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Celebrating Our 22nd Anniversary

"If s meone thinks that love

and pe ce is a cliche that must
hav been left behind in the
si ties, that's his problem.
Love and peace are eternal."
October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980
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Inspiring personal growth
by Joseph Roberts
Joseph Roberts: You have an incred- like a tide, is the rise of a real intelligentsia humans." Other groups were considered
ible overview from decades of direct and it's a human one that we're finding in non-human and that's still to be found in
experience in various personal growth every culture that has to do with what I some of the political mythologies that we
movements. What has happened over call level seven thinking, a deeper under- hear spoken pretty widely in camps that
fight each other.
spirithouse the last 40 years and where are we standing.
now? It's a focus on world culture and the If we look at the rise of different defi-
Marilyn Atkinson: I think that as we rise of a real interest in developing the nitions of what it means to be human
THAI PRODUCT TRADE we find i t can mean to have enough
enter the 21st century we're entering a world, our communality in and around

new area of human development. I was even our differences. But the focus of success to go out and build your own
part of the gestalt movement in the level seven culture—well, let me explain a entrepreneurial system, or to follow the
'60s and spent time with Fritz Perles, bit about spiral dynamics first. right political ideology, or it means you're
and then in the '70s with Virginia Satir. Spiral dynamics is the study of value politically correct in terms of taking care
I explored a lot of different spiritual systems or value means. They're huge of other people, but only the way you're
paths— Sufi and Buddhist teachings. streams of values, like currents that go supposed to according to your group.
I worked with the primal approach to through the oceans, the big ones, to Japan I think what's coming out of the new
psychology. "level seven" currents is a
I was very much inter- focus on innovation and the
ested in the whole rise of human capacity for creative
the commitment frame in thinking that can redefine our
large personal workshops relationships productively,
where people said, "Hey, I flexibly and with love.
can take my life in my hands JR Who are some of the
and move forward here." people that helped create this
So, I developed my own new renaissance?
seminars through those MA I spent a lot of time
years, working with NLP working with Fritz Perles,
. and Ericksonian hypno- spent two summers as his
spurt season therapy, solution-focused direct student. And also I
worked with Virginia Satir,
methods and accelerated•
The belief in nature spirits is as learning, and those were who was a brilliant relation-
old as human kind. Thai teak- all major learning frames ship specialist.
wood spirit houses are a unique for me and a lot of other JR How so?
way to bring a guardian spirit into people. But we are in a new MA She was so able to step
your life for harmony, good era now. The 21st century inside someone else's feelings,
fortune and protection. Sure to is different. thoughts and emotions and
delight that special gardener, JR How is it different? try them on herself and then
MA First of all right now reflect them back. She was a
home decorator or nature lover,
the pressure for change is true rapport specialist, some-
and excellent as a house warming one who understood deeply
or wedding gift. huge. The rise of China and
India, all sorts of different how to take someone else's
cultures melding into one point of view. Thus she was
global stream, has created able to do some things that,
a conversation. The con- for me, led to deep learning.
versation is on the internet. • One was her capacity to
It's happening between us work with family groups
all. And that's never been where everyone was in tur-
that way before. There's an moil and evaluating each
over-culture now forming other. She'd create a sculpture
on the globe that has everybody in on or England, that bring a whole tide of out of their body posture. She'd stop
the same conversations. Afghanis off new experience. With that, of course, everybody like statues as they were argu-
in their corner know a lot more about comes all the superstructure—the clothes, ing and say, "Just hold your posture" and
the world than 15 years ago. the music, the thought systems, the inter- get mama who was down on her knees
gift ideas JR While traveling and teachings
around the world, how do you see the
est in certain kinds of learning, habitats with her hands open up towards daddy
—everything goes with these streams. to hold it and exaggerate it until it looked
The Spirithouse is a treasure over-culture emerging? For example, Ikea is found all over the like she was beseeching the world towards
trove of unique hand-crafted MA This last month I was teach- world. And it's not just good marketing. It the daddy who was pointing his finger
made-in-Thailand goodies. We ing in central Russia, in London and has to do with people's ideas about what's with his growly face and his eyebrows
Norway as well as in various areas of intelligent design. There's an understand- furled, while little brother reached over
stock a wide range of home ing of intelligence that's shifting, which just at that moment to tease big sister who
Canada and the US. Next week it's
decor, Buddha images, jewellery, is also visible in the current onslaught of was snarling in response. She'd stop them
cloth, wood and paper products. Erickson College is known through- ideas in the US as two cultural streams and have them all take a look around and
. • out Russia. We have centres, and I collide. say, "Is this what it's like?"
was recently teaching in Ekaterinburg, MA What's emerging today is a new After they saw themselves they couldn't
the third largest city in Russia, and focus on what it means to be human and do that anymore, so she had a capacity to
Voronezh a wonderful old city in the that has evolved into different kinds and turn old judgments into perceptions and
centre of Russia. We have a strong styles of learning, especially and includ- when we take something that we hold as a
Limit: one item per customer. Not to be combined with Erickson College established in St. ing the rise of coaching. conclusion but turn it into something we
any other offer. Expires: December 31, 2004. a
Petersburgh and Moscow. JR What does it mean to be human? can see, then we can change it. On some
JR What's emerging in Moscow? MA Well, that's a really good ques- level she understood that and she began
3673 West Broadway MA It's like Chicago in the '30s. tion. Our ancestors were part of little a deep understanding of working with
There are some things that are very warring groups that felt only their group people on a different level.
• 604-730-8310 much a play of black and white, rich was human, much like some of the tribes JR What was Fritz Perles like? like the Navaho— the word meant "the continued on page 18
and poor. Yet, what's coming through,

4 • o)mrnonGround•DECEMBER 2004
CommonGround ISSUE 161 DECEMBER 2 0 0 4 IN T H I S I S S U E
Publisher & Senior Editor • Joseph Roberts
Graphic Design • John William
Contributors • Robert Alstead • Crystal
Andrus • Guy Dauncey • Ishi Dinim • Clarissa Marilyn Atkinson interview—Joseph Roberts 4 Made for these times—Clarissa Pinkola Estes 9
Pinkola Estes • !Iona Hedi Granik • A.B.
Hansen • Tony Jordan • Ralph Maud • Vesanto We all shine on —John Lennon—Geoff Olson 6 Invisible Act of Power —Tony Jordan 11
Melina • Geoff Olson • Gwen Randall-Young The Man Who Saved My Soul—Geoff Olson Growing into soul—Gwen Randall-Young 12
Marya Skrypiczajko • David Suzuki
It's the Crude, Dude— Ralph Maud 11 My 22 favourites —Joseph Roberts 30
Contact Common Ground:
Phone: 604-733-:2215 F a x : 604-733-4415
Modern "temples" drown ancients—Robert Alstead 16
For out of area advertisers
call toll-free 1-800-365-8897 ENVIRONMENT
Falling—Twenty Something returns—Ishi Dinim 17
Editorial: Gift-giving ideas —Vesanto Melina 27 Criticism not contempt— David Suzuki 18
Common Ground Publishing Corp.
Office: 201-3091W. Broadway Deep hope—Guy Dauncey 19
Vancouver, BC V6K 2G9 Canada
Copies printed: 68,000
Over 250,000 readers per issue My journey; simply woman —Crystal Andrus 13 RESOURCE DIRECTORY 20
Survey shows 3 to 4 readers/copy.
Annual subscription is $6o (US$50) for
Agricultural dictatorship in Iraq—Marya Skrypiczajko 14 CLASSIFIEDS 28
one year (12 issues). Single issues are ZODIAC
Mrs. Schmeiser sues Monsanto—A.B. Hansen 14 28
$6 (specify issue #). Payable by cheque,
Visa, MasterCard, Interac or money order. Dietary dilemmas —Vesanto Melina DATEEIOOK 29
All contents copyrighted. Written permission from the
publisher is required to reproduce, quote, reprint, or
copy any material from Common Ground. Opinions VanCity awards $1 million for drug rehab 29
and views expressed in the articles do not neces-
sarily reflect those of the publishers or advertisers.
Common Ground Publishing Corp. neither endorses
nor assumes any liability for any and all products
or services advertised or within editorial content.
Furthermore, health-related content is not intended as
medical advice and in no way excludes the necessity
of an opinion from a health professional. Advertisers BPA
are solely responsible for their claims.
l00% owned and operated by Canadians.

Published 12 times a year in Canada.

We acknowledge the financial support of the I B R I T I S H COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION OF
Government of Canada, through the Canada 111) M A G A Z I N E PUBLISHERS
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Publications Mail Agreement No.40011171
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to
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Printed on recycled paper with vegetable-
based inks.

Photographer Gerry Deiter caught John Lennon in a
reflective moment in 1969. John was touching a Braille
watch given to him by a blind child who John had
asked, "If you are blind how do you tell the time?"
Digital editing in Photoshop by Geoff Olson. Another
of Gerry's great photos of the ex-Beatle accompanies
Olson's feature article We All Shine On: Remembering
John Lennon on the Anniversary of His Death. It's been
a long day's night and we have been working like a
dog making and unmaking cover designs... but in the
end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Peace on Earth and good will to all.


We all shine on CULTURE
by Geoff Olson

ne of the greatest discoveries I ever Ringo had—well, I was never quite sure York's Central Park for days afterward, anecdote is the "what if" scenario. Would
V../ made as a kid was on a trip to what constituency Ringo had — but for weeping and playing his songs. (As far the choice to appear on SNL have taken
Vancouver, visiting relatives. The pirate artists and angry-young-men-in-training, as celebrity worship goes, only Princess Lennon on a different route along fate's
treasure in this case was a Beatles record. John's caustic humour and cynical smarts Diana's death in 1997 could compare in garden of forking paths, away from Mark
Back home in Ontario, I had heard the made him a very agreeable model. public outpouring of grief. Both reac- David Chapman?
Fab Four's early stuff echoing out from The Beatles didn't exactly ride the tions were likely archetypal in origin. The Lennon's been gone nearly a quarter
my older sister's bedroom; Love Me Do, crest of a historical wave. The wave rode princess who dies young or falls into a century, but we still have his music and
Help, Ticket to Ride. But somehow their through them, and they released its ener- deep sleep is a central theme in fairy tales, film clips to remember him by. The man
1966 album Magical Mystery Tour had gies through song. And John Lennon was whereas Lennon wrote his own myth: a has become something of a cottage indus-
eluded my ears until the early seventies, the Big Kahuna, the guy hanging 10 on trickster figure whose musical sorcerery try for his estate, and while some have
when I discovered a cousin's scratchy the roiling breaker of sixties psychede- could command the global imagination, accused Yoko of a supposedly ghoulish
copy. • lia. By the time my Beatlemania hit full but could not protect him from the obses- exploitation of her husband's memory, she
A compilation of singles and b-sides, stride in my late teens, I had discovered sive attention of one fan.) has actually shown restraint and taste in
Magical Mystery Tour wasn't considered Tomorrow Never Knows from their 1966 Of all the anecdotes about John Lennon, the licensing of all things Lennon. (When
a "real" Beatles album by purists. I didn't album Revolver, in my f a v o u f i t e was the last time you heard Imagine used
know, and I wouldn't have cared if I did. which Lennon sings Lennon, like all great cul- involved the com- to pitch something? In fact, Yoko donated
What I recall is watching dust motes drift over a music track edy show Saturday its use to Amnesty International.) I say
in a shaft of sunlight in my aunt's living played i n reverse, ture heroes, was both of his Night Live. In April the more of the man, the better, so his
room, while four guys from Liverpool while reading lines time yet transcending it. A of 1976 the show's genius is not forgotten by a generation
flew me away on a vinyl disc. Penny Lane inspired b y t h e producer, L o r n e raised on Britney and boy bands. Take
and Fool on the Hill were terrific; but it Tibetan Book of the talent this prodigious mag- Michaels, appeared for example, The Beatles Anthology - an
was a few of the other songs, the offbeat Dead via Timothy
ones, that really captured my imagina- Leary. ("Turn o f f
nifies the possessor in the on national televi- expensive reliquary of image and song,
sion holding up a containing rediscovered fragments of St.
tion. I had no idea what Strawberry Fields your mind, relax and public eye; and here was a cheque made out John. As I type, I'm watching the much-
Forever referred to, but I was transported float downstream / to the Beatles for seen clip of the Beatles' recording All YoU
by the song's altered time signature. I Am It is not dying...") guy who had a mammoth $3,000. All they had Need Is Love. John and his bandmates are
the Walrus was even more indecipherable, The song still sound- ego to begin with. to do to claim it was in their Sergeant Pepper getups, and flow-
but I delighted in its word salad and lep- ed fresh when cov- to re-form briefly ers and confetti are scattered on the floor
rechaun chorus ("Expert textpert choking ered a decade later as a group and per- of the studio. The guitar-wielding Lennon
smokers, Don't you think the joker laughs by Electronica guru Brian Eno and Roxy form three songs on the show. Michaels sits on his stool, wearing granny spectacles
at you, Ha ha ha hee hee hee ho ho ho"). Music guitarist Phil Manzanera. It still probably didn't expect a serious response. and a handlebar mustache, chewing gum
For a child from the suburbs of Ontario, sounds weirdly timeless...and why not? But as it turns out, two of the ex-Beatles asa bugle strikes up the opening bars of La
the album seemed like something from It's about timelessness, after all. had struck up a truce of sorts at the time. Marseilles. Perhaps the opening was meant
another time, or another world. Too Speaking of things temporal, Lennon, "Paul and I were together watching that to cue the audience that this is going to be
young for the politics of the sixties, I Was like all great culture heroes, was both of show; Lennon said later in a Playboy another anthem—and indeed it was. The
old enough by the seventies to groove to his time yet transcending it. A talent this interview. "He was visiting us at our place song begins with one word repeated over
the music. Lenin-Marxism was for yippies prodigious magnifies the possessor in the in the Dakota. We were watching it and and over: "Love, love, love..." Lennon
protesting US imperialism; I had discov- public eye; and here was a guy who had a almost went down to the studio, just as a and McCartney had burned off the boy-
ered Lennon-McCartneyism. mammoth ego to begin with. A sense of gag. We nearly got into a cab, but we were meets-girl wrapping of past lyrics. This
I found that the Beatles songs I b e s t immortality clung to his image and music; actually too tired...He and I were just was a song about the flame itself.
were the ones penned mostly by the eldest that's why his death struck so many so sitting there, watching the show, and we The currency of the word "love" may
member. Paul had a fanbase of swooning sharply. When the Liverpudlian proved to went, "Ha ha, wouldn't it be funny if we have been deflated over time by the usual
teen girls, George had his constituency be all too flesh and blood on December went down? But we didn't." suspects .(Hollywood, the greeting card
among spiritual-minded introverts and 8, 1980, thousands milled about in New The most striking thing about that industry, Dr..Laura, et al). But back in the
mid-sixties, the Beatles were singing about
the real deal. They were first among sixties

