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tr;i) of Life

r cir
pu i s p o os ce e 35th anniversary
of their bed-in to give peace a chance Spiritual Emergence
From breakdown to breakthrough
The 5 Elements Making your mind an ally
Sakyong Mip-ham Ripoche
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2004 Program Calendar

May Wise Women
Deborah Nelson
• T h e Painting Experience
Stewart Cubley
21 - 25 Kelp Basket & Cedar
Weaving Cheryl Massey
• 2 7 -day Esalen• Massage
Brita Ostrom &
2 - 29 Study & Service: Cooking Dean Marson
15 - 20 Y o g a for Yoga Teachers • Loving Your Healing • Yoga of Sound
& lyengar Yoga Debra
Monica Voss Shin Terayama Russill Paul 25 - 30 Mothership Kayaking
Fontaine & Yvonne Kipp
15 - 20 W r i t i n g of Memoirs 25 - 29 Summer Yoga Retreat • Natural Animal Health Care Mike Moore &
13 - 16 lyengar Yoga Yvonne Kipp Christine Hollmann
Sharon Butala Jocelan Coty Allen Schoen
• Restorative Getaway • Natural Gourmet Institute
• Ultimate Organic Garden • T h e Healing Voice • Creativity Camp for Adults
16 - 23 Insight Meditation Retreat Non Fletcher & Myann Reid Jill Purce Peggy Taylor & Diane Carlson &
Steven Smith & Charlie Murphy Peter Berley
• Mothership Kayaking • Marriage of Word & Image
Lynne Bousfield Mike Moore & Brian Fryer 25 - 10/1 T h e Naked Voice
Nick Bantock 25 - 30 Hypnotherapy Professional
23 - 26 The Ear of The Heart Training Liliana Cane Chloe Goodchild &
• Successful Self-Publishing 25 - 8/1 W o o d Carving & Sculpting
Noirin Ni Riain Masashi Minagawa
Lori Shyba Volker Steigemann • Retreat for Couples
• Metamorphosis. From 20 - 26 Dancing from Inside Out Robert & Judith Gass Tibetan Buddhism
29 - 8/1 Flower Arranging
Inside Out Margie Gillis Lama Tashi Namgyal
Caz Ratcliffe & • Integrative Medicine
Jana Lynne White
20 - 27 Institute of Neurobiology Pamela Boles Andrew Weil &
• Restorative Getaway
26 - 30 Media That Matters
Retreat Dietrich Klinghardt
27 - 7/2 Drawing, Pastel &
• From Science to God
Peter Russell
Victoria Maizes
30 - 9/4 Enhancing Passion
Bill Weaver, et al Liliana Cane & 1 - 5 Handmade Books, Collage
Watercolour Dianne Bersea • Fields of the Mind
• Effective Facilitation Robert Baillod Karen Wallace &
& Jodi Forster Rupert Sheldrake
Julian Griggs Cynthia Minden
27 - 7/4 Institute of Neurobiology • Yoga in the Footsteps of
30 - 6/26 Study & Service: Heart of Patanjali • Soul Motion, The Practice
Retreat Dietrich Klinghardt
Meditation Donna Martin
• Heart of the Shaman
August Shirley Daventry French Vinn Marti
30 - 6/4 Applied Shamanism 1 - 4 Circle Dance Paint, Collage & Surface • Soulfire
Richard Yensen &
Hank Wesselman & Rowan Brooks Wendy Welch Brigitte Secard
Donna Dryer
Jill Kuykendall 1 - 6 Blessings of the Drum 5 - 9 Instinct for Freedom
• A r t & Craft of Screenplay Alan Clements
Gordy Ryan, et al
Lew Carlino ju ly 2 - 9 The Power of Hope
September • Breema® Bodywork
• Cognitive Therapy Training 4 - 8 Making Change, 4 - 7 Transformation of Trauma Avishai Pearlson &
6 - 11 Didjeridu Playing Denise Berezonsky
Greg Dubord Making A Difference Peter Levine &
Shine Edgar &
Tzeporah.Berman, et al Sharon Stanley • Seeing Your Life Through
Zachary Sukuweh
• Spirit in Nature 4 - 9 Wa y of Qigong Ken Cohen New Eyes Donna Martin
June Leslie Conton
• Writing with the Body
Sondra Perl • H o l y Longing 9 - 13 Mindfulness Tools for Living
4 - 7 Bring Your Workshop to Trebbe Johnson Adrianne Ross
• F r e e Happy Unusual Life • Heart of Harmony
the World Nina Wise Shivon Robinsong & • Hollyhock Cooks 9 - 16 Heart of the Healer
Oriane Lee Johnston 4- 11 Yo g a Rx Larry Payne Moreka Jolar Richard Yensen &
Denis Donnelly
• M e n Who Don't Do Donna Dryer
8- 11 Strategies & Inspiration • T ' a i Chi Ch'uan 9 - 12 Running as Spiritual Path
Workshops Charles for Earth Judyth Weaver Roger Joslin 13 - 16 Spiral Dynamics
Steinberg & Brian Fryer Tzeporah Berman, et al Don Beck &
11 - 15 T h e Feminine Fire • Sheer Joy of Gardening
- • Becoming Vegetarian Marilyn Hamilton
• Restorative Getaway Sobonfu Some David Tarrant
Vesanto Melina 21 - 24 Mushroom Conference
11 - 16 Hollyhock Family Adventure 11 - 16 Dance Magic Zoe Ryan Soul of Money
• T h e Second Half of Life Andrew Weil &
Dayna Davis & Lynne Twist
Alene Moris • Ta o Yoga of Love Paul Stamets
Hugh Prichard Minke de Vos • Restorative Getaway
• Restorative Getaway 24 - 29 Spiritual Guidance Program
• Theatrical Exploration for 12 - 19 T h e Power of Hope 12 - 16 Social Venture Institute Atum O'Kane
7 - 12 Thai Yoga Massage Women Victoria Goring Joel Solomon, et al
Paul Cramer • Continuing T'ai Chi Ch'uan • Buddhist Path to
• Time of Transition Judyth Weaver 16 - 20 Personal Strategic Planning Happiness Robert Beatty
• Hollyhock Cooks Atum O'Kane Elizabeth Crook
Debra Fontaine 16 - 21 A r t of Leadership
16 - 20 Building Vocal Community Robert Gass • W e b of Change
• Yoga-Soft, Strong & Deep
K-Lea Gifford
Ysaye Barnwell
-ason Mogus, et al November
• Healthy Breast Program Gordy & Zoe Ryan, et al 18 Book Launch Event 10/29 Artists, Writers,
• Seeing Your Life Through Sat Dharam Kaur Rex Weyler -11/19 Seekers of Refuge
New Eyes Donna Martin Hollyhock Summer Sampler
• C u p of Ecstasy Hollyhock Faculty 20 - 10/16 Study & Service: • Meditation 21-day Guided
12 - 15 Gabrielle Roth's 5 Atum O'Kane Gardening at Hollyhock Self-Retreat Joanne Broatch
Rhythms- Soasis Sukuweh • Vocal Improvisation
20 - 25 Songwriting & Performance Non Fletcher & Myann Reid
Ysaye Barnwell, et al

FREE C ATA L O G U E 8 0 0 - 9 3 3 - 6 3 3 9 • w w

C A N A D A ' S L E A D I N G E D I J C A T I O N A L R E T R E A T C E N T R E , C O R T E S I S L A N D , B R I T I S H C O L U I A B , A

4 • commonGround • MAY 2004

1 CommonGround
Publisher & Senior Editor •Joseph Roberts
Graphic Design • John William CULTURE ENVIRONMENT
Accounts • Jim Duff
Contributors • Robert Alstead ARwe are saying is give peace a chance Missing out on a clean economy - David Suzuki 13

Guy Dauncey • Gerry Defter • Ishi Dinim John & Yoko Bed-In's 35th Anniversary - Gerry Deiter 6 BCgovemment pushes offshore oil - Jim Fulton 13
Jim Fulton • A.B. Hansen • Ilona Hedi Granik Oil-free travel - Guy Dauncey
The 5 Elements - Rick Scott 11 15
John Henigman • Ralph Maud
Vesonto Melina • Geoff Olson Amonth of McDonald's for filmmaker - Robert Alstead 16
Gwen Randall-Young • Mark Schneider Sprung- Ishi Dinim 17 RESOURCE DIRECTORY 26
Rick Scott • Marya Skrypiaajko • Cat Smiley
David Suzuki • Brad Thomas - Edenbank a Canadian Pioneer Farm - Ralph Maud 23
Eckhart Tolle • John William • Kareen Zebroff DATEBOOK 35
Contact Common Ground: HEALTH & FITNESS CLASSIFIEDS 36
Phone: 604-733-2213 F a x : 604-733-4415 From breakdown to breakthrough - Geoff Olson ZODIAC 36
For out of area advertisers
call t o l l -free 1-80o-365-8897 Drop and give me 20 - Cat Smiley 25
CommonGround Publishing Corp. Omega-3 the fat everyone needs - Vesanto Melina 34
Office: 201-3091 W. Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6K 2G9 Canada
ISSN No. 0824-0698
Copies printed: 68,000 Uplifting consciousness - Gwen Randall-Young 18
Over 250,000 readers per issue
Making the mind an ally - Mark Schneider 19
Survey shows 3 to 4 readers/copy.
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No.148288. Printed on recycled paper with
vegetable-based inks.

About the cover

In 1969, Life magazine gave photographer
Jerry Deiter a photo assignment that was des-
tined to change his life. For eight days in a
Montreal hotel room, Deiter photographed
John Lennon and Yoko Ono's symbolic bed-
in for peace. In a bizarre twist of fate, the fea-

ture, and Deiter's photos, were bumped by the
death of North Vietnam's Ho CM Minh, and
the photos remained unpublished for the next
35 years. This month, Common Ground is More at Venezuela to prohibit transgenic crops
honoured to feature Deiter's photo, The Way
of Life, which catches John and Yoko reading In Caracas on April 21, Venezuelan sweeping restrictions on transgenic the US-based Monsanto Company
Lao Tits during a quiet moment between President Hugo Chavez announced crops in the Western Hemisphere. to allow the planting o f up t o
receiving guests, recording Give Peace a that the cultivation o f genetically The statement by President Chavez 500,000 acres o f transgenic soy-
Chance, and talking with the media. Modified crops will be prohibited in will mean cancellation of a contract beans.
his country, establishing the most that Venezuela had negotiated with Continued onpage 12...

MAY 2004 • COIM10111)0Und • 5 •

Recording Give Peace a Chance
A rare, relaxed moment during the bed-in

All we are saying

is give peace a chance
Story and photos by Gerry Deiter
Thirty-five years ago, John Lennon and Yoko Ono hosted their eight-
day bed-in at Montreal's Queen Elizabeth Hotel. In the poignant
memoir that follows, photographer Gerry Deiter - assigned to photo-
graph the event for Life magazine - shares his recollections of the life-
altering event. In celebration of the 35th anniversary, 25 of Deiter's
historic photographs will be available for viewing and sale from May
26 to June 2 at the Elliott Louis Gallery, 1540 West 2nd Avenue.
Contact 604-736-3282 or

December 1941: A bitterly cold day in tens, he noticed a car with its hood up and
New York. A little boy, just five, was on a a column of steam rising from the radia-
Sunday drive with his mother, father and tor. He'd never seen this before and in the
baby brother in the family's black Ford cold it was spectacular. "What's that?" he
sedan. When they pulled into the gas sta- asked his father, pointing to the roiling
tion near the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens white plume.
to fill the tank, the boy hopped out to The answer never came, f o r a t that
help; he loved the smell of gasoline. moment the station attendant ran to the
Standing alongside his father in the crack- car, his face drained of colour even in the
ling cold, holding the gas cap in his mit- cold.

6 • commonGo
i und • MAY 2004
"Did you hear?" he panted breathlessly. He looked up and went into a dream.
"The Japs are bombing Hawaii! It's on the He was transported back in time more
radio." than a decade and across 2,000 kilometres
His father gasped in horror, but the boy to Montreal, to a suite high in the Queen
didn't quite grasp what it meant. Elizabeth Hotel. From an adjoining room
He knew what a bomb was; he thought it he could hear the Hare Krishna mantra,
might have something to do with the punctuated by drums and finger cymbals.
steaming car. Maybe a bomb had caused A hubbub of voices issued from another
it. room where reporters were babbling in
His father, meanwhile, h a d walked half a dozen languages into a bank of tele-
around the car and repeated the message phones.
to his mother. She broke into gasping Excited, nervous giggles came from yet
tears he couldn't understand. another room where a crowd of kids wait-
The boy didn't comprehend any of it, but ed hopefully for a glimpse of the stars of
the emotional reactions o f the adults this "happening:' as the media called it. A
around him became the acid that etched huge buffet was set in the dining room,
the moment forever in his memory. with pitchers of orange juice and bottles
On a stormy, black night exactly 39 years of champagne cooling in silver buckets.
and one day later, the same boy, now In the master bedroom, one wall was cov- John, Yoko, and Kyoko, her six-year-old daughter
grown and graying, was about to crawl ered with posters drawn in a primitive, yet
into his bunk aboard his boat, moored at childishly-charming style, combining
a primitive dock in a tiny town on the peace slogans with self-portraits of John of religions and peace groups; show-busi- and even a moment o f flaring anger,
north coast of BC. The CBC evening con- and Yoko. Flowers bloomed in every cor- ness luminaries from Tommy Smothers directed at cartoonist Al Capp, creator of
cert was on the radio. ner of the crowded room where the cen- to legendary New York DJ Murray (The Li'l Abner.
Suddenly, just before the 11 p m news tre of attention was a king-sized bed set K) Kaufman, who styled himself The John had welcomed Capp warmly. Yoko
break, came another o f those messages against the window wall. A small bedside Fifth Beatle, and black comedian Dick eyed him with suspicion, and when the
that would remain with him the rest of table, also covered with flowers and bear- Gregory, who four years before declared cartoonist, known as a right-wing conser-
his life: John Lennon had been shot in ing a small statue of the Buddha, looked himself a candidate for the presidency. vative, ridiculed their peace efforts, wav-
New York City and had just died in hospi- like a devotional shrine. ("First thing I'll do is paint the White ing the cover o f their new album Two
tal. He sat down on the edge of the bunk, A man and a woman lay on the bed, clad House black.") Virgins, calling their nude photographs
stunned by the news. entirely in white, their long, dark tresses In the preceding days there had been "filthy and disgusting," John had t o
Many people were sharing the shock and contrasting with the snowy linens. John moments o f silent meditation and o f restrain his manager, Derek Taylor, who
grief he was feeling at that moment. Even Lennon Ono and Yoko Ono Lennon both prayer with members of the clergy. There kept repeating "Let me take him apart,
as later reports came in on the radio, peo- had flowing dark hair; he wore his trade- were touching moments, as when John John."
ple were gathering, lighting candles and mark granny glasses and a full beard that received a group of young blind people Continued on page 9...
bringing flowers t o that bloodstained made him look like a holy man; her raven who presented him with a braille watch,
sidewalk on Central Park West. tresses fanned out around her head on the
John had become a symbol to millions of pillow and her dark eyes flashed warmly A braille watch from a group of young, blind admirers
people around the world o f peace, o f in greeting.
hope, perhaps o f a new beginning that They had been there, in bed, for eight
could put an end to all the madness of the days, receiving scores o f visitors. There
time. And now a madman had senselessly were politicians of every stripe, from local
taken the life of this gentle musician. MPs and MNAs to Quebec separatists.
Overwhelmed by emotion, the eyes o f There were young, long-haired fans, jour-
that now-grown-up boy sought the famil- nalists from a dozen countries; groups
iar photograph he'd taken of John and and individuals representing a spectrum
Yoko so long ago, now affixed to the bulk-
head near the bunk.
Recording All Together Now

MAY2004 • commonGround• 7
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C O M PA N Y F O R 2 0 Y E A R S
Talking about peace with Tommy Smothers
Vancouver • Portland • Calgary • London • Oslo • Moscow • Kiev

8 . commoflGround• MAY 2004

The final straw came when Capp insist- ers kicking at a door frame.
ed on referring to Yoko as the "Dragon John led with the lyrics, each stanza
Lady" and "Madame Nhu" (referring to beginning: "Ev'rybody's tallcin' about..."
the hated wife of the US-supported mil- followed by the names of people who
itary dictator of South Vietnam). had visited the suite and things that had
It was Dr Timothy Leary who finally gone on there and in the outside world
intervened, calming flaring tempers in the past eight days. The entire com-
with soft words and urging peace and pany joined in on the chorus: "All we are
love between the antagonists. sayirig is give peace a chance."
Dr Tim had the last word, too, when he The little boy who remembered Pearl
asked if he and his wife Rosemary could Harbor was now singing along with
catch a ride back to New York aboard everyone in that room. It was emotion-
Capp's chartered Learjet. Capp agreed, al, it was laughter, it was catharsis, it was
grudgingly and ' arrogantly. Leary peace and it was love.
smiled, put his arm around the shorter The next morning it was all over.
man's shoulders, as Capp winced John and Yoko were on their way to
noticeably, and said: "I'm really looking Ottawa to see Prime Minister Trudeau.
forward to it, Al. I've been wanting to The hotel's housekeepers were vacuum-
get high with you ever since we met:' ing; the celebrities, photographers,
Capp could only splutter indignantly, journalists, groupies and techies were all
while the room roared with laughter. gone; the walls were bare where the
Early in the morning of the final day of posters had been taped up; the flowers,
the bed-in, a Sunday, John called Taylor beginning to wilt, were being carried
to his bedside, and spoke quietly. out of the room; the bed sat empty with
"Derek, you know that song I wanted to linens crumpled, the rooms and phones
record?" silent. But a statement had been made,
"Yes, John." and had been heard around the world.
"I think today's the day. Will you set it, Being present at such a moment had
up?" been a rare and profound experience,
Taylor nodded and headed for the one of the most memorable in the life of
phone. It was a tough assignment; there that little boy, now middle-aged, in
wasn't a recording studio open any- whose mind all this was being replayed.
where, nor an engineer who could be Now, sitting alone, so many years and so
reached. He tried a well-known studio many miles away, all the sights. sounds,
in Toronto, but they couldn't help. He smells and emotions flooded over him,
finally contacted Andre Perry, who was ashe listened, stunned, to the reports of
locally well-known and highly respect- the murder of his friend.
ed. He pulled his studio apart and Next to him, secured to the cabin wall,
transported his equipment to the hotel was the childish drawing on a poster
room with a couple of his technicians. board in a .simple frame. It had looked
They unobtrusively laid cables, rigged down on every bed in which he and his
mikes and stands, did sound checks, partner, now also gone, had slept -in all
and at 7 pm, about eight hours after the years since John had given it to
John's whispered request, Taylor walked them. It was a charming picture of a
to the bedside and said quietly: "Any long-haired man and woman seated on
A beautiful photo of Yoko
time you're ready, John." a bed, he bearded, wearing only granny
Lennon called everyone into the bed- glasses, she wreathed in black hair and
room: the journalists, filmmakers, gig- wearing nothing but a smile; the words
gling teenagers, the celebrities and visit- "Bed Peace" scrawled underneath the
ing friends. The room was jammed with bed.
more than 30 people. He explained he'd He sat there on the edge of the bunk, his
just written a song about what had legs dangling like a small child's, while
taken place in that room over the past teardrops burned his cheeks and dis-
five days, and pointed to a poster on the solved into the carpet beneath his feet.
wall on which he'd outlined the lyrics. As the boat rocked gently on a swell, he
Tom Smothers took up a guitar and sat became aware of the ocean of tears
on the bed to John's right, next to a being shed around the world by the
mike stand. Dr Leary and his wife sat at millions whose lives had been touched
the foot of the bed. Several other guitar by John Lennon.
players surrounded them, everyone was continued on page 38
invited to join in on the chorus, and
John gave the downbeat for a first run-
through, which left everyone weak with
laughter at their lack of musicianship.
"Well then, that wasn't too great," John Photographer
said grinning, and suggested that per- and writer
The Plastic Ono Band relaxes haps all it needed was a back-beat, so Gerry Deiter
the drums of the Hare Krishna group currently cruises
were brought in for -rhythm, backed up the waters of BC
by several people pounding on in his classic
of the mahogany dining table and oth- wooden boat

