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O F A C T I O N O n this one-year anniversary of the illegal
U.S. bombing an i n v a s i o n o f Iraq, join
millions around h e world to say
In Vancouver, gather 1 1 am Saturday March 2 0 a t Peace l a m e Park (south end o f
Burrard Bridge). Rally begins 1pm a t Sunset Beach (off e a c h Ave at Bute).
Speakers to include internationally renowned political a a l y s t NOAM CHOMSKY
and others. Live musical performers.
For i n f o r m a t i o n o r to g e t involved, e m a i l c o n t a c t @ s t o p w a r. c a o r call 6 0 4 3 7 - 1 2 9 9 w w w. s t o p w a r. c a

4 • CornmonGround • MARCH 2004

Publisher & Senior Editor • Joseph Roberts
Manufacturing consent, again - Noam Chomsky 5 Nothing But Miracles / The Rabbits Graphic Design • Nouwens Graphic Arts
- Catherine Chapman Accounts • Jim Duff
Ballastic missile defence useless 15
5 Contributors • Robert Alstead • Reg Block
The Jade Book: carving a message of peace SPIRITUALITY Catherine Chapman • Noam Chomsky
Guy Dauncey • Ishi Dinim
—Daniela Geracitano Vance 6 Getting to know the Dalai Lama A.B. Hansen • Ilona Hedi Granik
COMMUNITY - Interview with Victor Chan 16 John Henigman • Ralph Maud
Science and spirituality - Geoff Olson Derrick O'Keefe • Geoff Olson
7 The Now - Eckhart Tolle 18 Gwen Randall-Young • Marya Skrypiczajko
ENVIRONMENT Shifts in consciousness - Gwen Randall-Young Cat Smiley • David Suzuki • Eckhart Tolle
Messing up a planet is easy, fixing it takes time Contact Common Ground:
St. Patrick's way - Reg Block 25
- David Suzuki 1 0 Phone: 604-733-2215 Fax: 604-733-4415
RESOURCE D I R E C TO RY 26 For out of area advertisers
Aboriginal cultures of mid-Pacific coast call toll-free 1-800-365-8897
- John Henigman 1 1 Who do your food dollars support? 34 CommonGround Publishing Corp.
- Marya Skrypiczajko Office: 201-3091 W. Broadway
When God became pregnant - Guy Dauncey 1 2 Vancouver, BC V6K 2G9 Canada
ARTS & C U LT U R E Z O D I A C - Ilona Hedi Granik 34 ISSN No. 0824-0698
D AT E B O O K Copies printed: 65,900
Touching the Void - A taut high altitude drama 35 Over 250,000 readers per issue
- Film review by Robert Alstead 1 3 CLASSIFIEDS 36 Survey shows 3 to 4 readers/copy.
Annual subscription is $60 (US$5o) for
Iraq timeline of war and protest - Derrick O'Keefe 1 4 FIT FOR L I V I N G one year (12 issues). Single issues are
$6 (specify issue #). Payable by cheque,
BOOK R E V I E W S Sleep keeps your body in balance - Cat Smiley 37 Visa, MasterCard, Interac or money order.
Digital Diploma Mills - Ralph Maud 15 Self interest for whom? - Ishi Dinim 38 We welcome your letters to the editor. Email: All contents copyrighted.
Written permission from the publisher is required to
reproduce, quote, reprint, or copy any material from
Common Ground. Opinions and views expressed in
the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the
publishers or advertisers. Common Ground
Publishing Corp. neither endorses nor assumes any

The lade Book: carving a message of peace

liability for any and all products or services advertised
or within editorial content. Furthermore, health-relat-
ed content is not intended as medical advice and in
no way excludes the necessity of an opinion from a
health professional. Advertisers are solely responsible
by Daniela Geracitano Vance for their claims.
100% owned by Canadians
Published 12 times a year in Canada
The idea for The Jade Book: A Stone of the message that we are all equal and his philosophy of non-violent resistance, We acknowledge the financial support of the
Government of Canada, through the Canada
Hope came in the late summer of 1999, united in our humanity. Since this was a otherwise known as Satyagraha or pur- Magazine Fund, toward our editorial costs.
when my father visited the Galeria Da form so complex that it had never been suit of truth. Canadian Mail Publications Product Agreement
Vinci i n Vancouver's Canada Place. carved before, he now felt that it had to In 1948, the year that Gandhi was No. 148288. Printed on recycled paper with
There he saw a large vase made out of address the most important of themes. assassinated, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, vegetable-based inks.
jade with rings linked to its handles. My father first thought of carving the who the world came to know as Mother
These intrigued him and ultimately led
to his idea of creating a book with two
faces of people with varying ethnic back-
grounds to show that we are more alike
Teresa, stepped out onto the streets of
Calcutta, India to serve the poorest of the
arches - also made of jade - for the spine. than different. Then he refined his idea poor by living like them and among
These arches would to carving well- them. Prompted by the call of God she L7ZL'g
extend u p f r o m
and be a part o f
k n o w n
had received in 1946, she founded the
Missionaries of Charity. Her order con-

the fourth and last ans: M o t h e r tinues to help hundreds of thousands of

page of the book, Teresa, D r . people around the world each year
linking t h e f i r s t Martin Luther including the hungry, the homeless,
three pages so that W. S .
King, Jr. and abandoned a n d orphaned children, M I M S OF PSIFORIANO SLOTS

they could be turned Mahatma unwed mothers, lepers, AIDS patients, BRITISH COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION OF
while remaining Gandhi. and victims of natural disasters. Mother MAGAZINE PUBLISHERS
bound togeth- These three Teresa was so loved in India that when
er. H e made people repre- she died in 1997, her body was carried on
the rudimen- sented d i f - the same gun carriage used during the
tary sketch ferent g e n - funeral procession for Mahatma Gandhi. Cover art by Geoff Olson
of the imag- ders, ages, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the
ined b o o k nationalities champion of the Civil Rights Movement
while s t i l l and r e l i - in the United States. His actions led to
working on the gions - the the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
jade bust o f my types of dif- which helped put an end to segregation,
mother. He initially thought of the book ferences that divided many people and and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which
as an album that would contain the had been used repeatedly throughout made voter registration possible for a
images, carved in low relief, of family history as an excuse for war. greater number o f African-Americans
members, but the book's potential sub- Despite t h e i r differences, t h e s e living in the South. He was profoundly
jects changed several times. humanitarians w e r e fundamentally influenced by the teachings of Gandhi on
In the summer of 2001, once all the linked. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, non-cooperation, and non-violent social
pages were freed from the nephrite whom t h e I n d i a n p e o p l e c a l l e d change, which he began studying while
matrix, my father chose the definitive Mahatma or Great Soul and Gandhiji, in Crozer Theological Seminary and
theme for his book. What he truly want- liberated India from British rule in 1947. after hearing Mordecai Johnson lecture
ed to carve was something that conveyed He freed 350 million Indians armed with continued on page 24...

6 • 03mmonOW • MARCH 2004

Science and spirituality by Geoff Olson

ccit.human being is part of the whole who cuts a dashing figure with his leonine leading to some sort of intimate oneness. cosm to the macrocosm. Many cosmolo-
called by us 'universe,' a part limited in time hair, powersuit and PowerPoint presenta- It is therefore through the utmost possible gists theorize that the universe emerged
and space. We experience ourselves, our tion. In his book The Isaiah Effect, Braden unification of Spirit and Matter that we out of a vacuum state; a void paradoxical-
thoughts and feelings as something separate sticks the shroud of Turin, quantum the- shall best arrive at their reconciling truth ly containing energy, similar t o the
from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of ory, human DNA, chi energy, and the and so at some strongest foundation for a "plenum" of mystics. "Is it not shocking to
consciousness. This delusion is a kind of Dead Sea scrolls into a metaphysical mix- reconciling practice in the inner life of the know," wrote the Zen Buddhist teacher
prison for us, restricting us to our personal master, set to puree. Another messy cock- individual and his outer experiences:' D.T. Suzuki, "all the heavens including all
desires and affections for a few persons tail of science and spirituality comes cour- Although they may tend toward agnos- the luminaries whose lights are measured
nearest to us. Our task must be to free our- tesy ET contactee/prophet Rael (Claude ticism or even atheism, professional sci- to reach this Earth after millions of years
selves from the prison by widening our cir- Vorihon), whose religious group pranked entists don't hew to any one ideological are said to be mere bubbles in the ocean
cle of compassion to embrace all living crea- the global media a year ago with claims of line. Among Nobel-prize winning scien- of eternal emptiness?"
tures and the whole of nature in its beau- cloning human beings. tists, t h e r e a r e H i n d u s , Muslims, In 1456, the Christian mystic Nicholas
ty" - Albert Einstein A few accidents in the pop- Buddhists, Christians and rep- of Cusa described a universe "where the
"True happiness comes not from a limit- culture kitchen don't resentatives of all man- circumference is nowhere and the centre
ed concern for one's own well-being or that necessarily prove ner of faiths. Like is everywhere," anticipating the cosmo-
of those one feels close to, but from develop- that science anyone else, a logical model o f a finite but boundless
ing love and compassion for all sentient and spiri- practising universe by centuries.
beings." - The Dalai Lama tuality scientist Behind today's spirituality/science
The future was so bright J. Robert are can movement is the hope of decoding God -
Oppenheimer had to wear shades. On bad or some transcendent force or purpose -
July 16, 1945, the Manhattan Project using reason. Yet, prominent scientists
director clipped on a pair of sunglasses occasionally jump on the spirituality/sci-
and looked out over the New Mexico ence bandwagon even when i t doesn't
desert, awaiting the world's first atomic accord with their beliefs. In the film A
test. As the mushroom cloud boiled up Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking's
over t h e horizon, a l i n e f r o m T h e computer-generated voice told of his sci-
Bhagavad-Gita popped into the lanky sci- entific mission "to know the mind o f
entist's head: "I am become Death, the God." This much-quoted line actually
destroyer of worlds?' came from the mouth of a hard-nosed
This wasn't just the first memorable atheist: Hawking was simply using a liter-
line of the atomic age. It was the intellec- ary/philosophical conceit for effect.
tual preamble to the science and spiritual- Whether it originates from a genuine
ity craze of later decades. expression of spiritual longing, or a pub-
A passing reference to blue-skinned lisher's nudge over lunch, this God angle
deities in the context of nuclear destruc- has been enjoying a. decade-long vogue
tion was pretty obscure in the postwar among science authors. Paul Davies, an
environment o f Howdy Doody and Oxford mathematician, gave us The Mind
Edward R. Murrow. But the east-meets- of God in 1992, after authoring God and
west zeitgeist eventually took hold. 1975 the New Physics. Another scientist, James
saw the publication of Fritoj Capra's The togeth- "believe Trefil penned Reading the Mind of God.
Tao of Physics, followed by Gary Zukav's er o n a in s i x Leon Lederman, director of Fermilab in
The Dancing Wu Li Masters in 1979. These plate. T h e impossible Illinois, went for broke with The God
two tomes initiated the pop-culture pro- past two decades things b e f o r e Particle.
gram of bringing science and spirituality have also given us the breakfast," as Lewis In some scientific quarters, an ultimate
together, with a subsequent avalanche of work o f British biologist Carroll's Red Queen said, explanation for life, the universe and
texts for serious-minded seekers. Rupert Sheldrake, physicist David Bohm, without fear of it interfering with his or everything is now seen as attainable - per-
The results of this grand unification psychologist Kenneth Ring and religious her professional life. haps within our lifetimes. Lederman says
have been mixed, more often resembling a scholar Huston Smith. Werner Heisenberg, author o f The he hoped one day to see a simple list of
shotgun marriage than a marriage of con- Which are the right tools to find the Uncertainty Principle, expressed a belief equations explaining the universe that
venience. Books w i t h titles like The truth? The cathedral or the computer? that the scientists' task is, or can be, a holy will "fit on a t-shire
Quantum Self Quantum Reality, and The meditation retreat or the particle pursuit: "Physics is a reflection on the Other scientists are more cautious in
Quantum Healing popped up like toad- accelerator? Whatever t h e t o o l s o f divine ideas of creation, therefore physics their estimates, and don't expect an ulti-
stools in New Age bookstores. The Alice in enquiry, t h e postmodernist optimist is a divine service. We are in our time very mate explanation anytime soon. Some
Wonderland quality of the nano-world hopes that the science/spirit pairings far from this theological foundation or believe nature will curmudgeonly conceal
made for big box office, and anything won't prove to be mutually exclusive. justification of physics; but we still follow the final truth, and the scientific quest go
with "quantum" in the title ensured gold "Even though the realms o f religion this method." on forever, with The Answer recursively
at the end of the publishing rainbow. and science are clearly marked off from Heisenberg's humility was undoubtedly retreating inward, like a nesting o f
Some scientists looked askance at the each other:' Einstein said, "nevertheless influenced by the utterly bizarre nature of Russian dolls. There are many scientists
more enthusiastic claims in these popular there exists between the two strong recip- the quantum world, which makes the who believe metaphysical talk about a
accounts. Multiple dimensions and paral- rocal relationships and dependencies ... Bardo realm of Tibetan Buddhism seem supreme being is simply outside the
lel universes were no longer theoretical - the situation may be expressed by an like a trip across town. "Those who are boundaries of what science can reason-
they were the bonafides for everything image: science without religion is lame, not shocked when they first come across ably talk about. Others think it significant
from ghosts to psychic healing to past religion without science is blind:' quantum theory cannot possibly have that organized religion has ceded signifi-
lives. The science/spirituality bandwagon Compare Einstein's words with those of understood it," said his colleague Niels cant ground to science, and that this
has also given us some interesting charac- the Yogi Sri Aurobindo: "True reconcilia- Bohr. process will continue until all superstition
ters, like New Age author Gregg Braden, tion proceeds by a mutual comprehension This weirdness extends from the micro- continued on page 8...

MARCH.2094 • Commooeroal• 7
Continued from page 7... isolate the brain receptors that allow us to Creator will figure prominently in the nessed the Godlike power of 20th centu-
- God included - is scientifically dis- access altered states of consciousness, and Ultimate Explanation in some fashion ry physics in the New Mexico desert, his
missed. with them the imps of the imagination we involving consciousness, which hasa truly scientific training simply wasn't up to
Used to doing without a supreme being fashion into gods and devils. weird involvement with the quantum the task of describing the immensity of
for so long, some scientists may now feel Yet, any skepticism felt for organized world. The words of British geneticist the moment. This is why he thought of
He may be explained away completely. Is religion should be balanced with an J.B.S. Haldane come to mind: "My suspi- the words of Krishna, who shows Arjuna
some preemptory loss being felt in the understanding of the limits of knowledge. cion is that the universe is not only queer- a visual manifestation of all his incarna-
halls of academe? For some materialists, The provisional nature of science should er than we suppose, but queerer than we tions and manifestations, including
losing God for good could leave them make scientists themselves wary of any can suppose" Death. For moments that shatter our
feeling like the administration of George anticipated gnosis. Science, for all its One o f the principle differences sense of mundane reality, we require
Bush senior after the Berlin Wall fell; vic- advances, is an ever-finer approximation between spirituality, religion and science poetry, art and the mythic tales of cre-
torious, but already wondering who will of a certain culture- is the concept of the ation and destruction.
fill the enemy's shoes. bound cross-section Like anyone else, a miraculous. Science Yet, the mathematical description of
In the past 400 years, science has been of reality. practising scientist can will accept uncaused nature has its own narrative quality, in
extraordinarily successful in demoting the At the same time, it causes (as in subatom- its own way as strange as anything from
supreme being, or so it seems. Lyell and would be difficult to "believe in six impossible ic particles that appear the Australian Aborigines' dreamtime,
Hutton took geology out of His jurisdic- deny modern science things before breakfast," and disappear into the or Rael's ET visions.
tion, and Darwin followed suit with biol- has given us a more void, as long as they In 1932, Sir James Jeans gave us a
ogy. Already pushed back to the sphere of accurate picture o f as Lewis Carroll's Red do s o w i t h i n much-quoted assessment that still
fixed stars by Galileo, and then sent scur- the world than that Queen said, w i t h o u t fear Heisenberg's t i m e - holds: "Today there is a wide measure of
rying into the intergalactic void by Edwin offered by medieval energy constraints), agreement, which on the physical side of
Hubble, God now finds a do-nothing scholastics. We're in a o f it i n t e r f e r i n g w i t h his but it has trouble with science approaches almost to unanimity,
posting in "quantum cosmology" Said by better position today or her professional life. ultimate origins. The that the stream of knowledge is heading
some to be inactive since the Big Bang, He to ask pertinent ques- late T e r r e n c e towards a non-mechanical reality; the
may be worried that further discoveries tions - certainly better than the individual McKenna, speaking of the Big Bang theo- universe begins to look more like a great
will have Him moved further down the who supposedly asked St. Augustine what ry, imagined cosmologists saying, "just thought than like a great machine."
hall, or escorted off the premises after God was doing before He created Heaven. give us one miracle, and we can explain Jeans' line about the universe being a
being made to hand over the keys to cre- "Creating Hell for those who ask such everything else!" Elsewhere, McKenna "great thought" is not simply another
ation. questions," was the cleric's recorded noted that tensor equations say little to us empty rhetorical device, like Stephen
Stephen Hawking himself has said that response. about the meaning of the universe we Hawking's "reading the mind of God" It
the cosmos has no beginning or end, he Physics and astronomy finds no direct inhabit, certainly less than an aboriginal expresses a mystery that has been deeply
can find no useful role for God in the uni- evidence for a supreme being in its inves- tale of some trickster-god who got drunk puzzling to scientists, who refer to it as
verse: "what place then for a Creator?" It's tigations - of course, that may have more and "pissed the universe into existence:' "the unreasonable effectiveness o f
been a long, strange trip, from prime to do with the nature of science than it Science does the how, but spirituality mathematics in the natural sciences."
mover to cosmic deadwood. has to do with any absence of God. There and religion do the why (opinions differ Why should this universe we live in be
In this viewpoint, God and spirituality is of course, the other possibility: that the on how well they do it). Unlike science, so in accord with equations scientists
are all in the head, and nowhere else. The physicist's popularized talk of God is they trade in narrative, and this is a cru- perceive as beautiful? Why should the
new field of "neurotheology" attempts to more accurate than they know. Perhaps a cial difference. When Oppenheimer wit- universe slavishly follow numbers