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6 •CAmmonGround•DECEMBER 2004
(love of one for all) rather than eros (love there with his finest Beatles work. This
of one for another). was a joint effort from John and Yoko; his
Not all of Lennon's artistic efforts suc- tracks alternated with hers on the vinyl
ceeded. Like the trickster figures in all album. To avoid Yoko's rather interest-
mythologies, the singer/songwriter man- ing vocal stylings, you had to pick up
aged some embarrassing blunders. As the needle and move it to the next track.
the Beatles spiraled into bickering, legal The trickster from Liverpool had done it
wrangles, and a permanent split, Lennon again.
collaborated with his avante garde artist In interviews from this period, the for-
wife on the album Two Virgins. (I once mer Beatle said that his phone was being
had the opportunity to hear this effort, tapped, and that he was being tailed by
which competes with Lou Reed's Metal black cars he believed were from the FBI.
Machine Music for sheer unlistenability. (In October of this year the FBI was
Or perhaps I just didn't get it. ) ordered to release its files on Lennon with-
"The road of excess leads to the palace in a month's time.) One interpretation of
of wisdom," accord- this alleged inter-
ing to William Blake,
-and Lennon certain-
The Beatles didn't exactly est in the ex-Beatle
is that with Reagan
ly didn't shrink from ride the crest of a historical newly installed,
piloting his subma- US policymakers
rine-yellow R o l l s wave. The wave rode through were nervous with
toward fame's slip- them, and they released its Lennon's re-emer-
pery slopes. A messy gence as a public
heroin addiction energies through song. figure, given his
was accompanied by • previous involve-
some questionable career decisions. John ment in the peace movement and various
went off drugs, annotating the experienceleft wing causes a decade earlier. And files
in the 1969 howl, Cold Turkey, and joined reveal there had been a high level interest
Yoko in exploring Arthur Janov's primal in Lennon earlier. Some speculate that
scream therapy. Echoes o f his magical his 1971 song John SinClair was the spark
misery tour are-heard-on the brilliant 1971 for the FBI's watch list, eventually leading
album John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band. to the Nixon administration's efforts to
Mother is d howl of pain about childhood deport him. Sinclair was given 10 years in
separation, while.. Working Class Hero is a prison for selling two joints to an under-
bitter, clear-eyed remembrance of what cover officer. The song, performed at a
most British rockers chose to forget about benefit for Sinclair, contained the lyrics,
their beginnings.
Lyrically, Lennon was as unafraid of If he'dbeen a soldier man -
revealing his dark side as showing his Shooting gooks in Vietnam
light; and the contrast enabled him to If hewas the CIA
move from the self-loathing pyrotechnics Selling dope and making hay
of the White Album's Yer Blues to the He'd be free, they'd let him be
limnal vulnerability of Imagine's Jealous Breathing air, like you and me.
Guy. But what we sometimes forget about
the eldest Beatle is that he didn't just More than any one song, it is Lennon's
sing about peace; he was an active force catalogue that empowers the frequent
for it. With millions watching, John and description of him as a genius. In an
Yoko performed Give Peace a Chance live interview from the time he said, "When
from a Montreal hotel room, joined by real music comes to me — the music
such luminaries such as Timothy Leary, of the spheres, the music that surpasses
'Ibmmy Smothers and Allen Ginsberg. understanding— that has nothing to do
In December of 1972, Lennon record- with me, 'cause I'm just the channel. The
ed Happy Xmas (War Is Over) with the only joy for me is for it to be given to me,
Harlem Community Choir. John and and to transcribe it like a medium...those John and Yoko's artful Christmas 'War is Over, If You Want It" public art is poignant in
these time. Common Ground's editor Joseph Roberts, who imagined and coordinat-
Yoko accompanied the song's release with moments are what I live for." ed the 1982 Walk for Peace, climbed this billboard in front of the then newly opened
a global scattering of postcards and bill- I slipped on some headphones recently Vancouver Public Library in appreciation. Merry Christmas, happy Hanukah, and may
boards reading " War Is Over (If You Want to take another listen to No. 9 Dream," peace be with you this blessed New Year. As their song Happy Xmas says, "Let's
It):' The song will be re-released this Dec. continued on page 8 hope it's a good one, Without any fear, War is over, if you want it, War is over now."
9, the anniversary of its first release and
the day after Lennon's death.
Away from Yoko in Los Angeles in the MERIDIAN
mid-seventies, Lennon spent a "lost week-
end" that went on for several months, par- P I L A T E S S T U D I O LTSPR I NG
tying with pals Harry Nilsson and Ringo asTge ‘...)
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By 1980, Lennon returned from his self- Yoga Teacher Training
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was that Lennon still had it. Tracks like w w w. b o d i t r e e p i l a t e s . c o m
Watching the Wheels and Woman were up PH 6 0 4 - 7 3 0 - 4 0 9 4 FAX 6 0 4 - 7 3 0 - 4 1 7 4
DECEMBER 2004 • OmmonGround • 7
continued from page 7 more rotation on the radio than any
from his "lost-weekend" album, Walls and other of the ex-Beatle's solo recordings.
Bridges. I never quite got this tune, but In a time when ignorant armies dash on a LENNONIN QUOTES
then it hit me; Lennon is describing a shared plain of religious fundamentalism, "Idon'tintendtobeaperformingfleaanymore. I "I think thebasicthingnobodyasks is why do
spiritual encounter. He hears a whispering the song has even greater relevance today. wasthedreamweaver,butalthough I'll be aroundpeopletakesdrugsofanysort?Andthat question
voice call out his name, and feels "sudden But whatever you think of the political or Idon'tintendtoberunningat20,000milesan hourhastoberesolvedbeforeyoucanthink,well, what
hot, sudden cold," as "music touches my religious sentiments, the central message tryingtoprovemyself. I don'twanttodieat 40." canwedo for thepoordrugaddict?Whydo we
soul:' Literal or metaphorical? Drug trip, is clear: think and feel for yourself, don't havetohavetheseaccessoriestonormalliving to
dreamscape, or something else? Whatever allow anyone to do your imagining for "Iusedto becruel to mywoman,and physically live?Imean,istheresomethingwrongwith society
he's on about, the lyrics seem to be more you — including some hirsute character - anywoman. I wasa hitter. I couldn't express that'smakingussopressurized,thatwecannot live
than just I Am the Walrus wordplay. with little round spectades. The. singer/ myselfandI hit. IfoughtmenandI hitwomen. Thatwithoutguardingourselvesagainst it?"
Lennon appears to be describing an expe- songwriter rejected all gurus, all isms, iswhyIamalwaysonaboutpeace,yousee.It is the
rience so intimate induding the hagi- mostviolentpeoplewhogoforloveand peace." "Theonlytimewetookdrugswaswhenwe were
and strange he can who better to convey a classicography that sur- withouthopeandtheonlywaywegotoutof it was
only communicate shamanic experience than rounded himself "Everything'stheopposite.ButIsincerely believe inwithhopeand if wecansustainthehopethen we
it i n song, asking and his bandmates. loveandpeace.Iamaviolentmanwhohas learned don'tneeddrugs,liquororanything.But ifwe lose
over and over, "Was a real shaman — the type St. John was actu- nottobeviolentandregretshisviolence.I will havehope,whatcanyoudo?Whatisthereto do?"
it just a dream?" defined by anthropologists ally no saint at all, tobea lot olderbefore I canfacein public how I
But who better to and Lennon himself treatedwomenasa youngster." "We'vegotthis gift oflove,butloveis like a pre-
convey a dassic sha- as the visionary who often was the first to say ciousplant.Youcan't justaccept it andleave it in
manic experience so (see sidebar). He "Mydefencesweresogreat.Thecockyrockand roll thecupboardor just think it's goingto geton by
than a real shaman
doesn't fit in well with the was a flawed human herowhoknowsalltheanswerswasactuallya terri-itself.You'vegottokeepwatering it.You'vegat to
—the type defined rest of the tribe? being like all the rest fiedguywhodidn'tknowhowtocry. Simple." reallylookafter itandnurture it"
by anthropologists of us, doing his best
as the visionary who often doesn't fit in to figure out the world and his place in it. "PartofmesuspectsthatI'maloser,andthe other"Whenyou'redrowning,you don't say 'I would
well with the rest of the tribe? "I'm not "It's quite possible to do anything, but partofmethinksI'mGodAlmighty." beincrediblypleased if someonewouldhave the
going to change the way I look or the way I not to put it on the leaders and the parking foresighttonoticemedrowningandcomeand help
feel to conform to anything," Lennon said meters,' the animated Liverpudlian told "Peoplealwaysgottheimage I wasananti-Christme,'youjust scream."
in his interview with Playboy. "I've always interviewer David Sheff shortly before his orantireligion. I'mnot.I'mamostreligious fellow.
been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life death. "You have to do it yourself. That's IwasbroughtupaChristianandI onlynow under- "Youhavetobeabastardtomake it, and that's
and I have to live with that, you know. I'm what the great masters and mistresses have standsomeof thethingsthatChristwassaying in afact.AndtheBeatlesare thebiggest bastards
one of those people:' been saying ever since time began. They thoseparables.Becausepeoplegothookedon the onEarth."
Whatever No. 9 Dream means, we have can point the way, leave signposts and teacherandmissedthemessage.All this bit about
a better angle on the singer/songwriter'slittle instructions in various books that electingapresident.Wepickourowndaddyout of "Now,in thesixtieswewerenaive, like children.
intent in the hit single Imagine, from the are now called holy and worshiped for the adogpoundof daddies." Everybodywentback to theirrooms,and said,
1971 album of the same name. cover of the book and not for what it says, 'Wedidn't get awonderfulworld of just flowers
but the instructions are all there for all to "IbelieveinGod,butnotasonething,notas an andpeaceandhappychocolate,and it won't be
Imagine there's no heaven see, have always been and always will be. oldmanin thesky. I believethatwhatpeople call justprettyandbeautiful all the time,' and just
It's easy if you try There's nothing new under the sun. All Godissomethingin all of us. I believethat whatlikebabieseveryonewentbackto theirrooms and
No hell below us the roads lead to Rome. And people can- JesusandMohammedandBuddhaandall the rest sulked.'We'regoingtostayinourroomsand play
Above us only sky not provide it for you. I can't wake you up. saidwasright. It's just that thetranslations haverockandrollandnotdoanythingelse,because the
You can wake you up. I can't cure you. You gone wrong." world'sa horribleplace,because it didn'tgive us
On one level it's a just an exceptionally can cure you." everythingwecried for.' Right?...well,crying for it
hummable time from a former Beatle. On This wasn't just some forgettable senti- "Youcan'tcheatkids. If youcheatthem whenwasn'tenough.Thethingthesixtiesdidwas show
another, it's an unflinching prayer for ment about positive self-esteem or per- they'rechildrenthey'llmakeyoupaywhen they'reusthepossibilitiesandtheresponsibilitythatwe all
• p e a c e that locks our responsibility for one sonal power. It echoes a previous message 16or17byrevoltingagainstyouorhatingyou or had.It wasn'ttheanswer.It justgaveusa glimpse
another firmly in this world. But above attributed to another longhaired peace allthoseso-calledteenageproblems. I think that'softhe possibility."
all, Imagine is about the primacy of the freak: finallywhenthey'reoldenoughtostandupto you
individual imagination over second-hand "the kingdom of heaven is within you." andsay, 'what a hypocriteyou'vebeen all this "Realityleavesalot tothe imagination."
belief systems, induding those based on And that, my friends, is why John Lennon's time.You'venevergivenmewhatI really wanted,
exploitation of others: most memorable songs still move us, whichis you "You'rejust leftwithyourselfallthetime, whatever
young and old—because they strike that youdoanyway.You'vegot to getdownto your
Imagine no possessions deepest chord, the beauty within us all. societyis run byinsanepeople for insaneownGodin yourowntemple. It's alldownto you,
I wonder if you can. objectives. I thinkwe'rebeingrunby maniacs formate."
No need for greed or hunger Well we all shine on maniacalendsandI thinkI'mliabletobeput away
A brotherhood of man Like the moon and the stars and the sun asinsaneforexpressingthat.That'swhat's insane"Life iswhathappenswhenyouarebusy making
Yeahwe all shine on about it." other plans."
Imagine became a huge hit. It still gets Come on! — Instant Karma

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DECEMBER2004 • CommonGround 9
Father Joe: The Man Who Saved
My Soul
Book review by Geoff Olson

r r ony Hendra's spiritual memoir starts Mary meant folk. To me it meant the two but the soul-searching correspondence
International College of
1 off with a literal hang, as he recalls top apostles and the Mother of Christ... and occasional meetings with Father Joe
Traditional Chinese
having an affair with a married woman They were eyeing the emerging schism never ceased.
Medicine of Vancouver
at the age of 14. When the husband, between Mod and Rocker and wondering Father Joe remained a rock in Hendra's
ARewarding Career in a devout Catholic, which way to jump in storm-tossed life, responding to his ques-
discovers t h e t w o the crucial matter of tions on life, war, God, sex and sin with a
Natural Health Care! embracing i n h i s hair; i couldn't wait Socratic wit and a loving concern. What
kitchen, he hauls off to shave a bald spot makes Hendra's spiritual memoir so
Diploma programs towards: Tony to the one man in mine." appealing is that Father Joe comes across
he believes can save
✓Doctor of TCM the young fornica-
Some o f these on the page as an enlightened presence: a
schoolboy associates nonjudgmental soul of great compassion.
✓Licenced Acupuncturist soul: Father Joe.
tor's went on to become In a time when Catholicism's darker side
At first glance, Dom well-known public is getting a well-deserved caning, Hendra's
✓Licenced Herbalist Joseph Warrilow, who figures such as cos- book is both a benediction and a caution;
had lived all his adult mologist Fred Hoyle we're reminded that every organized reli-
✓Licenced TCMP life in a Benedictine and an "inarticulate gion has both its asses and its assets.
monastery on the Isle - homunculus named Hendra himself comes off less admi-
of Wight, looked less Stephen Hawking?' rably than Father Joe. But as brutally
1Year Certificate Program like a saviour than The great utility o f honest as this memoir is—and it is beau-
a friar rendered by Hawking to his class- tifully written—it's been condemned as a
✓ Chinese Tui-Na & Reflexology Warner Brothers. He mates, Hendra writes, halfway measure in the auto-flagellation
had "big pink hands was h i s speed-of- department. Upon publication, Hendra's
Classes Start: like rock lobsters stick-
ing out from frayed
light understanding 30-year-old daughter accused her father
of math and physics. of sexual abuse. I f this is more than
Jan. 10, 2005 black cuffs...a fleshy "He usually had the familial opportunism, it raises the ques-
triangular n o s e . . . homework finished tion whether a piece of literature should
gigantic ears, wings of by the end of lunch be judged by the same standards as the
Financial assistancemaybe available. gristle, at right angles to the rather pointy, hour, and the thuggier elements in his author. Is Hendra's memoir retrospec-
Weaccept transfer credits. close-shaven skull. The long rubbery lips class—including me—found it easy to per- tively damned by the hand that wrote it?
Accredited by the Private Post-Secondary were stretched in the goofiest of grins." suade him to share it. (I'm reminded of one
EducationCommission of BC. To paraphrase Waterboys singer Our math and phys- of my favourite authors,
Mike Scott, it was a wonderful disguise. ics marks were terrific, What makes Hendra's Arthur Koestler. Once
Underneath the cartoon countenance was until the inevitable spiritual memoir s o the equal t o George
faith's real deal. Father Joe, no "Cathaholic" day of the test, which Orwell as a political
PPSEC addicted to dogma, was radiant rather Hawking finished in appealing is that Father essayist and thinker, the
than wrathful, and offered Hendra guid- minutes and sat snuf- Joe comes across on the Hungarian author was
CLINIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ance rather than guilt. fling and grinning outed several years ago
✓ Teaching Clinic As a teen, Hendra had all sorts of mad and doodling for the page as an enlightened by biographer David
enthusiasms, most of which only lasted remainder of the hour, presence: a nonjudg- Cesarini as a violent
Free Consultation, a few weeks, usually due to the real- while the rest of us alcoholic and serial rap-
VeryLowCost on Treatments. ity principle of no money or mentors. sweated through the mental soul o f great ist.)
✓ Professional Clinic "I'd been an astronomer, archeologist, now incomprehensi- compassion. I n a time Whether such accu-
research chemist, brewer and vintner, race ble scientific runes." sations stick o r not,
Dr. Henry Lu. Ph.D., car mechanic, minimalist poet (twice), His enthusiasm for when Catholicism's Father Joe remains a
Dr. Laina Ho, DTCM numismatist, lepidopterist, reporter, con- the monastic life was darker side is getting 'a glowing presence i n
Wetreat pain, gynaecological cert pianist, angler, munitions expert, eventually abandoned these pages. The comic-
disorder, allergies, arthritis, de- operatic tenor, Olympic track and field for a comedic one. well-deserved caning, looking cleric strikes the
star, lumberjack and spelunker...Like all Hendra traded prayer Hendra's book is both a reader as one of the less
pression, other chronic conditions
my other teen dreams, the new identity for laughter; j o i n - objectionable birds in
andmuch more. was like a tailor's fitting as I turned this ing The Cambridge benediction and a cau- the aviary of organized
way and that to see how it looked in the Footlights, h e was tion; we're reminded religion: one who gives
Free mirror of self-consciousness." soon hanging out with wings to others by word
Info sessions on programs: Hendra was searching for the one guise future Python alumni that every organized and deed. I f Hendra
that would trump the rest. like John Cleese and ultimately fails to live
December The teen abandoned his identity as Graham Chapman.
religion has both its up fully to Father Joe's
2, 16, & 30, 2004 adulterer after a terrified introduction to Relocating to the US, asses and its assets. wit, warmth and wis-
what turned out to be the benignly smil- the might-have-been- dom, he still manages
2:00 - 4:00pm ing Father Joe. So impressed was Hendra monk became an edi- to lyrically convey the
by Joe's Christ-like response to sin, that tor of the humour magazine National soulfulness that went into the old bird's
Call: 7 3 1 - 2 9 2 6 he now had a real model to emulate. He Lampoon, and struck up friendships with efforts.
sums it up with the line, "i Was a Teenage the Saturday Night Live and Second City
201-1508 West Broadway, Monk." crowd. Hendra's talent as a satirist was in
Vancouver B.C. VO 1W8 Pursuing ,a monk's path seemed a high demand; by the eighties he was edi- Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My
bizarre career path for a teenage boy in tor of the irony-on-steroids Spy magazine,Soul, Tony Hendra, Random House,
Email: and starred in the musical mock-doc This $35.95. Vancouver writer and political
the early sixties. His schoolboy chums preferred the culture of rebellion and is Spinal Tap. Drugs, debauchery, and cartoonist Geoff Olson can be reached at
musical protest: "To them, Peter, Paul and doubt accompanied his worldly journey,
10 • commonGround • DECEMBER 2004
Invisible Acts of man $1.25 and finds out months later that
her act of kindness has transformed his

