neurological contexts cal signal processing is presented. Finally, concluding
(e.g., [4–6]). The fundamentally new character of these remarks and future research directions are given.
tools, collectively referred to as Topological Data Analysis
(TDA), stems from abandoning the standard measures
between data points as the fundamental building blocks,
and focusing on extracting and understanding the
“shape” of data at the mesoscopic scale. This set of tools
11.2 Time-Series TDA Processing Pipeline
allows for the extraction of relevant insights from
complex data with high dimensionality, high variability, A pipeline (or workflow) is a set of interconnected data
time dependence, low signal-to-noise ratio, as well as processing steps, where the output of one step is the
missing values, which are prominent challenges in the input of the following step. There are a number of
analysis of biomedical Big Data. Moreover, these general TDA pipelines that have been applied to differ-
approaches come with guarantees on their robustness to ent types of data across many fields. However, bio-
perturbations in data and have been recently shown to medical time-series data differ in many ways from input
scale well with data set size. For example, one TDA data for general TDA and thus require a newly devel-
technique, Mapper [7], provides a separation of the oped time-series TDA processing pipeline [10]. The
global clustering problem into a set of many smaller overall workflow of TDA for the analysis of time-series
problems using local clusterings, reducing the necessity data involving biomedical data can be divided into
of relying on poor estimates of whole metric spaces and several steps, as shown in Fig. 11.1. The first step is to
making the algorithm immediately amenable to par- acquire an initial raw time-series data and then partition
allelization. Another TDA technique, persistent homol- the time series into a sequence of discrete segments.
ogy, is able to provide a multiscale summary of a whole The next step is to create the input data for TDA, for
data set, but it is computationally cumbersome if com- example, by constructing point clouds via embedded
puted naively. However, recent algorithmic advances signals using a time-delay embedding technique or
have significantly reduced its complexity, and parallel by calculating a similarity matrix via correlation or
algorithms have become available (such as a spectral distance measures from each of the given input temporal
sequence algorithm [8] and a chunk algorithm [9]). As a segments. The final step is to analyze the transformed
result, TDA can be now used to approach very large, data using techniques from topology (i.e., persistent
high-dimensional data sets. In addition, the robustness homology, topological machine learning, and topologi-
of TDA outputs originates from its capacity to capture cal simplification). Each TDA technique also includes
the global topological structure of point cloud data several pipeline steps such as constructing a simplicial
rather than their local geometric behavior, thereby complex and computing its topological invariants. A
making the summaries robust to missing data and small detailed description of each is provided in the following
errors. For example, the persistent homology of a point sections.
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 211

Time-series data Data segmentation

Input data for TDA

Correlation matrix Point cloud Distance matrix

Persistent homology Topological simplification

Simplicial complex Filter functions

Topological machine learning Simplicial
Clustering protocol
Topological invariant Topological kernel

Cluster analysis-based topological networks

Feature extraction- Kernel-based learning
based topological methods (e.g. classifier,
summaries feature projection) Feature selection-based topological networks

An overview of the time-series TDA processing pipeline.

11.2.1 Biomedical Time-Series Data typically generate signals that are different from the
corresponding signals originating from normal physio-
The human body consists of many systems, such as the
logical processes. Typically, these signals are recorded
nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the
continuously as a function of time and refered to as a time
musculoskeletal system. Each system also consists of
series, i.e., a sequence of data points consisting of suc-
several subsystems that carry on many physiological
cessive measurements made over a time interval. In
processes, which are accompanied by or manifest
general, the data points or samples refer to the rows in
themselves as signals. Such signals can be electrical,
the matrix, while dimensions or variables indicate the
physical, or biochemical, and can be measured using
columns. After a matrix of raw time-series data is pre-
several types of sensors over time. For example, elec-
pared, a number of data preprocessing steps (or a pre-
trophysiological techniques are quantitative measure-
processing pipeline) needs to be applied to reduce the
ments of the electrical activity of biological systems.
influence of artifacts and noise, which could compro-
Recording of spontaneous electrical activity of the brain
mise the interpretation. This processing step is used
is called electroencephalography (EEG) (Fig. 11.2a) [1],
to prepare initial input data for further processing
while electromyography (EMG) [11] is the recording
such as to study both healthy biological functions and
of electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles
mechanisms of disease [16] or to classify signal patterns
(Fig. 11.2b). Other common electrophysiological record-
for controlling assistive and rehabilitation devices [17]. It
ings include electrocardiography (ECG) (Fig. 11.2c) [12]
is important to note that each type of biomedical signal
and electro-oculography (EOG) (Fig. 11.2d) [13]. Medical
requires a specific preprocessing pipeline, e.g., EEG [18]
imaging time series from a medical scanner is another
and fMRI [19], and it has been widely shown that
important source of biomedical data; for instance, it is
different data preprocessing steps can change the clas-
possible to explore functional connectivity in the human
sification performance and patient-control group differ-
brain by measuring the level of coactivation of brain
ences for traditional statistics and machine learning
regions via resting-state functional magnetic resonance
techniques [20]. Therefore, a better understanding of the
imaging (fMRI) time series [14]. We can also analyze
effects of different preprocessing choices on the classifi-
microscopic images used in medical diagnostics in the
cation and detection performance of TDA is warranted.
form of one-dimensional (1-D) sequences [15]. These
Potential applications of TDA to a number of biomedical
signals are useful in the diagnosis and treatment of
signals (i.e., EEG signals, EMG signals, and human
patients due to the fact that physiological processes
motion capture data) and a discussion of their properties
associated with diseases (or pathological processes)
for Big Data analysis are presented in Section 11.6.
212 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


0 0

0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
(a) (b)

1400 20


800 –20
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000
(c) (d)

Examples of biomedical signals: (a) EEG signal, (b) EMG signal, (c) ECG signal, (d) EOG signal.

11.2.2 Data Segmentation when EEG recordings are obtained for a short period of
time while subjects are instructed to stay at rest with their
This processing step comprises various techniques to
eyes closed, the brain as a process could be assumed to be
handle preprocessed time-series data before applying
stationary, and then those signals could be considered
TDA and is referred to as data segmentation, i.e., a time-
weak- or wide-sense stationary. EMG recordings could be
series analysis method used to divide an initial input time
considered stationary as well during a short-term iso-
series into a series of temporal segments of finite length.
metric muscle contraction [21]. Unfortunately, limiting
This step is necessary due to the fact that biomedical
any application to utilize signals acquired under a specific
signals obtained as time series in a time–amplitude
condition would limit the benefits of biomedical appli-
domain are nonstationary, or exhibit “nonstationarity.”
cations. Therefore, dividing a longer time signal into
The term stationarity means that statistical properties of
shorter segments of appropriate length is still necessary to
the signal do not vary in time. If the properties of the
involve different states of the signal in the analysis and
signal source change over time, then the process is non-
increase the utility of the system.
stationary. Since electrophysiological signals (like EEG or
Moreover, many biomedical applications require real-
EMG signals) are recorded from a human body part and a
time computing. For myoelectric control systems, as an
human being performs different activities, the brain or
example, a segment length plus the processing time
muscles cannot be considered stationary in time. Con-
should be equal to or less than 300 ms (0.3 s) due to real-
versely, many data analysis methods are not designed to
time constraints [22]. Although a small segment length is
reliably quantify a nonstationary signal. Thus, parti-
required for the stationarity of time-series data and real-
tioning a longer time signal into sufficiently shorter time
time computing of the system, a trade-off in response
segments is necessary to determine the properties of a
time and accuracy exists, and thus, the segment length
signal as it changes over time, and those signals could be
should be carefully selected. In general, the bias and
considered as a weaker form of stationarity [21]. As a
variance of features increase as the segment length
result, we can apply general TDA to each segment and
decreases and consequently degrade the classification
can improve accuracy and response time for specific
performance [23]. Also, a sufficient number of data
biomedical applications of signal and image processing.
points is required to obtain topological features (e.g.,
However, biomedical signals could claim some form of
persistent diagrams) with reasonable accuracy. Since the
stationarity under some specific conditions. For instance,
results of TDA could change due to the segment length,
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 213

2 2

1 1

0 0

–1 –1

–2 –2
0 250 500 750 1000 0 250 500 750 1000
Time (ms) Time (ms)

S1 S1
S2 S2
S3 ... S3 ...
(a) (b)

Data windowing techniques: (a) adjacent windowing and (b) overlapping windowing.

the optimal segment length needs to be investigated for this notion originates from a set of points in the
each specific data type [10]. For instance, the optimal size usual three-dimensional (3-D) system, a point
of segmentation is 4 s for detecting epileptic EEG pat- cloud is a more general notion. Each data point
terns using persistent homology [24], while the time can be thought of as a measurement of several
segment of 0.3 s was used to develop brain–computer variables where each variable would correspond
interfaces (BCIs) using topological simplification [25]. to a different coordinate. There are several ways
Another important point in data segmentation is data to compute point cloud data when we cannot
windowing. There are two major techniques: adjacent obtain this type of data directly from the high-
windowing and overlapping windowing. In adjacent dimensional preprocessed data. The most fre-
windowing, as shown in Fig. 11.3a, adjacent disjoint quently used technique for biomedical signals
segments with a predefined length are used. On the (e.g., [10,29–31]) is the so-called time-delay
other hand, in overlapping windowing the new segment embedding technique [32,33]. This technique
slides over the current segment with an increment time transforms a given time-series data into a point
less than the segment length (Fig. 11.3b). In addition, cloud in a (typically) lower-dimensional space in
several biomedical signals could be partitioned into such a way that the periodicity of the signal
segments that lie in between important events such as corresponds to the appearance of a cycle in
ECG signals using QRS peaks [12] and joint kinematic the point cloud. Inspired by this technique,
data during walking and running using gait events for example, Perea et al. [34,35] proposed a
[26,27]. For long-term monitoring, we can apply onset method called SW1PerS (Sliding Windows and
detection techniques to identify resting state and activity 1-Dimensional Persistence Scoring) to discover
state of several biomedical signals involving EEG and periodicity in gene expression time-series data.
EMG signals [28]. • A distance matrix is constructed from a given
distance function by specifying all pairwise
distances between points. Euclidean distance and
11.2.3 Input Data for TDA Techniques
its variance normalized version are the most
To extract the global shape of high-dimensional pre- common use of distance (e.g., [5,36,37,38]). The
processed data obtained from the previous step, suitable original version is suitable for data that is not
low-dimensional data that can represent the global directly comparable, while the standardized
structure is needed. There are many types of data where version is able to give better performance
global features are present. The most usual types of input when data contains heterogeneous scale vari-
data for TDA techniques include the following: ables. Other distance measures, which can be
applied to biomedical time-series data, include
• A point cloud is a set of data points fxs gs∈S in a Manhattan distance, Minkowski distance, and
given coordinate system, usually ℝn. Although cosine similarity.
214 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

• A correlation matrix is a pairwise matrix that yielding a topological summary of data, which can come
contains correlations between each pair of points. in a number of ways, for example, barcodes, persistence
In the case of a Pearson correlation matrix, the diagrams, or even just Betti numbers. The third—
correlation matrix C = {cij}, can be transformed optional—step is to apply an additional tool to study
into a distance matrix D = {dij} by defining the these topological invariants for a specific purpose such
distance between points i and j as dij = 1 − cij. as to classify data. This can be done by leveraging
topological invariants as inputs for machine learning
This huge amount of information contained in this techniques, as illustrated in the next section. Finally, in
transformed data requires reliable and sufficient tools to this section, we will also briefly discuss the properties of
analyze and extract useful information in the next pro- TDA tools and indicators, e.g., stability and computa-
cessing step. Three different TDA techniques are pre- tional complexity, that are relevant for Big Data analysis.
sented in the following sections: (1) persistent homology,
(2) topological machine learning, and (3) topological
simplification. 11.3.1 Simplicial Complexes
In order to compute homology from a point cloud, one
must produce a simplicial approximation to the data set.
That is, one needs to convert the original data set into a
specific type of topological space, a simplicial complex,
11.3 Persistent Homology
which allows homology to be readily computed. A
Homology is a topological invariant that classifies a topo- simplicial complex, X, is a topological space constructed
logical space depending on some characteristics of its from the union of simple elements, the n-simplices. A
shape. It is called an invariant because when two topo- simplex s = {p0,…,pk−1} of dimension k is defined by its
logical spaces can be transformed into each other via vertices, and geometrically, it can be thought of as the
homeomorphisms (continuous maps with continuous convex hull of the vertices defining it. If we imagine
inverse), the homology of the two spaces is the same. them embedded in space, these simplices can be visual-
Roughly speaking, homology counts the number of holes ized as points (we call this set X0), lines (we call this set
in different dimensions, that is, how many connected X1), triangles (set X2), and their n-dimensional counter-
components, cycles, voids, and so on there are in a given parts (set Xn) (see example in Fig. 11.4). A simplicial
topological space. On the other hand, persistent homology complex K is then a set of simplices respecting a few
studies the multiscale shape of data by computing a additional conditions: each face d 0 of a simplex s ∈ K, i.e.,
graded variant of homology across a range of scales. each subset of the vertices forming s (d ⊂ s) belongs to K;
The pipeline to compute persistent homology is com- and the intersection of any two simplices s,s 0 ∈ K is
posed of three steps. The first step is transforming a point another simplex d = s ∩ s 0 and belongs to K. In this
cloud to a sequence of simplicial complexes using a chapter, we focus on two main types of input from which

family of Cech or Vietoris–Rips complexes. This skeletal we are able to construct simplicial complexes: (1) data
structure is dependent on some parameter, i.e., the points in a metrical space, which is the most common
radius r of the neighborhoods of points. By varying r, we situation when dealing with biomedical data, and
obtain a filtration built from the point cloud, i.e., a col- (2) networks, which have been found to very useful in
lection of nested simplicial complexes. The second step is cases where the data does not come with a well-defined
computing the persistent homology of the filtration, (or reliable) metrical structure.



Simplicial complex 0-dimensional simplices 1-dimensional simplices 2-dimensional simplex

An example of simplicial complex and its pieces. A full triangle is composed of three 0-simplices (points), three 1-simplices (segments) and a
2-simplex (a full triangle).
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 215 Cech and Rips–Vietoris Complexes to all the neighborhoods that have nonempty pairwise
intersections. This procedure is still computationally
We focus first on how to construct a simplicial complex, cumbersome, but it already reduces the complexity
or a sequence of them, starting from a set of data points 
mightily with respect to the Cech complex.
equipped with metrical information. The most common We encounter now a new problem: if we believe that

constructions are the Cech and the Rips–Vietoris simplicial the topology of the point data set can give us information
complexes [39,40]. Both leverage metrical information about the systems the data comes from, we need this
to construct a simplicial complex. In both cases, simpli- topological information to be well defined; however, it is
ces are defined in terms of overlapping neighborhoods immediately evident that different values of the radius r
of the data points. However, for the Cech  complex, of the neighborhoods of the data points can produce
given a radius r ∈ ℝ , one considers the neighborhood of
simplicial complexes with radically different topologies
radius r of each point in the data set; then, whenever (e.g., consider the Rips–Vietoris complexes built from r = 0
two neighborhoods overlap, one adds the 1-simplex and from r = d, where d is the diameter of the point
(a line) formed by the corresponding two points; when cloud). Indeed, in most applications, there is no a priori
three neighborhoods overlap, one adds the correspond- way to pick the value of r. One way to solve this
ing 2-simplex (a full triangle); and so on for higher- apparent conundrum is to consider properties that
dimension simplices. In short, in principle, one needs to persist across changes in the choice of r. Persistent
check all the possible combinations of k points for every k homology takes its name from exactly this idea. Indeed,
up to the number of points in the data set. The problem usually one does not consider a single (Cech)  Rips–

naturally is that for large point clouds, the Cech complex 
Vietoris complex K, but rather, a family of (Cech) Rips–
becomes computationally intractable. The Rips–Vietoris Vietoris complexes {Kr} parametrized by the radius r.
simplicial complex addresses this problem by reducing These families have the property that for two radii r,r 0 ,
the computational cost and is the most used in practice. such that r 0 < r, the corresponding complexes are such
In fact, for Rips–Vietoris complexes, simplices are that Kr 0 ∩ Kr , and the whole family constitutes a filtration,
constructed in the same way as for the Cech  complex, the key element in computing persistent homology. In
but instead of adding a (k−1)-simplex when the inter- other words, persistent homology is obtained by com-
section of the k neighborhoods is nonempty, we add it puting homology along each r in the filtration.

Figs. 11.5 and 11.6 illustrate the construction of a Cech
simplicial complex from a set of data points and a Cech 
Data points
filtration, respectively. In Fig. 11.5, from a given data
Cech complex construction
point and a radius r, we create as many disks as there are
1-simplex points, of radius r, each disk centered in the point. When
two disks overlap, we add a line, 1-simplex (dark gray
line), but when three disks overlap each with both
neighbors, then a 2-simplex is created (full triangle). In
r this case, two 2-simplices are generated (medium gray
lines), besides six 1-simplices (dark gray lines) plus each
segment that forms triangles, and finally, six 0-simplices
FIGURE 11.5 represented by the points. In Fig. 11.6, we show an

From data points to a Cech simplicial complex. 
example of filtration via Cech complexes. From step 1 to

1 2 3 4 5


Filtration via Cech complex.
216 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

step 5, the disk radius r grows, and it creates more 11.3.2 Topological Invariants
overlaps among neighbors. At step 1, we only have six
Coming back to the selection of radius r in the con-
0-simplices because the neighborhood radius is very
struction of a simplicial complex, persistent homology
small, but, as r increases, higher-dimensional simplices
[41,42] solves that problem using each r to obtain dif-
begin to appear.
ferent simplicial complexes, and studying homology and
its related features (intervals) throughout them. That is, Clique Complex persistent homology, by design, is focused on the fea-
tures that live across intervals of values and assigns an
A second way to get a simplicial complex is from net-
importance to them proportional to the length of such
works. In this case, networks are transformed to com-
intervals, with the obvious implication that features
plexes via clique complexes, e.g., real-world complex
surviving across many scales are more meaningful than
networks, weighted networks obtained from repeated
those that live only for short intervals, which are usually
spreading or cascading processes, or structural and
considered to represent topological noise. Via persistent
functional brain networks. A clique complex is fully
homology, we are able to compute the homology of a
defined by its underlying 1-skeleton, i.e., the set of its
filtration. This gives us some topological invariants that
1-simplices. The 1-simplices can be thought of as edges of
later will be the features used to classify data sets
a network. The higher-dimension simplices are defined by
through machine learning techniques.
the cliques of the 1-skeleton. A clique is a subset of ver-
Betti numbers are the corresponding dimensions of the
tices such that they induce a complete subgraph. That is,
homology. In other words, the kth Betti number, bk,
every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent. So
refers to the number of k-dimensional holes on a topo-
to obtain a clique complex from a network, we map
logical surface. The first few Betti numbers have the
k-cliques to (k−1)-simplices. Interestingly, although all
following definitions: b0 is the number of 0-dimensional
the information is encoded in the pairwise interactions,
holes, that is, the number of connected components; b1 is
converting a graph to a simplicial complex reveals a
the number of one-dimensional or circular holes; and, b2
mesoscopic organizational structure that is not appre-
is the number of two-dimensional voids or cavities.
ciable at the network level, thanks to the nonlocality of
The form of a parameterized version of a Betti number
the topological invariants of the simplicial complex,
is its graphical representation called a barcode [43]. A
similar to what happens with Rips–Vietoris complexes in
barcode represents each persistent generator with a hor-
metrical spaces. In this case, the filtration used for the
izontal line, as an interval, beginning at the first filtration
persistent homology often consists in the family of clique
level i where it appears and ending at the filtration level
complexes obtained from the progressive thresholding
j where it disappears. That is a collection of horizontal
of a weighted network. We illustrate this for a simple
line segments (i,j) in a plane whose horizontal axis cor-
network in Fig. 11.7: 1-cliques correspond to nodes,
responds to the parameter and whose vertical axis rep-
2-cliques correspond to edges, and three-cliques to tri-
resents an (arbitrary) ordering of homology generators.
angles (2-simplices); in this way, it is easy to see how we
Another way to represent the same information is the
obtain a clique complex by promoting the network’s
persistence diagram, which is a multiset consisting of the
clique to its corresponding simplex.
pairs of birth and death indices for all generators. It can
also be readily visualized in the plane by adding a point
for each generator with the birth time i as its x-coordinate
Clique complex
and the death time j as its y-coordinate. Both barcodes
and persistence diagrams are well defined for all
dimensions. Note that barcodes and persistence dia-
grams are equivalent and represent the same informa-
tion, converting interval (i,j) in the barcode to the 2-D
point with coordinates (i,j). An Example with Interpretation

of Topological Invariants
A complete example of topological invariants is
shown in Fig. 11.8. These are the results of computing
the persistent homology of the filtration in Fig. 11.6.
Starting from the top, it represents the barcode, for 0-
Clique complex from a network. homology H0 (top, black lines), which counts connected
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 217




(a) 1 2 3 4 5 r

Persistence diagram Betti numbers

b0 b1 Step

5 1 1 5

4 2 0 4

3 3 0 3

2 5 0 2

1 6 0 1

1 2 3 4 5
(b) Birth


Topological invariants: Barcode, persistence diagram, and Betti numbers from Cech filtration in Fig. 11.6. Round points: 0-dimensional homology
generators (connected components); square point: one-dimensional homology generator (1-D cycle).

components, and 1-homology H1 (bottom, dark gray line), five separated components are represented in
which counts cycles. In the barcode plot, the x-axis rep- the barcode by the five surviving lines, while the
resents each filtration’s step given by the growing of the component that merged is represented by the
radius disk r: line disappearing at step 2.
• At step 3, two different connected components
• In step 1, we have six different connected com- merge again, reducing the number of surviving
ponents, the points: for this reason, we have six lines for H0. This makes for finishing two inter-
different bars that appear at 1. vals, which have started from the beginning and
• From step 1 to step 2, two connected compo- finished at step 3.
nents merge into one. The number of connected • In order to finish the process for H0, at step 4,
components (intervals in H0) reduces from another connected component disappears, and
six to five different connected components. The at step 5, all the initial points become connected
218 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

in only one connected component. The only boundary, that is, three concatenated edges (simplices of
surviving interval line is the one corresponding dimension 1). This is called boundary map ∂n and is
to the final connected component. defined as
• Finally, in H1, one cycle appears at step 5; then
∂n : Cn (X) ! Cn−1 (X)
a new interval starts (dark gray line) until the
cycle dies (not shown in the figure). Before X
½v1 , …, vn  ↦ ( − 1)i ½v0 , …, ^vi , …, vn 
step 5, there are no lines in the barcode of H1
because no homological cycle was present.
where the hat denotes the omission of the vertex. That is,
At the bottom of Fig. 11.8, the corresponding persis- the boundary of a simplex is the alternating sum of
tence diagram is represented. The x-axis is the birth step, restrictions to its faces. This map satisfies ∂n∂n+1 = 0 ∀n.
and the y-axis is the death step. Squares represent that A simplicial complex X induces the chain complex,
the object was born at a certain step but it has not died at
∂n+2 ∂n+1 ∂n ∂n−1
the last step and so it remains forever. As in the barcode, ⋯ →Cn+1 →Cn →Cn−1 → ⋯,
black shade is for H0 elements, and dark gray shade is
for H1 elements. Points in the persistence diagram sur- often written as (C•,∂•).
rounded by a circle correspond to multiple generators. The n-homology of this complex is defined by the
We use this notation to highlight that two generators can quotient of two vector spaces, the kernel of the map ∂n
have the same representation in the persistence diagram. quotiented by the image of the boundary map one upper
Let us explain how to read the persistence diagram in dimension, ∂n+1,
more detail. For birth equal to 1, we can see different
points along the death axis. This indicates that such Hn (X) = ker  ∂n = im  ∂n+1 ,
points, representing different connected components,
were all born at step 1, but they merged into other com- where n indicates the dimension of the generators in
ponents at different steps (one at step 2, two at step 3, the homology group. We call the kernel ker ∂n the nth
one at step 4, another at step 5), finally all merging into cycle module, denoted Zn, and the image im ∂n the nth
the complete connected component, represented by the boundary module, denoted Bn.
square. On the other hand, as we have shown in the Formally, given a simplicial complex X, a filtration is a
barcode, a cycle is born at step 5, and it remains forever. It totally ordered set of subcomplexes Xi ⊂ X that starts
is represented by the dark gray square. Note that in per- with the empty complex and ends with the complete
sistence diagrams, there are only points above the diag- complex, indexed by the nonnegative integers,
onal, because generators first are born and then they die.
Finally, on the bottom right of the figure, Betti numbers 0= = X0 ⊆ X1 ⊆ … ⊆ Xm = X,
are represented for each filtration’s step (from step 0,
such that if i ≤ j, then Xi ⊆ Xj. The total ordering itself is
bottom, to step 5, top). The first Betti number b0 corre-
called a filter. The subcomplexes Xi are the analog of the
sponds to the number of connected components and the
sublevel sets in the Morse function setting [44].
second Betti number b1 to the number of cycles. As you
In order to define persistent homology, we use super-
can see, b0 goes down as filtration step goes ahead, and b1
scripts to denote the index in a filtration. The ith sim-
leaves to be zero at the last step when a cycle is born.
plicial complex Xi in a filtration gives rise to its own
chain complex (Ci• , ∂i• ), and the kth chain, cycle, boun- Mathematical Formalism dary, and homology modules are denoted by Cik , Zik , Bik ,
and Hki , respectively.
Some technical notions are necessary in the context of
For a positive integer p, the p-persistent kth homology
persistent homology: chain complex, boundary map,
module of Xi is
and the formal definition of homology [39,40].  
i,p i+p
The set of n-dimensional chains Cn(X) of a simplicial Hk = Zik = Bk ∩ Zik :
complex X is the formal sums of n-simplices, formally
written as The form of Hk should seem similar to the formula for
Hki ,
except that instead of characterizing the k-cycles in Xi
Cn (X) = fr1 s1 + r2 s2 + …jri ∈ ℤ, si ∈ Xn g:
that do not come from a (k + 1)-chain in Xi, it charac-
Then we can define a map between n-dimensional terizes the k-cycles in the Xi subcomplex that are not the
chains Cn(X) and n−1-dimensional chains Cn−1(X). This boundary of any (k + 1)-chain from the larger complex
map is going to correspond to our intuitive notion of Xi+p. Put another way, Hk characterizes the k-dimensional
boundary. For example, if we have a simplex of holes in Xi+p created by the subcomplex Xi. These
dimension 2 (a full triangle), it will be converted to its holes exist for all complexes Xj in the filtration with index
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 219

i ≤ j ≤ i + p. Equivalently, it is possible to define persistent • Persistent entropy: Given a persistence barcode

homology using the fact that the inclusion Xi↪Xj B = {[bi,di):1 ≤ i ≤ n}, let L = {li = di − bi:1 ≤ i ≤ n}.
induces a homomorphism fp : Hp (Xi ) ! Hp (Xj ) on the The persistent entropy HL [50,51] is
simplicial homology groups for each dimension p. The
pth persistent homology groups are the images of these Xn
li l
homomorphisms, and the pth persistent Betti numbers HL = − log i ,
i,j S
i=1 L
bp are the ranks of those groups [8,42].
where SL = i∈I li . Note that the maximum persistent
11.3.3 Feature Extraction–Based Topological entropy would correspond to the situation in which all
Summaries the intervals in the barcode are of equal length. More
concretely, if B has n intervals, the possible values of the
It is possible to derive other topological features (or persistent entropy HL associated with the barcode B lie in
summaries) from Betti numbers (or barcodes or persis- the interval [0,log(n)]. The idea is that given a filtration of
tence diagrams) that can be easier to combine with tools a simplicial complex, persistence entropy helps to find a
from statistics and machine learning. Three topological proper filter preserving the partial ordering imposed by
summaries are briefly presented in this chapter involv- the filtration trying to minimize the number of long-life
ing persistence landscapes, vineyards, and persistent homological classes that are associated with significant
entropy. intervals in the persistence barcodes. This topological
feature has been successful, for example, in discovering
• Persistence landscapes have been introduced hidden patterns among antibodies in the immune
by Bubenik [45] as a new summary of a persis- system [51,52] as well as in discriminating real long-
tence diagram that is transformed through length noisy signals of DC electrical motors [53]. This
certain functions l : ℕ  ℝ ! ℝ, where ℝ  is the feature can also be used as a measure for separating
extended real numbers, [−∞,∞]. As a statistical topological noise (k-dimensional holes with short life-
descriptor, a persistent landscape has the time) from topological features (those with a long life-
advantage that it is a function, so we can use the time) [54].
vector space structure of its underlying function In future studies, a comprehensive comparison
space as a domain for statistical approaches. between the performances of these topological features
Given a barcode B = {[bi,di):1 ≤ i ≤ n} and per- should be performed using both simulation data and
forming the following transformation, we obtain real-world data, while new topological summaries
a persistence landscape: should also be proposed.
lk (t) = kth largest value of min (t − bi ,di − t)+ ,
11.3.4 Properties of Persistent Homology
where + denotes max(•,0). The properties of
for Big Data Analysis
persistence landscapes are discussed in detail in
Section 11.4.2, while an implementation of this Stability of Persistent Homology
feature is discussed in detail in Ref. [46].
In previous sections, we saw that persistent homology
describes the multiscale properties of a data set by cap-
• Vineyards are time-varying persistence dia- turing the birth and death times of topological features.
grams [47,48]. They consist in following point These properties are summarized by the persistence
trajectories along a time-varying family of per- diagrams, multisets of points in the ℝ2. For such dia-
sistence diagrams. Take a dynamic point cloud grams to be relevant and interpretable for data analysis
X(t) = x1(t),…,xn(t), that is, a point cloud moving and applications, they must be robust: small perturba-
continuously for a finite amount of time. Then, tions of the data should correspond to small alterations
there is the corresponding set of persistence in the corresponding persistence diagrams. Fortunately,
diagrams D(X(t)) for each time t. This 1-parameter the stability of persistence diagrams is one of the key
family of persistence diagrams is called the features of the study of persistent homology and has
vineyard. Each off-diagonal point p in D(X(t)) been shown in a number of different works.
moves in time, tracing out a curve, is a vine. An Fig. 11.9 shows the properties of topological informa-
application of this feature is shown in Ref. [49]. tion: first, significant structures, in this case the large
Analyzing dynamic brain connectivity of resting circle, are well reconstructed and persist for long intervals
and gaming states, it is possible to determine along the filtration; secondly, small perturbations, for
temporally dynamic properties of the brain in a example, due to noise or measurement errors, do not
threshold-free and robust manner. affect significantly the topological information (i.e., the
220 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Original sample Sample with noise

Death step

Death step

Birth step Birth step

Stability of persistence diagrams and how a main shape lives across many scales of the filtration.

persistence diagram only shows minor changes). On the perturbed sample (black points, 0-homology; dark gray
the top left of the figure, black dots represent the ori- point, 1-homology).
ginal sample, while black dots show the perturbed The first proof of the stability of persistence diagrams
sample. Regarding persistence diagrams, the persistence was given by Cohen-Steiner et al. [55]. It relies on
diagram on the left is given by the original sample showing that the distance between two topological
(black points, 0-homology; dark gray point, 1-homology), spaces constrains that between the corresponding
while the persistence diagram on the right corresponds to persistence diagrams in all dimensions. In particular,
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 221

they focused on the case in which the diagram encodes that G[r] contains a perfect matching for G, which for a
the sublevel set homology of a function defined on a general graph has a complexity O(V2E). Since the bot-
topological space. They choose the distance between two tleneck cost for G must be equal to the weight of one of
functions, f and g, to be the L∞-norm, and that between the edges, we can find it exactly by combining a test for a
the corresponding persistence diagrams, D( f ) and D(g), perfect matching with a binary search on the edge
to be the bottleneck distance. Using these distances, the weights. For a given graph G[r], the algorithm computes
stability theorem bounds the diagrams’ distance by the a maximum matching, i.e., a matching of maximal car-
functions as follows: dinality. G[r], with 2n vertices, has a perfect matching if
and only if its maximum matching has n edges. The
Theorem 11.3.1 algorithm starts from an empty matching M. Edges are
then added to M via the augmenting paths, i.e., a path
Let X be a topological space with tame functions f,g:X→ℝ.
composed by alternative edges inside and outside M.
Then for each dimension p, the bottleneck distance between the
The edges in the path are then state-switched, those in M
persistence diagrams is bounded from above by the difference
are removed from M, and those outside M are added to
between the functions,
M, resulting in an increase of the size of M by 1. This
dB (D( f ), D(g))  ≤  jj f − gjj∞ procedure is repeated until there are no more aug-
menting paths or all the nodes are matched. The algo-
The assumptions of Cohen-Steiner et al. [55] are satisfied,
rithmpffiffiffiin this form has an overall running time of
among others, by Morse functions on compact manifolds
O(m n) = O(n2:5 ).
and piecewise linear functions on simplicial complexes
The contribution of Efrat et al. [58] is the realization
(which include the general weighting schemes adopted in
that it is possible to avoid the explicit construction of G[r]
Refs. [4,56]). The bottleneck distance is based on the set of
by using a near-neighbor search data structure Dr(S),
all bijections g between points in the two diagrams,
which stores a point set S and a radius r, and can be
dB (D( f ), D(g))  =   inf supjjx − g (x)jj∞ , constructed in the case of ℝ2 in O(n log n) preprocessing
g x time, finally making the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm cost
and is therefore always at least the Hausdorff distance only O(n1.5 log n). Taking advantage of the map-
between the two diagrams. Note that the bottleneck ping between the persistence diagram distance and
distance is a special case of the qth Wasserstein distance the matching, it is immediate to see that the bottleneck
" #1=q distance between persistence diagrams can be computed
Wq (D( f ), D(g))  =   inf jjx − g (x)jjq∞ in O(n1.5 log n). A similar implementation proposed by
g : D( f )!D(g)
x∈D( f ) Kerber et al. [57] substitutes the Dr structure with a k-d tree,
or k-dimensional tree, to explore the local point structure,
for q→∞. showing a reduction of the complexity to O(log n).
The theoretical guarantees on the results of persistent
homology do not require the actual calculation of the
bottleneck distance value between diagrams. However, Auction Algorithm for Wasserstein Distance
for practical applications (e.g., to produce a clustering of The Wasserstein matching has complexity problems
a set of diagrams), its calculation becomes necessary, and similar to those of the bottleneck distance. To improve the
it is easily shown to be very cumbersome: one must performance, an algorithm was proposed in Ref. [57]
consider all possible mappings between diagram points. based on Bertsekas’s auction algorithm [59], an asym-
Formally, this yields an assignment problem over the two metric approach to identifying the maximum weight
sets of points in ℝ2 [41]. To address this issue, a number of matching. The algorithm works by considering half of the
algorithms have been devised, the two main ones being nodes as bidders and half as objects, and allowing for
the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm for bottleneck matchings and iterative multiple bidding on the objects, in such a way as
Bertsekas’s auction algorithm for Wasserstein distances, to find the maximum auction value across the possible
which we briefly illustrate in the following section. bidder–object matchings. The most cumbersome part of
the algorithm is the phase in which bidders select the Bottleneck Matching object of maximum value. The brute-force approach
requires a search over all objects by each bidder, resulting
Hopcroft and Karp’s bottleneck algorithm is a variant of in a quadratic running time per iteration of the auction
the maximum matching algorithm. Following Ref. [57], algorithm. However, the same result can be obtained also
consider a weighted graph G = (E,V) (E set of edges, V set via local searches on a k-d tree, which is based on the
of vertices) and the subgraph G[r] containing only the geometry of the actual data set. In this way, significant
edges with weight w < = r. In this setting, one can write speedups were observed, with speedup factors between
that the bottleneck distance of G has the minimal r such 50 and 400 depending on the size of the problem instance.
222 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data Complexity of Simplicial Complex Another classic reduction technique for simplicial
Constructions and Persistent Homology complexes based on point sets is the witness complex [62].
Its inspiration comes from the observation that standard
In the previous section, we discussed how expensive it is 
constructions (Rips, Cech, ...) are very redundant since
to compute the distance between the topological sum-
the same homology (and homotopy) is often realizable on
maries of two spaces. However, one of the long-standing
smaller node sets. This can be done by selecting a subset
problems of simplicial methods is that realistic simplicial
of vertices, called landmark points, and then constructing
complexes easily become very large, making it difficult
the witness complex on such set in a similar way to the
to even calculate the persistence diagram. It is important
Delaunay complex in Euclidean space. Effectively, the
to understand how such complexes can be approximated
nonlandmark data points become witnesses to the exis-
or shrunk to manageable sizes. The most famous one, the
 tence of edges or simplices described by combinations of
Cech complex, is built by checking the intersection of
landmark points. This approach is able to reduce strongly
every collection of simplices, making it extremely cum-
 the size of the final simplicial complex and comes with
bersome computationally. Indeed, building a Cech
strong bounds on the changes in topology between the
complex from N points up to it highest dimension n can
original complex and the reduced witness complex. The
cost O(N2+N2n), making the direct calculation absolutely
reduced number of simplices often also makes it easier to
unfeasible in most cases [60]. The standard alternative is
identify the homology classes because it both reduces the
the Rips–Vietoris complex, which can be defined as an
topological noise that can arise in very large complexes
abstract simplicial complex defined on the basis of a
and allows one to identify with more accuracy the
metric space M with distance d by constructing a simplex
localization of the homology class.
for each set of points with diameter at most d, or
In addition to the difficulties of obtaining a simplicial
equivalently, as the clique complex associated to a met-
complex, or a whole filtration, starting from a point
rical graph. The construction is rather straightforward,
cloud, it is important to turn our attention to what cal-
but the Rips–Vietoris complex has a major drawback: it
culating its (persistent) homology entails. The classical
is very large; for example, the k-skeleton alone (the
persistent homology algorithm relies on direct reduction
simplices up to dimension k) grows as O(nk+1) for a
of the boundary matrix; hence it has the complexity of
simplicial complex with n vertices. It it therefore
Gaussian elimination, O(n), where n is the number of
important to be able to produce smaller-sized simplicial
simplices. Milosavljevic et al. [65] proposed a persistent
complexes that approximate the properties of the origi-
homology algorithm that takes matrix multiplication
nal complex. Luckily, a number of controlled approaches
time O(nw) with a current best estimation of w = 2.376,
have been proposed to address this.
which depends on the algorithm for matrix multiplica-
Zomorodian [61] introduced the tidy set: a minimal
tion. Chen and Kerber [66] contributed a randomized
simplicial set that captures the topology of a simplicial
algorithm with a complexity that depends on the number
complex. The advantage of this approach is particularly
of persistence pairs living longer than a given threshold.
evident in the calculation of the homology of clique
They also enhanced the matrix reduction of the standard
complexes and weak witness complexes [62], because
persistent homology algorithm, obtaining a complexity
it relies on avoiding the explicit construction of the
of O(n log n) for cubical complexes. More recently, Bauer
full clique complex, focusing in particular on high-
and collaborators [9,67] proposed and implemented a
dimensional simplices (since the number of faces grows
parallelizable computation of persistent homology that
exponentially with the simplex dimension). The con-
works by dividing the simplicial complex to analyze in
struction produces sets that are significantly smaller than
chunks and applying two optimization steps before the
the original clique complex, providing a performance
actual persistent homology calculation, referred to as
increase not only to the simplex construction but also in
clean and compress. It is able to achieve a complexity of
the homology computation.
O(ml3 + gln + g3), where n is the number of simplices, m
A second approach to the sparsification or the Rips–
the number of chunks, l the maximum chunk-size, and g is
Vietoris complex and filtration was proposed in Ref. [63]
the number of columns not paired during the compres-
that is able to reduce the complexity of a filtered
sion phase. The resulting complexity bound is still cubic,
simplicial complex on an n-point metric space to O(n) by
because g is O(n) in the worst-case scenario, but in prac-
using weighted metric perturbations of the original
tice, the calculations become significantly easier to
metric space and adopting a hierarchical representation
perform thanks to the partition of the original complex.
of the original point cloud via net-trees [63,64]. More-
Despite these worst-case complexity results, recently a
over, the filtration has a time complexity scaling as
number of algorithmic advances have reduced the
O(n log n) and has tight bounds on the resulting per-
number of redundant steps in Rips–Vietoris persistent
sistent homology, allowing one to significantly scale up
homology [68], improving memory and time efficiency;
the possible data set dimension.
compressed the data structures used for storing simplices
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 223

[69–71]; and provided new matroid-based formulations such structure in the input set. Unsupervised
[72] that make the calculation of persistent homology of learning approaches and algorithms include
large data sets feasible in practice. hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering,
independent component analysis, and so on.

Two very well-known algorithms are Support Vector

Machine (SVM) in the group of supervised learning, and
11.4 Topological Machine Learning Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in the group of
unsupervised learning. Both start as linear methods, but
Machine learning (ML) is the term that describes a set of
they can act as nonlinear methods using a kernel trick,
algorithmic techniques that try to understand data and
that is, by moving to higher-dimensional spaces, where it
create models from them, in order to predict the correct
becomes easier to split data.
classification when presented with new data. Nowa-
SVMs are models associated with supervised learning
days, standard ML algorithms include an improvement,
that analyze data used for classification and regression
kernel trick, which provides embeddings of data in
analysis. Like any supervised learning method, they use
higher-dimensional spaces in such a way as to be able to
a set of training examples to create a model to classify
split and classify data clouds that could otherwise not be
new data. The learned models are usually tested on
linearly split. However, for kernel tricks to work, the
another part of the data set to measure their perfor-
input data space needs to satisfy some requirements,
mances. The simplest and usual classification is to split
which will be discussed later in this section. On the other
data in two categories (classes or labels). SVM performs
hand, persistent homology creates outputs that can be
classification by finding the hyperplane that maxi-
used to differentiate groups and classify data. From this
mizes the margin between the two classes. The vectors
perspective, topological ML can be seen as a bridge
(instances) that define the hyperplane are the support
between persistent homology outputs and ML inputs. In
vectors. Then, new samples are mapped onto that same
this section, we briefly introduce different ways to use
space and predicted to belong to a category based on
topological outputs to classify data, and we describe an
which side of the gap they fall on. SVM is a non-
appropriate kernel to apply ML algorithms using per-
probabilistic linear classifier.
sistence diagrams as inputs.
PCA, on the other hand, is a statistical procedure that
identifies a reduced number of linearly uncorrelated
11.4.1 Traditional Machine Learning Algorithms variables, called principal components, from a large set
of data in order to reduce the dimensionality, and hence
Machine learning is a field related to computer science
the complexity, of the input data set. The goal of PCA is
whose goal is the creation of algorithms that are able to
to explain the maximum amount of variance with the
learn from data in order to be later used to make pre-
fewest number of principal components. The resulting
dictions on new unknown data, or to discover hidden
vectors of PCA transformation are an uncorrelated
underlying structures [73]. ML techniques have found
orthogonal basis set.
applications in a very diverse set of fields, ranging from
A positive kernel function, usually simply called kernel
web page classification, email classification (e.g., spam
function K, is a function of similarity given two points, x
or not spam), and speller correction, to the screening of
and x 0 , in an input space X.
large molecule and drug databases and the selection of
targets in recommendation systems (e.g., movies in
K:X  X ! ℝ
Netflix, books and items in Amazon, etc.). The main
subcategories of ML algorithms are as follows:
Typically, problems in ML need a kernel written in the
form of feature map f : X→V that satisfies K(x,x0 ) =
• Supervised learning: Given a set of inputs with hf(x), f(x0 )iV . However, it is not needed to know explic-
the corresponding outputs (labels), the goal is to itly the f map, and this is the trick. The key restriction is
learn a general rule that maps inputs to outputs. that the inner product 〈⋅,⋅〉V must be a proper inner
Supervised learning approaches and algorithms product. That is, V must be a Hilbert space. Remember
include artificial neural network, linear dis- that a Hilbert space is a real or complex inner product
criminant analysis, decision tree learning and space that is also a complete metric space with respect to
random forests, and so on. the distance function induced by the inner product [74].
• Unsupervised learning: Without giving corre- Thus, a kernel K effectively computes dot products in a
sponding outputs to the inputs, but given a set higher-dimensional space V than the original space X.
of constraints on the data structure (e.g., number Therefore, the kernel trick approach consists in using
of clusters), the goal is to find the best instance of kernel functions to embed points in higher spaces and
224 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

classify them without ever computing the coordinates of The multiscale kernel ks proposed in Ref. [76,77] can be
the data in V space, but rather by simply computing the evaluated directly given two persistence diagrams, F and
inner products between the images of all pairs of data in G, using the following expression:
the feature space. This approach gives the opportunity to
transform linear methods like SVM and PCA to nonlin- 1 X −q ∥
∥p −q ∥
ear ones via a kernel trick. In fact, given N points, they ks (F,G) = e− 8s − e− 8s ,
usually cannot be linearly separated in d < N dimensions, p∈F,q∈G
but they become almost always linearly separated in d ≥ N
when using a kernel trick. where q = (q2 ,q1 ) if q = (q1,q2) is the mirrored point at the
Here are some usual used kernels [75]: diagonal. Computationally speaking, the proposed
kernel can be computed in O(|F|⋅|G|), where |F| and
8 |G| denote the cardinality of the multisets F and G,
> ~
xi  ~
xj Linear
> respectively.
> xi  ~
(g ~ xj + C)d Polynomial Other proposals that try to sidestep this problem exist,
< the most relevant for our discussion being the work by
xi , ~
K(~ xj ) = exp( −g j~ xi − ~
xj j2 ) Radial Basis Function Bubenik et al. [45]. They adopt a statistical approach to
> the feature map for persistent diagrams, converting them
> through certain functions l:ℕ×ℝ→ℝ to a new object, the
: tanh( −g~ xi  ~
xj + C) Sigmoid persistence landscape.
As a descriptor, the persistence landscape has the
advantage that it is a function. We can then use the vector
where K(~xi ,~ xi )  f(~
xj ) = f(~ xj ) without knowing f. That is, space structure of its underlying function space as
the kernel function represents a dot product of input opposed to the geometry of the space of persistence dia-
data points mapped into the higher-dimensional feature grams, which instead presents a number of statistical and
space by transformation f. interpretational problems. As an example, sets of persis-
tence diagrams need not have a unique mean. However,
we can obtain unique means and generally do statistics in
11.4.2 Topological Kernel and Kernel-Based
the space of persistence landscapes. This is possible thanks
Learning Methods
to the fact that this function space is “well-behaved”: it is a
TDA can capture characteristics of the data that other separable Banach space, and consequently, we can apply
methods often fail to provide. The study of persistent statistics there, i.e., we can compute means, create confi-
homology is a popular method for TDA. As illustrated dence intervals, and make hypotheses tests. For example,
in Section 11.3, it catches information about birth and we can check whether two distributions are equal, μX = μY,
death times of topological features for different dimen- where X and Y are distributions.
sions. Moreover, it is done over multiple scales, and the Note that an individual persistence landscape has a
information is captured by the persistence diagram corresponding barcode and persistence diagram, but the
(see Fig. 11.8). Topological ML tries to create a bridge mean persistence landscape does not. It was proved that
between TDA, which will provide data inputs, and ML, persistence landscapes are stable with respect the
which is able to classify in groups the input features of supremum norm and the p-landscape distance defined in
TDA. The main problem lies in defining a suitable kernel Ref. [45]. The advantages of using the multiscale kernel
for persistence diagrams. To apply SVM or PCA, we defined in Ref. [76] rather than others derived from the
require a Hilbert space, and the persistence diagrams persistence landscapes are shown in Ref. [45] for shape
equipped with the Wasserstein distance only form a classification data and texture image classification, using
metric space, i.e., only a distance is defined but not an persistence diagrams for dimensions 0 and 1.
inner product. A different approach to the use of persistence dia-
A potential solution to this problem is given by grams for classification was proposed by Pachauri et al.
Reininghaus et al. [76]. They proposed and described [78]. There, persistence diagrams are first rasterized on a
a persistence scale-space kernel stable for the 1- regular grid, then a probability density function (PDF) is
Wasserstein distance, with a scale parameter s > 0. Note computed choosing a suitable kernel-density estimate
that the stability of a kernel is very important for clas- (KDE), and eventually the vectorized discrete PDF is
sification problems [55]. Essentially, if there exists a used as a feature vector to train SVM using standard
hyperplane H that divides a set of points into two classes kernels for ℝn. However, this approach does not make
with margin m, and if the data points are perturbed clear whether stability is affected and how it behaves
by some ϵ < m/2, then a stable kernel H still correctly with respect to the existing metrics (bottleneck or
splits the data into two classes with margin m − 2ϵ. Wasserstein distance) in the resulting kernel-induced
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 225

distance. This method was used to separate subjects with to note that the Mapper algorithm is based on topologi-
and without Alzheimer’s disease, via an SVM trained cal ideas in the sense that the described construction
with the estimated PDFs of 0-dimensional persistence tends to preserve the notion of nearness in data cloud
diagrams obtained from cortical thickness data. data but discard the effects of large distances, which
Regarding the use of topological invariants as features often carry little meaning or are scarcely reliable in
for classification, in Li et al. [79], a higher recognition applications.
accuracy was obtained when both bag-of-features and The selection of filter functions is the most important
persistence diagrams were taken into account together. step in the Mapper algorithm since the filter functions
In short, using structural data properties provided by are used to define a set of overlapping regions that slice
0-dimensional homology and its corresponding persis- the point cloud data and guide the clustering method.
tence landscapes as complementary features, which There are several types of filter: summary statistics (e.g.,
captures the distribution values of a given function, mean, max, min, variance, kurtosis, n-moment), geo-
yields significantly better results in object recognition metric filter (e.g., Gaussian kernel density, L1 or
than applying both methods individually. L-infinity centrality, curvature, harmonic cycles), and
feature projection filter (e.g., the first two components of
singular value decomposition or PCA, autoencoders,
Isomap, multidimensional scaling, t-Distributed Sto-
chastic Neighbor Embedding, two-dimensional embed-
ding of the k-nearest neighbor graph, SVM distance from
11.5 Topological Simplification
hyperplane) [7]. Since each filter function extracts rele-
Topological simplification refers to a set of techniques vant information from the noisy input data in a different
that are able to extract a topological backbone from an manner, we can use more than one filter (or multiple
unstructured data cloud. If a metrical or a similarity filters) at the same time. It should be noted that filters do
structure is available, it is possible to produce controlled not need to be continuous and can map to space other
simplications of the data set by means of a series of local than ℝ. Since the Mapper algorithm is driven by the filter
clusterings in overlapping regions of the data space and selected, it is less sensitive to the selection of the metric
by successively linking together clusters that share than persistent homology.
common data points. This is the basis of the Mapper In the case of further visualization of topological net-
algorithm, the most well-known technique originally works, additional visual properties such as color or size
introduced by Singh et al. [7]. of the nodes can be added. Commonly, one can define
Although topological simplification keeps the essential the color to the nodes to represent the average value (for
features of topology, the pipeline to compute the Mapper the continuous values) of either any meaningful filter
algorithm is different from conventional TDA, which is function used for the low-dimensional mapping or any
composed of four steps (see Fig. 11.10 for an illustration). target output. Fig. 11.10 shows the variation of color
The first step is transforming raw data into a point cloud spectrum ranging from red to blue, where a red node
either using filter functions as a standalone, or using represents higher average values, while a blue node
intrinsic information to the metric as the input of filter represents lower average values. For the categorical
functions. The second step is defining a resolution by values, color directly represents a value concentration.
segmenting point cloud data in the low-dimensional Similar color patterns (a set of nodes) over the topological
space obtained from the previous step into intervals of network then represent highly correlated variables and
length L overlapped with percentage O. The third step is can help us to identify which shape contains more
applying any standard clustering algorithm to create information than other shapes. Another approach is to
clusters from each sub-data set corresponding to the define the size of the nodes to represent the proportion of
defined intervals, i.e., a clustering protocol. The clusters in points belonging to each cluster with respect to the whole
the intervals will become the nodes of a simplicial data set. Consequently, we can use this information for
complex approximating the data. The fourth step is further exploration. In practice, there are two main pur-
constructing the Mapper graph by connecting a pair of poses for using topological networks: (1) cluster analysis
nodes that share data points, i.e., creating edges or con- and (2) feature selection (more details in the subsections
nections of the simplicial complex. Note that by consid- to follow).
ering sets of clusters/nodes larger than two, one can
define higher-dimension simplices in a natural way,
 11.5.1 Cluster Analysis–Based Topological Network
similarly to the Cech complex construction. Any node
that contains no shared points remains a singleton. The The output of this topological simplification approach
constructed simplicial complex, often called topological has been used in a number of studies as cluster analy-
network, is then ready for further analysis. It is important sis to extract nontrivial qualitative information from
226 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data





FIGURE 11.10
An overview of the Mapper algorithm pipeline. (a) Point cloud data, (b) Overlapping regions of the data space, (c) Local clustering of points within
regions, (d) Mapper graph.

large data sets that was hard to discern when studying straight line. To avoid a biased comparison, an interest-
the data set globally. An interesting shape of a graph ing subgroup should contain a sufficient number of
consists of subgroups that display distinct patterns of samples (e.g., >30 samples). The fundamental subgroups
the data such as “loops” (continuous circular segments) can also discriminate from artifacts if the shapes of
and “flares” (long linear segments), as opposed to a the subgroup persist over a large-scale change by tuning
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 227

the resolution parameters across a range of scales. For

instance, Nicolau et al. [80] detected a previously unknown
11.6 Applications in Biomedical Signal
subtype of breast cancer characterized by a greatly
reduced mortality, while Lum et al. [5] and Nielson et al. Processing
[38] identified a number of new subgroups in data sets as Machine learning approaches involving feature extrac-
diverse as genomic data, NBA players, and spinal cord tion, dimensionality reduction, and learning algorithms
injuries. still remain largely unknown for Big Data application in
biomedical research. Regardless, TDA would largely
11.5.2 Feature Selection-Based Topological Network benefit big biomedical data analysis and should be
investigated in future studies. We can use TDA either
We can further use topological networks for the selection instead of or together with existing ML methods.
of relevant features. The principle of applying the Recently, there is much interest in finding new applica-
Mapper algorithm to feature selection is to recognize tions that build upon the strong theoretical foundations
that the shape of the graph encodes essential structural of TDA. In this chapter, biomedical applications of three
information of the data. Specifically, after the funda- different proposed TDA techniques to three different
mental and interesting topological subgroups were data types are presented: EEG data, EMG data, and
defined in the previous step, we are able to select fea- human motion capture data.
tures that best discriminate them (either between the
interesting subgroups [36] or between any interesting
subgroup and the rest of the structure [5]) based on 11.6.1 EEG Signal
statistical tests (typically a Kolmogorov–Smirnov [K-S] EEG signals are valuable indicators of neural activity
test). A set of features with either high K-S scores or widely used in medical settings (e.g., to diagnose epi-
low p-values (i.e., the top-ranked features) can then be lepsy) and BCIs [81]. EEG signals are most often used to
used as input for any classification or predictive model. diagnose epilepsy. Researchers in the topology commu-
For example, Guo and Banerjee [36] selected, topologi- nity then have selected EEG signals collected from epi-
cally, a set of key process variables in a manufacturing leptic brains as a first case study [24,37,82,83]. The
pipeline that affected the final product yield. Using purpose of this study case is to determine whether
this selected feature set as an input to three different topological features of EEG can identify the preictal state,
predictive models, they obtain the same prediction i.e., the state before the onset of an epileptic seizure, or the
accuracy as by using all the process variables, hence ictal state, as well as detect the phase transition between
providing a way to reduce costs in monitoring and the two states. Merelli et al. [24] analyzed the EEG signals
control of the manufacturing process. Lum et al. [5] also of the PhysioNet database* by representing brain
performed the K-S test to identify a list of genes that best complex systems with multivariate time series and
differentiated the interesting subgroup from the rest of transforming signals into complex networks that are
the structure. analyzed by TDA and information theory. Specifically,
The aforementioned approaches have shown poten- the initial input time-series data were divided into a
tial and are therefore good candidates as a way to build series of temporal segments, and the Pearson (partial)
simplicial complexes used to compute persistent correlation coefficient matrices were computed together
homology that convey local summaries of the data set’s with applying a threshold. The threshold matrices were
features. However, one of the main limitations of the used as weighted edgelists, and then simplicial com-
Mapper algorithm is that it requires a specific choice of plexes were characterized by persistent homology, i.e., their
scales, in the definitions of the bins, of their overlap, and clique weight rank persistent homology [56], providing a
also in the choice of the underlying filter function. This new entropy measure called the weighted persistent
limitation is typically dealt with by swiping across a entropy [51]. The transient preictal to ictal can be detected
range of parameters and ensuring that the result is by observing the number of connected components, i.e.,
stable, but there is no formal way to choose the optimal the number of connected ones tends to be 1 (all the fea-
parameter set. This problem is a common one for tools tures are persistent) during a phase transition, while this
that are based on set theoretic concepts because in most number is higher before and after the period. In support
applications, the sets need to be defined, and that entails of the finding of Merelli et al. [24], Piangerelli et al. [37]
a choice of parameters. Persistent homology, however, show that the persistent entropy can be used to dis-
turns this limitation upside down by embedding criminate the epileptic state from nonepileptic states
this scaling problem in its definition. On the other (p-value = 1.8346e−36; area under the curve = 0.972).
hand, topological simplification is more intuitive than
persistent homology and does not require a deeper
understanding of mathematics. * http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/
228 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

The topological entropy features also achieved higher 11.6.2 EMG Signal
accuracy than the sample entropy features. Instead of
Similar to EEG signal, EMG can be used as a diagnostics
computing persistent homology from complex networks,
tool to identify neuromuscular diseases [16] or a control
a piecewise linear function combined with a lower-star
signal for prosthetic and assistive devices, known as a
filtration was used. They also found that Vietoris–Rips
myoelectric control system or muscle–computer interface
filtration can help to improve the understanding of which
[22]. Either to interpret EMG signals for translational or
region plays the role of trigger for an epileptic seizure (as
personalized medicine or to translate EMG signals into
an EEG channel selection method). Furthermore, Wang
control signals, pattern recognition approaches need to be
et al. [82] studied the persistent homology of EEG signals,
applied, and the success of these approaches depends
smoothed by a weighted Fourier series estimator, using
almost entirely on the selection and extraction of relevant
the persistence landscape. The 2-persistence landscape
features [87,88]. Despite the growing number of studies
distance, which is the measure of difference between two
related to EMG feature extraction, and the good perfor-
persistence landscapes, was used as a feature to identify
mance of EMG features reported in the literature, there
differences between preseizure and seizure patterns. The
still exist considerable challenges before these develop-
results show that the proposed topological features were
ments can be translated from the laboratory to clinical
able to identify the significant site T3 (p-value = 0.0005),
practice. One of such challenges is to develop EMG fea-
where the patient’s epileptic seizure originates, among
tures that can achieve a high degree of reliability and
eight channels without any prior information (in an
robustness. Although to our knowledge, no prior studies
unsupervised learning way). We can use these topolog-
have applied TDA to EMG research, some of the previous
ical features to understand the underlying transition
limitations related to reliability and robustness could be
mechanisms and the ictogenesis, which are necessary in
overcome using TDA techniques. For example, several
developing an automatic system to predict the onset of
robust EMG features (such as Willison amplitude, zero
epileptic seizures. It is of great practical interest to further
crossing, and slope sign change features) use a threshold
investigate the potential of topological features for
to reduce the effect of background noise [89,90]. While the
other medical and research uses of EEG such as to
threshold value has a strong impact on the feature space
monitor the depth of anesthesia or Alzheimer’s disease
[89,90], the optimum threshold value of these features is
highly dependent on data and subject (i.e., it is not con-
For BCI research, Perez-Guevara [25] proposed a
sistent between two different data sets) and thus does
framework to explore the features of EEG signals based
not generalize well [91]. Conversely, since TDA is a
on personalized unsupervised learning using topological
coordinate-free approach, the TDA features may provide
simplification. Data were taken from a bigger data set of
consistent results between different EMG data sets (i.e.,
Blankertz et al. [84] in which subjects were asked to move
different platforms or different coordinate systems) [5].
their hand or foot as well as to be at rest. Data segmen-
Another important issue is the development of EMG
tation was applied, and then a 36-dimensional vector
features able to analyze the nonlinear and nonstationary
consisting of the average power spectrum features for
properties of EMG [92,93]. Similar to other manifold
three different frequency bands and 12 different electrode
learning approaches [88,94], TDA can unfold and cap-
locations in the scalp was created for each segment.
ture nonlinear structures that are not well described by
Two different dimensionality reduction and clustering
linear extraction methods [95]. Topological features
methods were employed for the Mapper algorithm:
extracted from the TDA via a technique of persistent
the SIGFRIED methodology with a Gaussian mixture
homology (e.g., persistence barcode lengths) with an
model (GMM) clustering [85] and the Fisher’s infor-
unsupervised ML approach have shown very good
mation measure with a single-linkage clustering [86].
performance and results in recognizing different data
Topological networks obtained from the first method
classes for high-dimensional time series from non-
show patterns and structures that can discriminate the
linear dynamic systems (see, for example, the study of
rest from nonrest tasks as well as meaningful differences
Berward et al. [29]).
between the nonrest tasks, i.e., moving hand or foot, in an
Further, pattern recognition approaches for myoelec-
unsupervised way. This indicates the potential of the
tric control systems have been developed based on the
Mapper algorithm to characterize EEG features to build
assumption that there exist distinguishable and repeat-
personalized BCIs. Several necessary points have also
able EMG patterns originated by muscle activities. It
been suggested for further development such as to
means that data classes (i.e., specific motions) are defined
employ a two-dimensional meaningful mapping on the
a priori to consequently select the features. Due to the fact
Mapper algorithm instead of the current one-dimensional
that signal characteristics of surface EMG are subject-
mapping [25]. Other EEG signals that have been studied
specific and change over time [96], the choice of feature
are such as EEG data capturing eye state (open or
and muscle location that has been optimized for specific
closed) [10].
Topological Data Analysis of Biomedical Big Data 229

motions is likely to be suboptimal [21,91,97]. Since there is running-related injuries using 3-D motion capture data,
no strong a priori basis for selecting muscle activities and and then clinicians can use this information to subtype
EMG features, one of the possible approaches is to self- patients and provide more appropriate and targeted
label a muscle activity (i.e, a combined set of motions and interventions [102]. Further, an open-access data set
muscle locations that share similar feature spaces [98] containing multimodal measures of human tasks
and/or statistical properties [99]) using an unsupervised involved in cooking and food preparation (e.g., 3-D
ML method (such as cluster analysis). We can also apply motion capture and accelerometer data) [103] was used
TDA as an approach to group EMG features into several to compare the classification performance of the chaotic
types since most of the studied EMG features often invariant feature and the scale-space topological kernel
contain information that is redundant [98]. with kernel SVM classifier, i.e., topological ML. On
average, the topological kernel method achieved higher
classification accuracy than the chaotic invariant method
11.6.3 Human Motion Capture Data
[10]. Using the same topological kernel-based method on
Seversky et al. [10] evaluated their proposed time-series another benchmark multimodal data set [104], topologi-
TDA processing pipeline on several motion-based time- cal information extracted from motion-based time-series
series data sets. For each data set, the initial input time- data (which are physically and trajectory based) also
series data were divided into a series of temporal achieved relatively good classification accuracy as com-
segments, and then the authors computed delay coordi- pared to other data types (such as nonphysical based).
nate embeddings and generated persistence diagrams. In summary, these aforementioned initial findings
Wasserstein and bottleneck distances between all seg- clearly show the potential of different TDA techniques
ment pairs and configurations as well as the scale-space in biomedical applications of various types of multivari-
persistence kernel were computed to explore the dis- ate time-series data. The TDA techniques have also
criminating and learning potential of the topological been applied to other types of biomedical signals and
information. For example, 3-D accelerometer data [100] images as well different biomedical applications. For
capturing general daily life activities (such as walking, example, Kyeong et al. [105] applied the Mapper algo-
standing, climbing stairs, and working seated) were rithm to analyze resting-state functional network data in
recorded and used to develop a user verification system assessing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symp-
based on an automatic daily life physical activities rec- tom severity, while Emrani et al. [30] applied persistent
ognition subsystem and a walking-based authentication homology to analyze breathing sound signals for wheeze
subsystem. The results [10] show that topological features detection.
of activities like standing and working at computer tend
to be uniform (i.e., the distances are close to zero), while
the distances for activities like walking are more varied.
Therefore, larger variability in the topology of segments
within the walking class could be used as a biometric
11.7 Open Problems and Future Directions
unobtrusive pattern for a user’s authentication and veri-
fication. This indicates the potential to use topological In this chapter, we have reviewed and discussed a recent
information obtained from persistent homology as bio- advanced analytics tool for Big Data called Topological
metric measures. It is also possible to couple topological Data Analysis. Although this set of tools allows for the
features obtained from persistent homology with other extraction of relevant insights from complex data with
traditional ML approaches to gain deeper insights into high dimensionality, high variability, time dependence,
big gait data for clinical application. For example, low signal-to-noise ratio, as well as missing values, which
Venkataraman et al. [31] proposed the use of persistence are prominent challenges in the analysis of biomedical Big
diagrams as feature extraction and a nearest neighbor Data, there are still open problems that have not been
algorithm with the 1-Wasserstein distance measure as addressed yet, particularly the analysis of Big Data in
classifier to discriminate five human actions (i.e., dance, practice. The future challenges for this set of tools will
jump, run, sit, and walk) using 3-D motion capture mainly come from the area of personalized data streams
sequences of body joints [101]. The proposed topological requiring localized topological information. As bio-
method achieved 96.48% accuracy, while traditional sensors become progressively cheaper and more wide-
chaotic invariants only achieved 52.44% accuracy. spread, real-time streaming data of biomechanical and
We suggest applying topological simplification as a biological signals will present a great opportunity for
cluster analysis method to overcome the limitations of personalized diagnosis and monitoring. Streaming data,
traditional clustering techniques (such as hierarchical however, present unique challenges for topological tools,
clustering and k-means clustering) in order to identify as they effectively require us to be able to track the evo-
the distinct subgroups of subjects with and without lution of complex shapes in high-dimensional spaces and
230 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research

Susan Gruber

12.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................235
12.1.1 TL Estimation Roadmap ................................................................................................................................236
12.2 Super Learning..............................................................................................................................................................237
12.2.1 SL Algorithm ...................................................................................................................................................238
12.2.2 SL in Practice ...................................................................................................................................................238
12.2.3 A Note on Reproducible Research ...............................................................................................................239
12.3 Targeted Minimum Loss-Based Estimation..............................................................................................................240
12.3.1 TMLE for Estimating a Marginal Mean Outcome Under Missingness ..................................................241
12.3.2 TMLE for Point Treatment Effect Estimation .............................................................................................243 Point Treatment Estimation When Some Outcomes Are Not Observed ..............................244 Additional Remarks.......................................................................................................................244
12.3.3 TMLE for Longitudinal Treatment Regimes...............................................................................................245 Longitudinal TMLE to Estimate the Conditional Mean Outcome of a Multiple Time
Point Intervention ..........................................................................................................................246 Two Time-Point Example .............................................................................................................247 Extensions: Dynamic Regimes and Marginal Structural Models ...........................................248
12.4 Applications in Health Care Research.......................................................................................................................250
12.5 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................251
12.6 Open Problems and Future Directions......................................................................................................................251
References ................................................................................................................................................................................252

Targeted learning (TL) is a paradigm for transforming

12.1 Introduction data into reliable, actionable knowledge [96]. TL relies on
two core analytic methodologies, super learning (SL), a
The increasing availability of electronic data provides an
data-adaptive approach to predictive modeling, and
unprecedented opportunity to gain insight into the world
targeted minimum loss-based estimation (TMLE), an effi-
around us. Learning from data requires care and expertise,
cient double-robust semi-parametric substitution esti-
yet careful analysis can meet the information need,
mator. The combination of SL and TMLE produces
whether the underlying goal is prediction, classification,
parameter estimates that have a clear interpretation and
estimation, hypothesis testing, or hypothesis generation
relevance for addressing the motivating question.
(data mining). Statistical analyses provide evidence of
TL was developed by Mark van der Laan and col-
real-world associations in the form of estimates and mea-
leagues at the University of California at Berkeley,
sures of uncertainty. Obtaining an unbiased and efficient
beginning with a seminal 2006 paper on targeted
estimate of a statistical parameter of interest necessitates
maximum likelihood estimation [97]. Multi-disciplinary
accounting for potential bias introduced through sources
research provided the early foundation for TL, including
such as model misspecification, informative treatment
groundbreaking work in statistical causal inference by
assignment, and missingness in the outcome data.
Robins and colleagues [6,31,57,62,64,76,95] and Pearl

236 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

[46], in semi-parametric efficiency theory [7,19,30,33], binary outcomes, while epidemiologists use logistic
and in machine learning [2,8,86,98,100]. regression. There is no real reason to prefer one of these
The goal of this chapter is to introduce key concepts in models over the other, and of course neither might be
TL. Although the mathematical foundations of TL apply correct. In general, an estimator that relies on a mis-
universally, the majority of published applications of TL specified model produces asymptotically biased results.
address issues in health-related research. Terminology This means that as more and more data are available to fit
and motivating examples in this chapter are drawn from the model, the estimate converges to the wrong number.
the biostatistics literature. TL has also been applied to A dramatic consequence is that as more data become
problems in economics, web-based advertising, and available, a test of a true null hypothesis will be rejected
online music sales [35,38,74,83,96]. with probability tending to 1. Despite this, in many fields,
an applied statistical analysis consists of fitting parame-
12.1.1 TL Estimation Roadmap ters of a parametric model from a well-studied family.
The effects of model misspecification are attenuated
The TL estimation roadmap provides a systematic guide when estimator variance overshadows bias. However,
to extracting knowledge from data (Figure 12.1) [96]. in this era of increasingly large-scale data, bias can more
We view observed data as a random draw from some often swamp variance. Naive analyses will produce a
underlying distribution, P0. The knowledge we seek narrow confidence interval around a biased point esti-
corresponds to parameters of P0. A crucial first step in mate that is erroneously interpreted as the truth. This is
learning from data is understanding the goal(s) of the strong motivation to pursue better alternatives. The TL
research. After articulating a precise substantive ques- framework respects statistical and domain knowledge
tion, the next task is translating it into a statistical by defining M such that it contains the true P0. In the
question that can be informed by data. This process absence of true knowledge, M can be defined non-
ensures that evaluating a well-defined parameter of the parametrically, assuming independence among units of
data distribution provides information relevant to the observation. When true domain knowledge exists,
substantive goal. Posing and refining these questions restricting M based on this knowledge makes sense. For
may be an iterative activity that depends on the suit- example, when the outcome is known to respect global
ability of the available data. Once these elements are in bounds or subject-level conditional bounds, constraining
place, estimating the target parameter becomes a matter the set of possible probability distributions under con-
of applying the appropriate tools and methodology. sideration improves finite sample bias and variance
Step 1 of the roadmap is defining the collection of [4,22,23].
possible probability distributions of the data that deline- Step 2 of the roadmap conceptually defines a target
ate the solution space. This is known as the statistical full
parameter, y 0 , in terms of the distribution of full data,
model M. It is logical to define M in a way that ensures P0 full
is a member; however, this is not standard statistical X full ∼ P 0 , which is only partially observable. This
practice. M is typically chosen by default based on the obliges us to precisely define y 0 non-parametrically,
type of outcome. Conventions differ across disciplines. independent of the choice of model or estimator. To
Econometricians favor probit regression when modeling make this concrete, consider evaluating the impact of a

Estimation roadmap
Step 1. Define a statistical model, , that contains the true distribution
of the data, P0.
Step 2. Define the target parameter of interest, Ψ full
0 , as a feature of a
full data distribution P full
Step 3. Specify a mapping from the observed data to the full data,
Ψ:M d such that under explicitly stated identifying

assumptions Ψ full
0 = Ψ(P0).

Step 4. Estimation and inference of statistical parameter Ψ0 = Ψ(P0)

using super learning and targeted minimum loss based estimation.
Step 5. Provide a considered interpretation of the result.

TL estimation roadmap.
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 237

treatment, A, on an outcome Y. Under the Neyman– used to model the regression of Y on A and W, and any of
Rubin counterfactual framework, the potential outcomes the functions comprising the NPSEM. When the goal is
under each possible level of treatment are presumed to estimating a causal contrast or variable importance
exist [73]. These potential (or counterfactual) outcomes measure, SL and TMLE are combined for robust, efficient
Y0 and Y1 correspond to the values that would have been estimation of the target parameter. SL is used on its own
observed had we intervened to withhold treatment from when the end goal is purely individual-level prediction
the entire population, or alternatively exposing everyone or classification. The remainder of this chapter describes
to treatment, respectively. The full data contain infor- the fundamentals of SL and TMLE in detail, and illus-
mation on both counterfactual outcomes, X full = (W, Y0, trates their use in practice.
Y1). The marginal additive treatment effect (ATE) is Step 5 is the culmination of the process. Analytical
easily defined as the expectation of the difference in results obtained after following Steps 1–4 have a clear
counterfactual outcomes, E (Y1 − Y0). statistical interpretation and relevance to the substantive
Another way to conceptualize the full data is in terms question. The validity of a causal interpretation rests on
of a non-parametric structural equation model (NPSEM) the extent to which the identifying assumptions hold.
[44]. A NPSEM is a system of equations describing the In summary, the roadmap teaches us to formulate a
true data-generating mechanism. The NPSEM describes statistical question, define a parameter of the full data
the structure of relationships in the data without distribution that would successfully address this ques-
imposing a priori parametric assumptions. For example, tion, and state the assumptions under which this
consider the following NPSEM: W = fW (UW), A = fA (W, parameter can be identified from data. Together with the
UA), Y = fY (W, A, UY), where UW, UA, and UY are statistical model, this defines our statistical estimand. SL
exogenous error terms. This specification indicates that and TMLE provide efficient unbiased estimation of these
while W is a possible cause of A, Y is certainly not. It also statistical parameters. Following the roadmap facilitates
indicates that both A and W are possible causes of Y. communication among multi-disciplinary collaborators,
Counterfactual outcomes Y0 and Y1 correspond to values who can weigh in at each step in the process. In this way
obtained by evaluating the function fY (W, A, UY) with A the data analysis is directly tied to the substantive goals
set to the appropriate value. This paradigm also allows of the study.
us to express our statistical question directly in terms of a
parameter of P 0 .
The data to which we have access is a coarsened
version of the full data that contains less information. In
real life, each of our n subjects is either treated or not at a
particular point in time. The single outcome recorded in
12.2 Super Learning
the data for each subject arises subsequent to the
observed treatment. Observed data thus consist of n SL provides a flexible approach to predictive modeling
independent and identically distributed observations, and classification that places fewer restrictions on M
O1, … , On of O = (W, A, Y) ∼ P0, where W is a vector of than traditional parametric modeling [94]. If we knew
baseline covariates, A is a binary indicator of exposure to the true functional form of the the relationship between
a treatment or intervention of interest, and Y is the the outcome and the predictors, this is the model we
outcome observed under the recorded exposure. P0 is the would fit. However, because the true P0 is always
underlying joint distribution of the observed data. unknown, the optimal modeling procedure cannot be
Step 3 of the road map requires the analyst to specified in advance. SL is a data-adaptive stacked
explicitly establish links between the full and observed ensemble machine learning algorithm. In lieu of impos-
data. These identifying assumptions are conditions under ing a single parametric regression model, or even a
which the target parameter can be estimated from single data-adaptive procedure, SL provides a way to
data under the assumed statistical model. Identifying explore a larger portion of the space of possible proba-
assumptions establish the correspondence between a bility distributions of the data.
parameter of the distribution of the observed data, P0(O), The machine learning literature teaches that an alter-
and the target parameter defined in terms of the full native to relying on a single parametric model is to
data. For example, under causal assumptions described combine predictions from multiple models [8,86,100], or
in Section 12.3, the ATE parameter is equivalent to the more generally from multiple predictive algorithms
statistical parameter y0 = Y0 (O) = EW [E (Y|A = 1, W) − E [2,51]. SL is an example of the latter. The analyst
(Y|A = 0, W)]. assembles a collection of prediction algorithms known as
Step 4 of the road map is concerned with efficient a library and uses SL to estimate the conditional mean
unbiased estimation of the statistical parameter. SL is outcome (or classification). SL predictions are a weighted
used for data-driven predictive modeling. SL can be combination of the predictions from each algorithm in
238 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

the library. Alternatively, predicted SL values can be set Step 4: Propose a family of weighted combinations of
equal to those produced by the single best performing candidate estimators indexed by a, m(zja) = ^ k,
ak Y
algorithm in the library. This is known as discrete SL. XK k=1
SL relies on proven properties of V-fold cross-validation subject to the constraints ak ≥ 0 ∀k and a = 1.
k=1 k
to produce asymptotically optimal predictions, with Calculate the contribution of each algorithm to the final
respect to the collection available in a specified predic- prediction (a ^K ) by determining a
^1 , …, a ^ that minimizes
tion algorithm library. SL converges to the true data the cross-validated risk, such as
model when the library algorithms search over the
correct portion of the solution space. If no combination of X

candidates is consistent, SL will converge to the mini- ^ = arg min

a ðYi − m(zi ja)Þ2 ,
mizer of the cross-validated risk, defined as the expec-
tation of a loss function, L (O), such as the negative log XK
likelihood [52,94,98]. If one of the prediction algorithms subject to the constraints, ak ≥ 0 ∀k, and k=1
= 1, where
converges at a parametric rate to the truth, SL will con- ^
zi is the vector of predicted values (Yi1 , …, Y
Val ^ Val ) for
verge at almost the parametric rate of log (n)/n. If none subject i from the ith row of prediction matrix Z.
of the prediction algorithms converge at a parametric Step 5: Evaluate the SL predictions
rate to the true model, SL will be asymptotically equiv-
alent to an oracle algorithm that can accurately evaluate X
the loss function with respect to the truth [3,90,94]. ^ SL =
Y ^k z0k ,

12.2.1 SL Algorithm where z0k is column k of the Z′ prediction matrix obtained

in Step 1.
Given data consisting of n observations O = (Y, X), SL Discrete SL involves only a slight modification to
provides an estimate of the conditional expectation, Step 4. The discrete SL is evaluated by setting a ^k = 0 for
E[Y|X]. Continuing the example from above, Y might be all but a single algorithm, Algk*, that minimizes the cross-
a health outcome of interest and the set of predictors X Xn
∗ 2
validated risk, e.g., k = arg min i=1 (Yi − Z½k, i) . Ties
include treatment indicator A and covariates W. The k
ensemble SL uses the following algorithm [52]. can be decided arbitrarily.
Cross-validation is the key to avoiding the general
tendency of data-adaptive procedures to overfit the data.
Initializations: Define the ensemble library {Alg1, … , Overfitting occurs when the model fit responds to noise
AlgK}, where K is the number of algorithms in the library. in the data beyond the true signal. Overfitting worsens
Step 1: Train each algorithm (Alg1, … , AlgK) using all n predictive accuracy for novel inputs. Cross-validated
observations, and obtain predicted values, risk is based on the loss for observations that were
excluded from data used to fit the model. An algorithm
2 3 that overfits to the data may minimize empirical risk, but
^ 11 … Y
Y ^ 1K
6 7 will have poor cross-validated risk. This performance
Z0 = 6
4 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 5
7 : degradation will be reflected in the weights calculated in
^ nK nK
^ n1 … Y Step 4. An algorithm that overfits might contribute little
or nothing to SL predictions.
Step 2: Create V equal-sized partitions of the data
indexed by v ∈ 1, … , V. For each v, this defines two
disjoint sets: training set Tr(v) contains all observations 12.2.2 SL in Practice
except those in partition v, and validation set Val(v),
containing observations in partition v. A data analyst can harness the power of SL by using a
Step 3: For each v, train each algorithm on Tr(v) and flexible, extensible R package, SuperLearner [53,54].
obtain predicted values for observations in Val(v), yield- Perhaps the biggest decision facing a data analyst is
ing a matrix of predictions containing one predicted deciding what algorithms to include in the SL library.
value per observation for each algorithm, Theory encourages a rich library containing many
2 Val 3 algorithms (polynomial in sample size). Ideally, these
^ 11 … Y
Y ^ Val
1L algorithms would be capable of modeling distributions P
6 7 spanning all of M. In practice, theoretical and practical
Z=6 4 ⋱ ⋱ ⋱ 5
7 :
considerations will inform the decision, and perhaps
^ n1 … Y
Y Val ^ nK nK
restrict the search to a portion of the solution space.
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 239

Algorithms that run quickly and are easy to interpret are example, cross-validated squared error loss rewards
attractive candidates, but a more diverse library will predictive accuracy. Cross-validated area under the
typically offer a better trade-off between search quality receiver operating curve rewards discrimination, so is
and computation time. A rich library of prediction appropriate for a classification task.
algorithms weakens modeling assumptions. This should Cross-validated risk provides a sound basis for com-
improve the fit of the model as long as measured paring the performance of individual algorithms in the
covariates in the data include important predictors of the library, with larger values indicating poorer fit. The
outcome. In published SL applications, the library typi- weights calculated in Step 4 cannot be interpreted as
cally contains a mixture of non-parametric, parametric, measures of relative performance. To see this, consider
and semi-parametric procedures, some of which are an extreme example where the library consisted of
themselves data-adaptive [50,70]. Algorithms applied in exactly two algorithms, Alg1 and Alg2, that produce
the literature include logistic regression, penalized identical predictions. In Step 4, Alg1 would receive a
regression, neural nets, k-nearest neighbor algorithms, weight of 1 while Alg2 would receive a weight of 0.
and boosted or Bayesian classification and regression Clearly, Alg2 is in no way inferior to Alg1. Rather, the
trees and generalized additive models [10,13,17,29,39, weight of 0 reflects the fact that no combination of Alg1
56,99]. When the response variable is a highly non-linear and Alg2 predictions can improve the fit relative to pre-
function of the covariates, procedures that avoid mod- dictions from Alg1 alone. The set of weights is a function
eling the functional form directly might achieve more of the data and all the algorithms in the SL library col-
success than those that do not [28,36]. lectively. The weights do not reflect the goodness of fit of
In large datasets there is tension between carrying out each individual algorithm.
a computationally intensive search over the solution
space and the feasibility of such a search in practice.
Computation time and space increase with the dimen- 12.2.3 A Note on Reproducible Research
sion of the data, the size of the dataset, and the number Randomness in SL stems from the inclusion of data-
of algorithms in the library. Several alternatives to adaptive algorithms in the SL library and from the con-
pruning the library exist when the empirical distribution struction of cross-validation splits. For this reason, SL
of a subset of the data closely resembles that of all the results typically vary from one run to the next. For
data, as in many of today’s big data problems. One analysts accustomed to running parametric regressions
obvious approach is to obtain fitted values for all that always produce the same answer when presented
observations from a super learner trained on only a with the same data, this behavior can be unnerving. If
subset of observations [14,75]. Another is to train the repeated SL runs produce different results, they wonder
models on one subset of the data and evaluate fit on the how to decide which result to report. Instead of viewing
remaining hold-out test set [20]. The SuperLearner this as a drawback of machine learning, we can view it as
package also offers a built-in parallel processing option a wake-up call. Variability is inherent in statistical
that speeds execution time when multiple computing analyses of data sampled from a population. We expect
cores are available. to get slightly different parameter estimates if we used
A second choice facing the analyst is how to choose the two separate independent samples drawn from the same
number of cross-validation folds, V. Heuristics suggest population to fit the model. Neither fit is more or less
V should be set somewhere between 3 and 20, with correct than the other. They provide complementary
larger values being more appropriate when the size of information that can be considered jointly, or summa-
the dataset is small [1,91]. Increasing V increases the rized through meta-analysis or pooling the data. In
number of observations in the training sample, which in practice, predictions can be averaged over multiple SL
turn stabilizes the model fits across folds, leading to runs until stability is achieved.
improved performance. The commensurate decrease in Analytical results will not change substantially from
the size of the validation set is less problematic in prac- one SL run to the next when there is sufficient informa-
tice. Of course, when the number of observations in the tion in the data. If there are important inconsistencies in
dataset is quite large, this is a moot point, since the true performance, then there is a lack of information in the
distribution of the data is well captured by the empirical data for predicting the outcome. In a parametric set-
distribution of the data in both the training and valida- ting, the sparsity of information may be less apparent.
tion sets. When the dataset is small relative to its inher- Nevertheless, in these situations, modeling assumptions
ent variability, increasing V will noticeably improve are driving the analysis, not data. Stability is a function
performance. of the underlying distribution of the data, sample size,
A valid loss function is one that is minimized at the and characteristics of the algorithm such as its own level
truth. The scientific goal can be taken into account. For of data adaptivity [2,9]. SL’s degree of data adaptivity is
240 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

largely a function of the composition of the library. Data- evaluate predicted values under both levels of exposure,
adaptive methodologies by their very nature respond to  n (0, W) and Q
Q  n (1, W). One option is to plug these values
information in the data. Their use encourages us to directly into the mapping. The parameter estimate, yn, is
explicitly acknowledge the variability inherent in rea- evaluated by taking the mean difference over all obser-
soning from incomplete information. vations in the data (n signifies a quantity estimated from
A core tenet of reproducible research is that study data). However, if SL is misspecified, yn will be a biased
results should be verifiable and replicable [18,47]. estimate of y0. TMLE can make use of information in g to
Reproducibility and verifiability of SL results are reduce this bias. In fact, TMLE will be consistent if either
accomplished by setting a random seed prior to invoking Q or g is correct. This property is known as double
the function, reporting this value, and citing all software robustness (DR).
environments and packages used in the analysis, The key to DR lies in solving the efficient influence
including version numbers. These measures promote curve estimating equation. Theory tells us that an effi-
transparency and scientific integrity. cient regular asymptotically linear RAL estimator solves
the efficient influence curve equation for the target
parameter up to a second-order term [7]. An influence
curve, or influence function, describes the behavior of an
estimator under slight perturbations in the distribution
of the data. Hampel [27] described the influence curve as
12.3 Targeted Minimum Loss-Based Estimation the first derivative of an estimator, viewed as a func-
tional, at some distribution in an infinite-dimensional
TMLE is a procedure for estimating any pathwise dif-
space. Operationally, the influence function can be used
ferentiable parameter of a distribution of the data, such
as an estimating equation to evaluate a statistical
as casual effect or statistical association [97]. Recall from
parameter of interest [95]. Different estimators of the
the roadmap that the parameter is defined as a mapping
same quantity may be characterized by different influ-
from data to a scalar, or to a higher dimensional real
ence functions. Unique among these influence functions
number. Although SL predictions could be directly
is the one with the smallest variance. This is known as
plugged into this parameter mapping, applying TMLE
the efficient influence function, D*(P) .
will often reduce bias and variance in the target
Robins and Rotnitzky developed the first DR estima-
parameter estimate. This is particularly true in high
tor, an augmented inverse probability weighted (A-IPW)
dimensional settings when our target parameter is a low-
estimator that uses D*(P) as an estimating equation by
dimensional feature of the data. While SL and other
setting its empirical mean to 0 and solving for yX n. We
maximum likelihood estimation–based procedures n
optimize a global bias variance trade-off, TMLE aims to write this as Pn (D*(P)) = 0, where Pn denotes 1=n i=1 .
make a more favorable trade-off with respect to the This approach requires that such an estimating function
target statistical parameter, y0. TMLE also provides representation exists, while TMLE does not [64,67,68].
insurance against bias due to model misspecification if Like TMLE, A-IPW is consistent if either Q or g is cor-
despite our best efforts SL is somewhat misspecified. rectly specified, and locally efficient when both models
The distribution of the data, P0, can be expressed as are correct. Unlike TMLE, it is not a substitution esti-
P0 = (Q0, g0), where Q0 denotes the components required mator, and in some circumstances will produce esti-
to evaluate the defined mapping and g0 denotes the mates outside the bounds of the statistical model.
remaining components of the likelihood. Restated, we TMLE views the efficient influence curve as a path
define Q so that Y (P0) = Y1 (Q0 (P)) for some Y1, i.e., instead of an estimating equation [97]. This allows TMLE
knowledge about Q0 is sufficient for evaluating y0. For to be applied for estimation of parameters where the
example, the ATE parameter is given by y0 = EW [E (Y| estimating equation is not solvable in y. Formal proofs,
A = 1, W) − E (Y|A = 0, W)]. For this parameter, Q0 derivations, and instructions on how to construct a
corresponds to the distribution of the outcome condi- TMLE for a novel parameter are presented elsewhere
tional on A and W, and the distribution of W, while g [72,96]. The focus here is on how to use TMLE to estimate
refers to the distribution of A given W. If we knew Q0, we parameters that are often of interest to health care
would know the mean outcome for each subject under researchers.
both levels of treatment and could evaluate the param- A series of examples is provided that illustrates the
eter directly. Since we do not know Q0, we must estimate application of TMLE in increasingly complex settings. The
it from data. core principles of TMLE remain the same in each setting.
We use SL to model the conditional mean outcome TMLE consists of two stages. Stage 1 is concerned with
E (Y|A, W). This would give us a model of the condi- obtaining the initial estimate of Q, denoted as Q0n . Stage 2
tional mean outcome, Q  n (A, W) from which we could produces a targeted estimate, Q∗n , that uses information
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 241

in g to update the initial Q0n . The parameter is evaluated there is a positive probability of observing the outcome
by plugging Q∗n into the mapping. More formally, the within every strata defined by W, P (D = 1 | W) > 0, ∀ W.
general requirements for TMLE are (1) an initial estimate A final consistency assumption states that the observed
of the relevant Q portion of P0 needed to evaluate the Y equals the counterfactual value YD=1 that would have
target parameter mapping; (2) a loss function L(Q) that is been observed had there been no missingness in the
minimized at the truth, Q0 = argmin EL(Q)(O); and (3) a data. Under these assumptions, the statistical parameter
Q∈Q corresponding to our causal parameter of interest is
parametric submodel, Q0ng (ϵ), with parameter ϵ. ϵ satis- defined as y = EW [E (DY|D = 1, W)] [45].

d  The observed data likelihood factorizes as P0 (O) = P0
fies L(Qng (ϵ))(O)  = D∗ (Q0n , g)(O), where D*(Q0,g0)
(DY|D = 1, W) P0 (D | W) P0 (W). The first and third
dϵ ϵ=0
(equivalently, D*(P0)) is the efficient influence curve of Y: factors of the likelihood are required to evaluate the
M → I R at P0. parameter, and thus Q = (QY, QW). Nuisance parameter
g is the second factor of the likelihood.
The first ingredient for a TMLE is an initial estimate of
12.3.1 TMLE for Estimating a Marginal Mean Outcome the components of Q. Although QY refers to the entire
Under Missingness density of Y, we see that only a consistent estimate of
A problem that frequently arises when analyzing study the conditional mean outcome under no missingness is
data is that the outcome may not have been ascertained required to evaluate this parameter. This conditional mean
is denoted by Q(W) = E(YjD = 1, W). Although many
for some study members. A naive estimator that con-
siders only complete cases is inefficient and will be analysts would use linear or logistic regression to model

Q(W), the road map promotes the use of SL to reduce the
biased when missingness is informative. When infor-
mation is available in the measured covariates, W, TMLE opportunity for model misspecification bias. QW is con-
can reduce bias and variance. The causal inference lit- sistently estimated non-parametrically by the empirical
erature distinguishes among three forms of missingness. distribution of covariates W. Stage 1 of TMLE is complete
upon obtaining these initial estimates, (Q n (W), QW ).
Missingness that is independent of the outcome is n

known as missing completely at random (MCAR). Stage 2 requires us to specify a parametric submodel
Missingness that is a function of only measured covari- and loss function that is minimized at the truth. The goal
ates is known as missing at random (MAR). Missingness of this second stage is to fluctuate the initial estimate in a
that is a function of some unmeasured covariates is manner that reduces bias in the parameter estimate. This
known as missing not at random (MNAR) [37]. A TMLE fluctuation must be carefully designed to ensure that the
for estimating parameters when data are MNAR uses an empirical mean of the efficient influence curve for the
instrumental variables approach [87]. This chapter target parameter is equal to 0. The efficient influence
focuses on applications of TMLE to data that are MCAR function for this parameter is given by
and MAR. This is also known as data that are coarsened 
at random (CAR) [19,33]. 
D∗ (P) = H(D, W) DY − Q(W) 
+ Q(W) − y, (12.1)
The full data are given by Xfull = (YD=1, W), where YD=1
is the value of the outcome when, perhaps contrary to where H (D, W) = (D) / g (D, W), missingness mechanism
fact, the outcome is observed. Our parameter of interest g (D, W) = P (D = 1 | W) is the conditional probability of
is the marginal mean outcome defined in terms of full observing the outcome, Q(W)  is the mean outcome
data by the mapping Y(P 0 ) = E(YD=1 ). Access to Xfull conditional on W, Q(W)  = E(YjD = 1, W), and y is the
would allow us to evaluate the marginal mean outcome parameter of interest [64]. We define a submodel logit
by simply taking the mean of Y over all observations. Q  0n (W) + ϵH(D, W). This submodel speci-
 ∗n (W) = logit Q
Because we only have access to the observed data, this fies that we will fluctuate the initial estimate of the
estimator is not available in practice, since in the conditional mean outcome, Q  0n (W), on the logit scale by
observed data, some outcomes are missing. The adding a term that is a function of the nuisance param-
observed data consist of n independent and identically eter, g. Fluctuation parameter e will be fit by maximum
distributed (i.i.d.) observations of O = (DY, D, W) ∼ P0, likelihood, i.e., by minimizing the negative log likeli-
where D is a binary missingness indicator that takes on hood loss function.
the value 1 when the outcome is observed. The full data Sample R code shows how these ingredients can be
parameter is identifiable when we assume the data are used to estimate the marginal mean outcome when
CAR, such that D ⊥ Xfull|W. This conditional exchangea- some outcomes are missing (Figure 12.2). This code is
bility assumption states that there are no unmeasured deliberately kept simple. A more sophisticated imple-
causes of both missingness and the outcome. Identi- mentation that incorporates SL is available in an open
fiability also requires a positivity assumption stating that source R package, tmle. The package also provides
242 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

1. n <- 1000

2. W1 <- rnorm(n)

3. W2 <- rnorm(n)

4. W3 <- rnorm(n)

5. Delta <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(-0.5 + 0.2 * W1 + 0.5 * W2))

6. Y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(-1 + 0.1 * W1 + 0.5 * W2 - 0.3 * W3))

7. Y[Delta == 0] <- NA

8. m.mis <- glm(Y ~ W1 + W3, family = binomial, subset = Delta == 1)

9. Q.mis <- predict(m.mis, newdata = data.frame(W1, W3))

10. g <- glm(Delta ~ W1 + W2, family = binomial)

11. g1W <- predict(g, type = "response")

12. h <- 1/g1W

13. epsilon <- coef(glm(Y ~ -1 + h + offset(Q.mis), family = binomial,

subset = Delta == 1))

14. Qstar <- plogis(Q.mis + epsilon * h)

15. psi <- mean(Qstar)

R code for using TMLE to estimate the marginal mean outcome when some outcomes are missing.

TMLEs for estimating a variety of point treatment efficient. It is important to avoid overfitting Q  0n , as this
parameters [24,25]. attenuates the signal in the residuals that is needed for
The data for this example are generated such that the bias reduction. Targeted estimates of the conditional
outcome is a function of (W1, W2, W3) , and missingness mean outcome, Q  ∗n (W), are obtained on line 14. The
is a function of W1 and W2 (lines 1–7). Estimation of Q  0n TMLE is evaluated by plugging Q  ∗n into the mapping for
(line 8) is deliberately based on a misspecified outcome y (line 15). The expectation in the mapping is approxi-
regression model (line 8). This was done in order to mated by the empirical mean over all observations in
demonstrate the ability of TMLE’s Stage 2 to reduce the data.
bias. A preliminary evaluation of the plug-in estimator The covariate H is parameter-specific. Recall that
of y0 based on these initial predicted values would be the efficient influence function for this target parameter
biased, since the model omits confounder W2 The is given by D∗ (P) = H(D, W)½DY − Q(W)  
+ Q(W) −y
covariate H (D, W) = 1 / g (1, W) is evaluated based on the (Equation 12.1). The maximum X likelihood procedure to
estimated missingness probabilities g (1, W) = P (D = 1|W) fit e solves score equation 
H(D, W)½DY − Q(W) = 0,
(lines 10–12). SL could be used in place of logistic ensuring the first term in Equation 12.1 has mean 0. By
regression on line 10. e is fit using a univariate logistic construction, Q  ∗n (W) − yn has mean 0. Thus, convergence
regression of DY on H (D, W) with offset logit Q  0n (W) and when fitting e implicitly guarantees the TMLE solves the
no intercept. The model is fit on observations where the empirical efficient influence curve estimating equation
outcome is observed, D = 1 (line 13). The magnitude of ^ϵ Pn (D*(P)) = 0, which confers DR.
reflects the degree of residual bias in the target param- When both Q and g are correctly specified, TMLE is
eter estimate. For example, when Q  0n is correct, ^ϵ is locally efficient. The variance of the parameter estimate
essentially 0; however, even this small fluctuation can can be estimated analytically as var (D*(P))/n, and used
reduce variance if the initial estimator of Q  0 was not to construct a confidence interval or Wald-type test
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 243

statistic for hypothesis testing. In a repeated measures Assumptions of consistency, conditional exchange-
dataset where data are not i.i.d., the variance is calcu- ability, and positivity allow us to define a two-
lated as the mean with respect to the number of inde- dimensional statistical estimand, y = (yY1 , yY0 ), where
pendent units, where each unit’s contribution is its mean yY1 = E(YjA = 1, W) and yY0 = E(YjA = 0, W). The con-
contribution to the IC among observations sharing a sistency assumption states that the outcome in the data
common group identifier. Although SL was not used in for a subject with exposure A = a corresponds to the
this example, note that even when SL is used to estimate counterfactual outcome Ya. Conditional exchangeability
the outcome regression, the analytic variance is valid is an assumption of no unmeasured confounding that is
because there is no contribution to the influence function satisfied when data are CAR, A, D ⊥ Xfull|W. These two
from the estimation of Q. assumptions are untestable from data. The positivity
The true marginal mean outcome under the data assumption requires that within strata defined by W,
generating mechanism shown Figure 12.2 (lines 1–7) is there is a non-zero probability of receiving treatment at
y0 = 0.2832. In a Monte Carlo simulation study with the all levels, a ∈ 0, 1. Conceptually, this requirement guards
random seed set to 10, the average TMLE over 1000 against a complete lack of support in the data for esti-
replicates was yn = 0.2833. In contrast, the average esti- mating the desired causal effect.
mate based on the misspecified outcome regression A TMLE to estimate the effect of a binary point treat-
model, ymis = expit (Q.mis), was 0.3108. Mean squared ment begins by obtaining Stage 1 estimates of counter-
error (MSE) for the biased estimator was more than factual outcomes under A = 0 and A = 1 for all
double that of the TMLE (0.0013 versus 0.0005). These observations, Q  0n (1, W), respectively. SL is
 0n (0, W) and Q
simulation study results demonstrate the advantage of ideally suited for this task. In Stage 2, we will target μ0
using a DR estimator that can remain unbiased when g and μ1 simultaneously. This is accomplished by defining
is correctly specified, despite utilizing a misspecified a submodel with a two-dimensional parameter, ϵ = (ϵ0,
 0n .
initial Q ϵ1). The TMLE targeting step for updating Q  0n with
respect to (E (Y1) , E (Y0)) is as follows:
12.3.2 TMLE for Point Treatment Effect Estimation  ∗n (A, W) = logit Q
 0n (A, W) + ^ϵ0 H0 (A, W)
logit Q
A slightly more complex example involves comparing
the impact of one treatment versus another (or no + ^ϵ1 H1 (A, W),
treatment) on an outcome. In this section, we consider
TMLEs to estimate these point treatment effects. For I(A = 0) I(A = 1)
where H0 (A, W) = , and H1 (A, W) = : A
simplicity, the discussion focuses on binary treatments, g(0jW) g(1jW)
but TMLEs for categorical and continuous treatments side effect of fitting ϵ by maximum likelihood is solving
have also been developed [12,24]. the efficient influence curve estimating equation for each
Marginal treatment effects can be expressed as causal component of our two-dimensional y. Thus, the TMLE
contrasts of marginal mean outcomes under different will be consistent if either Q or g is correctly specified.
levels of exposure. Let μ1 = E0 (Y1) and μ0 = E0 (Y0) be Targeted estimates of the counterfactual outcomes for
the true marginal mean outcomes under exposure to the each subject are obtained by evaluating
treatment of interest, A = 1, and no exposure to the
treatment of interest, A = 0. The ATE parameter previ- logit Q  0n (1, W) + ^ϵ0 H0 (0, W),
 ∗n (0, W) = logit Q
ously discussed can be expressed as μ1 − μ0. The relative
risk (RR = μ1/μ0,) and odds ratio (OR = μ1 (1 − μ0)/  ∗n (1, W) = logit Q
logit Q  0n (0, W) + ^ϵ1 H1 (1, W):
[μ0 (1 − μ1)]) are defined for binary outcomes. These
parameters are easily evaluated when μ1 and μ0 are Finally, we set ynY0 = Pn (Q ∗n (0, W)), and ynY = Pn (Q
known. Identifying assumptions will allow us to equate (1, W)). These estimates of μ0 and μ1 are then plugged
these parameters with statistical parameters that can be into the appropriate formula for the parameter of inter-
estimated from observed data. est, ATE, RR, or OR.
The observed data for this type of problem consist It is also possible to directly target a specific causal
of n i.i.d. copies of O = (Y, A, W). Outcome Y that contrast by specifying an appropriate parameter-specific
arises under exposure A is observed when D = 1. A submodel and loss function. Consider the ATE param-
factorization of the likelihood is given by P (O) = P (Y| eter whose efficient influence function is given by
A, W) P (A|W) P (W). As in the previous example, Q = 
(QY, QW). In this context, g = P (A|W), the conditional 
D∗ (P) = H(A, W) Y − Q(A,  W)
W) + Q(1,
probability of receiving treatment, also known as the
propensity score [71].  W) − y ,
− Q(0, (12.2)
244 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

A 1−A treatment for each subject, Q  0n (1, W) and Q

 0n (0, W).
with H(A, W) = − [97]. Our goal is to
g(1, W) 1 − g(1, W) The models are fit using observations where D = 1. We
define a submodel with a single fluctuation parameter, e, obtain predicted values Q  0n (1, W) from this model for all
such that the ^ϵ minimizing the empirical loss function subjects when exposure is set to A = 1. Next, we obtain
also solves the empirical efficient influence function predicted values Q  0n (0, W) by setting exposure A = 0 for
equation, Pn (D*(P)) = 0. We will do this by ensuring that all subjects.
two separate components of Equation 12.2 that are In Stage 2, yY1 and yY0 can be targeted simultaneously.
summed together each has mean 0. Because TMLE is  0n (A, W) + ϵ0 H0 (D, A, W)
 ∗n (A, W) = logit Q
 ∗n (1, logit Q
a substitution estimator, it is the case that yn = Pn (Q
W) − Qn (0, W). This indicates that the last three terms on + ϵ1 H1 (D, A, W),
the right-hand side of Equation 12.2 have mean 0. By
arranging the first term in Equation 12.2 to also have D I(A = 0)
where H0 (D, A, W) =  , and H1 (D,
mean 0, we guarantee the entire equation has mean 0. We P(D = 1jA, W) g(0jW)
arrange this by defining the submodel logit Q  ∗n (A, W) = D I(A = 1)
A, W) =  : The regression is fit
 n (A, W) + ϵH(A, W), and fitting ϵ by maximum
logit Q 0 P(D = 1jA, W) g(1jW)
likelihood. The score equation solved by fitting a logistic using observations where D = 1. Targeted estimates are
regression model to the data corresponds to the first term obtained by evaluating
in Equation 1.2. Convergence ensures this term has mean  ∗n (0, W) = logit Q
 0n (1, W) + ^ϵ0 H0 (1, 0, W),
 ∗n . The update is given by Q  ∗n (0, logit Q
zero at the updated Q
W) = expit flogit Q  n (0, W) − ^ϵ=½1 − g(1, W)g, and Q
0  ∗n (1,  ∗n (1, W) = logit Q
 0n (0, W) + ^ϵ1 H1 (1, 1, W):
logit Q
W) = expitflogit Q  0n (1, W) + ^ϵ=g(1, W)g. This example
demonstrates that the TMLE for the ATE parameter is Consistency of the TMLE is predicated on consistent
double robust. One could instead target the RR or OR estimation of either both Q factors or both g factors.
parameter directly. The influence functions for these
parameters are slightly more complicated. Mathematical
convergence requires multiple iterations of the targeting Additional Remarks
step, but is certainly feasible [24]. Near violations of the positivity assumption. If there is some
combination of characteristics in W for which treatment
is very likely (or very unlikely), then there will be some Point Treatment Estimation When Some
strata of W for which the propensity score g(1, W) is close
Outcomes Are Not Observed
to 0 or 1. Because both g(1, W) and (1 − g (1, W)) are in the
The next example combines the previous two scenarios denominator of fluctuation covariate H, this de-stabilizes
by showing how TMLE can be used to estimate a point the estimator. This near violation of the positivity
treatment effect when some outcomes are missing. The assumption signals a sparsity of information for evalu-
observed data for this type of problem consist of n i.i.d. ating the desired causal contrast. Practitioners some-
copies of O = (DY, D, A, W). Outcome Y that arises under times choose to deal with this issue by trimming the
exposure A is observed only when D = 1. The distribution population to exclude observations in these problematic
of the data factorizes as P (O) = P (Y|D = 1, A, W) P (D| strata. This re-frames the question in terms of a different
A, W) P (A|W) P (W). As in the earlier examples, Q = target population having a different distribution of (A,
(QY, QW), but g now has two components, g = (gD, gA), W). Another approach is to artificially truncate the esti-
corresponding to the conditional distribution of cen- mated probabilities to ensure being bounded away from
soring and the conditional distribution of treatment, (0,1). This typically improves finite sample bias and
respectively. variance, but introduces asymptotic bias. The literature
Identifiability rests on an extended conditional provides guidance on diagnosing and responding to
exchangeability assumption that includes no unmeasured violations in the positivity assumption [48].
confounders of the association between missingness and A collaborative TMLE (C-TMLE) was developed in
the outcome, A, D ⊥ Xfull|W. The positivity assumption is response to the problem of how to best estimate nuisance
also extended to require a non-zero probability of the parameter g in the context of double-robust estima-
outcome being observed within all levels of (A, W). With tion. C-TMLE data-adaptively selects a subset of covar-
these assumptions in place, our focus becomes estima- iates W~ ⊆ W sufficient to address bias in yn that remains
ting the statistical parameter, y = (yY1 , yY0 ), where yY1 = after the completion of Stage 1. It does this by exploiting
E(YjD = 1, A = 1, W) and yY0 = E(YjD = 1, A = 0, W). a collaborative DR property of DR estimators that guar-
For Stage 1, we can use SL to obtain initial estimates of antees consistency under certain complementary forms
the conditional mean outcomes under treatment and no of dual misspecification [21,26,92]. The Stage 1 outcome
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 245

regression smooths over areas of little support in the problems, these statistical parameter estimates have
data. If this extrapolation is unsuccessful, C-TMLE’s utility, even if causal assumptions are not met. Variable
Stage 2 provides an opportunity to selectively model g in importance measures are non-causal statistical associa-
order to reduce the MSE of the estimate. As originally tion parameters that can be used to identify strong pre-
proposed, the C-TMLE uses a greedy stepwise forward dictors of risk or to rank variables according to the
selection search strategy to incorporate covariates into strength of their impact upon the outcome. SL and TMLE
the model for g whose impact on bias reduction out- have been used to calculate variable importance mea-
weighs its contribution to the variance of the overall sures to rank predictors of mortality in hospital intensive
estimator. This can be a computationally intensive pro- care units (ICUs) [32,50]. Utilizing TMLE to target each
cedure. A recent scalable C-TMLE designed specifically variable importance prediction was shown to have an
for large-scale datasets reduces this computational impact on bias and reduce variance.
burden. It uses a slightly less data-adaptive algorithm
than the original C-TMLE that is still directed towards
12.3.3 TMLE for Longitudinal Treatment Regimes
targeting residual bias [34]. These C-TMLEs address
violations of the positivity assumption by making a The parameters considered up until now are of interest
favorable finite-sample bias/variance trade-off in when there is only a single opportunity for right cen-
response to signal in the data. soring or treatment. TMLE can also be used to estimate
Continuous outcomes. Although it seems natural to the impact of a series of treatment decisions made over
carry out the targeting step on the linear scale instead of time. Consider the task of estimating a marginal mean
the logit scale when the outcome is continuous, this outcome under a specific treatment regime administered
approach is not always successful. While targeting on over K time points. In an ideal randomized control trial
the linear scale will work for many data distributions, (RCT), one would randomly assign subjects to this
fluctuations on the linear scale may violate known regime, ensure complete adherence, measure the
bounds on the outcome, particularly when there are near outcome with no loss to follow-up, and calculate the
violations of the positivity assumption. Recall that the mean. In a realistic RCT, lack of adherence or informative
fluctuation of the initial density estimate is required to be loss to follow-up may bias this naive estimator. Observa-
a submodel of the observed data model, M. Unlike a tional studies are affected by these same sources of bias, as
logistic fluctuation, a linear fluctuation provides no well as by selection bias due to non-random treatment
assurance that the targeted estimate of the conditional assignment. A longitudinal TMLE (L-TMLE) can be used
mean remains within the defined model space. The TL to estimate the marginal mean outcome of a multiple time-
solution is to define a simple transformation of the data point intervention, and to evaluate causal contrasts that
that allows us to carry out the fluctuation on the logit are functions of these intervention-specific means. As a
scale even when Y is continuous. The only requirement is TMLE, L-TMLE is also an efficient double robust semi-
the existence of known finite bounds on Y [22]. The parametric substitution estimator, and is RAL.
negative log likelihood for binary outcomes is a valid Time-dependent confounding is a problem that is
loss function for continuous outcomes bounded between unique to longitudinal data analyses. In the longitudinal
0 and 1, and provides a procedure for mapping outcome setting, a covariate that is affected by prior treatment
Y, bounded by (a, b), into Y*, a continuous outcome may also confound the association between future
bounded by (0,1): Y* = (Y − a)/(b − a). Values on the Y* treatment and the outcome. Because we are interested in
scale are easily mapped to their counterparts on the estimating the impact of the entire series of treatments,
original scale: this poses a dilemma. In order to control for confound-
ing, one would like to include this time-varying covari-
EW (Y0 ) = EW ðY∗0 (b − a) + aÞ, ate in the outcome regression model. However, because
it is a downstream effect of prior treatment, including it
EW (Y1 ) = EW ðY∗1 (b − a) + aÞ: in the model would bias the contribution to the esti-
mated effect stemming from prior treatment [31]. This
 0n (A, W) are transformed in this way,
Initial estimates Q problem was identified by Robins three decades ago.
fluctuated, and back-transformed to the original scale. Robins also developed the necessary mathematical
This procedure ensures that the Stage 2 parametric foundation for unbiased estimation of causal effects,
submodel remains within M. When bounds are known the G-computation formula [57–59,61]. Nevertheless,
to vary within strata of W imposing conditional bounds including time-varying covariates in a Cox proportional
(a (W), b (W)) can improve MSE [23]. hazards model remains standard practice. This is despite
Variable importance. The validity of a causal interpre- the fact that the Cox model assumes uninformative right
tation of the statistical parameter rests on assumptions censoring and inadequately handles time-dependent
that are not testable from data. For some classes of confounding [11].
246 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Robins and colleagues have also proposed a variety of Bang and Robins (BR) [6] showed that under a set of
estimators derived from the G-computation formula that identifying assumptions, the G-computation formula
appropriately address time-dependent confounding, can be re-written as a sequence of nested conditional
including a double robust estimator proposed in Bang means. The law of iterated expectations tells us that E
and Robins [6] (see also Refs. [31,41,60,62,63,65,66,69]). (Y) = Ex (E [Y|X]). The double robust estimator pre-
L-TMLE confers an advantage in practice over this sented by BR evaluates ynYa by applying this law
earlier DR approach by being a substitution estimator repeatedly.
that respects bounds on M and allows for flexible From the TL perspective, the Q portion of the likeli-
modeling of the Q portion of the likelihood. hood corresponds to the conditional distribution of L K+1
given the prior covariate history at each time point. The g
portion of the likelihood corresponds to the conditional Longitudinal TMLE to Estimate the Conditional
distribution of treatment and right censoring at each
Mean Outcome of a Multiple Time Point
time point. The calculation starts by estimating the
expected value of the outcome at time K + 1 conditional
 a = EfY  jL  
Suppose we are interested in understanding the impact on the entire past, Q LK+1 A K , Ak =  aK g (innermost
of a daily dose of an anti-retroviral drug on nausea over term; Figure 12.3). Taking the expectation of Q  a with
the course of one week. The full data parameter corre- respect to the distribution of covariates measured at
sponding to this conditional mean outcome of a multiple time point K under treatment A  K = aK yields the next
time point intervention is expressed as E(Ya ), where a 
term in the sequence, QLK = E½EfYA jL
a  k = aK gjL
K , A K−1 ,
corresponds to a specified sequence of treatments. In this 
AK−1 = aK−1 . This process iterates over all remaining
example, the series of seven treatments is written as a = time points. Ultimately, the expectation is taken with
f1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1g, and E(Ya ) represents the proportion of respect to the empirical distribution of baseline covari-
patients who experience the outcome. The parameter is ates L0. The L-TMLE mapping for the target parameter is
defined by the mapping Y: M → ℝ, such that Y(Pa ) = a function of an iteratively defined sequence of targeted
E(Ya ). conditional means, Y(Q  a∗ ), where Q  a∗ = ( Q
 a∗ , Q
 a∗ , …, Q a∗ )
The observed data consist of n i.i.d. observations O = are estimated flexibly, then targeted to reduce bias in
(L0, A0, L1, A1, … , LK+1 = Y). This structure describes the parameter of interest [93]. Other longitudinal TMLEs
baseline covariate vector L0, exposures Ak at time points (L-TMLEs) utilizing a different choice of submodel and
0 through K, and time-varying covariates, L1, … LK. Lk loss function have been developed, but will not be dis-
may also contain an outcome or event indicator at time k. cussed further [84,88].
LK+1 contains the outcome of interest. In our notation, L k The first required ingredient for the L-TMLE is the
refers to the entire covariate history through time point k, initial estimate, Q a . As in the point treatment setting,
and we will use Y and LK+1 interchangeably. A  k refers
this can be modeled using parametric regression, or
to the entire treatment history through time k. aK refers to more flexibly using SL. The influence function for Y(Pa )
a specific sequence of treatment settings corresponding X
to a longitudinal treatment regime of interest, aK = = E(Ya ) is given by D∗ = D∗k , the sum of the time
(a0 , … aK ). k=0
Analogous to the point treatment setting, we can map point-specific influence functions given in Ref. [93].
questions about the effect of a longitudinal treatment
regime, a, to parameters of the distribution of the data
under the regime of interest by estimating the relevant
components of L K+1 under a hypothetical intervention
that sets A K = ak . We can also encode loss to follow-up by
more broadly defining Ak as a vector of exposure and E(Ya¯) = E(E{ . . . E[E{Ya¯ | L¯ K, A¯K = a¯K} | L
¯ K−1, A¯K−1 = a¯K−1]. . . | L0})
censoring indicators, (AkT , AkC ), at each time point. These Q̄LaK+1
are collectively known as “intervention nodes.” The Q̄LaK
counterfactual outcome of interest is uncensored, so our ..
hypothetical intervention also sets A  K = 0. Following .
Robins [57], the distribution of the data under an inter-
YK+1 a a
¯ L0 =Ψ(Q)
 K = aK is given by Pa = QL (lk ).
vention that sets A k=0 k

Under appropriate causal identifying assumptions, the FIGURE 12.3

statistical parameter is given by the mapping Y: M → R, Iterated conditional means approach to estimating the marginal mean
such that Y(Pa ) = E(Ya ). outcome under longitudinal treatment strategy a.
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 247

The submodel and loss function are given by L0 A0T A0C L1 A1T A1C Y

 aL + ϵk
 a;∗ (ϵk ) = logitQ 1
logitQ Lk , FIGURE 12.4
Time ordering of intervention and non-intervention nodes, baseline
I(A k−1 = ak−1 ) covariates L0, treatment nodes (A0T , A1T ), censoring nodes (A0C , A1C ),
Lk,Q a a =−
,g (QLk ) time-dependent covariate L1, and outcome Y = L2.
Lk+1 g0:k−1

 QLk+1 log Q  aL + (1 − Q
 aL ) log (1 − Q
 aL ) , measured at time point 2. Intervention nodes are fA0T ,
k k+1 k

A0C , A1T , A1C g: The statistical question concerns the

where gk = P(Ak = 1jL  k−1 ), and g0:k−1 is the cumulative
k , A additive effect of this two time-point intervention on
product of g at time points 0, …, k − 1. TheX parameter is treatment in a study subject to right censoring.
 a,∗  a,∗
defined by the mapping Y(Qn ) = QL0 ,n = n 1 n
 a,∗ (L ).
Q We are interested in comparing the effect of exposure
i=1 1,n 0i
Estimation proceeds backwards in time from k = K + 1 to 0. at both time points versus no exposure. Counterfactual
outcomes are defined in terms of the full data where
At each step, the initial estimate is targeted by setting Q L(k) there is no censoring. The target ATE parameter is given
1 by y = E {Y(1,0,1,0) − Y(0,0,0,0)}. The strategy for estimating
 a + ϵk
=Q . Each ϵk is fit by minimizing the loss func- y will be to estimate the mean outcome under each
g0 : k
 k = ak . As in the point intervention separately, then evaluate the difference. The
tion, using observations having A
algorithm is as follows.
treatment setting, fitting ϵk at each step ensures the contri-
bution to the efficient influence curve estimating equation
1. Set all intervention nodes to the desired values
at time point k has mean 0, Pn (D∗k ) = 0. As a consequence,
for regime 1, a = f1, 0, 1, 0g:
since D*(P) is the sum of these contributions over all time
points, Pn (D*) = 0. Thus, L-TMLE is double robust. If all L0 1 0 L1 1 0 Y
components of Q or all components of g are modeled cor-
rectly, then the estimator is unbiased.  a = E(YjL
2. Obtain an initial estimate of Q  1 = a1).
1 , A
3. Target this estimate to reduce bias. Two Time-Point Example
Q  0
 L a = expit logit Q a
L2 + ^
ϵHL2 ,
An example helps to illustrate how this L-TMLE algorithm
works. Suppose there is a new vaccine on the market that where HL2 = 1=(gA0 : 1 gC0 : 1 ).
is supposed to be administered in two doses six months 4. Obtain an initial estimate of Q a that integrates
apart. We are interested in understanding the effect of the
over covariates measured at L1.
vaccine on muscle weakness. If we were to design a
hypothetical RCT to compare the impact of two doses of Q 0
L1 = E QL2 L0 , A0 = a0 Þ
the vaccine versus two doses of an inactive comparator,
we would randomize patients to one of these two treat- 5. Target this estimate to reduce bias.
ment arms, and at the end of follow-up one year later
compare the proportion of vaccinated versus unvacci- Q  0
 L a = expit logitQ a
L1 + ^
ϵHL1 ,
nated subjects who experienced muscle weakness. In a
real-world RCT, this evaluation plan is complicated by the where HL1 = 1=(gA0 gC0 ).
fact that some patients do not return for the second dose, 6. Evaluate the mapping for the intervention-
and others will be lost to follow-up before the outcome is specific mean, ya , by taking the average over all
measured. An analysis of observational data is further observations.
complicated by non-random treatment assignment. L-  a
 L a = Pn Q
yna = Q L :
TMLE can be used to obtain an unbiased estimate of the 0 1

causal effect when causal assumptions hold.

The time ordering of the covariates in this scenario is 7. Set a = (0, 0, 0, 0), then repeat steps 1–6.
given in Figure 12.4. L0 includes baseline measures of 8. Evaluate yn = yna1,0,1,0 − yna0,0,0,0:
static and time-varying covariates. A0T is baseline treat-
ment. Censoring indicator A0C captures loss to follow-up A previously published Monte Carlo simulation study
prior to measuring time-varying covariates L1. A1T compares the performance of the TMLE and the
indicates treatment assignment at time point 1. Further untargeted G-computation estimator [93]. Data for the
loss to follow-up is captured by A1C. Outcome Y is study were generated as follows.
248 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

W1 , W2 ∼ Bernoulli (0:5) logistic regression models for the outcome. The use of
misspecified models for Q  a illustrates the value of using
W3 ∼ N(4, 1) k
 a DR estimator when the true distribution is unknown.
g0A (1, L0 ) = P0 A0T L0 Þ = 0:5 In order to illustrate L-TMLE’s DR, two approaches
 were used to estimate g0A , g0C , g1A , g1C : the initial treatment
g0C 0, L0 , A0T = P0 A0C = 0L0 , A0T Þ assignment probabilities, censoring (loss to follow-up)
= expitð0:1 + 0:5 W1 + W2 − 0:1 W3 Þ after the first treatment was received, intermediate
switching from treatment to control, and loss to follow-up
L1 = 3 + A0T − 0:5 W1 W3 − 0:5 W3 + ϵ1 after the second treatment was received. Targeting was

g1A 1 ,A0 = P0 A1 = 1A0 ,L
1,L 1 Þ carried out once using correctly specified models for g,
and a second time using misspecified main terms logistic
= expitð−1:2 − 0:2W2 + 0:1W3 + 0:4L1 Þ regression models that included only baseline covariates,

g1C 0, A1T , A0T 1 Þ
= P0 A1C = 0A0T , A1T , L L0 = (W1, W2, W3). These are labeled as correct and
misspecified models for g in Table 12.1.
= expit(2 − 0:05 W3 − 0:4L1 ) Empirical bias, percent bias relative to the true param-

Y = expit 3 − 0:3A0T + 0:1 W2 eter value, variance, and MSE of the Monte Carlo esti-
mates are reported in Table 12.1. Results confirm that all
     − 0:5 L1 − 0:5A1T + ϵ2 Þ estimators are unbiased under correct parametric model
with ϵ1,ϵ2 ∼ i.i.d. N (0, 1). Under this data generating specification. As expected, untargeted G-computation
distribution, y0 = − 0.160 is the true value of the ATE estimates are biased under misspecified models Qm1 and
comparing regimes aK1 = f1, 0, 1, 0g versus aK2 = f0, 0, 0, Qm2 . Stage 2 targeting using correctly specified models for
0g. The semi-parametric efficiency bound on the variance g greatly reduced bias and had little impact on variance.
of the estimator is s 2 = 0.39/n. Datasets analyzed for the Under severe misspecification (Qm2), utilizing a mis-
simulation study were right-censored at time point k specified g provided limited bias reduction.
when loss of follow-up indicator AkC = 1. Observations
where the observed treatment at k was not consistent Extensions: Dynamic Regimes and Marginal
with the target regime, AkT ≠ akT , do not contribute to the
Structural Models
model fits at time points k ≤ t ≤ K.
L-TMLE performance is compared with the Up until now, we have considered only static longitu-
untargeted G-computation estimator under correct and dinal regimes in which a pre-defined sequence of treat-
misspecified models for the Q and g factors of the like- ments is fixed at baseline. However, medical decisions
lihood (Table 12.1). Results labeled Qc were obtained often unfold over time in response to changes in a sub-
using a set of logistic regression models that includes all ject’s health status. A dynamic longitudinal treatment
terms used to generate the data at each covariate and regime is one that defines a strategy or decision rule d(t)
event node. Using these models to estimate conditional at baseline. Although the rule is fixed, the actual treat-
means Q  a gives practically unbiased estimation of y0. ment prescribed at time t depends on values of covari-
Qm1 is a set of mildly misspecified logistic regression ates that arise in the course of treatment, and in response
models that include main term baseline covariates only. to prior treatment choices. For example, the Centers for
Qm2 is a set of more severely misspecified intercept-only Disease Control recommends that adults who are

TABLE 12.1
Empirical Bias, Percent Bias Relative to the True Parameter Value, Variance, and MSE of L-TMLE and an Untargeted
G-Computation Estimator of the ATE of a Two Time-Point Intervention (n = 1000,500 Monte Carlo Replicates, y0 = − 0.160)
g Correctly Specified g Misspecified
%Rel Bias Bias Var MSE %Rel Bias Bias Var MSE

Qc Untargeted –0.82 0.001 0.0003 0.0004 –0.82 0.001 0.0003 0.0004

L-TMLE –0.60 0.001 0.0003 0.0003 –0.58 0.001 0.0004 0.0004
Qm1 Untargeted 6.21 –0.010 0.0004 0.0005 6.21 –0.010 0.0004 0.0005
L-TMLE 1.81 –0.003 0.0004 0.0004 6.15 –0.010 0.0004 0.0005
Qm2 Untargeted 12.61 –0.020 0.0005 0.0009 12.61 –0.020 0.0005 0.0009
L-TMLE 3.13 –0.005 0.0004 0.0005 7.26 –0.012 0.0005 0.0006
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 249

infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as a mapping Y (P0) . The statistical target parameter is
be treated with antiretroviral therapy consisting of a defined as
combination of drugs [42]. Different drug cocktails are
recommended for patients based on medical character- y = argmin
istics, affordability, ease of adherence, and efficacy. Over b
time, treatment may be altered in response to monitored X X
−E0 Yd (t) log mb (d, t)
changes in any of these factors. For example, a lab test t∈t d∈D
might show that the virus has developed resistance to
one of the current drugs, with consequences for patient +ð1 − Yd (t)Þ log 1 − mb (d, t) g:
health and mortality. In this case, a physician might
follow a dynamic treatment rule such as begin treatment The estimand y0 = b solves the equation
at baseline and monthly monitoring. Switch to an alternate
drug if monitoring shows evidence of drug resistance. While d
the physician will not know in advance what drug will X X db mb (d, t)   d  
be prescribed at each time point, the strategy itself is well 0 = E0 E0 Y (t)jL(0) − mb (d, t) :
t∈t d∈D
mb (1 − mb )
defined at baseline.
The mean outcome had, contrary to fact, everyone
followed the same dynamic treatment rule can be eval- A stratified longitudinal TMLE algorithm using the
uated using the same L-TMLE algorithm described BR iterated conditional means approach proceeds by
above for static regimes. However, whether the question updating an initial estimate of the Q portion of the
likelihood to produce a targeted estimate, Q  d,t∗ , for each
is about the effects of static or dynamic regimes, in L0
observational studies subjects will be observed to follow time point, t, and strategy d ∈ D. Targeting a multi-
many treatment strategies over time and few subjects dimensional parameter requires a multi-dimensional
may be observed to be following the specific regimes of fluctuation at each step, ϵk = (ϵ1k ,ϵ2k ,ϵ3k ).
interest. The data may therefore contain little informa-
 d∗ d h1 (d, t)
tion for estimating the effects of the entire longitudinal Q Lk = QLk + ϵk ,
treatment. Marginal structural models (MSMs) were g0 : k−1
proposed to smooth over areas of little support in d
the data [31]. An MSM imposes parametric or semi- m (d, t)
db b
parametric constraints on the counterfactual conditional with h1 (d, t) = : ϵ is fit by minimizing the loss
mb (1 − mb )
mean outcome expressed as a function of the treatment
strategy over time. An L-TMLE for estimating the function (e.g., the negative log likelihood), using obser-
vations where A  k−1 = ak−1 . Estimates of the MSM param-
parameters of an MSM was presented in Ref. [49] and is
described next in the context of dynamic treatment eters are obtained by regressing Q  d,t∗ onto appropriate
regimes. MSMs are also used to estimate the effects of covariates in the model (1, t, f (d, t)) , in a dataset where
static regimes. observations at all time points are stacked [78].
Consider a logistic MSM for estimating the counter- A general L-TMLE for estimating parameters of an
factual mean outcome under and a set of treatment arbitrary MSM was developed by Petersen et al. [49].
strategies of interest, d ∈ D. An MSM can be used to This L-TMLE modifies the procedure just described by
model the marginal mean outcome under rule d adjust- allowing data to be pooled over treatment regimes when
ing for time and any arbitrary function of treatment over estimating fluctuation parameter e. The advantage of
time, f (d, t). Baseline covariates can be included in the this is that pooling stabilizes the estimates at time points
MSM, but for simplicity are omitted here. The MSM is where there may be sufficient support in the data for
given by logit Mb (d, t) = b1 + b2t + b3f (d, t). We are some regimes but not others. The pooled L-TMLE stacks
interested in estimating b = (b1, b2, b3). Recall that the the datasets for all strategies to estimate a single (multi-
TL estimation road map dictates defining the target dimensional) ek at each time point. The dataset has n ×
parameter as a feature of the underlying data distribu- |D| observations. An alternative pooled TMLE pools
tion, P0. If the MSM is not correctly specified, then there over time points as well as strategies. Initial estimates of
is no direct correspondence between model parameters  d are obtained for all k from K + 1 to 0, then targeted
Q Lk
and features of P0. We can, however, define y in terms of simultaneously. The targeting step is iterated until con-
the projection of P0 onto the MSM, and view the MSM vergence. This dataset has n × | D | × K + 1 observations.
itself as a working model. The target parameter is Targeting using data pooled over time ensures Pn (D * ) = 0
defined as the minimizer of the loss function rather than without requiring Pn (D∗k ) = 0 at all time points. An open
250 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

source R package, ltmle, implements all L-TMLEs dis- turn, and obtaining a targeted window-specific ATE
cussed in this chapter [80]. estimate that adjusted for measured confounders. This
provides nuanced, interpretable insight into how the
importance of different risk factors can rise and fall in the
hours following a major trauma.
When causal assumptions are met, TL’s parameter
estimates have a valid causal interpretation. For exam-
12.4 Applications in Health Care Research
ple, in a randomized controlled trial where patients are
TL has widespread applicability in health care research to closely monitored, investigators may feel confident that
improve patient and population morbidity and mortal- informative loss to follow-up is well explained by mea-
ity. Utilizing SL for risk score prediction can help identify sured covariates. TL can also produce valid casual effect
and tailor care for high-risk patients. Risk scores in estimates from observational data when sufficient infor-
common use may be simple summary measures, such as mation on confounders exists.
the Apgar score applied to newborn infants [16], or pre- TMLE was applied in an observational study to assess
dictions from logistic regression models. SL may be able the impact of statin use on one-year risk of mortality
to provide more accurate predictions by better capturing following an acute myocardial infarction (MI) [43]. Elec-
the functional form of covariate–outcome relationships. tronic health records on adults with no prior MI and no
Consider hospital ICU mortality, where risk scores prior use of statins were extracted from the Clinical
typically used to identify patients at high risk of mortality Practice Research Datalink and linked with hospitaliza-
in hospital ICUs include the Simplified Acute Phys- tion records (n = 32,792). Because treatment was not
iology Score (SAP, SAP-II) and the Acute Physiology randomized, it was necessary to adjust for selection bias.
and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE, APACHE-II) A high-dimensional propensity score (hdPS) procedure
scores [50]. A study of 24,508 patients admitted to a offers a pragmatic approach to identifying likely con-
Boston, Massachusetts hospital ICU compared SL with founders among a set of diagnosis codes, procedure
these standard approaches. The SL library included codes, and constructed correlated proxies of unmeasured
neural networks, random forest, Bayesian additive confounders from these high-dimensional data [77].
regression trees, penalized regression, logistic regression, The study investigated the performance of TMLE
and bagging and boosting machine learning algorithms. under different specifications of outcome regression
Performance was measured as the cross-validated area models and propensity score models in comparison with
under the receiver operating curve (cv-AUC), which IPTW. As a substitution estimator that respects bounds
evaluates a predictor’s ability to discriminate between on M, TMLE was able to provide more stable estimates
higher and lower risk patients. SL slightly increased despite near-positivity violations in the data. TMLE’s
cv-AUC and more accurately predicted subsequent marginal odds ratio estimate of approximately 0.7 was
mortality than the widely used scoring algorithms (SL cv- stable across variations in the specification of the pro-
AUC = 0.85, new SAPS cv-AUC = 0.83). SL’s performance pensity score model when the outcome regression was
improved even more when the individual components of adjusted for all confounders. This suggests that bias
composite covariates used by the SAPS algorithm were reduction was largely taking place in Stage 1 of the
provided (cv-AUC = 0.88). TMLE procedure. RCTs and meta-analyses of the effect
TMLE can be combined with SL to identify and of statins on mortality have found a protective effect in a
rank covariates according to their predictive strength. range of patient sub-populations, with similar estimated
Hubbard et al. [32] employed TL to obtain variable odds ratios [15,82].
importance rankings for predicting time-dependent TL is also useful for evaluating the impact of a series of
mortality after major trauma. Following the roadmap, treatment decisions made over time in the presence of
they defined the parameter of interest as the impact of a time-dependent confounding, and provides valid infer-
clinically meaningful change in the level of each covari- ence even when data are clustered. Schnitzer et al. [78]
ate on the risk difference (ATE) parameter. To assess how used re-analyzed data collected in the PROmotion of
the level of risk for each factor changed over time, they Breastfeeding Intervention Trial (PROBIT) in order to
divided the outcome into three non-overlapping risk evaluate the effect of breastfeeding on gastrointestinal
windows. SL was used to fit the initial regression of the infection in infants. Because the duration of breastfeeding
outcome on covariates measured on 980 patients in the varies across mother–infant pairs, the researchers defined
Prospective Observational Multicenter Major Trauma a set of questions and target parameters corresponding
Transfusion study [55]. TMLE was used to target the to different lengths of time of breastfeeding. Data on
effect estimate for each of 23 pre-selected risk factors in 17,036 mother–infant pairs clustered within 31 hospitals
turn during each risk window. This was done by included demographic information, mother characteris-
viewing each risk factor as the treatment of interest in tics (age, smoking status, number of previous children,
Targeted Learning with Application to Health Care Research 251

etc.), infant characteristics (gestational age, height, complexity of the relationships among high-dimensional
weight, etc.), and geographic region. Additional data covariates. In practice, such an estimator will inevitably
were collected longitudinally at six scheduled follow-up be biased, producing results driven by assumptions of
visits during the infant’s first year. Intermediate infec- convenience rather than by data. Because variance
tions were a suspected source of time-dependent con- shrinks as the number of observations grows, the biased
founding. L-TMLE with and without SL was compared estimate will be bracketed by a narrow confidence
with IPTW and G-computation. All estimators found a interval. This analysis will provide an inaccurate result,
protective effect of breastfeeding for longer versus and misleading assurance regarding its reliability. Con-
shorter durations. For two out of three target parameters, trast this with TL’s data adaptive semi-parametric
TMLE + SL estimated effect sizes were slightly larger than approach. While TL cannot overcome a complete lack of
the other estimators, with narrower width confidence information in the data, the combination of SL and TMLE
intervals. TL’s smaller standard errors were presumably is designed to optimally exploit the information relevant
due to a combination of SL’s ability to better explain for estimating the low-dimensional parameter of interest.
variation in the outcome and further reducing variance in Appropriately adjusting for sources of bias requires
the parameter estimate itself through TMLE’s targeting insight into mechanisms underlying potential baseline
step. and time-dependent confounding. While using sophis-
ticated methodologies does not guarantee success, it
does avoid falling prey to common data analysis pitfalls.
Publicly available software enables analysts to effec-
tively use SL and TMLE in practice. Sound statistical
principles, explicit statement of assumptions, and trans-
12.5 Summary
parent rationale for modeling choices remain the guiding
TL provides a sound foundation for learning from data. principles for extracting knowledge from data.
It is built upon a theoretical foundation that incorporates
machine learning into statistical analysis while preserv-
ing the ability to quantify uncertainty in the parameter
estimate. The estimation roadmap stresses the impor-
tance of clearly stating the scientific question and trans-
lating that into a statistical question that can be answered 12.6 Open Problems and Future Directions
from data. TL practice is to start by defining a statistical TL will evolve as applied researchers tackle ever more
model M that reflects what is truly known about the complex estimation problems. In areas such as infectious
possible distribution of the data. Formulating the ques- disease research, obesity research, and social epidemi-
tion is a separate activity from choosing an estimation ology, some subjects’ treatments and outcomes will
approach. With few exceptions, the parameter of interest affect the outcomes of other subjects. Methodology for
is defined as a feature of the unknown underlying prob- estimating causal effects when these relationships exists
ability distribution, P0, rather than as a coefficient in a is on the cutting edge of causal inference research. The
parametric model. Identifying assumptions link this dependence structure is captured by a network that may
parameter with a feature of observed data. At this point, contain clusters of nodes that are closely related, and
many estimation procedures are available. TL encour- more loosely connected to neighboring clusters. TMLE
ages flexible modeling through the use of SL, and double for network analysis has been described and published
robust targeting of the parameter of interest using as an open source package [79,81,89] with limited appli-
TMLE. As a substitution estimator, TMLE is designed to cation to date [5].
respect known bounds on M. Practical benefits include A second compelling open problem involves causal
limiting bias amplification due to model misspecifica- effect estimation in the presence of unmeasured con-
tion, and improved finite sample performance. founding. There has been an increasing interest in esti-
Large observational datasets are increasingly being mating causal effects when some confounders are not
used to address research, policy, and business concerns. measured due to the increasing availability of large
When data are high-dimensional, the number of potential administrative health care datasets re-purposed for sec-
main terms and higher order interactions describing the ondary analysis. In the absence of a strong instrumen-
joint distribution will be explosive. Although n is large in tal variable, causal effect estimation is feasible only by
these settings, there will still be sparsity in the data. While making additional assumptions. The hdPS approach
a parametric model will smooth over areas of little described earlier assumes that composite covariates can
support in the data, parametric modeling simply does not be constructed to serve as correlated proxies of unmea-
scale to high-dimensional settings. It is not possible to sured confounders. We have demonstrated that combin-
a priori specify a model that accurately captures the ing hdPS with a collaborative TMLE that data-adaptively
252 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Section III

Applications of Signal Processing and

Machine Learning for Big Biomedical Data
Scalable Signal Data Processing for Measuring Functional
Connectivity in Epilepsy Neurological Disorder

Arthur Gershon, Samden D. Lhatoo, Curtis Tatsuoka, Kaushik Ghosh, Kenneth Loparo,
and Satya S. Sahoo

13.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................259
13.1.1 Functional Networks in the Brain ................................................................................................................259
13.1.2 Related Work ...................................................................................................................................................260
13.1.3 Outline ..............................................................................................................................................................261
13.2 Methods .........................................................................................................................................................................261
13.2.1 Recording of Brain Electrical Activity..........................................................................................................261
13.2.2 Managing Signal Data: The CSF...................................................................................................................261
13.2.3 Processing Signal Data to Compute Functional Connectivity Measures ...............................................263
13.2.4 Computational Pipeline for Analyzing Signal Data ..................................................................................263
13.3 Results ............................................................................................................................................................................265
13.4 Discussion ......................................................................................................................................................................266
13.4.1 Developing an Accurate Measure of Signal Correlation in Neurological Disorders............................266
13.4.2 Improving the Performance of the Computational Pipeline ....................................................................266
13.4.3 Use of Ontologies for Standardizing Terminology in Signal Data Analysis .........................................267
13.5 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................................267
References ................................................................................................................................................................................268

In addition to understanding the functions of each

13.1 Introduction substructure as an individual unit, it is important to
determine how distinct regions in the brain interact and
13.1.1 Functional Networks in the Brain
work together. Physical connections between distinct
The human brain is one of the most important organs in brain regions form structural networks, whereas associa-
the body; it is responsible for many critical functions, tions that are formed over time and developed during
including cognition, memory, language, and execution processes such as speech, memorization, or other phys-
[1]. The brain has been the subject of a large body of iological events are referred to as functional networks [4].
research; nevertheless, we still have a rather limited Functional connectivity measures are computed by evalu-
understanding of various aspects of the brain and its ating statistical correlations of physiological signals
constituents, as well as the interactions between brain recorded from different brain regions [2]. Analyses of
structures, especially in the context of neurological dis- these latter connections have proven to be quite
orders. Previous research efforts, which were focused approachable using signal processing methods.
solely on understanding the complexities of the brain’s There are several important applications of functional
structure and functions, have identified numerous sub- connectivity analysis; for example, it can be used toward
structures in various regions of the brain that are the goal of better understanding the mechanisms that
responsible for a wide variety of different cognitive and underpin various capabilities of the human brain. The
physiological functions [2,3]. measurement of functional connectivity in the brain can

260 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

also be used to study neurological disorders, such as new multi-modal data representation formats that can
epilepsy. Epilepsy is one of the most common serious effectively address the limitations of existing file formats
neurological disorders, affecting more than 65 million and leverage distributed computing infrastructure for
individuals worldwide in various forms [5]. scalability and efficient analysis.
Epileptic disorders are characterized by seizures It is important to address the limitations of present
resulting from the generation and propagation of abnor- data formats, such as the European Data Format (EDF)
mal electrical activity in the brain [6,7]. These character- that is widely used for storing physiological signal data
istic phenomena of epilepsy are commonly recorded [14,15]. Files using EDF consist of two major compo-
and observed through the use of electroencephalo- nents: (1) a header containing patient data and recording
grams (EEGs), and functional connectivity analysis can be metadata, including the names of each channel, record-
applied to EEG data to aid in the understanding of ing times, and units of measurement, represented as
the development and progression of epilepsy. There ASCII strings; and (2) the data record with a list of all
has been extensive research focused on the use of signal signal values, stored in a binary format, corresponding
processing and data mining methods on intracranial to each time sample of the data. EDF files store signal
recordings to determine case-specific collections of data as a collection of data recordings organized by
intracranial sites involved in seizure onset and that con- the time of recording, and although this significantly
stitute the epileptogenic zone [2,8]. Similarly, other research reduces the overall size of the file it makes, it can be
has focused on computing functional connectivity mea- difficult to extract and analyze recordings from indi-
sures between different brain regions that constitute an vidual channels, e.g., in the computation of functional
epileptogenic network [8]. connectivity measures.
Several different categories of correlation measures There has been a significant amount of work in the
have been used to evaluate functional connectivity [9,10]. development of neuroscience data storage formats to
One example is the linear correlation measures that address the limitations of EDF and other existing
include cross-correlation, Pearson’s correlation coeffi- file formats. In the next section, we describe various
cient, and coherence. These measures quantify the linear approaches used to manage neuroscience data and the
dependence of the time series, assuming that information computation of functional connectivity measures derived
propagates directly from one site to another without from the signal data.
interference from ambient noise. By contrast, functional
connectivity measures such as the average amount of
13.1.2 Related Work
mutual information (AAMI) index and other dynamical
system analysis approaches do take into account inter- Although we focus on computing functional connectiv-
ference from other signals, and thus do not make any ity measures derived from signal data in this chapter,
direct assumption on how signal information propagates there are a variety of other approaches used to determine
as a function of time. Measures in this category are often functional networks in the brain. For example, instead of
referred to as non-linear measures of functional connec- using EEG electrical signal data, a substantial amount of
tivity [2,10]. Non-linear functional connectivity measures neurological research uses blood oxygen level depen-
have been shown to provide more accurate results dency signals, measured using functional magnetic res-
vis-à-vis linear approaches [11]. It is important to note, onance imaging (fMRI), to derive functional connectivity
however, that existing non-linear correlation techniques measures both in general neuroscience [2] and specifi-
are based on the temporal characteristics of the signal cally in epilepsy research [16,17].
(e.g., the signal amplitude) instead of frequency domain There has also been extensive work in the develop-
features, such as those derived from the Fourier transform ment of file formats to address the challenges in storing
[8], whereas coherence, a linear correlation measure, uses and analyzing neurological data [18]. For example, the
signal frequency values for analysis [8,10]. Neuroscience Electrophysiology Object (NEO) format is
In addition to the development of new theoretical an object-oriented file format based on the Python pro-
models to correlate signal data, the massive volume, gramming language. The NEO format is proposed as a
wide variety, and rapid rate of signal data generation natural method for storing neurological data due to its
require the development of highly scalable computa- object-oriented nature, which makes it suitable for use
tional tools and platforms [1,12,13]. The computational across computing platforms [19]. Similarly, the Hierar-
challenges associated with this “Big Data” in neuro- chical Data Format (HDF5) has been developed as a
science require the development of algorithms and data general scientific data storage format with implementa-
structures that can leverage high-performance distrib- tions in a variety of programming environments. The
uted computing resources (e.g., cloud platforms) to store, HDF5 project has developed various optimization tech-
analyze, and visualize large-scale datasets [1]. In partic- niques for data storage and access [20], which has made
ular, neuroscience Big Data requires the development of it popular as a file format for storing neurological data.
Scalable Signal Data Processing for Measuring Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy Neurological Disorder 261

13.1.3 Outline on intracranial electrical activity, including the use of

scalp electrodes and magnets. Niedermeyer’s Electro-
The remainder of this chapter is structured as follows. In
encephalography [6] provides a comprehensive overview
Section 13.2, we describe the computation of functional
of the subject.
connectivity measures in epilepsy using techniques of
EEG signal data are recorded using electrodes placed
signal analysis, with a particular focus on various sta-
on the scalp according to the 10–10 system of placing
tistical models used to derive correlations among signal
electrodes at 10% intervals. The 10–10 placement scheme
data recorded from different channels. In addition, we
is a standard developed by the American Electroen-
introduce a novel computational pipeline that uses a
cephalographic Society and can be viewed as an ame-
new data format, called the Cloudwave Signal Format
lioration of the International Standard 10–20 system that
(CSF), to process and analyze signal data using a non-
instead uses 20% spacing [24]. We note that there is
linear correlation technique. In Section 13.3, we give a
ongoing research related to the optimal placement of
broad overview of the results we have obtained from the
electrodes to record brain electrical activity [25]. In con-
use of this pipeline. Then, in Section 13.4, we describe the
trast to scalp electrodes, depth electrodes are implanted
broader application of our techniques and tools used to
in the brain (penetrating gray matter), and signals are
compute functional connectivity in epilepsy patients,
recorded by one or more electrical contacts on each
and discuss proposed enhancements. We conclude in
electrode. The specific number of contacts on the elec-
Section 13.5 with a summary of our work.
trode depends on the position of the electrode and the
depth of its implant [26,27].
Depth electrodes are often implanted using a stereo-
tactic approach, and the corresponding method of
recording signal data is called stereotactic electroencepha-
13.2 Methods lography or SEEG [28]. Although SEEG is an invasive
recording technique, the quality of data is robust with
In this section, we give an overview of the CSF and its brain electrical activity recorded at a high resolution. The
role in enabling the distributed storage of signal data, we analysis of SEEG data is therefore used as a gold stan-
describe techniques of signal data analysis used to derive dard in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy [29].
functional connectivity measures, and finally we intro-
duce the multi-step computational pipeline we have
developed that implements the CSF and the above data 13.2.2 Managing Signal Data: The CSF
analytic techniques for measuring functional connectivity.
The storage and the management of signal data are
significant challenges in brain connectivity research
13.2.1 Recording of Brain Electrical Activity since effective analysis of data requires the use of both
data and essential contextual metadata, for example
The study of electrical activity in the brain has been of
instrument parameters, sampling rate, and study pro-
fundamental importance in neurology since Galvani’s
tocol. EDF is one of the most widely used signal storage
experiments on electrical activity in frogs and the sub-
formats in neuroscience applications [15]; however, it is
sequent development of an electronic theory of the
not well suited for developing efficient data integration
nervous system [21]. We recall that the brain is com-
and analysis techniques. In addition, the EDF does not
posed of special cells known as neurons that regulate
support the FAIR principles that facilitate data sharing
various processes according to location, and a cognitive
and reusability [30]. The FAIR principles allow efficient
function is understood to result from the transmission
discovery of and access to scientific data using the fol-
of information between two neurons [22]. There are a
lowing properties associated with datasets:
number of ways in which signals can be relayed among
neurons, including the use of chemicals such as neuro-
• Findable: Data should be easy to locate and easy
transmitters for processes that require a lossless trans-
to identify through the use of persistent identi-
mission of information [23].
fiers and appropriate contextual metadata.
Electrical signals comprise another category of
methods for neuronal communication. They are used to • Accessible: Data should be easy to access using
rapidly convey information among different regions of existing network protocols and associated
the brain in the execution of reactive and motor skills, metadata information.
and in the synchronization of cognitive functions that • Interoperable: Data should be annotated using a
form the basis of processes such as learning and per- standard ontology term that allows easy sharing
ception [23]. The science of electroencephalography (EEG) and analysis of data aggregated from different
encompasses a variety of methods of gathering data sources.
262 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

• Reusable: Data and any associated metadata retrieval, and processing of signal data [31,32]; Figure
should be made available with a clearly defined 13.1 illustrates the overall structure of a CSF file. The CSF
license to allow secondary use of datasets. has been developed using the JavaScript Object Notation
(JSON) framework that associates “values,” such as text
EDF files have limited to no support for these FAIR data, numerical data, or other JSON objects, with textual
principles; for example, it is difficult to locate specific strings known as “keys” [33]. EDF files can be trans-
segments of signal data in an EDF file due to the format’s formed into CSF files without any loss of information or
minimal use of metadata information and lack of semantic any other difficulty in the reusability of the signal data.
annotations using standardized terminology. Similarly, On the contrary, the CSF enables significant improve-
the storage of signal data in EDF files as collection of ments over the EDF in terms of signal data accessibility
temporally ordered recordings makes it difficult to and interoperability. For example, we recall how the
analyze channel-specific signals over a period of time. In signal processing of data in EDF files requires several
particular, the retrieval of channel-specific signal data for a steps, each involving some computation of byte offset
specific time period in an EDF file requires multiple “look- values in order to access the data. By contrast, CSF files
ups” for each timestamp, significantly increasing the can be easily processed with a single invocation of an
number of computations required for time-series analysis. appropriate value retrieval function in a programming
To address these limitations of the EDF, we have language (e.g., a “getter” function in Java) with the
developed the CSF that allows for the efficient storage, associated key string as the function’s input.