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8 • coma6f0un4 • MARCH 2004

tracked in the heads of human beings? mos accidentally spat out of 'a space-time else atrophy in favour of one organ of to impossible to stop what meditators call
A debate persists among pure mathe- singularity, and stumbling purposelessly rational analysis," said Heisenberg. "It is a "monkey-mind." Our limited hominid
maticians whether their objects o f toward an entropic death. matter, rather, of seizing upon reality with brains demand neat, tidy answers. Is there
enquiry are just mental artifacts, or some- "It is difficult for the matter-of-fact all the organs that are given to us, and aGod? And what is God - immanent,
how "out there," in a Platonic realm of physicist to accept the view that the sub- trusting that this reality will then also transcendent, or even conceivable? Where
pure form. We all would all admit four stratum of everything is of mental char- reflect the essence of things, the "one, the is God, or whatever you want to call Him,
apples on a table are more than an acter," said the British physicist Sir Arthur good and the true:' Her or It (Mind at Large, the Divine
abstraction - there are four very real Eddington, who prided himself as a Buddha said much the same thing: Imagination, The Indefinable Whatever)?
apples on one very real table. But what of Quaker mystic. "But no one can deny that "Transcendental intelligence rises when Is God in the infernos of distant stars, or
entities like the square roots. of negative mind is the first and most direct link to the intellectual mind reaches its limit and among physicists' infinitely small whorls
numbers, or other mathematical will o' our experience, and all else is remote if things are to be realized in their true of 10-dimensional "string?" Everywhere
the whisps that are necessary for the inference:' and essential nature, its processes o f and nowhere at once? And what kind of
physicist's description of the world, but Eddington's words are echoed by thinking must be transcended by an lunatic creator would allow such pain and
have no correspondence with anything Buddha: "The exter- appeal to some higher suffering to go on on our bizarro planet to
"real?" Is it significant that the further we nal world is only a "The most beautiful emo- faculty of cognition." begin with?
plunge into our analysis of nature, the manifestation of the This higher faculty What if embodied consciousness is the
more "mind-like" it appears under our activities of the mind
tion we can experience is might be called the divine imagination playing hide and seek
questioning? itself, and... the mind the mystical," Einstein direct apprehension from itself, maintaining the illusion of
James Jeans again: "Mind no longer grasps it as an exter- once said. "It is the power of Mind itself, and a separate selves to keep itself company?
appears as an accidental intruder into the nal world simply sense of cosmic unity. And what if the principal hiding place is
realm of matter; we are beginning to sus- because of its habit of of all true art and science." "The most beautiful the slyest one conceivable, in the hearts of
pect that we ought rather to hail it as the discrimination and emotion we can expe- all sentient beings?
creator and governor of the realm of mat- false reasoning. The disciple must get into rience is the mystical," Einstein once said. Perhaps the union o f science and
ter - not of course our individual minds, the habit of looking at things truthfully." "It is the power of all true art and science. spirituality is not meant to birth any one
but the mind in which the atoms out of We don't want to slip into solipsism, or "He to whom this emotion is a stranger, ultimate answer, but rather a whole new
which our individual minds have grown confuse the map with the territory; the who can no longer wonder and stand rapt family of questions.
exist as thoughts:' physicists' equations are not the same as in awe, is as good as dead. To know that Do not look for God,
"This new knowledge compels us to the cosmos itself. But it's still worth asking what is impenetrable to us really exists, Look for the one
revise our hasty first impression that we - Hawking notwithstanding - are we read- manifesting itself as the highest wisdom Looking for God.
had stumbled into a universe which either ing the mind of God in our scientific pur- and the most radiant beauty, which our But why look at all?
did not concern itself with life or was suits, or just seeing our own reflections in dull faculties can comprehend only in He is not lost.
actively hostile to lifer the cosmic mirror? Or even more incred- their most primitive forms - this knowl- He is right here,
Cue the angelic choir. It's important to ibly, funhouse distortions of one and the edge, this feeling, is at the centre of true Closer than your own breath.
note that on the basis of scientific evi- same, the central source who dreamed the religiousness. In this sense, and in this - Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273)
dence, Jeans' estimate - where substance whole circus up to begin with? sense only, I belong to the rank of devout-
of the great thought that is the universe is Reason may take us only so far in these ly religious men:' Geoff Olson is a Vancouver writer and
consciousness itself - is no more heretical journeys, before it swallows its own tail This mystical sense stands above and political cartoonist. He can be reached at
than the materialist's dour view of a cos- like a snake. "We should not let everything beyond discursive reasoning, but it is next

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MARCH2004 • canmonGround•9
Messing up a planet is easy, fixing it takes time
was growing and began to cause increased confused when stories about the ozone but today traces of these compounds can
SCIENCE skin cancer in humans and a host of hole continue t o appear every year. be found in the bodies of every person
MATTERS unknown environmental problems. "Didn't we fix that?" is a common refrain. on Earth.
Over the next few years, scientists In fact, the Montreal Protocol is work- As humanity's influence on the envi-
by David Suzuki determined the cause of the problem - a ing. CFC production has dropped to near ronment and natural systems continues
group o f chemical compounds called zero levels and the ozone layer seems to to grow, we have to remember that it can
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that were be gradually repairing itself. But CFCs take far longer to solve our problems
M o s t Canadians are used to life mov- used in solvents, aerosols and as coolants can persist in the atmosphere for 50 to than it does to create them. We cannot
ing at break-neck speed. We carry cell in refrigeration units and air condition- 100 years. So some of the CFCs manufac- just switch a problem off like a remote-
phones so we can be reached instantly. We ers. When CFCs find their way up into the tured 40 years ago are still destroying control television. Global warming, for
use email so we can transmit text and stratosphere and react with ultraviolet ozone today. It will take decades before example, will not be solved instantly.
photos in the blink of an eye. We eat at light, they create free the protective layer The carbon dioxide we are pumping into
fast food chains so we can get our food radical chlorine com- Our planet cannot be fully heals. U n t i l the atmosphere today will stay in our air
immediately. We drive everywhere to get pounds, w h i c h a r e then, the size of the for several hundred years. Even i f we
there faster. Once we've made a decision, potent scavengers o f
commandei to fix itself. hole w i l l fluctuate stopped producing heat-trapping gases
we want results - now. ozone. In an unprece- Mother Na,ture does not from year to year. today, the Earth will continue to warm,
Unfortunately, the rest of life on our dented move, nations have a cell phone. She Another class o f and we will continue to have more
planet doesn't work that way. Things take around t h e w o r l d chemicals that w i l l extreme weather events and other cli-
time. Processes evolve over hundreds, quickly agreed t o doesn't use email and she's continue to haunt us mate-related problems for generations.
thousands or millions of years. phase out CFCs and not too kee n on instant for decades, e v e n That's why it's so important to get
As a result, humanity has no problem the Montreal Protocol though a number of started now. Our planet cannot be com-
messing things u p quickly, b u t little was born. messaging either. them were banned in manded to fix itself. Mother Nature does
patience when it comes to fixing them. It is a well-known 2001, are persistent not have a cell phone. She doesn't use
A perfect example is the ozone layer. and unqualified success. A s o n e organic pollutants. These toxic chemical email and she's not too keen on instant
Nearly 20 years ago, scientists discovered researcher points out in a recent edition compounds, which include PCBs and messaging either. She takes her time and
a massive "hole" in the ozone layer, the of the journal Nature - even schoolchild- DDT, are easily transported by air and we'd better get used to it because like it
protective layer of ozone gas high in the ren today are familiar with the story. ocean currents, and have found their way or not, we're on her schedule.
atmosphere that helps shield all living Unfortunately, our instant-fix mentality into even the most remote regions of the Take the Nature Challenge and learn
things from the sun's harsh rays. The hole is so engrained that many people are still planet. They did not exist 75 years ago, more at

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10 • CommonGtound• MARCH 2004

Aboriginal cultures
of mid-Pacific coast
by John Henigman
Native peoples numbered about
188,000 in the area of the west coast Acquire in-depth
marine forest in 1774, the time of contact
with Europeans. One hundred years coachingskins for your career
Humans have lived in the west coast
marine forest ecosystem for at least the
later, their numbers were reduced to
about 37,000. Diseases, especially small- or Deepen your skillsasa Coach.
last 10,000 years. Before this time, gla- pox, took many lives. Many Native cul-
ciers covered most of the landscape from tures no longer exist. Populations of
about Olympia, WA, north to Alaska. remaining cultures have rebounded well TheArt &Science of Coaching ConflictManagement Training
Aboriginal people relied heavily on in recent years, and today the number of Certification Program HELDINVANCOUVERAPRIL27 - 30
marine life and on the flora and fauna of Native peoples residing in the Vancouver
area is about what it was in 1774. BEGINSAPRIL8 IN VICTORIA ForConsultants, Mediators,Trainers and
the forests. Native peoples living on the
APRIL30 IN VANCOUVER Coacheswhenconflictiseating at your
coast still fish, and still gather food from The Native cultural group i n the
forests and wetlands. Over the many Vancouver area is called the Central Anadvanced SolutionFocused Coaching client's productivity.
Coast Salish. I t is made up o f the Certificate lead by international coach trainer Addworld-renownedconflictmanagement training
thousands of years, the use of plants and MarilynAtkinson, Ph.D.
animals by aboriginal peoples must have Squamish, Halkomelem and Nooksack toyourproductbasebybecomingMTI Certified to
"'Through the 'Art &Science of Coaching" I have teachworkplacedispute resolution strategies.
changed as the ecosystem itself changed. peoples around Vancouver and i n gainednew skills and tools I can apply to conflict
For example, western redcedar, so central Washington State. Other groups of the coaching in my mediation practice. The Erickson WhyshouldyoubecomeMTI Certified/
to the native cultures, has been common Central Coast Salish live on southern CollegeCoaching Certificate isa 'must" for Modelprovenover25years of practice
on the coast for only the last 4,000 years. Vancouver Island, on the Gulf and San mediators!' ErikaDeines,Mediator, Calgary. Designed by marketplace leader Dr. Dan
Aboriginal cultures were, and are, well Juan Islands and in the Port Angeles area "Acoaching program for the coaching elite' Dana- author, consultant, professor
of Washington State. PeterSchaub,Executive Coach Demonstrated global effectiveness
represented in the ecosystem around
I f you would like to know more about Worksin private, public, non-profit sectors
Vancouver. Unlike Native peoples o f
local ecosystems get the Vancouver High traffic website to support your
other parts of North America, they did
not have a dramatic effect on the forest. Ecological Explorer: A Walker's Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming marketing efforts
"PlugandPlay"classroom materials& text
Selected trees were utilized for building the Ecosystems ($6.95) available in most Certificate Program Neverbefore offered in Vancouver
materials, boats or totem poles. Some of book, outdoors and nature stores i n 7WEEKENDSSTARTINGMARCH 13 Salessupport available following
the drier areas, such as oak savannas, Vancouver. More information is available EricksonCollege isa Full TieredNLP Training certification
were regularly burned to perpetuate the at Contact us a t School.Drawing on the Mind/body connection,
Further details, contact information and registration
growth of food items, such as acorns, and tell us NLPopensareas of awarenessand personal
at Mediation Training Institute:
berries and bulbs. about your visits to natural places. perception that enhancesALLlevels of social
Aboriginal peoples Youwill learn: "Best training I've had in 25 years."
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barriers to rapport Thisoneyearprogramrequiresanintense commit-
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MARCH2004 •CommonGround 11
When God
The perfect fit, became EARTH
the perfect support. pregnant .COM
by Guy Dauncey

Our custom fit bras were designed

I n the world that I live in, spiritual reali- period of chaos and disorder, where we
with health and comfort in mind. ty is just as solid and real as physical reali- are threatened by the dire combination
Weensure the best fit possible ty. This means that I take it as fact that of technological prowess, ecological
with precise measuring done by there are angels; that healing energy ignorance and personal, corporate and
our fully trained consultants and works; that prayer works; that the spirit national hubris, we will emerge into a
distributors. We understand leaves the body after death; and that there mature global civilization. Once we
the importance of your health, are realms of existence and reality that far arrive there, I see no reason why we
surpass our Earthly understanding. should not be here in 10,000 years, or a
beauty and comfort.
I also love nature, and the slow careful million years. Our moments today will
process of observation and experimenta- be like a tiny sparkle of ancient history,
The Perfect tion with which scientists unravel the when people lived in an age stretched
secrets of nature, and the whole incredible between the brilliance of the future and
Solution: universe we live in. It may be full of pain, the wretchedness of the past. We are still
but it is also full of beauty and grandeur. such cosmic innocents. The entire sum
Our bras are different I experience no contradiction between of our knowledge is still only a colourful
from anything you have these two different ways of seeing and variation of ignorance, masquerading as
ever worn before. Our patented design believing. They coexist quite happily in ingenuity because we like to believe it so.
allows for optimum circulation, support, and my mind. I frame the physical world in Science will continue to advance, pen-
comfort-without wires. Fully breathable, hypoallergenic, and the language and understanding of sci- etrating ever deeper into the mysteries of
practical, our bras are ideal for sports, every day wear, andeven nursing. ence, and I frame the spiritual world in life. There will come a day, maybe five
the language of poetry. Step by step, how- years, maybe 50, when a scientist will
ever long it takes, I know that the one will reach into the place where spirit and
The Secret? catch u p with the
other. It was only yes- When God became
matter co-exist and
pull o u t a theory
Its our exclusive Banderin, aheat sensitive shelf-type support that lifts and terday t h a t m o s t pregnant, 13 b i l l i o n years which can survive the
directs the breast up and forward into the cup, giving lift, support, and allow- humans thought the rigors of proof. It will
ing for optimal circulation. Earth was flat, the ago, i t was n o t just w i t h be as shocking to our
heavens were fixed, matter, b u t w i t h hope. orthodoxies a s
Our Guarantee to you: Also Available: and "Here be mon- Galileo's t h e o r i e s
sters." Today, we can measure the cosmic were 400 years ago, and Einstein's were
•Straps that don't slip down •Support Garments radiation that was released in the original 100 years ago.
•Backs that don't ride up •Natal supports Big Bang, when, poetically speaking, God I really hope this breakthrough comes
•No more bouncing •Organic Skin care products become pregnant, 13 billion years ago. sooner, rather than later. Right now, sci-
•Relief from neck and back strain • Color draping This means that one day, in my book, ence tells us that everything is material;
•Healthier breast tissue •Home parties science will be able to describe the struc- that there are no realms of spirit; that
ture of angels, and the geography of heav- evolution is a purely random process of
Your bra does not fit if you experience: en. One day, we will understand the ecol- genetic mutation; and that there are no
ogy of spirit, and the relationship between things such as mystery, purpose, beauty
•Bouncing • Sagging • Bra backs that ride up • Shoulder straps that fall down the living and the dead. Physicists from or progress, except as cultural artifacts,
•Breasts that balloon out the top or sides of the bra • Breast pain of any kind. UBC will sit down with shamans from the invented to shield us from the pain of liv-
University of the Amazon, to discuss the ing in a meaningless universe, but other-
End your bra problems, behaviour of psycho-quarks.
There is nothing new in this way of
wise devoid of truth.
When that unnamed scientist reaches
thinking; nor has my brain become into the realm of spirit, he or she may
experience the Jeunique Bra. addled o r spiced with drugs. Here's discover that evolution, far from being a
Plutarch, writing in the year 75 AD: "The meaningless cosmic meandering, may be
soul of man... is a portion or a copy of the apsycho-genetic co-evolution of matter
BusinessOpportunities Available soul of the universe and is joined together and spirit. Spirit, seeking something
Distributors urgently needed in many on principles and in proportions corre- always greater and more unified, and
locations! Spring Promotion... sponding to those which govern the uni- matter, providing it with the means to do
Start before May 31,2004 and receive verse." And Hippocrates, writing 500 years so. And he or she may discover that when
$100 in bonus stock! earlier: "There is one common flow, one God became pregnant, 13 billion years
common breathing; all things are in sym- ago, it was not just with matter, but with
"ow pathy" hope.
The Jeunique Bra We must keep things in proportion. The Weare stardust
Present this coupon and your 26A - 46KK universe is 13 billion years old; our Earth Weare golden
session is..HALF PRICE! Support• Comfort •Style • Health is 4 billion years old; we humans are a And we've got to get ourselves
Nursing•Dress• Sports • Casual mere 100,000 years old in our current Back to the garden
Colour draping service includes genetic form. The ancient Greeks started - Joni Mitchell
analysis of eye, hair and skin tone. For information on a clinic
thinking scientifically 2,500 years ago, and
Includes custom color palate for near you call 604-948-9916
it was only 500 years ago that Bruno and Guy Dauncey i s t h e author o f
your reference. Valid for any per- Or e-mail: Copernicus picked up the tools of science Earthfuture: Stories From a Sustainable
sonal analysis. Expires Sept. 1/04 TheBestDressedBreast again, after centuries of superstition and World (New Society Publishers, 1999) and confusion. other titles. H e lives i n Victoria.
Now cast your mind 10,000 years
ahead. If we can get through this current

12 •Commonuround•MARCH2004
Touching the Void -
Ataut high altitude drama

B r i t climber Joe Simpson's best-selling The plan was to climb it Alpine style,
account of how he survived catastrophe which meant roped together w i t h
on a remote Andean mountain range has enough supplies in their rucksacks to do
become the stuff of mountaineering lore. a quick ascent and descent. If anything
One of those books that you can't put went wrong, they were on their own.
down. "Christ it was big," recalls one with
Oscar - w i n n i n g director K e v i n characteristic English understatement
Macdonald's "drama documentary" is as on seeing it for the first time. Worse was
compelling, capturing the taut excite- the type of snow: mountains of frosted
ment and moments of utter terror of this powder which created "meringues and
high altitude true-life drama. mushrooms and cornices all over the
The original three place" and made i t
members of the expe- Credit to Macdonald difficult to find solid JoeSimpson on location of Kevin MacDonald's Touching the Void P h o t o : Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert

dition - Joe Simpson, for doing the unorthodox purchase for their ice
his climbing b u d d y axes and crampons. were making good progress. Then Joe, to wrapped up that they are unidentifiable
Simon Yates, a n d a in combining docudrama They got to the top, his horror, found himself being lowered and close-up their bearded faces are so
trekker t h e y m e t , and documentary. I t can but as Joe says, most over a cliff edge. He shouted to Simon to weathered by the hostile conditions they
Richard Hawking, who accidents happen on stop, but it was in vain. Simon let out all resemble slabs o f raw, bristly meat.
waited at the foot of the be a turn-off, but here descents. the rope and waited for Joe to shift his Simpson and Yates, who came along to
mountain, talk directly it works. Disaster s t r u c k weight so he could start lowering with advise on the shoot, appear in some of
to the camera about when Joe fell badly, the second rope. Joe dangled helplessly. the long shots as themselves 20 years ago.
their incredible experience. Intercut with causing his lower leg t o shoot u p After an h o u r and a half o f being You aren't able to tell.
their first-person accounts are dramatic through his knee. Worse than the imme- dragged toward the edge, Simon made It also undoubtedly helped t h a t
recreations of the events. diate physical agony was the knowledge the decision to cut the rope, causing Joe Macdonald and a small cast and crew
Joe was 25 when he and Simon Yates that they would be lucky to get off the to plummet into a gaping crevasse. suffered broken lips, bleeding nails and
set o f f in 1985 t o do what no other mountain alive. It is fascinating to hear the almost freezing conditions, to shoot some vivid
climbers had done before them - scale Losing no time, Simon tied their two matter-of-fact recollections of how the action sequences o n location i n the
the awesome west face of Siula Grande in 300 foot ropes together and started two men felt and behaved in these hos- Andes.
the Peruvian Andes. It was a staggeringly belaying the pain stricken Joe down the tile conditions, with extreme choices and But what really grips you from the
treacherous climb, but they were ambi- mountain. the prospect of dying at every turn. start is the story itself, polished after
tious, fit and emboldened by an arrogant In spite of a freezing snowstorm, low- Credit to Macdonald for doing the many a telling no doubt, but all the same,
belief that they were better than those ering light and the threat of dehydration unorthodox in combining docudrama totally compelling.
who had tried to climb it before them (they didn't even have enough fuel for and documentary. It can be a turn-off, Robert Alstead runs movie, video and
and failed. melting snow to sit out the storm), they but here i t works. The actors are so DVD `zine iofilm

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Continued from page 5... during the Cold War. The Cuban missile future. First strike and BMD are an inte-
these strategic weapons is the equivalent crisis was one such incident. In short, the gral part of their twisted strategy. Now
of two billion tons of TNT. A first strike threat to use nuclear weaponry is noth- that Paul Martin, our un-elected prime
strategy using even a fraction o f these ing n e w f o r Washington. W h e n i t minister, is promoting Canada's involve-
weapons would be sufficient t o cause bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the ment in the BMD program, Canadians
"nuclear winter:' which would freeze even US became the only country ever to have must tell their politicians that they want
the tropics. Darkness, crop failure, radia- used such weapons against an enemy. no part o f this BMD madness and its
tion and disease would destroy human The world is increasingly aware of the accompanying weaponization of space.
civilization and most living things. disaster that is unfolding in Iraq as a Canadian involvement in a BMD means
A B M D system makes a first strike result of Bush's determination to contin- spending billions of our tax dollars on a
credible for some powerful, shortsighted ue waging war against there. He ration- system that is meant to subjugate the
US policy makers and for US military alized his obsessive pursuit of war on the world, including Canada, for the benefit
International College of industrial suppliers that lust for the lucra- grounds that Saddam Hussein possessed of US interests. This at a time when our
Traditional Chinese tive multi-billion dollar contracts. weapons of mass destruction. - a ration- health care and education systems as
Medicine of Vancouver Just the use of this threat can be a pow- ale that has so far proven baseless. Prior well as social programs and environ-
erful tool in a strategy whose purpose is to its outbreak, we witnessed unprece- mental protection are being starved for
ARewarding Career in to promote US political and economic dented popular opposition to this war funds.
dominance i n the world - including around the world as well as unparalleled, a Vancouver-based coalition
Natural Health Care! nuclear-armed rival countries - from con- resistance to war among the members of which includes more than 150 member
sidering action, which challenges or frus- the United Nations. Acting in the face of organizations, has mobilized opposition to
Diploma programs towards: trates US dominance. This is the essential this opposition, the Bush administration the attack on and occupation of Iraq, the
✓Doctor of TCM rationale for the US to build a BMD sys- was determined to achieve its strategic BMD and other manifestations o f war
tem. Both the Russians and the Chinese goals in Iraq: dominance over the coun- since it was formed 16 months ago. It is
✓Licenced Acupuncturistunderstand this and are taking their own try's oil, privatization of state holdings preparing a major rally for March 20 in
so that they can be bought up by US cor- Vancouver to mark the first anniversary of
✓Licenced Herbalist counter measures in response to Japan
and South Korea signing on to the US porations and US control over the con- the US invasion of Iraq. The rally is part of
✓Licenced TCMP BMD program. tracts to rebuild the country. a worldwide protest against imperialism
Ordinary people consider i t mad to US policy makers intend to become and warmongering. Please take part so we
take such risks, b u t i t is essential t o overwhelmingly dominant militarily so can send our leaders and the world the
1 Year Certificate Program remember t h a t t h e use o f nuclear that no country can challenge similar message that the people of Vancouver reject
weapons was threatened at least 16 times political and economic initiatives in the war and occupation. www.stopwarca
✓ Chinese Tui-Na & Reflexology