MAY2004 • commoneround•9
Frombreakdown to breakthroughbyGeoff Olson
Angela, an attractive, intelligent ing her second trimester, she was told told me, was knowing how much other post-enlightenment West of the past
woman in her late 30s, pokes at her there were no signs of life. She felt that people, especially family, loved and 300 years. The program of secular
dessert at a trendy Kitsilano bistro and God had answered her prayers, saving needed her. A person with a warm humanism and technocratic know-
explains to me again how her world fell her from what would have been the heart and a desire to help others, she how has been a huge success in many
apart. A practising clinical psychologist toughest decision of her life, to abort or could no longer see her own value. ways. By regarding, the body as a
from Edmonton, she had decided a continue with the Wracked with guilt, machine, and working with mechani-
year earlier, albeit with some ambiva- pregnancy in her this is the desired route for walk- Angela sought out cal metaphors for the brain (a tele-
lence, to have a child with her partner. compromised ing the spiritual path, when we medical he p, and phone exchange at the turn of the last
Angela found herself more frightened medical state. But was given a pre- century, a "meat computer" at the
and ambivalent when the pregnancy the mere fact that get to stop and smell the flowers scription for anti- beginning of this one), we've made
was confirmed. At the same time, she she had even con- along the way. The journey is d e p r e s s a n t s . great strides in understanding the
learned of the posting of a job she had sidered having an Although they may human place in the physical universe,
long desired, and this created friction abortion seemed to not so yellow-brick-road when not have addressed and extending lifespans far beyond the
with her partner. About six weeks into activate some deep the flying monkeys show up. the core issues of 40-year average of feudal Europe.
her pregnancy, he announced to her quasi-religious her crisis, i n her Yet there is that other cosmos that can-
that she "no longer inspired him:' guilt, which grew state of severe soul- not be measured, the inner world of
Their relationship was over. with each passing day, pulling Angela level pain, the psychologist found any dreams and visions and powerful
Angela thought "Oh well, I'll take it in deeper into the abyss. kind of respite, however hit-and-miss, archetypal energies. This is what the
stride, move on as a single mother. But Talking to Angela earlier on, in the a blessing. religious scholar Rudolph Otto called
nope, instead I went crazy." Now near- depths of her despair, I sensed she still The human soul is colourless, weight- the "numinous" - a spiritual reality so
ly three months pregnant, Angela rap- somehow felt responsible for the death less, and cannot be measured by any overwhelming it can shatter mundane
idly descended into a severe clinical of her unborn child, and that by having known scientific instrument. Hence, reality when encountered.Angela's eyes
depression. Bedridden for days at a her prayers answered she was meta- the great hole in medicine and psy- glisten with tears as she tells of finally
stretch, she was totally paralyzed, and physically complicit with God in an act chology over the past century, in which seeing a glimmer of dawn after her
her mother travelled from England to of murder. Returning to a relative's subjective states are just the spectral dark night of the soul. She pulls a dog-
take care of her. "Imagine having your home after the obstetric procedure, her byproducts o f a "ghost i n the eared paperback out of her purse, and
mother feed you in bed when you're in mind played out a tape loop of recrim- machine," a British behaviourist's gives it to me. "Thanks for the book,"
your late 30s, " she adds, shaking her ination and self-loathing. "I'd seea pic- famously derisive description of the shesaid. "There's a lot of underlining in
head. Now, seriously doubting her ture of a mother with a baby on the mind's relation to brain. it. I hope you don't mind:' Months ear-
decision to become a mother and her cover of amagazine, and I'd think, "Oh Yet almost every culture throughout lier, at the height of her crisis, I lent her
ability to raise a child, Angela prayed -there's a good person, unlike me." the world from prehistory to the pres- my copy of The Stormy Search for the
that the baby wouldn't come to term. She felt suicidal, and the only thing that ent has accepted the mind and the soul Self: A Guide to Personal Growth
When she went for an ultrasound dur- kept her from taking her own life, she asgivens. The only exception is the continued page 14

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The 5 Elements
East meets West with respect, humour and groove

by Rick Scott `‘gf

. 11 = = 111 .
wide to study our festival as the model
for setting up their own. Without the
Vancouver Children's Festival, I would
not have the chance to introduce Harry International College of
Wong and The 5 Elements to Canada. Traditional Chinese
A children's festival is a kids' nation, an Medicine of Vancouver
"imagine-nation." It attracts a sympho-
ny of excellence from all traditions from
ARewarding Career in
all around the world. Children's festivals Natural Health Care!
bring creativity, awareness, understand-
ing, compassion and crazy wisdom, the Diploma programs towards:
five elements that encourage a healthy ✓Doctor of TCM
balance of mind and soul.
In these desperate times, there are too ✓Licenced Acupuncturist
few places where children are safe to ✓Licenced Herbalist
learn and have fun. In our world where
children are overwhelmed by violence, ✓Licenced TCMP
greed and propaganda, where will they
learn to speak out and say how they feel?
With arts in our schools being decimat- 1 Year Certificate Program
Safe children, happy planet. In our show, the world is upside down
For the past year I have been steeping in and Harry has a guardian angel sent to ed and deemed increasingly irrelevant,
✓ Chinese Thi-Na & Reflexology
the ancient wacky wisdom of China. My help him with this dilemma. The angel the children's festival should be o u r
friend Harry Wong wrote a show called turns out to be a middle aged white guy most prized tradition. But I wonder i f
The 5 Elements based on my songs and we take our wealth for granted? Classes Start:
the timeless Oriental philosophy of bal- I'm angry about what our Honoured past, hopeful future.
ance in nature. Now when we need them more than
Sept 6, 2004
Harry Wong is known to multitudes of
world is doing to children. ever, festivals are threatened by increas-
Chinese children as Harry Goh Goh - Our job as big people is to ing costs and shrinking funding. I urge Financial assistance may be available.
big brother, teacher and friend. We pre- provide a safe, happy envi- everyone t o take a moment t o give Weaccept transfer credits.
miered The 5 Elements in Hong Kong thanks to our local visionaries and the Accredited by the Private Post-Secondary
last summer and f o r the next t w o
ronment for little ones to live thousands o f administrators, crew and Education Commission of BC.
months we will perform it together at and learn. volunteers who picked up the beat and
children's festivals across Canada. jammed with it over all these years.
It sounds so simple. You take your five with tiny wings, good intentions and a The best way to say thanks is to buy a
basic elements: earth, fire, metal, wood funny four stringed instrument (guess ticket. Bring your kids and your kids' PFSEC
and water, and mix them together in a who?) Together we go on a journey to kids and the big kid inside you. Like that
million different ways. The trick is to restore the world's harmony through old proverb says:
music, magic and humour. But first we Children's festival, h a p p y w o r l d . ✓ Teaching Clinic
keep them in balance. Too much of any
one of them can spoil things for all the have to learn to trust each other. Free Consultation,
others. You can apply this recipe to your Which is exactly what children's festivals The 5 Elements Canada tour Very Low Cost on Treatments.
emotions, the food you eat, the place do. They celebrate differences. They cre- Nanaimo M a y 12-15 ✓ Professional Clinic
you live, the music you play. ate a dream of a place where it's safe, fun Vancouver Island Intl. Children's
Dr. Henry Lu.
Harry is a trickster, a renowned magi- and exciting for thousands o f children
cian and astonishing musician. He can to experience other cultures, languages 250-754-3378 Dr. Laina Ho, DTCM
and philosophies. They create the possi- We treat pain, gynaecological
make the utensils disappear at dinner
then pull out a recorder and make birds bility of peace. Victoria M a y 16 disorder, allergies, arthritis, de-
sing at your table. His Cantonese inter- Vancouver pioneered the concept o f McPherson Playhouse - 2 pm pression, other chronic conditions
pretations of my lyrics are wondrous lit- staging an annual creative celebration of Kaleidoscope Theatre Family Concerts and much more.
tle windows into Oriental family life. culture f o r kids. I n 1978 a visionary 250-386-6121
It seems a lot of things we take for grant- band o f tricksters, Ernie Fladell and Vancouver M a y 18-24 Free
ed were invented in China. Harry and I Colin and Elizabeth Gorrie, had the Vancouver Intl. Children's Festival Info sessions on programs:
are constantly discovering bridges audacity to convince politicians, educa- 604-280-4444
between o u r cultures. We play game tors and parents that such a dream Calgary M a y
Calgary Intl. Children's Festival
27-29 May 13 & 27
making u p proverbs, trying t o cram could and should be prepared for the
pearls of wisdom into the fewest possi- children. Twenty-five years and one and 2:00 - 4:00pm
ble words. a half million children later the festival St. Albert J u n e 1-5
World crazy, need music. has grown into an institution that's hon- Northern Alberta Intl. Children's Call: 7 3 1 - 2 9 2 6
I'm angry about what our world is doing oured and much emulated around the Festival
to children. Our job as big people is to globe. 780-459-1542 2014508 West Broadway,
provide a safe, happy environment for I perform at children's festivals all over London J u n e 9-13 Vancouver B.C. VO 1W8
little ones to live and learn. Now more the world and Canada still sets the stan- London Intl. Children's Festival
519-645-6739 Email:
than ever we need harmony in every dard for music and theatre for young
people. Dignitaries come from far and
sense of the word.

_MAW P A R M A M v i M
continued from page 5 our province's population. It wants to plant near Abbotsford. The Society the report details the extent of recent
Join the clearcut campout hear what kind of choices they would Promoting E n v i r o n m e n t a l cuts to the ministry. In the last three
like to see at the polls. Conservation and the David Suzuki years, nearly 30 percent of full-time
Western Canada Wilderness And, it is anxious to hear what kind of Foundation w i l l j o i n t l y oppose equivalent positions in the ministry
Committee will host a campout gath- electoral system fellow citizens believe Sumas Energy 2's appeal o n the have been eliminated. The result? BC
ering i n the Manning-Skagit Park can best express our common values. grounds that the proposed power now lags far behind Alberta in key
complex, just beyond Hope, o n The assembly welcomes feedback on plant poses unacceptable environ- areas of environmental responsibility,
Saturday, May 22 and Sunday, May 23 these and any other aspect of the elec- mental and health risks for the Fraser including p a r k protection a n d
to bring attention to the Campbell- toral system that British Columbians Valley. Sierra Legal Defence Fund enforcement of anti-pollution laws.
government-approved clearcut log- feel w o u l d contribute t o o u r lawyer Tim Howard is representing
ging of the area's spotted owl habitat. province's democratic process. It looks the groups. GMO project in Africa fails
forward to hearing a full expression of
What kind of voting A showcase project t o develop a
public views at public hearings to be Alberta outpacing British genetically modified crop for Africa
system do you want? held across the province during May Columbia in protecting
and June, and encourages formal sub- has failed. Three years of field trials
The Citizens Assembly on Electoral missions through the website or to the environment have shown that GM sweet potatoes
Reform wants to hear from British assembly office. Continued cuts to the beleaguered modified to resist a virus were no less
Columbians. It wants to hear if they BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air vulnerable than ordinary varieties,
share its conviction that local repre- Groups oppose SE 2 appeal Protection are putting the province and sometimes their yield was lower,
sentation needs to be an important further and further behind in pro- according to the Kenya Agricultural
element in the province's electoral sys- Two BC environmental organizations tecting the environment and human Research Institute. Embarrassingly, in
tem. It wants to hear if they agree with are going t o court t o support a Uganda, conventional breeding has
health, a new report by West Coast
it that a more proportional system National Energy Board ruling that Environmental L a w concludes. produced a high-yielding variety
would better reflect the basic values of blocked the construction of a power Released last month i n Vancouver, more quickly and more cheaply.

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With The parimpaliOn of tile
Cepariment or Canadian Hen, age

Missing out on a clean economy
ronmental stewards, Canada is actually one reprieve in the budget under the guise of es would severely disrupt our global cli-
of the least efficient, most polluting coun- being "clean coal." Of course, there's no such mate, leading t o more droughts and •
tries in the developed world. Our rankings thing. Coal is dirty, period. You can reduce a storms, rising sea levels and radically altered
compared to the other member nations of couple of the pollutants coming out of the weather patterns. We have set this course
SCIENCE the Organization f o r E c o n o m i c smoke stacks, but it's still the most inefficient for ourselves. It's not too late to change, but
MATTERS Cooperation and Development read like a and dirtiest of all fossil fuels. The heat-trap- we need to see some real leadership from
shopping list o f failure. A i r pollution? ping emissions alone from coal should have government and businesses to chart a new
by David Suzuki us keeping it in the ground instead of burn-
Second worst. Water consumption? Ditto. path.
Energy efficiency? Again, 28 out o f 29. ing i t l i k e there's n o tomorrow. We need to overhaul our economy to
" Climate change has stuck its head above At some point the federal government is Speaking o f emissions, Martin actually reward clean, non-polluting behaviours
the parapet. It's not an issue politicians can going to have to wake up to the fact that our released his budget the day after the US and discourage actions that damage the air
hide from much longer," climate expert Dr economy is fully one-third less efficient than National Oceanic a n d Atmospheric we breathe and the water we drink. We
David Wier told New Scientist magazine the that of the US. Every free-market pundit in Administration reported that levels of heat- need to encourage innovation that spurs
day before the release of Canada's federal the country should be up in arms about that trapping gases in the atmosphere have hit a new jobs. We need to recognize that doing
budget number. How can a country possibly com- record high. The US team started recording things differently can mean doing things
Well, someone dearly forgot to tell Prime pete when it is so wasteful? Wasting water atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, the better. A dean economy actually means a
Minister Paul Martin. Or maybe he's just and energy is just plain stupid. It's bad for main greenhouse gas, in the 1950s. Back healthier economy and a better quality of
hoping to hide out until after the election, business and bad for the environment. then, levels were around 315 parts per mil- life for Canadians. Martin dearly had other
because there was certainly nothing in the Unfortunately, Martin has given us a budget lion. Today, they are at 376 ppm in the air concerns in this budget, but he cannot hide
budget that promises to take Canada out of only a l u d d i t e w o u l d l o v e . and rising. If we continue to burn fossil fuels from this issue much longer. When and
the e n v i r o n m e n t a l d a r k a g e s . Innovation? Not here. Vision? Sorry. What like oil, coal and gas at present quantities, the how he addresses it will be a true test of his
Yes, Canada adopted the Kyoto Protocol a we got was more of the same. More sweet amount of carbon dioxide in the atmophere leadership.
couple years back, but we have done virtual- deals for the fossil fuel industry, more is expected to more than double by the turn Take the Nature Challengeand learn more at
ly nothing since. There is no plan to achieve stalling on improving efficiency and little of the century. This, of course, is a recipe for www.davidsuzukiorg
our goals. There is no leadership. In spite of commitment to clean energy. In fact, the disaster. Scientists have told us again and
the widely held belief that we are good envi- dirtiest energy source, coal, has been given a again that the resulting temperature increas-

BCgovernment pushes offshore oil

by lin, Fulton
real, near-term opportunities and put- "Provided an adequate regulatory is put cluded. For the public, this type of situ-
ting sustainable industries like fishing in place, there are no science gaps that ation creates only distrust and confu-
W i l l oil rigs soon eclipse the breathtak- and forestry at risk — industries that need to be filled before lifting the mora- sion, and rightfully so. What is known is
ing scenery of Canada's West Coast? I f could actually benefit our communities toria on oil and gas development.' The that seismic testing to determine the size
the provincial government has its way, for generations. A recent address entitled plain language translation: 'There are and location of oil deposits will damage
they could. The province is pushing hard BC Uncharted Waters by Senator Pat science gaps, but we think regulation the ecosystem before d r i l l i n g ever
to lift provincial and federal moratoria Carney was perhaps the most eloquent. can take care of it." begins. This form of testing shoots high-
on offshore oil and gas drilling that have She noted that in their haste, the provin- "So, the government is asking the public pressure air at the seabed - pressure that
protected this area for 32 years, even cial government was creating such unre- to trust what the scientists say about the is known to damage marine life, includ-
though First Nations, residents, and the alistic expectations that they were more lifting the moratoria, yet the scientists ing fish, their eggs and larvae, and
general public have demonstrated seri- likely to run the ship aground than bring are telling the public that we should whales. I t is also a fact that the West
ous concern that drilling will lead t o it safely into port. She added, "I suggest trust the government," Campbell con- continued page 18
environmental degradation, including we spill a little wind out of our sails, slow
the possibility of an oil spill. Even the oil down and review our sail plan. The time
and gas industry itself, which has the frame suggested b y (BC Energy and Vancouver
most t o gain from development, has Mines) Minister Neufeld is likely to cre- •

called BC offshore drilling a "low priori- ate a storm o f controversy, some valid Balneotherapy
ty," both because of its high cost and sig- and some not. A t this point we don't
have the information to make a judg- The Art and Science of
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n r • A / r . M I T A 1 3
M A Y C L A P. • V I V I A N •
continued from 10 beings than we think we are. involve some powerful encounter with to reach a new level of spiritual equilib-
Through Transformational Crisis, by In the 1960s, Grof practised LSD psy- the contents of the psyche. However, rium. Traditional medicine, particularly
Christina and Stanislav Grof. chotherapy in Czechoslovakia. Moving spiritual emergence is much easier to with its market-driven taste for pharma-
Stan Grof's work had long fascinated to the US, he took a position as assis- assimilate than its counterpart, which cological silver bullets, seessuch states as
me, particularly for the reams of anec- tant professor of psychiatry at Johns is often precipitated by a life crisis of the output of a broken brain, to be
dotal and laboratory evidence he had Hopkins University, and later became some sort, anything from a car acci- erased with the officially approved regi-
gathered that the human mind is just chief of psychiatric research at the dent to a death in the family. When I men of mind-altering substances. (This
the tip of a giant ontological iceberg. Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, had first passed the book to Angela, I isn't to say that those who suffer from
Grof has over 50 years of experience in in Baltimore. In The Stormy Search for opened it to a page highlighting the severe depression should feel obliged to
consciousness research, and according the Self the Grofs make a distinction differences between the two categories. allow their experience to play out with-
to this leader in the field of transper- between what they call "spiritual emer- In emergence, "our experiences are out the pharmaceutical option. At its
sonal psychology, we are much vaster gence" and "spiritual emergency" Both fluid, mild, easy to integrate?' In emer- worst, severe clinical depression can
gency "our experiences are dynamic, reduce sufferers to catatonic states, and
jarring, difficult to integrate?' In emer- many have found deliverance, or at least