{ ...
“Header”: { “channelMetadata”: {
“firstFragment”: A, “channelName_o”: {
“lastFragment”: B, “channelNumber”: “o”,
“epochDuration”: 30.0, ... // other signal metadata listed in the EDF header
“fragmentNoA”: { },
“fragmentNo”: A, “channelName_1”: {
“startDate”: “MM.DD.YY”, “channelNumber”: “1”,
“startTime”: “HH.MM.SS” ... // other signal metadata listed in the EDF header
}, },
“fragmentNo(A+1)”: { ...
“fragmentNo”: A+1, “channelName_N”: {
“startDate”: “MM.DD.YY”, “channelNumber”: “N”,
“startTime”: “HH.MM.SS” // 30 seconds later ... // other signal metadata listed in the EDF header
}, },
..., “channelList”: “[channelName_o, channelName_1,
“fragmentNoB”: { ...,channelName_N]”
“fragmentNo”: B, },
“startDate”: “MM.DD.YY”,
“startTime”: “HH.MM.SS” // 30*(B-A) seconds later “dataRecords”: {
} “fragmentNumberA”: {
}, “channelName_o”: “[ ... ]”, // values are decimal arrays
“studyMetadata”: { “channelName_1”: “[ ... ]”,
“edfFileName”: “eegRecord.edf ”, ... ,
“dataFormatVersion”: o, “channelName_N”: “[ ... ]”
“localPatientID”: “patientIDString”, },
“recordingStartDate”: “11.22.33”, “fragmentNumber(A+1)”: {
“dateFormat”: “MM.DD.YY”, “channelName_o”: “[ ... ]”,
“recordingStartTime”: “12.34.56”, “channelName_1”: “[ ... ]”,
“recordingStartTimeFormat”: “HH.MM.SS”, ... ,
“numberHeaderBytes”: “56064”, “channelName_N”: “[ ... ]”
“numberDataRecords”: “14400”, },
“dataRecordDuration”: “0.1”, ... ,
“dataRecordDurationUnit”: “seconds”, “fragmentNumberB”: {
“numberSignals”: “N+1” “channelName_o”: “[ ... ]”,
}, “channelName_1”: “[ ... ]”,
“clinicalAnnotationList”: { ... ,
“timestamp_1”: “Annotation_1”, “channelName_N”: “[ ... ]”
“timestamp_2”: “Annotation_2”, }
... }

Example of the structure of the CSF. Each value is associated to a plaintext key that can be used to easily retrieve data.
Scalable Signal Data Processing for Measuring Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy Neurological Disorder 263

In addition to greater accessibility, CSF files also the signals are linearly correlated as a function of time; in
support the interoperability of signal data generated such cases, the value of the measure identically matches
from different sources through the use of ontology terms the value of Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient.
for data annotation. This feature allows for the recon- Moreover, the proposed non-linear correlation coeffi-
ciliation of data heterogeneity and improves the inte- cient is asymmetric; that is, the value h2(X, Y) of the non-
gration of data to allow researchers to query and analyze linear correlation coefficient comparing signal X to signal
large repositories of signal data. In addition, the use of Y may differ from the value h2(Y, X) used to correlate
ontology terms for the annotation of signal data in CSF signal Y to signal X. (The notation h2 for, and indeed the
also enables the greater reusability of data and supports name of, the non-linear correlation coefficient is meant to
the creation of efficient indices for data segments. be analogous to the notation r2 for, and the name of,
Although the use of descriptive “keys” and “values” in Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient [8].) This asym-
the CSF leads to an increase in the storage size of the metric property of the correlation coefficient measure
resulting files, we believe that the increasing availability introduces a notion of directionality and allows us to
of cheap data storage infrastructures will address this evaluate if the activity at location X influences the
challenge and allow CSF files to be used in practical data activity at location Y, if
management systems.
h2 (X, Y) ≥ h2 (Y, X) (13.1)
13.2.3 Processing Signal Data to Compute Functional
if conversely activity at Y influences activity at X, if
Connectivity Measures
The CSF supports the efficient computation of functional h2 ðX, YÞ ≤ h2 ðY, XÞ (13.2)
connectivity measures between different channels using
various statistical techniques. The Pearson linear or if the activities at each site have some mutual influ-
regression coefficient is a common statistical technique ence on one another [11], if
used to measure correlation between two datasets [34].
However, measures of linear correlation assume that h2 ðX, YÞ ≈ h2 ðY, XÞ: (13.3)
electrical signals in the brain propagate as a linear func-
tion of time, which is not corroborated by clinical data We note, however, that the statistical measures
[8]. To address this limitation, non-linear regression described above address the issue of correlating signal
techniques have been explored in the brain connectivity amplitude values only, whereas clinicians often use
research community, such as the measurement of the signal frequency analysis to identify epilepsy-related
AAMI shared by the signals. These regression tech- events [36]. Although linear functional connectivity
niques have led to the creation of non-linear functional measures of signal frequencies such as coherence are
connectivity measures that address certain limitations used in the research community, there are no non-linear
present in linear regression techniques [11]. functional connectivity measures available to correlate
A correlation metric developed by Pijn and Lopes da frequencies of signal data [8].
Silva [11] called the non-linear correlation coefficient has
been found to be useful for computing functional con-
13.2.4 Computational Pipeline for Analyzing
nectivity in epilepsy patients [8]. This non-linear corre-
Signal Data
lation measure views discretely recorded signals as
continuous functions of time and uses the well-known In the previous section, we described various compo-
mathematical fact that any continuous function can be nents of the signal analysis pipeline we have developed
approximated by a piece-wise linear function, where the in order to analyze neurological signal data. We now
error in the approximation is controlled by both the describe our implementation and use of this signal pro-
number and the locations of the endpoints of each linear cessing pipeline to evaluate functional connectivity.
piece [35]. The correlation coefficient of Pijn and Lopes In the first phase, de-identified signal data recorded
da Silva uses linear regression on each (linear) piece of from an epilepsy patient and stored as a collection of
the approximation, and the average of the corresponding EDF files are processed and transformed into CSF files.
linear correlation coefficients is computed as an This process involves subdividing the entire duration of
approximation to a “true” correlation. the signal data recording into smaller segments (typi-
The non-linear correlation coefficient generates accu- cally 30 seconds in duration). For each segment, data are
rate results with respect to correlation measures for extracted from the EDF files by parsing the file and
signal data as demonstrated by Pijn and Lopes da Silva computing the byte location of each data element as
[11] and Wendling et al. [8]. In addition, the non-linear described by the EDF specifications, and the extracted
correlation coefficient is applicable in scenarios where data are stored in an intermediate data structure.
264 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

A predetermined number of segments (provided as user layout by measuring the byte offset to locate and extract
input) are aggregated in a CSF file, which is generated the information. We present a schematic diagram of the
using the Java JSON Application Programming Interface transformation process in Figure 13.2.
(API) [37]. The computational pipeline takes as input a list of user-
The process of rewriting EDF files as CSF files involves defined parameters including start and end time stamps
a transformation of the layout of signal data from a col- for a seizure event (or ictal period) under investiga-
lection of signals recorded during a given time period into tion, and a list of recording channels. In the next step, the
a collection of time series data corresponding to each tool iterates over pairs of signal channels listed in the
recording channel. In effect, this is a “transposition” of the input parameters, and extracts the data for each pair of
time value-recording site matrix to a channel-oriented signals over the given ictal period. The channel-oriented

Original EDF (Time vs. Signal) Modified EDF (Signal vs. Time)

Header Header

S1 S2 S3 ...
SN T1 T2 T3 ...
T1 S1
T2 S2

T3 S3
Data Data
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .

segment1.csf segment2.csf segment3.csf

{ { {
“Header”: { “Header”: { “Header”: {
“numFragments”: 1, “numFragments”: 1, “numFragments”: 1,
... ... ...
}, }, },
“studyMetadata”: { “studyMetadata”: { “studyMetadata”: {

}, }, },
“channelMetadata”: { “channelMetadata”: { “channelMetadata”: {

}, }, },
“Data”: { “Data”: { “Data”: {
“S1”: , “S1”: , “S1”: ,
“S2”: , “S2”: , “S2”: ,
“S3”: , “S3”: , “S3”: ,
...: , ...: , ...: ,
“SN”: “SN”: “SN”:
} } }
} } }

Schematic diagram of the signal processing pipeline. The first arrow represents the transposition of time/site data as written in EDF to site/time
data stored in an intermediate object. The second arrow denotes the fragmentation of the data into multiple CSF files for use in distributed
computing environment.
Scalable Signal Data Processing for Measuring Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy Neurological Disorder 265

layout of the signal data in the CSF files facilitates the those values in a given set that differ from the average
retrieval of relevant signal data during this step. In the of all the values in that set by more than two stan-
next phase, the pipeline computes Pijn’s non-linear cor- dard deviations as statistically significant, as this behav-
relation coefficient for each pair of signal channel using ior is observed for at most 5% of the values in a set
the extracted data. We note that this step is performed for with a Gaussian distribution [38]. While EEG signal data
all pairs of signal recording channels, which ensures that do not typically satisfy a Gaussian distribution, a simi-
we perform all relevant computations in both directions lar proportion of signal values is observed to lie more
of signal propagation (as discussed earlier in Section than two standard deviations from the mean [8].
13.2.3). In accordance with these observations, we have there-
The output of the computational pipeline is a two- fore added directed edges in our output graph from
dimensional matrix {h2(X, Y)} of non-linear correlation vertex X to vertex Y for each pair of signals (X, Y) with
coefficient values for a given ictal period. In the next step, Ns (X, Y) ≥ 2.
the matrix values are analyzed to qualify the correlation
between different channels of signal data. We evaluate
the relative strengths of each correlation during the ictal
period by computing the average value, denoted by µ,
and the standard deviation, denoted by s, of all of the
13.3 Results
values in the matrix. These values are used to compute
Ns (X, Y) = (h2(X, Y) − µ)/s for each pair of signals, a In this section, we describe the preliminary results from
value that measures the number of standard deviations analyzing de-identified signal data of an epilepsy patient
between a specific (i.e., local) correlation coefficient h2 using the computational pipeline described in Section
(X, Y) and the global average µ (a similar method is used 13.2. Figure 13.3 provides a schematic representation of
by Wendling et al. [8]). the computational pipeline used to generate the matrix
The final output of the computational pipeline is a of h2 values, the matrix of Ns values, and the corre-
visualization of the data as a network graph with a set of sponding directed network graph. A preliminary review
vertices corresponding to the set of signal recording sites of the results shows that correlation of signals is not
in the brain and edges corresponding to the matrix of Ns transitive. For example, given three electrode contacts A,
values. It is common practice in statistics to characterize B, and C, if activity at A is correlated with activity at

LX1 0.96 0.88 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.13 0.10 0.07 0.11 0.33
LX2 0.88 0.96 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.14 0.12 0.06 0.10 0.32
LY1 0.07 0.07 0.99 0.63 0.60 0.12 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.07
LY2 0.05 0.04 0.59 0.98 0.38 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.05 0.03
h2 LY3 0.06 0.06 0.55 0.39 1.00 0.15 0.18 0.06 0.05 0.06
RX1 0.04 0.06 0.08 O.12 0.14 0.98 0.56 0.04 0.14 0.09
RX2 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.57 0.99 0.05 0.11 0.08 LX1 RX1
RY1 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.14 0.06 0.04 0.07 1.0 0.52 0.15
LY2 LY1 RY2 0.10 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.14 0.11 0.50 0.98 0.46 LX2 RX2
LX1 LY3 RY3 0.30 0.26 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.17 0.14 0.15 0.51 0.98
LX1 2.8 2.4 –0.8 –0.7 –0.8 –0.5 –0.6 –0.7 –0.6 0.3 RY2
LX2 2.5 2.8 –0.7 –0.7 –0.8 –0.4 –0.5 –0.8 –0.6 0.2 LY2
LY1 –0.7 –0.7 2.9 1.5 1.4 –0.5 –0.4 –0.6 –0.7 –0.7 LY3 RY3
LY2 –0.8 –0.6 1.3 2.9 0.5 –0.5 –0.5 –0.4 –0.8 –0.9
LY3 –0.8 –0.7 1.2 0.5 2.9 –0.4 –0.3 –0.8 –0.8 –0.7 Nσ
RX1 –0.8 –0.7 –0.6 –0.5 –0.4 2.8 1.2 –0.9 –0.5 –0.7
RX2 –0.8 –0.8 –0.4 –0.5 –0.4 1.2 2.9 –0.8 –0.6 –0.6
RY1 –0.8 –0.9 –0.6 –0.4 –0.8 –0.8 –0.7 2.9 1.0 –0.4
RY2 –0.6 –0.6 –0.7 –0.7 –0.8 –0.5 –0.6 –0.9 2.6 0.8
RY3 0.1 0.0 –0.8 –0.8 –0.8 –0.3 –0.5 –0.4 1.1 2.9

Conceptual overview of the data acquisition, processing, and analysis phases of the pipeline are illustrated. The diagram on the left displays an
example placement of depth electrodes within the brain (Brain image created by N. Byrd [39], “A 2D vector drawing of the brain sliced down the
center viewed from the side. Created using Adobe Illustrator CS3,” Wikimedia Commons, 2014.). The middle shows the resulting matrix of h2
correlation values and its conversion to a matrix of Ns values. Finally, the right-most image gives an example of the network graph output created
from the Ns matrix. The notation Xi and Yi (i = 1, 2, 3) represent electrode contacts with LXi and RXi corresponding to placement of the electrode in
the left and right hemisphere, respectively. The directed edges connecting the electrode contact nodes represent correlation measures computed
by the computational pipeline with solid lines and dashed lines used to differentiate between different correlation measure values.
266 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

B and activity at B is correlated with activity at C, then it such as through the use of some type of limiting process.
is not necessarily true that A is correlated with activity at Such a development could resolve some of the issues
C (in either direction). We propose to investigate the described in Section 13.2, such as an accurate determi-
underlying cause for this result in collaboration with nation of those pairs of signals for which correlation is
clinical researchers as part of our ongoing research. statistically significant.
Furthermore, we noted in our analysis that corre- The results of our evaluation agree with previous
lated sites of activity are more likely to be located on the findings by Wendling et al. [8] that the non-linear
same electrode, whereas correlated activity rarely occurs measure developed by Pijn and Lopes da Silva [11]
between contacts on different electrodes, especially effectively measures functional connectivity. This sug-
across the two brain hemispheres. We found that our gests that intracranial signals propagate in a fashion that
conclusions concur with those obtained in a clinical is non-linear with regard to time, which in turn implies
setting using evoked potentials [27]. We emphasize, the existence of some kind of signal interference that
however, that our results are computed using data from influences the transmission of electrical signals during
a single patient, and additional analysis is required to epileptic events. However, the non-linear correlation
understand the underlying causes for these characteris- coefficient cannot accurately determine the nature of this
tics in the signal data. interference. Further investigation into this matter may
require the incorporation of other techniques, such as
dynamical system analysis.
Finally, we note that our current use of the non-linear
correlation coefficient does allow us to determine the
direction of influence among pairs of signals due to
13.4 Discussion
the inherent asymmetric properties of the measure.
In this section, we discuss some of the limitations and However, this correlation measure only computes
proposed improvements to the signal data correlation instantaneous correlation; that is, we do not know how
coefficient measure proposed by Pijn and Lopes da Silva. long it takes for a signal to reach some other site in the
In addition, we discuss the use of parallel and distrib- brain. The incorporation of additional features in the
uted computing techniques for the goal of improving the correlation coefficient measure for signal data, such as a
performance of our computational pipeline. Finally, we method to compute any time lag, will significantly help
describe the importance of using common terminologi- advance our understanding of functional connectivity in
cal systems to facilitate interoperability of signal data epilepsy.
with patient data stored in electronic health record
(EHR) systems.
13.4.2 Improving the Performance
of the Computational Pipeline
13.4.1 Developing an Accurate Measure of Signal
The statistical measures used to compute correlations
Correlation in Neurological Disorders
within signal datasets require the pairwise processing of
As we described in Section 13.3, the non-linear correla- data recorded from different locations. With rapid tech-
tion coefficient developed by Pijn and Lopes da Silva is nological advances in recording brain activities, the
effective in corroborating some of the clinical findings number of data points that are available to be processed
related to neurological disorders such as epilepsy. In for the computation of functional connectivity measures
spite of this perceived effectiveness, we believe that there has increased dramatically in the past few years. For
are several areas of improvement that will enable signal example, current SEEG recording techniques can record
analysis to provide better insights into brain functional data at a rate of 10 kHz from 256 electrode contacts. In
connectivity in both patients with neurological disorders addition, the volume of signal data is expected to keep
and persons who do not have neurological disorders. increasing. Although the processing of such vast
In Section 13.2, we noted that the correlation coefficient amounts of data is useful for advancing functional con-
of Pijn and Lopes da Silva is based on a discrete approx- nectivity research, it presents significant computational
imation of the signal; it is therefore plausible that this challenges. The current implementation of our compu-
measure represents a discrete approximation of a more tational pipeline, for example, requires several hours to
accurate connectivity measure. Thus, an area of potential process data for an ictal event lasting only 30 seconds.
improvement lies in determining how to compute this As signal recording technology continues to improve
“true” correlation measure using different techniques, and the volume of data correspondingly increases,
Scalable Signal Data Processing for Measuring Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy Neurological Disorder 267

there is a clear need to develop efficient computational signal data. These semantic annotations are expected to
approaches to analyze signal data on a large scale. significantly improve the integration and retrieval of
The use of high-performance parallel and distributed signal data aggregated from multiple sources, including
computing approaches, including the use of a cloud data generated in multi-center research studies. In
computing infrastructure, will allow us to improve the addition, the use of terminological systems such as the
performance of the computational pipeline used to Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms
derive functional connectivity measures. In particular, (SNOMED CT) for semantic annotation is also expec-
the use of Apache Hadoop [40] or Apache Spark [41] will ted to facilitate the interoperability of signal data with
allow multiple ictal periods to be analyzed simulta- related clinical data stored in EHR systems. This will
neously. Apropos, the inherent ability of CSF to frag- enable neuroscience researchers to perform clinical
ment and store signal data across multiple sites is ideally research studies.
suited for use with a cloud computing infrastructure. We
successfully developed a proof-of-concept implementa-
tion of our computational pipeline using Apache Pig that
processed 750 GB of EDF file data into CSF files using
a 31-node Hadoop cluster [42]. Following this pilot
13.5 Conclusion
implementation, we plan to develop an Apache Spark-
based implementation of our computational pipeline to The determination of dynamic properties of functional
significantly improve the performance time for large- networks in the brain, in both healthy individuals and
scale signal data processing. persons suffering from neurological disorders, is an
important and challenging research problem. Visualiz-
ing the brain as an interactive and interconnected
13.4.3 Use of Ontologies for Standardizing
network of structures, we can create maps of functionally
Terminology in Signal Data Analysis
connected brain regions by observing the generation and
Terminological heterogeneity in data generated from propagation of electrical activity. In this chapter, we
multiple sources arises due to the use of disparate terms have outlined the use of statistical correlation techniques
to describe similar physiological events (e.g., signal to compute functional connectivity measures from SEEG
complexes in EEG recordings), and it represents a key signal data. We have also described a computational
challenge in integrating large-scale neuroscience data [1]. pipeline that incorporates the new CSF signal data rep-
To address this critical challenge, we use terms modeled resentation format, along with other data processing and
in existing biomedical ontologies to annotate signal data signal analysis functionalities. We expect that our pipe-
in CSF files as part of the computational pipeline. line will help to analyze signal data on a large scale, and
Ontologies are knowledge models that represent terms thereby potentially advance our understanding of
in a domain of discourse using formal knowledge rep- complex neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Our
resentation languages, such as the description logic- computational pipeline makes effective use of the novel
based Web Ontology Language (OWL2) [43]. Biomedical CSF file format for signal data representation and
ontologies have been widely adopted and used to rec- storage. The CSF has been designed to effectively
oncile data heterogeneity and support data integration support time-series signal analysis and parallel pro-
and querying. For example, Gene Ontology (GO) is widely cessing techniques. We believe that integrating new
used to annotate genomic data to facilitate the use of functionalities and improving correlation measures for
common terminology across different data sources and signal data will allow us to effectively leverage the
also enable users to easily query the integrated data [44]. growing volume of signal data for further research in
The National Center for Biomedical Ontologies lists neurological disorders.
more than 500 open source biomedical ontologies that
can be used for a semantic annotation of biomedical data
and an automated reconciliation of heterogeneous terms
used to describe similar data values [45]. At present, we
are building on our experience in the development
and application of a domain ontology for epilepsy called
the Epilepsy and Seizure Ontology (EpSO) [46] to inte- This work is supported in part by the NIH-NIBIB Big
grate additional neuroscience-specific ontologies in the Data to Knowledge (BD2K) 1U01EB020955 grant and
computational pipeline for a semantic annotation of NSF grant# 1636850.
268 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation
of EEGs

Iyad Obeid and Joseph Picone

14.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................271
14.2 Big Data Issues in Manual Interpretation of EEGs..................................................................................................273
14.2.1 Waveform Displays Are Still a Primary Visualization Tool ....................................................................273
14.2.2 Signal Conditioning Enhances Interpretation.............................................................................................275
14.2.3 Locality Is an Extremely Important Feature ...............................................................................................276
14.2.4 Annotations Play a Critical Role in Machine Learning Systems .............................................................276
14.2.5 Inter-Rater Agreement Is Low ......................................................................................................................277
14.2.6 Evaluation Metrics Are Important ...............................................................................................................279
14.2.7 Decision Support Systems Can Enhance Interpretation ...........................................................................280
14.2.8 Unbalanced Data Problem Makes Machine Learning Challenging ........................................................280
14.3 TUH EEG Corpus.........................................................................................................................................................282
14.3.1 Digitization and Signal Processing...............................................................................................................282
14.3.2 EEG Report Pairing ........................................................................................................................................283
14.3.3 De-Identification of the Data.........................................................................................................................284
14.3.4 Basic Descriptive Statistics.............................................................................................................................284
14.3.5 Structure of the Released Data......................................................................................................................286
14.4 Automatic Interpretation of EEGs .............................................................................................................................287
14.4.1 Machine Learning Approaches .....................................................................................................................287
14.4.2 Typical Static Classification Systems ...........................................................................................................288
14.4.3 Feature Extraction ...........................................................................................................................................288
14.4.4 Hidden Markov Models.................................................................................................................................291
14.4.5 Normal/Abnormal Detection .......................................................................................................................293
14.4.6 Seizure Detection ............................................................................................................................................295
14.5 Summary and Future Directions................................................................................................................................295
References ................................................................................................................................................................................297

seizure-like discharges or even seizures (e.g., hyperven-

14.1 Introduction tilation and photic stimulation). The entire session for a
routine EEG, including the time required to affix sensors
An EEG measures the spontaneous electrical activity of to a patient’s scalp, requires one to two hours. Patients
the brain, as shown in Figure 14.1 [1]. A routine EEG are asked to lie still in a prone position and are period-
typically lasts 20 to 30 minutes and is used in clinical ically requested to perform limited movements (e.g.,
circumstances where a short measurement is sufficient breath, blink).
(e.g., distinguishing epileptic seizures from other types Long-term monitoring (LTM) is useful in a variety of
of seizures). Routine EEGs often include standard acti- situations in which patients have intermittent distur-
vation procedures that increase the chance of capturing bances that are difficult to capture during routine EEG

272 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

It is important to note that a vast majority of all routine

EEGs conducted are inconclusive [4]: “In healthy adults
with no declared history of seizures, the incidence of
epileptiform discharge in routine EEG was 0.5%. A
slightly higher incidence of 2–4% is found in healthy
children and in nonepileptic patients referred to hospital
EEG clinics. The incidence increases substantially to 10–
30% in cerebral pathologies such as tumor, prior head
injury, cranial surgery, or congenital brain injury.”
Patients experiencing epilepsy rarely seize during a
routine EEG session, even though audio visual stimula-
tion such as rhythmic stimulation using light and sound
is often applied to induce seizures. In recent years, with
the advent of wireless technology, LTM occurring over a
period of days to weeks has become possible. Ambula-
tory data collections, in which untethered patients are
continuously monitored, are becoming increasingly
popular due to their ability to capture seizures and other
critical infrequently occurring events [5]. Unfortunately,
the data collected under such conditions are often suffi-
ciently noisy and poses serious challenges for automated
analysis systems.
EEGs traditionally have been used to diagnose epi-
lepsy and strokes [2] although other common clinical
diagnoses include coma [6], encephalopathies [7], brain
death [8], and sleep disorders [9]. EEGs and other forms
of brain imaging such as fMRI are increasingly being
FIGURE 14.1 used to diagnose conditions such as head-related trauma
EEG measures electrical activity (ionic currents) along the scalp using injuries, Alzheimer’s disease, posterior reversible
gold-plated or silver/silver chloride electrodes. The signals, typically encephalopathy syndrome, and middle cerebral artery
in the microvolt range, are very noisy and must be viewed by exam- infarction. Computerized EEG signal processing appli-
ining differential voltages between and electrode and a ground point
cations have included predicting dementia in
such as an electrode connected to the left ear. (Photo adapted from
Electroencephalography, April 19, 2017.) Parkinson’s disease patients [10,11], stroke volume
measurement and outcome prediction [12,13], psychosis
evaluation in high-risk patients [14], and assessment of
sessions. Patients who experience medical conditions traumatic brain injury severity.
such as epilepsy or stroke are often subjected to LTM in a The increasing scope of conditions addressable by an
critical care setting such as an epilepsy monitoring unit EEG suggest that there is a growing need for expertise to
(EMU). In such cases, recordings can last several hours interpret EEGs and, equally importantly, research to
or several days, generating a large amount of data that understand how various conditions manifest themselves
need to be reviewed by a clinician. Advances in digital in an EEG signal. Computer-generated EEG interpreta-
technology have greatly enhanced the ability to acquire, tion and identification of critical events can therefore be
store, and review large amounts of clinical data, which expected to significantly increase the quality and effi-
typically now include electrical signals, video, and other ciency of a neurologist’s diagnostic work. Clinical con-
vital signs. Clinical practice is struggling to keep pace sequences include regularization of reports, real-time
with the vast amount of patient data being collected. This feedback, and decision-making support to physicians.
has created an opportunity for automated computer- Computerized EEG assessment can therefore potentially
based processing and interpretation of EEGs. alleviate the bottleneck of inadequate resources to
The signals measured along the scalp can be correlated monitor and interpret these tests.
with brain activity, which makes it a primary tool for The primary focus of this chapter is to introduce readers
diagnosis of brain-related illnesses [2,3]. The electrical to the process of developing machine learning technology
signals are digitized and presented in a waveform display for automatic interpretation of EEGs. Readers interested in
as shown in Figure 14.2. EEG specialists review these the fundamentals of the electrophysiology or neuroscience
waveforms and develop a diagnosis. The output of the on which an EEG is based are encouraged to read one of
process is a physician’s EEG report, as shown in Figure 14.3. many excellent discourses [2,15] on the topic. Here we
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 273

EEG signal is a multi-channel signal typically consisting of 22 channels. Neurologists often visualize the data using a montage—a set of differential
voltages designed to accentuate anomalous behavior like spikes and sharp waves. Event-based annotations, which are created on a per-channel
basis, are shown.

focus less on basic EEG science and more on the issues that American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) [16].
impact machine learning systems. We also describe the Because conduction of electricity along the scalp is a
challenges in providing reliable real-time alerts, which is nonlinear process, changes in the electrode locations on
an important capability for LTM, and a critical gap pre- the scalp often cause significant variations in the signals
venting EEGs from becoming more useful and pervasive. observed, as does the reference point used to measure
This chapter begins with an overview of the challenges in scalp voltages. Grounding also plays a critically impor-
manual interpretation of an EEG in Section 14.2. We then tant role in the quality of the observed signals.
introduce the TUH EEG Corpus (TUH-EEG) and discuss
the important role big data is playing in the development 14.2.1 Waveform Displays Are Still a Primary
of automatic interpretation technology in Section 14.3. Visualization Tool
Next, in Section 14.4, we introduce machine learning
systems that can detect critical EEG events such as spikes Manual interpretation of an EEG is a subtle process that
with performance close to human experts. We then con- can require extensive knowledge of the patient’s medical
clude with a discussion of emerging directions in high- history, medication history, and alertness, as well as the
performance classification using deep learning in Section duration and morphology of EEG signal events. EEG
14.5. The latter is enabled by the existence of large corpora signals are often analyzed based on their temporal pro-
of labeled data such as that described in Section 14.3. perties, e.g., amplitude, shape, and frequency. The latter
is typically measured by counting peaks in the time
domain. No single feature or collection of features
identify an EEG as normal. It is the overall orderly pro-
14.2 Big Data Issues in Manual Interpretation gression of signal over time that best represents a normal
pattern [15]. Essential features of a normal EEG include
of EEGs
frequency content, polarity of spikes in the signal, sym-
The information yielded by an EEG channel is essentially metry of transient behavior, and perhaps most impor-
the difference of electrical activity between two elec- tantly, the locality of an event (e.g., whether an event is
trodes. Figure 14.4 shows a standard electrode mapping observed across all channels or only a few channels that
for a 10/20 configuration as recommended by the correspond to a particular brain region). Frequency
274 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Temple University
Hospital Clinical Neurophysiology Center
Temple University Health System 3509 Broad Street Tel (215) 707-4523
5th Floor, Boyer Pavilion
Philadelphia, PA 19140
PATIENT NAME: Smith, John DOB: 10/09/1979
DATE: 04/01/2013 MR: 12345678
ACCT: 123456789012 OP/RM#
EEG: 13-528 REFERRING PHYSICIAN: Daniel Jones/Rodriguez


CLINICAL HISTORY: This is a 33-year-old female with a history of migraines using Fioricet. She has a past medical history
of hypertension, gastric bypass, obesity, and migraines.


MEDICATIONS: Fioricet, guaifenesin, Paxil, amlodipine, Reglan, Carafate, Flonase, omeprazole, Topamax, and vitamins.

INTRODUCTION: A routine EEG was performed using standard 10–20 electrode placement system with the addition of
anterior temporal and EKG electrode. The patient was recorded in wakefulness and stage I and stage II sleep. Activating
procedures included hyperventilation and photic stimulation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE RECORD: The record opens to a well-defined posterior dominant rhythm that reaches 9–10 Hz
which is reactive to eye opening. There is normal frontocentral beta. The patient reached stage I and stage II sleep. She also
during the recording had short periods of rapid eye movement noted. Hyperventilation and photic stimulation were
performed and produced no abnormal discharges.




IMPRESSION: Normal awake and sleep EEG.

CLINICAL CORRELATION: This is a normal awake and sleep EEG. No seizures or epileptiform discharges were seen.
Please note that the findings of REM during a routine EEG could be suggestive or indicative of sleep disorder and sleep
consultation could be helpful.

Camilo Gutierrez, MD
MedQ 557391452/559219
DD:04/01/2013 13:56:56
DT:04/01/2013 15:10:37

Example of a typical EEG Report. The format of the report is fairly standard across institutions and contains a brief medical history, medication
history, a description of the neurologist’s interpretation of the EEG signal, and the implications of these findings (clinical correlation).

content in the alpha, beta, delta, and theta bands, which [19,20]. Neurologists can also identify what are often
are not measured directly but can be derived from the referred to as benign variants with high reliability—
channels available in a standard EEG recording, can behaviors that on the surface might be considered
often be used to detect anomalous behavior. Time-based anomalous, but that are not indicative of a medical
waveform displays are still the most popular means by condition or are simply inconclusive. For example,
which a neurologist interprets an EEG, although fre- patient movement or eye blinks can often cause spikes in
quency domain visualizations have become more the signal that can be easily misclassified by machine
popular for rapidly scanning large amounts of data to learning systems. These benign variants contribute to the
locate regions of interest [17,18]. high false alarm rate from which most commercial
Neurologists can often determine whether an EEG is systems suffer [21]. Therefore, interactive tools used by
normal or abnormal with high reliability by examining neurologists typically include many digital signal pro-
the first few minutes of an EEG session. Not surprisingly, cessing options that accentuate certain behaviors in the
machine learning systems can approach human perfor- signal [18,22], including low pass, high pass, bandpass,
mance on this task operating on similar amounts of data and notch filters.
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 275

Fp1 FPz Fp2 Fp1 FPz Fp2

F7 F8 F7 F8
F3 Fz F4 F3 Fz F4

T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 A1 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 A2

P3 Pz P4 P3 Pz P4
T5 T6 T5 T6

O1 Oz O2 O1 Oz O2


Fp1 FPz Fp2

F7 F8
F3 Fz F4
Target electrode

T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 Reference electrode

P3 Pz P4 Average of all electrodes

T5 T6

O1 Oz O2


Electrode locations are shown for three common referential montages for a standard 10/20 configuration: (a) the common vertex reference (Cz),
(b) the linked ears reference (LE), and (c) the average reference (AR).

14.2.2 Signal Conditioning Enhances Interpretation Some commonly used reference schemes, which are
depicted in Figure 14.4, include the following:
Because typical electrical voltage ranges for EEG signals
are in the tens of microvolts and extremely noisy, EEG
• Common vertex reference (Cz): uses an elec-
signals are typically visualized using a differential view,
trode in the middle of the head
known as a montage, that consists of signal differences
from various pairs of electrodes (e.g., Fp1-F7). ACNS • Linked ears reference (A1+A2, LE, RE): based on
recognizes that there are a great variety of montage the assumption that sites like the ears and
styles in use among EEG practitioners, and has proposed mastoid bone lack electrical activity, often
guidelines for a minimum set of montages [16]. Neu- implemented using only one ear
rologists are often particular about the specific montage • Average reference (AR): uses the average of a
used when interpreting an EEG. At Temple University finite number of electrodes as a reference
Hospital (TUH), for example, the Temporal Central
Parasagittal (TCP) montage [23] is often used, as it The robustness of a state-of-the-art machine learning
accentuates spike behavior. Despite ACNS guidelines, system that decodes EEG signals depends highly on the
several voltage reference sites are still used during EEG ability of the system to maintain its performance when
recordings depending on the purpose of the EEG there are variations in the recording conditions. The
recording [24]. specific montage of a recording could potentially affect
276 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

the operation of such systems in a negative way, which manual interpretation of an EEG. Clinicians also visually
constitutes a fundamental problem, given the fact that adapt to the background channel behavior of a patient’s
EEG signals tend to present high variability in clinical data before they can identify cues such as spikes that
settings. In the work of [25], it was observed that there lead to the identification of a seizure.
are some systematic biases in performance that depend
on the source of the data, but these are relatively small
compared to the overall problem of detecting seizures, 14.2.4 Annotations Play a Critical Role in Machine
spikes, or other such transient phenomena. Learning Systems
There are generally two approaches to developing
14.2.3 Locality Is an Extremely Important Feature machine learning technology to automatically interpret
The spatial locality of an event often plays a major role in EEGs. The first approach, which relies on expert knowl-
its classification. Since each electrode is tied to a partic- edge, requires a deeper understanding of how EEGs are
ular location on the scalp, the channels in which an event manually interpreted and the translation of this process
occurs prominently become an important key for clas- into an algorithm description. Low-level events, such as
sification. Frontal lobes, which are defined as the area at spikes, are detected, and then a higher level of logic is
the front of the brain behind the forehead, are respon- applied to map sequences of these events to diseases or
sible for voluntary movement, conscious thought, outcomes. This is analogous to the process of recognizing
learning, and speech [26]. Temporal lobes, which are phonemes in speech recognition and then building word-
defined as the areas of the brain at the side of the head level transcriptions from these phoneme hypotheses [28].
above the ears, are responsible for memory and emo- This requires data annotated in such a way that low-level
tions. Parietal lobes are the area of the brain at the top of event models can be trained, which, in turn, requires
your head behind your frontal lobes and control cogni- some agreement on a set of low-level labels.
tive functions such as how we process sensory input, After several iterations with a group of expert neu-
how we judge spatial relationships, and coordination. rologists, and following popular approaches found in
Our ability to read, write, and do math is also tied to this the literature [29], we have developed the following six-
region of the brain. The occipital lobes are the area at the way classification for a segment of an EEG, which we
back of the brain at the back of your head and are refer to as an epoch:
responsible for our sense of sight.
Conditions such as epilepsy are caused by disruptions 1. Spike and/or sharp wave (SPSW): epileptiform
in normal brain activity. There are several key types of transients that are typically observed in patients
disruptions that can occur. These can be broadly clus- with epilepsy.
tered into two classes [27]: 2. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLED):
EEG abnormalities consisting of repetitive spike
• Partial (focal) seizures: seizures that happen in, or sharp wave discharges, which are focal or
and affect, only part of the brain. The signatures lateralized over one hemisphere and that recur
of these types of seizures depend on which part at almost fixed time intervals.
of the brain is affected. 3. Generalized periodic epileptiform discharges (GPED):
• Generalized seizures: seizures that happen in, and periodic short-interval diffuse discharges,
affect, both sides of the brain. The patient is often periodic long-interval diffuse discharges, and
unconscious during this type of seizure and will suppression-burst patterns according to the
not remember the seizure itself. The most well- interval between the discharges. Triphasic waves
known category for this type of seizure is a tonic (diffuse and bilaterally synchronous spikes with
clonic (convulsive) seizure. bifrontal predominance, typically periodic at a
rate of 1–2 Hz) are included in this class.
A seizure causes a change in the EEG, so detecting 4. Artifacts (ARTF): recorded electrical activity that
changes from normal patterns becomes an important is not of cerebral origin, such as those due to
first step in the process. Observation of an abnormal EEG
equipment or environment.
does not prove that the patient has epilepsy. EEGs must
be used alongside other tests to conclusively diagnose a 5. Eye movement (EYEM): common events that can
condition. For example, video of the patient is often often be confused for a spike.
examined along with an EEG, and MRIs are increasingly 6. Background (BCKG): all other signals.
being used to confirm diagnoses. The combination of the
montage, used to accentuate spike or transient behavior, These classes are very similar to what others have
and the nature of the locality are important cues for used [30,31] to perform stroke and epilepsy detection.
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 277

Epochs are usually 1 second in duration and are further structure of the data. In this approach, we provide
subdivided in time for signal conditioning and analysis. manual annotations of seizure events that simply indi-
Examples of the SPSW and EYEM classes are shown in cate the start and stop time of a seizure, and optionally
Figure 14.2. We typically annotate data in a channel- the type of seizure. For this approach to work, a large
dependent manner since we need to establish the locality archive of data is needed, and hence the focus on big data
of an event. We refer to such annotations as event- resources described in Section 14.3. A waveform display
based annotations since they identify the start and stop for a typical seizure event, along with the corre-
times of events on specific channels. A summary judg- sponding spectrogram for a selected number of channels,
ment for each epoch is then made based on the channel- is shown in Figure 14.5. The TUH EEG Seizure Corpus
dependent annotations. We refer to these annotations [34], which is a subset of TUH-EEG, provides a large
as term-based, following a convention used in other annotated corpus of seizure events that can be used to
research communities [32]. We generate these automat- develop such technology.
ically using a majority voting scheme that looks across Our seizure event annotations include start and stop
all channels. In cases where the outcome of a majority times; localization of a seizure (e.g., focal, generalized)
vote is not clear, we resolve ambiguity manually. with the appropriate channels marked; type of seizure
Identification of these six events is important towards (e.g., simple partial, complex partial, tonic–clonic,
making a final classification of a section of data as con- gelastic, absence, atonic); and the nature of the seizure
stituting a seizure event. The first three classes are (e.g., convulsive). The non-seizure event annotations
information bearing in that they describe events that are include artifacts, which could be confused with seizure-
critical in manual interpretation of an EEG. What pri- like events such as ventilatory artifacts and lead artifacts;
marily distinguishes these three classes is the degree of non-epileptiform activity that may resemble epilepti-
periodicity and the extent to which these events occur form discharges, such as psychomotor variant, mu,
across channels. Neurologists can identify PLEDs and breach rhythms, and positive occipital sharp transients
GPEDs with a high degree of accuracy since these events of sleep (POSTS); abnormal background that could be
are distinctive because of their long-term repetitive confused with seizure-like events (e.g., triphasics); and
behavior. Accuracy for manually detecting spikes, interictal and postictal states. The types of features are
however, is more problematic [21]. important when manually interpreting an EEG and
The last three classes are used to improve our ability to determining how a seizure manifests itself. We use
model the background channel. Background modeling is these finer categorizations of seizures to build models
an important part of any machine learning system that specific to these events, which also helps reduce the false
attempts to model the temporal evolution of a signal alarm rate.
(e.g., hidden Markov models [HMMs], deep learning).
We let the system automatically perform background/
14.2.5 Inter-Rater Agreement Is Low
non-background classification as part of the modeling
process rather than use a heuristic preprocessing algo- A board-certified EEG specialist currently is required by
rithm to detect signals of interest. This is described in law to interpret an EEG and produce a diagnosis. It takes
more detail in Section 14.4. This follows a very successful several years of additional training post-medical school
approach that we have used in speech recognition [33]. for a physician to qualify as a clinical specialist. How-
Artifacts, eye blinks, and eye-related muscle move- ever, despite completing a rigorous training process,
ments occur frequently enough that they merit separate there is only moderate inter-rate agreement (IRA) in EEG
classes. These events appear as transient events in the interpretation [35,36] for low-level events such as spikes.
signal and to an untrained eye can be misinterpreted as In the work of Halford et al. [37], it was noted that IRA
spike behavior. The rest of the events that do not match among experts was significantly higher for identification
the first five classes are lumped into the background class. of electrographic seizures compared to periodic dis-
Hence, it is important that the background class model be charges. In the work of Swisher et al. (17), it was noted
robust and powerful, because this is the primary way the that even augmenting traditional waveform displays
false alarm rate is minimized. Further, the critical aspects with a display based on advanced “brain mapping”
of performance are related to the sensitivity and speci- analytics, known as a quantitative EEG (qEEG), was not
ficity of the first three classes since these are the events adequate as the sole method for reviewing continuous
neurologists will key on to interpret a session. Hence, as EEG data. Kappa statistics [38] in the range of 0.6 are
discussed in Section 14.2.6, we often adjust our scoring common for manual interpretations and drop consider-
criteria to give proper weight to these classes. ably as the data become more challenging or are col-
The second machine learning approach, which is lected under typical clinical conditions.
embodied in many deep learning-based systems that are What makes this problem so challenging is that an
so popular today, is to let the system learn the underlying EEG signal is a very low voltage signal (e.g., microvolts).
278 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data



Typical seizure event is shown in (a) a waveform plot for a subset of the channels; (b) a spectrogram plot for a subset of the channels. Note that the
seizure begins on a few channels (e.g., T5-O1) and then spreads to adjacent channels.
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 279

The slightest disturbances, such as simply pressing Sensitivity (TP/TP+FN) and specificity (TN/TN+FP)
on the electrical connections, cause large deflections are derived from these quantities. A precision–recall (PR)
in the waveforms. There are many anomalies that curve is an alternative method of scoring [42] in which
produce spike-like behavior in the signal. An example is precision is the percentage of correctly detected seizure
shown in Figure 14.2, where we see an SPSW event on divided by predicted seizure epochs (TP/TP+FP), while
the left side of the image and an EYEM event on the right recall is called sensitivity.
side of the image. Video is often used concurrently with However, sensitivity can often be increased arbitrarily
an EEG to characterize paroxysmal clinical events that if one is willing to tolerate a poor specificity or a high
might be seizures, including grimacing, chewing, or false alarm rate. Interviews conducted with many clini-
nystagmoid eye movements; abrupt and otherwise cians have indicated that the primary reason commer-
unexplained changes in pulse, blood pressure, or respi- cially available technology is not used in clinical settings
ratory pattern; or abrupt deterioration in conscious level. is due to the high false alarm rate [43,44]. This is perhaps
Ideally, video and the EEG signals should be recorded the single most important metric today in guiding
concurrently. Accurate recognition and distinction of machine learning research applications in critical care.
benign variants in an EEG are essential to avoid over- Critical care units are overwhelmed with the number of
interpretation. The range of benign variants include false positives that automated event detection equip-
highly confusable events such as small sharp spikes ment generates. To put this in perspective, one false
(often referred to as BSSS or BSST for benign small sleep alarm per bed per hour in a 12-bed ICU generates 12
transients), 14 and 6 positive spikes, 6-Hz “phantom” interrupts per hour that must be serviced. This can easily
spike and wave, and subclinical rhythmic EEG discharge overwhelm healthcare providers. Since many types of
[39]. These often require additional input beyond EEG automated monitoring equipment are used in an ICU
waveforms (e.g., video). Therefore, it is not surprising setting, each with significant false alarm issues, the
that IRA is fairly low even among experts, particularly number of false alarms that must be serviced by
on clinical data in which patient behavior is not well healthcare providers is overwhelming [45]. As a result,
controlled. clinicians report that in practice they simply ignore these
Of course, one must balance sensitivity, specificity,
14.2.6 Evaluation Metrics Are Important
and false alarms. This has been studied extensively in
Annotations play a key role in most machine learning other communities focused on event-spotting technol-
applications where supervised training [33] is used. ogy such as spoken term detection in voice signals [46].
Accurate system evaluation, however, also represents a A measure that we have borrowed from this research
challenge in itself. Researchers typically report perfor- community is the term-weighted value (TWV) [32],
mance in terms of sensitivity and specificity [40] of which is based on the notion of a detection error tradeoff
epochs in biomedical research applications [41]. Each (DET) curve [47]. A DET curve is very similar to a
epoch is considered as a separate testing example, even receiver operating characteristic originally developed to
though EEG events can span multiple epochs. The results assess the performance of a communications system
of the classifier are presented in a confusion matrix, [48]. TWV essentially assigns an application-dependent
which gives a very useful overview of performance. For reward to each correct detection and a penalty to each
example, for a two-class problem such as seizure detec- incorrect detection. TWV is one minus the weighted sum
tion, a confusion matrix has the following categories: of the term-weighted probability of missed detection and
the term-weighted probability of false alarms. The actual
• True positives (TP): the number of epochs iden- TWV (ATWV) is performance measured for a specific
tified as a seizure in the reference annotations, decision threshold—essentially establishing a specific
and were correctly labeled as a seizure operating point on the DET curve. This measure is useful
• True negatives (TN): the number of epochs cor- when it is preferred to compare two systems based on a
rectly identified as non-seizures single number, though it is always better to compare
DET curves over a range of operating characteristics.
• False positives (FP): the number of epochs incor-
ATWV and DET curves are our recommended way to
rectly labeled as seizure
evaluate EEG interpretation systems.
• False negatives (FN): the number of epochs To use ATWV, however, you need what are referred to
incorrectly labeled as non-seizure as term-based annotations of the data, and you need to
280 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

tune the weights assigned to various error modalities to locate such events can be performed on the aggre-
[32,49]. Epoch-based annotations are defined as those in gated data. Clinical consequences include regularization
which each frame is labeled. Researchers often choose to of EEG reports, real-time feedback and decision-
evaluate their systems on a subset of the epochs available making support, and enhanced training for young
in a database because the overwhelming majority of neurophysiologists.
epochs are assigned to a background, non-seizure, or the One of the challenges in this task is that the EEG reports,
equivalent. Since the data are dominated by the presence such as the one shown in Figure 14.3, are captured as
of events assigned to the background class, performance unstructured text in most clinical environments. There-
and evaluation will be biased towards background fore, natural language processing is required to identify
events if proper normalizations are not considered. In a key medical concepts in the reports. Identification of the
typical clinical corpus, seizure events account for less type and temporal location of EEG signal events such as
than 0.01% of the data (as measured by the cumulative spikes or generalized periodic epileptiform discharges
number of seconds seizure events exist). Hence, opti- in the EEG signal is critical to the interpretation of an
mization of a system based on such a metric will focus on EEG. Cohort retrieval systems allow users to query such
non-seizure events, which is not desirable in practice. information using natural language (e.g., “Show me all
Therefore, we annotate the data using term-based similar young patients with focal cerebral dysfunction
annotations, which simply denote the start and stop time who were treated with Topamax”). In Figure 14.6, we
of specific events such as a seizure. ATWV allows one to show an example of one such system [51] based on TUH-
tune the tradeoffs between various types of error classes. EEG (described in Section 14.3).
It is ideal for these types of applications because it ade-
quately weights false alarms, which is crucial to this
14.2.8 Unbalanced Data Problem Makes Machine
application. ATWV ranges from [−∞,1], with a score
Learning Challenging
greater than 0.5 being indicative of a system that is
performing well. Negative ATWV scores are typically Finally, as mentioned previously in Section 14.2.6,
indicative of systems with high false alarm rates. ATWV something that makes this problem additionally chal-
software is available from the National Institute of lenging is the large imbalance between events of interest
Standards and Technology [50] as part of the Open (e.g., seizures, spikes) and non-events (e.g., background).
Keyword Search Evaluation package. This is often referred to as the imbalanced data problem
[54]. The amount of time that a patient experiences a
seizure is typically less than 0.01% of the overall data in a
14.2.7 Decision Support Systems Can Enhance
clinical setting. Clinicians must sift through vast
amounts of data in real time to diagnose a disorder. For
Decision support systems in healthcare, which can example, a patient is often admitted to an EMU or ICU
greatly improve manual interpretation, can leverage vast for continuous monitoring. Seizure events will occur
archives of electronic medical records (EMRs) if high- optimistically only a few times per day. Nevertheless, all
performance automated data wrangling can be achieved data must be manually reviewed. Further, patients now
[51–53]. EMRs can include unstructured text, temporally can also use ambulatory EEG systems that allow con-
constrained measurements (e.g., vital signs), multichan- tinuous data collection from their normal living envi-
nel signal data (e.g., EEGs), and image data (e.g., MRIs). ronments, further amplifying the amount of data that
Clinicians who specialize in visual interpretation of data must be reviewed.
often require second opinions, consult data banks of Direct training on this type of data poses several
reference samples, or even reference textbooks for diffi- challenges for traditional machine learning approaches.
cult cases that are outside of their normal daily experi- Even the best deep learning systems will ignore such
ences. Medical students specializing in neurology spend infrequently occurring events in their efforts to optimize
years shadowing clinicians while they learn how to read a performance metric. In such situations where one class
EEGs through experiential training. is significantly more probable than another, the obvious
One application of automatic interpretation technol- solution is to always guess the most probable class.
ogy that integrates high-performance classification with Though overall performance will appear to be good,
big data is cohort retrieval. This application can posi- performance on events of interest is very poor. This is a
tively impact clinical work and medical student training. common problem in this application space, and another
When observing an event of interest, such as a seizure, reason a weighted metric like ATWV becomes impor-
it is desirable to locate other similar examples of such tant. As we will see in the next section, big data plays a
signals, either from previous sessions from the same or critical role in this field, because we need large amounts
similar patients. Information from EEG reports and EEG of these infrequently occurring events to train high-
signals can be mined in such a way that database queries performance statistical models. Techniques such as
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 281



Cohort retrieval system can provide relevant decision support that improves a neurologist’s ability to manually interpret an EEG. (a) The user
interface allows signal and text data to be simultaneously searched using unconstrained text queries. (b) The system returns links to signal data
(EDF files) and EEG reports (plain text files) for those patient records that match the query.
282 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

cross-validation and boosting [55] play an important role population. The EEGs were collected from adults
in avoiding such machine learning problems. ranging in age from 16 to 90+ years old. The data were
not collected under carefully controlled research condi-
tions. This becomes apparent when we discuss the
challenges that EEG signal events such as patient
movements pose in terms of robust pattern recognition.
The second important aspect of this corpus is that it is
14.3 TUH EEG Corpus
openly available. Users are not required to be added to
The development of TUH-EEG [56] was an attempt to an IRB or sign data-sharing agreements. Further, users
build the world’s largest publicly available database of are not restricted in their use of the data, though they
clinical EEG data. It currently comprises more than should acknowledge the source of the data in all
30,000 EEG records from over 16,000 patients and is publications. Both research and commercialization work
growing at a rate of about 3,000 sessions per year. It can be conducted with the data.
represents the collective output from Temple University
Hospital’s Department of Neurology since 2002. Data
14.3.1 Digitization and Signal Processing
collection began in 2013 and is an ongoing effort. We
have currently released all data from 2002 to 2013 in EEG signals in TUH-EEG were recorded using several
v0.0.6 and will continue to release additional data on an generations of Natus Medical Incorporated’s NicoletTM
annual basis (v1.0.0 was released in Spring 2017 and EEG recording technology. The raw signals obtained
contains data through 2015). The data are available from from the studies consist of recordings that vary between
the Neural Engineering Data Consortium (http://www 20 and 128 channels sampled at a minimum of 250 Hz
.nedcdata.org/). Future releases are expected to include using a 16-bit A/D converter. The data are stored in a
data from other hospitals and metadata from a number proprietary format that has been exported to an open
of collaborative projects. All work was performed in standard, the European Data Format (EDF) [57], with the
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and with the use of NicVue v5.71.4.2530. These EDF files contain an
full approval of the Temple University Institutional ASCII header with important metadata information
Review Board (IRB). All personnel in contact with priv- distributed in 24 unique fields that contain the patient’s
ileged patient information were fully trained on patient information and the signal’s condition. There are addi-
privacy and were certified by the Temple IRB. tional fields that describe signal conditions, such as the
Because of the long time horizon of the data collection, maximum amplitude of the signals, which are stored for
the original data exist in many data formats that reflect every channel. A complete description of this header can
the evolution of clinical practice and instrumentation. be found at the TUH-EEG project website [58]. The
Archival EEG signal data were recovered from CD- signal data are stored in an uncompressed format using
ROMs. Files were converted from their native proprie- 16 bits per sample. The data are normalized by a
tary file format (Nicolet’s NicVue) to an open format minimum and maximum value to maximize precision
EDF standard. Data were then rigorously de-identified and minimize quantization effects. These normalization
to conform to the HIPAA Privacy Rule by eliminating 18 values are stored in the EDF header for each file.
potential identifiers including patient names and dates The large variability among EEG channels and mon-
of birth. Patient medical record numbers (MRNs) were tages utilized in clinical EEGs is not usually something
replaced with randomized database identifiers, with a that is represented in data collected under controlled
key to that mapping being saved to a secure off-line research conditions. However, this is an important
location. An important part of our process was to iden- practical issue present in clinical data. For example, in
tify similar patients even though they appeared in the TUH-EEG, there are over 40 different channel configu-
original data with different MRNs, name spellings, or in rations and at least four different types of reference
some cases name changes. Data de-identification was points used in the EEGs administered. One example
performed by combining automated custom-designed underscoring the importance of data diversity is the
software tools with manual editing and proofreading. work of Lopez et al. [25], which studied the impact of
All storage and manipulation of source files was con- sensor configuration on classification performance. It
ducted on dedicated non-network connected computers was determined that there was a statistically significant
that were physically located within the TUH Depart- degradation in performance when reference channel
ment of Neurology. conditions were mismatched (e.g., training on Average
There are two distinguishing aspects of these data. Reference data and evaluating on Linked Ears data).
First and foremost, it cannot be overemphasized that the Attempts to mitigate this using standard approaches
data were collected in a live clinical setting. TUH is the such as Cepstral Mean Subtraction (CMS) [59] were not
public hospital for Philadelphia and serves a diverse successful, indicating that further study of this problem
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 283

is necessary. It is unclear whether these data can be official hospital summary of the clinical impression. They
modeled by a single statistical model, or whether special are generated anywhere from a few hours to a few days
measures must be taken to account for this variability. after the patient has been treated depending on the
Research fields such as speech recognition have dealt particular workflow for the neurologist and the hospital.
with this problem for many years using technologies These reports are composed of unstructured text that
such as speaker and channel adaptation [59], but these describes the patient, relevant history, medications, and
technologies have yet to be explored in EEG research. clinical impression. The report also includes information
Although there are many unique sensor configura- about the location of the session (e.g., inpatient or out-
tions, about 50% of the data follow the 10/20 convention patient), the type of EEG test (e.g., LTM or standard),
shown in Figure 14.4 closely. The remaining 50% of the and the protocol invoked for the test (e.g., the type of
data can be mapped onto this configuration using a stimulation used).
combination of channel selection and spatial interpola- These reports typically have four sections relevant to
tion. We have developed signal processing software to our research: clinical history, medications, introduction,
abstract these details from the user so that the data can description of the record, and clinical correlations. The
be easily processed using typical machine learning par- last section is perhaps the most important for machine
adigms. In our preliminary experiments described in learning research since it contains a summary of the
Section 14.4, we will focus on data adequately modeled findings. Not surprisingly, the language used in these
using a 10/20 configuration since this is the most prev- reports is intentionally measured, which often makes it
alent configuration for an EEG. Neurologists can man- difficult to automatically interpret using natural lan-
ually interpret EEGs collected using this configuration guage processing techniques. Due to the limitations of
with relatively high accuracy, and there is no compelling information technology (IT) systems at many hospitals,
evidence that higher resolution EEGs improve human reports are not often easily matched with the EEG
performance. However, higher resolution EEGs are still signals. Reports are often stored in a separate IT system,
useful for techniques such as localization of seizures and and their connection to the actual EEG data is lost over
brain mapping [60]. time. Therefore, we manually paired each retrieved EEG
The EEG data archived by a hospital are, unfortu- with its corresponding clinician report. Reports were
nately, not the entire signal of record. Because these are mined from the hospital’s central EMR archives and
multichannel signals, the amount of data storage typically consisted of image scans of printed reports.
required for a single EEG would exceed the capacity of a Various levels of image processing were employed to
DVD, which are still the primary way these data are improve the image quality before applying optical
archived. For example, a 22-channel signal digitized at character recognition (OCR) to convert the images into
16 bits/sample for 20 minutes totals about 132 MB. An text. A combination of software and manual editing was
LTM EEG, which can last for 72 hours or more, can grow used to scrub protected health information (PHI) from
in size to several gigabytes of data. At the time these the reports and to correct errors in OCR transcription.
digital systems were designed, this was deemed exces- Only sessions with both an EEG and a corresponding
sive. Therefore, during a session, technicians mark sec- clinician report were included in the final corpus. The
tions of interest in the signal. When the data are archived unpaired data are still available and are useful for
to disk, only these sections are retained. This is a process studies where the lack of an EEG report or a summary of
referred to as EEG pruning [61]. The EEGs in TUH-EEG the findings is not an issue (e.g., clustering, unsupervised
are all pruned. When these EEGs are exported to an EDF training, or self-organizing data analysis).
file, they are split into multiple files corresponding to The pairing process can often be challenging due to a
each segment of interest. Start and stop times of these number of complicating factors. A patient can often have
segments relative to the original signal are retained in the multiple MRNs either due to practical issues such as
EDF file so that some parts of the original timeline can be clerical errors (e.g., misspelled names or a typo in an
reconstructed. MRN), a change in medical insurance, the use of another
patient’s medical insurance (not uncommon in public
hospitals), and changes in marital status, which trigger a
14.3.2 EEG Report Pairing
name change. The timestamp is also a valuable key in
For every EEG, there is also a report, such as the one pairing reports, but even that can be misleading. A
shown in Figure 14.3, that was generated by a board- patient can receive multiple EEGs in the same day in
certified neurologist. This report contains a summary of some cases, or often receives a standard 20-minute
the physician’s findings (e.g., clinical correlation sec- baseline EEG before beginning an LTM session. We were
tions) as well as information such as the patient’s history able to resolve these issues using a combination of
and medications. These reports are generated by the automated software that detects potential conflicts and
neurologist after analyzing the EEG scan and are the manual review. In extreme cases, the EEG report must be
284 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

consulted to make sure the patient’s medical history [63,64] and plan to release these metadata soon (see
matches demographic data collected by the technician at http://www.nedcdata.org for further details on its
the time the EEG is administered. The latter is logged as release). The Word versions of the EEG reports have
part of the data collection system and is available in our been manually redacted, and then automatically con-
private, unreleased version of the database that we refer verted to flat text files. These data were reviewed mul-
to when we need to disambiguate data. We have been tiple times by several data entry specialists and run
able to manually pair over 95% of the data with reports through a series of text filters designed to spot thousands
using a combination of MRNs, timestamps, and patient of special cases indicating incorrect redaction.
demographic information.
14.3.4 Basic Descriptive Statistics
14.3.3 De-identification of the Data
The first release of TUH-EEG, referred to a v0.0.6, was
The EEG reports in TUH-EEG have been manually de- made in 2015. Approximately 75% of the sessions are
identified so that a patient’s identity remains anony- standard EEGs less than one hour in duration, while the
mous. This is extremely important because HIPAA remaining 25% are from LTM sessions. A distribution of
compliance [62] requires a patient’s identity be kept the number of records per year is presented in the upper
anonymous. Patient information appears in several right of Figure 14.7. To put the size of this corpus in
places in the original data: the EDF header, annotation perspective, the total EEG signal data collected thus far,
channels where technicians make comments during the including all unreleased data, require over 2 TB of
session, EEG reports, and some auxiliary files generated storage with a median file size of 20 MB. Though the
by the NicVue software to document the recording EEG signal data are pruned, the amount of data is
session (e.g., the Impedance Report). De-identification, staggering. For example, if we treat each channel of data
also referred to as anonymization, requires removal of as an independent signal, there is over 1 billion seconds
this information. We decided to release only two types of of data. Though this might seem huge at first, the events
data—an EEG report as a plain text file and the EEG we are interested in are relatively rare, often occupying
signals as a collection of pruned EDF files. less than 0.01% of the recording duration. The number of
The EDF files were redacted in order to ensure the patients experiencing seizures during a session is on the
patients’ anonymity. This process included modifying order of several hundred. When these sessions are cross-
the MRNs, names, exact dates of birth, and study referenced by patient medical histories, even this huge
numbers in the ASCII EDF header. Patients were amount of data appears small.
assigned a randomized ID, which can be mapped back to
the original MRN through a mapping file stored in a
secure, off-line location. Technician comments, which are
time-aligned with the data and show up in a binary TABLE 14.1
format as additional channels of the signal, were Selected Fields from an EDF Header That Contain
stripped since these tended to be unproductive for our De-Identified Patient Information and Key Signal Processing
research needs. These can at times contain patient names Parameters Are Shown
or other sensitive information. The manual effort Field Description Example
required to redact these was not considered cost-effective
1 Version Number 0
relative to our machine learning research goals.
Redaction of personal information in the EEG reports 2 Patient ID TUH123456789
was a much more sensitive issue and required intensive 4 Gender M
6 Date of Birth 57
amounts of manual review. Information relevant to the
outcome and interpretation of the EEGs, such as gender, 8 Firstname_Lastname TUH123456789
age, medical history, and medications, was retained. 11 Startdate 01-MAY-2010
13 Study Number/Tech. ID TUH123456789/TAS X
Selected fields from this header that contain important
metadata are shown in Table 14.1. 14 Start Date 01.05.10
Though the EEG reports appear to have a semantic 15 Start time 11.39.35
16 Number of Bytes in Header 6400
structure, the reports are created typically in Microsoft
Word as flat unstructured files. Extracting useful infor- 17 Type of Signal EDF+C
mation from these reports can only be done using 19 Number of Data Records 207
20 Dur. of a Data Record (Secs) 1
natural language processing techniques. More research
is needed on the organization and representation of 21 No. of Signals in a Record 24
these reports, but we are making progress in parsing and 27 Signal Prefiltering HP:1.000 Hz LP:70.0 Hz N:60.0
28 No. Signal Samples/Rec. 250
representing these data in a related research project
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 285

The completed v0.0.6 corpus comprises 16,986 sessions EDF file was 31, although there were cases with as few as
from 10,874 unique subjects. Each of these sessions 20. A majority of the EEG data were sampled at 250 Hz
contains at least one EDF file (more in the case of LTM (87%) with the remaining data being sampled at 256 Hz
sessions that were broken into multiple files) and one (8.3%), 400 Hz (3.8%), and 512 Hz (1%).
physician report. Corpus metrics are summarized in An overview of the distribution of signal events
Figure 14.7. Subjects were 51% female and ranged in age described in Section 14.2.4 is shown in Table 14.2 for a
from less than 1 year to over 90 years (average 51.6, stdev subset of the data we have used to develop baseline
55.9; see Figure 14.7 bottom left). The average number technology. We see that all classes except SPSW occur
of sessions per patient was 1.56, although as many frequently enough that robust statistical models can be
as 37 EEGs were recorded for a single patient over an built. A subset of the SPSW events will ultimately corre-
eight-month period (Figure 14.7, top left). The number of spond to seizures, so we see how infrequently seizure
sessions per year varies from approximately 1,000 to events actually occur. We estimate that about 5% of the
2,500 (except for years 2000–2002 and 2005, in which sessions contain actual seizure events, and less than 0.01%
limited numbers of complete reports were found in the of the recorded data contain an actual seizure event.
various EMR archives; see Figure 14.7, top right). PLEDs and GPEDs can be located with relative ease.
There was a substantial degree of variability with ARTF and EYEM events also can be relatively easily
respect to the number of channels included in the corpus identified using a variety of heuristic or statistical methods.
(see Figure 14.7, bottom right). The corpus is relatively An initial analysis of the physician reports reveals a
evenly split between AR reference data (51.5%) and LE wide range of medications and medical conditions.
referenced data (48.5%). (There are a very small number Unsurprisingly, the most commonly listed medications
of reference schemes that do not conform to these two were anti-convulsants such as Keppra and Dilantin, as
standards). EDF files typically contained both EEG- well as blood thinners such as Lovenox and heparin.
specific channels as well as supplementary channels Approximately 87% of the reports included the text
such as detected bursts, EKG, EMG, and photic stimuli. string “epilep,” and about 12% included “stroke.” Only
The most common number of EEG-only channels per 48 total reports included the string “concus.” The EEG

9000 3000


5000 1500
2000 500

1 2 3 4 5 6 13

Sessions per patient Year of recording

4000 10000 EEG-only

3500 9000


2500 6000
2000 5000
1500 4000
500 1000
0 0
<=10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–60 61–70 71–80 81–90 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Patient age Number of channels

Metrics describing the TUH EEG Corpus: (top left) histogram showing number of sessions per patient; (top right) histogram showing number of
sessions recorded per calendar year; (bottom left) histogram of patient ages; (bottom right) histogram showing number of EEG-only channels
(black) and total channels (gray).
286 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 14.2 aged to physically mail a USB hard drive to the authors
in order to avoid the downloading process.
Overview of the Distribution of Events in the Subset of the
The corpus was defined with a hierarchical Unix-style
TUH EEG Corpus Used to Develop Our Baseline Technology
file tree structure. The top folder, edf, contains 109
for the Six-Event Classification Task
numbered folders, each of which contains numbered
Train Eval folders for up to 100 patients. Each of these patient
Event No. % (CDF) No. % (CDF) folders contains sub-folders that correspond to individ-
SPSW 645 0.8% (1%) 567 1.9% (2%) ual recording sessions. Those folder names reflect the
GPED 6184 7.4% (8%) 1,998 6.8% (9%) session number and date of recording. Finally, each
PLED 11,254 13.4% (22%) 4,677 15.9% (25%) session folder includes one or more EEG (.edf) data files
EYEM 1,170 1.4% (23%) 329 1.1% (26%) as well as the clinician report in .txt format. Figure 14.8
ARTF 11,053 13.2% (36%) 2,204 7.5% (33%) summarizes the corpus file structure and gives examples
BCKG 53,726 63.9% (100%) 19,646 66.8% (100%) of text and signal data.
Total: 84,032 100.0% (100%) 29,421 100.0% (100%) We also have released subsets of the data of interest to
the community. TUH EEG Epilepsy Corpus (v0.0.1) is a
subset of the TUH EEG Corpus that contains 100 subjects
reports contain a total of 3.5M words, which makes it with and without epilepsy. The TUH EEG Seizure
an interesting corpus for natural language processing Corpus [34] is a subset designed to support seizure
research. detection experiments. This corpus contains a 50-patient
evaluation set and a 250-patient training set. The evalu-
ation set has been manually annotated for seizure events
14.3.5 Structure of the Released Data
by a panel of expert neurologists. The training set has
The TUH EEG Corpus v0.0.6 has been released and is been annotated by a team of experienced annotators and
freely available online at http://www.nedcdata.org. validated using a variety of commercial systems. The
Users must register with a valid email address. The TUH EEG Abnormal EEG Corpus is a subset in which
uncompressed EDF files and reports together comprise each EEG has been manually classified as normal or
572 GB. For convenience, the website stores all data from abnormal by our expert annotation team [20]. In addition
each patient as individual gzip files with a median file to these subsets, we have released automatically gener-
size of 4.1 MB; all 10,874 gzips together comprise 330 GB. ated alignments of the six signal event classes described
Users wanting to access the entire database are encour- in Section 14.2.4 for all the data in TUH-EEG. Over the

Directory and file structure of TUH-EEG is shown. Data are organized by patient and then by session. Each session contains one or more signal
files (edf) and a physician’s report (txt). To accommodate filesystem management issues, patients are grouped into sets of about 100.
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 287

next few years, we also expect to expand the corpus to informed by preceding or following context. When the
include data from other hospitals. low-level signal is highly ambiguous, as is the case in
speech recognition or EEG event detection, these tech-
niques fail because the event probabilities generated are
not adequately distinct for high-performance inference.
This was a lesson learned many years ago in speech
recognition when expert systems [71] and event spotting
14.4 Automatic Interpretation of EEGs
[72] were abandoned in favor of statistical models based
Automatic interpretation of EEGs essentially involves on Bayes’ rule and exhaustive search [73].
detecting epileptiforms and then classifying their nature. The third approach, segment decoding, has been
For example, if they are persistent, an event will be popular in applications such as speech recognition,
classified as a GPED. If it is an isolated even, it is clas- where language provides an overall structure to the
sified as SPSW. Disambiguating spikes from background signal. We can exploit sequential relationships between
noise is a significant problem, especially for signals such words and phonemes to improve the accuracy of this
as EEGs where many types of artifacts produce spike- low-level event detection (known as acoustic decoding
like behavior. Most spike detection systems use one of in speech recognition) [33,74]. Feature extraction and the
two approaches: (1) heuristic waveform detection tech- transformations used to postprocess features, which we
niques or (2) static frame classification techniques. The refer to as signal models, learn context-dependent sta-
performance of commercial tools, which are often based tistics [75] and use these to better calibrate the frequency
on heuristics, has proven to be unacceptable for clinical domain and time domain predictions of the signal. This
use [17,21]. type of top-down processing is critical to achieving high
performance in speech recognition, but has yet to be
applied to EEG analysis, because the decision tree (DT)
14.4.1 Machine Learning Approaches
or logic behind classifying an EEG based on expert
There have been historically three general machine- knowledge has not been adequately codified.
learning approaches to the problem of EEG classi- Most previous studies have focused on small numbers
fication: (1) a single classification of an entire EEG, of patients (typically less than 20) and have not dem-
(2) segment-level classification, and (3) sequential de- onstrated robust performance. For example, the Sei-
coding. Single classification of an entire signal represents zure Detection Challenge (https://www.kaggle.com/c
the simplest approach in which an entire EEG segment /seizure-detection) [76] was based on “prolonged
is classified by learning a mapping of a single aggre- intracranial EEG recorded from four dogs with naturally
gate feature vector [65,66]. Lopez et al. [20] demon- occurring epilepsy and from 8 patients with medication
strated the classification of abnormal EEGs using this resistant seizures during evaluation for epilepsy
approach. Nonlinear statistical models such as neural surgery.” Most research focused on EEG classification
networks (NNs), support vector machines (SVMs), and has concentrated on static classification of the data. An
even visual pattern recognition techniques are typically example of this type of approach was used by Bao et al.
used. Such systems often make a binary decision (e.g., [68], in which 94% classification accuracy was achieved
normal/abnormal), but do not identify critical events for epilepsy detection on six normal and six epileptic
within the signal. patients. The signal was segmented into 20-second non-
A second variation on this approach is to segment each overlapping intervals (4096 samples at 200 Hz), and
channel of the multi-channel signal into frames, analyze converted to a feature vector using a collection of het-
and classify each frame, and then perform some overall erogeneous features that included power spectral
classification of a segment or an entire file based on these intensity, fractal dimension, and other measures of
event probabilities [67,68]. These two-level hierarchical nonlinearity. A probabilistic neural network (PNN) was
systems can be viewed as static classifiers since each applied to each channel, and the individual channel
frame of data is judged independently of the others. outputs were combined using a voting system.
These approaches often use feature extraction techniques Although the feature extraction process was manually
based on wavelets [69,70] or other similar time/ optimized by using bandpass filters and increasing the
frequency representations of the signal, and often con- segment length to 40 seconds, automated optimization
catenate feature vectors in time to increase temporal could have been exploited if more data were available
context. They do not make use of the temporal sequence and discriminative training of features could be
of EEG events. employed. Our experience in other classification prob-
Both these approaches can be viewed as a bottom-up lems, such as speech recognition [77], is that feature
approach because the statistical models that transform extraction plays a relatively insignificant role in overall
segments of the signal to probabilities are not generally system performance if the higher-level classification
288 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

system is suitably powerful. "recent years, deep learning We have replicated the Wulsin results on a publicly
systems are circumventing a model-based feature available seizure detection task [81] using a relatively
extraction process (e.g., cepstral features) and operating simple standard HMM-based [82,83] approach as a
directly on samples of the signal [78] using an approach proof of concept. We achieved a sensitivity of 96.5% and
called representation learning. a false alarm rate of 3.8/hour. It was possible to build
The drawbacks of many of the static classification this system quickly and efficiently because time-aligned
approaches being used are that the spectral behavior of markers for the seizure events were provided with the
the signal is coarsely quantized, and hence the channel- data. It has been more challenging to reach our goal of
specific classifiers do not account for the temporal 95% sensitivity on TUH-EEG due to the lack of time-
behavior of the signal. The analysis windows typically aligned markers for events. This has necessitated
used are on the order of 1 to 2 seconds, which give poor investigation into active learning approaches that can be
temporal resolution. In addition, the sample size is typ- used to bootstrap systems from small amounts of data
ically too small to achieve true statistical significance. In [84].
such limited studies, there is always the potential for
the classifier keying in on artifacts of the data, such as
14.4.3 Feature Extraction
the background noise or the quality of the transducer
conduction. There are two general approaches to contemporary signal
processing—functional or model-based features (e.g.,
cepstral coefficients) or statistically based features that are
14.4.2 Typical Static Classification Systems
embedded in some larger machine learning system.
As machine learning research has evolved, interest in The latter appear to work well when there are ample
detecting low-level events has been growing. For amounts of data and offer the benefit of integrating key
example, Wulsin et al. [67] defined a detection problem algorithmic enhancements such as discriminative training
based on the six signal events described in Section 14.2.4. [85]; the former is more traditional and has worked well
Their recall (0.22) and precision (0.19) rates were respect- in a variety of recognition applications (e.g., speech rec-
able, but their study was conducted on only 11 patients. ognition) where there is significant subject matter exper-
A small portion of the data were selected that contained tise. Model-based features tend to work well for EEG
significant EEG events, and these data were hand-labeled analysis, although statistically based features are slowly
by a clinical epileptologist. For feature extraction, tem- emerging as more data become available. In this section,
poral features, such as mean energy, zero crossings, and we describe a standard model-based approach.
average peak/valley amplitude, and spectral features, Neurologists most often review EEGs in 10-second
such as frequency band power and wavelet energy, were windows when doing fine-grained analysis. Larger time
combined. A variety of classifiers were evaluated intervals are used to triage data and locate sections of
including SVMs and deep belief networks (DBNs; a interest, but detailed interpretations are most often per-
particular form of a deep learning–based system). formed on 10-second windows. The time resolution used
False positive rates were in the range of 4 to 25 false in these assessments is often on the order of 1 second.
alarms per hour [67]. A mean F-score was used as an Therefore, we decompose the signal into fixed intervals
overall performance metric. Best performance was typically of 1 to 2 seconds, which we refer to as an epoch.
obtained using a principal components analysis (PCA) of We have experimentally adjusted these parameters and
the features followed by a DT classifier. More interest- found that a 1-second epoch is an appropriate tradeoff
ingly, the performance of DTs, SVMs, and DBNs was between time resolution, computational complexity,
comparable and slightly better than the k-nearest and performance [86]. We further subdivide this interval
neighbor (kNN). We conjecture that this is a byproduct into 0.1-second frames and use an overlapping window
of insufficient training data and less mature deep learn- approach to compute features, as shown in Figure 14.9.
ing technology. Head-to-head comparisons of deep We use a standard cepstral coefficient-based feature
learning systems on speech recognition tasks with large extraction approach similar to the linear frequency
amounts of training data [79, 80] have shown two things: cepstral coefficients (LFCCs) used in speech recognition
(1) for the same amount of training data, deep learning [75,87]. Though popular alternatives to LFCCs in EEG
systems can exceed the performance of more conven- processing include wavelets, which are used by many
tional HMMs if properly configured, and (2) the per- commercial systems, our experiments with such features
formance of HMMs can often approach the performance have shown very little advantage over LFCCs on TUH-
of deep learning systems if additional training data are EEG. Unlike speech recognition, which uses a mel scale
provided. Bengio et al. (2013) also demonstrated that the for reasons related to speech perception, we use a linear
feature extraction process could be automatically frequency scale for EEGs, since there is no physiological
learned using a deep learning–based system. evidence that a log scale is meaningful [15].
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 289

It is common in the LFCC approach to compute cepstral attempts to model the long-term change in energy. This
coefficients by computing a high-resolution fast Fourier term examines energy over a range of M frames centered
transform, downsampling this representation using an about the current frame, and computes the difference
oversampling approach based on a set of overlapping between the maximum and minimum over this interval:
bandpass filters, and transforming the output into the    
cepstral domain using a discrete cosine transform [59,75]. Ed = max Ef ðmÞ − min Ef ðmÞ : (14.3)
m m
The zeroth-order cepstral term is typically discarded and
replaced with an energy term as described below. We typically use a 0.9-second window for this calcu-
There are two types of energy terms that are often lation. This simple feature has proven to be surprisingly
used: time domain and frequency domain. Time domain effective.
energy is a straightforward computation using the log of The final step to note in our feature extraction process
the sum of the squares of the windowed signal: is the familiar method for computing derivatives of fea-
N −1
1 X tures using a regression approach [59,79,88]:
Et = log jxðnÞj2 : (14.1)
N n=0 XN
nðct+n − ct−n Þ
dt = XN , (14.4)
We use an overlapping analysis window (a 50% over- 2 n=1 n2
lap was used here) to ensure a smooth trajectory of this
feature. The energy of the signal can also be computed in
the frequency domain by computing the sum of squares where dt is a delta coefficient, from frame t computed in
of the oversampled filter bank outputs after they are terms of the static coefficients ct+n to ct−n. A typical value
downsampled: for N is 9 (corresponding to 0.9 second) for the first
! derivative in EEG processing, and 3 for the second
N −1
X 2 derivative. These features, which are often called deltas
Ef = log j X ðk Þj : (14.2)
because they measure the change in the features over
times, are one of the most well-known features in speech
This form of energy is commonly used in speech rec- recognition [59]. We typically use this approach to
ognition systems because it provides a smoother, more compute the derivatives of the features and then apply
stable estimate of the energy that leverages the cepstral this approach again to those derivatives to obtain an
representation of the signal. However, the virtue of this estimate of the second derivatives of the features, gen-
approach has not been extensively studied for EEG erating what are often called delta-deltas. This triples
processing. the size of the feature vector (adding deltas and
To improve differentiation between transient pulse-like delta-deltas), but is well-known to deliver improved
events (e.g., SPSW events) and stationary background performance. This approach has not been extensively
noise, we have introduced a differential energy term that evaluated in EEG processing.

Window = 0.2 s m×n

Frame = 0.1 s

Channel 0 features Channel 1 features Channel n features

Frame 0
Frame 1 ...

Frame m
Frequency energy
1st cepstral coefficient

7th cepstral coefficient

Differential energy

Illustration of the frame-based analysis that is used to extract features, and how features are stacked so that both temporal and spatial context can
be exploited.
290 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Dimensionality is something we must always pay We refer to this second evaluation paradigm as a four-
attention to in classification systems since our ability to way classification task: SPSW, GPED, PLED, and
model features is directly related to the amount of BACKG. The latter class contains an enumeration of the
training data available. The use of differential features three background classes. Finally, in order that we can
raises the dimension of a typical feature vector from 9 produce a DET curve [47], we also report a two-way
(e.g., 7 cepstral coefficients, frequency domain energy, classification task in which we collapse the data into a
and differential energy) to 27. There must be sufficient target class (TARG) and a background class (BCKG).
training data to support this increase in dimensionality DET curves are generated by varying a threshold
or any improvements in the feature extraction process typically applied to likelihoods to evaluate the tradeoff
will be masked by poor estimates of the model param- between detection rates and false alarms. However, it is
eters (e.g., Gaussian means and covariances). The impact also instructive to look at specific numbers in table form.
of differential energy is shown in Figure 14.10. Therefore, all experiments reported in the tables use a
We have used a subset of TUH-EEG that has been scoring penalty of 0, which essentially means we are
manually labeled for the six types of events described in evaluating the raw likelihoods returned from the classi-
Section 14.2.4 to tune feature extraction [86]. We use the fication system. In virtually all cases, the trends shown in
HMM system described in Section 14.4.4 as the classifi- these tables hold up for the full range of the DET curve.
cation system. The training set contains segments from The first series of experiments was run on a simple
359 sessions, while the evaluation set was drawn from combination of features. A summary of these experi-
159 sessions. No patient appears more than once in the ments is shown in Table 14.3, where error rates are given
entire subset, which we refer to as the TUH EEG Short on the six-way, four-way, and two-way classification
Set. The training set was designed to provide a sufficient tasks described above. Cepstral-only features were
number of examples to train statistical models. We refer compared with several energy estimation algorithms. It
to the 6sixclasses shown in Section 14.2.4 as the six-way is clear that the combination of frequency domain energy
classification problem. This is not necessarily the most and differential energy, system no. 5 in Table 14.3, pro-
informative performance metric. It makes more sense to vides a substantial reduction in performance. However,
collapse the three background classes into one category. note that differential energy by itself (system no. 4)

Emax Emin
Wave forms

T3-C3 Emax Emin

120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130

FIGURE 14.10
Illustration of how the differential energy term accentuates the differences between spike-like behavior and noise-like behavior. Detection of SPSW
events is critical to the success of the overall system.
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 291

TABLE 14.3
Performance on the TUH EEG Short Set of the Base Cepstral Features Augmented with an Energy Feature. System
No. 5 Uses Both Frequency Domain and Differential Energy Features. Note That the Results Are Consistent Across
All Classification Schemes
No. System Description Dims. 6-Way 4-Way 2-Way
1 Cepstral 7 59.3% 33.6% 24.6%
2 Cepstral + Ef 8 45.9% 33.0% 24.0%
3 Cepstral + Et 8 44.9% 33.7% 24.8%
4 Cepstral + Ed 8 55.2% 32.8% 24.3%
5 Cepstral + Ef +Ed 9 39.2% 30.0% 20.4%

produces a noticeable degradation in performance. very similar. Therefore, we evaluated a system that
Frequency domain energy clearly provides information eliminates the second derivative for differential energy.
that complements differential energy. The improvements This system is labeled no. 16 in Table 14.4. We obtained a
produced by system no. 5 hold for all three classification small but significant improvement in performance over
tasks. Though this approach increases the dimensional- system no. 10. The improvement on four-way classifi-
ity of the feature vector by one element, the value of that cation was larger, which indicates more of an impact on
additional element is significant and not replicated by differentiating between PLEDs, GPEDs, and SPSW vs.
simply adding other types of signal features [86]. background. This is satisfying since this feature was
A second set of experiments was run to evaluate the designed to address this problem.
benefit of using differential features. These experiments The results shown in Tables 14.3 and 14.4 hold up
are summarized in Table 14.4, where we again show six- under DET curve analysis as well. DET curves for system
way, four-way, and two-way classification error rates as nos. 1, 5, 10, and 15 are shown in Figure 14.11. We can
described above. The addition of the first derivative adds see that the relative ranking of the systems is comparable
about 7% absolute in performance (e.g., system no. 6 vs. over the range of the DET curves. First derivatives
system no. 1). However, when differential energy is deliver a measurable improvement over absolute fea-
introduced, the improvement in performance drops to tures (system no. 10 vs. no. 5). Second derivatives do not
only 4% absolute. provide as significant an improvement (system no. 15
The story is somewhat mixed for the use of second vs. no. 10). Differential energy provides a substantial
derivatives. On the base cepstral feature vector, second improvement over the base cepstral features.
derivatives reduce the error rate on the six-way task by
4% absolute (systems nos. 6 and 11). However, the
14.4.4 Hidden Markov Models
improvement for a system using differential energy is
much less pronounced (system no. 5 in Table 14.3, An overview of a generic system to automatically
systems nos. 10 and 15 in Table 14.4). In fact, it appears interpret EEGs is shown in Figure 14.12. This system
that differential energy and derivatives do something incorporates a signal event detector that operates on

TABLE 14.4
Impact of Differential Features on Performance Is Shown. For the Overall Best Systems (nos. 10 and 15), Second
Derivatives Do Not Help Significantly. Differential Energy and Derivatives Appear to Capture Similar Information
No. System Description Dims. 6-Way 4-Way 2-Way
6 Cepstral + D 14 56.6% 32.6% 23.8%
7 Cepstral + Ef + D 16 43.7% 30.1% 21.2%
8 Cepstral + Et + D 16 42.8% 31.6% 22.4%
9 Cepstral + Ed + D 16 51.6% 30.4% 22.0%
10 Cepstral + Ef +Ed + D 18 35.4% 25.8% 16.8%
11 Cepstral + D + DD 21 53.1% 30.4% 21.8%
12 Cepstral + Ef + D + DD 24 39.6% 27.4% 19.2%
13 Cepstral + Et + D + DD 24 39.8% 29.6% 21.1%
14 Cepstral + Ed + D + DD 24 52.5% 30.1% 22.6%
15 Cepstral + Ef +Ed + D + DD 27 35.5% 25.9% 17.2%
16 (15) but no DD for Ed 26 35.0% 25.0% 16.6%
292 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

each channel using channel-independent models, and 50

two stages of postprocessing to produce epoch labels. 45
exp 01
exp 05
An N-channel EEG is transformed into N independent exp 10
feature streams using a standard sliding window– 40 exp 15

based approach. These features are then transformed 35

False alarm rate

into EEG signal event hypotheses using a standard
HMM recognition system [83]. These hypotheses are
postprocessed by examining temporal and spatial 25
context to produce epoch labels. The system detects 20
three events of clinical interest (SPSW, PLED, and
GPED) and three events that map to background
(ARTF, EYEM, and BCKG) as described in Section 10
14.2.4. 5
A multichannel EEG signal is input to the system,
typically as an EDF file. A subset of the channels corre- 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
sponding to a standard 10/20 EEG are selected. The Detection rate
signal is converted to a sequence of feature vectors as
previously described. A group of frames are classified FIGURE 14.11
into an event on a per-channel basis using an HMM-based DET curve analysis of feature extraction systems that compares abso-
lute and differential features. The addition of first derivatives provides
[33,89] classifier. This approach, which we borrow a measurable improvement in performance while second derivatives
heavily from speech recognition [28,83], uses a left-to- are less beneficial.
right HMM topology [33] to encode the temporal evolu-
tion of the signal. Though there is no direct physiological
or neurological motivation for this topology, experiments Each incoming epoch for each channel is processed
on alternate topologies have not proven to result in a through the system, resulting in a likelihood vector that
significant gain on EEG or speech recognition experi- models the probability that the epoch could have been
ments. The standard three-state model works surpris- generated from the corresponding model. The event
ingly well across a wide range of applications. label for a channel is selected based on the most probable
HMMs are trained for each of the six classes using data class—a forced-choice hypothesis test.
for all channels (channel-specific HMMs have not The second level of the system essentially examines
proven to provide a significant gain in performance). multiple adjacent epochs in time, which we refer to as

extraction Temporal
and spatial

Sequential Post Epoch

modeler processor label

a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a
a12 a23 a34 a45 S2
b1(x) b2(x) b3(x) b4(x) b5(x) b b
S3 S4
Hidden Marcov models Finite state machine

FIGURE 14.12
Two-level architecture for automatic interpretation of EEGs that integrates hidden Markov models for sequential decoding of EEG events with
deep learning for decision-making based on temporal and spatial context.
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 293

temporal context, and multiple channels, which we refer TABLE 14.5

to as spatial context since each channel is associated with
Comparison of Performance for Three Postprocessing
a location of an electrode on a patient’s head. There are a
Algorithms for the Detection Rate (DET), False Alarm Rate
wide variety of algorithms that can be used to produce a
(FA), and Classification Error Rate (Error). The FA Rate Is the
decision from these inputs. For example, early work in Most Critical to This Application
EEG interpretation used a majority vote [90]. We have
System DET FA Error
explored three approaches: (1) a simple heuristic
mapping that makes decisions based on a predefined 1: Simple Heuristics 99% 64% 74%
order of preference (e.g., SPWS > PLED > GPED > ARTF > 2: Random Forests 85% 6% 37%
EYEM > BCKG); (2) application of a random forest 3: Autoencoder 84% 4% 37%
classification tree approach [91] that we have used suc-
cessfully for a number of other applications; and (3) a
for data of interest such as SPSW events. We typically set
stacked denoising autoencoder [92,93] that has been
a confidence threshold of about 80%. We continue iter-
successfully used in many deep learning systems. Per-
ating on this process until classification performance on
formance of these three approaches is summarized in
the training data and/or development test data is ade-
Table 14.5.
quate. In practice, convergence occurs quickly and even
The detection rate (DET) is defined as the percentage
after only three iterations, models have improved
of correct recognitions for the classes (SPSW, GPED,
PLED). The false alarm rate (FA) is defined as the per-
centage of incorrect recognitions for (BCKG, ARTF,
EYEM)—the number of times these classes are detected 14.4.5 Normal/Abnormal Detection
as one of the three non-background classes (SSW, GPED,
A similar version of this system can be used to do normal/
PLED) divided by the number of times they occur. The
abnormal classification [19]. The automated classification
error rate (ERR) is defined as the number of times any
of an EEG record as normal or abnormal represents a
class is incorrectly detected divided by the total number
significant step for the reduction of the visual bias
of epochs. Applying a machine learning component as a
intrinsic to the subjectivity of the record’s interpretation.
postprocessor to the event detection level achieves our
The main characteristics of an adult normal EEG are as
goal of maximizing the DET rate and minimizing the FA
follows [15]:
Further, the errors that the current system makes are
• Reactivity: Response to certain physiological
not “mission critical.” For example, it is not critical that
changes or provocations
the system detect every spike accurately. Distinguishing
spikes from background signal is very hard even for a • Alpha rhythm: Waves originated in the occipital
trained neurologist. However, alerting a neurologist that lobe (predominantly), between 8 and 13 Hz and
an EEG has spikes in it, and showing the approximate 15 to 45 μV
locations of these spikes, is of great value. The neurolo- • Mu rhythm: Central rhythm of alpha activity
gist can then manually review only the areas of the signal commonly between 8 and 10 Hz visible in 17%
that have events of interest such as spikes. to 19% of adults
One can often argue that it is relatively straightfor- • Beta activity: Activities in the frequency bands
ward to build an automatic labeling system if fully of 18–25, 14–16, and 35–40 Hz
annotated data are available. This is a great oversimpli-
• Theta activity: Traces of 5–7 Hz activity present
fication since most realistic applications require a sig-
in the frontal or frontocentral regions of the
nificant amount of engineering. For the EEG problem,
the situation is more complex as the agreement between
transcribers is relatively low. We have developed a Neurologists follow procedures similar to the one
highly effective active learning approach to training summarized in Figure 14.14 and can usually make this
models that requires a very small amount of transcribed determination by examining the first few minutes of a
data [84]. An overview of the process is shown in Figure recording. Hence, we focused on examining the first
14.13. We use a small amount of manually transcribed 60 seconds of an EEG to calibrate the difficulty of the task.
data to seed the models. We then use these models to We selected a demographically balanced subset of
automatically label the data and produce likelihoods TUH-EEG through manual review that consisted of 202
that each epoch could have been one of the six classes. normal EEGs and 200 abnormal EEGs. These sets were
We continue by using these new labels to sort the data further partitioned into a training set (102 normal/100
and retrain the models. We only consider labels for data abnormal), development test set (50 normal/50 abnor-
for which we are confident that the labels are correct, and mal), and an evaluation set (50 normal/50 abnormal).
294 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TUH EEG Corpus

learning process

Output: model
Input: EEG parameters
raw data
Find best alignment
Feature extraction Alignment Recall parameters
between primitives
and data

FIGURE 14.13
Overview of our iterative HMM training procedure is shown. An active learning approach is used to bootstrap the system to handle large
amounts of data.

To create an appropriate experimental paradigm, only retained the N most significant eigenvectors of the
one EEG channel was selected for consideration. Exam- covariance matrix.
ination of manual interpretation techniques practiced by Two standard algorithms were explored: kNN (Duda
experts revealed that the most promising channel to et al., 2001) and random forest ensemble learning (RF)
explore was the differential measurement T5-O1, which [91]. We conducted additional searches for an optimal
is part of the popular TCP montage. This channel rep- set of parameters for each system. In Table 14.6, we
resents the difference between two electrodes located in compare performance of these two systems to a baseline
the left temporal and occipital lobes. The first 60 seconds based on random guessing. The first system is random
of each recording was used to extract signal features guessing based on priors. The second system is kNN
using the process described in Section 14.4.3. The feature with k = 20 and a PCA dimension of 86. The third system
vectors (60 seconds × 10 frames/second = 600 vectors) is RF with Nt = 50 and a PCA dimension of 86. The tuned
were concatenated into a supervector of dimension 600 × kNN and RF systems outperform random guessing
27 = 16,200. The dimensionality of the supervector was based on priors, which is a promising outcome for these
reduced using class-dependent PCA in which we experiments. However, there is a high confusion rate for

Patient record

Posterior dominant rhythm Lack


Proceed assuming normal Abnormal

Determine state at other points on record

Rolling eye movement Vertex waves, sleep Otherwise

spindles, K-complexes

Drowsy Asleep Awake

Pathological Otherwise Pathological Standard Pathological

morphology morphology morphology Otherwise

Pathology Benign variant Pathology Benign variant Pathology Benign variant

Abnormal Normal Abnormal Normal Abnormal Normal

FIGURE 14.14
General process for identifying an abnormal EEG depends heavily on the observation of the posterior dominant rhythm (PDR).
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 295

normal EEGs. The dominant error is a normal EEG TABLE 14.7

classified as abnormal. This could be explained by the
Comparison of Performance on an Abnormal
presence of benign variants, or electroencephalographic
EEG Classification Task as a Function of the
patterns that resemble abnormalities, but do not qualify
Channel Selected for Analysis. Neuroscience
as events that would be of significance for the abnormal Considerations Support the Use of T5-O1,
classification of a record. Which Delivers the Lowest Error Rate
Next, we developed a variant of the HMM system
Channel Error (%)
depicted in Figure 14.12. We used standard three-state
HMMs with three Gaussian mixture components per FP1-F7 19.8%
state as before. Feature vectors were computed every T5-O1 17.0%
0.1 second, generating a total of 600 feature vectors over F7-T3 19.8%
the first 60 seconds of the EEG signal. Two approaches C3-Cz 20.7%
were followed. First, as discussed before, we built a P3-O1 23.6%
supervector for each frame consisting of a concatenation
of feature vectors for each channel. This supervector was
reduced to a dimension of 20 using PCA. This system,
shown in Table 14.6 as PCA-HMM, reduced the error to annotate seizures. Their work has been evaluated
rate from 32% to 26%. The goal in this experiment was to against expert neurologists who marked a portion of the
evaluate whether PCA could adequately model locali- same data and shown to have an IRA that exceeds that
zation of the event since it has access to data from all for the expert neurologists. Each event in the evaluation
channels. data has been reviewed by at least five different
The second approach selected a single channel and annotators.
applied the raw feature vector to the same three-state Performance was as follows: sensitivity: 29.2%; speci-
HMM. This system, referred to as GMM-HMM, further ficity: 66.7%; false alarms/24 hours: 78; ATWV:
reduced the error rate to 17%, which is approaching −0.42. This is the first significant benchmark on seizure
human performance on this task (when neurologists are detection for TUH-EEG, and the first benchmark in this
constrained to look at the first 60 seconds of data). In application space that uses ATWV. Commercially
Table 14.7, we explore performance as a function of the available tools tend to perform at a sensitivity of around
channel used. We verified that performance for T5-O1 30% [21] with a high false alarm rate on this task based
was, in fact, optimal, as predicted from neuroscience on other clinical evaluations. Our internal evaluations of
considerations. these commercial systems indicate that our HMM base-
line system delivered performance competitive to these
systems. However, the ATWV score is extremely poor
14.4.6 Seizure Detection
for these systems largely due to the large emphasis this
We have also trained the system depicted in Figure metric places on false alarms. Hence, it is understandable
14.12, using a basic three-state HMM topology and SdA that these systems fail to perform well in live clinical
postprocessing, to perform a seizure/no-seizure binary settings. The main challenge on this task is to accurately
decision. Here, we use a subset of TUH-EEG that was identify short seizures and the start time of slowly
specifically labeled using term-based labels for seizures evolving seizures.
by a series of experts [34]. The data were carefully
annotated by a team of students who have been trained

TABLE 14.6
14.5 Summary and Future Directions
Comparison of Performance for Abnormal Classification Biomedicine is entering a new age of data-driven dis-
of an EEG for Several Standard Classification Approaches covery driven by ubiquitous computing power, a
Including kNN, RF, and Two Variants of a System machine learning revolution, and high-speed Internet
No. System Description Error connections. Access to massive quantities of properly
curated data is now the critical bottleneck to advance-
1 Random Guessing 49.8%
ment in many areas of biomedical research. Ironically,
2 kNN (k = 20) 41.8%
clinicians generate enormous quantities of data daily,
3 RF (Nt = 50) 31.7%
but that information is almost exclusively sequestered
4 PCA-HMM (#GM = 3 #HMM States = 3) 25.6%
in secure archives where it cannot be used for research
5 GMM-HMM (#GM = 3 #HMM States = 3) 17.0%
by the biomedical research community. The quantity,
296 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

quality, and variability of such data represent a signifi- and discriminative training [99]. Our ultimate research
cant unrealized potential, which is doubly unfortunate goal is the prediction of seizures 30 to 60 minutes before
considering that the cost of generating those data has they occur, and research is underway to address this
already been borne. challenge as well.
In this chapter, we have introduced the problem of
automatic interpretation of EEGs and described a para-
digm that can be used to develop high-performance
technology. We began by articulating the problem in
terms that machine learning research can understand.
We described the development of a big data corpus,
TUH-EEG, that is enabling the application of state-of- Research reported in this publication was most recently
the-art statistical models. We introduced a baseline supported by the National Human Genome Research
system that integrates data-driven model-based param- Institute of the National Institutes of Health under
eterizations and subject matter expertise to achieve high award number U01HG008468. The content is solely the
performance in EEG signal event detection. This system responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily
was based on HMMs because of their proven ability to represent the official views of the National Institutes of
model sequential data. Health. This material is also based in part upon work
Future research is now focused on applying deep supported by the National Science Foundation under
learning methodologies to these problems. There are a Grant No. IIP-1622765. Any opinions, findings, and
wide variety of deep learning technologies available that conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
support the integration of temporal and spatial con- material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
straints and can learn autonomously from the data. reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The
Initial experiments using networks based on long short- TUH EEG Corpus work was funded by (1) the Defense
term memory (LSTM) [94,95] and convolutional neural Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) MTO
networks (CNN) [96] have shown modest improvements under the auspices of Dr. Doug Weber through the
in performance in terms of sensitivity and specificity, but Contract No. D13AP00065; (2) Temple University’s
comparable false alarm rates. Experiments in which College of Engineering; and (3) Temple University’s
cepstral-based features are replaced by several addi- Office of the Senior Vice-Provost for Research.
tional layers of a deep learning system are also showing In any project of this nature, there are many people
comparable performance but no significant gains yet. who have contributed knowledge, data, and technology.
This is more than likely due to a lack of a large amount of We owe an enormous debt to Dr. Mercedes Jacobson,
annotated data, as well as the lack of maturity of our pre- MD, professor of neurology, Lewis Katz School of
training and unsupervised learning approaches in deep Medicine, who has been our colleague and mentor, and
learning. Such systems more than likely will require one was responsible for our access to Temple Hospital’s data.
or two orders of magnitude more data than existing We are particularly grateful to Dr. Steven Tobochnik,
HMM-based systems, and such data resources are under MD, currently with New York–Presbyterian Hospital–
development at the Neural Engineering Data Consor- Columbia University for his willingness to review data
tium (http://www.nedcdata.org). and answer many questions about the science. We have
However, if we have significantly more data, there are been fortunate to benefit from a group of over 135 neu-
some fundamental challenges that need to be addressed. rologists that have advised us on some portion of this
Incorporating better features into the system will be project.
critical. These features need to expose the deep learning Without the dedication of many graduate and under-
systems to similar information that neurologists use to graduate students at the Neural Engineering Data Con-
interpret EEGs, so both spatial and temporal contexts are sortium, none of these resources would exist. Amir
required. This greatly increases the complexity of the Harati, Meysam Golmohammadi, and Silvia Lopez were
networks and raises some computational issues. It also the lead developers of the technology. Vinit Shah, Eva
further underscores the importance of more data, since von Weltsin, and James Riley McHugh were primarily
the dimensionality of these systems gets quite large. responsible for the data development. Saeedeh Ziyabari
Similarly, the imbalanced nature of the data must be was responsible for the development of the evaluation
dealt with in a fundamental manner. The high false software. Scott Yang developed the active learning
alarm rate is also a fundamental barrier to the accep- technology. Elliott Krome was responsible for the devel-
tance of the technology. Future research will address opment of interactive demonstration tools. Over 20
these problems using a range of approaches that undergraduates have participated in data entry work for
include transfer learning [97], confidence measures [98], the TUH EEG Corpus.
Machine Learning Approaches to Automatic Interpretation of EEGs 297

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Information Fusion in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
for Biomedical Image Segmentation*

Mohammad Havaei, Nicolas Guizard, Nicolas Chapados, and Yoshua Bengio

15.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................301
15.2 Background: Deep CNNs............................................................................................................................................303
15.3 Method ...........................................................................................................................................................................305
15.3.1 Hetero-Modal Image Segmentation .............................................................................................................305
15.3.2 Pseudo-Curriculum Training Procedure .....................................................................................................306
15.3.3 Interpretation as an Embedding ...................................................................................................................307
15.4 Data and Implementation Details ..............................................................................................................................307
15.4.1 MS Datasets .....................................................................................................................................................307
15.4.2 Brain Tumors (BRATS)...................................................................................................................................307
15.4.3 Pre-Processing and Implementation Details ...............................................................................................307
15.5 Experiments and Results .............................................................................................................................................308
15.6 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................................310
References ................................................................................................................................................................................311

convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to carry out

15.1 Introduction important analytical tasks—such as image segmentation—
given a varying set of available imaging modalities.
Among clinical datasets, medical images are perhaps the
In medical image analysis, image segmentation is a
largest and most complex to analyze. Typical individual
common subtask to achieve a number of clinical goals,
computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic reso-
such as lesion detection and characterization, and is
nance images (MRIs) range from a few tens of megabytes
primordial to visualize and quantify the severity of the
to multi-gigabytes per study. Moreover, with the greater
pathology in clinical practice. Multi-modality imaging
availability of equipment, the number of scans per-
provides complementary information to discriminate
formed per year has been steadily increasing, both in the
specific tissues, anatomies, and pathologies. However,
United States and worldwide [1]. Figure 15.1 illustrates
manual segmentation is long, painstaking, and subject to
the increase in per-capita CT and MRI scans in the
human variability. In the last decades, numerous auto-
United States over the last 20 years. In addition, new
matic approaches have been developed to speed up
screening guidelines coming into force for cancers such
medical image segmentation. These methods can be
as lung, in countries such as the United States [2] and
grouped into two categories: The first, multi-atlas
Canada [3], imply that a great increase in scans is to be
approaches estimate online intensity similarities between
further expected, leading to a bottleneck in the avail-
the subject being segmented and multi-atlases (images
ability of radiologists to analyze all these data. Hence,
with expert labels). These techniques have shown
tools to automate some of this analysis are beneficial.
excellent results in structural segmentation when using
This chapter proposes a technique based on deep
non-linear registration [4] when combined with non-
local approaches, they have proven effective in seg-
menting diffuse and sparse pathologies (i.e., multiple
* Portions of this work were previously published in Havaei et al. [5]. sclerosis [MS] lesions [6] as well as more complex

302 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Yearly CT and MRI scans per 1000 population in the U.S. Cases

CT Exams
Yearly scans per 1000 population




Clinical data
MRI Exams reality

Least common
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Most multi-modal computer vision and machine learning models
Yearly CT and MRI scans per 1000 population in the United States.
assume that all modalities are available for all patients (cases), illus-
These numbers have been steadily increasing for the past 20 years with
trated on top; however, clinical datasets available in practice will
the greater availability of equipment, making automated analysis tools
generally omit one or more modalities from most cases (middle), often
ever more desirable.
reducing model scope to the least common denominator modality
multi-label pathology, e.g., in glioblastoma [7]. Multi-
atlas methods rely on image intensity and spatial simi- increasing popularity in medical image processing for
larity, which can be difficult to be fully described by the segmenting but also to synthesize missing modalities
atlases and heavily dependent on the image pre- [15]. Here, the proposed approach learns, separately for
processing. In contrast, model-based approaches are typically each modality, an embedding of the input image into a
trained offline to identify a discriminative model of image latent space. In this space, arithmetic operations (such as
intensity features. These features can be predefined by computing first and second moments of a collection of
the user (e.g., with random forests; [8] or extracted and vectors) are well defined and can be taken over the dif-
learned hierarchically directly from the images [9]. ferent modalities available at inference time. These
Both strategies are typically optimized for a specific set computed moments can then be further processed to
of multi-modal images and usually require these estimate the final segmentation; an overview of the
modalities to be available. In clinical settings, image approach is shown in Figure 15.3. This approach pres-
acquisition and patient artifacts, among other hurdles, ents the advantage of being robust to any combinatorial
make it difficult to fully exploit all the modalities; as subset of available modalities provided as input, without
such, it is common to have one or more modalities to be the need to learn a combinatorial number of imputation
missing for a given instance, a problem illustrated in models.
Figure 15.2. This problem is not new, and the subject of After presenting a background refresher on deep CNNs
missing data analysis has spawned an immense litera- (Section 15.2), we describe the method (Section 15.3),
ture in statistics (see, e.g., Van Buuren, [10]). In medical follow with a description of the datasets (Section 15.4)
imaging, a number of approaches have been proposed,
some of which require to re-train a specific model with
the missing modalities or to synthesize them [11]. Syn-
thesis can improve multi-modal classification by adding
Available modalities combiner

information of the missing modalities in the context of a

simple classifier such as random forests [12]. Approaches
to imitate with fewer features a classifier trained with a Any available
complete set of features have also been proposed [13]. inputted
Nevertheless, it should stand to reason that a more
complex model should be capable of extracting relevant
features from just the available modalities without
relying on artificial intermediate steps such as imputa-
tion or synthesis.
This chapter introduces a deep learning framework FIGURE 15.3
High-level view of the HeMIS deep CNN structure, wherein a separate
(called Heteromodal Image Segmentation, or HeMIS) that projection to a common embedding is learned for each possible
can segment medical images from incomplete multi- modality, which are then combined and further processed before a
modal datasets. Deep learning [14] has shown an final output is produced. The following sections detail this model.
Information Fusion in Deep CNNs for Biomedical Image Segmentation 303

and experiments (Section 15.5), and finally offer con- 7×7

5×5 5×5 4×4
cluding remarks (Section 15.6).
Os max(Os,0) Zs Hs

Convolution, ReLU, Max pooling,

15.2 Background: Deep CNNs N=3 p=2

CNNs are a type of neural network adopted for

spatially ordered input. The main building block Single convolution layer block showing computations for a single
used to construct a CNN architecture is the convolu- feature map. The input patch (here 7 × 7) is convolved with a series of
tional layer. As in a regular neural network, several kernels (here 3 × 3) followed by ReLU and max-pooling.
convolutional layers can be stacked on top of each
other forming a hierarchy of features. Each layer can different two-dimensional N × N convolution
be understood as extracting features from its pre- filters (one per input channel/modality), plus a
ceding layer in the hierarchy. A single convolutional bias term that is added pixel-wise to each result-
layer takes as input a stack of input planes and pro- ing spatial position. The convolutional operation
duces as output some number of output planes or of image X and kernel W is computed as
feature maps. Each feature map can be thought of as a XX
topologically arranged map of responses of a par- Cij = (W∗X)ij = Xi+m,j+n W−m,−n : (15.2)
ticular spatially local non-linear feature extractor m n

(the parameters of which are learned), applied In the above equation, the region in matrix X
identically to each spatial neighborhood of the input that is used in computation of Cij is referred to
planes in a sliding window fashion. In the case of a as the local receptive field for Cij, and so Cij is only
first convolutional layer, the individual input planes connected to its receptive field, rather than the
correspond to different input channels. In the case of whole image as it is the case with standard
MRI, it can be single slices of different MR imaging multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). This greatly
modalities,* and in the case of color images, it can be reduces the number of parameters of the model.
different color channels. In subsequent layers, the This receptive field is slid across the entire
input planes typically consist of the feature maps of image, a process illustrated in Figure 15.5 [15].
the previous layer. Computing a feature map in a For each receptive field, there is a different
convolutional layer (see Figure 15.4) consists of the hidden neuron (i.e., Cs,ij). However, the weights
following three steps: to compute every hidden neuron are shared.
This further reduces the parameters of the
1. Convolution of kernels (filters): Each feature map model by a factor of the number of neurons in
Os of the layer is associated with one kernel (or that feature map. Intuitively, the reason for
several, in the case of Maxout†). The feature map sharing parameters is that each kernel can be
Os is computed as follows: thought of as a feature detector that tries to
X identify that particular feature at different
Os = b s + Wsr ∗Xr (15.1) spatial positions in the image. Also, by sharing
r parameters, we can greatly reduce the parame-
where Xr is the rth input channel, Wsr is the sub- ters of the model and reduce risk of overfitting.
kernel for that channel, * is the convolution The combination of several of those is illustrated
operation, and bs is a bias term.‡ In other words, in Figure 15.6 [15].
the affine operation being performed for each Whereas traditional image feature extraction
feature map is the sum of the application of R methods rely on a fixed recipe (sometimes
taking the form of convolutions with a linear
filter bank), the key to the success of CNNs is
* In this work, we assume 2D convolutional networks, although the
their ability to learn the weights and biases of
formulation generalize straightforwardly to 3D and higher dimen-
sionalities. individual feature maps, giving rise to data-

Maxout will be discussed later in this chapter. driven, customized, task-specific dense feature

Since the convolutional layer is associated to R input channels, X extractors. These parameters are learned via
contains M × M × R gray-scale values and thus each kernel Ws
stochastic gradient descent on a surrogate loss
contains N × N × R weights. Accordingly, the number of parameters
in a convolutional block, consisting of S feature maps, is equal to R × function, with gradients computed efficiently
M × M × S. via the backpropagation algorithm.
304 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

30 31 22 1 0 3 30 21 12 0 3 3 20 11 02
02 02 10 3 1 12.0 12.0 17.0 0 02 12 30 1 12.0 12.0 17.0 0 0 12 32 10 12.0 12.0 17.0

30 11 22 2 3 10.0 17.0 19.0 3 10 21 22 3 10.0 17.0 19.0 3 1 20 21 32 10.0 17.0 19.0

2 0 0 2 2 9.0 6.0 14.0 2 0 0 2 2 9.0 6.0 14.0 2 0 0 2 2 9.0 6.0 14.0

2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1

3 3 2 1 0 3 3 2 1 0 3 3 2 1 0
00 01 12 3 1 12.0 12.0 17.0 0 00 11 32 1 12.0 12.0 17.0 0 0 10 31 12 12.0 12.0 17.0

32 12 20 2 3 10.0 17.0 19.0 3 12 22 20 3 10.0 17.0 19.0 3 1 22 22 30 10.0 17.0 19.0

20 01 02 2 2 9.0 6.0 14.0 2 00 01 22 2 9.0 6.0 14.0 2 0 00 21 22 9.0 6.0 14.0

2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1

3 3 2 1 0 3 3 2 1 0 3 3 2 1 0
0 0 1 3 1 12.0 12.0 17.0 0 0 1 3 1 12.0 12.0 17.0 0 0 1 3 1 12.0 12.0 17.0

30 11 22 2 3 10.0 17.0 19.0 3 10 21 22 3 10.0 17.0 19.0 3 1 20 21 32 10.0 17.0 19.0

22 02 00 2 2 9.0 6.0 14.0 2 02 02 20 2 9.0 6.0 14.0 2 0 02 22 20 9.0 6.0 14.0

20 01 02 0 1 2 00 01 02 1 2 0 00 01 12

Computing the output values of a discrete convolution. (From Dumoulin, V. and F. Visin (2016, March). A guide to convolution arithmetic for
deep learning. ArXiv e-prints. With permission.)

Special attention must be paid to the treat- ReLU(  ) = max (0, ),
ment of border pixels by the convolution oper-
ation. One option is to employ the so-called valid whereas maxout features are associated with
mode convolution, meaning that the filter multiple kernels Ws, wherein maxout map Zs is
response is not computed for pixel positions associated with K feature maps: {OKs, OKs + 1,...,
that are less than ⌊ N / 2 ⌋ pixels away from the OKs + K − 1}. Maxout features correspond to
image border. An M × M input convolved with taking the max over the feature maps O, indi-
an N × N filter patch will result in a Q × Q vidually for each spatial position,
output, where Q = M − N + 1. In Figure 15.4, M = n o
7, N = 3, and thus Q = 5. Note that the size Zs,i,j = max OKs,i,j , OKs+1,i,j , :::, OKs+K−1,i,j , (15.3)
(spatial width and height) of the kernels are
hyper-parameters that must be specified by the where i, j are spatial positions. Maxout fea-
user. One can apply the convolutions in the same tures are thus equivalent to using a convex
mode to preserve the input size. In this mode, activation function, but whose shape is adaptive
zero padding is applied around the input prior and depends on the values taken by the kernels.
to the convolution operation. The ReLU function can be considered a special
2. Non-linear activation function: To obtain features form of Maxout where the max operation is
that are non-linear transformations of the input, taken over every feature map and a zero matrix
an elementwise non-linearity is applied to the of the same size for each spatial position (i.e.
result of the kernel convolution. There are max (Os, 0)),
multiple choices for this non-linearity, such as n o
the sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent, and rectified Zs,i,j = max Os,i,j , 0i,j : (15.4)
linear functions [16,17] or maxout [18]. The
rectified linear function, or ReLU, is defined Note that in Figure 15.4, the ReLU activation
elementwise simply as function is used.
Information Fusion in Deep CNNs for Biomedical Image Segmentation 305

the max-pooling operation would be of size D ×

D, where D = (Q − p) / S + 1.* In Figure 15.4,
since Q = 5, p = 2, S = 1, the max-pooling oper-
ation results into a D = 4 output feature map.
The motivation for this operation is to intro-
duce invariance to local translations. This sub-
sampling procedure has been found beneficial in
other applications [19].

+ + + 15.3 Method
15.3.1 Hetero-Modal Image Segmentation
Typical CNN architectures take a multiplane image as
input and process it through a sequence of convolutional
layers (followed by nonlinearities such as ReLU), alter-
nating with optional pooling layers, to yield a per-pixel
or per-image output [14]. In such networks, every input
plane is assumed to be present within a given instance:
since the very first convolutional layer mixes input
values coming from all planes, any missing plane
introduces a bias in the computation that the network is
not equipped to deal with.
We propose an approach wherein each modality is
FIGURE 15.6 initially processed by its own convolutional pipeline,
Convolution mapping from two input feature maps to three output independently of all others. After a few independent
feature maps using a 3 × 2 × 3 × 3 collection of kernels w. In the left
pathway, input feature map 1 is convolved with kernel w1,1 and input
stages, feature maps from all available modalities are
feature map 2 is convolved with kernel w1,2, and the results are merged by computing mapwise statistics such as the
summed together elementwise to form the first output feature map. mean and the variance, quantities whose expectation
The same is repeated for the middle and right pathways to form the does not depend on the number of terms (i.e., modalities)
second and third feature maps, and all three output feature maps are that are provided. After merging, the mean and variance
grouped together to form the output. (From Dumoulin, V. and F. Visin
(2016, March). A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning.
feature maps are concatenated and fed into a final set of
ArXiv e-prints. With permission.) convolutional stages to obtain network output. This is
illustrated in Figure 15.7.
In this procedure, each modality contributes a separate
3. Max-pooling: This operation consists of taking term to the mean and variance; in contrast to a vanilla
the maximum feature (neuron) value over sub- CNN architecture, a missing modality does not throw
windows within each feature map. This can be this computation off: the mean and variance terms
formalized as follows: simply become estimated with larger uncertainty. In
seeking to be robust to any subset of missing modalities,
Hs,i,j = maxZs,Si+p,Sj+p , (15.5) we call this approach hetero-modal rather than multi-
modal, recognizing that in addition to taking advantage
where p determines the max-pooling window of several modalities, it can take advantage of a diverse,
size, and S is the stride value that corresponds to instance-varying, set of modalities. In particular, it
the horizontal and vertical increments at which does not require that a “least common denominator”
pooling sub-windows are positioned. Depend- modality be present for every instance, as sometimes
ing on the stride value, the sub-windows can be needed by common imputation methods.
overlapping or not (Figure 15.4 shows an over- Let k ∈ K ⊆ {1, … , N} denote a modality within the set
lapping configuration). The max-pooling oper- of available modalities for a given instance, and Mk
ation shrinks the size of the feature map. This is
controlled by the pooling size p and the stride
* Note that values p and S should be chosen in a way that the pooling
hyper-parameter. Let Q × Q be the shape of the window fits the feature map (i.e. D should be an integer). Alterna-
feature map before max-pooling. The output of tively, we can zero pad the feature map Q accordingly.
306 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Back end Abstraction Front end

M1 C1(1) C1(2)

E [C(3)]

M2 C2(1) C2(2)
C(3) C(4)

Var [C(3)]

(1) (2)

Kernel size (5,5) (5,5) (1,1) (5,5) (21,21)

#Feat. maps 48 48 48 16 # of classes
Pooling None (2,2) Stride 1 None None None
Activation ReLU ReLU None ReLU Softmax

Illustration of the Hetero-Modal Image Segmentation architecture. Modalities available at inference time, Mk, are provided to independent
modality-specific convolutional layers in the back-end. Feature maps statistics (first and second moments) are computed in the abstraction layer,
which after concatenation are processed by further convolutional layers in the front-end, yielding pixelwise classification outputs.

represent the image of the kth modality. For simplicity, ^ ‘ ½C(2)  defined to be zero if |K| = 1
with Var
in this work we assume 2D data (e.g., a single slice of a (a single available modality).
tomographic image), but it can be extended in an 3. Front-end: Finally the front-end combines the
obvious way to full 3D sections. As shown in Figure 15.7, merged modalities to produce the final model
HeMIS proceeds in three stages: output. In our implementation, we concatenate
1. Back-end: In our implementation, this consists all E½C ^ (2)  feature maps, pass
^ (2)  and Var½C
of two convolutional layers with ReLU, the them through a convolutional layer C(3) with
second followed with a (2, 2) max-pooling layer, ReLU activation, to finish with a final layer
denoted C(1) (2)
k and Ck , respectively. To ensure C(4) that has as many feature maps as there are
that the output layer consists of the same target segmentation classes. The pixelwise pos-
number of pixels as the input image, the con- terior class probabilities are given by applying a
volutions are zero-padded and the stride for all softmax function across the C(4) feature maps,
operations (including max-pooling) is 1. In par- and a full image segmentation is obtained by
ticular, pooling with a stride of 1 does not down- taking the pixelwise most likely posterior class.
sample, but simply “thickens” the feature maps; No further postprocessing on the resulting
this is found to add some robustness to the segment classes (such as smoothing) is done.
results. The number of feature maps in each
layer is given in Figure 15.7. Let Ck,‘ be the ℓth
(j) 15.3.2 Pseudo-Curriculum Training Procedure
feature map of Ck .
2. Abstraction layer: Modality fusion is computed To carry out segmentation efficiently, the model is
here, as first and second moments across avail- trained fully convolutionnally to minimize a pixelwise
able modalities in C(2), separately for each class cross-entropy loss, in the spirit of Long et al. [20]. It
feature map ℓ, has long been known that noise injection during training
is a powerful technique to make neural networks more
h i X (2) h i robust, as shown among others with denoising
b‘ C(2) = 1
E d ‘ C(2)
Ck,‘  and Var autoencoders [21], and dropout and related procedures
jKj k∈K
[22]. Here, we make the HeMIS architecture robust to
X (2) h i2 missing modalities by randomly dropping any number
1 b‘ C(2)
= Ck,‘ − E , for a given training example. Inspired by previous works
jKj − 1 k∈K
on curriculum learning [23]—where the model starts
Information Fusion in Deep CNNs for Biomedical Image Segmentation 307

learning from easy scenarios before turning to more (CHB) and the University of North Carolina (UNC). We
difficult ones—we used a pseudo-curriculum learning downloaded* the co-registered T1W, T2W, FLAIR
scheme where after a few warm-up epochs where all images for all 43 cases as well as the ground truth lesion
modalities are shown to the model, we start randomly mask images for the 20 training cases. While lesion
dropping modalities, ensuring a higher probability of masks for the 23 testing cases are not available for
dropping zero or one modality only. download, an automated system is available to evaluate
the output of a given segmentation algorithm.
RRMS: This dataset is obtained from a multi-site
15.3.3 Interpretation as an Embedding
clinical study with 300 RRMS patients (mean age 37.5
An embedding is a mapping from an arbitrary source years, SD 10.0 years). Each patient underwent an MRI
space to a target real-valued vector space of fixed dimen- that included sagittal T1W, T2W, and T1 post-contrast
sionality. In recent years, embeddings have been shown (T1C) images. The MRI data were acquired on 1.5 T
to yield unexpectedly powerful representations for a scanners from different manufacturers (GE, Philips, and
wide array of data types, including single words [24], Siemens).
variable-length word sequences [25] and images [26], and
15.4.2 Brain Tumors (BRATS)
In the context of HeMIS, the back-end can be inter-
preted as learning to separately map each modality into The BRATS-2015 dataset contains 220 subjects with high-
an embedding common to all modalities, within which vector grade and 54 subjects with low-grade tumors. Each
algebra operations carry well-defined semantics. As such, subject contains four MR modalities (FLAIR, T1W, T1C,
computing empirical moments to carry out modality and T2) and comes with a voxel level segmentation
fusion is sensible. Since the model is trained entirely end- ground truth of five labels: healthy, necrosis, edema, non-
to-end with backpropagation, the key aspect of the enhancing tumor, and enhancing tumor. As done by Menze
architecture is that this embedding only needs to be et al. [27], we transform each segmentation map into
defined implicitly as that which minimizes the overall three binary maps, which correspond to three tumor
training loss. Cross-modality interactions can be captured categories, namely, Complete (which contains all tumor
within specific embedding dimensions, as long as there classes), Core (which contains all tumor subclasses except
are a sufficient number of them (i.e., enough feature maps “edema”), and Enhancing (which includes the “enhanced
within C(2)), as they can be combined by C(3). tumor” subclass). For each binary map, the Dice simi-
With this interpretation, the back-end consists of a larity coefficient (DSC) is calculated [27].
modular assembly of operators, viewed as reusable BRATS-2013 contains two test datasets; Challenge and
building blocks that may or may not be needed for a Leaderboard. The Challenge dataset contains 10 subjects
given instance, each computing the embedding from its with high-grade tumors while the Leaderboard dataset
own input modality. These projections are summarized contains 15 subjects with high-grade tumors and 10
in the abstraction layer (with a mean and variance, subjects with low-grade tumors. There is no ground
although additional summary statistics are simple to truth provided for these datasets and thus quantitative
entertain), and this summary further processed in the evaluation can be achieved via an online evaluation
front-end to yield the final model output. system [27]. In our experiments, we used Challenge and
Leaderboard datasets to compare the HeMIS segmenta-
tion performance to the state-of-the-art, when trained on
all modalities.

15.4 Data and Implementation Details 15.4.3 Pre-Processing and Implementation Details
We studied the HeMIS framework on two neurological Before being provided to the network, bias field correc-
pathologies: MS with the MS Grand Challenge (MSGC) tion [29], and intensity normalization with a zero mean,
and a large relapsing–remitting MS (RRMS) cohort, as truncation of 0.001 quantile and unit variance is applied
well as glioma with the brain tumor segmentation to the image intensity. The multi-modal images are co-
(BRATS) dataset [27]. registered to the T1W and interpolated to 1 mm isotropic
We used Keras library [30] for our implementation. To
15.4.1 MS Datasets
deal with class imbalance, we adopt the patch-wise
MSGC: The MSGC dataset [28] provides 20 training MR training procedure described by Havaei et al. [31].
cases with manual ground truth lesion segmentation and
23 testing cases from the Boston Children’s Hospital * http://www.nitrc.org/projects/msseg/
308 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

We first train the model with a balanced dataset that board. These results are presented in Table 15.1.* As we
allows learning features that are agnostic to the class observe, HeMIS outperforms Tustison et al. [34], the
distribution. In a second phase, we train only the final winner of the BRATS 2013 challenge, on most tumor
classification layer with a distribution close to the region categories.
ground truth. This ensures that we learn good features The MSGC dataset illustrates a direct application of
yet keep the correct class priors. The method was trained HeMIS flexibility as only three modalities (T1W, T2W,
using an Nvidia TitanX GPU, with a stochastic gradient and FLAIR) are provided for a small training set.
learning rate of 0.001, decay constant of 0.0001, and Therefore, given the small number of subjects, we first
Nesterov momentum coefficient of 0.9 [32]. For both trained HeMIS on RRMS dataset with four modalities
BRATS-2015 and MS, we split the dataset into three and fine-tuned on MSGC. Our results were submitted to
separate subsets—train, valid, and test—with ratios of the MSGC website,† with a results summary appearing
70%, 10%, and 20% respectively. To avoid over-fitting, in Table 15.2. The MSGC segmentation results include
we used early stopping on the validation set. three other supervised approaches: a Gaussian mixture
model winner of the MSGC 2008 [35], a random decision
forest classifier [8], and a more similar approach to ours
using a deep convolutional encoder [9]. When compared
to them, HeMIS obtains highly competitive results with a
combined score of 83.2%, where 90.0% would represent
15.5 Experiments and Results
human performance given inter-rater variability. This
The main segmentation evaluation metric that we use is score is higher than the Gaussian mixture (80.0%) and
the DSC [33], which represents a normalized measure of the random forest (82.1%) a somewhat lower than the
overlap between the proposed segmentation and the auto-encoder approach (84.0%).
ground truth, defined as For each rater (CHB and UNC), we provide the
volume difference (VD), surface distance (SD), true
jP1 ∧ T1 j positive rate (TPR), false positive rate (FPR), and the
DSC(P, T) = ,
2 ðjP1 j + jT1 jÞ method’s score as in Styner et al. [28].
The main advantage of HeMIS lies in its ability to deal
where P ∈ {0, 1} is the mask volume of the predictions with missing modalities, specifically when different
made by the model, T ∈ {0, 1} is the mask volume of the subjects are missing different modalities. To illustrate the
ground truth segmentation, P1 and T1 respectively rep- model’s flexibility in such circumstances, we compare
resent the set of voxels with P = 1 and T = 1, | · | is the set HeMIS performance to two common approaches to deal
cardinality operator, and ∧ is the logical “and” operator. with random missing modalities. The first, mean filling, is
These regions are illustrated in Figure 15.8. to replace a missing modality by the modality’s mean
We first validate HeMIS performance against state-of- value. In our case, since all means are zero by con-
the-art segmentation methods on the two challenge struction, replacing a missing modality by zeros can be
datasets: MSGC and BRATS. Since the test data and the viewed as imputing with the mean. The second
ranking table for BRATS 2015 are not available, we approach is to train an MLP to predict the expected value
submitted results to BRATS 2013 challenge and leader- of specific missing modality given the available ones.
Since neural networks are generally trained for a unique
task, we need to train 28 different MLPs (one for each ∘ in
Table 15.3 for a given dataset) to account for different
Predictions possibilities of missing modalities. We used the same
P0 MLP architecture for all these models, which consists of
2 hidden layers with 100 hidden units each, trained to
P1 minimize the mean squared error. Figure 15.9 shows an
example of predicted modalities for an MS patient.
The table shows the DSC for all possible configura-
T1 tions of MRI modalities being either absent (∘) or present
(•), in order of FLAIR (F), T1W (T1), T1C (T1c), and
Ground truths * Note that the results mentioned in Table 15.1 are from methods
competing in the BRATS 2013 challenge for which a static table is
provided at https://www.virtualskeleton.ch/BraTS/StaticResults
FIGURE 15.8 2013. Since then, other methods have been added to the scoreboard
Illustration of the “Ground truths” and “Predictions” regions that are but for which no reference is available.

used in the computation of the DSC. http://www.ia.unc.edu/MSseg
Information Fusion in Deep CNNs for Biomedical Image Segmentation 309

TABLE 15.1
Comparison of HeMIS When Trained on All Modalities against BRATS-2013 Leaderboard and Challenge Winners,
in Terms of Dice Similarity
Leaderboard Challenge
Method Complete Core Enhancing Complete Core Enhancing
Tustison et al. [34] 79 65 53 87 78 74
Zhao et al. [36] 79 59 47 84 70 65
Menze et al. [27] 72 60 53 82 73 69
HeMIS 83 67 57 88 75 74
Source: Scores from Menze, B. et al., (2015, Oct), IEEE TMI 34(10), 1993–2024.

