Project 3 Evaluation

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Project three evaluation

Project three was based around film. In this project through several tasks, I
learned the difference in camera shots camera movements by creating
multiple different samples. I also learned the development and principles of
editing, I put this research into practice when creating the SFX scale piece.

For the SFX scale task my team used a green screen to help decrease the
scale of our subject during editing. Using the clips from this piece I learnt how
to colour grade/correct in premier pro.

Robert Richardson and J. Howard Miller were the main artists we studied
during this project. When replicating a shot from “shutter island” I found
Robert Richardson’s in terms of lighting and how it worked interactively with
the composition of the shot. When taking inspiration from the “We can do it
poster” for the yellow gel light advertising task, I found J. Howard Millers
simple colour palette to be effective in communicating the activist message to
the viewer.

The techniques and materials I have used during this project I believe were
effective as they helped to create successful pieces and further my skills.

My favourite piece from this project was the yellow gel light advertising shoot
as I thought it was my most developed concept and I liked the editing style I
used for this piece.

The task I found the most difficult was the cuts in editing task however to
improve this for the next project I now know to create a storyboard before
making my work so it is more thoroughly organised.

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