CLIMBING THE gence, "there are an infusion of ideas an introduction to some semblance of
and insights into life?' In emergency, normality, through medication. It's only
there is an "overwhelming influx of when sufferers of severe depression are
TREE OF LIFE experiences and insights?' Angela had a not completely lost in their own pain
number of the signs of emergency, that they can be receptive to understand-
including experiences with jolting ing the possible spiritual aspects to their
tremors and sensations of energy going suffering. What is much more suspect,
CREATIVE POTENTIAL AND up and down her spine. I asked her to critics say, is the marketing of mood-
LIVING A PURPOSEFUL. LIFE go down the list for emergence and altering drugs to children, or anyone suf-
emergency. "Do you have any o f fering from mild depression.)
IN THIS WORKSHOP YOU WILL: these?" I asked her. She took a moment, Ironically, as a clinical psychologist,
and went down each list. "None of Angela had been treating patents with
• DISCOVERYOURLIFE'S PURPOSE these," she said, indicating the column clinical depression for 15 years. When
• RECLAIMYOURAUTHENTIC SELF for emergence. "All o f these," she she voluntarily entereda psychiatric hos-
• ACTUALIZEYOURCREATIVE POTENTIALJUNE11-13, 2004 added, pointing t o emergency. pital months after her first breakdown
• REMOVETHEBLOCKAGESTHAT HOLD AMBROSIA EVENT CENTRE "Sometimes the process of spiritual and became a patient herself, this was
638 FISGARD STREET awakening is so subtle and gradual that where her turnaround began. She at last
YOU BACK VICTORIA, BC it is almost imperceptible,' the Grofs surrendered her ego to circumstance,
• LEARNTOOLSFOR MANIFESTING write. "After a period of months or and greatly improved in the first week.
YOUR DREAMS $275 FOR STUDENTS years, a person looks back and notices With the world seen through anew.set of
that there has been a profound shift in eyes,even the hospital looked good. "It's
CALL (250) 661-6409 10 RLGISTLR OR VISIT OUR WLBSIIL FOR MORL INFORMATION: his or her understanding of the world, like a hotel here," Angela told me on the
WWW.CENTERFORLIFEENHANCEMENT.COM values, ethical standards and life strate- phone, "I get a day pass, and head down
gies." Of course, this is the desired route to the beach when I want." With a pink
for walking the spiritual path, when we rain of cherry blossoms decorating the
get to stop and smell the flowers along ground before her, Angela says she felt
CAN EXERCISE SPEED UP the way. The journey is not so yellow- like "getting down on her knees and kiss-
YOURAGING PROCESS? brick-road when the flying monkeys ing the ground:' in thanks to God for her
Inmostcases it does... show up. Angela recognizes her neuro- improvement.
unlessyou feed your body's cells. chemistry was fundamentally altered Angela has never been particularly reli-
NicoleMeixner'swholefoodbasednutrition programs by her crisis, but which was the cause gious, and still doesn't hold to a particu-
andprovenwholefood supplements are and which was the effect the neuro- lar dogma or denomination. But I have
arecipe for better health. chemistry or the crisis? seen one obvious change in her over the
• Improvesyourbody composition- Angela found the Grofs' work was the past year. The life of the spirit, and the
lose fat andincreaseleanmuscle mass first book she had read that seemed to idea of a supreme being, are no longer
• Allows a quickerrecovery after exercise really make sense of her mental and distant abstractions. Stan Grof wouldn't
• Enhancesimmunefunction and emotional chaos. She had underlined be surprised by such a change. Today,
Personal Health & improves circulation many sections of the book and high- Angela is holding it together. She is out
Fitness Coach • Is packed with concentrated fruits, lighted one sentence on spiritual emer- of the hospital, and taking medication
Pilates & vegetablesand grains gency multiple times: "Completely at that contains the darker aspects of her
Fusion Instructor • Raiseslevels of antioxidants in the blood the mercy of a dynamic in a world existential crisis. At last, she has allowed
• ReducesDNA damage filled with vivid drama and gripping herself to believe she is worthy of help.
Formoreinformationpleasecall (416) 219-9590
oremail emotions, they (sufferers of spiritual Although modern psychiatry has greatly
emergency) cannot function in an helped her get through her dark night of
objective, rational mode. They feel as the soul, she notes, "Spiritual guidance
though this is the final destruction of from many different sources has also
any shred of sanity, and they're fearful been invaluable?' In a culture that values

that they are headed toward total, irre- individual autonomy and self-direction,
versible. madness?' G r o f himself this is the bravest act for any urban pro-
believes that the medical gab bag of fessional in crisis: to surrender. As
psychosis, into which health profes- Angela puts it, "Surrender to outside
sionals throw the most anomalous psy- help and to an unseen higher power?'
J I chological states, should be picked (Names and locations have been altered
through to differentiate spiritual emer- at the request of the subject.)
gency from organic pathology. But in Have you had experiences with medica-
the end, we're talking semantics. The tion for a breakdown or depression? Were
DaleJFerrel Removal Service Grofs' description of some of the dark- the drugs a boon or a bust? Did they help
er shades of spiritual emergency sound or hinder your recovery/spiritual journey?
we remove unsightly guests like what is typically defined in main- If you'd like to share your story anony-
stream medical literature assevere clin- mously with Common Ground, we wel-
ical depression with anxiety. The main come your input. Email Geoff Olson
Call Dale 1-800-636-2829 difference is that the authors see such gefo@telus net
experiences as attempts of the psyche


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that belongs to science fiction. foot. If we made our cities really bicy- Organic Seed Spreads Organic Sauerkraut
We all take oil for granted. It's only 146 cle friendly too, we could do 15 per-
years since oil was first drilled in North cent by bike. And if we invested more
America, but in that short time we have in transit and light rapid transit, we $2.29
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shaped our entire world around it. could increase their share of our trips
But pause for a moment, while I show to 25 percent.
you the numbers. The geologists' esti- We should plan o n a threefold
mates of the world's total oil supply, increase i n fuel efficiency i n cars, Produce Produce
laid down all those millions of years reducing the fuel needed f o r the Vine Tomatoes Baby Peeled Carrots
ago, range from 2 to 2.8 trillion barrels. remaining trips by 66 percent, and our
We are getting through 29 billion bar- overall need for fuel by 83 percent.
rels a year, and so far, we have con- For these trips, there are three fuels we
sumed 990 billion barrels. If we carry can draw on: electricity, biofuels and
Product of Canada
Product of USA
llb bags

on at this rate, the entire supply will be hydrogen. Electric vehicles operate
gone between 2039 and 2067. In reality, well, and are fine for short-range trips.
it w i l l last a b i t For a good BC example, Liberte Simply Naturals
longer,becauseas H o w are we going to take a look at the R-Car,
soonasweenterthe travel after 2075, and that uses a lightweight Organic Yogourts Org Salad Dressings
secondhalf of the f o r the next million lithium ion battery sim-
global s u p p l y , ilar to a mobile phone
sometimebetween years of human civiliza-battery www.r-electric-
Product of Canada
175m1 $ 2 . 9 9
Product of USA
3 5 4 m 1

now a n d 2 0 1 5 , t i o n ? c a r . c o m
prices will skyrock- Electric compressed air
et, causing confusion all round and vehicles may also make an appearance
Annie's Natural Simply Natural
slowing its use.
The rocks of the world are not creating Biofuels include Salad Dressings Organic Salsa
new oil, as some would love to believe. the somewhat dirty biodiesel from
Even the supposedly vast Alberta tar agricultural crops, restaurant fats and
sands, with 174 billion barrels of oil animal wastes; ethanol from soybeans,
Product of USA
\..,Product of USA

that can be extracted using today's hemp and grain; and compost gas )
technology, will only stretch the world's from the collection of organic kitchen
supply for another six years. All that and yard wastes. Zurich, Switzerland,
mess, for six years supply of fuel. The has 1,200 vehicles running on kom- CA—m'y's Simply Natural
tar sands contain 315 billion barrels pogas. Organic Cheese Pizza Organic Pasta Sauce
that a r e "ultimately recoverable," To make hydrogen, we need electricity
assuming advances in technology. This to split water, or we can make it from
would supply the world for 11 years. sewage, algae or plants. This will need
a lot of electricity, but every home,
Product of USA
$3.39Product of USA

Big deal.
Canada and the US use 27 percent of office and factory could be twice as
the world's oil supply, so if we kept all efficient as it is today, using only half
the tar sands oil ourselves, assuming its current load. Trucks, buses and fer- Blue Sky Robert's Gourmet
the rest of the world allowed us to con- ries can run on biofuels, too. For air- Natural Beverages Pirates & Veggy Booty
tinue burning oil while the planet fried, planes, we'll need hydrogen.
it would still only last 24 to 40 years, If we abandon the idea that every
pushing the "empty" period for North household must own its own vehicle,
America back to 2063 to 2100. This is and switch to community car-sharing,
Product of US A
$2.69Product of USA

within the lifetime of our children. So we could choose the car we need
how are we going to travel after 2075, according to the trip, as Vancouver's
and f o r the next million years o f Co-operative Auto Network's 1,500 Rapunzel Earth Friendly
human civilization? members do today with the 75 vehi-
But here's the other reality we need to cles they share. Organic Olive Oil Bathroom Tissue
throw into the mix: our use of oil, coal Zoom, zoom. We'll still be able to
and gas is slowly cooking the planet, travel, without oil. We might be
promising misery for everyone. The required to ration the electricity, but
Product of USA
Product of USA
4 pack

most recent report from the University we'll get by.

of Leeds department of conservation Guy Dauncey lives i n Victoria
biology warned that with the current H e is presi-
Sale pricing in effect from May 1 through May 23
predicted rise in temperature, between dent o f the new B C Sustainable
1045 Commercial Drive Open 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm
18 percent and 37 percent of all land- Energy Association, which he invites
based animals a n d plants could you to join. See 604-678-9665 C'anadian Owned O p e r a t e d

maY2004 • CornmonGround•15
MorganSpurlockbitesintobreakfast,or is it lunch or
supperinSuperSizeMe?Photo:Odeon Films

the best-made plans cango awry, in this light

and feel-good story.
TheSaddestMusic in the World
Most filmmakers today try to get the best-
looking picture that their moneycan buy.
Like a mad scientist, Winnipeg director Guy
Maddengoes off in the other direction
degrading and ageing footageso that it looks
like it hasbeen languishing for decades in
some dark vault. This demented melodrama
revolves around a contest to seewho can cre-
ate the saddest music in the world, with
Isabella Rossellini playing a depression era
beer baron with glasslegs full of beer and

Amonth of McDonald's for Kids in the Hall's Mark McKinney the oily
impresario who is trying to seduceher. The
film's flidrery, grainy footage, think early

filmmaker and regain their health.

black-and-white films, does not make for the
easiest of viewing experiences, but it is the
Although Spurlock tried to get an interview perfect palliative for too much Hollywood
FILMS WORTH WATCHING by Robert Alstead with McDonald's, the company declined to fare.TheSaddestMusic in the World is show-
comment. Still, there is no doubt that this ing now in Vancouver.
film has kicked the debate about the health The24 Hour Film Contest
Super Size Me taglines you find on the fast-food themed risks of fast food into the mainstream. In the Last month, I took part in the 24 Hour Film
Morgan Spurlock's documentary Super Size website light of SuperSizeMe,McDonald's recent Contest for an article for The
Me, opening May7,hasbeen garnering huge The filmmaker, who ignored medical advice decision to scrap super-size portions of fries largest event to date with a total of 35 teams
amounts of interest for a small film ever against doing the month-long stunt, put on and soft drinks by the end of the year makes and235 local filmmakers weregiven a day to
since it debuted at the Sundance Film 25pounds, although hehas since lost most perfect sense. write, shoot, edit and deliver on videotape a
Festival in January. For the Michael Moore- of it, his cholesterol skyrocketed, his libido Valentin film under five minutes.Each film had to
ish (it evensounds like Moores book wilted and heended up with a liver so pun- The Valentin of this sweet coming-of-age incorporate various elements including,
Downsize This) investigation into the US ished that it resembled an alcoholic's. comedy, out May 14, is a precocious eight- among other things, abale of hayand a
obsession with fast-food Spurlock ate McDonald'scomes off badly.At one point, year-old, who lives in 1960sBuenos Aires soundtrack by a local band.Although many
McDonald's, accepting super sizes if offered, Spurlock is seenheaving his McMeal out of with his curmudgeonly grandmother. The of the27 films that made it across the finish
for awhole month to seewhat it would do to the car window, but the film is interested in cute, bespectacled Valentin (Rodrigo Noya) line in time were understandablya little
him. He could only eat or drink what was the wider legal, financial and physical costs dreams of two things: becoming an astro- rough around theedges, it was impressive
available over the counter, water included, of theUShunger for fast food in general, not naut and having a mother. Unhappy with his how much creativity filmmakers squeezed
and he had to eat every item on the menu at just McDonald's.Along the way Spurlock broken family life, hedevisesa plan to bring into the tight deadline.You can soon view the
least once. looks at the failures of school lunch pro- his divorced and philandering father, played films online at the 24 Hour Film
"SuperSizeMe:a film of epic portions" and grams, declining health and physical educa- by director Alejandro Agresti, together with a Contest site http://the24hourfdmcontestcom
"Morgan Spurlock took the fast track to tion classes, food addictions and the beautiful young woman Leticia (Julieta Releasedatesare correct at time of writing.
becoming anobeseAmerican." are two of the extrememeasurespeople take to lose weight Cardinali). However,hediscovers that even RobertAlstead runs ezine

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16 • commcoGround • MAY 2004

We all want to be happy, and we're all
tive consciousness these days is the late gestible proteins. Note for the future going to die. You might say those are the
Dr Robert Atkins. T h i s d i e t g u r u that it is generally not a good idea to only two unchallengeably true facts that
changed the way millions o f people take diet advice from an obese, dead guy apply to every human being on this plan-
think about food. I found myself inter- with a history of heart attacks. et. - William Boyd
ested in who this guy was and how he Something else I can't stomach are non- There are things that we know. And then
managed to alter gastronomic history. war wars. Where are the people in the there are known unknowns. That is to say,
He purported weight-loss, better health streets protesting? Oh wait they're too there are things that we now know that we
and a revolutionary new way to do it: busy f i g h t i n g amongst themselves don't know. But there are also unknown
low carbs and high protein. On April 8, maybe. There is a lot of self-scrutiny and unknowns. There are things we do not
TWENTY SOMETHING 2003 at age 72 he slipped and fell outside in-fighting amongst t h e l e f t about know we don't know...That is, t h e
his New York office, lapsed into a coma strategies in dealing with today's issues. absence o f evidence is not evidence o f
by Ishi Dinim
and later succumbed t o unsuccessful We have to be strong enough not to can- absence...Simply because you do not have
surgery intended to relieve the pressure nibalize our own in the process of ques- evidence that something exists does not
L o v e is coming to a community near on his brain from a blood clot. tioning everything. mean that you have evidence that it does-
you. If it isn't there already, don't worry, Now this man died obese and with a his- People are up in arms about democracy, n't exist. - Donald Rumsfeld
it's on the way. Not the aid-package- tory o f heart disease. Neither o f these Nader, Adbusters, the UN and the US. Thanks a lot, you dirty rats. The last thing
with-a-bomb kind of love but the peo- factors, say his supporters, were a result The left is not working the way people I ever wanted was to be alive when the
ple-smiling-blossoms-in-the-tree kind. of diet or a cause of his untimely death. want it to. Let whoever needs to know in three most powerful people on the whole
It doesn't happen every day that you Hmmm? All of this information could a constructive way that you don't like planet would be named Bush, Dick and
have the best day of your life, but it hap- make an interesting beginning for a how things are going, and if they don't Colon. - Kurt Vonnegut
pened to me a couple weeks ago: pou- biography, however I'm more interested change, do i t better yourself. But say Ishi Dinim graduated from Emily Carr
tine for breakfast, Noam Chomsky giv- in how the Atkins diet functions on a something and t h i n k about i t long Institute of Art and Design in 2001, with
ing a history lesson in the park, dim sum larger, wider and more robust level. It enough so that it comes out properly, a BFA major in photography. He enjoys
for lunch, sushi for dinner and then could be a conspiracy theory, but I pos- Mr Lasn, and then take some proactive experiencing art, especially writing and
scrumptious love with friends at night. tulate that Dr Atkins's ideas have been steps. w w w. a d b u s t e r s . o r g / m a g a - film. Madagascar calls him to meet the
It left me with a feeling that things are aggressively sold, post-mortem, by the zine/52/articles/currentresponses.html lemurs and baobab trees. Currently he
only getting better. Even though I ' m meat lobby as a way to invigorate their (People are letting the zine know) lives in Vancouver cooking up some good
pleasantly unemployed again, there's a struggling industry. Sometimes I just want to move to the lovin', collecting cacti and trying to dis-
wealth o f superb food, sweet weather With a host of plagues in the gristle of woods and raise goats. Get i t together cover the meaning of life.
and astounding people. today, people need a greater incentive to people and b y that I a m talking t o waiting t o hear
One surprising character in our collec- chow down larger quantities o f indi- myself, huh? echoes back...