TABLE 15.2
Results of the Full Dataset Training on the MSGC
Method Rater VD (%) SD (mm) TPR (%) FPR (%) Score

Souplet et al. [35] CHB 86.4 8.4 58.2 70.6 80.0

UNC 57.9 7.5 49.1 76.3
Geremia et al. [8] CHB 52.4 5.4 59.0 71.5 82.1
UNC 45.0 5.7 51.2 76.7
Brosch et al. [9] CHB 63.5 7.4 47.1 52.7 84.0
UNC 52.0 6.4 56.0 49.8
HeMIS CHB 127.4 7.5 66.1 55.3 83.2
UNC 68.2 6.6 52.3 61.3

TABLE 15.3
DSC Results on the RRMS and BRATS Test Sets (%) When Modalities Are Dropped
Modalities Lesion Complete Core Enhancing

∘ ∘ ∘ • 1.74 2.66 12.77 58.48 2.70 61.50 40.18 4.00 37.32 20.31 6.25 18.62
∘ ∘ • ∘ 2.67 0.00 3.51 33.46 23.11 2.04 44.55 23.90 17.70 49.93 30.02 32.92
∘ • ∘ ∘ 3.89 0.00 6.64 33.22 0.00 2.07 17.42 0.00 10.52 4.67 6.25 10.78
• ∘ ∘ ∘ 34.48 9.77 38.46 71.26 72.30 63.81 37.45 0.00 34.26 5.57 6.25 15.90
∘ ∘ • • 27.52 4.31 25.83 67.59 35.01 64.97 63.39 30.92 49.38 65.38 39.00 60.30
∘ • • ∘ 8.21 0.00 8.26 45.93 23.63 1.99 55.06 41.89 26.55 62.40 43.80 40.93
• • ∘ ∘ 38.81 11.62 39.15 80.28 75.58 78.13 49.52 0.00 48.97 22.26 6.25 25.18
∘ • ∘ • 31.25 8.31 29.39 69.56 1.77 66.88 47.26 2.63 43.66 23.56 6.25 26.37
• ∘ ∘ • 39.64 33.31 38.55 82.1 81.01 81.35 53.42 25.94 52.41 23.19 6.25 25.01
∘ ∘ • ∘ 41.38 6.42 39.33 79.8 45.97 81.13 66.12 29.85 65.51 67.12 35.14 66.19
• • • ∘ 41.97 9.00 40.63 80.88 81.57 82.19 69.26 62.13 69.34 71.30 67.13 70.93
• • ∘ • 46.6 41.12 41.83 83.87 77.84 80.40 57.76 20.66 53.46 28.46 6.25 28.34
∘ ∘ • • 41.90 38.95 41.47 82.78 64.19 83.37 70.62 42.36 70.45 70.52 49.62 70.56
∘ • • • 34.98 5.78 29.46 70.98 30.86 67.85 66.60 45.79 55.40 67.84 50.21 64.81
• • • • 48.66 43.48 43.48 83.15 82.43 82.43 72.5 71.46 71.46 75.37 72.08 72.08
# Wins / 15 9 0 6 10 1 4 14 0 1 9 0 6
310 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

T2W (T2). Results are reported for HeMIS, mean (mean also infer that the FLAIR modality is the most relevant
filling), and the imputation MLP (MLP). for identifying the Complete tumor, while T1C is the
Table 15.3 shows the DSC for this experiment on the most relevant for identifying Core and Enhancing
test set. tumor categories. On the RRMS dataset, HeMIS results
On the BRATS dataset, for the Core category, HeMIS are also seen to degrade slower than the other impu-
achieves the best segmentation in almost all cases (14 out tation approaches, preserving good segmentation when
of 15), and for the Complete and Enhancing categories, it modalities go missing. Indeed, as seen in Figure 15.10,
leads in most cases (10 and 9 cases out of 15, respec- even though with FLAIR alone HeMIS already produces
tively). Also, the mean-filling approach hardly outper- good segmentations, it is capable of further refining its
forms HeMIS or MLP imputation. These results are results when adding modalities by removing false pos-
consistent with the MS lesion segmentation dataset, itives and improving outlines of the correctly identified
where HeMIS outperforms other imputation approaches lesions or tumor.
in 9 out of 15 cases. In scenarios where only one or two
modalities are missing, while both HeMIS and MLP
imputation obtain good results, HeMIS outperforms the
latter in most cases on both datasets.
In cases where two modalities are missing, HeMIS
performance is either close to or much higher than that of
15.6 Conclusion
MLP across all categories.
On BRATS, when missing three out of four modalities, We have proposed a new fully automatic segmentation
HeMIS outperforms the MLP in a majority of cases. framework for heterogenous multi-modal MRI using a
Moreover, whereas the HeMIS performance only grad- specialized convolutional deep neural network. The
ually drops as additional modalities become missing, the embedding of the multi-modal CNN back-end allows to
performance drop for MLP imputation and mean filling train and segment datasets with missing modalities. We
is much more severe. On the RRMS cohort, the MLP carried out an extensive validation on MS and glioma
imputation appears to obtain slightly better segmenta- and achieved state-of-the art segmentation results on
tions when only one modality is available. two challenging neurological pathology image process-
Although it is expected that tumor sub-label segmen- ing tasks. Importantly, we contrasted the graceful per-
tations should be less accurate with fewer modalities, we formance degradation of the proposed approach as
should still hope for the model to report a sensible modalities go missing, compared with other popular
characterization of the tumor “footprint.” While MLP imputation approaches, which it achieves without
and mean filling fail in this respect, HeMIS quite well requiring training specific models for every potential
achieves this goal by outperforming in almost all cases of missing modality combination.
the Complete and Core tumor categories. This can also This type of model offers a direction to fuse data from
be seen in Figure 15.10 where we show how adding multiple imaging modalities, making it a step to deal
modalities to HeMIS improves its ability to achieve a with the information glut arising from the rapid increase
more accurate segmentation. From Table 15.3, we can in scans performed worldwide.


T2W + T1W + T1C T1W + T1C T1C

MLP-imputed FLAIR for an MS patient. The figure shows from left to right the original modality and the predicted FLAIR given other modalities.
Information Fusion in Deep CNNs for Biomedical Image Segmentation 311

FLAIR FLAIR + T2W FLAIR + T2W + T1W FLAIR + T2W + T1W + T1C Ground truth

FIGURE 15.10
Example of HeMIS segmentation results on BRATS and MS subjects for different combinations of input modalities. For both cohorts, an axial
FLAIR slice of a subject is overlaid with the results where for BRATS (first row) the segmentation colors describe necrosis (gray), non-enhancing
(white), active core (light gray), and edema (medium gray). For the MS case, the lesions are highlighted in dark gray. The columns present the
results for different combinations of input modalities, with ground truth in the last column.

9. Brosch, T., Y. Yoo, L. Y. W. Tang, D. K. B. Li,

A. Traboulsee, and R. Tam (2015). MICCAI Proceedings,
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Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI
for Big Heart Data Analysis

Kathleen Gilbert, Xingyu Zhang, Beau Pontré, Avan Suinesiaputra, Pau Medrano-Gracia, and Alistair Young

16.1 Background....................................................................................................................................................................313
16.2 Left-Ventricular Analysis.............................................................................................................................................315
16.2.1 Signal Representation of Shapes...................................................................................................................315
16.2.2 A Finite-Element Model of the Left Ventricle.............................................................................................315
16.2.3 Building an Atlas of the Heart......................................................................................................................315
16.2.4 Statistical Analysis of Shape..........................................................................................................................317
16.2.5 Atlas-Based Quantification of Diseased Shapes .........................................................................................317
16.2.6 Classification....................................................................................................................................................318
16.2.7 Regional Analysis ...........................................................................................................................................320
16.3 Congenital Heart Disease ............................................................................................................................................322
16.3.1 Biventricular Finite-Element Model .............................................................................................................322
16.3.2 Guide-Point Modelling...................................................................................................................................323
16.3.3 Guide-Point Modelling vs. Manual Contouring ........................................................................................324
16.4 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................325
References ................................................................................................................................................................................325

This chapter focuses on the application of big data

16.1 Background analysis to cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is the
world’s largest cause of morbidity and mortality. This
In the last few years, there have been rapid advances in
data analytics allows for a significant and controlled
the capture and analysis of big data in the healthcare
dimension reduction from millions of pixels down to a
sector, as a result of technology improvement in hospital
few hundred cardiac shape parameters for each patient.
information technology systems. Patient health records
These parameters are exploited in the application of
are now stored electronically with clinical diagnosis and
atlas-based cardiac imaging, modelling and analytics
monitoring tools interconnected via computer networks.
from population studies. Table 16.1 shows major car-
This allows data exchange between hospitals and
diovascular epidemiological studies around the world
healthcare institutions. Analysis of healthcare data is
that employ image acquisitions in their protocols.
expected to have a large impact on the understanding
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most
and treatment of several domains (e.g. brain or heart),
commonly used imaging modality and is considered the
and this is reflected by the integration of data across
gold standard to assess cardiac volume, mass and
cohorts or population studies [1]. There is a growing
functions [14,15]. Unlike its counterparts, computed
number of population studies that employ imaging
tomography and echocardiography, cardiac MRI has the
acquisition methods, which have increased the amount
ability to image the whole heart with a range of contrast
of data by several orders of magnitude. This has revo-
mechanisms without the use of ionising radiation [16].
lutionized medical image analysis with big data analyt-
The first major cardiac population study that employed
ics, such as in digital pathology [2], neuroimaging [3]
MRI was the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
and heart disease [4–6].

314 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 16.1
Major Cardiovascular Epidemiological Studies with the Inclusion of Imaging Data and More Than 1000 Cohort Size
Study Country Modality Cohort Size Population Groups Age Range
Framingham Offspring [7] USA MRI 1707 Multi NA
Jackson Heart Study (JHS) [8] USA ECG, CT, MRI 5302 African-American 21–84
Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) [9] USA ECG, CT, MRI 6814 Hispanic, Chinese, White, 45–84
EuroCMR [10] Europe MRI 27,781 Multi 47–70
Swedish Cardiopulmonary BioImage Study (SCAPIS) [11] Sweden MRI, CT 30,000 Multi 50–64
German National Cohort (GNC) [12] Germany MRI 30,000 Multi 20–69
UK Biobank [13] UK MRI, ECG, DEXA 100,000 Multi 40–69

Abbreviations: CT = computed tomography, DEXA = dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, ECG = echocardiography, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.

(MESA) [9]. MESA has collected and studied 6814 par- information are available for cardiac research. In general,
ticipants from four centers across the United States. big data analytics is only possible if data are available for
MESA participants were initially free from CVD symp- research. In the field of cardiovascular research, data
toms at the time of recruitment, because the main objec- sharing has been pioneered by the Cardiac Atlas Project
tive of MESA was to discover new image-derived risk (CAP) [22]. The CAP was established to facilitate data
factors that identify the manifestation of subclinical to sharing and atlas-based analysis of cardiovascular
clinical CVD before symptoms occur. The follow-up imaging examinations. One major contributing study is
MESA study after 10 years of around 3000 participants MESA, which is described above. Another major con-
has just recently been completed [17], which has dem- tributing study was the Defibrillators to Reduce Risk by
onstrated new knowledge about longitudinal changes in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation (DETERMINE)
heart function in a large cohort [18,19]. study [23], which comprised patients with coronary
The Jackson Heart Study (JHS) [8] is a US-based pop- artery disease and myocardial infarction (MI). Software
ulation study that has specifically targeted people at was developed to facilitate labeling, ontological classifi-
high-risk CVD. This study was designed to determine cation and databasing. All software developed in CAP is
the root cause of CVD in 5302 African-American indi- open source and available to the research community.
viduals who live in an area known to have economic, Over 3000 de-identified cardiac imaging examinations
sociocultural, behavioural, dietary and physical activity are currently available in the CAP database. Apart from
disadvantages. JHS provides a rare opportunity to establishing data sharing infrastructure, the CAP also
uncover hidden interactions between cardiac function contributes to research in heart disease. Atlas-based
derived from images with non-medical records. methods applied to large datasets collated from existing
The UK Biobank is a prospective cohort study of population studies have been used to understand cardiac
500,000 aged 40–69 years, designed to identify the remodelling processes, as described below.
determinants of disease over time [13]. Over 10,000 par- Cardiac remodelling is the term given to the processes
ticipants have now completed comprehensive imaging by which the heart continuously adapts and remodels its
examinations, including cardiac MRI for ventricular func- three-dimensional shape and function in response to
tion, aortic compliance and flow. UK Biobank will com- genetic, environmental and disease processes [24]. These
plete imaging examinations in 100,000 participants by changes in heart shape and function provide important
2021, including cardiac MRI, abdominal MRI, brain MRI, information about the status and progression of car-
3D carotid ultrasound, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry diac disease, particularly in the transition from pre-
(DEXA) and 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG). clinical (asymptomatic) to clinical (symptomatic) disease
Other cardiovascular epidemiological studies such as [25–27]. Clinically studied changes in morphology have
Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP) [20], typically been characterized due to vascular events [28],
Iceland Myocardial Infarction study [21], Framingham hypertensive [29] and idiopathic cardiomyopathies [30],
Offspring Study [7] and The Swedish CArdioPulmonary and these have been shown to be important markers for
BioImage Study (SCAPIS) [11] are also contributing to big disease progression.
data research in heart disease. EuroCMR [10] and Global Pre-clinical remodelling also occurs in asymptomatic
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) registries have not individuals prior to the establishment of clinical
been specifically designed as clinical studies, but they aim symptoms, in response to exposure to risk factors and
to evaluate the prognostic potential of cardiac MRI as well genetic interactions. These have also been associated
as its cost-effectiveness. Images and associated clinical with long-term adverse outcomes. For example, larger
Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI for Big Heart Data Analysis 315

left ventricular (LV) chamber dimension was associated FEM provides a direct quantitative approach to
with adverse events in the Framingham Heart Study encoding shape and shape change over time in a con-
[24]. Lower systolic dimension change [31] and hyper- tinuous fashion (the elements are usually Ck-continuous
trophy [32] have also been associated with increased parametric continuity across the element boundaries in
adverse cardiac events in Framingham. the kth derivative) in a discrete framework (the number
Studies from MESA have also reported pre-clinical of elements is finite) and is typically used for solving
remodelling patterns. End-diastolic (ED) volume and systems of differential equations. For example, a FEM
mass were found to be predictive of future heart failure has been used to describe the shape and function of the
[33], and both LV mass and concentric hypertrophy were LV [41].
predictive of stroke [34]. Volume and mass were also
shown to be altered with standard risk factors of
16.2.2 A Finite-Element Model of the Left Ventricle
smoking, hypertension and diabetes in the MESA cohort
[35,36]. LV mass and mass-to-volume ratio (a measure of The LV model typically used in our group comprises two
concentric remodelling) were positively associated with surface manifolds that represent the endocardium and
measures of obesity in MESA [37]. Over a 10-year follow- epicardium enclosing the myocardium tissue volume.
up period, mass-to-volume ratio increased in both men Each surface was modelled with 16 bicubic elements with
and women, which was associated with increases in C1 continuity defined in a prolate spheroidal coordinate
systolic blood pressure and body mass index [19]. system. A schematic representation of these manifolds
However, such simple shape indices do not capture the can be seen in Figure 16.1. Each element on the model has
full range of shape adaptations in clinical or pre-clinical its own local domain, represented by x. Note that the
populations. Current clinical assessment of remodelling nodes are numbered in the circumferential (x1) direction,
is limited to simple measures of size and length ratios, then longitudinal (x2) and lastly transmural (x3).
which ignore a large amount of information available in Fiducial landmarks were manually defined at the
modern medical imaging examinations. hinge points of the mitral valve on the long axis images,
In the following sections, we explore the analysis of and at the endocardial insertions of the right ventricular
cardiac shape and function from MRI using LV shape (RV) free wall into the inter-ventricular septum. These
models (Section 16.2) and statistical applications thereof were used to define the coordinate system and position
(including variance, classification and regional analysis), of the model control points in consistent positions reg-
before showing how these methods can be extended to istered to the anatomy of the heart. A fully detailed
biventricular (left and right ventricular) analyses explanation can be found in Ref. [42].
(Section 16.3).
16.2.3 Building an Atlas of the Heart
This consistent representation of shape enables com-
parison across different subjects, generating statistical
16.2 Left-Ventricular Analysis population models. However, it is often required to
remove differences in orientation and scaling between
16.2.1 Signal Representation of Shapes
shapes, using the Procrustes alignment [43]. If there are
Shapes have traditionally been computationally encoded no corresponding landmarks between two or more
as a vector or a matrix containing (1) the coordinates of objects, this is known as the generalized Procrustes
vertices and (2) the topology or relationships of these alignment problem, and other algorithms such as the
vertices into faces or patches (mathematically, these are coherent point drift [44] can be applied. When there is
often differentiable two-dimensional manifolds). Such point correspondence between two shapes, and they are
representation of shape as a signal requires a coordinate expressed in the same coordinate system, this is a much
system and a mathematical basis describing these rela- simpler problem known as Procrustes superimposition,
tionships. In our group, we prefer finite-element mod- which can be readily solved by the algorithm developed
elling (FEM), a mathematical framework that usually by Kabsch [45]. This algorithm finds the optimal rotation
maps unity squares in two dimensions to surface patches matrix and translation vector, which minimise the
in three. overall distance between two sets of points with respect
The foundations of FEM were established in the 1940s to the Euclidean norm.
initially for structural analysis [38], but this approach has In our case, the LV models have had a cardiac coor-
been extended more generally to numerical modelling dinate system defined individually, which guarantees
[39] with applications in bioengineering found as early a certain level of anatomical correspondence across
as [40]. FEM is now a well-established method in cardiac subjects. In order to eliminate any residual bias (jitter)
mechanics. due to this procedure, LV models can be sampled and
316 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


b(e,13) b(e,14) b(e,15) b(e,16)

b(e,9) b(e,10) b(e,11) b(e,12)

b(e,5) b(e,6) b(e,7) b(e,8)

b(e,1) b(e,2) b(e,3) b(e,4)


(a) (b)

(a) Diagram of one element with the 16 Bézier control points in element space (x1,x2). (b) 3D rendering of the LV model with control points
(medium gray) for the epicardial surface (light gray). The endocardium is shown in dark gray. Elements are delineated in black for the epicardial
surface and white for the endocardial. (Reproduced from Pau Medrano-Gracia. Shape and Function in Large Cardiac MRI Datasets. PhD thesis,
Auckland Bioengineering Institute, Auckland, 11 2014. https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/20497. With permission.)

aligned to their mean shape. To investigate the normal de-identified in a HIPAA compliant manner previous to
distributions of shape of the LV, we generated an atlas upload, annotated using standard ontological schema,
from nearly 2000 cases using FEM analysis of the CMR stored in a web-accessible picture archiving and com-
cine images; 1991 de-identified CMR cases were munication system (PACS) database and analyzed using
retrieved from the CAP database. The cases were from atlas-based techniques [22].
the MESA study, which had informed participant The overall construction process for the atlas is shown
consent compatible with sharing of de-identified images in Figure 16.2. Fiducial landmarks were manually placed
and Local Review Board approval. The images were at the centroid of the LV cavity on the apical and basal

Stiff fit

(a) correction

Final fit

(b) (c) (d) (e)

Flow chart of the atlas construction: (a) Fiducial landmarks defined at ED on short and long axis images (3D view from anterior). Dark gray
markers denote the mitral valve and medium gray markers denote the intersections of the RV free wall and the septum. The base plane is drawn as
a white disc. (b) Contours drawn on short-axis slices by the core lab. Individual breath-holds for each 2D slice result in mis-alignment between
slices. (c) 3D finite-element model showing epicardial control points (model shape parameters) and element boundaries after an initial fit. (d) The
process for correcting for mis-aligned slices caused by breath-hold misregistration. It results in a corrected 3D finite-element model. (e) Principal
component analysis of atlas shape variation. Upper and lower panels show 2 standard deviations in the principal component shape. (Reproduced
from Pau Medrano-Gracia et al., Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 16(1):1, 2014. With permission.)
Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI for Big Heart Data Analysis 317

ED short-axis images, the hinge points of the mitral valve the population. We therefore call this component size for
in the ED long axis image 1.2a and at the insertions of the convenience; however, it is not pure scaling. The second
RV free wall into the inter-ventricular septum in the ED component (Figure 16.3 top right) at ED is called sphe-
short-axis images. These were used to define a patient- ricity as it is associated with the height-to-width ratio of
specific coordinate system that although individualized, the ventricle. This mode accounts for 13% of the total
was generally aligned in the same way for all patients, variation in the atlas.
and initialize the position of the model, as described in The first mode of the ES atlas (Figure 16.3 bottom left)
detail in Ref. [46]. is similar to the size mode seen in the ED atlas. This mode
The model coordinates were used to provide the atlas explains 30% of the total variation in the atlas. The
coordinates of the LV: each point was assumed to be in second component of the ES atlas (Figure 16.3 bottom
the same anatomical location, and this allowed align- right) is called concentricity as it describes the ratio of
ment of the hearts of all patients [47]. cavity volume to wall volume. Higher amounts of this
shape at ES lead to a more concentric shape of the ven-
tricle. The second component accounts for 10% of the
16.2.4 Statistical Analysis of Shape
variation in the ES atlas. The third component (9%, not
Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to find the shown) was associated with ventricular sphericity at ES.
most important global shape variations in the atlas [48].
PCA finds the smallest number of mathematically
16.2.5 Atlas-Based Quantification of Diseased Shapes
independent shapes, (or components), which explain as
much of the global shape variation as possible [49]. The In Ref. [50], we also included a sample of shapes from
shapes at ED and ES were analyzed separately, creating patients with MI provided by the DETERMINE study
two atlases. An advantage of PCA is that traditional [23]. The asymptomatic cases did not have any clinical
measures of heart function, such as volume, thickness symptoms of CVD at the time of recruitment and were
and dimensional shape change, are inherently included regarded as the control group. Patients in the DETER-
in the PCA modes. The shape components are ordered MINE study were taller and heavier than the control
by the amount of variance they explain, with the first group and more likely to be male. The patients also had
component explaining the largest amount of variance. larger LV mass, end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic
Figure 16.3 shows the first and second components of volume (ESV) and blood pressures. The DETERMINE
both the ED and ES atlas. The first component (Figure study used steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging
16.3 top left) of the ED atlas can be seen as variation in for the CMR protocol, whereas MESA used GRE. For
heart size and accounts for 32% of the total variation in this study, all LV models from the patient and control

Component 1 Component 2
–2 σ +2 σ –2 σ +2 σ
% 31.7 12.8


% 29.4 9.9


First and second principal components of variation in the atlas (N = 1991) for ED and ES. For each component, the left and right shapes represent
the mean 2 std. dev. in the component distribution. Viewpoint is from the septum, posterior wall on the right. (Reproduced from Pau Medrano-
Gracia et al., Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 16(1):1, 2014. With permission.)
318 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

groups were aligned to their mean shape using transla- where P is the probability of a certain case belonging to
tion and rotation. Scale was removed from the model, the MI set, Xi are the values of the predictors, which in
but height and weight were included in regression our case represent the PCA modes, bi are the coefficient
models. terms of Xi and b0 is the intercept. The b terms were
The MESA cohort was acquired using a different found by maximum likelihood estimation. The goodness
imaging protocol (GRE) to the DETERMINE cohort of fit of the resulting model can be examined to deter-
(SSFP). It is known that these two protocols result in mine how well the regression model distinguishes
small differences in the placement of inner and outer between non-patients and patients. Three common sta-
surfaces of the heart. SSFP typically gives rise to larger tistics used to quantify the goodness of fit of the model
estimates of LV cavity volume and smaller estimates of are deviance, Akaike information criterion (AIC) and
LV mass than GRE. The shape bias has been shown to be Bayesian information criterion (BIC) [54]:
regionally variable and can be effectively removed using
a maximum likelihood correction algorithm [51]. Briefly,
Deviance = −2log(L), (16.2)
a transformation between GRE models and SSFP models
was learned using data from 40 asymptomatic individ-
uals who were scanned using both protocols. The optimal AIC = −2log(L) + 2k, (16.3)
transformation was found using maximum likelihood
methods and was validated previously [51]. All MESA BIC = −2log(L) + 2klog(n), (16.4)
shape models were then transformed using this method,
with the transformed shapes then being directly compa- where L represents the log-likelihood of the model (i.e.,
rable to SSFP models. The coordinates (x,y,z) of the the value that is maximized by computing the maximum
surface sampling points were concatenated into a shape likelihood value for the parameters), k is the number of
vector. Shape vectors from all cases were formed into a estimated parameters and n is the sample size. In all
matrix. The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix formed three measures, a lower number is indicative of a better
the principal component modes, and their corresponding model. In addition to these three measures, we also
eigenvalues indicate the proportion of the total variation evaluated the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver
explained by each mode. Selecting the number of PCA operating characteristic (ROC) curves (Figure 16.4), since
modes to retain in subsequent analysis is contingent on this is also an overall measure of goodness of fit (better
the application. In this paper, enough modes were models having values closer to 1.0).
retained to explain 90% of the total variance. Three PCA
cases were considered: the first using only shape vectors
at ED, the second using shape vectors at ES and the third 16.2.6 Classification
using a combination of ED and ES (ED&ES). The ED&ES PCA as an unsupervised feature extraction technique has
PCA was formed by concatenating the shape vectors been introduced in the above section, but the method
from ED and ES into a single shape vector. may lack discriminatory power. Supervised feature
A logistic regression model [52] was used after the extraction techniques can provide more efficient and
PCA was complete. The model allowed for identification representative remodelling features. In Ref. [55], infor-
of which shape modes from the PCA were most associ- mation maximizing component analysis (IMCA) was
ated with the differences between MI patients and the used to extract the most discriminatory shape features,
asymptomatic patients. The weights of the PCA com- which is associated with remodelling due to MI.
ponents (up to 90% of the total variability) were used as The application of IMCA to cardiac remodelling has
predictors for classification. In statistics, logistic regres- been introduced in our previous study [55]. Briefly,
sion is a type of probabilistic, statistical classification IMCA views each class as a probability density function
model, which is used to predict a binary response from (PDF) on a statistical manifold, which can be projected
continuous, binary or canonical variables. MESA cases into a low-dimensional Euclidean space [56]. The simi-
(non-patients) were assigned a zero label, whereas larity between classes can be described with the Fisher
DETERMINE cases (patients) were assigned a one label. information distance between PDFs. The Fisher infor-
These values were used to obtain the coefficients in the mation distance between two distributions p(x;s1) and
regression models. Thus, the following equation can be p(x;s2) is defined by
used to calculate the probability that a new case belongs
to the patient class [53]: ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

dq T dq
1 DF(q1 ,q2 ) =  min  ½I(q) dt,
P= X , (16.1) q : q( 0 )=q1,q(1)=q2 dt dt
1 + exp( − b0 + b i Xi )
Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI for Big Heart Data Analysis 319

ROC curve for each model







Baseline model
0.3 ES PCA model
ED PCA model
ED&ES PCA model
0.1 Mass and volume model

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

ROC curve for the logistic regression classification for each model. (Reproduced from Xingyu Zhang et al., PLoS One, 9(10):e110243, 2014. With

where s1 and s2 are the parameters corresponding to the CAP. Finite-element models were customized to model
two PDFs, s(t) is the parameter path along the manifold the shape and function of each case using a standardized
and is the Fisher information matrix whose elements are procedure. IMCA was used to identify global modes of
defined as shape variation across all cases, which best discriminate
ð the two groups.
∂ log f (X; q) ∂ log f (X; q) Figure 16.5 shows how these new indices of global
½I(q) = f (X; q) dX (16.6)
∂ qi ∂ qj remodelling create a continuum where cases can be
scored according to their degree of severity; in particular,
While the Fisher information distance cannot be it shows that the IMCA ED&ES mode captures the larger
exactly computed without knowing the parameteriza- size and more spherical shape, bulging of the apex and
tion of the manifold, it can be approximated by the thinner wall thickness, which are known clinically to be
Kullback–Leibler divergence [56], denoted DKL(pi, pj). associated with remodelling after MI. This new remod-
The IMCA projection is defined as one that maximizes elling index enables precise quantification of the amount
the Fisher information distance between classes. Specif- of remodelling and the effect of treatments designed to
ically, let c = {X1,X2} be a family of datasets where X1 reverse remodelling effects. The distribution of IMCA
corresponds to samples from MESA and X2 corresponds scores at ED&ES between MESA and DETERMINE is
to samples from DETERMINE, estimating the PDF of Xi shown in Figure 16.6. The asymptomatic group and the
as pi. Following Ref. [55], we refer to DKL(pi, pj) as DKL(Xi, MI group were well classified with IMCA scores.
Xj) with the knowledge that the divergence is calculated In 2015, CAP ran a challenge as part of the Statistical
with respect to PDFs, not realizations. We wish to find a Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart work-
single orthonormal projection matrix A such that shop, in conjunction with the MICCAI conference. The
aim of this challenge was to capture the state of the art of
A = arg max ‖ DKL (AXi ,AXj ), ‖F , (16.7) automatic MI classification methods based purely on LV
A : AT A=I
anatomical shape.
where I is the identity matrix and DKL is the 2 × 2 matrix We therefore designed a challenge to test classification
of Kullback–Leibler divergences. We used the gradient performance in MI given a set of three-dimensional LV
descent algorithm to find the optimal solution. IMCA surface points. The training set comprised 100 MI
can be viewed as a generalized and orthogonal version patients and 100 AVs.
of LDA, which does not make assumptions on the class We provided the training set with labels to partici-
distributions. pants, and they were asked to submit the likelihood that
CMR images from 300 cases with MI and 1991 an LV shape is MI from a different (validation) set of
asymptomatic volunteers (AVs) were obtained from the 200 cases (100 AV and 100 MI). Sensitivity, specificity,
320 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


1st 10th 20th 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 99th


Asymptomatic Myocardial infarction

Derived shape indices allow for a continuous representation of disease remodelling. In the figure, the corresponding shapes from the percentiles of
the IMCA ED&ES index are shown. Mean values (black triangles) for the asymptomatic (MESA) and myocardial infarct group (DETERMINE)
show over 50 percentiles of separation for this index (in correspondence with Figure 16.6). (Reproduced from Xingyu Zhang et al., Journal of
Translational Medicine, 13(1):1–9, 2015. With permission.)

0.25 All methods achieved excellent classification results with

MESA accuracy ranges from 0.83 to 0.98. The AUC values were
above 0.90. However, only two methods consistently
0.2 performed better than traditional indices on all scores.

16.2.7 Regional Analysis


It is routine clinical practice to use visual wall motion

and infarct scoring from MRI when assessing ventricular
function and regions of scar in patients with ischemic
0.1 heart disease [57]. The guidelines set by the American
Heart Association (AHA) state that the myocardium
should be partitioned into 17 segments for regional
0.05 analysis [58]. In Ref. [59], we provided a framework for
automatic scoring to alert the diagnostician to potential
regions of abnormality (Figure 16.7).
0 We investigated different shape and motion configu-
–3 –2 –1 0 1
Standardized IMCA scores
2 3 4 rations of a finite-element cardiac atlas of the LV. Again,
two patient populations were used: 300 AVs and 105
FIGURE 16.6 patients with MI, both randomly selected from the CAP
Distribution of IMCA Scores of MESA and DETERMINE for the best database. Al-Jarrah et al. [60] comment that support
case (ED&ES). ED and ES figures do not show perceivable differences vector machines are a common tool in machine learning,
in their equivalent plots and are therefore omitted. (Reproduced from allowing the extraction of useful predictors from
Xingyu Zhang et al., Journal of Translational Medicine, 13(1):1–9, 2015.
complex large systems, thus cementing their importance
With permission.)
in big data analysis. Support vector machines [61] were
employed to estimate the boundaries between the
accuracy and area under the ROC curve (AUC) were asymptomatic control and patient groups for each of the
used as the classification outcome measures. The goals of 16 standard anatomical regions in the heart.
this challenge were to (1) establish a common dataset for Ground truth visual wall motion scores from standard
benchmarking classification algorithms and (2) test cines and infarct scoring from late enhancement were
whether statistical shape modelling provides additional provided by experienced observers. From all configura-
benefits to increase the accuracy of MI detection com- tions, ES shape best predicted wall motion abnormalities
pared to standard clinical measurements. Eleven groups (global accuracy 78%, positive predictive value 85%,
with a wide variety of classification and feature specificity 91%, sensitivity 60%) and infarct scoring
extraction approaches participated in this challenge. (74%, 72%, 91%, 44%), as shown in Table 16.2.
Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI for Big Heart Data Analysis 321

Base Mid Apical



2 6

8 13 12

14 17 16

9 15 11
3 5


Clinical workflow for regional wall motion abnormalities (RWMA) and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) scoring. MR images are acquired at
different levels of the heart with and without contrast. Cine images are used to create a 3D LV finite-element model. Cine images and 3D models
are mapped onto AHA regions (bull’s eye plot) and scored visually by a specialist.

TABLE 16.2
Global Summary Statistics for RWMA Prediction and LGE Inference (across All Regions and Cross-Validation
Experiments) for the Five Atlas Configurations
Atlas Accuracy PPV Specificity Sensitivity
ED 61.1 65.1 70.0 55.3 92.4 94.5 22.2 12.1
ES 77.5 73.9 84.9 72.0 91.4 90.5 60.2 44.1
EDES 76.6 73.6 84.6 72.1 91.5 90.8 58.1 42.6
ESW 71.0 71.5 74.2 63.6 85.1 84.8 53.4 47.6
EDESW 71.3 70.8 79.0 63.7 89.7 86.4 48.3 42.9
Abbreviation: PPV = Positive predictive value.
322 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

In conclusion, computer-assisted wall motion and tract bulging and apical dilatation with the presence of
infarct scoring has the potential to provide robust iden- pulmonary regurgitation [69].
tification of those segments requiring further clinical MRI is the gold standard for assessing cardiac struc-
attention; in particular, the high specificity and relatively ture and function in CHD patients [16]. The use of a non-
low sensitivity could help avoid unnecessary late gado- ionising modality is ideal, as patients must be imaged
linium rescanning of patients. repeatedly over their life in order to determine the pro-
gression of remodelling. Current methods for the anal-
ysis of biventricular remodelling and function in CHD
patients are time-consuming and prone to error. Manual
analysis of CMR images is considered the gold standard
at present. This involves an expert manually contouring
16.3 Congenital Heart Disease
the endocardium and epicardium on all short-axis slices
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common at both ED and ES. However, this method has been
birth defect occurring in 75 out of every 1000 births [62], shown to have high inter- and intra-observer error for
with moderate to severe malformations affecting 6 out of the right ventricle [70]. Figure 16.8 shows four chamber
every 1000 infants [63,64]. Some defects are life-threat- slices from three different CHD pathologies with the
ening and need immediate surgical treatment following location of the short-axis slices for each case.
birth. Improved diagnosis and treatment of CHD mean While most MR-based cardiac analysis focuses on the
that the population of adult CHD patients is growing at LV, the importance of the RV in determining the prog-
approximately 5% per year and is now larger than the nosis of CHD patients requires that both ventricles be
pediatric population [65]. Many of these patients, par- assessed. For this reason, an analysis tool based on a
ticularly those with tetralogy of Fallot, functional single biventricular model is required. Further, for routine
right ventricle and transposition of the great vessels, are clinical use, the software will need to rapidly fit the
at risk of RV dilatation and dysfunction with associated model to a set of cine MR images to generate a patient-
morbidity and mortality. RV function measurement is an specific model with minimal user interaction. To meet
important prognostic marker, and RV size and function this purpose, the software needs to allow for the efficient
indices are used as indications for intervention [66]. manipulation of large amounts of imaging data.
These patients must be imaged repeatedly to determine
the progression of remodelling. However, the quantita-
16.3.1 Biventricular Finite-Element Model
tive assessment of changes in shape and function is
problematic in CHD, largely because there is no detailed As the RV is also of clinical importance in CHD, we
map of normal and abnormal hearts for comparison [67]. developed a biventricular finite-element model. The initial
Recent model-based analysis of RV shape identified model was an 88 element finite-element model that was
increased eccentricity and decreased systolic function in created from an ex vivo porcine heart for biomechanical
patients with pulmonary hypertension [68]. Another applications. The model was simplified by reducing
recent statistical shape analysis in repaired tetralogy of collapsing nodes on the valves and removing several
Fallot patients finds correlation of RV dilatation, outflow elements and converting the model parameterization

(a) (b) (c)

Four-chamber ED cine frame with the location of the short-axis slices in three patients with CHD. Patient (a) has tetralogy of Fallot, (b) has
transposition of the great arteries where a mustard procedure has been performed and (c) has Marfan’s syndrome where a Bentalls procedure and
a mitral valve repair have been performed.
Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI for Big Heart Data Analysis 323

1. Ex-vivo porcine model

2. Convert tricubic
hermite to bicubic bezier

3. Geometry

4. Define local to global


5. Fit to human data

6. Define predicted
points location

(a) (b)

Workflow to develop a biventricular finite-element model. The grey boxes show model simplification steps and the black boxes show the steps
required for it to be a good prior for guide-point modelling. (a) Workflow and (b) initial predicted points, shown on the 82-element model.

from Hermite to Beziér. The result was an 82-element ES(u) is chosen to impose a standard Sobolev
finite-element model with 597 parameters in each of regularisation:
the x, y and z directions. Figure 16.9 details the process ð      
undertaken and shows the final 82-element model.  ∂ u 2  ∂ u 2  ∂ u 2
Es (u) = z1      
+ z 2    
+ z 3  
Ω ∂ x1  ∂ x 2  ∂ x 3 
 2 2  2 2  2 
16.3.2 Guide-Point Modelling  ∂ u   ∂ u   ∂ u 2
+z4  2  + z5  2  + z6   (16.9)
Guide-point modelling is a technique that allows itera- ∂ x1 ∂ x2 ∂ x 1 x 2 
tive updating of a finite-element model thus creating a  2   2 
 ∂ u 2  ∂ u 2
patient-specific model [71]. The model parameters are 
+z7     + z8     dΩ
∂ x1 x3  ∂ x2 x3 
optimised by least squares minimisation of an objective
function quantifying the difference in displacements The first three terms penalize deviation from the shape
between the model and the data in terms of model in the circumferential, longitudinal and transmural
coordinates (x): directions. Terms 4 and 5 penalize changes in curvature
and terms 6–9 penalize changes in the surface area of the
element. The smoothing weights, zi, need to be set so that
E(u) = ∥ wd ((xfinal (xd ) − xinitial (xd )) − (hd the optimisation is sufficiently regularised but the
smoothing does not dominate the model fit.
− xinitial (xd )))∥2 + Es (u) (16.8) The optimisation problem can be represented in the
form of Ax = b, where A is a matrix formed by
where D is the total number of data points, wd is the A = Adata + Asmoothing (16.10)
weight of the data point (d) and xfinal(xd) and xinitial(xd)
are the initial and final positions of the model points Equation 16.10 is solved using a preconditioned con-
corresponding to the data point hd, respectively. The jugate gradient where the preconditioner is the inverse of
data points included sparse guide points placed by the Asmoothing. However, since the smoothing matrix is
user, and densely sampled contour points generated by singular, it does not provide an adequate preconditioner.
the non-rigid registration image tracking process [71]. In order to better constrain the model and improve
324 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

conditioning, a set of predictor points are required, with This difference is especially seen in patients with complex
one point representing each node in the model. There- and unique anatomy. Figure 16.10 shows one short-axis
fore, A is formed by cine frame from two cases, fitted with the biventricular
model and manual analysis. In both cases, the myocar-
A = Adata + Asmoothing + Apredicted points (16.11) dium is appropriately contoured using manual analysis
(Figure 16.10a and c). However, the biventricular analysis
and the preconditioner is calculated as
is less consistent across these cases with Figure 16.10b
X −1 = (Asmoothing + Apredicted points )−1 (16.12) showing an example of a poor fit, and Figure 16.10d
demonstrating an acceptable fit to the model.
In order to allow for efficient computation of solutions The primary benefit of using biventricular modelling
inside the interactive framework, optimised libraries and over manual contouring techniques is the reduction in
multi-threading are required. The Math Kernel Library overall analysis time. To perform a complete biven-
from Intel is appropriate for this task as it used fast tricular analysis using manual contouring, experienced
vector matrix operations and has in-built multi- analysts can take between 4 and 5 hours. The time can be
threading. reduced considerably when using guide-point model-
ling. Even though a large number of guide points are
typically required, biventricular analyses can be com-
16.3.3 Guide-Point Modelling vs. Manual Contouring pleted in 19.4 ± 4.18 minutes. With analysis times in this
Manual analysis involves an expert manually contouring range, the use of biventricular analysis for large datasets
both the endocardium and epicardium on a number of becomes feasible.
short-axis slices at ED and ES. Owing to time constraints,
manual contouring may typically be performed on only
a small subset of slices from the cardiac MRI dataset. The
sparse spatial sampling of the myocardium along the
long axis of the heart can introduce inaccuracies in
cardiac function measures [72]. Figure 16.8 reinforces the
importance of long axis slices in evaluation of cardiac
function. In Figure 16.8a, there is a large volume in the
RV that would be excluded if the long axis slices were
not analyzed. Further, the use of only two time points
during the cardiac cycle can affect accuracy of cardiac
function. In comparison, guide-point modelling consid-
ers anatomical features across the entire cardiac MRI (a) (c)
dataset, up to 15 slices. Also, since the whole cardiac
cycle can be considered, more detailed assessment of
cardiac function rather than measures based on changes
between ES and ED is possible.
We have performed a comparison of guide-point
modelling against manual analysis in CHD patients with
a wide variety of congenital defects [73]. The number of
guide points required to fit a model is dependent on how
different the anatomy is from the initial model. For CHD
cases, there will be significant differences in anatomy,
requiring the models to be appropriately customized for
(b) (d)
each individual patient. On average, 318.1 ± 45.7 guide
points were required to fit a case. The biventricular FIGURE 16.10
modelling method shows good agreement with the Short-axis ED frames with contours drawn by manual analysis (left)
manual gold standard for clinically relevant cardiac and contours, which have been interactively fitted by the biventricular
function measures in both ventricles including ES and modelling tool (right). (a and b) From a participant with transposition
of the great arteries who had a mustard procedure. (c and d) From a
ED volumes, ejection fraction and mass.
participant with coarctation of the aorta and a repaired ventricular
Although there is agreement between the two septal defect. The yellow contour notates the RV endocardium,
methods, manual contouring can be more reliable and the green is the LV endocardium and the blue is the biventricular
robust in CHD cases than the biventricular model. epicardium.
Automated Biventricular Cardiovascular Modelling from MRI for Big Heart Data Analysis 325

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Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis

Henry A. Leopold, John S. Zelek, and Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan

17.1 Introduction: Background and Context ....................................................................................................................330
17.1.1 Chapter Overview...........................................................................................................................................331
17.2 What Is a Neuron, Really? ..........................................................................................................................................331
17.2.1 Visual Inputs....................................................................................................................................................332
17.2.2 Deep Feedforward Networks........................................................................................................................333 Applying What We Know About the V1...................................................................................333 The Gabor Function.......................................................................................................................337
17.2.3 Recurrent Neural Networks ..........................................................................................................................337
17.3 Major Diseases of the Retina.......................................................................................................................................337
17.3.1 Diabetic Retinopathy ......................................................................................................................................338 Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy ..............................................................................................338 Microaneurysms.............................................................................................................................338 Diabetic Macular Edema...............................................................................................................338
17.3.2 Glaucoma .........................................................................................................................................................339 Optic Nerve Head..........................................................................................................................339 Peripapillary Atrophy ...................................................................................................................339 Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer ............................................................................................................340
17.4 Computer-Aided Diagnostics .....................................................................................................................................340
17.4.1 Mimicking Experts..........................................................................................................................................341
17.4.2 Feature Discovery ...........................................................................................................................................342
17.4.3 Traditional CAD of Retinal Images..............................................................................................................343
17.4.4 Image Processing Fundamentals ..................................................................................................................343 Global Histogram Enhancement..................................................................................................343 Local Histogram Enhancement....................................................................................................344 Super-Resolution Techniques .......................................................................................................344 Canny Edge Detectors...................................................................................................................344 Watershed Methods.......................................................................................................................344
17.4.5 Common Data Sets .........................................................................................................................................345 Drive ................................................................................................................................................345 Stare..................................................................................................................................................345 Diaret ...............................................................................................................................................345 Messidor ..........................................................................................................................................345 Kaggle/EyePACS...........................................................................................................................345
17.4.6 Why Performance Is Better Than Accuracy................................................................................................345
17.4.7 Evaluating Performance.................................................................................................................................347
17.5 Pixel Sampling for Segmenting Retinal Morphology..............................................................................................348
17.5.1 Traditional Retinal Segmentation .................................................................................................................348
17.5.2 Pixel Sampling.................................................................................................................................................348
17.5.3 The Deep Learning Approach to Retinal Morphology Segmentation ....................................................350 Adam Optimization.......................................................................................................................350

330 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

17.5.4 Performance Comparison: Vessel Segmentation and Pixel Classification .............................................350 Traditional Algorithms..................................................................................................................350 Deep Algorithms ............................................................................................................................352 Comparing Performances .............................................................................................................353
17.6 Superpixel Sampling for Microaneurysm Detection in the Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy ................354
17.6.1 Traditional Microaneurysm Detection.........................................................................................................354
17.6.2 Superpixel Sampling.......................................................................................................................................356 Selective Sampling .........................................................................................................................356 Sampling with Foveation..............................................................................................................356
17.6.3 The Deep Learning Approach to Microaneurysm Detection ...................................................................356
17.6.4 Performance Comparison: MA Detection and Region Classification .....................................................357 Traditional Algorithms..................................................................................................................357 Deep Expert Mimicry ....................................................................................................................359 Deep Feature Discovery ................................................................................................................360 Comparing Performances .............................................................................................................360
17.6.5 Performance Comparison: Diabetic Retinopathy and Image Classification ..........................................361 Traditional Algorithms..................................................................................................................361 Deep Algorithms ............................................................................................................................362 Comparing Performances .............................................................................................................363
17.7 Outlook ..........................................................................................................................................................................363
References ................................................................................................................................................................................363

Health information and data standards are far from

uniform, resulting in widespread variation in usability and
17.1 Introduction: Background and Context quality, thus impeding the development of meaningful
Ophthalmology can be defined as basic and clinical health information systems. Patient care settings are typi-
studies of the eye and vision. It is widely accepted the cally overburdened by the demands of the health system,
origins of this field of medicine date back at least 2500 resulting in a higher risk for diagnostic mistakes that will
years to Alcmaeon of Cotona, according to the Greek further encumber practise and degrade the quality of care.
anatomist and physician Galen of Pergamon, who These variations in information standards make it incred-
defined the field [1]. Ophthalmology built upon Galen’s ibly difficult to deliver effective care, especially in remote
writings and was incorporated in studies of optics, most settings and public health surveillance [6]. This lack of
notably by Ibn al Haytham. His magnum opus Kitab al health information standardization is most commonly
Manazir (The Book of Optics), was published in 1015 AD understood to be within medical records; however, it is
and had a great influence on scientists in opthalmology much worse with regard to retinal fundus images. Image
[2]. A pivotal breakthrough in studying the eye was the quality varies due to camera devices, lighting conditions,
ophthalmoscope—also referred to as the funduscope— clinician experience, and patient ethnicity, all in addition to
developed by the physicist and ophthalmologist photoparameters such as aperture, shutter speed, etc. All
Hermann Von Helmholtz in 1851 ,which made study of the inconsistency and variability in data creates an enor-
the retina possible. Today, ophthalmoscopes are an mous feature space that must be generalized by algorithms
essential part of every doctors’ arsenal in ocular health driving diagnostic support systems, if one wants to
diagnostics. Modern technological innovations within improve the quality of care. The miniaturization of fundus
this space have been in the apparatus, with the most cameras has lead to smartphone-based ophthalmology [7],
common being the fundus camera [3]. Optical coherence enabling the adoption of computer-aided diagnostic
tomography (OCT) is a relatively new technology, first (CAD) systems in remote communities and developing
proposed in 1991 [4]. Compared to fundus images, the world settings; miniaturization and smartphone use only
advantage for OCT imaging is its ability to extract 3-D exaggerate the problems in data collection and consistency
data on the topology of the eye, enabling a more detailed experiences in clinic.
view of retinal morphology; the disadvantage of OCT is Machine learning and pattern recognition techniques
its cost and time to capture images [5]. The methods drive CAD systems and research-based informa-
described herein focus on the use of images collected tics; however, traditional methods are unable to gener-
from such devices. alize information disparities in text-based data within
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 331

medicine, nor are they able to efficiently process medical a meaningful way. The reader should be able to come
image data. These traditional methods must be carefully away from this chapter understanding the deep learning
designed for specific problems and data sets, prohibiting methodology and their applications with an appreciation
reuse and commercialization. Computational methods for of the biological counterparts from which the computa-
image analysis are divided into supervised and unsu- tional systems have been derived. While there have been
pervised techniques. Prior to deep learning, supervised many innovations in retinal imaging in the last 20 years,
methods encompass pattern recognition algorithms, such this chapter focuses on fundus images, which are retinal
as k-nearest neighbours, decision trees, and support images captured utilizing a fundus camera—a widely
vector machines (SVMs). Unsupervised methods utilize a used method in clinical optometry and ophthalmology.
series of rule-based processes, such as filters, gradients, As such, retinal images will always refer to fundus images
and thresholds, whereas supervised methods use pixel- herein.
based feature maps as training materials for an algorith- This chapter can be largely divided into four parts:
mic classifier. A primer on the human visual system and deep algo-
Deep learning methods are powerful supervised and rithms; major diseases of the eye; CAD; and deep learning
unsupervised techniques that generate abstractions from applications in retinal image analysis. The chapter begins
the combination of multiple nonlinear transformations by first providing context for deep learning in retinal
on a data set [8]. They are a type of representation analysis by describing the human visual system in par-
learning method that is able to automatically derive the allel with DNNs, before providing a fundamental over-
representations necessary for processing and relating view of convolutional and recurrent neural networks
disparate raw data [9]. Prior to the advent of heteroge- (RNNs). The next section provides a brief overview of
neous, graphic processing unit (GPU) based-processing diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma as examples of dis-
in 2011, the implementation of deep neural networks eases of the eye. The third section on CAD methods sets
(DNNs) on large data sets required months to years to the stage for deep methods, describing how systems are
train [10]. Currently, GPU implementation is 50 times designed and how they are evaluated through the use of
faster than its CPU equivalent, enabling faster train- several performance measures.
ing on larger data sets, resulting in more accurate clas- Since there are many volumes on the CAD technology
sifiers [11]. as well as the anatomy and diseases of the eye, these
Applications of these techniques for object recognition sections are meant only as a brief introduction in order
in images first appeared in 2006 during the Mixed that a new entrant may better appreciate the applications
National Institute of Standards and Technology database of deep networks in retinal image analysis that are pre-
(MNIST) digit image classification problem, of which sented in the final part of this chapter. There are three
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) currently hold accompanying performance sections, which delve into
the highest accuracy [12]. In the case of retinal image the efficacy of traditional and deep methods. The first
analysis, the algorithms utilize a binary system, learning performance section investigates methods for vessel
to differentiate morphologies based on performance segmentation as a real-world example for pixel-based
masks manually delineated from the images. There are a classification. The second performance section investi-
number of different unsupervised methods that detect gates methods for MA detection as a real-world example
disease pathologies and image quality through pixel- of region classification and pathology detection. The
based point sampling; mathematical extrapolation based final performance section investigates methods for dia-
on a priori morphological structures; and other tech- betic retinopathy detection as a real-world example of
niques combining linear approximations, snakes, and image classification and CAD systems.
region growing. The current limitation with most unsu-
pervised methods is that they utilize a set of predefined
linear kernels to convolve the images or templates that
are sensitive to variations in image quality and fundus
morphologies [13]. Deep learning approaches overcome
17.2 What Is a Neuron, Really?
these limitations and have been shown to outperform
shallow methods for screening and other tasks in diag- Throughout this chapter, two varieties of neurons are
nostic retinopathy [9,14]. discussed: the biological and those that exist within the
principle algorithms involved with deep learning—
neural networks. While our focus will be on the latter,
17.1.1 Chapter Overview
biological neurons have played a critical role in the
The content throughout this chapter draws parallels development of artificial neural networks. The study of
between the biological and computational elements the mammalian visual system conducted in Stephen
being discussed, weaving together applicable concepts in Kuffler’s lab at Johns Hopkins and later at Harvard
332 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

University by David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel and eyes’ area of focus, requiring the eye be in constant
colleagues revealed how neurons in the visual cortex motion to acquire data so that the brain can reconstruct
process images. The study found that neurons interpret the environment. This process is driven by subconscious
patterns as they relate to areas of the receptive fields micromovements called saccades, tremors, and drifts,
within the retina, characterizing how the brain handles which enable continuous generation of object saliency
such information [15,16,17]. For brevity, only a simpli- within a scene and are required to prevent neural
fied version of a visual system that relates to neural adaptation [20]. Interestingly, primates are the only
networks and image processing will be considered. The mammal with a fovea, though other species possess
remainder of this section is divided into three sections different variations of the fovea, such as birds and rep-
discussing visual inputs, feedforward networks, and tiles [19].
feedback networks. For more detailed information on While its significance can be argued, the fovea serves
visual systems and neuroscience, refer to Ref. [18]. to increase saliency, thereby optimizing the quality of
information delivered to the V1. This process is known
as foveation and has been incorporated in image pro-
17.2.1 Visual Inputs
cessing techniques to increase computational efficiency,
One way to think about the retina is as an automated as shown in Section 17.6.2. The same principles have
light sensor, responsible for detecting, selecting, and been applied to deep learning in the development
communicating this information to the brain for infer- of “attention mechanisms,” which are actively being
ence and internal representation [19]. The primary role of researched [21]. The retina must be supplied with an
the retina is to efficiently transmit data to the brain; but ample blood supply, resulting in the vasculature
what is efficient? growing throughout the space around the fovea. Vessels
A typical adult human retina is made up of more are only able to enter the eye and access the retina via the
than 120 million photoreceptors, which consist of two optic nerve head (ONH), with vessel diameter and con-
types—cones (20 million) and rods (100 million)—which centration decreasing further from the ONH. Figure 17.1
are responsible for converting light into biological illustrates the structure and basic function of the eye as
(electrochemical) signals through a process called photo- well as the fundus, including examples of two prominent
transduction [19]. Rather than transmitting all of this disease indicators: microaneurysms and exudates.
information to the brain, the retina preprocesses the Figure 17.2 provides a complementary OCT cross-
information, selecting only salient features to be passed section of the retina.
through to the primary visual cortex (V1). Saliency refers The visual cortex (V1) is the main area of the brain
to variations in light intensity within a given scene, such responsible for processing visual inputs received by the
as edges or borders, changes in colour, brightness or con- retina. Specifically, light stimulates the retina, which
trast, and spatiotemporal changes. From a computational transmits the information via electrical impulse through
perceptive, salient features can be extracted from images the optic nerve to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN),
through the use of various edge detectors, segmenta- and then to the V1. Here, we consider the retina and V1
tion methods, and convolution operations. Essentially, the to be the main areas of interest, with everything in
retina only transmits changes in light level, position, etc. to between simplified to a single data pipeline. The V1 is
the rest of the visual system; if there is no change, the integrated with other areas of the brain including higher
system adapts prior information. This filtering mechanism brain areas such as V2, V3, middle temporal Gyrus, etc.,
is hard-wired into the retina and ensures static informa- which are responsible for memory, association with
tion is not redundantly processed while changes in the other senses, and additional transformations/processes
environment are rapidly assessed. via a complex network of layered neurons. For our
The macula is responsible for fine central vision and purposes, we consider the inferotemporal cortex (IT) to
refers to the central region of the retina. The area outside be the brain region responsible for memory as it bares
of this region is referred to as the peripheral retina. the closest resemblance to the decision layers within
Within the centre of the macula resides the fovea, a small neural networks, as shown in Figure 17.3. Studies into
depressed segment of the retina with the greatest visual the function of simple cortical cells in the V1 uncovered a
acuity—a measure of spatial resolution. The distribution curious duality in their operation, which could be
of photoreceptors and ganglion cells within the retina modelled mathematically. The cells’ response to visual
is uneven, with the highest density within the fovea, stimuli is able to be described as a simultaneous com-
tapering off roughly in proportion to distance. There is bination of spatial domain and spatial-frequency domain
essentially a one-to-one synaptic connection between representations; this is a fundamental property for many
photoreceptors in the fovea and the ganglion cells, variations of Gaussian kernel functions and most
whereas in the periphery, many photoreceptors multi- notably Gabor functions, due proximity of function with
plex into a single ganglion cell. The fovea limits primate established V1 models [22].
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 333

output layer—commonly referred to as the decision or

Anterior chamber Cornea classification layer. MLPs are architected modularly with a
(aqueous humour) Pupil Uvea
Posterior chamber series of layers selected to address different classification
problems. A layer comprises an input, output, size
ligament body (number of neurons), and varying set of operating
of lens Lens parameters/hyperparameters.
Sclera Historically, neural networks are fully connected,
Vitreous meaning all neurons in one layer pass data to all neurons
humour Hyaloid of the next. Unsurprisingly, this has high computational
cost that is exacerbated when dealing with high-
dimensional data, such as images. These feedforward
architectures are the underpinnings for CNNs, an
example of which is shown in Figure 17.4. Keep in mind,
this is a simplified representation that does not include
feedback mechanisms present in biological systems. The
Retinal inclusion of feedback mechanisms and memory further
blood Retina
vessels Macula increases the complexity of neural networks and has
Fovea resulted in various feedback architectures, typically
categorized as RNNs [9].
Optic nerve Optic disc

(a) Applying What We Know About the V1
Hard exudates Hemorrhages Here is where we begin to draw on the beauty of pri-
mate visual systems! The visual system consists of
multiple interconnected layers of neurons that sequen-
tially process vision inputs from the retina. Within the
V1, neuronal activations resemble the spatial orienta-
tion of activated photoreceptors within the retina. This
Optic disc behaviour of sharing spatial parameters between visual
system structures dates back to early connectionist
models of vision by Marr and has been crucial for opti-
mizing deep networks [23,24]. Similarly, the features of
Fovea convolutional networks are represented by multi-
Optic cup dimensional arrays resembling the spatial properties of
Macula the input or output of the prior layer.
The retina utilizes multiple filters to simultaneously
extract numerous features from a scene before stream-
ing the information in parallel to the brain, as illus-
Soft exudate trated in Figure 17.5 [25,26]. These behaviours
implicitly describe how information is preprocessed
and passed between layers within a CNN. Given that
CNNs are loosely based on the primate visual system,
(b) they are unsurprisingly well suited for image analysis
and other grid-based information structures. Typically,
FIGURE 17.1 CNNs comprise 5 to 25 distinct layers where at least 1
Key concepts of human vision and retinal image analysis. (a) The basic
structure of the human eye. (b) Sample fundus image with the main
layer is a convolutional layer, as seen in Figure 17.4.
morphology and common pathologies labelled. Following all convolutional operations, the network
converges into a decision algorithm, most commonly a
fully connected artificial neural network with one or
17.2.2 Deep Feedforward Networks
more layers [27]. Alternatively, most classification or
Feedforward networks, also called multilayer perceptrons regression algorithms may be used at the decision
(MLPs), are the fundamental deep learning model, utiliz- stage, such as SVMs, decision trees, or even other
ing a series of neural network layers to transform input DNNs! The most common layers of a CNN can be
data before passing the information through to the final described as follows:
334 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data



ELM IS/OS OPR RPE choriocapillaris

ILM: Inner limiting membrane ONL: Outer nuclear layer OPR: Outer segment PR/RPE complex
IPL: Inner plexiform layer ELM: External limiting membrane RNFL: Retinal nerve fibre layer
INL: Inner nuclear layer IS/OS: Junction of inner and outer GCL: Ganglion cell layer
OPL: Outer plexiform layer photoreceptor segments RPE: Retinal pigment epithelium

Cross-sectional OCT image of the human retina.

The retina converts an input image into

a electrochemical signals and sends them to
the brain.

The LGN processes the impulses from the

eye on the opposite side via the optic Eye
b nerve and is made up of six neuronal
layers. a

Optic nerve
The visual cortex receives the signals from
c the LGN. The V1 extracts features from the
data and sends them to the V2.
The V2 and other higher layers of the (LGN)
visual cortex further abstract and b
interpret the image data.

f cortex (IT)
The MT is an area thought to interpret the
e highly abstracted visual data from the
visual cortex. e
Medial temporal
gyrus (MT)
The IT is believed to be responsible for V2
f memory and final categorization of visual
stimuli. c

Simplified model of the human visual pathway. The retina (a) assimilates visual data and sends it over the optic nerve in multiple parallel streams
to the LGN (b) on the opposite side of the brain from the eye. (c–f) There, streams are processed and forwarded to a series of visual and temporal
cortices for interpretation.
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 335

Input Feature extractor Decision system


Feedforward weight and bias adjustments


Kernel/patch Max-pooling layer Softmax optimizer

Convolution layer Fully connected layer

A simple convolutional neural network. A fundus image is passed through three convolutions, two max pooling operations, two fully connected
layers, and a softmax optimizer. The optimizer is only used during training, resulting in fixed weights and bias at test time. The final decision is
case specific and kept general in this illustration.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

The neuroscience analog of the Gabor filter is the receptive field description of the centre-surround organization of retinal and cortical cells (see
Ref. [25] for example). The original image (a) is filtered at three scales that approximately mimic the human fovea (b–d). Adapted from D. Marr
and E. Hildreth, Theory of Edge Detection, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 207(1167):187–217, 1980.

i. Convolutional layer (CL) average pooling and max pooling, the latter
Convolution layers extract features from a being more effective when processing fundus
sliding window on the previous layer. The first images [11].
convolution of the input image extracts low- iii. Fully connected layer (FC)
level features, such as edges, while subsequent Fully connected layers are classical neural
convolutions extract higher level features, as networks and are more computationally taxing
illustrated in Figure 17.6. Each input window is than their sparse convolutional counterparts.
convolved using multiple kernels; the results They are typically used within the final layers
from each are passed through a nonlinear of a CNN and take all the features from the
operation before reaching to the next layer. prior layer as an input. These layers can be used
Nonlinear operations are essential for CNN to merge the outputs of separate CNNs.
operation as they are the main method for pro-
cessing the features. Rectified linear units are the A key concept gleaned from the neuronal structure of
most common choice due to their ease of use and the primary cortex is sparsity—the frequency by which
efficiency, best described by the simple maxi- neurons physically connect with (and share information
mization function they implement: y = max(x, 0). with) other neurons. Sparsely connected neurons are a
ii. Pooling layer (PL) defining property of the convolutional layers within a
Pooling layers are used to reduce noise and CNN, whereby neurons are not connected to every
distortion by reducing the resolution of the neuron in subsequent layers (as is the case for MLPs and
input. The most common pooling methods are traditional artificial neural networks utilizing only fully
336 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Input Feature extractor Decision system

weight and bias
during training)
Convolutional neural network

Picture of Image
Lena classification
(at test time)

a b c d e f

The first convolutional The next convolutional layer extracts Deeper layers extract FC layers generate
layer extracts low additional features from the feature higher dimensional object labels from all
dimensional features. maps of the first. features from priors. of the features.

Image tag:


That’s Lena!

The retina converts the Retinal output is transmitted as Like CNNs, V1 to V4 Grandmother cells
image into RGB and parallel salient feature streams, which cells extract varying recognize the image
intensity data. the LGN then interprets. features from priors. contents.
Human visual system



Picture of a

Comparing the human visual system with a simple CNN. (a): The first convolutional layer extracts low-dimensional features, similar to how the
retina converts the image into red green blue (RGB), intensity, and saliency data. (b–d): The LGN and visual cortices extract features from streams
in a similar manner to deeper convolutional layers in the DNN. (e–f): The FC layers compress features into tag probabilities, returning a vector and
selecting the highest as the likely object, similar to how memory cells activate in the brain.
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 337

connected layers). Further, the cells within the V1 have The Gaussian element a exp(− bxx′2 − byy′2) restricts
varying roles with regard to information processing, the range of the filter to only values close to the kernel’s
ranging in operational complexity. receptive field, denoted by x′ and y′. The scaling factor a
Simple processes can be represented mathematically as controls the effect of the kernel, while bx and by control
linear operations on spatial features. These operations rate of decay for the influence of the kernel. The cosine
have been applied as activation functions within convo- component cos( fx′ + f) defines the kernel’s impulse
lutional and fully connected layers. The information response to brightness along the x′ axis of an image—
output from the cells in the V1 have been well approxi- f controls the consine frequency and f its phase offset. In
mated by Gabor filters, which are further described in essence, this function enhances edges by manipulating
Section 17.2.2 [28]. More complex processes tend to be the brightness on small scales, amplifying bright regions
invariant to changes in image features, such as orientation to be brighter and dark regions darker. The design
and position. These aspects have been modelled as a wide of the kernel ensures only lines, and the immediate
variety of pooling and dropout layers, further reducing neighbouring pixels are enhanced [29–31].
the information burden for increasingly deep networks.
Compared to our simplified model of the primate
17.2.3 Recurrent Neural Networks
visual system, fully connected layers mimic the so-called
grandmother cells, which are believed to activate only One limitation of CNNs is the inability to efficiently
when exposed to a specific object, person, or stimulus, process large sets of sequential data. While we have
regardless to how it is transformed, cropped, or illumi- drawn parallels to neurons and some concepts of rec-
nated [17]. This same behaviour is represented within ognition that relate to memory, we have yet to broach
deep layers of a network and relates to performance that specific property of biological neurons, such as those
measures when comparing networks of varying depth in the temporal lobes and cortex. Recurrent neural net-
and complexity [21]. Figure 17.6 relates the concepts works (RNNs) are neural networks that specialize in
discussed here, using the features and foundations processing sequential data [32]. The main difference
for CNNs and the human visual system illustrated in between CNNs and RNNs resides in how they imple-
Figures 17.4 and 17.3. ment and share parameters to handle differences in a
sequence such as time; a sentence is another example of a The Gabor Function sequence. To exemplify the difference between the two,
if we use a CNN to classify a key term in a sentence, it
Gabor functions are linear filter functions most com- would have to be trained against all word orders—it
monly used for edge detection. They are named after
attempts to classify the sentence as a single string, even
Dennis Gabor, who received a Nobel Prize in Physics for though the sentence is a sequence of words. An RNN is
inventing holography in 1971. When utilized in 2-D, able to look at each word, even if it has been trained on
Gabor functions are referred to as kernels and operate by
sentences—this is the property CNNs do not possess.
modulating frequency and spatial orientation parameters RNNs have recurrent connections between hidden units
within a set of functions. In the case of an image I(x, y), and are able to read an entire sequence before producing
the kernel is centred on pixel x, y within a cell defined by a
a single output.
set of coordinates (X,Y) and location-dependent weights
defining the properties of the kernel. From this, the
impulse response of the kernel on the image can be rep-
resented by the convolution of the Gabor kernel and the
XX 17.3 Major Diseases of the Retina
sðI Þ = gðx, yÞ ⊗ I ðx, yÞ
x∈X y∈Y Modern medicine has provided patients with diabetes a
greatly increased life span. Like with any chronic condi-
The Gabor function can be further expressed as
  tion, the longer one is afflicted, the higher the risk of
g x, y; a, bx , by , f , f, x0 , y0 , t complications implicit to that condition or comorbidities.
For most retinal conditions, early diagnosis and pre-
  vention are often the most effective method for reducing
= a exp −bx x02 − by y02 cos fx0 + f patient risk through modifications to lifestyle, medica-
tion, and acute monitoring [3]. For example, abnor-
malities of retinal vessels have been correlated with
x′ = ðx − x0 Þcosðt Þ + ðy − y0 Þsinðt Þ coronary heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular mor-
tality [33]. Similarly, the same information, this time
y′ = −ðx − x0 Þsinðt Þ + ðy − y0 Þcosðt Þ gleaned from youth, can be used as indicators in the
338 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

prediction of those individuals’ health later in life [34]. TABLE 17.1

A good example is diabetic retinopathy (DR), which is
Types of Diabetic Retinopathic Lesions
one of the leading causes for blindness, occuring as a
complication of diabetes. The symptoms for DR are Microaneurysms
changes in retinal vessel morphology such as vessel Dot-hemorrhages
thickness, leaks, and rapid proliferation. Another leading Hard exudates
cause for blindness is that of glaucoma [35]. During the Blotchy hemorrhages
early stages of glaucoma, patients will hardly notice any Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
changes to their vision. Not until the conditions becomes Venous bleeding
severe and they begin to go irreparably blind are patients Cotton wool spots
able to recognize the symptoms from their vision. New vessels on or within one disc diameter of the disc
For the purpose of this chapter, the diseases that we will New vessels elsewhere
focus on are DR and glaucoma. This choice was made due Fibrous proliferation
to the similarity between techniques for identifying Preretinal hemorrhage
glaucoma and DR and those for age-related macular Vitreous hemorrhage
degeneration. Refer to Ref. [5] for more details into the Traction retinal detachment
various diseases of the eye and respective imaging Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
modalities. Macular retinal thickening (edema)
Clinically significant macular edema

17.3.1 Diabetic Retinopathy Source: Modified from H. Jelinek and M. J. Cree, Automated Image
Detection of Retinal Pathology, CRC Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most common compli- -8493-7556-9, doi: 10.1201/9781420037005, URL http://dx.doi
cation for diabetic patients [36] and a leading cause of .org/10.1201/9781420037005.
blindness globally. DR is characterized by abnormal
fractal growth within the vascularization of the retina tissue growth with an increasing proportion of fibrous to
known as proliferative DR (PDR), accompanied by venous tissue over time. In many cases, the vascular
retinal lesions that may be associated with PDR as well tissue regresses, leaving a buildup of fibrous tissue that
as nonproliferative DR (NPDR) [37]. The disorder causes exerts mechanical stresses on the retina. These stresses
angiogenesis of aberrant venous tissues and is assessed may cause a variety of pathological changes in the retina,
by the appearance of lesions and neovascularization most notably edema, striations, and retinal detachment.
within the fundus. DR lesions are summarized in
Table 17.1 [38]. More than half of those suffering from Microaneurysms
long-term diabetes mellitus develop such vascular traits
[39]. Treatments for DR are highly effective; however, Microaneurysms (MAs) (saccular outpouchings of the
accessibility is the limiting factor with 60–90% coverage capillary wall) are often the earliest indicator of DR [41],
in developed countries and significantly lower rates in enabling detection of DR before morphological dimen-
developing countries [35]. The most common method for sions of the branches become noticeable. MAs cause the
assessing the progression of DR is by comparing the capillaries in the retina to swell, potentially bursting (at
morphology of vessel branches, such as the difference in which point they are classified as hemorrhages), resulting
size before and after a vessel branches from within in the appearance of red dots in fundus images. MAs are
a fundus image; this is shown alongside other DR a major source of retinal bleeding and capillary perme-
pathologies in Figure 17.7 [40]. More details on DR ability and, for the purposes of clinical diagnosis, often
pathologies are discussed herein. also refer to resulting hemorrhages of equivalent size. Any
bleeding in the retina increases risk for complications,
such as the development of exudates or severe hemor- Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
rhages. MAs develop continuously, making them good
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) specifically indicators for specific retinal regions at risk of complica-
refers to DR cases with a noticable increase in venous tion. The number of MAs is a good indicator for the
tissue—known as neovascularization—which is often severity of DR during the early stages of the disease [42].
accompanied by hemorrhages and lesions. Lesions are
due to changes in retinal pathology causing an increase in Diabetic Macular Edema
capillary permeability and capillary closures, resulting in
fluid accumulation within the retina and cell dealth due to When retinopathic edema develop over or close to the
the cessation of axoplasmic flow in the nerve fibre layer. macula, it is referred to as diabetic macular edema (DME).
Venous tissue proliferation is accompanied by fibrous However, DMEs are not the only macular abnormalities
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 339

Without DR Early diabetic retinopathy Mild NPDR

Moderate NPDR Severe NPDR PDR and neovascularization

Fundus images of normal, mild NPDR, moderate NPDR, severe NPDR, PDR, and PDR with neovascularization. Modified from M. F. El-Bab,
N. Shawky, A. Al-Sisi, and M. Akhtar, Retinopathy and Risk Factors in Diabetic Patients from al-Madinah al-Munawarah in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.), 6:269–276, 2012, doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S27363, URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles

associated with DR but often are used as an umbrella term Optic Nerve Head
for all such pathologies. These macular pathologies
The ONH is the location the optic nerve that enters the
include capillary nonperfusion, intraretinal hemorrhage,
back of the eye, the bright circle/ellipse in Figure 17.8a.
preretinal hemorrhage, macular surface traction, and
Since the ONH is essentially nerve fibres and vascula-
macular holes [38]. The techniques used to segment or
ture, it lacks photoreceptors and is referred to as the
classify the morphological markers present in the macula
blind spot. The cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) is a major and
with DR could also be applied to similar conditions, such
common technique for measuring the progression of
as age-related macular degeneration.
glaucoma [44]. As a patient’s condition worsens, the
optic nerve fibres disappear, causing the optic cup to
stretch while the optic disc deforms only in the slightest,
17.3.2 Glaucoma resulting in an increased CDR. Ophthalmologists and
optometrists regularly measure the CDR subjectively,
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness,
though such measurements are very variable, even
characterized by long-term degeneration of the optic
between experts of equal experience [45]. In healthy
nerve. Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and angle-
eyes, the neuroretinal rim obeys the “INST rule.” The
closure glaucoma (ACG) are the two most prominent
INST rule refers to size of the rim, in particular the rel-
types of glaucoma. POAG is the most common form of
ative sizes of the inferior, nasal, superior, and temporal
glaucoma, accounting for at least 90% of all glaucoma
quadrants, as shown in Figure 17.8b. INST can be used
cases [43]. The progression of glaucoma is measured by
as an indicator of glaucoma but is not a consistent
alterations in the ONH, neuroretinal rim, and vascula-
measure between patients [46].
ture structure. From these structures, four characteristic
measures are used by ophthalmologists and medical
professionals, and have been incorporated into retinal
image analytics: ONH variance, neuroretinal rim loss, Peripapillary Atrophy
defects in the retinal nerve fibre layer, and peripapillary Peripapillary atrophy (PPA) is the degeneration of the
atrophy. retinal pigment epithelial layer, photoreceptors, and
340 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Optic disc S


Optic cup α-zone β-zone
(a) (b) (c)

Elements of the ONH and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL). (a) Fundus image illustrating the optic disc and optic cup. (b) Illustration of the INST
rule. (c) An ONH with peripapillary atrophy, showing the a-zone and b-zone.

underlying choriocapillaris in the region surrounding

the ONH [46]. PPA can occur for various reasons and,
if left untreated, results in glaucoma. PPA is subdi-
vided into the a-zone and the b-zone. The a-zone is
indicative of the chorioretinal tissue layer thinning and
characterized by hyperpigmentation, while the b-zone
is characterized by hypopigmentation; the various
retinal layers can be seen in Figure 17.2. The b-zone is
often larger and its appearance more frequent/
obvious than the a-zone, as shown in Figure 17.8c [47].
(a) Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer

Defects found in the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) are
the earliest sign of glaucoma [48]. Defects cause the
disappearance of RNFL striations from the temporal
inferior region of the fundus, which can be detected in
the green channel of fundus images. When considering
defects caused by glaucoma, there are two types:

i. Localized RNFL defects extending from the optic

disc, which result in structural deformations (b)
that appear as dark regions within fundus
images, cross-sectional illustrations of which FIGURE 17.9
are shown in Figure 17.9 [49] and fundus Healthy and defective retinal nerve fibre layers. (a) Cross-sectional view
images in Figure 17.10c of normal RNFL. (b) Cross-sectional view of RNFL defect. Adapted
from Y. Fengshou, Extraction of Features from Fundus Images for Glaucoma
ii. Diffuse RNFL defects caused by ganglion cell Assessment, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2011.
death, as shown in Figure 17.10 [50].
As such, much research has gone into automatically
measuring retinal morphology, traditionally utilizing
images captured via fundus cameras. Accurate fundus
and/or retinal vessel maps give rise to longitudinal
17.4 Computer-Aided Diagnostics
studies able to utilize multimodal image registration and
Computer vision/analysis provides a robust alternative disease/condition status measurements, as well as
to direct ophthalmology by a medical specialist, pro- applications in surgery preparation and biometrics [51].
viding opportunities for more comprehensive analysis The impacts on clinical efficiency can be substantial but
through techniques such as batch image analysis [13]. will not be covered in this chapter [52].
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 341

(a) (b) (c) (d)

FIGURE 17.10
Progressive loss of the RNFL. (a) Healthy fundus. (b) Early-stage RNFL deformation and atrophy. (c) Severe RNFL atrophy, indicated by loss of all
striations. Arrows mark a dark band indicative of localized RNFL defects. (d) Complete atrophy and loss of nerve fibres. Adapted from H. A.
Quigley, R. M. Hohman, E. M. Addicks, and W. R. Green, Blood Vessels of the Glaucomatous Optic Disc in Experimental Primate and Human
Eyes, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 25(8):918–931, 1984.

Computer-aided diagnostics (CAD) can be broken algorithms and interface design; however, there are two
down into two main groups, computer-aided detection approaches for developing such systems, referred to as
(CADe) and computer-aided diagnosis (CADx), based mimicry and feature discovery.
upon what information the system provides. CADe
refers to a software tool that assists an end user in
17.4.1 Mimicking Experts
identifying regions of interest (RoIs) within an image. In
case of retinal images, these would be in identifying Mimicry refers to using clinical standards as the basis for
exudates or MAs, or in assessing the size of vessels or the algorithm design, such that the system replicates the
ONH. For CADe, this information is relayed to the user approach utilized by clinicians in assessing the retinal
in a manner that facilitates an expert’s diagnosis, image. In line with the applications discussed at the
whereas CADx systems further analyze this information end of this chapter, such a system may evaluate an
before relaying a diagnostic prediction to the end user. image for the presence and quantity of MAs or hemor-
This distinction may seem subtle but is a critical con- rhages in assessing the presence/absence or severity of
sideration when planning to commercialize research or DR. Mimicry uses the same methodology as a clinician
develop a software product. Simply, regulatory bodies would, making the results much more digestable for end
such as the FDA have clear medical gradings for differ- uses, since they will easily understand how the system
ent types of hardware, wet-ware, and software [53]. At arrived at its conclusion. The process is illustrated in
the time of writing, CADe systems are at least one Figure 17.11, where a series of fundus images are pre-
“medical device grade” lower than CADx in all first- processed and then analyzed by several feature and
world settings. This means that the barriers to commer- disease detection algorithms.
cialization, time to market, and penalty for error are far Though it is not explicitly covered within this chapter,
stricter for CADx than CADe, requiring substantially many of the same methods used to assess image quality
greater fidelity, accuracy, and usability. are able to be used in cataract detection and analysis
The main challenge when processing retinal images is when image quality is known [55].
the presence of distortions, such as retinal capillaries, Success of these techniques depends heavily on
underlying choroidal vessels, and reflection artifacts that optimization carried out against manually delineated
may be confused with disease pathologies, such as DR images where at least one clinician must go through a
lesions. Distortions are often the result of human ele- training set of images and colour the various regions/
ments such as movement causing blur, as well ocular morphologies by hand. This process is incredibly time
factors like peripheral optical aberrations, cataracts, consuming as each type of morphology requires its own
intraocular scattering, and retinal scarring [54]. Broadly delineation and prohibits reuse of the system for ana-
speaking, distortions can be compensated for algorith- lyzing different types of data. Without the use of deep
mically. Only in exceptional cases of poor image quality learning, traditional algorithms do not reliably generalize
are images rendered unusable for further analysis. across retinal image data sets, meaning that the algorithms
Ideally, CAD systems are able to distinguish healthy would require vast amounts of training data to compen-
from disease states on a morphological level (CADe) sate for real-world variations in image quality, luminance,
or patient level (CADx), measure the progression of and contrast; this is an unrealistic problem to address!
a disease between clinical visits, and even predict In many cases—even in preliminary evaluations of
the progression. Each of these requires a different set CDR—experts seldom agree with one another, leading
342 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


Fundus Process Process or

images Dependence algorithm
measure CAD

Preprocessing Data files Decision

Image quality No

Yes Feature detection

Evaluate Proliferative
Tesselations present Retinal vessel Retinopathy diabetic
distortions segmentation assessments retinopathy

Blurred Micro
Artifacts Retinal vessel Exudate
or unclear aneurysm
extraction detection detection

Glaucoma Macula
assessments assessments


detection localization extraction

PPA detection
localization segmentation

FIGURE 17.11
Summary flow diagram of traditional retinal health assessment algorithm structures. Fundus images are passed into a series of preprocessing
steps and then feature detection processes. First, the image quality is evaluated, and the images are routed accordingly. If the distortions can be
removed and the quality corrected, the images are passed to the suite of feature detection algorithms. A unique case is cataracts, where the quality
assessment can be indicative of disease severity. Otherwise, a series of algorithms are often necessary in the evaluation of various retinal diseases.

to a bias in the training data. In one example, six experts also imprinted with human bias, resulting in a system
were each tasked with creating a set of manually delin- that repeats the clinical experts’ mistakes.
eated retinal images, which, when compared, found
the experts only in agreement on 60–75% of cases [45].
17.4.2 Feature Discovery
When training an algorithm against all of this data, even
if it is using unsupervised learning methods, accuracy The feature discovery approach eliminates human bias
becomes less about the actual image in question, but from the system, whereby diagnostic methods used in
how much the algorithm agrees with the clinicians. A clinical practise are ignored, forcing the system to learn the
simple way of understanding this phenomenon is that features that correlate the condition labels (i.e., healthy
the algorithms will be understandable by clinicians but vs. disease present) with the retinal images/medical data.
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 343

This approach is traditionally presented as an intrac- pattern, which peaks for green light. Violet and blue
table problem, requiring far too much time and compu- light is highly scattered and partially absorbed before the
tational power to reasonably train a system. CNNs not retina, causing the blue channels to blur [56].
only solve this problem, but outperform traditional Variations in melanin concentration due to patient eth-
methods at test time. Since the system learns features nicity have been shown to alter light absorption in retinal
autonomously, these techniques are able to discover new tissue. Traditional methods cannot readily generalize for
features, even to the end user. The discovery approach these variances, making monochromatic methods less
is still limited to the data set; however, it is able to be effective for commercial CAD systems without significant
reapplied across modalities and against different prob- image preprocessing; patient subgroups would be subject
lems, such as measuring the severity of a disease versus to variational inaccuracies requiring the clinician to
detecting multiple diseases. Further, such systems can conduct a manual investigation regardless [57]. For
be used in situations or for modalities outside preexist- example, it has been shown that the blue and red colour
ing clinical expertise. If the final interface is able to share channels have beneficial features for MA detection;
these discoveries with clinicians in a meaningful way, however, when the method was applied against a testing
clinicians will learn to recognize these features and plan data set, it falsely detected MA due to features within the
accordingly, improving their practise and leading to a test set it was not trained on; this inability to generalize is
higher quality of care. the greatest limitation for traditional methods [58]. Differ-
As with all deep learning techniques, data variation ent morphologies, such as the ONH, macula, and exu-
becomes the limiting factor when building a system dates require careful segmentation prior to independent
able to generalize across differing data sets. As such, a analysis for disease classification. Ethnic differences in
drawback for using feature discovery is the lack of tissue colouration result in variances of the colour exudates,
transparency in how it selects key decision criteria lesions, and other disease indicators, making such tasks
during the training process. These features can be very challenging on raw images; such pathologies may
explored following the training process; however, there appear to be dimmer than fundus in colour, resulting in
is always a need to validate the system against variations misclassification of both morphologies. For traditional
in data sets to assure confidence in the results. Another methods, colour normalization is a necessary preprocess-
obscurity-related limitation is how the results of such a ing step to match the test image colour distribution with
system can be used to measure disease progress (or that of the training set.
forecast it) in a meaningful way. When using mimicry, it
is much more straightforward to measure the dimen-
17.4.4 Image Processing Fundamentals
sions and morphological changes in fundus images. This
is not to say it is not possible, only that it is less obvious. This section highlights key image processing techniques
It is worth noting that these approaches are very com- often used during preprocessing and image analysis,
plementary, able to appropriately address each others’ some examples of which may be found in Figure 17.14.
strengths and weaknesses. Gaussian filter functions, like those discussed in Sec-
tion 17.2.2, are a prominent underpinning of many
image normalization and edge detection techniques,
17.4.3 Traditional CAD of Retinal Images
such as image blurring or Canny edge detectors. There
The analysis of retinal images has traditionally fol- are a myriad of preprocessing techniques that can
lowed a mimicry approach, beginning with a process be used in many different sequences, including colour
to normalize the properties of training images before normalization, deblurring/contrast enhancement, edge
selectively extracting and analyzing retinal features detection, morphological reconstruction, and phase
independently, as illustrated in Figure 17.14 and Figure transformations. The most common methodology begins
17.16. Many of the traditional methods first discard with single channel normalization through the applica-
image channels that are not relevant to the objective of a tion of histogram and/or median filters; which channel
particular task, utilizing a monochromatic image for depends on the morphology of interest. The following
feature extraction; there have been a number of investi- steps usually focus on enhancing the image contrast
gations into the value of each channel. Most healthy with a combination of deblurring and adaptive edge
retinal tissues do not readily absorb red light, with the enhancement techniques. For more information on reti-
exception of the ONH, making it a useful channel for nal image normalization, please refer to Ref. [59].
exudate and ONH detection, whereas it is relatively
unhelpful for edema, MA, and vessel-related methods, Global Histogram Enhancement
which benefit most from the green channel. The
green channel provides the clearest features for detect- Global histogram enhancement is a method for adjust-
ing vessels and MA, due to hemoglobin’s absorption ing the pixel values within an image based on all the
344 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

pixel intensities within an image. Colour histograms are classify morphology [62]. A review of these techniques in
used throughout image processing as they play a large retinal fundus applications can be found in Ref. [63] and
role in image enhancement and object recognition. nonretinal applications in Ref. [64]. Specific traditional
Global histogram methods for contrast enhancement techniques for analyzing different retinal morphologies
consider the value of all pixels within an image and then are covered in subsequent sections alongside their deep
redistribute the overall intensity throughout the entire learning counterparts.
image to normalize the pixel values. Such methods have
limited uses as they can worsen image quality when
used in misaligned cases, such as when images have Canny Edge Detectors
poor colour depth or capture artifacts, such as glare.
Canny edge detectors are a multistep edge detection
Fundus images have poor colour depth and often
algorithm, named after John Canny, who developed
contain capture artifacts. Global methods are useful for
them in 1986 [65]. The steps are as follows:
thresholding images whereby pixels within or outside
specific pixel intensity values are set to a fixed value
corresponding to an object. Such methods are used for 1. Noise reduction: Noise can have a large impact on
basic morphological segmentation, such as segmenting edge detector efficiency; Gaussian smoothing is
the ONH from a fundus image based on its brightness. often used to reduce noise within the image.
Unfortunately, while these thresholding methods are 2. Ensemble intensity gradient detection: Canny edge
computationally cheap, they are subject to the same detection methods use four filters with different
limitations as the global contrast enhancement tech- sigma values within an edge detection operator,
niques, for the same reasons. combining the results to discern the edge gra-
dients within the image. Local Histogram Enhancement 3. Edge thinning: The results of step 2 are refined
with a nonmaximum suppression technique,
While more computationally intensive, local histogram which erodes the edges, making the stronger
enhancement methods are able to improve the enhanced results more prominent, while reducing noise.
image quality and contrast where global methods fail.
4. Thresholding: A double threshold is applied to
Rather than sampling all pixels within an image once,
histograms are generated for subsections of the image, select high-intensity pixels and low intensity
each of which is normalized. Windows need to overlap pixels, with the highest-intensity pixels expected
to represent edges. If a pixel’s intensity falls
so subsection boundaries are normalized accordingly,
resulting in a the spike in computational power. One between the thresholds, it is classified as a weak
limitation for local methods is the risk of enhancing noise edge, and if it is less than the low threshold, it is
considered to be a nonedge.
within the image. Contrast-limited adaptive histogram
equalization (CLAHE) is one method that overcomes 5. Edge refinement: The final step of the Canny
this limitation. CLAHE limits the maximum pixel edge detector further evaluates the weak edges
intensity peaks within a histogram, redistributing the with a region growing algorithm or similar
values across all intensities prior to histogram equaliza- method. If weak edges are contiguous with a
tion [60]. This is the contrast enhancement method used strong edge pixel, the weak edge is retained in
during preprocessing in Figure 17.14. More advanced the final result.
local enhancement techniques exist and often require
some calibration for specific problems, such as rank
enhancement where pixel values are adjusted based on
their relative distance from histogram minima/maxima. Watershed Methods
Another prominent edge detector is the watershed
transformation. To Canny edge detectors, the first step Super-Resolution Techniques
typically involves Gaussian smoothing to reduce global
Super-resolution techniques are methods for taking low- noise. Following, these methods utilize a variant form
resolution or low-quality images and enhancing them to of region growing, most resembling level set methods,
high quality through a number of methods including which find the gradients of all regions based on inten-
multiresolution techniques and pixel-energy-based sity maxima or minima, by incrementally lowering or
quality normalization functions [61]. Applying these raising (respectively) the intensity threshold. Watershed
methods to retinal images during initial preprocessing methods keep track of each region, and rather than
or downstream feature extraction steps can greatly combining them when they overlap, as with level set
improve the the system’s ability to detect and properly methods, designate the overlapping boundary as an
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 345

edge. At their simplest, watershed techniques are sus- pixel resolution of 700 × 605. The database was popu-
ceptible to oversampling, leading to the development of lated and funded through the US National Institutes of
semisupervised and hierarchal techniques. The former Health [67].*
require the human to label RoIs within an image, and the
former keep track of the thresholds from every incre- Diaret
ment and use subsequent algorithms to decide on the
final edges. Region growing, either simple level set or The Standard Diabetic Retinopathy Database (Diaret)
watershed, is used in pathology detection, such as MA, has two parts, calibration (referred to as DIARETDB0)
which is described in Section 17.6.1. consisting of 130 colour fundus images, 20 normal and
110 with signs of DR, and the other database is asso-
ciated with an evaluation protocol (referred to as
17.4.5 Common Data Sets DIARETDB1) that consists of 84 images with DR and 4
The most well known methods and data sets for deep normal images. Images were captured with the ZEISS
learning image analysis are from the MNIST, CIFAR10, FF450plus digital camera, possessing a 50-degree field of
and ImageNet competitions. Many of the algorithms view. Importantly, the evaluation database includes
used in these competitions are applicable to any other manual delineations from four experts annotating MAs,
kind of image, including retinal fundus images, albeit hemorrhages, and hard and soft exudates [68].†
with relevant data sets and some architectural adjust-
ments. The most commonly used benchmarking data Messidor
sets for researching algorithms that analyze the retinal
fundus images are: the Digital Retinal Images for Vessel The Messidor database contains 1200 losslessly com-
Extraction (DRIVE) database; the Structured Analysis of pressed images from three different sites and three dif-
the Retina (STARE) database; and the Standard Diabetic ferent resolutions: 1440 × 960, 2240 × 1488, or 2304 × 1536
Retinopathy Database (Diaret). A large clinical data set pixels. Images were acquired using a colour video 3CCD
curated by the UK Biobank has recently become avail- camera on a Topcon TRC NW6 nonmydriatic retino-
able, offering complete records for more than 500,000 graph with a 45-degree field of view [69].‡
participants. It is not publicly available; however, it
offers an unprecedented opportunity in the development Kaggle/EyePACS
of cutting-edge algorithms, CAD systems, and patient
programs, and is worth mentioning.* The Kaggle dataset is a subset of the EyePACS database,
comprising of 35,126 training images graded into five
DR severity levels and 53,576 unlabelled test images. DRIVE Images were acquired using multiple fundus cameras
The Digital Retinal Images for Vessel Extraction data- and different field of view, with varying lighting condi-
base is a standardized set of fundus images commonly tions and quality. The images were provided by
used to gauge the effectiveness of classification algo- EyePACS through the California Healthcare Foundation;
rithms. The images are 8 bits per red green blue alpha the specific details about the devices used and locations
(RGBA) channel with a 565 × 584 pixel resolution. The of acquisition are unknown [70].§
data set comprises 20 training images with manually
delineated performance masks and 20 test images with 17.4.6 Why Performance Is Better Than Accuracy
two sets of manually delineated performance masks by
the first and second human observers. The images were In machine learning and data science, accuracy is a very
collected for a DR screening program in the Netherlands ambiguous term. In this chapter, accuracy is sometimes
using a Canon CR5 nonmydriatic three charge coupled used synonymously with classifier performance, which is
device (3CCD) camera with a 45-degree field of view calculated utilizing a number of different metrics for
[66].† evaluating CAD systems and algorithms, referred to
collectively as key performance indicators (KPIs). Within
this section, accuracy (Acc) is a straightforward KPI STARE referring to the “rate of truth” for the method in ques-
The Structured Analysis of the Retina database has 400 tion, in other words, the frequency with which the
retinal images, which were acquired using the TopCon
TRV-50 retinal camera with a 35-degree field of view and * http://cecas.clemson.edu/.11ex~ahoover/stare/

* http://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/ ‡
† §
http://www.isi.uu.nl/Research/Databases/DRIVE/ https://www.kaggle.com/c/diabetic-retinopathy-detection
346 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 17.12
Sample set of the DRIVE data set. (a) Fundus image. (b) First manual delineation, used as the ground truth. (c) Second manual delineation,
referred to as the second human observer and used as the human performance benchmark. Modified from J. Staal, M. D. Abràmoff,
M. Niemeijer, M. A. Viergever, and B. van Ginneken, Ridge-Based Vessel Segmentation in Color Images of the Retina, IEEE Transactions on
Medical Imaging, 23(4):501–509, April 2004, ISSN 0278-0062, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2004.825627.

system classifies a datum as positive within the data set. TABLE 17.2
KPIs for CAD techniques may be scored in a number of
Key Performance Indicators
ways, most typically by comparing the classification
error of pixels or images with ground truth data. The KPI Value
ground truth data for pixel classification techniques tend TP
True positive rate (TPR)
to be manual delineations created by one or more experts Vessel pixel count
as in the DRIVE data set (see Section 17.4.5), where two FP
False positive rate (FPR)
ophthalmologists each created a manual delineation of Nonvessel pixel count
every fundus image, as shown in Figure 17.12 [66]. TP + TN
Accuracy (Acc)
Total pixel count
In cases where there are multiple morphologies
present—such as a combination of MAs, exudates, and Sensitivity aka recall (SN) TPR or
vessel labels for DR—a separate set of manual delinea- TN
tions must be made for each. One such data set is Diaret Specificity (SP) 1 − FPR or
(see Section 17.4.5), where the four types of lesions each
have their own mask for every image. Another technique
is to transform the labels into a database or series of text Sensitivity (SN) is the proportion of true positive results
files that explicitly state the position and label for every detected by the classifier; sometimes SN is referred to as
positive pixel or pixel region, where the centre pixel and the true positive fraction or a classifier’s recall. Specificity
radius of every pathology is defined. Proper conversion (SP) is the proportion of negative samples properly
of the data set from images and label files rarely results classified by the system. SN and SP are two of the most
in loss of data quality due to a particular storage format. important KPIs to consider when developing a classifi-
There are four potential classification outcomes that cation system as they are both representations of the
are used to generate KPIs: “truth condition” and are thereby a far better perfor-
mance measure than Acc. In an ideal system, both SN
i. True positive (TP): when a positive sample is and SP will be 100%; however, this is rarely the case.
classified correctly Systems must make a trade-off between false positives
ii. False positive (FP): when a positive sample is and false negatives; in health care, this is a very tricky
classified incorrectly question: which type of false alarm is better? False positives
ensure fewer cases are missed but incur additional
iii. True negative (TN): when a negative sample
resource allocations and associated expenses, whereas
is classified correctly
false negatives place less burden on the system but result
iv. False negative (FN): when a negative sample is in more missed cases or misdiagnoses.
classified incorrectly Assessing the performance of CAD systems by use of a
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) is one way to
The classification outcomes are used to derive KPIs develop an optimal design that balances SN and SP.
that gauge system performance, the most common ROC is often visualized as a curve or presented as a
of which are mathematically defined in Table 17.2. metric derived from the area under the curve (AUC),
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 347

Receiver operating characteristic There are two archetypal methods for assessing the
performance of a pixel-level classification system, and a
third method for image-level systems:
i. Pixel based (pixel level)
True positive rate

Pixel-based methods derive system measures
from the truth of each pixel classification
against the ground truth. DRIVE (see Section
0.4 17.4.5) is specialized for these types of assess-
ments, as the data set includes retinal images,
0.2 masks, and manually delineated vessel maps.
These maps are mostly a continuous single
ROC curve (area = 0.97)
region without other markers, making pixel-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 based classification far more useful than region-
False positive rate
based classification.
FIGURE 17.13 ii. Region based (pixel level)
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The dashed line marks Rather than only measuring the pixel truth,
the 0.5 value set, representing the minimum value for ROC curves, region-based measures evaluate the system’s
whereby AUC and ROC become uninformative KPIs. Modified from ability to classify each morphological feature
H. A. Leopold, J. Orchard, J. Zelek, and V. Lakshminarayanan, Seg-
in an image. This too is accomplished by train-
mentation and Feature Extraction of Retinal Vascular Morphology.
Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 10133, 2017b, doi: 10.1117/12.2253744, ing the algorithm against manually delineated
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2253744. ground truths. Many algorithms are able to
classify pixels; however, even the best region
whereby a perfect AUC score is 1 within the range from assessment techniques can struggle when trying
0.5 to 1. The most common ROC curve utilizes SN in the to differentiate small, closely packed regions,
y-axis and the false positive fraction in the x-axis such that such as exudates and MA. Classification errors
the graph grows toward the top left corner of the figure are therefore measured against each RoI instead
with increasing performance, as shown in Figure 17.13 of against each pixel. As discussed later in the
[71]. AUC scores are frequently used when reporting the chapter, traditional methods require many dif-
performance of deep networks as well as CAD systems. ferent region proposals for preprocessing reti-
AUC has been used herein as the primary evaluation nal images for automated assessments. Often,
metric for algorithms in the sections on performance these measures are paired with image quality
(Sections 17.5.4, 17.6.4, and 17.6.5). These methods fall and overall image classification measures to
into the area of signal detection theory, which is widely improve the representation of a system. For
used in clinical medicine [72]. instance, a classifier that has an SP and SN of
60% for a low-quality, low-resolution image may
17.4.7 Evaluating Performance in fact be far superior to another classifier with
90% SP and SN on a high-quality/resolution
Comparison with a second observer’s data set is the data set.
standard baseline utilized when assessing retinal fundus
images classifiers. This method entails that a minimum Image-level classification methods are typically the
of two experts have evaluated the same data set, manu- final stage of the CAD system, whereby the system uti-
ally delineating the images and providing applicable lizes the information gleaned from prior segmentation,
labels regarding the contents—in this case, health and classification, and KPIs to determine the condition of the
conditions present within the retina. Experts must com- retina within the image: if it is healthy or diseased; if so,
plete the entire data set based on the same criteria, such as which diseases; and in well-trained settings, what the
painting the retinal vessels, circling MA, or labelling severity of the disease(s) may be. The ground truth for
disease severity. When collected, each expert’s label-set image-based classification is often a list of indicators in a
must retain a confidence level of at least 70%, or else data table, which specify the health/disease(s)/severity
be rejected [73]. For supervised algorithms, the first or morphological features. The outcome measures are
complete label-set is incorporated into the training data determined on the image as a whole, which will limit the
set and used to train a classifier. The second expert’s labels size of the training set in many cases. STARE (see Section
are used as the human performance benchmark when 17.4.5) is a useful data set for learning image classifica-
calculating a classifier’s KPIs. Understandably, they are tion as it has 400 labelled images of diverse pathologies
referred to as the second observer; see Figure 17.12. and severities. While 400 images is a large size for retinal
348 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

image data sets, it is far from sufficient when training a than processing the entire image, megapixels (also referred
deep network, requiring the utilization of optimization to as image patches) are sampled from the image using a
methods to artificially expand the data set. sliding window. The simplest pixel sampling algorithms
algorithmically select and extract megapixels from an
image, using the label corresponding to the centre pixel;
megapixel refers to the patch’s centre pixel and its label,
while considering other pixels within the patch as class
17.5 Pixel Sampling for Segmenting
features. Patch size and mini-batch volumes are deter-
Retinal Morphology mined on a case-by-case basis. These techniques are
Retinal vessel segmentation from fundus images plays a particularly useful for optimizing deep networks since
key role in practically all retinal image analysis, either in they allow for the creation of significantly larger data
the assessment of vasculature or in the removal of vessels sets of megapixels from a small number images.
prior to the analysis of other morphologies, such as the Sampling is a form a feature detection, often preceded
ONH and macula. For this reason, it is the most crucial by preprocessing, image masking, and/or localization
step of practically all traditional computer-based analy- (as described in Section 17.4.3). For this reason, pixel
ses of the fundus [73]. Varying quality of fundus images sampling can be considered part of batch preparation
makes automatic segmentation of the vasculature and and is sometimes referred to as mini-batch preparation,
other retinal morphologies quite challenging, mainly due since a given batch of images is further subsampled into
to inconsistencies in noise, hue, and brightness [13]. mini-batches of megapixels. It is worth noting that this
optimization technique for artificially increasing data set
17.5.1 Traditional Retinal Segmentation size is limited to pixel classification; however, algorithms
for disease detection are able to be built on top of algo-
This method begins with image preprocessing and data set rithms trained on megapixels. There are three main types
normalization. Figure 17.14 shows the process for pixel- of sampling methods that are used to create a batch of
based morphology recognition utilizing manual delinea- data:
tions to segment retinal vessels. While the focus of the
original work was on vessel segmentation, such tech- i. Random pixel sampling
niques may be applied to any morphology so long as there A mini-batch of data with n samples is pop-
is a pixel-based ground truth available for training and ulated with megapixels randomly extracted
comparison [74]. Morphological classification is con- from an image. Depending on the application
ducted against pixel colouration for each type of tissue, and user preference, the algorithm may sample
commonly using a k-nearest neighbour method or from the retina as well as the surrounding black
Gaussian mixture model. System performance is assessed border.
against the second observer, and baselines are most com-
ii. Stratified pixel sampling
monly drawn from the algorithm’s application on the
Similar to random sampling, this method
STARE and DRIVE data sets (see Section 17.4.5). Once the
extracts a mini-batch of samples; however, the
pixels have been classified, image processing techniques
application first assesses every pixel within a
may be applied to enhance the results, further analyze
batch before selecting an equal distribution of
either set of pixels, and/or segment the original image as a
all classes to train the system. Since the algo-
prerequisite for another algorithm. The positive set of
rithm indexes the entire sample, it can become
pixels—those representing the vessels, may be assessed
very memory intensive. Depending on the task,
for growth patterns indicative of DR, whereas the negative
number of mini-batch samples, data storage
set of pixels representing other morphologies may be
methods, and overall software architecture, it
passed to another classifier able to extract a different tissue
may be more computationally effective to use
structure or localize on a specific retinal region, such as in
random sampling.
Section 17.6.1. The latter case is quite common in tradi-
tional CAD systems (see Figure 17.11), where retinal vessel iii. Regional pixel sampling
extraction is necessary in ONH localization for glaucoma This technique obeys the same tenets as
assessment and similarly, the detection of MA. stratified sampling. The difference between
them is that regional sampling creates a distri-
bution of samples for each segment of an
17.5.2 Pixel Sampling
image, such as exudates, ONH, vessels, and
Fundus images typically contain 500 × 500 to 2000 × 2000 fundus, rather than a strata of all pixel values
pixels, making the training of a classifier a time con- within each label type. Regional sampling
suming and computationally expensive ordeal. Rather typically uses random sampling within each
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 349

Green channel Colour normalization Enhance contrast


Global histogram equalization Local histogram equalization

A means of normalizing the Also known as contrast
contrast within an image. limited adaptive histogram
These algorithms equalize the equalization, this is type of
pixel intensities by sampling technique used in ‘Enhance
all pixels within an image. contrast’. The difference here
They are not suited for is due to a lack of colour
images with poor colour normalization prior contrast
Example preprocessing methods (not all applied to final results herein)

depth, like fundus images. enhancement.

Canny edge detector Rank equalization

This advanced type of local
A common multistep method. pixel enhancement adjusts
The steps are: intensities based on that
1) Gaussian filtering pixel’s intensity proximal to
2) Difference of Gaussians local or global maxima or
3) Edge thinning minima. The values have
4) Thresholding been inverted here as an
5) Edge refinement example of vessel detection.

ONH extraction Watershed transforms

When classifying exudates The first step typically

and vessels, the properties of involves Gaussian smoothing
the ONH may confuse the to reduce global noise. Next,
algorithm. It’s often easier to these methods grow regions
detect and extract it instead, and mark overlapping region
though this is not always the boundaries as edges.

Vessel classification
Comparison with expert manual delineations

Each pixel is classified as

Final classification

belonging to either the

vessel or non-vessel class.

The final decisions are

recombined into an image as
shown here.

Expert 1 - Ground truth Expert 2 - Second observer

FIGURE 17.14
Traditional pixel-based retinal vessel segmentation.
350 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

region, running the risk of drawing duplicate assuming future training steps will follow the same
values in the case of small sample sizes. It can trend.
also use stratified sampling; however, this may
compound computational requirements on the Adam Optimization
Adam (from “adaptive moment estimation”) is a sto-
chastic gradient optimization algorithm, differentiated
from others by its use of only low-order partial deriva-
17.5.3 The Deep Learning Approach to Retinal
tives. Typically, only first-order derivatives are required
Morphology Segmentation
to outperform other stochastic optimization methods
Deep learning methods for retinal segmentation are in terms of accuracy as well as computational cost.
based on the techniques that have been applied to image Adam is driven by an adaptive algorithm primarily
segmentation in other fields, particularly vehicle data controlled by three parameters: a representing the
sets and microscopy. Most of these methods are based on learning rate (also referred to as step size), and B1 and Bs,
LeNet and utilize stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to which represent exponential decay rates for the moment
optimize the network [9]. Recent work into stochastic estimates. e represents a fuzz factor and is typically set to
gradient-based optimization has incorporated adaptive 10−8. In the literature, it has been shown that Adam
estimates of lower-order moments, resulting in the Adam outperforms all other methods (AdaGrad, RMSProp,
optimization method, which is further described below SGD, AdaDelta amongst others) for image classification
[75]. Recently, Adam was successfully applied to the tasks utilizing CNNs, testing against MNIST, and
problem of retinal vessel segmentation—that work is CIFAR10 data sets [75].
what will be discussed herein; the network architectures
for these networks can be found in Refs. [71,74]. A flow
17.5.4 Performance Comparison: Vessel Segmentation
diagram of this method is shown in Figure 17.15. Deep
and Pixel Classification
networks often utilize at least two fully connected layers
to make a final pixel classification, as the feature The first performance section investigates nondeep (tra-
dimensionality must be greatly reduced from hundreds ditional) and deep methods for vessel segmentation
of thousands to a single class vector of size 2 for any as a real-world example for pixel-based classification.
single morphology, plus one variable for each additional Table 17.3 takes an unconventional approach wherein
morphology. In this case, the vector is size 2 with one algorithms have been organized into the aforemen-
class for each of vessel or nonvessel pixel. If exudates or tioned types, as opposed to supervised and unsupervised
the ONH were included in the training set, the final methods, as commonly found in the literature; sibling
vector would be size 3 or 4, with a new variable for each tables in the other performance sections follow the same
morphology respectively. pattern. The secondary purpose for this section is to
While these methods can be executed without image describe the computational costs at test time for these
enhancement during preprocessing, proper use of such algorithms. Later performance sections do not reinvesti-
techniques may be beneficial for accuracy and compu- gate execution times as they remain relatively propor-
tational efficiency. In the case of retinal vessels and MAs, tional between applications. Herein, performance is
deep methods can utilize the green channel exclusively evaluated using the algorithms’ AUC score for the DRIVE
to make highly accurate predictions, while reducing the and STARE data sets. The traditional methods selected
computational requirements due to a greatly reduced present a wide variety of approaches to the problem of
sample size (one channel vs. three or four) [71,74]. For vessel segmentation, whereas there are considerably fewer
ONH detection and extraction, the red channel must also archetypal deep methods for doing the same. In both cases,
be included. Contrast enhancement techniques may the techniques are organized chronologically with the
also be utilized [76]. Stratified pixel sampling is then oldest methods at the top and were chosen due to the
utilized to create a multibatch set of megapixels from the unique methodology inherent to their implementation.
training data set, transforming 20 retinal fundus images
(i.e., from DRIVE) into tens to hundreds of thousands Traditional Algorithms
of samples. The samples are then used to train a CNN
over many (at least 100) epochs, unless training is ter- Within the traditional methods, there are two prominent
minated early by the system. Early termination can be types of techniques: supervised and unsupervised, dif-
built into the system as an optimization method whereby ferentiable by the use of a classifier to select pixels.
the network recognizes when the change in accuracy Much of the early work in nondeep methods used
between epochs is significantly low for a statistically supervised machine learning approaches, such as SVMs
significant amount of time, and ends the process and decision trees (2-D Gabor wavelet and Bayesian
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 351

Channel extraction Channel normalization Patch generation


by expert

Feature Feature Feature Feature Hidden

Inputs maps maps maps maps units Outputs
3@65 × 65 64@64 × 64 64@32 × 32 64@16 × 16 64@4 × 4 100 2

Flatten Fully
Deep method: Retseg-13

Convolution Convolution Convolution Convolution

5 × 5 kernel 5 × 5 kernel 5 × 5 kernel 4 × 4 kernel

Example feature maps generated by different convolutional layers

Low dimensionality Medium dimensionality High dimensionality

Network classification Post-processing (optional)

The final outputs of The output of many

CNN are interpreted DNNs is a probability
by a decision system – distribution requiring

in this example, two some final selection

fully connected neural method.
networks – to make a
final classification. Typically a confidence
threshold is applied; in
The image here is the this case, a Gabor filter
output of RETSEG-13. has been used to make
the final decision.

FIGURE 17.15
Flow diagram of the Adam optimized deep learning method for retinal segmentation. Images adapted from H. A. Leopold, J. Orchard, J. Zelek,
and V. Lakshminarayanan, Segmentation and Feature Extraction of Retinal Vascular Morphology. Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, 10133, 2017b,
doi: 10.1117/12.2253744, URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2253744.
352 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 17.3
Algorithms for the Segmentation of Retinal Vessels
Authors Method Data Set AUC Test Time
Traditional Methods
Soares et al. [77] 2-D Gabor wavelet and Bayesian classification DRIVE 0.9614 180s
STARE 0.9671
Ricci and Perfetti [78] Line operators and SVM DRIVE 0.9633 N/A
STARE 0.9680
Lupascu et al. [79] AdaBoost-based classification DRIVE 0.9561 125s
Lam et al. [80] Multiplanar multiscale concavity combination DRIVE 0.9614 780s
STARE 0.9738
Fraz et al. [73] Ensemble classifier of boosted and bagged decision trees DRIVE 0.9747 120s
STARE 0.9768
Azzopardi et al. [13] Bar-selective combination of shifted filter responses DRIVE 0.9614 10s
STARE 0.9563
Kovács and Hajdu [81] Template matching and contour reconstruction DRIVE 0.9722 780s
STARE 0.9893
Annunziata et al. [82] Hessian eigenvalue analysis and exudate inpainting STARE 0.9655 25s
Deep Methods
Li et al. [83] Denoising autoencoder DRIVE 0.9738 72s
STARE 0.9879
Leopold et al. [84] 13-layer linear CNN DRIVE 0.9689 87s
Liskowski et al. [77] Channel separated CNN DRIVE 0.9710 92s
STARE 0.9880

classification [77], line operators and SVM [78], and morphologies, such as vessel shape, tortuosity,
AdaBoost-based classification [79]). Rather than training a and curvature. Historically, these techniques
classifier, unsupervised techniques stimulate a response have failed to accurately capture thin vessels and
within the pixels of an image to determine class mem- other morphologies that may lack seed points due
bership and do not require manual delineations. to shallow intensity variations, as with the multi-
There are three types of unsupervised methods used in planar multiscale concavity combination method
vascular and morphological segmentation: [80]. Newer methods, such as Hessian eigenvalue
analysis and exudate inpainting [82], attempt to
i. Matched filters compensate with multiscale combinations.
Matched filtering techniques convolve a kernel iii. Model-based approaches
with an image and measure the filter response in Model-based approaches apply templates as
order to detect vessels. Many of these techniques well as static and dynamic morphological pro-
use a combination or derivative of either Gabor files that are catered to specific tissues or
or Gaussian filters, such as the bar-selective com- pathologies to reliably induce a response from
bination of shifted filter responses method [13] with medical images, even in cases where image
a bilinear combination of a filter bank populated quality is poor. Higher-order functions as well
with the difference of Gaussian kernels. Matched as multistep, computationally intensive pro-
filters work well in healthy images, but suffer cesses for template matching, such as the tem-
a drop in SP when used on pathological cases; plate matching and contour reconstruction method
this has led to work on ensemble methods [81], are able to reliably operate across a wide
that combine multiple types of filters using variety of image qualities.
semisupervised techniques, such as the ensemble
classifier of boosted and bagged decision trees [73]. Deep Algorithms
ii. Morphology tracking
Morphology tracking methods implement While there are many emerging methods for deep
edge or watershed techniques to segment the learning in medicine, three predominant types of DNNs
image, which may use greyscale intensity or have been used for morphological segmentation, all of
known mathematical properties of different which are considered supervised learning methods:
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 353

i. Linear CNNs or vice versa. The simplest autoencoders are

Linear CNNs process an image either made up of an encoder and a decoder. The
extracting a single channel from the image or encoder is the feature extractor component of a
treating the channels as an additional feature linear CNN, and the decoder is an identical but
space for the final pixel classification. Figure 17.4 transposed CNN implemented as the decision
is an example of a linear CNN. These are the system, rather than fully connected layers. The
most fundamental examples of CNNs, which decoder comprises deconvolutional and
are utilized in parallel or in sequence in the upsampling layers to match the convolutional
DNNs discussed throughout this chapter. The and pooling layers in the network’s encoder. It
13-layer linear CNN method [74] is shown in is worth noting that the feature extractor and
Figure 17.15 [71], which illustrates the following: decision system need not be perfect reflections
1. Image enhancement: Fundus image chan- of one another. As an example, a network could
nels are separated and undergo colour combine a multichannel CNN as the feature
normalization and contrast enhancement. extractor, but a single channel deconvolutional
network as the decision system, so long as they
2. Mini-batch creation: Next, stratified pixel
have the same depth and size of layers. In the
sampling is used to generate an even
denoising autoencoder method [76], fully con-
number of vessel and nonvessel patches as
nected layers are inserted in between the
the training data set.
feature extractor and decision system to
3. Training: The patches are fed through the denoise the data, leading to an improvement in
CNN and regenerated at every epoch. results. Compared to the prior two types of
4. Testing: At test time, the resulting pixel CNNs, autoencoders are able to output entirely
classifications are used to generate proba- segmented patches at test time, reducing the
bility heat maps of the entire fundus. computational requirements of the system.
5. Final classification: The heat maps are then
postprocessed by thresholding to reach a
final binary classification for vessels and Comparing Performances*
Amongst the deep methods, the denoising autoencoder
ii. Multichannel CNNs
(DAE) is the best performer for DRIVE, while the
As the name implies, these CNNs split off into
CSCNN is barely the best for segmenting vessels in
multiple parallel and identical architectures
STARE. Upon more careful study of the KPIs, it seems
for each channel within an image. To reduce
network depth improves SN, as the linear CNN out-
computational complexity, equivalent layers
performs the others; it has eight layers for feature
share parameters, leading to joint training
extraction deep, while the others have only five, leading
across all image channels while each stream
to a raw SN of 0.9568 [71], whereas the DAE has 0.7569
learns its own set of ideal features for classifying
[83] and the CSCNN 0.7520 [84]. The reason the final
pixels within its channel. The final layer of each
AUC score of the linear CNN is lower than the others
channel stream is joined by flattening and fully
is due to SP, which is roughly 0.03 lower, meaning
connected layers in the same way as linear
that the final classification of the linear CNN does not
CNNs, producing the same type of pixel prob-
agree with the ground truth, not that the network is
ability vector as the output, as in the channel
necessarily performing poorly. Reviewing test time run
separated CNN (CSCNN) method [84].
speed is nonintuitive. At first glance, it appears the DAE
The benefit for analyzing multiple channels
runs the most efficiently, requiring only 72s to process
within a fundus image is described in Section
a single test image. In actuality, the linear CNN is
17.4.3; the gains in system performance should
the most efficient method at 87s, as it is processing
come as no surprise when comparing multi-
larger image patches, which inherently consumes
channel CNNs with linear CNNs that only use
more computation power. If they were both processing
a grey or green channel image for training and
the same-sized kernels, the DAE would be much
iii. Autoencoders
An autoencoder is a neural network trained * Computational times discussed herein have been extracted from
to copy its input to its output [83]. In the case of literary sources. Due to variations in computer architecture and
vessel segmentation, it is trained to convert a processing power, the reader should take the metrics as only a rough
fundus image into a manual delineated image approximation.
354 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

slower(16 × 16 pixels per image patch would increase to detection; however, they can be applied to other pathol-
65 × 65 pixels). ogies. This problem is similar to vessel segmentation;
When looking at the traditional (nondeep) methods however, methods are discussed that improve compu-
described in Table 17.3, there appear to be two different tational efficiency and enhance the system’s ability to
technique philosophies emerging: minimizing run times, differente MA from other vessel tissues. These problems
as with the bar-selective combination of shifted filter differ in that MA detection is a form of region-based clas-
responses method [13], which only requires 10s to sification, whereas vessel segmentation is one of pixel-
compute; and maximizing performance, as in the based classification (see Section 17.4.7), as evidenced by the
ensemble classifier of boosted and bagged decision trees [73] as image labels utilized within these methods. Diaret (see
well as the template matching and contour reconstruction Section 17.4.5) is commonly used to benchmark these
methods [81]. The latter respectively boast the best AUC tasks. This is done as there are considerably fewer posi-
score for DRIVE and STARE amongst all methods pre- tives than with vessels or larger morphologies; it is much
sented in this section at the expense computational more efficient and effective to store these labels as text
requirements at test time—2 min and 13 min compared files than as whole images.
to the 72s of the DAE, which has comparable AUC for
both DRIVE and STARE as the superior method of the
17.6.1 Traditional Microaneurysm Detection
two. From this, a conclusion can be drawn: In the case of
traditional and deep methods for vessel and morpho- Recent work evaluated the efficacy of various traditional
logical segmentation, deep learning approaches outper- MA detection methods utilizing a novel performance
form in terms of accuracy as well as computational algorithm, scoring the Waikato Microaneurysm Detector
efficiency at test time. best overall [85]. Many algorithms have adapted the
Waikato architecture, making modifications to individ-
ual stages since it was first published [86]. More infor-
mation regarding the Waikato detector can be found in
Ref. [87]. Generally, MA detectors build on the pre-
17.6 Superpixel Sampling for Microaneurysm processing steps for colour and shade normalization,
Detection in the Classification of Diabetic while utilizing retinal vessel segmentation techniques as
described in Section 17.5.1. Figure 17.16 [86] shows a
generalized traditional method for MA detection. The
Microaneurysm detection algorithms are perhaps one of process is as follows:
the most useful CAD systems for augmenting standard
practise. Detection of MAs is like any other form of i. Preprocessing: The green channel is extracted
regional morphology detection, such as ONH, exudate, from the fundus image and preprocessed with
and lesion extraction; however, it can be significantly colour normalization and contrast enhance-
more challenging due to their size. MAs are quite small ment techniques.
at 10–100 μm in diameter, equivalent to a small red dot in
ii. Morphological mask generation: A region growing
a retinal fundus image. Due to the continuous prolifer-
algorithm (such as watershed methods) is used
ation of MA, scarring, hemorrhages, lesions, and other
to find large morphological components and
exudates can obfuscate the real value, even from clinical
generate an image mask from the grey image.
experts. Prior to recent developments in computational
The algorithm would evaluate only regions
power and deep learning, the only realistic solution for
larger than MA. At the same time, a vessel
conducting improved early screening was with novel
segmentation algorithm is used to generate a
imaging technologies, such as autofluorescence fundus
separate pixel mask from the grey image.
imaging techniques and OCT. Image enhancement
techniques, such as multiresolution techniques, are able iii. Mask subtraction: After a fundus image has been
to enhance normal fundus images to a quality equivalent preprocessed, a linear filter is applied to the
to autofluorescence imaging [62]. vessel segments and large morphologies such
To use pathological morphologies in patient diagnoses that only elements larger than MA are sub-
or measure disease progression over time requires tracted from the fundus image; MA and other
painstaking effort to find, mark, and count all morphol- small nonvessel structures are left over fol-
ogies in both eyes at every encounter. A system for lowing this subtraction, while larger structures
automating detection and counting is necessary to com- known to cause false positives have been
plete patient ocular health assessments the same day as removed.
a patient’s appointment, if not in real time. The tools iv. MA candidate detection: At this stage, pixel
and principles described in this section focus on MA intensities are used to seed potential RoIs,
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 355

Green channel Colour enhancement Normalized to grey

Fundus image Preprocessing

Large region growing Vessel segmentation

Initial segmentation

The vessels are segmented

Large region detection aids
from the grey image by a low
in determining background vs
cost computation, such as
morphology. This results in a
COSFIRE or Gabor wavelet
mask that uses white pixels to
filters. A second mask is
indentify any morphological
created and later subtracted
elements identified.
from the grey image.

Small region growing Vessel subtraction from grey image

Small region growing

MA candidate detection

is used to identify Both retinal vessels

potential MA sites and aneurysms have
following image very strong signals in
normalization and the green channel.
the subtraction of the Removing the vessels
large region mask. in advance prevents
false positives.

Measure candidate features Detected MA

There are many Depending on the

different techniques purpose of the
for making the final algorithm or whether
Final classification

decision on which it’s part of a larger CAD

candidates are MA. system, the output may
either be an image like
Generally, there are this or a quantitative
far fewer MA than metric used in the
candidate regions. calculation of disease

FIGURE 17.16
Flow diagram of a traditional automated microaneurysm detection method. Images adapted from S. A. Ali Shah, A. Laude, I. Faye, and T. B. Tang,
Automated Microaneurysm Detection in Diabetic Retinopathy Using Curvelet Transform, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(10):101404, 2016, doi:
10.1117/1.JBO.21.10.101404, URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.21.10.101404.
356 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

referred to as candidate RoIs or as the candi- training set. Selective sampling instead assigns a weight
dates. While the candidates provide some rep- to each megapixel within some if not all classes—
resentation of MA concentrations, further computational resources are the deciding factor for num-
analysis is required to find and count the true ber of classes to weigh. The weights influence selection
RoIs—failing to do so may greatly decrease SN probability, dictating the likelihood a megapixel is
and SP. The candidate RoIs are expanded with included in a mini-batch when they are generated upon
a region growing algorithm and passed to a each epoch. Weights are updated following network
feature extractor that derives various intensity optimization, before the next batch is created. Typically,
features that aid in differentiating MA from these algorithms favour samples that the network has
other tissues. Not all methods implement both misclassified, encouraging the system improve in its
(or either) forms of mask subtraction; however, weakest areas. A subset of samples will be those the
subtracting other large morphologies does network classified well, resulting in it remembering all
improver MA detector accuracy. essential features. To summarize, selective sampling
v. Final classification: The final classifier evaluates causes the network to converge much faster, requiring
the candidates, utilizing the peak responses more computational resources during sample generation
from the MA candidate detection stage to gener- when compared to stratified sampling.
ate the final measures representing the total
number of MAs within a fundus image. Sampling with Foveation
Anisotropic foveated supersampling methods involve a
foveation kernel that induces a local acuity effect on pixel
17.6.2 Superpixel Sampling
patches at time of sampling [90]. These are nonadaptive,
Supersampling techniques are an effective way for nonlocal means techniques that calculate kernel weights
selecting key RoIs to efficiently train a deep network. based on the foveated patch distance. They can be uti-
Section 17.5.2 describes three basic pixel sampling lized in conjunction with other sampling methods, often
methods: random, stratified, and regional. These tech- as an alternative to purely random sampling. In essence,
niques are made into superpixel methods through the a foveation bias is induced across the image, limiting
use of batch sample extraction. Advanced supersampling sampling further from known RoIs. The bias within a
methods are defined as computational strategies for given kernel may be varied by adjusting the foveation
selecting megapixels that utilize complex mathematical operators; however, they generally utilize an invariant
models, techniques that are inspired by biological pro- Gaussian blur with increasing standard deviation pro-
cesses, or methods for assessing image saliency. portional to the distance from the centre of the RoI.
In general, superpixel sampling methods are pixel
sampling methods that utilize some function to select 17.6.3 The Deep Learning Approach to Microaneurysm
pixels from each image, rather than only randomly Detection
selecting a single pixel or methods that select patches in
specific regions in the image, based on morphological or Herein, the deep learning approach to MA classification
mathematical parameters. Compared to pixel sampling, is based on the CNN and stratified megapixel mini-batch
superpixel methods generally subsample based on the generation processes described in Section 17.5.3. As the
natural image boundaries, bolstering local consistency pixel and MA segmentation data sets utilize funda-
while collecting a higher-fidelity data set [88]. The most mentally different types of labels, the process of selecting
popular superpixel method is simple linear iterative megapixel regions must be slightly modified. Early
clustering, which uses a k-means algorithm to select optimization of the network occurs at sampling time,
training data [89]. requiring the mini-batch generation process to be tai-
lored for the detection of MA. The method recognizes the
size distribution of MA and thus implements a patch size Selective Sampling large enough to capture them. Positive patches are con-
An effective supersampling method is selective sampling, siderably more sparse than those utilized in Section
which augments the stratified sampling method described 17.5.3, making the use of supersampling methods in
in Section 17.5.2. After the image patches have been optimizing network training comparatively more bene-
extracted in bulk from a data set, positive and negative ficial given the incurred computational burden.
samples (MA and non-MA in this case) are separated Selective sampling improves the rate of network con-
into a representative data set at each epoch. Stratified vergence, as described in Section 17.6.2. If the base
sampling uses this same methodology, randomly sam- sampling methods described in Section 17.5.2 were uti-
pling the corpus of megapixels at each epoch to create an lized instead, it would be much more difficult for the
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 357

CNN to differentiate MA from retinal vasculature. In a Table 17.4 describes a few of these methods with the best
practical sense, the deep network would still converge to performance as reported in the literature. Larger lesions
a similar performance with either type of sampling and exudates are able to be found and analyzed with
method; the difference is the number of epochs required techniques described in Section 17.5. Detection of MA is
to do so. The CNN would eventually generate a similar a very niche method group, which may experience a
set of features, weights, and biases; however, the rate at decline in explicit usage to focus on assessing disease
which such parameters are selected may be more than progression. In general, there are fewer studies into MA
300% longer [91]. detection compared with vessel segmentation or DR
Figure 17.17 [76,91] shows an example architecture for analysis. In the latter case, both traditional and deep
deep MA detection, which analyzes supersampled methods are gravitating toward disease classification
megapixels, classifying each pixel as either MA or non- through feature discovery rather than expert mimicry, as
MA before grouping regions of positive pixels into further discussed in Section 17.6.5. For this reason, the
individual lesions. Similar to the deep method for vessel best MA detectors have been developed as part of DR
segmentation discussed in Section 17.5.3, MA classifica- detection systems, resulting in the majority of techniques
tion begins by passing fundus images along with expert- being discussed in this section seeing application classi-
generated labels through preprocessing algorithms. As fying DR in the subsequent section on image classifica-
mentioned in the introduction to this section, the labels tion. Similar to Section 17.5.4, performance is evaluated
are usually text based. As such, “Segmentation by using the algorithms’ AUC score and organized chro-
expert” within Figure 17.17 has been created solely for nologically with the oldest methods at the top. The
the sake of example. Preprocessing for this method is databases most commonly used in these studies are
simply contrast enhancement by convolution with a Diaret and Messidor.
Gaussian filter, which affects each channel indepen-
dently. Such techniques consistently improve image Traditional Algorithms
quality, contrast, and sharpness in fundus images.
Supersampled megapixels are populated at each epoch. i. Visual word dictionaries
The network’s training progress at 5, 15, 25, and 60 Visual word dictionary methods are semi-
epochs is shown, where the coloured mask illustrates the supervised multistep classification techniques
probability for pixels being MA using a heat map span- that learn to detect points of interest (PoIs)
ning from blue (low probability) to red regions (with the within manually denoted RoIs of fundus
highest probability). Upon reaching the classification images. Pixels are not explicitly painted or
stage, the system is able to confidently extract MA can- labelled. RoIs are manually delineated by
didate pixels and present them as a probability heat map. experts who also label the region by which type
However, the actual shape and size of each individual of morphology or pathology is present within a
lesion remain to be determined. At test time, the network region, but not count or exact location. Expert
must convert the heat maps into MA candidates, similar labelling becomes much easier as the experts
to the traditional method. A form of region growing is are only outlining key areas of the fundus as
implemented to extract the final candidates, while opposed to painting every pathological pixel.
ensuring regions are not tagged more than once by The RoIs and associated labels are used to train
combining instances into single pathological patches. feature detectors for each type of morphology
Determining potential region seed points can be chal- independent of the rest, thereby building a set of
lenging. One method for selecting such sites first blurs the visual word dictionaries, each containing a set of
image with a Gaussian kernel prior to selection of seed features specialized for a specific pathology,
points based on local probability maximums from the such as building a separate dictionary for each
then-smoothed heat maps [92]. Following, images can be type of lesion in Table 17.1.
scored based on the presence and quantity of lesions and ii. It is possible to implement a multidimensional
MA as an indicator of DR. Performance for MA detection Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) algorithm to
is compared in Table 17.4, whereas performance for DR extract and characterize PoIs, feeding the
detection (image score) is shown in Table 17.5. results into a k-means clustering SVM to
develop a set of dictionaries for DR classifica-
tion; MAs are one such dictionary. Using the
17.6.4 Performance Comparison: MA Detection
dictionaries, each image is converted into a
and Region Classification
projected feature mapping representing the
The second performance section investigates traditional image as a frequency distribution of patholog-
and deep methods for MA detection as a real-world ical points/regions of interest [93]. The distri-
example of region classification and pathology detection. butions are used to train a k-means clustering
358 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Contrast enhancement Super sampling

by expert

Feature Feature Feature Feature Hidden

Inputs maps maps maps maps units Outputs
3@65 × 65 64@64 × 64 64@32 × 32 64@16 × 16 64@4 × 4 100 2

Flatten Fully
Deep method

Convolution Convolution Convolution Convolution

5 × 5 kernel 5 × 5 kernel 5 × 5 kernel 4 × 4 kernel

Network output after 5, 15, 25 and 60 epochs

Network classification Network performance

It’s worth noting the architecture of The output of the network is quite
similar to that of traditional methods;

the network used here is the same as

that used for vessel segmentation. The however, they do note require the use of
differences between these methods a region growing to aggregate potential
are in the training labels and the pixel MA sites. The performance of the system
sampling method. However, the latter is measured based on the accuracy of the
does not need to vary, but has been for MA site count; a harder challenge than
sake of this example. classification of vessels.

FIGURE 17.17
Flow diagram of the deep learning method for microaneurysm detection. The images have their contrast enhanced by convolution with a
Gaussian filter prior to superpixel sampling. Training progress is shown, as are the final probability heat maps for pixels containing lesions.
Images modified from M. J. van Grinsven, B. van Ginneken, C. B. Hoyng, T. Theelen, and C. I. Sánchez, Fast Convolutional Neural Network
Training Using Selective Data Sampling: Application to Hemorrhage Detection in Color Fundus Images, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35
(5):1273–1284, May 2016, ISSN 0278-0062, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2016.2526689, and H. A. Leopold, J. Orchard, J. Zelek, and V. Lakshminarayanan,
Use of Gabor Filters and Deep Networks in the Segmentation of Retinal Vessel Morphology, Proceedings of SPIE Biomedical Optics, 10068, 2017a,
doi: 10.1117/12.2252988, URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2252988.
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 359

TABLE 17.4 generated by a radial basis function that com-

bined sets of a custom Gaussian filter kernel
Algorithms for Microaneurysm Detection
specialized in detecting MA and other lesions
Authors Method Data Set AUC while ignoring vessels [94].
Traditional Methods
Rocha et al. [93] Visual word dictionary Diaret 0.933
used to train an SVM Messidor Deep Expert Mimicry
Srivastava et al. [94] Multiple-kernel Diaret 0.973
learning using radial Messidor While the exact architectures vary, both deep methods
basis functions described in this section utilize variations of linear CNNs
for feature extraction and fully connected layers for final
Deep Methods
classification. The selective sampling 9-layer linear CNN
Grinsven et al. [91] Selective sampling Kaggle 0.894
9-layer linear CNN
(SSCNN) [91] method is very similar to that shown in
Messidor 0.972
Figure 17.17, albeit with a different deep network archi-
Quellec et al. [95] Sensitivity criterion Diaret 0.978
derivation from a
tecture, supersampling technique, and candidate valida-
25-layer linear CNN tion algorithm. The defining elements of this architecture
are as follows:

i. Mimicry to classify MA
TABLE 17.5
This required several ophthalmologists to
Algorithms for DR Detection manually delineate MA and other major lesions
Authors Method Data Set AUC within the Kaggle data set, yielding a very large
Human [96] Two experts Messidor 0.865–
and robust set of training and testing samples.
evaluated the 0.922 This choice also further subsets this method into
data set manually pixel-level supervision. From the quantification
of MA in a fundus image, and prior knowledge
Traditional Methods
of DR severity provided as data set labels, a
Sanchez et al. [96] Multialgorithm Messidor 0.876
CAD system
subsequent algorithm could be developed to
Rocha et al. [93] Visual word Diaret 0.893
assess DR severity based on MA features, as
dictionary used Messidor discussed in Section 17.6.5.
to train an SVM ii. Selective supersampling of negative megapixels
Deep Methods Negative megapixels were weighted for mini-
Abramoff et al. [14] Expert mimicry Messidor 0.980 batch sampling, while positive megapixels were
ensemble of CNNs randomly selected. The effect of selective sam-
Quellec et al. [95] Feature discovery Kaggle 0.954 pling on training efficacy was investigated.
ensemble of CNNs When selective sampling was implemented,
training concluded after roughly 60 epochs,
whereas nonselective sampling terminated after
SVM to classify DR in fundus images; those 170 epochs. Even though it was trained for
results are further discussed in Section 17.6.5 almost one-third the time, the network trained
and are listed in Table 17.5. with selective sampling after 60 epochs greatly
iii. Multiple-kernel learner (MKL) outperformed the 170-epoch nonselective sam-
Multiple-kernel learning is a form of super- pling network (AUC of 0.979 vs. 0.966 on
sampling that combines the results from mul- Messidor after removing low-quality images)
tiple image scales, using patches of varying [91].
sizes. Multiscale megapixels are then passed iii. Candidate validation by a dynamic algorithm
through a feature extractor, resulting in many Seed points for MA candidates were selected
sets of multiscale feature kernels. It has been from the local maxima of RoIs smoothed with
shown that the combination of such kernels a Gaussian filter. The algorithm’s cost function
results in superior pixel classification, in terms is the gradient magnitude of the smoothed RoI,
of both accuracy and computational efficiency which it uses to assign a probability equal to the
[97]. The MKL described in Table 17.4 trained resulting average probability of all pixels
an SVM classifier using the maximum response within the candidate.
360 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data Deep Feature Discovery against solely with the classification agreement
with the image-level data; if that were the case
On the other hand, the feature discovery approach is the
here, it would be quite challenging to generate
driver for the sensitivity criterion derivation from a 25-layer
accurate pathological heat maps. In addition to
linear CNN method. The underlying architecture of the
DR labels, network performance was simulta-
network was based on one of the top networks imple-
neously evaluated at the pixel level using the
mented in the 2015 Kaggle competition, replacing the
Diaret data set for each type of lesion label
prior optimization function with an Adam optimizer
available (hard exudates, soft exudates, MA,
(see Section 17.5.3). The 25-layer linear CNN was trained
and hemorrhages). Training completion was
to classify DR severity at the image level, and the sen-
determined at the image level (DR severity).
sitivity criterion was used to derive pixel-based features
of the underlying fundus images. The same process iii. Checkpoint-driven ensemble assembly
allows for the extraction of characteristic weights and Rather than training a series of networks for
biases from different stages of training representing the this ensemble, only one linear CNN was
strongest signal for different pathologies. trained while carefully monitoring its perfor-
Rather than using only the weights from the image- mance for DR and associated pathologies, as
level training, a separate CNN is configured with a dif- described previously. Unsurprisingly, the per-
ferent characteristic weight and bias profile all of which formance at the pixel level fluctuated through-
can be joined together into an ensemble of CNNs; we out training at the image level. Interestingly,
refer to this architecture as a feature discovery ensemble performance between lesion types varied sub-
(FDE). The design is fairly atypical, as ensembles are stantially, each reaching a peak performance at
usually made up of different network architectures to unique training iterations. The weights and
make up for the greatly increased computation require- biases from the iterations of optimal detections
ments for training so many networks. The method for each lesion type, the average of all lesions,
described in Table 17.4 assembled an FDE of twelve 25- and DR were exported and used to create six
layer CNNs with a random forest classifier as the final CNNs for the ensemble.
decision system. This method utilizes a number of opti- When patients have their eyes examined,
mization strategies that dismiss the computational both eyes are imaged; the Kaggle data set
burden typically incurred when training an ensemble of retained this data, providing an image of each
CNNs, while enabling the system with additional eye for patients. To retain the relationship
pathology detection abilities: between the eyes of patients during classifica-
tion of DR (separate for each eye), the features
from two sets of the six CNNs—six from the
i. Pathology discovery with sparsity-enhanced sensi- current eye and six from the contralateral eye—
tivity criterion were fed into the final decision system, in this
The sensitivity criterion dictates how local case a random forest. The output is a blended
features influence the target function of a given heat map of all 12 networks for each eye. The
operation. In the case of CNNs, it is the rela- output of each network may be weighted by its
tionship between image labels and pixel values importance relative to the others in DR detec-
that govern them. Specifically in this case, where tion; this may require calibration but would be
the training data set is composed of fundus based on expert guidelines.
images and associated DR severity labels, the
sensitivity criterion relates pixel-level indicators
of disease to the severity level; it provides a Comparing Performances
mechanism by which DR pathologies, such as In this section, we present four algorithms: two tradi-
MA, lesions, and exudates, can be extracted as tional and two deep. The first of each uses expert mimicry
probability heat maps from the networks’ filter to detect MA, while the second uses feature discovery,
banks without explicit training. For this method, which outperformed its respective mimicking counter-
the training loss function is modified to maxi- part. The MKL did very well to identify MA, utilizing an
mize the sparsity of nonzero pixels (pathological approach quite similar to that of a CNN in its genera-
pixels) while retaining accuracy. tion of many feature kernels and selection of only those
ii. Training on image and pixel performance with optimal responses. The performance of the SSCNN
The network was trained on the Kaggle data was on par with the MKL, without requiring manual
set that only contains DR severity labels— calibration of filters to detect MA. The inclusion of a
image-level labels. Typically, network perfor- similar hierarchal implementation in the SSCNN would
mance between iterations would be evaluated boost its performance above the MKL.
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 361

That the FDE is able to detect MA and other lesions TABLE 17.6
based on selection criterion is a prime example for
Messidor Grading Schemes for Retinopathy and Risk
the power of deep learning and the feature discovery
of Macular Edema
paradigm. At 0.978 AUC, it sets a wide margin com-
parative to all the other methods, and the network Grade Description
learned to detect the specific pathology as a by-product Retinopathy Grade
of learning to assess the severity of DR. In fact, the 0 Normal, healthy fundus; no MA or hemorrhages
network was reported to work well in low-image-quality 1 Less than 5 MAs and no hemorrhages
cases as well as out perform all other solutions in 2 Less than 15 MAs and less than 5 hemorrhages
detecting the individual categories of lesions: hard exu- 3 Greater than 15 MAs or hemorrhages or neovascularization
dates, soft exudates, MA, and hemorrhages [95]. To put
Risk of Macular Edema
this in perspective, the other deep method required
0 No visible hard exudates
several ophthalmologists each to manually label over
1 Shortest distance between macula and hard exudates greater
35,000 images from the Kaggle training set before it
than one papilla diameter
could be trained to detect MA with an AUC of 0.972, and
2 Shortest distance between macula and hard exudates equal
that was all—it was not able to detect other pathologies or less than one papilla diameter
or assess the severity of DR [91]. The FDE’s ability to
Source: Adapted from E. Decencière, X. Zhang, G. Cazuguel, B. Lay,
distill pathologies from a network trained on image
B. Cochener, C. Trone, P. Gain, R. Ordonez, P. Massin, A.
labels makes it possible to discover previously unknown Erginay, B. Charton, and J.-C. Klein, Feedback on a Publicly
disease indicators, present in the fundus. The same Distributed Database: The Messidor Database, Image Analysis
network could be applied to any number of medical & Stereology, 33(3):231–234, Aug 2014, ISSN 1854-5165, doi:
image diagnostics or even just image-label-based prob- 10.5566/ias.1155, URL http://www.ias-iss.org/ojs/IAS
lems, assuming the training data exists.