Classes Start:
✓April 26th, '04 Iraq timeline of war and protest by Derrick O'Keefe

W o r l d history in 2003 was marked by what now appears to be an imminent placards carry the names o f countries
Financial assistance may be available. the US-led invasion of Iraq, and the anti- attack on Iraq. invaded or bombed by US forces over the
Weaccept transfer credits. war protests against i t , which were March 1 9 - George W . B u s h past six decades since the nuclear bomb-
Accredited by the Private Post-Secondary unprecedented i n size and worldwide announces the opening o f the "shock ing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945,
Education Commission of BC. coordination. The US, U K and other and awe" bombing of Iraq. Great Britain September 28 - A Vancouver rally
occupation forces remain, and the Iraqi and Spain join the US-led "coalition of demands the end of the occupation of
resistance continues - the war is not over. the willing." At 8 pm, minutes after the Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan.
The next major international anti-war bombing o f Iraq had begun, 1,500 October 25 - International Day o f
PPSEC protests are set for March 20 including Vancouverites hold a spirited and angry Action sees the largest demonstrations in
what is expected to be a huge one-year march to the US consulate. the US since before the war started. In
CLINIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC anniversary march and rally in Vancouver. March 20 - Students make up the Vancouver, protestors march t o t h e
✓ Teaching Clinic (See Page 4 for more details or www.stop- majority o f an a l l -day walkout and Canadian armory demanding an end to
Free Consultation, protest against the war. Langara, UBC, Canadian support for the occupations
A brief summary of war and peace in SFU and Emily Carr students organize and no to participation in Bush's missile
Very Low Cost on Treatments.
2003 includes the fol- contingents a n d j o i n defence program known as Star Wars 2.
✓ Professional Clinic lowing: Prime Minister Paul marchers s n a k i n g December 13 - Photo-op for US prop-
Dr. Henry Lu. January 18 - An inter- Martin's new defense throughout downtown aganda: a disheveled Saddam Hussein is
national day o f action all a f t e r n o o n a n d captured outside of Tikrit. Despite tri-
Dr. Labia Ho, DTCM minister David Pratt evening.
against the war on Iraq. umphalist predictions, the Iraqi resist-
We treat pain, gynaecological Over 10,000 come out to had opposed April 9 - The fall o f ance continues and even intensifies in the
disorder, allergies, arthritis, de- the A r t G a l l e r y i n Baghdad is highlighted following days.
pression, other chronic conditions Vancouver, while in the
Chretien's decision
by a great photo-op for December 15 - Bush calls to congrat-
and much more. United States the largest not to send Canadian US invaders, as a statue of ulate newly sworn-in Prime Minister
anti-war rallies since the troops to Iraq. Saddam is toppled with Paul Martin, who in turn congratulates
Free Vietnam war take place, the help of US forces. Bush on Hussein's capture. Martin looks
with as many as half a million marching April 12 - Another international day of to "mend fences" with the US, naming
Info sessions on programs: in Washington, DC. protest against the war. In Vancouver, the David Pratt defence minister. Pratt
February 15 - The largest coordinated demand of "stop the war" becomes "end
Mar. 11 & 25 day of protest in the history of the world. the occupation."
opposed Chretien's decision not to send
Canadian troops to Iraq. Later in the
Anywhere from 15 to 30 million take to May 1 - Bush, speaking aboard a US week, Martin states in an interview that
2:00-4:00pm the streets globally against the war on aircraft carrier, announces "the end of Canadian troops won't be withdrawn
Iraq. London is the site of Britain's largest major hostilities in Iraq." Hundreds of from Afghanistan anytime soon.
Call: 731-2926 rally ever at 2 million, i n Vancouver US and coalition soldiers have since been
30,000 plus make for the largest anti-war killed as resistance continues, not t o
March 20, 2004 - Global Day of Action
on the one-year anniversary of US / UK
201-1508 West Broadway, rally here in over a decade. mention the continuing death of thou- invasion of Iraq, join millions around the
Vancouver B.C. VO 1W8 March 14 - The Vancouver peace camp sands of Iraqis. world to say no to war (see page 4 for
established across from the US consulate August 9 - Nagasaki Day is commem- details).
Email: downtown, with 24-hour anti-war vigil. orated i n Vancouver w i t h a funeral Derrick O'Keefe is a member o f the March 15 - In Vancouver, 15,000 protest march to the US consulate. Coffins and Stop War. ca coalition

14 •cormanGtound•MARCH2004
students have grounds for complaints if a

Digital Diploma Mills semester is allowed to be improvisation

or impulsive journeys into knowledge?
And if the grade is a personal assessment
Book review by Ralph Maud by the teacher not an accumulation of '
points for work explained fully i n
On-line distance education, which become too important to be left to the I should have known that we were
seems benign when you listen to its pro- universities?' The military/business com- being hoodwinked by the forces that
ponents, is from David Noble's perspec- plex would take over, but without our wanted universities to offer a product
tive the gravest danger this century to the knowing. For instance, a little law like the rather than an experience. Student
real work of the university. 1980 reform of patents allowed universi- appeals, so politically correct, were the
I happened once to be at an editing ties to patent research done under gov- first secret step toward weakening the
studio where they were working on a ernment grants. A "favour?' of course, but professor and sapping the professor's
training film for Keg and Cleaver, as- it from then on knowledge became a mar- strength to resist further inroads into
was called in its early expansive phase. ketable commodity without anyone real- academic vitality.
The film showed how the receptionist izing something momentous had hap- David Noble is one whose strength
should greet customers, pened. For one thing, shows no signs o f diminishing. An
how the waiter should The universities had taxes were thereby accomplished historian by anyone's stan-
squat at the table and say converted into private dards, he is also an organizer of renown.
"Hi, I'm Kevin" and how become too important wealth a n d , m o r e Digital Diploma Mills is a book to have at
the bill should be present- to be left to the importantly, a culture the Strand Hall barricades. It takes its
ed and so on and so on. of secrecy and owner- place in my affection alongside the earli-
The idea was that man- universities. ship for eventual prof- pening when student appeals were insti- er Progress Without People, which sur-
agers o f new locations it began to usurp tra- tuted so easily in the 1980s. You'd think veyed the historical Luddite program and
would show the film to staff as they hired ditional open scientific research. the administration would resist the both- its successes, and showed how people
them. The impressive founder of the Keg The latest phase of commodification er of students challenging grades all the have always claimed the right to manage
chain was there that evening and he of higher education is the on-line pack- time, but they didn't. And I don't think it their workplace and introduce technolo-
revealed an unexpected secret about the aging of courses for sale, which David was because of a love of democracy and gy in their own way. The on-line com-
film: that it wasn't for the staff. Their jobs Noble brilliantly exposesasa cash grab at justice. Let me tell you, students have modification, which is the subject of the
didn't require much in the way of train- the expense of the humanistic classroom very rarely found satisfaction in this present book, is one further example of
ing. No, the new managers would show instructor. I always considered the lec- openness. What was effected under the a historical movement, a threat that is
the film over and over and it was really ture as a unique moment in the lives of guise of fairness to students was the first peculiarly ours to understand and act
for them. A sense of the desired rhythm the teacher and listeners both. Now they wholesale entry of administrations into upon.
and atmosphere of aKeg would be there- want us to design a course so that we do course content and conduct of classes. Historian David Noble, co-founder of
by drilled into them without their being it just once in front of a camera and we How, it was asked, could review commit- the National Coalition for Universities in
aware of the intention. are not needed again. They want a quan- tees see if fair play had occurred unless the Public Interest, teaches a t York
This revelation stuck in my mind and tified unit of learning, whereas anybody they could investigate everything about University. Digital Diploma Mills is pub-
helped me to understand how in the knows that real learning usually occurs the situation? Further, i t meant that lished by Between the Lines www.btl-
1970s (the early Keg era) the powers- when the talk and the thinking have gone courses must be designed now as objec-
that-be decided, as Noble puts it on page beyond the normal bounds of safety. tive entities so that student complaints Ralph Maud is emeritus professor of
27 of Digital Diploma Mills, that from Learning is in the outrageous. could be judged against the implicit con- English at Simon Fraser University in
their point of view "the universities had I should have known what was hap- tract of the course description. How can Burnaby, BC.

Nothing But The Rabbits rabbit's might-equals-right world con-

trasts sharply with the rich, fertile, ani-
mal-filled landscape of the beginning. Is
Miracles Book review by Catherine Chapman
there hope for the future in such a world?
Marsden's sparse text,
combined with Shaun
T h e Rabbits is a stark
Book review by Catherine Chapman Tan's exquisitely rich
allegory of colonization
and human impact on illustrations, makes for
Susan Roth's collages beautifully the environment. The an emotionally charged
illustrate this picture book, whose sim- rabbits move in and take look at colonization and
ple text is excerpted from Whitman's over a land that is lived how the environment
Leaves of Grass. Roth has put a child- on and loved by the has suffered from indus-
friendly face on the poem by intro- native creatures. They trialization a n d
ducing a family of cats that do the come by boat, speak a unchecked population
things that families do together: eating, different language, bring growth. This is a great
talking, sleeping, going to the beach, lov- different animals and book to introduce these
ing each other. Throughout the book, the for non-traditional families. T h e topics to children and as
colourful paper collages have a passion eat different food. Their
cats stop to realize the miracles that are population multiplies a discussion starter
everywhere in their daily lives, from the and vivacity that echoes Whitman's about human rights,
inspirational words. This book helps us quickly and they strip
"wonderfulness of the sundown?" or the politics and environ-
all, n o matter how o l d we are. the land of its resources,
city streets, or to simply be able to talk to mental issues. This book is a must for
the people they love. In choosing to use Remember that when you celebrate without thought to the balance of the
even the simplest of things, there is joy! environment. The creatures that have every school, library and socially-con-
animals instead of human figures, Roth
has left the family identity open, so chil- By Walt Whitman, illustrated by lived there for generations are made sick, scious home.
dren can see their own family diversity Susan L. Roth. National Geographic, oppressed and have their children stolen By John Marsden and Shaun Tan.
represented, making this an ideal book 2003, ages 3 to 6. from them. The barren landscape of the Simply Red, 2003, ages 6 plus.

MARCH 2004 • ComrnonGround • 1 5

for the Dalai Lama the understanding is
visceral as well as intellectual. His medita-
tion and practices are all based on the
foundation of the interdependence of all
things and that if you look at the people
and things around you and really go deep
down, you find what he calls emptiness.
Things are empty of inherent existence.
That existence really springs from interde-
When the Dalai Lama looks at a single
tree he sees it dissolve into a web of intri-
cate relations, because the existence of the
tree changes from moment to moment. It's
buffeted by the wind. Rain is coming
down. The existence of the tree depends
on a myriad of things. It depends on the
soil, the seed and so forth. So, there's a
whole web of relations out there.
So, if you look closely at a tree you'll see
ultimately that there is no such thing as a
tree. If you break it down it becomes mol-
ecules and quarks and eventually nothing.
For example, he will go and give a lec-
ture andsee this crowd in front of him and
he'll tell me that now that his practice has
deepened to such an extent he sees them
not as distinct entities. Their outline has
become blurred. He can actually see that
they merge with things around them, so
the idea of interdependence is not an
abstract concept. He cansee and feel it.
It's the same thing that some scientists
have now discovered. There's a team who
have worked with meditators. When the

Getting to know the Dalai Lama person reaches the state of transcendental
meditation he lets the experimenter know
and they inject dye into his brain and take
a picture of it. They've found a certain area
Joseph Roberts interviews Victor Chan about coming to Vancouver to talk about Shalomi. A book actually came of that in the brain that's like a combination of a
the education of the heart so we can bring meeting called The Jew in the Lotus. gyroscope and a measuring device, so
The man who invited the Dalai Lama to up the next generation in a more sensitive I thought it would be great to get all every time you move around in your space
Vancouver tells us how they first met and way. these people together, so that's what myself this area automatically calculates distance
what it's like to help organize the upcoming Hewas quite interested in doing that, so and Prof. Potter have been working and angles and so on. So, if you move to a
Balancing Educating the Mind With the next step was finding people he could towards. chair this super-computer in your brain
Educating the Heart dialogues. The other have a dialogue with. As I'm co-author of Then t o make a sixth i s Jo-ann allows you to home in to the chair and sit
five prominent leaders taking part in the the book with him I travelled with him a Archibald of the First Nations communi- down without falling off.
April forums are: Archbishop Desmond fair amount. I also spent time with him in ty. So we have an amazing array of people But, when you're in the intense state of
Tutu, Prof. Shirin Ebadi, as well as former India where I got to know people like from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe meditation, for example, the super-com-
Czech president Vaclav Havel, Rabbi Vaclav Havel, from the Czech Republic, as and First Nations Canadians. It's quite a puter doesn't get the data i t needs.
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Prof. well as Desmond Tutu, who are in partic- coming together. Somehow there's something blocking the
Jo-ann Archibald. ular, really close friends of the Dalai Lama. Q: How close are you with the Dalai data. Your physical limits, your skin for
Q: When and why did you begin work- As a matter of fact, Havel told me when Lama? What have you been doing over the example, dissolve and you become merged
ing on this event? he became president of Czechoslovakia in last few years? with things around you, which is exactly
A: I guess when I was thinking about the 1990 he had three wishes. They were to A: I met him in '72 during the Holy what the yogis and other practitioners
fact that UBC doesn't have a Tibetan stud- meet the Dalai Lama and the pope as soon Festival in Dharamsala. I travelled through have been saying for centuries. When
ies program. So, I started talking to Pitman as he could, and then to establish diplo- India and took a bus to Dharamsala. My you're at a certain stage of your practice
Potter, director of the Institute of Asian matic relations with Israel. I think within friend and I were splashed by these bal- you're at one with everything around you,
Research. He's one of the foremost author- the first half year of his term the Dalai loons of coloured water when we got off and are actually interdependent and
ities on China, so he got quite interested in Lama went to meet with him and they the bus, so I remember it very well. From deeply, physically connected to the things
the idea of doing something about Tibet. became very good friends. The Dalai Lama `99 on I've been co-authoring a book with around you.
Two and a half years ago I was in often goes to Prague to meet with Havel him likely to be The Resplendent Heart in So, the interdependence of all beings is
Dharamsala asking about the idea of him and they have these meditation sessions Intimate Journeys and Conversations. akey thing the Dalai Lama talks about. It's
coming to Vancouver for a visit in order to together. Q: The theme for our April edition is not an obvious concept. Even if people
inaugurate the Tibetan studies program. Desmond Tutu met him a number of what's healthy for the planet and you said have an intellectual understanding of it, it
He said that he would come for two days. times and they have a tremendous chem- that would be one of the themes to be dis- takes years of practice to acquire real
I know the Dalai Lama speaks of the istry together. I've seen him with many cussed. insight about this.
education of the heart, seeing that in the people and I've never seen this type of A: Yes. One of the principle philosophies Q: What would be the impression of a
West people are very much focused on chemistry. Tutu is now in his 70s, the Dalai of the Dalai Lama is that of interdepend- new baby? It looks as if the whole universe
career and that there's intense competition Lama is 69 and it's amazing to see these ence. This is not unique to him. It's a is flowing through them?
to go to university. two elderly men playing around like kids. theme most Buddhists would subscribe to. A: They haven't yet developed all the
He believes what is needed is for people Another person the Dalai Lama had a It's also a theme most people can intuitive- defence mechanisms that make them
to have a good heart, so I talked to him rapport with was Reb Zalman-Schacter ly understand in relation to ecology. But, aware of being individual entities.

16 • 001100laound •MARCH2004
Then there's the interdependence of the Greenberg on education. That's a very whole process is laid out. If you want to is geared to how he can be of service. He's
mind and the body, which the Dalai Lama interesting book. (Goleman also wrote the go deeper into the process of how it not coming to Vancouver so he can get a
has been talking about for decades now. best-selling book Emotional Intelligence) actually works then read the book...and whole bunch of money to help his people
He says peace of mind will affect your Also, if you go to the website www.min- there's a documentary film. in India. No, this is a policy. A lot of
whole body. He often points out that doc- you would find all the past Q: What would you like our readers to Buddhists would like to come to his talk
tors have done tests on his heart and they information on the dialogues. know about the Dalai Lama? and offer him money. This is the usual
say it's like a 20 year old heart. I ask him Another reason the Dalai Lama wants to A: Well, it's a bit of a cliché but after practice and he always says he won't take
why he has such amazing vitality and he talk to the scientists is because he wants to knowing him for so long - he's really dif- the money. So he travels all this way to give
says, "Well, Victor, you know I'm very lazy this talk and doesn't take back a single
when it comes to doing exercise?' So he penny.
came to the conclusion that it's due to his The main reason he comes is because
tremendous peace of mind. Medical scien- we've invited him and he thinks that by
tists are finally discovering that low stress coming here people would like to hear
improves the immune system. what he has to say. The only reason he is
Q: That's become a huge topic in psy- coming here is to be of help. Altruism is
cho-immunology. Is there an appreciation such an amazing thing for him. Now, after
for science and the need to interact with all these decades of practice, his whole
science in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition? being has the belief that other people are
A: Since 1987 he has been spearheading more important than him. We can pay lip
adialogue with scientists. For example, I service to it, but to take it to such a high
was with him a year or two ago in degree is to me very exceptional.
Dharamsala and a team of eminent scien- Another big part of his work is to pro-
tists went to Dharamsala to talk to him. So, mote religious harmony. That's why he's
the Dalai Lama has this dialogue every year very happy to be coming to Vancouver
with • scientists called Mind and Life because it will be his first chance to get to
( He's vitally inter- stimulate the Tibetan monks' interest in ferent from you and I. Ever since he was know Shirin Ebadi, the first Muslim
ested himself in cosmology and quantum science,as in the past they've devoted their atoddler he was put into this system of woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. This
physics and relativity. He sees a lot of "par- studies to inner science, the inner mind exploring his inner mind. His whole is a chance for him to do his part to pro-
allels in the most advanced quantum theo- and how to control their emotions, how to education was focused on the emotions mote religious harmony.
ries in superstring theory, for example with be a better person. Now the Dalai Lama and transforming the mind, to get rid of Q: As there probably isn't a venue large
some of the ideas proposed in Buddhism. thinks it's time they learn about the exter- afflicted emotions like anger and jeal- enough to accommodate the number of
He's very interested in examining the com- nal world because it's important for young ousy and to enhance emotions like com- people who'd like to see him, what about
monality between the two. monks to know something about science passion, empathy and kindness. scheduling some real time on the internet
He's also interested if physicists find so they can make a contribution to the So, for over six decades his whole life so anyone in the world could participate.
things that would disprove something in understanding of the mind through the hasbeen geared to that. They have a sys- A: My meeting before you was exactly
Buddhism. He thinks that given new infor- scientific method. tematic knowledge that takes them step- about webcasting. We are trying to estab-
mation and data, Buddhist theory should Q: Is that recent? by-step towards this goal. If you look at lish some relationship with MSN to go on
also change. He's very interested in psy- A: That's very recent. He's gotten his an Olympic athlete, for example, they their homepage. When hewas in New York
chology as well. own monks to attend these conferences also work very intensively towards win- and Boston in September the webcaster
Q: Are there any books on these? only in the last two or three years. One of ning a gold medal and the span of train- hosted via the internet. So it was right on
A: The latest book that came out of these his key lamas spearheads this curriculum ing time is measurable in a couple of the front page of the internet and you
dialogues is by Prof. Daniel Goleman, so more and more Tibetan monks in the decades. He has immersed himself in could click on the whole thing.
called Destructive Emotions. You'll find his monasteries in India will take up science as this Olympic type of quest for over six Q: Sometimes when you're in the pres-
conversation with Prof. Richard Davidson, part o f their studies. I n the book decades and the end result is that all his ence of a saint or a holy person it reminds
Prof. Paul Eckman and Prof. Mark Destructive Emotions you'll see how the life's work, everything he does and says, continued on page 24...