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MAY 2004 • COMIUMUM • 1 7

continued from page 13 that the Geological Survey of Canada only creates false hope for coastal com- PUBLIC HEARINGS ABOUT THE BC
Coast is home to some of the most high- has "systematically overestimated" BC's munities and distracts them from more MORATORIUM ON OFFSHORE OIL
ly sensitive coastal habitat in the world. off-shore reserves and have acknowl- promising opportunities for long-term AND GAS ACTIVITIES
For example, over two million seabirds edged "that there is a high level of risk jobs and benefits without jeopardizing This is your chance to voice your °pin-.
live and breed on the Scott Islands, off that little or no gas may be found?' One existing economies and one of Canada's ion on this issue and protect the coast
the northern tip of Vancouver Island. thing for certain is that any jobs or ben- natural treasures. for future generations. Attend the public
efits are far off, if they ever materialize at Jim Fulton is executive director of the hearings in your local community and
Three species, including the tufted puf-
all. BC's coastal communities need jobs David Suzuki Foundation, voice your opinion:
fin, have globally significant popula-
now, and the prospect ec proposed developments w w w . davidsuzu-
tions in this small, protected area. An oil of future jobs does lit- " P r o F s i m i l a r Bella Coola, Lobelco Hall
spill, or even the daily ongoing release of tle to solve their prob- to those being discussed for BC will The future of our May 5, 7—9 pm
pollution into the ocean that is a by- lems. r e s u l t in 483 oil spills over the nextcoastisaboutto be May 6, 9 am—noon 2 —5 pm
product o f drilling, would put these The federal moratori- d e c i d e d . R i g h t Alert Bay Community Hal
creatures at risk. urn is currently the several decades and a c n e -in-five now, federal and May 7, 2 —5pm 7 —9 pm
The assertion that BC "would use cur- only effective mecha- chance of a major oil spill..." p r o v i n c i a l govern-
rent best practices from other areas of nism that guarantees m e n t s are consid- Port Hardy, Civic Centre
the world" is also hard to justify. Canada protection of BC's coastal environment, ering lifting a moratorium that has pro- May 10, 9 am—noon, 2—5 pm, 7—9 pm
is a laggard rather than a leader when it existing economies such as fishing and tected BC's coastline from oil drilling May 11, 9 am—noon
tourism, and Canada's natural heritage. for three decades. It's a decision that Vancouver, Sheraton Wall Centre,
comes t o addressing environmental
The province should be asking the big could change the face of the province May 11, 7 —9 pm
issues. A recent study conducted by the May 12, 9 am—noon, 2—5 pm, 7—9 pm
questions about whether oil and gas forever.
Organization for Economic Co-opera- development should happen at all. Is it The Geological Survey of Canada esti- May 13, 9 am—noon
tion and Development ranked Canada economic? What are the environmental mates that the amount of oil and gas Victoria, Coast Harbourside Hotel
as 28th out of 29 industrialized nations consequences? Is it a prudent use of nat- along the coast of BC would supply the May 13, 7 —
on environmental performance and ural resources? Is it in the public's best North American market with two May 14, 9 am—noon, 2—5 pm, 7—9 pm
policies. These findings are also sup- interest? The BC provincial government months of oil and a half a year of natu- May 15, 9 am—noon
ported by studies from the Conference has set a date for near-shore oil and gas ral gas. Why threaten this highly sensi-
Board o f Canada and the World production for 2010 - claiming that the tive coastal habitat upon which our cur- Vancouver, Sutton Place Hotel
Economic Forum. torch of the 2010 Olympics will be lit rent livelihoods and industries already May 17 & 18, 9 am—9 pm
Here in BC, we are in a period of dereg- with gas from the BC coast. This claim is depend, for such meager resources? Also, submit your views in writing
ulation, and the government track grossly unrealistic. Many industry A recent US government environmental before May 15, 2004 to:
experts suggest 10 to12 years, and the report on offshore oil and gas develop- Scott J. Gedak—project manager, Public
record for protection is far from good. Royal Society of Canada science panel ment in Alaska's Cook Inlet concluded Review of the BC Offshore Oil & Gas
In this past year alone, a government states, "It is likely to take about 15 years that proposed developments similar to Moratorium, Suite 580, 800 Burrard St.
audit of the oil and gas industry in to move through the stages of activity those being discussed for BC will result Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2V8
northeastern BC found that of 160 sites, prior to first production?' in 483 oil spills over the next several Fax: 604.666.3755
35 had major environmental violations The provincial government is trying to decades and a one-in-five chance of a E-mail: sgedak@nrcan.gc ca
(mainly related to fish-bearing streams), sell a dream to buy political points. This major oil spill.
continued on page 37

Uplifting consciousness
Disappointment in others, or in the way garden, we can weed it regularly, getting sides of an imaginary conversation with
things are, creates toxicity .in our rid of anything that detracts from what an adversary. The physical body does
mind/body system. This is not to say we wish to cultivate. As we choose to not differentiate between the stresses
that we should never be disappointed, avoid toxic chemicals, so we can avoid generated by real conversations o r
UNIVERSE only that we should not remain in this toxic thoughts. imaginary ones. When we play real or
state, dwelling upon the awfulness of it Toxic thoughts include those that are imaginary conversations over and over
WITHIN all. We either decide there is nothing we judgmental, critical, o r polarizing, in our minds, we continue to re-con-
by Gwen can do and let it go, or we determine an either in relation to others or to our- taminate ourselves.
Randall-Young appropriate course of action, moving selves. Such thoughts may originate in Toxic thoughts a r e l i k e viruses.
forward to implement it. Then we let it our own minds, or may come from Developing wisdom and peace of mind
go. what others say. Tempting as it can be to requires t h a t w e strengthen t h e
Your mind is a sacred enclosure into Of course many things will happen in gossip, doing so fills our consciousness "immune system" of our consciousness.
which nothing harmful can enter except life that go against our preferences. We with toxicity. When we listen to such We do this by choosing healthy patterns
by your permission. - Ralph Waldo can develop the grace that comes from talk, we are giving another permission in our dealings with others, in our rela-
Emerson our essential humility: we are not, after to contaminate our sacred enclosure. tionship with ourselves. It also requires
Emotional turmoil occurs when we put all, in charge of very much. We do have When we say such things, we contami- setting- clear boundaries with ourselves
a negative interpretation on whatever is control over how we interpret events, nate the consciousness of others. and others, making a conscious deci-
happening in our lives. Often the strug- and how we react. Witness two scenes Self-talk can be just as damaging. Self- sion t o n o longer entertain toxic
gle is with attachment. Wanting things from the movie, Titanic. First, consider criticism undermines our sense o f thoughts or conversations.
to be a certain way or people to act in the orchestra members who continued worth and creates inner agitation. It can Regardless of what is happening in our
accordance with our wishes, or it is with to make music as the ship slowly sank. be such an integral part of our daily lives, we can keep ourselves from being
a reluctance to• accept change. I t is They knew the end was near, but boldly thinking process that we may be scarce- harmed in the same way that healthcare
almost as though individuals feel under chose to do what they loved right to the ly aware we are doing it. It may have workers can avoid contracting the ill-
attack; or that the universe is conscious- end, in spite of their fear. Then there nothing at all to do with others, but nesses they treat. If we develop a healthy
ly sabotaging our plans or wishes. was the elderly couple who also knew it rather forms a regular negative self- immunity to psychological toxicity by
Sometimes the source of angst is corn- - was the end, and chose to lay in each evaluation related to appearance or per- adopting strong values and clear
ments from others, or knowledge that other's arms, rather than to participate formance. Some individuals contami- boundaries, and practise good mental
someone is not pleased with us. I have in a panic-filled escape attempt which nate their own minds in the complete hygiene, our minds will become not
witnessed clients agonize for days or would surely have separated them. absence of any negativity from others. only sacred enclosures, but peaceful
years over negative judgments others Thankfully, our challenges generally are In spite of an outward appearance of sanctuaries.
hold of them. They vacillate between not of this magnitude. If we begin to 'success, they undermine themselves Gwen Randall-Young is a psychotherapist
defending themselves and launching think of our minds as sacred enclo- from within. and author of Dancing Soul: The Voice of
their own attacks, i f only i n their sures, we can be very selective as to what Self-talk can also occur in relation to Spirit Evolving
thoughts, against their critics. we allow to circulate in them. As with a others. When upset, we often carry both

18 • (YomGround• MAY 2004

Making the mind an ally

by Mark Schneider

Rinpoche, a 41-year-old Tibetan medi-

tation master and spiritual director o f
Shambhala International. (Sakyong is .a
traditional Tibetan title meaning Earth
protector.) On May 7, the Rinpoche will
speak at Vancouver's Chan Centre about
his new book, Turning the Mind Into an
Ally. He exudes an extraordinary physi-
cal presence, which is hard to describe.
Tibetan spiritual leader Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, author of Turning the Mind into an Ally
Maybe it is the many years o f intense
and son of Chogyam trungpa Rinpoche, speaks at the Chan May 7 on mastering the mind
meditation practice. It could also be the
way he moves with a cougar-like grace-
Leigh Brasington, a cerebral computer
himself to experience that sort of pro-
found joy for a few seconds, before mov- fulness that belies his muscular frame. Centre for Holistic
programmer f r o m San Francisco, i s ing on to the classical Buddhist practice This lama is a superb athlete, a serious
bouncing around with me on a bumpy
road, en route t o a B C meditation
of mindfulness. "Wisdom is where it's
at," he says. Brasington now spends con-
marathoner, an expert horse rider, and a
weight lifter with a linebacker's biceps.
Health Studies
retreat. I f there were ever an Olympic siderable time away from his high tech Not your average, cave-dwelling yogi.
sport for meditating, Leigh would have job, on the road, teaching meditation. Born in India, he grew up as the son of Toempower each person
to be considered a gold medal con- In the remarkable 2001 book, Why God Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, one of the
tender. All he has to do is sit quietly for Won't G o A w a y, U n i v e r s i t y o f first Tibetan lamas to bring Buddhism and open the path of the
a couple of minutes, focus his mind in a Pennsylvania researchers A n d r e w to the west, and the man who created heart, we focus on the
particular way, and some kind of inner Newberg and Eugene D' Aquili wired Shambhala International.
door opens up. From body-wracking up experienced Buddhist meditators to It is an enormous enterprise publishing powerful, natural and
rapture to absolute emptiness, he's fig- the latest brain imaging technology. the glossy Shambhala Sun magazine, innate resources
ured out how to navigate the more exot- They reported finding "solid evidence operating N a r o p a U n i v e r s i t y i n
ic realms of inner space. "When I first that the mystical experiences of our sub- Colorado, and coordinating the activi- for healing ... beyond
discovered how to get i n ' there, I was jects...were not the result of emotional ties of 150 centres in 20 countries. One the physical ... including
hooked;' he says with a soft, southern mistakes or simple wishful thinking, but of its teachers, Pema Chodron, has
were associated instead with a series of become a world-famous author in her
body, mind and spirit.
twang and a twinkle in his eye. "For 18
months, I was in effect, a junkie, getting observable neurological events..." own right.
high with meditation?' This exploration o f inner space, the Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche has crystal- Integrative-Complementary
Brasington regularly travels t o t h e mystical experience, they wrote, is "bio- lized all this effort into one simple ques- Healthcare Careers
University o f Washington w h e r e logically, observably, and scientifically tion: "We all agree that training the body
researchers have tried to discover what's real?' And all that's required to step into through exercise, diet and relaxation is a
going on inside his head.1 They have the vastness o f the human mind is a good idea, but why don't we think about Information Sessions
attached electrodes to his skull, and then quiet room, a good guide, and an open training our mind?" scheduled for:
pondered the strange scratches that heart. For Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, train-
0 - 2030 at Langara College
emerge from the EEG. Something is It would be hard to find a better guide ing the mind - and the beginning of the
going on, but what? He now only allows than S a k y o n g J a m g o n M i p h a m continued page 34
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MAY 2004 • COMMOI166rOUnd • 1 9
Dancing in the Light is the ultimate love story that journeys far beyond the traditional W 0 R L
understanding of human romance, and into the mystical realm of karma and divine love.
It is a new world musical production that dares to challenge the main stream of western
belief. For the first time a major theatre production embraces a story of reincarnation and
the principle of having a soul mate, while crossing over the boundaries of time and cul- D C l a y t o n Carrigan's
ture. It's a beautiful thought provoking show that transcends the space between what we
believe, and what we know.
With world class director Laura Lee "Utah", 'Follies Bergere' and choreographer Sandra
Botnan "Cirque du Soleit ", Dancing in the Light becomes a numinous evening of dance,
theatre and a world music concert. Where all you will see becomes a reflection of what
you truly are. IN THE
The story is beautifully portrayed using elaborate staging, lighting and multi media effects,
fused together by a beautiful backdrop of a "live" world music concert. It blends the classy
contemporary world compositions of Clayton Carrigan and the classical musical styling of
ages past into the magic of the evening. Clayton's musical works are backed by some of
Canada's finest Jazz, Latin and world beat musicians and singers, With special guest per-
formers from India and the Aboriginal First Nations.... It blends together some of
Canada's finest actors, ballet dancers and world-class musicians, all into a magical jour-
ney to nirvana.
The Journey
THE SHOW: to Nirvana Beg ns
The universal time clock ticks along its journey, as time begins on earth with the first
sounds of the universe. A Tibetan horn announces the beginning of time as a sitar and
tabla begin to play along with the winds of creation.
OCTOBER 8 & 9, • 004
The story weaves its beginnings through ancient India, as a wise sage gives his disciple QUEEN FLIZABETI I TI 1E \IRE
the divine gift of music along with a sacred scroll to help him find his true destiny and Vancouver, Canada
meaning of life. The tale unfolds as the boy incarnates in Jerusalem during the final days
of Jesus, as an Aboriginal boy of the First Nations people during the 1800s, and in the psy-
chedelic 70s the Journey to Nirvana continues.
It's a timeless and beautiful journey about the meaning of life, love and spiritual aware- ticketmaster
ness. Dancing in the Light produces a wonderful and at times humorous feel good story
of life, love, reincarnation and spiritual enlightenment yours to enjoy. 6o/4-28o-4444

Arts Society
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" 1 1 \ N a l l
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ACelestial One Production
" t t A t t ' Dancing In the Light© 2003. All rights reserved.


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22 • ComnvGround • MAY 2004

g ! . l I f 111011
Edenbank: The History of a
Canadian Pioneer Farm
people. With Marie Weeden, ley. The same f o r Native canoe- building as the recreational centre
Oliver Wells's daughter, and building. And Oliver gave new spirit for residents.
the linguist Brent Galloway, I to many elders just i n asking for It is tragically ironic that Edenbank
put the best parts o f these their stories and songs on tape. Farm, which always stood for effi-
taped conversations into a Those immensely pleasant hours of cient land use and the ideal of serv-
book c a l l e d T h e listening to the Oliver Wells tapes ice to the community, is now fenced
Chilliwacks a n d T h e i r took place weekly for 10 years in the for exclusive and non-productive
Neighbors the title o f the Edenbank dining room on the large activities. Thus, this volume from
book W e l l s h i m s e l f oak table, with the Luckakuck Creek Harbour Publishing, as well as being
meant to write from the running below. I was among those a beautiful artifact, is an eloquent
tapes. sorrowfully affected b y witnessing symbol o f a general trend toward
This book, published by the struggle o f Marie to maintain enclosure and of the old values that
Talonbooks i n 1 9 8 7 her father's property intact after it could reverse the trend if we heeded
and now in its second became n o longer a farm, D i c k them.
printing, cannot b e Weeden being a doctor in town and By Oliver N. Wells, edited by Marie
beaten as local ethnol- there being no miraculous source of and Richard Weeden, H a r b o u r
ogy (which I swear is income from the land. Publishing, 2003.
the best kind). With The personally most interesting part
great zest Oliver went Edenbank f o r m e w a s M a r i e
where his curiosity led, and his Weeden's epilogue, which is instruc-
informants were infected by his pur- tive as to the way government oper-
book review by Ralph Maud suit of knowledge. ates silent patronage to its support-
What was obvious from the tapes ers. I t was the Social Credit years,
was his amazing rapport with the and t h e provincial government
A n y b o d y who knows anything Chilliwack Native people. I took it as couldn't see its way to designating
about Oliver Wells - a n d t h a t a given and left t o one side any Edenbank a heritage farm and hav-
includes Allan Fotheringham, who inquiry i n t o i t s causes a n d ing i t s history available t o t h e
wrote the foreword to this book - antecedents. Canadian public; the government
knows he was a good man. No dis- Now, w i t h t h e publication b y couldn't see it as a new home for the
pute at all. Harbour Publishing of the history of Fraser Valley College, which would g e a u l i b natural/Is
I never had a chance to meet him Edenbank Farm, much i s made have been ideal; the cabinet wouldn't
before he was killed in a tragic auto- clear. There is no separate chapter let the land out of the agricultural Floramin Products
on the Native people; they just grad- land reserve until, as a last resort, the 604.983.8778
mobile accident, but I have listened •Eye Cream
to tapes, many, many hours of tapes, ually and naturally enter the picture. farm was sold to a friendly develop- • Day Cream • Cleansing Cream
tapes about what he love to do, what A.C. Wells and his son Edwin were er who had been waiting i n the • Night Cream • Toner
he believed in, and how to bring very fair-minded employers and wings and then 46 acres was sudden-
All Floramin products are high quality
value to his community, which was active i n Christian charity. Oliver ly available for high-end housing. 100% natural and no animal by-prod-
Chilliwack, BC. T h e tapes were and Sarah Wells inherited these I was able to see our current form of ucts. Shelf Life one year. Mail order
interviews, made after his retirement qualities. For instance, they both "lobby democracy" up close on this only. Made in Canada.
from farming, with his old friends were f u l l y involved i n restoring one. Edenbank is now a strata-title
and acquaintances among the Stoics Salish weaving to the Chilliwack val- gated community, w i t h t h e o l d

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MAY 2004 • Camrnoneround • 2 3

