Writing Extra: Upper Intermediate Answer Key

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ANSWER KEY 1 I am writing with respect to … a) Yes
2 I have contacted … b) The most popular free-time activities
UNIT 1 3 If you should wish to discuss the matter involve computers.
further … These activities are occupying more
1 4 I am therefore requesting in writing
and more of our lives.
It is now possible to play video games
Students’ own answers. 5 … resolve the matter amicably … anywhere as a result of games that
2 6 Thank you for your prompt attention.
7 Yours sincerely,
can be played on mobile phones and
1 Students’ own answers. c) There are still some people who jog or
2 Students’ own answers. 5 go to the gym.
3 The writer identifies with the problem 1 repaired 2 addressed 3 conversation Football continues to be a popular
and gives advice based on personal 4 entering 5 available 6 properties pastime.
experience, but they don’t explain
where they can get more information. 6 3
3 Students’ own composition. it seems to me …
I think that …
1 I know how you feel because …
2 If I were you, I’d …; you should …; UNIT 3 4
it’s a good idea to… begin an argument:
4A 1A firstly; to start with; in the first place
Students’ own answers. introduce additional points:
1 lonely
furthermore; moreover; in addition to this
2 Have you thought about …? 1B introduce a conclusion:
3 the easiest The correct order is: c, e, b, a, f, d to conclude; to sum up; in conclusion
4 friends
5 you’ve 2 introduce a contrasting idea:
in contrast; at the same time; as opposed
6 If it were me … Students’ own answers.
7 It might take time to this
8 Thanks/Cheers/Good luck! 3 introduce examples:
The past simple is used most of the time for example; for instance; as an example
Have you thought about …;
because the writer is describing a series of
events in the past.
If it were me … 1 In contrast, At the same time,
4 As opposed to this,
5 1 slowly 2 obviously 3 suddenly 2 Furthermore, Moreover,
Students’ own composition. 4 necessarily 5 noisily 6 lazily In addition to this
7 naturally 3 for example, for instance
4 Firstly, To start with, In the first place;
UNIT 2 5 For example, For instance
adverbs of manner: 5 To conclude, To sum up, In conclusion
1 lazily, slowly, quickly, noisily 6 Furthermore, Moreover,
Students’ own answers. adverbs to express one’s opinion: In addition to this

2 necessarily, naturally, obviously

adverbs of time/frequency:
Possible answers Students’ own composition.
occasionally, suddenly
1 The neighbour’s dog is coming into the
garden through a hole in the fence and
making a mess.
6 UNIT 5
1 immediately 2 Naturally 3 quickly
2 Nothing.
3 He has contacted his lawyer.
4 slowly 5 carefully 6 calmly
7 Suddenly 8 Luckily
4 That the neighbour gets the fence Students’ own answers.
repaired in two weeks. 7 2
3 Students’ own composition.
1 tablet computers
Possible answer 2 mobile phones
Yes, it is a good letter of complaint. It is UNIT 4 3 mobile phones
clear and concise; the writer suggests
action that needs to be taken (repair 1 4
the fence); the language is formal (Dear 1 almost no difference;
Students’ own answers. only a slight variation
Mr Broadbent, I am writing with respect
to …. etc.); and the writer is never rude. 2 significant differences; an increase of;
an interesting contrast,
rising significantly
3 First of all; However;
On the other hand; To begin with

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5 6 UNIT 9
almost no difference; only a slight Students’ own composition.
variation; more or less equal 1
significant difference; of greater Students’ own answers.
importance; far more important
no difference; no variation
1 Students’ own answers.
6 Students’ own answers.
1 even though 2 However
4 Nevertheless
3 Despite
2 Yes
Students’ own answers.
7 3B
Students’ own composition. 3 Three of:
Possible answer a title
1 Yes, because it gives arguments both underline/highlight important words
UNIT 6 for and against the proposition. In contractions
addition, the author does not express imperatives
1 his/her opinion until the end.
1 Hi Mike, (I) 2 I look forward to hearing 2 The author does not think that
from you again. (F) 3 All the best, (I) journalists should have complete Things that you should/must do:
4 Be in touch soon. (I) freedom in what they investigate. He/ Take time to … / Always … /
5 Yours sincerely, (F) 6 Dear Sir, (F) She expresses his/her opinion at the Be particularly careful to … /
end of the essay. Be sure to … / Make sure you …
2 4 Things that you shouldn’t/mustn’t do:
1 She is in London because she’s Never … / Try not to…
studying English. However, Despite, although, while
2 Her teacher
3 She’s going to go to the British Museum
5 Possible answers
with Valeria. 1 while/although 2 despite 3 However 1 Make sure to take time to find out if you
4 Although need any vaccinations before you go.
3 6 2 Always refuse medicine offered to you
1 I’ve been really busy!; the language by other people.
school I’m going to is great!; so it takes Students’ own composition. 3 Never go out without sun block or a
ages to get there in the morning!; she’s suitable suntan lotion.
been showing me the sights – she’s 4 Never drink water from the tap.
UNIT 8 5 Have your drinks without ice.
been to London before …; He’s a really
6 Avoid getting water in your mouth
good laugh! He’s; Well, I have to go now
as I’m meeting Valeria – we’re going to
1A when you take a shower.
the British Museum. Possible answer
2 Hi Louis,; How are you?; it takes ages; Advice for preparing for an exam 6
Students’ own composition.
He’s a really good laugh!; Hope to hear
from you soon, Louis.; All the best,
3 it’s taken …; I’ve been in London; Possible answer
The language school I’m going to; I’m Yes, because it has an introduction, UNIT 10
making …; it’s easy … it’s quite far; I’m separate paragraphs to illustrate different
getting on …; she’s been showing …; points and a conclusion. 1
she’s been to London …; He’s a really
2 Students’ own answers
good laugh!; He’s originally …; he’s
been living …; personal examples: Here are some ideas 2
4 Beginning: Sorry it’s taken so long; End: that have worked for me when I’ve done 1 True 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 False
exams.; Here’s what I do.
Hope to hear from you soon, Louis
Personally, I find it much easier to …; 3
4 I try to revise … skilfully handled
1 I’m happy to hear you like your classes. talk directly to the other person: Do you well constructed
panic when exam time comes around?;
I have also been very busy.
I like her. We get on well with each other. Have you got what it takes? 4
4 If you go shopping again let me know. contracted forms: you’re; you’ll 1 widely 2 skilfully/convincingly
5 It’s the best news I’ve heard all week! 3 emotionally 4 alternately 5 skilfully
conversational language: for what it’s worth;
I look forward to hearing from you.
I went to see John last week.
like crazy; way round; in your sleep; stuff 5
linkers: first of all; second; finally 1b 2d 3a 4c
5 3 6
1 Thanks for your email. 1 cram 2 a bit of 3 stick to 4 stuff
2 Hope to hear from you soon. Students’ own composition.
3 How are you? 4
4 All the best, Students’ own composition.
5 Sorry it’s taken so long for me to reply.

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