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Get Healthy and
Stay Healthy
The Now by Eckort Tolle

To have your attention in the Now is not

a denial of what is needed in your life. It is The moment you enter the Now with
recognizing what is primary. Then you can your attention, you realize that life is sacred.
deal with what is secondary with great ease. There is asacredness to everything you per-
It is not saying,"I'm not dealing with things ceive when you are present. The more you
anymore because there is only the Now." live in the Now, the more you sense the
No. Find what is primary first, and make simple yet profound joy of Being and the
the Now into your friend, not your enemy. sacredness of all life.
Acknowledge it, honour it. When the Now
is the foundation and primary focus of your Most people confuse the Now with what
life, then your life unfolds with ease. happens in the Now, but that's not what it
is. The Now is deeper than what happens in
80% of your immune Putting away the dishes, drawing up a it. It is the space in which it happens.
business strategy, planning a trip - what is So do not confuse the content of this
more important: the doing or the result that moment with the Now. The Now is deeper
system is bowel related you want to achieve through the doing? than any content that arises in it.
This moment or some future moment?
Do you treat this moment as if it were an When you step into the Now, you step
obstacle to be overcome? Do you feel you out of the content of your mind. The inces-
Immunity Is The Key To Good Health have a future moment to get to that is more sant stream o f thinking slows down.
important? Thoughts don't absorb all your attention
Staying healthy i s ventativemedicine plays a vital role. Almost everyone lives like this most of anymore, don't draw you in totally. Gaps
the time. Since the future never arrives, arise in between thoughts - spaciousness,
about immunity. When Inthe pastdecadescientistshavebegun to except as the present, it is a dysfunctional stillness. You begin to realize how much
your immune system betterunderstand the role of immunity and way to live. It generates a constant under- vaster and deeper you are than your
is compromised you how it works.Muchresearchhasbeen done current of unease, tension, and discontent. thoughts.
becomeprone to illness. aroundprobioticsandimmune modulators. A It does not honour life, which is Now and
never not Now. Thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions,
Theimmune system is properlymodulatedimmunesystem will help and whatever you experience make up the
not a singular organ or stave of most bacterial and viral assaults on Feel the aliveness within your body. That content of your life. "My life" is what you
action but rather a com- thebody, including food poisoning, allergies, anchors you in the Now. derive your sense of self from, and "my life"
plicated infrastructure cold, flu, parasites and cancer causing anti- is content, or so you believe.
Ultimately you are not taking responsi- You continuously overlook the most
thatdependsupon proper nutrition, healthy gens.Probiotics re-cultivate good bacteria in bility for life until you take responsibility obvious fact: your innermost sense of I Am
skin, tissue and bowels. 80 percent of the thestomachandintestines, ensuring that bad for this moment - Now. This is because has nothing to do with what happens in
body'simmunesystem is around the diges- bacteria has no place to colonize. Also, by Now is the only place where life can be your life, nothing to do with content. That
tive tract and 20 percent is part of the skin, cultivating friendly bacteria, the bowel is able found. sense of I Am is one with the Now. It always
Taking responsibility for this moment remains the same. In childhood and old
bonesorgansandother tissue.The question to more efficiently assimilate nutrients into means not to oppose internally the "such- age, in health or sickness, in success or fail-
you must ask yourself is, why do some theblood stream, affecting immune function ness" of Now, not to argue with what is. It ure, the I Am - the space of Now - remains
people get sick while others, exposed to the in other parts of the body.Thiscanbe further means to be in alignment with life. unchanged at its deepest level. It usually
The Now is as it is because it cannot be gets confused with content, and so you
samebacteria or virus remain healthy and enhancedthrough use of nutrient-rich im-
otherwise. What Buddhists have always experience I Am or the Now only faintly
unaffected. The key is immune response. munesystem boosters and modulators that known, physicists now confirm: there are and indirectly, through the content of your
Immunedefense is largely dependent on containenzymes,sterolsand antioxidants. no isolated things or events. Underneath life. In other words: your sense of Being
thebowel and skin, both of which serve as Adaily regimen of probiotics and immune the surface appearance, all things are inter- becomes obscured by circumstances, your
connected, are part of the totality of the stream of thinking, and the many things of
abarrier to invading antigens, bacteria and systemmodulators is a must for everyone, cosmos that has brought about the form
this world. The Now becomes obscured by
viruses. While pharmaceutical drugs are especialy for children with developing bow- that this moment takes. time.
beneficial and necessary at certain stages elsand the elderly who generally experience When you say "yes" to what is, you And so you forget your rootedness in
of illness, they often do not directly address moredigestive trouble because of bowel become aligned with the power and intelli- Being, your divine reality, and lose yourself
gence of Life itself. Only then can you in the world. Confusion, anger, depression,
root causes. This is where the idea of pre- deterioration. become an agent for positive change in the violence, and conflict arise when humans
world. forget who they are.
Yet how easy it is to remember the truth
Sayyou read it in Common Ground A simple but radical spiritual practice is and thus return home:
to accept whatever arises in the Now - with- I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense
and Save $5 off either product. in and without. perceptions, and experiences. I am not the
content of my life. I am Life. I am the space
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MARCH2004• cornmonGround•19

2004 Program Calendar

March • Hollyhock Cooks
Debra Fontaine
• Healthy Breast Program
Sat Dharam Kaur
• Hollyhock Summer Sampler
Hollyhock Faculty
20 - 10/16 Study & Service:
Gardening at Hollyhock
20 - 4/10 Artists, Writers, • Yoga-Soft, Strong & Deep • C u p of Ecstasy • Vocal Improvisation Non Fletcher & Myann Reid
Seekers of Refuge K-Lea Gifford Atum O'Kane Rhiannon • 2 7 -day Esalen° Massage
• Seeing Your Life Through 2 0 - 25 Songwriting & Performance 21 - 25 Kelp Basket & Cedar Brits Ostrom &
April New Eyes Donna Martin Ysaye Barnwell, et al Weaving Cheryl Massey Dean Marson
25 - 30 Mothership Kayaking
10 - 5/1 Artists, Writers, 12 - 15 Gabrielle Roth's 5 • T h e Painting Experience • Yoga of Sound
Rhythms- Soasis Sukuweh Stewart Cubley Russill Paul Mike Moore &
Seekers of Refuge Christine Hollmann
• Wise Women • Loving Your Healing • Natural Animal Health Care
• Study & Service: Esalen • Natural Gourmet Institute
Massage• & Somatic Deborah Nelson Shin Terayama Allen Schoen
• Creativity Camp for Adults Diane Carlson &
Bodywork Vicki Topp 15 - 20 Y o g a for Yoga Teachers 2 5 - 29 Summer Yoga Retreat
Peter Berley
Monica Voss Jocelan Coty Peggy Taylor &
Charlie Murphy 25 - 10/1 T h e Naked Voice
May 15 - 20 W r i t i n g of Memoirs
Sharon Butala
• T h e Healing Voice
Jill Purce 25 - 30 Hypnotherapy Professional
Chloe Goodchild &
Masashi Minagawa
2 - 29 Study & Service: Cooking • Ultimate Organic Garden • Marriage of Word & Image Training Liliana Cane
& lyengar Yoga Debra • Tibetan Buddhism
Nori Fletcher & Myann Reid Nick Bantock • Retreat for Couples
Fontaine & Yvonne Kipp Lama Tashi Namgyal
• Mothership Kayaking 2 5 - 8/1 Wood Carving & Sculpting Robert & Judith Gass
13 - 16 lyengar Yoga Yvonne Kipp Mike Moore & Brian Fryer Volker Steigemann • Integrative Medicine
• Restorative Getaway • Successful Self-Publishing 29 - 8/1 Flower Arranging Andrew Weil & October
16 - 23 Insight Meditation Retreat Lori Shyba Caz Ratcliffe & Victcria Maizes 1 - 5 Handmade Books, Collage
Steven Smith & 20 - 26 Dancing from Inside Out Pamela Boles 30 - 9/4 Enhancing Passion Karen Wallace &
Lynne Bousfield Margie Gillis • From Science to God Liliar a Cane & Cynthia Minden
23 - 26 T h e Ear of The Heart Peter Russell Robert Baillod • Soul Motion, The Practice
20 - 27 Institute of Neurobiology
Noirin Ni Riain Retreat Dietrich Klinghardt • Fields of the Mind • Yoga in the Footsteps of Vinn Marti
• Metamorphosis. From Rupert Sheldrake Patanjali • Soulfire
27 - 7/2 Drawing, Pastel &
Inside Out Shirley Daventry French Brigitte Secard
Watercolour Dianne Bersea
Jana Lynne White • Paint, Collage & Surface
• Restorative Getaway
& Jodi Forster
27 - 7/4 Institute of Neurobiology.
August Wendy Welch
5 - 9 Instinct for Freedom
Alan Clements
26 - 30 Media That Matters Retreat Dietrich Klinghardt 1 - 4 Circle Dance
• Breema® Bodywork
Bill Weaver, et al
• Effective Facilitation
• H e a r t of the Shaman
Rowan Brooks
1 - 6 Blessings of the Drum
September Avishai Pearlson &
Richard Yensen & Denise Berezonsky
Gordy Ryan, et al 4 - 7 Transformation of Trauma
Julian Griggs Donna Dryer • Seeing Your Life Through
Peter Levine &
30 - 6/26 Study & Service: Heart of 2 - 9 T h e Power of Hope New Eyes Donna Martin
Sharon Stanley
Meditation Donna Martin
30 - 6/4 Applied Shamanism
July 6 - 11 Didjeridu Playing
Shine Edgar &
4 - 9 Wa y of Qigong Ken Cohen 9 - 13 Mindfulness Tools for Living
Adrianne Ross
Hank Wesselman & 4 - 8 Making Change, Zachary Sukuweh • Holy Longing
Making A Difference Trebbe Johnson 9 - 16 Heart of the Healer
Jill Kuykendall • Writing with the Body Richard Yensen &
Tzeporah.Berman, et al Sondra Perl • Hollyhock Cooks
• A r t & Craft of Screenplay Donna Dryer
Lew Carlino • Spirit in Nature More<a Jolar
• Heart of Harmony 13 - 16 Spiral Dynamics
Leslie Conton Shivon Robinsong & 9 - 12 Running as Spiritual Path
• Cognitive Therapy Training Don Beck &
Greg Dubord • F r e e Happy Unusual Life Denis Donnelly Roger Joslin
Marilyn Hamilton
Nina Wise • T'ai Chi Ch'uan • Sheer Joy of Gardening
21 - 24 Mushroom Conference
4 - 11 Yoga Rx Larry Payne David Tarrant
June 8 - 11 Strategies & Inspiration
Judyth Weaver
11 - 15 T h e Feminine Fire • Soul of Money
Andrew Weil &
Paul Stamets
4 - 7 Bring Your Workshop to for Earth Sobonfu Some Lynne Twist
the World 24 - 29 Spiritual Guidance Program
Tzeporah Berman, et al 11 - 16 Dance Magic Zoe Ryan • Restorative Getaway
Oriane Lee Johnston Atum O'Kane
• Restorative Getaway • Ta o Yoga of Love 12 - 16 Social Venture Institute
• M e n Who Don't Do • Buddhist Path to
11 - 16 Hollyhock Family Adventure Minke de Vos Joel Solomon, et al Happiness Robert Beatty
Workshops Charles Dayna Davis & 12 - 19 T h e Power of Hope 16 - 20 Personal Strategic Planning
Steinberg & Brian Fryer Hugh Prichard Elizabeth Crook
• Becoming Vegetarian
• Theatrical Exploration for
• Continuing T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Judyth Weaver • W e b of Change
Vesanto Melina
Women Victoria Goring Jason Mogus, et al 10/29 Artists, Writers,
• T h e Second Half of Life 16 - 21 A r t of Leadership
• Time of Transition 18 Book Launch Event -11/19 Seekers of Refuge
Alene Mons Robert Gass
Atum O'Kane Rex Weyler • Meditation 21-day Guided
• Restorative Getaway • Arica
16 - 20 Building Vocal Community Self-Retreat Joanne Broatch
Gordy & Zoe Ryan, et al
7 - 12 Thai Yoga Massage Ysaye Barnwell
Paul Cramer

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MARCH 2004 • COmmaiGround • 2 1

Shifts in consciousness emerging into the light
becomes shattered. novice swimmer who struggles unsuccess- or g o forth wide-eyed and trusting.
A process begins, as when labour begins fully to float because he is fighting against Sometimes it feels as though we are cata-
UNIVERSE for a pregnant woman, that seems self-pro- the water in order to master it, it is when we pulted, kicking and screaming all the way.
pelled, regardless o f o u r preferences. surrender and relax that we discover there is Whichever way it happens, if we are will-
WITHIN Something is moving, seeming to carry us something bigger, more powerful than our ing, we can touch that place of oneness.
by Gwen along with it. I f we are unprepared for or own ego operating. Having moved beyond the safe confines of
Randall-Young inexperienced with major life changes, this There is something that holds and sup- our ego-world, we can feel a connectedness
movement can feel like an earthquake. It ports us. with the whole. That is when we experience
can leave us feeling unstable, insecure, vul- The experience of this vast energy may be spirit. It feels familiar, comfortable and we
Whether small or great, and no matter nerable and even frightened. interpreted in as many ways as there are feel at home there.
what the stage or grade of life, the Call rings Some respond by trying to alter the real- cultures, traditions, even individuals. When We recognize it because that same ener-
up the curtain, always, on a mystery of trans- ity to make things more like they were. we transcend our ego - gy is at the core o f our
figuration - a rite, o r Others just hunker down, our bounded self - we Some cope by turning being. Buried under layers
moment, of spiritual pas- Knowing never to resigned to feeling miser- experience spirit. Life to substances or of conditioning a n d
sage, which, when com- turn our backs to the able, and wait f o r the crises have a way o f thought-forms about who
plete, amounts to a dying worst to be over. Then cracking open the walls worldly distractions to we are, we may never have
and a birth. The familiar ocean, we need to keep there are those who see of our ego boundaries numb themselves, and felt it. Our essence is soul
horizon has been out- our heads up, look the wave coming, know and tossing us carelessly or spirit. We cannot know
grown; the old concepts, they must prepare for it, onto a n unfamiliar, in doing so deny them- what our face looks like
ideals and emotional pat- forward and notice ride i t for all they are expansive and endless selves the experience until we look into a mirror.
terns no longer fit; the what we are being worth, knowing i t will ocean of spirit. When w e cross that
time for the passing of a transform them. Some cope by turning of a significant life threshold and behold spirit
threshold is at hand.
carried towards. In order t o d o this, to substances or worldly passage. - that wonder and mystery
- Joseph Campbell there needs to be a surrender - a letting go distractions t o n u m b connecting all that is - we
of what was, along with our preference for themselves, and in doing so deny them- come face to face with the true recognition
A long-term relationship becomes rocky, it to be that way. Knowing never to turn our selves the experience of a significant life of who we are. We have "birthed" into a new
a loved one dies, a job comes to an end, a backs to the ocean, we need to keep our passage. Just as the newborn must traverse a level of awareness, we have recognized our
chronic illness i s diagnosed, a child heads up, look forward and notice what we dark, pressure-filled passage before emerg- spirit. This is what we came here to do. It is
becomes a teenager, a young adult leaves are being carried towards. ing into the light, sometimes it is our most here that the real journey begins.
home - life as we knew it will never be the An interesting thing happens as we find challenging and painful experiences that Gwen Randall-Young is a psychotherapist
same. Sometimes these changes are met ourselves in that void between the life we carry us to new levels of awareness. and author of numerous books including
with struggle and conflict, or sadness and had planned, and the life that is unfolding - A threshold is there for the passing. We Dancing Soul: The Voice of Spirit Evolving.
grief. The sense of who we are or were the life that is wanting to be ours. Like the may summon our courage and take a leap,

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MARCH 2004 • commonGroia • 2 3

continued from page 6... continued from page 17...
on the Mahatma in 1950. Dr. King even you to be your true self. I'm looking at the
Graphic Design &Production travelled to India in 1959 to continue
learning about Gandhian philosophy.
picture of you, arm in arm with the Dalai
Lama, and you look so happy.
Contract for monthly magazine available, call now. Like his mentor, he was imprisoned sever- A: Well, that's not always the case. Very
al times and ultimately assassinated in often when I'm talking with him or travel-
1968. ing with him, there's nervousness, especial-
Common Ground is looking to find an eager and talented production person who will be ready to Mother Teresa, Dr. King and Mahatma ly if I'm interviewing him. He's very sharp
produce accurate final press ready PDF files and follow through on the pre-press printing produc- Gandhi completely surrendered their lives and he doesn't take too kindly to stupid
tion graphic needs to create the May edition. Some transfer of knowledge time available during for the principles they believed in, the questions. I have to make sure I prepare
month of March with our existing production master. equality and fundamental rights of every sufficiently for interviewing him. So, most
Monthly contract available to the right talented experienced computer production artist. Must be human being. In their eyes, every human of the time I feel this edge of nervousness.
skilled in Quark, Photoshop, Adobe Distiller and Illustrator. Minimum five years computer produc- life had the same intrinsic value; they Q: So, a sense of deep respect and that
tion experience. Must be hard working and able to meet real printers deadline. Understands actual accepted this without question. They were you have to watch.
print requirement from the pre-press graphic end not just web sites. References required.
Organizational skills a must. Good attitude, sense of humour, communicates clearly, and works well
true carvers of peace, and the stone they A: Yes, I'm cognizant of the fact that I'm
with others. Appreciates the creativity that makes Common Ground unique and of service to our worked was harder and even tougher than in the presence of someone who is really
community. nephrite. As a result of their prodigious quite precious and who has actually
Call and leave message for publisher at 604-733-2215 with best time to contact you. love o f humanity, derived from their achieved a very high level of realization.
strong spiritual foundations, they were He's very accomplished inside.
able to do many beautiful things. Q: Most people have accomplished
My father was deeply moved by their unrealization.
courage and in awe of the way their words A: (laughs) So I do get nervous.
and actions had transformed the world Then, of course, the other thing is that
around them. He decided to carve more having spent so much time with him we
than their images, he also included their always talk about the importance of moti-
words: Mother Teresa's Works of Love Are vation. It doesn't really matter what you
Works of Peace, Martin Luther King, Jr.'s do. You can be doing things that are harm-
Let Freedom R i n g , a n d Mahatma ful to another person, but ultimately it
SELF R E A L I Z AT I O N Gandhi's You Must Be the Change You boils down to the motivation in creating
with Wish to See in the World. My father chose any act. For example, someone you're talk-
these sentences because they spoke of ing to can be very sweet, pay a lot of atten-
Keith Sherwo human potential for change, of each indi-
vidual's ability to be more just, compas-
tion to you and make you feel good, but
there may be some ulterior motivation
An Introductory Workshop sionate, accepting, charitable, loving and behind it.
FRIDAY APRIL 2"" 6:30pm-10:30pm $35 peaceful. Once my father started carving, So, he's very tough about these things.
Intensive Seminar his reverence and affection for these three You know, the first couple of times it does-
SATURDAY APRIL 3 " 10am-5:30pm $ humanitarians deepened, and his eyes n't really sink in but then he keeps talking
would sometimes water at the very men- about it and eventually it hits a chord intel-
Vancouver Masonic Hall 1495 W.8th A
tion of their names. lectually. But, still, it doesn't go into the
For more info: The Jade Book: A Stone o f Hope is body. It's a mind thing. But to have it actu-
Topics Covered: Consciousness, Karma, The Human Energy System, Qualified available a t Banyen Books, Free Spirit ally incorporated inside your body and
Energy Unqualified Energy, Energy Bodies, Prana, Chakras, the Gunas and more. Books and online a t www.colossalcre- your heart is another thing.
Contact Michael for more information: 604 266 3385 / where you will also find more Details o f the Dalai Lama's visit on
information on Project Stone of Hope. website