shattered life. A stranger who refuses aid
to a hungry man finds her take-out food
spoiled by evening. A mother who lost


her child to SIDS reaches out to another Learn skills
Book review by Tony Jordan
grieving mother and communicates an
unspoken understanding of mutual loss. to move your
I shall pass through this world but once.
Healers quietly reside in all of us, says
Myss. She retells her tale of healing while
life forward
I f therefore, there be any kindness I can boarding a plane: Struggling with a long-
show, or any good thing I can do, let me do INVISIBLE term back problem, Myss is unable to lift Weekend Certificates
it now... for I shall not pass this way again.
her heavy luggage. A burly fellow traveler inHuman Development
- Etienne de Grellet easily tosses her bag up into the storage
& Coaching
A uthor and intuitive Caroline Myss POWER NLP Practitioner, Visionary Business
Ericksonian Hypnosis,
A h e r kpakstothe
la The Art & Science of Coaching,
simple gift o f giving with stories from A rookie police officer gives Creative Strategies
Personal Choices
her email request to tell of invisible acts
That Create
a homeless man $1.25 and 16 Weekends
Starts January 8, 2004
of power. Myss opens her book with
tales of loss and redemption. finds out months later that
She was inspired by a tattooed and
her act o f kindness has 1-Year Coaching
pierced young man who unexpected-
transformed his shattered
ly helped a struggling older woman lift CAROLINE Call now to meet with an Enrollment
Advisor only a few seats remaining
heavy boxes. This act of invisible power life. for the January 3,2005 start
transformed Myss and so began her latest MYSS
book o f "creating miracles" by chroni-
cling acts of healing, loving kindness.
Hcst.t.11 1 t a h o r of Anertvue1 of the Sprit
uuJ Snered eviarruts Page after page is filled with endear-
The Art & Science
A nurse recounts how her faith was ing tales of healing, interwoven from the of Coaching
perspective of the giver and receiver. Each ICE Accredited Coach Training Program
restored during the lowest ebb of her life,
after divorce and the tragic loss of her person transformed. Next Program starts
in yourself," rather than dismissing her January 15, 2005
teenage son. Her supervisor said, "I am during a life crisis. Miracle meals delivered t o a single at the Justice Institute of BC
going to believe in you until you believe A rookie police officer gives a homeless mother with hungry children during the New Westminster Campus
holidays. Anonymous strangers drop off
money to those in dire need. Myss joyfully
Information Evening
It's the Crude, Dude
weaves her message o f faith, spirit and
hope. Exquisitely simple in its heart mes- Discover the power of coaching
sage, Invisible Acts of Power is a rare gem ...for yourself
for dark times. December 7, 2004
Book review by Ralph Maud 7pm to 9pm
Myss reminds us o f our necessity to
contribute at any level, be it miniscule or
T didn't myself think that the Iraq inva- He was replaced by the US sponsored Shah grand with the universal gesture of giving. December Evening Series
I s i o n was oil. I thought i t was new- Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. We can all be billionaires of kindness. That Start your holidays with the
fangled ideology about US world domi- Exxon was given free rein to set up a our humanity is woven together, some- gift of personal wonder
nation along with old-fashioned cro- monopoly situation in Saudi Arabia. The times tenuously, with an invisible thread
nyism in at the spoils. I imagined the Big Oil/CIA leverage on Iraq goes back a of love, made strong by action and care. Dream Work & Conciousness
US could always buy oil long way. And McQuaig Myss reminds us that Earth angels are Dec 1-2 $ 8 9
on the open market. Why scoffs at the idea that it's amongst us: tattooed, burly, gruff, gentle, Enneagram Exploration
would i t have to invade just coincidence that the kind and unexpected. Dec 14-15 $89
to get it? current administration's
But Linda McQuaig is first attempts t o impose Caroline Myss lives in Chicago, Illinois. Systemic Family Constellations
very persuasive. There is "democracy" on countries Invisible Acts o f Power, 2004, $35, Free a 2 and half day workshop
in collaboration
no writer o f greater per- should be o n countries Press, a division o f Simon & Schuster with Jane Petersen
suasive prose in the world crucial to US oil strategy. www. Dec 3-5 $260
today. She came within I was totally swayed by Tony Jordan, who works for Finlandia
Call to Confirm your spots
a hair o f convincing me McQuaig u n t i l the lat- Pharmacy in Vancouver, looks for seeds of
that oil is the overwhelm- est news report from the hope daily Erickson isPPSECAccredited.
ing motive f o r the Iraq interim Iraqi government Financing is available for all courses.
invasion. It's the difference that it is "currently con-
between buying o i l and ducting talks with an Irish Concernedabout health effects of
controlling oil supply. company, Petrel, to refur-
She goes back t o J.D. bish and develop oil instal-
Electromagnetic Fields?
Rockefeller and his lust to lations around Kirkuk and BEST queity,
monopolize US oil production: Tikrit." This is in keeping with the deci- lowest priced,
calibrated METERS E R I C K S O N
I f there is one thing that stands out in the sion that "the state-owned Iraqi National to measure electric,
history of the rise of Standard Oil, it is how Oil Co. will maintain the ownership o f magnetic fields, C O L L E G E
radio, microwave,
Rockefeller never hesitated to lie, cheat or existing assets" while "new activity" will radioactivity, ions, A HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
toss aside any code of fair play or common go to the private sector. But Petrel I have geomagnei ics. COMPANY FOR 2 0 YEARS
decency— not to mention observance of the never heard of. Where is Big Oil? There's
law—in his efforts to eliminate all competi- no mention o f Exxon. The US fights a Phone: 604-879-5600
tion (p. 169). war and Exxon gets bumped by this Irish PTSEC email:
And w i t h much evidence McQuaig group? Begorrah!
shows that Big Oil has been bullying in a 2021 Columbia St., Vancouver, BC,
like fashion ever since, and on an interna-
tional scale with the aid of the US govern-
Linda McQuaig's book It's the Crude,
Dude: War, Big Oil and the Fight for the
100 Bronson Ave., #1001
CanadaV5Y 3C9

ment. Mohammad Mossadegh, the popu- Planet is published by Doubleday Canada OTTAWA, Ont. K1R 6G8
lar prime minister of Iran, was gotten rid 2004, $35.95. Ralph Maud is a Simon Fraser Ph:1-888-639-7730
Fax: (613) 2 3 5 - 5 8 7 6
of because he nationalized the oil industry. University professor emeritus of English.

DECEMBER 2004 • ComeGround • 1 1

Growing into soul SPIRITUALITY
by Gwen

W e are an evolving species, and one endurance, for both the individual and pulsates through the outer regions of the happiness; consequently, they are "pro-
can easily recognize the physical the species. This would mark a major evo- universe, and the inner reaches of indi- evolutionary."
changes that have occurred since humans lutionary shift. vidual consciousness. Its human expres- Growing Into Soul: The Next Step in
began to walk this Earth. Changes in our That shift has begun, and its tremors sion is soul. Human Evolution is a guide to navigat-
abilities, and how we think are equally will touch us all. Findings of quantum The goal of this quest is no longer ing this evolutionary transition. There
evident. One only needs to observe a six physics suggest a cosmic intelligence at simply esoteric "enlightenment." Modern has recently been a great shift towards an
year old who is adept at using the com- the core of the uni- science demonstrates awareness of the collective consciousness;
puter to observe the dizzying rate at which verse: the substrate Through h u m a n coil- the impact o f our millions are seeking to appease their spiri-
humans adapt to technology, and how from which all else thoughts o n every tual hunger and connect with soul.
technology changes our thinking. manifests. ' Through sciousness, the universe can level o f physical While many are becoming increasingly
Weare on the threshold of another evolu- human conscious- reflect upon itself for the and mental health. familiar with these spiritual ideas on a
tionary shift, one that is critical to our sur-
ness, the universe can Simply p u t , ego- conceptual level, they still struggle to inte-
vival both as individuals, and as a species.reflect upon itself for first time. Each individu- based thoughts and grate them into "real life," applying them
In my new book, Growing Into Soul: The the first time. Each
Next Step in Human Evolution, I explain individual has access
al has access to... insight, behaviours are ulti- consistently in day-to-day living. Making
mately detrimental. the shift is difficult.
what this shift entails, and how we can con-to pure perception or but, according to physicist The negative effects As David Bohm says, the collectivity
sciously choose to step up to the next level.
insight, but, accord- extend t o physical does not yet have "the energy to reach the
Following are excerpts from the book with ing to physicist David
David Bohm, our low level health, interpersonal whole, to put it all on fire." The purpose of
more to come in the new year. Bohm, our low level of ego development deflects relationships a n d this book is to ignite within every reader
of ego development consequently, indi- the energy and intelligence to make this
Almost 30 years ago Jonas Salk wrote a deflects that insight. that insight. vidual and collective evolutionary shift.
book called Survival of theWisest, in which What is required to well being. Gwen Randall-Young is an •author and
he argued that in order for the human access this insight, or wisdom, is the ability Science is revealing startling evidence psychotherapist in private practice and a
species to survive and thrive in the second to transcend our own egos. Only then may of the effects of a more soul-based per- feature columnist for Common Ground
half of its growth curve, there would have we tap into, and become expressions of spective at the level of cells, bio-chemicals magazine. Her books and tapes are avail-
to be a shift in values and perspectives. that underlying order which exists every- and electrical impulses within the body. able at, or contact her at
Wisdom would overtake physical strength where, including within our own DNA. Thoughts and behaviours aligned with They may also be
as the primary predictor of evolutionary Cosmic intelligence is the energy that soul contribute positively to health and ordered through Banyen Books.

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12 •CommonGround• DECEMBER 2004

My journey H E A LT H & F I T N E S S
by Crystal Andrus

L I k e many people I stumbled upon Weighing close to 200 pounds when The next momingl dragged myself
success, never having planned to
design a life-management program or
write a weight-loss book. In my early
twenties I managed a chain of health
my first daughter was born, I never imag-
ined that gaining weight could so pro-
foundly affect my life. I had never lived
as a heavy person before or experienced
out of bed and headed out to run while
everyone else slept. I stopped several
times, heaving for breath. Shocked at
how out of shape I was, halfway down
P. S.
clubs, competed in fitness shows like the world through the road I turned
Ms. Galaxy, appeared in magazines and this larger body. It around and walked
on television and taught aerobics. By may sound shal- back. But, I began
most standards I had a great life. With low or trivial but I demanding more
long blonde hair, a great physique, and
a climbing career I appeared to be suc-
learned first hand
that life is incred-
for m y life and
refused t o f i n d
cessful and happy. But I always felt like ibly d i f f e r e n t comfort in a bag Ground is
something was missing. I was always when you are not of potato chips. I
striving for the next goal, never enjoying thin and beautiful. realized- that I was 100%
or even acknowledging the one I'd just
But, I loved my
baby and I tried
the •only one who
could give myself Canadian
Being fit was all about the outside image
and I was hard on myself. I put myself on
to convince myself
that it no longer
love, validation and
worth. Instead o f
owned &
insanely strict diet and exercise regimens mattered how I waiting for permis- operated.
for a few months and then once I was in looked. sion to live, I did
shape would eat whatever I wanted and Within a year, what I loved with- Do you like it
stop exercising. When I started to gain
a few pounds, I'd start my cycle all over
I was pregnant
again. With two
out compromising
my values or beliefs.
that way?
again. There was absolutely no balance in healthy daugh- Within six months,
ters, a committed I was running 10
Doyou like an indepen-
my life.
After a few years I grew increasingly husband and a kilometres, five or dent Canadian-owned
frustrated with the fitness circuit. I decid- beautiful home, I six days a week and and operated magazine
ed that maybe marriage and babies would should have been I weighed in at 121 separate from the US-
make me happier. Because I did everything happy, yet all I pounds. controlled media? What
with fierce determination, within no time could focus on was my weight. I was I have discovered that the process of are the essential differ-
I was married and pregnant tired, lonely, and searching taking care of yourself, being comfort- ences and values that you
with my first daughter. I was for something more, so I ate able in your own skin and demanding respect being a Canadian?
sure this "new life" would comfort food and watched more from your life opens the door to Weare Canadian media,
soon make me happy. Oprah. joy. Living with passion and follow- for Canada and by Cana-
Pregnancy was the perfect My breaking point final- ing your life path is the most effective dians. From the invasion
excuse to eat what I want- ly came one night as I sat weight-loss aid available to mankind.
ed and gain weight with- cuddled up in my rocking In fact, I sometimes wonder if my mes- of Iraq to so-called Free
out anybody judging me. I chair nursing my baby. I sage to women is even about weight Trade, cultural indepen-
craved greasy cheeseburgers realized that I didn't even loss at all. dence, and Star Wars II,
and ate them almost every know who I was or what I let us hear your views.
day. :My weight started to wanted for my life. Looking Crystal Andrus is a popular Canadian Call 604-733-2215 or
climb but I didn't care. I was down at my precious child fitness expert and motivational speaker.
sick of being so body beau- and thinking of my sleep- This article is the first in a 12-part series.
tiful. Eventually I quit my ing two-year-old, I realized
job and gave up exercising. I was cheating them. I was
No longer a career woman, no longer that dynamic,
I intended to be the perfect homemaker. positive woman I had once been. It was NORDIC PUT NEW LIFE FORCE
With immaculate floors and homemade time I treated myself with more respect
bread, I was adamant about doing this job and showed them that life was all about
impeccably. choices. BEFORE A F T E R
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DECEMBER2004 • lomonGrourkl• 13

Agricultural dictatorship in Iraq

by Marya Skrypiczajko

Economic imperialism o f the worst gist of this chapter is that Iraqi farmers material from transgenic canola and corn career working for large US agribusinesses
Lakind has hit Iraq with transgenic are now only allowed to plant "protected" for instance is out of control in producing before going to work for the government.
crops being forced on the population. crop varieties defined asnew, distinct, uni- countries where "dean" certified seed is no So did Dan Amstutz who headed Iraq's
Saving seedas a tradition and a necessary form and stable. The heritage seeds Iraqi longer available. agricultural reconstruction.
way of life for Iraq's farmers and subsis- farmers have been saving since the time of In Iraq, all this is being touted as "agri- Sadly, Iraq is not the first country to
tence gardeners has been outlawed. Babylon do not meet these criteria; those cultural reconstruction!' The officials who have to deal with this sort of totalitarian
For thousands of years, farmers have that do are products of multi-national enacted this law claim it is to ensure Iraq tragedy. Variations on the situation have
saved the seeds of one year's crops to be seed companies and include rransgenic has a steady supply of good quality seeds already taken place in other poor countries
planted the following year. According to seeds. In addition, this order gives plant and to make it easier for it to become a that rely on aid from wealthier countries:
the Food and Agriculture Organization of breeders that claim to have discovered member of the WTO. They then tie this in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Cambodia are
the UN, in 2002, 97 percent of Iraqi farm- the new varieties the exclusive rights to to their goal of claiming to help better feed a few. Never do these regulations reflect
ers used seeds saved from the previous all production and sales the citizens of Iraq. the will of the local people.
year's harvest. They have also bred natural of the "protected" variet- Hmmm. Iraqi farmers While it is true that Iraq was not the
varieties of crops, particularly wheat, bar-, ies in seed and harvested previously usedseeds they most agriculturally efficient. country
ley and dates, to be better suited to their plant form. had specifically designed before the US invasion, this dictatorship-
particular climate zones. This monopoly will last for their growing condi- style approach is no way to improve the
This fundamentally natural approach 20 years for crop varieties tions. North American situation. It simply puts the power into
to farming has been a cornerstone of their and 25 for trees and vines. and European members corporate hands and puts the farmers into
agricultural system; it has preserved their Basically, it gives the large of the WTO do not have a poorer situation. After years of suffer-
agricultural heritage and been an eco- biotech companies con- to abide by similar restric- ing through a trade embargo, Iraq needs
nomic necessity. Now that's all changed as trol over Iraq's seed trade tions on seed use. Hunger access to new machinery, as well as fund-
a new patent law enacted by the US does and thus, a significant Personally-collected has so far not been solved ing and management advice. It also needs
not allow Iraqi farmers to save their own part of their agricultural seeds become illegal in any other under-privi- to continue to build on the work farmers
seed and forces them to buy seed from system. Furthermore, i t leged country by corpo- have already done breeding crops appro-
government-approved seed companies. forces Iraqi farmers to become dependant rate control of that country's seed market. priate to their climate. And on a moral
During the US occupation o f Iraq, on, these 'companies. These amendments It seems clear that this is actually about the level, Iraqis simply need the right to make
administrator Paul Bremer decreed 100 are not at all in line with Iraq's previous control and commercialization of Iraq's their own decisions about food and agri-
orders pertaining to Iraq's economic, patent law, which prohibited private own- agriculture system, not about helping the cultural policies. Without any of these, the
political and social future. These orders ership of biological resources. Iraqi people. • Iraqi people will never be free and never
are now in place until revised or repealed This will affect those of us outside of It is no coincidence that the US agricul- be able to feed themselves.
by a new Iraqi regime. Since the new Iraqi Iraq too. If the biotech companies intro- ture department, which aided Bremer in
government is tied to the US government, duce GE wheat in Iraq, it will spread writing Order 81, was headed by ex-man-
it is not expected to be revising Bremer's worldwide over time; transgenic pollution agement of the huge US seed and biotech Marya Skrypiczajko is the author of BC
orders any time soon. will contaminate regular wheat and relat- companies, such as Monsanto and Cargill. the Organic Way—Where to Find Organic
Order 81 is anew patent law that indudes ed crops because pollen transfer cannot be Ann Veneman, who recently resigned as Food in British Columbia. For more visit
achapter on plant variety protection. The controlled. Transfer of unwanted genetic US secretary of agriculture, had a long

Mrs Schmeiser sues Monsanto for $140 „B..