Dancing in the Light Q: You have mentioned that Dancing
in the Light is not your average stage
production. What do you mean?
A: We have taken a different approach
spiritual understanding. We could see
this with the Dalai Lama's recent visit
to Vancouver where they had to go
from a 600-seat venue to the 13,000-
whereby the acting and theatre aspect seat venue because of the demand. It
Brad Thomas interviews recording artist different forms o f music, especially of the show tells the story, and the bal- seems so many people are seeking
and playwright Clayton Carrigan Indian classical, was one of the high- let dancers and musicians also play a more from their life and more from
lights. I was able to share the stage with part in the script. It's like getting a the- their spiritual understanding o f the
Q: Dancing in the Light is a fascinating some great Indian musicians while atre production, a contemporary bal- divine aspect. I believe what we are see-
production. It seems to cross many performing in India. I was also study- let, and a world music concert all in ing is the dawning of the new age of
ethnic boundaries and principals o f ing different styles of meditation yoga one show. US director Laura Lee ( Utah awareness. This thirst for knowledge is
thought; is that what you intended? and taught meditation for close to 16 and Les Follies Bergere) and choreogra- just the first step in establishing the
A: The title Dancing in the Light is years. Dancing in the Light is an accu- pher Sandra Botnan (Cirque du Soleil) 1,000-year peace. W e must have
more symbolic opposed to literal. It's a mulation o f life experience, spiritual will be incorporating actors, yoga, knowledge before we have the under-
supernatural story o f a soul's long thought, and the fantasy of what we modern ballet, and Indian classical standing of where we are and where we
jAurney to the divine light. The story may envision as the divine's true mes- dance and fusing some very fine First are going. We are all seeking the same
crosses the boundaries of love. It's sage of life. It all rides the belief that Nations dancers into the story as well. answers. It is the process of our indi-
termed the ultimate love story because our soul has reincarnated so many John Ottman, formerly of Ballet BC vidual evolution that creates the tests
of the soul's quest to find divinity and times on its journey to the light of and the National Ballet, is the ballet for the journey we are on individually
find its soul mate. The actors capture Nirvana. consultant. Then you add a great 12- and collectively. Dancing in the Light is
the story beautifully, but it's the ballet Q: It sounds like a Buddhist theme. piece band that features great concert part of this evolution. It's enlightened
and the live world music concert that A: No, the story is not really about any and solo musicians, add East Indian theatre coming into the mainstream.
bring the story alive. There is also the one religion, instead it's about the jour- classical musicians to the journey and Where the audience will see a reflec-
universal collectivity of the soul. In the ney of the soul and the soul's universal the show now takes on its own very tion of themselves in the story. Twenty
story, the closer the boy gets to his nature. Uniting the various beliefs, it is original form. years ago there would not have been
enlightenment the more he under- more about how the soul has learned a Q: What would you say is the main the infrastructure for supporting this
stands his connection. So Dancing in lesson with each rebirth. The soul musical theme? kind of show on this level. Dancing in
the Light has a mystical theme, but is could be Christian i n one life and A: It is definitely a world beat theme. the Light crosses a new boundary of
also an easy listening, feel good kind of Buddhist i n another depending on As the story evolves so does the style of musical theatre, where the past and the
story. It's like experiencing and watch- what lesson was needed. In Dancing in music and the dance forms. From future meet. I feel blessed to be a part
ing a real journey of reincarnation that the Light, the soul reincarnates in four Indian classical dance and music that of this new awareness.
evolves through the ages. different lifetimes. A disciple of a wise represent the time period of ancient
Q: Where do you feel your journey has sage in ancient India, a solder at the India in the first scenes to modern
taken you? tomb of Christ, an aboriginal boy in dance, Latin and ja77 sounds in the '70s In June, Canadian playwright and
A: Seeking is a never-ending cycle. My the 1800s and then as a hippy in the segment. recording artist Clayton Carrigan
journey over the years has taken me to late '60s. It is a funny story in many Q: There seems to be a new spiritual releases his third world beat and jazz
living and travelling i n India, Asia, ways, but is also beautiful in the fact awareness blossoming. Flow do you CD, featuring some of Canada's leading
Europe as well as Cuba and Central that it shows in a sweet way that we are see that Dancing in the Light fits in? musicians.
America. Studying and performing all divine flowers on the one tree of life. A: There is a strong flow towards a new

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24 • COMMCIlerind • MAY 2004
Dropand give me 20 Get Healthy and
Stay Healthy
PHYSICALLY Many commercial boot camps use the
US army's physical fitness test (APFT) as
TWEAKED a means of checking performance levels.
by Cat Smiley, ISSA Often, women who enlist i n my boot
camps are unable to complete even one
push up, but that changes pretty fast.
Everything seems to be a boot camp Upper-body strength can be roughly esti-
these days, from late night cramming for mated through how many consecutive
exams, to working around the clock or pushups you can perform before you
skiing every day while the snow is good. need to stop and rest, and recruits must
Yet, in the fitness world, we've circled the perform 30 push-ups in under two min-
block o f New Age theories and come utes (14 for women) to pass the test. All
back to where we were in the beginning; pushup testing should be done with your
simple exercise regimes, led by a hellish weight balanced on your hands and feet,
instructor who pushes you out of your legs straight behind you, for both gen-
physical comfort zone. Kind of like high ders. Half pushups on your knees are out,
school gym class, except that you're here even if you happen to be female. It's all
voluntarily. the way baby. (For strength training, you
80% of your immune
You tell me. How could such a barbaric can allow these adaptations i f you have
approach to fitness have taken the yuppie to.)
system is bowel related
nation by storm? Boot camps are huge in Abdominal strength can be monitored
the US, Australia and NZ but have yet to through consecutive sit-ups, bent knees
catch on in Canada. Sure, gym facilities with toes tucked under some support. To Immunity Is The KeyToGood Health
organize boot camps in an aerobics class pass the APFT you must punch out 45
Staying healthy i s ventative medicine plays a vital role.
format on sprung, car- sit-ups in less than two
about immunity. When In the past decade scientists have begun to
peted floors with dance Boot camps are regiment- minutes, 38 for women.
your immune system better understand the role of immunity and
music t o keep motiva- ed, old-fashioned sweat Ah the joy. No matter is compromised you how it works. Much research has been done
tion levels up. But actual how unfit, you are func-
boot camps with manda- sessions that are hot news tionally able to do all of become prone to illness. around probiotics and immune modulators. A
tory attendance, a pun- in today's fitness training the g i v e n exercises The immune system is properly modulated immune system will help
ishment system a n d systems. unless you have a physi- not a singular organ or stave of most bacterial and viral assaults on
individual monitoring of cal c o n d i t i o n t h a t action but rather a com- the body, including food poisoning, allergies,
fitness progress? Pretty hard to find. requires medical attention, forcing a
plicated infrastructure cold, flu, parasites and cancer causing anti-
Traditional boot camps begin a t the restriction.
that depends upon proper nutrition, healthy gens. Probiotics re-cultivate good bacteria in
crack o f dawn, five days a week in all Your cardiovascular endurance is just as
important as strength conditioning. You skin, tissue and bowels. 80 percent of the the stomach and intestines, ensuring that bad
weather conditions. Sounds hardcore,
but beginners are usually the first ones to must run two miles in under 18 minutes body's immune system is around the diges- bacteria has no place to colonize. Also, by
sign up. Recruits sprint up hills, do push- for men, 21 minutes for women, to make tive tract and 20 percent is part of the skin, cultivating friendly bacteria, the bowel is able
ups and chin-ups in the cold, jump logs, the APFT grade. In fact, each day will bones organs and other tissue. The question to more efficiently assimilate nutrients into
lift weights and do rigorous abdominal work you aerobically and you'll notice a you must ask yourself is, why do some the blood stream, affecting immune function
training. One of the most popular boot marked improvement even i f you don't people get sick while others, exposed to the in other parts of the body. This can be further
camps in the States is run by Patrick (The meet US army standards. same bacteria or virus remain healthy and enhanced through use of nutrient-rich im-
Sarge) Avon who is an ex-naval officer. The act of reporting to your trainer can
unaffected. The key is immune response. mune system boosters and modulators that
His book, Boot Camp: Be All You Used to break your cycle of non-commitment to
an exercise program. Boot camps are reg- Immune defense is largely dependent on contain enzymes, sterols and antioxidants.
Be uses phrases like "You have let your
body turn into a gelatinous blob" and imented, old-fashioned sweat sessions the bowel and skin, both of which serve as Adaily regimen of probiotics and immune
"I'm going to kick your ass." But hey, it that are hot news in today's fitness train- a barrier to invading antigens, bacteria and system modulators is a must for everyone,
works and the corporate army loves it. ing systems. If you are late, expect to drop viruses. While pharmaceutical drugs are especially for children with developing bow-
Soldiers work out three to five days a and give 20 pushups. If you don't show beneficial and necessary at certain stages els and the elderly who generally experience
week at 60 percent to 90 percent of their up, all your teammates will be punished of illness, they often do not directly address more digestive trouble because of bowel
maximum heart rate, 20 to 30 minutes with an extra set of everything. Answer
back and there will be hell to pay. It's dis-
root causes. This is where the idea of pre- deterioration.
per cardiovascular session. Strength is
measured in repetitions, with intensity cipline, and it's what you love to hate. In
one o f the crucial factors. Usually the an hour it's all over, before most people
are even out of bed. And in the end, you
Sayyouread it inCommon Ground
goal is to build muscular strength, thus
fewer repetitions (8-12) are performed know you deserve to feel this good. andSave $5 off either product.
with increasing sets as the recruit pro- Cat Smiley is a journalist, pro skier and
gresses. Officers prepare soldiers for both personal trainer. Her Smiley Fitness Co.
physical testing and combat, and practise runs boot camps, fitness vacations and per-
areas o f their weakness. Conditioning
drills such as plyometrics, sprints etc.
sonal training in Whistler. To get involved,
check out Whistler fitness vacations on
Marks' Plaza Pharmacy
help build motor skills, strength and 1-604-902-0698. 4106V 5760 Cambie St. Vancouver 604-324-3848

MAY2004 • Command • 25
Art 26 Education & Certification 27 Mailing Services 30 Vegetarian Restaurants ... 31

Books & Music 26 Events 33 Nutrition 30 Spiritual Practices 31

Bodywork 26 Health & Healing 28 Organic Food & Products .. 31 Time Out, Travel & Rentals .. 33

Business 27 Intuitive Arts 30 Psychology, Therapy Datebook 35

Dentistry 27 Looking Good 30 &Counselling 31 Classifieds 36

"SacredVisions" - Opening May 8th, 2 - 8 p.m.,
MARILYN S. MYLREASTUDIO ART GALLERY Simultaneous Sing-Ins, at which "Give Peace a
May 8-30. We arepleased to presentGuest Artist Give Peace a Chance S i n g -In
Derek Bollen in aspecial exhibition presenting spiri- 35th Anniversary June 1 Chance" and "Imagine" will besung in Vancouver
SPIRITUAL tualandsacredimagery. Mr. Bollen's art depicts vision- GivePeaceaChancewas first sung35yearsago this and Montreal Vancouver. June 1st, 6 pm at the
ary, colourful abstracts whichare inspiredby dreams. month at the Bed-In for Peace by John Lennon Waterfall Building 1540 West 2nd and the Elliott
Ms.Mylrea's paintings arepassionatelyexpressive and Louis Gallery will view the Bed-In photos til 8 pm
SENSUAL herimageryincludesangelsand mysticism. and Yoko Ono. It was recorded June 1st, 1969 in
2341Granville St., VancouverWed-Sun 12-5 pm Montreal and hasgone on to become the world's Sing-In info Don Wright, Amnesty International
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Transformational The body has a deep intelligence and wis- Explore the ancient healing techniques of
dom which we can learn from. In a safe & Holistic Mexico: • Mayan detoxification• Aztec chiro-
Bodywork, trusting environment, through touch and Mexican practic • Pre-Colombian aromatherapy
words, learn to release holding & accept • Quartz harmonizing • Crystalpuncture
Devaki Drache yourself in a deep way. "It's like coming
Massage (a non-intrusive technique based on body
home t o yourself." ROSEN METHOD Beatriz Pimentel energy enhanced b y quartz crystals)
Bodywork Practitioner, Registered Clinical (over 10 years of experience) • Acupressure • Reflexology • Lymphatic
Tel: 604.222.2054 Counsellor, 25yrs. experience. 604.729.9504 drainage • Craniosacral energy healing.

MI U L F ' le Rolling holistically realigns your body's KIM'SACUPUNCTURE & • Back pain • Neck, shoulder pain
Grounding and Uplifting shape and structure. It eliminates the root =PRESSURE WORK • Stress/insomnia • Migraine/ headaches
cause of structural chronic pain, so results Dr. Tony Kim • Stop smoking • Chronic pain
Hans Diehl last. Enjoy deeper balance and graceful
Certified Rolfer • Arthritis • Balance Vital Energy
movement. Tel: (604) 687-6880 • Shiatsu Acupressure Therapist
Van (604) 431-7661 Vancouver and suburban locations. #320-1525RobsonSt, Vancouver• Japan, Korea, Canada - 18 years experience RegisteredAcupuncturistinBC #108 • Treated Japanese Prime Minister Hashimoto

Bodywork Simple and complex physical, psychological,

"Noonecanheal another. and emotional pain problems are authenti-
Themostonecando is cally healed, creativity and personal self The way to get it together, is together.
createanenvironment where expression enhanced, through Holistic
healingcantake place." Bodywork Therapy and Movement / Dance - Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
info: 604-809-9202 or Improvisation workshops. 24 yrs exp.

26 • eorneGrcend • MAY 2004

This PPSEC Registered Certificate Course "The Art of 250 Hrs Certified Holistic Practioner
A Course on 125 Hrs Practioner Program
taught by Dr. Yousef Shihab, MD Honours
Laser Hair Removalwill give you the ability to use lasers safely Conscious MASSAGE PROGRAM IN VICTORIA,B.C.
Register NOW
and effectively for hair removal.
Call 604-293-1902 for all our
CCE course details, or visit us online at:
Starting September 25, 2004 - March 1, 2005.
Call 1-250-598-3205

Gestalt Therapy is a powerful emotion- The CCST offers:

J a p a n ' s S h i a t s u • 2200-hour Shiatsupractor® Diploma
T h e G e s t a l t focusedice approach to increasing mind/body
awareness and reaching one's goals. 41, ..* C•o_"I-CSahn iaadtiea un Therapy
College ofF •u Shiatsu
l l Time or Part Time
Certificate Program (4months)
E x p e r i e n t i a l s n 1 9 8 3 , the Institute has provided a • E v e n i n g Class (starting May. 18, 2004)
)‘'i T r a i n i n g sthoelirdapeisxtspemrientyianlowtrawinorinkginpprroivgartaemprafocr
• — • •Vancouver (604)694-0095 • Chair-Shiatsu Therapist Certificate
*North Van (604)904-4187 2 w e e k s , 10 sessions Program
****... / I n s t i t u t e l i c e or agencies. s E -Mail: . upgrading Program for Health Professions
For info call
604-732-4774. *a TV Website:www.oyayubicom Registered with PPSEC. CSSBC accredited

. .S. _ P r o f e s s i o n a l Certification Program

0 C h a i r E n j o y
a soul-satisfying massage career. Try 1 - - 1 . 7 ' . 7 * - . - - - - - T h i s gentle, powerful approach to making
short,agc affordable massage training
M a s s a g e p r o g r a m . You'll love it or you don't pay! C O R E B E L I E F d e f i n i t i v e , lasting and meaningful change
. Certification recognized by Canada's largest ENGINEERING h a s built an excellent reputation across
Training massage association. Classes start soon. North America since 1985. Four-day
, 4 Founpdpserc,E1gi1Re
B a s i c Courses: June & October, 2004;
Relax to the M a x C a l l 1-800-207-4013 for a 24 hour recorded
110‘11 message Forty-day Intensive Course: January 2005.
(604) 536-7402

I K o o t e n a y F i f t e e n t h Session. November 15, 2004 - G R E E N C I T Y C O L L E G E Programs offered on a regular basis year

January 14th, 2005. Two month bodywork roundy/ Weekda or weekend available /
S c h o o l o f t r a i n i n g and "life meditation" in Costa Rica. Certificate programs in:
I _ , .. * FootReflexology($400) 2 4 - 7 2 h r s lecture & 60-120hrs Practicum /
Rebalancing certification - deep tissue, joint
R e b a l a n c i n g release, anatomy; meditation; understanding ;4 am▶ , * Acupressure($800) F i n d 4 people, you can choose your own
healthy balanced diet; community living and ,, ' . 4 ; . Both($1,100) / Job s t u d y time / Mini-course for couples /
available after the study.
communication skills; attuning to nature. .. i,,il'. ' Onetime only tuition fee, Student clinic available by appointment. 250.354.3811. PPSECRegistered N o extracharge. ( 6 0 4 ) 873-0939 2F-2980 Main St.Vancouver

0 •
Professional Established in 1999 HEALING H o l i s t i c Bodywork Diploma Program 260
ambidntz • Certified Chair Massage Workshop BODYWORKCENTRE h o u r s full time evening and Saturday classes.
Massage Training • MARY BENSON C o m p r e h e n s i v e program in bodywork and
v s / 4:
'•.• Nil & 604-873-1518
Massage Supplies
• ( i n cCertified
l u d e s Stone
Hot, Cold & Chakra)
Massage Workshop 737..8350
P • .•4 0 7\ 3 6 W.16th Ave • Fully Qualified Instructors lit A L I N c , PrivatePast-Secondary r e l aAlso
t e doffered:
subjects. BeginsMassage
Certified September 13, 2004.
classes, be-
Vancouver C a l l for more information or visit BODYWORY, , Registered with the ginning May 25, 2004. Reflexology. Call
C t N I .R k
our Website: EducationCommission of BC 604.737.8350

E R I C K S O N Solution Focused Skills & more in THERAPY. Offering quality home study Certified Program Sun. or Mon. 10-5 with Lynda
"TheArt & Science of Coaching courses, for everyone from the enthusiast to Henderson & PaulCrowder.INFO. night Sept 15th,
C O L L E G E Training Program". ,the professional. Learn how to safely incor- program begins Sept. 19th & 20th. Aromatherapy,
Be skillful with this format that gets results! porate essential oils into your life to enhance Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Facials, Group
A H U M A N DEVELOPMENT Starts May 1st - 4th. your body, mind and spirit. Contact Beverley Rebirthing, Sweat Lodge. 16+ years and 100s of
COMPANY FOR 20 YEARS PPSECAccredited / 604-879-5600 at (604) 267-3779 E-mail: satisfied participants o f all ages. Lynda / Website: www.westcoastaromatherapy.com604.263.5204 and Paul 604.671.1738.