17.6.5 Performance Comparison: Diabetic Retinopathy

and Image Classification
The system followed a similar process as described in
The final performance section investigates traditional and Figure 17.11 and Figure 17.16:
deep methods for DR detection and grading as a real-
world example of image classification and CAD systems.
While there are many methods in the literature, algo- i. Preprocessing: Template matching was used to
rithms here were selected for their use of AUC as normalize the field of view for the data set.
a performance metric, superiority in AUC score, and ii. Quality verification: A Gaussian filter bank was
agreement with content covered in this chapter thus far. applied to the data set and used to assign a
As before, the techniques are organized chronologically quality to score to all the images. This process
with the oldest methods at the top. A common grad- used clustering similar to the visual word dic-
ing scheme for retinopathy screenings is presented in tionary method (Section 17.6.4) to assess the
Table 17.6 [62]. This scheme is utilized by Messidor, presence of morphologies. The score repre-
which is the main data set discussed herein. The scheme sented the probability the image was good
has four severity levels, in which the highest grade quality. No image correction or removal was
includes neovascularization. In 2013, a new scheme was done.
released by the International Clinical Diabetic Retinopa- iii. Vessel segmentation: A Gaussian filter bank fed
thy (ICDR) following the Early Treatment Diabetic Reti- into the supervised pixel classifier.
nopathy Study (ETDS) classifications [98], and is detailed
in Table 17.7 [69]. Newer studies and data sets, such as the iv. Optic disc detection: The optic disc would con-
Kaggle data set, follow this new scheme, which separates flict with bright lesion detection if not removed
neovascularization into a separate grade. from the image. Intensity features were used to
find the centre pixel and corresponding region
of optic disc. Traditional Algorithms v. Lesion candidate detectors: A Gaussian filter bank
It was not until 2011 that a fully functional multialgorithm was applied to the image and fed into a
CAD system was tested end to end and shown to perform supervised pixel classifier. Lesion candidates
DR screenings on par with experts [96]. Since, much of were assigned a shape, structure, colour, and
research has gone into the improvement of these com- contrast. Two classifiers were trained, one for
ponents, as described in earlier sections of this chapter. red lesions and the other for bright lesions.
362 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 17.7
ICDR Severity Levels for Retinopathy and Risk of Macular Edema
Measure Score Description
DR Severity Level
No apparent DR 0 Normal, healthy fundus; no abnormalities
Mild NPDR 1 MA only
Moderate NPDR 2 More than just MA but less than severe NPDR
Severe NPDR 3 No signs of PDR and any of the following:
• >20 intraretinal hemorrhages in each of 4 quadrants
• Definite venous beading in ≥2 quadrants
• Prominent intraretinal microvascular abnormalities in ≥1 quadrant
PDR 4 One or more of the following: neovascularization and/or vitreous or preretinal hemorrhage

Macular Edema Severity Level

Macular edema 0 Exudates or apparent thickening within 1 disc diameter from the fovea
No macular edema 1 No exudates and no apparent thickening within 1 disc diameter from the fovea

Source: Adapted from M. D. Abràmoff, J. C. Folk, D. P. Han, J. D. Walker, D. F. Williams, S. R. Russell, P. Massin, B. Cochener, P. Gain, L. Tang,
M. Lamard, D. C. Moga, G. Quellec, and M. Niemeijer. Automated Analysis of Retinal Images for Detection of Referable Diabetic Retinopathy,
JAMA Ophthalmology, 131(3):351–357, 2013, doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2013.1743, URL +http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamaophthalmol.

vi. Decision system for DR grading: The outputs of ther scrutinize extreme cases of DR, as shown in
ii–v were fed into a k-nearest-neighbour clas- Table 17.8 [14]. This work used a series of CNNs as
sifier to determine final DR grade. feature detectors, each optimized for different morphol-
ogies and pathologies in normal anatomy and diseased
cases, as well as quality. While the exact number and
architecture of the networks were not published, the
examples of these networks in the published study Deep Algorithms
include optic disc, fovea, hemorrhages, exudates, and
Both of the deep methods possess a similar architectural neovascularization [14]. The system used one set of
philosophy to DR severity assessments: pathology- detectors to discover where the pathological features
sensitive ensemble CNNs. Much like in Section 17.6.4, existed within the fundus, and another set to determine
the earlier network implements the expert mimicry whether the feature was a type of pathology. The output
approach, whereas the second uses the feature discovery of all the networks was fed into two separate random
approach; the latter is in fact the same algorithm as was forest algorithms, one for referable DR and the other for
presented previously. vision-threatening DR, each trained to classify the images
The expert mimicry ensemble (EME) followed a similar against expert annotated training references. The quality
process as the CAD system discussed above; however, detector resulted in 4% of the samples being rejected. The
the authors augmented the ICDR severity levels to fur- FDE is the same algorithm that was discussed in Section

TABLE 17.8
2016 Adaptation of ICDR Grading Schemes
Grade Description
DR Severity Level
No DR ICDR level 0 (no DR) or 1 (mild DR) and no macular edema
Referable DR ICDR level 2 (moderate NPDR), 3 (severe NPDR), 4 (PDR), or macular edema
Vision-threatening DR ICDR level 3 (severe NPDR), 4 (PDR), or macular edema
Macular Edema Severity Level Unchanged
Source: Adapted from M. D. Abràmoff, Y. Lou, A. Erginay, W. Clarida, R. Amelon, J. C. Folk, and M. Niemeijer, Improved
Automated Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy on a Publicly Available Dataset through Integration of Deep Learning
Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 57(13):5200, 2016, doi: 10.1167/iovs.16
-19964, URL +http://dx.doi.org/10.1167/iovs.16-19964.
Deep Learning for Retinal Analysis 363

17.6.4, which used the selection criterion to distill pixel- Now, with these considerations in mind, the compari-
level heat maps of pathologies while being trained on sons made between the FDE and 9-layer CNN in Section
image-level labels for DR severity. 17.6.4 may be applied when comparing the FDE to the
EME. Comparing Performances

Upon reflection of the traditional methods and their deep 17.7 Outlook
counterparts, the main difference is the use of curated filter
banks versus the use of a CNN to automatically generate Deep learning enables superior performance compared
them, selecting only the best for use at test time. It is worth to traditional methods and humans with regard to
noting that until deep learning became more prominent in accuracy, sensitivity, and area under the ROC. In many
this field, perhaps due to the 2015 Kaggle competition, cases, DNNs will benefit from preprocessed images;
algorithms were unable to reliably achieve an AUC score however, this is often not a necessary step. In this way,
above 0.900. Since, deep learning methods have been they are much simpler to initialize than many traditional
game changing in the area of DR severity assessments, methods, which require strict preprocessing and a careful
achieving significant and quantifiable improvements in calibration of many parameters for a hand-selected set
SP and SN, reflected in an ever-growing gap in AUC: 0.893 of features several orders of magnitude smaller than
for traditional methods and 0.980 for deep networks. DNNs automatically produce. DNNs are beginning to
While the EME may appear to be superior in terms of outperform second observers, and methods for stream-
AUC at first glance, it is in fact the FDE that is the best lining their architecture following training enable their
algorithm discussed herein. There are three key meth- use in mobile and remote settings, presenting a fantastic
odological factors that must be taken into consideration opportunity for applications in settings and communities
in order to properly compare the performances of the that will truly benefit from the use of CAD systems. The
CNNs in this section: continued development of unsupervised deep learning
methods and artificial intelligence hints at a future with
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more challenging than Messidor, as can be seen in tions, and better a better quality of care for all.
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SSCNN was trained and tested against Messidor
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network training using selective data sampling: Appli-
Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification

Sadaf Monajemi, Shahab Ensafi, Shijian Lu, Ashraf A. Kassim, Chew Lim Tan,
Saeid Sanei, and Sim-Heng Ong

18.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................369
18.2 Feature Extraction.........................................................................................................................................................370
18.3 Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning ..................................................................................................................371
18.3.1 Compressed Sensing.......................................................................................................................................371
18.3.2 Dictionary Learning........................................................................................................................................372
18.4 Adaptive Distributed Dictionary Learning...............................................................................................................372
18.4.1 Distributed Dictionary Learning...................................................................................................................372
18.4.2 Diffusion Adaptation Method .......................................................................................................................374
18.4.3 Selection of the Combination Weights.........................................................................................................374
18.5 Experiments and Results .............................................................................................................................................376
18.5.1 Data Sets and Evaluation Methods ..............................................................................................................376
18.5.2 Classification Results ......................................................................................................................................376
18.5.3 Computational Cost........................................................................................................................................378
18.6 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................................379
References ................................................................................................................................................................................379

leads to diagnosis of some autoimmune disorders.

According to the American College of Rheumatology,
18.1 Introduction
the gold standard test for detecting and qualifying ANA
The goal of this chapter is to review and study the is called indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), which uses
application of dictionary learning (DL) methods for the human epithelial type-2 (HEp-2) tissue. In the IIF
diagnosis of autoimmune diseases (ADs). According to test, antibodies are first stained in HEp-2 tissue and then
the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Associa- bond to a fluorescent chemical compound. The anti-
tion (AARDA), ADs are among the top mortality causes bodies bound to the nucleus can have different patterns,
as the result of immune system failure to recognize the which can be observed using microscope imaging. Using
body’s normal protein as self. In these diseases, the these patterns, the severity and phase of the ADs can be
immune system produces another type of antibody, assessed [1]. However, due to variations in image
called autoantibody, directed against that protein. This quality, the interpretation of fluorescence patterns can be
response of the immune system to the individual’s own quite challenging. To overcome this challenge and
tissues is called autoimmunity, and the related diseases interpret the patterns more consistently, automated
are named ADs. Early diagnosis of ADs plays a crucial methods are essential for cell classification.
role in the treatment process of these diseases. Computer aided diagnosis systems have attracted
Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), which are found in much attention for HEp-2 cell classification and AD
many disorders including autoimmunity, cancer, and diagnosis. With the help of these systems, the cost and
infection, are a kind of antibody that binds to the con- time of diagnosis can be reduced, and the results would be
tents of the cell nucleus. By screening the blood serum, reproducible by different physicians. One of the main
the presence of ANA can be confirmed, which in turn steps for an advanced HEp-2 cell classification process is

370 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

DL and sparse coding. In the DL process, the input images patches that have different sizes and shapes, which adds
are first divided into small patches. Due to the sparse to the complexity of the problem. Moreover, most of the
nature of patch-based image classification, DL and sparse proposed methods use artificial features (including SIFT,
coding approaches have been widely used for HEp-2 cell LBP, and histograms of different patches) with several
classification [2–5]. The next step is to extract the features parameters to be tuned manually. The choice of the
of these patches and combine them to generate the final parameter values (such as the size and number of
feature vectors for classification. Several HEp-2 cell clas- patches, smoothing parameters, and number of histo-
sification methods have been proposed in recent years. In gram bins) can affect the performance of the method.
one of the earliest studies [6], Otsu’s global thresholding Parameter tuning is a complex and tedious task that can
technique [7] has been used for cell segmentation and lead to massive memory and computational require-
extraction of texture features for cell classification. ments. This is especially troublesome for the cases with a
Texture and statistical features have been also utilized in large number of training images, which is the case for the
Ref. [8], where the cells are classified via self-organizing ICIP2013 data set. One of these parameters is the optimal
maps. In another study, binary classifiers and spectral size of the dictionary, which is heavily dependent on the
textural features are aggregated, and a reliability measure data and visual features. In general, employing biologi-
is introduced for classification [9]. Intensity level and cally inspired overcomplete dictionaries, where the
staining pattern classification techniques have been dimension of the dictionary is much larger than the
reported in Refs. [10–12]. feature dimension, results in better classification accu-
Most of the works described above use their own data racy [20]. However, employing high-dimensional dic-
sets. This makes a fair comparison of different methods a tionaries together with high-dimensional features not
nearly impossible task for other researchers. The first only reduces classification speed significantly, but also is
publicly available HEp-2 cell classification data set was a huge burden on machine memory and CPU.
released at the 2012 International Conference on Pattern In this chapter, we study and implement an adaptive
Recognition and is referred to as the ICPR2012 data set distributed dictionary learning (ADDL) method. This
in this chapter [3]. Subsequently, an extended data set distributed method tackles the HEp-2 cell classification
was introduced at the 2013 International Conference on problem in a less memory intensive and computationally
Image Processing, referred to as the ICIP2013 data set. efficient manner compared to the other methods. Here,
Two classification tasks have been suggested for the we partition the dictionary matrix and the coding vector
ICPR2012 and ICIP2013 benchmarking data sets [3]. In into N blocks, with each block associated with a
the first task, each cell of the specimen image is classified subdictionary and a subvector. A connected network of
independently without considering the class of its N nodes can be formed with these blocks, where each
neighboring cells, while in the second task, it is assumed node is in charge of updating its own subdictionary.
that most of the cells in a particular specimen image Moreover, each node can be connected to a number of
belong to one of the classes [3]. Therefore, each specimen neighboring nodes, where the neighbors share their
image is associated with a class by considering all the information to update the subdictionaries. Essentially,
cells in that image. we observe that the DL problem can be reformulated as a
Several studies have used these two public data sets distributed learning task over networks. Afterwards, the
for HEp-2 cell classification. In the submission that won diffusion adaptation strategy [21,22] can be used to solve
the ICPR2012 contest, the authors considered an exten- this distributed problem. We combine the information of
sion of local binary patterns (LBPs) as features and used neighboring nodes in an adaptive manner, which
the linear support vector machine (SVM) for cell classi- enables the nodes to learn about the usefulness of the
fication [13]. Morphological features [14–16] and differ- received information and helps them to ignore mis-
ent histograms [5,17,18] have been successfully used to leading information.
further enhance the classification results. In another
study, the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) and
LBP features have been combined with a discriminative
sparse representation to classify HEp-2 cells. In Ref. [19],
the authors proposed to use Fisher tensors on a Rie-
18.2 Feature Extraction
mannian manifold and a learned bag of words (BoW)
dictionary to classify the cells using SVM. As the first step of the automated cell image classification,
Although all the above studies provide some success we should extract the image features. Using intensity
for classification of the HEp-2 cells in the recent bench- values directly as features has some problems. First, there
marking tests (ICPR2012 and ICIP2013), there are still are two significantly different intensity levels, namely,
several challenges that need to be overcome. One of the positive and intermediate levels, in each data set. In par-
fundamental challenges is the large number of image ticular, the intensity values of positive images are greater
Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification 371

than those of intermediate images, and consequently, neous visual patterns is much lower than that of the
positive cells can be easily seen but not the intermediate centromere class that contains several shiny points, as
cells. Second, the ICIP2013 data set comprises gray-level shown in Figure 18.6. Therefore, we extract grid SIFT and
images, while the ICPR2012 data set comprises color SURF features, where grids are applied over the entire
images. Finally, gray-level analysis might be inaccurate cell region, to capture the visual features as illustrated in
due to the noisy nature of the images. Figure 18.1. Here, the entire cell image is divided into
To extract the appearance features of the images con- overlapping patches, where the SIFT and SURF features
taining different types of HEp-2 cells, the SIFT [23] and are captured and combined in each patch. In particular,
speeded-up robust features (SURF) [24] are utilized. SIFT 192 features are extracted for each patch containing 64
features are computed by down-sampling the image at SURF and 128 SIFT features.
different smoothed image levels, and the method pro-
vides better features in the presence of illumination
changes (in positive and intermediate intensity levels).
SURF is computed using the Hessian matrix and per-
forms better in the presence of image rotation and blur 18.3 Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning
[25]. Therefore, these two types of features complement
each other, and combining them generates features with Recently, there has been an increasing interest in sparse
better representation and discrimination capability. coding and DL in computer vision and image process-
The standard SIFT feature extraction method first ing research for classification tasks. With the help of DL
detects the corners [26,27] to capture the points of methods, the input data can be represented using as few
interest and then extracts the features of these points components as possible, reconstructed by a linear
[28]. Since the HEp-2 cell patterns within the immuno- combination of a few dictionary elements (atoms). These
fluorescence images are usually very small, this atoms construct the dictionary and are not necessarily
approach is not suitable to solve the cell classification orthogonal. It is important to note that in the DL
problem. This is due to the fact that the number of method, the dictionary is inferred and constructed from
interest points for the homogeneous cell with homoge- the input data, while in the traditional approaches (such
as the Fourier or wavelet transforms), the dictionaries
are predefined. Learning a dictionary based on the input
data can improve the sparsity, resulting in a sparse
representation of the input signal. Before formulating
Feature extraction
the DL problem, we introduce the compressed sensing
(CS) theory to give a better understanding of sparse

18.3.1 Compressed Sensing

An essential step in signal and image processing is
sampling a signal for transmission and reconstruction.
Based on the well-known Shannon–Nyquist sampling
theorem, the sampling rate should be more than twice
the highest frequency of the signal for perfect signal
reconstruction. On the other hand, CS theory states that a
signal can be recovered with fewer samples than the
Shannon–Nyquist sampling rate if there is prior knowl-
edge about its sparsity. The sparsity of a signal s ∈ ℝM
means that it has only very few nonzero samples.
In the CS method, where the input signal s is sparse, it
can be reconstructed by a linear combination of the
columns of dictionary D:
s = Dz
subject to ‖ z ‖0 ≪ M,
Grids are applied over the cell image, and the image is divided into
where M is the dimension of the input signal s and z
overlapping patches, where in each patch, SIFT and SURF features are consists of the sparse coefficients of the dictionary
captured and combined together. bases. It should be noted that ‖z‖0 is the ℓ0-norm of z,
372 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

which represents the number of nonzero elements and K-SVD [29] and method of optimal directions (MOD)
is the sparsity measure. It has been shown that having [30]. However, to solve the optimization problem in
the ℓ0-norm constraint makes the problem NP-hard Equation 18.2, we introduce a computationally efficient
(nondeterministic polynomial time). Therefore, it can be distributed DL method.
replaced by ℓ1-norm to relax the problem.

18.3.2 Dictionary Learning

Based on what was mentioned earlier in the overview,
the input feature vector Ft for the DL algorithm is con-
structed by the extracted features of image patches. The 18.4 Adaptive Distributed Dictionary Learning
DL problem can now be formulated as Figure 18.2 shows an overview of the method for HEp-2
b cell classification. SURF and SIFT features of the image
min (‖ Ft − Dzt ‖2 + l‖ zt ‖1 + ‖ z ‖2 ), (18.2) patches are extracted and used as the inputs of the dis-
zt ,D 2 t 2
tributed DL. After learning the dictionary, the sparse
where Ft is the M × 1 input feature vector at time t, D is codes of the image patches are combined using spatial
the M × K dictionary matrix, zt is the K × 1 sparse code pyramid matching (SPM) [31] and used for cell classifi-
vector, and l and b are the adjustable penalty (regular- cation. As shown in Figure 18.2, there are three pyramid
ization) terms. As mentioned earlier, the role of the L1- layers, where each input image is divided into 1, 4, and
norm term ‖ zt ‖1 is to promote sparsity of the code 16 regions. The final feature vector is obtained by
vector, while the Euclidean norm ‖ zt ‖2 ensures that the applying max-pooling to the sparse codes of each region.
estimated values are small. Afterwards, a multi-class linear SVM can be learned for
The main procedure of the DL problem consists of two cell image classification. In the following, we introduce
stages: the distributed DL method that has been employed for
this classification problem.
• Sparse coding: The dictionary (D) is fixed, and
the problem in Equation 18.2 is reformulated as
b 18.4.1 Distributed Dictionary Learning
min(‖ F t − Dzt ‖2 + l‖ zt ‖1 + ‖ z ‖2 ) (18.3)
zt 2 t 2 As discussed earlier, the DL task can be quite intensive in
This is a linear regression problem with ℓ1-norm terms of memory and computational requirements. It
and ℓ2-norm regularization on the coefficients. has been shown that learning the dictionary in a dis-
tributed manner can help overcome these challenges. We
• Dictionary update: The coefficients are assumed employ the recently proposed approach for distributed
to be fixed, and the dictionary is updated by DL presented in Refs. [32,33]. Here, the dictionary matrix
D and the coding vector z are partitioned into blocks as
min(‖ F t − Dzt ‖2 ) (18.4) D = ½D1 … DN , z = colfz1 , … ,zN g, (18.5)

Several methods have been proposed in the literature where Dk is a subdictionary of size M × Pk and zk is a
to solve the optimization problem of the DL such as subvector of size Pk × 1. It should be noted that the sizes

Input images Dictionary learning 21 regions Histogram of

grid points each region
D1 1 Nk
D7 7
D6 Sparse
Final features

D2 6
Sift 2 Dk Sparse SVM
Surf coding model
3 5
D3 D5

Proposed ADDL framework.
Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification 373

D1 1 Nk Jglob(w), can be reformulated as the aggregation of indi-

D7 7 vidual cost functions of the agents Jk(w):
D2 6 X

2 Dk J glob (w) = Jk (w) (18.8)
k k=1

3 5 Since the problem in Equation 18.7 does not follow the

D3 D5
sum-of-costs form represented in Equation 18.8, it is not
feasible to use distributed methods to solve this problem
directly. However, it has been shown that its dual
problem has a distributed form following Equation 18.8
FIGURE 18.3 [32]. After solving the dual problem, the optimal primal
Sample of a connected network where each agent k is responsible for variables {Dk} and z can be reconstructed. The dual
learning a subdictionary Dk. The agents connected with solid lines to
agent k are its neighbors represented by Nk and can share information
problem can be formulated as [32]
with each other. Moreover, it can be seen that the input data Ft is X
DTk n
presented to a subset of agents represented by NI. min( − g(n,F t )) = ‖ n ‖22 − n T F t + Sl ( ), (18.9)
b b
of the subdictionaries add up to the total size of the
dictionary: where n is an auxiliary vector in the dual problem of size
M × 1, l and b are the regularization coefficients in
P1 + … +PN = K (18.6) Equation 18.2, and S l (x) is
Now we are able to form a connected network of N
nodes where each node k is in charge of updating its own S l (x) ≜ − b2  ∥ T l (x)∥22 − l  ∥ T l (x)∥21 + b  xT T l (x),
b b b b
subdictionary Dk. In this way, the dictionary matrix D is
distributed over the network. Figure 18.3 represents an
example of such a network where each node is connected where Tg (x) is a soft-thresholding operator on vector x
to a number of neighboring agents. Each node in the and is formulated as follows for the nth element of the
network can share information with and receive infor- vector:
mation from its neighbors. Moreover, the input features
½T g (x)n ≜ (j½xn j − g )+ sgn(½xn ) : (18.11)
Ft might be presented only to a subset of the nodes
(shown by NI) rather than all of them, which can further Here (x)+ = max(x,0) and sgn(x) is the signum function.
enhance the computational advantage of the method. The dual function in Equation 18.9 can be considered
The experiments in Section 18.5 show that the case where as the global cost function Jglob(n;Ft). As a result, the
the input data is only presented to a subset of agents is individual cost function for each agent k can be formu-
computationally more efficient while retaining compa- lated as (see Refs. [32,34] for details)
rable performance with other methods. This is in fact due 8 T

to the distributed nature of the network where the agents >

> n T Ft 1 2 Dk n
> −
< jN I j N+ ‖ n ‖ 2 + S l ,   k ∈ N I 
are allowed to interact and cooperate with their neigh- b b
bors, resulting in dispersion of information over the Jk (n; F t ) ≜ T
> Dk n
network. > 2
: ‖ n ‖2 + S l ,   k ∉ N I 
Considering Equation 18.5 in the DL problem, Equa- N b b
tion 18.2 can be reformulated as (18.12)
b where |NI| is the cardinality of NI.
min ( ∥ F t − Dk zk,t ∥2 + (l ∥ zk,t ∥1 + ∥ zk,t ∥22 ))
zt ,D 2 It can be observed that the individual cost functions Jk
k=1 k=1
(n;Ft) add up to the cost function in Equation 18.9. Here,
the dual problem for estimating n o can be rewritten as
The linear combination of the subdictionaries Dk rep-
resents the input feature vector Ft. It should be noted that X
n o = min Jk (n; F t ) (18.13)
the first term of Equation 18.7 ensures that the recon- n
struction error is small, while the role of the second term
is to make the code vector sparse and small. The dual problem follows the form of Equation 18.8
To solve Equation 18.7 in a distributed manner, the and can be solved using distributed learning methods.
cost function should have a sum-of-costs form. Specifi- Several distributed learning methods have been pro-
cally, distributed methods can be applied to the problem posed in the literature, such as incremental strategies
at hand if the cost function of the optimization task, [35,36], consensus strategies [37,38], and diffusion
374 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

adaptation strategies [21,39,40]. It has been shown that

1 Nk
among these, the diffusion algorithm is robust, scalable,
and capable of real-time adaptation and learning. Since ℓ
diffusion strategies also have superior performance and Combination
stability compared to consensus methods [22], we use weights aℓk
this approach to solve the distributed optimization 2 akℓ
problem in Equation 18.13. The details of this strategy
are explained in the following section. ak2 a6k

18.4.2 Diffusion Adaptation Method 3 5

A distributed network consists of N nodes where each

node k is connected to a number of neighboring agents 4
represented by Nk. As shown in Figure 18.3, each node in
the network can share information with and receive FIGURE 18.4
information from its neighbors. Moreover, each node is Example of a connected network where the neighboring nodes share
associated with an individual cost function to minimize. information with each other. The combination weight aℓk(i) is the
weight that node k assigns to the information received from node ℓ at
The aggregation of all these individual cost functions time instant i.
forms the global cost function of the network, similar to
Equation 18.8. In order to minimize the cost function, the
the diffusion algorithm [41,42]. In Section 18.4.3, we
nodes employ the diffusion adaptation strategy, which
introduce an adaptive method to learn the weights over
consists of two steps: the adaptation step and the com-
time, and we show its impact on the performance of the
bination step. During the adaptation step, each node k
diffusion strategy.
updates its own estimate via a gradient descent step.
After sufficient iterations of Equations 18.14 and 18.15,
This estimate is an intermediate estimate represented by
the optimal dual variable n ot is estimated. The sparse
yk,i, which is further updated in the combination step. In
codes zot and the subdictionaries Dk,t that are the optimal
the combination step, the neighbors share their inter-
primal variables for the DL problem can further be cal-
mediate estimates, and each node k combines all the
culated as [32]
intermediate estimates received form its neighbors to
obtain its own final estimate, nk,i, in the ith time instant b
zok,t = arg max½(DTk n ot )T zk − (l‖ zk ‖1 + ‖ z ‖2 ), (18.17)
(further explanation can be found in Ref. [21]). Hence, zk 2 k 2
the diffusion adaptation strategy can be formulated as
yk,i = n k,i−1 Dk,t = PDk (Dk,t−1 + μ  n ot zok,t ), (18.18)
where PDk (  ) projects the solution to the constraint set
− μ∇n Jk (nk,i−1 ; F t )  ðadaptation stepÞ (18.14)
Dk as
nk,i = a‘k (i)y‘,i   ðcombination stepÞ (18.15) PDk (D) ≜ arg min‖ x − D ‖2 (18.19)
‘∈N k
Moreover, it should be noted that the index t denotes
where nk,i is node k‘s estimate of the optimal solution n ot
the tth data point and the index i indicates the ith itera-
at iteration i, yk,i is the intermediate estimate, and μ > 0 is
tion of the diffusion method to derive the optimal solu-
the sufficiently small fixed updating step-size. The
tion for the tth data point.
weight aℓk(i) in Equation 18.15 is the weight that node k
In the next section, we propose an adaptive approach
assigns to the information received from node ℓ at time
to design the combination weights in Equation 18.15.
instant i. These weights are called combination weights
These weights play an important role in combining
and are shown in Figure 18.4. The combination weights
the information received from the other nodes of the
aℓk(i) must satisfy
network, which can affect the performance of the
X algorithm.
a‘k (i) = 1,  a‘k (i) > 0 if ‘ ∈ N k , 
‘∈N k (18.16)
18.4.3 Selection of the Combination Weights
a‘k (i) = 0 if ‘ ∉ N k
Designing the combination weights in Equation 18.15 is
Several methods have been proposed to design the an important part of the diffusion strategy as it affects the
combination weights, and it has been shown that these performance of the network. One of the most common
weights can have a major impact on the performance of approaches for designing the combination weights is to
Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification 375

have static weights that are constant over time. For D1

1 Nk
instance, consider the case where the weights are
D7 7
uniform and the combination step (Equation 18.15) is D6
simply an averaging over all the estimates: D2 6
1 Dk
a‘k =  if ‘ k
jN k j
3 5
∈ N k  ðuniform combination weightsÞ (18.20) D3 D5
In this way, the nodes assign the same weight to all D4
their neighbors without considering the reliability of the
received information [32,34,43]. The previously pro-
posed distributed DL methods design the combination ψ2,i
weights in a static manner.
However, it is important to design the combination νk,i–1 +
ψ7,i Σ a (i)ψ
ℓ Nk
ℓk ℓ,i νk,i

weights in such a way that the nodes can learn about the – ψk,i
objectives of their neighbors over time [41,42]. Hence, the Gradient
combination weights must be estimated in a manner that descent
helps each node to ignore misleading information and
cooperate only with neighbors having the same objec- νk,i–1 – ψℓ,i
aℓk(i) = –2
tive. Here, we employ an adaptive approach to estimate Σn Nk νk,i–1 – ψn,i
these weights to tackle the DL problem. We do so by
following the approach that minimizes the instanta-
neous mean-square deviation (MSD) of the network, Diagram of the proposed adaptive diffusion method to solve the dual
defined as [44] problem of the dictionary learning method. In the combination step,
each node combines the estimates of its neighbors by the adaptive
1 XN
weights aℓk(i) proposed in Equation 18.23. Afterwards, the optimal dual
 MSD(i) ≜ ek,i ∥2 ,
E∥n (18.21)
N k=1 variable is used to obtain the primal variables of the dictionary learning
problem according to Equations 18.17 and 18.18.
where enk,i ≜ not − nk,i represents the error vector of node k
at time i. The combination weights aℓk(i) can be estimated By exploiting the similarity among the nodes with
by solving the optimization problem: similar objectives, we arrive at a more discriminative
dictionary, which leads to better classification results
1 XN
(Section 18.5). A schematic of the diffusion adaptation
min  MSD(i) = E ∥ nek,i ∥2 (18.22)
fa‘k (i)g N k=1 method to solve the DL problem is shown in Figure 18.5.
As shown in Ref. [44], the optimal solution can be The summary of the proposed ADDL method is given in
approximated by Algorithm 1.
> ∥ n k,i−1 − y ‘,i ∥−2 Algorithm 1: The proposed ADDL method for HEp-2
< X
> ,   ‘ ∈ N k  cell classification
∥ n k,i−1 − y n,i ∥−2
a‘k (i) ≈ (18.23)
> n∈N k
> Require: Subdictionaries Dk are initialized randomly and
: projected onto the constraint set. The dual solution is
0,  otherwise  initialized as nk,0 = 0 for all k = 1,…,N.
It is important to observe that the combination weight Set the values for b,l, and μ.
aℓk(i) in Equation 18.23 is inversely proportional to the for each input feature sample Ft do
distance between the estimate of node k and the inter- calculate the optimal dual variable not until conver-
gence by
mediate estimate yℓ,i of node ℓ. This means that the
combination weights are designed in such a way that the yk,i = n k,i−1 − μ∇n Jk (n k,i−1 ; Ft )
nodes assign higher weights to those of their neighbors 8
that have the similar objectives while ignoring the mis- >
> ∥ n k,i−1 − y‘,i ∥−2
<X ,   ‘ ∈ N k 
leading information of the other neighbors. Hence, with a‘k (i) ≈ n∈Nk
∥ n k,i−1 − yn,i ∥−2
the help of this combination method, the nodes are able >
to benefit from cooperation by continuously learning 0,  otherwise 
about the objective of their neighbors, which results in X
nk,i = a (i)y‘,i
‘∈N ‘k
distinguishing between the useful and misleading k

information. for each agent k do

376 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Calculate the sparse codes zok,t by Each annotated cell image contains the information
about the cell pattern, intensity level (positive or inter-
zok,t = argmaxzk ½(DTk n ot )T zk − (l ∥ zk ∥1 + ∥ zk ∥22 ) mediate), mask, and image ID (the category of the cell).
2 Figure 18.6(b) shows some examples of these cell images.
It can be seen that at the cell level, there is a six-class
Obtain the subdictionaries Dk,t by: classification problem, where the classes are centromere,
Golgi, homogeneous, nucleolar, nucleolar membrane
Dk,t = PDk (Dk,t−1 + μ  n ot zok,t ) (NuMem), and speckled, while at the specimen level,
mitosis spindle class is added, and there are seven
end for classes in the classification task.
end for As the test set is privately maintained by the orga-
Obtain the dictionary D and sparse codes z by: nizers, two evaluation methods have been widely used
D = ½D1 … DN  in the literature. The first evaluation approach is the
HSM method [4], where 600 cells (300 for Golgi class)
z = colfz1 , … ,zN g from each class are used in the training data set and the
rest of the images are used for testing. The other method
is LOSO, as performed for the ICPR2012 data set.

18.5.2 Classification Results

18.5 Experiments and Results
Table 18.1 shows the classification results for the pro-
Here, we evaluate the performance of the ADDL method posed ADDL method and the comparison with other
for HEp-2 cell classification on the two publicly available dictionary- and non-dictionary-based methods. We uti-
data sets, ICPR2012 [3] and ICIP2013 [2]. lize the ADDL method with l = 45, b = 0.1, and μ = 0.002.
The ADDL results are reported for two forms of
adaptive and fixed uniform weights according to Equa-
18.5.1 Data Sets and Evaluation Methods
tions 18.23 and 18.20, respectively. It can be observed
ICPR2012: This data set consists of 28 HEp-2 specimen that the ADDL method with adaptive weights (72%)
images where each image is of size 1388 × 1038 with 24- outperforms the uniformly weighted (69%) by 3% on
bit RGB pixels. Each of the 28 images contains just one of average based on the test set evaluation. The best accu-
the six stained patterns including centromere (Ce), racy for positive images is reported by the SNPB method
coarse-speckled (Cs), cytoplasmatic (Cy), fine-speckled (82%), but for the intermediate-level images, the ADDL
(Fs), homogeneous (H), and nucleolar (N), as illustrated with adaptive weights outperforms other methods at
in Figure 18.6(a). The mask of each cell in each image and 63%. The specimen level accuracy is also comparable
the cell labels are provided. Also, there are two levels of with other methods at 86%.
intensity images, which are called intermediate and With the LOSO evaluation method, 89% and 85%
positive images. In total, there are 1455 cells in the given average cell level accuracies are obtained for adaptive
28 images, which are divided into 721 images for train- and uniform weighted ADDL respectively, where the
ing and 734 images for testing in our experiments [3]. adaptive method outperforms other methods. At the
Two evaluation strategies have been performed in the specimen level, the accuracy of the ADDL method with
literature and defined by the data set providers, includ- adaptive weights is 93%, which is also obtained by
ing test set evaluation and leave-one-specimen-out (LOSO). Ref. [14].
The test set evaluation uses the provided training and It should be noted that due to the low number of input
test set, while the LOSO method uses all the cells in one images in the ICPR2012 data set (28 images in total), the
specimen image for test and the rest of the cells for obtained accuracies are comparable with other methods.
training. However, by increasing the number of input images, as
ICIP2013: There are 419 sera of patients in this data set in the case of ICIP2013, the advantage of the ADDL
with approximately 100–200 cell images extracted from method can be seen clearly, which is described in the
each patient serum. The total number of extracted cell next subsection. Moreover, it will be shown in Section
images is 68,429, which consists of 13,596 cell images for 18.5.3 that the ADDL method benefits from a lower
training (publicly available) and 54,833 for testing (pri- computational and memory cost.
vately maintained by the organizers*). ICIP2013
Table 18.2 presents the results for the ICIP2013 data set.
* http://i3a2014.unisa.it/?page_id=126 The values of the parameters l, b, and μ are the same as
Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification 377

Centromere speckled Cytoplasmatic Fine speckled Homogeneous Nucleolar

Centromere Golgi Homogeneous Nucleolar Speckled

Samples of the cell level images of the (a) ICPR2012 and (b) ICIP2013 data sets in six classes with different sizes. The first rows are the positive- and
the second rows are the intermediate-intensity-level images.

TABLE 18.1
Classification Accuracies for the ICPR2012 Data Set by Using Test Set and LOSO Evaluation Methods
ADDL Other DLs Others
ICPR2012 (%) Adaptive Uniform Ensafi [28] SNPB [45] Kastaniotis [46] Nosaka [13] DiCataldo [14]
Test set Cell level Positive 80 78 81 82 70 79 60
Intermediate 63 59 62 59 31 58 35
Average 72 69 72 70 51 69 48
Specimen level 86 79 86 93 86 79 93
LOSO Cell level Positive 94 91 91 92 72 80 95
Intermediate 83 78 72 70 55 60 80
Average 89 85 82 81 64 70 88
Specimen level 93 79 79 86 79 86 93
378 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 18.2
Classification Accuracies for the ICIP2013 Data Set by Using HSM and LOSO Evaluation Methods
ADDL Other DL Methods Others
ICIP2013 (%) Adaptive Uniform Ensafi [47] SNPB [45] Gragnaniello [48] Manivannan [49] HSM [4] Larsen [50]
HSM Cell Level Positive 97.9 95.4 95.8 96.8 – – 95.5 –
Intermediate 89.4 87.6 87.9 88.8 – – 80.9 –
Average 93.7 91.5 91.9 92.8 – – 88.2 –
LOSO Cell Level Positive 88.5 84.2 83.4 83.8 – – – –
Intermediate 74.7 71.4 71.2 72 – – – –
Average 81.6 77.8 77.3 77.9 81.1 80.3 – 78.7
Specimen Level 90.4 86.7 88 89.2 86.7 89.9 – –

those in ICPR2012. It can be observed from this table that of the ADDL method in terms of computational and
the ADDL method with adaptive weights provides a memory cost. Table 18.3 presents the computation times
higher accuracy and outperforms the other methods. of different DL procedures. All the algorithms share the
Using the HSM evaluation method, ADDL with adap- same training, testing set, and evaluation method. Spe-
tive weights gave an average accuracy of 93.7% for cifically, the algorithms in Refs. [45,47] are implemented
cell level images, which is 2% higher than ADDL with in-house; therefore, we can compare them in Table 18.3
uniform weights and other DL methods. Moreover, it for computational cost analysis. These methods are
outperforms non-DL methods by more than 5%. implemented in MATLAB. These DL tasks were per-
In the LOSO evaluation method, the ADDL method formed and measured on a machine with an Intel Core i7
with adaptive weights gave an average accuracy of CPU and 16 GB RAM with a 64-bit operating system. As
81.6% in the cell level images, which is 4% higher than shown in Table 18.3, the proposed ADDL method, by
that achieved with uniform weights. Additionally, its giving the information to a single node, takes less time
performance is better than the other DL methods and 4% (56.64 seconds) than that taken by the other methods.
higher than other classification methods. The results of This is more than two and five times better than those
the specimen level images also show that the ADDL achieved by the methods of Ensafi [47] and SNPB [45],
method with adaptive weights outperforms the other respectively. The proposed method takes 15 seconds
methods, with 90.4% accuracy. The superior classifica- more when the information is given to all nodes to
tion accuracy can be explained by the use of combination process.
weights in the diffusion adaptation method that enables For the ICIP2013 data set, the computation time of the
the nodes to share information and solve the optimiza- proposed method for calculating the dictionary is 286.21
tion problem in a cooperative manner. Note that the seconds when the information is given to a single node to
accuracies for the ICPR2012 and ICIP2013 data sets are process. This is 47 seconds lower than the case where the
different because the quality and amount of images information is passed to all the nodes to process.
within the two data sets are very different. However, it can be observed that the computation time
of the proposed method is lower than those of the other
DL methods. For instance, the ADDL method is about 9
18.5.3 Computational Cost
and 20 times faster than the Ensafi [47] and SNPB [45]
DL is a computationally expensive and time consuming methods, respectively. Hence, the proposed method can
task, which can be especially troublesome as the size of enhance the performance of the DL task in terms of both
the input data increases. Here, we evaluate the efficiency computational cost and classification accuracy.

TABLE 18.3
Computation Times of Different Dictionary Learning Methods
Dictionary Learning Computation Time (sec) All Nodes Single Node Ensafi [47] SNPB [45]
ICPR2012 71.63 56.64 126.34 354.38
ICIP2013 333.73 286.21 2751.91 5742.64
Dictionary Learning Applications for HEp-2 Cell Classification 379

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Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction

R.J. Peace and James R. Green

19.1 Introduction: Overview of the Chapter.....................................................................................................................381
19.2 miRNA Biology.............................................................................................................................................................383
19.3 Experimental Determination of miRNA through Sequencing...............................................................................384
19.4 Pattern Classification....................................................................................................................................................385
19.4.1 Performance Estimation .................................................................................................................................385
19.4.2 Selecting Training and Testing Data ............................................................................................................388
19.4.3 Feature Selection .............................................................................................................................................388
19.4.4 Class Imbalance Correction ...........................................................................................................................388
19.4.5 Splitting of Training and Testing Data ........................................................................................................389
19.4.6 Model Selection ...............................................................................................................................................389
19.4.7 Model Training................................................................................................................................................389
19.4.8 Prediction Pipeline ..........................................................................................................................................390
19.5 The State of the Art in Computational miRNA Techniques..................................................................................390
19.5.1 The State of the Art in NGS-Based miRNA Prediction.............................................................................391 sRNA Data Set Pipelines...............................................................................................................393 NGS Experiments for miRNA Discovery in Species of Interest .............................................394 Analysis of the miRDeep2 miRNA Classification Pipeline .....................................................395
19.5.2 The State of the Art in de novo miRNA Prediction ..................................................................................396 Data Set Generation .......................................................................................................................396 Classifier Selection and Training .................................................................................................397 Feature Selection.............................................................................................................................398 Reporting of Results ......................................................................................................................399
19.5.3 Previous Assessments of the State of the Art .............................................................................................400
19.6 Discussion of the miRNA Prediction State of the Art ............................................................................................400
19.6.1 Redundancy in Feature Sets ..........................................................................................................................400
19.6.2 Lack of Prevalence-Corrected Reporting.....................................................................................................401
19.6.3 Independent Analysis of the Effectiveness of SMOTE Class Imbalance Correction ............................402
19.6.4 Failure of miRNA Predictors to Generalize to Cross-Species Negative Data........................................402
19.6.5 Moving to Genome-Scanning Data Sets for Genome-Scale Experiments ..............................................403
19.6.6 Future Research Directions in the Big Data Era.........................................................................................404
19.7 Concluding Remarks....................................................................................................................................................405
References ................................................................................................................................................................................405

senger RNA (mRNA) transcripts [1]. MicroRNAs have

19.1 Introduction: Overview of the Chapter been shown to be involved in several critical cellular
processes including regulating expression of proteins
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short (18–23 nt), non-coding
involved in biological development [2], cell differentia-
RNAs that play central roles in cellular regulation by
tion [3], apoptosis [4], cell cycle control [5], stress
modulating the post-transcriptional expression of mes-

382 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

response [6], and disease pathogenesis [7]. Recent pre-filtering affects the pipeline’s overall performance,
studies have also highlighted the role of miRNA in the but this effect is often not quantified, as performance is
cellular adaptation to severe environmental stresses only measured on those data that pass the pre-filtering
(such as freezing, dehydration, and anoxia) in tolerant stage. In reality, the performance of de novo classification
animals [8–10]. Due to the biological importance of pipelines is dependent on pre-filtering performance as
miRNAs, the ability to accurately predict their sequences much as it is dependent on classifier performance. If a
is of great significance. The discovery of novel miRNA real miRNA sequence was not considered for classifica-
sequences leads to new knowledge regarding biological tion because it was rejected during pre-filtering, then this
pathways, through studying the target sequences and represents a failure of the miRNA prediction method to
co-expression of these novel miRNAs. Discovering a identify that miRNA. Conversely, the failure of the pre-
greater number of novel miRNAs during miRNA pre- filtering stage to remove negative sequences will exac-
diction studies increases the amount of pathway erbate the class imbalance problem and may lead to a
knowledge that can be gained as a result of these studies. false positive prediction. Such failures are often not
Methods of computational prediction of miRNAs fall included in performance assessment, and their mea-
into two categories: de novo miRNA prediction, wherein surement is critical to improvement of de novo miRNA
genomic sequence data sets are mined for miRNA, and pipelines. Following the adage that “we cannot improve
next-generation sequencing (NGS-based) miRNA pre- what we cannot measure,” it is recommended that a
diction, wherein transcriptomic data sets are mined for comprehensive evaluation framework be developed that
miRNA. This chapter examines the state of the art in both assesses both pre-filtering and classification stages.
of these approaches. The prediction of target mRNA for Through application of such a comprehensive evaluation
a given miRNA is a field unto itself and has been framework, opportunities for improving the overall
reviewed extensively elsewhere (e.g., Ref. [11]). system performance will become clear.
Within the past few years, the field of de novo miRNA In the field of NGS-based miRNA prediction, state-of-
prediction has largely been conducted within an artificial the-art techniques fail to integrate all known lines of
scenario that does not accurately represent real-world evidence that can be used to differentiate miRNA from
applications of the field. In this scenario, all data comes non-miRNA and therefore limit achievable classifi-
from one of a small set of model organisms (species that cation performance. These NGS-based methods have
have been widely studied due to their relevance to failed to leverage many advanced sequence-based
human life, or because of their availability in laboratory features developed recently for de novo prediction
settings, and for which there is a large amount of methods. This represents a need and an opportunity
genomic annotation available including a large set of to create a novel miRNA prediction method that
known miRNA); the prevalence of miRNA vs. pseudo- integrates both expression-based and sequence-based
miRNA within genomes is on the order of 1:10; and all features to improve classification performance.
miRNAs conform to very simple RNA secondary struc- The prediction of miRNAs from either genomic
ture criteria. These assumptions are invalid for real- sequence or NGS experiments represents a “big data”
world applications of miRNA prediction, where one is challenge. For sequence-based methods, when examin-
often attempting to identify all miRNAs within the ing the human genome for regions containing putative
unannotated genome of a species that may be phyloge- miRNA sequences, one must consider all sliding
netically distant from any model species, and class windows of approximately 100 bp in length. As opposed
imbalance is on the order of 1:1000. to many other bioinformatics predictions, where we can
In the field of de novo miRNA prediction, performance leverage simple sequence motifs to identify regions of
is measured by the ability of classifiers to differentiate interest, miRNAs are solely characterized by a hairpin
pre-miRNA hairpin structures from pseudo-miRNA structural motif. Therefore, the secondary structure of
hairpin structures. However, prior to applying the clas- each window 100 bp in length must be computed, from a
sifier to a putative sequence, it is first tested by a pre- genome of 3 billion base pairs. Even after this pre-
filtering stage. This often takes the form of a test for the filtering stage, we are still left with millions of miRNA-
presence of a stable hairpin within the secondary struc- like hairpin regions that must then be examined in detail
ture of the sequence. Training and test sets consisting of through the computation of complex sequence-based
miRNA hairpin structures and pseudo-miRNA hairpin features. Some widely used features require randomi-
structures are extracted from larger genomic data sets zation experiments to establish the statistical significance
during pre-filtering stages of a pipeline, and perfor- of the observed structural free energy, resulting in order-
mance is measured only on the extracted hairpin data of-magnitude increases in computational requirements.
sets. The extraction of hairpin structures during data If one considers NGS-based methods, again we are
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 383

confronted with significant computational requirements. species as well as most viruses. miRNAs regulate gene
Technological advancements in NGS instruments con- expression through post-transcriptional binding with 3’
tinue to lead to order-of-magnitude increases in the untranslated regions of mRNA, silencing the bound
volume of data generated during each experiment. It is RNA [1]. It is estimated that between 60% and 90% of all
now common to see read depths (i.e., the number of mammalian mRNAs are regulated by miRNAs [12].
times a given genomic location is sequenced by the Through the regulation of critical proteins, miRNAs play
instrument) ranging in the 1000s, where they used to be a role in biological development [2], cell differentiation
on the order of 10 a few years ago. While this leads to [3], apoptosis [4], cell cycle control [5], stress response
much greater sensitivity and data quality, the compu- [6], disease pathogenesis [7], and cellular adaptation to
tational complexity of processing and aligning all these severe environmental stresses in tolerant animals [8–10].
reads continues to grow. Therefore, computational Deregulation of miRNA is related to the onset of leuke-
complexity of miRNA analysis algorithms can no longer mia [13–15], and disruption of miRNA regulation is
be ignored. linked to heart disease and heart failure [16,17].
This chapter reviews the state of the art in both de novo Most animal miRNAs share the following biogenesis:
and NGS-based miRNA prediction and provides sug- miRNA-encoding genes are transcribed within the
gestions for how the field can continue to advance. This nucleus by RNA polymerase II [18]. The resulting RNA
chapter consists of seven sections. Section 19.2 provides structure, known as the primary miRNA (pri-miRNA), is
the reader with an introduction to miRNA biology and an imperfect hairpin with a length of several hundred
a generic pattern classification pipeline. Section 19.3 nucleotides [19]. Within this pri-miRNA structure is
briefly describes the process by which miRNAs are a shorter hairpin structure known as the precursor
discovered via wet-lab experimental means, thereby miRNA (pre-miRNA). Animal pre-miRNAs are typically
providing the gold standard by which computational between 70 and 100 nucleotides in length. Plant pre-
techniques are trained and evaluated. Section 19.4 miRNAs tend to be longer, reaching upward of
reviews key concepts from the field of pattern classifi- 250 nucleotides. One or both arms of the pre-miRNA
cation, including performance metrics commonly used hairpin structure contain mature miRNA, sequences of
in miRNA prediction. Section 19.5 reviews the state of approximately 18–23 nt that bind to mRNA untransla-
the art in computational miRNA prediction. Subsection ted regions to perform the regulatory function of the
19.5.1 focuses on NGS-based prediction of miRNAs, miRNA. Figure 19.1 demonstrates the pre-miRNA
while Subsection 19.5.2 focuses on de novo miRNA structure and mature miRNA sequences of the H. sapiens
prediction techniques. This review highlights areas in miRNA has-mir-1-1.
which improvements should be made in order for After transcription, the hairpin structure of the pri-
miRNA prediction to produce higher-quality results miRNA is then cleaved by the Microprocessor complex,
in real-world scenarios. Section 19.6 discusses key leaving the pre-miRNA hairpin intact. The Micropro-
weaknesses in the state of the art and provides sugges- cessor complex consists of the protein DiGeorge Syn-
tions for how to improve. Concluding remarks are drome Critical Region 8 (DGCR8) and the enzyme
provided in Section 19.7. Drosha. DGCR8 recognizes the pri-miRNA hairpin
structure and directs Drosha toward the hairpin arms.
Drosha contains an RNase III domain, which performs
the cleaving action on the pri-miRNA structure [20].
Some pre-miRNAs are formed through RNA splicing
and do not undergo cleaving by the Microprocessor
19.2 miRNA Biology
complex [21].
MicroRNAs are non-coding RNA (ncRNA) of length After nuclear processing, the pre-miRNA structure is
~21 nt that are present within all animal and plant transported out of the nucleus by the exportin-5 protein
5' mature sequence
3' G
3' mature sequence

Hairpin structure and sequence of miRNA has-mir-1-1. Mature miRNA sequences are highlighted.
384 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

and is further processed within the cytoplasm. Dicer, a

second RNase III enzyme, cleaves the pre-miRNA
19.3 Experimental Determination of miRNA
structure, removing the loop of the hairpin. The resulting
structure is known as a miRNA:miRNA* duplex; one or through Sequencing
both strands of this duplex are functional mature In the past decade, NGS experiments have become the
miRNAs. The two strands of the duplex are separated, primary tool by which experimental prediction and
and any strands that are not mature miRNAs (known as validation of miRNA are performed. NGS experiments
passenger strands) are discarded [22]. examine the RNA transcripts present in a sample of
Mature miRNA strands are bound to Argonaute pro- tissue (the sample’s transcriptome), resulting in data sets
teins in an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), that consist of a list of reads; each read corresponds to an
which guide the miRNA to target mRNA regions. The RNA transcript that was present in the tissue sample at
binding of miRNA to mRNA inhibits ribosomal activity, the time of the experiment. Expression of a given miRNA
preventing the expression of the protein that is regulated will vary between experiments, depending on the
by the miRNA [23]. sample tissue type and the conditions under which the
Plant miRNA biogenesis differs from animal miRNA sample was collected. NGS data sets reflect expression
biogenesis significantly. A Dicer homolog known as levels; RNA transcripts that are highly expressed in the
Dicer-Like 1 is responsible for all cleaving action on plant tissue sample will be recorded multiple times in a data
miRNA. Cleaving of pre-miRNA into miRNA:miRNA* set. When NGS data sets are analyzed, reads with very
duplexes is performed within the nucleus of plants, and high similarity and overlap are grouped into read stacks;
the duplexes are transported into the cytoplasm [24]. consensus sequences for these stacks and the number of
Relative to most genetic sequences, miRNAs are reads in the stack are used to summarize large amounts
extremely highly conserved during evolution [25,26]. of repeated sequence information.
In particular, the subsequences representing mature Small RNA (sRNA) NGS experiments are used as a
miRNA sequences are highly conserved across diverse basis for NGS-based miRNA discovery. sRNA NGS
species [27]. Because of their high level of conservation, experiments select for RNA transcripts whose lengths
miRNAs are considered significant phylogenetic coincide with mature miRNA sequence lengths (18–
markers. It is believed that miRNA developed indepen- 25 nt). Within this read length range, a transcriptome
dently in plants and in animals due to the differences in will contain reads that correspond to the three Dicer
biogenesis between these domains [28]. products: mature miRNA, miRNA* passenger strands,
The first miRNA, lin-4, was discovered in 1993 by Lee, and pre-miRNA hairpin loop segments. Along with
Feinbaum, and Ambros [29]. Lin-4 was found to regulate these Dicer products, the transcriptome will also contain
the LIN-14 protein in C. elegans by binding to a repeated reads that derive from other ncRNAs such as piwi-
sequence in the 3’ untranslated region of the lin-14 interacting RNA and small nucleolar RNA, and from
mRNA. Upon its discovery, it was not known that lin-4 mRNA degradation products. If, for a given miRNA,
was a member of a larger class of regulatory ncRNA, and read stacks are present in the transcriptome that align to
no further miRNA discoveries were made until 2000. the three Dicer products of the miRNA (mature miRNA,
The second miRNA to be discovered, let-7, was found to miRNA*, and loop), then this is considered experimen-
repress lin-41 mRNA, also in C. elegans [30]. Following tal evidence that the miRNA exists within the genome
the discovery of both lin-4 and let-7, it was determined and was expressed in the sample. Typically, the read
that these two ncRNAs belong to a larger family of stack that matches the mature miRNA will have the
regulatory ncRNAs [31], and the term microRNA was highest read count, as the miRNA* and loop products
coined [32]. Within a year of the discovery of let-7, are degraded after Dicer processing, while the mature
dozens of miRNAs were discovered within many organ- miRNA product is retained and incorporated into the
isms including H. sapiens [32–34]. The number of miRISC complex.
known miRNAs has grown dramatically since 2000, due Figure 19.2 shows a modified output of the miRDeep2
partly to the development of computational tools that miRNA prediction algorithm. This output contains
predict miRNA [35] and advancements in sequencing (a) the identity of the miRNA and the total read depth
technologies [36]. Over 28,645 pre-miRNAs and 35,828 corresponding to the pre-miRNA region; (b) the pre-
mature miRNAs are registered in miRBase, the miRNA dicted hairpin structure of the miRNA structure; and
database [37], as of June 2014. These miRNAs come from (c) the normalized read depth at each nucleotide in the
223 species, of which H. sapiens is the most highly rep- sequence. Note that most reads align well to the mature
resented; 2588 of the mature miRNA sequences are from miRNA sequence or the miRNA* sequence, as is
H. sapiens. expected when reads are the result of Dicer processing.
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 385

miRBase precursor : cel-mir-39 G U

cel-miR-39 read count : 2994
(a) U A A AUG U G C G
3’ C





5’ – uauaccgagagcccagcugauuucg ucuug g uaauaagcucg ucauugagauuaucaccg g g ug uaaaucagcuug gcucug g ug uc –3’

Lower stem miRNA* Loop Mature miRNA Lower stem


NGS-based miRNA prediction information, as output by the miRDeep2 pipeline. The following information is presented: (a) the identity of the
miRNA and the total read depth corresponding to the pre-miRNA region; (b) the predicted hairpin structure of the miRNA structure; and (c) the
normalized read depth at each nucleotide in the sequence. Most reads align to either the mature miRNA or the miRNA*Dicer products.

as a point in d-dimensional space; classification models

place decision boundaries within this d-dimensional
19.4 Pattern Classification
space that attempt to discriminate between feature
The goal of pattern classification is to build models that vectors representing different classes.
are capable of predicting the class of unlabeled data sets In pattern classification, training is the act of selecting
based on features of each datum that discriminate appropriate labeled data representing positive and
between classes of data. In the context of this chapter, negative classes, and building a classification model
pattern classification is used to classify an RNA from this data that is able to predict the class of future
sequence as either representing a pre-miRNA hairpin unlabeled data not found in the training data. Figure 19.3
(“miRNA” = positive class) or not representing a pre- demonstrates a typical training and testing pipeline.
miRNA hairpin (“pseudo-miRNA” = negative class). Careful attention must be paid to each step of the
Pattern classification is a form of supervised learning; training pipeline, as small methodological errors in each
classification models are trained on a set of labeled data step may alter classification results drastically. Further-
(e.g., RNA sequences representing known miRNA and more, the quality of a classification model is affected by
RNA sequences bearing resemblance to miRNA but that each step in the training pipeline.
are known to perform other roles) and then use infor-
mation gained from the training data in order to clas-
19.4.1 Performance Estimation
sify future unlabeled data (e.g., unannotated RNA
sequences). Performance estimation is central to the success of
Pattern classification classifies data by means of classification experiments because all decisions made
features—numerical or categorical values that can be within the training pipeline are made with the goal
derived from each datum in training and testing data of maximizing classifier performance with regard to
sets [38]. A set of d features that are derived from a performance metrics. No single metric exists that can
datum comprise a feature vector of length d. For fully describe the performance of a classifier. As with
example, an RNA sequence may be represented by a other elements of a classification experiment, selection
simple feature vector of length 5 containing the per- of appropriate metrics for performance estimation of a
centage of A, G, C, and U within the sequence, and the classifier is dependent on the data and goal of the
total sequence length. Feature vectors can be represented classifier.
386 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Existing data

Training data Testing data

selection selection

Feature extraction

Class imbalance

Training set
feature data

Testing set
Model selection feature data

Model training

Classification Performance Classification model

model estimation performance

Training pipeline for a pattern classification model.

The confusion matrix is the basis of all classification true negatives, false positives, and false negatives
performance reporting. This matrix describes the reported by a classifier for a given test set. Figure 19.4
number of test samples of each true class that fall into shows the form of a binary confusion matrix. Here,
each predicted class. For a binary classification problem TP, TN, FN, and FP are the counts of true positives,
such as miRNA prediction, the confusion matrix is a 2 × true negatives, false negatives, and false positives,
2 matrix that describes the number of true positives, respectively.
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 387

negatives:positives, r = 1000). Prevalence-corrected pre-

True class cision is defined as
ðprevalence-correctedÞ Pr = : (19.4)
Positive Negative Sn + rð1 − SpÞ
Accuracy, Acc, is the percentage of data that are cor-

True positives False positives rectly classified, regardless of class. It is derived as

(TP) (FP) follows:

Acc = : (19.5)

False negatives True negatives TP + TN + FP + FN

(FN) (TN) Accuracy estimates the performance of the classifier
across all data; however, it is not always useful as a
summary metric. When class imbalance is present,
FIGURE 19.4 accuracy is biased toward the majority class; in extreme
Confusion matrix for a binary classifier.
cases, the accuracy and specificity of a classifier con-
verge, and Sn has little impact on Acc.
From the confusion matrix, several metrics can be An alternative to accuracy that is prevalent in the field
derived that elucidate elements of the performance of a of miRNA prediction is the geometric mean (GM) of
classifier. Sensitivity (also known as recall) and speci- sensitivity and specificity. GM is derived as follows:
ficity are two of the most common of these metrics. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Sensitivity, Sn, otherwise known as recall, is the per- GM = Sn∗Sp: (19.6)
centage of truly positive samples that the classifier GM is insensitive to class imbalance; classifier perfor-
correctly identifies as positive. Sensitivity describes the mance over the positive and negative classes are
classifier’s ability to recover positive samples, and esti- weighted equally regardless of the true size of each class.
mates the percentage of positives that will be recovered The above metrics describe the performance of classi-
if a complete data set is predicted. It is derived as fiers at a single parameter set. By varying parameters,
follows: such as the decision threshold in the case of a classifier
TP producing a continuous score or confidence for each
Sn = : (19.1) sample, a classifier can move from permissive (identifying
Specificity, Sp, is the percentage of truly negative all data as positive) to restrictive (identifying all data as
samples that the classifier correctly identifies as being negative). Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curves
from the negative class. Specificity describes the classi- and precision–recall (PR) curves illustrate the performance
fier’s ability to filter out negative samples. It is derived of a classifier across all values for such a parameter.
as follows: ROC curves plot Sn against (1 − Sp). Moving from left
to right, the classifier varies from maximally restrictive to
TN maximally permissive. A classifier that randomly selects
Sp = : (19.2)
TN + FP the class of each datum would trace a straight line from
Precision (Pr), or positive predictive value, is an the bottom left to the top right of the plot. Increases in
alternative to specificity that is especially useful when classification performance move the classifier’s ROC
class imbalance is large. Precision is the percentage of curve toward the upper left corner of the plot. Figure
predicted positive samples that are truly positive. Prac- 19.5 shows the ROC plot of a classifier that performs
tically, precision estimates the proportion of true posi- better than random. Because both sensitivity and speci-
tives among all samples predicted to be from the positive ficity are insensitive to class imbalance, the ROC curve
class. It is derived as follows: shares the same property; a ROC curve describes clas-
sifier performance in a way that is agnostic to (or igno-
Pr = : (19.3) rant of) class imbalance.
TP + FP PR curves plot Pr against Sn. Unlike ROC curves, PR
In the case of a test data set in which the class imbal- curves are sensitive to class imbalance; a single curve
ance does not accurately reflect reality, prevalence- describes the performance of a classifier only at a specific
corrected precision may be used. Prevalence-corrected class imbalance. For problem domains with high class
precision is derived from the performance over the imbalances, PR curves better elucidate a classifier’s real-
positive samples in the test data (Sn), performance over world performance. Moving from the top to the bottom of
the negative test samples (Sp), and the relative preva- a PR curve, the classifier varies from maximally restrictive
lence, r, of the negative class (e.g., for a ratio of 1000:1 to maximally permissive. As classification performance
388 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

1 issues that may affect classification performance and

0.9 must be addressed within the training pipeline.
Within the context of miRNA prediction, training data
consists of RNA sequences that are typical of miRNA
0.7 with respect to length and secondary (hairpin) struc-
0.6 ture. Labeled positive data is retrieved from miRNA

databases such as miRBase [37] or miRTarBase [39]

containing sequences proven (by independent wet-lab
0.4 experiments) to be true miRNA sequences. Negative
0.3 data samples are often extracted from genomic regions
known to have functions other than coding for miRNA,
such as protein-coding regions or other classes of
0.1 ncRNA.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1 - specificity 19.4.3 Feature Selection

FIGURE 19.5 Selecting appropriate features with which to train a

A typical ROC plot. Classifier sensitivity is measured against 1 − classifier is a crucial step of the training process, as the
specificity. Ideal classification performance occurs in the top left corner shape of the feature vector defines the space in which
(high sensitivity and specificity). Random classification results in a data are situated and decision boundaries are formed.
curve along the diagonal.
Features are selected based on their ability to discrimi-
1 nate data from different classes either in isolation or in
combination with other features. An ideal feature would
separate positive and negative data into two distinct
groups; however, real data rarely contains such features,
and no such feature exists for miRNA prediction.
Precision (1:1000)

0.6 Increasing the number of features in the feature vector

typically increases the separation between classes but
does so at the cost of model complexity (the number of
free parameters used to define the classification model).
In general, more complex models are more likely to
0.2 overfit training data, resulting in overly complex decision
boundaries that do not generalize well to future unla-
beled data [38]. Additionally, as the number of features
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 increases, data quality is reduced as per the curse of
Recall dimensionality [40]. Therefore, a trade-off must be made
during feature selection—multiple features are required
in order to discriminate between classes, but model
A typical precision–recall plot. Here, classifier recall is measured
against prevalence-corrected precision at a class imbalance of 1:1000. complexity should be minimized when possible.
Ideal classification performance occurs in the top right corner, where Features typically used in miRNA prediction include
precision and recall are both high. RNA sequence composition, minimum free energy
(MFE) of RNA secondary structure, and robustness of
improves, the PR curve for the classifier moves toward the observed RNA secondary structure. When miRNA pre-
top right corner of the plot. Typically, an acceptable pre- diction is performed on transcriptomic data, expression
cision threshold is chosen from a PR curve, and classifiers of Dicer products and mature miRNA duplex stability
are measured based on the recall that they achieve at this can also be used as features.
precision threshold. Figure 19.6 shows a typical PR curve.
19.4.4 Class Imbalance Correction
19.4.2 Selecting Training and Testing Data
In many classification problems, such as miRNA pre-
In order to train a classification model, labeled positive diction, classification is performed in the presence of
and negative data must be collected as input to the significant class imbalance: negative samples outnum-
model. Data availability, reliability of data, reliability of ber positive samples by a large margin. For example, in
labels, and class imbalance within the data (i.e., ratio of the human genome, there are approximately 11 million
samples that belong to each class) are all data quality pseudo-miRNA sequences that have a length and
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 389

secondary structure typical of miRNA, and only is the most widely used method for generating training
approximately 2000 known miRNA precursors, leading and testing data sets. During n-fold cross-validation,
to a class imbalance of >5000:1. Classifiers that are available labeled data is separated into n even partitions.
naively trained on imbalanced data sets are biased n classifiers are trained, each on n − 1 partitions and each
toward the dominant (negative) class, affecting overall with a distinct partition as holdout test data. The total
classification performance. This bias is detrimental when performance of the n classifiers on the holdout partitions
it is important to correctly classify samples from both the is then used to estimate real-world performance of a
majority and minority classes; when class imbalance is classifier trained on the training data set.
extreme, a classifier that seeks to maximize accuracy
may do so by correctly classifying all majority data at a
19.4.6 Model Selection
severe cost to correct prediction rates on the minority
class. Several techniques have been developed that At the core of each classifier is a model that places
correct the learning bias that occurs when training data decision boundaries within a given feature space. Many
contains a high class imbalance. Synthetic data can be such models exist, and these models employ vastly dif-
added to the minority class in order to balance the ferent algorithms for the determination of decision
number of samples in each class, the majority class can boundaries. The most common classification model type
be undersampled in order to achieve the same balance, in miRNA prediction is the support vector machine
or classification models can be built to handle the (SVM), which draws a plane that optimally separates the
imbalanced training data set as is, using differential classes within a feature space, maximizing the margin
weighting of errors made on each class for example. between the decision boundary and the nearest training
One widely used example of a class correction algo- points from each class (dubbed “support vectors”).
rithm is the synthetic minority oversampling technique Other common model types are decision trees, which
(SMOTE) [41]. SMOTE oversamples the minority class perform classification based on a series of 20-questions-
by a factor b through the following algorithm: style decisions (“Is feature x larger or smaller than value
y?”). Each question is modeled as a node in a tree graph.
For each sample si in the minority data set S within a Leaf nodes of the tree each contain a class prediction.
given feature space: Random forests are made up of collections of tens or
hundreds of simple decision trees trained on subsets of
For each of the b nearest samples from S, nj (where the training data that ultimately vote on the class pre-
i = 1 through b): diction for an input test feature vector. Other less com-
monly used classifiers within miRNA prediction include
Generate a new sample whose location in artificial neural networks, K nearest-neighbor classifiers,
the feature space is a random point on the hidden Markov models, and Bayesian models. Multiple
line between si and nj. classifiers of the same or different model types can also
be grouped into ensemble models, in which each com-
Class imbalance must be taken into account not only ponent classifier casts a vote regarding the class of input
during the training of classifiers but also during the data.
evaluation of trained classifiers, as discussed below. Model selection is a non-trivial decision within pattern
classification because of the “no free lunch theorem,”
which states that no classification model is inherently
19.4.5 Splitting of Training and Testing Data superior to any other model when all possible classifi-
Because classification models are built in order to opti- cation problems are considered [42]. The quality of a
mally separate their training data, performance on test model for a given classification problem is most often a
data outside of the training data set will tend to decrease function of the degree of agreement between the char-
relative to performance observed on the training data. acteristics of the data and the underlying assumptions of
As mentioned previously, overly complex models in the model.
particular will perform very well on training data but
may generalize very poorly to other data sets. For this 19.4.7 Model Training
reason, in order to estimate the applicability of a classi-
fier, it is necessary to train using only a portion of the Following selection of the model type, the parameters of
available labeled data. A portion of the data must be held the classification model should be optimized in order to
out as testing data in order to estimate the generaliz- describe optimal decision boundaries. Many models,
ability of the model. Splitting of labeled data into train- such as SVMs, rely on a kernel function that determines
ing and testing can be performed several ways. A simple the general shape of decision boundaries. Gaussian
70%/30% split is common. n-fold cross-validation (n-CV) functions, radial basis functions, and linear functions are
390 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

typical kernel functions. Selection of an appropriate a similar important role within the D. melanogaster and
kernel function can affect performance greatly. Some D. pseudoobscura genomes [44]. The MIRcheck [46] and
models require the optimization of model-specific hyper- findMiRNA [47] algorithms were leveraged to discover
parameters such as the number of trees in a random 23 and 13 new miRNAs within the A. thaliana genome,
forest. Most models are trained using a cost function, respectively. MicroHARVESTER [48], like MIRcheck
which specifies the relative penalty of misclassification and findMiRNA, specializes in plant miRNA homologs.
of positive and negative samples. Many models can be Most improvements in the state of the art in homology-
trained using different training algorithms that vary with based miRNA prediction occurred between 2003 and
regard to generated models and training speed. Finally, 2006, including all of the above studies. These studies are
stopping criteria for training algorithms must be set in summarized by Berezikov et al. [35]. Improvements in
order to produce models that balance training set accu- homology-based miRNA prediction techniques were
racy and generalizability. Each of these factors can affect still being pursued as recently as 2013, when improve-
the quality of a classification model. ments on the state of the art were made by the miR-
Explore algorithm [49].
NGS-based techniques focus on analysis of NGS data
19.4.8 Prediction Pipeline
in order to identify miRNA at the transcriptome level.
Once a classification model has been built for a given These techniques are relatively new and have been
training set, it is capable of predicting the classes of data growing in popularity since their inception in 2008. Of
in unlabeled sets. these techniques, miRDeep [50] and the updated
Relative to model training, prediction of unlabeled miRDeep2 [51] have emerged as de facto standards. Deep
data using an existing model is a straightforward pro- sequencing techniques provide higher confidence
cedure. Each pattern in the unlabeled data set is con- miRNA predictions, as the expression of RNA sequences
verted into a feature vector, using the features selected that match the predicted miRNA constitutes experi-
during the model training procedure. Feature vectors are mental evidence in favor of the miRNA identification.
passed through the classification model, which outputs a Class imbalance within a transcriptome is less extreme
classification. Some classification methods also output than that of a genome, making identification easier since
confidence values, typically between 0 and 1, which state only expressed sequence regions need be explored.
the confidence with which the classifier believes that a However, deep sequencing techniques are limited to
pattern belongs to a given class. In some applications, identification of those miRNAs that are expressed under
the computational runtime of a classifier is critical in the specific experimental conditions at the time of data
order to achieve real-time predictions. This is not par- collection, and these techniques are biased toward
ticularly the case for miRNA prediction. identification of highly expressed miRNAs [52]. These
techniques are reviewed in Section 19.5.2 of this chapter.
De novo machine learning techniques predict miRNA
based only on information that can be derived from
unannotated RNA sequence data. These techniques
19.5 The State of the Art in Computational employ training data sets of known miRNAs and
pseudo-miRNAs (miRNA-like hairpins that are not
miRNA Techniques functional miRNAs) in order to predict RNA sequences
Computational prediction of pre-miRNA sequences can that correspond to functional miRNAs. De novo miRNA
be broadly categorized into three major areas—homology- prediction techniques require no annotation and can
based techniques, NGS-based techniques, and de novo function on either genomes or transcriptomes. These
machine learning techniques. techniques are reviewed in Section 19.5.3 of this chapter.
Homology-based techniques represent the earliest The three major branches of miRNA prediction are
efforts at prediction of miRNAs [43–45]. These tech- complementary when searching for miRNA within a
niques discover miRNAs based on similarity between given species of interest. Homology-based techniques
these miRNAs and existing miRNAs. While not capable provide a small set of high-quality miRNA identifica-
of discovering taxon- or species-specific miRNAs with tions. NGS-based prediction methods only consider
novel sequences, these techniques provide a means for RNA sequences that are expressed, leading to poten-
discovering miRNA homologs across species. The earli- tially lower overall recall but higher precision. De novo
est homology-based miRNA prediction techniques machine learning techniques examine an arbitrary
include MiRscan, which was used to successfully predict sequence (up to the entire genome) for one or more
many miRNAs in C. elegans and C. briggsae genomes [43]; putative miRNAs. Therefore, they possess the highest
srnaloop, which predicted additional miRNAs within potential recall but suffer from low precision due to high
the C. elegans genome [45]; and miRseeker, which played class imbalance. When discovering novel miRNAs
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 391

within a species of interest, each of these three prediction false positives from data sets; however, genomic
techniques provides unique prediction information. data are not available for all species.
• The method employs a machine learning algo-
rithm during its prediction pipeline, or does not.
19.5.1 The State of the Art in NGS-Based miRNA • The method requires that reads form a miRNA:
Prediction miRNA* duplex, or does not. The discovery of
a canonical miRNA:miRNA* duplex greatly
In this section, we examine the state of the art in miRNA
increases miRNA prediction confidence; how-
prediction techniques for transcriptomic data sets. We
ever, sensitivity is reduced as duplexes are not
will examine 15 prediction methods spanning 2008 to
present for all miRNAs, especially those that are
2015, as well as 9 RNA sequencing pipelines that incor-
not highly expressed.
porate miRNA prediction methods, and 4 experiments
that apply miRNA prediction methods to transcriptome
Table 19.1 provides a summary view of the 15
data in order to predict novel miRNAs within a species
transcriptomic miRNA prediction methods with respect
of interest.
to the above criteria.
NGS-based miRNA prediction methods can be
miRDeep [50], introduced by Friedlander et al. in 2008,
broadly categorized using the following distinctions:
was the first computational miRNA prediction method
that made use of transcriptome data sets. miRDeep
• The method is specific to the animal or plant
scores stacks of RNA sequence reads based on the like-
kingdoms, or is applicable to multiple kingdoms.
lihood that these reads are the result of miRNA biogen-
• The method’s primary prediction is based on esis. Once a putative pre-miRNA region is determined
sequence homology, or miRNA characteristics, surrounding a read stack, RNA secondary structure is
or both methods are used. Homology-based computed, and the MFE is computed as a discriminating
methods provide high-confidence predictions of feature. The miRDeep study places a strong emphasis
typical miRNAs, while methods using miRNA on the ability of miRDeep to estimate the quality of its
characteristics may discovery additional novel results based on a statistical model of its outputs.
miRNAs. miRDeep was initially applied to a C. elegans data set,
• The method maps ncRNA reads to a reference discovering four novel miRNAs that were successfully
genome during its prediction pipeline or per- validated.
forms analysis without a reference genome. No citation for MIREAP is available, and therefore
Mapping to a reference genome removes many knowledge of the method is limited; however, it is used

TABLE 19.1
Summary of Methods for NGS-Based miRNA Prediction
Homology/ Reference Genome Machine miRNA Duplex
Method Year Kingdom(s) Characteristics/Both Required Learning Used Required
miRDeep [50] 2008 Animal Characteristics Yes No No
MIREAP (no citation available) 2008 Animal Characteristics Yes No? No?
MiRMiner [25] 2008 Animal Both No Yes Yes
miRExpress [53] 2009 Animal + plant Homology No No No
miRTRAP [54] 2010 Animal Characteristics Yes No No
miRanalyzer [55] 2011 Animal + plant Both Yes Yes No
miRDeep-P [56] 2011 Plant Both Yes No No
miRDeep2 [51] 2012 Animal Both Yes No No
McRUM for miRNA [57] 2013 Animal + plant Characteristics No Yes No
MiRPlex [58] 2013 Animal + plant Characteristics No Yes Yes
miRDeep* [59] 2013 Animal Characteristics Yes No No
miRPlant [60] 2014 Plant Characteristics Yes No No
MIRPIPE [61] 2014 Animal + plant Homology No No No
miRdentify [62] 2014 Animal Characteristics No No Yes
miRNA and piRNA [63] 2015 Animal Characteristics No Yes No
392 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

within larger pipelines [64] and has been employed miRNA [71]. Meyers’s criteria represent a base set of
to successfully discover novel miRNA [65]. From criteria that all plant sequences must meet in order to be
MIREAP’s description, it combines position and depth of accepted for annotation as miRNAs. miRDeep-P recov-
sRNA reads with a miRNA biogenesis model. ered 18 novel miRNAs from Arabidopsis sRNA data sets
The MiRMiner [25] miRNA prediction method first that were successfully validated.
identifies known miRNAs by using BLAST [66] to search miRDeep2 [51] moves forward from the original
observed RNA sequence reads against known mature miRDeep, implementing an updated prediction algo-
and star miRNAs within miRBase. Three criteria are rithm while maintaining the ability to estimate predic-
applied to the ungapped sequence alignment: no more tion quality. miRDeep2 increases the number of RNA
than 2 nt difference in matching sequence length, 100% secondary structure criteria used during pre-filtering of
sequence identity in positions 2–7 of the seed sequence, putative pre-miRNA regions. miRDeep2 was originally
and no more than three mismatches in the remaining applied to seven organisms within the animal kingdom,
alignment. Reads corresponding to (fragments of) and discovered on average 14 novel miRNAs within
known non-miRNAs are removed by searching against each data set. miRDeep2 has since been applied to
National Center for Biotechnology Information “nr” transcriptomic data sets from a wide range of species,
database and excluding matches over 95% identity. resulting in many novel miRNA predictions. Currently,
Remaining reads are examined for phylogenetic con- miRDeep2 is the de facto standard for NGS-based iden-
servation across multiple species. Conserved sequences tification of miRNAs. The miRDeep2 pipeline is ana-
are folded via Mfold [67]; novel miRNAs are predicted lyzed in greater detail in Section of this chapter.
for those resulting hairpin structures that pass the three Menor, Baek, and Poisson implemented a novel
classic structural criteria laid out by Ambros et al. [68]. kernel-based learning algorithm, the “multi-class rele-
miRExpress [53] focuses on quantifying the expression vance units machine” (McRUM) [57], with the goal of
levels of miRNA within data sets. As a step toward this classifying several types of ncRNA from transcriptomic
goal, it identifies likely miRNA sequences within data sets. Reads are classified as miRNA, piwi-interacting
transcriptomic data sets. The miRExpress algorithm uses RNA (piRNA), or other ncRNA based on k-mer repre-
a customized implementation of the Smith–Waterman sentations of the reads. This method was trained and
algorithm [69] in order to align sequence data with tested on data sets of known ncRNA but not applied to
known miRNAs. The miRExpress alignment method real-world transcriptomic data.
identified 79 previously unknown H. sapiens miRNAs MiRPlex [58] implements an SVM for classification of
within two transcriptomic data sets. miRNA:miRNA* duplexes found in transcriptomic data;
miRTRAP [54] detects miRNA within transcriptomic size, stability, and composition features distinguish
data sets using the characteristic read patterns of miRNA miRNA duplexes from non-miRNA duplexes. The
biogenesis as well as information retrieved from the MiRPlex classifier was trained using positive data con-
larger genomic context of the miRNA. This larger sisting of known duplexes from animals in miRBase
context includes the number of miRNAs in the region and negative data consisting of duplexes from a
of the candidate miRNA, the number of non-miRNA D. melanogaster sRNA data set that do not match known
ncRNAs within this region, and anti-sense reads that miRNAs. MiRPlex was applied to four animal sRNA
match to the miRNA reads. miRTRAP was applied to a data sets, and a separately trained model was applied
C. intestinalis data set and recovered 36 miRNAs to a single plant sRNA data set. No novel miRNAs
that were homologous to known miRNAs as well as were reported from these experiments.
20 novel miRNA families. Like miRDeep2, miRDeep* [59] extends the original
miRanalyzer [55] uses an ensemble of five random miRDeep algorithm. Also like miRDeep2, focus is placed
forest classifiers in order to predict novel miRNA. As a on improvements in the precursor extraction methodol-
pre-screening step, bowtie [70] is used to identify reads ogy and increases in RNA secondary structure criteria.
that match to known miRNAs and known mRNAs. Unlike miRDeep2, miRDeep* also focuses strongly
miRanalyzer uses a set of pre-processed genome files for on usability; all elements of the miRDeep* pipeline
alignment during its prediction pipeline; 25 animal and are implemented within a Java graphical user inter-
6 plant genomes are available. Feature sets used for face. An analysis of the performance of miRDeep*
classification differ for plant and animal species. No against other popular methods was performed by the
novel miRNAs have been identified by miRanalyzer. miRDeep* authors, wherein performance of miRDeep*
miRDeep-P [56] is an extension of the miRDeep algo- and miRDeep2 were found to be comparable. In the
rithm that targets plant sRNA data sets. This method is a initial study, four novel miRNAs were discovered from
straightforward extension, altering only the values of prostate cancer data sets using the miRDeep* algorithm.
miRDeep’s decision rules and adding additional pre- The authors of miRDeep* also produced a plant-
diction criteria based on Meyers’s observations of plant specific miRNA predictor, miRPlant [60]. miRPlant
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 393

implements a very similar pipeline to miRDeep-P; comprehensive analysis on sRNA data sets. With respect
however, the precursor extraction technique used differs. to miRNA, these pipelines have one or more of the fol-
miRDeep-P presents the user with a graphical Java lowing goals:
interface, much like miRDeep*. While no novel miRNAs
were recorded using miRPlant, the authors of mimPlant 1. Detection of known miRNAs
demonstrated that, using miRPlant, performance on 2. Prediction of novel miRNAs
three plant sRNA data sets is improved relative to
miRDeep-P. 3. Detection or prediction of miRNA targets
MIRPIPE [61] aims to improve the viability of miRNA 4. Quantification of expression levels of miRNAs
prediction within sRNA data sets originating from niche across multiple experiments
model organisms. Reads are aligned to each other, and
then read stacks are matched to known miRNA using Additionally, these pipelines contain graphical user
simple matching criteria. In independent experiments, interfaces (GUIs), which simplify the analysis of sRNA
MIRPIPE performs similarly to methods that align sRNA data and present visualizations of the data. We have
reads to the genome for the identification of known identified the following major axes upon which ncRNA
miRNAs, though the homology-based nature of pipelines can be measured, with respect to miRNA
MIRPIPE is not likely to generalize to novel predictions prediction:
on niche species.
miRdentify [62] combines stringent miRNA:miRNA* • Which input file formats are supported by the
duplex requirements with RNA secondary structure pipeline?
filters in order to generate sets of high-confidence • Does the pipeline detect known miRNAs?
miRNA predictions without a reference genome. RNA
sequences from transcriptomic data sets that form • If the pipeline detects known miRNAs, what
strongly paired duplexes are considered to be candidate algorithm is used for the detection?
miRNA duplexes; no requirement is made that the two • Does the pipeline predict novel miRNAs?
sequences that form the duplex are co-located in a • If the pipeline predicts novel miRNAs, what
genome. The miRdentify method is designed to work algorithm is used for this prediction?
with large sRNA data sets encompassing multiple
experiments. miRdentify compares favorably to Table 19.2 examines nine sRNA data set pipelines
miRDeep2, miRDeep*, and miRanalyzer when applied along these five axes.
to the study’s test data set, and identified two novel In 2008, Moxon et al. introduced the UEA sRNA
miRNAs in H. sapiens chromosome Y (ChrY). Toolkit, a toolkit for analyzing plant sRNA data sets [72].
Menor, Baek, and Poisson again apply a machine This toolkit uses a custom algorithm, miRCat, for the
learning approach to miRNA prediction in sRNA data prediction of miRNA precursors within sRNA data sets.
sets in their 2015 study [63]. The k-mer feature set used in miRCat maps reads to the genome, then searches for
the authors’ previous study was augmented with addi- pairs of reads that form miRNA:miRNA* duplexes, and
tional sequence features, and systematic feature selection finally analyzes the hairpin structure of the resulting
was employed. Classification is performed using precursor candidates using criteria defined in Ref. [73].
McRUMs, as in the previous study, and a Gaussian DSAP [74], the deep-sequencing sRNA pipeline, is a
kernel. Like the MiRPlex study, candidate miRNAs are web service that performs pre-processing of sRNA data
read stacks that form duplexes, and no mapping to the sets, matches reads to known ncRNAs including
genome is performed. The authors compare their miRNAs via the BLAST algorithm [66], and quantifies
method to MiRPlex, as these two methods share a miRNA expression level differences across multiple
common set of candidate miRNAs, and conclude that experiments. Finally, for each miRNA in the data set,
their method increases the number of miRNAs recovered DSAP identifies all species that have miRNAs from the
from four animal data sets tenfold relative to MiRPlex. same family.
Moxon et al. advanced their toolkit in 2012, creating the
UEA sRNA workbench [75]. This work extends the pre- sRNA Data Set Pipelines
vious effort in the areas of visualization and the profiling
Because NGS sRNA data sets contain reads pertaining to of expression levels of miRNAs across multiple experi-
multiple types of biologically relevant ncRNAs (miRNA, ments. miRNA candidates that match known miRNAs in
piRNA, small nucleolar RNA [snoRNA], small nuclear miRBase are also highlighted as such by the toolkit.
RNA [snRNA]), several methods have been developed miREvo [76] performs three major functions for sRNA
that incorporate multiple ncRNA prediction methods data sets: identification of novel miRNA, detection of
within larger pipelines. These pipelines aim to perform homologs to known miRNA, and profiling of miRNA
394 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 19.2
Summary of sRNA Pipelines for Examination of NGS Data Sets
Detects Known Algorithm for miRNA Predicts Novel Algorithm for File Formats
Method Year miRNA Detection miRNA miRNA Prediction Accepted
UEA sRNA Toolkit [72] 2008 No N/A Yes miRCat FASTA
DSAP [74] 2010 Yes BLAST [66] No N/A TSV
UEA sRNA workbench [75] 2012 Yes Unknown Yes miRCat FASTA
miREvo [76] 2012 Yes Novel Whole Genome Yes miRDeep2 Unknown
Alignment algorithm
mirTools 2.0 [64] 2013 Yes SOAP [81] Yes miRDeep, MIREAP FASTA, SAM,
MiRGator [77] 2013 Yes Bowtie Yes miRDeep2 Unknown
miRspring [78] 2013 Yes SAMTOOLS [82] No N/A BAM
CAP-miRSeq [79] 2014 Yes miRDeep2 Yes miRDeep2 FASTA,
ISRNA [80] 2014 Yes BLAST [66] No N/A FASTQ, txt

expression across multiple species or multiple experi- analysis, and variant detection in miRNA coding
ments. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of miRNA regions. Particular emphasis is placed on the user-
homologs across species in order to estimate the evolu- friendliness and practicality of the program. Here,
tionary rate of these miRNAs. miRDeep2 is implemented miRDeep2 is used both for its detection of known
within the miREvo pipeline in order to predict novel miRNAs and its prediction of novel miRNAs.
miRNA, while the identification of homologs is performed ISRNA [80], the Integrative Short Reads Navigator, is
using a novel whole genome alignment algorithm. an online toolkit that provides the user with data set–
mirTools 2.0 [64] detects known miRNAs, transfer wide statistics including genomic location, length dis-
RNA (tRNAs), snRNAs, snoRNAs, ribosomal RNA tribution, and nucleotide composition bias. It also pro-
(rRNAs), and piRNAs from within sRNA data sets and vides expression data and genomic location for known
profiles these ncRNAs across multiple experiments. miRNAs and other known ncRNAs identified within the
miRNA targets are also predicted, and functional data. Again, emphasis is placed on the user-friendliness
annotation of targets is performed. Finally, novel of the toolkit.
miRNAs and piRNAs are predicted from within the data
sets using miRDeep and MIREAP. NGS Experiments for miRNA Discovery
MiRGator v3.0 [77] is a web portal that provides users
in Species of Interest
access to sequence editing, counting, sorting, and
ordering tools; miRNA and miRNA target identification Several studies exist in the literature that apply NGS
tools; and miRNA–target co-expression information. techniques along with NGS-based miRNA prediction
Seventy-three human sRNA data sets have been curated methods in order to discover novel miRNAs within
by the MiRGator software, providing an existing library tissue samples of species of interest.
of miRNA data. miRDeep2 is the most commonly applied deep
miRspring [78] implements an index-compression sequencing analysis pipeline for miRNA prediction
algorithm in order to store sRNA data sets in relatively studies. Yin et al. analyzed miRNA within differently
small file sizes (approximately 3 MB per data set) and aged rat brain samples using miRDeep2 for miRNA
then leverages this efficient file format for miRNA anal- prediction [83]. Differential analysis of miRNA was
ysis. miRspring provides the user with information performed using DESeq2 [84], while MiRNA target
regarding the global Dicer processing of all miRNAs prediction was performed using Targetscan [85]. This
within a data set and the Dicer processing details of experiment discovered 547 known miRNAs within the
specific miRNAs within the data set. Special attention is tissue and predicted 171 candidate novel miRNAs,
paid to the identification of isomiRs. though only 3 of these novel miRNAs were experimen-
CAP-miRSeq [79], the comprehensive analysis pipe- tally validated. Cowled et al. applied the miRDeep2
line for miRNA sequencing data, is a tool that performs prediction pipeline to the black flying fox [81]. Like
pre-processing, alignment, miRNA detection, miRNA the study of Yin et al., this study uncovered several
quantification, visualization, differential expression hundred (222) known miRNAs and discovered 177
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 395

novel miRNAs within the tissue, though none of these 5’ direction and 70 nt in the 3’ direction. The two
miRNAs were experimentally validated. resulting sequences represent candidate pre-miRNAs for
Gu et al. applied the MIREAP algorithm to the pre- which the mature miRNA rests on the 3’ and the 5’ arm
diction of miRNAs in a maize endosperm deep of the hairpin, respectively.
sequencing data set [65]. miRNAs were mapped to the Candidate pre-miRNA sequences are then filtered
maize genome using short oligonucleotide alignment based on the following criteria:
program (SOAP) [86], while known miRNAs were
identified using BLAST [66]. Target prediction was per- 1. RNAfold must predict a hairpin structure for
formed using the Web MicroRNA Designer (WMD3) the candidate pre-miRNA sequence that con-
software. This effort resulted in the recovery of 95 known tains no bifurcations.
miRNAs and the discovery of 18 novel miRNAs, which 2. The miRDeep2 pre-processing algorithm attempts
were validated through reverse transcription polymer- to identify a mature miRNA, miRNA*, and
ase chain reaction (RT-PCR). loop product within the candidate pre-miRNA
For the identification of miRNAs within hexaploid sequence. If this attempt fails, the candidate pre-
wheat data sets, Agharboui et al. have developed a miRNA is rejected. The miRNA* sequence is
pipeline that combines the HMMiR [87] and MiPred [88] defined as the sequence that pairs to the candi-
sequence-based miRNA prediction algorithm with the date mature miRNA sequence in the predicted
miRdup* [89] mature miRNA prediction algorithm. RNAfold [92] structure, taking into consid-
Further analysis includes expression profile filtering eration a 2 nt overhang on the 3’ end of each
using Meyers’s criteria [71] and target gene prediction sequence in the duplex. The loop product is
using the TAPIR software [90]. One hundred ninety-nine defined as the subsequence of the candidate pre-
candidate miRNA were discovered in this study, dem- miRNA that is between the mature miRNA and
onstrating that sequence-based miRNA prediction miRNA* products.
methods are applicable to deep sequencing data sets.
3. At least 60% of the bases in the stem region of
the candidate pre-miRNA must be paired. Analysis of the miRDeep2 miRNA 4. At least 90% of the NGS reads in the pre-miRNA
Classification Pipeline sequence region must match a Dicer product. A
Within the field of NGS-based miRNA prediction, match to a Dicer product is defined as a read that
miRDeep2 has emerged as the de facto standard predic- aligns to the miRNA sequence with a starting
tion method. As described previously, the majority of 5’ position within ±2 nt of the candidate mature
miRNA prediction on NGS data sets is performed using miRNA, miRNA*, or loop region, and a termi-
the miRDeep2 pipeline. A recent independent review of nating 3’ position within ±5 nt of the same region.
the field also recommended that miRDeep2 be used for 5. The length of the mature miRNA and miRNA*
NGS-based miRNA prediction [91]. Considering its wide sequences must match to within 6 nt.
adoption, in this section, we briefly describe the
miRDeep2 algorithm for prediction of miRNAs. Candidate pre-miRNA sequences that do not meet
The miRDeep algorithm can be dissected into two these criteria are discarded prior to scoring.
primary steps: a pre-processing step wherein NGS read One weakness of the miRDeep pre-processing algo-
data are mapped to a genome and candidate pre-miRNA rithm is its inability to predict large or small miRNAs. The
sequences are extracted from the genome at read loci; minimum length of a pre-miRNA sequence as determined
and a scoring step wherein candidate pre-miRNAs are by miRDeep is 98 nt, and the maximum length of a pre-
given a numerical score based on the structural sta- miRNA sequence is 10 5 nt. Only 10.7% of miRNAs within
bility of the pre-miRNA sequence, and expression miRBase v21.0 fall within this length range; in this respect,
profile within the miRNA sequence (as described below). the miRDeep pre-processing algorithm does not accu-
The pre-processing step of the miRDeep algorithm first rately reflect the biogenesis of miRNA.
identifies candidate mature miRNAs by identifying local The numerical score given to a candidate miRNA is a
read depth maxima in the genome that match the simple rules-based algorithm. No mention of rigorous
expected sequence length of a mature miRNA (18–25 nt). training or testing is presented in the miRDeep manu-
By default, only the 50,000 deepest read stacks are con- script; therefore, it can be assumed that the rules were
sidered during the selection of candidate mature developed and tuned by hand, with the goal of opti-
miRNAs. The mature miRNA sequence is then extended mizing performance across training data sets. Details
in each direction twice: once by 70 nt in the 5’ direction of the miRDeep scoring algorithm are not described
and 10 nt in the 3’ direction, and once by 10 nt in the in the miRDeep manuscript; only the features used are
396 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

described [50]. The score assigned to a candidate miRNA abundance candidate miRNAs. Furthermore, as NGS
is the sum of the following five terms: technology improves and read depth continues to
increase, the contribution of this term will increase
1. The candidate miRNA is given a starting score accordingly. For a given decision threshold, the decision
of −6. boundaries of the miRDeep scoring algorithm will shift
2. The candidate miRNA’s score is increased by relative to the average read depth of the experiment. In
0.5 for each read that matches one of the can- turn, increasing average read depth increases the false
didate miRNA’s Dicer products, using the positive rate of the algorithm.
matching rules described previously in pre-
processing filter 2. If no reads match to the 19.5.2 The State of the Art in de novo miRNA
miRNA* region, the contribution for this score is Prediction
limited to 6.
In this section, we examine 24 published methods for de
3. The candidate miRNA’s score is adjusted by the
novo miRNA prediction. These methods were published
log odds of the following probability distribu-
between 2005 and 2014. The major elements of the clas-
tions: P(MFE of the candidate miRNA structure
sification pipeline—data set generation, feature set gen-
is derived from a distribution of known miRNA
eration, classifier selection, training methodology, and
MFEs) and P(MFE of the candidate miRNA is
reporting of results—are studied in order to represent
derived from a distribution of background
the state of the art in miRNA prediction from the per-
training sample MFEs).
spective of pattern classification and to highlight ele-
4. If any reads within the miRNA region match to ments of the state of the art that require improvement.
the star region as per miRDeep2’s Dicer pro- Previous reviews of the field of de novo miRNA pre-
cessing rules, +3.9 is added to the score. If not, diction [52], [94–97] have defined the major challenges of
1.3 is subtracted from the score. the field as follows: data set generation, specifically the
5. If the randfold algorithm [93], using default generation of negative data sets; classifier selection and
parameters, finds the MFE of the miRNA struc- training, with an emphasis on class imbalance correction;
ture to be significant (p ≤ 0.05), +1.6 is added to and feature set selection. Improvement in these areas is
the score. If not, 2.2 is subtracted from the score. defined as the path toward improved prediction per-
formance. In this review, we examine the state of the art
Optional scoring parameters are as follows: in miRNA prediction methods with respect to each of
these areas. We also examine the reporting of results in
6. If the seed sequence of the candidate mature miRNA prediction studies, as we feel that improvements
miRNA (defined by miRDeep2 as the six in, and standardization of, performance reporting would
nucleotides at the 5’ end of the mature miRNA result in miRNA prediction methods that are more
sequence) matches a known mature miRNA appropriate for real-world applications.
exactly, +3 is added to the score. If not, 0.6 is
subtracted from the score. Data Set Generation
7. The number of paired bases in the lower stem
portion of the miRNA is counted, and the score is In general, positive training data set generation is not a
adjusted based on the number of pairs present. major focus of miRNA prediction methods. Positive
The lower stem portion of the miRNA is defined training data sets throughout nearly all studies consist of
as the 10-nt-length duplex that is directly adjacent pre-miRNA sequences that are drawn from the miRBase
to the mature miRNA duplex, opposite the loop database. One exception is the mirnaDetect method,
region. Figure 19.1 provides a visual representa- whose major novel contribution is an improvement to
tion of the lower stem portion of the miRNA. training set selection [98]. This method demonstrates a
substantial improvement in performance through train-
Any candidate miRNA with a final score ≥0 is high- ing set selection.
lighted by the miRDeep2 algorithm as a true (predicted) Conversely, de novo miRNA prediction studies employ
miRNA. a variety of methods and standards for generating neg-
The primary weakness of the miRDeep scoring algo- ative training and test data. In general, this negative
rithm, in our estimation, is the unbound contribution of training and test data consists of sequences that form
term 2, reflecting the read depth of the miRNA sequence. miRNA-like hairpin structures, as predicted by an RNA
In a modern NGS experiment, tens of thousands of reads folding package such as RNAfold [92], Mfold [67], or
map to single miRNAs. As a result, term 2 of this scoring UNAfold [99]. Negative data are extracted from anno-
algorithm solely dictates the classification of many high- tated functional genomic regions, commonly coding
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 397

regions, as these regions likely do not produce miRNAs. Six of the 24 studies use data sets that are specific to
ncRNAs that share structural similarity to miRNA are other model species of interest. Multi-species positive
also commonly used as negative training and test data. data sets are common, appearing in 14 studies. Multi-
Nam et al. [100] generated negative training data from species negative data sets are far less common, appear-
chromosomes 16 through 19 of the human genome, based ing in six studies [98,104,109–112].
on RNAfold structure prediction and the following criteria: Class imbalance is present in all data sets, favoring the
sequence length between 64 and 90 nt; stem length (number negative class. This is consistent with real-world miRNA
of pairs of bases in the miRNA hairpin stem, see Figure prediction, where pseudo-hairpins outnumber miRNAs.
19.1) above 22 nt; bulge size (number of unpaired bases in However, while actual real-world class imbalances are
the miRNA hairpin stem, see Figure 19.1) under 15 nt; loop expected to be as high as 5000:1, typical class imbalances
size between 3 and 20 nt, and an MFE of at most −25 kcal/ used in miRNA prediction studies are on the order of
mol. These strict criteria were not widely adopted. 1:10, with some data sets approaching even (1:1) artifi-
The negative data set of Sewer et al. [101] in their 2005 cially “balanced” class ratios [87,88], while the most
study consisted of random subsequences of tRNA, extreme observed class imbalances are between 1:100
rRNA, and mRNA. The size of their data set and length and 1:200 [104,109].
of the RNA subsequences were not specified.
Xue et al. [102] in their 2005 study generated negative Classifier Selection and Training
training data from within known human coding regions.
Sequences were considered to be miRNA-like if they De novo miRNA prediction has been performed using a
formed single-loop hairpin structures with an MFE of at variety of classification methods including SVMs, hidden
most −15.0 kcal/mol and at least 18 paired bases in the Markov models, naïve Bayes methods, random forests,
hairpin stem. These MFE and paired base criteria were random walk rankings, one-class clustering methods, K
chosen because all known human miRNAs at the time nearest-neighbor classification, and linear dimensional-
fell within these criteria. The resulting data set, consist- ity reduction. Table 19.3 lists the classifier types used by
ing of 8494 hairpins, has become a standard data set on each of the studies. SVMs are the most commonly used
which miRNA prediction methods are trained and tested classifier and are present in 13 of the 24 studies. Random
to this day. The MFE and paired base criteria introduced forests and hidden Markov models are the second and
by Xue et al. have similarly become a de facto standard for third most popular classifiers, with four and three
validation of miRNA-like hairpins. The data set intro- appearances respectively. K nearest-neighbor is used in
duced by Xue et al., or subsets thereof, was used in 11 of two studies, once as a member of a multi-classifier
21 studies published afterward. The hairpin criteria ensemble method [112] and once as a proposed one-class
introduced by Xue et al. were the basis of hairpin clustering alternative to standard miRNA prediction
extraction in a further three studies. [104]. No other classification model is used by more than
In 2009, Batuwita et al. [103] extended the 8494 coding a single study. Notably, no miRNA prediction study has
region data set with 754 ncRNA sequences. These employed artificial neural network classifiers.
ncRNA sequences were used by 7 of the 13 studies Cross-validation is the dominant method of training
published after 2009. for miRNA predictors. Sixteen of the 24 studies employ
Yousef et al., in studies from 2006 and 2008 [104,105], cross-validation in order to train classifiers. Fivefold and
predicted hairpins from within 3’ untranslated regions tenfold cross-validation are both common, being used by
(3’-UTR) regions of genes as annotated by UTRdb [106] eight and six studies respectively. The second most
as opposed to predicting hairpins from within coding common training methodology is a simple holdout test
regions or ncRNAs. This practice was only adopted by using one training data set and one testing data set. This
two studies since 2006 [107,108], and one of these studies method is used by five studies. Fivefold boosting and
used 3’-UTR in addition to coding region data [108]. out-of-bounds estimation are each used by one study
Gudys et al. [109] in 2012 introduced an alternative to (Refs. [107] and [88], respectively). Additionally, four
hairpin prediction for negative data set generation, studies use the LIBSVM parameter grid search in order
wherein sequences are randomly selected from genomes to optimize SVM hyper-parameters. This grid search
and mRNA. Sequences are selected such that the length uses cross-validation over training sets in order to esti-
distribution matches that of known miRNA. This method mate parameter performance for a range of hyper-
produces data sets that contain some sequences that do parameter values.
not resemble miRNA structurally and, as a result, has not As previously stated, miRNA prediction is performed
been adopted by any other miRNA prediction studies. on data sets that contain significant class imbalance.
The majority of miRNA prediction studies use data Several methods are employed in order to train classifiers
sets that are specific to a species. Of the 24 examined on these imbalanced data sets, including asymmetrical
studies, 21 use data sets that are specific to humans. misclassification penalties, undersampling of negatives,
398 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 19.3
Classifier Selection and Training Experiments for 24 miRNA Prediction Methods
Year Lead Author Classifier Type(s) Training Experiment(s) Class Correction
2005 Nam Paired hidden Markov model (HMM) 5-CV None
2005 Sewer SVM Single training set Asymmetrical
misclassification penalties
2005 Xue SVM Single training set Undersampling of negatives
2006 Yousef Naïve Bayes Single training set, 5-CV Undersampling of negatives
2007 Ng SVM LIBSVM grid parameter search, 5-CV None
2007 Jiang RF Out-of-band (OOB) estimation Undersampling of negatives
2008 Yousef SVM, naïve Bayes, one class (K-means, 10% holdout repeated 20 times Undersampling of negatives
Gaussian, principle component analysis
(PCA), K-nearest-neighbour (KNN))
2008 Xu Random walk ranking One-class systems built using 1–50 positive None
training samples
2009 Kadri hierarchical hidden Markov models 10-CV None
2009 Oulas Profile HMM Boosting (fivefold) on positive only Trained positive only
2009 Batuwita SVM Outer 5-CV SMOTE to correct training
2010 Mathelier Simple filters Manual optimization None
2010 Ding Ensemble SVM Outer 3-CV Ensemble trained on
partitioned negatives
2010 Zhao SVM Parameter testing from LIBSVM Undersampling of negatives
2011 Han SVM 5-CV Undersampling of negatives
2011 Wang SVM 5-CV Undersampling of negatives
2011 Xiao RF 10-CV Undersampling of negatives
2011 Xuan SVM 5-CV Undersampling of negatives
2012 Liu SVM Single training set Undersampling of negatives
2013 Gudys SVM Stratified 10-CV ROC-select
2013 Lertampaiporn Ensemble (4× SVM, 4× RF, 4× KNN) 10 × 5-CV SMOTE
2013 Shakiba Linear dimensionality reduction Parameter grid searches, 10-CV LDR
2013 Wei SVM LIBSVM grid parameter search, 10-CV Undersampling of negatives
2014 Zou Hierarchical RF 10-CV Bagging through RF

SMOTE [41], bagging, and one-class prediction. Simple Early feature sets consisted largely of sequence
undersampling is the most common technique and is and structure motifs (see below), global features, and
used by 11 of the 24 studies. SMOTE is used to balance stem and loop metrics such as number of unmatched
classes in two studies, and one-class prediction is used in nucleotides in the stem or size of the terminal hair-
two studies. Outside of these, no class correction tech- pin loop. A commonly used sequence–structure motif
nique is used by more than one study. Six studies do not feature set is the triplet feature set, which contains
describe any kind of explicit class correction. 32 features, each representing the prevalence of a
nucleotide along with the pairing pattern of the nucle-
otide alongside its two flanking nucleotides. For Feature Selection
example, the triplet A.((represents the nucleotide A,
Features for de novo miRNA prediction can be broadly whose 5’ neighbor is unpaired, who itself is paired, and
classified as sequence features, structure and thermo- whose 3’ neighbor is paired. This feature set was
dynamic features, and global or intrinsic features. The introduced by Xue et al. [102].
sequence category of features contains sequence motifs MFE was introduced as a feature by Jiang et al. in 2007
and k-grams (words of k consecutive nucleotides). The and has since gained prominence as a defining feature of
structure category of features contains metrics related to miRNAs. Since 2007, the majority of studies have used
the predicted RNA hairpin structure of a miRNA MFE prominently in their miRNA prediction methods.
sequence, such as MFE. Global or intrinsic features are Recently, Lertampaiporn et al. have debated the usefulness
sequence-wide features such as GC-content. of MFE features [112], promoting alternative features
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 399

based on genetic robustness. MFE still plays a role in their sets generated by Batuwita et al., this set of features
prediction method, however. appears commonly in future studies, with 5 studies
Early miRNA prediction studies make little use of using these 21 features in their feature sets.
systematic feature selection methods. Between 2005 and Feature sets for miRNA prediction typically contain
2008, no systematic feature selection methods were used, between 20 and 40 features. 14 out of 23 feature sets lie
outside of testing the inclusion of MFE in a feature set by within this range. Three studies contain very large
Jiang et al. [88]. Over time, systematic feature selection feature sets that include at least 1000 sequence or struc-
methods became more popular. This is largely due to the ture motifs [104,105,116]. Two studies use feature sets
inclusion of many MFE-based features and Z-features. that contain fewer than 10 features [111,117]. One study
The high number of sequence and structure motifs used employs a feature set containing 98 features [97]. Finally,
in studies also necessitates systematic feature selection three studies do not report feature set size [87,107,118].
methods. Since 2009, 11 of 16 studies made use of sys- Table 19.4 summarizes the feature set size and selection
tematic feature selection methods, including F-score methods for 24 miRNA prediction methods.
[108], clustering [113], information gain [113], genetic
algorithms [112,114,115], SVM weight measurement Reporting of Results
[116], floating forward search [117], and correlation
feature selection [112]. No single feature selection As with many pattern classification problems, the most
method dominates in the field of miRNA prediction. highly reported results in the field of miRNA prediction
Out of the 24 studies, Batuwita et al. [103] were the first are those of sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp). These
to employ a systematic feature selection method. Their two metrics are reported almost universally among
initial feature set contains 29 global and intrinsic features miRNA prediction studies, appearing directly in 21 of 24
as introduced by Xue et al. [102] and 19 new features that studies. The second most commonly used performance
contain several thermodynamic metrics. After feature metric within the field is accuracy (Acc). Acc appears in
selection, a set of 21 features remains. Much like the data 11 studies [88,98,102,107,108,110,111,116,118–120], and

TABLE 19.4
Feature Set Size and Selection Methods for 24 miRNA Prediction Methods
Total # Final #
Year Author Features Features Feature Selection Method
2005 Nam N/A N/A N/A (HMM)
2005 Sewer 40 40 None
2005 Xue 32 32 None
2006 Yousef >1000 >1000 None
2007 Ng 29 29 None
2007 Jiang 32 + 2 32 + 2 Tested addition of MFEs
2008 Yousef >1000 >1000 None
2008 Xu 36 36 None
2009 Kadri NA NA Two alphabets tested
2009 Batuwita 48 21 Subset selection methods
2009 Oulas Unknown Unknown Unknown
2010 Mathelier 5 5 None
2010 Ding 65 32 F-score
2010 Zhao 36 36 None
2011 Han 48 27 Clustering, info gain
2011 Wang 124 20 Genetic algorithms (GA)
2011 Xiao 24 24 None
2011 Xuan 48 22 GA
2012 Liu 29,734 1300 Highest SVM weight
2013 Gudys 28 28 None
2013 Lertampaiporn 103 20 3-CV test on many methods; correlation
feature selection + GA chosen
2013 Shakiba 48 7 Floating forward search
2013 Wei 98 98 Subset testing; deciding on full set
2014 Zou Unknown Unknown RF random feature selection
400 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

in two of the studies which do not report Sn and/or Sp TABLE 19.5

directly [102,118].
Performance Metrics Reported by 24 miRNA Prediction
One study makes use of the information retrieval
metrics of precision and recall [121] in place of the binary
classification metrics Sn and Sp. Year Author Performance Metrics Reported
Beginning with the microPred study by Batuwita et al. 2005 Nam Sn, Sp of 5-CV; # miRNA predicted and
[103], a shift occurred toward reporting the GM of Sn recovered from chromosomes
and Sp as the primary performance result of a miRNA 2005 Sewer Viral pre-miRNA prediction results; Sn, Sp on
prediction technique. GM is insensitive to class imbal- test set
ance, which, as discussed above, is substantial in miRNA 2005 Xue Accuracy on test sets
prediction. Therefore, it was argued that GM is a supe- 2006 Yousef Sn, Sp on test sets and holdout from training
rior performance metric to the previously used Acc
2007 Kwang Sn, Sp, Acc on holdout human and pooled
metric, which is highly sensitive to class imbalance. Since
2007 Jian Acc, Sn, Sp, Matthews’ correlation coefficient
its introduction into the miRNA prediction field, GM has
seen common usage, appearing in 7 of 13 studies in this
2008 Yousef Sn, Sp, MCC
period [98,108,109,112,113,115,117]. In the same period,
2008 Xu Precision and recall (in ~1:2 class imbalance
7 out of 13 studies reported Acc [98,108,111,116,118– test data)
120]. Neither Acc nor GM represents a definitive per- 2009 Kadri Sn, Sp, MCC, false discovery rate (FDR)
formance metric for miRNA prediction, as both are 2009 Oulas Sn, Sp, average of Sn/Sp (Acc @ 1:1)
reported equally in recent studies. Table 19.5 summarizes 2009 Batuwita Sn, Sp, GM
the performance metrics reported by 24 miRNA pre- 2010 Mathelier ROC curves; area under the curve (AUC),
diction methods. Acc, MCC
2010 Ding Sn, Sp, GM, Acc
2010 Zhao Acc, Sn, Sp
19.5.3 Previous Assessments of the State of the Art
2011 Han GM, Sn, Sp
Since 2009, a number of review articles have captured 2011 Wang Sn
the ongoing state of the art in computational methods for 2011 Xiao Sn, Sp, Acc
miRNA, including de novo miRNA prediction. One of the 2011 Xuan Sn, Sp, GM
common themes among reviews in this period is a sug- 2012 Liu Sn, Sp, Acc, AUC
gestion to improve negative set generation methodol- 2013 Gudys Sn, Sp, GM
ogy. Mendes et al. [52] in 2009 recommend that miRNA 2013 Lertampaiporn Sn, Sp, GM
prediction models consider more strongly “what is not 2013 Shakiba Sn, Sp, GM
miRNA.” Yousef et al. [96] state that “defining the neg- 2013 Wei Sn, Sp, GM, Acc
ative class is a major challenge in developing ML 2014 Zou Acc
[machine learning] algorithms for miRNA identifica-
tion.” Li et al. [97] emphasize the negative class, stating
have web interfaces. Several studies suggest improve-
that “it is usually straightforward to select positive
ments to feature selection [94,97].
examples (e.g., taking the known miRNAs), whereas it is
harder to construct negative examples.” Gomes et al. [95]
emphasize data set generation in general, saying that “a
careful choice of positive and negative data sets is
crucial.” Kleftogiannis et al. [94] state that negative set 19.6 Discussion of the miRNA Prediction State
selection is one of the problems that needs solving in
of the Art
order to improve accuracy of miRNA prediction;
however, they feel that “the selection of pseudo hairpins In this section, we examine several outstanding issues
is also simple as they can be downloaded from RefSeq with the state of the art in miRNA prediction, which
genes.” have been reached through our independent assessment
Outside of negative set generation, there is very little of the field. Many of these issues stem from the pattern
agreement on future directions for miRNA prediction. classification approaches chosen by miRNA prediction
Standardization of data sets, and public availability of studies, as described above.
data sets, is highlighted in two studies [94,95]. Mendes
et al. [52] suggest that a better understanding of miRNA
19.6.1 Redundancy in Feature Sets
biogenesis is needed for improved prediction perfor-
mance. Kleftogiannis et al. [94] suggest that miRNA Feature sets for miRNA prediction are often built using a
prediction should be integrated into larger pipelines that scattershot approach wherein many similar features are
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 401

–0.025 its predictions (i.e., Pr < 0.01). Realistically, any miRNA

prediction experiment must be performed at very high
(>99.9%) specificity in order for experimental validation of
microPred MFE2 feature

predictions to be feasible.
The most commonly reported performance metrics
among miRNA prediction studies—sensitivity, specific-
–0.45 ity, test set accuracy, and GM—do not account for real-
world class imbalance. Sensitivity and specificity ignore
class imbalance. Test set accuracy reflects performance at
the class imbalance of the test set and not the real-world
class imbalance. Because test set class imbalance for all
miRNA predictors is several orders of magnitude lower
–0.44 –0.23 –0.22 than real-world class imbalance, optimal accuracy occurs
microPred MFE1 feature at an operating point that is not optimal for experimental
FIGURE 19.7 With regard to real-world applicability, GM—which
Correlation between features MFE1 and MFE2 in widely used was introduced as an improvement on accuracy for
microPred feature set. Data from microPred positive training set.
miRNA prediction performance reporting—is much
worse than test set accuracy. GM disregards class imbal-
proposed and feature selection methods are used to ance completely and assigns essentially equal importance
reduce the length of the final feature vector. For example, to sensitivity and specificity even though specificity clearly
feature sets often contain many features that relate to has a greater impact on overall system performance, given
hairpin structure MFE. This technique has produced the prevalence of the negative class. When optimizing for
highly redundant feature sets such as the commonly used GM, the ideal classifier performance occurs when sensi-
21-feature set that formed the basis of the microPred tivity and specificity are equal. For miRNA prediction,
classifier. This feature set contains many features that are harmony between sensitivity and specificity is not a rea-
highly correlated; Figure 19.7, for example, demonstrates sonable operating point. Small (1%) changes in specificity
the correlation between microPred MFE features 1 and 2. have a large impact on success rates of experimental vali-
We believe that the dominance of SVM and random dation techniques (i.e., precision). Conversely, high sensi-
forests (RF) for miRNA prediction is partly due to the tivity is not a strict requirement for the successful
presence of highly correlated features such as the widely prediction of miRNAs: recovering even 50% of all miRNAs
used MFE features. At the same time, standard feature within a genome would be a hugely successful result for a
sets are likely suboptimal due to the presence of redun- miRNA prediction study. For these reasons, current per-
dant features. We recommend that future miRNA pre- formance metrics for miRNA prediction are inadequate.
diction studies take into account feature redundancy In order to encourage the production of classifiers
when choosing feature sets, as this may open the door which that tuned for the prediction of miRNAs in real-
for more accurate classification using methods that world scenarios, we believe that the field of miRNA
underperformed previously. Explicitly handling redun- prediction must shift toward prevalence-corrected per-
dant features may also lead to improved performance formance reporting, i.e., the reporting of results at the
using existing methods, as redundant features reduce expected class imbalance of real-world data sets.
classification performance in the general sense regard- Prevalence-corrected reporting is not currently used to
less of classifier used [38]. report performance in any miRNA prediction study.
In particular, prevalence-corrected precision and recall
curves—common in the field of information retrieval
19.6.2 Lack of Prevalence-Corrected Reporting
where large class imbalances are often seen [122]—are
The estimated real-world class imbalance when predicting well suited to miRNA prediction. These curves plot the
miRNA within eukaryote genomes is on the order of at recall of a classifier (synonymous with sensitivity) against
least 1:1000. For example, 2588 H. sapiens miRNAs have the (prevalence-corrected) precision. Unlike specificity,
been discovered, while the number of hairpins in the which measures the chance of reporting a pseudo-
H. sapiens genome that meet common miRNA criteria is miRNA as negative, precision measures the chance of a
approximately 11 million. Because of this extremely high positive classification being truly positive. Precision
class imbalance, false positive rates of classifiers have a therefore informs a user of miRNA prediction software of
high impact on real-world performance. At 1:1000 real- the success rate one can expect when conducting experi-
world class imbalance, a classifier that operates at 90% mental validation of miRNA predictions. The combina-
specificity can achieve at most a 1-in -101 success rate on tion of recall and precision allows the user to weigh the
402 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

cost of validation against the number of expected miRNA 1

predictions made. None of specificity, accuracy, or GM SMOTE not used
provides a measure of performance of classification on SMOTE used
pseudo-miRNA that is directly useful to a user of miRNA
prediction software.

Precision (1:1000)
As summary statistics, recall at a precision of 50% 0.6
(Re@Pr50) describes the performance of a classifier at an
experimental success rate that is acceptable for valida-
tion experiments. Recall at 90% precision (Re@Pr90) 0.4
provides a more conservative estimate of classifier per-
formance, which includes only miRNA that are pre- 0.2
dicted with extremely high confidence.
The use of prevalence-corrected performance metrics
is necessary for the development of optimal miRNA 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
predictors. Currently, classifiers underperform at real- Recall
world class imbalances because they are tuned for
unrealistic performance metrics. FIGURE 19.9
PR curve corrected for 1:1000 class imbalance demonstrating classifier
performance when SMOTE is used and when SMOTE is not used for
19.6.3 Independent Analysis of the Effectiveness class imbalance correction.
of SMOTE Class Imbalance Correction
These classifiers were trained using the microPred data
Recent publications have shown conflicting results
set and feature set and the LIBSVM classification library
regarding the effectiveness of the SMOTE class imbal-
[123] and then applied to a holdout data set consisting of
ance correction method for miRNA prediction. Batuwita
282 A. carolinensis miRNAs from miRBase 19 and 500 A.
and Palade demonstrate an increase in performance
carolinensis coding region pseudo-miRNA hairpin loops.
when SMOTE is used to correct class imbalance during
In general, performance is increased with the addition
the training of the microPred classifier [103]. However,
of SMOTE. At acceptable real-world precision levels, Re@
Gudys et al. found that the optimal training pipeline for
Pr50 is increased by 11.4%, and recall at high precision is
their ROC-select meta-classifier does not include SMOTE
increased sevenfold (see Figure 19.9). However, the peak
[109]. We believe that class imbalance correction
GM for the classifier—the metric employed by Gudys’
increases performance of miRNA classifiers; however
ROC-select classifier—shows almost no improvement
the metric of GM does not elucidate this increase in
when SMOTE is used. Peak GM is 0.938 when SMOTE is
performance because of its narrow focus. Figures 19.8
used and 0.937 when SMOTE is not used (see Figure
and 19.9 detail the performance of two miRNA predic-
19.8). In spite of increasing overall performance of the
tors that are trained identically except for the inclusion or
classifier, SMOTE would be disregarded in this case by a
exclusion of SMOTE for class imbalance correction.
study that uses peak GM as a metric, as it increases
classifier complexity without improving the primary
1 performance metric.
This experiment demonstrates the narrow applicabil-
0.8 ity of GM as a miRNA prediction metric, while also
SMOTE not used providing evidence in favor of the use of SMOTE for
SMOTE used class imbalance correction in the field.

19.6.4 Failure of miRNA Predictors to Generalize

0.4 to Cross-Species Negative Data
The most commonly used metric for performance of
0.2 miRNA prediction methods in recent years is classifier
GM as reported on 10-CV test data. As shown in the
0 previous section, optimizing for GM could potentially
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 produce classifiers that perform suboptimally in the
1-specificity (FPR)
general sense. 10-CV experiments use a single data set
for training and testing; therefore, iteratively optimizing
ROC curve demonstrating classifier performance when SMOTE is used one’s 10-CV results is a potential source of overfitting.
and when SMOTE is not used for class imbalance correction. At the same time, emphasis is placed within miRNA
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 403

100% Sensitivity quality negative sets and classification performance

90% Specificity within the field has benefitted from this increase in data
set quality. Data set selection has proven to be a crucial
step in the miRNA prediction pipeline. However, little
Prediction success rate

70% attention has been paid to the methodology for selecting

60% positive data. miRNA prediction studies use as positive
50% training data known miRNAs from databases such as
miRBase or miRTarBase, which contain experimentally
validated miRNA sequences. Negative training data are
30% miRNA-like hairpin structures that were extracted from
20% larger genomic regions such as annotated coding
10% regions. In other words, the pre-miRNA structures of
positive data were created in vivo by Drosha, while the
Human Chimp Mouse Chicken Squirt Apple Virus
pre-miRNA structures of negative data were created in
silico by an RNA folding algorithm. As illustrated in
FIGURE 19.10 Figure 19.11, in silico RNA folding algorithms and in vivo
microPred classification results on independent holdout data sets RNA cleaving can produce substantially different pre-
representing multiple species. miRNA sequences, while each containing the mature
prediction on the ability of predictors to achieve high No real-world experiments use a combination of pos-
cross-species recall—with no regard for cross-species itive data that are cleaved by Drosha and negative data
specificity [103,109]. Because of the narrow focus of that are computationally generated. For the prediction of
miRNA prediction performance metrics, miRNA pre- unannotated genomic data, which we feel is the most
dictors often fail to generalize to negative data sets pertinent use case of de novo miRNA prediction, all test
outside of those on which they are trained. data (i.e., both miRNA hairpins and pseudo-miRNA
Figure 19.10 shows the results of the microPred clas- hairpins) are extracted in a single in silico genomic scan,
sifier on independent data sets that represent a range of which produces candidate regions corresponding to
species across various taxa. While sensitivity is main- computationally predicted hairpin structures. Similarly,
tained across all species, specificity is low, especially on in the realm of NGS-based miRNA prediction, both
non-human species. On four of the seven test sets, miRNA hairpins and pseudo-miRNA hairpins (other
specificity is below random, demonstrating a complete types of transcribed RNA that form miRNA-like hair-
failure of the classifier to generalize. pins) are cleaved in vivo, and the resulting expressed
reads are examined.
MiRNA prediction models have been trained to dif-
19.6.5 Moving to Genome-Scanning Data Sets
ferentiate between miRNAs that are cleaved in vivo by
for Genome-Scale Experiments
Drosha and pseudo-miRNAs that are cleaved in silico by
Within the field of de novo miRNA prediction, many RNAfold. The predictive power of these models is, in
studies have emphasized that the development of high- part, based on the difference between miRNA biogenesis





RNAfold predicted hairpin sequence

Genomic sequence
Mature miRNA sequence
Drosha-cleaved sequence

FIGURE 19.11
RNA sequences representing miRNA has-mir-451a. The sequence that was cleaved by Drosha and the sequence that was predicted by RNAfold
differ in their start and end positions; however, both contain the mature miRNA.
404 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

and computational RNA secondary structure prediction. genomic miRNA prediction pipeline. As shown in
For reasons stated above, this predictive power does not Figure 19.12, both extraction of miRNA-like hairpins and
apply to real-world data sets. classification of these hairpins occur within the analysis
In combination with the previously described issues of a genomic data set, and therefore, both of these pro-
regarding class imbalance and lack of generalization, the cesses directly affect miRNA prediction performance.
lack of genome- or transcriptome-specific data sets
should be addressed in order to provide useful, realistic
19.6.6 Future Research Directions in the Big Data Era
de novo miRNA prediction pipelines. In particular, the
need for de novo analysis of unannotated genomes is an As discussed in the introduction to this chapter, both
important use case because these studies are comple- sequence- and NGS-based miRNA prediction can be
mentary to deep sequence specific studies using considered as big data challenges. For sequence-based
methods such as miRDeep. Some recent studies have predictions at a genome scale, one must compute the
focused on the development of miRNA prediction in secondary structure of every possible subsequence of
genomic data sets [124–126]; however, these studies do length 100 within a 3-billion-base-pair genome. For
not address any of what we feel are the most important human, this results in 11 million miRNA-like hairpin
aspects of genome-wide miRNA prediction. Training structures, which then must each be examined in detail
data sets contain a mixture of Drosha-derived positives using computationally complex sequence-based features
and computationally derived negatives; performance is prior to applying the final classifier. Some of these fea-
measured at unrealistic class imbalances; and perfor- tures require extensive randomization experiments to
mance on negative sets outside of training species is not achieve statistical comparison with structures arising
examined. An important step in the advancement of the from a null model. Similarly, NGS-based methods must
state of the art in miRNA prediction is the development contend with the rapidly increasing volume of sequence
of genome-scanning miRNA prediction methods that read data arising from NGS experiments. Clearly, par-
properly address these issues. A major step toward this allel computing is applicable here due to the inherent
goal is to observe performance across the complete data parallelism. Successful applications of parallel

miRNA prediction state of the art
focuses on these steps

Extract miRNA-like
hairpins from

Build feature vectors Classifier

for hairpins

Hairpin Predicted miRNA for

feature Classify hairpins experimental
vectors validation

FIGURE 19.12
Prediction pipeline for miRNA within an unannotated genome.
Computational Sequence- and NGS-Based MicroRNA Prediction 405

computing in the field of miRNA prediction include

multi-threading on shared-memory architectures (e.g.,
Ref. [127]), deployment to massively parallel architec-
tures such as GPU (e.g., Ref. [128]), and message passing 1. D. T. Humphreys, B. J. Westman, D. I. K. Martin, and
approaches for leveraging potentially cloud-based het- T. Preiss, “MicroRNAs control translation initiation by
erogeneous architectures (e.g., Refs. [129,130]). Other inhibiting eukaryotic initiation factor 4E/cap and poly(A)
tail function,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 102,
than data volume, big data challenges must also contend
no. 47, pp. 16961–6, Nov. 2005.
with data veracity. Here, this review has emphasized
2. A. La Torre, S. Georgi, and T. A. Reh, “Conserved
issues of data quality and pre-filtering prior to applying microRNA pathway regulates developmental timing of
predictors. These issues are critical due to the high class retinal neurogenesis,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.,
imbalance observed in this domain. Lastly, data velocity vol. 110, no. 26, pp. E2362–70, Jun. 2013.
is also relevant here. If we are to imagine a data-driven 3. M. T. N. Le, H. Xie, B. Zhou, P. H. Chia, P. Rizk, M. Um,
analysis-in-the-loop approach to directing NGS experi- G. Udolph, H. Yang, B. Lim, and H. F. Lodish,
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Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data

Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Emre Arslan, Upamanyu Banerjee, and Arghavan Bahadorinejad

20.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................411
20.2 Classification of Expression Rank Data ....................................................................................................................413
20.2.1 Top-Scoring Pair Classifiers...........................................................................................................................413
20.2.2 Bradley–Terry Model......................................................................................................................................414
20.2.3 Bayesian Inference for the Bradley–Terry Model.......................................................................................414
20.2.4 Bayesian Top-Scoring Pairs ...........................................................................................................................415
20.2.5 Expression Classification Experimental Results .........................................................................................415
20.3 Classification of LC-MS Protein Data........................................................................................................................416
20.3.1 Model for LC-MS Protein Data.....................................................................................................................416
20.3.2 Bayesian Inference for the LC-MS Model ...................................................................................................418 Overview of Inference Procedure ................................................................................................418 Prior Calibration via ABC Rejection Sampling..........................................................................418 Posterior Sampling via an ABC-MCMC Procedure..................................................................419 Optimal Bayesian Classifier..........................................................................................................420
20.3.3 LC-MS Protein Data Classification Experimental Results ........................................................................421
20.4 Classification of 16S rRNA Metagenomic Data .......................................................................................................422
20.4.1 Model for 16S rRNA Metagenomic Data ....................................................................................................423
20.4.2 Bayesian Inference for the 16S rRNA Model ..............................................................................................423
20.4.3 16S rRNA Metagenomic Data Classification Experimental Results........................................................424
20.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks .........................................................................................................................424
References ................................................................................................................................................................................425

The application of pattern recognition and machine

20.1 Introduction learning to the voluminous amount of data produced
by the aforementioned high-throughput technologies
Genomic applications in the life sciences experienced an
promises to revolutionize medical applications by facil-
explosive growth with the advent of high-throughput
itating the discovery of molecular biomarkers. These are
measurement technologies, which are capable of deliv-
measurements of gene expression or protein abun-
ering fast and relatively inexpensive profiles of gene and
dance that can be used to classify disease (e.g., “tumor”
protein activity on a genome-wide or proteome-wide
vs. “normal”), cancer subtypes (e.g., “basal-like” vs.
scale. Gene expression microarrays [1,2] can measure
“luminal-like” breast cancer), and clinical outcomes (e.g.,
the activity of tens of thousands of transcripts, while
“poor prognosis” vs. “good prognosis”). Biomarkers can
next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques such as
be used to improve diagnosis, guide targeted therapy,
RNA-seq [3,4] can generate millions of transcripts
and monitor therapeutic response [7]. However, the rate
reads, all in parallel and in a single assay. Likewise,
of discovery of successful biomarkers in clinical practice
“shotgun” proteomics based on mass spectrometry (MS)
has been unsatisfactory [8]. An important impediment
can detect and quantify thousands of low-abundance
to progress is that while high-throughput data in geno-
peptide species in complex proteomic mixtures [5,6].
mics features a very large number of measurements,

412 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

it typically consists of a small number of sample points, codifies the complement of physical, logical, and
due to cost or availability issues [9]. While data matrices empirical (historical) knowledge about the problem, up
in other big data applications may be “wide,” with the to a set of unknown parameters that must be estimated
number of cases far exceeding the number of variables, from the data. Classical (frequentist) methods in statis-
the nature of big data in genomics is that data matrices tics treat the parameters as deterministic quantities and
are “tall,” with the number of variables far exceeding the propose estimators that have good properties “on
number of cases. In other words, in genomics applica- average” (i.e., over a large number of hypothetical data
tions, one typically has to deal with small-sample, high- sets obtained by repetitions of the experiment). The
dimensional data sets. See Figure 20.1 for an illustration. Bayesian approach, on the other hand, codifies the
While the large number of measurements presents uncertainty over the parameters in a prior distribution;
opportunities, it also creates unique challenges in the hence, it treats the parameter as a random variable. The
application of classification techniques, which must be Bayesian approach is conditional on the available data,
carried out with judgment to avoid pitfalls [10]. The and therefore, the estimators it proposes need not make
mistaken application of complex classification methods any reference to alternative data sets generated by a
to small-sample data will produce classifiers that are repetition of the experiment. For a comprehensive
overly adjusted to the small training set and are therefore treatment of the Bayesian approach to inference, the
likely to perform poorly on future data, a phenomenon reader is referred to Ref. [13].
known as overfitting. On the other hand, though the In this chapter, we demonstrate the application of a
error of the optimal classifier (i.e., the lower bound in Bayesian model-based approach to accurate classifica-
classification performance) cannot increase, and often tion of small-sample, high-dimensional data from three
decreases, with higher dimensionality, the error of the important genomics applications: rank expression
classifier designed from training data will usually data, liquid-chromatography mass-spectromic (LC-MS)
decrease at first, achieve a minimum, and then start to protein expression data, and 16S rRNA sequencing
increase as more variables are added; this is known in metagenomic data (these applications have appeared
the pattern recognition and machine learning literature previously in recent publications—Refs. [14–16], res-
as the peaking phenomenon, or Hughes phenomenon [11]. pectively). The methodology for rank expression data is
The situation is made more dangerous by the fact that based on the top-scoring pair (TSP) classifiers first intro-
methods commonly used for classifier error estimation duced in Ref. [17] and employs the Bradley–Terry model
will perform poorly with small-sample data in high- [18] to the expression ranks in order to select TSPs for
dimensional spaces [12], so the researcher may get the classification; the overall algorithm is called the Bayesian
impression that performance is improving as more var- top-score pair (BTSP) classification rule [14]. The
iables are added, when in fact the opposite is true. approach to LC-MS classification data is based on a
The most effective way to mitigate the small-sample, model for the LC-MS pipeline proposed in Ref. [19] and
high-dimensionality problem is to use external (prior) on the optimal Bayesian classifier (OBC) approach pro-
knowledge together with the data. In particular, this posed in Ref. [20]. Finally, the metagenomic classifier
calls for a model-based approach, where the model uses a model for 16S rRNA sequencing data proposed in

Small-sample high-dimensional
data in genomics applications

Large-sample data 10’s–100’s cases

in a typical application

1000’s–10000’s cases
10’s– 1000000’s
100’s variables

Genomic big data corresponds to the tall matrix on the right. It contains thousands, or even millions, of measurements, but a small number of
Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data 413

Ref. [16] and once again the OBC method. All three classifier is a simple algorithm that uses pairs of genes
approaches share the fact that a model for the data is for which the expression ranks are inverted between one
first introduced, and then Bayesian inference of key class and the other. This is illustrated in Figure 20.2. The
model parameters is performed by deriving a posterior basic TSP classifier is based on a single pair of genes,
parameter distribution using the data and a prior while the k-TSP classifier is an extension that uses a
parameter distribution. In the results presented in this majority vote among a set of k pairs. We show below that
chapter, the priors are noninformative, i.e., no prior a Bayesian extension of these algorithms, called BTSP
knowledge is directly used to construct the priors. If such and k-BTSP, respectively, can perform better than the
knowledge is available, then performance is expected to frequentist TSP algorithms, as well as some other
improve. A key point in all Bayesian approaches is the popular classification rules, for typical small-sample,
computation of the posterior densities, which can be high-dimensional genomic data sets.
difficult. The BTSP classification algorithm for expres-
sion rank data utilizes a Gibbs sampling method sug-
20.2.1 Top-Scoring Pair Classifiers
gested in Ref. [21], while the Bayesian LC-MS
classification rule uses an approximate Bayesian com- Consider a gene expression profile X = (X1,…,Xd) ∈ Rd,
putation (ABC) Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) where Xi represents the expression value of the ith gene.
algorithm [22]. Both previous approaches are approxi- We are interested in the probabilities pij(k) = P(Xi < Xj|
mate. The 16S rRNA metagenomics classification algo- Y = k), for k = 0,1, where Y is the class label. A TSP
rithm, however, computes the posterior densities classifier seeks the pair of genes that maximizes the TSP
analytically (in closed form) and is therefore exact. score D^ ij = j^pij (0) − ^pij (1)j, where ^pij (k) is the sample esti-
mate of pij(k). After choosing the pair (i*,j*) with with the
highest score, and assuming ^pi∗ j∗ (0) > ^pi∗ j∗ (1), the TSP
classifier is simply
0, if xi∗ < xj∗ ,
20.2 Classification of Expression Rank Data yTSP ðxÞ =   (20.1)
1, otherwise,
Our first example of application of Bayesian techniques
to classification of small-sample, high-dimensional data for a fixed x = (x1,…,xd) ∈ Rd. If ^pi∗ j∗ (0) ≤ ^pi∗ j∗ (1), then the
concerns expression data presented as ranks, that is, each labels 0 and 1 are flipped in the previous equation.
data point is an integer representing the relative order Several variations of the TSP classifier have been
position in the sorted expression profile for each case. proposed [23,25,26]. Among these, the most well-known
There are many advantages in using ranks instead of is the k-TSP classifier [24], which, instead of using one
raw expression values, including invariance to normal- pair of genes as in TSP, selects the top k pairs according
ization, robustness against noise, and interpretability of to D^ ij and performs majority voting to classify the given
the results [23]. To fix ideas, we consider here that the data point:
measurements are gene expression values, though the
same methodology would apply to protein abundances, ykTSP ðxÞ = arg max Iðyr ðxÞ = mÞ, (20.2)
metabolite concentrations, and so on. m∈f0,1g r=1
We consider a Bayes extension of the TSP classifier,
first introduced by D. Geman and collaborators in where yr is the TSP classifier based on pair r, for r = 1,…,
Ref. [17] and further studied in Refs. [23–25]. The TSP k. Typically, an odd k is chosen, in order to avoid ties.




