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Independent Research Project Proposal

For my paper on beginning band methods, I would like to study music therapy in relation

to music education.  It is a very common occurrence to hear of music education in the United

States, and specifically of the multitudes of benefits music education provides to students.  Some

such benefits include test scores and mental health.  While music therapy is a prominent career

choice in the states, the ways it interacts with music education are not generally discussed. 

Salvador & Pasiali (2016) states “arts education and expressive arts therapies have differences of

intention and content. The focus of arts education is on artistic outcomes based on a specific

curriculum of skills that students must attain. On the other hand, expressive arts therapists

maintain a “clear psychological intent” and a “therapeutic agenda” (Karkou 2009, 11).”  While

music education and music therapy have clearly different objectives, when combined in certain

ways, both the musical product and the mental health of the students could improve

significantly.  When working with beginning band students, the stress of learning a new

instrument can be overwhelming for many.  If more educators were to incorporate music therapy

into their teaching methods, this, as well as many other problems, could be solved.

Music therapy is not completely unfound in American music education.  Special

education incorporates music therapy often, and methods for handicapped children often find use

in adults as well (Nordoff, Robbins, 2006, p. 12).  These methods, while they must be altered

some, can find use in the beginning band setting, and for my research project, I would like to

explore these ways, as well as studying ways music therapy and music education combine in

other countries and educational systems, and why those methods are not often found in the

United States.

Karkou, V. (2009). Arts therapies in schools: Research and practice. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Nordoff, P., & Robbins, C. (2006). Music therapy in special education. Barcelona Publishers.

Salvador, K., & Pasiali, V. (2016). Intersections between music education and music therapy:

Education reform, arts education, exceptionality, and policy at the local level. Arts

Education Policy Review, 118(2), 93–103. 

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