ACADEMY OF REIKI PLUS SCIENCES. Examiner Courses. AHAF Credentials. Institute

Classes, Individual, Distant. Certification: Reiki Tarot Training, Int'l. Certificates: Practitioner,
Practitioner $395. Master Practitioner $395, Advanced,Teacher. Readings, Consultations, In-
Master Teacher $750. RT-CRA Registered. Person,Phone: 604-739-0042.
Certified Handwriting Analyst / Document

H E A LT H & H I

ACentre for Health and Relaxation Specials for new clients/students: *Attention Therapists*
Offering a variety of holistic therapies, including 30days for $60 unlimited yoga Treatment rooms available. Monthly/hourly rates.
Acupuncture,Acupressure,Aromatherapy,Deep Tissue, 20% off 1st acupuncture treatment Reception, weblisting, linen and laundry provided.
Infra-red Sauna, Massage, Pre-Natal yoga, Reiki, Gift Certificates andYogapasses available Great view of the city and mountains. Be a part of
Reflexology, Shiatsu, Stone Therapy, Thai Massage, Check out our website for yoga schedule and our supportive and diverse team.
R O O T HEALTH Y O G A CENTRE Traditional ChineseMedicine,Yogaclassesand more... other updates Yoga/workshopspace for rent also. CallJason at (604) 838 - 6101 for more info.

FERLOWBROTHERS LTD. Weare a 100% Canadianowneroperated company. the natural herbal products industry supplying Clinic, 3543W 4thAve., Vancouver, Dr.Susan Barr,
Manufacturing natural herbal products since 1993, fresh products without harsh chemicals, synthet- Vaidya Sivakumar Varma, Tel. (604) 228-1537,
offering a -complete program of products (creams, ics, artificial colour, scent and preservatives to Willowgate Wellness
P.O. Box 3 1 9 7
lotions, shampoo,soap, extracts, oils, spray, tinctures, Professional Health & Wellness Practitioners only, Centre, Langley, Tel. (604)530-8840 email: well-
Mission, B.C. toothpaste) using standardized Physician-grade cer- at affordable prices.BACKTOMOTHER NATURE! ness@intergate.caInessence - Skin Synergies, 551
V2V 4J4 tified organic, organic or wild-crafted herbal extracts Quality & Service since 1975. Consultant inquiries West 19th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. (604) 874-3119.
and other premium quality ingredients. welcome. Please phone us for the nearest (604) 820-1777, Fax (604) 820-1919. email:
Mission statement Tobean innovator and leader in Consultant, (604) 820-1777 or visit Ayurvedic

OR . n n n i .
H E A LT H & H E A L I N G
This style o f finger Acupressure heals on For a registered practitioner in your area: Richmond: Linda Yakiwchuk (604-274-3930)
J I N S H I N DO® three levels: Langley: Carollyne McKay (604-518-4242), Vancouver: Gayle Doren (604-626-8789)
Lauren Zenzen (604-514-2332) West Van: Kay Meierbachtol (604-925-5837)
BODY: Relaxes • Reduces Pain • Relieves Maple Ridge: Linda Maracic (604-465-4917) Surrey: Sue Rogers (604-341-4385).
Symptoms. MIND: Calms • Relieves Stress North Van: Ron Pankratz (604-904-2144), Check us out on the web:
BODYMIND • Brings Clarity. SPIRIT: Nourishes / Uplifts Bill Thurston (604-987-1908) practitioner.htm or www.islandnet.comk-bcata
ACCUPRESSURE" • Reveals Purpose • Brings Joy. PoCo: Stephen Smith (778-882-4787) "The Way of the Compassionate Spirit"

Elite TCM Centre SPECIAL OFFER $200 FOR 10 SESSIONS • Stress, depression, fatigue •Chinesemassage (Tui-Na)
„...0 Acupuncture a Merbology •Menstrual disorder/ pain, menopause, PMS • Foot massage (Reflexology)
• Neck/ shoulder/ back pain, sport injuries, work
wa' B C Registered Acupuncturist •Stomachache, digestive trouble, constipation, • Uplifting/ anti-wrinkle facial
BCRegistered Herbalistinjuries, tendonitis, fibromyalgia diarrhea, skin diseases(acnes, spots) (include face acupressure)
30 Years Clinical Experience
•Numbness, paralysis, stroke, arthritis, whiplash, • Weight loss, Bust Enlargement •Steam Bath (Essence)
Telephone 604-875-9222 • Acupuncture • Car accident pain, spinal twist / sprain
Ns. #905-750 W. Broadway, sciatica, gout, bone spur, degeneration
Vancouver •Headache, migraine, insomnia, allergies, asthma • Acupressure ICBC,WCB& Extended Medical Plans accepted.

Reflexology is taught as an intuitive healing Basic Foot, Hand or Ear Reflexology to enhance your effectiveness practicingfoot
PACIFIC art. Courses are designed to provide a struc-
ture that supports you in developing your
Certificate Courses
Twenty hours of expert instruction plus forty
reflexology. $295. All courses are offered on a
regular basis year round.
Institute of own intuitive sense of reflexology. A holistic
orientation prevails.
practicum hours prepare you to practice foot,
hand or ear reflexology competently. $295.
For registration or information:
Pacific Institute of Reflexology
Holistic Reflexology: An Introduction See "Datebook". 535 West 10th Ave. / Gamble VANCOUVER,
REFLEXOLOGY Informational evening talk and "hands-on"
PPSECregistered.MOstcotEses laxdaduchble presentation. $10. See "Datebook."
Advanced Foot Reflexology Certificate Course
Refine and expand your knowledge and skills
B.C. V5Z 1K9. (604)875-8818 Fax: 875-8868

i 4 ,

J e n n i f e r N o r f i e l d B r i n g peace, balance, and happiness into J a c o b U n g e r Shamanic transformational healing.

S p i r i t u a l H e a l e r y o u r life. Release blocks that lead to ill- Spiritual Advisor E m p o w e r mind/emotions. Strengthen your spirit
ness. In my healing sessions I integrate and Ceremonialist w i t h the loving compassion of the plant spirit
for you & your pets R e i k i , Crystals, and spiritual counseling. 5Element - Plant Spirit w o r l d . Plant Spirit Healing includes: Aggressive
ar Heating Practitioner T o x i c Energy Removal, Soul Recovery, Shamanic
604-782-0667 F o r transformation of mind, body, and 6 0 4 . 4 1 8 . 9 6 3 6 C u t t i n g of Psychic Ties, Shamanic Dreamwork s p i r i t . Coaching, Abortion Trauma Shamanic Healing.

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Deep tissue release results in an expanded, Dr. Zhou, a qualified MD & former director
J e n n y L o u L i n l e y lighter, more alive state of being. Interactive Dr. Peter Zhou of a hospital in China, specializes at:
RegisteredDoctorof TCM
dialogue connects mind, body, spirit. InstructorofTCMatLangara College • Arthritis, Neck & Back Pain, Migraine
Certified M o v e m e n t awareness supports postural 23 Years Clinic Experience • Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia, Stress
1. H e l l e r w o r k Practitioner changes. Good for injuries, carpal tunnel, tho- ICBC,WCB and Extended • Fibromyalgia, Sinusitis, Allergies, Asthma
racic outlet, chronic back pain, joint problems, Health Care Accepted • Menopause, Stroke, Skin Problems
7 3 3 - 0 3 3 9 s t r e s s , tension, personal growth. A profound Vancouver: 604-876-8618 • Gynecological Disorders, Impotence
experience! FREE 1/2 hour consultation. #116 - 828 West 8th Ave

,Aoks S p e c i a l i z i n g in Bodywork
a n dhealing s t r for
e s s Special Package for
.-N A e h r v-, a n d trauma, pain; newbornsand children, pregnan- ACUPUNCTURE
of& c y , women'sandmen'sissues pre- and post-surgery, HERIIAL MEDICINE S t o p p i n g Smoking and Weight Loss
- Valerie K e m p p r e - and post-dentistry, sports injuries and car acci- A N G E L A L I U • Back pain • Arthritis • Insomnia • Fatigue
.... 7 3 9 - 9 9 1 6 d e n t s ; candida, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue; Doctor of Traditional • Digestive disorders • Respiratory disorders
Lymphatic detoxification; relationship, self esteem Chinese Medicine • Gynecological issues • Skin disorders
—CRANIAL SACRAL a n d personal empowerment; emotional awareness Registered Acupuncturist L o w -Cost Acupuncture Package
s td & LYMPH DRAINAGE a n d expression, releasing self-limiting misconcep- 6 0 4 - 6 0 5 - 3 3 8 2 C h i n a t o w n Centre Medical Clinic
THERAPY AND MUCH t i o n s , entity release, heart awakening, spiritual Trained inCanadaand
# 1 26 58 -8 East Georgia Street, Vancouver
MORE! e x p a n s i o n andguidence, soul's purpose, etc.

Naturopathic clinic Specialities Roak Citroen RP-CRA I offer healing sessions in both Reiki and
Woman's Health & Gynecology Usui Reiki Master T h e r a p e u t i c Touch. Distant healing and
ZNaturopathic Physician Homeopathy - Bowen technique - Nutrition & Practitioner E a r candling. My Reiki sessions can be taste-
_____._ H y d r o t h e r a p y - Botanical Medicine fully blended with crystals. Let the gentle
\ Dr.Glenda L a x t
Accepting new patients -Families welcome o n p o w e
Telephone: 604.437.6824 r of Reiki teach your body to promote
rev managementto ittymeneeda #1114 - 1030 W. Georgia. 604-681-5585 i t s own healing. L e t ' s create some magic together.

H e a l Yo u r s e l f D o you want to lead a happy and healthy

w w w. j u s t h e a l i t . c o m Awaken and rebalance your energy body. w i t h o u r l i f e s t y l e ? If yes, please attend our free medi-
Diane Rizun 604-530-9252 Journey to non-ordinary realms for healing. y c a t i o n classes.
ShamanicHealer: ofAlberto Surrender to higher will, shape your destiny. o w n powers " Y o u cannot know the meaning of your life
Villoldo' •Soul Retrievals, Intrusion extractions, Illu- FREE u n l e s s you are connected to the roots."
CertifiedCounselor:ofDuane minations, Therapeutic and Healing Touch. -' H . H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
O'Kane' *Workshops, Medicine Wheel teachings, pri- H. H. Shri Mataji 604-597-8440 w w w. s a h a j a y o g a . o r g 604-597-8440
HolisticRegisteredNurse vate sessions, monthly groups. Nirmala Devi 604-715-8888 6 0 4 - 7 1 5 - 8 8 8 8

AA A V 2 0 0 4 7 0 W
I offer healing sessions blending Reiki, 71 mal,ft, INTUITIVE HEALER: Specializing in releas-
l i p LOVE crystals & gemstones, channelling, sacred ing past emotions, pain, traumas, injuries and
HEALS sound, aromatherapy and colour healing. arnet4a V a t e r i o n relationship issues. Pamela also teaches
Past Life Regressions and deep trance work M M E Z 2 1 3 / / l E Relaxation, Healing Yoga, and Toning (sound
also offered. Ongoing workshops offered in healing). For information on Healing sessions
Anne McMurtry, Ph.D 604.731.4316
Reiki I, I I & III, Crystal and Gemstone and Toneshops, please c a l l P a m a t
Reiki Master Training. Please call 604-734-8219 604-731-4316.

SWATS() THERAPYBased on Eastern healing techniques, shiatsu

uses finger pressure to release blocked areas
SPECIALIZING IN TREATING • New theory of pathogeny
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•High success rate
#214-3195 Granville St. overall health and well-being, try shiatsu •Low relapse rate • Chronic fatigue • Sleep disorders
(at16th)Vancouver, B.C. today. Call Susannah Street 604-619-9829 or (604;739-2388 Free Health Seminars every Saturday, 3pm
email her at:
Japanesetrainedand certified Dr.Tony Zhuo www.Optirnu
Suite 305 - 2150 W. Broadway, Vancouver


• Balance the body's energies
Barb Weston RT-CRA • Help the body rid itself of toxins
CanelaREI KI, means 'Universal Energy' in Japanese.
It thereforeencompasses all possibilities of healing.
MichelleWhatever the situation: dis-ease,stress, clarification,
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher • Encourage the release of disease in the clearing of pathways - REI KI comes in the perfect
Telephone: (604) 985-7302 mind, body and spirit Meyers blend of the moment and goes right to the root.
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Save money and time with the safer, less
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ANGEL READINGS BY PATRICIA SERENO, you personal messages from your Angels for CHANNELLED READINGS BY DR. ANNE speak directly to you. To inquire call Dr.
Angel Therapy Practitioner, trained and cer- peace o f mind and heart. F o r a private McMURTRY. ANNE'S ABILITY opens a Anne McMurtry at 604-734-8219, VAN-
tified b y D r . Doreen Vi r t u e PhD. appointment, please phone 604-732-5134 or line of communication between you and COUVER. See ad in Health, Healing &
Connecting with the Angelic realm to bring email: your Spiritual Guides, allowing them to Bodywork section.

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Nutritional Personalized Nutrition From an Expert

Create the diet that will best serve you. Insure
during pregnancy and for children, health
concerns, weight management, and easy
and of Dietitians of Canada's position paper
on vegetarian nutrition. She is based in
Consultant that you meet all of your nutritional needs by
booking a session with Registered Dietitian
nutrition for people with busy lifestyles. Langley (near Fort Langley). Come and have
Vesanto i s co-author o f the bestseller a great time cooking together i n a
Vesanto Melina MS, RD Vesanto Melina. Personal consultation Becoming Vegetarian, of Raising Vegetarian hands-on workshop at Hollyhock, from includes computerized dietary analysis, practi- Children, Becoming Vegan, and Healthy June 4 to 7, 2004.
Call 604-882-6782 cal tips, excellent recipes, menus, nutrition Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer, Phone 604-882-6782 for more information.

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grows food the old fashioned way with no
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Donnachaidh Certified Organic Composts for sale

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The Naam Vegetarian Restaurant
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Offering Vegetarian Fare, made f r o m Food,
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Ca smoothies, goodies baked in-house. Also
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Open 7am-7pm, seven days a week.
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The Meaning of Vegetarian

VEGGIE BUNCH Phone: 604-233-0808 A i The Rainbow It comes from the Latin word "VEGETUS."
VEGETARIAN BUFFET 1670-8260 Westminster Hwy. Vegetarian Restaurant It means "Integrity, Healthy, Freshness,
Open Seven Days a Week Richmond, BC 273-7311 Energetic': Remember it and enjoy the flavour!
o t . 8 0 9 5 Park Road, Richmond, BC Try our delicious appetizers, soups, thick soups,
11:00 am- 9:30 pm deluxe veggie dishes, hot pots, noodles, congee,
ClosedThesdays.except full moon day deep fried & sauteed dishes, and rice dishes.
SPIRITUAL PRACTICES "East Is East is a place where you are
Do you know Jyorei (Joh-Rei)? Jyorei means EAST IS EAST encouraged to talk to your neighbours.

Jijorei "purification of spirit" and spiritual healing

prayer originated in Japan. The universal ener-
gy of Light is focused on others to enhance
This is definitely not the Ritz, but itcer-
tainly is Kits. from plumbers to publish-
ers, hippies to generation whatever, this
3243 W. Broadway, Vancouver
Purification health and the quality of daily life. Open to 604-734-5881
place has special appeal."
everyone. By donation. Victoria (250)595- Owen Williams, C,ommon Ground
of the Spirit 0426 Pender Island, B.0 (250) 629-6283 www.shumeiorg

Therapy of the Only by Working with the Whole Person because you have not gotten to the root are uncovered and resolved. If you are fed
Whole Person Can You Achieve Truly Permanent and causes. Completion o f any problem up and want to do something radical
Effective Change. comes only when you have resolved your .about your predicament, give me a call
John Arnold Ph .D
issues physically, emotionally, mentally 604-261-2788 or visit my web page at
If problems and issues keep popping up in and spiritually and the underlying rea-
-"•••••...,••••'" 604.261.2788 your life and you are STILL STUCK, it is sons for repetitive patterns of behavior

Psychotherapist Br Past-Life Therapy

Empower your Self and enrich your life: YOUR Di Cherry is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
-improving self-esteem
C H A Certified Counsellor
-reframing and releasing guilt and traumas GATEWAY Member Canadian Hypnotherapy Assn.
Past-Life Therapist
-coping with losses and overcoming grief
Reiki Master 2678 W 11th Ave, Vancouver.
Luciana Lopes -traveling in a visnalization journey PAST For information or appointments:
604.241.4468 -healing with Reiki Past-Life Therapy 604-731-2646 or "It's belief that gets us there:'

MAY 2004 • m u m s ' • 31

P S Y C H O L O G Y, T H E R A P Y & C O U N S E L L I N G

Are im "All o f your symptoms - depressions, Learning to befriend these symptoms helps body and soul. Michael's commitment is
u on fears, cancers, relationship patterns,
bankruptcies and divorces - point to the
you discover the wholeness that is you. This
friendship is what heals and restores the
to guide you - gently and truthfully -
toward restoring these natural rhythms
purpose? deeper purpose of your life."
Michael Talbot-Kelly, MH, MA
natural rhythms in your life. that allow you t o live your full and
balanced life.
Holistic Psychotherapy Michael is a holistic psychotherapist who
Registered Clinical Counselor has 25 years experience healing the mind, Call Michael: 604-317-1613

FREE Discover your personal strength — it lies in In a safe environment, learn to value your power, • Relationship (from romantic to roommates)
YOURSELF the coping style that has gotten you this far; and your vulnerability; change learned patterns; I have 20+ years experience as a therapist
Jaminie Hilton shift depression to hope. Free yourself from allow wishes, hopes, and dreams10 surface. with adults, adolescents, and couples.
RCC fears o f unfamiliar feelings that block CALL ME FOR INFO ON EMDR Clinical Supervision Available.
Masters in Counselling, growth toward creativity and intimacy. • Creative/Career Blocks • Addictive Behaviours For free initial consultation or information
Chemical Dependency Deepen and enrich your connection with • Trauma/Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional call: 604-802-4126, VANCOUVER.
Certificate others. Create the life you deserve. • Depression • Anxiety • Grief /Loss

What is Freedom from the beliefs, feelings and behaviours •Joy,easeand pleasure in life itself
that result in emotional pain and repetitive, reactive •Aliveness and authenticity
About Toni Pieroni:
Along with my professional training and skill, I bring
Possible? patterns that keep you stuck. Some issues dealt with: over 20years of personal development experience.
Life's options open up as you learn to respond rather • Emotional, physical and sexual abuse I offer individual and couple therapy. For further
than react, resulting in: •Addictive and obsessional behaviour information or for a free introductory session, phone
To n i Pieroni, M.A. • Healthy, intimate, satisfying relationships • Relationship issues and co-dependency 604-737-0168. Or visit our web address:
RegisteredClinical Counsellor• Moresuccess in work and career • •Anxiety and depression • Self-expression www.counsellingbccom/listings/tpieroniiitm

The Psychologists Regulation under the ing the word "psychology", "psychological" or Individuals receiving services from a regulat-
PSYCHOLOGISTS OF Health ProfessionsAct states: No person other "psychologist", or other terms implying train- edprofessional, suchasa registered psycholo-
/ 1 1 ) C O L L E G E OF than a registrant may use the title "registereding, experience or expertiseasa psychologist.gist, are assured that the individual has been
psychological associate", "psychological asso- Registrants of the College are identified by a granted a license to practice that profession by
Regulating the Professionciate", "registered psychologist","psycholo- four digit identification number and the des- the regulatory body and that there are proce-
of Psychology in BC gist", a title, description-or words incorporat- ignation "R.Psych." or "R.Psych. Associate". dures in place for protection of the public.