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Expression values of a pair of genes selected by the TSP classifier. Class 0 and 1 cases are separated by the dashed vertical line. We can see that the
dark gray gene expression is mostly higher than the light gray gene expression in class 0, whereas the opposite is true in class 1. Reproduced from
B. Afsari, U.M. Braga-Neto, and D. Geman, Rank discriminants for predicting phenotypes from RNA expression, Annals of Applied Statistics,
8(3):1469–1491, 2014.
414 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

20.2.2 Bradley–Terry Model The BT model has a “Thurstonian” interpretation: for

each pair 1 ≤ i < j ≤ K and for each pair comparison k =
We now briefly describe the model we use for rank
1,2,...,nij, consider two independent random variables
expression data, which is known as the Bradley–Terry
Uki ∼ Exp(li) and Ukj ∼ Exp(lj), where Exp(l) denotes an
(BT) model [18]. The BT model stipulates that
exponential distribution with rate parameter l. Then a
li simple calculation reveals that
P(Xi > Xj jli ,lj ) = πij = , (20.3)
li + lj
P(Uki < Ukj ) = : (20.7)
where parameter li > 0 indicates the propensity of the li + lj
expression of gene i being larger than the expression
of gene j. As expected, Equation 20.3 implies that πij + In order to get a simpler complete log-likelihood, new
πji = 1. The BT model can also be identified as a logistic latent variables Zij are introduced:
model by a nonlinear reparametrization of the parame-
ters, li = ebi , in which case
X n o
Zij = min Ukj , Uki : (20.8)
πij = = h(bi − bj ), (20.4)
1 + e−(bi −bj ) Owing to the facts that Vk = min{Ukj,Uki} ∼ Exp(li + lj)
−a and that Vk and Vl are independent for k ≠ l, we conclude
where h(a) = 1/(1+e ) is the inverse logit function.
that Zij ∼ Gamma(nij,li + lj), a Gamma distribution with
There are numerous applications of the BT model, such
shape parameter nij and rate parameter li + lj. The
as ranking of chess and Go players by their respective
resulting density of the variables Z = {Zij} given the data
international federations, estimation of the influence of
D and vector of parameters l is
scientific journals, and more.
Given sample data, let wij denote Y  
number of times
Xi > Xj over the data. Also let wi = w be the number p(zjD,l) = Gamma zij ; nij , li + lj , (20.9)
j=1 ij
of “wins” by gene i and nij be the number of comparisons 1≤i<j≤M
between i and j over the data. These statistics can be used stnij > 0
to estimate the model parameters {li} by maximum
likelihood (ML). If pairings are assumed independent,
and the resulting complete data log-likelihood is
the log-likelihood function for the BT model is given by
X X X  
‘ðlÞ = wij log li − wij log (li + lj ) ‘c ðl Þ = wij logðli Þ − li + lj zij
1≤i≠j≤M 1≤i≠j≤M 1≤i<j≤M
X X s:t:wij > 0 s:t:nij > 0
= wi log li − nij log (li + lj ) : (20.5)
1≤i≠j≤M 1≤i<j≤M    
+ nij − 1 log zij − log G nij , (20.10)
The ML estimator can be found by an iterative proce-
dure [27], where G is the Gamma function.
The prior for l is assigned as in Refs. [28,29]:
0 1−1
X nij
li = wi @ ðkÞ ðkÞ
A ,  i = 1, …, M, (20.6) Y

i≠j li + lj pðl Þ =  Gammaðli ; a, bÞ, (20.11)


which is repeated until convergence. The main draw- where a and b are hyperparameters. At this point, one
back with the ML approach is the strong assumption that needs to sample from the posterior p(l,Z|D). Canon and
no gene may win over all others across the entire data Doucet suggest the following Gibbs sampling scheme to
set. accomplish that [21]. First, update Z from the previous
value of l using Equation 20.8:
20.2.3 Bayesian Inference for the Bradley–Terry Model  
t t
Zt+1 t
ij jD,l ∼ Gamma nij , li + lj ; (20.12)
To overcome the difficulties associated with ML
methods, Caron and Doucet [21] introduced a Bayesian Next, sample the new value of l from p(l | Z,D)∝p
approach to the inference of the parameters {li} in the BT (l)ℓ(l,z), which has a Gamma distribution with known
model, which we briefly describe next. parameters:
Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data 415

lit+1 jD,Zt+1 TABLE 20.1

0 1 Gene Expression Data Sets Used in the Expression
B C Classification Experiment
B X t+1 X t+1 C
B C Number Class Class
∼ GammaB
Ba + wi , b + zij + zji C
C: Study of Genes 1 Size 2 Size Reference
B i<j i>1 C
@ A Colon 2000 22 40 Alon et al. (1999) [30]
s:t: nij > 0 s:t: nij > 0 Leukemia1 7129 25 47 Golub et al. (1999) [31]
DLBCL 7129 58 19 Shipp et al. (2002) [32]
Lung 12,533 150 31 Gordon et al. (2002) [33]
Breast 22,283 62 42 Chowdary et al. (2006) [34]
Leukemia2 12,564 24 24 Armstrong et al. (2002) [35]
20.2.4 Bayesian Top-Scoring Pairs
Monocytes 26,496 49 47 Maouche et al. (2008) [36]
In this section, we describe the application of the BT Squamous 12,625 22 22 Kuriakose et al. (2004) [37]
model to the design of TSP classifiers. Let l0 and l1 be Sarcoma 43,931 37 31 Price et al. (2007) [38]
the class-specific parameters sampled from the posterior Huntington’s 22,283 14 17 Borovecki et al. (2005) [39]
distributions for each class separately, as described in the CNS 7129 25 9 Pomeroy et al. (2002) [40]
previous section, and define Myeloma 12,625 137 36 Tian et al. (2003) [41]

l0i l1i
π0ij =  and π 1
ij = (20.14)
l0i + l0j l1i + l1j Bayesian TSP classification rules against the conven-
tional TSP classifiers as well as other well-known
The main goal is to find pairs that swap frequently classification rules. A variance filter was employed to
between classes in terms of l0 and l1. For this purpose, reduce the number of genes in all data sets to 2000. In
we define the Bayesian TSP score, order to consider small training sample size effects,
  classifiers were trained on 20% of the data and tested on
   l0 l 1  the remaining 80%. The procedure was repeated 50
 0   j j 
Ωij = πji < π1ji  =  0 − , (20.15) times, and the average accuracy was recorded. This
 li + l0j l1i + l1j 
produces an accurate estimate of the classification error,
and choose the best pair according to this score, due to the large size of the testing set and little overlap
between the training sets [42]. The Gibbs sampler was
ði∗∗ , j∗∗ Þ = arg max Ωij (20.16) run for 1500 iterations with 300 burn-in iterations. We
ði,jÞ∈S found that the choice of hyperparameters of the prior
distribution in Equation 20.11 does not change results
where S is whole feature space. If π0i∗∗ j∗∗ < π1i∗∗ j∗∗ , the BTSP dramatically: b is a scaling parameter, and the likelihood
classifier is defined as is invariant to rescaling, so changing b does not have a
large effect, while a may be fixed or can be calculated by
( a Metropolis–Hasting algorithm—in both cases, accura-
0, if xi∗∗ < xj∗∗ ,
yBTSP ðxÞ =   (20.17) cies did not change much.
1, otherwise To determine the number of pairs to be used in k-TSP,
we used the methods described in Refs. [23] and [24],
pi∗∗ j∗∗ (0) ≤ ^
If ^ pi∗∗ j∗∗ (1), then the labels 0 and 1 are flipped in leading to two classification rules, which we called k-
the previous equation. TSP1 and k-TSP2, respectively. The switchBox R package
As in the case of TSP, the BTSP classification rule can was used for the k-TSP1 analysis [43], and the ktspair R
be extended by choosing more than one pair. We choose package was used for the k-TSP2 analysis [44]. In each
an odd number k of disjoint TSPs according to Ωij and case, we limit the number of pairs to at most nine. Over
define a classifier as in Equation 20.2, where yr this time all experiments, we observed that k-TSP1 uses an
denotes the BTSP classifier based on pair r, for r = 1,…,k. average of 4.02 genes, or about two pairs, while k-TSP2
We call this the k-BTSP classifier. uses an average of 17.8 genes, or nearly all nine pairs. By
contrast, we used a fixed number k = 9 of pairs for the k-
BTSP classifier. Linear support vector machine (SVM),
20.2.5 Expression Classification Experimental Results
naive Bayes (NB), and decision tree (DT) classification
In this section, we report the results of the numerical algorithms were also implemented. The SVM employed
experiment in Ref. [14]. We used 12 genomic data sets, recursive feature elimination (RFE) to reduce the number
summarized in Table 20.1, to compare the proposed of genes to 100, while the other two used all 2000 genes.
416 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 20.2
Accuracy Rates Obtained in the Expression Classification Experiment
Colon 0.7112 0.7326 0.7392 0.7304 0.8132 0.6504 0.6344 0.7268
Leukemia1 0.8789 0.8893 0.9072 0.8720 0.9168 0.8091 0.855 0.8896
DLBCL 0.779 0.8216 0.8412 0.7777 0.8761 0.7408 0.7795 0.877
Lung 0.9529 0.9609 0.968 0.9246 0.9773 0.9284 0.9678 0.9734
Breast 0.9356 0.9412 0.9465 0.9322 0.9672 0.8726 0.8918 0.9134
Leukemia2 0.8936 0.9178 0.9331 0.8878 0.9573 0.8436 0.8826 0.9486
Monocytes 0.981 0.9838 0.989 0.9896 0.9901 0.8866 0.9884 0.9888
Squamous 0.796 0.8062 0.824 0.7668 0.8388 0.77 0.6871 0.8708
Sarcoma 0.8258 0.8233 0.847 0.8289 0.8640 0.7564 0.8133 0.852
Huntington’s 0.76 0.804 0.7728 0.6248 0.816 0.6824 0.6008 0.7728
CNS 0.7188 0.7222 0.7274 0.6540 0.7540 0.6044 0.7103 0.7418
Myeloma 0.7009 0.7228 0.7349 0.6755 0.7472 0.7053 0.7865 0.7689
Average 0.8278 0.8438 0.8525 0.8068 0.8765 0.7708 0.7997 0.8603

The accuracy results are displayed in Table 20.2. We sampled during the LC elution process. In this section, we
observe that k-BTSP obtained the best overall average review the Bayesian approach to classification of LC-MS
accuracy rate and has the best accuracy rate over more proteomic profiles introduced in Ref. [15]. This classifi-
individual data sets compared to all other classification cation algorithm performs Bayesian inference of the
rules. There does not seem to be a conclusive difference parameters of the label-free LC-MS model proposed in
between the accuracy rates of the conventional and Ref. [19] using an ABC-MCMC algorithm [22], and then
Bayesian TSP classifiers, but there is a significant applies the OBC method introduced in Ref. [20].
improvement of the k-BTSP classifier over both conven-
tional k-TSP and TSP classifiers.
20.3.1 Model for LC-MS Protein Data
As was the case with the expression rank classifier in
Section 20.2, in order to apply a Bayesian approach, we
first need to adopt a model for the data, which in this
case is the label-free LC-MS model proposed in Ref. [19].
20.3 Classification of LC-MS Protein Data
We briefly describe this model next. Two sample classes
For another example of application of Bayesian are considered, control (class 0) and treatment (class 1).
techniques to classification of small-sample, high- There are n sample profiles from each class, sharing Npro
dimensional data, we consider a Bayesian classifier for protein species from a specified proteome, which is
LC-MS proteomic profiles. MS has become the analyti- typically input into the model as a FASTA file [46]. As
cal tool of choice to characterize complex proteome argued in Ref. [47], protein concentration in the control
mixtures. A mass spectrometer measures the concentra- sample is best described as a Gamma distribution,
tion of ionized peptides at a range of mass-to-charge
ratios (m/z). MS instruments consist of three modules: an g l = G(k,q),  l = 1, 2, … ,Npro , (20.18)
ionization source, which produces ions by attaching one
or more charges to each peptide, a mass analyzer, which where the shape k and scale q parameters are assumed to
separates the ions according to their mass-to-charge be uniform random variables, such that k∼Unif(klow,khigh)
ratios, and a detector, which captures the ions and mea- and q∼Unif(qlow,qhigh). The values for klow, khigh, qlow, and
sures the intensity of each ion species [5]. Liquid chro- qhigh are chosen to adequately reflect the dynamic range
matography (LC) is often coupled with MS to achieve of protein abundance levels.
additional separation of peptides and thus reduce the According to whether or not there is a significant dif-
complexity of an individual mass spectrum. Before ference in abundance between control and treatment
entering the mass spectrometer, peptide species pass populations, proteins are divided into biomarker (dif-
through an LC column with different speeds depending ferentially expressed) proteins and background (not
on their physicochemical properties and interactions with differentially expressed) proteins. The difference in
the solvent [45]. A single LC-MS experiment usually abundance for biomarker proteins is quantified by the
produces hundreds to thousands of mass spectra fold change,
Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data 417

8 pep
> a , if the l-th protein is overexpressed, μij = c ij ei k , i = 1, 2, … ,Npep , j = 1, 2, …, 2n, (20.25)
< l
fl = 1=al , if the l-th protein is underexpressed,
: where ei denotes peptide efficiency factor and ĸ repre-
1, otherwise sents the LC-MS instrument response factor [19].
(20.19) The true peptide abundance differs from its readout
due to noise. Accordingly, the actual abundance of a
The multivariate Gaussian distribution is recom- peptide vij is modeled as nij = μij + ϵij, where ϵij is additive
mended as the model for protein concentration varia- Gaussian noise and follows the distribution
tions in each class [48]. Accordingly, the protein
expression level for the l-th protein in the j-th sample ϵij ∼ N (0, a μ 2ij + bμij ),  i = 1, 2, … ,Npep ,  j
profile is modeled as
= 1, 2, … ,2n, (20.26)
8 h i 
< N g1 , g 2 , …, g Npro , S ,     if j ∈ class 0, where a and b specify the quadratic dependence of the
clj ∼ h i  noise variance on the expected abundance [19,50].
: N g f , g f , …, g f
1 1 2 2 Npro Npro , S ,   if j ∈ class 1 Peptide signals observed in mass spectra are in fact the
result of true signals with interfering noise signals and
also signals from other peptides. Therefore, the signal-to-
In this chapter, we assume a diagonal covariance noise ratio (SNR) affects the detectability of true positive
matrix S = ½slk2 Npro Npro such that protein concentrations rate (TPR) greatly. To take account of this, we describe
are mutually independent (the results will still be the SNR as
approximately valid as long as the proteins are only E½n2 1
weakly correlated): SNR = = : (20.27)
Var(n) a + b
2 2 3 μ
s11 0 … 0
6 7 Taking interfering signals in consideration, the TPR of
6 0 s22 2
… 0 7 peptides is defined as
6 7
S=6 7, (20.21)
6 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 7 TPR = (t  SNRp + b)  oij , (20.28)
4 5
0 0 … sN2 pro Npro where oij is an overlapping factor. If algorithms like
NITPICK, BPDA, and BPDA2d are used, then oij ≈ 1 [19].
where In order to reduce the number of peptides and thus the
computation complexity of the algorithm, we consider
sll2 , if l = k and l,k = 1, 2, …, Npro , three peptide filters, in order: (1) nonunique peptides
slk2 = (20.22)
0, otherwise, present in more than one protein of the proteome in
study are discarded; (2) peptides with missing value
and rates greater than 0.7 are discarded; (3) among the
remaining peptides, those having correlation larger than
sll2 = j  gl2 ,  l = 1, 2, … ,Npro : (20.23)
0.6 with all other peptides are kept.
The coefficient of variation j is calibrated based on the The output of the first round of MS (MS1) provides
observed data. information about detected peptides, their abundances,
In order to perform in silico tryptic digestion of the and related characteristics. The process of filtering these
protein samples, we use the peptide mixture model from data and compiling the parent protein abundances from the
openMS [49]. Let Ωi be the set of all proteins that contain raw peptide data is called protein abundance roll-up. To
the i-th peptide. If there are Npep peptide species, in total, obtain the identities of the parent proteins from captured
across all proteins in a given sample, then their molar peptide sequence information, one will often use a second
concentrations are given as round of MS and search available MS/MS (MS2) databases.
X pro Alternatively, the accurate mass and time (AMT) approach
cij = ckj ,  i = 1, 2, …, Npep , j = 1, 2, …, 2n (20.24) matches peptides to databases using the monoisotopic
mass and elution time predictors, obviating the need of a
In general, ion abundance in MS data bears the sig- second step of MS [51]. We assume here that data is avail-
nature of the concentration of a peptide type, say i in able in the form of rolled-up abundances, whereby the
sample j. Taking measurement uncertainty factors into readout of protein l in sample j can be written as
consideration, one may envisage that the expected 1 X
readout µij of the abundance of said peptide can be xlj = n , l = 1, 2, … ,Npro , j = 1, 2, … ,2n, (20.29)
k nl i∈N ij
modeled as l
418 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

where ĸ is the instrument response factor, Nl is the set of TABLE 20.3

all peptides present in protein l that are retained after the
LC-MS Parameters Used in LC-MS Protein Data
filtering scheme described in the previous paragraph,
Classification Experiment
and nl is the number of peptides in set Nl. The protein
abundance is set to zero when less than two peptides Parameter Symbol Value/Range
pass the previous filters. Instrument response k 5
Noise severity a,b 0.03,3.6
Peptide efficiency factor ei [0.1−1]
20.3.2 Bayesian Inference for the LC-MS Model
Peptide detection algorithm b,t,p 0,0.0016,2
Bayesian analysis for complex models used in recent
applications involve intractable likelihood functions,
which has prompted the development of new algo-
rithms generally called approximate Bayesian compu-
f Prior
tation (ABC). In this approach, one generates candidate k, θ, hyperparameters
parameters by sampling from the prior distribution and
creating a model-based simulated data set. If the data set
conforms to the observed data set, the candidate can be
retained as a sample from the posterior distribution. Baseline protein γ γf Altered protein
concentration concentration
Thus, one can avoid evaluating the likelihood function,
which is essential for classical Bayesian posterior simu-
lation methods. The ABC approach can be implemented LC-MS experiment
κ, α, β, e, b, t, p
via rejection sampling, MCMC, and sequential Monte parameters
Carlo methods [22]. Utilizing the LC-MS proteomics
model described in the last section, we first do prior
Control Treatment
calibration of the hyperparameters using an ABC sample S0 S1 sample
approach via rejection sampling and then use the ABC
method implemented via an MCMC procedure to obtain FIGURE 20.3
samples from the posterior distribution of the protein Relationship among all parameters of the LC-MS model (see text).
concentrations in order to derive the ABC-MCMC clas-
sifier for LC-MS data.
obtained using an ABC-MCMC sampling method, after
a step of calibration of the hyperparameters using ABC
rejection sampling. The samples from the posterior allow Overview of Inference Procedure
us to calculate the OBC for the problem. All these steps
The sample data S = S0∪S1 consist of two subsamples S0 are described in detail in the sequel.
and S1, corresponding to the control and treatment
groups, respectively, where each subsample contains n
protein abundance profiles. Given the sample data, the Prior Calibration via ABC Rejection Sampling
total number of proteins Npro is reduced via feature
selection (e.g., ranking by the two-sample t-test statistic) Calibration of the hyperparameters k,q,j,f is accom-
to a tractable number d of selected proteins. According to plished using the ABC rejection sampling method.
the adopted LC-MS model, described in Section 20.3.1, Unlike Ref. [52], which proposed using discarded fea-
the protein abundance profiles are a function of (1) the tures to perform prior calibration for an MCMC Imple-
baseline protein concentration vector g = (g1,…,gd); (2) the mentation of the OBC, here we use the selected features,
prior hyperparameters k,q,j,f, consisting of shape and as we need to calibrate the fold change as well, which is
scale parameters of the Gamma distribution in Equation specific to each selected protein.
20.18, the fold change parameters in Equation 20.19, First, we calibrate k, q, and j using the control sample
and the coefficient of variation in Equation 20.23; and only, since these parameters are common across control
(3) the LC-MS instrument-related parameters ĸ,a,b,e, and treatment populations and f has not been calibrated
b,t,p, which are assumed to be known for a given instru- yet. The procedure used is displayed in Algorithm 1. In
ment (see Table 20.3 to see the value of these parameters this algorithm, ϵ is the error tolerance. It has been proved
in our numerical experiment). Figure 20.3 displays the [53] that smaller ϵ gives better approximation of poste-
relationship among these various parameters. rior p(k|Sn). However, this must be balanced against the
Our approach consists of treating g as the “hidden possibility that P(jjT(S(t)
0 ), T(S0 )jj < ϵ) ≈ 0, which would
parameter vector,” posterior samples of which are prevent convergence to the posterior.
Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data 419

Algorithm 1 Prior calibration of k, q and j using ABC ð tÞ

if Tl (S1 )=Tl (S0 ) < 1, then fl
rejection sampling.
1. Generate Mcal triplets of parameters of ∼ Unif 1=ahigh , 1=alow
{k(t),q(t),j(t)} such that
for t = 1,…,Mcal.
5. Simulate a treatment sample S(t) 1 of size n using
k(t) ∼ Unif(klow ,khigh ), q (t) ∼ Unif(qlow ,qhigh ), j (t)
the altered expression mean fl(t) gl(t) , for t = 1,2,
∼ Unif(jlow ,jhigh ) …,Mcal (in fact, only the abundances for the l-th
protein need be generated).
for t = 1,…,Mcal. 6. Accept fl(t) gl(t) if jTl (S(t) (t)
1 ) − Tl (S1 )j<ϵ1 and rl (S1 ,
2. Simulate a control sample set S(t) S1 ) > 1 − ϵ2 .
0 of size n for 7. Let n0a be the number of accepted baseline
each triplet {k(t),q (t),j(t)}, for t = 1,2,…,Mcal.
expression means in step 3, and let n1a be the
3. Accept the triplet {k(t),q (t),j(t)} if jjT(S(t) 0 )− number of accepted altered expression means
T(S0 )jj < ϵ, for t = 1,…,Mcal, where ||⋅|| in step 6. Define
denotes the Euclidean norm and T denotes the
vector sample mean.
4. Let A = ffk1 ,q 1 ,j 1 g, …, fkna ,q na ,j na gg be the set l 0 = n0a =Mcal , the rate of acceptance
of all accepted triplets. The calibrated k can be
approximated as follows: of control means

ð khigh l 1 = n1a =Mcal , the rate of acceptance

1 X
kcal = kp(kjSn )dk ≈ ka   of treatment means
klow na a=1

Similar Monte Carlo integrations are performed to 8. If l0 > l1, then assign fl,cal = 1 (i.e., background
calculate qcal and jcal. protein) and return from the algorithm.
9. Otherwise, fl,cal ≠ 1 (i.e., marker protein). For all
Next we calibrate the fold change parameter f = ( f1,…, the accepted altered expression means, we
perturb each of the fold changes fl∗ = fl + Nl ,
fd) for each selected protein. If sample size is large (n > where Nl is zero-mean Gaussian noise with a
50), then the simple sample estimate small variance. With these perturbed fold
changes, we again apply the ABC rejection
fl,cal =
Tl (S1 )
, for l = 1, … ,d, (20.30) algorithm, this time with error tolerances ϵ0 1 <
Tl (S0 ) ϵ1 and ϵ0 2 < ϵ2 . If desired, one can apply step 9
repeatedly, until the desired performance is
where Tl denotes the sample mean for the l-th selected achieved.
protein only, is fairly accurate and may be used as the 10. The mean of all accepted fold change param-
prior calibration. However, for smaller sample sizes, we eters in step 9 is a reasonably accurate fold-
changed fcal for the given protein.
follow the steps enumerated in Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2 Prior calibration of fl, l = 1,…,d, using ABC Posterior Sampling via an ABC-MCMC
rejection sampling. Procedure
1. Generate Mcal baseline expression values gl(t) ∼ After prior calibration, we would like now to draw
G(kcal ,qcal ) for t = 1,…,Mcal. samples from the posterior distribution of the protein
2. Simulate a control sample S(t) 0 of size n using baseline expression vector g = (g1,…,gd), namely, p(g|Sn)
the baseline expression mean gl(t) , for t = 1,…,
Mcal (in fact, only the abundances for the l-th ∝ p(Sn|g )p(g ), in order to derive the OBC. In our case, no
protein need be generated). closed-form expressions for either the likelihood func-
3. Accept gl(t) if jTl (S(t) (t) tion or posterior distribution exist, so Bayesian ana-
0 )−Tl (S0 )j<ϵ1 and rl (S0 ,S0 )>
1 − ϵ2 , where Tl denotes the sample mean lysis is performed using an ABC-MCMC procedure,
and rl denotes the sample correlation for the described in Algorithm 3. After a burn-in interval of ts
abundances of the l-th protein only. time steps, the Markov chain is assumed to have become
4. Generate Mcal fold change parameters fl(t) such stationary, and g (ts +1) , … ,g (ts +M) may be considered to be
that samples from the baseline expression posterior distri-
if Tl (S1 )=Tl (S0 ) ≥ 1, then fl
ð tÞ bution p(g|y = 0,Sn), while g (ts +1) fcal , …, g (ts +M) fcal (where
vector multiplication is defined as componentwise
multiplication) may be taken to be samples from the
∼ Unif alow , ahigh
altered expression posterior distribution p(g|y = 1,Sn).
420 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Algorithm 3 Posterior sampling of g using an ABC- parameter vector q. In this case, the classification error
MCMC procedure. eq[y] also becomes a random variable, as a function of q.
The expected value of the classification error over the
1. Generate g (0) = (g0,g1,…,gd) such that gl ∼ G(k,q) posterior distribution of q becomes the quantity of
l = 1,2,…,d.
2. Simulate control and treatment samples S(0) 0 and
S(0) of size n using the g (0)
and g (0)
f , respectively
1 cal
EqjS ½eq ½y  = EqjS ½P(y (X) ≠ Yjq,S)  (20.32)
(where vector multiplication is defined as
componentwise multiplication).
The OBC [20] is the classifier that minimizes the
3. Accept g(0) if jjT(S(0) 0 ) − T(S0 )jj < ϵ0 and jjT(S1 )

−T(S1 )jj < ϵ1 , otherwise repeat steps 1 and 2 quantity in Equation 20.32:
until the condition is met.
For t = 0,1,…,ts,ts+1,…,ts + M where ts is the yOBC = arg minEqjS ½eq ½y , (20.33)
burn-in period, repeat:
4. Generate g (t+1) ∼ g(g;g (t)), where the propo- where C is the space of classifiers. It was shown in Ref.
sal density g(g;g (t)) is multivariate Gaussian Nd [20] that the OBC is given by
(g (t),s 2Id), with a small variance s2.
5. Simulate control and treatment samples S(t+1) (
0 1, if EqjS ½cp(xjY = 1) > (1 − EqjS ½c)p(xjY = 0),
and S(t+1)1 of size n using g (t+1) and g (t+1)fcal, yOBC (x) =
respectively. 0, otherwise,
6. Let (20.34)

> p(g (t+1) )g(g (t) ; g (t+1) ) where c = P(Y = 1|q) is the prior probability of class 1, and
> min 1, , ifjjT(S(t+1)
0 )
< p(g (t) )g(g (t+1) ; g (t) ) ð
q= p(xjY = y) = p(xjq,Y = y)p(qjY = y, S)dq, y
> −T(S0 )jj < ϵ0 andjjT(S(t+1) 1 ) − T(S1 )jj < ϵ1 Q
0,  otherwise, = 0, 1, (20.35)

where p(⋅) is the Gamma prior for protein are the effective class-conditional densities. In the previous
baseline expression. equation, p(x|q,Y = y) are the ordinary class-conditional
7. Accept g (t+1) with probability q, or let g (t+1) = g (t) densities for each fixed value of q, and p(q|Y = y,S) are
with probability 1 − q. the parameter posterior probabilities, for y = 0,1.
In the present case of the LC-MS model discussed in
Section 20.3.1, the random parameter vector q corre- Optimal Bayesian Classifier sponds to the baseline expression vector g. We approxi-
In this section we review briefly the OBC method, mate the integral in Equation 20.35 using the MCMC
which is the approach used to obtain a classifier from samples g (tS +1) , … ,g (tS +M) from the posterior distribution
the previous Bayesian parameter estimation step. The of g, obtained with Algorithm 3:
OBC minimizes the expected error over the space of all
1 X
ts +M
classifiers under assumed forms of the class-conditional p(xjY = y) ≈ p(xjg (t) ,Y = y),  y = 0, 1 (20.36)
densities. Ordinary Bayes classifiers minimize the M t=t +1
misclassification probability when the underlying distri-
butions are known. However, optimal Bayesian clas- Now, the densities p(x|g (t),Y=y,S), y = 0,1, cannot be
sification trains a classifier from data assuming the directly determined for the LC-MS model, and hence we
underlying distributions are not known exactly but are, approximate them using a kernel-based approach. For
rather, part of an uncertainty class of distributions, each each MCMC sample g (t), we simulate control and treat-
having a weight based on the prior and the observed data. ment samples S(t) (t)
0 and S1 of size n based on g
Let y:Rd→{0,1} be a classifier that takes a protein g (t+1)
fcal, respectively. Let S0 = fx1 , … ,xn g and S(t)
(t) (t) (t)
1 =
abundance profile X ∈ Rd into one of the two labels 0 or 1. fx(t)
n+1 , …, x (t)
2n g. Then
The error of the classifier is the probability of a mistake
ðtÞ !
given the sample data: (t)
1 X 1 x − xj
p(xjg ,Y = y) ≈ K , y = 0, 1, (20.37)
n j=ny+1 hd h
e½y  = P(y (X) ≠ YjS), (20.31)

where Y ∈ {0,1} denotes the true label corresponding to X. where K is a zero-mean, unit-covariance, multivariate
Now, in the Bayesian setting presently adopted, the Gaussian density, and h > 0 is a suitable kernel band-
joint distribution of (X, Y) depends on a random width parameter.
Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data 421

In addition, we assume that c is known (e.g., from TABLE 20.4

epidemiological data) and fixed, so E[c|S] = c. After
Hyperparameter Priors Used in LC-MS Protein Data
some simplification, the resulting OBC, called the ABC-
Classification Experiment
MCMC Bayesian classifier [15], is a kernel-based classi-
fier given by Parameter Symbol Range/Value

yABC−MCMC (x) Shape (Gamma distribution) k Unif(1.6,2.4)

Scale (Gamma distribution) q Unif(800,1200)
8 ! !
s +M X n x − x(t)
s +M X 2n x − x(t)
Coefficient of variation j Unif(0.3,0.5)
<1, if c K >(1− c) K , Fold change al Unif(1.5,1.6)
= t=ts +1 j=1
h t=ts +1 j=n+1
0, otherwise
We consider sample sizes from n = 10 through n = 50
(20.38) per class, and select d = 3,5,8, or 10 proteins from the
original 520 proteins using the two-sample t-test (notice
that background proteins could be erroneously selected
20.3.3 LC-MS Protein Data Classification Experimental
by the t-test, especially for small sample sizes, which
makes the experiment realistic). For the MCMC step,
We demonstrate the application of the proposed ABC- M = 10000 samples from the posterior distribution of g
MCMC classification rule to a synthetic LC-MS data set were drawn, after a burn-in stage of ts = 3000 iterations,
generated from a subset of the human proteome, con- which confers a high degree of accuracy to the approx-
taining around 4000 drug targets, which was compiled imation. A constant value c = 0.5 was assumed in
as a FASTA file from DrugBank [54]—this is the same Equation 20.38. A total of 12 runs of the experiment were
proteome that was used in the numerical experiments of run for each combination of sample size, dimensionality,
[19]—and compare its performance against that of and parameter settings, and the average true error rate
popular classification rules [55]: linear support vector for each classification rule was obtained using a large
machines (LSVMs), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), synthetic test set containing 1000 sample points. This is a
and 3-nearest neighbors (3NN), which are known comprehensive simulation, given the relatively large
to perform well with small-sample data and avoid computational burden required for accurate prior cali-
overfitting. bration and ABC-MCMC computation.
We select randomly among these data 500 proteins Figure 20.4 displays the average error rates of the
to play the role of background proteins, along with various classification rules under various experimental
20 proteins to serve as biomarkers. Synthetic LC-MS conditions. In Figure 20.4(a), the average error rates are
protein abundance data was generated using realistic plotted against sample size for a fixed number of
sample preparation, LC-MS instrument characteristics, selected proteins d = 8. We can see that, as expected, the
and protein quantification parameters—see Table 20.3. errors of all classifiers tend to go down as sample size
These are the “LC-MS experiment parameters” of Figure increases, but the ABC-MCMC classifier has the smallest
20.3, which are assumed to be known and are held expected error at small sample sizes, in agreement with
constant throughout the simulation. (For the peptide the expectation that the Bayesian approach should be
efficiency factor, values uniformly distributed in the superior in small-sample scenarios. In Figure 20.4(b), the
indicated range are randomly generated for each peptide average error rates are plotted against number of
and then held constant.) As argued in Ref. [19], the selected proteins for a fixed sample size n = 10 per class.
values and ranges adopted in Table 20.3 adequately Here we can see that, as the number of selected proteins
represent the peptide mixture, peptide abundance increases, the error rates tend to go down at first, but
mapping, peptide detection and identification, and then appear to increase slightly, which would be in
protein abundance roll-up, which is typical in an LC-MS agreement with the well-known peaking phenomenon
workflow. of classification [11]. We can see that the ABC-MCMC
The hyperparameter priors for k, q, j, f are the uniform classifier error rate is smallest when d is large, which
distributions shown in Table 20.4 (except where noted once again agrees with the expectation that Bayesian
below). The lower and upper bounds of each interval are methods perform comparatively well under small-
chosen while keeping in consideration that, in practice, sample scenarios (here, small n/d ratio). In order to
the dynamic range of protein expression level has investigate the effect of very noisy background proteins
approximately 4 orders of magnitude [19]. The synthetic in the LC-MS channel on the classification error rates,
sample data was generated using as parameters the Figure 20.4(c) plots the average error rates against the
middle point of each interval: k = 2,q = 1000,j = 0.4, and value of the coefficient of variation j used to generate
al = 1.55 (again, except where noted below). the LC-MS data, with both the sample size and the
422 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

Error rate

Error rate
0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1
0.05 3NN 0.05 3NN
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 3 5 8 10
Training sample size per class Number of proteins per class
(a) (b)

0.5 0.25

0.4 0.2

Error rate
Error rate

0.3 0.15

0.2 0.1
0.1 3NN
0.05 3NN
0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(c) Coefficient of variation (d) Peptide efficiency factor lower bound

Average classification error rates in LC-MS protein data classification experiment. (a) Varying sample size and fixed number of selected proteins
d = 8. (b) Varying number of selected proteins and fixed sample size n = 10 per class. (c) Fixed sample size n = 10 per class, fixed number of selected
proteins d = 8, and varying coefficient of variation j. (d) Fixed sample size n = 10 per class, fixed number of selected proteins d = 8, and varying
lower bound a for the peptide efficiency factor ei ∼ Unif(a,1).

dimensionality being kept fixed, at n = 10 per class and algorithms, the ABC-MCMC classification rule displays
d = 8, respectively. To accommodate this change, the the smallest error rate over nearly the entire range in the
hyperparameter prior for j is changed from the value plot.
displayed in Table 20.4 to Unif(j0 − 0.1,j0 + 0.1), where
j0 is the value used to generate the data. It can be
seen that, as j increases, all error rates approach the
no-information value 0.5. However, the average error
rate of the ABC-MCMC classification rule approaches 20.4 Classification of 16S rRNA Metagenomic
this limit rather more slowly than the others, indicating Data
superiority in classifying noisy data. Finally, in order to
quantify the impact of varying the peptide efficiency In our third example of the application of Bayesian
factor on the classification error rates, Figure 20.4(d) techniques to classification of small-sample, high-
plots the average error rates against the lower bound in dimensional data, we consider the characterization of
the range for ei displayed in Table 20.3. The value is microbial communities by 16S rRNA gene amplicon
changed from a = 0.1 to a varying value between 0 and 1. sequencing. This is a problem that has received a large
The peptide efficiency factor affects how many ions an degree of interest recently, in part due to the emergence
instrument can detect for a given peptide. Larger values of high-throughput sequencing technology [56]. Micro-
for ei imply a smaller transmission loss for the corre- bial metagenomics provides a means to determine what
sponding peptide. Increasing the lower bound a will organisms are present without the need for isolation and
uniformly increase efficiency for all peptides, which culturing. NGS, applied to microbial metagenomics, has
corresponds to a better LC-MS instrument. We can see transformed the study of microbial diversity [57]. For
that, indeed, the average error rates tend to decrease amplicon reads, it is possible to classify sequence reads
with an increasing lower bound on the peptide efficiency against known taxa and determine a list of those organ-
factor, though somewhat modestly (all other things isms that are present and the read frequency associated
being equal). We can also observe that among all with them [58]. In this case, an unsupervised strategy can
Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data 423

be used to identify proxies to traditional taxonomic units 20.4.2 Bayesian Inference for the 16S rRNA Model
by clustering sequences, so-called operational taxonomic
The structure of the model proposed in the previous
units (OTUs). In this section, we first present a model for
section allows the exact calculation of the posterior
the 16S rRNA abundance data measured by amplicon
probabilities, avoiding therefore the approximations
sequencing proposed in Ref. [16]. This model allows the
introduced by MCMC methods. Let the training data
analytical (i.e., closed-form) derivation of the posterior
be S = fx01 , … ,x0n0 ,x11 , … ,x1n1g, where n0 and n1 are the
probabilities given the data, which is described next. The
numbers of training points from class 0 and 1, respec-
actual classification rule employs the OBC algorithm
tively. The posterior distributions for the parameters q
discussed in the section on classification of LC-MS
for each class are determined as follows:
protein data. The performance of the proposed approach
is compared to other classifiers such as a nonlinear
support vector machine (SVM), random forests (RFs)— p(qjY = y, S) ∝ p(Sjq,Y = y)p(qjY = y)
the latter is considered to be the de facto standard for n y y y y y
metagenomics classification—and Metaphyl [59], as a = p(py ja D )p(lja,b)Pi=1
p(xi jp1 , … ,pM ,Ni )p(Ni jl),
XM  n y
function of varying sample size and classification diffi-  y (b + n ) ∑i=1 Ni +a
G a
j=1 j y
culty, by means of a numerical experiment using syn- =   Xn 
thetic data. PM y
j=1 G aj G y y
N +a
i=1 i

 y −1
 e−l(ny +b) l ∑i=1 Ni +a+ 1 PM
ny y a
20.4.1 Model for 16S rRNA Metagenomic Data j=1 pj , y = 0, 1,
In Ref. [16], a Dirichlet-multinomial–Poisson model for (20.40)
16S rRNA data was proposed. We assume that each M-
XM y
dimensional microbial abundance vector x = (x1,…,xM), where Ni =
x is the number of reads
j=1 ij Xnfor each
where xj is the number of reads corresponding to the j-th profile, i = 1,⋯,ny, y = 0,1, and a jy = aDj + y
, j =
i=1 ij
OTU, is multinomially distributed: 1,⋯,M, y = 0,1.
pj j Plugging Equations 20.39 and 20.40 into Equation
p(xjq) = pMULTI (xjp,N) = N ! PM
j=1 , (20.39) 20.35 leads to an integration that can be accomplished
xj ! analytically, without a need for MCMC methods (please
see Ref. [16] for the details), leading to the effective class-
where the probability vector p = (p1,…,pM) follows a conditional densities:
distribution with parameter aD = (aD1,…,aDM),
Dirichlet X
and N = x is the total number of sequencing reads,
j=1 j XM 
which is assumed to have a Poisson distribution with 1 G 

j=1 j
parameter l, which in turn follows a Gamma distribu- p(xjY = y) =
PMj=1 G(x M
j + 1) Pj=1 G (a jy )
tion with parameters a, b. See Figure 20.5 for a diagram
of the model. y y
N +a
(b + ny ) i=1 i PMj=1 G (xj + ajy )
  X M y

G y
i=1 i
+ a G N + a
j=1 j
X y
α, β
G Ni + a + N
 , y = 0, 1
αD N +a +N
i=1 i
(ny + b + 1 )
λ~ Gamma

P ~ Dirichlet In addition, we assume that the parameter c is beta

N ~ Poisson distributed with hyperparameters b0, b1, independently
of the parameters q (prior to observing the data). It can
be shown that the posterior distribution p(c|S) is also
Sample ~ Multinomial
beta with hyperparameters b0 + n0 and b1 + n1, in which
n0 + b0
case EqjS ½c = . This completes the specification
FIGURE 20.5 n + b0 + b1
Dirichlet-multinomial–Poisson model for 16S rRNA metagenomic data. of the OBC classifier in Equation 20.34.
424 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

20.4.3 16S rRNA Metagenomic Data Classification large number of iterations using different synthetic
Experimental Results training data sets.
Figure 20.6 compares the performance of the pro-
Synthetic OTU abundance data was generated using
posed Bayesian classifier, using a uniform prior,
the strategy proposed in Ref. [59], which considers a
against that of the nonlinear SVM, RF, and MetaPhyl
common phylogenetic tree that relates OTUs in all
classifiers. We observe that the LSVM classifier clearly
the 16S rRNA metagenomic profiles. To generate meta-
performs the worst, probably due to the highly non-
genomic profiles for class k, the phylogeny tree is tra-
linear nature of the data, while the RF and Metaphyl
versed systematically. A decision is made for each
classifier have comparable performance. The proposed
internal node v about what fraction of species would
Bayesian classifier clearly displays the best perfor-
come from each of the subtrees rooted at the child nodes
mance over different values of between- and within-
of v. Two parameters are assigned to each node v for
class variances that defines the difficulty of the classi-
each class k. Let μkv denote the average proportion of
fication. As the sample size increases, classification
species that correspond to the subtree rooted at the left
performance improves for all classification rules, as
child node of v in the k-th class, and let (svk )2 denote the
variance of this proportion within the class. A new
metagenomic profile is generated by sampling the pro-
portions of species at each node v according to the
normal distribution N( μkv , (svk )2 ). The parameter values μkv
are in turn sampled from the normal distribution N(~μv ,
s~v2 ), where s~v2 characterizes the variance between the
classes, while ~ μv are base values that are initialized 20.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks
randomly. The Bayesian approach is a very attractive solution to the
The within- and between-class variances can be con- big data problem in genomics, as classical methods,
trolled by using the parameters sv2 and s~v2 , respectively. including ML approaches, are overfitting in the case
The exact values of s~v2 and sv2 are sampled at each where sample sizes are small and the dimensionality of
tree node v according to N(0, ld(v)) ~ and N(0,ld(v)), the feature space is large. This can be understood by
where d(v) is the distance between v and the tree root. considering that Bayesian methods integrate the likeli-
Note that the parameters l~ and l influence the difficulty hood over the parameter space using the prior density,
of the classification problem, which is proportional to l whereas ML approaches are punctual and therefore
and inversely proportional to l. ~ We consider three more susceptible to noise. Classical approaches such as
sample sizes for the training data, n = 30,50,70, with class ML need a larger sample size in order to “average out”
prior probability c = 0.5. The sample sizes n0 and n1 are the effects of noise. In this chapter, we presented a
determined according to the class prior probability as model-based approach to the classification of genomic
n0 = cn, and n1 = n−n0. Table 20.5 displays the values of big data that employs the Bayesian paradigm. We
all parameters used in the simulation. Classifier accuracy reviewed models for three different modalities of
is obtained by testing each designed classifier on a large genomic data, namely, gene expression rank data, LC-
synthetic test data set and averaging the results over a MS protein abundance data, and 16S rRNA meta-
genomic data, and developed classifiers based on the
posterior distributions derived by either exact or MCMC
numerical approaches. The performance of the resulting
classification algorithms was contrasted against that of
TABLE 20.5
state-of-the art methods such as SVM and RFs, using
Values of Parameters in the Numerical Experiment synthetic and real data sets. We observed that the
Parameter Symbol Value Bayesian approach outperforms the other methods
Number of OTUs M 128
under small sample sizes and high dimensionality. One
Dirichlet parameters aDj 1
limitation of our approach is the use of noninformative
Gamma parameters a,b 1,1
priors; future work should include the construction of
Within-class variance l 0.5,1,1.5
informative priors using available prior biological
knowledge, which is expected to produce more accurate
Between-class variance l~ 0.5,1
Bayesian Classification of Genomic Big Data 425

λ = 0.5, ˜λ = 1 λ = 1, ˜λ = 1
0.35 0.35
0.3 RF
Error rate 0.25 0.25

Error rate
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15 SVM
0.1 0.1 OBC
0.05 0.05
30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
Training sample size Training sample size

λ = 1.5, ˜λ = 1 λ = 1, ˜λ = 0.5
0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25
Error rate

Error rate
0.2 0.2

0.15 SVM 0.15 SVM

0.1 OBC 0.1 OBC
MetaPhyl MetaPhyl
0.05 0.05
30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
Training sample size Training sample size

λ = 1, ˜λ = 1.5 λ = 0.5, ˜λ = 0.5

0.35 0.35
RF 0.3
0.3 OBC
0.25 0.25
Error rate

Error rate

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15 SVM

0.1 0.1 OBC
0.05 0.05
30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
Training sample size Training sample size

Comparison with SVM, RF, MetaPhyl, and OBC on simulated data sets for varying number of training samples and within- and between-class
variances. Each metagenomic profile consists of 128 OTUs.

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Neuroelectrophysiology of Sleep and Insomnia

Ramiro Chaparro-Vargas, Beena Ahmed, Thomas Penzel, and Dean Cvetkovic

21.1 Big Data Breakthroughs: Genomics ...........................................................................................................................429
21.2 Big Data Breakthroughs: Neuroimaging...................................................................................................................430
21.3 Big Data Breakthroughs: Neuroelectrophysiology ..................................................................................................431
21.3.1 Sleep Analysis..................................................................................................................................................431
21.3.2 Insomnia Analysis and Related Disorders ..................................................................................................433
21.4 Case Study: Insomnia Biosignal Processing and Automated Detection ..............................................................434
21.4.1 Clinical Data ....................................................................................................................................................434
21.4.2 Big Data Science Model .................................................................................................................................434 Problem Understanding ................................................................................................................435 Data Understanding.......................................................................................................................435 Data Preparation.............................................................................................................................435 Modeling ..........................................................................................................................................436 Evaluation........................................................................................................................................438 Deployment .....................................................................................................................................438
21.5 Open Problems and Future Directions......................................................................................................................439
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................................................440
References ................................................................................................................................................................................440

performance in the partition and parallel processing of

21.1 Big Data Breakthroughs: Genomics genome and reads, as Nguyen et al. [3] presented.
CloudAligner handled reads larger than 30 base pairs,
Genomics is an epitome of Big Data prowess, whereas the
which exceeded the local-based approach of Crossbow.
challenges come from the storage of petabytes till their
Finally, in Langmead et al. [4], Myrna computed the
timely processing. The advent of next-generation DNA
differential expression in 1.1 billion RNA sequence
sequencing (NGS) is smoothly turning the health and
reads in less than 2 hours using cloud-located computa-
biological sciences into a data-driven realm. Undoubt-
tion resources. It is noteworthy that Myrna was funded
edly, Big Data open-source platform Hadoop, described
via a collaborative grant between Amazon Web Services
by White [1], is a determinant factor in the prolifera-
and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Despite of
tion of high-profile initiatives for genomics research.
the potential and availability of Big Data technologies
For instance, Schatz’s [2] project CloudBurst and its
to confront state-of-the-art problems in bioinformatics,
sibling Crossbow pioneered single-nucleotide polymor-
large-scale undertakings are still elusive. The barriers
phism (SNP) identification by sorting genome align-
are related to the specialized profiles required for the
ments and genotyping using SoapSNP. Crossbow aligned
development and operation of the applications built on
3 billion combinations of paired and unpaired reads and
top of the Big Data and cloud computing platforms. And,
ordered 3.7 million SNPs in the genome with 99% accu-
current bioinformatic computational tools are designed
racy. The genotyping of the equivalent 110 GB of com-
sequentially, as opposed to the parallel computation
pressed sequence data required 3 hours of processing on
required by these technologies. Table 21.1 outlines some
a 320-core cluster. In the same direction, CloudAligner
up-to-date Hadoop-based bioinformatics initiatives.
presented a cloud-based application with higher

430 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 21.1 indel realignment, and variant calling. Overcoming

the sequential computing of previous bioinformatics
Hadoop-Based Bioinformatics Initiatives
tools, ADAM is Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)–
Function Algorithm Description and Hadoop-compliant to automatically parallelize jobs
Genomic Cloud Mapping short reads generated by across multinode clusters without manually splitting
sequence Aligner NGS source files or rescheduling tasks. Foremost, it has nom-
mapping CloudBurst Parallel read-mapping for NGS data inated the Avro schema as the standard format for reads,
to the human genome base observations, variants, genotypes, and sequence
SEAL Align, manipulate, and analyze features, as described by White [1]. The Avro format
short DNA sequence reads file provides higher computational performance and data
BlastReduce Parallel short DNA sequence read- modeling add-ons over the custom ASCII format, coun-
mapping and SNP discovery
tering its poor compression capabilities.
Genomic Crossbow Whole genome resequencing analysis
sequencing Contrail Assembly of large genomes from
analysis short sequencing reads
CloudBrush A distributed genome assembler
based on string graphs
RNA sequence Myrna Calculating differential gene
analysis expression in large RNA
21.2 Big Data Breakthroughs: Neuroimaging
FX Estimation of gene expression levels
and variant calling Neuroimaging is another exemplary domain where Big
Eoulsan RNA sequence data analysis of Data technologies have played a disruptive role. Brain
differential expression study has fostered multiple cutting-edge advances in
Sequence file BAM Library for scalable manipulation of understanding its functioning, including electrode-
management aligned NGS data
based recordings of neuron activity and image stacking
SeqWare Tool set for NGS: laboratory
of the brain’s anatomy. Through the capture of dis-
information management system
(LIMS), Pipeline, and Query Engine charges of large sets of neurons across large regions of
GATK Gene analysis tool kit for NGS the cortex of active subjects, the brain’s anatomy and
Phylogenetic MrsRF Calculate the all-to-all Robinson– physiology have had unseen progress in the last
analysis Foulds distances century. Today, the US presidential–endorsed BRAIN*
Nephele Group sequence clustering into initiative represents the next frontier in neuroscience, as
genotypes based on a distances discussed by Jorgenson et al. [6]. The state of the art
Graphical GPU- Accelerate overall algorithm allows examining individual genes, molecules, synap-
processing BLAST processing ses, and neurons at high resolution. Alas, the main
unit (GPU) SOAP3 Short sequence read and ultrafast challenge refers to how to connect the dots and what lies
bioinformatics alignment
in between thousands of millions of neuronal circuits.
Search engine Hydra Protein sequence database search
Thus, the BRAIN initiative moves toward the acceler-
ated development of technologies for mapping the cir-
CloudBlast Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
(Blast) in the cloud cuits of the brain; measuring fluctuating patterns of
Miscellaneous BioDoop Handling Fasta streams and electrochemical activity flowing through those circuits;
wrappers for Blast and understanding how their interaction shapes our
BlueSNP Intensive analyses for large unique cognitive and behavioral traits. Seven priority
genotype to phenotype research areas have been identified to achieve those
Quake DNA sequence error detection and goals, which are described straightforwardly and sum-
correction marized in Table 21.2.
YunBe Gene set analysis for biomarker
identification in the cloud
• Discovering diversity: aims to characterize cell
PeakRanger Detecting regions from chromatin
types of the nervous system by developing
immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
tools to record, mark, and manipulate defined
Source: O’Driscoll, A. et al., Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 46:774– neurons in the living brain. Also, new genomic
781, 2013.
and nongenomic tools should be integrated to
Notwithstanding, the Big Data Genomics (BDG) project deliver genes, proteins, and chemicals to scoped
and its core tool set ADAM deserve a special mention, cells in human and nonhuman organisms.
as per Laserson [5]. This crowdsourcing initiative
enables the scientific community to perform mapped
reads, mark duplicates, base quality score calibration, * Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Technologies.
Neuroelectrophysiology of Sleep and Insomnia 431

TABLE 21.2 methods to cope with new types of data

growing at increasing rates.
BRAIN Initiative’s Priority Research Areas
• Advancing human neuroscience: undertakes
# Research Area Aim
diagnostic brain monitoring to decipher mech-
1 Discovering Identify and provide experimental access to the anisms of human brain disorders, the effect of
diversity different brain cell types to determine their therapy, and the leverage of diagnostics.
roles in health and disease
2 Maps at Generate circuit diagrams that vary in resolution
• From BRAIN initiative to the brain: realizes the
multiple from synapses to the whole brain comprehensive understanding of brain functions
scales by the application of the new technologies and
3 The brain in Produce a dynamic picture of the functioning conceptual structures promoted by the initiative.
action brain by developing and applying improved
methods for large-scale monitoring of neural
activity The development of the BRAIN initiative’s research
4 Demonstrating Link brain activity to behavior by developing goals implies the generation of humongous amounts of
causality and applying precise interventional tools that data, which are a perfect match for Big Data technologies.
change neural circuit dynamics Laserson’s [7] Thunder project for processing of large
5 Identifying Produce conceptual foundations for amounts of time series data, particularly neuroimaging
fundamental understanding the biological basis of mental data, is a direct response to neuroscience’s demand for
principles processes through development of new
theoretical and data analysis tools
sophisticated toolboxes. Thunder performs heavy matrix
6 Advancing Develop innovative technologies to understand
computations and distributed implementations of some
human the human brain and treat its disorders; create statistical techniques upon large spatial and temporal data
neuroscience and support integrated human brain research sets. Its Python-related interface makes Thunder accessible
networks and malleable to a nonexpert audience about neuroscience
7 From BRAIN Integrate new technological and conceptual topics. Based on Thunder, recent research works rendered
initiative to approaches produced in areas 1 to 6 to discover bidimensional and tridimensional images of zebra fish
the brain how dynamic patterns of neural activity are
transformed into cognition, emotion, perception,
neurons, allowing their categorization by neural behavior.
and action in health and disease

Source: Jorgenson, L. A. et al., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal

Society B, 370(20140164):1–12, 2014.

• Maps at multiple scales: attempts to map con- 21.3 Big Data Breakthroughs:
nected neurons in local circuits and distributed Neuroelectrophysiology
brain systems. It requires faster, less expensive,
Biomedical signal processing, discussed by Mesin
and scalable technologies for anatomic recon-
et al. [8] and Pereda et al. [9], and quantitative electro-
struction of neural circuits from whole human
encephalogram (EEG), discussed by Thakor and Tong
brain imaging to dense synaptic reconstruction
[10], have set the foundations of automated analysis of
at the subcellular level.
the electrical functioning of the brain. The computer-
• The brain in action: seizes the recording of assisted methods of Merica and Fortune [11] and
dynamic neuronal activity from high-resolution Ogilvie [12] have the potential to enhance the charac-
neural networks during long time periods terization of complex processes like imaginary thinking,
and across all areas of the brain. The exist- psychiatric pathologies, or sleep and its related disor-
ing and emerging technologies include bioelec- ders. The remainder of this chapter focuses on break-
tromagnetism, optics, molecular genetics, and throughs of electrophysiological analysis of sleep and
nanoscience. insomnia disorders based on biosignal processing and
• Demonstrating causality: pursues migrating Big Data technologies.
from observation to causation by deliberated
activation and inhibition of neuron populations
within behavioral context. The new generation 21.3.1 Sleep Analysis
of tools should rely upon optogenetics, The European SIESTA project discussed by Klosh et al.
chemogenetics, and biochemical and electro- [13] pioneered the collaborative analysis of sleep from
magnetic modulation. eight European laboratories, including 196 poly-
• Identifying fundamental principles: examines somnogram (PSG) recordings from 98 patients affected
the complex and nonlinear brain functions, which by depression, general anxiety disorder, insomnia,
demand advanced modeling and statistics Parkinson’s disease, period limb movements, and sleep
432 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Sleep stages EEG stages

1: Alpha wave train

2: Alpha wave intermittent (≥50%)

3: Alpha wave intermittent (<50%)

4: EEG flattening

5: Ripples

Stage 1
6: Vertex sharp wave solitary

7: Vertex sharp wave bursts

8: Vertex sharp wave and

incomplete spindles

Stage 2 9: Spindles
50 μV
1 sec

EEG signals and transients associated with the process of falling asleep. (From Ogilvie, R. D. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 5(3):247–270, 2001.)

apnea. The study aimed to assess the interrater and extending the repertoire of rules, cortical derivations, and
intersubject variability using the state of the art to char- relevant channels, moving from EEG to PSG analysis. The
acterize regular sleep patterns and related disorders. The scoring rules led to a more consistent definition of sleep
study revealed that overall rate of agreement among macrostructure supported on PSG signals, standard-
scorers was 0.6816, which in terms of Cohen’s ĸ index* izing five sleep stages: wake (W), nonREM1 (N1),
indicated a substantial agreement. For related disorders, nonREM2 (N2), nonREM3 (N3), and rapid eye movement
the index values ranged between 0.6138 for Parkinson’s (REM). As per the nomenclature of Marzano et al. [17],
disease and 0.8176 for generalized anxiety disorder with each sleep stage is characterized by a single or combined
insomnia, as per Danker-Hopfe et al. [14]. However, EEG frequency bands—delta d (0.5–4 Hz), theta q (4–7 Hz),
the scoring of sleep onset stages obtained the lowest rate alpha a (7–12 Hz), sigma ς (12–16 Hz), beta b (16–18 Hz),
of agreement, i.e., 0.349. Moreover, the transition from and gamma g (18–32 Hz)—accompanied by transients,
awake stage to light and deep sleep recurrently required such as electrooculographic (EOG) slow eye movements
a subjective estimation, due to intersubject variability. (SEMs), and EEG transients like vertex shape waves
In the work of Rodenbeck et al. [15], recommendations (VSWs), K-complexes (KCs), sleep spindles (SSs), saw-
were introduced for more reliable expert scoring and tooth waves (SWs), electromyographic (EMG) body
standardized algorithms supported on computational movements (BMs), and chin tension. Figure 21.1 shows
platforms. A multidisciplinary task force provided a the progressive changes in the EEG signals and transients
consorted interpretation of relevant EEG patterns and associated with the process of falling asleep, as referred to
transients. Each pattern was independently analyzed in Ogilvie [12].
to indicate onset and offset cues of amplitude, frequency, Clinical sleep specialists are trained to examine indi-
duration, scalp derivations, morphology, and sur- vidual 30-second EEG epochs at a time for an overnight
rounding events. Thus, the American Academy of Sleep sleep. The stage scoring is ultimately determined using
Medicine (AASM) standard by Iber et al. [16] was released the supplementary activity from additional PSG chan-
nels, especially EOG and EMG. So, sleep specialists
* One of the most popular statistics to measure the interrater agree- reconstruct an overnight sleep pattern based on the stage
ment based on a numerical and categorical rating. The scores range scoring of consecutive 30-second epochs. This outcome
from 0−0.2, light; 0.21−0.4, fair; 0.41−0.6, moderate; 0.61−0.8, sub-
is known as a hypnogram. The implicit challenges
stantial; to 0.81−1, perfect agreement.
Neuroelectrophysiology of Sleep and Insomnia 433

inherited from expert-based scoring to computer- use as major traits inhibition to fall asleep or maintain
assisted methods are as follows: (i) a subject’s recording sleep, or both. Moreover, the disturbance should not
requires the analysis of multiple channels for several concur with another mental disorder. The DSM-IV-TR
hours for several nights, which turn into burdensome supports the International Classifications of Sleep Disor-
periods of assessment; (ii) subject-specific traits hinder ders diagnosis, which defines primary insomnia as the
the application of generalized models to characterize same as psychophysiological insomnia. According to it,
larger populations, a challenge known as intersubject the most common causes are high concentration of over-
variability; and (iii) differing backgrounds and criteria of night arousals and behavioral factors like stressful life-
scorers lead to interrater variability. style. For secondary insomnia, the landscape is more
perplexing. Its diagnostic criteria include inhibition of
sleep accompanied by psychiatric disorders or aside
21.3.2 Insomnia Analysis and Related Disorders
pathologies. However, it is hard to determine whether the
Computer-assisted analysis not only has been applied insomnia disorder’s root cause is either the prescribed
to the characterization of regular sleep patterns but also medication or the psychiatric pathology or psychological
has taken part in the characterization of other complex distress, or all of the above. A patient’s medical history
behavioral, psychological, and psychiatric patho- could disclose correlations between side effects of medi-
physiologies. Psychiatric disorders are associated with cation, clinical distress, and sleep patterns. Even then, the
quantifiable physiological symptoms, such as dys- APA [23] states that sleep disturbance and insomnia are
regulation in the autonomic system and neuroendocrine common symptoms of most psychiatric disorders.
imbalances, as Mayers and Baldwin [18] claimed. For In a 2006 study, Morin et al. [24] conducted a telephone
instance, depression is distinguished by the absence of survey across Québec territory (Canada) with 2001 par-
deep sleep, difficulty staying asleep, increased heart rate, ticipants to estimate the prevalence of insomnia symptoms
hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, hypo- and syndromes in the general population. The study found
thalamic pituitary overactive state, and self-regulated that 29.9% of the interviewees attested to insomnia symp-
body temperature variations, among others. Staner et al. toms, although only 9.5% met medical criteria for insomnia
[19] investigated the relation between hyperarousals, syndrome. Later, Petrovsky et al. [25] proposed a proof of
sleep disturbance, and abnormal levels of arousals in concept based on sleep deprivation to relate behavioral
depressive insomnia patients. The study extracted EEG (e.g., chronic fatigue) to psychiatric impairments (e.g.,
frequency bands during sleep onset and first non rapid psychosis). Their findings pointed out that sleep depriva-
eye movement (NREM) from control, primary insomnia, tion and quantitative biomarkers can model psychiatric
and depressive insomnia groups. Their results showed that disorders by mimicking their pathological origin. Those
hyperarousals characterized the primary insomnia with biomarkers have turned up in the mainstream of the most
stronger EEG activity during sleep onset, while depressive recent computer-assisted approaches. Unfortunately, it is
insomnia patients reported fewer slow waves sleep (SWS). unlikely that insomnia markers can be characterized
Iverson et al. [20] firstly posited heart rate as a marker for exclusively using PSG recordings. Disordered sleep hardly
supporting diagnosis of mental illnesses. Jurysta et al. [21] matches the patient’s experience of insomnia due to the
attempted to establish the relationship between cardiac ever-present intersubject variability. Such a condition dis-
activity and EEG d power in major depression disorder. qualifies any objective criteria on PSGs to diagnose chronic
Alas, a nonsignificant bound was found between control insomnia. Notwithstanding, PSG analysis extracts leading
and patient cohorts. Neither parasympathetic nor sympa- metrics toward abnormal sleep patterns such as pro-
thetic parameters differed in both groups. Conversely, longed latency to sleep onset, frequency of arousals, and
Udupa et al. [22] identified increased sympathetic and reduced amounts of total sleep. Surveys, subjective tests
decreased parasympathetic activity in major depression (e.g., Epworth Sleepiness Scale), and interviews play a
patients in comparison to control subjects. The study supportive role for comprehensive assessment [23].
reported the alteration of cardiac function and EEG d band Sleep initiation is not the only facet of insomnia; sleep
in the primary insomnia and depression patients. The maintenance is a recurrent matter in clinical consultation.
symptoms of heightened physiological arousal (hyper- Computer-aided biosignal processing has also con-
arousal) are allegedly features to differentiate control, tributed to its characterization spotting on tighter EEG
insomnia, and depression pathologies. frequency bands, such as b1 (16–18 Hz), b2 (18–30 Hz),
As per the American Psychiatric Association’s [23] and b3 (30–40 Hz). Such a fragmentation eased the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR), insom- extraction of features by digging into narrower regions of
nia is distinguished by sleep disturbances promoting the spectrum. Also, the remanence of the events in lower
impairments of daytime functioning or clinically signifi- bands might drag traces of activity in the neighboring
cant distress. It is noteworthy to set apart primary and bands of b. Cervena et al. [26] studied the power spectrum
secondary insomnia. For the former, the diagnostic criteria features of 10 subjects with sleep onset insomnia,
434 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

10 with sleep maintenance insomnia, and 10 control TABLE 21.3

individuals. They concluded that there are significant
Summary of Clinical Data and Recording Details
differences between sleep onset and sleep maintenance
of the Case Study
insomnia in the EEG b 2 band. Consecutive attempts of
sleep onset concentrated elevated power values in the Feature Description
EEG b 1 band, in contrast to EEG b2 exhibited by sleep Subjects 20 male control subjects
maintenance patients. Furthermore, differences in the 20 male insomnia patients
EEG d activity suggested different mechanisms of hyper- PSG channels EEG: C4-A1
arousal in the wake-promoting sleep-protective dilemma. Electrooculographic (EOG): right, left
Electromyographic (EMG): chin, left tibialis
PSG length 6–8 hours
Epoch staging AASM manual (W/N1/N2/N3/REM)
Epoch length 30 seconds
21.4 Case Study: Insomnia Biosignal Processing Sampling 200 Hz
and Automated Detection frequency
Provided by Interdisciplinary Centre for Sleep Medicine
The case study focuses on the automated analysis of Charité Universitätsmedizin
sleep onset periods to comply with two main objectives: Approval by Ethics committee of the Charité
(i) a computer-aided estimation of the sleep onset stages Universitätsmedizin Berlin
and (ii) the differentiation of regular and insomnia RMIT Ethics Committee
populations by computational techniques compliant
with medical procedures, enacting a supportive role. The
approach overcame the time-consuming and burden-
some assessment of PSG data sets by the introduction of NASION
adaptive processing and Big Data Science for the classi- Fp1 Fp2
fication task. Moreover, the approach introduced a
characterization model for the differentiation of regular F7 F8
F3 Fz F4
and disordered sleeping patterns dealing with subject-
specific traits and deferring scoring criteria, i.e., inter-
subject and interrater variability. A1 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4

21.4.1 Clinical Data

The sleep onset staging for the insomnia detection P3 Pz P4
T5 T6
study used the PSGs recorded and provided by the
Interdisciplinary Centre for Sleep Medicine, Charité O1 O2
Universitätsmedizin in Berlin (Germany). The ethics
consideration and procedures were approved by the local
ethics committee of the Charité Universitätsmedizin
Berlin and Royal Melbourne Institute Technology (RMIT) FIGURE 21.2
Ethics Committee with written consent of the subjects and 10–20 international system EEG montage.
patients. Table 21.3 shows a summary of the recruited
cohort and additional technical details of the recordings.
21.4.2 Big Data Science Model
Insomnia diagnosis was performed as per the Interna-
tional Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Big Data Science involves strong scientific and technolog-
Health Problems (ICD-10) Classification of Mental and ical foundations and some crafting originality impressed
Behavioural Disorders of the World Health Organization on the solution model. Nonetheless, a well-defined process
[27], including anamnesis, i.e., clinical interviews, followed requires a structure to deliver Big Data Science problems
by the overnight PSG recordings to rule out comorbid with consistency, repeatability, and objectiveness. For the
sleep or psychiatric disorders. Specialists performed the present case study, the chosen methodology was based on
sleep stage scoring, according to the guidelines of the the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
AASM manual by Iber et al. [16], i.e., each 30-second epoch (CRISP-DM), shown in Figure 21.3 [28]. The CRISP-DM
was mapped to a particular stage: wake (W), nonREM1 makes use of closed-loop iterations the rule to gain deeper
(N1), nonREM2 (N2), nonREM3 (N3), and REM. For all the knowledge of the problem’s data until the best possible
PSGs, EEG montage was compliant to the 10–20 interna- generalization model is found. The related stages set the
tional system in Figure 21.2. grounds for the challenges expected in the upcoming
Neuroelectrophysiology of Sleep and Insomnia 435

Problem Data ment; engineers to retrieve, process, and format the

understanding understanding recorded data; physicians for their interpretation; and
more importantly, the patients, whose collaboration was
vital to the integrity of the recording. Each participant
offered a different perspective of the data that needed to
Data be taken into account. Section 21.4.1 and upcoming ones
shed light on the critical aspects of PSGs.

deployment Data Preparation
Data Usually, the raw format of the data needs to go through a
transformation process to yield better insights. It includes
Modeling cleaning and cleansing techniques, such as removal of
missing values, normalization, conversion of types, scale
rearrangements, categorical-to-numeric parsing, etc. At
this stage, the well-known feature extraction routines
Evaluation take place. Unlike previous preparation techniques, the
extraction routines use more sophisticated procedures to
spread the raw data to different mathematical or statis-
Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. (From Shearer, C. tical domains, where the resulting descriptors or predic-
Journal of Data Warehousing, 5:13–22, 2000.) tors ease the separation of groups, classes, or patterns.
Applied to automated sleep analysis and insomnia
phases, expediting the refinement of constraints after the detection, the preparation and feature extraction stage is
outcomes of each iteration. far from being a trivial phase.
The present approach initially aimed to represent the
PSG biosignals using a collection of coefficients as high- Problem Understanding quality features based on their frequency-domain content.
Although it seems obvious, the first consideration is to The synthesis of thousands of time points into a small
understand the problem to be solved. Then, this stage is number of coefficients relaxed the computational demands
commonly subject to multiple iterations until the solu- in terms of processing load and memory capacity. The
tion suffices for the actual question. Expert analysts’ and feature extraction model used state-space Time Varying
data scientists’ creativity played a crucial role in the span Autoregressive Moving Average (TVARMA) realizations
of insomnia detection in terms of multiple models with order p,q to represent PSG signals, as in the work of
through a bottom-up approach, i.e., statement of related Galka et al. [29]. Thus, system and observation model
subproblems to resolve the core problem. Automated equations (Eqs. 21.1–21.2) ranslated each PSG epoch as
insomnia detection required a multidisciplinary discus- follows:
sion from physics, biology, and even human sciences to x½k = x½k − 1 + h½k, (21.1)
appropriately grasp the implications of this undertaking.
The entire Section 21.3 aimed to provide a comprehen- y½k = Ax½k + xH ½kBn½k (21.2)
sive understanding of the sleep and insomnia charac-
terization problem, which required a devoted literature where x[k] is the estimated vector of system coefficients
revision and fieldwork. understood as the synthesis vector of the PSG epoch. The
system noise vector h[k] is divided into two terms [hp[k]
hq[k]] to distinguish AR(p) and MA(q) noise processes, Data Understanding where hp has Cauchy–Lorentz* distribution with zero
Once the caveats of the problem are well understood, the translation and ς2hp dispersion, hp ∼ C(0, ς2hp I). In turn, hq
data is the primary source to build the solution model. It is Gaussian distributed with zero mean and sh2q variance,
is not common practice to have structured, unambigu- hq ∼ N (0, sh2q I). The vector y[k] represents the estimated
ous, and compelling data sets. Rarely, there is an epoch, accompanied by A and B matrices in Eqs. 21.3–
immediate match between the raw data and the problem 21.4 to perform the weighted linear combinations.
question. Big Data’s variety attribute attests to this
matter. The estimation of the critical strengths and
* Cauchy–Lorentz distribution belongs to the family of probability
shortcomings of the available data is the critical part of density functions with two-sided heavy tails, i.e., the typical
this stage. The recording of PSGs was a complex process, Gaussian monotonically decaying values at the distant points from
since it involved technicians in the setup of the equip- the distribution’s mean are replaced by subtle bell-shaped curves.
436 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

The vector n[k] is the Gaussian distributed observation TABLE 21.4

noise with zero mean and sn2 variance, n ∼ N (0, sn2 I).
Features for Automated Sleep Onset Analysis and Insomnia
A = ½y½k − 1, ⋯ ,y½k − pj0, ⋯, 0, (21.3) Detection
" # # Feature Channel Event/Freq. Band (Hz)
0pp 0
B= (21.4) 1 Pd[k] EEG C4-A1 0.5−4
0 I(q+1)(q+1) 2 Pq[k] EEG C4-A1 4−7
3 Pa1 ½k EEG C4-A1 7−9.5
The biosignal modeling allowed the tracking of 4 Pa2 ½k EEG C4-A1 9.5−12
sudden and slow-paced changes within PSG biosignals.
5 Pς1 ½k EEG C4-A1 12−14, SS
State-space realizations with Cauchy–Lorentz distribu-
6 Pς2 ½k EEG C4-A1 14−16, SS
tion as in Eqs. 21.1–21.2 dealt with the nonlinearity,
7 Pb1 ½k EEG C4-A1 16−18
nonstationarity, and non-Gaussianity constraints of PSG
8 Pb2 ½k EEG C4-A1 18−30
signals. The Cauchy–Lorentz distribution had heavy-
tailed deviations to give probabilistic relevance to abrupt 9 Pb3 ½k EEG C4-A1 30−40
fluctuations and a fastened dispersion in the central 10–11 AEEG EEG C4-A1 VSW, KC
region to track smoother dynamics. A recursive Monte 12–13 AEOG LEOG/REOG Slow/rapid eye movement
Carlo filter, aka particle filter, was implemented to 14 AEMG EMG chin Chin tension
compute the system’s coefficients, whereas nonlinear 15 AEMG EMG tibialis Limb movement
and non-Gaussian models have no closed-form solu-
tions. The particle filter built up the time-changing
dynamics of biosignals with probabilistic distributions Modeling
approximated by a series of samples or particles. Akaike
(AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) helped to Here, the simplest and more advanced repertoire of
compute the optimal model orders p = 8 and q = 2 to statistics, data mining, and machine learning techniques
balance out overestimations and underestimations. is crafted to make sense of the features extracted from the
The extraction of frequency-domain content implied data, which in turn are the abstract representation of the
the convolution of the non-Gaussian TVARMA(8,2) core problem. In our case study, the model comprised
coefficients with a bank of complex Morlet wavelets. two submodels. The first produced computer-assisted
From the EEG channels, d (0.5–4 Hz), q (4–7 Hz), a1 (7– hypnograms using the biosignals’ features to map PSG
9.5 Hz), a2 (9.5–12 Hz), ς1 (12–14 Hz), ς2 (14–16 Hz), b1 epochs to sleep onset stages: W, N1, and N2. The can-
(16–18 Hz), b2 (18–30 Hz), and b3 (30–40 Hz), instanta- didate technique consisted of an ensemble classifier,
neous power bands P[k] were extracted, accompanied by which engaged 300 tree-type weak subclassifiers, shown
transients counters of VSW, KC, and SS. From the EOG in Figure 21.4.
channels, rapid and slow eye movements set out from The iterative design of the CRISP methodology (Figure
the differential amplitudes of left and right derivations. 21.3) led to the proposal of a second classification
And, the amplitude of EMG channels produced the submodel in order to maximize the identification of
features associated with the chin tension and limb regularities in the data. A fuzzy inference system (FIS),
movements. Table 21.4 lists the complete collection of depicted in Figure 21.5, bridged the input feature space
features. with an output space represented by the AASM

Ensemble classifier

Sub-classifier 1

Features Sub-classifier 2 Merger N1

Sub-classifier N

Diagram of the ensemble classification submodel.
Neuroelectrophysiology of Sleep and Insomnia 437

W N1 N2
Feature 1 Feature 15 Input Output
fuzzy fuzzy
sets rules

Low Medium High Fuzzy


if Feat 4 and Feat 8 then W and N1 and N2

if Feat 2 and Feat 11 then W and N1 and N2

if Feat 6 and Feat 12 then W and N1 and N2

Diagram of fuzzy inference system consisting of input/output fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules. Each 30-second epoch is described by 15 features, whose
values are mapped to three possible input fuzzy sets—low, medium, and high—using trapezoidal functions of membership. The fuzzy rules
follow a Boolean logic of fuzzy variables with weighting selection. The output fuzzy sets determine the degree of membership of each 30-second
epoch to a sleep onset stage.

guidelines for sleep staging, including suggestions of weighted directed edges. Based upon the network rep-
experienced scorers. The fuzzy logic–based classifier resentation, degree, adjacency, and incidence matrices,
relied on fuzzy rules or “if–then” statements to make the the logistic classification model performed the auto-
classification decisions. Thus, the automatic generation mated insomnia detection. Figure 21.6 depicts the
of hypnograms using the ensemble and FIS submodel graphical and matrix representation of the sleep onset
remains to be evaluated to opt for a definitive one to be transitions.
deployed. i

i i i p ^ i
For the ultimate detection of insomnia, a logistic logit(Efy jx g) = logit(p ) = ln = bx
1 − pi (21.5)
regression classifier (Eq. 21.5) was engineered using the
number of transitions among W, N1, and N2 stages in         = b^ i + b^ i WWi + … + b^ i N2N2i
0 1 9
the autogenerated hypnogram. Each subject’s hyp-
nogram was transformed into a sleep transition network where the Bernoulli distributed variable yi is predicted
with three vertices (one for each sleep onset stage) and by the product of the regression coefficients b^ and ith

W W N1 N2
W N1 N2
1 1 1
W a 0 0 W a b c
1 1 1
= N1 0 d 0 – N1 e d f
c N2 0 0 g N2 1 1 1
e h i g
WW WN1 WN2 N1W N1N1 N1N2 N2W N2N1 N2N2
2 1 –1 1 0 0 1 0 0
W a b c d g
f C = N1 0 1 0 –1 2 –1
0 1 0
b d e f h
N1 N2 N2 0 0 1
0 0 1 –1 –1 2
g c f g h i

Sleep stage transition network and related matrices based upon an autogenerated hypnogram. A transition network consists of three vertices (i.e.,
one each for sleep onset stages W, N1, and N2) and nine directed edges with a weight equal to the inverse of the total number of transitions
between the corresponding vertices. Three matrices are derived from the transition network: degree D, adjacency A, and incidence C. The
adjacency A and incidence C matrices values correspond to the inverse of the total number of transitions from one stage to another. And the
degree matrix D only includes the noninverse of the total transitions from each node to itself; therefore, it is diagonal. The Laplacian matrix L
comes from the subtraction of the diagonal degree matrix D and the adjacency A matrix.
438 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Quantitative performance metrics are excellent tools to
Hypnogram guide the difficult qualitative criteria and further decision
modelling Features
processing making. Their analytic and closed-form compositions
enable objective analyses on the models’ outcomes. The
Sleep onset insomnia classification submodels adopted a leave-one-
out cross-validation strategy, where a single subject’s
data set had a testing purpose at a particular time and the
Sleep onset
transitions remaining recordings served as training data sets. More
Control/insomnia Insomnia
classification characterization precisely, the ensemble and logistic regression submodels
were built up using 39 hypnograms during the training
phase, and the 40th subject’s hypnogram was used to the
FIGURE 21.7 test the model. The set of training hypnograms and the
Block diagram of our modular computational approach for automated
single testing hypnogram circulated until all subjects’
insomnia detection. The system uses biosignal processing based on
TVARMA(8,2) models and particle filtering to extract the biosignal data sets have played both roles. Sensitivity, specificity,
features, which are fed into a classifier to automatically generate a and accuracy performance rates were computed after
hypnogram of the subject’s sleep onset period. From the hypnogram, a each round, and the overall metrics were averaged out.
sleep stage transition network inputs a logistic regression classifier to Table 21.5 summarizes the comparison of performance
differentiate control and insomnia individuals.
metrics between ensemble and logistic regression clas-
sifiers. Sensitivity measures the ratio of positives cor-
subject’s sleep onset stage transitions xi = {WWi,WN1i,…, rectly identified, that is, the number of insomnia patients
N2N2i}. well-classified. Specificity calculates the proportion of
Figure 21.7 summarizes the Big Data Science models true negatives, i.e., control subjects, identified as such.
and submodels with their by-products to prepare and And, accuracy accounts for the relation of true positives
model the PSG data sets. and true negatives over all well-classified and misclas-
sified counts. All previous metrics are on a 0-to-1 scale, 1
being the best possible performance. Evaluation Based on the performance metrics, the classifier chosen
A rigorous evaluation strategy warrants the validity and to be deployed for automated insomnia detection is
reliability of the proposed models to solve the original logistic regression. Both classifiers performed well
problem. The evaluation should discard large sample identifying disordered patients (sensitivity), which is an
anomalies, model biases, false positives, and data col- essential requirement for this kind of medical problems.
lector subjectivities. As in most performance analyses, But the superior performance of the logistic regression
qualitative and quantitative criteria are accounted for. with respect to control subjects’ identification (specific-
The qualitative evaluators are problem-specific depen- ity) and overall accuracy tipped the balance in its favor.
dent, since they need to satisfy the diverse backgrounds
and expectations of stakeholders. For that reason, the Deployment
communication of the data scientist to his/her target
audience must be comprehensible about the benefits and The final stage implements the data science model over a
limitations of the models’ outcomes. production information system subject to automated
In this case study, the introduced Big Data Science building and testing capabilities. The deployment might
pipeline is an excellent candidate for preprocessing of go from an integrated application suite along with a
complexity simplification, due to the varied stakeholders robust information technology (IT) infrastructure, or
as potential users. Big Data platforms and Big Data simply the redesign of process rules upon existing
Science models should be understood as supportive systems. An appropriate deployment should guarantee
tools, excelling in processing velocity and computational easy and fast updating of the models, responding to new
synthesis on large or intricate data sets. Health and
medical sciences are not the exception. The proposed
model satisfies the faster processing of PSGs and TABLE 21.5
extraction of patterns of interest among the population Performance Rates of Ensemble and Logistic Regression
with insomnia syndrome. However, the specialist has Submodels
the final word about the usage of the models’ outputs. Metric Ensemble Logistic Regression
Depending on the patient and his/her context,
Sensitivity 0.89 0.87
models’ estimates could play either a conservative role
Specificity 0.58 0.75
or that of a risk-taking decision maker, or somewhere in
Accuracy 0.75 0.81
Neuroelectrophysiology of Sleep and Insomnia 439

available data and changing conditions upon the origi- Master

nal problem statement. This is how the CRISP-DM
methodology completes its iterative cycle.
The automated insomnia detection model demanded
an elastic platform in terms of computation and storage
power. The combination of the Amazon EC2 cloud com-
puting platform and Apache Spark cluster-computing
framework was the applied solution. Recalling the Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3
branding conditions of Big Data projects—volume,
velocity, and variety—Spark was precisely the parallel
computation tool delegated to the job, as Karau et al. [30]
described. A single subject’s PSG occupied between
400 and 500 MB in disk using European Data Format
(EDF), which is common for archiving and exchanging of Specifications:
PSG and EEG data sets. The design, development, and 4 vCPU 2.3 GHz Intel Xeon 16 GB RAM HDD 80 GB Red Hat Linux
testing of data models usually queue up headers and
formatting sections that increase original sizes to 0.8−1 GB FIGURE 21.8
per data set. The case study collected 40 recordings Spark master–worker cluster configuration. It designates one master
from 20 control and 20 insomnia patients (see Section node and three worker machines with the same processing and storage
21.4.1), thus adding 32−40 GB of raw data to prepare
and model.
The Amazon EC2 service hosted the processing plat- Amazon cloud. With this on-demand Big Data Science
form for the training and testing of the insomnia classi- model, the cost of analysis and classification of a single
fication model. However, it could also scale out the PSG was US $200 with no further depreciation of vacant
production system for the assisted assessment of sleep infrastructure.
patterns, as part of a standard diagnosis protocol, by
processing tens of PSGs on a daily basis. On top of the
Amazon EC2 virtual instances, the Spark engine
orchestrated the scheduling, distributing, and monitor-
ing of applications across one master node and three
worker machines, i.e., computing cluster. Spark is 21.5 Open Problems and Future Directions
equipped with higher-level packages such as SQL or Academia and industry are bridging the gap around Big
machine learning; the latter implemented the logistic Data technologies in order to produce affordable solutions
regression classifier for insomnia detection. The integra- to health problems, as O’Driscoll et al. [31] stated. Dell Inc.,
tion of specialized libraries integrated with lower-layer the TGen,* and the NMTRC† have jointly developed a
components benefits from optimizations as a whole software as part of a personalized medicine trial for
unified stack. So, speed improvements in the Spark’s core pediatric cancer, specifically neuroblastoma. Intel has
engine are immediately reflected in the machine learning partnered with NextBio to improve HDFS, Hadoop, and
libraries. Figure 21.8 shows the deployed master–worker HBase for health sciences, turning over all contribution to
configuration and the specifications of the virtual the open-source community. The leader in Big Data dis-
instances. tribution, Cloudera collaborates with the Institute for
The configuration comfortably handled the volume of Genomics and Multiscale Biology at the Mount Sinai
data, but more importantly, improved the speed of School of Medicine to research human and bacterial
processing. In comparison, a single-node configuration genomes, metabolic pathways of normal and disease
required 20−22 hours to entirely process a PSG recording states in the organism, and structure and function of
of 7−8 hours’ length. Using the cluster configuration, the molecules used in disease treatments, among others.
processing time was reduced to 5−6 hours for each PSG Better diagnosis, understanding, and treatment of diseases
data set of the same duration. Then, the complete anal- supported by Big Data technologies is the motif.
ysis, training, and testing of the automated insomnia Multiple fronts of improvement are still pending con-
detection model using 40 PSG recordings lasted 10 days, cerning the sophistication of Big Data Science techniques
which is the average time a specialist needs to score a and methods. The recruitment of larger clinical cohorts
single PSG. A side benefit was that the computing
infrastructure became disposable once the work was
* Translational Genomics Research Institute.
done, i.e., the master and working nodes were †
Neuroblastoma and Medulloblastoma Translational Research Con-
decommissioned from Spark and terminated in the sortium.
440 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine

Sara Mariani, Shaun M. Purcell, and Susan Redline

22.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................444
22.1.1 Sleep Medicine and Sleep Data.....................................................................................................................444
22.1.2 Research Goals ................................................................................................................................................445
22.1.3 The Big Data Approach .................................................................................................................................445
22.1.4 Analytical Considerations for Sleep Signal Data: Manual versus Automatic Methods.......................446
22.1.5 Analysis Approaches......................................................................................................................................446
22.1.6 The National Sleep Research Resource: An Exemplar for Sleep Big Data.............................................447 Publicly Available Sleep Data Sets ..............................................................................................447 Tools .................................................................................................................................................447
22.2 Automated Analysis of the Sleep Electroencephalogram ......................................................................................448
22.2.1 Automated Methods for Macroanalysis of the EEG..................................................................................448 Spectral Analysis ............................................................................................................................448 Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Approaches ...........................................................................449 EEG-Based Automatic Sleep Staging ..........................................................................................449
22.2.2 Automated Methods for the Detection of Transient Events ....................................................................450 K Complexes ...................................................................................................................................450 Spindles............................................................................................................................................450 Arousals ...........................................................................................................................................450
22.3 Heart Rate Variability Analysis..................................................................................................................................451
22.3.1 Analysis in the Time Domain .......................................................................................................................452
22.3.2 Analysis in the Frequency Domain ..............................................................................................................452
22.3.3 Nonlinear Methods .........................................................................................................................................453 Detrended Fluctuation Analysis ..................................................................................................453 Sample Entropy and Multiscale Entropy ...................................................................................453 Lempel–Ziv Complexity................................................................................................................454
22.4 Cardiorespiratory Measures........................................................................................................................................454
22.4.1 Automated Methods for the Detection of Respiratory Events.................................................................454 Automatic Apnea Detection from Airflow Signals...................................................................454 Automatic Apnea Detection from PPG Analysis ......................................................................455 Snoring Sounds...............................................................................................................................455
22.4.2 Cardiopulmonary Coupling ..........................................................................................................................455
22.5 Challenges and Needs .................................................................................................................................................456
22.5.1 Noise, Artifacts, and Missing Data ..............................................................................................................456
22.5.2 Data Harmonization .......................................................................................................................................457
22.6 Emerging Applications of Sleep and Big Data.........................................................................................................458
22.6.1 Genomics and Sleep .......................................................................................................................................458

444 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

22.6.2 Precision Medicine and Other Applications ...............................................................................................458

22.7 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................................................459
References ................................................................................................................................................................................459

as an example of application of big data methods in the

field, reporting instances of both goals and methods that
22.1 Introduction
can be generalized to future applications.
The aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the
characteristics and needs of sleep medicine, and the
22.1.1 Sleep Medicine and Sleep Data
ways in which a big data approach can be beneficial in
this field. We start with an overview of exemplar Sleep is a naturally occurring, periodic decreased state of
research questions and goals relevant to sleep medicine, consciousness, characterized by distinct changes in brain
and specifically focus on analysis of biomedical signals, a wave frequency and amplitude, often accompanied by
source for “big data analytics.” In the second section, a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. Sleep is a
we focus on methods for automating the analysis of multiorgan phenomenon, which can be evaluated from a
the electroencephalogram (EEG), the electrocardiogram number of possible perspectives, as schematically shown
(ECG), and respiratory signals given the relevance of in Figure 22.1. Sleep-related disorders have a major effect
these signals to a wide range of research, including on quality of life and can impact daily performance and
studies of cognition and alertness [1–3], cardiovascular cognition, including memory, learning, concentration,
disease [4–6], and sleep disorders [7–10]. The last section and productivity. Healthy sleep is also critical for
highlights the multiple challenges of automated analysis cardiometabolic health. Sleep medicine defines the
of polysomnography (PSG) signals and proposes strat- diagnosis and treatment of sleep-related disorders, such
egies to overcome them. Throughout the chapter, we as sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), narcolepsy, noc-
will use the National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR, turnal frontal lobe epilepsy, periodic limb movements,
http://sleepdata.org), a National Institutes of Health rapid eye movement (REM) behavior disorder, and
(NIH)–funded sleep signal repository (R34-HL114473), others, while also encompassing the research on the

activity at EMG: muscle activity, ECG: electrical activity, Actigraphy:
the brain useful to score REM of the heart: estimate of total PPG: estimate of
cortex: sleep sleep, sleep disorders arrhythmias, CVD risk, sleep time, wake heart rate, apnea
quality, activity of the ANS after sleep onset detection
learning, Respiration:
psychiatric apnea and
disorders, hypopnea
epilepsy events

Sleep is a multiorgan phenomenon. A number of different signals can be monitored and evaluated to assess sleep quality and diagnose sleep-
related disorders. (EMG: electromyogram, REM: rapid eye movement, CVD: cardiovascular disease, ANS: autonomic nervous system, PPG:
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 445

relationship of sleep-related traits with other patholo- failure, or sleepiness. The ultimate goal of precision
gies, such as cardiovascular disease and psychiatric medicine is to empower clinicians with tools for
disorders. improved decision making for individual patients.
The field of sleep medicine is a rich and diverse
one, bringing together a variety of medical specialties
22.1.3 The Big Data Approach
and scientific disciplines, including neuroscience, pul-
monology, psychiatry, epidemiology, genetics, public Strategies for the effective use of the large volumes
health, and others. The fundamental means of charac- and variety of sleep data are under development and
terizing sleep and sleep disorders is through PSG, the include methods for improving data collection, integra-
simultaneous collection of multiple types of physiologi- tion, and analysis.
cal data during sleep. Typically, data are collected that The majority of current sleep clinical studies tend to
characterize brain activity, cardiac function, breathing have two substantial weaknesses. First, they are often
and oxygen levels, and body and limb movements. PSG small in size, limiting statistical power (especially for
has traditionally been performed in specialized facilities “hard clinical outcomes” such as stroke or death),
(called “sleep laboratories”), where individuals undergo increasing the likelihood of erroneous inferences, and
monitoring with EEG, electrooculography (EOG; mea- limiting generalizability (including difficulties in repli-
suring eye movements), chin electromyogram (EMG), cating results). Second, they lack diversity of patient
ECG, respiration, and limb movement sensors. Other characteristics, failing to encompass the necessary sex,
devices and technologies are also commonly used, such race, and age diversity to fully understand variation in
as home sleep apnea testing devices (HSATs), and health and disease across the population, as well as
actigraphy. HSATs are used for diagnosing sleep apnea. limiting understanding of responses to interventions
Typical HSAT signals are nasal airflow, oral airflow, within population subgroups, potentially leading to
respiratory effort, and oximetry. Actigraphy, typically inappropriate treatment recommendations in underrep-
recorded using a wrist accelerometer, is used to provide resented groups [11,12].
a noninvasive approach for estimating sleep time, As described by Budhiraja and colleagues [11], a big
latency, and quality over multiple days and nights of data approach “allows exploration of the effects of
monitoring. Other data sources relevant to the practice of individual differences and complex interactions with the
sleep medicine include those on patient-reported out- goal of facilitating identification and management of
comes from questionnaires, adherence records from individuals according to their unique characteristics. Big
treatment devices, clinical information obtained by data can be defined by three Vs: volume—the quantity of
direct measurement or extracted from electronic medical data, which is proportional to the statistical power for
records, output from “wearables,” and genomic and analyses; velocity—the rate at which the data are gen-
biomarker data [11]. erated and analyzed; and variety—different sources,
types, and formats of data.” Big data must be combined
with proper data analytics tools to identify new dis-
22.1.2 Research Goals
ease patterns or with predictive algorithms to identify
By optimally harnessing the large amounts of data typ- subgroup-specific outcomes.
ically generated during sleep assessments, there is the One approach for providing access to large and varied
potential to generate high-quality evidence that can sources of data is to develop a platform and strategy for
improve diagnosis, classification, and monitoring of aggregating data from multiple studies or cohorts, sup-
sleep-related disorders. The large variety and volume of ported by appropriate query and analysis tools. Inte-
sleep-related data also provide opportunities to better gration of data originally obtained from different studies
understand pathophysiological processes and clinical can generate large samples of individuals with wide
manifestations of sleep disorders, helping to classify variation in demographic and disease characteristics,
patients with specific disease profiles. Especially when allowing for generalizability and subgroup analyses.
used in combination with other physiological, clinical, Large volumes of data also can enhance statistical
genomic, and molecular data, quantitative sleep data can power. Data variety can be achieved by integrating
help identify phenotypes that reflect specific etiological multidimensional data that encompass physiological
processes and predict outcomes and likelihood of treat- signals, genetic data, sociodemographic variables, and
ment responses of specific individuals or subgroups. other data types; applying multivariate analyses to
Such data can inform the application of “precision optimize the informational content; and identifying
medicine”—helping to identify which patients can temporal and other patterns of associations.
benefit from alternative treatments for sleep disorders or To maximize value to researchers, data should be
to provide predictive information on prognosis, such as stored on widely accessible—preferably open-access—
which patients are at increased risk of stroke, heart web portals and be retrievable through user-friendly
446 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

interfaces. Integrated query and search tools should be However, reliability varies according to scorer expertise
put in place to assist with report generation, data visu- and quality control procedures utilized within the given
alization, exploration, and query management within laboratory. Traditional approaches also typically only
and across data sets and across data types, and allow extract a limited number of features from the data, such
retrieval of raw physiologic and summary statistics. In as the number of apnea events or the amount of time
addition, secure and automated data pathways should spent in each sleep stage, and do not fully take advan-
be set up to merge data from different sources (PSG, tage of the potential of quantitative data collected over
portable devices, wearables, etc.). time, including measures that capture the dynamic
Despite the many benefits of using aggregated data, changes across the night and interrelationships among
there are concerns and necessary precautions. Data must physiological signals.
be sufficiently harmonized to minimize the impact of Efficient multicohort, multivariate analysis of sleep
misclassification related to the data source or collection studies can potentially be achieved by the use of auto-
modality. Ideally, sleep data should be collected with mated analysis of the continuously collected data with
similar sensors and data collection procedures and pro- extraction of informative quantitative features. Features
cessed and scored using standardized approaches. If that can be extracted from a single signal, e.g., EEG power, or
is not possible, metadata (defining the characteristics of from interrelationships across multiple channels (char-
the data themselves) should be sufficiently detailed to acterizing “cross-talk”).
allow a thorough understanding of key aspects of how A quantitative, data-driven approach to sleep data
the data were collected, processed, and analyzed [11]. analysis can provide objectively derived information
Provenance (origin) of data would specify the sensors that should be able to be replicated over time and across
used for PSG, scoring criteria, and data interpretation. studies. However, automated methods must be suffi-
The use of controlled and structured vocabularies is an ciently accurate to identify clinically important features,
important component of large data sets, allowing the while at the same time guaranteeing robustness to noise
user to understand data elements and identify which and artifacts, as described later in this chapter. Large
terms are comparable across data sets and which terms data sets can provide useful training sets for developing
may need to be redefined or calibrated for use in cross- and validating automatic methods.
study analyses. Defining the relationships among data
elements, and their labels (“terms”), can facilitate this
22.1.5 Analysis Approaches
process. Highly structured systems for displaying the
relationships among terms are called ontologies. Sec- PSG signals can be analyzed in a variety of ways,
tion 22.5.2 will focus on data harmonization and sleep including in the time domain and the frequency domain,
domain ontologies. and also through indices of nonlinear dynamics. These
signals also present the opportunity for application of
state-of-the-art and emerging computational methods to
22.1.4 Analytical Considerations for Sleep Signal Data:
investigate the cross-talk (coupling) of these physiologic
Manual versus Automatic Methods
variables, which, in turn contains information about
Traditionally, sleep analysis has been performed mostly physiologic states in health and disease. For example, the
manually, with sleep experts visually inspecting multi- coupling among respiration, EEG, and heart rate vari-
ple signals one study at a time, with individual scoring ability (HRV) varies with sleep stage and with sleep
of respiratory events, sleep stages, arousals, and other apnea. Central and obstructive apneas have distinct
phenomena. Recognition and diagnosis of clinical dynamical EEG–ECG “signatures” [10].
conditions often apply rule-of-thumb-type criteria, qual- The automatic analysis of sleep records is often
itative assessments, and a trained eye. Automated pro- designed to detect events of interest, such as sleep stages,
cesses for sleep analyses (stage and event identification) arousals, and respiratory events, without involvement of
have been incorporated into commercial software the human scorer. The algorithms to achieve this typically
packages but typically call for editing by a trained scorer. rely on three general steps: (i) the preprocessing of the
Neither approach allows for the efficient analysis of signal(s), which includes noise rejection, extraction of
large samples. The reliability of visual analysis is derived time series, and segmentation (e.g., epochs);
also influenced by the intrinsic subjectivity of manual (ii) the extraction of features to characterize each segment,
scoring. Interscorer agreement in sleep staging has through analysis in the time or frequency domain; and
been estimated to vary between 0.6 and 0.9 in terms (iii) the classification of events based on these descriptors.
of Cohen’s kappa (k) [13–15]; agreement in visual “K The classification step can be performed either in a
complex” (a characteristic sleep EEG waveform) detec- deductive fashion (based on predefined rules) or following
tion is only approximately 50% [16]; for sleep spindle the method of inductive learning, or machine learning,
scoring, the k = 0.52 [17], and for arousals, is k = 0.47 [18]. where the algorithm “discovers” the characteristics of the
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 447

grant, the NSRR supports the goals of the broader Big

Sleep testing device/scoring system Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative of the NIH by
providing researchers and trainees with access to
Corresponding annotations for deidentified, annotated physiologic signals from curated
Raw files of physiological signals sleep stages, respiratory and EEG sleep studies linked to data aggregated from large cohort
events, other relevant events
studies and clinical trials [11]. In addition, a suite of web-
based tools is available on the NSRR to explore data
within and across data sets, identify subsets of data
using clearly mapped terms, and facilitate data analysis
Preprocessing and discovery of associations among physiological
systems and clinical outcomes. The NSRR encourages
interactions across the sleep community, and partners
Automated quality testing, noise rejection
with other resources, such as PhysioNet [20], BioLINCC
[21], and dbGAP [22].
Data sets that have been made available through this
resource are derived from major sleep research studies,
including the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS), the
Feature extraction Cleveland Family Study, the Heart Biomarker Evalua-
tion in Apnea Treatment, the Study of Osteoporotic
Quantitative summary measures Fractures, the Outcomes of Sleep Disorders in Older Men
Automated detection of events (e.g. spectral analysis of the EEG,
(e.g. spindles, periods of apnea...) nonlinear HRV features...) Study (MrOS Sleep Study), the Cleveland Children’s
Sleep and Health Study, the Honolulu Asian American
FIGURE 22.2 Aging Sleep Study, the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy
Schematic representation of a pipeline for the automatic analysis of Trial, and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis-
sleep recordings. Files are generated from the acquisition system and Sleep Study. As of 2017, over 31,000 studies were
sleep scoring software; signal files are linked with their respective deposited, with a goal of 50,000 by 2019. Other available
annotation files; and, after a preprocessing step for the elimination of
artifacts and interferences, features can be extracted by both detection
data include demographic information, anthropometric
of transient events and computation of summary measures to charac- parameters, blood pressure, lung function, medical his-
terize the signals throughout the night. tory elements, and neurocognitive testing results [11]. A
cross–data set query interface was developed to facilitate
the collection, management, and sharing of data. A
various classes from the data. Inductive learning can be canonical data dictionary that maps study-specific data
either supervised (e.g., when examples for each class are variables to a standardized set of variable definitions is
provided to “train” the algorithm) or unsupervised, as used to standardize terminology across studies.
in clustering, when unlabeled examples are provided to
the algorithm, which learns to group them based on
intraclass and interclass differences in their features. Tools
Automated PSG analyses ideally would extract Signal processing tools play critical roles in the analysis
meaningful features from the data in a computationally of sleep data. In addition to providing access to raw and
efficient fashion, and do so in a manner that is robust to processed data, the NSRR encompasses a variety of
artifacts that can arise from unsupervised analysis. Data open-source computational tools to analyze PSG signals.
extraction, integration, processing, and analysis steps These include tools for opening and viewing PSG signals
can be organized in an ordered “pipeline,” as illustrated in European Data Format (EDF) and corresponding
in Figure 22.2. annotations; deidentifying and standardizing signals
contained within EDF files; translating sleep annotations
22.1.6 The National Sleep Research Resource: generated in different vendor formats to sleep domain
An Exemplar for Sleep Big Data standardized terminology [19,23]; translating annota-
tions from XML to CSV files and listing sleep staging Publicly Available Sleep Data Sets and scoring events; visualizing hidden patterns of phy-
An example of a multistudy resource for the analysis of siological signals [24,25]; and detecting noise using
sleep big data is the NSRR (http://sleepdata.org), an entropy-based algorithms [26]. Signal processing methods
NIH-funded online repository to facilitate research and can be combined and employed as “building blocks” to
training in sleep medicine, bioengineering, epidemiol- create an efficient pipeline for automated signal analysis.
ogy, and other disciplines [19]. Established through a For example, NSRR tools support an EEG analysis
National Health Lung and Blood Institute resource pipeline that includes an artifact detection step, an ECG
448 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

artifact decontamination step, and power spectrum and time. Visual scoring also is time consuming and subject
coherence computation. to scorer variability and subjectivity. Modern tools and
computational power make it now possible to scale the
quantitative analysis of the EEG to big data, allowing
application of objective and high-throughput analysis
tools and generation of a variety of quantitative metrics
22.2 Automated Analysis of the Sleep across different time domains.
A large-scale, automated analysis of sleep data typi-
Electroencephalogram cally involves two components: a quantitative analysis of
The EEG is the primary signal used for sleep stage the EEG (qEEG) on a macroscopic basis, for example,
analysis. It is typical to record the EEG at sampling fre- through the extraction of epoch-by-epoch, or sleep stage-
quencies in the 128–512 Hz range, which allows the specific, spectral characteristics of the EEG rhythms, and
inspection of components at frequencies up to 64– the automated detection and analysis of transient events.
256 Hz, respectively. The key EEG rhythms that are
relevant to sleep analysis are delta (0.5–4 Hz), theta
(4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), sigma (11–16 Hz), and beta 22.2.1 Automated Methods for Macroanalysis
(16–30 Hz). These “macroscopic” rhythms are accom- of the EEG
panied by transient events that constitute the sleep
“microstructure,” such as arousals, K complexes, Spectral Analysis
and spindles. Arousals are transient shifts to higher- The application of spectral analysis to the EEG was
frequency and lower-amplitude waves, lasting from less proposed early in the study of this signal [28] and con-
than a second to several seconds. K complexes are tinues to be used commonly in research. The information
biphasic events composed of a well-delineated negative content of the signal, originally in the time domain, is
sharp wave immediately followed by a positive com- represented in the frequency domain, that is, its power
ponent standing out from the background EEG, with a spectral density or power spectrum is calculated. The
total duration ≥0.5 s, usually maximal in amplitude approaches to power spectrum computation can be
when recorded using frontal derivations [27]. Sleep grouped into two major categories: nonparametric and
spindles are brief distinct bursts of activity in the sigma parametric. Nonparametric approaches include Fourier
frequency range, having a characteristic waxing and spectral analysis, which decomposes the signal into a
waning shape [27]. Each of these events represents dis- sum of sinusoids with different frequency and phase
tinct neurophysiological processes, with potential clini- characteristics. The Fourier transform of a signal x(t) is
cal relevance. ð∞
Sleep stages are typically assigned to each 30 s epoch X( f ) = x(t)e−j2πft dt, translating the signal from the
of the recording period based on visual inspection of the −∞
EEG signals as well as eye movements (EOG) and chin domain of time x(t) to that of frequency X( f ). Parametric
muscle activity (EMG). Based on their frequency and approaches operate under the assumption that the signal
amplitude characteristics, as well as the presence of is the output of a given process [29], where the input is
spindles and K complexes, stages are classified broadly white noise and/or the output itself at previous instants,
into periods of REM sleep or non-REM (NREM) sleep, and the output is the transformation of the input based
and are further classified into stages N1, N2, and N3, as on parameters, namely, the model coefficients, which
recommended by the 2007 Visual Scoring Task Force of must be estimated. The parametric approach involves
the American Association for Sleep Medicine (AASM) choosing a model to represent the data under observa-
[27]. Stage N1 is identified as slowing of the wake alpha tion; estimating its coefficients based on the available
rhythm, usually preceded by slow rolling eye move- data; and estimating the power spectrum through sub-
ments; stage N2 shows sleep spindles and K complexes; stitution of the model coefficients into the model equa-
stage N3, or slow-wave sleep, is characterized by >20% tions [30]. Autoregressive (AR) models are often used
of the epoch duration consisting of delta waves that due to their ability to describe a wide range of signals [31].
exceed a peak-to-peak amplitude of 75 μV. Among its numerous applications, EEG spectral
While traditional sleep staging has a strong historical analysis is used to identify markers that associate with
basis and literature to guide interpretation of normative psychiatric disease, characterize risk of cognitive or
values, it has limitations. The assignment of a single mood disorders, and identify drug responses, and for
stage to arbitrarily defined epochs creates artificial dis- genetic association testing [32].
continuities in the data, can obscure within-epoch vari- Graphical interfaces can assist with generation, edit-
ation in signal characteristics, and does not readily ing, and interpretation of EEG spectral analysis data.
capture the dynamic properties of changes in EEG over A visualization tool and analytical pipeline for spectral
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 449

analysis, named SpectralTrainFig.m, can be found in STFT WT

the NSRR. It is implemented in MATLAB and also
available in open-source format on MathWorks (http://


/49852-spectraltrainfig) and GitHub (https://github
.com/nsrr/SpectralTrainFig). A graphical interface allows
the user to input EDF files and annotations in XML
format and returns the power spectral density of each
EEG signal, computed through Fourier analysis, both Time Time
on an epoch-by-epoch basis and summarized by sleep
state (NREM, REM, total sleep time). Coherence analy- FIGURE 22.3
The time-frequency plane for the STFT (left) and WT (right). Every (t,f)
sis between EEG leads can also be performed. The point is associated with a certain resolution Δt on the horizontal axis
program includes an artifact detection step, based on and Δf on the vertical axis. Though the area ΔtΔf of each cell is constant
delta and beta band descriptors [33], and a template- in both cases, STFT has constant resolution in both frequency and time
subtraction algorithm for decontaminating the EEG throughout the whole plane, while for the WT, low frequencies are
signals from the ECG artifact [34]. Results are summa- sampled with large time steps, and high frequencies are sampled with
small time steps. Adapted from Oropesa E, Cycon HL, Jobert M, Sleep
rized in Excel spreadsheets and a Power Point file con- Stage Classification Using Wavelet Transform and Neural Network, Inter-
taining a series of figures that allow visual review of the national Computer Science Institute, 1999.
results for each sleep study. Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Approaches windows than faster frequency components, which can
be reliably analyzed using shorter time windows.
The NSRR pipeline computes power on 30 s long epochs, The wavelet transform (WT) is defined as X(t, a) =
addressing the nonstationary nature of the signal, that is, ð∞
the variability of its frequency components and ampli- x(t)ht,a ∗ (t)dt, where h(t) is referred to as the mother
tude throughout the night. However, some features
t −t
ð Þ
−∞ 1
could vary on even smaller time windows, or shorter wavelet and ht,a (t) = pffiffiffiffiffi h are stretched and
events may be of interest, requiring application of jaj a
methods that further localize the frequency content of compressed versions of the mother wavelet. The
the signal in time. time-frequency resolution depends on the scaling
The short-time Fourier transform (STFT) is an alter- parameter a: for smaller a, h(t) has a narrow time
native to the Fourier transform that allows for tem- window and therefore allows us to see fast frequencies.
poral dependence, by applying the Fourier transform to When a increases, the time window applied to h(t)
only a portion of the signal contained in a moving increases, allowing for the observation of slower fre-
window over time. The STFT of a signal x(t) is defined as quencies [31,35].
ð∞ The distribution of the resolution is schematically
X(t, f ) = x(t)w∗ (t − t)e−j2πf t dt, where w represents the represented in the right panel of Figure 22.3.
−∞ An open-source MATLAB toolbox for time-frequency
moving window, centered around t, and (t, f ) are the signal analysis can be found at http://tfd.sourceforge
time and frequency under observation. In the discrete .net/ [36].
time case, the data are segmented, and each segment
is Fourier-transformed, obtaining the STFT for each
point in time and frequency. The frequency resolution, EEG-Based Automatic Sleep Staging
that is, the smallest distance between two different
components that can be discriminated in the frequency- Automatic scoring of sleep stages can allow large
domain representation, is related to the time resolu- volumes of sleep studies to be analyzed efficiently and
tion, or the number of samples in the observation with objective processes than minimize interscorer and
window: wider time windows provide more refined intrascorer differences. Automated methods also may
frequency resolution than shorter windows [31,35]. For allow for application of techniques that analyze signal
the STFT, these values are constant throughout the data continuously, without forcing classification of
analysis of the whole signal, as illustrated in the left stages into discrete fixed 30 s epochs.
panel of Figure 22.3. Automated sleep analysis is currently implemented,
A variant of STFT is wavelet analysis, a method intro- with various degrees of success, in a range of commercial
duced to address the need to analyze slower fre- sleep analysis software, and a number of approaches have
quency components of a signal with longer observation been presented in the literature. EEG-based automated
450 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

staging typically follows three main steps: (i) artifact following a mathematical description of the waveform or
rejection; (ii) extraction of features, either from back- by averaging a number of synchronized occurrences of
ground waves or specific patterns; and (iii) classification. the event. Then, the template is correlated with the
The algorithms used for each of these steps can consist of a signal, or, equivalently, the signal is convolved with a
variety of methods. Step (i) is described in detail in mirrored, conjugate version of the template, and the time
Section 22.5.1, while step (ii) almost always includes instants of occurrence of peaks in the convolution results
extraction of frequency-domain parameters from tradi- will represent the locations of the waveform in the signal
tional spectral analysis (parametric or nonparametric) [41–43]. This approach, however, is limited by the highly
and from time-frequency analysis. Time-domain features, stochastic nature of the EEG, resulting in variation in
such as entropy measures, have also been used [37]. shape of the K complexes. Alternative approaches are
Features can be extracted on a 30 s epoch basis, matching based either on mathematical models of the generation
the visual scoring scheme. A training set of features and of EEG phenomena, as the one introduced by Da Rosa
matching labels for each epoch can be employed for train- and colleagues [44], or on the extraction of characteristic
ing the algorithm, so that it can be employed on an features of the K complex waveform, followed by clas-
independent test set and validated. Alternatively, the sification through artificial neural networks, as in the
classification can be performed on epochs of arbitrary work by Bankman and colleagues [45].
length, obtaining a profile of sleep depth, which can sub-
sequently be mapped to the standard sleep stages. A variety Spindles
of classifiers have been used in the literature, including
Sleep spindles are discrete events observed in the scalp
neural networks, support vector machines, K-means
EEG signal that are generated as a result of interactions
clustering, fuzzy logic, and hidden Markov models [38].
between several regions of the brain including thalamic
Studies have analyzed the performance of some com-
and corticothalamic networks [46]. They appear as brief,
mercially available methods. For instance, a neural-
powerful bursts of synchronous neuronal firing in
network-based algorithm named BioSleep (Oxford
thalamocortical networks and are a defining feature of
Instruments, UK) was shown to have a per-epoch
stage N2 sleep. Sleep spindles are involved in new
agreement with expert annotation of k = 0.47 [39] in a
learning and are considered an index of brain plasticity
cohort of 114 individuals with suspected obstructive
and function, including intellectual abilities and memory
sleep apnea. Another algorithm, named ASEEGA
consolidation during sleep [47].
(Physip, France) employs spectral features and uses an
Automated spindle detection has been performed on
adaptive fuzzy logic iterative system to repeatedly
central (C3, C4, Cz), frontoparietal (Fp1, Fp2), parietal
update the sleep stage pattern definitions. It was shown
(P3, P4, Pz), and occipital (O1, O2) leads. Spindles from
to have k = 0.72 for epoch-by-epoch agreement with
frontal derivations have been shown to be particularly
visual scoring in a group of 15 healthy individuals [40].
relevant to memory consolidation [48].
Developing robust automated sleep staging proce-
The simplest approach to automated spindle detec-
dures is influenced by the size of the training set and its
tion is based on a series of basic steps summarized in
capability to cover enough cases to be representative of
Table 22.1.
the populations under study; the differential perfor-
One open-source toolbox for automatic spindle detec-
mance of the algorithms in healthy and pathological
tion is FASST, fMRI Artefact rejection and Sleep Scoring
sleep; and the accuracy and reliability of the visual
Toolbox, developed by the University of Liege, Belgium
scoring used for algorithm development [38].
[61]. The spindles module in FASST uses the Fz, Cz,
and Pz leads. The toolbox was developed in MATLAB
and is available at http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be
22.2.2 Automated Methods for the Detection
/~phillips/FASST.html. Warby and colleagues [62] have
of Transient Events
reported a comprehensive comparison and evaluation K Complexes of the performances of six different automated spindle
detectors, including the method used by FASST [49].
K complexes are thought to be associated with arousal
during sleep, can occur both spontaneously and as an Arousals
evoked response caused by auditory or somatosensory
stimuli, and can appear concomitantly with apneic Arousals are defined as abrupt changes in frequency
events in patients with sleep apnea. K complexes are a content of the EEG lasting at least 3 s and preceded by
feature used to identify stage N2 of sleep. 10 s of sleep. The change in frequency can include theta,
One approach to the automatic identification of these alpha, and beta rhythms.
waveforms is a method that employs matched filters. A Since arousals typically correspond temporally to
template of the shape to be recognized is created, either other physiological events (obstructive sleep apnea,
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 451

TABLE 22.1
Prototypical Steps for Automated Spindle Detection
Step Methods
Filtering of the EEG • Finite-impulse response filter [49] with band pass (11–16 Hz) [50,51]
signal in the sigma • Separate analyses for slow (8–12 Hz) and fast (12–15 Hz) spindles [47]
• Pass-band determined for each case based on peak spindle frequency from the power spectrum [52]
• Wavelet decomposition [53,54]
Computation of • Root mean square of the signal over a moving time window (examples are 0.25 [55] or 0.1 s [49])
signal amplitude • Envelope of the signal [3]
Superimposition of a 1. Amplitude threshold: can either be fixed [50,51] or depend on the signal properties, such as percentiles [55] or
threshold for mean and standard deviation [56]
spindle recognition 2. Minimum duration threshold (typically 0.5 s)
Detection of spindle • First and last data point that overcomes the threshold
start and end • Methods that take into account the shape of the spindles, by using a second, lower threshold, [57] or by employing
derivatives of the envelope [58]
Elimination of Candidate spindles that overlap with artifacts or other detected events are discarded, including alpha activity
overlapping events interference, muscle artifacts, saturated signals, unusual increase of EEG (e.g., EOG interferences), abrupt
transitions, and movement artifacts [56].
Elimination of false 1. Extraction of features from the candidate spindles.
detections 2. Training of classifiers on labeled examples for detection. Examples are fuzzy detection combined with Bayesian
analysis [59], and linear discriminant analysis with Mahalanobis distance approach [60].

movements), they are normally recognized employing a to obtain the spectral power in the frequency
combination of signals, including heart rate, EMG, and bands of interest with variable time-frequency
respiratory signals. Since EEG frequencies are very var- resolution [68].
iable in REM sleep, a concomitant increase in EMG 3. Possible integration with information from other
activity (usually chin) is also required to score a variation channels:
in EEG frequency as an arousal during REM sleep.
a. Flow channel: local flow maxima indicat-
Arousals can prove to be difficult to score reliably by
ing respiratory restoration [66]
manual procedures due to underlying variation in EEG
frequencies. b. EMG: normalized power with respect to
The automatic detection of arousals is typically based the background activity, after filtering out
on short-time frequency analysis of the EEG, potentially low-frequency components [68]
combined with the analysis of other signals. The sug- c. Heart rate: local increases
gested EEG leads for this type of analysis are a central 4. A detection step that can be either rule-based
and an occipital lead, to facilitate detection of beta and (through the application of threshold criteria)
alpha activity, respectively [63]. The common steps are [67] or based on machine-learning techniques,
as follows: such as neural networks trained on features
from scored arousals [69].
1. Segmentation of the EEG into windows, that can
be of fixed length (e.g., 1 s), depending on the
local characteristics of the signal. Adaptive
segmentation methods, like Spectral Error
Measure and nonlinear energy operator [64,65],
which break up the signals into quasi-stationary
segments of variable length, can be applied. 22.3 Heart Rate Variability Analysis
2. Extraction of power spectral features from each HRV analysis is the study of the fluctuations of heart rate
window. Examples of features are the power in during a certain time frame. HRV reveals information
the alpha band [66], power in the extended beta about the activity of the autonomous nervous system
band (16–40 Hz), and maximum amplitude [67]. (ANS), which can help characterize phenomena occur-
Features extracted from multiple EEG leads can ring with stressors associated with a wide range of dis-
be combined by averaging over the leads. turbances, such as sleep apnea [70,71], periodic limb
An alternative to points 1 and 2 is the use of movements [72], REM behavior disorder [73], narco-
time-scale methods, like the wavelet transform, lepsy [74], and insomnia [75].
452 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

• Standard deviation of the average NN intervals

(SDANN) calculated over short periods, usually
ECG (mV)

5 minutes, which is an estimate of the longer-

term dynamics
• Mean of the 5-minute standard deviations of
NN intervals calculated over the entire record-
(a) Time (s) ing (SDNN index), which is an estimate of the
1.5 shorter-term dynamics
• Square root of the mean squared differences of
Time (s)

successive NN intervals (RMSSD)

RR2 RR4 • Number of interval differences of successive NN
0.5 RR1
intervals greater than 50 ms (NN50)
0 • Proportion of NN50 divided by the total number
0 2 4 6 8 10 of intervals (pNN50)
(b) Time (s)

1.4 The SDNN index, RMSSD, NN50, and pNN50 are all
measures of high-frequency (short-term) HRV dynamics
and are highly correlated with one another. A generali-
RR (s)

1 zation of pNN50 was introduced by Mietus and col-

leagues [78], who defined pNNx as the percentage of NN
0.8 intervals over the whole recording that differ by more
than x ms, where x ∈ [4,100]. The case where x = 20,
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
(c) Time (s) pNN20, was found to have the greatest discriminative
power between a healthy heart rate and a number of
FIGURE 22.4 pathological conditions. Software to compute the pNNx
Extraction of RR time series from the ECG. (a) R peak detection measures is freely available on PhysioNet at https://
(b) Interbeat interval (RR) time series (c) RR time series: a few minutes www.physionet.org/physiotools/pNNx/.
of trace. Of note, these variables can be derived from full
ECG recordings, or from segments, for example, indi-
The time series of the interbeat cardiac intervals can be vidual sleep stages or REM/NREM states. Observa-
derived from the ECG. The most common approach is tion windows should include a large-enough number of
the method of Pan and Tompkins [76], which employs a 5-minute windows to allow for significant computation
series of filters to recognize the R waves on the ECG. The of standard deviations.
derived RR time series can then be filtered for outliers
(beats that are nonphysiological) to obtain the NN
(normal sinus–to–normal sinus beat) time series. An 22.3.2 Analysis in the Frequency Domain
example is shown in Figure 22.4. The approach to anal- Heart rate changes during sleep occur on a variety of
ysis of RR/NN time series can be summarized into linear time scales, reflecting a range of processes such as brief,
techniques in the time domain, techniques in the fre- transient responses to respiratory events and arousals,
quency domain, and nonlinear methods. effects of sleep stage changes, and circadian rhythms. An
analysis in the frequency domain, which shows the
22.3.1 Analysis in the Time Domain contribution of each frequency component, can help
elucidate the physiological mechanisms that affect HRV
The Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the time scales over which they operate [79].
and the North American Society for Pacing and Elec- The power spectrum of HRV is typically calculated
trophysiology [77] has identified the following core HRV either through parametric methods, like AR models [80],
time measures: or through Fourier analysis. However, the latter requires
equally spaced samples; thus, some interpolation
• Mean NN interval through polynomial or spline functions is required prior
• Standard deviation of the NN intervals (SDNN), to power computation. To avoid this step, which may
over the entire recording, which reflects the introduce error, a spectral estimate has been introduced,
contribution of all the cyclic components named the Lomb–Scargle periodogram [81,82], which
responsible for variability only uses the observed samples in a time series to
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 453

compute the power spectrum. A tutorial on this method, while this property is progressively lost with disease
along with open-source C code for implementation, can and ageing [86–88].
be found on PhysioNet at https://www.physionet.org
/physiotools/lomb/lomb.html. Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
The frequency bands often studied with respect to
sleep are the following: The detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) [89] quantifies
the self-similarity of a time series over multiple scales. It
• Very low frequency (VLF): this spectral com- is performed by the following steps:
ponent is in general below 0.04 Hz (sometimes
centered around 0 Hz); it reflects long-term 1. The heartbeat time series is integrated.
regulatory mechanisms typically associated 2. The integrated time series is divided into boxes
with circadian rhythms. of equal length, n. In each box of length n, a
• Low frequency (LF): this component ranges least-squares line is fit to the data.
between 0.04 and 0.15 Hz. LF power and typi- 3. In each box, the integrated time series is
cally decreases with respect to HF power with detrended by subtracting the local trend in that
sleep depth and increases in the presence of box.
respiratory events, such as obstructive and
4. For a given box size n, the characteristic size
central apnea.
of fluctuations F(n) for this integrated and
• High frequency (HF): this component, ranging detrended time series is calculated.
between 0.15 and 0.4 Hz, is the expression of the
respiratory arrhythmia of the heart, which is the This computation is repeated over all box sizes, and
result of the vagal activity, and thus is consid- the relationship between F(n) and the box size n is ana-
ered a marker of the parasympathetic activity lyzed. A linear relationship on a log–log graph indicates
controlling the heart rate [83]. the presence of scaling (self-similarity) in the time series
of interest [83]. The slope of the line relating log[F(n)] to
The LF/HF ratio, considered an index of sym- log[n] determines the scaling exponent a (self-similarity
pathovagal balance, decreases with deepening sleep as parameter) of the time series [89].
the parasympathetic branch of the ANS begins to dom- Software for DFA computation is available on
inate. Similar values for this ratio are found in wake- PhysioNet, with related tutorial, at https://www
fulness and REM sleep, decreasing in stage N2 and .physionet.org/physiotools/dfa/.
further decreasing in N3 sleep. Reported values are 0.5–1
in NREM sleep and 2–2.5 in REM sleep [38,84].
PhysioNet features a complete toolbox for the com- Sample Entropy and Multiscale Entropy
putation of time-domain and frequency-domain HRV
parameters. The C version can be found at https:// The sample entropy (SampEn) [90] measures the regu-
physionet.org/tutorials/hrv-toolkit/ and the MATLAB larity of a time series by matching it with a given template
version at https://www.physionet.org/physiotools of length m. If the template and the time series match
/matlab/wfdb-app-matlab/. An alternative, user- point-wise within a tolerance r, the SampEn is the nega-
friendly interface for HRV analysis is Kubios, developed tive natural logarithm of the probability that the two also
at the University of Eastern Finland and available in match when the template length is extended by one unit.
open source at http://kubios.uef.fi/ [85]. An extension of the SampEn is multiscale entropy (MSE)
[91], which computes the SampEn of a set of derived time
series, called coarse-grained time series, each repre-
senting the system dynamics on a different time scale.
22.3.3 Nonlinear Methods
Coarse-grained time series are obtained by averaging sam-
Nonlinear techniques aid in the quantification of long- ples over nonoverlapping windows of increasing width
range correlations in a time series, and, in particular, in (scale). An MSE graph plots SampEn as a function of
characterizing the fractal properties of the NN time scale (i.e., coarse graining factor), as shown in Figure 22.5.
series. The term fractal refers to complex objects with Both the relative and absolute amplitude of the plots
properties of self-similarity, or scale-invariance, and this provide insight into the multiscale structure of the data.
concept extends to describe the dynamics of complex In the analysis of heart rate dynamics, the MSE method
systems that lack a characteristic time scale. It has been has been shown to have the highest values for the time
shown that scale invariance seems to be a characteristic series of healthy subjects and lower values for subjects
signature of healthy systems, e.g., the healthy heartbeat, with congestive heart failure (CHF) [91–93].
454 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

homeostasis, and decreased functional residual capacity.

1.4 Respiratory events include obstructive apneas, charac-
terized by the presence of respiratory effort while airflow
completely stops; central apneas, characterized by a
complete cessation of both respiratory movements and
airflow for at least 10 s; and mixed apneas, a combination

1 of the previous two. Additional events include periods of

hypoventilation or airflow limitations.
Reliable automatic scoring of respiratory events
0.8 during sleep could promote the generation of objectively
Healthy scored events obtained on large volumes of data.
0 5 10 15 20 Automatic Apnea Detection
from Airflow Signals
FIGURE 22.5 Breathing events during sleep can be detected as reduc-
MSE graph, representing, for each scale, the sample entropy of the tions in airflow or tidal volume. Although pneumo-
corresponding coarse-grained time series. Adapted from Costa MD, tachography and body plethysmography are the gold
Goldberger AL, Peng C-K, Multiscale entropy analysis of complex
physiologic time series, Phys Rev Lett 2002;89.
standards for the assessment of these measures, less
cumbersome measures are usually performed in routine
PSG, typically with use of thermistors, nasal pressure
A tutorial and code for MSE analysis can be found on sensors, and inductance abdominal and thoracic plethys-
PhysioNet at https://www.physionet.org/physiotools mography. While thermistors and nasal pressure
/mse/. sensors provide relative changes in airflow, calibrated
inductance plethysmography can provide quantitative
assessments of changes in respiratory pattern, although Lempel–Ziv Complexity calibration can be difficult to maintain across the sleep
The Lempel–Ziv (LZ) complexity is one of the several period [96].
techniques used in information theory to measure algo- The detection of apnea events, and their classification
rithmic complexity, that is, the relationship between the into central, obstructive, and mixed, has been performed
number of operations (or the amount of time) required following this general scheme:
for the algorithm to run as a function of the length of the
input series n. To compute the LZ complexity, the 1. Extraction of an amplitude measure from the
numeric sequence first has to be transformed into a raw flow signal. This can be achieved through
symbolic sequence [94]; then the symbolic sequence can rectification [97] (squaring or absolute value) of
be parsed to obtain distinct words, and the words the signal or computation of the instantaneous
encoded. LZC(n) is the length of the encoded sequence power through STFT [98].
from those words. The value of LZC(n) is close to n for 2. Apnea event detection based on thresholds on
totally random sequences [83], while it is lower for very amplitude and duration. Criteria can be based
regular time series. LZC(2) of NN time series obtained on the signal being below the threshold for a
during sleep was found to be able to discriminate bipolar required amount of time, or be linked to the
patients with high anxiety from healthy sleepers [95]. speed of amplitude or power dip and its return
to original value.
3. Feature extraction. Since the main difference
between central and obstructive apnea lies in
the absence or presence of respiratory move-
22.4 Cardiorespiratory Measures ments, signals from inductance belts have been
effectively employed for the further characteri-
22.4.1 Automated Methods for the Detection zation of apnea events. One approach is the
of Respiratory Events extraction of wavelet coefficients from scored
Sleep facilitates the appearance of breathing disorders apnea segments [97].
due to instability in ventilatory control, decrease in the 4. Automatic classification of the type of apnea.
neuromuscular tone of the upper airways, alteration A number of classifiers can be used for
in respiratory reflexes, altered carbon dioxide (CO2) this purpose, including neural networks [97],
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 455

AdaBoost, linear discriminant analysis and The complete approach to apnea detection from an
support vector machines [99]. audio signal of respiratory sounds can be summarized in
detection of snoring episodes and classification of snoring
Depending on the aim of the study, algorithms can sounds into apnea-related and non-apnea-related.
focus on classifying the individual as being affected by Regarding the detection of snoring episodes, one algo-
SDB or not, rather than on detecting individual events. In rithm by Jané and colleagues [104] is based on segmenting
this case, features can be extracted not on an event- or the audio signal into stationary portions, with subsequent
time-window basis but from the whole series of signals. extraction of features in the time and frequency domains
An example is that introduced by Gutierrez-Tobal and that are used as inputs for a neural network that classifies
colleagues [100], who focused on discriminating subjects each segment as with or without snoring.
with sleep apnea–hypopnea syndrome (SAHS-positive) Identification of “pathological” snoring has used
from SASH-negative ones. Extracted features, which were methods that take advantage of the frequency content of
derived both from the flow signal and from the derived the signal, which differs between healthy snorers and
respiratory rate variability time series, included the first snorers with obstructive sleep apnea. The frequency
four statistical moments, spectral features, and nonlinear components that resonate with the upper airways
features (LZC, central tendency measure, and SampEn). chamber are named formant frequencies, and the signal
Forward stepwise logistic regression was employed for power at those frequencies is maximized, while that at
classification of each subject into one of the two categories. other frequencies is filtered. As the upper airways of
The best value of accuracy of this study was equal to 82%. obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients are typically
narrower than in healthy subjects, resonating frequen-
cies are different in the two cases [105]. Automatic Apnea Detection
Both parametric and nonparametric approaches have
from PPG Analysis
been used to estimate resonating frequencies. The para-
Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a signal from most metric route employs linear predictive coding, which
oximeters used in HSATs as well as typically collected attempts to model sound samples according to an AR
during PSG. The PPG waveform and its relationship model, whose parameters define a filter based on the
with physiological systems have been studied for clinical acoustic structure of the upper airways. From the equa-
physiological monitoring, vascular evaluation, and tions of the model and the filter parameters, the formants
autonomic behavior. PPG provides a measure of the can be derived [105]. The nonparametric route includes
tissue blood volume, which is related to arterial vaso- classic FFT for deriving features like spectral amplitude
constriction or vasodilation generated by the ANS and peaks [106], peak frequencies, soft phonation index, noise-
modulated by the cardiac cycle. Indeed, PPG envelope to-harmonics ratio, power ratio [107], or wavelet analysis,
amplitude decreases as a consequence of vessel con- which takes into account the nonstationary nature of
striction generated by the activation of the sympathetic the signal [108].
nervous system. Amplitude reduction in PPG occurs
when an apnea event takes place due to sympathovagal
22.4.2 Cardiopulmonary Coupling
balance changes [101]. However, not all decreases in
PPG amplitude are associated with an apnea [101,102]. The technique of cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC), intro-
Some attempts at developing an automated detector of duced by Thomas, Mietus, Peng, and Goldberger in 2005
apnea events in children and adults have been made, [109–111], was devised to address the challenge of auto-
often combining PPG with a derived measure of HRV matic detection of sleep apnea syndromes and of sleep
from PPG [102]. Detection of respiratory arousals from stability solely from a continuous single-lead ECG. This
PPG has also been performed [103]. One commercial spectrographic method is based on an estimation of the
HSAT device, Itamar’s Watch-Pat™, uses PPG type data coupling between HRV and respiration. The method makes
in conjunction with oxygen saturation and other data to use of the changes in ECG waveform related to breath-
automatically detect respiratory events. ing. A MATLAB code for ECG-derived respiration (EDR)
can be found on PhysioNet at https://physionet.org/
physiotools/matlab/wfdb-app-matlab/html/edr.html. Snoring Sounds
An example of the EDR output is shown in Figure 22.6.
Respiratory sound signals that record snoring events can The RR signal and the EDR signal are combined
be used for obstructive apnea detection. The snoring according to the following procedure [10,111]: both time
phenomenon, which occurs in a majority of patients with series are filtered for outliers and resampled at 2 Hz.
obstructive sleep apnea, is caused by the vibration of soft Then, the cross-power and quadratic coherence are
tissues due to turbulent airflow through a narrow or computed on windows of 1024 samples (8.5 minutes),
floppy upper airway. overlapped by 75% with one another. The product of the
456 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

(LFC), indicating periods of unstable NREM sleep; and

ECG (mV)

0.1 high-frequency coupling, (HFC) indicating periods of

0 stable NREM sleep [112].
–0.1 A further feature of this method is its ability to score
1675 1680 1685 1690 1695 1700 sleep apnea. Relatively pure obstructive sleep apnea
0.95 results in multiple broad bands of low-frequency CPC
RR (s)

spectral peaks, while central sleep apnea results in cyclic

oscillations at a relatively fixed frequency, resulting in
0.85 a narrow-band or low-frequency CPC. By superimpos-
1675 1680 1685 1690 1695 1700 ing appropriate thresholds [10] to the amplitude of the
coherent cross-spectrum, the CPC algorithm identi-
EDR (a.u.)

fies the epochs that contain obstructive apnea (elevated
low-frequency coupling–broad band, or eLFC-bb) and
–10 those that contain central apnea (elevated low-frequency
1675 1680 1685 1690 1695 1700
Time (s)
coupling–narrow band, or eLFC-nb).

ECG signal with recognized R waves (top panel), interbeat interval RR
time series (middle panel), and EDR signal (bottom panel) as generated
by the PhysioNet function edr.m.
22.5 Challenges and Needs
22.5.1 Noise, Artifacts, and Missing Data
Coherent RR and EDR cross-spectrum
In a completely automatic system where there is no human
involvement, artifact detection is a crucial step to ensure
that the derived features are informative and do not alter
the results. The same is true for missing or “blank” signals,
which occur in cases of sensor misplacement or interfer-
ence. What would be easily identified and rejected through
visual expert analysis must be similarly rejected by
implementing a series of rules and criteria in the preproc-
essing module of any automated signal analysis. As briefly
introduced in the previous sections, a number of artifact
0.2 8
7 identification methods exist for different signals. Semi-
0.15 6
5 deterministic signals, like the ECG, are easier to check for
0.1 4
Frequency (Hz) 3 continuous, superimposed noise and transient artifacts
0.05 2
1 Time (hours) than quasi-stochastic signals, like the EEG. Outlier removal
in an ECG-derived interbeat interval time series can
FIGURE 22.7 be performed comparing observed values with averages
Example of CPC graph of one night of sleep. Peaks can be observed in and thresholds, like in the method proposed by Mietus
the very-low-frequency range (VLF, 0–0.01 Hz), in the low-frequency and colleagues and available on PhysioNet at http://
range (LF, 0.01–0.1 Hz), and in the high-frequency range (HF, 0.1– physionet.incor.usp.br/tutorials/hrv-toolkit/. The detec-
0.4 Hz).
tion of noise and interference in the EEG is less straight-
forward. Artifacts may be caused by external (e.g., electrode
instability, power line interference) or internal (e.g., muscle
two measures is calculated, to obtain a time-frequency or eye movement) factors [113]. Multiple approaches to
representation, termed a coherent cross-spectrum, as artifact detection have been proposed, including those
shown in Figure 22.7. based on independent component analysis (ICA) [114,115],
The graph shows peaks in three different frequency moment-based statistical methods [116], wavelet analysis
bands: VLF (0–0.01 Hz), LF (0.01–0.1 Hz), and HF (0.1– [117], regression [118,119], blind source separation
0.4 Hz). [120,121], averaged artifact subtraction [122], Bayesian
The superimposition of appropriate thresholds [10] to classification [123], MSE [26], and combinations of methods
the amplitude of these peaks allows one to automati- [124–127]. All these methods have different strengths and
cally identify three modes during the night: very- limitations. For big data analysis, there is a need to
low-frequency coupling (VLFC), indicating periods of consider the computational load of the algorithms, and
wakefulness or REM sleep; low-frequency coupling specifically the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 457

To put in place robust criteria for artifact detection, a can be captured by the algorithm criteria, the algorithm
global, detailed knowledge of the data must be present, generates a series of key figures, as that shown in
reflecting an understanding of the subject characteristics, Figure 22.8, which can be quickly examined by a
setting for data collection, and instrumentation used. polysomnologist, and overall noisy recordings can be
For example, some sensors may be more sensitive to detected and discarded.
displacement with movement or sweat, or some subjects
may be more likely to have interferences between the
22.5.2 Data Harmonization
EEG and the ECG signals. An understanding of the
intrinsic data can markedly assist the user in developing One of the biggest challenges in the analysis of sleep data
procedures for minimizing residual noise. An under- from a big data perspective is related to standardizing
standing of the specific study objectives also can influence and understanding signals and other data elements, and
decisions regarding trade-offs in accuracy and efficiency. the impact of data collected in different centers and with
An example of a completely automatic artifact detec- different modalities and over time. The varied sources of
tion procedure was one that was implemented in the data relevant to sleep medicine, including PSG col-
PSYCHE project. In this project, sleep data from a lected in sleep labs or at home, airflow and adherence
wearable sensor, including the ECG, were collected at data from continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
home, and then the derived RR time series were trans- machines, data from wearable devices, and question-
ferred to a server, where the feature extraction took place. naires, among others, pose integration challenges.
A decision-tree system was put in place to ensure that To address differences in PSG source data, the NSRR
extracted features were reliable, based on the detection of includes applications that allow the normalization of
missing data and outliers in the signal. The system took data from different sources. For instance, EDF Editor and
into account the fact that different data lengths were Translator (https://sleepdata.org/tools/edf-editor-and
necessary for the extraction of features in the time domain -translator), developed in Java, facilitates the deiden-
and in the frequency domain, and nonlinear features. The tification and standardization of signals by editing EDF
method is presented in the work of Migliorini et al. [128]. files and translating sleep annotations generated in dif-
An alternative approach for automated analysis is ferent vendor formats to sleep domain standardized
found in the EEG processing pipeline featured on the terminology. The NSRR Cross Cohort EDF Viewer
NSRR, spectralTrainFig. This semiautomatic approach, (https://sleepdata.org/tools/edf-viewer) is an open-
although detailed, calls for human review and editing. source MATLAB tool that enables the user to open dif-
The artifact detection and feature extraction module is ferent types of EDF files and corresponding sleep
relatively fast; however, since not all possible artifacts annotation files [19].