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24 • 0comgroin0 • MARCH 2004
St. Patrick's way itive and less political, adopting a more joy- conversion of Ireland and subsequently the
ful and celebratory attitude. Patrick was a monasteries that sprang up helped to pre-

from slave to saint

man well ahead of his time. serve literacy during Europe's Dark Ages.
While the papacy had not yet determined The Irish regarded St. Patrick as a saint
that slavery and subjugation of women and hero long before the Roman church
were immoral, Patrick was busily convert- canonized him. His contribution to Ireland
CHRISTIAN ing a nation to the Christian model Jesus was felt far and wide during his life and well
had taught. after. At the time of St. Patrick's death or
C O M M E N T S b y Reg Block It is often said that Patrick used the shortly thereafter, the face of warring had
shamrock to illustrate the doctrine of the changed, becoming more restricted and
March 17 is St. Patrick's Day. For busi- er vision instructing him to return t o Trinity, a leaf of one substance yet possess- human sacrifice was no longer tolerated in
nesses it's a marketing opportunity while Ireland and preach the gospel. Which is ing three parts while all the time remaining Ireland.
for others it's a day to wear a shamrock or exactly what he did. one leaf. It is also said that he chased all the March is the month to remember St.
something green. But who was St. Patrick? In the winter of 432, Patrick and 24 of his snakes out of Ireland, a claim that is not Patrick and why his legacy has endured. It is
What did he do? Where did he come from? followers arrived in Ireland to share the true, as there never were snakes in Ireland. also a time to reflect on International
And why is he so well known? good news with the druids. Although The story more likely Women's Day on March 8, a
I think it is important to point out that Patrick's formal Latin education was some- demonstrates the end of I would like to thank date that St. Patrick would
St. Patrick was not Irish, what lacking, his ability to paganism in the land. the many readers who most certainly honour, if he
but he was born some- It is often said that speak Celtic served him As Patrick believed it were here.
where i n Britain. His well. was his God-given mis- took the time to corre- Reg Block is an apologist
parents, Calphumius Patrick used the It is known that Ireland sion t o preach t h e spond with me for t h e historic Christian
and Conchessa were shamrock to illustrate at the time was a land of gospel t h r o u g h o u t faith. Yo u r questions a n d
high ranking Romans paganism and for the past Ireland, he travelled all over the country at comments are welcome at editor@common-
from either Gaul o r
the doctrine of the 400 years few if any had great personal risk. In The. Confessions of Note: As this is my last column in
Britain. Trinity been there t o share the St. Patrick, translated by Ludwig Bieler, Common Ground for a while, I would like to
At t h e age o f 16, gospel. The inhabitants Patrick shares his many trials and tribula- thank the many readers who took the time to
Patrick was captured in an Irish raid and constantly warred with each other, prac- tions. In one instance he says, "Daily I correspond with me. Although not always in
sold into slavery. For six years he tended his tised human sacrifice and engaged in the expect murder, fraud, or captivity, or what- agreement, most of the letters and emails I
master's livestock near what is now the slave trade. ever it may be; but I fear none of these received were considerate and fair minded. In
town of Balleymena. At 22, Patrick had a Patrick condemned slavery a n d things because of the promises of heaven:' appreciation of free speech and open dialogue
dream in which an angel told him to flee empathized with the suffering of others, Today St. Patrick's example is no less rel- I would like to also thank the publisher for the
captivity. Escaping from his cruel master, he having himself been a slave. He is counted evant than it was 1,500 years ago. He is opportunity t o share aspects o f historic
made his way to the coast some 200 miles among the few Christian leaders, who at the regarded by many as a champion of the Christianity that, prior to my column, had
away and boarded a ship headed for Britain. time, spoke up for the rights of women. As downtrodden, a man who understood and not been represented in Common Ground. I f
Once there, Patrick became a monk, ded- Ireland at that time was essentially free felt other people's suffering and someone you would like to correspondence with me
icating his life to God and the ministry. As from Greco-Roman influences, t h e with the courage to speak up against injus- directly please feel free t o email m e a t
the story goes, 20 years later he had anoth- Christianity that developed was more prim- tice. Also, it is probable that St. Patrick's

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MARCH2004 • commonGam • 25
Art 26 Education & Certification .... 27 Mailing Services 31 Spiritual Practices 31
Books & Music 26 Events 33 Organic Food & Products .... 31 Time Out, Travel & Rentals 33
Bodywork 26 Health & Healing 28 Psychology, Therapy Zodiac 34
Business 27 Intuitive Arts 30 & Counselling 32 Datebook 35
Dentistry 27 Looking Good 31 Restaurant Food 31 Classifieds 36

Art making is the oldest, most natural way of With 25 years exp., Laara provides an emotional-
Laara WilliamSen Studio of Art Let Your Spirit Shine - Weekend Workshop
describing ourselves to make sense of our lives. ly safe studio environment for all. Also offered:
Discover and experience your unique creative and
Weekend Workshops Weare all one heartbeat! •Art Educator Training
spiritual path. Individualized instruction, informa- •Painting, Drawing, Creative Development
Private Tutorial tive lectures and exploratory group activities guide One breath! One incredible symphony!
Original Art for Sale Comeand join the journey. For further info call:
you to a deeper understanding of your personal Laara WilliamSen, Artist, at 604 536 2139
Next Workshop - April 24th, 25th
International Professional power and your connection to Creator. Limited Enrolment *Pre-registration Required
Artist d Educator Location: Chateau Granville, Van.B.C.

MARILYN S. MYLREASTUDIO ART GALLERYUnique and passionate contemporary paint-

ings by Canadian artist Marilyn S. Mylrea.
SPIRITUAL Subjects incude: angels, mysticism, masks,
faces, landscapes, flowers and abstracts. Explore Spiritual Traditions, Metaphysics,
r . Mythology , Psychology, The Healing Arts,
Expressive, Powerful Imagery.
SENSUAL 2341 Granville St.,Vancouver Wed-Sun 12-5pm Nutrition, Ecology, Native Wisdom....
4116. ART Tel: 604-736-2450 3608 W. 4th Ave. Vancouver, BC V6R 1P1
Oanyen aoo s Mail order: 800-663-8442. Free Catalogue
Books: 604-732-7912. Sound: 604-737-8858
Hours: M-F 10-9; Sat. 10-8; Sun. 11-7
DIY Ebooks, Workshops & m o r e

Abraham's New location in Vancouver
Metaphysical 2777 Commerical Drive at 12th Avenue. Grow your personal ecology - awaken.
Books Open 1 lam - 7pm Tues. - Sun. "Your Living Myth" grow your High
Buy-Sell-Trade New & Used books. Wicca / Performance Pattern & l i f e myths.
New Location: magick, astrology, theosophy, esoteric, east- DIY Ebooks * Workshops "Buoyancy - Optimism" nuke anxiety
2777Commercial Dr.
(at 12th Ave. Vancouver) ern philosophy, magickal items. Workshop T:604.433.5189/604.433.5139 & depression. Speaking, Leadership,
604-875-1958 space available. In- store Tarot readings. & much more...

EXPLORE body, mind and spirit. BECOME IllPf A "Sanctuary for the Senses" awaits you at
who you dream of being. L I V E the life CICk14 Serendipity's Backyard. Inspirational books,
you've always wanted. Books, journals, music, gifts, EXTRAORDINARY jewelry, gems,
Inspirational Centre, altar pieces, candles, statues, cards, incense and
pin candles, jewellery, music. 604-941-3755
#3-2773 Barnet Hwy, Coquitlam, BC V3B 2C I
Hours: T, Th-Sa 10-6, W 10-8, Su 12-5,
BookstoreA Ofichop more in a NEWLY TRANSFORMED SPACE.
EXPLORE • BECOME • LIVE RICHMOND,V7E3M1 (STEVESTON) events. Hours: Mon.-Tues. 10-5:30, Fri. 10-7,
closed M. Sat. 10-5 & Sun. 12-5. 604-275-1683

Transformational The body is a doorway to the emotions and Holistic Explore the ancient healing techniques of
spirit... through sensitive, listening hands Mexico: • Mayan detoxification- Aztec chiro-
Bodywork, and words we will contact your deeper Mexican practic • Pre-Colombian aromatherapy
being, bringing release from inner difficul- Massage • Quartz harmonizing • Crystalpuncture
Devaki Drache ties, creating emotional health... Here is an (a non-intrusive technique based on body
invitation to aliveness, joy and presence... Beatriz Pimentel energy enhanced b y quartz crystals)
ROSEN METHOD bodywork practitioner. (over 10 years of experience) • Acupressure • Reflexology • Lymphatic
Tel: 604.222.2054 604.729.9504 drainage • Craniosacral energy healing.

IFIDEFOINIMID Rolfing holistically balances your body's KIM'SACUPUNCTURE & • Back pain • Neck, shoulder pain
Grounding and Uplifting shape and structure. As your structure bal- ACUPRESSURE WORK • Stress/insomnia • Migraine/ headaches
ances your function improves. Chronic pain Dr. Tony Kim • Stop smoking • Chronic pain
Hans Diehl is relieved while your posture and alignment
Certified Rolfer • Arthritis • Balance Vital Energy
are improved. Tel: (604) 687-6880 • Shiatsu Acupressure Therapist
Van (604) 431-7661 Vancouver and suburban locations.
Free Consultation #320-1525RobsonSt., Vancouver • Japan, Korea, Canada - 18 years experience RegisteredAcupuncnitistinBC #108 • Treated Japanese Prime Minister Hashimoto

Bodywork Simple and complex physical, psychological,

"Noonecan heal another. and emotional pain problems are authenti-
cally healed, creativity and personal self
Jason Brhelle Rolling Can:
• Increase flexibility
Themostonecando is
create an environment where
healing can take place."
expression enhanced, through Holistic
Bodywork Therapy and Movement / Dance
Certified ]golfer®
• Relieve chronic joint and muscle pain
• Increase athletic performance
(604)514-2332Langley B.C.
info: 604-809-9202 or Improvisation workshops. 24 yrs exp. • Improve posture

26 • Comm:m(0nd • MARCH 2004

TRADITIONAL Rooted in the same scientific systemasYoga, Thai
Massageis a powerful technique that incorporates Need advice on buying your next car?
THAI MASSAGE I sell the finest used cars in B.C.
pressure point work on Sen (energy) lines with a
The Holistic series of Yoga-like stretches. The work is done I sell makes and models that my
Therapy Centre 37 years experience with cars have proven
Karen or David
slowly encouragingdeep relaxation and the release
to be dependable. D10566 PS autosales.
of chronic tension, while respecting the client's
level of flexibility. CARS BY HANK Call Hank Melanson, 739-8494.


Your choice in dentistry. Family discounts.

DR. PATRICK J . S . Tooth Coloured Restorations Dr. SERGE Agafontsev
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affordable prices. Visit our brand new office
Ph: 604-224-3288, Fax 604-224-3289
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Reserved patient parking. 604-708-6042;

E D U C AT I O N & C E R T I F I C A T I O N
Maui School of Learn massage therapy while enjoying the Our 600-hour certification program is one of The school is located on the island of Maui,
sun and sea of Hawaii! Our "state-of-the- the most affordable anywhere at only $3,300 where the warm ocean, gentle climate and
Therapeutic Massage heart," professional program provides you U.S. Part-time, 12-month programs begin lush tropical beauty encourage deep relax-
with the knowledge, skills and confidence to every September and March. Full-time, 7 ation and exploration of the healing process.
open your own bodywork practice. month programs begin in mid-September. Student visas available for 7 and 12 month
• Facilitate healing for yourself and others Curriculum includes anatomy, assessment, programs. For more information and free
• Make a difference in your community medical massage, Swedish, neuromuscular, catalog, write Maui School of Therapeutic
• Earn a good income and be your own boss shiatsu, Hawaiian lomilomi, reflexology, Massage, P.O. Box 1891, Makawao, Hawaii
• Experience personal growth and sports, body-mind and a fully-supervised pub- 96768. Phone: (808)572-2277 or visit our
transformation lic clinic. website at

Reflexology is taught as an intuitive healing Basic Foot or Hand Reflexology to enhance your effectiveness practicingfoot
PACIFIC art. Courses are designed to provide a struc-
ture that supports you in developing your
Certificate Courses
Twenty hours of expert instruction plus forty
reflexology. $295. All courses are offered on a
regular basis year round.
Institute of own intuitive sense of reflexology. A holistic
orientation prevails.
practicum hours prepare you to practice hand
or foot reflexology competently. $295.
For registration or information:
Pacific Institute of Reflexology
Holistic Reflexology: An Introduction See "Date Book". 535 West 10th Ave. / Cambie VANCOUVER,
REFLEXOLOGY Informational evening talk and "hands-on"
PPSECregistered.Mostcausestax deducible presentation. $10. See "Datebook."
Advanced Foot Reflexology Certificate Course
Refine and expand your knowledge and skills
B.C. V5Z 1K9.(604)875-8818 Fax: 875-8868

w i l l a l l o w t h e m t o take u p professional A c c e l e r a t e d 18 week p r o g r a m s t a r t i n g

Spa T b e r a P i s t C e r t e c a t i o n P r o g r a m
practice immediately and be employable in A u g u s t 2004. P a r t time
VANCOUVER SCHOOL OF This comprehensive 700 h o u r program the spa industry worldwide.The curriculum s t a r t i n g September 2004.

BODYWORK incorporates all the standard skills and

specialty disciplines required t o enable
includes a strong f o u n d a t i o n i n h u m a n
sciences and manual skills, combined with
Also offering C o n t i n u i n g E d u c a t i o n &
Weekend I n t r o d u c t o r y courses.
&MASSAGE graduates to confidently perform the most
popular massage and bodywork treatments.
a cross cultural perspective on the body and
healing.Visit our website at Tel. 604-688-5060 • Fax. 604-688-4166
Students graduate with spa-ready skills that for more details on the Spa Therapist Program. Email. • Web:

Become a competent, confident Reflexo- filled, stress-free, complete & intense. Ask Pawspoint Reflexology for Animals-April
logist, learning from Yvette Eastman. Yvette about our books, charts, and videos. 18. Touch for Health 1-4 April 8-12. Ask for
alsoteaches Touch for Health 1-4 and Reiki. Next full-time, daytime Reflexology Diploma our catalogue o r v i s i t o u r website
Touchpoint Institute is registered with program starts March 1, 2004 or Langara, or phone
PPSEC. Our full time program contains Evening program Oct. 25, 2004. Next 604-936-3227, Out-of-town, 800-211-3533
many "mini-programs available to the pub- Certificate Reflexology Level 1 - May 23-25,
lic. Our programs are 85% hands-on, fun- Certificate Reflexology Level 2/3 - Nov. 11-15;

Canadian Institute of The Canadian Institute o f Traditional of TCM (a four year program instead of fees. CITCM's director Dr. Xia Cheng holds
Traditional Chinese Chinese Medicine (CITCM) offers a Doctor of five years), with a highly qualified faculty, a Ph.D. in medicine (with western and TCM
Medicine TCM and an Acupuncturist Diploma Program. modern teaching facility and a well-estab- training) and has extensive teaching as well
(403)520-5258 The curricula o f both programs meets or lished clinic to ensure the quality of the pro- as clinical experience. exceeds the regulation requirements of Alberta, gram. Students who have credit at other 138 17th Ave N.E. Calgary Alberta T2E 1L6
_,-.?4-Year Dr. of TCM Program B.C. and United States. CITCM offers a com- institutions for equivalent courses are eligi- E-mail:
3-Year Acupuncturist Diploma prehensive condensed curriculum for Doctor ble for credit transfers and a reduction of

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STONE THERAPY SCHOOL Mini Facials with Hot Stones - 2 day Call Nina Gart at 604/552-4740
Hot Stone Massage
Level I-Basic Massage w/ Hot & Cold Stones -3 day Distant Educational course Toll-Free: 866/305-0066
Massage with Level II-Advanced Therapeutic Massage with Hot STSoffers courses designed for massage thera- E-mail:
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Hot and Cold Level III-Ki Stone Therapy - 4 day courses will compliment your career in body, Pick up a stone form anywhere, look deep
Stones Raindrop Therapy with Hot Stones - 1 day mind and spirit health disciplines. inside.. for capturedwithinisthepowerto heal...

Learn the ancient art of Thai Massage, a 250 Hrs Certified Holistic Practioner
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o u t e of Thai masse unique form of body therapy dating back to
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FREE course catalogue
1-800-456-9313 the professional designation o f Registered *North Van (604)904-4187 2weeks, 10 sessions Program Nutritional Consulting Practitioner, R.N.C.P. •4' E-Mail:• Upgrading Program for Health Professions
w w w. e d i s o n i n s t c o m
Education Leaders in holistic nutrition. 8,tor T i g e Website: Registered with PPSEC. CSSBC accredited

This PPSEC Registered Certificate Course Weare dedicated to providing a learning environ-
ACourse on taught by Dr. Yousef Shihab, MD Honours
British Columbia ment which embraces traditional & contemporary
Laser Hair Removalwill give you the ability to use lasers safely Institute of methods of therapy to produce skilled, caring prac-
Holistic Studies titioners. Courses in Aromatherapy, Reflexology,
and effectively for hair removal.
Call 604-293-1902 for all our
CCE course details, or visit us online at:
203-45744 Gaetz St.
Chtl Mack, BC V2R 3P1
Shiatsu, Iridology & Holistic Practitioner. Meets the
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Canada's Island Paradise

Realize Your Goals With a New Career
visit Inspired Instruction. Affordable Packages.
Enriching Topics. Rejuvenating Setting. CANADIAN • Jin Shin Do® Acupressure Diploma
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SaltspringWorkshops Experience it all! New 3 & 4 night workshop AC UP R ESSURE
C g C M packages brought to you by the popular COLLEGE Call 1-877-909-2244 or visit us at:
Seabreeze Inne on Salt Spring Island, B.C.
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Kootenay Fifteenth Session. November 15, 2004 -

January 14th, 2005. Two month bodywork E R I C K S • N
BCNLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Erickson College, NLP Certification
School of training and "life meditation" in Costa Rica.
Rebalancing certification - deep tissue, joint C O L L E O E
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balanced diet; community living and A HUMAN DEVELOMENT
Financing available on all courses.
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Enjoy a soul-satisfying massage career. Try

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Relax to the Max Call 1-800-207-4013 for a 24 hour recorded
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Professional Certification Program Holistic Bodywork Diploma Program 260

( This gentle, powerful approach to making HEALING
BODYWORK CENTRE hours full time evening and Saturday classes.
CORE BELIEF definitive, lasting and meaningful change
MARY BENSON Comphrensive program in bodywork and
E N G I N E E R I N G has built an excellent reputation across related subjects. Begins September 13, 2004.
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Founder, Elly Roselle Registered with the Also offered: Certified Massage classes, be-
Basic Courses: June & October, 2004; BODYWORh
PPSEC Registered Private Post-Secondary ginning May 25, 2004. Reflexology. Call
Forty-day Intensive Course: January 2005. MIRE
(604) 536-7402
Education Commission of BC 604.737.8350

Practitioner Certification THERAPY. Offering quality home study Certified Program Sun. or Mon. 10-5 with Lynda
Including Time Linked Techniques' courses, for everyone from the enthusiast to Henderson & Paul Crowder.INFO. night Apr. 14th,
Beginning May 1, 2004 the professional. Learn how to safely incor- program begins Apr. 18th & 19th. Aromatherapy,
The NLP Institute & NL Palmer & Associates porate essential oils into your life to enhance Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Facials, Group
White Rock, BC Call: 604-536-4862 your body, mind and spirit. Contact Beverley Rebirthing, Sweat Lodge. 16+ years and 100's of at (604) 267-3779 E-mail: satisfied participants o f a l l ages. Lynda
Website: www.westcoastaromatherapy.com604.263.5204 and Paul 604.671.1738.