The Chinese ideogram for the Surely, informed Public Opinion remains the emerge, such as affirming the leadership of eth century recognized the dangers of the
E l w o r d crisis consists of the charac- main carrier of this possibility. It is the people Science in matters o f the environment, world in crisis that we now face. Read Nobel
J ters for danger and 0000rtunitv. making informed choices, individually and which in turn will lead to new priorities Laureate Konrad Lorenz's "Waning o f
democratically who will assert their right to be reaching far into the haute. Humaneness". And C.G. Jung's short Inas-
The question is. can crisis. danger heard. Then, within a newly energized World
& opportunity co-exist construc- terpiece, "The Undiscovered Self".
tively in todays disordered world? Public Opinion, a unifying focus of interest will Some of the greatest thinkers of the twenti- Visit for background.

Reach and expand your potential in all areas Bianca Rucker & Associates Inc. Problems with sexual functioning, inhibitions,
of your life. Since 1985 this gentle method desire discrepancies, affairs, or communica-
has proven exceptionally effective in changing Bianca Rucker t tion conflicts? We provide sex therapy, mar-
automatic, self-limiting patterns a n d R.N., M.A., Ph.D. riage counselling, clinical hypnosis. Extender"
CORE BELIEF enhancing Ce,nscious Choice. E l l y Roselle health coverage. #400 - 601 West Broadway
ENGINEERING offers private sessions and classes. Sexual & Relationship Vancouver. Bianca Rucker, PhD 604-731-4466
(604)536-7402. Email: eroselle-cbe@msn.coni Therapy

Transform Curses If youwant to recover the real self reconnect with Meet Life in More Fulfill) Over.21years facilitating healing in areas such as:
Into Blessings your energy and creatitvity, refine skills to realize Anxiety, depression, loss, self-esteem, relationships.
Daeniela Bheaumont
Barbara Madani your goals and reinstate your personal power • -
request an appointment. We will transtonr, curs-
Registered Psychologist #651
Goo6es:m.46 & THERAPY
childhood, life transitions, creativity and spirituality.
In a safe. supportive environment we will endeavor
Registered Psychologist 4335esinto blessings using: - EMDR • Power Therapies P E R S O N A L lid I N T E R P E R S O N A L
to: Understandconscious and unconscious factors:
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Phil Campbell R.C.C. Sensitive professional experienced winiseling on Insight leads to the healing of painful life
'Trauma: childhood: workplace and traffic acci.. Diane .turdqz.PC cAnduat;:
experiences. Trauma & abuse: loss & grief:
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6 04-2 54•06•;50 'Anger 'Substance ivse Workplace and Family minuetfivmthefox.;Skytrain Stenos nusicqournating, movement, dreams, oodv Mediation and Conflict Resolution.1206E. Pender. Emagi: healinpauki a?'rocus and gestalt techniques.

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R.C.C. Relationships, Sexual issues, Trauma. Abuse.
14-4-years experiencr Anger, Grief, Depression, Anxiety; Addictions.
604-536-7770 Compassionate, Effective, Body-based
Caring tor: Childrert,Adults. Therapy! Move through to Love & Joy!
Couples & Families Be truly Alive! Fulfilled!

If all the US citizens in BC who are opposed to the policies of George Bush voted
against him in November, they might be able to swing the vote in some states. After If you are an American, you can get information about all of this by going to the website
all, there are about 200,000 Americans here. Those who came during the Vietnam at < or sending an email
War and have dual citizenship can still vote. Their children can vote too, even if they to I f you are not an American, you can give this information
have never lived in the States. They can regiSter by postcard. it, all the Americans you know. Remember, this election affects the world.

32 • Mirmonerow • MAY 2004

SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF REPEATING grief, loss, relationship, sexual abuse, trauma. RELATIONSHIP ISSUES • SHYNESS • hynotherapy andEMDR.Reasonablerates. Louise
Unhealthy Patterns In Relationships And Individual, couple, family and child therapy. DEPRESSION • ANXIETY • ANGER • Evans,BA., MEd., Marriage and Family Therapist.
Life. Abuse, anger, anxiety, confusion, EMDR trained. Granville & 10th. Megan PostTraumatic Stress Disorder • Abuse • Sexual Metrotown and W.Broadway office.
depression, eating disorders, emptiness, Hughes, MA, RCC. 604-734-2779 Addiction • Effective treatment using counselling,604-522-0257


Secluded, exquisite Retreat Center on the (including children), Retreats for Families and study programs. O n -site teachers and
Big Island of Hawaii. Enjoy waterfalls, 40 Children, Groups, Individuals, and Cleansing knowledgeable staff will care for all your
lush acres, panoramic ocean views, healing Programs. Join us for Dolphin / Whale excur- needs with Aloha.
treatments, hikes, and beautiful, spacious, sions, eco-journeys around the island, group or
ecological facilities. Large meeting / medita- private retreats, vacations and get:aways! Call 808-960-5598 o r visit our website: tion and yoga space. Workshops and daily Available for weddings, reunions, and rental by
classes in Transformative OneBreath, Yoga facilitators, and long-term retreats / work- Email:

Cozy, carpeted room, seats 40. Available 24 Experience renewal through our whole where the moderate climate and quality SPACES FOR RENT - 2311 West 41st
hours, seven days/week. Natural/dimmer health weeklong cleansing programs or our accommodations and services make an ideal Avenue, Vancouver. Available f o r Reg.
lighting, parking, beverage facilities, good health spa weekends. A quiet pastoral set- year-round destination for that special Massage T h e r a p i s t , N a t u r o p a t h s ,
energies. 535 West 10th Avenue (at Cambie) ting in the Upper Skagit River Valley. Ideal retreat o r quiet getaway. Spectacular Chiropractor, TCM, or other health profes-
HEALING ROOM: part/full time. Reasonable for personal refreslunent Call 360-826-3599 scenery, trails, bird-watching, kayaking and a sionals to rent monthly or yearly. For infor-
rates. Inner Garden Activity Centre, 535 West or visit friendly community. mation email t o : or
Details at Telephone/fax 604-261-8873.
10thAvenue (at Cambie). (604) 875-8818.
by setting up your practice inside a low-
carb/vitamin store in Richmond complete Politicians are interested in people. Not that this
with Ikea furniture, high-speed internet,
free parking, and advertising benefits. Rent is always a virtue. Fleas are interested in dogs.
by the month. Please visit - P.J. O'Rourke
or call (604) 821-0000 EVENTS
Yoga Teacher Training in Classical Ashtanga meditation. May 28 to 30, Oct 1-3 and setting. Excellent vegetarian cuisine. See
& Hatha Yoga systems. Nov. 12-14. our website for complete program descrip-
A LT RISC.7 Residential 200 hour program in all aspects of
yoga with excellent teachers.
Women's Weekends - For women who
need a rest and a little pampering. This is a
tions and registration forms.
Please call us at (250)-537-2326
June 29 to July 11 & August 11 to 21, 2004 very popular weekend, so book now!
Yoga Getaway - Time for people with busy May 14 to 16, June 11 - 13.
"YO lives to get away, relax, & renew with yoga and All in a beautiful pastoral & woodland

Sant Rajinder Singh heads Science o f Sound. Spirituality is a gift, an experiential sci- New Classes!
SANT Spirituality, a non-profit, multi-faith organi- ence focusing on inversion not conversion. All Drop-in one hour classes in the Art of Jyoti
zation dedicated to the attainment of peace SOS programs are FREE. Meditation, or meditation on the inner
RAJINDER SINGH through meditation. A world-renowned Light at the same location as above.
spiritual Master and author of many books, Please join us Sunday mornings at 809 W. 23rd Each Thursday, 7-8pm followed by Q & A, a
SCIENCE OF Sant Rajinder Singh can help others to Ave. (Entrance o f f Willow). L O A M focus topic. Starting May 13th, 20th & 27th.
SPIRITUALITY empower their soul through meditation and Meditation; 11AM Discourse (followed by Contact Judy: 604.530.0589
experience the divine Light and celestial vegetarian refreshments).

Popular Just Dance is a positive party event Held i n a n alcohol a n d smoke free Active meditation: 7:30 pm - Occasional
JtAt offering an upbeat selection of music from
all around the world. Boasting a rich collec-
environment, this innovative community
event is a unique opportunity to fully be in
free dance class: 8:30 pm - Dance: 9:00 pm.
2114 W.4th Ave. (at Arbutus). $8 at the door.

The Power of Positive Partying
tion of toe-tapping tunes, the deejays keep
the crowd hopping with music such as
African, Latin, Celtic, Pop, Nu-jazz, Trance
and many more.
your joy and celebrative spirit. Come dance,
let loose or mingle with an open-minded and
fun-loving crowd.
May 14 & 28, June 11
Info: / 604-534-0696

Free Eco-Spirituality workshops with Brian

Make life a celebration. The Art of Living
ART OF courses improve health and give greater hap-
piness by eliminating stress through a pow-
C Tate.
- 4city Swimme's "Canticle to the Cosmos" video series
that integrates science, spirituality and the envi-
ronment. Discussion follows each session. All
¶LIVING erful breathing technique that purifies and
rejuvenates the mind and body. Teacher
trained by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
THE UNOTO CFIVOIMOP CANADA workshops at Centre for Peace,1825 W.16th Ave
CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHURCH - 7:30pm Tuesdays. For more information call CENTREFOR PEACE 604-731-3101 or visit:
Contact: 604.228.8728

Canada's Island Paradise Julie Kelly The VSA is proud to present New Mexico
v i s i t Inspired Instruction. Affordable Packages. "TheAstrology of Relationships" Astrologer Julie Kelly. Julie identifies the
Enriching Topics. Rejuvenating Setting. Friday May 28th, people in your life who are the most compatible
SaltspringWorksho s by sign and year. Learn how to evaluate your
Experience it all! New 3 & 4 night workshop Vancouver Public Library
packages brought to you by the popular relationships! The drop-in fee for non-members
Presented by... is $10. Friday May 28th, 7:30 to 9:00 pm,
Seabreeze Inne on Salt Spring Island, B.C. VancouverSociety of Astrologers350West Georgia Street. (604) 985-4042

AYURVEDA L U N C H E O N SERIES! Practitioner and Vonnie Hawkes, Co-leader Immerse yourself in An excellent opportunity to
Discover the dietary principles of the world's will assist participants with health-enhanc- Toltec Master uncover and resolve the hidden
oldest holistic health science in a relaxing ing changes. May 1, June 5 (12:30-4:30pm) issues in your relationships and
Allan Hardman's see through the eyes of uncondi-
luncheon format. Jaisri Lambert, Ayurvedic Details: 604-451-0480.
"Five Agreements for tional love. Bring your loved ones
the New Relationship" or come on your own. $295/per-
son. Registration/Info: Liz Forrest
June 11-13 250-653-2046 or redearth@salt-
On Salt Spring Island

MAY2004 • Corrangound • 33
Omega-3 the fat everyone needs omega-6s already are more than
6 family, when we produce too parts omega-6 fatty acids to one part EGG REPLACER
much, our risk of chronic disease omega-3 fatty acids. This egg substitute works well to
increases. THE BOTTOM LINE replace an egg or two in pancakes,
One of the HUFAs in the omega-3 My co-authors and I cover these muffins and most cakes and cookies.
NUTRISPEAK family i s docosahexaenoic acid complex issues of dietary fats in our Instead of saturated fat and choles-
(DHA). It is an important part of the books: Becoming Vegetarian, terol, you'll increase your intake of
by Vesanto Melina gray matter of the brain, the retina of Becoming Vegan a n d Raising omega-3s. This won't replace eggs in
MS, RD the eye and some cell membranes. Vegetarian Children. Here are a few an omelet, quiche or soufflé though.
Low levels of DHA have been associ- simple guidelines that can restore Flaxseed oil should never be heated,
H i g h fat? Low fat? No fat? What do ated with conditions such as depres- your balance. however the omega-3 fatty acids
we really need to know? For many of sion, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's dis- 1. Limit your use of polyunsaturated present in ground flaxseed survive
us, the message can be reduced to ease and attention deficit hyperactiv- oils rich in omega-6 fatty acids and the baking of a muffin or pancake.
this simple sentence. There is just ity disorder (ADHD). We must get high-fat processed foods that are As an easy way to prepare your own
one type of fat that we need to add to enough DHA either by making it high in these oils. Oils that are high egg replacer, blend 1/2 cup o f
our diets: the omega-3 fatty acids. from the parent omega-3 fatty acid in omega-6 fatty acids are sunflower, flaxseed for about 1 minute until all
There are two distinct families of or by getting it directly from foods. safflower, corn, soybean and cotton- seeds are turned into a coarse pow-
polyunsaturated fats, omega-6 and One direct source of DHA is fish; seed; also check labels on processed der. I f you prefer a finer powder,
omega-3. Both are vital to health. however we can also get DHA now foods for these oils. blend until the desired consistency is
Within each family, there is one from microalgae, which is actually 2. Include good sources of omega-3 reached. Ground seeds can be stored,
essential fatty acid that must be pres- the origin of the DHA present in fatty acid i n your diet. Rely on in a jar, in your refrigerator or freez-
ent in our diet; from this "parent" fish. I find that some of my clients flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, hempseeds, er for several months; they will retain
fatty acid, other family members can benefit from direct sources of DHA hempseed oil, canola oil, walnuts and their omega-3s either way. In your
be produced in our bodies, including and recommend taking it in veggie green leafy vegetables. Flaxseeds and favourite recipe for pancakes o r
longer molecules called highly unsat- caps as an optimal way to get this flaxseed oil are by far the richest baked items, use the proportion
urated fatty acids (HUFAs). HUFA. sources; one teaspoon of flaxseed oil below as replacement for each egg.
The two families perform functions A MATTER OF BALANCE or one and a half tablespoons of 1tbsp ground flaYseed
that are necessary and that counter- Our diets provide a multitude o f ground flaxseed can give your day's 3 tbsp water
balance each other. Compounds sources of omega-6 fatty acids: all supply; doubling this amount may Place ground flaxseed and water in a
called eicosanoids made f r o m sorts of grains, seeds and seed oils, give you a valuable safety margin. bowl. Stir and add to wet ingredients
HUFAs i n the omega-6 family nuts, soyfoods and animal products. Other sources are walnuts, tofu and in recipe.
increase blood pressure, inflamma- Omega-3 fatty acids are present in soybeans, leafy greens. Vesanto Melina is a registered dieti-
tion and cell proliferation or divi- far fewer foods. Usually our diets Although balance-type-oils provide tian, speaker and consultant based
sion. Those formed from HUFAs in provide 10 to 20 times as much of a good balance of omega-3s and 6s if near Fort Langley 604 882-6782
the omega-3 family protect against the omega-6s as o f omega-3s. they were our only source of dietary www.nutrispeakcom. She will be con-
these responses. While we need the Experts recommend that a more fat, they are not our best choice ducting a food and nutrition work-
eicosanoids formed from the omega- ideal balance would be two to six because dietary intakes o f the shop at Hollyhock June 4 to 7.

continued from page 19 unity. So we are in a deeply confused with a deeper, more spiritual part of this moment of truth. "This yearning is
inner journey - starts with listening to state because all this is happening simul- absolute, universal reality becoming more apparent?' he says. "The
one's mind-chatter. "You can be sitting taneously?' His image of the wild horse that connects us to &that is." purpose of life is not just to survive the
on the bus, worrying about something begins to make a lot of sense. Cynicism For Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the day, but for life to have meaning. This is
and have no idea life doesn't have to be living cheek-to-jowl with hope. Pride purpose of meditation is not about try- what people want?' And yet we live in a
this way," the ruggedly handsome and insecurity in a marriage of incon- ing to get into some kind of higher level culture t h a t actively promotes
Rinpoche told me. "Your mind is run- venience. In love with the notion that or higher state of mind. The goal is to Darwinian survivalism. A l l o f us
ning you. It's like a wild horse. All it's the grass is greener elsewhere, our mind discover our essential nature, which he trapped in our own scheming minds,
trying to do is to be happy. It's trying to gallops madly off, calls basic, or natu- worried sick about o u r individual
ease its own pain, but it can't do that convinced we don't "It seems that we all agree ral goodness. futures; and yet he believes that our cul-
because," and here he takes in a big really deserve t o
lungful of breath, "it lacks wisdom." find any. that training t h e body There's a growing
sense that we have
ture is naturally gravitating toward an
exploration of inner space out of a sense
And there it is, the "wisdom thing." The In his view, when we through exercise is a good come to the point of necessity. "We are entering a period
Sakyong, along with Buddhist teachers meditate we become where we realize where people are beginning to fed like they
for the last 2,500 years, have all pro- involved directly in idea, but why don't we think that materialism have to do this. We all seewhere aggression is
claimed the same message: I f we're the causal chain of about training the mind?" has taken us about leading us.So this is an essential time..."
embarking on this journey we'd better our being. It is more as far as i t can. And this is where an exploration of inner
have a clear idea of what is real, and not than just sitting on - Sakyon Mipham RinpocheSociologists c a l l spaceleads us. Learning to be kind to our
just rely on the contents o f our the cushion. Like this "hedonic slip- own wildness, to be kind to others. There
thought-filled minds. Unfortunately the law of gravity or Einstein's theory of page": the fruits of affluence become less can be no greater adventure. "It's becoming
that's easier said than done. relativity, karma gives shape to absolute satisfying the more we have. A recent more apparent that mindfulness is the final
According to the Sakyong, the mind is reality. "When we meditate, it affects our UK study showed that in terms of "life frontier," Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
continually seeking to avoid pain and mind which is creating our karma, satisfaction?' the people of Ghana were claims. "But the fact is it's been there the
plotting strategies for happiness. But which in turn is effecting how we per- about as happy as those i n North whole time. It's like discovering your own
what we soon discover through medi- ceive the physical world, and of course, America, despite wild differences in back yard and realizing it's not a bad place
tation, once we clue into the mind- that affects our health?' he says. "Karma income.
chatter, is a fundamental paradox we connects the absolute to the relative?' he But truth be told, it must be acknowl- Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche gives a public
somehow have overlooked. "On the points out, with the assurance of a natu- edged that materialism has taken us on a talk on Turning the Mind Into an Ally,
one hand, we find doubt and cyni- ral-born philosopher. "That's the law." wild, interesting karmic ride. I t has Friday, May 7, Chan Centre for the
cism," he explained. "But there is also Ah yes. Just what the University o f made us hungry for happiness, and now Performing Arts. Tickets available a t
materialism" - the hopeful, non-cynical Pennsylvania researchers came up with that we're seeing how empty its promis- Ticicetmaster, www.ticketmastenca, Banyen
belief that external things are the solu- by studying meditators, and finding "a eshave been, we are ready for true nour- Books, and at the Chan box office.
tion - "and we also find pride and inse- neurological process...that connects us ishment. Materialism has taken us to