C3 Density spectra
Frequency (Hz)

25 3.5
20 1 δ θ α σ s σf β NREM
15 REM
10 3
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 2.5
log10 (density) (uV2/Hz)

4 1.5

M 1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

SWA (0.5–4.5 Hz) 0

log10 (density


4 –0.5
2 –1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 5 10 15 20 25
Epoch number Frequency (Hz)

Example of spectral analysis adjudication panel. The figure includes a frequency vs. epoch number spectrogram (top left), a hypnogram (left
middle), a slow-wave activity plot (left bottom), and signal average NREM/REM spectra (right). (From Mariani S, Tarokh L, Djonlagic I, Cade BE,
Morrical M, Yaffe K, Stone KL, Loparo KA, Purcell S, Redline S, Aeschbach D. Evaluation of an automated pipeline for large scale EEG spectral
analysis: The National Sleep Research Resource. Sleep Med, 2017 Nov 29.)
458 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Ontologies can facilitate the use of standardized Emerging data show that many sleep traits are herita-
information models for harmonizing and integrating ble, including sleep duration, quality and timing, and
varied sleep data. Specific to sleep medicine, and as sleep apnea. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
prototyped by the NSRR, a Sleep Domain Ontology investigate the genetic bases of sleep phenotypes and,
(SDO) [130] contains standardized terms representing due to the high number of variables under exam,
sleep disorders, medications, clinical findings, and require very large data sets to achieve sufficient statis-
physiological phenotypes, as well as terms representing tical power. The largest genetic analysis to date of sleep
procedures and devices used in sleep medicine, such as data was conducted by Lane and colleagues [133],
PSGs. SDOs can be used for data curation, federated data which used self-reported chronotype data from 100,420
integration, visual query interfaces, analysis, and stan- participants in the UK Biobank cohort. With use of
dardizing metadata parameters associated with sleep fairly dense genotype data and self-reported sleep/
data collection. While the International Classification of chronotype data, these investigators identified 12 new
Sleep Disorders has proposed some standards, there is genetic loci that implicate known components of the
not yet a nationally endorsed SDO [11]. There are several circadian clock machinery as well as several novel loci.
NIH-supported data warehouse systems, such as BIRN The evolution of sleep big data resources may allow
[131] and i2b2/SHRINE [132]; however, these resources future studies to use more granular physiological data
do not specifically address sleep research needs includ- (such as from PSGs and actigraphy), biomarker data
ing PSG data management. Adoption of SDOs by pro- (such as melatonin levels), and clinical data to further
fessional societies may further their use and utility across expand the understanding of genetic mechanisms
the sleep medicine community. underlying sleep and circadian disorders.
One of the main focuses of the NSRR is to provide an
accessible, easily disseminated data integration platform
22.6.2 Precision Medicine and Other Applications
and tools for sleep researchers. This includes the devel-
opment of ontologies and metadata for sleep terms. The The goal of precision medicine is to provide treatments for
NSRR informatics infrastructure is based on two com- diseases that are tailored to an individual’s unique
plementary and interrelated ontologies: SDO and Sleep characteristics. An initiative to achieve precision medi-
Provenance Ontology (SPO), representing data and cine in sleep is TOPMed, Trans-Omics for Precision
metadata in sleep studies. The SDO has as its aim the Medicine, funded by the National Heart, Lung, and
standardization of sleep and relevant clinical terms and Blood Institute (NHLBI). The program enhances
the mapping of terms from the sleep studies to the SDO research on the biological bases behind heart, lung,
for orchestrating the NSRR functionalities, including blood, and sleep disorders by integrating whole-genome
resource representation, cataloging, data storage, and an sequencing and what have been defined as “other
intuitive visual query interface for users. The SPO -omics” data with clinical data, which, in the realm of
addresses the variations in protocols for clinical PSG sleep medicine, can include PSG data, environmental
data collection and analysis standards (e.g., scoring cri- factors, and comorbidities [134]. Databases, portals, and
teria, sensors, and sampling frequencies). The SPO controlled vocabularies are under development to allow
standardizes these metadata terms, called provenance, varied and dense data to be integrated across cohorts.
to allow coherent data comparisons across sleep centers, Other examples of big data applications in sleep
laboratories, and sleep studies over time. Unlike a cen- medicine are open-access sleep surveys, like the World
tralized data warehouse, this ontology-driven federated Sleep Survey (http://www.worldsleepsurvey.com/), an
data integration approach allows NSRR to adapt to initiative of the University of Oxford, UK, and Sleepio,
changes in data sources and also easily scale to a large an application for delivering cognitive behavioral
number of studies. therapy to treat insomnia. The survey, which aims to be
the “largest ever survey in the world of sleep,” includes
about 80 questions on sleep habits and provides a per-
sonalized sleep report to each participant in return. Tens
of thousands of individuals have participated, and data
have been used to motivate interventions, associate
22.6 Emerging Applications of Sleep behaviors with environmental factors [135], and improve
and Big Data the functionality of apps and self-help programs [136].
Another smartphone app, named ENTRAIN, collects
22.6.1 Genomics and Sleep
data on sleep habits around the world, alongside
Advances in understanding the genomics of sleep with information about light to make inferences about
and sleep disorders could shed light on fundamental global sleep trends and the effect of social pressures on
mechanisms of sleep and its relationship to health. sleep timing [137]. An online patient-centered portal,
Automated Processing of Big Data in Sleep Medicine 459

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Integrating Clinical Physiological Knowledge at the Feature and
Classifier Levels in Design of a Clinical Decision Support System
for Improved Prediction of Intensive Care Unit Outcome

Ali Jalali, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Robert A. Berg, Mohamed Rehman, and C. Nataraj

23.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................465
23.2 Methods .........................................................................................................................................................................467
23.2.1 Collected Data .................................................................................................................................................467
23.2.2 Integrating Expert Physiological Knowledge .............................................................................................467
23.2.3 Feature Extraction ...........................................................................................................................................468
23.2.4 Feature Ranking ..............................................................................................................................................469
23.2.5 Artificial Neural Network Classifier ............................................................................................................470
23.3 Results ............................................................................................................................................................................471
23.4 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................................473
References ................................................................................................................................................................................474

measurement, or visual inspection of the patients, and

23.1 Introduction attempt to identify patients at high risk. Some of the
currently available acuity scores are Acute Physiology
Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) are among the
and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) III [8], Sim-
most critically ill patients in any hospital. For example,
plified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II [9], Modified
approximately 200,000 in-hospital cardiac arrests occur in
Early Warning Scoring (MEWS) [10], Mortality Proba-
the United States each year, and only 20% of these
bility Models (MPM) [11], and Sequential Organ Failure
patients survive to discharge. In-hospital cardiac arrest is
(SOFA) score [12].
frequently preceded by early warning signs of clinical
There are three fundamental problems with these
deterioration that can be recognized and treated
acuity scoring methods. Firstly, they are population
by trained in-hospital staff. Those at higher risk (of car-
based and are not patient specific [13] since they have
diac arrest, for example) would be in immediate need
been developed to provide risk adjustments for popu-
for extensive monitoring and direct attention from
lation differences in evaluating the effects of medications,
healthcare providers [1]. The implementation of early
care guidelines, surgery, and other interventions that
warning scores leads to improved recognition and treat-
impact mortality in ICU patients [14]. Furthermore,
ment of clinical deterioration in hospitalized patients in
the scores are not developed for frequent evaluation of
the general wards. Hence, evaluation of critical deterio-
the patients [13] but rather for estimating risk based on
ration risk for ICU patients has drawn much interest from
the first 24 hours after ICU admission. The currently
healthcare providers due to its importance in saving
available scoring systems such as SOFA and SAPS could
patients’ lives [2–6]. Most of the clinically based studies
not be updated regularly since they are mostly based on
have focused on providing simple scores that focus on the
the indicators that can only be updated once per day, for
severity of disease or illness [7]. Basically, these scores
instance, the worst measured value of the day, which can
add weights to the degree of abnormality of an organ or a
only be calculated at the end of the day. Hence, these
disease based on the vital sign measurement, blood gas

466 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

scoring systems can only be updated once a day and fail by clinical staff, and the data available from the medical
to provide near-real-time predictive power [15]. In con- devices at the point of care are also regularly collected for
trast, the developed clinical decision support system operational and research use. A CDSS is intended to help
(CDSS) in this study can be updated as frequently as we the caregivers aggregate the different types of physio-
get the measurements from the patients. This will allow logical data so provided and to discover the hidden
the clinicians to track the trajectory of the patient more knowledge or patterns in the data to help make the
closely. Finally, the current scoring systems are mostly correct decision in an expedient manner.
based on the raw recordings from the patients and do CDSS typically uses a knowledge-based data mining
not take into account the quality of the data in the elec- approach with patient-specific information so as to be
tronic health records (EHRs). As we know, there are able to provide support for decision making in patient
many parameters such as measurement condition, care [16–18]. In fact, a systematic review by Garg et al.
patient movement, measurement device parameters, [19] of 100 studies concluded that CDSS improved
etc., which affect the quality of the EHR data. practitioner performance in 64% of the studies and
Currently, the way that these scoring methods are improved patient outcomes in 13% of the studies. CDSS
used is that, as soon as a patient admitted to the ICU, the is a sophisticated HIT component. It requires computa-
healthcare provider will calculate the severity score for ble biomedical knowledge, patient-specific data, and a
the patient and then provides a care strategy based on reasoning or inferencing mechanism that combines
the assigned score. This process is carried out on a daily knowledge and data to generate and present helpful
basis, and the score does not change during the day. This information to clinicians as care is being delivered. This
strategy works fairly well for patients who either are information must be filtered, organized, and presented
very sick or gradually deteriorate during a period of a in a way that supports the current workflow, allowing
week or so. However, clinicians are more interested in the user to make an informed decision quickly and take
detecting the patients who suddenly deteriorate during a action.
very short period of time as these cases require imme- Traditionally, CDSSs have been statistical in nature,
diate attention; however, they are very difficult to detect although machine learning techniques have increas-
in advance and are clearly not captured by the standard ingly attracted attention from researchers in the CDSS
scoring methods. Higher-frequency physiologic data field as a result of their superior performance in com-
collection in ICU environments provides the source for parison with traditional stochastic approaches in pre-
near-real-time information on patients that changes diction, modeling, and classification of biomedical
and evolves with patient state. Medical devices at the signals [16,20–23]. The main advantage of machine learn-
point of care in these environments are a rich source of ing–based methods is that they are structurally sophisticated,
these data. which makes them suitable for analyzing increasingly
The objective of this chapter is to address the afore- complex medical data. We have successfully implemented
mentioned problem and propose the development of a machine learning techniques in developing CDSS in our
machine learning–based CDSS for patient-specific pre- research on predicting complex physiological condi-
diction of in-hospital mortality of ICU patients. CDSS is a tions [24–27].
part of health information technology (HIT), which is CDSSs have indeed been implemented for ICU
widely considered to be an important game-changing outcome prediction in some earlier studies [1]. However,
paradigm shift in the delivery and administration of these methods are tailored to a very specific data set;
medicine leading to enormous gains in efficiency and they also ignore available physiological knowledge,
improvements in effectiveness, resulting in savings of hence making them relatively unfriendly to the clinician.
lives and cost. In general, CDSSs are capable of analyz- We believe CDSS not only should provide accurate and
ing vast amounts of data and can provide patient- reliable decision support in a variety of settings but
specific risk evaluation. Modern ICUs provide clinicians should also pave the way to eventually providing val-
with a vast amount of physiological data including uable insights for a better understanding of complex
physiological waveforms, images, laboratory test results, physiological conditions and diseases. One of the best
and clinical notes with the purported aim of providing studies done on the prediction of ICU outcomes is the
detailed information of every patient’s physiological study by Pirracchio et al. [31]. They used data from
state. Furthermore, physiological data in the form of 24,000 patients collected from PhysioNet to develop their
electrocardiograms, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory algorithm. They further validated their method using
rate (RR), and other invasive parameters are routinely data from 200 patients collected from a different hospital.
monitored in the ICU environment. Temporal telemetry However, they excluded the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) or
on patients is used regularly for managing patient state comfort-measures-only (CMO) patients from their data
Integrating Clinical Physiological Knowledge at the Feature and Classifier Levels 467

set. Hence, in this chapter, we describe a novel algorithm TABLE 23.1

that successfully integrates expert physiological knowl-
Collected Data for ICU Mortality Prediction
edge in a machine learning–based CDSS for providing
accurate decision support to predict ICU outcome. Measurement Unit
We aim to develop an easy-to-use—but algorithmi- Albumin g/dL
cally complex and dynamic—CDSS that addresses at Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) IU/L
least three unique challenges: (1) synthesis of data from Alanine transaminase (ALT) IU/L
multiple clinical systems and sources, (2) decision Aspartate transaminase (AST) IU/L
support that is predictive unlike most clinical decision Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) mg/dL
support (CDS) interventions, and (3) impact to the out- Bilirubin mg/dL
comes and safety of high-risk complex patients. Cholesterol mg/dL
Creatinine mg/dL
Diastolic arterial blood pressure (DABP) mmHg
Systolic arterial blood pressure (SABP) mmHg
Fractional inspired O2 (FiO2) 0–1
23.2 Methods Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) 3–15
Serum bicarbonate (HCO3) mmol/L
23.2.1 Collected Data Hematocrit (Hct) %
The data used in this chapter are gathered from the Heart rate (HR) bpm
publicly available PhysioNet database and consists of Serum potassium (K) mEq/L
4,000 patients [14]. The data were collected from first 48 Lactate mmol/L
hours of stay for an adult population who were admitted Serum magnesium (Mg) mmol/L
to the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). These Mean arterial pressure (MAP) mmHg
patients were admitted for a wide variety of reasons to Mechanical ventilation 0 or 1
cardiac, medical, surgical, and trauma ICUs. Patients Serum sodium (Na) mEq/L
with directives of DNR or CMO were not excluded, Noninvasive DABP (NIDABP) mmHg
hence making the prediction task much more complex. Noninvasive SABP (NISABP) mmHg
The exclusion criterion of ICU stays of less than 48 hours Noninvasive MAP (NIMAP) mmHg
has been applied to the data set. Among the collected Partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PaCO2) mmHg
data, 512 patients died during their stay at the ICU. The Partial pressure of arterial O2 (PaO2) mmHg
available EHR system collects 42 physiological mea- pH 0–14
surements and demographic information. Not all vari- Platelets cells/nL
ables are available in all cases, however. Among the Respiratory rate (RR) bpm
collected EHR data, six variables are general demo- O2 saturation in hemoglobin (SaO2) %
graphic descriptors (collected on admission), and the Temperature °C
remainder are in time series format. The data were Troponin-I (TropI) μg/L
provided in the comma separated file format and are Troponin-T (TropT) μg/L
listed in Table 23.1. Be aware that the sources of these Urine mL
data are not coherent necessarily across organs. For White blood cell count (WBC) cells/nL
instance, bicarbonate (HCO3) is measured in the lab via Note: Majority of these variables are obtained from laboratory anal-
blood draw, together with partial pressure of oxygen ysis of blood draws. The heart rate, respiratory rate blood
(PaO2) and dioxide carbon (PaCO2). Hence, the regu- pressure, and FiO2 values are obtained automatically from
bedside monitoring and mechanical ventilation sources.
larity of these measurements varies from, say, RR or
mechanical ventilation tidal and minute volume settings
or spontaneous measurements. Hence, the frequency of
collection of these values differs. This is being mentioned
23.2.2 Integrating Expert Physiological Knowledge
to provide context in that not all parameters are collected
at the same time, from the same source, and in the same Almost all the previously clinically developed acuity
frequency.This data set is a perfect example of practically scoring systems group the collected data into different
available EHR-based clinical data with missing, sparse, groups based on the respective organ, type of data,
or noisy observations, which we need to account for in etc. We believe that grouping the data is essential
our algorithm. In the feature extraction section 23.2.3, we for the success of the outcome prediction algorithm
will discuss how our algorithm deals with these issues. since it provides a more specific view of the data for the
468 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 23.2 within it. In the following section, we describe the fea-
tures that we extract from the collected physiological
Organ Classification for ICU Mortality Prediction
Organ Variables Statistical Features. The statistical features that we
Heart MAP, DABP, SABP, NIDABP, NISABP, NIMAP, HR, K, extract from the data include minimum, maximum,
cholesterol mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, frequency of collec-
Neuro GCS, glucose, MAP, SaO2 tion, maximum rate of change, and daily trend. Skew-
Lung FiO2, RR, SaO2, PaO2, PaCO2, pH, mechanical ventilation, ness and kurtosis are third- and fourth-order statistical
HCO3 moments of a random variable defined by Equation 23.1.
Liver Bilirubin, albumin
Kidney Creatinine, BUN, K, lactic, urine
mn ðxÞ = Efðx − μÞn g (23.1)
Infection WBC, temperature where n is the order, μ is the mean value of the data, and
Note: For definition of acronyms, please refer to Table 23.1. E is the expected value. Frequency of collection repre-
sents the number of times a variable is collected and is a
algorithm and also makes the algorithm more intuitive measure of the level of care for the patient as more fre-
for clinical use. Based on expert medical knowledge and quent data collection means that the clinicians suspect
opinion, we have hence divided the collected data into that the patient is critical and hence collect more data for
different groups based on their relationship to a par- closer monitoring of the patient’s status of health.
ticular organ. We also defined a new index called out- Maximum rate of change reflects the sharpest change in
of-range index (ORI) based on clinical expert opinion a variable or recording and is a strong indicator of
that that the amount of time that a physiological vari- sudden changes in the patient’s health status. Daily
able is out of normal range or in a dangerous zone is as trend is the difference between the first and last record-
important as the number of times that it surpasses the ings of the day and is a good indicator of the patient’s
normal limits. The normal limits for the patients are change of health state.
defined based on clinical expertise. We understand that Out-of-Range Index and Number of Alarms. The ORI
the sources of the data are not coherent necessarily is a measure of both the amplitude differences of a
across various organs. For instance, HCO3 is measured measurement within its normal range and the time that
in the laboratory using blood sample analysis, together the measurement goes out of normal range. The normal
with PaO2 and PaCO2. Hence, the regularity of these range limits of the collected data are presented in
measurements varies from variables such as heart rate Table 23.3. We first defined ORI as a new feature in our
(HR) or mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), which are previously published paper on prediction of neurologi-
calculated more frequently. Hence, the frequency of cal outcome after cardiac surgery in neonates, where the
collection of these values differs. The grouping of the results showed that it is an excellent predictor of
variables into these different organ groups helps the outcome [27]. Furthermore, the ORI is a clinically intui-
algorithm to better understand the physiological state of tive measure as clinicians believe that the amount of time
each organ and hence guarantees improved decision that a physiological variable is out of normal range or in
support. Table 23.2 shows organs and their respective a dangerous zone is as important as the number of times
variables based on expert opinion and is unique to our that it surpasses the normal limits. For each variable, we
algorithm. Note that this grouping is more compre- also calculate the number of alarms, which is equal to the
hensive than any previously developed acuity scoring number of times that a measurement has crossed the
system. Furthermore, we added another group called normal range thresholds as defined in Table 23.3.
infection to account for the possibility of sepsis as it is a Sample Entropy. Another feature that we extracted for
common condition in ICU patients. more regularly collected data including HR, systolic blood
pressure (SABP), diastolic blood pressure (DABP), and MAP
is sample entropy. Sample entropy (SampEn), as defined
23.2.3 Feature Extraction
by Ref. [29], is a measure of signal complexity and
One of the main steps of the machine learning algorithms irregularity and is the negative natural logarithm of the
is the feature extraction. Feature extraction can be done conditional probability that a signal window with length
in a supervised or unsupervised manner. Unsupervised N, having repeated itself within a tolerance r for m
feature extraction techniques include autoencoders and points, will also repeat itself for m + 1 points, without
deep Bayesian networks. The unsupervised feature allowing self-matches. Sample entropy has been used in
extraction techniques are mostly used in image recog- the literature to evaluate the cyclic behavior of HR and
nition or cases where we have high-resolution waveform blood pressure [30–32].
data. Feature extraction is necessary to quantify the Demographic Features. Demographic data can rep-
collected data and extract hidden information that exists resent very valuable information about a patient,
Integrating Clinical Physiological Knowledge at the Feature and Classifier Levels 469

TABLE 23.3 the proposed decision support system is more robust to

the noise in the data and the quality of the EHR data.
Normal Physiological Range for the Collected Data
Measurement Lower Limit Upper Limit
23.2.4 Feature Ranking
Albumin 2 NA
Bilirubin NA 6 As mentioned earlier, the extracted features contain
BUN NA 50 important undiscovered relationships of the inputs with
Creatinine NA 2.5 the output. We could extract as many features as possi-
DABP 30 120 ble from the data and then form tens of thousands of
GCS 4 NA pairs from these features. Using a large number of fea-
Glucose 60 150 tures leads to a well-known problem of overfitting in
Hct 30 NA machine learning algorithms, leading to grossly inaccu-
K 3 8 rate models. This situation hence exposes us to a very
Lactate NA 4 challenging problem: how do we efficiently pare the
MAP 70 150 features down to a smaller subset by identifying just the
Mg NA 5 most important features? This process of systematic
Na 120 160 reduction is called the feature ranking problem and
pH 7.1 7.6 attempts to sort the features based on their correlation
PaCO2 35 70 with outcome. There have been several methods of
PaO2 60 200 feature ranking proposed in the literature; among them
Platelets 50 800 are the ensemble feature ranking method, feature
RR 6 30 ranking based on the support vector concept [33,34],
SABP 60 180 and mutual information–based ranking [27,35]. In this
HCO3 22 26 study, we rank the extracted features from each organ
SaO2 95 NA based on their mutual information with the outcome.
Temperature 35.5 38.5 The mutual information between xi and output wk is then
WBC 5 20 defined as
Note: The term NA in the table means that we did not use the respec- X X pðxi , wk Þ
tive limit for the variable. The limits of noninvasive blood pres- I ðx i ; w k Þ = pðxi , wk Þ log (23.2)
i∈X k∈f±1g
pðxi Þpðwk Þ
sure measurements are the same as invasive measurements.

where wk represents the classes, survived or not sur-

vived, and p(xi, wk) is the joint probability distribution of
which we quantify here for use in our algorithm. The
xi and wk.
extracted features from demographic data include age,
We approach the feature ranking problem using
sex, weight, and type of ICU. Also, we calculated body
mutual information as an optimization problem that
surface area (BSA) from height and weight. BSA is fre-
seeks to find a subset Sopt from the whole feature set S by
quently used to titrate infusion and normalize physio-
maximizing the information content I(s; wk) between the
logic parameters, including cardiac output. Each patient
feature set and the output. In this we maximize the
will be assigned a number between 1 and 7 based on his/
mutual information of subset Si using the following
her respective age group. The designed age groups are
(1) < 30, (2) 30–40, (3) 40–50, (4) 50–60, (5) 60–70, (6)
70–80, and (7) > 80. 1 X
I ðxi ; wk Þ = I ðx ; w Þ
Design of a decision support system based on the jSj x ∈S i k
features extracted from the measurements makes it less
sensitive to noise in the data. The extracted features from 1 X  
the data such as statistical features, ORI, and sample − I x i ; x j x
jS − 1j2 xi ,xj ∈S
entropy are more robust to the added noise and are
designed to reduce the effect of the noise. To illustrate = fx : x ∈ Si ⊂ Sg (23.3)
this, let us assume that a very low oxygen saturation
recording is noisy. This number is used in the calculation In order to maximize I(xi; wk), we have to maximize
of the SOFA, and SAPS directly, and therefore will skew the first part of the right-hand side of Equation 23.3,
the SOFA and SAPS. However, one noisy recording has which represents the mean of the mutual information of
very little effect on the mean of the data, negligible effect each of the features and the class. In addition, we need
on the skewness and the kurtosis of the data, negligible to minimize the second part of the right-hand side of
effect on the ORI, and very little effect in general. Hence, the equation, which represents the mutual information
470 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

between the features themselves. We seek to find the [31,36,37]. In cardiovascular system research, neural
features that have high mutual information with output networks are applied very widely. Neural networks are
and low mutual information with each other to ensure used for modeling and fault-diagnosing the cardiovas-
that the optimal feature set is robust and does not contain cular system [38,39], and heart arrhythmia detection and
redundant information and features. The mutual infor- classification [40].
mation of a set takes into account both mutual infor- The inputs of the ANN classifier are the selected fea-
mation of features with the output and also mutual tures from each patient, and the output of the classifier is
information of features with each other. If two features the probability of death as an outcome of ICU stay for the
have high mutual information, i.e., are highly correlated, respective patient. We use the backpropagation method
the mutual information of a set will keep the feature with with a fixed learning rate of 0.1 to train the classifier. The
higher mutual information with outcome and will designed neural network is composed of an input layer
remove the feature with lower mutual information with with a hidden layer and an output layer. The input and
the outcome as this feature is redundant and does not hidden layers are composed of 100 and 50 neurons
contribute to the overall accuracy of the algorithm. respectively, while the output layer is composed of 2
neurons. We selected tangent sigmoid function as the
activation function for input and hidden layers while, we
23.2.5 Artificial Neural Network Classifier
used log sigmoid activation function for the output
Much of the original excitement for the application of layer.
computational intelligence to biomedicine and biomed- We have designed the structure of the neural network
ical systems research originated from the development in such a way as to reflect the importance of the status of
of artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are designed the health of different organs in the eventual outcome.
to mimic the performance of the human nervous system. As shown in Figure 23.1, we have designed the neural
The nonlinear properties of an ANN are ideal for pattern network in such a way that the cardiac and neural fea-
recognition or texture classification. Successes in pattern tures are connected to all three layers of the network
analyses using ANN have been demonstrated in many while pulmonary and renal features are connected
disciplines. A neural network can be used to explore to two layers, and the rest of the features are only
the relationships among several physiologic variables connected to the first layer. This is based on clinical
and predict outcomes of almost all types of diseases knowledge [41] and predisposes the algorithm toward a

Heart Input



Liver Prediction




Schematic design of neural network for ICU outcome prediction.
Integrating Clinical Physiological Knowledge at the Feature and Classifier Levels 471

model in which cardiac and neural factors are more performance of the classifier. Hence, by using the
important than those of the other organs. eightfold validation techniques and averaging the
results, we can mitigate the bias induced by the inclu-
sion of the CMO and DNR in a certain group of the
data set. We also used the leave-out validation method
to test the accuracy of the classifier. In this method, we
use the data from the first 3,000 patients for feature
23.3 Results
selection and training the algorithm. It means that
The evaluation metric used in this study is the F-score, we form the best subset of the features based only on
which is a measure of a classifier’s accuracy. It is the the training data. We then test the classifier on the last
harmonic mean of the positive predictive value and 1,000 patients.
sensitivity of the classification and has been widely used Table 23.4 shows the selected features based on the
in the context of computer-aided diagnostics in medical proposed algorithm for each organ for the two different
decision-making systems. Since it is the mean of sensi- validation methods. The results of this table show that
tivity and positive predictive value, the F-score reduces the proposed feature ranking method is very robust in
algorithmic bias and is calculated using the following selecting the features subsets as only there are three
equation: features different between the two validation methods.
The frequency of collection has been used in the litera-
Se  PP
F=2 (23.4) ture for ICU outcome prediction, but we can observe
Se + PP from Table 23.4 that it has not been picked up as an
where Se and PP are sensitivity and positive predictive important indicator of the outcome and that it is not a
values of a classifier and are defined using useful indicator of outcome.
Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the DNR and CMO
TP patients were not excluded from the data set, and in fact,
Se = (23.5)
TP + FN we are blind to these patients. Since DNR or limitation of
support was not excluded, this makes it really difficult to
TP predict the outcome, hence decreasing the accuracy of
PP = (23.6)
TP + FP the methods because death may not have been due to
where TP, FN, and FP are true positive, false negative,
and false positive values respectively.
The outcome of this study is “in-hospital-mortality,”
TABLE 23.4
so the outcome is 1 if the patient dies in the hospital even
if outside ICU, and it is 0 if the patient survives during Selected Organ Features for Two Different Validation Methods
the hospitalization. The data is for a period of 48 hours Method Organ Variables
after admission to the ICU. Leave- Heart Minimum DABP, K ORI, HR daily trend,
To address the problem of missing and sparse data, we out maximum rate of change for MAP, SABP
replaced the missing measurements with their respective alarms
mean for the population. This method has been imple- Neuro MAP sample entropy, GCS alarms, glucose ORI,
mented successfully in previous studies [1]. MAP alarms, GCS daily trend, SaO2 variation
We use two methods of validation to measure the index
performance of the algorithm. These validation methods Lung RR sample entropy, FiO2 alarms, RR daily trend,
PaCO2 ORI, pH alarm
are (1) the k-fold cross-validation method and (2) the
Liver Albumin alarms, albumin ORI, bilirubin alarms
leave-out validation method. We use eightfold valida-
Kidney BUN alarms, BUN risk, creatinine alarms, K ORI
tion for testing the accuracy of the algorithm. Eightfold
Infection WBC ORI, temperature alarms
validation means that we divide the data into eight
K-fold Heart HR sample entropy, minimum DABP, K ORI,
equally sized sections; in this case, each section com- HR daily trend, maximum rate of change for
prises 500 patients. We then train the classifier with MAP, SABP alarms
seven sections of the data and validate with the Neuro MAP sample entropy, GCS alarms, glucose ORI,
remaining section. We repeat this procedure eight times MAP alarms, GCS daily trend, SaO2 variation
until the classifier is validated with all the available data. index
At each repetition, we calculate the F-score based on the Lung RR sample entropy, FiO2 alarms, maximum rate
results of the classifier. We finally average the eight of change for HCO3, PaCO2 ORI, pH alarm
calculated F-scores and report it as the final result of Liver Albumin alarms, albumin ORI, bilirubin alarms
the classifier. Since the CMO and DNR patients were Kidney BUN alarms, BUN risk, creatinine alarms, K ORI
not excluded from the database, this will affect the Infection WBC ORI, temperature alarms
472 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 23.5
Comparison of Prediction Accuracies of This Chapter’s Predictive Analytic Method and Traditional Acuity Scores
Method Group No. Died TP FP FN TN F-Score SOFA SAPS II
K-fold 1 63 28 45 35 392 0.41 0.28 0.27
2 72 38 52 34 376 0.47 0.25 0.31
3 69 31 42 38 389 0.43 0.24 0.30
4 56 22 43 34 401 0.37 0.26 0.25
5 70 31 40 39 390 0.43 0.31 0.32
6 58 20 32 38 410 0.37 0.27 0.31
7 53 22 28 31 429 0.39 0.29 0.27
8 71 35 35 36 394 0.49 0.29 0.28
Leave-out 1 141 66 75 71 788 0.46 0.26 0.29
Current SOFA 512 164 443 348 3045 0.28 – –
SAPS 512 144 406 368 3082 0.31 – –

poor physiological state but could have been due to poor for the entire collected data is 12.8%. We can see that this
prognosis (for example, end-stage cancer, etc.). is an unbalanced data set where the output of interest is
In order to reduce the number of design parameters for significantly lower in comparison with the neutral
the algorithm, we designed the ANN to have two output. An unbalanced data set makes the prediction
outputs. One is the probability of death, and the other problem even more complicated. It can be observed from
one is the probability of survival. The output with higher Table 23.5 that our algorithm constantly outperforms the
probability is reported as outcome. The threshold for SOFA and SAPS II scoring systems.
SAPS score is 29% probability, while the threshold for To better describe the performance of the developed
SOFA is 9 to predict death. decision support system, we have performed additional
Table 23.5 presents the breakdown of the results for analysis. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
each of validation methods. As discussed earlier, the curves for eightfold validation, leave-out validation,
reported F-score for the eightfold validation method is and SOFA and SAPS scoring systems are shown in
the mean of the calculated F-scores for each group. As Figures 23.2 and 23.3. These figures further show that
we can see from this table, the mortality rate for the the designed algorithm outperforms SOFA and SAPS.
groups in the eightfold validation varies from 10.6% to Table 23.6 presents the breakdown of the sensitivity and
14.4%; this rate for the leave-out validation is 14.1% and positive predictive value results for each of the validation

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8
True positive ratio (TPR)
True positive ratio (TPR)

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 Group 1 0.4

Group 2
Group 3 0.3
Group 4
Group 5 0.2
Group 6 Leave-out
Group 7 SOFA
0.1 0.1
Group 8 SAPS

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
False positive ratio (FPR) False positive ratio (FPR)


Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) results for eightfold validation Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) results for leave-out validation
method. method.
Integrating Clinical Physiological Knowledge at the Feature and Classifier Levels 473

TABLE 23.6 The results represented in the Table 23.7 indeed show
a significant improvement over the current status, which
Comparison of Prediction Accuracies of This Chapter’s
we believe represents a promising way forward.
Predictive Analytic Method and Traditional Acuity Scores
Method Group No. Se PP AUROC H-Statistics
K-fold 1 44.4% 38.7% 0.8906 75
2 52.8% 42.2% 0.8940 76
3 44.9% 42.5% 0.9268 78
4 39.3% 33.9% 0.8840 74 23.4 Conclusion
5 44.3% 43.7% 0.9140 83 In this work, we addressed the problem of ICU outcome
6 34.5% 38.4% 0.8891 82 prediction. One of the main objectives of this study is to
7 41.5% 44.0% 0.9208 79 increase ICU outcome prediction accuracy in order to
8 49.3% 50.0% 0.9278 85 help clinicians identify patients at high risk of mortality
Leave-out 1 48.2% 46.8% 0.9116 81 and morbidity and hence enable them to plan possible
Current SOFA 32.0% 27.0% 0.4805 205 treatments in a timely manner to avoid losing the
SAPS 28.1% 34.6% 0.5493 139 patient. We believe that, although the current acuity
Note: AUROC is area under the receiver operating characteristic scoring systems can perform well in detecting very sick
curve. patients, they fail to detect the patients that are at high
risk for critical deterioration but are not critically ill. The
algorithm that we presented in this chapter is able to
methods as well as the Hosmer–Lemeshow H-statistic outperform standard acuity scoring systems in the ICU
results. The sensitivity and predictive values for the such as SOFA and SAPS by more than 45%. Although
eightfold validation are 43.9 ± 0.06 and 41.6 ± 0.05 this algorithm has similarities with the acuity scoring
respectively. systems, which makes it acceptable for clinical use, it is
Figure 23.3 results show that the area under the ROC capable of analyzing the data at deeper levels to extract
curve (AUROC) for the SOFA and SAPS is very close to the hidden information that exists in the data.
0.5, which translates to no predictive performance for We have been able to fully integrate physiological
these scoring systems. In comparison, Pirracchio et al. knowledge in the design of this algorithm to make it
[31] showed that the AUROC for SOFA and SAPS is more clinically intuitive and to also improve the accu-
around 0.7–0.8. The reason for this difference could be racy of the predictions. Some of the most important
related to the fact that we are blind to the CMO and DNR aspects of physiological knowledge integration are cat-
patients and their numbers in this data set are relatively egorizing the data into different related organs, use of
high. The results of this study show that the proposed ORI as one of the critical features that we extract from the
method is robust to the presence of the DNR and CMO data, and design of the neural network classifier in a way
patients in the data set. that mimics the importance of the organs in the body.
The final comparison of our results with SOFA and We believe that this information is fundamentally
SAPS scoring systems shows approximately 55% and important for improving the performance of the algo-
45% improvement in the outcome prediction accuracy. rithm and to make it clinically intuitive.
To statistically compare our developed algorithm with Additionally, in this chapter, we have demonstrated
SOFA and SAPS, we performed a t-test on the data. the potential of CDSSs in solving complex problems in
Table 23.6 represents the results obtained from per- the ICUs. The CDSSs are mostly driven by data, and
forming t-test comparison analysis. their performance depends heavily on the collected data;
however, integrating expert opinion and available
physiological understanding is crucial to the success of
TABLE 23.7 these methods in real-life clinical settings as we believe
Comparison of Developed Decision Support that this is the only way to make clinicians relate to these
Algorithm and SOFA and SPAS Scoring Systems systems and trust them for day-to-day clinical use. We
Using T-Test Comparison Analysis understand that just outperforming common acuity
Compared Methods p-value scoring systems does not assure robustness of the pro-
posed CDSS. However, we need to consider that these
K-fold vs. SOFA 0.007
scoring systems are currently used by clinicians and no
K-fold vs. SAPS 0.002
other gold standard method exists to replace these
Leave-out vs. SOFA 0.0009
systems in order to effect an improvement. Hence, we
Leave-out vs. SAPS 0.01
hope that the results of this chapter show the potential of
474 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data:
From Data Collection to Analytics

Shiming Yang, Peter F. Hu, and Colin F. Mackenzie

24.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................477
24.2 Automated Medical Big Data Monitoring ................................................................................................................478
24.2.1 Data from a Real Trauma Center .................................................................................................................478
24.2.2 Redundant VS Collection System with a Diagnosis Viewer ....................................................................478
24.3 Data Analytics in Trauma Patients ............................................................................................................................480
24.3.1 Features Based on Descriptive Statistics......................................................................................................480
24.3.2 Features Based on Variability .......................................................................................................................481
24.3.3 Features Based on Correlations ....................................................................................................................483
24.3.4 Features Based on Entropy............................................................................................................................484
24.4 Machine Learning Framework and Its Applications ..............................................................................................485
24.4.1 Feature Selection .............................................................................................................................................486
24.4.2 Performance Metrics .......................................................................................................................................487
24.5 Computing Issues .........................................................................................................................................................488
24.6 Discussion ......................................................................................................................................................................489
References ................................................................................................................................................................................489

massive data sets. Research and funding agencies,

24.1 Introduction including National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke (NINDS) and the U.S. Department of Defense
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and hemorrhage shock are
(DoD), are also investing more resources in developing
the leading causes of morbidity and mortality after
reliable TBI outcome and transfusion prediction models
injury both on the battlefield and in civilian care [1,2]. In
and practically usable tools based on intensive analysis
parallel with new clinical care protocol and technique
of large data collections. Military medicine considers
development, increasing efforts in continuous physio-
these approaches as the future way to develop combat
logical monitoring and data analysis are reported [3,4].
casualty autonomous resuscitation [5,6] and enhance
The ultimate goal of Big Data’s application in this area is
real-time field decision making [7].
to optimize the limited medical resource allocation
The volume of real-time physiological patient data has
through comprehensive analysis of a large amount of
proliferated with each advance in computer hardware
data, hence improving patients’ outcomes and reducing
and medical sensor technology. High-fidelity data are
healthcare cost.
streamed into physiological monitors for care planning,
Early recognition and mitigation of secondary inju-
clinical decision support, quality improvement, and
ry and hemorrhage could ameliorate the effect of brain
remote patient monitoring. Processing and extracting
injury or prevent death caused by massive bleed-
useful and actionable knowledge from these data also
ing. Various statistical modeling and machine learn-
require consideration of the techniques used to store,
ing methods have been used to explain TBI outcome
manage, and analyze massive data. In this chapter,
associations and to predict future conditions with

478 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

we will review continuous physiological data collection, (PACU), and 60 intensive care unit (ICU) individual
signal processing, and data analysis methods for pre- bed/monitor units. Each patient monitor collects real-
dicting trauma patient outcomes related to actionable time 240 Hz waveforms and 0.5 Hz trend data, which
therapeutic interventions and translating this into are transferred via secure intranet to a dedicated
autonomous resuscitation. In Section 24.2, we describe a BedMaster® server (Excel Medical Electronics, Jupiter,
reliable large-scale physiological data collection system, FL) and archived [19]. This process generates approxi-
which is the basis of any Big Data study. In Section 24.3, mately 20 million data points/day/bed or roughly 30
we review some medical signal processing and feature terabits/year of data. Physiological data collected
extraction methods for signals typically used in pre- through this system, when they are displayed on the GE
dicting trauma patients’ short- and long-term outcomes. Marquette monitor, include electrocardiographic (ECG),
In Section 24.4, we provide a description of a compre- photoplethysmographic (PPG), carbon dioxide (CO2),
hensive framework for a machine learning approach to arterial blood pressure (ABP), and ICP data, among
TBI outcomes and blood transfusion prediction, with others. Trends include heart rate (HR), respiratory rate
example projects for the purpose of early detection and (RR), temperature, oxygen saturation (SPO2), end-tidal
automated resuscitation. CO2 (EtCO2), and ICP, among many others. They cover
the categories of brain pressure, cardiac, perfusion, and
In addition to continuous data, other heterogeneous
data with different formats and temporal resolutions are
also collected and organized in databases, including
24.2 Automated Medical Big Data Monitoring
ordinal or categorical data [e.g., Glasgow Coma Scale
Modern hospitals are often equipped with bedside (GCS), age, sex]; radiological images; text (medical
monitors collecting various physiological data in a real- records, clinical notes); bed movement (admission, dis-
time, continuous, and automated way. Data ranging charge and transfer time, and location); and other
from routine intermittent observations to high-fidelity important data (adverse events, treatments, response,
waveforms can be recorded and streamed into monitors etc.).
for care planning, clinical decision support [8], quality
improvement [9], and reduced hospital mortality [10].
24.2.2 Redundant VS Collection System
With massive storage capability, those data can also be
with a Diagnosis Viewer
stored as part of the electronic health records (EHRs) for
retrospective analyses such as physiological pattern These heterogeneous data are available and need to be
discovering [11,12] and prediction modeling [13,14]. One collected with different formats and temporal resolu-
example is the PhysioBank, a large collection of bio- tions. In the current hospital environment, these data are
medical databases, which inspires studies in cardiovas- in a loosely organized decentralized network. One
cular time series dynamics, modeling intracranial approach to manage VS waveforms and trend data,
pressure (ICP) for noninvasive estimation, and more used at a level I trauma center that admits more than
[15–18]. However, in a busy resuscitation or healthcare 8000 severely injured patients annually, is to design a
environment, collecting more complete data is not the triple-redundant data collection server for high fault
top priority of health providers. System failure or tolerance to maximize these data collection rates to
manual data entry errors can result in missing values, nearly 100%.
causing difficulty in application of decision-support To minimize the impact of individual server collection
algorithms; or such failures can cause a loss of data failure, we installed three dedicated BedMaster servers
associated with rare events. Therefore, a reliable system in parallel to simultaneously collect physiological patient
that simplifies and automates the hospital-wide data data from the network of patient monitors described
collection process is necessary. above. Figure 24.1 diagrams the data streams from
multiple individual bed units to three BedMaster servers
arranged in parallel. This triple modular redundancy
24.2.1 Data from a Real Trauma Center
architecture permits fast switch over time and high
In the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, a level I system availability [20]. One server is selected as a
regional trauma center located in downtown Baltimore, principal or “backbone” server. When it fails, values
Maryland, 94 GE Marquette Solar 7000/8000® (General from a second sever will fill in. When two servers fail,
Electric, Fairfield, CT) patient vital sign (VS) monitors values from the third one will be used.
are networked to provide collection of real-time patient The triple-redundant data collection system could
VS data streams in 13 trauma resuscitation units (TRU) increase data availability. However, a tool for fast system
and 9 operating room (OR), 12 postanesthesia care unit diagnosis is still lacking. To address the need for ongoing
Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data 479

BedMaster 1 server (Figure 24.1). A high-performance database hosts

those data items labeled with data server name, bed unit,
VS display time stamp, and admission status.
VS matching The front end (MoMs viewer) is designed as a web-
based application so that users can access it from any
location in the hospital. IP address white list and user
login modules are used for information security. Each
bed collection status is summarized and pushed to the
GE network MoMs viewer through the Ajax (asynchronous Java-
BedMaster 3 BedMaster 2 Bedside monitor
Script and XML) techniques every minute. All partic-
BedMaster 1,2,3
Intranet MoMs server
ipating patient bed units are represented by individual
cells in each of three spreadsheet blocks representing one
FIGURE 24.1 of the three redundant BedMaster servers. Figure 24.2
The MoMs system architecture with triple modular redundancy design shows a block of the web-based monitoring system
using three BedMaster servers. corresponding to bedside collections from monitors in
the TRU, ORs, and neurotrauma critical care (NTCC),
system status monitoring and real-time presentation and multitrauma critical care (MTCC) units. The back-
critical clinical data, we developed the MoMs (Monitor ground color of each cell represents the associated bed’s
of Monitors) information representation layer over the data collection status. Green indicates that the data
VS collection system. Using the current data collecting stream has been alive in the last 5 minutes. Yellow
architecture and a minimum-instrument approach, we indicates that the last time stamp from data from that
stream the most recent record from the BedMaster server bed/monitor is 5 minutes to 4 hours old and that a
from each bed to a dedicated data server, the MoMs problem may exist. Dark red indicates a time stamp gap

A portion of MoMs viewer for data collection status. Light gray (shown): collection is active (within last 5 minutes); silver (not shown): collection
was active 5 minutes to 4 hours ago; dark gray (shown): no data collection has occurred in more than 4 hours; gray (shown): bedside collection is
offline. In each cell, letter “A” means admitted; letter “D”, discharged. The medium gray background cell indicates a patient with an intracranial
monitor in place; ICP value appears in white.
480 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

greater than 4 hours and that action should be taken to those questions. Those data are often only used for
remedy the problem. Report of an elapsed data collec- bedside instant physiological status view. Due to the
tion gap includes the duration of collection failure. difficulty in storing, accessing, and analyzing, those data
There are different elements in each colored cell to streams are hardly used beyond the VS readings or
indicate bed unit occupancy. Often, nurses may press a instant waveform morphism analysis. Clinicians often
bedside button for admission (A) to or discharge (D) utilize those medical data in an empirical way, which
from this bed. This allows for a cross-check on potential may consume their extra attention while not fully
causes for information gaps such as the device being unlocking the value of the data. Validated, automated
temporarily inoperable or no patient being monitored. In medical data processing and analysis could aggregate
addition, bed occupancy can be verified by real-time massive amounts of data and assist clinicians to quickly
physiological values, such as HR. It can be used as recognize changes in physiological status and prioritize
second evidence for us to infer if a bed unit is currently care.
occupied by a patient. If one bed unit is offline, the gap Processing medical data/signals is an important initial
between now and its last reported time will be shown. step before building predictive models. In prehospital
Figure 24.2 shows one example in the unit OR-6, which is and even in hospital, data are collected in a hostile
highlighted in a red cell with a time gap of 6 hours and environment, which adds noise to the original signals.
51 minutes. Numerous methods and algorithms have been studied
The easy configuration of the MoMs dashboard viewer to remove outliers and noise from the signal, to smooth
also allows it to be used for identifying and displaying or sample from high rate signals, and to explore signal
clinical information of special research interest. For characteristics in time, frequency, and joint domains
example, ICP monitoring is an important VS for trau- [4,21–23]. In this section, we assume that data/signals
matic brain-injured patients and is not often collected have been preprocessed as “clean data” and focus on a
due to its invasive nature. To receive early notification of few topics on feature design, feature selection, and
ICP-monitored cases, the MoMs viewer can extract ICP model evaluation, which are less tackled in many
data from all bed/monitor units’ data streams and medical data processing handbooks.
display these data using a predefined color code. In
Figure 24.2, those pink cells with white bold font text
24.3.1 Features Based on Descriptive Statistics
show real-time ICP values from the corresponding bed/
monitor units. For example, at the time we viewed the Maintaining patients’ VSs within normal ranges is a
MoMs system, the unit NTCC-17 was monitoring ICP basic task for clinicians. Some treatment protocols also
with an instant value of 8 mmHg. give guidelines on the thresholds of VSs to be watched
In a 12-month study period, single-server collection during patient care. For example, for the management of
rates in the 3-month period before MoMs deployment severe TBI, it is recommended to begin initial treatment
averaged 81.4%. Of the 18.6% collections lost, most (18%) when ICP is above 20 mmHg, and CPP is suggested to
were brief periods, 5 minutes to 4 hours. Reasons for remain above 70 mmHg [24]. The guidelines for field
gaps included collection server failure, software insta- triage of injured patients recommended the use of SBP
bility, individual bed setting inconsistency, and monitor <90 mmHg or RR <10 or >29 breaths per minute as a part
servicing. In the 6-month post-MoMs deployment of the physiological criteria when considering if a patient
period, average collection rates were 99.96%. The triple- should be transported to a facility with the highest
redundant patient data collection system with real-time level of care [25]. When adding the age factor, SBP
diagnostic information summarization and representa- <110 mmHg was recommended in the National Trauma
tion improved the reliability of massive clinical data Triage Protocol for geriatric trauma patients (age >
collection to near 100% in a level I trauma center. 65 years old) [25,26]. Empirical thresholds are also
used as simple predictors or decision triggers by clini-
cians. In field triage, shock index (SI) > 1 is used as an
indicator of circulation failure and a predictor of critical
bleeding, since it has high specificity and is easy to cal-
culate [27].
24.3 Data Analytics in Trauma Patients
Those thresholds that pass muster with the clinical
In treating trauma patients, clinicians often wish to know experts indeed can serve as domain knowledge to design
if a patient has elevated ICP; if some lifesaving inter- features from physiological time series. Such type of
ventions are needed in the near future, such as massive features may hold clinical meanings that are easy to
transfusion; or if a patient has unstable neurologic status. interpret by humans. To quantify the cumulative effect of
Although there is a high volume of data monitored for VS away from normal range, the “pressure-times-time
trauma patients, they are often underused to answer dose” (PTD) is defined as the integrated area enclosed by
Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data 481

the VS curve and the threshold line within a given time 24.3.2 Features Based on Variability
interval. Sometimes, to compare between patients, it is
Continuous noninvasive ECG and PPG sensors are
also calculated as averaged PTD in unit time, which is
ubiquitous in both prehospital emergency medical
the PTD normalized by time duration. Even thought two
service and in-hospital healthcare for TBI patients.
patients may be monitored for different time durations,
Waveforms measured from both sensors capture rich
their PTDs in unit time are still comparable. In predicting
information on cardiovascular, circulatory, and respira-
TBI patients’ outcomes, the PTDs of ICP >20 mmHg and
tory systems. Heart rate variability (HRV), derived from
CPP < 60 mmHg have been shown to be good predictors
ECG waveform, has long been used in studies of
of in-hospital mortality and length of ICU stay [28].
prehospital lifesaving interventions [30] and neurologic
Similar to the idea of PTD, some descriptive statistics
disorder [31,32], and the association between the auto-
of VS within a given time period are also informative for
nomic nervous system (ANS) and cardiovascular mor-
clinician use or may contribute to outcome prediction in
tality is well established [33]. ANS is a complex life-
a model. With the assumption that the observed data are
sustaining system, which plays a role in nearly every
approximately normally distributed, mean and variance
organ and disease [34], including regulating cardiac
are often used to sketch the VS value distribution.
activity, respiration, and pupillary response. ANS dys-
Standard deviation (SD) is used to quantify the vari-
function is a potential complication following severe TBI
ability of observed VS data. The coefficient of variance,
[35]. While neurological diseases can lead to many
which is the SD divided by the mean, is a unit-less value
changes in cardiac function, the major changes noted are
that is suitable to compare between data sets with widely
arrhythmias and repolarization changes. Goldstein et al.
different means. Robust statistics, such as percentiles or
[36] noted that either increased ICP or decreased CPP
quartiles, are also used to quantify the shape of the VS
can be associated with ANS dysfunction. Baguley et al.
data distribution. The median (50th percentile or 2nd
[37] observed that in TBI, patients with or without
quartile) is one of the most commonly used statistics in
dysautonomia showed HRV differences compared to the
VS feature calculation.
control group.
Those descriptive statistics, plus the PTD value of VS
Another universally used sensor, pulse oximetry,
in a given time period, have the following merits. First,
generates a PPG waveform that carries rich physiological
those features can easily incorporate domain knowledge
information, such as HR, SPO2, and even RR [38]. The
and hence possess straightforward meaning. Stein et al.
peaks in PPG are almost synchronized and correspond-
described a scheme of designing 588 features from 9
ing to the R peaks from ECG in the time domain.
typically used VSs, using various thresholds and time
Therefore, the peak–peak interval from PPG can be used
windows [14]. Second, they could aggregate large
as an alternative to the normal-to-normal (NN) interval
amounts of data or simplify complex data as a few
calculated from ECG recordings. Lu et al. compared
summary quantities, which can be used by many sta-
HRV and PPG variability (PPGV) in both time- and
tistical prediction models. For example, to identify
frequency-domain-based on data collected from 20
patients with critical bleeding risk, Mackenzie et al.
healthy subjects. They found that PPGV was highly
summarized patients’ first 15 minutes 240 Hz PPG by
correlated to HRV and could serve as an alternative
applying the above descriptive statistics to the peak-to-
measurement [39].
valley distances of PPG. In such a way, each patient’s
To find QRS peaks from ECG, the Pan–Tompkins
216,000 waveform data points are aggregated into
method is used [40]. The ECG signal is smoothed with
dozens of features as inputs for logistic regression [29].
the Savitzky-Golay filter to increase the signal-to-noise
Third, those values can be calculated efficiently even if
ratio. The R peaks are then detected based on a threshold
the data are of high volume and high velocity.
that is adaptive to the signal. To detect PPG signal peaks
Despite these listed merits, we need to understand that
and valleys, the Savitzky–Golay filter is applied to
some of these features rely on certain assumptions. For
smooth the signal [41]. The peaks can be found through
example, normality is often assumed when we use the
two rounds of searching. In the first round, the peaks are
mean and SD to sketch the shape of VS data distribution.
roughly found through MATLAB built-in routine
Besides, we may assume that the thresholds suggested
“findpeaks.” The median distance between two consecu-
by guidelines can be applied to any patient group at any
tive peaks PDmedian is then calculated. In the second round,
time period. In reality, the thresholds may vary along
any small peaks within a range of 0.6 × PDmedian from a
time, no matter how slow. Also, some hidden factors
large peak would be ignored. Figure 24.3 shows a typical
may result in a large difference in threshold values
PQRST segment from ECG, with identified peaks and five
between age groups or sex groups. Therefore, we need
items that we use for calculation. The NN interval illus-
to be careful when incorporating clinical prior knowl-
trated by item 1 is the time interval between two consec-
edge into those features, by examining the applicable
utive R peaks. HRV variables in the time domain and
482 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

R 1 R


3 5 T


Q 2 4 S

An exemplary ECG segment with identified P, Q, R, S, T peaks. Five items from the segment are used for ECG feature calculation. Item 1 is the NN
interval. Items 2 and 4 are Q-to-R rising time and R-to-S falling time. Items 3 and 5 are Q-to-R rising amplitude and R-to-S falling amplitude.

nonlinear dynamics can be calculated based on the Task PPGV and waveform morphology features can also be
Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the designed similarly with expansion based on PPG unique
North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology characteristics. Figure 24.5 (top subplot) shows a normal
[33]. From items 2 and 4 in Figure 24.3, the rising time PPG segment with identified peaks and valleys. Item 1
from Q to R and the falling time from R to S can be cal- illustrates a peak-to-peak time interval, which is analo-
culated. Similarly, from items 3 and 5, the rising and gous to the NN interval in ECG. PPGV variables and
falling amplitudes from Q to R and R to S can be morphology features were calculated from items 1–4 as
calculated. they were for ECG. PPG waveform also has a unique
Because signals may be collected when the patient dicrotic notch, and its shape has been studied and shown
goes through resuscitation, or has significant movement, to be related to arterial stiffness and aging [42]. To
artifacts exist and do not reflect the patient’s real phys- measure the deceleration and acceleration near the
iological status. To flag out signals with a large amount dicrotic notch, the first and second derivatives of PPG
of artifacts, signal quality can be evaluated based on R were calculated through three-point central difference
peaks in ECG and the peaks in PPG. The assumption is [43,44]. Item 6 in Figure 24.5 (shadowed area) depicts the
that signals have normal distributed RR intervals. RR region where PPG height changes its moving direction
intervals from segments of low quality are detected as while reducing acceleration and speed until it reaches a
outliers using the z-test. Figure 24.4 illustrates two seg- local peak. The duration and amplitude change in this
ments of signals. The left side shows ECG and PPG movement were derived as two features [45].
with low signal quality flagged with horizontal bars. The Similarly, blood pressure variability (BPV) has been
right side shows precisely identified peaks in both derived from noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) as a
signals. cardiovascular risk factor [46]. The ABP waveform also



Illustration of ECG and PPG segments of bad and good signal quality, evaluated by z-test on NN intervals. On left side, horizontal bars flag ECG
and PPG segments of bad signal quality.
Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data 483

Systolic peak

3 5

2 4
Diastolic peak
PPG 1st derivative
PPG 2nd derivative

(Top) An exemplary PPG segment with identified peaks and valleys. (Middle) the first derivative of PPG signal. (Bottom) The second derivative of
PPG signal. Item 1 is the peak–peak interval. Item 2 is the valley–peak rising time. Item 3 is the valley–peak rising amplitude. Items 4 and 5 are
peak–valley falling time and amplitude. Item 6 is the notch area, where the time duration and amplitude change can be calculated.

carries a pulse wave. With identified NN intervals, NIBP is intact, cerebral blood flow (CBF) remains a normal
or even ABP could be used to calculate BPV in the time constant speed and does not change significantly with
domain and frequency domain, as well as the nonlinear mean blood pressure. In such a situation, PRx should be
dynamics features. close to zero, indicating no or weak linear correlation
between MAP and ICP. When cerebral autoregulation is
damaged after severe head injury, CBF increases or
24.3.3 Features Based on Correlations
decreases with blood pressure. The absolute value of
Components in a biological system interact with each PRx moves away from zero, indicating strong linear
other in a sophisticated way. Discovering patterns that correlation between MAP and ICP. In this way, PRx can
sketch those interactions could help to understand and serve to continuously monitor the existence of cerebral
forecast the biological system’s behavior. Correlation is a autoregulation. When indicators of autoregulation
type of statistical quantity that can indicate predictive are plotted against cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP),
relationship, linear or functional, bivariate or multivari- a U-shaped curve is generated, consistent with a loss
ate. Hence, it is a nice tool to explore system component of autoregulation in conditions of hypoperfusion
interactions. In this section, we review the applications or hyperemia. A study in 2002 by Steiner et al. took
of different correlations in quantifying physiological advantage of this relationship to construct curves of CPP
system behaviors. against PRx, and hypothesized that the minima of these
Maintaining normal cerebral perfusion and oxygena- would indicate an ideal CPP at which pressure reactivity
tion is important in managing severe TBI patients. is maximized [51]. This group and others since have
Monitoring of the cerebral autoregulation could inform validated this model by finding a correlation between
clinicians if a patient has lost the ability to maintain a patients’ deviation away from this optimal CPP and
constant perfusion when blood pressure changes [47]. eventual neurologic outcome.
Cerebrovascular pressure-reactivity index (PRx) was Another example of using linear correlation in brain
proposed as an indicator of loss of autoregulatory trauma study is the calculation of pressure–volume com-
reserve [48,49]. PRx is calculated as a moving correlation pensatory reserve index, called RAP. It is the moving
coefficient between the mean arterial pressure (MAP) linear correlation coefficient (R) between the amplitude
and ICP. Given a short time window, about 40 consec- (A) of a frequency component corresponding to HR in the
utive data points of MAP and ICP in 4–5 minutes are ICP waveform (Figure 24.6) and the mean ICP pressure
used for calculation [50]. When cerebral autoregulation (P). Given a short time window of length 4–5 minutes,
484 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

5 Respiratory wave Pulse wave


4 CO2_RR = 14~15 HR = 112~113

14.2/60 = 0.23 Hz 113/60 = 1.87 Hz

2 1st harmonic
Slow waves 2nd
1 3rd 4th

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fourier transform of 10 minutes ICP waveform. Pulse wave components show four harmonics, with the first one corresponding to heart rate. The
other two components, respiratory wave and slow waves, are both identifiable from the frequency domain.

the ICP waveform is transformed into the frequency There are more extensions derived from above defi-
domain by Fourier transform. The amplitude of the fre- nitions, such as relative entropy, mutual information,
quency component relating to the HR can be found. RAP conditional mutual information, etc. [52]. They could
indicates the relationship between ICP and changes in serve as useful mathematical tools to extract features
volume of the intracranial space [49]. When ICP is low from one or jointly more medical time series to quantify
(e.g., ICP < 20 mmHg), near-zero RAP means that a the uncertainty and interactions of the systems that they
change in cerebral blood volume has no or small impact represent.
on ICP, which indicates a good pressure–volume com- Approximate entropy (ApEn) and sample entropy
pensatory reserve. After severe head injury, mean pulse (SampEn) are two widely used entropies in measuring
amplitude (AMP) and ICP may be negatively correlated, similarity in time series, especially in HRV [53,54]. For a
indicating the loss of cerebral autoregulation. physiological time series, even short ones, ApEn can be
used to estimate the rate of new information it generates
24.3.4 Features Based on Entropy [53,55]. Given a time series x1, x2, … xn, its Takens
embedding vectors with dimension m are Xm(i) = (xi, xi+1,
Physiological data are a succession of values outputted …, xi+m–1), where i = 1, …, n – m + 1 [56]. The distance
from the information source, namely, the patient. d(Xm(i), Xm(j)) between any two such points Xm(i) and
Entropy is a measure of the amount of information from Xm( j) is the maximum absolute element-wise difference
the source. Given a discrete random variable X with its between them. With a preset threshold r, Bi is the
all-possible-element set SX and probability function p(x), number of XX m( j) such that d(Xm(i), Xm(j)) ≤ r. Let F (r) =
the Shannon entropy H(X) of the random variable X is n−m+1
(n − m + 1)−1 i=1 log (Bi =(n − m + 1)). The ApEn is
defined as
X defined as ApEn = Fm ( i ) − Fm+1 ( i ). Larger ApEn
H ðX Þ = − pðxÞ log pðxÞ: (24.1) means that the time series is more irregular or a smaller
x∈SX chance of repeated template sequences in the time series.
However, ApEn overestimates the similarity since it
Given two random variables X and Y, the joint entropy counts Xm(i) itself when finding Bi, which is called the
is a generalization to measure the uncertainty of their self-match [53]. The SampEn was designed to reduce the
joint distribution, which is defined as bias caused by self-matching. The SampEn of HRV has
XX been shown to be useful to detect sepsis in the neonatal
HðX, YÞ = − pðx, yÞ log pðx, yÞ: (24.2) ICU [54].
x∈SX y∈SY
The interactions between physiological time series can
It can also be extended to the joint distribution of a set also be sketched by the permutation entropy, which is
of more than two random variables. The conditional the complexity of a symbolic sequence after embedding
entropy of random variable X given Y measures the the time series into a high-dimensional space. First we
uncertainty of x when y is known, which is defined as need to define the ordinal pattern. Given a sequence of
XX numeric elements x1, x2, … xn, its ordinal pattern is the
HðXjYÞ = − pðx, yÞ log pðxjyÞ: (24.3) permutation π = (i1, i2, … in) that sorts the elements in
x∈SX y∈SY ascending order such that xi1 ≤ xi2 ≤ ::: ≤ xin . Given a time
Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data 485

series x1…N and a time window of length L, the order L causes no statistically significant improvement of
permutation entropy can be calculated as follows. Let πt patients’ long-term neurologic outcome compared with
be the ordinal pattern (i.e., the sorting permutation) for the old procedure. Sample size and confounding factors
the segment of the time series under the sliding window will be identified, before the randomized case enroll-
of length L that ends at xt, i.e., the subsequence xt–L+1, …, ment. With all collected data, an appropriate statistical
xt. Let SL = {πt} be the set of all those unique (alphabet) testing method will be used to test if the null hypothesis
ordinal patterns πt. The time series x1…N corresponds to should be rejected at a certain significance level. There
the sequence 〈πt: t = L, … , N〉 of N – L + 1 ordinal are many other statistical models to explain the associ-
patterns from the alphabet SL. The entropy of this ation between factors and outcomes, such as multivari-
sequence of ordinal patterns is the permutation entropy ate regression and Bayesian models. No matter what the
of the time series x1…N. For example, the Shannon per- approaches, model interpretability is always empha-
mutation entropy is defined in Equation 24.1, sized in the explanatory studies.
X Another type of purpose is to predict. In daily patient
HL = − Pðπk Þ logðPðπk ÞÞ, (24.4) care, clinicians also want to know, for example, if a
πk ∈SL
patient with blunt injury needs massive transfusion after
where P(πk) is the frequency of πk in the sequence 〈πt〉. admission, or if a TBI patient will need a decompressive
In the work presented here, we use the Rényi entropy craniectomy procedure after 6 hours. With all available
with parameter a of the sequence 〈πt〉 defined as data already observed for those patients, reliable pre-
! diction can assist clinicians in making early decisions,
1 X such as calling the blood bank to prepare a sufficient
RaL = log P ð πk Þ a : (24.5)
1−a π ∈S
amount of blood product or scheduling early the use of
k L
the OR and notifying the operation team. As the deci-
The parameter a in the Rényi entropy acts as a selector sions based on the predictions have immediate conse-
of probabilities. It assigns almost equal weight to each quences and cost, the prediction must be of high
possible probability when a is sufficiently close to zero. accuracy. In such situations, interpretability could be
When a is larger, it puts more weight on higher proba- sacrificed for high prediction accuracy.
bilities. We can use this parameter to assign different Machine learning methods are a collection of
weights on events of different probabilities. algorithms that can discover patterns from data and
Permutation-based partitions are more robust to noise use them to predict future values. They can be
and other nonlinear distortions and artifacts than value- roughly categorized as supervised, unsupervised, and
based fixed-size partitions of the state space, since they semisupervised learning. Usually, there are preprocess-
depend on the relative order rather than the exact values ing steps to convert raw data into a feature set that
of the time series. Furthermore, in order to obtain reliable characterizes the observed object or task. In the past, an
entropy estimates with fixed-size partitions, one needs experienced clinician distilled concise and practical rules
long time series (in the order of 2m in order to cover all from years of observation and clinical practice. With
blocks of such fixed-size partitions); permutation-based massive data, such a process can be accelerated with
entropy estimates do not require long time series. The automated machine learning algorithms. However, the
robustness of permutation entropy makes it particularly algorithms may generate counterintuitive models,
attractive for mining VSs collected in real clinical set- misled by outliers, missing values, biased data, and
tings, without expensive preprocessing and cleaning of incorrect assumptions [58,59]. Therefore, a priori knowl-
such signals. edge and model validation are essential in building and
selecting models. Moreover, a machine learning method
could learn from a training data set and attempt to
minimize its error on that set. For practical use, we hope
the learned model also makes small errors on previously
24.4 Machine Learning Framework unseen data. A prediction model that can perform well
on new data has good generalization ability.
and Its Applications
For comprehensive learning algorithms, interested
In the medical field, statistical models are traditionally readers can find useful information from Murphy,
used to test casual hypotheses, with the purpose focused Bishop, or Hastie’s books and their references [58,60,61].
on explanation [57]. Consider that a new surgical pro- In this section, we focus more on methods that increase
cedure is being tested for its effect of improving patients’ the model generalization and the metrics of evaluat-
long-term neurologic outcome. Doctors may firstly form ing the models. With those tools, we could better vali-
a statistical null hypothesis that the new procedure date the models and create actionable models.
486 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

24.4.1 Feature Selection methods search for an optimal subset of the features that
maximizes model performance. Arguably, stepwise
Instead of using raw data as inputs, machine learning
selection is the most frequently used wrapper-type
methods often use variables that characterize the data or
feature selection method. In the forward selection step,
learning task’s properties (features). Feature selection is
each feature that is not in the current model is added to a
an important part of data preprocessing before building
temporary model. The new model is evaluated based on
a simple and robust model. In many applications,
a certain criterion. For example, the most debated crite-
including the Big Data scenario, we can find many
rion is the use of p-value as the inclusion condition. If the
attributes to characterize the data, without knowing
hypothesis test calculates that the p-value of the newly
which ones may contribute to the improved accuracy of
added term is less than the inclusion threshold, then
prediction. Features of little or no importance not only
keep the feature in the next round of evaluation. Other
increase the model complexity but also have a negative
inclusion criteria include the Akaike Information Criteria
effect on parameter estimation for those features that are
(AIC) and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC), which
of importance to the prediction [62]. With massive data,
are considered better than p-value-based selection. The
such overfitting is more likely to happen than
search halts when there are no features that meet
the inclusion criteria remaining outside the model. In the
One class of feature selection methods, which are
backward selection step, the full model that contains all
called the filter-type methods, are model-independent.
candidate features, or all selected features from the
They evaluate features according to a certain criterion,
forward selection, has features iteratively removed
before adopting any learning algorithm. There are
based on the exclusion criteria, which could be p-value,
various criteria that can be used. For example, zero or
AIC, BIC, etc.
near-zero variance features are often excluded. This is
Permutation is another way to evaluate feature
convenient and works in most situations. However, we
importance in a model. Intuitively, if a feature is of real
should be careful, if there is evidence showing that such
importance, then randomly permuting its values will
near-zero variance features may have strong prediction
greatly reduce the model performance. Given a trained
of the outcome. For example, a certain type of drug, like
model and performance metric, the trained baseline
barbiturates, is only used as a last resort when patients
model has its performance Pb. Each feature is randomly
are in critical condition. If one binary feature indicates if
permuted, while other features remain unchanged. The
a patient was administrated barbiturates in hospital, it
model is then trained again with the altered ith feature
may have almost near-zero variance since most patients
and evaluated for a new performance Pri. The change of
would not receive this drug. But this feature could be a
performance metric is calculated as DPi = |Pb − Pri|. To
strong predictor of unfavorable outcome, such as
have a robust estimation of the performance change, we
can repeat such random permutation many times and
Some filter-type feature selection methods use the
use the averaged difference. In this way, we can rank all
known outcome in the training set. For classification
features according to the change of performance metric.
problems, one feature selection approach often seen
Then the selected features are optimal in terms of that
from medical literature is the use of receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) analysis. Besides ROC, information
The third class of feature selection methods, which are
gain can also be used to evaluate each feature’s impor-
called the embedded methods, train the model and select
tance to decrease the uncertainty about the outcome. For
features simultaneously. Many machine learning algo-
continuous value prediction, correlation could be used to
rithms have such inherent feature selection mechanism,
find a subset of features that each has strong correlation
such as random forest, relevance vector machines, and
with the outcome while this subset of features are weakly
decision trees. A more general approach is to add a
correlated internally. Those methods have low compu-
penalty term for the model complexity to the cost func-
tational complexity, which grows linearly with the
tion using a Lagrangian multiplier. Take a data set
number of features. Since the selection is independent of
D = {(xi, yi)}, where x ∈ Rd and y ∈ R. A learning method
the learning algorithm, the filter-type feature selection
finds the optimal parameter set w through minimizing a
methods are good for initial fast screening of a large
loss function f by min f (x, y, w). Through a Lagrangian
amount of features to filter out possibly nonimportant w
ones. Also, the ignorance of interaction between features multiplier, the optimization target can be extended to be
may result in redundant selection.
Another class of feature selection methods, which are min f ðx, y, wÞ + ljjwjj1 , (24.6)
called the wrapper-type methods, search for the impor-
where l > 0 is called the regularization parameter. The
tant features within the context of models. Given a
penalty term ||w||1 is the ℓ1 norm of the model
learning method and a performance metric, the wrapper
parameter set w. Equation 24.6 is well known as the least
Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data 487

absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) [63]. its sampling bias, mainly influenced by its local demo-
It has a nice property to suppress variable coefficients, graphics. Also, data collected from a civilian hospital
which introduces sparsity while learning the parameter may not represent the military population. Hence, it is
set. It has been shown to be efficient in creating parsi- important to validate models built from single-center
monious and robust models [60,64]. studies for their generalization. There are many large-
All three classes of feature selection methods have their scale, high-quality clinical databases maintained for
own applicable scenarios. The filter types are computa- public use. PhysioNet is a large physiological database
tionally efficient. Because they can be independent of the archiving data contributed from worldwide [66]. The
model, during the initial stage of experiment design in National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) is the largest U.S.
medical studies, those methods can be used to quickly trauma registry data set, which has been used in study
filter out possibly useless variables, even if there are trauma injury epidemiology and validation of guidelines
no known outcome labels yet. This can help reduce the from clinical organizations [67–69).
amount of expensive data collection. However, filter Despite our being in the Big Data era, collecting large
methods lack knowledge of the interaction between amounts of clinical data is still expensive, and a tre-
features and thus may include redundant features. The mendous amount of effort is required to store and
wrapper-type methods iteratively search for the optimal process massive data. Hence, it is luxury to keep a large
subset of features by testing each variable’s “contribu- part of the data outside of training. Internal validation is
tion” to a selected model performance metric. The search necessary for most single-center studies, especially when
scheme takes variables’ interactions into considera- external data are not available. The internal validation
tion. But each evaluation iteration requires the model randomly partitions the collected data into training and
to be trained again, which could be time consuming. testing. A typical validation scheme is the k-fold cross-
The embedded methods have much more desired validation. A data set is randomly partitioned into
advantages. First, they include feature interaction for roughly k equal-size nonoverlapping subsets. In the ith
consideration. Second, with efficient optimization validation, where i = 1…k, the ith subset is used as a
solvers, parameter learning and regularization can be testing set, and the remaining data are used for training.
done at the same time efficiently. Moreover, through Such process is iterated over all k subsets. After one
special design of the regularization terms, not only round of k-fold cross-validation, there are k model eval-
feature importance but also the structure among feature uations. Often, we can repeat such k-fold cross-validation
groups could be selected [65]. N times by randomly partitioning the set again. With the
k × N evaluations, we can use their averaged perfor-
mance or other robust statistics (e.g., SD, median, etc.) to
24.4.2 Performance Metrics
estimate the model’s future performance on unseen data.
An appropriate model performance metric allows Such random subset sampling is a simulation of possibly
defining the right learning objectives and can increase different distributions of new data.
the chance of building generative models. Two levels of Commonly, mean squared error (MSE) or root mean
performance are crucial in creating a good predictive square error (RMSE) is used in evaluating continuous
model. First, we need to evaluate the model’s generali- outcomes. Accuracy or the confusion matrix is typically
zation capability, namely, can we have a high expecta- used for discrete outcomes. When prediction problems
tion on its performance on future unseen data? Second, have some special issues, such as imbalance in data
we want to know the model’s performance on the labels or different preference on incorrectly predicted
training data, namely, how well has this model learned cases, we need to carefully select the performance
from what it could observe? metrics. In this section, we discuss the ROC curve and
In practice, we always have finite observations. One the precision and recall curve (PRC), the two types of
reason is that collecting data could be expensive. model performance metrics that are widely used in
Another reason is that it is infeasible to sample the entire medical classification problems.
population in most situations. To know models’ Accuracy as a model performance metric has some
expected performance on unseen data, we have mainly drawbacks in medical data analysis. It could be mis-
two approaches, called external and internal validations. leading when the data labels (e.g., positive and negative
The former uses data from external sources, such as from outcomes in binary classification) are highly imbalanced.
other geologically different clinical facilities or from A classifier could cheat to achieve high accuracy by just
other historical time points. The latter reserves an inter- predicting all instances to be the most frequent class
nal small portion of the collected data and sets it aside label. Unfortunately, in many medical problems, the
only for testing. outcome of interest often is a small portion. For example,
External validation is often desired in clinical studies. in a regional level I trauma center, massive transfusion
Data collected from one regional hospital may still have rate could be as low as 1.3%–2.2% in adult patients [70].
488 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

A classifier could predict no massive transfusion for all

patients and achieve >98% accuracy. However,
mispredicting for a patient who needs massive transfu-
sion may result in severe clinical and social outcome.

To alleviate this problem, accuracy is broken into four
parts for binary classifications, which is often described

True positive rate

as the confusion matrix. The correctly predicted positive
cases are true positives (TPs). The incorrectly predicted
positive cases are false positives (FPs). Similarly, the true

negatives (TNs) are correctly predicted negative cases;
and the false negatives (FNs) are incorrectly predicted
negative cases [71,72].

Given a set of instances for prediction, a classifier gives Method1
corresponding predicted values, called prediction scores. Method3
If we sort all the scores in ascending order and use each

unique value as a threshold, all cases with score values
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
smaller than the threshold are classified as negative, (a) False positive rate
whereas those that are higher will be classified as posi-
tive. Then for each threshold, we can calculate the false

positive rate (FPR) and the true positive rate (TPR), Method1
which constitutes a point in a 2-D coordinate. After Method2
iterating all possible thresholds, a full curve is generated,

called the ROC curve. The PRC curve is created in a

similar way, with positive predicted values [PPVs = TP/
(TP + FP), also known as precision] and TPR (also known

as recall).
The ROC and PRC curves provide a full-spectrum
evaluation of a classifier by visualizing FPR, TPR, or

PPV, TPR for all possible thresholds, instead of giving a

single decision point. The ROC curve is widely used to
evaluate prediction models in many medical studies,

while the PRC curve is much less frequently seen. Davis

and Goadrich [73] proved that ROC and PRC curves
have one-to-one correspondence, given a data set with
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
finite positive and negative cases. If one ROC curve has (b) Recall
all its points above or equal to another ROC curve, it is
said that the first ROC curve dominates the second one; FIGURE 24.7
and this is true if and only if the first PRC curve domi- (a) Example ROC curves of three methods. (b) Example PRC curves of
nates the second PRC curve. However, in many situa- three methods.
tions, ROC curves from multiple models built from the
same data set are twined or close to each other. When the each other and intertwined. From Figure 24.7a, the two
data set is highly imbalanced, i.e., the negative cases methods have very similar performance, but from Figure
significantly outnumber the positive cases, the PRC 24.7b, we can observe that the light gray PRC curve
curve has better ability to identify classifiers that have (Method 3) has higher precision than the gray PRC curve
good performance in predicting the positive cases. (Method 2). Therefore, in comparing the methods, we
From one of our projects, we took 1191 injured patients may consider that Methods 1 and 3 have better perfor-
and collected continuous physiological VSs to predict the mance than Method 2.
next 3-hour blood product use. Among the 1191 patients,
only 7.2% received blood product. As an illustration,
Figure 24.7 compares the ROC and PRC curves of three
methods we used. To focus on the use of the performance
curves, we skip the details of the models here. As we can
24.5 Computing Issues
see from Figure 24.7a, the darker ROC curve (Method 1)
dominates the other two, as does the blue PRC curve. Storing, processing, and learning from massive medi-
The other two ROC curves (Methods 2 and 3) are close to cal data require intensive calculation. First, having a
Trauma Outcome Prediction in the Era of Big Data 489

high-performance file format to store and organize large

amounts of data is critical for the input and output
24.6 Discussion
(I/O) of data processing. For a typical TBI patient
staying 7 days in a trauma center, five 240 Hz waveforms An unprecedented volume of data is generated daily in
are monitored and up to 700 million data points trauma patient care. However, one cruel fact is that
(equivalent to 1-gigabyte disk size, if data are stored in healthcare resources are still very limited in both the field
12-bit format) would be collected. Traditional spread- and the hospital. Matched blood product, operation
sheet-based data management becomes less efficient rooms, and experienced healthcare providers such as
within such a Big Data scenario. Hierarchical Data surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses are always scarce.
Format (HDF) is a high-performance data format that The ultimate goal of Big Data in trauma patient care is to
offers on-the-fly data compression and high I/O per- intelligently optimize the allocation of limited healthcare
formance. It also supports reading from or writing to a resources, by reliable prediction of needs for lifesaving
subset of a data set, without loading the entire data file interventions and early decision on therapeutic plans.
into memory. With automated data processing and informative data
Second, utilizing the independence among tasks aggregation, useful knowledge from massive data can be
allows for parallel data processing, thus making full used by clinicians in a simple way for decision making or
use of multicore or many-core machines. There are prioritizing care in the busy hospital environment.
mainly two levels of parallelism in typical medical In this chapter, we reviewed a few critical components
prediction model training. One is between subjects, in large-scale medical data analysis, including reliable data
and the other is within subject. Often, the feature collection, feature extraction, feature selection, and model
extraction from a patient’s data is independent of evaluation. To distill reliable predictive models from
others. At this level, we can distribute study cases massive medical data, generalizable good performance on
evenly to all computing units. Within each subject, unseen data and interpretability are the top two most
many tasks can also be done simultaneously. For important factors to consider. Clinical expert knowledge
example, features derived from single variables can be could assist in designing meaningful and useful features
calculated on separate cores. Features from moving that may be associated with outcomes of special interest,
windows are also highly parallelizable. In the model such as transfusion, use of operation room, length of stay,
learning steps, repeated cross-validation is commonly and other actionable lifesaving interventions. Moreover,
adopted, to test and validate these models’ perfor- thorough testing with internal and external data provides
mance on new data and to prevent potential some evidence of how the models may perform, before the
overfitting. A balanced training and testing model learned models could be deployed.
prediction is used to see if the model can be general-
ized to new previously unused data. For example, with
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Enchancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of
Temporal Abstractions with Bayesian Networks in Time-Oriented
Clinical Domains

Kalia Orphanou, Athena Stassopoulou, and Elpida Keravnou

25.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................493
25.2 Temporal Abstraction of Time-Oriented Clinical Data...........................................................................................494
25.2.1 Basic Temporal Abstractions.........................................................................................................................494
25.2.2 Complex Temporal Abstractions ..................................................................................................................495
25.2.3 Clinical Systems Using Temporal Abstractions .........................................................................................495
25.3 Bayesian Networks and Time.....................................................................................................................................496
25.3.1 Dynamic Bayesian Networks ........................................................................................................................497
25.3.2 Networks of Probabilistic Events in Time...................................................................................................499
25.3.3 Continuous-Time Bayesian Networks .........................................................................................................499
25.3.4 Irregular-Time Bayesian Networks ..............................................................................................................500
25.4 Integration of Temporal Abstractions with Bayesian Networks...........................................................................501
25.5 The Clinical Domain of Coronary Heart Disease: Test Bed Data Set...................................................................502
25.6 DBN-Extended Model..................................................................................................................................................503
25.6.1 Utilization of Basic Temporal Abstractions ................................................................................................503
25.6.2 Construction of the DBN-Extended Model.................................................................................................504
25.6.3 DBN without TAs ...........................................................................................................................................505
25.6.4 Training in the Presence of Class Imbalance ..............................................................................................506
25.6.5 Experiments and Analysis .............................................................................................................................507
25.7 Incorporating Complex Temporal Abstractions in Naïve Bayes Classifiers .......................................................508
25.7.1 Extraction of Temporal Association Patterns .............................................................................................509
25.7.2 Naïve Bayesian Classifier Using Periodic Temporal Association Patterns ............................................510
25.7.3 Extracting the Most Frequent Temporal Association Patterns ................................................................510
25.7.4 Dealing with Imbalanced Data and Overlapping Classes........................................................................511
25.7.5 Comparing the Performance of the Periodic Classifiers with a Baseline Classifier..............................512
25.8 Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing .........................................................................................................513
25.9 Discussion and Conclusions .......................................................................................................................................513
25.10 Open Problems and Future Directions......................................................................................................................514
References ................................................................................................................................................................................514

scientific communities (artificial intelligence, databases,

25.1 Introduction
medical informatics, and others). As time is a key aspect
Computer-based medical problem solving has been for in modeling and reasoning with dynamic processes, it
decades, and continues to be, a particularly challeng- could not make an exception in the case of modeling
ing field of research attracting attention from diverse and reasoning with disease processes, irrespective of

494 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

whether the task at hand is to explain a situation, The motivation for this work is drawn from the fact
as currently observed, through classification or diagno- that both Bayesian models and TA demonstrated their
sis; to predict its future development, through prog- effectiveness as stand-alone engines predominantly for
nosis or risk assessment; or to overall manage it, medical problem solving and for medical data process-
through therapeutic actions and the monitoring of their ing respectively, but not in conjunction. Thus, the key
outcome. research hypothesis that we want to investigate is
Medical knowledge is usually expressed in as general whether the integration of TA with Bayesian models can
a form as possible such as associations, rules, causal yield notable performance improvements in medical
models, etc. Moreover, the medical history of some problem solving, capitalizing on the complementarities
individual, from birth to death, is nothing other than a of these two distinct technologies.
repository of time-stamped data/information of diverse
format/content and storage medium (manual docu-
ments, computer-based records, others). Technology
developments enabled the collection and storage in
electronic means (e.g., electronic health records) of large 25.2 Temporal Abstraction of Time-Oriented
volumes of such data, while the development of data
Clinical Data
mining, (or more specifically temporal data mining)
techniques enabled the extraction of new medical Temporal data can be represented using the following
“knowledge” improving current understanding and primitives [22]: time points, also denoted as events, and
thus pushing the frontiers of medical knowledge in time intervals, denoted as episodes. An event is charac-
given domains. Equally important such developments terized by a pair (t, v), where t is the time point of occur-
can support personalized medicine. However, manually rence and v is the value that determines the state of a
managing the medical history (or part of this history) of parameter, while an episode is characterized by a pair
some individual in order to yield optimal decision (I, L), where I is the interval of occurrence of the episode
making for the particular individual not only is a non- and L is the label associated with the temporal pattern [22].
starter, but undoubtedly is prone to errors. Such data are The TA task aims to describe a set of time-series
invariably expressed at different levels of semantic detail data and external events through sequences of context-
and sampling frequency; they could have gaps or be specific temporal intervals (episodes). TA techniques are
excessively voluminous, etc. In short, they are not ame- divided into two main categories: basic and complex
nable to direct processing and reasoning with. TAs. Basic TA algorithms take as input time-point events
To perform any medical problem solving, medical and output episodes on the basis of some predefined
knowledge should be matched against medical data. rules. The derived episodes can then be combined to
Temporal abstraction (TA) methods, which by now form complex temporal patterns using temporal relation
represent a relatively ripe technology, by combining operators.
statistical and heuristic methods, aim to close the
abstraction gap between the specific raw patient data
25.2.1 Basic Temporal Abstractions
and the general medical knowledge [1]. They glean out
the useful information/patterns from multivariate, time- The most popular types of basic TAs are state, trend, and
stamped longitudinal data, in order to facilitate specific persistence [23]. State TAs determine the state of an
uses including higher-level problem solving [2]. The individual parameter based on predefined categories
generated more abstract information is of different types during the time period where the state is valid (e.g., heart
that can be roughly divided into basic and complex TAs. rate is stable for 20 minutes). Predefined states used for
Given the inherent uncertainty and incompleteness of state abstractions are based on domain expert knowl-
medical knowledge and medical data, it is not surprising edge, such as low, high, stable, and unstable. Trend TAs,
that probabilistic models became a popular representa- on the other hand, represent the rate of change of the
tion for reasoning with disease processes. Bayesian net- state of a parameter by identifying increase, decrease,
works (BNs) [3–5] belong to the family of such and stationary patterns in time series (e.g., glucose is
probabilistic models, and in fact, they have been widely increasing for 2 consecutive days). The most frequently
used in many clinical domains as they can handle well used method for deriving trend abstractions is a piece-
uncertainty in medical knowledge and data. BNs wise linear representation of raw temporal data. Seg-
were successfully applied in diverse fields such as mentation algorithms are divided into three groups [24]:
medical diagnosis [6], forecasting [7–10], computer sliding window, top-down, and bottom-up algorithms.
vision [11–13], language understanding [14,15], risk The choice of algorithms depends on the characteristics
assessment and management [16–18], speech recognition of the data set such as the length of the time series, the
[19,20], and troubleshooting [21], amongst others. expected level of noise, and so on.
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 495

Persistence TA techniques merge state TAs for the Relation Example

whole interval period in which their value persists over aaaaaaa Finished-by

time. They include the personal and family medical ffff

aaaaaa Overlaps
history of the patient. For example, when someone is ffffffff
diagnosed with a particular disease at time t, we assume aaaaa Meets
that the patient has a history of the disease from t + 1 fffff
onwards. aaaaa Before
aaaaaa Equals
25.2.2 Complex Temporal Abstractions ffffff
aaaa Starts
Complex TAs take as input two or more interval sets ffffff
(basic or other complex TAs) and combine them into a
new interval set associated with a new TA. The goal is to FIGURE 25.2
PRECEDES temporal operator.
discover temporal relationships between discovered
patterns of TAs. Each complex pattern (time interval) is
defined using starting and ending points of the involved patterns derived from the conjunction of temporal rela-
episodes. Bellazzi et al. [25] state that complex abstrac- tions between pairs of intervals. Temporal relation pat-
tions can be used in two different ways: (a) to represent terns that represent the temporal relationship among TA
the persistence of complex clinical situations and (b) to concepts are a category of complex TAs. These types of
detect complex temporal patterns that can not be patterns were mainly used as features in classifiers.
detected using basic abstractions. KarmaLego [28–30] is a mining pattern tool used for the
A popular technique for discovering complex tempo- mining and the discovery of temporal relation patterns.
ral patterns is using Allen’s 13 temporal relationships, as It implements a knowledge-based temporal abstraction
shown in Figure 25.1 [26], to express any relationship (KBTA) [2] framework for deriving basic TAs, and then a
held between time intervals. Some of the relations are miner algorithm is iteratively applied to the derived
mirror images of each other, e.g., “Y started by X” is the abstractions to detect temporal interval relation patterns
same as the relation: “X starts Y”. A disjunctive operator (TIRPs). The temporal relation operators used for the
PRECEDES was also defined in Refs. [23,27], which detection of TIRPs include versions of Allen’s 13 tem-
expresses the temporal relationships among patterns. poral relations. Similarly, the approach of Batal et al. [31–
Given two episodes e1, characterized by [I1 = {Istart1, 33] derives temporal patterns from basic or other
Iend1}, L1], and e2, characterized by [I2 = {Istart2, complex TAs using some disjunctive temporal operators
Iend2}, L2,], the PRECEDES relationship holds (i.e., “e1 from Allen’s algebra. They detect temporal patterns
PRECEDES e2”) if “Istart1 <= Istart2” and “Iend1 <= based on the sliding window method. More specifically,
Iend2.” According to this definition, the PRECEDES the width of the sliding window (w) is the maximum
operator disjunctively synthesizes the following six pattern duration, as specified by the user. The algorithm
Allen’s operators: OVERLAPS, FINISHED-BY, MEETS, only considers temporal relationships that can be
BEFORE, EQUALS, and STARTS (see Figure 25.2). observed within this window. This algorithm is based on
Many automated tools were proposed in the literature the assumption that events that occur far enough from
to discover automatically frequent complex temporal each other have no temporal relationship. Another
method proposed by Sacchi et al. [23] uses the disjunc-
A A tive relation operator PRECEDES, presented above, for
B is EQUAL to A B discovering frequent temporal interval patterns, which
can form a basis for the discovery of a set of temporal
A A is BEFORE to B
A A FINISHES B association rules (TARs).
B B is AFTER to A

A A 25.2.3 Clinical Systems Using Temporal Abstractions

B B CONTAINS A A number of intelligent clinical systems employing TA
techniques are reported in the literature. Such systems
A differ on the TA techniques applied to the data, the
B B is OVERLAPPED BY A method that they use for acquiring the knowledge that is
needed for deriving the given abstractions, and whether
they are able to perform abstractions for single or
Allen’s interval relationships (From Allen, J. Towards a general theory multiple patients. It is noted that in machine learning,
of action and time. Artificial Intelligence 23, 2 (1984), 123–154.) or more generally, the automatic or semi-automatic
496 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

generation of new medical knowledge, multiple cases/ time-series preprocessing and algorithms for TAs
patients need to be processed. The generated knowledge detection. The resulting TAs are episodes defined by a
forms the model for solving problems with respect to pair: interval of occurrence and a label for the pattern.
particular patients. In the context of medical problem JTSA is suitable for a large variety of applications from
solving/decision making, TA mainly concerns the gen- chronic disease management to ICU monitoring. It was
eration of abstractions from the records of a single applied on a diabetic data set to extract relevant patterns
patient. However, the process is of direct relevance to from data related to the long-term monitoring of diabetic
knowledge generation as well, since the abstractions patients [22]. The JTSA framework was implemented for
from a representative set of individual patients can lead the analysis of a single patient; however, it can be
(be abstracted) to useful knowledge. The ability to extended for the analysis of multiple patients by imple-
perform abstractions from multiple patients, irrespective menting a custom application.
of purpose, entails the generalizations of abstractions PROTEMPA is a software library with a modular
from single patients or the computation of abstract architecture [44]. It has four modules that provide (a) a
concepts directly from the records of a population of framework for defining TA primitives and using these
patients or a combination of such techniques. primitives for deriving abstractions from time-stamped
The ventilator management system (VM) [34] is one of data (Algorithm Source), (b) a framework connected to a
the first temporal reasoning systems in medicine that knowledge base for specifying algorithm parameters for
uses TA techniques to interpret online patients’ data for deriving low-level abstractions and interval relation-
monitoring purposes in intensive care units (ICUs). The ships for the derivation of complex TAs (Knowledge
TOPAZ [35] and IDEFIX [36] systems are also two of the Source), (c) a connection to an existing data store that
earlier clinical systems developed. The TOPAZ system stores the time-point data and the derived abstractions
summarizes patient data by utilizing an integrated (Data Source), and (d) a data processing environment for
interpretation model approach. The IDEFIX system is a managing the abstraction-finding routines (Abstraction
knowledge-based system that examines low-level data Finder). It was applied for the diagnosis and manage-
such as laboratory values or symptoms from patients ment of HELLP syndrome.*
who have systemic lupus erythematosus (ARAMIS TA techniques therefore extract qualitative discrete
database) [37]. It infers high-level data such as renal data utilizing domain/expert knowledge. For the inte-
failure using TA methods. gration of TAs with temporal Bayesian networks (TBNs),
In addition, the RÈSUMÈ system [38] implements the the constructed TBN will be used as an inference engine
KBTA [39] to create TAs. For the TA process, time- and the temporal abstracted concepts as its input. In the
stamped patient data, clinical events, and the domain next section, temporal extensions of BNs applied to
knowledge base are given as input. The RÈSUMÈ system clinical domains are reviewed.
was evaluated for the purpose of summarizing patient
data in many clinical domains such as oncology [38],
monitoring of children’s growth [40], and management
of insulin-dependent diabetes [41]. An extension of the
RÈSUMÈ system is the RASTA system [42], which uses a
25.3 Bayesian Networks and Time
distribution algorithm that allows the task of generating
abstractions to be distributed over many computers. As Bayesian networks (BNs) [3–5], also known as belief
it follows, RASTA is able to work on very large data sets networks, are graphs that belong to the family of prob-
and to abstract data streams from multiple patients. abilistic models. They were introduced as a knowledge
RASTA is used as a temporal reasoning component of representation and inference approach under uncer-
clinical decision support systems. Another methodology tainty through the use of probability theory.
that was developed to create abstractions on multiple A BN is a directed acyclic graph with an associated set
patients is called probabilistic temporal abstraction of probability distributions. The graph consists of verti-
(PTA) [43]. The PTA is an extension of the KBTA method ces (nodes) and edges (arcs). Nodes on the graph repre-
that was implemented in the RÈSUMÈ system. sent random variables that denote an attribute, a feature
Two other recent frameworks applied to clinical or a hypothesis. Each node has a mutually exclusive and
domains are PROTEMPA [44] and Java Time Series exhaustive number of values (states). These nodes rep-
Abstractor (JTSA) [22]. The JTSA software is used for resent the variables of interest for a specific problem
extracting TAs following time-series data preprocessing. such as a disease or a symptom. Arcs represent direct
It is a stand-alone application for the definition and dependencies (or cause–effect relationships) among
execution of a complete time-series analysis workflow to
detect temporal patterns. The framework incorporates * HELLP is a dangerous complication of pregnancy that appears
an algorithm taxonomy that includes both algorithms for during the latter part of the third trimester or after childbirth.
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 497

variables. An arc (arrow) from A to B indicates that the

value taken by variable B depends on the value taken by A B
variable A (or that B is influenced, or caused, by A).* The
strength of these dependencies is quantified by condi-
tional probabilities. As an example, a BN applied in a
medical domain could represent cause–effect relation- C
ships between a disease, its causes, and its symptoms.
Given some symptoms and some of the disease causes
(risk factors), the network can be used to compute the FIGURE 25.3
probability of the presence of a disease. A BN model with three variables A, B, C, where A and B are the parents
of C.
More formally, a BN with a set of variables A = [A1, …,
A ] consists of
Temporal probabilistic networks were recently used
1. A network structure, which encodes the prob- in many medical problems such as diagnosis [45–47],
abilistic dependencies among the variables. treatment selection [46,48], therapy monitoring [49,50],
2. The network parameters, which are a set of and prognosis [45,47,51–53]. This is due to the fact
local probability distributions Pr(Ai|parents(Ai)) that they can deal well with uncertainty in time-series
associated with each node. Each probability medical data and they allow one to learn about causal
distribution quantifies the effect of parents on relationships and dependencies of clinical features.
the node. These are given as tables, in the case of The most popular temporal extension of BN is
discrete variables, which are called conditional a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) [54], which uses
probability tables (CPTs). For variables that do a discrete-time representation. Extensions of DBN
not have any parents (i.e., the roots), their prior for decision making are dynamic influence diagrams
probability distribution is defined. (DIDs) [55,56] and partially observable Markov decision
processes (POMDP) [48,57]. Known models that use
The network structure and the set of local probability interval-based representation of time are networks of
distributions define the joint probability distribution probabilistic events in discrete time (NPEDTs) [58],
(JPD) for A as modifiable temporal Bayesian networks (MTBNs) [59],
probabilistic temporal networks (PTNs) [60], and
Yn temporal node Bayesian networks (TNBNs) [47].
Pr A1 , … ,An = Pr Ai jparents Ai
i=1 Additionally, examples of models using continuous-
time representation are the continuous-time Bayesian
As an example, let us consider three discrete variables networks (CTBN) [61] and Berzuini’s network of dates
represented as nodes A, B, and C and the network model [62]. Irregular-time Bayesian networks (ITBN)
structure as shown in Figure 25.3. The network is [63] are a new temporal extension of BNs, which are able
quantified with prior probabilities for the root nodes A to deal with processes occurring irregularly through
and B and a CPT for node C, which defines Pr(C|A, B) time.
over all possible combinations of values for A, B, and C. Part of the diabetes example proposed in Ref. [64] is
The JPD is therefore defined as Pr(A, B, C) = Pr(C|A, B) · used for illustrating the network structure of each TBN.
Pr(A) · Pr(B) considering all the possible values of the In this example, three variables will be represented
variables. through the BN models: MEAL, CHO, and BG. MEAL
A variety of extensions to these networks introduce represents the amount of meal intake, which can take
temporality into BNs to model temporal phenomena and values from 0 to 100 g, whereas CHO represents the rates
reasoning through time. In temporal extensions of BNs, of carbohydrate remaining in the gut after taking a meal,
the initial (prior) model (at time t0) should be constructed which can take values from 0 to 8 mmol/kg. BG repre-
in cooperation with domain experts as in atemporal BNs. sents the predicted blood glucose concentration at the
The knowledge acquired from domain experts will be end of the hour, which can take values from 0 to
used to define domain variables and the dependencies 20 mmol/l. Edges are introduced to represent interac-
between variables. The transition model includes the tions that occur within the model for predicting the
computation of parameters, which should be either in a blood glucose concentration.
probability density function form or in discrete form
depending on the time representation.
25.3.1 Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* If there is an arrow from node A to node B, A is said to be the parent A DBN is a network with the repeated structure of a BN
of B. for each time slice over a certain interval [65]. A DBN is
498 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

a tuple (B0, B1), where B0 is a BN that represents the prior Pr (An jAn−1 ) = Pm
i=1 Pr (An jparents(An )), where
i i

distribution for the variables in the first time slice and B1 parents(Ain ) denotes the parent set of Ain from the
represents the transition model for the variables in two same time slice n and the parent set of Ain from the
consecutive time slices. DBNs represent the change of previous time slice.
variable states at different time points. A node can be
either a hidden node, whose values are never observed, • The JPD for N consecutive time slices is defined
or an observed node (with a known value). Arcs repre- by
sent the local or transitional dependencies among vari- Pr (A0 , …, AN ) = PN
n=0 Pi=1 Pr (An jparents(An )).
m i i

ables. Intraslice arcs represent the dependencies within In the diabetes example of Figure 25.4, an edge
the same time slice like in an atemporal BN. Inter-slice is introduced between variables MEAL and CHO
arcs connect nodes between time slices and represent within the same time slice to indicate the effect of
their temporal evolutions. Every node in the second slice the amount of meal intake on the rate of carbo-
and each node in the first slice that is not a root node has hydrate remaining in the gut, and between CHO
an associated CPT. and BG at different time slices, indicating that the
A DBN cannot represent processes that evolve at dif- rate of carbohydrate remaining in the gut at a
ferent time granularities, but it represents the whole certain time t will affect the blood glucose levels at
system at the finest possible granularity. DBNs are time t + 1. We assume for simplicity that each time
assumed to be time invariant, which means that the slice represents the time period of 4 hours; thus,
network structure per time slice and across time slices the total number of time slices is six, and there-
does not change. Furthermore, it is assumed that DBNs fore, n = [0, …, 5]. CHOn–1 and MEALn–1 for n > 1
use the Markovian property: conditional probability are the observable variables that affect the prob-
distribution of each variable at time n, for all n > 1, ability distribution of their children BGn, CHOn,
depends only on the parents from the same time slice or and CHOn–1 respectively. BGn is the hidden node
from the previous time slice but not from earlier time at time n represented in the corresponding time
slices [18]. slice. Thus, the JPD is computed by
Let An = ½A1n ,A2n , …, Am
n , m ≥ 1, denote a set of variables
at time n, with m being the number of variables; the PrðMEAL0 , …, BG5 Þ
parameters of a DBN are defined as follows [54]:
= PrðCHO0 jMEAL0 Þ  Pn=1 PrðMEALn Þ
• The initial state distribution Pr(A0) at time slice
zero, such as Pr(BG0) in the case of the diabetes  PrðCHOn jCHOn−1 , MEALn Þ
example as introduced in Figure 25.4.
 PrðBGn jBGn−1 , CHOn−1 Þ
• The transition probability for the variables in
two consecutive time slices:




BG_0 BG_1 BG_2 BG_3 BG_4 BG_5

t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5

Dynamic Bayesian network with six time slices (N = 5) representing the diabetes example. The duration interval between two consecutive time
slices is 4 hours.
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 499

There are several applications of DBNs in the medi- The main difference from a DBN model is that in the
cal domain, for performing various clinical tasks such NPEDT model, each value of a variable represents the
as diagnosis and prognosis. They represent medical instant at which a certain event may occur within a
knowledge explicitly in terms of causes and effects as certain temporal range of interest and not the state of the
obtained from data, domain experts, and medical liter- real-world property. Therefore, events that can take n
ature. Considerable work on dynamic models in medi- state values are represented with n different variables.
cine was carried out by Cao and collaborators, who For illustrating the network structure of NPEDT in
successfully used a combination of graphical models Figure 25.5, we assume for simplicity of the model that
with Markov chains to solve problems in different all variables apart from MEAL can have only two states:
medical domains such as colorectal cancer management {high, normal}. Let us assume that the discretized state
[66], neurosurgical ICU monitoring [46,67], and palate values of MEAL are a1: 0 – 30g, a2: 30 – 60g, and a3: 60 –
management [68]. Other applications of DBNs in 90g represented by variables MEALa1, MEALa2, and
medicine include forecasting sleep apnea [69] and diag- MEALa3 respectively. Pij, in our example, represents the
nosis and decision making after monitoring patients probability Pr(BG[i] | CHO[j]), i.e., the probability that
suffering from renal failure and treated by hemodialysis glucose levels are high at time instant i (BG[i]) given that
[50]. The Pittsburgh cervical cancer screening model the rates of carbohydrate remaining in the gut at instant j
(PCCSM) [51] is another DBN system used for the pre- (CHO[j]) are high (e.g., CHO[j] >50g). The selected
diction of the risk of cervical precancer and cervical temporal range of interest for the given example is 1 day
cancer for patients undergoing cervical screening. (24 hours). This period is divided into 4-hour intervals.
To the best of our knowledge, the NasoNet system [36]
is the only medical system developed using the NPEDT
25.3.2 Networks of Probabilistic Events in Time
approach. It models the evolution of a nasopharyngeal
NPEDT is another temporal probabilistic model pro- cancer to assist oncologists in the diagnosis and prog-
posed by Galan et al. [58] that represents discrete-time nosis of this type of cancer in a patient.
events. Nodes in the model represent temporal random
variables, which denote the presence or absence of an 25.3.3 Continuous-Time Bayesian Networks
event at each time instant. For example, if variable B
represents the event “abnormal glucose levels,” B[a] CTBNs [61] are graphical models that represent struc-
means that the patient had abnormal glucose levels at tured stochastic processes whose states change contin-
instant a. The links in the network represent the causal uously over time. Let A be a set of local variables A1, …,
temporal relationships between events. The CPT of each An. Each Ai has a finite domain of values Val(Ai). A
variable represents the probability of occurrence of the CTBN over A consists of two components: the first is an
child event given that its parent events occurred at any initial distribution J1, specified as a BN over A, and the
possible time point. Thus, the CPT represents the most second is a continuous transition model, specified as
probable delays between the occurrence of a parent
event and the corresponding child event. In a family of n • A directed graph G whose nodes are A1, …, An,
parents A1, …, An and one child B, the CPT of B given its and Par(Ai) denotes the parents of Ai in G
parents is defined by: • A conditional intensity matrix (CIM), QAi jPar(Ai )
for each variable Ai ∈ A, which represents the
PðB½tB jA1 ½t1 , … ,An ½tn Þ with  state changes of variables through time. If Ai =
(25.1) xi, then it stays in state xi for an amount of time
tB ϵ½0, …, nB , never, tA ϵ½0, …, nA , never
exponentially Xdistributed with parameter qxi ,
x x
where [0 – nB] is the temporal range of B and [0 – nA] is where qi = q . Intuitively, the intensity qxi
j≠i ij
the temporal range of A. gives the probability of leaving state xi, and the
In these models, each temporal random variable A can intensity qxij gives the probability of transitioning
take on a set of values v[i], i ∈ {a,...,b,never} indicating from xi to xj.
the presence or absence of an event at the particular time
interval, where a and b are instants representing the Time is explicitly represented in a CTBN, and it is able
limits of the temporal range of interest for A. Time is to represent processes evolving at different granularities.
discretized, and it is divided into a discrete number of Nodes in the network represent variables that evolve in
intervals of constant duration. Time representation continuous time, and the values of each variable depend
(seconds, minutes, weeks, etc.) depends on the particular on the state of its parents in the graph. Figure 25.6 dis-
problem. plays the CTBN network structure for the diabetes
500 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

BG|CHO CHO[0] CHO[1] ...... CHO[6] CHO[never]
BG[0] P00 0 0 0 0
BG[1] P10 P11 0 0 0
........ 0
BG[6] P60 P61 ..... P66 0
BG[never] Pnever0 Pnever1 ...... Pnever6


The NPEDT model for the diabetes example with a temporal range of 24 hours, divided into 4-hour intervals. A general CPT for BG|CHO over all
possible time instants is included.

Variable states are represented through a random

MEAL vector Tj : j ∈ ℕ indexed by the order of time points of
interest. Any function X~ from T, such that X~t is a random
variable for each t ∈ T, is called an irregular-time sto-
−q1(Pa(Ai)) q12(Pa(Ai)) chastic process. A vector of time offsets denoted by (dt ∈
q21(Pa(Ai)) q2(Pa(Ai)) ℝ : 1 ≤ t ≤ m) represents the time differences expressing a
CHO delayed effect between nodes of the same time slice.
Knots (unused time points) in the network are used for
changing dynamics between consecutive slices.
ITBNs have the ability to compute probabilities given
evidence from the far past in one step, which expresses
the long-distance effects. It is the first model that applies
BG semi-parametric methods [71], and in particular time-
varying coefficient models [72], to longitudinal data
FIGURE 25.6 analysis. A semiparametric conditional probability dis-
Graph structure of a CTBN model for the diabetes example. The tribution for each variable is computed by using vectors
QAi jPar(Ai ) matrix describes the transient behavior of a particular vari- to parameterize the varying coefficient model of the
able Ai with two values, conditioned on its parents Par(Ai), e.g., BG, predictor (see varying coefficient models for more details
whose domain is two values (v1, v2), conditioned on its parent variable [73]).
CHO with two possible states.
ITBNs use a new method to represent random time
points in a vector Tj where only the time points of interest
example. The structure of the CTBN is the same as in need to be considered and treated as evidence. Thus,
atemporal BNs. A CIM, (QAi jPar(Ai ) ), represents the tran- ITBNs do not require a constant time granularity for
sient behavior over time for a particular variable, e.g., representing the changes of process states. Figure 25.7
BG. represents the ITBN model for the diabetes example. Each
One application of CTBNs in medicine is for the patient eats five times a day; thus, five time slices are used,
domain of colon cancer. The model was applied to each one representing the process of meal intake and the
extract information about recurrence of cancer from a estimates of blood glucose levels based on the rates of
sample of colon cancer patient records [52]. Another carbohydrate remaining in the gut. Time offsets (d ) rep-
application of the CTBN was as a joint diagnostic and resent the time taken for the carbohydrate CHO to be
prognostic model for diagnosing cardiogenic heart absorbed by the gut. The ITBN model was applied to a
failure and predicting its likely evolution [45]. diabetes data set [74], monitoring the glucose levels of
patients [70]. Another ITBN application concerns the
investigation of the pharmacokinetics of the drug
25.3.4 Irregular-Time Bayesian Networks cefamandole.
ITBNs [70] generalize DBNs such that each time slice A comparison of temporal extensions of BNs based on
may span over a time interval. The goal of an ITBN is to their knowledge representation and acquisition, their
model, learn, and reason about structured stochastic time representation, the computational demands, and
processes that produce qualitative and quantitative data their applications in medicine described above is dis-
irregularly along time. played in Table 25.1. In the following section, we discuss
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 501




δ δ δ δ δ

BG_0 BG_1 BG_2 BG_3 BG_4

T0 T1 T2 T3 T4

An ITBN model for the diabetes example represented in five time slices where d is the time taken for carbohydrate absorption from the gut.

TABLE 25.1
Comparison of Temporal Extensions of Bayesian Networks

Time Discrete time (time slices), absolute time Interval-based, absolute Irregular time Continuous time, absolute
representation time (using a time time
vector), absolute
Computational High memory consumption in Learning parameters are Less memory Exact inference is
demands parameters and inference linear to learning the consumption than intractable
number of parents DBN
Applications in Head injury management, colorectal Prediction of Diabetes monitoring Prediction of colon cancer,
medicine cancer management, ICU monitoring, nasopharyngeal cancer diagnosis of cardiogenic
forecasting sleep apnea (NasoNet system) heart failure
Knowledge Data, expert Data (compound Data Data, expert
acquisition parameters), expert
(structure and net
Granularity Constant Constant Multiple Multiple

the benefits of integrating TA techniques with TBNs. We techniques for these two distinct technologies could be
also give an overview of our approach regarding the effectively integrated in the context of medical decision
integration of the two technologies. support systems, capitalizing on their complementari-
ties. A detailed survey on TA and BN applied in medical
systems and the benefits of their integration in clinical
domains can be found in our work in Ref. [78].
The integration of TAs (basic and complex) and BNs
25.4 Integration of Temporal Abstractions (both temporal and atemporal) has important benefits
for various domains where time is a significant factor
with Bayesian Networks
and especially in clinical domains where data are
BNs (both atemporal and temporal) have many appli- uncertain and voluminous. The key benefits are that the
cations in medical expert systems in tasks such as clas- relevant reasoning can take place at higher and multiple
sification, risk assessment, and prediction. The temporal levels of abstraction, thus controlling computational
abstract concepts were shown to be helpful in various overheads associated with reasoning at a single detailed
clinical tasks and domains such as summarizing and level, as well as allowing for more conceptual model-
managing patient data [35,38]. A claim that we inves- ing of the given reasoning processes. Furthermore, the
tigated in our previous works [75–77] is whether interpretation of high-level data can be effectively
502 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

achieved by constructing a causal model able to explain limiting factor in using DBNs with complex TAs. Hence,
the temporal patterns observed in the data. in the first system developed for this work, the nodes of
Considering the integration of the two areas, TA the DBN are restricted to basic TAs derived with respect
methodologies will be used to extract both basic to a single fixed granularity. This restriction is lifted
abstractions (state or trends) and complex abstractions in the naïve Bayes classifier system, also developed in
(any combination of basic and complex abstractions, this work, whose nodes are TARs, a category of complex
involving temporal and structural relations and perio- TAs that require longer time slices and thus higher
dicity). A system of TAs can deal with continuous or granularities.
discrete time. Although real time is continuous, discrete Regarding the application domain for both systems,
time is closer to the spirit of TAs, which is to yield out the we have selected the field of coronary heart disease
essential information (abstract) from low-level, uncer- (CHD) as a test bed and demonstrator of the attempted
tain, and incomplete data. When discrete time is used, integration in order to have concrete performance
there is a basic time unit (granularity) and/or other results. An overview of the CHD medical domain and
higher granularities giving rise to a time model with the test bed data set used is given in the following
multiple granularities. section.
The derived concepts will then be used for BN model The two integration models developed, namely, DBN-
development and deployment. For model development, extended and periodic classifier, are respectively dis-
TAs involve multiple cases, since the aim is to induce cussed in Sections 25.6 and 25.7. It is noted that a more
knowledge from the generated TAs of a representative extensive discussion of the DBN-extended model can be
set of cases. For model deployment, for purposes of found in Ref. [75], while the preliminary work on the
problem solving, TAs refer to single cases, i.e., the cases periodic classifier is reported in Ref. [79].
under consideration. Learning parameters and inference
algorithms will be applied to the constructed model to
provide clinicians with probabilistic diagnosis, predic-
tion, or therapy classification results.
In order to validate our claim for the proposed inte- 25.5 The Clinical Domain of Coronary Heart
gration, we investigated the development of two models:
Disease: Test Bed Data Set
a TBN incorporating basic TAs as its nodes utilizing the
whole monitoring history of the patients, and a naïve CHD is generally caused by atherosclerosis—when
Bayes model incorporating TARs, a specific type of plaque (cholesterol substances) builds up in the arteries.
complex TAs, extracted from the most recent patient Over time, plaque can cause the hardening and nar-
history, as its nodes. rowing of the artery walls, resulting in less blood flow to
Regarding the development of the first model (DBN- the heart. As a result, the decreased blood flow may
extended), DBN was considered the most appropriate cause a CHD event such as myocardial infarction (MI),
TBN selection for this integration since DBNs are the acute coronary syndrome (ACS), angina pectoris (AP),
most widely known temporal extensions of BNs with and ischemic heart disease. The identification of key risk
considerably more clinical prognostic applications com- factors will help in detecting the disease in its early
pared to other TBNs. Furthermore, a DBN uses a phases and preserve the occurrence of future CHD
discrete-time representation, where it may be argued events (secondary prevention of CHD).
that discrete time is closer to the spirit of TAs, since the CHD is selected as the test bed clinical domain because
aim is to yield (abstract) the essential information at it is the most common cause of death in many countries
discrete granularities from low-level, uncertain, and [80]. In addition, a key benefit of applying our proposed
incomplete data referring to real (dense) time. Thus, a models to the CHD domain is that the high degree of
DBN is able to represent TAs capturing the evolution of uncertainty inherent in the particular domain can be
processes in a sequence of time slices. addressed, in conjunction with utilizing an extensive
However, a DBN cannot represent processes that part of, or even the entire, patient history.
evolve at different time granularities, but rather, it rep- The benchmark data set used in the development of
resents the whole system at a single granularity that the two integration models is the STULONG data set,
tends to be the finest relevant granularity. This could be which was collected from a longitudinal study of ath-
a limitation since in general, temporal abstract concepts erosclerosis primary prevention. The data set includes
could naturally refer to different time granularities. In men born in Prague and who were 38–53 years
addition, complex TAs, where temporal patterns of any old between 1926 and 1937, at the first examination.
degree of complexity may be involved, entail longer time The number of visits of a single patient ranges from 1 to
spans. As such, the restriction to fixed time slices, cor- 20, and the follow-up time spans from 1 to 24 years. The
responding to the finest relevant granularity, could be a first examination included blood pressure measuring,
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 503

basic anthropometric measuring (e.g., weight and height), However, before going into this discussion, it is noted
and electrocardiography (ECG) test. Furthermore, patients that a key issue for model construction is the choice of
were asked about their level of education and responsibil- the total observation period for all patients. In the
ity in job; their general habits, such as smoking, physical STULONG data set, this ranges from 1 to 24 years. Thus,
activity, and alcohol drinking; as well as family and per- by selecting a temporal range of 21 years, we include the
sonal medical history related to cardiovascular diseases, majority of patients with a CHD event within 19–
chest and leg pain, and breathlessness. 21 years after their first examination. For patients whose
Below, we present the two integration models whose total observation period is less than 21 years, all feature
development is based on the STULONG data set. The values are considered unknown for any years beyond
target group of both models includes both patients with their specific observation period.
a past CHD history and patients without CHD history.
The DBN-extended model that is presented first aims to 25.6.1 Utilization of Basic Temporal Abstractions
assess the risk of developing CHD, while the periodic
classifier model aims to predict whether CHD is cur- Basic TA techniques such as state, trend, and persistence
rently present or not. were applied to the test bed data set. TAs were derived
on a fixed 3-year interval period. This period was
selected since at least two examinations are needed in
order to have any abstractions. It is noted that the finer
granularity of the data set is 1 year; however, most cases
do not have examinations on an annual basis.
25.6 DBN-Extended Model State TAs of systolic and diastolic blood pressure
The first model that was developed in order to validate values are “poorly controlled”, “well controlled” hyper-
the benefits of the integration with TAs is the DBN- tension, and “no hypertension.” The hypertension vari-
extended model. This is a DBN whose nodes represent able is defined by the “poorly controlled” label if the
basic TAs. The extended model was applied for both patient has a history of hypertension and his/her blood
diagnosis [77] and prognosis of CHD [75] and also for pressure levels are above the standard limits, whereas
the primary prevention of CHD [76]. In this section, we the “well controlled” label is when a patient has a history
focus on the prognostic application of CHD, because it is of hypertension and his/her blood pressure levels are
this DBN-extended model that was evaluated and normal. Otherwise, it is defined by the “no hyperten-
compared, against a standard DBN model. sion” label.
Our methodology consists of five main phases: The most frequent label for the corresponding feature
for that period is selected as the label of the derived TA.
1. Data preprocessing and feature selection When multiple values occur equally frequently, the last
2. Derivation of basic TAs value in the predefined time period is selected. One of
the assumptions used in deriving state abstractions is
3. Construction of the DBN-extended model that the abstraction value of a variable with missing raw
4. Application of the DBN-extended model for values at any time within the interval period is defined to
prognosis of a CHD event be the same as its last known value. All the derived state
5. Comparison of its performance against a stan- TAs are displayed in Table 25.2.
dard DBN model, without TAs Trend abstractions of a variable were generated by
comparing two or more consecutive feature values
The feature selection is based on the domain knowledge during the interval period of 3 years (one to three
that we acquired from a CHD expert. The selected fea- examinations) and selecting the most frequent trend
tures, which are CHD risk factors, include the following: value for the corresponding feature for that period.
hypertension (diastolic and systolic blood pressure); ciga- Again, when multiple values occurred equally fre-
rette smoking status (current smoker or not); dyslipidemia quently, the last value in the predefined time period was
levels (such as total cholesterol, high-density-lipoprotein selected. We also used a combination of trends and state
[HDL] cholesterol, low-density-lipoprotein [LDL] choles- abstractions in order to define the ratio of change of a
terol, and triglycerides levels); obesity; diabetes; history particular variable based on its value. Trend abstraction
features (such as past personal history and family history); values are
age; medicines treating high cholesterol and hypertension;
diet (if they follow any diet or not); and exercise (if they • “Normal” (N) when the variable state is normal
regularly exercise or not). The incorporation of these fea- and its trend ratio is decreasing or steady
tures into the DBN-extended model is explained in the • “NormalIncreasing” (NI) when the variable
following subsections. state is normal and its trend ratio is increasing
504 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 25.2 TABLE 25.4

State TA Variables and Their Values Persistence TA Variables and Their Values
Variable Code Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Variable Name Variable Code Value = 1 Value = 2
Smoking Smoking Nonsmoker Current Diabetes Diabetes Present Absent
smoker Past personal history HistoryEvent Present Absent
Hypertension medBP Taken Not taken Family history FH Present Absent
History of hypertension HHT Present Absent
Dyslipidemia medCH Taken Not taken
medicines Note: Variable code is the variable name in the DBN-extended model.
Hypertension HT No Well Poorly
hypertension controlled controlled
the patient is diagnosed with diabetes at time t, we
Dyslipidemia Dyslipidemia Absent Present
assume that diabetes persists over time, so the patient is
Obesity Obesity Absent Present
diagnosed with diabetes for time t and onwards. The
Age AGE Young Old Very old
family history (FH) and history of hypertension (HHT)
Diet DIET Following a Not
diet following a are examples of persistence TAs for the whole repre-
diet sentation time period, since their value does not change
Exercise Exercise Exercising Not through time. The resulting persistence TAs are dis-
exercising played in Table 25.4.
Note: Code is the variable name in the DBN model.
25.6.2 Construction of the DBN-Extended Model
• “AbnormalDecreasing” (AD) when the variable The network structure, as displayed in Figure 25.8, was
state is abnormal and its trend ratio is decreas- designed by incorporating prior information elicited
ing from medical experts and medical literature [81,82].
• “Abnormal” (A) when the variable state is The derived basic TAs described in the previous sub-
abnormal and its trend ratio is increasing or section form the nodes of DBN-extended. The DBN
steady framework enables us to combine all the observations of
a patient and predict a probability for the hypothesis that
It should be noted that, contrary to the rest of the the patient will suffer with a future CHD event, given the
variables, HDL is considered a CHD risk factor when its values of all the observed nodes. Each time slice in the
levels are low; thus, its trend values are: “Normal” (N), network represents the time interval period of 3 years
“NormalDecreasing” (ND), “AbnormalIncreasing” (AI), since this is the selected period for deriving the TAs.
and “Abnormal” (A). The resulting trend abstractions The model consists of 19 variables, which constitute
are displayed in Table 25.3. the nodes of the DBN, out of which 17 are observed and 2
Persistence TAs include the personal and family are hidden. Hidden variables are the class attribute
medical history of the patient and diabetes. For example, Pred_Event, representing the occurrence of a CHD event
when someone is diagnosed with a CHD event at time t, in the last 3 years of the total observation period
he has a history of CHD from t + 1 onwards; thus, the (21 years), and the Dyslipidemia node. Both of these
value of HistoryEvent variable is “present” from t + 1 variables take two values: “present” and “absent.”
until the end of the monitoring process. Similarly, when The Pred_Event variable is a terminal node, repre-
sented outside of the temporal network, and it only
connects to its parents in the last time slice of the
TABLE 25.3 unrolled network. It represents the occurrence of a future
CHD event; thus, it is not repeated in every time slice,
Trend TA Variables and Their Values in a Sorted List
but its value is inferred at the end of the inference process
Value Value Value Value [83]. In order to simplify the parameter estimation
Variable Name Code 1 2 3 4
process [84], Dyslipidemia was introduced as a common
Low-density-lipoprotein LDL N NI AD A parent node of TCH, HDL, LDL, and TRIG, which
cholesterol are indirect risk factors to the class attribute, and
Triglycerides TRIG N NI AD A CurrentEvent. Dyslipidemia is a common cause of TCH,
High-density-lipoprotein HDL N ND AI A HDL, LDL, TRIG, and CurrentEvent at each time slice.
At time slice t = 5, Dyslipidemia is a common cause
Total cholesterol TCH N NI AD A
of TCH, HDL, LDL, TRIG, and the class variable. If
Note: Variable code is the variable name in the DBN model. there is no evidence or information about Dyslipidemia
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 505

Init conditions Temporal plate (6 time steps) Term conditions

AGE Diabetes medBP

FH 1



Smoking 1




medCH 1

The structure of the DBN-extended model representing only the basic temporal abstractions. An arc labeled as 1 between the variables denotes an
influence that takes one time step.

(hidden), then the presence of one or more symptoms Once the network structure was defined and the
(TCH, LDL, HDL, TRIG) will increase the chances of network was quantified with the learned conditional
Dyslipidemia, which in turn will increase the probability probability distributions, the next step was to predict the
of the effects CurrentEvent and Pred_Event. probability of the class node: Pred_Event. Each variable
The variable family history (FH) is not repeated since it in the network was instantiated with the corresponding
is modeled only as an initial condition and its value does feature value. The DBN was unrolled for six time slices
not change over time. It is therefore shown in the t = [0, …, 5] in order to represent the observation period
network of Figure 25.8 to be outside the temporal plate. of 21 years. Then, it performed prognosis and derived
The single-digit numbers on the arcs denote the temporal the belief in the class variable Pred_Event, which repre-
delay of the influence of the cause node to the effect. For sents CurrentEvent at t = 6. More specifically, the model
example, an arc labeled as 1 between the variables derived by:
history of CHD (HistoryEvent) and itself denotes that the
patient’s CHD history at the current time slice t is PðPred EventjSmoking5 ,HT5 ,Dyslipidemia5 ,Obesity5 ,…Þ
influenced by the patient’s past CHD history (at time
slice t – 1). On the other hand, the arc without a label i.e., the probability of having a CHD event (or not)
connecting the CHD risk factors (hypertension, obesity, given the evidence at the last time slice.
etc.) to the CHD event denotes an instantaneous influ-
ence at the same time slice.
25.6.3 DBN without TAs
After defining the structure of the network, we also
had to define the conditional probabilities that quantify In addition to the DBN-extended model, a standard
the arcs of the network. Since the structure of a DBN is DBN model without TAs was developed to represent
invariant for all times t ∈ {0, …, 5}, the parameters of the time points rather than high-level TAs. Applying this
network are fixed through all the time slices. All of the model to the STULONG data set, each time slice of the
parameters were learned from data using the expecta- network represents a patient examination. Although the
tion maximization algorithm (EM) [85]. total number of examinations of all patients is 22, most of
506 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Init conditions Temporal plate (12 time steps) Term conditions




Smoking Pred_Event




medCH 1

DBN model representing low-level data (without temporal abstractions).

the patients had a CHD event during or before their imbalance when there are many more examples of one
thirteenth examination. Consequently, the chosen total class (majority class) than of the other (minority class). In
temporal range for this network was 13 examinations. the current data set, individuals who did not suffer a
We used EM to handle the relevant missing data. CHD event (majority class) at a particular time period
The selected features of the DBN-without-TAs model are many more than those who suffered a CHD event
are risk factors (RFs) of CHD, as with the DBN- (minority class) [87].
extended system. The main difference is the removal of In our system, we evaluated our classifier by applying
features that represent high-level concepts such as two oversampling methods as well as a combination
hypertension, history of CHD event, and obesity, and of oversampling with undersampling on the training
the addition of new features representing time-point data set. More specifically, we applied the following
events such as body mass index (BMI) and systolic and resampling methods: (a) SMOTE-N (Synthetic Minority
diastolic blood pressure, as displayed in Figure 25.9. We Oversampling Technique for nominal features) that
also discretized the values of the continuous features in generates synthetic examples to be added to the minority
the data set, using a discretization technique for clinical class; (b) random oversampling where minority cases
domains, called “domain-based discretization”. Using a are randomly chosen for duplication; (c) random over-
domain-based technique, the values of each continuous sampling combined with clustering undersampling;
attribute are divided into a particular number of bins and (d) SMOTE-N oversampling on the minority class
based on clinical domain knowledge [86]. All the was combined with clustering undersampling the
selected features and the resulting discretization feature majority class. Clustering undersampling [88], uses the
values of the continuous features are displayed in k-means algorithm to divide the majority class samples
Table 25.5. into K (K > 1) clusters and then make K subsets of
majority class samples, where each cluster is considered
to be one subset of the majority class. All the subsets
25.6.4 Training in the Presence of Class Imbalance
of the majority class are separately combined with the
One important problem in the data mining field is to deal minority class samples to make K different training data
with imbalanced data sets. The data sets present a class sets. In our implementation, K was chosen to be equal
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 507

TABLE 25.5
Features Selected for the Nontemporal Abstraction Model and Discretization of Continuous Features
Variable Variable Code Value = 1 Value = 2 Value = 3
Smoking Smoking Nonsmoker Current smoker
Medicines for reducing cholesterol medCH Taken Not taken
Medicines for reducing blood pressure medBP Taken Not taken
Systolic blood pressure SBP Normal: <120 Prehypertension: [120–140] Hypertension: >140
Diastolic blood pressure DBP Normal: <80 Prehypertension: [80–90] High: >90
Dyslipidemia Dyslipidemia Absent Present
Disease CurrentEvent Absent Present
Predict coronary heart disease Class variable Pred_Event Absent Present
Diabetes Diabetes Absent Present
Family history FH Absent Present
History of coronary heart disease HHD Absent Present
Body mass index BMI Normal weight: <25 Overweight: 25–30 Obesity: >30
Low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol LDL Normal: <100 mg High: 100–160 mg Very high: >160 mg
Triglycerides TRIG Normal: <150 mg High: 150–200 mg Very high: >200 mg
High-density-lipoprotein cholesterol HDL Normal: <40 mg High: 40–60 mg Very high: >60 mg
Total cholesterol TCH Normal: <200 mg High: 200–240 mg Very high: >240 mg
Age AGE <50 years 50–60 years >60 years
Diet DIET Following a diet Not following a diet
Exercise Exercise Exercising Not exercising

to 2. At the end, we obtained the following training data The networks have the same structure but differ in
sets for each classifier: their parameters, i.e., prior probabilities and the CPTs
according to the respective data set: each time a new
1. Training data set 1 (D1): no resampling. In this training data set was introduced, new network param-
experiment, the training data were not altered. eters were derived using training on the new set.*
2. Training data set 2 (D2): random oversampling For the DBN-without-TAs model, we obtained the
of the minority cases until we got a 1:1 ratio of same training data sets as for the DBN-extended, and we
the minority class to the majority class. constructed five networks, one for each experiment (M1,
M2, ..., M5). In order to evaluate the prognostic perfor-
3. Training data set 3 (D3): oversampling using the
mance of both developed models, we applied the 10-fold
SMOTE-N technique. We applied oversampling
cross-validation technique to the five data sets, and then
to the minority class cases until we got a 1:1 ratio
we adopted the following metrics: precision, recall, and
of the minority class to the majority class.
the F1 score [89].
4. Training data set 4 (D4): oversampling using To avoid or minimize skew-biased estimates of per-
the SMOTE-N technique and undersampling. formance, we normalized the performance scores of
We applied clustering undersampling to the precision and F1 score by normalizing, to a given degree
majority class cases, and then we applied of skew (target skew ratio = 1) [90]. The values of pre-
SMOTE-N until we got a 1:1 ratio. cision, recall, and F1 score that were obtained from the
5. Training data set 5 (D5): oversampling using evaluation of the DBN-extended model for each of the
random oversampling technique and cluster- five training data sets are given in Table 25.6. As can be
ing undersampling. We applied clustering seen from Table 25.6, the DBN-extended system yields
undersampling, and then we applied random promising results, with precision reaching as high as
oversampling to the minority class cases until 72%, recall reaching as high as 75%, and a combined
we got a 1:1 ratio. F1 score of 74%. These are the best results that were
derived by training the system with data set D5, which
applied random oversampling combined with clustering
25.6.5 Experiments and Analysis
We constructed five DBN-extended networks, one for * The models presented in this chapter were created and tested using
each experiment (C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5, corresponding the SMILE inference engine and GeNIe available at https://dslpitt
to the five data sets, D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 respectively). .org/genie/ [date accessed: 31 January 2017].
508 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 25.6 classifier whose features represent frequent TARs. As

already mentioned, TA techniques are divided into two
The Performance for All Five DBN-Extended Models
main categories: basic and complex TAs. TARs are con-
Corresponding to the Five Training Data Sets
sidered as complex TAs, since they are frequent tempo-
Evaluation Metrics C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 ral patterns derived from other TAs. They are mostly
Precision 0.8555 0.5966 0.5057 0.5090 0.7207 used for detecting the precedence of the corresponding
Recall 0.1167 0.6667 0.5167 0.6000 0.75 abstractions in a sequence of patterns. In general, a TAR
F1 score 0.2053 0.6297 0.5111 0.5508 0.7351 is a temporal association between two episodes, the
antecedent and the consequent. However, herein, a
relationship is specified through a temporal operator
(e.g., before), which holds between an antecedent, con-
TABLE 25.7 sisting of a single event (e.g., hypertension) or multiple
The Performance for All Five DBN-without-TAs Models co-occurring events (e.g., hypertension AND high cho-
Corresponding to the Five Training Data Sets lesterol), and a consequent of a single event (e.g., total
Evaluation Metrics M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 cholesterol increasing).
The main aim of the development of the second system
Precision 0.9265 0.5115 0.4329 0.5502 0.6350
is to utilize the recurrence patterns in patient records of
Recall 0.0833 0.6250 0.3750 0.2917 0.333
frequent TARs in order to validate our claim that higher-
F1 score 0.1529 0.5626 0.4019 0.3812 0.4372
level TAs such as periodic TARs can improve the clas-
sification performance and overall medical problem
undersampling. The lowest F1 score is obtained when the solving in domains where long time periods are of sig-
system is trained with the original, highly imbalanced nificance. The notion of horizontal support that was
data set D1 (no resampling). As expected, this yields a introduced in Refs. [28,30] represents the number of
low recall due to the high false negative, as the classifier times that a particular temporal pattern is found in some
fails to recognize the minority cases (CHD present), patient’s record. We use this measure to define the
which are instead classified as majority cases (CHD periodicity of a given TAR.
absent). In many medical domains such as CHD, recall is The development of the second system consists of the
more important than precision since the false negative following steps:
diagnosis (i.e., failure to predict a CHD event) has much
more serious consequences for the patient than a false • Data preprocessing and feature selection
positive. • Derivation of temporal patterns using basic TA
The values of precision, recall, and F1 score that were
obtained from the evaluation of the DBN model without
TAs for each of the five training data sets are given in • Use of a pattern mining algorithm to detect and
Table 25.7. As can be seen from Table 25.7, the extended mine the most frequent TARs
DBN model outperforms the prognostic DBN model • Building the naïve Bayes classifiers incorporat-
without TAs and further supports the belief that DBNs ing simple and periodic TARs as their attributes
can be effectively integrated with TAs. • Evaluation of the classifiers
Next, we present the periodic classifier that incorpo-
rates complex TAs, namely, periodic temporal associa- The first phase consists of data preprocessing and
tions, and compare its performance against a baseline feature selection. In medical data sets, usually, the most
classifier that incorporates temporal associations but recent patterns are the most significant ones. Relying
does not take into consideration their potential level of on this assumption, for each patient, we consider the
periodicity. Through this experiment, we therefore show last observation before the first diagnosis of the disease
that where long time periods are significant, complex (for patients who were diagnosed) or the last visit (for
TAs of a high order of complexity are called for. patients who were not diagnosed with CHD). Based
on the relevant medical literature [91,92], the patient
history is taken to be up to 10 years prior to the last
observation of the patient. In addition, the derivation of
basic TAs would require a time period of at least two
25.7 Incorporating Complex Temporal examinations, i.e., at least 2 years, while the derivation of
complex TAs would require even longer time periods.
Abstractions in Naïve Bayes Classifiers
As such, the selected data set is further reduced
The second model that we developed to validate the by removing records of patients who had less than
benefits of the potential integration is a naïve Bayes three examinations, i.e., that spanned less than 3 years.
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 509

The resulting target group consists of 709 patients, out of Besides the temporal operators that define the tem-
which 154 were diagnosed with the disease. poral relationships among the TAs, the software tool also
The data are characterized with missing values, and in uses three temporal constraints (left shift, right shift, gap)
order to handle them, we use the missforest [93] method, to properly control the mutual distance between the
a nonparametric imputation method based on the antecedent (A) and the consequent (C) of a TAR As
random forest algorithm [94]. For each variable, already mentioned in Section 25.2, an episode is char-
missforest fits a random forest on the observed part of acterized by a pair (I, L), where I is an interval period
the data available for that variable, and then predicts consisting of a start time (Istart) and an end time (Iend)
the missing part of the data. The algorithm repeats these and L is the label of the pattern.
two steps until a stopping criterion is met or the user- The parameter left shift is defined as the maximum
specified maximum of iterations is reached. allowed distance between the start time of the anteced-
Regarding the feature selection process, we base our ent (Istart1) and the start time of the consequent (Istart2).
selection of features on the domain knowledge that we The right shift is defined as the maximum allowed dis-
acquired from a CHD expert and from medical litera- tance between the end time of the antecedent (Iend1) and
ture. The selected features, which are known to be CHD the end time of the consequent (Iend2). The gap is simi-
risk factors, are the same as for the DBN-extended larly defined as the maximum allowed distance between
model, as defined in Section 25.6. We use these features Iend1 and Istart2. Using any temporal operators apart
for preprocessing time series and representing them as from MEETS and BEFORE, the gap is a negative number
temporal patterns through basic TAs. We then apply the since Istart2 < Iend1. Figure 25.10 graphically displays the
TAR mining algorithm to these TAs in order to identify meaning of the three temporal constraints.
the most frequent temporal pattern associations. Such parameters are used as user-defined temporal
constraints to define a temporal relationship, in order to
reduce the number of extracted TARs. After the extrac-
25.7.1 Extraction of Temporal Association Patterns
tion of TARs, the number of selected TARs can be
After extracting basic TAs, we apply a TAR mining reduced by specifying temporal constraints based on
algorithm to detect TARs in our data [95]. TARs are the these parameters, e.g., gap < 1 year. The assumption of
output of the basic TA algorithms using relational tem- using these temporal constraints is that the frequent
poral operators, which are defined on Allen’s interval occurrence of two or more episodes close in time is more
relationships (see Figure 25.1). In the current study, we likely to represent a potential cause-and-effect relation-
exclusively use the disjunctive temporal operator PRE- ship than where the events are separated by a longer
CEDES as defined in Refs. [23,27] and illustrated in interval [95].
Figure 25.2. The method used for selecting the features (TARs)
A TAR mining software tool [95] is used to discover to be incorporated in the classifiers is described in
and mine all the temporal rules extracted from basic TAs. Section 25.7.2.
The tool takes as input time-point events or TA epi-
sodes and discovers frequent TARs among the events/
episodes on the basis of the given temporal relationship.
The discovered TARs are sorted based on the support
and the confidence index. The support index is defined
as the proportion of cases verifying the TAR (SR) over
the total number of cases involved in the study (S) (see
Left shift
Equation 25.2), while the confidence index is defined as
the ratio between the support of a TAR (A ! C) and the
support of the antecedent (A) as defined in Equation Gap
25.3. More specifically, the confidence represents the
conditional probability for a case, to verify the TAR C
given that the antecedent is detected for that case. The
higher the values of support and confidence are, the
more frequent is the occurrence of the particular TAR in
the data set. Right shift

Support = SR=S (25.2) FIGURE 25.10

Representation of the three temporal constraints (left shift, gap, right
shift) used in the TAR mining tool, to constrain the mutual distances
Confidence = SupportðA ! CÞ=SupportðAÞ (25.3) between the antecedent (A) and the consequent (C).
510 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

25.7.2 Naïve Bayesian Classifier Using Periodic those TARs that define the precedence of two
Temporal Association Patterns decreasing variables (HDL is an exception) such
as “Total cholesterol decreasing PRECEDES Tri-
Naïve Bayes classifiers belong to the family of probabi-
glycerides decreasing.” Such associations are not
listic graphical models based on Bayes theorem with the
considered good predictors for the disease
“naïve” assumption that the effect of an attribute value
because in general, their occurrence is less fre-
on a given class is independent of the values of the other
quent with respect to patients diagnosed with the
attributes [96,97]. This assumption is called class condi-
disease. The resulting number of TARs is eight,
tional independence. In our study, the class variable is
and they are displayed in Table 25.9.
the Disease (CHD event), and all the TAR attributes are
connected to the class variable as shown in Figure 25.11.* • Periodic classifier C3: We select the 20 most
The Disease is a binary node taking the values (a) 0: frequent TARs. From these, we exclude those
absence of CHD event and (b) 1: presence of CHD event. TARs that define the precedence of two
The goal is to classify the presence or absence of a CHD decreasing variables (HDL is an exception), as in
event given the pattern of occurrence of each TAR in the Classifier C2. Furthermore, in the case of having
relevant history of the case in question. inverse TARs, i.e., TARs associating the same
The parameters (conditional probability distributions) risk factors but in reverse order antecedent–
of the classifier are learned from data using the consequent (e.g., one TAR says “Total choles-
maximum likelihood algorithm [98]. Once the network terol decreasing PRECEDES BMI increasing,”
structure is defined and the network is quantified with and the other says “BMI increasing PRECEDES
the learned conditional probability distributions, the Total cholesterol decreasing”), we keep the TAR
next step is to predict the probability of the class vari- with the highest confidence (their support is
able. Each feature in the network is instantiated with equal). The above handling of inverse TARs is
the corresponding feature value. Then the model derives primarily heuristically driven with the objective
the belief of having as diverse risk factors in the impli-
cated TARs as possible. After the screenings
PðDiseasejtar1, tar2, tar3, …, tarnÞ discussed above, the total number of TARs left is
nine, as displayed in Table 25.10.