M o n s a n t o was nervous before the the company told the Supreme Court The matter could be settled as soon herbicides are being used to kill unwant-
Supreme Court o f Canada nar- that Percy should have done to have as next March, but i f the Schmeisers ed canola plants.
rowly decided in May that Saskatchewan prevented a lawsuit against him. win this case an important precedent Parliament has yet to act on recom-
farmer Percy Schmeiser infringed its Monsanto respond- will be set. Since it mendations of the country's top court,
copyright on transgenic canola. Company ed by sending Mrs. Louise Schmeiser found has now been shown which said that the Patent Act should not
officials thought they could relax after Schmeiser a letter that genetic pollution be applied to plants, the Plant Breeder's
what they considered a big win. demanding that, she Monsanto's canola i n is a serious problem Rights Act should.
Now that decision may come back to stop harassing the her organic vegetable and that all transgen- Where this goes is anybody's guess as
haunt them. A keystone of Monsanto's company. Louise then ics can be traced back Prime Minister Martin is under pressure
argument in the case revolved around the paid several students garden and . its developers, to appease .the US. There are power-
fact that Percy did not notify the com- to remove the plants Louise sent several let- removal o f unwel- ful lobby groups in Washington want-
pany when he suspected that its Roundup from her garden and come plants could ing Canada to roll over on resistance to
ready canola, which he was not licensed to burn them. ters to Monsanto to comebe a hugely expensive transgenics and prevent things like man-
grow, had found its way into his fields. 'It Wishing to be com- and remove its transgenic enterprise. datory labeling laws.
is believed to have arrived both as pollen pensated for her $140 On the Canadian
and been dropped by trucks driving past expenditure and t o plants ' Prairies, transgenic For more on the Schmeiser family's GE
the Schineiser fields. prove a point, Mrs. canola of three types nightmare see
In 2002, Louise Schmeiser found Sduneiser then filed asmall claims action are outcrossing in farmers' fields with In a related casethe Saskatchewan Organic
Monsanto's canola in her organic veg- against Monsanto. By now the company non-GE canola as well as with each Directorate is suing Monsanto for loss of
etable garden and shelterbelt. Louise sent was getting really nervous that it might other. Some plants are now resistant to income due to an inability to grow organ-
several letters to Monsanto to come and be ordered to pay the well-documented three brands of herbicide from three ic canola because of transgenic pollution
remove its transgenic plants, exactly what claim and its lawyers stalled for time. companies and much more powerful

1 4 • CO(111011601110 • DECEMBER 2004

Dietary HEALTH `61 F O O D

dilemmas the same time. People tend to be open to the event by brunch or follow it by an
hearing your reasons for being vegetarian evening of hearty snacks and desserts.
(compassion for animals, concern for the e) Escape to sunnier climates.
NUTRISPEAK environment or health) when they also Flying off to relax on the beach can
sense your compassion for them. Keep solve the immediate problem. And while
by Vesanto Melina MS, RD your caring at the forefront, take the time you're enjoying the sun, you can ponder
to talk, and recall how long your dietary your options for future family gather-
W i l l you share holiday meals with foods change, and new solutions become changes took to evolve. ings.
family and friends who range possible. d) Celebrate in a different, healthier
from turkey-loving carnivores through c) No turkey in your house: way. Vesanto Melina is a registered dietitian,
vegetarians, vegans or raw foodists? "With Sometimes it isn't what you say that This is another solution for those who internationally known speaker and consul-
such diverse tastes to satisfy, creating a creates a problem; it's how you say it. For do choose not to host a turkey dinner. tant, based near Fort Langley. She is author
festive menu presents a challenge. Here's one person, gathering around a turkey is There are many ways to enjoy family and of seven books including the new Food
a typical scenario, plus a few possible linked to happy traditions and memories; friends apart from stuffing yourselves to Allergy Survival Guide. In Becoming
solutions. for another it is an outdated ritual derived the point of discomfort (which is a typical Vegetarian and Becoming Vegan (co-
Each year, a different member of your from barbaric sacrifices and cruel farming holiday scenario for many people). You authored with Brenda Davis), the chapters
family takes a turn in hosting the big practices. The words you choose to share can offer a games night at your home and on dietary diplomacy are among favou-
holiday meal. This will be your first Year your perspectives can convey a message serve delicious appetizers and baking. You rites with readers. For consultations, call
as a vegetarian host. Your brother has of judgment and create tension and dis- could begin new, healthy traditions such as Fort Integrated Health Clinic at 604-888-
informed you that he expects the tradi- tancf. Alternatively, you may be able to a day of skiing, a skating party, or a winter 8325 or her home office at 604-882-6782.
tional turkey dinner. Your sister is trying communicate while building a bridge at walk through your favourite park. Precede Vesanto's website is www.nutrispeakcom
to cut her family's intake of saturated fat
and cholesterol; furthermore, she hopes
to avoid her past pattern of gaining a few
pounds during the holidays. You don't
want to cook a turkey. Yet you want to
have a pleasant and fun-filled celebration.
You decide to: _
a) Give in and cook a turkey. • UTICALS
b) Tell your guests that you aren't com-
fortable cooking a turkey, but you are
happy to prepare other •foods and have
one of them bring turkey.
c) Refuse to have turkey in your house.
Tell them that they can cook what they like
when it's their turn, and you'll do what
you want when it's your turn.
d) This year, enjoy a celebration that is
not solely centred on food. m1.:(;Lt
, 0 1 , I I 11C

e) Escape to Mexico or Hawaii.

Note that there are no right or wrong
answers to this dilemma. Different solu- KIDNEY
tions suit different people, or work for the ifGAACirit
same person at one or another time in
ticAis \O\IEG.‘ ALPHA FLUSH Gk.11..PHA
life. With each choice, what are possible , • . icti.mxr;
outcomes? LUNG
a) Roast a turkey: LIVER HEALTHY
It's important to respect others' tradi- FLUSH 5 0 0 m l

tions and beliefs. Yet your values are no

less important. Diplomacy is the fine art
l u n g Cleanse
of honouring your own ethical principles
and social consciousness without judg- PLUS
ing, condemning or otherwise injuring ARA-RID MORE
another person. It is highly dependent PARASITE 500 m l
Healthy Colon Plus
on effective communication and could Cleansescolon, promotes
involve some soul searching. This may CLEANSE
idney Flush growth of good bacteria,
be a year when you discuss what really Capwies eansesand provides goodsource of dietary fiber.
matters to those involved, listen well, and Liver Flush tioxidant support to
become much closer to those you love, Lung Flush Cleansesand supports e kidneys.
regardless of the meal, • Para-Rid Cleanses and the liver, clepromoting
Removes harmful supports lungs, regeneration.
b) Have someone else bring a turkey: intestinal parasites. cleans airways.
This solution works for many people.
You. don't have to cook a turkey, yet your
brother gets his traditional favourite. You
can prepare a big stuffed squash and nesis Nutrition Stores
gravy (see recipe in last month's Common 40 Davie Street, Vancouver - 604-608-0318
Ground), a nut loaf, or an "unturlcey" AA Organic Health Food Store 4E Broadway, Vancouver - 604-879-2800
(from Capers or Choices). Add cranberry 809 Davie St., Vancouver - (604)681-0101 82 Broadway, Vancouver - 604-739-7788
sauce, a gorgeous salad, side dishes of veg- 20 No.3 Rd., Richmond - 604-276-0020
gies and desserts. The vegetarian dishes Alive Health Centres 0 Schoolhouse St. Unit 402,
often become the more popular items in quitlam - 604-516-6981
Oakridge Shopping Centre, Vancouver - 604-263-3235
the feast. After sharing a banquet table Coquitlam Centre, Port Coquitlam - 604-464-1828
that includes vegetarian and non-vegetar-
Central City (Surrey Place Mall) Surrey - 604-589-3623
ian food for a few yeats, the attitudes of Royal City Centre, New Westminster - 604-526-6317 II free: 1-800-651-3172
many family members toward vegetarian
drive o r g a n i c s Modern "temples"
Eat health o u ll eel 'Teat!!!
drown ancient gods
Nature's Path Canadian Heritage
Orggranola cerealsOrgmaple syrup Orgsoy yogourt byRobert Alstead

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325g $ 9 . 9 9 500 ml $ 2 . 9 9 9 0 7 g
'\ Productof Canada Productof U.S.A
W h e n the Grand Coulee dam was But if the politicians haven't learned
completed on the Columbia River from experience, the people have."There's
in 1942, it was the largest dam in the a lot of money in poverty," says author
world and held up as a marvel of US and longtime protester, Arundhati Roy,
engineering power and prowess. Woody and, as the film reveals, the real beneficia-
Guthrie even sang a song about the ries are the industrialists.
Living HarvestSaltspring IslandYogi "greatest wonder of the world" at the Faced with a stark choice between mea-
opening ceremony. gre cash compensation or poor unfarm-
Orghempseed oil Orgfairtrade coffeePleasure teas As with subsequent big dam projects in able land, the adivasis choose to stay with .
the States and this side of the border, the their waterlogged homes. They need to
$10.99 400
$16.99 KOMI
Productof Canada
$3.99 Productof Canada
economic benefits that were trumpeted to farm to survive and, as the sweet-natured
16ct the electrified rooftops, eclipsed the plight Luhariya says, they would rather drown
of the displaced peoples, often indigenous, with their homes than take cash. A visit to
Productof U
or the prime farmland, forests, ecosystemsa squalid city slum shows why: a family of

SoNcie Soyganic
OnWednesday and the salmon runs that would be ruined nine, displaced by ariother dam, is shown
in the process. living in misery off a dollar a day earned

Noel nog DecemberMaranatha

29th Organci peanut butter
If the true cost of big dams is now in manual labour. Worse still is the sense
sinking in here, the old-style, mega-is- of loss in the father's words. "I still belong

presenthis voucher best mentality is still mesmerizing govern- to my village," he says, even though it is at
ments in rising economic powerhouses the bottom of a lake.
$1 .99
Productof Canada
946 ml $4.99 454g
toredeye10% off Prodct of USA
like China and India. . The hope that arises from this situ-
Drowned Out is a jam-packed DVD ation is in the way that the farmers led
documentary about one such project, the by activist Medha Patkar rally together
yourpurchases huge Sardar Sarovar dam project in India to form the powerful grassroots Save
and the plight of the adivasis, indigenous the Narmada movement, challenging the
Burt's Bees atDrive organics!
EnerexBotanicals tribal farmers, whose ancestral lands have government to honour its promises all
been submerged. along the way.
Personal care vitamins&supplements McLibel filmmaker Frailly Armstrong Wesee Patkar leading hunger strikers
Organic foods picked up a DV camera and a solar power in the 1990s, which caused the World

20%off supplements 20%off pack and journeyed to

the lush, valley village
of Jalsindhi in Madhya
Bank t o withdraw
from the dam project.
Hugh Brody of the
Productof U.S.A Productof Canada
andmuchmore! Pradesh. There she
stayed w i t h healer
Luhariya Sonkaria and
original World Bank
review team said it
found the construc-
Raincoast trading BottleGreen S o y Delicious .\\ his young family in tion and the resettle-
their village hut, the ment plan "alarming"
Orgfrozen desserts
Wildsmoked salmon Sparkling beverages lowest on the riverside, and "severely flawed"
and documented their from its initiation.
$6.99 113g$2.99 750mi $ 4 . 9 9 946m1
struggle against politi- Woman and submerged temple When t h e gov-
cal indifference and
the rising waters of the Narmada River.
ernment continued
building with private money in spite of
Productof Canada ) ,Product ofU.S.A \ , P r o d u c t of USA
The DVD, which includes the 75-min- the WB report, Patkar and the farm-
ute feature and a 15 minute update, shot ers took the case to the Indian supreme
KettleFoods(Simply Natural
Barabara's bakery for PBS television earlier this year, charts court. Construction was halted for six
the history of the Sardar Sarovar project years, while the court deliberated. Then
Orgtortillachips Organic salsas Cheese puffs&bakes from when the late prime minister Nehru to widespread dismay in 2000 it voted 2:1
laid the foundation stone in 1961 up until in favour of raising the dam.

$ 2 . 4 9 2 2 7 g $ 2 . 4 9 470m1 $2.19 198g April of this year when rising waters forced The DVD ends noting that thousands
the family to abandon their home and more homes will be submerged as the
move higher up the slopes. Nehru's view dam's height is raised to 110 metres. The
ProductofUSA P r o d u c t of USA Productof U.S.A
that dams are "temples of modern India," dam-builders are now seeking to raise it
quoted in school textbooks, is particu- to a new height of 122 metres.
larly ironic when you see temples and the Battles continue to be waged. But the
EndangeredSpeciesOrganic Meadow
Cascadian Farms ancestral lands, which the adivasis believe spirit of peaceful resistance exemplified
are inhabited by gods, disappearing under by the Save the Narmada movement,,and
l tebars Organic ice creams Organci frozen fruit
Chocoa the floodwaters. captured so well in this potent DVD, is an

$2.4985g$8.99 2L $4.39 300g

Armstrong gives ample space to the offi- inspiration to others confronting mega
cial explanation of why Sardar Sarovar, the projects like the mind-numbingly huge
keystone in a staircase of 3,000 dams, must Three Gorges and Tiger Leaping Gorge
Productof U.S.A t Productof Canada Productof U.S.A be built. We hear an ebullient dam engi- dams in China.
neer, for whom the project has become a
matter of national pride and self-satisfied
SalepricingineffectfromDec3rd untilDec 28th irrigation minister Jay Narayan Vyas, wax View clips, photographs and order
about how poor, drought-ridden regions Drowned Out at
1045 Commercial Drive will soon have water and power. Vyas even For latest news on Sardar Sarovar visit
refers to the dam and its 75,000-kilometre Robert Alstead writes
7 (lays a week from 9am to 9pm canal system as a "wonder of the world." for

16 •commonGround• DECEMBER 2004

by Ishi Dinim
nlandia natural pharmacy

Recovering from waves o f sickness. unusual and invigorating, I notice things

Truly amazing how much unwant- I never have before. There're bunches of
ed product a human body can create,
an abundant natural reminder to cher-
other jumpers too, sewing nets together.
My fear of heights is gone too — in the, `Tis the season
ish our capabilities. Since the end o f free fall I left my fears back up on the cliff,
the summer I've been trying t o deal they're floating away. Life is speeding up
but not in a stressful sort of way. Even the
for sniffles and
with feeling crappy beyond words while
working at the same time. Lots of cough-
ing and time to dwell.
prospect of crashing below doesn't cause
panic; I'd still only be a speck joining the coughs.
In between stints of hard work I fell ill big picture. I reach out to the extended
for six weeks with a sinus infection. Most
of that time was spent stuck in bed stuck
hands of falling souls, together we make
the nets that will break our descent. The
Stay well for the
with myself. When you've got that much
time to knock around in your brain certain
nets work, all the diving dreamers are
banding together, networking to manifest holiday season
things become apparent, a sense of bitter a different future.
honesty creeps in. There were moments
when I really believed that I might be
The worst possible thing is not that I
could fail. Nothing would be more terrible
than stagnating on a dull self-depreciat-
dying. I knew I was sick for so many rea-
sons. I started to take responsibility for ing ledge o f inactivity. Purging my last Natural factors -
those that I could, for allowing my lifestyle chunk, dropping from my mouth like so
to create disease. Working inside the belly many unspoken obstacles. I need to live
more. Not because one day I'll die, no I
Anti-Viral formula. Best Wishes
of a propaganda entertainment machine
isn't always inspiring or satisfying. I have need to live more because I'm alive this, from all the staff.
internalized the notion that I am cheap just once...
labour, an automaton devoid of personal- Wording:
ity. I often search the faces of people and "I hate mankind, for I think myself one www.finlandtapharmac .com FREEPARKING AT REAROF STORE!
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I could just start it all over again with a it to."—Dorothy Parker
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with a renewed hope for humanity. That's fact that one lives in a world in which it is
not happening. overestimated."—H.L. Mencken
My own insecurities and searches are "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a
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DECEMBER2004 • COrivianGrourd•17

