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I feel that my children should not undergo the kind of hardship that I have undergone.

hope they study well and become a successful being. Hopefully, they also have some

I did not know about educating children. Previously, was not bothered by their education
but now, we are able to send them to school.

Previously, used to go brick factory and was not able to attend school.

This has led to a dramatic change in my economic status. Earlier, we had to do some job
hunting. But since the college has come here, we are able to send our children to school.

There used to be discrimination based on untouchability c

What do you want to become in future?

A Big Person.

1:41 In the mid of this land we have college and surrounding there is lot of farming. There
are a lot people and they have been doing farming, cultivating. They are producing millets
and other crops also and therefore we also have plantation like have 600 fruits, trees. We
also have a cow, what we want to show to people is that , this is how a college can produce
for itself and this how college can make a big impact in the lives of the surrounding.


Law College coming to this village has aided us. A legal document has been delievered to us
by the boy who elvoped my daughter, I will ask the college to aide in this matter.


I did not know about educating children. Previously, was not bothered by their education
but now, we are able to send them to school. We used to unaware about their activites in
school, but now we have started to concern ourselves in their activities. Nevertheless, the
arrival of college has brought changes.

What about the techniques and awareness about vegetation ?

We observed the techniques and culture of plantation in ttqahe college and applied it.
Earlier, we weren’t equipped with the traning but now we cultivate vegetation without
Tc 5: 20

We are specially focused about educating our children. The villagers have started to wish if
their children could study law like the students here. Therefore, the villagers have started
sending their children to better schools so that they can enroll their children in this law

There used to be batti . Parents used to take the monetary benefit of scholarship and have
Instead of sending their children to school, there was a trend that the parents used to send
their children for work. The daily wage of about 500 rupees, would be used by the parents
on their alcohol consumption. But after the arrival of this college in this village, the parents
started to realize the importance of education and have repented towards their mistake.
The arrival of college, created a sense of fear in the parents and alcoholics as there is a
change in behavior.


Because after this college has been setup here, the children in the village have started
talking that we would also go to the college to study. The college has been changed and we
have been defending poor people here and violence has been sharply decreased.

7: 17

Our occupation used to revolve around the

T timings of brick factory. Therefore, we used to live

w six months near the factory, while six months we used

tto live in the village.

Since we did not get educWe did not realize the need to educate our children. After we got
employment here, my children have also started to study well. I have sent them to Mahakali
Did the children used to go school or not?
Earlier, we used to go the brick factory. Therefore, the children used to study 6 months in a
school near the brick factory and six months in a school near the village. This had created
hinderance in their education.

What did you learn while working in the residential college? I ? Initially we used to feel
afraid to talk with visitors. When the vistors used to ask us, what our names were ? We did
not want them to ask us questions. But now we are confident to speak and we felt that in
order to speak positive things, we should not be afraid. We felt that despite being
uneducated, it should not be factor to prevent us from advancement. Initially, we were
prevented by the villagers to even touch the water tap but ever since working in the
residential college, the villagers have let us the water tap.

Namaste, my name is Nikesh, I have studied till grade 8, now I have been promoted to
grade 9.
Previously, what type of work did you used to do ? Previously, I used to go brick factory to
work and in that process I could not even study.

After that what happened ? I used to go to work at a brick factory for six months. This led to
my degraded performance in academics and it was a hurdle for my education.

What was your daily wage at the brick factory ? My mother knows it.
From which age did you start working there? I had worked there for 3-4 years.
At which age ? When I was Around 7 – 8 years old.

How do you feel now, when you going to school ? I feel good, I get to study.

What do you want to become in future? A big person.

What do you mean by a big person ? A person who respects others.

10: 23
There has been massive change, after the arrival of

cpthe residential college in this place.

iThis was initially, oia dalit resident village. Nobody knew the importance of education here,

I might be the only person who has been working from that particular village. After my
employment here, it has uplifted my economic status. This has aided me to pay aschool
fees of my children and also in household budget.

In this kitchen, we use the organic vegetables found around c the residential campus. We
bring into use the locally produced materials. Also, we buy fish and meat from the local

Now looking from the point

of view from the institution, we bring

students here

and then residential classes will go on for

10 days 20 days 12 days. There are several

residential classes

s here and students go to the villages. They make friendship

awith them and also help them understand what is


te of the country about. Most of the importantly they learn to

observe the live of the people

they see the poverty,

they see the violence and they see the absence

of life and they become very

good policy makers in days to come.

b So, they become a very good lawyer, but

they have a sense of deeply rooted social engineering.

Specially what has happened is that previously there

was no law college here.

So, the people were not aware

regarding the remedies of violence.

The students and teachers

have to our place and

have emphasized to speak

against any form of violence.

They have taught us to fight aginst violence.

Now there isn’t much

isreviolence in the village and there is no stereotypical

work assigned to women .

There used to be untouchability practice in this village.

r After the establishment of the college, the college recruited

three to four Dalits and has helped me gain a

respectable position in the village.

Previously, we used

Eto face discrimination in village meetings and public places. Ever since working here in this

W we have sensed a difference in vilalgers’ perspective towards us.

Previously there used be rampant Child marriage and women violence . But now there are
policemen and
lawyers visitng the residential campus for their trainig

which has led to a changed psychology amongst villagers.

Previously there used to be sporadic violence but

now that also has subsided. Hoever,

if there happens

tto be violence then based on the information given by the

student of Kathmandu school of law, the villagers inform us about those violence. I help
them to connect with the Legal Aid clinicl of Kathmandu School of Law.

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