The next step is to determine, for each patient,

25.7.3 Extracting the Most Frequent Temporal the periodicity of each TAR (the number of its distinct
Association Patterns occurrences) with respect to the relevant history of
As already mentioned, our experiments use exclusively the patient. Finally, three naïve Bayes classifiers are
the PRECEDES operator for the discovery of TARs. developed whose attributes represent the selected
There are a variety of ways to effectively select the complex periodic TARs. More specifically, discretization
number of the frequent TARs that will be represented in techniques are used for categorizing the order of perio-
the network. As a further step, we overview how the dicity of each TAR [99]. One well-known measure
classification performance changes due to the TAR that characterizes the purity of the class membership
selection process. We compare the network performance of different variable states is information content or
in the presence or absence of inverse TARs and in the entropy [100]. The number and range of classes that
presence or absence of TARs that define the precedence result in the minimum total weighted entropy are chosen
of two decreasing variables. Consequently, we develop to quantize each variable. This minimum entropy prin-
three periodic classifiers where the features are selected, ciple is applied on all the variables (nodes) of the
after removing the generated TARs with confidence or network.
support less than 0.5, as follows: For example, for classifier C2, for TARs tar1 – tar6, the
discretization resulted in four orders for their potential
• Periodic classifier C1: We select the 10 most periodicity, as follows:
frequent TARs, as displayed in Table 25.8.
• Periodic classifier C2: We select the 10 most fre- • 0: no periodicity, i.e., the TAR does not occur.
quent TARs. Out of these, we then select the most • 1: low periodicity, i.e., the TAR occurs once or
predictive ones for the disease in accordance with twice.
medical knowledge. This is done by excluding • 2: moderate periodicity, i.e., the TAR recurs
between three and four times.
* The models presented in this chapter were created and tested using
the GeNIe Modeler available at http://www.bayesfusion.com/ • 3: high periodicity, i.e., the TAR recurs at least
[date accessed: 31 January 2017]. five times.
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 511

TABLE 25.8
Selected TARs for Classifier C1
TAR Code Trend TA Code 1 Relation Operator Trend TA Code 2

tar1 Systolic blood pressure = decreasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = increasing

tar2 Systolic blood pressure = increasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = increasing
tar3 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = decreasing
tar4 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = increasing
tar5 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = decreasing
tar6 Triglycerides = increasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = decreasing
tar7 Triglycerides = decreasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = increasing
tar8 Systolic blood pressure = increasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = decreasing
tar9 Systolic blood pressure = decreasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = decreasing
tar10 Total cholesterol = decreasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = decreasing

TABLE 25.9
Selected TARs for Classifier C2
TAR Code Trend TA Code 1 Relation Operator Trend TA Code 2
tar1 Systolic blood pressure = decreasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = increasing
tar2 Systolic blood pressure = increasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = increasing
tar3 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = decreasing
tar4 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = increasing
tar5 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = decreasing
tar6 Triglycerides = increasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = decreasing
tar7 Triglycerides = decreasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = increasing
tar8 Systolic blood pressure = increasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = decreasing

TABLE 25.10
Selected TARs for Classifier C3
TAR Code Trend TA Code 1 Relation Operator Trend TA Code 2
tar1 Triglycerides = decreasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = increasing
tar2 LDL = increasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = increasing
tar3 HDL = increasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = increasing
tar4 Systolic blood pressure = decreasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = increasing
tar5 Systolic blood pressure = increasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = increasing
tar6 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Triglycerides = decreasing
tar7 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Systolic blood pressure = increasing
tar8 BMI = increasing PRECEDES Total cholesterol = decreasing
tar9 HDL = low PRECEDES Total cholesterol = increasing

For TARs tar7 and tar8, whose periodicity is relatively 25.7.4 Dealing with Imbalanced Data
lower, the discretization resulted in three orders for their and Overlapping Classes
potential periodicity, as follows:
In the STULONG data set, as already mentioned in
Section 25.6.4, individuals who did not suffer a CHD
event (majority class) are many more than those who
• 0: no periodicity, i.e., the TAR does not occur.
suffered a CHD event (minority class). The situation
• 1: minimal occurrence, i.e., the TAR occurs becomes even more complicated, since the imbalance
once. problem is combined with the class overlapping problem.
• 2: periodic occurrence, i.e., the TAR recurs Class overlapping is the case when samples from different
twice. classes have very similar characteristics [101].
512 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

The approach that we follow in this study, for tackling we omit the step of assessing the periodicity of each
both issues, is to use the undersampling based on clus- TAR. Thus, both classifiers have the same network
tering (SBC) technique [102] to remove examples from the structure (see Figure 25.11); however, the nodes of the
majority class of the data set in order to select a balanced baseline classifier are binary, taking the following two
sample. The ratio of the whole data set was 555/154 values:
(around 4:1), whereas the resulting balanced sample ratio
is 154/154. The SBC technique is usually used to handle • 0: the TAR does not occur at all in the relevant
class overlapping. It divides the whole data set into a patient history.
specific number of clusters (k); in our case we selected k = 4, • 1: the TAR occurs at least once in the relevant
as with this number of clusters, we gain the best perfor- patient history (but the recurrence pattern is not
mance. Then, the method selects a suitable number of categorized).
majority class samples from each cluster by considering
the ratio of the number of majority class samples to the The SBC technique is also applied to the baseline
number of minority class samples in it. The technique is classifier data set until a balanced subset of the data set is
applied until a balanced subset of the data set is obtained. obtained. The goal of both classifiers is to predict the
value of the class variable.
25.7.5 Comparing the Performance of the Periodic For the evaluation of the performance of both devel-
Classifiers with a Baseline Classifier oped classifiers, we apply the 10-fold cross-validation
technique, and we adopt the same metrics as in the
For the evaluation of the performance of all the devel- comparison of the periodic classifiers: precision, recall,
oped classifiers, we apply the 10-fold cross-validation the F1 score, and also the AUC [99].
technique, and we adopt metrics that are commonly As displayed in Table 25.12, the periodic classifier C2
used for imbalanced data sets: precision, recall, the F1 has the best obtained results, in contrast to the baseline
score, and also the area under the Receiver Operating classifier. The higher performance of the periodic clas-
Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) [99]. sifier in contrast to the baseline classifier further supports
As displayed in Table 25.11, the periodic classifier C2 our belief that complex TARs can improve the classifi-
has the best obtained results, in contrast to the other cation of CHD. Thus, it is important for the classifier to
periodic classifiers. Although the precision of C2 is detect and consider the recurrence patterns of the dis-
slightly lower than the precision of the other classifiers, covered TARs, in particular, higher-order periodicity,
in many medical domains such as CHD, recall is more and not just to detect simple TARs.
important than precision since a false negative diagnosis For the development of the second proposed model,
(i.e., failure to predict a CHD event) has substantially we implemented time-series classification by incor-
more serious consequences for the patients than a false porating TARs and their recurrence patterns (peri-
positive. In addition, this indicates that excluding those odic TARs) as features into a naïve Bayes classifier,
TARs that define the precedence of two decreasing var-
iables is significant for the diagnosis of CHD.
In order to test our claim that for medical domains
where long time periods are significant, higher-order, tar7
i.e., more complex, TAs can yield better performance, we
compare the performance of the periodic classifier with tar6
the highest classification performance, C2, against that of tar9
another naïve Bayes classifier whose features are simple
TARs, expressing the occurrence or not of the same set of
TARs. This is referred to as the baseline classifier. Con-
tar5 Disease tar10
sequently, for the development of the baseline classifier,

TABLE 25.11
The Performance for the Periodic Classifiers tar4 tar1
Periodic Periodic Periodic
Classifier C1 Classifier C2 Classifier C3
Precision 0.79 0.77 0.78 tar3 tar2
Recall 0.81 0.84 0.80
F-score 0.80 0.80 0.79
FIGURE 25.11
AUC 0.84 0.85 0.83
Naïve Bayes structure representing TARs as features.
Enhancing Medical Problem Solving through the Integration of Temporal Abstractions 513

TABLE 25.12 overlapping class problems, which are inherent charac-

teristics of biomedical data. Missing data can be handled
The Performance for the Periodic Classifiers C2
using a learning algorithm, such as EM [85], or some
and the Baseline Classifier
other statistical methods such as missforest [93].
Periodic Classifier C2 Baseline Classifier Regarding the class imbalance and class overlapping
Precision 0.79 0.65 problems, many techniques can be applied as afore-
Recall 0.81 0.73 mentioned in Sections 25.6.4 and 25.7.4. Temporal pat-
F-score 0.80 0.69 terns can then be extracted from the cleaned data and
AUC 0.84 0.75 represented as nodes in a BN for classification or
The proposed integration could also handle data
constructed for the purpose of CHD diagnosis. A notable emerging from mobile health care (e.g., Fitbit) such as
strength of this system, in contrast to DBN-extended, is time-series data collected from the traces and logs of
that the developed classifier can work with irregularly mobile health trackers (heart rate, blood pressure, sleep
sampled temporal data sets. pattern). The detection of temporal patterns from these
data can be utilized for diagnosis, prognosis, or treat-
ment purposes. The identification of trends in patient
histories over time and temporal precedence relations
among potential risk factors can help medical experts to
25.8 Applications in Biomedical Signal reach evidence-based decisions with the aim of reducing
the risk of the disease. Such applications are especially
useful for the health care of individuals suffering with
Biomedical signal processing methods aim to extract chronic diseases.
clinically, biochemically, or pharmaceutically relevant Overall, the proposed integration models could have
information mainly in order to improve medical diag- wide applications in domains where time-series bio-
nosis but also to be used for patient monitoring [103,104]. medical and health-care data are available. Such data are
Biological signals usually include time-series data, which invariably expressed at different levels of semantic detail
may also be repetitive over time (periodic signals), such and sampling frequency; they could have gaps or be
as the signals generated from a beating heart, respira- excessively voluminous, etc.; and they are not amenable
tion, and pulse rate [103]. The proposed integration can to direct processing and reasoning with. The integration
be intrinsically linked to the processing of biomedical models can utilize the abstract, and hence more useful,
time-series signals with the purpose of improving high- information extracted from the data to significantly
level medical problem solving. improve medical problem solving. The integration
For a given problem solving task in biomedical signal models can be efficiently applied to both regular and
processing, the more appropriate of the two developed irregular-sampled time-series biomedical data.
integration models could be selected: (a) a TBN inte-
grated with basic TAs or (b) an atemporal BN integrated
with complex TAs. In fact, both integration models could
be kept in some hybrid system and deployed synergis-
tically. Moreover, TA can be applied to a biomedical data
25.9 Discussion and Conclusions
set consisting of neural and cardiac rhythms, to detect
the most significant and frequent temporal patterns from The main goal of this work concerns the integration of
the data. Basic TAs may determine the change of the TAs with BNs with a view to enhancing computer-based
state of different parameters over time (qualitative, per- support to clinicians. The performance gains of the
sistence), the rate of change (trend), or even the perio- proposed integration have been illustrated through two
dicity of their state (e.g., heart rate), while complex TAs integration models for the medical domain of CHD. The
may refer to the temporal precedence among different first model is a DBN whose nodes represent basic TAs
parameters that represent the symptoms or risk factors sampled at regular time intervals. The model is applied
of a chronic disease (e.g., CHD). The derived patterns for the prognosis of a potential CHD event. The results
can then be incorporated into a Bayesian model (tem- obtained by comparing its performance with a DBN
poral or not) and used for prediction of the risk of the representing time points demonstrate the effectiveness of
disease. In addition, the proposed integration can be the proposed integration.
potentially applied to the analysis of big temporal Regarding the second model, the incorporation
health-care data. The integration models can successfully of TARs, which are complex temporal patterns, in a
handle missing data, uncertainty, class imbalance, and naïve Bayes classifier, shows promising results as the
514 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

performance of this classifier, whose features are peri- as other chronic diseases, or even other application
odic TARs, is noticeably better than that of a naïve Bayes domains such as emotional detection, is also a future
classifier that uses just temporal associations without consideration.
taking into consideration their recurrence patterns
(periodic TARs). This classifier is constructed for the
purpose of CHD diagnosis. An advantage of the periodic
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Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis

Carolyn McGregor

26.1 Introduction: Background and Driving Forces .......................................................................................................519
26.2 Data Frequency............................................................................................................................................................520
26.3 Data Availability .........................................................................................................................................................521
26.4 Data Quality.................................................................................................................................................................521
26.5 Data Acquisition ..........................................................................................................................................................522
26.6 Data Transmission.......................................................................................................................................................522
26.7 Real-Time Analytics ....................................................................................................................................................522
26.8 Data Persistence...........................................................................................................................................................522
26.9 Knowledge Discovery.................................................................................................................................................523
26.10 Visualisation .................................................................................................................................................................524
26.11 Secondary Use of Data and Consent........................................................................................................................524
26.12 Artemis..........................................................................................................................................................................524
26.13 Artemis Data Persistence............................................................................................................................................525
26.14 Artemis Deployments .................................................................................................................................................525
26.15 Clinical Applications...................................................................................................................................................527
26.15.1 Late-Onset Neonatal Sepsis........................................................................................................................527
26.15.2 Apnoea of Prematurity ...............................................................................................................................528
26.15.3 Retinopathy of Prematurity........................................................................................................................529
26.15.4 Automated Partial Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP) Scoring ........................................................529
26.15.5 Anemia of Prematurity ...............................................................................................................................529
26.16 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................................529
References ................................................................................................................................................................................530

data. Those signals exhibit trends that reflect the

26.1 Introduction: Background and Driving Forces
underlying physiology of the patient [1].
Critical care units provide an acute care setting for In any country, critical care units are among the most
complex interdisciplinary teams of healthcare workers to costly aspects of the healthcare system. In Canada
care for patients in a critical condition. Critical care units between 1999–2000 and 2003–2004, 15.9% of inpatient
include neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) that care direct expenses were from critical care patients, but they
for premature and ill term infants, paediatric ICUs that accounted for only 8.1% of inpatient days [2].
care for critically ill children, adult intensive care units Baby and Ravikumar [3] note that by 2015, it was
(ICUs) that care for critically ill adults, neurological ICUs expected that the average amount of data per hospital
that care for critical patients with brain injuries, and would have increased from 167 TB to 665 TB. This was
cardiac care units (CCUs) that care for critical patients largely as a result of imaging data and did not include
with heart issues. Within this setting, clinicians are the data streaming from medical devices that output
assisted in forming differential diagnoses and ultimately data on a second-by-second basis.
making diagnoses and prognoses by medical devices Data analytics within critical care is considered a big
that provide continuous monitoring of physiological data problem due mainly to the streaming nature of the

520 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

data created by the various medical devices connected to (ECG); focused on just one clinical condition, such as
the patient and the velocity of the data produced. sepsis; or tuned for a given patient using neural net-
Beyond the speed of sampling of the physiological data, works to determine the onset of instability in a patient
the events in human physiology such as the frequency of [12]. In addition, commercialisation of any temporal
the beating heart also have significant velocity. abstractions from physiological data streams within
As a source for potential new clinical knowledge dis- critical care had been provided within “black box” reg-
covery, high-speed physiological data are proving to be ulatory body–approved medical devices located at the
one of the most untapped resources in healthcare today patient’s bedside [13].
based on the growing body of research studies demon- Opportunities abound for the continuation of this
strating common physiological patterns for a range of exploration for many other conditions, but in order to
conditions. Many medical devices produce data streams enable this, robust big data infrastructures to support
at frequencies of a reading a second or faster. In addition, clinical research and real-time clinical decision support
from a human physiology perspective, in neonatal inten- are required to perform this function.
sive care, for example, a premature newborn infant’s heart This chapter provides an introduction to the applica-
beats approximately 7000 times an hour, and yet tradi- tion of big data analytics within the context of critical
tional charting on paper, or within an electronic health care medicine. The characteristics of the data that are
record (EHR), includes one number per hour of an indic- created by various medical devices are introduced within
ative heart rate for that hour. The heuristics employed to the context of its frequency, availability, and quality.
determine the number to write are as much qualitative as This is then followed by an introduction to the key
quantitative, and part of the function is to express overall components required for big data analytics in this setting
stability or instability hour to hour [4]. relating to data acquisition, data transmission, real-time
Providing healthcare workers with univariant displays data analytics, data persistence, and knowledge discov-
of raw physiological signals over time does not provide ery. A flagship big data analytics platform, Artemis, is
clinical decision support that associates physiological then introduced, and details for the Artemis deploy-
data behaviour with pathophysiology information that ments to date are provided. The clinical research studies
is known to be associated with the onset of a given that have been enabled by Artemis are then presented.
medical conditions to aid in the creation of differential
diagnoses and the ultimate determination of a diagnosis
and prognosis. Temporal abstraction provides a means
to achieve such descriptions by translating low-level
quantitative data, such as the stream of heart rate values
26.2 Data Frequency
over time, to higher-level qualitative information, such
as recording the start and end of a bradycardic (low- There are many medical devices used within critical care.
heart-rate) or tachycardia (high-heart-rate) event [5]. Some are used to monitor the patient’s physiological
In the first 10 years of the new millennium, a range of state; others such as ventilators provide breathing
researchers were reporting on early research studies support. Infusion pumps can be used to provide medi-
showing the potential for the discovery of new patho- cation, fluids, and/or nutrition. One common physio-
physiological behaviours in physiological data streams logical stream that is captured from a medical monitor is
that had the potential to be earlier-onset detectors for ECG, which provides details on the functioning of the
those conditions. Examples of this work include research heart. Within the adult population, this is usually
for a small set of devastating conditions within the sampled at a speed of at least 200 readings a second, and
neonatal population such as late-onset neonatal sepsis within the neonatal space, devices recording readings
(a form of hospital-acquired infection) [6], pneumotho- of between 500 and 1000 readings a second are used.
rax (collapsed lung) [7], intraventricular haemorrhage These readings are used to construct a waveform that is
(bleeding in the brain) [8,9], and periventricular displayed on a monitor for the device. At 1000 readings a
leukomalacia (death of brain tissue) [10]. second, this translates to 86.4 million readings a day per
Analysis of the approaches within these studies for patient [11]. Average heart rate values are derived from
data acquisition, data transmission, real-time data ana- this signal by the same medical device usually at a
lytics, data persistence, and retrospective knowledge sampling rate of one reading a second. A chest wall
discovery revealed that there was a limited nature for the movement waveform can be derived from the electrodes
tools used to extract, store, and analyse the data collected used for a three-lead ECG. This is sampled at 62.5
[11]. The studies were usually performed autonomously readings a second within the Philips IntelliVue device. A
and based on a research approach or clinical question respiratory rate is derived from this waveform each
that was focused around the analysis of just one physi- second. This results in 86,400 readings for heart rate and
ological stream, such as using an electrocardiogram respiration rate being created each day.
Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis 521

Electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring is at one such as at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, the
order of magnitude higher than ECG with channels Ethernet port is being utilised by the Philips central
outputting 10,000 readings a second. monitoring software, limiting any other data acquisition.
Similarly to ECG, a plethysmography waveform enables Analytics systems such as Artemis, detailed later in this
the derivation of an arterial blood oxygen saturation esti- chapter, are required to use the serial port or the acqui-
mation that is available at a reading a second. The ple- sition of data via the central monitoring software. Upon
thysmography wave can also be used to derive an average investigation, it was discovered that the data that would
pulse rate each second. be available from the central monitoring software would
Smart infusion pumps (SIPs) contribute to the big data be at a reduced sampling speed, and so in the case of
problem as they can provide more than 60 different types Artemis, the data were acquired via the device’s serial
of data every 10 seconds. One SIP can generate 4.4 MB of port. Acquisition of data from the serial port requires
data per hour, 106 MB of data per day, and 3 GB of data serial-to-Ethernet conversion. In the case of Artemis, to
monthly. Preterm infants, for example, can be connected date, that has been completed at the bedside, enabling
to up to 13 SIPs, which results in 39 GB of drug infusion the data to be transmitted to Artemis via either a wired
data for that patient per month [14]. or wireless connection over Ethernet.
Current practices for medical device procurement in In the Artemis implementation within the Children’s
healthcare organisations see medical devices in critical Hospital of Fudan University, also discussed later in this
care units often having a 10- to 15-year life span as their chapter, however, central monitoring was not imple-
procurement is from a capital budget within a healthcare mented, and so either port was available for use.
organisation with many competing requirements for
new medical equipment [11].
Many medical devices historically were designed to
have a rolling memory of 72 hours. This would accom-
modate the Monday morning review of Friday and
26.4 Data Quality
weekend data [11].
Artefacts are extraneous signals that can be caused by a
range of factors and result in randomly varying ampli-
tudes and frequencies for varying durations. These
interferences impact the quality of physiologic signals
acquired in critical care units. Longitudinal studies
26.3 Data Availability
assessing the black box, proprietary approaches for arte-
Medical device procurement within healthcare organi- fact detection (AD) within original equipment manufac-
sations with critical care units is usually through a turer (OEM) medical devices have concluded that they
request-for-tender process that provides a structured contain relatively simplistic built-in data preprocessing
invitation process for suppliers to submit a bid to supply for AD that can in some cases oversimplify the data
their products. The request-for-tender document details provided to the healthcare worker [1]. Artefacts increase
the functionality required from the medical device the rate of false alarms, which results in alarm fatigue
product, and these processes are usually coordinated and can lead to incorrect diagnosis.
by the biomedical engineering division within the Signal artefact impacts the quality of temporal
healthcare organisation. As it has only been in the last abstractions and derived analytics that can be deter-
decade that systems have emerged to be able to process mined from raw signals. In addition, differing AD and
medical device data at the speed it is generated, request- handling techniques between OEM patient monitors
for-tender documents have not historically included present a challenge to enabling repeatable studies where
required functionality to enable the extraction of data different medical devices are used by different healthcare
from the medical device by the healthcare organisation facilities. In the past, when the goal was to display the
for use in other systems. As a result, there are many physiological data at the bedside to support moment-to-
medical devices in use within healthcare organisations moment patient stability analysis, such nuances were of
for which it is impossible for the data to be extracted less impact. In that context, the data that could be
from the medical device beyond the visual analysis of acquired from the medical devices were enabled for
the data displayed on the device screen. remote replication of the raw signals. In an era where
For example, the Philips IntelliVue series monitors analytics can be derived from these raw signals, ensuring
have an Ethernet and a serial output port. These medical the same baseline or the explicit declaration of AD
devices are being used in several of the partnering hos- techniques is a necessary step to ensure that comparable
pitals where Artemis, detailed later in this chapter, analytics are derived from the raw physiological data
has been implemented. Within some of these hospitals, provided from the OEM post artefact processing.
522 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Some artefacts are introduced by clinical interventions connectivity options provisioned by each device, a
at the bedside. Within the context of neonatology, for range of data transmission protocols have been pro-
example, such artefacts can be from events such as posed and utilised. Health Level Seven (HL7) provides
vascular access, suctioning, routine care, feeding, and “a framework and related standards for the exchange,
reintubation [15]. It has been demonstrated that these integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health
clinical events can create common physiological patterns. information” (http://www.hl7.org). Within the context
Vascular access and reintubation were found to result in of streaming data, HL7 can be utilised to package
noxious stimuli causing heart rate (HR) ≥160, mean arte- streaming data tuples for transmission to a remote
rial blood pressure (MAP) ≥55, respiratory rate (RR) ≥40, clinical decision support system providing Health
and arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) <90 [16,17]. Analytics-as-a-Service. An example of the encoding of
Nizami et al. [1] concludes that a more open, white box physiological data within an HL7 packet is presented in
approach to AD approaches is required not only to Figure 26.1 [18]. A series of physiological data values for
provide visibility to the techniques used for AD but to a given second are packaged within the HL7 packet.
ensure that the most appropriate AD is chosen for any The Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
given clinical decision support system algorithm that is (DICOM) standard provides a protocol for the trans-
utilising physiological data post artefact processing. mission of images such as radiological images between
systems. The DICOM standard has been used to create
packages of time-series data streams using the 1999
DICOM Supplement 30, and the original standard,
although these packages are mostly limited to short-
26.5 Data Acquisition duration data collections, and particularly to ECG data
[19]. However, that method did not include continuous
Critical care units internationally are supported by a
or long-term collection of time-series physiological data.
range of medical devices that are supplied by a range of
Eklund, McGregor, and Smith [20] detail a method for
manufacturers internationally. The initial paradigm for
continuous transmission of physiological data through a
the delivery of information from the medical device was
continuous stream of DICOM packets.
via a display monitor on the device. While some devices
provided the ability to output data, this was not a
primary function as systems to ingest and process such
high-frequency data were not initially available. Medical
device procurement procedures until recently did not
26.7 Real-Time Analytics
consider assessing the functionality of device connec-
tivity as part of the device procurement decision making. In order to be effective as a clinical decision support tool to
As a result, critical care units contain an array of devices detect pathophysiological behaviours in physiological data
that either have no mechanism to output data beyond streams that have the potential to be earlier-onset detectors
the screen display or have a combination of serial, for a range of medical conditions, analytics on the physio-
Ethernet (wired and wireless), and USB connectivity logical data streams must be performed in real time. Tem-
options. Many standards exist for data output from these poral abstractions must be performed on the raw streams of
devices, and as a result, a wide range of output formats data from the medical devices, and those abstractions need
exist with varying degrees of transparency and docu- to be merged and analysed together along with other
mentation available that detail the device output. clinical information for more complex temporal abstrac-
This landscape has given rise to the growing market of tions that relate more closely to real-world pathophysio-
organisations who provide the service of medical device logical behaviours. For example, a bradycardic event, that
connectivity. Their primary purpose initially was to is, an episode of reduced heart rate, may not have occurred
automate slow frequency data sampling to automate the in isolation but may be part of a central apnoea event.
clinical charting function. However, new opportunities Systemic platforms are required to enable the deploy-
exist for them to feed data to other systems such as big ment of a range of real-time analytics–enabled clinical
data–based clinical decision support systems. decision support tools for a range of medical conditions.

26.6 Data Transmission 26.8 Data Persistence

As a result of the array of medical devices available In recent years, other research activities in other industry
on the market and the different combinations of sections have also attempted the use of conventional
Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis 523

Example of physiological data within HL7. (From McGregor, C., A Cloud Computing Framework for Real-time Rural and Remote Service of
Critical Care. In Computer-Based Medical Systems, CD–ROM, 6 pages, 2011a.)

database management systems or Hadoop/MapReduce- even decades at a time. While there currently exists
based approaches for the development of big data a range of stream computing software techniques to
analysis systems broadly [21]. To fit streaming data process multiple interrelated real-time data streams
within the relational model, the stream of data is seg- as the data are acquired and before they are stored,
mented to a primitive element of a tuple [22]. At the techniques for storage and retrieval of those data
minimum, the tuple contains the date and time for that to support real-time and retrospective analytics are
value within the stream, information about the type of highly inefficient.
stream, the entity generating the stream, and the stream
value. Tuples are stored using the date and time, stream
type, and entity as a multipart key and with the value as
a nonkey attribute. While streaming functions have then
been proposed within the relational database manage-
26.9 Knowledge Discovery
ment systems to enable viewing of these data as a
stream, the approach is highly cumbersome due to the Research directions in knowledge discovery have
relational database model approach for storage for the focused on research relating to the creation of tempo-
elemental tuple. ral abstractions and ontologies to support their defini-
The challenge of efficient and effective storage and tion [12].
processing of streaming data exists beyond this context Traditional data mining techniques are not effective
of health and medicine to many other industry sectors, when applied to streaming data. Whether it be the raw
where there is a growing volume of sensor data being physiological data streams, other medical streaming
acquired. In addition, the Internet of Things with direct data, or the slower frequency temporal abstraction
device-to-device connectivity also presents the general streams, each element in the data stream is treated as its
case for which this research could be applied. Neither own discrete autonomous entity, with no ability to
the traditional relational database model, the multidi- associate it with the values before or after it in the stream.
mensional database model, nor the big data platforms As a result, research in the area of temporal data mining
such as Hadoop/MapReduce proposed to date are has emerged. More details in the area of knowledge
built on the premise that data will arrive in a stream discovery are provided later in the chapter within the
and has the potential to do so for months, years, and Artemis example.
524 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

explored the opinion of patients regarding the possibility

of analytics on physiological data, as part of a larger
26.10 Visualisation
study on secondary use of health data broadly. Thirty
In 2014, Chest published a three-part series by Halpern attitudinal statements using a seven-point Likert scale
on innovative designs for the smart ICU [23–25]. Part 3, for responses and two open-ended questions were con-
“Advanced ICU Informatics,” provided contextual tained in the pilot survey. Four hundred and eighty-two
information for the current and future ICU informatics self-administered surveys were distributed to residential
landscape [25]. However, the paradigm for content blocks in regional New South Wales and Darwin, Aus-
display was focused around medical device displays and tralia. A further 250 surveys were distributed to sample
did not consider new approaches for integrated infor- populations in Ontario, Canada [4].
mation display of termporal abstractions and complex The Australian and Canadian pilot surveys achieved
temporal abstractions from multiple sources and alter- response rates of 34.8% and 21.5% respectively. Ques-
native locations for display. tion 26 in the survey explored the reuse of data captured
Kamaleswaran and McGregor [26] present a system- through physiological devices: “If I was in hospital and
atic review of papers published up to August 2016 a medical device was used to care for me—like a heart
to identify novel visual representations of physiologic monitor or oxygen saturation monitor—I would agree
data that address cognitive, analytic, and monitoring for the information displayed on the screen to be
requirements in critical care environments. That review saved in an anonymous way and used for medical
found that visual representations are plagued with research purposes.” Both the Australian and Canadian
user-preference and interaction challenges. The results responses showed strong support for this form of sec-
spanned two decades where there was continued positive ondary use.
influence of graphical representations. They found that This was the first study of its kind to consider public
while many of the studies showed their potential to opinion of this form of secondary use of data and dem-
improve clinical care, with largely positive results, there onstrates public support for this form of clinical knowl-
are still concerns as to the efficacy relating to reproduci- edge discovery.
bility as well as translatability to the unit especially since
few studies used real patient data to evaluate their
In terms of visualisation versus visual analytics, they
found that only seven of the visualisations had some
ability for interactive selection or filtering to provide
26.12 Artemis
visual analytics functionality beyond just visualisation. Artemis is a big data analytics platform for online health
Turnkey off-the-shelf tools for the visualisation and analytics that supports concurrent multipatient, multi-
visual analytics of temporal abstractions and complex stream, and multidiagnosis and temporal analysis in
temporal abstractions from medical device data streams real time to support clinical management and retro-
are still not available. spective knowledge discovery to support clinical
research. It was conceived as a means to satisfy a need to
provide such a systemic framework instantiated through
a platform to support big data analytics in critical care
It was designed, created, and deployed by a multi-
26.11 Secondary Use of Data and Consent
institutional, multidisciplinary research team from the
Secondary usage of health data is defined as the use of University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
personal health information collected for purposes and IBM TJ Watson Research Center. The UOIT team,
unrelated to the initial purpose of providing direct led by McGregor, brought research expertise in health
delivery of healthcare to the patient/data subject and informatics with clinicians on information technology
can include a range of activities such as research, use in NICUs; event stream processing; and acquisition
analysis, quality and safety measurement, payment, of data from medical sensors, data analytics, data
provider accreditation, and commercial activities [4]. warehousing, temporal abstraction, and data mining.
Retrospective and some prospective clinical research The research team from IBM TJ Watson Research Center
studies require secondary use of personal health data, brought industrial research experience in distributed
and this enables the expansion of current knowledge and computing, ubiquitous computing, pervasive healthcare,
understanding of healthcare and its delivery. machine learning, and a new form of stream computing
In the work of McGregor et al. [4], a public opinion platform that had initially been created for a sensor
pilot survey deployed in Australia and Canada in 2009 analytics application in defence [27].
Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis 525

The acquisition of real-time medical monitoring data is

performed by the data acquisition component. Clinical
26.13 Artemis Data Persistence
information system data are also acquired by the data
acquisition component. The online analysis component Within Artemis, three approaches for the storage of
provides an environment for real-time analytics of the medical device sensor data have been proposed for both
data forwarded by the data acquisition component in the real-time streaming data storage as well as the
real time. Each instantiated Artemis platform to date as knowledge discovery data storage. The first approach
detailed in the Artemis deployment section that follows was to use a relational database management system,
employs IBM’s InfoSphere streams. Clinical rules are DB2, and storing the data in the format the data were
described as “graphs” in InfoSphere streams and extracted from the medical device. Second, we proposed
deployed as instances of graphs for a given patient. Post using DICOM and proposed a means to join DICOM
processing, the initially acquired signals together with packets together as the mechanism to create continuous
the derived analytics data are stored within the data packages of medical device data [20]. Recently we have
persistency component [9]. Instances of the Artemis assessed other big data storage approaches such as
Platform to date have utilised IBM’s DB2 software for the Hadoop for data persistence, and this is ongoing work.
database management component due to the highly
structured nature of the data and the requirement for
real-time reliability, although some research has been
performed to review the applicability of Hadoop for data
management of historical data. Retrospective analysis of
stored physiological data for new knowledge discovery 26.14 Artemis Deployments
is enabled in Artemis through the knowledge extraction Artemis was initially deployed in the NICU at the Hos-
component. This can be used for the discovery of pre- pital for Sick Children, Toronto, (SickKids) in August
viously unknown condition onset physiological behav- 2009. Physiological data are acquired from the Philips
iours (exploratory data mining) or testing of previously IntelliVue MP70 neonatal monitors that are fixed at each
assessed hypotheses for further validation (explanatory bed space in the NICU [27]. The clinical practice within
data mining) [18]. For the knowledge extraction com- the SickKids NICU dictates that all neonatal patients are
ponent within instances of the Artemis platform to date, monitored using a three-lead ECG. The Capsule Tech
McGregor’s temporal data mining approach, known as medical device connectivity solution was used in this
Service based Multidimensional Temporal Data Mining instance of Artemis to acquire data from the Philips
(STDMn0) [28], has been used. Artemis is presented in IntelliVue MP70 neonatal monitors. As a result, the ECG
Figure 26.2. was collected along with the derived signals such as

Online analysis Result

AR presentation
Capsule tech acquisition HR Source Op EP QRS RR PT

SpO2 Source Op Alert Sink

Sepsis Op
BP Source Op

Configuration WT WTA
CIS Source Op
information CIS Adapter
system InfoSphere Streams Runtime

erver Knowledge extraction

(Re)deployment Stream persistency
Ontology Driven

Data Mover
Rule Mo Stream Patient
Knowledge extraction

Artemis framework. (From McGregor, C., A Cloud Computing Framework for Real-time Rural and Remote Service of Critical Care. In Computer-
Based Medical Systems, CD–ROM, 6 pages, 2011.)
526 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

heart rate, respiration rate, and chest impedance for [18]. Earlier-onset detection of changes in patient trajec-
breath detection together. The frequency of acquisition of tory is a significant potential benefit of the deployment of
data for the ECG was 500 Hz. The chest impedance wave systems such as Artemis in rural and remote locations.
frequency was 62 Hz. The derived heart rate and respi- Artemis Cloud is a framework for the provision of
ration rate frequency from this device is a reading every Artemis through the Software-as-a-Service and Health
1024 milliseconds. An arterial blood oxygen saturation Analytics-as-a-Service models [18]. Artemis Cloud
sensor connected to the infant’s foot provides arterial enables interfacing with Artemis through a series of web
blood oxygen saturation data that are acquired from the services. This framework is shown in Figure 26.3.
Philips device at the frequency it is generated, which is a The function of the web services as shown in Figure
reading every 1024 milliseconds. Systolic, diastolic, and 26.3 are detailed below [18]:
mean blood pressure data are also acquired only when
the relevant sensors to collect this are attached to the • Clinical rule web service—enables the definition of
infant as this is not compulsory. clinical rules for the deployment
In addition to the physiological data, clinical infor- • Physiological web service—enables the transmis-
mation is also collected. In the initial deployment, the sion of XML packets of physiological data that
clinical data were collected from the Clinical Informa- have been encoded in XML
tion Management System (CIMS), which was the EHR
software at the time. A range of clinical data were col- • Clinical web service—enables the delivery of
lected from CIMS. In addition, an adapter was created other clinical information from the clinical
to connect to the ADT (admission/discharge/transfer) information system in HL7 format
system that was accessed every 20 minutes to determine • Analyse web service—enables the interaction with
the current occupant of each bed space in the NICU. This the knowledge extraction component
was necessary as infants move locations during their
stay in the SickKids NICU based on their gestation age In the WIHRI Artemis Cloud deployment, spot read-
and to balance nurse ratio loads. ings were taken each minute from the bedside SpaceLabs
The platform’s data acquisition and online analysis devices and fed in raw form as HL7V2 data packets
components are located at SickKids. The real-time to the data acquisition component, implemented in Mirth,
data persistency is also located at SickKids. The data of the Artemis Cloud platform located at the UOIT. The
persistency, knowledge extraction, and redeployment transmission of the data was through a secure Internet
components reside at the UOIT [29]. Daily bulk batch tunnel. In this instantiation, all components except the
data transfer is used to copy the most recent day’s data data acquisition were located in the Health Informatics
from SickKids to UOIT. Research Laboratory at UOIT. Data from 203 patients
The Artemis deployment in the NICU at SickKids has were collected representing 10.6 patient-years of data [13].
collected data for more than 1000 neonatal patients. A third instance of the Artemis Platform was created
The second Artemis deployment was in partnership in partnership with SickKids containing only the data
with the Women and Infant’s Hospital Rhode Island persistency, knowledge extraction, and redeployment
(WIHRI) in Providence. This deployment enabled the components. This was utilised to demonstrate the efficacy
clinical testing of the first Artemis Cloud deployment of Artemis to be used solely as a retrospective environ-
model and commenced in April 2010. One of the goals of ment for knowledge extraction and knowledge discovery.
Artemis Cloud was to demonstrate the potential for Previously collected 30-second spot reading data for 1151
Artemis to remotely monitor neonatal infants in rural patients were loaded into this Artemis instance [13].
and remote locations. NICUs and in fact most ICUs are A fourth instance of the Artemis platform, an Artemis
usually located in tertiary healthcare facilities within Cloud instance, was created to support a clinical
highly populated urban areas. While critical care units research collaboration with the Children’s Hospital of
and neonatal special care nurseries can exist in rural and Fudan University, Shanghai, China [30], and located at
remote areas, they have a significantly lower number of the UOIT. The beds were connected to the physiological
bed spaces. In addition, the healthcare workers may not web service provisioned by the Capsule Tech software.
have the same degree of intensivist training as those The purpose of the research was to assess the quality of
working within the urban tertiary units. Transport teams service that could be achieved by Artemis Cloud in this
located centrally or within tertiary healthcare facilities context. Challenges with the Virtual Private Network
provide over the phone or sometimes video consultative (VPN) connection together with the bandwidth of the
support for other urban, rural, and remote locations. In hospital intranet created limitations in delivery of data to
some cases, remote viewing of the raw medical monitor Artemis Cloud that impacted the quality of service
data is available; however, patients are often transported Artemis Cloud could provide due to the reduced data
to tertiary centres for monitoring by on-site intensivists quality received. As a result, a local instance of Artemis
Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis 527

Artemis cloud Define Monitor

web web
service service
InfoSphere streams runtime Data integration
HR HR Physiological HR Source Op EP QRS RR PT
SpO2 SpO2
web SpO2 Source Op Alert Sink
service BP BPA Sepsis
BP Source Op Patient
Clinical WT WTA
CIS Source Op
service Data mover
Deployment server Knowledge extraction
TA Stream
Ontology driven rules Temporal
rule modifier data miner
TAs Patient
Clinical rule Analyse
Hospital web web
service service

Artemis Cloud framework. (From McGregor, C., A Cloud Computing Framework for Real-time Rural and Remote Service of Critical Care.
In Computer-Based Medical Systems, CD-ROM, 6 pages, 2011.)

was installed on servers within the Children’s Hospital sepsis [33]. That work demonstrated the potential of
of Fudan University to support further clinical research real-time analytics using InfoSphere streams by per-
studies. forming second-by-second analytics on heart rate, res-
The Expanded Artemis Cloud platform was created in piration, blood oxygen, and blood pressure (when
partnership with the Southern Ontario Smart Comput- available) and constructing a risk score. A number
ing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) as a commercialis- of features were derived in real time from the physio-
able deployment of Artemis. Mathematical models for logical data streams and then analysed to determine
deployment load estimates based on arrival patterns at the Late Onset Neonatal Sepsis (LONS) onset score
two collaborating NICUs have been created [31,32]. Two [6,29,33,34]. The levels of the LONS onset score were
hospitals are currently being brought online within this defined as follows:
Expanded Artemis Cloud environment, and this is
ongoing work. • Level 0: no specified features present
• Level 1: presence of features reporting reduced heart
rate variability (HRV), or bradycardia, or a signifi-
cant downward drift of heart rate
• Level 2: presence of level 1 features plus the presence
26.15 Clinical Applications of a respiratory pause as determined by fall in
respiratory rate below the defined threshold
There have been several clinical research studies that
have now utilised Artemis. Some of these are detailed • Level 3: presence of level 2 features plus a blood
within this section. oxygen desaturation threshold breach or a significant
downward drift of blood oxygen desaturation
• Level 4: presence of level 3 features plus a blood
26.15.1 Late-Onset Neonatal Sepsis
pressure threshold breach on any of the readings or a
The first clinical research study to utilise Artemis was a significant downward drift of any of the blood pres-
study for earlier-onset detection of late-onset neonatal sure readings
528 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data








/0 20 14 :00

29 06/2 10 :00 0
: 0
/0 10 0:0 00
30 /06 010 :00 0
/0 /20 0 :00

30 6/2 10 :00 0
/0 01 15 :00

30 06/2 10 :00 0
/0 01 19 :00
/ 1 1 00
/0 0 3 00
/ 0 1: 00

01 7/2 10 :00 0
/0 01 15 :00

01 7/2 10 :00 0
/0 01 19 :00
/ 01 1 00
/0 0 3 00

02 07/ 10 :00: 0

02 7/2 0 :00 0
02 07/ 10 :00 0
02 07/2 10 :00 0
/0 01 19 :00
10 :0 0
:0 0
30 6/2 10 :00 0
30 6/2 0 :00 0

/0 0 3: 00
01 07 010 :00 0
01 7/2 10 :00 0
01 07/2 10 :00 0
01 7/2 10 :00 0

/0 20 3:0 00
02 /07/ 010 :00 0
/0 20 7: :00

02 07/ 10 :00 0
02 07/2 10 1:00 0
/ 0 16 :0
/0 01 18 :0

2 0

/0 0 13 :0

/ 0 17 :0

/0 0 13 :0

/0 0 17 :0

/ 0 1 0

/0 01 13 :0
/ 0 15 :0
/ 20 17 :0

20 21 0:0
23 0:0
/0 20 2 :0
/0 01 11 :0

01 7/2 10 00:0
/0 /20 7 :0
/ 0 9 :0
/0 0 11 :0

5 0

/ 0 9 :0
/ 20 1 :0
30 6/20 0 2 00:
30 6/2 2 0:

01 6/20 0 2 :00:
01 07/2 0 2 :00:
01 7/2 10 :00:

02 7/2 0 2 :00:
02 07/2 0 2 :00:
02 7/2 10 :00:

01 07/2 10 00:

02 7/2 10 0:
29 06/ 10 :00
29 6/2 10 :00

30 6/2 0 :00

01 7/2 0 :00
30 6/ 10 :00

02 7/2 10 00

7/ 0 :0
/ 0 12

29 6/2 10
/0 20
29 06/


LONS onset score hourly summary distribution for one patient who developed LONS. (From McGregor et al., 2013 Real-time multidimensional
temporal analysis of complex high volume physiological data streams in the neonatal intensive care unit data acquisition online analysis result
presentation (re) deployment knowledge extraction data persistency. In MedInfo (pp. 362–366). Copenhagen, 2013. http://doi.org/10.3233/978-1

These scores were then assessed on an hourly basis. rate were determined taking into account known normal
Figure 26.4 presents an example of this second-by- variations in these parameters for neonates. Figure 26.5
second scoring when aggregated within a stack bar on provides an example of this scoring approach for a patient
an hourly basis. The dark blue represents the amount who developed LONS. It shows the results of this scor-
of time within the hour where there was a score of 0. ing approach for a patient who underwent surgery and
The light blue represents the amount of time within the was subsequently diagnosed with LONS. In the post-
hour where there was a score of 1. The yellow represents operative period, the patient had low HRV and Respira-
the amount of time within the hour where there was a tion Rate Variability (RRV); however, while the RRV
score of 2. The pink represents the amount of time within recovers to an acceptable baseline, the HRV does not.
the hour where there was a score of 3, and the red rep-
resents the amount of time within the hour where there
26.15.2 Apnoea of Prematurity
was a score of 4.
In addition to that study, an approach for scoring HRV This study sought to automate the classification of situ-
and respiration rate variability was discovered using the ations for irregular readings in heart rate, blood oxygen,
STDMn0 approach [6,34], and the potential effectiveness and breathing, collectively known as apnoea and spells
of that approach was demonstrated utilising data sets [35–37]. In these scenarios, the infant experiences pauses
from the first three deployments of Artemis. in breathing and reductions in heart rate and blood
In this approach, variability was calculated by assess- oxygen saturation. Single-stream temporal abstractions
ing the absolute difference between two consecutive heart were created, and these were assessed together with
rate and respiratory rate values and determining whether other clinical information to construct the complex
that was less than a given threshold. The hourly score was temporal abstractions that correlated to the 10 different
determined based on the total number of minutes where forms of apnoea and spells. A greater than 95% accuracy
this difference was less than the threshold. Optimal was achieved when compared to the clinical inspection
threshold values of 3 for respiration rate and 4 for heart and annotation.
Big Data in Critical Care Using Artemis 529

60 HRV
Extended period of HRV shift low without RRV shift low: LONS RRV
Number of minutes low





Post-operative period of HRV shift low and RRV shift low
1/1/08 0:00

1/3/08 0:00

1/5/08 0:00

1/7/08 0:00

1/9/08 0:00

1/11/08 0:00

Example of HRV and RRV for a patient who developed LONS. (From McGregor, C. et al., Variability analysis with analytics applied to physi-
ological data streams from the neonatal intensive care unit. In 25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2012)
(p. 5). Rome, 2012.)

26.15.3 Retinopathy of Prematurity research study that analysed CFM data to detect sleep–
wake cycling in neonates [42].
Retinopathy of prematurity (RoP) is a clinical condition
that babies can develop when they are born before 32
weeks gestation and can lead to blindness and other life-
long retina damage [38,39]. Artemis at SickKids has been
used to demonstrate the potential to provide real-time 26.16 Conclusion
analytics for hourly oxygen target range achievement [38]
and to support clinical research studies into the correlation McGregor [11] notes that “the use of big data solutions
between RoP stages and oxygenation [39]. on high frequency physiological data has the potential to
be equally disruptive for healthcare.” She notes that
“significant progress within this area has been hampered
26.15.4 Automated Partial Premature Infant Pain by a lack of systemic computing and information tech-
Profile (PIPP) Scoring nology and informatics research.” Artemis and Artemis
Cloud present approaches to address this need. In par-
The objective of this research was to demonstrate the
ticular, Artemis Cloud with its Health Analytics-as-
potential for Artemis to provide a partial pain score
a-Service model demonstrates how this new form of
through the automated generation of analytics for the
analytics can be provided as a service, thus relieving the
portion of the pain score that assesses physiological
healthcare organisation from the burden of having to
variables [40].
support such a platform in house.
She further proposes that more research is required
26.15.5 Anemia of Prematurity relating to the approaches to

The objective of this research was to perform a retro- 1. Extract, securely transmit, process and store the data
spective analysis using the knowledge extraction compo- streams together with any derived features and
nent of Artemis utilising STDMn0 to determine if there was abstractions;
an association between blood transfusion for anemia of 2. Support retrospective and prospective clinical
prematurity and changes in the neonates’ HRV where research studies using generalized systemic
HRV was calculated utilising the approach detailed by approaches such as Artemis
McGregor et al. [6]. That research showed that there was,
3. Provide effective and appropriate visualization for
on average, an 8% improvement in HRV immediately
the various critical care healthcare roles
after transfusion. This research demonstrated the potential
of that HRV for deployment as a real-time algorithm to 4. Support clinical evaluation of these new earlier-onset
support clinical management of anemia of prematurity behaviours through mechanisms such as clinical trial
and blood transfusion efficacy [41]. 5. Provide mechanisms to translate the knowledge to
In addition, we have demonstrated the potential the bedside without the introduction of another black
of automated sleep–wake cycling through a clinical box at the bedside
530 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb
through Big Data

José Zariffa

27.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................533
27.2 Need for Large-Scale Practice-Based Evidence in Neurorehabilitation................................................................534
27.3 Strategies for Large-Scale Data Gathering in Neurorehabilitation .......................................................................535
27.3.1 Robotic Rehabilitation Devices .....................................................................................................................535
27.3.2 Wearable Sensors ............................................................................................................................................535
27.3.3 Environmental Sensors...................................................................................................................................537
27.4 Understanding the Neurorehabilitation Process through Big Data Approaches ...............................................538
27.4.1 Insights to Date from Large Neurorehabilitation Data Sets.....................................................................538
27.4.2 Nonlinear Modeling to Uncover New Relationships between Different Aspects of Function
in Neurorehabilitation Data Sets ..................................................................................................................541
27.4.3 Use of Longitudinal Recovery Modeling to Inform Clinical Decision Making.....................................542
27.5 Outlook ..........................................................................................................................................................................543
27.5.1 Big Data Approaches Will Open Unexplored Directions in Neurorehabilitation.................................543
27.5.2 Challenges ........................................................................................................................................................544
27.6 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................................544
References ................................................................................................................................................................................545

and paint an accurate picture of current clinical practices

and outcomes. Powerful analytic approaches must then
27.1 Introduction
be called upon to disentangle the complex relationships
The objective of the neurorehabilitation process is to aid between patient characteristics, interventions, environ-
the recovery of function after injuries to the nervous ments, and outcome metrics, and finally optimize the
system, such as in spinal cord injury (SCI) or stroke. The outcomes of the neurorehabilitation process. The science
focus is on achieving outcomes that enable the injured of big data, with its emphasis on large, continuously
individual to participate in society and enjoy a high growing volumes of data from mixed sources, has much
quality of life [1]. Neurorehabilitation is, by nature, a to offer for extracting new insights from the large and
highly individualized process, in which a multidisci- complex data sets that will become increasingly preva-
plinary clinical team attempts to address each patient’s lent in neurorehabilitation,
unique impairments, priorities, and recovery profile This chapter will review the need for large-scale
over time. The heterogeneous nature of the process practice-based evidence in neurorehabilitation, discuss
makes it very challenging to extract evidence that can strategies for collecting the relevant data, and examine
guide clinical best practices and maximize outcomes. In how big data approaches can be used to extract key
order to overcome this limitation of current neuro- relationships and help to move neurorehabilitation
rehabilitation practice, it will be necessary to leverage practice forward. The relationships between these con-
new technologies to enable large-scale data gathering cepts are illustrated in Figure 27.1. Studies and examples

534 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

interventions delivered by multiples disciplines to 1,376

• Long-term outcomes
individuals across six facilities drawn from the SCI
• Healthcare system efficiency

Model Systems [6,7]. The resulting data has been used to
elucidate how different components of the rehabilitation
Practice-based evidence process contribute to outcomes, after controlling for

Big individual demographic and injury characteristics. For
data examples, the associations were examined between out-
Large-scale data on
neurorehabilitation practices comes such as Functional Independence Measure (FIM)

and outcomes scores and the total time spent with each of seven reha-
bilitation disciplines during the inpatient stay (occupa-
Automated data gathering tional therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy,
therapeutic recreation, social work/case management,
psychology, and nursing education and care coordina-
FIGURE 27.1 tion) [8]. The use of time within each discipline was also
Role of big data in improving the upper limb neurorehabilitation studied, for example, showing that time spent on range of
process. motion (ROM)/stretching in physical and occupational
therapy sessions was associated with relatively lower
are focused in particular on the rehabilitation of upper function, while other interventions such as gait training,
limb function after neurological injury. home management skills, and strengthening exercises
were associated with better functional outcomes [9, 10]. A
conceptually related effort in stroke was the Post-Stroke
Rehabilitation Outcomes Project (PSROP), which used
data from 1,291 patients across seven sites to try to
27.2 Need for Large-Scale Practice-Based understand how rehabilitation practice is related to out-
comes [11]. Some examples of their findings included
Evidence in Neurorehabilitation
confirming the benefits of starting therapy earlier [12],
Inpatient rehabilitation after neurological injuries is a and more rapidly progressing to higher-order activities
complex multidisciplinary process. Because rehabilita- with a focus on community integration [13–15]. Another
tion emphasizes individualized plans rather than “one- notable outcome from the PSROP was to highlight the
size-fits-all” approaches, large randomized controlled variability that exists in the practices of different reha-
trials (RCTs) focused on a well-defined intervention are bilitation centers, for example, in the use of medications
difficult to perform, and strong evidence for the efficacy during stroke rehabilitation [16].
of many current practices is lacking [2–4]. Even when The SCIRehab and PSROP studies highlighted a desire
RCTs are conducted, the study sample is often more in the neurorehabilitation community to deepen our
homogeneous than the general clinical population, understanding of the complex interactions of factors that
and this may affect the generalizability of the results. contribute to patient outcomes. At the same time, both of
Practice-based evidence (PBE) may therefore be a more these studies generated large volumes of data (for
appropriate paradigm for rehabilitation evidence than instance, details on 462,455 interventions in the case of
traditional RCTs [5]. PBE can be defined as a “prospec- SCIRehab), and the analyses conducted to date have by
tive observational cohort design that seeks to categorize no means been exhaustive. There is a clear need for a
very systematically an exhaustive array of interventions next generation of analysis techniques that can better
and determine which interventions are most strongly parse the relationships that govern these large, hetero-
associated with outcomes, taking into account a large geneous data sets, and a big data perspective is highly
number of patient characteristics that may also influence relevant in this regard.
outcomes” [5]. While RCTs may still be required in There are intrinsic limitations in the labour-intensive
certain circumstances, notably when new devices or strategies used by SCIRehab and PSROP to collect large-
drugs are introduced and direct evidence of their safety scale PBE on the rehabilitation process. These studies
and effectiveness is needed for regulatory purposes, PBE were by necessity limited to a small number of sites,
has the potential to play a major role in identifying best which may affect the generalizability of their results.
practices for the care and interventions delivered during More crucially, they were snapshots of clinical practices at
neurorehabilitation. a particular period in time and cannot capture evolutions
A few studies have attempted to gather large-scale PBE in practices over time. In order to create a wider-reaching
in order to gain a better understanding of the and more dynamic PBE base for neurorehabilita-
neurorehabilitation process. For SCI, the SCIRehab study tion, automated data collection approaches will need to
prospectively collected a detailed breakdown of the be implemented. A number of technological innovations
Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data 535

in recent years have brought us closer to this goal and are of which is the KINARM exoskeleton [30]. Similarly, the
reviewed in the next section. ReJoyce telerehabilitation robot includes a Hand Func-
tion Test software module that turns the therapeutic
device into an assessment platform, the results of which
have been shown to correlate with ARAT and, to a lesser
extent, Fugl-Meyer scores [31].
Multiple studies have demonstrated strong psycho-
27.3 Strategies for Large-Scale Data Gathering metric properties (e.g., concurrent validity, high test–
in Neurorehabilitation retest reliability) for robot-derived metrics in stroke
survivors [25,32] and individuals with SCI [33]. In
27.3.1 Robotic Rehabilitation Devices
summary, automated assessment in neurological popu-
Rehabilitation robotics is an area of research that has lations is a field of research that initially stemmed from
developed over the last 20 years, initially motivated by robotic rehabilitation but is now attracting attention in
the concept that robots could help to provide higher its own right [34,35].
intensities of therapy and thus improve functional out- To date, the costs of most robotic rehabilitation plat-
comes [17–19]. The primary focus of the field has forms are sufficiently high that widespread deployment
accordingly been on therapeutic effectiveness; however, in the home is not likely. The work described in this
an increasing number of studies are examining the cor- section is therefore primarily relevant to assessing func-
relations between movement parameters measured by tion in the clinic or laboratory environment. Applications
robots (including smoothness, ROM, accuracy, speed, include developing new outcome measures for clinical
and force produced) and clinical measures. In stroke trials, informing the inpatient plan of care, and charac-
survivors, clinical assessments that have been studied in terizing the profile of recovery after neurological injuries.
relation to robot-derived measures include the Fugl- From the point of view of gathering large-scale PBE in
Meyer test [20–25], the Motor Power Score [22,26], the neurorehabilitation, robotic rehabilitation platforms can
Motor Status Score [22,23], and the Action Research Arm make two key contributions. First, they can provide more
Test (ARAT) [24]. A number of moderate and statisti- frequent assessments than what is possible with manual
cally significant correlations have been identified [20, approaches, making it possible to capture the recovery
22,24]. As can be expected, the use of multiple linear process with a finer time resolution, and thus potentially
regression to combine information from multiple robot providing insights into the optimal timing of different
metrics yields stronger correlations that regression interventions. Second, robotic platforms that couple
models based on individual metrics [21,23,26]. In these therapeutic and assessment functionalities offer an excel-
studies and in this population, measures related to ease lent opportunity to understand the optimal strategies for
and smoothness of movement (e.g., involving velocity progressing the difficulty of the therapeutic exercises,
profiles, trajectory errors, and measures of jerk) have based on quantitative data on the user’s function and
generally been found to be most predictive of clinical performance [36–38]. Nonetheless, there are limitations to
scores. More recent studies, reviewed below in Section robotic platforms in terms of scaling up the data gathering
27.4.2, have extended this line of investigation using process. As a result of cost and relatively modest thera-
nonlinear modeling of the relationships between robotic peutic effectiveness in many studies [39], the adoption of
measures and clinical assessments. these platforms by rehabilitation centers is not currently
In individuals with SCI, manual assessments have also widespread, limiting the number of patients with access
been related to robotic measures (ROM, grip strength, to them outside of clinical trials. As noted above, these
and movement smoothness) [27]. The best relationships devices are primarily deployed to clinics or laboratories,
were found in predicting the Prehension Performance limiting their ability to capture information about reha-
component of the Graded Redefined Assessment of bilitation strategies targeting the home or community.
Strength, Sensibility and Prehension (GRASSP), and the There is a need for complementary technologies that can
Spinal Cord Independence Measure III (SCIM), with provide lower-cost solutions to capture information in a
adjusted R2 values of 0.78 and 0.77, respectively. In wider variety of environments. A variety of strategies
contrast to the findings in stroke, this study found that based on wearable sensors are under investigation to fill
variables describing ROM and grip ability were more this need and are reviewed in the next section.
important than smoothness measures in achieving good
prediction of clinical scores (GRASSP, SCIM, and ARAT).
27.3.2 Wearable Sensors
While the aforementioned studies focused on analyz-
ing measurements from therapeutic robots, several In the context of neurorehabilitation, we define a wear-
groups have also proposed custom mechatronic plat- able sensor as a body-worn device that is capable of
forms dedicated to assessment [28–30], the best-known measuring some aspect of impairment or function and
536 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

that does not impose substantial restrictions on the user’s rehabilitation exercises [61]. For instance, Lam and col-
movements (e.g., as a result of wires, weight, etc.). leagues developed a system to quantify movement
The predominant technology underlying wearable quality and repetitions during rehabilitation exercises,
sensing in neurorehabilitation to date has been accel- with a focus on creating an interface both useful for
erometry, which in its simplest form provides a means to providing feedback to patients and also beneficial to
quantify the amount of movement. Accelerometers can physical therapists for quantifying their patients’
be used to monitor overall levels of physical activity [40], movements and tracking their progress [62]. Identifying
which is of interest in the rehabilitation context as well as the number and type of exercises being performed is of
for nonmedical activity trackers. For instance, acceler- great interest from the point of view of gathering PBE on
ometers have been used to investigate how activity the neurorehabilitation process.
levels in the community for several clinical populations Activity recognition methods using IMU-based
compare to physician estimates [41]. Wrist-worn accel- systems also have the potential to provide information
erometers have also been studied extensively as a strat- about a person’s daily activities in the community. For
egy to measure the amount of upper limb activity example, these devices have been used to gain insight
[42,43]. For example, in studies with stroke survivors, a into wheelchair usage patterns [63]. This type of infor-
frequently used metric is the ratio of movement between mation may yield insights into profiles of recovery
the impaired and unimpaired arms [44–50]. Similarly, in beyond the clinic, as well as inform the timing and
SCI, accelerometer measures can reveal, for example, nature of outpatient plans of care.
the amount of asymmetry in the impairment [51]. While IMUs can be used to identify and analyze
Here we emphasize that the activity measures derived movement patterns for a variety of applications, one area
from accelerometers are focused on the quantity of in which they are limited is the analysis of hand function.
arm movement. While this has been found to be a valid IMUs and accelerometers for tracking upper limb
indicator of upper limb use [42,52], it does not directly activity are typically worn on the wrist, and as such are
reveal what tasks were attempted or accomplished with much more reflective of arm movements than of finger
these movements, or provide insights into the type and movements and are not able to capture information
quality of the movements. related to fine manipulation. One device by Friedman
The range of applications of this technology can be and colleagues sought to partially overcome this limi-
further expanded by using inertial measurement units tation by using magnetometers to track a magnetic ring
(IMUs), which combine accelerometers with gyroscopes, on the index finger, complementing the information
and sometimes magnetometers. By combining linear and provided by a wrist-worn accelerometer [64]. This
angular motion measurements with appropriate cali- approach revealed clear but very task-dependent rela-
bration and signal processing procedures, IMU-based tionships between arm and hand usage [65]. Instru-
motion capture is possible [53–55], resulting in the ability mented gloves can describe hand posture in more detail
to estimate specific postures instead of simply the and have been the topic of a few studies in rehabilitation
amount of movement. The natural target applications for [66–69]. Potential limitations of these devices are that
these wearable devices are activity recognition and they may interfere with certain tasks and may be difficult
movement analysis, which in the context of rehabilita- to don for some patients with hand contractures, and
tion can be used in multiple ways. Firstly, IMU mea- consequently, it is not clear whether these devices have
surements have been used to predict clinical assessment sufficient usability to accommodate large-scale data
scores. For example, scores have been predicted for gathering in either the clinic or the home. Expanding
subsets of tasks in the Functional Ability Scale of the on the concept of the instrumented glove, the use of
Wolf Motor Function Test in individuals with stroke [56], electronic textiles (e-textiles) is also appealing for moni-
and associations have been identified between IMU- toring rehabilitation activities. The term e-textiles refers
derived upper limb kinematics and SCIM and FIM to garments that are able to perform sensing or actuating
subscores in individuals with SCI [57]. Secondly, an functions by virtue of electronic components embedded
alternative approach to trying to estimate scores for in the fabric, or of textiles that have electronic properties
existing assessments is to derive novel metrics based on themselves. This technology could eventually be used to
the kinematic data provided by the wearable sensors achieve wearable motion capture or monitoring of elec-
[58–60]. This approach is appealing because it more fully tromyographic (EMG) signals; however, a recent sys-
takes advantage of the capabilities of new technology, tematic review found that, despite a number of studies
but on the other hand, it may face a steeper road to describing e-textiles for rehabilitation applications, only
clinical adoption, since new metrics must be validated a very small proportion of these had tested the garments
and may take time to gain acceptance. Beyond use as an on individuals with neurological impairments [70,71].
assessment tool, IMU-based wearable systems have been The suitability of e-textile garments in this context
explored as a means to provide real-time feedback on therefore still needs to be established.
Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data 537

Recently, the use of wearable cameras that record the these devices’ skeletal tracking measurements and pro-
user’s point of view (egocentric video) has also been vides an improved understanding of their strengths and
proposed as a possible avenue to monitor hand function limitations [89–95], a number of rehabilitation applica-
outside of the laboratory or clinic environment [72,73]. tions have been envisioned. These can be broken down
The advantages of video are that it offers a rich source of roughly into two categories: using the Kinect as a plat-
data and can capture information about the objects in the form for rehabilitation exercises in virtual environments
environment as well as about the hand. This approach or using the Kinect as a tool for motion analysis and
therefore has the potential to capture information about assessment.
functional use of the hand, which is different from the Similarly to the use of robotic platforms discussed
movement information collected by IMUs. The draw- above, Kinect-based exercises could make it possible to
back of the egocentric video approach is the complexity more finely track the time course of recovery, as well as
of the algorithms required to extract meaningful infor- to study adaptive interventions that progress according
mation from recordings obtained with a moving camera to the user’s performance. In order to make progress in
in unconstrained environments. On the other hand, the this direction, the feasibility of guiding exercises based
availability of computer vision techniques dedicated to on the Kinect or similar sensors has been investigated by
analyzing able-bodied hand use in egocentric videos has a number of groups [96–101]. The results of these studies
increased rapidly in recent years as a result of commer- suggest that markerless motion capture could be inte-
cial egocentric cameras (e.g., GoPro, Google Glass) [72, grated into interactive, automated rehabilitation systems
74–82], and this work may find applications in rehabili- for use in the clinic or the home. In must be noted,
tation problems. In addition to their use in assessing however, that few reports to date have gone beyond
hand function, wearable cameras are under active feasibility to describe the impact of such approaches on
investigation for their potential in activity recognition functional outcomes. More work will therefore be
applications [83–87]. Both of these lines of inquiry are of required to ascertain the clinical potential of these ideas.
considerable interest from the point of view of capturing As a motion analysis tool, the Kinect can be used to
an individual’s rehabilitation process in an automated derive clinical information from the kinematic data.
manner and capturing PBE in a variety of settings. Possibilities include defining novel metrics derived from
It is clear that wearable sensors will have a significant the kinematic information and exploring the relationships
role to play in the future of neurorehabilitation. None- of these metrics with clinical assessments [102–104], or
theless, despite their relatively low degree of invasive- using machine learning to predict the clinical assessment
ness, any device that requires setup time and that is scores directly from the skeletal tracking information
expected to be used repeatedly over long periods of time (e.g., joint angles, ROM) [105]. As with the Kinect-based
is likely to face occasional problems with compliance. rehabilitation systems, however, the development of
As a possible way around this problem, an intriguing Kinect-based upper limb assessments is still a recent field
alternative strategy for large-scale data collection about of study, and there is a need for more high-quality evi-
the rehabilitation process is to integrate sensors into the dence before a better picture can be drawn of the role that
environment itself, as detailed in the next section. this technology can play in rehabilitation.
It is worth noting that marker-based motion capture
techniques have been used to investigate the function of
27.3.3 Environmental Sensors
the upper limb in neurorehabilitation and have pro-
We define an environmental sensor here as one that can duced evidence that kinematic descriptors may provide
collect information about movements and activities, valid and reliable assessments in this context [106–112].
without being in direct contact with the patient. A While marker-based strategies are too cumbersome to be
system that meets this definition could enable data col- integrated on a large scale into clinical rehabilitation
lection that does not interfere at all with either the processes, the evidence that they have produced could
patient’s or the therapist’s tasks during rehabilitation still be directly applicable if the appropriate kinematic
activities. Note that a rich literature exists on the topic of information could be extracted using markerless motion
ambient sensors for monitoring various physiological capture devices such as the Kinect. However, translating
variables in healthcare applications [88], but here we marker-based findings in this manner will be contingent
restrict ourselves to the monitoring of motor function. on the accuracy and reliability of the markerless skeletal
Interest in environmental sensors for rehabilitation has tracking, and existing studies on these points suggest
increased in recent years as a consequence of the avail- that further technical or methodological advances are
ability of low-cost commercial devices capable of per- likely to be required in order to improve the measure-
forming markerless motion capture, most notably the ments [94].
Kinect (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). As mount- As the associated technological challenges are pro-
ing evidence describes the psychometric properties of gressively addressed, the combination of robotic or
538 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

virtual environment platforms, environmental sensors, points (acute and 4, 12, 24, and 48 weeks after injury).
and wearable systems may well unlock in the near future The intent of EMSCI is different from those of studies
an explosion of practice-based data about how such as SCIRehab and PSROP. Whereas the latter
neurorehabilitation is delivered and how clinical pro- focused on detailing the interventions delivered and
cesses and patient characteristics interact to determine improving our understanding of the clinical process of
outcomes. As such, the way that we approach and rehabilitation, EMSCI studies have focused, rather, on
analyze these data sets must adapt accordingly and injury characteristics, their changes over time, and ways
begin to draw from a big data perspective. to measure these changes. Numerous relationships have
been uncovered as a result of these efforts that can guide
clinical processes.
At a first level, describing the expected course of
recovery after SCI is crucial because it provides a very
27.4 Understanding the Neurorehabilitation important baseline for the design of clinical trials. By
understanding the changes that different assessments are
Process through Big Data Approaches
expected to exhibit over the months after injury, under
Apart from a very small number of exceptions such as the the current standard of care, we can determine which
SCIRehab and PSROP efforts, clinical studies in the stroke outcome measures and end points in a trial are most
and SCI populations may involve a few hundred par- likely to reveal that the intervention produced a change.
ticipants at the very most and are typically much smaller The EMSCI database has been used to establish such
than that. Viewed in this light, one may argue that these baselines for recovery [113,114]. Some of this work has
data sets do not truly fall under the purview of “big focused on standard clinical assessments such as the
data.” However, the new data collection approaches International Standards for Neurological Classification
described above will soon create a situation where this is of SCI (ISNCSCI) [113–116], while a few studies have
no longer true. Each patient evaluation may further also examined recovery profiles for electrophysiological
include multiple types of clinical assessments, possibly [117,118] and functional [119,120] measures. This data
combined with imaging, electrophysiological, and can also be used to gain further insights into the influ-
demographic data, resulting in data sets with high ence of demographic factors on recovery, for example,
dimensionality. Likewise, a record of the multidisciplin- age [121].
ary interventions delivered will need to keep track of a In parallel to describing changes in the injury itself, the
large number of pieces of information (e.g., types, dura- EMSCI data have been valuable for understanding the
tions, and repetitions of different exercises). To date, no relationships between many of the existing neurological
neurorehabilitation study has truly combined large-scale and functional assessments for SCI. In doing so, we can
PBE with the power of analytics drawn from big data gain new perspectives on the interactions between body
applications. That being said, a number of forward- structures and function, activity, and participation after
thinking investigations have been conducted that give us SCI (following the model of the International Classifi-
a glimpse of how large data sets can be used to gain new cation of Functioning, Disability and Health [122]).
insight into recovery following neurological injuries and Studies in this direction have primarily focused on
the associated clinical processes. These efforts are sum- understanding at what point measured neurological
marized in Table 27.1 and discussed in more detail below. recovery translates into functional benefits. For example,
links have been established between the neurological or
motor level of an SCI (i.e., neurological assessments) and
27.4.1 Insights to Date from Large Neurorehabilitation
the SCIM, which evaluates function by quantifying
Data Sets
independence in activities of daily living [123,124]. It is
A number of examples of how large data sets can lead to also of interest to understand what types of functions are
improvements in our understanding of neurorehabilita- impacted by specific aspects of recovery: a study by
tion can be drawn from the European Multicenter Study Rudhe and colleagues established a link between the
about Spinal Cord Injury (EMSCI). The EMSCI project is recovery of hand function and the ability to perform self-
using a prospective design to characterize spontaneous care activities (feeding, bathing, dressing, and groom-
recovery after SCI and understand relationships ing), which is of great interest from the perspective of
between different aspects of function. The network of interventions for restoring upper limb function [125].
participating centers further serves as a platform for the With the availability of such a large data set, a greater
investigation of new treatment strategies. Each individ- range of analyses can be leveraged to answer questions
ual in the EMSCI database, which contains over 3,200 with direct applications to neurorehabilitation processes
people to date, undergoes a set of neurological, neuro- and research. For example, studies by Tanadini et al.
physiological, and functional assessments at fixed time [126,127] and Velstra et al. [128,129] have examined
Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data 539

TABLE 27.1
Examples of Large-Scale Initiatives Contributing to Our Understanding of the Neurorehabilitation Process
Initiative Included Objectives Selected Examples of Use
SCIRehab 1,376 To use observational PBE methods to relate the details of • Examining associations between functional
the rehabilitation process to outcomes in individuals with outcomes and total time spent with different
SCI, after controlling for individual demographic and rehabilitation disciplines during the inpatient
injury characteristics [6] stay [8]
• Examining associations between functional
outcomes and a range of treatment variables
within individual disciplines (e.g., physical
therapy, occupational therapy [9,10])
PSROP 1,291 To understand the impact of each stroke rehabilitation • Examining the impact of the timing of
activity or intervention on patient outcomes at discharge, rehabilitation initiation on functional outcomes
controlling for patient differences including medical and [12]
functional status on admission [11] • Understanding relationships between
occupational therapy activities and upper limb
functional outcomes [14]
EMSCI >3,200 • To uncover the relationships between • Describing the expected course of recovery
electrophysiological, neurophysiological, and functional after cervical SCI [113]
measurements after SCI • Understanding relationships between upper
• To determine the prognostic value of these measurement limb impairment and function [123,125]
outcomes • Using prognostic indicators to stratify potential
• To examine the mechanisms of spontaneous recovery participants in clinical trials [127]
• To provide a framework to investigate the efficacy of
new treatment strategies [159,160]
RHSCIR >5,000 To provide a resource to • Examining the relationship between the timing
• Study the epidemiology of SCIs of surgery and outcomes after SCI [131]
• Study the effectiveness of a variety of current and • Assessing whether ICD codes need to be
proposed treatments supplemented with more information to
• Facilitate the implementation of clinical trials characterize SCI [132]
• Evaluate the quality of care delivery
• Facilitate the implementation of evidence-based practices
• Facilitate service delivery to the SCI community [130]
VISTA >82,000 To provide a resource to study questions concerning • Identifying prognostic indicators for functional
(>10,800 for • The expected spontaneous recovery of specific independence [134]
VISTA-Rehab) population subgroups after stroke • Quantifying interdependence of outcome scales
• The optimal selection of patients for clinical trials [135]
• The choice of outcome measures for clinical trials
• The influence of country, comorbidities, and other
factors on recovery [133,161]
COST 1,197 • To understand the effect of organized care and • Describing the expected course of upper limb
rehabilitation recovery after stroke [149]
• To relate neurological and functional outcomes of stroke • Determining the impact of a dedicated stroke
to initial stroke severity and functional disability unit on outcomes [152]
• To characterize the recovery of upper limb function and
• To characterize the time course of neurological and
functional recovery relative to initial stroke severity
• To study the mechanisms of stroke recovery
• To understand the effects on recovery of various
demographic, medical, and pathophysiological factors
NSCID >31,000 • To study the longitudinal course of traumatic SCI and • Statistical modeling of recovery trajectories
factors that affect that course [153,155]
540 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


Examples of Large-Scale Initiatives Contributing to Our Understanding of the Neurorehabilitation Process

Initiative Included Objectives Selected Examples of Use

• To identify and evaluate trends over time in etiology, • Describing the expected course of recovery
demographic, and injury severity characteristics of after SCI [142]
persons who incur an SCI
• To identify and evaluate trends over time in health
services delivery and treatment outcomes for persons
with SCI
• To establish expected rehabilitation treatment outcomes
for persons with SCI
• To facilitate other research such as the identification of
potential persons for enrollment in appropriate SCI
clinical trials and research projects or as a springboard
to population-based studies [162,163]

Abbreviations: COST, Copenhagen Stroke Study; EMSCI, European Multicenter Study about Spinal Cord Injury;NSCID, National Spinal Cord
Injury Database PSROP, Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Outcomes Project; RHISCR, Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry; VISTA,
Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive.

how indicators at early time points after injury can be Another illustration of how large-scale data gathering
used to predict the expected progression of recovery and can be put to use in neurorehabilitation can be found in
to stratify a very heterogeneous pool of individuals into the Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry (RHSCIR)
more homogeneous subgroups. This subdivision is of [130]. Like EMSCI, RHSCIR is a prospective, multisite
interest for designing clinical trials that minimize sources observational data collection effort aiming to improve
of variability. These investigations used conditional our understanding of care after SCI. RHSCIR puts the
inference trees, an unbiased recursive partitioning emphasis on linking data from multiple stages of
method, to break a large heterogeneous data set into healthcare system utilization after SCI (acute care, reha-
progressively more homogeneous subgroups. Briefly, bilitation, and long-term community follow-up), and in
this is accomplished by first identifying the individual doing so aims to reveal how healthcare processes impact
predictor that has the strongest association with the on outcomes after neurological injuries. This registry has
ultimate clinical outcome of interest, finding the dichot- been used, for example, to examine the relationship
omous split on this predictor that results in two sub- between the timing of surgery and outcomes after SCI
groups that are as distinct as possible, and then [131]. Another interesting application has been to
iteratively repeating this process on the subgroups until understand whether standard diagnostic information
no more predictors have a statistically significant rela- found in clinical records, such as International Classifi-
tionship with the target outcome. In this manner, indi- cation of Diseases (ICD) codes, is adequate for charac-
viduals in a clinical trial can be stratified into terizing neurological injuries, or if it needs to be
homogeneous subgroups, which makes it easier to detect supplemented with more specialized information [132].
the effect of an intervention, while at the same time the While EMSCI and RHSCIR are prospective studies,
investigators are not forced to limit enrollment by large rehabilitation data sets can alternatively be created
having very narrow inclusion criteria. by retrospectively amalgamating data from various
The approaches that have been developed in these sources. This is the strategy employed by the Virtual
studies could not have been arrived at without the large- International Stroke Trials Archive (VISTA), which col-
scale data collected by the EMSCI project. An important lates anonymized data from clinical trials. This resource
observation is that the benefit of the large sample size can be used for exploratory analyses in the design of
here comes not from being able to detect small effects in a trials or to provide insights into the expected progression
relatively homogeneous sample, but rather, from being of recovery after stroke under the current standard of
able to describe the highly variable nature of care [133]. VISTA includes multiple topic areas related to
neurorecovery after SCI. By teasing out relationships stroke, including rehabilitation (VISTA-Rehab). The use
between the different aspects of injury and function, this of retrospective analysis on one hand results in less
variability no longer appears random, but can be controlled and standardized data (for example, the trials
understood and used to guide clinical processes in a in the database do not all use the same outcome mea-
manner that is both individualized and evidence-based. sures) but, on the other hand, allows for a much larger
Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data 541

resource than would otherwise be possible. Getting more biomarkers can improve our ability to track the under-
use out of data already collected is also an appealing lying recovery process.
aspect of VISTA. Examples of how VISTA has been used The notion of robot-derived biomarkers can be further
to answer questions related to the rehabilitation process extended to include a prognostic component. In addition
include the identification of prognostic indicators for to estimating an individual’s current clinical status, is it
upper limb function [134] and to better understand the possible to construct biomarkers that predict how they
relationships between stroke outcome scales [135]. will recover in the future? Mostafavi et al. explored this
question using the KINARM robotic assessment plat-
form [138]. They sought to predict FIM scores at 2 weeks
27.4.2 Nonlinear Modeling to Uncover New
and at 3 months poststroke, using a set of clinical
Relationships between Different Aspects
assessments and biomarkers derived from robotic mea-
of Function in Neurorehabilitation Data Sets
surements of upper limb function, all obtained at
The studies described in the previous section have so far 2 weeks postinjury in 85 stroke survivors. The prediction
provided compelling demonstrations of the benefits of of the 2-week FIM scores was therefore a concurrent
large data sets in neurorehabilitation. Nonetheless, these prediction task, whereas the prediction of the 3-month
approaches are recent, and there is considerable scope scores was a prognostication task. Nonlinear models
for bringing to bear techniques from machine learning were used in combination with a feature selection
and data science to better understand these growing scheme based on a Fast Orthogonal Search (FOS). Both
data sets and transform them into clinically actionable clinical and robotic indicators were found to be able to
information, as well as to integrate the contributions of predict the FIM scores at both time points, though
automated data gathering through the technologies accuracy for the 3-month scores was unsurprisingly
reviewed in the previous section. lower (r = 0.774 for the 2-week scores vs. r = 0.685 for the
While much insight has been gained to date from 3-month scores, using the robotic indicators).
linear modeling methods, the underlying processes or When seeking to identify sensor-derived biomarkers
relationships that are of interest in neurorehabilitation that can predict clinical measures and guide the recovery
are almost certainly not linear. In order to deepen our process, we need to consider their predictive ability but
ability to model and understand neurorehabilitation also the feasibility of acquiring the necessary data. In that
processes, it will be important to incorporate nonlinear respect, it is desirable to gain more insights into the
models. On the other hand, as the complexity of our relationships between different aspects of a person’s
models increases, it becomes a challenge to apply them disability, and large data sets can help us uncover
to small data sets because of the risk of overfitting. In quantitative relationships that are otherwise difficult to
other words, the usefulness of more complex models obtain. For instance, while we may be interested in an
increases with the amount of data available. Examples of individual’s ability to perform a functional task, it may
how increased sample sizes can form the basis for more be difficult to automate the evaluation of such a complex
complex nonlinear modeling of neurorehabilitation construct, which can reflect contributions from the neu-
constructs can be found in the robotic rehabilitation lit- rological impairment but also the environment, com-
erature. For instance, Krebs and colleagues examined the pensatory postures, and motivation. As a result, robotic
use of measurements from a robotic rehabilitation plat- or sensor-derived biomarkers more often measure
form to establish biomarkers of motor function [136] in a aspects of the impairment, such as muscle strength or the
population of 208 stroke survivors. After extracting a set ability to perform certain movement primitives. The
of arm kinematic measures, they used them to create extent to which these simpler measures of impairment
models that could predict clinical measures. In con- are informative about the ability to perform tasks is
trast to previous efforts using multilinear regression therefore an important question. Zariffa and colleagues
[21,23,26], this study used nonlinear models in the form leveraged machine learning to address this point, using a
of artificial neural networks combined with a feature data set of clinical assessments from 129 individuals with
selection algorithm based on artificial ant colony systems SCI [139]. They demonstrated that classifiers could be
[137]. In addition to showing that the nonlinear model- constructed to quantitatively predict the scores that
ing outperformed the multilinear regression results, they would be obtained when performing functional tasks in
showed that the robot-derived scores were more sensi- the GRASSP, using as inputs motor scores from 10 upper
tive for measuring recovery over time than the manual extremity muscles (also evaluated in the GRASSP). These
clinical assessments. This analysis included historical results provide support for the idea that simple mea-
data from 2,937 patients extracted from VISTA. Dem- sures of impairment can form the basis for functionally
onstrating the good sensitivity of robot-based assess- relevant biomarkers. They further demonstrate that
ments has implications for designing clinical trials with large data sets that contain multidimensional data about
fewer participants and suggests that using sensor-based injury characteristics provide an opportunity to uncover
542 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

relationships that can guide the efficient collection and used to construct the IGC models, which described
use of information in the neurorehabilitation process. recovery trajectories as negative exponential functions.
The outcome measure used was a Rasch-transformed
subset of the FIM. The models provided estimates of
27.4.3 Use of Longitudinal Recovery Modeling
these scores at admission and once recovery had
to Inform Clinical Decision Making
plateaued, as well as the time required to reach this
The desire to establish prognostic estimates of recovery plateau. A host of demographic and injury characteristic
is not new, and this pursuit is also in a position to benefit factors, as well as time to admission and rehabilitation
from the availability of large-scale data sets. To date, in length of stay, were investigated for their associations
addition to describing the expected course of recovery with these three features of the recovery profile. The
under existing standards of care [113,140–142], much results were encoded into an interactive tool that allowed
effort has gone into identifying biomarkers in the the user to investigate how particular factors (e.g., age,
early stages after injury that could predict the eventual injury severity, etiology, etc.) could be expected to affect
outcomes for a given individual. The nature of these recovery, as well as to create a profile of a given indi-
biomarkers has been varied, and they have included, vidual and gain insight into his/her potential for recov-
for example, data from clinical examinations, functional ery. A similar study was subsequently conducted
performance, electrophysiology, imaging, and protein focusing instead on life satisfaction, which used analo-
markers in cerebrospinal fluid (for stroke, these topics gous methods to model IGCs for Rasch-transformed
are reviewed in Refs. [143,144]; for SCI, examples include Satisfaction With Life Scale scores [155]. While this study
Refs. [129,145–147]). Of particular note here is the examined similar covariates as the FIM-based work
Copenhagen Stroke (COST) Study [148], a prospective, described previously, the variance that the models were
community-based study that tracked 1,197 acute stroke able to explain was smaller. The authors suggested that
patients for 6 months. The outcomes of this initiative important predictors of life satisfaction may not have
included the establishment of recovery profiles after been included in the model, which was limited to
stroke [149], the characterization of prognostic indica- information available in the NSCID. This observation
tors such as initial stroke severity or the presence of underscores the importance of developing data gather-
certain comorbidities [150,151], and a study of the ben- ing strategies that can allow us to take into consideration
efits of rehabilitation in dedicated stroke units [152]. all relevant aspects of the neurorehabilitation process.
Building on these previous efforts to describe the pro- Beyond helping to support the planning of care, the
gress of recovery over time, the creation of statistical availability of longitudinal recovery models has inter-
models of longitudinal recovery has recently found esting implications for evaluating interventions. If we
several applications in neurorehabilitation. expect that recovery will follow a particularly trajectory,
Traditional clinical studies most often seek to interpret but a group receiving an intervention displays consistent
evidence at the group level, for example, by comparing deviations from this trajectory, we may gain insights
control participants to those receiving an intervention. about the effectiveness of this intervention. For example,
As discussed earlier, a PBE approach instead emphasizes Massie et al. used kinematic measurements obtained
prospective observational studies designed to capture several times a week from a rehabilitation robot to
the variability in practice and to understand relation- characterize motor performance changes over time. They
ships between specific elements of the care or environ- used random coefficient modeling (RCM) to capture the
ment, patient characteristics, and outcomes. A natural longitudinal variations in the data and further used these
next step of collecting PBE is to then apply this evidence models to compare two groups of stroke survivors
on an individual basis to guide clinical decision making. receiving different treatment protocols [156]. In fact, it
In other words, when a person arrives at a rehabilitation has been suggested that modeling recovery profiles may
center, how can their injury and demographic informa- lead to more efficient clinical trial designs requiring
tion be combined with existing evidence to project their smaller sample sizes. Forsyth and colleagues presented
likely course of recovery and plan the delivery of care an analysis of this concept using an example drawn from
accordingly? A quantitative approach to this question is pediatric traumatic brain injury rehabilitation [157].
to develop statistical models capable of encoding the Nonlinear mixed effects (NLME) models were con-
impact of numerous factors on recovery profile. Pretz structed to describe the recovery trajectories, based on
and colleagues proposed a solution to this task, in the frequent simple assessments. They showed that
form of individual growth curve (IGC) analysis [153]. For hypothesis testing based on the parameters of the NLME
this analysis, they used data drawn from the National models could reduce the sample size needed to achieve
Spinal Cord Injury Database (NSCID), which collects the desired study power by up to five times, in com-
information on individuals with SCI admitted to SCI parison to the traditional paradigm of comparing
Model Systems [154]. A sample of 4,504 individuals was assessments at fixed time points. Nonetheless, the
Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data 543

variability that exists in longitudinal recovery profiles A way out of this conundrum is to dramatically increase
[158] must be carefully taken into account in these types the knowledge base about the neurorehabilitation
of modeling approaches, and the incorporation and process, so that a meaningful point of reference can be
reliable collection of relevant covariate factors will be available for any given individual. How did an inter-
paramount to the progress of these methods. vention change the course of recovery compared to what
As new technologies provide greater and greater was expected for this patient’s injury and demographics?
amounts of data, the statistical modeling of longitudinal Can we compare the outcomes of many different patients
recovery profiles is likely to gain in importance. These with similar injuries and demographics but different
methods relate to multiple aspects of improving interventions to arrive at clinical best practice guidelines?
neurorehabilitation outcomes through large-scale PBE. Answering these types of questions will require both the
They can facilitate tailored care through predictions of means to collect PBE data on large scales and the means to
individual recovery trajectories; they can help to identify make sense of it. The strategies discussed in this chapter
factors that are likely to impact outcomes in a given for achieving these goals will enable us to ask entirely
situation, which will help to optimize resource allocation new questions about the neurorehabilitation process.
in the healthcare system; and they can help to leverage The use of big data will moreover greatly improve our
improved knowledge about the neurorehabilitation understanding of the relationships between the various
process for the design of more efficient clinical trials. assessments, diagnostic tools, and biomarkers available to
Lastly, while the statistical modeling of longitudinal us, as has already begun to happen in some of the studies
recovery is essentially descriptive, a complementary discussed above (e.g., from the EMSCI database). These
approach is to seek computational models that can relationships can then be leveraged to streamline clinical
provide a more mechanistic perspective on this process. processes, by understanding what data actually provides
While some attempts have been made in this direction actionable information at what time and by reducing the
(reviewed in Ref. [144]), few to date have had the redundancy in the data that we collect. Existing efforts to
opportunity to draw on large data sets. The prospect of define standardized sets of common data elements [164]
computational models of neurological recovery based on can be informed and refined as large data sets and
richer clinical data sets is an interesting one, which could machine learning methods improve our ability to accu-
lead to new interventions or the optimization of existing rately predict certain pieces of data from others (e.g.,
rehabilitation approaches. functional performance from motor scores, as described
above [139]). These strategies have the potential to both
reduce healthcare costs (by reducing the amount of data
collected) and improve outcomes (by more effectively
putting to use the information that we have).
From a technical point of view, a central theme in the
27.5 Outlook development of big data analytics in other fields has
been the ability to process data that is continually
27.5.1 Big Data Approaches Will Open Unexplored
coming in, as opposed to off-line processing of batches of
Directions in Neurorehabilitation
data [165]. This is a different paradigm than anything
Big data approaches are poised to have a significant that has been done in neurorehabilitation to date, but has
impact on neurorehabilitation because they can provide clear appeal. For example, while the SCIRehab or PSROP
the means to deal with the tremendous variability projects may provide a very detailed and informative
inherent in this process. For example, interventional picture of the neurorehabilitation process, that picture
clinical studies must attempt to detect an effect despite will always only be about the activities that occurred
differences in the injury characteristics between individ- within the limited timeframe of the study, in the partic-
uals, but also despite potential differences in the care ipating centers. As practice evolves over time, this
being delivered to each participant. Each individual in a picture may become increasingly dated. In contrast, a big
study will be receiving care from multiple rehabilitation data framework could allow for the incorporation of
disciplines (e.g., physical therapy, occupational therapy, continuously generated PBE data (using, for example,
nursing, etc.), each of which will develop a plan of care some of the technologies discussed earlier). In this way, a
that takes into consideration that patient’s injury but also dynamic model of neurorehabilitation could emerge,
a myriad of other factors, such as comorbidities, personal which both reflects evolving practices and can truly take
goals, and environment. In contrast, conducting an advantage of increased data collection abilities as the
effective RCT requires as much standardization as pos- technologies discussed earlier become more widespread.
sible. As a result, neurorehabilitation RCTs are highly Another common issue that algorithms designed for
challenging endeavours, and many of the current prac- big data must contend with is missing data. Incorpo-
tices in rehabilitation are not based on strong evidence. rating data from multiple sources, combined with
544 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

possible errors in data entry, storage, and communica- exemplified by the discipline-specific entry forms that
tion, inevitably results in data sets with missing and were developed for the SCIRehab and PSROP studies
corrupted entries. The situation is no different in [167,168]. Pursuing big data strategies will expand these
neurorehabilitation, where data collection spread across ambitions even further to include greater numbers of
numerous individuals, devices, and sites is sure to result sites, more data elements, and a move of these para-
in a certain number of problematic entries. An increased digms from research studies into clinical processes. The
reliance on automated rather than manual data collec- availability of suitable infrastructure will be central to
tion processes can reduce but not eliminate this problem. this undertaking. The integration with electronic health
Advances in data cleaning and imputation strategies records is an appealing concept but one certainly not
[165] are thus quite relevant in this context. In that sense, without obstacles [169].
drawing from advances in big data will facilitate the In terms of the analysis of large-scale PBE, some of the
transition from an evidence base built on well-controlled challenges inherent in most rehabilitation research will
RCTs to a PBE paradigm that must deal with less con- persist. In particular, we know that outcomes are
trolled but more ecologically valid data collection. affected by a constellation of factors, and separating out
the influences of injury, environment, social support,
motivation, concomitant injuries, and other issues will
27.5.2 Challenges
usually not be completely possible. Even with large,
The collection and analysis of large-scale, high- multidimensional data sets, we are unlikely to ever be
dimensionality data in a clinical context do not come able to systematically capture all of the relevant factors.
without a set of challenges. One issue that must remain Nonetheless, this is exactly the challenge that big data
at the forefront of these discussions is that of privacy. approaches can be used to address, and there is reason
Pooling data from multiple sources will of course require for optimism that with novel data gathering strategies
stringent deidentification processes, but more than that, combined with analysis techniques capable of fully
the possibility of individuals becoming identifiable from leveraging this data, it will still be possible to identify
their data increases as more data is collected about them. strong and clinically meaningful relationships despite
In other words, it may be impossible to identify indi- the variability in the neurorehabilitation process.
viduals based only on their score on a single clinical Lastly, great care must be taken in the interpretation of
scale, but if that score is combined with a host of other analyses conducted on very large data sets. As the amount
clinical assessments, demographic information, and of data grows, even very weak relationships or effect sizes
imaging data, the risk of a privacy breach becomes much may be found to be statistically significant [170]. These
higher. The large-scale PBE approaches advocated here findings must be contextualized by neurorehabilitation
cannot proceed until data security and organization professionals so that their clinical significance can be
frameworks are in place that can provide the required ascertained. Even as the amount and quality of scientific
safeguards [166]. Further privacy concerns exist from the evidence grow, the delivery of care in neurorehabilitation
point of the clinicians. With increased opportunities for must always rely strongly on the experience of the clini-
data gathering embedded in clinical processes, it could cian in applying this evidence to each patient’s unique
conceivably become feasible to extract and review the situation. Similarly, the availability of large data sets leads
practices of individual staff members. The possibility of to the temptation to examine huge numbers of possible
such practices can legitimately be seen as problematic, relationships, leading to multiple comparison bias and
and data management infrastructures will need to take an important increase in type I errors [171]. As a result,
into account the privacy of all parties involved, lest it many conclusions may be erroneous and not replicable.
create obstacles to the adoption of technology for the While large-scale PBE evidence would enable us to gain
tracking of interventions. new insights into many new aspects of the neuro-
The infrastructure challenges are certainly not limited rehabilitation process, the use of carefully formulated a
to privacy considerations. In order to be able to extract priori questions in the analysis remains essential.
meaningful relationships between different components
of neurorehabilitation, these cannot be tracked in sepa-
rate systems that do not communicate with each other.
All of the large-scale studies discussed above and sum-
marized in Table 27.1 were made possible by the
27.6 Conclusion
incredible collaboration of a large number of clinicians
and investigators but also by the underlying presence of The complex nature of the neurorehabilitation process
custom information technology infrastructures. The makes RCTs challenging to perform, and as a result,
design of these infrastructures themselves required close many current practices are lacking strong evidence to
collaboration with interdisciplinary clinical teams, as support their use. PBE offers an alternative route to
Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data 545

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Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment
in the Era of Big Data

Mina Nouredanesh and James Tung

28.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................551
28.2 Risk Factors for Falls....................................................................................................................................................552
28.3 Fall Risk Assessment: What Has Been Done So Far? .............................................................................................553
28.3.1 Non-Sensor-Based Methods for Supervised Fall Risk Assessment .........................................................553
28.3.2 Sensor-Based Methods for Supervised Fall Risk Assessment ..................................................................554
28.3.3 Unsupervised Fall Risk Assessment Methods............................................................................................556
28.4 A New Approach for Unsupervised FRA ................................................................................................................560
28.4.1 System Infrastructure .....................................................................................................................................560
28.4.2 Machine Learning–Based Detection of Compensatory Balance Responses Using
Wearable Sensors ............................................................................................................................................562 Data Acquisition ............................................................................................................................562 Data Processing and Analysis......................................................................................................562 Machine Learning Techniques .....................................................................................................565 Results .............................................................................................................................................566
28.4.3 Wearable Vision Detection of Environmental Fall Risks Using Machine Learning Techniques ........567 Data Acquisition ............................................................................................................................567 Preprocessing..................................................................................................................................568 Gabor Barcodes Approach ...........................................................................................................568 Convolutional Neural Networks .................................................................................................571
28.5 How Big Data Could Help Us Develop Better FRA and FP Tools.......................................................................572
28.6 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................................................575
References ................................................................................................................................................................................576

and care providers and incur expenses to health care

28.1 Introduction
systems. For example, the direct cost associated with
One of the most important public health problems hip fracture alone is estimated at $1.1 billion per year
worldwide is falls, which are the leading cause of injury- (≈30,000 fractures) in Canada [4].
related hospitalizations and a major cause of disability The adverse consequences of falls can be reduced
and death among seniors. It is estimated that one in three among seniors with the help of fall prevention
persons over the age of 65 falls at least once each year activities and cutting-edge technologies; therefore, many
[1,2] and 50% of seniors over age 85 suffer one fall per researchers have endeavored to develop fall risk assess-
year [3]. In addition to physical consequences, such as ment (FRA), fall prevention (FP), and fall detection (FD)
hip fracture and traumatic brain injury, falls can lead to tools. As the initial step for prevention programs and
negative mental health outcomes, such as fear of falling, interventions, FRAs are conducted to identify individuals
loss of autonomy, and depression. Not only do these at highest risk of falling by determining intrinsic (e.g.,
harm the injured individuals, but they also affect family muscle weakness, neurological deficits) and extrinsic

552 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

(e.g., poor lighting, inappropriate footwear) risk factors conditions in the clinic or laboratory) to unsupervised
(detailed in Section 28.2). By identifying individual risks, conditions (i.e., everyday life over long periods) will be
FRAs inform clinical decisions on the most appropriate described (Section 28.5). As an example of the transition
prevention interventions to, ultimately, reduce fall inci- to unsupervised assessment, we describe a novel
dence. Current FRA methods largely comprise of self- approach using wearable sensors, signal and image
reported responses to questionnaires and performance on processing, and machine learning techniques (Section
standard gait and balance assessments conducted in the 28.4). Finally, the challenges with sensor-based FRA
clinic. While these methods have demonstrated utility in methods are discussed, looking prospectively at new
measuring functional capabilities under ideal conditions opportunities for collecting big data toward better
(i.e., gait speed in straight-line walking), these may not understanding of fall etiology and prevention.
reflect the complex, multifactorial conditions of everyday
life where falls occur. Furthermore, clinical assessments
of fall risk are episodic, providing snapshots in time and
leaving long gaps between measurements.
With the emergence of ubiquitous computing and
28.2 Risk Factors for Falls
sensing technologies, big data is being produced by
everyday objects around us. Our bodies are no exception, Unlike other ages, falls among older adults tend to occur
generating diverse types of data ranging from mobility as a result of multiple interacting factors [5], as each
(e.g., walking speed) to cardiac activities that can be older person faces unique combinations of risk factors
recorded and transmitted by sensors and mobile devices according to his/her life circumstances. As a basis for fall
for further analysis. We anticipate that technological prediction and intervention programs, specific knowl-
advances in sensors, machine learning, signal processing, edge about individual risk factors is needed [6]. In other
computer vision, and big data will lead to discovery of new words, clinicians aim to understand what puts each
solutions for many medical problems. Importantly, the senior at risk of falling (e.g., muscle weakness) to inform
current lack of clinical information on a day-to-day basis the selection and timing of FP interventions (e.g.,
hinders our understanding of disease trajectories on mul- strengthening program). Risk factors for falls are gener-
tiple time scales, including risks for falls. These emerging ally categorized into intrinsic or biological (e.g., acute or
technologies have the potential to collect data in everyday chronic illness), and extrinsic or environmental, (e.g.,
environments during free-living activities (FLAs) over slippery floor; see Figure 28.1). Importantly, there may
long periods to address these knowledge gaps. be interactions between multiple risk factors that can
In this chapter, current and emerging FRA methods are have complicated effects and need to be considered (e.g.,
described and critically evaluated. Moreover, the role of foot sensation deficits × slippery terrain) [7].
big data and state-of-the-art sensors in transitioning from Intrinsic, or patient-related, risk factors include
episodic, supervised assessment (i.e., under controlled advanced age, chronic diseases, muscle weakness, gait

Risk factors for falls

(environmental hazards)
Parkinson’s disease
Balance and gait impairment Stroke Poor lighting
(mobility impairment)
Arthritic changes
Muscle loss (sarcopenia)

Doorways, curbs, ramps

Medications Sedatives
Terrain (e.g., slippery floors,
Visual impairment loose rugs, and loose wires)

Psychological factors Obstacles

(fear of falling )

Cognitive impairment Dementia

Common intrinsic and extrinsic fall risk factors.
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 553

disorders, mental status alterations, and medications [8]. falling in an ambulatory fashion within the home envi-
Gait and balance deficits are prominently featured as key ronment or community setting and without supervision.
intrinsic risk factors. Extrinsic or environmental (e.g., While we identify these two classes of FRA approaches
terrain, obstacles, lighting) factors originate outside of for the purpose of this chapter, we recognize a spectrum
the body and are responsible for approximately one- of approaches, as illustrated in Figure 28.2, lower panel.
third to half of all falls [9,10]. Terrain (e.g., irregular,
cracked, or slippery surfaces) and visual conditions
28.3.1 Non-Sensor-Based Methods for Supervised
(e.g., poor lighting) pose high risk for falls [11,12] and are
Fall Risk Assessment
often targets for intervention. Even walking on a familiar
route can lead to falls as a consequence of poor building SFRA methods are generally performed by a geriatrician,
design and inadequate consideration [11]. Additionally, nurse, or therapist in a clinical setting or institution
the risk from extrinsic factors can be aggravated by encompassing a combination of three main assessments:
intrinsic and behavioral risk factors (e.g., cognitive def- 1) comprehensive medical assessments, 2) screening
icits, being hurried or inattentive, difficulty or discomfort and/or questionnaire-based assessments (using screen-
during a task, or moving beyond limits of stability [13]). ing instruments or forms), and 3) functional mobility
assessments [14].
Comprehensive medical assessments: Comprehen-
sive medical assessments typically focus on identifying
intrinsic risk factors that can be treated to reduce the
28.3 Fall Risk Assessment: What Has Been likelihood of falling [15]. Medical history and charts
provide detailed notes of previous fall history, cognition,
Done So Far?
balance control behavior, gait, muscle strength, chronic
In general, we consider two main categories of FRA diseases, mobility, nutrition, and medications [16].
methods (Figure 28.2, upper panel): 1) supervised fall risk While these assessments are resource intensive (i.e.,
assessment (SFRA) methods (Sections 28.3.1 and 28.3.2), time-consuming [17] and often involving a team of cli-
which are conducted under the supervision of a trained nicians [18]), their contributions can identify common
assessor (e.g., nurse, physician) in a nursing home, labo- risk factors and provide historical context to adapt
ratory, or clinical setting, and 2) unsupervised FRA intervention plans (e.g., alternate medications).
(UFRA) (Section 28.3.3), which applies technologies (i.e., Screening and questionnaire-based assessments:
ambient, wearable, mobile sensing) to assess the risk of Screening and questionnaire-based assessments document

Fall risk assessment (FRA) methods

Supervised FRA Unsupervised FRA

Questionnaires Fall diaries

Comprehensive assessment
Classic FRA Screening forms Based on ambient sensors
Functional performance
Based on wearable
Instrumented technologies

Sensor-based methods

1) Screening 2) Sensor-based and 3) Sensor-based method, but 4) Unsupervised-Descriptive: 5) Unsupervised-Predictive:

forms and limited to the lab might be extended to free living Ambulatory data is collected Online ambulatory data
performance- setting (require specific conditions (using unobtrusive during FLAs, data is collection and real-time data
based FRAs in-lab equipment) wearables or ambient sensors) analyzed afterward analysis

Entirely supervised Potential approaches for ambulatory

monitoring in the long run Entirely unsupervised

Upper panel: Two main FRA methods: supervised and unsupervised FRA methods. Lower panel: Instead of binary categorization of FRA
methods, a spectrum of methods ranging from entirely supervised to unsupervised settings and free-living activities (FLAs) is considered. The
majority of FRA methods are concerned with supervised FRA. Big data is expected to play an important role in steps 4 and 5.
554 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Left step length

Step width

Right step length

Stride length

Example spatiotemporal gait parameters.

the presence of specific factors to rapidly generate a fall deficits. Thus, there is a need to develop objective FRA
risk score. In contrast to a full comprehensive medical tools capable of capturing sensitive measures in an
assessment, these tools are fast and easy to administer. objective manner. Sensors that are able to capture infor-
Many tools have been developed, including the Morse mation related to gait and balance control behavior, body
Fall Scale [19], STRATIFY [20], Resident Assessment motion, muscle activities, and ground reaction forces can
Instrument (RAI) [21], Hendrich Fall Risk Model [22], provide objective, quantitative measures for FRA [31].
High Risk for Falls Assessment Form [23], and Royal
Melbourne Hospital Risk Assessment Tool [24]. For
28.3.2 Sensor-Based Methods for Supervised
instance, STRATIFY scores 2-month fall history, mental
Fall Risk Assessment
alteration, frequent toileting, visual impairment, psy-
chotropic medication use, and mobility issues with a Gait analysis background: In clinical and research set-
threshold of score 2 or above to indicate increased fall tings, gait performance is a widely accepted measure of
risk. These instruments are commonly used by nurses functional ability. Consisting of repetitive cycles (Figure
upon admission to a hospital or long-term care facility to 28.3), gait is a process commonly described as starting
identify high-risk patients and are periodically updated from the initial contact (IC) of the lead leg, with a short
(e.g., per shift, daily, or weekly) [14]. period of double support (DS) until the following leg
Functional mobility assessments: Functional mobility leaves the ground. After IC of the following leg, and
assessments provide standardized measures of capabili- another DS period, a full stride is completed when the lead
ties, such as mobility (dynamic balance, gait), posture, leg leaves the ground indicated by toe-off (TO). Measured
visual acuity, sensation, and vital signs (heart rate, blood gait parameters are generally categorized into spatial (e.g.,
pressure). Patients typically perform a series of tasks step size, step width; see Figure 28.3) and temporal (e.g.,
requiring postural and balance control under varying cadence, stride time) parameters. Comparing an individ-
levels of challenge and assessed by a clinician using a rubric ual’s successive strides and extraction of gait parameters
and/or stopwatch. Such functional performance scales including stride-to-stride variability, asymmetry, index of
include Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment harmonicity, harmonic ratios, and entropy offers sensitive
(POMA) [25], Berg Balance Scale (BBS) [26], Functional measures to identify abnormal patterns in gait. Measured
Reach [27], or Dynamic Gait Index [28]. For instance, BBS is gait parameters are significantly associated with pro-
a widely used 14-item tool designed to assess static balance spective falls [32], leading to the development of specific
and fall risk in older adult populations [26]. While there is FRA methods by employing sensor systems to record
a large body of data to support its use to identify func- movement or force data. Aiming to support SFRA, these
tional deficits in the balance-impaired populations, there methods are typically restricted to clinical or laboratory
is a ceiling effect in populations without disabilities [29]. conditions due to constraints such as fixed equipment (e.g.,
Limitations: While the aforementioned assessment force plates), requirement to wear markers, and/or spe-
paradigms have facilitated standardized measurement of cific testing conditions (e.g., standing in tandem stance).
the intrinsic risk factors associated with falling, several Ground reactions: Measuring the pressure and force
major limitations are apparent. First, assessments are interaction between the feet and the ground, ground
typically conducted in an episodic manner, leaving large reactions are excellent indicators of gait and balance
unmeasured gaps in time. Second, many assessment tools control. Force plates (e.g., AMTI Force Platforms) are
depend heavily on clinical judgement, which can intro- precise instruments that measure three-dimensional
duce bias and errors. For example, different staff may ground reaction forces and torques. These measures can
interpret the same observation differently (i.e., interrater be used to estimate the location of the center of pressure
reliability) [30]. Furthermore, emerging research indicates (COP) under the feet, a commonly used indicator of
that movement kinematics (e.g., joint angles, toe clear- balance control. Some companies, such as Biodex,* have
ance, spatiotemporal gait parameters) that are difficult
to observe with the naked eye are more sensitive to subtle * http://www.biodex.com
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 555

developed specialized fall risk screening tools (e.g., the used to objectively identify abnormalities by challenging
Biodex Falls Screening and Conditioning Program 2010) and quantifying the sensorimotor mechanisms (i.e.,
based on ground reaction measures. Treadmills instru- visual, vestibular, somatosensory) involved in the control
mented with force plates are another option as a repeatable of posture and balance. For example, the EquiTest sys-
and sensitive method to analyze common spatiotem- tem is a commercially available CDP system launched
poral gait parameters and ground reaction forces (e.g., by NeuroCom International, Inc. (NeuroCom EquiTest
BalanceTutor-MediTouch* and FDM-THM-S, Zebris 2010).* Posturography requires complex and bulky
Medical GmbH). equipment and is an expensive, cumbersome, and time-
Pressure-sensitive floor mats (e.g., GaitRite M2,† CIR consuming method; however, it provides one of the most
Systems Inc.) or insoles inserted into footwear (e.g., detailed balance evaluations in a supervised manner.
Tekscan Sway Analysis Module,‡ NovelPedar§) are Wearable sensors for SFRA: Advancements in
alternative methods capable of measuring ground reac- microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology
tion forces and deviations in COP. While pressure- have accelerated manufacturing of miniaturized, inex-
sensitive mats can sense over a larger area and can also pensive, and low-power wearable sensors, capable of
measure the pressure distribution under the feet, they quantifying body kinematics, electrophysiology [e.g.,
lack the resolution sensitivity of force plates. For example, electromyography (EMG)], and environmental data. In
Ayena et al. [33] proposed and evaluated an instrumented this section, we describe wearable sensors developed
version of the One-Leg Standing (OLS) score using pres- and evaluated for FRA use under supervised conditions.
sure-sensitive insoles, demonstrating an inverse rela- Wearable inertial measurement units: Inertial mea-
tionship between measured OLS and risk of falling. surement units (IMUs) are small, easy-to-use packages
Similar to most sensor systems for SFRA, the afore- typically consisting of accelerometer, gyroscope, and/or
mentioned equipment is constrained to customized magnetometer sensors. Despite the potential of wearable
environments (e.g., laboratory) and requires trained IMUs to record kinematic behavior in an unsupervised
operators to administer tests and interpret results. Such manner, the vast majority of uses to date aim to instru-
systems are typically too costly for use in standard ment classic FRA functional assessments (discussed in
clinics, but fall clinics may refer patients for in-depth Section 28.3.1) to provide more accurate and objective
evaluation if they observe balance impairment that metrics. In particular, numerous studies have investi-
warrants a comprehensive assessment. gated the association between sensor-derived gait
Optical motion capture: In laboratory settings, 3-D parameters and retrospective and/or prospective falls.
optical motion capture systems allow the derivation of Howcroft et al. [31] provided an exhaustive, methodical
spatiotemporal gait variables by tracking markers review of 40 studies employing IMUs to develop FRA
attached to body landmarks. In popular systems, such as methods in geriatric populations. Most of these studies
CODA** [34] or Vicon (Vicon Ind., Oxford, UK), multiple proposed methods to estimate spatiotemporal gait
optical sensors track body-worn markers and calculate parameters (e.g., walking speed) and stability-related
position based on localization techniques to estimate the parameters [e.g., variability in gait rhythm, root mean
movement kinematics. Variables, such as joint angles, square (RMS)] extracted from acceleration signals.
step length, and toe clearance, are calculated and can be Activities include frequently used functional assess-
displayed in real time. Limitations of motion capture ments such as 1) level-ground walking, 2) Timed Up
systems are the requirement to wear markers on the and Go test (TUG), 3) sit-to-stand (STS) transitions,
body, limited working volumes, and stringent calibra- 4) standing postural sway, 5) left–right alternating
tion requirements. The complexity and high cost of these step test (AST), and/or 6) uneven-ground walking. All
systems limit them mainly to research purposes. of these studies were conducted in a clinical setting;
Posturography: Patients may be referred for posturog- however, they differ from each other in terms of the
raphy, a general term that covers a range of techniques (i.e., setup and sensor placement (e.g., lower lumbar spine,
force plates, pressure-sensitive mats) used to quantify pos- chest, leg) with few standards for sensor specifications,
tural control in upright stance in either static or dynamic signal processing, and analysis.
conditions. Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) Wearable surface electromyography: Muscles (par-
is a noninvasive specialized clinical assessment technique ticularly in the lower limbs) are involved in coordi-
nated mechanisms to generate forces required for body
* http://meditouch.co.il/balancetutor/ movement and maintaining static and dynamic bal-
† ance. EMG refers to the measurement of the electrical

http://www.tekscan.com signal of the muscle using electrodes, typically on the
http://www.novel.de skin surface. Emerging wearable surface EMG (sEMG)
** Cartesian Optoelectronic Dynamic Anthropometer (CODA) optical
systems from Codamotion (Charnwood Dynamics Ltd.), http://
www.codamotion.com. * http://www.resourcesonbalance.com
556 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

fabrics (e.g., instrumented garments by Athos*) may be

employed to study muscle coordination and fatigue on
balance control behavior.
Although there are numerous studies investigating
accelerometry-based methods, fewer research has exam-
ined the use of sEMG sensors for FRA. For example, Wong
et al. [35] used sEMG to record the activity patterns of
bilateral tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscles in
older adults (n = 23) in five static balance challenges
(e.g., Romberg eyes open/closed, sharpened Romberg
eyes open/closed, and single-leg standing). By measur-
ing bilateral co-contraction about the ankle, elevated
co-contraction was significantly associated with an
increased risk for falls in older adults. Similarly, Bounyong
et al. [36] employed wearable EMG sensors to estimate the
fall risk of older adults based on co-contraction of the lower
limbs during walking. The results indicated that thigh
co-contraction during the stance phase can be predictive
of falling experience with 65% accuracy. Although there
are many commercially available wearable EMG sensors
(Figure 28.4), the effectiveness of sEMG-based techniques
is restricted by many factors including fatigue, sweat
accumulation underneath the electrodes, and heteroge-
neity in body characteristics (e.g., body fat mass). Even
after normalization, intertrial variability renders magni-
tude measurements difficult to interpret, while muscle
timing measures (e.g., reaction time) are more reliable.
28.3.3 Unsupervised Fall Risk Assessment Methods Using SHIMMER (Sensing Health with Intelligence, Modularity,
Mobility, and Experimental Reusability) wearable sensors for detection
Despite advances in SFRA methods leading to current of compensatory balance reactions (discussed in Section 28.4.2). The
prevention best practices, falls remain a major priority in sensors are capable of tracking EMG of major lower-body muscle
geriatric medicine and public health. In particular, the groups and wirelessly transmit to a mobile application via Bluetooth.
heterogeneous nature of older adults’ health, lifestyle,
and behaviors are major barriers to comprehensive and easy to conduct, the quality of data is limited [38].
assessments. Circumstances logged in fall diaries and Reporting fall incidents among older adults relies on
examined in security video capturing footage of institu- accurate recall to describe the event; however, individuals
tional falls reveal complex interactions between intrinsic are likely to misreport and/or underreport fall events due
and extrinsic risk factors at the individual level. While to recall difficulties, sustained injuries, or fear of falling
SFRA methods capable of quantifying intrinsic capabili- [32]. Furthermore, subtle behaviors (e.g., trips, stumbles)
ties have advanced significantly, the ability to quantify may be missed due to low sensitivity to minor events.
detailed lifestyle and behavioral risks remains lacking. Sensor-based UFRA: Unobtrusive ambient or wearable
Furthermore, patients tend to perform to the best of their sensor systems (WSSs) are capable of measuring and ana-
ability in supervised assessments conducted with a cli- lyzing natural patterns of mobility behavior in the home
nician, which may not be representative of patients’ and community (see Figure 28.5). Unsupervised methods
actual behavior. A promising approach to generate more afford more frequent sampling over longer periods of time
comprehensive assessments is to examine patients’ under real-world conditions toward more comprehensive
behavior in FLAs and in an unsupervised manner. This risk assessment. Compared to supervised methods, there
section describes the literature regarding UFRA methods. are relatively few studies evaluating the effectiveness of
Fall diaries: As the earliest unsupervised assessment sensor-based methods in collecting and analyzing data
method, fall diaries are manual logs that report the inci- from FLA. These studies, evaluating gait characteristics
dence and circumstances of falls in an effort to document over periods ranging from 2 days to several years
individual risks [37]. While these methods are rapid [32,39–43], are discussed in the sections that follow.
Ambient sensors: Ambient sensors for FRA are systems
* https://www.liveathos.com/ mounted in the home or community to monitor individual
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 557

Sensors with possibility for collecting

ambulatory monitoring (during FLAs)

Wearable systems Ambient systems

Pressure- Markerless Pressure sensitive floor

Wearable EMG
sensitive IMUs vision system PIR Doppler mats
vision systems sensors
insoles (e.g., Kinect) (embedded in floor)

Sensors that can be used for collecting big data for ambulatory fall risk assessment.

behaviors. Once installed, these systems are considered furniture), they were estimated based on the three nearest
passive, without the need for user interaction or the need neighbors. These issues (i.e., multiple residents, missing
to wear any equipment (e.g., sensors, markers). Such data due to fixed sensors) reflect common limitations of
systems include markerless vision-based depth and ambient sensing systems. For evaluation, the aforemen-
motion measurement systems (e.g., Microsoft Kinect, tioned Kinect-based system was deployed in 12 apart-
machine vision), passive infrared (PIR) cameras, Doppler ments in an independent care facility for older adults with
radar systems, microphones, pressure sensors, and 15 residents (ages ranging from 67 to 97 years). To vali-
vibration sensors embedded in the walls, ceiling, floor, or date the Kinect-based method, two traditional FRA
furniture. Ambient sensors allow seniors to live indepen- measures, habitual gait speed (HGS) and TUG tests, along
dently and safely in their own homes, reduce the need for with others such as the Short Physical Performance
expensive care facilities, and also enable caregivers to Battery (SPPB) were collected once a month over a period
detect not only adverse events such as falls but also con- ranging from 4 months to 2 years. Validation results
tinuously assess and monitor the risk of such events. indicate that the Kinect-based mean gait speed was as
The Intelligent Assistive Technologies and Systems accurate as the HGS measured traditionally and also
Laboratory (IATSL) at the University of Toronto has been emphasize that FLA speed variability was considerably
developing a Microsoft Kinect–based tool for balance high compared to explicit performance testing [51].
assessment and monitoring longitudinal changes In another University of Missouri study, Rantz et al.
in movement patterns. In a case study (2014 [44,45]) a [48] implemented and evaluated an ambient sensor
64-year-old male with total hip replacement surgery on system comprising a pulse-Doppler radar system,
his right side performed two functional tasks: 1) walking Microsoft Kinect, and two orthogonal web cameras to
and 2) STS. Spatiotemporal gait parameters (e.g., stance estimate gait parameters. Mounted in the apartments of
time, step length, stride length, cadence) were estimated 19 older adults (mean age = 87 years) at a senior living
using lower extremity 3-D ankle motions along the depth facility for 2 years, the radar and Kinect-based estimates
axis. Starting from 1 day before the surgery, gait were highly correlated with six classic FRAs: 1) HGS,
characteristics improved significantly from 1 week to 2) TUG, 3) Multidimensional Functional Reach, 4) Short
6 weeks. Although only a case study, this study suggests Physical Performance Battery, 5) BBS, and 6) single-leg
that a markerless vision system along with an automated stance. Another approach to unobtrusive and ongoing
algorithm has the potential to be integrated into a gait assessment involves using PIR motion sensors. Using
patient’s home to monitor changes in mobility. a method to estimate gait speed from the pattern and time
Similarly, researchers at the University of Missouri intervals of the PIR sensor firings, the system captured
have been designing ambient sensor systems to estimate gait speed in the homes of 76 community-dwelling older
the risk of falling from everyday living environments adults. Longitudinal assessment of daily gait speed was
[46–50]. After laboratory validation, Stone et al. [46] used to find the relations to function (decline in motor and
examined the utility of a Kinect-based method to measure cognitive functioning) [52].
gait parameters in an independent-living apartment [47]. While ambient sensors have provided valuable infor-
To address issues related to ambient sensing in a home mation on movement behavior in residential settings,
with multiple residents, a resident model identification there are several key limitations to be considered. First,
technique was first proposed. The model used outputs of testing location and frequency are limited to a specific
the Kinect system to form a feature set in the form of xi = place. While 50% of falls occur in the home, capturing
{heighti, walking speedi, stride timei, stride lengthi} to identify mobility behavior in novel, dynamic environments may
each resident. In the case that the stride length and stride provide an important perspective on adaptive capabili-
time were not available due to visual occlusion (e.g., ties. Second, privacy concerns is an important barrier for
558 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

the acceptance of camera-based ambient sensor systems worn on the back at L5, for 1 week (in Refs. [32,58]) and
[53]. While some types of ambient sensors (e.g., PIR) do 2 weeks (in Ref. [57]). The prospective fall incidence was
not raise privacy concerns due to the lack of identifiable followed up for 6–12 months, and the predictive ability
information, they tend to lack capabilities to estimate of questionnaires and classic tests as well as gait char-
spatiotemporal gait parameters beyond walking speed acteristics (extracted from acceleration signals in free-
(e.g., step time, step length, gait symmetry) [46]. Third, living duration) were assessed. Gait characteristics
the performance of the majority of vision-based methods include walking speed, stride time, stride length, gait
is highly dependent on lighting conditions. Additionally, intensity, symmetry, smoothness, complexity, and vari-
dynamic objects in a senior’s dwelling may obstruct the ability. Fall incidence was significantly associated with
field of view of a vision system (e.g., Kinect) [48]. Finally, lower number of strides per day, lower total duration of
installation, calibration, and maintenance of the such daily locomotion, and a higher power in the dominant
systems in nursing home cares or dwellings of older frequency in the mediolateral direction. Falls were also
adults is a time-consuming and expensive process. associated with the inability to use public transportation,
Wearable sensors and emerging approaches for using a walking aid, lower grip strength, higher fear of
UFRA: As discussed in Section 28.3.2, WSSs can efficiently falling, and a higher depression score.
capture and analyze mobility data to advance classic FRA Using a pendant accelerometer sensor (Senior Mobility
methods by reducing subjectivity and improving sensi- Monitor research prototype from Philips Research
tivity. Emerging research suggests that measurement of Europe, Netherlands) at their sternum, Brodie et al. [59]
gait in uncontrolled settings using WSSs is a feasible and examined 14 weeks of walking data from 18 indepen-
promising approach; however, this has not been investi- dent-living older adults (mean age = 83 years). Using a
gated in depth [54]. Major barriers to the adoption of WSS wavelet-based decision tree algorithm to identify con-
have been the size and weight of the sensors, which have secutive heel strikes, or 1 gait cycle, the authors consid-
limited their suitability for long-term monitoring, and the ered the following gait domains: 1) quantity (e.g., steps/
ability to interpret logged data from FLA due to task day from walks ≥3 steps, steps/walk (mean of walks ≥8
variability and noise. This section presents an overview steps), walks/day (of walks ≥8 steps), and longest walk);
on the most recent studies that employ WSSs for ambu- 2) daily-life cumulative exposure from ambulation (e.g.,
latory monitoring of the elderly in unsupervised settings, exposure from walks less than 7 s and less than 60 s);
including IMUs and pressure shoe insoles. 3) intensity (e.g., cadence, vigor); and 4) gait quality (e.g.,
Wearable IMUs: As discussed earlier (Section 28.3.2), variability or standard deviation of step times). The
wearable IMUs are popular WSSs able to collect and results demonstrated that nonfallers completed more
stream kinematic signals (i.e., body’s acceleration, and longer walks compared to fallers. Furthermore, IMU
angular velocity) to a smartphone, mobile device, or data suggested that incorrect weight shifting during
computer to measure factors related to fall risk. Previous transfer movements is a major cause of falls. They con-
efforts using IMU signals have examined features related cluded that using a freely worn device and wavelet-
to physical activity (e.g., total activity duration, number based analysis tools allows long-term monitoring of
of steps taken), gait parameters (e.g., step-to-step con- walks, and 1 week’s monitoring is sufficient to reliably
sistency), and spectral components (e.g., amplitude and assess the long-term propensity for falling.
width of dominant frequency) to assess fall risk [42,55, Pressure-sensitive insoles: There has been increasing
56]. In the work of Weiss et al., 71 community-living interest in extending the use of pressure-sensitive insoles
older adults wore a 3-D accelerometer on their lower [60–65] (discussed in Section 28.3.2) to real-life situations
back for 3 consecutive days, and found that step-to-step (i.e., FLAs) in an unsupervised manner. Pressure-sensi-
consistency was lower in the fallers (i.e., two or more tive insoles (e.g., F-Scan system, Tekscan, Boston, MA)*
falls in 6 months) in the vertical axis and higher in the are advantageous due to the ability to capture dynamic
mediolateral direction compared to controls [42]. and interaction forces between foot and footwear on
Follow-up studies [55] using the same data set found every step [66].
that local dynamic stability measures (l) distinguished Recently, Howcroft et al. [60] proposed a combined
between elderly fallers and nonfallers, which resulted in insole- and accelerometer-based classification model of
a better classification performance compared to the gait- faller status in older adults. One hundred older indi-
related features [56]. viduals (age = 75.5 ± 6.7 years, 24% fallers based on
In a series of larger studies, Rispen, Schooten, and 6-month retrospective fall occurrence) wore pressure-
Dieen et al. demonstrated that daily-life accelerometry sensing insoles and 3-D accelerometers on the head,
can identify the fallers with a good accuracy. These pelvis, and left and right shanks, while walking 7.62 m
studies examined data collected from n = 113 (Ref. [57]), under single-task and dual-task conditions. Fall risk
n = 169 (Ref. [32]), and n = 319 (Ref. [58]) participants,
using a triaxial accelerometer (DynaPort MoveMonitor) * http://www.tekscan.com
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 559

classification models were assessed for all sensor com- contextual awareness during FLAs may offer a promis-
binations after extraction of temporal- and spectral- ing avenue to improve estimates of fall risk.
based features. After testing various machine learning Likely attributable to technical barriers, there are few
techniques to classify fall occurrence, the best perfor- studies exploring methods to extract environmental
mance was 84% accuracy using a multilayer perceptron risks in an unsupervised manner. Recently, advances
neural network with input parameters from pressure- in machine learning, state-of-the-art mobile vision sys-
sensing insoles and head, pelvis, and left shank acceler- tems, and wearable egocentric cameras (e.g., GoPro,
ometers. While the older adults who participated in this Autographer) enable a new form of capturing the
study walked under the researchers’ supervision and physical context of human experience. First-person per-
only for a short period of time, the results indicate spective photos and videos captured by these cameras
potential to be extended to unsupervised situations. can provide rich and objective evidence of a person’s
In another study, 10 healthy community-dwelling everyday activities to capture contextual information of
elderly (mean age ≈ 70) wore an instrumented shoe the physical environment. To the authors’ knowledge,
consisting of 1) an IMU and 2) a pressure-sensing insole only a few studies in the literature have developed FRA
able to measure pressure under eight regions of the foot methods combining analysis of gait and balance control
[65]. Participants wore the shoe over a 4-hour period to behavior in an ambulatory fashion, while detecting the
collect free-living data. Data captured from the IMU was associated environmental hazards. Wearable vision
used to detect walking and classify different locomotion systems could play an important role specifically in
types, including incline walking and stair climbing, and development of such novel FRA strategies.
insole data was employed to distinguish sitting from In a related study, Robinovich et al. [67] employed
standing. For gait analysis, spatiotemporal parameters fixed digital video cameras in common areas (i.e., dining
including stride velocity, stride length, cadence, rooms, lounges, hallways) to examine the circumstances
interstride gait cycle time variability, and foot clearance of falls in two long-term care facilities in British
parameters [i.e., maximal heel clearance [HC] and Columbia, Canada. Capturing 227 fall videos from 130
minimum toe clearance (TC)] were extracted from loco- individuals (mean age = 78 years), the researchers
motion periods with at least 20 steps. The findings reviewed each fall video with a validated questionnaire
revealed that heel and toe clearance were moderately that probed the cause of imbalance and activity at the
and weakly correlated to stride velocity, respectively. time of falling. The most frequent causes of falling were
The authors emphasized the importance of foot clear- incorrect weight shifting (n = 93), trip or stumble (n = 48),
ance metrics in providing new insights on a subject’s hit or bump (n = 25), loss of support (n = 25), and collapse
performance in daily-life assessment, particularly in (n = 24). Slipping accounted for only six falls. The three
obstacle negotiation and fall avoidance. activities associated with the highest proportion of falls
Although many studies have explored the usability of were forward walking (54 of 227 falls, 24.41%), standing
the WSS in gait and fall risk assessment, a major limi- quietly (29 falls, 13.41%), and sitting down (28 falls,
tations is inconsistency in defining bouts of walking. For 12.41%). While this study employed vision-based
instance, in Ref. [59], eight consecutive steps were sensors to examine falls, poor resolution limited infor-
determined to be a reliable bout of walking compared to mation about the associated movement behavior prior to
five steps [46,47], 60 s duration [42], and 10 s [57]. In and following the event.
Section 28.4, we discuss a novel sensor-based ambula- Aiming to capture both movement behavior and
tory FRA method that does not rely on spatiotemporal associated environmental context, Taylor et al. [68]
gait parameters by proposing other markers to indicate studied 12 participants (mean age = 70.9 years) with
risk for falling. IMUs attached above the ankles (around both shanks)
Wearable vision systems: As mentioned in Section and an Autographer wearable camera (Autographer,
28.2, between 25% and 75% of falls in older people Cambridge, UK) worn around the participants’ necks.
involve an environmental component (e.g., obstacles, Metrics for each gait event were computed, and the
terrain, lighting). The context of the physical environ- Autographer images corresponding to gait events were
ment is an important consideration when analyzing manually annotated to obtain contextual information,
ambulatory gait metrics from the unsupervised home such as walking outdoors on pavement, indoors on
and community setting. The exposure to environmental carpet, and indoors on polished or hardwood flooring.
hazards, such as curbs, carpets, and pets, may only be The results demonstrated that fallers spent significantly
investigated in real-world situations. While SFRAs rely less time walking under regular conditions and outdoors
on controlling external conditions, current UFRA tools and were slightly slower in general. However, larger
neglect measurement of extrinsic factors, which may group differences were observed when the participants
explain why current clinical prediction models pro- were regrouped according to mobility levels determined
vide only poor to fair predictive ability [32]. Achieving from baseline assessments using traditional methods.
560 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Sensors collect data Data analysis
Mobility data

Abnormality in Yes What is the

balance or gait is reason behind
detected? that?

• Address proper interventions

• Personalized fall risk assessment Intrinsic factor
• Personalized fall predictor

Proposed approach for fall risk assessment.

Although the aforementioned studies have investi- reactions associated with aging and age-related pathol-
gated or employed new methods to measure gait char- ogy is a strong risk factor for falls [69], and early reviews
acteristics in different environments, none have of perturbation-based balance training to improve CBR
proposed automated methods of detecting environmental performance in older adults suggest protective benefits.
fall risk factors. These methods, employing either ego- While one report estimates that CBRs are more frequent
centric (i.e., patient-worn) or ambient (i.e., in-home) than falls [70], little is known about the prevalence and
cameras, require intensive resources to manually anno- behavior of CBRs performed in everyday life activities.
tate each video. While laborious, these studies form a Our proposed approach is to explore whether the fre-
foundation to pursue new opportunities for developing quency and cause of CBRs in FLAs can provide new
automated methods. perspectives of fall risk [71]. Considering CBRs as pre-
dictors of potential falls, understanding of their preva-
lence and nature may provide a new lens to provide
more detailed assessments of conditions leading to losses
of balance for a specific individual.
However, the detection of CBRs during normal
28.4 A New Approach for Unsupervised FRA
walking or FLAs is not an easy task. At the Neural and
This chapter section describes a new FRA approach, Rehabilitation Engineering (NRE) Laboratory at the
adopting an unsupervised method using wearable IMUs University of Waterloo, we aim to develop new FRA
and wearable egocentric cameras (see Figure 28.6). As tools to 1) detect and track the frequency of CBRs and 2)
discussed earlier, most studies exploring UFRA methods identify the extrinsic factors associated with the detected
have focused on the evaluation of spatiotemporal CBRs. As depicted in Figure 28.22, the long-term goal of
parameters of gait to assess the risk for falls. Considering this study is to develop new FRA and FP tools by
the heterogeneity in the cause and circumstances of falls, automating detection of cause and frequency of CBRs
often a result of interactions between intrinsic factors (Figure 28.22), over a specific assessment period.*
(e.g., gait instability) and environmental circumstances
(e.g., tripping obstacle) as described in Section 28.2, new
28.4.1 System Infrastructure
approaches for assessing risk are warranted.
As an alternative to measuring spatiotemporal gait A multimodal wearable/ambient sensor system platform
parameters, we consider examining compensatory was designed for the acquisition and analysis of wearable
balance responses (CBRs). Sometimes called near-falls, sensor data. This platform permits the collection of big
CBRs are defined as reactions to recover stability fol- data from a range of sensor streams (e.g., egocentric
lowing a loss of balance, potentially resulting in a fall if
sufficient recovery mechanisms are not activated [38]
* The study has received ethics clearance and was reviewed and
(Figure 28.7). Laboratory evidence supports the view approved by the Office of Research Ethics (ORE), University of
that impaired ability to execute compensatory stepping Waterloo.
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 561



Types of compensatory balance responses (CBRs) to lateral perturbation: Upper panel: Right foot loaded at perturbation (arrow), eliciting a left
foot side step (SS). Lower panel: Left foot loaded at perturbation (arrow), eliciting right foot crossover (CO) step.

How can we vem Mobile data
detect CBRs? sign transmission
Cloud storage

Big data

o str Desktop client
Visualization Analysis
What are the
risk factors? Processing Retrieval
mobile vision
Personalized fall risk assessment tool
Number of CBRs/environmental risk factor

System infrastructure to acquire IMU + vision-based big data toward developing novel FRA methods.
562 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

cameras, IMUs, electrophysiological signals) in unsu- of ExG [i.e., ECG (electrocardiogram), EMG], and a
pervised settings and transmission via mobile data net- MicroSD card. SHIMMER sensors were mounted on the
works. The general platform (Figure 28.8) comprises subjects’ 1) right shank, 2) right thigh, and 3) sternum, and
secured by straps (Figure 28.10). Considering that our
1. Bluetooth- or WiFi-enabled sensors and devices long-term goal is to extend the methods to FLAs, the
2. A smartphone device, acting as a computing sternum was selected over the lower back (sacrum) to
and communication hub capable of handling avoid discomfort when sitting. In addition to IMU signals,
data streams from multiple sensors sEMG signals were recorded synchronously from four
muscles in the right leg: 1) rectus femoris, 2) biceps femoris,
3. Wireless transmission to a scalable cloud
and right shank—3) tibialis anterior and 4) gastrocnemius.
storage service capable of storing big data
These muscles were selected because they play an impor-
4. A rapid data access and visualization client to tant role in maintaining balance and stabilization. Elec-
facilitate collection protocols trode placement and skin preparation were conducted in
5. A suite of signal processing, feature extraction, accordance with the SENIAM (http://www.seniam.org)
and analysis software tools for algorithm recommendations [73].
development For the initial phase of algorithm development, seven
healthy young participants aged between 18 and 39 (two
women and five men) were recruited. Each participant
28.4.2 Machine Learning–Based Detection walked over a 10 m walking path at his/her preferred
of Compensatory Balance Responses speed for 100 trials. Accelerometer (n = 9), gyroscope (n =
Using Wearable Sensors 9), and sEMG (n = 4) signals were recorded synchronously
In this section, we describe development of new with a sampling rate of 512 Hz and streamed wirelessly
methods to automatically identify lateral CBR episodes via Bluetooth to an Android mobile device (Nexus 7,
using wearable IMUs and sEMG sensors. While CBRs Google Inc.) (Figure 28.10). In ≈60% of the trials, partici-
can occur in all directions, we initially focus on lat- pants were randomly perturbed by lateral pushes to their
eral balance recovery based on evidence indicating its right shoulder by a researcher walking alongside. Per-
importance in hip fractures [72]. Lateral CBRs include 1) turbation magnitude was calibrated to consistently elicit a
the side step (SS) (or lateral CBR type 1) and 2) crossover CBR by slowly increasing push magnitude over a series of
(CO) step strategy (or lateral CBR type 2) (Figure 28.7). 5–10 training trials. Perturbation trials were labeled as
The proposed method is based on applying signal pro- CBR events in which subjects recovered their balance (and
cessing and machine learning methods on wearable prevented a fall). Half of the perturbation trials (≈30% of
IMUs and sEMG signals attached to the lower limbs to total) were timed to be delivered during left leg swing to
distinguish CBRs from normal walking (NW) patterns. elicit an SS strategy or CBR type 1 (see Figure 28.10, right
After signal preprocessing (e.g., filtering), a pattern rec- panel). The remaining perturbation trials were delivered
ognition design is described in three main phases: during right swing eliciting a CO strategy or CBR type 2
feature extraction, feature space dimensionality reduc- (see Figure 28.7). Three acceleration and sEMG signals
tion (or feature selection), and applying supervised captured from one subject for 10 successive trials are
learning techniques (classification) (see Figure 28.9). depicted in Figures 28.11 and 28.12 respectively. Data Acquisition Data Processing and Analysis

The WSS used to acquire movement data is the SHIMMER Signal preprocessing: Signal preprocessing, including
(Sensing Health with Intelligence, Modularity, Mobility, signal rectification, filtering, and normalization, plays a
and Experimental Reusability, Shimmer, Ireland) wireless key role in detecting CBRs. In particular, corner frequency
system. Each SHIMMER sensor comprises a battery, of the low-pass filtering for the sEMG-based approach is
microprocessor, Bluetooth radio, 9-D IMU (3-D acceler- an important decision. While a corner frequency of 20 Hz is
ometer, 3-D gyroscope, 3-D magnetometer), two channels recommended for preprocessing of sEMG signals to

Signal segmentation Feature extraction Applying

Signal pre-processing Feature
and (e.g., time domain, supervised learning
(rectification, filtering) reduction
segment labeling frequency, wavelet) methods

Machine learning approach for CBR detection. Applying feature reduction methods is not used; however, such techniques typically reduce
processing time and may be beneficial for big data applications.
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 563

z y

(f) 51 mm × 34 mm × 14 mm

FIGURE 28.10
(a, b, and c) SHIMMER sensors on sternum, thigh, and shank. sEMG electrode placement for (d) rectus femoris, (e) tibialis anterior, (f) biceps
femoris, and (g) gastrocnemius. (h) Electrodes on the patella were selected as the reference. Arrow indicates location of perturbation.

remove typical artifact sources [74], we examined alter- is approximately lateral, and z is approximately
nate corner frequencies ( fc ≥ = 20) and found that a fifth- anteroposterior).
order digital Butterworth filter with high-pass frequency = qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
50 Hz and low-pass frequency = 200 Hz produced the EMGT = EMG2TA + EMG2G + EMG2BF + EMG2Rf , (28.2)
most discriminative features to distinguish postural mus-
cle activity associated with CBRs [75]. After full-wave where EMGTA, EMGG, EMGRFM, and EMGBF denote the
rectification, the filter is applied on each sEMG signal and amplitudes of the normalized, filtered sEMG signals
normalized to allow comparisons across subjects, and captured from tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, rectus
compensate for individual differences in strength, muscle femoris, and biceps femoris, respectively.
tone, body fat, muscle geometry, etc. sEMG signals were Our findings demonstrate that the maximum value of the
normalized by dividing signal amplitudes by the RMS total acceleration at the sternum IMU AT−Sternum is reliable in
value of the filtered signal, recorded for each participant representing the onset of a perturbation and compensatory
separately. Figure 28.12 (right) shows the sEMG signal reaction (Equation 28.1) [75].* To segment the data, the
before and after preprocessing. time index corresponding to the maximum AT value was
Segmentation of signals: Segmentation refers to identified. For all acceleration (see Figure 28.13) and
identifying a reference time to form a window, or sEMG signals, 256 samples before and after of this point
segment, whose features are calculated. For each trial, 22 were used, corresponding to a time window of 513 samples
signals, including 9 acceleration signals, (3 sensors × 3 to calculate features, and the rest of the data were ignored.
axes), 9 angular velocity signals, and 4 sEMG signals were For the angular velocity signals, time windows were time
collected. Our group examined several methods for IMU- index corresponding to the maximum value of the angular
and sEMG-based signal segmentation: 1) maximum peak velocity in x direction captured from the sternum IMU.
sEMG, 2) maximum total acceleration of the sternum Feature extraction: Extraction of features from
(AT−Sternum; see Figure 28.13, Equation 28.1), and 3) acquired IMU and sEMG signals is a critical step in our
maximum total sEMG (EMGT) (Equation 28.2). machine learning–based method for recognition of CBR
patterns. Candidate features, described in the following
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sections, were drawn from previous studies investigat-
AT−Sternum = A2x + A2y + A2z , (28.1) ing activity recognition and decision support problems.
where Ax, Ay, and Az are the accelerations along the x, * AT-Sternum outperforms others by resulting in higher detection accu-
y, and z axes, respectively (x is approximately vertical, y racies [75,76].
564 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

1 2 1 1 2 1 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
× 104
Acceleration in y direction (m/s2)

1 2 1 1 2 1 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
× 104
1 2 1 1 2 1 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Number of samples × 104

0 Normal gait 1 Side-step stepping 2 Cross-over stepping

Trial separator

FIGURE 28.11
Sample acceleration signals in the y direction for 10 successive trials from shank, sternum, and thigh IMUs. Numbers 1 and 2 indicate elicited side
step and crossover stepping strategies, respectively. The red markers separate the trials.