Don't mistake criticism

of USA for contempt vote overwhelmingly to ban gay marriage,
I will speak up. Disagreeing with a ban on
SCIENCE MATTERS same-sex marriage is not a matter of being
by David Suzuki out of touch with "US values." It's a matter
of human rights. When one group in soci-
ety is singled out and repressed and not
at have you done? What have you either with us or against us" mentality sign me up. But I don't believe it does. given the same opportunities as others,
\ d o n e ? It's the question I wanted to that drove many of the criticisms of the Simply disagreeing with that slim major- then their rights are being violated. That
ask my friends in the US after last month's Bush administration in the first place. ity of voters does not make a person anti- is simply wrong. It doesn't matter if the
election result. But I already knew the In his first term, President Bush US. In my youth I received a scholarship majority of people voted for it. You can't
answer. They did everything they could. forged a path of US unilateralism in the from a US university worth more than my vote away human rights.
They just lost. world community. He pushed a "me- father made in a year and it allowed me Pundits who insist that critics o f
So now we have four more years o f first" agenda and was willing to trample to attend one of the finest colleges in the President Bush are anti-US are really say-
George W. Bush's regressive social, environ- human rights, science and the environ- world. Later I earned a PhD there and ing that if 52 percent of Americans believe
mental and foreign policies to look forward ment to do it. Just ask the 5,000 scien- forever grateful to the people of the US for anything then that's what the US stands
to. That certainly doesn't bode well for sci- tists, including 48 Nobel laureates, who that. When I returned to Canada, I could for and everyone else has to respect that.
ence, the environment or human rights in have signed onto a statement accusing not compete with my peers elsewhere in This is a morally relativistic viewpoint that
the USA, or elsewhere for that matter. the Bush administration of "manipula- the world because of the poor funding doesn't even withstand the most basic of
Do such statements make me "anti-US?" tion of the process through which sci- available in Canada at the time. I stayed in scrutiny and critics of the Bush adminis-
According to many pundits...and politicians ence enters into its decisionsf the States because I received a large grant. tration should not be bullied into believ-
weighing in on both sides of the border Yet now, those who dare criticize the I will never forget the generosity of the US . ing it does.
after the election it does. Apparently, dis- choice of the slim majority of US voters and owe a huge debt of gratitude. But it is Those of us who feel that 52 percent of
agreeing with the US popular vote makes who picked Bush are being accused of precisely because I love America that I am US voters made a mistake on November
you either anti-American or "intolerant" or being anti-US. Well, if being anti-US so profoundly disturbed by what is going 2 don't hate Americans. On the contrary,
some sort of "high-minded liberal elitist." means being against the war in Iraq, on there. Unquestioning acceptance of the we care enough about the people and the
Even some of our elected Canadian par- supportive of women's rights, support- status quo isn't exactly a US ideal. In fact, ideals the country is supposed to represent
liamentarians insist that any critical analy- ive of progressive environmental poli- it strikes me as decidedly un-US. to be very, very concerned.
sis of the US or its policies simply amounts cies, against the missile defence system, So yes, when 52 'percent of US voters
to anti-Americanism. The irony, of course, supportive of stem-cell research and cast ballots for Bush, I will say that I think Take the Nature Challenge and learn
is that this is exactly the kind of "you're supportive of same-sex marriage, then they made a mistake. And when 11 states more at www.davidsuzukiorg

continued from page 4 intuitive process in such a way that he focus on getting the right drug, the right themselves.
MA H e was kind of scary for me. allowed his deeper knowing to do all anti-depressant, to somehow fix your bro- Another principle was that people
I was very young when I was working the work. He understood the difference ken chemicals—it's not needed. As soon deserve no blame. This world seems to
with him. He was brilliant, brilliant as a between the conscious and deeper know- aswe discover the flow of your intuition, • have so much black and white thinking,
psychotherapist. He could take someone ing selves such that he could allow his of our deeper learning, away we go into so the growing awareness that people can
and intuitively get him or her to start perception in any given situation to truly the reaches of our own development and come back from all sorts of spins and
expressing, but in those days I could see do the work Only later would he, and very we begin on our path in a way that takes downsides and really discover their own
there was no pattern. He wasn't someone lightly, bring his conscious mind along to us home. vision is new. I think Christopher Reeves
you could really study like Virginia. I chatter about what it. all meant. Milton JR That people are okay is a wonderful is a good example of someone who found
spent quite a bit of time with Fritz, but in was very focused on simply allowing the principle, did he have others? his vision even in complete adversity.
fact we were studying his genius. What I work to happen through him in the same MA Yes, that people have all the resourc- With coaching we're working with that
learned from Fritz was that there's a flow way that most great es, they need, and this capacity of people to reinvent the moment
of seeing that people have, that when you spiritual teachers do. All of that becomes very is the heart of coach- and discover a game worth playing even
learn to get into that flow you can see the JR How did he do ing. You can sit down when they think some aspect of their
world at a much deeper level than you can it? easy when you simply with a client and as development corners them. Everybody's
otherwise. MA H e had some notice that, first of all, you ask questions you got some area where they're not quite so
My analogy might be the difference basic principles and begin to assist the per- sure of themselves —. maybe their goals
between being able to run 'a personal com- I've discovered when people are okay:.. And, not son as they find their in learning or relationship or health or
puter like we can now. You can produce a we truly work from only are people okay, but own understanding finances or even their spiritual areas of
magazine with a personal computer and those principles every- of what they need to development.
understand a lot more of the deep struc- thing happens— psy- you specifically are okay. do. So, coaching is not People discover they deserve no blame
ture of developing a result. In those days chotherapy, coaching, about giving advice or for the seeming sidetracks, that those are
it was all hit and miss and Fritz's hit and the whole process of
There's nothing broken. assisting or taking over highways into deeper learning.
miss was wonderful to watch, but it was human development, the game from some- JR It's a path to discover a part of your-
very difficult for his followers to under- any kind of learning, and the whole qual- one. My most .recent analogy is that it's self that you didn't realize.
stand the deep structure of what he was ity of discovering your own creative devel- like curling — people throw their own MA Milton's model was that there's no
doing. It was a hard road for his students. opment. All of that becomes very easy purpose ahead of them and a good coach such thing as failing. He had a wonderful
Now, Milton Erickson was another mat- when you simply notice that, first of all, clears the way for that purpose to aim and framework on failure, that if something's
ter. people are okay — that was one of his hit its mark. worth learning it's worth doing badly
JR You named Erickson College after fundamental principles. And, not only are Milton was very much like that. He at the beginning. We had fail forward.
him. What about him made such an people okay, but you specifically are okay. listened deeply for people's purpose. He So we can treat everything as a feedback
impact? There's nothing broken. was hugely aware of the human spirit, of frame for becoming satisfied with our
MA First of all, he was a very simple A lot of the recent understandings of the passion that people had for life and he own path.
person in terms of the way he treated life the brain have supported this completely. saw people as heroes. He really gave room JR What was he like?
in general. He gave himself to his inner Human beings are really okay. All this for people to find a place to deeply respect MA He was amazing. Milton had polio

18 •C7MMOn8OUnd•DECEMBER 2004
Deep hope
—dark the times, however dire the threat, I to others. The boundary was established
will never give up, hope. As long as there in the 17th century as a way to keep the
is breath in our bodies, we can continue church happy by not poaching on its
to hope and work for victory." This is territory, and to guarantee that scientific
the kind of hope that Churchill offered evidence was solid and tangible. "Here,
EARTHFUTURE.COM the British people in the darkest years of there be angels" was not something that
the Second World War, when Hitler had lent itself to scientific scrutiny, so it was
by Guy Dauncey occupied most of Europe. It is the kind of easier to leave it alone.
hope that many activists hold tight to as But in leaving it alone, science deprived
they struggle to end the onslaught against itself of access to the whole inner world
nature that the human race is pursuing, of consciousness. Later, some scientists
Once-fertile fields lie fallow leaves to fall to their quiet winter beds, led by the world's most powerful nations would say that consciousness was simply
where the seedswere never sown, snow to fall, and poets to write sad odes to and corporations. an artifact, created by the brain's chem-
and dust is deep around the dreams lost hopes and passing loves. And there is deep hope that says, istry. They would even deny that animals
where idle winds have blown. Spring, summer, fall, winter. Bird and "However dire things may seem, the uni- (and male babies) felt pain. Their intellec-
So unfulfilled ambitions fade whale migrations. We owe them all to that verse wants life to succeed. It wants dreamstual descendents still insist that evolution
and slowly disappear, ancient collision. to be realized and love to be fulfilled. Deep is no more than a random process of self-
while introspective hours pass It also created the moon. The metals in down in its evolutionary origins, it wants ish genes, seeking to replicate.
in swan song to the year. the planetesimal sank deep into the Earth's life to discover that it is part of a wondrous If we acknowledge that the spiritual
- S.F. Records core, and some of the rock was flung back miracle, with a spiritual nature and that world is real, because of our own inner
into space where it coalesced to form the all consciousness journeys towards whole- experiences, we need to cross that bound-
I t all began 4.5 billion years ago, 50,000 moon, causing lOvers all over the world ness." ary. In so doing, we open the possibil-
years after the Earth was formed, when to experience the most enchanting of Is this just an interesting idea! Is it an ity that evolution is more than a random
Earth's crust was still molten magma. feelings. article of faith, like the virgin birth, regard-material process, and we have to ask the
A planetesimal the size of Mars came Here on the wet, west coast of Canada, less of what sciencesays? Is it a foolish fal- critical question, "If spirituality exists,
crashing into the Earth, pushing it off its as December moves towards the longest lacy that gives us comfort against the cold where did it come from? Where is i t
vertical axis, creating the tilt which gives night of the year, and hopelessness for emptiness of space, despair and death? going?" It is here, when you ponder deeply •
our planet its seasons. As Earth orbits some becomes worthy of its own shrine, Or is it a potentially valid description of Onthe nature of love, life and the universe,
the sun once a. year, the tilt affects the it seems appropriate to dwell on hope: For evolution that may one day be proven sci- that deep hope emerges. In spite of stupid-
amount of sunshine that reaches parts of as the winter solstice passes, at 4:42 am entifically, becoming a new guiding para- ity, in spite of cruelty, in spite of death, a
the planet at different times of the year. on Tuesday, December 21, Earth's orbit digm, linking science and spirit, political. deeper force prevails and lives within •us,
When the northern part of the Earth around the sun will begin to bring us lon- change and human hope? every day.
tilts towards the sun, we receive more ger days and more sunlight. Wehave to hold strong to science as the
sunlight, causing lovers' hearts to break There are three kinds of hope. There is means by which we explore the secrets of Guy Dauncey is author' of Stormy
into song, and everything to burst into simple hope, that says, "I hope I win the nature; but we must also remember that Weather: 101 Solutions to Global Climate
blossom. lottery," or "I hope my children find love, science has set itself an artificial bound- Change (New Society Publishers) and other
When the northern part tilts away from and happy marriagesf ary, limiting its inquiries to the realm of titles. He lives in Victoria.
the sun, we receive less sunlight, causing There is heroic hope that says "However matter, leaving the realm of spirit and soul

at age 15. Can you imagine going to sleep

with what seems like a bad cold and wak-
ing up four days later only being able to
move your eyeballs? He nearly died in the
interim and ended up on life support and FRAMED
was in a wheelchair for a while.
In those days what they did was move AND
the bed into the kitchen. So from there
Milton watched his baby sister and began MATTED.
to visualize himself being able to raise his
head like her and he began to get some FINE ART
movement. So that became the focus of
his energy for two years. He'd watch her REPRODUCTION
and visualize himself learning as she did,
and the doctors say today that he literally The David Suzuki Foundation, through
retrained the brain cells. Two and a half
years after that first paralysis he was walk-
ing with two canes. Toni Onley's science and education, promotes solutions
. T h a t taught him about visualization. He that help conserve nature.
wasa visualization specialist and the train-
ing we do at Erickson is focusing on how
Howe Sound Honour someone you love by making a gift to the
we can use this amazing visual capacity
David Suzuki Foundation in his or her name. Your
of the cerebral cortex to assist with emo-
tional development. Handsigned gift will honour the recipient and support the
He discovered that people could,
through deep seeing, really begin to take by the Artist preservation of nature.
charge of the metaphor of their own life.
Marilyn Atkinson, PhD is a registered
psychologist, professional coach, NLP mas-
ter trainer and founder of Erickson College.
For details contact For more information contact member services at
This is the first of a two-part interview; in 604-732-4228 or toll free 1-800-453-1533. Email us
part two we will discuss recent discoveries
in brain research. For further information at or visit our website
contact, 604-879-5600 or at www.davidsuzukLorg/Donation_Centre/

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. . / 4 T h e Chinese ideogram for the Some of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth ing light on the root causes of the upheavals humanity, with life itself endangered on this
E t w o r d crisis consists of the charac- century recognized the dangers that we now we are experiencing today. On the positive planet. In my estimation, a parting thought
ters for danger and opportunity. face. Read Nobel Laureate Konrad Lorenz's side,/there is a rising global debate on our from C,G. Jung tells, in the briefest way, the
"Waning of Humaneness", C.G. Jung's short world problems, such as: the failure of one- decades long story of our lost sense of direc-
The question is, can crisis, danger masterpiece, "The Undiscovered Self", and track-minded materialism in human affairs, tion: "Where love stops, power begins, and
& opportunity co-exist construc- "The Universe Story" by Brian Swimme & and the plunge into environmental degrada- violence, and terror" - VI Self-Knowledge:
tively in todays disordered world? Thomas Berry - the last of a trilogy throw-
tion - a dual plague, mindlessly thrust upon "The Undiscovered Self"

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• Facilitate healing for yourself and others Curriculum includes anatomy, assessment, programs. For more information and free
• Make a difference in your community medical massage, Swedish, neuromuscu- catalog, write Maui School o f Therapeutic
• Earn a good income and be your own boss lar, shiatsu, Hawaiian lomilomi, reflexology, Massage, P.O. Box 1891, Makawao, Hawaii
• Experience personal growth and sports, body-mind and a fully-supervised pub- 96768. Phone: (808)572-2277 o r visit our
transformation lic clinic. website at

Reflexology is taught as an intuitive healing Basic Foot, Hand or Ear Reflexology

PACIFIC art. Courses are designed to provide a struc-
ture that supports you in developing your
Certificate Courses
Twenty hours of expert instruction plus forty
to enhance your effectiveness practising foot
reflexology. $295. All courses are offered on
a regular basis year round.
Institute of own intuitive sense of reflexology. A holistic
orientation prevails.
practicum hours prepare you to practise foot,
hand or ear reflexology competently. $295.
For registration or information:
Pacific Institute of Reflexology

PPSECnaiistered. Most courses tax deductible
Holistic Reflexology: An Introduction
Informational evening talk and "hands-on"
See "Datebook'l
Advanced Foot Reflexology Certificate Course
535 West 10th Ave. / Cambie VANCOUVER,
B.C. V5Z 1K9. (604)875-8818 Fax: 875-8868
presentation. $10. See "Datebook." Refine and expand your knowledge and skills Website:

DECEMBER2004 • Commoneround • 21

spa Therapfstirettifeatioa P.i'agrani will allow them to take up professional Accelerated 18 week program starting
practice immediately and be employable in January 2005
VANCOUVER S C H O O L O F This comprehensive 700 hour program the spa industry worldwide.The curriculum Part time Starting January 2005

BODYWORK_ incorporates all the standard skills and

specialty disciplines required to enable
includes a strong foundation in human
sciences and manual skills, combined with
Also offering Continuing Education er
Weekend Introductory courses.
0: MASSAGE graduates to confidently perform the most
popular massage and bodywork treatments.
a cross cultural perspective on the body and
healing. Visit our website at Tel. 604-688-5060 • Fax 604-688-4166
Students graduate with spa-ready skills that for more details on the Spa Therapist Program. Email. •

Become a c o m p e t e n t , c o n f i d e n t complete & intense. Ask about our books, Touch for Health 1-4, Mar. 24-28, E F T
Reflexologist, l e a r n i n g f r o m Yv e t t e charts, and videos. Apr. 18,19 Homestudy & Edmonton classes
Eastman. Yvette also teaches Touch f o r Pawspoint for Animals Dec. 4,5. Daytime available.
Health.. Touchpoint Institute is registered Reflexology Diploma program J a n . 31, Request o u r c a t a l o g u e . V i s i t :
with PPSEC. Hand, Ear, Face & Body `05; Evening Diploma Feb 2, '05. Certificate, Phone:
Reflexology available. O u r programs are Practitioners Basic Reflexology May 21-23, 604-936-3227, Out-of-town, 800-211-3533
85% hands-on, f u n -filled, stress-free, Essential Advanced Reflexology Mar.18-23. e-mail:

STONE STONE MASSAGE day •Distant Educational course STONES Call Nina Gart at 604/552-4740 Toll-
•Level I - Basic Hot & Cold Stones Massage— 3- Free: 866/305-0066
THERAPY day •Level II —Advanced Therapeutic Massage STS offers courses designed for massage therapists, E-mail• nina@stonetherapyschooLca
with Hot & Cold Stones—2-day •Level III — Ki energy workers and SPA professionals. Our courses Pick up a stone form anywhere, look deep
SCHOOL Stone Therapy— 4-day •Raindrop Therapy With will compliment your career in body, mind and inside...for captured within is the power to Hot Stones — 1-day •Reflexology With Hot spirit health disciplines. heal...