34 • commonGround • APRIL 2004
MAY 4 MAY 13 MAY 26 MAY 31 - JUNE 12 SUNDAYS Community Centre. Four Wed.
The Wesak Legend: A celebra- Broadcaster Rafe Mair will Healing Class: Learn tech- Permaculture Design Course The Centre for Spiritual Living evenings: May 19 & 26, Jun. 2 &
tion of unity in a war-torn world, speak at the $35-a-plate Kettle niques you can use to heal your- Winlaw, BC. Learn practical skills Inspired by Deepak Chopra and 9. $80/series. Call Marina for info
with a n introduction t o Luncheon 11:30 a.m. May 13th at self and others. Eight-week class. to design & implement sustain- Louise Hay? You'll love our and registration, 604-733-7524.
Transmission Meditation. 7 pm, Astorino's. For tickets, call 251- 7:00pm. CDM Psychic Institute, able systems. K o o t e n a y Sunday Services, 11:00am.
Main Library. FREE. www.trans- 2801. 1114 W. Broadway, Vancouver. Permaculture Institute: permacul- Children welcome. 1443 W. 8th Buddhist Dharma talks with Information: 604-730-8788, 250.226.7302 Ave, Vancouver, 604.321.1225 Acariya Doug Duncan. May 5 MAY 15 www.csIvancouvercom "Unfolding Through Games,"
Experience wholeness direct- MAY 26 & JUN 1 May 12 "Senses For Awakening,"
MAY 5 ly! Experiential awakening work- Free Core Belief Engineering JUNE 2 SUNDAYS . May 1 9 "The Five Spiritual
The Boucher Institute o f shop w i t h B u r t Harding Orientation Learn about this Festival Of Humanity: Justice Celebration of Life Centre. Faculties." 7:30pm, Integra Yoga
Naturopathic Medicine invites (Ramana powerful, gentle approach t o through Sharing, a panel discus- Sharing the Science of Mind & the Centre (Cambie W17th), $10.
the public to our Clinic Open Maharshi lineage), 10am - 5pm, change. Discussion includes psy- sion and an introduction t o Religion o f Heart 10:30AM Crystal Mountain Society 604-
House from 4:30 to 7:30pm. 200- 5489 Larch St, $45/ pre-registra- chotherapy options and career Transmission Meditation. 7 pm, Guided Meditation 11AM - 951 -0438
668 Carnarvon Street, New tion, $ 50/ door. Jerry - play- direction 7 : 3 0 — 9:30pm. Main Library. FREE. www.trans- Service & Junior Church. Jericho
Westminster. fair@radiantnet, 604-736-4330. (604)536-7402 Email: eroselle- Hill Centre, 4196 W4th, 604-731- 3384 SATURDAYS
MAY 5 & 11 MAY 16 JUNE 3-6 Healing Circle Saturday nights
Free Meditation Classes. May 5 Tranquility in Times of Turmoil. MAY 28 Core Belief Engineering Basic MONDAYS at 5:00 PM for healers and body
(7 pm) Collingwood Neighbour- Burnaby Baha'i Community Indian Classical Music Concert Course Learn how to transform Trager® B o d y w o r k -Mind workers. Meditation, sharing cir-
hood House, 5288 Joyce & May invites everyone to afternoon of of Kankana Banerjee (Vocal) - dis- limiting core beliefs in this mind- Approach: painless deep tissue & cle and snacks. By donation. Hale
11 (6:30 pm) Richmond Cultural poetry 2pm, Burnaby Village ciple of the great Ustad Amir expanding four-day course in energy work. Free short demos: Ole a place o f healing.
Centre, 180-7700 Minoru Gate. 1 - Museum, 6501 Deer Lake Ave. Khan - with world renowned White Rock. Information / regis- 2:30-5pm. Finlandia Pharmacy, 604.431.7474
877-566-9849, Heather 6 0 4 . 4 5 4 . 9 7 5 2 Swapan Chaudhuri (Tabla) and tration (604)536-7402. 1964W. Broadway. B y Louise
www.burnabybahaLcom Ramesh Misra (Sarangi) present- Morin, CTP, 688.5838. ONGOING
MAY 7, 11, 13, JUNE 4 ed by Virasat Foundation a t JUNE 4-6 Free Meditation workshop:
Sacred Moments. Spiritual MAY 16 Surrey A r t s C e n t r e o n Creating Sacred Space work- Buddhist Dharma talks with Experience kundalini awakening
reflection and multifaith prayer Psychic Fair from 1:00 - 5:00 pm. May/28/2004 at 7:30pm. Call shop w/ Selene Vega, coauthor: Acariya Doug Duncan. May 3 through Sahaja Yoga, as taught
with music. Theme: "Knowledge" Aura, rose, female, couples and 604-897-4512 o r s e e Sevenfold Journey. Explore & "Unfolding Through Games," by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.&
*Fri 07.05.2004 7pm Metrotown family readings available. CDM integrate guided meditations & May 10 "Senses For Awakening," enjoy your Powers at our Weekly
Library (6100 Willingdon Ave) Psychic Institute, 111 4 W . ritual to balance & centre your May 1 7 "The Five Spiritual classes, always free and open to
"Tue 11.05.2004 8pm Cameron Broadway, V a n c o u v e r . MAY 28, 29 life. Early registration price. Faculties." 7:30pm, St. Andrew's all. 604 597-8440
Rec. Centre (9523 Cameron St.) Information: 604-730-8788. Percy Schmeiser speaking and Wesley United Church, 1012
"Thu 13.05.2004 7pm McGill gala fundraising dinner. Powell Nelson (@ Burrard) $10. Crystal
Library (4595 Albert St.) *Fri MAY 16, 18, 20, 25, 27, River, BC. Dinner $25, including JUNE 12-13 Mountain Society 604-951-0438 Hakomi Therapy and Trainings
04.06.2004 7pm Metrotown JUNE 1, 3, 4. speech. After dinner speech only How To Love Yourself. Louise Individuals, Couples and Small
Library ( t h e m e : J u s t i c e ) Opening t o H e a r t $15. Billeting can be arranged. L.Hay based workshop. Self-dis- Groups Jeff
Sponsored by Burnaby Baha'i Consciousness. Satsang with Info: 604-485-9134 covery works. Call Liz Robitaille TUESDAYS Chernove 604.952.4190
Community. Ramana. Weekend Intensive 604-986-5321. Reflexology Student Clinic ses-
Heather 6 0 4 . 4 5 4 . 9 7 5 2 May 29/30 & June 5/6. Private MAY 29 sions - only $15. Evenings only. Groups f o r Exploring Self
www.burnabybahaLcom sessions available. For info on Lotions, Locks & Lips— create JUNE 19-20 By appointment. Pacific Institute Journaling, A r t Therapy f o r
venues, times & bookings, call your own body care products. Raymon Grace, healer, shaman, of Reflexology. 604.875.8818 Everyone, Art Therapy for Sexual
MAY 8 Julia 1-250-595-7379 or email Supplies included, $451-3pm dowser, recently heard o n Abuse Survivors. Call for info &
Shamanic Drumming Circle: FreeSpirit Books #3 — 2773 CoasttoCoast, 'The Power Of a WEDNESDAYS dates. Contact Diane Auld
Journeywork t o contact spirit Barnet Hwy, Coquitlam Pre- Focused Mind' workshop i n The Healing Bodywork Centre 604-218-9341
animal guardians. Drums sup- MAY 17 & JUN 7 Register by calling 604-941-3755 Victoria. Email Joy at innersoul- offers a "Pamper your Partner"
plied. Newcomers welcome. Taurus & Gemini Astrological . S e e evening every last Wednesday of CORRECTION
7pm. Full Moon Fire Circle May Dinners. J o i n H o s t Teresa MAY 29 the month. 604.737.8350 Correction regarding "Sacred
4. Donation. 604.418.9636. Waclawik with talk by Astrologer Dru Yoga - Release Your Spaces, Sacred Places" Apr.10,
www.shamanichealinginfo. Jason Lazar a t Brock House Unlimited Potential 10.30am - JUNE 19 West C o a s t School o f Shadbolt Centre, Burnaby.
Restaurant. Dinner, door prizes & 4pm $75 Skillful living - learning Psyche & Soul Conference at Shamanic Studies & the Living Presenter not yet qualified to
MAY 8 - 9 entertainment. T o reserve: to access your strength, optimize the West Coast Institute of Mystic Arts presents an introductory practice architecture in Canada.
Mother's Day Psychic Fair - 604.732.5538 & trust your own resources Arts. A day of personal growth, series a t t h e Roundhouse Burnaby Baha'i Community apol-
11am - 5pm. HALF PRICE for Information / Bookings 604-876- psychic development & spiritual ogizes for misunderstanding.
MOMSwhen a son/ daughter has MAY 21 - 23 5153 healing. 10am-4pm ADVANCE
asession. Many tarot readers & Dru Meditation For Success Tickets: $55 (Tickets are limited)
psychics. Half hour sessions $25 (Residential $350) BeautifulMAY 30 - JUN 3 604-982-0099 May Birthday Luminaries
each. Free refreshments. No pre- Principles o f M i n d -Body
Rivendell Retreat Centre, Bowen
registration. Held upstairs from Integration workshop w/ Anodea JULY 9 - AUG 1
Island Essential meditation skills
Judith author of Eastern Body, Yoga Teacher Training with Mother Jones (Mary Harris Jones), May 1, the labour
Reflections Bookstore a t the for effective practice in daily
Oasis Wellness Centre, 1111 Western Mind. Great for healing Donna Farhi in S.Surrey, July 9-23
Iife.Further Information & book- leader, humanitarian activist against child labour.
Austin Ave . ( a t Marmont) ings 604-922-4067 art practitioners. Early registra- & July 25-August 1, 2004 (follow
Coquitlam. For info call (604) tion price available ravenandthe- up module). For information con- Florence Nightingale, M a y 12, public health pioneer,
939-6000 MAY 22-23 & 28-29 tact Leila @ 604-536-7894 or
Aura-Soma Colour Therapy. established nursing as a profession. Healer of poor and
MAY 12, 13, 14 Certified first level training - MA Y 31 war torn everywhere.
Health and Wellness Lecture North Vancouver - w i t h P. Meditation Class: Learn to JULY 11-17
by Nobel Prize Nominee, Dr. Joel Danielle Tonossi, Aura-Soma reduce stress and consciously cre- Tai Chi Retreat on Saltspring Gro Harlem Brundtland, May 20, prime minister o f
Wallach, author of 'Dead Doctors TeacherASIACT. For info visit our ate what you want. Eight-week Island, BC. Yang style, qigong,
Don't Lie'. Health Secrets we website: www.crystalgardenspir- class. 7:00pm. CDM Psychic weapons, push hands, beginners Norway, feminist, conservation activist, won the Living
need t o know. 3 lectures, or email: welcome@crys- Institute, 1114 W. Broadway, forms, calligraphy. s e v e n - Legacy Award in 1990. Vancouver. Information:
health for details. Free. Pre-reg- 604-730-8788 (250)537-5667 Rachel Carson, May 25, scientist, conservation activist,
ister: 604-329-8891
sevenstars/ and the author of Silent Spring.

Concerned about health effects of MERIDIAN INTRO SPECIAL FOR NEW STUDENTS
Electromagnetic Fields? P I L AT E S S T U D I O $99* for 9 weeks unlimited
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Hypnosis Career Training
Part time or full time income. Class
start on May 8, 9 in Richmond. Call
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Introducing Sacred Lotus
Top Quality, Huge Discounts. Call 'Choir on Fire' Thursdays 7:30pm
about weekly specials and home Trinity-St. Mark's 1805 Larch St.
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1.888.618.2211 o r www.island-
delivery Ashley: 604.862.3940 Contact David to join this inclu-
M a y 2004 by Ilona Hedi Granik
sive, n o n -audition c h o i r .
WANTED 604.685.0551 davidabluelotus-
Registered Massage Therapists HEALTH & HEALING ARIES (March 21 - April 19) body fueled and your mind informed.
and/or C e r t i f i e d H o l i s t i c Concerned about your exces- You have tossed ideas around Haste is not for you as you step into bal-
Practitioners. Brick and beam stu- sive u s e o f prescription SUCCESS TRAINING
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friendly; a multidisciplinary clinic.
Please call (604) 646.0199 for more confronting things. You won't
Phone: Len 604.274.6923
more details. HEALTH PRODUCTS accomplish something if you don't SCORPIO (October 23 -
Ladies! Never Use TAI CHI engage in the motions of success. November 21) You're in a
EDUCATION Tampons I Pads Again
For a liberating approach t o Beginner Classes Serendipity meets with a firm handshake place now of allowing oth-
Pacific Academy feminine h y g i e n e , v i s i t Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm, Canadian and all the laws of attraction are in ers to ask you for help. Your kind nature
of Thai Massage Level 1 1.866.444.3482 Memorial Centre. 1825 West 16th place.
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FLOWER ESSENCES Classes / Individual / Corresp- Remember how the silver lin- new day and you will get your just
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Australian Bush, Chakra Sound, Healthy Coffee - tastes great! Career Orientation. Phone / The process of elimination is in the
Findhorn, Korte Phi, Masters, South With Ganoderma, "The King of Person Readings. 604.739.0042
African Essences. Practitioner Herbs" Distributors Wanted works and what you truly don't need is SAGITTARIUS (November
Rates Available. Australian Bush TEA gone. All things sacred will stand the test 22 - December 21)
Flower Workshops- Levels 1 & 2 604.527.9945 Tea So Heavenly
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Ultra-Premium & Well-Priced
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call toll free 1-866-477-6779.

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esteem. Body: health, pain, weight The animals teach us about celebration and a daily dose of spiritual
FOR SALE loss. Social: studies, goals, career. THERAPY I CO NSELLI
Spirit: angelic guidance, inner rest and recuperation. Take therapies will assist to make things clear-
Eco Community Acreage
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benchland; secluded yet minutes Hypnotherapist 604.431.0995 Individual, Couples & Family
Therapy. Hakomi Body-Centered / itself. The Buddha recline; and the cat ing healing in others.
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$10,000 down balance favourable Effective - Compassionate - Take action from a place of strength and
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terms. John - 604 985 5039 agility. You are not retreating but rather
Granville Island Psychic Studio RCCCHT Te1:604.230.4858 CAPRICORN (December 22 email: making choices that have holding power. - January 19) You have come
HEALING 604.734.3354
ni:I_In11.1:1k`11/4111. I I A a long way since the climb up Tea Leaf & Tarot Readings CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
Debbie Danbrook CDs at An Herbal Bliss Tea & Herb Co. Dis-ease Free the mountain began. The good thing is
Tel: 1-888-MUSIC-38 604.222.8800 Dis-ease occurs when energy Your gift of uncertainty is that you haven't looked back on your
channels are blocked. By remov- just that. Your instincts were way up. Your foresight and persistence
Healer / Medical ing the blockage the energy flows
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tested and you have arrived have paid off. You could donate to those
Vancouver and North Vancouver Tried Everything? Still Not freely, resulting in wellness & bal-
locations c a l l F r a n c e s ance. Let me help you release at a more solid awareness. The guidance in need as you now have more to offer.
604.929.7948 for appointments. Well? Eye analysis, natural health non-serving patterns & clear
assessment 604 684 9755 Certified these blockages. Call today Erika you feel is real. The hand of kindness Coins are tumbling out of your pockets.
HEALIN A R T Iridologist, herbalist 604-590-4336 gently touches you. There are surprises
on the loose and coming your way. AQUARIUS (January 20 -
British psychic in Vancouver,
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February 19) The light goes
off in your head while you
Jewish Meditation
hurts, worthlessness, helplessness,
cravings, lack of motivation to
advertise. Your beliefs are being chal- plunge into new projects. You
workshops / classes exercise, safety issues. Low Rates. Common lenged. Surrender seems have your mind and heart working in
Khatun M a n j i , C l i n i c a l or 604.733.2215 close at hand. You could tandem. Ready to share with those who
m/ Hypnotherapist, 604-431-0995.
blow off the dust in the library that you know your talents, you reap what you
have accumulated. Lick your wounds sow and what a garden it is.
and clear the decks for a revised version
An affordable alternative... of yourself. A l t o P I S C E S (February 20 - March
20) You know the glass is nei- traditional massage training! d V I R G O (August 23 - ther half empty nor half full
September 22) You feel like but that to you, there is no glass. Feeling
Try this short, affordable certification you need to start from scratch uncomplicated by comparisons you dare
course in chair massage for general as the neglected parts of you are rising to go beyond dreaming. The wool that
interest or as a career - you'll love it or up. People around you will state the was pulled over your eyes has now been
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your heart. Grab the opportunity to tell sense of freedom and clarity reigns
Classes available throughout British others what you want. Be bold! supreme.
Columbia, Ontario and Quebec.
Vancouver classes starting soon. LIBRA (September 23 - Ilona Hedi Granik is a clairvoyant con-
October 22) Focus on health sultant and author with 29 years of expe-
2 4 - h o u r message: 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 0 7 - 4 0 1 3 matters and cleansing. The rience in astrology, multi-media art and
test may be how to keep your healing.
w w w. c h a i r m a s s a g e t r a i n i n g . c o m

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Canada's p r e m i e r n u t r i t i o n a l
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20 years down the road. negative impact o n o u r fishing and ments in oil and gas.

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38 • CommonGoa • MAY 2004

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