Acceleration-based features: The following features 1) mean absolute value (MAV), 2) variance, 3) maximum
of acceleration signals were extracted for each segment of absolute value, 4) maximum of the absolute value of
of nine (3 sensors × 3 axes) captured signals: 1) RMS the signal derivative, 5) mean of the absolute value of
value of the acceleration signal, 2) variance of the accel- the signal derivative, and 6) variance of the signal
eration signal, 3) range of the acceleration signal derivative.
(i.e., maximum peak-to-peak signal value), and 4) the Surface electromyography–based features: For
maximum absolute value of the acceleration signal, all sEMG, the following time domain features (except
reflecting limb movement intensity; 5) absolute value of entropy) are described by Phinyomark et al. [77]:
the signal mean, an indicator of body segment orienta- 1) maximum peak, 2) RMS (signal power), 3) square
tion; 6) skewness and 7) kurtosis features to determine integral, 4) integrated sEMG, 5) waveform length,
the shape and dynamics of the acceleration signal; 6) MAV, 7) modified MAV, 8) variance, 9) zero crossing
8) mean of the acceleration derivative, 9) variance of the (ZC), 10) slope sign changes, 11) V-order, 12) log-Detector
acceleration derivative, reflecting higher order jerk (logDetect), and 13) (Shannon) entropy. Slope sign
measures, and 10) total acceleration (AT) of shank, thigh, changes and ZC features were obtained from filtered
and sternum sensors over the full period of time for each signal, prior to rectification. Entropy was calculated using
trial, as an indicator of baseline activity. the wentropy function in MATLAB. Overall, we extracted
Angular velocity–based features: The following fea- 4 × 13 (number of muscles × number of features) to form a
tures for each of the nine angular velocity signals (i.e., 52-dimensional feature space representing properties of
3 sensors × 3 axes) were extracted from each segment: muscle activities during regular or CBR stepping.
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 565


2 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2
Tibialis anterior Raw

2 0 0 1 1
2 1 0 0 1 2

2 1 0 0 1 2
0 2 0 1

Biceps femoris
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
2 2 0 1 1 0 0 Number of samples × 104
0 1 2

0 Normal gait 1 Side-step stepping 2 Cross-over stepping

| Trial Separator

FIGURE 28.12
Left: Representative sEMG signals (rectified, filtered at 50–200 Hz) for 10 successive trials from four muscles. Numbers 0, 1, and 2 indicate normal
walking (NW), elicited side step (SS), and crossover (CO) stepping trials, respectively. Right: Sample raw thigh sEMG signal for 10 trials and the
resulting signal after detrending (removing DC value from signal), rectification, and filtering.

AT = √ Ax2 + A2y + A2z

256 + 1 + 256

FIGURE 28.13
The procedure for signal segmentation. The sample corresponding to the maximum AT−Sternum is determined in each trial . The AT−Sternum is plotted
for each data point captured from sternum accelerometer for three successive trials. Machine Learning Techniques Artificial neural networks: In machine learning, an

ANN is a model inspired by biological neural systems,
Using the features extracted from IMU and sEMG data,
which can be used to classify data sets or approximate
this work investigated the application of two supervised
unknown functions based on a large number of inputs.
machine learning methods, artificial neural networks
Feedforward networks consist of a series of layers: 1) the
(ANNs), and random forest (RF) classification
first layer, which has a connection from the network input;
approaches to classify each segment into one of three
2) the hidden layers, which are connected to their previous
classes: NW, CBR type 1, and CBR type 2.
566 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

layers; and 3) the output layer, which indicates the result- real-time detection algorithms. In RFk (see Table 28.1), k
ing class number estimated by the network. A two-layer denotes the number of trees.
feedforward network with tan-sigmoid transfer function
in the hidden layer, and a softmax transfer function in the
output layer was developed for the current three-class Results
problem. The acquired data was split 70%, 15%, and 15% p
The training data points are (x i , yi ), where xi ∈ ℝp (p is
for training, testing, and validation of the network (to the number of features), and the class labels are yi ∈ {0, 1}
examine whether the network is generalizing and also stop for the binary classification problem (1 for all CBRs and 0
training before overfitting), respectively. for the NW episodes). For the three-class problem, labels
Random forest: RFs [78] are a powerful classification are defined as yi ∈ {0, 1, 2}, where 0, 1, and 2 denote
method, employing an ensemble learning method by con- normal walking (NW, nNW = 218), side step (SS, nside-step =
structing a collection of randomly trained decision trees. 167 trials), and crossover (CO, ncrossover = 165 trials),
RFs have many advantages over standard classifiers, such respectively.
as robustness against nonlinear relationships between In the reported experiments, the key performance
features and higher generalization power, and have measure is average accuracy after employing 100 times
exhibited good performance in dealing with imbalanced classification using RF (tenfold cross-validation: 10% of
data sets. In the training procedure, the RF starts by data points for testing and 90% for training) and ANN
choosing a random subset (D′) from the training data (D). methods. Table 28.1 indicates the accuracy results after
At the node n, the entered training data (Dn) is iteratively applying machine learning techniques on 1) an IMU-based
split into left and right subsets (see Figure 28.14) (Dl and data matrix (138 × N), 2) an sEMG-based data matrix (52 ×
Dr, respectively), using a threshold (t) and split function (SF N), and 3) a combination of IMU- and sEMG-based feature
(xi)), for the feature vector (x), using Equation 28.3, where t ∈ matrix (190 × N), where N = 550 is the number of trials. All
(min(SF(xi)), max(SF(xi))) is randomly chosen by the SF(xi). sEMG features were extracted at 50–200 Hz, and
SVASternum method was used for signal segmentation.
Dl = fi ∈ Dn jSFðxi Þ < tg
In comparison, using only the sEMG-based method was
Dn (28.3) less accurate than IMU-only classification. For binary and
Dr =
Dl three-class classification, the optimal IMU-based results
(96.66% for binary and 89.72% for three-class classification)
Among several candidates that are randomly created outperformed the best sEMG-based results (91.40% for
by the SF(vi) and t at the split node, the candidate binary classification and 82.63% for three-class classifica-
that maximizes the information gain (DE) about the tion). While the IMU-only results were promising, there
corresponding node is selected. The DE is calculated by were difficulties in distinguishing SS responses from NW,
entropy estimation, according to Equation 28.4, where E largely attributable to the lack of motion in the instru-
(D) denotes the Shannon entropy of the classes in the set mented leg, which provided support only. The use of
of training [79]. sEMG signals was expected to capture muscle activity
j Dl j jD j associated with postural muscle responses without con-
DE = − EðDl Þ − r EðDr Þ (28.4) comitant movement (apparent to IMU sensors). The com-
j Dr j j Dn j
bined IMU + sEMG approach resulted in a slightly higher
Considering that one of the most important challenges accuracies compared to the IMU-based approach only. The
in big data analysis is to reduce processing/analysis time most accurate method achieved maximum mean accuracy
of such massive data, RFs include parallel and indepen- of 97.29% and 91.02% for binary classification and three-
dent construction of the trees enabling parallel process- class classification, respectively, using RF70 method.
ing. The ability to process large training sets very rapidly Because the initial set of features is quite large (190 total)
is appropriate for efficient training and application of and not all of the features are equally useful, feature



FIGURE 28.14
Algorithm of the random forest classification method.
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 567

TABLE 28.1
Results for Binary and Three-Class Classification (Including Normal Gait, CBR Type 1, and CBR Type 2) Using RFk (Where k
Denotes the Number of Trees) and ANN Methods
Binary Classification Three-Class Classification
Features Nfeatures ANN RF30 ANN RF40
IMU 138 93.63 96.66 89.31 89.72
EMG 52 86.63 91.40 81.39 82.63
IMU + EMG 190 89.09 96.82 (97.29RF70) 87.36 90.53 (91.02RF70)
IMU + EMG P = 20 90.36 93.25 84.00 86.55
IMU + EMG P = 40 91.27 94.07 80.81 88.02
Note: P refers to the number of features after employing feature selection criteria (Eq. 28.5). The point corresponding to maximum SVASternum
in each trial was used for the signal segmentation.

reduction or feature selection methods may be applied. In combination with the CBR detection aim, our group
Furthermore, feature reduction can be used to reduce is developing egocentric wearable vision systems (dis-
processing time toward a robust real-time predictor. cussed in Section 28.3.3) to identify key environmental
One method to determine the best indicators of CBR factors. Other techniques using egocentric cameras rely
incidents is to estimate the correlation A between the on manual identification of environmental circum-
features and labels from Equation 28.5. stances, which are inefficient and impractical for real-
  time use [68,80,81]. This section examines the potential
A j = X j  Y  for wearable egocentric cameras, combined with image
n o190
(28.5) processing and machine learning techniques to auto-
Sort A = Aj matically detect fall risk hazards. Two approaches are
developed and evaluated using: 1) a Gabor filter feature
extraction coupled with machine learning and 2) a con-
where X = {x1, x2, ⋯, xn} is the normalized data matrix
volutional neural network (CNN) approach. Specifically,
(all values are between −1 and 1) where N is the number
we explore a classification problem to detect 17 different
of samples, Xj is a row vector that includes the jth feature
environmental conditions that may influence fall risk
of all samples so j = {1, ⋯, 190}, and Y is the vector of
(e.g., curbs, stairs, rocks) [82,83].
labels. Based on linear correlation, the best 20 and 40
indicators (features) of CBRs were passed for the learn-
ing process. The last two rows of Table 28.1 depict the Data Acquisition
classification results after feature reduction.
A commercially available wearable egocentric camera,
the GoPro Hero 4 Session (GoPro, USA), was used to
28.4.3 Wearable Vision Detection of Environmental
collect video data. The camera can record high-resolu-
Fall Risks Using Machine Learning Techniques
tion 1080p60 videos and 12MP photos up to 30 frames
While it is well recognized that hazards in the home and per second, is waterproof to 40 m, and features wire-
environment often contribute to falls and related injuries, less streaming capabilities. The camera was attached to
there remains a distinct lack of sensor-based methods to participants’ chests and angled downward to suffi-
identify individual risks. One of the biggest challenges for ciently capture the immediate spatial environment
development of a fall prediction and prevention method within ≈2 steps (see Figure 28.15). Three healthy, young
is a lack of automated techniques to extract contextual participants were asked to walk around the University
information needed to interpret unsupervised gait and of Waterloo campus across a wide variety of indoor
postural behavior. For example, a specific pattern in IMU and outdoor areas for 10–15 minutes. Overall, 22,001
signals or sEMG signals can be interpreted as gait insta- video frames were collected (see Figure 28.16). To
bility or a compensatory balance reaction, or may reflect provide training data, each frame was manually
anticipatory adjustments to avoid collisions on a crowded annotated with the following labels: 1, crosswalk; 2,
sidewalk. Without detailed information of the mobility curbs; 3, ramp; 4, stairs (ascending); 5, stairs
context, such as the presence of other pedestrians, terrain (descending); 6, gravel; 7, grass; 8, concrete; 9, tiles; 10,
characteristics, and obstacles, the ability to interpret bricks; 11, carpets; 12, dirt; 13, water; 14, snow; 15,
ambulatory gait data is constrained. slush; 16, ice; and 17, rocks.
568 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data Preprocessing Algorithm 1 Frame preprocessing

1: Initialize a = b ← 128
To facilitate feature extraction and machine learning
2: Igray ← Irgb
steps, each frame was 1) converted to a grayscale image,
3: I = Normalize(Igray, a, b)
2) resized into 128 × 128 images (Figure 28.17b), and
4: Initialize xmin ← 32, ymin ← 0, Wx = Wy ← 64
3) cropped by a 64 × 64 rectangular window (Algorithm 1)
5: I = Crop(I, [xmin, ymin, Wx, Wy])
(Figure 28.17c). Cropping of frames was used to remove
participants’ torso, legs, and feet appearing in the
camera’s field of view. The parameters in the cropping Gabor Barcodes Approach
(Algorithm 1) were achieved empirically upon visual
Automatic terrain type detection is a challenging problem
inspection and based on effects on classification results.
that has attracted attention of researchers from different
For initial development purposes, a subset of available
fields, especially robotics for precise velocity control, gait
data (n = 10,430 frames) was generated with a fewer
adaption of legged robots, and safe navigation. Moreover,
number of classes (12 classes of environmental charac-
terrain detection has applications in teleoperation during
teristics, as shown in Table 28.2). A larger data set was
critical missions, such as urban search and rescue and
generated using all available video data concatenated in a
bomb disposal [84–87]. A major challenge associated with
single matrix with 12,382 data points (shown in Table
terrain detection methods is the presence of unwanted/
28.3). To alleviate the effect of imbalanced data, some
dynamic objects (i.e., noise) in real images or videos. Such
frames from “concrete” and “brick” classes were ran-
objects considerably affect the accuracy of the classifier,
domly removed to achieve more reasonable/balanced
highlighting the need for development of a classifier with
distribution of data points. Both data sets were used
high generalizability. Moreover, computational complex-
to train and evaluate the two approaches explored
ity plays an important role in efficiency of a real-time
in this work (Gabor filters and CNNs, described in the
detection system. These methods primarily employed
following sections). The larger data set was used to test
image processing–based methods (e.g., Hough transform,
the Gabor barcodes (GBC) approach.
SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform), and SURF (speed
up robust features) for feature extraction, which require
high computational resources.
Due to the specific characteristics of our images, texture
seems to be an appropriate feature for describing their
contents (e.g., brick, tiles, rocks, carpet) [79]. Texture anal-
ysis has been an active research area, and numerous algo-
rithms have been proposed based on different models, for
example, gray-level co-occurrence (GLC) matrices and
Markov random field (MRF) model [79,88]. In recent
works, wavelets have become very popular due to their
FIGURE 28.15 capacity to provide multiresolution analysis. In particular,
GoPro Hero Session camera and chest harness. The camera is inclined the Gabor transform has mathematical and biological
facing down to capture terrain features.

FIGURE 28.16
Sample resized and cropped frames that were captured by a GoPro Session camera while walking around the University of Waterloo campus.
While the gray images were used for feature extraction, for a better visualization, the color (RGB) frames are shown.
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 569


(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 28.17
Preprocessing steps. From left: (a) original RGB image, (b) gray, resized image, and (c) cropped, resized image.

TABLE 28.2
Frames Extracted for 12 Classes (Video1)
Crosswalk Curb Ramp Stairs (asc) Stairs (desc) Gravel
103 78 436 81 208 253

Carpet Water Rock Concrete Tile Brick

736 25 63 499 96 991

TABLE 28.3
Frames Extracted for 17 Classes from All Videos after Rebalancing (Video1 + Video2 + Video3)
Crosswalk Curb Ramp Stairs (asc) Stairs (desc) Gravel Grass Concrete Tile
103 78 436 254 208 253 910 10,118 (initial) 952

Brick Carpet Dirt Water Snow Slush Ice Rock

4782 2369 189 142 746 315 83 63

properties resembling the characteristics of human visual support of the Gabor function [90]. Given an image I
cortical cells, such as extracting texture features from (x, y), the response of Gabor filter is the convolution of
images for segmentation, object detection, and biometric Gabor window with the image I given by
identification applications.
The most important property of Gabor features is their yu,v ðx, yÞ = Iðx − s, y − tÞ∗Gu,v ðs, tÞ, (28.7)
robustness against rotation, scale, and translation. Fur- s t
thermore, they are robust against photometric distur-
bances, such as illumination changes and noise. These where s and t are the window/mask size of the Gabor
properties are mainly due to the fact that the parameters filter, u is the number of scales, and v is the number of
of Gabor filters enable us to establish invariance in this orientations that are used in the Gabor filter bank [GFB
regard [89]. In the spatial domain, a two-dimensional (u, v, s, t)] (see Figure 28.18). The yu,v(x, y) forms a
Gabor filter is a Gaussian function, modulated by an complex valued function including real and imaginary
exponential or complex sinusoidal plane wave, defined as parts. In this study, in order to obtain Gabor features, the
magnitudes of the yu,v values (yABS−u,v) are calculated.

f2 x + g y02 There have been several studies in the literature report-

Gðx, yÞ = exp − exp j2πfx0 + f , (28.6) ing the optimal values for the parameters of the Gabor
πg h 2s 2
filter bank (i.e., spatial frequencies and number of ori-
where x′ = x cos q + y sin q, y′ = x sin q + y cos q, f is the entations) in such a way that it can effectively mimic the
frequency of the sinusoid (modulation frequency), q human visual system [91].
represents the orientation of the normal to the parallel More recently, fast feature extraction methods from
stripes of a Gabor function, f is the phase offset, s is the images or query search systems have used binary features
standard deviation of the Gaussian envelope, and g is (e.g., binary hashing), improving efficiency in terms of
the spatial aspect ratio that specifies the ellipticity of the detection speed and lower storage space requirements.
570 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data


* Gabor-ABS5,3

0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

GBC = [B1,1 . . .Bu,v]

0˚ 45˚ 90˚ 135˚
Gabor filter bank

FIGURE 28.18
Generating Gabor barcodes (GBCs) from preprocessed video frame (left), including binarizing of Gabor feature vectors and appending the binary
features (B’s) afterward (right).

Inspired by Radon barcodes, the concept of “barcode” methods for feature extraction like SIFT and SURF in
annotation to generate an efficient content-based binary terms of computational complexity.
tag has been proposed [92]. This idea is extended to gen-
Algorithm 2 Generation of GBCs (inspired by Ref.
erate texture-based barcodes: GBCs (Algorithm 2). The
performance of GBCs was initially tested for content-
1: Initialize Gabor barcode for image Im: GBCm ← Ø
based medical x-ray image classification and retrieval
2: Initialize RN = CN ← 32
with 193 classes.* A total error score as low as ≈80%
3: I Normalize(I, RN, CN)
accuracy for the first hit was achieved [93]. Based on
4: Apply Gabor filters with u scales v orientations
primary examination of the video data, a GFB comprising
5: for all u and v do
filters with s = t = 11 or 11 × 11 mask size, with u = 5 scales
6: Calculate the magnitude of yu,v(x, y):yABS−u,v
and v = 8 orientations, resulted in a good overall accuracy.
The GFBs were applied to 32 × 32 grayscale images on
7: Downsample each yu,v(x, y) with factor of 4
both the smaller data set (Table 28.2) with 12 classes and
8: Generate row feature vectors Gabor-ABSu,v,m
3669 images for initial testing, and the larger data set with
9: Typicalu,v,m ← median(Gabor-ABSu,v,m)
12,382 frames with 17 classes. Average processing time for
10: Bu,v,m Gabor-ABSu,v,m ≥ Typicalu,v,m
generation of GBCs from an image in our database was
11: GBCm ← append(GBCm, Bu,v,m)
0.0716 s [applying GFB(5,8,11,11)], using a laptop com-
12: end for
puter with an Intel i7-3.60 GHz processor, which
remarkably outperformed other image processing–based The resulting GBCs (see Figure 28.19 for examples)
were used as features to train machine learning clas-
* Comprising 12,677 x-ray images for training and 1,733 x-ray images sifiers previously discussed in Section 28.4.2. Since GBCs
for testing. are binary features, Hamming distance between the data
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 571

points is readily calculated as a distance metric for a k − Due to the binary nature of the GBCs, Euclidean dis-
NN (k = 1) classifier. For each of the test images, a complete tance (Equation 28.9) turns to the Hamming distance
search is performed to find the most similar image where (Equation 28.8). In RFn, k − NNn, and ANNn, n denotes
similarity of an input image Ii with the corresponding the number of decision trees, closest neighbors, and
barcode Bi is calculated based on Hamming distance neurons in the hidden layer, respectively. Using a com-
to any other image Ij with its annotated barcode Bj: bination of GBCs and Hamming distance (Equation 28.8)
for identifying the class number for a test image resulted
0    1
 query  in the highest accuracy in both the 12-class (95.82%) and
XOR Bi , Bj 
max @1− A, (28.8) larger (88.51%) data sets. Considering that the random
j=1,2,3,…,Ntest ;j≠i Bi selection accuracy is 8.3% and 5.9%> for the 12- and 17-
class problem, the accuracies achieved were very strong.
where B can be GBC.
For the k − NN method, 80% of the data matrix Convolutional Neural Networks
(128,382 × Nclass, Nclass ∈ {12, 17} of GBCs) was chosen
One of the most promising approaches for automated
randomly for training, and the remaining 20% was used
classification of images and videos is CNNs. Originally
to test classifier performance. Similarly, GBC features
proposed by LeCun [94], CNN is a biologically inspired
were used to train ANNs using 20, 30, and 40 neurons in
variant of ANNs with three key architectural ideas:
the hidden layer, and 12 and 17 neurons in the output
1) local receptive fields, 2) weight sharing, and 3) sub-
layer for the first and second database, respectively. In
sampling (i.e., max pooling). Images are inputs to the
this case 70%, 15%, and 15% of data was randomly
convolution layer, which extracts structure features of
selected for training, validation, and testing of the
the input. For example, the first convolution layer
network, respectively.
extracts low-level features like edges, lines, and corners.
Tables 28.4 and 28.5 depict the mean accuracies after
Higher-level layers build on these lower-level features to
10 times training, using RF and ANN methods (which
extract more complex structures (e.g., shapes).
were discussed in Section 28.4.2), and also k − NN, for 12
CNNs possess several useful properties. First, feature
classes (only video 1) and 17 classes (three videos, V1+2+3)
extraction and classification are integrated into one
structure compared to traditional pattern recognition
The k − NN classifier is a representative of the “lazy
models that hand-design features. Moreover, they rela-
classifiers” group, which employs a set of training
tively invariant to geometric, local distortions in the
examples to choose the closest exemplars using a
image and have been shown to be invariant to pose,
predefined metric, such as Euclidean distance (Equation
lighting, and surrounding clutter [95]. Finally, the
28.9). The output label is the mode of the labels for the k
network structures of CNNs lead to savings in memory
data points. While relatively simple to use, this method is
requirements and computation complexity requirements
heavily dependent on the structure of the training data.
while providing better performance for applications
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where the input has local correlation (e.g., image and
u N  2 
uX speech).
dEuclidean =t xi − xj (28.9) CNN-based methods have been used to automatically
j=1 extract information from videos (e.g., detecting human

FIGURE 28.19
Sample GBCs extracted for 1) pavement, 2) carpet, and 3) tiles.
572 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

TABLE 28.4
Mean Accuracies after 10 Times Training, Using Video1 Database (3669 Data Points, 12 Classes)
k − NN1 k − NN5 k − NN15 RF10 RF20 RF30 ANN15 ANN20 ANN40
95.82 92.86 81.01 88.32 92.67 93.07 91.92 92.72 93.89
Note: In RFn, k − NNn, and ANNn, n denotes the number of decision trees, closest neighbors, and neurons in the hidden
layer, respectively.

TABLE 28.5
Mean Accuracies after 10 Times Training, Using Video1+2+3 Database (12,382 Data Points, 17 Classes)
k − NN1 k − NN5 RF10 RF20 RF30 ANN30 ANN40 ANN50
88.51 78.97 78.08 79.81 81.29 79.25 82.26 82.45
Note: In RFn, k − NNn, and ANNn, n denotes the number of decision trees, closest neighbors, and neurons in the hidden
layer, respectively.

actions [96,97], object and scene detection in autono- and C5: tansig; 2) subsampling layers S2 and S4: purelin;
mous driving systems). A recent CNN application and 3) output layer F: tansig.
aimed to detect 35 different indoor places using a GoPro The resilient backpropagation (RPROP) training
wearable camera [98], primarily for navigation tasks. In method for the network was chosen due to its speed
comparison to the current study, the aforementioned among the first-order training algorithms. Weight
approach was not designed to capture short-range update depends( on the sign of the gradient, defined by
details (e.g., stairs, crosswalks). By combining the con- ∂E
cepts of image pyramids and local receptive fields, Dwi (t) = −sign t  Di (t)g, where Di(t) is an adaptive
∂ wi
Phung et al. [99] proposed the pyramidal neural
network (PyraNet) for classification of gender from a step specific to weight wi defined as below (hinc > 1 and
facial image. In PyraNet, a pyramidal layer consists of hdec < 1 are scalars).
neurons arranged in a 2-D array with each neuron 8
connected to a specific rectangular region (i.e., the >
> ∂E ∂E
> hinc Di ðt − 1Þ, if ðt Þ  ðt − 1Þ > 0
receptive field) in the previous layer. The first pyramidal >
> ∂ wi ∂ wi
layer is connected to the input image, followed by one D i ðt Þ = ∂E ∂E
or more pyramidal layers, with the last pyramidal layer >
> hdec Di ðt − 1Þ, if ðt Þ  ðt − 1Þ < 0
> ∂ w i ∂ wi
connected to 1-D layers. A 2-D neuron computes a >
weighted sum of inputs from its receptive field and Di ðt − 1Þ, otherwise
applies a nonlinear activation function (e.g., sigmoid) to
produce an output signal. The 1-D feedforward layers, The goal is to minimize the mean square error (MSE),
which may include several layers depending on image XK XNL  2

1 yL,k K 
complexity, process the features produced by the pyra- EMSE =  n − d k
n  , during the process of
midal layers. The outputs of the last 1-D layer are the KN L K−1 n=1

final network outputs, which determine the categories/ training. Figure 28.21 plots the resulting decreasing
class labels of input patterns. training error (MSE) over 100 epochs. After ≈50 epochs,
To train the CNN , a network with three convolutional the MSE error clearly converges to ≈0.08, roughly inter-
layers and two subsampling (max-pooling) layers, fol- preted as an accuracy of 92%. In advance of an in-depth
lowed by a fully connected multilayer perceptron evaluation, the low MSE indicates the efficiency of the
(FCMLP) with 12 neurons in the output (corresponding to trained network in detection of objects/terrains.
the number of classes [83]), was used, as shown in Figure
28.20. The filter sizes are 5 × 5, 2 × 2, 3 × 3, 2 × 2, and 6 × 6
for the C1, S2, C3, S4, and C5 layers respectively. We
employed 64-, 32-, and 16-filters (resulting in similar
feature maps depth) for the C1, C3, and C5 layers, 28.5 How Big Data Could Help Us Develop
respectively, with connections between each feature map
in the convolution layer and its adjacent subsampling
Better FRA and FP Tools
layer being one to one. There is full connection between While FP efforts remain a major challenge, the methods
F and C5, as shown in Figure 28.20. Activation functions discussed in this chapter suggest that the capabilities to
for network layers are set as 1) convolution layers C1, C3, collect, store, and analyze big data from FLAs is within
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 573

2×2 2×2
Sub-sampling Sub-sampling
3×3 Convolution 6×6
... ... C5: 1×1
12 output
S4: 6×6 Feature maps
... C3: 12×12 F6: Fully
Feature maps connected
S2: 14×14
Feature maps
32×32 images 5×5
C1: 28×28
Feature maps

FIGURE 28.20
The developed CNN to detect 12 different fall-related environmental risks.



Training MSE





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIGURE 28.21
CNN training MSE over 100 epochs for detecting 12 different classes of environmental fall-related risk factors.

reach. For instance, the Michael J. Fox Foundation for proposes a new perspective on FRA based on automated
Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) and Intel Corporation ini- detection of frequency and environmental context
tiated a collaboration to create a test group of 10,000 of CBRs. As illustrated in Figure 28.22, unsupervised
individuals with Parkinson’s disease to track symptoms monitoring of the frequency and circumstances of CBR
such as tremor, sleep patterns, gait, and balance using events may provide unique insight on individual fall
WSSs. Initial estimates considering 300 measurements risks specific to a person’s own lifestyle and surround-
per second for each person will result in a data set of 9.7 ings. For example, the imagined CBR data shown in
TB of data per day. Using Intel’s big data analytics plat- Figure 28.22 (left panel) illustrates a potential analysis of
form, this big data set will be used to develop new models instability requiring a recovery reaction categorized by
of Parkinson’s disease, particularly disruptive symptoms environmental context. In this (imagined) case, observing
and events (e.g., freezing of gait). By detecting anomalies the relatively high frequency of CBRs detected on stairs
and changes in sensor and other data, the analytics (n = 7), terrain transitions (n = 9), and thresholds (n = 5),
platform can provide researchers with new means to may be used to prioritize intervention strategies, such as
measure and predict disease progression. Our team training to negotiate stairs and transitions.
574 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

Number of CBRs > a threshold

Stairs 1 1

Terrain 1 2 1 2
Thresholds 1 1
and curbs
It seems that you are a little bit tired! please
have a seat for a couple of moments.
Loose carpet 1 1

Slippery 2
1 1

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

FIGURE 28.22
Potential applications of automated unsupervised FRA tools. Left: Envisioned analysis of frequency of CBRs by day and environmental factor.
Right: Mobile alert to user or caregiver for circumstances of high fall risk.

However, the majority of studies examining unsu- ing methods (e.g., parallel processing, feature reduction)
pervised methods are small-scale studies to establish to reduce complexity and minimize storage needs are
measurement validity, including our group’s work pre- promising avenues to facilitate implementation at larger
sented here. To investigate the promise of big data scales. Similar to many machine learning projects, cor-
methods for FRA, several important challenges are rectly annotated data is critical for effective training and
identified. testing. Systematic and efficient methods to annotate
One challenge is to extract metrics sensitive to fall risk large amounts of mobility- and image-based data to
from large volumes of ambient and/or wearable sensors. reduce uncertainty (i.e., veracity) remain a challenge.
As an example, our team’s approach demonstrates a To the authors’ best knowledge, Philips et al. [39] at the
suitable application of signal processing and machine University of Missouri are a pioneering group that has
learning techniques for WSSs to automatically detect investigated the potential of analyzing big data (66 TB
CBRs as an indicator of instability. Similar to other collected over 10 years) for FRA. Using data acquired
research efforts in unsupervised assessment, an impor- from Kinect sensor systems installed in independent-
tant unanswered question is whether this method living apartments, this study examined the association
translates to unexpected near-falls in real-life scenarios. between prefall changes in gait parameters (i.e., in-home
Our immediate efforts are focused on validation and gait speed, stride length) and fall incidents with the goal of
optimizing these methods for unsupervised conditions. improving fall risk prediction models. Preliminary results
Identifying contextual factors contributing to fall risk indicate that a change in gait speed (5.1 cm/s) over time
using ambient or wearable sensors is a largely unex- (7 days) is associated with a high probability of falling
plored area of research, likely attributable to a lack of (86.3%) within the next 3 weeks (compared to 19.5%> fall
efficient methods. In this chapter, image processing (i.e., probability for those with no change in gait speed).
Gabor filters) and machine learning (i.e., CNNs) tech- Similarly, a cumulative decrease in stride length (7.6 cm)
niques were explored to identify different terrain char- over 7 days in in-home stride length is associated with a
acteristics with promising initial results (>90% accuracy). 50.6% probability of falling within the next 3 weeks (vs.
Deeper examination is needed to determine whether the 11.4% for those with no change). While these results
system is robust under more complex situations, such as indicate the potential of big data to inform the develop-
unusual or unfamiliar objects that challenge generaliza- ment of new models of estimating fall risk, the utility of
tion capabilities of the detection system, varying lighting these methods to inform interventions remains to be
conditions and shadows, and simultaneous presence of examined.
multiple risk factors. The aforementioned paper employed a descriptive
To achieve large-scale studies, new methods to address analysis using batch data analytics, in which a high volume
limitations in computational speeds, storage capacities, of data is collected over a relatively long period of time
and annotation methods are needed. New data process- and then processed and analyzed afterward. While such
Multimodal Ambulatory Fall Risk Assessment in the Era of Big Data 575

What had happened before each fall (or

Environmental CBR*) (e.g., changes in gait velocity)?
Data processing
Big data storage What was the reason associated with that
and analytics
Mobility data fall (or CBR)?

Was it due to an intrinsic or extrinsic

factor? (e.g., crowded sidewalk, slippery
Sensors streamsTransformed into (R1,
R2, ...RN, Label) floor)
Rm {{curbs, loose rug, obstacles, ... } {changes in
spatio-temporal gait features} {signal-based features (time domain,
Label {fall, CBR}
B: The bag of fall/CBR patterns

B: The bag of fall/CBR patterns

Finding Rm’s to form a (Comparing the recent
data Data processing Predict falls
feature vector: data with the bag of
and analytics (R1, R2, …,RN) fall patterns) (finding labels)
Mobility data


FIGURE 28.23
Upper panel: Descriptive analysis, in which batch data analytics provides correlational models of gait-related parameters and prospective/
retrospective falls. Lower panel: Predictive analysis, in which the ongoing data stream is automatically assessed in real time to detect periods of
high fall risk and send alerts. A variety of statistical, modeling, data mining, and machine learning techniques are used to study recent and
historical data.

descriptive analysis and batch processing uncover unsupervised assessment, the potential to apply big data
hidden patterns and unknown correlations, real-time methods toward realizing the vision of comprehensive
analytics may be preferable to identify and mitigate individual assessment of fall risk is apparent.
transient periods of high fall risk. In contrast to batch data In SFRA, mounting evidence supports the utility of
analytics, real-time analytics processes continuous data sensor-based systems as measurement tools to improve
streams as inputs with strict time constraints for analysis assessment sensitivity and reliability over traditional
and decision-making outcomes (Figure 28.23). A real- questionnaire-based or functional performance testing.
time analytic platform would permit identification of However, a fundamental limitation of SFRA methods
periods of high fall risk for immediate interventions, such is the need for tightly controlled task and environ-
as triggering user and/or caregiver alerts (illustrated in mental conditions. Considering that fall risk is frequently
Figure 28.22, right), assistive technologies, and/or envi- influenced by multiple interacting factors, including the
ronmental controls (e.g., lighting). individual’s own environment, lifestyle, and behavior,
SFRA methods may not capture the full range of risks to
inform clinical decisions.
A promising avenue to advance FRA is to monitor
behavior from everyday life in an unsupervised manner
and examining the emergent risks. Rapidly developing
28.6 Conclusion
ambient and wearable sensor systems capable of col-
This chapter examines current FRA practices, highlighting lecting gait and balance behavior with high resolution
key limitations, and summarizes recent research in over long periods of time are generating new opportu-
emerging sensor systems to improve quality and frequency nities for UFRA. Importantly, emerging big data
of quantitative assessments. With continued advancement methods will be critical to process and analyze the wave
of these sensor systems, particularly with an emphasis on of information and advance prediction of fall risk.
576 Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data

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Page numbers followed by f and t indicates figures and tables, respectively.

A objective functions for query Agency for Healthcare Research and

optimization, 120 Quality (AHRQ), 10
AARDA, see American Autoimmune proposed graphical model, survey data and, 10–11
Related Diseases Association 121–122 AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research
(AARDA) open problems and future directions, and Quality), 10
ABC-MCMC procedure, 419–420 129–130 A-IPW (augmented inverse probability
ABC rejection sampling method, probabilistic graphical model (PGM), weighted) estimator, 240
418–419 116–118, 117f, 118f Akaike information criterion (AIC), 201
Accelerometers, 536 submodular-monotone set functions Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 25, 32
Accountable care organizations (ACOs), for set optimization problems, neuroimaging-based machine
12–13 119–120 learning classification of,
key requirement of, 13 type I (T-I), 116 33t–36t
Accuracy, 345, 387 type II (T-II), 116 Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging
vs. performance, CAD system, Active RSVP (ARSVP), 127 initiative (ADNI), 23
345–347 Activity monitors, 18 Amazon, 223
Accurate mass and time (AMT) Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Amazon Web Services, 419
approach, 417 Evaluation (APACHE, Ambient sensors, for FRA, 556–558
ACOs, see Accountable care organiza- APACHE-II) scores, 250, 460 American Academy of Sleep Medicine
tions (ACOs) ADAM, 430 (AASM), 432
Actigraphy, 445 Adam optimization method, 350, American Association of Retired Persons
Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), 535 351f (AARP) Medigap insurance
Active learning (AL), 116 Adaptive distributed dictionary learning program, 16
for RBSE, 118–119 (ADDL) American Autoimmune Related
Active-RBSE, see Active recursive HEp-2 cell classification, 372–376, Diseases Association
Bayesian state estimation 372f (AARDA), 369
(Active-RBSE) classification results, 376–378, American Clinical Neurophysiology
Active recursive Bayesian state 377f, 377t–378t Society (ACNS), 273
estimation (Active-RBSE), combination weights selection, American Electroencephalographic
116–123 374–376, 375f Society, 261
active learning for RBSE, 118–119 computational cost, 378, 378t American Psychiatric Association
BCI design example, 123–129 data sets and evaluation methods, (APA), 433
balanced-tree visual presentation 376 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
paradigms, 124 diffusion adaptation method, 374, (DSM-IV-TR), 433
decision-making component, 374f American Recovery and Reinvestment
125–126 Additive treatment effect (ATE), 237 Act of, 2009, 13
EEG feature extraction and ADDL, see Adaptive distributed Amplitude-based abnormalities, of
classification, 125–126 dictionary learning (ADDL) newborn, 77
ERP-based BCI for letter-by-letter ADHD, see Attention deficit Analysis, complex systems, 177–178
typing, 124–125, 124f hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Analytics, big data, 5
experimental results and ADHD-200, 36 ANAs, see Antinuclear antibodies
discussions, 126–129 Adjacent windowing, 212 (ANAs)
language model, 126 AD Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), 27 Anemia of prematurity, 529–530
matrix presentation, 123 global programs, 27 Annotations, manual interpretation of
rapid serial visual presentation ADNI, see AD Neuroimaging Initiative EEGs, 276–277, 278f
(RSVP), 123–124 (ADNI) Anomalous data streams, problems of
visuospatial presentation, ADNI GO study, 27 detection and identification
123–124 ADNI MRI Core, 27 biomedical signal processing
combinatorial optimization, 122–123 ADNI1 study, 27 applications of, 70–71
hidden Markov model of order n ADNI2 study, 27 detection of existence, 61
(HMM-n), 116, 116f, 117f, 118f ADNI3 study, 27 nonparametric model, 63–64
maximum a posteriori (MAP) ADs, see Autoimmune diseases (ADs) parametric model, 61–62
inference method, 117 Affordable Care Act, the, 13, 16 semiparametric model, 62–63

582 Index

identification framework, 524–525, 525f finite-element model, 315, 316f

nonparametric model, 67–70 overview, 524–525 regional analysis, 320–322, 321f,
parametric model, 64–65 Artemis Cloud, 526–527, 527f 321t
semiparametric model, 65–67, Arterial spin labeling (ASL), 25 signal representation of shapes,
66f Artifacts (ARTF), EEGs, 277 315
nonparametric approaches Artificial neural network (ANNs), 331 statistical analysis of shape, 317,
generalized likelihood-based classifier, 470–471, 470f 317f
approach, 59 wearable sensors, 565–566 Automated component separation,
kernel-based approach, 60 ASD, see Autism spectrum disorder artefact removal using, 78–79
KL divergence-based approach, (ASD) Automated medical big data monitoring
60–61 Asymmetric/asynchronous-based TBI outcome prediction, 478
open problems and future directions, abnormalities, of newborn, 77 data from real trauma center, 478
71 Atlas-based quantification of diseased redundant vs. collection system
overview, 57–58 shapes, left-ventricular with diagnosis viewer,
types of problems, 58 analysis, 317–318, 319f 478–480, 479f
detection of existence, 58–59 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Automated partial premature infant
identification, 59 (ADHD), 25 pain profile (PIPP) scoring, 529
ANOVA, 29 neuroimaging-based machine Automated processing of big data, in
Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), 369 learning classification of, 32, 36, sleep medicine, 443–459
Apache, 4 41t analysis approaches, 446–447, 447f
Apache Spark, 5 Auction algorithm, for Wasserstein big data approach, 445–446
Apnea, automatic detection distance, 221 cardiorespiratory measures
from airflow signals, 454–455 Augmented inverse probability apnea detection from airflow
from PPG analysis, 455 weighted (A-IPW) estimator, signals, 454–455
Apnoea of prematurity, 529 240 apnea detection from PPG
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), 22 Autism Genetic Resource Exchange analysis, 455
Approximate Bayesian computation (AGRE), 26 cardiopulmonary coupling,
(ABC), 418 Autism Informatics Consortium (AIC), 455–456, 456f
Approximations; see also DCT 26 snoring sounds, 455
approximations Autism Speaks, 26 challenges and needs
defined, 154–155 Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 25 data harmonization, 457–458
Arai DCT scheme, 152 neuroimaging-based machine noise, artifacts, and missing data,
Area under the curve (AUC), CAD learning classification of, 456–457, 457f
system, 346–347 32, 40t EEG, 448
Arousals Autism Tissue Program (ATP—a arousals, 450–451
automated analysis of sleep EEG, post-mortem brain donation automatic sleep staging, 449–450
450–451 program), 26 K complexes, 450
Artefacts, in EEG, 77–78 Autoantibody, 369 macroanalysis, 448–450
detection, 78 Auto-encoder (AE), 31 spectral analysis, 448–449
detection and removal, 80 Autoencoders, 353 spindles, 450, 451t
features for detecting, 79 Autoimmune diseases (ADs), 369 time-frequency and time-scale
problem of, 75–76 Autoimmunity, 369 approaches, 449, 449f
removal using automated component Automated anatomical labeling (AAL), transient events detection,
separation, 78–79 29 450–451
standard methods for handling, Automated biventricular cardiovascular emerging applications
78–79 modelling, from MRI, 313–324 genomics and sleep, 458
types, 78 background, 313–315, 314t precision medicine and other
Artemis, in critical care congenital heart disease, 322, 322f applications, 458–459
clinical applications, 527–530 biventricular finite-element heart rate variability analysis,
anemia of prematurity, 529–530 model, 322–323, 323f 451–452, 452f
apnoea of prematurity, 529 guide-point modelling, 323–324 detrended fluctuation analysis
automated partial premature guide-point modelling vs. manual (DFA), 453
infant pain profile (PIPP) contouring, 324, 324f frequency domain analysis,
scoring, 529 left-ventricular analysis 452–453
late-onset neonatal sepsis, atlas-based quantification of Lempel–Ziv (LZ) complexity, 454
528–529, 528f diseased shapes, 317–318, multiscale entropy (MSE),
retinopathy of prematurity (RoP), 319f 453–454, 454f
529 building an atlas of heart, nonlinear methods, 453–454
data persistence, 525–526 315–317, 316f sample entropy (SampEn), 453
deployments, 526–527, 527f classification, 318–320, 320f time domain analysis, 452
Index 583

manual vs. automatic methods, 446 LC-MS protein data, 416 visuospatial presentation, 123–124
National Sleep Research Resource Bayesian inference for, 418–421, balanced-tree visual presentation
(NSRR) 418f, 418t paradigms, 124
publicly available sleep data sets, classification experimental matrix presentation, 123
447 results, 421–422, 421t, 422f rapid serial visual presentation
tools, 447–448 model for, 416–418 (RSVP), 123–124
research goals, 445 overview, 411–413, 412f Bertsekas’s auction algorithm, for
sleep data, 444–445, 444f 16S rRNA metagenomic data, Wasserstein distances, 221
Automatic interpretation, of EEGs, 422–424 Betti numbers, 216, 218
287 Bayesian inference for, 423 Big data, 3, 209–210
feature extraction, 288–292, 289f, classification experimental computational challenges, 260
290f, 291t results, 424t, 4234 defined, 3, 115
hidden Markov models, 292–293, model for, 423, 423f four V’s of, 14
292f, 293f, 293t, 294f Bayesian inference, 413 in FRA and FP tools, 572–572
machine learning approaches, for Bradley–Terry model, 414–415 in health care, driving factors
287–288 for LC-MS protein data, 418–421, database architecture, 13–14
normal/abnormal detection, 418–421, 418f, 418f, 418t, 418t the HITECH Act, Meaningful
293–295, 294f, 295t optimal Bayesian classifier, Use, and ACOs, 12–13
seizure detection, 295–296 420–421 information retrieval and
typical static classification systems, posterior sampling via an DSP approach and engineering
288 ABC-MCMC procedure, rationale, 74
Automatic sleep staging, EEG-based, 419–420 EEG, 74–75, 75f
449–450 prior calibration via ABC rejec- EEG clinical rationale and
Average amount of mutual information tion sampling, 418–419 problem of artefacts,
(AAMI) index, 260 procedure overview, 418 75–76
for 16S rRNA metagenomic data, 423 issues in manual interpretation of
B Bayesian information score (BIC), 194, EEGs
201, 227 annotations, 276–277, 278f
Background (BCKG), EEG, 277 Bayesian networks and time, TAs and, decision support systems, 280,
Backward elimination, 29, 30 496–501, 497f, 501t 281f
Backward feature elimination, 5 continuous-time Bayesian networks evaluation metrics, 279–280
Balanced-tree visual presentation (CTBNs), 499–500, 500f inter-rater agreement, 277–279
paradigms, BCI system, 124 dynamic Bayesian networks (DBN), locality, 276
Barcode, 216 497–499, 498f signal conditioning, 275–276
Bar-selective combination of shifted filter integration, 501–502 unbalanced data problem,
responses method, 354 irregular-time Bayesian networks 280–282
Basis pursuit (BP) approach (ITBNs), 500–501, 501f waveform displays, 273–275,
sparse signal reconstruction, 141 networks of probabilistic events in 275f
BAS (Bouguezel–Ahmad–Swamy) series time (NPEDT), 499, 500f neurorehabilitation improvement
of approximations, 153, 158, Bayesian top-score pair (BTSP) through, see
159t classification rule, 412 Neurorehabilitation
parametric BAS, 162 Bayesian Top-Scoring Pairs, 415 smart medical devices and, 17–19
Bayesian-based reconstruction, of big BCI system, Active-RBSE and, 123–129 Big data analysis
sparse signals, 145–148 decision-making component, persistent homology for
algorithm, 146 125–126 auction algorithm for Wasserstein
in discrete sine transform (DST) EEG feature extraction and distance, 221
domain, example, 147–148, classification, 125–126 bottleneck matching, 221
147f language model, 126 simplicial complex constructions
Bayesian classification of genomic big ERP-based BCI for letter-by-letter and, 221–222
data, 411–425 typing, 124–125, 124f stability of, 219–221, 220f
expression rank data, 413, 413f presentation component, 124–125 Big data analytics, 5
Bayesian inference for Bradley– experimental results and discussions, Big Data Genomics (BDG) project,
Terry model, 414–415 126–129 420
Bayesian top-scoring pairs, matrix-based presentation Big data projects, of human brain,
415 paradigm with overlapping 23–28
Bradley–Terry model, 414 trials, 127–128, 128f AD Neuroimaging Initiative, 27
expression classification matrix-based presentation Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain
experimental results, paradigm with single- Injury Research, 25
415–416, 415t, 416t character trials, 129, 129f 1000 Functional Connectomes Project
top-scoring pair classifiers, 413 RSVP paradigm, 127, 127f (FCP), 24–25
584 Index

Human Connectome Project (HCP), binDCT, 153 Bouguezel–Ahmad–Swamy (BAS) series

23 Biogenesis, miRNAs, 383–384, 383f of approximations, 153, 158,
MGH/Harvard–UCLA BioLINCC, 447 159t
consortium, 24 Biomarkers, 411 parametric BAS, 162
WU–Minn–Oxford consortium, Biomedical image segmentation, Boundary map, 218
23–24 information fusion in deep BPD, see Bipolar disorder (BPD)
IMAGEN, 27–28 CNNs for Bradley–Terry model, 412, 414
National Database for Autism background, 303–305, 303f–305f Bayesian inference for, 414–415
Research, 25–26 data and implementation details Brain; see also Human brain, big data
SchizConnect, 26–27 brain tumors (BRATS), 307 projects of
Big data science, in health care MS datasets, 307 electrical activity, recording of, 261,
coordination of care, 16 pre-processing and, 307–308 271–273, 272f, 273f
emergency department revisits, experiments and results, 308–310, functional connectivity measures,
16–17 308f, 309t, 310f–311f 259; see also Functional
precision medicine (PM), 14–15 method connectivity measures
predicting disease risk, 15–16 hetero-modal image functional networks in, 259–260
Big Data Science model segmentation, 305–306, structural networks, 259
insomnia biosignal processing and 306f Brain–behavior system, 28
automated detection (case interpretation as an embedding, Brain/body computer interface (BBCI),
study), 434–440 307 116
data preparation, 435–436, 436t pseudo-curriculum training Brain imaging data, see Neuroimaging
data understanding, 435 procedure, 306–307 data
deployment, 438–439, 439f overview, 301–303, 302f BRAIN initiative, 430–431, 431t
modeling, 436–438, 437f–438f Biomedical Informatics Research BRATS-2015 dataset, 307
problem understanding, 435 Network (BIRN), 26 Breast Cancer Family Registry (CFR),
Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Biomedical signal processing 11
initiative, 447 big sparse signals reconstruction and, BSS, see Blind source separation (BSS)
Big sparse signals reconstruction, com- 148 BSS algorithm, 90
pressive sensing methods for, DCT approximations applications, BSS-SVM, 79
133–149 167
Bayesian-based reconstruction, image compression, 167–169, C
145–148, 147f 168f, 169f–170f
biomedical signal processing image registration, 169–171, 171f Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow
applications of, 148 functional networks modeling via Project (CPTP), 314
conditions for, 135–136 graphical models and, 207 Canny, John, 344
definitions, 134–137 problems of detection and Canny edge detectors, 343
measurement matrices, 137 identification anomalous data retinal analysis, 344
norm-one-based reconstruction streams applications in, 70–71 Canonical correlation analysis (CCA),
algorithms, 141–145, 141f TAs applications, 513 78–79
LASSO minimization, 142–143, TDA applications in, 227–229 CAP, see Cardiac Atlas Project (CAP)
143f EEG signals, 227–228 CAP-miRSeq, 394
signal reconstruction with EMG signal, 228 Cardiac activity, 78
gradient algorithm, human motion capture data, Cardiac Atlas Project (CAP), 314
143–144 228–229 Cardiac care units (CCUs), 519
total variations, 144–145 Biomedical time-series data, TDA and, Cardiac remodelling, 314
norm-zero-based reconstruction, 210–211, 212f Cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC),
137–141 Bipolar disorder (BPD), 32 455–456, 456f
block and one-step neuroimaging-based machine learn- Cardiorespiratory measures, automated
reconstruction, 139–141 ing classification of, 32, 39t processing in sleep medicine
coherence, 139 Biventricular finite-element model, apnea detection from airflow signals,
CoSaMP reconstruction 322–323, 323f 454–455
algorithm, 140–141 Blind source separation (BSS), 78–79 apnea detection from PPG analysis,
with known/estimated positions, for artefact removal, 78–79, 108, 108f, 455
138 109f cardiopulmonary coupling, 455–456,
MP reconstruction algorithm, Blood oxygenation level dependence 456f
139 (BOLD) contrast, fMRI and, snoring sounds, 455
position estimation and, 138–139 22–23 Cassandra, 5
open problems and future directions, Bottleneck matchings CCA, see Canonical correlation analysis
148–149 Hopcroft–Karp algorithm for, 221 (CCA)
overview, 133–134 persistent homology, 221 CCUs, see Cardiac care units (CCUs)
Index 585

CDSS, see Clinical decision support CloudBurst, 419 Complex systems

system (CDSS) Cloud computing, 14 analysis, 177–178
Cech complex, 214–215, 215f Cloudwave signal format (CSF), 261 synthesis, 177
Center for Biomedical Research functional connectivity measures in Complex TAs, 495, 495f
Excellence (COBRE), 26–27 epilepsy naïve Bayes classifiers incorporation
Center for Information Technology computational pipeline for signal in, 508–513
(CIT), 25 data analysis, 263–265, extraction, 509, 509f
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) 264f imbalanced data and overlapping
National Center for Health Statistics signal data management, classes, 511–512
(NCHS), 10 261–263, 262f most frequent temporal
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid signal data processing, 263 association patterns
Services (CMS), 13 Clustering analysis, 30 extraction, 510–511
Chain complex, 218 based topological network, 226 periodic classifiers vs. baseline
Change point detection, 198–199 Clustering protocol, 226 classifier, performance,
regularization selection for, 200 CMS, see Centers for Medicare and 512–513, 513t
Checkpoint-driven ensemble assembly, Medicaid Services (CMS) using periodic temporal
360 CNNs, see Convolutional neural net- association patterns,
Chen algorithm, 152 works (CNNs) 510, 512f
Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial, Coherence, norm-zero-based Comprehensive medical assessments,
447 reconstruction and, 139 falls, 553
Child Mind Institute, 24 Coherence index, 139 Compressed sensing (CS), 5
CIFAR10, 345 Collaborative Imaging and HEp-2 cell classification,
CLAHE (contrast-limited adaptive Neuroinformatics System 371–372
histogram equalization), 344 (COINS) Data Exchange, 26 Compressive sampling matching pursuit
Claims databases, 10 Collaborative TMLE (C-TMLE), (CoSaMP) reconstruction
Classical multiplierless transforms, DCT 244–245 algorithm, 140–141
approximations Combinatorial optimization Compressive sensing (CS) methods,
Hadamard transform, 156 Active-RBSE, 122–123 for big sparse signals
Walsh–Hadamard transform (WHT), Compact kernel distribution (CKD), reconstruction, 133–149
156 81–82 Bayesian-based reconstruction,
Classifier performance, 345 Complex networks, dynamic processes 145–148, 147f
Classifiers, machine learning, 30–31 on, 177–189 biomedical signal processing
categories, 30–31 application (vulnerable applications of, 148
performance measures, 31–32 communities), 182–183 conditions for, 135–136
Class imbalance correction, miRNA biomedical signal processing definitions, 134–137
prediction and, 388–389 application of, 189 measurement matrices, 137
Cleveland Children’s Sleep and Health continuous-time Markov process, norm-one-based reconstruction
Study, 447 179–180 algorithms, 141–145, 141f
Cleveland Family Study, 447 endogenous infection dominant LASSO minimization, 142–143,
Clinical and Translation Science Award (regime II), 183–184 143f
(CTSA) program, NIH’s, 10 equilibrium distribution and signal reconstruction with
Clinical decision support system (CDSS) induced subgraphs, gradient algorithm,
clinical physiological knowledge at 184–185, 184f 143–144
feature and classifier levels most-probable configuration and total variations, 144–145
integration in, ICU outcome, densest subgraph, 186 norm-zero-based reconstruction,
465–467 most-probable configuration and 137–141
artificial neural network classifier, induced subgraphs, block and one-step
470–471, 470f 185–186 reconstruction, 139–141
collected data, 467, 467t examples, 186–187, 187f, 188f coherence, 139
feature extraction, 468–469, 469t exogenous infection dominant CoSaMP reconstruction
feature ranking, 469–470 (regime III), 187–189 algorithm, 140–141
methods, 467–471 healing dominant (regime I), 183 with known/estimated positions,
results, 471–473, 471t–472t, 472f, infection dominant (regime IV), 183 138
473t open problems and future direction, MP reconstruction algorithm,
Clinical information management 189 139
system (CIMS), 526 overview, 177–178 position estimation and,
Clinical registries, 11 scaled SIS process, 178–179, 179f, 180f 138–139
Clinical systems, using TAs, 495–496 equilibrium distribution, 180–181 open problems and future directions,
Clique complex, 215–216, 215f, 216f MPCP, 183 148–149
CloudAligner, 419 parameter regimes, 181–182, 181t overview, 133–134
586 Index

Computational miRNAs prediction Congressionally Directed Medical automated partial premature

techniques, 390–400 Research Programs (CDMRP), infant pain profile (PIPP)
de novo miRNA prediction, 396–400, 25 scoring, 529
398t Connectome, 177 clinical applications, 527–530
homology-based, 390 “Connectome Skyra,” 23–24 data persistence, 525–526
NGS-based miRNA prediction, Contact network, 178 deployments, 526–527, 527f
391–396, 391t Continuous outcomes, point treatment framework, 524–525, 525f
previous assessments, 400, 400t effect estimation and, 245 late-onset neonatal sepsis,
Computational search, DCT approxima- Continuous-time Bayesian networks 528–529, 528f
tions based on, 159 (CTBNs), 499–500, 500f retinopathy of prematurity (RoP),
improved 8-Point DCT Continuous-time Markov process, 529
approximation, 160–161 179–180 background, 519–520
for IR, 161 Contrast-limited adaptive histogram data acquisition, 522, 523f
for RF imaging, 160 equalization (CLAHE), 344 data analytics, 520
Computed tomography (CT) imaging, Convolutional layer (CL), CNNs, 335, data availability, 521
148, 301 336f data frequency, 520–521
yearly scans in United States, 301, Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), data persistence, 523
302f 331, 333, 335f data quality, 521–522
Computer-aided detection (CADe), 341 background, 303–305, 303f–305f data transmission, 522
Computer-aided diagnostics (CAD) convolutional layer (CL), 335, 336f driving forces, 519–520
area under the curve (AUC), 346–347 deep CNNs, see Deep convolutional knowledge discovery, 524
categories, 341 neural networks (CNNs) real-time analytics, 522–523
HEp-2 cell classification, 369–370 fully connected layer (FC), 335 secondary use of data and consent,
KPIs, see Key performance indicators human visual system vs., 335–337, 524
(KPIs) 336f visualisation, 524
receiver operating characteristic linear CNNs, 353 Crossbow, 419
(ROC) curve, 346–347, 347f multichannel CNNs, 353 Cross Industry Standard Process for
retinal analysis, 340–341 pooling layer (PL), 335 Data Mining (CRISP-DM),
Canny edge detectors, 344 vs. RNNs, 337 434–435, 435f
challenges, 341 wearable sensors application of, Cross-validated area under the receiver
data sets, 345 571–572, 573f operating curve (cv-AUC),
feature discovery, 342–343 Coordination of care, 16 250
global histogram enhancement, Copenhagen Stroke (COST) Study, 542 Cross-validation
343–344 Copula GGMs SL algorithm, 238
image processing fundamentals, change point detection, 198–199 CSF, see Cloudwave Signal Format
343–345 hidden variable copula GGMs, (CSF)
local histogram enhancement, 344 197–198, 197f, 198f, 202–203 CTBNs, see Continuous-time Bayesian
mimicking experts, 341–342, 342f regularization selection for, 200–203 networks (CTBNs)
performance evaluation, 347–348 standard copula GGMs, 196–197, C-TMLE, see Collaborative TMLE
performance vs. accuracy, 201–202, 201f (C–TMLE)
345–347, 346f, 346t, 347f Copula(s) CTSA Accrual to Clinical Trials (CTSA
superresolution techniques, 344 defined, 195 ACT) program, 10
traditional CAD of retinal images, Gaussian, 195–196 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT),
343 Sklar’s theorem, 195–196 13
watershed methods, 344–345 Correlation matrix, 213
Computing issues, TBI outcome Correlation measures, functional con- D
prediction, 489 nectivity analysis, 260
Conditional mean outcome, longitudinal- Correlations, data analytics in trauma Data; see also Big data
TMLE for, 246–247, 246f patients and, 483–484, 484f sources, in health care
Conditions, for big sparse signals CoSaMP (compressive sampling clinical registries, 11
reconstruction, 135–136 matching pursuit) electronic health records (EHRs),
Confounding, time-dependent, 245 reconstruction algorithm, 9–10
Confusion matrix, 386–387, 386f, 387f 140–141 genetic data, 12
Congenital heart disease (CHD), 322, CPT, see Current Procedural health insurance claims data, 10
322f Terminology (CPT) patient-reported outcomes
biventricular finite-element model, Critical care/critical care units, 519 measures (PROM), 11
322–323, 323f artemis publically supported databases,
guide-point modelling, 323–324 anemia of prematurity, 10–11
guide-point modelling vs. manual 529–530 sensor data, 12
contouring, 324, 324f apnoea of prematurity, 529 social media, 12
Index 587

Data acquisition biomedical signal processing local receptive field, 303

critical care/critical care units, 522, applications of, 167 max-pooling, 305
523f image compression, 167–169, method
Data analytics 168f, 169f–170f hetero-modal image
critical care/critical care units, 520 image registration, 169–171, 171f segmentation, 305–306,
in trauma patients, 480 categories, 155 306f
correlations and, 483–484, 484f classical multiplierless transforms interpretation as an embedding,
descriptive statistics and, Hadamard transform, 156 307
480–481 Walsh–Hadamard transform pseudo-curriculum training
entropy and, 484–485 (WHT), 156 procedure, 306–307
variability and, 481–483, 482f, computational search-based, 159 non-linear activation function,
483f improved 8-Point DCT 304–305, 305f
Data availability approximation, 160–161 overview, 301–303, 302f
critical care/critical care units, 521 for IR, 161 valid mode convolution, 304
Database architecture, health care for RF imaging, 160 Deep expert mimicry, 359
information system, 13–14 by inspection Deep feature discovery, 360
Data compression, 5 BAS series of approximations, Deep feedforward networks, 333–337,
lossless, 5 158, 159t 335f–336f
lossy, 5 modified RDCT, 158 decision/classification layer, 333
Data Dictionary, 26 signed SPM transform, 159 visual cortex (V1), 333, 335–337
Data-driven feature selection, 29–30 SPM transform, 158–159, 159t Deep learning, 5, 30–31, 302
Data-driven nonparametric tests, 58; low-complexity, 151–172 Deep learning, for retinal analysis,
see also Nonparametric models open problems and future directions, 329–363
Data frequency 172 Adam optimization, 350, 351f
critical care/critical care units, overview, 152–153, 155 background and context, 330–331
520–521 parametric computer-aided diagnostics (CAD),
Data persistence FW class of, 162–163, 164t–165t 340–341
Artemis, 525–526 level 1 approximation, 161–162 Canny edge detectors, 344
critical care/critical care units, 523 parametric BAS, 162 data sets, 345
Data processing performance comparison, 163, 165f feature discovery, 342–343
parallel/distributed, 4–5 discussion, 166–167, 166t, 167t global histogram enhancement,
Data provenance, 4 mean square error, 166 343–344
Data quality, 4 measures, 163, 165–166 image processing fundamentals,
critical care/critical care units, total error energy, 165 343–345
521–522 transform distortion, 163 local histogram enhancement,
Data sampling, 5 transform efficiency, 166 344
Data segmentation, TDA and, 211–213, unified transform coding gain, mimicking experts, 341–342, 342f
213f 166 performance evaluation, 347–348
Data storage, 5 Decision-making component, BCI performance vs. accuracy, 345–
Data transmission system, 125–126 347, 346f, 346t, 347f
critical care/critical care units, 522 EEG feature extraction and superresolution techniques, 344
Data variety, 4 classification, 125–126 traditional CAD of retinal images,
Data windowing, 212–213 language model, 126 343
dbGAP, 447 Decision support systems watershed methods, 344–345
DBN, see Dynamic Bayesian networks manual interpretation of EEGs, 280, deep feedforward networks, 333–337,
(DBN) 281f 335f–336f
DBN-extended model, TAs and, Deep CNNs, see Deep convolutional diseases of retina, 337–338
503–508 neural networks (CNNs) diabetic retinopathy (DR),
basic techniques, 503–504, 504t Deep convolutional neural networks 338–339, 338f, 339f
construction of, 504–505, 505f (CNNs) glaucoma, 339–340, 340f
experiments and analysis, background, 303–305, 303f–305f Gabor functions, 337
507–508 convolutional layer, 303 microaneurysm detection algorithms,
training in presence of class convolution of kernels (filters), 303 354
imbalance, 506–507 data and implementation details deep learning approach, 356–357,
without TAs, 505–506 brain tumors (BRATS), 307 358f
DCT approximations, 151–172 MS datasets, 307 performance comparisons, 357,
based on integer functions pre-processing and, 307–308 359–363, 359t, 361t, 362t
collection of, 157–158 experiments and results, 308–310, superpixel sampling, 356
rounded DCT, 157 308f, 309t, 310f–311f traditional methods, 354–356,
signed DCT, 156 feature maps, 303 355f
588 Index

neurons, 331–332 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DRIVE (Digital Retinal Images for Vessel
performance comparison (vessel (DSM-IV-TR), 433 Extraction) database, 345, 346f
segmentation and pixel Diaret (Standard Diabetic Retinopathy DSI, see Diffusion spectrum imaging
classification), 350, 352t, Database), 345 (DSI)
353–354 Dictionary learning (DL), 369 DTI, see Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
deep algorithms, 352–353 adaptive distributed, 372–376, 372f Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBN),
traditional algorithms, 350, 352 classification results, 376–378, 497–499, 498f; see also DBN-
pixel sampling, 348–350, 349f 377f, 377t–378t extended model
recurrent neural networks, 337 combination weights selection, Dynamic longitudinal treatment regime,
retinal morphology segmentation, 374–376, 375f TMLE, 248–250
350 computational cost, 378, 378t Dynamic processes on complex
traditional retinal segmentation, 348 data sets and evaluation methods, networks, 177–189
visual inputs, 332, 333f 376 application (vulnerable
Deep neural networks (DNNs), 31, 331 diffusion adaptation method, 374, communities), 182–183
Deep-sequencing sRNA pipeline 374f biomedical signal processing
(DSAP), 393 compressed sensing and, 371–372 application of, 189
Defibrillators to Reduce Risk by distributed, 372–374, 373f continuous-time Markov process,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging experiments and results, 372–374, 179–180
Evaluation (DETERMINE) 373f endogenous infection dominant
study, 314, 317 HEp-2 cell classification applications (regime II), 183–184
Denoising autoencoder method, 353 of, 369–379 equilibrium distribution and
De novo machine learning techniques, sparse coding and, 371 induced subgraphs,
390–391 Diffuse optical tomography (DOT), 148 184–185, 184f
classifier selection and training, Diffuse RNFL defects, 340, 341f most-probable configuration and
397–398, 398t Diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI), 22 densest subgraph, 186
data set generation, 396–397 Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 22 most-probable configuration and
feature selection, 398–399, 399t Digital Imaging and Communications in induced subgraphs,
miRNA prediction, 396–400, 398t Medicine (DICOM), 168, 522 185–186
reporting of results, 399–400 Digital Retinal Images for Vessel examples, 186–187, 187f, 188f
Department of Defense(DoD), 25 Extraction (DRIVE) database, exogenous infection dominant
Descriptive statistics, data analytics in 345, 346f (regime III), 187–189
trauma patients and, 480–481 Dimensionality reduction, 5 healing dominant (regime I), 183
Detection of existence, of anomalous Dirichlet-multinomial–Poisson model, infection dominant (regime IV), 183
data streams, 58–59, 61 423 open problems and future direction,
nonparametric model, 63–64 Discontinuity-based abnormalities, of 189
parametric model, 61–62 newborn, 77 overview, 177–178
semiparametric model, 62–63 Discrete cosine transform (DCT); scaled SIS process, 178–179, 179f,
DETERMINE (Defibrillators to Reduce see also DCT approximations 180f
Risk by Magnetic Resonance definition, 153–154 equilibrium distribution, 180–181
Imaging Evaluation) study, domain, 137 MPCP, 183
314, 317 overview, 152 parameter regimes, 181–182, 181t
Deterministic greedy algorithm, 123 Discrete Fourier domain, 148
Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 137 E
453 Discrete SL, 238
DFS, see Distributed file system (DFS) Discrete-time signals, 133 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic macular edema (DME), 338–339 Disease risk Study (ETDS), 361
Diabetic retinopathy (DR), 338–339, 338f, predicting, 15–16 ECG, see Electrocardiography (ECG)
339f Distance matrix, 213 Echo planar imaging (EPI), 23
diabetic macular edema (DME), Distributed dictionary learning, 372–374, EDF, see European Data Format (EDF)
338–339 373f Edge refinement, 344
microaneurysms (MAs), 338 Distributed file system (DFS), 4 Edge thinning, 344
nonproliferative DR (NPDR), 338 DL, see Dictionary learning (DL) EEG feature extraction and classification,
proliferative DR (PDR), 338 DME, see Diabetic macular edema BCI system, 125–126
treatments, 338 (DME) EHRs, see Electronic health records
vs. image classification, 361–363, DNA sequencing, 12 (EHRs)
361t DNNs, see Deep neural networks 8-Point DCT approximation, improved,
comparing performances, (DNNs) 160–161
362–363 Double robustness (DR), 240 8-point DCT fast algorithms, 154t
deep algorithms, 362 DR, see Diabetic retinopathy (DR); 8-point KLT matrix, 153
tradtional algorithms, 361, 362t Double robustness (DR) Elastic Net, 30
Index 589

Electrical activity in brain, recording of, quality measure, 98–100 Electronic stethoscopes, 17–18
261, 271–273, 272f, 273f model of artefact, 100 Electro-oculography (EOG), 211, 212f
Electrocardiogram (ECG), 444 real EEG with real artefact, Embedding, interpretation as, 307
Electrocardiography (ECG), 211, validation for, 100 EMD, see Empirical mode decomposition
212f real EEG with simulated artefacts, (EMD)
Electroencephalograms (EEGs), 260, validation for, 99–100 EMD-BSS, 79
444 segment, six-way classification for, Emergency department (ED) revisits,
artefacts in, 77–78 276–277 16–17
detection, 78 signal enhancement, 79 72-hour revisits, 16–17
detection and removal, 80 sleep EEG, automated analysis of, 448 EMG, see Electromyography (EMG)
features for detecting, 79 arousals, 450–451 Empirical mode decomposition (EMD),
problem of, 75–76 automatic sleep staging, 449–450 79
removal using automated EEG, 448 EMRs, see Electronic medical records
component separation, K complexes, 450 (EMRs)
78–79 macroanalysis, 448–450 Endogenous infection dominant (regime
standard methods for handling, spectral analysis, 448–449 II), scaled SIS process, 182,
78–79 spindles, 450, 451t 183–184
types, 78 time-frequency and time-scale equilibrium distribution and induced
automatic interpretation of, 287 approaches, 449, 449f subgraphs, 184–185, 184f
feature extraction, 288–292, 289f, transient events detection, most-probable configuration and
290f, 291t 450–451 densest subgraph, 186
hidden Markov models, 292–293, time-frequency analysis, see Time- most-probable configuration and
292f, 293f, 293t, 294f frequency analysis, EEG mea- induced subgraphs, 185–186
machine learning approaches, surement and enhancement Endogenous infection rate, scaled SIS
287–288 TUH EEG Corpus, 282–287 process, 179
normal/abnormal detection, de-identification of data, 284, 284t Ensemble intensity gradient detection,
293–295, 294f, 295t descriptive statistics, 284–286, 344
seizure detection, 295–296 285f, 286t Entropy
typical static classification digitization and signal data analytics in trauma patients and,
systems, 288 processing, 282–283 484–485
clinical prognostic value, 74–75 EEG report pairing, 283–284 persistent, 219
in critical care units, 521 released data structure, 286–287, Environmental sensors, 537–538
future directions, 296 286f Epilepsy/epileptic disorders;
manual interpretation of, big data Electroencephalography (EEG), 24, 209, see also Seizures
issues 210–211 defined, 260
annotations, 276–277, 278f brain electrical activity recording, functional connectivity measures in
decision support systems, 280, 261, 271–273, 272f, 273f functional networks in brain,
281f long-term monitoring (LTM), 259–260
evaluation metrics, 279–280 271–272 methods, 261–265
inter-rater agreement, reconstruction of signals, 148; ontologies use, 267
277–279 see also Reconstruction of big overview, 261
locality, 276 sparse signals performance improvement,
signal conditioning, 275–276 of scalp, during seizures; 266–267
unbalanced data problem, see also Functional networks related work, 260
280–282 modeling, via graphical models results, 265–266, 265f
waveform displays, 273–275, real data, 204–207, 204f–206f scalable signal data processing
275f synthetic data (non-Gaussian for, 259–267
neurodevelopmental outcomes and, data), 203–204, 203t, 204t long-term monitoring (LTM),
76–77 TDA application, 227–228 271–272
newborn EEG abnormalities Electromyography (EMG), 210–211 overview, 260
amplitude-based, 77 Electromyography (EMG) signals, 148 Epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU), 272
asymmetric/asynchronous- TDA application, 228 Epileptogenic zone, 260
based, 77 Electronic health records (EHRs), 9–10 Equilibrium distribution, scaled SIS
discontinuity-based, 77 adoption of, 13 process, 180–181
EEG seizures, 77 categories (examples), 10 ERP-based BCI, for letter-by-letter
features for detecting, 79 in predicting disease risk, 15–16 typing, 124–125, 124f
frequency-based, 77 structured data, 9 presentation component, 124–125
maturation-based, 77 unstructured data, 9 Estimation roadmap, TL, 236–237, 236f
sleep state-based, 77 Electronic medical records (EMRs), ETDS, see Early treatment diabetic
transient-based, 77 71, 280 retinopathy study (ETDS)
590 Index

Euclidean distance, 213 risk factors for, 552–553, 552f FP, see Fall prevention (FP)
EuroCMR, 314 extrinsic/environmental, 552 FRA, see Fall risk assessment (FRA)
European data format (EDF), 260, 447 intrinsic/patient-related, 552 Fractal(s), 453
functional connectivity measures in Fast algorithms, 154, 154t; see also 8-point Fractional anisotropy (FA), 22
epilepsy DCT fast algorithms Framingham Offspring Study, 314
computational pipeline for signal defined, 154 Frequency-based abnormalities, of
data analysis, 263–265, 264f Fast ISTA (FISTA), 142 newborn, 77
signal data management, 262 Fast Orthogonal Search (FOS), 541 Frequency domain analysis, 452–453
signal data processing, 263 Feature discovery approach, retinal Fugl- Meyer test, 535
European multicenter study about spinal analysis, 342–343 Fully connected layer (FC), CNNs, 335
cord injury (EMSCI), 538, 540 Feature discovery ensemble (FDE), 360 Functional connectivity measures, in
European SIESTA project, 431 Feature extraction, 468–469, 469t epilepsy
Evaluation metrics, manual automatic interpretation of EEGs, AAMI index, 260
interpretation of EEGs, 279–280 288–292, 289f, 290f, 291t correlation measures, 260
Exabytes, 3, 12 BCI system, 125–126 functional networks in brain, 259–260
Exhaustive search, features, 86 brain imaging data selection and, linear measures, 260
Exogenous infection rate, scaled SIS 28–30 methods
process, 179 defined, 29 brain electrical activity recording,
Expert mimicry ensemble (EME), 362 HEp-2 cell classification, 370–371, 261
Expression rank data, 412, 413, 413f 371f computational pipeline for signal
Bayesian top-scoring pairs, 415 topological summaries based on, data analysis, 263–265,
Bradley–Terry model, 414 218–219 264f
Bayesian inference for, 414–415 Feature ranking, 469–470 FAIR principles, 261–262
expression classification Feature reduction, 29 signal data management,
experimental results, 415–416, Feature search techniques, 86–87 261–263, 262f
415t, 416t Feature selection, 29 signal data processing, 263
top-scoring pair classifiers, 413 based topological network, 226–227 non-linear measures, 260
eXtensible Neuroimaging Archiving data-driven, 29–30 ontologies use, 267
Toolkit (XNAT—xnat.org) de novo machine learning techniques overview, 261
format, 25, 28 for miRNA prediction, performance improvement, 266–267
Extrinsic/environmental risk factors, for 398–399, 399t related work, 260
falls, 552 knowledge-driven, 29 results, 265–266, 265f
Eye, structure and basic function, 332, miRNA prediction, 388 scalable signal data processing for,
333f; see also Retinal analysis model-driven, 29 259–267
Eye movement (EYEM), EEG, 277 TBI outcome prediction, 486–487 1000 Functional Connectomes Project
Eye movements and blinks, 78 TF features for newborn EEG (FCP), 24–25
EyePACS database, 345 abnormalities detection, 85–87, Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
86f scores, 534
F feature search techniques, 86–87 Functional mobility assessments, falls,
filter methods, 86 554
Facebook, 12, 14, 116 wrapper methods, 86, 86f Functional MRI (fMRI), 22–23, 260
FAIR principles, 261–262 Federal interagency traumatic brain time series, 211
Fall detection (FD) tools, 551 injury research (FITBIR), 23, 25 Functional networks, in brain, 259–260
Fall prevention (FP), 551 Feedforward networks, 333 Functional networks modeling, via
Fall risk assessment (FRA), 551 Feig–Winograd (FW) factorization, 152 graphical models, 193–207
big data in, 572–572 Filter functions, 225 biomedical signal processing
current and emerging methods, 552 Filter methods, feature selection, 86 applications of, 207
overview, 551–552 findMiRNA algorithm, 390 change point detection, 198–199
supervised fall risk assessment Finite-element modelling (FEM), 315 copula GGMs
(SFRA) methods, 553, 553f of left ventricle, 315, 316f hidden variable copula GGMs,
non-sensor-based methods for, Fisher criterion, 86 197–198, 197f, 198f
553–554, 554f Fisher information distance, 318–319 standard copula GGMs, 196–197
sensor-based methods for, FITBIR (Federal interagency traumatic copulas and Gaussian copulas,
554–556 brain injury research), 23, 25 195–196
unsupervised FRA (UFRA), 553, 553f, fMRI, see Functional MRI (fMRI) numerical results
556–560, 557f Forward selection, 29–30 real data, 204–207, 204f–206f
new approach for, 560–572 Fourier transform matrix, 137 synthetic data, 203–204, 203t,
Falls; see also Fall risk assessment (FRA) Four-sphere head model, 93, 93f 204t
incidence, 551 Fovea, 332 open problems, and future directions,
preventive measures, 551–552 Foveation, 332 207
Index 591

overview, 193–194 Glaucoma, 339–340, 340f Hadoop DFS, 4, 5

regularization selection optic nerve head (ONH), 339, 340f Hairpin structure and sequence, of
for change point detection, 200, peripapillary atrophy (PPA), miRNA, 383–384, 383f
200f 339–340, 340f Hammersley–Clifford theorem, 181,
for graphical model inference, retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), 340, 194–195
200–203 340f HBase, 4, 5
undirected graphical models and Global cardiac magnetic resonance HCP, see Human Connectome Project
GGMs, 194–195 (CMR) registries, 314 (HCP)
Function BIRN (FBIRN) Phase II, 26 Global histogram enhancement, retinal HCUP (Healthcare Cost and Utilization
Funduscope, 330 analysis, 343–344 Project), 11
FW DCT approximations, 162–163, Global positioning systems, 9 HDF5, see Hierarchical Data Format
164t–165t GLRT, see Generalized likelihood ratio (HDF5)
test (GLRT) Healing dominant (regime I), scaled SIS
G Google, 4, 14 process, 182, 183
GoPro Hero Session camera, 567, 568f Healing rate, scaled SIS process, 179
Gabor barcodes approach, 568–571, 570f Graded redefined assessment of Health/biomedical big data, 3
Gabor function, 337 strength, sensibility and Health care
Gait analysis background, FRA and, 554 prehension (GRASSP), 535 big data in, driving factors
Galen of Pergamon, 330 Gradient algorithm, sparse signal database architecture, 13–14
Ganglion cells, 332 reconstruction with, 143–144 the HITECH Act, Meaningful
Gaussian copula(s), 195–196 Graphical models, functional networks Use, and ACOs, 12–13
Gaussian graphical models (GGMs), 194 modeling via, 193–207 big data science in
copula GGMs biomedical signal processing coordination of care, 16
hidden variable copula GGMs, applications of, 207 emergency department revisits,
197–198, 197f, 198f change point detection, 198–199 16–17
standard copula GGMs, 196–197 copula GGMs precision medicine (PM), 14–15
Hammersley–Clifford theorem, hidden variable copula GGMs, predicting disease risk, 15–16
194–195 197–198, 197f, 198f sources of data in
undirected graphical models and, standard copula GGMs, 196–197 clinical registries, 11
194–195; see also Graphical copulas and Gaussian copulas, electronic health records (EHRs),
models, functional networks 195–196 9–10
modeling via numerical results genetic data, 12
Gaussian likelihood model, 145 real data, 204–207, 204f–206f health insurance claims data, 10
Gaussian radial basis function (RBF), 30 synthetic data, 203–204, 203t, 204t patient-reported outcomes
Gauss–Markov random field (GMRF), open problems, and future directions, measures (PROM), 11
195 207 publically supported databases,
Generalized likelihood-based approach overview, 193–194 10–11
anomalous data streams detection, regularization selection sensor data, 12
58, 59 for change point detection, 200, social media, 12
Generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), 200f Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
61–63 for graphical model inference, (HCUP), 11
Generalized periodic epileptiform 200–203 Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), 10
discharges (GPED), EEGs, undirected graphical models and Health care research
276–277 GGMs, 194–195 TL applications in, 250–252;
Generalized seizures, 276 Graphic processing unit (GPU) based- see also Targeted learning (TL)
Genetic data, 12 processing, 331 Health data, secondary usage of, 524
Genetic sequencing, 9 Ground reactions, sensor-based SFRA Health insurance claims data, 9, 10
Genome-scanning data sets, de novo methods, 554–555 Health Level Seven (HL7), 522
miRNA prediction, 403–404, Guide-point modelling, 323–324 Heart Biomarker Evaluation in Apnea
403f, 404f vs. manual contouring, 324, 324f Treatment, 447
Genome-wide association studies GWASs, see Genome-wide association Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis,
(GWASs), 14–15 studies (GWASs) 451–452, 452f
Genomics, 3 Gyro sensors, 18 detrended fluctuation analysis
big data breakthroughs, 419–420, (DFA), 453
420t H frequency domain analysis,
sleep and, 458 452–453
Geometric mean (GM), 387 Hadamard transform, 156 Lempel–Ziv (LZ) complexity, 454
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), 19 Hadoop, 4, 14, 419 multiscale entropy (MSE), 453–454,
GGMs, see Gaussian graphical models Hadoop-based bioinformatics initiatives, 454f
(GGMs) 419, 420t nonlinear methods, 453–454
592 Index

sample entropy (SampEn), 453 Honolulu Asian AmericanAging Sleep ICD-10-CM, see International
time domain analysis, 452 Study, 447 Classification of Diseases,
HeMIS, see Heteromodal Image Hopcroft–Karp algorithm, for bottleneck Tenth Revision, Clinical
Segmentation (HeMIS) matchings, 221 Modification (ICD-10-CM)
Hemorrhage shock, 477 Hou algorithm, 152 ICDR, see International Clinical Diabetic
Hendrich Fall Risk Model, 553–554 Hughes phenomenon, 412 Retinopathy (ICDR)
HEp-2 cell, see Human epithelial type-2 Human brain, big data projects of, Iceland Myocardial Infarction study, 314
(HEp-2) cell 23–28 ICIP2013 data set, 370, 376–378
Hermite transform domain, 148 AD Neuroimaging Initiative, 27 ICPR2012 data set, 370, 376–378
Heterogeneity Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain ICU, see Intensive care unit (ICU)
in patients and disease subtype Injury Research, 25 IF-based approach, 91–92
classification, 39–40 1000 Functional Connectomes Project Image classification
Heteromodal Image Segmentation (FCP), 24–25 vs. DR, 361–363, 361t
(HeMIS), 302, 302f, 305–306, Human Connectome Project (HCP), comparing performances,
306f; see also Deep 23 362–363
convolutional neural networks MGH/Harvard–UCLA deep algorithms, 362
(CNNs) consortium, 24 tradtional algorithms, 361, 362t
Hidden Markov model of order n WU–Minn–Oxford consortium, Image compression
(HMM-n), 116, 116f, 117f, 118f 23–24 DCT approximations applications,
Hidden Markov models IMAGEN, 27–28 167–169, 168f, 169f–170f
automatic interpretation of EEGs, National Database for Autism IMAGEN, 27–28
292–293, 292f, 293f, 293t, 294f Research, 25–26 ImageNet, 345
Hidden variable copula GGMs SchizConnect, 26–27 Image registration (IR)
(HVCGGM), 197–198, 197f, Human Connectome Project (HCP), 23 DCT approximations applications,
198f MGH/Harvard–UCLA consortium, 169–171, 171f
copula GGMs with hidden variables, 24 DCT approximations for, 161
198, 198f WU–Minn–Oxford consortium, Image segmentation
hidden variable GGM, 197–198 23–24 biomedical, information fusion in
regularization selection for, 202–203 Human epithelial type-2 (HEp-2) cell deep CNNs for, see Biomedical
Hidden variable GGM, 197–198 classification, 369–379 image segmentation,
Hierarchical clustering, 30 adaptive distributed dictionary information fusion in deep
Hierarchical data format (HDF5), 260 learning, 372–376, 372f CNNs for
High-resolution TFDs classification results, 376–378, defined, 301
for EEG data processing, 81 377f, 377t–378t Image similarity metric, 170
multidirectional distributions, 104, combination weights selection, Independent component analysis (ICA),
105f–106f 374–376, 375f 78
selection of, 81–82 computational cost, 378, 378t Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), 369
High-resolution TF techniques, EEG data sets and evaluation methods, Individual growth curve (IGC) analysis,
signal representation using 376 542
high-resolution TFDs, 81–82 diffusion adaptation method, 374, Inertial measurement units (IMUs), 536,
multidirectional distribution (MDD), 374f 537
82–83 compressed sensing, 371–372 wearable IMUs, 558
quadratic TF distributions formula- dictionary learning, 372 Infection dominant (regime IV), scaled
tion, 80, 81t distributed dictionary learning, SIS process, 182, 183
High-risk case management (HRCM) 372–374, 373f Information fusion in deep CNNs
care coordination program, 16 experiments and results, 372–374, for biomedical image
High risk for falls assessment form, 554 373f segmentation, see Biomedical
Hilbert space, 223 feature extraction, 370–371, 371f image segmentation,
HITECH Act (Health Information overview, 369–370 information fusion in deep
Technology for Economic and sparse coding, 371 CNNs for
Clinical Health), 12–13 Human motion capture data, TDA Inherent (t, f) features, 83–85, 84f;
Hive, 4 application, 228–229 see also Time-frequency (TF)
HMMiR, 395 Human visual pathway, 334f features
Home sleep apnea testing devices Hybrid methods, 79 In-home monitors, 18
(HSATs), 445 In-home sensors, 12
Homogeneous mixing, 178 I Input data, for TDA techniques, 213
Homology; see also Persistent homology Insomnia analysis, 433–434
defined, 214 Ibn al Haytham, 330 biosignal processing and automated
Homology-based techniques ICA, see Independent component detection, case study, 434–439
for miRNAs prediction, 390 analysis (ICA) related disorders, 433–434
Index 593

Insomnia biosignal processing and International Neuroimaging Key performance indicators (KPIs),
automated detection, case Data-sharing Initiative 345–346, 346t
study, 434–439 (INDI), 24 classification, 346
Big Data Science model, International Standards for Neurological false negative (FN), 346
434–440 Classification of SCI (ISNCSCI), false positive (FP), 346
clinical data, 434, 434f, 434t 538 sensitivity (SN), 346
Inspection Internet, 3, 177 specificity (SP), 346
DCT approximations by Internet of Things (IoT), 3, 4 true negative (TN), 346
BAS series of approximations, Inter-rater agreement (IRA), manual true positive (TP), 346
158, 159t interpretation of EEGs and, KINARM exoskeleton, 535
modified RDCT, 158 277–279 KINARM robotic assessment platform,
signed SPM transform, 159 Intrinsic/patient-related risk factors, 541
SPM transform, 158–159, 159t for falls, 552 Kinect, 537
Instantaneous amplitude (IA)–based Invariants, topological, 216–218, 217f Kitab al Manazir (The Book of Optics),
features, 83 interpretation of (example), 216–218, 330
Instantaneous frequency (IF)–based 217f KLT, see Karhunen–Loève transform
features, 83 Inverse DFT matrix, 137 (KLT)
Institutional Review Board (IRB), 126 IR, see Image registration (IR) k-means clustering, 30
Integer functions Irregular-time Bayesian networks Knowledge discovery
DCT approximations based on (ITBNs), 500–501, 501f critical care/critical care units, 524
collection of, 157–158 Isometric constant, 136 Knowledge discovery and data mining
rounded DCT, 157 ISRNA (Integrative Short Reads (KDDM), 13
signed DCT, 156 Navigator), 394 Knowledge-driven feature selection, 29
Integrative short reads navigator ISTA, see Iterative soft-thresholding Known/estimated positions,
(ISRNA), 394 algorithm (ISTA) reconstruction with, 138
Intelligent assistive technologies and ITBNs, see Irregular-time Bayesian Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence-based
systems laboratory (IATSL), networks (ITBNs) approach
557 Iterative soft-thresholding algorithm anomalous data streams detection,
Intensity-based IR approach, 169–170 (ISTA), 142 58, 60–61
Intensive care unit (ICU), 465, 519
outcome, clinical physiological J L
knowledge at feature and
classifier levels integration, Jackson Heart Study (JHS), 314 Landmark points, 222
465–467 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Landscapes, persistence, 218–219
artificial neural network classifier, framework, 262, 264 Language model, BCI system, 126
470–471, 470f JPEG, 168 Laplacian density function, 145
collected data, 467, 467t JPEG-2000, 168 Laplacian eigenmaps, 5
feature extraction, 468–469, 469t JPEG-like image compression, 168–169, Large-scale data gathering strategies,
feature ranking, 469–470 168f–170f neurorehabilitation
methods, 467–471 environmental sensors, 537–538
results, 471–473, 471t–472t, 472f, K robotic rehabilitation devices, 535
473t wearable sensors, 535–537
Interactive Autism Network Kaggle dataset, 345 Large-scale practice-based evidence, in
(IAN—self-report database), 26 Karhunen–Loève transform (KLT) neurorehabilitation, 534–535
Interagency Autism Coordinating definition, 153–154 LASSO, see Least absolute selection and
Committee (IACC), 25–26 overview, 152 shrinkage operator (LASSO)
International Classification of Diseases, Kavali HUMAN Project (KHP), 14, 15 LASSO–ISTA reconstruction algorithm,
Tenth Revision, Clinical K complexes, automated analysis of 143
Modification (ICD-10-CM), 13 sleep EEG, 450 LASSO minimization, sparse signal
International Classifications of Sleep KDDM (knowledge discovery and data reconstruction, 142–143, 143f
Disorders, 433 mining), 13 Late Onset Neonatal Sepsis (LONS),
International Clinical Diabetic Kernel-based approach 528–529, 528f
Retinopathy (ICDR), 361 anomalous data streams detection, LC-MS protein data, 412, 416
grading schemes, 362t 58, 60 Bayesian inference for, 418–421, 418f,
severity levels for retinopathy and Kernel-based learning methods, 418t
risk of macular edema, 362t 223–224 optimal Bayesian classifier,
2013 International conference on image Kernel density estimation (KDE), 122, 420–421
processing, 370 224 posterior sampling via an
2012 International conference on pattern Kernel function (K), 223 ABC-MCMC procedure,
recognition, 370 Kernel trick, 222, 223 419–420
594 Index

prior calibration via ABC Longitudinal recovery modeling, unsupervised, 30, 223
rejection sampling, 418–419 neurorehabilitation and, wearable sensors using
procedure overview, 418 542–543 ML-based detection of
classification experimental results, Longitudinal TMLE (L-TMLE), 245 compensatory balance
421–422, 421t, 422f Longitudinal treatment regimes, TMLE responses using, 562–567
model for, 416–418 for, 245–246 wearable vision detection of
LDA, see Linear discriminant analysis conditional mean outcome, 246–247, environmental fall risks,
(LDA) 246f 567–572
Least absolute selection and shrinkage dynamic regimes and marginal Macroanalysis, sleep EEG, 448–450
operator (LASSO), 30, 142 structural models, 248–250 Macula, 332
algorithm, 90 two time-point example, 247–248, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
Leave-one- out CV (LOOCV), 31 248t 21–23, 148, 301
Lee DCT for power-of-two blocklengths, Long-term monitoring (LTM), 271–272 advantages, 22
152 Lossless data compression, 5 automated biventricular
Left-ventricular analysis Lossy data compression, 5 cardiovascular modelling from,
atlas-based quantification of diseased L-TMLE mapping, 246 313–324
shapes, 317–318, 319f background, 313–315, 314t
building an atlas of heart, 315–317, M congenital heart disease, 322, 322f
316f left-ventricular analysis
classification, 318–320, 320f Machine learning (ML), 5 atlas-based quantification of
finite-element model, 315, 316f active learning, see Active learning diseased shapes, 317–318,
regional analysis, 320–322, 321f, 321t (AL) 319f
signal representation of shapes, 315 algorithms, categories, 30 building an atlas of heart,
statistical analysis of shape, 317, 317f applications, 115–116 315–317, 316f
Lempel–Ziv (LZ) complexity, 454 automatic interpretation of EEGs, classification, 318–320, 320f
LeNet, 350 287–288 finite-element model, 315, 316f
Letter-by-letter typing, ERP-based BCI challenges and future directions regional analysis, 320–322, 321f,
for, 124–125, 124f heterogeneity in patients 321t
AUC values, 126–127 and disease subtype signal representation of shapes,
presentation component, 124–125 classification, 39–40 315
probability of phrase completion multimodal data fusion, 40, 41 statistical analysis of shape, 317,
(PPC), 126 overfitting, 36, 39 317f
total typing duration (TTD), 126 translation to real clinical utility, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 22
Level 1 DCT approximation, 161–162 41–42 functional MRI (fMRI), 22–23
Linear CNNs, 353 classifiers, 30–31 overview, 21–22
Linear correlation measures, functional literature, 29 signal types, 22–23
connectivity analysis, 260 for structural and functional imaging structural MRI (sMRI), 22
Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), 5, data, 28–36 yearly scans in United States, 301,
30, 125, 421 commonly used classifiers, 30–31 302f
Linear support vector machines feature extraction and brain Magnetoencephalography (MEG), 24
(LSVMs), 421 imaging data selection, Major depressive disorder (MDD), 32
LinkedIn, 12, 14, 116 28–30 Manual contouring, guide-point
Liquid-chromatography mass- neurological and psychiatric modelling vs., 324, 324f
spectromic (LC-MS) protein diseases diagnostic Manual interpretation, of EEGs
expression data, see LC-MS predictions, 32–36, 33t–36t, annotations, 276–277, 278f
protein data 37t–39t, 40t, 41t decision support systems, 280, 281f
Local binary patterns (LBPs), 370 performance evaluation and evaluation metrics, 279–280
Local histogram enhancement, retinal pattern interpretation, 31–32 inter-rater agreement, 277–279
analysis, 344 statistical comparison vs. machine locality, 276
Locality, manual interpretation of EEGs learning classification, 28 signal conditioning, 275–276
and, 276 supervised, 30, 223 unbalanced data problem, 280–282
Localized RNFL defects, 340, 340f TBI outcome prediction, 485–486 waveform displays, 273–275, 275f
Locally linear embedding, 5 feature selection, 486–487 Mapper algorithm pipeline, 224–225,
Local receptive field, 303 performance metrics, 487–488, 225f
Loeffler algorithm, 152 489f MapReduce, 4–5, 14
Logical Observation Identifiers Names topological, 222 Marginal mean outcome estimation
and Codes (LOINC), 13 topological kernel and kernel- under missingness, TMLE for,
LOINC, see Logical Observation based learning methods, 241–243, 242f
Identifiers Names and Codes 223–224 Marginal structural models (MSMs),
(LOINC) traditional algorithms, 223 TMLE, 248–250
Index 595

Markov random field (MRF), 194 Speeded Up Robust Features MiPred, 395
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, (SURF) algorithm, 357, 359 miRanalyzer, 392
24 superpixel sampling, 356 miRCat algorithm, 393
MAs, see Microaneurysms (MAs) traditional methods, 354–356, MIRcheck algorithm, 390
Master–slave architecture, 4 355f miRDeep*, 391, 392–393
Matched-filtering techniques, 352 visual word dictionary methods, miRDeep2 miRNA prediction algorithm,
Matching pursuit (MP) approach, 138 357 384, 392, 394–395
norm-zero-based MP reconstruction Waikato Microaneurysm limitations, 396
algorithm, 139 Detector, 354 pre-processing step, 395
MATLAB programming, 157 Microelectromechanical (MEM) scoring parameters, 396
Matrices, big sparse signals accelerometers, 18 steps, 395–396
reconstruction, 137 MicroHARVESTER, 390 miRDeep-P, 392
Matrix decomposition-based features, MicroRNAs (miRNAs) miRdentify, 393
83 biology, 383–384, 383f MIREAP algorithm, 395
Matrix presentation, BCI system, 123 experimental determination through miREvo, 393–394
experimental results and discussions sequencing, 384, 385f miRExpress algorithm, 392
with overlapping trials, 127–128, future research directions, 404–405 MiRGator v3.0, 394
128f genome-scanning data sets, 403–404, MiRMiner, 392
with single-character trials, 129, 403f, 404f MIRPIPE, 393
129f lack of prevalence-corrected MiRPlex, 392, 393
Matrix theory, 136 reporting, 401–402 MiRscan, 390
Maturation-based abnormalities, of as non-coding RNA (ncRNA), 383 miRspring, 394
newborn, 77 overview, 381–383 mirTools, 2.0, 394
Maximal marginal diversity (MMD), 86 pattern classification model, 385, 386f miRTRAP, 392
Maximum mean discrepancy (MMD), 60 class imbalance correction, Missing outcomes, point treatment effect
Maximum relevance, 86 388–389 estimation and, 244
Max-pooling, deep CNNs, 305 feature selection, 388 Mixed National Institute of Standards
MCA, see Morphological component model selection, 389 and Technology database
analysis (MCA) model training, 389–390 (MNIST), 331, 345
MCICShare project, 27 performance estimation, 385–388, ML, see Machine learning (ML)
McKinsey Global Institute in, 2011, 3 388f MMD, see Maximum mean discrepancy
MDD, see Major depressive disorder prediction pipeline, 390 (MMD)
(MDD) training and testing data Model-based approaches, 302, 352
Mean embedding, 60 selection, 388 Model-driven feature selection, 29
Meaningful Use training and testing data splitting, Modified early warning scoring
defined, 13 389 (MEWS), 460
goal of, 13 predictors failures, 402–403, 403f Modified RDCT (MRDCT), 158
Mean square error (MSE) redundancy in feature sets, 400–401, Monte Carlo simulations, 126, 127
DCT approximations, 166 401f Morphological component analysis
Measurement matrices, big sparse SMOTE class imbalance correction (MCA), 78, 79
signals reconstruction, 137 method, 402, 402f Morphology tracking methods, 352
Medical expenditure panel (MEP) state of the art computational Morse Fall Scale, 553
survey, 11 techniques, 390–400 Mortality Probability Models (MPM),
Medicare, 10 de novo miRNA prediction, 460
Medicare Claims Public Use File, 10 396–400, 398t Most-probable configuration problem
Megapixels, 348 NGS-based miRNA prediction, (MPCP), 183
MEP (medical expenditure panel) 391–396, 391t scaled SIS process, 183
survey, 11 previous assessments, 400, 400t Motion detectors, 12
Messidor database, 345 Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 27, 32 Motor Power Score, 535
MGH/Harvard–UCLA consortium, 24 neuroimaging-based machine Motor Status Score, 535
Microaneurysms (MAs), 338 learning classification of, MP reconstruction algorithm,
detection algorithms, 354 33t–36t norm-zero-based, 139
deep expert mimicry, 359 Mimicry, in retinal analysis, 341–342, MRI, see Magnetic resonance imaging
deep feature discovery, 360 342f (MRI)
deep learning approach, 356–357, expert mimicry ensemble (EME), 362 MSE, see Mean square error (MSE)
358f Mind Clinical Imaging Consortium MSGC dataset, 307
multiple-kernel learner (MKL), (MCICShare), 26 Multi-atlas approaches, 301–302
359 Mini-batch preparation, 348 Multichannel CNNs, 353
performance comparisons, 357, Minimum redundancy, 86 Multi-class relevance units machine
359–363, 359t, 361t, 362t Mini-Sentinel, 10 (McRUM), 392
596 Index

Multidirectional distribution (MDD), NEO format, see Neuroscience Neuropsychiatric disorders

82–83 Electrophysiology Object machine learning-based diagnostic
Multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (NEO) format predictions of, 32–36, 33t–36t,
(MESA), 313–314, 315 Neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), 37t–39t, 40t, 41t
Multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis- 519, 526 Neurorehabilitation
sleep study, 447 Neonatal multichannel non-stationary big data approaches, 538
Multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), 333 EEG and artefacts, 90 challenges, 544
Multimodal data fusion assumptions and functionality of examples, 538–541, 539t–540t
machine learning and, 40, 41 model, 97–98, 98f, 99f improvements, 543–544
Multi-modality imaging, 301–302 EEG multichannel propagation, longitudinal recovery modeling,
model-based approaches, 302 93–98, 94f 542–543
multi-atlas approaches, 301–302 four-sphere head model, 93, 93f nonlinear modeling, 541–542
Multiple-kernel learner (MKL), 359 IF-based approach, 91–92 large-scale data gathering strategies
Multiscale entropy (MSE), 453–454, 454f model validation, 98, 99f environmental sensors, 537–538
Multi-voxel pattern analyses, 28 multichannel attenuation matrix, 95 robotic rehabilitation devices,
Muscle artefacts, 78 multichannel background and 535
MyApnea.Org, 459 seizure patterns generation, wearable sensors, 535–537
MyCarePath, 16 96–97, 97f large-scale practice-based evidence
multichannel path lengths, solving, need, 534–535
N 96, 96f objective, 533
multichannel translation matrix overview, 533–534
Naïve Bayes classifiers, complex TAs modelling, 95 of upper limb through big data,
and, 508–513 newborn head model, 92–93 533–544, 534f
extraction, 509, 509f newborn mono-channel non- Neuroscience Electrophysiology Object
imbalanced data and overlapping stationary EEG modelling, (NEO) format, 260
classes, 511–512 90–91 Newborn EEG abnormalities
most frequent temporal association quality measure, 98–100 amplitude-based, 77
patterns extraction, 510–511 Netflix, 116, 223 asymmetric/asynchronous-based, 77
periodic classifiers vs. baseline Networks, 177; see also Complex discontinuity-based, 77
classifier, performance, networks, dynamic EEG seizures, 77
512–513, 513t processes on features for detecting, 79
using periodic temporal association Networks of probabilistic events in time spectral features, 79
patterns, 510, 512f (NPEDT), 499, 500f temporal features, 79
Narcolepsy, 444 Neurodevelopmental outcomes, EEG TF features, 79
National Cancer Institute, 14 and, 76–77 TS features, 79
National Center for Health Statistics Neuroelectrophysiology frequency-based, 77
(NCHS), CDC’s, 10, 11 big data breakthroughs, 431–434 maturation-based, 77
National Database for Autism Research insomnia analysis and related sleep state-based, 77
(NDAR), 23, 25–26 disorders, 433–434 TF matched filter approach for
The Global Unique Identifier (GUID), sleep analysis, 431–433, 432f detection, 88–89, 88f
26 Neuroimaging, 3 transient-based, 77
National Institute of Child Health and big data breakthroughs, 430–431, Newborn head model, 92–93
Human Development 431t Next-generation sequencing
(NICHD), 25 BRAIN initiative, 430–431, 431t (NGS-based) miRNA
National Institute of Environmental Neuroimaging data prediction, 382, 390, 391–396,
Health Sciences (NIEHS), 25 classifiers used in, 30–31 391t, 411, 419
National Institute of Neurological multimodal data fusion, 40–41 categories, 391, 391t
Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), selection of, feature extraction and, experimental determination, 384,
25, 477 28–30; see also Machine learning 385f
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 14, Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and experiments for miRNA discovery in
23, 25, 40, 419, 444 Resources Clearinghouse species of interest, 394–395
Clinical and Translation Science (NITRC), 24 miRDeep2 miRNA classification
Award (CTSA) program, 10 Neurological ICUs, 519 pipeline analysis, 395–396
registries, 11 Neuromorphometry by Computer small RNA (sRNA), 384
National Sleep Research Resource Algorithm Chicago sRNA data set pipelines, 393–394,
(NSRR), 444 (NMorphCH), 27 394t
publicly available sleep data sets, 447 Neurons, 261, 331–332 Neyman–Rubin counterfactual
tools, 447–448 in visual cortex process images, 332, framework, 237
National Spinal Cord Injury Database 333f n-fold cross-validation (CV), 31
(NSCID), 542 visual inputs, 332, 333f n-homology, of simplicial complex, 218
Index 597

NICUs, see Neonatal intensive care units NPEDT, see Networks of probabilistic Parameter regimes, scaled SIS process,
(NICUs) events in time (NPEDT) 181–182, 181t
Niedermeyer’s Electroencephalography, NPSEM, see Non-parametric structural endogenous infection dominant,
261 equation model (NPSEM) 182
NIH Study of Normal Brain NU_REDCap, 27 exogenous infection dominant,
Development, 26 Nyquist rate, 5 182
Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, 444 Nyquist sampling theorem, 5 healing dominant, 182
Noise reduction, 344 Nyquist theorem, 5 infection dominant, 182
Non-linear activation function, 304–305, Parametric BAS, 162
305f O Parametric DCT approximations
Non-linear measures, functional FW class of, 162–163, 164t–165t
connectivity analysis, 260 OASIS (Outcome and Assessment level 1 approximation, 161–162
Nonlinear methods Information Set), 10 parametric BAS, 162
HRV analysis, 453–454 Obama, Barack, 13, 14 Parametric models
Nonlinear mixed effects (NLME) models, Objective functions, for query anomalous data streams
542 optimization detection of existence, 61–62
Nonlinear modeling Active-RBSE inference framework, identification, 64–65
neurorehabilitation data sets, 541–542 120–122 Partial (focal) seizures, 276
Non-negative matrix factorization proposed graphical model, Pathology discovery, with
(NMF), 83 121–122 sparsity-enhanced sensitivity
Nonparametric approaches/models Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 455 criterion, 360
anomalous data streams OCT, see Optical coherence tomography Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
detection of existence of, 63–64 (OCT) Institute (PCORI), 11
generalized likelihood-based One-dimensional (1-D) DCT transform, Patient-powered research networks
approach, 59 154 (PPRNs), 11
identification of, 67–70 ONH, see Optic nerve head (ONH) Patient-reported outcomes measures
kernel-based approach, 60 Operational taxonomic units (OTUs), (PROM), 9, 11
KL divergence-based approach, 423 defined, 11
60–61 Ophthalmology roles, 11
Non-parametric structural equation defined, 330 Pattern classification model, miRNA
model (NPSEM), 237 history, 330 prediction, 385, 386f
Nonproliferative DR (NPDR), 338 retinal analysis, see Retinal analysis, class imbalance correction,
Non rapid eye movement (NREM), 433 deep learning for 388–389
Non-sensor-based SFRA methods, Ophthalmoscope, 330 feature selection, 388
553–554, 554f Optical coherence tomography (OCT), model selection, 389
comprehensive medical assessments, 330 model training, 389–390
553 retina crosssection, 334f performance estimation, 385–388,
functional mobility assessments, 554 Optic nerve head (ONH), 339, 340f 388f
screening and questionnaire-based Optimal Bayesian classifier (OBC) prediction pipeline, 390
assessments, 553–554 approach, 412, 413, 420–421 training and testing data selection,
Nonstationarity, 211 OptumLabs™, 10 388
Norm-one-based reconstruction Outcome and assessment information training and testing data splitting,
algorithms, 141–145, 141f set (OASIS), 10 389
LASSO minimization, 142–143, 143f Outcomes of Sleep Disorders in Older training pipeline for, 386f
signal reconstruction with gradient Men Study (MrOS Sleep PBE, see Practice-based evidence (PBE)
algorithm, 143–144 Study), 447 PCA, see Principal component analysis
total variations, 144–145 Overfitting, 412 (PCA), see Principal
Norm-zero-based reconstruction, machine learning and, 36, 39 components analysis (PCA)
137–141 SL algorithm, 238 PCORI, see Patient-Centered Outcomes
block and one-step reconstruction, Overlapping trials, matrix-based Research Institute (PCORI)
139–141 presentation paradigm with, Peaking phenomenon, 412
coherence, 139 BCI system, 127–128, 128f Performance; see also Key performance
CoSaMP reconstruction algorithm, Overlapping windowing, 212 indicators (KPIs)
140–141 Oximetry, 445 diabetic retinopathy vs. image
with known/estimated positions, 138 classification, 361–363, 361t
MP reconstruction algorithm, 139 P deep algorithms, 362
position estimation and, 138–139 tradtional algorithms, 361, 362t
Northwestern University Schizophrenia Pandora, 116 evaluation, 347–348
Data and Software Tool Parallel/distributed data processing, pixel based (pixel level), 347
(NUSDAST), 26 4–5 region based (pixel level), 347
598 Index

retinal vessel segmentation vs. pixel Pipeline (workflow) Pressure-sensitive insoles, 558–559
classification, 350, 352t, defined, 210 Primary miRNA (pri-miRNA), 383
353–354 time-series TDA processing pipeline, Principal component analysis (PCA), 5,
deep algorithms, 352–353 210, 211f 223, 317
traditional algorithms, 350, 352 biomedical time-series data, Principal components analysis (PCA), 79
vs. accuracy, CAD system, 345–347 210–211, 212f Probabilistic graphical model (PGM),
Performance estimation data segmentation, 211–213, 213f 116–118, 117f, 118f
pattern classification model of input data for, 213 Probability density functions (PDFs),
miRNA prediction, 385–388, Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA), 392 126, 195, 318
388f Pixel based (pixel level) performance class-conditional, 122
Performance measures evaluation, 347 Probability mass function (PMF), 180
DCT approximations, 163, 165–166 Pixel-based retinal vessel segmentation, Probability of phrase completion (PPC),
mean square error, 166 traditional, 348, 349f 126, 127
total error energy, 165 Pixel-level classification system Procrustes alignment, 315
transform distortion, 163 performance evaluation, 347–348 Project executive committee (PEC), 28
transform efficiency, 166 pixel based (pixel level), 347 Proliferative DR (PDR), 338
unified transform coding gain, region based (pixel level), 347 PROM, see Patient-reported outcomes
166 Pixel sampling, 348–350, 349f measures (PROM)
Performance metrics mini-batch preparation, 348 Propensity to succeed (PTS) scores, 16
TBI outcome prediction, 487–488, random, 348 Proposed objective function, 121–122
489f regional, 348, 350 Prospective Observational Multicenter
Periodic lateralized epileptiform retinal morphology segmentation, Major Trauma Transfusion
discharges (PLED), EEGs, 348–354 study, 250
276 stratified, 348 Protein abundance roll-up, 417
Periodic limb movements, 444 PM, see Precision medicine (PM) Pruned exact linear time (PELT) method,
Peripapillary atrophy (PPA), 339–340, POC (point-of-care) lab testing, 18 194
340f Point cloud, 213 Pseudo-curriculum training procedure,
Persistence diagram, 216 Point-of-care (POC) lab testing, 18 deep CNNs, 306–307
Persistence landscapes, 218–219 Point treatment effect estimation, TMLE Psychiatric diseases
Persistent entropy, 219 for, 243–244 machine learning-based diagnostic
Persistent homology continuous outcomes, 245 predictions of, 32–36, 33t–36t,
defined, 214, 218 missing outcomes, 244 37t–39t, 40t, 41t
TDA and, 214 near violations of positivity Publically supported databases, 10–11
auction algorithm for Wasserstein assumption, 244–245
distance, 221 variable importance, 245 Q
bottleneck matching, 221 Polysomnography (PSG) signals, 444,
complexity of simplicial complex 447 Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA),
constructions and, 221–222 Pooling layer (PL), CNNs, 335 125, 126
feature extraction–based topo- Position estimation, reconstruction and, Quadratic TF distribution (QTFD),
logical summaries, 138–139 formulation of, 80, 81t
218–219 Positron emission tomography (PET), 27, Quantified self-movement, defined, 18
mathematical formalism, 218 148 Quantitative EEG (qEEG), 279
properties, 219–222 Posterior probability mass function
simplicial complexes, 214–216, (PMF), 117 R
214f–216f Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Outcomes
stability of, 219–221, 220f Project (PSROP), 534, 538 Radio frequency (RF) imaging
topological invariants, 216–218, Posturography, 555 DCT approximations for, 160
217f PPA, see Peripapillary atrophy (PPA) Random forest (RFs), 566
Personal health records, 10 Practice-based evidence (PBE) Randomized control trial (RCT), 245,
Philips IntelliVue MP70 neonatal large-scale, in neurorehabilitation, 534
monitors, 526 534–535 Random pixel sampling, 348
Photoplethysmography (PPG), 455 Precision (Pr), 387 Random RSVP, 127
Photoreceptors, 332 Precision medicine (PM), 14–15, 445, Rapid eye movement (REM), 444
Phototransduction, 332 458–459 Rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP),
PhysioNet, 447 goal of, 458 BCI system, 123–124
Picture archiving and communication Precision medicine initiative (PMI), 14 active RSVP (ARSVP), 127
system (PACS) database, 316 Pre-clinical remodelling, 314–315 experimental results and discussions,
Piecewise linear frequency modulated Precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA), 383 127, 127f
(LFM) model, 82 Predictive models, disease risk, 15–16 random RSVP, 127
Pig, 4 Preprocessing pipeline, 211 RDCT, see Rounded DCT (RDCT)
Index 599

Real clinical utility, machine learning- Regularization selection superpixel sampling, 356
based neuroimaging studies, for change point detection, 200, 200f traditional methods, 354–356,
41–42 for graphical model inference, 355f
Real-time analytics 200–203 neurons, 331–332
critical care/critical care units, Regularized discriminant analysis performance comparison (vessel
522–523 (RDA), 125–126 segmentation and pixel
Real trauma center, data from, 478 Rehabilitation robotics, 535 classification), 350, 352t,
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) Reinforcement learning, 5 353–354
curve, 31–32, 387–388, 388f ReJoyce telerehabilitation robot, 535 deep algorithms, 352–353
CAD system, 346–347, 347f Relevance vector machine (RVM) traditional algorithms, 350, 352
Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) approach, 145 pixel sampling, 348–350, 349f
analysis, 86 Reproducing kernel Hilbert space recurrent neural networks, 337
Reconstruction of big sparse signals (RKHS), 60 retinal morphology segmentation,
Bayesian-based reconstruction, Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI), 350
145–148, 147f 553 traditional retinal segmentation,
biomedical signal processing Resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI), 24 348
applications of, 148 Restricted Boltzmann machines visual inputs, 332, 333f
compressive sensing methods for, (RBMs), 31 Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), 340,
133–149 Retina 340f
conditions for, 135–136 anatomy, 332, 333f Retinopathy of prematurity (RoP), 529
definitions, 134–137 diseases of, 337–338 Reverse transcription polymerase chain
measurement matrices, 137 diabetic retinopathy (DR), reaction (RT-PCR), 395
norm-one-based reconstruction 338–339, 338f, 339f RF imaging, see Radio frequency (RF)
algorithms, 141–145, 141f glaucoma, 339–340, 340f imaging
LASSO minimization, 142–143, OCT crosssection, 334f Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry
143f Retinal analysis, deep learning for, (RHSCIR), 540
signal reconstruction with 329–363 Rips–Vietoris complex, 214–215, 215f,
gradient algorithm, Adam optimization, 350, 351f 222
143–144 background and context, 330–331 Risk factors, for falls, 552–553, 552f
total variations, 144–145 computer-aided diagnostics (CAD), Risk function, 59
norm-zero-based reconstruction, 340–341 RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC),
137–141 Canny edge detectors, 344 384
block and one-step data sets, 345 RNFL, see Retinal nerve fibre layer
reconstruction, 139–141 feature discovery, 342–343 (RNFL)
coherence, 139 global histogram enhancement, RNNs, see Recurrent neural networks
CoSaMP reconstruction 343–344 (RNNs)
algorithm, 140–141 image processing fundamentals, Robotic rehabilitation devices, 535
with known/estimated positions, 343–345 Rounded DCT (RDCT), 157
138 local histogram enhancement, 344 and SDCT, collection of, 157–158
MP reconstruction Algorithm, mimicking experts, 341–342, 342f Royal Melbourne Hospital Risk
139 performance evaluation, 347–348 Assessment Tool, 554
position estimation and, performance vs. accuracy,
138–139 345–347, 346f, 346t, 347f S
open problems and future directions, superresolution techniques, 344
148–149 traditional CAD of retinal images, SAE, see Stacked auto-encoders (SAE)
overview, 133–134 343 Saliency, 332
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs), 331, watershed methods, 344–345 Sample entropy (SampEn), 453
335 deep feedforward networks, 333–337, SBS, see Sequential backward selection
vs. CNNs, 337 335f–336f (SBS)
Recursive feature elimination (RFE), diseases of retina, 337–338 Scalable signal data processing, for
29–30 diabetic retinopathy (DR), functional connectivity
Reduced interference TFDs (RI-TFDs), 80 338–339, 338f, 339f measurement in epilepsy,
Regional analysis, left-ventricle, 320–322, glaucoma, 339–340, 340f 259–267
321f, 321t Gabor functions, 337 AAMI index, 260
Regional pixel sampling, 348, 350 microaneurysm detection algorithms, accurate measurement of signal
Region based (pixel level) performance 354 correlation, 266
evaluation, 347 deep learning approach, 356–357, correlation measures, 260
Registry, defined, 11; see also Clinical 358f functional networks in brain,
registries performance comparisons, 357, 259–260
Regularization, 125, 126 359–363, 359t, 361t, 362t linear measures, 260
600 Index

methods Schizophrenia (SZ), 25 Service based Multidimensional

brain electrical activity recording, neuroimaging-based machine Temporal Data Mining
261 learning classification of, (STDMn0), 525
computational pipeline for signal 37t–38t 72-hour ED revisits, 16–17
data analysis, 263–265, 264f SCIRehab study, 534, 538 SFFS, see Sequential forward floating
FAIR principles, 261–262 Screening and questionnaire-based selection (SFFS)
signal data management, assessments, falls, 553–554 SFRA methods, see Supervised fall risk
261–263, 262f SDCT, see Signed DCT (SDCT) assessment (SFRA) methods
signal data processing, 263 SDNN index, 452 SFS, see Sequential forward selection
non-linear measures, 260 Searchlight, 30 (SFS)
ontologies use, 267 Secondary usage of health data, 524 Shannon–Nyquist sampling theorem,
overview, 261 Segmentation of data, TDA and, 371
performance improvement, 211–213, 213f SHIMMER (Sensing Health with
266–267 Seizures, 260; see also Epilepsy/epileptic Intelligence, Modularity,
related work, 260 disorders Mobility, and Experimental
results, 265–266, 265f detection, automatic interpretation of Reusability) wearable sensors,
Scaled susceptible-infected-suceptible EEGs and, 295–296 556f, 562, 563f
(SIS) process, 178–179, 179f, generalized, 276 Short oligonucleotide alignment
180f newborn EEG abnormalities, 77 program (SOAP), 395
configuration, 178 detection results, 101–102 Short Physical Performance Battery
continuous-time Markov process, multichannel patterns generation, (SPPB), 557
179–180 96–97, 97f Short-time Fourier transform (STFT),
dynamics rules, 178–179 partial (focal), 276 148, 449
endogenous infection dominant scalp EEG during; see also Functional Shrinkage, defined, 125
(regime II), 182, 183–184 networks modeling, via SickKids, 526
equilibrium distribution and graphical models SID (State Inpatient Database), 11
induced subgraphs, real data, 204–207, 204f–206f SIGFRIED methodology, 228
184–185, 184f synthetic data (non-Gaussian Signal conditioning, manual
most-probable configuration and data), 203–204, 203t, 204t interpretation of EEGs and,
densest subgraph, 186 Selective sampling 9-layer linear CNN 275–276
most-probable configuration and (SSCNN) method, 359 Signal processing, see Biomedical signal
induced subgraphs, Semiparametric models processing
185–186 anomalous data streams Signal types, MRI, 22–23
endogenous infection rate, 179 detection of existence, 62–63 Signed DCT (SDCT), 153, 156, 157
equilibrium distribution, 180–181 identification, 65–67, 66f and RDCT, collection of, 157–158
exogenous infection dominant Senapati, Pati, and Mahapatra (SPM) Signed SPM transform, 159
(regime III), 182, 187–189 transform, 158–159, 159t Simplicial complexes, persistent
exogenous infection rate, 179 Sensitivity (SN), 346, 387 homology, 214–216, 214f–216f
healing dominant (regime I), 182, Sensitivity criterion, pathology Cech and Rips–Vietoris complexes,
183 discovery with, 360 214–215, 215f
healing rate, 179 Sensor-based SFRA methods, chain complex, 218
infection dominant (regime IV), 182, 554–556 clique complex, 215–216, 215f, 216f
183 gait analysis background, 554 complexity of constructions, 221–222
MPCP, 183 ground reactions, 554–555 n-homology of, 218
parameter regimes, 181–182, 181t posturography, 555 topological invariants of, 216–218,
endogenous infection dominant, wearable surface electromyography, 217f
182 555–556, 556f Simplification, topological, 224–227, 225f
exogenous infection dominant, Sensor-based UFRA, 5556 cluster analysis–based topological
182 Sensor data, 9, 12 network, 226
healing dominant, 182 Sensors, 3, 12 feature selection-based topological
infection dominant, 182 Sentiment analysis, 12 network, 226–227
topology-dependent process, 181 Sequencing, miRNAs determination, Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAP,
topology-independent process, 181 384, 385f SAP-II), 250, 460
Scalp EEG, during seizures; Sequential backward selection (SBS), Single-character trials, matrix-based
see also Functional networks 86–87 presentation paradigm with,
modeling, via graphical models Sequential forward floating selection BCI system, 129, 129f
real data, 204–207, 204f–206f (SFFS), 87 Single-nucleotide polymorphisms
synthetic data (non-Gaussian data), Sequential forward selection (SFS), 86 (SNPs), 15, 419
203–204, 203t, 204t Sequential Organ Failure (SOFA) score, Sklar’s theorem, 195–196
SchizConnect, 26–27 460 SL, see Super learning (SL)
Index 601

Sleep, defined, 444 Sleep state-based abnormalities, of sRNA data set pipelines, 393–394,
Sleep analysis, 431–433, 432f newborn, 77 394t
Sleep data, 444–445, 444f Sliding Windows and 1-Dimensional 16S rRNA sequencing metagenomic
harmonization, 457–458 Persistence Scoring (SW1PerS), data, 412–413, 422–424
manual vs. automatic methods, 446 213 Bayesian inference for, 423
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), 444 Slow waves sleep (SWS), 433 classification experimental results,
Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS), Small RNA (sRNA) NGS experiments, 424t, 4234
447 384 Dirichlet-multinomial–Poisson
Sleep medicine, automated processing of Smart infusion pumps (SIPs), 521 model for, 423
big data in, 443–459 Smart medical devices model for, 423, 423f
analysis approaches, 446–447, 447f activity monitors, 18 Stability, of of persistent homology,
big data approach, 445–446 big data and, 17–19 219–221, 220f
cardiorespiratory measures computer algorithms, 18–19 Stability surface (SS) method, 202–203
apnea detection from airflow electronic stethoscopes, 17–18 Stacked auto-encoders (SAE), 31
signals, 454–455 in-home monitors, 18 Standard copula GGMs, 196–197
apnea detection from PPG point-of-care (POC) lab testing, 18 regularization selection for, 201–202,
analysis, 455 Smartphone-based ophthalmology, 201f
cardiopulmonary coupling, 330 Standard deviation of the NN intervals
455–456, 456f Smart search algorithms, 86–87 (SDNN), 452
snoring sounds, 455 S-method (SM), 81 Standard Diabetic Retinopathy Database
challenges and needs Smith–Waterman algorithm, 392 (Diaret), 345
data harmonization, 457–458 SMOTE, see Synthetic minority Standardized terminologies, 13
noise, artifacts, and missing data, oversampling technique STARE (Structured Analysis of the
456–457, 457f (SMOTE) Retina) database, 345
EEG, 448 SMOTE class imbalance correction, 402, State Inpatient Database (SID), 11
arousals, 450–451 402f Stationarity, defined, 211
automatic sleep staging, SNOMED-CT, see Systematized Statistical analysis of shape, left-
449–450 Nomenclature of Medicine— ventricle, 317, 317f
K complexes, 450 Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) Statistical comparison vs. machine
macroanalysis, 448–450 Snoring sounds, 455 learning classification, 28
spectral analysis, 448–449 SNPs, see Single-nucleotide Steady-state free precession (SSFP)
spindles, 450, 451t polymorphisms (SNPs) imaging, 317
time-frequency and time-scale SoapSNP, 419 Stereotactic electroencephalography
approaches, 449, 449f Social media, 3, 4 (SEEG), 261
transient events detection, data sources in health care, Stratified pixel sampling, 348
450–451 9, 12 STRATIFY, 553, 554
emerging applications Soft-thresholding rule, 142 Stroke, 533
genomics and sleep, 458 Southern Ontario Smart Computing Structural and functional imaging data
precision medicine and other Innovation Platform (SOSCIP), machine learning for, 28–36
applications, 458–459 527 commonly used classifiers,
heart rate variability analysis, Spark, 5 30–31
451–452, 452f Sparse coding, dictionary learning and, feature extraction and brain
detrended fluctuation analysis 371 imaging data selection,
(DFA), 453 Specificity (SP), 346, 387 28–30
frequency domain analysis, Spectral analysis, automated analysis of neurological and psychiatric
452–453 sleep EEG, 448–449 diseases diagnostic
Lempel–Ziv (LZ) complexity, 454 Spectral features, newborn EEG predictions, 32–36, 33t–36t,
multiscale entropy (MSE), abnormalities detection, 79 37t–39t, 40t, 41t
453–454, 454f Speeded up robust features (SURF) performance evaluation and
nonlinear methods, 453–454 algorithm, 357, 359 pattern interpretation,
sample entropy (SampEn), 453 Spike and/or sharp wave (SPSW), EEGs, 31–32
time domain analysis, 452 276 statistical comparison vs. machine
manual vs. automatic methods, 446 Spinal Cord Independence Measure III learning classification, 28
National Sleep Research Resource (SCIM), 535 Structural MRI (sMRI), 22, 27
(NSRR) Spinal cord injury (SCI), 533 Structural networks, brain, 259
publicly available sleep data sets, Spindles, automated analysis of sleep Structured analysis of the retina (STARE)
447 EEG, 450, 451t database, 345
tools, 447–448 SPM (Senapati, Pati, and Mahapatra) Structured query language (SQL)
research goals, 445 transform, 158–159, 159t searches, 13, 14
sleep data, 444–445, 444f Spotify, 116 Study of osteoporotic fractures, 447
602 Index

Submodular-monotone set functions overview, 235–236 entropy and, 484–485

Active-RBSE inference framework, super learning, 237–240 variability and, 481–483, 482f,
119–120 algorithm, 238 483f
definitions, 119, 120 cross-validation, 238 machine learning framework and
discrete derivative, 119 discrete SL, 238 applications, 485–486
for set optimization problems, overfitting, 238 feature selection, 486–487
119–120 overview, 237–238 performance metrics, 487–488,
theorem, 119–120 in practice, 238–239 489f
SuperLearner, 237, 238 reproducible research, 239–240 overview, 477–478
Super learning (SL), 235, 237–240 SuperLearner, 237, 238 TDA, see Topological data analysis
algorithm, 238 verifiability, 240 (TDA)
cross-validation, 238 targeted minimum loss-based TechAmerica Foundation, 115
discrete SL, 238 estimation, 240–250; Technological challenges, 3–5
health care research applications of, see also Targeted minimum analytics, 5
250–251 loss-based estimation (TMLE) data quality, 4
overfitting, 238 Targeted minimum loss-based data storage/compression/
overview, 237–238 estimation (TMLE), 235, sampling, 5
in practice, 238–239 240–250 data variety, 4
reproducible research, 239–240 collaborative TMLE (C-TMLE), parallel/distributed data processing,
SuperLearner, 237, 238 244–245 4–5
and TMLE, combination of, 250 double robustness (DR), 240 Temporal abstractions (TAs), 494
verifiability, 240 health care research applications of, Bayesian networks and time,
Superpixel sampling, MAs detection, 356 250–251 496–501, 497f, 501t
sampling with foveation, 356 longitudinal TMLE (L-TMLE), 245 continuous-time Bayesian
selective sampling, 356 for longitudinal treatment regimes, networks (CTBNs),
Superresolution techniques, retinal 245–246 499–500, 500f
analysis, 344 conditional mean outcome, dynamic Bayesian networks
Supervised fall risk assessment (SFRA) 246–247, 246f (DBN), 497–499, 498f
methods, 553, 553f dynamic regimes and marginal irregular-time Bayesian networks
non-sensor-based methods for, structural models, 248–250 (ITBNs), 500–501, 501f
553–554, 554f two time-point example, 247–248, networks of probabilistic events
sensor-based methods for, 554–556 248t in time (NPEDT), 499,
Supervised learning, 30, 223 for marginal mean outcome 500f
Support vector machines (SVMs), 29, estimation under missingness, biomedical signal processing
223, 370, 389 241–243, 242f applications of, 513
SVMs, see Support vector machines overview, 240–241 clinical domain of CHD (test bed data
(SVMs) for point treatment effect estimation, set), 502–503
The Swedish CArdioPulmonary 243–244 complex, incorporation in naïve
BioImage Study (SCAPIS), 314 continuous outcomes, 245 Bayes classifiers, 508–513
SW1PerS (Sliding Windows and missing outcomes, 244 extraction, 509, 509f
1-Dimensional Persistence near violations of positivity imbalanced data and overlapping
Scoring), 213 assumption, 244–245 classes, 511–512
Synthesis, complex systems, 177 variable importance, 245 most frequent temporal
Synthetic minority oversampling and SL, combination of, 250 association patterns
technique (SMOTE), 389 stages, 240–241 extraction, 510–511
Systematized Nomenclature TAs, see Temporal abstractions (TAs) periodic classifiers vs. baseline
of Medicine—Clinical Terms Task-evoked fMRI, 24 classifier, performance,
(SNOMED-CT), 13 TBI, see Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 512–513, 513t
SZ, see Schizophrenia (SZ) TBI outcome prediction, 477–489 using periodic temporal
automated medical big data association patterns, 510,
T monitoring, 478 512f
data from real trauma center, 478 DBN-extended model, 503–508
TAPIR software, 395 redundant vs. collection system basic techniques, 503–504,
Targeted learning (TL) with diagnosis viewer, 504t
estimation roadmap, 236–237, 236f 478–480, 479f construction of, 504–505, 505f
health care research applications of, computing issues, 489 experiments and analysis,
250–251 data analytics in trauma patients, 507–508
identifying assumptions, 237 480 training in presence of class
open problems and future directions, correlations and, 483–484, 484f imbalance, 506–507
251–252 descriptive statistics and, 480–481 without TAs, 505–506
Index 603

integration with Bayesian networks, neurodevelopmental outcomes, Time-frequency (TF) features, newborn
501–502 76–77 EEG abnormalities detection, 79
of time-oriented clinical data newborn EEG abnormalities feature fusion, 87, 87f–88f
basic TAs, 494–495 amplitude-based, 77 feature selection, 85–87, 86f
clinical systems using TAs, asymmetric/asynchronous- feature search techniques, 86–87
495–496 based, 77 filter methods, 86
complex TAs, 495, 495f discontinuity-based, 77 wrapper methods, 86, 86f
Temporal features, newborn EEG EEG seizures, 77 inherent (t, f) features, 83–85, 84f
abnormalities detection, 79 features for detecting, 79 results of experiments, 101–102
Terminologies, standardized, 13 frequency-based, 77 translation approach-based TF
3-nearest neighbors (3NN), 421 maturation-based, 77 features, 85
Thresholding, 344 sleep state-based, 77 Time-oriented clinical data, TAs of
Time-delay embedding technique, 213 transient-based, 77 basic TAs, 494–495
Time-dependent confounding, pre-processing (artefact detection and clinical systems using TAs, 495–496
245 removal), 80 complex TAs, 495, 495f
Time domain analysis, 452 results for stage 1 experiments Time-scale approach, automated
Time–frequency analysis, EEG newborn EEG abnormality analysis of sleep EEG, 449, 449f
measurement and detection using (t, f) Time-scale (TS) features, newborn EEG
enhancement matched filters, 102–104, abnormalities detection, 79
artefacts, 77–78 103t–104t Time series, defined, 211
features for detecting, 79 newborn EEG abnormality Time-series TDA processing pipeline,
standard methods for handling, detection using TF-based 210, 211f
78–79 features, 101–102, biomedical time-series data, 210–211,
types, 78 101t–102t, 103f 212f
big data and information retrieval results for stage 2 experiments data segmentation, 211–213, 213f
DSP approach and engineering BSS-based artefact removal, 108, input data for, 213
rationale, 74 108f, 109f TL, see Targeted learning (TL)
EEG and its clinical prognostic high-resolution TFDs (multi- TMLE, see Targeted minimum loss-based
value, 74–75 directional distributions), estimation (TMLE)
EEG clinical rationale and the 104, 105f–106f TOPMed, 458
problem of artefacts, machine learning, 104–108, Topological data analysis (TDA),
75–76 106t–107t 209–230
BSS algorithms, 90 signal representation using biomedical signal processing
classification, 89–90 high-resolution TF applications of, 227–229
data acquisition and labeling, techniques EEG signals, 227–228
79–80 high-resolution TFDs, EMG signal, 228
neonatal multichannel non-stationary 81–82 human motion capture data,
EEG and artefacts, 90 multidirectional distribution 228–229
assumptions and functionality of (MDD), 82–83 overview, 209–210
model, 97–98, 98f, 99f quadratic TF distributions persistent homology, 214
EEG multichannel propagation, formulation, 80, 81t auction algorithm for Wasserstein
93–98, 94f TF features for abnormalities and distance, 221
four-sphere head model, artefacts detection bottleneck matching, 221
93, 93f feature fusion, 87, 87f–88f complexity of simplicial complex
IF-based approach, 91–92 feature selection, 85–87, constructions and, 221–222
model validation, 98, 99f 86f feature extraction–based topo-
multichannel attenuation matrix, inherent (t, f) features, 83–85, logical summaries, 218–219
95 84f mathematical formalism, 218
multichannel background and translation approach-based TF properties, 219–222
seizure patterns generation, features, 85 simplicial complexes, 214–216,
96–97, 97f TF matched filter approach for 214f–216f
multichannel path lengths, newborn abnormality stability of, 219–221, 220f
solving, 96, 96f detection, 88–89, 88f, topological invariants, 216–218,
multichannel translation matrix 89t 217f
modelling, 95 Time–frequency analysis, EEG time-series TDA processing pipeline,
newborn head model, 92–93 measurement and 210, 211f
newborn mono-channel non- enhancement, 74–108 biomedical time-series data,
stationary EEG modelling, Time-frequency approach, automated 210–211, 212f
90–91 analysis of sleep EEG, 449, data segmentation, 211–213, 213f
quality measure, 98–100 449f input data for, 213
604 Index

topological machine learning, 222 TUH EEG Corpus (TUH-EEG), 273, improvements, 543–544
topological kernel and kernel- 282–287 longitudinal recovery modeling,
based learning methods, de-identification of data, 284, 284t 542–543
223–224 descriptive statistics, 284–286, 285f, nonlinear modeling, 541–542
traditional algorithms, 223 286t large-scale data gathering strategies
topological simplification, 224–227, digitization and signal processing, environmental sensors, 537–538
225f 282–283 robotic rehabilitation devices,
cluster analysis–based EEG report pairing, 283–284 535
topological network, 226 released data structure, 286–287, 286f wearable sensors, 535–537
feature selection-based Twitter, 12 large-scale practice-based evidence
topological network, Two time-point example, L-TMLE need, 534–535
226–227 algorithm, 247–248, 248t objective, 533
Topological invariants, 216–218, 217f Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) overview, 533–534
interpretation of (example), 216–218, predictive models, 15–16 of upper limb through big data,
217f Type I error probability e1(d), 59 533–544, 534f
Topological kernel methods, 223–224 Type II error probability e2(d), 59 U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), 477
Topological machine learning (ML), US Army Medical Research and Material
222 U Command (USAMRMC), 25
topological kernel and kernel-based US Department of Health and Human
learning methods, 223–224 UEA sRNA Toolkit, 393 Services, 10
traditional algorithms, 223 UK Biobank, 314 US Food and Drug Administration, 10
Topological network Unbalanced data problem, manual
cluster analysis-based, 226 interpretation of EEGs, 280–282 V
feature selection-based, 226–227 Undirected graphical models;
Topological simplification, 224–227, see also Graphical models, Valid mode convolution, 304
225f functional networks modeling van der Laan, Mark, 235
cluster analysis–based topological via Variability, data analytics in trauma
network, 226 and GGMs, 194–195 patients and, 481–483, 482f,
feature selection-based topological Hammersley–Clifford theorem, 483f
network, 226–227 194–195 Variable importance measures, point
Topology-dependent process, 181 Unified transform coding gain, DCT treatment effect estimation and,
Topology-independent process, 181 approximations, 166 245
Top-scoring pair (TSP) classifiers, Unsupervised FRA (UFRA), 553, 553f, Vetterli–Nussbaumer algorithm, 152
412 556–560, 557f Vineyards, 219
expression rank data, 413 ambient sensors, 556–558 Virtual International Stroke Trials
Total error energy, for DCT new approach for, 560–572 Archive (VISTA), 540–541
approximations, 165 ML-based detection of Visual cortex (V1), 333
Total typing duration (TTD), 126, 127 compensatory balance Visual inputs, neurons, 332, 333f
Total variations, sparse signal responses, 562–567 Visualisation, critical care/critical care
reconstruction, 144–145 system infrastructure, 560–562 units, 524
Traditional pixel-based retinal vessel wearable vision detection of Visual system, 333
segmentation, 348, 349f environmental fall risks CNNs vs., 335–337, 336f
Transform distortion measure, DCT using ML techniques, Visual word dictionary methods, 357
approximations, 163 567–572 Visuospatial presentation, BCI system,
Transform efficiency, DCT pressure-sensitive insoles, 558–559 123–124
approximations, 166 sensor-based UFRA, 556 balanced-tree visual presentation
Transient-based abnormalities, of wearable IMUs, 558 paradigms, 124
newborn, 77 wearable sensors and emerging matrix presentation, 123
Transient events, automated analysis of approaches for, 558 rapid serial visual presentation
sleep EEG, 450–451 wearable vision systems, 559–560 (RSVP), 123–124
arousals, 450–451 Unsupervised learning, 30, 223 von Helmholtz, Hermann, 330
K complexes, 450 Upper limb, neurorehabilitation
spindles, 450, 451t improvement through big data, W
Translation approach-based TF features, 533–544, 534f
85 big data approaches, 538 Waikato Microaneurysm Detector, 354
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 25, 477; challenges, 544 Walsh–Hadamard transform (WHT),
see also TBI outcome prediction examples, 538–541, 539t–540t 156
Index 605

Wang factorization, 152 Wearable surface electromyography, Wrist-worn accelerometers, 536

Wasserstein distance, auction algorithm 555–556, 556f WU–Minn–Oxford consortium,
for, 221 Wearable vision systems, 23–24
Watershed methods, retinal analysis, 559–560
344–345 Web MicroRNA Designer (WMD3) Y
Waveform displays, manual software, 395
interpretation of EEGs, Whole-gene sequencing, 12 Yahoo!, 14
273–275, 275f WHT (Walsh–Hadamard transform), Yottabyte (1024) data system, 3
Wavelet-BSS, 79 156
Wavelet domain, 148 Wigner–Ville distribution (WVD), Z
Wearable IMUs, 558 80, 81
Wearable sensors, 535–537 Wilcoxon signed-rank sum test, Zettabyte (1021) data system, 3
ML-based detection of compensatory 127
balance responses using, Windowing, data, 212–213
562–567 Wireless body area networks (WBANs),
for UFRA, 558 148
wearable vision detection of Witness complex, 222
environmental fall risks using Wrapper methods, feature selection,
ML techniques, 567–572 86, 86f

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