Professional C e r t i f i c a t i o n P r o g r a m
HEALING Holistic Bodywork Diploma Program
BODYWORKCENTRE 260 hours full time evening and Saturday This gentle, p o w e r f u l approach t o
MARY BENSON classes. Comprehensive program i n body- CORE BELIEF making definitive, lasting and meaningful
737-8350 work and related subjects. Begins January ENGINEERING change has built an excellent reputation
EA1IN across N o r t h A m e r i c a s i n c e 1 9 8 5 .
Registered with the 17, 2005. A l s o offered: Certified Massage Founder, Elly Roselle
BODYWORY1 Four-day Basic Courses: May 2005
PrivatePost-Secondary classes and healing sessions. Reflexology. Call PPSEC Registered
C E N T R E Education Commission of BC Forty-day Intensive Course: January 2005
(604) 536-7402

The NLP Institute &

Canadian College of Internationally Recognized Shiatsupractors

NL Palmer & Associates
Shiatsu Therapy • 2200-hour Shiatsupractor Diploma Program*
White Rock• BC
Empowering Your Future" t •Vancouver (604)694-0095 • Shiatsu Foundation Certificate Course
•North Van (604)904-4187 •Chair-Shiatsu Certificate Course
Certified NLP Practitioner Course 4 4 ' E-Mail: . Upgrading Program for Healthcare Professionals
Beginning in November, 2004 Wehsite: Registered with PPSEC.CSSBC accredited
Call: 604-536-4862 STARTING JANUARY 2005 *Also, eligible for US (WA) Licensed Practitioner.

GREEN CITY COLLEGE Programs offered on a regular basis year HOW TO GET A CAREER IN HOLISTIC
round / Weekday or weekend available / HEALTH I N LESS T H A N 9 MONTHS.
Certificate programs in: INFO
* Foot Reflexology($400) 24-72hrs lecture & 60-120hrs Practicum / If you believe in the power o f touch, turn
r KIT it i n t o a career. Call today t o become a
i.4-11:11301rt. * Acupressure($800) Find 4 people, you can choose your own CANADIAN
*Both ($1,100) / Job study time / Mini-course for couples / ACUPRESSURE Registered Shiatsu Therapist o r Jin Shin
available after the study. COLLEGE Do Practitioner. C a l l 1-877-909-2244 or
* One time only tuition fee, Student clinic available by appointment. PPSEC accredited
PPSECRegistered No extra charge. (604) 873-0939 2F-2980 Main St. Vancouver

Call abOut our December Evening Series • Established in 1999

including Dream Work & Consciousness,
Professional • Certified Chair Massage Workshop
Dec 1-2 $89, Enneagram Exploration, Dec Massage Training • Certified Stone Massage Workshop
14-15 $89, a n d .Systemic Constellations &Massage Supplies (includes Hot, Cold & Chakra)
in collaboration w i t h Jane Peterson, a 736 W.16th Ave • Fully Qualified Instructors
2 1/2 day workshop, Dec. 3, 4 & 5 $260. Vancouver Call for more information or visit
604-879-5600 / 604-873-1518 our Website:


We are dedicated to providing a learning environ- Certified Program Sun. or Mon. 10-5 with Lynda Classes/Individual/Distance. Reiki I $150, II
ment which embraces traditional & contemporary Henderson & Paul Crowder. INFO. night Jan 12th, Practitioner $250. III Advanced $350, Master
British Columbia methods of therapy to produce skilled, caring prac- program begins Jan. 16th & 17th. Aromatherapy, $750. Manual/Diploma. C R A Registered
Institute of 203-45744 Gaetz St. titioners. Courses in Aromatherapy, Reflexology,. Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Facials, Group Teacher. Emotional Freedom Technique,
Holistic Chilliwack, BC V2R 3P1 Shiatsu, Iridology & Holistic Practitioner. Rebirthing, Sweat Lodge.16+ years and 100s of sat- Bio-Magnetics, Crystal/Chakra Therapy,
Studies Meets the standards of the BCAOA and NAHA. isfied participants of all ages. Lynda 604.263.5204 Feng Shui/Medical Intuitive Coniulting, Accredited with PPSEC. 1-888-826-4722 Quantum Treatments, Ascension, Sekhem-
and Paul 604.671.1738.
Seichim, Tarot Training. 604-739-0042.

WEST COAST INSTITUTE O F AROMA- porate essential oils into your life to enhance
THERAPY. Offering quality home study your body, mind and spirit. Contact Beverley "Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish."
courses,, for everyone from the enthusiast to at (604) 267-3779 E-mail:
the professional. Learn how to safely incor- Website: - Albert Einstein

22 • commonGround • DECEMBER 2004

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FERLOWBROTHERS LTD. Weare a WO% Canadian owner operated company.
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offering a complete program of products (creams, ics, artificial colour, scent and preservatives to (604) 850-6912, 'fAP T r u e Aromatherapy
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8602 Granville St. lotions, shampoo, soap, extracts, oils, spray, tinctures, Professional Health & Wellness Practitioners only, Products), Colleen Thompson, Louise Blisner, Pori
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Enjoy Deep Blissful Relaxation! Student Clinic: Tuesday evenings, sessions only Training

PACIFIC Reflexology is taught and practiced as a

potent, safe way to: free stress and tension,
$15. Revitalize yourself, you deserve it. Book
your appointment now!
Certificate courses orepare you t o prac
tice reflexology competently. $295. See
relieve pain, improve circulation, and facili- "Recreational Reflexology" Video Guide Education Listing. Books, charts, "Maseur
Institute of tate the body's healing processes. Gentle,
soothing stimulation o f foot, hand or ear
Enjoy pleasurable, quality time with yourfam-
ily and friends following expert guidance to
sandals and self-help tools available.
535 West 10th Ave. i t;ambie Vancouver, B.(
PPSECregistered. Most curses tax deductible
reflexes revitalizes your whole body. Private
Sessions: Enjoy the healthy benefits of thera-
foot reflexology sessions. Only $29.95 for end-
less enjoyment!
V5Z I K9 (604)875-8818 Fax: 875-8868
peutic half-hour sessions: $35.

Aroma Acupressure Treatment. A Perfect Rejuvenating Aromatherapy Massage Hair and Skin "Fancy Foot Massage & Jacuzzi
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Blend of the Ancient Art of Tuina and the Experience Deep Relaxation and a Sense of ...just because you really deserve it!

(pure Intentthns- Healing Elements o f Pure Essential Oils.

The most effective answer to Stress-related
Well-Being with 100% Pure and Healing For appointments call Nadia, your certified
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Symptoms, Muscles And Mental Exhaustion. Natural Skin & Hair Care
Medically Proven To Manage The Pain And 'Healing Indian Clay Facial & Back Masques for more info &iestimonials.
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lifestyle? I f yes, please attend our free medi- +ACUMEDICAL •All Acute or Chronic Pain
Yoga tation classes as taught by H.H. Shri Mataji. THERAPY 'Nail Fungal Infections
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Classes unless you are connected to the roots."
H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
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Wes' S t Naturopathic oink Specialities
Pamela Pat, been a Healer, Toner and Yoga Teacher for
twenty five years. The goal of her work is the
release of Pain from the Past so one can flow
Woman's Health & Gynecology
Ndturopathic Physician
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60 4 - 7 3 1 - 4 3 1 6
into Peace and boy. For information on Healing Dr.Glenda Laxton Accepting new patients Families welcome
sessions or monthly Toning and Laughter Yoga 114 • 1030 W. Georgia. 604-681-5585
Playshops @ City Yoga, Call 604-731-4316. Personal health-aVe management to fit your needs


ismURIAN SPIRITUAL. GALACTIC Spiritual Master Healing: Chan-
nelled Healing from Master. In the other spir-
N E W WORLD Immediate Stress Reduction itual planet, out of this solar system. You will
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make an appointment 604-463-2145

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Detoxamin chelation - 70% off I.V. Jacob Unger Empower mind/emotions. Strengthen your
Save money and time with the safer, less
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chelations. Guaranteed lowest prices. Retail 604.418.9636 Recovery; Cutting of Psychic Ties; Shamanic
1 0 I V T R E AT M E N T S (wholesale): www.shamanichealing,info Counseling. A l s o : Drumming/Chanting
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DECEMBER 2 0 0 4 • C C o m o n o w • 2 3

• 1 1 . •
I I ' - - " P " T r a n s f t i l rm
, 1 I I C " " " y 11 . 4 1 . ) ° L I C C i l LIJACLUgCllt-C d u l l w i b u t i f f t A C U P U N C T U R E a p c c n u• rat-Rage UM
which we can learn from. In a safe & trusting HERBAL MEDICINE Stopping Smoking and Weight Loss
B o d y w o r C e n v i r o n m e n t , through touch and words, A N G E L A L I U • Back pain • Arthritis • Insomnia • Fatigue
learn to release holding & accept yourself • Doctor of Traditional • Digestive disorders • Respiratory disorders
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,- y o u r s e l f . " ROSEN METHOD Bodywork Registered Acupuncturist L o w -Cost Acupuncture Package
Tel: 504.222.2054 P r a c t i t i o n e r , Registered Clinical Counsellor, 6 0 4 - 6 0 5 - 3 3 8 2 C h i n a t o w n Centre Medical Clinic
25yrs. experience. Rained inCanadaand
# 1 6 5 - 288 East Georgia Street, Vancouver

Dr. Peter Thou, a qualified MD & former Reawaken your body's innate ability to heal
SKIN DISEASES! itself, reduce stress and experience deep
RegisteredDoctorof TCM director of a hospital in China, specializes
FormerInstructorof TCM in: Skin Diseases: eczema, skin rash, acne, _ relaxation with Reiki. Reiki is an ancient
atLangara College psoriasis, rosacea, shingles, herpes, vitiligo, LUS Asian healing modality that uses universal
23 Years Clinic Experience _ plane wort, yellow spots, hives, allergic energy to balance and harmonize us. To
contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis. NicoleLafleche,BSW,CRA experience Reiki for the higher well-being
ExtendedHealth Care
Accepted ReikiMaster / Teacher
Vancouver 604.876-8618 He also treats all kinds of pain problems. of your mind, body and soul contact Nicole
#116 - 828 West 8th Ave today to schedule an appointment.

Deep tissue release results in an expanded,

J e n n y L o u L i n l e y lighter, more alive state of being. Interactive Now e l f Healing A self healing method of deep bodywork for
dialogue connects mind, body, spirit. Available In c o n n e c t i v e tissues, muscles, tendons, bones,
Vancouver • ody Work • j o i n t s and spine to improve the body's flex-
Certified M o v e m e n t awareness supports postural
CertifiedPractitioner changes. Good for injuries, carpal tunnel, tho- Antigyttinastic M L C h a s 17 years experience in Quebecas aibFbody-
racic outlet, chronic back pain, joint problems,
7 3 3 - 0 3 3 9 s t r e s s , tension, personal growth. A profound Phone(604) 877 1116 w o r k specialist and practitioner and teacher
experience! FREE 1/2 hour consultation. Fax(604) 873 2932 AnneFrancoise Dufour o f self-healing techniques.

The -reT h e Alexander Technique is a method of ITM

A l e x a n d e r m e n t a l and physical re-education which fps o f Thai Mass T h a i Massage acts directly upon the mus-
teaches how to use our body to its best age c u l a r , circulatory and nervous systems to
T e c h n i q u e a d v a n t a g e . Private lessons, workshops, and British Columbia p r o m o t e healing within the body, effective-
C e n t r e C A N S T A T certified, PPSEC registered teach- Callfor CertificateCoursesAvailable l y relieving pain and tension, and including
4 F.
604-737-2818 e r training. appointment E: a n i f ofwell-being.
#110-809W 41st Ave. Vancouver 604-298-0115www.inn-britishrolumbia.rom G i f t certificates available.

offer healing sessions blending Reiki, 0 2 X Y G E N A T I O N H 2 0 2 = h y d r o g e n peroxide 03=ozoneA
crystals & gemstones, channelling, sacred
I l l L O V E sound, aromatherapy and colour healing. F O R H E A LT H A R T H R I T I S ? Most disease is bad bacteria-
P a s t v i
JIM TAYLOR ur s -fungus. Raise the 02 level of the body
also offered. Ongoing workshops offered BOX 603 -1755 ROBSON ST a n d the disease will die. Excellent for plants
A n n e M c M u r t r y, P h . D i n Reiki I, II & III, Crystal and Gemstone VANCOUVER, BC V6G 3B7 a n d animals, and athletically minded people.
R e i k i M a s t e r T r a i n i n g . Please call 604-7348219 CELL: 778-858-6618 F o r information package ($10), contact me.

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24 •COMM011Ground• DECEMBER 2004

ANNE McMURTRY. ANNE'S ABILITY Angel Therapy Practitioner, trained and cer-
opens a• line of communication between tified by Dr. Doreen Virtue PhD. Connecting
'you and your Spiritual Guides, allowing with the Angelic realm to bring you personal "Those who dream by day are.cognizant of many things
them to speak directly to you. To inquire messages from your Angels for peace o f which escape those who dream only by night."
call Dr. Anne McMurtry at 604-734-8219, mind and heart. F o r a private appoint-
VANCOUVER. See ad in Health, Healing ment, please phone 604-732-5134 or email: - Edgar Allan Poe

Nutritional Personalized Nutrition from an Expert
Create the diet that will best serve you and fit
lent recipes, menus, and easy nutrition for
busy people. Gain confidence about diets of
"Becoming Vegan", "Healthy Eating for Life to
Prevent and Treat Cancer"; and the new "Food
Consultant your lifestyle and preferences. Insure that you children and family members, or during preg- Allergy Survival Guide plus Dietitians of
Vesanto Melina MS, RD meet all of your nutritional needs by book- nancy. We will address health concerns, weight Canada's Position Paper on Vegetarian Diets. ing a session with Registered Dietitian Vesanto management, and all your questions. Vesanto Phone 604-888-8325 for personal consulta-
Call 604-888-8325 or Melina. Personal consultation includes com- is co-author o f the bestseller "Becoming tions (Fort Integrated Health Clinic, near. Fort
604-882-6782 puterized dietary analysis, practical tips, excel- Vegetarian", of "Raising Vegetarian Children", Langley) or 604-882-6782 for seminars.