FUTURE Catherine is an experienced, skilled, and intu- answer is inside your mind. Enhance your •Certified Hypnotherapist
SOLUTIONS itive guide available to assist you in your deci- hypnotic experience by utilizing light and •Certified NLP Practitioner
sion to manage stress and pain, reduce your sound technology to assist with audio and - Certified Social Services Worker
NOW weight, stop smoking or any other unwanted
behavior. Bridge the gap from feeling powerless
visual stimulation of the brain. For information or appointments:
Catherine Schmitz Catherine Schmitz of Future Solutions Now Call: 604-592-0605 or,
604-592-0605 to self-empowerment. There is no magic the has the following credentials to her name: or visit:

28 • GaincoGrarn • MARCH 2004

Hale Ola -- APlace of Healing offers positive results The Clinic offers supportive, deep, results orientat- April 8, 7pm-9pm suggested donation $15
to all that they meet with the Touch of Aloha. Dean edmassage work and herbal consulting with the Essentials of Lomilomi Massage: Hawaii's

Hale Na
and Shizuko have been certified byAuntie Margaret modern understanding in a traditional base. traditional healing art & culture. March 26
Machado and Dr. Dane Silva in Authentic Hawaiian Workshop 2004 to 28 (18hrs) please call 604-431-7474 for
Lomilomi. Members of the Hawaiian Lomilomi Ascension101 - Ashort, sweetworkshop and pres- information. Crystal, Natural Health Store &
Association.Wehave both studied over2000hours in entation on the story behind ascension: Language MassageClinic. Dean and Sizuko, CMT, HHP, CH.
A Place of Healing MassageTherapy & Holistic Health in Hawaii and at of Light, and tools you can use, with (Javi) Greg 1215 Madison Ave. Burnaby, near Brentwood
ICBC & WCB claims accepted The Heartwood Institute Inc., North California. Stump, the crystal man. Skytrain. Or visit:

Acentre for Health and Relaxation March Specials for new clients/students:
Offering the A to Z of holistic therapies, including 30days for $60 unlimited yoga
WICROFTHEALTHr2YOGA CENTREAcupuncture, Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Deep 20% off 1st acupuncture treatment Prenatal couples workshop - March 14th
214 - 3195 r a n i e Street 6 r 7 3 8 -
Tissue, Infra-red Sauna, Masks, Massage, Pre-Natal Gift Certificates andYogapasses available Teachers and health practictioners wanted.
yoga, Reiki, Reflexology, Shiatsu,StoneTherapy, Thai Check out our website for yoga schedule and Treatment room available - daily/monthly rates.
Massage, Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yoga classes other updates: Studio/workshop space also
and more... CallJasonat (604) 838 - 6101 for more info.

Elite TCM Centre SPECIALOFFER$200FOR10 SESSIONS •Stress, depression, fatigue •Chinesemassage (Tui-Na)
Acupuncture a HerbologyFREE CONSULTATION • Menstrual disorder/ pain, menopause, PMS • Foot massage (Reflexology)
• Neck/ shoulder/ back pain, sport injuries, work
BCRegistered Acupuncturist •Stomachache, digestive trouble, constipation, • Uplifting/ anti-wrinkle facial
BCRegistered Herbalist injuries, tendonitis, fibromalagia diarrhea, skin diseases(acnes, spots) (include face acupressure)
30 Years Clinical Experience
•Numbness, paralysis, stroke, arthritis, whiplash, • Weight loss, Bust Enlargement •Steam Bath (Essence)
\\,-, Telephone 604-875-9222 • Acupuncture ICBC,WCB& Extended Medical Plans accepted.
N #905-750 W. Broadway, sciatica
Vancouver •Headache, migraine, insomnia, allergies, asthma • Acupressure

This style of finger Acupressure heals on For a registered practitioner in your area: Richmond: Linda Yakiwchuk (604-274-3930)
J I N S H I N DO® three levels: Langley: Carollyne McKay (604-518-4242), Vancouver: Gayle Doren (604-626-8789)
Lauren Zenzen (604-514-2332) West Van: Kay Meierbachtol (604-925-5837)
BODY: Relaxes • Reduces Pain • Relieves Maple Ridge: Linda Maracic (604-465-4917) Surrey: Sue Rogers (604-341-4385).
Symptoms. MIND: Calms • Relieves Stress North Van: Ron Pankratz (604-904-2144), Check us out on the web:
BODYMIND • Brings Clarity. SPIRIT: Nourishes / Uplifts Bill Thurston (604-987-1908) practitioner htm or www.islandnetcomh-bcata
ACCUPRESSURE". • Reveals Purpose • Brings Joy. PoCo: Stephen Smith (778-882-4787) "TheWay of theCompassionate Spirit"

Enjoy Deep Blissful Relaxation! Student Clinic: Tuesday evenings, sessions Training
Reflexology is taught and practiced as a potent, only $15. Revitalize yourself, you deserve it. Certificate courses prepare you to practice
IPACIFIC safe way to: free stress and tension, relieve pain,
improve circulation, and facilitate the body's
Book your appointment now!
"Recreational Reflexology" Video Guide
reflexology competently. $ 2 9 5 . See:
Education Listing. Books, charts, "Maseur"
Institute of healing processes. Gentle, soothing stimulation Enjoy pleasurable, quality time with your- sandals and self-help tools available.
of foot, hand or ear reflexes revitalizes your family and friends following expert guidance 535 West 10th Ave. / Cambie VANCOUVER,
PPSECregistered.Mostcoursestax ()educable
whole body. Private Sessions: Enjoy the healthy
benefits of therapeutic half-hour sessions: $35.
to foot reflexology sessions. Only $29.95 for
endless enjoyment!
B.C. V5Z 1K9 (604)875-8818 Fax: 875-8868

Weare a 100% Canadian owner operated company. the natural herbal products industry supplying Clinic, 3543 W 4thAve., Vancouver, Dr.Susan Barr,
FERLOW BROTHERS LTD. Manufacturing natural herbal products since 1993, fresh products without harsh chemicals, synthet- Vaidya Sivakumar Varma, Tel. (604) 228-1537,
offering a complete program of products (creams, ics, artificial colour, scent and preservatives to Willowgate Wellness
4 / 0 0 P . O . Box 3 1 9 7 lotions, shampoo,soap, extracts, oils, spray, tinctures, Professional Health & Wellness Practitioners only, Centre, Langley, Tel. (604)530-8840 email: well-
Mission, B.C. toothpaste) using standardized Physician-grade cer- at affordable prices.BACKTOMOTHER NATURE! ness@intergate.caInessence - Skin Synergies, 551
V2V 4 J 4 tified organic, organic or wild-crafted herbal extracts Quality & Service since 1975. Consultant inquiries West 19th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. (604) 874-3119.
and other premium quality ingredients. welcome. Please phone us for the nearest (604) 820-1777, Fax (604) 820-1919. email:
www.ferlowbrothers.comMission statement To bean innovator and leader in Consultant, (604) 820-1777 or visit Ayurvedic

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The Alexander Technique is a method of Dr. Zhou, a qualified MD & former director
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Technique advantage. Private lessons, workshops, and 23 Years Clinic Experience • Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia, Stress
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#110-809 W 41st Ave. Vancouver #116 - 828 West 8th Ave

I offer healing sessions in both Reiki and

www.justhealit.comAwaken and rebalance your energy body. Roak Citroen RP-CRA Therapeutic Touch. Distant healing and
Diane Man 604-530-9252 Journey to non-ordinary realms for healing. Usui Reiki Master
Ear candling. My Reiki sessions can be taste-
Surrender to higher will, shape your destiny. Practitioner
ShamanicHealer:of Alberto fully blended with crystals. Let the gentle
Villoldo's -Soul Retrievals, Intrusion extractions, Illu-
power of Reiki teach your body to promote
CertifiedCounselor:of Duaneminations, Therapeutic and Healing Touch. Telephone: 604.437.6824 its own healing.
O'Kane's •Workshops, Medicine Wheel teachings, pri-
Let's create some magic together.
HolisticRegistered Nursevate sessions, monthly groups.

MARCH2004 • CommonGrouna•29
H E A LT H & H E A L I N G

g l i L O V E I
offer healing sessions blending Reiki, INTUITIVE HEALER: Specializing in releas-
c rystals & gemstones, channelling, sacred ing past emotions, pain, traumas, injuries and
H E A L S s o u n d , aromatherapy and colour healing. P a i n e / . R d t e r 3 o n , r e l a t i o n s h i p issues. Pamela also teaches
Past Life Regressions and deep trance work I N T U I T I V E H E . 4 L E R Relaxation, Healing Yoga, and Toning (sound
also offered. Ongoing workshops offered in 6 0 4 • 7 3 1 •43 1 6 h e a l i n g ) . For information on Healing sessions
A n n e M c M u r t r y, P h . D R e i k i I, II & III, Crystal and Gemstone and Toneshops (Mar. 6 & Apr 3), please call
R e i k i M a s t e r T r a i n i n g . Please call 604-734-8219 Pam@ 604-731-4316

H y p e r b a r i c Oxygen Therapy, Infra Red Detoxamin chelation - 70% off I.V.
Sauna, Sound Beam Therapy, I o n i c _. Save money and time with the safer, less
DEroXAmiti $ $ L • e x p e n s i v e and more convenient Detoxamin
ANGEL HYPERBARIC THERAPY C l e a n s e s , Ozone Steam Sauna, a n d
Aromatherapy Spa, Ionic Minerals & .. ---n c, h e l a t i o n suppositories (Ca-EDTA). One
103.20560 - 56Ave., Langley ,BCV3A3Y8 S u p p l e m e n t s . Special offer, only $25: Ozone t$ 11 t I t i b o x (30 suppositories) is equal to ten I.V.
website: S t e a m Sauna & Sound Beam Frequency. chelations. Free shipping. Guaranteed lowest
Phone: (604) 534-2155 T e l : 604-534-2155. 1o IV TREATMENTS p r i c e s . Canadian store:

Psychologist B.A. - BR
Nahnopathic clinic Specialities Hynoted - CHA E m p o w e r your Self and enrich your life:
Woman's Health & Gynecology Certified Counsellor - i m p r o v i n g self-esteem
_7 Aaturopathic Physician Homeopathy - Bowen technique - Nutrition Past-Life Therapist - r e f r a m i n g and releasing guilt and traumas
Hydrotherapy - Botanical Medicine Reiki Master - c o p i n g with losses and overcoming grief
-\, D r . Glenda Luton A c c e p t i n g new patients - Families welcome \ L u c i a n a Lopes -traveling in a visualization journey
1- - . ,
managementto fit you,weds #1114 - 1030 W. Georgia. 604-681-5585 604.241.4468 - h e a l i n g with Reiki
t L , ' w w w. w e s t c o a s t c l i n i c . c a I t ' s belief that gets us there."

REI KI, means 'Universal Energy' in Japanese. ITM

C a n e l a I t thereforeencompasses all possibilities of healing. Thai Massage acts directly upon the muscu-
M i c h e l l e Whatever the situation: dis-ease,stress, darification, `ostttute of Thai M a s s a g e l a r , circulatory and nervous systems to pro-
M e e r s clearing of pathways - REI KI comes in the perfect British Columbia
y b l e n d of the moment and goes right to the root. Call for CertificateCourse!.Available m o trelieving
e healing within
pain and the body,
tension, effectively
and including an
ReiKi Master Sessions, Classes (All levels-Traditional Usui). See appointment E : i n n e r sense of well-being.
`Datebook' for SatsangMed. Info. Canela Michelle Gift certificates available.
Tel: 604.984.0344 Meyers (604)984-0344 604-298-0115 www.itm-britisha,

Reiki can:
Freedom from F R E E D O M FROM EATING DISORDERS INNER FOCUS • Balance the body's energies
E a t i n g Disorclerts t h r o u g h an integrated Body, Mind & Soul •
Barb Weston RT-CRA • Help the body rid itself of toxins
Connection. Trudel is a deeply intuitive and
Tr u d c l Kronc.her - Usui Reiki Masterffeacher • Encourage the release of disease in the
compassionate yoga instructor, offering per-
Certified Yoga Instructor Telephone (604)985-7302 m i n d , body and spirit
60+-8,1-7108 ' s o n a l recovery experience and therapy • Promote deep relaxation
trudeloyogagodcleso.ea t h r o u g h one-on-one personalized yoga ses- • Enhance the body's natural ability to heal itself s i o n s in the comfort of your own home. b y positively
a f f e c t i n g the immune system

Do not just take my word for it. Put it into practice, even on SPECIALIZING IN TREATING • New theory of pathogeny

an experimental basis. Test it for yourself. Spirituality is a •FQuick

I B Rresults
O M YA L G •I A New acupuncture techniques
• New herbal formula
science and i f you follow the procedures accurately it will ••High
period T r ep a t comlications plike: •• Deression
• Low relapse rate • Chronic fatigue • Sleep disorders
definitely work. - Sant Darshan Singh (604) 739-2388 F r e e Health Seminars every Saturday, 3pm
Dr.TonyZhuo S u i t e 305 - 2150 W. Broadway, Vancouver


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The tarot symbols are The symbols gives an insight into personal pat-
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terns for the seeker.By understanding and
exploring these symbols, positive changes,person-
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1-900-830-0888 symbols for 28 years.Along with the tarot Allison Private Consultations readings -- her gifts are astonishing.
2.99 per min 18 years + uses"The Course in Miracles " as her guide for a Your weekly numerology forecast Ph:604-732-9226 or 1-800-450-SEER (7337)
more positive reading.

ANGELREADINGS BY PATRICIA SERENO, you personal messages from your Angels for CHANNELLED READINGS BY DR. ANNE speak directly to you. 'lb inquire call Dr.
Angel Therapy Practitioner, trained and cer- peace of mind and heart. F o r a private McMURTRY. ANNE'S ABILITY opens a Anne McMurtry at 604-734-8219, VAN-
tified b y D r . Doreen Vi r t u e P h D . appointment, please phone 604-732-5134 or line of communication between you and COUVER. See ad in Health, Healing &
Connecting with the Angelic realm to bring email: your Spiritual Guides, allowing them to Bodywork section.

30 •commoncround•MARCH2004
WelcomingMitch. Trained in Montreal,New York gertand 8tnatweeFrench Hairdresser, Gerard Emanuel
BROMPTON'S andVancouver, Mitch brings 25years of colour/styl- will discover a style that suits you! Gerard
considers the shape of your face, and profes-
H a i r Design ist experience, passion, impressive artistic skill in
colour correction and effective scalp vitality. Judy sion. Using sacred geometry, cutting your
3562 West 41st Avenue, Kerrisdale . Murphy: "15 years of itchy scalp and dandruff - hair to your features. Gerard uses enzymes
Vancouver for color / no peroxides. Hair loss prevention.
GONE!"ShannonHenschel:"Mitch's skill achieved a
'tlas3' 6 0 4 - 2 6 3 - 2 6 6 2 beautiful natural blond look - I LOVE IT!" 3432 W. Broadway, Kits. Tel: 604.732.4240


NATIONWIDE MAILING SERVICES LTD. Printing, Automated Folding & Inserting, Beyond organic.... Less fat, fewer calories
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Addressed & Unaddressed Advertising,
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Postage Rates Data Processing & Laser 6245 or email:
Meats Free o f pesticides, growth promoting
hormones, antibiotics, fillers, grain o r
250-394-4410 animal by-products, chemical fertilizers or

Organa Farms Organa Farms grows food the old fash- receives the finest premium products available locations. Organa Farms Meats available
)14 Certified Organic Meats ioned way with no medications, no chemi- on our planet. We sell Certified Organic turkey, through Small Potatoes Urban Delivery
British cal fertilizers, no herbicides or pesticides. chicken, beef, lean razorback pork and lamb. 604.215.7783
Leo& Shelley Columbia
ge Organa Farms i s BC's First Certified Remember to order your fresh Turkey for Drive Organics 1045 Commercial Drive
) Deschamps Organic Handler Of Certified Organic Meats. Our Christmas and other special occasions through 604-678-9665 or call Organa Farms Free
1-866-611-3311 co-op, with other certified organic growers the Capers Turkey Hot-line. 604.739.6640. Home Delivery at 1.866.611.3311 mini- from throughout BC, ensures the consumer Fresh Turkey pieces available daily at all Capers mum order $50.00.

3P Natural & Atkin's Dieters and Alergy Watchers!! 3P 5types plus some exotic delights, Elk Carernet Full selection of cuts, prime rib, new york
Exotic Meats Natural & Exotic Meats produces a full line & Plum; Game Sausage; Duck Herb; Lamb steak, tenderloin, stew, ground, roasts,
of wheat free, binder free or additive free Herb & Onion; Lamn Mint. All stuffed in a sausage & wieners. Lovely flavour! Pet on
1 0 3 - 2 2 3 M o u n t a i n H w y, sausages. We use our naturally raised meats. natural casing for a better quality. Eat health- the raw diet? Try "Basic Instinct" buffalo cat
N o r t h Va n c o u v e r Chicken, 9 varieties; JD Farms Turkey, 5 ier with naturally raised Bison meat. 2/3'rds food o n sale this month. Ask about
604-986-5606 varieties; Ranchland Beef, 2 flavours; Pork, less fat, less cholesterol, higher protein & iron. "Ultimate Blend" for dogs or cats.

Donnachaidh Certified Organic Composts for sale

Available on farm by appointment or
•Pick up from farm 24.99 per yard loaded
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Also available for retail sales:
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Certified Organic Products delivered mainland placed anywhere on your yard. chicken
26079 36th Ave Langley BC •Organic Chicken Compost $200 •Olera Farms certified organic raspberries
Ph: Brad 604-308-8200 •Organic Chicken and Pig Compost • Bulk loads 20 yard or more $19.99 per IQF
or Fred 604-309-6639 •Custom Top Soil available yard + trucking •Donnachaidh certified organic pork

Low Carb Bars & Diabetic Candies JD SPECIALTY TURKEY

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Nutritional Health & Vitamin Centre Ask for it by name at your favorite meat
Breads, tortilla wrap, pasta & sauce, cereals, store or grocer.
LOW CARB STORE bake mixes, jams, sauces, coffee syrup,
#155-6280 No.3 Rd. Richmond
(Across from Shoppers Drug Mart)
dressing, shakes and snacks. Special on
Herbatint HairColor Reg.$18.59 Sale Price coccuiri, JD Specialty Turkeys are grown i n the
Fraser Valley without medications and no
animal by-products in the feed.
Call: 604-278-3828 or 604-278-3859
$13.99. Receive $5 off min. purchase of $35
1per customer, expire March 31, 04. TURKEY Visit us at:


Ripe Cafe - N O W OPEN The Naam Vegetarian Restaurant

NAAM "Great
ripe Offering Vegetarian Fare, made f r o m
For years voted "Best Vegetarian" in the

scratch: soups, paninis, salads, fresh juice &
smoothies, goodies baked in-house. Oso
Negro Fairtrade Coffee from Nelson, B.C.
NA Anytime!"
Georgia Straight a n d i n Vancouver
Magazine's "Readers' Choice". Open seven
days a week, 24 hours, licensed, wood fire-
ion% Certified Organic
Open 7am-7pm, seven days a week.
3514 West 4th Avenue 604-734-7078 A Cr)24 Hours place, heated patio, live music at dinner.
2724 West 4th Ave. 604-738-7151.

The Meaning of Vegetarian VEGGIE BUNCH VEGETARIAN BUFFET Phone: 604-233-0808

A i l The Rainbow It comes from the Latin word "VEGETUS." Open Seven Days a Week 1670-8260 Westminster Hwy.
f y Vegetarian Restaurant Richmond, BC
It means "Integrity, Healthy, Freshness,
273-7311 Energetic". Remember it and enjoy the flavour!
8095 Park Road, Richmond, BC Try our delicious appetizers, soups, thick soups, SPIRITUAL PRACTICES
deluxe veggie dishes, hot pots, noodles, congee,
- f t 1 1 : 0 0 am - 9:30 pm
ClosedTuesdays, except full moon day deep fried & sauteed dishes, and rice dishes.
Do you know Jyorei (Joh-Rei)? Jyorie means
morei "purification of spirit " and spiritual healing
prayer originated in Japan. The universal ener-
Our voice and image travel on physical light and sound waves gy of Light is focused on others to enhance
'Purification health and the quality of daily life. Open to
through time and space; our soul travels on inner Light and everyone. By donation. Victoria (250)595-
of the Spirit 0426 Pender Island, B.0 (250) 629-6283
Sound beyond time and space. - Sant Darshan Singh www.shumeLorg


P S Y C H O L O G Y, T H E R A P Y & C O U N S E L L I N G

Therapy of the Only by Working with the Whole Person because you have not gotten to the root are uncovered and resolved. If you are fed
Whole Person Can You Achieve Truly Permanent and causes. Completion o f any problem up and want to do something radical
Effective Change. comes only when you have resolved your about your predicament, give me a call
John Arnold Ph.D.
issues physically, emotionally, mentally 604-261-2788 or visit my web page at
Therapist /
Counselor since 1975 If problems and issues keep popping up in and spiritually and the underlying rea-
604.261.2788 your life and you are STILL STUCK, it is sons for repetitive patterns o f behavior

FREE Discover your personal strength — it lies in In a safe environment, learn to value your power, • Relationship (from romantic to roommates)
YOURSELF the coping style that has gotten you this far; and your vulnerability; change learned patterns; • Addictive Behaviours • Grief / Loss
shift depression to hope. Free yourself from allow wishes, hopes, and dreams to surface. I have 20+ years experience as a counsellor /
Jaminie Hilton ISSUES therapist with adults, adolescents, and cou-
RCC fears o f unfamiliar feelings that block
Masters in Counselling, growth toward creativity and intimacy. • Blocks to Creative/Career Success ples. EMDR available.
Chemical Dependency Deepen and enrich your connection with • Trauma/Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional For free initial consultation or information
Certificate others. Create the life you deserve. • Depression • Anxiety call: 604-680-9744, VANCOUVER.