P S Y C H O L O G Y, T H E R ' P Y & C O U N S E L L I N G

Are II "AU of your symptoms - depressions, Learning to befriend these symptoms helps body and soul. Michael's commitment
u on fears, cancers, relationship patterns,
bankruptcies and divorces - point to the
you discover the wholeness that is you. This is to guide you g e n t l y and truthfully
friendship is what heals and restores the - toward restoring these natural rhythms
purpose? deeper purpose of your life.".
Michael Talbot-Kelly, MH, MA
natural rhythms in your life. that allow you t o live your full and
balanced life.
Holistic Psychotherapy Michael is a holistic psychotherapist who
Registered Clinical Counselor has 25 years eiperience healing the mind, Call Michael: 604-317-1613

FREE Discover your personal strength - it lies in In a safe environment, learn to value your power, • Relationship (from romantic to roommates)
YOURSELF the coping style that has gotten you this far; and your vulnerability; change learned patterns; I have 20+ years experience as a thera-
Jaminie Hilton shift depression to hope. Free yourself from allow wishes, hopes, and dreams to stuface. pist with adults, adolescents, and couples.
RCC fears of unfamiliar feelings that block growth CALL ME FOR INFO ON EMDR Clinical Supervision Available.
Masters in Counselling, toward creativity and intimacy.. Deepen and • Creative/Career Blocks • Addictive Behaviours• For free initial consultation or information
Chemical Dependency enrich your connection with others. Create • Trauma/Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional call: 604-802-4126, VANCOUVER.
Certificate the life you deserve. • • Depression • Anxiety • Grief/Loss

What is Freedom from the beliefs, feelings and

behaviours that result in emotional pain, and
• Joy, ease and pleasure in life itself
•Aliveness and authenticity
About Toni Pieroni: Along with my profes-
sional training and skill, I bring over 20 years
Possible? repetitive, reactive patterns that keep you Someissues dealt with: of personal development experience. I offer
stuck. Life's options open up as you learn to • Emotional, physical and sexual abuse individual and couple therapy. For further
respond rather than react, resulting in: • Addictive and obsessional behaviour informatfon or for a free introductory session,
Toni Pieroni, M.A. • Healthy, intimate, satisfying relationships • Relationship issues and co-dependency phone 604-737-0168. Or visit our web address:
RegisteredClinical Counsellor
• More success in work and career • Anxiety and depression • Self-expression www.counsellingbc.comilistings/tpieroni.htm

Therapy of the Only by Working with the Whole Person it is because you have not gotten to the uncovered and resolved. I f you are fed
Whole Person Can You Achieve Truly Permanent and root causes. Completion o f any problem up and want to do something radical
John Arnold Ph.D. Effective Change. comes only when you have resolved your about your predicament, give me a call
Therapist /
issues...physically, emotionally, mentally 604-261-2788 or visit my web page at
Counselor since 1 9 7 5 If problems and issues keep popping up and spiritually and the underlying rea-
604.261.2788 in your life and you are STILL STUCK, sons for repetitive patterns of behavior are

AREYOU READY You can overcome your limiting beliefs and Lorraine Milardo Bennington,success coach, angels, transformations occur gently and
FORA CHANGE? open up to your joy! psychologist and hypnotherapist, has been profoundly.
Hypnotherapy- Ancestral healing, Past life practicing hypnosis and astrology for thirty Lorraine returns to Vancouver from ten
Lorraine Milardo Regression,Weight loss/Stop Smoking, L i f e years, and weaves these skills into her coach- years living, working, studying shamanism
Bennington Purpose, Athletic Performance. ing and counselling practice. Hypnotherapy and playing on Kauai and Maui.
M.Ed. (Counselling) Couples Counselling opens up the wonder and wisdom of our She can be reached at (604) 871-4342 or
Reg. Psychologist #815 Astrology - Honoring your cosmic blueprint. subconscious mind. With the help o f the emailed at

Reach and expand your potential in all areas Bianca Rucker & Associates Inc. Problems with sexual functioning, inhibitions,
of your life. Since 1985 this gentle method desire discrepancies, affairs, or communica-
has proven exceptionally effective in chang- Bianca Rucker tion conflicts? We provide sex therapy, mar-
ing automatic, self-limiting patterns and R.N., M.A., Ph.D. riage counselling, clinical hypnosis. Extended
CORE BELIEF enhancing Conscious Choice. E l l y Roselle health coverage. #400 - 601 West Broadway
ENGINEERING offers private sessions and classes. Sexual & Relationship Vancouver. Bianca Rucker, PhD 604-731-4466
(604)536-7402. Email: Therapy

DECEMBER 2004 • COmmon Groin • 2 5

P S Y C H O L O G Y, T H E R A P Y & C O U N S E L L I N G C O N T ' D

Transform Curses If you want to recover the real self, reconnect with Past-Life Therapy
YOUR Di Cherry is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Into Blessings your energy and creatitvity, refine skills to realize
your goals and reinstate your personal power - G AT E W AY Member Canadian Hypnotherapy Assn.
Barbara Madani request an appointment. We will transform curses TO THE
Registered Psychologist #335 into blessings using: • EMDR • Power Therapies 2678 W 11th Ave, Vancouver.
PA S T For information or appointments:
Vancouver 604 876-4313 • exploration of feelings and reframing beliefs
Past-Life Therapy 604-731-2646 or • goal setting and decision making

Anxiety/stress * Identity exploration

" Adult issues from childhood * Addiction Lillian Kelly Transform painful life patterns!
M.A., R.C.C. Relationships, Sexual issues, Trauma, Abuse,
You possess unique qualities and strengths Anger, Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Addictions.
24+ years experience
W i l m s important in your journey toward change. Compassionate, Effective, Body-based
Counselling Services We will assist you t o identify these and 604-536-7770
Caring for: Children, Adults, Therapy! Move through to Love & Joy!
remove barriers to change. F o r informa- Be truly Alive! Fulfilled!
tion about counselling and making change Couples & Families
Change i5 pas

Workshops commencing January 2005

Learn to Empower Yourself Feeling unfulfilled? Conflict/relationship
F e l i c i t y Fane Ph.D. Release your hidden creative potential and
problems? Suffering depression, anxiety,
Lana Rados transform your life. Following The Artist's
MA Clin.l'ayeb., RCC,13CACC stress, loss? Dealing with trauma, abuse, work Transformative
or health issues? Effective psychodynamic Way 1 3 weeks; Creative Unblocking 13
Wa i t & Criminal Injuries Board Reg.
Learning weeks; Choosing a Spiritual Path 7 weeks
604-644-9874 treatment f o r l i f e - l o n g results. EMDR,
CBT, Hypnosis. Become the happy person (604) 5 6 2 - 4 4 5 6 Creating Sacred Space 10 weeks. Limited
you are meant to be. enrolment. Group and Individual Sessions.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder • Abuse • Sexual "Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always
Addiction • Effective treatment using counselling,
hynotherapy and EMDR. Reasonable rates. Louise aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well."
Evans, BA., MEd., Marriage and Family Therapist. - Mahatma Gandhi
Metrotown and W. Broadway office.

Vancouver's largest vegetarian buffet The Naam Vegetarian Restaurant
NAAM " G r e a t
* o r s old W i t let: Enjoy homemade vegetarian food at its fin- For years voted "Best Vegetarian" i n the

2582 West Broadway

Vancouver 604-737-7373
est from our extensive hot and cold buffets.
There is something to please everyone from
our international selection o f tasty dishes,
GNI Food,
Georgia Straight a n d i n Vancouver
Magazine's "Readers' Choice". Open seven
days a week, 24 hours, licensed, wood fire-
Mon -Thu rs I 1 am-9:30pm
Fri-Sun 1 lam-10pm
many vegan, wheat and gluten free, includ-
ing our natural desserts. Eat in or take out. 24 Hours place, heated patio, live music at dinner.
2724 West 4th Ave. 604-738-7151.

Vegetarian Restaurant Serving traditional Buddhist style vegetarian

"East Is East is a place where y o u are
encouraged t o talk to your neighbours. 3932 Fraser food since 1960. Come sample over 200 vegetarian
This is definitely not the Ritz, but it cer- & 23rd Ave. dishes. Operated by Chef Ho formerly of Bodai.
EXPERIENCE THE EAST tainly is Kits. from plumbers to publish- Vancouver Open 6 days a week from 11:00 am to 9:30 pm,
WITH YOUR TASTE BUDS ers, hippies to generation whatever, this closed Tuesday. Rated Best Vegetarian Restaurant
f t ( 6 0 4 ) 873-3848
3243 West Broadway 604-734-5881 place has special appeal." in Vancouver Magazine's 9th Annual Restaurant
Chai Tea House Opening Soon Upstairs Owen Williams, Common Ground Bodhi Choi Heung Awards. Call for reservations. 604-873-3848

The Meaning of Vegetarian

iglif The Rainbow It comes from the Latin word "VEGETUS."
Vegetarian Restaurant It means "Integrity, Healthy, Freshness, VEGGIE BUNCH Phone: 604-233-0808
273-7311 Energetic". Remember it and enjoy the flavour! VEGETARIAN BUFFET 1670-8260Westminster Hwy.
8095 Park Road, Richmond, BC Try our delicious appetizers, soups, thick soups, Richmond, BC
deluxe veggie dishes, hot pots, noodles, congee, O p e n Seven D a y s a Week
i t 1 1 : 0 0 am - 9:30 pm
Closed Thesdays, except full moon day deep fried & sauteed dishes, and rice dishes.


What ONE thing affects EVERYTHING else Tool kits of mental techniques with an aston- PRESENTATION CONFERENCE

THE inyour life? ...Your mind. That's w h y the

Silva Method seminars have millions o f
Graduates in over 100 countries reporting
ishing range of applications in every field of
human activity. Learn to use more o f your
mind...and have a great time too! International
FREE Tuesday, January 18 - 7pm
January 22, 23 & 29 -10 a.m.

SILVA stress relief, dramatically improved memo-

ry, concentration, mental focus, relief from
fears and self sabotage, unleashing of intu-
Stress Management and Mind Development
Program taught for 36 years in 29 languages.
The reason for our remarkable growth and
Free introductory
ition and creativity, weight control with success can be stated in just 2 words: it works. Phone / fax 604 925 0816
METHOD a difference, achieved goals, enriched rela-
tionships, easier approach to success....
Practice during seminar. Course manual in-
cluded Free repeat privileges.

26 • (VIMPIROund • DECEMBER 2004

Science of Spirituality is a global, not-for- Vancouver: Sunday mornings 10-12 Noon To all of our brothers and sisters, whatever
SANT profit spiritual organization under the 809 W. 23rd Ave. (Entrance off Willow). Judy, your beliefs, faith or customs, at this time of
RAJINDER SINGH leadership of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. 604-530-0589; Surrey: Saturdays 4-5:30pm, year we invite you to pray with us, "Let us put
We are hundreds of thousands of people (Hindi/Punjabi) Gursharan, 604-590-3924; our heads and our hearts together and find
of all nationalities, races and faiths deeply Vernon: Sundays 5-7pm Dag: 250. 379. 2614; ways and means to practically knit the world
together in love. Let us spread the fragrance
SCIENCE OF committed to a spiritual way of life based on
meditation, service to others, and personal
Victoria: Saturdays, 7-9pm Penny: 250. 642.
7694; Edmonton: Sundays 5-7pm, Mel: of God's love and make human integration
SPIRITUALITYtransformation of inner and outer peace. All 780. 988. 8011; Calgary: Sundays 4- 6pm, a reality."—Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.
SOS programs are FREE. Lynn: 403.686. 0305. Seasons Greetings

Popular Just Dance is a positive party event Held i n a n alcohol a n d smoke free Active meditation: 7:30 pm - Occasional
t 0® offering an upbeat selection of music from
all around the world. Boasting a rich col-
environment, this innovative community
event is a unique opportunity to fully be in
free dance class: 8:30 pm - Dance: 9:00 pm.
2114 W.4th Ave. (at Arbutus). $8 at the door.

The Power of Positive Partying
lection o f toe-tapping tunes, the deejays
keep the crowd hopping with music such as
African, Latin, Celtic, Pop, Nu-jazz, Trance
and many more.
your joy and celebrative spirit. Come dance,
let loose or mingle with an open-minded
and fun-loving crowd.
December 3 & 17, January 14 & 28
Info: / 604-535-0694

Make life a celebration. The Art of Living Five-Day N e w Year's Retreat w i t h •

ART OF courses improve health and give greater

happiness by eliminating stress through a
Beyond the Meditation, Tao Yoga and Chi Kung.
Give a compassionate gift to your Self.
Minke de Vos, Senior Universal Tao
LIVING powerful breathing technique that purifies
and rejuvenates the mind and body. Teacher Threshol Instructor. Dec. 29 - Jan. 2, Christina
Lake, BC
-trained by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Contact: 604.228.8728 Stle $700 Contact: •

Gifts for people and

the environment
by Vesanto Melina

W o u l d you like to have a positive park or out for a cup of tea. own gift basket.) a better world.
impact with your gift giving this •Assistance in getting a Christmas tree • A gift of organic produce, delivered •Buy as little as possible for Christmas;
holiday season? Do you shy away from or decorating their home for the holidays, for a few weeks (by one of Vancouver's make gifts or baked goods; send letters
Christmas commercialism, yet wonder for an elderly person. .many services, or by Ladybug Organics and love.
what to offer those you love? Consider •Baking together. in the Fraser Valley.) •Spend time with people (instead of
these gifts that keep on giving and that •For a preschooler, glue, coloured paper, •Stevia powder or drops, the herbal giving things.)
have far-reaching benefits: pipe cleaners, and whatever else you can sweetener that won't disturb blood sugar • Invite friends or neighbours for a
•Items that help people enjoy the great think of, assembled in a do-it-yourself arts levels. potluck dinner at which you discuss great
outdoors: skis, tennis rackets, bikes, snow- and crafts kit. Check out Ruby's Dog on •An aromatic gift basket from Saje or ideas, new dreams and share how to trans-
shoes, boots, a compass and whistle for Main Street for materials. similar. form your smaller or larger community
hikers. •Membership in EarthSave ( • A subscription to Adbusters maga- from the religion of consumption to the
•Sets of sports equipment for a couple, Amnesty International (www. zine ( vision of sustainability.
or a family. If you're flush with cash, buy, Western Canada Wilderness •Common Ground magazine mailed
high-end items, otherwise head for your Committee (www.wildernesscommittee.each month (to someone far away; who Vesanto Melina is a regular 'columnist
local sporting goods recycling store. orgy, Suzuki Foundation (www.davidsu- misses BC.) with Common Ground. Her website is
• A family cross-country season pass., the Burns Bog Society (www. •A sampling of veggie burgers, so peo-
For example, a pass to Cypress Mountain or another worthy orga- ple can discover their favourite brands.
includes unlimited snowshoeing and tub- nization. (This is a possible gift for someone with
ing, provides regular, fun exercise, and •Tickets to an inspirational concert or heart disease or another chronic illness, Your Event
is cheaper than a one-time family ski.
local seminar.
• One or more nights and days at a
who is trying to change eating habits.)
• A gift certificate for a local vegetar-
Deserves More
"It doesn't serve anyone to think small."
• Clothing and footwear that your loved beautiful B&B listed in Common Ground ian restaurant (for ideas in Vancouver, —Marianne Williamson
ones can use to be outdoors and appreci- from time to time. Victoria and other locations, see www. You know it works in your per-
ate nature. •A gift certificate for a healing consulta- sonal life, so apply it to your market-
• For someone who cydes in all sea- tion or a massage. Read CG for leads. • For those with food sensitivities, ing now. Do you have an event that
sons, Gortex socks available at Mountain •A CD, tape or video. the new Food Allergy Survival Guide. needs excellent marketing, adver-
Equipment Co-op and other sporting • A book that helps to create inner Perhaps choose a recipe and prepare a tising or promotion? We reach the
goods stores. peace. delicious baked item free of gluten, dairy, people you want to talk to. Let Com-
•A really good rain hat. •A video by a local filmmaker or video or their specific allergen. mon Ground know what issues mat-
• For potential travelers, stocking items producer. • Respect your own values by, for ter most to you and your marketing
and fascinating books on various destina- •Coupons you create yourself, that offer example, avoiding items made of animal goals. Know you are investing wisely
tions. (Check out The Travel Bug and the house cleaning, babysitting, or a foot mas- products, products tested on animals, or by advertising in locally owned and
operated Canadian media. There is
travel section of bookstores:) sage. items from countries whose politics you a double bottom line: your event is
• Monthly bus passes to help your loved •Dog-walking services. (Children, teens, don't want to support. (This may shorten more successful, and, freedom of the
ones use transit systems. or adults can offer this gift.) your gift list!) press is guaranteed when people like
•For a wheelchair-bound friend or rela- • Organic nuts, seeds and dried fruit, • For .people who don't really want you buy ads.
tion, HandiDart tickets (www.indepen- nicely packaged, gifts, find out if they would appreciate a Call 604-733-2215 or 1-800-365- •New, healthful grocery and personal donation to a favourite charity. 8897.
• For an elderly person, an invitation, care items. (Have fun wandering around •Ask your friend or relation what she Email:
redeemable on request, for a trip to the the natural foods store and prepare your or he would like, that will help to create

DECEMBER2004 • ComrnonGround•27
List at: > Advertising > Classifieds


C.TAMA Express your pet's unique
TheImages of Reincarnation, TAMARAHAWK personality in a way that only hand
Zen,TheTheory Of Relativity And
Cosmic Space
Clairvoyant / Medium
New Westminster
•rendered portraiture can. Let me
capture the essence of your pet in
aprofound likeness in black-and-
white or color. Christmas is for
On Track Zodiac
AWAKENYOURSOUL family; this season let everyone
know who is also an important
DECEMBER 2004 by Ilona Hedi Granik
RECEPTIONIST/ ASSISTANT SoulAwareness Readings - Guided
family member! A wonderful
needed for Westside Medical Family Meditations - Energy Alignments
Practice. 25-30 hrs/wk. Please send Katrice 604-685-4143 gift. PETPORTRAITSIN KITS.
resumes to fax 604-736-4695 Satisfaction Guaranteed.
604.897.0682 ARIES (March 21—April 19) and bustle in your life. Your charm and
You have not only walked, but stillness will have people desiring to stay
Bright, good location room RETREATS danced your way across the centered like you. You move out from the
Massage Therapist, Counsellor or at An Herbal Bliss Tea & Herb Co. coals into victory. You feel more com- circle with serenity. You are meeting each
Psychologist. 828 W8th. Avenue CHIRETREATAND TEACHER'S
604.222.8800 TRAINING,August 21-27, plete and grounded as you wait for the day like an old friend.
Vancouver. 604-876-8618
2005 (250) 352 2468, signal to cross on the next green light.
HEALING IRIDOLOGY, www. You are no longer bound by a shoe that SCORPIO (Oct. 23 — Nov.
Healing Technique STILLNOT WELL?
a"Radical Shift in Consciousness". Eyeanalysis, natural health It may seem you are shoul-
Chris 604-729-4125 assessment 604-684-9755 TAROT TAURUS (April 20 --May 21) dering more responsibility than you care Certified Iridologist, herbalist
INSTITUTEOFTAROTTRAINING You can't always tame the to. Although the lessons you learn now
HYPERBARICOXYGEN Classes, Individual, inner shrew, but you can cer-
Correspondence., seem arduous, foundations are becoming
for health maintenance and
treatment of approved or MUSICAL Certification, Readings tainly hold back the part of you that seeks strengthened. The road to abundance is
604.739.0042 conflict. Making sure you think before paved with your good intentions.
investigative conditions: stroke, INSTRUMENTS
brain injury, CP, autism, heart you speak could save you from having to
disease, MS, fibramyalgia, chronic Indian instruments for sale:
fatigue, migraines, crohn's, colitis, Harmoniums, Sitars, Tablas, WEIGHT LOSS take four steps back. Soon enough you SAGITTARIUS ( N o v. 2 2
sports injury...604-728-5658 Dholaks, Tanpuras. Professional will understand how to cultivate your —Dec. 21)
quality instruments directly Only $60/hr.
imported from the finest highly Overcome emotional eating, expression and-make peace with others. Give your heart a flower and
reputated manufacturers. cravings, past trauma, get a much-needed visit to the spa. Try
IMMIGRATION Full selection of instruments blockages.... Acquire motivation,
and accessories.Great for confidence, relationship/death GEMINI (May 22—June 20) not to jeopardize your fragile nature by
Authorized representative for closure, Angelic Guidance....
Canadian immigration (CSIC singing, chanting and prayers Your creative genius is flying rushing foolhardy. I f erratic behaviour
Member) can help you move 604-581-8533 / 778-881-3340 thru Hypnotherapy, NLP, or Showroom: Transpersonal Psychotherapy.... right off your fingertips like has gotten the best o f you, then slow
permanently or temporarily to Khatun Manji 604-431-0995.
Canada. Family and spousal 15168-Fraser Hwy, Surrey, BC sparks. You can be the alchemist and down and watch nature more intent-
sponsorships a speciality. Call ')reak free of old hang-ups. Your desire ly. Give up the ghosts of the past. You
Ron at (604) 970-0629 or visit or freedom is bringing out your higher deserve to serve yourself by being served.
)otential. Raise a ruckus and let the chips
'all where they may. All is in order. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan.
CANCER (June 21— July 22) This is no time to curl up
This is a time you will not soon in defeat. Utilize this time to eradicate
forget as it is marked with the illusions that you once held dear.
ntensity and awareness. Illumination is Self respect goes a long way. By using
)eyond each door that you open. The your intelligence you are making timely
;eeker is being nourished with wisdom. choices for success. Accomplishment is
Drops of nectar awaken your appetite for your new frequency.
cnowledge. Your decision-making ability
s equal to the task. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 .— Feb.
LEO (July 23—Aug. 22) Yo uhave been using discrimi-
The challenge is iri staying nation even in the most alarming set of
flexible while you wait for circumstances. The people you associated
he clouds to pass. Raise your glass in with were a direct mirror. Change your
Vancouver's First Truly Organic Café. :elebration as you open to the possibili- influences and shift awareness. You are
Eat In or Take Horne' ties presented to you. The heart is not a holding your own as you walk with the
lonely rider in the vessel you call your gods of adventure.
NEW: Veggie Pot Pie, Turkey Pot Pie body. You recognize that your path to
• Yummy vegetarian soup • Brewed chai hot or iced & 100% love is uncharted. PISCES (Feb. 20—March 20)
& farm fresh salad Organic Fair Trade coffee & tea Contentment will fill you as
• Authentic thin crust Italian • Brunches on weekends 11-4 VIRGO (Aug. 23—Sept. 22) you reflect on the year of per-
Pizza: wheat & spelt crust • Open 11-9 Mon-Sat • 11-8 Sun While your words hold power, sonal challenges and upheaval. You have
the perfectionist in you seeks come through the fires of change and
• Organic fruit pies & desserts know yourself better than ever. Knowing
anonymity. The appreciation that you
desire also finds you free from the ties that meets honouring and you shake hands
bind. If you thought you were becoming with grace. What goes along comes along
W+E 3598 West 4th Avenue too fanatical you certainly have pulled and liberation is on the horizon.
S "Building est.I927 your act together now. Go with bliss.
W.4th Ave. 2 Aphrodite's Ilona Hedi Granik is a clairvoyant consul-
604-738-5879 LIBRA (Sept. 23—Oct. 22) tant and author with 31 years of experience
BanyenINN * Café &
Books Pie Shop Next to Banyen Books Surprisingly, you will be able in astrology, multi-media art and healing.
to relax amid all the hustle

28 • COmmoneround • DECEMBER 2004

List at: > Advertising > Datebook


Sagittarius & C a p r i c o r n Leora Cashe Inspiration' CD Yoga Retreat In Costa Rica All Pure Meditation. An ancient, Shambhala Buddhism Open Hawaiian Healing Night 7pm.
Astrological D i n n e r s N o w Release C o n c e r t 8 : 0 0 p m levels welcome. See our ad in the specific form of concentration that House 7pm meditation instruc- Hawaiian guided Meditation,
at Star Anise Restaurant! Join Chan Family Health Theatre Resource Directory Education sec- attunes you to the Highest Divine tion, sitting meditation practice. Sharing t h e Aloha,and snacks
Host Teresa Waclawik with talk 950 W e s t 2 8 t h A v e ( B C tion. Call Karuna at 250-229-4793 Love and Wisdom. Taught b y 8pm refreshments, Buddhist talk after, meet like minded people
by Astrologer Dawn Muncaster. Children's H o s p i t a l ) Ti c k e t s direct disciple of Mata Yognandaji and/or video and discussion. Free. and share. S5.00 donation. A t
Dinner, door prizes & entertain- S10315318 6 0 4 - 2 5 7 - 0 3 6 6 SRMH Centre, Sunshine Coast. Shambhala Meditation Centre, Hale Ola - a place of Healing 1215
ment. To reserve: 604-732-5538 1-604-740-0898. 3275 Heather at West 17th. Madison ave. Burnaby 604-431-
DEC 8 7474 Kaimana and Moanikeala
How to Manage Holiday Stress DEC 19 The Centre for Spiritual Living TUESDAYS
with Geoffrey Ayi-Bonte 7-8pm Christmas In The Round chant- The Silva Method Presentation
Conference: B a s i c S e m i n a r Inspired by the teachings of Deepak Reflexology Student Clinic ses- Shambhala Open House 7pm
Free admission Lonsdale Quay ing with Jerry DesVoignes and the Chopra and Louise Hay? You'll love sions - only $15. Evenings only. By meditation i n s t r u c t i o n , s i t -
Hotel, North Vancouver contact MantraVani Orchestra 7:30pm, 7pm U B C Robson S q . F r e e
Intro c a l l 6 0 4 9 2 5 0 8 1 6 our Sunday services, 11:00am. appointment. Pacific Institute of ting meditation. 8 p m refresh-
info: CMHA 604-987-6959 Trinity St. Marks, $20 Larch / Children welcome. 1495 W 8th Reflexology. 604.875.8818 ments, talk and discussion. Free.
W.2nd Ave 872-7117
DEC 10 - 19 See o u r a d i n t h e Resource Ave, Vancouver, 604-321-1225 Shambhala Meditation Centre,
Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche 2004 DEC 24 Directory 3275 Heather at West 17th.
visit to Canada, Victoria. See our ad TLC's H e r i t a g e Christmas
in this issue. Celebration. Activities include: ONGOING
(250)658-0357, green gifts store, auction, heri- Free Meditation workshop: tage crafts, evening wine and Experience kundalini awakening
cheese reception. Call The Land
DEC 11 Conservancy of BC 604-733-2313
through Sahaja Yoga, as taught by
Shamanic Drumming Circle. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.& enjoy
for details. your Powers at our Weekly classes,
Journeywork t o connect w i t h
your non-ordinary reality power DEC 24-27 always free and open to all. 604
animal spirit guardians/teachers. Christmas Celebration Retreat. 597-8440
Re-discover your aboriginal heart. A spiritual celebration of the inner
Saturday. 7pm. Newcomers wel- beauty o f Christmas. Special Hakomi Therapy and Trainings
come. Vancouver Multi-Cultural meditations, contemplate, relax. Individuals, Couples and Small
Centre. Donation: 604-418-9636 Delicious food. Walks to beach, Groups Jeff forest. SRMH Centre 1-604-740- Chernove 604.952.4190
DEC 12, 13, 14 •
Introduction t o F o o t DEC 29 - JAN 1 Energy Psychology Workshops
Reflexology c o m m e n c e s New Year Gathering. Come and & Emotional Healing: Ongoing
Certificate Weekend Course. imbibe peace and beauty at our National Teleconference Series to
Intro: $10. Course: $295. Pacific Centre for New Year. Delicious help you connect with your Divine
Institute o f Reflexology (604) food. Trails to beach and wood- Self. Visit: www.telecoaching4u.
875-8818. . land. SRMH Centre 1-604-740- com/EnergyPsychologyWorksho
0898 ps.htm
DEC 15
John Reishman a n d Trisha DEC 31
Gagnon World renowned mando- Walking t h e Labyrinth with International S p i r i t u a l i s t
Jerry DesVoignes and the One
Catherine McCreary, VanCity board member; Elain Duvall, chair, Alliance # 1 A - 3 2 0 Columbia
lin players Benefit Concert - free
admission 7-8pm Lonsdale Quay Voice Harmonic Choir St. Paul's VanCity board of directors; Dave Mowat, VanCity CEO and Michael Street, New West (Downstairs)
Hotel, North Vancouver CMHA Labyrinth 5-7pm 1130 Jervis St. 604-521-6336. Sunday Services
By donation. Sacred chants/man-
Wilson, executive director of Phoenix Drug and Alcohol Recovery 11am . Dec 19: Festival of Light.
DEC 18 tras, Throat Singing, Tibetan bells, and Education Society, winner of the 2004 VanCity award. Dec 24: Christmas Eve Healing
conch shells. jerry@healingvoices. 7pm, Service 7 : 3 0 p m . Rev.
Wolfsong W i n t e r Solstice net Joyce Ta r v i n 604-433-6663
Celebration. Saturday, 7 p m .
Participate chanting shared, JAN 14, 15, 16 JAN 20 MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS
sacred songs of the spirit of the Introduction t o F o o t Humanitarian I n t e r v e n t i o n Free acupuncture treatment. The Healing Bodywork Centre
land. Bring your N. American Reflexology c o m m e n c e s talk by lawyer Gail Davidson,7:30 Relief muscle, joints, and nerve pain offers a "Pamper your Partner" DATEBOOK LISTINGS
hand drum, cedar flute, didg- Certificate Weekend Course. pm Unitarian Church Centre, 949 etc. $5.00 Registration fee with evening every last Wednesday of Follow the links on our website.
eridoo, crystal bowls. Vancouver Intro: $10. Course: $295. Pacific W.49th Ave. A l l welcome. N o Reg.Ac. Mornings only. By appt: the month. 604.737.8350 Deadline is the 15th of the month.
Multicultural Centre, 1254 W. 7th. Institute o f Reflexology (604) charge. Info: (604) 874-9982 or 604-961-8834 Acuqimed Centre S35 for 25 word listing
Donation. (604) 418 9636 www. 875-8818. 604-872-7117 (Broadway Station).

"We are pleased to see so many of our

VanCity Si million
Funds come from a percentage of VanCity
profits set aside each year for community members working with us to build better
initiatives. communities," Mowat says. "We fully sup-
The two other finalists included Pacific port their choice of the Phoenix Centre.

grant for drug rehab Legal Education Association f o r i t s This project will take a visionary approach
KidStart mentoring program to create a to delivering much-needed services and
permanent mentoring centre and expand we look forward to seeing the difference it
A Surrey non-profit organization has says Michael Wilson, executive director of services across t h e Lower Mainland will make in the years to come." For more
won a $1-million grant from VanCity the Phoenix Drug and Alcohol Recovery and Vancouver Island; and the Queen information about the Phoenix Drug and
Credit Union to build a drug and alcohol and Education Society. Alexandra Foundation for Children t o Alcohol Recovery and Education Society,
addiction services centre in Whalley. The $1-million VanCity award, the larg- build a one-stop centre for child, youth visit
This year's $1-million VanCity award est corporate gift of its kind in Canada, and family services in Victoria's western Letters o f intent for the next VanCity
goes to the Phoenix Drug and Alcohol was established in 2001 by VanCity's board area where there are many single-parent award will be accepted from non-profit
Recovery and Education Society to com- of directors to support and low-income fami- organizations in the communities VanCity
plete a $5.6-million campaign t o build the social, environ- lies in need. serves starting in March 2005. www.vancity.
the Phoenix Centre near Surrey Memorial mental and economic the Phoenix Centre... "These w e r e a l l com/Community/CommunityPrograms/
Hospital. This 34,000-square-foot centre well being of the com- will take a visionary worthy initiatives. We Grants/TheVanCityAward.
will be one of the first projects to integrate munity. The funds are would have been proud VanCity is Canada's largest credit union,
addiction services, transitional housing, available to non-profit approach to delivering to fund any o f them, with $9 billion i n assets, 305,000 mem-
employment and education services under groups i n t h e Lower much-needed services but the decision was bers, and 41 branches throughout Greater
one roof for more than 100 recovering Mainland, Fraser Valley up t o o u r members," Vancouver, the Fraser Valley and Victoria.
addicts per year. It is expected to be open and Victoria. says Elain Duvall, chair VanCity owns Citizens Bank o f Canada,
next fall. The Phoenix Centre was chosen from of VanCity's board o f directors. "The serving members across the country by
"The construction o f the Phoenix three finalists by VanCity members who VanCity award is about innovation and telephone, AT M and the internet. Both
Centre will be only. the beginning of the voted by ballot, online and over the phone the Phoenix Centre, with its integration VanCity and Citizens Bank are guided by
VanCity award legacy. The real legacy will for their choice of project in September of health, social and economic services, a commitment to corporate social responsi-
be in the lives of the individuals who find and October. This is the fourth year of has really shown that. We think that i t bility and to improve the quality of life in
the necessary support to overcome their the award that saw applications submit- will make a huge difference, not only in the communities where we live and work.
addiction and build the skills necessary to ted from 80 non-profits and the highest the lives of recovering addicts, but on the Common Ground has been a VanCity mem-
make a contribution to their community," number of votes in the award's history. health of the community overall." ber since 1982 starting at Branch 1.

DECEMBER 2004 • COmmeround • 2 9

My 22 favourites
by Joseph Roberts

T h e following is a stream of con- THE LIST

(11: D i WE Green World Electric Vehicles

GWEV 21st Century Urban Transport
sciousness writing that was written
in one sitting in the early morning.
After finishing I curiously counted how
many items there were. To my sur-
Favourite actor: you
Favourite movie: this world
Favourite musician: Mike Scott
prise and delight there Were exactly Favourite book: The Power of Now
• Electric bikes and scooters 22. This was a shock because Common Favourite commandment:
starting at $997 Ground was about to celebrate its 22nd Love the Lord your God with all
• Ideal for the average 20 Km anniversary. CG ha.§ been an indepen- your. heart, mind and body
dent Canadian magazine dedicated to Favourite rule: The Golden Rule,
urban commute. inspiration, health and creativity since love your neighbour as yourself
• No Licence! No Insurance! No Gas! 1982. The invisible hand was guiding Favourite music: my own, but where it
• Re-charge for less than $0.25 the pen and the writing was coming comes from is a mystery
through me rather than by me. A sim- Favourite day: today
in 5 to 8 hours.
ilar experience occurs when playing Favourite place: here
"I use my Gwev for all my local er- piano or guitar. There is a timeless place Favourite lover: The Beloved
rands. It's quicker than using the car where all music, no, not just music Favourite emotion: joyous wonder
and saves me a tank of gas a month. comes from, but where all comes from. Favourite destination: in your arms
A dear friend once asked when the Favourite kiss: presence
I love my Gwev." Helga, Vancouver lotus opens to the sun is it the sun that Favourite gift to myself: forgiveness
Showroom: 3825 Main St. opens the flower? He then said it appears Favourite dessert: kissing
to be that way, but really it is the nature Favourite hello: your warm smile
Vancouver BC V5V 3P1 that is the sun and the flower that opens. Favourite novel: current one
(604) 879-4559 So here is a very personal and poetic Favourite restaurant: peace
Tue-Sat 10am to 5pm. list of my favourite things. Thank you Favourite dog: happy
for the visible and invisible kindness you Favourite opinion:
Sun noon to 4pm.
have contributed to our existence. Your Favourite judgment: none presence and caring support has helped Favourite touch: yours
my world. May my list help you remem-
ber what is dear to you. Consider writing Thank you on behalf of all of us at
your own list leading up to this New Year. Common Ground! You too are a miracle.
Zero-emission vehicles — healing the p l a n e t It is good, to remember and be grateful
for all the wonder and love we have.
one Km at a time.

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3 0 • COmmonGround • DECEMBER 2004

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