What is Freedom from the beliefs, feelings and behaviours •Joy,easeand pleasure in life itself
that result in emotional pain and repetitive, reactive •Aliveness and authenticity
About Toni Pieroni:
Along with my professional training and skill, I bring
Possible? patterns that keepyou stuck. Someissues dealt with: over20years of personal development experience.
I offer individual and couple therapy. For further
Life's options open up as you learn to respond rather • Emotional, physical and sexual abuse
than react, resulting in: •Addictive and obsessional behaviour information or for a free introductory session, phone
Toni Pieroni, M.A. • Healthy, intimate, satisfying relationships •Relationship issues and co-dependency 604-737-0168.0r visit our web address:
RegisteredClinical Counsellor
•Moresuccess in work and career •Anxiety and depression • Self-expression www.counsellingbc.comnistings/tpieroni.h

Ehrlich & 23 years of experience working with individ- scious beliefs, A new form o f Energy First session FREE when booking two ses-
Associates uals, couples, families and businesses - Healing, Vision statement & goal action sions. Tax deductible for self-employed.
Counselling & Consulting Offering Counselling, Coaching, Consulting, plans, Brain gym Kinesiology; Meditation, Some insurance coverage.
Training Seminars & Workshops for a variety THERAPIES: Hypnosis, Creative visualiza-
Nicklas Ehrlich
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vation and healing. tional analysis, Gestalt, Thought Field, for weight loss, cravings, digestion, energy,
Vancouver & North Vancouver Offices Working in a variety of modalities for healing Dream work & art; TECHNIQUES: Tapas clarity o f mind, calm emotions and
604-990-1584 on all levels: Recordings re-scripting subcon- acupressure, Stress management & resiliency. healing.

The Chinese ideogram for the Surely, informed Public Opinion remains the emerge, such as affirming the leadership of eth century recognized the dangers of the
word crisis consists of the charac- main carrier of this possibility. It is the people Science in matters o f the environment, world in crisis that we now face. Read Nobel
ters for danger and opportunity. making informed choices, individually and which in turn will lead to new priorities Laureate Konrad Lorenz's "Waning o f
democratically who will assert their right to be reaching far into the future. Humaneness". And C.G. Jung's short mas-
The question is, can crisis, danger heard. Then, within a newly energized World terpiece, "The Undiscovered Self".
& opportunity co-exist construc-
tively in todays disordered world? Public Opinion, a unifying focus of interest will Some of the greatest thinkers of the twenti- Visit for background.

Reach and expand your potential in all areas Bianca Rucker & Associates Inc. Problems with sexual functioning, inhibitions.
of your life. Since 1985 this gentle method desire discrepancies, affairs, or communica-
has proven exceptionally effective in changing B i a n c a R u c k e r t i o n conflicts? We provide sex therapy, mar-
automatic, self-limiting patterns a n d R.N., MA, Ph.D. r i a g e counselling, clinical hypnosis. Extended
C O R E B E L I E F e n h a n c i n g Conscious Choice. E l l y Roselle health coverage. #400 - 601 West Broadway
ENGINEERING o f f e r s private sessions and classes. Sexual & Relationship Va n c o u v e r. Bianca Rucker, PhD 604-731-4466
(604)536-7402. Email: Therapy w w w . b i a n c a r u c k e r. c o m

Transform Curses I f youwanttorecoverthereal self,reconnect with M e e t L i f e i n M o r e F u l f i l l ' g Wa y s . . . Over 21 years facilitating healing in areas such
Into Blessings y o u r energy and creatitvity, refine skills to realize as: Anxiety, depression, loss, self-esteem, rela-
your goals and reinstate your personal power - Daeniela Bheaumont tionships, childhood, life transitions, creativity
B a r b a r a M a d a n i request an appointment. Registered Psychologist #651 and spirituality. In a safe, supportive environ-
Registered Psychologist#335 We will transform curses into blessings using: j ment we will endeavor to: Understand con-
•EMDR • Power Therapies scions and unconscious factors; Release
Vancouver 604 876-4313 • exploration of feelings and reframin beliefs : 604.261.4045 impediments to growth;
D i s c or ev se or u r c e s • goal setting and decision making #225-809 W4Ist Ave. which promote

Sensitive professional experienced counseling for: Insight leads to the healing of painful life
Phil Campbell N5d., li.C.C.
'Trauma: childhood, workplace and traffic acci- 'Diane Auk k g c. candidge
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& Mediation depression; panic & anxiety; life transitions
•Stress •Workplace and career issues •Depression 604-218-934/ & creative blocks. Specializing i n art,
604.254.0630 •Anger 'Substance use 'Workplace and Family 5minutesfrom &Ogee Slcytrain Station music,journaling, movement, dreams, body
E- Mediation and Conflict Resolution.1206E. Pender. focus and gestalt techniques.

D r . G a y l e W a y C o n s u l t a t i o n &Psychotherapy
L i l l i a n K e l l y T r a n s f o r m painful life patterns!
Registered Psychologistcpsost 2 2 years experience
Sacred Energy Practitioner M e n , W o m e n 8c Couples
M.A., R.C.C. R e l a t i o n s h i p s , Sexual issues, Trauma, Abuse,
Sacred Energy Healing: A blend of Psycho- 24+ years experience A n g e r , Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Addictions.
Vancouver (Kits) 604 731-3517 6 0 4 - 5 3 6 - 7 7 7 0 C o m p a s s i o n a t e , Effective, Body-based
therapy and energy work, which, in address-
wavideo atmy *One
n the needs of Mind, Body & Spirit, serves Caring for. Child rep,Adults T h e r a p y ! Move through to Love & Joy!
to deepen and accelerate healing. Couples& Families B e troll Alive! Fulfilled!

32 • commonground - MARCH 2004



Unhealthy Patterns In Relationships And DEPRESSION • ANXIETY • ANGER • YOUR Di Cherry is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Life. Abuse, anger, anxiety, confusion, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder • Abuse • Sexual GATEWAY r r i fg Member Canadian Hypnotherapy Assn.
depression, eating disorders, emptiness, Addiction • Effective treatment using a multidisci- TO T H E
grief, loss, relationship, sexual abuse, trau- plined approach and/or hypnosis. Reasonable 2678 W 11th Ave, Vancouver.
ma. Individual, couple, family and child rates. Louise Evans, BA., MEd., Marriage and PAST For information or appointments:
therapy. EMDR trained. Granville & 10th. Family Therapist. Metrotown and W. Broadway Past-Life Therapy 604-731-2646 or
Megan Hughes, MA, RCC. 604-734-2779 office. 604-522-0257


Secluded, exquisite Retreat Center on the (including children), Retreats for Families and study programs. O n -site teachers and
Big Island of Hawaii. Enjoy waterfalls, 40 Children, Groups, Individuals, and Cleansing knowledgeable staff will care for all your
lush acres, panoramic ocean views, healing Programs. Join us for Dolphin / Whale excur- needs with Aloha.
treatments, hikes, and beautiful, spacious, sions, eco-journeys around the island, group or
ecological facilities. Large meeting / medita- private retreats, vacations and get-aways! Call 808-960-5598 or visit our website:
tion and yoga space. Workshops and daily Available for weddings, reunions, and rental by
w w w. t a r a y o g a c e n t e r. c o m
classes in Transformative OneBreath, Yoga facilitators, and long-term retreats / work- Email:

Cozy, carpeted room, seats 40. Available 24 Experience renewal through our whole where the moderate climate and quality
a new concept for science, but hours, seven days/week. Natural/dimmer health weeklong cleansing programs or our accommodations and services make an ideal
travel into inner spacehas been lighting, parking, beverage facilities, good health spa weekends. A quiet pastoral set- year-round destination for that special
energies. 535 West 10th Avenue (at Cambie) ting in the Upper Skagit River Valley. Ideal retreat o r quiet getaway. Spectacular
an integral part of mysticism HEALING ROOM: part/full time. Reasonable for personal refreshment. Call 360-826-3599 scenery, trails, bird-watching, kayaking and a
since the dawn of history. rates. Inner Garden Activity Centre, 535 West or visit friendly community.
- Sant Darshan Singh 10thAvenue (at Cambie). (604) 875-8818. Details at

What ONE thing affects EVERYTHING else in Tool kits of mental techniques with an astonishing PRESENTATION CONFERENCE
THE your life? ...Your mind. That's why the Silva range of applications in every field of human activity. FREE.Tues.March 23,7 pm.
Methods' seminars have millions of Graduates in Learn to use more of your mind...and have a great 3DAYBASIC SEMINAR

SILVA over100 countries reporting stress relief, dramati- time too! International StressManagementand Mind March 27,28 & April 3,10am
cally improved memory, concentration, mental Development Program taught for 36 years in 29 lan- UBCROBSONSQUARE downtown
focus, relief from fears and self sabotage, unleash-guages.The reason for our remarkable growth and Free introductory
ing of intuition and creativity, weight control with success can be stated in just 2 words: i t works. info@

METHOD® adifference, achieved goals, enriched relation- Practice during seminar. Course manual included. Phone / fax 604925 0816
ships, easier approach to success.... Freerepeat privileges.

SantRajinder SinghheadsScience of Spirituality, a AllSOSprograms are FREE. 604.985.5840 Okanagan: Dag, 250.379.2614
non-profit, multifaith, international charitable Sechelt: Tara, 604.740.9990 Surrey: Saturdays
SANT 10-11:30am, (Hindi/Punjabi) Gursharan,
organization dedicated to love, unity and peace.
RAJINDER SINGH Sant Rajinder Singh can help others to empower Please join us at one of our Western Canada 604.590.3924 Vancouver: Sunday mornings
their soul through meditation and experience the locations: 10-12Noon 809 W. 23rd Ave. (Entrance off
SCIENCE OF divine Light and celestial Sound. Spirituality is a British Columbia: Garibaldi Highlands: Iva, Willow), Judy, 604.530.0589 Victoria: Penny,
SPIRITUALITY gift, an experiential science focusing on inversion 604.898.4668 Langley: Kathy, 604.530.9076 Nelson: 250.642.4406. Alberta: Edmonton & Calgary:
Joan, 250.358.2100 North Vancouver: Linda, Mel, 780.988.8011
not conversion.

Popular Just Dance is a positive party event Held i n a n alcohol a n d smoke free Active meditation: 7:30 pm - Occasional
offering an upbeat selection of music from environment, this innovative community free dance class: 8:30 pm - Dance: 9:00 pm.
all around the world. Boasting a rich collec- event is a unique opportunity to fully be in 2114 W.4th Ave. (at Arbutus). $8 at the door.
tion of toe-tapping tunes, the deejays keep your joy and celebrative spirit. Come dance, Info:
the crowd hopping with music such as let loose or mingle with an open-minded and / 604-264-0559
African, Latin, Celtic, Pop, Nu-jazz, Trance fun-loving crowd. Contact us for March schedule details.
and many more.

The Movement Matters Association is pleased to The Movement Matters Association is a group Conference: Opening New Pathways
MOVEMENT present their second conference, "Opening New of people whose passion is the use of creative April 2 - 4, 2004@ Capilano College
Pathways", April 2-4, 2004 at Capilano College. and organic somatic movement approaches to Information: E-mail:
M A r Ie R S This event will explore healing and creativity facilitate the integration of body, mind and or call 604-267-9951
through movement in ten exciting two and a half spirit. Their work promotes healing, growth Register at: Capilano College, Continuing
A S S O C I AT I O N and connection within and among individuals, Education Division 2055 Purcell Way North
hour workshops, with opening and closing com-
munity sessions. communities, and the environment. Vancouver,BCTel:604-926-4901 Fax:604-983-7545

Free Eco-Spirituality workshops with Brian

Make life a celebration. The Art of Living
A RT OF courses improve health and give greater hap-
piness by eliminating stress through a pow-
Swimme's "Canticle to the Cosmos" video series
that integrates science, spirituality and the envi-
`LIVING erful breathing technique that purifies and
rejuvinates the mind and body. Teacher T I M UN111110is r o t cH v w
ronment. Discussion follows each session. All
workshops at Centre for Peace,1825 W.16th Ave
trained by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. CANADIANMEMORIAL CHURCH - 7:30pm Tuesdays. For more information call Contact: 604.228.8728 ENTREFOR PEACE 604-731-3101 or visit:

MARCH2004 • Commongound.33
Who do your food dollars support?
North America and the CEOs of the your dinner table. The wealth of the sauces, jams and fruit spreads, pickled
companies dominating the "convention- large and powerful companies in Canada vegetables, exotic chutneys, tofu and
BC THE al" food industry have been quick to take depends on moving food around North dried fruits and herbs, all produced in
ORGANIC note of this trend. Huge brand name America, often for no reason other than BC. Year-round, dairy products, eggs
food companies, the multi-billion dollar creating profit for another subsidiary. and meats from local farmers are on the
WAY transnationals, have been buying organ- Supporting those local farmers and market. So are locally ground coffees
by Marya ic farms and processing companies, then businesses operating with environmen- and locally mixed teas, even though the
Skrypiczajko shipping the organic food long distances tal integrity shows them that you believe ingredients are imported.
to market, while creat- in what they are When you are at the grocery store get
Even though mid-winter isn't the time ing vast amounts of Supporting those local d o i n g and enables into the habit of looking carefully at the
to be driving down country lanes to buy pollution en route. farmers and businesses t h e m to continue to labels of what you are buying and choose
fresh strawberries from a local farmer, it Also, these companies exist within your the item produced nearest to home. It
don't necessarily
operating with community. A s doesn't have to take a lot of time. Learn
is possible to keep your food dollars in
the local economy year-round. embody the organic environmental integrity more and more peo- more about one new item each time you
I think it is important to periodically values o f treading shows them that you ple move into the shop and soon you'll have a good grip on
remind ourselves of this as we are con- lightly on the land organic industry, the what's being produced in your sur-
tinually bombarded with the enticing and running a diverse believe in what they are offerings become rounding area and other nearby regions.
images o f mangoes, asparagus and and sustainable farm. doing and enables them to more diverse and I think when we give ourselves a few
European jams at grocery stores in mid- For most, profit is the now we can buy minutes to think about where we want
February, as well as a plethora of name- bottom line. continue to exist within such delicious foods our food to come from and our money
brand prepared organic foods in down- Disappointing, isn't your community. as fresh fava beans, to go, we all have opinions about these
to-earth packaging. This all can seem it? For more informa- garlic chili chutney matters. I am not advocating giving up
very exotic and appealing on yet anoth- tion on this, check out: www.certifiedor- and seaweed tofu grown and produced imported foods entirely, yikes, that
er chilly grey winter's day, but it all here in BC. would mean no coffee, chocolate or
comes at a greater price than the one we ml and you'll find a chart created by Phil Even in mid-winter you can show bananas. But I am encouraging you to
see on the tag. Howard of the University of California at your support f o r local farmers. think about who you want to support
First, there's the fact that our money Santa Cruz that reveals which conven- Depending on where you live, there may with your food dollars and hopefully, to
isn't supporting local farmers and food tional corporations own which organic not be much fresh produce available at try to shift the focus of your diet more
producers. Local farmers often struggle food processing companies. your favourite organic food store or toward what is produced in your local
to survive while we import our food or There's also the transportation pollu- there may be various types of salad agricultural region.
support those large corporations that tion to consider. Trucks, trains, boats and greens, apples and root crops from the Marya Skrypiczajko is the author of BC
have been catching onto the organic the worst - refrigerated airplanes trans- fall harvest plus frozen berries and soft the Organic Way - Where t o Find
trend. Organic food is the fastest grow- port food on average over 2,000 kilome- fruits. On the shelves you can find local- Organic Food in British Columbia avail-
ing sector of the agricultural industry in tres from the farm where it's grown, to ly grown and produced organic tomato able at bookstores and organic food stores.

Ilona Hedi Granik is a clairvoyant consultant and

On Track Zodiak March 2004

by Ilona Hedi Granik
author with 29 years of experience in astrology,
multi-media art and healing.

. ARIES (March 21 - Apri119)
Write down your premonitions
f i l l C A N C E R (June 21 - July 22)
New beginnings and a streak
LIBRA (September 2 3 -
October 22) Even i f you hear
a C A P R I C O R N (December 22 -
January 19) I t seems that you
and predictions. You will see of benevolence cross your other people's thoughts, you are on a lucky streak. It's a
how uncanny your intuition is. Once path. You are whistling a tune that is new would do well to practise patience and good time to be around others to high-
you reflect on the accuracy o f your and unfamiliar. Like a bird that has been hold your tongue. With co-workers you light their efforts too. Those around you
instincts, you will come to know a more uncaged, you take to the wilds. You are will have to step back and let others seem to feed off your charms and its OK
empowered you that denied itself. Give in step with the dance. You have made speak and know your place. Your place is with you. You have lots to give and more
way to a great healing time. choices that serve you well. So be it. in dignity and freedom. to come so dip your ladle into the well.

V , TAURUS (April 20 - May 21) I t o L E O (July 23 - August 22) c p S C O R P I O (October 2 3 - AQUARIUS (January 2 0 -
Deep-seated fears now surface Turn off the electrical world for November 21) Free up your A F0":
e b r u a r y 19) Get those legs
and you may need to seek soli- at least a couple of days when body, your personal affairs 1 moving and take o u t the
tude and support from others. These you can. Try to get back to a raw and and the way in which you think. The garbage. Do errands that seem banal. If
tests that come will take you to places organic lifestyle when it comes to living interaction you have with your mind you can't shake the sluggish body feel-
you haven't visited in many moons. Take day to day. Seems the plain and simple and body has come to a place of needing ing, then you may need to look closely at
courage as you fly high and sink deeply, ways have been lost on you. Sit quietly repair and recovery. It's time to replace any addictions you may have. Give up so
all the while becoming more acutely away from over-the-top comforts and broken-down habits and release what you can give in and breathe a whole lot
aware. Challenges bring revelations. consumer driven days. Your circuits you can live without. Restoration is easier. Get silly and plunge into life from
Make it worth the conflict and you shall need clearing. Tune out to tune in. highlighted. Come out shining brighter a new angle.
rise above them. than your belief said you might.
d V I R G O (August 23 - September PISCES (February 20-March
0 GEMINI (May 22 - June 20) 22) Might be difficult to bal- F I J I SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - 20) You feel supported by an
There simply are no potions or ance your hectic schedule. December 21) Solutions are invisible aura o f kindness.
remedies to take away the feel- What better time than now to indulge in becoming clear, and the rivals Still with an aura of aloneness, you carry
ings of loss. The overriding senses will yourself? All things scented and luscious who dogged your footsteps now leave on with a gracious heart. Soon enough
cascade down like a waterfall. I f you will come alive in you when you take you alone. The opportunity to travel is things will change and a light will go off
don't try to block what fills you, all will time out. The deeper you go into your high and new social circles now move in your head, guiding you toward new
be cleansed. Logic and reason won't be senses the stronger your entire system into.your experience. Finances improve, directions. Your strength has been tested
having a picnic together. Try to watch will come around. Dive into health and as will those of your business associates. and only you know the marvel and
yourself from a higher vantage point all that is passionate to come back to Hark, do we hear applause for all your courage that you have. Puppies will bow
and fly with the eagles. your senses. efforts? at your feet as you walk with humility.

34 • CorpTc46rovng• M4RCH,2pp4
MAR 3 - 21 MAR 13 & 27 MAR 19 MAR 28 APR 15 - 18 MONDAYS
Headlines Theatre presents Shamanic Drumming Circle. Spring Equinox Ceremony. Kits Classics+Worlds Beyond Australian B u s h F l o w e r Satsang M e d i t a t i o n w i t h
Practicing Democracy. Using 7pm. Newcomers welcome. Bring Vancouver Public Gardens, Oak & East I We s t Convergence: Essences - Levels I & 2 Canela Michelle Meyers. Toning,
interactive theatre to create civic N. A m e r i c a n h a n d d r u m . 37th @ Cartier St, Gate 4. Bring Shakuhachi & Clarinet Presented By Founder Ian White Sitting, S i l e n c e , S h a r i n g ,
policy recommendations o n Journeywork meditation to con- a snack t o share. Everyone 4pm 3 2 1 4 W. 1 0 t h Avenue B.Sc.,N.D.,D.B.M Questions, Answers... Acceptance
poverty issues. City Hall is listen- tact s p i r i t animals/teachers. welcome. 9am-noon. Donation. 604.732.3990 Free Learn how these essences can be of What Is and You Are. Every
ing. At three community halls in Amy, 604.291.2002 used for emotional care and well Monday, 7-9 pm b y donation
Donation. 604.418.9636.
Vancouver. Admission by dona- Pager: 604.645.6731 MAR 29 being. Contact Lori 604 535 3915 604.984.0344
tion. Info & tickets: 604-871-0508 MAR 19 Healing i n a C i r c l e o f or 1 866 47-76779
MAR 13-15 Free Evening Introduction to Creativity. A n A r t Therapy
Silent Spiritual Retreat with TUESDAYS
The Inner Road to Riches. Learn to Group for Women Survivors o f
MAR 4, 11, 18, 2 5 & APR 1 Dharma & Meditations. Live Reflexology Student Clinic
magnetize Love, Health a n d Sexual Abuse. 10 weeks Contact: APR 18 - 24 sessions - only $15. Evenings
as spiritual family. Introductory
Demystifying Cancer. Join 2 Money in 28 days - the Hawaiian Diane 604.218.9341 Pure Meditation. F i n d your only. B y appointment. Pacific
of Vancouver's leading herbalists talk, guidance, meditations o n
Way! Workshop on March 20th Inner Light, opening the door to Institute o f R e f l e x o l o g y.
beautiful Sunshine Coast. Self and 21st. Call 604-267-7571 o r
to learn about holistic natural Love - Wisdom - Joy. With Mata 604.875.8818
approaches t o preventing and Realization Meditation Healing visit MAR 30
Centre 1.604.740.0898 Open Ta l k & D i s c u s s i o n Yoganandaji's loving guidance.
treating cancer. $125 / 5 lectures Self Realization M e d i t a t i o n WEDNESDAYS
MAR 20 "Developing t h e P s y c h i c The H e a l i n g B o d y w o r k
($110 before F e b 2 0 ) G a i a MARCH 13-21 Wolfsong S p r i n g Equinox Healing Centre 1.604.740.0898
Garden Herbals 604.734.4372 Centres" guest speaker lean-Paul Centre offers a "Pamper your
Biodanza D a n c e s o f Celebration. Everyone w e l - Dubruiel Tues: 8:00 pm 809 W. M AY 22 - 23 & 28 - 29 Partner" evening e v e r y l a s t
MAR 5 Passion a n d Vitality. Fall in come. Bring your friends, love of 23rd, V a n c o u v e r I n f o : Aura-Soma Colour Therapy, Wednesday o f t h e m o n t h .
love w i t h l i f e a n d yourself. singing, N. American hand drum, certified first level training - 604.737.8350
Sacred Moments. Spiritual cedar f l u t e , d i d g e r i d o o , 604.224.2413 /
reflection and interfaith prayer on "Biodanza" comes from "bins" North Va n c o u v e r - w i t h P.
meaning life and "danza" move- crystal/meditation b o w l s f o r MAR 31 FRIDAYS
the theme "Women" at 7pm in Danielle Tonossi, A u r a -Soma
ment full of meaning. Biodanza is shared, aboriginal, social, sacred, "Founders of Faith", six-week Teacher ASIACT. For info visit our 'Give Peace a Chant' - Kirtan
Burnaby Library (Metrotown). healing c h a n t s . Vancouver and global community s p i r i t
Sponsored b y Burnaby Bahai a powerful system o f human course, s t a r t s 7:00-9:30pm website:www.crystalgardenspir-
Multicultural Centre, 1254W. 7th. Burnaby C e n t r a l Secondary or email: welcomeacrys- songs for peace. 7:30pm. #101-
Community. E v a 604.299.2373. development t h a t encourages 7pm. $10 Donation. 2245 W.Broadway @ Vine 'Yoga restoring self-worth and finding Rm.221. Instructor examines in Daily Life' Studio. By Donation.
the c e n t r e o f innocence. 604.418.9636. Moses, Zoroaster, K r i s h n a , M AY 30 - JUN 3
MAR 8 Introductory evenings March 15 Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, SATURDAYS
MAR 20 & 21 Anodea J u d i t h , author o f
Colony or Country: The Future and 1 9 a t Hycroft Centre. Baha'u'llah. $45 o r $10/session Eastern Body, Western Mind leads Learn S e l f - Acupressure
of Canada-U.S. Relations 7PM Workshops at 1555 W. 7th Ave. Chair Massage Training - First 778.773.5910 Therapy with Dr. Weidong Yu at
weekend of five weekend-certifi- techniques o f M i n d - Body
Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 on March 13, 14, 20 and 21. Call Therapy. Nathalie 604.272.4135 916 W. King Edward Ave. (at
Triumph Street, Vancouver With cation course. Call Relax To The Oak). 4:30-5:30pm To reserve
604 782-9197. Max - 1-800-207-4013. APR 1
speakers: Maude Barlow, Murray your seat call 604.737.7876.
www.chairmassagetra in M AY 31 - JUN 12
Dobbin, and Alfred Webre Journaling to Our Emotional Permaculture Design Course
MAR 15 See display ad. Healing Circle Saturday nights
Self. 8 Thursdays o f exploring Winlaw, BC Learn practical skills
Meditation Class: Learn t o at 5:00 -PM for healers and body
MAR 8 & APR 5 MAR 21 our feeling self in a creative and to design & implement workers. Meditation, sharing cir-
Pisces & Aries Astrological reduce stress and create what introspective atmosphere.
Spiritual Cleanse. A day to sustainable systems. Kootenay cle and snacks. By donation. Hale
Dinners. J o i n H o s t Teresa you w a n t . Eight-week class. Contact D i a n e 604.218.9341
renew your energy and reach Permaculture Institute: Ole a p l a c e o f h e a l i n g .
Waclawik with talk by Astrologer 7:00pm. CDM Psychic Institute, new potentials using Qi-Gong 604.431.7474
Leah Faye a t Brock House 1114 W. Broadway, Vancouver. Sound Movement Meditation 250.226.7302 ONGOING
Restaurant. Dinner, door prizes & Info: 604.730.8788 Silence. 28 yrs exp in Bodymind APR 2
entertainment. To reserve: Therapies Yoga Meditation Sound Sacred M o m e n t s . Spiritual Meditation workshop & kun-
MAR 15-19, M AY 3-14 reflection and interfaith prayer on JUN4 - 6 dalini awakening through Sahaja
604.732.5538 Healing $100 Monika (April 4)
Sacred Journey t o Sedona. 604.736.2835 the theme "Happiness" at 7pm in Trance and Ritual Workshop Yoga, as taught by Shri Mataji
MAR 9, 2 2 & APR 18 loin us as we embark on a trans- Burnaby Library (Metrotown). w / Selene Vega, coauthor o f Nirmala Devi. Discover y o u r
formational journey t o explore MAR 23-APR 3 Sponsored b y Burnaby Bahai "Sevenfold J o u r n e y " i n f o : Powers a t our Weekly classes,
Natural / Waterbirth Video &
the mystical power spots, majes- The S i l v a M e t h o d - Community. Eva 604.299.2373. always free and open to all. 604
Information Sessions i n East Presentation Conference Free.
Vancouver. Everyone welcome. By tic Red Rocks & sacred sites of 597-8440
Sedona. 604.874.7922 Tues. March 23, 7 Pm. 3 Day SUNDAYS
donation. For information call Basic Seminar March 27, 28 & Hakomi Therapy and Trainings APR 3 Garden o f Miracles spiritual
Tianna ( D o u l a , C h i l d b i r t h April 3 UBC Robson Square gathering meets every Sunday, 9- Individuals, Couples and Small
Leora Cashe Jazz Trio. A n Groups.
Educator) at: 604.650.8456. MAR 16-21 Downtown. Free Introductory. 10:30 a.m. at Anne MacDonald
Intimate Evening of Jazz. 8:00pm
Ve n e r a b l e W a n g c h e n See our Resource Directory ad. $10.00 S t . M a r k ' s Anglican Hall, 333 Chesterfield Ave. (adja- Humuh Monastery Buddhist
MAR 11
Experience the simple truth Rinpoche Vancouver visit. MAR 27 Church 1 8 0 5 L a r c h Street, cent t o Presentation House), Meditation & Retreat Centre.
about meditation with clarity, Dharma Teachings 16th&17th 7 - Rosicrucian O r d e r P u b l i c Vancouver (Kitsilano) Tickets North Vancouver. Lots of parking. An experience i n Beauty and
9pm; Empowerment 18th&19th Events. Giant Book Sale (over 604.736.1317 Call 604.987.6985. Dharma. Call 1-800-336-6015 for
wisdom a n d h u m o u r, w i t h
7-9pm; O n e D a y Retreats 2000 books). Spirituality; History; Info: free brochure. Westbridge, BC
Swatantr .1yoti.7:30pm Canadian Dialogue S t r i n g s C i r c l e
Memorial Centre for Peace 20th&21st 9am-4pm. 4941 Sidley Art; Travel; etc.10-3 809 W. 23rd,
Vancouver Info: 604.224.2413 / APR 8-MAY 6, APR 18-MAY 23 Society of Victoria: Connects
16th & Burrard $10 St., Burnaby. Free. 604.418.6054. to you through wise, healing, Positive L i v i n g C e n t r e - Natural Childbirth Preparation Empowering talks. Lively, uplift-
604.322.9780 spiritual dialogue. Explore and
MAR 17 MAR 27 Series i n Vancouver. Realistic ing energy, practical teachings.
MAR 12, 13, 14 Healing Class: L e a r n tech- share ancient inner wisdom, intu-
The Power of Feng Shui. One preparation, education & support itive play, synergy with like-mind- Concurrent Children's Program
DNA and Theta Healing Class niques you can use to heal your- day Introductory Course. Linda for parents w h o desire a n using "Virtues Project". 3281
ed women in a warm, welcoming
9am - 5pm Empower Yourself! self and others. Eight - week Nightwood 3 6 0 . 7 3 0 . 1 7 4 4 empowering birthing experience. Harriet Rd, Victoria. Rev. Pat
circle. Every Sunday at James Bay
Come learn powerful healing class. 7:00pm. C D M Psychic For information c a l l Tianna Community Project 1:30pm - 4 Zogar 250.642.8802
techniques that can be used both Institute, 111 4 W. Broadway, See our ad. (Doula, Childbirth Educator) at:
pm. Guest speaker bookings and
professionally a n d personally. Vancouver. Call 604.730.8788. 604.650.8456. info contact 995-3029 or Dialogues o n t h e D a n c e
MAR 27
Learn how to energetically scan Alive & Well With Herbs & Dialogue_Stringsayahoosca. Floor. C o n t a c t + D a n c e
the physical body and energy MAR 17 APR 9 - 12
Nutrition Waterfront Hotel - I m prov Workshops. Drop-ins
field and release negative core Free Introduction to Sacred Easter Celebration Retreat. The Centre for Spiritual Living welcome. I n f o : w w w. p h i l i p -
Vancouver. Full day herbal educa-
belief patterns. Discover how to Teachings in a series given by tion program t o stay healthy! Experience t h e t r u e spiritual Inspired by Deepak Chopra and Or 604.809.9202
communicate with your Angels donation. 7:30 pm - Collingwood Learn how herbs & nutrition can depth o f Easter o n this silent Louise Hay. You'll love our Sunday
and Guides. Class location i n Neighbourhood House - 5288 effectively & safely promote good retreat. Special message from Services, 11:00am. Children we- Tea Demonstration (Free):
Nanaimo. Contact Rhonda Brown Joyce St. (staff lounge) by The health. Dominion Herbal College. Mata Yoganandaji, meditations at come. 1 4 4 3 W . 8 t h A v e , Chinese Tea Brewing, Sampling &
ph: 250-741-1473 f o r reserva- Brotherhood o f Humanity - Preregister: 604.526.8835 or Halfmoon Bay. SRMH Centre Vancouver, 6 0 4 . 3 2 1 . 1 2 2 5 Storage / Culture, Health & Spirit
tions & further information. 604.430.1882 studies. 1.604.740.0898 www.csIvancouvercom 604.783.3909

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36 - CommonGround - MARCH 2004

Sleep keeps your body in balance
before you have time to procrastinate. The main point is that there is nothing about keeping your body in balance, and
Good workout intentions can come vastly different about breakfast than any the power of the body and mind consoli-
with a price if you are cheating your bodyother meal. A balanced meal contains dating themselves overnight will fuel
of sleep - compromising your moods, approximately 20-30 percent fat, 40-50 your success. Sweet dreams.
alertness, learning potential, co-ordina- percent carbohydrate and 20-30 percent Cat Smiley is a pro skier, journalist and
PHYSICALLY tion and in some cases even making you protein. For example, you probably personal trainer living i n Whistler.
TWEAKED gain weight. Sleep deprivation seriously would not aim to eat potatoes alone for 1 604 902-0698
impairs the body's ability to process dinner, but would include meat and veg-
by Cat Smiley, ISSA blood sugar, impeding the action o f etables. Eating a bagel with a slab of MERIDIAN
insulin much as in diabetes, which may cream cheese with your coffee is pretty
correspond to obesity, and turn you into much equivalent, nutritionally speaking, PILATES S T U D I O
H o w often have you justified skipping astress case through elevating the stress to eating potatoes alone for dinner. "Physical Fitness is the first requisite
workouts because you're simply too tired? hormone cortical. Many underestimate The challenge is not about subtracting of happiness."-Joseph H. Plates
We all know that sacrificing sleep sacri- the contributions that sleeping well from your morning bagel or cereal, it is
fices peak performance. Too much to do, makes to their overall healthy living plan.
about adding to it. Expand your dietary We offer the followi
and too little time to do it in has become The positive news is that sleeping longer patterns - eat a whole-grain bagel instead ongoing classes:
signature of today's hectic world. Sleep is not as optimal as sleeping more effi- of white, with an apple instead of orange
deprivation is often unnecessary, yet sleep ciently, according to psychologist James juice. Use low-fat nut butter or a small Mat Classes:
debt is hitting us in B. Maas PhD, author handful of trail mix to balance your pro- Beginner to Advanced
a way not even cof- Don't trick yourself into o f Power Sleep. His tein count. Experts suggest a breakfast Reformer Groups:
fee can compensate consisting of bread and cereal may be far Mixed Levels Led levels i to 4
believing you are in the one golden rules of sleep
include logical goals too low in protein, fiber and good fat, the
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Finding energy or two percent of the popu- such as establishing aingredients needed to stabilize blood SCHEDULES & RATES
for workouts i s lation-who can get by on r e g u l a r sleep sched- sugar and insulin levels.
pretty darn difficult ule, getting continu- You don't have to eat a lot of food to #202 - 2475 BAYSWATER ST.
when we are feeling five hours sleep per night. o u s sleep,making up make it work for you; you just have to (@W. BROADWAY)
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run • down - also for lost sleep as soon make the right choices. Fitness is all
making us more vulnerable to accidents, aspossible and getting adequate sleep for
conflict, depression and irritability. your individual needs every night.
Modern lifestyles have resulted in almost Relaxing before you go to bed is key.
40 percent of the population sleeping 6.5 For about an hour before you hit the hay,
hours a night or less, according to the avoid snacking (opt instead for a cup of
Relieve Back Pain & Get Fit at Home
National Sleep Foundation. True enough, herbal tea), studying, computer work and Rebounding:
most people compensate for lack of sleep using too much brainpower. Simply allow - increases lymph flow / circulation / immunity
during the week by sleeping in on the yourself to unwind...then enjoy your - burns calories, tones thighs / buttocks
weekends - however this switch is guar- morning breakfast. Far too often our first - strengthens muscles / bones
anteed to confuse your natural body meal of the day is a frantic grab of coffee- Inversion:
clock. spilling rush, running out the door in the - relieves back pain / decompresses spine
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However, don't trick yourself into but high carbohydrate "perfect break-
believing you are in the one or two per- fasts." Many foods could mistakenly be GREENDOORWELLNESS CENTRE
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cent of the population who can get by on labeled healthy just because they are low 604-734-7891or 800-334-2605
five hours sleep per night. Most people in fat. The reality is, if your meal fails to
need eight hours. Morning workouts kick contain a balance of fat/carbohydrate and
start your day by boosting your energy protein, you may hit hunger overdrive HangUpsInversion Productswww.greendoorwellness.comNeedakFolding Rebounder
and fat-burning potential, with the added and energy slumps far before you need
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Self-interest for whom?
myself referring to it as the great oracle. tionist self-depreciating doppelganger's PONDER THIS:
Days blow by like dust. Laundry creeps place in indecision/decision making. It is Our lives begin to end the day we become
around with a life of its own. Memories OK to turn off the critic once in awhile, silent about things that matter.
of exercise float around as a vague con- as one friend told me recently. I am sur- - Martin Luther King Jr.
cept, like remembering an old friend you rounded by love from friends and fami- Weshould therefore claim, in the name of tol-
used to spend time with. I sit in front of ly, but I've got to do it for myself first to
erance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.
the mirror with murky self-loathing and be able to really let it in. The ice is begin-- Karl Popper The Open Society and Its
pernicious contempt for my place in the ning to crack... Enemies (ch. 7)
world scheme, something has got to give. On another note, it was brought up in I don't know the key to success, but the key to
An end to voyeurism, I want to be a par- an email conversation that we should be failure is trying to please everybody.
ticipant. The sun is shining in through able t o create an educational system - Bill Cosby
the window, and like a giant arctic ice based o n n o t u i t i o n l i k e various I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells.
TWENTY SOMETHING shelf I will break away from my self-con- European nations. I am interested in Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it's a
by Ishi Dinim strained captivity. However, I think I hearing what kind of strategies people way of looking at life through the wrong end of
need two things first; the tuning fork of have around manifesting this invaluable a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables
discipline and then the blowtorch o f goal. Also, I finally saw The Corporation you to laugh at life's realities.
Feels like my brain is going to implode love. and walked out stunned, my after stirring - Dr. Seuss
most days. Vacillating between lethargic Discipline is an improvement of self, of thoughts was like a hearty vegetable Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it
and frantic activity. I am so absorbed in not our culture's fixation with self-bet- chili, so much to chew on. I think I could is very important that you do it.
the news media; gorging on radio, televi- terment, progress, or being all that you use an after-dinner mint. - Mahatma Gandhi
sion, print, and internet sources trying to can be. I need mental and physical disci- You must not lose faith i n humanity.
glean the stories. US elections, hunger, pline to hone myself into a utensil to LINKITUDE: Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the
bioneering, gay marriage, wars, people manifest my dreams. There are so many ocean are dirty, the oceandoes not become dirty.
eating glass, exotic diseases, break ideal examples of motivated people to - Mahatma Gandhi
dancers for the pope, British parking take as role models: artists, marathoners, terkai/kaicurry/gwbush/dishonestdubya.html
heroes? I feel compelled to be an observ- doctors, activists, children, teachers, ath- Ishi Dinim graduated from Emily Carr
er. Hoping that I might "know" what is letes, comedians, saints, really whoever Institute of Art and Design in 2001, with a
happening on the planet and in the cos- gets you stoked. There is a rationale or BFA major in photography. He is interested
mos. World-wide lamentations, a torrent drive behind every action they perform. in various forms of art production, film
of stiffing bad news. I wonder if my brain Some are inspired by altruistic desire, ty/run/oreo?ep-=BWLIZtTMzMjE30jAFgjts being his greatest. Madagascar calls him to
really needs any of this, my room is clut- some by personal gain, or a combination meet the lemurs and baobab trees. Currently
tered enough. of the two. lives in Vancouver, collecting cacti and
The computer is vying for more and I want health, wealth and to be a posi- m?Concert_Id=152 (Listen to this concert, trying to discover the meaning of life.
more of my attention. Like a siren it calls tive contributor in humanity. Above all great music and an important message from waiting to hear
me to languish upon its shores, I find of this I need love. I revoke my perfec- Antibalas) echoes back...

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Cleansing of the body organs is Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals may Lungs.
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We recommend that healthy indi- Flush and the Liver flush may be used
viduals do a total organ cleanse every on a regular basis for support of the Liver Flush liver Cleanse, Promotes Liver Tissue Regeneration 500m1
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If an individual is exposed to a large Individuals who smoke, live o r Liver Plus Liver Support, Provides Anti-Oxidants to the Liver 90ca ps
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smoking, alcohol and drug use, we consider taking the Lung Flush on a Para-Rid Anti-Parasite Formula 90ca ps
recommend that an organ cleanse be regular basis in order to support the


38 • comrixneround • MARCH 2004

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